#I’m just eating peanuts and thinking abt.....love?
prager-lover · 1 year
Recom Headcannons!!
These are my own, if ya aint like em, get over it :)
Send me your own, love hearing from others, also these are sfw, let me know if y’all would be interested in nsfw ones too, also these arent all the recoms, just ones i wanted to think abt
+ Was lowkey upset when he realized his new recombinant body doesnt have his old scars he got as a human, absentmindedly runs his hands over where they used to be and doesnt get used to the now smooth skin in their place
+ Wishes he had a rocking chair cuz hes a geriatric ass bitch
+ Used to be adventurous when he was younger, eating live bugs and worms that other military goons egged him on to eat but he learned from countless nights of endless vomitting to not be TOO much of a dumbass
+ Avid Kanye fan
+ Randomly sings The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang (Listen to the song and try telling me i’m wrong)
+ Can fall asleep anytime, any place in under 2 minutes but wakes up quickly too
+ Loves Blueberry muffins
+ Has at least 10 pairs of Pit Vipers
+ Twists his tail around in his hand when hes nervous 
+ Mansk tried teaching her how to cook and she almost burned a hole through a pan somehow, so she sticks to MREs when she’s alone
+ Gently bites the chocolate coating off from around peanut m&ms, then eats the peanut
+ Loves green, red and purple skittles only and if you try telling her they all taste the same she will punch you in the face
+ Has a Rosary tattoo
+ Mad skills on a skate board, is trying to get scientists on Pandora to make him a custom sized skateboard since the human ones are too small
+ Likes whacking humans on the back of the head with his tail as he walks past them, but denies it was him
+Likes watching youtube videos of people making bead bracelets and necklaces but mutes the sound if they talk, he just wants to hear the beads clack
+Takes Z-dog's yellow and orange skittles since she doesnt like them
+ The only thing that he was excited for when he woke up as a recom was the new and improved human weapons that had been developed while he was dead
+ Sings Somebody to Love by Queen at least three times during drunk karaoke
+ Tears bits of lined paper and tissues off and eats them
+ Uses an android
+ Loves milk, can sit down and just have a nice glass of milk, sometimes warm milk
+ Cant tolerate caffeine at all, you give him a can of energy drink and he is off the walls 
+Speaks insanely fast when he’s nervous or hyper
+ Can and will sing the entire Mamma Mia soundtrack
+ Theatre kid in disguise
+ Genuinely find Progressive Insurance Ads funny (bless his soul)
+ Loves gummy worms but not the sour kind
+ Sneaker head
+ Shits on Prager for using an Android
+ Can recite American Psycho from memory
+ Looks like a pretentious douchebag because he is one, but is very kind to select people
Felt silly so i typed this up literally 10 mins before work okay bye have a good day
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jabesa0 · 7 months
I'm so sorry, but I seemingly foam at the mouth whenever you draw Mammon. You draw him so gorgeously... the aesthetics are off the chain. ALSO, side note- I wish I could eat the chocolates in the valentines picture. Just wanted to let you know my appreciation.
aahhh thank you!! Like I always say, I try my very best when drawing mammon so I can draw him as handsome and pretty as I possibly can!! I try my best to nail down a certain aesthetic with each piece and I’m glad that you enjoy them ^^!!
With every mammon drawing I decide if I wanna do a more hot route or a more cool route or a more cute one and then I go from there with fashion and expression choices!! I am quite stupid but trust when it comes to mammon drawings, I try to put a lot of thought into it!!
Also sameee I love fancy chocolates!! I haven’t eaten any sort of special ones in a while but I still think abt them 🤤🤤 my favorite chocolates are always one with peanut or hazelnut in/on them so I made sure the one he was holding had something like that :P!!
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demxters · 2 years
Hi, I’m the anon abt the fish breathing. I don’t think she answered, I think the teacher just looked at me weird and then focused on the paper again. Lmfao. I’m doing fine w/ the allergic reaction, I like to joke around and say ‘fuck around and find out’ when it comes to peanut butter but I’m pretty good at not eating something that might have it.
I have said stupid things all my life and it makes me happy to share them and for others to laugh about it. I mean, how can u joke about others but not joke about yourself?
I have plenty more if u ever wanna hear them!
i’m glad you’re doing alright! i’m absolutely loving your positive mentality ;) the confidence you have to want to share your little moments is so sweet, i love how you don’t hold back
your stories really did make my day today. i’ve been having a rough time lately so these gave me a good giggle! if ever you want to share more, my inbox is always open lol
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hawnks · 4 years
bakugou being forced to go be social with his friends and when he comes home, social battery drained, he just silently pulls you into a big bear hug that lasts forever so he can recharge
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒕
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Hiii I don't know if you take request but can i request like a chris evans x reader like the reader and chris are married and chris is having a bad day or something so chris go out to the pub and go home drunk and its been going for 3 days and the reader and chris has a 6year old and the reader have been doing all the work and taking care of they're daughter and they're daughter miss chris bc chris is never home and just go home until 12 or 2 in the morning or if chris is home he never play with her daughter and they're daughter is sad abt it bc they're daughter though chris doesn't love her anymore and chris miss her play in school even though chris promise so that day when chris miss her daughter's play the reader confront chris abt it and chris said he doesn't care abt his daughter and he said he didn't know why he married the reader bc she's clingy but chris didn't know that they're daughter heard what chris said abt her and chris didn't know also that the reader is 6-7 weeks pregnant and the reader and chris heard they're daughter sob and that moment chris realize it all his mistakes? and apologize to them idk if this make sense and im sorry if this is so longg, thank you in advance stay safe! <3
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔, 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔, 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒍
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒅𝒂𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕
"What did you say?" You stood in front of Chris, your heart breaking in your chest. The both of you were in the middle of a fight and chris side something you never thought he would ever think about saying.
It all started a few weeks ago. Chris has been away, going straight to the bar right after working. He didn't come back home till 12am leaving your 6 year old wondering if she was loved by him.
Two weeks prior
You heard the front door open as you laid in bed. Sighing, you looked over at the clock seeing that it was almost one am. This was the third time this week.
You sat up as you heard Chris footsteps approaching. The door swung open revealing Chris. "Where have you been?" You questioned. Chris approached the bed, he didn't even glance at you. The smell of alcohol filled the air telling you where he was all day.
"out." Chris began to pull off his Jacket. You rolled your eyes, "out... Where? You smell like alcohol, have you been at the bar?"
Chris rolled his eyes, "y/n, get off my back. Every day I come back you question me." He threw his coat to the floor before he walked out of the room. You don't know where he was going nor did you care at this point. He was being a huge dick right now and you hope he snaps out of it.
The next morning you woke to your alarm clock. You pressed snooze, shutting off the annoying sound. You let out a stretch as you turned around. Chris wasn't on his side of the bed, the blanket were pulled back, a empty cold space was there. You sighed as you kicked the covers off your body. You weren't even going to think about Chris, all you were worried about was your daughter isabella, and getting her ready for school.
The door slightly creaked as you pushed it open. You saw isabella sleeping soundly in her bed, her princess blankets covering her so well.
You walked straight to the window, opening the curtains before shaking isabella awake. "Time to get up honey."
Isabella stirred, she peered at you before a smile creeped on her face. She's been doing that ever since she was a little peanut, smiling every time she saw you and Chris. It was so sweet and it made you very happy.
"hi mommy. She pushed the blanket back letting out a big stretch. "Good morning bug. You ready to get ready for school?"
Isabella nodded, "yeah."
"okay, then let's go."
Isabella sat at the table eating her cereal. You were preparing her lunch for her when she asked you a question. "Mommy, why is daddy never home?"
You looked up at her; you weren't sure what to say. "Umm.. he has a lot of work to do and he has to be away so yeah, that's why he's never home." Isabella nodded, "okay, I'm done with my cereal." She Hopped out of her chair and walked over to you. "Okay, I got your lunch for you, you get your backpack and let's go."
Isabella grabbed her backpack off of the couch before you both were on your way to her school.
After dropping isabella off, you were on your way. You had an doctors appointment due to feeling Nauseous and throwing up everything you ate.
You pulled into the parking lot, parking your car in an open space. You shut off the car before you got out and made your way In. It wasn't packed which was nice.
You filled out the information you needed to before you turned it back in and waited.
It was a 15 minute wait before your name was called. You walked back with the doctor who also found out you were having isabella.
"How have you been?" She asked walking into the room after you. "I've been great." She mumbled a nice before logging into her computer. "How has isabella been? She is 6 now right?"
You nodded as you smiled. "Yes, a happy, energetic 6 year old." The doctor laughed, "that's amazing. Okay I'm going to get an ultrasound because you may be pregnant from the symptoms you've told me. So I'm going to need you to lay down and lift your shirt."
You mumbled an ok doing what she said. In that moment you grew nervous.
She placed cold gel on your stomach before placing the wand on it. It took some time before she found the baby on the monitor.
"you are pregnant Mrs Evans." She said turning to you. You clasped your hands over your mouth as you eyes filled with tears. "Oh my gosh." You sniffed "I can't believe it."
Your doctor wiped the gel off and congratulated you. You thanked her. She gave you some information for a healthy pregnancy before she let you go your own way. You got in your car and shed some tears. You were extremely happy.
Later that day you picked up isabella. As you stood outside waiting for her you couldn't help but think about isabella having a little brother or sister.
You snapped out of your daze as you saw isabella running towards you. "Hi honey." You said as you kneeled down to her height. She wrapped her arms around you giving you a big hug. "Did you have a good day?"
Isabella pulled away, "yeah! I going to be in a play." She pulled away and handed you the paper that was in her hand. "The wizard of oz. Honey I'm so proud of you." You stood up and took her hand led her back to the car.
"I can't wait to tell daddy." Isabella said. Your stomach did a little flip. You forgot about Chris. "Yeah, how about I call him and you tell him?"
Isabella nodded, "okay." You got her in the car before you did. You pulled your phone out a dialed chris' number. It rung a few times before Chris picked.
"hi." Chris said. He didn't smile like he used to you noticed. You ignored that, "um isabella has something to tell you." You passed the phone back to isabella.
"hi daddy!" Isabella smiled at Chris through the phone. Chris laughed, "hi bub, what do you have to tell me?"
"I got to tell you I'm going to be in a play."
Chris gasped, "that's amazing baby." Isabella laughed agreeing. "Are you going to be there?"
There was a brief silence before Chris spoke. "Yeah, of course. I promise."
Present day
Your legs bounced as you looked around the crowd room. It was the day of isabella's play. You were waiting for Chris who said he would be there. The play was about to start but he was nowhere to be seen.
"you sighed softly as you looked down at your phone. You kept texting him but there was no response. Your frustration was growing. If he misses this it would be the worse thing ever.
You sat back in your seat trying to relax. Even if he didn't come, you were there for isabella.
Chris didn't come and they play soon started. You watched as she did her acting. She was amazing, a little star in the making.
When it was over you went backstage to pick her up. "Mommy did I do a good job?" She asked you. "You did an amazing job." Isabella smiled. "Thanks... Where's day?" She asked looking around. You felt your heart sink in your chest, you didn't want to hurt her feeling but you had to tell her.
"hes not her baby. I'm sorry." Isabella eyes started to fill with tears, "why?" You pulled her into a hug. "I don't know honey but the only thing that matters is that you did an amazing job and I'm very proud of you okay?"
You pulled away and wiped her stray tear away. "Okay." You stood up, "um let's go. We going to go to a restaurant since you did so good." Isabella laughed, "yay."
You and isabella had a nice dinner, just the two of you. Even though she was very smiley, you can see the pain in her eyes. You felt guilty even though it wasn't even your fault. You were getting sick of Chris not being there, it was time to confront him.
After putting isabella to bed, you waited for him. Just like other nights he came home around 12am. As you heard the door open you walked to the foyer, your arms crossed over your chest, and a frown on your face.
Chris shut the door before turning around. When he saw you he sighed.
"are you fucking kidding me?" You said. Chris looked at you, "what?"
You scoffed, "you missed isabella's play. You promised you would be there and you fucking broke it."
"oh y/n, fuck off with your bullshit. I wish I never fucking married you. And you know what forget isabella, I don't care about her stupid play. You both have been down my throat for weeks, I wish I didn't know you two."
You breath was caught in your throat as he said those things. "What did you say?" You looked at him, your blood boiling and your heart was breaking.
Chris was about to speak again but you were interrupted by a cry. You looked up the stairs seeing isabella. She was crying, she heard everything. She ran back to her room leaving you and Chris. You could stop the tears forming in your eyes.
You turned back to Chris. "Fuck you, you're disgusting." You ran up the stairs going to get isabella. You weren't going to spend the night here, you just couldn't. You took isabella with you to a hotel leaving Chris in your house.
As hours went on and Chris sobered up his words ate at him. He sat on the kitchen floor crying to himself. "What the fuck have I just done?"
I'm going to make it two parts. I'll get to writing the next. Sorry it's kinda harsh
@chris-butt @patzammit @bval-1 @raveviolet @mrsbbarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captianamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @katiew1973 @andreasworlsboring101 @skepticnovak @funfickgirl22 @hxnesthxneybee @christhickevans @melchills-j @franchesca-791 @moonlacebeam @annasworld14 @areamir
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mokutone · 3 years
points a water pistol at u talk abt kakashi dog nose science or else.
OH NOOOO this is a stick up...alright, alright! u've forced my hand...more kakashi nose science!!!!! my favorite but most complicated kakashi canine nose hc is like. okay so both humans and dogs have a vomeronasal organ (also called the jacobson organ sometimes) BUT humans have lost almost all of our ability to use this! dogs have not.
(stanley coren, whomst i have a love-hate relationship with his work, theorized that the reason we lost our ability to use this organ was Because our relationship to protodog-canines meant that we could outsource mechanisms of that (like tracking prey) to the dogs!) but this isn't a stanley coren talk this is a vomernasal organ kakashi nose chakras talk
the vomeronasal organ is used to interpret ectohormones and other scents typically undetectable to humans—which probably plays a large part in how dogs are able to so quickly identify feelings of anxiety or other similar chemical signatures in their handlers! this in mind, when i write or draw kakashi, it's usually with the idea that he's generally fairly aware of the way other people are feeling—not that this means he's any good at reacting to those feelings! no amount of knowing that somebody is anxious is going to give him understanding of how to help sdkjghsdkghs there's also an interesting space to explore in how to /write/ about somebody who has such an expansive understanding of smell—like to me my grandparents smell like cigarettes and peanut butter cookies—but i know that they don't "actually" smell like that, it's just that those smells cling to them, and, human as I am that's kind of the depth of what I can experience! but when dogs recognize the scent of an individual, it's not the scents that cling to them, perfume or deodorant, foods they eat, places they've been—they're aware of those things, but when a dog knows our scent, they're recognizing something more like an expression of our genetics (which is why dogs sometimes have trouble telling unfamiliar identical twins apart by scent!) if we were to expect Kakashi to have those kind of skills, writing say about how he experiences the smell of the people around him might be interesting and complicated—Naruto, despite having had no contact with his parents and no shared items from his parents, no shared cooking, nothing, would still probably smell a little like Kushina and Minato—or, assuming that the nine tailed fox has a chemical affect on Naruto as well (it probably would!) it might have a smell as well. Tsunade and Yamato both might share traces of Hashirama. (Also Yamato might just smell a little bit plant-y in general bc the use of mokuton is something which is genetic to him.
Artistically it presents an interesting challenge—how to describe a sense or feeling that we don't have the capability to experience? I love it because it feels like a challenge well met by poetic language and metaphor.
for example, writing isn't something i've been trained in, but here's how i try to handle it:
"Tenzō, who had been standing over him with a small bowl in one hand, the other braced against Kakashi’s shoulder to shake him awake, said nothing. He put the bowl down and withdrew his hand, but Kakashi still caught that bright whiff of cortisol, as familiar to him as ash to a smoker."
i describe cortisol (an important hormone in stress reactions) as smelling bright because that's typically a visual word, so it already puts this kind of scent in an abstract realm, and because i'm thinking of it like a flare—my first instinct was to call it acrid—a scent word for a scent description, but then i just...kept thinking abt like. grapefruit smell, and i am certain that since this is a scent which already exists under its own chemical makeup, whatever stress smells like to dogs, it's not that
ANYWAY i hope this makes sense and is interesting!
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
Your O'Knutzy writing is my favourite thing! I feel like Logan is very clingly...wanna write me so cute/soft headcanons abt it? Or when they boys are sick?:))))
hey hey, so i.... deviated... from the prompt I’M SORRY. like i was writing sick logan and somehow i couldn’t channel the clingy whiny part of him. maybe bc i get all awkward, guys-i’m-fine-stop-fussing when i’m sick sooooooo. honestly ngl this took a while to write, it’s been a rough two or so days and i’m just exhausted at the moment. it’s far from how i wanted it to be, but it’s bugging me and i want to post it, so here it is. hope you like it anyway! characters by @lumosinlove.
Logan wakes up one Sunday morning, head pounding and freezing his butt off. He has no idea what time it is, and he tries to open his eyes to check the time on his phone screen, but the moment he even tries to move, it feels like he’s going to throw up. 
His whole body hurts and he’s sweating under the covers, but he simply cannot find the energy to throw them off him.
Exhausted, he lets himself drift off into unconsciousness again, until he’s woken up by knocking on his door some time later. He groans, pulling his pillow over his head and hoping that whoever it is will stop fuelling his raging migraine.
When he hears Dumo’s worried voice, however, he sighs and musters up enough energy to yell a very hoarse and scratchy come in that makes him sound like a crying horse.
Dumo nudges the door open with his hip and enters the basement, holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water with some pills in his hands. “How are you feeling, mon fils?” He asks softly as he approaches Logan’s bed.
“How—” Logan’s voice cracks and he coughs. “How did you know?”
“Well, five out of seven people in this house are currently down with the flu, and it’s currently eleven in the morning but you’re still not up yet. Wasn’t hard to figure that you’d be the sixth,” He shrugs, placing the tray on the cramped nightstand by his bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, and Logan scoots closer under the covers so Dumo can press the back of his hand to his forehead.
“Merde, you’re burning up. Do you want me to bring down some painkillers for you?” Dumo asks, frowning as he combs Logan’s long brown fringe back, away from his sweaty forehead.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, Dumo,” Logan rasps out, choking at the end as he dissolves into another round of coughs.
Dumo tuts, shaking his head worriedly as he clasps a hand on Logan’s shoulder before standing up. He mumbles to himself in French while he lets himself out of the room, and Logan buries himself further under the covers.
He wakes up again when a warm hand brushes his face, tracing across his cheekbone. He frowns and crinkles his nose, making an incoherent sound as he sniffles, trying to clear his blocked nose.
“Hey, did I wake you up?” A quiet voice asks apologetically, and Logan instinctively leans into the touch. Leo.
“Mmmm, but s’ok,” Logan whispers, his hand emerging from under the duvet to close around Leo’s wrist.
“How’re you feeling?” A second voice pitches in.
“What do you think?” He scoffs, turning his head for a moment so he can sneeze into his elbow. 
“Ooh, someone’s moody,” Finn’s grinning face comes into focus as Logan blinks a few times, letting his eyes adjust to the light. He scowls, and Finn’s gaze softens. “Aww, I’m just teasing you, babe. C’mon, can you sit up?”
Leo slides a hand under Logan’s back and helps him shift into a sitting position, propped up against the headboard with the pillows cushioning his back. Finn picks up the bowl of soup and crosses over to the other side of the bed, carefully climbing onto the mattress and planting himself beside Logan, cross legged and facing him. 
He gives the soup a few good stirs with the spoon in his hand, squints at the bowl, and frowns. “It got cold.”
Without another word, he gets up and stalks out of the room. 
Logan blinks. “I could’ve just drank that. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Leo’s mouth quirks in a lopsided grin. “You know what he’s like. A complete baby at times, but he’s such a mom when it comes to things like this.”
Logan manages a weak laugh, which tapers off into a dry cough. “Fuck, I hate being sick.”
Leo grabs the glass of water and brings it up to Logan’s lips, and he closes his fingers around the glass, taking a few big gulps, letting out a satisfied ahhh when he drains the glass within the span of several seconds.
“Dumo called you two over?” He asks, frowning slightly.
“Mmhm, texted us saying you were ill, that the whole family’s ill, actually—” Leo tosses him a sympathetic look. “But yeah, Dumo’s alone in this, even Celeste can barely get out of bed, so we’re his reinforcements.”
He grins, and turns around as Finn re-enters the room with the same bowl of soup, now piping hot.
“Right, ‘m back, went to reheat the soup, Dumo’s a mess up there, with the kids just, y’know,” Finn rambles absentmindedly as he climbs back onto the bed, the soup sloshing dangerously close to the rim of the bowl.
“I swear, if you spill that…”
“I won’t, now stop talking and drink this,” Finn chides without malice. He scoops a spoonful of the scalding soup, lifts it to his mouth to blow on it gently, and turns his wrist so he can direct the spoon to hover right in front of Logan’s face.
“I— I can do it myself, Harz,” Logan splutters.
“I’m sure you can, babe, I’d be worried if you couldn’t. Now hurry up before I actually do spill this.”
Logan sighs and parts his lips, letting Finn tip the spoonful into his mouth. He sighs, closing his eyes as he feels the warm liquid slide down his throat, and he instantly feels a lot less groggy. 
Finn insists on feeding him the whole bowl of soup, whereas Leo helps to bring in a cold, damp cloth from the bathroom to press against Logan’s forehead. 
“Mes amours, I’ll be fine,” Logan awkwardly chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, not used to having people fuss over him like this. 
Leo gives him a strange look, and Finn grins. “You’re blushing! How adorable. I never thought I’d see the day where you’re embarrassed by people taking care of you.”
“No, I’m not,” Logan says indignantly, but Finn bursts out into laughter.
“You so are. I love this, oh my god.”
“Fuck you,” Logan rasps out, and does a weird, painful combination of a sneeze and a cough. 
“Okay, okay, let’s get some rest, hmm? But,” Leo points a finger at him. “Medicine first.”
Damn it.
Logan was hoping that they’d forget about it. He slowly slides downwards, further under the covers, and looks away when Leo holds out the pills in his hand.
“Wha— C’mon, babe,” Leo’s free hand attempts, and fails, to tug the covers off of Logan. “You’re not gonna recover if you don’t take your meds.”
“Don’t wanna,” Logan replies, voice muffled by the duvet covering his mouth.
“Is it the pills?” Finn frowns. “You still don’t take pills after all these years?”
Logan glares at Finn, who looks genuinely surprised for a moment, before he schools his expression, giving the brunette a small smile.
“Okay, okay,” He holds his hands up in front of him in surrender. “Hey, Peanut, give me those. I’ll be back.”
Leo hands Finn the pills, and the redhead leaves the room once again, Leo staring at the door closing.
He slides his hand beneath the duvet and locates Logan’s hand. He laces their fingers together, resting over Logan’s heart and he smiles at him tenderly.
“S’ok, mon chou,” He squeezes Logan’s hand, and he melts at how loving and caring his two boys are towards him. He lets himself snuggle closer to Leo, and Leo runs a hand through Logan’s hair soothingly, helping to ease his headache into a dull throb.
When Finn comes back into the room, grinning like the cheshire cat, Logan can’t help himself.
“What the fuck?” He croaks out.
“Is he allowed to eat that?” Leo asks, startled.
“Yeah, ice cream’s actually good for when you’re sick,” Finn answers, giving them a smug grin. He climbs back onto the bed, beside Logan, and hands him the bowl.
Logan eyes the two scoops of dark chocolate ice cream warily. “Where’re the pills, Harz?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Finn retorts with an exaggerated wink.
“You know,” Leo’s hand freezes and he leans closer to Logan’s ear. “You need to take your meds if you wanna be strong again, hmm? You’ll definitely need your strength for what I’ve planned for you.”
Logan shivers as Leo’s breath tickles his ear and the hand closed around his moves lower, trailing lightly across his abdomen.
“Playing dirty, eh, Peanut?”
“Oh, I’ll show you dirty,” Leo licks his lips, voice low and tone teasing.
Finn clears his throat and nods his head towards the bowl still in Logan’s hand.
“You’re gonna make me finish this, aren’t you?” Logan sighs defeatedly, rubbing his face against the sleeve of his hoodie wearily. 
Finn does a mock bow, which looks ridiculous considering he’s seated down, body half twisted to face him. “Any time now, Your Highness.”
Logan rolls his eyes, but lets go of Leo’s hand to pick up the spoon. He tries his best not to think about the pills buried somewhere within the scoops of ice cream, and he shovels spoonful after spoonful into his mouth while leaning against Leo’s side.
He reckons he tasted the bitterness of the pills at some points, but overall he has to admit that it’s better than he expected. Finn looks like a proud mom when Logan finishes the final scoop and leans his head back against Leo’s shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut.
Leo pulls the empty bowl out of Logan’s hands and turns around to place them on the nightstand. 
“How’re you feeling, baby?” Finn whispers, moving closer so he can wrap an arm around Logan’s shoulders. 
Logan just nods and hums a noncommittal response, full and warm and satisfied. He feels Leo adjusting his position so they’re lying side by side on the bed, Logan in Finn’s arms and Leo spooning him from the back. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs into Finn’s chest, feeling his mind drift in and out of focus once again.
A soft kiss is pressed onto the top of his head, and he mentally thanks Dumo for calling his boys, his perfect boys, over to the house. He feels much better now; his head has almost completely stopped pounding, he’s stopped sweating through his hoodie, and he feels loved. 
Logan falls right back asleep with a smile on his face, not even stirring when the door creaks open and Marc stumbles in, piling on top of the boys, right between him and Finn. He definitely doesn’t stir when Dumo stands in the doorway with his phone out to snap a picture of the four boys huddled together on the bed, tired beyond belief, but with the biggest smile he’s ever had all day.
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 4 years
Was just reminded of the first place I lived after moving out of my mom's house, and the nightmare therein, so I'm gonna share that story i guess lol
I lived in Florida at the time and made $6.75/hr for, on avg, 15 hrs/wk, so a then-friend and I rented the cheapest place we could find, which was abt $600/mo, right next to the landlord's house. It was a fixer-upper for sure; i spent the week before moving in scrubbing cigarette stains from the walls and cleaning who-knows-what from inside the oven, but i was just happy to be out of my mom's house, yknow?
Then the roaches showed up.
Now, any floridian can tell you that roaches are a normal sight there, once in a while. Doesn't matter how clean your house is, they apparently just love air conditioning. I grew up in Florida; I sure wasnt scared of any damn roach, and would usually just catch and release bc I don't like to kill things. But then we went from seeing one a week to one a day to 5 in an afternoon and it was clearly escalating.
Around this time the landlord asked me to watch his house and look after his animals while he was away. Sure, I said, happy to help! So he went on a trip to NY and I went to walk and feed his two normal dogs and one murder dog, spare key in hand.
I opened the door. Sunlight poured in from behind me. The floor moved.
Every inch of carpet untouched by the light writhed with six-legged life; the sound of hundreds of thousands of tiny scritches as they climbed over each other to escape etched itself into my eardrums. I wondered, distantly, if this is how Moses felt when he parted the red sea; if the water sometimes slid across the cleared path when he walked through.
I assure you this is not exaggerated in any way. This house made Joe's Apartment look barren. I shook roaches off my legs with each step. I poured the dog food and they ran up the sides of the bag to climb my arms. I filled the water bowls and watched as a particularly massive roach ran to the edge of the faucet above my hands and the bowl, stood on its back legs, spun briefly and fell over dead in an act that would give Sean Bean a run for his money. I looked up and one fell on my glasses with enough force to knock them back into the bridge of my nose.
With one hand I fed the animals while with the other I swatted at my hair and clothes, thinking the whole time about a story my mom told me: a story about a roach crawling into another kid's ear, during a sleepover she had attended as a kid.
Every day for almost a week I did this, and upon going home I would set traps and kill them whenever I spotted one, knowing it was only a matter of time until they came en masse. Only 8 feet of land separated the landlord's house from ours; I knew it was futile but give me credit for trying.
They were brazen and horrid things. The big ones were bad but the small ones were so much worse; I had never seen german cockroaches before, but after that point I saw them everywhere. I found them in my gamecube when I went to change discs. They fried my computer by attempting to nest in it. Eventually they ceased caring about stealth and started climbing on my bread in the 2 seconds it took to grab peanut butter.
We stopped cooking, we put our food in containers, we ate only packaged things, we cleaned constantly and killed them on sight. Still they came.
The tipping point was when we started waking up with little sores all over our bodies. Julian, who had moved in over winter holidays, awoke to find one chewing on his lower lip. They were eating us alive.
I had been determined to make it on my own, but I didnt have enough money for more traps or insecticides; my pride and stubbornness broke, and I asked my mom for advice. She bought us Advion and borax.
That did a little to dent their numbers, but it took 3 moves and several rounds of advion in tandem with generous application of diatomaceous earth to finally be rid of them.
There's no moral to this story other than fuck florida and fuck german cockroaches. I've seen some shit lol.
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angeltrapz · 3 years
helo beloved mutual connor, im sorry ur goin thru it rn but i come bearing asks n a heart emoji (💗): bcuz i have had this thought floatin around for a lil bit, wld love 2 hear ur takes on an Adam/Eric/Mallick (+ Art too if u want!) road trip vacation! how long wld they go, do they get motels or camp or just sleep in th car? whats everyone's favorite road trip snack? what sorta shit do they like 2 stop for? (weird tourist traps like giant balls of yarn etc, small town main street stores, cool looking restaurants, nature sites, Actual Destinations, so on n so forth!)
fjkdsd thank u beloved mutual adam,,, <3
ohhh I love tht idea!! road trip fics/hcs are one of my weaknesses,,
but um!! I rly like the idea of th four of them going camping a few hours up north!! (we... don't rly know where. SAW is set so just. imagine a vaguely rural campground lmao. I'm used to camping in th upper peninsula of MI so) it's smth tht Art did a lot w his family when he was growing up, so he's th most familiar w it - Eric went a few times as a kid too, Mallick went Once, n Adam has never rly been camping, w his family or otherwise (he's slept on a trampoline at one of his friends' houses once tho). Art is p excited abt it tbh, it's not exactly smth he gets 2 do often so he's got this whole list planned of things he wants 2 show them!!
it's easiest 2 just take a week in late August, bc they can head back home on a Friday n have the weekend to settle n readjust b4 th coming week + they have to go back 2 work. so they head out around ten on a Monday morning 2 kind of get ahead of th traffic (or at least try to). Art drives both bc he insists and bc he knows they can switch if he needs to, which he does later w Eric. it's a good couple hours (at least 3) b4 they get 2 th campground Art wants to take them to, so clearly it is Music Time + Adam made sure 2 bring CDs! a lot of that time is just spent vibing 2 th music and singing very, very loudly (ESP on Adam + Mallick's end). Art's up front like u three are so fucking goofy (affectionate), but eventually he starts singing too lmao.
Mallick starts th Colour Game, where they try 2 find a car fr every colour of th rainbow. it's smth Eric is familiar w as well bc he used 2 play it w Daniel sometimes, and it's good until they come to purple bc how often do u see purple cars??? so Adam's just like "we're not gonna find pink either" n tht's when this fucking pink pickup truck (noticeably spray-painted, + not done well) passes them n Adam just groans n thumps his head against th window. Mallick is like, trying rly hard not to laugh by pressing a hand over his mouth + Art is biting his lip, but Eric is very openly cackling bc "u see what happens when u assume???" (he gets a very light slap 2 th shoulder but it's still very gentle)
ANYWAY. favourite snacks!! Adam can eat Way Too Many Sour Patch Kids. sour anything, actually, as long as it's candy. yes his tongue hurts and no he doesn't regret it. Eric just gets goldfish bc he tends 2 get a lil carsick + bc it's a food tht's familiar n comforting, n he doesn't rly want 2 be eating anything Too heavy (he's up front w Art, so he can sit by a window in case he needs some fresh air at any point). Mallick likes m&m's, but he switches fr cheez-its every once in a while bc he can only eat so much chocolate. Art likes those peanut-butter filled pretzel bites! he's also partial 2 animal crackers tho. they also bring a good amount of snacks/things they can b sure th four of them like, bc yeah there's a lil store abt a half hour away frm their campsite + they can go there to pick up things if they need 2, but it's easier 2 bring things they like, too. (there's also a mcdonald's in tht town n. they do go there at LEAST twice.)
th campsite they stay at has a lake + a beach, n one of Art + Adam's fave things 2 do is walk along it to see if they can find anything interesting! Mallick goes sometimes too, but mostly he stays w Eric bc Eric can't do tht fr as long as Adam + Art can (not tht he's resentful of it tho). he n Mallick chill on th beach w a blanket (it's kind of like. not necessarily sandy?) n just kinda sit against/lay on each other n read sometimes. Adam + Art come back 2 where they're set up to find them sleeping n Adam has never been more thankful he thought 2 bring his camera!!
on th second day Art + Mallick want 2 go swimming, so th four of them come back out to th beach, but Adam stays out of th water + Eric stays w him. they both know th water will be cold, even if it's late summer, n Adam rly doesn't like being in cold water ESP if it's over his head/he can't touch th bottom. fr Eric th cold can b kind of painful, so they chill n walk along th beach fr a little bit n just talk. Adam gets some good pictures n even gets some of Eric! he also does take a selfie of them, he can't help it. he gets a couple of Mallick + Art too. it's honestly such a nice thing fr them n it just feels like they can breathe easy, not having 2 worry abt looking over their shoulders constantly (tho they're all getting better abt that).
th third day they spend around th campsite to kind of unwind n relax. they might walk th beach a little bit again, but mostly they just sorta chill n walk some of th trails around the campground itself. when night falls they light a small bonfire (Mallick is still iffy around fire, understandably) n they sit around it in their folding chairs w th cupholders (Adam gets red, Eric has green, Art gets blue, + Mallick gets dark green) n make s'mores. they talk abt anything n everything until they're barely able 2 keep their eyes open, n then after making sure th fire is pretty much out they kinda just stumble into th tent n none of them r awake for very long after (they specifically got one tht cld comfortably hold th four of them).
fourth day!! they pack up n head into another little town about 45 minutes away; it's bigger than th one around th campgrounds. after they get situated in a motel room w two beds, they do some window shopping + going into lil stores that interest them! Adam def buys some niche graphic tees tht aren't going 2 make sense to anyone other than th four of them n he's delighted abt it. I like 2 think Eric gets a worry stone, specifically made out of rose quartz. Mallick too, but his is made of amethyst! he also gets a rly cool multicoloured jacket in a thrift store they duck into. Art gets a hoodie w th town's name on it n he's pretty happy w that. they get a few more lil things, just little knick-knacks while they're there, n then they have dinner in this lil diner they'd walked past earlier bc it's inexpensive + the atmosphere is very lowkey n honestly just Nice. there's not a bunch of ppl, the servers r rly kind n the lights aren't too bright, which Eric rly appreciates. it's such a tender moment bc they're squeezed into a booth, Adam + Mallick on one side n Art + Eric on th other, n they're talking n laughing n stealing bites of each other's food n it's Comfortable.
then they head back to th motel n channel surf while unpacking enough 2 get to their sleep clothes. Adam + Eric r sharing a bed n Art + Mallick r sharing th other one, tho Adam is very tempted 2 just push them together so they're all close by (th distance btwn th beds isn't tht big to begin with, but it's the principle of th thing). mostly tho, until they go to bed, they're pretty much just all stretched out Everywhere. Adam is only discouraged frm jumping across th divide btwn th beds bc Art breaks out his Lawyer Voice, despite trying rly hard not to laugh, to say Yr Going To Hurt Yrself, Don't Do That. he grumbles n whines abt it but Adam knows he's right jdhjks (th way he sees it is like. he can b silly sometimes. he's Earned It, but he also trusts Art + wasn't super serious abt tht idea). eventually tho Eric can hardly keep his eyes open n Mallick is just straight up asleep while he's still sitting up so tht's when they all go to bed after making sure every1 is comfortable. they leave a lamp on.
fifth day they pack everything up again n stop 2 walk th trails of this lil park b4 they head home! there's a lil shop near th parking lot so they spend a lil bit of time looking around in there first. they probably pick up a few lil things, souvenirs, n Adam walks around 2 get some pictures. he gets this rly cool one while they're on a bridge, th sun peeking thru the clouds a lil bit n shining down on th water. he's super excited to develop tht one (but he's excited to develop All of them, bc this is his family!!!) + he n Art discuss whether or not they're gonna need another cork board lol. eventually tho they round back to th parking lot n on th way home, they stop at another lil hole-in-th-wall kind of place, but it's just as nice as the first one they'd been to. after tht Eric switches spots w Art n he drives them home!!
they're all exhausted when they get back but they have room to crash w each other while they nap so tht's what they do. they fall asleep all tangled together, Art stretched out w Eric's head on his chest, Adam curled against Eric's back, n Mallick w his head on Art's stomach. there r arms n legs everywhere n tht is okay. they're happy. they love each other. they had a lot of fun on their trip n they're tired, but they're comfortable!! tht's what it's all abt!!! it's just such a good n relaxing experience fr them after all th shit they've been thru.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Haha yes!! I trust you to go first! By the time you and Dylan land in the water I’ll get over my fear and force Jamie to jump w me lol. Ooo I feel like quinton and ryan would jump after? I just have that feeling. I’m can’t do any tricks but I would be in awe of you doing them!.
Aw thanks, but all in all it was a pretty toxic friend group and I’m glad that we are done :). I’m just focusing on sports and school. Oo I love sending you asks! You always respond and go along with my weird scenarios hehe. I’m glad we are connecting and becoming friends! You understand sports 💗 we be connecting real good w the team☺️
Pfffff is it weird that can imagine that?! Just us being chaotic and laughing at each other. Haha somebody walking by would be so confused. Just an entire hockey team and two girls(honestly it’s kind of a flex lol) . It’s probably easier to skate backward on ice hehe but it would be crazy if we did that on rollerblades but I think everyone would try?. I would probably land on my ass hehe and then one of them would land on me.
Yesss you tripping and pulling dyl down w you! Aw the hand holding 🥺 not gonna lie I would probably tease you lol .
Awww that’s nice that they let you in. I have no ice cream place near my house 😭 what’s your fav ice cream flavour. Also did u see the photo of Trevor Zegras, is he in Jamie’s jacket? It looks exactly like his?.
Ooo we would totally rock the gym hehe. I love working out, it makes me happy and I get to badly music. It would be sm fun to workout w them! Like if any of them asked me I would gladly join! I know, we have the same music taste, I was happy when they said they were playing 2000’s music! I vibe with that.
I can totally see you teaching them to swim and then racing w them! I’ll swim and then take photos hehe.
What other vacay activity would you do w them ? I was thinking abt going clubbing or just exploring the nightlife ?
Aww that sucks that she didn’t let you lol 😆
true i get those vibes from quinton and ryan, idk why. they just seem like once they saw a couple people in the water they would definitely go for it. and honestly to do tricks you kind of just have to go for it. like the first time you try to do a flip it’s lowkey really scary but then once you realize you aren’t gonna get hurt it’s really fun and then you can just practice your technique lol
i’m glad that you got out of your toxic friend group and are focusing on school and sports :) they’re both super important even tho i sometimes don’t act like it lol. i love your asks sm and i’m super happy that we’re becoming friends. and i feel like both our personalities would connect super well with the team☺️
yesss people walking by would be so confused lmaooo, but we would just be flexing on them hanging out with the team canada boys. and yes skating backwards is way harder on rollerblades and also slightly terrifying if you’re going downhill. and also because there are usually like rocks and stuff on the ground that you don’t really see. so yeah dyl would definitely be coming down with me, but it’s fine. also it’s fine you can make fun of me lol, all me irl friends do bc i injure myself all the time. one time i slipped and fell down an entire flight of stairs at school and my friend just goes “it’s brigid she’ll be fine” lmaoo 
yeah i honestly expected them to not let me in bc i didn’t have shoes, but at the same time it was during covid (so you couldn’t eat inside anyways) and i think they needed the business. that sucks that you don’t have an ice cream place near you, the one i went to was like 1.5 miles from my house so not super close but not too far. my favorite flavor would either be something with chocolate and cherry or something with peanut butter and chocolate, hbu?
yeah i saw the picture, trevor was wearing jamie’s jacket. it’s because they both came right from wjc, and the usa boys didn’t have to bring suits so trevor didn’t have a jacket lol. so then he had to borrow jamie’s when he got called up to anaheim
yesss i love working out with guys, whenever we have to work out for swim team i always go with the guys. especially when we lift bc the other girls do like 10 lb olympic lifts and i’m doing like 90 lbs with the guys lol. and yes i vibe with their music sm, i feel like they would have the best workout playlist tbh
and yes that would be sm fun to teach them how to swim. i would love to see them try do flipturns and swim fly 😂 and then racing them and they’d be like you have an unfair advantage even tho i’m doing fly and they’re doing free lol, just flexing on them. and yeah i was really sad when my soccer coach said no bc it would have been so funny to watch everyone try to do my sets lmao
i think it would be really fun to go hiking or go to an amusement park with them. that would be like the most chaotic hike ever lol but it would be really fun, and then going on all the roller coasters with them. and i bet at least one of them is secretly afraid of roller coasters but doesn’t want to say anything so they don’t get chirped lol. but it would also be super fun to go clubbing with them (we’ll ignore the fact that i’m not old enough lol) like they just seem like they would be a really fun group to go drinking with you know?
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domesticmail · 4 years
fifty questions
i was tagged by @brock-mcginny and @fraction-of-a-flying-puck !! thank u guys sm i love u!!!!!!!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s a black conair square brush!
2. name a food you never eat? mushrooms !! they’re disgusting, can confirm
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold!! i’m always freezing
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? waking up, eating a waffle w butter and powdered sugar !
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? hersheys milk chocolate!! (esp frozen & with peanut butter!!!)
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes!!! i’ve been to a lot of football games, baseball games, one hockey, and one basketball!! i usually go with my family & some family friends!
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? - "rigs, on your bed.” to the dog whining at me bc he wants treats
8. what is your favorite ice cream? chocolate!!!!!! OR peaches & vanilla!!
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? coke !
10. do you like your wallet? eh!! it’s not my favorite but i certainly don’t hate it
11. what is the last thing you ate? an eggo waffle w butter & powdered sugar
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? yes!!!!! some nanette lepore black heels for work, and some new jewelry!! quartz twisty gold earrings, moonstone necklace, & moonstone earrings!
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? ufc match, adesanya v costa.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? regular ol’ buttery popcorn :)
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? parker (the dumb asshole that got a speeding ticket for going 105 on delbert)
16. ever go camping? i used to go camping when i lived in my other neighborhood, but since we moved, we left that group of families, so we don’t really go camping anymore :( we do go up to a mountainhouse once a year w another family though!
17. do you take vitamins? no ! 
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope! my mom was raised catholic & is now agnostic, and my dad is an atheist! if i wanted to go, they would let me, but i personally am agnostic, so i don’t attend :)
19. do you have a tan? NO but i wish i did !! i burn really easy and then i don’t tan. kms.
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? pizza! w pepperoni, black olives, and banana peppers!
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? depends! sometimes yes, sometimes no
22. what color socks do you usually wear? my socks never match, i just grab whatever socks are on the floor at the time
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? yes !! when i have other people in the car ! if not i definitely have a lead foot lol
24. what terrifies you? being alone, being hated
25. look to your left, what do you see? drying rack w my dad’s tshirts, fireplace, mantle, my sister on the couch playing among us 
26. what chore do you hate most? WASHING DISHES. it’s my chore and it’s AWFUL
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? the bitch at my work yesterday who told my manager she refused to deal with her and would only talk to mark (another manager, complete doormat)
28. what’s your favorite soda? coke zero (don’t clown on me i know it’s dumbbb)
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? depends!! sometimes i’ll go drive thru if i’ve never been inside before
30. what’s your favorite number? 2 !! it’s always been my lucky number, even since i was little
31. last person you talked to? my sister, telling her to get my brother
32. favorite cut of beef? i assume we’re talking about steak, in which case i have to say a ribeye !!
33. last song you listened to? mess around by cage the elephant
34. last book you read? the awakening by kate chopin (for school)
35. favorite day of the week? friday ! 
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? YES I CAN and it makes me a badass suck it ari jkjk i love u
37. how do you like your coffee? me too ari, more creamer than coffee akjfhsjfh
38. favorite pair of shoes? my beat up, 3yr old white converse mids !! they’re old and kinda dirty but i’ve had them since freshman year and they’re my SHOES
39. time you normally get up? my parents have classically trained me since childhood to wake up at 7:30, i hate it lmao
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets !!! mainly bc i can try to sleep in
41. how many blankets on your bed? one barefoot dreams, one fluffy !
42. describe your kitchen plates? white porcelain w circular ridges!
43. describe your kitchen at the moment? VERY tidy. so clean you could probably eat off the floor
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? templeton rye, or a shot of screwball if we’re really drinking excuse me i’m only 17
45. do you play cards? sometimes!! not recently though
46. what color is your car? murphy is black!!
47. can you change a tire? of course i can, my mom was adamant abt it
48. your favorite state? i live in colorado ari come visit me lmao !! i love it here, the only downside is the bipolar-ass weather
49. favorite job you’ve had? i love my job right now (at least, i love my coworkers!!)
50. this one is SOOOOOO long so if u guys wanna skip it, no worries !! i’m tagging @mtkachuk @mdlyncline @cartrshart @softstarkey and @stargazingstarkey
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buckbylightning · 4 years
Positive 20 Questions Tag Game
i was tagged by @starlightcastiel​ love you dear 🥺
under the cut bc it’s long
1. name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
chidi anagonye -- i, too, have trouble making important decisions bc i am worried abt hurting the people i love/ ruining my entire life if i pick the wrong thing to eat for lunch
tbh evan buckley -- absolute moron w a heart of gold, babey
castiel -- sometimes makes bad decisions but loves their friends a lot in love w dean winchester
kitty pryde -- gay, jewish, nerd
2. aesthetic
uhm. converse and pink earbuds and sitting in the grass on a sunny day. stories about love saving the day. baking cookies and watching movies with friends until 1am wrapped in fuzzy blankets. peanut butter and apples. longs hugs, small plants, big laughs.  
3. favorite musical/play? (if you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?
come from away!!!!!
4. what is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
oh god i don’t know
5. how many times have you been in love?
i’ve never been in romantic love but i love my friends so much
6. embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
i wouldn’t say it makes me laugh but i have a scar on the top of my head from a birthday party in 3rd grade + a run-in with a curling iron. if my bangs get cut too thick or i part my hair wrong it shows up 
7. favorite disney/pixar movie?
tangled, maybe?
8. favorite flower or plant?
9. what’s your favorite holiday?
hannukah/christmas. there’s something abt the festivities that just makes the air sweeter around that time. it’s about love and family.
10. name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
@demondeals​ has honestly been a saving grace
the brooklyn nine nine season finale
talking w my friends last night 😊
11. what song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
the justice league unlimited theme song 
12. name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
sitting outside in the sun listening to soft music
13. what do you, did you, or would you study at college?
i’m currently on track to transfer into the film and media studies major!!
14. this is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
idk just blue jeans, a fun collared shirt, and converse. or like, a big fluffy sweater. 
15. what is a quote you live by?
be of good heart. this was the title of my blog for a really long time and it’s simple but i think it’s special
16. name the funniest playlist name you have.
none of mine are very clever but i like ‘songs to fall down in the shower to’
17. make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
18. what is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
bruh i’m still young
19. who is your favorite family member? (if you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
20. what’s a secret dream of yours?
to be good at something
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rumorwalsh · 5 years
Tumblr media
( marilyn lima, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen RUMOR WALSH around ? SHE works as a FIGURE SKATING INSTRUCTOR at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 21 years old & they’ve been working here for ONE YEAR. they tend to be +ROMANTIC & +GENTLE-HEARTED, but can also be -NAIVE & -SENSITIVE. the other employees have labeled them EINSTEIN IN TENNIS SHOES. thanks a lot ! (  twenty-five cent books at a library sale, reciting medieval love sonnets to yourself, a tea set without a sugar bowl, a locket with a photo inside worn close to your heart,  and a midnight drive to nowhere. ) 
HI, hello. i’m hannah n this is like. the third (??) time that i told myself i was going to join this group n i’ve finally done it, whew! skdjflk i love u simran <3 anyway! i’m 20, kickin it in the est! i’m a full time student (majoring in being a dumb bitch n loving my gf and i’m at the top of my class baby..) and i’m ALSO a preschool teacher so if i’m ever Not here, i’m with my babies !! but that isn’t the reason why ur all here..... ur here for an intro post! so! this is my sweet, strange daughter... rumor ! 
(insert big time rush transition music here)
so y’all already knOw a little bit abt her Life and Backstory bc! she’s roman’s little sister so i’ll just kinda breeze over most of it but
she is the third walsh child born out of four, with 2 older brothers and 1 younger brother.... #goodluckcharlie
she’s nothing short of.... a baby genius tbh ? like babygirl is smart as a WHIP and that much became clear very quickly as a kid, she had the brains to go far! 
but she also had a Lot of energy... a Lot Of It. and focusing in school was always super hard for her, which was frustrating bc she knew everything and what was going on but she couldn’t ever make herself pay attention to it in class and was always getting in trouble
so! her parents tried to find something for her to do that was a constructive way to use all that energy! musical instruments were Not rumor’s friend, neither were most sports. it wasn’t until she started to figure skate that she found her niche :’) an she never looked back!
the rest of school passed? pretty uneventfully? but she did graduate 2 years early and went to columbia university where she majored in history (just like her dad huh) with a concentration focus in medieval and renaissance studies 
and then? she moved right back home post-graduation bc she has no idea what she wants to do w her degree at all! she just wants to figure skate :( so now she’s chillin at big bear, where she’s been for the last year give or take!!
and that’s kinda all i got for the biography rn KJDFMS but here are some fun facts abt rumor as a person that will help u to understand her 
"no its not a nickname"
that might as well have been her middle name. i mean, her parents did saddle her with the first name RUMOR so what would the difference really be
has the worlds biggest sweet tooth, always has cherry sour balls w her at all times
will reach into her pocket and pull her hand out w a piece of candy for you
human embodiment of the pleading face emoji but like while she's stomping on ur foot
as a child, she always wore her hair in two long braids and whenever someone tried to touch one of her braids she kicked them in the shin
has a peanut allergy but every year as a treat on her birthday she eats a reeses peanut butter cup and just stabs herself with an epi pen
her perfume smells like vanilla and orchids
she has fucking terrible eyesight and wears round metallic glasses that she wears at all times bc she's terrified of putting her fingers in her eyes
bites her nails
dog ears corners of book pages
always always always wearing winged eyeliner
wears sweater vests sometimes
her favorite hat is her beret
she’s such a fucking softgirl but like. refuses to admit it and will never ever admit that she needs someone looking out for her but like. she does.. 
super fucking bisexual thank u goodnight
okaY! time for some plots!
one ive been thinking abt A Lot is like. she’s very bianca stratford from 10 things i hate about you adjacent but like. smarter? so i would love to have a dynamic like hers and camerons? something soft n cute and maybe partners in crime ... perhaps they have a crush on her but like.... thats not needed i just want a soft wholesome nerdy friends thing okay
AN EX please give me an ex !!!! one from before college perhaps? that she had to leave earlier than she wanted bc she had to go to new york! someone who broke her heart maybe whether it was on accident or on purpose?? something good and spicy and sad i love to cry thank u 
friends! give her all the friends! ALL OF THEM! shes so cute and gentle and like a golden retriever she would die for all her friends okay? okay
look if u want a rivalry... or a hateship...... or u know smth mmessy and dramatic like that......... im not gonna say NO
basically idk what kind of plots are already happening so like im just here to fill in the gaps! whatever u need! 
and i do have some posts in my wanted connection tag HERE
whew okay i think that’ll do it ily thanks for reading <3
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sarcasticdebate · 4 years
50 Questions
@the-most-beautiful-broom said anyone could so this, and i was bored and so i am!!
What is the colour of your hairbrush? Like light blue/teal
Name a food you never eat? mayo is obviously evil. I specifically ask to have it not put on a sandwich. aioli can’t fool me
Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold, that’s bad circulation baby!
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was in zoom class. my prof went around and said something nice about everyone, it was really wholesome.
What is your favourite candy bar? hmmm kit kat? also midnight milkways, but i couldn’t eat a full size one in on sitting. 
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? a couple of Mets games!
What is the last thing you said out loud? “no, I was in class.”
What is your favourite ice cream? coffee/espresso!
What was the last thing you had to drink?  water
Do you like your wallet? i’ve been using it for two and half years so yeah ig, never really though abt it before tbh it was a gift
What was the last thing you ate? had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? the last time i bought clothes was returning a christmas gift so no 
The last sporting event you watched? I’ve caught glimpes of golf when my dad has it on, but before that it was my college’s big rivalry football game
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? classic butter and salt.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my Chaucer gc lmao
Ever go camping? a couple times as a kid with girl scouts
Do you take vitamins? nope
Do you go to church every Sunday? when im home and churches are running on their normally scheduled programming, when its up to me i don’t
Do you have a tan? my body is physically incapable of being tan. and i like it that way
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? probably Chines just cause there’s mroe variety to chose from
Do you drink your soda with a straw? if i’m at a diner and they serve it with one, prefer straight from a can
What colour socks do you usually wear? I buy my socks in a variety pack so they’re all dif colors
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? obviously?? i’m from new jersey
What terrifies you? lots of anxieties, few terrors? idk failure? letting people down? the uncertainty of the future? all the normal stuff
Look to your left, what do you see? several pillows
What chore do you hate? yardwork/weeding
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? surfing??
What’s your favourite soda? ginger ale
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? inside I always feel awkward putting half my torso out the car window
Who’s the last person you talked to? my dad
Favourite cut of beef? ground beef? idk i don’t eat steak
Last song you listened to? All the Sad Young Men by Spector
Last book you read? how i live now by Meg Rossof
Favourite day of the week? I’m a Friday fan
Can you say the alphabet backwards? never tried but i prob couldn’t
How do you like your coffee? spash of milk no sugar
Favourite pair of shoes? if i could live barefoot i would, but my beat to shit red converse
The time you normally go to sleep? 11:30-12:30 range
The time you normally get up? wake up 7:30 out of bed 8:30
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrises feel more special because im normally not awake for them
How many blankets on your bed? currently two
Describe your kitchen plates: green, bowled edges
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? sucker for a champagne b/c thats rare, otherwise basically anything involving vodka. im in college im not picky
Do you play cards? heck yeah, i did a lot more when i was little but ive taught almost all my friends to play poker
What colour is your car? the one i drive is silver-y
Can you change a tire? i know the steps but have none of the necessary tools
Favourite job you’ve ever had? love my writing workshop job at college, but also the data entry gig i had one winter bc it was super easy and paid super well lol
How did you get your biggest scar? only one scar about an inch long that i got when i had a pre-cancerous mole removed
What did you do today that made someone else happy? swept the floors in my house which will make mum happy
tagging: take a page from my book and just do it if you want to! (Yes, i mean you!)
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 2
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Part 1
Hiii I don't know if you take request but can i request like a chris evans x reader like the reader and chris are married and chris is having a bad day or something so chris go out to the pub and go home drunk and its been going for 3 days and the reader and chris has a 6year old and the reader have been doing all the work and taking care of they're daughter and they're daughter miss chris bc chris is never home and just go home until 12 or 2 in the morning or if chris is home he never play with her daughter and they're daughter is sad abt it bc they're daughter though chris doesn't love her anymore and chris miss her play in school even though chris promise so that day when chris miss her daughter's play the reader confront chris abt it and chris said he doesn't care abt his daughter and he said he didn't know why he married the reader bc she's clingy but chris didn't know that they're daughter heard what chris said abt her and chris didn't know also that the reader is 6-7 weeks pregnant and the reader and chris heard they're daughter sob and that moment chris realize it all his mistakes? and apologize to them idk if this make sense and im sorry if this is so longg, thank you in advance stay safe! <3
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒅𝒂𝒅! 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕
Chris paced back and forth as he tried to call you for the 10th time. It was the next day, he was sober and the images from last night clouded his brain. Seeing the pain and anger on your face as he said he wish he never married you.
Seeing isabella crying from his disgusting words. That hurt him the most, he regret everything.
The phone went to voicemail again making Chris groan. You had every right to not talk to you, but he wanted to know you and isabella was okay. You were still his wife.
Chris sighed sitting down on the couch. He rubbed his eyes with his palm, exhaling for the hundredth time.
The house phone on the table beside the couch rung causing Chris to quickly grab it. He thought it was you but no, it was your doctor.
"hi is this Mrs Evans?" Chris frowned, "uh no but this is Mr Evans." Chris said, he was deeply confused.
"oh well you tell Mrs Evans that have her next appointment date to check on the baby."
Chris stood up, he wasn't sure he heard right. "I'm sorry, the baby?"
The innocence lady on the other side of the phone phone gasped, "oh I'm sorry, you didn't know."
"no it's fine." Chris sighed softly, his heart picking up speed in his chest. "I'll tell her, thank you." He hung up the phone throwing it onto the couch. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He mumbled to himself. He really needed to find you and isabella.
You laid in the uncomfortable bed, isabella sleeping soundly beside you. It was around 8 in the morning and thoughts from yesterday filled your mind.
"I wish I never married you"
"Forget isabella, I don't care about her stupid play"
It hurt just knowing he thought those things. It took some time last night, but you managed to go to sleep around 3am. Now it was morning time, you were in a crappy hotel, and Chris was blowing up your phone like crazy.
You sighed pulling back the blanket. You walked to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, your almost 3 month along bump was showing. You tore your eyes from it looking at your face. You were trying not to think about Chris in that moment.
"get it together y/n." You whispered to yourself.
"mommy." You looked back to the doorway seeing isabella. Her stuff bear was in her hands as she rubbed her sleepy eye with the other hand.
"good morning honey."
You walked over to her, "did you sleep good?" Isabella looked up at you. "Yeah, I slept great." You laughed, "that's great. Uh do you wanna go get some breakfast? We can eat some pancakes and waffles, what you say bug?"
Isabella started to think, it was almost like you can see the wheels turning in her head. "Uhh yeah. Can we see daddy too?"
Your stomach did a flip, you didn't think she'll be okay with what he said about her, but She was 6 so maybe that was the reason.
"umm... Yeah, yeah. We can see daddy." Isabella smiled, "okay, I watch TV now." She walked back over to the bed, hopping in it. You exhaled, running your hands over your face. Here goes nothing you thought to yourself.
Chris phone ringing interrupting him from his daze. He picked it up seeing your contact. His heart picked up as he answered it.
"y/n, are you okay?" On the other side of the phone you sighed, "yeah, I'm fine. Look um isabella want see you so can you meet us at the diner at (some street name)?"
Chris nodded even though you couldn't see him. "Yeah, of course." He walked to the foyer to put on his shoes. "Umm, I love you." Chris said. He wasn't expecting you to say it back, but you did. When you did, his heart skipped and a smile formed on his face.
You hung up the phone. You let out a sigh once again. Here goes nothing.
You sat in the diner, isabella beside you coloring in the booklet they gave her. You both were waiting for Chris to come.
Your mind was filled, you couldn't even figure out what you were thinking about at all at this point.
After waiting a few more minutes, you heard the diner door open. In walked Chris. In his hands was a bouquet of flowers and stuffed animal. You were guessing it was his apologize.
He walked over to you both, just like yours, his heart was beating pretty hard in his chest.
"hey." Chris smiled shyly at you as you got up. "Hi." You tore your eyes from his, looking down at isabella. She was looking up at her daddy with a soft smile on her face. Chris kneeled down to her height. "Hi baby." He said to her softly. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean any of it, I promise. Can you forgive me?"
isabella's small smile grew to a bigger one. "Yeah." Chris smiled at her. "Okay, give me a hug."
Isabella giggled as she Wrapped her arms around his neck. Chris hugged her close. He felt relived she forgave him, he felt so bad for saying what he said to her and he's going to spend the rest of his life making it up to her.
He pulled away from her, he handed the stuffed animal to her before standing back up.
He looked back at you. "Uh these are for you. It's not an apology, I'll give you a sincere apology later, but for now I have these." He looked at you, he had bags under his eyes from his sleepless night, and tear streaks on his cheeks from the crying he did.
you quickly tore your eyes from His taking the flowers. "Thanks." You cleared your throat. "Uh shall we have breakfast?"
Chris inhaled, "yeah." He walked over to the opposite side of the table and took a seat. You did the same sitting back beside isabella. You all ordered trying to forget about the tension that was very much between you and Chris. It was nice that you both were talking, but you just couldn't wait for the much needed talk later that night.
It was around 8 pm. You and Chris decided to drop her off at his mom's house. You didn't want what happened the day before to happen again.
You sat on the couch fiddling with your shirt end. Chris was in the kitchen getting you both something to drink before you talked.
"so um.. I got you some water." Chris said walking over to you handing you the glass of water. You thanked him Taking a sip before placing it on the coffee table. Chris sat beside you with a sigh.
"I.. I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean any of it. It just slipped out because I was drunk and tired, I wasn't in my right head space in the moment and I took out on you and Bella and I'm sorry." He breathed out. He scanned your face waiting for you to speak. You shook your head, you didn't look at him but you spoke.
"yeah you're sorry, but you really hurt me. I wish I was never, that's fucked up and it hurts so much. If you never wanted to marry me why did you?"
You turned to Chris, tears threatening to spill over. The look on your face hurted Chris, he fucked up big time and he knew it.
"no, I didn't mean that, I swear. I love you more than anything. I don't regret marrying you, it was just a stupid mistake... I'm sorry baby."
Tears were starting to form in chris' eye. He felt guilty, he knew no amount of words could fix what he done but he was sorry more than anything.
"you promise?" You looked at him. Your lips were trembling Because of your crying.
"I promise." Chris said. He cupped your cheek with his hand. He placed a light kiss on your nose, but it wasn't enough for you. You went way too long without kissing him, you weren't going to waste another second not.
You grabbed his chin kissing him. Somehow his chap lips felt soft. They felt like home to you, you missed them so much.
You pulled away looking back at Chris. "I have something I need to tell you." You said fiddling with his hands.
"I'm pregnant."
Chris gave you a sour look, you already knew why. "You know?" Chris nodded, "the doctor called. they have an appointment for you, they want you to call them back to tell you."
You exhaled, "well... Surprise." You laughed making Chris smile. He missed that sound. He's been gone for so many nights he totally forgot how it sounded.
"can I come to the next appointment?" Chris pouted his lip making you laugh. "Of course you can. You need to your little peanut. I'm thinking it's a boy"
Chris frowned, "no I'm pretty sure it's a girl."
"you haven't seen them yet." You said to him Rolling your eyes playfully. "I know but I want another princess."
It's not that good but thank you for reading. I had fun breaking y'all hurts on the first part lol
@chris-butt @patzammit @bval-1 @raveviolet @mrsbbarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captianamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @katiew1973 @andreasworlsboring101 @skepticnovak @funfickgirl22 @hxnesthxneybee @christhickevans @melchills-j @franchesca-791 @moonlacebeam @wallowsgirl14 @areamir
@thevelvetseries @chaoticfiretaconerd @chrisevansgirl34 @a-moment-captured @shookbeech @pamelalur15 @llamaproblem @jessyballet @hazeljean2 @ohbarracuda @mrspeacem1nusone @n3ssm0nique @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl @chrisevanisliterallysir @beautiful--blessing @coldmuffinpartycloud @mylittlecrazyworldofinterest @writingmeow29 @corrinez
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caphayzardous · 5 years
uagh cw for more food and body and money talk, cant readdmore sorry
if I could stop having a stupid weekly-or-more crisis about various aspects of my health, diet, body, that'd be great, anyway still on iron tablets, still losing vision sometimes but no longer EVERY time my head changes altitude lol, have been having consistent breakfast and dinner, and fruit inbetween, but I really wish I could afford lunch in there. I mean I don't really think much of lunch (most annoying meal to arrange imo) but hhh I miss having the option lmao. I miss easy bread lunch, also realised this week I'm losing my ass (which for the record is known to be damn fine - and it used to be a point of dysmorphia, but now I'm actually saddened by the loss, because life is hell I guess,) and I've realised this evening that aside from the recent eating struggles in GENERAL, I'm also no longer having 8 fucken slices of toast every day (I used to have 4 at once (2 w peanut butter, 2 w butter,) for breakfast, then that again in the afternoon either for lunch or in addition to lunch, plus still havin dinner hahah so the fact im no longer having like all that bread... that's probs a factor in the ass equation) anyway I miss getting free bread or any bread I'm also outta peanut butter though and thats the real killer cost ugh maybe tomorrow I will just get some, the payment from the barista job trial will happen At Some Point Soonish, so I can justify little a loafa bread n pb
again. I just. hate this all drawing my focus so much this last month. I keep thinking abt the fairly bad internal fear reaction I have to any talk of di3ts and w3ight loss - even just trying to consciously eat more of Everything, definitely no resrictions or anything like that, unsettles me, makes me more "aware" of nutrition on a given day than I want to be, I don't like this so Im sorry I keep talking about it
(side note dont even get me started on the virus aspect of everything. my perspective of it is very selfish because im focused on the potential inconvenience it could pose to me. trying to get a job in hospo as we speak so putting myself in the line of fire [edit: LOL one of the lines of fire I mean obvs actual health workers are out there fhfhf) out of necessity. plus living week to week rn (dsy to day?) straight up can't afford to stockpile, thus nor could I easily self quarantine if it comes to it. health is a bit better than a month ago but I still think a hard hittin virus could do a number on me and if I had to stay inside I would just? not have food available? I mean that's dramatic I'd actually probably go sook and quarantine at my mums and get the entire house infected so I wouldn't actually die in my home in some valiant effort to spare the general populace from me but yeah. Ugh. Whatever.)
Ok! Im going to go back to drawing! I've been drawing the last few days ill share it here when its done yer gonna love it
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