#I’m an angst girly at heart tho
i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
all my Jack posts are so sad, Jack Kelly and loneliness, Jack Kelly and Regret, Jack Kelly and the themes of responsibility
What about Jack Kelly and catching a fuckin break huh, it’s the least he deserves
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thegengarprincess · 20 days
“I always thought you looked beautiful in white..&🤍
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Pairing; (🐶🫶🐱) Jure Maček x Bojan Cvjetićanin
Warning; RPF AS ALWAYS! don’t like, don’t ✨read✨! That is all ;3. (⚠️)
Tags; (👗🚬) cross dressing/ mild angst with a happy ending/ misunderstandings/ dialogue light until paragraph 5 cuz author’s has a terminal case of ✨over explainer✨/ tooth-rotting fluff/ the wedding dress photos have been holding my soul hostage since I saw them N this the product of that 🥲👍/ time skip/ Puppy Love™️/ Bojan is literally just a lovestruck puppy boy at his core and I won’t let anyone forget it/ post- midlife crisis kitty + puppy cuddles/ they have a orange cat N beagle puppy by now who follow the two e v e r y w h e r e/ author still can’t tag 4 shit/ BOJAN GIRLYS/GN! PSPSSPSPS COME GET UR FOOD WERE HAVING POST-SHOWER BOJAN 4 DINNER >XD/ author is desperately starved of BoJure content so they took matters into their own hands (💍)
Word count; (🌹💘)
Summery; After a incredibly tiresome day of blitzing the entirety of their cramped apartment together in an attempt to neaten up the humble abode for the couple’s big move to Logatec, Jure takes it upon himself to tackle their shared wardrobe only to stumble across an item that hadn’t seen the light of day in a long, long time. A wedding dress of all things? Tho to some a wedding dress is just a big, white, poofey gown you’ll only ever wear once then only see in dated photo’s. But to the drummer, it was the very same dress he wore for that photoshoot with his now fiancé of two in a half years shortly before they ended up becoming much more than friends(with benefits). “Wonder if it still fits anymore?…” (🚚)
A/N; (👾🎁) *W E L L*- it’s been almost 2/1 months since the last time I’ve came out my self-induced hibernation EXCEPT THIS TIME I come barring a (belated) bday gift 4 my wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, sweet, talented, cat-coded darling of a moot *THE* ✨@j-restlessgeek✨ (who u should ABSOLUTELY be following btw >:3!) N w us both being normal 2 a certain degree over that photoshoot w Jure in a mfn *WEDDING DRESS*, I sprinted 2 my drafts, beat my writers block w a iron hammer N now I’m left w this ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️. THO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO! BONE, APPLE, TEETH N CATCH YA ON THE FLIP SIDE~<3
? _ “ . ^ + * ] 🎀 [ + ^ * . _ !
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Switching off the running water, droplets from it’s remains began their journey trickling down the ends of Bojan’s drenched hair and back, swiftly snagging two freshly dried, strawberry pink towels from their nest on-top the radiator and wrapping the larger of the two around his soft, yet still that little bit toned waist as a means of hiding the singer’s (admittedly small) dignity then going in with the same process on his semi-soaked hair. Tussling silky, puppy brown locks till they were restored to their fluffy and water-free glory once more.
After shuffling into a pair of spare grey sweats and his favourite (out of the fifty he used to frequently steal from Kris) Beatles tee, threw on some moisturiser combined with the brunette’s much beloved hair products, he strolled down the boldly patterned hall to his and Jure’s shared bedroom to check with the other what movie he decided they’d be watching that night. Which was Bojan’s plan. Until he locked eyes with the sight said bedroom had so unfairly chosen to lay before him….
He swept open the door with a gentle hand, all knowledge of anything other than the figure that also seemed just as lost in their own little bubble as he was, completely stripped away from him in less than a millisecond. If you asked Bojan what the definition of “perfection” was, his answer would simply be the person he saw in that very moment without a single thought.
Investigating every part of themselves in the mirror, unbeknownst to how they had just effortlessly stolen not only his heart, but every word, thought and breath that hadn’t had time to run away from the home they called Bojan’s body. Tho sooner than later, the trance he’d somehow found himself in a whole lifetime ago by now slowly fizzled out, senses flooding back into their designated stations as he drunk in the utterly ethereal scene of his fiancé adorning what seemed to be a wedding dress?
It wasn’t just any wedding dress he’d found Jure clad in either, better yet the exact same one his lover had worn for a photoshoot that got very popular with a certain crowd which made up a (not all that) small corner of their fanbase almost two years ago if his mind wasn’t subconsciously changing how time worked again. And oh if it didn’t make Bojan want to fall straight to his knees right on this very floor he currently stood upon and worship every single minuscule atom that consecutively came together to create the undeniably gorgeous, talented, amazing, intelligent, beautiful, hot, wonderful, sexy, unreal and down right mesmerising human who only he got to the pleasure N divine prestige of calling “his pretty drummer” for how ever long he’d allow him the privilege to, eternally Bojan wishes. (And he would in a heartbeat if only there was somesort of miracle out there that could grant him permanent immortality to do so).
“Uhhh, m-muca….?” The slightly lovestruck singer spoke up meekly. Causing the bubble to burst completely as his fiancé swiftly quirked around to face him, stare’s ping-ponging back and forth in a short attempt at trying to grasp the signals Bojan’s face was sending the older’s way, a melting pot of surprise and shock swirled in blown chestnut pools while waltzing across the rest of his features but so did another feeling he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Regret? “Geez Bojči, You look like you saw a ghost or Sonček when he catches a bug. Is something wrong or-” “No no! I was gonna ask what movie you picked out for later and then I opened the door and saw ya like…that.” Jure glanced down and then, the realisation dawned on him. It’s the dress. He doesn’t like the dress on him.
Splotches of rose waltzed their way onto his cheeks and neck, almost giving off the appearance the sun has had it’s way with him earlier that day as if they weren’t entering early November in a few weeks. Pacing over to both boy’s wardrobe he prised open both doors and vigorously began undoing the laces that tied the gown together, a subtle frown accenting his lips.
‘What was with that face tho? Is he having second thoughts already?’
‘No that can’t be it! Maybe he was just a little surprised, haven’t worn it awhile anyway.’
‘The first words he said to me after leaving the changing room were I always thought you looked beautiful in white so what else could it be?!’
‘Did I do something wrong? Did he finally get tired of waiting and moved o-‘ “Darling wait! what’s up huh?-“ ‘I can’t be losing him now. How would I even explain it to the kids-‘ “Hey hey, I’m sorry if I looked a little mad but it’s not what you think it is I swea-“ ‘God please don’t say he’s-‘ “C’mon muca! just talk to me I’-“ ‘I should’ve left the damn dress where I found it then left it at tha-‘ “Jurček, wait no! don-“ ‘what have I done, what have I done, what have I done, what have I done, what have I do-‘ “Jur-“ ‘I shouldn’t of proposed in the first p-‘ “JURE.”
The blonde felt a tight sensation in his left wrist out of the blue. Like a weight was tugging at it and refused to come off no matter how hard he tried breaking away from it’s crushing, iron grip. And with that, his sudden mid-life crisis came to a careening halt, tweaking the other way to stare down furrowed browns and warm eyes reflecting into his own murky-tear pricked one’s. Now is definitely not the time to mention it of course, but Bojan had never seen a prettier cryer in all his 30 years, 1,565 weeks and 10950 days of being a resident of this planet we know as earth.
“Oh sweetheart~</3” He enveloped an arm around his lover’s nearly naked waist while another slotted in between short, soft, honey gold strands, cradling the older’s head as tenderly as one could. The more barley audible, soft weeps and sniffles poured out of Jure, the more pieces of the shorter boy’s heart shattered. Each break getting louder and louder till his fiancé’s muffled whimpers calmed down with the help of a few comforting back rubs accompanied by gentle whispers of “everything’s alright now” and “I’m here love, you’re safe” into Jure’s skin, long after all his tears gave out.
Still rubbing his eyes periodically and trembling internally, he intertwined his fingers then let Bojan guide them both to their bedside. Flopping down without hands parting a single time and burrowing themselves into eachother’s side, tracing thousands of nonsensical patterns over the drummer’s exposed chest, shifting upwards to carve a lingering kiss on his darling’s forehead with praises of every kind bouncing off those lips Jure never seemed to ever, ever get enough off no matter how many times he’s felt their heavenly touch. “You’re stunning you know that.” Bojan grinned through slurred words, sleep unwavering in its mission to reel him hook, line and sinker. “There’s no one in this world who’d I’d want as my muse not just now, but forever than my pretty drummer boy alright.”
“You’re pretty drummer boy eh?”
“And once again, I am really so sorry about earlier Muca-“
A chorus of paw prints bustled outside their door. Echoes of panicked meows and barks steeping closer and closer, making themselves increasingly known to the couple. “I’ll go let the kids in..” the blonde yawned, a fond twang lacing his speech as he quietly crawled out of his (quite obnoxiously snoring) fiancé’s grasp and nonchalantly turning the knob as both boy’s pets barged inside to shower their dad’s with a multitude of licks, nuzzles, sniffs and paws for attention. Being mindful not to disturb the lull that’s taken over the singer’s being as usual considering it was vastly approaching 5pm.
There was of course, much more work to be done before they could actually move but that’s one of the many task’s tomorrow’s Jure and Bojan will have to face. Their only task’s now consisting of supplying both animals currently huddled in their arms with everlasting pets while simultaneously keeping the other from hogging the covers, shielding them against the spitefulness that Slovenian winter brings year after year. Perhaps a spring wedding would suit them just fine…..~🔔
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hqbaby · 3 months
sukunayn is great honestly, cute and all, but even though we’ve only got snippets of how yn and gojo were and how they still hold each other dear even though they’re both trying to move on is more to me than what yn and sukuna got going on.
THEY HAD FUTURE PLANS MADE THEY HAD RINGS my cuties, wrong time RIGHT person (still fucking curious whatever yn heard at that party)
boy oh boy if satoru falls for kimi i’m afraid of what will happen to me 🫡 but kimi is sooo understanding and adorable lowkey, i hope she finds someone better cause satoru is NOT THE ONE HUNNY, my guy is still waiting for his ex trust me it ain’t going to work. go for nanami queen 🤗
either way, i have a feeling satoru is only acting like this out of pity. like he said, he does feel bad for her and how she isn’t getting treated right but he can’t treat her right when he’s still got a yearning heart imo even if he tries, i have a feeling kimi will know it’s not pure; and like i said before, GO FOR NANAMI QUEEN 🤗
As for sukuna, i’m iffy about him because of the whole cheating-no cheating head he got. that’s why satoru is still warm next to my heart, cause i KNOW he’d never tho that if he were in that position. but i’m very excited to see how it gets exposed during the trip, i have a feeling satoru had something to do w it since him and kimi seemed strained on the ride back to campus last chapter.
can’t wait for the next chapter girly pop!!! you’re killing it w the tension and angst (i can feel the incoming pain coming out of this trip it already hurts) #gojoyn4lifers
this chapter was really a gojo chapter because the YEARNING!!!
i love that you mentioned reader and gojo planning a future and everything because that's been such an interesting dynamic i've loved exploring with these characters. because you have sukuna, her best friend from her past, now supposedly who she will be moving on with her life with; and you have satoru, her ex who she planned a future with, who she's supposed to leave in her past. it's the push and pull of time and place, and there's just so much going on there 😭 safe to say i would not want to be reader right now lol
AND KIMI!! i enjoy writing second female leads so much because i've read my fair share of fanfics where these girls are often reduced to the villains of the story. while it's not inherently bad and i definitely appreciate those characters too, the plot just becomes so much more dynamic when everyone is basically just juggling their own emotions and hoping for the best. the writing experience just becomes so much more fulfilling for me 😩
also nanami 👀
anyway that was a lot! but i think it's pretty obvious that i'm just having a blast writing this series HAHAHAHA i'm so happy you're enjoying it anon!!!
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deoboyznet · 6 months
it's time for our monthly HOUSEMATE SPOTLIGHT! deoboyznet proudly introduces @ethereal-engene !
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ash says: hey y’all, I’m Ash!! I write for many groups including seventeen, enhypen, nct, and the boyz. I spend more time thinking about ideas to write than actually writing them out oops 😭 I’d love to become friends with you and gush over the long list of groups I love with you <33 (or talk about books 😎 bookworms uniteeeee)
**interview below the cut!**
who are your bias(es) and bias wrecker(s)?
okay okay I think this is my list of biases: moonbae, younghoon, hyunjae, and new <33 bias wreckers: sangyeon and juhaknyeon (ally is gonna GASP AT ME BUT we all know I’m a true ot11 girlie at heart) — adding juyeon and sunwoo too
I have to hand it to younghoon tho <33 first bias ever in my tbz
when did you first start stanning the boyz?
2022, it might have been in right after/before they released she’s the boss
what is your favorite era of the boyz?
REVEAL 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
what the boyz song are you currently obsessed with?
Fire eyes 💖
what do you write? (favorite genres; if you're known for fluff/angst/comedy/smut/etc.)
Angst and fluff ✨
what is a fic/work people should check out from you?
late night cuddles 🥹
▷ read ash's fic late night cuddles here!
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evansbby · 1 year
OMGGMGG the new chapter of WG!!!!!!  You have out done yourself again girlie!! 💕💕 So I reread WG before reading UTI (HELLPPP it’s supposed to stand for under the influence😭💀💀) so I could remebe everything. We cna rlly see how much of a fucking bitch ari is I’m actually so upset. I love to be so main character when reading that I act out everything that’s happening while reading so i was crying so much bc I love angst sometiems even though it hurts. Ok so let’s Do a breakdown: Spotting Ari from across the room and he already has his sights on her. Getting the context about what went down after WG was kinda sad like making eye contact w him on campus while hes with Sharon and he has the nerve to look sheepish he’s so mean. And the texts from him when the last one said Fuck you. I have other options s. Just made me feel so unspecial. Like he was probably fucking other girls right along with reader. Curtis showing up🙈🙈 he made a fruity pink drink for her 😍😍 but I’m pretty sure he drugged it or laced it so we knew what he rlly wanted to do with her. When Ari said I’m your daddy  SKSJSKSJSK I WAS WAITING FKR THAT PARTTT!! I rlly hated how he made her take the drugs tho like come on if you cared abt her u wouldn’t do that 😕😕 and the guys in the background pointing out how intoxicated she is when they were fucking like no come on 😭😭 But that scene was so fucking hot I can’t lie 😈😈😈 and then I liked that he shielded her up to the bathroom. My favourite part was when Ari and reader were in the bathroom and laughing and tickling each other AND HE CLEANED HER UP!!! and it was so sweet like he actually cared and that made me so happy and then he switched and it made me so mad bc he was being so mean like if he didn’t like Sharon just break up liek you’re already cheating on her you idiot. And I would honestly be so fucking distraught if this happened to me and I am naive sometiems so I honestly feel like I would have fallen for this too 😔😔🙏 but losing your virginity to a guy who does not give two shits about u???  (Or does he??😏😏) But it broke my heart like he just left her there on the counter after she begged him to stay (when he said Sharon’s drunk and she said I’m drunk too 🥲🥲 and he just left) and she just sat in the tub and cried??  and then when she was outside and she met Steve I thought it would be so sweet he was so nice and he had such light aura vibes like I thought he would be a sweetheart (he was not 💀). And then when Sharon stumbled over that description made me so sad. Like she’s so beautiful obviously feelings of insecurity rise up in reader bc ofc Ari would chose her over me and I like to make things extra dramatic and Ik it’s reader insert so it doesn’t apply to everyone but I’m brown so seeing the guy choose the pretty blonde girl but keeping you as his semi secret side piece probably definitely hurts and makes you feel like you’re not good enough. I rlly wish Sharon threw up on Ari when she said she didn’t feel good😭💀💀And Ari ls such a fucking dick thinking that he had the right to still call her baby after that shit went down in the bathroom but it’s apparent that he kind of cares for her or is it possessiveness?? Idk I just wish he made her feel wanted like that’s so sad. And the battle of choosing to stay or go? I wanted her to go but I didn’t know Steve would pull that shit. And then when Steve seemed disappointed that they were going back to her place I just knew he was bad news. And slipping the cab driver money 🫢🫢 Making her call him daddy and choking her just like Ari did, déjà vuuu. But then he walked her to her door 🥰🥰🥰(the bar is on the floor). And then plugging her phone in and getting all those messages from Ari but just not having the energy to respond bc she know she won’t get anywhere like my heart felt like it was going through the wringer. I listened to that song Jacob and the stone during every single sad part and ugh my heart 💔💔 
Now for the questions:
Idk if I’m team Steve or Ari 😭 Ari def feels some sort of possessiveness over reader, and he doesn’t care for Sharon so what’s stopping him? He lied to her so many times and manipulates her a lot BUT HE CARESS. And then Steve, at first I thought he only sought her out for revenge against Ari but we learn that he didn’t know her and Ari were connected (side note: also reader still doesn’t know that Steve is the captain and not just a player on the other team and that Ari and him are rival rivals) so that means he did have some interest in her but that too seemed to be even more misguided after he found out abt them. Does he want her for her? (meaning her body bc did he ever actually care abt her for her and not her body bc I can’t tell after he seemed so disappointed in not heading back to his place) He’s really mean like meaner than Ari and he honestly makes me feel unsafe 😭😭 so actually I think I’m going to pick team Ari. Ari just has to change  but he’s daddy so I know he will😔🙏🙏. But I’m really excited to explore the love triangle so we’ll see but I rlly want her and Ari to end up together lik it just seems right. 
They’re rival team captains but maybe their families are super rich so they just grew up in the same social circle and they’ve been competing in everything since they were kids whether that be in who has the best marks, cars, girls, etc.
Ari has confused feelings for reader. (Also completely off topic I’m srry but I forgot to mention when he said that he never used condoms with Sharon and mentioned knocking reader up bc he always fucks her raw and comes deep inside of her (I loved that part) 🤭🤭🤭 and that he would always used condoms with Sharon, that means that reader is special 🤭🤭but yeah Ari def is confused maybe he’s never felt real feelings towards a girl befor and he likes reader? Loves her?🤞🏽🤞🏽I don’t trust Steve but also it’s understandable that he may seem like a better option bc he isn’t shy to show that he wants reader even tho he is just using her ☹️☹️
Okay so that concludes my rant. I am honestly so so sorry I know this was really long please forgive me 😭😭 but whenever I read I always have to write my thoguhts down and word vomit every single  thing that comes to mind so eveyrhinf is so all over the place and there’s probably typos bc I’m rambling I’m rlly sorry. This chapter was so good and I’m so excited for the next part 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 thank you so much for sharing with us hoes 💕🤍🤍
OK FIRSTLY WHY IS IT UTI OMFG HELP I didn’t even realise that 😭😭
Omg Ari’s texts 😭😭 “fuck you I have other options” I mean he does but he’s texting reader obsessively multiple times so he obviously has a preference of who he wants to be with 😭😭 boys are so dumb fr fr fr
And omf the bathroom scene 😢😢 I deliberately made them have a sweet moment where they were laughing and he actually cleaned her up when before he never did any aftercare at all! Bc I knew that this way it would hit harder when he left her all alone in the bathroom. AND YES ahhh it broke my heart too when reader quietly said “I’m drunk too…” bc it’s like… he cares that Sharon is drunk but what about reader??? 😢😢😢😢😢😢
It’s so important to me abojt what you said about being a brown girl so it hits extra hard. Bc as a brown girl myself, a lot of the times this is how I feel 😢😢 They always pick the white girl… no matter how hard we try or how good we look for them… we’re always the secret hookup and never the girlfriend and now that you mentioned it, it kinda validates my feelings too LIKE DO WE ALL LIVE THE SAME LIFE FR 😢😢😢
BUT also it’s funny you mentioned how you hope Sharon threw up on Ari after Steve and reader left bc SHE DID! I actually wrote that!!! But it didn’t sound quite right so I cut it out and I meant to go back and rewrite it but I forgot!!! But Sharon DID throw up on Ari that’s why Ari didn’t immediately go after Steve and reader before they got lost in the crowd 😭😭😭😭😨😨😨
As for Steve, YES YES YES I dropped little hints throughout about him being a red flag… the way he was so forward, the things he was saying, the way he was acting, how he was so touchy when he didn’t even know her??? BABY READER NEEDS TO BEWARE OF THIS MAN!!!
And yes, he choked reader just like Ari did, and he even said the same line: “do it or I’ll choke you the fuck out” I think you and maybe two other people noticed this from what I’ve read!!! HMMMMMMM
Also yes the bar is literally on the FLOOR and that’s why I think people are thinking Steve is this sweet and nice guy when really… 🤭🤭🤭🥲🥲
I want to reply in more detail but my app is getting all slow which means it’s gonna crash any second but one last thing YES YES THE PART WHERE ARI SAID HE WOULD NEVER FUCK HER HOW HE FUCKS SHARON AND HE WOULD NEVER KNOCK SHARON UP AHHHHHH I LOVED WRITINF THAT PART THANK YOU FOR RECOGNISINF IT
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blade-that-was-broken · 4 months
I just read a story called "Maybe too similar? By: WonderingWind" and it got me thinking of your story so I just wanted to pitch it at you.
What if John dory died (cough-Murdered-cough) and his kids who literally looked identical to Brozone before they broke up. And the brothers you choose as the guardian will get major déjà vu moments.
I think I’ve seen the description of that on AO3. I don’t read much fanfic at the moment due to my schedule and reason more novels (I have so many 😭) but once in a while I’ll get into something that catches my eye. Usually short stuff.
Aidniandjskaidbe he diessssssss?????? Not me sobbing over hereeeeeee
That’s crazy tho that they looked like Brozone. I mean not entirely crazy cause everyone is related but dude that would be sooooo spooky and the angst?? Like omg, John Dory would be faced with the reminder of his brothers in his kids faces like WHOA
As revealed in my Im Still Here au series, I am a happy ending no major character death girlie at heart. I don’t think my heart could take itttttt
I’m curious though which story it made you think of???
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sassycordy · 1 year
tag game !! thanks for tagging me @books-space-things :))))
were you named after anybody?
yes! it’s a pretty popular name in pop culture i think? so my parents say they pulled it from all over ahah. (i’m not taking about the name sam btw ahah)
when was the last time you cried?
yesterday lmfao. i’m rewatching scarlet heart ryeo for the millionth time and i still cry at every death scene/sad moment🥹 i’ve seen it 6 times and i KNOW what’s coming and yet i can’t help it </3
do you have kids?
what am i a child bride ??? no haha! give me like 10 years.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
hmmm yes & no? i do irl but obviously it’s kinda hard to tell online so i’ve stopped using it to avoid any confusion LOL.
what sports did you play/have you played?
oof i played baseball, american football, and did a little gymnastics when i was younger ahah. i stick to running nowadays tho. (and the occasional badminton🫶🏽)
what’s the first thing you notice in somebody?
clothes oop. and maybe eyes if i’m close enough to them ahah.
eye color?
dark brown😒 (would’ve settled for hazel or ANY color but mine are just pools of black ahah)
scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings!!! i am rly not a scary movie girlie despite my love for the spooky aesthetic ahah. also i hate just straight up angst
any special talents?
hmm. i’m pretty good at giving speeches (even though i fucking hate it lmfao). and editing ig aha.
where were you born?
a hospital <3
what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, running, and i’ve also been getting into gardening recently!
do you have pets?
i have a million (4 dogs) lol. although i’m actually a cat person so 🥲🥲
how tall are you?
… 5’2
favorite subject in high school?
dream job?
i used to be obsessed with being a spy when i was a kid ahah. like i had everything & anything i could potentially need on a “mission” in my purse. (i was rly into nancy drew as a kid so that should explain everything) so yea spy!
i literally never know who to tag on these things ahah but lemme tag @stargatelov3r @atlantis-scribe @nimuetheseawitch @portlandwithyou (there’s also like zero obligation to do this aahh)
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taegularities · 11 months
Hi Rid! I finally had the time to finish cmi10 yesterday! Feels nice to be on track, cause the last time I was doing a marathon to reach to the latest chapter…part 10 however is so sweet and raw in emotions that my heart kept doing somersaults all throughout as I read through. Especially the part where he drops THE question! Another thing I think I’ve grown fond of is the mid-sex convos shared between him and oc, like he’s being cocky and teasing her but then also showering her with so much love (words and schlong both lol).
I don’t have anything to ask for the amc (maybe I should brainstorm and come again another time), although I did think of something to ask you. What is your preferred trope when it comes to reading or writing? For me f2l is the winning trope and s(2f)2l is a close second. But I think one of the tropes that’s least of my liking is probably e2l. I think I’m not exactly someone who loves the protagonists being hostile and then developing a relationship afterward and some of the works I’ve read in the category mostly have the characters being inherently toxic to each other at first so it doesn’t play out nice to me and I wonder if the dynamics of their relationship will also be filled with sass and no room for understanding. Or maybe since I’m an angst girlie and the genres I mostly read within my fav tropes already have credible angst in them already so I expect them to share a sense of optimistic platonic relationship before lmao..I’d love to know your opinion tho! 🫶
words and schlong both lmaooo you're so right 😂 and i'm so glad you're caught up now, like now you'll finally be able to understand my lil random posts lolll. somersaults is all i wanted!! and it's about to get so much rawer and sweeter.. i really can't wait to show you what's been brewing in my google docs 👁
if you came up with an amc thing in the meantime, feel free to shoot! lol but about your other question: i absolutely adoooore writing s2l and bf2l/childhood f2l. so yeah, the same as you, i'd say!! like i love the familiarity between two characters in f2l fics, but i prefer s2l when one of the characters has a secret or literally just anything that's unveiled bit by bit, does that make sense? i also get your stance on e2l, i've heard that opinion before and totally understand. i do enjoy e2l fics, but i also realised how hard that trope really is... very difficult to get right, and very easy to butcher, so kudos to everyone who manages to create a masterpiece around that trope!! :')
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a-rum-of-ones-own · 2 months
I found you because of Dramione, but I’m staying for the sapphic romances. Been questioning and exploring my sexuality lately, and your F/F pairing stories are akin to a balm. The characterizations pull at my heart and sink into it. The overall themes easily carry and work with the granularities of the stories, and the beauty and skill of your words ties it all together effortlessly. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us. I sincerely hope we get to read more of the rare pairs from you. I can’t decide whether I like Fleur/Tonks or Hermione/Lavender more and I’d love to have more of these dilemmas. Yes please and thank you again. That said, I’d love to know: what are your favorite sapphic romances or essays/ podcasts about being sapphic?
Thank you so, so much! My f/f stuff kind of sits close to my heart in a special way- obviously, all my writing is close to my heart, but the f/f stuff just resonates with my own life and experience a bit more. Writing straight romance is super fun because it's an opportunity to explore characters as characters, a bit more divorced from me, but the gay stuff always feels like tapping little 16-year-old Rum on the shoulder and going 'you'll be fine, you darling little idiot'. It's just always so lovely when someone likes it 😭
I'm currently working on a Luna/Ginny WIP, if you want to check out the first two chapters that are up already! No fixed schedule, but I'm promising nuns and soft angst and a Big Queer HaircutTM!
Oooooh, my favourite sapphic stuff! Let me get the recommendation bag out, lol. With the usual disclaimer that I don't know everything, have read too little, and am limited by my own experience.
First off, fanfic, because that's how we all got here. There's this one story called Skirt Full of Thorns by montparnasse that I think I first read in....2021? And I love it. I was one of those lesbians who clung to the idea of being bisexual for a long-ass time and against all reason (I was out there dating women and loving it, and dating men and feeling very 'meh' about it, and still didn't realise what that might mean until I was....21?) and this story just captures something about that idea of NOT figuring it out at 15 or 16, about the feelings that come with that. It's also political without being paternalistic, which is something I appreciate SO much in queer fiction. At least for me, queerness was never just about 'I'm into women', there is an entire worldview and way of moving through the world attached to it, a deconstruction of what it means to be female, and I always love it when stories reflect that without beating it into your head with a sledgehammer.
Then, essays! I'm currently reading The Rib Joint by Julia Koets, which is an entire essay collection, lol. I'm not fully done with it, so I can't vouch for the quality of the last bit, but what I've read so far is BEAUTIFUL. It's very haunting and has that Southern Gothic feel to it, and a very lyrical kind of prose. In other published fiction, Orlando by Virginia Woolf did something to my soul when I first read it as a pretentious little teenage twat, but it's...ya know. It's Woolf. It's not a beach read.
I'm not a podcast girlie, I'm afraid, but I AM a standup comedy girlie! If that's your vibe, PLEASE try 'Nanette' by Hannah Gadsby, and anything by Mae Martin. Also, show-wise, I really liked 'Feel Good' by Mae Martin, too.
Sorry if this is getting long, but I wish you the best of luck in your exploration process. If there's one bit of advice I would have liked to have heard back in my 'ohmyfuckinggod, seriously????'-stage, it's this: it's truly all less spectacular and important than you think, but also somehow deeper and more transformative than you'd initially assume. Kissing is kissing and dating is dating and sex is sex, and it's all just bodies in the end. At the same time, the things about queerness that go beyond the simple physicality of 'I have sex with women' go DEEP into your worldview and psyche, and those things are the ones that really shape you after a while. It's not just something you are, it is, to a certain extent, something you DO - a way of interacting with yourself and the world. My best advice really is to kinda....consider the geometry of your soul, in a way? Like, where does it jive, where can it catch onto something? And just try things. In the end, we all can only try.
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sunnibits · 1 year
(Saw you wanted asks, so here I go)
Opinions about:
-Long vs. Short fic? When do you read what, and why?
-Favorite AU type and why?
-Fandoms you come back to for the fanfics
-Opinions on Podfics(Audiobook fanfics), if you listen to them, and favorite narrators if you have one?
-Favorite trope/genera in fan media to play in (for me, horror, fantasy, not actually unrequited love)
-What is you're pizza/subway order?
Sorry I’m late to answering but thank you nonny :)
1. I respect long fic a lot, but 9 times out of 10 I’m a short fic girly - purely because I just don’t have the attention span for longer things most days, so reading anything other than a quick smutty oneshot feels like an impossible task 😅
2. hmmm… I read AU’s much (well,, it depends on the fandom) but I do love thinking about AU’s for certain shows! I can’t really come up with a specific one I like the most, but I feel like I typically lean towards something more.. idk how to put this… epic and different, like, not just a plain modern AU?? I don’t know how to say it, I just like something that puts the characters in a completely different world, rather than your typical bland coffee shop. Give me some medieval knights, some seafaring adventures, some howl’s moving castle, yknow?? Also, my favorite thing about AU’s is when they really perfectly mirror the same themes and character roles from canon but in a different world. Like, when you’re able to fit in all the relationship dynamics and character development from the original show into your new setting??? For example, I read a period ninerose AU once that had Nine as this rugged sailor meeting a Victorian-maiden-esque Rose, taking her away for adventure on his boat called the TARDIS, and I just love things like that where the heart of the story is the same but everything is altered! You get me???
3. I gotta be honest, I don’t typically read anything outside of my current hyperfixation, because I just won’t be motivated enough to care about it at all. But yknow, sometimes I’ll get a hankering for a classic old Doctor Who fic that I loved in the past, or maybe I’ll wanna read some Symbrock just for the ✨nasty shit✨ it does happen occasionally 🤷 just not very often for me.
4. I’ve actually never really listened to podfic! I think I tried it for like a half second once and immediately was put off, so I don’t think it’s something I’ll ever really get into, but who knows… might have to give it a second chance one day. It just weirds me out tho if I’m being honest 😅 there’s something so strange about hearing fic read aloud, I can’t help but cringe a bit personally - but of course I respect the hell out of anyone who does narrate fics, and if that’s ur thing you do you!!!
5. Hmmm… I have to think about this one…. Again, I think it depends on the fandom? When I was in my ✨Doctor Who Era✨ I ended up playing with a lot of longfic-esque AU ideas (that I never wrote, but they were fun to think about) so I could just play around with different genres and pretty settings. I can’t think of a specific genre I like the most,,, I think I tend to lean towards period eras and fantasy?? As far as tropes go, I honestly love angst and whump a lot 😅 Just “hey, what’s the worst physical and mental trauma can I put this character through so that they can be gently comforted”, lmao. I love fucking with character’s heads and putting them through some serious psychological shit. It’s fun :)
6. bestie, do you want the short answer or the long answer…. You don’t know how fucking weird I am about both of these foods. You don’t wanna know.
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
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ahhhh! thank you all soso much for the 300 followers! i just hit 200 last week?! how are there 300 of you? i honestly don’t know, but i started this account as a place to just read smut and then i decided to post on here. the reason why my first post was angst was because i was being a slut for angst to feel something in those few moments- okay i’ll stop myself right there. for this milestone i’m going to do mutual appreciation for the moots i’ve interacted with the most so far! (if we’re moots and u wanna interact pls do, i’m not scary!)
okayy first up,
i love you so much bby, i could not believe it when you followed me. i was legit crying happy tears and i specifically remember you followed me after i posted “needy” random lol.
your writing is immaculate, absolutely lovely. ur smut *chefs kisses* i love that you put up with my shit photos that i send you and that you actually ask for more- but it baffled me when you first interacted with me, this was my reaction
*deep breath* “omfg! (ur username) just interacted with me, wtf do i do?!” also ur nick name reminds me of belly from dear, draco.
i’m not writing a lot, bc for your sleepover i wrote you a damn paragraph 😭 but i love u sm belly!! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
ARI! i love talking to you, bc i can talk about anything and when i say anything i mean anything. like kinks, porn, random draco scenarios, etc… you are one of the funniest people i have seen on this app.
ur blunt and funny at the same time, it just makes it more fun to talk to you. ur smut is soso good, bc i don’t find a lot of smut with a dom!reader and sub!draco.
i remember you followed me, so out of curiosity i checked out your blog and saw your piss kink fic and that did it for me. after that i followed you back and we became moots ajnwja. when ur first account got terminated you scared me so fucking much, because i thought you were going to leave tumblr forever. don’t. ever. play. like. that. again. i’m glad we became moots bc i fucking love you <3
I LOVE YOU SM! i think u were the first moot that i interacted with in direct messages, bc you had tea to spill, and ever since than we’ve been #4lifers. you send me edits and hate on t*m felton with me on instagram. you were the first mutual to know what i looked like lmaoo. u r an absolute goddess, bestie, like what- i know that you can pull anyone you want, so stop playing when you talk about someone.
even though we have a fucking 12 hour time difference, we still find time to talk to each other. it is so fun talking with you and the fact that when we talk it’s night for one of us. you let me send that stupid tik tok of ed sheeran and t*m felton to you and it probably haunts your dreams now ajnwajsj-
i appreciate that you study ur MF ass off for your exams, bc i could never. and you even send me those cute memes when i wake up- also we better be watching those true crime documentaries, bc i’m still waiting. idc if we have a time difference :) anyways ILY SM ELLIE !! <3
okay- where do i even get started with this. we first interacted when i reblogged that draco fan fic and we reblogged talking about how desperate we were trying to find that iconic fic. and i forgot that the creator could see all the reblogging we were doing- you texted me directly about adding my name into your tags, which obviously i agreed to. then we just started talking about random shit like how we were superior because we were june geminis. or how we talked about being in love with remus lupin.
i have vivid flash backs of how your remus fic hurt me. i cried my false lashes off proof reading janajaj- bestie- you’ve seen me cry ajnwja- your writing is ethereal, i don’t know how you can see that? your so nice too, like girly u gave me ur netflix within like a day of knowing each other 💀 we watched bridgerton in two mother fucking sittings. we ate that bridgerton hoe up!
all ur input on the scenes were so funny like the “with child” and “dicking” comments 😭 i love how it’s so easy to talk to you about everything, like how dumb i am- even talking about the privilege of being poc and not burning in the sun. bruh u even let me tag u in dumb tik tok videos, like what?! and i think your the only mutual i have that’s in the same time zone as me… also we better binge the next season. but ily sm, ur like my older sister, even if u say ur life is shitty 😭 <3
honestly, kacia. i owe a lot to you for my account being “found” or whatever, bc you reblogged a fic of mine, i’m pretty sure it was “common room” and that’s when i started getting notes and followers najajwjwj- you might not know that but i do 💀 i will forever remember that.
you literally were one of the first accounts ever- to follow me. and i won’t lie, i went crazy when u followed me because i love your fics so much! you are so funny and blunt too i swear 😭
and can we talk about your tom riddle fic? like?!the fact that you really showed tom’s true personality and character. every world had me enthralled further into the fic, the way you wrote him is exactly how i think tom riddle would act towards his s/o. his toxicity and gaslighting is too accurate.
moving on from the discussion of your fic, which is amazing, ily sm babe!!
we’ve interacted a few times and when u texted me directly saying that you thought i was sweet, i literally went, “omg- people think i’m sweet” in a good way, not bad jkwajjw- can i just get started on your writing, because oh. my. fucking. god. it is the most captivating and heart breaking thing i’ve ever seen- the emotions that you put into every word completes the entire fic. every angst piece that you have written, made me cry or made something inside me just twist with sadness. it is truly lovely and magnificent.
how do ur fics not get thousands of notes? because everyone should see what you write, it’s unfair that others haven’t seen your fics. when u explained your dream to me, i swear you practically wrote a whole fic 😭
i remember u said that you wanted to do a face reveal, but we’re scared. bestie what are you scared of? you look like an ANGEL!! and if anyone were to disagree, they are obviously blind. but ily bestie <3
BESTIE BAE ORION i love you so much!interacting with you is honestly so fun. and i remember like literally yesterday we were trying to figure out ari’s time zone and we were freaking out. you, ari, and me all have a fucking time difference 😭 it sucks so much!
at least every day you ask me how my days been and i think that’s so sweet, because before i got on tumblr people didn’t ask that question. i appreciate that you ask me that and just random questions in general, because i love interacting with you so much. and you should start writing bby! i will reblog anything you write, also ily sm <3
we don’t talk a lot, but you seem like a fun person! i love seeing all the edits you post on here, bc honestly i need more ferret boy content. i know there is a lot, but i feel like i’ve seen all of them. until i see you posting a new edit and i’m like, “okay… i guess i haven’t seen every draco edit” but that’s all i have lol, ly!!
to be honest, you seemed so intimidating to me. i know you said you’re not, but to me you seemed really scary even though i knew you weren’t 😭 i just interacted with you recently and you are so sweet i swear! i love all ur fics, especially “and then i felt nothing” because when i read this fic you better believe i was crying so hard- to the point where i couldn’t breath- everything was written so beautifully, i couldn’t believe it.
i love how one thing we share in common is losing our phones 💀 but i just wanted to say thank you for explaining the whole sleepover and celebration things to me! even tho we just started interacting i already love u!!
moots bc i’m in love with all of them: @just-a-smol-spoon @dreamy-clousds @dracoskinks @unedibledaisyduck @thatsassyhufflepuff @a-aexotic @l0vely-lupin @gothboutique @wolfstar4lifee @littlemissnoname13 @deatthfairy @arcaneslut @ladyvesuvia @laceycallisto @dracossweetprincess @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep @realityblocked @harmqnia @yoooespinosa @opalsheart @lilscloud @cupids-crystals @mellifluousart @lunas-kisses @malfoysmainb @klauscarolove @crystxlss @beforeoursunsets @marrymetheonott @queeriacs @electriclocean @dlmmdl @o-rion-sta-r @sfdlm @ilygw @desiredmalfoy @underappreciated-spoon-321 @draco-and-tom @hellounicorn @mugglesthesedays @dracomalfoys-wh0re
if i didn’t tag u it’s bc i can’t tag more than 50 blogs :(
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
Put Your Hands in The Holes Of My Sweater
I got a few asks for Charlie Weasley, and I got two that fit together well so I’m gonna go ahead and combine the elements of both of them. 
In this fic, we get a rather girly person (this will likely be more on the feminine side so i will probably use she/her pronouns for this one just a heads up if your gender non conforming i don’t want my fic to cause any dysphoria) who is dating Charlie. Molly has pretty much the same initial reaction as she does with Fleur so there will be a little angst involved. 
uhhh TW: angst, very light Molly bashing (it will be resolved tho)
Your boyfriend and you were polar opposites. Charlie was buff, stocky, and could rip a log in half with his bare hands. You were delicate. There was nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, that was the draw for the both of you. 
There was nothing wrong with being stereotypically girly. You knew that. You’d been told that countless times by your friends, you had told yourself, and your boyfriend. You knew there was nothing wrong with wearing flowery perfume and flowy skirts and lace and makeup and doing your nails and hair and wanting to look pretty.
So you weren’t sure why one person was able to make you feel like you were a problem for wanting that. 
So in the field outside the Burrow you lay with Ginny and Hermione as you sniffled. Hermione and Ginny didn’t really have a problem with you, it was Molly who seemed to find a bone to pic with you. 
Molly made sweaters for each family member. Even though you’d been dating for years, she still hadn’t accepted that you were together and pointedly made one for everyone accept you.
You could hear the arguments in the house.
“But Charlie, don’t you want someone who can keep up? She seems more interested in her hair than you?”
“Keep up? Mum, she’s smart as a whip, and the Dragons like her. I like her. Do you really need anything else?”
“Yes! You need someone who can fulfill you, she can’t!”
“You have no idea what she can or cannot do.”
“But Charlie-”
 And furthermore, I don’t need your approval to date her!”
‘Well of course you don’t, but I can tell she isn’t the right choice!”
“You can tell? What the bloody hell does that mean?”
“All she cares about is her appearance!”
“She does not! She’s caring, and inquisitive, and intelligent, and I love her!”
“You might change your mind!”
If you won’t even give her a chance, then I see no reason for either of us to stay. You clearly aren’t willing to listen to your own son”
“Well just wait one moment-” Charlie stormed out through the back door and sprinted out to the field where he saw you. You wiped your tears and stood up to give him a hug.
“You okay? Come on, we’re leaving.”
You shook your head, “No, Charlie, you deserve to spend Christmas with your family. Don’t leave on my account. I can head home.”
“No way, she won’t listen, I don’t need to spend any time with her. I’m not obligated to.”
You thanked Ginny and Hermione and then the two of you apparated home. 
The moment you were in your shared apartment, you just sighed and headed off to your bedroom. 
Charlie followed you in and dug around in one of his drawers, clothes flying every which way. 
“HERE! Put this on.” He threw a red sweater with a yellow C stitched on the front. There were worn holes where the thumbs were and it was soft with use. You slipped in on and melted in the warmth, slipping your thumbs into the holes of his sweater. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry I ruined your Christmas.”
“My dear, any Christmas with you is perfect.” You pressed a kiss to his lips and carded your fingers through his hair, giggling when he sighed. 
“Oh! I forgot about your present! Hold on just a second… Here!” You dug through your bag and found a moving photo to give to him. 
“Why are you giving me a photo of… wait a second… is that?”
“An Alaskan Sharp Stall Dragon? Yes, my dear, yes it is. I called a sanctuary, they have a mother and her two younger babies. She has a teared wing and they don’t have the facilities to treat her at the moment, so I asked if we could take her. She arrives next week.” A grin broke out on his face before he tackled you and peppered your face with kisses.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” you giggled and kissed him again. 
“I have a gift for you.” He grabbed a small box on his bedside table and handed it to you.
You opened it and inside the box was a charm bracelet that upon further inspection, had charms that reminded you of important shared moments. A fork for your first date, a dragon egg for the first baby dragon you had raised with him, a tiny picture of him and you during your one year anniversary, and a small beating heart. 
“It syncs up with my own heart, so I’m always with you.” You smiled and kissed him once more. 
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
“Of course, my dear.”
With that, the two of your turned your lights out and cuddled up to go to sleep
To be honest, you didn’t expect an apology from Molly, you barely expected her to acknowledge you existed. 
That’s why you were shocked when in the afternoon on the 26th, you opened the door to find Molly Weasley standing outside of your apartment, asking to come in. 
You sighed and motioned to let her in. You figured Charlie had contacted her, but when she turned to you and broke down in tears and apologies, you weren’t sure what to do. 
“I was awful to you! I’m so sorry!”
“I wasn’t willing to look past your looks and i-”
You sat her down on the couch and brought her some tea so she could calm down. She accepted the mug with a smile. 
“Thank you. I, I wanted to apologise. Yesterday, I was so rude, and I didn’t take the time to get to know you. I should have not jumped to conclusions. Merlin, I thought i had learned my lesson after Fleur.”
“Honestly, it’s ok Mrs. Weasley.”
“No, it isn’t. I didn’t take the steps I should have to really know you.”
“Well, I accept your apology. Can I ask what changed?” Molly sighed and took another sip of her tea. 
“After you and him left, Bill talked to me, so did Ginny and Hermione. They made me see what I had done.” She paused, “Charlie is so clearly in love with you, Besides Anyone my son is willing to leave a christmas gathering for must be someone special.”
You both laughed and the conversation deviated. You found shared interests. You both loved knitting, and cooking and baking, and she complimented the peonies you had planted in your garden out front “I have never seen a set that bright before!”
Maybe the two of you could be friends after all.
Yeeeeeee thats it for this one y’all. Uhhhh the next one i have is either an ask or a more personal one but ether way it should be posted by friday. Thank yall for reading, and please tell me how i can improve!
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loetise · 2 years
get to know your writing partner.  ˎˊ˗             knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, don’t reblog. 
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name: aurora/rora (mainly rora. like always rora but the au lives in my heart i can’t get rid of her)
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: discord definitely. ims are tiny but also i am known forgetter when it comes to asking others for it kjhdhjshjbd. i also find that i forget disco messages easier so like. discord but also ims :]
name of muse(s): on this blog it’s miss allie fleur but i also have star butterfly on @theunderestimated​​ as well as a bunch of crazy gorls on @nolambs​​.
experience/how long: i checked and i’ve been rping off of tumblr since 2017 but i joined the rpc here in 2020 love that pandemic for me.
best experience: i really like group plots like any group plot i’ve ever had lives in my heart it’s so fun to me. give me more.
rp pet peeves: mmmm idk?? like. one-sided plotting i think?? not just energy wise but also in a sense that like the other person is only talking about their muse and there’s no connection between the two of your muses being made it’s tough.
muse preferences for angst / fluff / smut: honestly it really depends on the muse. like with allie i’m a fluff girlie and i would have to say there’s gotta be a resolve to the angst it’s just how i feel with her. but like i’ve had other muses that are not capable of fluff (cj hook) nearly every single thread is angst with no resolve (cj hook) and i’m still having a good time i’m vibing because it’s just their nature tee bee ach!!!! but for this blog specifically ya we will probably have to plot out a resolve of some sort if we are doing some hardcore angst. i don’t like writing smut on the dash but i’ll do it on discord with people i’m comfortable with, and i think nsfw hcs can be fun to pass back and forth as well.
plots or memes: both 🤪🤪🤪 plots preferred but like i think. that’s normal. it’s easier to write with an idea in your head of the dynamic that’s how it works. allie’s an easy muse to throw at people out of nowhere so i’ve never had an issue with her and someone she’s never met. i do tend to prefer doing memes and setting them in a pre est relationship tho even if it’s with a muse she’s never ‘met’. is that anything.
long or short replies: depends on my mood i love long threads i just cannot get them done quickly. but like i think about long threads the most? when i’m daydreaming and cannot write i’m thinking about the long threads. i love short threads bc they are easy and fun and cute and i can get them out faster but i think i find myself more involved in the long ones.
best time to write: i’m a morning girlie a night girlie a 3am half asleep girlie an afternoon girlie. i’ve been busy this summer with a tendency towards weekend writing? it’s still like. anytime of day tho.
are you like your muse: like yes but not to the extreme point of allie. i am a lot more introverted and i overthink the things allie doesn’t think about even tho she does. a fair bit of overthinking herself.  
tagged by;   @detectdrew​​​​​​​​​​​  ♡♡ tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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childecat · 4 years
⌜Pinkie Promise⌟ Childe x Fem!Reader.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ › warnings: a little angst, mention a self-harm, fluffy childe, soft bf › about: he takes care of you, and help you with a anxiety crisis~ (fem!reader) › notes: yeehaw i finished this, it’s kind of short the writting but i hope you enjoy~ i wrote when i was having a anxiety crisis tho and this made me feel better jhjghjzxj hope i can help anyone~ 
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You are in the room, tears were streaming down her cheek, you're so tired of everything and everyone. You didn't feel like being alive; and sighing, the door opened. 
He had noticed that the house was very quiet, you weren't watching anything, and you weren't even watching the flowers in the yard. There was something strange, he could feel it coming home.
It was Childe, your boyfriend who had come from a Fatui mission. He quickly got worried and ran to hug you, he kissed your cheek and hugged you tight, feeling your smell, feeling at home again.
“Dear, what happened?” — he asks you calmly, already understanding the situation a little. You broke down crying, and pulled him to you, hugging him as hard as you could and crying as much as a child. — “Hey,  I'm here, aren't I? it's okay now, you're with me” — he pulled you close, and settled awkwardly on the double bed.
“Childe.. I can't take anymore. People are justing... leaving my life, it's not fair..” — you sobbed, squeezing him. — “You will leave me someday?... You will get tired of me..?” — he looked at you like those eyes, frowning. He kissed your forehead, and his long, thin fingers hand wiped away the tears. 
“Obviously not, my girlie.” — he whispered, he leaned against the headboard, adjusted the pillows. He pulled you onto your lap, soon letting you find a comfortable position. — “I never will do it, honey. I love you, why I will leave?” — at the end of the sentence, he smiled; looked deeply at you, and pulled you into a calm and loving kiss. 
“P-please, don't leave me..” — you said, between the kiss they shared, big, loving hands hugged you and wrapped your body, he stroked her hair, feeling it in his fingers. 
“Never, babie. You're the most precious things in my life.” 
He joined his hand in yours, and, immediately while fixing it, he noticed something different.
“Honey, did u...” 
You froze, you were so calm and calm for the moment that you forgot what you had done before. You bit your lower lip, nervous now. You tried to explain for him, but his smile was gone.
“N-no! It’s not... What you’re thinking” — deep ocean eyes looking on you, searching for answers. 
“I don’t like lies, my babey. You know, I’m just worried about you...” — he said low to you — “I don’t know what I will do if.. I lose you” — his voice was so broken and you feel bad he have seen it. 
“I’m sorry, darling.. I promise I won’t do this anymore” — you pulled his shirt, without strength. You were shaking, you never wanted anything bad to happen.
“Let’s do a pinkie promise?” — he asked, could you already see a small smile appearing on him. 
“Yes, dear” — you smiled too, intertwining your little finger in his. — “You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice…”
“... The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again” — Childe complimented, giving a beautiful smile that made your heart warm.
Affectionately he pulled you close, causing you to lie on his chest, he did a mess on your hair. He took a deep breath, and looked at you once more.
“You feel better?” 
“Yes, Childe..” 
You cuddled up to his chest, feeling his breath and listening to his heartbeat. You stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's company. He caressed you, with the greatest love possible. 
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levis-wings · 3 years
needed a little break in between reading summer rain and silent storms by @astridthevalkyrie to process the first book's ending. i thought going straight into silent storms would literally break me (like actually murder me lol)
yet, i was rendered pleasantly surprised.
i began reading silent storms during my commute to work. and lemme tell you, i haven't been wanting to go to work for a while now because it's been HECTIC (new ehr system is driving us all NUTS). i was also expecting to hold my tears in public (in fear of the angst of the ending of summer rain to bleed into silent storms' beginning). however, i spent like thirty minutes trying not to squeal with happiness and adoration, instead. it also just so happened that when i reached the first smut scene, i was still on my commute (fairly easy to hide my blush behind a mask though, thank god LOL). and by the time my commute to work finished, i was so energized by what i'd read, that i felt excited?? to walk into work??? like levi and oc's romance??? literally rejuvenated me LOL
the overall feel of silent storms, for me at least, was much lighter, fluffier than what summer rain was. don't get me wrong. it was a still massive fucking idiots to lovers, but the idiocy was adorable and tolerable. (mainly because i got to see what was going on in levi's head, which was an AMAZING touch.) i didn't wanna rip out my heart and cry at any point of the story; instead, i wanted to scream and dance with joy 99.9% of the time. i cannot emphasize HOW WELL the emotions, the feelings, the butterflies are written. i feel like i'm feeling love for the first time reading what the characters are going through and not many pieces of media can actually make me feel something
it's the way in which the thoughts are written so... realistically. you hear the characters' doubts, their wishes, their fears. you see what they hide from the other, what they pick and choose to share. you see what they secretly struggle with and what the other assumes of them. and every single one of their reactions/thoughts feels organic to me. also very true to character
i think this was in chapter one. but this fucking quote:
"The tea is just as bad as last time, if not worse, but he dutifully drinks it all, as she makes herself at home in his office and starts talking his ear off about the many unhealthy effects of insomnia and why does she care why is she looking at him like that what's the matter with her why doesn't she just shut the fuck up for once why is she so pretty—"
the moment i read the latter part, my heart flew out of my chest. it's fucking adorable the way he can barely have a linear thought because he's so whipped for her. i can't even explain with words how HAPPY i was to see how he had felt through all of this
let's also talk about the fucking character development. oc out there pulling uno reverse cards. i think she's the kind of person who grows and learns from others. she takes each person's word to account AND she is aware of this (also the reason she tries to avoid telling levi about important life choices she knows he'll try to talk her out of). sometimes, her inner demons get the best of her. she's complex. (i had an inkling of this is summer rain but more of her childhood was explained in silent storms and the puzzle pieces just fit.) she likes to think that she lives for herself. degrades herself into thinking she's selfish (though honestly, there's nothing wrong with looking out for yourself). but i think it's natural for her to also look out for the people she cares for. her way of caring is listening. and taking in the information they tell her. it's just the cherry on top of her already lovable character. anyways, after understanding her character better, for a while, i suspected she'd somehow(?) try to join the scouts. i was very surprised (and supportive) of her decision to do so as well!
in summer rain, i thought she wasn't ready to be a scout yet. but clearly, she's had quite a few epiphanies and they'd led her to believe in herself. she's totally ready now
i still can't believe i went in thinking i'd fall for levi more and came out falling for the female lead help??
levi's sweet moments sprinkled throughout?? the fic?? killed me.
" 'I'm glad,' he confesses to her, 'I'm happy you didn't join the Scouts. I ... want you to be safe.' "
there are moments like this where he speaks his truth... but it's so tender, so sweet that it's just almost out of pocket. but at this point, he should just fucking say the opposite of what he wants for oc because she'll do the thing he doesn't want her to do, anyways
and listen when he said:
" 'Your mother didn't do her best,' he says honestly, 'you did.' "
i very much did cry inside. and the fact that this left oc speechless. like same, babe, same. it's these rare moments of sweetness that leave me feeling giddy. i don't expect it at all, so when it just comes out, i get so caught off guard LOL
my favorites scenes HAD to be when they had a full-on verbal fight in front of oc's date LMAO, when levi initiated their second kiss, when petra convinced oc to join the special operations squad, when levi and oc finally fucking decided to make something fucking official and then he proceeds to pull out a list of rules from nowhere. hilarious
their constant bickering and dialogue is just *chef's kiss.* never exactly read a couple with better chemistry. i'm also the type of person to like the chase but loathe the aftermath of a couple finally getting together. but fucking goddammit, with these two, i know it'll never get boring. it's also because they tend to banter a lot and i'm that bitch who ships dramione and zutara so you know i like the drama
ALSO?? ERWIN?? when i was watching aot, my friend told me she thought erwin was a 'bad' character. i asked her why she felt that way. she told me because he had no depth to his character—that he was plain. i disagreed. i think erwin (along with levi and eren) is arguably one of the most complex characters in aot, and this fic just brings it out sooooo well! there's just?? something in me?? that makes me believe erwin is SUS of levi and oc. also the fact that he remains a mystery to oc too. she's always questioning the relationship erwin has with levi and even that in it itself makes the man 10 times more enigmatic. i absolutely love it
and the smut. goodbye. i only expected one scene. i was given like... i can't even count because i can't do math when i'm excited lol. but it was much more than what i expected and i was LIVING for it. something about levi letting go of control????????? please. didn't think subby levi would be my cup of tea but i guess i was proven wrong. i'm not even mad
i forgot to say in my last review. but listen. oc liking milk makes me feel so validated. like i literally do not know a single fucking real-life person who likes drinking plain milk like me. and yes, people have poked fun at my habit. BUT SEEING OC DRINKING HER PLAIN MILK SO UNAPOLOGETICALLY. GODDAMN. plain milk drinkers rise 😩😩
but i also need levi to teach oc how to make good tea tho. like girly, you add hot water and a good amount of tea leaves 🤨 what are you getting wrong?
anyways, i've said way too much again. but i can't help but get excited when i come across such a great work of art. though i admit i'm terrified going into warmth. i don't think i'm ready to see the show's events unfolding... because when petra dies i will fucking cry. it's funny because when i first watched aot, i didn't even know who petra fucking was until AFTER she got squashed... yikes. but the more i learn about her character (in aot and in this particular setting), the more i like her
i always end up having some sort of stupid side character syndrome. in aot, i focused on levi/hange/erwin and sasha/connie/jean. and now even in a whole ass fanfiction ABOUT levi, i'm fantasizing about petra and erwin??? huh???
i hope things go well for levi and oc in the future. i'm not ready to see the shit go down in warmth though 😭
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pappydaddy · 5 years
Slow? Oh, I can do Slow! (s.h.)
a/n: it is very hard to create a/ns after you’ve written these fics a year ago. i really do not know what to put. but, i am currently revamping my blog and updating my old fics to look more like my newer ones. i will be rewriting this, but i will be doing that some other time. i will still keep this version tho because it’s nice to remember your first fics!
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
tv show/movie: stranger things
not requested
tv show/movie: stranger things
warnings: angst with a happy ending, mentions of somebody cheating, some swearing.
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  Y/n couldn’t hide her excitement as she danced around her room. A stereotypical girly pop song blared from her record player making her sing into her hairbrush. Setting the brush down on her vanity, she smeared her lip stick over her lips, still wiggling her hips to the beat of the song. A knock on her door made her movements stop and her head to turn towards the door, knowing that whoever it was would let themselves in. As if on cue, her door opened revealing her mother and younger brother, Dustin. “I just wanted to tell you that I am leaving for your Aunt’s, she’s worried that she’ll go into labor early. Steve should be here soon to take care of Dusty so you can go on your date.” She informed her daughter, her hand resting on the doorknob. 
  “Okay, say hi to Aunt Hannah for me, love you.” Y/n wandered over to press a kiss to her mother’s cheek, giving her a quick hug which her mother returned. 
  “I will,” She reassured her, patting her back before pulling away from the hug. “Make sure you turn your music off so you guys can hear the doorbell so that poor Steve isn’t stuck out on the doorstep until your date get’s here. I’ve gotta go, love you both.” She rushed away from Y/n’s room, leaving Dustin who watched his mother rush to the door. As soon as the door was closed behind their mother, he turned back to his older sister, stepping into her room. 
  “Are you and Jessie even dating? You guys have been on like twenty dates, but you guys haven’t done boyfriend and girlfriend things.” Dustin pried, looking around his sister’s room as she put her record away. Dustin wasn’t fan of Jessie, he felt something off about the allusive ‘boyfriend’. Y/n gave her brother an annoyed look over her shoulder, slipping the record back in it’s spot. 
  “I mean, technically, we aren’t official, but like, we’ve been spending a lot of time together.” She told him, checking her appearance in her mirror, taking in her dress and makeup. Sure, her and Jessie hadn’t put labels on it, but she was positive that all the signs were there. She spend many nights in his bed, going on dates. She knew that they weren't together in the typical sense, but it like an unspoken thing. 
  “So like, you two aren’t together, but you guys are still exclusive?” Dustin was beyond confused. Dating to him was extremely confusing when it was laid straight out, so this was completely new territory for him. 
  “Yeah, we haven’t talked about that yet, but all the signs are there,” She grabbed her purse, stuffing her lip stick in along with her house keys and wallet. “It’s really only a matter of time before we do become official, but this is still a closed relationship.” She pulled her coat on, slipping her heels onto her feet. 
  “Weird, how do you know?” Dustin furrowed his brows. He was still holding out hope for his sister to date Steve. She had been pinning after the former King of Hawkins’ High for years and it didn’t take long for Dustin to figure out that Steve was head over heels for Y/n. It really only took him the second time Steve randomly popped up at their house for a spontaneous movie night while asking if Y/n wanted to join them. Dustin had been making great progress in getting Steve and his sister together until Jessie came into the picture and messed everything up. 
  “You just know, Dusty,” She hummed, her fingers fixing her hair. Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she tapped his nose with her pointer finger making him scrunch it up. “You will understand when you’re older,” She chimed, walking out of her room, her heels scuffing on the carpet. Dustin trailed behind her, closing her door on his way out. The doorbell rang out, Y/n’s head snapping towards it, excitement bubbling up in her stomach. Jessie never rang the bell, he just honked from the curb, announcing his arrival. “That must be Jessie! See, he even rang the bell this time - it might be the night we become official!” She squealed, rushing towards the door. 
  “Shouldn’t he ring the bell every date?” Dustin muttered, following her to the door, wanting to see this Jessie guy for once. Clearing her throat, she did a quick adjustment to her hair and dress, yanking the door open with a wide smile only for it to drop at the sight of who was standing on the other side.
  “Hey, Y/n! Awful dressed up for a night in with your two favourite boys, don’t you think?” Steve smiled, walking in when Y/n moved to the side to let him in. Y/n furrowed her brows, a little sad that she had to let him down. He looked so happy to see her when she opened the door. 
  “Actually, Steve. I’m going on a date tonight and I probably won’t be home till late.” She closed the door, walking into the living room where Steve had made himself at home on the couch. His smile fell slightly at the news, but his heart had dropped through the floor. Of course she had a date. She was attractive, gorgeous. Not every boy was going to sit around, too scared to make their move on her like he was. 
  “Yeah, with Jessie, the mysterious boy who I’ve yet to see, and is yet to ask her to be official.” Dustin grunted, plopping down on the couch next to Steve, folding his arms over his chest. Steve looked at him oddly, his mouth parted. 
  “Shut up, Dustin! I told you that it was only a matter of time before he makes it official.” y/n shot at him, the shrill sound of the phone ringing cutting through their conversation. Automatically, Y/n walked over to it, picking it up. Steve watched her as she disappeared down the hall further. 
  “I don’t know, Steve, I’m getting weird vibes from this Jessie guy. He honks when he arrives. Honks!” Dustin exclaimed, getting worked up. Even at his age and understanding of the dating world, he knew that you don’t honk, you go to the door. 
  Steve went to say something, but he was cut off by Y/n walking towards the front door. “That was Jessie, he is running late and said that I should meet him at the theater and we’re going to go to a later movie, I’m going to go get popcorn so we can skip the line, I’ll see you guys when I get back!” She called over her shoulder, snatching her keys from the table by the door as she breezed out of the house, leaving the sweet, intoxicating smell of her perfume behind. 
  Y/n stood outside the theater, the large bag of popcorn in her hands and the drink sitting on the empty ticket booth. It was way past the second scheduled time they were supposed to meet, the box office closing for any ticket purchases, but the scalpers stood around, waiting for people running late, like Jessie apparently was. Huffing, Y/n looked at her watch on her wrist before looking around. She didn’t see him walking towards her. Chewing on her lip, she looked at the scalper closest to her. “Hi! Excuse me,” She called to him nicely, gaining his attention. “Would you like this popcorn and drink? My date and I will just buy new ones.” She offered. 
  “Yeah, sure. Thanks.” He grumbled, taking the popcorn from her before reaching around her to grab the drink. 
  “No problem.” She muttered. Walking away from the box office, she walked towards the sidewalk, wanting to see if Jessie’s car was even at the theater. Her heels clicked against the sidewalk as she neared the dark alley. Subconsciously, she glanced down it as she passed, almost as if some sort of psycho-killer was lurking in the shadows, but what she did see was much worse. In the alley sat Jessie’s blue ford. The car itself was pointed towards her, as if he had pulled into from the street on the other side of the alley. It was dark, but she could see him sitting in the backseat, his head thrown back, his mouth open. She didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know what was going on. The windows were steamed up, the car slightly rocked and she recognized his sex face. 
  Storming up the alley, she slammed her palms against the hood of the ford, startling Jessie and the girl who was bent over, her face in his lap. Jessie’s eyes widened as she scrambled to tuck himself back into his pants, zipping them back up as he stumbled out of the car. “Y/n! I thought I cancelled the date, what are you doing here?” 
  “No, Jessie, you didn’t cancel the date and you don’t get to ask the questions here,” She shouted, her voice booming into the night. “You were really going to cancel on me so you could get head in the back of your car from Josslyn Anderson? I know we weren’t dating, but we were certainly something, Jessie,” She yelled, shoving his chest as Josslyn sat in the back of his car, watching everything unfold. “You lied to me Asshole! Were we anything more than fuck buddies to you?” She asked, hurt. 
  “No- Y/n, you weren’t-” She cut him off with another shove to the chest. 
  “I don’t fucking want to hear another lie, Jessie! I don’t want to fight about this, I want you to leave me the fuck alone, don’t call me, don’t talk to me, don’t even look at me you dirty pervert,” She jabbed her finger in his chest, anger coursing through her body. “I really hope the blowie was worth it.” She seethed, turning on her heel and walking away. She felt stupid for even believing that after twenty dates and not being official that they would actually date. She could hear him calling her name, but she didn’t care. 
  Getting into her car, she didn’t even look back at the alley. In a way, she felt empowered. A high from telling him where to go, but ultimately, she felt crushed. She didn’t hurt that much. They technically weren’t going out, he wasn’t her boyfriend, but she was sure the signs had all pointed to being exclusive. “Nothing I can do, he ain’t shit, he doesn’t deserve my tears, he doesn’t deserve being upset over, he ain’t shit!” She yelled at herself as she drove back to her house. Despite her trying to coach herself out of crying, she still felt hot tears streaming down her face, ruining the makeup she spent so ling perfecting. 
  Pulling into her driveway, she saw the flicking light of the TV and the light of the living room still on. She cursed to herself. She had hoped that Steve and Dustin had retreated to either the kitchen to pig out of frozen pizza or to Dustin’s room to talk about boy stuff so that she could make a quick escape to her room so she could cry and scream while listening to the best break up songs. Turning her car off, she trudged up to her door. Throwing it open, she heard the two boys let out girl-ish screams, practically jumping out of their skin. “Y/n! You scared the shit out of us!” Dustin told her, his hand over his beating heart. 
  “Sorry.” She muttered, keeping her head low to try and hide her tear stained and mascara streaked face. Closing the door, she tried to fast walk through the living room towards her room, but their eyes followed her, watching in confusion. 
  “Wait, why are you back so early? Shouldn’t you guys still be at the movie-” Dustin was cut off by her whirling around, her eyes hard. Both boys were taken back by the tears rolling down her cheeks and the black streak marks. 
  “Jessie didn’t show up so I went looking for him only to find him getting head from Josslyn fucking Anderson in the backseat of his car and turns out, he meant to cancel our date not postpone it thirty minutes! Happy? You were right, Dustin. You were fucking right.” With that, she fled to her room, slamming the door. A few second’s later, they heard the sound of her heel hitting the wall followed by the second one. Steve flinched at the sound of the thud, but what broke his heart was the sound of her music playing at full blast. He just knew that she was laying face down on her bed sobbing about some no-good schmuck who had no idea how good he had it by having Y/n. 
  “Go do something to make her feel better Steve! You love her for Christ's sake!” Dustin shoved his older friend. pointing to his sisters room. Steve shook his head violently, his fluffy hair bouncing. 
  “No, now is not the time for my feelings to be revealed and she don’t love me - she’s upset about another guy, Dustin!” Steve’s hands gestured to the closed door of her room. 
  “Jesus, you really are and idiot Harrington,” Dustin muttered, shaking his head. “She’s loved you for years! Did it ever occur to you that she was going out with Jessie because she felt that you didn’t like her and he was conveniently the only other guy she was remotely interested in?” Dustin slapped Steve in the shoulder. 
  “Ow, wait- What? Seriously-” Steve stammered. His heart lifting up as if it was flying. “She feels the same way?” 
  “Yes! Literally everyone can see it!” Dustin cried, shoving Steve. This time, Steve got up, striding towards Y/n’s room with new found confidence. Knocking twice, he heard her yell for him to come in over the pounding music. Opening the door, he slipped in, closing it behind him. She rolled on to her back as she entered, lifting herself from the bed, sniffling. Turning her record player down, she shuffled back to the bed, plunking herself down. 
  “What’s up?” She asked, patting her bed beside her. Steve didn’t waste a second to sit beside her, his eyes on her. He didn’t want to lose an ounce of confidence. 
  “You know, Jessie is an idiot, he didn’t know what he had and he really doesn’t deserve your tears, Y/n.” He told her, his finger swiping gently under her eye to collect a salty tear clouded with some mascara, making it turn back. She let out a small, wet chuckle, wiping her eyes herself. 
  “I said the exact same thing to myself as I drove home,” She told him, her hands folding in her lap. “I guess I’m just crying because of how stupid I feel and how much time I spent on him, god, I should have listened to Dustin! Looking back know, I can see how much of an idiot I am.” She told him, rolling her eyes at herself. 
  “Hey, hey! You’re not the idiot here. He is for letting such a beautiful, smart, funny and insanely hot girl like you go for a quick fuck by Josslyn Anderson, who cannot hold a candle to you.” Steve told her, slinging an arm around her shoulders. She looked at him, confused, but the second her eyes connected with his, it was like it all made sense. It all made sense why she found Jessie cheating, why she was pulled to Jessie in the first place. It was all part of her journey back to Steve. It was like she didn’t even leave him. Steve was always there, he was just blocked by trash. 
  “You like me,” She whispered, her eyes flicking around his. Her heart flipped in her chest. “You like me?” She almost couldn’t believe it. 
  “Is it that obvious? I mean, Dustin found out like forever ago and apparently everyone else knew to-” His rambling was cut off by her. 
  “I like you to, Steve,” She told him. “All of this happening tonight, the night where you were here, it was all because I’m meant to be with you, Steve.” Steve could’ve sworn he was going to pass out right then and there. His heart was beating so fast that he was sure he was having a heart attack. 
  Steve didn’t waste a second to tackle her to her bed, his body between her legs as he stared down at her with warm eyes. “So, if I like you and you like me, can I kiss you?” He smiled down at her, inching his face down towards hers. She giggled, her tears and sadness long gone. 
  “If you didn’t I would be pretty mad,” That was enough of an answer for him, making him crash his lips to hers, his head angled, their lips meeting in a sweet, lingering kiss before pulling away, goofy smiled on both their faces. “If it’s okay with you, could we take this relationship slow? I want to treasure everything about this - and I also just broke up with someone and I don’t want to be that person who goes from one relationship to another in a matter of a few minutes.” 
  “Slow? Oh, I can do slow! I was so slow courting you, you didn’t even know I was courting you until now.” Steve smiled as he pipped his head down, pecking her lips sweetly. She laughed at his statement. 
  “But, not too slow! Don’t take twenty dates to ask me to be your girlfriend.” She teased, faking a warning face. 
  “How about no dates,” He asked, pausing to sit beside her instead of laying between her legs. “Y/n Henderson, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked her, almost dramatically. She laughed at his antics, but nodded her head. 
  “Yes, of course, Steve Harrington.” She smiled. 
  “Well, as a first date, would you like to go watch the rest of a movie with your younger brother?” Steve invited her, nodding his head towards her closed door. She hummed, smiling. 
  “Just let me wipe my makeup off and change into something comfy, I want to rip this uncomfortable dress and tights off of my body so badly.” She told him, scratching her legs where the black tights itched her legs horribly. Steve laughed, nodding. 
  “Fair enough, I’ll get popcorn,” Steve told her, scooting off her bed. “Don’t take too long, I don’t know how long I can fend Dustin off of the popcorn for.” 
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