#I’ll be honest I think even though he yelled a lot pete was the most reasonable one
Now I’m older I’m starting to realise I’m becoming like Pete from Shaun of The Dead lmao
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le-trash-prince · 8 months
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Trying to convince everyone (himself included) that he’s loyal to Tony above all else, meanwhile he let Jeff escape!
He let Pete get away, TWICE!
He’s trying to let all these little things slip by unnoticed, trying to reduce the harm while still participating in the cycle and refusing to free himself
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I have a lot of things to say about this scene but most of all I KNEW KENTA WAS HELPING JEFF
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You will not catch me ignoring Kenta’s crimes because they are central to his character and the inner conflict that defines his arc!
I know he’s about to truly step the fuck up in the last episode though, this is the shape of the story and I will not be convinced otherwise. He has already agreed to help X-Hunter by the time he is on his knees in front of Tony, I just fucking know it.
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Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this scene I ate up EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF THIS. Sorry but I am EXTREMELY WEAK FOR THIS SHIT. Beg harder Kenta, please! Make him feel more worthless Tony, PLEASE! There is no point in me having a pathetically loyal dog coded blorbo if we don’t lean into his pathetically loyal dogginess as much as possible. Watching him beg this terrible heartless man for validation that he will never receive PROVIDES ME MENTAL ENRICHMENT ACTUALLY.
I have more to say about this scene I have WORDS I HAVE SO MANY WORDS
If Kenta doesn’t get to be the one to stab Tony I will be VERY sad. Everyone deserves to stab Tony but Kenta is the knife.
Will he finally get out of the house next week, though? Will I get the opportunity for missing scene fic where he and Kim share a room? Will I get a product placement scene of them brushing their teeth together? PROBABLY NOT but a dude can dream!!
I’ll be honest I was pacing so frantically before this episode I went out and did some fucking gardening. But even with no KimKenta scenes I enjoyed the shit out of this and I have eaten well thank you Pit Babe for making me lose my mind yet again, I’m gonna go dive into more cohesive thoughts soon!!
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elliesguitarstrings · 3 years
Could you please write an imagine where Peter always puts y/n second to Tony, ditching her all the time & she’s tired of it. One evening, they’re in his room & she’s unusually quiet so he asks her about it. She tells him what’s on her mind but he denies it, thinking they’re ok. As they continue to talk, Tony calls & he immediately answers. Y/n just sighs & silently slips out intending on going home. When Peter notices that she’s left, he finally realizes y/n’s concerns & manages to catch up to her & apologizes for how he’s treated her. Sorry if it’s too specific 💖
thank you for the request hun! this turned out a lot longer than i expected lmao
warnings: language, angst
The past five months with Peter have been bittersweet. You love him, and he’s definitely expressed that he loves you, but sometimes it feels like you aren’t his number one priority. You understand that he has other duties, being a superhero and all and you’ve tried your best to respect that. But him being a superhero isn’t the problem exactly. It’s what comes with it. Aka Tony Stark.
Peter not only looks up to Tony as a father figure, he practically worships him like a god. He’s flaked out on dates, missed anniversaries, and constantly declined calls from you, all because of “Mr. Stark.” It’s always “Mr. Stark needs me to do this,” or “Mr. Stark told me to do that,” or “guess what Mr. Stark and I talked about today!” and frankly, it’s pushing you over the edge.
You don’t want to break up with Peter, you love him a lot. Plus, he’s already going through enough shit right now, a breakup is probably the last thing he needs. But you don’t know what else to do at this point. Why even bother trying to be in a relationship with him if he barely pays attention to you?
You’re in Peter’s room studying as you are every day after school, and he’s going on another one of his excited rants about the new tech Tony added to his Spiderman suit. Usually you would at least try to listen to what he’s saying and add a few comments, but today you don’t have the energy. So you just start on your homework while he rambles on. 
He finally notices that you aren’t paying attention and stops mid sentence. “Hey, you’re unusually quiet today, what’s up with you?”
You sigh, not really wanting to get in a fight with him right now. “Nothing Pete, I’m fine. Just a little tired that’s all.”
He closes the textbook you have sitting open on your lap and throws it off the bed. You shriek, “Hey, what the fuck was that for?” You didn’t mean to yell, but given your already exasperated mood, it came out a little more harsh than you intended.
Peter doesn’t seem phased though. “Come on, I know there’s something going on. Just tell me. You know you can tell me anything, right?” he pleads.
“Peter, I already told you. I’m fine.” you insist.
“I know that look Y/N, you’re not fine. So tell me what’s up.”
You know he won’t drop it until you tell him, so you decide to just let it out. “Fine, you want to know what’s up, I’ll tell you what’s up. For the entire time we’ve been dating it feels like I’m not your number one. But you know who is? Tony fucking Stark. I’m putting my full effort into this relationship, giving my full attention to you. And I assumed you would do the same for me, but whenever Tony Stark calls, you drop everything and do whatever he says. I get that he’s a mentor to you, and I get that you look up to him, but I’m your girlfriend Peter. You aren’t giving me even half the attention you give to Tony, and it really fucking hurts. And most of the time it feels like I’m just getting in the way of your superhero duties and shit and it would just be easier for you if we weren’t together.”
Peter stares at you, dumbfounded, as if he’s been completely oblivious to what he’s been doing the whole time. And to be honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if he has been. He scoots closer to you on the bed, taking his hands in yours. “I’m so sorry Y/N, I had no idea you felt that way. But I promise that you mean just as much, or more, to me than Mr. Stark. And you’re definitely not getting in the way, I love you so much, and I would hate it if we weren’t in a relationship.”
“You swear?” 
“I swear. I love you so fucking much Y/N.” he pauses, “How about I make it up to you by taking you on a date tonight? Does that sound good?” he smiles.
���Yeah, that sounds great. Let me just finish up this assignment and then we can go. But can we just go to like, Delmar’s or something not super fancy because I don’t feel like changing.” you laugh.
“Sure, whatever you want baby.”
You pick up your books, a little more relieved about the whole situation. At least he apologized and owned up to his mistake, so it was a start. You two continue to talk as you finish your work, Peter mindlessly scrolling through his phone and occasionally helping you with an equation if you need it. 
You finally finish the agonizing assignment, “Alright Peter, ready to go?”
“Yeah! Let me just grab-” his phone starts to ring. You look at the screen to see that of course, it’s the one and only Tony Stark. 
He picks up after the first ring. Not even bothering to ask if it was okay if he took the call quickly. This just makes everything worse. After the whole conversation you just had, after pouring your heart out to him about your feelings, he still doesn’t seem to give a shit.
You slump back down on the bed, waiting and waiting for Peter to finally get off the phone. You watch as his face lights up, talking to Tony about some new formula for his webs. His face never lights up like that when he’s talking to you.
By now it’s been at least thirty minutes of Peter rambling to Tony about stuff that you can’t even begin to understand. By the time he gets off the phone, Delmar’s will probably be closed and there won’t be any more reservations available at any other restaurants near you. You silently gather up your books and get up off the bed. Peter is facing away from you, repeatedly pacing back and forth around one side of his room, so he doesn’t notice when you quickly slip out the already open door. 
As soon as you leave his room, the tears start threatening to come out, and it isn’t until you finally slam his front door and start running down the stairs that they finally roll down your cheeks. As soon as you reach the landing of the stairs, you fall to the ground, violent sobs leaving you as you bury your face in your hands. You love this boy, you’re giving your entire heart and soul to him, while he’s on the phone with his fucking lord and savior Tony Stark, not even noticing that you’re gone.
You hear a door open and close on the floor above and you quickly try to compose yourself. The last thing someone wants to see is a teenage girl having  a breakdown in the stairwell of their apartment building. But you aren’t fast enough. You hear them coming down the steps and stopping behind you. You’re too embarrassed to open you eyes or show your face, so you say, “Sorry, just go around. I, um, fell down but I’m okay.”
You feel a hand touching your shoulder and you take your hands away from your face, opening your puffy eyes slightly to see the person standing next to you. And you’d recognize those old, warn sneakers anywhere. It’s Peter.
“You fell? Are you okay? Y/N I’m so sorry this is all my fault I’m such a jerk and I’m so stupid. I never should have picked up the phone and I realized it as soon as I answered the call but it seemed really important so I didn’t want to hang up but now you’re hurt and I feel so terrible-”
You cut him off, “Peter I’m fine. I didn’t fall. I was just crying.” you say bluntly, not meeting his gaze.
“Well I’m glad you’re not hurt but that still doesn’t make me feel much better. Because I know you’re crying because of me.”
“Yeah Peter, I am crying because of you. And I think you know why.” you sniffle, tears still streaming down your cheeks. “I really, really don’t want us to end Peter. But if you’re going to keep ignoring me and putting me second to Tony then I don’t know if I can keep doing this.” you cry, still keeping your gaze on the floor.
“Y/N no, please no.” Peter pleads. He cups your chin and brings your face up to meet his. “Look at me Y/N, because I need you to hear this. I’m in love with you, and I know like lately it probably doesn’t seem like it, and that’s all my fault. I feel terrible, but I’m just so scared that I’m gonna disappoint Mr. Stark. He already took my suit away once, and I can’t afford to lose it again.” He sighs, noticing he’s getting off track. “But I can’t afford to lose you either. You’re so fucking important to me, and I need you. I need you more than that suit, more than Mr. Stark, fuck, I need you more than anything in the world. I know that I’ve been a dick and I haven’t proved that I love you as much as I do. And you have every right to break up with me, so I won’t stop you if you do.” His thumb strokes your cheek, wiping your tears away. “But I just needed you to know that. I needed you to know how much you mean to me. How much I love you.”
“I’m not gonna break up with you Peter,” you say softly. He sighs in relief, but you continue. “But that doesn’t mean you’re forgiven either. I love you so much, and I know you love me, but from now on you need to put in more effort into this relationship.”
“I will, I promise. Mr. Stark actually asked me if I could stop by the compound today, but I, um, I said no because I promised to take you out. And I told him not to call me for the rest of the week unless it’s an absolute emergency.”
You smile, “Thank you Peter. That’s definitely a start.”
He smiles and helps you stand up, you calming down a little more. “I think Delmar’s is still open if you still want to go.” he states.
“Honestly, I think I’d rather just stay in with you.” 
“That’s fine baby, whatever you want. And again, I’m really really sorry, I can’t say it enough how terrible I feel about all of this. I love you and I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.” he takes your hand as you walk back up to his apartment.
“I know Pete, and I love you too, always remember that.”
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 1
T/N: I mostly didn’t translate a lot of the names of the ayakashi/youkai, as well as the proper nouns because uhm... They’re basically nouns. It’s like how some translated manga are done. Plus it irks me sometimes when everything just gets transliterated, it kills off the vibe. But that’s just me. Links to references at the end of the post.
Also if you like this translation, you can share the link, reblog, but for pete’s sake DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. I worked hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just Google-translated this whole sh**..
If you need refreshers on what happened, @kakuriyo-translations​ already had the previous translations. I’m just contributing to this fandom. Also, as previously mentioned in my other post, the 2 seasons of the anime cover volumes 1-5, so if you need a review just rewatch them all. Volume 6 starts here.
OK, here’s the stuff now.
Volume 6 - I got hired as a novice in an Ayakashi Inn** From the back cover: Autumn has visited the Ayakashi living in Kakuriyo's long-established inn Tenjin-ya. Aoi who was kidnapped by the rival inn Orio-ya, finally ended through her cooking the hardships of, and cleared the curse of the Southern Lands. Returning home victoriously, what awaits this lady are her friends in Tenjin-ya, the warmth, and the everyday busy-ness! While thinking of new souvenir products and preparing and pushing for the Autumn Festival, she reopens her Japanese Restaurant "Yugao". That time, she was invited by Odanna-sama to a fruit orchard date. Surely him always inviting her out never changed, as time after the Orio-ya incident passes her by, is she realizing that she's starting to think that she wants to know more about Odanna-sama...?
From the inside front jacket: Yuuma Midori (Author)A citizen from Fukuoka. Her debut publication published by Alpha Police: Marrying my wife is a dangerous circumstance with a giant demonic beast. Changing her pen-name after that, she published Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi, I married into an Ayakashi Inn. Currently  Fujimi Bun-ko's big hit, and is now an illustrated series released by B-s LOG COMICS.
Character introduction page Tenjin-ya: An old-established place in North-eastern Kakuriyo, where Ayakashi dwell. Under the Ogre-god's (Onigami) leadership, many visiting Ayakashi helped it flourish, although sometimes humans make visits too. Odanna-sama: Master of Kakuriyo's Tenjin-ya, an Onigami respected by many Ayakashi. Even though Aoi should be wedded to him, his true intentions are currently unknown, as he watches the lady's speech and behavior. Tsubaki Aoi: College student who was whisked away against her own will in order to pay for her grandfather's debt in Tenjin-ya. Refusing Odanna-sama's marriage proposal, with her talents in cooking she manages her own Japanese restaurant, Yugao.
T/N: The volume title is a pun, it can go like "a new hire gets into an ayakashi inn" or "newly-harvested rice enters the ayakashi inn". No complaints though, but I won't spoil anything lol
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6, Chapter 1: Autumn's Newly-harvested Rice's** Accompaniment P5 "Aoi-san! We're already at our limit!" "Gah, so far, today...." That was in the last days of September in Yugao. I, Tsubaki Aoi, scrunching my face in vexation, took a peep in the refrigerator with hardly any ingredients left. Confronting and attacking the food rations altogether, it seems that they're now all gone. I wonder if in today's opening, will the incoming guests ever cease?
Lately, Yugao's business has been spectacular all over, it has been a very, very busy time. On days when there are so many customers, when the ingredients are all used up midway, the restaurant has to close shop early, and while we're preparing so many ingredients before reopening again, on those days that we have to regulate incoming customers, not many come in and the restaurant becomes bare of people, controlling the number of incoming guests is difficult. I wonder what I'll do if it's just me doing everything inside the restaurant, and I feel like I'm already at my limit... "That matter at Orio-ya, the thing about the ceremony and all the different things have been dramatized and turned upside-down in so many ways, it has become Kakuriyo's hot topic. Aoi-san has become something that livened-up the world, and Ayakashi have been interested and drawn to you, haven't they? Even Yugao has become famous..."
T/N: It's frustrating to translate the term for newly-harvested rice. Coming from a rice-eating culture like Japan and the rest of Asia, it's easy to categorize all stages of rice because there are words that exist for that. Like they say, languages are shaped by the needs of the users. Unfortunately, English has none of those so yeah, from here on end I'll be using the term newly-harvested rice here because to be honest, it tastes a lot better than rice stocked for a long time. That one tastes dry and bland even when cooked, while newly-harvested rice smells fragrant, has a soft texture, and just doesn't taste moldy lol
P6 While on a short break from cleaning up and arranging the place after business hours, Ginji-san and I were eating dried persimmons given to us by a customer as we sat on the counters while sipping tea. "Ginji-san, you were keenly saying that, but I wasn't intending on making a ruckus in Kakuriyo." "Yes, I understand. Ayakashi have been noticing, in their own ways... Thanks to Yugao, our business is booming!" Ginji-san's tired face turned and changed into a very happy one, meanwhile I was getting anxious. As someone who is burdened with a debt I am happy that the restaurant is flourishing, even though the place is getting better overall, there are many hindrances coming out with regards to cooking, and in spite of our efforts, I still feel bad for the customers that come in. Ah, but unrelated to that, this dried persimmon tastes really good. It's center is soft and moist, and sweet, yet a faint aftertaste of the puckery seed still remains, but I love that taste. Even if the people that I hated then are that much, a lot of Grandpa's treasured food makes me yearn for the good old days. "Very soon, Yugao will need to hire new employees, don't you think so?" "New employees? Really? Well, if it's just Ginji-san and I, it's already impossible..." I agreed with Ginji-san's suggestion. Ever since we opened, the two of us had been giving our all. To put it in words, we need someone other than Ginji-san to be designated with a job post. All the more that I think Yugao needs a new staff. "Since it seems that Aoi-san is concentrating on making the dishes, you might want the new staff to bear the task of receiving guests. P7 Would you like to try putting up a "Now Hiring" sign in Tenjin-ya's announcement board?" "I wonder who would come to apply?" What kind of brand-new staff will we hire? "Aoi-sama, you're cruel!" Instantly, from the pendant that contains ogre-fire, popped out Ai-chan. She looks like me, but her cheeks were swelling with annoyance. "Why, you call me your family, and at the same time hire me as your employee! If that's the case, tell me what to do!" "Well now, Ai-chan is very eager to work?" "You haven't spoken to me in a very long time..." Is that so? I tried to recall. When I called Ai-chan out to learn about the basics of cooking, that time she went out and played with Chibi. I think Ai-chan is still an Ayakashi child, and she still haven't got the idea on what it means to be an employee. "But Ai-chan, if you feel sleepy, you can't return to the pendant. Also, on top of that, it would be weird when there's two of us working here at Yugao..." Ginji-san looked at Ai-chan and I. P8 I wonder what he thinks of us having similar faces. "Oh, that, uhm... Aoi-san is most concerned about Ai-chan, and it is that you would want to work, but I think it's surely awkward when there is someone that looks like Aoi-san, won't it?" "Wh.. Why is that...? Young master-sama, I want to work too..." Ai-chan begged earnestly to Ginji-san with her teary eyes. My face tells it all, and Ginji-san also sees that it can turn into a crazy situation, and we stuttered. "Uhm, that's... That is..." Her eyes started swimming in tears. "But we could cause confusion with the customers. They'll think Ai-chan is me, and I am Ai-chan..." "I'm definitely sure that can happen... This is not related to Yugao's business operations, but it's possible that I can swap places with a family who looks like me, but really you are a precious being. With that, won't it be better to hide?" "Really?" "Yes... If my look-alike and I were both working in here, we may have a trump card,but evil people may take advantage of that too. Because of that, Ai-chan who can do things must hide in her favorite place..." Ginji-san glimpsed at teary-eyed Ai-chan who was biting her lower lip like a child and scratching her forehead. P9 "In order for Ai-chan to work in this restaurant, there are two conditions, OK? One, when you're in duty, you can't go to sleep. The other is that you have to change your appearance into someone else's." "Someone else's appearance..." Ai-chan and I huddled and titled our heads. The thing about not sleeping is reasonable and understandable. "About that, how do I change into someone else?" "I'm sorry. That's something that you must learn on your own. Be original, OK?" "O..ri...gi..nal..?" It seems that Ai-chan doesn't understand what that means. "Well, let's see. Let's use Tokihiko-san from Orio-ya as an example.** In the beginning, that person was just made up of many little Youkai flames**, but right now he can't change into anything else, he can only change into the shape he already has. If you change your appearance into someone else, if you change it to look like me, that's a whole different level, but Ai-chan is still a child, I wonder if she can understand?" But Ai-chan yells "I'll do it!" and raises her hand in proclamation. "I'll do my best in making my own appearance!" "Wooooowwww..." Ginji-san and I lightly clapped our hands for Ai-chan who was in high spirits.
T/N: In Volume 3, where Shizuna and Tokihiko meet again, like the episodes before the Orio-ya arc, it was briefly explained that ayakashi are formed from objects, when the consciousness enters the objects and make them sentient. I’ll probably translate that once I finished volumes 6-10, or maybe not. P10 "But because it's sleepy-time, I'll go back to the pendant!" "Whaaat." She immediately returned into ogre-fire, and Ai-chan hid back into the pendant in my bosom. The pendant's flickering light makes it seem like Ai-chan was sleeping and snoozing peacefully inside. "She seems serious, about the whole 'What appearance should I make' thing." "As soon as she wanted to slep, she already entered a new period of growth. In just a short time, I think she's already like an Ayakashi that stays awake late at night... It's because Ayakashi by nature don't sleep that much." "It's not like that, it's just that employes and everyone else just have short sleeping schedules. It's toxic**, it's something I thought of, but it's not really like that..." "No, it's not something like that. It's because Tenjin-ya also considerably receives nice wholesome** citizens of Kakuriyo. And that is why it's always very busy." "What, wait, doesn't that make it mixed**?" Well, whatever, I only sleep 10 minutes everyday, and even though it's a rest day tomorrow, it's not a problem for me. And for sure, when that busy day comes, I'd be very happy to receive Ai-chan's help. Whatever that child's appearance would make, I'll be looking forward to it.
T/N: the original words used were BLACK, WHITE, and GRAY. Black is considered to be the dark side of things aka toxic workplaces, White is the usual nice and wholesome facade, and the Gray was just inserted to complete the pun because in color theory thingy, BLACK+WHITE=GRAY. But that's just me lol You have been warned that this light novel uses a lot of puns P11 "Aoi--- Fooooood---" "Oh, that person's here." That person, is that Yuki-onna. Always, after Yugao's business hours, it's always the same, she always comes, the former Young Mistress but is now the waitress O-ryo. "Now's not a good time, O-ryo. There's none already." "Waaait, again? No rice? Even the rice is gone too?" "Even if I cook the rice, that's just it. Tomorrow is Yugao's rest day, and there aren't any excess ingredients here." "Then as long as there's rice that can be cooked, it's fine. I really love rice. Newly-harvested rice** is the most delicious, isn't it?" If that's the case, then there's nothing else to eat here, Ginji-san and I whispered to each other. But O-ryo just invited herself in the counters, and I had no choice but to stand up and start preparing to cook the rice. Just as O-ryo said, it's already the season of delicious rice. Especially in the land of Ogre's Gate, the rice brand "Onihonoka" is a famous specialty and souvenir, harvested either in the last days of August to the first days of September, polished immediately after harvest and is now back in the market. P12 But, if we use newly-harvested rice here in Yugao, it's distinct grains that contain a lot of moisture can really rake in the positive points. When cooking rice it is common that the little water added will decrease as it cooks, and it tastes all the more better. I wonder if O-ryo can wait for 30 minutes as the rice gets soaked.** "Wait, O-ryo sama!" The next one who came in was that horse chestnut girl, with her signature Tanuki ears and the round, fluffy tail. It was Tenjin-ya's lower-ranking waitress, Kasuga. "We thought we lost the bottle opener at the banquet hall. O-ryo sama, when your duties ended you immediately went to Yugao, and our new-hired waiters and waitresses had to search here and there. I was about to do some deliveries but I had to take charge of our newbies." "Oh, really? Kasuga, why didn't you just remember to let your juniors do it?" "But it's O-ryo sama's fault. All of the juniors and everyone has been doing their best here." "Oh, fine, there, there. Kasuga, you're also giving it your all, OK?" Whether it's because she's tired or she just deemed the answer was acceptable and ran away with it, Kasuga just allowed O-ryo to roughly pat her head. And when the bottle opener that had a bell made out of ice was produced, Kasuga immediately stuck it inside her obi. When the bell chimed, a clear tinkling sound echoed. "Isn't that ice bell lovely?"
T/N: Hot tip, if you're cooking rice, not the instant kind, if you want a less fussy method just soak it for at least 30 minutes before boiling it, it makes it cook faster, especially when the rice is long-grain, brown or colored rice, or the dry grained ones that are better for fried rice because the grains don't stick together. P13 "Yes. I won't give it to you, Kasuga." "I don't have a need for it, and for that reason it's not an important conversation." Kasuga sighed with a dumbfounded expression. In this situation I don't know who's the senior and who's the underling. "Oh, by the way, Young Master-sama, Odanna-sama calls for you." "Wah, is that so, Kasuga-san? Oh, it's probably the matter about the Autumn Festival. Aoi-san, I have to go to the main building for a bit, ok?" "Yes, thank you for your hard work, Ginji-san." Ginji-san's head bobbed as he bowed, and with a quick pace left Yugao. "Kasuga, even today you were asked to do a lot of things here and there, weren't you?" "Yeah, that's true. Everyone was telling me to go here and run over there. Oh well, I'll get used to it somehow." Kasuga meekly and quietly sat beside were O-ryo was sitting. Did this girl also went here to eat some newly-harvested rice? "Aoi--- Is it done? I'm hungry-- Isn't Kakuriyo's pot cooking fast enough?" "Whaaat. Please wait a bit more, O-ryo. Because it's newly-harvested rice, I only had it soaked for a bit." "Ehhh... That's already fine. Whether it gets cooked or not, because I'm hungry." P14 I wanted to choose the best way to cook the newly-harvested rice, so I could relish its delicious taste, but I wonder if I just lost to O-ryo's explanation just like this while the rice was cooking. She seems to be already at the limit of her patience, and she started to violently beat the counters. "Aoi--- Aoi--- Rice! Let me eat rice!" "Hold it there, big woman baby! Stop beating the counters, or else it will fall apart." My table.. Really, O-ryo can really be so selfish... "Yo, is there any grub to eat?" Akatsuki, like the usual routine, came here. O-ryo, Kasuga, and Akatsuki, repeatedly always come here, and were becoming "Give me food, give me food" Ayakashi. "I'm sorry Akatsuki, today there's nothing left. O-ryo said she's fine with just white rice, and that's what I'm cooking right now." "I'm also fine with just rice. Do you have any pickles?" Akatsuki sat beside the counter where Kasuga was, where two people were already sitting at. It has always been like this. "Wherever rice is offered as if for the gods, there's always a line on the counters. One way or another, Ayakashi love rice, don't they?" Finally, the rice on the stove has cooked. Kakuriyo's pots only need five minutes to cook rice, and it's really very convenient. P15 "Akatsuki, you haven't used up your salary and vacation leaves this year, haven't you? You don't have a girlfriend, and you give me the impression that working is your hobby. You're that kind of guy, aren't you?" While doing nothing on an empty stomach, O-ryo started bickering with Akatsuki, who was beyond Kasuga's seat. Even thought it's not nice, O-ryo toys Akatsuki a lot, who was younger than her. Akatsuki's face spells like "Shut up, you're noisy" whenever he's tired after work. "It's better to think about frolicking and having fun, Akatsuki. It's a waste, no matter how much you work, being a guy who looks angry and has no excess time to have some time to have fun." "Stop talking to me already, O-ryo." "Whaaat. How conceited. I'm the senior and you're the junior. I'm older than you and you're younger than me." "And so? You dropped being in the management staff and now you're a waitress. Between being a head clerk and a waitress, I'm higher-ranked." "Arrrghh, this guy is so UN-ADORABLE!" "O-ryo sama, you're noisy!" O-ryo's shrill voice spreads out, and Akatsuki and Kasuga both covered their ears. I opened Yugao's kitchen's refrigerator as I pinched my small ears shut. There wasn't any ingredients left to make side dishes, so I just took the rice out and served it. As I was doing this, I was laughing by myself. Hee hee hee.. "I could hear Aoi-chan letting out a weird laugh." P16 "What meals are she thinking of, at this point?" "Aoi is indeed an Ayakashi that cooks and cooks, isn't she?" Until now, O-ryo, Kasuga and Akatsuki were all whispering and back-biting me. But that's what I felt. After waiting, the newly-harvest rice that we have been waiting for has been cooked. After the boiled rice was done, I opened the lid and a foggy yet aromatic steam was released, and my stomach started to grumble on its own. As I stirred the freshly-cooked rice, I divided it and placed some on the rice tub. Using a wooden rice paddle I tried checking its texture and taste, it was springy, and its sweetness was enjoyable. "OK, there's a lot of rice, so please just eat however you like." In the restaurant's table where the rice tub was placed, in Akatsuki and Kasuga's usual rice bowls, and in O-ryo's favorite and sometimes variable larger bowl, I served them the white rice. I piled a lot of it. Each grain was puffy and glossy, which is due to the rice's freshness. "Yay! Let's eat!" O-ryo speedily and hungrily ate the rice, as she was holding her bowl and chopsticks. Hmph, O-ryo just quieted down right now. "Kasuga, Akatsuki, aren't you two hungry too? Start eating up." P17 "Ehhhrm.... It's hard to eat like O-ryo with just the white rice..." "Aren't there any pickled food, Aoi-chan?" "Tsk, tsk, how about if I place this here?" I placed a jar in between Kasuga and Akatsuki's counters. At first, they just stared at it in bewilderment, but carefully examined the jar's contents. Kasuga seemed to immediately get what it was. "Oh, I know it! It's nametake, enoki mushrooms!" "Yes, I made it from all of the mushrooms collected this Autumn, and I placed a lot of it. I goes great with white rice. I added it to our Autumn's daily specials." As soon as I opened the jar's lid, and scooped the nametake with a wooden spoon, I placed a lot on top of their rice in the two rice bowls. The brown mushrooms were flowing and melting and moist due to being boiled down. Enoki, shimeji, shiitake, these were all seasoned with the mild soy sauce that Ayakashi love. Sugar, mirin, sake and other seasonings were also added as staples, and in my case, there's also a bit of vinegar and some spicy peppers. These were added to give a hint of spiciness and sourness to the mild flavor. To make excellent preserved food, cold tofu, boiled down greens using dashi stock and others can be added and turned into one dish. While the nametake is mixed in with the piping hot rice, Kasuga and Akatsuki heartily wolfed down their food. "Wow... This meal is filling in my empty stomach.." P18 "This is delicious!" The enoki makes a crispy and appetizing sound. O-ryo, who was growing tired of the white rice, and seems to have noticed the nametake that Kasuga and Akatsuki were eating, started staring at it with longing eyes. "O-ryo, if you want to eat some nametake, please have some too." What the.. I have barely finished talking and O-ryo already stole the nametake jar. "Wah, it's my rice's buddy!" "O-ryo sama, it's greedy of you to take it for yourself!" "Kasuga, Akatsuki, don't worry, there are other partners for your rice." The poor things, but because there were other food that pair up well with rice, I brought them out. Toppings such as pickled plums, ground meat mixed with miso and lotus root, daikon pickled in vinegar with kelp, I brought out various preserved dishes too. Because rice goes well with many daily staples, many others were served on the side. "I am pushing this powerful medicine. I stir-fried some Hijiki seaweed that still has its water, along with the gritty and crisp pickled plum with some dashi stock. It really goes well with rice." Deprived of the nametake, Akatsuki tried adding the plum and seaweed mix as a rice topping. The crunchy texture and sourness of the plum, and the strong umami taste of the seaweed was incorporated, and this was a very luxurious and delightful taste. It doesn't need any other side dish, this makes it a full and satisfying topping. P19 When making onigiri, it can be added to the rice. It's excellent for emergencies. After experimenting with both the kelp and vinegar-pickled daikon as well as the meat mixed with miso and lotus root, O-ryo started eyeing at everything again, and I placed some little by little in the saucer that she was using. It' s great that she gets to enjoy a wide variety to pair up with her rice. It's exciting to think like what could be the next one you'll taste, with each bite. Once in a while, it's nice to just enjoy and relish the taste of the newly-harvested rice. After a while, I decided to eat some rice, and went back to the kitchen to get the rice bowl I normally use. "Ah, I just remembered something!" That's it. There were still two slices left in the refrigerator for the staff's breakfast. Autumn salmon. If I defrost that, I can make another rice pair-up! "Hee hee hee. A staple rice accompaniment: salmon flakes!"** I defrosted the salmon slice on the dish with Yokai fire, flayed the skin off, and lightly seared the surface on a frying pan, added salt, dashi, mirin, sake and other seasonings then heated this on a low flame. Sauteing this with a wooden spatula while adding some water to soften it, it's all what I need to do. Hee hee hee... "That Aoi-chan is laughing in the kitchen again..." "It smells like fish being cooked..." "Hold up, Aoi! Why are you cooking fish just for yourself? My nose isn't deceiving me!" T/N: I actually do this with meat, tofu, fish or whatever I add to vegetable dishes to make them more tasty. In Japan, they call this ground meat, fish or tofu that is seasoned and sauted as "Flake". You can just prepare a large batch, and use them as needed. I guess all those hours watching Tokuson Life Hacks also helped a lot lol P20 "Don't worry Kasuga, Akatsuki, O-ryo. Everyone's going to eat what I'm making." That said, it's my last serving. Reduce the water, when the flesh has fallen apart, add white sesame seeds and sesame oil, and lightly saute it. It's really easy. The home-made salmon flake is done. "It 's done! It's done! From kids to adults, everyone will love it, the best to be paired with rice, salmon flakes! Loose salmon topping, is it easy to understand?" "Ohhh..." "That smells really good!" As soon as I brought this in front of them, O-ryo and Akatsuki's voices just sounded with admiration. Since their bowls were already devoid of rice, they both wanted to fill their bowls with another serving. But they started fighting on who should be going to get more rice to add in the rice tub, and Kasuga went up and took the rice tub on her own to refill it. She's really the most adult in this bunch. "Ahhh, I can finally eat some rice too!" Thereafter, I placed some hot, piping rice on my bowl and I could finally eat my supper. For the first time, we're going to partake the crumbly salmon flakes that I made. I can use that for onigiri, and it's going to be a favorite item in bento boxes. P21 We can do the bottling, the marketing, and the selling, as our products are really delicious, but it seems that I'll have to make it and do it all by myself. Slicing, adding water, seasoning.. I'll do it how I like it. The glossy and clean rice due to it being freshly-harvested, when you add the shiny and reddish-brown color of the salmon flakes, eating it with a spoon just makes you gobble it all up. Ah, the autumn's salmon is really tasty and fatty. When mixed and used as rice topping, in one bite the umami and saltiness goes well with the mild, sweetness of the rice. Adding the white sesame and sesame oil's fragrances, the salmon's taste, flavor and aroma improves. "Wah, this tastes so delicious, I wanna have a bowlful more.." "O-ryo sama, if you eat more than that, you'll get fat. But I want a bowlful more too..." "I knew it, it's the autumn salmon. It really pairs well with the rice." It looks like everyone got satisfied with the salmon flakes. Oh no, this is bad. We have quickly eaten the rice... We took in so much carbs..." Even the meat mixed with miso and lotus root, the miso-flavored meat and the crunchy texture of the lotus root, really, really goes well with rice too. When you want to cleanse the palate, munching on the vinegar and kelp-pickled daikon is a fitting and refreshing break. "Aoi-dono!" Sasuke-kun, the O-niwaban guard has come here to Yugao. P22 Sasuke-kun was holding a bamboo straining basket, in his usual ninja-style. And, well, inside that basket were fresh red eggs. "These are the cassowary eggs that I have gathered tonight. The Master and Young Master sent me here to deliver these to you with my life, as it is a pity that there is only white rice to eat. You can now make egg-topped rice**." I bumped into him while running. That was the ultimate, crowning, and appropriate pairing to the rice. This is awesome! TKG has arrived here!** "Wah, I'll eat another bowlful more---" "Hey, that's unfair of you, O-ryo. Me too!" "Me too. It's because eggs are also served now." In the middle of the night, the Ayakashi were eating white rice in reckless abandon. "Please, I would like to fill my stomach with a bowlful of rice." "Yes, Sasuke-kun, please come have some." Anyone can't hide their excitement with egg-topped rice. Hollowing top of the hot, piping rice, when the shell is cracked open, the lovely raw egg is dropped in here. The cassowary's rich egg yolk's color, its shine, its jelly-like appearance, when it covers the rice, it has an irresistable charm. T/N: If you're going to try this, just a reminder that bacteria like Salmonella can contaminate the egg. Only do this with super-fresh eggs from a seller you trust because getting sick isn't worth it. TKG is basically tamago-kake-gohan, or how I wrote it here, egg-topped rice. P23 Ah, just looking at it, I know it's definitely delicious. "For sure, with egg-topped rice, it's Kakuriyo's mild soy sauce, isn't it?" I wanted a simple approach. "Soy sauce is good, but adding a little sesame oil is also delicious." As expected of O-ryo, who is in the majority group. "As a minority, I like mine to have noodle soup base and wasabi." From my peripheral vision I could see Akatsuki grumbling. But that seems to be delicious too. "I always eat it with ponzu. If there's dried bonito flakes and fried onions I'll add those too." For some reason, this was expected of Kasuga. "If there are seasonings, I'll add them." Sasuke-kun is too gallant. "Ok, ok, you can eat your differing favorites, that's good." Everyone's demands were heard, and I took various seasonings and flavorings and placed these at the center of the table. I, nonetheless the simpleton just added a bit of soy sauce over the yolk, and lightly broke it, mixing it with my chopsticks. In that moment, I felt a wonderful, happy feeling. Probably, just adding the egg, I haven't even finished mixing the runny egg in, I already took a bite. "Wahhh, taking the first bite of egg-topped rice is really something, isn't it?" P24 The rich flavor of the egg yolk makes it the best and enjoyable. After relishing the first bite, I completely mixed everything, and ate some more. "Hey, everyone, the meat with miso and lotus root also goes well with the egg-topped rice." Everyone noticed the previously-ignored meat with miso after Kasuga's discovery. Wah, it really does taste well together. This is a great discovery! Egg-topped rice is awesome! Just by itself is delicious, but arranging and adding flavors for variation, it's going to be an awesome feast. "It looks like you are all having fun." "Oh, Odanna-sama." Odanna-sama and Ginji-san came to Yugao together. O-ryo and Kasuga, Akatsuki and Sasuke-kun, who were all until now eating like as if in a stupor, all suddenly stopped and stood up, and deeply bowed to Odanna-sama. "It's alright, continue eating. Those are rare eggs." As if waiting for those words, everyone sat down again and continued eating. "Well, what's up? It's been a long time since you came here. Did both of you came here for some egg-topped rice? If that's the case, we have a lot right now." "No, it's not that, a while ago we welcomed some guests and we sat for a bit and already had our meals." P25 "I also may have drank a bit too much... That liquor was a tad strong.. Uhm.. I will eat some later, ok?" Both Ginji-san and Odanna-sama were definitely tipsy, somewhat. If they received some guests during work, why were they suddenly here? While in the middle of his rapid and nonchalant talking, is he going to suggest something? "Aoi, isn't Yugao on a break tomorrow? If you're free, let's go out on a date." "What?" In an instant. I realized that everyone who was continuing their eating all stopped their chopsticks. The Odanna-sama in question, who was really in a giddy mood continued smiling. "Aoi hasn't had a rest and had always been working hard even after returning from the Orio-ya matter. And I apologize for not taking the time too, for a long while. As a new wife, Aoi has not experienced any hour of fun at all." "It's fine, I have fun every day..." "That's it! Let's go to an orchard park. We can prepare food with apples and grapes, how's that?" While my face holds desperation, somehow Odanna-sama firmly grips my shoulder. "How's that" he says. "Apples and grapes, huh..." Pointing my finger to my chin, an idea popped into my head. For sure, there will be delicious autumn fruits. P26 "OK, let's go, Odanna-sama. I am interested in the orchard park." "I'm happy to hear you say that, Aoi!" With a sigh of relief, Odanna-sama wiped the sweat on his brow. The crowd of egg-topping eaters behind me, once again started moving their chopsticks. "Aoi-san, the orchard park is inside a mountain that connects the northern and north-eastern lands. The autumn leaves in that mountain change early, and I already heard that they're already in full display, so I hope that you can also enjoy the scenery tomorrow." "Ginji-san, you're not coming too?" "Me? I, uhm..." "You also haven't taken a break since the matter with Orio-ya, you should really take a break. Won't you come with us tomorrow?" Odanna-sama invited him, but Ginji-san looked at both Odanna-sama and I, and with a small smile shook his head. "No, thank you. I think I will take care of Tenjin-ya in Odanna-sama and Aoi-san's absence." I think it's the usual Ginji-san answer, but in that time, he wasn't looking at me.
End of Chapter 1, Volume 6. Next - Chapter 2
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
76 notes · View notes
css1992 · 5 years
Damn, love your starker content. If you're looking for a prompt or something, I have one I think would be great for this pairing: TeenAU starker where Peter has braces and wants to give Tony a blowjob, even tho he's never done it before. Cue braces getting stuck followed by an embarrassing hospital trip or getting caught by someone. Tx for top tier starker.
First of all, I’m so sorry this took so long, I was having that worst writer’s block, I hope you can forgive me and I hope you’re still out there to read this! T.T Second of all, thank you so much for your kind words, sweetie, you’re too nice
High school AU, explicit, 18+
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: And even though he knew how he felt in his heart, he wasn’t quite ready to say it out loud, wasn’t ready to put it in so many words. He worried it was too soon, maybe Tony would freak out and leave, but still, he wanted to take a step further in their relationship, he wanted to show Tony how much he appreciated him. So he came up with a plan and it involved, well, his mouth. But he’d hesitated for too long and now he had freaking braces and he couldn’t help feeling a little insecure about them.
Warnings: mentions of bullying, mild violence (not explicit), anal fingering, oral sex, brief mention of blood. If you find anything triggering, please let me know!
“Come on, babe, there’s no way I’m not gonna like it, you’re beautiful, you couldn’t look bad if you tried.” Tony tried to pry Peter’s hands away from his mouth, but the younger teen held them tighter against his face, shaking his head firmly. “Please, for me? Just let me see it, you can’t hide forever, right? Get it over with.” Peter frowned, but then sighed, thinking to himself that Tony was right, there was no way he could hide it much longer anyway. Better rip that band-aid off. He took a deep breath, let his arms fall to his sides and smiled tentatively at his boyfriend. Tony held his face in his hands, thumbs stroking his cheekbones softly as he admired the metal wires and brackets on Peter’s teeth and that must have been the most embarrassing moment of his life. “You look so cute right now, you know that, right? I could eat you right up.”
“You mean it?” Peter whispered quietly, afraid that Tony would notice that he sounded funny, too, not yet used to how the braces sat against the roof of his mouth.
“Of course, munchkin.” He pulled Peter close and placed a sweet, warm kiss on his lips and it made the butterflies in his stomach go wild, but it quieted his nervous heart. He pulled away and smiled a little wider, if Tony said it was cute, then maybe –
“What’s wrong with your face, Penis? Looks like you had a fight with a cheese grater and lost.” Of course Flash wouldn’t leave it alone, Peter should have known. He closed his lips tightly and shrank against his locker, dropping his gaze to the floor, only to hear and feel Tony moving away from him and towards Flash.
“Wanna say that again, you little fucker? Come on, I fucking dare you, I’m gonna show you what’s wrong with your face, I’ll break your fucking teeth and no braces will be able to fix your ugly mug ever again, you fucking piece of shit.“ The boy kept pushing at Flash’s chest until he was cowering against the opposite wall and Peter jumped into action, pulling Tony’s arm just as other students started gathering around them in the hall, curious to see what the commotion was all about. Tony had already been suspended for punching Flash in the face not three weeks earlier, Peter couldn’t let him get in trouble again, he knew Tony’s father was… a complicated man.
“Tony, it’s ok, it’s fine, come on, leave it alone.” After a lot of pulling, he was finally able to get his boyfriend off Flash’s face. He didn’t waste any time and scurried away, yelling something over his shoulder that Peter couldn’t quite make out. Tony was fuming, face red, hands closed into fists. The younger teen peppered small kisses on his cheeks and lips to try and calm him down some, and finally the boy seemed to come back to himself. “It’s ok, I’m ok.”
“It’s really not, Pete, that asshole can’t talk to you like that, I swear to God, I’m gonna –“
“Forget about him, come on, he’s gone.” He stole a quick kiss from the older boy, who sighed heavily, burying his hands in Peter’s curls to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
Peter still shivered and blushed at Tony’s eagerness and boldness. It was all pretty new to him, he’d never had a boyfriend before, just a few short flings. Tony, on the other hand, was – to put it mildly – very experienced. He’d dated pretty much all of the cheerleaders and a few guys on the football team. It was weird for Peter, kissing him in the halls, having Tony walk him to and from classes, sitting at the “cool table” in the cafeteria, having people that he’d never met in his whole entire life gossiping about him.  
Peter had heard so many stories about Tony before they got together that when he asked him out, almost four months earlier, he was sure it had to be a prank. There was just no way the Tony Stark could actually be interested in him, so, naturally, he said no. The older boy had looked so confused and shocked as he took a few steps away from Peter, all that famous confidence and cockiness completely gone.
“Oh,” he whispered, sticking his hands in his pockets, looking around the empty classroom he’d pulled Peter into. “I just – I mean, are you seeing someone else?”
“What?” Peter blushed, heart racing and palms sweating. He was so nervous, Tony was known for being a bit of a hothead, he always got into trouble for losing his shit and starting fights, Peter wasn’t sure if maybe he’d get angry because his prank didn’t work. “It’s not – I’m not seeing anyone, I just – I’m –” He stammered, not fully able to complete his sentences. To his surprise, the older boy didn’t get angry, he just ran a hand through his thick, dark hair and smiled in defeat.
“Is it because I got suspended last week? I swear, it wasn’t my fault, that asshole was bullying my friend. Bruce! You know him, right? He’s in the Decathlon team with you, ask him!” His eyes were wide, like maybe he’d found the reason why Peter said no, but then he quickly deflated. “Unless you just don’t wanna go out with me, which is fine, I mean, you don’t have to like me, I just thought – well, doesn’t matter.”
“Look, I know this is a prank.” Peter frowned, and Tony’s eyebrows shot into his hairline.
“Excuse me?” The older boy looked at him like he’d grown a second head, and Peter thought maybe he’d pissed him off for good. “What, you think I’m some mean girl in a teen movie or something?”
“I just – why would you even ask me out, honestly? You don’t even know me and you’re always making fun of the Decathlon team and the school band – both of which I’m a part of, in case you don’t know.” Peter had noticed Tony was always at the Decathlon competitions and band practice, and he was always laughing and whispering with his friends, and Peter could swear that he sometimes caught him looking directly at him before whispering something to James Rhodes.  
“Ok, first of all, I don’t make fun of the team or the band, I just make fun of Bruce, but that’s because he’s my best friend and we like to mess with each other, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry. And yeah, I don’t really know you, but I’d like to, that’s exactly why I’m asking you out. You’re smart, talented, and it doesn’t hurt that you’re easy on the eyes, to be honest.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. Peter felt his face burning and dropped his gaze to the floor. “There’s no evil plan, I just think you’re cute, is all.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth? That you’re not messing with me?” He whispered, looking at him from under his eyelashes and, again, the older teen just shrugged.
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me, shortcake.”
And Peter did. For whatever stupid reason, he did. He didn’t really know Tony, just knew about him – knew that he was a certified genius, but also a troublemaker. He knew he was filthy rich, but he didn’t hang out with other rich kids, like Flash and Osborn, he was best friends with Rhodes, Pepper and Bruce, who, like Peter, didn’t come from money. He knew he was really popular and he dated around a lot, but he wasn’t an asshole about it – not that Peter knew, at least. He didn’t kiss and tell, he never slut-shamed anyone or leaked nudes of his exes, which was more than Peter could say about most guys in school.
So he gave it a shot, said yes and they went out for burgers. Tony was nice, funny and smart – but he was also sarcastic, short-tempered and a little arrogant. Peter wasn’t really sure how he felt about him after the date was over, but when he went to bed that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about him,  about his lips – couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss he’d dodged in his car when he dropped him home. Still, the older boy had smiled and kissed his cheek instead.
The next day, Peter was standing by his locker in between classes, talking to Ned and MJ about the movie marathon they were planning for the weekend, when he noticed the older boy approaching. Peter wasn’t sure if Tony would talk to him in front of the whole school, he had a reputation to keep and Peter was kind of a nerd, but not only did he talk to him, he also kissed his cheek as he greeted him, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Hey, I’m Tony,” he introduced himself to a very flustered Ned and an unimpressed and suspicious-looking MJ. The former just waved dumbly and made a weird sound at the back of his throat and the latter just nodded at him, acknowledging his presence. Tony didn’t seem to mind the weird interaction, just turned back to Peter and smiled. “Wanna grab lunch together today?”
And that was probably the very moment Peter started falling for him. Slowly, but surely. He insisted on carrying his books, walking him to class, sitting with him at lunch, he even drove him home most days, even though his house was nowhere near Queens. He was a bit of a hothead, yes, and he sure as hell was trouble – and May could smell it from a mile away when Peter introduced him – but he was also the kindest, sweetest, most amazing person Peter had ever met and he wished Tony would let other people see that.  
Peter loved him. At least he thought he did, he’d never been in love before, but he missed Tony like crazy whenever they were apart for more than five seconds; he cared if he ate properly and regularly; he worried about his health and safety all the time; he always thought about him whenever he watched rom-coms with May on movie nights; his heart fluttered whenever he was around and, more importantly, he just wanted to be with him, take care of him. All the time. If that wasn’t love, what else could it be?
And even though he knew how he felt in his heart, he wasn’t quite ready to say it out loud, wasn’t ready to put it in so many words. He worried it was too soon, maybe Tony would freak out and leave, but still, he wanted to take a step further in their relationship, he wanted to show Tony how much he appreciated him. So he came up with a plan and it involved, well, his mouth. But he’d hesitated for too long and now he had freaking braces and he couldn’t help feeling a little insecure about them.
But then Tony looked at him with those beautiful, soft brown eyes, smiled at him and stroked his cheek with such devotion, and all his insecurities melted away and he just wanted Tony to know how much he loved him.
“Hey, about this Friday,” he started, pulling away from the kiss. He was still self-conscious about how he sounded because of the braces, but Tony didn’t seem to notice anything different, at least he didn’t mention it.  
“What about it, short stuff?” He smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around Peter’s waist, pulling him closer. He placed small kisses on his jaw and chin and the younger teen giggled, pushing him away without any force. Peter always refrained from pointing out that Tony was only a few inches taller than him – the older teen seemed so happy he found someone shorter than him to mess with,  Peter let him have his fun.
“So, you know how my aunt is dating this guy from work?” Tony frowned, a little confused, but Peter just kept looking at him expectantly.
“She told me yesterday that she’s going to spend the night at his place on Friday.” He tried to give his boyfriend a sexy smile, but then remembered that the braces would probably make it look silly, so he closed his lips quickly. Still, Tony looked very excited and interested when he realized what Peter meant.
“Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow, a lopsided grin of his own taking over his face.
“Yeah, so I thought – maybe we could order some pizza and you could, uhm, spend the night?” He dropped his gaze to somewhere around Tony’s chest, brushing off imaginary dust from his shirt, as his face grew hot, when he felt the older teen’s finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at him.  
“Pete… Are you sure?” He asked him firmly, serious, looking for a truthful answer, and Peter nodded.
“Just – uh, I’m not sure if I’m ready to go… all the way,” he whispered quietly, “but like – you know.” He blushed bright red, but Tony didn’t let him avert his gaze. He smiled and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to do anything. I’m actually a great cuddler, did you know that?”
“Silly.” Peter laughed, slapping him on the chest, feeling a little less nervous. “So, is that a yes?”
“That’s a hell yes, baby face.”  
For the rest of the week, Peter couldn’t think of anything else. MJ stopped listening to him by Wednesday and just rolled her eyes whenever Peter mentioned anything Friday-related, but Ned was just as invested on the date as Peter was. He helped him pick an outfit, the perfect movie and even the pizza place they’d order from. He went as far as to send him articles about how to give good blowjobs and handjobs and Peter had to draw the line there – although he did read the articles and made some research of his own.
So on Friday, Peter waved May off, promised to be good – which she didn’t believe much – and hurried to make sure everything was perfect. His bed was made, his sheets were freshly clean and smelled like fabric softener, and there were so many pillows on the couch he wasn’t sure where they were supposed to sit, but oh, well.
He dressed casual, but Ned said he looked hot when he tried the outfit on earlier that week. He hoped he did. He wore gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt that was a little tight over his chest – he didn’t have a broad, strong chest, but it looked ok. He fluffed his hair – Tony loved his curls – and tried not to give a lot of thought to the braces in his mouth, he still wasn’t comfortable with how he looked with them, but Tony always made sure to let him know he thought he still looked beautiful, so. There was that.
So when the bell rang, he took a deep breath, gave himself a little pep talk and opened the door. Tony was leaning against the doorway, looking sinfully sexy in black, ripped jeans and a leather jacket. He smiled at Peter and pulled him in for a kiss, and if the younger teen was already breathless just from looking at his boyfriend, that kiss almost sent him over.
“Hey, peanut. You look gorgeous.” He gave him a once over, as he put some distance between them, and Peter blushed slightly, slapping his chest.
“Come on in.” He opened the door further and Tony stepped inside, quickly getting rid of his jacket  and shoes, probably remembering that last time he was there aunt May almost bit his head off when he tried to walk into her living room in his combat boots.
“So, your aunt isn’t home?” He wondered out loud, taking a look around the apartment as if expecting aunt May to just jump from behind the furniture or something. It was funny, Tony was always on edge when she was around, trying to be a good boy, but she saw right through him.
“No, don’t worry, the coast is clear.” The younger teen smiled, sitting on the couch. The older boy quickly followed with a wicked grin, sitting close beside him, placing an arm around his shoulders. Peter chewed his lips and turned on the TV, feeling his heart race in anticipation. “Do you want to pick the movie?”
“No, I’m fine with whatever you wanna watch.” Tony kissed the ball of his shoulder, slowly peppering kisses along his collarbone. Peter’s breath hitched and he knew the blush was surely going all the all way from his cheeks down to his chest.
“Uhm, are you hungry yet? I thought we could order some pizza.” He turned slightly to the side, noticing that Tony didn’t seem very interested in anything else besides ravishing the skin of his neck. “Tony,” he sighed.
“Is this okay?” He whispered, moving away a little to look Peter in the eye. The younger teen turned to look back at him, nodding slowly.
Tony smiled and closed the distance between them, pulling him by the neck to kiss him deeply, slowly. Time stopped right then and there, the room was silent, the sound of their lips moving together the only thing he could hear, the burning touch of Tony’s hands on his skin the only thing he could feel.
Funny thing was, no matter how nervous he’d been up until that moment, the second their lips touched, he felt safe, wanted, loved. He knew Tony wouldn’t do anything he wasn’t comfortable with, so he let himself go, melting into his arms like like it was the safest place in the world.
He felt the older teen wrap his arms around his waist, pulling him softly, and gave in, climbing into his lap to straddle his thighs. Tony grunted when he felt Peter’s ass press down onto his jeans-clad erection and bucked his hips up, hands sliding from his waist to his lower back to pull him even closer. Peter’s heated skin shivered as their chests touched and Tony bit his lower lip, before pulling him into a messy, wet kiss. The younger boy rocked his hips eagerly, whimpering against Tony’s bitten lips as he felt his own rock-hard cock rubbing against the older teen’s taut stomach, eyes rolling back in pleasure.
Tony’s fingers ventured under his shirt, short nails scratching across the skin of his arched back, before lifting it slowly, as if asking for permission. It wouldn’t be a first, they hadn’t done much, but they’d had a few heavy make out sessions that usually ended with both of them shirtless – but not much more than that. Peter just raised his arms and let Tony take his shirt off, baring his chest, then went right back to kissing his neck, as the older teen moaned and rutted against his ass, his cock was so hard Peter could swear he could feel it pressing against his hole, begging for entrance, even through the many layers of clothing.
“Are you doing okay there, Pete?” Tony breathed into his mouth and the other boy shivered and nodded quickly, biting Tony’s chin and burying his fingers in his hair. The older teen’s teeth and tongue slowly made their way down his throat and towards his collarbone as Peter threw his head back, closing his eyes to concentrate on the feeling of his fingers squeezing the soft flesh where his hips met his ass. “I wanna try something. You trust me?” He placed soft kisses on his chest, then his tongue found one of Peter’s perked-up, sensitive nipples and he gasped, nodding frantically. “Good.”
His hands slid lower to Peter’s ass and he squeezed roughly, kneading his cheeks as he mouthed at his nipples, alternating sloppy, wet kisses with sharp, gentle nibbles, which drove the younger teen mad with want and turned the small nubs an angry red. It almost distracted him from the fact the Tony’s hands were now making their way down the back of his pants and underwear, skin to skin, the rough pads of Tony’s fingers scratching his soft flesh.
Okay, that’s new, Peter thought, and he liked it. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, as Tony sucked bruises on his collarbones, his fingers slowly making their way to Peter’s crack, until one of them pressed directly against his rim, touching it, but nothing else, and his breath hitched. He pulled away a little, looking down at the other teen’s face.
“Tony, I’m – I don’t think I’m –“
“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I know you’re not ready. I just wanna make you feel good, ok? Promise.” He kissed Peter’s chin softly, which made the younger boy sigh, eyes fluttering closed, as he nodded his head. “Let me know if you want me to stop, ok? Anytime you need to stop, just say the word.” Tony whispered against his pulse point and, again, Peter nodded, and then he felt the finger pressed against his hole start to move slowly, just rubbing circles against the puckered skin and Peter was so confused, because it felt fucking amazing. And dirty. And wrong. And right.
He felt Tony moving underneath him and he knew he wasn’t just rutting against him – which he was, too. He saw him take something out of his back pocket with his other hand, then the pressure against his hole disappeared, and Peter whined loudly in complaint, then blushed furiously in embarrassment. Tony smirked at him, licking his lips.
“Patience, padawan.” He placed a kiss on his chin, then Peter heard him uncap something and when he looked down, he noticed Tony was holding a tube of lube. His fingers tightened on Tony’s shoulders and the older teen looked up at him. “Hey, what did I say? Do you want to stop?” Peter shook his head quickly, holding Tony’s face in his hands.
“I trust you,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss him, and as soon as their mouths made contact, he relaxed again.
Tony held him close, deepening the kiss, and for a few minutes, that’s all they did. Peter rutted slowly against Tony’s stomach and the older teen rolled his hips in time with him, as they kissed and kissed like time meant nothing – and it didn’t. It really didn’t.
At some point, he felt the other teen’s hands sliding again down the back of his pants, he could feel his fingers were wet and colder than a few minutes earlier and he braced himself for what he knew was about to come. At first, Tony just rested a digit against his hole, rubbing it gently, not applying any pressure, and once the younger teen relaxed completely, muscles going lax, he felt one finger try to breach him.
“Umf, Tony,” he whimpered, and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to say, why he was calling his name, he just wanted to say it. The older teen shushed him, warm, wet lips pulled his earlobe into his mouth, nibbling lightly as his finger sunk in deeper and deeper into Peter. “Oh, fuck.”
Peter had fingered himself before, but it was so fucking different from having someone else – Tony – do it to him. It felt so dirty and intimate, like Tony had all this power over him, like there was nowhere he couldn’t touch, nothing he couldn’t do, like Peter’s body belonged to him. It felt exhilarating and scary and fucking awesome and hot – so fucking hot.
Peter gasped when Tony’s finger was completely sheathed and curled inside him. It burned a little and he felt impossibly stretched, but so good at the same time, a delicious kind of pain irradiated from his lower back all the way up to the back of his neck, where his hair stood on end. He closed his eyes and pushed his hips back against Tony’s hand, silently begging for him to move. The older teen didn’t waste any time, as his finger slid out slowly, then slid back inside a little quicker and surer than before, sending shivers down Peter’s spine.
The boy started rolling his hips in time with Tony’s movements, literally fucking himself on his finger, making sure to rub his leaking cock against the older teen’s stomach and his ass on Tony’s impossibly hard cock, until he felt his finger touching someplace in him that sent him to heaven and back in a matter of seconds.
“Oh, fuck, Tony, fuck.” He wrapped his arms around the older teen’s neck and clung to him like a drowning man, soft moans and whines leaving his lips unsolicited as the finger moved and moved and pushed against that bundle of nerves so deliciously, and Peter’s cock was so hard and pressed so tight against Tony’s abs and Peter really wanted to hold out, he needed to, didn’t want it to be over so soon, but fuck –
He came with a cry, nails leaving angry red marks on Tony’s neck as the older teen pulled him into a rough, hungry kiss, biting his lips and licking his mouth like the world was about to end. Peter let him, let him take control of his body and ownership of his mouth as he rode out the waves of his orgasm, thinking that there was no way he could ever feel so good ever again in his whole entire life.
He sagged against Tony’s body when he was done, completely spent, and felt him wrapping his arms around him tightly, like Peter was gonna fly away – and maybe he would, who knew – as he peppered small kisses down the side of his face and slowly withdrew his finger, leaving the younger teen painfully empty.
“Tonight was supposed to be all about you, I had a plan,” Peter mumbled after a few silent minutes, pulling away a few inches to look into Tony’s glinting eyes. The older boy grinned, holding his face in one hand to pull him into a kiss.
“Well, I had plans of my own. I guess great minds think alike.” He butted his nose against Peter’s lovingly and the younger teen smiled.  
“I guess,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss Tony again. A little roll of his hips revealed that Tony was still rock-hard and Peter took a deep breath, before pulling away, getting off his lap. Before the older teen could ask what he was doing, he was on his knees, between his spread legs, and Tony reached out to hold him by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey, hey – you don’t – you know you don’t –“
“I know.” Peter smiled again, unbuttoning his jeans carefully. He tried to remain calm so his fingers wouldn’t shake so much and Tony wouldn’t notice how nervous he was.
“Pete,” he tried, but before any more words could leave his lips, his hard cock sprung free from his jeans, which caught Peter by surprise. First, because he didn’t expect Tony not to be wearing any underwear; and second, because – fuck – he knew Tony would be big, he’d cupped him through his jeans many times before, but still – “Fuck.”
Peter took a deep breath, trying to remember everything he’d read online over the week. He closed his eyes and placed tentative kisses on the tip of his cock and down his shaft, and he heard Tony cuss under his breath, melting into the couch. It made Peter a little more confident, so he took the tip into his mouth, surprised when he felt his cock growing even bigger and heavier against his tongue, as Tony moaned loudly, hands gripping the pillows around him.
Peter hollowed his cheeks and started sucking, trying to take a little bit more of his cock into his mouth, slowly. When he was reading about blowjobs, he was afraid he wouldn’t like it, or that maybe he would gag in the middle of it, but it was actually making him hard again, seeing and feeling how turned on Tony was by his mouth on him.
He placed a hand on his heavy, tight balls, fondling them carefully, as he tried to take more of his cock into his mouth. He could almost feel the tip reaching the back of his throat, but before it did, he started pulling back, which it was enough to make Tony moan and thrash underneath him. He smiled, lips stretched wide around the other teen’s thick cock, then decided to try and take him in a little further. It was all going perfectly fine when suddenly he felt like he couldn’t keep going, like something had stuck –
“Aw, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Peter was so shocked by the sheer desperation in Tony’s voice that he immediately tried to pull away, but Tony’s hands flew to his head, holding him in place. “No, no, no, no, no! Fuck, Pete, it’s – ah, fuck, God, it fucking –“ that was when Peter realized what was happening.
“Umf,” he was mortified, he could feel tears burning behind his eyelids as he shut his eyes tightly, not sure what to do once he realized Tony’s foreskin was stuck in his braces and it must hurt like a motherfucker, because Tony had gone soft almost immediately, as he panted and gasped for air, hands holding Peter’s head firmly in place, terrified that he’d try to move away.
“Hold on, hold on – lemme just –” he could barely finish his sentences, completely out of breath, and Peter’s face was wet with tears at that point, and he was also a little breathless. He felt Tony’s fingers in his mouth, trying the free himself carefully, but Peter could taste blood on his tongue and fuck if it wasn’t the worst night of his whole entire life. “Ah! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Finally, he felt Tony pushing his head away as he fell sideways to the couch, both hands covering his dick as he buried his face in the cushions, trying to stifle his cries.
“Oh, my God, Tony, I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry!” Peter didn’t really know what to do, he didn’t even know if he should try to touch his boyfriend, he looked like he was in so much pain maybe he wouldn’t want him to, so he he sat there on the floor, frantically trying to think of what to say. “I swear I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry!”
“I know, baby, I know, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay,” but the way Tony was breathlessly whispering that into the cushions made it very clear that it was not okay.
“Jesus, Tony, what – I don’t know what to do!” He cried, panicked, and the older teen took a deep breath, raising his face a little to look at Peter, and his face was so fucking red and his eyes were shining with unshed tears.
“Ice, babe. Get me some ice, it’s gonna be fine, I promise, ok?” He was breathing a little easier by then and Peter nodded frantically, as he got to his feet and hurried to the kitchen to get an ice pack. He hurried back in record time and Tony turned on his back, taking the pack and quickly placing it on his lap, letting out a heavy sigh as he did. “Tony, should I take you to the hospital?” He asked, standing by the couch and looking down at his boyfriend, who winced.
“No, it’s fine,” he sighed with his eyes closed, but it didn’t calm Peter down, not even a little bit.
“Tony, I tasted blood!” He cried, fat tears rolling down his cheeks, and Tony reached one hand out for him to take.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s just a tiny cut, I promise. It’s just really sensitive right now, but it’s gonna be fine in a couple of minutes, I promise.” Peter didn’t want to take his hand, he wanted to run and hide, but he also didn’t want to be alone, or away from Tony, so he lay by his side, burying his face in his neck and clutching his shirt.
“I’m so sorry, Tony, this wasn’t supposed to happen, I should have known, I shouldn’t –“
“Peter, it’s fine, I promise.” They were silent for a few seconds, until Peter felt Tony’s chest trembling under his cheek. He looked up, worried that his boyfriend was crying, but he was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes – again. “Oh, my God, I can’t believe this just happened,” he laughed harder, rubbing a hand over his face.
“It’s not funny.” Peter was so embarrassed, he wished he could bury his head in the dirt and never have to look at his boyfriend again.
“It is a little funny,” Tony managed to say as he laughed his ass off and Peter tried to get up, annoyed, but the older teen held him. “Hey, what’s the matter?” He frowned, a little confused, as he tried to stifle his laugh.
“I wanted to make you feel good, I wanted tonight to be special, and I blew it, all because of these stupid, ugly braces, I don’t even know why you’re still here after this catastrophic disaster!” He knew he was being a little dramatic and maybe he was overreacting, but he just really wanted the night to go well, and it was ruined.
“Hey, c’mon, we did have a good time. Tonight was special, is special. We’re gonna order a huge pizza, we’re gonna binge watch all Marvel movies, and if it makes you feel any better, you can kiss my pee-pee better before we go to bed, what do you say?” He smiled that stupid, beautiful smile of him; soft, brown eyes glinting with mirth.
Peter stared at Tony’s face, thinking about the absurdness of that night, thinking that what was supposed to be a hot date night ended with Tony holding an ice pack to his bleeding dick, trying to comfort Peter for basically almost biting it off. He was silent for a few seconds, contemplating all that madness, before he exploded into a fit of giggles.
“God, I love you,” he blurted out breathlessly, almost without thinking, but as soon as the words left his mouth, his face turned red and his eyes widened, panicking. Before he could take it back, though, Tony smiled softly and winked at him, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I know. I love you, too, brace face.”
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lovelyrdjr · 4 years
four times tony answered peter's calls and one time peter answered his
also posted on ao3
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The first time Tony answered one of Peter's calls, he was thankful.
The meeting he was in was terribly boring and he was so grateful for the distraction and excuse to leave. Pepper had forced him to go to the meeting in the first place, even though he begged her for days not to make him go. He knew he was being childish, but everyone knows that he hates going to meetings. The board members are such assholes. Tony knew that using the kid as an excuse to leave was probably not the most mature thing to do, and Pepper is definitely going to get in his ass about it later, but he just can't help it.
So when he answered the call, he immediately began thanking the kid. He didn't know how to explain to Peter that he had basically just saved his life, but he was damn well going to try.
The kids laugh when he told him that just made the whole thing even better. Peter didn't laugh near as much as he should, he's been through a lot in his 16 years, so Tony takes pride in being the one to make him laugh.
"You're welcome Mr. Stark. Pepper told me you were in a meeting and I know how much you hate those."
"You're an angel child and I love you."
When Pepper came out of her own meeting half an hour later to find Tony sitting on the hallway floor with his phone to his ear and a big grin on his face, she decided to let it slip this one time.
The second time Tony answered one of Peter's calls, he was scared.
Peter never called him while he was on patrol unless he was seriously hurt, and even then it was Karen that had to force the call through, because for some reason, Peter just did not want others to know when he was hurt. (Not like Tony could complain much, considering he didn't even tell Pepper that he was dying, and Rhodey only found out because he was in the room when he was trying not to die).
So when Tony answered, and didn't immediately hear the rambling that Peter usually bombarded him with, he was worried. He didn't want the kid to end up like him, to feel like he has nobody to rely on when he was hurting. He wanted the kid to know that when he was hurt, Tony really wanted to know because then he could fix it, because he spent his whole life fixing things and that was what he was good at. He was beyond terrified that Peter wasn't the one that called, that Karen had actually pushed the call through because Peter was so badly hurt and could not make the call himself.
So when he heard the kid start talking, he could not describe in words the amount of relief that he felt. (The nerves weren't totally gone because, let's be honest, Peter is prone to trouble and just because he wasn't dead doesn't mean that he isn't hurt).
And when Tony realized that Peter wasn't hurt, that the real reason he was calling was to excitedly tell him that a little kid had given him a bracelet after he helped her find her mother (who probably felt the same way that Tony was feeling just moments before), he couldn't help but feel relieved.
"You're a demon child and you were put on this earth specifically to worry me, weren't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Stark!"
The third time Tony answered one of Peter's calls, he was happy.
Peter was coming to the tower after school to help out in the lab. Tony would never admit it to anyone (except maybe Pepper, and probably Rhodey too if he asked nice enough) that it was his favorite part of the week. The lab felt empty without the kid there, which was a little hard to get used to considering there was a time when the only people allowed to enter was Pepper and Rhodey, and even then they only stayed for a couple minutes before rushing out. Peter was only person that actually enjoyed being in the lab with him, and Tony was going to hold on to the enjoyment for as long as he could, because Peter is getting older and he knows that the kid is going to lose interest in him at some point. But right now, he was just going to be happy that the kid ever had interest in him.
"Hey, Mr. Stark! I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna swing to the tower today. May needs me to pick up some milk for her so I'm gonna do that before heading over!"
"Okay, kid. While you're at the store, get some snacks. We can have a movie night."
"Mr. Stark, I love you. You always have the best ideas."
"Stay safe, kid."
The fourth time Tony answered one of Peter's calls, he was frustrated.
The kid had been ignoring him for a week now. He was dodging all of his calls, he didn't go out patrolling because he knew that Tony was going to force a call through, he even skipped lab day! It was a stupid argument, now that he thinks about it. He never should have gotten so angry at the kid for something that he really had no control over. When he found out that Peter hadn't been eating enough, he was angry. Why would he ignore his own needs like that? He never let Peter explain why he wasn't eating enough, he just yelled at him.
When Peter left, he thought about it, hard. And when May called him, to tell him off because he was being such a dick to Peter when he had no right to be, she was right. Tony wasn't his father, no matter how badly he wished he was. He was just worried and didn't know how to handle it, so he just started yelling. And he told her that. When she explained that while she didn't know that Peter had not been eating enough, that it was her fault. She had lost her second job due to budget cuts and she was not able to afford as much as she used to, and Peter, the angel child, didn't have the heart to tell her that he wasn't getting enough because he thought it would make her feel bad.
And Tony so badly wanted to apologize to Peter.
"Hey, Mr. Stark."
"Hey, Pete. Listen, I'm sorry. I was worried and didn't know how to handle it, so I yelled at you when I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Mr. Stark. I'm sorry ignored you."
"It was justified."
"Can I come over? I'll bring pizza and snacks."
"Yeah, kid. We can watch whatever you want. See you soon."
Tony decided that he loved the stars when he was 15.
There were so many unexplainable things about them. Some nights, when he couldn't sleep, he would sneak up to the roof (his bedroom was on the top floor, and it was easy enough to pull himself up) just to watch the stars. He imagined the billions, maybe trillions, of other hims. Was there a universe where he was a normal kid, where his dad didn't own a company and didn't have all the money he could imagine? Was there a universe where, just maybe, his father was proud of him? Or was there a universe where Tony didn't even exist, where his parents had a different child, or if his parents never even met. There were infinite possibilities, and Tony though of them all.
As he grew older, his interest grew. Sometimes, he even wanted to go to space. Maybe, if he tried just hard enough, he could get to one of those other universes where he was happy. He would take Rhodey with him if he could, because he was his best, and only, friend and he wouldn't want to live in any universe without him there with him. It was hard sometimes, to look up at the night sky and imagine a version of him in a completely different life, a life that he wished so badly that he could have, and then return to the life he did had and pretend to be okay with it.
When the aliens came to New York in 2012, he will admit that he was scared. He spent so many years watching the stars, and never once did he think about the possibility of aliens invading to destroy New York. He always imagined them to he nice. He wanted so badly to be part of a different world that he never thought that those worlds could be as bad as this.
Tony decided he hated the stars that day.
Flying a nuke into space, knowing that there's so very little chance that you're going to make it back home, is decidedly not fun. He imagined him going to space under different circumstances, like maybe as an astronaut, where he could spend months in one ship and just look at the world and everything it had to offer, because then maybe he would be happier that he had the chance to grow up on it. Maybe he wouldn't have hated his life so much, because he grew up on something so ugly yet so beautiful.
When Tony made it home, god he was so happy he made it home, he didn't know what to do. Just hours before, he was about to die, and now that he had a second, maybe third, chance, he didn't know what to do with it. He though about Afghanistan, how Yinsen told him "don't waste your life". When he left that awful cave, he didn't know what Yinsen had meant. How could Tony waste his life when he didn't really have one to begin with? There was one thing that Tony knew he wanted when he left that cave: the stars. And now that the stars didn't seem as great as they once did, that maybe now he even thought of them as terrifying, he didn't know what he wanted.
Nightmares were definitely not on that list.
Waking up at 3 A.M. from a nightmare about something that happened years ago was not what Tony wanted. Tony wanted a sleep all the way through the night, he wanted to feel like he wasn't running on coffee at all times. He didn't want to feel the same way parents do when they bring home a child - up at ungodly hours of the night to comfort something so innocent and small.
So he called Peter.
He knew that he was probably sleeping, god he wishes that he were sleeping, because if he found out that Peter, the angel child that he loved oh so much, had nightmares as well, then he wouldn't know what to do.
When Peter answered, with sleep in his voice, Tony was happy. He was happy that the kid was sleeping through the night, that he didn't have the same terrifying problem that Tony had every night. He was happy that the kid, even though he was asleep, still answered Tony's calls. He was happy that he had Peter in his life, because he doesn't think that he would be able to live if Peter wasn't there. He was so happy that he had the chance to love Peter as if he was his own son.
"Are you okay Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah, kid, I am now."
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maydaymemer · 5 years
Steam vs. Sledgehammer
Yep it’s time to review two songs in one. My favourite song ever: Steam (yes, Steam), as well as one of the iconic songs of the ‘80s: Sledgehammer. Both by Peter Gabriel, both heavily influenced by funk and both with music videos directed by the late Stephen R. Johnson.
Sledgehammer needs no introduction for anyone over 40, which means it does need an introduction here. The song is the lead single from Peter Gabriel’s 1986 pop opus “So”, and is his only American #1 (it only got to #4 in the UK, which makes me more ashamed to be from here than ever). It’s known for its pioneering stop-motion animated music video which is still well regarded today, heck it kickstarted Aardman’s career before they made Wallace and Gromit. The song is a loving tribute to Gabriel’s favourite funk and Motown songs he listened to in his youth, there’s even a funny anecodote a read about Gabriel in his early days going to a soul cafe or something and being the only white guy there. To be a fly on the wall on that day. Methinks he was there to pick up chicks, not just listen to the music, which only makes me love the guy even more to be honest.
Steam on the other hand I don’t think anyone who isn’t a Gabriel fan remembers. Sure, when it was released in 1992 it was a hit but was generally seen as a Sledgehammer II: Sledge Harder, and didn’t set anyone’s world alight. Plus, people weren’t listening to Peter Gabriel in ‘92, they were bumping Nirvana and Tupac. On the bright side we did get a fucking insane music video which I love showing to people to get a reaction out of them.
One of them highly acclaimed and the other mostly maligned, but both are typically overshadowed by their music videos. I’m here to dig into what makes both these songs great, and why they’re both intelligent, finely crafted pop songs. I’m also going to note the similarities between the two, and why I think Steam was a more than worthy follow up.
Let’s get down to the start of both songs. Sledgehammer begins with a synthesised flute that goes on for about 15 seconds, before launching into an opening tune that knocks you right off your seat like, well a sledgehammer. This sets up an appropriate atmosphere for a song that combines the clever soul with the sexy sounds of the ‘80s to create a song that transcends past dated into just a banging tune that holds up today. The song has an excellent bassline and feels simply big. Then we get Gabriel coming in with a prolonged “Heeeeeeey” followed up with a more muffled “tell me how have you been?” to take us into the first verse. The song sets a mood and it sets it well, this is bouncy and fun Peter Gabriel, not weird psycho Peter Gabriel (which is pretty much his default).
Steam, on the other hand, doesn’t introduce itself. The song just abruptly bursts into your door after a short bassline with the distinct drum and bassline with all sorts of sounds flung at you. Horns, electric guitar, you name it. Gabriel yells “Stand back! Stand back!” And you almost think “yeah maybe I should I shouldn’t really argue with Peter Gabriel”, especially in the video where he’s wearing a pimp suit to accompany this. He continues, shouting “what are these dogs doing sniffing at my feet? / They’re onto something picking up / picking up / this heat”. I still have no idea what this intro means, but then we transition into the abolsutely magnificent instrumented chorus as Peter sings “Give me Steam / and how you feel can make it real / real as anything you’ve seen / get a life / with the dreamer’s dream”. I’ve heard reviewers call this song overproduced, and I would agree the song is very maximal in terms of production, but I wouldn’t remove one instrument. The song’s various mood changes from chorus to verse to pre-and-post choruses take me where the song wants me to go emotionally every time. I find the “Give me Steam” part specifically to be rather exciting and really impressed me the first time I listened to this song, last year I believe, and it still impresses me now.
This is where we take a look at the verse structure of both songs, which are pretty much the same not just within the songs but between them. The first verses of both set up two metaphors:
“You could have a steam train / if you just lay down your tracks
You could have an aeroplane flying / if you bring your blue sky back” - From Sledgehammer
“You know your culture from your trash
You know your plastic from your cash” - From Steam
Peter then connects these to the message of the song at the end of the verse:
“All you do is call me
I’ll be anything you need” - Sledge
“Whenever heavens doors are shut / you get* them open but / I know you” - Steam (alright I’m cheating here, that’s three metaphors, but this illustrates my point better)
So as you can see this is where the two songs split off. Sure both include Peter’s patented silly sex puns, a Sledgehammer is long and hard while Steam is hot and wet, but the meanings of each song is different.
For Sledgehammer the song is about how sex can be used to communicate and brighten up the mood of someone where words simply can’t help. The philosophy of the song is that sometimes you just need some fuck. I imagine a narrative where maybe Peter and this lady friend he’s talking to through the song have just broken off some long term relationship, and they’re very good friends so they spend some time together playing with her bumper cars and his big dipper to take their minds off it. The song isn’t really about love, it’s about having fun, but as I illustrated with my interpretation it’s not about sex with someone you don’t love it’s about sex with someone you’re not IN love with. So kind of a FWB/rebound kind of thing, though not a romcom version where they get together in the third act. It’s a very different approach to an ‘Intercourse with You’ song and told in a very fun way. The song has a bounce to it and a sort of mature naivety, Peter comes across as genuinely joyful to the woman he’s narrating too, they aren’t using eachother but they’re not in a serious relationship either. Good stuff, Pete.
Steam on the other hand is about the relationship, it’s about that spark and connection with someone. Specifically it’s about a relationship where the woman is cultured, sophisticated and generally a classy lady but Peter isn’t. He’s talking himself down, except for one subject: when it comes to the lady, he knows her better than she does and that’s the most important thing of all. Maybe he knows how to please her, maybe he knows her deepest depths, maybe it’s both but the songwriting illustrates that Peter is just in awe of this woman and she might not be in awe of herself just yet. I always interpreted this as Peter writing about a relationship between classes, but in a smarter way than say Billy Joel. Peter grew up middle class but in this song it’s like he’s putting himself in the shoes of a working class guy who’s in a relationship with someone who should be out of his league, but perhaps because of those virtues have led to him knowing how to socialise he can get the depths of her heart better jan a thousand potential rich suitors and their relationship just works. I’m being a bit old school with the picture I’m painting but a genuinely smart way of basically writing Opposites Attract but without the cartoon cat (instead we get a CGI Peter Gabriel Chair, perhaps that’s not the best trade off). That’s why I love it so much, it writes a geniunely smart love song about a relationship working despite the differences which a lot of songs do but they never go into why they work together. Peter explains that while he can’t know a lot about art or money he does know a lot about humanity (and sex, as Sledge shows).
The rest of the verses follow this same formula, I’ll close the review by pointing out how the finales of both songs basically are the same again.
With the finale of Sledgehammer Gabriel refers to “shedding his skin”. He then says “this is the new stuff”, which probably sounds like a birthday suit reference to you but I have a more indirect interpretation. What I love about the line is that in a way it’s Gabriel saying “I’m the shit!”, predicting that the song will become ‘the new stuff’ as it did. Which is why it’s one of the things I do prefer over Steam, which goes for a more obvious orgasm innuendo:
“Roomshake, earthquake
Find a way to stay awake
It’s gonna blow, it’s gonna break
This is more than I can take!”
Tho back to praising Steam, it is my favourite song after all, I think that song does pace itself better. Steam is a minute longer and has way more variety, with a lot of change ups with an occasional pre-chorus peppered in. It’s a longer song that feels shorter and endlessly replayable. Granted a listen to both of these songs an unhealthy amount of times, so I wouldn’t recommend any of you reading this skip out on them. Listen to them however you can, they’re a great time. Heck, buy the albums they come from because the rest of the songs on there are great too.
Thanks for reading this review. It’s a very quick one drafter of hopefully many that I’m posting to sharpen my writing skills. Hope you enjoyed and I’ll make sure to improve these over time. I have ideas for little bite size and more cohesive reviews of the following songs: Uh Huh, Girl, Babooshka
*note: thought he sung “kick” but apparently not. Personally I think “kick” has a better kick to it, funny enough, in terms of annunciation.
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thewhiskingpot · 6 years
for good, and for bad
💜 bangtan (bts)
💜 hoseok (bts) x reader
💜 oneshot
💜 hoseok finds you in the middle of a depressive episode
💜 depression; self-esteem issues; slice of life; hurt/comfort; lots of metaphors; angst with a happy ending
💜 a/n: many hugs to my beta for the invaluable input in polishing this piece. to my readers, don’t worry, the angst is really not that bad. lastly, the format is wonky on mobile so please read this on desktop if possible. 
You didn’t plan for it to happen this way. In fact, you didn’t plan this at all.
Hoseok was supposed to be away for a three-day dance camp, but there he was, real as can be, anxiously shaking you from the stupor that your episode had locked you in. The very same one that had you feeling spent from all that sobbing and gasping for air. Depression was a total bitch.
You never meant for him to catch you at your lowest. You made it a point to hide away whenever your episodes struck. It was easy even with the shared apartment, for Hoseok led a very busy social life. But somehow, you always seem to fuck up no matter how hard you try. You could never win.
As you watched Hoseok tenderly wipe your tear-stained blotchy cheeks and runny nose, something in you finally snapped. Even with you looking like a complete trainwreck, there was nothing but love and concern spilling out from him. Enough is enough. It was time to set the poor man free. He deserved so much more, and so much better than broken goods.
“Hobi, we need to break up,” you said, willing your voice to remain steady. “I’m breaking up with you.”
Hoseok stilled at once, his expression changing from concern to confusion to shock. “W-what?”
There was no way you were going to repeat that. Saying it twice would be akin to pouring salt on your gaping wound. You tried to shove him away, but Hoseok would not budge.
“What’s wrong? Why are you doing this?”
“We just got to. I’m your worst mistake, Hobi. You’ll come to your senses soon. You deserve better.”
“Don’t say that. You’re the best thing that happened to me, love.”
You scoffed. Best? Hoseok clearly hasn’t gotten his head around this whole thing. You were sitting in the bathtub with antidepressants spilled all over the bathroom floor, for Pete’s sake.
“Talk to me. Let me in. Please,” Hoseok pleaded, his sincerity bleeding through your fast crumbling wall.
You knew it would come to this. The moment Hoseok found you in this state, it was the end of it all. He’d ask, and you’d answer. You could never deny him of anything. He was your kryptonite.
“Fine. You want the truth? I feel fucked, 24/7. From bone to skin, mind to soul. There’s a howling storm within me that refuses to quieten down. It pulls me in every direction. It drowns me with relentless waves of hopelessness. It draws a dark veil over my sight. Everything is hazy around me. Despair is what they call it. This wretched feeling permeates every cell of my being, and I’m so tired of keeping up this front,” you spat out bitterly.
You didn’t have to look up to know Hoseok was crying. The man was an open book to you, his willingness to lay his soul bare for you always apparent, and you could sense his distress a mile away.
“You know, for the longest time before you, I was floating from one day to another. Life had no meaning other than to survive in flesh. To maintain the facade of a functional being. Everyday was a suffocating misery, but I’d become so desensitized that I grew to accept this was just how life was. And then, you happened.”
You smiled weakly, the fond memory of the first time you met Hoseok clear and vivid despite your troubled mind. He had chosen to crash his bike by swerving into a bush to avoid hitting you. The rest was history.
“You with your sunshine personality, you with your addictive warmth, you with your stupid million-dollar smile. For the first time in years, I felt hope. Being in your presence made me delusional, to think that I stood a chance to become whole again, to think that maybe, just maybe, a person shrouded in darkness like me could ever build a future with you. Thinking back now, I was simply turning my eyes away from the truth. The moon merely borrows light off the sun; it can never truly shine. Jimin once said we’re a perfect match, because opposites attract. But that can’t be right. We’re parallels in different directions, never meant to cross paths.”
You took a shaky breath. Now that you were on a roll, you found yourself unable to stop. It was liberating even, to finally confess it all. Breaking up with the love of your life sucked big time, but it had to be done. Hoseok deserved so much better.
“All you do is give, and all I do is take. I’m afraid, Hobi. Afraid that one day you’ll lose that glow, that I’ll inevitably drag you down to hell with me. I don’t want to wake up to find a zombie staring back at me. You deserve a whole person, not someone broken and jagged.”
You could see Hoseok struggling to digest and comprehend the bomb you just threw in his face. He was always easy to read.
Hoseok’s next few words came out as a faint whisper, but the harshness of his tone made you flinch in surprise. “How dare you? How fucking dare you?”
In the entirety of your relationship, Hoseok had never once swore at you. Caught off guard, you could only stare.
“You’re not me. You don’t get to decide what I want or don’t want,” Hoseok said, his voice raw and emotional. “You put me on a pedestal like I can do no wrong, but drag yourself through the mud. You don’t see how much you mean to me, how much joy and love and security you bring just by being mine. You’re so blinded to the fact that you’re priceless. I’m sad that you think so little of yourself. I’m ashamed it took me so long to realize you were in pain. I’m angry that you think so little of me.”
Hoseok reached out to cup your cheek, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. You were so fucking gone for him.
“Broken or not, you are perfect to me. I want you, and only you. Do you understand?”
Tears instantly sprang to your eyes. That was the most beautiful thing anyone had said to you. To want you, and only you. But that also made your point even more salient. Hoseok deserved better. So much better. You had to stand your ground. Not trusting yourself to speak just yet, you turned away from him in petulance.
Hoseok shook his head knowingly. “You can sulk all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that your reason for wanting to break up is stupid. I’m not accepting that. I am, however, calling for a time-out. We’re both angry, and it’ll do us good to be away from each other.”
You lifted your head to meet his gaze, heart accelerating in anxiety despite yourself.
“Just for a bit, love. Like thirty minutes. I’ll be back soon,” Hoseok explained. “Promise me you’ll do nothing to harm yourself in the meantime?”
You weren’t even thinking about doing anything, to be honest. You just wanted to sit here and wallow in the sad prospect of your almost-breakup. But you were feeling rebellious, so you kept your mouth shut.
Unfortunately, Hoseok was not backing down. “Love, do you promise?”
You glared, but obediently nodded once.
Why can’t you ever say no to this man?
Oh right, because you were utterly in love with him.
Hoseok seemed to have knocked you right out of your funk. You weren’t sure how much time had lapsed since he left you sitting there, but you reckoned it was enough to warrant a search. The silence was telling. Hoseok must’ve left to god knows where. With a sigh, you picked yourself up. A quick check around the apartment confirmed your theory, and your worry increased tenfold. You wanted to give him space, to think about what just transpired, but you were pretty sure Hoseok left the house without an umbrella. Not that it would do much to combat the storm outside. But still. Better one than none.
With newfound determination, you grabbed an umbrella from the supply closet and ran out the door to chase him down. He shouldn’t have left. If anything, you were the one who should leave. Out of the apartment, out of his life. He deserved so much better. Caught up in your misery, you almost missed the blurry figure in your peripheral vision until you realized it was a familiar one. Doubling back, your jaw dropped in disbelief as you took in the sight before you.
Right there in the middle of the open field, Hoseok stood with his head thrown back as the rain pelted down hard. Even from a distance, he was visibly shivering in the cold. Flinching with every roar of the thunder. Muscles tensed in apprehension. But still, he persisted.
What in the name of all things unholy was he doing?
When your brain finally caught up, you found yourself already pulling Hoseok away by the wrist. All the way home, you simmered in your anger. Somewhere between the field and the apartment, Hoseok managed to interlock his fingers with yours, holding you tight in his grasp. You ignored that, though tears pricked your eyes.
After what seemed like forever, you finally barreled through the door with Hoseok in tow. Kicking it shut, you let your anger bubble over at last.
“Jung Hoseok, you could’ve died out there!” you yelled, yanking a towel and a set of clothes from the drying rack before stomping back to your very drenched boyfriend. Manhandling him out of his wet hoodie and jeans, you started to towel him dry, all while muttering curses at his stupidity.
Hoseok was compliant, but you could sense his attention was elsewhere. He kept his silence while you fussed over him, not even stealing a single glance in your direction.
Was he still mad? That didn’t seem like it. Hoseok rarely got angry with you, and even if the current situation called for it, you were confident you were already forgiven. Just like he was your soft spot, so were you to him.
No, it was more like he was brooding. Which made you eyed him warily. A brooding Hoseok was never a good sign.
After a prolonged pause, Hoseok spoke up. “At first, I was just mad, so I left. I needed to cool down.”
“And standing in the middle of a thunderstorm was your solution?” you injected in bewilderment, making him sit so you could drape the towel over his head to work on his hair.
Men and their ridiculous antics.
Ignoring your question, Hoseok continued. “Then I remembered you said there was a storm inside you. So I thought I’d give it a try. I mean, it’s not exactly the same, but that’s a pretty nasty storm out there.”
Rolling your eyes in exasperation, you took a deep breath and enunciated every word clearly. It was important that he understood this. “That. Was. A. Metaphor. Do you not understand the concept of metaphors? Were you not taught that? In all sixteen years of formal education?”
“I know what you’re trying to do. I’m not letting you act out the stupid noble K-drama trope. Not now, not ever. I’m here to stay for good, and for bad,” Hoseok cut off your mindless rant, challenge apparent in his eyes. “I won’t push you to open up any further if you don’t want to. But I’ll find my own ways to reach you, to understand your pain better. My methods might be stupid, but I’ll keep trying until I get it right. You can’t stop me from loving you.”
That was it.
Jung Hoseok was your undoing.
How could you even deny him anymore after that? Nothing could top it. You never realized the extent of his feelings for you ran this deep. For the longest time, one of your worst fears was that Hoseok would take off the second he found out about your depression. But he obliterated that fear tonight. I’m here to stay for good, and for bad. You can’t stop me from loving you. God, you were totally going to ink those words into you permanently. Namjoon was right; honest communication really could open up one’s eyes.
“Hobi, honestly, what do you expect me to say? No?” you mumbled reluctantly, the fight in you extinguished. “Do as you wish then. But let me just say, you don’t get to blame me if you end up needing therapy for dealing with my shit.”
Rubbing his face into your stomach, Hoseok inhaled your scent. “This is not a blaming game, love. And I’m already seeing a therapist. Mental health is important.”
You froze. That was new information.
“Stop overthinking,” Hoseok ordered as he tightened his hold around your waist. “It’s just an outlet for stress management.”  
Well then. Enough angst for today. That would certainly be a conversation for another day.
“I was just thinking, I’m pretty sure I didn’t agree to a polyamorous or open relationship, mister. But I can if the good doctor is hot. How hot we talkin’? Seriously, a doctor on the side? How did you even manage that?”
Chuckling, Hoseok said, “I am so in love with you, my spiritual soulmate.”
“Yoongi’s gonna be upset you said that.”
“He won’t, if you don’t tell.”
“Hobi, I’m serious about-”
“Hi Serious, I’m Hobi.”
“Dad jokes again? You’re spending too much time with Jin.”
“I’m telling Jin.”
“Whatever. You’re so fucking extra. I hate you.”
“Love you too.”  
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hellogoodbye741 · 6 years
A very young but badass Clint Barton with the avengers
Read it here at:G is for Grounded or under the cut below!
“So how come he can be an Avenger, but I can’t?”
Clint pushed at Peter’s shoulder, “Because you’re smarter than me and need to stay in school.”
Clint raised an eyebrow, “You want to drop out of school?”
Peter looked down at the ground and kicked his foot back and forth, “Maybe.”
“No you don’t. Besides, you still get all the cool powers - just without all the Avengers bureaucracy bullshit.”
“But why don’t they force you to go to school?”
Clint shrugged his shoulders. “I guess I’m not smart enough. Now, get going before your Aunt May has a conniption fit. We’ll hang out later, okay?”
Peter sighed, but didn’t argue. 
Clint jumped off the building right as it exploded, his rappel arrow already flying towards the closest solid, non-falling, object. 
“Don’t go through the window. Don’t go through the window. DON’T GO THROUGH THE WINDOW” Clint screeched as his body propelled him through the flimsiest glass he had ever had the pleasure of going through. 
“Fuck me” He gasped as he lay on the floor. 
“Language!” Tony screeched as he flew past the building. 
“Jesus Stark, let the kid curse. Didn’t you read the science article that said cursing helps you get through pain?” Steve said over the comms with a laugh. 
“Don’t you try and argue science with me, Steven. The children aren’t allowed to curse.”
Clint groaned and stood up. “Hey Tony?”
“Fuck off.”
Tony gasped in mock horror.
Clint rolled his eyes, “I’ll be on the ground in 5. The building exploding should have taken care of most of the whatever the fucks we’re fighting.”
“Be careful!” Tony yelled over the comms. 
“I’ll be sure to trip down every flight of stairs for you Stark.”
“You’re a terrible child. You’re killing me Clint. You’re killing your father.”
Clint snorted and made his way down the stairs. “Not my father. You can’t just adopt every teenagerthat shows Avengers potential my dude.”
“I can try!!!”
“Can we please keep the chatter to a minimum gentlemen? Some of us are actually doing our jobs.”
“Sorry Tasha”
“What are thoooooooose!!!!”
Clint looked over at Peter, then down at his shoes. “…My converse?”
“But what the hell did you do to them?”
“Jesus, they’re just purple and blue. It’s not like I put a face and clown nose on them.”
Peter sighed and shook his head, “If you weren’t my friend I would roast the fuck out of you.”
Clint tipped his head, “You’d do what now?”
“Roast you.”
“Cook me? What the fuck Parker??”
Peter shook his head. “You were in the circus for too long, you don’t know any memes do you?”
“Any what?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought. Come on, we’re gonna go skype Shuri.”
Clint frowned and followed behind Peter, very confused about what was going on.
Clint stood in front of the mirror in the gym and looked at his reflection. A scarred body with an exhausted look to it stared back at him. The boy in the mirror was only 17, but he looked much older. 
Clint had seen a lot in his short life, and a lot of it showed if you looked close enough. Shaking his head, Clint turned away from the mirror and walked over to his weapons cabinet. Once there, Clint opened up a secret compartment and pulled out his broadsword.
It was three in the morning, he should be in bed like everyone else, but he just couldn’t. 
Every time he closed his eyes his past would flash by his eyelids. It was driving him insane. 
He knew his best course of action would be to train himself to exhaustion. 
He would usually go for his bow, but today he just knew that wouldn’t be enough. 
No one knew that he had ever been trained on the broadsword. No one knew what he used to have to do with this weapon. 
Though, in their defense, they didn’t know a lot about Clint period. 
Taking the sword from its sheath, Clintswung it back and forth a few times before facing his imaginary opponent.
Taking a deep breath, Clint got himself into position.
Clint put his sword away an hour and a half later, finally ready to go to bed.
“Avengers Assemble!!!”
Clint groaned. “Shit”
Peter looked over at Clint. “Are you dead?”
Clint groaned from his prone position on the floor of Peter’s bedroom. “No. Unfortunately.”
Ned looked over at Peter, before switching his gaze back to Clint. “Should I like… Call an ambulance?”
“No, I’m good. Just needed a nap where no one could find me.”
“Cool. Ned and I are gonna work on some homework, we’ll leave you alone.”
“Thank you!”
Clint closed his eyes again and curled into a tight ball. Right as he was drifting off he could swear he heard Ned whisper to Peter. “Holy shit that’s Hawkeye!!!”
“I told you I knew him!”
“That’s so fucking cool.”
Clint walked out of Peter’s bedroom two hours later with a yawn. “Thanks Peter”
Peter waved a hand. “It’s cool. You gonna head back to the tower?”
Clint shrugged. “Maybe. Not much to do there to be honest.”
“What wouldn’t there be to do? It’s the Avengers tower!”
Clint laughed at Ned and sat down next to him at Peter’s kitchen table. “Sure, if you want to watch TV or go to the gym for sixteen hours of your day. Everyone is a lot older than me and has their own problems and issues. Not much time to hang out with a teenager, you know? Sometimes I feel like I only exist when there’s a call for service.”
“That’s how I feel too! At least you’re actually an Avenger.” Peter grimaced. “I’m just the friendly, neighborhood Spiderman.”
Ned nodded. “Which is totally cool, not gonna lie Pete. But like, you’re an Avenger dude!”
Clint nodded. “Yeah I know, I know. But just because I am an Avenger, doesn’t mean the Avenger is me. Sometimes Clint wants to go to the mall and hang. But I’m not really allowed to go out without one of the Avengers with me.”
“Oh wow… That sucks.”
Clint sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
Peter and Ned looked at each other.
“So… How about you play hooky a little longer and hang with us for a bit?” Peter asked. 
Clint smiled. “Sounds like fun.”
“In latest news, heroes Hawkeye and Spiderman were seen helping civilians in the latest home grown terrorist attack. While out at the park yesterday evening, an active shooter began to open fire on the unsuspecting public. Within minutes you can see that both the heroes were on the scene and were actively fighting the shooter. It seems that in the crossfire, Hawkeye has been injured. Unknown what his injuries are at present. There were no other causalities and only minor injuries thanks to their timely presence. More at eight. Thank you”
“What in the HELL did you think you were doing?!”
Clint winced and looked up at Natasha, “Helping?”
“Helping? Helping?! You could have been killed!”
Clint looked over at the rest of the team for help. “Isn’t that what we do all the time?”
Steve shook his head. “Clint, in those settings you have an entire team to watch your back. You didn’t even call us. You and Peter both could have been killed after that little stunt. You should both know better.”
“Jesus it was just two armed gun men. They weren’t even that hard to fight. I only got hurt because the gun exploded in the guy’s hand.”
“Only got hurt. You ONLY got hurt…. Clint, I’m gonna murder you.”
“But wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of lecturing me?”
Natasha glared at him. “You’re right. You’re grounded.”
“G-r-o-u-n-d-e-d. Grounded. Do you want me to give you a definition?“
Clint tipped his head. “But…. I’m 17!”
Steve smiled. “That’s not 18. Technically you’re still our kid, which means we can ground you.”
Clint’s mouth dropped open, and he turned his head over to Tony.
“Don’t look at me kid, I’m all for it. In fact, I’m talking with May to make sure Peter is grounded too.”
“… This is some shit.”
“Like you wouldn’t believe kiddo.”
Clint sat on the couch, arms crossed, pouting.
“Hey…. It could be worse?”
Clint looked over at Peter, “They put an ankle monitor on us Pete. An ankle monitor!!!”
Peter shrugged, “We could have to clean the toilets?”
Clint groaned and flopped over to the side.
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god-hunter · 6 years
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X-Men: Gold #26-30
This was the ‘Til Death Do Us Part arc, and boy was it a drag. Well, issue 30 anyway.  But the adventure was actually pretty good!  I was never looking forward their wedding in the first place though, which means I didn’t really mind the ending, lol.
Issue 26, showed us a neat flashback of Kitty meeting Piotr for the very first time and instantly having a crush on him. They cut to now, where they’re having lunch in South America for some reason and have a half-hearted conversation about why it took so long for them to get here. Almost as if Kitty is having second thoughts..
But then action takes place. Rachel, Gambit, Rogue, Night Crawler and Storm are trying to track down Mesmero.  They end up catching him and have I mentioned that Storm got a serious upgrade in the form of Asgardian Armor, with a hammer and all?  I should have mentioned it last time, but she ended up receiving Stormcaster, while in Prison, which was a big deal and a throwback to an old story, apparently.  So now, she’s basically replacement Jane Foster. (At least for the time being).  [To be honest, if they had made that decision in the first place, I might have actually read the Thor books...]
Anyway, the real premise starts when Nance and the nanite that survived, whose calling himself Alpha now, come up with a crazy plan to abduct Piotr.  Fast forwarding to his Bachelor Party that night, this is where that abduction takes place.  He gets his ass kicked in the bathroom by Alpha and is taken away.
Issue 27 started with another flashback, to when Kitty first made a move on Piotr. That was pretty neat.  Cut to now, the rest of the bachelor party are distraught that Piotr is gone.
Storm talks to Rachel about her cool Stormcaster upgrade while also showing concern that Rachel is getting to powerful, herself. [Hypocritcal, much?  Nah I get it. Rachel has like dark power from the future, or something.] Her whiskers are back and everything.
Kitty, Rachel, Storm & Rogue become alerted to the fact that Piotr is missing. [And we’re given a brief explanation as to why the other guys aren’t around. Something about scouting the area..   Yeah, okay...]
In the Savage Land, that is where Pete is being held captive.  Nance reveals that she wants to extract the Legacy Virus from his DNA or something and kill the rest of the Mutant race with it.
The Gold Team regroups in Vegas, where they all somehow track him down to the Savage Land. [Overpowered Rachel plot device saves the day].
Piotr and Alpha have a talk about how this plan doesn’t make sense and using the logic, Alpha admits that he is a mutation of a sort, too. Which is why he will self-terminate after enacting his plan.  [Jeez]
From there on, it’s action city as the Gold Team infiltrates the facility, fights Alpha nanites, Kitty gets to slam Nance into the wall and threaten her..
And then amidst all the crazy action, the bad guys get away in a rocket ship.
It’s time to go to space.
Issue #28 was the “Space Race!”  This one was well-paced.  It starts with a flashback from Piotr’s perspective, back at Genetech Laboratories, years ago. [I only vaguely know about this story].  He was kidnapped for a long time, and thought he was dead, but then eventually Kitty saved him.
Cut to now, where Piotr yells at Alpha for doing this.
At the Savage Land facility, Nance, thinking she’s already won allows Kitty and the others to leave, unharmed.  The nanites all back down.  “I’m going to permit you to leave this place, get back on your Mutie plane and return home. Hug your loved ones. Make your peace. Say your goodbyes.” “I’m not a monster”.
Kitty decks her anyway on their way out. Hahaha. That was funny.  Then they get on that Blackbird jet and take Nance with them.  Rachel gets scary dark, when she tries to read Nance’s mind which is blocked with Psi-shields.  She overpowers her mind, Nance falls to the ground and hits her head hard.  Then she finds out what she needs.  “Peter’s being taken to a defunct Roxxon Oil Station.”
WIth the help of Alpha Flight, they get there.  A bunch of missiles a flung at them and Storm goes out in Space to destroy them all.  [Storm is WAY overpowered with that StormCaster, but it sure is Hella cool.]
Then in an awesome way, their ship gets damaged and is about to crash right into the station.  But Kitty uses her phasing powers to have the whole ship phase right into the place.  It’s still a messy crash landing, but at least they’re all inside.  That was really cool to see.
More Nanites come after them, but Kitty figures out that Piotr is four floors below them.  [Thanks Rachel].  Kitty immediately phases right down the floors. “Hang on Peter... I’m coming for you.”
That one was actually really touching and exciting. I liked that issue.
Issue #29 starts with a flashback of Kitty hearing about Piotr being in trouble with the Legacy Virus.  They had been done at this time, but it threw her off mid-flirt with a guy and made her cry deeply, making her realize she still has feelings for him, I’m sure.
Cut to now, Piotr is more-less going through the same thing.  Alpha’s vague plan of siphoning whatever remnants of the Legacy Virus that is in his DNA is working.  Kitty phases into the room where Alpha tells her that it’s already too late.  “The procedure completed 0.34 seconds before you arrived.” Then he self-terminates as promised.
From there, the space station itself launched a weapon which shoots out a bunch of pods, I guess contained with the Legacy Virus?  These will apparently land everywhere on Earth, and kill anyone with an X-Gene.
Because they’re in the form of pods, Storm gets to do her cool Stormcaster thing again.  Pyro, who is down on Earth gets to play the hero as well and blast whatever remaining pods are in the atmosphere, while ‘surfing on a jet’.
That was whatever. I didn’t really care.  But the day was saved and Kitty & Piotr just had another traumatic moment which would bring them closer together.  Somewhere in these issues, she vented to Rogue about how she was kind of getting cold feet, because she figured if they were gonna get married, it would have happened already.  Rogue told her to shut those feelings the fuck up, and not let the universe get in the way of her happiness.  They can save the day and still be together. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t.
So...  This basically takes us to the ending.  Issue 30. The Big Wedding Marvel’s been promoting for like, half a year.
I wasn’t looking forward to it. I never asked for it.  And then, in the end...  It didn’t happen!!!
Pay close attention to that cover in Issue #30, where her hand is phasing through Colossus’.
This issue has one last flashback, to them breaking up in the past. Flash forward to now, they are in the same place, by the same hill they broke up on, about to have their Wedding outdoors.  [Why would you ever do that??]
Moreover, there’s a party that takes place. The Rehearsal Dinner. And most of this is whatever, so I’ll get to the point.  Illyana pulls Kitty aside. She’s her best friend, remember and also Piotr’s brother.  And while a little drunk, I guess she does some probing and asks for some deep down honesty from her gal pal.
And then she says it.  Ilyyana brings up what Kitty’s been worried about in the back of her mind for all this time.  “I just think if you two were meant to be together... It would’ve happened by now.”
This simple sentence is enough to spread doubt through her mind.  Come time of the big day, there’s a lot of fan fare, and glory pages of people getting to the wedding. Including Wolverine! Actual Young Logan, who looks at them from afar on a rooftop. “Godspeed kids. Be good to each other.”
Well... simply put...  They’re not!
They get to placing of the rings and Kitty just phases through his hand at the last minute.
She apologizes that she can’t do this and phases through the ground.
Even for me, this is sad, but part of me was going ‘Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!’
aaaand now Piotr is heartbroken.  Then, Gambit decides to take over!
He and Rogue have been an item again, ever since Astonishing X-Men I think, or maybe earlier.  So it’s no secret that they’re smitten again.  So right then and there, he decides that THEY should just get married.
And Bam!  Someone got married.  ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ arc concluded...
There is an after-talk, but Kitty doesn’t make sense. She doesn’t understand why she made her split-decision.  But Piotr can’t have that.
This book is ending soon, and I’m glad.  I told you I’ve been luke-warm about this thing almost since it started.  The writing is okay, I just don’t know what it is that I don’t love.  The whole Kitty & Piotr thing felt forced to me. It really did.  So I was glad this ended.
But what I didn’t expect was that now Colossus was gonna bow out. And he was actually going to enter a different book that I didn’t expect - Astonishing X-Men, which got WAY better after Issue 12.
I guess I’ll review those, next, but I REALLY want to get to the X-Men Blue stuff. I have been LOVING that book and will be sad to see it go.
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lighteyed · 7 years
drunk peter headcanons
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tags : @parkerroos @spideyyss @peterletmebeanavengerparker @grant-valdes-holland @ladysnowren @marvelsdaughter @underoosie @sunrisehunny @tomhollandisthicc @quacksoff @lil-spidey @captainswriting @jor-da-na
for the wild ass spiderjizz gals bc our gc was full of sad headcanons and we need to stop being SAD
author’s note : don’t yell at me and say peter is too young 15 year olds get drunk and do a lot of shit they shouldn’t be doing trust me k cool enJOY
ok so if u don’t think peter is a lil lightweight u would be wrong sir
he becomes about fifty times clumsier than he already is
“y/n y/n y/n i hurt my fooooot kiss it better”
“peter benjamin parker get your foot out of my face and away from my mouth or so help me gOD”
you refuse to drink with him bc peter alone is like watching over an awfully curious child but peter drunk is like trying to keep track of a two year old with the attention span of squirrel
so you’re watching over this ridiculous idiot 
and he is the clingiest baby ever
“ummmm y/n baby baby baby you’re so far away from meeee” cue pouty face and outstretched grabby hands as he reaches for you even though you’re only a little bit away in front of the tv trying to put on a movie
“i’m two feet away peter”
“oh my gosh you are so drunk my friend”
“did you just friend zone me” and then he tears up a little and you spend the next twenty minutes trying to convince him that he’s not just a friend
he is completely ridiculous but it’s fine he’s adorable
also he is always yelling
for no reason
he just yells everything when he’s drunk apparently?????
“yes peter i know what a cookie looks like you donut”
“donut i love doNUTS”
“askfgsjfg peter no”
then he can’t stop laughing and he laughs for ten minutes and then he gets tired and stretches out across your lap like a sleepy angel/cat
he’s a very ramble-y drunk too and he doesn’t know what he’s saying half the time
“y/n i’ve got a suuuuuuper big thing i gotta tell you i gotta tell you it like right noooowwwwww okay”
“okay peter baby what is it”
“i love youuuuuuuuu did you know that i love you because i do me peter loves you y/n and i wanna maybe marry you and have babies with you like reallyyyyyyyy cute ones bUT don’t tell you”
“peter what”
“don’t tell yourself!!!!” and this nerd says it so matter-of-factly with a smartly placed smirk on his mouth as he stares up at you with big brown doe eyes that all you can do is sigh and shake your head 
“okay i won’t tell myself”
“peter the yelling”
he keeps trying to sing and usually he’s pretty good (that’s a whole different imagine) but he sounds like he’s scalping a cat as he tries to serenade you
he curls up against you because clingy an grabs your hands and holds them to his face and randomly claps them against his cheeks it’s weird he’s weird
“what are you doing”
“i’m singing the friends theme in my head shhhh you’re ruining my vibE babe”
“RUDE you’re a mean drunk”
but then he gets really kissy and just wants to love on you repeatedly
he starts by kissing your hands and your wrists really daintily 
and suddenly this former nerd is kissing up your collarbones and really slowly kissing your neck and then he bites you but he’s trying to give you a hickey but it’s not working he’s just biting incessantly 
“peter you can be sexy in the morning you’re just acting like damon salvatore at this point”
cue his sad face “why won’t you love me back”
“you’re drunk and it’s like taking advantage of you so we can do this another night okay?”
“uuuuuugggghhhhhh now i’m sad”
you roll your eyes and wrap your arms around him anyway and he smiles up at you all lovingly with little crinkles by his eyes and dimples by the corners of his mouth and he’s clearly not sad anymore he’s just needy 
“can you - can you pet my hair baby love”
“yeah pete of course”
and now he’s sleepy but he’s still curled up in your lap like some sort of kitten nd his eyes keep opening and closing but he has a really firm grip on your hand and refuses to let go ever
“y/n y/n y/n i love you”
“i know peter”
“shhhh no you don’t you don’t understand”
“no no like i really really love you and if i don’t marry you i’m gonna die like die die like deaD 
and then he rolls over and puts your hand against his cheek again and passes the fuck out with his mouth still slightly open and he’s lowkey drooling and it’s kinda gross but you can’t move bc there’s a huge boy laying on top of you and??????
he’s heavier than he looks?????
and the truth is that he’s heavy as fuck and he’s crushing you but you can’t move him bc???/ the cuteness is too much and he was highkey wasted and he needs some sleep
he wakes up in the morning with a killer headache and he kinda wants to die because ow his foot hurts and his brain feels like it is pounding against his skull with tiny little Thor hammers
but he sees that you’re sleeping and he feels bad bc he’s been splayed out on top of you all night drooling on your knee???
“ugh that’s disgusting”
“peter i know my face in the morning is scary but-”
“oh god why did i yell my head hurts so bad ughgsgk”
he takes 3 advil tablets and asks if he did anything stupid last night
you tell him no, that he was just pretty adorable to spare him the pain 
later on you'll tell him that he said if he doesn’t get to marry you he’ll die
“well they do say that drunks are the most honest people”
“i’m peter and i wanna marry you or else i’ll die”
“you make me so upset”
drunk peter is a sweet peter but all peters are good !!!
goodbyE i miss peter and i’ve never even had him to begin with
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The Stark Internship (Part 4)
I walked into school, listening out as the empty hallways echoed under my footsteps. I could hear another person in the hall, walking towards me as I pushed books into my locker.
“Y/N, I’m Ned, a friend of Peter’s” I looked down, taking in a deep breath. “I really need to talk to you about him”
“Listen, Ned… I really don’t want to talk about Peter right now, or ever. I barely know the guy” I sighed, turning to face the boy.
“you might not know him very well, but whatever you did or said to him last night… it hurt him, badly. Pete went home and started smashing things up, screaming at his aunt May. He only stopped when I arrived, and even then, he was clenching and unclenching his fists all night though. He wouldn’t say a word” I bit into my lip, looking down.
“Ned, Peter is better off without me, please just- just try to get him to forget about me… me and my dad are going to move as soon as he finishes the job he’s doing here…” I took a shaky breath, needing to make my lie believable. “I’m supposed to be moving sooner though, probably the end of this week, so I can get back to my old school”
“You can’t” I heard the quiet familiar voice from behind my locker door. The door shut and I bit into my lip, “Your dad needs you here” I heard Ned mumbling to himself as he quickly turned and walked away.
“Peter, I told you yesterday” I muttered, letting out a sigh, trying my best to turn away from him. “Its best you don’t get close to me, and I you” Peter groaned and shook his head.
“That’s not true, and you know it Y/N. You’re running away from this before there is a this!” he shouted, and I looked around.
“Peter, not here” I hushed, making him hit a locker.
“Where then Y/N because you sure as hell made it clear I’m not invited back to your place. I don’t think aunt May would ever let you in our apartment block” Peter spat under his breath, “You know, I honestly thought you were the first person who actually understood me, and who I could be honest with” He laughed before walking off. I sighed, resting my head against the locker.
“Oh, and Y/N” I turned my head to Peter and sighed. “I told tony about your glasses”
He called over his shoulder as he walked off. My fist slammed into the locker and I pulled my phone out of my pocket, pressing the speed dial.
“Y/N?” I heard the familiar voice ask.
“Tony, have you spoken to Peter?” He laughed to himself. “so he did tell you…Ton-“
“Don’t explain yourself to me kid, I get it, you wanted to get it right before I jumped in trying to make it better” I laughed “You really messed with my plans kid, what did you even do that got the boy so mad he wanted to tell me your biggest secret?”
“I told him it’s best we’re not friends” I sighed, leaning against the locker. “Tony, I really think this is a stupid idea, if you want Peter on your side then fine, whatever… but don’t get me involved with this.  Its messing with my head Tony, I can’t focus on my work with this, with him- Peter, he-”
“likes you? I know kid” Tony laughed. “Y/N, I saw that the moment he laid his eyes on you. You can’t see, but he looked at you the way I looked at Pepper, the way I look at her now” Tony sighed. I ran a hand through my hair and bit into my lip.
“Tony, you broke up with Pepper to protect her, do you want me to do the exact opposite of that? Even then, that doesn’t mean that he thinks that of me, or I him… Tony, I just need out of this” My head fell back against the locker and I heard people rushing past to get to class. “Tony, this is stressing me out”
“Calling daddy now?” I heard a taunt from behind me. I turned to face Peter, holding a finger to my lips.
“Tony, I want out, you brought me here to get Peter on your side… You played me and him, I can’t afford to care about anyone else, I can’t lose anyone else I care about… not after mum and dad, not after Pepper… Tony I can’t begin caring about someone… I can’t go through what you and she did… loving someone who saves the world for a living…. It can’t work” I rubbed my forehead and let out a sigh.
“I’m gonna go, and leave lover boy to make his case” Tony laughed before hanging up. I snorted then put my phone away.
“You’re afraid to care about anyone? About me?” Peter asked quietly.
“Peter it’s better for you, relationships between those that save the world and their partners… it never ends well… look at Steve Rogers, he froze the day he got a date with Peggy, the Green Arrow, Oliver still loved Laurel when she died… he cared about Sara both times he thought she’d died… this life, it kills people” He stepped closer and I could heart his heart thudding strongly in his chest.
“Pepper is alive, so is Lois Lane, I’m sure some of the Avengers probably still have people they care about who aren’t dead” Peter whispered, reaching up and pushing my hair back. “If you don’t want to get close to me, then don’t… but don’t pretend it’s because you’d get hurt” He muttered before taking a breath. “We both know Tony has more than enough means to keep you safe, especially since you’ve already been exposed to more danger than I could ever put you in. you just can’t face telling me straight that you don’t want to try with me… and I never even staid I liked you!” He snapped. “Even if I did, do you really think I’d let that happen, I couldn’t, feelings or not, I would never let anything hurt you!”
“No but people would hurt you!” I yelled back, throwing my backpack on and spinning.
“What the hell do you mean?” Peter asked from behind me.
“Peter there is a hell of a lot about me you do not know, and you never will. But don’t for one second think I’m worried about my safety. Tony has me constantly guarded, unless I slip his guards. I’m safe, but you aren’t… and if by some miracle I fell for you Peter, I couldn’t guarantee that for you, I couldn’t protect you!” I shouted, pushing him back.
“I don’t need protecting” He whispered.
“You do” I sighed, running my hands through my hair. “Oh my god Peter, you don’t even see it… Peter I’ve lived this life since I was 11 years old, I know what I’m doing, but even then people still watch over me” I mumbled.
“I don’t get it, why are you doing this?” He grumbled.
“Peter, I go out every night not knowing if I’ll go home, I worry each time that Tony will get a phone call telling him he needs to identify my dead body, but I go out there because I never want anything like what happened to my parents, to ever happen again” Peter froze, his heartbeat racing. “How could I live with myself if you developed feelings and you had to find out on the news that your girlfriend was found beaten to death in an alleyway, all alone…”
“You-?” He asked and I sighed, nodding.
“You think I don’t use my super hearing, taste, smell and touch for better reason?” I asked, laughing quietly. “But seriously Peter, I need to go. I can’t get tangled up in this, with you” Peter laughed and I cocked my head.
“Tangled… spider man, spider web” He cheered quietly, making us both chuckle.
“Seriously, it’s dangerous. For you” I mumbled. “It would be better if I went, because I can’t watch what’s about to happen in Germany, especially not if we became friends”
“You mean if you fell in love with me” he challenged.
“Peter, I don’t care about you like that, I met you two days ago…” I laughed, he chuckled nervously and I felt Peter slowly move closer.
“You might not yet, but you might soon” He smirked, I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. “Hey, it’s not that far of a stretch, even Tony thought it could happen” He chuckled. “I know he isn’t the best at social norms… but neither of us are. If he brought you along to make me care about you, so I would fight… he is a smarter man than we thought, because there’s no one else I would fight for so quickly” My breath caught in my throat and Peter gasped quickly. “Not- Awe who cares… I like you okay, The moment you walked in I could see you were different Y/N… You’re amazing… you’re smart, kind, you think about others first… you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen… I just found out you’re a freaking superhero… how could someone not care about you after that?” I sighed and turned on my heel, rushing towards the doors.
“Y/N, seriously?” He shouted
                                              To be continued…
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adastra-x · 7 years
Broken Promises (Part 2)
Peter tells you who he is, and you two make up.
Part One
Word Count: 1,882
Warnings: None
Note: This part is a little longer than the first one but it’s still pretty short. I proofread it, but I probably still missed some things. Sorry for any mistakes, hope you enjoy! Xx
You and Peter hadn’t spoken to each other once in the 10 days following your breakup on Homecoming night. You had been having a difficult time since then. Peter had been your best friend and your boyfriend, and to lose him as both at the same time was very hard to deal with.
You had started spending more time with your female friends to keep yourself distracted, but you were still struggling. Lunch was the hardest. You found yourself constantly sneaking glances at your old lunch table and wondering how Peter was doing. Did he miss you like you missed him? Did he even miss you at all?
You were attempting to involve yourself in the conversation at your new lunch table when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Ned behind you.
“Hey, y/n, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Um, sure,” you replied skeptically. Your eyes flickered behind him to see that Peter was no longer at their lunch table before the two of you turned and walked toward the cafeteria exit.
“Okay, what’s up?” You asked as soon as you and Ned were outside of the cafeteria.
“I just wanted to check on you, y/n/n. It’s been over a week since you and Peter broke up. I thought you two would have made up by now for sure,” Ned explained.
“Yeah, I don’t see that happening anytime soon,” you scoffed, “Look, Ned, I love Peter. A lot. And I would like to think that he loves me too, but he doesn’t trust me, and that’s what matters. Eight years of friendship and almost a year of dating don’t mean anything if he can’t even tell me the truth.”
That was probably what hurt the most. You could honestly say that you trusted Peter with your life, but when it came down to it, he couldn’t be honest with you even if it meant throwing your entire relationship away.
“Come on, y/n. you can’t possibly believe that,” Ned replied placatingly, “Peter does trust you. You are one of the most important people in his life. He only ever wants the best for you and has a really good reason for not telling you what’s going on with him right now.”
Ned’s wording made you pause and cock your head at him suspiciously.
“Do you…know what Peter is hiding from me?” you asked him. His deer-caught-in-headlights look was enough of a response for you.
“You do, don’t you?” you accused, “You said that Peter had a ‘good reason’ for lying to me which means that you probably know the reason and what he’s hiding!”
“Tell me, Ned, please,” you pleaded, “What’s going on? Is Peter in some kind of trouble?”
“It’s not that simple, y/n/n,” Ned answered apologetically, “I only found out by accident and I am in no position to just spill a secret this big. Especially without Peter’s consent.”
Ned could see on your face that you were extremely hurt and concerned, but he would not change his mind.
“Just give him some time,” he offered, “Peter has a lot on his plate right now, but I think if you let him sort it all out he’ll come clean to you.”
“Yeah, or come up with a really convincing lie,” you said dejectedly, “It’s fine, though. I’ll see you later, Ned.”
“Bye, y/n/n. I’m really sorry,” he replied.
‘Me too, bud,’ you thought, ‘Me. Too.’
Peter’s POV
With about ten minutes left in lunch, Ned left the cafeteria and found Peter sitting at a table in the library.
“Hey, so, you remember how I said I was going to talk to y/n to try and help you guys fix things?” he asked.
“Yes, I also remember telling you that I didn’t want you to do that,” Peter said warningly.
“Okay, well, don’t freak out, but I kind of didn’t listen…” Ned winced.
“Ned!” Peter whisper-yelled, “Why would you do something like that? What did you say?”
“Well, initially I was trying to see how she had been doing lately since I haven’t spoken to her much lately, but then I was trying to help her see your side of things so that she would forgive you and she kind of figured out that I know your secret,” he gushed guiltily.
“Ned! Do you realize how bad this is? Y/N is never going to forgive me if she thinks that I was willing to trust you with my secret but not her,” Peter groaned.
“I don’t think you have to worry about that part because she knows I only found out by accident, but she’s still hurt. Honestly, Peter, I think you should just tell her,” Ned advised.
“Come on, Ned, you know why I can’t do that. That part of my life is much too dangerous for me to ever involve y/n in. The last thing I’d ever want is for her to get hurt because of me,” Peter said softly.
“But that’s the thing, Peter. It seems like all of the stuff with Vulture has died down since that night and you haven’t had any significantly dangerous encounter since then. I don’t think telling y/n would be putting her in any danger,” Ned reasoned.
When the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, Ned stood up and patted Peter on his shoulder.
“Just think about it, man. Y/N really misses you, and I know you miss her. You can fix this.”
Your POV
The rest of your day was a blur and, before you knew it, you found yourself sitting in your apartment browsing Netflix on your laptop. You had just decided that you were going to re-watch some episodes of Criminal Minds before you started your homework when you heard the comm for your apartment buzz.
‘I wonder who that could be,’ you wondered as you got up to answer the buzz.
“What’s up, Reggie?” you asked the doorman.
“I have a special delivery of flowers down here for you,” he reported, “Can I send them up?”
Flowers? Who the heck was sending you flowers?
“Yeah, that’s fine, send them up,” you said. When you opened the door to a bouquet of beautiful multi-colored lilies, you were both delighted and baffled.
After thanking the doorman and places the lilies in a vase on your dining room table, you opened the little card that had been attached to the lilies.
Y/N, I am so sorry. For everything. Please allow me a chance to explain myself. I’ll be waiting for you at our place. I miss you. Love, P
You were immediately overwhelmed by a variety of emotions. Peter wanted to fix things. Should you go? It had been over a week since everything had happened, but Ned had said that you should give him time. Besides, he missed you. You should go, if only to hear him out.
You and Peter’s “place” was a pizzeria called Four Sons. It was around the corner from your building and it had some of the best pizza that you had every tasted. You and Peter went there so often that the owner knew you both by name.
When you walked into Four Sons, you immediately spotted Peter sitting in the booth in the back corner of the restaurant. You had always liked the privacy that that booth had afforded you, but the sight of Peter sitting there only intensified your nerves.
Peter stood when he saw you approaching the table.
“Y/N, hi,” he said nervously, “I wasn’t sure if you’d come.”
“I wasn’t either,” you answered honestly as you slid into the seat across from him. Peter had really hurt you, and if he thought he was getting off easy, he had another thing coming.
“Okay,” he winced, “I deserved that. I was awful to you, but I’m really glad you’re giving me a chance to fix this.”
“Right, so, this is all going to sound crazy but I need you to just listen to the entire story before you start asking questions,” he started.
“Okay..” you agreed skeptically. The somber look on his face made you think that whatever Peter was about to tell you probably wasn’t good.
“Do you remember how I got really sick a few months ago, then after, like, a day I was completely fine?” Peter asked. He waited until you nodded in confirmation before continuing.
“Well, after I got better, things started getting really weird for me. I had developed a few, uh, abilities,” he said cautiously.
After pausing to gauge your reaction, Peter continued. “I found out that I was able to do things that I was never able to do before I had gotten sick. Once I figured out how to control my abilities, I started using them to help people. Before long, it became a daily thing. A few months ago, Tony Stark asked me to join him on a trip to Berlin for a mission and, even though it was only a one-time thing, I used that trip to help explain my actions. I was still doing the same thing as before, I just had a better explanation now.”
“What are you trying to tell me, Peter?” You were confused. This entire story didn’t seem to have a point to it.
“Y/N, I’m Spider-Man,” he said bluntly, “And I know that that’s hard to believe, but it’s the reason why I’ve been acting the way that I have.”
You sat and stared at Peter in shock. Spider-Man? Of all the things you’d guessed this conversation would be about, that had not even made the list. You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that you didn’t realize that you hadn’t responded to Peter’s bombshell.
“Y/N? Say something, love. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, please believe me,” he begged.
“I believe you,” you said finally, “It does sound crazy, but it makes sense. It explains all the bruises that you kept coming to school with and why you’re never around and even the incredible shape you’ve been in for the past couple of months. I thought you joined an underground fight club.”
Peter was overwhelmed with relief at your response. “A fight club?” he chuckled, “Really?”
“It isn’t unheard of,” you said defensively, “But why didn’t you just tell me the truth from the start, Pete? I wouldn’t have told anybody.”
“That was never a thought in my head, y/n/n,” he said quickly, “I knew that if I told you my secret that you wouldn’t tell anyone else, but I didn’t want you to get involved in this part of my life. It’s extremely dangerous and I would die if something happened to you. Please forgive me, I was only trying to protect you.”
You didn’t like what Peter had done, but you could understand why he had done it. “Okay. I forgive you.”
“Yes! Thank you so much. I love you and I’ll never hide something this big from you again,” he gushed.
“Yeah, you better not. I’ll kick your ass next time,” you teased.
“Oh, please,” Peter said with a smirk, “I’d like to see you try. I am Spider-Man after all.”
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askaphmaine · 7 years
Every time the capitals are forced to meet during the holiday season, it always devolved into the exact same situation. Well, the meetings were always chaos, second only to the states, but still. Frantic, last minute shopping was a bit much. everyone would pair up and search the nearest cities for a ton of gifts, including one for their partner. People normally pair up with the same person, such as Annapolis and Dover. Every year, however, someone pulls the short straw, forcing them to pair up with the capital of Maine, Augusta.
Not that he was bad to be paired up with, honestly. Augusta never complained when dragged around. The main problem was his disinterest. He never gave an opinion when asked nor any ideas. Hell, he never bought anything. Last year, Concord admitted he had fallen asleep on a mall bench while the two of them were shopping. This year was Albany’s turn, much to his horror. While he did have feelings for the shorter boy, he had been warned by Sacramento that he tended to wonder off, especially in more expensive stores.
He soon found that those stories were either gross exaggerations or were simplified. Augusta refused to leave his side, even reaching out to grab his arm in more crowded areas. He still gave no opinions and seemed genuinely uninterested in every thing, though. Were all Mainers like this? Did none of them celebrate things? These thoughts plagued Albany for most of the afternoon.
For hours, though, he tried every thing he could think of to get Augusta to smile, even just a little one. While he may not have complained or wondered off, Albany wanted the other boy to enjoy himself for once. Sure, he needed gifts for NYC and New York, but he hated the idea that Augusta didn’t celebrate. Augusta, however, chose to remain silent. Finally, Albany felt something snap when Augusta only responded to his question of where to eat with a shrug.
“Are you mute or something? You haven’t spoken a single word all day! And what are you, the Grinch or something? Or maybe you just hate Maine, I don’t know. I guess you just hate everything. And we get it, so grow up. But you cold at least grace us with an answer every now and again.” He growled, yanking the wheel harshly to turn into a parking spot. Augusta actually looked surprised, especially after his head was knocked into the window, waking him up. Rubbing his temple, he sent Albany a small glare. “Still no answer? You know, maybe-“
“Well, fuck me for not being talkative, I guess.” Augusta hissed. Albany felt ice in his veins at the tone, freezing him while holding the key that was resting in the ignition. “Weren’t expecting an answer, huh? Even though you just knocked my head into a door? As for your ever so polite questions, no, I’m not a mute, just quiet. I’m not the Grinch, I actually enjoy this time of year. I adore Maine, she literally raised me, asshole. I don’t hate everything, I’m just done with my shopping and know LITERALLY NOTHING ABOUT ANYONE ELSE!” Augusta roared, slamming his hand on the dash before taking a deep breath. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed. “Fine, fine. You want my honest opinion? Those watches you bought are gaudy and unnecessary. Hell, everything in every store you dragged me into fell under that description. Half of it, if not more, was simply tasteless, just a way to show off how much money someone has. The whole point of the holidays is to spend time with people you care about. And, seeing as I’m literally the person people are forced to pair up with, it’s obvious none of the other capitals care about me. So why should I grace anyone with an answer?”
“You know about that?” Albany felt himself whisper. He always thought…No, it made more sense that Augusta knew. The other capital knew a lot more than he let on, about all of them. Sometimes Albany wondered if he only pretended to be asleep or listening to things so people would let their guard down and this seemed like proof.
“Of course I do. You guys don’t exactly hide it.” With that, Augusta hopped out of the car, storming off back towards downtown. Albany sat for a moment, watching his crush storm away. Quickly, he yanked the key out, moving to follow.
“Hey, wait. Please, wait up, A-“ Albany quickly closed his mouth. He didn’t actually know Augusta’s human name. He slowed to a walk before stopping completely, watching Augusta vanish from sight. He really didn’t know much about him, did he? With a sigh, he turned around, walking back to his car slowly. Once he sat back down, he ran his fingers though his hair, feeling hot tears well up. He tried thinking of a way to make things up to him but could only come up with blanks. How could he know nothing about his own crush? Was it even a crush? What was wrong with him? Tears spilled over, forcing Albany to remove his glasses and wipe them.
He didn’t know how long he sat there in that parking lot. It had to have been a couple of hours, with the sunset long over. No matter how hungry or tired he felt, Albany couldn’t leave. He didn’t know where Augusta had gone. He couldn’t just leave him.
On the other side of town, Augusta felt his own tears overflow. He finally got paired up with his crush only to learn that he seemed to care more about money than actually spending time with his family. And Augusta couldn’t afford any of the types of gifts Albany would want. And then, he got yelled at, just for being quiet. Small hiccups found their way out as he wondered back towards the area he had so elegantly stormed away from. He had heard Albany’s requests for him to slow down. He really had. But when running high on emotions, he couldn’t find it in himself to do so. By now, Albany had to have left, leaving Augusta without a ride back to the meeting hall and his own truck. Hell, with how much larger this city is compared to Portland, he didn’t know have the slightest idea which way to go. He soon stumbled into the parking lot, noting the car, sitting quietly. Surly that wasn’t… Moving closer, he could see the dark outline of someone sitting in the drivers side. Once he made it over, he knew. Sleeping there was Albany, key still in the ignition, doors locked. He had actually waited? After Augusta had yelled at him? It felt like someone had ripped the ground out from under him. Knocking on the window, Augusta felt fresh tears well up a bit.
Albany blinked at the sudden noise. Who was knocking on his window? Who could reach his window? He slept on the 20th floor for pete’s sake! It took him a minute to remember that he was in his car, not bed. Albany sighed, read to face the police, only to freeze at the sight of a crying Augusta. Did he really think he’d leave him alone in a strange city? Albany grabbed his keys, stepping out into the cold. He watched Augusta open his mouth before dissolving into hiccups and sobs. He felt anger rise up.
“What were you thinking, running off like that? I don’t even know your number, how could I have found you? Do you realize how worried I’ve been?” He hissed, heart hammering. He knew being angry would only upset Augusta further, but right now he needed to get it out. “I know you didn’t want to come along but these trips do mean a lot to me, okay? So I’m sorry for dragging you around and all but running off was dangerous! I know how safe it is in Maine, but it’s not like that everywhere else. You may be able to walk your streets without fear or keep your doors unlocked, but doing it here is not a good-“ Arms wrapping around his waist shut Albany up faster than anything else could’ve. “A-“
“Aaron. I’m Aaron.” He heard him whisper.
“Aaron, are you okay?”
“…Can I do something to help?” Albany wrapped his own arms around Augusta’s shoulders.
“Can I talk?”
“Of course.”
“I wanted to buy you a gift, I really did. I know that’s supposed to be some sort of tradition with everyone but I never see anything that seems like a good idea. With my family, a lot of our gifts are either jokes or something that we spent time on. The point is never to spend a lot of money but rather to spend time together. It’s so different with everyone else. And I miss Mack and Lucas. A lot.”
“Mack and Lucas?”
“Maine and Portland. They’re my family, even if Lucas pushes me away a lot. This is the only time of year he actually spends time with me and it’s willing.”
“Oh. Sorry. And… you didn’t have to buy me anything.”
“I wanted to. B-but all you l-looked at w-were things th-that costed-“ He broke down. Albany felt his heart break slightly. Was Augusta really that serious about buying him a gift? To the point of crying over not knowing what to get him? While he was flattered that the other capital was expressing emotions not only to him but over him, he’s rather get the normal blank looks and lack of expression over tears.
“Please don’t cry. Please.” The two stood for what felt like years, just holding onto each other. Finally, Augusta pulled away.
“You wanted food, right? I’ll…I’ll pay. As an apology for ruining your night.” Albany shook his head.
“I upset you and you reacted. I should’ve payed more attention to you as a person. You had every right to be upset with me. C’mon, I’ll pay. I know it’s small but I know a great restaurant nearby. And I still need to buy you a gift too.”
“What do you want? For the holidays, I mean.”
“The same thing I’ve been trying to get all day. I just want you to smile.” Silence. Had he said the wrong thing? He turned slowly. “Aaron?” Shock filled his body. Standing there, Augusta gave him the softest, teary eyed smile Albany had ever seen.
“You corny bastard.”
“Don’t ruin the moment. Just…just let me enjoy this.” Oh, goodness. Albany knew his feelings for Augusta were true the moment the other laughed. It was so soft, so…so… He felt a smile rise onto his own lips, slipping his arm around Augusta’s shoulders. “You know, you should do that more often.”
“Just enjoy the miracle.”
“Trust me, I am.”
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coffeesforfuckers · 7 years
Our Summers Together Are My Best Kept Secrets And My Biggest Mistakes // Chapter Twelve
Ships: Peterick, Brallon, Ferard, Trohley, Jalex, Zian and others in the background
Description: Summers for most kids are spent going to the beach and on vacations with your family but lots are shipped off to summer camps for the whole summer. But the kids at Hempman Summer Camp actually beg to go! Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman all met there, they had all known each other for probably over a decade because of this absolutely amazing stay-away camp for kids from the ages of six to nineteen. All the kids that were there came back until they couldn't and they always had the same kids except a few new, younger, kids every year. That is until the year that the weird kid with the jet-black, dyed, black fringe and the crazy piercings and a couple tattoos comes in like he owns the place. That year also happens to be the same year that Patrick Stump gets gum stuck to the new emo kid's face and hair. It was love at first sight... But hate at first interaction for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy and the complete opposite for the new kid, Pete Wentz.
Chapter 12: Twelve - A Kiss You'll Always Remember
Pete grabs me by the waist, catching me mid-sprint, “I caught you.” He bites at my ear, leaving a kiss on my jawline.
“Pete!” I break free of his grip, “People have eyes you know.” I mutter, giving him a shove.
“I wish that they didn’t so I could be the only one to observe your beauty.” He coos and I roll my eyes.
“Can you chill with the gay for like ten seconds?” I roll my eyes as I start to walk off.
“Only if you can keep your dick in your pants for that long.” He retorts and my face goes red. I am such a slut for him.
“I hate you.” I grumble.
Pete’s hands rest against my hips, “Love you too, babe.” He smirks against my neck.
“Don’t do that!” I groan and pull his hands off of me, “There are people here, Pete.” I turn to glance at him over my shoulder and he lets out a huff.
“Too bad.” He tries grabbing me again but I dodge his hands.
“Stop that.” I point at him.
“Am I being bad?” He smirks and I roll my eyes.
“Pete I will dump your sorry-ass right here, right now.” I mumble, stepping up to him. He pecks me on the lips with a grin.
“I’m done.” He says and kisses me once more, “I lied, now I’m done.”
I roll my eyes and laugh. I can’t stand him sometimes.
“Come on, the guys are waiting for us.” I tug at his arm, pulling him back to our meeting spot.
Pete laughs the entire time. He’s always so happy.
He makes me so happy.
My feet can’t carry me fast enough, I’m stumbling over the various bags hanging down around me. As soon as I exit the flight gate I can see my giraffe man himself standing not too far away. I somehow manage to run even faster, dropping my bags and throwing myself onto Dallon. He kisses me hard, pushing his mouth to mine, his arms holding me desperately close, my legs around his waist. I pull my arms around his neck and hold onto him with a frantic desire for him. I hadn’t seen him in almost four months. I kiss him awkwardly, moving my mouth hurriedly as if I’d never be able to kiss him again. He kisses back, equally as rushed and forceful.
“I missed you so much.” I gasp against his mouth.
“I missed you too.” He mumbles, I break the kiss to catch my breath, burying my face into the crook of his neck. Dallon presses his face into my hair, we stay like this for a while, until Dallon can’t hold me any longer.
“Bren.” Dallon says softly after setting me down, neither of us letting go of the other.
“Dal.” I speak, hugging him tighter. I didn't want to let go, I wanted to stay like this forever.
“I love you.” He says to me, everything about him screams the words louder than his voice ever could.
“I love you too.” My voice bleeds emotion.
He moves his hands to take mine, “You ready?” He smiles at me.
“Always.” I grin back. He let's go of my hands and picks up a couple of my bags and I take the others, his hand links with mine again as we walk to his car.
Jack tries to distract me as I drive, kissing my neck, biting at my ear, grabbing at my thighs. I shrug off all of his attempts to make me pull over and fuck him. (No matter how tempting that sounded).
“Baby.” He coos, kissing at my jawline, “Hey, baby, pay attention to me.” He whines like a small child.
“Sorry, sex with a two year old is illegal, Jack. Come back when you're older.” I tease and he giggles into my neck.
“Come on, with all the space up here we could fuck so quick.” He says.
“With all this room and you still insist on practically being on top of me.” I glance at him as he stifles a laugh. I had a 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air that was handed down to me from my grandfather, Jack had what I categorized under a kink, for fucking in it.
“Well yeah, you’re my favorite place to sit.” He winks and I fake gag.
“You are so gross.” I laugh and so does Jack.
We finally get to the parking lot and pull up next to Zach’s car. Him and Rian seem to be pretty happy together if I’m honest, I’m assuming they came together.
“Let’s go find our friends.” I chuckle and Jack sighs.
“You owe me a blowjob.” Jack mutters as he fumbles over me and out of the car. I laugh at him for being so lazy that he couldn’t slide over to his door and get out.
“It’s a no from me.” I reply, that was something we did a lot. Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsay quotes were our one passion.
“Ass.” He rolls his eyes with a grin, I really did love him.
“Let’s go, dumbass.” I get out of the car and he grabs my hand.
“I love you, stupid.”
“I love you too.”
I sit, playing on my phone, waiting for Joe to get to our place. My phone buzzes and I check the new notification.
New Message From: Dallon Weekend Hey, dinner with the gang tonight at…
I smile, it was always great to see everybody after being away for so long. I really was going to miss this place, this might be my last summer depending on what happens with Joe and I and if I’m moving, it just depends on life.
I open the message and read the whole thing.
Hey, dinner with the gang tonight at some pizza place on main and then karaoke! Or we can go to a karaoke restaurant? Just going out to have fun in general since we all haven’t seen each other in almost a decade. If you have plans elsewhere, cancel them cause you’re coming no matter what! (Sent to all in a huge group chat).
I’m excited about it but at the same time I really want to just be with Joe tonight, I haven’t seen him in like forever.
I’ll see him every day, all summer. We should see our friends for once.
“Andy!” Joe calls and I jump to my feet, “Babe!” He shouts as he throws himself onto me. I hold him up with ease, his scrawny frame was lighter than what I bench press on a daily basis, “Your hair!” He gasps seeing it almost all gone, “And jesus, you’ve been working out a lot.” Joe is honestly shocked by my appearance change.
“Yep! Trying to look my best for you, Baby.” I kiss him softly and he smiles, bringing his hands up to the sides of my face.
“Your voice just doesn’t match what you look like anymore, damn.” He chuckles, “It’s cute.”
“Thank’s babe, I like your haircut too.” I say, his hair was just a curly bush on the top of his head, “I still am partial to the long hair and beard though.” I smile.
“I like your hair short, I can see your face better.” He kisses my cheek, “Oh my god! Your snakebites!” He pokes at the little empty and barely noticeable holes under my bottom lip.
“Yeah, I got bored of those, plus they’re annoying when we kiss.” I say, “And suck your dick but that’s a different story.”
Joe starts to laugh, his head falling onto my shoulder, “Did you get that text about tonight?” Joe asks, still giggling.
“Yeah, do you want to go?” I question and feel him nod.
“It’ll be nice to see our friends.” He picks his head up to looks at me, his face red and eyes watery.
“I agree, and karaoke seems fun, you’re a great singer.” I grin, kissing him again.
“No, hush.” His cheeks get an even deeper shade of red.
“Never.” I say as I brush our lips. I just couldn’t help but keep kissing him, being away from him for almost six months does shit to me.
Joe smirks, “I’ll make you then.” He kisses me over and over. My chest hurt from how hard my heart was pounding. I missed him too much.
I don’t think I can last six months without him again.
“You said this was only for a little while, Zach.” Rian snaps at me.
“I thought it was!” That was until I actually did fall in love with you.
“What the fuck does that mean, Zach!? Huh!? Tell me what the fuck is going on here!” He demands, “I’m straight Zach, stop making me play pretend!” He yells and I can feel my heart sinking.
“Because! Everybody thinks we’re happy together! Everybody thinks we're couple goals! I don’t want to disappoint!” I insist. In no way could it because I love him…
If he couldn’t see it then it was no use. I should just give up.
“That’s no excuse!” He yells at me.
“Please! Just… I don’t want to let people down! A little longer.” I beg, I just want to call him mine for as long as I can. Before I have to give up.
“Fine, Zach, fucking fine.” He snaps.
“Thank you.” I mumble and he just shrugs, “Are you going to the thing tonight?”
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Yeah.” I nod as I kick my bag under my bed. I sigh and flop onto it, “I’m gonna sleep first though.”
I sat in the grass, waiting for my friends. And Gerard… He hadn’t talked to me since Sleeping With Sirens. I still love him, I think I always have really. He makes me happy, well, made me happy. Now it just hurts to even think about him.
Remembering Gerard is so painful, everything about him is still so vivid even after not seeing him for about nine months.
I sigh and pull at the blades of grass before me. The sun is blocked out and I’m covered by shade suddenly.
“Hey loser, here all by yourself?” Chuckles Mikey as he sits in front of me.
“Yeah.” I say, shrugging glancing at him.
“Have you seen Ray?” He asks.
“Nope, haven’t seen anybody.” I shrug yet again, “I’ve been waiting for you guys, mostly you and Ray really though.” I move my full attention to Mikey now.
“What about Gerard?” His brow furrowed, “I thought you two were like… Best friends?”
“He hates me right now.” I pretend like the words don’t hurt to say.
“What? Why? He never told me this.” Mikey seems frustrated that his brother didn’t tell him anything. I’m kind of happy Gerard didn’t say anything.
“We had a disagreement last summer and never resolved it.” I inform as though it was nothing.
“Oh.” He shrugs.
“Mikey!” Gerard calls, “Stop running off to fuck your man, pay attention to me.” He whines like a needy girlfriend, “Oh-... Frank…” He notices me.
“Gee.” I nod and Mikey can feel the tension bouncing off of us. I could too, I just couldn’t figure out what kind of tension it was.
“Frank, can we go somewhere… Alone?”
Mikey winks as I stand.
“Okay. Where to?”
Small talk was made on our woodland adventure. It was awkward, bitter tension between us. Gerard is barely there, off in his own head and it’s pissing me off. He’d not listening to me, nor is he paying any attention to the fact I’m right besides him.
“If you’re just going to ignore me then why the fuck did you-”
Gerard kisses me, his soft but clammy hands cup my face. He kisses me so hard we both end up on the ground, “Just shut utp already. You’re giving me a headache.” He speaks in a heavy tone as he pulls back. I’m trembling. Gerard is straddling me, leaned over me as I lay flat on my back on the ground.
“I-... You-... You what?” I stammer and he rolls his eyes at me.
“I said to shut up, Frank. Stop jabbering about shit neither of us want to hear about, stop yammering on and on about nothing when that’s not why we’re even here.” My head was spinning, “Just fucking kiss me already.” He demands.
I was wrong about the bitter tension.
I kiss him hard, my hands behind his head and his holding my face still.
It was sexual.
Dinner was fun. Gerard and Frank didn’t show so it was just the fourteen of us, Ryan (Ross) didn’t show up either but I get a bitter vibe from Dallon and Brendon when he’s around.
Zach’s hanging off of me like a drunk girlfriend at a frat party, which he is none of those. I promised him a while longer because he truly is desperate for the acceptance of everybody else. He seems to be ignored a lot and I guess I can understand why he wants this to go on for a bit longer. Just so he has somebody to pay attention to him, even though I always do anyway.
He giggles at something that Pete had said and I smile. It’s nice to see him happy.
“You know, I just realized that I’ve never seen you two do anything very… Couple-ish.” Comments Brendon, “Like, you’re always touching but I mean, so are Patrick and Pete but they aren’t a couple, and Joe and Andy do that too.” He says and I can feel Zach’s sudden panic.
“We like to keep to ourselves because we know it can be annoying to some people.” Zach lies with a shaky voice. He stays slumped over in the booth with his head on my shoulder, my arm kind of wrapped around him.
“Yeah but, you don’t even hold hands or anything, like ever.” He continues to push and I sigh to myself.
“Zach, baby.” I say and he looks up at me, shock in his eyes at my words, I place my finger under his chin and lean down, gently kissing him and pulling away. I run a hand over his cheek for extra effect.
Zach looks so shocked and it’s hilarious. I just start to laugh at his expression, everybody seems confused by my outburst. I place my head on the table as I choke and sputter, laughing so hard that I couldn’t catch my breath. Zach snaps out of his shock after a bit, rubbing at my back to try and calm me down but I just laugh even harder. Why it was so funny to me? No clue at all, it just was.
“Okay then…” Brendon hums and nods, everybody loses interest in my fit after a moment or two, only Zach’s attention is still on me when I calm myself to only the extent of some hysterical wheezing.
“Sorry.” I giggle as I look over at him and he smiles at me.
“Don’t apologize.”
We’re sitting in Zach’s car on the way back to camp. I’m pretty tired from the action packed night. He put some music on softly and we don’t really talk, I’m just too tired to make conversation.
“Hey, Rian.” Zach says when we’re pulling into the twenty-minute long dirt road to the parking lot.
“Mmh, yeah?” I hum.
“You kissed me.” He says, “Why-... Why’d you do that?”
Now that he asks, I actually have no idea how to answer. I don’t know.
“Uh, I just felt bad cause you really want this to be believable.” I say, I think that’s right? I hope that’s right.
“But it was so caring.” He hums, almost as if he were swooning.
“I-... I mean, that’s how I kiss?” I mumble, my eyebrows furrowed.
“Okay, I was just asking.” He shakes his head but something about him tells me he’s lying.
Something in me tells me that I’m lying.
Chapter Masterlist ~
Previous -
One - The Gum Habit Gone Bad
Two - On the Rooftop with You
Three - I Have a Forehead Texting Me and He’s Kind of Cute?
Four - Memories I Keep Locked Away for Times Like This
Five - Crying into the Void That is You
Six - A New Year and a New Us and Some New Friends
Seven - Abandoning You Was My Worst Mistake but Somehow You’re Still There For Me
Eight - A Meal For Two, A Car Ride For The Damned and A Love To Fool Them All.
Nine - Falling For You
Ten - The Indescribable Word That Is True Love
Eleven - It’s Always So Hard To Say Goodbye
Next -
Thirteen - And A Night You’ll Never Forget
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barry429484077-blog · 7 years
mature lesbo orgy - Whispered Milf Stories With Pictures Secrets
Not the best quality but I don't care. This is fiction and I love thinking about these things. PM me if you have any ideas for something similar or something that you'd like to read about with your girl My girlfriend Haylee and I have been together for just over 1 year now. We met in college and are both in our last semester. I’m 23 years old, half chinese, half white. She is 22 and full Chinese (from China actually). This last semester we decided to move into an apartment together kind of far from campus to save money. Student loans have been killing us financially, but all we needed was one more semester before we could start paying it off. To make it even harder, we’ve had all kinds of maintenance issues ever since we’ve moved in and have had time to call anyone to fix it. Let me tell about my Haylee before I tell you what happened. Like I mentioned, she’s 22 years old and from China. She’s a very shy person when it comes to meeting new people. Even if you’ve known her a while, she comes off as a little reserved. Something that I find very attractive about her is her physique. It would be a stretch to say that she’s taller than 5’ 0". Even though she’s so short and Asian, she has a nice, round little bubble butt since she loves running, doing squats and working out when she can. She also has beautiful long, straight black hair that contrasts her light skin. One big embarrassing reason why I like how small she is, is because she makes my dick look normal. To be honest, I’m pretty small at just over 4.5". But with Haylee, I appear "normal". Whenever we have sex it’s like a perfect match. Tiny body, small cock. I mean I wish I was bigger, but I can’t change that. She’s even told me before that anything bigger wouldn't even fit in her most likely. One week, we finally had the time to call up maintenance to try and fix a few things around the apartment. We had numerous issues ranging from water leaks, to AC problems to clogged drains. "Oh look baby, the maintenance man here!", my girl exclaimed as she pointed out the window. I looked out the window to see a big white van pull up right on time. Both sides doors opened, and I watched as two men got out. The one on the passenger side looked to be pretty young, maybe 18 or 19 years old. He was white, very tall and kind of heavy set but with muscle. I guess you could call it "stalky". The driver was around 40 to 45 years old and pretty heavy set. He looked around 250 - 300 pounds, but a lot of it was just because how tall and broad he was. He had a big moustache and looked kind of creepy. He definitely gave me a strange feeling. "Wow they’re so tall! Haha.", Haylee said. I didn’t like that. I knew it was nothing, but I still for some reason didn’t like that she had to say that. They knocked and I opened the door to greet them. "How you guys doing? Can I come in and check out the stuff you called about? Let me look at that sink drain first", the older one said in a very deep, raspy voice. "Oh by the way, I’m Bill and this is my son Pete", he said as he pointed to the younger guy. As they walked in, they spotted my girlfriend sitting on the couch. "Well hello ma’am, what is your name?", the younger one asked, completely ignoring me and not even asking for my name first. "Hi i'm Haylee", she replied in a shy, quiet voice. "She’s a beauty ain’t she?", the older, Bill said as he winked at his son. Right in my face! I thought. He just told his son that right in front of me and didn't even care to look at me or laugh it off. Nothing! For the next 30 minutes they looked at our apartments’ problems and tinkered around with some tools. I honestly had no idea what they were doing, but for some reason, my girlfriend somehow gained the confidence to ask them a lot of questions in her little accent. She seemed so curious for absolutely no reason. I actually never had seen her so open with a stranger, much less two, very large white men. I eventually told her behind their back to stop asking them so many questions about what they were doing and to let them finish. I couldn’t help but notice how tiny she looked with them in her presence. She looked like a child. Finally, the dad, Bill, came up to me and said, "Well, it looks like the AC is in pretty bad shape, and I’ll have to get some more tools and fix it another time. I don’t have the time today but I could be here tomorrow at 2". "Oh I have class at that time, that won’t work actually...", I said. "Oh no it’s fine!", Hayless interrupted. "I don't have class, so I’ll be able to be here!". I wanted to say something. I wanted to say no! But how could I with them standing right there? I couldn’t make it seem like I didn’t trust them. So I just remained silent. "Perfect", he said, smiling and then looked at his Son who also had a big grin on his face. "We’ll see you then". "They were nice", Haylee said as they closed our door. I couldn’t sleep that. Deep down I knew nothing bad would happen, but the "what if" scenarios kept going through my head. What if she rob us? What if they try to hurt her or… no! Nevermind. I finally fell asleep around 1AM. The next day I went to my morning class, but the thought of my girl being there alone with those guys couldn’t escape my mind. "Fuck it", I thought. "I’ll just skip my 1pm class and go home early to be with her before they come", I said to myself. With that, I got on the city bus and took the long ride home. The way our apartment complex is laid out, our room is the only one on the back corner. It’s kind of weird how the complex is structured, but ours is in the back, isolated by the corner so we can’t see any other rooms and they can’t see us. As I walked to the complex, I immediately felt horrified and sick when I saw their van parked outside. I rushed around the corner and up the stairs but then slowed down and decided to just peer through. It was almost impossible to tell from the inside that someone was watching from the outside. The curtain to the living room window was wide open as usual. My heart sank when I saw what was going on inside… There was Pete, the 18 year old son, sitting on our couch with his pants around his ankles and the longest dick I have ever seen pointing straight up, rock solid. His dick was huge, with a curve in the middle. To be honest the first half before the curve was a bigger then mine… Then there was a second half. "Omfg" I said quietly as I just looked, in shock at what I was seeing. I was so shocked at how big this guys dick was that I almost didn't realized Haylee walk in from the kitchen. She was wearing only a T-shirt and panties and was holding a beer, one of my beers! She handed it to Pete and gave him with this exotic, lustful look. I literally felt sick. "Is that better?", I heard her ask in a sexy voice I’ve never heard from her. She was doing anything he wanted! I couldn’t understand or believe it. "Now get on your little chink knees and lick this big fat white dick, bitch", he demanded. I couldn't stop watching. There was no way I could even move. I felt like time froze that very second as I thought to myself if she would actually do it. If you have any thoughts regarding where and how to use mature forced fuck, you can call us at our own website. Would she actually get on her knees in front of this random stranger??? Why would she do this? It couldn’t be just because he was bigger, more manly than me, could it? That’s not really how it works…Right? She then proceeded to get on her knees and stared directly at the giant, white dick as it stood straight up, proudly. "No, no no, god no", I said to myself. She then slowly moved her head forward like a curious little cat and examined it in awe. Her little tongue crept outward and made contact with the massive shaft. Right as it touched him, his cock pulsated and throbbed a bit. She then giggled and pressed her tongue firmly at the bottom of the shaft and slowly worked her way up for what seemed forever, until she reached the tip. I could clearly see the underside of his long dick, now shine with her spit. She then tilted her head sideways and pushed both lips on the dick as she moved up and down, getting it nice and wet. She seemed desperate to make him feel as best she could. Without him even asking, she moved lower and started licking his big, heavy balls. His cock violently throbbed as soon as she did this and he let out a load "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh" and then took a big swig of my beer. My girls tongue moved quickly tickling all around his sack making him almost shake on the couch. I swear I could almost hear his dick pulsating it was so big and moving so much. She never did anything remotely close to this to me in all the time we’ve been together. In fact, it took us several months of going out before I even got to see her naked… This random guy was sitting on MY couch, getting his balls licked by my girl, my love…. "That’s it bitch, keep licking", he told her. He was calling her a bitch and it was as if she liked it! I Stood back from the window and looked around, suddenly realizing that I was just standing there awkwardly looking. What could I do? There was nothing… I felt like complete shit, yet realized that I had a massive boner. When I looked back in, I saw a big drop of pre-cum oozing out of his head. "Suck that all up", he demanded. She immediately stopped licking his balls and attempted to fit his cock in her little mouth. It was definitely a challenge for her. She opened super wide and tried her best to fit his head in. "No teeth!", he yelled, and slapped her cheek. She let out a whimper and tried again, this time more carefully. She figured out the technique and started sucking the head. God it was hot milf. Each time she came up there was a loud "pop" sound from the suction. It was so messy. Her spit was sliding down his shaft as she furiously sucked, getting lower and lower each time. I saw a stand of her spit slide down his dick and down to his balls. At this moment my eyes darted upward to the hallway across the room. The bathroom down opened up and I saw Pete’s dad, Bill leave the restroom. He was in there this whole time! He knew what was happening all the while! Unbelieveable, I thought. He casually walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer, not minding what was happening a few feet away on the couch. He then proceeded to walk over to the love chair beside the couch and turned on my TV. He just sat there and watched some show while his son was getting his dick serviced by my girlfriend. She didn’t even look up. My girl just kept sucking away like her life depended on it. Pete then grabbed Haylee’s hair and forced her head down lower then she thought she could go. I saw her eyes go wide and watery as her face was forced down on this guys big dick. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here is this guy shoving my girlfriend’s head down his dick while his dad sits right by watching my tv. Bill looked over at the scene and chuckled lightly. He was delighted to see his son throat fuck her. All the while, Pete was grunting and looking at the ceiling, mouth open, in complete satisfaction. He finally let up and Haylee’s head came back up for air. Her spit and tears were all over his dick at this point. She put both hands on his cock and started to jack him off, desperate to make him cum. Even with both hands on it, there was still room for two more of her small hands. "That feel good???", she asked as she looked up at him as if he was her master. Without answering, he shoved her head back down his dick and started groaning. "UHhHHHHH OHH FUCCCCCCCK", he yelled. I saw his heavy balls rise and tighten up. I saw the veins in this massive shaft move and tighten. Even his ass started to contract… He was cumming. I’ve never seen a body pump like this. It was like a machine. His dick pumped and pumped and Haylee murmured something flailing her arms around trying to get air, but Pete simply put his muscular arm on her head and continued cumming. I looked up at his face and saw him drool as he came. His face looked dumb and emotionless as he was in some horny, orgasm trance at the expense of my girlfriend. I looked back down to see cum flowing out of her mouth and going everywhere. He finally pulled her head away and cum continued to spurt from his dick hole, oozing all over the place. I thought he was done, but he shot one last explosive spurt right into Haylee’s face. Cum dripped down her face and so much more flowed from her mouth, down her shirt. There was cum allllll over my couch. It was soaked. Haylee fell back on the floor in shock while Pete’s cock, still erect just pulsated in place. I had never seen anything like it. Not even in porn online. "Hope you didn’t ruin her for me, boy. Heheh", Bill said as he stood up from the chair. "Omg is he actually going to have her blow him too???", I thought to myself. Surely she wouldn't. This guy was like 40, fat and ugly. "My god she’s a fine little asian bitch ain’t she?", he said. "Gunna feel real good, right girly?" "Yes sir", she responded looking up at him with wide eyes. No way… She just let this man do what he wanted. She gave him permission…. He then pulled down his pants to let the thickest dick I’ve ever seen pop out. It was long like his sons, but much thicker. He then grabbed Haylee like a doll and threw her on the couch. Instead of pulling down her panties, she simply ripped them off of her and threw the useless clothes off to the side. I actually remember getting her those from Victoria's Secret. I thought she would look so sexy in them… and now this big old, stranger torn them off of my girl and was about to use her. From this view I noticed that she was so fucking wet. It was unreal. All this abuse and she was wet! Bill put his greasy fat index finger in his mouth and then shoved it inside Haylees pussy. "Oh! Oh my god.", she exclaimed in shock. "You’re so big!". She thought that it was his dick. He laughed and told her she had no idea. He pulled his finger out and licked it again. "Mmm that pussy taste goooood", he said. I watched in horror, rock hard and scared. He then pressed his cock head against her hole. He just kept it there for a few seconds. The suspense was too much… Then slowly, he pulled her body inward. The head slipped in and slowly submerged itself. She desperately tried grabbing on to anything around her to stop him from pulling her in but it was comically futile. He easily pulled her flailing body to his dick. "Oooommmg it’s too big! Go slow!", she pleaded. He didn’t listen, or care. I saw his face when he felt just how tight she was. It was both disbelief and absolute pleasure. I could see he never felt anything like her. He pulled her in faster and his giant cock started to disappear in her. She screamed and moaned. He grunted and groan. And like a piston, he started thrusting in her forcefully. Her body shook and shook. Her head smashing into the couch, his fat body slapping against her. Her once tight little pussy now looked stretched beyond what I thought it could. I couldn’t even imagine how good it felt for him. "Hooooooooly fuck girl! You aint gunna be tight no more!! GOOOODAAMNNN", he yelled as he continued to pound her. I watched in disgust as his ass clenched for each thrust in her. Her body started shaking in an uncontrollable orgasm as he continued. She was making noises I didn't know she could even make. He then put her hand on her head and pushed it in the back cushion of the couch, smashing her face as he ruined her hole. He started to slow down and for a second I thought he was going to cum in her. He pulled out and picked her body up in the air. I saw her liquids drip out of her stretched pussy. His big arms turned her around, facing me. She started right into my eyes through the window as she sat her on his dick, standing up. He then started jerking her tiny body up and down on his massive cock as she shook in the air at his will. It was crazy to see her young, beautiful face as she was fucked and right behind her, his ugly, old face in total heaven. Finally, he thrusted deep up in her (I could actually see her belly stretch to the shape of his cock) and stayed put. I saw her belly swell with each pulse of his dick and just imagined how much cum he was shooting into her. "OHHHHHHHH ohhh ohhhhh!", she screamed. He stood there unloading yelling, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggg!" Then slowly, his fat cock pulled out of her. When it was completely out, liquids dripped from her pussy. The plug had been pulled. He then simply dropped her on the carpet. He was done with his toy and now she was useless to him. A couple minutes later they had put their dicks back into their jeans and started for the door. I didn’t know what to do… I thought about running but I couldn’t move. The door opened and both father and son stepped out. They saw me and smiled real big. "Sorry bout’ the mess, haha", the younger one said. "Oh hey we couldn’t fix any of that shit today so we’ll be back another time", the dad said. And then they simply stepped around me, walked to their van and took off. I walked into the living room and laid eyes on Haylee. Laying there in a crumpled mess on the floor. I could smell their cum everywhere. It was so potent. Then I saw it…. On the couch, on the floor… on Haylee’s face, legs and body. They had just fucked her like nothing i’ve ever seen and I just watched. Haylee tried standing up but was shaky. She took a few steps forwards and smashed right into the wall, falling back down. She couldn’t stand straight. I felt so bad. "Oh hey…", she said as if nothing happened while she tried to gather herself. As if I couldn't tell what just happened. "So they said they’ll be back next week to fix things, so I’ll be here for them. Sorry… uh don’t tell anyone. But they uhh… need to come back.", she said. "Unbelievable", I thought to myself. "Un-fucking-believable…" /u/nixyg1
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