#I would prefer to talk to fellow fans of the book but I will also talk to those who haven’t read it like.
Pt III good omens but i STILL SOMEHOW haven't watched it (and i'm increasingly passive aggressive)
i'm now basically held hostage adopted as mascot by this fandom. it's fine i'm fine *SIGNALS FOR HELP DESPERATELY*
Alright fuckers I swear this time I'm going to get some shit right. Without further ado, here's my third attempt at a good omens summary:
Everything everywhere is queer all at once
Angel Aziraphale and demon Crowley on earth likey each other
The car is a bentley and it is BLACK not silver and everyone is very upset about this. my bad yall it was reflecting light therefore i guessed more silver than black but I'm not Anish Kapoor take your black.
Then it is yellow, and aziraphale likes it. crowley preferred the black because he's a flamboyant emo.
God is a deadbeat absentee parent and you are all children of divorce.
There's a naked archangel and they cause problems for the husbands somehow. By being naked? By being an archangel? By being at their doorstep? Who knows not me
They were actually married for 6000 years, they just are the last to know about it.
Crowley is on fire. Like, he's slaying for sure, but also he is literally on fire, like Aziraphale's bookstore.
The actors like I said before are Michael Sheen and David Tennant but this is the place where I finally admit that I don't actually know who is whom. I'm going to assume Michael is Aziraphale because Michael sounds angel-y and David is Crowley because uh Michaelangelo made David and was gay for him.
Terry Pratchett is not fictional.
He co-wrote the book with @neil-gaiman, who IS fictional, because he does not have social media. Several of you have assured me that he is in fact a fandom inside joke. I like to think he would be proud of me.
They adopt a preteen and Crowley gives him bad advice.
At some point a baby was delivered to someone and was exchanged for the son of Satan. Idk if the baby is the preteen, or the son of satan is the preteen, or neither. This could be a fanfic, I have no way of differentiating the fanfic from canon on tumblr, except that the canon is weirder.
Crowley does not go down a chute. He goes down a telephone cord after making himself microscopic to pole dance on a pin with shroom-induced backgrounds.
During this his stage name is Disco Tony. Get it king go slay you're making better life choices than I am tbh.
Aziraphale is a biblically accurate angel, and you have all gone to extensive lengths to prove this to me. I understood nothing, but there you go.
It's all very queer, just like the fandom.
Crowley is a retired demon but he still sins by breaking the speed limit.
They eat at fancy restaurants and bicker but like in a sexual undercurrent way.
Crowley gives Aziraphale a private dance that is not a lap dance, it is an apology dance, but not in a kinky way, until it is.
Their haircuts keep changing and range from 'this is acceptable and gay' to 'i let a drunk chimpanzee take gardening shears and a blowtorch to my hair'
It's all ineffably queer my good fellows
Everyone keeps trying to convince me Neil Gaiman is the villain yeah no guys I know it's really you. Y'all be like 'SEASON TWO BROKE ME' and then you're making headcanons to make it sadder yeah I see you mmhm.
There is a final fifteen. It is sad. What is it? No one told me.
The demon turns goats into crows and the angel turns them back and then children are turned into newts (does the angel turn them back? who cares not yall) and the demon was the snake in the Eden garden and everyone's furry game seems to be on point.
There are a rather lot of children. I have not seen them. But I am assured they are there. They are, guys. I assume they were turned into the alcohol Aziraphale and Crowley drink or something.
There was an apocalypse plotline. It was averted. It is not important. You don't talk about plotlines in this fandom, no sir.
Crowley doesn't want to go to heaven. Aziraphale is sad.
The kiss is not nice, just like this fandom. It is queer, just like this fandom. It is sad and desperate and masochistic, just like this fandom.
Aziraphale doesn't want to stay back with Crowley. Crowley is sad.
Season 2 ends. Fandom is sad.
Everyone's sanity is hinging on the promise of a happy ending in season 3. Good luck guys.
Y'all better appreciate this. I can't even boast to my mother about this legacy of mine, hey mum your son has been held hostage kidnapped inducted into a cult adopted by a fandom he's not part of look he's winning at life.
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banana-breaded · 1 year
Bryce Lawrence was an excellent plot device
both in how he represented the failings of the Twelfth Legion and how he presented Nico with a clear enemy in "HoO".
Starting with the latter, Bryce pursued Nico and co. in order to find Reyna and bring her back to the Romans to be unjustly tried and convicted. For what? He didn't know. Not until he overheard her confiding her darkest secret into Nico. Upon hearing this information he scorns Reyna for her past, for something that wasn't her fault or even bad, and promises that she will feel pain and shame when he informs everyone of it.
Quoting directly, Bryce says, "I can't wait until your little secret comes out."
This sentiment is then repeated in italics, serving to represent Nico's thoughts (since it's in his point of view) and how he therefore zeroed in on this statement. He did so because of his outrage for how his friend (!) was being treated, yes, but also because of how the statement mirrored his greatest fear.
Nico was petrified of his own secret being revealed, and being presented with a callous, cruel person who would obviously not accept him and instead revel in his despair was, as seen in the book, a switch being flipped for him. It's mentioned that whenever Nico felt like someone was judging him, he'd usually push them away by yelling at them. This means his typical response was one of anger, and in this case the anger was entirely justified.
Nico was tired of lurking in shadows, tired of fading away. Symbolically, he felt as if he couldn't be himself, not in broad daylight, in the view of others. He was tired of hate and grief welling up inside of him and not having an outlet, having someone to talk to because of his inner turmoil (though he was getting there with Reyna).
In that way, I think him disposing of Bryce was a release. To do so, he revealed all of his secrets, all of his darker emotions (which was most of them) and completely eviscerated a target, a clear enemy, in the process. I think that how easily this was done also serves to show that Bryce is nowhere near strong enough to endure what Nico has.
He did this not only to protect his friends, but to stand up for himself. Murder is usually not a condone-able thing, but since Bryce was explicitly portrayed as an unrepentant killer who delighted in harming and slaying innocents even if it meant ending the world, we can give Nico a pass on this one.
On a side note, I actually think Nico's way of getting rid of him, albeit dark, was merciful. Bryce was transformed into a nameless, voiceless, presumably personality-less spirit. This indicates that he probably ended up in Asphodel rather than the Fields of Punishment, where he was undoubtedly going otherwise. Personally, I think an eternity of nothingness is preferable over an eternity of excruciating pain, so Bryce got off easy.
And to address that first initial point, I think it's incredible that for all of the rules and structure of Camp Jupiter, they still manage to fail on so many fronts. Like in the case of how easy it was for a corrupt Apollo legacy to seize power, for one, and how that same legacy would be able to impale a fellow camper and get away with it.
No wonder Octavian took such a liking to Bryce.
Another failure would be how they decided that, rather than trying to detain or reform a murderer, it would be better just to unleash him onto an unsuspecting world of mortals. "Not our problem now, even though this unstable and cruel person who is more powerful than the average citizen, and who has a history of killing things, is now allowed to rampage without being monitored." Wouldn't you know, he ended up being a problem for the good guys (and likely committed several atrocities in the period in which he was left unchecked). Who woulda thunk it?
Needless to say, Nico's story has always been the most emotionally charged, the most filled with symbolism and growth, and the least fun for a character to experience*. No wonder he's such a fan favorite.
*seriously, everyone else had several wacky, zany adventures along side a large group of close friends, and the silliest things that ever happened to him up to this point were being turned into corn (not pleasant) and wearing funky shirts, and in the first scenario the people with him didn't even really want to be near him. and of course, he went through an ordeal, so yeah, not fun.
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literallyjusttoa · 9 months
Firstly I’d like to say that your art is SO GOOD!!! I love how you draw Lester (who is a comfort character to me) I’ve been a Percy Jackson fan for YEARS and I’ve always thought that the Trials of Apollo series was SEVERELY underrated. I have the audiobooks and all the novels (some in more shambles than others due to how long I’ve had them) but I love how there is a small fan base for the series still going strong even after the series is over.
I’d like to ask you a question: Do you think we will ever get a Trials of Apollo TV series? And I’d also like to ask if you have any fancasts for Apollo?
I am so late on this BUT the Pjo TV show just came out so this feels rly relevant.
First of all thank you! I'm glad you like my art as a fellow Lester enjoyer! When it comes to a ToA TV series, I'm not really sure? I think if the Pjo show gets popular enough (which like, from the reaction to the first two episodes I'm gonna say it will) Talks about adapting the rest of the books would be inevitable. But TV is a notoriously unpredictable business, and it's especially shaky right now. A series being able to survive long enough to get to what would end up being the 10th-15th seasons is incredibly rare. So like, I'm really not banking on it, but if it does happen I'll be pleasantly surprised!
As for fancasts, I haven't put too much thought into it, but I think I would want the person cast for Apollo to have some sort of experience in musical theatre, bc like, Apollo is a theatre kid lol. Obviously they need to be able to sing, and I'd want them to be very physically dramatic? Like, not goofy, but I want them to be big on screen, if that makes sense. I really don't have any preferences when it comes to looks, bc with these sort of things I'd much rather an actor that can accurately portray the character than one that just "looks" like Apollo (plus Apollo can look like anything lol). All of this rambling is to distract you from the fact that I'm not naming any actors bc I genuinely suck at remembering actors and the things they've been in haha whoops.
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my-pjo-stuff · 12 days
hello there! as a fellow luke castellan defender, i would like to thank you for showing the ignorant pjo fans the obvious.
my question to u, however, is: what is your opinion on the movie!luke and the show!luke portrayals?? which do you think is more accurate, per say?
Lmao no need! I do what I can XD I talked abt show Luke a couple times now, so bare with me if I keep myself a bit short on him.
I think he's the best part of the show and was done REALLY well! I even enjoy his "betrayal scene" in the show more than in the book ngl. I think you can really see the core of his character in the show- that being a scarred and hurt kid who was manipulated trying to do the right thing. Charlie did and excellent job portraying him, especially the emotions and the watery eyes during the betrayal were GREAT. The only thing I could even mildly have an issue with is the fact that show!Luke has black hair/brown eyes and not the book blond hair/blue eyes. But that's mostly because I generally prefer stuff to be accurate to the source material, and it's something I can easily overlook and be okay with if the adaption is still good overall. So yeah, love show!Luke so far. As for movie Luke....eh? Like, he isn't the worst. But he certainly isn't something I like???? To be quite honest- I think Jake Abel did a good job at playing the character! And movie!Luke certainly has his charms- I just don't really think he works as book!Luke. He's too goofy- if you get what I mean. In the beginning he isn't the caring older brother he's supposed to be- he's more silly cousin who get's into trouble with you. An integral part of Luke's character, in my opinion, really is that the guy is genuinely caring. He looks after younger kids! He excels as managing people around him and putting them at-ease. He cares about those around him to a great extend. It's important because that care is a core motivation of his character! he's angry, and hurt and easy to manipulate by Kronos because of his care for other people, and the way they suffer due to the gods. I think that is missing from movie!Luke. I also think his character is just...weird. Like, the SOM movie just ruined him. Because wdym he didn't have an established allyship with Kronos before reviving him!? Him being manipulated and just genuinely abused by Kronos is a HUGE thing! It also sort of ruins his reasons for staling the Master Bolt in TLT. All around Luke just looks like an idiot in the movies. I think he as a character would have been much better if he was a stand-alone original. And not the adaptation of book!Luke, because he did have potential! I have also heard that Luke is a very obvious traitor in the movies from other people as opposed to the books which- honestly idk? Like I don't think I can accurately judge how much a shock him turning bad was in the movies as I knew what was coming already. What I can say is that the scene itself loses all emotional momentum for me though, as Luke hasn't been NEARLY as well established and shown to be likable as he did in canon. Some of his lines are funny af tho.
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leoisgayforwriting · 8 months
【Promise To The Moon】
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏𝟒𝟑𝟗
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞- 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟏𝟖!!! 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨, 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝟏𝟕! @diorlumx @n3r0-1417
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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟑𝟎𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟎:𝟑𝟎 𝐀𝐌.
In a cozy corner of the local cafe, amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of fellow students, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri gathered around a small table, notebooks and planners sprawled out before them. The ambiance was filled with an air of youthful excitement as they brainstormed ideas for Katsu Yamamoto's upcoming birthday celebration.
"Okay, so we all agree on doing something fun and memorable for Katsu, right?" Satoru, ever the lively spirit, began, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Suguru, thoughtful and calculated, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Considering Katsu's interests, I think an arcade party would be perfect. It's casual, fun, and right up his alley."
Shoko, with her organized demeanor, flipped open a planner. "That's a great idea, Suguru. We can book a section of the arcade, maybe even get some group discounts. We'll need to send out invitations and plan some activities."
Satoru grinned, clearly excited about the concept. "Imagine Katsu's face when he walks in and sees all of us ready to challenge him in his favorite games! We can have tournaments, prizes, the whole nine yards."
Suguru leaned back, his mind already working on the logistics. "We can coordinate a schedule for the tournaments, ensure everyone gets a chance to play their favorite games, and maybe even have a dedicated area for snacks and cake."
Shoko jotted down notes, her practical nature ensuring that no detail was overlooked. "For decorations, we shouldn’t have to worry about that since he isn’t a fan of decorations."
Last year's decorations were a nightmare.
Satoru's eyes sparkled with excitement. "And we can't forget about the cake! It has to be epic. Maybe shaped like a game controller or adorned with symbols from his favorite arcade games."
“Maybe not…”
“You guys are no fun..”
As the planning session continued, the trio delved into the specifics — from sending out invitations to organizing transportation and ensuring everyone had a role in making Katsu's birthday a memorable one. They discussed games, prizes, food arrangements, and logistics, each contributing ideas and suggestions to create the perfect arcade-themed celebration.
Shoko emphasized the importance of ensuring Katsu felt special, surrounded by friends who cared about him. "Let's make sure he knows how much we appreciate him. Birthdays are not just about fun and games but also about celebrating the people we care about."
None of them knew Katsu’s parents, which was for the best since their friend always talked poorly about all of his family members. They just knew to not invite any of his family members.
Satoru and Suguru nodded in agreement, a shared determination uniting them in their mission. "Absolutely," Satoru affirmed, "Katsu's always been there for us, and now it's our turn to show him how much he means to all of us."
The small woman thought about gifts for their friend, “What would we get for gifts?” she asked. “We know he doesn’t like big expensive gifts…Satoru.”
The white haired male had his hands up in defense as he pouted when the two friends looked at him since he always went crazy with gifts for them. “I’m sorry I like spoiling you guys!” He defended himself. “It makes me happy when you guys are happy with what I get you.”
Suguru chuckled, his enigmatic smile hinting at a well-established dynamic. "Satoru, no one's complaining about being spoiled. We appreciate your generosity."
Shoko chimed in with a warm smile. "It's true. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to us. But for Katsu's birthday, maybe we can focus on something that aligns with his interests and preferences."
Satoru feigned a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart. "Are you telling me not everyone dreams of receiving a dozen extravagant gifts at once? Well, I never!"
“Katsu prefers our presence over presents.”
“Well, he can have both.”
The teasing continued, each friend contributing to the lighthearted exchange. Despite the banter, there was an underlying understanding that their bond went beyond material gifts. The true essence of their friendship lay in the shared moments, laughter, and support they offered each other.
Satoru turned his head over to Kento and Haibara, who were sitting at a table doing some homework. “You both are coming to Katsu’s party right?”
Kento was about to reject the offer yet his friend cut him off before he could speak.
“Yeah! We will be there, just text us where and when to arrive.”
With a plan in place and excitement in the air, the trio finalized their arrangements, eager to bring their vision to life. The arcade birthday party promised not only a day filled with laughter, challenges, and camaraderie but also a heartfelt celebration of friendship, marking another memorable year in the life of their dear friend.
Everybody in the room was acting like nothing was talked about once Katsu had actually entered the room and sat with the group.
Satoru, with his characteristic grin, leaned against the table, arms folded as he surveyed the array of party supplies. "I bet you twenty yen that Katsu's favorite gift will be the one I got him," he declared, his confidence bordering on cockiness.
Suguru, ever the strategist, arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, really? And what makes you so sure that your gift will be the standout hit of the party?" he countered, a sly twinkle in his eyes.
Satoru's grin widened. "Because I have an impeccable sense of what Katsu likes," he boasted, his voice brimming with self-assurance. "Besides, my gifts always have that extra touch of flair that he can't resist."
Suguru chuckled, a knowing gleam in his gaze. "We'll see about that," he replied, his tone tinged with playful challenge. "But if by some miracle your gift doesn't win him over, you owe me dinner at that new ramen place you've been raving about."
Satoru's eyes lit up at the prospect of the wager. "Deal!" he exclaimed, extending his hand to seal the agreement. "But don't get too comfortable, Suguru. I have a feeling you'll be treating me to dinner."
Shoko rolled her eyes at the two of them making a bet like this. It wasn’t new but still.
The trio came up with some lame excuse when they were questioned on why they were nervous.
They were glad when the green haired boy didn’t question them anymore.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟐:𝟎𝟎 𝐩𝐦
The soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room where Katsu lay, still immersed in the realm of dreams. As he gradually stirred from his slumber, the muffled sounds of hushed whispers and the rustle of paper reached his ears.
Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko had gathered in a conspiratorial huddle, their expressions animated with excitement. 
As Katsu opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of his friends, each wearing a grin that betrayed their eagerness to celebrate. Satoru, the irrepressible whirlwind of energy, was the first to notice Katsu's awakening.
"Good morning, birthday boy!" Satoru announced with a boisterous cheer, his enthusiasm infectious. The white haired boy wrapped his arms around the green haired boy. "Rise and shine, it's time to kick off the celebration!"
Suguru, with his characteristic smirk, joined in. "Happy birthday, Katsu. Ready for a day filled with surprises and fun?"
Shoko, the voice of reason in the trio, added her warm wishes. "Happy birthday, Katsu. We hope this day brings you joy and everything you wish for."
The room seemed to come alive with the promise of festivities. Balloons adorned the walls, and a banner proudly proclaimed, "Happy Birthday, Katsu!" The presents beckoned with tantalizing mystery, and a cake with flickering candles awaited its moment of illumination.
As Katsu absorbed the warmth of their greetings, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the friends who had become an integral part of his life. The bond they shared transcended the ordinary, and birthdays were not just about cake and gifts but about the shared moments and camaraderie that made each celebration memorable.
With the day ahead promising surprises, laughter, and cherished memories, Katsu embraced the joyous atmosphere, grateful for the friendships that made his birthdays truly special.
Tears had formed in the green haired boy’s eyes as he wiped his tears before he pulled his friends into a hug.
Memories had long been gone since the last time his birthday was celebrated yet his friends were something that always seemed to make him happy. “Thank you….” he mumbled as he smiled at them which made the three feel relieved he wasn’t pushing them away. 
Today was only going to bring joy.
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sheyri · 1 month
Fellow Enderal and/or Dreams of the Dying fans
For the last two years I organised a little fan meeting at book fair in Leipzig, Germany. Last year including Nico, this year he couldn't make it, next year he wants to be there again.
The next one will be 27th to 30th March 2025.
If you're interested and able to attend, please let me know!
We met on Saturday so far, but that's also the most crowded day. If most people would prefer another day, that's fine. At least a few of us will be there every day anyway. We speak German and/or English and can translate if necessary, so no worries about language. Also no worries if you're socially awkward or shy or anything. You'll fit right in, we're all completely normal and sane there. And we already have one common interest to talk about.
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nervousladytraveler · 5 months
On Poldark tv series, the writer really diminished Ross' relationship with his kids. In the books he is an attentive loving father, but in the show he cared for GC but was almost indifferent to his children. Why? Why couldn't they have had some nice scenes of them talking or interacting on the farm or with the animals, at bedtime etc. They had time for GC and Val scenes. Seemed Dem was bringing them up herself. Didn't like how they portrayed him as a father. Your thoughts.
Thanks @anonymous for the ask! 
On the one hand, I’ve heard it is really hard to work with little kids (and animals) on sets, so I suppose giving the Poldark kiddies lines and significant action in scenes would be a stretch. I also heard the little fellow who played Jeremy in S2 was…well, he was a toddler, and probably acted like one, so he was a bit tricky to work with. And I also heard that Jeremy in S3 was a real sweetheart to work with, but had a really strong Welsh accent so they didn’t give him lines? (If any of this is not true please correct me. I can't refer to my sources because this was hearsay from like 5 years ago). So I understand those filming restraints. Also, the scenes we did have with Ross and his babies were super cute (I’m thinking of S3 and 4). But there were just so few! Ross holds Jeremy like twice in all of S2 so in S3 when he makes eye contact with Jeremy or holds his hand, we feel it is such a great development.
And yet there was much more screen time for Ross and wee Val (and earlier for GC) and it's the contrast that gets my goat. So to answer your question of why, my guess is the showrunners who really liked the Ross/Elizabeth story (and its aftermath) chose drama over domestic fluff, but that fluff is what we fans might prefer. 
Winston Graham wrote loads of little bits about the kids (also about the pets) that lent so much color to the story. These scenes gave the kids character, showed what kinds of parents Ross and Demelza were, and demonstrated that WG understood what it means to be a parent--kids don’t just fade conveniently to the background just because the adults are having big feelings. In the stocking (garters) scene in Warleggan, Jeremy is there, in the room, running around in a new hat while R & D are having their intimate moment! WG’s kids were flesh and blood, not window dressing. They get silly and tired and eat too many treats at Christmas parties. I love that on occasion, the kids start crying because Demelza is crying and that upsets them (Jeremy in Warleggan and Clowance in the Four Swans).
But back to the series…my personal favorite Jeremy and Clowance (actors) were from the second half of S4. They both had such charming tangles of curly hair and exuded so much joy in their surroundings. So if it appeared that Demelza was raising them herself, she at least seemed to be doing a good job.
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It's been like almost a full week since episode 8 came out and WOW. Just WOW.
The fight with Ares was exactly how I imagined it as a child and more. The way Percy immediately got his ass headed to him only to go full Moana perfection. Also the actor for Ares is a former WWE wrestler, so when Percy is like I wanna fight i'm like boy he will break your skull.
Alecto maybe a bitch but she's one of the cool ones and possibly in my top ten of antagonists who aren't really antagonists they just have different morals.
Did I cry when Annabeth gave Percy her necklace? Yes. They quoted the scene of her giving it to him, word for word.
Luke teaching Percy to sword fight and give him advice was so cute only to be riped to shreds at the climax, but we'll get there.
Olympus looks like something out of a video game and to be honest, I don't really like it that much because it doesn't really give me this is the land of the gods. It looks gorgeous, but not something i'd for this show. I personally prefer the one for the movie. I know sue me, but it gave more of what ancient Greece would have actually looked like. One of three things the movie did right. BUT the throne room spot on ten out of ten.
Also Zeus just chilling in his throne waiting for Percy, beautiful. The actors whole demeanor while playing Zeus is so intemanating yet ignorant. This maybe one my favorite irradiation of Zeus. But the way Poseidon protected Percy from Zeus AND surrendered to Zeus for his son, someone just one the Best godly parent of the year award. This meeting or reunion of Percy and Poseidon was too perfecto. Percy calling Poseidon dad in ANCIENT GREEK no less. Also the way how Poseidon holds him self while talking to Percy you can see the pain, fearfullness, and proudness all in the actors face. The cast in this is so good. You can also see how Poseidon just wants to scoop Percy up in a hug and protect him. Why does this show play with my heart strings.
The batrayal is prefect. With everything to Percy's realization in the way Luke looks at Annabeth when she reveals herself. This is better then using the scorpion because it adds more emotional depth and you can feel just the pain coming from Luke. Also when Percy was like we met your father and Luke just snapped. I got chills but also laughed out loud because if Lin was my father i'd have issues too.
I bawled when the trip split up at the end, all of them have grown so much. Also Annabeth going to Disney World, you know that's the photo the Percy will have in his notebook, guaranteed. Also Grover's searcher license being a flower is too adorable.
The reunion between Sally and Percy also destroyed me. It was all the emotions. As I said before this show is phenomenal and it wouldn't be anything with its cast. Where's the award for this show gods Damit.
Cronos just invading Percy's dream and Percy just going full Persassy on his dusty titan ass was perfect. Not Sally with the Dream Journal though. Also I'm probably the only one, but I forgot that Percy was Seventh grade.
The ending with Gabe becoming stone not because Sally had enough, but because of his disrespect and lack of being a decent human being was what he deserved.
In total I cried 7 times probably because I can't believe this season is over. This show is full of so much passion and you can feel it. It has some faults was piece of media adapting a popular series doesn't, but this does the books justice and it intorduces the story to a wider audience. Though a longer episode count would be much appreciated.
If this doesn't get a award I throwing hands anyways, good morrow fellow fans, hyperfixators, and all the others in between.
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banqanas · 11 months
Can I ask how you learned Japanese? I'm curious about learning it myself but have no clue where to start.
I'm self taught (only have one basic class in Japanese) and never took JLPT. I can talk, write and understand basic japanese, but definitely not proficient. Because I only apply my jp knowledge for hobby stuffs (a.k.a i can read a novel about oshi and have conversations with fellow otaku. but none of it is applicable in regular daily life)
I started since 2014 so I've been learning jp for almost 9 years (still am). I dont think I'm qualified to give advice so instead, here's a short essay on how I got to this point;
2014: learnt reading & listening from manga & anime. reading raws while comparing to fan scanlations. same with anime. doing this consistently to get used to the language 2018: peak of my learning -took a basic class in japanese in college. helped a lot in getting used to sentence structure and particles -started translating seriously (short written text only: interviews, tweets, articles) -practice writing and conversing via twitter. started tweeting in japanese and talked to japanese people in same fandom. found kaiwa friends. -also started translating spoken japanese (livestreams), but was not confident enough to translate word-by-word 2019- jan 2021: started translating mobage contents. literally just doing the same things as the year before but more frequently and more quantity. also started translating short spoken japanese without any text/script aid (radio). feb 2021: discovered high&low. met todoroki yosuke. trajectory of life changed. stopped translating for the time being 2022: slowly translating media with real people starting with some kamen rider stuffs. got more comfortable with translating spoken japanese (unscripted). 2023: here i am.
The long essay version:
The earliest I started learning japanese was around ~2014 where I was into a very niche series that has no translation so I had to buy the manga and try to read them myself. At the time there's no translate using image function, so a lot of it was me typing in the words in hiragana and hoping that I find the right kanji. During this period I (was forced to) learn a lot about kanji radicals and how to properly write them.
From that day on, Jisho was my best friend
I learnt mostly by comparing anime/manga fan translations with raws and going back and forth to check the words in dictionary. I prefer fan scanlation bc most of them are literal and are easier to understand as someone who isn't an english speaker.
I still consciously do this whenever I watch anything but I can differentiate what's a literal translation vs localisation now.
I started dabbling in translation around 2018
At the time I was into Hypnosis Mic (rap songs). I was better at understanding jp words now and could write simple words. I would tweet in japanese and reply to my fav artists drawings (this template is my origin). I also started posting my drawings with jp caption
I used to help around the fan translation group with seiyuu interviews or magazine articles (mainly written text). And the admin of the group would check my translation before posting them. I tried translating songs myself, but I realised that while I could translate, they don't make sense 😅😅
I made some friends in the fandom who were also learning japanese and we would consult each other with translations. I also made a friend with a japanese person wanting to learn english. So I would talk to them in japanese while they would reply to me in english.
So I stuck around with translating short interviews/tweets. I also started doing livetweets of niconico livestreams. I wasn't confident enough in spoken japanese so I only made general summaries instead of word-by-word translation.
At the same year I also took an introductory class to Japanese Language at my college. It was my first formal lesson in japanese. The book we used was Minna no Nihongo Elementary 1. The class got me used to sentence structures, particles, numbers, time etc etc. The class did not made me translate my anime stuffs better back then but the present me is very thankful for everything I learnt during this class bc it's what people in the real world use.
The next following years (2019- early 2021) were when i was most active bc I got into translating mobage contents. I translated pretty much everything I could from home screen lines to event stories to radio. I got better at making my translation sound better and not too literal. Also helped proof reading friends translations.
I personally think this was the best learning duration for me. Compared to actors, seiyuu (voice actors) have really clear enunciation which helped me got confident in my listening skills for spoken japanese, thus became confident enough to translate it. I could understand and catch up with what they were talking about with minimal text. But I still need to listen to the same radio show 2-3 times before I could fully understand them.
I dedicated every waking minute of my life to this game until it shut down. Then I got so broken hearted, I didn't want to consume anymore 2D media. Depressi spaghetti phase.
On that fated day in February 2021, I watched High&Low on netflix and I fell for Todoroki Yosuke. Started the process all over again by consuming everything i can about highlow to get used to the actors voices, way of speaking, dialect, common words/phrases etc. Also includes stuffs related to exile tribe. During this time I barely translated anything bc I wasn't confident enough with unscripted spoken japanese.
By 2022 I got the hang of it and started translating stuffs for kamen rider. And this year I can listen to fanta's radio while doing chores without thinking too much about it but can still understand their conversation! I read a novel for the first time!
I'm sorry that this got too long but I hope it helped to give you an idea of where to start! Here's to learning more! 👍
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bubblewonderabyss · 11 months
When/if the tADC cast is shown in human form, I really hope they don't visually resemble their avatars, for a few reasons -The program forces them to forget their own names, clearly anonymity was a priority here -The avatars are clearly reflecting their personalities, not their physical bodies -It's such an overdone and frankly kind of lazy trope in the trapped-in-a-video-game genre, I'm tired of it
(Nothing against those who do draw them that way of course, it's just not my preference)
And since I hate complaining without offering an alternative, here's my (PROBABLY WILDLY INCORRECT) speculation on what they might have been like when they were human under the cut
(cw: self harm, animal death)
Pomni -Had long blonde hair which she wore down, she would have preferred it short but [insert loved one here] loved it, so long it was. Also doubled as a convenient curtain when she was outwardly freaking out -On the skinny side, flat as a board even, strong legs though -Well dressed in an understated way, she didn't like to stand out -Was really into gymnastics as a kid, moved onto jogging once she got older and busier -Ate a lot of neon colored tv dinners/poptarts/fast food as a kid, avoided it like the plague in her teen years and beyond because "it's gross" -Had a rabbit once, but it escaped and what was left of it was found in her back yard a week later, she never had the heart to get another pet after that -Part of a friend group, but didn't hang out with most of them individually -Watched American Idol religiously
Gangle -Chubby and really tall, yet always felt small, so her posture was really bad -Either lived with her parents or spent most of her time holed up in her apartment, didn't get much sunlight either way -Dressed modestly to cover up some self inflicted scars -Anime was not really part of the western cultural consciousness in the late 90's, most people assumed it was either just kid stuff or just porn, so she probably didn't have many friends outside of a few fellow anime fans -Very quiet and withdrawn but could talk for hours about her new favorite anime (and yes, she preferred subs to dubs) -Loved trying different kinds of snacks -Her keys had a shit ton of keychains and charms attached -Drew a lot and kept it all in a big binder
Zooble -Kinda short -Exceptionally good posture -Moved around a lot as a kid, their favorite place was an apartment one block off from a park where they met their best friend -Alt fashion sense (mostly hand me down clothes so they had to get creative anyway) with a preference for button up shirts -Socks MUST match, down to the brand -Mall crawler, but rarely bought anything -Bead collection -Read so many sci fi books
Kinger -Dad bod -Could see fine but kept his reading glasses in the front pocket of his (usually hawaiian, sometimes plaid) shirt at all times -Was something of a chess and checkers legend at his local library, the "I bet you can't beat that guy" guy. Would let his opponent win if they seemed like they were really stressing about it though -Big nature guy, went hiking or camping once every couple weeks at least -Had a pottery kiln in his garage -Met his wife at a movie theater and movies were the go-to date night ever since
Ragatha -Average proportions, other than being slightly 'blessed in the chest' -Her least favorite season was summer, because she couldn't wear her sweaters then -Her parents loved her but were on the strict side -Most of her disposable income went to her porcelain doll collection, which she hid from friends and family because "it's creepy" -Didn't realize wanting to kiss girls wasn't a universal experience for the longest time -Had a busy social life, was rarely home because she always had someone to see and somewhere to be -Dated around a lot but never settled down with anybody -Was big into fantasy stuff, especially the renaissance faire
Jax -Average proportions, like imagine a Normal Guy (non-hollywood version) he looked like that -Dyed his hair an unnatural color like green or pink -Struggled with an eating disorder, less because he hated how he looked (though he might have) and more to assert control in a life where he had very little -Wore band shirts of bands he didn't listen to as a little private joke. His actual music taste leaned more classical but he wouldn't tell a soul about that -Quite friendly and social, but couldn't maintain more than a couple close friendships at a time -Loved baseball -Watched every horror movie he could get his hands on
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maurmaurii · 6 months
CH survival guide: Shipping
Hello fellow countryhumans fan!
Whether you’re a brand-new fan or a hardened veteran, you’ve most likely come across a “ship.”
(You probably already know this, but in case you don’t, here are quick definitions:
• a “ship” is a shorter way of saying “relationship”
• “shipping” refers to the practice of creating these relationships
• “shippers” is used to refer to people that indulge in shipping)
Now, with that out of the way, you might be wondering; what the hell does this have to do with anything? That’s what I’m here to discuss.
Countryhumans is a wacky fandom, this is no secret. The wackiness comes from the lack of “true canon”. CH is not based off any TV show, movie series, book, or anything of the matter. The only “canon” is history, and even then, history can change depending who you ask. Therefore, almost everything you see coming out of this fandom is essentially HEADCANONS, because there’s no such thing as canon in this hellhole.
However, the lack of canon doesn’t mean you can do whatever the hell you want, no. These are still countries, personified as they may be. So, here are a few rules/guidelines that I would recommend you to follow.
• It doesn’t make sense to ship two countries that have no connections whatsoever.
• This also includes tensions, rivalries, and conflicts, which I will go more in-depth on for number 2.
• This refers to tensions and conflicts of their time. With these situations, countries should NOT be shipped.
Some modern examples of ships that should not sail:
• Israel and Palestine
• Russia and America
• Romania and Hungary
Some historical examples of ships that should not sail:
• Soviet Union and America
• United Kingdom and Soviet Union
• Soviet Union and Third Reich*
(NOTE: It is possible at the start of wwii, BUT before you start celebrating, I need you to read number 3!)
No.3: DYNAMICS!!!!!!!!!
• This is one I don’t see talked about very often, so it’s especially important that you listen, because the dynamics of a ship can absolutely affect how good or bad it is.
• This means keeping things realistic to the characters and their situation, which ties in with no.1 AND no.2. Think to yourself: “Would these two ACTUALLY be an ‘uwu soft boy x big strong man’ type of relationship?” Because 99.998% of the time, the answer is “ABSOLUTELY NOT, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU OH MY G-”
Well, here are some questions you can ask yourself that apply to these guidelines.
• “Would they know each other?”
• “Do they have a friendly/non-hostile relationship in this time period?”
• “Is their dynamic realistic?”
If you can say yes to all of these questions, then you’re probably good to go!
• Some people will not ship the same things you do; and that’s completely OK! Some people don’t like shipping AT ALL; and that’s also completely OK! Certain ships, or shipping as a whole, might not be for them.
• Remember to BE RESPECTFUL; don’t attack anyone if they have different opinions or preferences.
• Most of this stuff won’t affect you much IRL! Digital footprint might be real, but employers and colleges won’t really care if you post cringey art or fanfics. A LOT of other people have posted similar things, if not worse. So, unless you posted something REALLY depraved (I’m talking borderline/full on criminal shit), you’ll probably be just fine if you use another email or phone number for your school/work.
With all this being said, have a wonderful day/night!
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'Cillian Murphy revealed that when he landed his breakthrough role in “28 Days Later,” the actor didn’t consider it a zombie movie. Murphy, a first-time Oscar nominee for his work in “Oppenheimer,” discussed the 2002 hit film at a taping of SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Conversations program. In the nearly 90-minute conversation, recorded in December, Murphy talks about his lengthy career on stage and screen. That includes working with director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland on the film, in which he plays a man who wakes from a coma 28 days after a rage-inducing virus has caused society to break down.
“I wasn’t too aware we were making a zombie movie, to be honest with you,” Murphy noted, adding he hadn’t seen any of George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” series. “It was right around the time SARS happened and there was all this ‘air rage’ stuff going on. So I never felt it was a zombie film. And I’m glad I didn’t watch the Romero movies because I didn’t realize how hallowed those movies were.”
Murphy also noted that at the time, it wasn’t a popular film trope. “Before ’28 Days Later,’ there weren’t that many zombie movies — it was kind of a dead genre,” he said, causing the audience to laugh over the unintentional pun. “So Danny and Alex rebooted it.”
Riley mentioned the film is more about a pandemic, to which Murphy credited Garland. He added that during the COVID-19 pandemic, he saw the frequent references to the film. “The amount of memes — I do know what a meme is — that everybody sent me during the pandemic of ‘28 Days Later’ was crazy,” he said. “It just shows that good writing is prescient, it always remains prescient and relative.”
Murphy recalled his process of booking the role, noting that he was already a fan of Boyle from his films “Shallow Grave” and “Trainspotting.”
“They were formative films for me,” he said. “I remember going to see them in the cinema, they were huge for me. So I really desperately wanted [’28 Days Later.’]” He estimated he auditioned six times for the part.
Asked if the then-newcomer was nervous to headline a film with established actors like fellow Irishman Brendan Gleeson, Murphy noted that he was grateful they had already worked together. Gleeson played the title role in 1998’s “Sweety Barrett,” a small Irish film that marked Murphy’s film debut as “Pat the Barman.”
“I remember on that film I had to pour him a pint of Guinness. My hand was shaking,” Murphy recalled, demonstrating how shaky his hands were. “But he was so kind. I was just a kid, but he would spend the time and talk to you. I think that show the measure of the man. I’ve worked with him five or six times now and he’s one of my all-time heroes and the kindest, sweetest man – and an absolute legend.”
Murphy also discussed how they shot two endings to the film – one in which Jim survives, another in which he dies. Murphy was asked if he had a preference, with Riley noting she likes the “optimistic” one. “Yeah, I think when I was younger and bit more nihilist … I liked the image of two women surviving at the end and fuck the man,” he said. “But I think they wanted the version with the hope.”
With constant talk of a sequel to the movie, Riley pointed out that it was good Jim survived — they could bring him back for another movie. “I’m available,” Murphy offered.
Though the conversation was recorded in December, it’s proven timely, as it was announced in January that a sequel has been greenlit with both Boyle and Garland returning – and that it may launch a new trilogy of films. THR also reported that Murphy will be onboard as an executive producer.
In the wide-ranging conversation, Murphy speaks on a wide range of topics, including how he would write hand-written letters to directors he admired and how he learned to perfect an American accent by growing up on television shows like “The A-Team” and “MacGyver.” He also discusses how “28 Days Later” led him to his ongoing collaboration with his “Oppenheimer” director. “Chris Nolan saw that movie and all of a sudden, I had a meeting with Chris,” he revealed. “We met and chatted and that was the initial beginning of the relationship with Chris.”'
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sizhui · 1 year
hi angie!! im jjst chilling today but today i plan to go out n buy my bday books!!!
anyways as a fellow bl intellectual i would like to ask u what u think abt general bl stock characters / archetypes!! also as someone whos doing shakespeare this year im curious abt how u would blend currently existing bl story formats w like more traditional lit genres / conevtuons IF YOU COULD!! WOULD U!!
how do u think bl being a mostly Not white people thing has affected its conventions like idk emotional intensity, typical tropes idk!!
looks at u like this 🥺
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HELLO DEAR LAB!!!! i saw your birthday books, very good choices, i hope you'll enjoy! Now let us discuss one BL intellectual to another ^_^ as usual, I'll stick to danmei, since I'm simply not well read in Japanese and Korean BL to speak confidently even though I have experience with them...!
When googling people's favorite tropes, most people mentioned Enemies to Lovers. I do like a good conflict, but I like very specific shades of it... I like characters who are ideological opposites, but still hold some affection for each other since early on... Although i have been interested in thousand autumns in which the two leads start as straight up bitter enemies, so I'll see how I'm going to like that! Now, something slightly different that i really enjoy is characters being thematic opposites - demonic cultivator and orthodox cultivator, god and demon, soldier and librarian you name it! I have seen people call this the yin yang trope i don't know if that's a widely used term? I also enjoy slow burn - see Golden Terrace disappointed me in that regard cause they started sleeping together in like chapter 30 come on where is the drama the intrigue :(? I don't care for friends to lovers much unless it's written really well but i really much prefer strangers to lovers!!! A lot of people sigh at the trope of one Character being like "I don't like men it's..only for you ❤️" but i honestly think that's a convention you just have to accept when diving into the world of BL. I like badass shous that aren't annoyingly shy and talkative, charming gongs (sorry lan zhan is ok but strong and silent gongs usually piss me off) I'm probably one of the 5 western fans who actually like the gong/shou dynamic because like. Let's be honest there's nothing wrong with seme/uke in JPN bl either other than ukes being drawn as shotabait often, but since novel art for CN novels usually draws everyone looking like adults I really don't see anything problematic with gong/shou, heteronormativity my ass... i also kinda like when they call each other husband and wife SORRY. I also like the trope of the couple adopting a young boy. I'm not gonna call it found family I'm not gonna even try. I hate master/disciple and i hate school settings. I usually prefer the characters to be rougher men already hardened by life! I like reincarnation and revenge but i don't like Isekai ... Ummm what else is there? Nothing comes to mind rn , if you have some specific tropes you want me to rate, I'm here :)
NOW YOUR SECOND QUESTION HAS ME REALLY INTRIGUED...if i could, i would merge literally every literary genre with BL to be honest. Since you specifically mentioned Shakespeare, i think it would be fucking amazing to see BL adapted into stage plays - i don't mean those funny anime stage plays, i mean straight up tragedies on Hamlet level. Oh i would kill to see that!!! I would also love to see like, someone with an interest in narratology and metafiction write a super meta BL novel like enstars but like really properly yaoi. I don't think that danmei novels written by amateurs have "bad writing" - they simply exist on a different terrain and seek to communicate different ideas from traditional published novels, but i would love to see the two merged in some spectacular novel that takes inspiration from classics!!
Now your third question i would rather turn into a discussion with you, because while I've consumed a lot of East Asian media since a young age i don't claim to have such a good understanding of the cultures to be able to trace how the culture influenced BL literary conventions, but I would love to hear your thoughts on it and compare to what i know! I definitely find it interesting to compare East Asian BL with LGBT media made by white Americans and Europeans, cause they tend to rely on very different things, with American and European gay content being very focused on the issue of homophobia and stuff like family and cheating and coming of age, while Asian BL, despite tackling those sometimes, is more internal conflict-driven, less focused on orientation. I actually prefer it a lot for that - there are only so many coming of age homophobia stories i can watch -_- boring! I see some western fans annoyed that Asian BL rarely discusses orientation and stuff like LGBT solidarity and such, but i like, don't care cause i feel like they're too focused on realism and forget that bl is a genre not meant to perfectly mirror irl gay relationships, but rather provide romantic fantasies for women! Something just came to mind, i recently chatted with a classmate who is a white American, and she said that she finds Asian media confusing because emotional intensity seems amplified to her in anime and donghua, and that she just feels that emotions are expressed differently than in the American media she's used to. I think she's weak and stupid for giving up on watching just because it's different from what she's used to, but since you mentioned emotional intensity, i would like to hear your thoughts about it!
I hope my answer wasn't disappointing, and looking forward to hearing back from you!
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Illustrations/Artists I like/am inspired by.
Jamie Hewlett is the artist who is famous for illustrating for the “band” Gorillaz, but his work is much more than that. Take “Tank Girl”, his 1990s comic strip, as a point of reference.
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His style is wild, and can get quite clustered at times with many different little details be it a bullet hole, a scratch, a scrape of dirt, etc. But no matter how crazy his characters dress, they always have definite and exaggerated features which highlight their characters. Consistently, his characters always have large hands, feet, and heads which create a cartoonish style which he plays into.
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^Take the above illustration of the band members in Gorillaz (left to right; 2D, Noodle, Murdoc, Russell). Murdoc is this morally twisted, satanic, and comedic sleaze so it makes sense he’s designed to be this tall, lanky fellow with sharp, jagged features, especially his face. Contrast to Murdoc, Russell is this (kind of) friendly fellow whose quite loyal, but he also has a short temper and can easily get annoyed, so he’s been designed with a bulky body, strong, but also with rounded features to make him look a little more friendly than what his outward strength would suggest. I would talk about how each member dresses if that were a consistent aspect of Hewlett’s work. There’s no definite style each character aims for, which keeps things fresh, but it also annoys me as a good dress style can keep a character defined. That’s why I Prefer early Gorillaz to later Gorillaz.
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Gorillaz (2001)
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Gorillaz (2023)
I mean, the newer Gorillaz feel more designed with specific intention, but only to fill a specific aesthetic that will eventually change with the next album cycle. Murdoc (left) feels especially flanderized, going from a relatively regular looking fellow to being dressed as a satanic priest. I thought that aspect of his character was more of a fun part of his story, but not the dominant force behind his characterisation. The colours I’m not a fan of either, but I suppose that’s more to fit the aesthetic of the music, which for this album was coated in cheesy 80s synthpop revivalism, but still. I personally prefer the toned down, desaturated colours of the original designs, even if the designs are a little basic.
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Aesthetically, his designs are quite up and down for me, but what always says consistent is his technical style. His lines are always so sharp and defined, especially clothing crinkles and folds, that’s what I’ve always loved. They always look so sharp, and he never over does them. But seriously, his sharp lines really give his characters a striking silhouette. He also uses those bold comic book lines, which further supports a character’s silhouette. Also, a lot of his character designs have this chimp like quality with their mouths jutting out quite considerably, which really sets his designs apart from others in the same “comic book style” field.
In terms of incorporating his style into mine? I’ll probably take inspiration from his technical ability, his striking lines and sharp edges are definitely my favourite bits here, but I’m not sure if I really want to go further than that.
Klaus Voormann is another music related illustrator, who’s more of a musician than an artist.
He’s more of a session musician than an artist, but he has done some Iconic stuff, and for me the crown of his work is his design for The Beatles album “Revolver” and it’s cover.
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I really like his designs here. Especially the way he draws hair, super stringy and spaghetti-like with little black gaps. I also really like the simplicity of the faces in contrast, the lack of any facial detail outside the essentials creates a striking image without having unnecessary features that, in my opinion, can sometimes take focus away from the face. Here you’re eyes are drawn to the faces as they’re the only things here which aren’t visually dense.
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While the above cover wasn’t designed by Voormann, it appeals to me in a similar way. Firstly, compositionally the image is split into different sections, each one holding an essential part of the piece. It’s just pleasant to look at. But, more importantly it’s line art is both dense and simplistic at the same time. Eyes are drawn to either the birds in the foreground or the leaves on the tree, but you can distinctly tell them apart from each other as one is simplistic and lacking in detail, and the other is dense and chock full of parts. This dynamic range is something I want to achieve with my character designs, mainly keeping the face as simplistic as possible while keeping defined and strong facial shapes.
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Question for followers: That new show Changeling I was talking about the other day is by a novelist I think is amazing and everyone should read aka Victor LaValle but he also just so happens to write amazing comics like Sabretooth & The Exiles that I think everyone should read. And I absolutely intend to use Changeling as a gateway to make every comic book fan I know fellow fans of these comics because every comic book fan needs more Actually Good Comic Book Writers to stan. Its very important for the care and feeding of comic book fans that we have at least One Decent Writer We Actually Like for every Tom Taylor or Josh Williamson, y'know? So would everyone prefer I wait UNTIL the show debuts next week to start on the blatant and totally unsubtle pushing of Victor LaValle works or should I just go ahead and start now, like a prelude.
Y'know what, never mind. I'll just do both. I'm bi, it'll be thematically appropriate.
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iusedtogotogigs · 1 year
Mark Hollis: A Perfect Silence by Ben Wardle
Not long since I finished this wonderful book about Mark Hollis of Talk Talk by Ben Wardle. Full of fascinating details about this most brilliant musician and singular character, I’ve become a bit obsessed…
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I have been a fan for years but the book has got me seeking out B-sides, rarities, live performances, covers and interviews and I’m loving it all. He’s such a beguiling character, full of contradictions: the lead singer of a classic 80s synth-pop band whose voice was a perfect fit for that early 80s sound, but who was always much more interested in jazz and classical. The band leader singing in front of thousands night after night who found that a pair of sunglasses made it feel like they helped block the world out and never performed without them again, and not at all after the band had toured their third album. The hero to thousands who loved his band, nigh-on a god to those of us for whom his later albums are the work of a genius, who more or less retreated from the music industry entirely in his 40s, and hardly recorded anything for the last twenty years of his life, preferring instead to devote himself to a quiet life with his family. And although this may just be a judgement borne of snobbery never has anyone so steeped in learning and culture - mainly music in his case but also movies and books - had a speaking voice so much like Henry’s Cat’s :)
And so much of what he said, the way he made his music, the way he lived his life and especially the way he left it all (making music) behind for a quiet life, really resonates. The way he used his voice as an instrument, that his voice and the words were subservient to the music, not the other way round, and the way his wrote his lyrics accordingly.
The way his last three albums came together is utterly fascinating. Endless session musicians were hired and given no instructions, but instead just asked to just play along however they saw fit (literally in the dark on Talk Talk’s last two albums). In many cases what they played was never used, in others a sequence of just a few seconds would be salvaged but then dropped in somewhere other than where it had originally been played. In his quest for the perfectly spontaneous performance he gave up on demos - as that spontaneity would be lost in the re-recording - and coldly overlooked the playing of his most trusted fellow musicians including fellow founder members Paul Webb and Lee Harris. He cost his record companies more money in studio time than they could ever hope to recoup from sales of the resulting albums - Talk Talk’s Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock, and Hollis’ eponymous solo album - which have come to be regarded as masterpieces but were never going to sell well.
Ben Wardle brilliant captures the symmetry between Hollis’ love of silence, the spaces in-between the notes, and the silence of his refusal to give interviews or do anything that might reveal anything of what he was up to in his last years.
The desire for privacy, for quiet, to walk away from doing something when to everyone else it might seem like such a good thing, because ‘it was time’. So much resonates.
The masterpiece album that first took Hollis and Talk Talk right away from mainstream commercial music is Spirit of Eden.
I urge you to seek out 'The Colour of Spring' the first track from his solo album ‘Mark Hollis’: https://open.spotify.com/track/7kYsV81UkV4z7UuF94u8T6... ...and specifically the gentle piano chords starting at around 2.02. So sensitively played and with so much silence around them. Quiet isn’t for everyone but for this Hollis fan, for whom there isn’t enough of it, it’s exquisite, one of my very favourite pieces of music.
Also, one of Talk Talk’s last ever live performances, at Montreux in 1986, when they were absolutely flying. The full gig is available but for a shorter intro this version of Living In Another World is ace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hop1tb-DR_k Ignore the mid-80s hair and clothes - they look like a funny-looking mix of rock-gods and office nerds with Hollis somewhere in the middle - and the hair-band guitar posturing at the end(!) and admire the song, arrangements and Hollis emoting. He didn’t like touring and never wanted to perform live again shortly after this, and yet his performance is fantastic here, so impassioned.
This has long been a favourite song incidentally. You can’t really hear the bass part very well here - listen to the album version - but it’s an absolute cracker and I’ve been trying to learn it for the last few days.
And of course, read the book: https://amzn.to/42XP4Yn
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