#I’ll redraw her later if I did
khyann · 11 months
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A redraw of this piece i drew july last year, this time with their actual designs. And also a little ficlet written by my partner @lunarsands when i posted the original picture
“Babies cry a lot, huh?”
“She’s really loud for being so small!”
“Maybe she hasn’t gotten a new toy in a long while. I can give her my teddy bear right now, she can borrow it until later.”
“What are we calling her? Or is she just ‘baby’?”
“I wanna hold her! Tell Dad he can’t hog her all the time!”
“Shh,” Sausage tempered the last one. “Babies need an adult to hold them most of the time, they can’t do things on their own.”
“But I’ll be careful! I promise!”
“You can hold her later. Right now Dad is trying to get her to sleep. She’s had a really big adventure today.”
That thought sunk into their collective little heads, then someone else piped up, “Can we go see her, please?? I wanna see the baby sleeping!”
“You all have to promise to be very quiet, all right?” Sausage passed a stern look over each of the six children. The oldest two nodded, still curious but understanding. The younger ones were the more excited, having less memory of being around infants before.
He led the group down the hall to the hastily assembled crib where there was finally less crying while the familiar sound of an elven lullaby was being sung. Sausage eased the door open and made a small wave, then pointed downward behind him. Scott, standing in the middle of the room with the baby in his arms, continued to sing but gave a quick look of acknowledgment.
Sausage motioned for the other children to stay at the door, helping them arrange themselves by height to get the best view, and they did their best to remain quiet while still shuffling around somewhat to look in past him.
Satisfied they would behave, Sausage leaned against the doorframe to listen with his arms folded, gazing over with a soft expression.
They hadn’t chosen an infant before because of the necessary set of needs, but with the way the human foundling had been presented they couldn’t turn the opportunity away, and now he was glad because it seemed to suit Scott so perfectly, and he couldn’t deny the way his own heart had swelled when he had first picked up the tiny child.
And really, what was one more new experience for their not-so-little-anymore family?
Happy spooks everyone! 🎃💀🦇🕸️
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lynn-vdg · 3 months
Heya guys, guess what…. WE REACHED 50 FOLLOWERS!!!!
(“Erm actually it’s 57 now because you’ve been procrastinating so much-“)
So I would just like to thank everyone following me, cause I appreciate all of you!
(Even the bots XD.)
SO, Like I said a whole lotta posts ago, I decided to redraw my FIRST EVER DIGITAL ARTWORK.
And with that I mean just like, the first ever OC I made because that’s basically it-
I won’t hold the suspense any longer…. I reveal to thou…..
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RAAAH SHE’S SO GIRLY POP!!! Although I did improve her fit somewhat tho, i’m gonna be honest, I cooked for my first ever design.
(And uh, I decided to stop being lazy and actually render the eyes and skin, whoooooo.)
Here’s the old digital artwork for comparison and for funsies!!!
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Once again, thanks to everyone and especially my mutuals/friends for coming along this wacky, zany, tale with me…. my “UNDERTALE”.
Also before I forget! I don’t have a name for my beautiful awesome girly over here, so, if you’re up to the task…. POST YOUR COOL AWESOME NAME IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS !!!
(Or reblogs :3 )
I’ll make a poll later if I get enough suggestions so y’all can pick it, 😼.
(If not i’ll just make a poll with names I like myself Xd)
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steponmeinejghafa · 10 months
First Bench Pt.5 (TW)
Summary: With exams coming up, you withdraw from everyone, including your family, and it takes a toll on you. Zoya tries comforting you to the best of her capabilities, but after you keep pushing her away, she gets fed up and confronts you.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Breakdown, stress, crying, self-deprecating thoughts, mentions of an attempt at self harm.
First Part
Second Part
Third Part
Fourth Part
Exam season. You dreaded it. Were you smart? Of course you were. Were you human? Unfortunately, yes. Naturally the stress of having to get good marks was pressurising you, and honestly, with the whole issue with Zoya, it was getting worse.
It had been two weeks since the party now. Since then, you had been cold and curt with Zoya, ignoring her unless she made one of her usual comments, or just to gloat about your marks at her.
“Hey,” Nina said softly that morning as she entered class. You had a huge headache and you were stupid enough to make the decision to ignore it and came to school. “How’re you feeling?”
“My head is killing me,” you groaned. “I feel like I have a hangover.”
“Morning, Brekker,” Zoya said, smacking your head gently with her book as usual. “Had too much to drink last night? You look awful.”
“I know I still look better than you, Nazyalensky,” you snapped. “Keep to yourself if you know what’s good for you.”
Zoya rolled her eyes, hurt pinging in her heart. Two weeks. It had been two weeks since you both had last spoken decently to each other. She kept trying to make it like before, but she couldn’t. All you did was snap at her rudely and then ignore her.
“Still crushing your heart?” Nina raised a brow. “And clearly crushing hers in the process?”
You scoffed, “She has no heart. Let it go.”
“Alright,” shrugged the girl. She handed you some headache pills and said, “Have these when you feel the headache coming in stronger, okay?”
You nodded, distracted. You were already calculating what all you were supposed to do that day after your tutoring session with Zoya. Cover the last history chapter, do a bit of math, redraw your maps for practice and so much more.
“Everyone,” the teacher called for your attention, “I hope you have been working hard on your project work, because it’s due in two days, so just a heads-up.”
“Is your mediocre work ready, Nazyalensky?” You asked, looking at her. “I need to add it to my far better work and edit it more, obviously.”
“Oh please,” Zoya scoffed. “Calling my work mediocre would make your work trash, Brekker.”
You shrugged, “My grades display otherwise.”
“Saints, something went seriously wrong between them,” Nikolai mumbled to Mal, who was sitting on the seat beside him. “I miss the playful banter.”
“Me too,” admitted the other boy. “I wish they’d just admit their feelings to each other, honestly.”
“Never gonna happen,” Alina turned around and said to them. “They’re both stubborn donkeys.”
—Time Skip—
“Y/n, come on, it’s time for dinner,” Nina said that evening as you sat at your tiny desk, studying hard. You had only just come home from your tutoring session with Zoya, tension-filled as usual.
“I’ll eat later,” you dismissed her with a wave of your hand.
She sighed. You had been doing this for days now. They all would eat together, while you slaved away at your desk without a break. At times one of them would go to the living room at two a.m to see you with a lamp on the dining table, your books strewn about there while you memorised something quietly. You hadn’t spent more than twenty minutes that week with them, and it was beginning to worry them all.
You got up and moved your things out of the room when Nina and Inej went to bed after having studied for a little while, and sat down at the dining table with a cup of coffee Mrs Romanov handed to you.
You were stressed. Far too stressed. In the night time you were holed up at your desk, in the day you were tired and irritable, your body taut with effort and exertion.
Sometimes when you couldn’t remember something, you would nearly break down into tears. You had to make sure you got top marks. Your reputation was at stake. You thought that if you didn’t, the others would think you were a failure and that your scholarship was a waste.
Zoya noticed everything. She noticed how you didn’t come to lunch in the cafeteria, how you were always taking a nap in you spare time between lessons, how your beautiful eyes now had bags under them, and how you were getting progressively more irritable in your tutoring sessions.
One day, everyone had a free period because the teachers were all called to the principal’s office for an urgent staff meeting. While everyone milled about and chatted with their friends, played small games with each other, and just had fun, you were quietly reading your textbook, politely turning down any invitations given to you to join them all.
You were covering geography, and there was a part you were quizzing yourself with. Suddenly, your mind went blank and you couldn’t remember a single thing of what you had memorised.
Impossible. You had memorised nearly the whole book!
You started mumbling the start of the answer again and again, but the rest was just not coming to you. Panic seized your whole body. The exams were in five days, you could not blank out now!
You slipped out of the classroom, hopefully unnoticed and went to the bathroom to try to compose yourself. However, you weren’t as discreet as you thought you had been, because just as you left the classroom, Zoya noticed and followed soundlessly behind.
You reached the bathroom and splashed water on your face, but the voices which were already whispering in your head were louder now.
It was such an easy chapter, you don’t deserve to get the marks you have.
So pathetic, you will never be as good as Zoya or Inej, or anyone for that matter.
So far it’s been easy. You’re too dumb to do this.
You should’ve stayed in Kerch and let Pekka gut you clean like a fish.
You’re such a failure. Always have been.
“I can’t do this,” you whispered, your hand going into your pocket as the other gripped the basin tightly, while your breathing picked up. You felt for the small pocket knife you always carried, and finally extracted it from the fabric of your jacket.
“God, I’m a failure,” you sobbed softly, your legs feeling weak. You backed up against a wall and slid to the floor, your knees up against your chest as you dissolved into a panic attack slowly and painfully.
“Brekker, what in the name of the Saints are you-“ Zoya froze upon seeing your sobbing figure, and felt her heart stop in her chest as her eyes landed on the open pocketknife in your hand as well as your rolled up sleeve.
“Hey,” she said in a far gentler tone, trying to catch your attention as your chest heaved and your pale hands quaked. “Brekker, come on, look at me.”
“Z-Zoya?” Your eyes finally focused on her. “I can’t breathe, Saints I can’t breathe…”
“I know, I know,” she grabbed your hands in hers and gently rubbed her thumbs over the backs of them hesitantly. “Try breathing with me, come on.”
You nodded, the voices a little less loud in your ears now. She guided you through your panic attack, her voice slowly overpowering the ones in your head till they were once more just whispers.
Zoya’s heart was pounding in her chest. Sure, you were having a panic attack, but you said her name. You called her by her name for the first time. Not Nazyalensky. You called her Zoya.
“Feeling better?” She asked, her hands still in yours as she knelt in front of you. You didn’t reply and she frowned in concern, “Y-Y/n?”
You snapped out of your thoughts immediately, your heart fluttering again. No, you can’t. You crushed the feeling again, just how you had been doing these last few weeks.
“Did-did you just call me Y/n?” You whispered nonetheless, shocked.
“Um,” she panicked and shook her head, “I figured I’d grace you with that gift now that you addressed me by my first name.”
“We’re on a first name basis now?” You sniffled with a raised brow. Your walls went up around your heart again. You would not fall for her. You refused to.
“Seems like it?” She smiled, hoping things were back to normal.
“You wish, Nazyalensky,” you spat, standing up. “Leave me alone, thanks. And don’t breathe a word about this to anyone.”
She scowled, “You’re such an ungrateful asshole, Brekker. I helped you with that panic attack, and you have the gall to talk to me like I’ve violated you or something!”
“I didn’t need your help!” You exclaimed, fear gripping your heart in a chokehold.
I can’t let this happen. No, no, no.
“Really?” She scoffed. “You didn’t need my help? You were about to fucking cut yourself, and you’re telling me you didn’t need help?”
“Not from you,” you seethed.
“Fuck you, Brekker,” she scowled and opened the door to the bathroom.
“Get out of my face, Nazyalensky,” you replied.
That hurt. That one hurt her so badly, Zoya wanted to cry. She genuinely wanted to make sure you were okay, but all you did was push her away. All you did was act nasty towards her, and it was pissing her off.
“Watch me, Brekker,” she mumbled to herself. “I will find out what the hell is going on in that dumbass head of yours.”
She called Nina to her desk as she reached class and said softly, “Nina, could you please make sure Brekker’s okay? She’s been acting up lately.”
Nina sighed, “She’s not an easy person when she gets stressed. She’s been acting up with us as well. I think it’s the exams.”
“Maybe. Just…just take care of her, okay? I’m worried,” Zoya admitted. Seeing Nina’s knowing gaze she hastily added, “Because I need my opponent to be healthy for competition, obviously.”
“Whatever, Zoya,” laughed the girl as she walked away.
—Time Skip—
You sat silently with Zoya that evening in the library. It was completely deserted today, everyone went home early to study, clearly.
“Brekker,” she said, hitting you over the head with her pencil as you nearly dozed off again. “Focus.”
“I am focusing, Nazyalensky,” you snapped. “Saints, maybe if you didn’t drone on like a boring priest, I’m sure I could focus properly.”
“Well maybe if you stopped stressing out so much, maybe you might find my boring, priestlike droning useful,” she replied, her brow raised.
Honestly, you were really so trying sometimes. Her patience was wearing thin.
“Saints, why did Reznik have to shove us together?” You grumbled under your breath, but she heard it in the silence of the library.
She’d had enough now.
“Alright, that’s it,” she threw down her pencil onto her book and glared at you. “It has been two weeks since the…incident, and all you have been towards me is vile, hateful, and angry. What the hell is going on with you? I have tried to be nice, hell I tried to help you through your panic attack, but what the fuck did I do to earn this much hate?”
You shook your head and stood up with a stack of reference books in hand to put them back. “Don’t read into it, Nazyalensky.”
She stood up and followed you, saying, “You have been distant from me, from your friends, everyone! Why?”
You continued putting books in their places, moving around to find the empty spot where the right ones were. “None of your business,” you said curtly.
She breathed in deeply, tamping her frustration down. “Brekker, as much as I hate to say it, I’m worried about you. That panic attack in the bathroom today was no little thing.”
You felt your hand clench into a fist and tried not to cry. “Please don’t mention my episodes of anxiety. Besides, it wasn’t that bad. I could’ve managed.”
Zoya resisted the urge to slap you silly. “Wasn’t that bad? Brekker, I walked in to see you almost put a knife to your arm. That, in case you didn’t know, is called self-harm. People get professional help for that sort of thing,” she put a hand on your wrist, making you unclench your fist. Her voice was soft, concerned as she continued, “Please, Brekker, talk to someone, if not me. I get why you won’t talk to me. But for Saint’s sake, get some help.”
You hated it when people talked to you that way. With that false concern in their voices. Saying ‘talk to someone’. You were fine. At least, you thought you were. Wasn’t stress normal?
“No,” you said forcefully, shaking her hand off your wrist. “Keep your false concern to yourself, Nazyalensky.”
Saints, you craved her skin on yours again, but you couldn’t. You shouldn’t.
Zoya caught your arm and pulled you to face her, risking a punch to the face. You looked angry. Genuinely angry at her. But she didn’t care.
“Who hurt you?” She asked, her dark eyes gleaming with something you didn’t know. “Who the hell hurt you so badly, that you decided to hurt yourself? That you ended up hurting others around you? Those who love you? Nina, Inej, Kaz, the whole lot of them are worried sick, Brekker! I have been worried sick!”
Your angry expression melted away, and your blazing eyes filled with tears which you tried to keep at bay. Your breath rattled in your chest as you turned away from her, saying softly, “It doesn’t matter.”
Exasperated, Zoya exploded at you, “It does matter, Y/n! You matter! People care about you so much, and—“ she tried making sure her voice didn’t crack with desperation, but failed. “I care about you!”
“Y-you-you called me ‘Y/n’ again,” you whispered, tears sill brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill. The same shock which held your heart in a fist in the bathroom earlier came back.
Your name sounded beautiful coming from her lips…
“Saints damn it all,” Zoya whispered under her breath. She looked back at you and hesitantly took the books from your hand and placed them on a pile nearby.
She held your hands in hers slightly, just curling her palms around your fingers, as she said, “I care about you so much, Y/n. I-I love you, and-and seeing you so hurt makes my heart ache terribly for some reason. I-I just want you to be okay. Since the day you walked into that damned classroom, I have been madly in love with you, and I don’t know what to do because you clearly hate me.”
Your voice was barely a whisper as you looked down, heart racing as the tears welled up more in your eyes, blurring your vision. “I don’t hate you…”
“Then why have you been acting like it?” She sounded hurt, and it made your heart break.
Down came the walls, crumbling to rubble as you let the tears fall. You shook your head, saying, “I got scared, Zoya. I got so fucking scared. I was scared you were going to use me to get ahead, I was scared that if we even did happen, I’d lose you too quickly,” the tears weren’t stopping, and your hands grew shaky as the emotions overwhelmed you. “I was scared that-that I love you so much, I would scale a mountain, cross an ocean, and kill a thousand men just to hold your hand and kiss your lips.”
She dropped your hands and held your face in her hands, wiping your tears away with her thumbs.
Saints, those dark, dark eyes…you loved her eyes so much. Her touch was so gentle, you wanted more.
“I would never use you, Y/n,” she said, pulling you closer to her, holding your head in her palms so carefully that you felt it was a dream. “I would cut my hands off before before I’d even think of using you to get ahead. Honestly, you matter more than just some number on a sheet. And I mean that both in my context and in yours. You always matter more.”
She was so close, just a little further and you could kiss her.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m so, so sorry, Zoya, for pushing you away. I was foolish to think that by withdrawing from you, my feelings would go away. It only made them stronger.”
Zoya felt a nervous knot in her stomach as she spoke the next words. “Y/n Brekker, top scorer of the Little Palace High School, may I have the privilege of being yours?”
Your heart leapt and raced so fast in your chest, yo we’re positive it was echoing in the library like a drumbeat. “Zoya Nazyalensky, second best scorer of the Little Palace High School, yes you may.”
“Really?” She smiled, her face glowing with happiness.
Your gaze skirted down to her lips and back to her eyes. “Saints, you have the most gorgeous eyes,” you admitted with a blush.
She laughed softly, a sound which filled you up with warmth so much that you wanted to just put it in a jar and keep it with you forever. “Do I, now?”
Your shy side came through, as you nodded, blushing redder. “Yeah.”
“Honestly, for someone so intimidating, you are so cute,” she chuckled.
“Saints, Zoya,” you said, flustered.
Zoya loved how you said her name. She loved how you said it so gently, as if it were a porcelain doll which could break at even the slightest bit of force.
She moved back and picked up the pile of books on the floor, putting them away as your brain processed what all just transpired.
Your feet moved without you controlling them, and Zoya turned around to see you standing behind her. “Saints, Brekker,” she chuckled. “You move like a cat. Soundless and-mph!” Her statement was muffled as you caught her by the waist and pressed your lips to hers, desire having taken over you.
Your mind went back to two weeks ago, in Nikolai’s library, where the kisses had been heated, lustful, and slightly sloppy. This time her lips were soft on yours, like a feather’s touch on your skin. Her hands cupped your face and she kissed back with a gentle force, smiling a little against your lips.
Your heart raced and your mind went blank again, and your thoughts only echoed one word.
Zoya, Zoya, Zoya.
When she pulled away panic seized you as you blushed and apologised profusely.
“I am so sorry, I should’ve asked first, I really don’t know what I’m doi-“ she caught you by the face again and pulled you in, kissing you softly to shut you up. Slowly, she backed you up against the bookshelf, your arms around her waist again, pulling her impossibly closer. Her body was flush against yours, and the only sound was that of the steady ticking of the library clock.
She pulled away, and your chests heaved with the desire for air.
“You’re not bad at kissing, I admit,” you giggled, your cheeks red.
Zoya’s cheeks were daintily dusted with pink, and she moved back to go towards the table.
“Come on now,” she said with a small smile, “Back to work.”
—Time Skip—
You came back home beaming, looking so happy that Kaz and the others paused eating to stare at you.
“You look stupidly happy,” said your brother. “Who’s got you grinning like an idiot?”
Jesper nudged him, “Zoya, obviously,”
You blushed and giggled at the sound of her name, making Nina slam her palms on the table, grinning madly, “You kissed her, didn’t you?!”
You giggled again and went to the kitchen, grabbing a plate for yourself, “Maybe….” You replied in a dreamy tone.
They all gasped collectively, and Nina and Jesper both squealed in excitement. “YOU KISSED HER!!”
You sat next to Inej, still blushing profusely as the thought of her lips on yours returned to you. “I’m sorry if I pushed you guys away…”
“No matter about that,” said Matthias, “We all know your academics matter a lot to you.”
“Exactly! You do this every time you get stressed, it’s not new,” said Wylan.
“I’m proud of you, Y/n,” said Kaz with a small smile.
“We need the gory details,” giggled Inej, resting her head atop yours.
You grinned and nodded, “Anything for my sisters.”
In the room, Inej and Nina sat on your bed while you narrated the entire incident in detail, squealing constantly till Mrs Romanov scolded you all to go to sleep.
—Time Skip—
The next day dawned appropriately bright, and you entered class with a spring in your step which everyone noticed.
“Y/n Brekker is back, everyone!” Announced Nikolai with an impish grin. “Good to see you smiling again, love.”
They were all around his desk, Alina sitting in Mal’s lap while the rest sat atop other desks in a loose circle.
“Never call me that again, Niko,” you grinned, ruffling his hair as you pulled up a chair to sit in, after putting your bag on your desk. “But yes, I’m back.”
You were laughing at something when you felt someone kiss the top of your head and whisper, “Good morning, darling,” in your ear.
Everyone went silent as Zoya sat in your lap, making herself comfortable.
“What?” She asked, brow raised at everyone.
“You and her…” Genya grinned. “Did you guys-“
“Yeah,” you nodded with a smile, wrapping your arms protectively around her waist.
“I NEED A BOOK ON THIS,” Nikolai loudly said, making everyone laugh as they congratulated you.
“It’s about time,” Alina chuckled. “We were getting tired of the constant banter.”
You chuckled and rested your head against Zoya’s back, smiling softly as she leaned into your touch
She was competition, yes.
But you loved her for it.
Correction: this wasn’t the end. SiKe <3
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it <3 special shout-out to @hungergames-who for being my biggest supporter in this <3 Please feel free to ask for imagines <3
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caitlynskitten · 11 months
Hhssfhshds okie you actually broke me with that last line
“You want mean? I’ll give you mean”
By the time she’s done, Wednesday can’t even speak anymore, all dumbed out and can barely use her limbs. Enid just walks in to see Wednesday curled up tight against the vampire and just smirks like “Yeah, didn’t think all that teasing was gonna go over well, or maybe it did, hm Wends?” and just the softest little babbles come out from the Raven and Yoko and Enid just giggle softly before Enid undresses then lays behind Wednesday, holding her tightly and softly scratching her scalp, coaxing the shortest of the trio to sleep before getting a little too into a heated make out session with Yoko mmmmmmmmmmmm
Also, saw anon’s little thing that was apparently inspired by little old me? Wow, I’m honored and DAMN I absolutely love that idea. Just the three going at it into the late hours of the night, Enid and Yoko eventually making a little bet about who can make Wednesday tap out first, whoever wins gets to mark Wednesday wherever they want.
Wednesday’s obviously a little embarrassed and would be upset about the other two just deciding to use her body as a prize,,,, IF it didn’t almost make her cum again right on the spot, also noticed by Enid & Yoko who just laugh and decide to use that little nugget of knowledge for later use
Also, I promise, you’ll be the first to know whenever I finish writing!
Thank you 🥺🥺🥺 please tag me 🖤
Also with all of this fucking and punishing the cute, little raven, I love the after care you have for Yoko and Wednesday. While Yoko can be an aggressive dom? She also wants to make sure she’s okay and that she can take everything she’s given.
I love the idea Wednesday curling up to Yoko and nuzzling on her. Yoko kissing her head and pulling her in closer. Yoko would also be very reassuring and caring.
“Wednesday, I love you. Okay? You know that”
“Of course I know that, Yoko”
“I know you do but I’m reminding you. You’re perfect, and you did an amazing job, baby. I’m so proud of you. Come here.”
Yoko shares a kiss with the raven
“Are you a good girl?”
“I’m a good girl.”
“Are you a good girl?”
“Yes, baby. I’m a good girl”
I do love the idea of Enid and Yoko betting on who can make her tap out. But I also think Enid would want them to bet who can keep up with her the longest. Between the two of them. Wednesday just loves being a submissive little thing to these two.
Also this is how I imagine Yoko and Enid sharing Wednesday 🥺
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I gotta commission an artist to redraw this with the trio
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chimkin-samich · 2 years
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This is Glow and Thyras first meeting!
Thyra saw the poor boy trying to hide from the rain under a small edge and decided to give her jacket as little helping hand when she saw how distressed he was
Glow instantly became interested in her and her kindness torwards him, from here on out he slowly begins approaching her, leaving small flowers and gifts
At least until he gets the courage to return her jacket (but only once her scent disappears, it was his lil comfort blankie lol)
This is a redraw so I’ll put the old one under a read more ( made it about 2 years or so ago)
Oh also! As a little p.s Some drawings with Thyra will have a different appearance mainly due to the fact that we changed her up in later sketches but the name is still the same!
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And the older piece when i was still picking up on lining and coloring in a newer tablet
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kihakugato-art · 12 days
The Harriet Pinup Art Project
Session 1- 3Dification & Sketchification
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I initially got a little stressed when using the 3D posing in CSP so to give myself a breather I did some traditional art sketches of Harriet! I played around with a few expressions as well as experimented with her having a ponytail (another hat tip towards Mordred Fate, plus I think Harriet just looks good in a ponytail!) which I think I’ll have for her for the planned bigger art piece.
But to answer question from session 0- “how well can I mess with the 3D model to the pose(s) I need”? Doable, but a lil rough; It’s very easy to misclick during the process and mess things up.
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[WEEEEEE- those are some broken-ass limbs there!]
It’s also a bit of a learning curve to try to remember which controls affect the 3D model in certain ways. Not to mention controlling/posing the limbs to how you wish can be quite fickle depending on the limb;
Say you want to turn the leg calf horizontally cause its turned a lil weird, it will only let you move it up-down from the calf direction controls, so you’ll need to control the thigh as well as the foot/ankle, which can be a bit unintuitive.
The fact you can save poses (both for fullbody and just hands) was quite handy though to ensure I could reuse or fall back onto a pose or reuse a pose if I needed to.
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In the end I tried two different sitting variants; one with one of the legs up, and another where both legs are hanging down. While the latter could give a powerful image if used by a clever enough artist, I couldn’t really nail it, so in the end I chose the former.
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["It looks identical"- it's because the changes are pretty subtle without overlaying the two versions over each other. There's a difference between them I assure you!]
Not sure if the Manga toggle is quite the best choice for this piece either since the change isn’t hugely dramatic for this specific piece (it’d probably be better for a piece that’s more action-packed), but I chose it anyways. Now let’s get to sketching!
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Not Bad, but it felt off. Some of it is because at the end of the day I did just trace/follow over the 3D image which feels a little unsettling for me in this context- but I gotta remember I posed/positioned the 3D model myself It's not from default poses available in the CSP library. I may redraw over the sketch later without the 3D model to try to maybe try to break any stiffness that may have bled through from tracing which could contribute tot he oddness. Even with that though, something still felt off.
“Where do the wings connect to the back?” was the question one friend gave to me once I showed this WIP with my concerns. She was right; the wings were placed too high, they look like they are directly to the shoulders, which just feels *wrong*.
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A little fiddling and the wings were shifted so that they are implied be connecting *below* the shoulder blades. Much better. Now to the setting/background!
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[Image source 1, Image source 2]
Among my background inspo folder the retaining coastal wall seemed the most doable. Not to mention my brain was craving it a little bit from back when I got to visit near one of the Great Lakes this year.
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Not bad! If I kept the background relatively simple/plain and did contrast between Harriet and the wall it could look pretty good. However- as my one friend pointed out- the pitch for this project I more or less said/implied she’d be on her ship. Which I unfortunately I have to agree.
I’m not super keen on figuring out the deck layout for Harriet’s ship though, since I’m far from done designing her ship. It’d also be different if I had a 3D asset of a schooner ship, but with the work it took to get the posed 3D model in place as well as the fact I’d likely have to pay for such a 3D asset, that route ain’t happening, that ship has sailed (lol punny).
Maybe we can avoid those details by having her sit high up on one of the masts? People go up on masts right??? Alright then- Time to update the inspo/reference folder for backgrounds/settings!
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[Image source 1, image source 2- uhhh hoping the licenses for some of these ref images doesn't apply here for the first image or I'm gonna have to remove these images from here- which fair enough, my bad to only realize this now]
The first ref I depended on for a little bit- but then for whatever reason my brain began to REALLY struggle. The beams were easy to set up with the ref but nothing else. I think the image ref just had too much going on in such ways that I couldn’t make a “shape” out of it in my brain, I can’t even tell what some of the parts are on the mast! So after a lotta artist malding I decided to grab the second ref to make things simpler and more clear to visually understand.
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[There were far more breaks when drawing this background/setting than I'd like to admit]
And boom! Although I like the retaining wall version, I think the mast is definitely the way to go for the final piece. Some of the rope placement was vaguely bullshitted but it’ll suffice. The cooked fish on a skewer in Harriet’s hand kind of blends in a bit through the background mess though, so I’ll probably resize the fish to be MUCH bigger to make it pop out a little better.
From here I’ll be turning the sketch lines all into one colour (I did different colours to help my brain keep track of the different components in the setting), and we’ll see where I go from there!
[Session 0]
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uncreativeuser27 · 10 months
Hello! I haven’t posted anything for…a while now lmao but I HAVE been drawing. So, allow me to dump all my art in this post so I can disappear off the face of the Earth again because composing a good post is too much effort for my pathetic brain to handle /hj
I’ll try to put them in order of when they were made, but I’ll also group them into categories. The date as well as my signature can be found on all of the drawings (if you care lol)
This is a drawing I did for a friend of mine. It’s his original character, Mad Snake. Normally, I don’t like taking requests, but I genuinely enjoyed drawing this guy, so I didn’t mind it. He was a step out of my comfort zone, and I liked how he turned out!
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Now, the Jaiden pieces! The first one was my idea that Jaiden started performing for Las Casualonas (but, like, as a singer or stage personality. She never actually did anything spicy). I also thought she and Melissa could have a really funny dynamic. Like some sort of rivalry for the audience’s attention/love.
The second picture, as it obviously states, is what I headcannon Jaiden looks like working for the federation. I had fun with her scythe (and if you pay close attention, you can see a little something in the reflection:])
And the third one is of Jaiden stretching w/ her wings. It’s also the most recent of this entire batch. Basically, I finally came up with a way that I liked to draw wings and had a sketch in my sketchbook of that pose, so I drew Jaiden. Her shirt intentionally comes down low in the back to make space for the wings, and her hands are out of frame because I didn’t want to draw them. Also, that one only took me about 2 and a half hours, where most of the other took from 6-8 hours, so…lol
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The next pieces are an original work from 8th grade an the redraw two years later. It was an assignment that we had to read a novel and then make a trailer for it. I asked to make a drawing instead, and thus, this creation was born.
I changed a little bit, like putting two of the characters in the trees instead of a fading color behind them. Overall, they both took me three days and I’m really happy about how the redraw turned out.
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This is Imp. Yes, he looks like SomethingElseYT, but I don’t care. I love him, and I was already attatched when I realized. I made a whole spread in my sketchbook for him (I ran out of images, so I didn’t include it here. Maybe another day) Also he serves no purpose other than being something I can doodle on random things and places. He doesn’t even have hands
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This next one is a self-portrait in an outfit that I really liked! The original had my full name, but I blurred it for the sake of not wanting my full name on the internet (I’ve probably screwed up somewhere, but at least I’m trying :’)
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And this last one is meant to be part of a collection, but I only made for Kenny. I want to draw all of the main four in South Park as teens, but I haven’t been able to think of poses and stuff for the others. It willl happen one day, but for now have this I guess
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So, yeah. That was all the art that I wanted to share but haven’t had the motivation to actually put together posts for all of them. Hope you enjoyed my little display lmao
You probably won’t see for the next, like, couple of months because I’m really bad at posting. So, take this as my going away gift :D
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fever-plays · 2 months
Hyrule Warriors: DE Playthrough - Part 1 1/2: Opening Cinematic and Stage 1
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Can’t wait to play and yap about this :) which is what I’ve done below
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I cannot wait to swing around my 8-bit fire rod, I love it so much. And I especially can’t wait to be with my little fairy friends <3
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Yo the grass in the intro cutscene is gorgeous. It’s so good I can’t believe it. Also this shot on the right is fantastic, I gotta redraw it eventually.
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Zelda looks so cute here. Love the hair. And I forgot the scarf was part of the tunic set. Idk how. Also it’s just. Sitting on the nightstand. It has been on the nightstand for who knows how long in Zelda’s room. Huh??? Very interesting.
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Eye contact the contact of eyes
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wait hold on the bottom of the loading screen is so cute 🥺 NES Link fighting an Octorock to get the Triforce-only to get shot by another Octorock xD that’s fantastic
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Did Proxi just go into his chest? Huh. Also love that she just basically goes: “Yeah, I’ll talk for you since you’re so talkative yourself.”
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Volga appears! Look at him acting all smug once he thought he finished off Impa and Link, only for Link to kick in with the Triforce! I think he’s the only Link to use the Triforce of Courage specifically for magic like that-the light shield is something I’ve only seen Zeldas do.
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Look at him destroying his enemies. What a menace 🥰 also I was so lost for a good while. I thought I was the blue arrow, but I’m the yellow arrow. Oops
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Wait there are chests in this game-he even does the holding up item thing??? How did I not know this I feel stupid.
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Its Zelda time!!! I also forgot to take any screenshots of my playing as Impa later🧍oops
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Ah yes, the Great Fairy in all her very little clothes. Oh, the fairies are helping them out with bombs, that’s cute-WHAT WHAT WHAT. Big bomb okay.
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I was stressing out the whole fight with King Dodongo. I had no idea what I was doing lamo but I won somehow?
I wish I could put more images in, so I’ll have to split this up into parts. Sad. But that’s alright.
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artmama113 · 1 year
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Cookie's big snack! (Genderswap)
I finally redrew Cookie after some time.😌 For those who don’t remember, Cookie is my GenderBent version of Cookie Monster. If you look it up on my page, you’ll see the first version I did of her. Along with my female Oscar the grouch, or Olivia in that form. I’ll probably redraw her later too.😌
Anyways, I hope you guys like this, and tell me what you think.❤️⭐️
Art is by me
Characters design belongs to me.
Cookie Monster belongs to Sesame Street
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p1nqu3 · 1 year
PRSK Shuffle au- Clouds Below
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Orchestral?? Group
Nene = main vocals but I might give her another instrument
the shading for this group is jurastically diff from L34TH3R bc of the clothing details but i’ll figure it out when i’m making key visuals/cards on how to make them look similar 😭😭
I was right tomorrow did bring more honakana LMAO
clouds below spotify playlist!! ILL ADD MORE LATER it is very short. School Food Punishment strikes again also loona should be on this playlist but NO STREAMING!!! BOYCOTT BLOCKBERRY PLS
this art is a couple weeks old so i’m bound to redraw/ draw more proportionate and less stiff visuals but this is just to showcase them for now 😭😭
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spectacular-supernova · 9 months
Okay I saw the tags you put under this post and now I'm curious (I know, oh boy):
What was your fursona at 12? Do you still have one now? Is it really the mole?!
Not to worry Lyn, I’m always on board to sate your curiosity ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I can’t believe I forgot to say what the actual fursona was lol. I tend to rewrite my tags and sentences frequently in the effort of finding the perfect phrasing, and that often results in me forgetting to add important information 🤦‍♀️ But anyway I should also clarify it’s less of a fursona and more of a Sonic OC, a Sonicsona, if you will lol. I still count it but I’m sure there are people who appreciate the distinction lol.
With that out of the way I’d love for you to know that I made my little fursona a leopard! Not a snow leopard, not a cheetah, just a standard little leopard. Groundbreaking, I know lol.
As for it I still have it, yes I do! I updated her “10 years later” to match my hair and fashion sense a little but not much has changed haha. Here are some silly doodles I did of her last year. I’m not home at the moment but I want to redraw her as soon as I come back from this next haircut ✌️
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And yes! My favorite animal is, in fact, the mole! I can probably date this back to last year cuz I went on a bit of a frenzy looking through the mole tag lol. They’re adorable! Maybe I’ll draw myself a mole Sonic/fursona when I get back :O
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Some more Scooby-Doo throawback art! And some extremely old art to boot lol. This is my first Scooby-Doo OC, that isn’t directly related to the main gang, since most of my current OCS are of some direct relation.
Meet Jay! The first image was drawn ‎June ‎13, ‎2011. I was only 10 when I drew it! How time flies. For some reason, his name was Abasi. According to the original description of the image, he wasn’t even a Scooby-Doo character, but because he was a great dane I decided to make him one apparently lol. His name was Abasi for some reason. That might literally be something in Swahili, which would make sense because I drew nothing but Lion King lions back then.
I...don’t know why I assumed Abasi would be a good name for a Scooby-Doo dog but whatever. He was Scooby-Doo’s brother in that image.
Second image was drawn ‎September ‎02, ‎2012. So a little bit over a year later. This was when he was first renamed to Jay. Still more in line with the SD style. Now sporting his own Scooby-Doo collar! It reads “Jay” though. I really like how he looks in this style; I think he looks rather cute, innocent and dippy. It also reminds me of the later style I used in my “Pool party” and “Scooby and Amber’s puppies” image.
The third image was drawn on December ‎08, ‎2012. This one was referenced directly from Clipart of Scooby-Doo himself. Maybe I can find it sometime and redraw it LOL. This one looks...rather terrible  I remember being really happy with it at the time as it was the closest I was able to get to SD style at the time. I’m still kinda happy with it LOL! It was a land mark for me of learning a different style. Return of the one sided whiskers! I couldn’t ever get SD’s eyes close enough together without looking weird, and I still can’t :’)
Annnnddd the fourth and last image was drawn on ‎December ‎23, ‎2012. Featuring his own, Casandra, who is a literal recolor. And by literal recolor, I mean the first image I ever did of her I traced a screenshot of Daphne and used it to get a color palette down. I never posted it online though lol and I still have it. Even her appearance is still a hodge-podge of the other gang members for some reason. Casandra is literally blonde Daphne, with the smarts of Velma(and Freddy’s hair, now that I think of it) she’s wearing the Ankh necklace from Scooby-Doo In Where’s My Mummy. Maybe not the SAME one but a Ankh necklace because I was obsessed with Egyptian culture at the time. I believe she also ate a lot of food like Shaggy lmao. What a mess!
The letter she is holding is the same one from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Season 1, episode 2 "Hassle in the Castle". I think the photo on the wall is well....
Her backstory was she was a die-hard fan-girl of the gang and wanted to join them. She also owned Jay, who was changed to be Scooby-Doo’s cousin rather than brother at some point. She would solve a few mysteries herself, but would mostly wander around and get lost as she was kinda dense. She was well meaning but would walk into a clearly marked chasm if someone didn’t stop her. Jay wasn’t much better, outside of having a exceptional sense of smell. I remember her favorite SD member was Shaggy, who she hung out with sometimes. It’s strange, if I had made her today I’d probably had considered them a couple, but Shaggy and her never were a couple lol. I just wanted to draw them being freinds!
I definitely need to remake them sometime! I think I’ll make Jay a realllllllllllllllllllly distant cousin of Scooby. Or maybe just a fan-boy! He looks like he could maybe be Scooby-Dee’s son with someone. But that would just be another bright-eyed-nephew to look up to Scooby. I’ll probably change him to be unrelated.
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neptunefairytales · 2 years
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You know the Sailor Moon Redraw thingy?
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Well, I kind of did it again, this time with 13!  (o^▽^o) (I was so tempted to do 10 at first... it would be fun to do all the Doctors!) I challenged myself a little by doing it in a new style for me, in a non-anime style, more cartoony and simplified. I think it suits her! ^^ (I'll color it later..)
——Please reblog if you like my art, it help artists. Do not repost or use. Thanks!——-
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[unwinding au] - season 3, part ?????
Aaaaaaaaagh i feel like I’m missing something what is it what am I
Michael didn’t get out of the institute using the mirrors, he doesn’t like using the mirrors (at all)-
He took the tunnels. He had no idea where he was going, but he took em anyway, cause he figured he had the best chance at finding the right way through.
He actually also took the tape recorder that was there, I was wrong. He didn’t want anyone to find out what he’d done (they sort of did anyway :( ) and also it had just become a “comfort item” at that point.
He sort of feels the same way about the recorders as Martin does, but also feels like they give him a sort of anchor to steady himself with so he can keep himself together.
I really wish I could find some good maps of London so that I could plot out his course, but he tries going to his own apartment initially, only to find it surrounded by police/law enforcement.
So he feels very much like he’s got nowhere to go.
For the first time, he wishes he could just loose himself in a crowd and find himself somewhere else.
He’s just… too tall for it. He’s worried he’d just get spotted immediately.
But it turns out that doesn’t matter anymore. It’s as if no one can really see him, or at least can’t pick him out from the rest of the crowd. Which, by the way, is really uncomfortably bump-y and jostle-y, and he hates it just as much as he used to, but it works.
Not just to hide him, but to get him to where he’s going.
Somehow, he finds himself inside of a department store.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so I decided it’s probably either Peter Jones or Harrods… but……
How tf do UK department stores work
Ummmmm heck it’s fine I’ll just wing it and revise later, at least i’ve got a vibe
So, Peter Jones and partners, runs into someone he knew before the institute.
I don’t know her name, but she’s pretty and a fantastic person and I tried to draw her one time but I don’t feel like it came out quite right, however I’m still going to drop it here.
(Uuuuugghhhhhhhh yeah there’s a lot I don’t like about how I drew this, I don’t feel like I got her features right and I wish I could go back and change it but it’s PENCIL and erasing/redrawing is ANNOYING aaaaaa /lh)
(I’m actually not going to insert the drawing. I just feel like it’s probably wrong in a hundred different ways, and I’d like to research some stuff further first before I make a finalized design.)
She and Michael talk a little bit, her manager comes over and does the whole “you’re paid to sell things to customers, not chat with them,” thing and Michael actually glares at him!
Yasmin(a?) (this is why i want to do more research, I don’t feel like that’s right aaaaaa) is completely taken aback by this, because the Michael Shelley she’d grown up with had barely ever glared at someone in this sort of a situation.
Michael was a tiny bit surprised by it, too, but fuck it- he was fed up, tired, on the run, possibly turning into a monster, and this clerk was being completely unreasonable (in his opinion). He was having a bad day and hadn’t seen his friend in years, couldn’t he just leave them alone?
Apparently not. The manager was getting very disgruntled, and curtly acknowledged him with a steely-eyed stare, and told him that if he wanted to make a fuss over the store’s management rules, he should leave the department and go speak with the (police? Upper management? Idk).
And thus a small standoff occurs. I’m honestly impressed that the manager could remain rigid in his stance with this tall guy basically looming over him, but by god he did- and then the usual thing of “I’m going to call the cops.”
And naturally, Michael gets both upset and a bit panicked.
The guy turns away to call someone on his phone, then notices some strange movement out of the corner of his eye and turns around to see Michael, looking… definitely different from how he did before.
He’s trying hard not to look at his friend, cause he feels like if he does, he’ll scare her, but the manager is staring right at him, into his twisting face, and screams after taking a few moments to register what’s going on.
And then Michael leaves.
The police get there far too late to catch him exiting the building, and naturally, daisy is a little more than a bit miffed by this.
He’s just glad he could get away at all. He’s actually unaware that the police are following him.
Thing is, he didn’t actually even hurt anyone, he just scared the manager and ran away. Supposedly, no actual harm done, (the manager’s now marked but Michael doesn’t need to know that 🫠), so the police leave.
He considers checking in to a hotel or something, but… it feels like it’s too… risky.
So he just… sleeps wherever.
It’s awful.
His friend’s probably trying to figure out where he went, just so she can understand what the heck’s going on and why the police are trying to find him, cause last she heard, he was working at the infamous “Magnus Institute”, which, as far as she understands it, is essentially a fucked-up library of weird things. So maybe things had gotten a little too weird for him, or he’d just been some kind of serial-whatever this entire time. They hadn’t even explained the situation to her when they’d questioned her about him. She fully thought she was going to be arrested as an accomplice or something, which would have been awful, but apparently all they cared about was getting him.
And she kind of wanted to know why.
I mean- look. Scaring someone’s manager with a gun or blackmail or something is one thing. But with just a look? That stuff was not normal, she knew it wasn’t, and he was gonna have to spill everything to her.
Once she could find him, at least.
She took a few days off from work to wander around and see if she could look for him in… the shops, maybe, or nearby apartments. But nothing came up. No sandy-blond-haired skinny tall bastards in the directory, or around there anywhere. (Sounded like she was ordering Starbucks or something every time she asked around about him.)
She nearly tripped over him when she was passing through (insert place name here, I really need to get a map or else I’m just going to end up playing mad libs with location names for this, lmao).
She had been trying to find a bar she thought he might be relatively more comfortable at than the others in the area. Bars in general did not seem Michael’s style, but she was running out of options, and hey, he’d obviously changed at least a little bit since she’d seen him.
But the expression on his face when he looked at her, startled, confused — hell, maybe even hopeful — was exactly the same expression he’d worn that day that the two’d met each other the first time.
They’d both been different then, in their own ways. But now, it seemed like one of them had changed… well, a little more than would be possible for the other.
Still him, though. She could be sure about that.
And he needed some help.
“Hey.” She said simply, in greeting. “No complaining, no insisting on not bothering someone, we’re going to get you a bed.”
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scoutsunset · 1 year
I guess what I’ll have to do now in this tumblr is more Molly McGee stuff. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by for taking note of my definitely healthy obsession with this show called The Ghost and Molly McGee. I might be…slightly into this show… as much as you are!
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Dates back to November 8th, 2022. Just four days earlier I started watching the series to kill time in my getaway to Spain. This was my first time drawing Molly, with a sleep-deprived expression quite similar to one she makes in the S1 episode “The Greatest Concert Ever”. I drew this in school and I have a very nasty habit of showing drawings I’ve made to peers — one said this was literally her.
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Dates back to November 18th, 2022. This was definitely more in-model than the last Molly drawing was. I started drawing the head and then put the torso in later.
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AHHH LIBBY LIBBY LIBBY!!! Dates back to November 22, 2022. Of course this one featured Libby Stein-Torres. Originally she had a sad look in her face which I tried to make it look like she’s gulping or whatever. My brother didn’t want her to look depressed so I made her smile! (:
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And now we flash forward to March 13th, 2023 with this redraw of a frame from the episode “Talent Show” where Molly insists to Libby that she might have a talent worth sharing! Spoilers: she did.
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And here we have my most recent, dating back to April 4th, 2023. It’s that dreamy heartthrob, Oliver Chen. Like my second Molly drawing, I started off with just the head, before moving on to the torso later. I even shared my impression on Ollie on the side:
I thought this dude was someone’s OC put into a really elaborate fan-animation fanfic thing. He’s for real now. I mean, he’s kinda cool, I guess…
This drawing got the attention of co-creator Bob Roth on Twitter! Nice!
and…that’s basically it. Hope you enjoyed it! I’ll basically be posting more of my art here in the coming weeks, so if you really liked the sketches, stick around here because you might see more. G’day! ,-.-,
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titsoutfortntduo · 2 years
this ones been in my drafts for like 2 months whoops
anyways spoilers for re-animator if thats something you care about! also any accompanying cws that come with re-animator (aside from one. watchers of the movie can guess). I’ll try to explain but non movie watchers might be a little lost sorry
anyway yeah Wilbur would be Herbert West and Quackity would be Dan Cain. I feel like Dan/Quackity just kind of have this “I want to get through life and maybe help people while im at it” vibe, if that makes sense? I think cQ was a bit closer to entertaining rather than helping (but isnt that some form of helping in and of itself?), which does lead me to the kind of idea that cQ does it for attention as well. but I digress! thats a discussion I’ll elaborate on later
Meanwhile Wilbur “cat dead; details later” Soot is rolling up to the Miscotonic university, hubris in one hand and reagent in the other, and starts trying to assert himself. He the kinda fella to do evil science I tend to default Schlatt to villain sometimes, I do think he would be a pretty good Dr. Hill in this case, but Id like to talk to other movie watchers if there are any about this lol . Anyway yes I can see him and Wilbur having beef about this, the clashing of wills and both thinking theyre smarter and more accomplished than the other. Either way the Hill role gets shoveled, so yeah
Idk about having a love interest, I may cut Megan/Megan’s role entirely, but if she did exist id probably split her into two characters (Sapnap and Karl, karlnapity real) but... up to debate. I honestly think you could probably change the movie to remove her with minimal editing of the story, but whatever moving on.
Generally I’d say the plot stays the same. It’s pretty quick, if you get into it. I don’t know who Dean Halsey would be... if I remove Megan role it would probably be someone close to Quackity (and even if i dont I think that would be more appropriate). Still pondering this one!
either way Ive just been doing screenshot redraws. Id love to do a fic or oneshot of this, but we’ll see bc my writing motivation has been kinda in the toilet lately.
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