#I’m gonna watch a fun movie or something to cheer myself up
harryhandstan · 6 months
womanhood is sitting here in my bed with a permanantly collapsed spine, gaslighting myself that I don't need to sign up for disability
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nevernonline · 6 months
✧.* he's all that; lsm mini series
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✧.*synopsis: every year the kappa sorority hosted a 'hot or not' greek life pageant show. you've luckily escaped having to bring your own "nottie" to give a makeover to and train in hopes of winning a big prize for the rest of your crew. but, just when you thought your lucky streak was going strong your name get's chosen as a representative and your sisters had just the guy for you to make over.
part of my seventeen movie series. 
paring: seokmin x reader (y/n uses she/her pronouns.) 
genre/s: fluff, strangers2lvrs, neighbors2lvrs or whatever.  
warning/s: alcohol mentions, swearing, cigarette mentions, swearing, some pg-13 jokes. no funny business iykyk. lots of mean girls (rip)
word count: 4.2k
note: im notorious atp for not editing, pls. this edition of nmm is inspired by a true classic she's all that (w/ a bit of greek the tv show/sydney white energy if any of u have ever seen ALSO classics, this was supposed to be one part, BUT! I feel myself getting so carried away so … three parts.) i was going to post my gwag update today but im gonna wait till either tomorrow or Tuesday <3.
beginning ▸ middle ▸ end.
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Y/n was dreading the meeting she walked through the front doors of the sorority for this afternoon, the pageant. Kappa and all the other sororities on Greek row participated in what they call ‘Hot or Not’ every year since supposedly the 1980’s something her now head sister Heather claims was started by the legacy that was her mother. Which maybe was true, but y/n could never figure out why it mattered? And while it was fun it was a little bit old school.
“Hey, girls. Everyone settled in? We have a very exciting tradition here at Kappa as you may know.”
The cheers rang through the sitting room, with its white walls, pale pink carpets, and sherpa couches, the cheers and claps of girls hoping Heather draws their name from the glass bowl with her perfectly manicured finger tips.
“Yes. It’s so exciting, we have a few new faces so since you haven’t been a part of this week in past years we left you out of the bowl, but we will have many things for you to participate in this week. Like dine and dash, our famous Good as Gold party, and of course judging the competition at the end of the week. Before we get to the drawing, I wanted to congratulate our last year's winner, Suni. Give it up for her.”
Smiling, y/n clapped along with the other girls, giving Suni her flowers. About to step out behind the two french doors to grab a water or something to drink, when you hear Heather call your name loudly. All of your other sisters and friends spinning around watching her looking like she was attempting to escape the reality of her name being the one chosen after three years of getting out of it.
“y/n! Finally, Come back here, girly.”
Walking through the clapping crown y/n took her place next to the blonde and pretended to smile with excitement as her gut was telling her it was absolutely the worst day of her life.
The only reason y/n was in this sorority was to get extra college credits, that and Heather and her mother met here and have been friends since that very day. Heather was obsessed with being a legacy and clawing her way to the top of the food chain at the university. Y/n was just there for the ride.
“Everyone, you all obviously know my very good friend and our smartest sister, y/n. I personally have been waiting for the day she got chosen out of this bowl. It’s something our moms, co-vp’s of their 1980’s class of Kappas have been talking about for years. So I’m just as excited as I’m sure y/n is to be our guiding light to another victory this year. Anything to say, y/n?”
“Uh, not really, you said it all.”
Another big fake smile appeared on her face. Laughing and giggling at all the congratulations coming her way.
“Girls, before we enjoy our lunch. Don’t forget tonight is dine and dash, please find your dates and bring them to Carol’s Diner at 8pm. See you there.”
Checking the time on your phone you had roughly 45 minutes before your lecture and enough time to take off the gaudy Kappa logo’d sweater you had to put on for what Heather calls “official business.”
“Y/n what are you checking the time for? We have a lot to do today.”
“I have a class in 40 minutes, I have to go back and change.”
“I don’t get why you won't just move back in here with us?”
“I told you, Heather. I can't. I have to focus on getting into Med School and no offense to you or the other girls, but this isn’t exactly the best place for me to focus when I have to study.”
“Med School can wait just one day right? We have to set up the table at Carol’s and set up for the party later. Would you mind going with the new girl Sam to grab the alcohol? And then you can meet me back here and we will go to the diner together. I’m going to have the girls go out and look for some Nottie’s for you today before that whale from Delta picks them all up. “
“No, but-”
“Thank you! Love you!”
“Also her name is not Sam, It’s Soyeon.”
“Okay got it, toodleoo.”
Searching the house for the person and so called new girl, Sam you stumbled upon her sitting out on the back patio writing in her journal.
“Oh, hey y/n.
“Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, you didn’t. I’m just so used to everyone calling me Sam I forget people know that it’s actually not.”
“Yeah, it took Heather a whole year to not call Suni, Sunny and everyone just kind of follows her suit.”
“I thought you had class? I didn’t know you were still here.”
“I do. It’s just a lecture on the importance of mammograms and breast cancer research so, I guess it’s okay. I can just find it somewhere online.”
“Ready to head out?”
“Would you hate me if we stopped at my dorm? I cannot wear this fucking sweater for more than an hour or I may spontaneously combust.”
“Yeah, I don’t want to be seen with you in public while you’re wearing that.”
“I appreciate your honesty.”
“You should.”
Y/n and Soyeon escaped the general excitement of the rest of the girls by escaping out the outdoor gate and walked viciously together to change the heinous sweater on y/n’s back.
Turning the corner to finally reach the hall her single dorm room lived at the end of, she ran into a tall boy who’s books scattered all across the floor, a boy she had never once run into literally and physically.
“I'm so sorry.”
“No, no I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“You’re y/n right?”
“Yes? Why?”
“Oh, no. Nothing like that. I live across the hall from you. I see your name tag on your door all the time and all the photos of you from all your friends. Which now that I’m talking makes me sound like even more of a weirdo? I’m sorry. I’m Seokmin, my friends call me DK or Dokyeom , whatever. And now I’m rambling, please stop me.”
“No, you’re okay. Can we at least just get off the floor now?”
Seokmin or Dokyeom whatever his real name actually is, crawled off the floor and stuck his hand out to you for assistance pulling your pink colored body off the floor.
“This is my friend, Soyeon.”
“Sorority sisters?”
“Wait. How’d you know? Oh, fuck the sweater. Don’t tell anyone you saw me wearing this, I know where you live.”
“Don’t worry, I never will. But, sorry to uh, cut this meeting short I have to get to class. I’ll see you again, I’m sure. Bye, nice meeting you y/n. And you too, Soyeon.”
In unison you and Soyeon watched the tall boy walk towards the elevators. Both of you have differing expressions of looks on your face, one of pure enjoyment watching the awkward interaction and one of pure dumbfoundedness.
“He’s cute.”
Soyeon brought you out of staring at the boy walking away and stepping into the elevator, throwing his fingers up waving goodbye while clutching his mounds of books in his hands.
“I said he’s cute and he’s your neighbor. Lucky girl.”
“Oh. Yeah, I can’t believe I’ve never met him before.”
“Why don’t you ask him out?”
“We just met. Plus, I’m busy with school and now this stupid pageant. I don’t have time for cute boys.”
“I’m sure you can make it work.”
Unlocking your door and letting Soyeon in before you so you can sneak a peek at his front door in front of yours. Plain, just a few funny messages and cute stickers of tangerines and tigers pasted on his whiteboard. Maybe he already has a girlfriend? But a boy like that with that many books is probably much like you and had no time for dating.
“Wait. Y/N your room is so nice? Maybe I should move out of the house. It’s loud as fuck anyway.”
“Why are you in the sorority? I’m not judging because I was basically dragged into it too. I’m just curious?”
“My mom always wanted me to join. She said it’s a good way to find friends, I always had a hard time making them. So I figured why not?”
“Got it. Makes sense.”
“What about you? You also don’t serve sorority girl to me.”
“Because my mom also got me to join, that’s actually how I know Heather. Our moms were co-captains of the sorority at some point in the 80’s.”
“Oh, so you’ve known her your whole life?”
“No offense or anything, but she’s… kind of a bitch.”
“Kind of? It’s only gotten worse since she’s been in charge. She was okay when we were younger, but you know.”
Slipping out of your jeans and sweater, you threw on a black pair of pleated pants and a loose white button down.
“Also you have tattoos and a sick body, stop dressing like an old woman.”
“I could never pull off what you wear? You’re so cool and confident.”
“Promise me. One party this year you’ll let me pick out something to wear?”
“You’re very trusting.”
“What? You’re going to make me wear a hot pink dress and try to dye my hair blonde too?”
“Hell no.”
Hours passed on as you were getting to know Soyeon more, a part of you realized what you had been missing meeting girls outside of your own circle at school.
People who share your interests and enjoy talking about things other than clothes, shoes, and boys.
It was actually the least stressed you’ve been around someone at the sorority in a long time. Almost like a breath of fresh air.
Getting out of the Uber you took filled to the brim with alcohol and snacks, you were back at the big White House at the end of the street. Not a flaw in sight. Almost like it wasn’t a real reality.
“Should we ditch the diner? We could always go see my friend play at the bar across campus instead?”
“I would love nothing more, but Heather will have my head shaved or something.”
“Okay, well when we ditch later we can head there.”
“It’s a date.”
“Ew, you’re so corny. Save it for your new lover boy across the hall.”
“Shut up.”
Soyeon and you laughed, dragging the last box up the stairs into the foyer of the house. Met with the blonde at the bottom of the stairs.
“There you guys are! I was going to send a search and rescue team to come for you if you didn’t show up soon.”
“We got a little distracted. Sorry.”
“No problem. You’re here now, Sam go up and get ready, I’ll help y/n from here.”
Soyeon or Sam, picked her poison and shoved down Heather still calling her by the wrong name and walked up to her room to change and get ready for the rest of her night. While you were stuck unpacking the boxes.
“Y/n. Don’t forget to look out for the boys everyone brings tonight. We can pick one from the litter for your Nottie.”
“Look, Heather-“
“I know what you’re going to say and don’t even think about asking me if you can drop out of the pageant, okay?”
“I just don’t think it’s worth it or fair anymore, why don’t we just get the other frat guys to do it? Like Mingyu or Wonwoo, Johnny? I don’t know. I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”
“You raise a good point. And it gives me an idea.”
“Which is?”
“We have the other frats competing too, we’ll get more payout and the three uglies will be more profitable than ever for us. You’re so smart.”
“That’s not wha-“
“Ah! I’m so lucky to have you. I’ll let everyone know.”
Heather bounced off into the other room, texting rapidly with her manicured hands on her cell phone, making the fire bigger.
With your head spinning around and around you don’t even remember walking your way to the diner waiting for the freshman girls to bring their guys along to the large table set for someone’s embarrassment.
Taking a seat near the end of the table next to Soyeon and Heather on your other side, you sat and sipped at the Diet Coke in front of you, feeling your mix of anxiety and angel swirling in your stomach and begging for something a little stronger.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Soyeon leaned over and whispered into your ear, seeing the look on your face and noticing your obvious quietness.
“I’ll tell you after.”
“Okay, if you want to go early, let me know.”
“I will”
Heather had her vulture eyes on, waiting to see which she would inevitably have embarrassed by the groups around you with no remorse.
She looked into your eyes and signaled to a cute shy boy across the table, sitting and picking at his nails, making it clear she had made her mark.
“Let me use the bathroom first okay?”
“Yeah, of course. You wouldn’t want to miss it.”
Walking briskly into the old blue stalls in the bathroom, which you didn't even really have to use, but just needed an excuse to go somewhere and release your anxiety.
“Y/n? Hey. Y/n?”
Seeing Soyeon’s platform heels under the bottom of the stall door you jumped up and swung your head out of the blue metal.
“Remember that guy you met today?”
“Yes, of course why?”
“He’s here.”
“Someone brought him?”
“No. He’s here with his two friends and Heather invited them to the table. One of them is that dude that’s friends with Mingyu with the that acts like a tiger, the hot nerdy one, and the other one is just some hot short buff guy, never seen him before. Anyway, We either have to get out of here right now or stay and hide in here until they're gone.” L
“Why don’t we just go-“
“No. I don’t want him to think you’re a bitch? Are you crazy? You can’t go dunking on nerds in front of three hot dudes?”
“Okay let’s go.”
As the two of you tried to make your exit from the ladies room you heard commotion outside in the dining room, so you both slipped back quickly into the bathroom, locking the door for some reason as you head the chairs scooting and the bell ringing meaning people were slipping out on one of the boys at the table.
“You think they're gone?”
“Yeah. I hear the sink running in the men’s room, come on.”
As you walked out of the bathroom in front of you Seokmin was sitting at the table covered in a turkey club sandwich looking at the long tab Heather left for him.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Your ‘sisters’ dumped a sandwich on me and left the tab? Do you guys do this a lot?”
“It’s just some stupid shit Heather came up with when she became president. Me and y/n were hiding in the bathroom so we could come and pay the tab. But, you got to it first.”
Not saying anything and standing in your tracks cold, you watched as Soyeon took the check from his hands and waved you on to help him as she went up to pay.
“She dumped her food on you?”
“Yeah, my friends and I were just coming for takeout. I saw Soyeon so I went to say hi and she wanted to come get you. But the blonde girl,”
“Yeah, Heather. She told me to sit down for a second and my friends went back to their dorm so they could keep studying and deliver food to some other guys. She was okay at first, but once Soyeon left she dumped her soda and sandwich on me and when I came back they were all gone.”
“I’m so sorry? Let me get you dry cleaning money or something.”
“No, don’t worry about it. I can handle it. I’m glad you two were here though, I don’t have my wallet on me. Are you okay though? Have you been crying?”
“I’m fine, just had a moment.”
The small black haired girl popped back over, tucking her card back into her wallet and smiling at the two of you sitting and talking with Seokmin covered in an orange beverage, a little bit of lettuce stuck in his hair.
“Want to come to a party?”
“If it’s at the sorority then sorry, no thanks.”
“No. It’s just some of my friends from the music department. They’re playing a show at O’Malley’s.”
“I don’t think orange soda is really a good look for a party.”
“That’s okay, y/n has to go change too. You guys just meet me there? I’m going to head out and get us a table.”
“Well I do owe you guys both a drink. So, sure.”
“Oh, and Seokmin?”
“Make sure y/n actually comes back out, she’s hard to get her hands on.”
“Of course.”
Walking back to your somewhat shared dorm, you and Seokmin walked in silence past greek row, watching all the girls running around to get ready for a greeting ceremony to the frat houses as escorts to their party.
The boy looked at you up and down, imagining you inside one of those grand houses gossiping and dishing on sister life just trying to figure out why you joined in the first place, your friend included.
Reaching your destination with only smiles and small giggles shared between the two of you on the walk over, you both slid into your dorm rooms and found clothes that were far more suitable for a night out.
You noticed the black tank top Soyeon had pointed out before and slid it on, matching it with a pair of dark ripped jeans and your go-to loafers, sliding back into the hallway, finding Seokmin on the other side of the door waiting for you.
He was somehow on your wavelength wearing an oversized black t-shirt and jeans.
“I figured I should try to match Soyeon's aesthetic somehow.”
“Me too. You look nice, I like your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall we?”
“Yes. I definitely need a drink.”
“So, y/n what is your drink of choice.”
“Anything strong and not sweet.”
“Oh, so not me then.”
“Shut up.”
Seokmin made you laugh, there was no way a boy like him was not taken or at least could be interested in you.
“Have you and Soyeon been friends for long? You guys seem close.”
“Actually, not really. We hung out for the first time today. I mean, I’ve seen her at parties and stuff, but she’s sort of been like a breath of fresh air for me.”
“Really? I’m surprised by that. Why are you in the sorority anyway? You don’t exactly have the same.. Vibe? Or whatever as the other girls. Especially the ones I met today.”
“My mom. The girl. Heather. Soda spiller, her mom and mine were friends when we were kids, they're legacy members. So I just thought it would be fun, but now.. I don’t feel that way.”
“Can’t you just quit?”
“I guess.”
“Why don’t you want to?”
“I guess I just want to be someone who sees things through. I also can’t offer Heather the satisfaction of knowing I left.”
“She really is that bad huh?”
“Worse. It’s a long story. Can we table it?”
“Of course.”
Reaching the door of the bar, you caught a glimpse of Soyeon’s shoulder tattoo near the stage, through the large crowd of people mingling.
“Go. I’ll order us drinks and meet you there?”
“You sure?”
“You said you needed it right?”
“What about your wallet?”
“Apple pay, y/n. Duh.”
“Your ID?”
“My friend is the bartender, just go.”
“So sassy.”
Walking your way through the crowd by pushing yourself through other bodies you finally reach the girl on the other side and wrap your arm around her waist as a hello.
“What the- Oh my god, you actually came? You look so hot. I’m proud.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. Where’s the puppy?”
“At the bar grabbing drinks.”
“On the leash already? You’re good.”
“No. He’s just nice.”
“True. But, he also likes you.”
“I don’t think it’s like that, but maybe someday you’ll tell me I told you so.”
“I look forward to it. I saved you guys a table.”
“My girl.”
Soyeon gestured her long manicured fingers behind you, noticing the boy making his way with two glasses in his hands and another tall figure following behind him holding a tray with various things on top.
“Hi, Soyeon.”
“Hi, Keom. Thank you for joining us. Who’s the glasses?”
“My friend Wonwoo, he works here, well he just got off. Is it cool if he joins us?”
“Of course.”
“Nice to meet you, Wonwoo. I’m y/n.”
“So. Since I didn’t get to ask Soyeon what she wanted and I wasn’t entirely sure what you liked. We brought over options. But, we have to finish them all because Wonwoo was nice enough to gift them to us and it’s unfair to not accept gifts.”
“Very charming.”
You made your second flirty comment of the night to Seokmin, even though your sober self normally isn’t entirely as bold as you find yourself being with him now. But, in all fairness you were just trying to catch his vibe. He didn’t respond verbally, but just scrunched his nose in your direction almost as if he was letting you know that he’s interested.
“First, a simple vodka soda, little lemon, then just a couple of beer options, this is a sour, this is just a simple light beer, and an ipa, which ew, but I think Wonwoo likes, some tequila shots and some lemon drop shots, also a whiskey soda and a jack and coke, and then a uh, gin and tonic i think? Right, Woo?”
“Yeah, maybe you should be the bartender, Seokmin.”
“I have other talents.”
All eight of your hands reach every which way around the table and end up with different drinks sat in front of them, you beelined for the vodka and the sour beer, Soyeon went for the whiskey soda and the tequila, Seokmin for the gin and tonic and light beer, and Wonwoo for the jack and coke and the ipa.
“Who wants what shot?”
Soyeon dipped her arm back to the middle of the table covering her eyes with her opposite hand, grabbing a hold of the small glasses very carefully and placing them around the small group.
“There. Decided for you, me and Wonwoo get tequila and you and Seokmin get lemon.”
Smiling widely at your friend next to you, you grabbed a hold of the shot glass and held it up signaling everyone to cheers. Which they all happily obliged.
Soon after the alcohol was going through your bloodstream the band started playing their music that hit you right in the chest, songs about living your life to the fullest and choosing your own path, much to your surprise Soyeon was the one who wrote the music that spoke to your soul.
After the set ended, Wonwoo and Soyeon wanted to stay back and have a few more drinks to congratulate their friends, and enjoy their night, but you were beat thinking about all the work you still had to do over the weekend and dreading the choice of man Heather would embarrass. So you decided to leave with Seokmin walking you back safely to your dorm.
“What are you studying again?”
“Me? Oh, I’m studying to be a veterinarian.”
“Wow really? That’s cool, I didn’t know. You must be busy as hell.”
“I’m sure you’re just as busy, being a doctor for actual humans is way more complicated considering a lot of them are assholes.”
“That’s unfortunately true. But, I love it to be honest. I can understand why people are afraid of the hospital and surgery I guess.”
“That’s good, maybe we should study together sometime? I know it’s not the same exact thing or whatever, but it’s nice to have company?”
“I would love that, tomorrow? I mean if you’re free. We can go to the coffee shop or library or anything really?”
“Yeah, just knock around 10?”
“Okay. Cool. I’ll see you tomorrow??”
“Yes, absolutely. Have a good night, y/n”
“You too, Seok.”
Trying to get comfortable in your bed, some pesky person kept lighting up your phone screen, reaching over to turn on do not disturb you and realized it was Heather. She was asking a bunch of interrogating questions about your new friend Seokmin, begging you to bring him over tomorrow.
Unfortunately for you, you knew her interest in him was about to make your new relationship a very complicated one.
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Spidey -> Ethan Landry Parte Uno
In which the web slinging superhero is closer than you think.
(Sorry I just LOVE this idea I can’t)
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You groaned as you entered your apartment, dropping your cheer bag on the counter as you moved into the kitchen. It’d a long day at school—longer than normal—and you were exhausted. So you kicked off your cheer shoes and pulled your headache-inducing ponytail free, running your hands through your hair to massage your scalp.
Tara texted, making sure you got home, and you replied quickly.
Tare Bear 💜
Tara: hey girl, make it?
Y/N: yeah. about to eat another boring salad.
Tara: couch was on our ass today, what the hell? apparently she said we all need to lose five pounds before the game in two weeks
Y/N: I’m already swamped with homework wtf
Y/N: gym in the morning?
Tara: yeah, I’ll pick you up at five
You turned off your phone and grumbled to yourself, making your way towards your room. The siren song of ranch was loud but, if coach was serious, you’d do the boring alternative of a little bit of olive oil and lemon juice. As you made it into your room you yelped as a fist hit the window, knocking aggressively.
“What the hell…” you mumbled, opening up your window to glare at Spider-Man. “I was just about to drown my sorrows with a gallon of water. What do you want?”
“I sprained my wrist.” The spandex-wearing hero explained, already sneaking into your bedroom as you gave him space. “Help me out, doc?”
“Cant you go to a real doctor?” You asked, rolling your eyes as you moved to your dresser where you kept your medical supplies. As a third year med student, and a good keeper of secrets, you’d been tending to Spider-Man’s various injuries since freshmen year.
“But you’re so much nicer. And no, I cant.”
“What about Stark?” You asked, fishing out a bottle of Advil. “Doesn’t he have some sort of fancy doctor to help out Avengers?” You wiggled your eyebrows, glancing over as Spider-Man plopped onto your bed.
“Not an Avenger.” He mumbled, rolling his wrist around. You couldn’t see his face—had never seen it—but you were sure he was wincing. “Hey, nice uniform. Had fun with your pompons?”
“Yeah I know you like my uniform.” You scoffed, moving over. It was true, your short skirt and tight top did wonders for your figure. “Wish coach liked it. She’s saying we all need to lose five pounds before the game.”
“But you—I mean, you look great you—I mean your body is..” he trailed off, embarrassed, and your smile turned feline. “I just mean you look good. And stuff.”
“How sweet.” You laughed lightly, passing him the Advil. “I’ll get you some ice. You can take the meds while Im in the kitchen.”
You left the room, moving to grab your ice pack as you worked. It was strange, honestly. He’d been seeing you for a while now, your interactions friendly if not a bit flirtatious, but you still didn’t know anything about him. And weirdly enough, you wanted to. It wasn’t that you liked him or anything, but…
You went back to the bedroom, covering your eyes comically as you pretended to feel around.
“Covered up, Spidey?” You asked, fighting back a laugh when his chuckle filled the space between you.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
You uncovered your eyes and moved forward, offering the ice-pack. When he took it, his covered fingers met your own, the smooth fabric of the suit cool against your skin. You fought a suddenly sharp inhale and backed up, gesturing to the window.
“Well, um. Goodnight.” You said, smiling a tad bit awkwardly. “Gotta go make myself a pile of lettuce. See you around.”
“Wait—” he stood up suddenly and you blinked. “I mean—want to…do something? Like watch a movie or—?”
“Spidey.” You laughed, raising an eyebrow. “Superhero,” you started, pointing to him. “civilian.” You added, pointing to yourself. “Isn’t that like..against protocol?”
“No one’s gonna know.” He protested, moving a step forward. “Come on, aren’t we friends, Y/N?”
You stared, looking at his towering, muscular form. And you suddenly felt a twinge of disappointment. Or was it longing?
“I’m just your free medic.” You said, turning your back to him. “See you later!”
It was quiet for a moment so you glanced over your shoulder.
He was gone.
You were stretching when Ethan, Chad’s roommate and your nerdy friend, jogged up to you. He looked slightly sweaty and out of breath, like he’d run all the way from his late night Econ class to meet you at the football field. You raised your brows, wiping the dirt off your skirt as you stood, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
“Hey, E.” You greeted, scanning him up and down with your eyes. He’d agreed to drive you home after practice, claiming it was too dangerous to walk alone. Chad had already taken Tara home, so you were stuck with Ethan. “Run all the way here? Getting your laps in?”
“Yeah. I mean—no. Not all the way.”
“Sure you didn’t.” You laughed, looping your arm through his as you walked off the field, leading him towards the parking lot. “My valiant rescuer. What will I ever do to thank you?”
“Wanna get food?” He asked, raising his brows. “We can study for the test while we wait.”
“Yeah I—” you frowned. “I cant. Sorry. Sticking to salads and protein shakes right now, E.”
“Come on. You’re gorgeous. You’re coach is an idiot.” He told you, not really realizing what he’d said, but your brows knit.
“Did Tara tell you?” You asked, confused, and his cheeks reddened.
“Yeah I mean. Chad was talking about it. Saying Tara was pissed.”
“Rightfully so. We’re skinny enough as it is.” You complained, frowning as you made your way to his car. Then you paused, smiling a bit wickedly. “You think I’m gorgeous?”
Ethan was flustered, but smiled shyly as he opened the passenger door for you.
“Obviously.” He mumbled, brown eyes on yours, and you grinned.
“Awww, E.” You cooed, reaching up to pinch his cheek before you climbed into the car.
Later, clad in an oversized shirt, you sat next to Ethan on the couch, laughing. He was gagging dramatically, his own shake in front of him half-drank before he’d requested a sip of your own. Yours was with water, instead of milk, and was the vegan protein powder you kept in your pantry. He’d allowed you to convince him to drink a chocolate whey, not wanting to order the burger he’d wanted and have you suffer alone.
“God this is awful.” He griped, and you laughed loudly at his twisted up expression. “God how do you drink this?”
“Anything for cheer.” You giggled, and he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you and your pompoms.” He mumbled, and you poked him in the side.
“You like my pompoms.”
“You know I do.” He shot back, turning to look at you, and your heart stuttered. Then he glanced away, looking a bit nervous, before looking back. “I like you, Y/N.” He admitted, and you raised a brow, even as you blushed.
“I should hope so. We’re friends, after all.”
“I mean more.” He added, looking away awkwardly at your silence. “It’s fine if you don’t.”
But his breathing hitched a fraction when you took his face in your hand and made him look at you, scanning those gorgeous eyes of his for any hint of reluctance. When there was none you leaned forward, your own heart rate increasing as you pressed your mouth softly against his.
Okay, it was hardly a kiss. Only so much so that you could acknowledge the graze of his mouth against your own—could feel the curve and slope of his lips. But then he was jumping, yanking away, as one of the loudest ringtones you’d ever heard went off.
Even you startled, and you began to laugh before seeing the panicked look on his face.
“E? You okay—?”
“I gotta go. I’m sorry!” He said, expression hardening as he bolted to his feet and practically tore out of your apartment.
So you sat there feeling slightly dumb, your lips still tingling from the kiss.
Later, hours later, you were bored, watching Tombraider for the billionth time on your laptop.
Tare Bear 💜
Y/N: I kissed Ethan
Y/N: well, kind of
Tara: WHAT
Y/N: we were having fun and then I kissed him and he just left ??? Like did I do something wrong ??
Tara: you’re the hottest girl in school . Maybe he just panicked ??
You began typing again but froze when you heard the familiar knocks at your window, and you sighed loudly. You moved over and opened it up, giving Spider-Man a weighted stare.
“Not now, Web Boy. I’m going through a crisis.”
“I got cut!” He protested, grabbing the window with insane strength to stop you from pushing it down. “Come on, Y/N.”
You stared at those eyes, those white eyes of the mask, and rolled your own.
“Fine. Fine. I’m getting a glass of wine, want anything?”
“No thanks.” The hero said brightly, crawling inside when you moved away. You got your glass of wine before coming back and scoffing, staring at the cut he was so worried about.
“That is a paper-cut, Spidey. A paper cut.”
“What if it’s infected?” He asked, pouting, and you folded.
“Jesus, you’re going to be the death of me.” You grumbled, taking a large gulp before moving to your dresser to get anti-biotic salve and a bandaid. He’d taken the glove off on his right hand and was flexing his fingers over and over. “Speaking of death, I’m going to kill a boy. Maybe you could turn a blind eye from your hero shit and let me get away with it.”
“What?” He asked, voice cautious as you moved closer. “What…boy?”
“This guy he—“ you paused, sighing dramatically. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Give me your hand.”
“Wait, I wanna know.” He protested, holding his hand up high out of reach. The man was tall, for Christ’s sake.
“Seriously? Is this what we do now? Gossip about our love lives?” You smirked, fighting down the desire to tell him. You’d known him for a long time, now. Surely it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. “Are we braiding each other’s hair next? Pillow fighting?”
“We can pillow fight but I might take your eye out by accident.” When you opened your mouth to argue he pushed his hand down into your own, and the sudden warmth and smoothness of his skin startled you. “Tell me about this guy. Maybe I can help.”
You stared at him for a moment, your cheeks flushing a bit as you glanced down at the hand in your own. Your thumb grazed his knuckles involuntarily before you blinked, clearing your head and turning his fingers up so you could see them.
“Well..” you started, cleaning his finger off with a wet rag as you spoke. Truly he was such a baby. He used to only come to you for big things and now you were treating paper-cuts? “He’s kind of dorky, but I like that. He treats me like a human being and not just a piece of ass like a lot of frat guys do to cheerleaders.” You continued, wiping on some salve. “But…tonight I..” you swallowed, blinking down at his hand as you opened up a bandaid and smoothed it down. “I think I fucked up.”
“How?” Spider-Man asked, and he sounded slightly out of breath. You looked up at his face.
“I kissed him. Sort of. And then he just ran like—he literally could not get out of here fast enough.”
“Maybe he had to go somewhere?” Spidey offered, and didn’t let your hand go when you moved to set his free. “I don’t know I just think any guy would be stupid to run away from you.”
“Sure you do.”
“I do. Why do you think I keep coming back?”
You stared down at him, at the superhero you’d been tending to for so long, and something in you shifted. You moved towards him, your knees brushing his own where he sat on your bed. Your eyes were soft and filled with…Spider-Man didn’t know….but you looked so pretty and he…
“Is that why you come?” You asked, biting your bottom lip. “Because you…”
You reached out, touching his arm carefully, well aware the physical boundaries between you had never been crossed like this. And when you set your hands on his shoulders, he didn’t protest. If anything he leaned into your touch, both of your breaths catching when you braved going further and climbed onto his lap, settling yourself against him.
The latex was surprisingly smooth and warm against your bare legs, his hands immediately finding your waist to hold you still.
“Y/N.” He breathed, masked face so close to your own. “You know why I come back.” He said, and you could’ve sworn your heart skipped a beat. “I come back for you.”
You smiled softly at that, your hands sliding up his neck. But when your thumbs hooked under his mask and began to cautiously slide it up, he grabbed onto your wrists. You shot him a questioning look.
“Not—not yet.” He told you, and you frowned. You must’ve been losing your damn touch, because—
But then he was moving closer, hands finding your neck as his masked-mouth met yours, the foreign sensation strange but not at all unenjoyable. You could feel the shape of him, feel his warmth pressed against you, and it felt…familiar. Right. You made a soft noise and he gripped your hips tighter, your eyes pulling back to meet his.
“I wanna kiss you for real.” You murmured, running a thumb over his lips through the suit, and he shook his head.
“Not yet. Please. Give me time.”
You nodded, allowing him to slip his arms around your waist as he pulled you into him, your head resting in the crook of his neck as he breathed. You could’ve sworn he mumbled something but you ignored it, too busy allowing the masked hero to press your entire body against his.
Afterwards, what felt like minutes, he ran a hand through your hair and pulled you away.
“I have to go.” He said, sounded regretful. “I’ll see you again soon. I promise.”
“Okay.” You whispered, wishing you could see even a glimpse of his face, but understanding. “Okay. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” He repeated as you moved off him, but not before planting one last kiss against your head. He dove out the window and swung off into the night, doing an elaborate flip you knew he thought would impress you.
It did.
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Summerslam venting - my opinions are based on personal experiences and feelings.
I’m a Roman fan but honestly this is getting old and stale and I’ll completely lose interest if he isn’t at Summerslam. (And listen, for a dude with his health issues I’d be happy to hear he was gonna mostly retire and make movies. Get your paper while you can babe!) I agree with a number of folks here that they’ve missed so much in regard to tension building between Roman and Solo. I just don’t care. And of course he’s gonna cheat against Cody. It’s a classic bad guy vs. the hero set up.
At least they gave Damian something to fight for. I am loving the new angle. But if he loses to a N@z* who called him street trash I’m gonna throw up because you’re just not hiding it at this point. Fair warning, you will not find any love for Gunther on my page. Yes, he’s great at what he does but until his character changes I’m not cheering. (Stood across the protest line from too many of the real-deal bad guys who sing his praises online at this point.)
Rhea’s gonna have to face the monster she herself created in Liv. I’m interested in the long term implications for Judgement Day and her relationship with Dominik. But it’s Mami’s fault so it’ll be satisfying to see what happens and I have faith in these performers to put on an amazing show.
Bayley and Nia lacks the same level of emotion but I also think it will be a great match. Nia is better than a lot of people give her credit for and with this last title run Bayley has won me over. Normally I leave the room when Tiffany Stratton is on the television so hopefully her fake ass won’t be too involved.
Drew, Punk and Seth will be fun to watch but they’ve screwed with other storylines so many times I’m just ready for it to be over. I think the highlight will be Seth’s outfit.
I want Sami to beat Bron. I’m a sucker for heart and hard work paying off. Bron is Goldberg 2.0 and I find him just as interesting as his predecessor, meaning I’d rather watch paint dry. He’s got potential so I hope they don’t stick with the angry meathead persona for long. I figure they’re setting Sami up to lose, probably due to being drawn back into Bloodline mess with Jey. It would be almost okay if he and Jey got a nice run as a tag team together.
Side note if you made it this far:
I was so excited for Jey’s single run. It’s personal and I know that’s silly but I FOUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL to escape an abusive family and make a life for myself. It really spoke to me to see him do the same sort of thing. And now, it’s all been wasted because he’s almost assuredly been nuked at every turn so he can go back to the Bloodline drama. He deserves better, deserves a better singles story and a title. It’s sad he probably won’t ever get it at this point. Like I said before, I will watch a different promotion if he goes to it.
Anyway, thanks for listening. My couple of 7 day, 18hr a day work weeks are coming to a close so I’ll have way more time to work on my fanfics and novels. I’m considering entry to a competition for some of my original stories so I may post a few blurbs for feedback. If you’re waiting for a request or just a story update, that’s what I’ll be working on! Some very much needed stress relief.
Thanks for giving me some space to share my thoughts and my work!
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cheesysoup-arlo · 1 month
prompt for you hehe :3
“I swore to myself that I would never ever catch feelings for someone like you, so I won’t get hurt. but here we are. And what’s worse is you don’t feel the same way about it, about me and I’m the one who’s going to embarrass myself once all of this is over!”
Never gonna happen (but it did) Capri x Reader
Capri had been…nice…to you. Capri Donahue and nice were never a combination you thought you would say but here you were.
For context: After the incident (the being electrocuted/“dying”/ coma situation) Capri had returned to school. A few weeks after her return Capri and her boyfriend broke up on surprisingly good terms, they both felt a new disconnect between them and thought it would better if they broke up. To much of your dismay you got paired with Capri for a project, you assumed she wouldn’t be much help, you had worked with her before and to say it was horrible would be an understatement. She wouldn’t do anything. Didn’t communicate, didn’t do the research, she didn’t even show up for the presentation, literally no help. However this time was different it was like a whole new Capri. “So partner, wanna meet at the library after school?” She asked “huh?” You replied surprised that 1. She was talking to you and 2. That she was actually talking about the assignment.
As you two worked on the two week long assignment you got close.
Capri approached you at lunch “Hey Y/n, wanna come over to my place after I finish cheer practice? We could work on the project a little then like maybe watch a movie or something fun?” Capri asked, you looked up at her a little surprised “uh yeah sure” you said as nonchalant as you could muster. Later that day you two hung out, had some genuine fun, laughed together, and did a little bit of the project. Maybe Capri wasn’t as bad as you thought.
Though the project was finished and the due date passed, you and Capri kept in contact, texting, calling, and sometimes even hanging out after school. The closer you got with her the more you enjoyed her company and longed for her when she wasn’t around.
Wait- no…no it couldn’t be! You-you have a crush on CAPRI DONAHUE?!?!
Oh this is the worst
Out of everyone you know? After how rude she was before the incident? You really had a crush on HER?
Unfortunately the answer was yes, you do have a crush on Capri
You hung around her more, your stomach felt fluttery, your face felt warm when she complimented you…definitely a crush BUT Capri would never feel the same, she’s a straight cheerleader girl who dates any boy she wants and gets attention all over school…the complete opposite of who you normally go for
“Y/n what’s wrong you’ve been quiet and like staring at me?” She said and you just broke spilling your guts out to her “I swore to myself that I would never ever catch feelings for someone like you, so I won’t get hurt. but here we are. And what’s worse is you don’t feel the same way about it, about me and I’m the one who’s going to embarrass myself once all of this is over!” You said tearing up a bit and getting up to leave “Y/n wait” she called out “no no I don’t wanna hear your pity for me” you said walking away with a scoff, she grabs your wrist “Y/n listen to me” you reluctantly look at her making eye contact “are you listening?” She asked, you turned away and stayed quiet “Y/n?” Looks back up at her “…yeah” you say calming down slightly “why do you think I don’t feel the same?” Capri asked kind of hesitant “because you’re straight?” You replied a little confused “oh yeah and what gave you that idea?” Capri said with a head tilt “I- well um you know…you’re in cheer, you’ve only dated dudes all of high school actually all of like forever, and like I’ve never heard you say anything like gay ever…” Capri laughs a little “well I see your point but I happen to be bisexual not straight” she says with a smile “wait really” you say genuinely surprised “yes y/n your ‘straight girl’ crush is actually bi” you’re at a loss for words “y/n?” She asks noticing your silence “ you’re bi…” you said quietly, she nods “and I like you back” she says with a wink “WHAT!” You shout, surprised then quickly covering your mouth, she laughs a little “I have a crush on you y/n, I thought that was obvious?” She says looking at your shocked appearance, you stare at her, “sooo?” She says hoping you say something “I um wow ok so you like me? Like for real?” You say trying to convince yourself “oh my gosh yes y/n I like you, is that really so hard to believe?” She says almost laughing a little “yes it’s hard to believe, you’re so pretty and smart and popular and I’m just-“ she cuts off your rambling “y/n you’re amazing and kind and beautiful, don’t even think about talking badly about yourself” she says holding your hand. You don’t respond but you look at her, words failing you, silence building until you mumble, “I really wanna kiss you right now” she blushes “I wanna kiss you too” she says with a smile, you both lean in slowly but she gets impatient and pulls you in faster kissing you softly yet passionately, you mutual pull away after a bit “wow that was amazing” you say blushing “yeah, you’re good at that” she says and her arms rap around the back of your neck. “Sooo…girlfriends?” She asks causing you to blush “yeah, yes! girlfriends” you say with a stupid lovesick smile, “bye y/n, I’ll call you when I get home, ‘kay?” She says not letting go yet “leaving so soon” you say with a small pout “sorry hun the student athlete life is very busy, I’ve got homework” “aw ok, can we call while you do homework?” You say hopeful “yeah duh” she gives you a quick kiss “bye” she says with a wink and a wave “b-bye Cap” you say watching her walk away
You have a girlfriend, not just any girlfriend, CAPRI DONAHUE, your Capri
A/N: I WROTE SOMETHING…well I finished something that had been in my drafts for a month but YAY I POSTED LOL
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poopwons · 8 months
ok now im gonna need u to write photographer armin pls & thank you!! him giving u a photo album of his fav photos when he confesses? yes 100%
CHLOE MY DEAREST. omg I'm sorry I left you in drafts for so long. I had two panic inducing pet incidents happen within like two days of each other. Everyone's okay, I just freak out when things happen to my babies. **I've also never written for Armin, so this was a bit of a challenge for me. I hope this is okay💖 It's probably my own insecurities about the way I look but I literally fantasize about seeing myself through other peoples eyes, so literally any opportunity to write about that, I'm gonna take it LOL**
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You love when it's like this. Just you and Armin laying out on the hood of his car, music playing softly through the open windows, while you talk about anything and everything under the sun.
You loved everyone in the friend group, but you and Armin just seemed to have a special connection. It was easy to talk to him about everything, and he was always bringing little fun facts for you when you needed some cheering up or even just a change of subject when things got too heavy.
So, here you were, chattering on and on about a movie you’d watched recently, telling him about every theory you’d thought up and all the different characters. You can’t help but notice Armin seems to be looking at you differently this time, more attentive, but also not. Like he’s making more eye contact but he’s not actually hearing you.
“Armin?…you okay?” You ask, face etched with concern.
“Hm?” He seems to shake himself out of his head to answer you. “Y-yeah. I’m fine, sorry. Just a lot of my mind, I guess.”
Well, that was different. He’s usually really up front with you when something was bothering him. The two of you confiding in each other and offering advice where you could.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You sit up, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him more clearly. He seems…you don’t know, nervous maybe?
He pauses, like he’s trying to decide if he really wants to talk to you about this specific thing or not. He sighs, turning to face you.
"Do you ever wonder if it's better to enjoy something the way it is, taking what you can get, rather than risking ruining everything by asking for more?"
"I guess that depends on what the thing is," you say, trying not to pry. "I think, if it's something important to you, what's the harm in asking for more and trying to get the most out of it?"
Armin makes a face, it's almost a pained expression. You scoot a little closer to him, taking his hand in yours, trying to comfort him.
"It would help if I knew exactly what we were referring to." You say gently, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You just want him to know that you're here for him, just like he's always been there for you.
He takes a deep breath, looking into your eyes, you hope he can see the genuine concern there,
"You know, every time I talk to everyone else about this, they always tell me just to man up and say something. That everything will end up okay, and I'm sure if it was anyone else, that would be true. But, I'm not anyone else, I'm me and..and.."
He does this when he's nervous or anxious about something. Ranting and going on and on, not realizing that all the extra words don't do anything to soothe his nerves. You give his hand another squeeze.
"Armin," You say gently, "I still don't have any idea what you're talking about."
He gives you an apologetic look, then lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Sorry, you're right. I'm not being very clear, am I?" He shakes his head again and goes to move off the hood. "Hang on, maybe this will help."
You wait for him as he goes into the trunk of the car, searching for something before slamming the trunk back down and holding out a book to you. You take it hesitantly, unsure if it's really meant for you or not despite him handing it to you.
"Open it," He's still standing at the hood of the car, fiddling with his nails.
You take the book, holding it upright and opening it, surprised to see a bunch of photos, and you seem to be at the center of all of them. There are photos where you were all obviously with the group, but despite there being so many other potential subjects, Armin had focused on you. There were some photos that he took when it was just the two of you, late at night when he'd take you on a drive after complaining that you couldn't sleep, photos of the two of you at breakfast together.
"I um.. I was saving that for your birthday, but Jean and Connie said I should just give it to you now. It's all my favorite pictures of us, a-and some of my favorites of you." He runs his hand through his hair, sighing before he continues. "Look, I know we're really good friends, and I don't want to mess up anything we have.. I just.." Another sigh, and you can't help but stare at him now, album still clutched in your hands. "You're so... special, an-and smart, and funny, and beautiful, it..god, it drives me crazy sometimes. I...like you..like, really, really like you."
You just sit there, hands clutching the album, staring at him. You can't believe what you just heard. Your heart is hammering in your chest, the blood rushing in your ears. He keeps going while you process everything he's said.
"and I... totally get it if you don't feel the same. Our friendship is so important to me and I don't want this to make things weird.."
"Armin," You start, setting the book to the side, before sitting up on your knees to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. "I like you too, a lot."
"You do?" He asks like he's genuinely surprised.
"Yes, you dummy." You chuckle, cupping his face in your hands. "Do you see me calling anyone else at 3am when I can't sleep?"
"I..I mean, no but I thought you just liked riding in my car the best."
"I like being with you the best."
"Oh," He lets that process for a minute, while you just look at him with that same lovey-dovey look you've always given him, wondering how in the hell he could have missed it. "So, do..do you want to be with me?"
"Obviously," You giggle again, before pressing your lips to his, content to spend your whole summer just like this, with your boyfriend.
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olivia091108 · 11 months
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Drunken haze
Summary:you and Steve o on a night out
Word count: 1342
Pairing:Steve o x reader
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The whole of the jackass crew was out celebrating the wrap of jackass the movie at a bar even tho we’re all so fucking tired. I wore a black mini skirt and a crop top which makes my boobs look tit-tastic and wearing some black boots suck look so sexy.
We all got here about 11:30 and got straight into shots before Chris dares me to do a suicide shot and he will buy me my next 5 drinks and that was a done deal even though it hurt like a Bitch all of them cheered me on though and I did try to convince Preston to do it with me but he pussied out
Bams walked in carrying a skateboard he must’ve stolen from someone outside and I quickly grabbed my drink off the bar before bam skated across knocking loads of peoples drinks off.
I was dying of laughter clinging onto Ryan so I don’t fall when a biker started to chase bam around the bar cos he knocked his drink and wasn’t paying even though we all know bam has the money.
I don’t know what happened but bam walked back in through the front door and had a huge smile on his face he probably messed with the guy and did something horrible like usual.
The bar was still thriving which made it even harder for us to get served with the rest of the crowed shouting at the bar tenders to make their drinks. So we lifter wee man over and he grabbed a few bottles from behind the bar and passed them over quickly and we scurried to the back of the bar and I challenged Johnny to a bet
Who’ve can get darf out first chooses the losers punishment
“Dave come do shots!” I get Dave to do 4 shots with me bffs Knox drags him away and it goes back and forth and to be honest I thought darf would be here by now.
I head to the bathroom and as soon as I come out I see darf running about and sweating in peoples faces once he spots me he picks me up and drops me onto ehren and we just watch darf mess about.
“Darf I dare you to snort the salt”Steve o says already making a big line
This goes on for a good hour at least until he started to pick up the chairs and dash it across the bar probably hitting people and he had to be escorted out and Preston left with him saying that he needs to get up early. BORE
Let’s do some body shots bam shouts and they all get very excited to do it all hoping to do it with me.
Y/n since your the only lovely lady here were drawing tooth picks whoever gets shortest does it.
I slowly see each of their faces drop once they pick their stick until ryan happily shouts that he had the shortest.
Mom the table y/n Ryan tells me I can hear the excitement in his voice
Actually Dunn I was thinking that I do the body shot off you.
Alright but be warned I haven’t showed in a couple days.
I lick his neck and put some salt on put the lime in his mouth and then begin. I slowly lick off the salt making the group oooh and drink the shot no hands and take the kind out his mouth by kissing him a bit wich I hope he enjoyed.
The night carried on like this till 3:45 when everyone was getting tired and wanted to leave
Cmon guys one more hour
Nah it’s late I’m gonna pass out soon
I ahve press in the morning Jeff would kill me if I’m too hungover
Sorry y/n next time
With all of them leaving I knew who I could count on to stay. I grab Steve o’s hand and get on my knees and start begging him to stay
Steve o please you know how much fun we have don’t be boring just another hour.
“Yeah dude.” I jump up and fling myself onto him and he spins em round before we say bye and head back into the bar.
We drink a lot more and still ahve as much fun without them. With Steve o anything could be fun even doing bills he would do something to make me laugh.
We were the last two inside and they have been asking us to leave but we don’t want to just yet steve o even tried to but the bar so we could stay longer.
I climbed onto the bar and pretended to be a stripper on the counter but when the a manger came out and started to shout at us and call the police I grabbed some tequila and grabbed onto Steve o’s shoulder and he helped me jump down and we ran out of their even with my heals I could outrun him.
“Omg Steve I’m so hungry are you hungry?”
“I’m fucking starving”
“Let’s go and get a kebab”
We are walking down the street and both devouring the dinner kebab when Steve o makes me laugh so much and I put my hand out to grab onto the pole but miss it by a mile and I just feel my body collide with the floor.
It doesn’t even hurt i just start laughing and hear Steve o begin to aswell until he’s crouching holding his stomach. Once our laughter has died down i see that Steve o dropped the rest of the kebab and I roughly push him.
“M’ tired”
“Samesies my place isn’t far but help me take this stupid boots off please” I bat my eyes at him and he helps me take them off and we both start waking with my boots in my left hand and I try to dodge all the broken glass
It took us twice as long as it should’ve because we were winging to eatchother and he kept putting his whole body weight on me and I thought he fell asleep then and there.
We get to my apartment building and get into the elavator and one of the other men on my floor was in there he looks like he’s going to work. Steve o stands behind him and starts to copy him wich makes us both laugh before receiving a dirty look from him and the rest of the ride up we both laugh while shushing the other.
I fumble with the key and slip it into the lock and swing the door open “stevie cmon your gonna get cold” I grab his hand and pull him up from the floor which I’m sure he would’ve slept on
I keep ahold of his hand and keep a firm grip once his eyes latch onto the sofa and continue to pull him towards my room. We both flop down onto the top of the covers and I start trying to remove my uncomfortable party clothes. Once I slide off my skirt and top I’m left in just my thong and I move over to Steve o and help him get out of his clothes but he’s not moving so it’s a lot harder than I thought.
Stevie please just sit up for literally one second I’m tryna help. He does and I raise his arms and take off his shirt revealing his hot torso I then drag his jeans down leaving him in just his boxers.
“Thanks babe” I love when steve o calls me that even though he calls everyone that I feel special when he says it to me. I slide under the covers and steve o follows suite and he’s just as quick to push himself right up against me and wrap his arms round me and lay his head on my chest using my boobs as pillows and he starts to grope them whispering things to himself and soon we are both asleep when the sun starts to come up.
I love nights out with Steve o
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Omg this is actually horrendous they barley even fancied eatchother and that maybe I’ll redo it or just fix it when I have the time
Speaking of I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a week I’ve had so much home work and I’ll try and post more often (I literally only have 19 followers don’t thing anyone noticed lol)
Requests always open 😁
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cjsarchive · 7 months
Can you write some Sam smut? If you aren't comfortable writing smut, then some Sam fluff? I'd really appreciate it!
So, I’m asexual lol. Because of that, I feel like any smut I write is gonna be pretty bad since I myself don’t experience sexual attraction😭 I wrote this Sam fluff instead and I hope you enjoy it!
Food Fight! Sam x Reader
“Ugh! Can you just let me win one time?!” I shouted in frustration at the tv. Sam laughed as he made it over the finish line in first place. I finished barely in 7th place. “My character won’t do what I tell it to do!”
“Typical, blame the game.” Sam smirked at me.
“One more round.” I pursed my lips in determination. Sam gave me an amused smile,
“Fine. Have fun losing again.” I ignored him and sat upright, my whole focus on Mario Kart.
At the start of the next round, I managed to take the lead at the start. “I’m in the lead!” I cheered.
“Don’t get too excited.” Sam chuckled. My character was hit with a turtle shell and I very quickly went from 1st to 4th place.
“No! Someone hit me!”
“That was me, doofus.” He reached over and briefly ruffled my hair. I growled. The game eventually ended and I finished in 5th place while Sam won 1st again.
“Damn, this is starting to get a little embarrassing.” Sam said teasingly. I playfully pushed him as he fell back on the couch laughing. He sat up, put his arm around my shoulder, and kissed my forehead. I sighed.
“I don't know why I’m so bad at this game.”
“I keep telling ya you gotta drift!”
I chucked and smiled at him, “Whatever,” I set the controller down, finally accepting my defeat after 10 losses in a row. I fanned myself. “All that yelling got me hot,” I thought for a second, “I want ice cream.”
“You wanna make some sundaes?” We bought stuff to make sundaes a few days ago and have yet to make them.
“Yeah, let’s do it!”
We went to the kitchen and got out two big bowls, the ice cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, marshmallow syrup, bananas, cherries, whipped cream, and Sam got some peanut m&ms for his sundae.
“How bout another competition?” I asked Sam. He gave me a smirk and listened, “Whoever can make the tallest sundae in 10 minutes, wins. And it has to be completed, toppings and all.”
“What will I get when I win?” Sam asked with a cocky grin on his face.
I rolled my eyes, “Winner gets to pick the movie we watch while we eat our ice cream. And no powers,” I said sternly, “Deal?” I held out my hand for him to shake.
He smiled his toothy grin and shook my hand, “Deal.” I smiled at him.
I grabbed my phone and set the timer for 10 minutes, “Alright, let’s go!” I started the timer and we both immediately started scooping the ice cream. We had tubs of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream. I struggled to scoop the still frozen ice cream. I groaned in frustration, “It's gonna take at least five minutes just to scoop all the ice cream.”
“That must suck.” Sam chuckled. I looked over to see he already had a considerable amount of ice cream in his bowl.
“Hey! I said "no powers!”
Sam laughed at my shocked face, “I’m not using my powers, doofus!” It finally dawned on me that, even without powers, Sam was still way stronger than me. There was no way I would win, but I was still gonna put up a fight.
I grabbed the chocolate syrup and gushed it in his direction. He stepped back and looked down at his shirt in surprise.
I laughed, “Oops! Sorry!” While he was stunned for a moment, I took the opportunity to scoop as much ice cream in my bowl as possible.
“Oh, its like that?” I heard him say. I didn’t get much ice cream in my bowl before I felt something drizzle on my back. I quickly turned around to see Sam holding the caramel syrup. He smiled innocently before it sprayed more and it landed on my cheek. He quickly went back to his sundae. I smiled cheekily as a silly idea came into my mind. As subtle as I could, I grabbed the whipped cream and sprayed a big glob in my hand. “What are you doing, doof-“ as Sam turned around, I shoved the whipped cream in his face. I bent over and held my stomach in laughter as he stood there frozen in shock.
“I know how much you love whipped cream.” I barely said through my laughter. Sam wiped his eyes and he began laughing wildly.
“Oh its on now!” He grabbed two handfuls on ice cream from his bowl and threw them in my direction. I gasped as two big stains appeared on my shirt. I grabbed both the marshmallow and chocolate syrup and fired both at him as he threw more ice cream at me.
Soon enough, we were both covered in ice cream cream and dripping with toppings when the timer went off. Its then when we realised what we were supposed to be doing. Sam and I took a moment to assess the situation. There was no ice cream in our bowls, the kitchen was a mess, and we were a complete mess. I looked back up at Sam and started laughing so hard my stomach started hurting. Sam eventually joined in on my laughter, “Guess we got a bit carried away,” he chuckled. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I settled into his arms around me. A blush started to spread across his face before he leaned down and kissed me sweetly on my forehead, then the lips, “So, who won?”
“I say you won. I became a bit of a sore loser,” I smiled sheepishly. He smiled kindly at me and rested his head on my forehead, our foreheads sticking together from the mess. He sighed happily.
“I love you, doofus.” He said softly. I leaned up and kissed him again.
“I love you too, Sam.”
“I mean it. You make me so happy.” We got lost in each other’s eyes for a moment before he took another look around the kitchen then looked back at me.
“Shit, we really fucked this place up,” He sighed, “Alright then, I’ll clean up the kitchen.”
“I’ll go get the shower ready for us,” I kissed him on the nose as his blushed slightly intensified.
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sometimesimbored · 3 months
Day Six
Happy Sunday! (if you live where I do lol) thanks to all 22 of you are hanging out with me and doing these! they're a lot of fun to think of and I'm glad you're all having a good time answering them!
~soft edition~
whats your go-to comfort movie?
what's your favorite comfort food?
what do you like to do to cheer yourself up?
say three nice things about your appearance
say three nice things about your personality
say three nice things about your intelligence
what brings you peace?
what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you?
what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home)
tag someone who makes you smile :)
Wow that’s a lot of questions
My go to comfort movie is definitely spirited away
It’s also my favourite movie
I watch it a lot but mostly if I can’t wear my glasses cuz I’ve got the movie basically memorised so I don’t actually have to see to watch it
My comfort food is probably dumplings in spicy soup or congee
I read in my room with some music or I watch a movie or something to cheer myself up
Three things about my appearance
- I have dark brown hair (so dark like most of my fucking friends thought it was black???)
- Blue glasses
- Two moles near my eye
Ok!! Three things about my personality
- Im chatty. Like don’t stfu chatty especially about things I like
Crap I’m running out of things to say
- No matter how bad a joke is I will laugh so hard I’ll start crying at it
- I’m hilarious
Three things about my intelligence!!
- idk if this counts but I go to an all boys grammar school so ig that says smth about my intelligence
- I’m good at sciences and English
- I’m good at maths too (sometimes)
My cat and my friends bring me peace
Personal handmade gift? Ig those bracelets that you use thread with
They’re hard to make so it would mean a lot
What reminds me of home? This is gonna sound odd but at the edge of the neighbourhood I live in there’s a sign that’s really old so whatever was professional printed on it is long gone and the only thing on it is just big red writing that says ‘Drive Safely’ and that reminds me of home
@burnt-tortellini you’re a little shit most of the time but ig you make me smile
When I laugh at you
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basilone · 8 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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slasheru · 1 year
Hi :3 I’m kinda having a bad night rn but I’m distracting myself by playing slasher u (for like the 10th time lmao) and I was wondering: how do u think the dateables would react/what would they do if their partner was having a really bad day? It’s alright if u don’t wanna answer lol and I hope ur having a good day/night <3
<3333 Of course! I wrote a decent amount of Slasher U when I was having a hard time myself irl, Hex's "how's your day" dialogue is actually something I put in to cheer myself up when I was writing it (:
Tate: Tate's had SO MANY bad days he might be an expert at helping you with YOURS. It's immediately hugs, blanket city, asking you about it and letting you vent if you want, listening, and if you don't feel like talking, he's there to tell you about HIS day or some cool thing you both discovered, like a movie you wanna watch. Tate is a BIIIIG cuddler. He's already passing you the flask and shutting the doors to the A/V lab so you guys don't get interrupted by randos (because Tate figures you could use a good cry, and he knows HE wouldn't want people around for that - besides you!) Tate's Bad Day empathy is off the CHARTS. He would hold you tight til either the sun came up or you felt better, whichever takes longer. He would also fight anyone who came to see you who you didn't wanna see, even though he KNOWS he'd get his ass kicked. Worth it, to save you.
Hex: OH NO! MY BABE IS HAVING A BAD DAY! :(((( Hex goes into SUPERHERO mode - he might be a little bit TOO enthuasiastic about cheering you up, at first, but his sole purpose in life is now making you feel better. Hex would try really, really hard and really really deeply to understand you and your pain as best as he can, like, REALLY leave no stone unturned. His love language is "understanding people". Hex's go-to cheer-ups are: Picking you up like a prince/ess, buying you food and coffee, hugging/cuddling you on the couch while you watch TV, showing you memes he found, never leaving your side, and doing acts of service like giving you a back rub or getting you your fave ice cream from the campus convenience store. He'd fall asleep on you/near you/with you all day/night just so you wouldn't have to be alone. :) He'd also sneak into any class big enough not to notice him, just so he could keep keeping you company!
Laila: Laila is the one person (besides maybe Sawyer) who would ACTIVELY try to fix your problems, haha. My darling Player is having a bad day?? Who did this? Sit down, have some tea, I've already come up with a ten-step plan to fix your problems AND I'm gonna start as soon as you feel comfortable enough for me to make some phone calls while I cuddle you til you feel better! Laila's got major "S/HE/THEY ASKED FOR NO PICKLES >:((((" energy so she'd be a great mix of actually comforting and vulnerable, especially if you had a hard emotional time, and handling whatever it is that made you upset - she knows more responsibility at a time like this can be crushing, and she's your Final Girl, dammit! Don't worry about a THING, Player - Laila's on the case!
Juno: Juno knows any world that hurts the Player they like/love is the WORST and SUCKS and Player is the BEST and FUCK ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE!! Though Juno's go-to cheering up is definitely partying and shenanigans, they'd actually ask the player what they'd like. Their favorite way to cheer people up is distracting them from their troubles, so Juno would probably plan all KINDS of fun date-style activities from parties to walks to pranks to adventures, for however as many days it takes for you to smile again. If you're a partier, they'd drop molly with you and talk for hours and hours about feelings. They would ALSO harbor a deep grudge against whoever/whatever did this to you (even if it's an inanimate object/concept, like, failing a class).
Sawyer: Sawyer would feel your pain/sadness VERY VERY DEEPLY. He'd probably start by spending hours listening to you or holding you, then ask if you wanted him to actively try and fix the problem. He'd spend a HUGE amount of time with you comforting you, basically kicking his aftercare into overdrive - Sawyer's the kind of guy who would cancel work or class to comfort you. (And if it got to the point where he'd be fired, well, looks like he's asking his boss/professors to work from home so he can be with you). He's also the kind of guy who definitely orders food and booze and weed and VHS tapes right to the dorms so you wouldn't have to go anywhere. He'd get REALLY protective - he's not letting anyone hurt you ever again, though. EVER - though he's not restrictive about it. The second anyone calls you a name behind your back, though, BAM. Sawyer's knife, their face, etc :V Sawyer's respectful of your boundaries more than anything, so he'd want to show you how much he loves you WITHOUT you ever feeling stifled or uncomfortable.
I hope your night gets better!!! <3333
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moonjxsung · 6 months
okay basically i just need to vent a little and you’re actually the loml so who better to vent to than you🤭
okay but basically i’m so fucking stressed cause i’m leaving for korea on thursday and i have so much to do and i feel like i don’t have enough time? also i’m just so fucking scared and just feeling very meh rn. i’m gonna be flying alone and just so petrified of something going wrong, or me forgetting something important or just that something awful is gonna happen. and also just really feeling weird and lonely and just idk how to explain in but i’m just feeling EVERYTHING so deeply right now and i actually hate it so much. i just don’t know what to do with myself and i’m just struggling with every simple thing right now which feels pathetic cause why am i struggling basic stuff like eating and working and just things that should be simple? and easy?
i don’t know if any of this makes sense and also i’m sorry for like spamming you with this but just needed to get it out and you just feel so easy to open up to and so comforting so yeah🫶
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HI MY BABY I MISSED YOU HOW ARE THINGS 💞💞💞💞💞☹️🫶🫶💞🫶 you’re going to KOREA !!!! That’s so fucking exciting RAHHHH WE ALL CHEERED but I still totally understand being scared of flying alone !!! The first time I flew alone was for a business trip for my work across the country and I was literally PETRIFIED. The thing that worked best for me was to write down a little itinerary for myself in my phone notes (when to check in, my gate info, what time I boarded/landed, all my layover info, even what snacks I wanted to buy and how long I had between connecting flights!!) I also wrote little words of comfort for my future self just reminding myself to take a deep breath and drink water or listen to music and to stay CALM. And every time I started to get nervous I just read little notes from myself and it helped a LOT. Also portable chargers!!! Are a lifesaver!! My phone was almost dead by the time I landed (it was literally like 15 hours of flying) but my portable charger literally saved my life so I could still call an Uber to my hotel otherwise idk what I would’ve done. Don’t feel so much pressure to do everything in one day! Take it day by day and get a small few things done each day, maybe write down how you’re feeling or what you still have to finish and I promise it’ll be so much easier by the time your trip comes around. It’s also so important to just romanticize the whole trip so that it feels more exciting, I was crying when I had to take this business trip and I literally searched for every excuse to get out of it but when I got there I had a giant hotel suite to myself and I ordered chocolate chip pancakes from this little diner across the street and I ate so much food and watched shitty movies alone in my room and danced to Lorde music and it was MAGICAL. Doing things alone can be so scary but really putting yourself in the moment and allowing yourself to FEEL and just make the most of little things like pancakes or bad movies can be so so healing. I hope you have so many special little moments on your trip there and even MORE special moments in Korea!!!! What area are you traveling to & do you have anything fun planned?? I love you bby, don’t stress I am here for you alwayssss!! Also feel free to spam my inbox on the day you’re flying if it helps I will be manifesting a fun & safe trip for you my angel YOU GOT THIS 🫶🫶🧘‍♀️👼💘💞
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Before I get to my request, congratulations on 1.5k! I’ve been following you for a few months now and everything that you put out is just insanely good, I always feel so immersed in your writing! You are seriously so so talented!!!
For your celebration, I wanted to do option two, please!! I would like either the Harry Potter fandom (either era) or the grishaverse, whichever one works better for you!! My pronouns are she/her and I am straight. I am about 5’3”, have collar bone length dirty blonde hair, solid cobalt blue eyes, and I am definitely more on the chubby side. Personality wise, I am very academic driven. I work hard for my grades and have always put a pressure on myself because of it. I come off as a shy person, but once you get to know me I am a total loudmouth and I will talk about the silliest topics. I love to banter. I’m quite insecure and can get embarrassed really easily, but it’s something I’m working on. I also am the oldest of 6 siblings and am the mom friend of my group. I have a soft spot for literally any animal or flower (it’s an issue). I get along with pretty much anyone I meet (I’m a people pleaser), but I keep a really close inner circle. Reading, music, and crafts are my favorite hobbies. I absolutely adore every genre of book. My current favorites are Little Women, Hunger Games, and Far From the Tree. I love figuring out plot twists in books/movies. I absolutely love horror movies, it’s a tradition in my family to watch a new one every weekend. Music has been a major part of my life for years, I play the alto saxophone and piano. My favorite artists are Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, Hozier, Olivia Rodrigo, the Backseat Lovers, and Daisy Jones and the Six (I know they’re a fictional band, but their album is amazing). I love just about any craft I can get my hands on (jewelry making, sewing, painting, scrapbooking, etc). 
I’m sorry for making this so long!! I’ve never done one of these and wasn’t sure how much information to put in them! Thank you for doing this!!!
hi! thank you so much for the kind words, i really appreciate it. i’m glad you’re enjoying my work, thank you for the support. and thank you for participating :)
since you gave me to fandoms, i’ll tell you who i ship you with from both, and then i’ll do the full thing for who i think you’re better suited for.
i ship you with james and matthias! i’m gonna go with james for this, hope that’s alright :)
james absolutely needs someone as good at banter as he is. that man can talk about anything and everything for hours, and he’d love having someone around that would listen to him and was genuinely interested in hearing what he’d have to say. he’d know that you would always be a shoulder he could lean on, and he’d be the same for you.
james would adore someone as dedicated but fun as you are. i don’t think james really has to try to do things well, he’s just naturally good at a lot of things. so he’d see the effort you put into yourself and into school, and he’d really admire your work ethic and how much you care. he would hate that you were negative about yourself, and he’d always know the right things to say to cheer you up and make you feel better. he would always see past ant flaw you had (or thought you had) and see the best parts of you. and he’d make sure to tell you how highly he thought of you. hed think you’re literally the coolest person ever with how artsy and musical you are, your hobbies involve a lot of skill and time. it takes a special kind of person to stick with it and enjoy it as much as you do. he’d see how sweet and caring you are. he’s got a big heart himself, so he’d find himself really drawn to you.
idk why but i feel like james would HATE horror movies. he loves adventure, but he’d see no point in intentionally scaring yourself. he’d be under the assumption that there were plenty of other things you could do to get your adrenaline pumping, and scaring yourself shitless wasn’t the way to do it. but, he’d do anything for you. and it was a good excuse to get close to you anyway.
he’d go into movie night with the intention of being your big protector. he’d put on a brave face when you chose the movie, huddling up next to you as you hit play. and just as the first jump scare happened, he’d flinch and reach out to grab your hand.
you’d smirk, raising a brow. “you alright?”
“yeah, yeah,” he’d clear his throat, letting you go as he took a breath. “just didn’t expect that. i’m good.”
you’d smile to yourself as you turned back to the movie, knowing there was a lot more left—and a lot more scares. the movie would continue, and james would keep inching closer as it went on. by the end, he was halfway in your lap, hiding his face in your shoulder. the second the credits rolled, you couldn’t help but chuckle, turning to look at him.
“love, that was horrible!” he whined, not even pretending to act unphased.
you’d smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “you were very brave, james. you only broke a knuckle or two squeezing my hand that hard.”
“oh, piss off!” he’d say, but he was chuckling too. “i’m picking the movie next time. none of that blood and demons and shit. something funny, yeah?”
you’d nod, trying and failing to hide your smirk as you reached up to brush his hair out of his face that he’d messed up from the sheer amount of times he’d jumped and hid his face as he clung to you.
“yeah. something that’ll give my hand a break.”
thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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delcakoo · 2 years
ems.. so I did something embarrassing today and I can't stop thinking abt it. earlier our adviser was speaking and he cracked his voice and I accidentally like, laughed it was a laugh more like a snort and it was so quiet everyone heard it including him, IDK WHY I KEEP EMBARRASSING MYSELF ISTG. I KEEP DOING THINGS THAT'LL STICK WITH ME UNTIL I DIE. but besides that I'm okay, I JUST CANT BELIEVE I COULDN'T HOLD THAT IN, AND BESIDE ME WAS A MALE. HES SOOO ANNOYING. IDK HE PROLLY MADE FUN OF ME IN HIS HEAD CAUSE I LAUGHED. I FUCKINsbfausbfo. sometimes I wish I just disappear. ISTG I HATE ATTENTION THIS IS WHY I HATE ATTENTION. ALSO WHY I DON'T LIKE SPOTLIGHT CAUSE IM AFRAID, OF JUDGEMENT. I'm scared of letting A LOT of people know me cause then they'll know everything and if I embarrass myself or do something wrong they will know they'll see. I WAS RETHINKING THIS WHETHER I SHOULD TELL U OR NOT BUT ISTG I CANT STOP THINKING ABT IT. Idk maybe the ppl in my class prolly forgot abt it but the problem is I can't cause I'm the one who embarrassed myself, I hate embarrassing myself cause it'll stick with me. I'll prolly think about it randomly when going to bed and mentally slap myself. I FEEL BAD FOR DOING THAT TO MY ADVISER. ITS NOT HIS PROBLEM. REALLY, ITS ME IDFK ANYMORE.
I don't know how I'll calm myself, I mean I am calm rn I just can't process anything right now. I'll read your content, watch movies/k-drama, prolly take a nap to distract myself from today😔updating you is actually making me feel better. everyday when I have time to update you and I do, I feel stress relieved. oh and the k-drama I'm currently watching is cheer up, its quite interesting. I saw it on tiktok and wanted to watch it because of the drama😭
anyway, besides that congratulations on 1k!! (forgot to congratulate you earlier) f2f is over for me (for now) how's school? I hope you're okay! 💙
AAHH THANK YOU DEAR I APPRECIATE IT!! mmm, schools okay ig 😭 i’m just very bad at studying 😭 i keep procrastinating i’m like “i’ll do my hw later” THEN IT JUST KEEPS GETTING LATER UNTIL I GO TO SLEEP AND THEN I END UP NOT DOING IT 💀💀💀 but uhhh IM SURVIVING (besides gym and math 💀) !!! ✊✊ ON A BRIGHTER NOTE I FINISHED SOME BRAINSTORMING AND BEGAN WRITING MY NEXT LONGFIC WHICH IS GONNA BE FOR JUNGWON !! i’m vv excited, i dunno if it’s gonna surpass behind the net’s word count tho 😔😔😔
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crepuscollo · 2 years
I was having such a bad day and I was feeling so rejected by all my friends and I honestly couldn’t find anything to do to cheer me up.
I finished everything that I had to study and I had nothing that I wanted to do at home. I asked so many friends to hang out but no one was free which is understandable because it’s a weekday but then I tried to make thursday plans which didn’t work out as well and apparently everyone is busy. No one can call either. Even my voice messages are apparently too much work to be listened to.
So, thing after thing just made the day worse. I wasn’t even craving any food. There was no food that I could eat to cheer me up; usually eating me up. And for once, instead of self isolating, I want to talk to someone, but I feel like there’s no one to talk to.
Anyway I decided to burry my feelings into some food, but I didn’t wanna order anything and pay money when I’m not actually craving it, so instead, I went to the kitchen to look for something to prepare and I ended up making fried chicken and fries for me and my brother.
When I went to give him his food I was seasoning his fries. I was putting salt and pepper and then I leaned down because I couldn’t see if anything was coming out of the seasoning bottles because the room was dark, and he said thank you so much and then he gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was just like this very featherlike light kiss but it made my entire day brighten up and it made my day so much better and it was exactly the little act of love and affection that I needed to make me feel better.
Even though I’m so mad at my brother recently and he’s not acting right I’m so thankful and grateful and I know that there are better days to come. I’ve really been having such a bad day and I’ve never felt so lonely or at least I haven’t felt that lonely in such a long time and I don’t even understand why all of my friends are being so neglectful and oh my God orange-f is making me so fucking mad lately and like she’s pissing me off so hard she’s being so annoying like I can’t stand her.
ive been sick all week and my todo list has been empty because the math guy didnt give homework. i dont miss ash anymore so ig thats a good thing that happened this week.
Right now my mum is on her way home bringing me avocado juice and I’m having dinner and I’m watching how to train your Dragon the movie for the first time and it’s honestly amazing. I’m gonna light a candle and I’m going to turn off the lights and try to have a better night and a better tomorrow even though I won’t be seeing any of my friends because fuck them.
I will try to do something on my own though I kind of wanna take myself to the avenues and just shop on my own I guess that could be fun. I’m kind of scared that I’d get raped tho💀💀.
Anyway give people small harmless kindhearted acts of affection like my brother did today because you have no idea how far that could go. don’t make it very repetitive so that it doesn’t get old but like don’t forget to put it in every now and then.
TL;DR: my brother made my bad day a good day by giving me a kiss on the cheek. so go give someone a hug or a kiss or tell them you love them, you never know who might need it desperately.
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gyusfavlibra · 3 years
Warnings: +18, smut, fingering, hand job, sex in bathroom, language, jealousy, fighting, arguing.
Y/n and Sarah sat quietly on Kie's bed as they waited for Kiara to stop degrading the lavender dress she wore while standing in her large mirror. Mrs. Carrera coming through the door to make sure the girls were all dressed. "This is disgusting."
"I know it's just horrible."
"I'm asking you guys to just relax and go to a fun party."
"I look like a bourgeoisie pig."
"I think you look beautiful," y/n said while shrugging at Kie. She just gave a smile back to her, still hating the look no matter what compliments were given.
"Will you please not worry about socioeconomic injustice for one night?"
"Mom, people not three miles from her have no power, no running water, and we're going to Midsummers."
"That's so tone deaf."
"Y/n," the mother scolded at her niece. "Do you know how hard we had to work to get into the Island club?"
"Yeah, mom. How could I forget? You had to grovel for, like, ten years--"
"Twelve years, and we also had to cough up a huge chunk of dough-"
"To keep up with the Joneses-"
"No, so you had the same experiences that I had as a child."
"But weren't parents as teens out, like partying, getting drunk, making out in the backseats of their cars at drive in movies," the cousin listed while putting her things in its bag. "Getting pregnant."
"That doesn't sound fun," Sarah added.
"Do you girls even know what the Island club is?"
"A factory farm."
"For debutantes," Y/n raised her eyebrows.
"It's a nice place, with nice people where you can do fun stuff."
"With out-of-touch rich people, while the island sinks slowly into the ocean."
"Water filling the poor's destructive lungs while the wealthy ones get away on million dollar boats."
Sarah sat quietly laughing on the comfy blanketed mattress. Mr. Cerrera sighed, saying one last thing before walking out. "Okay, I want you to put on your party face, girls, if you want to live."
"Did your mom just threaten to kill us?"
"Maybe. I think so," she nods as she turned around to the duo, fixing the flower crown that sat on her cousin's head. "You nervous to see Rafe."
"Why did you have to bring that up?"
"I was curious. I know it's only been two days, but-"
"Hey, he broke up with me. So if he wants to talk, that's in his duty. Not mine. I did nothing wrong."
Sarah got off the bed, swinging on it's pole. "Except flirt with JJ, or so he says."
"I was not...flirting with JJ. He has a crush on Kiara. I'd never."
"But Rafe doesn't know that."
"What if she doesn't like it?"
"She'll love it. She's hippie."
Y/n and JJ sat on John B's porch, smoking a blunt. The girl was trying to help him do something nice for Kiara so JJ could ask her out without feeling weird. He's liked her for the longest and he was finally ready to tell her how she feels.
"Alright, now practice what you're gonna say."
Just as Y/n finished saying the statement, her own boyfriend, Rafe Cameron showed up. Standing behind them listening in.
"Okay, uh, hey I have to tell you something...uh important," the blonde began speaking, using hand gestures because of his nerves. "I really really like you. Like not like friends like, but I have feelings, uhm, strong feelings for you. Because you're like super hot, andnyou're like a really cool chick. So I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna...go out with me."
"Yes, t-"
"What the hell!"
The manly unknown voice shocked them both, their figures jumping at the sound because they thought they were alone.
"Rafe, what're you doing here?"
Y/n asked confusedly as she stood from the steps. The Kook just scoffed and walked back out. Ignoring her question. She shared a glance with JJ before going to follow after him.
"Hey! Where you going? What's wrong?"
"A pogue!? Y/n, seriously?!"
"What're you talking about?"
"You're cheating on me with a pogue?" He shouted. Y/n scrunched her eyebrows, looking at the unnecessary upset individual.
"What do you mean cheating? I'm not cheating on you. We were just talking."
"Bullshit. That's bullshit! I heard it all."
"Rafe, it's not like that. Jj was just-"
"I should've known better. I should've known," he fumed. His right foot swung to kick the dirt near his truck that he was so very close to getting into.
"Known what?"
"I should've never trusted a pogue. I knew something like this was gonna happen. You were just gonna throw me away like Sarah did, Topper. Right? Huh?"
"You sound ridiculous. I was never throwing you away. I was helping him out."
"Yeah, while you're at it. Might as well help sleep with him too."
Y/n scoffed, taking a step back from the angered boy who's brain had just functioned what he said. Part of him regretted it very much. But the other part thought you deserved it because of his cheating accusation.
He opened his vehicle door. Stepping one foot inside. "We're done."
The girl just laughed with held tears reaching for the openess. She turned around to head back inside as Rafe just drove off.
"Hey, no tearing up today. Go to this stupid thing and show him that his little cheating accusation act didn't hurt you at all. You're stronger than that."
"Thanks, Kie."
The girls finished up their last minute touches. That includes sweeping their dresses with roller for no hair, any makeup redos, or hair finishes. The ride to the country club was quiet. Well, y/n was quiet.
This would be her first time seeing Rafe since their break up a three days ago. They've been doing everything in their mighty to avoid each other. And it definitely worked. But like her friend told her, she wasn't gonna get worked up. Letting Rafe see her weak was like telling him he was right about everything. But he wasn't.
"Jesus, Kook land."
"I forgot how packed this thing is every year."
"Well, let's go. I gotta walk out with my family."
The Cameron family walked out with their heads high and the Kook crowd cheered for each one. Y/n kept her eyes gazed to Kiara since they were in the middle of a conversation. Not caring if that family came in or not. That excludes Sarah.
Rafe watched from his spot by his dad, as they exited to outside. Breath hitched when he saw Y/n and her dress. It was a dark toned red, had tulle, and a revealing  chest opening.
A red flower crown on her head, complimenting her beautiful down hair. She looked amazing and hot to Rafe. He had to clear his throat before excusing himself.
"Hey," the red dresses girl heard from beside her as a hand landed on her lower back. She removed it before her eyes retracted to theirs. Kie just pursed her lips before leaving to hangout with Sarah. Y/n internally screaming that she left her there.
"What do you want?"
"Uh, you look nice."
"Okay. Thanks. You don't too. What do you want?"
"Nothing. Just saying hi."
"Wait, wait, wait. Why are you mad at me? Shouldn't I be the mad one here?"
"Because of what you did," he said with furrowed eyebrows. Y/n shrugged.
"I didn't do anything."
"Do- do you not remember what happened on the cut three days ago? The fight."
"You slut shaming me and accusing me of cheating with JJ. That? Yeah, I remember that."
"Accused? I heard you."
"Heard what exactly?"
"JJ, was telling you he liked you and thought you were a cool hippie chick, which you are not. You're not hippie. And then he asked you out and you said yes. As soon as I walked in."
Y/n stared at him blankly. Before bursting out laughing. A few guests behind them staring with a look that showed they weren't used to loud talkers or laugher. "Oh my god. You thought? Jesus that's absolutely hilarious."
"What is?"
"That you think- you think that JJ was confessing feelings to me. Whew that's rich."
"I heard it, Y/n."
"He wasn't confessing anything to me you shit head. He was practicing for when he asked out Kiara."
Rafe was confused. Majorly. Inside and out. "But she-"
"He likes Kiara. And she's my cousin. You think I'd really hurt anyone like that? How low of me do you think? Have fun at this party."
Y/n walked off to go look for her disappeared friends. Not wanting to spend another second in a spot with someone who was so rude over something he knew nothing about. Just assumed. Never asked.
As she walked down the corridors of the porch that many people stood on drinking, a hand grabbed her shoulder, turning her around. Her eyes fixated on the blonde in a black tux and a bow tie.
"Holy shit, JJ. You scared me. What're you doing here?" She asked as she hugged him.
"Well, Sarah somehow convinced her dad to let me in tonight to hangout with Kie."
"Have you seen her?"
"I was just looking for her myself. C'mon. She's probably inside."
She grabbed his hand. Pulling him inside. They found Kie just minutes later with Pope. He was working the grill with his dad. Sarah was getting raided by Topper about their own stupid shit. Y/n decided to go get herself a drink and maybe find someone to dance with.
The straw rested on her lips as she stood against the porch railing. Gazing over all the people who say around laughing, probably bragging about their money, summer vacations, their older kids getting into a good college. Typical kook things.
Her eyes focused on a specific couple talking off to the side. Her eyes burning a whole in the back of Rafe's head as he tried to flirt up a storm with some Kook she didn't know whatsoever.
Her body was fuming. Was Rafe really gonna sit in front of her and flirt with a whole other girl that isn't her. Just a few days after their breakup. It's like he's trying to play victim. And she's had it.
"Hey, Sancho. Lassie."
The brunette Rafe was talking up a storm to laughed. "I'm sorry who are you?"
"Oh, you gonna introduce me to your side piece here?"
"Would you stop? We're just talking."
"Talking? Yeah, okay," Y/n laughed. The girl just looked at her dazed. "Hi, I'm his girlfriend. Y/n. And you, yeah you're excused."
Rafe was truly enjoying this scene. Internally rooting for Y/n. He wasn't gonna object to that fact that she called herself his girlfriend. Because now that he knew the truth, it changed his perspective.
"Who do you think you are?"
"I already told you. Wh- can you not hear correctly?"
"He said he was single so, why-"
"He lied. So, you can go away now- Rafe. Let's go. We need to talk."
"What're you his mother now?" The rando questioned. Y/n turned to her and gripped her face.
"If you wanna keep these teeth, then I suggest you stop talking. Go find somebody else's boyfriend to mack on."
She dragged Rafe by his hand into the upstairs private bathroom. Locking the door behind her. "What're you doing?"
"Just having a friendly conversation. There a problem?"
"You were flirting, Rafe. That was flirting," she paced. Hand against her for head.
"Like you're any better. You lied to me."
"I've never lied about anything."
"You said JJ liked Kiara."
"Yeah. He does."
"Then why is he holding your hand, hugging you, and leaving inside with you instead of the girl he supposedly likes," Rafe argued. Gripping onto the large counter.
"Rafe, I grabbed his hand and brought him inside to find Kiara. And I hugged him because I was happy for my friend. God, Rafe how many times do I have to tell you that I am not cheating on you."
"It's kind of hard to believe that shit when I keep seeing things with my own eyes."
"Then stop assuming and come ask me. Jesus, do you not trust me or something. Because I trust you. Anytime I hear that you're at a party doing lines with hot blonde's next to you, I brush it off because I know you'd never. Why can't you just do that for me."
Rafe stood from his seat. Pinching the bridge of nose. The guilty conscience grazed through his mind as he listened to her words. He had issues with trust and with others, but he knew it wasn't a reason to take it out on the only person who's loved him for him.
"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. You're right. I should trust you. Just like you trust me. I'll work on it. I promise."
"Don't promise me that. Just show me that you love me just as much."
The words clicked. He did love her. And he cared about her. More than anyone in this world. And he wanted to show her. In the most physical way possible.
"Just c'mere," he repeated as he grabbed her by her waist, pulling her closer to him. She stumbled, but Rafe's grip kept her in place. He moved his face closer to hers, lips almost touching as they grazed against each other.
He used the hand placed on her waist to grip the fabric of her dress. Pulling it upwards. Her breath hitched as he hand snaked under the red tulle and right onto her now soaking core. His pointy finger swept across the waistband of her panties.
Y/n wasn't expecting this as the outcome from their miniature argument but she wasn't complaining. And neither was Rafe.
He pushed her underwear down as much as he could from their position, before going back to her walls and making circular motions. Rafe finally closer the space, kissing her lips practically roughly as he continued rubbing her.
He kept a firm hand on her waist to make sure she had a gripping support if he legs gave out, which they indeed will. The motions stopped as Y/n pulled her lips away from his. Rafe stared at her daring eyes, questioning if she wanted his to continue.
"Put them inside me," she whispered. The Cameron smirked before obliging to her demand. He stuck to fingers into her wet cunt. A soft moan escaped her lips as he did so. Pumping them in and out of her. Y/n rubbed her hand against the erection in his dress pants.
"You like that, yeah?"
She nodded as the locked her lips. Not being able to speak because knowing if she did, she let out a loud moan and even at this club would hear.
She unbuckled his pants, putting her handninside to grip his penis and pump it as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The hand he held to her waist was now gripped on her neck, gently. Y/n clenched around his fingers. Feeling her high come close. "Dont stop."
Rafe began pumping faster just as Y/n did so. The teens were so horny that they were both already reaching their extent. Rafe's shaft twitched in her hand. "I'm cumming."
"Do it for me."
That's all it took for Y/n to finish. And Rafe too. His liquids filling her hands as they both let out moans due to their intense actions. In one swift motion, Rafe snaked a hand around Y/n's waist turning then so she was against the counter. Her pulled the straps of her dress of her shoulders, leaving kisses as he did so before connecting his lips to hers.
Her pulled his tuxedo jacket off him. Snapping the bowtie off as well. Y/n moaned at the tluchnof his hands on her breast. Massaging them in his hands over the fabric of her strapless bra.
Y/n unbuttoned the spots on his shirt before pulling it off his shoulders and onto the floor. Rafe stop his gripping motions and pulled down his pants and boxers. He sat her up on the counter. Her bare ass connecting to the coldness of the marble designed setting.
Rafe rubbed his tip against her fold once or twice before pushing himself into her. Not giving a warning, but Y/n loved the suddeness. Y/n let a moan into his next as he began thrusting his hips. The girl gripping her black painted nails into his back.
Rafe's eyes rolled to the back of his head. Enjoying the feelings of Y/n's cunt wrapped around him.
"You like that?"
"Yes, god yes."
Y/n sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Each moan and huff she exposed in his earn make his whole body shiver. Rafe let out a grunt before answering. She clenched her walls around his dick. The dirty blonde groaned slamming into her body. "Do it again."
She did so. Clenching around around the boy as he slammed into her again. This time, hitting the spot that made her whole body go insane. "Tell me I'm yours."
"You're mine."
A moan escaped her lips after he said what she had wanted. Her hand smacked down onto the edge of the sinks counter. Grilling onto it for dear life. "Tell me it again."
The feeling of her finishing was fastly approaching. As well as for Rafe. The moans she let out made his go over the edge as he fucked her hard. "Tell me, Rafe."
"You're fucking mine, ah-"
Each of them let out a loud moan as they finished. Covering each others mouths. There shouldn't be anyone upstairs but for precautions they covered either way.
Rafe's head fell forward onto her chest. Taking large breaths as y/n did too. "Shit, y/n."
The Cameron pulled out of her. Helping her get redressed and cleaned just after he did himself.
"You're still on the pill right?" He asked as he zipped his pants.
"Yeah. It's fine," she smiled up at his 6'4 figure. Rafe reached down to kiss her passionately.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you, too."
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