#I’m gonna have fun with Conductor’s lines >:]
jgracie · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH . . . cabin one headcannons
masterlist | rules
warnings zeus (sorry)
an im gonna be doing these for all the cabins cz i have a lot of ideas in my head LOL but in order of numbers so sorry hecate kids
on the radio electric touch (taylor swift), thunder (imagine dragons), she’s thunderstorms (arctic monkeys), skyfall (adele)
In my head, there are two types of Zeus demigods: lightning and thunder 
‘Lightning’ are the ones with (literally LOL) electrifying personalities, representing the Zeus a lot of their parents probably fell for. They’re fun loving party animals and are down for almost anything. Not to the extent of a Hermes or Dionysus kid, but definitely up there 
‘Thunder’ are quiet and level-headed, showing more of the ‘ruler of the Gods’ side of their father. They have a royal-esque aura to them and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Despite not doing too much to frighten others and mostly keeping to themselves, people still know to stay respectful and that they’re a force to be reckoned with 
The two seem like polar opposites most of the time and have people questioning how the same God could create such different kids, but they actually have a lot in common
The main trait all Zeus kids share is an extreme calling to leadership. Just like how their father saved all his elder siblings from their father’s stomach and became their king, they feel the need to be in charge and make sure everyone’s okay
They are also incredibly good at it. Zeus kids are always the people to go to when you need a pep talk or some words of motivation. Even the ones who perceive themselves as more pessimistic have it in them
A lot of people believe Zeus kids have a minor form of charmspeak because of how good it is, but they don’t
When they’re leading a cause they’re excited about, or if they just have a lot of energy in general, their energy tends to rub off on others like static. Once one person gets it, it's passed along and all of a sudden everyone’s hyped
While their leadership is a good trait to have, it can become obsessive and unhealthy, turning into perfectionism as they want to control every aspect of their life. A severe need for control in all aspects of life is a common fatal flaw for Zeus kids
All of Zeus’ kids could have the ability to fly, but they have to actively try in order for it to happen. If they’re afraid of heights (like Thalia), it just won’t
They can also jump really high. They say it comes naturally, but in reality they just use the air to propel themselves up LOL
The main power associated with Zeus kids is, of course, electrokinesis. They all have it, but it takes them a while to be able to fully control it and harness it to its full potential. They can usually summon lightning no matter the weather conditions, but it tends to be more powerful the more clouds there are in the sky 
Multiple Zeus kids could also create a chain-reaction of sorts with their lightning powers (kind of like that one Pikachu scene in the og Pokemon)
Since metal is a good conductor of electricity, I’m gonna make an assumption and say so are celestial bronze and imperial gold (I know gold is really low on the reactivity series but shh), which means Zeus kids could just wield a weapon of pure lightning if they were in the mood
Some of them have control over clouds/can create clouds. Obviously not to the extent of their father’s powers (like how he made a whole fake Hera out of clouds), but they could use clouds to obstruct people’s vision and make fun shapes for little kids 
Zeus’ children also have an EXTREMELY ACCURATE gut feeling. Extremely accurate in caps because it's that good. Theirs is the only one that could rival Apollo’s kids. Somehow they just know everything
If you asked a child of Zeus what it’s like, they’ll say something along the lines of some random voice randomly appearing in their head and telling them something
It sounds kind of creepy, but it's not. They could just be staring at two people they’ve never met and immediately think, “she’s gonna confess this afternoon,” or something. This ability is especially powerful with the weather. They always know deep down what the weather will be like as soon as they wake up
The sky could be dark grey with thunder rumbling in the background and, as long as a Zeus kid says it won't rain that day, you wouldn’t need an umbrella. This is an ability that becomes pretty handy during quests
Very scary when they’re mad. Ares kids are scared of them when they’re mad. They go quiet and grunt a, “I’m fine,” if you ask them if they’re okay but you can tell they’re angry from the way their eyes seem to get darker and people’s hairs stand on end when they pass by them
#1 grudge holders and believers in payback. Especially if someone hurts the people they love. A lot of their lives were negatively affected by their father’s carelessness towards people he claimed he loved, so they vow to never do the same
If you genuinely believe a Zeus kid has let you off the hook after you did something to upset them, you’re so wrong and I’m scared for you
Anyways love you Zeuserinas please take care and remember you don’t have to be perfect all the time & its okay to rest every once in a while
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vacantgodling · 2 years
I am looking directly at Train Master Chidori and bestie I'd like to know more
bestie!!!! i’m so glad i’m ADORE him
i’m still trying to figure a lot of it out myself, however heres just some stuff about it in… no particular order:
the world’s sea levels have risen, changing the lay of the land. i don’t know why or how that Really affects everything (in trying to research i just keep getting annoyed lmaooo) however it leads to cities that are getting more vertical. this means there’s many layers of buildings and trains on a multitude of different levels of a city. not every city looks the same obvs but like that’s the vibe.
chidori is a train master. so basically there’s certain tiers of working with the train companies (who pretty much own the world lmao). there’s like attendants or stewards and they’re your people who help run the train and transfer goods. lackeys or lowest down the ladder. then there’s operators and conductors thatre on the same level. operators are at hq and help direct trains through traffic and shit, and conductors drive the trains themselves. and then there’s train masters—basically they are the “guardian angel” (or plural) of a train line. they do everything from helping customers aboard to stopping disputes to hauling things or getting orders and directions to trains on the go (in mid air so many have hyper boots or smthn that propel them through the air lol) but most important they protect trains from raids! they also have special??? powers but idk if it’s just from their weapons or smthn else gotta figure it out. they really be standing on top of trains having face offs while these bitches are propelling through the air and over the ocean.
for numerous reasons being a train master is a dangerous asf occupation. not many people sign up to do it which is no bueno bc people rely on trains for everything and well if they’re constantly getting raided then… what we finna do?
chidori has wanted to be one since he was young and dropped out of hs to focus full time doing deliveries to save money for the train master academy. during that time he was (and still is) close with his childhood friend amehana and the two even started dating. things however fell apart when she learned he wanted to be a train master instead of like an operator or smthn and she didn’t want him to do it bc. yknow. danger. but he was like nah i’m gonna do it! when things start it’s probably coming up on his one year anniversary of being a train master and he and ame are starting to reconnect as friends. he’s around 20?? probably?
chidori has impeccable memory when it comes to routes and always knows shortcuts to get to where he needs to go. he’s good natured, hyperactive and clumsy unless he’s on his hyper boots or doing his job. the only time he’s serious is when he’s being a train master in the middle of a threat. takes his job hella seriously!!!
that’s like ?? what i have so far 🤔 i’m still trying to figure stuff out but it’s a lot of fun :’)
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(RP starter for @fnafl0ver)
“Aye Lass, where are we goin’?” (<- Conductor)
“To meet a friend of mine! He’s a big purple noodle!”
Hat Kid (Who I’ll call Heni & HK interchangeably) led Conductor to the tree house that Snatcher lived in.
“Snatcher! Your favorite kiddo is here!!”
(OOC: Apparently, Hat Kid’s name is Heni. So, I’ll call her Heni & HK.)
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Mountain Distance (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
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Heyo everyone! This is a commission for the wonderful @fullstone22​! They have requested some more Gordie content, and how can I say no to that? :D Really- I’ve been slowly but surely working my way back to Pokemon; this fic really made me happy to write, and I hope it makes you happy too! Thank you so much for your support!
Summary: You were invited to train in the Isle Of Armor for a year. It’s gonna be a tough time without you, but your boyfriend Gordie is supportive as ever.
“Do you have everything? Potions, poke balls, snacks?” Gordie fussed beside you as you straightened your bag, the sound of your train growing closer. Since you’d been invited to the Isle of Armor, Gordie was a ball of excitement and nerves. The closer the day of your departure got, the more anxious he grew.
If you were being honest, you found it rather endearing. It reminded you of Melody in some ways.
Not that you’d ever voice that outloud.
“Gordie, I’ll be fine.” You laughed, walking up and taking his hands gently, bringing them to your lips. “It’s only for a year, and I’ll be staying with Master Mustard at his dojo. You’ve met him and his wife; they’re great people. Once I’m there I’ll call you up and give you all the updates.”
“You better- I’m not sleeping until you do.” Gordie started to pout, making you laugh as you leaned forward and kissed it away.
“I’ll be sure to come back and visit, and I’ll call you every night.” You told him between kisses, pressing your foreheads together. “And YOU better take care of yourself too. No distractions during gym battles while I’m gone.”
“Can’t be helped; you're my muse.” Gordie smiled, kissing you back tenderly just as the train to Isle Armor arrived. The conductor; a tall man with unusually bright silver eyes;  nodded at you in greeting before taking your things.
“I gotta go. I love you, Gordie. I promise to call!” You gave him one last kiss before backing into the train, keeping your eyes on him as you took a seat. “Win the championship for me!”
“That’s my line!” Gordie called out with a wet laugh as you rode away, the sound of the heavy machinery drowning out his call. Before long, you were off, leaving Gordie at the station.
“Have fun, (Y/N).” He whispered, tucking his hands into his pockets and turning to leave. Just as he did so, his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Pulling it out, it had one new message:
{(Y/N): Hey, guess what? I love you :D}
Gordie laughed, shaking his head as he walked back home, writing a responding “I love you too”.
Maybe the year won’t be so bad afterall.
“And wouldn’t you know it? Just as I thought I had all of the Wooloo’s secure, the smallest one of all followed me into my house! She wouldn’t go back- she stayed by my side the entire time.” Milo laughed as he spoke, reminiscing on his latest endeavor with the new Wooloo babies. “She reminds me so much of my brother when he was a tot!”
Gordie nodded along, half listening. It had been a few months since he’s seen his partner. While they stayed true to their promise to call every day and visit at least once a month, it didn’t mean his longing for them eased.
Today though- it hadn’t been longing that was distracting him. At least- not that entirely.
The other night, he had a dream of them. They were reunited once more, running about a great green field and throwing themselves into each other's arms. At some point his partner had him pinned, tickling him like no tomorrow and blowing raspberries against his stomach.
It was a nice dream, but it put the rock gym leader in an awful lee mood.
“You’ve been quiet today, Gord. What’s on your mind?” Milo asked, smiling patiently as the gym leader startled.
“Just thinking, that’s all.” Gordie tried for a smile, internally cringing when Milo furrowed his brow. “I guess I’m really missing (Y/N), today.”
“Ah, I see.” Milo nodded, seeming satisfied with the answer. “Hang in there, Gordie! They’ll be back before you know it.”
“Yeah…you're right. Thanks.” Gordie bit down a sigh as he turned back to his phone. He’d be fine. He’d just have to make it until you either visit again or your home. He could do this-
A sudden poke to the side made him spasm, nearly chucking his phone. “Gah! M-Milo?”
The redhead merely smiled. Green eyes aflame with all knowing. “What? You look so down I thought I’d cheer you up, that’s all.”
Gordie found himself scooting away some, feeling his face burn as Milo turned to face him properly. “I’m really not that upset; I’ll be fine in time-”
“Oh no! You're clearly in need of cheering up now, yes?” Milo moved so fast Gordie could barely react, quickly pinning him to the couch below with a wide grin. “(Y/N) would be disappointed if you stayed so sullen. What am I supposed to tell them if I let you carry on?”
“You talked to them?” Gordie was about to ask more questions when hands started pinching his waist and sides, making him squirm and giggle. “Wehhehehehn?”
“The other day. They told me whenever you start looking especially down to help you out.” Milo leaned down so he could speak into his friend's ear, a teasing note in his tone. “They also told me about helping you out in your lee moods.”
Gordie flushed near crimson, his laughter increasing when Milo found a particularly sensitive spot on his ribs, making him snort. “Whahahahhat, whehhehen did yohohohou heahahhar- Gehahahahahahaha!” Fingers were now under his arms, pressing through the thick material of his jacket with little trouble. “Mihihihihiihlo!”
“Hm? What is it, Gordie?” His friend cooed, clearly having a great time.
“Ihihihihihit tihihiihihihikcles!”
“So it does!” Milo chuckled, reaching up and grabbing Gordie’s hands. “Hey, Gordie. What’s your favorite fruit?”
Oh no. Oh dear. “Dohohohon’t you dahhahhare-”
“Cause mine is…Raspberries!” Milo grinned before burying face into Gordie’s stomach.
“AH! AHEHAHAHHAHAHA! MIHIHIIIHIHLOO!” Gordie howled, twisting this way and that as Milo blew raspberry after raspberry. Even with his shirt protecting his skin, the raspberries were ridiculously effective. Each one sent wave after wave of ticklish tingles up and down his nerves, making him scream and flail. “COOHOOHOHOHOME OHOHOOHOOHN!”
“Don’t tell me you're not having fun, Gordie.” Milo said between attacks, the big brother in him coming out full force. His hands released the blondes before coming back to his sides, wiggling into the soft flesh of his torso and adding to the Gordie’s predicament. “When (Y/N) was here, the two of us would gang up on you all the time! You didn’t fight back then, and your night fighting back now!”
Gordie could only cackle as he shoved at the farmer’s shoulders. “YOHOHOOHOHU EHEHHEHEHEHVIL!”
“And you're too ticklish!” Milo laughed into his stomach, nuzzling him gently before finally sitting back. “Feeling better, friendo?”
His hair was a mess. His cheeks were aflame and his sunglasses were crooked. His lungs were on fire and his entire body felt tingly from head to toes.
Milo asked him if he was feeling better?
Honestly…yeah. He kinda was.
“Yoohohu suck.” He laughed, shoving the redhead and making Milo wheeze so hard he rolled off the couch. Before long the two of them were laughing hysterically, overcome with glee.
Yeah- he could make it the rest of the year.
It was less than 7 degrees celsius this morning. Everything was ice cold- including Gordie, but he didn’t care.
Standing in a large jacket and scarf, he bounced on his heels with his hands in his pockets as he waited impatiently for the train to arrive. He had received your text last night- it took him everything in his power not to rush over to the station then and there.
A solid 2 hours in the cold and three cups of coffee later, the large metal beast pulled up, vibrating the tracks and blaring through the cold morning. Around him, trainers and those alike got on and off, fading away into nothing as you appeared.
All it took was one look. Before he knew it, you were running full force, tossing your bag to his left before launching yourself into his ready arms. Your lips tasted like coffee and donuts, and your cheeks were flushed from the cold.
“Gordie.” You breathed when you two finally pulled away, smiling so big it rivaled the sun. Gordie felt his heart soar. “I’m home.”
“Welcome home, rockstar.” He let out a choked laugh, kissing you again and again.
I hope this was good!
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anonymousdandelion · 3 years
A Traffic Jam of One's Own Making
Continuing backposting the fluff ficlets I wrote based on @greenfiredragonfly’s Angstember prompts! Enjoy a dip into the time-honored tradition of Crowley Crowleying himself.
A Traffic Jam of One's Own Making, rated G, 400 words
“I’m sorry,” Crowley said wretchedly. He stared out at the lanes of stalled traffic, stretching ahead of the Bentley as far as the eye could see. “Think we’re gonna be here awhile.”
“Oh dear.” Aziraphale followed Crowley’s gaze. “I should have brought a book.”
A moment of silence, as the line of traffic scooted approximately three inches forward and then stopped again.
“I should’ve taken us a different route. Sorry,” Crowley said again.
“You had no way of knowing it would be like this.” Aziraphale patted his hand on the steering wheel. “Don’t apologize. It’s not as if the traffic jam is your fault.”
Crowley discreetly avoided commenting.
Not discreetly enough, though. Aziraphale’s hand lifted off Crowley’s, eyes, voice, and aura turning suddenly suspicious. “Dear boy.”
“Yeah?” Crowley said warily.
A short distance behind them, a car honked uselessly. The car directly ahead of the Bentley honked back.
Unfortunately, the noise failed to distract Aziraphale. “Is there something you haven’t told me?”
“Ngk,” said Crowley. He fumbled for a sufficiently distracting, non-incriminating answer. “Sure. Yeah. Lots of things. Didn’t tell you yet about those symphony tickets I bought yesterday, for instance…”
“Symphony tickets?” Now the angel sounded interested.
Temptation accomplished! “Yep,” Crowley said, a little too enthusiastically. “Front row seats, two weeks from Friday. They’re playing Tchaikovksy, the conductor is—”
“That sounds lovely,” Aziraphale interrupted pleasantly. “I’d love to hear more about it later. I’m looking forward. Now, you were saying, about the traffic?”
Bless. Well, it had been worth a shot.
Crowley sighed. “Got bored this morning, that’s all. Seemed like fun. Passed the time, anyway.”
“It seemed like fun.”
“Forgot we’d be coming this way later. [1]”
“I see.”
“...Should I say sorry again?”
This time around, Crowley noticed, Aziraphale very noticeably didn’t instruct him not to apologize.
And yet, the angel’s irritated shake of the head a second later looked like it was more for show than anything else. And there was something closely resembling a glint of interest in Aziraphale’s eye when he sighed loudly and said, “Fine, then, tell me how you did it. Since there’s nothing else to do. And then you can tell me about that symphony.” A beat. “We do have plenty of time, after all. Might as well make use of it.”
Crowley grinned. Maybe it wasn’t so terrible, after all, having an excuse to spend some extra time with Aziraphale.
[1] Actually, he hadn’t forgotten. In fact, it was exactly because Crowley had known they’d be coming this way that the road had been the first one to come to mind. He just hadn’t thought through the consequences.
Also posted on AO3
(See more of my Fluffy Angstember fics here!)
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crimsonrae · 3 years
Night Ride
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A/N: A drabble that is a result of my shitty work morning today. A fluffy, silly one-shot. I may delete later.
Rated: E
AU Captain Syverson!Train Conductor X OFC
Summary: After a long night ride, Syverson meets the new girl. 
Night Ride
The sun was just a shy twinkle over the horizon as the sharp harmonic of the train bell broke the morning stillness. A pair of sapphire eyes flickered about the landscape from inside the engine, simultaneously noting the lack of life outside and the diamond placard that would be their pausing point. He muffled a yawn and felt his eyes burn as the strain of the past nine hours suddenly bore down on his body. One more to go and he could get some shut eye.
The lower bell chimed as the train slowly rolled to a stop.
"How long do you think it's gonna take us to yard this beast?" His engineer John queried, his voice holding all the weariness that Syverson felt. He hated the night rides almost as much. The dark kept most of the enjoyable scenery away.
He arched a brow as he considered the almost ten thousand feet of rail cars. The railyard wasnt terribly large but it would house their bundle just fine, "Probably about forty minutes, maybe an hour if we have to wait for the tracks to be unlocked and I can just throw the switches."
"They're sending a van to pick us up, right?"
"Yeah." Sy answered muffling a yawn as he reached for the radio clipped to his shoulder, "Ramp manager, this is N35, come in."
Static crackled over the radio for a second before a light and distinctly feminine voice filtered over the line, "Go ahead N35."
Sy blinked in surprise, for three months he'd been working this line - it was the first time he had heard woman on the radio. He was intrigued, "We're here at the diamond and would like permission to enter."
"You're clear to enter track six, N35, but meet me at the switch. I have a new set of yarding instructions for ya. We had to change up the order on you."
Dual sighs echoed at her words, but Syverson knew that no matter what that he and John would be out in an hour, "Roger that."
John had the train rolling toward the switch before he even finish clicking off the mike.
The first set of switches were already lined up for the main track lines, Syverson didn’t need to get out and check - but years of covering his ass had ingrained a need to verify anyway. He hopped out of the slow rolling train and jogged ahead, giving the thumbs up to John to continue as he checked over the first switch and then the second, thirty feet ahead.
Cool air bit at his grizzled cheeks as he made his way up the track, knowing that the train would lag behind at the last switch until he received their orders. It felt good to stretch his legs after being cooped up inside the past three hours.
As he rounded the last bend, he was greeted by the familiar sight of a company work truck, but the new sight of a woman. He smiled lazily as he approached, careful not to let his perusal of her form be too obvious. It was clear by the weary lines at her eyes and her impassive expression that she was no morning person. Yet, she was ready for duty, work boots laced, safety vest zipped and radio at her hip as she watched him near. She shouldn’t have looked attractive, but she did. Her curves filled out the gear in all the right places. 
Idly, he wondered what she would look like if she were to put on his gear. His imagination flickered with the thought of her in his work shirt and nothing else.
"I have guys working, tracks three, four, and five. I'll be keeping watch and will have them cleared by the time you finish yarding your first cut on six." She began as soon as he was in earshot. She was direct, no nonsense... and bored.
Sy felt a bit disgruntled at that. Not even the vaguest hint of interest was sent his way... that was unusual - at least for him. 
Papers were pushed under his nose and he couldn’t help the unimpressed glower at the gleaming sheet, “Fun... good morning to you too.”
A faint snort and a wry smirk greeted his words, “Sorry. Good morning - it’s been a bit of a circus already. Holler for me on the radio if you have any issues, hopefully we can get this done before you time out.”
She already had the driver-side door open to her truck as she finished her instructions. It was no different than what he received from her male colleagues, but he wanted to play, nine hours on the tracks did that, “And who am I hollering for?” 
The question made her blink as she adjusted her seat-belt. That wry smile turned to a smirk as she really looked him over in consideration this time. Unconsciously, he puffed up his chest under her perusal - the action didn’t go past her notice. Mischief entered her gaze as she cocked a brow and answered, “You call for the ramp manager...conductor.”
She had the truck reversing before he had time to respond. Foolishly, he called out as she started to turn, “The name’s Sy!”
She poked her head out the window and grinned, “As in I’m supposed to swoon and sigh over you?”
He snorted - that was a new one, “Not yet, but give it time... ramp manager.”
“Well aren’t you cocky.” She murmured as she hit the accelerator, “See ya around, Sy.”
Syverson nodded to her as he watch her truck tear down the yard as he muttered to himself, “You’ll find out how cocky soon enough, darlin’.”
He hoped she was on duty tomorrow, maybe then the night rides wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter Six
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter Six
It was nightfall by now, and Elham, Kaz and Inej were following the Conductor to his supposed way across the Fold. Jesper was nowhere to be found, and Elham could only imagine what kind of trouble he had gotten to by this point in the night. The moonlight casted over them as they walked, the Conductor leading.
“We're almost there. Just a little further.”
Kaz fell back a bit, causing Elham and Inej to slow, matching his stride. He kept his voice hushed. “Where the hell is Jesper?”
“I should’ve gone with him. Have I ever been wrong? No. Do you ever listen to me? No. And here we are.”
Elham knew she was bold for speaking to Kaz like that, they might have been close, but he was still technically her boss, and more than that, she needed him focused on this job. Making him angry was never a good idea, but she just couldn’t help herself. It was too fun teasing him. She was the only one who could get away with it.
Kaz pretended like he couldn’t hear her, rolling his eyes, walking a little faster. He knew she was right, but he would never admit it. The Conductor approached a sign, barely lit up by his torch. He continued walking past it, but Inej stopped, putting her arm out in front of Elham.
Elham stopped, huffing. There was no point in being surprised, she knew this job was going to be the hardest one she ever went on. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t have a slight temper tantrum in Kaz’s direction though, it was just her luck that this would go bad from the beginning.
She almost risked following the Conductor, deciding to not care about the imminent death in the field, when Kaz put his cane out to stop her, giving her a glare. “We’ll wait. Follow the path that you carve.”
“Oh, that sign, it was my idea to keep people away. Can’t be too careful. We’re fine. Come.”
Elham glanced at them, sighing. Might as well. She took off, following the footsteps the Conductor had set, Inej hot on her trail. Kaz stood behind, looking for another way, before realizing there wasn’t one. He sighed, trying to corral the goat closer to him, before slowly following them.
The Fold was a wall, a giant black mass, with eerie groans and high pitched screeches coming from the inside. It was bigger than anything Elham could have imagined, and the pit in her stomach only grew. If nightfall was dark, the only light coming from the moon, she couldn’t imagine how dark and empty the inside of the Fold must be, a void.
Inej was warily glancing around. “It’s one thing hearing about it, but this is--”
“Nothing, compared to what lies within.”
Elham scoffed. “Thank you, Arken, very inspiring.”
The Crows watched Arken slowly crank a handle, watching a dingy train emerge from the edge of the Fold. “There. So, goat, jurda, thank you. Now we’re just waiting on…”
Gunshots emerged on the other side of the field, and Elham turned to see Jesper sprinting in their direction, a crowd of men right on his heels. “Wait for me!”
“They can’t see the train!” The Conductor took the torch from Inej, putting it out in the sand.
Kaz was growing angrier by the second. “Jesper! Get here now!”
“Put out the lantern.”
Elham pulled the pistol off her hip, advancing forward just enough to be able to aim at the men after Jesper. She only had two bullets, and then her gun would be useless. Without her sword, all she would have left is the knife strapped to her thigh. Still, Jesper had to get there, preferably not full of bullet holes.
She began picking off the two closest to him, one bullet missing, hitting the sign next to him, the other lodging itself into another man's thigh. He crumpled to the floor with a cry. “Damn it, Jesper! Hurry the fuck up, I’m out of bullets!”
She dropped the gun, pulling out the knife, ready to use it if she had to. Jesper had stopped now, reading the landmines sign. He picked his pace back up when another gunshot flew over his head. “Oh, wait for me! Don’t you go without me! Wait!”
Elham turned, pulling herself up onto the train, grabbing Jesper’s arm and pulling him in when he got close enough, falling back into one of the seats. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
The men were still advancing, and Inej began pulling the door shut, checking to make sure everything was secure. Elham had stood now, grabbing the sack off Jesper’s shoulder handing it to Arken.
“Please tell me this is 20 pounds of alabaster coal.”
Jesper turned to them. “Slight snag in the plan. Turns out that the kid who was helping me buy the coal, didn’t exactly know how to, uh, buy coal.”
Kaz nodded, unamused. “We know you gambled it away.”
“I lost a little bit of the money...ok I lost all of the money, but I managed to steal twenty pounds of alabaster coal.”
The Conductor looked over the bag. “No, no, no, there’s sixteen pounds!”
Jesper corrected himself, smoothing down his jacket. “Sixteen pounds, of alabaster coal.”
Kaz looked like he was going to have a heart attack, and Elham was fighting herself to not say I told you so. “Can we do it on sixteen?”
“Never been done before?”
Gunshots hit the side of the train, and Arken moved Jesper, placing him into a seat. “Sit here. Never shift your weight.”
Inej slowly sank into a chair, and Kaz violently pulled off his jacket, before motioning to Elham to sit down. She took a seat next to him, and watched Arken pull up his sleeve, seeing cuts along his wrist, like tally marks. Saints, he had crossed that many times?
Inej, knife drawn, said a quick prayer. Elham took a deep breath, getting ready to think of some funny last words, when an explosion went off, followed by the sound of men screaming.
Kaz’s face grew cold. “I thought you said they weren’t real.”
“I said nothing of the sort. I just said I put the sign up myself.” The Conductor hit a few levers, and the train began moving. Kaz glared, leaning back in his seat, and Elham straightened up next to him, exasperatedly laughing. Could this be going any worse?
It had been a few minutes, and the train was barreling down, the Conductor checking his watch. The sound of metal clanging got everyone’s attention, and Jesper uneasily sat up. “What was that?”
“I’ve erected a system of timers along the line. Bits of metal hung on poles to keep me apprised of our pace.”
This piqued Kaz’s interest. “How did you know where to put the poles?”
“Physics and engineering account for most of my success. The rest is what we might call divine intervention, what others might call luck.”
Elham scoffed at that. “If there was any divine intervention, I’d be at the bottom of the harbour right now, Saint’s know I deserve it. But here I am, imminent death looming over me. Sounds like bad luck to me, eh Arken?”
“Well, I don’t know about that. I do know that the Fold is thick with volcra, and the tracks are not complete. Coal, please?”
Jesper perked up at that, eyes widening. “I’m sorry, did you say the tracks weren't complete?”
“I said they aren’t complete. And stop moving.”
Elham turned to Kaz, for the first time in the night, feeling actual fear. If she was going to die back there, a gunshot wound, or landmine, then so be it. It would be kinder than anything Heleen had planned for her. But to be ripped apart by volcra, part of a mass grave in the Fold?
Kaz gave her a look, one that said to calm down, don’t lose it. Arken ignored it, telling him to put in more coal. They were running late.
Jesper fidgeted in his seat, panicking, “I'm sorry, can we get back to the bigger issue? We’re on tracks that don’t connect to other tracks?”
“Yes, there’s a gap, but--”
Kaz had lost all patience. “You said you could get us through.”
Jesper was still panicking, now exasperated. “How much of a gap?”
Arken fidgeted with the levers, pushing buttons, and the car lurched forward. “I built slats on the car. They roll into place under the wheels. The turbine generates enough wind to push us all the way to the eastern track. As long as we don’t shift our weight. Now, the noise may attract volcra, but it’s the only way across. There’s a nest nearby, but we’ll be fine. If they haven’t attacked us in--”
A volcra screech was heard in the distance.
“Well now we’ve got a problem.”
“Of fucking course. Because why would this go well? Why would anything be easy? Can’t have anything nice, can we?”
Kaz looked worried now, but he was probably the most calm of the group. “Elham, shut up, Jesper’s gonna go into cardiac arrest if you say things like that. Arken, how do you fight them off?”
“I outrun them, open the throttle and toss in all the coal, which works when there’s twenty pounds of it!”
Elham sucked in a breath. “Jesper, I love you, but if we make it out of this alive, I’m most definitely going to kill you. Sit still!”
The car was slammed into, and a horrifying screech was heard. A pool of blood began pouring in through one of the cracks in the ceiling. Arken looked out the window. “Damn it! The stupid thing impaled itself on the spike.”
Kaz spoke up. “We need to get it off, the others are going to stand on it!”
“More coal!”
“We’re down to fumes! We’ll never make it with this extra weight.” He tossed the bag into the flames, but it did little to the pace.
Jesper was sitting in his chair, staring off. “This is how we die?”
Arken didn’t even look up. “Jesper, grab the groat.”
“I’m not throwing out the goat!”
“Grab the damn goat! It’s not bait, it’s for you! I need you to calm down, hug the goat. Shut the hell up.”
Jesper picked up the goat and held it tight to his chest, Inej groaning and placing her head in her hands.
Another clang, signalling the pace, went off, and Arken paled. “We should have hit that twenty seconds ago. My timings are precise to get us outside. Even twenty seconds behind means the train stops inside the Fold, and that...that means we die. There’s more coming!”
More volcra stacked up on top of the train car, screeching, and Arken scurried back to his chair. “You may want to make your peace!”
Elham turned to Kaz, who was positively out of plans. Inej was praying, Jesper was clutching tightly to the goat.
This was it.
Kaz met her eyes, desperately trying to come up with something to say, something that would possibly be good enough for his last moments with his Crows, with his Valkyrie, when Jesper stood up, the goat still under his arm.
He had this sense of calm to him, face now determined. He stepped forward, heading to the front of the car, the Crows watching him. He suddenly pulled his pistols from their holsters, twirling them around in his hands, before firing up at the ceiling. Volcra screeched, blood spattered, Arken was cowering in the corner, but Jesper persisted, rotating pistols, firing away.
Their pace increased as more and more volcra fell away from the train car, and Jesper holstered his pistols.
Inej glanced around, who had been still in her seat the entire ride. “Are they all dead?”
There was a moment of silence, before a claw burst in through the ceiling, and a volcra’s head pushed its way in. Arken screamed, but Jesper just raised his pistol, chambering a round, and launched it into the volcra’s head. It screeched, before falling off the train as well.
The Crows sat in their seats, stunned faces, before another metal clang went off, signalling the timer again. Arken checked his watch, and suddenly, the inside of the train car was lit up.
They had made it out.
They skidded to a stop at the edge of the Fold. They slowly stood up, making their way out of the train car. Elham wiped at her face, hopping out, turning to Jesper. “I’ve reconsidered. I’m not going to kill you. But pull some shit like that again, and I swear I’ll--”
“Got it, got it. Won’t happen again, love.”
She scoffed at that, speeding up to catch up with Kaz, who was leading them into the city. She muttered to herself. “Yeah, Jesper, sure. And I’m the Queen of the Barrel.”
Kaz raised a brow, glancing at her next to him, before continuing on.
A/N - hi, here's another chapter. please check out the authors note chapter, i will be deleting it before i post the next chapter, but i wanted a little feedback. (if you're reading this on tumblr, i didn't post the authors note on here, i'm basically just asking for opinions, critiques, likes, dislikes, ideas, i just want to writ something you all would enjoy better.) feel free to contact me anytime, and thank you for the support!
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rena-te · 3 years
I’m gonna throw some random thoughts/predictions about NEO at the wall. Mostly bc I’ve been thinking about this stuff for a while and need to shout into the void about it. (It will get into the Game’s Opening Sequence as well as any information that’s come out so far, just to mention it in case you were avoiding that content.) Join me for a lot of this down below the cut!
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First of all, Tsugumi. In A.N.D we see her in a destroyed Shinjuku. Along with the visions of the future she gives Neku there are these messages.
“Everyone’s gone away..... All that’s left in the world is me.” (City being destroyed.)
“I can’t hear a thing...” (Tsugumi is walking the streets alone.)
“Hello? Is anybody there?” (Joshua shooting.)
“Somebody... Anybody... Can anybody hear me?” (Rhyme dying to (purple) shark noise.)
This last one isn’t a vision. It happens after Coco shoots Neku and he vanishes. Which leads me to think, since it is mostly a repeat of the first two future visions, it’s actually happening in this moment. It could be Tsugumi calling out one last time...... Before she’s overtaken by something?
“Too late... It’s all over...” (Same as first two. Tsugumi’s eyes notably turn red more than before.)
How is she giving Neku these visions? (It seems that she’s just calling out to anybody, and for some reason Neku heard her.) To send visions like that I’d think that Tsugumi is either Shinjuku’s Composer or maybe an angel? Or something else we’ve not seen? And they’re all visions of the future. Is Tsugumi speaking into the past as well as projecting those images? (We’re assuming that the reason for Shinjuku Reapers being in Shibuya is bc the UG in Shinjuku has been destroyed. So are the visions congruent with Shinjuku being destroyed or is the city being destroyed in the future, likely sometime between TWEWY and NEO?) The possibility of time travel makes things a million times more complicated.
Or maybe Tsugumi wasn’t quite sending him visions at all, and it was a kind of side effect of being linked to a Composer (since they are somewhat omniscient, and bc some of those visions were not really related to Tsugumi.) She was just trying to communicate with him, but some of that power leaked through their psychic bond and gave Neku a bit of clairvoyance?
If Shinjuku’s UG got destroyed, does that leave the Composer alive? We know that the Composer killing themselves would effectively shut down the UG, but if it happens the other way around? The Composer still exists, but would there be no consequence for losing an integral part of themselves? If the Composer’s connection to the UG is so pivotal, maybe the UG being gone is the reason why Tsugumi seems so...empty? (Is she so vacant that someone else is pulling the strings at this point?) It’s odd for Tsugumi to call out to Neku for help, but target him in NEO. (Given orders to target him.)
Also maybe the UG being destroyed but the Composer still existing explains Joshua’s....odd reaction to her? “How fortunate she managed to escape erasure.” Said when he was just in a position of wanting to kill himself in order to destroy his UG. He doesn’t use that sprite often ya know. It could explain the expression he has and the mumbled speech bubble used. Joshua said that he needed to get rid of His UG bc it could negatively tamper with the other grounds. To discover that could be done without killing himself... (And without him knowing of the apparent side effect of a “vacant Composer” Assuming that theory is true in the first place.)
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But why does she have a Mr.Mew doll? Uhhhhh.... There’s also some time shenanigans happening too. And that throws many “what-ifs” into the mix, so I’ll avoid going down that rabbit hole. Basically I have no idea, the possibilities are kinda endless with time travel.
Another thing. This guy is also important. Very important apparently. I had a vague idea about him at first, a guess kinda outta left field, but I mean....I’m liking what bits I’ve scraped together for my guess theory by now. Onto speculating about Mr.Kubo here......
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In the game’s opening sequence he walks right past Tsugumi (so connected to her in some way), leans in towards the camera, looks at you and does his little eccentric pose.
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The only other characters who sorta look into the camera for the opening sequence are Shiba and Shoka, BUT in Shiba’s case it’s more like the camera is centered on him looking forward, and Shoka is more so interacting with Rindo with the way her scene was done. Here Kubo is just walking alone, stops and his eyes lock with the camera...... so wtf does this mean, you’re probably asking. It’s just a funky game introduction, it’s just this dude being weird. Yes, that is all true.
I know that he’s introduced in the line up as a Shinjuku Reaper, along with everyone else. But... I think this guy is Shinjuku’s Producer. If Tsugumi is Shinjuku’s Composer it makes sense for him to follow Her into Shibuya, he’s basically tasked to watch over Her.
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Compared to the other Shinjuku Reapers, his color scheme is more...grey scaled. The girl has a grey suit, but Kubo doesn’t have any colors to his outfit at all. His clothes are plain compared to everyone else in this lineup. His facial expressions are the only...unique thing to his appearance. In the little bit of English dialogue we have of him so far, it seems that he’s giving us some kind of advice? And Fret looks to be put off with his eccentric (I can’t think of a more accurate word for it) demeanor.
So the middle aged man with an eccentric personality, with a tendency to give advice (?), pretending to be involved in the game in ways they are not, clothes styled in only neutral colors, and the funky little watch they’re wearing....along with the light poking at the fourth wall (Mr.H- “You mean those teasers?”) both Kubo and Hanekoma fit that bill.
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Tbh Hanekoma is a bit eccentric, we’re just so used to how he is by now. The watch is just a minor thing that’s a fun little similarity in their designs don’t worry about it. Don’t tell me the watch isn’t important it ties everything together. Also after a quick goggle search, one website is telling me that Kubo’s name means “sunken ground” in Japanese and this other website is telling me what the individual kanji means, (I do not know Japanese in any way and am assuming that the internet is right about all this. I feel like it tracks with him being a Producer though.)
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And just to cap it off, maybe Shiba was Shinjuku’s Conductor. If he rose through Shibuya’s ranks so quickly he’s gotta know what he’s doing. Did he throw Shinjuku out of balance and get rid of the UG so the Composer would be an empty puppet (like Tsugumi kinda seems to be.) Is that why he’s doing all this? Does he plan to become the Conductor (right hand man of the Composer) and then erase the UG, rendering it’s Composer vacant and take control? Shiba wouldn’t know about the Producer, naturally. Is that what it’s all culminating too? Will Joshua be in danger at some point from this guy? I’m wondering when the Higher Plane would step in, but this might just be Kubo’s job since Shiba was Shinjuku’s Conductor (and Hanekoma’s job, since it’s happening in Shibuya now) unless it gets completely out of control. They don’t seem to interfere much, just letting the assigned angels do the groundwork.
So that’s all my thoughts about stuff. I wouldn’t go into the game heavily expecting much of this though. As fun as theories are I’ll be fine enjoying the game for whatever happens. The world-building in twewy is just extremely fascinating to me and I love it so much. This is just my take on a “‘what if” situation anyways so nothing close to this may happen, hahaha. But speculation is very fun and I love to flex my twewy knowledge (it’s been next to useless for like 10 years. Finally twewy is relevant.
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Soulmate September - Day 16
Day 16 - When your soulmate listens to music or is singing, you hear it in your own head as well. (Songfic, Crazy = Genius by PATD)
Pairing(s): Romantic Intrulogical, Ambiguous/Romantic Analomus, Background Roceit [the Janus part is ambiguous but whatever], Familial Logicality, Familial Virremile, Background Remile [again hinted]
TWs: swearing, sexual themes [light but they’re there], makeouts, Remus being Remus, drunken behaviour, pyromania, vomiting [not graphic just mentioned]
“Either of you pyros got a lighter I can borrow?”
Logan sighed, not making much in the way of eye contact with the emo sitting in the cell next to him and his soulmate. He dug into his jean pocket and lazily tossed the lighter to the boy clad in so much black and purple he looked like the sapient embodiment of a bruise.
“Keep it.”
“Oh. You sure? This is a pretty sweet lighter-”
“I insist.”, Logan groaned, running his hands down his face, “It’s not like I’ll be needing it ever again after this.”
From beside Logan, Remus slung his arm to the side, flopping it about limply to swat at his soulmate, “Shuddafuckup”, he slurred, hauling himself upright from his slumped over position, “S’gonna be fiiiine. Roman said he’d bail us oooouuuut, so fuckin’ chill-”
“Your brother told you last week that he would give us a ride to Dairy Queen but instead he was too fucking busy getting to third base with his boyfriend!!”, Logan snapped. Ugh, he would regret that in the morning. He ran his hands through his hair anxiously slicking it back. How had the night gone wrong so fast?...
‘You can set yourself on fire! You can set yourself on fire!’
Logan wasn’t sure what it was about the glowing ember embrace of a flame that drew him in toward it like a moth with a death wish, but as he allowed his soulmate Remus to haul his ass towards their usual hangout with the promise of some pretty choice items to burn, he found that he couldn't care less.
As he approached the overpass with his soulmate chugging a whole half a bottle of tequila without blinking, Logan wondered how he ever survived before without this whirlwind in human form.
‘She said at night in my dreams
You dance on a tightrope of weird
Oh but when I wake up you're so normal that you just disappear
You're so straight like commuters with briefcases towing the line
There's no residue of a torturer inside your of eyes’
“Check it the fuck out, babe! Did I bring the goods or what?”, Remus grinned nearly as brightly as the shine on the rather expensive looking crimson car - he guessed it might have been a Mercedes, but car brands all looked the same to him really - parked under the overpass. Logan didn’t have a particular favourite item to burn, but when Remus walked over in his lime green hoodie that barely covered his black leather shorts and fishnets to pose seductively on top of the hood? Logan hadn’t wanted to incinerate anything more in his life.
“You… How on Earth did you come by this?!”, he ran his hand along the curve of the hood, unashamedly letting his hand roam over Remus’ thigh. 
His soulmate hummed, leaning in to steal a kiss, murmuring softly against Logan’s lips, “If I told you I might’ve hotwired it just this afternoon? Is that a turn off or a turn on?”
Goddamn him, Remus knew just how to speak right to Logan’s soul.
“The latter, and you know it.”, Logan all but growled into their kiss.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Brian Wilson’
In the back of his mind, Logan did wonder what his father and morally conscious little brother would think; if they knew he snuck out to satisfy his pyromania, make out with his feral cryptid of a boyfriend, and engaged in petty acts of vandalism and thievery from time to time. What would Thomas and Patton think of their stoic, orderly son and big brother who - instead of studying for his undergraduate degree in astrophysics - would rather spend the night getting dangerous and dirty alongside his soulmate who had literally just admitted to auto theft  to acquire a ridiculously expensive car for him to burn?
The thought was there for all of two seconds until Remus’ tongue licking into his mouth banished it away. The only thot he needed tonight was the one driving him crazy with a kiss alone.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Knowing they came here for a reason, Logan reluctantly ended their makeout session and grabbed for his trusted blue lighter.
“How full is the gas tank?”, Logan made sure to ask, popping open the door to the driver’s side to see what was left in the car. Might as well keep anything worth selling.
“Not sure.”, Remus shrugged, twirling the keys around his finger excitedly while he finished off their first bottle of the night, “Wanna help me make sure there’s nothing left?”
‘She said darlin' you know
How the wine plays tricks on my tongue
But you don't seem to change when you stuff all of
your feelings with drugs
Other boys you may have dated serrated your heart with a slice
But the cut of your love never hurts baby, it's a sweet butter knife’
Logan wasn’t sure how Remus managed to look even more majestic every time he looked at him, but as he clung tight to the hand rest above the passenger window while his soulmate pulled off his sixteenth donut in a row, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have him. Like a trickle of water turning into a river, Logan recognised the beginning of Na Na Na starting to play in his head. Of course. He knew Remus well enough by now to know that was coming. The humming under his soulmate’s breath also gave it away somewhat. 
While Remus kept trying to empty the tank, Logan couldn’t help but feel nostalgia for their first meeting; Remus’ older brother Roman had asked Logan to stand in for the theatre department’s regular dramaturge when Logan began to hear the beginnings of Avenue Q’s The Internet Is For Porn begin to invade his mind. Luckily for him, it hadn’t taken long for Remus to saunter over and try to flirt with him, humming the exact tune Logan had been hearing the whole time.
From there, they’d begun dating though it took a good few months before Logan would join Remus in his fantastical ramblings. He lamented on how he felt trapped by a father who meant well but expected so much from him, how stifled he felt having to be a role model to his living marshmallow of a little brother. How Logan just wanted the fun, exhilaration of doing something extreme for a change.
With Remus’ encouragement, Logan opened up about his pyromaniac tendencies which his soulmate was 110% onboard with. Ever since, the underpass had become their dirty, out of the way, graffiti scarred home away from home. Where Logan could indulge the urge to burn away his stresses and lose himself in Remus’ mantra of doing whatever the fuck they wanted.
‘She said you're just like Mike
Love but you wanna be Brian Wilson, Brian Wilson
Said you're just like Mike
Love but you'll never be Dennis Wilson’
With the car finally seemingly out of gas as it shuddered to a stop, Remus fluidly slid out of the open window - you know, like a normal functional human being - and slid across the hood of the car to open the door for Logan, “Alright, time for this bitch to burn!”
Logan was more than happy to get down to the main event after doing a last quick sweep of the car. All he’d found worth keeping was the planet shaped air freshener; so sue him, the sweet scent of mixed berries was delightful. Whipping out his lighter, Logan escorted Remus a safe distance away and pulled out the hairspray he’d swiped from his room earlier. He aimed the spray towards the car - making sure it wasn’t against the wind or pointed back at himself, he preferred to keep his eyebrows, thanks - and watched as the plume of fire engulfed the car’s seat cover. 
Crackling flames. Straining metal. Hissing fabric burning to a plastic like mess. It was a symphony and Logan was it’s conductor.
With his boyfriend wrapping his arms around his shoulders, Logan tilted to kiss him once more as the heat of the fire caressed their skin. Remus’ eyes never once left Logan, seeing his soulmate delight in an act of pure mindless vandalism, watching the way Logan looked truly free, sent his heart racing. In compliment, Logan turned back to Remus, grinning already at the shades of orange and yellow that painted his handsome features. He always thought Remus was at his most beautiful that way.
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’
Logan couldn’t tell you what happened next; one minute the two of them were watching the flames while his soulmate continued his campaign to destroy his kidneys with alcohol, the next Remus was sitting in his lap leaving hickeys all over his neck while Logan let his hands roam around under Remus’ hoodie. In the back of his mind, Logan could make out the beginning of a song he didn’t recognise at first, but as the lyrics kicked in, he let out a breathy chuckle. Of course, trust Remus to pick a thematic piece of music for the night’s events. As the song got louder - and Remus marked him more needily - Logan found he rather liked the song. He’d have to ask Remus what it was called later.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire (hey)
You can set yourself on fire’
The next thing either of them knew, there was a vague clattering noise followed by a  thunderous metallic bang. Followed by another, then another. One after another for a total of seven times before it finally quieted down. No music, no bang, just the fire crackling away. Thoroughly shaken, Remus and Logan untangled themselves from each other, the former demanding all too loudly, “What the creme fresh fuck was that?!”
“I-! I have no idea-”, Logan began. There wasn’t anything that would’ve done that inside the car, he’d checked. However, as he rounded the car, giving the flames a wide berth, Logan noticed someone laying on the ground on the other side of the car; dressed in a dark, patchy hoodie and ripped jeans, a plume of purple dyed frizzy hair poking out from the hood. He looked like your run of the mill emo. For a second, Logan was worried he and Remus would have to dispose of a body, but fortunately the young man groaned and began to sit up. To his side, Logan winced at a metallic glint blinding his vision.
The spray can doing so had clearly rolled out of the bag full of other cans, all in different colours. At least now Logan could put a face to the rather beautiful graffiti that tattooed the underpass as well as what had exploded in the fire as he noted the burst open paint cans under the car.
“Are you alright? What the hell happened?”, Logan questioned firmly, though he knew the disoriented emo on the ground likely couldn’t answer right away. He assumed from the way the young man rubbed the back of his head that he’d taken a rather nasty fall. The anxious artist seemed to remember exactly where he was, eyes blown wide in fear, 
“Dude, get outta here quick-”
“There he is!”
Three officers rushed towards the two of them prompting the emo and Logan to make a break for it, being sure not to run into the inferno. Remus pretty quickly got the idea and joined the two of them. It seemed neither of the three of them knew exactly where they were trying to run to, but a silent, unspoken agreement saw them all heading for the same direction. Looking back on it, Logan wondered if parting ways and heading for his car with Remus could’ve at least seen them with a better chance of getting away. 
But hindsight is a bitch that wakes up seven hours late and didn’t even bother to bring Starbucks. 
‘And I said (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius
Then I'm a fucking arsonist (hey)
I'm a rocket scientist (hey hey)
(Hey ay, ay)
If crazy equals genius (hey)’
Before long, all Logan could hear was his sneakers scraping the ground and his own breathing competing against his heartbeat to dominate his ears. The urge to stop and breathe was intense but it felt as though doing just that would send the world crashing down around them. 
Of course, prolonged exercise and a stomach full of alcohol wasn’t the best combination. 
“‘M gonna fuckin’ puke-!”, Remus huffed, trying to cover his mouth with his hand. 
“Just hold on, Remus, we’re-!”
Logan watched in horror as his soulmate stopped to empty his stomach, unintentionally doing so in a way that blocked off the hoodie clad young man trying his best to keep up.
“Ah sHIT-!”
He didn’t need to look back; the clattering of the satchel, the mutual yelps of surprise and pain, Logan kept running even as two of the officers apprehended his soulmate and the hooded lad. The guilt would catch up to Logan before the third officer did, or it would have if he didn’t mistime his turning around the next corner only to end up nearly getting run over. How poetic; from making out on a car hood to being cuffed against one. Had Remus not been busy insulting the officers’ mothers rather colourfully, Logan theorised he would’ve no doubt made some innuendo about it.
Exhausted from their chase and thoroughly cuffed, all Logan could do was let himself be loaded into the back of the cop car with Remus and the anxious emo.
‘You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (hey ay)
You can set yourself on fire (hey ay)
But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn hey!’ 
“Mmm… Logan, can you-”, Remus burped a little too wetly for it not to make Logan feel as queasy as Remus looked, “Can you stroke my hair? Pleeeeeease?”
Sighing in that playful kind of annoyance only true love can allow, Logan did as asked. The night may wind up with him being harshly reprimanded by his father and possibly losing his come-and-go privileges, but at least for now he had Remus.
“...... I’m sorry.”, came the rough voice of the emo in the cell next to theirs, “You both wouldn’t be stuck here if it wasn’t for me.”
Remus just gave a dismissive grunt in reply while Logan assured their cell companion, “While you may have led the police to us, I doubt our proclivity for fiery vandalism would’ve kept going undetected forever.”, he looked the emo up and down, “Might I ask,...?”
“Virgil,”, Logan repeated, “Might I ask how you ended up stumbling across us?”
Virgil shrugged, “I’ve been painting the underpass for years. Pretty much everything down there’s something I’ve done.”. 
He chewed the inside of his cheek, “I had a shitty night so I came down to paint something when I walked in on you two getting all ‘friendly’,”, he airquoted, “So I went to go home but I got stopped by an officer and started panicking. So I just…. ran.”
His posture curled a little while he twirled Logan’s lighter between his fingers in a stimming action, “Then I realised I was way too fucking close to the fire and I blacked out.”, Virgil embarrassedly pulled his hood up, “Fire scares the shit outta me, always has. Next thing I knew, I woke up with you staring at me. You both know the rest.”
Logan nodded quietly. It really did fill in a few gaps, “I can’t blame you for not wanting to stick around. I do apologise that we inadvertently ruined your night.”
Virgil shrugged, “Eh, it’s alright, it’s just gonna suck having to have my dads bail me out again. Not that dad would mind but pops will probably gimme another lecture about ‘unhealthy coping habits’ again....”
At that, they sat for the most part in silence. Then that song began to trickle into Logan’s brain again. As nice as it had been in accompaniment to their antics before, Logan found it almost grating now. He sighed and gently nudged Remus, 
“Logan, babe,”, Remus groaned, beating him to the punch, “Can you fuckin’ give it a rest with the music? M’fuckin’ head hurts.”
“....But you’re the one who’s been thinking about that song, right!?”, Logan’s concern was obvious. Remus caught on as well.
“No!? I thought it was you!?”, he sloppily hauled himself onto Logan’s lap, pressing their foreheads together, “Issokay babe, I won’t let-”, he stifled a burp though it did nothing to save Logan from Remus’ drunken breath, “Won’t let fate change our soul bond! I’ll fuckin- I’ll whip out my brain surgery skills right here if I gotta-”
“Remus!”, Logan sternly held him back a little, “Calm down, let’s just try and think rationally, okay!?”
“.... Have you ever MET me, you stupid sexy science bitch?”, Remus cackled at the alliteration.
“Please be serious for once.”, Logan sighed, fixing his glasses in a self calming gesture, “Do you know the name of the song in your head?”
“Yeah, iss fuckin’ um...”, Remus clicked his fingers in thought, trying to place it, “S’fuckin Scream In The Club, or some shit who sings it...”
“..... You mean, Panic At The Disco?”, came Virgil’s voice from the neighbouring cell.
Remus pointed dramatically, “THATS THE BITCH!”. He put his fist to his chest to stifle another burp, instead taking a second to turn and spit out some of the awful taste on his tongue, “Fuckin’... the lyrics were like…. “You can set yourself-””
“- On fire?!”, Virgil finished, looking rather interested in the conversation now.
Logan nodded between the two of them, “Yes, that’s the same opening line I remember. Virgil, I take it you’re familiar with the song?”
“Well yeah, and I’ll do you one better. Uh,....”, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I’ve had that song stuck in my head all night.”
Remus and Logan shared a look of shock. Could Virgil really be their soulmate? It would explain the times when they would hear music that didn’t seem to line up with each other’s tastes. Before Logan could propose a test, Remus was way ahead of him; he rolled his eyes as the music flooded into his skull. 
Virgil brightened up, “Ashnikko, huh? Good choice-”
“HOLY SHIT, LOGAN, WE GOT-! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!”, Remus screeched, wriggling excitedly in Logan’s lap, almost causing his boyfriend to drop him.
“Indeed.”, Logan sighed fondly as he tried to get Remus to sit back down on the bench instead of his lap, “So now you better call Roman and see if he can bail us ALL out..”
... I know I won’t probably be able to catch up but hell with it, I love some of the prompt ideas, I’ll just stop tagging the blog if I run over at this point.
A big thanks to @accidental-sanders for the idea for this one, it was really fun to do.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom
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xthunderbolt · 3 years
Ok, so this is gonna seem random af.
My mom and I watch anime and read manga together so, so long as we don’t spoil stuff for each other, we really have a lot of fun sharing character theory’s and stuff with each other.
However my mom does this thing where, she knows what characters are my favorites in a lot of the series’ that I like - so whenever where watching a regular movie, she’ll do this thing where, during a random part of the movie, she’ll be like “huh, imagine if blank character replaced actor in this movie and was in the same set-up/situations but they have to improvise their own lines.” She knows she normally has about 50/50 shot at either making me laugh or just making me upset/done and leaving the room (which she finds funny)
Why am I sharing this? Because she did this twice recently and I honestly do not know how to feel about it. Thoughts?
#1 (Has to improvise his/their own lines) Tsurugi, post separating from Touma / with Yumi and Jun but mainly Tsurugi, replacing George Lopez in Mr. Troop Mom
#2 Inner Kuro singing an improvised-to-the-situation version of What’s This?! from Nightmare Before Christmas in Kuro’s head every time Kuro is thrown-off or surprised because Mahiru does something earnest/kind for him
And I have no frigging idea… but typing #2 down made me think of an all Servamps/Eve/Sakuya/Tsurugi/Yumi/Jun/Takuto/Izuna/Ray/Gil/same-conductor version of The Polar Express (minus Tsubaki and his other subclass… or maybe Tsubaki himself could replace the creepy and manipulative hobo ghost?)
in my defense… I pulled a near all-nighter and I’m not fully awake yet… so I’m gonna blame how random this was on that and apologize if this throws you off in anyway with its randomness. Have a good one!
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tereshkina · 3 years
Shadow and Bone thoughts and hot takes
Disclaimer: I have not ready any of the books, and I had no idea who any of these characters were before like, four days ago. If you want to see what kind of an impression this story makes on someone who has had nothing to do with the fandom until now, this is it!
The Fold is my favorite thing about the world-building as a whole. It lends itself to so many meanings and interpretations in the narrative, and I loved how we get to see that there are people who don’t actually want the Fold gone, either because they profit off its existence, or due to general xenophobia. However, when Baghra says that the Darkling "wants to use the Fold as a weapon", I have absolutely no idea what that means.
I liked that Alina was explicitly Chinese (Shu). Being Chinese myself, that was super cool to have. However, I don't like that we know basically fuck-all about Shu Han, aside from the fact that they're at war with Ravka for some unknown reason. I think it would be cool to see Alina connecting with her Shu heritage in some way in season 2.
I was genuinely interested in the Darkling! Normally I don't like edgy bad-boy love interests, but this one really had some substance. One thing I'm still pondering is whether the Darkling still would've taken the reigns of Alina's power for himself if she had never learned the truth and never run away. It seemed like he really did find hope and a different worldview with Alina, like he is indeed 500 years old, but perhaps time has not lost all meaning?
The scene with the blue irises made my skin fucking crawl. The way he used Mal like that was very telling, and it can be used to argue that maybe after 500 years, habits of character just run too deep, and The Darkling couldn't change even if he tried.
I like that the amplifier was 100% a body modification instead of a cute accessory. That said, it seems odd that Alina got over the horror of it so quickly. It didn't feel fitting. For fuck's sake, there are antlers fused to your collarbone and they're breaking through your skin! That's horrifying and disgusting! It should feel like that scene in Black Swan where Natalie Portman is pulling the feathers out of her arms!
I don't know that I fully trust Baghra either! In the flashback scene, we see that the ways in which The Darkling elevated himself in his new identity came from Baghra! So much of that was her idea! Anyway, I really liked her point about how Grishas aren't natural fighters, they're meant for nurturing and building.
The best way I can think of to describe Mal is that Mal is the person that Gale from the Hunger Games wishes he was. I like that he really struggles with wrapping his head around Alina's new life and identity, but he ultimately comes around in a way that feels profound and meaningful. They could have had him be resentful and holding Alina back, but that's not what happened at all. Also his line "I don't have to kill you, your past will do it for me" was SO POWERFUL. Like holy SHIT dude.
Honestly, I think I really do prefer Alina/Darkling over Alina/Mal. Obviously, in real life it's safer to choose a close friend over a sketchy older man, but this isn't real life, is it? I think it's more interesting and compelling to have Alina involved with someone who demands that she continually question and assert who she is and what she is becoming. And for me, that person is the Darkling, at least for a little while. Plus, I know that man eats pussy. (I'm not saying Mal doesn't also eat pussy, I'm just saying that I want to see the Darkling go there at some point.)
The Crows were FANTASTIC. I can see why lots of people say they prefer Six of Crows over Shadow and Bone. These three were so fun to watch. I really loved seeing them interacting with the high-powered Grisha characters. The goofy little bow that Inej does to Alina because she just doesn't know how to act. Jesper bamboozling Ivan using laundry lines and geometry. Kaz being confronted by a 500 year old shadow wizard in a big cape, and getting away using one (1) smoke bomb.
The bit in episode 2 where both Kaz and Inej steal Jesper's drink was just *chef's kiss*
Who laid the tracks for the Fold-train, huh? You're not gonna tell me The Conductor did all of that himself? Bullshit!
Kaz and Inej! I love how Kaz is so upfront about how important Inej is to him, but he verbalizes it in the strangest ways possible. "She's not like you, you're a one-of-a-kind investment" dude what the HELL just say that you'd die for her. Jeez. I also really love how Inej never once doubts her values. She's totally uncompromising and not shy about expressing them, and in the end it's Kaz who has to apologize for being a stingy nay-sayer.
Speaking of values, Inej has now killed two people! How is she going to grapple with that fact going forward? Also, I love that she kisses her knife before throwing it at the Darkling. Queen shit, honestly.
I love that there was a character named Nina! My name is Nina too! Honestly though, her storyline with Matthias was a little bit of a drag, just because it was super unclear where that story was going and why, but I’m glad it connected to the crows at the very end. I also think that Nina has Ygritte energy, and that’s a compliment.
I still have so many questions! Why did Dreesen want Alina? What happened to Kaz's leg? How does the Darkling know who he is? Does Jesper not know that he's a durast, or does he just not care? How does Inej walk through walls? I bet I could have most of these questions answered as soon as I read the books, but still. 
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pervysagewisdom · 3 years
The Idol
BTS Fanfic
18+ Explicit
3 Chapters, Complete
Minjoon, Vmin, RM/Jimin/V AU
Summary: While at a club one night, struggling rapper Namjoon is chosen by the biggest pop star in the world for a night of pleasure that turns out to be more than he bargained for.
Or: Jimin is a polyamorous pop star who likes kinky sex. Ends with a threesome between Jimin, Namjoon, and Vante.
“Hey Namjoon. You want to get out of here?” Suddenly he had butterflies in his stomach, which he would never tell Yoongi about when he recounted these events later.
“I have a room. Not far.” He couldn’t say no. That wasn’t an option.
“Sure. But tell me your name first.” The man’s lovely lips quirked.
“Jimin,” he said. Namjoon has to have him repeat it, so he does. Namjoon chuckled. That was funny.
“Like the singer,” he said. Jimin smiled a smile that just floored him, and something started to click in his mind.
“Yeah, like the singer.” Namjoon turned his head and looked back towards the booth with the bodyguards, confused. Jimin turned his head back to him with a finger on his chin. “Decoy,” Jimin told him. “This isn’t my first time.” He gave him a knowing look. Namjoon thought his legs might give out on him. His throat was suddenly dry.
“Me?” he asked stupidly. The Jimin, the famous pop star, the Idol, wanted a night with him?
“Mm, yes, you.” He seemed amused. Namjoon was lost. This was unbelievable.
“So do we just...leave?” Jimin shook his head. His hand ran up under Namjoon’s mesh shirt over his sweat covered muscles. It was distracting as fuck.
Chapter 1: The Club
He never did this. Namjoon preferred the dirty little clubs and bars where everyone knew you. He hated places like this, huge multi-room dance clubs that smelled like sweat and sex, where no one could really see anyone. It was just anonymous bodies grinding together to sounds that were more beat than music, under lights that were both blinding and too dark to let you see anything. And he certainly never dressed like this, in skin-tight back pants and a black fishnet shirt. He had insisted on putting a jacket over it. Yoongi had insisted that was lame. When you sat with the DJ, you had to look the part, he said. Yoongi certainly did. He was a natural behind the turntables, controlling the heart of the place, the conductor of debauchery. As a rapper, Namjoon preferred an audience--You know, one that was actually listening to you. Pay him enough, and Yoongi didn’t care. He produced his art with the cash from the DJ gigs, and business was good. Namjoon was certain any day now Yoongi would skyrocket past him into the fame stratosphere, but he wasn’t so certain about his own future. He worked, he hustled, but things just didn’t seem to go his way. The issue, according to Yoongi, was that he thought too much. He needed to get out of his head and fucking relax. Looking at the sea of people below them, he didn’t feel relaxed, though Yoongi looked like he was having the time of his life.
“Drink the soju,” Yoongi insisted, pushing an expensive bottle towards him. “It’s free.”
“I don’t want to drink alone,” Namjoon told him. Yoongi didn’t drink much when working. He was more of a fine wine type.
“You’re not alone.” Yoongi motioned to the crowd. “They’re all fucked out of their minds. Why shouldn’t you be?” Namjoon looked around. It just did not appeal to him. Still, a drink might be good. He had a shot. It was surprisingly smooth. He was used to the cheaper drinks he got free at bars during his set. “Nice, right? Now have twenty more and go dance.”
“I don’t know about that.” Still, he did have a few more while Yoongi worked the club with his beats. The reserved area caught his eye. It seemed to be catching everyone’s eyes. The crowd was denser near one roped off area in particular. There were a couple of large bodyguards making certain they didn’t get any closer. Namjoon nudged Yoongi. “What’s that about?” Yoongi glanced over.
“Oh. Pop star. That one who sang ‘Filter’. Never seen him here before, but I heard he came tonight.”
“You gonna play his song?”
“Fuck no. I don’t do pop.” Namjoon didn’t think the song was so bad. The guy had a great voice and he was sexy as all hell. Namjoon appreciated all types of music.
The soju really was smooth.
The club was really getting hot, he thought, and removed his jacket. He didn’t realize how much of it he’d drunk until he knocked over half a shot on Yoongi’s equipment. He got a good yelling at and was pushed out of the booth to “dance it off”. Namjoon always had been clumsy, but drunk Namjoon was on another level.
He was drunk enough not to mind being pushed out as much as he normally would. He made his way into the flow. He wouldn’t have called himself a dancer, but he wasn’t without moves. Just because he hated big clubs didn’t mean he hadn’t spent time in any. Yoongi knew his jams too and like a mind-reader played just the right songs to get Namjoon to relax and blend into the crush. It wasn’t so bad, really, as long as you were on at least your twelfth shot of soju...maybe sixteenth. He’d lost count. He even thought he was starting to have a little fun.
Something seemed to change around him. He didn’t notice it at first and when he did he couldn’t put his finger on what had changed, exactly. He kept dancing, the thought that something was happening floating in the back of his mind largely unacknowledged. There were hands on his chest. Small hands compared to his broad chest, coming from behind him. He could feel the fingers on his own skin through the holes in his shirt. They were moving with the music and connected to someone dancing up against his back. He moved his hips in time with the person behind him. By the hands he honestly couldn’t tell if it was a woman or a small man, and it really didn’t matter to him. He turned around anyway and for a moment he still wasn’t sure, but then he figured it out. Small man. Trim figure. Black baseball cap on, black silk shirt open most of the way down, tight back pants similar to his own. He couldn’t see the man’s face well, but there were lips there that looked nice. What he did notice was that the man could move. They picked up on each other’s rhythm and soon were dancing like they were choreographed. Damn! He’d never seen anyone move like that before, so fluid and sexual and perfectly timed with his own movements. This guy was a pro.
Namjoon was not aggressive. Yoongi would say that was part of his problem. He was, however, a hard worker, and he thought that was more important. Even now while dancing with a stranger, he wanted to please his partner. He touched him back, a hand on his lower back, but he didn’t touch anywhere he felt would be a violation of the other man. The young man didn’t seem to have such boundaries. His hands went everywhere as they danced. Namjoon was certain he had purposefully felt him up down below to gage his size. Well, his size was growing as they danced, but was luckily contained by his tight pants. Turned out those were necessary in a club scene after all.
Those small hands were talented too. Everything about this man was talented, right down to the tongue on his ear. Much more of this and he was going to have a mess to clean up when he got home. He tried to say something along those lines to the other man, but he shook his head. Too loud, he couldn’t hear. Namjoon did get a dazzling smile for his efforts, though, at the same time as the man moved Namjoon’s hand from his waist to his pert ass. Namjoon might not be aggressive, but he could accept an invitation. This guy had a dazzling smile. It seemed really familiar to him somehow, but he couldn’t place it.
The music changed to something slower and a little quieter though still pounding, just as Namjoon was reaching the point of overstimulation. Yoongi always was able to read the room. His partner dragged him by his shirt (if you could call it a shirt) to somewhere slightly less crowded and loud. He thought they were finally going to be able to talk. He certainly was interested in talking to this sexy man, but instead he was kissed. It was a forceful, sweaty kiss. The small man’s tongue entered his mouth, connecting with his own and sending sparks through him. He was even a great kisser! And those hands never stopped moving, running through his hair, down his neck, over his broad shoulders, and back down his body again, not to mention the thigh that pressed between his legs. Yes, he was going to lose it. He pulled back but with a smile to show nothing was wrong. He had to yell near his ear to be heard.
“Hey, I’m Namjoon. What’s your name?” The young man seemed like he would laugh, but he stopped himself. The man’s tongue ran over his full lips as he made a decision.
“Hey Namjoon. You want to get out of here?” Suddenly he had butterflies in his stomach, which he would never tell Yoongi about when he recounted these events later.
“I have a room. Not far.” He couldn’t say no. That wasn’t an option.
“Sure. But tell me your name first.” The man’s lovely lips quirked.
“Jimin,” he said. Namjoon has to have him repeat it, so he does. Namjoon chuckled. That was funny.
“Like the singer,” he said. Jimin smiled a smile that just floored him, and something started to click in his mind.
“Yeah, like the singer.” Namjoon turned his head and looked back towards the booth with the bodyguards, confused. Jimin turned his head back to him with a finger on his chin. “Decoy,” Jimin told him. “This isn’t my first time.” He gave him a knowing look. Namjoon thought his legs might give out on him. His throat was suddenly dry.
“Me?” he asked stupidly. The Jimin, the famous pop star, the Idol, wanted a night with him?
“Mm, yes, you.” He seemed amused. Namjoon was lost. This was unbelievable.
“So do we just...leave?” Jimin shook his head. His hand ran up under Namjoon’s mesh shirt over his sweat covered muscles. It was distracting as fuck.
“I’ll leave. My assistant will get you a car. I’ll meet you there.”
“Where?” Jimin chuckled again.
“Don’t worry. Just listen to Hobi.” He reached up to give Namjoon’s ear lobe a little lick and nibble and then said, “I’ll be waiting for you.” He ducked out of his arms and seemed to melt into the crowd. Namjoon stood there stunned, unable to believe that had actually happened. He still hadn’t moved when someone new was suddenly beside him, tossing an arm across his shoulders.
“Hi there! I’m Hoseok. Come with me, pretty boy. I’ll take care of you.” Namjoon looked up to see a tall man in bright designer clothes and a big smile wink at him. Behind them the bodyguards were moving out of the club with whoever was supposed to be Jimin, though he doubted now it was actually him.
“Let me tell my friend I’m going,” he said, surprising himself. Was he actually doing this?! Apparently he was. He went back to Yoongi’s booth and didn’t exactly tell him what had happened, just that he was going to a hotel room with someone he’d met. It was too unbelievable of a story to share just yet. There was still a chance it was all some sick joke, after all. Yoongi gave him his full support. Namjoon grabbed his jacket and one more shot before heading back down. Namjoon let Hoseok lead him out of the club. It was too loud to ask questions until they were outside.
His ears were ringing. The street noise seemed muted after the loud beats of the club. His head was swimming. He was suddenly cold as the night air hit his sweaty skin. He put on his jacket. He saw a large black SUV drive off. He wondered if that was Jimin’s car. Hoseok opened the door of a black town car for him.
“Hop on in, Romeo, and we’ll talk.” Normally Namjoon would think twice about getting into a car with some random man, but this was no ordinary night. He got in. Hoseok got in beside him. There was a leather satchel in the car already. Hoseok sat back casually on the seat with one arm thrown over the back, his legs crossed. He was perfectly at ease. Namjoon thought he was losing his mind. “Have some water. You need your hydration,” Hoseok said, nodding his head towards some bottles of water in the door. Namjoon took one and gulped most of it down in one go.
“Was that really Park Jimin?” he asked after. Hoseok laughed. He had an easy smile.
“What’s your name?” Namjoon told him. “Well, Namjoon, yes it was. And he’s hoping you’ll join him in his hotel room. How’s that sound?” It sounded fucking unbelieveable.
“Yeah. Good.” It was hard to form words. Hoseok seemed amused. How often exactly did they do this? How many other random men had been pulled out of clubs like by the hand of God to please the Idol? Speaking of, shit...he would need condoms. Probably. Hopefully.
Hoseok seemed to be able to tell he was in over his head. Maybe he was used to it. “Great! We just have one thing to get out of the way first.” He reached into the satchel and pulled out some stapled papers. They looked like a legal document. Namjoon stared at the papers. This was getting too real. “Don’t look so frightened. It’s just a super basic, very standard, nothing to be afraid of, non-disclosure agreement. That’s all!”
“That’s all, huh?”
“And completely not optional, I’m afraid.” Hoseok clicked a pen. “Date and sign and we will be on our way!”
“What exactly am I signing?” He took the pen but not the paper.
“You can’t tell anyone about this little night of fun or we’ll sue those tight pants off you.” At Namjoon’s expression he laughed and slapped Namjoon’s knee. “Don’t look so scared! Just think of it as a little secret between the two of you. Don’t tell any Press about how my dear friend likes to have his fun, and we all win!” He leaned forward, squeezing his thigh. “Trust me. It’ll be worth it.” Wink.
What the hell. Namjoon signed. Yoongi would have been proud. When would something like this ever happen to him again? Hoseok gave him a bright smile and tucked the pen and paper away. “Off we go!” he called to the driver, who pulled away from the club. Hoseok sat back again, fully relaxed. “Have more water. You’ll need it.” Namjoon did drink more, though his eyes were warily on Hoseok the whole time.
“How often do you do this?” he asked.
“Mm...not very often. It’s not exactly...easy to pull off. And we’re pretty busy, as I’m sure you can imagine.” That was somewhat reassuring, Namjoon thought. Then he remembered.
“Oh--shit! I need...supplies.” Hoseok grinned at him.
“You’re cute. You’re really cute. I see why he picked you. Don’t worry. Everything you need will be there.”
Namjoon didn’t know what to say next. He felt like he should ask a lot more questions, but his mind was foggy and blank. He just kept thinking about those rosebud lips, that tongue on his ear, the greedy hands on his body...He takes a deep breath.
“What’s he like?” He asked. Hoseok tilted his head.
“What’s he like or what does he like?”
“I mean, as a person.”
“Hm.” Hoseok seemed to apprise him differently now. He considered how much to share. “He’s really funny. He’s really sweet.” He paused, leaving something out. “Be nice to him, alright? It’s a lonely world, you know?”
“Yeah…” He thought he did know. He finished a second bottle of water as he counted back the months since he had last gone on a date or slept with someone. Too many. “So you’re like, his assistant?”
“Sort of. More like a friend. I’m the dance captain for his crew.”
Namjoon thought that was interesting. “How did you meet?” he asked.
“We had the same dance instructor back in the day. When he needed someone, he brought me with him.”
“Must be nice.”
“It’s a hard life, but it’s got perks. Mostly that I get to dance.” Hoseok grinned again. Namjoon noticed he didn’t ask questions back. He thought he knew why. Best not to get too involved with the boss’s one night stands. God, he was getting nervous.
They pulled up to a hotel, but not just any hotel, one of the swankiest in town.
Namjoon gapped. “Here?”
Hoseok nodded. “Top floor.”
Namjoon started to have second thoughts. “I don’t know, man…”
Hoseok pursed his lips. “You don’t have to go.” He was annoyed, not because he cared what Namjoon did, but because he’d be the one to deal with the fallout after.
Namjoon looked at Hoseok for help, but didn’t receive any. He would have to make this decision on his own. He thought of what Yoongi would say right now, and then gathered himself and got out of the car. Hoseok rolled down his window and leaned out, holding a keycard up but out of reach.
“Just one more thing. I need your phone.”
“Can’t have any pictures or videos randomly popping up online. Don’t worry. It’ll be at the front desk for you when you leave.” He held out his hand. Hoseok really hated all of this. There’s a moment where Namjoon doesn’t move. “Look, I know it’s weird, but the world’s biggest pop star is up there right now waiting for you to fuck him. You going to walk away from that? Do you have something better to do tonight? I promise, you’ll get your phone back just as it is.”
“Fuck it.” He puts his phone in Hoseok’s hand and is given the keycard.
“Just go all the way up.”
Namjoon turned to the grand hotel entrance. He wished he had a little more of that soju right now.
As he stepped inside, doors held open for him by a doorman who’s eyes seemed to look right through him, he realized how he must look to everyone right now, and he was suddenly mortified. He walked in and searched for the bathroom right away and hurried to it as inconspicuously as he could. He went to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. God, he looked awful. He looked like he’d gotten drunk at a club and was on his way for a hookup. Which was all true. With a sigh, he did his best to clean up, but there wasn’t much to be done now. What he needed was a shower and a change of clothes, but it was too late for that.
Trying to avoid all eye contact, he made his way to the elevator. Inside, blessedly alone, he hit the top button. The Penthouse. He had to use the keycard to even get it to go there. This was indeed the weirdest thing he’d ever done in his life. As he made his way up, all his self-doubt came crashing over him. Why him? Why would the world’s biggest pop star want an evening with him? It made no sense. He was average looking at best. He was an average dancer at best. Anything he excelled at, Jimin had no idea about. He just knew as soon as he arrived he would be laughed at and kicked out and it would all have been for nothing. Jimin would look at him in the light and change his mind. He’d have to ride the elevator of shame all the way back down and then go to the front desk to ask for his phone like an idiot. It would be a disaster. It would be the worst night of his life. God, he was so thirsty!
After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened to a small hallway. There was only one door and it was guarded by a huge man in black. Namjoon stepped out of the elevator, gripping the keycard like a lifeline. He cleared his throat.
“Hey. Uhm. I have a...I’m expected?” He had no idea what to say to this large man. What if he was in the wrong place? He started to sweat. The man didn’t say a word, but opened the door for him. “Oh. Uh. Thanks,” he said and stepped forward.
The view was stunning. The first thing he noticed was the wall of windows, showing the city below them. The ceiling was two stories high and the windows went all the way up. They were so high up, for a moment he had vertigo. Everything in the room was underrated opulence, but even in such a surprisingly large room, the furniture had a cozy feeling to it. He gaped for a moment and then noticed another guard standing on this side of the door, which nearly made him jump out of his skin.
“Namjoon!” His attention snapped back to the living room. There he was. Jimin stood and turned to him, having been sitting on the couch facing the windows. It was like something from a movie. He looked totally different, no longer wearing a baseball cap and all black. He was in a floral silk robe, tied at the waist that flowed around him like water. His hair was a dark blond color which seemed surprisingly natural on him. His eyes were a hazel color and his lips pink and glossy. “You came,” Jimin said. He sounded relieved. Maybe Namjoon wouldn’t be laughed out of the door after all. He smiled.
Chapter 2: The Hotel
With one more wary glance at the guard he entered the living room. Jimin motioned for him to join him. Namjoon left his shoes by the door and stepped around the couch. God, he looked so beautiful it made Namjoon’s chest hurt. Jimin offered him a glass of champagne. He took the glass, feeling hopelessly out of place. Jimin was still smiling at him, his hands playing with the belt of his robe. Was he nervous? That didn’t make any sense.
“Hey,” Namjoon said, trying to sound cool and certain he was failing miserably. “Nice place you got here.”
“Mm. Yeah. I like the view.” They both looked out the windows. It was stunning. Namjoon’s eyes went right back to Jimin though.
“Uhm. Sorry I couldn’t...clean up. I probably smell like--club. You look--amazing.”
“Thanks. You look amazing too, don’t worry. I didn’t really know what to...I’m glad you came.” There was that smile again. He definitely looked nervous, which somehow made Namjoon less so, even if just a little. “I know it’s a little...weird. I’m sorry. They won’t let me, otherwise...It’s a sort of compromise.” He looked so apologetic that Namjoon felt the need to reassure him. He put a hand on his arm.
“It’s alright. I get it. I mean, yeah, it’s weird, but...we’re here.” Jimin seemed pleased with that. He nodded and relaxed some.
“Sit down. Have some champagne. I’ll put on some music.” He went to a control panel Namjoon would never have even noticed. Soon Frank Ocean was playing in the background.
Namjoon sat and sipped the drink. He glanced back at the guard standing near the door. “Is he just going to…”
“Oh…” Jimin sat beside him, looking apologetic again. “Just ignore him. We can always go in the bedroom. He’ll stay here. He won’t bother us.” There was an unspoken unless in there somewhere, Namjoon was certain.
“That’s got to be weird, to never be alone.”
“I’m alone too much,” Jimin replied quickly, then seemed to regret it. He picked up the other glass and had a sip. “Do you like it? I can get you something else. There’s a bar. You can have whatever you want. There’s Soju.”
“It’s good.” He sipped the drink to show how he was enjoying it, though he wasn’t really much of a champagne person. He’d prefer something stronger. He felt far too sober for someone who had had so much to drink not that long ago.
“You don’t like it. What do you want?” He set down his glass and jumped up, running over to the bar.
“Are you going to bartend?” Namjoon turned to look at him as he started pulling out various bottles of drinks. It was quite amusing to see.
“Yes. I’ll make you a Jimin Special.” Namjoon went over and stood on the other side of the small bar.
“Well, this I have to try.” It turned out to be a crazy concoction of Makgeolli, blueberry Vinegar, Sikhye, and an energy drink. It was a hazy bluish color. When he was done, Jimin pushed one over to Namjoon with pride. Namjoon wasn’t too sure about the look of this drink.
“Your drink, sir. Be sure to tip your bartender.”
“I think I’ll try it first.” He took a sip and nodded. It was actually not as bad as it looked. “Not bad! I may tip him after all.”
“No rush! You can start a tab.” Jimin smiled and scooted around the bar to join him, hoping up on one of the barstools. He pulled over his own drink and had a sip. When he crossed his legs, the silk slipped down, baring his smooth legs up to his thighs. Did he even have anything on underneath that…? Namjoon took another longer drink. Thank god the Jimin Special was pretty strong.
“I’ma need another of these in a minute,” he said.
“You should make me one,” Jimin suggested.
“Deal.” Namjoon started to change the topic, to ask Jimin something about himself, but Jimin interrupted his thoughts.
“It’s really so nice you’re here. Tell me something about yourself.”
“Anything you want.” Jimin leaned his head on his hand, elbow on the bar as he looked at Namjoon expectantly.
“Mm...well…” What did someone say about themselves to someone so famous? Everything sounded so lame. “I’m a rapper. I don’t usually go to clubs. And I never dress like this.” Jimin smiled softly at him. It was so hard to think when he did that.
“You look good in it. I don’t go to clubs either. I want to hear you rap.” Namjoon laughed right away.
“No. No way. I can’t rap in front of you.” Jimin looked offended.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re Park Jimin! You did a song with Drake!” Those pink lips go into a pout. Oh no. He was going to give in, wasn’t he? Now the nightmare would begin. “You might not like it.”
“I will! If I don’t, I’ll pretend I do and you’ll never know.”
“That is not reassuring.”
“Please?” Jimin’s voice got a hint of a whine in it and reached out and squeezed Namjoon’s thigh for emphasis. Namjoon could see he was used to getting what he wanted, and with good reason.
“...I’ll play you something off my mixtape.” That seemed to appease him. He beamed at him happily. Namjoon reached for his phone...which he didn’t have. He cursed. “They took my phone.”
“I could…” text it to you? Email? Let you hear it next time? None of those things were going to happen.
“It’s okay! But I hope I can hear you rap sometime soon.” Namjoon sucked on his drink.
“Hey, uhm...can I ask you something?” he said. Why not make an awkward situation even more awkward? Jimin nodded, also drinking. “Why’d you pick...me?” Jimin made a face at the question. “Come on, there were way hotter guys there and better dancers too. Why me?”
“I picked you because I liked you.”
“How’d you know you’d like me?”
“I knew.” He hit the bar with his hand. “Make me a drink!” Namjoon could see he wasn’t going to get an answer just yet. Alright, fine. Drinks were probably a good idea. He drank down the last of his drink.
“As you wish!” Probably best not to push the Idol too far. The looming guard was a constant reminder of that. He got up and went around the bar. Damn, it really was fully stocked! He pulled out some Coke, Soju, and beer. “A Namjoon Special, coming up.” He mixed two drinks, heavy on the beer. It was not an original drink. Jimin smirked and took it.
“Is that the best you can do?” he asked.
“Hey, classics will outlive us all.” He clinked their glasses and drank half of his down. That was better. He could feel his buzz again. Jimin drank as well, his eyes on Namjoon.
“Do you get a lot of rap gigs?”
“I do alright. No stadium tours yet,” he jokes, “Mostly bars. But, you know, gotta keep chasing the dream, right?”
“Do you like being famous?” As soon as he asked it, Namjoon realized it was a tacky question. “Sorry, nevermind. Don’t answer that.” The question seemed to make Jimin self-conscious. His eyes drifted away. Namjoon beat himself up internally. Idiot.
Before Namjoon could think of what to say next to ruin things more, Jimin chugged his entire drink and then stood up.
“Let’s dance!” He went over to the music controls without waiting for an answer and changed the music to Blackpink, turning it up so loud that Namjoon was certain people could hear it three floors below them. Wow. Okay. He really shouldn’t have asked that question, he guessed. He down the rest of his drink and joined him. At least he hadn’t been kicked out, just silenced. He really didn’t think he wanted to know what an Idol temper tantrum was like.
Before he could awkwardly wonder what kind of dancing Jimin had in mind, Jimin let it be known. He grabbed Namjoon and pulled him close against him. One of Jimin’s hands went right to Namjoon’s ass as he grinded against him. He knew what was expected of him now, and honestly, he was perfectly willing to try to give that to him, if he could manage not to mess it all up completely first. He danced with him, a hand on his lower back again. Did Jimin roll his eyes at him? He wasn’t quite certain. But then Jimin was pushing Namjoon’s jacket off of his shoulders and onto the floor. He felt a little self-conscious again without it, but Jimin didn’t give him time to dwell on it. He sang along with the girl’s song, his voice blending perfectly with theirs as he pulled him towards the giant windows by his belt. He didn’t have long to wonder what he was up to, before Jimin was undoing his belt as he sang and gyrated to the music. He gave Namjoon a naughty smile as he unbuttoned and unzipped him. Namjoon tried to remember to move to the song, but was soon frozen as the small hand reached into his pants. The guard behind him! The windows in front! He gulped. Jimin let his robe fall off one shoulder coyly and he sunk to his knees. He certainly had nothing on under the top half of the robe, but Namjoon still was uncertain about the bottom half.
Before he knew it, his pants were being tugged to the ground and the Idol was rubbing him through his boxer briefs. His heart was racing and his breathing sped up. This was actually going to happen. He was going to—No, he had to stop thinking of Jimin as some Idol. He was just a guy, on his knees before him, looking up at him, probably wanting the exact same thing he did. He consciously softened his expression and gave him a grin. Jimin grinned back and Namjoon felt something click.
And then his cock was out and this tongue licked up his shaft and he thought his legs would give out. Jimin held the base steady with his hand as his tongue worked around it, teasing him. He avoided the head until Namjoon was as hard as a rock, which drove him crazy. Then a condom appeared out of the pocket of Jimin’s robe and he rolled it on him. Namjoon was almost grateful for it. He didn’t think he could last long without it. Jimin’s mouth taking in his cock was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He would be seeing those lips in his dreams for the rest of his life, he thought. When he began sucking, it was almost too much to take. Namjoon reached out and steadied himself with a palm against the window. He could see the whole city before them on the other side of the glass but none of them knew what was happening right above them.
“Ah, Jimin, I’m going to...I’m gonna…” He looked back down at him and with a groan he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. It was embarrassing, but Jimin didn’t seem to mind. A few tissues later, the mess was cleaned up. Jimin stood and went to the music controls. He changed it to something softer and looked at Namjoon over his exposed shoulder. “That was...wow,” Namjoon said.
“I know.” Jimin motioned with his finger and walked to the bedroom, not waiting for Namjoon. Unsure what to do with his clothes, he left his pants and tucked himself back in his underwear and followed. The room was similar in style to the living room but much smaller. It also had a wall of windows and there was a lavish bathroom attached. Jimin was on the bed sitting up on his knees, which were spread apart.
Namjoon’s nerves started to show again. Now it was his turn to reciprocate. Normally he wouldn’t be phased by that, but he felt pressure to live up to this gorgeous person who was obviously skilled in this area as well.
Jimin offered the belt of his robe to Namjoon, who took it, uncertain. “Pull,” Jimin told him, so he did, untying the robe. Jimin let it fall off of his other shoulder and onto the bed. Underneath he had on pink lace underwear that hardly concealed or held his growing erection. Namjoon’s heart was pounding in his chest. Jimin turned and crawled away from him on the bed. His ass was small, round, and tight. Namjoon felt his throat go dry. Jimin looked back at him over his shoulder seductively, as if Namjoon needed any further seducing...Still, he was uncertain.
“Tell me what you want,” he said to Jimin. Jimin smiled.
“I just want to feel good,” he replied, turning and laying on his back, propped up on his elbows, waiting. Okay, thought Namjoon, he could do that.
He removed his ridiculous shirt (God, he was going to have to leave wearing that, wasn’t he? Horrifying.) and crawled over to Jimin, hovering over him. Jimin looked up at him expectantly. Namjoon lowered his head and kissed him on the neck. Jimin tilted his head back, accommodating. Namjoon kissed him, taking his time, going lower and lower. He moved down to his clavicle, his chest, took a moment to pay attention to both small, dark nipples, and worked his way down his toned stomach. When he reached his groin, he continued his kisses over Jimin’s underwear, mouthing over him, kissing and tounging him down his shaft to his balls and back up. Jimin began to squirm under him and made a pleasurable moan. Encouraged, Namjoon licked over the head that peaked out of the lace and Jimin’s hips pushed up, encouraging him. He pulled down the lace with a finger and licked him more. He could hear Jimin’s breathing quicken as his tongue moved over him. Then Jimin’s hand was in his hair.
“Come here,” He beckoned before he finished and pulled Namjoon back over him. He brought their mouths together and kissed him deeply, invading Namjoon’s mouth with his greedy tongue. Jimin’s hand went down between them and palmed Namjoon. He whispered, “Get hard for me again.” It was not a difficult request. Jimin hooked a leg around Namjoon’s hip, pulling their bodies flush against each other and they kissed until Namjoon was ready again. Jimin pointed to the nightstand, where more condoms and a bottle of lube was waiting. Namjoon licked his lips in anticipation and made eye contact with Jimin. This was really happening? Jimin smiled.
“Hurry.” He didn’t need more encouragement. Namjoon climbed off of him and discarded his own underwear and got the condom on. He brought over the lubricant to Jimin who made no move to remove his own lace. He spread his legs, knees raised. “Leave them on,” he told Namjoon. Namjoon put some lube on his fingers. When he looked closer, he saw the panties had a slit for just such an occasion. Nervous as all hell, he rubbed a slick finger over Jimin’s hole and slid it in easily. Jimin watched him, a little amused. He moved his hips with him in encouragement. Namjoon worked in a second finger and hoped he was doing everything alright. Jimin rocked his hips against the fingers, pushing them in deeper, moaning a little for fun, fucking Namjoon’s fingers. God, it was insanely sexy, Namjoon thought. Jimin pulled back, Namjoon’s fingers sliding out. He licked his lips.
“Let’s go,” he said. Namjoon rubbed lube over his hard shaft, so nervous he nearly dropped the bottle in the process, and then lined himself up. He had to take a deep breath and let it out first, but then he pushed himself in. There was resistance at first, but not much. He leaned over Jimin, hands on the bed on either side of him, in to the hilt. It felt so good, so tight. Jimin tossed his head back and also took a deep breath and let it out. Then he looked up at Namjoon and pulled him down for a kiss with a hand on his neck.
“Start moving before I die,” He told him and Namjoon complied, pulling out halfway and back in again slowly. He could feel the lace rubbing against his cock. Jimin made the most beautiful little noises against his lips. “Faster,” Jimin insisted. Namjoon moved a hand to Jimin’s hip to hold him in place and started pumping faster, going deeper with each thrust. Jimin arched his back and wrapped a leg around Namjoon’s back. His small hands raked across Namjoon’s shoulders. “Harder!” Namjoon adjusted his position and began to fuck him in earnest, slapping against him until Jimin melted under him, eyes shut, mouth open, clinging to Namjoon desperately.
Before Namjoon could finish a second time, though, he stopped him, his voice breathless. “Window!” He said. “Pick me up!” Namjoon thought he understood. He pulled out carefully then pulled Jimin to the edge of the bed. Jimin wrapped both legs around him and his arms around his neck and Namjoon picked him up. He took him to the window, pressing Jimin’s back to it. Namjoon didn’t usually engage in such unusual positions, but he would have done absolutely anything Jimin requested at that moment just to be able to keep fucking him. He got himself lined up again and used Jimin’s own weight to enter him again. Jimin clung to him tightly, bouncing on Namjoon’s cock as he pressed back against the glass. He dug his nails into Namjoon’s shoulders. Namjoon did his best to go as hard as he could though the position was a little strenuous for him. Jimin seemed to love it. He gasped and bounced until he’d had enough.
“Ah! Namjoon!” Jimin whined. “Let me down!” He set him down. Jimin went quickly to the plush chair and leaned over the arm. “Go, go!” he insisted. Namjoon thrust right back into him from behind and slapped against him, holding his hips, faster and harder, as Jimin gripped the chair for his life, coming on it while he was pounded into. Not long after that Namjoon climaxed as well. He slowed and stayed inside Jimin as he caught his breath, sweat beaded over his brow and chest. Jimin collapsed over the chair, catching his breath as well. Carefully Namjoon pulled himself out and discarded the condom. He brought over the tissues for Jimin, who didn’t seem much interested in moving, so he cleaned him himself. Jimin looked at him over his shoulder and grinned. He held out his hand for Namjoon to help him up, which he did. Jimin pressed up against him and gave him a long, softer kiss, then patted his cheek. He walked past him to the bathroom.
Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed, looking out the window. He wiped a hand over his forehead, head swimming. Goddamn, that had been something else. A few minutes later, the bed moved and then two hands slid down his chest from behind. He turned his head and smiled. Jimin kissed his cheek then pulled back again. He tugged the covers of the bed down and climbed under them. He reached out for Namjoon to join him. As soon as Namjoon was under them as well, Jimin was wrapped around him, his head on Namjoon’s chest. Namjoon was surprised to notice that Jimin was fully naked now. His skin felt so good against his own.
“That was...incredible,” Namjoon said. Jimin hummed. “Thank you for...inviting me.” He didn’t get a response to that. “Will you tell me now?” Jimin hummed again with a question mark this time. “Why’d you pick me?” There was a little pause before he answered.
“I could tell you were nice,” Jimin said, eyes closed.
“How could you tell?” Namjoon asked.
“Mm...I saw you in the DJ booth. Was that your boyfriend?”
“Just a friend. Don’t change the subject. How’d you know I wasn’t an asshole?” Jimin’s fingers played over Namjoon’s chest lightly.
“You looked nervous up there. It was cute. You were respectful when you danced. Not aggressive. I don’t like aggressive guys.” Namjoon could guess why. Jimin was the aggressive one, he thought. Jimin opened his eyes and looked up at him. “I have a good radar for these things. And you could move so I knew you’d be good in bed. And you were so sexy. It was easy to choose.”
“What if I’d have said no?” Namjoon teased. Jimin reached up and booped his nose.
“No one says no.”
“I might have.”
“Then I’d have been sad and lonely tonight. Is that what you’d have wanted? Why are you so cruel?” Namjoon grinned down at him.
“No way. I’m too nice for that.”
“Exactly.” Jimin closed his eyes and relaxed again. Namjoon wanted to say more, a lot more, but he held back. He’d just end up saying the wrong thing again.
“Just...let me know when you want me to go,” he said.
“Not yet...” Jimin said. Then he opened his eyes again. “Are you hungry? We can get some food.”
“Sure.” Jimin sat up and pulled his phone from the bedside table and sent a text.
“Hobi will order us something.” He set his phone aside and settled back against Namjoon.
“You always stay in rooms like this?” Namjoon asked. Jimin chuckled. “What?”
“This isn’t my room,” Jimin confessed.
“My room is on the third floor with the rest of my team. This was just for...tonight. For fun. I have a regular room like everyone else.” Namjoon looked at him in disbelief.
“You’re kidding.”
“These big rooms are too much for me. They always feel so empty. I don’t like them alone.”
“Hm. That makes sense.” They’re quiet for a moment and then Namjoon asks, “How long are you in town for…?” Jimin didn’t answer right away. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked that.
“A couple of days. For interviews.”
“Nice. Where to next?”
“Uhm...Tokyo, I think?”
“That’s cool. Do you like it? Traveling?”
“Sometimes.” Namjoon found it so difficult to know what to talk about, but he desperately wanted Jimin to trust him, let down his guard, and just let them get to know each other like regular people. He wanted to take him on a date, actually, though he could see that was impossible. Chances were once he left he would never see Jimin in person again. It was a really shitty thought.
“I want to travel more. When I can afford it. I think I’d like touring,” Namjoon said.
“Just make sure you take good people with you.”
“Seems like Hoseok is a good friend.”
“He is. I think I rely on him too much.” That was the first personal thing Jimin had said to him. Namjoon smiled to himself.
“He seemed alright with it.” Jimin didn’t have anything to say to that.
Not long later they could hear the guard letting someone in. The room service had arrived. Namjoon got up and put his boxer briefs back on and went and got the rolling cart and brought it back to the bedroom. He was surprised how quickly he got used to having someone else so nearby. The guy really did kind of disappear in the background. They sat up in bed and ate a variety of foods that Hoseok ordered for them and chatted. Namjoon noticed Jimin didn’t each much himself. He just nibbled mostly. It made him a little sad. They also had some tea and water. Hoseok had been right. He needed the hydration.
After, Jimin asked, “Do you want to shower with me?” How could Namjoon say no?
It was a large shower with a light up waterfall shower head above their heads. The water felt so relaxing on Namjoon’s body after their exertion. He thought he could fall asleep right there. They cleaned each other, laughing when it tickled. Namjoon thought this was his favorite part of the evening. He really wished he had a clean change of clothing once they were done, however, but he had no such luck.
As he toweled off, he watched Jimin remove his colored contacts and put lotion on his face and neck.
“You look really good like that,” Namjoon said.
“Like what?”
“Like...yourself. Natural.” Jimin looked at him and smiled, but it was clear he didn’t believe him.
“My skin looks so blotchy!” Namjoon went over to him and put his arms around him from behind, looking at him in the mirror.
“Naw, it looks perfect.”
“Hm.” Jimin put on some eye cream and lip gloss before he was finished. Then he looked back at Namjoon through the mirror. “You can stay a while, if you want. Take a nap…” Namjoon chuckled.
“Isn’t it like 4am by now?”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“Well, then.”
Namjoon joined him in bed again and slept for a couple of hours with Jimin’s head on his chest. He found he was indeed exhausted and fell asleep easily. Jimin woke him around 6am and he got dressed, still half asleep.
He didn’t ask if he would see him again as they kissed goodbye at the hotel room door. What would be the point? He didn’t thank him again for the evening either. He simply gave him a smile as the elevator doors closed and tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach as the beautiful boy disappeared from his sight.
He nearly forgot his phone once he was in the lobby. He zipped his jacket all the way up and awkwardly went to the front desk where indeed his phone was waiting for him. He had several messages from Yoongi wondering where he was. Would Yoongi even believe him when he told him?
And then he saw one other message from an unknown number. Namjoon smiled to himself.
It read: don’t forget to send me your mixtape :)
Chapter 3: The Photographer (or The Third Wheel)
“You signed a contract in order to have sex with some guy? Are you insane?!”
“Okay, but he was really hot.”
“I can’t believe you did that. I’m so ashamed.”
“He gave me his number.”
“Booty Call number.”
“We’ve been texting! I thought you’d be proud of me for going outside my comfort zone. Taking a risk.”
“This isn’t what I had in mind.”
“He listened to my mixtape. He said he liked it.”
“And, what, now he’s putting you on his next album? Come on!”
“Did I mention how hot he was?”
Yoongi shook his head in disbelief as he tried to work at his computer on a song. It was no use. He was hopelessly distracted now.
Namjoon sat on his couch nearby, flipping through a Rolling Stone Korea magazine. Jimin was on the cover. He held up a full page photo of the Idol lounging seductively in a white suit with the shirt open to his navel for Yoongi to see.
“You wouldn’t sign a little piece of paper for this?”
Yoongi glanced at it. “Nope.” Though… if he were being honest, it might not be as bad of a deal as he was making it out to be. The guy was pretty hot.
“Whatever. It’s not like you’re ever going to see him again.”
Namjoon grinned and flipped to the next page of the magazine without replying. Yoongi looked at him again.
“What?” he asked.
“What?” Namjoon asked back, innocently.
“When?” Yoongi corrected, catching his drift.
“Not sure. Soon. Tonight or tomorrow when he’s back in town.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
As if by fate, Namjoon’s phone buzzed just then. He grabbed it and checked who it was. His face lit up and he hopped onto his knees.
Yoongi’s attention snapped back to him.
Namjoon showed him the screen. It was Jimin calling.
“No way!” Yoongi said, then added, “Put it on speaker.”
“Hey, what’s up?” Namjoon answered the phone casually, putting it on speaker for Yoongi, but holding a finger up to his mouth, telling him to stay quiet. Yoongi leaned in to listen.
“Hey Joonie!” Jimin’s voice said. Yoongie mouthed “Joonie!” and his eyes nearly rolled out of his head. Namjoon shoved his shoulder.
“Hey Jimin, good to hear from you! How’er you doing?”
“Good! We just landed. Heading to the hotel. You wanna come over tonight? Are you busy?” Namjoon thought he could hear someone talking to Jimin in the background. Was someone listening in on his end as well?
“Yeah, I can do that. Where are you staying?”
“The Lotte. Around ten. I’ll leave a key for you at the desk.” Jimin’s voice was muffled for a moment as he spoke to someone else. “Okay, can’t wait to see you! Bye, Joon!” he said, in a rush and hung up.
“Okay, bye.” Namjoon hung up the call and looked up at Yoongi. “BAM! How about that?” Yoongi refused to be impressed.
“Congratulations. You’re a booty call. I told you.”
“Better than a one night stand. Jealous? You want to come along? Meet a real star?”
“I’m good. No one likes a third wheel.”
“Jiminie! What are you doing?”
“I want to see him again.”
“You’re already seeing someone tonight, remember?”
“I know. I think they’ll get along.” Hoseok gave Jimin his version of a stern look, his lips puckered. They sat in the backseat of an SUV on their way to the hotel. “I want to see him and I don’t have any other nights free. It’ll be fun!” Jimin leaned on his shoulder. “Do you want to come too? There’s always room for more!”
“Tempting, tempting, but no, I have my own plans. I have a life too, you know!”
“You do? How dare you!” Hoseok ran his hands through Jimin’s hair, which was currently a pink color. His voice changed to a more somber tone.
“That guy seemed really nice. Just be careful with him, alright?”
“I’ll make sure he has a good time. Don’t worry.”
This time when Namjoon approaches Jimin’s hotel room, he’s properly dressed. He bought some new clothes for the occasion, but he didn’t plan to mention that to anyone--especially Yoongi. He wore jeans with a black t-shirt and a black leather biker jacket. Casual and cool, he thought, though he felt nearly as nervous as he had the first time he met up with Jimin. At least he knew what to expect now and he’d been allowed to keep his phone.
Jimin’s room wasn’t on the top floor this time, though it was a suite. He supposed Jimin didn’t feel the need to impress him as much now. That seemed like a good sign. Though in all honesty, he hadn’t needed to be the first time either. Jimin was impressive enough on his own. The guard outside the door let him in and once inside the room, he didn’t see the second one, which was a relief.
As soon as he stepped inside, he heard Jimin yell his name. He immediately ran up and jumped into Namjoon’s arms, legs wrapping around him. Namjoon caught him and laughed. He hadn’t expected that.
“Well, hey,” he said, nerves fading quickly. Jimin smiled, kissed him, and then hoped back down. He was wearing an oversized hoodie and jeans and somehow still made it look sexy as hell. He took Namjoon by the hand and brought him into the living room. Namjoon kicked off his shoes as they went.
“I want you to meet someone,” Jimin said eagerly. That’s when Namjoon realized they weren’t alone after all. Sitting back in a plush chair was another man. He had wavy black hair that fell over his face right above his eyes. He had his elbow on the arm of the chair and one finger touching his lips. He had the most sultry expression Namjoon had ever seen. His nerves returned in force. “This is Vante. He’s a photographer. He did my Rolling Stone spread. Did you see it?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen it. Hi. I’m Namjoon,” he said, trying to be as civil as possible and hide any disappointment. It didn’t make him feel any better to see that Vante didn’t seem any happier to see Namjoon than he was to see him.
“Hey,” Vante said, not moving, eyes narrow and appraising. Jimin didn’t seem to notice the tension or if he did, he ignored it. He clung to Namjoon’s arm.
“The photos are great,” Namjoon added.
“Joon is a fantastic rapper,” Jimin said.
“So you said,” replied Vante. When neither of them said more, Jimin went to the bar and pulled out as many bottles of Soju as he could carry and brought them over.
“Anyone want a drink?” He passed a bottle to everyone and then set out little cups. Namjoon sat on the couch and opened his bottle. He used a cup for his drink but Vante drank straight from the bottle. Jimin started with a cup but it wasn’t long before he drank from the bottle as well. It was going to be that sort of night, was it?
“Vante’s visiting from L.A.” Jimin told Namjoon as he cuddled up beside him on the couch.
“Oh cool.”
“Yeah. So cool.” Vante agreed as he took a sip, though Namjoon didn’t think he meant it. Why was this guy here? He’d expected some alone time and instead he had to deal with this blank faced guy who seemed like he wanted nothing more than for Namjoon to crawl into a hole and die. Was Jimin trying to make him jealous? If he was, he really didn’t need to work so hard at it. Namjoon already felt completely inadequate, he didn’t need some hotshot L.A. photographer to top it off.
Still, it was nice to see Jimin and he liked how he was sitting beside him and how he kept touching and rubbing on his thigh. Vante’s eyes went to Jimin’s hand and then looked away pointedly as he drank. Namjoon turned his attention to Jimin.
“It’s really nice to see you again.” He bit his tongue to keep from adding, I wasn’t sure I ever would. “You look really good.” Jimim managed to both look like he rejected the compliment and loved it.
“I just got back in town. What have you been up to? Tell me everything.”
He caught Jimin up on his activities, but kept it brief. After all, what could he have to say that would really interest a pop idol and a famous photographer? He asked Jimin the same question and got a short recap of his touring. He looked tired, Namjoon thought. Tired and trying to hide it.
“How about you? Why are you in town?” Namjoon asked Vante, trying to be civil. He had nothing against this guy. Maybe he was feeling awkward too.
“Just visiting on my way to Beijing for work.”
“Oh. Nice. Staying long?”
“No,” Vante said as he took a drink, both eyebrows going up for emphasis. And suddenly Namjoon felt like the third wheel. Should he really be here? He turned back to Jimin for guidance but Jimin just smiled.
“I’ll put on some music!” he said. He turned on some music and sat back by Namjoon. But Namjoon couldn’t get past his awkward feeling.
He asked Jimin quietly, “Maybe I should go? See you another time?”
Jimin whined immediately. “No! I want you to stay! Please stay.” He clung to his arm again and threw a look at Vante, who pursed his lips. Namjoon wished he understood the silent communication going on between them. Whatever it was, it had an effect on Vante. His expression softened and he tilted his head, looking at Namjoon.
“Stay,” he said, and ever so briefly his tongue appeared between his lips. “It’ll be fun.” Would it?
He stayed.
They were getting low on Soju so Jimin ordered more and some beer. All inhibitions and awkwardness from before had flown from Namjoon’s mind as it was filled instead with alcohol. They talked, they laughed, and actually got along.
Vante, it turned out, had a hundred outrageous stories about Hollywood celebrities that he freely shared. Namjoon silently wondered how many of them the attractive photographer had slept with. He was certain by now Jimin was one of them. There was a charm about Vante that was hard to place. Behind the distant exterior, he was quite hilarious and behind that, he was incredibly sultry, like an old Hollywood starlet from the 40’s. Namjoon found he was enjoying the stories and enjoying himself and he was definitely enjoying Jimin lounging all over him as they talked. The drinks weren’t bad either. Namjoon even freestyle rapped for them about Jimin and had him practically rolling on the floor.
“I want to dance!” Jimin pushed the coffee table covered in empty bottles aside and started to dance to the music between the two of them. He was mesmerizing to watch. Namjoon literally found himself slack jawed watching. A particularly sexy song started and Jimin grabbed Namjoon’s hand, pulling him up. “Dance with me, Joonie,” he demanded. He didn’t hesitate, dancing up on him like they had at the club. He knew he was grinning like a fool, but it didn’t matter. Jimin’s hands were on him and he was bewitched.
And then there was another pair of hands on him, coming from behind. Before he could react, Jimin pulled him down for a kiss. As Jimin’s tongue connected with his own, he felt Vante’s hands move over his hips and up his chest. Suddenly his heart was thumping loudly in his chest. He was glad for the haze in his brain. He would certainly overthink this otherwise. He didn’t stop it. He kissed Jimin back and ran his hands over his pert ass. He wasn’t quite sure how the physics of three worked, but they seemed confident, so he guessed he’d find out.
Events began to blur. They were kissing and touching, someone’s erection was rubbing against his thigh, or maybe more than one. He felt a straining in his own pants. Someone was rubbing him there. Someone else was untucking his shirt. He locked eyes with Vante for a moment. Vante grinned at him lopsidedly and licked his lips. That tongue didn’t seem to like to stay in his mouth and Namjoon was starting to wonder what else it could do.
Jimin dragged Namjoon to the bedroom. Vante followed. Jimin climbed on the bed as Namjoon stood at the foot of it. Jimin unbuckled Namjoon’s belt, undid his pants, and pushed them down while grinning up at him. He had a naughty glint in his eyes. As he laid on his back on the bed, his head towards Namjoon, he heard Vante tisk.
“Take off the hoodie first,” he said as he lounged across the other end of the bed, now shirtless and watching. Namjoon’s eyes strayed over his figure. He was lightly toned and slim. Jimin obeyed, tossing aside the hoodie. Namjoon was a little surprised. He thought Jimin was the one in charge during sex. Now he wasn’t so sure.
Jimin laid back down on his back and let his head fall off the edge of the mattress. He reached over and guided Namjoon’s waiting cock to his mouth, licking over the head while upside down. Namjoon took in a breath and looked over at Vante who was watching. Vante twerked a brow at him, a little smile on his lips. Namjoon turned his attention back to Jimin who wet his cock with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. There was something so erotic about watching his member disappear into Jimin’s throat as his throat was exposed like this. He thrust gently into him with Jimin’s encouragement.
Preoccupied as he was, he didn’t notice at first when Vante moved. He slid Jimin’s pants off of him, leaving him naked, his dick hard and waiting. There was something else too, he had something around his...Oh. A cock ring. Vante had Namjoon’s attention now as he started licking over Jimin’s erection. Jimin moaned around Namjoon’s dick, which vibrates through him. He found his heart was starting to pound harder in his chest. Shit, this was hot.
Vante lifted his ass up off the bed to bring the cock into his mouth. Jimin helped, feet planted on the bed as he gripped the bed with arms outstretched, and sucked Namjoon harder, deeper into his throat. Vante pulled him out of his mouth and moved his head lower, licking over the trapped balls and then lower still.
“Oh, Jiminie, what’s this?” he said, sounding like he was anything but surprised. “Did you prepare yourself for us? That’s so thoughtful.” He paused and there was a small pop! noise and then he set aside a moderately sized anal plug. Jimin groaned. Namjoon’s legs started to get weak. “Mm. So moist for us already. What a good boy you are.” Vante bent back down and showed his appreciation with his tongue, parting Jimin’s cheeks with his hands. Jimin squirmed and choked but kept Namjoon’s cock deep in his throat. Namjoon thought he would come at any moment.
Vante wasn’t done, however. He sat up and pulled out his own cock. Holding Jimin’s hips up off the bed, he lined himself up and plunged his cock into him in one firm thrust, all the way to the hilt. Jimin cried out against Namjoon’s dick and Namjoon grunted. Yes, he wouldn’t last much longer at all like this. Vante pulled all the way out slowly, so slowly, and then popped back in hard.
“Good boy, good boy,” he said in his surprisingly deep voice. “Suck on that cock. Take it all. You’re doing so good.” He did it again, pulling out and thrusting back in. Jimin was squirming and moaning and sucking and Namjoon couldn’t stand it anymore. He jerked forward and came in Jimin’s mouth, immediately pulling out as he choked.
“Oh god, sorry! Sorry!” He stammered. Jimin started to laugh as he wiped his mouth with one hand but Vante cut him off by choosing then to start pounding into him in earnest. Jimin gripped the bed again, crying out in time with the thrusts. Vante stopped abruptly, though, before either of them came, and pulled out.
“Get him some water,” he said to Namjoon, who immediately scrambled for a glass in the bathroom and brought it to him. Jimin sat up and washed out his mouth. He grinned at Namjoon and thanked him. Then Vante was gently wiping Jimin’s face clean of any residual mess with a tissue. Namjoon was surprised by the tenderness there. Vante kissed Jimin’s temple. They were making eye contact, seeming to speak without words again, and they both seemed satisfied with the conclusion of the conversation, whatever it was. Vante turned to Namjoon.
“Come on, Joonie. Time to lie down,” he said. Was Namjoon taking orders from Vante as well now? It seemed so because he laid down with his head on the pillows, grateful for it as his legs were jelly. “Can he do it again?” Vante asked Jimin. Jimin nodded, looking pleased. “Good.” Vante addressed Namjoon. “Jimin isn’t satisfied yet. He’s going to need you to get that fat cock hard again. Okay?” He turned back to Jimin. “What can we do to help him with that, hm?”
Jimin put a finger to his lips, thinking. “Hm...he seemed to like watching.”
“Good idea. Okay. On your hands and knees.” Jimin did as asked, in front of Namjoon. Vante spread Jimin’s legs a little further apart and then pulled apart his ass cheeks. Making sure Namjoon had a clear view, he licked Jimin’s hole, running his tongue over the opening, and then pressing it inside and fucking him with it. Jimin made lovely noises and sunk down to his elbows, arching his back. Fuck, thought Namjoon. These two were really something… He started stroking his own cock as he watched them. Yeah, this would do the trick.
Jimin moaned and whined. “V, I want to come now!” Vante paused his work long enough to reply.
“Not yet, baby. Wait.” Jimin groaned and wiggled in protest. “You can go a little longer. I want to see you sit on Joonie’s cock first.” Jimin swung his head towards Namjoon and looked at him with focused intent.
“Okay. He’s almost ready. Help me out.” Jimin said. He crawled up Namjoon’s body and kissed his way back down it, starting with his neck. He took a moment to pay special attention to Namjoon’s chest and nipples on his way before making his way to his hardening cock. He brought his tongue out again, licking over his shaft. Vante joined him and they both licked him all over his cock and balls until he was fully hard again. It was hard to stay still under the onslaught. He was still sensitive from his first ejaculation. He couldn’t take his eyes off the two of them. It felt so fucking good he could hardly stand it.
“Fuck, you guys…” Namjoon said. Vante pulled back with a chuckle.
“He’s ready.” Jimin agreed and grabbed a bottle of lubricant. He rubbed some over Namjoon’s hard cock and then straddled him, holding it in place as he sank down onto it. Namjoon couldn’t help but to moan. It was such a sight! He slid in easily but Jimin still felt deliciously tight.
“Ah! You feel so good, Joonie!” Jimin said, as he started to move, fucking himself on Namjoon’s cock.
“Faster,” Vante said, and Jimin obliged, bouncing on him. Namjoon put his hands on Jimin’s hips to try to help keep him steady. He watched his dick disappear over and over into Jimin’s tight ass. Jimin’s face looked like he was in heaven as his own cock bounced up and down with him.
Before either of them could finish, Vante’s hands wrapped around Jimin from behind and pressed up against him, slowing his movements. He turned his head and they kissed deeply, Jimin’s chest heaving. Then Vante pushed Jimin down gently towards Namjoon and they kissed as well. Namjoon wanted to start thrusting, being still while inside Jimin was a kind of torture, but before he could, he felt something pressing up against his cock. Jimin gasped against his lips but didn’t seem altogether surprised. It took Namjoon a moment to realize it was a finger, and then two. Vante was stretching Jimin further. Namjoon’s heart was racing as he felt another cock rub against his own as it entered Jimin’s tight hole. Vanted held Jimin, arms around him again, and ever so slowly moved in him. Jimin’s hands clenched on Namjoon’s shoulder, his mouth agape.
Vante whispered in his ear. “I knew you could do it, baby. Look how good you are, taking both our cocks.” Jimin whimpered but didn’t move. Namjoon didn’t dare move now. Vante was in charge. “I’m so proud of you. Here’s your prize.” Vante sucked on Jimin’s earlobe while one of his hands removed Jimin’s cockring. Jimin let out a relieved breath and then Vante started thrusting into him, slowly at first, and then faster. For Namjoon, it was the strangest sensation to have Vante’s slick dick rub against his own in such a tight place. It was all he could do to hang on and be still. Jimin cried out, gripping Namjoon’s shoulder tighter. Vante stroked Jimin’s cock as he pumped into him until he came all over Namjoon’s stomach, clenching around them. Vante was next to finish. Namjoon could feel the extra slickness inside. Vante pulled out carefully but stayed holding Jimin. “A little more. Help him finish,” Vante told him. Jimin moved more slowly now, looking spent, as Namjoon thrust a few more times and came as well.
“Oh my god...oh my god…” was all Namjoon could say as Jimin climbed off of him and collapsed onto his back on the bed. Jimin immediately started giggling. He pointed at Vante.
“I didn’t know you were going to do that!” he said. Vante grinned at him.
“You liked it, though.”
“Hm,” was all Jimin said back, but he was smiling like it was true. Vante went and got damp warm towels for them each to clean themselves off with.
“Is this like, something you two do regularly?” Namjoon asked as he wiped himself off. He still couldn’t quite believe all that had happened.
“No,” Jimin said. “We don’t get the chance. But we can if you want.” He gave Namjoon a little wink. Vante grinned to himself.
“I don’t know if I can keep up,” said Namjoon.
“You did great.” Jimin rolled over to him and gave him a kiss. Then he stayed, laying his head on Namjoon’s shoulder. He whined. “I’m too tired to shower!”
“My head is swimming,” Namjoon said, an arm around Jimin. Vante pulled the blankets down and helped them all get under them.
“Later,” Vante said as he got in bed beside Jimin.
“I’m going to be sore tomorrow because of you,” Jimin said in a sleepy voice.
“I’ll take care of you,” Vante promised. That seemed to satisfy him as he hummed happily against Namjoon’s chest. Vante’s arms went around Jimin from behind and they all closed their eyes.
They did shower together in the morning and Jimin got an appreciatory blowjob from Vante while they did. After, they had breakfast with plenty of aspirin and water. Then the time came for Namjoon to leave. He paused at the door, dressed and ready, unsure about what he should say.
“...Can I see you again?” he asked Jimin, who was dressed in one of the hotel’s fluffy robes. Jimin smiled at him and nodded and reached up and gave him a kiss.
From off to the side Vante said, “Have you ever been to L.A.?” Namjoon had not, but he thought he might enjoy a visit.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch6 The Entrance Ceremony
(Notw: I am aware that Piers also appears in Pokemon Masters EX and Pokemon Masters will be canon also to the story line but not until after the Sword and Shield story line.)
You perhaps should've seen it coming when Hop's excitement was reignited when he heard Leon left him a present and you gladly handed over one of the bags to which he opened up in a hurry but looked utterly confused at all the healers and camping food until you explained the reasons why Leon got them all for him. Which he understood with a nod. And after a moment more of resting you decided to walk back with him towards the road, but the two of you ran into another familiar face in the form of Gloria. Or more like she almost ran into the two of you as she ran into the train station as you got up from your seat. Your sobble still sore over how many times he already fell from your shoulder and so resorted to gripping your shoulder sleeve harder.
"Geez Glory!," Hop commented raising a brow, "What's gotten you in such a hurry? I thought that was my thing."
"Sorry," she apologized leaning over to look around you and Hop at the station, "Did Leon leave yet? You said somethin' about stopping him so we could say good bye."
He again sighed and slouched a big bag in his hands. "Yeah he's gone back to whatever he was doing. I suppose I can't catch a train after all." ...He gave a small smile though. "But I guess I can't complain! He's the Champion! So of course he's gotta be like SUPER busy! We'll come face to face again soon enough!"
Gloria smiled back and nodded in agreement. "YEAH! Besides, maybe we'll see him at the Opening Ceremony tomorrow!"
You nodded at them. Although you knew he wouldn't be there as in game if the current events kept up, but you didn't want to break their hearts or anything so soon.
"Are you two endorsed trainers?," a man's voice asked from behind the three of you turned around to the man in the small store like stand in the train station. His smile widened as he nodded to his side where a stack of books was settled. "Would any of you three be interested in joining in our charity dex events?"
"Charity dex?," you asked obviously confused.
And the man nodded again gesturing to the two different book stacks one smaller than the other. "Yes! For just five dollars you can purchase one of two dex books and enter the dex challenges to win a variety of prizes! All proceeds goes towards the power crisis fund raiser."
There was that mention again about the power crisis. You wondered how dire it was exactly. Gloria seemed to take interest in it though and walked right up to the stand staring at the books. "....What's exactly the challenges?"
"Well there's the Poke-Dex challenge and the Curry-Dex challenge?" He explained holding up one of the small books, it had a picture of a plate of some kind of food etched into it. "The challenge is too take a picture of every labeled curry, or pokemon, on the pages and when your albums are fully completed, you turn in into your local pokemon center to claim your prizes! And there's no time limit. It's all for charity and you get a neat scrap book out of it. We already sold a few to some people on their way on the train. Would you be interested in joining one of the dex challenges?"
"I dunno. Sounds like a scam to me, Glor," Hop commented glancing at the books. "I always thought photography was Victor's gig. And we're already got the gym challenges ahead of us tomorrow.......Glory?"
Dexes?? As in completing the entire pokemon dex for this game?? Was this how it was manifesting in this game? You guessed so. It WOULD be weird if Gloria just discovered her pokedex had a limit of numbers in order to 'complete' it like a game's challenge. but a curry dex?? You faintly remembered there being some kind of food challenge in game but you couldn't remember it too well.
"I can't believe you wasted twenty dollars on two scrape books and camera film." Hop gave a small frown at the rolls of film and books Gloria was carrying along with the bag of goodies provided by Leon from earlier. "You don't even have a polaroid camera for all of that."
"No, but Victor does! I'm sure he won't mind if I take his old one." She waved him off. "Besides! It'll be fun and easy! Just fill up a whole book with pictures of pokemon and curries! How hard can it be?"
Hop's face deadpanned. "That's not exactly what I meant."
The three of you had left the train station not longer after that and had taken a small detour to the grocery store you were previously in that morning so Gloria could buy herself a decent amount of film rolls. It was crazy how many rolls of film you could cheaply buy in this world for a mere ten dollars, although you were sure Hop disagreed. So you decided to change the subject by asking the two a question.
"So," they both turned to you, "We're leaving for the Entrance Ceremony tomorrow morning right?"
"YEP! Bright and early! The morning train leaves at seven thirty sharp and we have to get our Dynamax bands from Professor Magnolia tomorrow! So we're gonna have to get up real extra early if we don't want to miss it. These train conductors are always on time, whether it's a good or bad thing. But those bands will be worth it to be able to dynamax and complete our Badge Circles!"
"I see. ...What's a badge circle??" You don't remember hearing anything like that from the game even when you played it way back when. "I don't think I know how these gyms and badges work."
They both gave you a confused look and for a moment you thought you goofed up before luckily Gloria unknowingly saved face for you when a look of realization came over her. "OH RIGHT!! You're not from this region so you wouldn't possibly know how the gyms work!" You thanked whatever god was listening for this great save as Gloria happily explained. "You see there's ten gyms each with their own gym leader unique to their own type of pokemon, but in order to compete in the finals at the end of the year you only need eight badges to complete your Badge Circle. A Badge Circle is like a puzzle but instead of carboard puzzle pieces you use badges to make it, then you present it to the official board who helps host the Gym Challenge. They're also the ones who's going to be checking to make sure your endorsements are legit at the Entrance Ceremony," she explained as you listened. Never knew when this info might come in handy later. "That's where four of the gyms are optional. While usually they give you they're own unique piece for the Badge Circle..Both Rock Type and Ice Type Gyms offer the same shaped badge. So does the Fighting and Dark Type Gyms. So usually you'd pick either one of the two choices, grab it, and then move on. Lots of people don't see the point of battling both gyms for the same piece as it's not required." She smirked before pointing a confident hand forward. "BUT NOT ME!! What's the point of me joining the Gym Challenge if I don't at least try out every gym at least once! We have a full year until the finals anyhow! That should be plenty of time for me to get what I need!!......Plus...m-maybe because I'm also kinda hoping to get some pictures and a few autographs. It's not everyday you get to see such famous people. Hehe."
You rolled your eyes with a smile. Just like a teen meeting a famous person but Hop sighed again. "I just don't see why you're going through all of this trouble. Won't it make more sense to just focus on one thing?"
"Hop you need to broaden your horizons a bit! It's gonna be our first times away from home! It's not just about the Gym Challenge!" She smiled widely at him. "It's about seeing new things! Meeting new people! Getting to see all kinds of new pokemon! It's...." Her smile dropped for a bit as she looked down. "It's actually a bit scary.....but I guess that's what's also making it so exciting." She smiled again. "Plus I know you're also doing the challenge so it's not like I'll be going into it alone right? Ill have my best bud going through it with me!"
Hop stared at her for a moment before clearing his throat and nodded looking away. "Y-Yeah! You're right. "
"See? Told you! It'll be fun! And I'll have Y/n as a traveling buddy anyways! So it should be fine."
You nodded in agreement as the three of you continued to walk back towards their homes, and both children mentioning the new pokemon they had been able to catch while out on their little adventure today.
"So how many pokemon did you guys catch?," you asked curiously.
And Gloria proudly answered, "NINE! And Hop caught five!"
You did a double take at the two. "Wait. You guys caught fourteen pokemon between the two of you in the few hours I was gone!?"
"Yeah! Hop's really lucky! He's got a shiny butterfree!"
Hop gave a sheepish smile and in a similar fashion to Leon raised a hand to rub the back of his head. "Well I guess I was just lucky to catch it off guard enough to catch it in the farmer's meadows."
Oh yeah. Weren't shiny pokemon a pokemon born with a rare color variety compared to most of their other kind? Wow. Well it sounded like the two of them certainly had a fun time out and about. "Wow. It sure sounds like you guys had a fun time." The three of you were coming up to the roads that split into to directions to both of the children's homes.
Gloria nodded again. "Hey! Hop! Come over to my house so I can practice my camera."
"What?," Hop's brow rose again, "Don't you mean Victor's camera?"
"Same difference! If I take pictures of all the pokemon we caught then it'll be good practice and give me a head start on the challenge! Plus who else would have a picture of a shiny butterfree?"
He sighed. "I swear you can bounce forward on anything like a ball."
You chuckled as the three of you made it to Gloria's house. Finding her mother in the kitchen cooking food and the first thing you noticed was the delicious smell coming from the kitchen stove, whatever she was cooking smelt of spices and your stomach growled. She looked up for a moment and smiled at the three of you, asking what the bags were for once she noticed, so you explained to her what had happened with you and Leon that morning as the two kids went off towards the door outside. She chuckled when you explained how Leon got lost on his way to the train in the early morning and got lost to only somehow end up back in front of his own home. Calling him 'a sweet young man for helping the kids out like that' and asking how your day went. Overall it was pretty well and you soon found yourself sitting down at the kitchen table resting yourself from all the walking around town you did. It was still fairly early in the day being only twelve something in the afternoon- You jumped when your Sobble all of a sudden chirped curiously and half climbed onto the side of your head to look towards the opposite side of the house as a flash of light came from one of the windows from outside. A minute long pause. And then another went off. A total of fourteen flashes with about a minute pause between them and while you tried to wrangle your sobble from your face without hurting it and it was enough to catch Mrs. G's attention as she stared with a brow rose.
"Gloria, what are you kids doing? I hope you're not practicing electric type moves near the house" her mother demanded. "You already almost caught your bed on fire from teaching your scorbunny Ember inside!"
"It's fine Mum!," Gloria's voice came followed by her head appearing in said window and waved what could only be described as a polaroid camera. "We're taking picture of our pokemon! Can you believe that I already have fourteen pokemon for the dex challenge!"
Her mother gave her a confused look placing a hand on her hip, "Dex challenge? What are you talking about?" She asked just as her Munchlax came toddling him yawning with another green pokemon behind him. He must've smelt the food and woken up you figured.
However Gloria's eyes lit up with a gasp! "Make that soon to be sixteen! You caught a Budew!?"
"Oh?" She glanced at the pokemon at her feet glancing up at her. "Oh yes. It was one of the two that always hangs around the flower beds. I always thought they were rather helpful for planting so I thought-" She paused as Gloria was already gon-
Both of you and the three pokemon jumped and turned to Gloria in the door's entrance camera in hand and scorbunny at her heels as she grinned at the Pokemon at her mother's heels before lifting the camera at them. "SAY CHEESE!!"
"Gloria! What are you-" She was cut off by two flashes that blinded you for a moment and you reached your hand up to cover your face as a white coated your vision. "GLORIA!!"
"Whoops. Sorry Mum!"
"Taking pictures of pokemon. Duh."
"I can SEE that! Or I would if you hadn't blind sided me.....Wait. Isn't that Victor's camera? What on earth were you doing playing with it!? You know that's not yours!"
You groaned and rubbed your eyes as they contined to talk. You trying to rub away the white dots that came with the flash as your sobble sat there. And you suddenly felt a small hand pawing at your face, as if your sobble was mimicking the movements you made at the attempt of clearing your vision. It was cute....But it would've cuter if you could see it.
"But Mom," Gloria pleaded, "It's for a good cause I promise. There's this Dex challenge and if you fill up the entire book with pictures when you can win something! Plus it's fun!"
"Well watch where you're pointing that thing! The last thing we need is you blinding someone."
"Yes, Mom." "Sorry Ms. G."
You finally opened your eyes still lightly rubbing them as you blinked and your vision was slightly blurry, but it quickly cleared revealing the two teens and their mother standing there as they looked at you. And Mrs. G held out a hand to you.
"Oh dear. Are you alright, Y/n?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I guess. It was just real bright for a moment." You paused as the camera was held out pointed at you by Gloria.
"Hey, Y/n. Can I take a picture of your sobble?"
A picture of your- "Oh. Yeah sure! Just lemme close my eyes for a minute." She nodded as she held the camera up to her face and you slammed your eyes shut as the words left her mouth.
"Hey Sobble!" The pokemon turned to her. "Say cheese!" Another flash of white lit up everywhere and your sobble chirped in surprise as his eyes went wide and it swayed as you reopened your eyes. Gloria smiled as the camera made a whirling noise and a moment later a perfect picture of you with your sobble staring towards the camera came out through a slot in the bottem as she grabbed it. Examining it with a smile. "Yep! That makes seventeen now!"
You gently took the sobble off your shoulder and into your arms as it swayed wide eyed, before shaking it's head and scowling towards the two teenagers, letting out a very loud squeak of annoyance at her before leaning back into your arms like a cat would still glaring at the two of them. You kinda felt bad so you ended up scratching it's back making it give a pleased sound and smile after a moment. What a cute newt thing!
"Hey Glory. Shouldn't we be dropping off some of your pokemon at the center for your rotomi boxes?," Hop asked
Gloria nodded before looking at him. "Hey. Doesn't your grandpa have a purrloin?"
"Yeah he sure does."
"Think he'll let me take a picture of it?"
"I don't see why not! C'mon!"
"Wait! What about lunch?!," Gloria's mother called after the two already running out the door. She stood there for a few moments, before sighing and shaking her head. "I swear! If those two were pokemon they'd be rapidashes for how fast they head off to things."
You chuckled at her. The rest of the day went by very quickly. You had ended up helping Mrs. G clean up after she had started cooking and she gave you some curry as a thanks. You never had this kind of dish before. It was some rice with some kind of red sauce with the same spice smell from earlier, but neither of you were complaining as you ate. It was actually pretty good. Nice to have a peaceful meal considering the past couple days with how chaotic they were. Although you did have to keep your sobble from trying to grab food from your plate and to appease it you fed it a few peices of pokemon food after Mrs. G offered. Gloria didn't return until later that evening where you assumed she had dropped off some of her pokemon with Hop. The camera secured around her neck by a strap and her hands was one of the journals you noticed she had purchased. So you asked about it and her face lit up and she showed the both of you the eighteen pictures she had taken. Some of them you had recognized. Gloria's scorbunny. You and your sobble. Mrs. G's two pokemon of course, and a couple of Hop's. Including a yamper like Sonia's. What you didn't recognize was a few new ones which she gladly told you the names of them. But the most surprising one was her phone but it looked as if it was posessed by a rotom. When asked Gloria explained that it was perfectly normal for someone to have a rotom phone with their very own rotom. She probably assumed you didn't have any of that back in 'Kanto'. Time flew by and other than Mrs. G scolding Gloria for snapping a picture of the curry she had saved her for dinner, it was pretty easy for you to follow your routine before once again falling asleep on the couch and dozing off for the night. Until the very next day of course. You were just laying there peacefully snoozing away peacefully until you felt a harsh shake on your shoulder and a light was shown on you. Of course you being asleep ignored it in favor of turning over on the couch and curling into the blanket even more. Again a harsher shake made you groan in protest at whoever was trying to kidnap you from slumberland.
"Y/N!!" A young girl's voice shouted fairly close and loud next to your ear. Startling you awake with a snort, sitting right up and blinking and rubbing your eyes at the harsh light that extended on you. "Time to wake up or we'll miss the train to Motostoke!"
"Uuuuuhhh," you groaned peeking your eyes open and blinking groggily up at the form of Gloria smiling at you. You yawned a bit. "Gloria? Wha-....*yaawwn* What time is it?"
"Six o four in the morning!," she stated happily before leaning back up and it took you a moment to figure out it was still dark in the early hours of the morning and the light was coming from the light bulb above you. "You need to hurry up and get ready before we're late! I still need to pick up my Dynamax band from the Professor too!"
"M' up," you mumbled reaching a hand out to slowly toss off the blanket from your form as Gloria backed away.
She turned as you both heard her mother's tired voice call to her, asking what was up. What you needed to wake you up was a nice hot shower so that's exactly what you did. Dragging yourself out of bed, you trudged into the bathroom and took a deserving hot shower, brushing your teeth, and opting to instead of the overalls lent to you by Mrs. G wore the black shirt with the Eevee print, slacks, and the non rubber shoes you also picked up. By the time you came out, with everything else in the gray plaid bulking back pack of yours, the smell of food was already in the air and it didn't take you too long to find out why when you look over and saw Gloria holding what could've only been described as a plain waffle in one hand obviously in the middle of eating it, and going through her big brown back pack with the other as her mother looked at her.
"Uh huh. And are you sure you got plenty of clothes?," Mrs. G asked raising a brow, "Extra pokeballs? Your region map? How about the revives Leon was nice enough to get you?"
"Yes Ma!," the teen mumbled half way through eating, "I already went through this last night!"
"Well it never hurts to double check! Especially since you can't lose that endorsement letter or else they won't let you register for the challenge at all," she looked up and noticed you before smiling, "Ah! Y/n! Good morning, Dear. I hope you slept well."
You nodded shifting the backpack over your shoulders, "Yeah thanks! ......Hey. Where's that sobble?" You rose a brow while looking on the floor. Strange the little guy wasn't around.
"He was hungry so I gave him some food to tide him over for you. And speaking of which you must be hungry. I'll get you some breakfast. You aren't starting off your trip on an empty stomach."
"But Mom! That's gonna take even longer! Hop's already waiting for me! We still need to grab the dynamax bands before we go and we'll miss the train if we wait-"
"How about you guys go get the..bands and I'll *yaaawwn* meet you at the train station?," you suggested. You weren't really in the mood for any arguing in the morning, and to be honest you were hungry and the idea of starting a long trip on an empty stomach just didn't appeal to you.
You were lightly surprised when Gloria agreed to it and after a few more moments of going through her pack, left with Hop you assumed, as her mother kindly handed you over some food. More waffles but you weren't complaining. Your sobble at some point noticed you were awake and soon enough you felt that familiar feeling of the little guy crawling up your clothes only to plop itself into your shoulders. It really liked being carried around didn't it? Your muddled mind didn't know when but sometime after you finished the pancakes you were out the door bag in your hands, one hand holding it and the other digging through it to make sure all the few belongings you did own for now were secured. Sure enough you found the non perishable food Leon had given you, the few clothes, and of course your Sobble's pokeball tucked somewhere in the bottom of it all. You decided to keep your sobble out for the time being as it seemed to enjoy being out. The early morning light was starting to peek through with the light pinks and yellows of the sunrise. Already as you made your way to the train station, you saw the farmers and their wooloos out in the fields. Early to bed early to rise you guessed. You saw no sign of the teens, guessed they were still getting the dynamax bands from the professor, even as you walked right into the train station. So you did the only thing your tired self could do. You once again plopped yourself into one of the seats tiredly and waited for the two to arrive. It couldn't have been that long(or maybe it was but you didn't notice) but you perked up at a familiar voice.
"So out with it, Glor! How many did you catch again?"
"I already told you eight! You saw me take pictures of them yesterday remember?"
"Oh right! Sorry that's just the sleep talkin'. " You turned to the door as the young voices got louder. "But look at how many you caught! You're well on your way to building a fine team! I caught myself a special one not to brag."
" I KNOOOWWW!! I'm so jealous you caught a shiny before me!" Gloria walked right into the train station with Hop right behind her.
He shrugged with a proud smile. "Well what can I say? I'll make a difficult rival."
"Where are we heading again?"
"The Gym Challenge will begin Motostoke and our train's waiting so let's go-" He paused finally looking away from her and seeing you sitting there. Upon catching his eye you smiled and waved mumbling something like 'Good Morning'. And he smiled. "Hey! Y/n you're here!" You stood up to meet them with a light yawn as they approuched. "I thought you'd be on the train already.''
You chose not to mention you haven't gotten any money to pay for the ticket entrance and waved. "Nah. I said I'd wait for you guys at the station and I wanted to keep my promise." Looking to Gloria you noticed something around her neck, so you pointed and asked. "Hey. Isn't that your brother's camera?"
"Hm?" She blinked and looked to the camera around her neck. "Oh yeah! I'm gonna need it if I'm gonna finish this Dex Challenge too!"
Hop groaned and rolled his eyes. "I still think it's a waste of time but I guess it's your choice." He jabbed a thumb to the awaiting train. "It's nearly seven thirty. We should probably get on before it takes off." He suggested and the two of you agreed. Walking towards the small gate-
"Not so fast you three!," an older but familiar lady's voice cut through the air and the three of you all turned around as a result.
Hop's golden eyes widened. "Wha-? What're you doing here, Mum?" He asked turning around just as the two mothers of the children walked right in. You were confused at first two, before seeing what they were holding in their hands and you immediately understood why they had followed you here.
"I knew this day was coming since the moment you chose Grookey as a partner, Darling," the older woman smiled fondly at him, a smile you remember your own mother used to have way back when. She held up the small rolled up thing in her hands. "You took off so fast you two didn't take any sleeping bags. Did you forget you probably won't be able to afford hotels most of the time or won't be able to sleep in one every night? You can't expect a free bed around every corner."
Both looked immediatey sheepish as Mrs. G spoke. "Professor Magnolia was kind enough call and let us know that you three would be setting out now." She held up a small looking back of her own. "So here. A little last gift to see you well set on your way. All the kit you'll need for camping! And the reason why you should always double check BEFORE you take off." Gloria made a face and looked away before her mother made her take the small kit, which consisted of a small compact tent  you could carry over your shoulder and another sleeping bag, before crossing her arms with a frown. "Honestly! I swear you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your neck sometimes."
"HEY! I only forgot this one thing," she protested and her mother hummed.
" Ah yes. Like you forgot to tell me about how the two of you snuck off into the Slumbering Weild." In an instant she froze and you could've sworn a little color drained from Gloria's face in that moment. "And yes, I heard the news from young Leon. I'm glad someone bothered to tell me!" She sighed and her other hand was held out to you. "Here we are! A bit of pocket money for your journey. Buy yourself a little something at the pokemon center. Maybe some potions or something!"
You stopped and blinked at the small twenty bill in her hand before shaking your head. "Oh no! I couldn't possibly take your money! I-"
"Happened to save my child from a dumb idea. It's not much but something tells me you could use it anyways."
Well......It wouldn't hurt to have some money on you in case of emergencies even if it wasn't much. So you reluctantly took it from her. "I....Thank you."
She nodded to you before turning to Gloria and pointing a finger at her with a serious look. "Now. Remember that Scorbunny will battle to the very end for you so don't you go pushing the poor dear too hard! Come home to rest anytime that you need. After all east or west, home is best." She smiled. "No matter what happensout there, if you and your partner are together I know you'll be fine. Take my advice to heart Sweetie. As long as you have your pokemon at your side and the energy to carry onwards, you'll naturally find that you always have a smile on your face."
Gloria stood there for a moment before nodding to her mother and you blinked when she all of a sudden hugged the older woman, seemingly startling her too for a moment before she smiled and hugged the child back tightly like any mother would....Well except maybe yours. She was always seeming to be too busy working or making sure you worked hard to get good grades or worked hard enough to help out with the bills with your after school jobs. You didn't notice the frown come over your face as Hop mimicked his friend in giving his own mother a hug who like the other mother mirrored a smile and hugged back patting his head.
"Remember. No matter what happens out there, if you and your partner are together, I know you'll be fine."
Hop smiling pulled away and gave a big grin. "Thanks Mum! And just think of how lucky you are!" He raised a determined fist. "Mother to the first ever pair of Champion Brothers! Because I'm certain to be the Champion next! You'll see!"
She nodded in agreement but her face was amused. "Of course you will, Darling. Anyway, do have fun and take care of yourselves. And don't be too worried about not winning. You're welcome back home anytime."
Home huh- A loud train horn sounded off startling the five of you into turning to the train, then you happened to glance at the clock hanging upon the wall and noticed that it was seven twenty eight in the morning. Two minutes before seven thirty and the deadline for the train's departure. So you decided to point this out, having the two kids make a worried frown before taking a few steps back.
"We'll be off now!," Gloria explained lifting her hand a moment to give a quick good bye to the two mothers and turning to the train. "C'mon guys! We're off! Don't want to miss the train!"
You nodded in agreement tailing right after her with Hop behind you. "Wish us luck! Not that we'll need it!"
As the mothers waved good bye, the three of you went towards the gate and watched as Gloria slipped a single dollar into the slot of it. It made a ping noise and you guess it unlocked because the three of you easily slipped by and towards the train. The grey and yellow train's doors slid open with a whoosh sound as the three of you entered just as another horn sounded off startling your sobble a bit making it cling to your shoulder harder. Inside was who you assumed to be a train conductor who gestured for you all to exit through another door to the right which lead to the passenger cars and other people who happened to be on the train with you three. There was about fifthteen other people with you so the three of you had to go to one of the back seats. Yellow painted metal bars were everywhere along with Blue seats with a table between the two of them. Above each pair of seats was a small area to put luggage. You three sat down just as the train was starting off. Gloria breathing a sigh of relief from all the weight she was carrying. You assumed she was carrying more than you already along with the camping equipment she was given just a few moments ago. You ended up looking out the window and watching the station and small town of Postwick move away from your view and starting on your way. Beside you Gloria sighed and slumped into the soft cushioned seat.
"Man. We just left and I'm already feeling beat."
"Well look on the bright side," Hop suggested, "We're finally heading out on our journies! And Lee told me Motostoke is a good place as any to start off an adventure."
"Oh really? How come?," you asked curiously as he explained.
"Well besides the obvious Opening Ceremony going on there. Motostoke is surrounded by a giant piece of land called the Wild Area. It's a real sight! There's all sorts of wild Pokemon juat wondering about everywhere you look! Plus you can camp out, do a spot of fishing, and sight seeing! I don't think I could ever get tired of it!," he explained smiling widely, "But I don't think we'll be able to see it. The Entrance Ceremony's in the town not the wild. But on a lighter not! There's loads of brilliant trainers and all kinds of pokemon out there waiting for us! My excitement's running ahead of me faster than this train can go!"
"Yeah? Well it's too bad. Would've loved to take a couple more pictures." Gloria sighed leaning more against the wall of the train. " Im already starting to understand why Victor likes it so much. Like I wouldn't make it a living like he wants to but it's a nice hobby."
You nodded agreeing with her and extended your arm to allow your sobble to crawl along your arm and onto the table, watching as it curiously crawled up to the window and looked out at the world passing by. You all sat there for who knows how long chatting, the kids pulled out their phones and showed you a few pictures of what looked almost like a castle's high walls and beautiful scenery surrounding it. It was quite lovely. At one point someone said it would take at least a few hours to get to the town so all of you had plenty of time to relax but you couldn't help but let your mind wonder. What was happening back at your home? Was your mother worried about you suddenly going missing? What happened when she went to wake you up but found you completely gone? Did she call the police to file a missing person's report yet? Counting today it would've been five days that you had disappeared and that must've been worrying. And if this happened to just be a crazy dream you surely hoped you would wake up sometime soon. You were soon snapped out of any bad thoughts though. How? Simple the train suddenly slowed down out of no where it caught you off guard and you ended up hitting the table in front of you your poor Sobble chirping in shock as it was sent tumbling across said table and into Hop's extended arms as he thankfully caught the poor thing before it could splat onto the floor below. What the world was that!? Your head turned as Gloria nudged your side. you gave her a questioning look about to ask if she was alright but she pointed out the window and you looked. There was.....Nothing but nature?? Which wouldn't be strange since it was the out doors, and you WOULD have chalked it up to just being another stop on the way to Motostoke but then why did the train suddenly stop like that? Granted you never rode on a train before but you were pretty sure they weren't supposed to stop suddenly enough to ram yourself into a table. One of your hands rubbed your sore ribs where they had hit the table, surely leaving a bruise later but no real damaged luckily. So why had you all suddenly stopped in the middle of seemingly no where? Around you other people were also noticing, muttering to themselves, some getting up to peer out the windows or to take a couple steps up the alley way as to walk up to the engine car.
"Attention Passengers!," a man's voice blared from a loud speaker somewhere, "Due to some unfortunate events beyond our control we have decided to take a quick stop at Wild Station. We apologize for any inconvience and to please wait patiently while we fix the issue. We thank you for your cooperation."
"Wha- Wild Station? That's just outside the the town!," Hop exclaimed holding your sobble in one arm while staring at a map on his phone with the other. Confusion on his face. "Why didn't they just stop inside the city?"
"Let's find out!" Gathering her things into her arms Gloria was quick to jump past you.
"WHA- Hey wait!," you called out extending an arm out to her as she darted up the car past other people.
You stared after her for a few seconds before turning to Hop who shrugged and got up to after her which you followed obviously. The two of you hurried after her as Gloria trotted up to the exit and with a whoosh the doors opened with her stepping out and the two of you followed. On the other side was another train station. Only this one had slightly different colored brick walls and there was a whole bunch of leaves and twigs scattered about. Besides the three of you there was a couple looking over a map in one corner of the station looking confused and lost, a map just sitting in the waiting chairs, and someone who looked to be in some kind of uniformed green vest.
You gave a confused look around. "Where the heck are we?"
"Ill check!'' Before you could respond Hop had already turned to the man in the vest and asked, "Hey, Mr. Station Master!" The man hummed and turned to him. "Isnt this the Wild Area? What're we stopped here for?"
The man sighed crossing his arms. "Yes....This is the Wild Area Station makes no mistakes. I'm sorry to tell you that the train is halted due to a flock of wooloo."
"WHAT?!," both you and Gloria said at the same time.
A giant herd of wooloo!? Oh great! Now what were you all supposed to do?
Hop however wasn't the least bit concered. "What's there to be sorry about? This is brilliant!"
Gloria gave him a look that looked like he just did something crazy. "What is?"
He excitedly smiled widely at her. "This Wild Area is massive!" He explained the sobble in his arms giving a noise of annoyance at his sudden movements. "There are loads of pokemon to battle here! You don't get it do you, Glor? This is the best possible place to put together the greatest team!"
"I don't think we should be taking off, "Gloria pointed out and you nodded agreeing. "We have to get to the ENtrance Ceremony soon or else we'll be considered forfeiting our sponsorships entirely!"
"They take it that seriously?," you asked lightly surprised as she nodded.
"Something about a long time ago a lot of trainers tried to sneak their way into the challenge by claiming they were late to register or something like that. Since then the rules have been pretty strict. Which is why I want to register first and then come back here if I have a chance."
"When is the deadline?"
"Midnight. And as much as I'd love to explore around...Im kinda nervous about securing that spot."
You could totally agree with her on that point Buuut- You pointed behind you. "But the train's going to be backed up for a while by the looks of it. Maybe we can walk? How fair is this Motostoke?''
"Let's step out and see. The map said it shouldn't have been too far away I think."
That wasn't a bad idea and with no objections the three of you stepped out and what you saw made you pause. As soon as you stepped out you were hit with the strong rays of sunlight making you blink but once your (f/c) eyes managed to get a hold of themelves...Well....Breathtaking was a pretty good way to describe it. A giant meadow stretched as much as you could see with a giant lake, a few scattered trees, and A GIANT WALL! A giant wall was set up with a few bridge like structures to the right and you could see a few very tall buildings/structures ahead. You saw what you thought was oil rigs movie, a giant clock which reminded you of Big Ben back in your world, a few sky scrapers, and a few other things you were too far away to make out. Over all it was a very strange but pretty sight as the wind blew through the trees.
"Look at that!," Hop said in awe pointing at the buildings which must've been a decent half mile away. "That's Motostoke way off that way! And between here and there are countless new pokemon waiting to be met!"
Gloria hummed. ".......Well it would be cool to explore somewhere we won't get in trouble I guess."
"EXACTLY!!" He pointed towards the meadow. "Im itching to just see what's out there. It's not too far away and we can probably spare a couple hours. I mean we have until Midnight right? And we left pretty early in the morning."
She hummed again. "Well when you put it that way it does sound like fun!" A smile crossed her face again. "I can take a whole bunch of pictures for my scrapebook! And catch a few more pokemon of course."
You weren't sure that was a good idea- "Well well. You two running off again?"
The three of you turned- You blinked surprised. "Sonia?," you asked. True to your word the orangedhaired professor's assistant was walking right towards the three of you with a smile. "What are you doing here? I don't remember seeing you get on the train."
"Of course you didn't. I didn't enter the train through the station right side of the station," she smiled. "Besides. I figured it'd be an opportune time for me to travel for my research." Sonia gave a sigh and looked to the ground shaking her head. "My grab gave me a proper earful in her own way.  'Those two young trainers are setting out on a journey, but what are you doing with your life?' Her words not mine."
"Ouch Professor," you commented, "That sounds rough."  You didn't mean to be so blunt but you kinda understood how she felt. Your mother had asked you similar things to that while simaltaniously pushing you to study more, go to college, and get a job-
Sonia waved you off. "Ah. Never mind that. Nothing to worry yourselves over. " Her eyes lowered back to the teens next to you. "Besides I've been more curious about that pokemon you two met in the forest. I'd been thinking I should look into it so the timing works out fine! If I discover something really huge then maybe even Gran'll admit I got some talent."
Pokemon- OH RIGHT!! You nearly forgot the legendary pokemon they saw in the fog. Although you were still unsure what it was exactly. A thought suddenly struck you. In the game Sonia would uncover some amazing things important to the plot of the game. If ONLY you could remember what it was!
"Yikes." Hop made a cringe face. "Being an adult got it's own challenges eh?"
You frowned and gave a chuckle and shake of your head which made him look at you. "Oh you have NO idea."
"I said you needn't worry about it," Sonia stated a little more firmly. "I'm glad to be on the road really! It's been ages. It'll be great fun to fish and camp and rough it outside again."
"Uh huh. Well you have fun with that! Meanwhile.." He turned with a smile. "I heard there's natural dynamaxing pokemon in the Wild Area! I'm off to go stick my head in as many of those red dens as I can find!"
"Not. So. FAST! Mr. Impatient!" He yelped when gloria grabbed him by the hoodie and with the same frown as her mother stared at him when she yanked him back. "We only got here and you want to run off again into the wild??"
"Oh c'mon Glory. I promise Ill meet you up back at the Entrance Ceremony."
The young girl hummed. ".....What time is it by the way?"
"Oh." You glanced to sonia as she rolled up her sleeve and glanced at her watch. "According to this it just turned Eleven thirty in the morning."
She hummed and slowly released her friend. "Fine. But let's agree to meet at the Entrance Ceremony at six or seven in the after noon. That should be enough time for the both of us to explore and get to the town before it gets dark." She gave a concerned frown. "I really don't want you hurt or lost."
Hop paused for a moment before looking away coughing his cheeks having a light pink hue. "Um....YEAH! I can totally do that!"
Her smile returned. "Then it's settled! Can't lose my rival before I even join the challenge."
"GREAT!!" He turned again. "I'm going to battle the snot out of a bunch of dynamax pokemon and fill in the tale of my legend!" And he ran off.
"DONT YOU DARE FORGET HOP!!," Gloria hollered after him.
Both you and Sonia shared a chuckle at their childish behavior before she looked at you. What cheek. Dynamax pokemon are really on another level you know." She glanced to Gloria. "You'd better dynamax your partner pokemon too if you want to take on opponents that strong." She directed Gloria to the wild. "He's right about red dens. You'll find spots here and there in the Wild Area that emit a red beam of light. If you think you're up to it, check it out. They're usually cave openings with dynamax pokemon inside. But PLEASE be careful. It can be dangerous at times. I wish Hop would've waited for me to warn him before he ran off like that."
Gloria nodded in understanding as you looked down to your sobble climbing up your leg. Hop must've put him down when you weren't looking. "I understand Sonia! You don't have to worry about me!"
Sonia nodded to the two of you. "So with that Ill leave you two off here. The Wild Area is waiting for you. This is the start of your real adventure. Take care now."
You watched as she turned to walk away and....you weren't sure what really compelled you to say it in that moment but you reached your arm out after her. "Ms. Sonia!" She stopped and turned to you with a hum. You paused uncertainly if you should say anything. Would it affect the progress of the game's route? "I just....wanted to let you know that....You really are a great scientist already. And you're going to find a lot of things."
She blinked at you in surprise for a moment not sure what to make of your words, but settled on a smile and nodded. "Thanks. Your kind words mean a lot but we'll have to see what I actually accomplish. I wish you the best sights and experiences of Galar a tourist like you can have!" Before she turned and walked her way towards you assumed Motostoke.
"Wow." You jumped and looked to Gloria who smiled. "That was really nice of you. Even if it was a little out of no where."
You shrugged. "I guess I know how she feels a little bit. Sometimes a few kind words is what someone needs."
"Lee always says something similar, but I think he calls it 'champion encouragment'." She suddenly snapped her head forward and pointed. "Well you heard Sonia! I want to try out my first dynamaxing battle before I take on any gyms! We got about seven to eight hours to get some battling and sight seeing in so I say we give this day all we got!"
-time skip five hours forward-
You lost track of how many times Gloria pulled you along this way and that....but it was an eventful few hours.
You lost count of how many pokemon Gloria tried to battle. Key word being 'tired'. The first pokemon she tried to battle was one you remembered. An Onix. A. GIANT. MASSIVE!! AND CRANKY!! ONIX!! Probably didn't help Gloria snapped a picture of it before trying to battle it. You had to literally grab her and drag her behind you as you ran. Terrified scorbunny at your heels as it charged towards the two of you. Not the greatest start to be honest. But it wasn't as worst as her first dynamax battle. She had found an opening in the cliffside of a cave with red aura around in, one of the dynamax dens and she ran into it without a second thought with you chasing after her. Inside the dark was lit up by a GIGANTIC DIGLETT with the red-black cloud hovering over it's dynamax form. You nearly fainted then and there but when the thing ROARED you felt like you were about to have  a heart attack!!! Your sobble poor thing made a small squeal of fright before forcing itself into your backpack to hide immediately. Things just went downhill from there when in the middle of the battle Gloria decided to dynamax scorbunny and all of a sudden you both were having a very hard time standing up from the shaking ground and the debry the attacks caused to the point you literally yelled that you both had to leave then and there but she couldn't hear you past all the noise and therefore barked orders to her gigantic scorbunny from her holding onto the ground. With you clinging onto the cave's wall for dear life hoping it would be over soon. Thankfully it did. It was all a blur really. You vaugly remembered Gloria somehow capturing the diglett and returning scorbunny to it's rightful size. And you two carefully climbed around disheveled cave floor until managing to get out of the cave....where the both of you collasped onto the ground.
"HOW THE HECK CAN STADIUMS HANDLE THOSE THINGS!?,'' you yelled out dizzily into the soft grass. In the game you didn't have to worry about debry being flung at you or the ground giving away suddenly. BECAUSE IT WAS A GAME!! REAL LIFE POKEMON DYNAMAX BATTLES WERE NOTHING LIKE THE GAME!!
Gloria raised a weak hand. "T-They were made a long time ago with top professors, contractors, and researchers to build them strong enough even a dynamaxed monchomp with the strength of a thousand earthquakes couldn't shake it. Dunno how but man I'm glad they did."
You could 100% agree with that! It took a minute for the both of you to recover before the two of you got up, dusted yourselves off, and went off again. Gloria managed to resume battling and taking photos of a few pokemon. Although some of the pictures were so blurry from the pokemon moving they would be no use at all and she didn't catch a lot of the pokemon she tried to battle. But she did win a few and even had two other dynamax battles within the dens you guessed Hop didn't come across. Catching one of them but not the other as you struggled to not lose your lunch or have a heart attack both times. You were not a fan of wild dynamax battles after that. At one point you even came across what Gloria explained was a wild berry tree and demonstrated how to get the fruits off them by forcibly shaking it until a couple berries fell off it. They all had a somewhat bittertaste you didn't like when you tried them tho, but your sobble seemed to enjoy up as you handed them right over when they extended their....hands?? Paws??...towards it. You couldn't remember how much time had passed before the two of you finally had a chance to sit down under the shade of a tree and have a break. Gloria took the time to go through all the pictures she took, must've been about thirty, but only twenty one were salvagable. Curious you took a peak at the pictures she showed you. The pokemon she got pictures of were a onix(of course angering it-), roselia, vespiquen, nuzleaf, vulpix, snover, bunnelby, pidove, miccino, baltou, combee, tryogue, stuffel, diglett(how did she have time to get a picture of that dynamax thing?), metapod, diggersby, hoothoot, bounsweet, noibat, and a pancham. Not a lot but certainly a decent haul for her. It was you who eventually asked the question-
"Hey. What time is it?"
Gloria responded by quickly pulling out her phone and checking the time on it. And she blinked. "It's four twenty seven! It's already been about five and a half hours!"
"Wha-" You looked up to the sky. Didn't look like sunset yet, but it was definately about late after noon. You two hadn't even noticed the time fly by. "We've been out here nearly all day!"
With a hum gloria quickly scrambled to pick up her things. "I think we better head to Motostoke now. I don't really know how long it'll take to walk there and I did promise Hop we'd meet him there."
You nodded scooping the confused sobble into your arms. The walk there was pretty uneventful as you two walked what must've been half a mile, your eyes widening the closer you got, until you finally got there......AND. IT. WAS. NOTHING. LIKE IN GAME!! The entrance to Motostoke was all bricked with a mideival ages meets industrial period kind of look. All the buildings you could see were brick other than the familiar pink pokemon center and there was A LOT MORE people and buildings than in game you remember....makes sense you supposed. This was a real world and so of course there would be a lot more people and buildings. It was so crowded you were certain if Gloria wasn't walking beside you, you were sure you would've easily watched her. The first place you two stopped was the pokemon center where Gloria went inside to heal her pokemon from todays battle and put away any new ones she caught into those Rotomi box things. You were busy marveling at the busy streets and environment around you. You had never been in a city before let alone a town like this so it was quite a shock for you to see. This place even had GIANT WORKING GEARS BUILT INTO IT'S VERY WALLS!! It was like a real steampunk town. But once she came out she.....stopped and stared around her.
"So which way to the ceremony?," you asked her gazing at a few stores lined across the street.
She looked really unsure now fidgiting with the straps of her bag and looking around her. "U-Um...I don't know."
You snapped your head to her. "You don't what?!"
"Im sorry!" She apologized looking around. "I know it's here! I just.....don't know exactly where in town."
You wanted to facepalm but decided not too to avoid hurting her feelings and looked around as well as people and their pokemon passed you two. No signs of Hop or any indication of a ceremony anywhere in sight. No other trainers, no signs, certainly no ceremony!
Gloria suddenly held up her phone. "Maybe I should call him? He might already be there waiting for us-"
"HEY YOU TWO!!" A familiar voice called out and to both of your relief you turned and walking towards you with a shopping bag in one hand, yamper at her feet was your saving grace Sonia waving at you. "Over here!"
"SONIA!" Gloria smiled. "Boy are we glad to see you! We ran into a 'Leon situation' here."
That made her laughed. "Oh really? Real ace of you to make it through the Wild Area. And a Leon situation huh?"
Gloria nodded sighing. "We're kinda lost. Do you know where the ceremony is?"
"You're first time in a city and already lost? But Motostoke is big right?" Gloria nodded and Sonia smiled. "Not to worry. Sonia is here to show you around a bit."
"Thanks, Ms. Sonia." Gloria poltely smiled at the older woman. "Could you point out where we gotta go?"
Sonia hummed. "The Entrance ceremony huh? I get a bit worked up when I think how exciting and moving it was to actually stand on a stadium's pitch for the first time." Sonia smiled off thinking of an old memory most likely. She shook her head. "Anyways. Brilliant young trainer who braved the Wild Area! Do you remember what your goal in Motostoke is?"
"I'm here for the Gym Challenge!,"Gloria shouted determined smile on her face and Sonia nodded.
She nodded. "Yep! The Gym Challenge Opening Ceremony!" She pointed behind her at the busy street. You Guess since she once too here attending the Gym challenge with leon as kids she would know where it would be. "Use that lift over there to get to it K? OH! By the way the ceremony tomorrow is being held at the Motostoke Stadium ok?"
......You looked at Gloria. "There's a stadium here AND a second ceremony tomorrow??" Gloria shrugged at you.
"Well, laters!" She waved a hand at you two. "I'm going to swing by the shops while I'm here but don't forget to register at the Stadium,k?" Gloria nodded and Sonia went to tur- She stopped. "OH! I forgot. I got you a little something." Reaching into her coat pocket and fishing around, she pulled out what looked like at first glance some kind of training card before holding it out to Gloria who curiously accepted it...And her eyes WIDENED at it.
"NO!! WAY!!" She stared wide eyed between the card and Sonia. "Is this what I think it is!?"
She giggled. "Yep. I know Leon already sent myself and Hop a couple so I figured it would be the perfect start off to your own collection."
Gloria gave off a girly teen squeal and practically shoved it into your face making you blink. "OH MY MAGIKARP!! LOOK!! I GOT A LEAGUE CARD!!" You blinked and true to her word it was a card. And on it was a picture of Leon sitting down looking off somewhere. She smiled widely pulling it from your face. "Thanks so much So-...." She blinked. "Hey where'd she go?"
You shrugged. "I guess she left. Come on. We better get going."
She nodded ad the two of you made off for this lift at the end of the street. Along the way you guys passed a few stores. A flower shop, a cafe, a book store, a record shop, a barber shop, and another clothes shop. Once you two were at and on the lift....you became unsure again.
"Um. Now what?"
"I dunno..." Something caught her eye as she looked over and pointed. "hey what's that?"
"What's what?"
"This panel has a button." She pressed it.
"AH!!" You instantly fell to your bottom and Gloria grabbed onto the small pedestol as the lift suddenly lifted the two of you up and around, until it suddenly stopped again and you groaned. Pushing yourself up...and hearing a snicker. You shot a look to the teenager who was snickering behind her hand. "Nice to see you're still standing." You muttered pushing yourself up to your feet again and looking over, in front of the both of you was a giant building with glass doors, in front of the doors was two men in some kind of uniform and sunglasses like some bodyguard and some man with.....A Pokeball head?? Was waving to a few people passing by. A mascot maybe??.....You pointed at the building. "You think that's it or what?"
She went to answer but someone already beat here to it. "Gloria! Ms. Y/n!" Both of you looked over and Hop was making his way towards the two of you. "You made it too? "
You rubbed your aching back. "Yeah. Where are we?"
"Motostoke Stadium! This is where the Opening Ceremony will be held!" He exclaimed excitedly pointing to the large building behind him. "Everyone'll be watching the Opening Ceremony for the Gym Challenge! My mom, your mom, the whole world!! It's getting me a bit nervous really." He shook his head. "Naw. This isn't nerves. I'm only trembling because I'm so excited!"
"Well I say we go it and get registered before it gets too dark," Gloria suggested.
"You're right!" He turned back to the stadium still pointing. "Come on, Glory! It's time the world knows our names!"
As the three of you rolled up to the doors one of the two men standing in front of the door held one of their hands out in a clear stop motion in front of you trio.
"Can I see your sponsorship letters please?," He asked holding out his hand and Hop didn't hesitate to pull his out of his pocket and have the letter over to the man in the meantime Gloria had slung her backpack off her shoulders and went digging through it. You hoped she didn't forget it all the way back in Postwick. The security guard carefully examined the peice of paper in his hands. Running a hand across the red unbroken seal, holding it up to the light, and then taking a small device out of his pocket. A small green light came out and scanned it for a few seconds until there was a small ding from the machine and the man nodded before handing it back to him. "Head on inside and sign in Trainer. Next!" Saying a quick thanks Hop quickly snatched the letter back just as Gloria pulled out her own (thank goodness she still had it) and handed it to the man who repeated the same process from before before he too handed Gloria back hers and allowed her to go. But when you made a move to follow them he held another hand up. "Sorry, Ma'am. Only registered trainers, staff, and authorized personal are allowed inside. You'll have to wait out here. It's the rules."
You paused for a moment before looking at Gloria uncertain who smiled. "It's alright Y,n. Just wait for us out here ok? It shouldn't take too long. I mean we're just signing in!"
"Well...Alright if you say so." You gestured to a nearby bench. "I'll just wait for you two over there ok?"
They agreed and left you standing outside the stadium as they went inside. Not that you minded waiting of course. Your feet ached and your shoulders from carrying around your backpack all day, so plopping on the bench you gave your sore body a rest before slinging your pack off your shoulders. Your sobble had decided now would be a good time to fully crawl out of your pack from where its been hiding out this whole time and you let it climb on you when you placed your bag down with a sigh and leaned into the bench. FINALLY allowing yourself to rest for a while. You waited for a little while as people passed you, going up and down the lift and and streets as the body guards still stood there making sure no one entered without permission. A few teens Hop's age excited uncluding one boy with bright white fluffy hair and a long pink coat and you thought he looked rather grumpy. At one point you thought you heard a happy yell from somewhere but ignored it as it was probably a child playing somewhere. The sky slowly turning to a light pink as it got later in the day. Eventually the two did come back out but with what looked like white work out bands on their wrist that didn't have the dynamax bands on them. You waved at them as they walked right on over to you.....and with a second boy??
"Hey you two. Who do you got there?,' you asked gesturing to the boy on the other side of Gloria.
To which she smiled brightly and hugged him making you raise a brow. "Don't you recognize twins when you see them! IT'S VICTOR!!"
You stared at the young boy smiling at you. ........THIS WAS VICTOR!! The name of the male avator that you could pick in the game if you didn't chose Gloria to play instead. Looking at the young boy he still looked the same age as Gloria and Hop next to him even if he was a little taller than his twin. How did you not recognize it sooner? He had the same dark brown hair and light brown eyes as his sister and if they had the same haircut they would've looked the exact same (other than Victor's slightly taller hieght). He wore a grey beanie like hat, a red shirt with some logo on it, jeans, brown shoes, and carried what might as well been a giant suit case on his back. And a poloroid camera was slung in a similar fashion around his neck as he smiled at you. Gloria seemed very happy to see him as she excitedly gestured to him.
"Can you believe it!? After a whole year the mysterious photographer finally appeared after disappearing without a trace," she teased making her twin roll his eyes.
"It's nice to know you haven't changed. I wanted to surprise you after the text you sent me telling me Lee sponsored you but I didn't expect you to show up with more people." He turned back to you with a smile. "Greetings! You must be the new friend Gloria told me about. Thanks for saving her sorry butt from the Slumbering Weild. I always knew she'd get into trouble sooner or later without me."
"HEY!" A frown came over her face as she pouted. "I don't get into THAT much trouble! Besides I got here without a problem didn't I?"
He chose to ignore that and you took the chance to talk. "Nice to meet you too. Are you here for the Gym Challenge?"
He shrugged. "Yes and no. I'm here to take pictures of the events as they happen. It's been years since the last Gym Challenge and certainly going to be a long time until the next one after this year is over. But I'm not competing. Never had much interest in battles."
You could understand that. You never had much interest doing a couple things too.
"Y'know Lee had a sponsorship and starter pokemon all ready for you too." Gloria almost looked sad. ''You could've competed alongside us even if you didn't want to battle it would've been fun to have you around."
"Glory, then a Champion's sponsorship would've been wasted. It wouldn't be put to it's full potential. Although I am a bit upset I didn't have the chance to tell Leon myself, but I'm sure I'll be able to thank him later considering you'll be seeing more of me around here soon."
She gave her brother a confused look. "Whatcha mean?"
"I've decided to join Hop on this little adventure If he doesn't mind."
"Really!? That's awesome! Of course!" Hop was quick to agree with a friendly punch to Victor's shoulder. "Why wouldn't I want one of my greatest pals joining me while I write my legend? It'll be grand to have a traveling buddy of my own!"
"NO WAY!!" Gloria's large smile returned! "Oh this is great! We'll be able to see each other for a while more. I haven't been able to see you since you went on a journey last year so this is totally a win win for me in everyway!"
You nodded. "Oh. How'd the registry go?"
She waved a hand. "Oh y'know. We got our Challenger Bands we're apparently supposed to wear all the time so everyone knows we're a part of the registered trainers group. Our own League cards for the challenge. And we got to meet some of the rival trainers in there too! I liked the Sherry girl. She seemed really shy."
"I heard she was sponsored by the Gym Leader Milo but I can't be too sure," Victor replied before looking up at the sky. ".....But in any case I believe we should all head to Budew Drop Inn before the actual ceremony tomorrow." He turned to Gloria. "That way I can show you all the new pictures of pokemon I've gotten. You can use them for that dex challenge thing you told me about."
They turned and you nodded in agreement standing up and grabbing your bag, your sobble grabbing onto your bag as your hoisted it back over your shoulders and followed them guessing they must've known the way.
"By the way how many pictures of pokemon did you add to your collection?," Gloria asked glancing at her twin.
"Um." He made a thoughtful face. "Well let's see. Nessa's Aquarium has at least one of every water type pokemon...and with how many nature preserves I've stayed...and with the hundreds of tourists with different regions pokemon....and trading pictures with fellow photographers from different regions at the International Photographers Expo..........Six hundred thirty four different pokemon!"
There was silence for a moment.
The four of you made it down the street and over to the six story building that certainly looked like a fancy hotel. Along the way the children explained that the Chairman had not only endorsed as well but apparently paid the hotel in advance to allow all the trainers to stay the night before the actual ceremony took place the next day and the challengers were officially given the go ahead to start their journey. But a small surprise awaited the four of you yet in the hotel when you walked in and you looked around. There was a couple potted plants, two pairs of stairs leading up to another level with furniture, a sign in desk, and an elevator like a regular hotel but the thing your eyes were drawn to was the golden statue. It reminded you of those knights in ancient fairy tales. The golden man stood with his sword held up to the sky, a gleamering shield on his other arm in defense, and his face one of determination to not fail. Quite the craftsman ship. And standing right in front of it with a small yamper at her feet was-
"SONIA!" Gloria loudly greeted startling the poor lady and making her turn around.
Upon seeing who it was she sighed and smiled. "Oh it's just you guys. You gave me quite the jump scare there. But it looks like you both got yourselves registered." She nodded to the arm bands before her gaze drifted to Victor as she blinked. "....Oh. Hiya!  I don't think we've met."
"This is my brother, Victor. He's gonna be with Hop for a while. But what are you doing here? I thought you were going out to study."
"Yeah." Hop chimed in. "What are you doing at our hotel?"
"Oh!" She shifted the many shopping bags in her arms. Guess she did go shopping while here after all. "I'm researching the mysterious pokemon that are said to be in the Slumbering Weild. I reckon if I look into some of Galar's lengends I might figure something out. Care to join me?" She gestured to the statue. "You're here already anyways."
"SURE! It'd be fun!" She turned to you."Hey. Y/n new to Galar. I don't think she even knows the legends."
"That's perfect then! While you're doing that, Im gonna go stand in that long like up there and secure a spot for us ok?"
"But I-" You raised a hand as theVictor turned and walked away leaving you with sonia and the other two...and you sighed. "I don't think I was that way when I was fourteen."
Sonia chuckled. "We were all like that at one point or another. But would you like to hear one of the legends? A newbie to Galar like you might enjoy some foriegn tales."
"I'd like to hear too!"
You stared at her for a moment before shrugging. "Why not? I was just cast out from the little tribe."
She chuckled even more before she turned towards the statue. "Alright then. I'm sure you've seen the statue then.''
"Yeah." You rose a brow looking back up to the handsome man's golden face. "Who is he anyways?"
"It's a statue of the hero who once saved the Galar Region. I can run through the legend right quite if you fancy?" You nodded and that was all she needed to continue. "Long ago a great black storm covered the Galar Region." She gazed back to the statue. "People called it 'The Darkest Day'. The land was assaulted by gigantic pokemon but they were defeated by a single young hero bearing a sword and shield. This statue here is meant to depict the young hero of that legend. We still don't understand what kind of sword and shield the hero actually had. And what this 'black storm' is supposed to be is just another mystery. Whatever it was, it blotted all the skies across Galar. I suppse that tracks with it being 'the Darkest Day' but still..."
Hop blinked blinking at the golden statue's face and scratching his head. "Huh...I suppose that hero must've been about as strong as Lee then. Looks like you're going to have your hands full with plenty research though, Sonia. Black storms and swords and shields and all..."
"You'll be alright Sonia!"
She chuckled. "Heh. Thanks. I'll muddle through somehow. Don't you worry." She shook her head. "But legends aside. You three are staying at the hotel tonight though, right? Shouldn't you check in?"
"Probably so. Victor's holding our place in line." With a smiled similar to Leon he smiled widely at her. "And we'll look out for you too, Sonia! If we hear anything about any hero or whatnot we'll tell you!" Gloria nodded with a hum.
Sonia bowed her head in thanks to the two. "Thanks so much. Even if you don't find anything the thought's appreciated." As the kids said good byes and walked around her to a stair case you paused as she lifted her head and gazed at you. "I hope you enjoyed my little tale."
You smiled and nodded. "Yes. It was really entertaining. Thanks for telling me."
She nodded. "And thanks for taggin' along with the kids this far. I know we're practically strangers but there's just....I don't know....really good aura about you." You chuckled. You? Really good aura? That certainly was a first. "I'm sure Lee appreciates it too. He's always so worried about Hop. He practically raised him after all-" All of a sudden it was like a switch flipped off in her mind and her happy smile went to a sudden shocked face. "Oh no. I didn't mean to mention that. Please forget I even said that."
Your brow rose confus- "Y/N! C'MON! We got our room key already!"
You looked up to Gloria's call before back to Sonia before waving good bye and leaving. Wondering what the heck that was all about. Oh well. You had bigger things to worry about- Like the the fact that the three kids had gotten into a fight with four punk rockers!! You had just walked up the stairs and instantly was face to face with the three teenagers up in the faces of four people who dressed in black and red from their face paint to their outfits shouting something about they're going to cheer someone on and no one could stop them. You couldn't tell between the seven people shouting at one another and the front desk clerk trying to calm them down. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE YOUNG GIRL WHO STOPPED IT ALL!! She walked up the stairs and stopped next to your shocked state. A look of shock coming over her own face for a moment before she sighed and that snapped you out of your trance long enough for you to look at her. She was a teenager same around the same age as the other children with black hair tied back in two ponytails by red ribbon, a pink dress, with a black leather jacket and boots.
"What are you lot doin' here?" She had asked in what sounded what a brittish accent but you were sure Britain wasn't a thing in this world. Instantly the fighting stopped from the punk rockers as the they looked to her shocked like a couple toddlers caught taking candy. One shouted what you assumed was her name. Marnie you thought? As they stuttered out excuses. "I know you all are terribly curious 'bout the other gym challengers, but you gotta show a bit of restraint." Well it was nice of her to settle them down before she apologized. "Sorry 'bout them. They're just a bunch of my fans. Call themselves Team Yell and follow me around. cheerin' for me. I think they've let it all go to their heads a bit.....Come on you lot. Back home with you now!" She sighed as they guiltily slunk away past you down the stairs. "They're just so caught up with wantin' to support me and all that they tend to get a bit shirty with other Gym Challengers. Sorry if they caused you any trouble."
With that she simply walked past the lot of you, got her room key, and just walked away like it never even happened. You were still in a bit of shock but shook it off in favor of getting to the room you'd be bunking in with Gloria and have a small break from today. The inner workings weren't too different from the hotels you've been to before and was more than eager to plop yourself down and have a rest. The rest of the afternoon was a blur. At one point all three kids were sitting around the bed helping sort through Victor's collection of photos and helping Gloria glue in quite a lot of them into that small book of theirs. Hop mentioned about calling room service and Gloria suggested the four of you order each a different curry to help her fill in a bit of her curry challenge book as well. Which you had no problem against. It was free room service and you were interested in trying some of this world's curry since it was supposed to be world famous as Sonia told you. You ended up randomly chosing Sweet Curry as someone phoned it to the front desk and waited for it too arrive. It was pretty good. But it wasn't too different from Mrs. G's curry you had tasted other than the sauce on the rice tasted a mildy hot enough to be sweet. Of course that didn't stop Gloria was taking your curry's picture along with Hop's that had a massive egg in what was call a bitter boiled egg curry, Gloria's was a dry smoked tail curry(you hoped that wasn't an actual tail, and you think Victor's was leek curry with some kind of veggies decorating the plate. You ended up letting your sobble finish what food was leftover after you ate and soon you two found yourselves bidding the two boys good night and went to finally rest for the night. After getting a quick shower you decided it was best to go to bed since the actual Ceremony was tomorrow. Gloria had gotten the bed and you borrowed the sleeping bag Mrs. G had given Gloria. As the darkness slowly consumed your vision as your eyelids drooped you vauguly regstered your sobble climbing on one of the shelves.
Both of you were startled away in the dark from a giant crash and a couple panicked chirps before you were tackled by an invisible spooked sobble burrowing under your arm as Gloria turned on the lamp to reveal the pokemon's mess.
"Y/n! Your sobble knocked over the shelf!"
13 notes · View notes
inkofamethyst · 3 years
February 27, 2022
And now, notes.
Orym sounds like he’s uncomfortable all the time.  Like he’s got a rock perpetually in his shoe.  Caleb sounds exasperated (and also sad).  Vax sounds like he’s wearing a smirk.
I did a test run for one of this semester’s solos.  Auditions in two weeks.  It felt fine.  It felt good, actually.  Comfortable, right inside my belting range, and the words allow me to put some character into them.  It’s about half a song, manageable, fun.  I’m going to give the audition a go.  This time with a binder and all my pages hole-punched.  Again, I’m hopeful (against my better, more pessimistic, judgement).
Now that the mask mandates are going away, I’ve been thinking... I overdo my facial expressions now.  Like, I scrunch up my eyes when I smile at people more than I used to, I think.  I wonder if/when It’ll go back to normal.
I bought the most expensive fabric I’ve ever invested in.  Four yards of some bemberg rayon lining (two yards of two colors).  Pretty excited to sew with it.  Make some luxurious-feeling items.
The two things that can dampen a performance high are 1. not wanting to be there and 2. being incredibly stressed otherwise.  I’ve found that #1 results in a more diminished high than #2.  Today I had my first (yes, I’ll count this one as my true first, since I actually wanted to be there) performance in almost three years.  It was probably the least anxious I’ve been about a performance in ages, but there’s a lot happening in other places in my life and they’re really taking a toll on me.  It was pretty amazing, honestly.  They did some seating rearranging and I’m in the back so no one can really see me but the important part is that I can be heard.  Being seen is secondary.  I was also surrounded by four basses and really pushed myself to not be drowned out by them which was an experience.
Today I’m thankful for my first performance in three years.  Back in the game y’all.
Tomorrow is going to suck bigtime.  Class from eleven to five, a brisk walk to soundcheck (I will be arriving very late), a later dinner (or perhaps just a snack so I don’t feel too heavy), a twoish hour concert ending at half past nine or so, then preparing for the two assessments I have the next day/homework.  ughhh.  I should’ve chosen the Wednesday lab.  Only ten more weeks.
Luckily, I have plenty of food stored away for the next week.  Meal preppin and such.
Just wanna reiterate-- the performance was incredible.  Utterly.  It renders me speechless; I’m in awe.  I know a lot is happening, but I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s.
My first experience with a symphony orchestra.  And my first legit choir performance.  Wow.
[edit] Update: I’m doing homework right now and people are texting in the group chats n stuff and apparently the video of tonight’s performance is already available so I went and listened to the recording of our choir-only piece (...I’m not gonna say nothin) and the piece before the encore (which gets more intense every time we play it (it’s a well-documented phenomenon among the choir members to have a mask that it’s entirely drenched on the interior with spit and drool and hot air,, we’re going at it as hard as we can and music committee always tells us to go harder),,,,, so much so that I’m afraid the guest conductor is gonna pass out after it tomorrow,, he really gives it his all) because I’ve never actually like, heard us as a choir and 1. being mic’d gives us so much power it’s amazing and 2. at our last rehearsal I realized that a lot of the notes I’d been placing up in my head voice for that song could reasonably be done in my chest voice, so I gave it a go last night in a classroom in the performing arts center and it wasn’t bad so I did it today and whew I mean I was afraid it would sound bad or out of place within the choir but it really doesn’t, especially with all the chesty male voices around me.  Anyway we sounded good in my favorite song to sing and that’s all that matters to me (even if I can’t barely hear the alto line that I put my all into??????).
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s-creations · 4 years
Return the Flames - Chapter 7
All at Dead Bird Studios knew of Amos' (The  Conductor's) ability. How the owl could suddenly erupt into flames if  angered enough. When the studio first opened, Dominic (DJ Grooves) was  told that Amos had his ability under control. Nothing to worry about. No  possible loss of anything from an open flame.
A few years later however, and that control seems to have lessened to a dangerous degree.
It should have just been a simple, week long drive to fix the problem. It really should have been.
Dominic should have asked a lot more questions and should have been prepared for a twist ending.
Fandom: A Hat in Time     Rating: General Audience     Relationships/Pairings: The ConductorXDJ Grooves   Warnings: Eventual depictions of violence, slow burn relationship, named characters, attempt of an accent, being hunted down, a race against time (sort of).
One good thing to hold onto, during this troubling time, was that both directors had their wallets. Even after being flung around in or flung out of the crashing car. They were able to purchase the needed items and rent a car from the larger section of the town. Back on the road within two hours. 
 “I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’m up for driving all day.” Dominic remarked, a yawn escaping him once completing that sentence. 
 “Do ya need me ta take over in a few?” asked Amos.
 “If you’re up to it. But I have a feeling we're both in need of an early night.” 
 “Do ya think that’s a smart idea?”
 “We can’t not sleep Amos.”
 “But we just got away from our new, unwanted stalkers.”
 “I think they’ll also need time to lick their wounds. As well as try to figure out which way we might be going next before getting to our final destination. At the moment, we have the upper hand.”
 “Ya seem ta know a lot about this.”
 “I’m just using rational thinking. Now, you get some sleep. I’ll wake you in a few to decide if we need to stop or not.”
 “I’m alright,” the penguin gave a gentle smile, “I’m not dealing with an ‘illness’ that could possibly... Just sleep Amos.”
 The owl didn’t have enough energy to put up a fight, finding himself curling in his seat and falling asleep. His head resting against the window. His ears twitched feeling something run through his feathers. But he didn’t let it bother him, sleep claiming him quickly. When he woke again, it was Dominic gently shaking his shoulder. The sun was just beginning to set. The car was parked outside of a motel. The penguin already holding a key for one of the rooms. 
 “...I thought ya were gonna wake me when we were gonna switch.” Amos muttered.
 “You know that was wishful thinking that you would be okay to drive. Come on.” 
 They shuffled into the room and claimed their own bed. It was a simple room, with only the basic needs and nothing added in the way of decor. Both directors just happy that it was actually clean. As they laid there that familiar awkwardness settled in between them once again. 
 Normally, Amos would have claimed space in the ice filled tub. Letting himself embrace the cold to keep the flames at bay. Now, however, he didn’t feel the fire attempting to release itself. Amos didn’t need the ice nor did he want to sleep, too uncomfortable to relax. So, here he was. Sitting across from an exhausted looking penguin that went from being a rival to someone Amos needed to rely on to survive.
 “So…” Amos hated how quiet it was. Not even the neighbors were making any sounds. 
 “We’ll need to find an ATM tomorrow,” Dominic answered, “Keep using money to keep our trail as cold as possible.”
 “Won’t usin’ the machine call attention to us?”
 “I really hope not. But we’ll need to take the risk in order to make sure we have enough.”
 “Fair point… How much do we have now?”
 Dominic pulled his wallet out. “I have...32 dollars. You?”
 “Even 40…” Amos pulled the phone’s directory towards him, giving it a glance before grabbing the phone. “Ya aren’t allergic to anything, right?”
 “I’m in the mood for pizza.”
 “...You know what, sure. That sounds good.” 
 “What do ya want.”
 Amos visibly blanched at that answer. "Of course.”
 “Oh, and what are you going to have, Mr. Connoisseur.” 
 “...Pineapple and ham.”
 Letting out a laugh, Dominic shook his head. “Well then. Aren’t we just two special cases.”
 “Hush. Ya want a drink.”
 “Yes, please. Do you think they have bread sticks?”
 “Hold yer horses!” Amos laughed weakly, “How much money do ya think we have?”
 “Enough for bread sticks.”
 Amos fully laughed at that, Dominic joining in with his own chuckles. “Fine, we can get yer peckin’ bread sticks. Ya needy bird.”
 “Just for that, I’m not sharing.” The penguin playfully huffed. He grabbed the remote, turning on the television and started flipping through the channels. 
 Amos merely rolled his eyes as he ordered. As they waited, they found a channel playing classic movies, each taking turns telling small stories from their childhood. The rest of the evening was spent reminiscing on their personal favorite movies and shows. Lazily eating away at their carb heavy meal. It was rolling close to midnight when Amos passed out. 
 Even with how exhausted he felt, stomach full and feeling warm, Dominic couldn’t follow the owl’s example. His mind was still buzzing with the thoughts and fears that had combined from the beginning of this trip. He honestly felt as if he was living in one of his movies. Except with a lot less music, which was discouraging. Someone, a government agency apparently, wanted Amos gone. Like, completely gone. Because he was apparently ‘dangerous’. Became of some ability that Amos never asked to have. 
 Attempting to get comfortable, Dominic rolled onto his side facing Amos. Without the constant pile of ice that hid him, Dominic was able to get a better look at the passed out owl. Which was honestly amazing with how much Amos had slept that day. 
 He had kicked the sheet and comforter away. Creating a sort of half nest of fabric around him. Amos himself was curled into a ball, arms covering his face. His top leg occasionally twitches in his sleep. A soft ‘thump’ was heard from time to time, Dominic realizing it was Amos’ tail moving. The penguin could only hope that the other director’s sleep was peaceful. 
Dominic let out a slow sigh as he watched Amos sleep. This trip was supposed to be easy. A way to help Amos relax and not have to stress so much over what was happening to him. Now, they had an unwanted parasite following them around as a constant reminder of Amos’ affliction. And it angered Dominic. He was stressed, Amos was stressed, and this was a situation neither of them saw arising. They needed a break. A vacation away from their ‘vacation’. Just time to sit back and breathe. 
 He wasn’t sure when he started to drift off, his mind was still racing with how to make this better. But as the clock hit midnight, Dominic fell asleep. The answer he was looking for appeared a few days later.
 “Amos, look!”
 The owl was pulled from his thoughts as Dominic’s excited call. “Hmm, what?”
 “We’re coming up on a fair!”
 Amos frowned and turned his attention back out the window. Sure enough, there were signs lining along the side of the road. A large structure seen off in the distance. 
 “And? What do ya want ta do about that?”
 “Aren’t you curious? A small town fair, it could be fun!”
 “I- what? Did ya forget, we’re kind of on the run?”
 “And we’ve been on the move for two days without incident. I’m stressed. You’re stressed. Let’s go enjoy ourselves!”
 “Are ya crazy?”
 “When was the last time you went to something like this?”
 Amos squirmed in his seat. “Never.”
 “Never been ta one. Ma didn’t have the money and now I don’t have the time.”
 “Well, now we’re making time.” Dominic answered simply as he pulled into the field that was functioning as the parking lot. 
 “Are ya serious? You’ve lost it! We’ll stick out like a sore thumb here!”
 “In the middle of absolute nowhere, who’s going to care?”
 “As a Moon Penguin and a deformed owl, two species of birds that don’t live anywhere near here? Yes, people are going to care!” Amos sank further into his seat as they parked. “Dominic!”
 “Come on Darling, I want to have a day to look back on this crazy trip and enjoy something about it. And not just think about the chaos that was brought from this.”
 “The pizza last night wasn't enough?” The side look with the raised brow was enough of a ‘No.’ that Amos fell quiet. He remained quiet and allowed himself to be pulled from the car. Ears flat as they joined the cue to purchase tickets, eventually joining the fair crowd. 
 It was loud. Children screaming with glee as they rushed from attraction to attraction, parents frantically following. Mechanical noises from the nearby rides and vendors created a cacophony of bangs, whistles, and screeching metal. Beings of different sizes and species shouting at each other trying to be heard over the noise. The smell in the air was a mix of grease and sugar.
 “What do you want to do first?” The penguin looked around.
 “Ya pulled be in here.” Amos growled, ears still down in disagreement. 
 “Conductor, Darling, this is for us to both enjoy! And you’ve never been to one of these, so you need to get the full experience. Meaning, you need to pick what we do first.” 
 “What I need is for us ta get movin’.”
 “Let’s start with the food then.”
 “Are ya even listenin’ ta me?” Amos snapped as Dominic merely walked into the crowd. Following without much choice and not wanting to be left behind, Amos huffed as he started after the penguin. 
 It was as a plate of fried dough topped with powdered sugar was pushed into his hands did Amos really start to question what was happening. While the penguin was known as the more social director out of the two, this still seemed a little out of character. Dominic wasn’t one to push problems away. And they were in the middle of a rather large problem. So why would he very blatantly act as if they were on some sort of actual vacation?
 Lost to his confusion, Amos didn’t put up protest as he was pulled along. Dominic more than happy to take the lead through the different fair activities. Seeming to hit every one of his favorite spots that brought up a different childhood memory. 
 They were always doing something. Eating, taking in the sights, on a ride, conversing. Amos even forgetting a few times that they were supposed to be on the run. That his clock might be counting down to his final breath. 
 Then, it hit him. As they were exiting the ‘haunted house’, laughing hard at the terrible acting and Dominic started in on another story, that Amos realized he was relaxing. Even more so, he felt...happy. Nothing like when he was caring for his family or winning another award. It was as if he was content with just being himself for a while. A feeling Amos couldn’t remember having for a long time, if ever. 
 All because Dominic had demanded that they stop.
 The penguin was unaware of the look of absolute adoration the owl held for him as they entered into the gaming area. 
 “Do you feel skilled enough to take these on?”
 Amos was pulled from his stupor when Dominic gestured to the line of booths holding numerous carnival games.  “Nah, I know better. I’ve heard how these games are rigged ta make ya lose.”
 “Oh, such an owl of little faith.”
 Amos raised his brow as Dominic made his way towards the nearest booth. Giving a shrug, the owl merely followed, joining the other as the penguin paid to play. The booth had it’s back wall filled with small, inflated balloons. The attendant handed over a bundle of five darts before standing to the side, hiding among the plushies that lined the side. 
 “Are ya tring’ ta prove somethin’?”
 “Possibly. Now hush and watch.”
 Letting out a snort, Amos leaned against the booth to watch the display. Holding one of the five given darts, Dominic cautiously took aim. The owl was planning on making some smart comment when the first dart was let loose. Fully expecting for it to be ‘a swing and a miss’. Only to have a resounding ‘Pop!’ as the dart hit it’s intended target. 
 “Ooo, one of five. Amazin’.” Amos recovered quickly, smirking seeing Dominic’s face go sour.
 “Just keep quiet.”
 He would never admit it, but Amos was impressed. Even more so when Dominic actually won two more rounds. 
 “Wonderfully done sir!” The booth runner said with a wide smile on his face. “Feeling lucky?”
 “Absolutely Darling.”
 “If you win one more round,  I’ll let you pick one prize from the very top row. The best of the best I have to offer.”
 “Well, how could I refuse such a challenge. I’ll happily accept.”
 “Okay, now yer gonna lose it.” Amos remarked. 
 “Would you just let me enjoy myself.” 
 “Fine, don’t grumble to me when ya lose.” The owl stumbled slightly when Dominic hip bumped him. “Watch it.”
 “You watch it.” Dominic countered before getting back to the task at hand. It seemed even the small crowd of people couldn’t distract the penguin as he held another clean sweep. 
 “Very impressive!” The booth attended called out, starting out the round of applause from the crowd. “Wonderful show, good show! Go ahead and claim your prize.”
 “You impressed?” Dominic leaned over to Amos as he gestured to the stuffed plushie he wanted. 
 “That ya were able to cheat the already cheatin’ system? Sure, if it make ya feel better.” Replied Amos with a smirk. 
 “I’ll still count it as a victory then. Here.”
 The owl was surprised when the won plushie was trusted into his hands. It was a star shaped pillow. The fabric was fuzzy, Amos running his hand along it, the texture soft. Realizing it felt similar to Dominic’s feathers. The design of said fabric was that of space. Inky black with swirls of pink, purple, and blue creating a galaxy. Spots of white designed to be the stars dotting the sky. 
 “Sorry, does it hit kind of close? We can exchange it.” 
 Amos realized he’d remained shocked and silent, hand resting on the pillow. “Ah, no, it’s fine. I want ta keep it. Thank ya…”
 “No one’s given me anything before.”
 Why was his heart beating so fast?
 Dominic smiled (which did not help Amos’ already frantically beating heart) and led the other away from the booth. “It’s a sort of some unspoken law that you need to leave the fair with at least one tacky item.”
 “It’s not tacky.” Amos quickly defended, startling the penguin. 
 “...I’m happy you like it.”
 “So...now what do we do?”
 “We have one more task to complete before we can leave.” 
 “Alright. Ya lead the way then.”
 With the plush tucked into the crook of his arm, Amos helped in carrying the feast of food Dominic started buying. They departed the fairgrounds proper, arms filled with food, as the sun began to set. Dominic led the way up a nearby hill and only stopped when they reached the very top. The penguin set up the food in a sort of circle, all within reach for both birds to enjoy. 
 The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon when they finally finished eating. Amos lying on his back, stomach full with the plush resting on his chest. Dominic was next to him, eyes scanning the sky. 
 “Shouldn’t we be leavin’?” The owl asked.
 “We well. We’re just waiting for the final event.”
 “Havin’ us gain 10 pounds wasn’t the final thin’ ta check off?”
 Dominic laughed. “No. This was just a last hurrah of fair food until next year. But...it’s probably dark enough for it to start.”
 “The show, Darling.”
 Amos’ question fell away as a familiar sound filled the sky before a firework went off. Painting the sky and ground a vibrant red. Now, Amos had seen fireworks before. But only on set. As props for his latest movie he would have been working on. Watching them without having to set it up, or worry about something going wrong, it was far more enjoyable. Amos even sat up as he became further engrossed with the show. 
 He felt Dominic shift next to him, sitting up as well, the penguin shuffling closer. Amos didn’t argue as he was gently pulled to lean against the other. An arm casually wrapping around Amos’ waist comfortably. 
 Dominic smiled seeing Amos’ tail swaying, ruffling the grass it was resting on.
 It was worth delaying their travels for this moment of peace.
 “Thanks Dominic…”
 “...You’re welcome Sweetheart.”
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 3 Episode 10)
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This is it people! The series finale of Kipo; Let’s get to it.
Episode Title: Age of Wonderbeasts
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers
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Hopefully she’s getting dressed for her funeral lol
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1. Continuing on from last episode, the fireworks rigged with the cure goes off and a bunch of embers start falling from the sky. One of the Humming Bombers got into contact with one of them while attempting to flee and immediately de-mutes. I thought the cure needed to go into their bloodstream? Unless, the ember actually burned through their skin. It that’s the case, wow that’s dark....
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It’s awesome that Earl and Lily are helping Molly since Molly saved their children awhile back. 
2. With her quick thinking, Kipo asks everyone to find shelter underneath her as she transforms into her Mega Jaguar form. However, that’s still not enough to protect everyone but luckily, the good humans step up to shield them with table cloths, which was heartwarming to see. 
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The mutes are thanking the humans for their act of kindness
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OMG. Lio and Song hugging Scarlemagne? I’m here for it.
3. Thankfully, the fireworks ended and Kipo then pleads with Emilia one last time to stop what she’s doing. Emilia, hard-headed as ever isn’t one to back down at all and makes a drastic decision to inject herself with the mutagen she sourced from the Mega Walrus, transforming herself into one ugly Mega Mute. 
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Imagine seeing this in real life...shudders
4. I thought she was going to use the Mega Walrus’s DNA to make another cure that would affect Kipo. I didn’t think she would do this to herself. Kipo transforms back to her Mega form to take on Emilia before she could potentially hurt anyone. 
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How many Troyson kisses do we want? Yes...hehe
5. Troy and Benson are directing everyone back to find safety inside the old burrow while Wolf joins Kipo to assist her in battling Emilia. Kipo has the upper hand at first because Emilia isn’t used to being a Mega Mute. However, as the fight progresses, Emilia is starting to get better and is landing some solid hits on Kipo. But I feel like Kipo shouldn’t be losing to Emilia since she has much more experience fighting as a Mega. I guess they want us to feel like the stakes are high.
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Man, this fight is actually pretty brutal. Emilia is whooping major jaguar ass here.
6. During the battle, Wolf notices Greta nearby and thinks that she has the cure to turn back Emilia into a human. So, hopefully they can steal the cure from Greta and use it as leverage to get Emilia to stop. They split up with Wolf going after Greta and Kipo continuing to fight off Emilia. 
7. After taking a couple more punches, we see three of the Mega Dogs, the Mega Pigeon and the Mega Beaver heading their way towards the fight, with Jamack, Molly, Hoag, Amy, Zane, Label, Lio, Song, Scarlemagne, Dave, Benson and Mandu riding on them. I stan such supportive friends!
8. They each take turns kicking Emilia’s butt to buy Kipo some time to recover. Side note: It’s so cool that Jamack tells Emilia to do some “soul searching”! That’s literally the same line Kipo used on Jamack in Season 1 when he was an antagonist back then. During all of this, we see Emilia beginning to have some inner turmoil; It looks like she’s starting to lose herself in her current form.
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9. We get to round 2 of Wolf vs Greta and it looks like the tables might turn in favor of Wolf but Greta is just too beefy for her to take on. While being held down in a pin, Wolf tries to butter her up with words by telling her that she’s not an idiot and she can think for herself, without the influence of Emilia. She also bribes her with all the pancakes she can eat if she hands over the cure to her and just like that, she agrees to hand it over. It’s so ironic that Greta is one of Emilia’s last followers but she’s so easily influenced to switch sides. 
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Again, I don’t get why Kipo is losing to Emilia so badly
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10. Kipo is down for the count and Emilia turns her attention to her friends/family. As she’s about to crush Lio and Song, Kipo charges in last minute to take the devastating blow for them; She then falls unconscious. However, Emilia’s not done yet.
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Scarlemagne’s death in 3...2...1
11. Oh no...here we go. Scarlemagne decides to play hero by making his attempt at saving Kipo. He basically gives his swan song to Lio and Song. I have a bad feeling he’s going to die and I’m not at all prepared to watch. He takes off on his favorite Flamingo vehicle from Season 1 and 2 and flies towards Emilia to distract her.
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We haven’t heard this laugh in ages. Also, did anyone get chills when he tells Emilia to “leave her sister alone”?
12. He crashes his vehicle into Emilia causing her to lose focus and it sets off her ‘losing herself to the mega mute’ phase. This in turn, causes Scarlemagne to crash land somewhere in Skyscraper Ridge. Was it necessary for him to crash like that? If that’s the way he goes out, I’m gonna be honest here and say I would be very disappointed with that. 
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13. Emilia, who clearly is out of it runs off somewhere and Kipo, Wolf, Dave, Benson and Mandu all go after her with Lio and Song heading towards where Hugo/Scarlemagne crash landed. We then see the artistic representation of Emilia losing her mind to the mute, where her human form is quickly sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. 
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14. They catch up to Emilia and they could see her being distraught. We also know the reason why she’s this way and it’s because she doesn’t have an anchor. I love it how whatever explanation we’re being told by the characters is something that the audience should know based on past episodes. Now that’s good storytelling. 
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15. Anyways, Kipo makes the decision to cure her because she thinks she doesn’t deserve to be punished this way. Really now? After all that she’s done? Maybe what Kipo means is that she deserves get whopped in her human form lol. After curing her, Kipo makes ANOTHER ATTEMPT (for the 3rd time) to convince her to make a change but of course this bitch isn’t going to change; She takes a shard of glass and tries to stab Kipo:
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16. But our girl, Mandu quickly reacts and bites Emilia’s arm. She then loses her balance and falls stories high in the exact burrow her lab was located because we then see Fun Gus capturing her and taking her in as her “playdate”. Emilia is basically history. 
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17. Yesss! And this punishment is fitting since she will probably be Fun Gus’s plaything till she goes insane and dies. Not to mention she despises mutes. So, it’s a great way for her to go out. Bye!!! That’s what you get for killing your brother, you heartless monster. Can I also point out that once again, Mandu is the one to take out Emilia. She did beat her in season 2 when Wolf, Dave and Benson couldn’t and now in season 3, she’s the one to finish the job. Don’t mess with Mandu lol. 
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18. They head back to find where Scarlemagne, Lio and Song are but it’s almost too late because Hugo is dying. Kipo is in tears and I’m in tears too. Again, was it really necessary to kill him off? I felt like he’s more or less already redeemed as a character before this. He didn’t have to commit such a heroic act, which had cost his life. Ugh....And just like that, Hugo dies.....UGHHHHHH. I really don’t think he needed to die. If Catra (who committed just as many heinous acts, if not more than Hugo) got to live in She-Ra & The Princesses of Power, Hugo deserves to live too. I’m sorry...
19. Now it’s time for the epilogue set 5 years later, as told by an older Kipo. Let’s break it down:
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Wolf’s Mega Corgi gave birth to a litter of puppies. Awww cuteness...
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Wolf let her hair grow out and she looks AMAZING!!! Dayummmm
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Benson and Troy own a successful restaurant together and they’re living the dream. Such domestic goals!
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I got chills seeing Wolf and Benson walking side by side like that. They’ve grown up so much. It looks like they’re own their way to a picnic
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Label and Zane is also running a gym together. Sweet!
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Jamack is conductor for Las Vistas’s new transport system. 
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Dave is now a guest lecturer at what is seems to be Lio and Song’s new research lab, where he talks about some of his research findings and theories. Well, mostly theories.
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I love Kipo’s new do’
20. We find out that Kipo is updating Hugo (spiritually) what has everybody been up to on his birthday. 
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Hugo gets a statue made in his honor, which is very fitting and Mandu...WOW MANDU has grown into an ADULT boar, with tusks and everything just like Bornak and Webber. 
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21. Kipo meets up with her besties and her family and they have their wonderful picnic in commemoration of Hugo’s birthday. 
22. The scene cuts off to all of them having the time of their life riding on their Mega mutes. And that’s the official ending to the series. TEARS...
23. This has been an amazing show to watch, react and review. I can’t believe it only had 30 episodes but the story was so cohesive and felt complete on the most part. So you could say that this show wrapped up nicely. There are some loose ends that weren’t addressed/resolved at the end like the vaccine that Song and Lio were working on but I guess that could be something that’s explored further in future films hopefully. 
24. I will also be making a couple of video essays that will be posted to my YouTube channel, PeterSaidWhat; The first one will be my full spoiler review of the final season and the second video will be Troyson-focused. I can’t wait for all of you to watch them. And finally, I want to thank you all for reading my episodic reviews and going on this incredible journey with me. It’s been a pleasure to have Kipo be a part of my life and I’m sure yours as well. 
Much love,
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