#I’m also overall not really a shipping person so when I see ship art of these two I just go ☹️
octonauts-daily · 5 days
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scarthefangirl · 1 year
Don't make me call your sister
Hobie Brown x younger!sister!reader
Request: Hello! Could I possibly request a hobie x younger sister!reader? (Maybe the same age as miles) meeting his friends for the first time
Warnings: Use of the A word lol?
Story type: headcannons
A/N: im slowly making my way through the requests, but please request more lol
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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When the group of spider people first met you they all loved you
You were similar to Hobie but still your own person
“I’m sorry you all have to work with him,” You had teased 
“Y/N, I’m sorry you had to grow up with him,” Pav apologized
Gwen and you bonded over Hobie’s disorganization and messiness
“I didn’t know bringing you around them meant getting attacked,” Hobie rolled his eyes
You guys all bonded over your favorite Hobie stories
Hobie tried to get back at you by telling embarrassing childhood stories of you, but it wasn’t the same
“He really cut your hair just because you didn’t remind him to take his dog out?” Miles laughed
“Yes, and he was literally 16.” You informed and Hobie groaned
He wasn’t embarrassed, he doesn’t ever get embarrassed, just annoyed 
“Don’t cross me,” he shrugged
You told them that even though your brother is Spiderman doesn’t mean you can’t be a crime fighting badass
You took a bunch of martial art and acrobatics to be able to fight like him
If you dared flirt or crush on any spider people? Pavitr would NEVER let you live it down 
Hobie’s, and now your, friends are constantly shipping you with people
Whenever they are done with missions they invite you to hangout with them or they come to you
You train yourself to stitch up wounds so you can help patch them up
Everyone likes you, you just have this energy that’s so likable
If you ever go to the headquarters? You and Hobie steal so much junk
You could probably make like 10 suits with all the stuff you’ve stolen
You would climb onto Hobie’s shoulders to get things high up
Then you’d fall and yell at Hobie
“You could’ve held on tighter!! And also, you could’ve crawled and got it!” You would shout
Change of subject but you would show Pavitr, Gwen, Miles, and anyone else who wanted to see pictures of Hobie as a kid and baby
There is a picture of him holding you as a toddler (him not even a teen yet), holding you by your ankles and you’re face is red, screaming and his with a grin
“What cute picture” he smiled
“I almost died!” 
“What a cool way to die!” 
People use you as blackmail fsss 
“Stop or I’ll call Y/N.” “If you do it I’ll tell Y/N.” “Don’t make me call your sister.”
Everyone tries to convince you and Hobie to have a fight because you’re always arguing about who is a better fighter
“I’d whoop your ass” you told him
“You’d never even lay a finger on me.” He’d said 
Overall, everyone likes you and wants you around and treats you like part of the team
Tags: // @liliummz // @themarvelprince // @misselsbells06 // @american-sataness // @cr0ssoverf4n4tic // @depressednoob // @cerene-ciderr // @leighanne03 // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @singhfae // @mythixmagic // @itsyourboymicheal // @Ravensinthedaylight //
Join my taglist!!
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crystallizsch · 4 months
Okay obviously Yuusha is shipped with Jamil because baby idiots /aff
But I can’t remember… is Yuuna shipped with anyone?
Does our favorite floofy-haired silly have a ship or are they just focused on their platonic soulmates Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dumber (Ace, Deuce, and Grim - who is who? You decide! 🤣)?
HI HI YES yuusha and jamil, my baby idiots, i cant separate them ever 😔💖
also,,, i finally have an excuse to share this silly shitpost i had from a while ago that i didn't know when to post ---
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(this is a joke) (and im pretty sure this joke has been said and done before LMAO)
okay so to actually answer your question: as of now, the main "ship" yuuna has is with tweedle dee (ace), tweedle dum (deuce), and tweedle dumber (grim) as their platonic soulmates 😤💖
when yuuna was my only yuu oc, i used to ship them with riddle (unrequited -> platonic) and leona (platonic)
and jamil (romantic) but shhhh that's some old and forbidden lore (lowkey i was insane for all that)
although i'm kinda thinking about bringing back that unrequited-crush-from-riddle plotline ---
(im going to have a short-ish ramble about it below if anyone is interested hfjdsajfklds)
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i'm so mean to riddle aaagh bc i thought it’d be interesting if i had riddle have an unrequited crush on yuuna :,D
bc i like the idea of riddle being like "hey i insulted you and was Not A Good Person and Almost Killed You, but for some reason you're still willing to be kind to me and be friends with me" to yuuna
cue attempts at "courting" yuuna -- with riddle reading books, looking up stuff, asking for advice, etc.
he invites yuuna on a "date" without it being explicitly stated that it's a date; yuuna just thinks they're hanging out
come the confession and yuuna is just like "oh :D?" "i'm sorry i only see you as a friend"
but it’s okay they both get over it and they see each other as genuine friends now :]
anyways have some old art of them :3
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also also i’m still debating on whether or not i want ace be another unfortunate unrequited crush
bc there's like a scenario i imagined where riddle sees ace making the same look he was making towards yuuna when he had a crush on them and then ace denying it
(this thought process is all inspired by the ghost bride event bc ACE IN THAT EVENT OMGGG)
i dont talk about ace much either but honestly i have a soft spot for him too 🥺
like the way he cares So Much (in his own being-a-little-shit way) and is just overall really genuine and protective of his friends
alright i'll end it here --
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aroacedm · 22 days
here’s 12 pictures of my art! context after each and my references at the end
tgcf spoilers!
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redrawing of the official art from tgcf volume 4! shi qingxuan is my favourite character and he xuan is a close second
this took me a while until i liked it but i wanted to recreate how the original created the ominous feeling and had so much detail and contrast while being in greyscale
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from the tgcf manhua, fengqing! i think their my favourite ship, and i hadn’t drawn them before so i tried to give it a go. not a big fan of the proportions but i think it turned out ok.
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@oceantherat (this is their favourite character from rain code) showed me the reference picture and i decided to try drawing it as perspective practice. it ended up a little bigger than i though so i couldn’t fit the whole reference, and the mask doesn’t feel rounded, but overall i like it
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same guy again! i wanted to try drawing him again but i think the shadows got a bit messed up. my cheap pens smudged a bit but overall i like it
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also from the tgcf manhua, this was from a meme that’s become an bit with me and ocean, just felt like drawing something and saw this in my photos
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after a dnd session with ocean and some other friends, i drew a scene from ocean’s character’s (also called ocean because that’s not their irl name) flashback! this guy killed her family! he’s one of her relatives! but i really wanted to focus on how dark the scene was, with almost everything being pitch black. i wanted to recreate the scene that left my players going D:
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here’s a younger ocean and her cousin that’s more like a brother! i hope nothing bad happens to him… i wanted to draw a picture that helped me as a reference for the backstory, to help build the character relationships and motivations
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it’s another character from that dnd campaign when they were younger with their brother figure! except this one is an NPC helping them out! i wanted to try and make the effect of torn paper but didn’t want to risk anything, so i left a bit of uncoloured paper to imitate a layer of partially torn paper. this was also to help when i was writing backstories
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this is the npc from the last picture in present time, i wanted to make canon designs for all the characters to help me visualise everything. i hid a few lore elements in this but because ocean is going to see this i can’t explain
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i tried to redraw a picture of me and a friend on a ride together but in a more simple style (no eyes and mouth, ect) i haven’t shown the friend yet but i will soon. i’m the person looking at the camera. i really loved the photo and wanted to try drawing it
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i drew this a while ago, but i still really like it. i used my own hand as reference (for some reason i used the hand i was drawing with) i’ve always been fairly good at drawing hands and when i sent this on an art group chat i’m in, i was quickly accused of being a witch. i can only draw to a level i like when i have a reference, and i always have my hands so it’s the thing i’ve drawn the most. i didn’t have the colour for my hands, but i think it turned out good
and finally,
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i’m really proud of this one, i was sick and really bored when i drew it. this is from tgcf vol 6, but i’ve always been really impressed by the tgcf official art and how they look hand drawn but also digital. (you can see brush strokes but they look too perfect). i didn’t have all the different shades of grey, but i think i did well.
thanks for looking at all my art, here are the references i used and where they’re from
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i don’t have the reference for number 9 but i’ll reblog with it when i find it
also i plan on showing more of my art but i need to find the original authors of the references
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thatlightbluefox · 1 month
only just now discovered your art but I love it!!! Ur keeping the butchubbles fans alive lolol!!
Anyway I wanted to ask if you read/recommend any ppg fanfic? I don't read much so I'm curious :o
I in-fact DO read ppg fanfics!
I’ve got a few I’ve scavenged off the internet (mostly ao3 and fanfiction.net, and most are shipping related so.. don’t expect too many without ships. I’d love to hear recommendations too!!!)
The top few I recommend off of ao3:
“I’m not worth for a minute of your time”, by SassyGallium: it’s a silly Butchubbles fanfic that I enjoyed readying! It’s more of a oneshot than a full fanfic, but doesn’t change the enjoyability
“More Than Human”, by sbj: it’s an interesting story if you also enjoy color-coded ppg x rrb, but it does have freaky scenes which I’m not the biggest fan of.. (they’re teens I think? But that doesn’t change my opinion of those kinds of scenes. Not really necessary, but Yk) but it’s an enjoyable slow burn, fun for reading over time! Fair warning it’s not finished so..!
“XII”, by quacklee: my favorite short-ish bubbles x boomer story! It’s nice in case you love the pairing and just want something short and sweet!
Now two fanfic.net stories made by the same person-
“But we’re different!” And “Turn out the lights, Turn up the Volume” by CrystalGemMaker
They’re both good Butchubbles stories!! Really long with both having 20 chapters (admittedly the second one has a freaky scene. They’re both adults in that one, but I didn’t really see the point in it. I don’t think the first one has something like that since they are in their teens!) Overall I thought the plots were engaging even when they were somewhat confusing at times, but that didn’t stop it from being fun to read! (“But we’re different” is less slow burn while “turn out the lights” is slow burn with randomly being between ‘dating’ to ‘never-mind’ and is missing only ONE chapter, but is still technically like it ended)
Some more fanfic.net fanfics!:
“A whole new beginning” by ShimmerSplash: very simple one-shot yet it was still entertaining to read! Again it’s Butchubbles related (most of these are Butchubbles, they’ve somehow became my favorites)
“Humanly Human” by may8eelle: VERY LONG STORY, it’s like 30 chapters, it was a really good story to read throughout the week! It’s even completed!!!
“Here’s to you” by T.C LaBelle: another oneshot! The plot is pretty interesting and managed to keep me engaged! It’s good in case you want a short read with a pretty good plot!
And I thinks that’s about it! Most fanfics I’ve found are either too… explicit? And strange on a whole new level for my taste or too short/uninteresting. These are the ones I’ve managed to read through and actually keep saved in case I ever want to look through again!
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
Defending Terukane Like It’s My Job
Don’t yell at me for this but I feel like MOST of the hate I’ve seen towards Terukane is just because they’re both men. I’ve definitely seen people dislike it normally and those people mostly keep to themselves but the people who adamantly hate it with a passion are so weird. It’s a completely normal ship, yes it’s toxic but not enough to warrant the amount of hate some people give it. Every canon TBHK ship has had scenes of physical violence against one another, and the way Teru treats Akane is used as a gag so it’s not meant to be the main takeaway from their dynamic
Their rivalry motivates both characters and is overall shown to be something positive for them. If Akane hated Teru as much as he claims to, they wouldn’t have scenes of lightheartedly teasing each other like friends do. Like it or not their characters are good for each other, if not romantically then as rivals and/or friends
Back to my main point though, it’s perfectly fine to dislike Terukane but the way some fans talk about it sounds so targeted. Someone on Reddit called it the second worst ship next to Tsu//mane like really??? Out of every ship in the series you think it’s that low??? Worse than the other incest ships??? Worse than the minor x adult ships??? Terukane is objectively the worst??? Sure Dave
I think it’s the way the passionate haters always dumb down their dynamic and bring up how people shouldn’t prefer it over the holy straight canon ship. I like Aoi//Aoi nearly as much as Terukane but c’mon guys, one straight ship out of a million isn’t anything groundbreaking. They talk abt it the same way dudebros talk abt Sato//Sugu and idk, I didn’t think the tbhk fandom was like that😔
I see a bit of this aimed at the other gay ships too (even Mitsukou) but for some reason Terukane antis are especially angry. I get it, it’s repetitive seeing ships between two conventionally attractive men become super popular in every fandom. I myself get a little bummed out when my low quality Terukane fics get 3x as many kudos as Aoi//Nene fics I spent months working on. But that’s an issue with fandoms, not gay men, and even so people can read and ship whatever they want. If you want to see more straight fan art and fanfics then make it yourself
I also saw this one person on Pinterest insist that Teru is aroace coded and that Terukane is problematic because of that…babe please read the manga. Teru’s mystery crush has been a consistent thing since the first chapter and AidaIro confirmed he does actually like someone. I’m all for more aroace representation and if you relate to his character, feel free to headcanon him as whatever you want. But don’t push your headcanons onto others, especially not when you have to alter canon to justify them. Teru could absolutely still be aspec in some way but him having a crush on Aoi (or Akane) is a semi-important part of his character
So yeah hate Terukane all you want, headcanon them however you want, but maybe consider where that hate is coming from before you post an angry rant about it online. And maybe read a character analysis or two before giving the worst take I have ever heard in my life. Just a suggestion
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ddlcbrainrot · 6 months
What are your ships in ddlc? I noticed you do all the ships- If you ship all then what’s your favorite ship?
Now, whoever you are how did you that i was thinking of talking about my ship opinions soon?? mind wizard
SO, here’s the thing : when it comes to ships in genera it takes a lot for me to actually have OTPs and stuff and this is especially true in ddlc for me. For me shipping is more of a “sure, i could get behind this” sort of thing, except if once in a blue moon i find that one ship that alters my brain chemistry but believe it or not that has not really happened to me with any of the ddlc ships. It has happened with the game as a whole, but not really with the ships. The only one that has come close i’d say is sayonika but that’s more bc they happen to be the characters that i think about the most
That being said, i’d say i ship every ship in the game, simply because i could honestly see all of them working out in one way or another. Sure, they’re are some i like more than others but generally all of them work. And yes, this includes the Mc ships even though i like them less bc the side stories blew it out of the park with the chemistry between the girls
Speaking of the side stories, they are the sole reason i got into the shipping side of the fandom lol. The base game, as influential as it was for me, never really ignited any shipping sparks ig. I actually could not care less for the shipping before the side stories, bc most of it felt kind of trope-y ironically enough. Like, Natsuri was the big one, which was only popular bc of the whole opposite’s attract thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that ofc, it just never really resonated with me). Sayonika was a victim of what i like to call the “leftovers syndrome” where two characters are shipped bc they are the only ones left to be shipped with.
And Mc.. well let’s talk about that actually. Mc x Yuri is well… how do i put this. They have absolutely nothing in common. I don’t necessarily hate this ship however, if i see it done right i can like it. Mc x Natsuki was alright, the banter was fun, they actually have things they can talk about, it’s overall a nice ship. I will say i prefer them as close friends, but if i was to see media (fan art, fics, mods etc) where it’s done right, i can appreciate it. Mc x Sayori is also a ship i can enjoy from time to time, probably the most out of any Mc ship. Again, i do prefer talking about their friendship more though but now that i’m writing this down i realise i’m just a slut for male/female friendships. Mc x Monika truly depends on what context the characters are given. Are we talking about non-sentient Monika x Mc? Bc that can be pretty fun. If we are talking about sentient Monika x Mc, i see a very interesting dynamic (not a particularly good one) where Monika is basically using Mc as a vessel for the player in her desperation. Can Mc feel this dynamic? Does he understand in some way that he’s the second choice, even if he doesn’t know the truth about their world? How does it affect him? Its fun to ponder about this ig, but it doesn’t really make for a healthy relationship
Then the side stories came out, where the characters evolved from their one-dimensional tropes into actual personalities with enticing dynamics between them and i was immediately sold. That being said, i still don’t really have an OTP per say, bc as stated before all of them could work out. Which is definitely bc of how we get to see each of them interact individually in each side story. In every side story, we see each character interact with the other and learn how to grow as individuals because of it. I could see each pairing happening individually, i could see them being a poly couple, maybe even a qpr, or just a very close friend group too! There is a lot of love between the characters, whether that is romantic, platonic or something in between im not 100% certain on, but the love is definitely there.
Anyway, you also asked what my favourite ship would be, and i’ll probably say Sayonika since most of the media I consume tends to be with them
WOW this was a long post. Hope i didn’t bore you too much. Thank you for the ask!!
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fumiyami · 4 months
TokoTsuyu (Tokoyami x Asui)
• both animal based!!
•teamed up for that one thing of 1A against the teachers and was a good team
•saw a fanfic of these two on ao3 and it made me think of them two more!!
•I see Tsu as a lesbian mostly but none of their sexualities are confirmed (and let’s be real most of them are gonna be straight😰)
Overall: 4/10
BakuToko (Bakugou x Tokoyami)
•I saw a bunch of fics of these two and they were mostly all super good!!
•but y’all I hate bakugou’s character😓 (don’t send me death threats please and thanks!!)
•still though those fics changed my perspective on these ships
•also like super aggressive x super calm is a good trope!!
Overall: 5/10
TokoYama (Tokoyami x Aoyama)
•u guys i’m coming out as a tokoyama shipper!!! :((
•I LIVE for the trope of sun x moon
•also they have so many things in common!! like: both being insecure (I think), both having belly button quirks, both speaking in an unusual way (yuga speaking french and fumi being like gothic and stuff), and having a set aesthetic (yuga being bright and shiny while fumi’s all dark and broody)
•i’ve seen SO MANY cute fics of these two!! one of my personal favourites: Your Love Is Sunlight by Rainy_Day_Lemonade on AO3!!
•most birds are attracted to shiny things!! yuga is a very shiny thing!!
•I imagine yuga stealing fumi’s heart by first making dark shadow warming up to him!!
Overall: 10/10 (MY FAVOURITE MHA SHIP)
KuroYami (Kuroiro x Tokoyami)
•I don’t know much about this ship or kuroiro in general but he seems cool!!
•they’re both like dark-based or gothic!!
•I feel like it would take dark shadow a long time to warm up to kuroiro due to like him controlling him that one time?? I wouldn’t know I skipped past that scene :((
•also!! kuroiro canonically already has a crush and I don’t really like going against canon or anything!! (I like when my delusional mind can at least imagine my ships being possible)
•the opposite of opposites attract😥
Overall: 3/10
TokoKami (Tokoyami x Kaminari)
•i’ve seen like one fic of this and it was super good!!
•also I saw these fanmade mha tweets on tiktok by this person called Az who ships denki and fumi and it was so cute!! like: Denki: Tokoyami keeps giving me rocks what do I do??? (or something like that)
•I don’t know much about denki (or anyone other than fumikage and mina for that matter) but he seems like a good character!!
•I don’t see much of these two though :((
•another sun x moon trope?? maybe?? opposites attract?
•there’s official art of fumikage and denki sitting next to each other and stuff so :))
Overall: 4/10
TokoShoji (Tokoyami x Shoji)
•I had no idea what colour to do for Shoji so I just went blue :((
•anyways my heteromorph boys!!
•I don’t think of these two much but I keep seeing cute fanart of them on pinterest!!
•I think they’re friends in canon??!
•I feel like this would be a possibility like if any of these ships were to happen it’d be either TokoTsuyu or TokoShoji!!
•i’m so sorry but I did almost forget about Shoji entirely (I love the man I really do!! such a gentleman)
•not much to say but I like the height difference!! short x tall!!
Overall: 6/10
TokoJirou (Tokoyami x Jirou)
•this ship could also be a possibility in some far away universe!!
•they had a drama cd together about jirou being scared of ghosts while her and fumikage explored a haunted building of UA and she grabbed onto the hem of his shirt the whole time which was cool!
•they both have cool aesthetics!!
•both play guitar so they could do like duets together or something
•oh em gee I just thought of them doing a cover of that one song where it’s like “they’re only human they don’t see” or whatever!! (sorry y’all I barely know that song🤯🤯)
•I prefer either jirou x denki or jirou x momo but tokojirou is fantastic as well!!
•but I also have a slight grudge against jirou for personal reasons..(don’t kill me)
Overall: 6/10
TokoKoda (Tokoyami x Koda)
•both heteromorphs!!
•some people headcanon them as both autistic so that’s cool they can like sympathise with each other!!
•I headcanon fumikage to know sign language so if koda goes non verbal then they can communicate!!
•ALSO. animal based quirk x animal based human!!
•both of their favourite animals are probably birds and I love that
•BUT I don’t know much about koda enough and I don’t see much content of this ship :((
Overall: 3/10
I LOVE ALL SHIPS WITH TOKOYAMI REALLY (except for one..looking at you hawks x tokoyami😟😟) AS LONG AS THEYRE LEGAL AND HEALTHY!!
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smg4tc · 19 days
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧���☽ Welcome To My SMG4 AU Blog! ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hai! You may call me Zii! Idk if you know me or not and honestly I don’t blame you if you don’t know me with my own thing (YT, Main Tumblr (I rarely use)) but you can find me in this blog’s description. This blog here is where me and my co-writer have been writing an SMG4 AU, which is CREATIVELY called ‘Totally Canon’!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ What is SMG4: Totally Canon? ⋆⭒˚.⋆
SMG4: Totally Canon is a personalised take of the SMG4 universe. It’s not an overall plot change like a swap or anything. Think of it like how people make FNAF AUs, I'm just making my own personal changes to the series, along with a few OC’s sprinkled in and some personal shipping that differentiate it from the canon series or the fandom’s main shipping.
The main AU’s change is the fact that Axol does not die in Genesis and is salvaged as a proper character… In fact, he’s basically the reason why I made this AU in the first place-
I do promise that he isn’t a big major focus of the series, he just becomes a proper character along with cleaning up the crews’ strikingly disliked characteristics (Meggy, SMG3, SMG4, Mario, Saiko, Puzzles & Melony as main examples)
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ Ships in SMG4: Totally Canon ⋆⭒˚.⋆
🖤🖌️🍉 Kaixolony 🍉🖌️🖤 (Kaizo x Axol x Melony, Vee Polycule)
(Started off as Axolony but went poly after Kaizo arrived, Axol loves Melony & Kaizo and they love him back, but Kaizo & Melony don’t have feelings for each other)
🌸 Sakura Controller 🎮 (Saitari)
💙 SMG34 💜
🕶️ SwagChris 🔫
(I do see it and it is implied under certain circumstances)
🎨 Paintbrush 🖌️ (Meggy x Axol)
(Tried dating for a week until Meggy realised she’s a lesbian, became good friends afterwards)
🦑 Paintball 🐙 (Meggy x Desti)
(Rivals to Lovers + Right Person, Wrong Time)
Nil0 (Niles x SMG0)
🌌 Glitter Art 🖌️ (Galaxy x Axol)
(Unrequited. Also yes OC x Canon, SUE ME /hj)
🌌🖌️🍉 Galaxolony 🍉🖌️🌌 (Galaxy x Axol x Melony)
(All 3 of them love each other. Also what would’ve been if Galaxy didn’t die in Genesis-)
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ SMG4 Q&A ⋆⭒˚.⋆
TL;DR- I've been a SMG4 fan since 2014, Axol, Meggy, and Tari are my favourite characters, I ship Saitari, SMG34, SwagChris & at least decent at Axolony, but I'm neutral towards most ships as long it isn’t MxM or anything illegal and gross. As for a favourite AU or HC? I can’t really say with AU’s but for HC, majority of the gang is autistic + Daughter Melony & Father3, I will die on this hill
⋆⭒˚.⋆ AU Q&A ⋆⭒˚.⋆
TL;DR- This blog is just for SMG4 AU stuff, so you won’t really find reposts here as I just upload stuff for the AU, keeping it organised. You can find some SMG4 reposts on my main blog but I rarely use it since SMG4 has taken over my life at this point.
As for asks? It depends, but most likely when I’m done organising the things for the AU here & my Toyhouse
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Art/OC’s Q&A ⋆⭒˚.⋆
TL;DR- Requests are still on and off the table but I do take suggestions for art, please don't ask me to draw your OC/AU, this AU is not open world. You are welcome to draw/write my characters, you can use my work for icons/banners/edits with credit, reposting is fine with credit only, do not trace/copy/steal my art
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ Lore & References ⋆⭒˚.⋆
Lore: Here!
Reference ~ Main SMG Family: Here!
Reference ~ Main Cast: Here!
Reference ~ Anti-Cast: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ Side Characters: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ ToyToy Trio: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ Mage Trio: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ Mx. Puzzles: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ Other: {Coming Soon}
Reference ~ Afterlife: {Coming Soon}
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Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy what I have in store!
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Okay so watching Monsters at Work and I gotta ask....
First Off: What the hell is going on with Johnny and Claire's kids genetics wise? Johnny has 2 eyes. Claire has 3 eyes yet their daughter is a cyclops? And don't get me started on their son...
Secondly: JOHNNY X CLAIRE???? Who's idea was this? Lmao
Honestly the only f/m Johnny ship I remember from MU fandom was (and I still follow this person even though they’ve moved on) from a really good artist who shipped him with Rosie Levin. The art was good and I was convinced. Sadly given the show and the fact he fired her: guess not!
(Also Sulley and Johnny were toxic college bfs in many corners.)
Eh overall it was kind of random but maybe the writers just spun a wheel for MU female characters for him to have kids with. I honestly don’t think it’s a big deal. Given his seriousness about legacy it makes sense to make him a father. Writers spin the wheel, it lands on Claire, done.
I do wonder how she’s taking her husband being arrested. Like: they should bring this up if a season three comes out. We don’t get to see a reaction. And their eldest child/daughter should probably get a say eventually too. Potential drama. I do have vague memories of Brock the jock bird being in a Claire ship but that’s about it. It’s because they’re the only characters they interact together with on any real level though in MU.
Monster genetics? I do recall Johnny looking like a stubby little thing in a portrait where he was a kid. That’s all I’ve got. Maybe they all have grandparents or great grandparents that can also account for their differences. Maybe Claire’s dad is a carbon copy of her son. Who knows. Mike has a blue clone running around. Duncan has a literal clone with facial hair. I think the basic idea with monster genetics is just to have fun with it.
Like I’m not sure but Tylor splitting the difference between his parents eye numbers probably doesn’t make sense either. His grandma gave him his blue colours but that’s probably it. You’d never think they were related otherwise. Monsters are very diverse. Recessive genes probably produce interesting characters when the right parents get together. Probably best not to think on it too hard.
Also adoption. Adoption can be a thing. Who knows. Maybe we can go dramatic soap opera and Johnny has a secret half brother who was a garbage parent himself and existed because Johnny’s father is a philandering bastard as is the wont of some CEOs. And so they adopted a kid who is actually his nephew and they’re hiding it from the kids and it’s going to be major drama in the future when it comes out. Skys the limit.
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Hey Raven! 👋🏻 I just went through your #my art, and i wanted to tell you that i really really really like your artworks of Miss Raven and Co. You truly put a lot of effort into your artwork, and it shows! With each new drawing, you seem to be getting better! ✏️💕
As i mentioned earlier, i really liked your Miss Raven drawings! they're so cute! especially when you drew Miss Raven in alternative clothing. I also like how much detail you put in your designs for Miss Raven, like the ones for the Fairy Gala or Masquerade Ball are so beautiful 🥺 and still fit her character!
The one you did with her wearing different dorm uniforms from each dorm was such a cool idea! it was interesting to see how she may have appeared if Miss Raven was transferred to said dorms! call me biased, but i liked the octavinelle design the most 😂 but poor Miss Raven. If she had to work part-time in Mostro lounge, she'll have to avoid two predatory Eels 😭 One wants to tease her while the other either wants to squeeze her or dump all his work on her cuz he isn't feeling it today, then there's Azul who takes advantaged of the fact that Miss Raven is close to headmaster Crowley and makes profit 📈 Run Miss Raven Run!!!
Anyway, I think i'm going to steal her away and fight off a certain dangerous and manipulate Eel, a Skilful Hunter, a Lazy Lion, and a dude with the power of christ (idk is Rollo x Raven even a thing?!).
I always look forward to seeing a new artwork of yours truly~
[Referencing this tag!]
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Wehhh 😭 I’m glad you find enjoyment in my silly little doodles! Art is definitely an area I’m less comfortable with, but I do like dabbling in it when the mood strikes.
There’s something therapeutic in designing a new look for your OC! You take the time to consider their individual style, the overall theme, and how you can marry the two to create a cute outfit~ I’m really happy with how Raven’s Fairy Gala Couture came out; it’s definitely one of my favorite looks for her. The Masquerade outfit was also fun for me to assemble, but it seems a lot less cohesive in hindsight (probably because I didn’t line + color it, so it’s harder to distinguish individual elements??).
The NRC dorm uniforms (+ the sequel with RSA and NBC uniforms) was another cool project! I think my favorites from those are the Heartslabyul look (just because I’m a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic + Raven is twisted from the raven in its infamous riddle), the Diasomnia look (it gives “fairy tale princess turned knight” energy), and the Noble Bell look (because the extra fabric is nice and flowy). You can see how the environment and the personality of each school/dorm influences her, right? ^^ It’s also interesting to think about how differently Raven might have turned out if each of these places had more of an influence on her life.
Bruh 💀 I think she’d die if she worked at the Mostro Lounge, dealing with customers and shady coworkers and employer… though that’s not to say that any of the other dorms would necessarily be better! Miss Raven would have gripes with or rivals in each of them somehow. It’s the Night Raven College way, I guess??
One of these things is not like the other… Looking back on it, 3 out of 4 of those are basically predatory-prey dynamics there there’s a type developing and I don’t know if I like it/j 😂 I’d say Jade’s the “main” love interest, while Rook’s the “oh, he’s cute” one… L*ona kind of started as a crack ship but now I think it’s more of a one-sided thing?? Like, Miss Raven still sees L*ona as sort of a rival, whereas he’s grown a little fond of her but knows he can’t do much to sway her… It’s the eternally “second place” syndrome… 😔
Rollo has the most complex relationship with her (sure, call it a ship if you want 😂), built primarily on a strange savior complex. He did some heinous stuff and dislikes her because she’s very pro-magic—but I think there’s a part of him that feels like she’s a lost lamb that’s been led astray by Draconia and therefore he needs to “save” and “correct” her. Problem is, he’s bad at Emotions so his anger gets redirected at Miss Raven herself. Meanwhile, Miss Raven realizes the similarities between herself and Rollo, so she wants to be a friend to him. She sort of forces him to be her pen pal (thinking that writing down how he feels will help him cope with what happened). So weirdly enough, Raven wants to “save” Rollo and Rollo wants to “save” Raven (but both suck at communicating well).
Who knows, we’ll see how things play out from here Nd when the whim to draw strikes next 📝
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gffa · 1 year
Hey! Love your blog for the sw content but ngl you have me window shipping dickbabs more and more everyday. I’m not reeeeally a comics person unless it has quality online format but I have been known to enjoy cartoons. Do you have any show recs to get me into the batfam? Sorry if this has already been asked (and answered somewhere else). Thanks again for all your great content! Love your blog!
Hi! Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad to be helping to at least tempt you into this pit, and I wish I had better recs for you, but I've been turning this over in my head for the last couple of days and keep coming back to that I don't know that I would recommend most of the animated series or movies/TV series for DC. Even the best bets would be: - Young Justice 2010 cartoon, which is overall decent, but DickBabs doesn't happen until like season 3, I think? (And I think Dick dates Kory for awhile before that?) And they're a very minor part of the show, even the Batfam as a whole is only one aspect of the show, it's really a multi-fam kind of series. As long as you know that it will have some major differences in relationship and character dynamics (like Superboy in the show and Kon from the comics share certain aspects, but they are also vastly different and I'm not sure you'd recognize Kon as the same character), it's a fun show to watch overall! - Batman: The Animated Series 1992 + The New Batman Adventures 1997 was absolutely, incredibly groundbreaking at the time it came out, but that means it's 30 years old now and a lot of it is going to be incredibly dated compared to current stuff. I do still love it and the Dick/Babs episodes are TOP NOTCH (so much delicious yearning oh my god) and the flashback to when Dick was a kid are also great, but there's a LOT of basic cartoon action stuff that's not that exciting anymore and it might feel like a long haul. Cautiously recommended if you don't mind viewing it through an old-fashioned lens, don't mind that Dick tends to be more in his "angry teenage years" than his more settled 20s, and you're okay with zipping through any parts that bore you. - The Batman 2004 is another series that's pretty dated, but in a way I find deeply charming, because it really leaned into the gothic aesthetic and wasn't afraid to try some new things with the character designs. I usually suggest skipping forward to season 4 when Dick shows up (and I greatly enjoy his and Babs' dynamic, they're kids at the time, it's not a romance here, but it's not hard to see that one day they could grow up into the characters they'll be in other versions) but the whole show is just a good Batman cartoon! Honorable mentions: - Justice League: The Animated Series 2001 which I don't think Dick or Babs ever appeared in, but is still probably THE best DC animated series. It's not super complex, but what it did, it did very well, and is still pretty influential to this day. - If you don't mind reading an online comic, the Wayne Family Adventures webtoon is a very easy intro point, has very pretty art, and will get you reasonably familiar with the characters! (I sort of liken it to LEGO adaptations, it's meant to be light-hearted and occasionally genuinely touching, it focuses on extremes of the characters and memeable moments, rather than the more sharp-edged comics, but that makes it all the better for an entry point imo.) Beyond that, I can't really think of anything I would necessarily recommend to help get new fans into the Batfam characters (I wouldn't recommend the Harley Quinn show as a starting place for them, nor the Teen Titans cartoon, and I don't really personally care for any of the animated movies personally, other than maybe Super Sons, which was absolutely adorable and a great intro to Jon and Damian), because DC has a really weird track record on adapting them into non-comics mediums and I just enjoy the comics so much more. Though, if others have recs or would offer a rebuttal against some of the suggestions, feel free, because I would love to have easier ways into the comics
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aleeyenn · 1 year
hi aleeyenn. hi joy! i just wannted to say..how much your art means to me how important YOU are to me. you are just so spectacular and creative. i know u probably get that a lot but its so true! your shipart and comics are so on point. i always read them in the character's voices. theyre so accurate and you can tell you really care a lot about the characters and pay attention to their personalities. theyre just so personal. aa!!! your art seriously gives me so much serotonin. ive been feeling so down lately and today i looked at some of your art and it made me rlly giddy! so happy... you are so important to the osc and it wouldnt be the same without you. your content is so heart warmimg. ur a huge comfort artist to me...infact! my favorite bfdi artist eva! also your shipart has made me like the ship a lot! if that makes sense? i dont know how to word it. but for example: tacopop, liymote, NEEDLEDROP. ermmm ya, i wouldnt ship those if it werent for you. ur art makes me stim!!! hand flap!! i have screamed a few times in calls while looking at ur fireafy stuff. this part is probably gonna sound so CHEESY but..you made me proud to be a fireafy shipper? idk if proud is the right word but just enjoy that ship freely a lot more? i think last year is when i felt insecure about liking fireafy because there were (still are) so many fireafy haters and antis and were just completely WRONG about fireafy. same with coinpin. ohhh well i probably repeated a lot of stuff and no im out of words but thanks for being you! :) hope this reaches you and you're having a gr8! day or night
AAHHHHHH OH MY GOD THANK YOU😭😭😭💧💧💧 if i’m being completely honest i saw and read this lastnigjt and i had to wait a good ljke ???18 hours to process it all because oh my god… thinking that i can make that impact on a person is so crazy to me… making a positive impact with my stuff is my overall main goal with my creations and stuff and AAAAHHH i’m so happy😭💗 i get super giddy and scream over peoples art all the time and i never really thought of people Especiallt people i don’t know/aren’t too familiar with enjoying MY stuff to that extent… it’s one of the best things to hear for sure!!! i’m so happy that i can bring that much happiness to you EVEN WHEN YOURE SAD AAGH THATS LITERALLY SO COOL i cant express how happy i am… and YAAAYYY THE SHIPS YOU LISTED ARE SOME OF MY NON-POPULAR(ish) FAVORITE SHIPS IM GLAD I CAN OPEN YOUR EYES TO THEM thehre literally so good … j have to draw them again some time i miss drawing them so much… AND OH MYGODDDD YASSSZZZZ FIREAFY LOVE! i have always been a proud fireafy shipper because there is Nothing wrong with it at all… i mean it!!! they are the happiest couple of all! i will love them literally foreverrrrr no matter what anyone says about them because they’re all WRONG. i have literally seen the worst takes on them ever and i have to put my phone down and take a deep breath after seeing some of them… i do not correct them publicly but i literally turn into ☝️🤓 when someone is incorrect about them because Omfg people are so wrong and mean about them… BUT WHATEVER! I LOVE FIREAFY SO MUCH! AND IM HAPPY THAT I WAS ABLE TO HELP YOU BE MORE COMFORTABLR WITH LIKING IT TOO!!! YAAAAAAYYAYYYY omg SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I ALWAYS GO ON RAMBLES WITHOUT KNOWING IMMSORRU BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDEST WORDS AND REACHING OUT TO ME!!! it’s always nice to hear what you have done for someone and how much you are cared for… i really really needed to hear it today🌷💗💓 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR REACHING OUT!!!
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darkfire359 · 2 years
My personal ranking of Izzy ships, based entirely on how much I like them:
1. Blackhands: My beloved toxic dumpster fire! Izzy just has so many feelings here, it’s hard to not want to focus on it. Probably a personal favorite just because of all the interesting power dynamics here (which I love). Hard to ever have a happy ending with this ship, but that’s okay.
2. Steddyhands: I feel like all my favorite fics are this. A good way to get the fun of Blackhands without everyone involved being miserable forever. I love it when the dynamic is “experienced vet helping new intern with world’s meanest cat.” I love it when the dynamic is “divorced couple get a marriage counselor, repair their marriage, also marry the marriage counselor.” And I love it when it’s just straight-up Ed and Stede conspiring together to seduce their grumpy first mate. So many fun takes on this!
3. Lusrael: I ship it more every time I see Nathan and Con do anything together. I think it’s the single most likely ship to happen in canon (not counting the Blackhands failmarriage). I think I’m personally just a little less excited by the dynamic in fics.
4. Gentlehands: Hard for this to not just be Steddyhands, but I do appreciate it on its own. Probably my favorite angle is “bitter rivals must team up to win back their ex, have hatesex, spend the whole time imagining their rival is actually their ex, accidentally fall in love.”
5. Calicohands: This ship made me actually like Jack as a character, sometimes. I think Jack’s style of affection of affection is something Izzy could actually accept (tackle-hugs, nuggies, friendly shoulder punch, etc) and while it’s not optimal, our poor baby might be touch-starved enough to like it anyway. I also like Jack having unrequited feelings and the resulting angst (in case you couldn’t tell from my #1 ship).
6. Jackie/Izzy: They’re actually friends, maybe! And Jackie would be the type of dom Izzy would love. Izzy does seem more gay than bi to me though, unfortunately.
7. Izzy/OC: Obviously highly variable. I’ve certainly enjoyed Izzy/Bryce from HoHW quite a lot, as well some other one-off portrayals of Sam. But #7 is probably appropriate in terms of how likely I am to actively seek out such fics.
8. Ivan/Fang/Izzy: I think I saw some art of this like once and it was good art. Also I see David and Con taking newlywed pics together and it makes me like Fang/Izzy more. IDK. They’re there, they know each other, it could happen.
9. Izzy/Roach: They both like sharp weapons. Roach at least tried to give Izzy a sandwich once, which was nice. But they don’t have much actual or implied interaction in the show.
10. Jim/Izzy: I’m very excited about them together platonically. Maybe it could work romantically? But unlike Lucius and Pete, Jim/Olu don’t come off as quite so poly.
11. Izzy/Pete: They could bond over being Blackbeard fans. They could get together by both dating Lucius. Possibilities exist.
11. Izzy/Frenchie: I’ve enjoyed some fics of this, but overall, I admittedly don’t see the appeal. Frenchie taunted Izzy with “In your face, Jizzy!” after he lost the duel. Izzy held Frenchie at gunpoint in a scary (rather than a sexual tension-y) way. It feels like this ship is just happening because Frenchie and Izzy are stuck on the same ship together post-e10.
12. Izzy/Buttons: Butthands is a terrible name. I think Buttons is in a monogamous relationship with the sea. Good art though.
13. Izzy/Wee John: John is big and could lift Izzy in a princess carry. I can’t think of anything else to say here.
14. Izzy/Olu: I feel like this would be a healthy relationship for Izzy, because Olu is the type of person who has healthy relationships. Therefore, Izzy would never go for him.
15. Izzy/Swede: I feel like Izzy would actually hate this. The Swede is probably the least competent member of the Revenge crew. This relationship would be a disaster and not in the fun way like Blackhands is.
16. Izzy/Mary: I really really like them platonically. So much. But I feel like a romance would make negative sense.
17. Izzy/Chauncey: This actually skeeves me out, no.
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Hiii, first of all, I love you blog and the whole vibe. You're probably the first blog I've seen with the combination of kpop and band of brothers, cool combo.
I would like to request a band of brothers ship :))) My pronouns are he/him, I'm pretty short. I play the guitar and love drawing, photography... just anything artistic. I'm always optimistic and am very social. I love giving gifts whether its art or self baked food or random rocks... fun fact, I'm Belgian and I've been to bastogne a whole lot of times growing up,hope that enough information ;)
Also, I think you would really like @rogue-barnes-durin-main they're lovely and your blogs are somewhat alike ;)
Have a great day!
Yes hii thank you so much for your request and i’m so glad you like my blog! 💖
I ship you with…
David Webster!
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Song recommendation: Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
- OMG what an iconic couple
- Okay so I think you guys would meet in a public library or something like that, both of you are so artistic and smart (in your own respective ways ofc) but he’d be trying to find a seat in there, and that’s when he sees you
- You looked so handsome but angelic at the same time, it almost took him of guard for a second because he wasn’t expecting someone so pretty to be in a library on the weekend.
- You would be so focused, on whatever you were doing, and he would be nervous to come and sit by you because he wouldn’t want to disturb you
- And you obviously catch on to his extreme staring at you, when you look up from your work and give him a sweet smile
- He almost passes out in that moment, you just smiled at him? Btw your gorg smile literally has his face in a deep shade of red
- He has to go over to you now, when he finally does, he can finally see how nice you look in the window sunlight, he can also see what you’re working on, it’s a drawing, and that’s when he’s like wait, that’s actually like so good??
- “That’s a real pretty drawing you got there, by the way, what’s your name?” AHHHH that’s exactly how he says it
- And of course you guys start talking together, immediately hitting it off, talking about all kinds of stuff, like what you usually draw, and his writings, the best books to read all of it, even to where the librarian has to tell you guys to leave because you guys are way too loud for a library
- he would find you extremely fascinating, you guys would go to a cafe afterwards because he just wants to get to know more and more of you atp, and the rest is history.
- He loves and admires your positive attitude so much, it really uplifts him in days where he feels like absolute shit, on his bad days, you can always bring a smile to his face with your encouraging personality
- You’re more of the social one in the relationship, but overall both of you are pretty outgoing when it comes to hanging out with friends, y’all are always talking to others and making friends with people, I think you guys would be a very charming couple in terms of talking and socializing, y’all are just so nice who wouldn’t wanna hang out with y’all?!
- Okay, when you bake him dessert as a gift for the first time, this man swears he fell in love, like actually swore up and down he was gonna marry you after he had a bite of the brownies you gifted him
- speaking of baking, I think you two would spend just one day where you guys bake up a whole bunch of cookies and such at it would be so fun and cute, he would be like such a romantic the whole time, putting cookie dough on his finger for you to eat, kissing your cheek and holding you while you prepare the baking pans and the dough, it would be so nice oh my gosh
- Or if you give him something that you drew or painted, his heart would literally melt, he knows how much thought and time you must’ve put in it and just that alone makes him fall in love with you all over again, he literally with thank you over and over again til you’re just like, “Dude, chill” LOL
- and in return of course he writes you a small poem that’s so romantic and sweet, it would literally bring you tears to your eyes, cause literally the thought of someone writing you a poem, confessing how much they’re in love with you is so adorable 😭
- He would find it SOO cool that you play guitar, like that’s just so neat to him and he would literally beg you to play something for him, he’s honestly such a fan girl for you when you play it and he just full on loves when you play the guitar, it also gives him hella butterflies
- omg omg omg, how could I forget your photography, he would jokingly always ask for you to take a pic of him while you guys were out together, and whenever you guys have a date outside or out in nature he would ask you to bring your camera stuff or whatever you use for photos,
- Like say you guys were on a picnic, he’d become the temporary photographer 🤣 he’d just be like, “babe look” and he would talk all kinds of photos, and even if they’re completely horrible you can’t tell him that because that would break his ego into pieces LMAO
- But I think you guys would go together sooo well, I can get like 100% that he would completely treat you like royalty and it would be so cute 😭 you never have to worry about anything ever when you’re with him
Thank you again so much for your request!! And i’m def going to check out @rogue-barnes-durin-main ‘s blog RNNNN 😋💛💛💛
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eileen-crys · 2 years
What do you think about the ethics of RPF? Like especially shipping them with people they didn’t have a romantic relationship irl. (Which doesn’t apply to you but does to the fandom in general)
Oooh Anon this is always a super tricky territory and this is one of the hardest questions. Pretty sure someone would take my answer to create drama or yell at me so feel free to DM me if you want to discuss it further in private, I’ll answer when I can (because I’m awfully busy these days)
Something I openly think about RPF is that while we write/draw/read about real people, everything should be thought and presented as fictional, even if it’s based on real events. We can’t know the real people, the real events, and we’re tied to narratives, plots and dialogues. (I also care about reminding others that many of my Johnica artworks and all the fics are fictional, even if the couple is real!!!) Some exceptions can be obviously made for artworks that are based on photos or videos, of course 😅
I’m really not a fan of people who forget the F in RPF stands for “fictional” and take non-canon shipping way too seriously and starts preaching about in-band relationships being real in secret, claiming Queen hated their irl partners, or stuff like that. The friendships in Queen are amazing and worth to be praised, and they all had/have meaningful relationships with other people, no need to become tin hatters. I’m okay with people shipping the boys, as long as we’re all aware it’s fictional and there’s no hate for other ships involved. (then of course I have some notps hahah but again who doesn’t)
And I can never stress enough that if anyone wants to show some art to the real people involved should take the person in account and ask “is it appropriate to tag/send this to them?” and it’s not just about non-canon ships, I wouldn’t send him Branita p0rn either 🤣💀 Just be mindful, because I’ve seen people getting upset that he blocked them after they tagged him in nsfw fanarts, as it was his fault.
I personally care also about the overall respect being given to the real people that inspire our fictional characters, and I know my alignment might be different from others, so I care to stay away from fics/content that depict some of them in behaviours I don’t like, make me uncomfortable or I find less “realistic” to my view. Am I upset that someone writes John as a necrophile serial killer or Freddie as a r+pist? Or many other things? Yes, absolutely. But I do rant privately about it instead of making a mob against the author. I hope the real people involved won’t see any of that and I do my best to take care of my own experience online by stepping back from content I’m not forced to look at, exactly as I stay away from my NOTPs.
Fanfics (and fanarts!) can be a great getaway for creativity and it’s always interesting to explore the lives of real people who inspire us or to put them in different situations, it can be a serious tribute or just for fun, so I try to see the positive aspect to it and enjoy the creativity! Don’t like? Don’t read, tags exist for a reason 🙏💕
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