#I’ll Be There When You Wake (Gil Headcanons)
queenmeriadoc · 2 years
How about an normal/domestic ask AND an unhinged ask?
What are your headcanons for Brimby's morning routines (either show canon or Merryverse canon)?
Also, what is the best way you can think of to charm/annoy/bewilder Gil-Galad all at the same time? Preferably as unhinged as possible 😁
I’ll pretend that elves actually sleep at night, he would wake up early, like super early, he washes himself, like a light wash, face and armpits you know, then he makes breakfast, some fruit and some coffee, maybe some tea depending what is in the mood for. He usually gets dressed after he has eaten.
In my little universe, merryverse whatever, he wakes, I wanna me, but might sound weird to someone who has no idea what the merryverse is, anyway, he wakes me up usually after he had washed himself, and makes breakfast for both of us.
I know I make it seem like I can’t cook for shits, but I went to cooking school here in Norway and I wanted to be pastry chef, I can’t cook without a recipe though
Ones all that is than, everyone is dressed and ready for the day, we walk hand in hand to forge!
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Now the best way to charm/annoy/bewilder Gil-Galad, first of all I would never call him my King, I like to think I would at some point be like “but you are not my king” when he demanded me to do something, what I would call him is Gil, pretty boy, Golden Boy, because he wears mostly gold you know, on the occasion his hair gets out of place I would go up to him and fix it, like putting it behind his ear, which usually makes him blush.
Honestly I would try to make him laugh with dumb jokes all the time, he is very serious and his job is definitely very stressful so he definitely need someone to just make him relax a little, not take him too seriously. And just be there to listen if he needs to vent.
Every time I see him I would wink at him. Like he is being very serious and then I come in and be like 😉😏 “hey babe”, it takes him so long to ask what babe means tho
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He knows I’m attracted to him, because I imagine myself being like “oh my god he is gorgeous” when I first meet him, just a little bit too loud. Everyone hears it.
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Gil Headcanons Masterlist
5 Songs To Get Into Muse
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iminye · 3 years
@tolkienocweek day one - shipping. Aracundo, Gil-Galad, a bet and chess, also cuddles and my very clumsy first attempt at romance. I should have gone with Headcanons instead probably.
It wasn't unusual for Aracundo to wait until way after midnight for him. Council meetings were a matter of long debates and advisors always found a way to make them even longer, mostly by discussing a topic that on other days would've taken mere minutes for such an extended period of time that it seemed downright exhausting for an outsider. But he knew that this was part of his husband's duties.
The thought made him blush a little and he looked at the slim silver ring he wore on his right hand. Husband. They had only been married for four years and yet Aracundo was sure he would never tire of it. It made him happy in a way he hadn't been in a very long time.
Not since… not since ever actually. He couldn't recall a time in which he had been as happy or even happier than now.
His childhood had been a mess to put it lightly. He didn't like to recall it. His adolescence he had spent fighting in a war. His adulthood however he would spend married, loving and in peace.
He was sure of it. Now came a time of happiness. An eternity of love and security.
While he waited Aracundo used his time to run over some formulas that had been invented during the First Age and that had survived the sinking of Beleriand. Their purpose had been lost over the chaos of the war and the deaths of those who invented them but Aracundo had made the decision to rediscover their purpose even though they seemingly had none. Most of them he had quickly realised were indeed only brain exercises, theoretical concepts without any further usage.
But there were exceptions to this and whenever he found one he was overjoyed. His husband was very profound in putting them to use whenever or wherever they could be applied.
While he went through the sparse notes of a Gondolindrim scholar who had sadly not survived the Fall of Gondolin he glanced over to the table beside the large window where a chess game waited to be finished. A smile formed on his lips.
"Chess? What's so interesting about that?" Ereinion asked and picked up one of the pieces Tyelpë had carved for Aracundo out of soapstone. It wasn't his brother's best piece of work but Aracundo loved them regardless, it was the latest begetting day gift he had received, the first in their new home. He treasured them.
"It's a good exercise," Aracundo replied and smiled. He pointed to the seat across the chess board. "Why not try and learn? I can teach you."
Ereinion set down the piece again - not quite where it belonged but Aracundo was quick to fix that - and looked at him for a long time, without saying something.
"Why would you want to exercise in your free time? That doesn't make much sense. Free time is free time after all."
His logic didn't make much sense to Aracundo. Exercises were fun after all, especially when they had something to do with thinking and logic. What did Ereinion do when he had nothing to do? Did he just laze around in the midday sun and do nothing? Aracundo couldn't be able to do this. He would be overcome with the desire to do anything.
"It's also a lot of fun," Aracundo tried. "At least for me. But if His Highness isn't interested in learning I wouldn't blame him."
His attempt at getting out of a discussion before it began took an unexpected turn for him. Instead of nodding and turning away to go and laze around, Ereinion frowned, pulled back the chair on the other side of the table and took a seat.
"It isn't that I'm not interested," the prince stated, avoiding Aracundo's eyes. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. "It's just that I've never played before…"
Aracundo beamed.
"Then I'll teach you!"
Ereinion blushed and nodded.
"You win every time…"
"I have more experience than you, Ereinion. When you have played some more and figured out a strategy I'm sure that you will be able to best me. You learn really quick after all."
Ereinion looked at him with skepticism but didn't say anything more. Aracundo wanted to laugh but didn't as he arranged the chess pieces once more in their starting position on the board. His new chess pieces - ones one of his distant uncles had brought with him from across the sea, originally meant for his mother who like him loved to play - too pretty and expensive for the old run down board they were using. Wood was rare these days. Aracundo didn't want to waste even a little bit on something trivial like this.
"Do you have time for another game?" he asked his friend with a smile. Ereinion nodded.
"As long as nothing comes up I should," he said. Both of them knew that something could come up at any moment, that these peaceful games were the most leisure Ereinion got these days. As High King and as General he had a stacked schedule and had to be ready for battle at all times. Aracundo on the other hand just like Tyelpë had been removed from all battle activities because of his Feanorian blood. No soldier from across the sea or native to Beleriand wanted to fight on the side of s Feanorian. It didn't bother Aracundo. He could work with the tacticians while Tyelpë repaired weapons and armour.
"Well then," Aracundo said as he finished rearranging the pieces. "Since you lost, you may begin."
Ereinion looked at the board thoughtfully. It was the sort of look he got when he was thinking about something that he was very serious about. Aunt Lalwen had said that he looked very much like his father when he did so but Aracundo couldn't testify this.
"How… about a bet," he said after a while, his gray eyes sparkling. Aracundo raised an eyebrow.
"A bet?"
"Yes a bet, not that I'm going to win it any time soon but if I win just one game you have to grant me a wish, no matter what."
The smile Ereinion gave him made Aracundo's poor heart skip a beat. A bet. Oh dear that could end one of two ways and Aracundo wasn't sure if he was ready for either.
"I won't humiliate you!" Ereinion added hastily. "It will be harmless I swear!"
"No swearing!" Aracundo said automatically, very serious and sincere. No swearing. That was a rule.
"But I mean it. I won't humiliate you, won't force you to do anything you don't want to. Promise."
Aracundo nodded.
Throughout the war he didn't win a single time. For some reason though he didn't seem bothered by this at all anymore, instead any time he lost he seemed more and more eager for the next game. Aracundo could feel himself falling for this stubborn, stubborn man.
Oddly enough this made him anticipate the day the other one finally won even more.
The day he did win was some few years after the war. They were seated in one of the many gardens of the royal palace, on a blanket amidst the flowers Aracundo had planted himself. Their chess board was new, made and decorated by Ereinion himself, yet they weren't using the new pieces along with it. Ereinion had insisted that they use the old ones made by Tyelpë.
"Like when we were children."
Aracundo could not say no to him, not anymore. He had discovered quite a while ago that he couldn't deny the other man anything anymore, no matter how silly or trivial. Only a few days ago they had gone and collected seashells and lazed around on the beach the entire afternoon. Aracundo had forgotten what it was like to be without worry and as it seemed so had Ereinion.
Their chess games were a wonderful distraction. The only time either of them felt truly free from any duties. The only leisure time they allowed themselves, even though the bet was an ever present factor during their games.
The bet that was now over. Aracundo looked at his king, trapped and with no way of escape. He had lost. They had played this game consistently for nearly a century and a half and this was the first time Aracundo had lost. He couldn't be more proud.
He looked at his smiling friend.
"Congratulations!" he said and Ereinion nodded seriously but instead of demanding his price here and now he sat up and began to put the chess board and pieces out of the way, back into their chest, making room on the blanket in between them. He took his time but Aracundo could see how his hands were shaking with excitement.
Once finished he shifted a little, seemingly uncertain of what to say. That was new. Ereinion had never been someone who struggled with his words.
"You promised no humiliation," Aracundo reminded him. Ereinion nodded, his ears red.
"Not for you," he said, voice cracking.
"Why would you want to wish for something that would be humiliating for you?" Aracundo found himself asking.
"Because I know I would also like it very much. It's just that I don't know if you will like it the same way I would…"
Ereinion shifted a little closer, their noses touching.
"Because," he said. "I wish for this."
Aracundo's first kiss was not like how he had read about first kisses in those romance novels the Edian tended to write. There was too much nose, too little experience on both sides, the feeling of other lips on his was weird but it was the best possible outcome for this bet.
He felt like it was the perfect first kiss regardless.
He awoke when soft lips touched his earlobe. His mind had drifted away from the waking world too caught up in his thoughts. He slowly blinked away the fogginess that had settled in front of his eyes and was met with his husband's gentle smile.
"You should not wait for me, Aryo," he said quietly and kissed his brow. Aracundo made a small noise in protest. Of course he would wait for his husband. It was only fair… yet he had drifted off again instead of staying present and awake. A shame.
"Rest is important for you. Your mother was very clear when she ordered me to take care of you on our wedding day, you know? And if we're both being very honest with one another, I fear both her and your brother more than most things…"
Aracundo huffed a little and lifted his head from his papers. One of them stuck to his cheek but was swiftly removed by his husband's gentle hand. One more kiss was placed on his face, this time on his forehead.
"Are you coming to rest with me?" Aracundo asked. "Or do you have more meetings to attend?"
"In the morning again but for this night I'm all yours my dear."
He held out his hand for Aracundo to take and let him past the side table with their unfinished chess game and past the balcony where the two wine flukes were still waiting and past the normally closed doors into their shared bedroom.
Aracundo could only stand still as his husband lifted the circlet from his head and removed any ornaments, earrings, rings (save for their wedding band), bracelets and necklaces that he was obligated to wear because it was Noldorin tradition.
Aracundo had never really cared about Noldorin traditions that much, his mother being Telerin and him growing up being surrounded by mainly Sindar and Edain. But when he wore the small trinkets Ereinion had gifted him over the years of their courtship made his husband's eyes sparkle with happiness.
So he continued wearing them.
The small smile that graced his husband's features was worth any annoying tradition.
When they were done undressing and changing into simple light nightgowns they huddled together under the covers seeking each other's warmth and comfort. Aracundo buried his face in the other man's neck, breathing in the smell of ink and pine trees, while soft fingers combed through the long white strands of his hair.
"I'm exhausted," Ereinion proclaimed quietly. "Here I was thinking that ruling would be easier once the war is over and we all can return to a peaceful life. And yet.. yet they come and ask about taxes and land and legal privileges."
"You are doing great I'm sure," Aracundo replied and looked up at him. His husband smiled fondly but there was still a frown in between his brows. Aracundo was determined to make it go away.
"You think so, Aryo? Or are you just saying that so that I don't feel bad?"
"No, Ereinion, you're wonderful at organising and planning. You will most definitely find a way to make the people happy. It will just take some more time and effort. Tirion wasn't built in one day either "
He earned a kiss on his bare shoulder and one on his cheekbone for this, as well as a smile half hidden in the comfortable darkness of their room.
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Hey there! It's your secret santa again! I would love to hear a little about your headcanons for Elrond's family, if you have any! <3
Hey!! I’m down for most interpretations (so long as they all love each other, because I am Soft) but a few of my headcanons;
Elladan and Elrohir are devoted mummy’s boys. They love their dad, but they literally couldn’t be anymore mummy’s boys if they tried.
Elrond loves all four of his parental figures and misses them very much. He forgives Maedhros and Maglor, although he still spent millennia working through everything. He’s also proud of his birth parents and is 99% sure that Earendil spies on him, and may in fact be the source of the tiny beautiful meteorites that tend to always fall around Imladris on the twins’ birthday.
It’s extremely easy to make Elrond blush.
Arwen is literally everyone’s favourite.
When the kids were little, they played with cute toys that Celebrimbor had once made for Celebrian.
Celebrian fell in love with Elrond’s library before she fell in love with Elrond himself. In fact, he barely got any of her attention for at least three weeks because she was absolutely fixated on his books.
Celebrian is a writer, historian, essayist, academic and literary analyst. She grew up in the shadow of the First Age and it deeply affected her and her worldview. It’s why she’s so passionate about history. She worked hard to gather as many sources as she could and put them together before elves died or sailed. She also lead several archaeological expeditions, to her mother’s considerable distress.
Elrond read several of her works before they met and in the awkward period where he was pining for her, and developed a considerable academic crush. He annotated a copy of one of her historical analyses and sent it back to her, although he was worried that she might be offended. She was delighted.
Elrond definitely had a thing with Gil-galad this is just a personal ship, you don’t have to include this one :P
Celebrian can be fierce and stubborn and mighty, but she prefers to be gentle. It takes conscious effort. It’s one of Elrond’s favourite things about her; she’s the gentlest person he knows.
Elrond has a lot of nightmares and Celebrian comforts him.
He’s also an octopus in his sleep and she usually wakes up with him plastered to her side and all four of his limbs wrapped around her.
Elladan and Elrohir only really devoted themselves to warriorhood after Celebrian’s capture. Before that, Arwen was the one who was most likely to go on an adventure.
Elrond constantly worries about his kids developing his powers and causing the kind of havoc that he did when he was a child. He once opened a portal to the Void. It was a bad day.
This is a lot more than I expected to write out! It’s completely okay if you don’t follow any of these, like I said, I’m open to most interpretations and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it no matter what you write <3 
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coldasyou · 3 years
malcolm bright + one other character you want to talk about !
First impression: DO NOT @ ME but at first I was lowkey annoyed by him? Like I thought he was too edgy and dramatic I know I was so dumb but it only lasted the first episode I swear. Impression now: The light of my life, I relate to him so much, I would kill and die for him. Favorite moment: So many good ones omg...I’ll say when he’s in his dream world in episode 6 and he’s crying and about to open the trunk and wake up. Idea for a story: AU where Martin kidnapped Malcolm at 10 and they traveled across the country while Martin killed people and they hid from the police until one day when Malcolm is like 17 they get separated and someone finds Malcolm and takes him back to NYC.  Unpopular opinion: I don’t think most of my opinions are unpopular...I guess I feel like he messes up more than we call him out for if that makes sense? And i do this too. Favorite relationship: Him and Gil <3 Surrogate father relationships for the win. Favorite headcanon: He’s autistic (almost sort of kinda canon I know what you said Tom) 
I’ll do Jessica Whitly. 
First impression: I hate you be nice to your children wtf!!! I was so mad at her at first and I thought Malcolm needed to stay 100 feet away from her at all times. Impression now: She’s a lot more complex but still not the greatest mom. I love her tho, and she’s doing her best.  Favorite moment: Hugging Malcolm and Ainsley at the end of alone time :((( Idea for a story: AU where she was the serial killer and Martin was the rich, smothering, parent (just an excuse to imagine bellamy young in a cardigan tbh) Unpopular opinion: I ship her and Eve is that weird??? Favorite relationship: HER AND AINSLEY I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS Favorite headcanon: She’s bi...they make too many jokes about it on the show (well at least twice!)
send me a character?
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owlespresso · 4 years
Hi! This is kinda weird tough xD Any chance of HC of a poly relationship with Ardbert and Thancred with a female reader (supposing Ardbert is still somehow alive after Shadowbringers?) Love your writing btw
Listen, anything involving a tank sandwich is almost always a yes from me. Requests are closed, but should you want a list of headcanons like this or a drabble, you can donate to my ko-fi here: https://ko-fi.com/owlespresso For FFXIV players, I’m willing to do fics/headcanons/drabbles in exchange for a Sand Fox minion, should anyone from the aether data center be willing to trade. I’ll also give discounts in exchange for gil.
The first part of getting them into a poly relationship is them, well, getting to know each other. For this, I’ll say you were in a relationship with Thancred first and grew to feel for Ardbert over the time you knew him in Shadowbringers. You never believed it would go anywhere due to your pre-established relationship coupled with the fact that he was literally a ghost.
However, after his soul gets schlorped back into his body, everything changes. You’re forced to come to terms with your already budded feelings for him.
Fortunately, he gets along well with Thancred from the very start. Thancred very easily settles into the idea of a three way relationship. Even if he isn’t romantically interested in Ardbert quite yet, he can always appreciate the fine physique of a trained warrior. 
Ardbert recognizes the fact that you can love two people at once and evenly spread your attention between them. I think there might be occasional issues with jealousy, but that settles out once they know each other better and grow to desire a romantic connection with each other. 
You need a big bed. There certainly isn’t enough room for both you and the both of them on one twin-sized mattress, with how filled out and tanky they are. While you definitely appreciate Thancred’s newfound muscle mass, you can’t deny that he takes up more space. 
Ardbert is a cuddler and prefers to be the big spoon. He feels very secure while you’re in his arms. He was lost for so long, a lone wandering shard in a world that moved on without him. Sometimes, he’s afraid he’ll wake up and he won’t be able to touch you anymore, that you’ll stop being able to see him. He’s clingy when laying down and in daily life, usually keeping an arm around your shoulders or waist. Or he holds your hand.
Thancred, on the other hand, isn’t picky with what position he takes as long as he’s touching one or the both of you. Though, if you’re particularly well-endowed in the chest area, he does enjoy resting his head there. He’s been spirited away from you twice, and a part of him deeply, subconsciously fears it happening again. Keeping you close helps soothe those fears somewhat.
Ardbert is your resident lap cat and takes any excuse to nuzzle at your thighs. Pet his hair and he’ll melt into a puddle of goo.
Thancred goes on domestic errands, which is something he never thought he’d enjoy years ago. Give him the grocery list and set him loose in your local grocery store or market. He’ll have everything you need within the next half-hour at most, depending on how much you need.
Ardbert is more of a fixer-upper. He’ll chop your firewood and TRY to cook. Try being the key word. He isn’t hopeless at it, but he needs a lot of practice and some lessons before you can genuinely enjoy anything he makes. He likes providing. Don’t let him try to fix the sink, though. He will accidentally bend the faucet in frustration.
Watch out. They’re liable to cling to you on either side even when it’s searing hot outside. 
They drink beer together on the front porch. If you tease them about looking like a pair of old men, Ardbert will try to tug you into his lap and rub his chin scruff over the crook of your neck.
Similarly, if you tease Thancred about his age, he’ll toss you over his shoulder with a good “Could an old man do this?” to emphasize his point. 
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lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - Body Swap
I’m sort of back. I still don’t feel well enough to strictly use canon characters, so have this cute oneshot of Prussia and one of my OCs.
College AU where they’re still countries and personifications. Arthur leads the Soulmate Body Swap Program.
Pairing: Prussia x Alrik (OC; Fika)
Headcanons: Gilbert often wears blue contacts to change his eyes from red to purple. The pain given from touching a scar depends on the severity of the situation that gave it, and sometimes who gave it.
Content Warning: Cussing, scars, specific sex toys mentioned but not used.
    Alrik grunts quietly when his phone blares an alarm at him. He rolls over and pokes at the screen, turning it off. He doesn’t recall setting an alarm, as he usually lets the sun wake him up, but sometimes he does stuff without realizing. He sits up with a sigh, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his sleepiness. He furrows his brows when his hair doesn’t hit him in the face. What’s with that? He opens his eyes slowly when he hears an unfamiliar voice nearby. “Where the hell am I!?” This is not his room! The door flies open and a concerned Ludwig hurries in.
    “Gil, jou’re at home, not jour dorm. Jou drank too much last night und passed out.” That explains the headache. Wait… Ludwig? Gil? He tosses his head back and groans loudly. “Gil? Are jou okay?” The gentleness in his voice infuriates Alrik.
    “Nej! Jag är inte okej! Jag kan inte tro att din dumma bror är min själsfrände! (No! I'm not okay! I cannot believe that your stupid brother is my soulmate!)” Ludwig’s eyes widen and he stumbles backwards a bit. Only one person would yell at him like that.
    “Alrik…?” He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest.
    “Who else?” Ludwig stares at him for a long moment. “Don’t just look at me!” He turns his head away, cheeks flushed in both anger and embarrassment. He will never admit it, but Ludwig is pretty attractive without his hair gelled back. “Go call Arthur! I’m going to make sure today isn’t Berty’s day as well. What a pain that would be.” Alrik sighs, and grabs for Gilbert’s phone. He grimaces when an ‘enter passcode’ message pops up. “You don’t happen to know his passcode, do you?” Ludwig shakes his head slowly.
    “Nein. But he should have fingerprint ID on.” Alrik places his thumb over the home button, keeping his expression cautiously neutral. Thankfully it works, and he navigates to the calling app. He types in Albert’s number with ease; it’s one of three phone numbers he knows by heart. The other two are his own and Berwald’s. He lifts his head up to glare at Ludwig when he hears him part his lips to say something. The German holds up a hand and backs out of the room.
    “Hallå?” Alrik sighs in relief when he hears his brother’s voice.
    “Berty.” He puts as much love into the name as he can. “Is that you?” He can almost see Albert’s brows furrowing.
    “Oh thank goodness. You didn’t swap today. This is Rikky.” Alberts makes a quiet, shocked noise. “I know. I was hoping to have more time too. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Listen—Gilbert is in my body. I’m not happy about it, but apparently we’re soulmates.” Alrik lets out a groan. “Great. I have to make up with him.” He shakes his head. “That’s besides the point. Make sure he puts my necklace on, okay? Please. Oh, also! Wake him up rudely. He uses an alarm, and my ears are still ringing from it. He’s lucky it didn’t trigger my hearing sensory overload. Ludwig is calling Arthur. We’ll have to settle on a place to meet later. I just had to make sure you were okay, and knew what was happening. Jag älskar dig.” He ends the call before Albert can ask him to stay. He’s weak to his brother, but he really needs time to process. Ludwig peeks his head into the room.
    “Hopefully he didn’t switch?” Alrik shakes his head in response.
    “Nej.” He tosses the phone aside haphazardly. “Did you call Arthur yet?”
    “He’s not answering.” Ludwig stares at him for a long moment. “Vhy don’t jou take a shower? It vill help zat headache.” Alrik bristles.
    “As if! I don’t want to- to-!” His face turns crimson. Ludwig can’t help but smirk a tiny bit.
    “Don’t vant to see him naked?” Maybe he finds this a bit *too* humorous. “Jou vill see him like zat eventually.”
    “I don’t want to think about that.” Ludwig shrugs. “...But I’ll wash his hair. That should help clear his head. My head? I don’t know how this works.”
    “Jour head. Jou also sound more like jourself zan him. I hope Antonio und Francis don’t vant to hang out vith him today.” Alrik perks up at the mention of Francis. “Vhat? Do jou like ein of zem?”     “Not particularity. I’m hoping Francis and Berty are soulmates though. That would be nice. Good for Berty, for sure.” Ludwig smiles at him. It takes him off guard. “What?”
    “Jou und Gil aren’t too different. He often puts his brother—me—first too. Jou’re both run by emotions. Jou have a more feminine style zough.” Alrik’s head jerks up at that.
    “He better not touch my cute clothes! I spend a lot of time making sure they’re perfectly put up! And if he even thinks about touching my makeup, I’m going to filet him!” Ludwig chuckles. “It’s not funny!”
    “I know it’s not. But I’ve never seen jou zis passionate before. It’s refreshing. Und a lot like Gil. It makes sense jou two are soulmates.”
    “It does not! I hate his guts!” Ludwig sits at the end of the bed quietly.
    “But vhy?”
    “Jou know ze answer to zat.”
    “Humor me.” Alrik looks away.
    “...Fine. I’ve been unfairly rude and mean to you. Gilbert is only being a good brother by protecting you. It’s my fault things get physical.” Ludwig nods slowly.
    “Vhy do jou hate me zough?”
    “I don’t.” Alrik closes his eyes and lays back, clearly not wanting to explain. Ludwig lets the silence stretch out between them. By the time five minutes has passed, the Swedish man can’t handle it anymore. “I’m jealous, okay? I’ve known Feliciano wouldn’t be my soulmate. But I still fell in love with him. It’s completely one-sided and that’s fine. What’s not fine is how effortlessly you got close to him! I spent so long trying… Only to be pushed aside when you came into his life. I’ll never compare to you.” He turns his head into the pillow, trying not to cry. He takes a deep, shaky breath. A surprised grunt leaves his lips when he smells something sweet yet musky. “Den jäveln luktar till och med bra! Jag hatar honom så mycket! (That bastard even smells good! I hate him so much!)”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be the source of jour pain. I don’t know how to fix zat. But I vill say Feli has already swapped vith his soulmate, und it’s not me. I hope jou can find some reassurance in that.” Strangely, it makes Alrik feel a bit better. Ludwig laughs quietly, and he shoots back up. His eyes land on the phone in his hand. “I had my phone ready to translate,” he explains. “I know jou slip into Swedish vhen jou’re angry. I zought realizing jou laid back on his bed vould make jou angry. I vas right, but I vasn’t expecting jou to say he smells gut.” Alrik flushes crimson, and stands up quickly.
    “I’m going to wash his hair now! And I’m using whatever I see fit. He can go one day without proper care. I never fully care for mine, and it’s fine.” Ludwig raises his brows at him, but doesn’t say anything. He practically barricades himself in the ensuite. He lets out a quiet sigh of relief when he hears Ludwig leave the room beyond the door. He takes the opportunity to study Gilbert in the mirror.
    His eyes are a beautiful, piercing red. He could swear they’re purple most of the time though… Ah, he has a pair of blue contact lenses. For some reason, the knowledge that Gilbert wants to hide his eyes makes his heart ache. There’s no need to! He shakes his head, and looks at him some more. His jaw is a lot sharper than Alrik’s. His nose is longer and more slender. He smiles, and even that’s different. Gilbert is roguishly handsome, whereas Alrik’s soft and cute. His stomach knots up; he really does look like a woman, doesn’t he? He decides to stop looking at Gilbert's facial features, and tugs off his shirt instead. He pauses at the sight of the bare torso. He had no idea he was so toned. He glances at the mirror, and feels something within him shift awake.
    “Nej! Absolutely not! Stop it, mind! I am not attracted to Gilbert! Under no circumstances will I ever be attracted to him!” His mind isn’t listening to him. But he’s not listening to his mind, either. He’s too busy staring at the scars. They’re easily hidden with a shirt, just as his are, but they’re clearly there. They aren’t quite as deep as his, but most still have a decent depth to them. He runs his fingers over them lightly. Only some cause pain to shoot through him. The majority of them either ache dully or don’t react at all. He knows the ones that hurt the most are from other personifications, or a serious happening in his country when it was around. He finds himself wondering if there’s one from being dissolved.
    “Alrik? Are jou alright? I heard yelling.”
    “J-ja, I’m fine.” It barely comes out. He shakes his head, and turns toward the tub. There’s no point in wondering when he can ask Gilbert about them later. They have to get along somehow. Whether they liked it or not, it had been decided they were soulmates. He would try it if Gilbert was willing. But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Gilbert might not be willing. He can only imagine what’s happening there. ~
    Gilbert jolts awake to cold water being poured on him. “Vhat ze hell!?” He hears a quiet laughter that gives him pause. That sounds nothing like Ludwig! And why doesn’t his head hurt? He knows he drank a bit too much last night.
    “God morgen, sleepy head,” says a voice he’s not entirely sure is there. He looks around the room, and frowns when he sees a white-blonde haired man. He has too many curls to be Ludwig. And he’s wearing big, round glasses. He looks vaguely familiar. “Your alarm nearly caused my brother to go into sensory overload. Du should be more cautious, when du know du could swap anytime.” Ah. He recognizes him now. Stockholm Syndrome. What’s his human name again? Al… Bert? Yeah, that sounds right! But why is he in my room? He runs over the words in his head. ...Unless he’s not in his room.
    “Scheiße!” He hops up, and feels sick at how close to the ground he is. His soulmate is *at least* seven centimeters shorter than he is! He has who it is figured out before he can even make it to a mirror. The mirror confirms it though. He runs a hand over his—Alrik’s—face, then through his hair. He grimaces at the rough texture. Well, it’s not really rough, but it’s not as soft or as cared for as his hair.
    “I’ll go help Berwald make breakfast.” Albert leaves the room, looking a little too smug, probably about having poured cold water over Gilbert. He goes back to his frantic inspection of Alrik. His nose is short and somewhat squat. His cheeks are pudgy, and his jawline isn’t very strong. His lips are decently plump. He runs his fingers over everything he looks at, except for his eyes. Everything about his facial features is round. That combined with his normal fashion sense and makeup? No wonder he gets mistaken as a woman. It’s rather unfortunate, honestly. He’s rather pretty, when he’s not scowling. Which he isn’t, because Gilbert’s in control. But his body can’t be so feminine people get a good look at him and think he’s still a woman, right?
    “Zis feels strange,” Gilbert grumbles as he pulls off Alrik’s nightgown. The first thing that catches his eye is his semi-hourglass shape. Guess they can. The second thing he notices is the scars. He’ll come back to those in just a moment. He pokes Alrik’s stomach, laughing a bit when it moves. He’s not quite overweight, but he’s not thin either. He might weigh more than Albert. Gilbert grabs hold of his hips, and sways around a bit. Everything about Alrik is soft. Well, besides his personality. Maybe that’s why he didn’t notice how cute the man is until now.
    He shifts his attention to the deep scars. They look painful. He lightly traces the longest one, which crosses the majority of his torso, flinching heavily at the pain it causes. Regret knots up in his gut. He knows for a fact he’s punched Alrik where this one is. Yet he continued to fight. He’s strong. Gilbert shakes his head and moves on to the next one, down his left side. It’s not as deep, but it still hurts to touch. He lays a hand over the shortest and shallowest one, on his right upper forearm, and frowns. It doesn’t hurt enough to pull away, but it still stings. “Vhere did jou get zese?” He stares at Alrik’s reflection, and notices another one on his inner left thigh. He cautiously places a hand over it, and promptly makes a strangled noise of pleasure. *That one hurts and causes arousal at the same time, got it.* He pokes around at Alrik’s body a bit more, and that’s how he finds the fifth scar. It’s on his lower back, so that’s why he didn’t see it to begin with. He examines the rest of his body, but there’s only those five scars.
    “Gilb’rt, g’t dr’ssed. P’t his n’ckl’ce on. It’s on his n’ghtst’nd.” He comes back to his senses at the gruff voice. Berwald. His eyes dart around the room. There’s a dresser and a closet. He goes to the closet first, but quickly figures out it mainly holds dresses, skirts, and super fancy shirts. There’s a pair of cream, knee-high, heeled, open-toed boots he intends to wear though. He finds the necklace Berwald mentioned, and ties it around his neck. He searches through the dresser from top to bottom, left to right. The top shelf has sweatpants, the second has large shirts, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth have cute shirts, the seventh and eighth have skirts, the ninth has patterned pants, and the tenth causes Gilbert to flush crimson, slamming it shut. He takes a few deep breaths, preparing himself to open it again. When he does, he looks closer at the items inside.
    There’s a few boxes, each containing a different type of lube, five egg vibrators, varying in sizes and all wireless, two dildos, one of which is delightfully sparkly, one realistic thrusting vibrator, one double-sided dildo with an insertable vibrator, seven cock rings, a fleshlight, two warming vibrators, three sets of anal beads, and a large amount of suction cups to stick onto any of the dildos or vibrators with a flat or semi-flat bottom, presumably for wall or floor fun. He feels himself blushing harder by the second, but he commits the items to memory. Since they’re soulmates, he fully intends to use as many as he can on Alrik. But much, much later. There’s also a few silk scarfs in the drawer, but he doesn’t let himself think about what those might be for.
    He goes backwards a few drawers, picking out some light blue jeans with a cloud pattern, a cream skirt, and a light blue shirt with a cream squiggle pattern on it, almost like stripes. He pulls the clothes on, then the shoes he pulled out of the closet earlier. He can’t help but smile when he notices Alrik’s toenails are painted a pretty bronze. He stands up, and lets out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness! He’s back to his usual height! And the boots are wedges, so they’re pretty easy to walk in. He makes his way to the ensuite to fix Alrik’s hair. When he’s done with that he looks at the makeup, and decides to put some on.
    “I can’t believe him,” Alrik groans out, shaking his head at the sight of what Gilbert dressed his body in. Ludwig chuckles, but doesn’t say anything. Thankfully, Arthur let the two soulmates and their siblings skip classes for the day. Normally it’s just the soulmates that get to skip, but this is a special case.
    “I heard zat, jou know.” Alrik sets Gilbert’s face in a scowl. “Hmph. Vell I think it’s sexy.”
    “That’s exactly why I don’t like it. How many men flirted with you on your way here?” He hums in thought.
    “Twenty? Don’t vorry, none of zem zink jou’re a voman anymore.” Alrik holds up his hand.
    “I don’t want to know. Can I have my body back so I can fix… this?” He motions at the entirety of him. Gilbert places his hands on his hips and makes a kissy face.
    “Vhy? Jou look gut!” Alrik shakes his head with a heavy sigh. “Fine, fine. But jou have to promise not to upset Luddy.”
    “I won’t. We talked that through. I… was being unreasonable. But that’s in the past now. You’re my soulmate, not Feliciano.” Gilbert’s eyes widened slightly. Ah. That makes a lot of sense.
    “I’m a better soulmate zan him anyvay! For jou, at least.” His voice goes almost soft. Ludwig and Albert give each other a confused look. Gilbert breaks out into a laugh. “Being in someone else’s body lets jou get to know zem better, so of course ve’re getting along.”
    “Mm. He’s right. I feel like I know Gilbert much better than I did when I went to sleep last night.” Alrik-in-Gilbert’s-body turns to Albert. “You can go on to class, if you want. I know how much you hate missing.”
    “Ah, jou too, Luddy. Ve’re fine. I promise I von’t attack him. Zat’s in ze past.” Alrik nods along to his words.
    “If jou’re sure.” They nod enthusiastically. “Zen…” He holds out his arm to Albert. “Shall ve?” His lips part, and he nods after a moment. He cautiously takes hold of Ludwig’s arm, smiles shyly at him, and walks away with him.
    “That was uncharacteristic for Berty. He’s wearing his gloves, but he doesn’t normally touch anyone. Today must have us all frayed.” Alrik shakes his head. Gilbert chuckles.
    “Speaking of frayed… Mr. I-own-twenty-two-sex-toys.” Gilbert watches his own face turn crimson in a blush.
    “I knew I should have hidden those in my closet! I can’t believe you counted them!” He shrugs nonchalantly.
    “I vas super embarrassed vhen I found zem. But I knew I couldn’t pass up ze opportunity.” Alrik huffs, blushing even harder.
    “Shush! I don’t want to hear anymore! Let’s just get this meal over with so we can switch back. The way you did my lip gloss is bothering me.” Gilbert grins at him.
    “If jou insist. But can I kiss jou after ve switch back?”
    “You have to remove my necklace first. In this body, not mine. It’s important to me that my soulmate be the one to remove it. I’ll tell you the story later, if you have to know.”
    “I vould like to know. Danke for offering to tell me ze story. But jou’re right, ve should change back first. I’m vashing jour hair zough! Und getting jou product. Jou don’t take care of it, do jou?”
    “I don’t really see a need to. I don’t have split ends, and I don’t even get it cut professionally.” Gilbert scoffs.
    “Zat explains ze unevenness. It vas hell pulling it back, jou know! But it looks nice now. Let me take care of it if jou von’t.” Alrik makes a quiet noise of disbelief.
    “...Fine.” He turns his head away. “If you promise to be gentle.” Gilbert smiles brightly. How cute. “Not because I can’t handle it! I’d just rather not deal with my sensory overload.”
    “Ah, jou’re really cute vhen jou’re not aiming a punch at me.” Alrik crosses his arms over his chest.
    “And you better not forget it!” He closes his eyes and tilts his head back. “And you’re handsome. Don’t let it get to your head.” He opens his eyes in time to see Gilbert grin. “I said don’t let it get to your head!”
    “I’m not, I’m not.” He waves him off. “It makes me happy to hear zat zough. I’m glad ve both decided to try zis.”
    “I am too.” His voice is barely above a whisper. “You don’t plan on using my toys against me, do you?” The silence is deafening. “GILBERT!” He laughs loudly, getting a few seconds head start in running away. It’s no use though; Alrik’s legs are too short to successfully run from Gilbert’s body. But that knowledge is worth being caught.
    “In the far, far future, okay? Nothing for at least a year.” Alrik calms down a bit.
    “M-maybe before then is okay… But six months minimum!” Gilbert sticks his tongue out happily. Alrik rolls his eyes and goes back to the table, Gilbert following after. Despite their past, he’s glad Gil is his soulmate. As Ludwig said, they have a lot in common. And there’s the added bonus of two older brothers to worry over each younger brother.
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brightcinnamonroll · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons pertaining to Malcolm as of right now? I know it’s only the pilot and a few clips lol but I’m curious!
Aren’t we all! I can’t wait to see what new material tomorrow night gives us! Until then, here are a few of my miscellaneous headcanons about Malcolm below:
he’s autistic or at the very least has some degree of sensory processing disorder (see my headcanons for that here)
his bird Sunshine is kind of like a therapy animal, something that he can take care of and focus his attention on, but not too much responsibility like a dog or cat would be
he’s got a playlist of upbeat, cheerful songs that he likes to play in the morning and while he reads his daily affirmations (the little cards in his kitchen and the Johnny Nash song we heard in episode 1)
some nights, when he has trouble sleeping or wakes up from a night terror, he’ll make himself some tea and watch the late night news
or Forensic Files and he’ll criticize the local police work done on the case
growing up, he felt obligated to visit Martin in prison, but Gil was a real father figure for him
and Jackie, who was so thankful and proud of Malcolm for saving Gil becomes a cool second mom that lets him do all the things his real mom won’t
Malcolm and Ainesly had a lot of sleepovers at their house growing up
More on the way! I’ll update as Fox releases new content.
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c0ffeebee · 5 years
Sooo I am taking your cute/appeal as the go ahead to send some for Audruma. Who knows maybe my nefarious plan of making you write headcanons about them will make you more invested *villainous laughter* (I'm stupid and I didn't sleep much. Don't mind me :D) Oooh definitely 4 and 5, even though I can already really guess that answer so like more what their double date would be and 6??
I'm probably too invested in Umvie for that, but yeah, maybe. xD
4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?
Ok, so here's the problem. I believe they wouldn't agree on what pet to get. I mean Audrey would probably want some tiny dog she can carry around like a purse and Uma would want something exotic like maybe a snake? She would maybe even get a tarantula, but Harry would litteraly die before he stepped into the house where that beast lives so no spiders.
Maybe Audrey and Uma can compromise in the end and would get like a pretty small snake tho. It's pink but can also like shimmer blue, like Uma's sea blue, depending on the light. Audrey is the one to name it because Uma got to choose what pet they get, so it's only fair Audrey decides on the name. Audrey is not kind in this aspect so she calls the snake Fluffy. Which is what they end up with. Uma is not happy about this at first but then when she realizes how much fun one can have pranking people with the snake named like that... oh then she just loves it.
5. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
The thing is... in this house? (And by this house I mean Evie's place where basically all the VKs live) No one cares who they'd love to go on a double date with. And double? They wish. It's like Uma just goes "oh, come to my place tonight, we'll watch some movies, I'll make popcorn" and Audrey's like "ok sure, will we have the house to ourselves tho?" and Uma swears everyone 100% got different plans for that night, like no one will be there. But when Audrey shows up it's like... Mal and Ben making out in the kitchen, Evie is failing to bake cupcakes for everyone and Doug tries to save the day (Umvie is out of reach so we'll let Evie stay in the closet for now in this au), Harry and Carlos argue loudly about what movie they should all watch and by the sound of it they should be having a duel already but when Audrey peeks into the living room they are basically cuddling and Carlos just sits on Harry's lap ANGRILY. Lonnie and Jane are cuddled up on the other couch and they just ignore the boys but do notice Audrey and wave her way. And oh, Jay and Gil were promised a skype call from them all later tonight. And then Uma comes down from the stairs like "Sorry, princess, we'll have company after all". And that's how it usually goes.
Of course when they are out of the house and actually have a choice it's Harlos. Just because Audrey has some troubles connecting with people after what happened so it's not like she can invite her friends. And Harry and Gil are Uma's best friends and she feels comfortable in their company and a company of anyone they are with. But Gil and Jay are off to their adventures, and so Harry is someone who's always near. Besides Carlos always got the best ideas about where to go and what to do together.
6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?
They both have a habit of waking up early. Uma because of her morning shifts at Ursula's. And Audrey because she was raised to be the queen and early mornings were part of that. Uma works with Ben as his advisor now and Audrey has college so they both have somewhere to be in the morning and hence no oversleeping. So it depends on who woke up first. They don't have any rituals or anything but Uma does love waking Audrey up with small kisses to joke about sleeping beauty and breaking curses. Audrey likes to wake Uma by playing with her hair (she's the only one who's allowed to touch it, well her and Dizzy or Evie when they help styling it).
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avaquet · 7 years
Taking Care of Biological Issues
This is one of seven fics I have planned for JaalWeek! @magicrobins sorry I was a bit late to the first day :/
This first chapter is dealing with biological issues. A mating season in angara and dealing with menstruation in humans. Sara helps out with Jaal during his time with the helpful guidance of Sahuna. Jaal helps out Sara when she doubles over in pain. This chapter is kind of a mix of angara headcanons and a slight introduction into my OC Sara. ~No smut in this chapter~ There is a shift in timeline below the line, That’s where Jaal takes care of Sara.
Link to AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11605995
    Shuffling. Twisting and turning. Grunts and a final movement wakes me up. I open my eyes to a dimly lit room. Jaal is sitting up and panting, back turned to me. I notice the spot he was laying down in was slightly damp. Fever? Is he sick? I reach out to touch him and he flinches. He is warm, and sweaty. "Jaal? Are you okay?"
    "Hmm? Uh, yes. This is... normal." He leans over and puts his elbows on his legs, head in hands. I could hear a hard swallow when he spoke, and now he is making pained grunts.
    I sit up a little. "Did you have a nightmare?"
    "No. Not a nightmare. Ugh... I just... need some air." He stands up and heads quickly towards my door.
    "Please, if you need anything, I am here."
    "I know, Darling One. I appreciate it. I will be fine." He leaves the room and lets the door whoosh shut behind him.
    "SAM? Is he sick? Should I alert Lexi?" I sit up all the way, rubbing my head.
    "I detected an increase in body temperature, but no illness. I also detected an increase in hormones, rapid breathing and heart rate, sweating, and agitation." SAM chimes in over our private channel.
    "What does this mean?"
    "I do not know for certain. This is the first instance of this that I have encountered."
    "What time is it?"
    "Thank you. I guess I should officially get up." SAM slowly increases the brightness of the room to help my eyes adjust. "It is a bit weird not waking up next to him like normal. Any theories?"
    "His body seems to simulate going through a biological or primitive need to reproduce found in some sentient species. Even Milky Way."
    "Like a mating season?"
    "Precisely. Though I do not have enough data to say that is what it is."
    "Oh." I stand up and change into my sweatpants, tank and grey and black hoodie, and shoes. "I will talk to Sahuna after breakfast. Or at least send an email. Especially if this continues." I am not sure how to process this. Of course, if it is a mating season, it's obviously not under his control. We haven't had sex yet, both together and before. I am not sure if I am ready for this. Maybe that's why he needs some space? Does he not trust himself around me? I don't want him to feel guilty. I head over to my desk to get a brush and my hair tie. Some shiny brown hairs that were loose, fall to my shoulders, more than normal. Stress. I should really talk to Lexi about this. I put my hair up in a medium ponytail, keeping it loose around my scalp and a swoop over my right eye. I recently cut my hair back up to just above my shoulders, keeping the part to the left, and feathering the sides. I remember coming out of the bathroom and walking by Jaal who took notice immediately. It surprised me, it was about a two inch trim, and usually no one notices. Maybe it's because it was down? In any case, he spent the first half hour playing with it before bed. Using his bioelectricity to make strands stand up, and attempting to braid but getting slightly frustrated because his fingers were a bit big and the low static he was emitting didn't help his cause. The memory made me giggle.
    It is close to 0500. Breakfast is in about fifteen minutes. Jaal hasn't come back, yet. I start biting at my lip, tearing off the dead skin with my teeth, an old nervous/anxious habit I have yet to break. Afterwards, putting on lip butter/balm to at least try to help. I couldn't help myself. I go to my terminal and sit down, I open a new email draft and start typing to Sahuna.
    Can I talk to you? A private vid-call? It's about Jaal, and I might be overreacting but when he woke up, he was acting strange. We are about to have breakfast, so could it be afterwards?
    I hit send. I wait about five minutes eagerly waiting for a reply. Maybe she is busy, or asleep. I don't know what time it is on Havarl right now. I hear a ping on my omni-tool. I get excited but to my disappointment, it's just the crew board and Drack telling us that breakfast is ready. I take a deep breath and head out towards the mess hall.
    "Hmph. You're early, Kid." Drack glances over at me. "Jaal ain't with you this time?"
    I walk into the empty room and sit in my usual spot on the booth. "Nope. I guess he had a rough night and needed some air."
    "With everything he's been through and seen, doesn't surprise me." He finishes up making a bowl of... something.
    "Yeah... maybe. He said it wasn't a nightmare."
    "Doesn't have to be a nightmare for something to bother you in the night, Kid."
    "Don't worry, I know. What're you making?"
    "Oatmeal. Using what's left of Milky Way dried fruits. Special bowl for Vetra, and then Jaal's paste on that plate."
    "Ah. Thanks."
    A ping interrupts us. I check my omni-tool. It's a reply from Sahuna;
    Yes. Please talk to me after breakfast. Tell me everything.
    I breathe a slight sigh of relief. Drack starts decorating the table with food where people would normally sit. He places a bowl in front of me and the plate of paste to my left. He finally takes a seat on the other end of the corner booth with his food. Roots from Elaaden, I believe. He starts to chew on them as he cleans his gun. People start walking in and either taking food and going back somewhere or taking a seat. Gil, Kallo, Suvi, Lexi, and Cora decide to eat elsewhere. Vetra sits next to Drack, Liam on the right side of me, Peebee is across in a chair, and finally Jaal shows up. He looks a bit better but still a little off. He quickly takes the place next to me.
    Conversations are going across the room, but I sound them out. "Jaal, are you doing better?" I look up at him. He usually holds my hand while we eat, this time he is just making a fist under the table.
    "I was fine before. This is normal, Sara." His tone of voice is a bit agitated.
    "Are you mad at me? Did I do something?" I feel a slight lump in my throat.
    "No. Not mad. I'll be fine. This will go away."
    "Okay, promise me if it's something, that you will see Lexi?"
    "I always do."  
    I go back to eating when I feel his hand go for mine. I give him my hand and I notice he is holding it a bit tighter than normal. I rub my thumb across the back of his hand, still unsure what is going on. I finish up and sit back.
    "Hey, Sara." I look at Peebee. "What's next?"
    "We are going to Elaaden to check in with the krogan colony."
    "Oh sweet! Will we get to see inside that crashed remnant ship?"
    "Maybe." I shrug. That's when Jaal lets go of my hand and goes to my thigh. A slightly tight grip. This catches my attention. The move was almost possessive.  I look up at him with concern and realized he has finished his food quickly. When he notices me, he lets go of my thigh and shies away, almost a guilty or embarrassed look on his face. I can tell other people in the room notice something is going on, but they continue with their conversations. Jaal silently gets up and places his plate in the sink then walks out. I soon follow, eyes in the room follow me until the door closes.
    I lose track of him when I leave the mess hall. I sigh. I go into my room and open up comms with Sahuna on my terminal.
    "Sahuna? Can you hear me?"
    "Yes. What's going on, Sara?"
    "Jaal is acting strange. He claims he isn't sick, but has a fever. He woke up sweating and panting. He seems to be distant of me, both physically and verbally. He is speaking quicker and harsher. When we were eating breakfast, he held my hand tighter than normal and suddenly went to my thigh, tight grip. When he saw that I noticed, he quickly looked away and let go. He also ate a lot faster and is really quiet. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me?"
    "Hmm. No, I do not believe that he is. Lathoul!" Sahuna turns from the camera. "When was Jaal's last-" A word in Shelesh that I don't understand.
    I hear Lathoul respond in the background. "Uh, a couple years ago I believe."
    Sahuna turns back to the camera to face me. A grin across her face. "Let me email Jaal real quick to make sure this is it."
    "What is happening?" I ask.
    "This happens to every angara. And every angara is different and on a different schedule. Like a mating season. Jaal is still young and this is probably just as intense as it was his first time."
    "Oh, I am still a little confused."
    "Do humans have a mating season?"
    "Eh, no, not really. The closest we have is that most females can get easily turned on during or around their menstrual cycle. But it's not exactly a hard instinct."
    "How often is this cycle?"
    "Once a month. Usually ties in with the moon's cycle. Well, Earth's moon. Three to seven days. And it is not fun."
    "Hmm, I want to know more. But first, Jaal is just in his season. Once every one to four years for about two to fourteen days that year, an angara will have a physical desire to reproduce."
    "Mating season?"
    "Yes. Jaal gets his every two years for about four days. It's an intense desire. It will wear out the more he goes through it. Usually the shorter the season, the more frequent it happens."
    "So, why is he avoiding me?"
    "Have you two had sex yet?"
    I open my eyes a bit wider. That question came a bit as a shock. "Uh, no."
    Sahuna chuckles, "Dear, I am not embarrassed. Ah! He messaged back." Sahuna takes a minute to read. "Yes. He is in his season. I know why he is avoiding you, too. He wants it to be sober."
    "I am not sure how humans view sex, but angara, as you know, are quite emotional. Sex is extremely intimate, not the most intimate. There's levels to one's self. Sexual, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. The desire Jaal is feeling now is only on two levels, sexual and physical. He wants to feel it on all levels."
    "So being sober is just, normal self?"
    "Yes. He's never had sex before. But that doesn't matter as much as the first time that you two share. The first time is usually extremely emotional, slow, and vulnerable on both sides. It is sharing a moment between you both and the stars. Of course not all sex is like this, but the first time should not be based on a primitive desire."
    "I am surprised you're not saying a primitive need."
    "Because sex isn't exactly a need. Love and affection is. Intimacy can be a need. Sex is not. One can survive without having sex, and there's many other intimate acts one can do in place. Love doesn't have to be intimate, it can be platonic or familial. Love is the need."
    "Is there anything I can do for Jaal?"
    "I will send Lexi a common medicine to help with the fever and panting, maybe she already has it. Paripo juice helps with fevers as well."
    "We don't have that."
    "Oh, well, cold water can do just fine. He also likes dried, toasted quilloa seeds. I used to give him this when he was younger to help out."
    "Okay, and it lasts for four days?"
    "Can be cut in half with constant sex. But as I've said before, he'd rather be sober right now. Hmm, the fact his subconscious knows that he has a partner might make his desires more intense."
    "Oh... I do want him to feel better, Sahuna. I don't want him to feel like he has to restrict himself from me."
    "He was probably worried about how you would have seen him. Usually, since the seasons don't match up with the other partner, after the season is over, that person usually takes care of the other not in season. It can be tiresome and sore. And if at any moment, there is a change in emotion or if one feels like they can't continue, the one in season is expected to stop immediately. There is usually a lot of aftercare for putting up with the seasonal nonsense. Just saying for later purposes."
    "Alright, got it. I appreciate it, Sahuna. Thank you."
    "You're welcome. Jaal is flattered you came to me."
    "You told him I was talking to you?"
    "Of course! He deserves to know that you are a caring person!"
    I smile at that and giggle. "Aw. Thanks. So, toasted quilloa seeds, cold water, medicine?"
    "Yes. You got it!"
    "I will get right on that, thank you again!"
    "Oh wait, Sara! May I learn more about this cycle you humans have?"
    "Well, sure. But, mine is a bit different." I feel a bit nervous. I don't know how she is going to take this.
    "How so?"
    "Well, humans aren't naturally biotics. I had element zero exposure while I was in the womb, and that caused... complications."
    "Oh no. What happened?"
    "The eezo kind of halted any growth of eggs. I was kind of born infertile."
    Sahuna gives a look of pure shock. "Oh Stars. You have my deepest sympathies."
    "Thanks, but I am at peace with it. I always knew adoption was an option and I had a friend that was orphaned growing up. The day she got adopted and had to switch schools, I saw the happiest face. There are millions of orphans across the different species back in the Milky Way. And I knew if I ever had a family, that I would adopt to give a child hope and love, like they deserve. This was before I found out I was infertile. Before my first cycle."
    "You would be a wonderful mother if you do decide to adopt. How did you find out that you were infertile?"
    "My first cycle. And thanks. That was, not fun. I have this thing they like to call 'Ghost Eggs' where my body and brain haven't registered that I don't have eggs. So, my body tries to push something out that isn't there. I have to take medicine for it because it is extremely painful. Sometimes it feels like an organ ruptured."
    "Oh Stars, you poor thing."
    "It only lasts two to three days though. Low blood flow, very low, since it's only the uteral lining shedding."
    "Blood flow? There's blood?"
    "I forgot other species don't exactly have the same type of cycle has humans do, whoops." I chuckle. "Yes, there is blood. It can be constant."
    "How long does this last? A full lifetime?"
    "Starts usually from ages nine to sixteen, ends around seventy. Which is a recent change. Evolution is catching up with our longer lifespan and more females are being born with more eggs."
    "That's a relief. At least it goes away."
    "What about mating seasons?"
    "It lasts a lifetime."
    "Oh woah. Really?"
    "Well, speaking of which. I will check with Lexi and get the stuff for Jaal. Thank you again for talking to me."
    "Thank you for your concern and talking with me! Stay strong and clear, Sara."
    The link goes dead. I lay back in my chair and let out a long sigh. I finally decide to stand up and go to the mess hall, which is now cleared of people. The dried quilloa seeds are up in the cabinet and there's cold water in the fridge. I cut up the seeds to bite sizes and start to toast them. I go into the medbay while things are going to talk to Lexi, which she had a substitute for the recommended medicine, she gave it to me and I went back. Put the seeds on a plate, got out a cold water, and a pill ready.
    "SAM, where's Jaal?"
    "He is in the tech lab."
    "Thanks, SAM."
    I carefully travel up the ladder and head to the room, knocking on the door. "Jaal? I brought you something."
    There's a moment of silence before the door opens. A hopeful grin across his face as he looks at what I brought.
    "Your mom said it would help."
    "Thank you, Darling." His hands reach out carefully towards the food and water. "This smells wonderful." The smile across his face lights up the room.
    "Anything for you, Jaal. I hope you like it."
    He takes a bite of the seed. "A bit hard, but I do like it. I do not think I can come up with the words to tell you how appreciative I am of this."
    "I appreciate you, and your decision. I really do, and I respect it. I was worried when I heard it was a mating season, well, I don't know if worried is the right word, but I knew I wasn't ready for it. I trust you, though. And damn, I was so worried about you. Hey, tell me next time something like this happens okay? I am not going to judge you."
    "I promise I will, Sara. My Darling One. Thank you for understanding."
    I wake up. Curled inward. A severe pain takes a hold in my lower abdomen. I grunt out, pant and moan. The Initiative never gave me the procreation blockers because of my medical file. They knew I was infertile. So, my cycle continues. I have run out of the medication, too, damn it.
    Jaal rolls over. "Dearest? Are you alright?"
    I grit my teeth. "Pain... No more meds... so much... pain."
    Jaal shoots up, telling SAM to brighten the lights so he can see. He pulls the covers back to find me in a ball. He moves the hair from my face and rubs my arms. "Sara, what's wrong? Should I take you to Lexi?"
    "No... This is, ah, normal for me." I tighten my ball. "It's a really bad cramp is all."
    "Lower belly... why?"
    "Can I try something?"
    "Yes, please... ah! Anything!"
    "Alright, I will need you to straighten out a bit and give me access."
    I do as he says, it is hard not to return. I feel sweat beads form around my face, breathing is a bit hard. He lifts my shirt a little bit and places his hands on my lower abdomen. They are warm. Then I feel tiny nips of electricity, and they slowly get more intense, but not painful. In fact, the pain is going away. It's like he's relaxing the muscle and tricking the nerves. I focus on breathing now that it's not as painful. I relax a bit more.
    "Is it working?"
    "Yes, Jaal. Yes! Yes it is!" I almost feel like laughing out of relief. "Oh, thank you so fucking much, you have no idea how much that helps."
    "Now I do know, and I will do it again if the pain returns. What happened, do you know?"
    I lay out flat as he sits up straight. There's a slight numbness and tingle to my belly now that he's stopped but it's so much better. "Menstrual cycle, but ghost egg version. Well, it doesn't have to be ghost eggs to be this painful but, yeah. The cycle is once a month and lasts two to three days for me."
    "Oh. Is there anything I can do to help more?"
    "Heating pads do wonders, I have one under the bed I think." I go to reach for it but Jaal stops me.
    "Let me." He gets up and grabs it. "Is this it?"
    "Yes, it can help with any lingering pain and the pain in general. Thank you."
    "Anything for you, Darling."
    "When we get back to the Nexus, Lexi will be able to pick up more medicine for me. That usually helps, doesn't get rid of the pain entirely, but helps."
    "And now we know my bioelectricity works with it."
    "Does more than just work, Jaal. It numbs the pain. I might be able to actually sleep for once."
    "Good." He kisses my forehead. "If it happens again, let me know. I am more than willing to help."
    He settles next to me, his hand laying over my stomach. "Just in case." He whispers.
    "You are so sweet, Jaal. I am so lucky to be here."
    "Hmm, it's like talking to a mirror."
    "Because I feel the same way, Dearest."
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The Mimic
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
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Name: Gil Connor McCormick
Nicknames: Gilliam (Fauna Exclusive), Bud (Kevin Exclusive)
Faceclaim: Asa Butterfield
Age: 10
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Unsure
Height: 4′1″
Weight: 76.7lbs
Birthday: December 24th
Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Unemployed, Student
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Ph'Nglui Ftaghu, nicknamed Gluey for Kevin’s sake, is a Tassled Wobbegong shark. He’s very sweet to Gil and loves to sleep in his hot tub style bed with him. He’s very cuddly, and is capable of being out of water for three hours due to magic. He will also cuddle with Fauna and Kevin, and most of Kevin’s lovers. He and Edgar get along swimmingly as long as there isn’t any food to be stolen by the octopus. Ph’Glui Ftaghu means Dead/Paralyzed Covering in R'lyehian.
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Dyson is the family farm dog, as well as Gil’s best friend aside from Gluey. He loves the dog so much and feels at home with him. If Dyson isn’t with him, usually Gluey is. He will hang out in the fields with Dyson, and likes to try drawing him. He’s working on becoming better at drawing, and Dyson can be a great model. Gil and Kevin work on training him together.
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Velocirapstar is Gil’s horse that he was allowed to get as a companion to Shoe. Being a Tennessee Walking Horse, he’s very good at going on trails and great for riding. Gil sometimes calls him Velcro, because he likes to be close to Shoe, and the two are very good friends. He has a custom-made set of saddle and bridle/reigns that are red with stars just for riding. Gil has considered taking up Dressage just to see if he could do it. Velocirapstar has helped him greatly with his closed-off nature.
Gil is the son of Kevin and Christie McCormick and the elder brother of Fauna McCormick. Stuart and Carol are his grandparents, Kenny is his uncle, and Karen is his aunt. Firkle is a mother figure in his life and he considers him to be his real mother; Eventually he does adopt him and Fauna. He is the older half-brother to Colt and Delta.
Because Firkle is like a mother to him, Firkle’s other children not by Kevin are his siblings/cousins and are treated as such.
Gil is very quiet and shy around most people, and it takes a lot of patience and time to earn his trust. Once you have it, however, it is nigh impossible to lose if you treat him and his family right. He is more wary of women that look like his mother.
Gil’s skin is very sensitive and he needs special salt-infused lotion. He also struggles with breathing oxygen sometimes, and is very sickly and frail. He uses a breathing machine if he sleeps in bed, and has a hot-tub type contraption that he sleeps in on the worse nights, which is treated like a warmed saltwater fish tank. it is better for his skin and he can breathe better.
Like a mimic octopus, Gil can change his hair and eye colors as a young child, and his entire appearance when he’s older. As a toddler, he was unable to control it, and freaked his mother out.
Christie commonly tries to destroy his equipment and medical devices in an attempt to kill him, as she thinks that he is a demon. She’s convinced Kevin pulled a Rosemary’s Baby on her in order to make Gil, and believes fully that she was tricked by him and his handsomeness.
Gil loves his little sister even if she is someone he doesn’t understand. She drags him into a lot of things that he isn’t ready for.
Gil speaks and can write in fluent R’lyehian, and English was his second language.
Headcanons Masterlist
As A Child I Was Wild For The Fish In The Sea (Gil McCormick)
It's Coelacanth Not Coelacan (Gil Musings)
Stay Away From Things That Aren’t Yours (Gil Closet)
I’ll Be There When You Wake (Gil Headcanons)
Saying Things In Languages Only I Understand (Gil Journal Entries)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - You’ve Seen The Butcher (Gil and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - It Couoldn’t Be A Visitor Because The Bridge Is Out (Gil and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - Birds Of A Feather Flock Together (Gil and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Asher - And Now We Got Bad Blood (Gil and Asher - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - Someone Who Cares Someone Who’s There (Gil and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
Here - Kevin - Will You Remember Me? (Kevin and Gil)
Here - Thick As Thieves (Gil and Firkle)
Here - Fauna - I’d Promise You The Stars In Your Eyes (Gil and Fauna)
Here - Aster - You May Be The Death Of Me (Gil and Aster)
Here - Karen - Please Don’t Drink More Beer (Gil and Karen)
Here - Stuart - Definitely Not My Crowd (Gil and Stuart)
Here - Carol - Nevers Are A Hard Thing To Come To Terms With (Gil and Carol)
Here - Christie - I Give You My Heart You Give Me Fear (Gil and Christie)
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momomomma2 · 7 years
Hello! Just wondering what kind of headcanons you had about Gil and Scott. I like to think they are disgustingly couple-y. PB fake wretches and rolls her eyes every time she sees them together. They also have those cliché "no you hang up first" arguments over the ship's intercom. When they go to bed, they're glued to each other spooning and wake up in a tangled mess. Every time Scott goes on a mission, Gil pulls him to a quiet corner to tell him to be careful and give him a kiss on the nose.
Dude. Yes. Gil has never had something like what he has with Scott, so he’s almost puppy-eager to do all the things he grew up seeing in movies and books now that he has that sort of romance. Consider:
Anytime they go off Tempest while not on a mission, Scott wears a shirt that says “If Found Return To Gil” (Gil wears one that says “Return Us Both To Vetra”)
Ridiculous pet names. If Liam is subject to one more “Hey there, boo bear!” “Well hi, pretty puppy” hollered across engineering, he’s going to Havoc Strike himself
Breakfast is a chore every goddamn day because “you two literally just spent the night in bed together. Could you please separate for five minutes.” Scott says no around a mouthful of toast, sprawled across Gil’s lap
Gil sometimes stumbles to bed far too late, sometimes right when Scott’s gotta start his day. He always makes sure to take a few extra minutes to tuck Gil into the blankets and brush a few kisses over his cheeks before he leaves
Matching pajamas
Scott wheedles until Vetra works her magic and suddenly his bed has matching Mr. and Mr. pillowcases
Sharing whatever the Andromeda equivalent of milkshakes are, complete with two straws and the booping of whipped cream onto noses
“Promise me you’ll come back to me.” “I’ll always come back to you.”
One time, they have a fight. It lasts exactly 33 minutes before Scott stands outside engineering with a boombox held over his head, playing the greatest love songs, until Drack forcibly pries open the doors and shoves him and Celine Dion into Gil’s hiding place.
“I’ve never loved anyone like this. Sorta scary, in a way.” “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” “You are such an ass...but I know you will.” 
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avitusrixx · 7 years
4, 8, 16, 32 for ship asks... i dont know what ships you have yet so do for whivhever ship is your very favorite
I’ll do em for Ryder/Gil since I don’t talk about it enough
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love?
I would say Gil wins at spoiling because he wakes up early enough to make Ryder breakfast/coffee and do other little things for him whereas unless Ryder has something important to do in the morning he’ll sleep past noon every day. But they definitely do get competitive, especially when they’re out together. I think Ryder just knows he’s the slacker and sometimes needs to step up his game and fight to be the spoiler rather than the spoilee even if he knows Gil’s okay with it.
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying                For Ryder, closeness/touching. He has a hard time talking when he’s distressed and words don’t really do it for him. Just the reaching out and contact and knowing he’s not alone that comes with a hug or an arm around him goes a long way, and Gil learned it pretty fast.As for Gil, listening, and staying calm, and offering solutions. If that isn’t working then a hand on his back or shoulder– he gets antsy if you get too touchy feely when he’s upset. Gil’s distress can be loud and he goes on tangents about the problem at hand, and he isn’t censored about it at all. (This is pure headcanon and never really shown in-game and I think Gil is generally really good at keeping his cool in almost all situations but if he did lose it I think it would be large and hectic and full of words and sputtering explanations of the issues he’s facing and why he’s not doing so hot.)16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless                
Ryder with Gil’s extensive love for poker for sure. He doesn’t get it at all and he’s terrible at it and never wants to play it unless Gil says he can cheat, but he loves hearing Gil’s weird analyses and real-life applications he gets out of poke and what not. Especially when Gil’s a little drunk. Ryder thinks it’s completely weird and doesn’t buy a word but also that it’s friggin adorable.
It evens out when Ryder starts oversharing about SAM and AI and how he’s pissed that his career was destroyed because of the milky way’s laws. Gil often implies that Ryder is too passionate and would probably bow willingly before a robot overlord.32. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners               
Ryder can cook but I think Gil can too? I’m not sure… they’re both average at best I would assume and they can make mid-level meals and probably argue about which one of them is better or worse at cooking and eventually move to nit-picking each other’s dishes and “this is fine I guess you tried but wait til tomorrow’s dinner when /I’m/ doing the cooking.”Thanks for the ask this stuff is so fun~!
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gurguliare · 8 years
so apparently the last flareup of elwing discourse was in july, which i know because emma and i then proceeded to have a fantastically involved conversation about maglor and maedhros’s babysitter qualifications, in the six months before gil-galad came to pick the twins up
now seems as timely as ever.
Emma: i feel about maglor and the kidnap twins the way that i feel about shakespeare plays Emma: .... Emma: that’s one of those sentences you instantly regret
Emma: what i meant was Emma: there are some specific shakespeare plays i read in an abridged version when i was like ten Emma: and instantly and vividly created this FULL INTERNAL FANDOM for Emma: which are not (1) very good summaries of the plays themselves Emma: (2) based on any real production that i could ever see Gogol: wait so tell me more about your damn kidnap twins fanon though Emma: THE THING IS I DON’T KNOW. IT JUST PLAYS ON THE INSIDE OF MY EYELIDS Emma: i don’t know i feel like— i worry about it too Emma: but just, consider that caveat hovering over it, that i worry that my attitudes about this are not great, but Emma: i tend to believe the text when tolkien says that a love grew between them Emma: so i like all the ones quite a bit where elros and elrond are plotting his murder but that’s not what i imagine… i figure them as… well Emma: kids! who maybe Emma: especially elrond Emma: internalize at first that something went wrong, and maybe maglor had to do this? to take them away from their parents? so Gogol: oh my god………. baby .... Emma: i like the idea of elrond’s vast understanding or whatever and deep worrying about the future coming in part from this— unconscious need to placate and then to actually help this very troubled MOTHERFUCKER WHO KIDNAPPED HIM Emma: ok, i’ll just— figure out what’s best. because you don’t know what’s best? and your brother is a creep? so like, we’re going to… work this out? together? you made some mistakes, but wh ohasn’t made some mistakes Emma: ha ha! aren’t we all noldor here! Emma: and it taking him a while to intellectually get to “no… we were kidnapped…” Emma: like the twenty year, very serious version of the "WAIT." comic Gogol: fuck Emma: and at that point the war is happening and they have other concerns Emma: and i also like the idea that elrond never totally got out of it Emma: like, in his subconscious Emma: that if you ask him he’s like “no it’s fucked up they stole me from my home and family” etc but, well, he’s still like “but… you know… the noldor aren’t ALL bad… those greatly harmed can do great harm… :(“ Emma: and that requires a maglor who isn’t like, discussing which of them they’ll kill as the unnecessary hostage Emma: with maedhros, although i like those fics quite a lot Emma: at this point my elros characterization is just “em’s elros” so w/e assume i just said that a bunch Emma: “the most christian elros imaginable" Gogol: i feel like em's elros is my actual fingon headcanon Gogol: no that's a joke Gogol: it's not completely a joke. Gogol: also, has troubling implications Gogol: but yeah. I LIKE YOUR VERSION better than some of the maglor’s malice ones i'm Gogol: contemplating Gogol: i was thinking definitely before you'd even started in on details that like. … yeah, i mean, i prefer to take the text at face value in those instances where it DOES give rare emotional insight, and also idk if you read simaethae's elwing meta today but Emma: nooo Gogol: one sec Gogol: this paragraph: - only Elwing lives, and finds her husband, and they sail West, the first people to manage it in centuries, and they find the Valar and Earendil, the longed for that cometh beyond hope, persuades them to intervene and win the War; and this time the twins live too, and not only do the Feanorians let them live but love grew after between them, as little might be thought - Gogol: which is like, yeah, the reason i genuinely love the … texture of the voyage of earendil chapter, where the sheer barren scraped-cleanness of the landscape makes hope a sort of inevitable weed Gogol: anyway so Emma: RIGHT Emma: there’s nothing ELSE Emma: you HAVE to be with each other Emma: everyone else is DEAD Emma: of tuor and his coming to gondolin is like that too! Gogol: YEAH although tuor has much more of the actively numinous quality i associate with luthien and beren, where it's not only… hope against darkness but also like… i don't know, wonder and delight, for some fucking reason--earendil's voyage and the war of wrath by comparison are both so curiously Gogol: not "secular" but like… delimited by practical necessities Gogol: to get back to maglor and elrond i was just going to say that like, definitely that caretaker role unfortunately on elrond's part Emma: yes yes yes yes Emma: you are right abt tuor and the wonder and delight—that last unexpected stream of water is no joke! Emma: as opposed to the fens at sirion. Gogol: YEAH Gogol: i mean beleriand after gondolin is really like… right, every water source is tainted, but the sea Gogol: but fuck that was what i was going to say actually was one thing i was picturing re maglor elrond and elros was like, maglor and maedhros literally MUCH MORE OUT OF THEIR FUCKING DEPTH Gogol: than they often are in fic... Gogol: like, no joke, struggling to survive against terrible odds for absolutely no motivation Emma: y e sssss it's Emma: i don’t know i fthis makes mechanical sense but i always pictured them like Emma: ... Emma: camping on the really barren parts of, like, bodega bay Gogol: flakdgjalKJGLS:GJ Gogol: YEAH Emma: where it’s just volcanic rock and seagulls Emma: “want to go fishing” “ummm" Emma: “do the children we kidnapped know how to fish” “YOU can ask them that question" Emma: for forty YEARS Emma: in the distance the CONTINENT EXPLODES! Gogol: i'd also be really interested in seeing a… more engaged and frustrated and possessive-of-his brother maedhros honestly like a maedhros who almost wakes up with the last kinslaying Gogol: but in the worst way Emma: ohhhh my god Emma: yeah Emma: not the gentled miserable murderer Emma: but the one who’s determined to keep maglor, and only maglor, alive Gogol: like does he care about the KIDS, no, but is it a way to get at maglor or occasionally to get maglor up, OKAY Emma: and even if elrond and elros did not totally pick up on this, Emma: he wouldn’t be ashamed of just doing it directly Gogol: i can't tell if this is genuinely hotter than fanon standard or if i'm just flipping the dynamic for novelty. w/e i guess Gogol: i do think this version is easier to reconcile with endgame maglor without completely unrolling him Emma: i just still love the rules lawyering of Emma: “listen we can just… WAIT" Emma: “maybe it’ll go AWAY" Emma: “the oath says not” it does sort of fucking imply that though maglor. Emma: you big desperate baby Gogol: y es Gogol: … i don't know. the problem is i like their last convo so much AS like, the first conversation they've had in two hundred years, it's hard to game that for a substantive prior relationship, even though i know they must have done THINGS Emma: ... Emma: is it though Emma: remember that the other convo we have for them is “isn’t that a silmaril” “you know i’ve been meaning to mention to you that i think that would be a good thing" Emma: "[crushing silence]" Gogol: lkJALkjdg Gogol: I MEAN IT'S NOT hard for me to PICTURE but then it's like Gogol: kind of a conversation… ender… in terms of… "what were they talking about and doing in bodega bay" Emma: yeah. Emma: tru. Gogol: i was going to say i kinda still am picturing barely-verbal maedhros in a LOT of contexts, just like, you know, whenever maglor's not looking/conscious, suddenly Gogol: "elros take his legs" Emma: you know what i also like is Emma: maglor and maedhros— well they wouldn’t intend it anyway because like, intending things takes too much effort Gogol: WAY too much effort Emma: but not being aware of how… childlike elrond and elros are Emma: and how much they’re asking of them Emma: because, peredhil. Gogol: oh yeah absolutely lol Emma: so, elrond and elros like, Growing Up Fast in a way that they both assume is their elvish heritage Emma: when actually it is just SUPER fucking human Emma: and elrond never ever figures it out, and elros does at age like 600 Gogol: also like, maedhros and maglor grew up in a household with seven kids..... Gogol: "unnecessary compounding misconceptions" the feanorion party game Gogol: also like. being frustrated with elrond and elros's developmental slowness in some areas and reassured by their accommodating intelligent 'maturity' in others :\ Emma: y e p Emma: i was going to say something about maglor’s almost-scientific curiosity as to their human heritage Emma: shared with the kids Gogol: UH HUH. elrond like, oh good, i………. fooled him into thinking i'm competent another day…. Emma: tomorrow is another opportunity to keep doing that! Emma: joke’s on you you get 2000 more years Gogol: LMAO Gogol: GOD. ELROND. WHY DID HE NOT MAKE NARN ARWEN AH ARAGORN CANON Emma: i know poor child Emma: this is one reason i’m super enamored of celebrian who grew up with the exact opposite pressures Emma: a mother who just assumed that she would never grow out of being 30 and biddable Gogol: i overseriously don't know that i would say OPPOSITE pressures but also: yes and i love them Gogol: by which i just mean like, biddability prized in both cases but. functional vs decorative Gogol: but it's not like maedhros and maglor wanted elrond and elros to be ADULTS Gogol: just, USEFUL children Gogol: whereas galadriel probably wishes celebrian were more impressive but at the end of the day has to admit she likes celebrian's mild patience best of all. they're both being very understanding of each other she feels Emma: oh my fucking god Emma: yeah. Emma: why are there people who don’t want dirtbag galadriel Gogol: nooooo ideaaaaa
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