#I’ll post a follow up later but like…
shitsndgiggs · 2 days
hi girll !
i saw that you post the long distance relationship with hector that was my request..so thanks 🫶🏼🫶🏼
is that possible to have one more imagine with hector ? like something the reader is an influencer and she became famous really quickly and get a lot of followers. and one day hector dms her and they start talking and few weeks after she went to barcelona for his birthday and to enjoy time with him and they are really closed. (i don’t have a lot of inspiration but at the end, they finished in love…)
thanks !!
Héctor Fort x influencer! reader
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My rise to internet fame was nothing short of wild. One day, I was posting beauty tips and lifestyle content for my small group of followers, and the next, my account blew up overnight.
Suddenly, I was an influencer, with brand deals, interviews, and thousands of people watching my every move.
It was surreal, to say the least. But nothing—and I mean nothing—could have prepared me for that DM.
Hector Fort. Yes, the Hector Fort. Barcelona's rising football star, DMing me out of the blue.
It started so casually, with him commenting on one of my photos where I was in Barcelona during a quick weekend getaway: "Next time you’re here, let me give you a real tour of the city."
At first, I thought it was a prank. Maybe some fan account or a really convincing fake profile. But no, the blue checkmark was there, and after doing some internet sleuthing, I confirmed it was him. The real Hector.
I stared at the message for what felt like an eternity, trying to figure out how to respond without sounding like a complete fangirl. I typed out something witty: "A real tour, huh? Is that a promise?"
From there, it snowballed. What started as simple back-and-forth messages turned into daily conversations.
We talked about everything—football, life in the spotlight, my sudden fame, and his matches. It felt natural, easy, like I had known him for years.
One night, about two weeks in, Hector mentioned his birthday was coming up. He was casual about it, but there was an invitation hidden in his words.
"You should come to Barcelona for my birthday," he texted me one evening. "I’ll show you that tour I promised."
The flight to Barcelona felt like it took forever. It wasn’t my first time in the city, but it was definitely the most nerve-wracking. I was finally going to meet Hector in person.
I arrived in Barcelona a day before his birthday, and we planned to meet up at his place later that night.
My stomach churned with nerves as I approached the door, my heart racing in anticipation.
The door swung open, and there he was—Hector, looking even better than in his photos. His smile was warm and inviting, and I instantly felt a little more at ease.
“You made it,” he said, pulling me into a hug, his voice a little muffled as he spoke into my hair.
“I did,” I smiled, relaxing into the hug. “Happy early birthday, by the way.”
“Thanks,” he grinned, pulling back just enough to look at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and something else I couldn’t quite place. “Come on, let’s make this weekend unforgettable.”
The next few days were a blur of birthday celebrations, late-night talks, and just enjoying each other’s company. Hector was exactly like he’d been over the phone—funny, thoughtful, and always making me laugh.
On the day of his match, I sat in the stands with the VIPs, watching him warm up on the field. I’d never been much of a football fan before, but watching Hector out there, so focused and in his element, made my heart swell with pride.
I was completely lost in the game, cheering him on with every touch of the ball.
When Barcelona scored, I jumped to my feet, clapping and shouting with the crowd. Hector glanced toward the stands, searching until his eyes met mine.
Even from the pitch, I saw the faint smile spread across his face. That moment made my heart flutter.
As the final whistle blew, signaling Barcelona’s victory, the players began celebrating on the field. The atmosphere was electric, with fans singing and chanting.
I watched Hector as he made his way toward the tunnel, but before he disappeared into the locker room, he turned and started walking in my direction.
My heart pounded as he came closer, his eyes locked on mine. I could feel people staring, whispers swirling around me, but I didn’t care. Hector reached the edge of the stands and smiled up at me.
“You came all this way,” he said softly, his voice carrying over the noise of the stadium.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said, smiling down at him, my heart racing in my chest.
He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at the crowd of fans and cameras. Then, he stepped forward, reaching for my hand. “You know people are going to talk, right?” he asked, his voice low and serious. “They already are.”
I glanced around, noticing the people already snapping photos and recording us. I could see the headlines in my head, but I didn’t care. I squeezed his hand and met his gaze.
“Let them talk,” I said firmly, smiling. “I don’t care.”
Hector’s face lit up, his eyes softening. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed me—right there in front of thousands of people.
His lips were warm and soft against mine, and for a moment, the entire stadium seemed to fade away.
The crowd around us erupted in cheers and gasps, but all I could focus on was Hector. His kiss was gentle but firm, filled with unspoken feelings we hadn’t yet put into words.
When we finally pulled apart, Hector grinned at me, his hand still holding mine. “Guess it’s official now, huh?”
I laughed, breathless. “I’d say so.”
Hector chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze before heading back toward the locker room. But not before turning back and flashing me a playful wink.
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Gold and Gravel ~2k words, marcnaia immediately post-Aragon 2024
Pecco has been watching the patch of sunlight on the wall of his motorhome change shade and shape for the last several hours. White fades to gold; the rectangle slants into a diamond as the sun slants towards the horizon. Good, he thinks. The sooner it sets, the sooner he can set this wretched weekend behind him. 
If he closes his eyes, strains his ears to listen, he can still hear the cheers and chants of Marc’s fans. It’s not so loud, anymore— the roar giving way to a low and distant rumble, like thunder on the horizon. Going out like the tide, washing into the streets of Alcañiz. It will go on all night, he is sure of it. And maybe if things were different he’d be celebrating too— if he’d taken Acosta’s place, or better, Martin’s— if he had shared the podium with Marc again. Alex could have joined them too, but that possibility is gone now. Buried in the gravel, crushed somewhere in the mess of metal and limbs. 
Pecco shudders. Shifts the ice pack on his shoulder that has long since melted. It’s not his fault, he knows. The stewards said it wasn’t, laid the blame evenly between them— but the guilt creeps in all the same. At very least he was too harsh on Alex after the race. He’d meant it then— hurting and angry and embarrassed—  he wouldn’t say it now. 
Because if he were better, he would have known not to take the risk. If he were better, he’d deserve the title he may as well have handed to Martin. If he were better, he wouldn’t have been battling Alex at all— would have been running at the front. Fighting with Marc, maybe, like they had three years ago. 
He sighs. Maybe if he were better he would be able to rein in his thoughts, wouldn’t be sitting here spinning his wheels and going nowhere. He’ll be up all night, at this rate, unless Carola comes and drags him to bed. 
There’s a knock at the door. Pecco winces as he pushes himself up onto his elbows. It’s probably Bez, he usually likes to stop by after a bad race, so he heaves himself the rest of the way up, walks stiffly to the door and opens it. 
And stands there, blinking in surprise, because— it’s Marc, on the other side of the door, one hand fiddling with his watch. 
It takes at least a minute for Pecco’s brain to reboot. When it does, all he’s able to say is a quiet, questioning, “Uh, hi?” because— this is the last place Marc should be, today. 
“Hi,” Marc says. “Can… can I come in?” he asks, a moment later, and Pecco realizes he’s been blocking the doorway. 
“Yeah, of course,” he says, stepping aside. 
He follows Marc in, goes to the counter and sits on it. Marc leans on the table opposite him— Pecco watches as he glances over, as he frowns at the ice packs on the shelf by the couch, the half-empty packet of ibuprofen. 
The guilt washes over him like a wave again, pools cold and heavy in his chest. The only reason why Marc would come here, when he should be off celebrating somewhere with his team, is because of the crash. Because of what Pecco had done to his brother, what he’d said about Alex afterwards. Marc must be here to bite back. Harder, Vale had said, now that he’s seen Pecco bleeding. And Pecco doesn’t want that— can’t stomach any cutting words from Marc when he’s heard them enough in his own head. 
Marc opens his mouth but Pecco speaks first, ducking his head as he does. “If you’re here about Alex, I’m sorry,” he says, and it feels too much like baring his neck for slaughter, but he continues. “I was upset, hurting; the interview, what I said, I meant it then— but not anymore. I know he didn’t do it on purpose.”
“Pecco,” Marc starts, but he just shakes his head. 
“And I— it was a stupid move. Too risky. Another lap and I could’ve caught him anyways, it was my mistake.”
“Pecco, I—” Marc starts to say again, but Pecco presses on. The longer he’s talking, the longer Marc isn’t— the longer he can delay the inevitable. 
“I’ll apologize. Next chance I get, I will— I will walk it back. I don’t want to make trouble for him.” And that’s all he has to say— all his cards laid on the table. He clenches his jaw, grips the counter with white knuckles. Braces for the bite. 
But Marc’s voice is soft as he says, “Pecco, look at me,” and it’s so unexpected— what can he do but lift his head?
Across from him, Marc is standing in the patch of sunlight he was watching earlier. It paints gold over the planes of him, his face, pools warm and honey-rich in the dark of his eyes. Catches in his hair like a glowing halo. Winning looks good on him— there is a weightlessness, an ease to him now that Pecco has never seen before, only marred by the concerned slant of his brow. 
“I appreciate it— you should apologize to Alex,” Marc says, slow and measured, “but that is not why I am here.”
“Then why?” Pecco asks before he can stop himself. “You should be celebrating, no?”
“No, actually. We are leaving for Madrid in an hour— no time.”
Pecco must look confused because Marc waves his hand in a vague gesture and says, “Eh, I’m too old for all of that now. Maybe in a few years you’ll understand.”
Pecco just shakes his head. Doesn’t want to think about being Marc’s age, having to endure the same things he has. “You look— you looked fantastic all weekend,” he says instead. “On the bike,” he clarifies. “Even if it were just a few drinks, you would deserve it.”
He watches Marc’s reaction closely, half-hoping the praise will catch him off-balance like it does to Pecco. But Marc just smiles at him, all relaxed lines and incandescent teeth, and Pecco is the one knocked unsteady. 
“Eh, maybe,” Marc says. “But look at you, distracting me again.” 
Pecco just blinks at him. If he’s not here about Alex, or to fish for congratulations, then why the fuck is he here?
He must be making a face, because Marc laughs, shakes his head, and says, “Pecco, I came here to check on you.”
“What?” Pecco breathes, feeling like he’s suffocating under the bike again. Because that— that doesn’t make any sense. That’s not who Marc is, not ruthless or cunning like Pecco has come to expect. Surely it’s just another mind game. 
But Marc sounds entirely genuine as he says, “The crash— I saw on the replay. It was bad for Alex but it looked worse for you.” He winces as his eyes flick down to the collar of Pecco’s shirt, where the bruising edges its way up his neck. “I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Pecco shrugs. “It could have been worse— my helmet did not catch on the tyre,” he says, slow and measured, trying not to give too much away. “Both of us walked away from it. No broken bones.”
“That’s always good,” Marc says with a knowing look. 
There’s a beat of silence between them. Marc seems unsatisfied, somehow, waiting for more— and maybe that’s the game, Pecco realizes. Offer a bit of vulnerability, see who flinches first. He hasn’t made a good counter to Marc yet, but he can. 
“Still fucking hurts, though— I am very bruised,” he says. “Do you want to see?”
Marc perks up at that. “Sure,” he says casually, but the way he leans forward belies his interest. 
So Pecco hops down from the counter, turns his back to Marc, and shucks his shirt off over his head, wincing as the movement strains his sore muscles. 
He doesn’t dare look at Marc, but he hears his sharp intake of breath, how the table shifts as he stands. “Shit, Pecco,” he hisses as he steps closer and then— 
Marc’s hand brushes the curve of Pecco’s shoulder blade, feather-light, testing. The sensation sings up his spine, sets him alight— he only just suppresses the urge to shiver. Because he knows what Marc must see, the pale skin of his back mottled purple from neck to tailbone; he’d caught a glimpse of it in the mirror and had to look away immediately, feeling ill. He’d hoped Marc would do the same.
But he seems to have no such reservations. He splays his hand out over the bruise, gently probing with his fingers. It feels— it feels good, Pecco thinks, the warmth and pressure like a soothing balm over the ache. He had tensed up, when Marc had touched him, but he relaxes into it as Marc rubs little circles down his spine. Then he reaches the small of Pecco’s back, where the skin is flushed pink, raw and irritated. It stings when Marc touches it, little jolts of pain, but then he presses down—
“Ah, fuck,” Pecco hisses, flinching away. “Gentle, please…”
“Sorry,” Marc says, and Pecco looks over at him, needs to know if that was intentional or not. But Marc does look genuinely contrite, brow furrowed in concern as he studies Pecco’s face. “I’m sorry,” he repeats, reaching out to rest his hand on Pecco’s shoulder. “That is— that is not a bruise, is it.”
“No, it’s not,” Pecco says. “It is a burn, from the exhaust— got me through the leathers.” 
Marc makes a small sound, low in his chest, eyes flicking back up to Pecco’s face. Before he can react, Marc is sliding his hand up to the nape of his neck, pulling him down into a hug. 
And he’s caught completely off-balance, again, stands there for a moment before it occurs to him that he should reciprocate. So he winds his arms around Marc’s back, feels him stroke a hand down his spine. Marc is so warm, pressed to him front-to-front like this— what can Pecco do but tuck his head into Marc’s shoulder, melt into him like honey, golden and sweet? 
He doesn’t want the moment to end, but all too soon Marc is stepping away, trailing his hands to rest on Pecco’s arms. “I am glad you are okay,” he says, looking up at Pecco wide-eyed and earnest, and he— he believes him, Pecco realizes, rocking him like a punch to the gut. 
But just as quickly Marc’s face relaxes again, into that easy, winning smile, as he says, “Rest well for Misano, yeah? When I said I wanted to share a garage with the world champion next year, I meant it.”
Pecco can feel his face flushing, shakes his head and says, “Okay. If only so I can beat you next weekend.”
Marc laughs and lets go of Pecco, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t push it,” he says, mock-scolding. He heads for the door— Pecco has half a mind to offer him a drink or something, get him to stay a little longer, but he doesn’t. 
Instead, he just says, “Congratulations, Marc. You were incredible.”
Marc opens the door, looks back and smiles at Pecco one last time. “See you on Thursday,” he says, and then the door is swinging shut behind him. 
The latch clicks, and it’s like a spell has broken, leaving Pecco standing there blinking in confusion. Because— he buries his face in his hands and groans, loud and long— what the fuck possessed him, to make him act like that? Marc must have laid the trap, somehow, and Pecco blundered directly into it. There’s no way he’ll be able to rest— he’ll be up all night thinking about warm hands grazing his shoulder, about deep brown eyes looking up at him with open, genuine concern. 
But it wasn’t genuine, Pecco knows, it wasn’t anything real. Just another mind game— so why, he thinks, does he wish it wasn’t?
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deanobear67 · 3 days
”It’s okay to not be okay.”
Drowning in your own thoughts is hard to share with others. Especially when you have no idea how to explain them. Thankfully dean understands fully.
warnings - fluff, comfort, Anxiety is mentioned, overwhelming thoughts, sadness, mild angst
Dean x gn!reader (mostly)
There is one sentence where he refers to the reader as she. Also the readers hair is long enough to put behind their ear.
Thank you for overwhelming support on my first fic!! I’m not sure how often I’ll post but i’m going to try to post every once and awhile!
You were staring blankly at the tv in the ‘dean cave’, as you sink into the couch. A small blanket covered half of you, keeping you from feeling the cold air of the bunker. The lights were low, making the room feel like it knew what you were feeling. Miracles head was in your lap as he laid beside you.
You forgot he was even there for a minute. Too distracted by the running thoughts in your head. You were surprised he followed you in here a couple hours ago. Usually it’s rare that he leaves Deans side.
He sensed your emotions like dogs do. Gently pushing his nose into your thigh every now and then trying to comfort you. Your hand subconsciously petting his head as you zoned out again. 
Not even a few minutes later, Miracle popped his head up from your lap. His ears arched as he listened to something. You look towards the cracked door as you hear soft footsteps echo in the hallway. Dean entered not long after, looking between you and the tv.
You felt guilt flood your stomach as you had no excuse for why you weren’t in bed. Except your anxiety keeping you awake, making you feel embarrassed about it. Even though it wasn’t embarrassing at all….was it? 
You could tell he just woke up not long ago. The sleep around his eyes now fading as he grew more concerned. His gray robe thrown over a black shirt with a pair of scooby-doo pj pants you got him, Halloween edition. 
“Hey” Dean said quietly as he sat next to you on the couch. He reached out to pet miracle who moved to him excitedly. “Hey” You replied after a minute of watching the interaction.
You went back to the tv as your hands laid in your lap unsure what to do. You could feel his warm gaze knowing he was finding the right words to say. 
“Can’t sleep?” Dean muttered after a minute not expecting you to answer. You nodded slowly after a moment. Looking down at your hands as you messed with them. You knew he wouldn’t judge you for your thoughts. You just didn’t know how to explain them. 
Dean continued to stare at you for the next few minutes petting the excited dog. “I get that….but I want you to know something.” He said quietly as he stopped petting Miracle. He reached over grabbing one of your hands gently to ground you. 
“It’s okay to not be okay…” He gently squeezed your hand as he caressed the back of your palm with his thumb. “Sometimes…that’s just how it is…..but you can’t hold it in all the time until it you can’t stand it anymore.” After a minute he chuckled to himself. “Hell maybe I should take that advice myself.”
You laughed with him as you felt a bubble in your throat appear. A few seconds pass in silence before he speaks again. “You know I worry about you.” He pauses to let out a breath. “And I know sometimes it’s hard to explain what you’re feeling.” 
He moved a bit closer, scooting Miracle out of the way gently. He let go of your hand to run it over your back. “Which I understand but I don’t…I don’t want you to shut me out all the time sweetheart.” You sighed softly as you adjusted yourself against the couch.
“Look at me please..” Dean asked softly as he placed his hand on the back of your neck. You hesitated as you felt the emotion build up in you after holding it in for so long. “Honey, look at me.” He said a little bit louder. You finally turned your head to look at him.
Dean smiled softly at you, gently putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. “There she is.” His smiled widened as he softly caressed your cheek. You couldn’t help but smile back but it quickly faded as you felt your lip quivering. 
You went to turn away feeling embarrassed again. “Hey” Dean gently grabbed your chin, turning you back towards him. “It’s okay…” He caress over your cheek again as he softly smiled. 
You felt the pressure build up in your eyes. You licked your dry lips as you stared at him, finally ready to give into the feeling. “I don’t know how to be okay.” You muttered through a broken voice as tears fell against your cheeks.
Dean frowned for a moment pulling you closer to him. “I know..” He whispered back to you. You wipe a few tears before he could. “I’m just tired of feeling like I’m alone at the end of the day.” You didn’t want to admit it to him but you did feel alone. Dean brought you love, protection and a feeling of home. Sometimes thoughts can seep in long enough to the point where you can’t ignore them anymore.
“Oh baby..” Dean muttered bringing you into his arms. He held the back of your head as you tucked yourself into his neck. He hated seeing you like this, hell it pained him too. “I’m here…I’m right here honey.”
He continued to caress the back of your head and back. “Let it out, I’m not going anywhere.” He muttered as he felt the tremble in your body against his hand. Eventually you soon calmed down, completely relaxed against him. You pulled back from his neck to wipe your face.
“Don’t apologize.” He whispered with a soft gaze knowing you were going to. You laughed softly before kissing his cheek. You laid your head back on his shoulder. His presence seeping into your loneliness, comforting you with its warmth. 
For tonight you decided to let him in again. Needing him to lean on, you let yourself accept the help. He covers you with the blanket you were using earlier. He decided to let you two stay like this for awhile before he would take you to bed. 
“I got you sweetheart” He whispered against the top of your head, holding you close. He felt his protective side kick in, trying to shield you from the thoughts of yourself for a bit. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thank you so much for reading!! <3 :)
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badolmen · 29 days
I’m trying to find a way to articulate this without sounding like a condescending asshole.
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scorchrend · 5 months
i spent the whole day making this cover and the art and i like koffin-k like an Average Person would. A Normal Amount. btw here’s the youtube link
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art w/o title
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zorosdimples · 1 month
knowing i should take a step back from tumblr for my own wellbeing vs. being emotionally attached to this app and the people on it
#tumblr would be tumblr without me—as would the self ship community. it’s silly for me to feel so invested this Thing that is just that:#a Thing. it can’t give me the love or care or satisfaction with life that i’m looking for. i’ve been hiding on here—escaping reality.#because it’s fun to live in an imaginary world where i’m everything i want to be. where i’m the main character.#but in doing so i’ve been neglecting the ugly parts of my real life; the pain and hurt and harsh realities.#over the past couple months it has become apparent to me that i tend to put too much trust and effort into people#who have neither the capacity nor the desire to reciprocate.#so i just look like a fool in the end. (this isn’t about anyone here—just a pattern of behavior in general.)#at the end of the day#having thousands of followers on tumblr has no impact on my real life. if anything it makes me feel more isolated than ever.#because it’s yet another arena where i feel like i have to carve out my own space; i’ve never been good at taking up space.#anyway i suppose i’ll take the weekend away and see how i feel. i’ve had a lot of shit happening irl that has been so horribly difficult.#so maybe getting through all of that will help me feel more comfortable on my own blog again.#if you read this all i’m so sorry. i’ll prob regret posting my heartfelt thoughts in the future but at this very moment i don’t care.#self preservation be damned.#please support ficsforgaza; i’ll still be helping aleks over there because it’s one of the few places where i feel useful.#okay i’m done now. i’ll see you later. i wish you all so much love and nothing but the best.#tw personal
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starsh0cked · 2 months
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what do you mean i missed my own birthday. ‘a whole day late’ no i wasn’t
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iwaasfairy · 3 months
please don’t send me asks about anyone in high school in sexual situations (or younger istfg)
I’m not ever gonna write high schoolers or high school gojo or nothin. thank you
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silvertherogue715 · 6 months
hello! How are you doing? Feeling any better since you caught that cold? This ask is gonna be about Sunstar mainly so I’m gonna split this up into different parts based on the questions. Knowing that Duo attacked and badly injured him I’m curious as to why? Was it cause of the bad emotions that he gave off and effected the other stardroids? Or just a chance encounter that didn’t go well? And does he just stay at one NEC or does he get the other one?
Emotions and relationship wise: Does the NEC still effect his emotions or are they more apparent then before because he only has one of the NEC he had originally? Does this change his behavior in anyway than what he was like originally? Especially his relationship with Terra and Minx(the last ask with his and Does he have any other relationships with the stardroids or know any Navis?
knowing that he’s the leader of the stardroids what does he do exactly?
with his ability being effected by emotions which sorts of emotions cause a increase in heat? Excitement, love, anger, etc. and just an angsty thought that came up has he ever out of instinct tried to grab someone out of panic or reflex and ended up burning them instead? (I assume he’s very careful but the concept of it happening to anyone(Minx, Terra, stardroid) is just a curiosity)
I hope you’re doing well! Have a good day/night! Thank you
I'm doing much better now, thank you! I don't get sick often, so I was a bit caught off-guard, but it also happened right before break when a bunch of assignments were nearing their deadlines. 
Hopefully I'll be able to dedicate way more time to shoveling out Brainrot AU stuff now.
This is a long one! I'll post my answers below the cut.
Why did Duo attack?
There’s a lot of lore for Duo in my AU, but I'm gonna try to simplify it here.
It’s canon in the MMBN anime that Duo began to see his creators and their civilization as evil, and that he eventually destroyed all life on Earth during that time before leaving on a rocket that mimics the appearance of a comet (which is powered by Negative Energy).
In my AU, he sees all NEC-Navis as inherently “evil.”
He uses this comet to approach sources of “evil,” and gives any intelligent life he comes across a “test” to determine whether or not they as a whole are evil and should be destroyed. This also means that Sunstar and the Stardroids are always on his radar. They have clashed several times.
Duo is the first and only Viren Navi with 5 GV-Crystals in his body, and Sunstar only absorbed the extra 3 NE crystals in his body to stand a chance against Duo when no other NE-Navi could. Unfortunately, he had no idea the consequences would be so dire, and was too far gone to stop by the time he realized.
Does he just stay at one NEC?
No. Sunstar is reduced to one NEC after Duo’s attack, but he does eventually regain up to 4 out of the 5 total.
The stardroids secure the two that go into his forearms before arriving to Earth.
Terra obtains the fourth, one of his original two that go in his chest, from Ra Moon after the Stardroids arrive on New Earth.
Minx finds the 5th later..but that’s not important right now =) 
Sunstar was never ”woken up” after the attack from Duo until Terra restored his other original NEC from Ra Moon inside his chest. All the Stardroids knew of the possible side effects from either losing or receiving damage to an Energy Crystal: there had been plenty of personal and historical references to use.
Had they activated him with one NEC, Sunstar would have been missing a huge chunk of his memories. In addition to this, he would have felt his emotions with an all-new intensity that he was unfamiliar with. Think of a usually calm and intimidating individual getting reduced to tears on a regular basis or verbally lashing out after an insult that wouldn’t have normally phased him. Positive side effects would be a temporarily clear mind and non-firey hands, but the downsides outweighed them tenfold. 
The change would definitely put a strain on his relationships. It’d be like having to learn about a person all over again.
What are his relationships?
Most Earth Navis Sunstar is familiar with he has met through/with Minx when he was still “Ra Moon.” He couldn’t/wouldn’t make many friends for several reasons, but some notable cases include:
Napalmman: Both love to talk about their respective netops (Nenji/Minx), and their shared love for explosions and anything fire-related. Friend!
Also occasionally talks with some coworker Navis Napalmman is friends with.
Sprout: Carson’s hilariously underwhelming but overpowered normalnavi. Carson is one of Minx’s older brothers, and due to plot reasons, Sprout is the only other Navi Ra Moon would see occasionally when Minx was a child.
Shadowman: Frenemies. He and Miyabi tried kidnapping him several times at one point, and Ra Moon loves to tease/annoy him whenever he gets the chance.
Shademan: Hate. Can and will fight on sight.
Forte/Bass: Sympathetic, but best to avoid. His relationship with Dr. Cossack (manga-based) is semi-mirrored by his relationship with Minx.
As for the other Stardroids…I hate to admit I have not thought of many specific interactions between Sunstar and all of them. This is the perfect opportunity to brainstorm though! Hmm..
Saturn would likely be chilly to Sunstar given his crush on Terra. Sunstar would probably dislike his poor work ethic and pull the occasional prank on him.   
Venus looks up to him, and while Sunstar finds her adorable, he regularly gives her physically harder tasks (like leading training sessions) to satiate her pride.
Sunstar is practically the only one who interacts with Mars–they both have a mutual understanding of the other, as each were deemed “monsters” by the Viren civilization. I wouldn’t describe them as friends, though.
Mercury annoys him to hell and back and Sunstar does his best to station Mercury as far away from himself as possible. 
Jupiter is one of the only Stardroids who will actively seek out Sunstar without going through Terra first. He has a deep respect for Sunstar’s strength, and finds him less intimidating due to his friendship with Uranus.
Uranus is terrified of Sunstar but plays it off with bravado by challenging him to fights. He has yet to win.
Sunstar likes Pluto and Jupiter maybe the most due to their sort-of friendship with Terra. Also, because Sunstar is absolutely a cat person.
I’ll need to think further on some of the other ones.
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What does he do?
Sunstar was created to serve as a symbol of protection for Virens, but more importantly for NEC Navis. He shadowed Terra for three major things:
How to lead as a representative for NEC Navi’s
How to observe and deal with hostile rival alien civilizations that may pose a threat to specific Viren settlements 
How to prevent and manage NE-Navi-related disputes while striving for a positive social image
Admittedly, Sunstar shadowed Terra for a majority of his time after being created. He very rarely acted without first consulting or collaborating with Terra first. Terra had both more knowledge and experience than him, but he also commanded more trust and respect from the population and other Viren leaders/council members.
Before Duo mutinied against the Viren civilization on Earth, Sunstar wanted to implement at least two policies/practices:
Raising awareness of and liquidating misinformation surrounding the nature of Negative Energy Crystals and NE-Navis.
The removal of exclusively positive or negative energy crystals.
He had proof it was possible for a hybrid design.
Now, though?
His ship is stranded on Earth with Duo no doubt closing in. The civilization that he was responsible for previously before is dead. The only thing he can do is try to protect the life he has secured on New Earth with friends and family, new and old. 
After reawakening with 4 NECs, Sunstar proceeds to lose the 2 in his forearms during a battle on Earth soon after re-arriving. They get shattered in the heat of the battle, and a decent chunk of Arc 2 is spent hunting down the shards before Duo can arrive.
What emotions cause an increase in heat?
Emotions like anger, fear, sadness, or any combination of those that can leave him feeling overwhelmed. Again, Sunstar’s emotions are more muted than regular NE-Navis, given he has two NECs. That means whatever he’s feeling has to be pretty intense for it to affect him so deeply, but he is most prone to anger out of any other ‘provocative’ emotion. 
Also! He kind of hates how his hands can be a “tell” for him. He may have a stoic persona, but there’s only so much you can hide behind an empty stare, or later, a mask, without your furiously flaming hands giving you away.
Has he burned someone accidentally?
Grabbing and shaking you. I love your brain. He absolutely has.
It doesn’t happen often anymore, not like when he was first created, but my god does it devastate him when it does. He knows what happens when he touches things: they burn. He can’t help but ask himself, why does he still slip up? He knows his loved ones know it is never out of malice, that it’s an accident, that they forgive him, but he finds it hard to forgive himself. 
It’s safe to say Sunstar has accidentally burned nearly all of the Stardroids at least once. For specific people, though?
Uranus: weirdly enough he wants to fight Sunstar hand-to-hand. Close combat is his forte, and he wants to prove he’s strong enough to push through and kind of foe–or pain.
Mercury: he is absolutely enough of an annoying bastard for Sunstar to chase him down on several occasions until he either hands over whatever he has stolen from another Stardroid, apologizes to whoever he pissed off, or mans his station.
Terra: multiple times back on Viren Earth. A few scenarios:
Sunstar grabbing Terra by the shoulders to protect him from falling debris
Sunstar accidentally burned Terra when the latter passed him something by hand.
Without thinking, Sunstar tried holding Terra’s hand during a wholesome moment for both.
Minx: (so far) twice.
Minx tried holding his hand, thoughtlessly.
Sunstar grabbed and pulled Minx by the arm to prevent her from wandering into oncoming traffic at night.
He always apologizes profusely, but has a bad habit of isolating himself for hours and sometimes days afterwards.
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He was apologizing for months afterwards.
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i-can-not-art · 7 months
Okay so this is the most personal and parasocial I’ll (hopefully) ever get on my stupid art blog, but I think there’s someone out there like me who might need to hear this:
idk if I’m happy with the way I’ve reached 300 followers.
Not that I’m ungrateful, I’m extremely happy, I understand that 300 whole people decided they liked my art enough to bother to follow me and I just made a shitpost of catboy five pebbles to celebrate. But honestly I don’t know if the way I got those followers is the way I want to continue doing art
Those followers mostly came from my lmk and rain world fanarts, but the reason I draw so much fanart of those communities is because I saw how many more notes those posts got than my oc ones.
Before I’d basically if not actually just only draw oc art. Art felt so much more fulfilling when I just drew those little goobers in my head than now. Now I feel like I’m making art for this audience I’ve artificially manufactured by posting what they want to see.
It doesn’t feel like I’m creating for myself when that’s the whole reason I got into art. Plus, all my favorite blogs and mutuals post like pure oc art which I why I think they’re my favorites and mutuals, their art is what they want to make.
That’s what I want my art to be like, just what I wanted to create.
But, tldr: I think I’ll be making and posting more oc art
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sapphicdib · 1 year
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vessuna · 9 months
oooo i got some new followers hi thereee
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pepprs · 2 years
it’s that time of year where i want to remake my blog so so so bad it’s unreal and then i don’t. lol
#i have way too many followers to be doing the shit i do on here and im kinda getting tired of it. i wish the crab post hadn’t blown up#purrs#i just don’t want to lose the years of posts or like my sideblogs being attached to this blog or anything. and i would want to still be#pepprs but i wouldn’t want ppl to find me easily. idk. ughhh. head in hands#delete later#i wish there was a function to like remove followers en masse. that would fix me#all of u who like regularly like my personal posts would stay of.c it’s just like the literal resacteds of ppl who idont even know and i#feel claustrophobic on here sometimes and all i do is just close the app when i feel like that. but idk#it’s not sustainable. and i miss the freedom that comes w like having fewer ppl perceiving you iykwim. maybe i’ll remake for 2023 idk#i think tumblr has started recommending me to new users too like it’s that bad. and idont ahve any ill will towards ppl who follow me or#anything like i appreciate it. i just want privacy and i get so many asks and stuff all the time ajdni don’t want to sound ungrateful bc i#rly do appreciate it but also i have abt 2% social battery most days and i feel guilty and stressed bc the amount of ppl who want to talk to#me just keeps growing and growing and most of the time i want to hide and just reblog posts and not think abt it. that sounds so mean and is#very very evidential of my lockdown induced mental illness and again i do not want to sound ungrateful bc i really am. im just tired and#overwhelmed and overstimulated every day and i need… whatever you call this. even though i already isolate myself too much irl anyway
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mxviko · 10 months
I want to draw stuff but art style struggle is putting me into art block…
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figuerockfaeth · 2 years
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sleepyjuice · 2 months
toxic!rafe will blow your phone up the second you post something on instagram that he’s ‘iffy’ about.
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you posted a photo dump which consisted of some random photos of the beach, some of your friends, one of you and rafe of course, but the one that had rafe seeing red was the last slide, which was you in a bikini. he texted you several times at first, and while you were literally typing your response, he called you. your fingers were typing so fast to respond to him that you accidentally declined the call, and he did not like that. you immediately went to call him back, but another text from rafe rolled in, saying ‘fuck you don’t talk to me we’re done’ you sighed loudly, knowing damn well he was talking out of his ass right now, so you sat back and waited for the inevitable next string of texts to roll in. which they did, only seconds later.
rafe <3: do you get off on making me mad or something
rafe <3: like i’m racking my brain trying to understand why you do the things you do and that’s all i can come up with
rafe <3: and i see at least 4 guys have already liked your post like that’s crazy to me?? thought i told you to block all the guys that followed you?? of course you didn’t
rafe <3: also who even took that pic of you??? bc i know damn well it wasn’t me so who the fuck you posing for with your fucking ass and tits out? WHAT THE FUCK
rafe <3: DO NOT PUT YOUR SHIT ON DO NOT DISTURB answer me rn.
rafe <3: nah it’s cool actually i’m gonna go hit up my other gfs so you have a good night.
you rolled your eyes at that last text, deciding to fully turn your phone off. you knew he would likely try to text or call you again very soon but you didn’t want to deal with it right now. this wasn’t your first rodeo, you knew nothing you could say to him right now would calm him down, so letting him freak out on his own was the best method to his madness.
three hours had passed since you turned your phone off. you had caught up on some reading and turned on your current favorite show, but found yourself interrupted by a knock at your front door. you expected it to be rafe, but instead it was a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a gift bag. you glanced around to see if rafe was lurking around, but saw nothing. when he freaked out over text and was able to reread his actions, he usually waited a bit longer to show his face as opposed to a verbal argument.
you brought the flowers inside and set them on the counter before grabbing the card attached to the side of the bouquet.
sorry we argued. you are so beautiful and i love you so much. got you a little gift and sent you some money for food and i set your appointment with your nail girl for tomorrow at 10. love you forever baby -rafe
you couldn’t help but smile just a little. the flowers were beautiful and the note was pretty sweet, so you chose to ignore the part where he said ‘we argued.’ you didn’t get a word in, but you let it slide. especially after you opened the gift bag to see the new dior bag you had been wanting.
you hurried to turn on your phone, immediately seeing a $500 apple payment from rafe as well as a new text from a few minutes ago.
rafe <3: hope you like the flowers and bag baby. love you! :)
you: i love them. thanks rafe, love you too
rafe <3: good to hear. lmk what you end up getting for dinner and i’ll pick you up tomorrow to take you to your nail apt. can’t wait to see you baby
you would order yourself dinner that was obviously way less than $500, but you would send rafe a picture and thank him again. you’d facetime him before bed and conversation flowed like nothing had even happened just hours before. he’d ask you what color nails you were getting, tell you funny stories about the old men at the country club and excitedly plan what you two were going to do the next day. the cycle seemed like it would never end, but you often forgot about the bad when he was talking so sweetly to you and all you could think about was how excited you were to see him tomorrow.
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