#I’ll just have to wait til the next shift clocks in to get her help 😭😭😭
mcnuggyy · 3 months
ugh they switched coffee brands again at my part time and the pods only come in single cups?? When the machine is made for 12 cup pods?? And they didn’t leave me any instructions 😭😭😭 like am I meant to shove a bunch of pods in here or cut them open or am I just really stupid like huh??????
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
“Darling please slow down I can’t understand you with all the crying.” Eunwoo’s voice was hushed as he talked to you through the phone. Eunwoo was almost done with his shift he had a couple hours left when you called him. He knew something was wrong from all the crying and the panic in your voice.
“I can’t get her to stop crying I’ve tried everything. She won’t drink her milk, she won’t eat, I checked to see if she needed her diaper changed but she’s fine. I tried playing music, I tried reading to her I rocked her in the cradle but she won’t stop. Please come home I can’t do this Eunwoo.” 
Eunwoo listened to both the baby and your cries. He sighed while looking over at the clock on the wall. “Darling listen please, I am almost done with my shift and I promise I’ll come straight home. Can you wait until then? You know I can’t keep leaving work.” It was quiet from you but Eunwoo could still here the wailing of your baby. 
“She’s coughing and she won’t stop.”
“Where are you right now? What are you doing?” Eunwoo asked attempting to multitask between talking to you and typing on his computer. Maybe he could just talk to you until you calmed down and then that would help the baby until he got home.
“I’ve been pacing back and forth bouncing her in my arms but it’s not working.”
“Ok baby you know you crying only upsets her more you have to try and calm down. Breathe ok?” Eunwoo said as he sent another email confirming the meeting for next week. A few of his co-workers quietly came up to him letting them know they were done and wishing him a good evening. Eunwoo sighed again wishing he wouldn’t have agreed to take part in arranging next months meetings. He could’ve been home by now. 
“I couldn’t help it Eunwoo she wouldn’t stop and I got upset.” Eunwoo hear you start crying again. He wondered if he just ask his boos to find someone else to take these last night shifts. 
“Y/n, darling, you can wait til I come home yeah? I just have a few more emails I need to send and one paper to finish. I’ll be home soon you can take care of her until then I know you can. Right?” Eunwoo questioned. He repeated your name when you didn’t respond. You gave him a small yes. “That’s my girl. I’ll be home soon okay, hang in there and please breathe.” Eunwoo hung up with a small pain in his heart. You and him were still new to the whole baby thing and Eunwoo couldn’t seem to get any work done when you would call him almost every night. He didn’t fully blame you, he couldn’t imagine how stressed you were but he wished you could be more capable of taking care of your daughter when he was at work. You only seemed to call at night, that was the most difficult time for you. 
Eunwoo could remember the first night after coming home from the hospital the minute the baby started crying you acted like you couldn’t care less. One time Eunwoo came home to the baby in the crib crying and you laying on the floor next to the crib crying. It took longer to calm you down than it did his daughter. 
When Eunwoo finally finished his work he hurried out of there not forgetting to say goodnight to anyone still in the building. When he opened his car door he threw his bag in the passenger seat and started the engine immediately. Pulling out his phone he dialed your number and left a voice message when you didn’t pick up. “Hey I just finished my shift and I’m heading home, I’ll see you in 15 minutes to an hour depending on traffic. I love you my strong girl.” 
Pulling in the driveway Eunwoo rushed up the steps to unlock the front door. He saw the room light upstairs was still on figuring you were still up. He dropped his keys on the table by the front door while sliding his shoes off, tossed his bag on the couch and quickly but quietly made his way up the steps. Upon entering your shared bedroom he saw you on the bed your daughter on your chest. Eunwoo heaved a sigh of relief to see you both asleep. Eunwoo turned off the room light and slowly made his way to the nightstand to turn on the lamp by the bed.
Eunwoo smiled as the dim glow of the lamp lit up your sleeping figure. He started unbuttoning his suit jacket watching you hoping he wasn’t making enough noise to wake you up. He undid he tie and threw both the tie and his suit jacket on the chair in the corner of the room. The far side of your bedroom was set up with a rocking chair in the corner near the nightstand and a cradle by the widow as well as some other things. The nursery was set up but often time you would bring your daughter in your room when you couldn’t get her to sleep which seemed to be all the time. As Eunwoo took his watch off and set it on the nightstand he saw you stir. 
You eyes slowly opened and when you saw your husband you smiled. “You’re home.” you whispered rubbing your eyes. “What time is it?” 
Eunwoo picked up his watch and held it up to the lamp. “it’s a quarter to one. I’m sorry I got home so late.” Eunwoo said quietly as he unbutton his cuffs to roll up his sleeves the dim light coloring his arms an warm amber color. Eunwoo leaned over and gently picked up the baby holding her up to him before setting her over his shoulder. His hands held her little head as he supported her back. He leaned down again and you met him halfway letting him place a soft peck to your lips. “How’d you get her to settle down?” 
Your hand came up to scratch the back of your head before you let out a yawn. “She just kept crying and crying until she eventually tuckered herself out.” You got off the bed and placed a kiss to your daughter’s head gently smoothing her hair. “I have to pee.” you said leaving the room. Eunwoo shook his head chuckling you himself. 
“Let’s get you to bed my sweet girl.” Eunwoo said carrying the baby to the nursery and setting her down in her crib. He placed a soft kiss to her head and headed back to your shared bedroom. You were already back moving the covers so you could crawl under them. 
“Eunwoo,” you called as you grabbed a bottle of lotion from your nightstand placing a small amount in your hand. Eunwoo came over to you as you rubbed your hands together the scent of lavender and honey filling the small space around you. “I’m sorry about tonight..and all the other nights.” your voice dropped to a barely audible whisper as you felt that all too familiar prick at the bridge of your nose before you started to tear up. Eunwoo began unbuttoning his shirt as he got himself ready for bed. 
“Hey darling don’t cry. It’s normal to have all these emotions, you’re still a new mother and there’s still a lot you and I both have to get used to.” Eunwoo was quick to rid himself of his clothes and into a pair of lounge pants. As he joined you under the covers he pulled you into him, his arm holding you tight. “It’ll get easier I promise. My mom used to tell me stories about how it was for her raising me. Our daughter is not nearly as much to handle as I was.”  you laughed for a bit before you spoke up. 
“I’ve been thinking about taking a parenting class. I thought it might help me learn more and maybe if there’s other mothers there I won’t feel like I’m doing a horrible job.” Eunwoo lightly grabbed your chin in his hands turning you to look at him. 
“Hey now, don’t talk like that about yourself you are doing an amazing job so far. No one knows exactly what they are doing at first but they learn. You are doing just fine raising our daughter do you understand me? Things will become easier and I think it’s a great idea to take parenting classes. There’s nothing wrong with that. Maybe I can go to a few of them if I can squeeze them into my schedule.” you were quiet and it worried Eunwoo. 
“What’s the matter darling? Talk to me.” Eunwoo said rubbing your arm as he nuzzled his face into your neck. 
“I just feel alone Eunwoo. I feel like you’re never here and I can’t take care of our baby by myself I panic I just freeze up sometimes. She starts crying and then I start and all I want to do is run away.” you started crying again. Eunwoo leaned you into his chest, his hand holding your head against the crook of his neck shushing you as he softly patted your head. 
“I’m sorry y/n I am. I’m sorry I have to work so late everyday. Next month you’ll probably see less of me and it hurts my heart that I won’t be here for you and our daughter when you need me the most.” 
“I understand Eunwoo. I just wish you could have some time off. Maybe with those parenting classes it’ll help me so that you don’t have to worry about us and maybe I’ll call you less and be able to handle her at night. I just miss you so much at night. It feels so empty in the house.” you wrapped your arm around Eunwoo’s waist and reached up to kiss him. You missed the night you two spent together before the baby. Wrapped up in each other’s arms laughing and kissing and cuddling. 
“It’ll be okay I promise. I’m here now and we can just relax and lay here for a bit okay? Okay?” Eunwoo asked again when you didn’t answer. He lifting you head up and smiled seeing your eyed closed. Eunwoo gently laid you down on the bed and covered you up. He reached over to turn to lamp light off before pulling your body into him. He kissed your forehead after moving your hair out of your face. It was quiet in the house just the sound of your light breathing. You looked so peaceful and it made Eunwoo smile. “Rest well my strong girl. I love you so much.”
I’M SORRY ITS SO CRINGE I ALMOST THREW UP WHILE WRITING IT YUH I’m sorry he’s just so pretty and handsome and jesus christ perf husband material and I look at him and weep ad throw up and get all emotional I’m so sorry Eunwoo :(
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urimaginespimp · 4 years
Naked While They’re Working
AN: Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you enjoy this one.
Being married to Thomas guaranteed you a lot of things – wealth, protection, a crazy family, and incomparable intimacy. The past few weeks however, you’ve been sleeping and waking up to a cold bed, as your husband tries to sort out his business.
“I know the face of a touch-starved woman when I see one.” She said bluntly, making her son Michael clear his throat and excuse himself from your exchange.
You sighed. “It’s been a few weeks.” You muttered, but it was loud enough to make her chuckle.
“Men often think with their cocks, dear. I’m sure if he’s reminded of what he’s been missing out on, you’d be alright.” She puffs a smoke out and smiled slyly at you.
Now here you were in your bathroom with nothing but your robe, taking one last look in the mirror. Dropping the silk material to your feet, you stepped out of it and walked your way to your husband’s office door. Leaning in, you hear that he’s talking on the phone.
Walking in, he was yet to look up from scribbling down whatever the person from the other end of the line was telling him, until you cleared your throat.
“Y/N I-“ his breath caught his throat when he finally looked up. You almost giggled at his shocked face.
You saw the battle in his eyes. But he knew better than to keep you from waiting further.
“I-uh have to call you back.” He said over the phone in a rush and slammed it back down.
“Well…” He got up from his seat already loosening his tie, to make his way to you. “I believe I have to burry myself to some other business tonight.”
To say that you and Alfie’s physical chemistry was great would be an understatement. That particular morning, you’ve been feeling a lot needier than usual. But to your annoyance, he’s yet to get back from his trip ‘til noon.
With a wicked grin, you took your long coat from the closet and decided to surprise him when he gets back to his office.
Glancing at the clock once more, you saw that it was almost noon. A voice was heard out the door, undoubtedly your husbands, making you finally rid of your coat.
But when another voice answered him, you realized that he wasn’t alone. Getting up, you quickly made your way in the nearby closet and shut it close.
The door opened and footsteps made their way in. You could tell by the small gap on the closet that Alfie was stood by your view while his unknown companion was probably still by the door.
“Mr. Solomons think about what I said, ye?” You now recognized the voice of the Shelby man.
“Ye just get out of me office now, will ya? I’m startin’ to think yer getting clingy.” You couldn’t see him but just imagining the annoyed face of your husband made you snicker, forgetting you were in hiding.
Undoubtedly hearing you, the two men in the office froze for a second. Alfie slowly reached for his gun, and told Mr. Shelby to stand back.
You bit your lip from laughing further when Alfie forcefully swung the closet door and aimed a gun at your direction, to only freeze again in front of your naked figure.
“Well what is it, Mr. Solomons?” Thomas Shelby asked from the doorway.
Alfie brought his gun down and gulped at the sight of you. “Lock the door on your way out, Shelby.” He ordered, still staring at you.
The Shelby family were no strangers to you and John’s antics. The amount of times that they’ve walked in on you would be enough to make them consider buying you both extra locks for your room. But Thomas found a better solution – keeping you both busy from different offices.
You had to admit, it worked. For the past few days, you both barely had time to spend time together from the amount of work were given.
“I miss John.” You sighed while arranging paperwork.
“You can’t possibly be serious.” Finn answered, having heard of your demise. “You just saw each other this morning.”
“Yeah, but we’ve been too busy lately, we’re only together to finally sleep or to get ready for work.”
Finn being the sweet man that he was, nodded in understanding. “I’ll cover for ya for half an hour.” He offered. “I swear not to tell Tommy.”
Grateful, you gave the youngest Shelby a small hug and almost skipped your way to John’s office.
Slowly opening the door, you saw that your husband’s seat facing away from the door.
“Tom I’m not done reading our men’s reports. I’ll send it your way later.” He said from his seat, not even turning around to see if it really were his older brother.
With a playful thought, you unzipped the back of your dress and let if fall to your feet.
Noting how he hadn’t received a reply or heard the door shut once more, he turned his seat around and came to face you. A grin broke on his features.
“I missed you too, darling.” He chuckled as you approached him.
It wasn’t long then when his chair was turned to face away the chair once more and you were both in the middle of showing how you really missed each other when the door swung open.
“John whe- For heaven’s sake I told ya to lock the fucking door!” An angry Thomas stormed out of the office, cursing.
Arthur was in the middle of checking the sales of his pub upstairs the Garrison.
“Harry we can lock up for you.” You offered the clearly worn out barman.
“You sure, miss? I don’t want Mr. Shelby getting mad at me.” He asked hesitantly.
“I’d be madder if you don’t take rest now.” You smiled at him, and he grinned in gratitude.
Walking upstairs, you got rid of any piece of clothing you had piece by piece. By the time you were outside his office door you were clear of any of it.
Knocking on it, you heard him replied a low invitation to come in. Opening the door slowly, he was still buried on scanning the record book when you spoke.
“So…” you were trying not to smile. “Are we going home any time soon, or would your office have to do?” you asked.
“Have to do for what?” He asked, and finally turned your way. “Oh. I see.” He himself was also trying not to grin so much from looking at you. “Can’t have ya walking out of here lookin’ like that now, can’t we?”
Michael had a beautiful office. It was spacious, had great furniture, and had a huge glass window for you to ogle at him if you want. He’s been stuck in a meeting with the Shelby brothers for hours now, and you had come over that afternoon from your shared flat to fetch him for your anniversary dinner.
The Shelby men’s backs were all you could see of them while your boyfriend was on his desk discussing to them who knows what. Meeting your eyes through the window, your boyfriend gave you an apologetic look. You just gave him a smile, knowing that it wasn’t his choice to be stuck in there.
You helped yourself with the bottle of wine on one of the shelves outside and a wine glass. Before your mind could ponder it, a glass turned into two and soon enough, who knows how many.
Your boyfriend however, hadn’t missed how you’ve enjoyed yourself with the drink. Taking a look out the window, you saw that it was already dark out.  
Happy Anniversary. You mouthed to him with a grin. Well if the Shelbys were going to disrupt your date, might as well make sure Michael still enjoys the night.
Michael was having a drink, still looking at you, and almost choked when you started unbuttoning the first few buttons of your dress.
“Is everything okay, Michael?” Arthur asked him, almost turning to check what he saw.
“Yes!” He exclaimed to quickly to stop his cousin from looking your way. “Just choked on my drink.”
There was no denying that you have succumbed to the alcohol. Grinning at your boyfriend like an idiot, he shifted in his seat, clearly already bothered by you and couldn’t wait to get out of there.
You were on your last piece of clothing and had only tossed it away when Thomas turned back with the intention to cough away from everyone else. He snapped his head back quickly when he caught a glimpse of you.
He and Michael stared at each other when he spoke. “Brothers, look ahead with no questions.” He ordered Arthur and John. Nodding at his cousin, Michael got the memo and stood up quickly to go to you.
Finn and you had decided that you were going to give your purity to each other. It was awkward at first and not at all as the pictures have suggested on screen, but nevertheless, you enjoyed it and it was very memorable for you. Finn however had thought he did a bad job despite you insisting otherwise.
It had been a month, and although you were with him not just to share his bed, you had to admit that you wanted it to be incorporated in your relationship. You asked his older sister, Ada for advice. Of course, she laughed at you first but was not hesitant to give you some tips.
“Ada I am not gonna threaten to break up with him.” Your mouth was agape at her suggestion.
She laughed. “I’m merely joking, Y/N.” shaking her head. “Threats and sex will never go well.” She clarified.
“I know.” You answered, fiddling with your fingers.
“But I’m positive that there is no better way to get some but by seduction of course.” She crossed her arms, smirking at you.
“How do I… seduce your brother?” you almost didn’t say it, knowing how awkward it would sound. And as expected Ada cringed.
“There is no way I am teaching you how to seduce my little brother.” She shuddered and it was your turn to laugh. “I don’t know, just take of your clothes in front of him.”
Finn one day a week is left alone in the betting shop while the other Shelby men go to London to check up on business. The ladies that afternoon have finally retired into their homes when you opted to stay. Your boyfriend was well aware of your presence in the next office but had no further intentions but to walk you home later.
Walking in front of a mirror hung on the wall, you fixed your hair and proceeded to unzip your dress from the back.
You could hear him walking around the next office and finally decided to make your way there.
Knocking on the door, you opened it slowly and saw him picking up his coat from the table, probably thinking that you were there to tell him you were heading home.
Turning to face you, he stopped in his tracks when he realized you were free of any clothing. He gulped and almost kicked himself from getting affected immediately.
“Holy shi- Y/N what are you doing?” He was cursing profusely while looking down on his feet.
“Finn. I’m not here to force you into doing anything, okay?” You assured him and his reddening face. “Last month was wonderful. Yes, we weren’t that all graceful, but isn’t that why it’s called a first?” You smiled at him.
Listening to your little talk, he finally chuckled and nodded. “We get to improve every time, eh?” he finally looked at you and smirked. You gulped, knowing that you’ve finally made him understand.
“Shut the door, darling.”
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marvelsdc22 · 3 years
Welcome To Wonderland
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! This idea came up while I was listening to this song and wouldn’t go away till I wrote it!! Hope you guys enjoy!!
Note: Hades!reader x Persephone!Natasha. For the past three years, you and Natasha had not been on the best of terms, what else would you expect when you force someone to stay somewhere they don’t want to be? After a certain encounter, will Natasha see you in a new light?
Word Count: 1943
Being the god(dess) of the Underworld, you saw a lot of people enter, people who cry about ending up here, thinking that there was only one part to it, not the vast world that it really was, you saw people who killed others, people who lived calm and quiet lives, people who saved others, and it was up to you to decide where they all went, it was a stressful job really, but you had no choice in the matter.
Just like Natasha had no choice but to stay down here with you until spring time, she despised you, no matter how much you tried to make her comfortable and happy down here, this will be her third year being down here with you and she never went a day without reminding you how much she hated it here “Can spring come any faster?” She asked as she walked into your study, you sitting in your lounge chair and reading a book, you looking over and watching as she took a seat at your desk.
“I can’t make time go faster, Natasha” you said with a sigh, marking your book before closing it and sitting up, swinging your legs over the side and leaning forward against your legs, your white button-ups sleeves rolled up over your elbows, your blue vest holding your tie securely against your chest, your black pants clean and wrinkle free with a belt securing them over your hips, you black shoes shined to the point you could see your reflection in them, your hair falling from the ponytail you had it in, some only being kept back by your horns while the rest fell into your face.
Natasha glared at you and opened her mouth to say something when Steve walked in, him being in charge of the front gate “Y/N, we need you up front” he said, looking at you and you raised an eyebrow as you stood up, brushing the imaginary dust off your pants “I’ll be there shortly” you told him, watching as he nodded before heading out then looking at Natasha, who stood from her chair, brushing down her long red dress, you catching a glimpse of the red heels she was wearing and her red hair up in an elegant bun “You’re coming with?” You asked, a little shocked since she had never come up to the gate with you before “It’s better than being stuck here” she said sharply, heading out of the room and you sighed before you followed her.
The walk to the gate was tense and quiet, you glanced at Natasha who was walking beside you, her not even sparing a glance at you which hurt, sure you kind of forced her into this and you honestly felt bad for it, but you had fallen for her, despite her anger and you just wanted to make her feel welcome and happy, but it seemed all you got was anger and resentment from her “What’s the situation?” You asked, looking at Clint who helped Steve up front, patting Cerberus as you walked up and looking over where Clint was pointing.
Looking at what he was pointing to broke your heart “How old?” You asked, knowing the child couldn’t be older than six or seven “Five years old… Cancer” Clint said solemnly, looking at the child then you and you nodded, glancing at Natasha who looked sadly at the child before she looked at you, wondering what you would do “I’ll talk to him” you said, giving Clint a smile before squeezing Natasha’s arm which she allowed before going over to the small boy.
Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all
Potions and pastries that make you grow tall
Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk
You kneeled down in front of the child and offer him a smile “Hey there” you said, watching as he looked at you, fear and confusion obvious in his expression as he clutched the small teddy bear in his arms, tears streaming down his face “My name’s Y/N, what’s yours?” You asked softly, feeling Natasha’s eyes on you as you listened to the boy “Jason… Where am I?” He asked softly, looking at you with wide, tearful eyes “Well Jason… You’re in wonderland” you said, knowing it was a lie but you couldn’t exactly tell a kid that they were in the Underworld.
The two of you talked for a moment, you asking him what all he enjoyed doing and what his bears name was when you realized he was staring at something over your shoulder, you turning and seeing his eyes set on Cerberus, which made you smile just a little bit more “Would you like to meet him? I promise he’s nice” you said, offering your arms out to the boy and waiting for him to get a secure grip around your neck before you stood up, holding him securely to you as you headed over to Cerberus.
Welcome to Wonderland, look where you're at
Maddest of hatters, the Cheshire Cat
Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks
Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
Once you got up to Cerberus, you watched as Jason reached up and all three heads bent down, wanting his attention “Easy, one at a time!” You laughed, watching as Jason grinned and squealed as the three heads fought for his attention, licking his hand as they traded off and you smiling as he had his fill of dog love “Shall I give you a tour?” You asked, looking at him and watching as he pouted “You can see Cerberus whenever you’d like” you promised, making a mental note to let Tony, who was in charge of Elysium, know that the young boy could go see Cerberus with Thor as his guide, knowing Thor would take good care of him.
“Come on, I think you’ll like this next place” you promised, turning and heading into the gate, Natasha watching as you passed her, smiling slightly at you since she had never seen this side of you, you had always been rude and mean or uncaring, but this side of you? This side of you she loved and she wanted to see this side of you more, following you closely as you headed for Elysium, stopping every so often to point out some big part of the world.
Stopping at the River of Styx, you gave Wanda a small wave, her being in charge of getting places where they needed to go on a boat “This lovely lady will be taking us to our final stop” you said, setting the boy down and laughing as he gripped your horns, letting him do so for a moment before you kneeled down in front of him “Would you like your own set?” You asked him, giving him a smile and laughing when he nodded his head enthusiastically before you pointed at his head, muttering something under your breath before a small pair of horns appeared on his head “There you go, now let's get on, shall we?” You asked, helping him first before you offered your hand to Natasha, her taking it as you helped her up into the boat with a small wink.
Welcome to Wonderland, I'll be your guide
Holding your hand under sapphire skies
Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk
Once you got to Elysium, you hopped out of the boat first before helping everyone else off, taking Jason’s hand as you led him up to the gates “And this is our last stop” you told him, watching as he stared at the place in awe before he felt you stop, causing him to turn around and look at you with a small pout “Hey, I’ll be back” you promised him, kneeling down in front of him “Tony here will take good care of you here” you said, gesturing to Tony who gave the kid a small smile and a wave.
“Promise you’ll come see me?” Jason asked and you smiled, reaching out and patting his head gently “Of course” you said, giving him a smile and then laughing some when he rushed forward and crushed you in a hug “I’ll see you soon, Jason” you promised, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a small squeeze before you released him, watching as he went over to Tony, who took his hand and led him through the gate, turning and looking at Natasha “We should head back” you said, walking with her back to the boat.
Welcome to Wonderland, where should we go
There's a tea party along down the road
Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song
Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
Once you guys got back to your palace, you headed for your study, hearing Natasha’s heels clicking on the floor behind you and turning to look at her after you got into the study “Did you need something?” You asked, looking at her and slipping your hands into your pockets, watching as she tried to form words “How often does that happen?” She finally asked, watching as you sighed and looked down at your feet “More often than I like” you said, looking back at her “Usually it’s not by this… Too many times has it been worse circumstances” you said, leaving that to her imagination since some were too terrible to talk about.
You watched as she shifted from foot to foot, waiting for her to say something and when she didn’t, you scoffed “Was there anything else you needed or-” you said, getting cut off when she rushed forward and kissed you, your hands staying in your pockets for a moment before you pulled them out, placing one hand on her waist while the other cupped the side of her face, green meeting Y/E/C when she pulled back to look at you “What you did-” “Was my job” you said, trying to just cover up the fact that she saw your soft side “No, it was more than that and you know it” she said, resting her hands on your biceps as she stared at you.
Nothing around here is quite as it seems
Not sure if anything's real or a dream
And the only thing sure from the start
Is the song that's inside of your heart
Don't let it leave
If this was a dream, then at least I've got
Memories for when morning comes
Now that I must leave with a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
A few hours later, the two of you rested under a thin sheet, the windows open even though there was nothing but heat out there, you both didn’t care, Natasha resting her head on your chest while you had one arm wrapped around her “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me” you said softly, your free arm covering your eyes and feeling her shift in your grip before you felt her tugging your arm gently away from your face, looking at you straight in the eye “No, you’re stuck with me” she said, looking at you and you couldn’t help but laugh before you gently grabbed her chin and kissed her “We’re stuck with each other then” you said between kisses, rolling her over onto her back, the two of you taking all the time you need to, you did have until next spring.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates / @natasha-danvers / @hopingforbarnes / @xxxtwilightaxelxxx / @venablemayfairgoode / @mmmmokdok
Marvel Taglist: @thanossexual
Marvel Ladies Taglist: @imnotasuperhero / @procrastinatingsapphictrash / @peggycarter-steverogers​
Endnote: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you’d like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! I hope you guys have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Open
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bex-la-get · 3 years
hello! can I request a fic where Nat noticed that Ethan is tired because of his new job as Chief, and she decided to do something to make his day brighter (or maybe she took care of him when they got home). I love your writings! ❤️
Nonny, I'm crying! This is so cute! Consider it done! (Also, I love you and I hope you're having a wonderful day! 😘)
Rating: T
Ethan looked tired.
Sure, he'd had exhausting days at work before but this was a new kind of tired. Almost exhausted. His shoulders held more tension, his temper was shorter than normal, and on several occasions, he'd come home and told Nat he'd make dinner, only to fall asleep on the sofa a few minutes later.
Natalie knew Ethan's job as Chief was going to be a lot for him but she didn't anticipate how hard the adjustment would hit him. And poor Ethan, so used to carrying everything on his own, anytime she asked how he was doing or if she could help, he always shook his head and told her he was fine; even when he clearly wasn't.
So, enough was enough. Both Ethan and Nat had this coming weekend off and she was going to make the best of it. Enlisting Sienna and Dani's help, she planned out the most relaxing weekend possible, doing all of the grocery shopping and chores she could possibly do before Friday night. Though she was now Head of the DT, her hours were significantly less demanding than Ethan's which allowed her to do all of these preparations right under his nose.
Come Friday, the apartment was ready for a completely relaxing and errand/chore-free weekend. Sienna had helped bake some goodies and Dani, bless her, had helped clean the apartment and cook several large meals that would last the couple several days at the least. Nat owed those two the biggest margaritas they'd ever had when this weekend was over.
At the end of her shift, Natalie made her way up to the Chief's office, determined to make him come home early. She found Ethan hunched over some paperwork at his desk, his shoulders so tense they were practically at his ears. "Baby," she said, walking into the room, "it's Friday night. Let's go home."
Ethan looked up and her heart tightened to see how red his eyes were. God, this poor man was going to work himself into burnout if he wasn't careful. Thank god she'd planned this weekend out for him to relax. "Hi, love," Ethan said, leaning back and stretching his neck out. "What time is it?"
"Time to go home," Nat answered.
Ethan looked at the clock on his computer and sighed. "It's only five, Nat; I still have at least another hour's worth of paperwork to do."
Natalie shook her head. "Not tonight. Paperwork can wait 'til Monday. Tonight, we're going home and we're gonna relax. You especially." Ethan opened his mouth to argue but Nat cut him off with a firm kiss to his lips. When she pulled away, she was leaning over him, her hands resting on the armrests of his chair as she looked him in his eyes. "Do you have any idea how long its been since you last kissed me?"
He thought for a moment but shook his head, unable to answer. "Eight hours," she told him.
"What? That can't be right." He shook his head in disbelief.
"It is," she confirmed. "You have not kissed me since you dropped me off at the DT office this morning at 9am. So, you have a lot of kisses to make up to me. And you're going to do it at home." She kissed him again for emphasis.
He chuckled dryly. "I should know better than to try an win an argument against you," he mused. "But you're right; it's an absolute tragedy that I haven't kissed you enough today so I agree. Let's get out of here and I'll make up for all the kisses I missed."
Natalie smiled and stood up straight, extending her hand out to him. "Shall we go home, Dr. Ramsey?"
He took her hand in his and squeezed. "We shall, Dr. Cusack."
When they arrived home, the apartment looked and smelled amazing. A plate of Sienna's freshly baked cookies sat on the kitchen counter next to several serving dishes of food, courtesy of Dani. Nat made a mental note to herself that she owed those two several margaritas as a thank you.
Ethan looked around the apartment in awe, trying to figure out if they had walked into the wrong place. "What happened? This place hasn't been this clean in months."
Natalie laughed. "I may or may not have been planning this weekend for a while now. I enlisted Dani and Sienna's help and the three of us completely cleaned this place from top to bottom. Groceries are also taken care of, as is dinner and dessert, courtesy of the two best friends in the entire world," she gestured to the plates of food on the kitchen counter. "All you have to do is relax."
"Nat, I--" Ethan looked at her, speechless. "I don't know what to say. This was so thoughtful. Thank you."
She leaned up and kissed him softly, smiling when she pulled away. "Anything for you, my love. Now, go get comfy. I'll heat up dinner."
Ethan moved into the bedroom to change clothes while Nat turned on the oven and popped the serving dishes inside it. As she waited for the food to heat up, she grabbed a couple wine glasses and poured a bottle of Merlot into them. She was recorking the bottle when she felt two hands settle onto her waist and a pair of lips kiss her neck. "You didn't have to do all this, you know," Ethan murmured.
"Of course, I did," Nat said, turning around and securing her arms behind his neck. "You've been working so hard, you deserve a break. And we both have the weekend off so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to take a break." She ran her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. "You don't need to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders, my love. You're allowed to take it easy."
He sighed. "I know; I just... I don't want people thinking I'm not capable of doing the job. My predecessors are Harper and Naveen; both of whom are proper administrators. I've never been one for admin, you know that."
"Which is why you're so good for the job," Nat reasoned. "You don't look at things from an administrator's perspective; you look at them from a doctor's. A diagnostician's, if we're being picky. You know what it's like to be in the field with other doctors, putting patient care above everything else. Some administrators never get that kind of experience. You care about your patients and fellow doctors, which makes you the best kind of administrator. Don't worry about trying to be like Harper or Naveen; you just focus on being you. We will all be better for it."
He smiled and nodded. "I suppose I hadn't thought of it that way; thank you."
"You're welcome." She rested a hand over his chest, his pulse thumping beneath her fingers. "Just promise to take it easy, okay? If you keep going at your current rate, you're going to burn out."
"You're right; I've just been so focused on trying to do this right. But I can't do my job if I work myself into a tizzy. I'll take it easier from here on out, I promise." He leaned down and kissed her softly. "Thank you. For putting all of this together, for taking care of me, and for just being you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Nor I, you, my love," she said, resting her forehead against his. "I'll always be here to take care of you."
They held each other for a long moment, neither saying anything, just enjoying one another's company. When they finally broke apart, Nat pulled the warmed up food out of the oven and the two served themselves before plopping down onto the couch and turned on one of Ethan's favorite films, an old black-and-white one.
The conversation flowed easily between the two as did the wine. By the time the movie had ended, the couple had eaten more than their fill of dinner and dessert and were now cuddling on the sofa, Ethan wrapped tightly in Nat's arms, his head tucked under her chin as her fingers ran up and down his back. "Want to watch another one?"
"Hmm," he hummed. "You choose this time."
"You sure?" she asked. "'Cause I will 100% put on Pride & Prejudice if you give me control over the remote."
He chuckled and it was then that she realized his eyes were closed. "Whatever you want, love. I'm good. Just no drooling over Matthew Macfayden."
She smiled. "I make no promises, my love." Ethan simply hummed in response.
Turning on the film, Nat continued to run her fingers along Ethan's back, feeling his body relax under her ministrations. The movie had barely started when she heard his breathing even out and he fell asleep, tucked in her embrace. Natalie smiled and kissed the top of his head. "Rest easy, my love."
A/N: Hope you liked it, Nonny! 💙
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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19. Sam Winchester - Hospital Visit
It was extra busy today at the hospital, there were three patients in need of major surgeries along with a line of people either waiting at the clinic or waiting for their minor surgeries to take place. I had been running around all morning wherever I was needed, and since I was the lead surgeon that was pretty much everywhere. Every time I got the chance, I glanced up at the ticking clock that was mute amongst all the loud chatting and alarms going off. I needed to hang on til three, and then another head surgeon would be here to help. I wiped the forming beads of sweat off of my forehead as I headed to the bathroom, wanting to escape from all the chaos that was hitting. Of course I loved being a doctor but I wasn’t made for such large groupings like this. It sent anxiety through my body causing me to sweat. So I just needed a small break to calm my nerves.
   Pressing my back against the cool wall felt almost painful against my hot, sweaty skin. I was just praying silently that I was wearing my doctor’s coat over a turtleneck sweater, stopping most of the chilling pain. Finally catching my breath after fifteen minutes, I pushed myself off of the wall, the cold no longer bothering me, and headed back into the jungle that awaited outside. Not much time passed before my Nurse, Lacy, ran up to me.
  “Doctor,” she said, her voice frantic and filled with worry, “come quick, there’s two new patients in need of medical treatment.”
   Nodding curtly, I followed after her quickly to wherever the patients were. There weren’t many rooms open, so when we did eventually find them, they were in the last two rooms. I went inside the first room, the room that was closer to us, and peered inside at the man lying on the hospital bed. My eyes widened at the sight of John Winchester, an old family friend from way back then. He was covered in slash marks, fresh blood that still needed to be cleaned off of his unconscious body. He was also covered in sweat, glass, and dirt.
   Lacy looked up at me.
 “Bring me a rag,” I muttered, “and some warm, soapy water.” 
  Nodding, she turned on her heel and walked out of the room. I took another glance at John Winchester then headed out of the room, silently praying that the other person in the second room wasn’t one of his sons.
  But I wasn’t lucky. Lying in the next hospital bed was his older son, Dean. I frowned, my forehead creasing slightly. Like his father, Dean was covered in blood, sweat, glass, and dirt. He would need to be cleaned up as well.
  Looking up, I spotted my nurse standing at the door with the bucket of water and a rag hanging over it.
  “Thank you. Please, get another one for this patient.”
 “Of course.”
I took the bowl from Lacy and headed back into the room where John was waiting. Sitting beside his bed was Sam, also covered in blood but not as much as his dad and brother. His eyes met mine, widening as he saw my face.
  “Noel?” He questioned, his voice soft and surprised.
  “Hey Sam,” I replied, placing the bowl down.
  His eyes shifted to the ground. The last time I saw the Winchester’s was when I was twelve years old. I was a year younger than Sam. Out of the two Winchester boys, Sam and I had become close. I knew all about their hunting and everything they did.
  “You gonna tell me what happened?” I asked, grabbing the cloth and beginning to clean John up.
  The blood wiped away easily, revealing his tanned up, scarred skin.
  “I’m not so sure that’s a great idea,” he admitted.
 “Maybe not, but I still think you should tell me.”
  He was quiet for a moment, contemplating inside his head whether telling me would put me in danger. It probably would but I could handle myself. Finally, he told me what happened. They had gotten into a fight with a demon, one who called herself Meg, and these shadow things came out of nowhere attacking them. They were practically defenseless, their only saving grace was light. That’s how they were able to escape, along with throwing Meg out a tall window. By the time he finished telling me what happened, I had finished cleaning his dad up.
   Placing the cloth inside the now bloody water, I faced Sam.
  “Is she dead?” I inquired.
  “We think so,” he huffed, his hair shifting with the breeze escaping his lips, “but we’ve never dealt with a demon before so we’re unsure.”
  Nodding quietly, I started stitching up the large gashes displayed on John’s body. Lacy was right, he did need quick medical attention but not so much that he needed to be placed in the operating room. Not while there were people who needed surgeries on their brains waiting, or even their stomach. This was an easy fix.
  I could feel Sam’s eyes watching me while I sutured up his dad. Clipping the final set of stitches, I got rid of all the leftovers, then washed my hands.
  “I’m going to Dean’s room,” I muttered, “he needs more care than your father, so I’ll need more time to deal with him. Wait here.”
   Sam didn’t argue, he just nodded his head.
Taking care of Dean’s injuries were much harder than I had realized. He was losing lots of blood, and no matter how much of it I tried to wipe away, there would always be another rush of it pouring from the wound. So I had to deal with the large, several gashes that covered his body. Fixing him up took me almost three hours. When I was finished with him, it didn’t seem to matter, he was in a coma from the amount of blood he lost. I wasn’t sure he was going to make it and that was going to be hard to tell Sam and John.
   Lacy informed me that John Winchester was now awake, so now I was heading to his room to give them the bad news. Some doctors would call it semi-bad news but that didn’t really make any sense to me considering. I walked into John’s room, seeing him speaking to Sam, neither of them looking happy about whatever was being discussed. Sam was first to spot me.
  “Dad,” he said.
  John turned to face me, and at first I wasn’t sure he’d recognize me but when his eyes widened, I knew he did.
  “Noel,” he said, “it’s been a long time.”
  “It sure has,” I replied, smiling, “it seems you guys got yourself into a pickle.”
 “Seems that way.”
 I walked completely inside the room, my hands folded together.
  “How’s Dean doing?” Sam inquired.
  My heart felt like it was hammering against my chest but I tried to remain professional.
  “I’ve stitched him up, and cleaned up his body. However, he’s lost a lot of blood and is now in a coma,” I informed, sadness lurking in my voice, “right now, it isn’t looking so good. If he doesn’t pull through soon, then I would start preparing for the worst.”
  “Noel,” Sam said standing up, “he has to come back.”
  “There isn’t anymore that I can do, Sam. Had he’d been brought in earlier, maybe, but he’s lost way too much blood. We’re replacing it, he’s getting round the clock treatment and blood is being added to his body through an IV, but that’s all we’re able to do.”
   He looked away from me, his eyes noticeably filling with tears, then grabbed his jacket and walked out of the room. A soft breeze brushing against me as he passed me. John didn’t say anything to Sam as he left. I sighed and walked over to John, removing a small flashlight from my pocket.
  “Let me have a look at your pupils,” I muttered, “how are you feeling?”
 The bright light danced across his now dilated pupils.
  “Much better,” he replied.
It was quiet for a moment before John spoke again, asking about Dean.
  “He was in really bad shape, huh?” He asked.
  “Yes,” I muttered, removing the light from his eyes, “I wish there could be more done but right now, all we can do is wait and see.”
  John’s eyes looked away from me, staring down at his covered legs. I could tell he was feeling bad about what he did to Sam and Dean, specifically Dean since he was in a coma now. I stuffed the flashlight into my doctor coat, taking another look at the oldest Winchester. All three of these boys were tough as nails but everything seemed to be shattering right before their very own eyes.
  “I know this is hard, Mr. Winchester,” I replied, “but I promise you, I’ll do what I can to help Dean get better. For now, it’s best if you pray for his healing.”
  He didn’t say anything, didn’t even nod. Something seemed to be brewing around in his head, so I left after giving his shoulder a small squeeze. After leaving John’s room, I went to go look for Sam, taking a final look at Dean in his room. A small pang in my chest rippled through me before I headed off to find the youngest Winchester.
I found him sitting outside on the hospital steps. The breeze was starting to pick up, ruffling Sam’s hair along with my own. I walked over to him, my white shoes slapping quietly against the concrete. Sitting down next to Sam, I watched him look over at me. I folded my arms around my stomach and looked away, watching the hundreds of people walking around. Either lost in their own world or talking with someone who was with them. I didn’t want to say anything that would anger him or cause him to get up and leave.
  “It’s all my fault,” Sam whispered.
 My head snapped towards him, shocked completely at his sudden admission to guilt.
  “How so?” I inquired.
 “If I hadn’t gotten mad at Dean, if I hadn’t ran into Meg, then we would have never been tricked into this situation.”
  I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. My long, jet black hair waved in the wind.
 “Sam, you couldn’t possibly know that Meg was a demon. Like you said before, you guys have never dealt with one before so how are you supposed to know the difference between one of them and a girl. I mean look around you.”
  Our eyes scanned the area around us, watching the people who caught our eyes do what was normal: eating ice cream, talking, laughing, walking, etc.
  “Anyone here could be a demon but how could we know?”
  A soft sigh escaped from his lips.
  “All I’m saying is, there’s no need for you to worry too much. Dean is a fighter, I’m sure he’ll pull through. However, if he isn’t, then you can’t walk around blaming yourself. It’s not what your dad would want and it’s definitely not what Dean would want.”
   I touched his shoulder and smiled sweetly at him. Sam smiled back before nodding.
 “You’re right,” he said.
 “Of course I am. I’ve never been wrong.”
 A laugh left his mouth, colliding with the wind that was picking up more and more. I couldn’t help but giggle along with him. Soon Sam and I were discussing how life had been after we departed so long ago. I learned that Sam had previously gotten out of the whole family business, hunting things to attend college at Stanford to become a lawyer. He had only joined back up with his family because his girlfriend, Jessica, was killed by the same demon that killed his mom. Yellow eyes. It had its ups and down, constantly worrying about one another and the consistent fighting back and forth. Dean was ultimately too childish and took any opportunity to pull a silly prank on Sam. But, according to him, it wasn’t all too bad since he missed his brother a lot. And now that he and his dad were together again, he remembered that he loved him too while disagreeing with him like he had when he was younger.
   Once he was finished catching me up on how his life had been going, I told him about mine. How my mother passed away a year after they had left, inspiring me to go to medical school. I had also been engaged for a little while before finding out that my fiancé was cheating on me behind my back. The rest of my life wasn’t much to gossip about, considering most of it was just me going to school and being cheating on.
   “Despite everything though,” I replied, “I enjoy what I do and hope that I’m making a big difference every single day.”
  I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling my pager buzz beside my hip. Pulling it from beside me, I saw that Lacy was paging me, letting me know that another lead surgeon had arrived and that I could go for lunch. Standing up, I held out my hand to Sam.
“Wanna get some coffee with me?” I inquired, “It’ll help clear your thoughts. Maybe you can figure out a way to help Dean behind bringing him to the doctor.”
 I hoped that he caught on to what I had to say. By the smile that appeared on his face, I knew that he did. Taking a hold of my hand, I pulled him to his feet and headed across the street to the small coffee shop where I normally went when I was able to have a small break. On the way over, the two of us talked with one another and laughed at stories about each other's life. It was nice to reconnect with a friend from so long ago. Sam and I had always been close to one another when we were young. And on the way to the coffee shop, I hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time I saw Sam. And hopefully under much better circumstances than the one that brought us together today.
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Hello Professor// charlie weasley x reader
Hello my Puffs!! Today I decided to do something a bit different and do a charlie weasley x reader fic. I hope you guys like it!
Also, I’ve decided for Charlie to be asexual (which I remember having read somewhere)... this will make more sense later on in the fic but it’s sort of important
taglist: @curious-curios​, @summer-writes​, @willowbleedsonpaper​, @strawberriesonsummer​, @jenniweaslee​, @cherrycolakxsses​, @peeves-a-legend​, @booksmusicteaandanimals​
*Not my pic, found it on Unsplash*
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It had been 4 years since you graduated from Hogwarts, and also 4 years since you took on a position of assistant teacher for Muggle Studies. You’d always enjoyed the class as you were a muggleborn yourself and had even worked on making a special section for fellow muggleborns so that they could discuss any topics, especially those surrounding pop culture, freely without having to worry about their fellow wizard friends either mocking them or asking so many questions that they couldn’t really talk as they wanted too. However, you knew since the summer that this particular school year would be rather interesting as the Triwizard Tournament was being hosted at Hogwarts. Meaning that not only would you have to deal with more students at the school, but for once being able to spend time with your boyfriend Charlie Weasley.
You and Charlie had started dating during your seventh year, but practically nobody except for your parents and Molly knew about the relationship… mostly because by the time it really started to become serious was when it also became long-distance. While you wished to be able to discuss the relationship with your best friend, Nymphadora Tonks, you also liked the fact that the relationship was just something that you and Charlie shared. Because of this, Tonks was under the belief (like most people) that you were single, and when Tonks found out that Charlie would be at Hogwarts for the Tournament she decided to do something about you being “single.”
“What do you mean you want to set me up on a date?” you screeched at her, your face becoming warm, “And who would you even bother to set me up with?”
Tonks’ hair turned to a mix of light blue with her bubblegum pink, which honestly frightened you just a bit, “Well… I heard that a certain Weasley was in town for once and the two of you need to go on a date and I know you won’t do anything about it so I’m doing it for you.”
“I take it I have no choice whatsoever when it comes to this,” you sighed and brought your face down into your hands. “Tonks, you are going to be the end of me.”
Tonks merely walked towards the door of your classroom, giggling before she tripped over a chair that wasn’t tucked all the way in, “That was totally the chair’s fault… and be prepared for this Saturday.”
You knew that Tonks was just heading out to Hogsmeade so she could apparate back to the Ministry. The second you no longer heard her footsteps, you rushed out of your classroom and headed down towards Hagrid’s hut where you knew Charlie would be for the time being. Arriving at the door, you took a breath… or two… and knocked on the door, “One second,” a gruff voice called out.
“‘Ello Y/N! It’s nice to see you here,” Hagrid smiled down at you. “Charlie’s inside having some tea, why don’t you come in.”
The second you walked inside you felt a pair of arms wrap around and pull you into someone’s body. Of course Charlie would do that to you, he loved hugging you any chance he could get, “Hello love,” he kissed the top of your head.
“Hi darling,” you hugged back before stepping back slightly so you could look up at his face, “You know I just got the funniest news today…”
“Oh, really,” you saw a smirk form on his face and you knew right then that Charlie had already spoken with Tonks, “and what is this news?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “It seems as though our lovely friend Nymphadora has decided to set us up on a date this Saturday… although from what I can recall we already had something planned that day.”
Charlie’s face turned as red as his hair and you knew you’d caught him, “Well I didn’t really tell Tonks about us but she had asked me when I was free and when she told me that this date was to be with you I figured I’d set it for Saturday… you know, have our “first” date on our anniversary.”
“You are one cheeky bastard, Charlie Weasley,” you laughed and ran your hand through his hair. “So I take it you want to use this date to prank Tonks?”
“Oh definitely,” he smiled that smile that you love so much. 
At that, Hagrid’s clock went off, “Oh shit! I have class,” you rushed out the door, “I’ll see you later darling!”
During the rest of the week you became rather busy and weren’t able to see Charlie until late one night where the two of you ended up walking through the hallways, reminiscing on old times. Thankfully, the only person you ran into was Prof. McGonagall who merely smirked and carried a shimmer in her eyes as if she knew something that you didn’t. You found out the next day that her and Prof. Sprout (your head of house) had been betting when you and Charlie would finally be in a relationship… Let's just say McGonagall won.
Finally Saturday came around, and while it wasn’t really a first date for you and Charlie, you couldn’t help but wake up with butterflies in your stomach. Just to mess with Charlie, you decided to wear the same outfit that you had worn for your first date: a pair of ripped jeans and a red wrap top that you knew he adored. Now if only breakfast could go by quickly so that you could go and meet Charlie at The Three Broomsticks.
“So, just to confirm… you and Mr. Weasley have been dating for how long now?” Prof. McGonagall looked at you before sneaking a look to Prof. Sprout who sat next to you.
You looked at the two women in bewilderment, “I still can’t believe the two of you bet on my relationship, but since clearly this isn’t gonna stop I’ll have you know that today it has been 5 years exactly.”
“Hmm, would you look at that Pomona,” McGonagall smirked to the woman next to you. “I believe someone owes me a pint of Butterbeer today.”
You merely turned towards your plate and sighed, wishing that time would pass by faster.
Prof. Sprout turned to you, no longer focused on McGonagall, “Are you alright dearie?”
“Hm?” You looked up at her, still a bit lost in thought, “Oh, sorry. Yes, I’m fine. Just wishing that breakfast could finish already so that I could go meet Charlie.”
“Well it seems as though you won’t have to wait ‘til then,” and motioned to something behind her.
You turned around to see Charlie- all dressed up and with some flowers in hand- standing at the entrance of one of the side doors that the teachers use. Making sure that nobody was really paying attention, you quickly stood up and rushed over to him, “What are you doing here?”
“No ‘Hi darling!’ or ‘Wow, thank you for such beautiful flowers,’” he laughed and gave you a kiss on the head.
You merely shook your head at his antics, “Hi darling,” you gave him a quick peck on the lips, “Thank you for the flowers, but you still haven’t answered my question.”
“Why don’t we go to your classroom real quick and I’ll answer it then,” he nuzzled his face against the crook of your neck.
“Damn you Charlie Weasley,” you felt yourself getting flustered just by that one movement. You turned and waved to McGonagall and Sprout who couldn’t help but observe the love that both Charlie and you had for one another, “They are definitely perfect for one another. Don’t you agree Minerva?”
The two of you walked down the hallway, him pulling you closer into his body and giving you small pecks here and there, “I haven’t seen cuddly Charlie in a while now this is nice.”
“Well, I haven’t been able to spend this much time with you in a while, so I figured I’d enjoy it all,” he pulled you into his waist and gave you a long, passionate kiss.
Then he pulled away and started to drag you down the hallway, “Charlie, do you even know where my classroom is?” Right when you finished your question, Charlie stopped in front of a classroom that you definitely knew wasn’t yours.
“I know where it is, but Prof. McGonagall mentioned that we’d have more privacy in here, so come on,” he opened the door and led you inside, holding you by the small of your back.
Your eyes couldn’t help but water at the sight in front of you. Little fairy lights were charmed to hang above you, the light dimmed just enough to give a romantic air to the room, all the tables and chairs seemed to have been transfigured to pillows that were scattered around and in the middle was a blanket with a picnic basket and a wine bottle sitting on top. He had recreated your first date exactly.
“Oh my… this was the classroom,” you turned to him, your eyes bright and full of love, “I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed it.”
He walked over to you and enveloped you in his arms, “Well might I remind you that I did blindfold you so that I could surprise you.”
“True, you did do that,” then the clock went off. “Wait, what are we gonna do about Tonks? You know she’s gonna be waiting at Hogsmeade.”
Charlie merely pecked your head, “Don’t worry about it. I actually asked her to set this up, she just thinks that this is a first date not an anniversary date.”
You nodded your head and let Charlie lead you over to the blanket, sitting down himself before he brought you down to his lap.
You are not sure how long the two of you were there for, sometimes feeding each other the food that Charlie had brought, drinking bits of the wine, talking about whatever popped into your minds, or just cuddling and enjoying one another’s presence.
“What do you imagine your future being?” Charlie suddenly asked as he stroked your hair, with you leaning on his chest.
You shifted at the question, sitting up so you could look at him. You brought your hand to his cheek, caressing it softly, “I imagine my future with you, maybe in Romania, maybe in a reservation closer to here. But all I know is that I see us together, forever.”
“Ya,” Charlie couldn’t help but mimic your action, “what about children? You know I’ll never be able to give you that.”
“I don’t need children Charlie, and let’s say one day I want a child, then we can just adopt,” your hand moving from his cheek to his hair. “All I need is you. Why the sudden questioning though?”
“I-” Charlie cleared his throat, “I just wanted, no needed, to confirm something first before I asked you something really important.” He sat up straighter and closer to you, “Can you close your eyes for a second?”
You nodded your head and closed your eyes, hearing Charlie move around as you tried to figure out what was going on, “You can open them now.”
“Oh,” your hands went to cover your mouth as you opened your eyes to find Charlie in front of you, knees bent, with a ring in his hand.
“I know that it’s been difficult sometimes with the long distance, but… well… gosh I had thought up this whole speech… what I’m trying to say is, will you marry me Y/N?” The tips of Charlie’s ears having turned bright red by the end of his spiel.
You couldn’t stop the tears that rushed down your face, “Yes! I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.”
Charlie brought you into a tight hug and wiped the tears from your face before he pulled the ring out of its case and placed it on your finger. As he hugged you again, kissing your neck and shoulder softly, you heard a crash outside the classroom.
You couldn’t help but pull away slightly and laugh at the noise, “Tonks, we know you’re there! Just come in here already, you big klutz.”
The door slowly opened and in popped the head of your dearest friend, “Charles! I told you to take her on a date, not propose!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Tonks, I can’t believe you haven’t figured it out yet… Charlie and I are already together, we have been for the last 5 years.”
Her hair slowly turned dark red, “Why haven’t you told me before?!”
Before you could answer, Charlie spoke up, “I asked her not to. We weren’t really sure what would happen, us being long distance and all. And I sort of liked the fact that this was something just the two of us share. She’s been dying to tell you though Nymphadora.”
Tonks calmed down a bit after that, “Fine I’ll take that response… Charles,” her hair then turned yellow as well as its normal bubblegum pink, “I can’t believe the two of you are engaged now!”
The rest of the day went by in a flash and the next day Y/N woke up to her boyfriend sorry fiance lying next to her in bed. She reached over and brushed some of his hair out of his face, just as he was waking up. He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, “Good morning Professor,” his voice rough from just having woken up.
“Good morning my fiance,” you continued to admire him. “I can’t wait to be married to you.”
“Me neither,” he brought you into his chest, “Let’s just stay like this, forever.”
“Ok,” you started to nod back to sleep as Charlie drew small circles on your back and hip. As you slowly succumbed to sleep you heard it, “I love you Y/N.”
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amberlynnmurdock · 4 years
Library Series (Pt. 15)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader 
Chapter Summary: Thanksgiving is next week. 
AO3 Link
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hey all! I am still working on this story no matter how long it takes me and no matter who sticks til the end. To those of you who have just discovered it or those who are still reading, thank you so much. This chapter sets up the next one and it’s super fluffy. I hope you all have been doing well, staying safe and healthy during this crazy time we live in. In the meantime, enjoy some Matt Murdock college fluff. And message me if you have... anything to say! About your life, Marvel, anything. I’d love to catch up again. OKAY ENJOY <3 
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Wet fog. It sticks to the dorm window. Glancing at the clock, you see that it’s barely seven in the evening. You wipe the window with the sleeve of your pajama shirt to see outside.
There’s not much going on. It’s a week before Thanksgiving, and everyone on campus was just finishing up exams. Many have already went home for the holiday. Marci left two days ago with Foggy. Which left your dorm room all to yourself, and… Matthew.
Ever since that night outside the cafe, he’s been spending time with you a lot, which you had no problem with. You’d finish your late class on Thursday and see him waiting for you patiently at the end of the hall, cane in hand, leaning against the cement wall. The two of you had lunch together every Tuesday because that’s the only time the two of you don’t have a class at noon. You walk him home, and you text him when you get back to your dorm.
Right now, he’s here again. There’s a record spinning at a low volume, and you’ve lost track of what it was you and Matt were listening to. You laid down after dinner and got sleepy, and let Matt take over flipping the discs, raiding your collection. You knew he couldn’t see what he was picking, but he always managed to play some of your favorites.
You slump down from your dorm bed and join him on the fuzzy carpet, leaning against the side of your bed. Your arm brushes his and you feel the urge to bring him into an embrace. But you don’t.
It dawned on you that tomorrow, you’d be leaving for Thanksgiving break yourself. You were excited: you hadn’t seen your family in weeks and the cafeteria food was starting to get old. A home-cooked meal was exactly what you needed. But at the same time, you felt like you were going to be missing something, and it was painfully obvious what it was. In fact, the reason why is sitting next to you right now, behind red tint glasses and an aloof grin on his face.
“I love this song,” Matt smiles as he stretches his arms. It’s a song by Big Star. You don’t reply. You smile instead.
“Are you okay?” Matt asks you after a short period of silence. You forget he can’t see your smile sometimes. A guilty feeling wells in your chest.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Matt finds your hand and holds it.
“Yeah, I am,” you say uneasily. “Are you going home for Thanksgiving? I forgot to ask.”
Matt replies after a moment, “No. I’m not.”
You quirk an eyebrow. You realize you never asked Matt about his…family. You know his father passed away, and he’s never mentioned his mother. You didn’t feel like now was the right time. You decide to play the fool.
“Do you usually go anywhere?” You ask him carefully.
“I usually go with Foggy every year, but this time he is at Marci’s. It’s okay, though,” Matt gives a small smile, “I told him it was okay after he denied to a hundred times.”
You sort of felt silly in that moment. Why didn’t you bother to ask Matt if he’d like to join your family on Thanksgiving? You honestly assumed he had somewhere to go–but now you think you know why it was never brought up. Matt probably didn’t want you to feel bad. You notice he has a tendency to do that–hide how he really feels.
“Well, you are welcome to come to my Thanksgiving. If you want!” You nervously add the last part in. You suddenly felt embarrassed. Were you moving too fast? Were things getting serious? Were you okay with that? More importantly, was he okay with that?
“Uhm, yeah,” Matt answers you sheepishly. For some reason, the nerves make him let go of your hand. It’s not that he doesn’t want to go, he’s dying to have a little getaway with you, and get to know you even more. Matt is just… really happy you asked.
"I leave tomorrow, and it’s last minute, but I’d really love for you to be there with me. You’ll get to meet my family, if that’s not scary,” you ramble on. The rush inside you can’t be stopped: the thought of having Matt all to yourself for a few days sounded magical. “And my family isn’t big, if big families intimidate you. It’s just my folks and I.”
“Big families?” Matt laughs, “I’ve been to Foggy’s for the holidays for a while now, and I’m still sure there’s a distant cousin I haven’t met before. I think I’m ready with just having to introduce myself only twice now.”
“Okay!” You turn to face him, this time taking his hand back in yours. “I’ll text my Mom now to let her know we’ll need another plate at the table. You can stay in our guest room. Or mine, and I’ll take the guest room. Whichever you’re most comfortable with.”
Matt could hear the excitement in your voice. “We can figure that out later,” he says. “We can share, you know,” Matt reminds you in a low whisper.
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. You let out a soft laugh and gently push him in a joking way, “no way am I getting in bed with you, Mr. Murdock. I am too much of a blanket hog. You’ll be cold the entire weekend.”
Matt lets out a laugh. He pulls you in close and kisses your ear.
“We’ll see about that.”
The shivers his kiss sent down your spine are hard to hide. You don’t care. You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder.
Matt quietly says your name.
Tilting your head to look up at him, and you reply, “yes?”
His auburn hair that usually falls perfectly in place now fell so it was covering half his face. You reach up to move it aside but his fingers latch to your wrist and slowly bring your hand back down to his lap.
Matt doesn’t have to see you to know you’re confused by his movements. That’s all he can really do, to show his feelings to you. He can’t possibly find the right words to describe how much he likes you–words fail him in that sense. He has so much to say to you, there’s so much that he feels. All he can do is hold your hand tighter and kiss your forehead.
“I like this a lot,” is all he can say. Foolish, he feels. The most beautiful girl you’ve ever talked to, the most sincere heart you’ve ever known is sitting right next to you, and that’s all you have to say?
You let out a soft laugh, “I’m glad, Matt. I was hoping you’d be staying a while.”
He knows what you mean by that. Not just staying a while in this dorm with you but staying a while in your life. Matt smiles.
“How are your classes, by the way? Are you feeling as overwhelmed with work as I?” He asks.
You shift, lifting your head from his shoulder.
“Yeah, a little,” you trail off, “I kind of jump at the work when it’s presented to me so I don’t get overwhelmed. And the faster I finish the bullshit busy work, the faster I can continue my investigating on that robbery.”
That robbery. The word takes him out of reality for a moment. Matt hasn’t roamed the streets since you both made up. He made a promise to himself to not let himself get distracted so he can put more time and energy into you, and he has. But hearing you bring up the robbery again stirs something inside of him: anxiety.
“Oh, really?” Matt asks, covering the worry in his tone. “Are there any…updates on that?”
“Any leads you mean?” You correct in jest. “Well, after break I’m going to the woman’s house for an interview. Her name is Camila Fredrick. I’ve already set up dates and everything. She’s more comfortable meeting after the holiday, which I totally understand. I’m just happy she agreed to speak with me. ‘You must be more pleasant than the real media’ she said in the email back,” you laugh, “I guess the title Undergrad comes off nicer.”
Matt forces himself to laugh at your jokes. He can’t stop his heart from beating so fast. Sure, you’d be meeting with the woman, Camila, in her own home, but how do you know you’d be safe from someone who could potentially be stalking her?
“Well, that’s lucky, I guess,” Matt replies.
“Yeah. She’s lucky for surviving, too. And I think she’s safe from the shooter… he’s in jail. His bail is like, almost $10,000, so I don’t think he’ll be getting out anytime soon.”
The last few words made Matt calm down just a little more. Still, what you didn’t know (that Matt does know) is that Neil isn’t the only player in this game.
“Whatever you do, wherever you go, ___, just be careful,” Matt tells you in a hushed voice. “This city is great, but it’s ugly.”
“I know, Matty,” the nickname slipped from your lips. Matt doesn’t seem to mind it. “I’m a tough girl, ya know?”
He smiles, “you are.”
For a moment, a fleeting moment, his mind plays an awful, cruel, trick on him and replaces Camila with you. The amount of rage that fills his blood, God forbid you were ever put in such danger… he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He wouldn’t wait for the law to bring justice. He’d serve it for you, even if that meant getting his hands bloody and bruised again.
The record has stopped playing. You glance at the clock. It’s not late yet, but you do feel sleepy. You sigh and stretch. If you and Matt were going to be going to your home in New Jersey, you’d better get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is a day of packing, and then leaving the next day.
Matt says he’ll meet you in the morning for coffee and then he joked that you may need to help him pack his suitcase tomorrow. Joke or not, you’d be there in a heartbeat. You looked forward to spending the next few days with Matt.
He kisses you goodnight. The sound of his cane echoing down the hall almost puts you to sleep.
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She [7]
Warnings: non-consent sex (series)
This is dark! Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Series Synopsis: Steve Rogers’ life is turned upside down by a reporter.
Chapter Summary: The reader finds herself busy.
Note: I have these chapters done so I’ll keep posting till the end.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You met with Rashida at the beginning of the next week. Only three days after your last encounter. Since then, you’d found yourself watching over your shoulder. As you left your building, walked to the station, passed through the broad doors of the tall tower where Motley’s offices resided... You were overly alert and entirely uncertain. 
Yet you didn’t see anything more than before. The man in the hoodie didn’t catch your eye and in a subway car full of the same dark sweaters, how would you even pick him out? You felt hopeless. Maybe he stopped. Maybe it was one of Fury’s men keeping tabs on you. Maybe he hadn’t been following you at all.
You shook away all those questions as you hit the buzzer and waited for the crackly speaker. Rashida was quick to let you up and welcomed you into an apartment as small as your own. The space was a cluster of children’s toys and mismatched furniture. You sat at the round table as she offered you something to drink. She brought you a glass of water and sat across from you.
“Maya’s at school til three,” She said as she leaned an arm on the table. “I’d rather she not be here.”
“I understand,” You took out your notebook. “Do you mind if I record this?”
She rubbed two fingers along the plastic tablecloth. “Recorded?”
“For me only. The audio won’t be released. And as before, this will all be on record until you say it’s not.” You coaxed. “We stop when you say.”
“Sure,” She nodded. “I do have a real job, you know. I work breakfast down at this diner.” She pointed at the window. “It’s just not cutting it.”
You set your phone down and hit the red button and took your pen.
“Do most of the women have other jobs?” You asked.
“Most, if not all. Some of them only come around when they finish down at the strip joints,” She leaned back, a little more relaxed. “I… Selene said she’d talk to you. If you wanted. I just don’t know how much she’ll talk. She still hasn’t told me everything.”
“Really?” Your lashes fluttered in excitement. “Yeah, anything she has-- Any other girls you know, I could use anything.”
She exhaled and ran her thumb along her middle finger.
“I wanna help them, you know? Not just me. Because I’m just one of a lot. A lot.” She shook her head. “And they get younger and younger. Used to be I worried about protecting the young ones, now we’re all just thinking about ourselves.”
“I heard about Saturday,” You said. “You know her?”
“No, but I found her. Arm broke, face cut,” Her fingers closed to a fist. “She fought him and he fought back but now she’s marked. Forever.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to redirect for a little bit.” You said gently. “I don’t want you to think about the attacks. I want to know about you. Tell me about your first night there.”
She squinted. “Why?”
“Because...you matter. And if people see that you’re human, that’s how they’ll see all the rest.” You shifted in your seat. “It won’t just be numbers printed beside some add for dry cleaning. It will be people.”
She thought and swallowed. She pressed her lips together.
“It was only supposed to be the one night,” She began. “Just needed to make up the last of the rent…”
Poppy sat in her usual spot. Her desk was her throne and you were all just her subjects. He ashy hair was pinned up so only a single curl framed her face. Her structured blouse was a rich fuschia and the bow was much too big and tacky. You looked down at your tweed jacket with the three-quarter sleeves and a moment of doubt took you. You didn’t belong here with her.
You took a breath and approached her office. You knocked on the transparent door and she didn’t look up. She flicked two fingers for you to enter as she kept her eyes on the tablet propped up against her desk.
“What is it?” She asked, still scrolling through the black text.
“I’m… supposed to give you my pitch,” You looked at the clock above her head. “It’s noon.”
“Go on then,” She still didn’t look at you.
You glanced at the chair but didn’t sit. You hated the cold, hard seat. You neared her desk and laid down your single sheet. 
“In the last four months, there has been a string of assaults on a block which hosts a slew of prostitutes. The women who have been attacked all bear the same scars; from hairline to chin.” You said evenly. “I intend to write about these women who work there and get their stories and what is being done, or not being done, by the police.”
She slowly looked up through her half-moon glasses. She let the tablet lay flat and sat back in the tall white leather chair.
“Prostitutes? You mean the most common victims of assault? Hardly revolutionary reporting.” She sniffed.
“Think about it. Each woman who has been attacked in this manner has survived but she has been marked. It’s like… Jack the Ripper. He’s circling the block. Don’t you think one day he’ll get bored of just a slice? Saturday, a girl’s arm was broken too. It’s the first major injury beside the cuts.” You slid your printed pitch closer to her. “It’s only a matter of time before this is the new Whitechapel.”
She lifted a brow and reached to take the paper. Her eyes glossed over the text and she looked up at you again.
“This really what you wanna do?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’ve already have interviews lined up.” You assured her. “I think this could be good. It might even help stop these assaults before they cross that line.”
She chuckled and shook her head.
“We’ll see,” She set the page down. “I hope you don’t miss the mail room that bad.”
You withheld a frown and left her as she shooed you with her hand. Her confidence was disheartening. You wondered if maybe you’d taken a wild misstep. If perhaps you had gotten ahead of yourself. 
You sat at your desk and grabbed your phone. You took the folded paper beneath it; the list of names and numbers Rashida had given you the day before. Well, you had to make your shot and if you missed, it could be fatal.
You spent the rest of your day calling the women and trying to arrange further interviews. Selene, though she sounded nervous, agreed and only one other; Tess. It was a start and a better one than you expected. Then you put in your earbuds and listened to the recording of your second meeting with Rashida. You transcribed diligently as you tuned out those around you.
You were spooked by a tap on your shoulder. You tore out your ear bud and glanced at Essie. She smiled as you closed out your work and turned to her. She had her Barbie pink purse on her elbow and her phone in her other hand. It must have been later than you thought.
“Hey, Rima and I are going for a drink. We were wondering if you wanted to come. It’s been a while.” She smiled.
Essie had started at the same time as you; she, an intern as you were relegated to the mail room. Still, you shared a sense of comradery as she had been a constant in your time at Motley. You peeked back at your screen and checked the time in the corner. You shrugged. There wasn’t much else you could do that night.
“I could do a drink.” You stood. “I heard you were doing a piece on some new designer?”
“Yeah,” She chimed proudly as you shut off your computer and grabbed your purse. “I’m hoping it can get me an interview at Elle or Vogue. You know this place isn’t really the height of fashion.”
“No, not at all,” You chuckled. “Surprising, given Poppy’s wardrobe.”
“The devil wears fake prada,” Essie snorted. A taller woman appeared at her side; Rima’s sharp bob highlighted the angles of her jaw.
“Hey,” Rima said as she pouted, her lips smooth beneath a coat of dark lipstick. “We aren’t going to that horrible Pop place again. Those lights give me a headache.”
“It was called Bubble and you didn't mind so much after that shot of tequila.” Essie chided.
“No tequila for me,” You intoned. “I’ve got an interview tomorrow.”
“We’ll see,” Essie said coyly.
You shook your head and even Rima’s dour sneer cracked.
“No dancing,” Rima declared. “It’s not even Friday yet.”
“Then you’ll owe me on Friday,” Essie countered as she led the way between desks. “And a shot.”
You sipped your gin slowly. You didn’t need a hangover on top of everything else and you weren’t really in the mood for alcohol. Or the chatty New York barroom. As always, you regretted your inclination to be social. You’d rather be at home, hypnotized by a screen as you tried to decide what to order on your pizza.
You didn’t talk much, you didn’t really care about the new pop star or onset romance. Rima barely seemed to stomach it herself but indulged Essie in her tabloid dreams. The night wore on as you found your glass empty and hid it behind your arm as you smiled. You were eager to find an excuse to leave before midnight.
“Ugh, I gotta break the seal,” Essie whined. “Damn.”
“Too bad,” Rima said dryly. “Don’t fall in.”
“Wow, love you too,” She huffed. “I thought this was a girls’ night.”
“You’re a big girl. You can handle it.” Rima teased. “I’m comfortable right here.”
Essie frowned and looked at you. You shrugged. You had been avoiding the smelly bathrooms. She spun around sharply and marched away in defeat. It was quiet for a moment, then Rima’s voice pierced through those around you.
“I read your article. On Captain America,” She said. “Very… interesting. I hear he’s been in hiding.”
“Oh?” You blinked at her. “I haven’t really… been paying attention. Gotta keep up with my new story.”
“New story?” She mused. “You mean… everyone in town is talking about Steve Rogers and you have the scoop and you’re just going to toss it away.”
“What scoop?” You asked.
“Well, what happened off the record?” She snickered. “We are all so curious and our imaginations do get the best of us.”
“It was… I just left,” You said. “Really. It wasn’t that… dramatic.”
“Oh, but we all got a taste of that temper. You must’ve been terrified.” She prodded. “Weren’t you? A man that big--”
“Why are you so curious?” You wondered.
“Just… am.” She grabbed her drink and you glimpsed her phone behind her forearm. She drank and you saw the familiar red dot and ticking timer. “You were right. Those avengers, they need--”
“Are you recording me?” You asked. “What the fuck, Rima?”
“What, oh no?” She looked down. “I must have hit it by accident.”
“Bull shit.” You pushed away your empty glass. “I should’ve… I should go. I have a lot to do tomorrow.”
“Really, it wasn’t--”
“Save it. You can find your own story. I’m not it.” You hissed and saw Essie emerge from the bathrooms. You grabbed your purse and stormed over to her. “I’ll see you at the office.”
“What? Wait? Where are you going?”
“Home. I’m too old for this place,” You stopped on your heel. “Have fun.”
The next day, you chose to forego your check-in at the office. Your pitch was approved, you’d sent your transcription to the cloud, and you weren’t so eager to see Rima again. You would see Selene at noon and hunker down back at your apartment, hopefully with even more to work with.
You left at ten. Enough time to stop and grab a bite between transfers. At midtown, you got a bagel and tea and sat in the cafe that smelled of cinnamon and beans. You spread the cream cheese and the door opened and closed. The line was growing longer and longer and you thanked your luck at getting ahead of it.
As you bit into your bagel and a seed stuck to your lip, you were surprised by an unexpected figure before you. You looked up and nearly choked. Steve Rogers wore a navy tee and jeans; much more casual than the captain presented to the world. You grabbed a napkin and covered your mouth as you chewed and swallowed.
“Steve?” You blinked.
“Hey, I know this is…” He looked around. “Weird. I was just coming in to grab a smoothie and I didn’t think it was you.”
“Oh?” You looked at the green drink in his hand. “Yeah, uh, coincidence.”
“Well, I’ve had to kinda change things up lately. Not gonna lie, I had to outrun a man with a camera a few blocks back.” He raised his brow in exasperation.
“Look, what has happened, the reaction, it’s not what I meant--” You found it hard to speak. You imagined your last week and a half had been much easier than his; even with all the chaos. “I was trying to show that you were more than a shield. That you weren’t just the righteous war hero and I guess…”
“Do you mind if I sit?” He asked. “Just for a second.”
“Uh, yeah,” You said hesitantly. You folded the wrapper over the bagel as he took the chair across from you.
“I got angry. That’s on me.” He said and paused to sip his smoothie. “And you’re right, I’m not perfect. I think the world should see that. I’d… like to do another interview.”
“Steve, look, I understand what you’re trying to do but it’s already out there. It can’t be taken back, people have already decided on what they think. I’m sorry but I can’t undo it.” You said.
“I know,” He was on the edge of his chair. “I’m not looking to clear anything up, I know that can’t be done. I just want a second chance. To paint a clearer, fuller picture of myself.”
“I… I’m real sorry but I’m in the middle of something else and I just think it might be too soon for all that.” You rubbed your neck. “Steve, I really am sorry about how it turned out.”
“For me then. You don’t have to promise a story. If you think it’s garbage, toss it.” He pleaded. “But I’d just like to do it for me. For closure. And if it ends up on the newsstand, all the better. If not, well, I know I tried to fix things.”
“I… guess I could… it would have to be tomorrow at the soonest. I have another interview this afternoon and I’d have to prepare.” You explained.
“Tomorrow,” He nodded and stood. “Perfect.”
“Alright. Does one o’clock work?” You asked.
“It works. Um, come in the back?” He said as a wrinkle deepened in his forehead. “There’s a bit of an issue with the front door. It’s a bit crowded.”
“Ah,” You nodded, “Right.”
“If you’re coming from the subway, you want to turn down the little bike path off the street before. There’s a red ornament on my gate, a little star.”
“Alright. I’ll see ya then.” You tried to smile but found it hard.
“Oh, and…” He grabbed his cup. “I’m sorry too. I wasn’t very nice and I knew you’d ask questions. It’s your job. I’m better than that.”
“It’s really nothing. I’ve dealt with worse.” You assured him.
“Okay. Tomorrow.” He tapped the table top. “Thanks for letting me interrupt your breakfast.”
You watched him go and he passed the window without another glance. There was a pit in your stomach. A sudden guilt. You’d caused him so much trouble and you’d been so concerned with yourself. So bad he was practically begging to talk. 
You had completely misjudged him. He wasn’t an angry man, he was only human. He made mistakes like everyone else. He should, at least, be allowed that one flaw.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Home (Baekhyun x reader)
The jingling sounds of key and door carefully pushed open resonated through the half lit apartment. Baekhyun locked his door and carefully switched on the light. His foot steps brought him to the living room, which surprisingly was not neat. He flashed an apologizing smile when he saw the scattered books, papers, and highlighters on top of the coffee table and to the girl who fell asleep uncomfortably on the couch. 
A book was covering half of her face; Baekhyun giggled at the sight. He gently placed his gym bag on the other couch, took the book on her face, marked the page with a highlighter and closed it down. He bent to greet her with a kiss and gave a gentle stroke on her shining brown hair. The girl did not move at all, in which Baekhyun deducted she had been too tired this week. He shuffled into the bedroom, took a soft blanket and returned to the sleeping girl. He draped the blanket over her, and left to shower. That girl is Scarlet, the lucky girl who stole Baekhyun's heart and the one he's engaged to.
One of the room that Baekhyun loves other than the bedroom is the bathroom. His marvelous girlfriend amazingly turned this place's dull bathroom into a masterpiece. Baekhyun thanked his hard work which resulted this marble walls and tiles. He thanked his sweats for purchasing him a pulsing bathtub, but mostly, Baekhyun appreciated how his girl did the lights and ambience for this room. The dim relaxing lights and candles never failed in calming his nerves down. The pack of aroma oils she kept on one of the shelves helped Baekhyun breathe even lighter. 
Today he realized, it's not late yet to have a dip. It's only 10 (that's why he knew his girl had been tired, for she usually waited til' morning). Baekhyun opened the faucet, walked to the box of oils and chose his companion for tonight. He decided to go with vanilla and a blue bath bomb. He tossed the bomb when the water's enough and stripped down. In less than a minute, he was groaning from the pulses which hit his tired body and softly moaned from the comfort the oils and bubbles gave him. He closed his eyes for a moment, did some deep breathing, and reopened his eyes.
He scanned the room, his heart warming when he saw the things in this room came in pair. The tooth brush, the towels, and the vanity sets. His eyes traveled one more time to the rack of body wash collections Scarlet owns. He frowned a little when he realized her collections had changed. 
Baekhyun remembered seeing bottles of colorful and super sweet smelling soaps, but now it's replaced with plain bottles. He squinted his eyes and reached for each bottles. Reading off the titles and scents. He frowned when he read "aromatherapy edition". Though he admit the smells are wonderful, he tried to get her message. The bottles were labeled like Sleep, Stress, and Love. He returned them and glanced at the scented candles which Scarlet likes to light when she showers. The fun bakery or fruity smells was replaced too with another Sleep candle. He felt something’s wrong. Quickly he finished his bath, washed, and tugged on his shorts.
He walked out of the steamy shower, bare chested, then tip toed to the dining table. He made himself a glass of warm milk and sat down while looking at his sleeping girlfriend. Scarlet has always been a shining, restless ball of energy, with lots of positivity, just like him. But he was late to realize that she was going through a lot. 
Baekhyun's comeback activities have not allowed him to go home early, except today since two members started to feel sick, nor did it allow him to send texts and sneak calls. He tried to remember when was the last time he checked on Scarlet, and he felt bad when he figured out how much of an uncaring boyfriend he is. He looked at the engagement ring on his left finger and then to Scarlet, played a bit with it, and guilt flooded his body.
When was the last time Baekhyun asked how's she doing? When did he call first or texted first? When did he come home to ask her how her day went? When Baekhyun did accompany her to finish her mountain of home works? When did he really act like her man?
The answer was long time ago. It's always Scarlet who started the conversation, it's always her waiting for him. Scarlet's the one who forced her tired body to stay awake, just to welcome tired Baekhyun home. Scarlet's the one who always asked and listened attentively to how his day happened. She's the one who prepared his bath and bed. 
Every morning they still see each other. Drinking coffees and eating breads, Scarlet usually asked him how his sleep was while packing a lunch for her, and him. Not to forget how she always yawned from staying awake to finish her tasks and woke up early to fetch Baekhyun his breakfast and lunch. 
He felt like a shit, had he ever sit next to Scarlet all night when she typed words into her laptop, while chugging on cups and cups of coffee? Rarely. Yes he tried and failed miserably, but Scarlet never for once put a grudge on this. Baekhyun saw her charged phone on the island. He reached it and opened the lock, swiped until he found the calendar widget. He scanned through it and learned that this month is her final exam weeks; that explains the books and papers. He carefully noted down each day's exam. Baekhyun made a small plan on his mind. A small support which he hoped can help her pass the exams.
After finishing his milk, he walked to Scarlet, picked her up and put her down on their bed. He returned to the living room to pack on her belongings for tomorrow's class and tidied up the couch. After noting the clock, he turned off the lights and joined Scarlet to dream land. Baekhyun counted the hours of sleep, its 23.30, his schedule tomorrow starts at nine, while Scarlet's class starts at eight. He will wake up earlier tomorrow, make her breakfast, and walk her to campus. Baekhyun smiled at himself, then after another kiss he closed his eyes.
The sun rays woke Baekhyun up around 6. He carefully left his bed, washed, and walked to the kitchen. He turned the coffee machine on, heated the water, then prepared two cups. Baekhyun yawned as he checked on their fridge, surprisingly there are eggs, hams, and cheese. He threw his head to the counter and smiled when he saw bread. He noted he has to grab groceries on his way home, this fridge won't refill itself.
Baekhyun finished cooking the second egg, when a fresh showered Scarlet surprised him with a back hug.
"Morning bae, sorry for sleeping deep last night," Scarlet kissed Baekhyun's exposed neck.
"Morning too babe, no problem... I saw your tiring schedules, it's okay to fell asleep. I like it better, for you to stay healthy." Baekhyun said as he plated the egg on top of the bread, then topped it with cheese and ham then bread. He turned the stove off and returned the kiss Scarlet gave.
"Hmm the coffee's ready." Scarlet inhaled the sweet smell of coffee.
Baekhyun grinned, "Just sit down my lady; I'll prepare this for you." Baekhyun poured milk into one coffee. He knew her well!
Scarlet took a snap and updated her Instagram.
"What? I'm just going to post this so your fans can day dream on you."
Baekhyun said nothing to this, he's thankful though that even though some fans hated her in the beginning, by today they shifted to support them and Baekhyun's thankful Scarlet has been strong so far.
"Let's eat. Enjoy your breakfast." Baekhyun smiled.
"Thanks Baekhyun." She smiled and delicately finished her portion.
"How's your sleep?" Baekhyun asked this time, and he did not miss how Scarlet seemed surprised and happy he asked first. Gosh why did he not do this before? Seeing her surprised and happy made him happy too.
"Amazing! I dreamed that a handsome prince came to kiss my nightmares away, oh Baek it feels real," She gazed into the space.
Baekhyun giggled and brought his hand to ruffle her hair.
"How's yours?" Scarlet asked back.
They caught up with one another, exchanged small talks on how the comeback is going, annoyed conversation on Scarlet's never ending tasks, planned about visiting their parents, and many more.
"Come let's get ready. I can walk you to campus today." Baekhyun stood up and collected the dirty plates. He washed them quickly as Scarlet prepared herself.
They're ready. Baekhyun's wearing black and black with a black cap and black masker, on his left shoulder hung Scarlet's school bag, on his right hand the small hand of Scarlet. They walk while enjoying the sun and other couples.
"Baekhyun, I'm sorry if I sound rude.. But can you please return to the pastel and denim looks please? I'm tired of seeing your dark clothes in the laundry." Scarlet spoke.
He did not need to think and nodded, "Sure! I'll dress brighter after this."
Scarlet smiled, "Thanks! It's depressing for me to see your dirty clothes."
Their steps reached the end, Scarlet smiled brightly in front of the campus gate.
"I can take it from here, thanks jagi, good luck with your practice!" Scarlet rose to give a quick peck on his lips and they parted.
That afternoon, practice ended quickly. Baekhyun rushed to the parking lot after changing into a fresh tee.
"Yak, where are you running to?" Chanyeol asked before Baekhyun was gone behind the doors. It is normal for him to rush home, but Chanyeol always asked the details.
"A date probably?" Kyungsoo teased his friend.
"Any special day?" Sehun chimed in too.
"Nah.. I want to go to the market and prepare dinner."
"Wow, did something happen?" Kai asked
"Nothing bad, I just realize I'm not a caring namja..." He blushed
The rest of them laughed it off and just wished him good luck
Baekhyun was thankful today is a Friday and he can leave before 6! Yet he was sure that Scarlet's last class today will end at 6, which gives him enough time to shop and cook.
He rushed to the supermarket nearby the apartment and bought everything needed for dinner and the empty desolate fridge. He restocked the fruits, chocolates, pop corns. He bought home a bouquet of fresh flowers and a letter too.
Once back home, he arranged everything on the refrigerator and began to cook.
Right as he wait for the rice to cook, he arranged the tables and still got time for a quick fresh shower.
Once he he spit the light-blue mouthwash away, the jingles of key made his heart pound.
"Mwoya?" Scarlet gasped in surprise when she was greeted by the dim lit room only from the dining room. She took off her shoes and left her belongings on the sofa. Scarlet stood frozen in front of the dining room.
There stood Baekhyun, all in his boyfriend dreamy look and a bouquet of fresh flowers. Not to mention how perfect his oversized yellow pastel sweater matched his fluffy caramel hair. His eye bags showed naturally how tired he is, no heavy make ups and eye shadows. Just the plain glowing cheeks Scarlet love, to an extend that she will give everything just so his cheeks can glow.
She did not say anything, he was still frozen too, and Scarlet took the moment to melt Baekhyun in her deep meaningful kiss.
"You don't have to do this Baek," she whispered as her lips lingered close to his.
"I wanted to jagiya, here's your flower." He handed her the bouquet.
Scarlet took a deep whiff of the roses and placed it on the vase.
"Wow you cooked dinner!" She giggled as she saw the pile of dirty pans and pots in the sink.
"Don't worry I'll clean them up, before that shall we eat?" He raised his brow.
"One moment!" Scarlet turned to take a quick shower and change her clothes.
She returned only in Baekhyun's oversized baby blue knitted sweater and a messy bun.
"Jja, let's begin" She took her seat and Baekhyun lit the candles.
"I'll bring you to a proper place tomorrow or next week... sorry tonight I rushed.." He shyly said.
"Oh I love this better Baekhyun, anyways your food tastes better than mine! What secrets are you using?" Scarlet ate happily, savoring each spices and sweetness. Baekhyun felt full seeing her this happy. He got it now how mothers felt when their kids finished her meals. It's rewarding.
"Nothing much, I pour my heart into it." He cheekily replied.
Scarlet rolled her eyes on this, "You know what... I owe you something for this perfect surprise. I love you Baekhyun!"
"Well you could thank me with tonight's activity. How long was it again since we did it? Oh damn I've missed your touch." He smirked.
Scarlet's cheeks burned and she finished her glass of water.
"Will you be good for me tonight?" Baekhyun sipped his wine and put on his playful smirk.
Scarlet winked, "We'll see."
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
give a little: chapter nine (college! jj maybank x oc)
Tumblr media
gif from @toesure​
pairing: jj maybank x oc
synopsis: jj and charlie attend the wedding. feelings are confessed.
warnings: NSFW SMUT, drinking, swearing, all characters are 21+
wordcount: 3.1k
The next morning, Charlie woke up with a pounding headache and almost no memory of last night - wait, she vaguely remembered shots after shots after shots, and some...illicit activities in the back of the Pogue’s van. She definitely remembered that. After spending the majority of the morning on the floor of the bathroom next to the toilet, she got up and texted JJ before getting ready. 
Charlie: morning sunshine! 
JJ: I just threw up twelve of my organs
Charlie: me too, but puke and rally, Maybank 
JJ: When are you picking me up? I got the suit from the rental place 
Charlie: in a couple hours, eat lunch before. see you soon xo
JJ stared at his phone in confusion. With the way she texted him so nicely, she must not have remembered the way the night ended. He got ready, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Once the clock hit one, he was outside on the front porch, waiting nervously with his hands shoved in his pockets, feeling reminiscent of their first date. He tried to play it cool, but he couldn’t ignore the feeling of his heart hammering against his chest. 
JJ had straightened his tie about twelve times before Kiara told him she was going to yank it off the next time he touched it. “You look great, JJ. She’s gonna love it. Now relax.” She admonished, pulling him into a hug. He relaxed at the touch. “Thanks, Kie. Appreciate it.” She smiled, then went inside as Charlie’s car pulled into the driveway. All of the Pogues and Sarah watched from the living room. Charlie walked up in a hot pink cowl midi dress with a slit that went halfway up her thigh. JJ gulped upon seeing her, but uncharacteristically, his eyes were trained on her broad smile. The way she looked at him made his stomach do somersaults. Charlie laughed as she recognized four sets of eyes peeking through the blinds, and waved. The blinds were shut immediately. 
JJ looked her over appreciatively. “Wow. You look incredible, Charlie.” She grinned. “Thank you. You look so handsome, I’ve never seen you clean up like this.” She kissed him quickly, then reached up and ran her fingers through her hair, messing it up a little. “That’s much better.”  After a knock on the window as a reminder, JJ laughed and offered her his arm. “Ready?” Charlie smiled and took his arm, walking back to the car, then let him take the keys and drive them to the venue. 
Before they got out of the car, she reached over and pulled a small box out of the center console, taking his wrist. “What are you doing?” He asked, confused. She flicked open the box to show him a pair of small silver cufflinks, with the University of South Carolina crest emblazoned upon them. “I wanted to get you a gift.” She unbuttoned the cuff of his sleeve, holding the back of the links in her teeth. “You didn’t have to do that, Charlie.” JJ murmured, his heart rate increasing just from her fingers around his wrist. Charlie locked the links, nodding. “I know. I wanted to.” She squeezed his hand gently before letting go. “There. Now we can go in.” He grinned, leaning over and kissing her cheek sweetly. “You really do look beautiful, Charlie. In case I hadn’t told you that.” She blushed and shoved his shoulder gently. “Quit. Come on, we’re going to be late.”  
At the wedding, JJ was the ultimate gentleman - holding her hand, opening all the doors for her, pulling out chairs at the table for her and her mom. She showed him off proudly throughout the night, introducing him to all her family and family friends, her arm wrapped around his waist. After spending quite a few songs dancing at the reception, she brought him back to sit at their table to take a break from her heels. JJ scooted his chair close so she could rest her head on his shoulder. “Um...do you remember last night? You were pretty drunk at the end.” Charlie grinned. “Of course I remember last night. I’m never going to forget your face in the van, J.” He laughed sheepishly. “Right. That’s it.” He trailed off like he wanted to say more, but kept his mouth shut.
Charlie didn’t pick up on it and laughed, then got up when a slow song came on. “Come on. Dance with me.” JJ got up, following her to the dance floor. He held her in position for a waltz and Charlie paused for a moment, surprised. “What are you doing?” He lifted his hand and twirled her. “You don’t know how to waltz, pretty girl?” She blushed at the nickname. “No, you’ll have to teach me.” He walked her through the steps slowly ‘til she got the hang of it, his hands holding her firmly in position. “Where did you learn this?” She laughed as he spun her out on the dance floor, then back into his chest. He grinned. “Part of the pledging process. We have to keep up the southern gentleman rep somehow.” She smiled. “I’ll have to thank your pledge trainer later.” 
He pulled her close and she nestled her head onto his shoulder, nuzzling close to him. JJ hummed along to the song, swaying back and forth with her. He kept his arms wrapped protectively around her, gently rubbing his thumb in languid circles on her back. 
Near the end of the song, he nudged her with his shoulder. “Charlie, can we talk?” Charlie nodded, confused, and walked with him out to the hallway by the hotel ballroom. 
“What’s up?” She tucked her hair behind her ears, fidgeting slightly. 
“First of all, thank you for inviting me. I like being around you.” 
Charlie beamed. “Of course. I wouldn’t want anyone else as my date.” 
JJ acknowledged that with a smile, then hesitated before speaking again. “Um, last night. You said I couldn’t tell you what to do,” he prompted her. 
Charlie furrowed her brow, confused. “I mean, I was drunk. What was I trying to do?” 
He shook his head. “That’s besides the point. You said I couldn’t tell you what to do, because I’m not your boyfriend.” 
Charlie nodded slowly, the conversation coming back to her. “Oh...right. Well. I mean. We’re not exactly dating.” She winced as she said it.   
JJ sighed in frustration, running his hand through his hair. “I can’t do this just to piss some other idiot off that let you go. I - I can’t do this anymore if we’re just going to end it.” 
Charlie frowned and she blinked quickly as she felt tears welling up, thinking the worst. Her voice was small. “Oh. Um. Okay.” 
JJ just stared at her in disappointment. “Okay? That’s it? You’re just gonna let me go?” 
Charlie took a step back at his tone and swallowed, hard. “What do you want me to say, JJ? If you want to end this, go ahead.” 
“Fuck, Charlie, I want you to be my girl! For real! I want to show you off to the damn world and -” He was cut off by Charlie stepping forward and grabbing his tie, pulling him in for a deep kiss. “I thought you didn’t like me like that!” She exclaimed in between kisses. He pulled back for a second, exasperated. “I gave you every damn sign, how could you not tell?” She laughed, disbelieving. “I said I liked you! When I invited you to this, and you didn’t say it back!” He rolled his eyes. “We’re not in fourth grade, what was I supposed to do, pass you a note asking you to check yes or no?” Charlie grinned and shoved his shoulder lightly. “I can’t read your mind, J.” 
He just laughed and took her hand, pulling her down the hall to the elevator. The ride up to the top floor was heated. “God, I’ve been waiting to say that for so long,” JJ murmured against her lips. Charlie grinned, running her hands up his sides. “You should have. No one was stopping you.” Charlie pressed her hips into his and rolled them as he backed her against the mirrored wall. “Fucking tease,” he mumbled, and she nipped at his collarbone as she worked kisses down his neck. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He murmured. 
“Oh, I have an idea.” 
“Then why didn’t you just make a move sooner and we could have fucked by now?” 
Charlie lifted her head from his collarbone. “Wait, you want to -” JJ cut her off with a kiss. “Of course I do, Walker, don’t seem so surprised.” When the elevator dinged, he lifted her over her shoulder and carried her down the hall to their room. She squealed, lightly poking her fists into his back. “Put me down, JJ!” He grinned and squeezed her ass, then carried her into the hotel room. He dropped her on the bed unceremoniously and shed his suit jacket, then yanked at his tie. Charlie kicked off her shoes then got up, helping him undo the knot and unbutton his shirt. 
“You look gorgeous, but I want your dress off.” JJ told her. She turned and he unzipped it for her, tracing his hand along her bare back. “No bra?”  She covered her chest and turned back toward him as she stepped out of the dress, giving him his answer. He grinned and pulled her hands away. “Let me see my girl, Walker, you’re so beautiful.” Charlie blushed and sat on the bed. “This isn’t fair, you’re still half-dressed.” JJ smirked and quickly kicked off his pants and socks, then pushed her back gently on the bed. 
He kissed her lips heatedly, his hands roaming everywhere. He traced his finger slowly around her nipple and she shuddered, closing her eyes and letting out a soft moan. “JJ, do something.” He smirked. “Give me time, pretty girl, I plan on spending all night doing something.” Charlie opened her eyes and looked up at him. “Well if you don’t do something now, I - ohh.” She was cut off as JJ leaned down and swirled his tongue around her nipple, his hand firmly on her hip to hold her in place. “You talk too much, baby.” He trailed his tongue across her chest to her other breast, doing the same. 
Charlie shifted underneath him. “J, I want you.” He shook his head, although those words alone were enough to turn him on. “Be patient. I need to repay you for what you did to me last night.” Charlie let out a small whimper in anticipation and he traced his finger along the hem of her panties, then placed an open-mouthed kiss on her clothed pussy. Charlie moaned quietly. He hooked his fingers in the side of her panties, pulling them off her legs and tossing them god-knows-where in the room. He smirked and trailed his finger down from her clit. “You’re soaked for me, Walker.” 
Charlie gasped at the contact, her hips bucking off the bed. JJ reached up and spread her legs, slowly tracing his tongue around her cunt before inserting a finger into her. “More, J.” She bit out, clearly struggling. He grinned and pulled back, keeping his finger still. “More what?” She scowled. “I’m not doing this. Just fuck me.” He laughed and shook his head, then added a second finger and started sucking her clit. She moaned loudly, rolling her hips to get closer to him. He teased a third finger near her entrance, swirling his tongue around her clit. “JJ - oh, fucking hell, I’m close,” she panted out, eyes squeezed shut. He pulled away quickly, not touching her at all. Charlie looked up in surprise. “JJ, what the hell?” 
He raised his eyebrows. “Ask for it.” 
She shook her head. “I’ll just do it myself.” 
He let out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Charlie. Ask for it.” 
She grinned. “No.” 
Before she could reach her hand down to touch herself, he slapped her hand away and gave in, putting his mouth back on her clit. “You’re too damn stubborn.” 
She could barely get out a laugh before it turned into a breathy moan. He picked up the pace and added a third finger, looking up to watch her climax. Charlie moaned, riding out her high as he slowed the pace. “Oh my god,” she breathed out. 
He was straining through his boxers just watching her come. “I hope to god you have a condom,” she mumbled, still catching her breath. JJ panicked and got up, digging through his pants pocket, his wallet, anything. “Uhh…” She sat up on her elbows and sighed. “Seriously?” 
“I didn’t know!” He exclaimed, coming up empty-handed. “There’s usually one in my wallet.” She shook her head, pointing to her purse. He scrambled to grab her purse and pulled the foil packet out. “Wait, why do you carry around a condom?” He asked curiously, holding it up between two fingers. “In case my idiot boyfriend wants to have sex and doesn’t have one,” she retorted, grinning. He beamed ear-to-ear. “Say that again.” 
“Idiot boyfriend.” 
JJ scowled. “No, not that.” 
Charlie rolled her eyes and shot him a glare, then put on a mock-sweet expression. “I wish my boyfriend would just put on the condom already and fuck me.”  
JJ grinned and kicked off his underwear, then rolled the condom on. He climbed back on top of her, kissing her soundly. “Such a dirty mouth.” 
“You love it. I couldn’t have sucked your cock without it.” He groaned. “I thought about that all night, Charlie. That was so fucking hot.” Charlie pressed her hips against his. “JJ, if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m getting on top.” He smirked and grabbed both her wrists, holding them up above her head and she gasped, surprised. “Does that turn you on, pretty girl? Did you want that handcuff rumor to be true?” He teased, sliding his cock against her entrance. “Shut up, Maybank,” she muttered out, blushing. 
She thrust her hips up and he dropped one hand down to steady them, then slowly slid into her. He paused, letting Charlie adjust, and she let out a moan. “Okay.” He started thrusting into her, reaching a hand down to rub her clit at the same time. “Fuck, Charlie, you’re so tight.” He groaned into her ear. She lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist to make him go deeper and he increased the pace. “JJ, I’m not gonna last,” Charlie mumbled against his shoulder. 
“Me either.” He murmured back, focusing on his pace. It only took a few more strokes until she was moaning into his skin, her nails dragging down his back. “Holy fuck, J!” He followed a few seconds later, collapsing against her. “I’m seeing stars.” She muttered, pressing her head back into the mattress. JJ panted hard and slipped out of her, getting up quickly to toss the condom then return to the bed. He laid next to her and pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her waist. 
“Are you good?” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. 
She laughed softly and turned to kiss him shortly. “I’m cool.” She teased. 
JJ scowled. “That was the best sex of your life and you know it.” 
Charlie grinned. “So presumptuous. Do you usually only last that long?” 
JJ raised his eyebrows, poking her side. “Hey! Not when I have you under me. Say it!” 
Charlie shrugged, holding back a smile. “It was cool.” 
JJ leaned in until he was two inches away from her face. “I swear to god, Charlie, if you don’t quit saying that…” 
Charlie raised her eyebrows, challenging him. “You’ll what? Ask me to be your girlfriend, sap?” 
He leaned in and bit gently at her bottom lip. “Exactly.” 
She giggled and nudged her nose against his. “That was the best sex of my life, Maybank.” 
He laughed. “That’s JJ to you, Walker.” She just grinned.
After they cleaned themselves up, Charlie went through JJ’s bag of clothes before he got out of the shower and pulled on his shirt he packed, then crawled into bed. He came out, still wet, with the towel hanging low on his hips. He immediately grinned. “Is that my shirt?” She nodded and pulled at the hem, moving to take it off. “Is that alright? I can put it back -” 
“No! Keep it on. I like it on you.” He dropped the towel and pulled on a pair of boxers, then walked over and got into bed with her. JJ draped his arm around her waist, pulling her close, and kissed her sweetly. “So. You meant that earlier, right?” Charlie traced her finger along his jaw. “Meant what?” 
He turned slightly red. “When you called me your boyfriend?” She nodded, smiling. “Yes, J.” He grinned. “So I can call you my girl?” Charlie laughed. “Yes you can. I’m gonna have to text Grace and tell her the fake boyfriend thing is off.” JJ gasped in mock disappointment. “You broke rule number one!” Charlie sat up on her elbows, shaking her head. “And I’m supposed to believe that you didn’t? You tell the Pogues everything!” He laughed. “Okay, okay, fine. I told them the day you made the rules. I think Kiara and John B owe Pope $20 now.”
“They bet on us?” 
JJ smiled, sheepish. “Yeah. They bet on everything. Kie said you were too stubborn and wouldn’t give in, John B said he would only give it a month, Pope said we’d be dating by the end of the summer.” Charlie just shook her head, fighting a smile. “Kie almost had it right. I was going to break off the whole thing, I thought you just liked being around me and that was all.” 
“I thought you just liked hooking up with me!” JJ exclaimed. 
Charlie rolled her eyes. “We hardly hooked up, just made out. Plus I sucked you off and I didn’t get anything in return, I wouldn’t have done that just for kicks.” 
“You did it just for kicks freshman year in the sleeping dorms,” he pointed out with a grin. Charlie rolled her eyes again, sighing and getting out of bed. “Wait, where are you going?” 
“I’m sleeping in this bed. Alone.” She fought a smile as she got under the sheets of the other bed, facing away from him. 
It was hardly a minute before JJ launched himself on top of her, jumping from the other bed to hers. 
“Oof!” Charlie croaked out under his weight, giggling. “Maybank!” 
He sprawled out across her body. “Good night.” 
“No! What are you doing? You’re in trouble, stay in your bed.” She pointed, trying to wiggle out from under him. He laid there like dead weight on top of her. “No, I can’t be in trouble on our first day of officially dating. I wanna sleep with you.” She sighed and lifted up the corner of the sheet for him. “Fine. Get in. If you kick me in the middle of the night I’m moving.” He grinned and settled under the covers with her, pressing a kiss to her neck.  
“JJ.” She warned. He let his hand fall down to her leg and traced a finger up her inner thigh. “Yeah, Walker?” Her breathing became stilted and she grabbed at his hand, turning back toward him. He grinned. “I thought you liked teasing.” 
“Not when I’m on the other end of it!” She laughed. He smirked. “You’re not always going to get your way, pretty girl.” She shook her head. “Yes I am. I already know I have you wrapped around my finger.” He scowled, not denying it, and started inching up the hem of his shirt on her. “JJ, I’m going to fall asleep on you if you start something again,” she admonished, pulling the hem back down. 
He pretended to gasp. “I’m not entertaining enough for you?” She grabbed his forearm and flipped him onto his back, hovering over him. He swallowed hard, speechless, and she smirked. “If we go to sleep now, I can think of plenty of ways to wake you up.” He nodded slowly. She kissed him and he took that opportunity to flip them back over. “Only if I get to be in control.” She laughed. “We’ll see. Night, J.” He smiled and let her go, spooning her from behind. “Sweet dreams, girlfriend.” 
TAGLIST: @booksandshish​ @jiaraendgame​ @hmsjiara​ @outerbanksbro​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @annedub​ @casper17​ @t8-er-tot @agirlwholovescoffee
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hecticcheer · 4 years
Abyss of Possibilities (T/M/A fic)
Finished the platonic Jon&Daisy sickfic thing!! This was based on an emeto prompt,* but I’m posting it here instead of on shiftytracts because. Frankly it comes out a lot better when considered as h/c or whump than as emeto/kink fic. As usual w/ me, I set out to write the latter and instead got? 4.6k of Daisy character study whose external plot happens to be that Jon throws up? Ft. also a little Melanie&Helen friendship. It’s not bad as a story though so I’m posting it anyway.
Basira was out on another mysterious errand, which Daisy figured put her and Jon in about the same wretched position. Scratching and baying at the doors of their owners’ empty houses. Commiserating with him seemed a better use of her time. What was more, Jon had spent all day wobbly and coughing—fingertips leaving trails of slime on everything he touched like a snail—and she still couldn’t stand to see that in a person she’d made one of her own. (Monster she’d made one of her own. Whichever.) So after one of his more pathetic fits of coughing she’d decided to make them both tea. It started out as an excuse to leave the room; in fact she’d told him she’d had to pee. But when she’d come to the fork in the hallway her legs had taken her several steps past the turning for the bathroom before she’d noticed her mistake, and, yeah, well. Steps were a limited resource these days. So she’d talked herself into going to the break room for tea instead, and figured if she made Jon some too then.
Well—it was just?—she felt like a hypocrite, alright. She’d told Jon in the coffin that she didn’t want to hobble around like wounded prey any more than she wanted to become a hunter again, but, since he’d pulled her out she’d pretty clearly picked the prey side? Complete with literal hobbling, especially those first few weeks. And he was good to her about it. She wasn’t sure she wanted to despise weak people anymore. It troubled her to know that was her—that she’d still felt it in the coffin where her thoughts were all her own.
Daisy managed to stay upright unsupported while the kettle boiled—hadn’t even had to take a break to sit before turning it on. But while waiting for their teas to steep she leant her palms on the low, cool countertop, even though shifting her weight to them at once made her upper arms ache a little. The muscles of her calves dully throbbed, and her ankles itched. She swore she could feel them swelling. Could picture the mottled pattern of orange and purple her legs must be turning, like the wallpaper at one of those cafés that haven’t been redone since before she was born. They’d told her at PT that the muscle atrophy would take a long time to repair, but that these other issues should go away on their own after a few weeks. It had seemed to improve, at first. Getting worse again now though.
When she got back to his office she found Jon frozen halfway through peeling himself back off his desk, elbows wobbling, like an old dog on a slippery floor. Must’ve Seen her coming back, she figured. He did a little smile, but that didn’t last long. “Here,” she informed him, setting the worse of two novelty mugs in front of him. “Tea.”
“Oh!” Jon’s eyes went wide; he didn’t smile again, but looked almost frightened. Like she’d opened an abyss of possibilities. The mug said #1 Pervert, with the 1 wearing an evil smile and a trench coat held wide open. This seemed to faze Jon not at all.
“It’s just tea. No need to look like that.”
“R-right. Thanks?”
She shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Now drink up, it’ll help with your.”
“Oh,” Jon said again. “Yes.”
He picked up the mug, looked inside, then set it back down without drinking any. Daisy got halfway through a sigh before worrying this counted as despising him, then made herself laugh instead and pat the back of his hand: “That’s the spirit.” Jon flinched, but seemed to want to own that no more than she wanted to own her sigh. He closed his eyes, and his hand relaxed under hers. Breath seemed to whistle and crunch on its way out his nose.
“You ill?”
“I said are you ill.”
Another half second of smile. “Maybe.”
“Hm. Good sign, right?” Jon blinked at her. “A point in the still-human column.”
“R…ight,” he said. The way his eyes changed made her suspect he had more to say on that, but for once in his life Jon seemed not to feel like talking.
“Take a break. Archers’ll be on soon.”
Usually when she mentioned The Archers Jon would do a whole big dramatic show of disgust, a long sigh or a snarl or a choking noise or at least an eye-roll. He exhaled, now, but shortly; it flared his nostrils a little, but that seemed all the drama he could muster. “Thought you heard it last night.”
“You didn’t, though,” Daisy grinned. “Get confused if you don’t keep up.”
They’d had this conversation before; he knew his next line. But his voice caught on something about three words in: “You seemed to”—swallow; another deep, crunchy exhale—“you seemed to do alright after eight months under a rock.”
“You’ll have unanswered questions. Can’t compel the radio.”
Another swallow, then a throat clearing. “Fine.”
Daisy stood and waded toward the couch in the opposite corner of his office, where he’d slept since he woke up after the Unknowing. By the time she took her seat and looked back, Jon had stood from his desk chair but not yet moved. Just stood there with his hands on the chair’s back, staring off into nothing. Typical. But she knew he did no better than her with standing still for long periods, lately. She thumped on the arm of the couch to snap him out of his trance. “Come here, Jon.” It worked; he blinked to life, gave her a disorganized smile, and slunk over to join her. When he sat his legs shook the whole couch. He sat down at the far end, as often, but, no more unusually, when she scooted closer so their legs and shoulders touched he leant his head toward hers til his hair crunched against the outside of her ear. Daisy patted his leg with one hand, and reached for his clock radio with the other. (This was one of few non-clothing items he’d bothered to replace when he lost his flat. Apparently its alarm made the only noise he trusted himself to take seriously as a wake-up call; every other one he had tried he would sleep through, either accidentally or out of spite.) She set it on her knee so she could monitor the time, but kept the radio muted for now. Only 1:43.
By 1:49 she noticed Jon starting to nod off; by 1:54 his chin seemed stuck to his chest for good. At 2:02 she turned up the volume dial on his radio, and, sure enough, heard the Archers theme song. Considered just turning it up loud enough to wake Jon, but figured he’d be certain to sleep through that out of spite. So she shook him by the shoulder instead. “Oi! Ceaseless watcher!”
“Mmmnnnwha? Oh,” Jon said, straightening. Then he bent forward to cough again. Daisy channeled her urge to snarl into a laugh, telling herself she felt sorry rather than annoyed.
His cough seemed stuck, just like it had all day but more so. It was almost all voice—none of that other, less personal noise a satisfying cough makes. She wondered if he was trying to keep quiet for her benefit. “Come on, let it out,” she told him, thumping the back of his shoulder—and he did.
Almost as soon as she touched him, he made another noise more like—well, more like the sounds they’d both made underground. Or like when she’d cut him, back before.
Anyway, and then a splash. And then a stench. Daisy yelped and flung her legs out of the way; the radio went silent as the clock’s plug flew out of the wall.
“Oh shit!”
Between dry heaves and gasps for breath Jon croaked, “Not technically.”
She barked a laugh—through her mouth, not her nose—but held back the impulse to elbow him. Learnt that lesson, thanks. Just kept her hand on his shoulder instead, fanning her fingers back and forth in a semi-circle like windshield wipers. Meanwhile she surveyed the damage he’d made. The clock itself seemed miraculously unharmed, dangling by its cord between her knees. Only a little of the cord had fallen into the puddle—unfortunately including the plug. That’d be a bitch to clean up. Should she try to get the smell out or just buy him a new one, she wondered.
Her shoes had fared pretty well, too. Only one fat droplet on the right one’s toe, where it’d come off easy. His might be ruined though—and the socks. Poor bastard picked a hell of a day for white socks. The trousers might survive; vomit washed out easier than blood.
Beside her, Jon seemed to have quit dry heaving. Now he just panted, and said, “Ugh.”
“Think so,” he said in his hoarsest voice; “sorry.”
He set his palm down on the arm of the couch, apparently plotting how to stand without slipping in puke. Daisy moved her hand from his shoulder inward, to the place where his neckbones turned into backbones, and pressed him gently downward. “Never mind; I’ll clean it up. You stay here.”
Jon said nothing, but didn’t move either. Not even a flinch. Daisy slid to the end of the couch farthest from him and his puddle, stood, and crept past it on the balls of her feet, careful to avoid all the puddle’s little splattery fingers.
This was the first Archives mess Daisy’d ever volunteered to clean; only after she’d closed the door of Jon’s office behind her did she realize she should’ve asked him where they kept the mops and buckets. Probably outside the Archives proper, near the boiler and all that crap. Her stomach dropped—settling halfway down her legs, like all her innards did these days when she stood up. Melanie’s desk was empty, but Daisy shouted for her just in case.
The first door Daisy encountered whose destination she didn’t already know led to… a long corridor full of more doors. “Hi, Helen. Melanie in here with you?”
Melanie emerged, not from any of the doors Daisy could see, but from what looked to Daisy like the blank wall in between them. Just the perspective, part of Daisy’s mind rushed in to inform her. She closed her eyes so she could roll them at this part unseen.
“Daisy, hi,” said Melanie. “What’re you doing here, I didn’t think….”
“I invited her in.” Daisy heard the words a full second before she saw Helen emerge from a picture frame in the corridor’s opposite wall. “She was looking for an unfamiliar door. It seemed only polite to offer one of mine.” Helen said this with her head cocked to one side, coiled hands facing the other. Her left elbow disappeared into the wall.
Daisy made herself look into a framed mirror on the opposite wall instead of at Helen herself. Except the mirror didn’t show Daisy or Melanie or Helen—just the floor and other wall of this same corridor. Except also that in what passed here for real life the wall was a dark, 70s yellow, while, in the mirror or picture or whatever, it was more like highlighter yellow. What she saw in the frame still moved like a reflection though, not like a painting.
It was hard for Daisy, still, to be around… beings like the Distortion. Monsters used to be so simple. See someone glitching through the wall? Great; that means they need to die. Not like she’d never cooperated with an enemy before, just. Helen maybe wasn’t an enemy? And Jon was the only non-enemy monster she knew how to interact with. Jon was one of hers, now; he was a friend, the opposite of an enemy. But Helen, God, who knew. Stranded in the middle somewhere. Around Helen Daisy felt like the last person standing in musical chairs.
She shifted on her feet; her ankles still itched, but her toes had gone numb and cold. “I was looking for a mop,” she corrected.
When she looked back over at Melanie and Helen she found them sat on an invisible bench. She glanced back at the mirror. A wooden bench with green velour cushions. Made sense enough. Melanie still had her cane, after Jon and Basira’s whole surgery debacle; she wouldn’t come in here so often if it had nowhere to sit. If Daisy squatted down would another bench appear beneath her?
“Oh,” said Melanie; “yeah, there should be one in the broom cupboard. You remember how to get to Artefact Storage, right?” Daisy nodded. “Well it’s the last door on the left before you get there.”
“Right. Thanks.”
“No problem. What do you need the mop for?—is it—do you need some help?”
Daisy said, too quickly, “No I’ve got it.” Then worried Melanie might think she was hiding something of hers or Jon’s more sinister than dignity. She let out a long breath through her nose, lifted her foot and pointed at the circle of puke on her shoe. “Nothing big. Jon just threw up all over his office.”
“Statements gone moldy?” asked Helen, in that voice of hers like a doorbell.
“Oh, god, yeah—did he finally find that Corruption statement covered in actual mold?”
“Thought Martin burned that one?”
Melanie sighed. “No. Said he didn’t want to stink up Jon’s office.”
“Yeah, well,” Daisy scoffed.
“Probably just didn’t want to burn any that weren’t already on tape,” muttered Melanie. “Got him to burn the first one I ever recorded, though. That one about the stupid blanket.” She scuffed the carpet with her foot, crossed her arms, and leant the back of her head against the wall. “So. What’s wrong with Jon this time.”
“Don’t know,” said Daisy, shrugging; “think he’s just ill.”
“Huh. Wait—human ill or monster ill?”
“Don’t know. Didn’t ask.”
“It can be hard to tell,” allowed Helen. “They look remarkably similar. The first time Michael lost his lunch after he became me he thought his sick would have comic-book stink lines curling up off it. Terrible disappointment.”
Don’t ask what “lunch” means, Daisy told herself, scratching lightly at the pad of her thumb with her middle fingernail. Not your business, not anymore.
Meanwhile Melanie cackled and stamped her foot. “What about Helen?”
“She hoped she could click our fingers and make it disappear.”
Now Daisy smiled too. “Have to try that with Jon’s.”
(“Or turn to gold,” mused Helen, chin resting in the palm of a hand so long she could still click its fingers without their nails poking her face.)
“So you’re cleaning it up for him?”
“Typical,” growled Melanie; Daisy could see another I-hate-the-Archives rant on the horizon.
“I chose to do it; it’s not like he made me.”
“That’s what people always say about him!” Melanie squawked, her fingers curled like claws. Her voice had begun to climb not only in volume, but pitch too, the way it did when she hoped to pass off real anger as jokey anger. “He’s a grown man—why can’t he keep his messes to himself?”
“Yeah, well, he’s cleaned up enough of mine,” shrugged Daisy. “You all have,” she added, remembering her first week out of the coffin, when Melanie and Basira had had to follow her and Jon around the Archives with brooms. Every morning Basira had shaken her cot and pillow cases and sleeping bags over a bin to tease out clods of dirt. And Daisy herself had never even learnt where the broom cupboard was. “I don’t mind returning the favor.”
“You don’t owe him anything,” Melanie pleaded. “You’re talking about the coffin, right? But it’s his fault you got trapped in there in the first place!”
Daisy had no reply to this; she remembered asking herself whose fault it was she had died (as she’d thought of it then), while trapped in the Buried, but couldn’t remember what conclusion she had come to. Since she’d got out she’d rather enjoyed not having to think about it. Maybe she could put questions of blame off to one side, in the Hunt pile, and focus her energy on the Daisy pile.
“Last door on the left before you hit Artefact Storage, right?”
“Yup!” she heard Helen chime on her way out.
Of course, the second she stepped out of the corridors she thought of a good comeback: Guess he did clean that one up then.
To revenge herself for that detour she let herself sit on Melanie’s desk a minute before continuing. Good thing, too: carrying even a dry mop and bucket back to Jon’s office took more out of her than she’d remembered to anticipate. When already dizzy and aching she found the smell of his puke overwhelming. If he notices, blame it on the Hunt, she told herself. It took constant effort to remember to breathe through her mouth rather than just holding it.
Jon looked up when she came in, and smiled a glum thank you, but then returned to the position he must have taken up while she was out: head on his knees, arms crossed between torso and legs. So when she’d mopped up everywhere else, she had to tell him, “Shoes.”
He lifted his head and looked up at her through the gap between curtains of hair. “Wh…what do you want me to do with them.”
She pointed upward; his brows crumpled.
“Lift them up so I can clean around them, Jon.”
Jon looked slowly down at his feet, bared his teeth in disgust. Then he sat up enough to free one arm, whose hand he planted beside him on the couch. Gingerly lifted the opposite foot. Daisy nodded; he was doing his best, she told herself. “Thanks,” she said aloud. He nodded back, but did not smile or speak. His mouth remained a washed-out line of effort.
Daisy’s mop slurped up the part of the mess Jon’s foot had blocked off; then she used it to dab at the sole of his shoe itself. “Put it back down now and I’ll get the top.” He yelped when the mop wet his sock. Daisy tried not to smile. “That feel weird? Sorry. Just figured those socks were done for anyway.”
“No, you’re right. It’s just. Unpleasant,” he concluded, beginning his final sentence at the same time Daisy started her own.
She said, “I’ll help you off with them when I’m done here.”
“I can get it,” Jon said, but did not move.
This time Daisy did smile, before she could think better of it. “Other foot?”
After finishing with that shoe, Daisy told Jon to hang his feet off the arm of the couch while she corralled as much as she could of this vaguely puke-flavored water off the floor and back into the bucket. She expected him to stretch the rest of himself out on the couch, but instead he bent double—as before, but with one side leant against the couch’s back cushion. Chin on bent forearms on bent knees on arm of couch.
“Do you think it’s safe to clean the plug off with the mop?”
His head snapped around to face her. “What?”
Daisy sighed, trying to rearrange her shapeless panting mouth into a smile. “The plug at the end of the cord—not the one in the wall.”
“Oh. Maybe? It’s not plugged in, right.”
“‘Course not.”
“Then I don’t think you’ll be electrocuted.”
“But do you think it’ll ruin the clock?”
“I—I don’t know.”
“Can’t you ask the Eye or something?”
Jon shook his head, which he then set in his hand as though to keep it out of danger. “Maybe it’s like a phone.”
“Come again?”
“Like when you drop your phone in the toilet.”
“Yeah? What happens then.”
“You leave it in rice for 48 hours.”
“In rice?”
“Dry rice. Uncooked rice.”
Again she sighed. “Right.”
“Wait, no”—his eyes went wide—“the rice thing is a myth.”
“Silica packets might work though.”
“What are those.”
“Like you get with a new pair of shoes.”
“They say ‘Do Not Eat’ on them. Usually in inverted commas, for some reason.”
“Oh. Yeah. What happens if you do eat those?”
“No idea. They’re a drying agent, so, they dehydrate you I guess?”
“To death?”
“Nope—scratch that. Turns out they’re just a choking hazard.”
“A-and we can’t digest them, so if you eat a lot of them they could cause intestinal blockage.”
“Bleugh,” pronounced Daisy.
“Oh, and. Sorry we missed The Archers, by the way.”
“It’s fine, Jon. I heard it last night. I’ll catch you up on it later.”
There was his usual snarl. When Daisy looked smilingly up at him, though, meaning to add, Feeling better, are we? she saw him flinch like he’d been nodding off to sleep again. “So should I mop off the plug or not?”
“Oh. Yeah, seems worth a try.”
By the time Daisy got the floor as un-wet and -soapy as she knew how, she figured neither one of them had the energy to deal with Jon’s shoes. Nor had she the strength to drag the bucket away just yet. Instead she nudged it toward Jon, in case he had to puke again. Then she sat down next to him, so the side of her bum touched the back of his—though from this angle that was a lot less cushy. Mostly tailbone, in fact.
To free her feet from the suffocating heat that made them itch and buzz Daisy yanked off her own shoes (the right one now sick-free but soggy), without untying them, and plopped them down on the couch’s unused other arm. Rested the back of her head on the back of the couch, and closed her eyes. Her whole body throbbed and itched instead of sweating. It was new; maybe a coffin thing, maybe a Hunt-withdrawal thing. Probably the latter. (Oh—I have that too, Jon had said once, when she’d had to explain why her face and hands were red.) Never thought she’d miss feeling slimy.
When she found the strength to speak again she asked, “You comfortable like that?”
“Er,” said Jon. Then, after a pause, in a hoarser voice, “My legs are asleep.”
Daisy smiled, and then, when she remembered he wouldn’t see that, huffed a single syllable of laughter. “No wonder, smooshed up like that. Stretch out, if you like; you won’t be in my way.”
He complied at once, but said, “But then your legs will fall asleep.”
“Probably. I’ll let you know.”
He laid down across her now, or at least his torso did. His head spilled off one side of her lap, legs off the other. Daisy helped him shove the couch’s one throw pillow (now the one he slept with, when he slept) under his head.
“You don’t find this—claustrophobic?” Jon asked, after going to all the trouble to get himself comfortable.
“No.” Daisy blinked, trying not to show how much questions like this irritated her. She wouldn’t break like a china doll if you touched her, Basira. Human weight wasn’t like the Buried. Humans were warm and squishy, and they smelled like life; even vomit smelled better than grave dirt. But at least Basira had a good excuse not to understand that? Coming from Jon it didn’t make any sense. When he’d reached her down there, the first thing he did was take her hand and squeeze. She didn’t know if he’d done that to reassure her or himself or both, but—it shouldn’t matter, right? If he’d known to do that then, why didn’t he know now?
At last she went on, “You said it’s called Too Close I Cannot Breathe. Don’t breathe through my legs, do I?”
“N—?—no. No, I guess not.”
He closed his eyes. Daisy could feel his flesh deflate and ooze outward as the muscles relaxed. This felt like a lot, coming from someone she’d first known as a paranoid little freak. How could he trust her so much, when—? It made her smile, even though she knew only Elias would see. Could muscle atrophy make it hurt to smile?
“Hey Jon?” she waited for his answering Hm. “What’s with the #1 Pervert mug?”
“Oh. Er—Tim.”
“Uh huh…?”
“There was, uh—a statement? Wh-when we first came to the Archives, we looked into a statement given by a man who found a Leitner in a charity shop.”
“Aaand you sent Tim to check out the shop’s records.”
Jon nodded, to the extent that was possible in his position, but his Yeah came out inaudible. “Martin had recently broke one of the mugs that came with—that Gertrude and her assistants left. So, Tim, in a, uh, perhaps a slight overreaction, bought every novelty mug in the establishment.”
“Every mug? I only saw six in there.”
“Or so he told me.”
“Doubt it. That collection looks curated. I didn’t see a single teddy bear, or. Souvenir from a breast-cancer walk.”
“I didn’t press him on it.”
“Right,” Daisy scoffed.
“Sasha used”—a trumpetty nose-laugh interrupted Jon’s sentence—“Sasha used to joke they should be in Artefact Storage.”
“Well she’d know best. Didn’t you say she used to work there?”
“Yes!” Jon squeaked, in a delighted whisper-shout. One hand covered his face; the other fist shook in the air. “She had literal horror stories about that place. The way she talked about those mugs was like—hearing a nun say there should be a circle in hell for people who order the wrong kind of donuts.”
When they’d both quit laughing Daisy said, “You sound like you’re starting to feel better.” She poked him in the stomach, though so lightly for fear he’d throw up on her that she doubted he could even feel it through his cardigan and shirt. “Gonna puke again, you think?”
Jon breathed out through his nose and looked at the ceiling. Apparently she had poked him hard enough to tickle: he batted her hand away like a fly, then left his own where hers had been. “Probably not. Don’t think so. Not sure how much I have left to.”
“Yeah.” After a pause to put the words in a convincing order, Daisy said, “Surprised you had that much—I’ve barely seen you eat today. How long were you feeling sick?”
Guilty smile. “Sorry, Daisy, I uh. Thought I had it under control.”
“Not what I asked.”
“Oh. Uh… few hours, maybe?”
“Why’ve you been coughing and sniffing all day then. Thought you had a cold at first.”
“Yeah—so did I, til.”
Jon propped the back of his head on his folded elbows. “Maybe it’s a monster thing,” he said, with the cynical sigh of someone pretending to be okay with this.
“Could be,” Daisy agreed. She could feel his eyes on her, but looked at the opposite wall instead of answering his gaze. Meanwhile she patted his knee. When he’d been quiet long enough she was sure he didn’t mean to say more about the monster thing, Daisy said, “Let’s get you out of those wet shoes.”
*Whose OP I can’t find, though I know I’ve seen it before, but. It’s the prompt referenced here:
person has been involuntarily letting out nauseously [sic] coughs intermittently all day, and their friend thinks they just have a cold or something, but surprise! they are about to puke everywhere
ETA 6/16 fixed a few Americanisms, whoops! If I’ve missed any more of those please point them out to me
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mysteriesmuse · 4 years
New Event Added to Calendar- "Just tell me your schedule, dammit!"
Douxie x Reader: One shot
Title: New Event Added to Calendar
A/N: This isn't the best work or plot idea, but I still think it was fun to work on and it turned out pretty well. Enjoy :)
Ash Dispersal Pattern was packing up, the various personal amps already off and unplugged.
“Hey, we’ll see you next week Douxie!”
“Yeah goodbye Douxie!”
The band members chirped walking out the front door arms clad in gear.
Working together in silent tandem you and Douxie went about putting everything away.
“I’ve got the cords wrapped,”
You replied extending the wrapped chords in your hand out.
Wordlessly Douxie’s hand brushed against yours and took the cables. The partnership and teamwork was seamless as neither of you had even looked up from what you were doing.
In a few moments Douxie nodded towards you.
Shuffling over to the corner of the room you began shoving with full force of your body. Arms extended all the way as you began putting the coffee table back into its place in the center of the room.
Douxie had hosted the practice this week since the head singer was sick with a cold.
Was it merlinifilus or another case of Jim Lake disease? Honestly, you couldn’t even remember.
Once Douxies apartment was back into order you grinned walking over to pick up your own things.
“Hey,” Douxie said looking up from his placing of couch cushions. His hands paused as he listened to what you were saying.
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you something but I’ve been a little nervous to ask...” your fingers found themselves fiddling with the end of a piece of hair.
“Oh, is it a date?”
At that your head snapped up as your fingers paused. Waving your arms across you body you chuckled, “No, no.”
You continued, “I’m not sure if that answer is a disappointment or a relief. Although I assume the later,” you added mumbling.
Douxie shook his head slightly resisting the urge to laugh at your little ramble.
In truth he’d been wanting to ask you out, but you only seemed to laugh at anyone’s romantic attempts. While rearranging the cushion in his hand Douxie thought about something Jim had told him over lunch,
“Man, I don’t get it you’re, like- a total chick magnet!”
Douxie groaned, “I can be pretty charming, you know?” running his hands down his face he sighed, “I don’t think it helps that these other guys flirt with her often as well.”
Jim nodded dejectedly before sinking into the booth chair and slurping his soda.
“Claire will tell you I was really, really bad at getting her attention,” Jim wheezed clutching his chest at the memory, “but you’re really smart. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
You’d been waving your hand in front of Douxie face to get him to snap back into focus.
“Oh, you were saying?” Douxie smiled shaking his head to clear his thoughts.
“Well, you know how I’m interested in music, as my major?”
Douxie nodded, he’d certainly heard you meantion it a few times.
“You’re really musical and I’ve got to prepare this solo piece and oh boy,” you gulped plopping yourself onto the edge of the couch.
You looked down at your socks as they thumped against the shaggy carpeted floor. Soon there was a weight shifting on the couch beside you. With the fear in your throat you swallowed and looked up into Douxie’s eyes.
“You’ve never heard me play my main instrument before and I was really hoping that you’d maybe listen to me play through my solo piece. You probably can’t tell it by looking at me, but I kinda have stage fright.”
Slowly Douxie shook his head, “No, I really couldn’t tell. You perform so well!,” he exclaimed in disbelief.
At that you giggled, “Thanks, but it’s always easier being the bass in the very back,” you shuddered, brushing shoulders with Douxie, “solo repertoire is different.”
Placing a hand on your shoulder Douxie nodded, “Of course we can do that.”
“Really? Oh thank you!” You exclaimed while barreling into Douxies chest for a hug. Whilst you held a tight grip around Douxies shoulders he hugged back.
Nose twitching as your hair tickled it he gave a tight squeeze to your midsection as you drew back.
"Oh, I’ve got to go!” Glancing up at the familiar, yet odd kitschy cat clock hanging over the fake mantle place in Douxie’s apartment.
With a light snort you got up, you couldn’t imagine why a guy like him would have such an old clock laying around.
In a swift motion you began picking up your things the cats swishing tail alerting you to the fact that you’d be late for an ensemble rehearsal.
Pausing at the door which Douxie held open you waved the phone in your hand, “I’ll text you so we can make plans.”
Douxie rolled his eyes playfully as you were already down the hall and brought his hand up to cup around his mouth.
“Sounds good!”
You were already in the elevator door as it closed. In an over exaggerated yell you called right before the doors closed, “Don’t forget to tell me your schedule!”
“It was one-“ Douxie paused realizing he was yelling out into the empty hallway, “it was one time!” He yelled delightfully exasperated with ears burning as he shut the door.
“Thank you so much for doing this for me,” you exclaimed with a sweeping gesture as you hunched over your instrument case putting it away.
Douxie uncrossed his legs and rose from his place lounging on the couch. Grabbing the stand and putting it away in the laundry closet once again.
“It was really no problem,” he called.
He heard you hum followed by the zipper and came back to be standing with you and instrument case on your back face to face.
Mischievously you smirked, “Now about that schedule...”
Douxie groaned in protest at you making a grabbing motion with your arm.
You waited arms crossed as you leaned in close over Douxies shoulder. A smile on his face as he pulled up his calendar app to reveal his shift schedule.
Scanning over the screen you hummed searching for a certain empty spot. A mental calendar of your own schedule behind your eyelids.
“Aha!” Reaching out you snatched Douxie’s phone out of his hands.
Shifting around slowly you began typing rapidly filling in this slot of free time in his schedule.
“Y/N,” Douxie gasped reaching around to be met with your gig bag, “Hey, ugh.” That was a mouthful of cotton fabric.
“Almost,” you struggled against Douxie’s attempts.
“Blemy! Stop acting cheeky!” Douxie hollered glee in his voice as he struggled trying to get around you.
Clearly this swift evasion tactic of turning ever so slightly when he got close was enough to keep the phone in your hands.
“And! And I’m done,” you laughed holding the phone out as a peace offering.
Douxie shook his head and began sticking his tongue out at you while he opened his phone to check what you did.
His tongue quickly went back into his now dry mouth and clicked unintelligently against his palette.
New Event Added to Calendar: Dinner at Jerry’s with Y/N L/N 6:00pm-8:00pm.
Comment: Don’t be late! :)
“This time I’m asking you about a date,” you called backing out of the door with a wink.
Words tumbling Douxie ran to the door seeing you already out in the hallway.
“You could have asked!”
“Didn’t know you were seriously interested til some sophomore told me!” You hollered back grinning.
Furrowing his eyebrows Douxie cursed in realization, “Claire, Jim, this is not what I meant!”
Immediately his phone dinged and he looked down at it seeing a message from Claire.
‘Is teach going on a date now?!’
‘I am never going to speak about my love life in our sorcery lessons again...’
The typing dots flashed across his screen.
‘You’re welcome. ;) I expect to hear all the details at our next class’
Douxie sighed pinching the bridge of his nose he was 919 years old and was being set up by a 15 year old. Another ding.
‘Have fun! But not too much fun you hear!’
“Dammit...” Douxie groaned. Apparently it could get worse, but maybe he wasn’t so mad after all.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 36
Only three more chapters to go til Heroes Day!! I'm very excited for that one as I think you'll love it. I have a basic plan and it's gonna be good! As you've all probably guessed, Leatherback is going to be one of the next three chapters but the other two will be Desperada and Ikari Gozen. Though Desperada's appearance will be her second akumatization in this universe. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D
Chapter Thirty-Six: Malediktator
Luka hummed softly to himself as he cycled to the Grand Paris hotel. He was on one of his delivery shifts and actually had time to complete it. He had reduced his hours at work now that he was a superhero and going to school but luckily, his boss was pretty cool and understood. He only got two shifts a week and luckily it seemed that Hawkmoth didn't tend to target people on a Thursday and a Saturday. That or his luck was coming into play. Now that he thought about it, it was probably his luck that he hadn't had his shifts disturbed yet but he certainly wasn't complaining. He pulled up at the Grand Paris and jumped off his bike, locking it up. Tikki flew into his hoodie as he took his helmet then grabbed the final box. It was his last delivery for the evening. He walked up to the doorman and smiled.
 "Delivery for Chloe Bourgeois," He stated, making the doorman nod and let him in. He walked through the hotel and checked his phone to make sure she had paid. He got into the lift and rode it up to the floor she lived in. As soon as he exited the lift, he heard screaming and shouting. He frowned as he walked towards the door. Tikki popped her out.
 "Is it an akuma?" She asked, making him shake his head.
 "No, it's someone arguing," He mumbled as the door slammed open. Tikki quickly hid and Luka blinked as Audrey Bourgeois stared at him before lifting her arm and tracing her eyes at his outfit. He could literally feel her judging him.
 "What a trashy outfit," She scoffed, turning her nose up at it before she waved her hand at him in a dismissive manor. "You're fired,"
 "I don't work for you," He stated, making her blink and stare at him before she glared at him.
 "How dare you talk to me like that?! I'm the queen of style-"
 "And I really don't care. I'm tired and I have other things to do so either take this or move out my way," He stated, making her blink again as he took out his phone and send the text to let Chloe know her food was here. 
 "Now listen here, you-"
 "Mum! Could you just not have a go at my school friends?! Go argue more with Dad," Chloe suddenly stated, making her blink for the third time as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the room, closing the door behind them. She let out a sigh before taking the sushi box from him before pointing towards the window. "If you go out that way, you can take the lift into the restaurant and avoid my mother,"
 "Thank you," He muttered, turning to walk out of her balcony doors but he stopped and frowned a little. Chloe had moved to her bed and was slowly eating the sushi but something felt a little off to him. He wasn't sure if it was his best idea but he turned around and cleared his throat, causing her to look up at him. "Uh... are you ok? You seem... off?"
 "Because I'm been nice?" She asked, sharply and defensively. "Well, even I can be nice you know. I am trying to change,"
 "That's not what I meant," He stated, making her look at him. "You seem out of tune,"
 "Out of tune?" She asked, confused. He frowned as it wasn't the right words. "How can I be out of tune? I'm not a musical instrument,"
 "Sorry... I meant like sad... you seem sad..." He replied, making her eyes widen in shock before she looks down, a sad expression coming on her face. Luka sighed and turned to walk away. "Never mind..."
 "Mama wants to go back to New York with me but Daddy doesn't want us to leave Paris," She admitted, making him stop and look at her. "They've been arguing non stop about it for a couple of days. I'm sure you heard the shouting when you got out of the lift. Mama was trying to convince me to go with her but when I said I wasn't sure I wanted to leave, she started to shout at me,"
 "Why aren't you sure?" He asked without meaning to but she sighed and hugged her legs. "I mean Paris is cool but New York would be pretty cool too,"
 "I like Paris..." She admitted, sighing. "I know I don't have many friends in Paris but since the whole Queen Wasp incident, I've been going to therapy and it's really helping just having someone to talk to.... but Daddy is the one paying for it as Mama doesn't believe I need it. I know if I go to New York with her, I won't get the help I need plus she just brush me off like she always does,"
 "Well, it sounds like me that you're not unsure at all. You clearly want to stay in Paris so tell her that," He replied, making her look at him. "As for having no friends, you can always try to make some,"
 "Most people believe I haven't changed," She admits, looking down again. "That's why I snapped at you. I thought you were like them but you seem different,"
 "Well, you still have far to go but I can see quite clearly that you're trying your best so I think it's only fair to give you a chance. Besides, we never really got a chance to introduce ourselves to each other," He smiled before holding out his hand. Chloe blinked and looked at him in surprise. "I'm Luka Couffaine. It's nice to meet you,"
 "Uh... Chloe Bourgeois," She replied, taking his hand and shaking it. "It's nice to meet you as well. I'm right in thinking you're friends with Marinette?"
 "Yeah," He smiled, causing her to look nervous. "You should talk to her and I don't just mean about the dress you've commissioned her for. She is a great person and if you give her a chance, you might find a real friend in her,"
 "I was her bully for years..."
 "Then apologize for that,"
 "She won't accept it,"
 "She doesn't have to," He replied, making her look at him in surprise. "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Just by trying you can show her and the rest of the school that you really have changed. Anyway, I should get going as I have some more errands to run but Chloe, don't give up ok?"
 She nodded as he headed to the door and walked over, giving her a nod. Audrey had gone and he could hear shouting in the distance as he walked over to the lift. He pressed the button and waited for the lift to arrive, stepping in it as soon as it did. Once the doors closed, Tikki poked her head out.
 "That was some good advice you gave, Chloe," She smiled, making him smile a little as well.
 "She does seem to be improving but she has a long way to go," He admitted, making Tikki nod. "I just hope she's able to tell her mother that she needs to stay. I'd hate to see revert back to how she was before,"
 "Me too," Tikki admitted before hiding in his jacket as the lift came to a stop. He walked over of the building and unlocked his bike before placing his helmet on. He took out his phone, marked Chloe's food as delivered before using the company's app to clock out. He placed his phone back in his pocket before cycling off. He had one last errant to do and that was pick up some macaroons and cookies for Tikki. He stopped outside of the bakery and parked his bike, taking off his helmet and placing it inside. He walked over to the door and pushed it open, causing the bell to ring.
 "Welcome to- Hello, Luka," Sabine smiled as he walked up to the counter. "How are you?"
 "I'm good, Mrs Cheng. Thank you for asking," He smiled.
 "That's good to know, dear," She smiled back. "If you're here to see Marinette, you just missed her. She just left for Alya's,"
 "That's ok, Mrs Cheng. I'll message her later," He replied, nodding. He would be able to hang with Marinette another day as they both had plans tonight. She was sleeping over at Alya's with the girl squad and he had his shift then had to go on patrol. Of course, he didn't tell her about the patrol part. "I actually came in to buy some cookies and macarons,"
 "You do seemed fond of them. The usual flavors?" She asked, making him nod. "As I recall, they're for your friend?"
 "Yes, she has a huge sweet tooth,"
 "Are you and her close?" She asked as she bagged them up.
 "Yes, she's like a little sister to me," He smiled as he glanced at the rest of the food on display. Sabine smiled a little at his answer. "Can I have two eclairs as well?"
 "Of course, dear," She replied, getting them for him. "You already have a little sister, don't you? Juleka? Was it?"
 "Yeah but I have a habit of kind of been a big brother to people. I basically adopted Rose as my little sister and Tik- Tina... my friend who likes the cookies," He smiled, mentally sweating at almost saying Tikki's name. "Rose is practically my sister in law at this point anyway. How much do I owe you, Mrs Cheng?"
 "You can call me Sabine, dear," She smiled before ringing up the items. "22.45 euros, please?"
 He smiled and paid before taking the sweets and leaving the shop, waving goodbye to Sabine. He placed them in the basket and put his helmet back on before cycling off back to the Seine. The sun was beginning to set once he got to the Liberty. He locked his bike up and climbed on board, walking downstairs as he hummed to himself. Anarka looked up from her notepad as he placed an Eclair in front of her as he smiled.
 "Have you had any dinner yet?" He asked, making her look at the time. She frowned and stretched.
 "Nothing yet," She replied, making him frown. "Been working hard on a new song. Wanna read while I order take out?"
 "Sure, ma," He smiled, picking up the note pad and glancing over the scribbles and notes as she put in their usual order. He put it down as she walked back over.
 "What do you think?"
 "Sounds good so far," He smiled, making her smile. "You'll show me the finished piece right?"
 "Of course," She mumbled, making him nod before she claps her hand. "That reminds me. I have a job interview,"
 "You do?" He asked, frowning a little. Either she's decided to cure her boredom by getting a second job or money is tight. Sometimes that was the case with their lifestyle. Writing and selling songs were good if people wanted to buy them but not everyone did and of course, Bob Roth made it rather difficult for her to sell songs. Sometimes, they were times where it was hard to make ends meet. That's why Luka got his job in the first place but of course, he has reduced hours now. "Is everything ok?"
 "Nothing for you to worry about, Lad," She smiled. "We're up to date with bills and the usual things that cost money but it wouldn't do us any hard if I have a second job,"
 "So what's the job?" He asked.
 "Just some part shop work," She stated, making him frown. "It's nothing to worry about, Lad,"
 "Alright but if money gets too bad, I can always pick up some more shifts,"
 "You don't need to," She explained. "And you have school to worry about,"
 "If you say so, ma,"
 "Mr Couffaine, are you listening?" Ms Mendeleiev asked, making Luka look up from his notes and nod. She rose an eyebrow. "Then repeat what I said,"
 "You were explaining the difference between an atom and an ion," He replied, making her look at him with surprise before he lifted his book, showing his notes. Kagami smiled at him as Ms Mendeleiev nodded in approval.
 "Good that you're taking notes, Mr Couffaine," She replied before continuing with her lesson. Luka looked back down and smiled at the text he received from Marinette before sending her a reply, saying that he almost got caught so he'll talk to her at lunch. He slid his phone into his pocket and tried to pay attention to the rest of the lesson. Finally, the bell for lunch rang. He slid his notes into his bag and began to leave for the canteen. 
 "Luka," Kagami called, making him look over at her. She was holding her bag, looking calm as usual. "Adrien mentioned you are joining us for lunch today,"
 "Yeah, Marinette invited me," He smiled, making her nod. "You don't mind, do you?"
 "No, I do not," She tried her best to smile. "Perhaps we can walk to the canteen together?"
 "Sure," He smiled, slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking out with her. They walked in silence, making him bite his lip as he wasn't sure what to say to her but it was Kagami that broke the silence.
 "I'm glad you're not longer sick and have returned to school," She stated, making him look at her in surprise. "Marinette seemed worried about you,"
 "Yeah... Marinette saw why I was off," He mumbled, playing with his strap of his bag. "But I'm ok now,"
 "She cares a lot for you," Kagami stated, surprising him. "And I'm certain you care for her,"
 "I do," He mumbled, looking to the side with a slight blush.
 "You should tell her," She stated, making him look at her in shock. It's not that he didn't like Kagami or that he thought she was bad but in a way, she was similar to Chloe. In other words, an acquired taste and while he was happy to be his friend, he didn't necessarily want to have this conversation with her. It was bad enough that Juleka, Rose, Ivan and Mylene had given him lectures about talking to Marinette about his feelings. Now Kagami was going to. He would not be surprised if at some point, Adrien pulls him aside and tells him off.  "It is obvious that you are in love with her,"
 "She's in love with someone else," He mumbled, looking down. 
 "Yes, Adrien. I'm aware of her crush," She stated in a matter of a fact tone. "But Adrien isn't the only person to have captured her interest and he is unavailable to her. Adrien cares for Marinette but he only sees her as a friend,"
 "Then maybe he should tell her that!" He snapped, making her look at him. "Sorry... I didn't mean that..."
 "No, you are quite correct," She stated, making him frown. "Adrien doesn't understand social ques like the rest of the students here but even so, he should explain to Marinette that he only views her as a friend and that he only ever will. I shall tell him t-"
 "No," Luka gasped, causing her to look at him. He looks down as Kagami frowns.
 "I am confused," She stated. "Having Adrien tell Marinette that he only cares for her as a friend would eliminate him as a contender for her heart, meaning you would be to win her heart. Do you not want that?"
 "Not like that," He admitted, making her look at him. "Marinette deserves better then that. She doesn't deserve to have her heart broken. Yes, Adrien isn't interested in her and he should tell her that he likes her as a friend but not like that. He shouldn't just crush her heart so I can pick up the pieces. I do not want to have her love because of that. I do not want to be her second choice and I would never make a move on her while she was heartbroken. I have too much respect for her to do that. If Marinette wants to love me, I want her to come to that conclusion on her own,"
 "You really do love her," She stated, making him look at her. Was that a test? He rose an eyebrow as they walked into the canteen and shook his head, waving at Marinette when he saw her. She waved back, smiling brightly as she did. Alya was sat next to her, talking to Nino. Luka was glad to see that the two girls hadn't fallen out over the Reverser incident. Speaking of which, Marc had joined their table, happily talking to Nathaniel and Alix. Juleka was leaning on Rose as she gushed about something to Ivan and Mylene. Adrien was sat next to Nino and smiled as Kagami joined, leaving the spare seat next to Marinette. Luka moved over and sat down, happily taking out his lunch as he listened to the different conversations going on. However, the talking stopped as Chloe walked over. She looked extremely nervous and was looking to the side. She looked up and glanced at Luka, surprising him a little but he gave her an encouraging smile.
 "Um... I was hoping I could talk to you, Dup- I mean Marinette..." She mumbled, making Marinette look at her in surprised. Alya crossed her arms and glared at her but Marinette cleared her throat.
 "I'm listening, Chloe," She stated in a calm voice. Chloe took a deep breathe.
 "I wanted to apology for my behavior in the past," She stated, making everyone on the table look at her in surprise. "I was a terrible person and took out my own hurt on you. I understand that you probably won't forgive me and I don't blame you for that. In fact, I apologize to everyone at this table. Mylene, I'm sorry I made fun of your fear, Rose, I'm sorry that I made fun of your perfume and torn up your letter to Prince Ali... Ivan, I'm sorry for teasing you about liking Mylene. I actually think you two make a really cute couple. Nino and Alya, I'm sorry for been mean to you for no real reason or snapping at you. Nathaniel, I'm sorry for stealing your art and making you feel bad about having a crush on Marinette..."
 She turned to face Juleka, who looked frightened.
 "Juleka... I'm sorry that I got Sabrina to trap you in the bathroom. I was so desperate to stand next to Adrien that I didn't care who I hurt but I realize now how wrong I was," She mumbled, causing Juleka to go bright red before she turned to Marinette. "Marinette... I'm sorry for all the years I bullied you and belittled you... I was jealous of you... you are kind, sweet and having loving parents... you had everything I didn't and I hated you for it..."
 "Chloe..." Marinette stated but Chloe shook her head, tears in her eyes.
 "I am a terrible person and I don't deserve your forgiveness so I understand if you reject my apologies," She stated, wiping her eyes. "But I hope that maybe you'll let me earn your friendships and that we can start again,"
 She looked up and held out her hand with a sad smile on her face.
 "Hi, I'm Chloe Bourgeois... it's nice to meet you," She stated in a similar manner to how Luka done to her when he delivered her food but she wasn't expect anyone to shake her hand back. She was just giving them a chance to start again if they wanted. The group look around confused but Marinette was the first to get to her feet. She walked over to Chloe and stood in front of her, causing the girl to blink as she looked at her.
 "I accept your apology, Chloe," She smiled before taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's nice to meet you too, Chloe. I hope we can become good friends,"
 "Thank you," She whispered, more tears appearing in her eyes. Marinette smiled as Juleka stood up and shook Chloe's hand, reintroducing herself. The rest of the class did the same. Though Rose didn't actually shake her hand. Instead she just hugged Chloe, causing the girl to pat her head before she sat down. Marinette smiled as Chloe wiped away her tears before gesturing to the spare seat.
 "Why don't you join us for lunch?" She asked, making Chloe blink and look at the seat before pointing at herself.
 "You want me to join you?" She asked but it wasn't in a malicious tone. She just sounded surprise. Marinette smiled and nodded. "Thank you,"
 "Do you have a lunch?" Rose asked, making Chloe shake her head.
 "Usually I go back to the hotel to have lunch with Daddy if he's not busy," She explained, glancing to the side. Luka frowned a little as he suspected that her father was almost always busy and he highly doubted her mother ate with her. He felt Tikki push a cookie into his hand, causing him to glance down. She smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.
 "Here, you can have this. It isn't much but it's better then nothing," He smiled, handing her to the cookie. Chloe went to take it but hesitated as she was sure he would snatch it from her but when he didn't, she took it.
 "Thank you," She mumbled before Marinette handed her a croissant and part of her sandwich. She looked up at her. "Are you sure?"
 "Well, a cookie isn't enough to fill you up," She smiled, gently nudging Luka who smiled back. Chloe thanked her and the conversation began again. Marinette turned to Luka. "So I wanted to ask you a favor?"
 "Oh?" He replied, making her press her fingers together. 
 "I was hoping that maybe you could show me the basics of guitar..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. He looked at her in surprise. "If you're not busy... you're probably busy..."
 "I'd love to show you," He smiled but before either of them to could continue, the sound of a helicopter got their attention. All of the students rushed out to see what was going on as the guitar landed in the school grounds. Mr Damocles rushed over as Audrey Bourgeois got out of it. Chloe frowned as Mr Damocles tried to tell her that she couldn't land the helicopter there. However, she just ignored him and walked over to Chloe. 
 "Chloe, get in the helicopter. We're going to New York," She ordered, making the girl frown.
 "Mum, I told you already I don't want to go to New York," Chloe explained, making her mouth frown.
 "Don't be ridiculous, Chloe," She replied in a bored manner. "Of course, you want to go to New York. Now get in the helicopter. I haven't got all day,"
 Chloe sighed and began to walk to the helicopter with her shoulders slumped but Luka frowned and gently grabbed her wrist, making her look at him in surprise before he let go.
 "Chloe, you don't have to listen to her," Luka stated, causing Audrey to lower her glasses and glare at him. "You don't have to go,"
 "Well, trash like you wouldn't understand," She stated, causing everyone to glare at her. Luka crossed his arms and glared at her.
 "I'm not the one who isn't listening to my daughter, Mrs Bourgeois," He pointed out, making her frown as she glared at him. She expected him to back down but he glared back. Chloe frowned and looked at the group, expecting to tell her to go but Marinette walked and gently took her hand, giving her a reassuring smile.
 "Luka is right, Chloe. You don't have to go," She declares before turning to Audrey who was still looking at Luka like he was trash. "And don't call my friend trash! Luka is the most kind hearted and gentle person I know and he is far from 'trash' as you put it!"
 "Melody..." Luka mumbled, looking at her with surprise as a blush came across his face.
 "Oh, I know you. Margret was it?" Audrey asked, frowning. "Well, I'm glad I didn't take you on as my protege in New York if this fashion mistake is your friend. Clearly, none of you understand fashion," 
 "That may be the case but at least, I understand how to be a decent human being!" Luka growled, surprising everyone. "Something that you clearly have no idea about giving how you treat people!"
 "How dare you tal-"
 "How dare I?! No, how dare you!" He shouted, making her step back in surprise. "First, you demand your daughter to go with you, despite the fact that she told you no then you insult me and finally,"
 He pointed to Marinette.
 "Her name is Marinette! Not Margret!" He growled, making him frown. "And I'm glad she never went with you to New York because she deserves better then you and so does Chloe! Both of them have more talent in their little finger then you've ever had in your entire career! You are a selfish and egotistical woman so it's no surprise that Chloe doesn't want to go to New York with you!"
 Everyone stared at him in surprise as both Marinette and Chloe blushed a little. Though Marinette was blushing a little more. However, Audrey looked more angry then she did before but before she could say anything, a man burst through the door.
 "Chloe!" He shouted, making everyone look at him in surprise as he walked over. On his head, he wore a dark blue bicorne and light blue skin. He was wearing a dark blue jacket with a cowl going over most of his head except the bottom of his nose and his mouth. The jacket itself had black and purple markings on the shoulders and his right arm had a yellow armor-like shoulder with black stripes. However, the rest of the arm was dark blue with a bent white and red stripe just below the elbow. Across his chest, he had a blue, white, and red sash with a large blue, white, and red circle attached at the center. Also, he was also wearing white trousers and dark blue boots. Luka narrowed his eyes and quickly glanced around. It was clear he was the akuma but right now, Luka couldn't see a chance to escape. The akuma was looking around in disgust as he walked over before looking at Chloe. "Chloe, my daughter! You are not leaving for New York,"
 "Daddy?" She asked, shocked as he smiled at her.
 "Yes, sweetie," He smiled. "Now I have the power to make sure you have the best possible life. We'll start by getting rid of this awful school and their students. You're above those nasty little rats anyway. Now come with me, sweetie,"
 "Uhhh," Chloe gasped, clearly scared as he held out his hand.
 "André, getting yourself akumatized like everyone else in this city does not make you a 'cool' or 'hip' father," Audrey stated in her usual attitude, causing André to frown deeply before he lifted his two of his fingers to his mouth as she continued to rant.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare that you will be devoted to this family and remain in Paris with me and Chloe," He spoke, creating a small ball of light as he did before he threw it at her. Instantly, she stopped talking and rushed over to him.
 "Oh yes! My dear hubby!" She gasped, leaning against him and rubbing her cheek against his chest. "I'm so happy to stay here!"
 She jumped up and began to kiss his nose as she wrapped her arms around his neck, causing everyone including Chloe to stare in shock at the action. The akuma smirked before turning to Chloe.
 "Now, Chloe, why don't you come here?" He smiled as Audrey leaned against him, hugging his arm. "We can finally get rid of this god awful place,"
 "But... Daddy, I like it here..." She gasped, making him blink. "And while I don't want to go to New York, I can't stay with you as an akuma,"
 "Sweetie, I'll give you one more chance to come to me willingly," He stated in a menacing way. "Come here,"
 "No!" She shouted, making him frown deeply. Luka glanced around as he really needed to get to a place to transform. His luck vision kicked in, lighting up all of the students and giving him an idea. Since the akuma's attention was on Chloe, who was slowly backing away, he leaned over to Nino who was stood next to him, looking shocked and frightened.
 "Hey, when I shout scram, run in a random direction," He whispered, making Nino look at him. "Pass it on,"
 Nino nodded and whispered it to Adrien and Alya, who in turn told others including the teachers. It finally reached Marinette who grinned and gave Luka a discreet thumbs up as the akuma lifted his fingers to his mouth. Luka nodded to Marinette.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare-"
 "Scram!" Luka shouted, causing all of the students to run in a random direction. He grabbed Chloe's arm and dragged her to the locker room as the rest of the students confused the akuma. He pushed her inside and closed the door, leaning against it as he turned to her. "Go out the window now!"
 "Thank you," She gasped before she climbed up and out of the window as the akuma called for her before he began to head to the locker room. As soon as she was out, he moved from the door and hid inside a locker, holding his breathing as the akuma kicked open the door.
 "Chloe! Where are you?!" He growled, looking around as Audrey came in. "She isn't in here,"
 "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find her,"
 "Of course, we will but let's get rid of this awful school. Maybe then she will see what a wonderful father I am," He replied, leaving with his wife. Luka let out a sigh before opening his jacket, allowing Tikki to fly out.
 "Trouble?" She asked.
 "Chloe's father has been akumatized," He replied before swiping his earring. "Tikki, spots on!"
 A red glow engulfed him, turning him into Anatis. He climbed out of the locker and out of the window before throwing his yoyo and pulling himself onto the roof as the other students began to destroy the school. Anatis narrowed his eyes as he looked around. Most of the students had been affected by whatever order the akuma had given them and were trashing the school but a few of them weren't among them. Marinette wasn't there and neither was Rose. However, Juleka, Adrien, Kagami and the rest of his friendship group were. The akuma smirked as he looked around before throwing a ball of light at Sabrina.
 "By the power invested in me, I order you to find Chloe and bring her to me," He ordered, causing her to bow.
 "Yes, Malediktator!" She declared before running off, causing Anatis to frown as Lady Noir jumped down onto the helicopter's blades.
 "Do you have a permit to destroy this school?" She asked, crossing her arms as she glared at him.
 "I don't need a permit!" He declared, making both heroes frown. "I am Malediktator, the all powerful super-mayor of Paris and this is my city!!"
 "Hate to burst your bubble but Paris doesn't belong to you alone!" Anatis called as he swung over to the helicopter and landed next to Lady Noir. "It belongs to everyone!"
 The two of them dived at him and began to fight him. Anatis threw his yoyo and wrapped it around Malediktator's wrist, pulling his arm back as Lady Noir tried to hit him with her baton but Malediktator blocked it with his free arm and tried to kick her. She dodged it but he grabbed her baton and used it to throw her across the playground. She flipped and landed on her feet as he grabbed a bench and tried to hit Anatis with it but he jumped out the way before it could hit him and landed next to Lady Noir. Malediktator growled and lifted his fingers.
 "By the power invested in me, I declare that your miraculous are my property!" He shouted, summoning to light balls and throwing them towards Anatis and Lady Noir. The two heroes dodged and dived out of the way of them, causing them to head up to the roof and duck down behind the brickwork.
 "Any idea where the akuma is?" Lady Noir asked as he looked around to see where they had gone.
 "I'm thinking it's in his sash," Anatis mumbled before throwing his yoyo up. "Lucky charm!"
 He frowned as he caught the abacus, causing Lady Noir to raise an eyebrow at him.
 "Your lucky charms get weirder and weirder," She replies, making him smile a little.
 "Tell me about it," He grinned before glancing around in his luck vision but nothing lit up. "Nothing up here is gonna help us,"
 "Then let's get a little closer," She replied, getting a nod of him as he went hooked it to his belt but Lady Noir placed her hand on his arm. "You work out what to do with that while I keep the mayor busy,"
 She dived down and threw her baton at him as Anatis looked around, trying to work out how to use the abacus. He frowned deeply as he glanced around the playground and school area yet not a single thing lit up. Frowning, he glanced at the abacus and examined it. What exactly what was he to do with it? Why that particular item? It did look familiar but he couldn't place it. It was probably in one of the classrooms. Either way, he was definitely gonna have words with Tikki when he was done here. Seriously, how was he suppose to defeat Malediktator with this when his power could cause him to literally surrender his miraculous without a fight? If anything, he would need something that would immobile Malediktator first but this wouldn't help him do that. If anything, he would need to go to Master Fu and get the Bee Miraculous. His eyes widen in understanding before he examined the abacus to be certain. It was almost identical to Master Fu's abacus expect for the ladybug pattern. Like the time with the teapot, it became very obvious what he needed to do. He looked up to call back Lady Noir as she dodged a ball of light and jumped up to the first floor. She dived towards Malediktator with her baton, ready to hit him but he spun round and threw a ball of light at her.
 "By the power invested in me," Malediktator smirked as it hit her, causing her to land on the ground. "I declare you are a cat!"
 She suddenly meowed and began to play with a can on the floor, moving it around with her hand.
 "Oh, no," Anatis groaned as he watched.
 "Oh, what a cutie pie," Audrey gasped before she leaned down and called her over. "Here, kitty, kitty,"
 Lady Noir glanced up at her before cautiously moving over. Audrey grinned and began to stroke her hair and ears as she leaned into her. Anatis frowned and took out his yoyo as Malediktator moved over but Lady Noir hissed and hid behind Audrey before trying to scratch him when he went to take her miraculous. Anatis smirked as he watched before frowning. If he wanted to rescue Lady Noir, he would have to get the Bee miraculous. However, he didn't want to leave her with Malediktator. He tried to grab her ring again but she hissed and scratched his hand, causing him to pull back his hand with a yelp of pain.
 "Kitty still has claws," Anatis mumbled as his earrings beeped. He frowned, taking out his yoyo and standing on the edge of the building. "Kitten, I'll be back soon I promise!!"
 He threw his yoyo and swung to another roof before running as fast as he could in the direction of Master Fu's house. He jumped across to another roof and slid down the tiles before throwing his yoyo and wrapping it around a flag pole. He swung across to another roof and landed on it before running and jumping across a gap. He back-flipped off a wall and into an alley near to Master Fu's shop just before his transformation dropped. He caught Tikki before running to the shop and pushing open the door.
 "Master Fu!" He gasped, causing the man to jump and glance at him as he caught his breathe. "A villain has transformed Lady Noir into a cat,"
 "What?" He gasped, shocked before shaking his head. "Perhaps you shouldn't have left her by herself. She's at Hawkmoth's mercy,"
 "I know but the lucky charm told me to come here," He replied, causing Master Fu to make a thinking face. "I think I need help for this mission,"
 "It seems so," He replied, getting up and walking to the phonograph. "After all, the lucky charm never fails,"
 He unlocked the phonograph and took out the miracle box, bringing it over to Luka and placing it on the ground. Luka knelt down in front of it as Master Fu opened it, causing the different draws to pop out and show the miraculous hidden inside. Despite seeing this before, Luka found himself amazed again. It was interesting to watch the box open and to know what the miraculous did. 
 "Luka Couffaine, pick an ally you can trust to fight along side you in this mission," He declared as Luka glanced at all of them but he knew exactly which one to take. He needed the bee. "Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to be serve the greater good,"
 "I need someone who isn't impressed by power and sees people on face value," He muttered, reaching for the bee as Master Fu gave him a concerned look. He hesitated before glancing up at Tikki, who gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back and picked up the hair comb.
 "Are you sure?" Master Fu asked, causing Luka to nod.
 "I need to trap Malediktator and the bee's power is the best chance at that," He replied, getting up and walking to the draw where the smaller boxes were kept. He took one out and placed the hair comb inside.
 "But is it really a good idea giving it back to... her?" He asked as Luka put the small box in his pocket.
 "Don't worry, Master," He smiled in a reassuring manner. "I know how to make good use of it this time,"
 With that, he left with Tikki and headed to the alleyway.
 "How we will find Chloe?" She asked, making him shake his head.
 "We're not," He replied, making her glance at him as he took out a macaron and handed it to her. "I told Chloe I can't give her this miraculous back and I have to keep to that. Plus Hawkmoth will probably expect me to go to her. Since she is Malediktator's target, the two of them may set up a trap to lure me there. There's also a high chance that Chloe has already been controlled by Malediktator since he sent Sabrina after her,"
 "So trying to find Chloe is a bad idea," Tikki nodded as she ate the cookie.
 "But who are you gonna give it to?" She asked, swallowing the last bit. "You said you need someone who isn't impressed by power and takes people on face value,"
 "Don't worry, Tikki, I know just the person. You good?" He asked, causing her to nod. "Alright. Tikki! Spots on!!"
 He transformed back into Anatis and threw his yoyo up, pulling himself onto the rooftops and running as fast as he could back to the school. He landed on the roof and glanced around. It looked like Malediktator had left, taking his wife and Lady Noir with him but the students were still around, trying to destroy the school. He glanced around and noticed Sabrina had joined them but Chloe wasn't around. Frowning to himself, he looked around and spotted Rose, trying to stop Juleka from destroying the art room. He swung down and landed near by.
 "They've been mind controlled by Malediktator," He stated, making Rose gasp and turn around in surprise. She honestly looked like she was about to squeal at his appearance. "But there is a way you can help them,"
 "There is?!" She gasped, making him nod.
 "This way," He replied, jumping down to the courtyard and heading into the locker room. Rose came in a few seconds later as he glanced around to make sure no one else was in here and that they were out of the way of cameras. Once certain that it was just them, he took out his yoyo and opened it before reaching in and taking out the box as Rose watched before he held it out to her, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.
 "Rose Lavillant, here is the bee miraculous, which grants the power to immobilize your opponent," He declared, making her eyes go huge as she realized what he was offering to her. "You will use it for the greater good,"
 "Me?" She asked, shocked before making a thinking expression. "But doesn't the bee miraculous belong to Chloe?"
 "No, Chloe wrongly took the miraculous and is currently unfit to wield one. However, if she continues to right her wrongs and change her ways, I am willing to give her a second chance," He explained, making Rose nod. "Do you accept the miraculous?"
 "Yes!" She grinned, taking it and opening it. She gasped in surprise as a golden light appeared from within and circled around her before transforming into Pollen, making her coo.
 "Hello, my queen," Pollen smiled, making Rose gush about her cute she is. "My name is Pollen,"
 "You're so adorable," Rose gushed. "But what are you?"
 "I'm a kwami, my queen," She explained, bowing a little. "I grant magical powers that transforms one into a superhero,"
 Rose squealed, making Anatis smiled before he cleared his throat, causing both Rose and Pollen to look at him.
 "Once the job is complete, you will return the miraculous to me," He explained before looking at her. "Can I trust you, Rose?"
 "Yes, Anatis! I will do my best!" She declared with a lot of energy, making him smile.
 "My queen, to transform you just need say Pollen, buzz on," Pollen explained as Rose listened before she fixed the comb into her hair before looking up at Anatis, who gave her a smile and a nod.
 "Pollen, buzz on!" She declared, causing Pollen to be sucked into the hair comb. She threw her head back as it became a more honey blonde then black strips appeared in it. She held up her arms as a golden light appeared from her feet, creating her suit as it traveled up her body. The suit was completely yellow but a second light appeared, creating some detail on her suit. It gave her black gloves, turned part of her legs black and added a couple of extra strips on her suit as well. She had two symmetrical ones on her upper arms and thighs, a pointed strip on on around her waist and a black choker around her neck. Her shoes resembled a ballerina's and she had the spin-top around her waist. She swiped her hand across her face, creating her mask which was mostly black but had a yellow boarder. With the transformation over, she examined herself before squealing. "I'm a superhero!!"
 "You're gonna need a name," Anatis smiled, making her look at him before she pulled her thinking face.
 "Abeille," She declared, causing him nod to in approval.
 "Abeille... nice," He smiled before taking out his yoyo and searching it on it. He frowned as he watched a video of Malediktator who seemed to have taken control of the city hall. He also had Chloe and his wife at his side as well as Lady Noir. He frowned and put his yoyo away before turning to Abeille. "Alright, I'm gonna be frank with you, Abeille. Malediktator is a very tough enemy. He has the ability to make anyone do what he wants and he has Lady Noir captured,"
 "Oh no,"
 "Which is why I needed to get you," He continued before pointing to her spin top. "The spin-top is your weapon. Similar to my yoyo, it has multiple functions and can be used to help you move through the city. You can also spin it really fast to create a shield and use it to tie up enemies. It can be used as a phone and GPS locator as well as other thing. You also have the power to immobilize your opponent. You can activate this by pulling the spin top's string and saying venom but don't do it yet. You only get to use this power once and then you have five minutes before you transform back. Got it?"
 "Yes, sir," She grinned, making him smile. "But how do you plan to get defeat Malediktator?"
 "We need to get you close enough to use venom on him," He replied, making her nod before taking out his yoyo and showing her the footage. "But as you can see, he has taken over city hall and turned it into his fortress. If we go in head first, we'll be captured. We need to get close enough to observe him but not close enough to alert him off our presence,"
 "Why don't we hide on the building opposite city hall?" She asked, making him smile.
 "That's a good idea," He replied, moving over to the window and opening it before jumping out of it. Abeille followed him as he swung across to the city. The two of them jumped across the buildings and ran across the rooftops, causing Rose to want to squeal in excitement. She almost crashed into a wall but Anatis grabbed her arm and pulled her away from it. "Try to keep your head in the game, Abeille,"
 "I'm sorry, Anatis," She gasped as they jumped over another wall. "It's just... this is so exciting!!"
 "I get it," He smiled as they came closer to the city hall. They landed on the building opposite it and ducked down, causing him to frown as he saw Malediktator sat on a throne atop of the building. He had his wife and Chloe sat near him and Lady Noir curled up by his feet. Anatis frowned deeply as he glanced at her. While he was glad she was ok, he felt annoyed at the fact that Malediktator literally had her as his pet. He shook his head and moved his eyes over to the swat team that were acting as his guard. Suddenly, two balls of light flew towards them, causing the two of them to jump away from the hiding place as Malediktator smirked.
 "Did you think I wouldn't notice you there, Anatis?" He asked before creating two new ones. "By the power invested in me, I declare your miraculous are mine!"
 Anatis and Abeille jumped, avoiding the balls of light before the two of them threw their weapons at him but the swat team blocked it, making Anatis frown before they landed on the edge of the building. Abeille back-flipped away as Anatis ran in the other direction, jumping across to Malediktator. He tried to land a kick on him but once again, the swat team protected him. He swung away as Abeille took down some of the swat team but she had to jump away when Malediktator directed a ball of light towards her. He turned his attention back on Anatis as he swung up before turning his body and throwing his yoyo towards Malediktator. For the third time, the swat team blocked him, causing him to jump back as he dodged a ball of light. However, Malediktator stopped focusing on him and Abeille as Hawkmoth talked to him before smirking at the super villain's suggestion. He began to make a new ball of light.
 "By the power invested in me," He stated, lifting it into the air and make it increase in size. "I declare you all my slaves!"
 Abeille gasped as he made the ball of light massive, causing Anatis to frown.
 "We can't dodge that one, Anatis!" She gasped in fear.
 "He's going to take over the city," He mumbled, frowning. Abeille jumped up and threw her spin top at Malediktator but once again, the guard blocked it. Anatis whistled as she tried to kick the guard, causing her to jump back over to him as they hid on the building behind him. "Directly attacking isn't going to work,"
 "So what do we do?" She asked.
 "You need to get past that guard and get his sash. That's were the akuma is," He muttered, thinking before he took out his yoyo. "And to do that, we're gonna need a bit of luck... Lucky charm!"
 He threw his yoyo up in the air, summoning the magic bugs. He blinked in surprise as he caught the large machine gun.
 "Are we going to shoot him?" Abeille asked, making him frown as he glanced around for the answer. He smirked when Malediktator lit up, followed by Lady Noir. He glanced down at the gun and smiled as the laser was highlighted and finally, Abeille. He broke off the laser part and dumped the rest of the gun aside.
 "As if I'd use violence," He grinned, spinning it in his fingers. "I'll deal with the guard, you sting our esteemed mayor,"
 "Aye, aye, Captain," She grinned, saluting him before spinning her spin top, causing it to glow yellow. "Venom!!"
 She caught it as it pulsed before nodding at Anatis before the two of them jumped over to separate buildings. Abeille laid in wait as Anatis clicked the laser near Lady Noir, causing her to notice it and try to catch it with her hand. He smirked as he moved it, causing her to chase it as she repeatedly tried to capture it. He directed it on the back of one of the swat team, causing her to jump on him and knock him down. It also caused Malediktator to notice but he couldn't move as his bubble would become ineffective. Smirking to himself, Anatis moved it across the backs of the guard, causing Lady Noir to take them all out and knock them off the building as she chased the laser. Malediktator panicked and tried to tell her to stop but Anatis continued to move the laser until all of the swat team was off hanging off the building. He blinked it twice, giving Abeille a signal. She jumped out from her hiding place and dived at Malediktator, slamming the spin top into the middle of his chest before landing on the ground next to him as he froze. The giant bubble disappeared as she grabbed the sash and threw it to Anatis. He caught it and broke it in half, releasing the akuma. He took out his yoyo and captured it before releasing the purified version. He picked up the laser part and tossed it into the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magic swamp and fix everything. He smiled as it flew through the city, fixing the school before it came back and fixed city hall and Lady Noir before safely placing the swat team and the Bourgeois family in front of it before disappearing. Anatis jumped down with Abeille as Malediktator turned back to Mr Bourgeois as Audrey looked around confused before she began to shout at him. Chloe looked at them sadly before gasping and rushing over as she saw Anatis.
 "Anatis!" She gasped. "You totally saved me again!! Oh, I can I have a-"
 She stopped as she saw Abeille, causing Anatis to place his hand on his yoyo. She honestly looked like she was about to cry but she swallowed and smiled widely at Abeille before holding out her hand.
 "Hi, I'm Chloe Bourgeois, the previous Queen Bee. It's nice to meet you," She smiled, causing Abeille to shake it.
 "I'm Abeille. It's nice to meet you too," She replied, causing Chloe to break into a massive smile.
 "Would you mind if I took a selfie with you?" She gasped, causing Abeille to look to Anatis. He smiled and nodded as Lady Noir jumped down and leaned on his shoulder.
 "Aww, Annie, you made a new friend," She grinned in a teasing manner, making him laugh and pat her head. She grinned and leaned into his hand, causing him to laugh as Abeille and Chloe took a couple of selfies before their miraculous beeped. "Abeille, we need to go,"
 "Ok!" She grinned, turning to leave before she decided to hug Chloe, surprising the girl before she let go and ran over to Anatis. Chloe smiled and ran over to her parents before telling them off and dragging them away. The three heroes jumped up to the roofs and ran off but Lady Noir stopped and turned to them.
 "I'll let you do the thing, Annie," She grinned before turning to Abeille. "I hope next time he calls on you we get to actually work together,"
 "Me too, Lady Noir," She grinned, hugging her as well. Lady Noir grinned and patted her head before saluting. She walked to the edge of the building before turning around and blowing a kiss towards Anatis, making him blush and Abeille to gush before she hopped away. "Oh my gosh!! You two are so cute!!"
 He smiled but shook his head as they jumped down to an alleyway. Rose called off the transformation and said goodbye to Pollen before taking off the comb and handing it back to Anatis.
 "Thank you for choosing me, Anatis," She smiled. "I hope we get to do this again,"
 "Should there be an occasion that calls for the bee, I will come and find you," He smiled, placing it back in the box and hiding it in his yoyo. "Are you ok getting home?"
 "Yes, I'll be going to my friend's house tonight," She smiled as his earrings beeped. "Besides, you're about to transform back,"
 "Yeah, I'll have to go," He replied, making her nod before she hugged him suddenly. He smiled and hugged back before she pulled away and ran off, waving to him. He waved back and threw his yoyo up to the building. He ran across it as his earrings rapidly beeped before he jumped down into another alley. He caught Tikki and gave her a macaron before taking out the bee miraculous. He fixed it into his hair, causing Pollen to manifest.
 "Hello, my prince," She smiled as he took out a macaron for her. She thanked him and began to eat it as he smiled.
 "Do you approve off Rose?"
 "She makes an excellent bee," She smiled, moving on his shoulder as Tikki sat on the other one. He smiled and walked with them to Master Fu. Tikki and Pollen hid in his hoodie as he walked up to the shop and knocked on the door before walking inside. Master Fu looked up and smiled.
 "You've returned," He nodded, taking out the miracle box. Luka smiled at Pollen before taking the comb out of his hair and placing it back in the box. "I noticed that a new bee superhero made her debut today. Care to explain?"
 "Chloe was never my choice to wield the bee miraculous," He replied, making Master Fu nod. "And when I reclaimed it from her, I made it very clear that she would never have it again and that she would need to earn my trust to even be considered as one of my allies. I wasn't going to go back on my word,"
 "And the new bee?"
 "She's a friend," He smiled, making Master Fu nod. "Chloe is making progress though. She apologized to everyone and is trying to start again,"
 "Maybe she'll prove to be worthy then," Master Fu replied, making Luka nod. "Perhaps if you have some free time, we can go over some miraculous lore,"
 "Sure, Master," He smiled, kneeling down as Master Fu grabbed his tablet and joined him. Tikki flew over to Wayzz and settled next to him as they watched their two holders talk and learn. Tikki smiled with a little pride as she watched Luka name the miraculous and who the kwami was that resided within them. 
 "He seems like an excellent choice to be a ladybug,"
 "He's the best holder I've ever had," Tikki admitted, smiling. Wayzz looked over and smiled as well as Luka pointed out each ability.
 "He would make an excellent guardian,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/636700267461623808/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-37
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remmyswritings · 4 years
coffee or tea? part 7: caramel macchiato
HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL PUFFS! Here is part 7 of the coffee or tea series. So many of you had started binging it when I released part 6 and seeing your responses inspired me to finish part 7 asap. so here it is :) <3
taglist: @willowbleedsonpaper​ @summer-writes​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @firewhisky-kisses​ @potterverseimagine​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @masterofthedarkness​ @imboredandneedalife​ @lila-lilakk​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @kalimagik​ @62442-am​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @booksmusicteaandanimals​ @curious-curios​ @jenniweaslee​ @cherrycolakxsses​ @peeves-a-legend​ @heart-of-tempered-steel​
warning: there is a tiny bit of cursing
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When Y/N walked over to the cafe the next morning, hand-in-hand with Teddy, she was surprised to find her three best friends standing outside waiting for her. While she was expecting Luna as part of the daily deliveries of her mom’s pastries, she definitely wasn’t expecting Hermione and Ginny to be there as well. Then again, she hadn’t exactly gone back home after her date…
“It’s almost 12 darling,” Teddy and Y/N had long left the roof and instead were cuddled up in the comfort of Teddy’s living room. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you back to your flat?”
Y/N shook her head, “Teddy, it’s fine. Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable with you driving back here so late.”
“Ok, well I know Astoria always has an extra pair of pjs that you can borrow and I’ll take the sofa…” Teddy moved so that he could start getting the clothes when you grabbed his arm, stopping him. 
He turned to look at you, finding himself under an intense stare, “You are not going to take the sofa, Theodore.”
“Theodore, really?”
You nodded, “Yes, Theodore. Look I know that if I offer to take the sofa, you being the perfect gentleman will say no, so how about we just share your bed… if you are okay with that? And Draco is probably already asleep so if you don’t mind, I’ll just borrow a shirt of yours.”
“Ok,” Teddy whispered, his cheeks turning a light pink at the thought of sharing his bed with Y/N, “Let me get you a shirt then.” 
Teddy got off the bed and headed towards his drawers. He seemed to take his time, examining each and every shirt in front of him. It took a couple seconds of him digging deeper until he finally gave a face of satisfaction. He turns allowing you to finally see what he’s holding: an emerald green long-sleeved shirt.
“I remember you saying how you get really cold at night, so I figured this should work. You can change in the bathroom... just through there,” Teddy motions to the door across the hall from them. “I’ll wait in here ‘til you’re done.”
A couple minutes later, Y/N walked back into the room. Unlike her golden dress that had fit her perfectly, the current article of clothing that she wore swallowed her whole. She walked over to the bed and snuggled under the covers as she watched Teddy grab his own change of clothes and head to the bathroom. When he came out some time later, Y/N saw him wearing not only his pjs but a pair of glasses as well.
“I didn’t know you wore glasses,” she stared at Teddy, finding his appearance absolutely adorable. He could only nod his head in response, getting slightly flustered by the attention. After he got into bed next to Y/N she reached over and gave him a long kiss on the cheek. “I like them,” she whispered. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Teddy, resting her head on his chest, “Is this okay?”
“Ya it is,” one of Teddy’s hands went to Y/N’s hair running through it slowly, “Is this okay?”
Y/N hummed in content as she looked up at Teddy one last time before her eyes surrendered to exhaustion. 
When her eyes opened the next morning, Y/N found herself practically on top of Teddy. His hands held on to her waist fervently, while hers clung to Teddy’s shirts. Looking around, she saw the golden haze from the sun rise slowly fill the room and when she turned back to Teddy she couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he looked in that lighting. His brown, curly hair turned into a halo that adorned his face. Her hand moved up his chest slowly before she found it cupping Teddy’s face lightly. 
A couple seconds later, his eyes fluttered open, “Good morning Teddy.”
Teddy groaned and then brought Y/N closer to his body- which didn’t seem possible- hiding his face in the crook of her neck, “Morning.”
If Y/N found his appearance beautiful then she found his rumbly morning voice absolutely stunning. 
The two of them stayed like that for a couple more minutes until Y/N made the mistake of looking over at Teddy’s clock. She fell out of the bed in shock, “Shit!”
Her outburst woke Teddy up who sat upright on the bed, looking down at Y/N who was scurrying around the room, “What’s going on?”
“I have to go to work! Luna’s supposed to stop by with her mom’s pastries- and shit, I can’t show up to work wearing my dress from yesterday- I’m taking the opening shift by myself cause nobody else was free,” Teddy could only watch as Y/N started to pace as she mentally planned out what she would do before he stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders prompting her to stop.
He held her at arm’s length, “Look, first you need to take a deep breath or you are going to make yourself feel worse,” Teddy motioned for her to follow him as he led her through those breaths, “Now, why don’t you go take a quick shower and I’ll drive you over to your place so you can get dressed and then I’ll take you to the cafe.”
“Ok,” Y/N’s hands had stopped fidgeting slightly, “What about you? Don’t you need to take a shower?”
Teddy shook his head, “Don’t worry about me. You go and get ready alright.” Before pushing her out of his room, Teddy made sure to give her a kiss on her forehead. 
Thankfully, when Y/N came back Teddy was all ready to drive her to her flat, and was also willing to let her borrow a sweater which she might have ended up wearing to work.
Which is how they ended up where they were now, with Y/N’s friends waiting for her by the door, the three of them trying but failing to hold back the looks on their faces. 
She turned to Teddy, “They are probably gonna be hounding me for an explanation… so unless you want to sit through that, maybe you could stop by in say 30 minutes?”
“Ya, that’s fine by me,” Teddy gave her another kiss on her forehead before he looked at her with a teasing look, “Have fun with them darling.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as she met her friends at the door, opening up the cafe for the four of them. Just as she predicted, Ginny and Hermione bombarded her with questions and begged for a second-by-second recount of what happened the night before. Thankfully, when the first early-bird customers came through the door, they stopped the conversation and headed to the bar to let Y/N work. Exactly 30 minutes later, Teddy showed up looking slightly more refreshed with a bouquet in hand.  
Nothing could stop the blush that grew on her face when Teddy met her at the counter and it continued to grow after Teddy spoke, “Excuse me miss, I was hoping you could point me towards the beautiful barista who I went on an amazing date last night and is currently wearing my sweater.” 
“Teddy,” she whined out, “really?”
He nodded his head, “I’m just stating a fact sweetheart.”
“Well then, the barista that you are speaking of greatly enjoyed the date she went on with you, so much so that she hopes she’ll be able to go on more,” Y/N looked down at the sweater she was wearing, “Oh! And she finds your sweater very very comfy.”
Teddy blushed at Y/N’s comment about his sweater and couldn’t help the stutter that came out, “W-well I think she should keep it. It suits her a lot better,” then he realized the line that was forming behind him, “Anyway, what do you recommend for me today sweetheart?”
“Today’s more of a sweet mood, so how about a caramel macchiato?” Teddy nodded.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, “Alrighty then… one caramel macchiato for Teddy coming right up!”
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unfunny-quips · 4 years
Snippets from The 22 Deaths of a Fool (an akeshu fic that I’ll eventually write more for).
Makoto’s week started far too early Monday morning with a call about a body being fished out of the bay.
It was supposed to start with a nice breakfast with Haru. Makoto had been looking forward to testing the latest scone recipe her wife had come up with for the cafe and enjoying the freshly roasted coffee Haru had made special just for them. Their schedules had been hectic recently, not leaving them with much time to see each other outside of curling together in an exhausted heap on the couch for a bit before shuffling off to bed.
There was no helping it, unfortunately. Between Okumura Industries’ newest restaurant branch Grand Opening pulling most of Haru’s time not spent at the cafe and the precinct being critically understaffed there was little time left for each other. Makoto’s captain had promised that at least a few more detectives were going to be pulled in from other precincts around the city - and apparently one all the way from Osaka - but until they actually were transferred Makoto was stuck handling the casework of three people. She didn’t even have a partner anymore to share the workload with since her last one had quit to pursue a career in writing romance novels.
She couldn’t even be mad. Not really. Himura’s novels were a delight to read and Makoto had bought every last one he’d written over the past three years and even had him sign them for her. He never seemed so happy as he did the day of his retirement party when he was loudly recounting all the time he would have to focus on his next series.
So, overworked and underprepared, it was to the bay she went. Dark circles under her eyes from not enough sleep and her wife’s coffee on hand as she trudged her way through the chill autumn morning. Haru had been nice enough to drag herself out of their warm bed and make a thermos for her while she showered and got ready. Makoto didn’t know what she’d do without her. Probably walk into traffic in an exhausted, uncaffeinated daze.
She arrived at the scene almost awake just as the body was being carefully zipped up and placed on a gurney, the coroner finishing up her notes as Makoto donned the last of her appropriate crime scene gear and carefully picked her past where the the forensic techs were scouring the area for evidence and towards the perpetually hunched form of the coroner.
“Dr. Ito.” Makoto greeted, only just managing not to yawn. The Coroner worked nights and by all rights should have already gone home by now rather than dragging her exhausted self to an early morning crime scene. She didn’t need Makoto yawning to remind her of how long she’d been on shift.
“Detective Niijima. Nice to see you this beautiful morning.” Ito said flatly, looking more dead eyed and exhausted than usual. A feat in and of itself, especially with her wild mess of hair tucked back under the hood of her clean suit and her tired eyes half hidden behind a pair of safety glasses. Ito nodded towards the bodybag now being loaded up onto the transport. “Won’t be able to tell more til I get him back to the office, but so far it looks like you have an interesting one on your hands this time.”
Makoto tilted her head, “Oh?” She asked. Ito was good at her job, exceptionally good, but had an air of apathy to her that rarely was shaken. Makoto had come to learn over the past few years that the coroner wasn’t actually indifferent to the victims she encountered or the cases she helped work on, but rather just worn out. Fifteen years on the job could do that to a person. 
That Ito looked so interested now spoke of one thing for the case: trouble.
“Yep.” Ito said, “The call reporting the body came in a bit over three hours ago from port security. Me and the techs have been on the scene for about two hours.” Ito jabbed a gloved finger over her shoulder towards transport, “Everything I’ve seen in the report so far shows sightings of our victim drifting around since 2:06am. That’s four hours. And it’s very likely based on what the tech’s told me about the currents here in the port that our friend was probably pushed in from the bridge over the course of several hours,” Ito spread her hands wide, “So in the water probably since midnight and yet our victim looks fresh as a daisy. Barely any sign of decomp on him at all. Hell just you and me talking and not official? Looks like he could have died minutes ago.”
Makoto blinked. “That’s….” 
Unsettling. To say the least.
“Yeah, I know.” Ito nodded, “Like I said, I won’t really know for sure until I get him back at the office and really start digging into things. But that’s not all.”
Unease pooled in her stomach at that. A faint warning at the back of her mind she couldn’t quite name just yet. Frowning behind her face mask. “What else is there?”
Ito glanced over her notes, “For the most part he looks fairly normal. Male. Black hair. Appears to be in mid to late twenties in good shape. 175cm tall. No apparent injuries or cause of death. Then there’s the tattoo.” The coroner pointed up at her covered head, “Right dead center of his forehead he has two Xs. Like roman numerals. And that’s not even getting to his eyes. Never seen anything like it before. Bright gold.”
“Gold?” Makoto found her mind, still a bit foggy at the edges, snapped wide awake at that. “What do you mean? Like contacts or?”
Ito shook her head. “I checked and nothing. I thought it was a trick of the light first but my assistant confirmed it and we double checked the pictures the photographer took.” Ito shifted, “Certain diseases can be known to cause a copper ring in the eye, I’m thinking it might be something similar. Certainly will make it easier to identify him.”
“Right,” Makoto said, feeling far away from her body. She watched blankly as Ito finished up her notes and climbed into the coroner’s van. 
Golden eyes.
Apprehension crept at the back of her neck, a faint dread she couldn’t quite explain settling on her shoulders as she thought of a world long gone to her. A world of shadows and monsters and gods. A world of golden eyes.
A world that shouldn’t exist anymore.
Ren Amamiya stood still and quiet in the doorway of Sae’s office, eyes hidden beneath a tangle of dark bangs as he stared at the floor before him.
Sae hadn’t even noticed him arrive, so intent on making sure she didn’t drop the oversized pile of paperwork in her arms as she hauled it over to her desk. She’d just made him out in her periphery as glanced down, and nearly jumped out of her own skin as she did so. She very nearly flung the files in her arms across the room - which would have been a nightmare to gather back up and get back into order.
She should have never let Tae talk her into watching that horror movie the other night, she’d been jumpy ever since. 
Swearing under her breath as she realized just who it was lurking there she sighed, “Ren, god, you scared me half to death.” Adjusting her hold on the folders in her arms she added, “I always thought Makoto was exaggerating when she said you needed a bell on you. Here, give me a second to put these down. 
Turning away from the boy in the doorway she dropped the files onto her desk, glancing at the clock that ticked away next to her computer, the soft clicks of the mechanism turning slowly turning the hands the only sound in the still office. Last minute before midnight, no wonder she was so wired. The files could wait until morning when she could recruit the legal secretary to help her pour over them.
“What are you even doing here so late?” She asked her unexpected guest absently. Her attention was on shuffling the file folders into a neater pile - exhausted or no, there was no need for clutter. Once some semblance of order was in place she looked up at him with a small smile. “Don’t tell me you need a lawyer.”
Ren was no longer in the doorway. Only empty air and the reception area beyond with it’s expansive windows that overlooked the glittering city beyond.
She paused, brows furrowed in confusion. She hadn’t heard him leave. Well, she supposed she hadn’t heard him arrive either - and something buzzed faintly at the back of her mind at that thought. A warning that she’d missed something.
Frowning she shook it off and strode across the room to the open door. Knowing Ren, he’d likely seen the chance for a prank after seeing how spooked she’d been earlier. Maybe even had come in the first place for that exact purpose, Sae had mentioned he’d swung by the clinic recently. Sae didn’t doubt the doctor and the thief might hatch up a plan together to try and rattle her in the wake of the horror movie debacle.
The reception area was empty when she leaned out, no sign of Ren at all.
She frowned.
While her office only had her desk lamp on, lengthening the shadows and giving her eyes a rest from the fluorescent overheads, the reception area was still brightly lit. There were now dark corners for Ren to hide behind, and from where her office was she could see behind the reception desk. The other offices were locked up tight, and though she didn’t doubt that the thief could open one and slip inside in the sparse seconds it took her to cross the room, she doubted that he would just to pull a prank on her.
“Ren?” She called, leaning to see if he had tucked himself behind one of the plants by the elevator. He wasn’t there. Her frown deepened. Had she imagined him there after all? She hadn’t thought so. For all Ren tended to blend into a crowd when he wanted to go unnoticed, his presence was a difficult thing to ignore once you knew him. He had that kind of charisma, even back when he’d been in highschool. Bruised, beaten and drugged half out of his mind and still able to convince her to help him. He’d only grown into himself more in the ten years that followed.
There was no answer to her call. Her frown deepened.
She’d call him, she decided. If he was playing a prank on her, whatever cheerful sugar-pop ringtone Futaba had set him up with this week would give him away. Mind settled she turned -
And came face to face with Ren, a scant few inches behind her.
With a swear she jumped and stumbled back, catching herself on the doorframe so that she didn’t tumble to the floor entirely. 
Ren didn’t make a move towards her, no attempt to reach out and help her, no offered apologies for scaring her so badly. Just stood there, still as a statue with shoulders hunched awkwardly up around his ears. His head was dipped down towards the floor, chin nearly to his chest. His face was obscured by the odd angle and the wild mess of his dark hair. His clothes, too, were wrong. A frayed and thin jumpsuit, black and white stripes, a shackle on each wrists as they hung limply by his sides. There were heavy chains hanging from them, pooling at his bare feet.
Something was wrong.
The thought settled coldly in her stomach, made the hair at the back of her neck prickle and heart hammer in her chest. She felt cold, looking at him, her hands shaking and fingers numb. Ren wasn’t speaking, wasn’t moving, wasn’t breathing.
That gnawing thought from before, that sense that she missed something from just moments ago. Seeing Ren now, awkward and strange and wrong, it made the pieces click in place.
She hadn’t heard the elevator. Hadn’t heard the squealing of the stairwell door being pulled open either. Ren had always been light on his feet, a cat’s grace with the same tendency to get in trouble, but even then he would have had to slide in through a window in order to not have been heard arriving on the floor. A tricky thing to do twenty stories up.
“Ren?” She asked, cautious, voice wavering slightly in the sudden stillness of the room. Her throat felt tight.
A distant echo at the back of her mind, some ancient instinct shivering in warning. Not of danger, per se, but of something. She felt as if she was something very small and very helpless standing in the shadow of a giant about to collapse. Rooted to the spot despite knowing that the crash of the colossus might kill her.
Something dripped from his face to the floor. She thought, for the briefest of seconds, that it was a tear. That Ren might be crying but as her eyes flicked down she saw that no. Not tears. Blood. Thick and dark, sliding from his hidden face and collecting in a horrible constellation at their feet.
“I’m sorry.”
Her body trembled at his voice, cold fear icing her veins. Soft and thready, more whimper than whisper. It was not his voice that made her shake, not exactly, but something in it. A high clear note she couldn’t identify that made her ears ring and her bones throb. She felt it in her chest, felt her breaths struggle beneath the weight of it. She thought that her knees might buckle beneath the weight of it.
His head, slowly, began to lift. The movement was wrong - it was all wrong - too slow, too fast, too at odds with the way a human’s body was supposed to work.
She saw his eyes first.
Gleaming and golden, shining all the brighter against the dark blood that covered his face. No, not covered. His face was simply gone. The flesh around his eyes torn away grotesquely, it looked almost like a mask.
Her feet were rooted to the spot, body locked in place by the horrible desperate expression he held. She wanted to run, wanted to flee, but her body wouldn’t obey. Even as he took a shambling awkward step, body still not moving the way it should, the way someone as graceful and languid as Amamiya Ren was meant to move. He shambled and stumbled, hands raised - and they too were red, fingernails torn and hand stained, god it looked like he’d torn his face off. The thought made her want to scream, everything about the situation made her want to scream.
“I’m…I’m so sorry.” He collapsed into her, hands - cold, cold, cold - desperately clung to her. She felt the chill of his skin down to her very bones, felt the weight of fear and oddly grief choking her. Not her own, not entirely. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…”
He whimpered it like it was a prayer. His words looping on each other again and again, apologies she couldn’t understand crashing over her, drowning her. That sound that tainted his voice worsened, making her head spin and her stomach churn. He sagged into her hold - when did she move? When did her arms reach up to catch him, when did she become the one keeping him in place? - and they both collapsed to the floor.
She was crying. Cold tears sliding down her cheeks and landing on his torn and tattered face. His eyes were so wide, so frightened that she felt sick as his terror crashed and entwined with her own.
And then she felt the solidness of his body give. 
His shoulders, his back, crumbling beneath the weight of her hold as if he was no more than wet paper. Inch by inch he collapsed into himself, black cracks appearing over him - not just his skin, but his eyes and even his clothes - the splintering spidery lines of cracked porcelain. Where he’d already crumbled was only black ash, flaking away and falling apart in her hands.
His mouth, half deteriorated already, opened.
“I’m so sorry.”
Sae jerked awake at her desk, nearly knocking over the cold cup of coffee at her elbow. Her heart pounded in her chest and she panted as her gaze darting around the dark corners of her office.
A dream. Just a dream.
She’d fallen asleep while pouring over her files and had another nightmare from the horror movie Tae showed her. That was all. 
She’d should just go home and try to get some actual rest, maybe watch a comedy to settle her mind. And tomorrow, tomorrow she’d call Ren and see if he wanted to meet up for lunch. Just as a reassurance, just to see a friend. And maybe - Her hands stilled where she’d been gathering up her things, eyes wide as she stared.
The clock read midnight.
There was ash staining her fingertips.
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