#I’m just really fond of zircon
shittysmscreencaps · 7 months
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pinterestmom5 · 2 months
hey! I love your artstyle sooooo super duper much and I was just wondering if you could draw my fav ship from hnk?
(It's zircon x yellow dia)
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I’m so happy to hear that you like my art! <33 although I haven’t thought about this ship before, I’ve been really fond of them both :)
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escarlatafox · 4 years
whispers for the 'send you a series' meme, i'm tempted to just be Unoriginal and say kung fu panda, but if you'd rather something else, i'm seeing a lot of steven universe around here jfjfiea
Masha ily. You know that, right? :D
Kung Fu Panda:
Favourite character: Who else but Shifu? XD
Second favourite character: It might actually be Po
Least favourite character: Hard to think of a least favourite character. If we ONLY count the main cast + the villains in the movies and exclude any other minor characters, then I’d say Kai maybe? Just wasn’t as impactful to me as the other characters/villains. Or if we include minor characters I might say the hugging panda from the third movie because the gag and his character didn’t really add much. Also, I’ve already spoken about this in the past, possibly more than once, but back when I was a child upon watching the first movie, my answer to this question would actually be Ping. Suffice it to say, my opinion on him changed a LOT. XD
The character I’m most like: Maybe I am like Po in some ways. At my core, I’m a fangirl lol. And I like food :O
Favourite pairing: Don’t really have any ships. Crane and the girl from that one short tho. Like idk if I’d want them to get together, maybe not now that I think about it. But it would be nice to see them interact more.
Least favourite pairing: HAH. Let’s just say I really hate what Legends of Awesomeness decided to do with Shifu in the shipping realm and leave it at that. :P
Favourite moment: YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CHOOSE? There’s no way. I could only list off notable ones. Okay, if we narrow it down to non-Shifu moments, off the top of my head, you obviously have the iconic cannonball scene at the end of kung fu panda 2, and in the THIRD movie I love love love how when Po is in the spirit realm and he says “turns out... I’m all of them” and the music swells and the framing and the scenery is just. so gorgeous . I love. So much. If I sat here thinking too long I’d probably start recapping all the movies SO since I’ve thrown those two out there I’ll cut myself off before I get too out of hand. XD
Rating out of 10: First movie is just 10/10 for me. It’s my favourite movie, not just in the franchise but like, probably ever among movies in general, and just about every moment and scene feels like home when I watch it. The trio of movies I’d then put at probably around 9/10.
Steven Universe:
Favourite character: I can now say with confidence that it is Steven Universe.
The people who liked Steven “before it was cool” certainly have bragging rights, because I was one of those people who failed to find myself among them, as I lacked the foresight, or... future vision for it. :P. At first, in the very early days, I didn’t really care for Steven. It’s often very easy to gloss over a protagonist, and, in my case, not truly appreciate what’s great in a character like early-days Steven, or even Po. Now, Steven and Po are, naturally, quite distinct characters in their distinct franchises but there are certainly parallels that can be drawn, not only in their character but how I initially felt towards them. By asking for both fandoms in the one ask, I feel like you’ve given me the opportunity to speak about this, which has been idly on my mind every so often. XDBoth Steven and Po are the protagonist of the franchise they’re in. They’re both fond of food, they both start out needing training and then develop incredible skills along the way until they become one of, if not the most powerful in the cast. They’re both generally very easygoing, excitable, enthusiastic, FRIENDLY, and generally kind. At the start of their journeys, there’s a lot of focus on how much they’re lacking in skills and abilities, how difficult it is for them to accomplish even the basics. They both gotta Save The World, whether it be more in the sense of the universe as a whole or China.And the thing is I had the same issue with Po as I did with early-days Steven; I didn’t realise how great Po is. I was just a little too dismissive. With time, (and I’m talking around the point where I actually entered the fandom after the second movie was out, so it was mostly kid me who is guilty of not recognising Po’s greatness) I grew to realise just how cool Po is, to truly appreciate his genuine enthusiasm and excitement and also utmost reverence and admiration of kung fu. I simply Expected Po’s character to be less than it was, which is what caused the oversight. But Po is honestly so fantastic and deserves every last bit of love the fandom has to offer him. Also, seeing his potential and him reaching his potential is so damn epic. See: his “turns out, I’m all of them” quote/scene I mentioned earlier.So to bring things back to Steven, whose character arc nonetheless has its VERY stark differences from Po’s, it was around when Steven managed to calm down and stop the cluster that it fully registered in my mind how fantastic and amazing he is and how much I appreciate his character. In fact, it was a little earlier than that. Pretty sure I hadn’t actually started watching the show yet when Sadie’s Song aired, but I was getting all the deets secondhand on my dashboard and I loved what I heard and saw in gifs/pics. A boy who just wants to perform and dance around on stage in heels and a gorgeous outfit to boot (I really liked the thought of trans girl Steven at the time tbh, which was being thrown about on my dashboard back then, though of course that’s not the path the show decided to go down, so he/him it is...!). He had my full support. And THEN when he calmed the cluster down like that... (and I think I was probably watching the show at that point?) I just, loved his incredible talent to reach out to others and HELP them, I loved his magical gem abilities and how he always seemed to be triumphing against the odds, and as the show progressed his feats only started getting more and more impressive. I absolutely noticed how much responsibilities he’d started forcing onto himself, how he was trying to manage everyone and be an adult to all the adults in his life, I was kind of intrigued by how much he was shouldering, and it struck me that he had developed an Atlas Personality long, long before he was ever listed as an example of it on the wikipedia page. I simply adored Steven and his placement in the show and everything.He’s also completely ACING things as usual in the movie too.And then Steven Universe Future hit, and oh boy, that’s a whole other story. Steven truly emerged as the forefront seeing as the focus was now unrelentingly on him and his issues. What initially got me really hooked as well, was the inherent shock and intrigue of seeing a character who would usually always do the right thing, who always seemed to know what was best for everyone, who always seemed to be able to read a situation and understand who needed help and then reaching out and offering them help... not only completely failing to recognise that HE was the source of a given problem (see: the pink dome rapidly closing in), but to actively dig himself deeper by being convinced SOMEONE ELSE was at fault, and whirling around and trying to pin it all on them. Before Steven whirled around to point at Lars, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was about to be like “guys, you know what? I think I’m causing this - I think I have some stuff going on” LOL NOPE. And that was only the tip of the ice berg. Steven had nowhere else to go but down, and boy, down did he go until he hit rock bottom, pulled out a shovel and started digging.
Second favourite character: Hard to say. I do know that I am crazy about the zircons (I mean c’mon - lawyers!). I was crazy about Blue Pearl when we first saw her too. My answer might’ve been Aquamarine or even Eyeball if it wasn’t for Steven Universe Future. Seeing more of them just kinda made me go “ok you know what, yeah this isn’t really what I expected and they’re not actually really my thing after all.” I reeeeally don’t know. Steven Universe has such a stellar cast of great characters. Steven Universe Future also kinda threw me off Spinel, but obviously Spinel is A+ as well.
Least favourite character: I don’t really care about Lapis. She just kind of lost appeal as a character to me and I never really understood her I guess. I was also never fond of the diamonds... because you know, discourse, and like, the discourse kind of has a point. But after Steven Universe Future I might invest more in trying to understand their positioning in the show a little more, now with the confirmation that Steven never did actually forgive them. I completely wrote-off White Diamond’s seemingly quick turnaround for the longest time and honestly never bought it and felt it was WAY too easy and rushed/forced. But I came to an internal understanding quite recently and I THINK I finally get what the show meant there so I think I can buy it now and find it believable at last, which is nice. So don’t quote me and don’t crucify me, but I might warm up to the diamonds a Little.
The character I’m most like: omg. There’s so many characters idk who is most like me hahaha
Favourite pairing: Connverse. Connie kissing Steven on the cheek in the movie made me SO pleased, and I can say this is my favourite pairing if only because the prospect of it not working out and instead going up in flames and not actually having a good resolution - which is a threat that felt so very real during Steven Universe Future - was deeply, DEEPLY upsetting to me. Like I didn’t care because I’d been taking it for GRANTED, but the moment anyone suggested, with alarming plausibility that they may split up or whatever, I was immediately on edge like “NO NO NO NO NO”.
Least favourite pairing: Stevinel. Stevidot. Just, any ship with Steven and any of the gems is an instant no from me. D:
Favourite moment: omggg. Again, there are simply way too many, so no answer I give here can or will be definitive. So I’ll simply state my love for when Steven is singing Change and Spinel yeets him in the sky and there’s the stellar animation where he goes “You can make it different... You can make it right! You can make it better! We don’t have to fight!”
Rating out of 10: I’d probably give it a 9/10, if only because, look. There are a LOT of shows out there. There are a lot of pieces of media I’m into and have watched. And Steven Universe is just. It’s good. Even when I like another piece of media MORE than Steven Universe, I can still more than readily acknowledge when/if SU has vastly superior writing. And it usually does. The only thing stopping me from giving it a 10/10 is because for the vast majority of SU’s existence I was mainly only ever a passive watcher/fan and/or got secondhand knowledge (closer to the start of it airing), so it lacks that fundamental closeness to my heart that something like Kung Fu Panda has. (Though I got way more close to it during SUF, as my reblogs can attest to LOL). The other thing stopping it from hitting that 10/10 is there are things I still take issue with, like how the Rose=Pink reveal undermines Pearl’s character (the “rebellion” aspect) and casts an EXTREMELY uncomfortable light on Pearl being in love with Rose. Yes, the show already showed us that Pearl’s obsession with Rose is unhealthy and problematised it. But regardless of how problematised it already was, I’m just not comfortable with a former slave being shown as being in love with their former master at all. What does that add, realistically? There are other valid criticisms that have been pointed out, namely how aspects of the show such as Sugilite’s role in Coach Steven do fail its Black audience. That undercurrent is there and it’s unfortunate.
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lifeofyellowpearl · 6 years
Yellow Pearl Runs An Errand (Part 1)
We were well into the year and things have not been looking up. This year was projected to be worse than the last but even still, we weren’t expecting things to be this bad. This was the tenth consecutive year that things turned out worse than expected. My Diamond really wanted to address this and hopefully pull us out of this recession. It is for this reason that My Diamond was at the Homeworld Central Archive which contained extensive records of our empire dating all the way back to decimal year 100. My Diamond wanted to sift through records between 5500 and 6500 (around the time when our empire was at its pique). It was also around the time when Pink Diamond was shattered.
Now our empire has existed for millennia. In that time, much rapid technological advancement has been made. While that is largely a good thing, this means that the old file formats are not compatible with our current systems. Consequently, older files cannot be directly transferred via the central network. The files that My Diamond wanted were stored in a drive that had to be hand-delivered from the main library. The Zircons who oversaw the library were supposed to have sent it by now. They were already several minutes late.
“Oh for heaven’s sake,” My Diamond said, “What is taking them so long? Pearl, contact the library and find out what’s going on.”
“Yes, My Diamond.” I opened up a holo-screen and contacted the central library. It rang for a good while before someone finally answered.
I recognized the gem who appeared on my screen: Zircon cut-99, the archive’s head librarian. She looked positively drained. “Oh, um hello. I…just…one second. “She was looking around frantically; I assumed she was rapidly shifting her attention between several different holo-screens that she had open. She could barely focus on what she was saying. "I am assuming this is about the…um…the…old records that My Diamond has ordered?”
“Yes, I am.” I replied sharply, “Is this a bad time?” I made sure to convey a sense of authority and frustration when addressing this Zircon. Not only had she not fulfilled My Diamond’s request but now she was disrespecting the diamond line by failing to provide the full and undivided attention that My Diamond deserved. “I’ll let My Diamond know that you are not ready to–”
“No! No! No! No! No!” I smirked as I saw that familiar wave a panic come over 99. There is nothing I love more than correcting a gem who has forgotten her place. “My apologies! I was just…” 99 began wildly flailing her arms. I assumed that she was rapidly closing tabs and muting conversations that she had open. Once she was done, she took a breath, “Now, those records…”
“It has already been several minutes since the order was placed.” I said, intentionally cutting her off, “My Diamond would like to know when the drive will be sent down.”
“Right, um, about that. Our teleportation pads have been acting up lately and we will not be able to send them until they are repaired. We thought that they could have been ready by now but–”
“Then send someone down to hand deliver them. My Diamond is waiting.”
“Well, we can’t really do that…” 99 trailed off as she took note of my disapproving glare, “I mean it’s just that, we already have a lot of deliveries being made right now and all of our couriers are out. But once one returns, we will send her out immediately.”
“Oh, what’s wrong now, Pearl?” My Diamond sounded vexed but unsurprised. At this point, it was almost normal for things to consistently go wrong.
“Well, it would seem that this Zircon is unable to fulfill your request.”
Another wave of panic came over 99 much to my amusement. "But that’s not what I said!” Exclaimed a flustered 99, “We can fulfill the request, it’s just that-”
“Enough,” My Diamond let out a sigh of resignation. She sounded more exhausted than angry, “if you are unable to deliver the drive then I will send my pearl to pick it up. Just know that I’ll be taking notes of your incompetence.”
“Yes, My Diamond. My sincerest apologies, Zircon out.”
I was practically trembling when I heard My Diamond say that. Words could never describe how much I hate being apart from My Diamond. When I am around her I can address gems with ease but when she and I are apart, I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s like a small piece of me is left behind and I just feel hollow. What little confidence I have is gone.
“Pearl, I’m sending you a map of the facility and… oh, you know the drill. Just be back as soon as possible.”
A part of me really wanted to object; only because I really didn’t want to leave My Diamond. But I didn’t have a choice. “Yes, My Diamond,” I said with trepidation. I opened my holo-screen and brought up the 3D map that My Diamond had sent. The route I was to take was highlighted. If I veered too far off course, I would be poofed by the sentries. Not that My Diamond had to worry. I had no intention of staying apart from her longer than I had to.
I opened the office door and stared down the hallway that led into the main lobby. It felt as though I were standing at the entrance of a gauntlet. I took one step through the office door and practically jumped when it shut behind me. That was it, I was on my own. Come on you damn stupid coward, I thought to myself, you always do this when running errands. Just go to the library. Get the drive and get back to Your Diamond. I took a deep breath and made my way down the hall. Despite my best efforts to remain calm, my anxiety gradually increased as I got closer and closer to the main lobby and further and further from My Diamond. I couldn’t help but castigate myself for this. Stupid coward. Stupid coward. Stupid coward. Over and over, that phrase was running through my mind.
When I reached the end of the hall and stepped out into the main lobby, I felt completely off balance, as though I could fall over at any moment. Sensations of vertigo have always been an issue for me when I’m apart from My Diamond and being in such a wide, open room only made it worse. Thankfully, gems here were relatively sparse. I took note of the few gems populating the area. Most were walking with faces buried in their holo-screens. Others were seated at tables throughout the lobby, engaged in their own conversations. I took solace in the fact that they likely wouldn’t notice me. All I had to do was get to the elevator on the other side of the lobby. It seemed easy enough. I decided to pull up my own screen and focus on my 3D map. I figured if I focused on my screen, I could pretend that the other gems weren’t here.
It did little to help. As I made my way across the lobby I couldn’t help but feel as though the gems around me were looking at me. Judging me.
They are judging you, I thought, they’re probably thinking about what a worthless clod you are. I mean look at you! You’re a worthless excuse for a gem and everyone knows it!
I hastened my pace. I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could.
  Yeah, that’s right, walk faster! As if they won’t notice.
Damn it! The elevator was just units away, yet it may as well have been kilo-units!
Do you remember that time when you tripped while introducing Your Diamond? They all remember. Everyone remembers. They’re laughing about it right now!
I practically ran into the elevator door when I reached it. I fumbled with the elevator buttons before I finally managed to press it. The doors opened and I hurried inside.
I was slightly relieved when the doors closed. I took a moment to recompose myself and choose my floor on the elevator keypad. When the elevator began to move, I felt a surge of frustration well up within me. I punched the wall and braced my hands up against it. Idiot. What was that? You’re an anxious wreck. You always have been. What is wrong with you? Why are you like this?
My inner tirade was cut short when I felt the elevator slowing down. I quickly pulled myself together and cleared my eyes of any tears. The elevator slowed to a stop and the doors opened. I all but froze when I saw who was coming on: Lapis Lazuli cut-528. Her eyes narrowed when she saw me. Instinctively, I put my head down as she stepped into the elevator with me. She was silent, yet I could almost feel the animosity radiating from her. I don’t know why, but just being around 528 sent my mind into overdrive. I stood, motionless, stoic in appearance. But on the inside, it felt as though I was drowning in a maelstrom of fear, anxiety, and relentless self-flagellation. I did everything I could to calm myself but nothing worked. Among the noise, a familiar phrase was sounding off, Stupid clod!  It sounded off, again and again, growing progressively louder with each malicious declaration, Stupid clod! Stupid clod!! Stupid clod!!!
“You know I could see you.” At the sudden sound of 528’s voice, I froze. Everything froze. The inner tumult subsided, replaced by a deafening silence.
I attempted to respond without lifting my head. I could barely speak above a whisper, “I-I’m sorry?”
“I saw you, in the background with that stupid smirk on your face when Yellow Diamond was digging into me.” She must have been referring to the reprimand she received for that storm incident on H3K. For me it was something of a fond memory “Tell me,” she said, “Did you enjoy the show?” Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. My Diamond had all but dressed her down in front of her entire company and I enjoyed every moment of it. Far too often, this proud gem forgets her place. I only wished My Diamond had done more to strike her ego down. But I could never express this. Not here, not now.
I could hear her stepping toward me until she was just centi-units away. If she meant to intimidate me, then it was working.
“Look at me.” She commanded.
I kept my head down, unable to move.
“A Lapis Lazuli is giving you an order, Pearl.” She said to me in a mocking tone. I hated this. I hated everything about this. But she was right. She outranked me. In this scenario, I was not representing My Diamond. I was just a lowly pearl in the presence of an irate superior. I turned and looked up at her. I can’t even describe how frightening her aspect was. She towered over me with the most hateful scowl. I began to tremble. No, I thought, don’t do that. Stop trembling. Damn you! Stop trembling.  My body wouldn’t listen. My commands only backfired as I began to tremble even more. When she saw how intimidated I was, how afraid of her I was, she smiled. Then she started to chuckle. And then she began to laugh. I really hate being laughed at.
“Wow, you are so pathetic!” She said, “You really are nothing more than a scared little gem masquerading as someone who’s worth a damn. I mean, you’re a pearl. You do realize that don’t you? You’re a cipher whose worth is so minuscule that’s it's hardly even worth measuring.”
An amalgam of terror and rage began to stir within me as this lazuli berated me. Her words struck a chord. Indeed they rang true. I am a coward, I am a fraud, I am worthless, and I am pathetic. I know these things about myself. I know all too well just how worthless I am. And I remind myself of these undeniable truths every day. And yet, as much as I’m resigned to hearing these things from my own self, I hated hearing them from someone else, especially someone as arrogant and loathsome as 528. I really wanted to hurt her. I wanted to fire back, but I couldn’t. Like 528 said, I’m just a pearl.
When she noticed my eyes glistening she scoffed at me and shook her head, “worthless little pearl. That’s all you are and that’s all you’ll ever be.” The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Thoroughly satisfied, 528 turned away from me and stepped off. The doors closed and the elevator continued upward. When 528 left, so too did the fear that she struck in me, leaving me with a vindictive and unbridled rage so palpable that I could feel it in my chest. Within moments, my mind was awash with vengeful fantasies. I actively engaged in fantastical scenarios wherein I upbraided that damnable lapis, completely destroying her sense of self-worth as well as scenarios wherein I struck her down and even shattered her where she stood. That worthless gem! I thought, Damn her! Damn her to death! Why if My Diamond were here…
The elevator came to stop and the doors opened once again. As I stepped out and into the hallway, the anger that I felt had completely dissipated, replaced by a numbing melancholy. It was a straight shot to the library from here; I could see the entrance from here. I dragged my feet as made my way there. I knew that My Diamond needed those records as soon as possible but I could bring myself to move any faster. It felt as though I were weighed down. ‘If My Diamond were here…’ What do you mean ‘If My Diamond were here…?’ I thought to myself, If Your Diamond were here, she would admonish you for harboring such audacious thoughts. Seriously, how dare you? A pearl having vengeful thoughts about a lapis! Stupid clod. You really are a stupid idiot worthless excuse for a gem.
“I know.” I whispered, “I know…I know…I know…” I instinctively grabbed my wrist. I really wanted to hit myself. But I couldn’t do that here. Not where someone might see. There was a sentry floating in front of the archive door. When I got close it scanned my gem to assure that I had the proper clearance. Once I was confirmed, the doors opened.
Author’s Note: This one ran a bit longer than I was anticipating.  Apparently, Tumblr has a text block limit (100 for those who don’t know) so I learned something. So I had to split this.
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tornrose24 · 6 years
Red Diamond AAU for the Gem AU
So, there was a certain revelation on a show called Steven Universe that reminded me of CU and Krupp due to some comparisons I could pick up on. I wondered ‘what if there was an AAU of the Gem!AU that followed that similar concept?’
Discussing this AAU is, of course, a HUGE spoiler for Steven Universe, but you already knew that. Thus why I have the ‘keep reading’ down below.
So I could see these parallels between Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond with CU and Krupp, and that got me thinking of this AAU, where Krupp is now a Red Diamond and CU is a Red Quartz. Also, I checked the symbolism of these gems and, I kid you not, one of them said that red quartz helps strengthen friendship (or something along those lines). Meanwhile red diamond symbolism varies between strength, power, confidence etc. Also they are super rare in the world.
Now there’s two possibilities to this. Either way, I see Red Diamond (Krupp) being looked down on by the other diamonds, and having a status so high above everyone else would probably drive him to feel lonely and miserable. And having to run this colony would put a lot of pressure on him.
The first version of this AAU is closer to @angerydj‘s original Gem!AU.
In this one, Red Diamond (Krupp) is a sort of ‘defect’ like Pink Diamond, but the twist is that there were TWO smaller Red Diamonds that were ‘born.’ Naturally, the other Diamonds didn’t want this, and the two diamonds were forcefully fused together to make a slightly larger, more powerful one. Now in this one, it’s Yellow Sapphire (Harold) and Red Zircon (George) who are secretly trying to lead the rebellion. Red Diamond catches them and threatens to expose them before bubbling up their gems/separating them. Cue triggering the other personality from the other diamond that was fused to make Red Diamond. Of course, the younger gems take advantage of this and convince this more friendly diamond to pretend to be a Red Quartz (CU) and to help them lead the rebellion. Red Diamond would be oblivious to this until the eventual separation of him and Red Quartz. He’d freak out over it, but it would lead him to question everything he knew and it would make him mad at the other diamonds. Eventually he’d learn to appreciate and grow fond of Earth with the help of Red Quartz and the infant gems. He’d even finally decide to give Earth up to those who inhabit it, but he’s also still mad at the other diamonds and never wants to deal with them again (even though maybe a part of him would want to go after them) so he opts to stage his ‘death.’ Take a guess at how that goes down and who ‘shatters’ him.
The second version is more like Jekyll and Hyde and closer to what happened in SU.
Red Diamond isn’t a secret fusion and appreciates life on Earth a lot sooner, and DOES want to eventually rebel against the other diamonds so that Earth can be left alone. So this time when he hears about these two infant gems rebelling, he offers to aid them (in a tsundere like fashion) as long as they don’t reveal what he’s doing. He even takes on a new form–that of Red Quartz–and somehow creates a second persona to go with the identity so it would be easy for others to fall for the trick. The downside is that he’s aware of how disliked he is by the others and how much they prefer him as Red Quartz over him as Red Diamond. It would make him incredibly depressed and willing to shatter himself, because there’s really no point in him going back if he’s about as disliked back on Homeworld, and he’s sure no one would want him with them when he’s still in his Red Diamond identity. Yellow Sapphire and Red Zircon would try to convince him to just stage the shattering and they could help out with that by disguising Red Zircon as Red Quartz. Though I think in this case–unlike with Pink Diamond completely changing her identity to be that of Rose Quartz–Red Diamond would be convinced by the infant gems to reveal to the others what he had done for them when the war was over, so that he could be able to earn their respect and so that he wouldn’t have to constantly hide himself as Red Quartz. (Though possibly–and this is optional–only a select few learn of Red Quartz’s identity because of that one attack the Diamonds do on Earth).
So... which idea sounds good/the best?
Also, I opted to keep anything Egg Casserole related out of this post because, even though I do have ideas for that ship in regards to this AAU (and I REALLY want to talk about that), I want to respect angerydj’s preferred ship and leave it out for now. To whoever wants to expand on the idea of Red Diamond with me and is open to talking about ideas for the Egg Casserole ship, I’m all ears. :)
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
Quiet Moments Like These (Guildmaster/Quinn) - Etrian Odyssey Untold 1 Oneshot
Summary: Quinn really appreciates these quiet moments with Jemella…
Pairings: Guildmaster (Jemella)/Quinn
AN: I just had this OVERWHELMING urge to write this pairing. I can’t explain it. But, well, here we are. This is based on my headcanon more than anything else. Quinn and guildmaster are lovers and are raising two orphaned children together, and the orange-haired medic is named Remedy and Quinn’s little brother. So, anyway, hope you enjoy reading~!
Ao3 | Wattpad | FFNet
It was well after midnight as Quinn made his way through the quiet streets of Etria. A heavy, sombre presence hung over the city tonight and he knew quite well the reason why. The call to arms to eliminate the Forest Folk did not sit well with so many. Locals and explorers alike. And it did not sit well with him, either.
There was...no other choice. Quinn along with his brother, Remedy, and the aid of the Midgard Library guild, Siridean, had tried to find far more peaceful resolutions. There had to be other ways. They had found potential peaceful solutions. But Lord Visil, he...and that young forest girl...they would not be dissuaded. Neither of them.
What were they both hiding? Why resort to such measures?
Quinn sighed and shook his head. Fatigued of the day had set in. He was exhausted from answering questions from inquiring guilds, receiving criticism about the mission, and attempting to partly understand the mindset of some guilds who actually seemed thrilled at the mission.
He didn't want to think about it anymore. Not for a while. He just wanted to be home. A place where he wasn't responsible for dealing with locals and explorers. Where he wasn't in charge of issuing out missions. Where he wasn't the Subaltern. A place where he was just himself.
The guildhouse was quiet, as per usual at this time of night. Jemella only opened the doors for the guilds he actually liked. Others that wished to speak with him were "politely" told to return in the morning. He used to allow the guildhouse to remain open late into the night. But now he couldn't be so accompanying. Official guildmaster or not, he had other priorities to contend with.
And those priorities was two little boys that were orphaned after their parents lost their lives to the labyrinth. The two children had nowhere else to go. No one else to take them in. No one willing to do so at that time. So, of course, Jemella stepped in. He tried to appear as a rough and tough guildmaster, but he was a true tender heart when it came to children.
Quinn, of course, held no objections. To raise two innocent boys with Jemella, to be a small little family, to be parents as well as lovers. How could he possibly object to that?
Quinn's footsteps echoed loudly against the silence of the night as he headed to the residential housing of the guildhouse, where he lived with Jemella and their two adoptive sons. As he headed to the door, however, his hand searching in his pocket for his keys, the door opened before him. Jemella stepped half-way out of the door and Quinn felt an immediately wave of relief wash over him as their gazes locked upon one another.
“There you are,” Jemella said as his shoulders sagged slightly in relief.
“Ah, sorry,” Quinn replied as he quickened his pace ever so slightly to reach Jemella. “Long day at Radha Hall, I’m afraid.”
"Yeah, I know," Jemella said simply with a concerned expression on his face as he immediately reached out to him and nudged him inside.
Quinn sighed again as Jemella closed the door behind them. When he heard the lock click into place, he felt his shoulders sag further, finally allowing himself to look as fatigued as he felt. He knew he would only concern Jemella further, but he wouldn’t have been able to hide from him anyway. There was no point.
“The boys in bed?” Quinn asked absentmindedly as he shrugged off his armour and heavy coat.
“Since 8pm, thankfully,” Jemella answered before he turned to give Quinn a slight frown. “Have you eaten today at all?”
Quinn placed his coat upon the coatrack near the door and kicked off his boosts. Now dressed in plain, civilian clothing, he felt the burdens of being the Subaltern be lifted from his shoulders and back. He was just Quinn now. And he needed that.
He was pulled from his musings when Jemella slipped his arms around his waist and tugged him toward him. Quinn let him pull him into his arms and against his chest, and smiled softly when Jemella hugged him close, his chin upon his shoulder. Quinn draped his arms around Jemella’s shoulders and neck, and allowed himself to simply rest against him.
While Quinn was honoured to be the Subaltern for Etria, to work with Lord Visil and for their people, he truly enjoyed the moments where he was just Quinn. And he knew that Jemella enjoyed them, too. Here, in this house, with just the two of them and their two little boys, they could be simple men. Partners, parents, lovers. Just...people.
“You all right?” Jemella asked him softly, whispering into his ear.
Quinn sighed as he pulled back slightly. Only enough so that he could look upon Jemella’s face. He needed to stay in his arms for a moment longer.
“I’m just tired,” Quinn answered as he slid his hands along Jemella’s shoulders to rest on his biceps. “About thinking about it. About overthinking about it. And just thinking in general.”
“I always said that thinking was bad for your health,” Jemella replied casually. “That’s why I don’t do it as much.”
For the first time in what felt like a very long time, Quinn felt a smile of amusement slip across his lips and the tension in his shoulders lessened further. He allowed a half chuckle to escape before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Jemella.
Of course, Jemella immediately placed a hand on the center of Quinn’s back to hold him closer and to prolong the kiss. And, of course, Quinn didn’t mind. He just allowed his eyes to close as his arms moved to wrap around his neck once more. Though they were hardly newlyweds, having been together for years (some of which were in ‘secret’), it was still incomprehensibly easy to lose himself whenever Jemella pulled him into his arms and kissed him. Especially after such a long and tiring day.
With one last, lingering caress, Quinn pulled away from the kiss and rested his hands on his biceps once more. “I’m all right,” he said simply. “Just tired. I think I might abuse my Subaltern status and go into work later tomorrow.”
“Even the great and precious Subaltern needs to sleep,” Jemella retorted.
Quinn reached up with his hand and pinched Jemella’s cheek as he frowned slightly. “Don’t cal me that. Honestly, I am not fond of having a fan club, thank you,” he said before he glanced over Jemella’s shoulder to the door of their son’s shared bedroom. “The boys been behaving themselves?”
Jemella shrugged a shoulder to dislodge Quinn’s hand. “Thankfully, Remedy came to visit today and kept them busy for a while. I had a few...irritants to deal with,” Jemella replied, his voice trailing off into a subtly irritable tone.
Quinn arched an eyebrow. “I hope you weren’t picking on hapless explorers again,” he said in a playfully chiding tone.
“Of course not,” Jemella replied with a scoff. He then proceeded to mumble bitterly under his breath as he glanced at the floor.
Ah, perhaps it would be better not to know anything more than that.
“Well, at least the kids were able to keep Remedy out of trouble today,” Quinn added before he shook his head in dismay and nudged himself from Jemella’s arms to head into their kitchen. “Honestly, that boy is a magnet for trouble.”
“No kidding,” Jemella added with a half smirk on his lips as he stretched his arms over his head and followed him. “But he always seems to get himself out of it. Though, he seems surprised half the time, too.”
Quinn chuckled quietly as he stopped before the kitchen table, his smile growing soft with fondness when he realised that Jemella had already prepared him something to eat. “He honestly gets away with so much. And he doesn’t even realise it. Rather troubling, honestly.”
"It's a good thing that he doesn't know what kind of shit he could actually get away with,” Jemella suddenly commented. “Can you imagine the type of shit he would get himself into then?"
Somehow Quinn simultaneously laughed and winced at the prospect. As Remedy’s older brother by ten years, it was no surprise that he was incredibly (and incessantly) protective of him. But Remedy was also incredibly (and yes incessantly) curious and some would even say nosy. He was always eager to learn more, about anything and everything that was hidden within Yggdrasil. He honestly couldn’t be stopped. Quinn didn’t want to hold him back, but he still wanted to hold him close to protect him. He was his little brother, after all. The only blood family he had.
Thankfully Remedy had a guild of his own, one that was sure to keep him out of trouble. Or least protect him from it. Or at the very least get him out of it whenever needed. That landsknecht, Zircon, was quite adamant that he would do just that.
He was still too innocently nosy for his good.
Quinn pulled out the chair to the kitchen table, but was stilled when Jemella came up behind him and slipped his arms around his waist once more. He nuzzled the back of Quinn’s neck with his nose for a moment, seemingly taking in a slow breath before he rested his chin on his shoulder. Quinn rested his hands on Jemella’s arms and leaned back against him. Jemella was quite affectionate tonight. Clearly, he was worried about him. And wanted to help him in some way. And the only way he really knew how was to help him to relax and unwind.
And it always worked. Quiet, loving moments like these always made him feel better.
“So, food before bed?” Jemella asked him as he nuzzled the side of his face.
Quinn reached up to touch him on the side of his face. “Sounds good.”
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I'm just sitting over here like 90% sure that blue diamond killed rose.
My evidence:
1. We were shown yellow diamonds relationship with pink. Yellow was symbolicly shown to be like pinks mom.
2. When we saw past blue she seemed cruel and like she stuck close to the rules. (Although garnet might be biased in her memory's.)
3. Pink is shown to be rebellious childlike and demanding.
4. Pink kept a zoo of aliens. That's got to be against some rule.
5. Blue is still sad over her death. More than yellow. This leads me to believe she isn't mourning but rather, feels guilty as guilt tends to purpetuate. (Also like 70% sure blue blames our rose for pinks interest in humans and thus decided to paint her as the culprit)
6. The guilt may be perpetuating because she feels she shouldn't get away without punishment (see follows rules) yet also feels she was in the right and doesn't deserve it. (See stern/cruel)
Six really intrests me because it would explain both her keeping the zoo and her keeping the rose quartz soldiers. The zoo is her way of preserving pink diamonds memory. Like how sometimes people will leave the room of the loved one untouched even knowing they won't be home. Of course she might do this weather she shattered pink or not. The quartz gems are one of the most convincing things for me. Even yellow seems confused as to why blue would want them.
What if it's because blue knows they didn't do anything wrong?
Think about it, in Garnets story blue only threatened Ruby. Ruby pushed sapphire, therefor Ruby started the fusion, therefore Ruby should be punished. Cruel, yes. But she's following gem law. I believe she has the exact same reasoning for keeping the other rose quartz:
They didn't actually do anything.
Looking directly at the episode "The Trial" a few other things pop out to me.
1. The zircon defending Steven is blue. We know that there is at least one other color so why have a BLUE zircon defend Steven?
2. The zircon assigned to Steven is clearly a good defendant. They've been working 4000 years and are willing to advise and defend rose to the best of their abilities even If they don't approve in any way of what rose was said to have done
3.blue is insistent on having a trail even though clearly disliking rose (see above reasoning)
4. It's shown that yes indeed, homeworld gems aren't fond of humans witch reinforces both my zoo theory and my guess that it was considered inappropriate for pink to own the zoo
5. Blue wants to hear Stevens confession. I believe this is because she wants an apology from rose about leading pink astray.
6. Blue knows Steven didn't do it and grills him till he gets something wrong
7. Rose quartz shattering pink donsnt make sense.
And the last thing I'm gonna point out is blues totally fake gasp of surprise when zircon suggests pink was shattered by another diamond.
(Also like why the fuck don't they just ask padparadscha? She literally predicts the past.)
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Caught in Your Web
 A Matt x unsub oneshot that I made a couple of months ago.
  With Matt in her apartment, Nicole had no other choice. She couldn’t just kill him cause that could lead to his friends and partners pursuing her. So she takes a deep breath and tells Matt all she knows.
“So, all this was to reveal the corruption found within Zircon Industries into the public. Is that true?” “Yes.” Nicole hands Matt all of the documents she stole. “Those documents contains lists of people they were secretly doing business with. There’s also a record or private accounts that contains money Zircon received from embezzlement.”
Matt smirks as he goes through the files. “I see, but that doesn’t explain why you killed those men.” Nicole snickers. “They were on to me, they knew that I found out about their dirty business and in the end, it was either them or me. And trust me, they would’ve tried to kill me if I didn’t do anything.”
“Interesting….trying to cover up your tracks.”
“Hey! Call it what you want but you you know it’s true once you go through their files.”   Matt continues to go through the files and smiles within each page. Turns out she was right, all of the files contains records of multiple incidents of illegal business done within Zircon Industries and the that the two men who were killed were heavily involved, trying to cover up the corruption and eliminating those whoever notice. Overall, he was impressed by her honesty, though he was also cautious since usually unsubs are not willing to share their information when they’re alone with an FBI Agent. Unless there was something Nicole wants from him. He turns to see her bit her thumb as he scrolls through the papers.
“Well, I guess I misjudged you. You don’t mind if I take these files off your hands.” Matt says as he closes the folders. 
“What are you going to do with them? Return them to Zircon?” “No, not yet. Right now, I’m just gonna show these to my friends back at the BAU. They’ll determine whether or not you will be clear or not.” Nicole snickers. “And for a second, I thought you would believe me, but I guess I was wrong.” “Oh I do believe you, it’s just that you forgot one last thing. Why?” Matt walks up close to Nicole. He then notice her hesitating as she reluctantly reveals her motives behind her actions. She looks down and bites her lower lip before looking up to him.
“Because, that company is the reason my family are dead. My father use to work for Zircon and his company and he found out that he was secretly bribing with other rival companies in order to raise stocks, he was killed. And when my mother found out, she walked up to Zircon and threaten him. Zircon then hired a group of men to kill me and my mother. You should’ve seen her, how she managed to take down a couple of men before she was overpowered and eventually killed. The last thing she told me was to run and never look back.” Nicole takes a deep breath as her eyes start to water. “Sometimes I still hear the sound of the gun echo as I ran.” She then looks at Matt. He was a at loss for words. Although he was moved by her story, he still could not ignore the fact that she would still be charged for her actions. 
“I’m so sorry.” Matt said.
Nicole wiped her eyes. “It’s fine, it was a long time ago, but it still hurts. I know it’s not enough and that’s fine, I don’t need your pity.” “But still, after all that you’ve been through, no wonder you did all that. That man has done terrible things and he covered it. You have a right to be mad and upset. In other words, you deserved better.” Suddenly, Nicole smiles. “You know, this is the first time someone has ever showed sympathy to me, not a lot of people have ever done that.”
Matt raised an eyebrow. “No one?” “Well, only a few, and I usually don’t like a lot of people.” “Well, who do you like?” 
“Let’s see, my intern Barbara, all of the guys who work at tech…you.” “Me?”
“Yes you. You know, out of all men I’ve encounter, you’re the first one who has never treated me with such indifference. You’re not like all the other agents.” She said, as she admired the sweet and sensitive side of Matt. “I’m not?” “No, you’re quite compassionate and open.” “And the other agents aren’t?” Nicole snickers. “What are you trying to say?” “Nothing, I’m just a guy who’s doing their job.” Matt then picks up the files. “And looking at this, I think my work here is done, for now. I think I should call it a day, good night.” He then lifts up his coat and walks away only to feel Nicole’s hand grabbing his arm as he tries to make his way to the door. “Is there a problem?” “No.” She snickers. “But did you really think I would expect you to come into my apartment only to ask me some questions and leave. I thought you agents were better than that.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying that you came here for something. Something you want.” Matt snickers in amusement. “Yeah and that’s to get some evidence for the case and to get some answers from you.” “Ha! That’s what you think, but you want something else. I know you want it. I could tell when a man is desperate for something he wants.” 
“And what is that?” Nicole was silent for a moment then makes a wry smile, “You want me.” “You?” Matt snickers. 
“Yes, and more.” She grabs both ends of the collar of his shirt before pulling back.  “Me? You’re mistaken. There’s nothing else I want more from you than getting some answers. Besides, it’s not like you have anything else to do.”
“Oh, but I do. After all, you and I are alone, in this apartment. It kinda gets you wondering, what happens next.” Nicole slowly approaches Matt as he tries to compose himself. She then noticed him feeling all tense. “What’s the matter Simmons, am I making you a little…uncomfortable?” She slides her hand across Matt’s shoulder. 
Matt felt his heart pounding as he tries to resist. She is still the unsub, there’s no way he would give into temptation and she knows it. He takes a deep breath as she continues to silently tease him. “I’m many things and uncomfortable is not one of them.”
“Then why are you trying to pull me away? Do I scare you? Am I getting too close for comfort?” She then whispered in his ear as the breath of her voice sent chills down his spine. He didn’t think things through, promising the team that he would find her and once he did, she managed to seduce him. He then felt her hand touch his back as she leans close to him. Still, he tried to maintain his composure.
“You know, after all the times we interact, I didn’t expect you to be this fond of me. After all you’re still a person of interest and I’m an agent pursuing you.”
“Of course you are.” Nicole wraps both of her arms as she slowly pulls herself close to Matt, knowing well that its him that she wants and not the other way around. He tries to pull back, but the more he resists, the tighter she grabs on to him. He then drops the files and his coat on the floor and slowly places his hands on her waist. 
“Easy Nicole, you’re getting yourself in quite a dangerous situation.” Matt said as she wraps her arms around his waist and pulls herself close to him. “Oh I know, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Nicole then placed a hand behind Matt’s neck as she slowly leans up close to him. Just then, he closes his eyes as he felt the touch of her lips press against his. It was just a soft kiss but he could feel all the lust she had for him. Just then, she gently pulls away as he looks at her, having a loss for words as he didn’t know how to feel about the kiss. He then stared at her, noticing her cheeks all rosy pink. He didn’t know whether she was actually blushing or if it was her makeup. Still, the close up of her made him felt a wave of emotions running through his head as he suddenly realizes that he’s falling for her. He then notice her look away, as if she was embarrassed by the kiss before turning back to him again.
“I’m sorry, I guess I got a little caught up in the moment.” She then released her arms from his shoulders. 
“Well…” Suddenly, with his hands still on her waist, Matt pulls her close to him. “So am I.” Nicole looks into Matt’s eyes as she notice a sense of lust for her. Realizing that he has fallen for her, she smirks and placed her arms onto his his shoulders. Just then the two pull each other to kiss, only this time the kissing starts to intensify. Within each kiss lies their profound hunger for each other. Just then the two slowly break away from the kiss.
“What’s the matter? Was it me?” Matt asked.
“No.” Nicole then slowly leans up close to Matt as their faces were only an inch away. “I think we should move this into the bedroom. Is that okay?”
“Yes.” Matt nods and Nicole grabs his arm as she brings him to the bedroom. Once inside, Matt closes the door behind them as Nicole pulls him by the neck-tie into another kiss. The kissing gets aggressive as Matt nibbles down Nicole’s neck. They carefully discard their shoes to the side, still locking lips as they approach the bed. He brushed his hands against her back as she slides her hand against his. Fervently he kissed her, bringing a hand up to tenderly cup her breast, tugging anxiously at the fabric of her dress. She lets out a small moan as she felt his other hand scroll down and slide up her thigh, reaching the bottom of her dress. Nicole then tugs onto Matt’s necktie, undoing it before tossing it onto the side. She then starts to unbutton his shirt, gently placing her hand on his exposed chest. The touch of her cold hand cause him to moan as he continues to suck onto her neck and behind her ear. She pressed a kiss on his collarbone and slowly slides the shirt off his chest.
   With him bare chested, Nicole felt the smooth skin and hard muscle press against her body. While placing a couple of wet kisses on his collarbone and upper chest, she then heard the sound of her zipper as Matt unzips her dress, pulling down the straps as she lets the dress slide off her body till it reaches the floor, leaving her in only a bra and lace panties. Nicole then placed her hands on his belt, struggling to remove his pants. Luckily he was able to help her unbuckle his belt while kissing her at the same time. Once unbuckled, Matt pulls down his pants, leaving him in his boxers. Matt grabs her by the bottom, lifting her up and placing her on the bed as he jumps in, where she sat up and wrapped her legs around his waist.
  Soon, the kissing intensifies. It was like fireworks, each kiss had a different spark to them. Once Matt kisses the back of her neck, her lips start to quiver as she gasp for air. “Matt…” Nicole murmured. The slightest touch had her wanting more as he kisses her chest and caressing it before making his way to her back, when suddenly, she felt him unhook her bra. He then discards it as he kisses her chest. Nicole moaned, clenching the back of his head as he sucks on her breasts, the more he sucks the louder the moans. The sounds of her moans arouses him, as if it was like music to his ears. Just then, he pulls himself up, away from her chest and slides his hands up her legs, gliding beneath her panties and teasing the fabric. She then sat up on her elbows as Matt pulls the panties off of her body and discarding his own boxers before joining Nicole back on the bed, spreading her legs open as he kissed her thighs before trailing up her body as she re wrapped her legs around his bare hips. His hands glided over her skin, caressing her softly, analyzing all of the contours of her body as he enjoyed every inch of her. 
“Matt.” Nicole murmured. 
“Yes?” Matt growled. The mention of his name caught him off-guard as she pulled herself up and leaned beside his head.
“Take me.” She whispered in his ear.
“Yes. I want you, all of you.”
“Thought you’d never ask.” He murmured and he slides his fingers into her slit, with the feeling of his fingers sending waves of pleasure through her body as he hits all the right spots.
“How’s that?” He asked. While the touch of his fingers was enough to feel the walls tightening up within her, it was still not enough. 
“More.” Nicole murmured. “I want more.” Complying with her, Matt pulls her lips against his as he slides his length into her entrance. He then grabs her by the hips as he thrusts into her.
  She could’ve easily taken advantage of him and be the one topping him, but she didn’t. She knew how much Matt wanted her, so she allows herself to fall under him, letting him consume each part of her body with pleasure. She moans in delight as he continues to thrust into her.
“Oh Matt.” She purred. She felt the muscle contract around his length. Each thrust kept her wanting more. 
“Come for me.” He grunts as he buries his head onto her chest. She clenched the back of his head, ruffling his hair as the contractions get tighter and tighter. The tighter the contraction, the tighter she gripped onto his head. Nicole tried to compose herself but gasped as she felt his length hit the deepest parts of her. “Matt!” She cried out. 
“Oh fuuuucccckkkk” he groaned. He pulls out once he saw her climaxed. Once he pulls out, Nicole slowly released her hand from Matt’s hair as she strokes his back, feeling the sweat down his body and the wetness from her thighs. He then peppers wet kisses on her chest and gave her a small, steamy kiss on her lips before collapsing on top of her. He rest his head beside her neck as she felt the his hot breath breathing onto her neck. 
“That wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?” He said as while breathing heavily.
“No, no it wasn’t.” The two lay down as they catch their breaths, exhausted. Moments after recovering, Nicole grabs a nearby bed sheet and pulls it over hers and Matt’s bodies. She then lays on top of him as she buries her head into his neck. “I guess we should call it a night. Goodnight.” She said, still catching her breath.
“Goodnight.” Matt whispered as she kisses him before falling asleep. He couldn’t help but stare at her, admiring the fine details of her face as he recalls her appearance the night before: The scent of vanilla coming from her perfume, the tight black dress that showed off her curves, the long wavy locks that cascade below her chest and the bright blue eyes that sparkle beneath the dim-lighting. He has never felt attracted to someone like her, though the thought of it made him feel guilty and ashamed. No matter what happens between them, she was still a wanted person and he is an FBI Agent who’s loyalty lies within the BAU. He strokes her hair as he ruminates his thoughts, knowing that he’ll have to turn her in.
  Moments after the passionate encounter, Matt wakes up to the sight of him still completely nude and lying face down. As he pulls himself up, he notice a hand touching his chest. He then turns to see Nicole sleeping beside him. He gently pulls her hand away as he processed what happen last night: He and Nicole just had sex, and he was aware of it. Even in the steamy night of passion, she was still an unsub that needs to be placed in custody. Matt rubs his head in frustration. He was aware of her actions, what she did and what they did last night, the only question was why? Why did he give into her temptation? As he contemplates his thoughts, Nicole wakes up to see Matt already up.
“Matt? Are you okay?"  Nicole asked as she rubs his back.
Out from his trance, Matt returns to reality to notice Nicole asking him something. "Huh?”
“Are you okay?”
Not knowing what to say, he nods. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
The two stared at each other in silence for a moment before Matt had another thing to ask.
“About last night, do you regret it? What we did?”
Nicole raised an eyebrow as she process the question before answering. “Sometimes."  She said. "Do you?”
Nicole got to him as Matt didn’t know what to say. He looks down into space before turning to her. “Yeah, maybe.”
The two stared at each other before Matt strokes Nicole’s hair, cupping her cheek as he pulls her into a soft kiss. 
“So what now?” Nicole asked.
“How about this? We go to Zircon and find some more evidence. Once we have enough, we’ll be able to prosecute him. Is that okay?”
  Nicole nods and she leans to kiss him again before emerging out from the bed, picking up he bra and panties as she goes to redress. Matt does the same thing as he pulls up his boxers and picks up his pants and shirt, buckling the belt of his pants and buttoning his shirt while Nicole zips up her dress. Once he finished tying his shoes and her putting on her heels, the two leave the bedroom as Nicole picks up the files Matt dropped during their sexual encounter and hands it to him as she went to go get her coat. As he watches, Matt picks up his coat to notice his phone vibrating. He then pulls out his phone to receive missed calls from the team, wondering what happened to him last night.  He was then filled with hesitation as he didn’t know what to tell the team. Yes, he found her and he got her to speak, but what else? He couldn’t just tell them that she seduced him and had fallen into her temptation. That night left him with a lot of mixed feelings as he didn’t want to turn against the team but had a new perspective on Nicole at the same time. Just then, his phone was vibrating again, this time Emily was calling. While Nicole didn’t notice, Matt turns on his phone and answers.
  Suddenly, Nicole returns as Matt hangs up on his phone, placing it in his pocket as she returns. Not suspecting anything, she picks up her bag.  “Shall we leave?” She asked.
Matt nods, “Sure.” The two then head out as they walk to the elevator. The two were silent throughout most of the elevator ride and on the way out. While Matt had a reason to be silent, he notice Nicole feeling down and confused. Once they head out, Matt asked Nicole if she was alright. “Nicole are you okay? I uh notice you’re feeling down all of a sudden.” Nicole turns to Matt as if he already knows how she’s feeling.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but ever since last night I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“About what?”
“About how I feel. After last night, I feel like there was something, you know like a personal connection together. I never felt like that before.”
“Yeah. I know it’s too soon to say this, but the truth is, I love you Matt Simmons. I really do.”
Matt’s eyes widen, as he process those  words into his head. Did she really mean it, all those things she said? It was only one intimate encounter and she’s already fallen for him.  He felt his heart beating again, does he feel the same way? Maybe so. Still, it feels wrong. Just as he sees her smile wide, he starts to feel guilty. Still, he gives her a smile in return, but a crooked one. Suddenly, Nicole’s smile starts to fade as she notice something was wrong with Matt. Despite his smile, she could sense there was sadness in his eyes.
“What’s wrong Matt? Is there something wrong?”
“Is it what I said?”
“No.” Matt then takes a deep breath before continuing. “It’s what I did.”
Nicole raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”
“Of course not. Just know that it wasn’t easy doing this but that I’m only doing my job.” He then looks on as Emily walks up beside Matt along with Tara and Rossi emerging behind Nicole as she turns to see them approach her. Rossi then grabs her by the arm as he pulls out some handcuffs while Tara snatches the bag off her shoulder.
“Matt, what is the meaning behind this?” Nicole says as Rossi handcuffs her. 
“I told you that you’re getting yourself into a dangerous situation and like I said earlier, I’m just an Agent doing his job.” He nonchalantly watches as Rossi and Tara drag Nicole away while more vans and police cars arrive. “I’m sorry, I truly am.”
“No! NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” Nicole yells as she is dragged away to a police van.
“Actually, he can. Nicole Woodbine, we’re taking you into custody for the death of two men, theft of multiple documents and attempts of vandalism.” Rossi said as he and Tara pushed Nicole into a police car. Helpless, all she can do was stare at Matt, the guy that she thought she could trust only for him to turn against her. Though at the same time, she couldn’t blame him. After all, she did quite a lot of dirty work. Matt looks on to watch as the police car with her inside drives away. Emily looks on beside him as she notice the guilt in his eyes.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is fine.” Matt wonders around while he rubs his head. “Actually no, I’m not.”
“What happen?” Emily asked, concerned for her friend.
“Last night, I did something I shouldn’t have done and now I’m regretting it.”
“What are you talking about?" 
Matt then placed his hands on Emily’s shoulders as he takes a deep breath before revealing what he and Nicole did last night. "Last night, Nicole and I we-” Matt struggles to continue before Emily interrupts him, releasing his hands from her shoulders.
 "You gave in didn’t you.“
He nods and then expects the Unit Chief to scold him only to notice her just giving him a pat on his shoulder. 
"Aren’t you suppose to be upset that I slept with the unsub?”
“Normally I would, and yet, I don’t blame you. I too previously experience getting intimate with unsubs, especially during my times at Interpol. You know, me and Doyle?”
“Besides, sometimes we have to do things that we’ll most likely regret later in life in order to gain an unsub’s trust, which is what you did.”
“I know, it’s just, I don’t know if I’ll be able to overcome this. You should’ve seen her when she looked at me.”
Emily pats Matt on the shoulder. “I know, but don’t worry, you’ll get through this. Both of you will, and we’ll be there to help you.”
“I hope so.” Matt and Emily continue to look on till the sight of the police car was no more. Eventually, they would walk to the van as they head to the police station, where Nicole would be placed for questioning. In the van, Matt takes a deep breath as he braces for a possible future encounter with Nicole. Who knows what would happen if they see each other again.
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elexuscal · 7 years
let’s talk about the Pearls
because their behaviour in The Trial was fascinating to me
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At first, we see them exhibiting all their usual stuff. YP is as flourishing and Extra as always, and while for the most part BP is her usual quiet self, we see her display the most actual personality ever as she grins while drawing “Rose Quartz’s” death
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But the tricky thing with the Diamonds’ Pearls is that it is very, very hard to tell what’s the real them. What are they really thinking, and what’s a show they have to put on to avoid their owners’ wrath?
Here, we see them lose their calm-- both of them, at the same time, for the same reason. And not because of a direct threat/insult, like Yellow Pearl’s flinching from Yellow Diamond in “Message Recieved”. It’s a comment Blue Zircon makes:
“So how did a Rose Quartz with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond get so close in the first place? Where were Pink Diamond’s attendants? Her Agates? Her Sapphires? And where was her Pearl?”
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They both immediately freeze. YP’s expression is terrified. She looks directly and BP, as if either afraid for her, or searching for reassurance or guidance. We don’t know exactly what Blue Pearl’s expression is, with her eyes covered-- but maybe fear too, or uncertainty, or surprise...
So the question is. Why?
1) They’re genuinely shocked. They’re so indoctrinated by Homeworld ideology that the thought that Pink Diamond’s Pearl didn’t do anything to protect her is an accusation which strikes them to their core
2) They’re afraid their Diamonds will lash out at them as scapegoats. This episode made it painfully clear that YD especially is pretty trigger happy, so I wouldn’t put it past her to occasionally strike out at blameless underlings
3) They know something.
This last one seems more likely to me. Because why else would they get so much focus? The question is-- what?
Okay. Let me split this up into sub-theories:
They (or one of them) witnessed Pink Diamond’s death, and they have information which could explain the discrepancies Blue Zircon brought up. However, they never divulged it for whatever reason. (Possibly because, if there was a cover up, they could be at risk if the did). Now it might come out accidentally, and they could take the fallout.
One or both of them helped orchestrate Pink Diamond’s assassination, either directly or indirectly. The main issue is the question of how an obvious criminal like Rose Quartz could have gotten close enough to Pink Diamond to kill her. Pearls would have a great insight into how all the court hierarchies work. Since they’re considered to be basically dim-witted furniture, they’re pretty easily ignored. Combine this with abilities such as holographic projections, perhaps they could have found a way to smuggle Rose Quartz (or the true killer) close enough.
Another Pearl was directly involved in the smuggling and killing of Pink Diamond. While they didn’t plan it, BP and YP helped her (and any allies e.g. Rose Quartz) escape, because of Pearl Solidarity
Hmm.... but who could this other Pearl be... If only there was another Pearl in the show... a known rebel... who’s past history with Homeworld is shrouded in mystery...
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Ah. Yes.
Now, I’ll admit, I don’t know exactly how Pearl exactly fits in. Rose Quartz being the killer seems important for the Arc of Steven coming to discover that his Mom’s past actions weren’t all sunshine and daisies, and the further arc of him realizing that maybe sometimes violence/shattering is necessary or justified. So maybe she just helped sneak Rose in, even if she didn’t deliver the killing blow herself. 
Although, if Pearl was the culprit, that might give even more impact to her expression when Steven discovered what happened to Pink Diamond in ‘Back to the Moon’
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Admittedly, this can easily just be Pearl saddened that Steven’s discovered the truth. That the perfect image of his mother, the person Pearl loved and respected more than anyone else, has been broken. That his innocence has been lost.
But if she was responsible, it could also be fear that Steven-- who is innocent, who still values the lives of everyone-- would reject her if he discovered she was the one who did it. 
(Also, consider Pearl’s claims of being Rose’s sole confidant, the one who knows everything... The only one who knew the truth of Pink Diamond’s shattering.)
‘Course, we’ve got the little problem here that all eye witness accounts say that Rose Quartz killed Pink Diamond. As you might have noticed, Pearl looks absolutely nothing like Rose.
... but hey. How about shapeshifting? You know. That thing Pearl swears she can do, but that we’ve never seen her demonstrate in 132 episodes? This would be a pretty significant demonstration. And the trauma of using it for such a thing could explain why she hasn’t wanted to use it since. 
(Not sure why Pearl would have felt the need to disguise herself as Rose Quartz. Maybe it was because she knew all the other RQs got captured and bubbled for Rose’s rebellion, so Pearl was protect her fellows from a similar culling. Or maybe she thought showing the leader of the rebellion dealing the finishing blow would make a stronger image. idk)
That said, again, I still really am fond of Rose being responsible... so maybe we can split the difference and put the death on Rainbow Quartz? That would be rad too.
basically it’s all a mystery and i’m not sure where it’s going, but the Pearls almost definitely have some clue
Let’s end this on their worried faces
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(protect them) 
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drpsyche · 7 years
For @lapamedotweek 
Day 4 (Free Day)
Word Count: 2020
The gang goes back to the Moon Base and watch the sun come up.
   Moon Base
           With a roar, the pink teleportation portal opened up and Lion and the Gems came flying out. The impressive trip had once again taken its toll on Lion and he lay down for a rest, his passengers disembarking from his fur.
           “Sunrise is in 45 minutes,” Garnet said, “Best get prepared.”
           “Are we gonna finally find out what the big glowy ball is?” Steven asked.
           “Another time,” Pearl said.
           Amethyst pulled a picnic basket from Lion’s fur, and Pumpkin tumbled out with it, barking happily. Lapis hopped out and took to the air, the only gem unaffected by the reduced gravity. Peridot and Connie disembarked as well, Connie gently patting Lion on the head.
           “Take a break big guy,” she said.
           Upon accessing some of Homeworld’s data logs that Peridot decoded, they’d taken another visit up to the Moon Base. There were a few issues that they’d wanted to sort out; a few programs that needed to be disabled. None of it was an imminent danger, but it was always good to stay on the safe side. Garnet had suggested they make a trip out of it, let the kids watch the sun come up from behind the Earth. Connie was particularly excited, eager to see something so natural from such a different vantage point.
           “So, P, what exactly are we trying to do?” Amethyst asked Peridot as they ascended the stairs, Connie and Steven taking advantage of the low gravity to have some fun.
           “Some basic issues,” Peridot said, “The base comes with a powerful self-destruct that not only would prevent it from falling into enemy hands, but also damaging the moon so badly it would knock it from Earth’s gravity and send it on an orbital decay, causing it to crash into the planet and set off an extinction level event. The impact and resulting tremors would kill billions but the ensuing dust storm from all the debris kicked off would block the sun out, killing all plantae life forms, destabilizing the food web and killing any and all organic life.”
           “What?!” Steven yelled from up ahead.
           “I thought you said this was only a minor thing!” Connie yelled down at them.
           “It is!” Peridot shouted back, “The detonation switch was deactivated, we’re just trying to nullify the mechanism itself. The power stored here would just be trapped in the core, leading to a meltdown. Kind of like when Garnet threw her… er disabled the ship from a while back, except on a much larger scale.”
           Peridot had cut the sentence and tried rephrasing it, not wanting to bring up Jasper with Lapis around. Amethyst observed that the blue gem didn’t even react; maybe Peridot was overly cautious, maybe Lapis just hid it well.
           “It’s nothing to worry about,” Pearl said, composed as ever, “Peridot and I will fix it. You just have fun watching the sun come up.”
`           “So this thing was set to blow all along and we just let it hang over us?” Amethyst asked.
           “Seems to be,” Garnet said, “This was a last resort and wasn’t documented on the records we had. Seems to be something the engineers jury rigged in case of losing the war.”
           “I figured something like this would happen,” Peridot said, smug at having the foresight, “It was either a self-destruct, or the base was a giant laser. We had a few of those in the military, Emerald would commission them: ELE class weaponry. It’s how we won the war against Alternia.”
           “So, what’s the plan?” Steven called from his spot floating above them.
           “I’ll reexamine the command console and make sure the subroutines to detonate the base are deactivated,” Pearl said.
           “And I’ll rewire the core so that in case of buildup, the excess power will be released before it goes critical,” Peridot said.
           Lapis flew up and grabbed both Connie and Steven, pulling them easily with her in the zero-gravity room.
           “You guys just hang out and wait for the sun to come up,” she said, “They should be done by then.”
           Peridot and Amethyst departed at one of the floors, whilst Garnet, Pearl, and Pumpkin all continued up to the top. Lapis opted to fly the humans on ahead, enjoying the ease to which she could carry them, without having to worry about weight.
           At the top floor, Garnet sat on the command chair, Pumpkin happily jumping into her lap for some pets. Pearl went to the ruined control console and began picking through it; jury rigging the holoscreen back online. Connie was doing somersaults in midair, Lapis helping to prevent her from crashing into anything.
           “Do you think they would have done it?” Pearl asked.
           Garnet’s face didn’t change as she responded, “If they weren’t in such a hurry, I think they would have. If the Cluster failed, I’m sure Peridot would have been sent here next.”
           Pearl looked above them, to where Connie and Steven were playing Malcolm in the middle with Lapis and a Tennis ball; bouncing the ball against the top of the glass dome to keep it away from her.
           “Do you think she would have done it?” Pearl asked.
           “Back then, yes,” Garnet said, her voice even, “But now it’d be unthinkable to her.”
 Peridot and Amethyst approached the core; it’s bright yellow light bathing the room in an ominous glow.
“Core looks healthy,” Peridot said, walking over to a control panel.
“So, Peri… uh, what are you gonna do?” Amethyst asked.
“Just redirecting the power storage,” Peridot responded, “If it reaches a certain level, which I am lowering, the energy will be discharged from the top of the base as particles into space. Nothing too concentrated or focused. If the core surpasses that level and the energy cannot be released, it will be shut down and ejected. A failsafe for a failsafe.”
“That’s pretty smart Per.”
“Of course, it was, I thought of it.”
           Amethyst snickered at that, and leaned back against another piece of machinery, staring up at the glowing core.
           “You mention this was done before?” Amethyst asked.
           “Yes, ELE class weapons were deployed in a handful of conflicts,” Peridot said, her voice clipped and emotionless as she concentrated on her work, “A planet hit with the blast would soon have shock troopers deployed onto it. They could weather the severe dust storms and environmental damage, whilst the natives would not.”
           “Sounds harsh.”
           “Gem military was harsh.”
           “You miss it?”
           Peridot paused at the question. Had she been asked earlier, Peridot would have guessed the question was a trap, meant to tease out any previous loyalties to the empire. Amethyst wouldn’t do that though.
           “I miss… people. There was a Zircon I was fond of, some coworkers I liked. Other than that, it was thankless hours, unsafe working conditions, and Jasper. So, no, things are infinitely better now.”
           “You’ve got us, right?” Lapis said, flying in through the doorway.
           “Decided to join us Laz?” Amethyst asked.
           Pearl’s almost done topside, and Steven’s trying to use the lack of gravity to spread mayonnaise on bread.
           “He’ll never do it,” Amethyst said, “You need pressure on that, you can’t just float it into space.”
           Peridot rolled her eyes. Human sustenance wasn’t interesting to her, at least until she learned about digestion; then it was just disgusting.
           “I think Pearl might be finished first,” Lapis said, a sly smile on her face, “She could be done before y-’
           “Done,” Peridot said, closing the holoscreen, and turning, a bigger smirk on her face. “And it was a harder job than Pearl’s.”
           “Peri always finishes first,” Lapis said.
           Amethyst snickered at that; Peridot got annoyed.
           “I’ll deep space you if you do that again,” she barked.
           “Relax Per,” Amethyst said, throwing an arm around her shoulder and laying a loud kiss on her cheek.
           Lapis alighted and patted Peridot on the head.
           “You did great,” she said, more sincerely.
           “Yeah, now there’s one less thing that could destroy the earth!” Amethyst said, “We just gotta worry about a hundred others.”
           Peridot groaned as the two whisked her out of the room.
           “A Crystal Gem’s job is never done,” Amethyst said.
           “Any new missions?” Lapis asked.
           “Operation sunrise,” Amethyst replied, “Followed by operation oddly-timed-breakfast.”
           “I guess sunrise does signal the first daily meal,” Peridot said.
           “Totally!” Amethyst said, “So Lap, you figured out the taste and digestion thing?”
           “I think so,” Lapis replied.
           “You’ll love it!” Amethyst said, “Eating food, breaking down food, expelling food and then doing it all with stuff that isn’t food. Garnet’s probably done it with Lava!”
           “It’s really really gross,” Peridot said, shivering, “I’m with Pearl on this one, no thank you. It’s not needed.”
           “Sleep isn’t needed,” Lapis said, “Doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable.”
           “Fine, fine,” Peridot grumbled, “Your snores sound cute anyway.”
           “Yeah, they do,” Amethyst said, thumping Lapis on the back.
           They arrived at the command module, the picnic blanket laid out and weighed down by Pearl and Garnet. Connie and Steven were gently touching down, eating sandwiches, and wearing some UV proof shades Garnet had procured. Pumpkin was in Pearl’s lap receiving pets. Amethyst was surprised to see Lion up there resting with his head in his paws. The effects of such a long-range teleport weren’t as fatiguing as they once were. He was getting better.
           “You guys made it!” Steven said, with a mouthful of sandwich, “Sun’s about to come up.”
           The three took their seats around the picnic blanket; Lapis seated with the the other two on either side, Amethyst handing Lapis a sandwich. Lapis bit into it, enjoying the taste sensations behind tomato, butter, turkey, and cheese.
           “It’s good,” she said, surprised, “Really, really good. Peridot, you really should try it.”
           Peridot rolled her eyes, and shifted herself a digestive system, one of the few things she could shift.
           “Fine fine,” she said, accepting another sandwich from Amethyst.
           “Hey, Lapis, watch this,” Amethyst said, crushing a juice box.
           The juice floated from the destroyed box, taking on a floating blob like form, which Amethyst took a bite of.
           “Take advantage of the gravity here,” she said, ‘chewing’ on the juice.
           Lapis manipulated the liquid over to herself and took a bite, noting the ease to which her teeth could cut through the fluid. Peridot began eating the sandwich she was given, the taste pleasant, but the feeling of foreign matter entering into her felt alien. And by god was she happy that was only in her head because if she said that aloud, Amethyst would violate Steven and Connie’s innocent ears with something awful.
           The group watched as the sun peaked out from behind the earth, it’s rays cutting across the blank reaches of space, unobstructed by air particles or clouds.
           “It’s so pretty,” Connie said, “Seeing the sun come up like this; only astronauts can see this in their lifetimes.”
           “I’ve seen the sun rise for millennia,” Pearl said, “But it’s always good to have a different viewpoint.”
           “This is so cool,” Steven said, grinning.
           Lion cracked an eye open to see what the commotion was, saw the sunrise, yawned, and went back to resting. Garnet smiled as the future vision of the sunrise came to pass and she got to watch it all over again.
           Amethyst continued to chew her food, leaning against Lapis. There was always something beautiful about her home, their home. Nothing could take this from them; not the armies, not the monsters, not the Diamonds themselves. This was what it was about, the little moments.
Peridot also leaned against Lapis, thinking her own thoughts. There would be more trials for them: six gems, a human, a Steven, a Pumpkin and a Lion against an empire. The future wasn’t easy, but to her there was hope; there was always hope.
Lapis stared at the sun. Small natural beauties were always worth a look; Steven had taught her that. Pearl was right, there was something special about a new spin on an everyday phenomenon. She wrapped her arms around the two gems leaning against her, happy that they were by her side.
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titenoute · 7 years
This Trial episode got me thinking. We got so many new inputs, and we're all going "dang, Yellow Diamond is totally the culprit, or she and White diamond are". But..... Nah... While Yellow's actions are mighty suspicious, I don't think she's the culprit....At least not directly. It’s a hella long theory, that stills needs work and more information, but here’s a tl;dr :Pink Diamond hasn’t been shattered the moment we all think she had and that alone give an idea of who the culprit is.
I still think that one of the clues to shed some light on this case would be how someone could shatter a diamond. And as far as I know, there is only two ways to cut a real life diamond. Another diamond or a laser.
We're talking about the HARDEST mineral here, and I'm pretty sure the the crewniverse would use that capacity on diamonds in the show since it's a very well known fact. If we follow that logic that narrows a lot culprits down to the Diamonds...Rose’s canon laser and Pearl, who CAN shoot lasers.(see Bismuth's ep, the question is even raised as of when she got this power)
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 Another thing to wonder is, IF a Diamond is responsible of Pink's death, then why ? Why destroy Pink Diamond ? If we believe her mural, she didn't rule as many planets as the others, so she wasn’t the most powerful of the 4. What's the gain for them to do this ?  It doesn’t makes sense with what we have gathered so far. Ok let’s try something. So here's the stage, we *have* our Rose Quartz (Eyeball probably isn’t lying) with her sword that CAN'T shatter anything because she doesn't want to shatter people, who managed to approach Pink Diamond, which SHOULD have been heavily guarded. She clearly wasn't since there *isn't* many witnesses so it indeed means that a Diamond did gave the order to leave Pink Diamond alone, Blue Zircon nailed that one down. That said, wouldn't have Pink Diamond found that strange if her guards weren't around ? She would have wondered where her soldiers went and more importantly where her pearl went. The eternal big question. Where was the pearl ? If there is something to be noted with a Diamond, it's the fact they're NEVER without their pearls. Not once we saw a Diamond alone, and i'm pretty sure that since a Diamond's pearl is the Diamond's property, another one could not send her away without making it look suspicious. And from that we have two possibilities. We have theory of our well known Pearl being the said pearl, but it doesn't add up, because why a Diamond would have a pearl that is considered as .....
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We're talking about the top dogs here, they wouldn't want to have something that isn't considered as fully useful. With the info we have on the Diamond's being all about perfection and such, it is unlikely. Unless we get more info on Pink Diamond. But as of it now, this theory doesn’t make sense. With that aside, we’re left with the second possibility. That comes with this question : how could a pink (?) pearl be sent away by another Diamond without the other noticing it ? Or at least not be suspicious of it ?  How could they do that ? I see only one Diamond making this feat happen...Pink Diamond herself. But why would she want to avoid to have her guards around ? Or her Pearl ? Well ok it seems she had at least a few rubies with her. But not many obviously, since Eyeball seems(?) to be the only survivor of this encounter. Why would she do that ? That is one point we have no ideas of, but i’m willing to speculate it has to do with the Zoo. Pink Diamond having an interest on humans can’t be just a detail. The only gem we know of who had an interest in humans was Rose. I AM tempted to say that at one point Rose and Pink Diamond tried to have a civil discussion in secret, but...That’s a lot of extrapolation and we still need input on this. So let’s just put the possibility aside for now. So in the end, what really happened with this ‘random’ encounter?  Well....It all goes down to Eyeball’s testimony and....A piece of evidence lots of people have long forgotten. Eyeball’s testimony goes like this :
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“I saw it with my own eye. I watched the leader of the Crystal Gems – Rose Quartz – shatter Pink Diamond “
Ok but then.....What about this ?
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This is from the Episode 8 of season 1, “Serious Steven”. In that Indiana Jones’s homage temple. That’s pretty much what we know about it. People at the time speculated that the diamond in front of Rose, was Blue Diamond, now we know it’s not the case. Note that Rose is using another pink gem against White Diamond. Or at least it seems. Some speculated recently that the gem Rose is holding is a shard of the shattered Pink Diamond. I do think it’s close to the truth but to me it looks pretty damn well formed like her gem looked like.
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But don’t you think it’s still strange ? I mean, Rose’s charge for the trial was mostly for shattering Pink Diamond. Why didn’t they charge her with the fact she used one of the remains of one of the big leaders of the gem homeworld ? I mean, that’s as heavy as shattering her if not even WORSE. But it’s not mentioned, not ever and we know this painting is from a gem homeworld temple.Weird no ? We clearly SEE Rose using a pink, diamond shaped Gem, i don’t think there is much room for doubt as of who that gem was. So how come it’s not in the charges ??  And again, what Rose seems to be using doesn’t looks like a shard but a full gem. And Rose couldn’t heal gems that were shattered ...So... What if Eyeball got the shattered part wrong and what she saw in reality, was Rose POOFING Pink Diamond. I’ll understand if you feel skeptical about this, but Eyeball SAW Rose using the sword on Pink Diamond, there is no doubt on this as she is DEAD SET on this and the fact she shattered Pink Diamond, but WE KNOW Rose sword wasn’t made to shatter...It can’t, Bismuth officially debunked that... So if Rose did attack Pink Diamond with that sword, what is the logical result if only Poofing ? Plus that’s more like Rose’s style. She did put Bismuth out of commission even when she proposed the breaking point and things were desperate for them. I think Eyeball was so persuaded that a sword would shatter the Diamond that she believed it when she got poofed. That’s how i interpret it anyway. Because else, when you put the pieces together, it doesn’t makes any sense. I’ll remind you that overall, we only have one side of the story : the Homeworld’s version and Eyeball’s. NONE of the crystal gems ever said anything on it, if only showing shock.
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And fear.
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A lot of us, interpreted this as Pearl feeling guilty, but now that I re-watch the scene I feel like they weren’t expecting this information...As they should have if it happened. In the end, we NEVER had their side of the story. And it should be REALLY about time Steven ask for some answers, heck i’m surprised he didn’t reach for them right after the episode to ask for questions. FFS Rebecca he’s a kid granted, but he’s not stupid, make that boy ask questions. *sigh* sorry i digress... So...The whole part of Pink Diamond being shattered might be a misinformation from the Homeworld side but it think we can go further. Staring now, we’re going on a lot of speculation territory.
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This paint in the temple is information mine when you think of it. If you look at it you realize that Rose wasn’t alone in that battle, many other gems where there, as for White Diamond....I can’t tell. I think she’s alone, but i can’t tell for sure. If we believe this painting Rose is using Pink Diamond against White Diamond, which shouldn’t be impossible when you think about it. I mean she could have done the same thing that with what happened to Lapis to Pink Diamond.
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I mean it seems gems can be used as a power source sooo...
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(don’t ask me who was that gem, I still wish for answers) I wanna say it’s not very Rose like, but the Crystal Gems DID leave Lapis in there for millennia so we can safely assume that they can do some fucked up shit like this too. And yet not cross the Breaking Point line. Plus imagine the leverage, PINK FREAKING DIAMOND, as a weapon AND hostage. That would have returned the war ! And you know what...It probably has. I mean we clearly see Rose using Pink Diamond on White Diamond, it’s probably the best counter you could have on another diamond leader. Imagine it, it probably was a ruthless battle, a quartz using the power of a diamond against another. So you might ask this, "Ok let’s say your theory works, then where is Pink Diamond’s gem, what happened to it ? Shouldn’t it be in Lion’s mane since it’s an important gem ??? Heck The Diamond Leaders would totally still try to retrieve it if it was with the Crystal Gems” Well....Let me just lay this down for you. Didn’t you always found strange how Yellow Diamond is so focused on destroying the Earth ? She seems the practical type, but this ? No let’s not even think on making this turn out good. Recently we saw her disrupting a trial she has good reason to see through, we know she was also fond of Pink Diamond. Didn’t you find it strange, after Centipeetle’s testimony of her corruption, how the Diamonds attack seemed reckless and quite fast ? So many civilians were still on Earth when it happened, a better warning could have been made, plus it means that the war wasn’t going so bad since there was still civilians around.
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It was a total surprise for the Homeworld gems who were dwelling on Earth. Why such hurry ??? Well... You know what’s great with corruption ? The fact no gems can talk after experimenting it... Here’s what I think .... If Pink Diamond was shattered, it was during the battle between Rose Quartz and White Diamond. And Pink Diamond was probably, in an act of desperation, shattered by White Diamond in order to win a battle she couldn’t afford to lose. It would explain the hurry of corrupting the gems who are left on Earth the sooner possible to avoid as many witnesses as possible. It would explain why Yellow would try to cover it up and her need to see Earth destroyed as soon as possible. Because Blue wouldn’t be able to deal with the fact and it would have brought chaos into their planet. Imagine the panic. That’d explain White Diamond’s absence in the trial, or the fact the current gem in the gem world believe that Earth has already been destroyed. Well at least....That’s what i think. I’m aware that my theory has a lot of holes. Like, if they really didn’t want any witnesses why not hunt down the Crystal Gems ? I’m willing to update it when we’ll get more infos.  
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Okay, so:
The “Wanted” special has given everyone plenty of room to speculate over what really happened to Pink Diamond, given that Blue Zircon correctly pointed out that it doesn’t make sense for Rose Quartz to have shattered Pink Diamond so easily. I’ve seen quite a few theories floating around, but I’ve been discussing this with my friend @severalbakuras recently, and I thought I’d share my theory with the rest of the class. If nothing else, it’ll help get my thoughts in order. So with that said, here’s what I think the deal is:
Rose Quartz did shatter Pink Diamond, but
It was Pink Diamond’s idea / plan for Rose to shatter her, and
Pearl was not made aware of this plan, but let the shattering happen anyway due to her feelings for Rose
So far we know absolutely nothing of Pink Diamond in terms of personality, and very little about her in terms of motivation. The most we’ve gotten from her is that she formed that human zoo, but that’s enough to plant the seeds of potential doubt about what her plans and motivations were in terms of the Earth. You see, for as disgusting and inhumane as the human zoo is (and trust me, it is), it has a curious amount of care and twisted compassion put into it as well. The Famethysts are the ones who take care of it, and they’re all designed to take care of and nurture the humans there whenever they get upset. The voice that speaks through the ear pieces is soothing and gentle as well, which could be Pink Diamond’s voice (I don’t think we’re ever told one way or the other). Furthermore, we know that Blue Diamond maintains the zoo because it was Pink’s zoo, because Pink (like Rose Quartz after her) liked humans and found them fascinating and entertaining. Blue Diamond herself doesn’t seem to hold real fondness for humans in the same way. Her interest in them is solely because Pink Diamond was interested. From this, we can theorize that perhaps Pink Diamond’s affections went a bit deeper---that perhaps she grew to develop a real fondness for the Earth and its inhabitants, and wanted to call the destruction off.
However . . .
Because the timeline is a bit fuzzy, we don’t know precisely what went down back then. Even the Diamonds are in the dark; Blue Diamond is desperate to know how Rose shattered Pink Diamond because all they have are vague eyewitness accounts. Furthermore, although we’ve been told this entire time that the Diamonds collectively wanted to ravage the Earth, it’s possible that Pink didn’t (as described above), or that she changed her mind . . . but that even if she had, the other Diamonds wouldn’t be so easily convinced. Blue might have been able to be reasoned with, but could Yellow be? Could White, whom we know literally nothing about? It’s possible that Pink felt that even if her opinion on the Earth had changed, reasoning with the other Diamonds was impossible. It’s also possible that she felt that so long as her court no longer had a Diamond to leave them, the Earth would be left alone, or at the very least the soldiers in the other courts would be more easily beaten back if they had a fearsome enough opponent battling against them . . . and that’s when Pink’s plan formed.
Enter Rose Quartz.
Again, from my memory, the timeline is fuzzy. Do we know for sure whether Rose had already formed the Crystal Gems before or after Pink’s shattering? It’s possible we do know and I’m forgetting, but in any case, Rose either was or wasn’t already part of the rebellion when Pink Diamond was shattered. Regardless of whether she was or wasn’t, the results can be the same. Either she was still a member of Pink Diamond’s court at the time and Pink Diamond pulled her aside to hatch this plan (knowing that Rose found Earth nice just as Pink herself did), or Rose was leading the rebellion and Pink had this plan passed along to her anyway. Either way, Pink Diamond planned to orchestrate her own shattering and to have Rose Quartz be the one to do it for two reasons:
If she was shattered, her forces would lose their leader and would retreat to Homeworld, making it easier for the rebellion to fight back remaining Gems
If she was shattered by the leader of the rebellion, that would make Rose Quartz both infamous and insanely formidable. No ordinary Gem would want to do combat with one that had shattered a Diamond.
In Pink’s mind, this plan was foolproof. Rose Quartz would shatter her, the Earth would be defended, and no one else would be any the wiser, because they would keep this plan between them. (Because after all, if it got out that it was orchestrated by Pink Diamond herself, not only would chaos erupt back on Homeworld, but that would make Rose lose her credibility and reputation as being fearsome, which would make the Homeworld Gems more likely to challenge her.) It’s entirely possible and even probable, of course, that Rose was uncomfortable with this plan. It’s even more possible and probable that it’s because she went through with it that she developed an repulsion to shatter Gems from that point further. Shattering Pink Diamond---taking her life---could have permanently scarred and traumatized Rose to the point where the mere idea of ever doing something like that again was abhorrent to her. This could be why she was so vehemently against the Breaking Point when Bismuth brought it up, depending on where Bismuth and Rose’s falling out over the Breaking Point took place. Bismuth was coming from a place of wanting to win the war, but Rose was coming from a place of never wanting to take another life ever again after she did it the first time. These two places aren’t necessarily reconcilable (at least not easily), which is what led to the conflict.
Pink Diamond comes up with this plan, convinces Rose Quartz to go through with it, and that’s how the shattering happens. They told no one, but those in Pink Diamond’s court are not going to question her if she decides to stop her palanquin. They can’t refuse to let her out. Even if her sapphires tried to warn her, that doesn’t mean she has to listen to them. She wouldn’t, if this was her plan to begin with. She’d act dismissively and go through with it anyway, because she wanted this to happen.
. . . And then there’s Pearl.
Again, the timeline is fuzzy, but it’s incredibly possible that Pearl was already in love with Rose at this time. If that’s the case, then Pearl---who is not in on this plan, who doesn’t know that this is Pink Diamond’s orchestration all along---is caught between her love and her duty in that one moment, balanced on a sword’s edge. She is already in love with Rose Quartz, who makes her feel as if she’s special, an individual, everything. But she was created to serve her Diamond. Pearl is incredibly smart; even though she wasn’t aware that this was all part of Pink Diamond’s plan, she could probably see what was about to happen right before it did. Her own weapon is a sword. She could have jumped in the middle to stop Rose Quartz, to defend her Diamond. She could have, as Blue Zircon pointed out, shouted a warning . . .
. . . but she didn’t.
Pink Diamond could have no doubt easily shattered Rose on her own, or at the very least poofed her. She didn’t need Pearl’s help to do that, if she wanted to. But if Pearl did help her, then she absolutely would poof (at best) or shatter (at worst) Rose, and Pearl couldn’t bear for that to happen. She already had strong feelings for Rose Quartz, and didn’t want to see her hurt. So in that moment, she was frozen---paralyzed---with the knowledge of what she was supposed to do, juxtaposed with what her heart was screaming at her. She stood by and watched as Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond, the one Pearl was sworn to protect. And then, when Rose Quartz fled the scene . . .
. . . Pearl went with her.
Pearl’s strong reactions whenever Pink Diamond’s shattering is brought up are not caused by the knowledge that she did the deed herself and has let Rose Quartz take the blame (which doesn’t really make sense, given her devotion to Rose, because I can’t see her willingly letting Steven bash Rose for the even if it would mean admitting to the deed herself). Rather, Pearl’s reactions are spurred by the feeling of betrayal she has within herself, the knowledge that she betrayed not only her Diamond, but the original reason for her existence when she stood by and allowed Rose to shatter Pink. Pearl does not regret her decision. If she could turn back the clock, she would make the same choice all over again. But the fact that she doesn’t regret her actions (or inaction, rather) doesn’t mean that she can’t still feel a heavy sense of guilt whenever it’s brought up. Just as that could have been a traumatizing incident for Rose, it could have been for Pearl as well. Pearl can feel responsible not because she, personally, shattered Pink Diamond, but because she was complicit in the shattering. Because she could tell what was going to happen, moments before it did, and did nothing to intervene. Because rather than stay behind and help the rest of Pink’s court pick up the pieces (literally) and do her duty to Homeworld, she decided to run away and join the Crystal Gem’s, and Rose’s rebellion. Because she, effectively, chose Rose Quartz over Pink Diamond, and while she would make the same choice again, and again, and again, that doesn’t change the fact that she knows it wasn’t what she was supposed to do---that while it’s right in her heart, it’s not right in the mind of everything she had ever known prior to that point. Pearl feels guilt, yes, but her guilt comes from the fact that she committed the highest form of treason that day when she decided to stand by and watch, and she knows it.
. . . Or at least, she thinks she knows it, because the truth is that it was all meant to happen from the start. But that is something she doesn’t know, because Rose never told her. It wasn’t out of a lack of trust---we all know that Rose trusted Pearl---but rather because the fewer people who know, the fewer chances there are that the truth could escape. Further, we know that Rose tends to keep secrets, particularly over incidents she feels guilty about herself (e.g. Bismuth), so it isn’t at all out of the question for her to have never told Pearl that shattering Pink Diamond was actually Pink Diamond’s idea, and instead keep that card close to her chest until the day she died (or, er, turned into Steven).
I’m sure that, eventually, we’ll all learn the truth one way or the other, and it’s entirely possible that all of the above is completely wrong. But I could definitely see the show taking a turn like this, particularly because it would still throw the question of Rose Quartz’s morality right in Steven’s face. Since one of the main points behind the show is less about who-did-what and more about Steven figuring out what’s right (according to Rebecca Sugar), I think the above theory could fit in line with that.
But we’ll see. :)
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lemedy · 7 years
 Let’s just go ahead and assume I will adore all blue gems on this show
EYEBALL RUBY?? Guess Navy made good and found all of her girlfriends? Or has only Eyeball been recovered?
What the fuck else do I need to say about Blue Zircon that hasn’t already been said. She’s Phoenix Wright. SHE GOT SO CAUGHT UP IN THE QUEST FOR TRUTH THAT SHE FUCKED UP AND GOT HERSELF POOFED.
Sounds like something Nick would do
Will Zircon’s next form be her hobo phase.
I’m especially fond of the Ruby/Pearl fusion whose name escapes me and I am too lazy and tired to go look up. Her. I am fond of her.
And the tiny little Sapphire who can’t vision correctly. SHE’S TRYING HER BEST.
…okay I was a little spoiled for that, so not quite a big SHOCK TWIST spoiler. Curse CN and it’s apparent need to leak every fucking thing.
But this really is the first time I’ve given an actual shit about Lars? I’m proud of this kid? He overcame his fear and risked his life to help a group of gems that he barely knows, and he actually died trying to save everyone.
Although of course they were never going to kill him off for real.
And oh man, Lars making the choice to stay behind. THAT’S A BIG DEAL, that’s a big change the story is committing to. Lars won’t come back for (I am assuming) a good while. He is staying behind on the hostile Homeworld, with the off-colours gang. THEY HAVE ADOPTED HIM.
Not only that, but he’s changed. He’s not human anymore – like jesus, is Lars now kind of immortal, like the gems?
What the fuck are his parents going to think? And I give zero shits about their relationship, but I am fond of Sadie, so: I guess she’s going to be a tad upset by this??
There goes my theory that Lion’s a Pink Diamond shard.
THAT WAS A GOOD BOMB. Sincerely one of the best of the show so far. I am fascinated with what they’re already doing with S5, and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.
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