#I’m begging at this point PLEASE
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princess-self-shipping · 17 days ago
If Silksong comes out this year I will disappear everywhere for a full week mark my fucking words
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finisnihil · 1 year ago
“They finally made this theme more blatant-" Why does it need to be blatant. What's wrong with subtlety? Concepts can be underused but subtlety is not neglect.
Blaring all your concepts and themes is not good writing. It's so disruptive to a story's flow when the characters look off the screen to be like "See? This is the concept. The idea. The theme."
If you can feel the hand of the author becoming too heavy that's bad.
For example: I see people saying Azula's abuse in ATLA is more blatant in the live action and it's good because "it's being discussed more". It already was discussed at length. The show made it clear she was a victim at every turn, every behavior, every reaction, it came from a place of trauma. It was made clear that she was scared of ending up like Zuko because Zuko was an example of what would happen to her if she failed. When she says she's better than Zuko it wasn't just because she was raised to think hersef superior to him but because Zuko failed and failures get mutilated and exiled, failures are abandoned. In that final Agni Kai the music is morose and somber because this isnt some epic battle its a fucking tragedy, the burning out of "Ozai's brightest light" and Azula finally succumbing to her terror and trauma she was repressing now that her worst fears are realized. How can you see a fourteen year old girl chained to a sewer grate wailing and writhing and breathing fire desperately as unsympathetic? Even Katara and Zuko are horrified as to what has become of her.
The writers weren't looking us in the eye and saying "See? She's a victim too" when they wrote this, they weaved it in. They weaved it into her obsesison with symmetry, her extreme perfectionism, the way she talks about Ozai, the ways she calls herself a monster, her isolation from those with healthy home lives, all the ways she held herself together and ultimately all the cracks and seams that she shattered down when she fell apart. It did not need to be blatant to be clear.
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thou-babbling-brook · 6 months ago
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Guys, have we considered… 🤨
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hey guys i think i’m going to take an indefinite break from this blog. general seasonal depression + pokemoncenter.com still not working on my phone + just feeling overall really discouraged and Bad. hopefully once spring comes i’ll feel better but i just don’t have the motivation right now
take care
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icantbotherwithusernames · 18 days ago
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i want him stoned in the town square
(why does tumblr make the quality so bad, i promise it’s better)
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lizzyyylmaoooooool · 10 months ago
i stg people better not be fucking complaining because armand/lestat backstory isn’t the same as the books when the whole point of the series is they’re all SHITTY NARRATORS with SHITTY MEMORY who CANT BE TRUSTED because versions of events frequently CHANGE depending on WHO IS NARRATING
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clickabletale · 6 months ago
[spoilers for ans: chapter 136!]
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Me, utterly emotional and impressed at how gentle Zen and Obi’s body language with Shirayuki is:
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disastercryptid22 · 8 months ago
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thursdaysyme · 1 month ago
another criminally wrong developmental milestone for the books, this time a fic said a 4yo couldn’t talk
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saaraofthesand · 6 months ago
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all peace and love but it keeps me up at night
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charmedcleric · 1 year ago
His little smile and laugh are so cute 🥹
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unicoo · 5 months ago
So I have a question for SOME of the HOTD fans who are team black & want Daenaera, will you guys be racist towards her too? I mean she will be black as are all the Velaryons, so will you guys hate her as much as you’ve hated Corlys, Baela, Rhaena, Laenor, & Laena? Will her being Aegon’s happiness (which is the only reason some of y’all like her to begin with 🙄) be enough for you to forget she’s black? I mean seeing how some of you do Baela & Bethany I doubt it.
Now I have a question for those of you who are team black & don’t care about race, if they do being Daenaera in are you okay with the way the show runners treat yet ANOTHER BLACK CHARACTER? I mean Laena & her daughters have quite literally been given the short end of the stick NUMEROUS TIMES SINCE SEASON 1, it will be NO DIFFERENT for Daenaera in season 4, like literally no different at all. So with that being said, are you really okay with another poc being treated with unimportance simply to make yourself feel better about which child marries which child. Will it make you happy to see a child die so another child can marry a child king?
And before I end this post I want to say….y’all are weird asf for shipping CHILDREN 💯🥴
Jaehaera, Daenaera, Aegon, all kids who were FORCED to marry another kid to carry on a dynasty they didn’t destroy. Two of the three are COMPLETELY TRAUMATIZED because their parents couldn’t get their shit together & get over themselves, but all y’all can focus on is which side do I like more….LMAO point
Y’all Heads
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mediacircuspod · 9 months ago
Louis and Armand run into each other at the “wanting to fuck that old man” convention and then proceed to yell at one another for showing up like the complete hypocrites they both are.
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andhumanslovedstories · 1 year ago
Jesus Christ almighty I had a patient last night who spoke a language that we could not get a translator for all night. But apparently the language is similar enough to another language that is really easy to get a translator for, so not only was I fuckin calling interpreter services every hour in the hopes that SOMEONE would magically become available, every other resource I could find was like “we have resources for you for a language your patient doesn’t speak. Is that helpful?”
IT WAS NOT HELPFUL. It’s like if you needed an English translator and people kept being like “hmmmm. Well we’ve got guy who speaks German?” Except it does get to the point of desperation and failed attempts at miming and communication boards that you are like “yeah fuck it, let’s give Hans a shot. He cannot be doing any worse than I am right now.”
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falindankovsky · 8 days ago
Look I love patho and love alotta the community surrounding it but Jesus Christ some of you need to think about the implications of some of the things you write/hc especially when it comes to indigenous people
*As user theburakhovskerrrr pointed out in a rb the kin is primarily inspired by buryat culture or other east-siberian cultures.*
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hyperfixationtimego · 7 months ago
show me ur fave lioden lions rn pretty please I’m hyperfixating so hard
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