#I’m going to be alone forever huh 😁no one want me 😁
realnielsbohr · 5 months
when mitski said I know no one will save me im just asking for a kiss and when she said give me one good movie kiss and I’ll be alright and when she said still nobody wants me and when she said I don’t need your pity I just want somebody near me and when she said
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nirikeehan · 2 years
Dragon Age Inspired Dialogue Prompts
Originally from here, just reposting to keep track of prompt fills
A. 😁 Comedy Central
"This is why the Maker left.”
“Honestly? Fuck the Chantry.”
“You did not just compare me to a cat / mabari / nug / [Thedosian animal of your choice].”
“There’s no problem a well-aimed fireball can’t fix.”
“There’s no problem magic can’t fix.” “Or create.”
“If we don’t make it out alive, I’ll see you at the Maker’s side.” “Bold of you to assume you’re going there.”
“[Character of your choice] is a bit of a dimwit.” “Hey!” “That was affectionate.”
“If it bleeds, it can be killed.” “Well, it doesn’t.”
“Magic does not work like that.” “Maybe. But have you ever tried it?” “No, because I’m not bloody insane!”
“You probably shouldn’t touch that.” “What harm could this trinket possibly do?”
“I hate the Deep Roads.” “You’re the one who dragged us here.” “Doesn’t make what I said any less true.”
“No idea what’s going on, eh? Would a fireball to the face jog your memory?”
“I saw you cheat!“ “Yes. And?” “That’s unfair.” “Life is unfair, and I’m playing by its lack of rules.”
“I accidentally punched a Templar. A few times. At least ten.”
“Time for my favorite pastime.” “Which is?” “Drowning my problems in ridiculous amounts booze!” - Fill, Pravin dealing with Thalia's relationship drama
“[Dangerous activity of your choice] will go fine! Come on, I’ve seriously been lacking fun lately.” “I’m fairly sure what you’re lacking is brain matter.”
"No! Dragon-hunting is not a way to kill time, it’s a way to kill us.”
“Don’t worry. Everybody’s afraid of something.” “Even you?” “No.”
“There’s something strange going on with my head.” “You may be unfamiliar with these things—they’re called thoughts.”
“I think I did okay!” “Another building just collapsed.” “Well, it’s the building’s fucking fault not mine!”
“I’m too young to die.” “You have a low-grade fever and a mild infection.” “I can see a spark of light in the dark… this is the end, is it not?”
“Who do you take me for?” “An idiot.”
“We shouldn’t have smoked so much elfroot.”
“Can I have breakfast in bed?” “Sure. Just sleep in the kitchen.”
“Void! Did I say that out loud?”
B. 🥰 Floof & Feels
“I wish we’d stay like this forever.”
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I need, and I’m going to cherish you until my dying day.”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“Can you hold me? Please?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
“I believe in you.”
“Would you ever consider… marriage?” “Why do you ask?” “Oh. I’m—for a friend.”
“I’ll protect you.”
“You always look beautiful. Tonight, you look divine.”
“You developed a whole new spell… for me?”
“My robes suit you.”
“Kiss it better?”
“Sing for me?”
“Tell me more about your people.”
“Your magic makes me feel safe.”
"They will never tear us apart.”
“It’s just a hug, it won’t kill you.”
“I didn’t expect you to be into cuddling.” “I’m not!” “Then what is this?” “Just… close skin-to-skin contact.” “Uh-huh.”
“You’re being far too adorable.” “Is that a complaint?” “No. By all means, continue.”
“You’re being overly affectionate.” “Sorry.” “I never told you to stop.”
“That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“You’re so warm.”
“You smell nice.”
“Why are you smiling?” “Because you’re here.”
“Have I told you that I love you today?”
C. 💔 Anguish & Apprehension
“I don’t believe you.”
“I wish we’d never met. I only bring you pain.”
“I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”
“We won’t be able to hide in time.”
“You can’t keep risking your life like this.”
“I was so scared I’d lost you.”
“Everything here feels wrong. The Veil is… far too thin.”
“I don’t deserve you. I know a day will come when you realize it. I selfishly hope it never comes to pass.”
“I ruined your life.” “You’ve ruined nothing. You are my life.”
“Was that… blood magic?”
“The demons won’t leave me alone.”
“Why can’t you see that I love you?”
“There has to be a way to fix this.”
“Why do you insist on taking care of everyone but yourself?”
“I think I’m going mad.”
“Leave. I can’t right now. I can’t.”
“I never meant for this to happen!”
“You can’t die on me! I won’t allow it!“
"I don’t know how to save myself.”
“Please, stop. You’re hurting me.”
"This place is cursed.” “Is there a way out?” “I doubt it.”
“It was just a dream.” “I… I don’t think so.”
“Why does it hurt so much?”
“You said you trusted me. What changed?”
“Please tell me you’re lying.”
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I’ve been reiterating all week how sad and bummed I am that I was gonna miss it. I even told dad after he told me the news and how you called him to invite him, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Can I just...cancel? 😩 I DON’T WANNA GO. I’M MISSING SO MUCH” and he’s like, “Para lang doon?” “Yes..” LOL. I even told you in front of some of the boys. “I’m legitimately sad that I’m missing it. Because I’ve literally been there for ALL OF YOUR FIRSTS. Even unintentionally or by accident.” “I KNOW HUH!! Wow, that’s a really sad moment...” “Seriously! I’m so sad! You have no idea! I need to at least be there for your first outgoing one. I better be there.” “I think Kuya Romy already called dibs so... 😬” “😯 REEEALLLY?! YAY 😁😁👏 👏 👏 “ “😊😂”
I sound like a whiney clingy gf 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m grateful we were able to have a heart-to-heart otw home on Saturday when you dropped me off. Crazy how dad himself asked you to drop me off. It’s a BIG DEAL for me when dad trusts a guy. I know he trusted CJ which really meant a lot to me, but to have my dad be okay with us being alone? THAT’S FULL TRUST, BRO. He even acts gay with you. 😂 like when he called to ask you advice/for help with the laptop and when you said, “Hi Kuya Henry, kumusta?” “Wala lang, namiss kita eh” LIKE LOL WUT. MY DAD HAS NEVER SAID THAT. And you and I talked about it in front of Axel, he was like, “Dang! My dad doesn’t even tell me that!!” “Right?! Same!!” 😂😂 I know for a fact that you’re the son he’s always wanted, or even son-in-law. And I know after talking to you why you’re so close to him. I can feel that the relationship you have with my dad is how you wish you were with your dad. I like how comfortable we’re becoming with one another (again) when it’s just us two, bc we’re good with other people, but alone we can be slightly awkward or quiet lol like we have to try so hard to talk about things. Not as much anymore though. And I like how when I asked you a question kinda jokingly and expecting you to answer differently, you asked, “Did Day tell you?” “No...?” And you turned the radio down and said, “Idk why I’m telling you this.. but...” and you said that twice. Tbh it made my heart melt. It also warmed my heart when you asked me to move back na to help you take care of the congregation/kabataan, especially when you’re gone. I almost teared up at that.
You’re the first guy in a very long time I’ve ever written and put that much effort in a card for, and I wrote things I meant and really believed in. I was surprised with myself with how easily and meaningful that message came out. I’m pretty sure I wrote about it.
When you told me about your thoughts and future plans... I saw the confused look on your face when I didn’t react. But then I ended up telling you, “I mean.. I’m not surprised because I always saw it coming. Wasn’t that the end goal? Or I mean, one of your big goals?”
I’ll forever be so so proud of you. I wish I could join you with your goals because we have the same ones. I remember while we were in Bethel and I joked around, “Let’s go! Let’s both apply!” And you said, “YES! Let’s do it! We can be roomies!” And my bro said, “Um... you guys are of the opposite sex...” “Oh I meant.. across from each other 😅” “😂 THAT WOULD BE SO GREAT!!” And your other plans... ahh. And you’re one of the most hard-working guys I know. Most spiritually mature too, and someone I can turn to and trust. I trust your advice bc you’re logical and automatically apply Bible principles. Pretty sure I’ve written about this too. I just wish you were more affectionate and a little more emotional lol but it’s fine. I think I’ll forever admire you and have a little bit of a crush on you haha bc of your brain especially. I find myself always “☺️” or nodding when you comment. Just when I think you’ve already grown so much, you far exceed my expectations. You’re constantly and consistently improving.
Like geez, I haven’t met anyone who just got appointed MS this young, and within 7 months, is already giving his first public talk. Even DJ, CJ, and Cam were all surprised and all, “WHAAAAT” when we were talking about it and invited them a couple of days ago lol. You looked so embarrassed. And the looks on their faces bc we’ve known you since you were like 5 and look at you now. Basta. I’m SO proud of you. I’m gonna miss you if when you leave. Knowing you, it’ll happen. Because you’ve achieved every single goal you’ve had. I know you’ll achieve these next ones too. And I appreciate that I’m one of the first people you’ve told. I’M SO PROUD. And I’ll never get tired of saying it and reminding you. 💙
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