#I’ll post the comic one page at a time so it keeps me motivated to work on it!
kidovna · 1 month
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pre senior prom (1/5)
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nionom-art · 1 year
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A few people have been asking about my Miraculous Coccinella AU, wondering if I was still working on it. The short answer is yes.
The long answer is under the cut:
So. I’ve been working on this au for a long time now. It was kind of my passion project I was keeping under wraps due to the fact that I had a lot of fun plot twists in mind and all that jazz- you can kinda see some of those plot ideas in my character concept designs above. I have full scripts and even a comic page done for this au- however- I don’t think I’ll be working a lot on this in the near future. I love the story and designs I’ve come up with, but I’ve honestly just been more interested in other fandoms and stories recently, including one about my current ocs (they have become my obsession recently).
I’ve really hated season 5 of Miraculous in all honesty (the handling of Chloe, Luka, and Gabriel is quite honestly atrocious), and I haven’t had as much interest in this au as season 5 progressed as a result. I’ve been quite frankly falling out of love with the show, making my motivation to work on this project not as high. This coupled with the fact that I’ve been rather burnt out lately has resulted in me posting less often.
I guess what I’m saying is that while I might post a few things here and there for Miraculous Coccinella (and miraculous in general) I don’t think it will be frequent or a full blown project or anything. That being said, feel free to ask me any questions regarding this au- it was my baby for a while and it still kinda holds a place in my heart. Maybe one day I’ll do something with it, but for now, I’m going to keep it on the down low. Thanks for reading if you got this far, haha.
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commanderyes · 7 months
The Commander Says Goodbye
I’m not going to lie, I’m extremely anxious as i’m writing this, out of what these news could mean to a lot of people, and my heart feels heavy enough it could drop down my ribcage any minute from now and squish all my other organs. But I’ve been dancing around this topic for a long time now, and I think i’ve finally reached a point where i can’t ignore it anymore, for my own sake.
I hereby announce Commander Yes has come to an end.
As I’ve mentioned plenty of times before, here and to many other people, when I began this comic all the way back in 2018 I was in a really bad, really low place in my life in every sense of the word, and it was a spur-of-the moment decision to cheer myself up, because Path of Fire had just released and my enjoyment of the game had reached fever pitch and I had been playing Guild Wars 2 alone since as far as launch, and none of my other friends had ever really gotten into it. I guess I just, dunno, cried out into the big maelstrom of the community, one voice amidst millions, because i wanted SOMEBODY to look at what i did and revel in the nerdery with me.
And somehow the snowball began to roll and people wanted more and more of what I could do, and I was being actively reached out to, and, well, some time after that I landed my first ever job, I discovered a lot of things about myself, and I found myself in communities that welcomed me with open arms, and many of the people in there have since become among the best friends I could’ve possibly encountered, kindred souls who i’ve shared joys and sorrows for many years and who I can’t imagine living without anymore.
And all the while I kept making the comics, and with every entry posted every week I’d keep having people stopping to comment on them, and whether they were dumb jokes or personal takes on the story, they’d all share how much what I do kept hitting them in the kokoro, and to this day whenever I play anywhere in the game I still get people who recognize me and thank me for doing what I do. It was wonderful, it IS wonderful, and seeing that response motivated me to keep going, because what did still mattered to people, out there.
But I did always say I planned to keep doing these comics until I ran out of energy for them, and I think i’ve finally reached that point.
Because ever since I actually landed that job I’m exhausted and sleep-deprived every other day, so much so that I only have time to work on the comic on saturdays and sundays, and it gets harder and harder to just sit and draw, and at that point it was just more work, and while I still enjoy and play Guild Wars 2 a lot, it no longer consumes my time and attention like I’ve used to and i’ve been having fun with more personal projects, and honestly the direction the story is taking these days does not sit right with me and it’s hard to find inspiration in that, and this might be borderline selfish but every year I find people care less and less about the comics and it really takes a hit to you motivation when hardly anybody responds after you’ve spent a whole weekend trying to squeeze a five-page comic out.
And, well, I have been doing these for six years straight, and I think that’s a good run. I’m tired, and ready to move on, at long last. Let it be someone else’s turn.
But that’s the beautiful thing about this community, isn’t it? Even if I’m hanging up the hat, there are a whole lot of fantastic artists out there, as we speak, still cranking out works of art, deserving of all the attention they can get. And think of all the artists yet to come! For every story that ends, another story is just about to begin!
The world keeps on spinning, one way or another.
I’ll be closing my patreon shortly after this, but the reddit archives and tumblr blog shall remain for people to browse whenever they feel like (or until they both go in flames, i guess, what social media isn’t about to these days)
I still don’t think I ever was that much of a big deal, but all the same, to everyone who’s ever supported me and helped me be the person I am right now, to everyone who’s been there from the beginning, to all the devs of this game that has captured us for nearly a decade now, to all my fellow players and artists out there
Thank you.
See you out there, fellow commanders. Still the stars find their way.
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dukestewart · 1 year
I actually have a question, I'm wanting to start a webcomic at some point in the future myself, do you have any recommendations or advice for me?
Okay, I have a million things to say on the subject but to save you a lot of scrolling I’ll cut it down to the main things I wish I knew when starting my webcomic.
Don’t overprepare
It’s easy to fall into the trap of perfecting your art style or developing your character arcs before you actually, like, make the thing. The truth is you get diminishing returns on the pre-production phase, and too much planning will just waste your time. I once wrote an entire script and sketched out 200 pages for a graphic novel version of my webcomic Roundhouse, 90% of which is now redundant or contradictory. Probably took me hundreds of hours. Whoops. Make a basic plot line and some concept pictures by all means, you gotta start with something, but you’ll be much more motivated to make the comic when you’re already making it.
Collect references
This might sound kind of contradictory to my previous advice but bear with me. It’s important to prioritise creation over planning but gathering a compendium of your favourite artworks and writing techniques will save you time in the long run. If I’m ever stuck on how to draw a certain expression for example I know I have a folder full of expertly drawn faces to remind me how nostrils work. Personally I keep separate reference folders for colour, anatomy and character designs. Fantastic cure for artist’s block, swear by it.
Get someone to proofread
You have no idea how important it is to get a second opinion. No one in the history of media has ever been better off without a different pair of eyes to catch a mistake. They’ll see the obvious things you missed, a typo, a pacing issue, a joke that makes no sense… if you’re embarrassed to show it to anyone in your life then get an internet friend to have a look. Hell, I’ll have a look. Send me a message, I’m easy.
Even the most talented creators struggle to be seen
A good comic will always have a better chance of success than a crap one but that’s only a part of the equation. We’re forgetting our two troublesome neighbours, Monsieur Marketing and Lady Luck. It stinks, but we operate in an algorithm-based economy, and getting things out there takes a lot of hard research. I hate the marketing side of things, personally. I’d much rather make a page every week and not care whether it’s seen or not but such is the nature of capitalism that I have to try and monetise my work any way I can. Knowing someone in the business can’t hurt either.
Look, I’ll never be able to condense everything I know about webcomics in a single post so consider this my declaration to give advice to anyone who asks for it. Got a specific question about comics? Message me.
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seirindono · 2 years
Hi everyone!
It's been a while, hasn't it?
For some of you, this may be the first time you've actually seen me on your feed since I'm on my annual hiatus so... Hi! I'm Seirin, your friendly skeleton lover and author of The Missing Scarf, that one Undertale comic (o´▽`o)
If you were not aware, this blog is usually only active in the summer and/or during the holidays as I'm a student, but I figured I should still write a little smth as I really haven't given any news for a long while now.
So, um, this blog is still very much alive, and so is TMS!   DEMON AU TOO
Truth is, I didn't anticipate back in September the sheer amount of work I'd have to pull off this year as well as the crazy schedule, house mouves, and many, many group assignements... I've always managed but this year is just rough, both physically and mentally (that was new). I had a serious slump around new year and didn't even have the motivation to draw or open social medias for a while. 
But you know me, always ranting that health comes first and that I’ve seen enough burned out artists to know not to go beyond my limits. (* ̄▽ ̄)b  So knowing that I had this 30 pages+ lore doc, unfinished sketches and pile of unanswered asks just waiting for me whenever I wanted to work on TMS, I knew I wasn’t up for the task and had to put it off for later. And later. Again and again. 
That's about it for the venting section.
As of today, I'm still short of time but I've got some of my energy back, enough to write this anyway. But also *drum roll* to work on the next part of TMS! 
And this is where the real announcement comes in: while I'm still on hiatus, I'm planning to adjust the publication schedule a bit for this part. Until now, I'd post a chapter (1 page per day) only after I finished drawing it in its entirety. For this part however, I've decided to try a monthly (or bi-monthly) publication, to give me some leeway, and for you to have actual updates.
We'll see if I can keep up with this pace, but it seems much more satisfying for everyone  ( ´ ▿ ` )
So there you go. Sorry again to those who kept sending me Asks and dms I never got to answer. I just kinda turn into a hermit when overwhelmed or don’t notice them at all (I feel extra bad when I eventually do but every drop of energy needs to be salvaged for irl emergency), but I really appreciate the thought! And, yeah, I haven't disappeared into thin air. I’m just... Lurking here and there.  
Thanks for your patience and I'll see you soon!
Updates will be on the 1st of each month (and occasionally on the 15th)
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taggen96 · 7 months
Kinda long Snowfall comic update…
Hi there!
It’s been a while since I last posted, so I’ll just get straight to the point.
I’m still working on the Snowfall comic, for anyone wondering, but I won’t be able to keep to a consistent schedule like I planned to. Having a deadline to keep to (even one I set for myself) absolutely killed my motivation and it gave me anxiety everytime I tried to draw or do anything related to the comic for a while. So from now on, I’ll take my time, working on it at my own pace and instead only release new pages in bigger chunks when they’re ready. I didn’t start this comic for it to turn into a chore and I don’t want to write it while feeling bitter or like I’m forced to do so (even if it’s just me putting pressure on myself). I don’t think that would benefit anyone.
Again, I am still working on it. I’ve got a good few pages done, and I’ve finished the script for the remainder of this part and the majority of the next one.
I’ve also got a lot of other stuff I’ve been drawing as well.
Like, I drew this big group picture of the Undertale cast that I was planning to get done in time for the 8 anniversary, but I wasn’t able to, so it’s just been sorta… sitting there half-finished. Might still finish it. I dunno, we’ll see.
Anyway, that got kinda long, but that’s all for now.
I’m sorry this update took so long to get out. My brain is of the firm belief that if I ignore a problem for long enough, it’ll magically disappear. I’ll try to get better at communicating in the future.
To anyone who took the time to read this and to those who have stuck around despite my screwed-up uploading schedule, thank you and I wish you all a wonderful day :)
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pizzacatdelight · 1 year
My Birthday
Yay, today’s my birthday! I turned 28 years old! And avoided the dreaded “27 Club” where some of the biggest musicians from the 60s’ and 70s’ died when they were 27 years old! (They mainly died due to massive drinking, doing drugs, etc.…)
My 27th year on this planet was not a good one. Early this year, I quit my toxic part-time job at a well-known pizza restaurant that I won’t name. I got scammed into paying for my own equipment for a new job I thought it was a job, but wasn’t. So, I lost over $2,000 because of it and I have to freeze my credit scores to keep the scammers from opening any new credit cards under my name! Then there’s the fact I can’t even find a job that would even hire me due to both my disability and my limited skill list! I even got rejected from getting Disability (or SSI); two months later because of the fact I even had a job!
At home, my youngest niece graduated from high school in June and instead of going to University, she’s working a full-time job at Sally’s Beauty in order to save up money to buy her own car since the car her mom gave her last year and it‘s too expensive to go University right now. My only nephew started 11th grade last month, which means once he graduates in 2025, mom’s planning to sell the family house. She told me and my older sister this back in March/April where after she sold the house; she’s planning to (probably) move to Oregon to get away from the politics of conservative Texas and to retire. Of course, we’re going to move with her as she’s planning to buy land and build a condo house where my sister and I can live on one side of the condo.
For my hobbies, on the other hand, they’re doing great! I beat over 15 games this year, which include “Pokémon: Emerald”, “Hypnospace Outlaw”, “Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Cindered Shadows DLC” and “The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog”. “BAD END THEATER” became the first Steam game where I 100% all the achievement. I preordered “Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” a few days before it came out in May and played it on release day. I remembered staying up all night going around Hyrule, completing the Shrines and not being dicks to the Koroks who only wanted to be reunited with their friends. I’m looking forward to the release of the remaster of “Super Mario RPG”, which comes out in less than two months! I saw four LPs of the game in the past and played it myself for the WiiU. I can’t wait for it to come!
My webcomic is going along. I just finished Chapter 9 and I’m currently taking a small break from it to focus on making this site. I changed how I publish my comics, where I used to release 6-7 pages at a time. But now, I have changed it to 2 pages per week, which means I’ll get more views compared to what I did before. I’m planning to post the links to my webcomic here; I’ll have to find the motivation to do so.
I also made a Tumblr account in June after Reddit decided that they're going to start pricing the 3rd party apps that use its’ code (Apollo, you will be missed). While things are great on Tumblr, I have to get used that most of everyone there is very left-leaning compared to Reddit, where everyone is either in the center or right-leaning, depending on the subject. Yes, I know there are left-leaning people and subreddits there, but it’s the right-leaning groups that are the ones who make the headlines. At least the fandom on Tumblr is way nicer compared to Reddit, where you get attacked for saying or doing something that the fandom subreddit doesn’t like. It’s the reason why I was too scared to either post or comment on Reddit.
Then early this month, I made a NeoCities website and learned how to code again after 11 years. It’s not easy and sometimes it’s even frustrating when you want to do something cool to your page and the code won’t work! At least coding is a skill I can use when I try to look up jobs since it’s one of the most important skills that businesses need. And I also started to blog to write about my thoughts as well. I’ve been doing it on Tumblr for a while, so now I have two sites to pour it all out.
As for what I will be doing for my birthday, it’s not going to be much as I tend not to ask for a lot. I know mom normally gives me a $50 Amazon gift card so I can buy something nice for myself. And I already have plans to make brownies for desserts since we have so much flour and a huge box of brownie mix is in the cabinet.
So yeah, my 27th birthday wasn’t that great, but it could’ve been worse. I hope my 28th year will be a little better and things will improve.
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fall-of-enselia · 8 months
Hi, I’m Bleu, and welcome to my other blog! This one’s simply to keep track of all my FoE stuff, as well as allow suggestions from outsiders as to how I should continue the story. Here’s a basic description and some rules (Please read the full post, if you have the time)
General Summary
15 year old Emberlyn Sharp has just lived through the worst year of her life. Her parents just got a divorce, her sister went off to college on the other side of the country, her best friend moved away, she has to spend every day in English literature sitting shoulder to shoulder with her god awful excuse of an “ex girlfriend,” and worst of all, strange, almost paranormal events have been happening all around town. People are waking up to their mailboxes dissolved into acidic black sludge. Completely unidentifiable plants are showing up everywhere. But worst of all, a mysterious crystal she found in the woods when she was little starts making these god-awful screeching noises every time she opens its case.
Conveniently, suspiciously, around this time, a rumor starts spreading around the school that hidden within the restricted section of the library, there rests an old book containing a spell that will send anyone unfortunate enough to read its pages to hell. Now, under normal circumstances, Emberlyn would pass these rumors as a load of bullcrap, but with all the weird, paranormal events going on around her, her curiosity can’t help but be sparked. So, with a fully-packed suitcase, her mysterious screaming rock, and some help from the other school designated weird girl, she brakes into the school, and makes her trip to the library at 10:00 o’clock at night.
Little did she know, all those rumors would turn out to be true. Well, minus the portal to hell part.
Instead of hell, the floor gives way to a completely new world. One that is undeniably beautiful, but torn to shreds by war, disease, and natural disasters. She is thrust headfirst into a wasteland of warring nations, a plague that causes people to grow poisonous flowers out of their bodies, shadow demons falling from the sun, colonialism, and a crooked world history built upon lies. All tracing back to a god amongst gods who calls herself Enselia, hell-bent on tearing this world to shreds. But why, if Enselia is the high celestial, a creature whose duty is to be the all-seeing-eye and protector of this place, be trying to destroy it? Why does she hate this place so much? And is she even supposed to be the high celestial all along? Well, this angry little lesbian and five other cool people wanted dead by god are about to find out!
Oh yeah, and that screaming rock of hers? Turns out it’s a sentient dagger with enough energy to cause the highest of high celestials to spontaneously combust! How fun :D
So, my plans for this absolute mess of a series is to make it into a webcomic series, and a rather expansive one at that! Yes, I did say series. I intend to make Fall of Enselia into a multi-volume series with a planned 6-7 books (not including side material.) I doubt it’ll ever go into print, but it still feels more natural to me to structure each page and book like a physical comic book, so sadly, you’re not getting any infinite scrolls from me. If you’re wondering where you’ll be able to find it, I’ll be posting each chapter on Webtoon under the username Im_Tired1124. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep a consistent update schedule, but my current plan is to try and post one chapter every two months once I get the storyboards, script, and plot nailed down. As of writing this, I’m still working on the storyboard and script for the prologue of book one. Though I’ve had this story slowly forming in my head for about 2-4 years now, I kind of did the thing where you write down nothing about your story, while planning out every book, character beat, villain motivation, animated spin-off, and anime opening for your story lol. It’s definitely not going to be out for a while, but my current plan is to, hopefully, get the prologue and first three chapters published in the timeframe of July-December of 2024. In the meantime, I’ll be using this account to publish concept art, reference sheets, work in progress, and lore notes while working on the main event. It should also come with the expectation that I probably won’t be posting on my main account as much.(granted, I tend to be slow as hell with drawing, and posting things on there anyway) So, as much as it may pain me, I’m going to have to go on hiatus with my Omori fanart. And also probably my fanfiction, but hey, don’t tell anyone I said that!
Granted, I will let little bits of FoE content slip through on my main account, but most of them are probably gonna be more on the unofficial content/shitposty side (maybe even a spoiler here and there :)). This is where all the juicy story stuff goes!
Do’s and Do Not’s
Alright, here’s where all my rules for the series go!
You have my full permission to:
Make fanart
Form headcanons
Cosplay my characters
Make OC’s
Write fanfictions (so long as they are appropriate)
Order commissions of my characters (I don’t have a PayPal rn, so everything is free for now, yay!)
Draw them with other characters/your own OC’s
Take inspiration from my OC’s and comics
Give me advice on writing, send me sources on how to accurately represent different cultures, and tell me if I’ve accidentally done anything wrong or offensive. This story revolves heavily around different cultures and marginalized people trying to resist oppression and forced hegemony. However, I am fully aware that as a moderately culturally detatched half-Jamaican who hasn’t had to face too much racism or scrutiny for my appearance and cultural background, I can very easily screw things up. So, constructive criticism is always welcome ^•^
Ship my characters, I couldn’t give less of a shit! Just don’t turn anyone’s family tree into a family wreath, or get any of my OC’s arrested.
Genuinely, I have no problem with fan works, and I’d be absolutely overjoyed to see people engaging in my work in these ways! However I do still have standards within my ToS, so…
Things you may NOT do with my creative works (and just general stuff you shouldn’t do):
Trace or steal my art or OC’s
Use my characters in insensitive, harmful, bigoted, or political material.
“Reference” my works to the point you’ve just made the Wish.com knockoff of my OC’s.
Stalk, harass, or send death threats to people who disagree with you, or myself. Y’all should know better than that.
Spread misinformation about myself, my motives, the story, or other people I associate with just because you don’t like them. You have better things to do with your life, so stop making shit up and go outside. Don’t like, don’t engage.
For the love of Mangoes, under no circumstances is anyone allowed to make NSFW of my characters. Nope, not even the adults. Not only are most of the lead characters in FoE teenagers, but I also based there personalities and life experiences of of my own, as well as the experiences of friends and family of mine. Look, I hate to use the, “As a minor, this makes me uncomfortable,” card, but god damnit, as a minor this makes me real uncomfortable! Now, this ban may lift (AT LEAST ON ADULT CHARACTERS) once I get older, and am more comfortable with people interpreting my works that way, but right now, no. Don’t do it. Keep those ideas in the rough draft bin of your brain. That’s nasty. Don’t do it. Granted, I don’t have a problem with sexual humor in fan works, my sense of humor irl is already pretty… let’s just say, risqué, anyways, but as has already been established, don’t write or draw any of my characters getting it on.
Lastly, A few content warnings for the story to come.
Content warnings for Fall of Enselia will include
Disturbing imagery
Potential unreality
Eating disorders
Mild religious themes
Child abuse
Unhealthy/Abusive relationships
Implied substances abuse
Generalized bigotry
Though all of these subjects are included if FoE, that doesn’t mean I condone them in any way. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. These things are included to show just how god-awful they are, and hopefully to encourage them to stop. Granted, most of the heavier themes in FoE aren’t anything worse than what you find in the average WoF book, but they’re still pretty heavy things, and I would advise all readers to see with caution if these subjects could trigger you.
Anyways, that’s all I have to say for now. Have a good day or night, take your vitamins, eat a good breakfast, stay hydrated, and make sure to wash your hands! 💙
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fennecthunderfox · 2 years
First Update of the Year I Guess
I tend to appear and disappear without warning, so I figured perhaps I should update people on my progress on things and my plans for them. 
First off- I know I complain about this a lot in comic descriptions- but part of the reason why it's been taking me so long to make any kind of art in general is because of mandatory overtime at work. We have been on mandatory overtime for over 2 years at this point. I have been real low-energy because of that. With that fact out of the way, I'm going to try not to talk about it anymore cause I complain too much about it.
  An upcoming blockade to art progress is a wedding (for a family member) and then I'm going to try to get my wisdom teeth out sometime in February. I'll be taking a leave of absence from work during this time, but considering I'll be recovering from a surgery, I don't know if I can be super productive in Feb. Speaking of comics, let's move on to the plans for the comics.
Defnodel is back to being my top priority... when I actually have time and energy to work on it. I have some amount of determination to finally finish chapter 3 before the end of this year. Which is also along the lines of what I said last year, but never mind all that. I'm somewhat torn on how to do the updates for it. I liked it better when I could draw and post a page Saturday morning after work. I'll see if I can ease myself back into a weekly update schedule once I feel normal after my surgery again.
The problem with Vesseltale right now is that where it's currently paused is the best place to keep it on pause until I can get back into some form of routine with art again. It sucks cause it's been stuck for so long already, but if I did my sporadic updates with VT as I've been doing with Defnodel it may be more annoying to have large gaps in updates. That said I'm open to feedback. If you think any progress is good progress I can try to work on VT in tandem with Defnodel. Defnodel would still take priority, however.
I don't think many people follow me for animatics, but I have a lot of ideas in my head. "The Ram Guy" was a fun one to make and I have ideas for other ways to intertwine Distractible audio with Undertale and Deltarune characters. Why? I listen to Distractible at work and imagining someone from the cast raging about a fridge or telling chaotic childhood stories makes work more fun. (I also listen to GO! and am itching to make something from the cricket primer but I'm stuck on who to cast for the roles.)
It's been so long since I've done a music video animatic, but I have plans to do some excerpts of songs at some point and possibly even a full music video. But that's uh... optimistic for me all things considered. I can't even update a comic consistently, so no one expect big animatics. Except for one that I've been trying to make for the UT anniversary for literally 2 years now. Maybe if I had a proper animation program it wouldn't be so difficult (I use fire alpaca and the default windows movie maker for animatics currently).
I have too many things I WANT to do and not enough dopamine to motivate me to do it. But I haven't given up on anything yet. As of now, I fully intend to continue the comics, animatics, and art in general.
As always I am eternally grateful for everyone's patience with me. Thank you for listening.
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(I can see why… it is such a shame. Maybe it’s the text after all, or maybe it’s the lack of interest in a crossover between these two canons? Hmm…)
(I’m hoping my recap might help with some of the issue, replacing a whole bunch of text with just one bit. If only I could make images show on here without things bugging like they did when I tried to make a poem visually show up on the old blog. Then again, the amount of content would probably break the file size limit if it was all done in the program I use for visuals. (Though who knows, maybe it’s just the new blog format that Tumblr makes new blogs like this one use.))
(Hm, maybe I can work on adapting some of the key scenes into visual format, and then link to where those scenes are? It’d be from Flowey’s POV since I can’t show him, of course. We did get confirmation most of those are canon-compatible, maybe I can bring my reporter character back to the main blog report on this development, now we have real footage of some of that lost time, since it was alluded to before in a previous appearance of the reporter. While of course making it clear this doesn’t necessarily mean all FUTURE content on here is canon, just because everything that happened here so far is compatible doesn’t mean mistakes won’t happen in the future (or, in-universe, the person making the footage faking things) I’ll do my best to avoid contradicting anything, and you can review things later on like you mentioned a while back.)
(Hopefully that should boost things. If not, and we can’t keep this going, maybe we’ll just do what we already would have done if it was discovered something in here broke canon-Where we simply go over a broad overview of what happened in here, so that this arc is still “finished” in a way. If my reporter character ever reports on THAT, it’ll probably be interpreted as the whatever was being used to make the footage breaking, and the rest being this source giving a written account of what else happened)
(For those of you who wanted more of the backstory, well, I may return to it, but it’s now no longer a regular update anymore. There has been one since the post I gave before happened, though, on schedule like I said would happen. But now, I might just shift my attention to visually adapting scenes that happened on this blog.)
(If I ever adapt the old blog (probably the last thing I’d adapt), then during Monika’s time in Flowey’s world, I plan on using the Overworld tool made by the same person that made the Undertale Text Box Generator. This also means you’ll see Monika in Undertale’s style. But that’s far off in the future, this side blog is the one I’m trying to boost after all.)
(Any ideas on what moments would be best to adapt first? What should be highlighted in a potential report on the CONFIRMED footage of Flowey’s time in this other world? What might get enough people curious on what else happened in here to want to check out the blog? Or, alternatively, if the issue is people not being able to keep up.. what set of scenes would be enough to set the stage so everyone is on the same page..?
(I think I can transfer your files into pictures that can be shown directly on tumblr. I just have to take screenshots of the frames, edit them so they are assembled into comic strips, take a picture of that, and then put it on tumblr!
(You can technically do that too, but I personally have bad experiences with submitting multiple photos at once onto blogs. The images typically get jumbled out of order.
(If the visual boosts don't work, I doubt I'm going to feel much more motivated to continue, so it'd probably be best to end the arc like you said. We'd still have Monika and Flowey interactions- just not on this blog. Even if we do end up returning to the main blog, I agree to either keep using visual representations or to cut down on text so that nothing gets clogged.
(Trust me, I love reading the effort you put into these posts, but many viewers lose interest quickly.
(The scenes I think we should highlight in visual format should include:
*Convincing Monika to go back to the club
*Flowey entering w/ Monika & Sayori for the first time
*Poems day 1
*Girls comforting Sayori about her sad poem
*Natsuki/Flowey challenge to baking competition
*I void planning how to reveal truth to girls
*Sayori wanting to code Ivan back & Flowey wanting to get Chara back
*Preparing to go to Monika's house
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haliaiii · 15 days
My plan is to upload chapter 1 on my main blog (here) in installments of 10 images (mainly cause of the pic limit) just to keep me motivated to actually finish drawing the first chapter
Ofc my schedule will NOT be consistent bc of college 😭😭 but I’ll do my best to draw with whatever free time I get, anyway Retrograde is more of a fun passion project but I do have other priorities rn (mainly getting my degree lmao)
I’ll post the first 10 pages tmr probably, when I’m done with chapter one, I’ll probably put it on tapas or something. I’m actually wondering if I should make a proper side blog for this comic, but maybe after I actually finish a chapter lol
So far I’m like 25 percent done, I’d hopefully like to have the first chapter done before the year ends but we’ll see…
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bvannn · 4 months
Weekly Update May 24, 2024
I tried being productive this week, and got some things done but not as much as I would’ve liked. I’m still super tired and work starts next week, but I’m hoping things will get better. Some personal things may come up so I might also be in a bad mood or busy helping family next week, but there’s also a chance we get a pet. I’m hoping I can convince my mom for a dog, since I don’t care for cats, but a cat is more likely. Anyway art stuff.
I didn’t make straightforward progress on the OEB video but I did some stuff. I redid boards for the first chorus twice, ran it past a friend for peer review. Friend has also offered to help with boards, and I gave him a general description of what I wanted, but I’m not going to hold him to it since I don’t currently have a way of repaying him. It’s more of a fun thing for him to do if he wants, and if he does it helps me, but if he doesn’t then I’ll still get it done on my own. I did write up what I want the boards to look like through the second chorus, and I got started on building the puppet of the main character. I don’t expect full puppets for all the characters, but I think the main at least makes sense, since there’s a good chance I’ll reuse him in other animations, or at least I can reuse his parts. Also looked into a certain feature of adobe’s and i should be able to skip the entire sketch line step I was doing before, and just do it in the program, which will be a great way to save time while still giving it that sketchy lineart style I love so much.
Comic: pitch comic is officially 20% done, and I figured out how to get Microsoft word back on my computer so I can get to writing the next stuff. I got about half an outline for an episode 2 of O’Malley, and I’m starting structuring Backstage’s overall plot, since time is a much more important factor there. I’m not sure if I still have the outline I did for episode 3 of O’Malley or not, but I remember the general chorus of events so I can redo it if I don’t. Sorry I don’t have much to say on the current comic other than I just need to keep working on it. Which I will, I’ll try to get page 7 sketched tomorrow. That’s Anastasia’s introduction, so hopefully I’ll be able to post something from it.
Music: I got impulsive and outlined another song. And started throwing instrumentals together. I’ll abbreviate it as RR, it’s an original, vocal, not sure what voice to use but it’s fine. I’m going to try for getting the lyrics done before writing the melody this time, shouldn’t be too bad as long as I have time and motivation. I’m still going to aim to finish up lyrics for BATB first, but those are slow because I keep second guessing myself about it. I started another draft of the first verse last night, I’ll try to get that done tonight if I have time.
I’m trying to get one general drawing done a night, but I’m falling behind. Right now I’m watching a movie with my mom since she’s had a rough day (Beetlejuice is still a good movie btw, better than the cartoon) but I’m hoping I’ll have time to get another one done once the movie is over. I did get an account on that sheezy.art site through luck, haven’t had enough time to tell whether it’s worth the exclusivity yet. Also heard about a site called unvale, haven’t poked it at all yet, maybe I’ll do that soon. Anyway point is I’m trying to get more general drawings done on days I have free. Those are going to be more sparse with work but I’ll try to still get some done on the weekends.
All things considered I did a bunch this week but it isn’t a lot that I can really show. I’m still trying. In the next few weeks I’ll finish up some more general drawings and try to get on redoing some of the Artfight refs that need it. I’ll definitely have more to show during July because I want to go ham with that, although again time will be a bit constrictive. This next month I’m going to try finishing up some projects I want to get done before then, but I’ll try to see how much of that I can multitask with other big projects. It’ll be fine!
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moccimu · 3 years
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The Owl House: Blood Moon Rising Finale
"Set between the first two seasons, Luz is excited at the prospect of having a special girl’s night sleep over to enjoy the powerful presence of The Blood Moon! Little does she know, Amity Blight and King have ulterior motives of their own."
And that is a wrap! The Owl House: Blood Moon Rising has meant so much to me and it has been a wild ride writing, drawing and sharing this short story. Can you believe I initially wrote this tale after the finale of the first season? Maybe next time, I’ll try and get my comic’s out sooner! 
Working hard to fit this into the canon of the series was also a fun deal. I often feel my tardiness in finishing this and it bleeding into season 2 actually helped a lot as I was able to last-minute adjust things and details on the fly as new episodes were coming out to establish the comic as canon even more. The only little detail that stands out is the Levitation glyph but hey...let’s just keep that between us ;-)
This was more of an Amity story than anything.  One of the life-lessons that has most stuck with me is the importance of recognizing that your feelings are valid and that whatever strange new feelings you may be having are what makes you you and you should never be scared of who you are. I went through this exact thing as a tween and I hope adapting Amity’s recognition of her own feelings helps others see themselves. Mental health is important and acceptance is key!
I genuinely appreciate and love the support I’ve received and as my final Owl House fan art project, I am happy I got to finish this. It was also my first webcomic and that is something to be proud of! 
I snuck in tons of details, easter eggs and references in these 35 pages. Ranging from Amphibia to even Harry Potter. Perhaps the most obvious was the title itself being a straight reference to one of my favorite songs haha. Maybe I’ll post eventually some of my favorites if there is interest! 
Thank you for reading. 
May the Blood Moon rise again!
< PART I > 
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dreadnotau · 3 years
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Happy one year of Dread Not, everyone!
Yeah, it really has been that long already. It honestly doesn’t feel like it’s been a year at all! Even if you just recently found the comic, or stuck with it since the first promotional post, thank you. This project has been one of the most fulfilling I’ve taken on in a long time. And, as usual, I’d like to say some things on this occasion.
Firstly, hoo boy the numbers are bigger than I imagined they’d be. As of writing this, the Tumblr account has 295 followers, and the Twitter account is sitting at a comfortable 41. That is a LOT of people. As some of you may recall, I made a milestone post when we reached 100 followers on Tumblr, and I genuinely thought that would be the biggest milestone I reach that year.
I didn’t even notice when we got past 200 followers (most of whom were coming from my youtube channel of all things), and now we’re close to 300! That’s madness!! Especially for a project like this that’s being handled by exactly one person with minimal help from a friend. (That friend is @meowchela btw I feel like I don’t promote her enough. She’s basically the reason this comic exists at all, she’s wonderful).
Obviously I don’t want this whole post to just be about the metrics, I wanna talk about other things that surround this comic. Like how much of a mess working on it tends to be. I don’t wanna turn this into me whining about school but, long story short, I’m in my last year of high school right now, prepping for college and writing my thesis (I think that’s the right English word…) and it’s all VERY hectic.
I’m not gonna pretend that I’m trying my hardest at all of this, I will be the first to say my time management is awful, I’m just bringing this all up for anyone wondering why updates are so slow, and why I missed the page upload on catholic Christmas. It all gets a bit hard to keep up with sometimes, but I won’t stop working on this comic, that’s for sure! Paradoxically, somehow I’m more motivated to work on Dread Not if I should be doing other things. I think it’s pure spite at this point.
Speaking of responsibility, I promised more bonus content both on Tumblr and on Twitter on several occasions and, as you all can probably see, that has not happened yet. The simplest explanation is that I often don’t have ideas for what kind of bonus content to even make. Sketches of the characters? Finished drawings of the characters? Scrapped scenes from the comic? Non-canon scenarios and scenes? The characters’ design references? Canon facts about the characters and the world that I wasn’t able to include in-comic? More speedpaints??
I’m sure these all sound great on paper, but I have no idea how much time and energy I’d have to potentially allocate for each, and how much they’d actually impact people’s interest in the comic. For now, the bonus content will stay minimal until I can think of something reliable and interesting to release as said bonus content.
If you’re really invested in Dread Not, though, I’d recommend joining the discord server! It’s not too big, it has around 20 people in it so far, and I like to think it’s a fairly casual server! The reason I’m promoting it here is because it helps with my motivation to work on the comic a LOT. It really makes a world of difference when you can talk to people one on one instead of just relying on numbers on a post.
If you don’t want to join the server but still want to share your thoughts on the comic, the ask box is always open, and so are my DMs! Both here and on my main Tumblr. My main Tumblr got a bit of an upgrade recently, so I’ll maybe be more active there than I was before. Maybe. No promises.
On the bright side, I have nearly the whole story planned out now! I know that might not sound like much, but the story has been very loose with it’s structure so far (as you may have noticed). The story jumps from character to character at near random, some ideas are left hanging for tens of pages on end until they’re picked up again, and the narration in the yellow boxes feels arbitrary at best and out of place at worst, at least when I go back and reread it myself. This is because act 1 was sketched out in it’s entirety before I started actually fully rendering and releasing the pages online. So, the story of act 1 was made in a very “explorative” way, in that I had only vague concepts I wanted to get down on paper eventually in my head, and a blank canvas to work with. The pacing and structure of it has been a little lacking because of that, and I’m doing my best to right that wrong by planning out acts 2, 3 and 4 before beginning to sketch them properly.
Speaking of, I can finally put a somewhat number to how long this story will be! All of what’s been released so far, and what I’ll release in the foreseeable future, is only part of Act 1. Act 2 will be a bit more hectic, and although I don’t have the exact number yet, I’m *assuming* the overall page number of it will be similar to Act 1. Act 3 will be a doozy, as it’ll technically have two intermissions as well. And Act 4 is a beast of it's own. It’s all almost too long to even think about without getting stressed immediately. But I know it’ll be worth it! Now that I have an actual path set out for me, I can try and tackle this growing giant of a project with more of a plan than I had when I started.
Although this is Dread Not’s first anniversary, I’ve actually been working on the comic for quite a bit longer than that. If we don’t count the concept phase, then just the comic itself is nearly two years old! (Jesus, time flies) But I do want today, the 23rd of January, to be the proper and official Dread Not Day. It doesn’t have any significance other than bringing a smile to my face, though. And hopefully to yours, too!
Here’s to another great year of working on this behemoth of a project, and probably several more after that because this story isn’t gonna be done anytime soon! Pour one out for my drawing hand, folks, it’s a long road ahead.
And, again, thank you for reading. Thank you for sticking with me and for enjoying what I’ve made. I hope you’ll enjoy what comes next just as much, maybe more. Stay tuned!
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a quick few things about this comic, think of it like an faq except nobody asked. if you have any additional questions please leave them in the comments, i’ll try my best to answer.
(for all future purposes i’ll be calling doyouheartthunder Nathan because its easier to type)
Q: How frequently will this update?
A: Whenever I finish a chapter I’ll post it, I’ll take a guess of 2-3 weeks between chapters, but it’ll vary depending on my motivation and personal life. I don’t really keep schedules well, so don’t expect real consistency.
Q: Are you associated with doyouheartthunder?
A: I’ve gotten permission from him to make this comic, but besides that he has no influence on the comic. I haven’t talked too much with him about it besides the general ‘hey can I do this?’ thing. So… sort of???
Q: How long will the chapters be, and will you cut out things or change dialogue?
A: Some things are going to be really hard to adapt from written to visual mediums, so some elements will have to be changed or cut out. I’ll also probably edit dialogue to be shorter but I’ll try me hardest to make the tone and message the same. Chapter length varies depending on how much movement, dialogue, etc is there. So far chapter 1 is about 12 pages, and some early sketches I did for later chapters tend to range from 5 or 6 for the shorter ones to 13 for the really long ones. I’m less concerned with page amount and more with keeping the pacing intact and giving a faithful adaptation, so like I said, don’t expect consistency.
Q: What are some things we should expect from it visually?
A: I’ve never done a long-form comic before, nor am I very good at keeping consistency. This is a learning experience for me and I mostly took up the project to improve on some things. Some things like character design will also probably change, as sometimes while I work I think, ‘wow, this would be a cool element to change or add!’ and I see what sticks. Backgrounds are going to be mostly monochromatic except for in certain instances. I’ve drawn backgrounds for later chapters where I fully colored them and those are certainly going to stay. They’re also going to be mostly lineless. My style has also been developing over time so the comic will certainly change with it, even though I have made a basic style guide for things like line thickness and such. I don’t want it to stay stagnant and it will probably change with me.
Q: Are you going to do comics for later fics in the Snow Angels series?
A: That depends on how I’m feeling when I finish this one and if Nathan is okay with it! I like the idea with it but I have a lot of struggle sticking with one thing and seeing it through, and this comic will probably leave me drained by the end. If/when I finish this, I’m probably going to take a long break before I consider getting permission to work on the sequel.
Q: Is this official?
A: Sort of..? It really depends what you qualify as official. It is in the sense that I have permission from Nathan to make it, but as stated above, he has no influence over the comic. It’s less of an official adaptation and more of a love letter. Also this is Deltarune fanfiction so official is a pretty big word to use.
Q: When will chapter 1 be posted?
A: 2-3 days hopefully, depending on how much work I can get done in that time. Most of the pages for chapter 1 are done, I just need to make some finishing touches on most of it, as well as redoing one page that is barely started. That’s going to take up the bulk of that time. It’s coming soon, though!!!
and thats about it! if you have any other questions, throw them at me in the comments. i’ll answer them all as best i can!!
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gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
do you like any other type of batman media outside of comics?
(also your thoughts on comic panels are lovely to read)
Hiya!! Hope you’re doing well.
From what I’ve played and seen game play of, I really enjoy the Arkham games!! Those are such a blast. I’ve played a little of Arkham Knight on a relative’s console and goshhh I adored it. It was so hard to control the batmobile, though. Driving in real life is (obviously) so much easier opposed to a video game. Hearing that before I started driving really boosted my confidence, so if there’s anyone who sees this that is about to practice driving, keep that in mind! You got this, pal!
Anyways. Back to the Arkham game schtuff. I gotta pull my ‘ol Xbox one out of the closet and buy those games soon. The atmosphere in that game is INCREDIBLE. Gosh I could rant and rave about how much I love the art direction. Might post something about that sometime!! I looked at some of J’s pages in the Arkham Asylum art book and it enthralled me. Seeing all these cool joker-aesthetic guns and cool garbage like that is awesome. Awesome how they decided to have his hair reminiscent of a jester. Concept art and progress work makes me so giddy!!
I listened to most of the interview tapes and Joker’s phone calls. And my god. So interesting. I’ll shelve that idea for a post, too. Maybe. Joker’s phone calls made my jaw drop to the floor and I can’t fix it, help. Permanent damage, mi amigo!
Those hidden calls…
You’re invited to my funeral.
Believe it or not, and you gotta sit down for this, it’s hard news.
I haven’t actually sat down to watch the Nolan films. Well, technically I have, I watched the opening to the Dark Knight, but I got really distracted so I gotta try again, lol. And I’m absolutely not saying they aren’t worth my time!! I’ll watch them one day! It’s just really hard for me to get in the mood for a film binging marathon. My brain can’t take it.
But I really liked the Batman!! I already have some headcannons and predictions. Might make a post about that? Probably not, but my motivation decides what my rag doll body does. We’re all just gmod assets. I hope that Mr. Freeze is the next villain. He would be so fun!! And I feel like having him as the next villain could also be a great opportunity to explore Bruce as a person and character development. Imagine I whispered that last part like some chick in a toothpaste ad or something.
And trauma. That too.
But anyways, I’m sure there’s more that I can’t think of right now. My braincells have melted. I know this is long, I’m sorry!!
And regarding my input on comic panels, thank you so much! I’m so glad that you enjoy my stupid little rants. I know I’m very snap-a-pencil-in-half-with-one-thumb when I go on my tangents, but thank you so much for putting up with that. I try to be funny but it’s not and I suppose all that matters is that I make myself laugh while writing it all down in incoherent messes.
I hope that you are doing well. Please take care of yourself.
(I’m an idiot. I forgot the cartoons. Those are very rad, too.)
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