#I’m hc them as a child of Hecate
jupitersmoon167 · 2 days
This is such a self indulgent idea, but humor me:
CoD x PJO crossover where John Price had a kid with one of the Greek goddesses during his early military days, and as hard as he tried to raise his kid, they were always put second over his job.
While he’s out on deployment, he gets a call. He learns that his home was seemingly broken into and his kid is missing. He uses all his resources and connections to try and find his kid, thinking that it was enemies of his that kidnapped his kid as a way to get back at him. But after months of searching, he comes up with nothing. No calls, no leads, nothing. After a year of searching, he gives up hope and mourns the loss of his kid, wishing he had been a better father to them.
It isn’t until a few years later when he’s Captain of TF141 that he finds out his kid is alive and learns why they left all those years ago and the truth of the other half of their parentage and that he and his child might be more alike in ways John wished weren’t true.
Edit: More thoughts on this here
Please come to my ask box with questions or ideas about this I need to rant about this idea with someone anyone please I beg
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jgracie · 5 months
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❝ Hi! Can you do hcs of Percy Jackson dating a child of Hypnos!reader please? I love all your other headcanons ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a child of hypnos
pairing percy jackson x hypnos!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . once upon a dream (lana del rey)
Cabin inspections weren’t Percy’s favourite things in the world, but there were worse jobs to do at camp
Still, he couldn’t help but feel like a bit of a hypocrite whenever he gave a cabin a low cleanliness grade, considering he wasn’t the tidiest person. If it weren’t for Tyson, he’d have dish duty for dirtiest cabin every week
What Percy did like about cabin inspections was getting to know the other cabin counsellors. Now that minor gods had their own cabins, the pool of people for Chiron to choose from almost doubled, making inspections a lot more interesting
Last time Percy was on cabin inspection duty, he was paired with Lou Ellen Blackstone from the Hecate cabin, who taught him the basics of tarot while they inspected. He forgot half of the stuff she said, but it was still really cool
Today, Percy looked at the duty sheet posted on the notice board and found his name next to someone called Y/N from cabin 15
There’s nothing Percy hated more than when people referred to cabins by their numbers instead of Godly parent. He barely managed to learn the first 12, now he had another 8 to memorise
Oh well, it’s not like it mattered. Percy didn’t have to go collect you from cabin 15, since everyone knew people on cabin inspection duty are supposed to meet at the big house then check the cabins in numerical order
Or so he thought. Percy waited ages and watched as people came and went, yet there was no sight of you. Had you forgotten you were supposed to be on inspection duty? Were you a new camper and got lost? Percy scratched that last thought, since you wouldn’t be cabin counsellor if you were new
After about 10 minutes, Percy got tired of waiting. The next time someone passed by, he asked them which God cabin 15 was for: Hypnos
Clipboard in hand, he made his way over to your cabin
“Hello? Is there anyone in here?” Percy asked, rapping his knuckles on the front door. This was his third time knocking, and he was getting quite tired of it all. Being met with more silence, the boy decided to invite himself in
Walking into your cabin, Percy nearly tripped over one of your half-siblings, who was sleeping on the doormat. Looking around, Percy realised almost everyone in this cabin was at least daydreaming. He felt like he’d entered a new world where time stopped and responsibilities were non-existent
“So…” he began, unsure if he should wake one of them up or hope they wake up by themselves, “which one of you’s Y/N?”
There was no response. Just as Percy was about to tap one of your siblings on the shoulder, another pointed in your direction whilst asleep, which freaked Percy out, “uh… thanks,” he said before turning in the direction of their pointed finger
What he saw next had him debating between bursting out laughing or facepalming. Somehow, you managed to fall asleep in the middle of tying your shoelaces, and so you stood with one foot in the air, the laces slipping from your fingers
“Hey, uh, do you need some help with that?” He asked, gently shaking you awake. From the outside, you seemed to be in deep sleep, but all it took to wake you up was one small shake
Blinking the sleep away from your eyes, you were met with a pair of aquamarine ones, “what time is it?” You mumbled, tying your shoelaces as if nothing had happened, clearly unfazed by the position you woke up in
“9AM,” as soon as Percy uttered those words, you suddenly seemed much more alert
Scrambling for your own clipboard and pen, you exclaimed, “what?! Oh Gods, I’m so late. I was supposed to meet this guy at the big house an hour ago!” Then, to Percy, “do you know how many alarms I set? I was so close, too! Fell asleep right as I was about to leave,” you said, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment
An endearing smile tugged at the corners of Percy’s lips. He wasn’t annoyed anymore. He couldn’t be, not at your cute pouty expression
“It’s okay, I don’t like cabin inspections that much anyway,” he said, causing a wave of relief to wash over you
While you inspected the cleanliness of cabins together, you got to know each other and Percy learnt more about your cabin. You heard the stuff the kids from other cabins called you - lazy being the most commonly used adjective - and were quick to dismantle all the stereotypes surrounding you and your siblings whenever you got the chance. It wasn’t all of them, of course, but it was enough of them to rub you the wrong way
It’s not that you cared what they were saying about you, but you couldn’t stand the way they’d speak about your father and his domain. There was a very good reason why mortal doctors preached about sleep so often, after all
Also, you and your siblings didn’t sleep just for the sake of it - you often trained in your dreams, seeing as you were closer to your full potential the deeper your slumber was, so you weren’t lazy at all
As all of these thoughts spilled out of your lips while walking around camp with Percy, you were confused. Sure, these things bothered you, but you were usually in good control of your emotions - always serene, always calm. Even when you did complain, you didn’t do it like this
You stopped for a second and took a good look at Percy, then it hit you
“You are the most tense person I’ve ever met in my life.”
“Excuse me?” Percy replied, caught off-guard and a little offended. He’d been so forgiving with you, and this is how you thanked him?
Noticing his discomfort, you recollected yourself, “no offence, Percy, but you haven’t been relaxed a day in your life. Your tenseness is rubbing off on me, that’s why I’ve been so heated. Would you wanna book a meditation session with me? I think it’d really help.”
Percy blinked, his brows furrowed in confusion. Before, he was offended, but now he didn’t know how to feel. You’d basically just called him an emitter of bad emotions. At the same time, though, something was telling him he should trust you. He felt the relaxed aura of your cabin even before walking in
And meditation with you sounded quite nice. He didn’t think he wanted to rely on the slim chance that Chiron would pair the two of you up a second time just to see you again
Turns out, the Hypnos cabin had a whole meditation business set up. Very few people knew about it, since very few people cared to see past your sleepiness, but your cabin was a safe haven for those who did
You had a slot open the next day right after breakfast, so you quickly put Percy in, promising him you’d actually be awake when he shows up
He was a little apprehensive and considered not showing up at all, but he’d committed and so he was at your cabin door as soon as breakfast was over
Soon enough, Percy would learn that his showing up to your meditation session that day was the best decision he’d ever made
You were so sweet as you guided him through his emotions and helped him practise breathing techniques to relax, as well as giving him tips on how to get a better night’s rest
The two of you eventually started spending time outside of his meditation sessions, too. Percy felt really bad when he heard you speaking about the treatment you’d get from other campers on the day you first met, so he introduced you to all his friends and soon enough, you became a part of the friend group
Secretly, you still preferred spending time with Percy alone. He was so funny and nice, unlike anyone else you’d ever met - both in the mortal world and at camp
You would often meet at this giant oak tree Percy had found you dozing off next to in the early days of your friendship. It was one of your favourite nap spots, but you were more than happy to share it with him
This was one of those instances. Percy had a comic book in hand, some series Leo insisted he should read, but he wasn’t super into it. Meanwhile, you sat next to him, occasionally commenting on the silly drawings in it or telling him little bits of your day
The moment was so peaceful, it was only natural for your eyelids to begin getting heavier. As you dozed off, Percy finally got to a part in the book that could get him to justify why Leo enjoyed these so much, not noticing you were asleep until your head landed on his shoulder
“Oh, goodnight, Y/N,” Percy said, smiling fondly at your serene expression. You always looked cute - Percy knew this better than anyone, considering the massive crush on you he’d been harbouring, but you looked extra adorable in your sleep, your eyelashes tickling your cheeks as light snores left your mouth
He sat very still, not wanting to move a muscle in case that’d cause you to shift positions. He liked where you were sleeping right now. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend you were a couple
Percy began playing around with your hair as he said, “this is nice. I really wish you liked me. I mean, I know you like me, but I want you to like like me, y’know?” He sighed, taking this opportunity as he knew you wouldn’t be able to hear him
Just as he was about to continue reading, he heard a voice - your voice - pipe up, “I like you too, Percy. Really like you.”
And so, you began dating <3
Honestly such a cute relationship. You’re the only one able to calm Percy down whenever he’s upset. The whole Aphrodite cabin could be using their charmspeak on him and he wouldn’t fully relax until you place a gentle hand on his shoulder
You guys also have a lot of sleepovers. Mostly at his cabin, since yours is too full for a proper sleepover
During said sleepovers, you guys always try to visit each other in your dreams. You’re aware that children of Hypnos could enter other people’s dreams and desperately wanted to figure it out, and who better to test it on than Percy?
For one of your attempts he makes those aluminium foil hat things that cartoon characters would use to dream together or whatever it was, and you laugh at first, taking it as a silly joke, until you actually try with the hats on (because Percy insisted) and it ends up being your closest attempt
Now, you wear those aluminium foil hats religiously
Speaking of dreams, yours are more vivid than the average demigod’s, but you had no one to talk to about them until Percy came along. He loves hearing about all your silly slumber adventures <3 especially when he’s in them
Whenever you mention a dream he happened to be in it’s literally like the “oh and there was crazy drama that happened in bloxburg–” “HUH?! I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!!!” audio
“Percy, oh my Gods, I have to tell you about this dream I just had!” You said, not bothering to knock as you made your way inside his cabin. Percy, who was currently trying to fix the fountain in the middle of the room (idk where it is sorry), greeted you with a, “hey sweetie,” clearly very invested in his task
You sat on his bed and proceeded to give him a rundown of your dream: it started off at camp, but you were in a cabin you didn’t recognise. You decided to explore for a little bit and came across this seashell, which you picked up.
Instantly, it transported you to what you assumed was Poseidon’s underwater kingdom, since the God himself came over to greet you, Amphitrite and Triton trailing behind. He showed you around his castle, then left you at the door of your room, where he said was a special surprise for you
“Okay, so I go inside and you’re there–” immediately, Percy turned, losing his focus on the fountain and drenching you in water as a result
Grabbing you by the shoulders, he said, “You need to tell me about this! Did we get married?!”
“I thought you were busy with that fountain. You didn’t seem to care about my dream before,” you said, teasing him
Pouting, Percy replied, “no, baby, I’m sorry. I was listening, honestly! It’s just that the fountain has been making the most annoying noise ever and how are we supposed to continue our dream visiting endeavours with it distracting us?”
You continue your meditation, but more informally. He doesn’t have to book slots to see you anymore, you’d gladly guide him through whatever he needs at any time
The two of you reminisce on your first meeting a lot, too. Percy likes to claim it was his divine intuition that made him choose to look for you that day instead of inspecting cabins alone, while you just play along and try not to laugh at the way he over-exaggerates all your interactions pre-dating
To Percy, though, he isn’t over-exaggerating. Every interaction with you is a big deal. Whenever Percy wakes up in the morning and finds you next to him, clinging onto his arm with a leg draped over his body, he can’t help but fall in love all over again <3
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audreyscribes · 7 months
(Super long bc I kinda Info dumped sorry)
If you didn’t mind could you maybe talk about what demigods look like/cryptid demigod hcs
I’m probably wording this wrong but I saw a tiktok saying that kids of gods would have cryptid features for example children of hades or underworld gods in general having vampire features, children of sea gods having scales or webbed fingers, maybe children of Zeus or wind gods get feathers,children of Athena can do 360 head turns like owls, Hecate kids having a visible functioning third eye on their forehead that shows them spirits(and probably vampire features Hecate does do necromancy stuff), Hermes kids getting winged feet, children of Apollo having glowing eyes (I think this is somewhat canon) tbh the list goes on
It’s reasonable to think that demigods look somewhat uncanny they are literally half god and it would probably be covered by the mist to mortals anyways
Even if you don’t wanna do a full series on this I’m just curious to ur opinion on it and ideas you have for other gods
Alright, here’s my own take if we’re going off the Greek demigods having uncanny features:
Zeus: The children could have feathers but also considering them being like the air and clouds. Like their presence can be loud and forceful like high winds or practically invisible like the air around us, or how they seem to float as they walk, their feet never really touching the ground. However, when they get angry, their form shifts and they become this angry grey, stormy cloud, crackling lightning and thunder, their voice distorting like booming thunder as their presence whips around you and threatens to tear you apart. Their hands when they touch you spark and electrocute you, and you can smell and taste the ozone around them. They look down at you with eyes like an eagle.
Poseidon: I would wager they have a sleek appearance to them and everything seems okay. So maybe when they smile, you see some unnervingly sharp teeth like a shark. However, when they enter the water, your eyes can't tell if the water is distorting their shape, but you swear you see something else that makes you remember that we know more about space, then our own ocean; making you both amazed and afraid at what the abyss contain…or don't allow you to see because they won't let you resurface at all.
Hecate: While a third eye is cool, that’s more of an Asian mythological feature (I.e. Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism), however, I can see them having three faces that they can change according to that face’s personality, or true to Hecate’s mythos, where Hecate changes forms from a young girl to an oldy lady according to the time of day, their children faces/personality changes according to the time of day. In a moment of peak battle or power, all three faces appear all at once. The Vampiric features also work as well in this case, but you could also go with something ghoulish or ghostly. From the distance, their appearance to you is half invisible like a rolling mist. Another trait that a child of Hecate could have is serpentine qualities, relating them to Lamia, who has a connection with the goddess. So imagine a child of Hecate with skins with the scales of a snake, a forked tongue, and limbs that move too fluidly in a way that makes you think they don’t have normal human bones. 
Hades: we already see references to it with Nico, but the ghostly, pale appearance would be made more true. Representing the domain of death, they would have cold skin, their eyes are dark like shadows, Or part of the Riches of his domain, you'll see how their eyes twinkle like jewels gold or their teeth, nails shimmer like diamonds. They seem alive to you but if you watch them carefully, you notice their skins shimmer as if their see-through or  made out of precious gems, but then you realise, you really haven't seen them breath. Not in the way of the living. Their chests don't move unconscious and almost seem forced, like they have to remember to move their chests up and down. In fact you've seen them stand way too still, with chests freezing yet they're still moving.
Athena: I think her kids not only can turn their necks pretty much around like an owl, but have you considered they really have good hearing, and moving practically invisible? There's a reason why owls are considered the silent hunters/death. Their grey eyes looking wide and bright at you, but as you move, you notice their eyes following you as if you're a mouse moving among a field. Their heads and neck tilting just so that makes your own neck feel severed.
Demeter: Ever heard the metaphor “Hair like corn”? Each child of demeter has qualities that reflect nature, crops, or anything to do with plant life. When they laugh, it either sounds like branches brushing against each other from the wind or the sound of wood creaking and cracking as the bark and flesh of the wood breaking. Or when you see a child of Demeter fight during the wars and you see their blood or flesh fly. When it lands on the ground, you watch as it sprouts into another version of themselves like fungi; you realise if the child of Demeter you've been talking to is the original or just another body of them with the same mind and soul?
Aphrodite: We know Aphrodite's appearance will reflect what the person's ideal version of beauty or who they love is reflected off her. Now imagine her kids having the same thing, their faces resembling everyone's love, preference, their ideal features (button nose, thin lips), but when you come to actually describing their entire face, you suddenly can't. You have an idea of their features but they're in fragments. You try to piece them together and form their face but you can't. You can't remember their faces at all. You start to think you don't know their face at all, you never have, and they're just a mirage in your mind. You don't remember their faces because you can't. You've never seen them, have you?
Ares: Out of them all, they seem the most human-like. War and violence is a part of human nature and it's reflected in them. They hold qualities that make you sweat and stiffen, the way they look at you makes you want to either fight or flight. A side of humanity you don't want to admit that is in our nature and life.   
Dionysus: There's a quality to them that seems a bit off to you, but you can't help getting drawn in. Their eyes are maniacal and don't stare in the eyes too long or you find your mind drifting off. Or how they move like a jaguar, their appearance alluring but very deadly as they stalk towards you. Nonetheless, your eyes will deceive you as you try to look at them, their forms not exactly what they seem to be and if you try to dissect what they look like, you’re not going to like what you see.
Hermes: Their feet may have wings that allow them to fly and go about speeds. However, much like the Aphrodite children, you see the faces of a traveller. They've been to places and seen things you haven't seen before, but when you try to think of their faces, you can't remember. They made an impression on you yes, but when you try to remember their features, you can't really remember and they are only a figment in your memory.  Yet you can’t forget them or their sweet, honey layered and silver tongued words, even if you know its a lie, you find yourself believing in them and take their words as the truth.
Hephaestus: The children of Hephaestus’ eyes burn and glow with hot coals, flaming hot. Their features are almost sculpted like marble statues, both soft yet rigid. Their veins underneath their skin have a thin glow of heat like the veins of a volcano as they bend the physical shape of something in something else. A limb of theirs moves rather rigidly, like it was a limp but as it moves, you are reminded of the joint of a machine, moving in a certain way that isn’t like a muscle. When their skin is reflecting the heat of the forge, you are reminded that their skin looks like stone or metal.
Apollo: We already know about the glowing eyes part, but I wanna say there’s a bit more to that. How light follows them, how they embody it. You can see them but you can’t stare directly at them for too long before your eyes start to burn like staring directly into a lightbulb. Their form seems to shimmer and bend with the light, before you realise you may not be able to touch them more than you can touch the sunlight. Then you also start to realise the shadows around them seem more darker, more of a void then you thought it could be, moving, swirling beneath their feet. As you take notice of the shadows behind them, how it seems to wrap around them like a second skin, the shadow then moves on its own, differently from it’s host, as it raises its finger over where the mouth should be, before you see it actually smile. You may not be able to touch the light and shadows, but it can certainly touch you, prying your darkest truths and secrets from your own shadow betraying you. You learn that the children of Apollo don’t naturally have shadows because they’re made out of light, so where is their darkness?
Going off a bit more of the whole concept though: It’s not the first time nor the last time someone who has those kinds of ideas as humans do. The only reason the Greek and Roman demigods have ‘human’ features is because of how the gods are perceived, where in Ancient Greek people believed the Gods looked like regular mortals, but were absolutely perfect in their appearance as they were above mortals and their features reflect peak perfection of our human appearance, and we cannot perceive their true form because it is outside of our mortal realm. I believe that’s why the gods turning into their true form is deadly to mortals for that reason. 
So the greek/roman demigods would have the godly qualities to them, that are still mortal but just a little bit different, a little out of this world. We actually see Rick Riodan reference these features in the book like Percy’s Sea Green eyes or Thalia and Jason’s Electric Blue eyes. Those weren’t metaphors or similes. They just lean more towards beyond human then cryptid realm. 
However, it wouldn’t be unusual to attach some non-human features to the gods as we constantly attach their symbols to them. Specifically the animal parts relating to the gods, it’s one of the reasons Egyptian gods are depicted with animal features; as the animal parts to represent their personalities or specific traits that were important to their purpose. For example, Anubis the God of Death is depicted with the head of a jackal as the animal was associated with death in ancient Egypt. So if these Egyptians gods had demigods, we can only assume they would have these features too. 
I believe in the Riordan verse, there are the Mayan gods and the Mayan demigods, Godborns, are the opposite of their Greek/Roman counterparts where the Godborns have a sort of physical handicap, disability, or some medical or mental issue. This is   because people believed the blood of humans and the supernaturals were never meant to be mixed.
So go have one with your ideas! Be wild! Test the realm between mortals and the supernatural.
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
I was reblogging some posts of yours on my sideblog (@apollosgiftofprophecy) and!!!! found!!!!! your art of the Delphic Family!!!!!
All the cousins are besties, but Artemis is closer to Aura and Apollo is closer to Hecate. Artemis and Aura hunt together all the time, and Apollo researches magic practices a lot (God of knowledge and all that) so the two of them have fun experimenting with mystic stuff.
Asteria, Lelantos, and Leto were very close growing up, but the titanomachy put them all on different paths. They all still care for each other deeply, but scars from the past hold them back from being truly close. Recently, Asteria and Leto have been reconnecting, but Lelantos is still reluctant. 
Also because of the Titanomachy, the three siblings have various levels of strained relationships with their parents. Asteria sees her parents most favorably, and she and Leto are still regularly in contact with their mother. Leto holds a grudge against their father, and Lelantos doesn't speak with either of them. 
All of the third generation (Hecate, Aura, Apollo, Artemis) love their parents so fucking much (minus Zeus, of course) And not only that, they love each other’s parents too!! Hecate thinks Leto is the most kickass coolest aunt she could ever have! Artemis looks up to Perses like nobody's business! If Lelantos didn’t exist, Aura would ask Asteria to adopt her! And of course I have my little post-toa hc that Apollo and Lelantos become v close and wholesome and I love this family. 
Phoibe loves to brag on her kids and grandkids. Specifically, she loves to brag on the twins. See, Phoibe is not a fan of Olympus, or gods, in general. So to her, Apollo and Artemis are the only redeeming qualities of the immortal world today. So whenever something good comes out of Olympus, Phoibe is like “Well of course that was 100% because of my grandchildren. They get it all from their mother you know, nothing from that nasty child of Kronos. Oh how glorious, and you don’t see any of the godly children becoming the rulers of the sun and moon hmmm? Exactly.” 
Also according to her Apollo and Artemis are honorary titans. 
Koios hasn’t been able to interact with his grandchildren much, but he’s just as proud of them as Phoibe is, just in a … less wholesome way. Mans is certain he can convince his grandkids to retake Olympus for titan glory, which is never gonna happen. Whenever he brings it up the rest of the family just smile and nod awkwardly. 
Bonus: A little blurb about Leto I wrote about a month ago
During the titanomachy, Leto stayed on Hyperborea with her mother. She shored the defenses and kept the other titans alive. Leto had no exceptional healing or magical abilities, but she worked tirelessly and kept her heart open. She cared easily and earnestly. She fought to get her brother out of trouble with the gods after the fight ended, though she could not do the same for her parents. For years, it was just the two of them, until Leto met Zeus.
Zeus was everything Leto wanted to be. He was confident and assured, and so kind with her. They sang and danced and spoke about everything, and Leto did what she could to soothe his fears. When she get pregnant, Zeus was overjoyed. However, after the twins were born, he became colder and distant.
Leto was basically abandoned, her children taken to Olympus and her lover rebuffing any attempts at being close. She resolved to make a place for her family to return to, but they came less and less. Now Leto keeps her hearth steady, as she has for her whole life, wishing desperately that someone would stop drifting away, and come back to her. In her solitude and grief, she doesn't even realize that the earth itself will set down roots if she only asked, just as it had before.
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graphitesatellite · 3 years
hcs on what greek god/mythology character are the main 6?(ex:achilles,icarus,the fates,zeus,aphrodite)
ohhhhh dear requester how you spoil me -w-
buckle up kids cuz I have So Many Opinions
Hecate and Selene popped into my head immediately, being goddesses of magic/witchcraft and the moon, respectively. Hecate also has strong ties with the spiritual world and death and the moon (and necromancy oh-la-la), which seems to give her the most in common with Asra, but it doesn’t go much deeper than that.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Hypnos, sleep incarnate, as a candidate, if only because I’ve been comparing the two in my head ever since I started playing Hades, but once again it really doesn’t go that deep.
You could also make a case for Astraeus, titan god of the stars, father of the traveling stars and the four winds.
But my official pick is gonna have to be Hermes, messenger of the gods, patron of travelers, roads, and astrology, notorious trickster, and the only Olympian capable of crossing the border between the living and the dead. Hermes, like Asra, was a precocious child, but his easy charm and resourcefulness made him very likeable. He’s commonly portrayed as an athletic, beardless youth, and one of his main symbols besides his winged sandals is the caduceus, a staff entwined by two snakes that’s able to wake one up or put them to sleep. Seems like a perfect fit to me.
Okay we’re all thinking it so let’s just get it out of the way: Nadia is Athena. Association with owls, wisdom, strategy, handcrafts, creator of the olive branch (the OG peace offering), dispenser of the best advice, universally revered and feared — she is Athena. The only thing that doesn’t track is Athena is a maiden goddess and Nadia absolutely fucks.
So in that way we can compare her to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty who also fucks. And Hera probably deserves a mention as the queen of Olympus.
For fun we can compare her to Artemis, the great huntress, or Themis, the prophetic titan goddess of divine order. If I had to pick anyone other than Athena, I would have to go with Themis. She checks the most boxes.
But yeah we all know it’s Athena.
Asclepius is the god of medicine, used to be a mortal doctor, so that’s pretty self-explanatory. And while he does have strong associations with snakes (nudge nudge) and bringing people back/coming back from the dead, I’m not entirely convinced he’s the best candidate. Where’s the Stress? The Drama?
Dionysus is a plausible choice seeing as he was also brought back to life after a violent death. Not to mention the drinking habit and the giant group of fanatic female devotees (I’m looking at you, The Fandom.) And honestly, Dionysus is pretty selfless for a god, having not only rescued his mother from the underworld but also the princess Ariadne (who he later married) from the island where Theseus abandoned her. I mostly hesitate because as the god of wine, he’s also associated with rage and violence, which are not things I can really see for Julian. He’s not a mad lad, he’s a sad lad.
He and Prometheus do share qualities of rebelliousness and self-sacrifice, but imo this one falls apart as soon as you realize Prometheus is the titan god of forethought. You could also try to link him to Apollo, father of Asclepius, another god of medicine, through his association with crows, but the story of Coronis doesn’t match up well with Julian either.
His time during the plague, especially around when Lucio died, makes me think of Daedalus, the master craftsman who built the labyrinth and was imprisoned in a tower by King Minos (it’s not important why). They both did manage to escape their situations and go on the run. It’s either Daedalus or Asclepius for Julian, hard for me to choose just one for him.
I think of Muriel, I think of Atlas, mainly due to the tremendous burden they both carry. I think of Hephaestus and his somewhat self-imposed isolation (if I were him I wouldn’t wanna hang out with the Olympus fam either). I even think of Hades, bound to the underworld by shitty luck. But none of those quiet hit the target.
Artemis is a little bit closer, if only because of her connection to animals and nature. Pan might work if he wasn’t so jovial. This is a toughie, not a lot of Greek figures isolate themselves the way Muriel does, nor do they harbor so much guilt and self-hatred.
So the Minotaur is the next logical step I think. This is based less on the actual mythology and more on my interpretation of Asterius' story. Like Muriel, he was treated as if he was more beast than man, and he was eventually trapped in a bloody arena where his sole purpose was to kill.
Yeah I’d have to go with either an even more shredded Artemis or Asterius. You could make a good argument for Hephaestus but I personally prefer the other two.
My first thought for Portia is Atalanta, y’know the girl who was literally raised by bears. I feel like they have a similar feral energy, very fierce, very powerful, very determined. Unfortunately Atalanta is like, the only female Greek hero. I’ll include Artemis too, she and Atalanta were into a lot of the same stuff.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Hestia, goddess of the hearth, feast, and sacrificial fire. I honestly think Hestia is too static of a character to properly represent Portia, but there is something to be said about her associations with fire, home, and food. There’s a facet of Portia that is very domestic, but it’s just a part of her overall personality. (And once again, maiden goddess, but Portia definitely fucks.)
Similarly, you could compare her to Hebe, the goddess of youth and cupbearer to the gods, but really only on the grounds that she’s one of the younger LIs, and that she’s spent time as a servant.
After some more digging around it’s pretty clear that Atalanta is my favorite option, I’m gonna have to go with her.
The most obvious choice is Pan, I’m sure we can all agree on that. Literal party animal, literal goat man. Dionysus is also up there, but he’s really too good of a guy for Lucio, which is kind of nuts to say. You know you suck when a Greek god has the moral high ground over you. I feel like there are more and better options to explore.
For instance, Poseidon! A temperamental dick who does whatever he wants because he’s usually too dangerous for anyone to stop him. Literally all Poseidon does is hold grudges and cause violence for attention. Sounds a lot like someone we know, huh?
Then there’s Epimetheus, titan god of afterthought, father of excuses. One of the most mocked Greek figures, and for good reason. He’s the embodiment of a fool, not to be confused with The Fool. A fool as in an idiot. Like Lucio.
Zeus is also worth considering, because like Lucio, even though he’s in charge, he’s just the worst, literally the worst. Unfaithful, belligerent, narcissistic. Oh, Narcissus would also work now that I think about it. Let’s say it’s either Narcissus, or maybe Pan after all, since Pan is one of the only gods who’s ever been “declared” dead.
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alltheglowingeyess · 4 years
JSGDJDH ok my brain has rounded off at last on ToAxDreamSMP brainrot HC's, so I just wanted to put them out there:
(This all stems from @eboylityerses 's much better organized, comprehensive ToAxDreamSMP post)
- Nico helping Ghostbur with his memory problems??
- Like he just finds it intriguing and wants to help him piece together his past (because he understands what it's like to lose memories like that, albeit in a different manner)
- Meg definitely bullies Tommy for being a ✨cHiLd✨, but the two bond on another level over bullying Lester for the sake of it
- Tommy starts calling him Big L and the two latch onto it for like months to come 🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾
- Tommy also decides that he doesn't give a fuck about the cabins and chooses to build the Tower of Tommy for himself
- So he befriends kids from Hephaestus and Athena and they help him build his tower in the woods or something so that by the time anyone notices, it's already past the tree tops
- Olympus is the Forbidden Tower and Tommy wants to build all the way up there 😼🤚🏽
- I like the HC that Ranboo, being part Enderman, can do minor teleportation; so he works closely with Hecate kids and Nico sometimes to try and control his abilities a little better
- The whole giving blue is sad undertones, but just picture Ghostbur happily giving Percy a l l the blue and Percy is confused what this ghost boy is doing throwing blue at him but he still loves it
- Sapnap tries to attack Peaches as a joke (because I think his whole thing is killing pets on the SMP???) in his first week and gets his ass kicked
- He promptly gives up his pet killing agenda jsgdjdj
- I keep thinking of Tommy mocking Techno about Theseus when Techno was trying to Remove RacoonInnit but he kept pronouncing it "TEH-HE-SEE-US"
- I have no idea if it was a joke or he actually pronounced it like that but imagine him saying that in front of a camp of demigods HEHHSGSJSH
- Ghostbur befriends some Demeter kids and they help build a little pen/house thing for Friend to live in so they're safe 🥺
- BBH very much enjoys the use of mythological beings in place of swearing (although campers still will not hesitate to throw out fuck if they stub their toe or something JGDJSJ)
- Techno considers Mrs. O' Leary to be the ultimate addition to his dog army; he befriends her in secret because the Blood God Is Ready For Battle
I might have more just ✨floating about✨ in my mind rn but I'm tired 😭✌🏽But yes this whole crossover is living rent free in my mind b l e s s.
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dilfbatman · 4 years
seeing everyone talk about hoo rewrite hc’s i would like to join and add a few hehe
- i won’t reiterate what everyone’s been saying bc they’re all correct and right (no frazel, no racist/sexist shit about piper, hazel, reyna) no forced outing of nico, no weird “i’m alpha” shit between jason & percy, and overall better leo’s whole arc etc...
- i would swap annabeth’s godly parent (so pjo rewrite) i think having her being a daughter of nike (a minor goddess) would be far more interesting/is fitting for her! her desire to be first, number 1, always win, and having her pride and need for victory be a part of who she is! and in pjo she would have been in the hermes cabin thus making her relationship w luke stronger, therefore making his betrayal hurt that much worse (also for fun in hoo she’d have a crush on piper and play into the whole cocky yet nervous daughter of nike who only wants to be the number 1 in piper’s heart hehe)
- instead i would want to put a black child of athena i think that them within the story would be so interesting and their intelligence is not only of extreme use, but they can offer strategies and ways to get out of dire situations in the skip of a heartbeat! plus i think they’d be great friends w leo & hazel!
- i would like to add more minor/underworld/primordial god kids! i wanna see children of eros (primordial), thanatos, hecate, nemesis, nike, hebe, hypnos, erebus, nyx etc... i think they’d be SO much cooler than to see just kids of the 12 olympians and to see how some of them interact w the 7 + nico & reyna! (son of eros & thanatos & hecate interacting w nico and hazel - son of eros helping nico, son of hecate helps hazel to control the mist, son of thanatos being friends w nico & hazel and feeling a connection w them? daughter of nemesis battling w her internal of struggle whether she hates percy or not and how she’s seen how it’s affected her brother? son of hebe being best friends with leo and relates to his fun spunk? son & daughter of erebus being the antithesis of jason yet seeing his kindess and respect and how he subverts their ideals of a how a son of jupiter/zeus would act? children of nike meeting frank & reyna and look at how strong & good at combat they are and seeing future sparring partners?
- i am. a narcissus apologist he deserves a better and well rounded character arc - i want to see him full of anger sadness and despair and how demigods feel the guilt of fighting him and forcing him to look into his reflection and see him sob bc it’s too much and he didn’t deserve to be held down for eternity! here’s @hazelmagix’s take on it: here’s one, and another, and it makes me sad
- eros is the protector of homosexual love! it would have been better to see him protect and speak to nico and give him advice - he protects young men! it would have been different to see this side of him rather than the mischievous terrifying one the gods know (as the god are actually frightened by eros) and also! no thanatos in chains!
- if you’ve read tsoa then this is for you but for the curse of achilles scene i wanted tsoa!achilles so bad omfg seeing a young man who is the cautionary tale of bearing the curse and who’s THE most famous and one of the most tragic demigods (and how he’s the opp. spectrum of percy bc he let go of his humanity and therefore losing everything he knew and loved) and having percy recognize that would have been heartwrenching and how achilles not only lost his life & honor but something more important to him aka PATROCLUS!
- for fun i wanna see a “sons of apollo” group that has a fun rivalry w the “hunters of artemis” that has so substance for bettering hoo it’s just something i wanna see JDJDJDJD and also........ let the hunters have lesbians! people have pointed out how it’s ridiculous to kick them out and also that they’re all so young so artemis has to make sure that they wanna join which would change the concept fundamentally! i think hunter thalia meeting praetor amazon reyna would have been insanely cool and them being gf’s!
- i love valgrace! i’d love to have seen it! peak friends to lovers trope but first and foremost leo learns how to find self love and be secure in himself and his friends help him! so does the son of eros & son of hebe & hazel & piper! and i wanted to see certain friendships within the two camps like percy & leo, jason & annabeth, piper & will, hazel & charlie, piper & silena, the stoll brothers and dakota, frank & clarisse etc...
- not me realizing that i didn’t add iconic takes from @bunkernine & @hazelslevesquee! caitlyn the foremost icon of the TLH trio her takes are over here! and pearl already has ideas about hazel :’)
- i wanted octavian to be an absolute BASTARD, complete antagonist, just despicable! one of my fav scenes of his was when he told percy that he hoped the roman brand hurt which is entirely fucked up and dark and i love a villainous character! he was a little bitch in hoo when he deserved to be a bad bitch! a legacy of apollo who has the worst qualities of apollo himself and who the “sons of apollo” consider an absolute travesty to the name of their patron!
- the gaea fight bro......... what was that??? we needed TENSION, I WANTED ACTION, SHE’S A PRIMORDIAL GODDESS AND IS SUPER POWERFUL! we should have that battle be even more dangerous and tension filled than the battle of kronos and were ROBBED! we should have seen aphrodite’s war side, the extent of damage the big three kids could do, minor god kids weren’t considered to be all that strong but are LETHAL in battle! i wanted sm more from this battle it was WEAK in the books smh we deserved better! and there’s probably way more i’d change but my brain is no thots head empty rn but that’s all i have for now hehe
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
If Prue had lived, what do you think her kids would have been like, and how do you think they would have affected the various power level structures of the next gen?
okay so i think there are a couple options based on who’s the father of the child that would yield different results so in a very me fashion imma make this a very long post and break down all of them. this is 2.5k. it’s going under a cut.
andy so i think had andy not died he and prue would have definitely gotten married first i would say somewhere around the season 2 finale maybe the penultimate episode to end on a sweet high note while still setting up season 3 or something i think he and prue would have their first child ehh probably announced in the s3 finale. i think she’d be a girl i think she’d be a telekinetic like her mama and i think her name would definitely be patricia (and i wanna say in her teenage years she’d go by trix) i think her powers would definitely grow to advanced telekinesis by the time she’s of a fighting age. if i were writing her i would give her a gradual power development of like telekinetically lifting herself up in fights (like what we sometimes saw prue do) to levitation to flight if i wanna get really jiggy w it). i would think prue would definitely want multiple kids (ideally three daughters) and i think andy would definitely Also want sorta that white picket fence family. i think that piper and leo would still be pregnant at the end of season four, with prue’s second pregnancy occuring around beginning to mid season five. i also think about halfway through prue’s second pregnancy she and andy would choose to move out into their own home bc well let’s face it the manor’s a lil crowded (paige is also here in the au don’t ask me how). so wyatt matthews halliwell would be born in february prue and andy would probably move out in april their second child would be born hmm let’s say september. a girl named hmm it has to be a p name i’m firm on that but i don’t really wanna go penelope bc then i feel like it’s too locked in to a naming after ancestors thing but like also it would still be a very prue name & prue is already named after her ancestors so what the hell i’ll name her penelope. let’s talk powers. baby wyatt will keep his whitelighter based powers such as an orb shield, orbing, and healing, but he won’t be a telekinetic. he still has the power of projection. the twice blessed isn’t a thing. penelope i think would be the molecular witch, with powers of molecular deceleration & acceleration (but not freezing or combustion) as well as the ability to adjust her own molecular structure and “phase” (a la kitty pryde from xmen). next in the halliwell line would be chris who would still be born in october of 03 with powers of orbing, telekinesis, and telekinetic orbing, followed then by andy and prue’s third daughter born in utopia in s7 lemme go check the family tree for names there aren’t actually that many p names on there so now i guess lemme make one up one that sounds appropriately vintage like okay so i personally hc p bowen (prue’s past life) to be named pearl, p baxter as pauline, and p russel as phyllis out of all of those i think i’d chose pearl okay so i googled 19th century baby names p names i found were parthena permilia philippa pamela patience and priscilla. okay so i’m actually deciding now that the name philippa comes from andy’s side of the family and that’s the name of the third daughter who will follow suit with the charmed one’s schtick and have premonitions, which includes both precognition and retrocognition, as well as clairvoyance and limited telepathy (she’s basically a human lie detector, but if she actually wants to hear someone’s thoughts, she was to have physical contact and be in a quasi-meditative state). piper be pregnant with melinda at the end of s8, melinda’s powers would be empathy along with the whitelighter powers of healing orbing and photokinesis. next would be the twins tam and kat who would still split molecular combustion and immobilization as well as the whitelighter powers basically i wouldn’t change their powers from what they already have henry jr is also here, still a mortal. pj would not be named pj as Prue Isn’t Dead but i think phoebe would still really wanna stick with the p names. since prue’s already burned through the family tree i think she’d pick a more modern name (and i’m sticking with the gender neutral theme all of phoebe’s kids have) so like percy pax pemberley i’m also really tempted by pisces. hmm. pemberly. who i’d give astral projection and then also um well possession. like yeah y’know projecting her astral form into somebody else and being able to like read them while in their bodies all that. parker stays with premonition and uhh i just recently came up with a power progression for parker that i would love to employ but like i think i really wanna keep it a secret for now but i might end up talking about it later peyton would still be a telekinetic and all three cupitches can still beam and sense love. okay!
jack jack gets an obligatory section bc he was one of the few love interests to last more than one episode but uhh that baby would definitely be a whoopsie! or should i say,,, babies that’s right it’s twins. and i don’t think prue and jack would together romantically but i think they’d still be like y’know friends i think jack would be there to support prue & his kids but i do think prue would be the primary caregiver i think jack would maybe get them like on weekends or like every third week of the month. and i’m Really tempted to give them last name first names and have the kids be names warren and sheridan and Yes they’d be both boys. i sorta wanna melinda warren both of em and just like. give em all three powers what the hell. given that it’s so many powers stacked in one witch i don’t think their powers would ever greatly develop i don’t think there’d be any advanced telekinesis or molecular combustion or like astral premonitions but i do think they have all three powers. and they are identical. so they’re both born in 2000, flash foward to 2002 wyatt is born wyatt matthew halliwell with orbing, orb sheild, healing, telekinetic orbing, and telekinesis. cut forward to 2004 piper has her second child who is in this reality a girl, with orbing, molecular combustion/immobilization, & invisibility. her name would be melinda christina halliwell. i think we can fast forward the timeline a bit i think the piper and leo would have their third child at the end of s8 another boy named john after grams’s maiden name, orbing, premonition, levitation. i feel like cosmically we’ve already filled our twin quotient so no tam & kat in this universe so paige and henry only have one kid a daughter i always pick from shakespeare baby names for not!tam&kat bc like. they’ve got shakespeare names. in the past i’ve used isabel and beatrice this time i’m gonna go for jourdain who has the power of projection, as well as the whitelighter power of omnilingualism. henry & paige still end up accidentally adopting a mortal in this au, but here she’s a girl, so instead of making the henry jr joke henry calls her paige jr the name sticks she goes by pj. cupitches once again we’re going pemberley parker and peyton and once again i’m sticking with the same power set from the andy timeline.
bane okay so give me a sign they have sex prue is pregnanté bane is in jail. charges of racketeering, tax evasion, money laundering and embezzlement, but like okay he’s a career criminal, meaning their notoriously hard to catch. and i think he’s have a good lawyer. max sentence for racketeering is 20 years, tax evasion 5, money laundering 20, embezzlement 3. i’m not a law student i don’t know shit about like,, douple jeopardy all that but like. imma say sentenced to ten years in jail let out in 7 on good behavior + they’re all nonviolent crimes so. is that how it works? okay but basically baby #1 prolly a sagittarius born in 2000. i’m saying girl. i think again like with the jack situation this really isn’t prue’s white picket fence family this is strange and rebellious and unprecedented meaning it’s not guaranteed to be a “p” name but nothing’s like. immediately coming to mind. i feel like it has to be a name that captures prue’s rebellious spirit and the sorta intense passion she keeps below the surface so i wanna go for something outta left field. i also feel like prue cares a lot about the meaning / origin of her baby name so i’m gonna pick from a list of witches of myth. hecate’s obvi out as she’s a demon in charmed verse so i’m thinking circe or freyja. i feel like circe’s more associate with turning men into pigs than anything else so i’m gonna settle with freyja who’s technically a goddess and not a witch but like. minutia. i’m giving her the same power set as patricia / trix which is advance telekinesis + eventual flight. yada yada yada baby wyatt chris & melinda are born, powers as in canon (including empathy for melinda which is in fact Not Canon but like canon in my heart). tamora and kat are born, powers as in canon, bane is out of jail, pemberley is born, astral projection + possession, henry jr is there, prue and bane have another kid in ‘08, a girl (i’m sticking with the badass women of myth theme) named atalanta, nicknamed tal rhymes with the cal in calorie. yes i know i’m very white. powers of molecular immobilization & cryokinesis. next born in 09 cupitch parker still with cupid powers and premonition, then prue and bane’s third daughter born in 2010 (i’m telling you bane def has that like white picket fence adoring family dream. he frickin loves kids & like dutifully drives them to ballet practice every day after school type thing. loves the idea of being able to yell “honey! i’m home!” total sap) her name’s probs gonna be like. morrigan. her powers are a riff on the premonition aspect of thee power of three, she can pick up on “psychic reverb” and sense if a great act of magic has happened somewhere as well as sense great good, great evil, and immense power. also with the her psychic power she can mark crossroads and tell if a decision is about to be altering, though she can’t sense which outcome is the “best”. finally baby peyton still a telekinetic cupitch born in 2011.
justin congrats, bud. the only other prue love interest to make it past a single episode. too bad we really don’t know shit about this guy. simp? we can assume? yeah so in this timeline they come together basically when piper & leo are getting married so in this timeline we are still getting wyatt first with all his canonically op self. then we’re getting chris, same as in canon i guess i feel like he should have more powers give him combustive orbing what the fuck why not. okay so like maybe ‘03-’04 prue and justin move out / move in together, married by late ’04 (just before utopia in s7). they have their first daughter in 2005 still s7 once again named patricia and she’s a telekinetic like prue. we’ll push melinda up to ’06 still an empath + other whitelighter powers & tlk orb. 2007 will have both tam & kat with their canon powers, followed by penelope with cryokinesis, closed out with pemberley with astral projection. jump to 09 parker born with premonition in spring and i said philippa was an andy’s family name so patience in the fall. and she can uhh same thing as morrigan she’s psychic. 2011 the final baby is born it’s peyton telekinetic + cupitch powers as always. henry jr is also here placed where he normally is (slightly younger than pj/pemberley)
bonus round!dency addition okay so idk if i’ve said this before but i’ve actually sorted out dency’s relatives in her world one sec i gotta pull up the google doc okay dency born first only child the source’s heir next up is melinda penelope “penn” halliwell the only child of leo & piper aka the twice blessed followed by paige’s sons taran & kai, twins, the ultimate power. but now prue’s in the mix! i’m pairing her with andy bc that was her most significant relationship. as previously stated i think prue and andy’s first child would be born in early season four as patricia, same powers as stated earlier with advanced telekinesis & flight. dency technically would no longer be named dency in this au as once again, prue is not dead. she would be named victoria after her grandfather. same powers that she already holds (pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, flaming, limited telepathy (only the lie detector part) & super strength). her power rivals that of patricia’s despite not being the first born in the generation bc she was infused with the source. she would be born early s5. then keeping with the timeline piper & leo’s firstborn comes mid s5, another girl named melinda. melinda’s powers are orbing, molecular immobilization, and advanced healing. at this point prue is Pregnant Again and calls dibs on the name penelope so that does not become melinda’s middle name. in the dency au coop shows up earlier, which in turn accelerates paige and henry ending up together because i said so. piper is pregnant at the beginning of s6. prue and andy have their second daughter penelope, paige and henry get together, piper and leo have their second daughter christina. s6 ends. penelope gets molecular deceleration & acceleration. christina has orbing, telekinesis, & an orb shield. s7. whoops paige is pregnant. hey it’s twins! tamora & kat. tamora is the physical while kat is the spiritual. tamora can orb, telekinetically orb, and has normal telekinesis. kat has premonitions, clairvoyance, and omnilingualism. s8. prue gets pregnant again at some point. season finale. philippa is born. she can astral project, and will later develop suggestion. piper is pregnant again. it’s still 2006.  now it’s 2007. piper’s baby is born. it’s a boy??? meet baby john. an empath. omnilingual. can orb. henry jr also shows up. at this point it’s been like 5 years since phoebe’s traumatic incident with cole / the source and she decides she wants to have kids again. she and coop have their first daughter in 2008, a girl they name leona. cupid powers of beaming & sensing love, and levitation that will eventually develop into flight. limited precognition. 2010. they have another child, this time a boy, warren. beaming, sensing love, telekinesis, telekinetic beaming. 2011 they final baby of the generation is born, phoebe and coop’s daughter let’s call her charlotte. she doesn’t have molecular immobilization, that magic mix with a cupid’s control over time. she has temporal stasis (& beaming & sensing love) 
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jgracie · 3 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ hi, could you pls write percy x child of hecate hcs ? ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a child of hecate
pairing percy jackson x hecate!reader
warnings none:)
on the radio . . . the good witch (maisie peters)
an the idea for this came to me in a dream (not even joking) so i had to write it ofc... haven't done cabin hcs in a WHILE i miss them sm!! ALSO I LISTENED TO THE GOOD WITCH ALBUM WHILE WRITING THIS STREAM THE GOOD WITCH
Demigod extractions were things often reserved for the satyrs to do. Occasionally, a demigod would accompany a satyr but that was rare since the more demigods in a group, the stronger their overall scent and the more likely they are to be ambushed by monsters
When there’s a demigod with as powerful of a scent as Phoebe’s, however, it didn’t really matter how many demigods you brought along, since she alone was bound to attract monsters - in fact, it was better to bring demigods along, since they were better trained in combat than satyrs
That’s why Percy was currently on a bus heading for Brooklyn at six in the morning, trying his hardest not to fall asleep on the shoulder of the person sitting next to him: you
He didn’t know much about you other than that you’re a child of Hecate and you often volunteered when they needed a demigod on the extraction trips, but he didn’t think you’d like spending the entire drive with him drooling all over your shoulder
As you headed to Brooklyn, Marigold the satyr was yapping away about how powerful this demigod was. Apparently, she was only seven yet somehow managed to be a monster magnet. A demigod as powerful as that could easily be a child of the big three, which you assumed was why Percy accompanied you this time around
The extraction itself went pretty smoothly. Trying her best to hold back her tears, Phoebe’s mother handed her over to you and you gave her a quick summary of what Camp Half-Blood was like, handing her a pamphlet made by the Iris kids while Percy scouted the area for any monsters
Finding none, Percy told Phoebe to say goodbye to her mother, which she did, and the four of you got inside the car to begin your journey back to camp
“When will I see my mommy again?” The little girl said as she lightly tapped your arm. As you looked into her big, sea green eyes, you couldn’t help but notice a striking resemblance between her and Percy, who was silently watching your interaction go down
Giving her a sympathetic smile, you said, “I’m sure she’ll visit soon.” Noticing the sadness in the way she pouted her lips, you smiled and pulled out a deck of cards from your bag
“D’you wanna see a magic trick?” You asked, shuffling the cards. Instantly, her eyes lit up and she eagerly nodded. Being Hecate’s child meant you could do all sorts of magic tricks with ease, so you often carried a deck of cards and various other objects on you when doing demigod extractions in order to cheer the kids up
The trick was simple: she’d choose a card, look at it, put it back in the deck, the deck would be shuffled and then you’d pick the same card out. Despite its simplicity, it made the girl’s day, and the car was quickly filled with laughs and squeals of excitement as you spent the rest of the ride performing all sorts of magic tricks
Unbeknownst to you, Percy was watching you intently, feeling his heart rate get quicker and quicker as he fell harder and harder for you. Yes, he barely knew you, but he couldn’t help but fall when your compassionate heart captivated his own and your bright smile rivalled Apollo’s sun
You went your separate ways once you got to camp, but Percy never forgot that ride back to Camp Half-Blood
Phoebe was claimed just a day after she’d arrived to camp and, as luck would have it, your suspicions were right. She was a daughter of Poseidon, making her Percy’s sister
The boy in question helped her move into cabin three from eleven, and as he moved the ample amount of belongings she had to her bunk, tried to get to know his new sister
However, she didn’t seem to care to know him, she just wanted to see you again. She hadn’t seen you since you parted ways at camp and missed you an awful lot so she just kept asking Percy for you until he gave up and went to fetch you
(It didn’t take that much for him to give up, since he secretly wanted to see you again too)
When Percy showed up at your cabin, although curfew was nearing, you were more than happy to accompany him to his own cabin, since you’d been planning to go and check up on Phoebe at some point anyway. It warmed your heart to know she’d been thinking of you as well
As soon as you appeared, Phoebe clung to you and begged you to show her more tricks, which you gladly did. However, you also made sure to vouch for Percy and show her how cool he is since you felt bad for the guy. His first ever demigod sibling, and she seems to care about someone from a different cabin more than him
Soon enough, it was curfew, and Phoebe had finally tired herself out and fallen asleep. There was only one small issue: you couldn’t leave cabin three unless you were willing to risk the harpies catching you, which you didn’t
“You can stay here,” Percy said, his voice hushed so his sister wouldn’t wake up. It was almost like he could read your mind. You would’ve denied his offer, not wanting to intrude on his space, but you really weren’t in the mood to get in trouble that night
So, you accepted. Neither of you were tired enough to go to bed though, so after a little bit of discussion, you settled on watching a movie together
Perks of the Poseidon cabin? Since there were only two residents, Percy took initiative and replaced a few of the beds with a giant living room of sorts. There was a couch, a table and a demigod safe TV, courtesy of the Hephaestus cabin
Unfortunately, the movie you two ended up choosing was incredibly boring. You never thought a movie could be this boring. Maybe it was because your eyes were starting to get heavy, but you had no idea what the plot was supposed to be or where it was going
At around the one hour mark, your eyes shut and you drifted off to sleep on Percy’s shoulder. Percy, ever the gentleman, closed the TV and carried you to one of the empty beds in his cabin
As he tucked you in, he couldn’t help but take note of how beautiful you were. This was the first time he got to take a good look at you, and he seized the opportunity, engraving the shape of your lips and the colour of your eyelashes into his memory
Maybe he was falling
After that night, two significant things happened: you and Percy started seeing each other much more often, and Percy started keeping a journal
The former was because Phoebe still really enjoyed being around you. Sure, she loved her big brother, but you were always going to be her favourite. You enjoyed the young girl’s company too, so you didn’t mind being at cabin three for most of the day
You also really liked being around Percy. Being at Poseidon’s cabin all the time meant you were bound to get to know him more, and you two discovered you actually had a lot more in common than you would’ve ever thought
You taught him some of your simpler magic tricks, and he showed you his own tricks with water. You both also vowed to watch more interesting movies
The latter was because Percy’s mother told him to. She thought it’d be a good way for him to let all his feelings out when he didn’t want to talk to anyone, and he trusted his mom with his life, so why wouldn’t he?
The journal worked, of course. He’d talk about the challenging life of the average demigod and how he wished he were a normal mortal, but that wasn’t his main use for it. Mostly, he’d talk about you
You, who’d wrapped him around your finger without knowing it. You, who he’d fallen hopelessly in love with. Since he couldn’t tell anyone about his crush on you in fear of rejection, Percy decided he’d tell the journal, since no one would read it anyway
If only he knew how wrong he was
You see, Phoebe was a very perceptive child. She saw her big brother writing in his little notebook then putting it under his bed. The one time she asked him what he was writing about, he got super nervous and refused to show her
That, of course, meant she had to know. So when Percy was helping a group of hippocampi at the beach once, Phoebe decided to discover what he was writing about
She couldn’t read much of it, but she did recognise your name. As soon as she saw it, she got excited and ran to cabin 20 to show you. Although you and Percy were oblivious about your feelings towards each other, she wasn’t, so seeing your name in her brother’s journal excited her
You weren’t surprised to see Phoebe at the door of your cabin. You’d taught her how to get there during her first week at camp in case she ever needed you, so she was there often
You were, however, surprised to see Percy Jackson completely out of breath and running after her. Unfortunately, he was a little too slow
“Read it!” Phoebe squealed, giving you the journal. Confusedly, you looked down and began to read. As you took in all the words of pure love and infatuation, pure love and infatuation for you, you felt your face heat up
Never in a million years did you think Percy would reciprocate your feelings. He was just a silly crush of yours, that could never escalate into anything more, right?
Percy finally caught up with his sister. He didn’t think a seven year old could run so fast. “Y/N, I’m so sorry, you weren’t supposed to read that, it’s silly, it’s–”
“Is it true?” You asked, your eyes and your voice barely above a whisper
All he could do was nod
You started dating after that, of course. Phoebe would spend the rest of her life taking credit for the existence of Camp Half-Blood’s favourite couple
After you and Percy became official, she stopped referring to you as Y/N whenever she’d speak about you to all her other friends at camp. You became “Percy’s soulmate Y/N” (yes soulmate specifically. She saw him writing it once and it stuck)
The children of Camp Half-Blood quickly become your biggest fans. Whenever they’d see you walking around hand-in-hand, they’d all squeal and whisper to each other about how they wanted to be just like you
Phoebe and Percy fought over you all the time. He wanted to get kisses and cuddles from the love of his life, Phoebe wanted to show you her cartwheels and handstands. Sibling banter ensued
Still, you managed to get your alone time
Percy loves asking you for tarot readings. He loves watching your hands eloquently shuffle the cards, he loves watching your eyes light up at the cards that pop out, he loves how excited you get as you explain what it all means, he loves it all
He’ll ask you for tarot readings for everything just because he knows you get really excited to do them, especially when it’s for someone who doesn’t know what any of it means since you get to yap about it
Important exam the next day? Tarot reading. Quest he’s worried about? Tarot reading
“Babe, babe,” Percy said, startling you. You put down Ginger (the Hecate cabin pet cat in my head) and turned to face your boyfriend, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as he sat across you
Grabbing your tarot deck from your bedside table, Percy handed it to you and said, “I need a reading. I’m about to go and check the minifridge in my cabin for blue coke and I’d like to know if I’ll end up being disappointed.”
You deadpanned, “Perce, that’s not really how it works…”
He asked you for a reading about your relationship once and SO many good cards popped out you were convinced your mother was somehow present. You got so giggly and shy you could barely get through the reading
He loves bringing that reading up in the randomest of conversations (or when someone flirts with you) to remind everyone you two are absolutely meant to be
One time, he gave you a shell to wear on your camp necklace. You treasured it and, in return, gave him a crystal to wear on his
When I say the boy was obsessed!!! Every time he’d catch someone’s eyes flitting down to his camp necklace, he’d rave about his cool lover from cabin 20 and how they gave him this crystal
He asks you about all the properties of the crystals and you think he isn’t paying much attention and is probably bored but he’s actually making a mental note of all of them in his head
The next time you visit cabin three, you find crystals littered all over the place. Percy gives you a tour and recites all their qualities to you and why he chose to put each one where he did and you burst into tears because no one outside of your cabin cared about your interests as much as he did
Oh also you’re the cooler one out of the two of you #loserpercyagenda everyone LOVESSS to tease Percy about how whipped he is for you
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jgracie · 5 months
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bouquets in process — my wips!
↳ last update: 30.04.24
inspired by @aezuria the love of my life. also please note that unless it’s a request these are subject to change!! :)
OO1 . . . twintuition (jason grace)
would u be down to write a platonic jason grace and reader where they’re siblings or twins? (if ur comfortable writing platonic stuff like that ofc!!) maybe it can be a little angst-y, like where one of them gets hurt and the other is panicking a little. but ultimately it’s just sibling banter and stuff like that
OO2 . . . season of the witch (percy jackson)
hi, could you pls write percy x child of hecate hcs ?
OO3 . . . on each other’s team (travis stoll)
can i please request travis stoll x daughter of hades reader cs in technicality they are both "reject" cabins (ofc not for me, they are my pookies <3) and then they start to get along after he pulls a prank or two on her but she gets her revenge ;) AND AND THEN THEY LIKE ACT SUPER OBLIVIOUS AROUND EACH OTHER CS THE READER BELIEVES THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF BEING LOVED AND THEREFORE MISS OUT ON TRAV'S OBVIOUS ATTEMPTS AT FLIRTING
OO4 . . . i’m only me when i’m with you (annabeth chase)
Can I have a PLATONIC Athena!reader x Annabeth chase and they bound to their problem because both have problème with abandon and stepmother and dad problem and when the reader is sad (she is one years younger than Annabeth) they hugs each other promise that they always there for each other etc. Please
OO5 . . . title tba (frank zhang)
Saw requests were open and just about screamed in joy ! I was wondering if you'd be up to writing a Frank Zhang oneshot (with an unspecified godly parent cause i don't think it would matter much) where it could be rivals to lovers wherevthey always bicker yet after a difficult day reader is fed up and upset so they just start crying and frank is like "oh"
OO6 . . . but daddy i love him! (frank zhang)
Cyncyn my love,i really need a part two of Frank and Vulcan daughter with the soundtrack of “But daddy i love him!”🙏🏻🥺
OO7 . . . frank zhang dating headcanons
in which he goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid
OO8 . . . travis stoll dating headcanons
in which travis can’t see what anyone can see in anyone else but you
OO9 . . . luke castellan dating headcanons
in which you’ve been his queen since you were sixteen
O10 . . . jj & smartiepants origins headcanons
in which i tell you the story of how jj and smartiepants came to be
O11 . . . in another life, you still would’ve turned my head
in which you and jason are in love in every universe
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