sassenach77yle · 17 days
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“Before I tell ye, Claire, there’s the one thing I’d ask of you,” he said slowly. “What’s that?” “Honesty.” I must have flinched uncomfortably, for he leaned forward earnestly, hands on his knees. “I know there are things ye’d not wish to tell me, Claire. Perhaps things that ye can’t tell me.” You don’t know just how right you are, I thought. “I’ll not press you, ever, or insist on knowin’ things that are your own concern,” he said seriously. He looked down at his hands, now pressed together, palm to palm. “There are things that I canna tell you, at least not yet. And I’ll ask nothing of ye that ye canna give me. But what I would ask of ye—when you do tell me something, let it be the truth. And I’ll promise ye the same. We have nothing now between us, save—respect, perhaps. And I think that respect has maybe room for secrets, but not for lies. Do ye agree?” He spread his hands out, palms up, inviting me. I could see the dark line of the blood vow across his wrist. I placed my own hands lightly on his palms. “Yes, I agree. I’ll give you honesty.” His fingers closed lightly about mine. “And I shall give ye the same. Now,” he drew a deep breath, “you asked why I wed ye.” “I am just the slightest bit curious,” I said. He smiled, the wide mouth taking up the humor that lurked in his eyes. “Well, I canna say I blame ye. I had several reasons. And in fact, there’s one—maybe two—that I canna tell ye yet, though I will in time. The main reason, though, is the same reason you wed me, I imagine; to keep ye safe from the hands of Jack Randall.” I shuddered a bit, at the memory of the Captain, and Jamie’s hands tightened on mine.
“You are safe,” he said firmly. “You have my name and my family, my clan, and if necessary, the protection of my body as well. The man willna lay hands on ye again, while I live.”
“Thank you,” I said. Looking at that strong, young, determined face, with its broad cheekbones and solid jaw, I felt for the first time that this preposterous scheme of Dougal’s might actually have been a reasonable suggestion. The protection of my body. The phrase struck with particular impact, looking at him—the resolute set of the wide shoulders and the memory of his graceful ferocity, “showing off” at swordplay in the moonlight. He meant it; and young as he was, he knew what he meant, and bore the scars to prove it. He was no older than many of the pilots and the infantrymen I had nursed, and he knew as well as they the price of commitment. It was no romantic pledge he had made me, but the blunt promise to guard my safety at the cost of his own. I hoped only that I could offer him something in return. “That’s most gallant of you,” I said, with absolute sincerity. “But was it worth, well, worth marriage?
It was,” he said, nodding. He smiled again, a little grimly this time. “I’ve good reason to know the man, ye ken. I wouldna see a dog given into his keeping if I could prevent it, let alone a helpless woman.” “How flattering,” I remarked wryly, and he laughed. He stood up and went to the table near the window. Someone—perhaps the landlady—had supplied a bouquet of wildflowers, set in water in a whisky tumbler. Behind this stood two wineglasses and a bottle. Jamie poured out two glasses and came back, handing me one as he resumed his seat. “Not quite so good as Colum’s private stock,” he said with a smile, “but none so bad, either.” He raised his glass briefly.
“To Mrs. Fraser,” he said softly, and I felt a thump of panic again. I quelled it firmly and raised my own glass.
“To honesty,” I said, and we both drank. “Well, that’s one reason,” I said, lowering my glass. “Are there others you can tell me?” He studied his wineglass with some care. “Perhaps it’s just that I want to bed you.” He looked up abruptly. “Did ye think of that?” If he meant to disconcert me, he was succeeding nicely, but I resolved not to show it. “Well, do you?” I asked boldly. “If I’m bein’ honest, yes, I do.” The blue eyes were steady over the rim of the glass. “You wouldn’t necessarily have had to marry me for that,” I objected. He appeared honestly scandalized. “You do not think I would take ye without offering you marriage!” “Many men would,” I said, amused at his innocence. He sputtered a bit, at a momentary loss. Then regaining his composure, said with formal dignity, “Perhaps I am pretentious in saying so, but I would like to think that I am not ‘many men,’ and that I dinna necessarily place my behavior at the lowest common denominator.” Rather touched by this speech, I assured him that I had so far found his behavior both gallant and gentlemanly, and apologized for any doubt I might inadvertently have cast on his motives. On this precariously diplomatic note, we paused while he refilled our empty glasses.
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mikathemonster · 1 year
Idk if I’m doing this right but can u write fluff of some kind with dialogue prompt #1 with Kili x fem!reader? Whatever comes to mind, if not no biggie, thanks sm!!☺️
"a ‘spark’ of an idea"
author's note: this one was actually really fun, considering i decided to use an old WIP to write this! I apologize if the pacing feels a bit rushed, I've been writing while sick with covid :( (based on this post)
Pairing: Kíli / Female Human Reader
Word Count: 1,198
summary: despite being Gandalf’s apprentice, you yourself cannot conjure any magic. but that doesn’t stop you from trying to prove yourself to a certain dwarven prince...
content warnings: fire, sparks, smoking
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“Gandalf, we have a problem.” You said, out of breath from running to hunt down the wizard.
“And I suppose you expect my aid in this issue?” The grey wizard said, blowing smoke from his pipe. Oh, how you wished a puff of the old toby would help you. But alas, this problem was bigger than simple weed from Southfarthing.
“Well yes, that was the idea,” you huffed, sitting next to him as you tried to regain your breath and your composure. You had hoped your mentor would be a little more gracious in your current time of need.
“I know very well of your problem, dear Y/N,” he said. “But it is yours to solve just as it was yours to create.” You groaned at his wisdom. Of course he already knew what you had done, he was a wizard! All wise but ever mischievous, was he. You had learned that well from traveling with him here and there as his apprentice, his aid.
“Then can you at least lend me a branch over here?” You said, a little frustrated. “I don’t even know where to start.”
Another puff came from the old grey man as he blew terrific smoky shapes into the air. “My suggestion is simple,” he said. “Put your foot in front of the other and start walking. No problem was ever solved by laying about and whining.” Rather short than his usual pep talks, but you didn’t have the energy to pry. He must have a lot on his mind, you thought.
And that’s how you found yourself storming in the direction of the forges, intent on requesting backup to help with your plan. Backup, you thought, in the form of a certain toymaker and miner.
You searched the many workstations within Erebor’s grand forges, the heat of the halls causing a heated glow about your face as you desperately worked to seek out the dwarf with twin curled braids.
“Bofur!” You called out, running to catch up with the dwarrow who seemed like he was gathering supplies for his next projects. “Bofur, I need your help. We have a problem.”
“Ah, Y/N,” the older dwarf smiled as he saw you. Always a good day to see a friend, he thought as he stopped what he was doing. “And it’s another Monday, what’s your point?”
You drew in a breath, fiddling with your hands as you swallowed your dignity to explain the situation. “So, I was playing a game with Fíli and Kíli, and we were all taking dares from one another when Kíli dared me to perform magic in front of him.” You said.
“You can do magic?” Bofur asked. You shook your head.
“Not at all!” You said. “But I couldn’t say that in front of them, so I told Kíli that if he met me here tomorrow night, I’d conjure fireworks for him.”
“Why didn’t you just tell the truth, lass?” He said.
“Because!” You whined. “You’re all master crafters and fighters and skilled in practically everything! I wanted to have some sort of special talent.”
“Oh, come now, Y/N,” he said, frowning. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re already quite special yourself, you know?”
“You don’t have to flatter me, you know,” you said, sighing. Bofur shook his head.
“I’m serious! It takes quite a deal of strength to be able to put up with those two,” he grinned, pushing you with his elbow teasingly. “Come, we can talk more in my workshop. It’s a bit stuffy in here, eh?” You nodded silently, following him.
A few twists and turns later through the great bedrock halls led you to Bofur and Bifur’s toyshop, the shelves inside littered with works in progress and completed toys of various types. Bofur set his collection of parts down on a huge table that was covered in scrolls and blueprints before he turned back around to face you, giving you his full attention.
“Now, lass,” he said. “What do you expect me to do to help you?”
You drew a breath, knowing you were going to sound crazy. “Alright, here’s my plan.”
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And the stage was set! It took all day yesterday to fully plan it out with Bofur, but you were ready. And quite excited! Gods, you just couldn’t wait to see the look on Kíli’s face when you pulled this off. Now all you needed to do was keep your cool and stick to your script, which you hoped Kíli would goad you into easily.
Soon, he was meeting you at the entrance of the Great Forges, an eager grin on his face as the lights of the fires lit both of your faces. “Y/N, you won’t hold out on me, will you?” He asked with a cheeky smile, and you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, of course not! How could I dare to upset you? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make a scene.” And with that, you turned away, quickly walking towards the forges, which were eerily quiet and empty tonight.
Kíli seemed to fall for your trap, raising a brow as he followed after you. “Where are we going?”
“Well you see, my magic is most powerful near fire,” you said, fibbing your ass off as you worried about how effective your plan would be. As soon as the two of you would enter the forge, you knew Bofur would set it in motion.
Kíli seemed to feel satisfied with this answer as he nodded. “I see, fireworks and fire makes sense.”
You nodded as well, glad he took it without question. And soon you both crossed the threshold, you threw your arms in the air, hoping Bofur would see the signal. It was time to begin.
“What are you doing?” Kíli asked, coming up close behind you.
You threw a playful smirk, trying your best not to give away how nervous you were. “I’m just warming up.”
“Then by all means,” he said, taking a step back to give you some space.
And with a big breath, it was time to begin. You rubbed your hands together, creating a warm friction as you kept up this little pretend of yours. You threw your hands up in the air, stretching your arms as high as they could go, and with a large crashing sound, sparks flew everywhere from a balcony high above. A curtain of glowing orange sparks fell on both sides of you, bouncing on the stone floors once or twice before going dimmer and dimmer, and eventually out.
Kíli’s jaw practically fell to the floor, his attention fully transfixed on you as he gazed at you with awestruck eyes. It was so beautiful to see, and so captivatingly shocking that he hadn’t moved the gears in his mind enough to try and figure out what was actually happening. For right above you two, hidden on a balcony, Bofur and Bifur were busy grinding metal as silently as possible to create such sparks as they flew down to where you and Kíli stood.
“By Durin himself,” Kíli said. “I should have never doubted you.”
“Oh, Kíli,” you replied. “The show isn’t over yet.”
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New fic! Blackbolt gets to flirt, banter, and talk, but none of their tension gets resolved. Snippet and link below:
“Don’t you remember,” said Sirius, leaning his back against the half-wall perimeter, “I told you that when it snows, we’ve got the best view around.”
Kingsley felt for his wand, secure as ever in his pocket. He clasped his cloak and pulled out a cap from another pocket, pulling the cozy fabric over his head.
“So, Shacklebolt,” Sirius addressed, “Now that I’ve got you here, I asked if you liked the view.”
Kingsley inhaled deeply and looked Sirius in the eye. 
"I like what I’m seeing."
“I see…and what exactly has caught your eye?”
Kingsley’s mouth twitched. "Did you come all this way to flirt with me, Black?"
"If I did?"
"You flatter me."
"Someone ought to.”
Sirius drew a hand through his snowflake-laden hair, and asked, "Where am I this week?"
Kingsley pressed his lips together. "Where would you like to be?"
"Somewhere warm," Sirius replied, hugging his cloak to his thin body. "Someplace where you can see the sun most days."
An unbidden image came to Kingsley’s mind. He and Sirius, on a beach, their faces glowing from the tropical sun. It was as far from snowy London as he could imagine. 
"My family have a villa in Anguilla,” he suggested, closing the space between them. “Perhaps there?"
Sirius raised a brow at him. "As if I'd be caught breaking into an Auror’s second or third home.”
"You wouldn't be caught," Kingsley said, lowering his voice. "It's an invitation."
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ashirisu · 2 years
Whoever Pleases You
The balcony was empty save for one other person, and the broken promise of solitude was almost enough to make her return to the ballroom had she not recognized him a moment later. He was turned away from her, leaning against the banister, but she could make out the Basalt house colors even in the distorted light of the moon and colored lamps that dotted the estate. He was alone, and seemed contemplative, which made for the perfect opportunity to take out some of her frustrations. “As I live and breathe,” she said, lacing her tone with as much nastiness as she could muster on the short walk over. “Rejected from the party already? Have you been banished over trodding on too many ladies’ toes?” genre: romance, fantasy | word count: 1900 cw: joking mention of suicide/self-harm
The Solstice Promenade was, as Amélie had expected, too loud and too warm and too full of inane conversations for her taste. She wasn’t a fan of affairs like this, no matter how much she may pretend otherwise to her fellow courtiers, and if she had to endure one more second of Viscount Riunwe disguising his bragging about the consistent output of his mines (“—such a blessing that they aren’t as beholden to the seasons as, say, farming properties—”) as jokes, she was going to drag him to the fields by his overly-waxed mustache and invite him to try growing crops in the winter.
She politely excused herself and drifted—a lady did not run—toward the balcony, nodding pleasantly as the barons and lesser lords made room for her passing. She didn’t know exactly when it was that she’d stopped liking these events. For all intents and purposes, they should still be just as fun and flattering as they had been before. She was still one of the higher-ranking ladies there, short of the Countess herself, and she still looked fantastic in the seasonally-appropriate blue velvet, so there was no immediately apparent reason that she should have stopped enjoying people telling her so.
She supposed that, at some point, she’d simply grown tired of the empty compliments.
The balcony was empty save for one other person, and the broken promise of solitude was almost enough to make her return to the ballroom had she not recognized him a moment later. He was turned away from her, leaning against the banister, but she could make out the Basalt house colors even in the distorted light of the moon and colored lamps that dotted the estate. He was alone, and seemed contemplative, which made for the perfect opportunity to take out some of her frustrations.
“As I live and breathe,” she said, lacing her tone with as much nastiness as she could muster on the short walk over. “Rejected from the party already? Have you been banished over trodding on too many ladies’ toes?”
Baz sniffed and, predictably, took the bait in stride. 
“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” he asked, giving her a sidelong sneer that lacked any particular venom. “I hate to break it to you, but it’s in fact quite the opposite. I seem to find myself a particularly desirable dance partner tonight.”
“It must be for want of competition,” she said, perching her elbows primly on the banister next to him. “I’m sure that even you seem appealing when compared to the likes of the Oust brothers and the younger Mister Riunwe.”
“Are you suggesting I’m better than the scoundrels and the womanizer?” he grinned. “Careful, Amélie, I might start to think you’re complimenting me.”
“Heavens, no!” she drew back in mock horror. “I’d sooner throw myself off this balcony.”
Baz rolled his eyes. “Please, don’t hold yourself back on my account.”
Amélie looked over the railing to see exactly how far she’d have to fall to prove her point. The pavilion below wouldn’t grant her the courtesy of snow to cushion her impact, as it had been dutifully swept away from the path leading to the estate doors. As frustrating and ostentatious about his wealth as the Count often was, Amélie had to begrudgingly admit that he put it to impressive use for his parties. The decorations for the winter solstice were thankfully more demure than those of the Sun Ball, but no less breathtaking for it. The dual fountains had been transformed into sweeping, abstract ice sculptures that were somehow lit from within with a soft, warm light. Deep green garlands hung from every available surface, dotted throughout with tiny, tinkling, golden bells that gave voice to the glistening ice and gently falling snow.
It was, as much as it pained her to say it, absolutely magical.
“It’s very beautiful out here,” Baz said, unconsciously echoing her thoughts. “It makes it easy to forget how much I hate these parties.”
“Perhaps you’d like them more if you weren’t so horrible at them,” she suggested. “With how clever your mother is, one would think she’d have passed some basic conversational skills on to you.”
“She did. It’s her high tolerance for bullshit that she didn’t pass on.” He paused, then snorted. “Actually, her tolerance isn’t that high, either. She’s just better at navigating it politely. I somehow always manage to look like a rude little boy throwing a tantrum.”
Amélie pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Have you considered it’s because you are, in fact, a rude little boy throwing a tantrum?”
He gave her a flat look. “So why are you out here, then? Were you simply having too much fun listening to Riunwe stroke himself over all his mining properties at anyone who will listen? Or perhaps you were overcome with butterflies at his extremely unsubtle hints that he’d like you to marry his son?”
Amélie soured, and Baz nodded in acknowledgment. 
“Exactly. You know as well as I do that all of this is just a fancy business meeting.”
The truly frustrating thing was that he was right. Every young, unmarried woman at this party was nothing more than a contract waiting to happen, as far as their fathers and brothers were concerned. The lesser frustrating thing, and the one she chose to capitalize on because it was something she actually had the power to challenge, was the fact that Baz was acting like he was somehow more aware of that than she was.
“You mean to tell me that your mother isn’t also using this as an opportunity to try to marry you off?” she snapped. “Assuming she can find any woman willing to debase herself for you.”
He ignored the insult, the bastard, and shook his head. “It’d be pretty hypocritical if she did. Ignea Basalt, the woman who had a child out of wedlock with her scandalously anonymous lady lover, insisting her son follow the expected traditions of courtly marriage? It’d be assumed she sustained some kind of head injury.”
Amélie snorted. “So she’s content with letting you remain a perpetual bachelor, then.”
“She’s content,” he corrected lightly, “with allowing me to marry—or not marry—whomever I please.”
“And whoever pleases you, I assume.”
“That would be a nice bonus, yes.” He was quiet for a moment before adding softly, “I’m not sure anyone could, though.”
There was a chance he hadn’t intended her to hear that, or that he’d meant something different than how it sounded. Either way, Amélie refused to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Wow,” she said waspishly. “Color me utterly unsurprised that a baron of Elorspire has a list of pretentious standards all potential wives must be weighed against. Tell me, what is it? Are the court ladies’ noses not dainty enough?”
“What?” He looked mortified. “No, that’s not—I didn’t mean it that way! All of your noses are very nice! I just…I’m not—”
Suddenly, she knew exactly what he was going to say before he said it. “Oh, spare me,” she said, with a rather unladylike guffaw. “You’re a romantic.”
He didn’t respond, but she saw the blush spreading across his face and ears as he stared resolutely at the banister.
“You want to marry for love,” she teased. “I suppose your mummies’ love story has you wishing for some kind of whirlwind romance of your own, is that it?”
“Shut up.”
“Not on your life,” she promised. “You were the one that brought this up. You aren’t sure that anyone at the court could please you, I believe that’s what you said. Do you mean to tell me you’ve never fallen in love at one of these stupid, pointless parties? Not even for a single night?”
Baz rounded on her, and Amélie was surprised to see more in his expression than just the annoyance she’d expected. That was present, certainly, but it tangled with a mix of derision, exasperation, and something more earnest that she could not—would not—examine further. “Have you?”
Amélie knew what her father wanted. He’d never be so cruel to her as to say it out loud, but it was no secret that he had a fondness for Baz and a genuine respect for Lady Ignea, as much as he might sigh at her stubborn letters over breakfast. Their marriage would be a dream come true for him, despite all it would mean for her to marry down.
Baz could say what he wanted about marrying for love, but it was likewise no secret that his barony was on the rocks. Only a few generations old, and shrouded in gossip since Lady Ignea’s refusal to marry, to pay more than the bare minimum in taxes, and to contribute any more magitech to the ongoing war with the Drow. Marrying up would give them some welcome and much-needed leverage when she eventually abdicated in favor of her son.
And Amélie would never, ever know which had motivated him more.
“No,” she lied.
He nodded, but held her gaze a little too long.
“Me neither,” he said softly, and it hurt more than expected to realize she didn’t believe him.
He was standing quite close to her, snowflakes collecting and just as quickly melting against the brocade on his shoulders. Despite her lie, a tiny, traitorous thought suggested that a dance wasn’t the same thing as a proposal. A quiet moment on the balcony with no witnesses but the unpredictable moon did not a public courting make.
She took a breath, steeling herself to ask, but was interrupted before she’d worked out what to say.
“Mister Basalt! We had hoped we might—oh.”
Amélie turned just as the intruder likewise seemed to notice her. Marinette Tremula, the baron’s youngest daughter and an absolutely heartbreaking vision in pink, curtsied very prettily.
“Miss DuVernay, we apologize. We didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s quite all right,” Amélie said, trying to keep the hitch out of her voice. “Did you need something?”
“We were hoping—that is, we were wondering,” she turned shyly back to Baz, “they’re announcing the final dance of the evening, and we wondered if Mister Basalt might like to write his name on our dance card? We’ve danced with all the young men except him, you see.”
Amélie turned to Baz, who looked over at her hesitantly, half a question in his gaze. She was struck to realize he’d been about to ask her to dance, as well.
Well. That was both too much and quite enough of that. She gave him her most sarcastic, simpering smile.
“Well, Gabby,” she said sweetly, “do you hear that? It seems your brief reprieve is over. The lady sought you out specifically.”
He deflated a bit at the nickname, but didn’t seem fully deterred.
“Are you sure?” he asked quietly, as if hoping she wasn’t. Amélie decided she’d never been more sure of anything in her life.
“Go on,” she said, voice still poisonously saccharine, and gestured back to the ballroom. “Chin up—perhaps this will be the dance that cinches that love story for you.”
He acquiesced, the dismissal in her tone apparently clear enough to overcome whatever qualms remained, and offered his arm to Marinette.
“We’d be delighted,” he said, his demeanor once again the picture of propriety, and Amélie pretended she didn’t see him look back at her as they left the balcony.
It was fine. She’d stepped outside to have a moment to herself, and now she had it, and it was fine. And if the moon or the snow or the pretty, colored lamps saw her furiously wiping away the hot tears that threatened her perfect makeup, they certainly wouldn’t tell anyone.
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jacepens · 3 months
Let Me Drive my Auto into your Heart
Intro: A little 1920s AU I wrote that's just unfinished porn without plot where this stops literally right before the actual smut, so there's nothing explicit here, just suggestive
Fandom/Tags: Hamilton, Washington/Lafayette, unfinished, suggestive
The room was filled with a stench of cigars and sweat that always dispirited him so. Hamilton’s parties were always phenomenal and stocked with the best celebrities, tycoons, gangsters, and flappers around. Bright lights and bright decorations filled his view as he shoved his way out of the crowd and outdoors for a breather. The balcony was a relatively small one compared to the rest of the house, but it still helped him feel secluded from the grandeur of the party. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy them, but they simply became overwhelming at times. George had to admit he always felt like an old man when he left parties for a breather, but what was wrong in needing quiet, fresh air?
“Are you George Washington?” A delicate voice said next to him. George nearly jumped out of his skin, not seeing anyone else on the balcony but now there was certainly someone. This someone happened to look very young, with expressive eyes and red lips that his eyes were continually drawn to. This boy had an extremely lissome face with complimentary small arms and legs that smoothed out to almost feminine curves. In short, he was very attractive.
“Why, yes I am.” He smiled, hardly giving the boy a glance before focusing his gaze nonchalantly ahead of him. The boy continued.
“My name is Gilbert du motier, marquis de Lafayette, but you can call me Lafayette.” The boy purred out in a thick French accent. “I noticed you tonight, in that bright red auto of yours. I asked around about you, curious to know more about that handsome man and his lovely car. You’re quite the interesting one.” Lafayette smirked. At that George felt slightly convinced that this Lafayette was a prostitute placed at this massive party in hopes of finding a man curious enough to drop some money on him for the night. George truthfully would give the kid all the money he wanted if he continued being as adorable as he was now, seductively biting his lip to pull him in.
“That’s awfully flattering of you, Lafayette.” George quipped back, a small smile on his lips.
“I suppose I’ve always had a thing for men with autos like yours. My parents never let me have one in Paris and now that I’m in America I see them all over, but I’m just too afraid to drive them now.” George chuckled at the boy’s forwardness and bluntness. Probably not a prostitute, but not an average kid.
“You’re only talking to me cause I have a car?” George teased, “you realize most every man here has one.”
“Oh no, you see it is only what drew me to you.” Lafayette turned to put his back to the balcony banister and rest his elbows on the rail, looking up at George, “but you see you fascinate me because of the work you’ve done. Certainly not pure work, as I’ve heard, but I like the idea of your sort of living. Comfortable but quite dangerous.” George chuckled again,
“It’s not dangerous when you’ve got enough money to pay anyone off who gives you trouble.” George flashed him a dangerous smile and he saw the boy almost lose his footing. Seamlessly, George caught the boy and steadied him, keeping his face so close to Lafayette’s he could feel his shuddering breaths against his neck. Oddly charmed by Lafayette, George leaned down and purred in his ear,
“Would you like to go for a drive?” George felt Lafayette shiver against him and whisper out,
“Sounds lovely.” Before gulping. His face was bright red and George felt flattered by Lafayette as he laced his fingers through his and dragged him through the crowd of people to the front door. Lafayette trailed closely behind, occasionally touching the small of his back until they reached outside. The butler brought his car to the front for George to step into, taking the driver's seat with Lafayette sitting down next him, adjusting his hair and nervously gripping the car seat.
“It’s a little pointless to adjust your hair, you know.” George smiled as he put the car in gear, “I’ll be sure to mess it up.” He winked and Lafayette turned an even brighter red. What a dazzling man.
As they zoomed out into the city, Lafayette laughed and clutched the seat as his hair was blown in the wind. George increased his speed and changed gears to entertain Lafayette more.
“I’ve never been in such a fast car!” He laughed, “where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” George smiled quietly to himself. “Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? Since you already know so much about me.”
“I grew up in a wealthy Paris family, but my dad died young and my mom left for Spain. I was technically raised by my grandma but I was the one who looked after our finances and taught myself. I came to America looking for a fresh start, and I have never been happier.” Bright lights whipped past their car and illuminated Lafayette’s beautiful, soft features as he smiled. Advertisements for more things he didn’t need but would inevitably buy to impress people with. George suddenly took a left turn away from the glittering city lights. As they continued along the road, signs of city life became more and more scarce when George turned the car into an abandoned store parking lot.
“I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying yourself here, but I’m curious.” George turned off the engine, “is that all made up?” Lafayette laughed.
“I knew you’d be the suspicious type, but I promise you it’s completely true. Just ask Alexander.”
“You’re friends with Alex?”
“I’d say so.” He smiled, relaxing into his spot, never taking his eyes off George.
“Stay there.” He said, getting out of the car. Fidgeting with the roof of the car, he yanked it up and over Lafayette’s head then quickly fastened it down to the car. He then hopped back into the car and shut the door behind him.
“So what is it you’re doing now?” He asked Lafayette.
“Currently I’m going to college just to do something with my time but it’s honestly very boring, but I suppose I only have a year left.” He shrugged.
“Interesting. I don’t know a lot of people that go to college. You must be incredibly smart.” He leaned forward to invade Lafayette’s personal space, he leaned in as well.
“Smart is an understatement.” He smirked, “but everyone there is so stuck up, they don’t know what a good time is.”
“Shame. You certainly seem like you know what a good time is.” He murmured.
“Afraid it’s about all I do.”
“So you confess to being a slut then?” He smirked as Lafayette blushed.
“Perhaps I do.” He grinned, placing his hand on George’s thigh, “and it’s been so long since I’ve been fucked by someone as experienced as you.” Lafayette’s face was so close to his, that he could feel every warm, shaky breath that he exhaled. Lafayette bit his lip and looked at him through those long eyelashes.
“What an absolute beauty.” George whispered as he placed his hand on Lafayette’s cheek and pulled him in for a bruising kiss. Lafayette submitted nicely and let George snake his arms around to pull him even closer and to kiss him deeper. Lafayette sighed and George pulled apart for a moment, observing his red lips and tracing his hand up Lafayette’s thigh before whispering,
“Would you like to get in the back of the car?”
“Yes Please.” Lafayette moaned. Not wanting to wait a moment longer, George almost fell out of the car and ran to open up Lafayette’s door for him. Lafayette stepped out cooly and rushed to the backseat, with George climbing in eagerly after him. Lafayette giggled when George closed the door behind them and looked over him, eyes taking in every piece of Lafayette. 
Leaning back down to kiss him, he began to work at the buttons on his vest and felt Lafayette’s soft hands reaching down to help, frantic nature taking over their actions. Lafayette arched his spine beautifully when George slipped off the last of his shirts and felt bright red and out of breath as he let his hand touch the new exposed skin.
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carnis-insanis · 4 months
I just woke up but WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMEBODY ASKED YOU TO DRAW MY WC AU?! I’M SO FLATTERED BUT ALSO CONFUSED AND I KINDA FEEL LIKE I SHOULD APOLOGIZE FOR SOME REASON. YOU DREW THEM SO WELL BTW I’M TEARING UP OVER HERE. (p.s. I don’t actually have accounts on tumblr or discord, or any other socials tbh unless you count youtube. Due to a combination of personal stuff and technical difficulties I can’t do much about it atm, but when I get that worked out I’d love to talk! It’ll be a while tho :/)
- rexcake
LMAOOO DW I ENJOYED DRAWING THEM VERY MUCH!!! i suppose im not the only one who liked ur designs, they r very cute after all..................n thats fine that was just a suggestion !! take ya time dude
be prepared for me to draw more of them tho i really enjoy drawing wilsons fur
0 notes
inupibaldspot · 3 years
Letters and Fights
Request by : @aliendoggo
Paring : Baji x Female Reader.
Synopsis: You kick Baji and then help him write a letter to make up for it
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Baji has had enough! He huffed as he walked along a path which led him to a quiet place a bit out of school campus which had an area covered with bushes and trees. I'll write my letter here.
Chifuyu always helped Baji when he wrote his letters but yesterday the former ended up laughing at the way Baji made an error on his letter which was so not cool of him. Baji thought.
Now Baji was walking to this quiet area where he was sure not many people would come and interrupt him.
So he pulled out his pen placing a paper on top of a book and started writing.
Deer Kazutora,
Recently I have been studying queet a lot, I even brought glasses.
Mickey and Draken said people who wear glasses are more intilijent.
Baji was going to continue more when-. "Meow~" His ears perked at the tiny sound and he started looking around.From the corner of his eyes, he saw movement in the bushes so he started making his way.
A small kitten popped its head out and looked at him,meowing. Baji laughed to himself making him extend his hand and gently starts petting it. "Hey there."
The kitten leaned into his touching making Baji melt on the spot. Upon hearing the kitten still meowing, he smiled. "I'll bring you some food later- URK!"
Baji was sent flying. He cursed as he pulled himself up. That kick was probably as strong as Mikey's. He thought as spit out the blood he had formed in his mouth.
"You're the one who did that to Mayo aren't you?" The person started pointing at him.
"The hell?" Baji whispered in confusion as to why a girl popped out of blue,kicked him several feet away and now was shouting at him. Plus why is this girl so strong?!
"I can't believe people like you exist?! What did the Mayo even do to you?" The girl shook her head.
Baji snapped. "Who the hell are you and Who the hell is Mayo? I was just writing a letter when you suddenly came here and kicked the shit outta me!"
The person's expression flattered. "You're not the one... Ehh?" The person trailed her eyes to indeed see some stationaries lying around.
The girl suddenly did a deep bow. "I'm sorry! Recently someone has been harassing the kitten over there and even taped her mouth so that she couldn't eat." They explained. "I came up here and saw you near the kitten and thought it was you who did those."
"My name is Y/N and the kitten over there is Mayo..." You introduced yourself.
"My name is Baji Keisuke." Baji sighed, his anger dissipating. I mean... They were just looking after the cat.
"By the way I just peaked into your letter and..." You nervously played with your hand. "You have a lot of spelling errors over there."
"Wait really?" Baji approached you and picked up the letter as he leaned towards you. "Which part?"
You picked up the pen which was on the ground and pointed at the errors. "Here and here... this part too."
You suddenly beamed,clapping your hands together in realization. "How about I help you proof read your letter as a way of apologizing for the kick earlier?"
Baji beamed at the suggestion. "You will? Thanks!"
This meeting continued even after Baji finished writing his letter. Y/N said she'll always be there to help him with his studies so it became a sort of regular meeting between Y/N, Baji and Mayo.
When Baji would write his letters, you will be playing with Mayo but when you started proof reading Baji would be the one playing with Mayo instead. Baji enjoyed these moments a lot.
The way you would patiently explain where he made mistakes, the way you scrunched your nose figuring out his handwriting, the way you made baby voices when talking to Mayo. All of these made Baji feel happy? Relaxed? Content? He wondered what word could be used to describe what he was feeling.
Baji walked to their usual spot but instead of you,he saw a group of boy. There were six students and from their uniforms he could guess that they were High School Students.
A sharp cry of a cat was heard followed by laughters. On a closer look one of the boys had Mayo held whereas the poor kitten was obviously struggling. Your words on how Mayo had tape stuck on her mouth flashed into his brain.
"Damn,this cat won't stop struggling." One of the boys said. "Maybe we should tape it's limbs this time."
Suddenly a large impact was felt on his face making him drop the kitten. "What the hell?!"
"What were you doing with Mayo?!"
Baji went into crazy mode as he jumped on the boy and punching him until he passed out. The remaining boys also joins the fight.
Don't get me wrong. Baji is strong but right now he was heavily outnumbered and his opponents were high school students. They were physically bigger putting Baji in a disadvantage since Baji was only in middle school.
"Shit..." Baji huffed as his vision start to blur. He managed to beat two more of the high schooler but then three more still remained. One of him hit Baji hard making him fall onto the ground.
"You need some help?" Why the hell was he seeing you face? Just when Baji was about to pass out your face suddenly came into view.
"Go away, little girl~" The high school said in a mocking tone. Baji confirmed that you were indeed here and that he wasn't imagining anything.
"Guess you're the guys who were tormenting Mayo..."
"Mayo? Who the hell is Mayo-"
Before the boy could complete his sentence, you jumped at him,punching his face in. Before others could react you quickly turned to the other dude and kicked him,making him stumble.
The last high schooler ,taking advantage that your back was facing him was about to punch you when a suddenly blow was dealt. You turned to see a smirking Baji. "Y/N,are you a gorilla or something? Why are you so strong?"
You gasped at him. "Why would you ever call a girl gorilla?" You asked as you started punching a guy who was bout to stand up making Baji laugh loudly.
Both you and Baji huffed as you sat side by side after you finally beat the shit out of high schoolers. You turned to look at Baji. “Gonna write a letter to Kazutora-san again?”
Baji smirked and nodded. “I’m going to write everything that’s happening around so that when he comes back he wouldn’t need to try and catch up. It’ll be as if he never left in the first place!”
You smiled as you started rubbing you hand on Mayo’s head. “You’re a nice friend, Baji...”
After that both you and Baji did your usual thing.
Dear Kazutora,
I’ve made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
And get this! She is super strong. Just now we beat the shit out of six HIGH SCHOOLERS.
I can’t wait to introduce her to you when you come back.
Y/N loves animals a lot too. Right now she is taking care of a stray cat but then she is sad since she can’t take the cat home because her mother doesn’t like them.
She is very fun to be with and smiles a lot!
Baji left a weight on his shoulder to see that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Mayo on your lap had fallen asleep too. Your lips were slightly open making you look adorable.
Right now she is totally passed out. Hopefully she doesn’t drool on my shoulder. Do you think she would get angry if I drew a beard on her?
Her mouth is slightly open and I think she looks cute.
Although she fights scary, Y/N is quite pretty. When ever she smiles, she closes her eyes making her look kinda adorable-
“Are you done, Baji?”
Baji flinched as he quickly stood up making you almost fall since your support stood up. “What the hell? Why did you get you so suddenly?!” You complained.
Baji quickly crumbled the paper he had written on and laughed nervously looking at you. “I did a self check and found too many errors. So I’m going to write it again.”
You noticed that his ears were rather red.
“Hanaemiya Kazutora. A letter arrived for you...”
Dear Kazutora,
I made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
She fights like a gorilla and looks like one as well. Living up to that nickname ,she is quite strong.
With love,
Baji Keisuke.
Kazutora tilted his head,confused as to why his friend had suddenly written about a girl and keeps calling her a gorilla.
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favefandomimagines · 2 years
Savior (ace.)
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Summary: Ace takes any chance he can to come see you at the historical society in hopes one day he’d build the courage to tell how he he feels but the endless spirits in town had other plans
Request: @k-k0129​ I was wondering if you could do one where the reader works at the historical society and how the Drew crew goes there often and ace has a crush on the reader and offers to go there alone for the crew and messes up and reader comes to help save them and ace confesses or something. You’re the writer I believe in you that whatever happens will be amazing and I will love it
AN: I am SO sorry this took soooo long! I hated everything I came up with and wanted to write the best for you! I really hope you liked it!
Ace had never been good at communicating his feelings for others. That much he knew but it was a million times worse when he was around you. 
He had the biggest crush on you since high school but when graduation hit, he thought you had gone off on some big European adventure and met a rich foreign guy. At least that’s what his subconscious told him all the time. You did go on a European vacation but with your parents, and there was definitely no rich foreign guy that you fell for. He hadn’t even known you were back in Horseshoe Bay.
Ace hadn’t know how wrong he was until him and his friends had to go to the historical society for information on the aglaeca. When he found out you worked there part time with Hannah, he began making frequent visits. 
You were quite flattered that Ace wanted to come to the historical society so often to see you. When he was with Laura Tandy he had never given you the time of day. But now he stops by daily with a cup of coffee for you. 
Whenever Nancy suggested going to the historical society for answers or information, he was the first to volunteer. No one was sure why he wanted to spend his day there. 
One day, you were going through the checklist Hannah had written up to make sure all the artifacts were locked up and safe. You heard the bell above the door chime and in walked Ace with a cup of coffee in his hands. “Good morning, Y/N.” He greeted you. “Why hello, Ace. What do I owe the pleasure?” You questioned, gratefully taking the coffee.
“We need your help. And I volunteered to come.” He answered. “Well, what seems to be the problem?” You asked. “Have you ever heard of a soul splitter?” Ace questioned. “I’m assuming this has something to do with George and Odette.” You said. “Yeah. I mean we have to try everything right?” Ace confirmed. “Anything for George. I’ll see what I can find but it may take a while. Some of this stuff goes back centuries.” You said. “I can help.” He said quickly.
“Um, if you need help that is.” He added. You smiled at him and nodded your head as you lead him to where Hannah kept all of her records.
It was way harder to find information about the soul splitter than Ace initially intended. You and him had been looking through information for what felt like hours. You were both going through the artifact boxes to see if maybe Hannahs stashed something away that could help. Ace was digging through some stuff when he found a jar with necklace inside.
What could be so dangerous about a necklace? He thought but nothing was ever as it seemed and that was something he learned the hard way. He picked it up and examined it. “Ace!” You called him from the other room. Not even giving it a second thought, he put the necklace in his jacket pocket. “What’s up?” He asked, rejoining you.
“The soul splitter was sold on the black market and I don’t think you’re going to like who had it last.” You told him. “Given that you said sold on the black market, my guess is Bertram Bobsey.” Ace said. “How badly did things end with you and Amanda?” You asked. “I told her we wouldn’t work out after we slept together so I’d say pretty bad.” He answered. “Remember, this is for George. Take all of the information and Nancy can probably figure it out.” You said.
“Thank you, Y/N. Really, it means a lot.” Ace told you. You smiled at him sweetly as you handed him all the information. “Of course. Anything to help.” You replied. “I’ll let you know how it goes.” He said before you said a few goodbyes and he left.
Soon after Ace left, you began putting everything away for whenever Hannah returned. As you were checking all of the artifact boxes and making sure they were all locked up safely, you noticed one open and the jar empty. You had no idea what the box actually held so at first you figured it couldn’t be that bad. But knowing what Hannah kept locked away, it probably was bad.
Taking note of the number on the box, you went to Hannah’s records and found that artifact that was inside. It was a locket that belonged to a woman who was killed by her husband and apparently her spirit wasn’t the kindest to men. You had no idea where the necklace could have gone or who would take it. But then you received a phone call from Nancy.
“Nancy?” You answered. “Ace is in trouble. He was fine a few hours ago but then he got really pale, started sweating and now he’s saying he’s really dizzy.” She explained. “How am I going to help?” You asked. “The only place he’s been has been the historical society. So something weird has to be going on.” Nancy said. “Okay, I’ll be right over.” You told her.
Grabbing the jar the necklace belonged in, you got in your car and made your way to Nancy’s house. You thought that Nancy and her friends knew better than to take things from the historical society because almost every time, something sinister comes from it.
You arrived at Nancy’s as quickly as you could and entered the house. You saw Ace leaning against the kitchen island and he definitely was pale and sweating. “Ace? Are you okay?” You asked, approaching him. “I don’t know. I left the historical society, came here and then started feeling like I was going to pass out.” He explained.
“I need you to tell me what you took.” You said. “I didn’t take anything-“ He started before he cut himself off. Ace reached into his pocket and pulled out the missing necklace. You let out a sigh of relief that he actually did have it in his possession and hopefully putting it back will help him. “What is that?” Bess asked. “A necklace that I think Ace accidentally took from the historical society. It belonged to a woman who was murdered by her husband and it has a long history of making any man who has it severely ill.” You explained.
You took the necklace from Ace and carefully put it back in the jar. Everyone looked at him carefully, ready to see if that was really the cause for Ace’s sudden illness. “How do you feel?” You asked him. “I don’t feel dizzy anymore.” He said. “And the color is coming back to your face. That’s a good sign.” You added.
“Well, Ace, looks like Y/N just saved your life.” Bess said. “Yeah she did.” Ace said. A small silence fell upon the group before Bess spoke. “Um, how about we go order some food and let Ace and Y/N talk.” She suggested.
“Talk about what?” You asked when the group left the room. “I’m taking you saving my life as a sign that I should do what I’m about to do. I have feelings for you. I tried to deny it because you’re perfect. You’ve always been perfect and I’m just a guy washes dishes for a living and brings you cheap coffee.” Ace confessed.
“You’re also the guy who makes me laugh. Somehow you just know when I’ve had a bad day and you can always make me laugh and feel better. You’re also the guy who doesn’t want me to be alone every day. You’re so much more than what you give yourself credit for. I’ve had feelings for you too since we were 16.” You replied.
Ace perked up a bit upon hearing your words. “Wait, really?” He questioned. “Yes really. Do you know how hard it’s been watching you be with Laura Tandy? It sucked.” You said.
“So now what do we do?” He asked. “If you’re willing to give us a go, so am I.” You said. “Yeah, yes, I am definitely willing to give us a try.” Ace replied. “Great. I get off work at 5, maybe we can hang out.” You suggested. “I’ll come pick you up.” He said.
“I will see you then.” You smiled bashfully before making your leave.
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writtenmarauder · 3 years
Miracle (Sirius x Fem!Muggle!Reader)
Summary: Sirius  was mysterious and a player or was he?
Warnings: Angst, player Sirius, weight mentioned from Marlene.
Masterlist: here
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I was new to the neighbourhood. I sighed and was nervously shifting my weight from one leg to the other. My parents told me the Potters had a son my age and now they wanted me to hang out with him, make friends. I knocked on the neighbours door. A young man opened the door.
"Hi. I haven't seen you around here." "No, I just moved here a few days ago. Returned from boarding school. My parents really wanted me to go outside and make friends over the summer. They've apparently met your parents so they suggested I'd come by. My name is Y/n." "Welcome in the neighbourhood, I'm James Potter."
His smirk made me blush a little. I looked to the ground and I saw something non-human run around. James must've noticed my look because he closed the door a bit more. I decided not to ask about it, for now.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to the carnival with me. Me and my friends used to go all the time." "Today is a bit unfortunate timing, sorry, I'm helping my best friend out." "No worries. The invitation is still there. If you change your mind I'm the next house over."
I started to walk away a little bit bummed out.
"How about tomorrow? Same time. I can bring my friends too. I know you'll fit right in." "Sounds perfect."
I smiled and bit my bottom lip. James waved goodbye before closing the door. I walked home with a little skip in my step. I curled up my legs on the windowsill and looked at the Potter house. Something drew me to it. It was pouring a lot. Why had the weather suddenly gotten so bad? I sighed and read more of my book. I started imagining the scene in my head when I saw a young boy about my age knocking on James' door. I sat up as our eyes connected. The man was let inside the house. That night I went to bed questioning everything I believed. This felt almost magical. Is this what books describe as a meet cute. The next morning I walked down.
"Morning y/n." "Morning, mom." "I'll be out with James and some friends of him. I've got money and I'll be home before midnight." I smiled. "Do you want some more in case one of your friends doesn't have money? Better be safe and have some extra." "Mom that's not necessary." "Still I want you to be able to have fun. Take it sweetheart." "Thanks, mom. I'll repay you the rest."
I made myself breakfast and went upstairs to change into a cute outfit. I took my bag and left to James' house. The sooner we started at the carnival, the better. I wasn't the only one to arrive at James' place. A gorgeous redhead also arrived.
"Hi, I'm Lily." "Hi, I'm y/n." "Oh you're the one James told us about!" "Us?" "Oh you're going to love our group. The other girls will meet us there, they needed to grab some money." "So how do you all know James?" "We go to the same school."
We were having a lovely chat when the door swung open. This time it was the boy from yesterday. He was dressed differently. He went from formal wear to bad boy look. I preferred this look.
"Hey Sirius!" Lily smiled. "Hey Y/N, I see you've met my future wife." James joked from behind Sirius. "In your dreams, Potter." "You're my only dream, Evans."
Sirius and I looked into each other's eyes. The world felt like it was disappearing.
"Come on, Sirius, She's nice." "Where are my manners? Hello." "Hey."
James looked between us two.
"Sirius this is Y/N, my next-door neighbour," James started, "Y/N, this is Sirius. He is my best friend from school." "Enchanté."
Sirius placed a kiss on my knuckles and I blushed. James rolled his eyes.
"Come on, you two, much to see." "Nothing will be as beautiful as her." "You're a flatterer." "Please tell me I'm not that bad." James sighed. "No... You're much worse," Lily commented.
I tried my best not to laugh.
"Are you okay, Prongs, She burned you?" "Prongs? That's a special nickname." "We all sort of have one." "So who are you?" "Padfoot." "That's like a black dog isn't it?" "Yeah, how did you know that?" "I guess I picked it up somewhere. I really like that nickname."
Sirius smiled.
"I've made it!" A boy shouted. "Mooney!" Sirius smiled and hugged the boy. "I got the message." He sighed and held Sirius closer.
I just stood there awkwardly.
"Oh Remus, meet James' next- door neighbour, Y/N," Lily introduced. "It's nice to meet you, Remus." "Likewise."
I smiled. Lily hooked her arm in mine and pulled me to the fair, the boys trailing behind us.
"There are some girls I want you to meet." "There is more of you?" "I don't technically belong to that group. I’d go insane." "Fair enough." "James asked me out and I may or may not have agreed." "Oh you like him." "I do not!"
I laughed.
"Lily, over here!" A blonde shouted. "Girls! This is Y/n, she'll fit right in!" "Y/n this is Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and Peter." "Do you play quidditch?" Marlene asked. "No? What is quidditch?"
I saw James move behind me.
"Oh you're a muggle!" She cheered. "A what?" "It's local speech for a.... uh newcomer," "You guys are weird," I laughed, "I like that." "Come on, there is so much to explore."
We started to play some mini-games. I tried my luck with these new slot machines it was quite addictive. Meanwhile Sirius had caught a giant teddy bear.
"For you my princess." He smiled.
I blushed and accepted his gift. We all got along very well.
"Guys, want to go on the Ferris wheel?" "I'll pass." Sirius said. "Come on it'll be fun." "Being stuck in the air doesn't sound fun to me." "Please."
Sirius refused so I pulled Remus along. He really wanted to go on it once, but not alone.
"So Sirius." "Shut up, Remus." "I know you like him." "Is it that obvious?" "Do you want me to lie?" "Yes." "No it's absolutely subtle."
Remus and I were laughing. I saw Sirius look at us. I blew him a kiss. Sirius winked and went back to the rest of the group they were waiting for some food. The ride was over too soon and Remus and I walked ahead of Marlene and Dorcas back to the group.
"I don't like Y/n, she's muggle, it would never work out. I'm just looking for a fling anyway." "Padfoot." James cleared his throat and looked at me.
Sirius turned around. He was about to give me excuses, but I just ran away.
"Y/n, wait!" Sirius tried.
I stopped and looked at him. Tears threatened to spill.
"I-" "Forget it Sirius!" I shouted, "I'm just your next conquest, right?" "No. It's not like that." "I heard you. Loud and clearly. To think I actually wanted to get to know you... Urgh I am so stupid." "No you're not. I didn't mean a thing I said back there." "Forget it. I'm going home. Bye, Sirius."
I saw the girls run up to me. Lily took my hand and dragged me away. Dorcas pulled Marlene along before she could yell at Sirius. I invited the girls in.
"Oh hello, my dears." "Good afternoon madam." Lily smiled. "We're going to my room if that's okay." "Of course dear. If you or your friends want something to drink or eat I'll go grab something from the shops." "That won't be necessary, but thank you so much," Marlene smiled. "Are you sure, dear you could use a little more food." "Mom!" "Sorry my dear. I just want to make your new friends feel welcome." "Thank you."
I pulled them to my room. I threw the mess under my bed so it wasn't too bad. We flopped down on my bed and laughed.
"You had to see the look on his face when Marlene saw he made you cry." "Is he usually like this? A ladies man?" "You'd be surprised to know he's actually not. He looks like he can get every girl and he likes to flirt with them, but almost no one has slept with Sirius." "Why?" "I don't know. Sirius isn't an open guy." "Unlike James, right Lily?"
We laughed.
"I really like James, but he can be so arrogant. Not to mention a bully." "That was so many years ago. Snivellus, I mean Severus, deserved it too after he called you that." Marlene said. "What did he call you?" "Some racial slur. He was my friend and then said that."
I held Lily's hand. She smiled.
"I'm not one to give advise on this, but Sirius never gets the girl a gift. So maybe he was telling the truth." "Lily, I can't see him like that anymore. I don't want to be a conquest." "You do you, girl. Want to go again tomorrow? Our trip was cut short because of the boys." "I'd love that."
I pulled them into a group hug. They unfortunately had to go. I let them out and fell on my bed. I took the bear Sirius caught for me and hugged it tight. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The boy who looked broken, the boy who is a player in leather jackets and the man that is Sirius. I picked up my book and escaped to a different world. A soft tap against my window drew my attention.
I walked over to my window and saw a note that was folded like a bird. I looked at James' house and saw Remus, James and Sirius talk/yell at each other. I opened the note.
'Do you believe in miracles? -Sirius'
I sighed and placed the note on my bed. I changed into my nightwear, but when I came back the note had been replaced by a rose. I picked up the rose and held it close. I looked back to the room and saw Sirius sitting at the window gazing back at me. He waved. I gave him a soft smile before closing the curtains. The next morning I decided to go for a run. I usually never do it so this was promising to be extra crazy.
“Mom, I’m out for a run, I’ll be back in an hour.”
My voice echoed through the house as I pulled the door closed behind me. Sirius was seemingly walking away. 
“Sirius?” “Hey.” “What are you doing here?” “Well I was going to apologize again and ask you to take a walk with me, but I got scared and was leaving.” “I’m going on a walk now. Want to join?” “You’re asking me along?”
I nodded and started walking. Sirius was frozen for a second, but jogged to his position next to me.
“I was an idiot-” “Yes.” “Thanks, but I want to make this right. Please let me be your friend. I can prove I’m not a horrible person.”
I nodded. Sirius’ face lit up and he pushed his hands into his pockets.
“I’m a little new to this.” “Talking to girls? I’ve heard differently”
Sirius scratched the back of his neck and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He stopped me and looked around.
“Magic exists.” “What?” “Magical creatures and wands and spells you muggles love to read about it exists.” “Again with the word Muggle, what does it mean? What are you trying to tell me Sirius? Want me to like you fine I’ll do it, but no need to come up with children’s fantasies.” “It’s real. All our friends go to a school specifically for kids like us. Muggles are non magic users like you.” 
I felt tears well up.
“No. Stop.” “I’m being honest here.” “There is no magic.”
Sirius pulled me behind a little house.
“Trust me.” “Amato Animo Animato Animagus.” 
Sirius turned into a black dog. My reality shattered. I just stood there looking at him. Sirius turned back.
“Say something.” “No, that did not just happen.” “Believe me. It did.” “No...” “I was being an ass before cause I am a pureblood. All my family is, is wizards. I don’t know how to act around people who don’t use magic and I chickened out, before I got to know you and I have never regretted anything more in my life.”
I sighed and looked into his eyes.
“Okay I believe you.” “You do?” “I do.” “Great! I’ll still prove I’m actually wanting this, but we could go out and do things at some point.” “The fair is still open, want to go?” “I am broke though.” “No worries. I got extra, but If you mean it, you have to go on the ferris wheel.”
Sirius thought it for a second but then held out his hand. I smiled widely and shook it. We walked back and were meeting later that night. I was getting ready with the other girls and we were talking about partners and magic. We walked out the door and were greeted by the boys. James kissed Lily’s hand, whilst Sirius held out roses for me. He kept his promise and Sirius changed my world.
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You are my world. you three are my world now - h.h
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hello there! I'm back ! Sorry if it tooks so long, i have a lot of work during these holiday. I hope you like this little request. I didn't have time to be proofread (but a big thank you to@petersasteria who is always there to support me!). Remember that my native language is French, so don't be so mean if i made mistakes!
Feel free to like, share, comment and tell me what you think. Send me a message if you want to be added to the taglist for my next work!
Word count: 2300 Warning: angst, mention of pregnancy, small mention of blood, mention of placental abruption Pairing : harry holland Request: yes!
You didn't expect to be pregnant with twins at your age. The announcement of your pregnancy had also surprised more than one. Despite her support, Nikki Holland had still given the discourse on the importance of safe sex to her son. But Harry had given a more than mature speech in defense of both of you. He was able to prove to his family and to yours that you were ready and that the decision to continue the pregnancy was not rash.
You were now at the half of your eighth month and nothing could stand in the way of your happiness.
Nothing except maybe this.
Nikki had offered to have lunch with her this afternoon. Despite his work as a photographer, no longer having the company of his four children - since three of them left the family cocoon to live their own life as grown-up adults- weighed heavily on her. You accepted with pleasure. Harry, who was editing his third short film, had left you this morning to go to the edit suite, not without checking that you were okay. So, you joined Nikki at the restaurant. You shine in your long floral maternity dress. In the middle of the meal, you felt a violent contraction.
At almost eight months pregnant, it was no surprise that you could feel twins’ movements. You winced a little at the pain and your mother-in-law put a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Are you alright, darling?" she asking, a little bit worried.
"Yeah, yeah. They've just been in great shape for a few days now."
You apologized and went to the bathroom, struggling to cope with the pain of your contractions. When you noticed that your underwear was soaked with blood, your heart rate increased. You suddenly realized that a series of symptoms corresponded to what you had dreaded early in your pregnancy: the nausea that had occurred last night, the violent contractions since this morning and now the blood. Rather alerting signals that suggested a placental abruption. The obstetrician told you that this was a possible risk since you were having a twin pregnancy. You started to cry and panic for several minutes that Nikki ended up knocking on the bathroom door.
"Darling, is everything good in there?" she asked you with her sweet and worried voice.
"Could you come in please" you sobbed.
"Sure, darling. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
She stepped carefully into the disabled cabin that you had used for space reasons. Nikki immediately noticed your state of stress. And you just told her everything in strangled sobs. She put a hand behind your back and gave you a very serious look.
"We have to go to the ER. We're going right away."
"I want Harry"
"Don't worry, I'll call him on the way"
And you haven't wasted a minute. Nikki simply left her phone number and table number at the counter before you got into your car. Dom will retrieve Nikki one's later. Holland family been known from the restaurant, the staff were comprehensive about your leaving without paid the bill. When you arrived at the hospital, the nurses greeted you directly and wasted no time either. You were taken to the operating room without being able to get your boyfriend's support.
Harry arrived within fifteen minutes of receiving the call from his mother. No doubt he would receive a speeding penalty ticket later. He looked like a madman, mortified by worry. He was a bundle of nerves and sarcasm. Her mother was standing by the reception desk, waiting for her. She looked anxious. Tom was there too, trying to contact their father on his phone. When Dom finally picked up, the oldest Holland brother announced the urgency. Harry was shaking with worry.
"What happened mom?"
"I don't really know, baby. We were at the restaurant and the babies kicked. She went to the bathroom and when she didn't come back, I went after her. That's where she asked me to come into the bathroom and you know the rest. I called you straight after that. " Nikki explained, trying to get the stress out of her.
"Oh my god… where is she now?"
"The medical staff took her for surgery. I had to wait here. I couldn't go with her, baby. I’m so sorry."
"Ok ... Ok, I guess I have to wait here. Hope she's okay. God, please make her be alright."
They all made their way to the operating theater hallway for the public to wait for more information. Tom was still on the phone with his father, explaining that it would be better if he stayed at home with Paddy so as not to overcrowd the waiting room. He promised his father that they would all give news as soon as possible. A nurse in a surgical gown entered ten minutes later.
“Who's the father of miss y/l/n's babies?”
“I am. Harry Holland, I’m the father!” he almost screamed and cried at the same time.
“Come with me”
Nikki stood up cautiously and walked over to the nurse. Harry was ready to follow the nurse without giving any further information to his family.
"Excuse me. Can you give us more information on her condition?" Nikki asked
"Sure. We had an emergency caesarean. The babies are fine but there seem to be some complications with the mother. The surgeon is taking care of her."
"Is she going to be okay?" Harry asked hastily.
"She's losing a lot of blood but we're doing our best. Now please follow me." She said to curly one.
Harry followed her to the nursery. His heart was pounding in mixed emotions. He was so impatient to meet his babies but at the same time he was worried about you. What if you don't survive from the complications? What was to become of him? Would he be able to live without you? Would he be a good father?
His last question vanished when he saw his two little babies in the incubator. Your twins had arrived about fifteen, almost a month earlier than expected, it was normal that they were in an incubator. Harry was going to have to make sure they put on weight. After filling out a few papers, one of the nurses offered to do some skin-to-skin contact with the twins so that they could get to know the three of them. Harry could not but be impatient with this and once prepared he settled into a seat. He was overcome with emotion, understanding how his parents had felt when Sam and him were born. He completely forgets the time, spending several minutes with his sons, one after the other. Harry knew he would place all his love in the two little beings he had taken turns holding in his arms. He was ready to lift mountains, cross the tides. Part of his mind was on you and he truly hoped he could go through life's trials with you. May your family experience all the times they deserve.
The nurse who had brought him to the nursery go up to him with a half-smile. She was sorry to disturb him during this privileged father-son moment.
"Your ... hm ... miss (y/l/n) is in the recovery room. You can go see her now"
Harry's heart burst with relief. He let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding back. The very new father nodded before placing his son in the nurse's arms so that she could put him back in the incubator. He decided to go find his family who had been waiting too long now. When he entered the waiting room, his mother and brother were still seated. Tom had his elbows on his knees, the phone in his hand. He seemed to be talking to someone. When the actor noticed his brother's presence, he spoke to him.
"Hey mate, Sam's here. Wanna talk to him? What's up? Does y/n's alright? And the twins?"
"Too much question. Give me Sam first!"
But the result was exactly the same. Sam asked the same questions as Tom and Harry winced as he tried to answer consensually.
"Hello to you too, brother. The twins are fine. I swear to God Sam, they look like a mini version of us. Two sons by the way ... y/n is fine, she's in the recovery room, I'm going see her right after that. I wanted to talk to mom and Tom first. "
"Glad to know I'm the last to know." Sam informed sarcastically.
"Hey, I was going to call you but I had to, you know ... go meet my sons. Father's job, it seems."
Sam chuckled behind his phone screen as Harry smirked in a mischievous and petty manner. He ended the call with his twin and turned to his mother and Tom. Nikki made her understand that she had heard, she seemed relieved that you were okay.
"Hey, before I go see y/n ... you want to see your grandsons ... and you, your nephew and godson, asshole."
"Harry, language" said Nikki.
"Of course I want to see my godson, stupid"
The two brothers smile at each other. Just because one became a father and the other was a movie star, didn't mean they were going to change their ways. It was also their way, both of them, to decompress events. Nikki sighed in annoyance but kept quiet, too happy to meet, even only through a window, her first grandchildren. After a brief walk in front of the nursery, Harry announced that he was going to find you, leaving his family to admire your twins. They seemed so impatient to meet them in person but knew they were going to have to wait while you woke up.
Harry entered the recovery room and walked over to your bed. You seemed to have already woken up from your artificial sleep. He grabbed your hand to give you the support you needed. A feeling of emptiness was felt in you, your gaze landed on your stomach, flatter than you had seen in recent months. Your eyes widened in panic but the reassuring pressure of Harry's hand drew your attention to him.
"They are fine, my love. They are fine. They are in an incubator in the nursery."
You burst into tears. The emotions being so strong.
"I'm so sorry Harry. I'm sorry ..."
“Hey… hey… you don't have to. You're okay… the twins are okay. And I still love you, I love you more than ever."
"Have you seen them?"
"Yes ... ugly like their father" he joked
You chuckled with a few more tears in your voice. You knew he didn't mean it, but humor was Harry's best way to decompress, and it worked on you too.
"My family is here. You scared the hell out of them. I think Sam was about to order a flight to kick your ass."
You chuckled again. It was so impressive to see the love that reigned in this family. You could never have asked for a better way to build your own family. Harry leaned over to kiss you.
"I love you, y/n. You are my world. you three are my world now"
"I love you more, Harry."
You stayed a few more days before you could get out of the hospital. You had decided to introduce the twins after their own discharge from the hospital. That's why, after almost a month of going back and forth to the nursery, you could finally bring your twins home. So you organized a little visit to Harry's parents.
The sun was shining on London and you squeezed the doorknob of one of the maxi-cozy, Harry carrying your second son as you opened the door to the Holland family home. You were amazed at the ease with which Harry assumed his role as father. He was doing so well that you fell in love with him again.
"Is there anyone here?" He asked
"We're all in the garden, buddy!" Tom said
"You are obviously in the kitchen, dummy"
"For god's sake, Harry. Come into this fucking garden and let us see the twins!"
You let out a frank laugh as you mentally noted that you were going to have to have a conversation with Harry and his brothers about the vocabulary they were using.
You are therefore entering the garden. You noticed right away that Sam had come all the way from Scotland. Harry must have organized this with him too. You smiled, Nikki rushed over to help you with the change bags and you thanked him.
"So where is my godson?" Tom asked in the same way he did at the FFH premiere when he was looking for Jake Gyllenhal.
"Where's mine?" Sam asked too.
You approached Sam, putting the maxycosy on the table to unbuckle the seat belt and take your son in your arms. Harry was doing the same with your second baby.
"I'm happy to introduce you y/s/n"
"And there's y/s/n(2)." Harry added, so proud.
Everyone raved about the twins as you wipe away a tear, happy and proud. You were so moved by the love that reigned. Harry came to kiss you on the forehead, you closed your eyes, appeased by his gesture. The world could only turn better in his company.
"It's family portrait time!" Nikki said, her camera in her hands. "Tom, please get closer to your brother. Sam, stand next to y / n"
You all followed Nikki's instructions, who couldn't be more than happy to capture this important moment, bringing her work and family life together. You all smiled as you and Harry were in the center of the photo, carrying your twins in your arms. And at that moment, you were sure that your life could not be more beautiful than at this moment.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
First Lady of the Court Pt. II
(Wilbur Soot x Reader) Part I, Part II, Part III
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Part 2: Moments
      The first time Tubbo snuck you out of the city it was like a breath of fresh air. Schlatt was on your last nerve while you tried to keep everything else together. Your duties included collecting unfair taxes, answering questions from concerned citizens, getting Schlatt cigars and booze but you tried to keep your main focus on watching over Fundy. While Fundy was on Schlatt’s side now you still wanted to keep an eye on him for Wilbur, trying to sow the seed that this wasn’t the best decision in the world. Plus Fundy always saw you as a mother figure so you hoped you had a little bit of influence over him and his actions. Although you never wanted to replace Sally, his actual mom, he still looked up to you like one and you treated him as a son. You let the breeze tickle your cheeks as Tubbo led you towards Pogtopia, you were disappointed seeing you were now headed inside of a cave and couldn’t stay in the fresh air. Did they need to make their base an underground bunker? You supposed that logically, it did make the most sense, considering they were in hiding from the government. 
      “Be careful okay?” Tubbo smiled over at you, “There are no railings or anything I don’t want you to fall. I think Wilbur would kill me!” You nodded as he led you down the steps of the cavern, you were in awe at the lights that were set up all around you. It was amazing what they managed to do in such a short amount of time. While you were away from the boys Tubbo managed to fill you in on who Technoblade was and would constantly update you on what Tommy and Wilbur were up to. You couldn’t wait to experience everything they created in person. “Hey, guys it’s me!” Tubbo shouted his voice echoing off the walls of the cave, “I brought a surprise.” He flashed a big smile in your direction, his eyebrows wiggling at you suggestively. 
       “A surprise?” Tommy raised an eyebrow stepping out into the open and once he caught sight of you he let out a loud shrieking laugh. He ran over and tossed his arms around your neck, you were much shorter than him so the hug was a little awkward but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
      “Hi, Tommy. I missed you too.” You hugged him back with a squeeze and a soft giggle of your own, “You holding up okay?”
      “I’m gonna be much better when we get Manburg back from Schlatt’s clutches. God, it’s so good to see you, women, I can’t believe I’m saying that! Wilbur’s gonna lose his shit! WILBUR GET IN HERE!” 
      “Shut up Tommy I’m coming, I’m coming.” Wilbur groaned walking into the room, his trenchcoat floating behind him. “What exactly is so important. I was in the middle of something rather importannnnnnn- (Y/N),” He sputtered jaw-dropping as he saw you. You looked just as beautiful as he last remembered you, the bags under your eyes were new, as was the suit, but other than that you were the epitome of a goddess in his eyes. Meanwhile, he looked like a homeless mess covered in dirt and grime, hair a greasy mess, clothes tattered. Wilbur never wanted to die more than he did at this moment. 
You didn’t care about any of that though he was still your Wilbur, you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was. “Hey, Wilby long time no see.”  You walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug, you pressed your head to his chest, “I missed you so much.” Your voice was soft, as you squeezed your eyes shut, you felt the ex-president tense up in your hold. 
Oh god did he smell? He totally smelled. Wilbur prayed that he didn’t smell, could you tell how fast his heart was beating? He hesitantly ran a hand through your hair and caressed it softly, it was just as soft as he remembered. He missed it more than he ever would’ve imagined.
      “I missed you too my darling,” He whispered, “so much. You have no idea.” Wilbur looked up to see the smirking faces of Tommy and Tubbo and his face turned bright red. They both were mouthing ‘simp’ at him, well it was more Tommy than Tubbo but still. He glared at his companions and pulled away from you, “Let’s go talk in private okay?” You tried to turn around to glance behind you but Wilbur only dragged you away so you couldn’t get a good look at the teenagers. As soon as the two of you were alone Wilbur cupped your cheeks and pressed an almost desperate kiss against your lips. You sighed happily into it, grabbing the collar of his trench coat to hold him close to you. Wilbur rested his head against your own and after a few minutes of silence he finally spoke up, “How’re you doing?” 
      “Usually that’s asked before you kiss.” A smirk was planted on your lips as you reached up and twirled his curls between your fingers. He burned red up to the tips of his ears and he nudged you while scoffing, “I’m hanging in there Wilbur. I’m stronger than I look, remember that.” 
      “And Fundy?” Wilbur asked a bit hesitantly, “I’m sure he has no desire to know about me and I guess I don’t deserve to know about him but even so…”
      “He’s doing good...he’s very… I guess confused is the right word. He’s desperately trying to gain Schlatt’s approval, I think he just to make someone proud-”
      “I’m proud of him!” Wilbur tried to argue and you shushed him softly, 
      “I know Will, I know. But does he know that?” You raised an eyebrow as he shrunk in on himself. “I’m looking out for him though so try not to worry, he still seems to tolerate me.” Wilbur looked relieved at the fact that you were still in Fundy’s good graces and were keeping an eye on him. 
      “You’re an angel, (Y/N). When this is over I’m gonna marry the shit out of you.” 
      “Oh stop.” You tossed your head back with a laugh, your (h/c) hair falling in front of your eyes shyly. Wilbur could only smile at you as he pushed your hair out of your face to kiss your nose. 
      “Now tell me everything you know about Schlatt and his band of misfits.” 
The second time you snuck out with Tubbo was the day before Schlatt’s festival. Tubbo spent the entire day decorating for it and with your help, the both of you managed to get the decorations up in a timely manner. Sometime after the preparations were complete Tommy requested to meet up with Tubbo. Immediately you pleaded with Tubbo to let you go with him but he seemed very hesitant to let you join. He told you that the last time he visited Pogtopia Wilbur was acting very strange and he didn’t want you to get hurt by him in any form. You were flattered that you had him looking out for you but you assured him that Wilbur would never hurt you and that talking to you might be positive for his mental health. Tubbo gave you a tense smile and interlocked his hand with yours, 
      “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
      “I won't, I promise. Plus I’ll have you to protect me if anything goes wrong.” 
      “I appreciate that but I am very weak,” Tubbo sheepishly smiled scratching at his chin, his face turning slightly pink. You tossed your head back and laughed, as you squeezed his hand tightly, 
      “Okay, I’ll look out for both of us then.” 
You both had to sneak past an overzealous Fundy who wanted mother-son bonding time but eventually, you shook him off your scent and made your way into Pogtopia. Tubbo called out your arrival and once again Tommy beat Wilbur in greeting you at the entrance. You frowned seeing that he looked a little worse for wear, the bags under his eyes were darker and a clear indicator that he wasn’t sleeping very well. Your motherly instincts kicked in automatically at that moment as you cupped his cheeks in your hands. He made a groan of protest but didn’t pull away from the warm embrace of your hands. 
      “You look like you haven’t been sleeping, what’s been going on?” You asked and Tommy looked hesitant to tell you which worried you, even more, no one was giving you a straight answer but it all revolved around Wilbur. 
      “(Y/n)!” Wilbur called as Tommy opened his mouth to answer your question, “It’s so good to see you!” He grabbed you by the waist and drew you into a deep kiss, you couldn’t help but smile into it, you loved this man. “So much has happened, I can’t wait to catch you up. Come, come, let’s talk.” Wilbur led you down the long corridors of Pogtopia, from behind you both Tommy and Tubbo frowned in worry. 
      “Will she be alright?” Tubbo looked up at his tall friend, 
      “Obviously she's a badass.” Tommy scoffed but Tubbo knew him long enough to tell that he was just as worried about the girl as he was. 
      “I missed you, Wilby.” The soft tone in your voice seemed to make Wilbur melt into you, but there was something in his eyes that made you pause. You bit your lip as he placed his hand on your cheek, they were rougher than you remembered but then again it was to be expected. He also smelled like cigarette smoke and wood, the smoke was new and wasn’t necessarily too terrible. After all, you’ve dealt with Schlatt’s smell of alcohol and cigars for months at this point. 
      “I missed you too my darling, but things have been finally coming up Wilbur. It’s amazing and I know we didn’t get invited to the festival tomorrow but it doesn’t even matter.” Wilbur hummed stroking your cheek with his thumb, “Cause something is going to happen that’s going to change everything.” You tilted your head to the side in confusion, 
       “What do you mean? I mean shit Will I’m happy for you, I want the bastard out of power as soon as possible. He’s an absolute mess.” You gave an awkward laugh, “at this point Tubbo, Quackity and I are running things.” 
Wilbur didn’t seem to find that as funny as you did considering that his smile turned into a bitter frown, “He’s ruined everything I built, it’s disgusting.”
      “Shit.” You gave another uncomfortable laugh and crossed your arms, “I wouldn’t say he’s ruined everything. After all the country you built is still standing, right now it may have a different name but it’s still there, the people who love it are still there-”
      “Tommy and I aren’t.” He snarled at you and you flinched backward in response, you waited for an apology but you didn’t get one. “The people who loved it, who made it what it was aren’t there anymore. They didn’t care about it as I did. It’s MY country,” You glared at him and crossed your arms, your jaw was set in place. 
      “Excuse me?” 
      “You heard me.” 
       “Okay just making sure.” You wound your hand back and punched him in the stomach, not hard but just enough to stun him, “you son of a bitch! How DARE you insinuate that Tubbo and I don’t care about L’manberg as you and Tommy did. We all lost a life in the control room to Eret! We fought beside you against Dream for the revolution so the country you dreamed of could even come to fruition! We’ve done our best to keep everyone happy when everyone under Schlatt is fucking miserable and you know what we’ve done a damn good job of it! You’re insinuating that Niki and Fundy’s struggles have met nothing to you either, we’ve fought just as much as you have. This isn’t a competition.”
       “You’re wrong. It is a competition because it’s MY country!” He grabbed your shoulders, nails digging into the skin, you kissed your teeth in pain. You supposed the pain was justifiable considering you had just knocked him in the stomach. “MY country that isn’t MINE anymore, what’s the point in it even standing!” 
       “What’s the point in it even standing.” He smiled wickedly moving your hand to brush your hair out of your eyes, suddenly scarily gentle with you, “(Y/N) don’t you get it? The solution was right there the entire time. We blow it up!” 
       “WE WHAT?! Wilbur are you nuts! People live there, I live there! So does your son? If you blow it up Schlatt’s won!”
      “No, I win. We win.” He purred leaning close to rest his head against your own, “We can start a family afterward. You know my love like we always wanted...after everything after the smoke clears. We can be together-”
      “We can kiss in the remnants of what once was. Then we rebuild something new, something grand-” 
      “No.” Your voice quivered in fear, “Wilbur that’s not what I want.” The smile was wiped off his face and his brows furrowed. 
      “Sorry? Come again?” 
      “I don’t want it to be gone. I want it as it was-”       “IT CAN NEVER BE WHAT IT WAS! CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!” He slammed you up against the walls of the ravine, you let out a choking gasp as pain shot down the back of your skull and your spine. A brief glance of old Wilbur flitted across his face, he pulled away from you watching you sink down onto the floor. “I...darling I’m so sorry.” He whispered softly, his hands shaking at his sides, “I never meant to hurt you. Please know that. I’d never hurt you.” Wilbur reached his arm out and you flinched, a heartbroken look spread across his face. “Please...I can’t lose you-” He paused as you raised your hand in a stopping motion, 
      “Wilbur. You blow up that country, and we’re done.”
      “That’s not fair-”
      “Me or the country. Your choice.” You snarled, baring your teeth as you rose to your feet, “I love you. So fucking much but I won’t STAND being treated like I’m garbage.”
      “You’re not garbage. You’re not you’re my entire world. I-I’m doing this for you and for Fundy and for everyone-”
      “You’re doing this for yourself you prick!”
      “Am I interrupting something?” Tubbo murmured finally coming into the room, 
      “Yes-NO.” Both you and Wilbur said simultaneously, you both glared at one another as Tubbo’s ears flattened against his skull.
      “We have to go.” Tubbo spoke up, “Schlatt will get worried. Let’s go (Y/N).” 
      “We aren’t done- (Y/N) please.” Wilbur reached out to you and you shook his arm free from it. You glared back at him and walked past Tubbo, 
      “Let’s go. See you soon Wilbur.” With one last glance at Wilbur, Tubbo followed you out of Pogtopia. 
The third time you saw Wilbur was the day of the festival. Schlatt had tricked you all, Tubbo’s head was pressed against your chest as you both were trapped inside his execution box. He had found the both of you out and decided it was the perfect time to get his revenge for your treasonous acts. You were staring death straight in the eyes, and the almost hesitant eyes of Technoblade stared right back at you. 
      “I’m sorry. I’ll try to make it as painless as possible.” His smooth voice echoed through the chamber, Tubbo only clutched onto you harder. 
      “Technoblade please.” He tried to plead with the pigman, and Schlatt only cackled loudly in response. Technoblade closed his eyes and shot, you heard a loud snap of the crossbow and saw colors beyond your wildest imagination; in between the chaos you swore you saw a flash of Tommy and hear a cry from Wilbur. You woke up in bed, one single heart levitating above your chest, two cannon lives down, your ears were still ringing from the fireworks moments prior. ‘Tubbo…’ You thought squeezing your eyes tightly, ‘I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you…’ You tossed your legs over the side of the bed quickly tumbling out of it, Tubbo burst through your door moments later. Anxiety was written all over his face but even he knew now wasn’t the time to talk about your interconnected trauma. “We have to go. NOW.” Tubbo motioned to the door with his head, you stood up grabbing what you could momentarily, and ran. The both of you sprinted past a devastated looking Fundy, you made the mistake of looking behind you as he let out a soft, 
You closed your eyes and turned away from the fox hybrid, not before mouthing an ‘I’m sorry,’ in his direction. Tubbo dragged you behind him all the way back to Pogtopia both of you eerily quiet the entire way. Entering the ravine the first thing you heard was Tommy’s ferocious yelling, Tubbo flinched a little and rushed away to comfort his friend the best he could. You noticed Wilbur was scarily silent, as you approached you saw how small his pupils were, the smile on his face was nothing less than mad. It turned your stomach but even so, you wanted comfort from someone you loved, you took his hand and squeezed. Still smiling he looked down at you and kissed the top of your head. It didn’t take a genius to understand he was oddly enthused with what went down between Schlatt, Tubbo and you, the man you once loved was gone.
      “My darling, I’m glad to see you’re alright.” 
      “Do whatever you want. Blow it up.” Your voice was icy and soft so only he could hear you, “Fuck it.” 
Wilbur’s smile widened and he kissed you passionately, he tasted like smoke and it was so overwhelming it burned your eyes and almost choked you. He pulled away to rest his forehead against yours,
      “You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say those words. You won’t regret this I promise.” He turned towards Tommy and the Blade with the damned smile still on his cheeks, you didn’t respond to him. You felt gross, this isn’t what you wanted, you only hoped when the time came you would convince him otherwise. He began to go on and on about a pit, and a fight between Technoblade and Tommy; supposedly in you and Tubbo’s honor. You watch the two climb into it, even though you knew Tommy was going to get his ass kicked you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Even when The Blade won and Tommy was getting patched up by Niki you could only stare at the flickering torches on the wall, the only person to be able to pull you out of your stupor was in fact, Tubbo. 
      “(Y/N) it’s gonna be alright. I promise.” You gave a tired nod, stroking his hair fondly he let out a soft whine. “You’re scaring me a little, I don’t like that you’re so silent.”
      “I know Tubbo. I know. Everything will work out one way or another. We just have to have hope.” You spoke, but your tone was anything but comforting, it was flat and it chilled Tubbo’s core. He wouldn’t let you turn out like Wilbur not if he had anything to say in the matter. 
It was finally the day of the Manburg vs Pogtopia war, surprisingly the rebellion had earned a lot more members than you had originally expected. Obviously, you had your core members, Technoblade, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, and obviously Wilbur and you. However, it seemed Quackity was done with Schlatt’s bullshit just like everyone else, Fundy saw the error of his ways and fought by your and Wilbur’s side as did Eret. As everyone gathered around to discuss the plan, Fundy got your attention with a snap of his fingers, you blinked turning towards him. 
      “Hi, little champion...how’re you doing?” You smiled towards him ruffling his bright orange hair. He frowned swatting your hands away with a disgruntled huff, 
      “I’m alright. How’re you doing?” It seemed Tubbo wasn’t the only one worried about your mental health, Fundy’s frown only worsened. “My dad’s a dick.” 
      “No. No, he is and you know it. He’s changed (Y/N), don’t follow him down that path...please. I need you. I can’t lose you too...” Your eyebrows furrowed and you smiled sadly, his words touched your heart and you felt nothing but fondness for the young man. You reached out and cupped his cheek with your hand, his eyes lit up and he nuzzled into it almost desperately. 
       “You haven’t lost me yet and you won't lose me today.” You assured and he let out a soft breath of relief, “I’m going to do all I can to save your father. I know he can bounce back from this, but if I can’t.” A watery look came across your face and Fundy kissed your forehead quickly,
      “I’ll be there to help pick you back up. So will Tubbo we all love you.” 
      “Thank you little champion.” You spoke, a smile spreading across your lips, his tail began to wag insanely fast. “You stay safe today too, I don’t want to see you hurt or worse.”
      “I will. Now come on Technoblade apparently has something to show us.” Fundy hummed holding out his arm for you to take, you did so joining the others. Once you all were gathered Technoblade led everyone to what he called ‘the vault,’ and the vault it certainly was. Everyone was equally as shocked at the sheer amount of gear The Blade managed to gather in such a short amount of time. There were Netherite weapons and armor and in almost every chest were potions and bows for the entire milita. Everyone made a mad dash towards the chests gathering whatever artillery they could find, and taking it for themselves. You made sure all the kids and Fundy were suited up and geared properly before taking what you could for yourself, there was some Netherite left which you applied to your body, you also grabbed an ax and a crossbow of your own. You glanced over at Wilbur and saw him bare, no weapon or armor insight, you furrowed your brow in concern and shook his arm gently. He glanced over you with a hint of the tender expression he used to always look at you with, it made your heartbreak. 
      “No armor?” You questioned and he brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face. 
      “No. I won’t need it,” Wilbur hummed as you gave a disbelieving scoff. He chuckled a little at your disbelief and nudged your shoulder, “Trust me. Everything’s going to work out.”
You could only nod your head in understanding even if you truly did not understand his reasoning. The battle was long and bloody, tearing apart Schlatt’s allies was no easy task but Pogtopia managed to get them to surrender. You couldn’t help but be hesitant and suspicious, it wasn’t like Dream to just call off his forces and surrender so easily. You’ve fought against him enough times now to know that, yet Wilbur seemed unperturbed. Even when you all had Schlatt cornered Wilbur only seemed to get a little bit of glee from it, only seeming to feel more when the old ram had a heart attack and keeled over. You all had won but you didn’t feel good. You didn’t feel like it was over, not even when Wilbur took your hands and kissed them lightly on top of the podium beside Tommy and him. It did come as a surprise to you when Wilbur gave up power in favor of handing it off to Tommy, then Tommy gave it up for Tubbo, Tubbo began to give a nervous speech and you couldn’t help but be proud of him. Tubbo would make a great president much better than Schlatt ever was and maybe even better than Wilbur. Tubbo was warm and compassionate he might not even need your assistance as the first lady, honestly, you didn’t even know if you wanted the title again. Although any thoughts of happiness were wiped away as your stomach churned seeing Wilbur sneak away from the crowd, that wasn’t good. 
You followed behind your boyfriend on high alert, it’s not that you didn’t trust him, it was just that he was clinically insane. Eventually, Wilbur entered a small room that was cold and dark, you took a deep breath before stepping inside behind him. Your eyes widened in absolute horror, nonsensical scribbles were all over the walls and in the middle of the room sat a familiar button, chills rocketed down your spine. The setup of the room was an all too familiar sight, Eret’s words echoed through your mind and you felt the burn of betrayal run hot. Wilbur’s hands hovered over the button with a longing smile, caressing it like it was the face of his lover. You reached your arm out to call to him but felt a tight hand come around your waist, 
      “What’re you doing?” 
Shock flooded through your system as you looked up at the man touching you. It was Phil, Wilbur’s father, you had only met the man briefly a few times so you both had knowledge of one another's existence. 
      “Phil?” Wilbur turned around his jaw clenching, “(Y/N)? Shit,” He let out a disbelieving laugh. “You're both trying to gang up on me, that’s just unfair.” He leaned his head back, his beautiful curls falling around his face as he stared at the ceiling. “Do you know what this button is?”
      “Uh-huh. I do.” Phil gruffly stated his big grey wings curling around you protectively. 
      “Have you heard... the song? On the walls? Before? Have you heard the song? I was just saying, I made this big point, it was poignant, and it's um... There was a special place where men could go, but it's not there anymore y'know, it's not-” Wilbur let out a frustrated sigh punching the wall right next to the button. You jumped a little as Phil cut in, 
      “It is there. You've just- You've just won it back, Wil!” 
      “Phil’s right! Wilbur, we did it together, we don’t need to blow it up anymore! We can be happy!” 
      “(Y/N), PHIL, I'M ALWAYS SO CLOSE to pressing this button, Phil! I've BEEN HERE like seven or eight times, I've been here seven or eight times...Phil, I've been here so many times…” All of you jumped a little at the sound of crackling fireworks outside, your body went numb as you remembered the execution, “They're fighting. They're fighting!” Phil and you glanced at one another, there was a beat of silence. 
      “And you want to just blow it all up.”
       “I do,-” Wilbur started before letting out a frustrated sigh, “I think, I-”
       “You fought so hard to get this land back... So hard.”
       “We all did Wilby. Please listen to us.” You pleaded and he flinched at your tone, it was so tender and loving. He didn’t deserve it, he didn’t deserve your forgiveness. 
        “I don't even know if it works anymore, Phil, I don't even know if the button works, I could, I could... press it.” 
       “Do you really wanna take that risk?” Phil laughed, “There is a lot of TNT potentially connected to that button.” 
       “Phil... There was a saying, Phil. By a traitor. Once part of L'Manburg. A traitor- I don't know if you've heard of Eret? He had a saying...” 
       “Wilbur. Don’t please.” You let out a frustrated cry stepping forward in front of Phil, “I know what you’re about to do. This isn’t you.” He looked at you with such pity he cupped your cheek with your hand, staring dead in your eyes, 
       “It was never meant to be!” He tossed his hand back and slammed it against the button, you let out a loud cry as explosions fired all around you. Wilbur pulled you close to protect you from any stray debris, he let out a roaring cry “MY L'MANBURG, PHIL! MY UNFINISHED SYMPHONY, FOREVER UNFINISHED! IF I CAN'T HAVE THIS, NO-ONE CAN, PHIL!”
      “Oh, my god…” Phil spoke, his voice quivering with horror, Wilbur looked down at you and he captured your lips with his own. Once again he tasted like cigarettes, but there was a hint of warm honey and coffee...a hint of old Wilbur. He murmured a gentle, ‘I love you’ before pushing you away from him and onto the floor. He turned to Phil letting out a loud declaration, 
      “Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me, Phil kill me! (Wilbur throws Phil his sword) Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill me! Killza, Killza, do it! Kill me, Phil! Murder me! Look, they all want you to! Do it, Phil! Kill me! Phil, kill me!”
      “I- You're my SON!”
      “Wilbur NO! PHIL DON’T!”
     “Shut up (Y/N). PHIL, KILL ME!”
      “No matter what you- dude, no matter what you've done, I can't-”
 Wilbur slammed his fist against the wall, “Phil, it's- LOOK! LOOK! HOW MUCH WORK WENT INTO THIS, and it's GONE!” A loud pause echoed as Wilbur shoved his sword into Phil’s hand holding it to his chest. “Do it. Do it.”
       “PHIL DON’T.” 
The man ignored you running his sword through his son's chest. Wilbur choked blood staining the front of his shirt before spilling out of his mouth and down his chin. He looked over at you and reached his arm out in your direction. ‘Watch out for Fundy,’ He mouthed before smiling at you, the look would always be ingrained in your memory, the smiling face of Wilbur Soot the love of your life, as the light left his eyes. 
      “God! You couldn't just let- You couldn't just win! You couldn't- You had to just throw your toys out the pram!” He snarled through tears of his own cradling his son's lifeless body. You crawled over and gently put your hand on Phil’s shoulder, he turned and pressed his head into your chest. The father of the man you loved mourned beside you, not sure what was next for you but both were in agreement that this country changed Wilbur for the worst. It caused him to blow up a nation, hurt his loved ones, something he never would’ve dreamed of doing when he was young. It twisted his mind making him forget what was important to him, you’d never step foot in this crater again. 
We’re back BITCHES! This is the second part out of I think I’ve decided 3 parts, thank you so much for waiting and being patient. I hope it was worth it! Stay healthy and safe little spirits! @blossom-702 and @mayempress
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Nickname: Duckie
Door Number: 23
What will you be wearing on the date? Corduroy pants and a comfy sweater over a button up.
Booze or sober?: I don’t mind drinking, but it’s not my first priority.
Your ideal first date: anything that isn’t too formal, where we can talk a lot
Three personality traits about you: I’m blunt sometimes to a fault, attention from others makes me nervous, I’m physically affectionate with people I care about, even if I don’t know them super well yet.
Three things you look for in a partner: honesty, good sense of humor about themselves, an innate need to help others.
Three dislikes: wasting money and especially wasting food, ppl who are rude to service workers, strong cologne (makes me cough)
You looked smart you decided as you adjusted your sweater and put on your shoes, your date had told you where to meet him. It wasn’t an address you recognised but knew the area at least. You headed out feeling confident about the date, he seemed kind from his text messages, was that silly to judge?
Either way, you headed out, arriving at the address, it looked like a café. You saw someone waiting by the door.
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- “Usopp?” you called out, unsure but when he snapped his attention up from his phone you knew it was him.
- He wore dungarees that looked like there were some paint splatters across them, a T-shirt underneath and a bandanna keeping his hair at bay.
- He offered you an unsure smile and you could tell he was more nervous than you were.
- “Yeah! Hey! Duckie right?” He offered you his hand, but he rubbed it down his pants, sweaty and nervous before you could take it.
- Usopp tried again, offering you a less clammy hand.
- You chuckled and shook it, smiling warmly at him, trying to let him know he could relax, you were just as nervous.
- “Did you bring your art stuff?” He asked and you nodded holding up your bag.
- When you got in you were shown a table, it was a tall building with many stairs and small rooms, each floor had three or four tables.
- All sorts of art from local artists graced the walls, different styles and mediums.
- There were big pads of paper everywhere to use, cups of water, paintbrushes.
- “This is an art café I’ve wanted to try for a while and when I realised you were also an artist.. well I wanted to do something I know we’d both enjoy. I’m not one for busy loud places.” Usopp said with a nod as he pulled his chair out, starting to take out his sketchbook and pencils.
- “Oh, I agree, don’t worry.” You smiled and got out your sketchbook, your iPad in case you felt more like digital.
- A waitress came and took your orders, coming back with snacks and drinks.
- Usopp was started to talk more as he got further into his art piece, something about drawing helped him relax and he became more animated.
- You talked about your favourite artists, what styles you liked, what art mediums you liked to use.
- As you paused to drink your drinks you exchanged sketchbooks, looking through the pages, making positive comments about one another’s works.
- Asking what your inspirations were.
- “How about we draw one another? It might be nice to see ourselves in the style of the other.” You suggested and he nodded.
- “I’d like that!”
- The next hour was a comfortable silence, the light music the café had on was calming.
- The sound of pencils on paper, the little ‘hmm’ and other sounds from you both as you concentrated.
- You watched Usopp, how he poked the tip of his tongue out, concentrating his hardest to get something right.
- Oh yeah, he was a cutie you decided.
- “Ready?” Usopp asked setting down his tools, getting ready to turn the sketchbook over.
- “Ready!” You agreed.
- “One, two, three!”
- Turning around your books at the time you admired his work, he was a great artist and you felt so flattered with how he drew you, heat spread across his cheeks as he saw your work.
- “I like that… can I, have it? Is that okay? I don’t often like pictures of myself..”
- “Oh sure, only if I can have the one you made, I love it.”
- It was a soft and sweet moment, the gentle removing of the page, handing each piece over to one another with such care.
- The sun had set outside, and it wasn’t long before closing time.
- You both packed up and Usopp paused, he reached down for every ounce of bravery he could muster.
- “I uh, would you like to do this again next week?”
REBLOG to say yes, yes, yes to this sweet man and his beautiful art or refuse him and get to be the muse for his next art piece ‘sad, lonely and eating cold pasta in my underwear’
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shywitchyfangirl · 3 years
Tips for Beginning Spirit Workers!
Me? Posting something useful instead of just memes? GASP!
1. Plan communication and housing methods in advance. This is your responsibility, not the spirits’. Housing can include binding them to an object, binding them to yourself, letting them wander your house, or (my personal method) building an astral temple for them. Communication can take all kinds of forms, including dreams, hallucinations, Ouija boards, body sensations, intrusive thoughts, and telepathy. When starting out, you’ll probably be working with sensations and intrusive thoughts, and work your way up to other forms. An important thing to remember is if you’re ever unsure if something was them, assume it was. False negatives do far more harm than false positives when you’re trying to learn how to communicate. Assuming your spirit said something they didn’t might annoy them, but denying real messages will prevent you from developing your senses and harm your relationship with them.
2. Set boundaries and keep them! It doesn’t matter who they are, how powerful they are, or if they’re a literal god. You have rights, and they do not own you. Take no excuses, make no compromises. You don’t need to explain anything. If you give some spirits an inch, they’ll take a mile. I have a rule that no one can possess me while I’m on my period. Why? Because I don’t want them to, end of discussion. If anyone throws a fit about your boundaries, you don’t want to work with them anyway. If you’re planning to let them stick around, setting house rules is also very important! (”Don’t mess with the other human residents” is always a good starting point.)
3. Doubt happens. Even the most experienced spirit worker has moments of “Oh gods, I’m just crazy and talking to myself.” Don’t beat yourself up over it! Healthy skepticism is what keeps us sane. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad spirit worker. Try taking a moment to reflect on the times when your spirits did something that proved themselves to you, because I promise, those moments will happen too! One of my earliest moments was when a spirit possessed my and drew a bunch of dicks in my notebook before I even realized what she was drawing. If you haven’t had one of those moments yet, just remember the golden rule: You can’t be imagining it, because your imagination should never surprise you.
3.5 Know your craft, not others’. Related to the above, a big source of doubt is when you read about other spirit workers’ doing things differently. Remember, the term UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) exists for a reason. Your Mileage May Vary! Every spirit worker experiences spirits differently. Different doesn’t mean wrong. Figure out what’s best for you and your spirits, and have confidence in your craft.
4. Don’t trust just anyone. Not every spirit you contact will be on your side. Some have their own agenda, others just want a plaything. Some spirits will pretend to be someone else to get past your defenses. The best way to stay safe is to always trust your instincts. If a spirit gives you a “bad vibe,” DITCH THEM. Never give them the benefit of the doubt. There is not a single spirit you NEED to have in your life, and thus there’s no reason to give a sketchy spirit a chance. Aside from that, don’t just assume any spirit you contact will be friendly and benevolent. Most spirit workers go through a “vetting” period of at least 3 months before deciding if a spirit is truly good to join their team. Yes, THREE MONTHS. You don’t want to allow just any powerful astral being into your life, do you? Remember, spirits have power, and they CAN hurt you. If you wouldn’t allow any random stranger into your house, don’t allow any random spirit into your life.
5. Do your research! Spirits aren’t human, and they don’t have the same wants and needs as humans. Research in advance what the particular species you’re summoning wants and needs. If they’re from a pop culture series, research the series. Research their friends, family, and enemies. Know who they will or won’t work well with. If they’re a nonhuman character, pay special attention to their species’ attributes, such as behavior, communication, and any unusual needs or weaknesses. You are responsible for your spirits’ safety while they’re with you! Remember, there’s no such thing as knowing too much. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be!
6. Respect their boundaries. Not every spirit wants to be worshipped, especially pop culture ones. Some find it flattering, others find it creepy. Similarly, not every spirit wants to be your best friend forever, and not every spirit is eagerly waiting for your call every second of every day. Spirits may be cool, but don’t be a stalker. Give them some dang space. Also accept that many spirits don’t plan to stay with you forever. There may be a few that will be with you until you die (or even follow you to your next life!) but the vast majority have lives outside of you just like humans do, and there will be a time when you don’t need them or vice versa. Don’t feel bad about them leaving, and don’t try to force them to stay. Spirits come and go, and it does not mean you’re a bad spirit worker if you lose a few allies. Your closest friends will be the ones who choose you, and those are the ones you really want in your inner circle.
7. Don’t call up what you can’t put down. Always always ALWAYS have a banishing spell ready, and be sure to start small. Practice with a simple Pikachu before you go summoning Arceus. And keep that banishing spell handy during the vetting period! Many spirit workers suggest doing a banishing spell after every summoning unless you plan on letting the spirit stay permanently. It’s also always a good idea to have some kind of restraint the first few times you call on a spirit, even if it’s just a circle of salt. Personally I like to keep one of my stronger spirit family members around to babysit the new guys.
8. Always stay protected. Shield spells are your best friends. Use them. Keep them updated. There is never a reason to not be shielded. There is also never a reason to not have your house protected. At least once a month, update your wards, cleanse and banish everything, and recharge your home’s energy. Don’t worry, you can set your wards to whitelist your approved spirit family and any specific spirits you want to lure in, but it’s best to not allow just anyone in off the street. Consider placing sigils around to mark your territory as your own, or you may find someone or something trying to move in and claim your house for themselves! 
9. Know the facts about spirit attacks. The first rule is that you’re probably NOT being attacked. If you have to think “Was that a spirit? Am I being attacked?” you’re definitely not being attacked. Spirits are empowered by your fear, they WANT you to know they’re attacking you. One time when I was attacked, the spirit broke my rainbow fountain right in front of me in a way that made both separate lights simultaneously only glow blood red. That doesn’t just happen. And then they immediately and obviously tried to pull me out of my body so they could take it over. The other two times, the spirits tried so hard to suck me out of my body that it made me disoriented and felt like someone was vacuuming my head while my body felt cold. Spirit attacks are always obvious because they’re trying to scare you. Which leads to the second rule: NEVER PANIC. The more afraid you are, the more power they have over you. Stay calm, put up a shield, call a trusted alley to aid you, and banish their ass to next week. Remember, most spirits who attack are just bullies looking for a new toy to torment. Even a simple “fuck off” can give them the message you’re not worth the trouble.
10. Be prepared before opening up to possession. Possession is real, and it can be dangerous. With a trusted ally, it’s tons of fun, and you can even ask them to handle things like chores for you. With literally anyone else, you’re putting your life at risk. There is nothing stopping a strong enough spirit from throwing you off the nearest bridge. The good news is that forced, full possession is rare. The bad news is it can still happen, and it’s very hard to stop when it does. This is why it’s so important to vet your spirit allies before allowing them close to you, ESPECIALLY before letting them possess you. If a spirit shows any sign of not respecting your boundaries, get them the hell out of your life. Luckily, partial possession is much more common (when you’re still in control but either being influenced, or only your limbs are moving without your input). This version can be fought off via internal struggle or countered with a cleansing spell or an ally’s help.
11. Get creative with offerings. Offerings are Spiritwork 101. You won’t be getting a lot of help from spirits if you don’t pay them back. But the important part is knowing exactly what to give them. There are certainly things that are standard, and things that are easy enough to guess (Moon water for the moon goddess, flowers for the nature spirit, etc.) But the best offerings are ones that are personal, creative, and meaningful. Your fairy friend probably has a thousand flowers, but have they tried your pancakes? Would your familiar like a friendship bracelet in their favorite color? Hell, does your ancient ancestor want to try Starbucks? Also note that offerings can be experiences, not just gifts. Some spirits love to hear new music. Jevil loves to possess me and play games, or even just watch me play them. And Seam likes to be cuddled while he possesses a body pillow, or to be read to. The better you get to know your spirit friends, the more ways you’ll find to make them happy.
12. Recognize a spirit calling, but don’t answer them all. As you progress in spirit work, you’ll start receiving “spirit callings”. Callings are different for everyone, but they’re generally feelings of obsession over a certain spirit. You may find yourself thinking “everything would be okay if X was here” when you’re having a bad day. You may find yourself wanting to know everything about them. You might notice signs of them, such as feathers if they have wings.  If it’s a pop culture spirit, you may start obsessively tracking down fanworks of them. If you can’t get a spirit out of your mind, you’re probably being called! This means that good things could happen if you work with this spirit (though it does NOT mean the relationship will last forever!). However, this doesn’t mean you should answer ever single calling. It’s always important to know your limits. If you already have lots of spirits hanging around, adding one more won’t benefit you or them, no matter how strongly you’re called to them. Remember, there will always be another calling. 
13. Know your limits. Speaking of which, remember that you’re responsible for your spirits, and you should never take on more than you can handle. Spirit hoarding is a real thing, and it’s harmful to everyone involved. Know how many spirits you can handle at once, and know how close you can get to each of them. My astral temple is designed to let dozens of spirits come and go as they please, but of those, I’m only comfortable getting truly close to exactly two at a time. There is no shame in letting a spirit you no longer need go before bringing in a new one. There is also no shame in not being perfect. If you need some space for a few days, take it. If all you can muster today is a halfhearted “hello” to your familiar, do it. Your spirit allies will always be there waiting once you’re feeling better. If they’re true allies, they’ll understand if you’re not feeling well and need some time to yourself.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
please write something about soft micah and how he secretly shows affection in camp? btw love your work!!
i've returned from my holiday ya'll 😌😌and so i thought i'd start it off with some soft micah. this ask was so fun and for reference i rewatched one of my favourite films 'Sabrina' (1954) and the soundtrack to that kinda gave me some inspo for this fic so i hope you can enjoy it! it's gender neutral and i just wanted to do something light hearted and fun to return to writing. thank u anon for this ask <3333
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It was celebration in camp, not unlike Sean’s return party however this time the gang was celebrating the success of a large train job which took almost the entire gang to successfully pull off.
Sean was dancing on the table, trying to teach Lenny (YnneL?) how to Irish dance while Uncle was proclaiming to a small crowd how he knew the secrets of being an amazing lover.
Everyone was singing and dancing to either Javier’s playing or Hosea’s old folk songs. There was boxes of liquor in every nook and cranny and it was being drunk faster than it was being poured. It seems that there wasn’t a soul having fun…
There was one exception to that matter however, and that was the broody Micah Bell who saw no intentions in getting involved and instead chose to sharpen his already sharp knife. From where you stood, you could see him mumbling under his breath and having known him for long enough you knew he mumbled when he was moody.
You stood from the crate you were sitting on, dodging a very drunk Bill to make you way over to him. Your hand came to hold his chin, tilting his gaze from the knife to your soft smile.
“Hey there…”
Micah perks up slightly, but you still notice his tired eyes and the slight sheet of sweat over his temple. Behind Micah you see Molly and Dutch as well as (and very surprisingly) John and Abigail slow dancing to the gramophone in Dutch’s tent.
“Common, come and dance with me.”
Your other hand that’s not holding his chin takes his hand in yours but Micah’s always been a stubborn one.
“Now sweetheart, ya know I ain’t one for dancing. Why don’t you go ask a charmer like Arthur to dance with ya.”
You sigh and playfully roll your eyes as Micah puffs his chest out, thinking he’s too tough for dancing.
“Well for one, Arthur ain’t my sweetheart, you are dummy and secondly I don’t want dance with anyone but you.”
Micah flipped the knife between his fingers before holstering it, mumbling about dancing being a pain in his ass but you both knew how much he secretly loved it. He stood, shuffling with his gun belt and begrudgingly took your hand as you lead him to stand between the two couples already dancing.
A soft kiss was placed on your hand before Micah placed a hand around your waist and walk in slow circles with you. Pretty much everyone had stopped to stare at the two of you but you didn’t have a care in the world as Micah clumsily twirled you in his arms. You couldn’t help the giggle that left you and it certainly caused a large blush to form high on his cheeks.
“Darlin’ it seems some folks are staring”
By now your extravagant dancing had slowed to a soft and slow swaying as you just took in each other, although you could tell Micah was still nervous about making a mistake while so many people were staring by the way his eyes were glued to his feet. Your cheek came to press along side his own, feeling his prickly facial hair as you closed your eyes and hummed close to his ear. The hand that was draped over his shoulder came to tangle in his hair and rub slow circles on the base of his neck.
“Hmm… let them stare—“
You drew back from Micah, giving his hand a squeeze as you looked at him with all the love and adoration in the world.
“—Micah I wouldn’t care if the whole world was watching, as long as your eyes are on me I am the happiest person in the world.”
You knew everyone could hear you and you certainly knew everyone was watching but you leaned in and gave a soft but extravagant kiss to Micah’s cheek and then his lips as both your arms came to sit around his neck.
His hands moved to your waist, holding you against him tightly as if you’d ever let him go.
“Ain’t gonna be looking at anyone else beside ya sweetheart— love ya too much.”
“Oh Micah, I love you too”
You spent the better half of an hour dancing slowly with each other and giggling like children at some of the sights around you. John had gotten frustrated at one point, making Abigail storm off but Molly and Dutch were still in their own little world much like you were.
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh as Bill tried to sweet talk Karen in front of Sean after Uncle had encouraged him and how Swanson was pestering Strauss who tried to turn in for a relatively early night.
Eventually, your head came to rest on his chest— not in a way that showed you were tired, but completely content and happy with just slowly moving in circles. His heart was beating at a steady rhythm, although it was still a lot faster than you own but it still soothed you nonetheless as it matched the beat of the song.
You stayed like that for a lot longer than you’d thought. Long after Dutch had turned off the gramophone to sleep and the embers of the fire began to burn out until finally Micah led you back to your tent where the two of you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke with you head tucked under his arm and couldn’t stop the smile that came to your face as you caught a now very embarrassed Micah staring at you.
The peaceful moment didn’t last however as you had to help Ms Grimshaw start on the chores since you were one of the few members who weren’t hungover and still sleeping it off. With that you made you way to Pearson’s wagon but not before you stole a kiss from Micah who was complaining about you leaving.
A few hours past and you were working away at vegetables and meats for the stew. The early morning sun was starting to show along with some of the other gang members including Micah who walked over to you with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“I uhhh… thought you’d want this since ya been working for a while now.”
Smiling and dusting your hands off, you traded a kiss for the coffee— a deal Micah was happy to give.
When you sipped at your coffee and went back to work you noticed how Micah stayed to lean on the table beside you. His mouth opened you say something every five seconds but closed it again, shuffling awkwardly as he stared at you in hopes that you understood what he wanted without him having to say it.
While chopping at carrots and potatoes you held your elbows up and created space for Micah’s arms to fit. He didn’t hesitate to either as he shuffled forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, hands resting over your stomach as his chin rested over your shoulder to watch you work.
“You feeling any better this morning?”
Micah scoffed like he didn’t know what you were talking about, instead choosing to litter kisses along your neck and shoulder.
“I don’t know whatya talking about sweetheart.”
You turned your head to look at him, that fake innocence he tries to play up to avoid emotional topics.
“Oh common now Micah— I know what goes on in that head of yours, I can only hope that dancing cheered you up.”
His forehead came to rest against yours as you noticed his arms instinctively get a little tighter around you.
“Don’t think it was the dancing that made me happy sweetheart— that’s all you.”
His accent was thick with that southern drawl that he has, not in the way that he was being sly, but in a way that you knew he was being raw and open with you no matter how many pet names he threw in there to cover how soft he is with you.
You turned in his arms, wrapping your own around his shoulders as you gave him a large and genuine smile with a hint of your cheekiness.
“Aw you flatter me Mr.Bell and to think you were gonna let Arthur have that dance!”
You make a dramatic gesture with your hand over you mouth to emphasise how sarcastic the statement was. Micah brought you in for a kiss that the two of you couldn’t stop laughing through but it bubbled away as the kiss depended and your tongue met his.
“Arthur ain’t ever getting his hands on ya darling— I’m the only one that’s gonna take ya dancing.”
Micah gave you a playful wink as you pulled him back in for another heated kiss by the collar of his unbuttoned shirt.
“Mr.Bell if you have nothing better than to do than distract those hard at work I suggest you go and make yourself useful!”
Both you and Micah pulled away, both of you shocked as Ms Grimshaw stood in front of you with crossed arms and a very angry look on her face. Behind her was Pearson who was rubbing his neck awkwardly, obviously running off to find Susan who could handle the two of you.
You had to muffle a laugh as Micah mumbled under his breath all too loud about Grimshaw being an ‘old hag who’s just jealous’ before he got up from leaning against the bench to face you properly.
“Don’t you be working too hard now sweetheart—“
Micah pulled you back in by the waist for another kiss which you happily returned. Out of the corner of your eye you see Grimshaw roll her eyes and poor Pearson who looks like he’d rather spontaneously combust then stand there for another moment.
When Micah pulled back he slowly backed way from the wagon, holding his hands up in fake surrender to Ms. Grimshaw.
“Alright alright, I’ll get out of your hair— got a coach coming in anyway, real work.”
You saw Micah saddle up Baylock and ride his way out of town, giving you one final wink and a smirk. You knew he didn’t really have a robbery planned, he always told you about it first and most of the time you went with him. This time he was merely getting out of camp chores and you rolled your eyes at the image of him waiting around at the saloon for hours until Grimshaw finally forgot about it.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of work either! The two of you cause enough trouble without you getting all lovely around camp!”
There Ms.Grimshaw goes with another lecture, you have no doubts that she was watching the two of you last night and couldn’t help the smile that came to your face at the new cherish memory you now have with the man you love. In reality, you couldn’t care who didn’t like the public affection or your entire relationship with Micah.
All you knew is that it made the two of you happy and seeing Micah smile was worth every single lecture and glaring gaze from your fellow members.
And with that you turned back to the vegetables, picking up the knife and getting on with the rest of the day.
“Yes Ms.Grimshaw”
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yinses · 4 years
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| you just needed him to do this one thing … then you wouldn’t ask for anything more | sukuna ryomen rating: 18+
a/n: we only accept au sukuna in this nandos. my second longest work to date and its sukuna.
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maybe it was because you were tired of hearing it all.
about how you were such a good girl. so ambitious and focused on your studies. they made it seems so honorable that you were willing to put boys on the back burner in order to achieve your goals.
as if you had a choice.
as if you weren’t a timid little thing who incidentally teased the edges of something before falling back the recesses of your comfort zone. how many apps had you applied for only to waste the time of yourself and others. those sites were never meant to find true love- just conveniently hook ups to release pent up stress.
and you had a lot of it.
so maybe that's why you decided that it was okay to have a little more to drink tonight- to wander further from your friends into the wilderness. you could have one day to make a bad decision and face the consequences for it.
clubs were never your thing which was likely another reason why you were in this drought.
it wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be, as old habits die hard. every so often you were approached with promises of drinks and suggestive conversation. and each one you shied away from and earned a scoff before they already started in pursuit of their next challenge.
it was possible that you were doing it wrong. you lacked the confidence to just ask for what you wanted, mostly because you didn’t know.  play coy, they told you, make them do the work for you.
so you find yourself on the dance floor instead with a new strategy. lost among the masses with the bass thrumming in your veins. here there would be no room for talk.
it only takes one song for you to feel him behind you. he doesn’t whisper sweet things in your ear. instead, his hands start at your hips, just a brush of touch to see how you react. when you don’t move away, he pulls you close and moves your hips in slow circles.
you’re immediately attracted to his confidence. in the way he guides your hand upward, instead of lower, encouraging your hand to grip at the short of his hair. the angle it provides is an open invitation for him to begin placing open mouthed kisses up the length of your neck. when he reaches your ear he pauses, and you hear the dark timber of his voice.
“i saw you turning away all those little boys earlier. what are you looking for, kitten?”
kitten. you shiver at the name.  main characters in novels always turned into a giddy mess over the pet name, losing themselves to the velvety whispered promises and underlying possession. the name brought more of a thrill than anything else; to know that he had been watching you in the distance.
you fight the urge to turn, wanting to stay in the moment for as long as you could. for some reason, like this, you think you could become the person he thinks you are. someone who knows what she wants and doesn’t accept anything less. back at the bar, men asked you too many questions and allowed the opportunity for your insecurities to bleed through.
like this, you only needed to admit one thing.
“i want you.”
its stupid and reckless. he could be a list of anything dangerous yet you advanced him to the top of the list. it was too early to tell but you hope he could be the one. then all of of the little details wouldn’t matter. you were here to lose your first time, not remember it.
you don’t expect him to use the grip on your hips to turn you, the sudden shift and lingering alcohol leaving you disoriented for a moment.
he was tall, though you had judged so from the reach it took to curl your fingers into his nape. the hair you had been blindly acquainted with turned out to be an unusual pale shade of pink. but it worked for him, and the interesting accompaniment of vermillion eyes. you were just starting to account the black lines of dark ink peeking from under his sleeve when his voice drew your attention back to his face.
his grin was telling. he wanted you to take him in because he knew you’d like what you saw. he doesn’t even need to ask. it was too early to tell if he was calling your bluff or enabling it.
he brings his mouth down to hover above yours, lips brushing as he speaks,”so your place or mine?”
this is what you needed, no thoughts beyond what your bodies could offer. this was the man who would take your virginity.
the first sign of hesitance you show is when offering your home. it was close enough to the campus and your neighbors would hear your scream if your ignorance turned out to be your undoing. he agrees, naturally, because why would he turn down a willing lay?
your fingers fumble quickly and shakily as you quickly text your friends that you’re bringing someone back. the answers vary from concern, to disbelief, to excitement and back to apprehension. ultimately, your roommates agree to leave the apartment to you for the night but vow to turn up first thing in the morning.
all the while, his hand is at the small of your back as he guides you towards the entrance. the icy cold air that hits you when you step outside is unkind to the thin sheen of sweat you’d accumulated. the price paid to look good rarely came cheap. the heat radiating from behind you was less of a comfort and more of a reminder as you shift from foot to foot in wait for a taxi.
“ names’ sukuna.”
it came as a jest rather than to inform. the way your eyes widen in realization proving that you’d skimmed over that step unintentionally. the men prior had offered it up without prompting as if it as their key trait in the introductions. while you’d grinded on this man for nearly two songs and hadn’t even thought to ask.
you stumble over your own name and his grin widens further.
he leans close enough for your visible breaths to mingle.
“you’re so fucking cute, kitten. i can’t wait to unwrap you.” 
and then he was kissing you senseless.
he tastes of whiskey and menthol, a savory smokiness that would be a lingering flavor for hours to come. there was a unique sense of excitement that came from kissing a stranger. the anxiousness blurred the lines between your thoughts and emotions. his tongue met yours and swept it into a fast, claiming pace.
just when your hands rose to find purchase on his shirt, the incoming headlights fanned against your joined bodies. sukuna, the apparent level-headed one, pulled away for you.
“don’t worry, we’ll have plenty to explore soon.”
sukuna surprisingly does not encroach on your space in the back of the taxi. his arm rests comfortably along the back of your seat, but his fingers don't chase the easy access to the back of your neck there. it makes you annoyingly anxious as your knee jumps in place. you refrain from looking at him in the corner of your eye already knowing what awaits you on his lips.
the remainder of the drive is short and uneventful.it takes less than ten minutes between the club and the arrival at your front door. you impress yourself with the lack of tremors as you fit your key into the door and welcome you into your home.
the light from the kitchen highlights only what you need to make it to your bedroom without injury. too many had happened before that became habitual prior to any night out.
there is a rattle in your spine as you carefully pull one shoe off than the other. its an action that you take your time with as you gather your thoughts. when you look back at him, he hasn’t wandered a step from the entrance, though his gaze travels where the light allows. at the feel of your gaze he cocks a brow,”i’m waiting on you kitten.”
this was happening.
you’d made it this far.
tilting your head, you lead him to your bedroom without another word. you’re thankful that your widow sits in view of the night sky, taking the place of any artificial light you might have to provide.
every muscle is as stiff as a board as you toss your shoes into a corner. your mouth opens to stupidly point out that this is your room.
sukuna laughs, because why wouldn’t he after learning the mysterious vixen not only had a name but was a timid little thing. still he didn’t cater to your anxiety nor did he allow it to slow his pace.
his arms flex as he reaches behind himself to pull at his shirt from the tag. you’d caught glimpses of his tattoos in the darkness of the club without really looking, but you haven't been able to connect the lines of a pseudo sleeve. the double bands circle both wrists and biceps with encompassing circles swirling around his shoulders. it was a simple yet uniform pattern. you could just see the beginning of another figure curing from behind his neck as well.
“i’m starting to think that i should just be flattered when you get quiet like that.”
his hand makes itself home again at your waist as he walks you backwards until the edge of your bed knocks against the back of your knees. sukuna keeps you from falling back while his fingers go to curl at the hem of your dress.
“it’s only fair,” he says in your ear, as if the removal of his shirt was any kind of equivalence.
he helps you along the way, or maybe makes it worse as he starts to kiss your neck. his hands slide along every new available inch of skin from your thighs to your navel. he shamelessly cups your bra, squeezing the mounds in appreciation.
sukuna pulls away to rid you of the dress entirely. before you can adjust to the loss, he leans back in to unhook your bra as an afterthought.
he grins when you immediately bring your arms over your exposed chest,”don’t be shy. this is what you wanted, right?”
you don’t miss the implied probe behind the tease. it's faint but it’s comforting to know he’s still seeking consent and it eases a bit of your anxiety.
it makes you pliant enough for him to cup the backs of your thighs and lie you back against the sheets. though the moment your bare skin comes in contact with the sheets with his broad form hovering over you, all the brief conviction shrivels up.
your hands curl into the bedding for leverage when his weight is suddenly there to ease you back down. his arms slip around you to anchor you in place, pinning you under the hard warmth of his chest. his lips meet your ear, tongue sliding along the shell,” these mixed signals are going to get old real quick, kitten. “
there is a warning there but you don’t know what exactly it alludes too. how could you when you’d invited a complete stranger into your home.
but sukuna seems to know what to look for, eyes carefully watching the way you shy away from his touch yet draw yourself back on your own. he’s attune to the push and pull, seeming to understand the paradoxical conundrum that you’d drug him into.
you can just barely catch the cut of his smile in the darkness,”are you a virgin, kitten?” he asks, voice light and cool.
the way his body is keeping you in place makes it impossible for you to curl in on yourself, your embarrassment left on display.
“oh baby, if you let me, i’ll take good care of you.”
and how could you not agree to that?
he swallows your affirmation, tongue pushing into your mouth and making you groan.
“ ‘m gonna make you feel so good.”
his hands slide between the apex of your thighs to cup you, digits gliding along your covered slit. two fingers from his other hand press against the aperture of your mouth with the single command to suck.
you only hesitate briefly, tongue flicking out to taste the salt from his fingers. his impatience grows in the moment, idly feeding you a few inches until your lips hollow to stop him before he can reach the back of your throat. it feels more like a sloppy mess than anything remotely sexy as you drool around him, sucking harder to contain the wetness.
but sukuna seems to eat up the attention, idly thrusting in and out when he can. “you’re such a good learner,” he praises with hoarseness.
a garbled squeak manages to leave you as the elastic of your panties is pulled from your hips. you can feel the stick trail connecting you to the fabric, but seeing it is a whole new wave of mortification.
sukuna is able to tug them down to your ankles before your legs can lock up. “don’t be shy. i love filthy girls like you.“ your nerves jump to attention when he presses his thumb against your throbbing clit. “i can work with this.”
you gasp, lips losing their grip on his fingers, as you press your head back against the pillow. heat rises in the low of your stomach, a sensation that you’d never been able to achieve on your own. he starts with a single digit, easily making its way through your passage with the slick provided. his fingers crook in search of an ideal angle, making a sound of encouraging praise when you keen and rock your hips down for more.
your lashes flutter with the effort of keeping them open as he manipulates friction against your sex.without warning, he adds a second finger in alongside the first,”kitten you have no idea how happy i am that you grinded back against me on that dance floor.” the introduction allows for a scissoring action as he tests the stretch of your walls.
you’re happy to have the flat to yourself as the next whimper shatters your coherency, snapping any restraint that you had on your volume. sukuna chuckles at your cry, flexing his touch to reach new depths.
“i really wanted to see what you could do with your mouth but i don’t think i can wait.”
he gives one last swipe against the tackly mess before he fumbles with his belt. you don’t get offended when he only drops his pants far enough to free his cock. its distracting enough watching him stroke himself idly to fullness. sukuna harbors no shame as he cants his hips, fucking into the tight circle of his fist.
he pulls his wet fingers from your lips and you swallow around the absence.
you’re immediately grateful when he pulls out a condom, uncaring when the empty foil packet gets lost on your floor.
sukuna can feel the tightness as he palms your hip and positions himself at the stretch of your entrance.
“don’t go getting all nervous on me. i went through such a great deal to prepare you for this.”
his hand slides past your naval to grip your breast, rolling the hardening peak with his thumb. the lack of attention they’d received thus far acts as enticing interference.
he still doesn’t go for the unanticipated approach, keeping you vaguely aware by running the head of his cock up and down your dripping cunt.
it’s still easier said than done as all the reddit and gossip forums come reeling back the the forefront. you hadn’t even thought to get a towel, what if there was a lot of blood- too much? should you have gotten painkillers ?
above you sukuna tsks and you jolt from the sharp pain of him cruelly pinching your nipple. when you go to protest, he merely gives you a look, holding your gaze while his head drops take the abused bud into his mouth.
when he gives a particularly hard suck you know what’s coming as his hips roll up against you.
he’s big. of course he’s big given that he’s your first and all that you’ve had prior to your own fingers are his. sukuna expresses a show of kindness that you weren’t expecting with the initial push, as he uses his grip to ease himself in slowly.
it still burns; the uncomfortable stretch as he drags the friction of his cock past the slick barrier. but its not thee sharp punch you were expecting even before the base meets your pelvis. your hand darts up to smack against the hard flat of his stomach to stop him there but the centimeters separating you were barely negligible.
his mouth pops off of your breast with a wet sound as you pant, squeezing experimentally around the width of him. it was more manageable than you were anticipating, and you adjust your hips in another trial. the movement pulls a sharp hiss from his lips and his fingers clamp down tighter at the curve of your waist.
his vermillion eyes are no longer slits of concentration, now blown wide to contain the depth of lust simmering there. there is a shudder a he holds himself back from fucking into you. “if you’re done playing, i’d like to fuck you now.”
instinct drives you to reach around him, nails gripping traction around his shoulder blades as he grates his hips. the motion starts the first thrusts of many as sukuna introduces you to the truest definition of fucking.
its gradual, the way he picks up speed, introducing each part of you to himself before overpowering the nerves with a firmer touch.you should be embarrassed by the broken sounds leaving your mouth, but you can hardly remember your own name let alone decency.
sukuna on the other hand, relishes in the way he fucks you stupid, taking each bite of your nail and shattered speech with pride. “you have the prettiest fucking mouth for a virgin.”
it was impossible to accept the praise with the way he was knocking the sense from you with each thrust. he made it feel so good. all of it. from the inclination to the way he filled you up.
he continues to slam inside, breathing barely affected by the effort of pulling you apart at the seams. god he just doesn’t shut up. and you don’t want him too. they way he can make you hang from each word. 
you don’t know how he can handle words with all the smugness oozing from is lips, “i know you wouldn’t know the difference. but they’re typically so quiet- biting their lip and shit as if they’d scare away their own orgasm.”
“but not you baby. you fucking speak to me.” its not the kind of praise you were expecting but you latch on to it anyway. his arm comes around your waist and brings you forward to pin against his frame.
you don't know what possesses you to do so, mayve its the new proximity,  but your hands cup his face and bring his lips to meet yours. sukuna doesn't fight the action but his attention is elsewhere as your head bobs with the effort of keeping your mouths attached. ultimately it's the sharpness of your teeth against his bottom lip that prompts him to participate.
his tongue shoves past your lips to twist with yours. then he angles his hips just so and you sob. its an epiphany for you but its exactly what sukuna was looking for as he aims there again, and again, abusing that little patch of tissue that makes you witness nirvana.
sukuna drops a hand between your bodies to pass a thumb over your clit. he smirks when you jolt, still managing a perfect enunciation of your name even as his hips lose rhythm.
“all i need you to do tonight is come. can you do that for me, kitten?”
and you can, even without his instruction as your legs come up to squeeze around him despite the tremors. hot pleasure radiates up your spine from the source, washing over you in waves as you spill around him. it feels incredible to finally be able to let go. fuck, you don’t know if anything else will be like this first time. but you’re damn sure not going to forget it anytime soon.
even as your body falls pliant, sukuna keeps the pace as he chases his own release. the beginnings of bruises protest at your hips as he pounds a fragment tempo until he stills. the groan he lets out nearly brings you to a second orgasm as the sound shakes your body.
you’re thankful that he has enough energy to unhinge your legs from his hips, laughing to himself at the little trembles they give off. the act of him leaving you is a strange sensation to describe. despite the beating it took, your cunt still tries to hold him in.
it naturally earns you a crass comment as he uses the edge of your comforter to wipe himself down,”kitten, i don’t think you could handle another round of me.” you don't want to think about where he tossed the condom, just hoping that it was within the vicinity of the trashcan. but that was something future you would have to worry about.
you don’t offer him a place to stay and he doesn’t give you the opportunity to do so.
present you was starting to learn a new type of soreness as you gathered your legs against your chest and bring the blankets around your body. there wasn’t much of a delay as sukuna got dressed, tracing back his steps easily to his discarded shirt and tucking himself away long the way.
when he looks back at you, you must look like a child snuggled away for the night.
his looks at you with silent consideration. it was finally time to conduct the awkward ‘thank yous’ before the two of you parted ways forever. but at least it wasn’t you taking the walk of shame. though you don’t think it will be sukuna either with the swagger still linger in his step. 
it’s the blatant admission that you weren’t expecting, “ i like you. so i’ll leave my number for another time.”
that is not how a one night stand should end.
sukuna assumes you can’t handle the basic technological skill of adding his contact to your phone and proceeds to write it instead on the planner board posted by the door. it’s written so big you can just make out the numbers from the bed.
“be sure to call when you think you can handle me at my best.”
you wait, listening for the front door to click shut in his departure before you fall back against your bed. you should really be changing the sheets but you cant bring yourself to do more than roll onto your side.
you did it.
finally experienced all the gossip and jazz everyone talked out. 
and now you could focus and get back on track.
without prompt, your gaze drifted over to the dry erase board. sukuna had completely disregarded the individual squares dedicated to different days and messily scrawled his information between two weeks. it was a direct representation of the chaotic energy he gave off.
you would just clean it up in the morning along with any other remnants of this night.
or perhaps you could save as a sort of emergency contact.
you’d just discovered a new source of therapy after all. 
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spidey-sophie · 4 years
Curiosity Bit the Cat | Tom Holland One-Shot
Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader
Warnings: meet cute, fluffy smut, public bathroom sex, hand kink (shocking), fingering (f receiving), sex with a 'stranger'
Summary: On the biggest Halloween party of the year you meet a mystery guy dressed as Spider-Man. You haven’t even seen his face, but somehow you just can’t get enough of him.
Word Count: 5.8k
Notes: Okay, so first of all, thank you everyone for your kind words after reading the teaser! Also, I can’t ever thank enough to my wonderful editors @worldoftom and @hypnotized-so-mesmerized ! Thank you for staying up all night, listening to me talking about it for daysss and making this fic as amazing as it is! Also, thank you to my lovely twin @rebekkah4766 for brainstorming with me and jumping in whenever I needed her to!
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It was your favorite holiday of the year. Halloween.
As a kid, you would look forward to it all year, excited to go trick or treating, collect loads of candy, and eat it with your friends. Now, you loved the holiday for a different reason. You still looked forward to Halloween months in advance, but not for trick or treating. Halloween gave you the chance to don a mask and transform. There’s something about those masks and the anonymity that they provide. Wearing a mask always set you free.
“Are you coming, Daenerys Targaryen?” your best friend called out from outside of the car, her voice pulling you out of your thoughts. She wasn’t completely wrong, you did reuse your old Daenerys blonde wig tonight, styling it differently to get your character’s famous platinum blonde hair just right.
“How many times have I told you, I’m Black Cat tonight!” you said, finally climbing out of the car.  As soon as you did, you started regretting your decision. Your leather costume was too tight. It did hug your figure in all the right places, but it was so uncomfortable to move with it on. The white fur around your wrists and neck wasn’t helping either.
“Oh yeah, I forgot how much of a nerd you are,” she said as she took your hand and started tugging you towards the entrance.
“Wait a second,” you said, pulling you and your friend to a stop to unzip the front piece of your costume. You had debated whether you should rock the famous Black Cat décolleté, and at the last moment you decided to go for it.
“Well, now we’re talking, come on!”
The loud beats and bass vibrations took over your senses as you entered the club, looking around in awe at the lights and decor. The place was crowded, full of people in various costumes, all of them wearing masks. You could barely recognize the rest of your friend group as they spotted you and waved you over.
“How did you manage to get us into this club?” you leaned over to ask your friend. This wasn’t a place you’d usually go out to. It was too luxurious for your taste. And for your wallet.
“I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy… don’t question it, enjoy it while you can!” Your friend said, gesturing afterwards that she was going to the distant table your friends were at. You nodded, deciding to push through the crowd to the bar to get you both some drinks first. 
There was one thing you needed to be able to fully let loose in the crowd - alcohol. You  made your way towards the bar and, after a while of squeezing your way through the crowd, you finally managed to get to the bartender. As soon as you finished ordering your drink, you heard someone laugh right next to you. 
Intrigued and liking the way the laugh sounded, you turned around. It was immediately clear why this mystery person had laughed.
There, right next to you, was a guy dressed as Spider-Man. You couldn’t help but smile at the coincidence.
“Never thought I’d see you here, Cat,” you heard an appealing, smooth voice coming from under the mask. 
“Back at ya, Spider. Thought you could only ever be spotted over the city's skyline.” You didn’t know exactly why, but you decided to play his game.
"Well, I heard a rumor a certain thief might be here and had to check it out."
You started to reply but lost your train of thought when the crowd jostled him closer to you, letting you see him better in the dim light. He was wearing a red and black version of the famous Spider-Man suit, with the mask fully covering his face. There was no skin in sight, but nearly every muscle of his was noticeable through the tight suit. Your eyes landed on his broad shoulders, and you couldn’t help but continue checking him out. Sure, you couldn’t see his face, but you could see plenty of his body and, for the moment, that was enough.
“Wow, after all these years, you’re still thirsty for me, Cat?” His voice startled you from your observations. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, Spider.” You looked back up and turned around to face the bartender who just came back with your drinks. "I was just passing the time."
“You two have the best couples costume I’ve seen so far,” the bartender said as he gave you two shots for you and your new friend.
“Thank you, but I don’t like to be associated with spiders,” you said, and could almost hear the guy next to you smiling at your quip. Just as you grabbed your drinks and started walking away from him, you felt his hand on yours, lightly squeezing it.
“Will I see you around?” he asked, almost whispering into your ear.
“Maybe. If you use your spidey senses to find me.” You winked at him and finally left to join your friends.
The rest of the night went by pretty quickly. You spent most of it either dancing with your friends or meeting some new people, but none of them caught your attention like the mystery Spider-Man did. You couldn’t explain it, but there was something about him that attracted you. You felt stupid that you hadn’t even see his face yet, but there you were, searching for him in the crowd while drinking and dancing. Yet he was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t mention your mystery man to your friends. The only thing you knew about him was that, judging by his accent, he was probably American, but that clue wasn’t enough for you to find him.
You eventually gave up on looking for him and focused on the night. With your friend’s hand in yours, you strutted towards the dance floor. The music was so loud, it was almost throbbing inside your body. Letting yourself sink into the feeling,  you started moving  to the rhythm. You could feel many eyes gazing at you, following your every move closely. But, you felt indifferent to their attention. Hand in hand, you were dancing with your friend, spinning each other around and having a blast dancing together to your favorite songs. She was there for a little bit, but then her hand left yours and she gestured to the bar, and you nodded, continuing to dance on your own. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this good, this free. You stayed dancing alone on the dance floor, most of your friends too drunk to join you or had already hooked up with someone, but you didn’t care. You just wanted to have fun. 
A few songs had passed when you felt someone only a few inches behind you. Curious to see if it was one of your friends or someone else, you started turning your head back but paused when you heard a familiar voice.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” 
His soft voice sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t believe you were so drawn to someone’s voice. Though you’d just met him a few hours ago, you’d missed hearing it. You smiled and finally turned your whole body to face him.
“What happened to those spidey senses of yours?” you said, stepping closer as his hands moved to rest on your elbows. You look down at his suggestion of proximity and surprisingly didn't feel uncomfortable with it. It felt… nice.
“Turns out they don’t mix well with alcohol," he said, "or maybe you were too skilled for them tonight. Where were you hiding?” The music was too loud so he had to be close to you in order for you to hear him. 
“See that Harley Quinn who keeps frantically waving at us? She’s at my table.”
“Oh, I see. I was at the complete opposite side of the club.” 
“You know, I almost approached the wrong Spider-Man,” you told him with a slight giggle, putting your hands around his neck as he drew you closer by the waist. The last thing you had wanted was for him to know you were looking for him, but somehow the alcohol made your mouth work faster than your brain. “There’s too many of you guys now anyways, I can’t keep track anymore.”
“Which one is your favourite?” he asked you.
“Oh, Miles. Definitely.” 
“Well, he’s one lucky guy then, to be your favourite,” he said, running his hands up and down your lower back. Your skin felt like it buzzed with prickles wherever he touched you, hands still resting on the back of his neck. Since you couldn’t see him, you tried to focus on other things apart from his face and eyes, such as his voice. It sounded very comforting to you, almost like you’d heard it somewhere before.
"But you come a close second, Parker," you said with a grin and a partial wink. He chuckled and shook his head. 
"You know," he said, moving one hand close to yours and starting to intertwine his fingers with yours. "You have quite an irresistible smile."
Transfixed by his flirt, you let him hold you like that, relaxing into him. And there you were, face to face. One of your hands was still on his neck, while he brought the other one to his chest, still holding on tightly. Even with his gloves on, you could feel how warm his hand was against your cold one.
“You do, too… I mean, not that I’ve seen… I meant the sound of it.” The embarrassment tingling through your body was unbearable, so you moved your hand from his neck to wipe a phantom drop of sweat from your brow. You felt stupid, but in a good way. In a way you haven’t felt ever since talking to your first childhood crush.
He laughed yet again. "Don't worry, kitten, I know what you meant."
Before you knew it, you were quickly wrapped around him from the warmth of his words.
You danced quietly for a bit, both of you moving your bodies out of sync with the music but in tune with each other. You’d become used to the silence between the two of you when he finally said, “I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.”
“And I liked talking to you,” you replied, gently caressing the back of his neck with your nails. 
“Maybe we can talk better if we go outside. If you want to?” he asked when the dance floor got too crowded, and the music got even louder. As close as you were, you could barely hear each other now.
“Yeah, that’d be nice. I just need to stop by the restroom first.”
“I’ll go with you.” He took your hand in his and led the way. That little gesture made your heart beat faster. However, once you were in front of the bathrooms, you saw the familiar long line you were hoping wouldn't be there.
“I can’t believe I’ll have to wait ages to pee,” you groaned.
“Wait, you can use this one, there’s no one else inside.” You saw him opening the door of the men's bathroom and gesturing to you with his hands to come inside.
“Are you sure it’s okay that we’re both here?” you asked him once you walked in.
“No, but we’ll see,” he laughed, and so did you.
You were done fairly quickly, but he seemed to still be in one of the stalls. You decided to sit on the sink counter, waiting for him to come out of the toilet. You looked around. The counter was fairly big, there were four sinks with a big mirror. On your left were urinals, the stalls on your right.
“How did you get out of that suit?” you asked, to kill some time while you were waiting for him.
“I have a zip at the back, darling.” You loved the way he used pet names for you, it made you smile and caught you off guard. “But I’m going to need your help to zip it back,” he said as he got out. His gloves were off, so now you could see his hands. They seemed soft and a bit bony. The thing that drew your attention the most were his fingers. They were really long, with a few veins popping on them. You watched him washing his hands and caught yourself imagining how those fingers would feel on your body.
“Can you even see in that thing? Can you breathe?” Once you realized you were staring way too much at his hands, you tried to change the subject.
“I can, and sadly not so much. Could you zip me up please?” You loved the way his fingers clenched the towel while he was drying them.
He got near you, right between your legs, facing the opposite direction. You saw a fair portion of his freckled skin through both sides of the zipper as it fell open till about half of his back. As you zipped him up, you could feel your heart pounding and your hands growing clammy with sweat. Especially when you looked up and caught sight of his curly brown hair peeking under his mask.
“All done,” you said nervously.
"Thanks," he said as he turned around to face you. You lifted your head and looked at him. Your eyes flicked over his face, trying to distinguish his facial features, but his mask hid them very well. You lingered on his nose jutting out through the spandex before taking in the details of his white lenses. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't see his eyes, though you could almost feel him studying you just as intently. Neither of you said a word, but the silence didn’t feel stifling at all. In fact, you couldn't help but smile at how calm you felt just sitting in front of him like you were.
"I thought cats had vertical pupils." His voice sounded lower than before. Sultrier.
"Don’t spiders have eight eyes? It's unfair that I can't see yours to find out."
"Well, they hold too many secrets, kitten." You smiled at his remark. He lifted his hand and put it on your arm. It felt like his touch was emitting fire on your already warm body. Your fingers were trailing from your thighs to your knees, searching for distraction but you wanted to put them back on his body so much that they were almost aching. 
"Your lips are fully human tho," he said while he traced little circles with his thumb on your forearm. "Can I kiss them?"
You noded shyly. You started removing  his mask, but just as you pulled it over his nose, he caught you by the wrists. He placed your fingers near his lips and kissed them.
“Look, I, um, I’ll need you to trust me right now. This is gonna sound odd, but do you mind if I keep my mask on? If it makes you uncomfortable in any way, we can stop. Say the word and we'll stop, alright?” he told you, and you nodded. You couldn’t explain why, but this idea excited you.
You took a closer look at the bottom half of his face. Well, as much as you could since the lights in the bathroom were too dim and red. They complimented his mask. Your heartbeat quickened, it felt like it was about to come out of your chest. You hoped he couldn’t feel it since he was so close to you. 
His jawline was the first thing you noticed. As you gently traced the strong path with your finger, you noticed his lips curving into a devilishly hot smirk. That’s when you decided that your best response  would be to kiss him.
You lightly brushed your lips on his. Excited but also a bit surprised that you had the courage to kiss him first. Just when you thought about parting your lips from his and apologizing for kissing him, you felt his hands on the small of your back, bringing you closer to him.
His tongue flicked at your lips and you finally parted them, letting out a small moan as you let him in. His hands tightened around your waist as he kept pulling you closer than you already were, like he never wanted to let you go. Instinctively you lifted your legs up and around his waist. The heat of his skin was seeping through the material of both of your costumes.
And he was kissing you so good. Somehow, it seemed like this mystery man knew just the way you liked being kissed, hard and slow. Your hands were on his neck, touching the only parts of his skin that were exposed for you. His skin was soft, and you could feel the way his neck muscles tensed while he was kissing you. Your hands started roaming his body, not breaking the kiss.
Just below his abs, you could trace the outline of his erection in his suit, and he kept pressing it into you. Soon he started slowly and lightly jerking his hips to meet yours, which was enough to make your whole body twitch, desperate for more. His hands had gone around to your ass, caressing it before squeezing it hard. You were desperately yearning for his touch that even though his action took you by surprise, you moaned into his mouth.
The kiss got hungrier than before. He nibbled on your bottom lip and after a while, started moving back slowly. You moaned once his lips were away from yours. In the heat of the moment, both of you forgot to breathe. He moved from your lips to your neck, his breath was hot and it sent shivers down your spine all the way down to your toes.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment I saw you.” He growled into your neck. His voice sounded even more familiar to you now, but you couldn’t focus on it, your mind turning hazy from the pressure of his lips. Just when you were about to ask him if you'd ever met, you heard someone coming into the bathroom.
You jerked away from each other, quickly reminded that you were still on the counter, at a public place. He pulled you by the hand, guiding you until you were both crammed into a bathroom stall.
His body was pressed flush into yours even though there was enough room in there. He was so close to you that you could feel him breathe. You focused on the way his muscles were tensing, on the way he smelled and on his paced breathing. Looking up, you kept your eyes on his plumped lips. They were puffy from all the kissing. You could hear the sink run as the person that came into the bathroom washed their hands and felt relief that soon you’d both be alone and wouldn't need to keep quiet anymore.
Once you heard the person leave, he captured your lips with his yet again, kissing you like you had all the time in the world, his tongue exploring your mouth like both of you could stay there forever.
Your hands went up to your mask and you tried to remove it, but he held them. “I still have mine on, it’s only fair if you keep yours on, too.”
You removed your hands from his and slid them down his arms instead.
“And, y’know, you look hotter with it on, too,” he added, his mouth shaping into a smirk.
It was captivating, but you wanted it gone, so you kept moving your hands until they reached his growing bulge. His skin tight costume couldn’t hide how excited he was. You started moving up and down, feeling him growing even more. You needed to use both of your hands to cup him completely, caressing and stroking him through the fabric. He thrust into your hands, grinding on them while he kissed every exposed piece of skin on your face and neck. His fingers worked his way to your back where he found the zip to your own costume. He pulled back from your neck.
“Is this okay?” he asked you as if he hadn't started to unzip you already. As soon as you nodded, he pulled the zip down to your bottom and started pulling it down your body. He squatted in front of you and peeled it slowly off your legs, leaving you in a lacy black underwear. He put your costume on top of the little countertop behind the toilet while still on his knees in front of you. Your underwear was soaking wet and you knew he could see it, feeling the brush of his finger on your clit. He gently kissed your clit through the fabric. You were yearning so much for him it was almost painful. To hell with him for choosing this moment to tease you.
He got up and slid his hand behind your back to unclasp your bra. You were overwhelmed but you wanted to see his body too. Just when he was about to start kissing your neck, you pushed him off of you and reached for the zip on his back. You knew very well where it was from having helped him before, so your fingers found the pull tab easily.
You started pulling his costume off his shoulders, feverishly tugging it down the rest of his body. The first thing you saw was his collar bones, you started moving down his abdomen. He was wearing white Calvin Klein boxers, which was nice and made you send him a cheeky look, but you wanted them gone anyway. You knelt in front of him, tugging every piece of clothing down to his ankles. Looking up, all he had left was the mask over the top of his head.
You ran your hands over his exposed abs, your nails lightly dragging over his smooth skin. He quivered and flexed, and led you to kiss  the mole right above his belly button. Just as you were about to start kissing his cock, he put his fingers on the nape of your neck and pulled you back up.
“If you do that now, I’m not going to last long,” he said in an accent that sounded different than before. It had an English touch to it, more pronounced.
Once you were standing, he bent down and pulled your hard nipple into his mouth, gently stroking the other one with his left hand. You moaned, digging your fingers into his back.
“I need you,” you panted.
“Oh do you now,” he growled into your collar bone, moving slowly back to your neck. He started sucking on your skin very hard while moving his right hand down into your soaked panties.
“Do you have a condom?” you asked him, struggling to catch your breath. His hand stopped right at the hem of your underwear.
“No… but wait a second.” He pulled away and slowly opened the bathroom stall door. You took a quick look, too. There it was, attached to the wall, one of those vending machines with condoms and toothbrushes, but both of you were naked and someone could come in any second.
"I got this," he said, pulling his boxers back up in a hurry, attempting to pull up his suit too, but ultimately leaving it half hurled around his knees. When he sneaked out of the stall, you peeked through the opened doors and saw him trying to walk as fast as he could. It was nearly comical, but you contained your chuckles for the sake of the moment.
Soon after, he was on his way back to you, sporting a grin, but the bathroom door opened and you could hear at least two guys chatting animatedly on their way in.
You cussed to yourself, but he was less smooth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he mouthed repeatedly, audibly too, until you were able to reach out and pull him back in by an arm. Just in time because you could still hear a boyish 'woaaaah' coming from outside even before the door was locked.
"Get it Spidey!" a voice said, and immediately you both started laughing and shushing each other at the same time. You almost didn't want to because his laugh was  the cutest sound you'd heard in a while. 
“Sorr…” you started, but he put his finger over your lips to silence you. Still there was no way to stop your wide smiles, even though you had pretty much been walked in on.
You moved your eyes to his chest in an effort to stop smiling, and noticed him breathing heavily. Unsure if he was struggling to hold back more laughter or high on the adrenaline, you decided to give him something else to focus on. His finger was still on your lips which made it easy to part them and start sucking on it, keeping your eyes focused on his face. His smile instantly faded, his mouth hanging open while he sucked in a sharp inhale.
Satisfied at his reaction and wanting more, you used your hands to maneuver his middle finger into your mouth as well, grabbing his wrist to suck on both fingers hard. You could see his lips dancing around the word 'fuck' and glanced into the white eye-shaped lenses, daring him to stare back at you from behind the mask. It felt weird yet captivating to not be able to see into his eyes.
As soon as the restroom door banged closed again, he removed his fingers from your mouth and you let out a small whiny moan. His hand snaked into your underwear, its motion heightened by the kisses he littered on your neck, all the way down to your breasts. He pinned you to the wall with his shoulders, sucking on the soft skin right under your collar bones. You moaned softly under his ear as he slowly worked his way around your pussy and clit, cupping it with his fingers, rubbing it with his whole palm.
He slowly put one finger inside of you while his lips were all over your neck and breasts. Once his finger was fully inside of you, you started moaning a bit louder. He had to kiss you to keep you quiet. His tongue was teasing your lips, waiting for you to let him in. At the same time as his tongue entered your mouth, he put his other finger inside of you and started curling them. The kiss was urgent and sloppy, like your whole life depended on it.
The tension in your lower abdomen started building up. Whether it was the adrenaline rush from the risky location, the fact that he was so mysterious that he wouldn't even let you look him in the eye, or simply his skilled fingers and mouth, you didn’t know. But the truth was that you hadn’t been this wet in a while. You weren’t even kissing him now, just breathing into his mouth. Your hands were around his neck and you could feel the ends of his hair within reach of your fingers. Your lips left his and you started moaning into his neck, feeling him shiver from the warmth of your breath. 
Your lower back was still pressed against the cold bathroom wall, thrusting hard into his fingers as you started clenching around them. You started mouthing his shoulder to control your moans and to keep yourself from slipping down.
“I’m so close,” you whispered into his shoulder, kissing and biting into it while your hips bucked hard onto his fingers. He was working you up with his middle and ring fingers, his palm on your clit providing you with more stimuli. They were curling inside of you, hitting just the right spot. You could feel the pure pleasure building inside of you and let out a loud moan when it finally approached.
This time he didn’t try to shut you up, smirking instead as you came down from your high. Your hands instinctively went to his throbbing cock, the need to erase that smirk from his face overcoming your exhaustion You pulled the foreskin over his head and started jerking him off, watching as his lips parted and let out a soft moan. You smeared the precum of his tip and brought your fingers back to your mouth, humming around the taste.
“Turn around,” he told you and you knew exactly what to do. Turning around, you put your hands on the bathroom door and leant against it. You heard  him ripping off a condom with his teeth while he rubbed  your clit with one hand. 
He teased your entrance with his cock, spreading your wetness all over him. He pushed  inside of you slowly, making both of you moan. You gasped when his hands reached and squeezed your hips. They were all over you, moving from your hips to your ass cheeks and then finally to your stomach, leaving goosebumps behind in their wake
One of his hands finally slipped back onto your swollen clit. He started rubbing circles around it, while  pushing into you  with only his tip. 
“Are you close?”
His words were distracting, but when you tried to answer, he filled you up completely and your mind went blank. Your only response was a loud moan, you didn’t even care if there was anyone outside of your stall who could hear you.
You felt your arms beginning to ache, shaking a bit from the effort of keeping yourself in position while he pounded into you.  
“Can you please hold me?” you whispered through your moans, and he did with a hum. He moved his  hand from your ass to your stomach, holding you tight, pressed onto him. His breathing intensified, matching yours.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” you finally said as you felt your body melting into his.
“I got you, I got you,” he moaned breathily, not stopping his movements. He fucked you until it was too much for the both of you. You came when his hand found your nipple, the pleasure it caused setting you ablaze. Then you felt him tremble behind you, hips erratic from chasing his high. Your hands were shaking and his hands on your body were the only things keeping you from falling. Even after he was finished, he couldn’t stop grunting while rocking his hips slowly back and forth, still not ready to pull out and to stop this magnificent feeling for both of you.
When he finally pulled out, you needed a few moments to collect yourself. You struggled  to stand still, bracing yourself with one arm on the door. Once you turned around, he grabbed the sides of your face and kissed you hard.
“Fucking hell, this was something else,” he said while his hands were still on your face and his head was resting on yours. You stayed like that for a few moments, and you could feel his hot breath all over your face. When he moved away from you, he got rid of the condom while you took some toilet paper to clean yourself up. A smile bloomed on your face while you took your suit and started dressing up. You couldn’t believe what you had just done, but it felt so good. Your eyes went straight to him and to the way his muscles shifted while he was dressing himself. He turned around for you to zip him back up. You left a little kiss on his back and you could feel him smiling.
“Thank you, kitten,” he said, sounding more American again, using his Peter Parker voice.
“You’re welcome, Spider.”
But as he moved to help you, it hit you that a few moments ago his voice sounded a bit different and his accent definitely had an English lilt. “Can I ask you something?” you asked him while he zipped your suit up.
“Sure. But let’s get out of here first.” You turned around and he pressed his lips lightly into yours while your heart was pounding furiously. The kiss was gentle and sweet, you never wanted this to end.
But it had to. He broke the kiss but moved his hand up to your cheek. His thumb was caressing your lips, almost like he wanted to savor this moment. He smiled before he put his mask back on. You took one last look at the bottom half of his face. And maybe you were out of it, maybe the leftover alcohol was playing tricks on your mind, but you were now almost completely sure from where you recognized his voice and his smile. You needed to ask him. He couldn’t be who you thought he was.
Luckily, the bathroom was empty so you had no trouble getting out of it. Just like when you first came in here, he was holding your hand and leading the way. As you got out of the bathroom, you were blinded by the lights and startled by the loud music. It was hard to believe that you had been in the same building this entire time, the bathroom seemed like it was its own bubble. You stood there with him for a few moments, as you both tried to figure out the best way to get away from the crowd when someone dressed as Batman appeared in front of you.
“Tom, mate, we’ve been looking everywhere for you. We’re outside, ready to leave.” You felt your heart sink into your stomach. No. It couldn’t be.
“Right, mate, I’ll be there in a second,” he answered him in that same accent he had while he was having sex with you.
“I’ll use my spidey senses to find you,” he whispered in your ear. His American accent was back on. You didn’t know anyone who could switch accents  this effortlessly except for the person you thought he was. You were too shocked to respond to him. You just stood there watching him with your eyebrows slightly raised while he showed you a peace sign and left.
Once he was gone, you mechanically walked towards the table your friends had been at. Yet, as you tried to find them, only one thought was on your mind. And you still couldn’t believe it. 
Did you just have sex with Tom Holland?
taglist: @duskholland @perspectiveparker @whattheheckparker @thefallenbibliophilequote
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