#I’m also brainrotting another series atm
azzayofchaos · 10 days
Mail Demon au sounds amazing tell us more.
Sorry it took me a while to get to this! The more specific asks were easier to tackle, also school started again and I forgot about tumblr, oops, but ima use this as an excuse to rant about PET!
Here’s a silly thing I wrote, it’s mostly an excuse to note some details on how the Demons tend to “appear” to the average mortal viewer. And it alludes a bit to their history with the town!
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 months
got infected by the brainrot of creating d&d characters so:
leverage as d&d characters
note: the setting doesn't involve magic and only has combat encounters in very specific circumstances, so there's an obvious lean towards classes that go hard on the rp based on their abilities. they're thieves. they're a bunch of rogues fundamentally. if a character has magic, the assumption is that it's filtered through the setting, i.e. sophie using disguise self or hardison using remote access.
level wise, the original team is rocking at level 15 minimum in the original series. they’re some of the best of the best before they start working together. think of it this way: the reason they’re so high level is for rp reasons, not for combat, except for eliot. they’re trying to avoid encounters and solve puzzles through various means, not beat up a dragon. plus, given a low magic world, i’m assuming scaling of power is adjusted to the reality these characters exist in; they don't have the hp of a dnd adventurer, but they have the proficiency bonus and ASIs.
obviously there’s potential for better systems / systems that are more suited to heists than combats. i'm most familiar with dnd, so that's what i'm using atm.
first, the obvious:
parker: thief rogue. the base abilities allow for bonus action sleight of hand checks as well as no reduction to climbing speed. i would also add the opportunistic thief feat, as well as the acrobat feat because of her extensive training.
highest stats are dexterity and intelligence, with above average wisdom and constitution, average strength, and charisma is her dump stat. proficiency / expertise for the skills she needs: perception, survival, but not insight. over time with the crew she improves on wis/cha by working with sophie primarily.
nate ford: inquisitive rogue. all about seeing through people, digging into the cracks and finding what’s missing. i considered adding a dip into paladin for oath of vengeance, but one can commit to a code of honor without getting magic for it, so i'm sticking to pure rogue for nate.
i would add inspiring leader, and maybe the acolyte background for his background in seminary school, or city watch investigator for his work with iys. high mental stats, average physical, though intelligence and charisma are higher than wisdom for nate.
sophie devereaux: eloquence bard/mastermind rogue multiclass. both have really good abilities wrt talking to people which is her whole deal. she's often the one talking the group through grifts; if that's not bonus action help i don't know what is. plus jack of all trades allows sophie to work with a ton of different scenarios.
i'd say high mental stats again; max charisma, high wisdom, above average intelligence, with expertise in history, insight, persuasion, and deception, and average physical stats. disadvantage on performance when not on the con.
eliot spencer: another multiclass: fighter/rogue. base is battlemaster fighter, with a hefty dip into assassin rogue for expertise and uncanny dodge, etc. he gets a bunch of ASIs as a fighter, so he can be very well rounded and add feats to round out his rp e.g. chef, athlete, observant/alert. for combat, add the tavern brawler feat, unarmed fighting style, and the mercenary veteran background and you have yourself an eliot spencer.
highest stats are strength & wisdom, followed by charisma & constitution, then intelligence & dexterity, though all of them are above average, because he starts off with good physicals and builds up the mentals with ASIs.
alec hardison: a little tricky, but i’d make him a multi class of arcane trickster rogue and divination wizard, with a heavier emphasis on the rogue than the wizard. filtered through his use of tech, this man basically spams remote access, identify, arcane eye, scrying, rary’s telepathic bond, legend lore, locate object/creature, etc.* i would tack on the skilled feat because he picks up forgery and a bunch of other skills along the way.
highest stats are intelligence and wisdom, followed by charisma, with average physical stats, though his dexterity is higher than his strength and constitution.
*technically he can't cast some of the higher level spells on that list without getting up to 9th level in wizard--i'm handwaving this as him utilizing permanently enchanted items to work around it with his own 5th level spell slots. which he can get with the 9-6 split i set him at. it works with him being limited by location--hardison is at the top of his game in lucille, but when he doesn't have access, it's a little harder to work around.
harry wilson: courtier background to start; he has expertise in the law and its applications, but starts leveling in inquisitive rogue when he starts working with leverage. alternatively, it would be really funny if he starts leveling in lore bard by virtue of being guided by sophie. i could see him fitting into something like the scholar class from SW5e, but that's not what we're doing here, is it.
highest stat is intelligence, followed by wisdom, then charisma, with average physical stats. i would say that he starts off lower level—no higher than 5. the point is that he provides contrast and his specific expertise in the law.
breanna casey: arcane trickster rogue/artillerist artificer multiclass, but more of an even split than hardison to start. leaning towards artillerist, given the nature of the world and the fact that she would love an eldritch cannon. she starts leveling in rogue more after joining up with leverage and working with parker.
highest stats are intelligence and charisma, then wisdom and dexterity, then average strength and constitution. starts around level 8, by contrast to harry, but is still learning and leveling up with the leverage crew.
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