#I would get orange juice. black coffee. AND iced coffee ($3) because I love the variety of having multiple drinks
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What would you choose? :0c
(note: original image is from HERE (link) - but I edited it to add a wider variety of options.. also added $3 extra to the total, even though I know that makes it more uneven lol, I thought if you're adding 10 whole extra items, the money to spend should at least be increased slightly, if that makes sense..)
#I would get orange juice. black coffee. AND iced coffee ($3) because I love the variety of having multiple drinks#then sausage and scrambled eggs ($8). Then sauteed mushrooms ($3)....AND... hrm.. then spending the remaining $4 would be hard#I wish I could get waffles (as they are my favorite and are superior in every way compared to pancakes. donuts. etc.) but I'm not willing#to give up the other savory things just to get them. so... then maybe I could get a biscuit or english muffin? and just put jam or#honey butter or something on it so it can be my replacement 'sweet and bready' thing instead of something from the $5 row??#OR I could also just assume that having the orange juice plus iced coffee would provide enough of a 'sweet element' to the meal#(since I largely prefer savory foods. I only like a tiny bit of sweet added for variety) and thus forego any sort of#'bready' thing entirely and just get the bowl of beans/onion/tomato (I'd leave the avocado since I don't like the#texture of them really lol). THEN I'd have $1 left to get the milk or the black tea... increasing my total of random drinks..#which is always the goal of course.. as a chronic ''person who is sipping at 5 different drinks at their desk simultaneously always'' perso#OR... I could just do.. waffle. scrambled eggs. sausage. mushrooms. and black coffee and orange juice.. which is... okay variety#augh... so difficult.. As my Ideal Breakfast is like a buffet type thing or something where you have like 25 different things to choose fro#and can get a little tiny bit of everything. My eating style is very much like.. I'd rather pick at a small amount of a ton of#different things than just have a very large amount of only one or two things. Thats why I LOVE sample platter type stuff.#So it's like... augh... the ideal option would be a tiny portion of EVERYTHING actually lol...#Difficult to choose...#ANYWAY.. Also no idea why I added croissant instead of bagel. I only thought about that afterwards. I do actually like bagels.#I've only ever even had a croissant like 2 times in my entire life. Yet I've had many bagels. For some reason it stuck out in my mind more#when I was considering 'essential breakfast foods' somehow... how could I forget them... bagels my beloved...#Blame it on the hot weather... 'What in the blazes? The sun hath obliterated the concept of bagels from my miind!'#(< meant to be said in a silly overdramatic elderly wizard accent or something)#Also I don't think ''bowl of beans. onion. avocado. and tomatos.'' is necessarily a breakfast classic or something gbhjjh#but I was just trying to think of a versatile vegetable-ish side that could be full of common breakfast additions#so people could do stuff like ''oh I get the toast option and then the bowl of stuff and I put the avocado on the toast'' etc.#Like a mix and match. You could mix ingredients from different parts. You could put scrambled eggs and bacon and onion#on the bread or soemthing. etc. I just feel like something is always missing if a Full Breakfast Spread#doesnt have some sort of onions or beans or mushrooms or asparagus or spinach like... some sort of thing that isn't just eggs and meat and#bread.. you know? lol..#But then again.. I am the Sampling Plate Style Variety Lover and Tiny Portion Of Food Picker so maybe thats just a me thing.
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balloonboyismyson · 9 months
What kind of foods do you think djmm would like if he can or could eat? Just asking ‘cause I thought it would be something neat to think about!
Ohh that IS an interesting question!
Thinking realistically, he would probably only be able to eat stuff from the Pizzaplex! I think his favourite, however, may be french fries and ice cream!!!! He absolutely eats them in the same bite and it is extremely delicious (I know from experience :o))
His favourite drink would be sodaroni!!! My man is a HUGE fan of salt and sugar so mixing the two in any context is a win for him!
Now, thinking ~outside the box~ and letting him eat ANY type of food, I think he would go for breakfast! He loves breakfast for breakfast, breakfast for lunch, breakfast for dinner- he loves any type of breakfast he can get his hands on at ANY time of the day/night! Congee, Pancakes, Spanakopita, you name it! It is IN his mouth!
His choice of drink would be THREE: milk, orange juice, and a black coffee! The reason it is black is because he LOVES the taste of coffee, so he chooses to enjoy the true flavour of it (though, that would NOT stop him from ordering a caramel latte if given the chance <3 ) !!!
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Sonic Quilford AU 6, because even if it's with myself, I wanna talk about this still
8 years before CD, the people of Little Planet ended up learning of their potential doom at the hands of Robotnik and decided to trust what time lends them(an 11 yo who runs fast)
Silver remembers every timeline after his original. Starting during Future #7(In between Colors(DS) and Forces(because, since Amy "dies" during Lost world, it can't make a timeline that can safely make Silver, as he's descended from her)), he started running into or seeking out Future!Shadow, who is sometimes accompanied by Omega and descendants of other members of the cast
Sonic's only raised 3 chao. A Hero Swim/Power chao he called Waterwall during the Chaos Incident(Adventure 1), A Red Two-Tone Neutral Fly/Fly Chao he adopted and decided to name Nightgown(because she was wearing a smock) after Heroes to get Shadow's sudden revival off his mind, and a Purple Two-Tone Dark Chaos Chao he named(as a joke... at first) Solaris after his vacation(and temporary death) in Soleanna('06). He loves all three of them and has it in his loose will that, once Silver's born and not a toddler, is their guardian
G.U.N. has Sonic down in their files as a "tentative ally", as they don't really trust him, due to his habit of not listening to authority or taking orders. When not taking orders from The President, their plan is neutralize him via containment so Robotnik has less incentive to do something wild the next time he seeks to take over the world/build his theme park. To this end, they have tried to find where he lives(Tails' Lab House, which is as hard to break into as the average Eggman Fortress), where he's from(Depending on how you look at it, either Lune or Christmas Island), and how to take away his speed(not an easy feat, as it would currently require corrupted Chaos Energy(because the Emeralds like him))
When they were younger, Sonic, Mighty, and Ray were considered Garland Town's biggest troublemakers, with their peak being when, for Christmas day when Mighty was 10, Sonic 9, and Ray 8, they strung up everyone's Christmas Lights to a generator and a Sonic-sized hamster wheel, and shouted about it at 5 minutes to dawn, while demonstrating their crowning jewel, the mayor's star-patterned underwear atop an Ornema Tree(Mighty put them there)
The Chaos Emeralds are slightly larger than a baseball. The Super Emeralds are the size of watermelons. The Elemental Citrines are 7.5'' x 5
Even after the destruction of the Black Arms, Shadow keeps two pistols in his quills when he feels unsafe for emergencies. When in a bind, Rouge has grabbed one of them out of his quills, though he asks she only grab the right one, as he's left-handed
Sonic's preferred beverage in the morning is orange-lemon tea. Tails, after worrying he was turning into his parents(Abaddon and Florance) found he liked coffee. Knuckles, after finding the fruits on Angel Island, makes home-made mango-pineapple juice(straight juice, no sugar) that he stores in Ice Cap
After developing his crush, Vector's lovey-dovey moments where he's lost in romantic thoughts were dubbed the "Vanilla Zone" by Charmy, since that tended to be his answer to anything asked while he's in such a state. The only other people who have seen the Vanilla Zone are Espio(the three live together. Of course he's seen Vector in the mushy state), Mighty(They were discussing Mother's Day, and Vector just kinda slipped into it), and Gemerl(He was asking what Vector wanted in his coffee, and was told "Vanilla~". Luckily for the crocodile, Vanilla and Cream were in the other room when this slip-up happened)
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readyourimgaines · 3 years
The Little Things
Summary: Derek knew fully well that moving in with Spencer was going to bring around some changes. Dr. Spencer Reid was different and Derek loved him for it. There were little quirks that the doctor showed at work and some Derek was still learning. So there must be some at home.
And a special thanks, of course, to @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese​ for helping me compile this list!
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1. Alphabetizing Movies by Title
“Pretty Boy?” Derek was crouched down in front of their TV looking for their movie while Spencer did the dishes. The latter hadn’t seen Happy Gilmore and Derek couldn’t let that stand. 
“Yeah?” Spencer called from the kitchen. 
“I can’t find it?”
“What?” Spencer stepped away from the sink and went to the living room. Water dripped from his fingertips. “The movies are alphabetical. It’s between Hamlet and Ice Age.” He went to Derek’s side and gestured to the movie. “I was going to order them by director, but Hotch said most people don’t know directors very well. Which is a shame because J.J. Abrams destroyed Star Trek but Guy Riche-” 
Derek pressed a kiss to Spencer’s lips with a fond smile. Spencer blinked. 
“Sorry,” the doctor blushed. 
Derek just chuckled. “You know you’re adorable, right, Pretty Boy?” 
“You may have mentioned it a time or two,” Spencer laughed. 
“You can tell me all about directors later,” Derek promised. “I know a bit about the mainstream guys, but not a whole lot.”
“All you really need to know is that J.J. Abrams kills anything he touches and Peter Jackson doesn’t get as much attention as he should.”
2. Morning Rituals
One thing that Derek very quickly learned about Spencer was that he 
had a specifically timed morning ritual when not on a case. And that if it was broken or disturbed, the whole rest of the day would go down hill like a train on greased tracks. 
He woke up at 6:17, was in the shower by 6:25, eating breakfast by 7:00, his bed made by 7:30, and shoes on his feet by 7:32. The last half hour before they left at 8:00 was free game. 
The first morning in their new place was the roughest. Spencer went 
about his usual morning, but Derek didn’t usually wake up until 7:45 because he took less time to get ready and ate in the car. So when Spencer finished breakfast and went back to their room to make the bed but Derek was still asleep… He paced for the next fifteen minutes and his head nearly went through the ceiling when Derek’s alarm went off. 
Spencer almost had a panic attack as he fumbled his way through making their bed and cramming his feet into his shoes. Needless to say, the extra half hour was spent- in vain- trying to calm the doctor down. None of the rest of the day lined up properly and Spencer was on edge and fidgety. Hotch even had to gently remind him to focus a few more times than the usual redirection of infodumps. 
That was the first and only time Derek didn’t follow Spencer’s morning routine. He found the same day that Spencer had a much simpler night ritual: Snack (sometimes) at 10:10, teeth brushed by 10:25, in bed by 10:35, reading until (supposed to be) 11:18, and then lights out. This routine was much more flexible and relaxed.
Derek found waking up and going to bed at the same time every day made the former much easier. He also found that Spencer reading to him most nights- no matter the book or topic- was very relaxing. And of course there were nights when Derek read to Spencer.
3. Sugary Coffee
Derek took a sip of coffee from his travel cup and whistled. “Think I got yours, Pretty Boy. There’s enough sugar in this to hype up a six year old’s birthday party.” 
Spencer braced himself and took a sip of the coffee in his own cup. He was pleasantly relieved when the bitterly sharp taste expected never came. “I-I put sugar in both of them. I wasn’t thinking,” he said sheepishly. 
Derek shrugged. “You know what they say: I’ll try anything once.” He chuckled. “I’ll just brush my teeth for an extra three minutes.” 
Spencer scoffed as he got into the passenger seat of Derek’s car. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it. You don’t get the caffeine drop when the eight hour half-life is over.” 
“Is that why you put so much sugar in coffee?” Derek raised an eyebrow, thinking he already knew the answer. 
“And coffee tastes like battery acid. I’d rather drink vinegar than black coffee.” Spencer shuddered. 
Derek chuckled but didn’t say anything else as he pulled onto the street.
4. Cuddly Sleeper
Even though Spencer wasn’t huge on PDA like Derek was, he sure was a cuddly guy. The second the door closed, he was a six foot koala. That included in bed- but usually not until after he was asleep. 
Some nights, Spencer would fall asleep reading. So Derek would take his book, close it, gently remove Spencer’s glasses, and turn out the lamp. Nine times out of ten, Spencer was curled up against his side before Derek was asleep himself. 
At first, Derek found himself wondering why Spencer wasn’t nestled against him before sleep took him. But after a while, it sunk in that the doctor unwound by reading. 
The look on Spencer’s face when he curled into Derek’s side always sent the older man over the moon. The absolute peace on the doctor’s face. One night, Derek almost woke Spencer up laughing. Derek rolled over to out the lamp and Spencer had gripped Derek’s arm tighter and whined in his sleep. Derek then had to assure his boyfriend- in soft whispers as to not actually wake him up- that he wasn’t going anywhere. 
Spencer never thought to question why his book and glasses were gone when he woke up.
5. Leaves Books Everywhere
Anyone who had a 30 second conversation with Spencer- anyone who glanced at Spencer- could tell the man read more than he did anything else. 
Derek picked up the doctor’s satchel once and was moderately surprised the slim man hadn’t dislocated his shoulder with how heavy the bag was. But Spencer didn’t only keep books in his bag. No. They were all over the place. 
Their bedroom, the craft room where Derek made floor plans for his renovations, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room. Even both bathrooms and the basement. 
When the two first moved in together, Derek debated building an extension onto the living room for a library. He still debated it from time to time (just in case). But as time wore on, Derek grew to appreciate the countless (if seemingly random) books around the house. 
Spencer would read when Derek was working on floorplans, so Derek would read when Spencer worked on an academic paper or consult. 
“What’re you reading?” Spencer asked one night, finally looking up from his notebook. He was writing an essay on how handwriting analysis could help catch a serial killer and/or rapist. 
“I don’t even know,” Derek chortled. “Uh..” he looked at the cover, “it’s Introduction to Law by Joanne Banker and Yvonne Ekern.” 
“Oh! Hotch loaned that to me yesterday,” Spencer noted. “I should get that back to him soon.” 
Derek just shook his head. “You know, Pretty Boy, I didn’t read this much in college.”
Spencer smiled. “See? Maybe there’s a good side to not spending thousands of dollars on building a library,” he teased.
6. The Nightlight
In the bedroom, in the outlet closest to the door was a nightlight. But not just any night light. This nightlight made the move in the front pocket of Spencer’s satchel. 
“So what’s the story behind this platypus, Pretty Boy?” Derek had to ask one night as Spencer turned it on. “Because you’ve had this since before we were dating.” 
“My uh- my mom’s went on a sort of field trip with her hospital a couple years ago. It was on one of her good days. She saw this in the aquarium’s gift shop and bought it for me.”
“That’s pretty cute,” Derek encouraged. He knew Spencer didn’t open up about his mom often so Derek tried to learn everything he could about the woman during the rare occurrences. 
“We named him,” Spencer laughed. “Alfred Nicholas Brian Reid.” He giggled. “I just… He helps.”
+1. Bleeding/Infected Hangnails
Spencer usually had something to stim or fidget with. A strip of paper, a pen or pencil to twirl, a shirt with a loose thread, something. On the off chance that he didn’t, the doctor somehow decided that his fingers were good enough. If Spencer didn’t have a hangnail, he’d start one. 
This was the one and only thing about Doctor Spencer Reid that Derek Morgan hated. He could see the minute flinch when Spencer held a utensil wrong and it pressed on the swollen skin. He heard the soft hiss when Spencer got tomato or orange juice in the broken skin. 
What Derek hated even more than that was when the hangnail would get infected. The skin around the nail or turn a greenish-yellow and harden. Which, in turn, gave Spencer another thing to pick at. 
“Pretty Boy, you gotta stop,” Derek sighed. He’d gone into a convenience store to get them something other than coffee- but tastier than water- to drink. While inside, he bought a box of Band-Aids and a tube of anti-bacterial cream. 
Spencer snapped out of his daze. “What?”
“Picking at your nails.” To prove his point, Derek took Spencer’s hand in his to show him, as well as to stop his current picking. “I know you’re worried about the case, Baby, but we’ll catch the son of a bitch and put his ass behind bars like we always do. You gotta stop destroying your hands.”
“I didn’t realize I was,” he admitted. 
“I know,” Derek said softly. He applied the cream and a Band-Aid to each finger that needed it (five in total between both hands). “We just gotta get you a couple of those fidget cubes Garcia has.”
Tag List: @mayonnaiseismycomfortfood​
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Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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frostysfrenzy · 3 years
Can you answer some (any of your liking/full if that's what you prefer) of that 100 this or that?
100 This or Thats
I’ve already answered a few Here
I might not have answers for some but I'll do what I can
1. Coffee or tea?
2. Black and white or color?
3. Drawings or paintings? (but really both)
4. Dresses or skirts? (I have no explanation for this one)
5. Books or movies? (not really huge into either honestly but...)
6. Pepsi or Coke?.... Neither
7. Chinese or Italian?.... Both
8. Early bird or night owl?
9. Chocolate or vanilla?
10. Introvert or extrovert?
11. Hugs or kisses? (but both are great... especially in shows)
12. Hunting or fishing?.... not my jam... but i have fished once in my life
13. Winter or summer?
14. Spring or fall?.... (I'm honestly down for all 4 they have their pros and cons but if I must choose)
15. Rural or urban?
16. PC or Mac?
17. Tan or pale?... I'm very pale, I'd love to have some amount of a tan
18. Cake or pie?.... really depends on the cake or pie
20. Ketchup or mustard? (but i don't use it often)
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles?.... nope. Don't like em
23. Boots or sandals?
24. Silver or gold?
25. Pop or Rock?
26. Dancing or singing?.... Both... if I'm alone 😂
27. Checkers or chess?.... i haven't played either in ages or remember how honestly
28. Board games or video games? and Card games
29. Wine or beer?
30. Freckles or dimples? (that was a tough one)
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? (but again don't use it super often unless its, you know, a bbq)
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights?... haha ok
33. Baseball or basketball? (if I could make it any bolder I would)
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus?.... Both... but I'd say I do more crosswords
35. Facial hair or clean shaven?.... depends on how much hair, and the person sporting it
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice?
37. Skiing or snowboarding?
38. Smile or game face?
39. Bracelet or necklace? (I am a necklace fiend. I have way too many)
40. Fruit or vegetables?... Both
41. Sausage or bacon?
42. Scrambled or fried?
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? (those last 3 were like the easiest questions so far)
44. Tattoos or piercings?... personally don't have any of either but as long as they're not crazy
45. Antique or brand new? (obviously not everything. Another toughie)
46. Dress up or dress down? (only because I never get to anymore)
47. Cowboys or aliens? (not counting Clark of course)
48. Cats or dogs?
49. Pancakes or waffles?
50. Bond or Bourne?.... never been a movie girl.... so idk
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? (only b/c of Clark... of course... wasn't really into either before)
52. Numbers or letters? (math kid)
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?.... don't hate me... but I've never watched more than a bit of either... so??
54. Fair or theme park?
55. Money or fame?.... don't particularly need either
57. Snakes or sharks?.... don't care as long as I'm not in their way
58. Orange juice or apple juice?
59. Sunrise or sunset?
60. Slacker or over-achiever?
61. Pen or pencil?.... although I really should use pencil more
62. Peanut butter or jelly?... but, both, together
63. Grammys or Oscars?
64. Detailed or abstract?
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions?
66. Adventurous or cautious?
67. Saver or spender?
68. Glasses or contacts? (don't have/need either)
69. Laptop or desktop?
70. Classic or modern? ???
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer?
72. Internet or cell phone?
74. Curly hair or straight hair?... Waves
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening?
76. Spicy or mild?
77. Marvel or DC? (not to sound like a broken record... but Clarkie.. and I'm not super experienced in either)
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent?.... not really there yet
79. Sky dive or bungee jump?... not a chance
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
81. Jello or pudding?.... not by much though. Just what I'm feeling at this second
82. Truth or dare?.... I hate playing T or D lol
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? not a roller coaster person at all
84. Leather or denim?
85. Stripes or solids?
86. Bagels or muffins?
87. Whole wheat or white?
88. Beads or pearls?
89. Hardwood or carpet?
90. Bright colors or neutral tones?... light colours?
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are?.... just let me figure my life out first 😂
92. Raisins or nuts?
93. Picnic or nice restaurant? (not looking for expensive all out stuff)
94. Black leather or brown leather?
95. Long hair or short hair?
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? (Why would you fire before you aim??? I don't get it?)
97. Fiction or non-fiction?
98. Smoking or non-smoking?
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think?... or at least i try to
100. Asking questions or answering questions?... general life? Ask. Here? Probably answer, but I often ask as well
4 notes · View notes
Stark Spangled Banner Ch 61: Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart
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Intro The Time Heist worked, but at a cost. Natasha gave her life for the Soul Stone. Following a promise to make her sacrifice worth something, the Avengers continued their plan and succeeded in reversing the Snap. But along with everyone else, the biggest threat the Avengers have ever faced re-appeared. 
Now Steve and Katie, along with the rest of their team are locked in a fearsome battle, between light and dark, life and death. Simply put, it’s a battle which they cannot afford to lose because they’re in the Endgame now…
Warnings: “Language!” 
Major angst- get the tissues ready.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist
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 “Hey.” A deep voice roused Katie from her thoughts and she looked up to see Bucky walk into the kitchen wearing a pair of black sweats and a red Henley. “I would ask if you were ok but it’s a stupid question.” “I appreciate the sentiment.” she smiled at him. “Coffee is fresh, just don’t tell Steve I’ve been drinking it. He’ll only bitch and moan about caffeine being bad for the baby.” Bucky smiled “My lips are sealed.” he said, helping himself to a mug from the cupboard before he made himself a drink. He sat down opposite his best friend’s wife and just took her in for a moment. Her long hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun, she looked pale and tired. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for her and how much she was going through. Finding out you’re pregnant again, with a baby you lost whilst having to come to terms with the death of your brother, the brother you had long since thought of as a father can’t be easy for anyone. He took a sip of his drink and leaned forward slightly “So how are you really feeling?”
She looked at him for a moment before she took a deep breath “If I’m honest, lost.” She sniffed slightly as her eyes filled with tears. "All my life Tony has been there and the thought now that he's not, and never will be again..." she wiped at her face "You know Buck, for the last week I've felt like I've been in a bad dream but yesterday, getting that message and today...it just makes it so real, so final you know?" Bucky smiled softly and reached over the table to squeeze her hand. "You'll get through this. I know all things considered we haven't really known each other that long but I do know you're made of strong stuff." "I don't feel like it at the moment." Katie said gently. "You have to be to put up with Stevie.” he joked, making her give a watery chuckle. “Just remember you're not on your own.”  "I know." Katie said, her eyes brimming with tears "and Steve's been amazing, he really has...you all have." "He ain't bad for a punk." Bucky smiled making her chuckle slightly as he let go of her hand. "Talking about me again?" Steve's warm voice hit her ears and she glanced up, smiling at him as he leaned on the door frame, arms crossed, the fact he was dressed almost identically to his friend only with a blue Henley made her smile. "Yes" Bucky nodded. Steve rolled his eyes and pushed off the frame. He crossed the room and dropped a kiss to Katie's head before his hand gently brushed her face.
"Its early doll." he said, gently tipping her face to look up at him. “You were so tired last night.” "Yeah I woke about an hour ago and couldn't get back to sleep." She shrugged.
Steve looked at her for a second, he’d much rather she’d have lay in for an extra hour or so, all things considered but he knew she would be stressing about today so there wasn’t any point in dwelling on it.
"You want any breakfast?" he asked her, dropping his hand back to his hip. "Not really but yes, before you say it I know I have to eat." She said softly. "French toast?" He asked and she pondered for a moment. He knew that was her favourite breakfast. And she knew that he knew. "We got any strawberries?" She asked eventually, with a faint smile.
He nodded. ”What’s French toast without the fruit?” "Wait..." Bucky said, pointing at Steve "you're cooking?"
"And?" Steve looked at him.
"The last time I remember you trying to do that you nearly burnt the flat down and my mom banned you from ever trying again” he looked at Katie “She insisted on making him food parcels!" 
"He’s actually pretty good." Katie said, and Steve grinned at her praise, flipping Bucky off with a smug grin. "makes a wicked carbonara but breakfasts are his speciality. Jamie loves his pancakes, says they're better than mine"
"I had a good teacher." Steve said, shooting her a wink before he crossed to the cupboard and pulled out the brioche.
"Think I'll go grab a shower before the kids wake up." Katie said, pushing her chair out, her hand falling to her stomach "and before this little bean realises I'm awake and makes me puke my guts up again."
Steve watched her go before he sighed and moved to the fridge to grab the eggs.
"She'll be ok Steve." Bucky assured him "Today's gonna be hard but she’s got everyone around her."
"She should be taking it easy." Steve sighed "she had a rough time with sickness and tiredness when she was pregnant with Jamie up until the 6 month mark and this stress can’t be good for either of them…"
He trailed off as Emmy walked into the kitchen, yawning, pulling her long brown hair into a braid. "Morning sweetie, you want some French toast?" Steve asked as she moved to give her dad a hug, still half asleep. She nodded and made an appreciative noise before she turned to grab the orange juice from behind him in the fridge. Pouring a glass she sat at the table and said good morning to Bucky before she picked up the remote.
The three of them instantly looked at the screen when a familiar voice hit their ears. "Tony Stark was a good man..." Secretary Ross was speaking to the journalist "I had the privilege to know him well. He had th-" At that Emmy turned the channel over. "Dick" she mumbled under her breath. Bucky caught Steve's eye, the pair of them sharing a grin, Steve choosing not to chastise her for her language.
“Good morning to you too!” Sam grinned as he walked into the kitchen. Emmy looked at him before she chuckled.
“Not you, Ross.” “Ah. Well, no arguments from me there” Sam said, heading to the coffee pot.
“Katie punched him you know.” Steve said, deciding to interject a little bit of light heartedness into the morning. All 3 of them turned to face him as Sam let out a snort.
“Why am I not surprised?”
Steve raised his eyebrows, the corner of his mouth curling up into a smile. 
“Well, come on Pops, tell us!” Emmy urged.
“It was just after the snap. Katie went with Rhodey to give President Ellis a briefing. She had a disagreement with Ross, pointing out that the accords had meant the Avengers hadn’t been together which had weakened us, and then as she was leaving he made some snarky comment about passing on his regards to me so she gave him a right hook, a pretty good one too according to Rhodey.” Sam and Bucky both exchanged a look, Sam nodding in approval, a grin split across his face. “Nice.”
“You know…” Bucky looked at him, “The more I hear and see of your Mrs, the more I think I’m in love with her myself.”
Steve rolled his eyes and started to whisk the obscene number of eggs he had placed in the bowl. By the time he had finished making everyone breakfast, Katie was back at the table in a towel robe, hair damp, having brought Jamie down. No sooner had Steve placed her plate of food in front of her, she was up again, running to the downstairs bathroom to throw up.
“Is Momma ok?” Jamie asked, looking at Steve who smiled at him.
“She’s fine pal, the new baby is just making her a little bit sick, that’s all. Nothing to worry about.”
Jamie looked back at the door his mom had disappeared through before he picked up his fork and began to dig into the chopped up French toast and fruit that was on his plate.
Katie wandered back in a few minutes later and sat back at the table, pinching the bridge of her nose. Steve watched as she pushed her food around her plate for a bit, before she took a few bites. Satisfied that she was eating something he tucked into his own.
Once breakfast was done the house was a flurry of activity as people got ready. Katie, having already showered, simply had to fix her hair and make-up. She set Jamie’s outfit out for him and Emmy offered to help him dress to give her chance to get herself sorted, which she was grateful for. “Stevie…” Katie asked him as he stood in front of the mirror, doing his tie “Can you zip me up please?”
His fingers fell to the zipper of her black dress and he softly pulled it up to the collar, dropping a kiss to her neck as his arms wrapped around her waist, hands flattening on her stomach.
“No bump yet.” he said softly and she smiled.
“I’ll be fat again soon enough.” she said, her hands falling over his.
“I can’t wait.” he grinned at her and she caught his eye in the mirror and snorted.
“I swear you have some kind of breeding kink.” “What?” he frowned “I’ve no-“ “It means you get off on the thrill of getting me pregnant, seeing me pregnant…” He hesitated before he shrugged “Not as such, I just love you and love the fact my baby is in there.” he said, pulling her back so she was pressed into him slightly. “I loved the changes I saw last time…” “You’re only hoping my boobs get bigger again.” she teased and he smiled, arching an eyebrow.
“Can you blame me?” he asked and she shook her head.
“Captain Sex Fiend is a pervert, who knew?” she said before she turned in his arms and straightened the knot on his tie slightly, smoothing her hands down her chest. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. “I’m scared Steve.”
Instantly understanding he pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her back “Don’t be. I’ll be right there ok? It’ll be over soon enough.”
“The funeral might be.” Katie sighed “but I’m not sure losing him will ever be over.” “You’re right it won’t” Steve said, and she looked at him “It’s almost 90 years since my ma died, ok, granted most of them I was on ice for but she died when I was 18. There’s still not a day goes past where I don’t think about her or miss her.”
He brushed a strand of hair that had fallen loose from her bun out of her face and smiled softly. “But it does get easier. It never goes away completely, the pain of losing them I mean, but I promise you will one day be able to look back at Tony and be happy that he was your brother and such a big part of your life.”
He placed a gentle kiss onto her lips before a loud shout from the hallway told them the car had arrived. They made their way downstairs and Katie smiled at Jamie who was dessed in a black suit almost identical to Steve’s.
“Look at my handsome, little man.” Katie beamed at him, dropping a kiss to his head.
“Here.” Steve tossed the keys to his Audi to Bucky, who caught them effortlessly in his right hand. There was a car booked to bring them home from the Stark’s lake house at 6 that evening but he had a feeling Katie would want to leave before then. He knew she’d be tired and emotional and just want to be home with family so this way it meant they could leave earlier if they needed to, and Bucky and Sam could do what they wanted.
“See you there.” Bucky nodded to Steve who smiled at his friends as they left.  
It was busy outside the Cathedral. The surrounding street and road had been shut off and the sidewalks around the temporary barriers were packed with members of the public and press as they all clamoured round. Katie found the whole thing hideous, and her hand tightened on Steve’s as the car pulled to a stop just outside the building.
“I don’t know if I can do this…” she said gently, and he turned to look at her. She was chewing her lip and shaking slightly. He glanced back at Emmy who was on the row behind.
“Em, take Jamie in ok. We’ll be there in a second.” She nodded “Come on short stuff.” she said, as someone opened the door for them. Jamie looked at his dad for a moment but Steve nodded and he followed Emmy, slipping his hand into hers as they headed into the building, Bucky and Sam both meeting them by the door.
“Give us a second.” Steve said to the man who had opened their door and he nodded, gently closing it.
“Look at me.” Steve said, turning to his wife and she glanced up at him, her eyes wide and frightened. “I know this is daunting, but you just gotta get through this bit. As soon as this is over, then it’s back to the lake house and there’ll be none of this or them around.” he waved his hand gesturing outside.
“I can’t…” “Yes, you can.” he said softly “Baby, you’re the strongest person I know. And you’re not on your own, I got you. If it starts getting to much in there you just let me know and I’ll get you out, I promise, ok?”
Katie took a deep breath and looked at her husband as he gently cupped her face in his hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. She had to do this, she had to. And she knew Steve would look after her. With a deep breath she nodded and he dropped a soft kiss to her lips before he turned and opened the door.
The minute she was out of the cars the cameras started flashing and she gripped Steve’s hand even tighter. He moved so his arm was around her, pulling her close, almost shielding her if you will as he walked purposefully through the gates and into the Cathedral Grounds, his eyes not once looking round. In a few seconds they were through the gates and mostly out of the way of the public and he felt Katie relax a little as she let out the breath she had been holding when Jamie ran to her, wrapping his arms round her legs.
“Momma, I just met the Priest. He says his name is James too!” “Wow!” Katie smiled down at her son “Only the best people are called James.” “So that’s me, Uncle Bucky and the Priest!” he said, ticking them off on his small fingers, beaming at her. She gave a soft chuckle as he slipped his hand into hers. It wasn’t long before the funeral party arrived, Pepper and Morgan climbing out of the first car with Happy, the Hearst behind carried her Brother’s coffin. Katie smiled as she saw it was adorned with a wreath of greenery and country wild flowers which, in the centre, boasted the first Arc Reactor he had developed, which Pepper had framed for him all those years ago. ‘Proof Tony Stark has a heart’ was engraved on the metal halo surrounding it. It had been Pepper’s idea of a joke at the time, but Tony had insisted on keeping it by his desk ever since she gave it to him.
As Steve, Rhodey, Clint and Happy all stepped forward to take a corner of the coffin each, Bruce moved behind them, one large hand resting on the back. Katie took hold her Emmy’s hand in her spare one, and the 3 of them followed on behind Pepper and Morgan, heading into the Cathedral as the familiar sounds of “Drops of Jupiter” by Train hit their ears.
Steve’s eyes were already misting over by the time he was halfway down the aisle. Saying goodbye to people you loved never got any easier. And he had loved Tony, as a friend and a brother. He hadn’t been perfect, none of them were, and at times he had really tested Steve’s patience. But he had been a good man. Always doing right by the people he cared about. As they placed the coffin down, he heard Rhodey give a little chuckle. He glanced over at him and he gestured to the picture of Tony that was on the table and as Steve looked at it he couldn’t help but laugh. It was a picture of Tony, giving the thumbs up to someone in what looked like a court room, Rhodey in the back ground looking utterly exasperated.
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“It was a senate hearing.” Rhodey whispered “He had just goaded Stern into telling him to go eff himself…”
“Why am I not surprised?” Steve smiled, as he moved to stand in the space next to Katie, who had Jamie settled on her hip, Emmy at her other side. He gave her a gentle squeeze around the shoulder and then they were told to sit down.
Katie couldn’t tell you what hymns were sung, despite the fact she had a hand in picking them, or what readings Rhodey and Banner read out. She was in a daze, until the time came (far too soon for her liking) for her to give the Eulogy.
Steve took Jamie off her knee and leaned over “You got this.” he said gently, kissing her cheek as she stood up and made her way, chin raised with as much dignity as she could manage, up the 4 steps to the pulpit.
“You know…” She coughed and cleared her throat. “I agonised for days over what to say here, stood in front of you all, and not to mention the many, many people watching outside. I trashed about 50 different sheets of paper because not one speech I wrote could ever do Tony justice. So, in the end I decided to go with the Stark favoured tradition, the one he started, and wing it…” she took a deep breath and looked out at the heaving Cathedral before she turned her attention to the front 3 rows which contained the people she loved and knew.
“From the day our Parents died Tony took on the role of being my brother, my father and my mother, which for a 21 year old party animal is no mean feat. Not to mention the fact he had to get to grips with running a company as well. But he did it. And he did it well, I think. I mean I turned out ok, although my kids and husband might have something to say about that.” Chuckles rang out over the congregation and she paused, waiting for them to die down.
“I never wanted for anything as a child. I was incredibly lucky, I had so many opportunities others could only dream of. But if there was one thing Tony taught me, it was that I had to earn it. Ironic, yes given that we had more money than even he knew what to do with, but he made me understand that hard work pays off. And that’s something that has stuck with me today. Everything is earned, bar love. My brother loved me unconditionally, and I him. Even though he was a pain in the proverbial to live with at times.”
Pepper smiled at this and looked down at her hand which was wrapped around Morgan’s. To her right sat Happy who was also smiling. On the row behind them Steve sat with Jamie on his knee and Emmy to his right. He smiled up at his wife encouragingly, his chest bursting with pride at how well she was conducting herself.
“There was no Boarding School for me. After spending most of his Childhood in one he vowed never to do the same to me or any of his kids, and for that I’ll be eternally grateful.” Katie said sincerely, and she was. “I grew up in an unconventional, yet oh so loving environment. Yes, Tony was a party animal, I mean I lost track of the amount of times Pepper had to ‘take out the trash’…”
At that Pepper, Rhodey and Happy all laughed out loud at the little inside joke.
“But he was on the most discreet, until I got a little older that is and it became a running joke between us all. I can’t actually remember him ever introducing me to a serious girlfriend bar Pepper so congratulations Pep, you truly did tame Tony Stark.”
Katie bit her lip slightly as she felt herself wobble at the next set of words that formed in her mind.
“When I was a Kid, to me Tony was fun. He used to wrestle monsters under my bed with the Monster Killing machine, aka the Vacuum. He used to build ridiculous forts in the living room that would remain there for days during school holidays where we would hide out, eat pizza, junk and play games. He took me to Disney Land, to the Beach, to Aquariums, on holidays that were ridiculously elaborate. I was an extremely lucky little girl.  But then, when I got older, he stopped simply being my fun bigger brother and became my friend as well. When I passed my driving test we would regularly just go for drives to a Starbucks that was like 10 miles away, just so we could spend time on the open road and sing like idiots as loud as we could. He held my hair back whilst I puked up after my first Keg Party aged 17. At 21 he took me to Vegas for the first time when I had graduated.” another pause and a deep breath “But then I got older still, and he morphed from being this friend and big brother person into a true father figure and I knew one day he would make a spectacular dad, something which was proven more recently when he welcomed his own daughter, Morgan into the world”
Steve watched as Katie rubbed her temple with her right hand, her left shifting down to her stomach, and she gave a sharp intake of breath before she looked at him and gave him a soft smile. Jamie waved at her and she wiggled her fingers back before she looked back up and over at the congregation.
“It breaks my heart when I think that he will never see Morgan start school or graduate from college. He’ll never have the chance to embarrass her awfully in-front of her friends in the many, many ways he could. He’ll never be sat, waiting with an Iron Man suit when the first boyfriend makes an appearance. He’ll never walk her down the aisle. All the things he did for me in his role as my father and I feel so guilty to have experienced those moments with him, whilst Morgan will never get the chance. We’ll all do our best to keep his memories alive but, as I know from experience, there’s only so much memories can do.”
And now she was beginning to break, and Steve could see the tears shining in her eyes, even before the first one fell. Her voice was thick when she spoke again.
“What has happened over the past 5 years in particular just serves as a reminder to us all that life is fragile. The time we have on this Earth is already short and we can’t lose sight of what matters the most. Friends, family, those who know us inside out and still love us all the same. You know, Steve said something to me before that really struck a chord. Everyone says that time is a great healer, but it isn’t. You just learn to live with the new normal. It doesn’t stop you hurting, doesn’t stop you yearning for the ones you miss, the ones you love.”
She wiped at her face with both hands and took a shaky breath, and Steve willed her with everything he had to keep it together, just for the last few words she had to say.
“And we lost 2 people in our bid to bring everyone back. My brother and Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow. One of the bravest, most loyal, kind and beautiful people, inside and out that I had the honour of knowing. And now I urge you all do something with your second chances so that that their decision to give their lives so everyone could get theirs back wasn’t in vain. Make the most of the time you have been given, the people that have been returned to you. Grab the opportunities you can, with the people you love. Go on those trips, have that wine, eat that cheeseburger…”
She was now crying freely as she stole herself for her last line, looking at Steve who was handing Jamie over to Emmy and rising to his feet, ready to help her down as he knew she’d be shaky. “Iron Man wasn’t a hero.” she shook her head as she looked out over the large Cathedral, her vision blurred from her tears. “No, it was the man behind the mask. My brother. Anthony Edward Stark- Billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist. Husband, Father, Brother, Friend.”
She stepped back from the podium, taking Steve’s hand shakily as he offered it to her, helping her down the steps.
 “I’m so proud of you.” he said softly in her ear, his own voice cracking with emotion as he kissed her temple, steering her back towards their seats. Jamie crawled onto her lap and kissed her cheek and she held her son tight, pressing her face into his soft, blonde hair as she desperately tried to quell the damn of sobs inside her that was threatening to burst out of her chest.
She made it through the rest of the ceremony, her hand tightly gripped round Steve’s but was beyond pleased when it was over. As the sounds of AC/DC “Back in Black”  rang around the Cathedral, those who knew Tony exchanged a grin, Jamie even doing a little jig in his dad’s arms as they headed outside.
“That was a beautiful speech.” Pepper smiled to Katie as they reached the courtyard, Steve taking Jamie over to speak to the priest as they boy was insisting. “He’d be so proud, you know that?”
“Thanks.” Katie nodded as she glanced at Morgan who was clinging to her mother’s leg. She had a sudden flashback to how she had done the same to Tony, hung on to him for dear life at their Parents’ funeral. Katie crouched down in front of her niece.
“Hey Moo, how are you feeling?”
"I miss dad," she whispered, her eyes watering up.
Katie tried desperately to keep her face from screwing up into a sob. "I miss him too, sweetie, I miss him a lot but you know something?” Morgan shook her head. “He’ll always be with you, with me, in here…” she tapped the spot over Morgan’s heart. “And we’ll have our special memories of how brave he was, how funny he was, how silly he was…and how much he loved us all, ok?”
Morgan nodded softly before she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her Auntie’s neck.
"But he's not here," Morgan whispered and at that Katie did start to cry again as she held Morgan close, looking up and making eye contact with Pepper who was watching the two with a look of pure sadness on her face, her own tears coursing down her cheeks.
No," Katie took a shaky breath “He isn’t, and that…well, it just sucks. No one can replace your dad but your mom is here, so am I, Uncle Spangles, Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Happy. So many people are gonna look after you and love you and keep you safe, I promise you that from the bottom of my heart.”
They left the Cathedral and the Media Circus behind, heading upstate to Tony’s lake house home arriving little under an hour or so later. Now, the remaining Avengers plus Rhodey, Happy, Pepper and Morgan were sat in Tony’s living room, as instructed, whilst everyone waited outside for the final part of the day’s ceremony whereby Pepper was going to release the wreath containing the arc reactor onto the lake, only this one would be attended by friends, family and those who had worked with Tony only. No public, no press.
A few people in the room knew what was coming when the helmet's eye slits glowed with a bright white light, some didn’t. But no one jumped, they were that used to Tony’s theatrics that it didn’t come as a surprise.
A holographic Tony was pictured, sitting the wrong way around on a chair, elbows resting over the back of it and Katie realised he was wearing the same suit he had been wearing in the message he had left for her and Steve.
“So, err, hey!” Tony spoke, a smile flashing on his face. “I’m gonna keep this short, as we all know I don’t really like attention.” At that quiet laughter rang round the room and Steve dropped a hand onto Katie’s shoulder where she was sat on the couch, Jamie sat next to her, his hand wrapped around Morgan’ s.
“Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored.”
Katie reached up and took hold of the fingers that were resting on her shoulder and they gave her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze- I got you…
“If there ever was such a thing.” Tony said, scratching his chin “God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent…” he shook his head “ I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play.”
Even in the hologram Steve could see the glint in Tony’s eyes, almost portraying the innocent wonder of a child that had discovered something exciting for the first time. “And, for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan and her cousins are gonna have to find a way to grow up in.”
Tony stilled slightly and his hand wiped over his mouth as he took a deep breath.
“So I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death” he gestured outwardly with his hand “…on my part. I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's– it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing.” Tony’s hand rest against his mouth for a moment, the way it always had when he had been contemplating something before he shrugged and continued “Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end.”
The end. At that Katie took a shuddering breath and her fingers tightened around Steve’s as Tony got up off his chair and walked towards the camera. “What am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to.” He leaned forward, hands on his knees and smiled, and then somehow, somehow that hologram looked directly at her “To the stars and back.” before it turned and looked straight at Morgan “I love you 3,000.”
The hologram faded, the eye sockets of the helmet died down, and for a horrible moment Katie was reminded of seeing the light of the Arc Reactor going out in Tony’s chest on the battle field, when she had seen the life drain from his eyes. She took a shaky breath and Steve dropped a kiss to the crown of her head.
“I err…” Pepper cleared her throat “Let’s set the wreath on the lake. Then we can all have a few drinks and make Tony the centre of attention at a party, just how he always was.”
“He always said he’d be the VIP at his own funeral.” Rhodey smiled, wiping his tears. 
They made their way outside, Pepper, carrying the wreath in one hand, headed up the line with Morgan followed by Rhodey and Happy, then Katie, Steve and their kids.
They reached the end of the jetty, and Pepper crouched besides Morgan and then she turned to look at Katie. Katie nodded to her, her eyes misting over, before she watched her sister-in-law and niece drop the wreath onto the lake. It landed with a soft splash and began to gently drift away in the wind. Steve stood with his arm round Katie, Jamie balancing on his other hip as he watched the wreath float into the lake. Katie lay her head against Steve’s shoulders, allowing her silent tears to fall.
Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.
Katie sniffed and raised her head slightly to glance at the people stood around, all saying their final good byes. Peter Parker, May Parker, Thor, Bruce Banner, Doctor Strange, Wong, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Peter Quill, Nebula, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Mantis, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Clint Barton & his family, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, a kid Pepper had introduced to her as Harley Keener who had helped him in Tennessee. Katie’s eyes narrowed as she saw Secretary Ross next but then she instantly felt herself smiling again as she saw Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, and finally Nick Fury. They were all people who had in some way or other loved, lived, laughed or fought alongside her brother, and seeing them today made her feel warm, just like she had at Natasha’s service. 
Katie smiled as she realised they were the real proof that Tony Stark had a heart. Them, and billions of other people who had been brought back to life thanks to his bravery. 
Eventually, in their own time, everyone drifted from the jetty but the Rogers family remained put a little longer, until the wreath had practically hit the middle of the lake when Jamie announced he was hungry. With a chuckle they all turned back towards the house and where the food was laid out, people already tucking in. 
Katie couldn’t tell you how long passed. But she found herself alone, simply watching Morgan and Jamie as they sat with Happy on the porch. She caught the words cheeseburgers and smiled to herself before a deep voice drew her attention.
“Little Stark.”
Katie turned and Thor pulled her forward into a strong yet gentle hug “I am…so very sorry I couldn’t…” “Stop.” She shook her head “There’s nothing to be sorry for. This was his choice.”
“I just wish I could have gotten the stones…” “Don’t torture yourself Thor.” she shook her head, “We’ve all done enough of that for the past 5 years.”
He sniffed and nodded, before looking out over the lake “I’m going travelling again.” he informed her “Back to space.” “Yeah?” she asked.
He nodded, “With the Guardians…we can be the…” he paused before he laughed “The Asgardians of the Galaxy…yes, I think I will suggest that to them.”
“I’m sure they’ll love it!” she grinned.
“I’m going to leave Valkyrie in charge…she doesn’t know it yet but she’s the natural one for the job” he concluded, nodding.
“I’m all for women in positions of power.” Katie smiled, “I’m sure she’ll be great.” “You’ll have to keep in touch with her, take the Captain and the Little Rogers…including the one you have on the way.” he looked at her, knowingly.
“How did you…” she began but he cut her off with a chuckle.
“I’m the god of Thunder.” he said simply “And I saw you holding your stomach before. I figured that Bruce’s snap had brought everything back after all.”
She smiled “Yeah, yeah it did. We just didn’t think it was right telling everyone, not until the funerals were out of the way.”
Thor nodded “I understand. Your secret is safe with me.” He gave her another hug before she pulled back, tears in her eyes knowing this was a goodbye.
“You will stay in touch, yeah?” “Of course.” he smiled, gently touching the side of her neck in a sign of affection. “Always Little Stark.”
And with that he turned and headed over the grass to the group of Guardians. Katie turned back to her son but suddenly a wave of nausea overtook her and she sprinted back into the house and into the bathroom.
Meanwhile Steve was stood with Bruce. Neither of them had meant to get into the discussion they were having at the moment but, well, it was inevitable really.
“We have to take them back.” Bruce said. “It’s been weighing on my mind for a while now…” “I know.” Steve said, his eyes straying to where Thor was talking to Katie. He turned back to the man and looked up at him. “How long do you think it will be before you can get it running?” “Well, now Hank Pym is back, Scott doesn’t think it will be a problem. They have a Quantum Tunnel we can extrapolate and plenty of particles so…we can even do it in a few different trips if needs be.”
Steve nodded. “Well do what you need to do, once it’s up and running we’ll formulate a proper plan.” Bruce nodded, and was about to speak again until a loud yell caught Steve’s attention.
“Daddy!” Jamie stood up, pointing to the house “The baby made momma sick again.”
There was a pause as pretty much everyone on the lawn turned to look at Steve who hung his head giving a groan that their 3 year old had effectively outed them to the entire funeral party.
“Baby?” Bruce said, before his eyes widened “You mean, the snap? It…” Steve nodded “We didn’t want anyone to know, not yet, the funerals and…” he sighed “Guess that ship just sailed.” Bruce’s eyes filled with tears “I’m glad…I concentrated so hard on everything…” “I know.” Steve said, laying his hand on his arm. “And thank you…but I gotta…” he jerked his thumb towards the house and strode across the lawn, ignoring the questioning looks he was getting. As he did so his son’s face changed from one full of concern to worry.
“Daddy are you mad?” he asked “Did I do something wrong?”
Steve cursed himself at being so easy to read. “No buddy, you didn’t.” he said, crouching down.
“Momma’s sick.” Jamie said again, this time urgently.
“I know, I’m gonna go find her and make sure she’s ok.” Steve assured him, “You stay here with Happy.”
He headed into the house and up to the bathroom, gently knocking on the door.
She opened the door and he looked at her, her face was streaked with tears and he sighed “C’mere…” he said, gently wrapping her up into a hug.
“I wanna go home Steve…” she sniffled “I’ve had enough, I’m so tired and…” “Then we’ll go.” he said, nodding, pulling away slightly to look at her. “And you can sleep as long as you want.”
She nodded. “Best say goodbye to everyone…” “Oh erm, yeah…you should know…Jamie just told everyone about the baby. He didn’t mean it but…” Katie let out a soft groan that almost turned into a chuckle as she pressed her forehead against Steve’s collar bone “To be honest I’m surprised he kept it quiet for so long.” “It’s probably my fault” Steve said as she wrapped her arms round his waist “I told him this morning when you were being sick that it was just the baby doing it so when he saw you run off before he just shouted to me that the baby had made you sick again.” “Well he’s not wrong.” She mumbled, pulling back. She looked up at her husband who smiled at her, his blue eyes soft. “Take me home Soldier.” she said, smiling softly.
“Yes Ma’am.” he smiled back, dropping a kiss to her forehead.
***** Later that night, the house was quiet. Bucky and Sam had headed off to some bar with Happy and Rhodey. Steve had turned the invite down, he wanted to be at home with his family.
They lay in bed, Katie’s head resting on his chest, his hand gently carding through her hair.
“I’ve decided something.” he said
“What?” she asked with a yawn.
“After the battle, I spoke to Fury. Told him I was quitting, that I didn’t want to be Captain America anymore, and he said that the world still needs Cap and I guess he’s right, it’s an important symbol to America and the world…” “So, you are gonna carry on?” she asked, moving so she could look up at him.
“No.” Steve said firmly “I’m done. I’m gonna pass the shield down.”
“Not Bucky” Katie said instantly and Steve frowned.
“Why do you say that?” he asked
“He’s been fighting for so long.” Katie said, gently “And you know he’d do anything for you. He’d take that shield if you asked, but that doesn’t mean that he wants it. I just, I dunno, I think he needs to find his own way for a while.” Steve contemplated what she was saying, she was right, of course. She always was. And, if he was honest, he’d gone through the same thought process himself. Other than Sam, Bucky doesn’t really know the other Avengers (or what’s left of them) so how could he truly lead them? As Steve knew only too well, trust has to be earned, plus they all know about his past, as do the public. And even if they were all willing to overlook and forgive it, he wasn’t sure Bucky himself was. To be honest, Steve wasn’t sure he ever would.
“Well that leaves one obvious candidate.” he said, looking down at Katie. “Sam.”
She smiled “Sammy deserves it. He had non self-serving reason to let us in that time we showed up in DC, although he probably had a few second thoughts when a metal arm ripped through his car roof and tore out the steering wheel.” Steve gave a snort.
“But he never left us. Even after Leipzig. He’s loyal to a fault, a good man and…” “He’s human. And not enhanced.” Steve said
“Exactly, after everything that’s happened I think the American public could use a little ‘normality’, well as far as they can. People will relate to Sam. He’s a natural born leader.
“And proof that anyone can be a hero.” Steve mused.
“So are you.” she said looking up at him. “Remember, you’re just a kid from Brooklyn.”
He smiled at her, and dropped a kiss to her lips before she settled down again.
“There is one tiny problem…” Katie said. 
“What?” “Your shield  bit the dust, big time.”
“Yeah.” he said, although he already had a perfectly good plan forming in his mind about where he could get another.
“Mind you, sure T'Challa will be happy to provide enough Vibranium to make him a new one” Katie said, with another yawn. “Bruce can sort it in the lab.”
“Yeah.” Steve said, again his hand running through her hair. He hated lying to her, but he had absolutely no intention of correcting her, or telling her what he was actually planning to do. He couldn’t, it would kill her. 
Steve lay there in his own thoughts, long after she had fallen into an exhausted sleep, her body warm against his, his hand carding through her soft hair. He had watched her today. So brave, so strong. She was stronger than he could ever be. It scared Steve just how lost he would be without her, which, as he realised at the Cathedral before was a reality he was going to have to face at some point.
Seeing Pepper say her goodbyes to Tony had made him suddenly think about what Katie had been saying regarding him not growing old as fast as she did. And there, sat on that wooden bench besides her, surrounded by other mourners, he had realised in a fit of horror that one way or another that he would be in Pepper’s position someday. He would outlast Katie, the serum would see to that. The sudden understanding had hit him like a tonne of bricks, almost making him sick. Now, after speaking to Bruce before about the next step his mind was finally made up. He couldn’t do it, couldn’t lose her like that.
What he was going to do would kill him, but it was a small price to pay to stave off the heartache he would feel later in life. Captain America was going to take that final mission, to put the stones back where they came from.
And he wouldn’t be returning, for a very long time.
 @the-omni-princess​  @momobaby227​ @geekofmanythings16​ @angelofhell-666​ @thewackywriter​ @marvelfansworld​​   @cobalt-gear​  @asgardlover75​ @jennmurawski13​​​   @jtargaryen18​​  @saiyanprincessswanie​​   @navispalace​​ @patzammit​​   @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​​   @icanfeelastormbrewing​​ @djeniiscorner​​   @ayamenimthiriel​​   @coldmuffinbanditshoe​​   @disneylovingal​​ @madzmilllz​   @sgtjaamesbaarnes​
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beautyiisterror · 4 years
10 questions tag 📚
Rules: answer 10 questions and ask 10 new ones. Thanks so much @therefugeofbooks for tagging me in this, i’m so excited!!!!!
1. What's your favorite cold drink?
if we are talking about alcoholic drinks, caipirinhas are the utimate cocktail, do not @ me!!!!! all flavors, are just *chef’s kiss*, but like in general i love orange juice and ice tea.
2. What's the first thing you notice about a person?
i honestly don’t know??? i mean, if they are goodlooking and not a bad person??? those are literally my two criteria. i like people who are smart and have pretty smiles and kind eyes, just not to sound shallow (which i kinda am lol)
3. Do you have any pets? What would you name if you had one (more)?
I DO!!!!!!! i have two pets acctually, a cat and a dog and they are EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! their names are jake (the dog) and belo (the cat). if i had one more, i would like to have a black cat named luna, because i’m a sailor moon trash.
4. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
i don’t really remember, but i used to love all shows with girls doing stuff? like winx club and totally spies. i used to love those!!! i still kinda do actually. 
5. What's your ideal vacation?
i love travelling with friends, and unfortunately, i don’t get to do as often. so i think my ideal vacation would be like travel to a really cool, unexpected place, with the biggest number of my friends that we can gather to such adventure. 
6. Is there any book that you want to read but by any reason you keep avoiding it?
you mean like, 70% of my bookshelf/kindle library????? hahahaha honestly, i buy books faster then i can read them so is always a HUGE tbr pile all around my room, i’m a chaotic reader, and i take no pride in that. but usually the books i keep avoinding are the classics, and the bigger ones. specially because, from a little time now i’m trying to add diversity to the cultural stuff that i consume, and it doesn’t help that most of the books i have here are from dead cishet white dudes. but i will get around reading them, even if is just to complain about it. 
7. What book do you hope will be turned into a movie or TV show one day?
one of the best books i’ve read this year was my sister, the serial killer by  oyinkan braithwaite, honestly, this book has everything that i love in fiction: complex women, sibilings relationships, FAMILY DINAMICS TO DIE FOR, pretty women comiting murder, humor... honestly five out of five stars, and i would love to see a movie adaptation of it. i would also love a kyoshi duology adaptation, even if i’ve only read the first book yet, i just love avatar universe so much, and kyoshi is my favorite avatar (ALSO A BISSEXUAL WOMAN OF COLOR IS JUST EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) it would be awesome to see a show about her. bonus points if it is animation, but honestly, there are so many great asian actresses around, i would love anyways.
8. Are there any books that are really popular but you dislike?
i can’t really remember many of those, even if i’m really picky with my readings, i’m quite easy to please. but a recent reading that was ABSOLUTELLY FRUSTRATING because i really wanted to like the book, was hanya yanagihara’s a little life. once again, the book covered subjects that i usually fell really drawn to, such as coming of age, found family, FRIEND GROUPS THAT DON’T FALL APART AFTER ADULTHOOD, non white writer/main characters, lgbtqia+ characters. honestly, a nox’s favorites textbook premise. AND YET, I HATED IT SO MUCH!!!! all the unecessary pain that some of the characters go to, that at one point through my reading i just rolled my eyes when something terrible happened/was revealed about the past of one of the main characters. and the identity of the non white characters wasn’t really explored as they should? it honestly felt like just more excuses to make those characters go through MORE PAIN. it was honestly hard to finish it up. and the more frustrating thing is that so many people seem to think this is a great representative book, just doesn’t sit well with me. i also think is impotant to say that there are SO MANY POSSIBLE TRIGGERS IN THIS BOOK, AND I DIDN’T SEE ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS BEFORE I READ IT!!! so i’ll leave a list of the triggers i was abble to notice throught out my reading, in case anyone is thinking about give it a go:
content warnings for a little life by hanya yanagihara: self harm, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, disordered eating, physical abuse of a minor, domestic abuse, abuse of character with a disability, loss of a child, drug abuse/addiction, sexual assault/rape, pedophilia, ptsd, forced prostitution of a minor 
9. When did you last visit a library?
wow it has been so long... i think it was sometime in march of this year, that i went to my college library to pick up some class readings that i had to do, and then QUARENTINE HAPPENED, and i still am with the books i picked up lol. thank god that they lifted up the tax for late books or else i would have to sell my soul to pay it hahahaha i really miss going to college...
10. Could you recommend me a book that you think is underrated?
THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! as i’ve said, i’m trying to do more diverse readings, and in this time i have come in contact with celeste ng’s work, and it’s honestly SUCH GREAT STORIES!!! i also love some contemporary brazilian authors like vitor martins and lucas rocha (both were translated to english recently, and i really recomend that if you are a english speaker you check their work), i also loved laura pohl’s debute novel, the last 8, she is brazillian as well, but her work is published in the us so no excuse not to check out. also, if like me you are a big fan of avatar universe you totally should check the kyoshi’s novels by f.c yee!!!! i also been meaning to pick up the trilogy of the poppy war written by r.f kuang and children of blood and bone by tomi adeyemi, simply because: WOMEN OF COLOR WRITTING FANTASY!!!!! but it’s not really a recomendation, as i have not read those books, but i am definetly doing it in a near future. 
(another author that i can’t go without mention is olivia pilar, she is a black bissexual woman who writes love stories between black women, and some of her short stories are available in english as well, and honestly WHOLESOME CONTENT!!!!!)
— Here are my ten questions, i don’t really know who to tag, but if you see that, and want to answer it i would love to see your answers, so feel free to keep on the tag! i had a lot of fun answering it, and i hope you guys do to!!!
what is your top 5 literature characters, and why?
are you a tea, coffee or hot chocolate kind of person?
what is your favorite/chosen aesthetic?
if you were the final girl in a horror movie, which song would you like to play in the soundtrack when you got away?
who are your favorite relationships in fiction (of any kind)? 
how do you feel about villans?
what is your favorite boyband?
do you prefer physical or digital books?
what is your favorite type of story?
what is your favorite season?
Looking forward to see your answers ✨
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Title: Love, Maybe? {14}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Plot, Cursing, Angst
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. 3 years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
**Partially Interactive**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
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Chapter 14: Finding Vixen
   “Wow, things are moving quickly.”
   You spun around the construction site the crew was making progress with the space that would be your restaurant. You couldn’t believe in a matter of weeks what was happening.
   “Things move quickly when everything aligns,” Zack responded from behind you. You looked to him and smiled, but as you stared at him, you only saw one face looking back at you. The smile slipped from your lips, and you gulped down the emotion threatening to spill out. Turning your back, you tried your best to pull yourself together.
    “You okay Vixen?”
   Clearing your throat, you nodded as you took a few steps away to what would or could be the spot for the outdoor eating spot. You bit your bottom lip, while a swell of pride and accomplishment fulled you, sadness and a feeling of being overwhelmed flooded you as well. It had been four days since you’d seen Chris, four days since your entire world had come crashing down, four days since the feelings you thought were long gone surfaced again, four days since the encounter you’d always dreaded and planned would go smoothly went the opposite. Sighing you took a deep breath and turned to face Zack, Kassius and the small team that was assembled for your expansion.
 “Are you happy with this so far? Any suggestions?”
   Glancing around you took in the demolition that looked just to have begun. You shook your head.
   “No, this looks to be the beginning nothing much to make suggestions on. I’d like to look at it again once it’s cleared out, just want to make sure everything transitions right.”
   “Absolutely. I’ve seen Giovanni’s in San Fran; I can imagine how particular you are about the visual of your restaurant. As long as we’re on schedule, things should be clear in another day or two,” Timothy one of the members of the team said.
   You nodded and made your way to the front door as everyone else followed. When you stepped out into the LA sun, you placed your sunglasses on your nose. Zack approached beside you and put his hand on the small of your back.
   “Are you sure you’re okay?”
   “Yes, I’m fine. I just haven’t gotten a lot of sleep the last few days, and it’s always a hassle moving in.”
   Zack nodded and slowly rubbed your back. You tried not to shy away from his touch.
   “I can treat you to a relaxing night, dinner, a drink, maybe a massage.”
   He smiled softly, and you felt the genuineness of his offer, but you knew it wasn’t something you were going to pass on. You smiled, hoping to soften the blow.
  “You’re so sweet Zack, I appreciate it, I really do, but since the move, Ella hasn’t gotten back to her regular sleeping schedule I need to focus on her right now. I’m sorry.”
  He looked as if he were trying to swallow the rejection. You hoped he wouldn’t make it a big thing. In all truth, while you liked his company, you really didn’t want to date. You didn’t feel much of anything for anyone, except him. Zack nodded, looked down, and nodded some more.
   “I understand. You’re a mom first. It’s admirable. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I understand. Just uh—I want you to know that I like you Vixen, I didn’t expect it, but there it is. I would like to get to know you better really try to build something with you.”
   “Uuugh, jeez Vix. What do you say to that?”
   After you looked around you taking notice of how close the others were you decided now wasn’t the right place to let him down. You also didn’t want to lead him on.
   “All right Vixen, so we’re going to schedule another walk through once all demo is done, and we’ll make some decisions. I have a few mocks for you to look over and hopefully by then we’ll have some ideas,” Kassius said.
   “Yes, I’ll look over these.”
   You took the folder that looked thicker than a George A. Romano novel and bugged your eyes out.
  “Good lord.”
   “Yes, a lot of decisions to be made, this is the fun part,” he finished with a broad smile on his face.
   “I’ll see you then. Are you coming, Zack? We’re still on for golf?”
   Zack looked at you and nodded once he realized you weren’t going to respond to his declaration. You were glad your shades were darker than the midnight sky because your eyes weren’t hiding anything.
   “Yeah. I’ll call you,” Zack said before he walked to Kassius and the two walked off to Kassius’ bright red sports car. You nodded your head to the rest of the team and made your way to your rental car.
   You looked into the mirror and shook your head before you started your engine to begin on your to-do list. At the top was picking up some more groceries, then some office supplies and then to pick up some stuff for Ella. You hated the grocery places around the house; they were overpriced for no reason, and the produce never looked fresh. That meant you were going to drive over five miles to get to the supermarket Zack told you about—Gleason’s.
   As you drove your mind drifted back to seeing Chris. The last time you’d seen him, you’d told him to have a nice life. You were pissed and hurt, and it seemed like a good enough thing to say. Shit, you didn’t even know why you were pissed, you brought it on yourself. You were stupid enough to think that there was anything possible between the two of you.
   You should have known better. The way he carried himself, the way he spoke, and dressed it screamed bachelor, screamed down for a good time and nothing more. Every alarm rang off in your head about him the minute you saw him at the table. Everything in you screamed “don’t,” but the other voice in you said, “just do it, it’s Vegas.” Yeah well, “it’s Vegas” turned into a kid and haunting memories. That didn’t change the fact that he was still gorgeous and his shoulders were bigger than ever.
   “Of course he had to be gorgeous. Of course he couldn’t turn ugly or have gained thirty pounds of fat. No, he got sexy as fuck and gained thirty pounds of muscle.”
   You groaned loudly and focused again on the GPS that predicted you’d reach your destination in five minutes. Once you parked in the lot, you roamed the aisles pushing the cart before you.
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  “Black tea, herbal tea, coffee, check.” You dropped the items in the cart and went perusing down the next.
   “Rice Krispies, honey bunches of oats, oatmeal, flour, food coloring, sugar, yeast, check.”
   You turned down the refrigerator aisle to scan for eggs, milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, orange juice, coffee creamer, jello, cream cheese, and that disgusting iced coffee drink Nexus loved. With your list about half done you allowed yourself to get distracted in the produce section where they held fresh flowers. You loved fresh flowers. There were pink, red, blue, yellow and even white flowers of all varieties. You decided on two beautiful assortments of pink and yellow roses and a separate one of pink orchids, you loved orchids. Tipping your head down to take a whiff of the fragrant flowers you looked over to the other side of the section and saw the actor Nexus was losing her mind over—Anthony Mackie. Quickly putting the flowers in your cart you made a u-turn to get back on track, you definitely didn’t want a run in.
   Just as you thought you were safe in the bread aisle holding two selections of bread, one you liked and one Ella couldn’t get enough of you you saw him. Your legs thought you had time to make another getaway, but your brain knew better, he saw you too. Anthony approached you with a friendly smile on his face as he tipped his hat lower. You knew it was pointless, but you still turned and rolled out the aisle. As soon as you made it to the soda and water aisle, he was at your side.
   “Vixen right?”
   Sighing, you nodded. “That’s right.”
   “I’m going to say you didn’t see me, that’s why you walked away; otherwise, that was rude.”
   You snorted and shook your head. He had to be kidding.
   “I was trying to protect your incognito look. I’m thinking if these people knew they were walking next to The Falcon himself they’d draw a scene and there goes your disguise. By the way, that’s a horrible disguise.”
   Anthony chuckled and nodded his head.
   “Of course you’re as snarky as your sister. Speaking of, how is she? Is she here?”
   You looked at Anthony as he quickly looked up and down the aisle as if looking for her. Scoffing again you responded, “No, she’s not here. Why does it matter?”.
   “Just curious.”
   You laughed out loud and pushed the cart further and placed other items in your cart. “I can see right through you. Looks like another one bites the dust.”
   “Another one bites the dust? What does that mean?”
   “It means you’ve been hit with the Nexus haze. Almost every man that speaks to her for any amount of time falls under her spell. You Mr big-time movie star are no different.”
   Anthony smiled and shrugged, but he didn’t look as smug as he usually did, no this time he looked as if he felt threatened as if he were worried. He should be Nexus wasn’t half a woman like these barbie doll actresses and models she was one hundred percent that bitch and she was a force to be reckoned with. The two of you walked in silence for a few feet.
   “So, I learned a fun fact recently. You’d never believe it,” Anthony began.
   “Oh yeah, what fun fact is that?”
   “Three years ago, a woman went to Vegas for some fun and ended marrying Captain America himself.” Your brain failed to communicate with your legs, and you just stopped in the middle of the aisle.
   “He told him. Shit!”
   “But you believe it, because—,” Anthony leaned into your ear and whispered. “You are that woman.”
   You looked to him, unsure what to say. You could deny, deny, deny, but you were sure Chris was the one to tell him. You sighed again.
   “Don’t worry, he’s my best friend, your secret is safe with me.” You walked again and turned down another aisle.
   “Was it shock that had you running like a bat outta hell, or was it something else? Do you hate him?”
   “I hate no one; there is no time for all of that. I have too many things to accomplish.”
  “Okay, a mature one. He lucked out,” Anthony joked. The humor of it was lost on you. You didn’t bother laughing or smiling about it either.
   “It was good seeing you again, take care,” you rushed out as you walked to the cash-out. You didn’t know if you’d gotten everything, but you needed to get out of there. It was insane; every second you spent around him, you felt it was only a matter of time before he saw the truth through your eyes, or seeping from your pores.
   You unloaded the groceries on the belt then saw Anthony help. Rolling your eyes, you stayed quiet.
   “How do you feel about seeing him again after so long?”
   Groaning you turned to him your frustrations seeped out. “What’s it to you? What’s with all the questions? We did what we did, but we also went through with the divorce, it’s all water under the bridge now. No need to keep talking about it.”
   Anthony studied you as you continued to unload the groceries so the cashier could do her job. You were usually good at keeping your emotions in check, but everything was becoming a lot more difficult. You hated it.
   “Whew, that sounds like a lot of hurt and anger, years worth of it. Maybe not so much water under the bridge, huh.” Antony’s eyes bored into you, and you narrowed yours. Anthony nodded again and stepped back.
   “Take care of yourself Vixen. Oh, and could you give your sister a message for me? Tell her I didn’t mean to hurt her, I didn’t plan on it. I was telling her the truth.”
   As quickly as he appeared, he disappeared, allowing you to focus again. You moved as quickly as you could to wrap up the rest of your errands. By the time you made it home, the sun was down, and you had a car full of shit. After thirty minutes of unloading and unpacking, you dropped onto the couch to catch your breath. Ella ran to you, you quickly scooped her up and dropped kiss after kiss across her face. She released an uproar of giggles that made your heart swell.
   “Top, top, top!”
   “No, no, no, take all mommy’s kisses, take them all!”
   Her laughter filled the entire room, and soon, Nexus was beside you holding Ella down as she tickled her small ribs. This only made her wiggle and scream even more. The two of you slowly stopped, and Ella settled down comfortably in your arms, holding tightly to you.
  “Long day?”
   You looked to Nexus and nodded.
   “That’s a big book.”
   “It is, and I have a few more days to look through and find my aesthetic for the next round of meetings. Things are moving fast. Maybe we can be in and out of LA sooner than I thought.”
   Nex gave you a look that said: “be real, aren’t you forgetting something.” You ignored it and flipped through the design pages.
   “What do you think of this one? It’s airy and modern but still has a traditional vibe.”
   Flipping to another page, you have the book your full attention. Seeing another contender, you showed your sister.
   “Ooh, this looks very modern like a real celebrity restaurant. Doesn’t say much to traditional comfort but what the hell step into the times, right.”
   “You know what,” Nexus exasperated. You shrugged and continued to flip the pages determined not to address what Nex clearly wanted you to.
   “Vixen, you know damn well you can’t leave LA without telling Chris about Ella.” You groaned and rolled your eyes.
   You knew you shouldn’t have told her shit. Now it would be even harder to ignore the shoulds. When you didn’t answer after a few minutes, she took the heavy binder off your lap and placed it on the side table nearest her. Groaning you stood and walked back in the kitchen to busy yourself, hoping it would distract you. You took out the meat for the meatballs you planned on making to accompany the spaghetti—Ella’s favorite. Refusing to take the hint, Nex walked in and crossed her arms before the island. You knew ignoring her would only work for so long, but you were going to milk it for every second you could.
   You took out the flour and the other ingredients to make your signature pasta. Once you opened the fridge to grab some tomatoes and herbs for your sauce and closed the door, you came face to face with Nexus’ annoyed face. You snorted unable to hide your amusement.
   “This isn’t funny Vix. It’s serious and a huge thing. It’s not just your life; you’re impacting. There are two other people, one small who cannot make a decision and the other who--,”
   “Who what Nex? You don’t know him. You don’t know what he’s really like,” you blurted out slamming the cutlery drawer a tad harder than you intended.
    “What the hell does that mean?”
   Again you ignored her and began washing your produce, focusing on getting every invisible speck of dirt. You’d told her the cliff notes version, beginning, middle, then end. You didn’t tell her the in between. You didn’t want to relive it out loud, you were fine keeping it a trip you took every night before you went to sleep. Once the produce was washed, you got to work chopping and dicing. You knew you were stressed because the knife was moving faster than ever and you knew she saw it too.
   “I’m waiting. What does that mean? What is he really like?”
   Kissing your teeth, you shook your head, “Forget it, Nex; it’s not important.”
   “Clearly it is. There has to be a reason why you never told him about her, a reason you never claimed the child support that was rightfully yours. You know you could have used it while you were pregnant and the parts of the first year. Why? Did he hurt you? does he hit women?”
   Nex shifted her stance, and you knew she was ready to pop off. She’d always been your keeper, your protector. You remembered a few girls she’d seriously beat down because they looked at you wrong across the playground. You sighed out, taking a pause with the chopping to give her a reassuring look.
   “No, he didn’t hit me.” You saw her shoulders relax and her expression softening; then you returned to the task at hand.
   “So he didn’t hit you. He did hurt you though.”
   Nexus was no idiot. She knew how to hear what you said and decipher what you didn’t. You did your best to give no reaction as you moved around the kitchen.
   “Okay, I get it. You didn’t tell him to spite him.”
   Though you adamantly rebuked that, part of you felt a way and you wondered if any part of you felt that way.
   “Okay. So he hurt you, you ran back home with your tail tucked, and you hid away for the next near three years. What did he do?”
   “Nex, please. It’s not important. Let’s drop it.”
   “I’m trying to help. You seem to be ignoring or purposely forgetting that you have to tell him. I owe him nothing, and I don’t know him from Adam and my loyalties don’t lie with him that’s with you--,”
   “So drop it. Have my back, be my pitbull!”
   “Vix, don’t ever get it twisted and think I’m not riding for you one hundred. It’s always been you and me against the world, and it’s still that way. Just—this goes past that. This is a morally right and wrong issue. How would you feel not knowing you had a mini replica of you running around the world?”
   “Fine, because I wouldn’t know.” Nexus walked around the island to you and put her arm around you. She could sense your breakdown was imminent. She gently rubbed your bare arm and let the silence fill the room. You closed your eyes, hoping to stop your warring thoughts. Of course part of you knew what she was saying was sound and right, but the other side refused to hear it.
   “You’re afraid,” Nexus worded.
   There it was plain as day, no hidden pretenses, no shade, no covers, just blatant truth. You were afraid. You were shitfaced scared.
   “It’s okay to be scared. There is nothing wrong with it. Hell if you weren’t scared I’d be worried because that would show that you really have no intention of doing the right thing. I know you, Vix, do the right thing is your middle name. Somewhere inside you know you have to tell him, want to or not, have to and should outweigh it this time.”
   “This is why I didn’t want to go to that stupid expo or come to this dumb place. It has a way of stealing and crushing dreams,” you groaned out.
   “Or realigning them and showing you a new, different, better dream.”
   You glanced at Nexus, took a deep breath, and released it. She was right — bottom line.
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   It wasn’t hard to get. All he had to do was google her and her location. He had all her information from three years ago. He had her full name, city, state, P.O Box information. In truth, he had everything he needed, and if he needed more, he could easily get more, it was a perk of being him. In all the years he didn’t use it, didn’t search, didn’t allow his curiosity to take over. Today he did.
   It took him less than a minute to find her on Google, her name was uncommon, there was literally one Vixen Giovanni in San Francisco. It took him another minute to find her restaurant. Her restaurant. He was impressed. She said she wanted to open a restaurant and be a chef and she’d accomplished it, and she was successful. He spent nearly twenty minutes just looking through food reviews, articles, and pictures all of her and everything he remembered thinking and feeling those years ago came back.
   He suspected it would be like this—feared it really which made him avoid doing this very thing for so long. He was afraid he was right, and he was. It took him the next hour to get the balls to call the number for her restaurant. An hour where he went over and over what he would say. He didn’t know where you were; it had been nearly a week since he saw you, you could have gone back to San Francisco.
   He went over and over what he would say if you answered. He didn’t know if he should go with a calm and cool introduction; “Hey Vixen, remember me your ex-husband,” or an apologetic one; “I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from but—.” It was impossible to read you from the quick exchange days ago. You hadn’t spoken, you didn’t look angry, or happy or anything, your expression was blank, and then you were gone. He didn’t know what to expect.
   When hour two was near, he bit the bullet and dialed your restaurant. The hostess transferred him to the manager who informed him you were out of town. Due to his quick thinking, he pretended to be interested in a potential business opportunity, it was then the manager gave him your cell phone number. He was surprised it was that easy. Now that was where he was, staring at your number with a bottle of beer on his right side, whiskey on the other and a joint in his hand. He leaned back and took several long puffs before holding them for a breath allowing the drug to haze away all his thoughts. Once he blew out the smoke, he took a long swig of his beer.
   “Jesus Chris, it’s not hard, just dial the number. One step at a time.”
   He took up his phone and punched in the numbers and hovered his finger over the green button, thinking about his actions one last time. Taking another long pull from his joint, he tapped the button and put it on speaker. It rang once, twice, three times and before he tapped the red button to end the call, a voice called out through the line.
   His brain froze, and speech did with it, so he sat there completely flustered.
   “Hello? Anyone there?”
   Still, he didn’t speak. Only when the line went dead did he move, he dropped back against the couch and groaned loudly into the night sky.
   “Come on, man!”
@sarahboseman @texasbama @heyauntieeee @airis-paris14 @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired@theunsweetenedtruth @ashanti-notthesinger @reignsxjackson @halfrican-heat @ambthegamer @simplyyamberr  @muse-of-mbaku @sisterwifeudaku @mejustme06  @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @blowmymbackout @purplehairgawdess@thehuntoyobun @wakandamama @wakandawinning @profilia@zxddy-panther @h-challa @babygirlofwakanda @misswakanda2018 @ororowrites@hutchj @myfavemarvelfanfics @lavitabella87 @afraiddreamingandloving @autumn242 @purple-apricots @skysynclair19 @hersheyskissesss-blog @blue-ishx @90sinspiredgirl @tchallaswife @tchallamakesmeh0lla @turn-thy-paige @blackchickfics @blackpantherismyish @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @naturally-bri @flawlesslybeautiful14 @qweentbh@lunaerly @theoutereffect@twilight-sapphire-lover @pupyluv247 @stark-red19 @cockyboysandsugarism@maverickabull @madbadsiren @aykanna @myaw731 @ruruly20 @mixedmelanin @brittyevans @bezzywazhere@laketaj24  @soulsparker @theresnomoregoodones @syreanne@loveandcigarillos @heyauntieeee @heybriheyyy @wakanda-bcth @uhlxis  @maliadestiny @dadinhas-heat @yaachtynoboat711@geeksareunique @bultalongthewayside @ajspencer1892 @captiansaveasmut @imaginewhoever @terrablaze514 @starsshines-blog @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@darkandlovely94   @sithlordslut @wavyyc @naturalistamisslyn @nigarachi15 @madamslayyy @blackandfair @kreolemami @mylastnameisthe-fish @kaykay0829@chaneajoyyy @tequilajay27 @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @slimmiyagi @im5ftbutmythroat66 @jaeee-http@madhatterhelsing @sunflowerpsalms @wakanda-shit-is-that @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @jecourt @vebner37 @disneysdarlingdiva @melaninmarvel @alanastormborn@dolphinpink310 @wonderbell @ohleucothea @queentearra @bitchbetterhavemydinner @fentybabyy @kaykay4454fan @priya212 @kitkit1690 @chrismarcs @beautycomesindifferentformsworld @blackpantherimagines @ovohanna24 @sweetpeachjones @kslo000   @nubian-queen18 @omgsuperstarg  @airis-paris14 @sisterwifeudaku   @mejustme06 @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219 @destinio1 @drsunshine97  @blue-ishx @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @prettyprincessushio @treeondrea  @ursapharoh05  @blackpinup22 @kaytauru @big3gocandykahn @kissingpineapples @wildaboutchrisevans   @fitfineandstayingalive @misspooh @michele-onel @gorjiss @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @muva-milaje @limbo-limbo-limbo @awkwardlyabstract @blxck-brxndie  @meeky-imagines @inlovewith3 @metalarmlover @mellowjellow6 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@sweettea-and-honeybutter@thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @ursapharoh05 @treeondrea @ovohanna24 @marvelheaux @romanceoftheeveryday @mufasathatniggatho @cltex84 @sweetbearcolorgarden @msincognito67 @mosagram @lunaerly @mar-ta-3 @ljstraightnochaser @lewatigress @akimi-youngblood @bekahdean87 @jasmindaughteroftheworld@cocooned-butterfly @emoniclark22 @chereedrop619 @theblulife @niggarachi15 @drsunshine97 @msincognito67 @missdeerstalker15 @wakandamama @great-neckpectations @avenger-marvel-fan @arieljamiyla @vibranium-soul @monae-boss @queenxchallaxkillamonger@amirra88 @jaeee-http @omg-itsnadi @fonville-designs @sydneebleu @cherrystainedlipsbaby
****If the spacing is all messed up I apologize. I copy and past from Word and try to anticipate Tumblr messing up the spacing and fix it but once I push post everything always jumbled out. Sorry guys.
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non-stop-imagines · 5 years
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Bring Your Kid to Work Day
For @afewmarvelousthoughts's challenge
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black Wife!Reader
Word Count: 1062
Warnings: None, like, at all, it's all cute 😁😁
A/N: I'm sooo glad I got this done! I think I tried to write this 3 different times and I finally have something I love. Of course for this challenge I had to write for undercover full course meal Sam Wilson! Anyway hope you all enjoy and thank you @afewmarvelousthoughts for creating the challenge! Love y'all!!!!💖💛💖💛
UNIVERSAL TAGS LIST: @avc212 @beautifulwisdom2001 @iamzion-therealhabesha @cheychey10142 @thottio @jetaimeamore @mixedfandxms @here-for-your-bullshit
"Jaydan Darlene Wilson, you better come get in this bath right now!" You hear your husband Sam yell from the bathroom. 
    "Daddy, I don't wanna!" You 4 year old daughter yells from what sounds like a different room. You finish putting on mascara the stand from your vanity to poke you head out the bedroom door.
    "If you don't you won't be able to come with us and see Uncle Steve and Uncle Tony… and Uncle Bucky." Sam says Bucky's name quieter and more snithe, still slightly bitter from their past encounters, buy still says it knowing his daughters fondness towards him. In no time at all Jaydan went running back toward the bathroom.
    "Okay! Let's get ready to see my friends." You chuckle to yourself, imagining the smile on your daughters face, then turn back into your room to finish getting dressed. 
    About 20 minutes later, Sam stalks into the bedroom, slightly irritated.
    "She insisted on getting dressed by herself." He wipes the bit of sweat that settled on his forehead. He walks over to you at your vanity as you were pulling your braids into a ponytail.
    "You should be used to her attitude by now." You laugh, turning around and reaching up a hand to feel on Sam's goatee.
    "You can never get used to having a sassy child. You have to stay on your toes." You just shake your head and get up from your spot straightening out your outfit of shorts and a baseball sleeve tee.
    "I guess you're right." You head to the bedroom door and turn around to look at Sam. "I'm gonna go do her hair."
    "Have fun. I'll make breakfast." He responds pulling off his shirt.
    You go downstairs after cleaning up the hair supplies you used on Jaydan to the scent of cinnamon rolls. In the kitchen, your daughter was sitting at the island singing about having a cinnamon roll in front of her as Sam poured a small amount of scrambled eggs on her plate. Jaydan was dressed in pink shorts and a white shirt with pink and blue flowers. Her hair was in two thick braids, a ball hair tie around the base of both and a barrette at the end of each of them. Sam was dressed in a simple dri-fit Nike shirt and jeans.
    "Here's your cinnamon roll and boiled egg because your a weirdo who doesn't like scrambled eggs." Sam places your plate in front of you and kisses your forehead. 
    "I'm gonna pretend you didn't add those extra words." You sprinkle salt on on your egg then take a sip of coffee. "You excited, JJ?" You turn to your daughter, wiping some icing from her face.
    "Yeah. Uncle Tony is letting me watch him in his lab. He said he would. And Uncle Steve said he would draw with me and Uncle Bucky said I could do his hair." She rambles, taking a sip of orange juice once she's done.
    "Sounds like your gonna have fun today. Now before we leave we'll go brush our teeth, okay?" Sam says as he situates himself next to you.
    "Okay, but I can do it by myself this time, Daddy." She finishes her orange juice then hurries upstairs.
    "Gotta stay on your toes." Sam looks at you then takes a quick sip of his coffee, grabs his cinnamon roll and follows his daughter upstairs. You start to clean up the kitchen.
    You all have been at the compound for about 2 hours and though this length of time has been uneventful for you and Sam, who haven't moved from the couch in the common room and have endlessly been flipping through files, Jaydan has already spent half an hour drawing with Steve, a time in which Steve drew a portrait of JJ and JJ drew a portrait of Steve. The next half hour JJ spent messing with Bucky's hair, putting half of it up in a ponytail with a hair tie Bucky provided and placing the two barrettes she had on her braids at the front of his hair. Afterwards Bucky made them both sundaes. And for the past hour she has been in Tony's lab watching him work on his latest project, but now Tony emerges with JJ on his shoulders, sitting her on the counter in the kitchen and then grabs her a juice box from the fridge.
    "Mommy, Daddy, do you guys know nan-uh." Jaydan stops and whispers something into Tony's ear and he whispers something into her ear. She turns back to you two. "Do you guys know nanotechnology?" She turns back to Tony and giggles after asking, then turns to you guys again.
    "Nope. What is nanotechnology?" Sam asks, closing his file and placing it on the coffee table. You do the same, turning your body so you're facing the kitchen and place an arm around Sam.
    "Na-notech-nology are machines made with little robots." She giggles, earning a high five from Tony. Sam turns to look at you.
    "I’d like to remind you that this is your fault." Sam says, smirking and raising an eyebrow.
    "And how, Mr. Wilson, is this my fault?" You tilt your head and give him a smirk similar to his.
   "Tony is your friend. Now we're gonna be hearing her talk about nanotechnology for the next 3 days." He flicks a couple of braids in your ponytail.
    "You're not wrong. But since you want to point fingers," You remove your arm from Sam's shoulder and laugh. "You're on nap detail, since it was your friend who gave her a sundae. And we both know it was not small."
    "Okay wait-" Sam straight up. You pick up the file you were working on and lean back into the couch. Sam just gets up from the couch, knowing that he couldn't win this. "You're gonna pay for this later." He whispers, nudging your leg that rested on the coffee table.
    "I can't wait." You smile a wide childish smile then tilt toward your daughter, who was laughing at something Tony was doing. Sam just shakes his and walks over to Jaydan picking her up from the counter.
    "Are you tired?" Sam asks her as he adjusts her on his hip. She shakes her head and you giggle when you hear Sam sigh. "Girl, what happened to your hair?" Sam asks when he enters the hallway, Jaydan's heavenly laugh coming after.
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 3 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Day 3 here we frickin come people! I hope you're al hungry because now it is time for the all important...Christmas food shopping! LET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @goog-ler-iplier
Food, glorious food…writing this part is going to make me hungry, I know it. Just thinking about documenting people buying turkey, chicken, bacon, sausages, pigs-in-blankets, beef, eggs, cubes, mince and steaks of meat substitute, potato starch based egg substitute, roasting and baking potatoes, carrots, parsnips, garlic, onions, sprouts, leeks, celery, spinach, spring onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, heavy cream, semi-skimmed and full fat milks, lacto-free milks, almond milk, soya milk, butter, vegan butter, regular and gluten free loaves, baguettes, wraps and flat breads, chicken and beef stocks, sage, thyme, basil, lemons, limes, satsumas, grapes, walnuts, fennel seeds, cumin, vinegar, star anise, salt, black pepper, oils, black and glace cherries, raisins, dates, apples, cranberries, gooseberries, blackberries, redcurrants, figs, cinnamon powder and sticks, nutmeg, ginger, a multitude of flours and sugars, baking powder and soda, inhuman amounts of chocolate and sweets, whipped cream, savoury snacks like crisps, peanuts, cashews, pretzels, crackers, breadsticks, cheeses and pickles, popcorn, candy floss…and then huge amounts of ice cream….is gonna make me hungry.
Then there’s the whole beverage side of things. There are bottles and cans of fizzy sodas, lemonade, ginger ale, ginger beer, tonic water, elderflower presse, apple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, instant coffee, coffee machine capsules, earl grey tea, peppermint tea, loose leaf tea, generally festive tea, hot chocolate mixes, egg nog, white wine, red wine, rose wine, port, champagne, whiskey, gin, rum, cream liqueur, cans and bottles of beer, vodka….and sparkling water. Damn…it’s a lot. Undoubtedly you’d need somebody with something like a computer for a memory to memorise all of that, purchase it and bring it home in an efficient manner; thank heck for Googleplier. He was on the mission for consumables, along with his VERY excited boyfriend Blankgameplays.
Now, when it came to public places Blank could often get very anxious and uncomfortable…but not this time. On this occasion, not only did he have his sweet blue Google with him, but he also had a task to undertake, a task he’d been looking forward to ever since he’d volunteered to help Google with it. Blank loved shopping, and he also loved Google, so really this was his idea of the perfect morning. He, of course, was in charge of the steadily filling trolley…and was being a tad cheeky with it.
‘Blank! Get back here! You’ll crash the darned thing!’
Google whisper-shouted as he speed-walked down the aisle after his boyfriend, who was giggling as he half-rode the trolley down the aisle, giddily taunting.
‘Cahan’t catch meee can’t catch meheee!’
Google let out a growl under his breath as he sped up into a jog, and Blank’s eyes widened as he let out a surprised squeak when he found that Google had wrapped his arms around him from behind and brought him to a halt.
‘Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?’
Blank giggled and nibbled his bottom lip at the sound of his boyfriend’s low growl in his ear. Blank turned around so he could face Google, and stood on his tip-toes so he could deliver a kiss to his nose.
Google pursed his lips as he looked down at Blank…damn him with his twinkling eyes and beautiful smile, always making Google unable to truly chastise him for his cheekiness. They returned to their task, collecting more essential items and crossing them off their list….but it didn’t take long for Blank’s mischief to rear its adorable head once more. This time, he was putting things in the trolley that they didn’t require.
‘My love…we do not need paper plates with pink pigs on them.’
‘Awwww c’mooon! Look at them they’re so cute!’
Blank stuck out his bottom lip dramatically, whining when Google put them back on their respective shelf. Google got close to Blank, whispering with a light, playful glare in place.
‘If you put anything else in the trolley that is not on our set list then I shall, with immediate effect, take away your trolley pushing privileges.’
Blank stuck his lip out even more and tried to engage in his puppy eyes, but Google’s glare merely hardened, so Blank submitted….for a little while at least. The rest of the shopping went remarkably smoothly, Blank was giddy of course but he didn’t try to playfully disrupt the task…so Google was under the impression that he was no longer going to be cheeky amidst the shopping. Oh how he was wrong. Blank was merely biding his time, lulling Google into a false sense of security…until they reached the check-out. Then, Blank did the one thing he knew would embarrass Google immensely WITHOUT making him uncomfortable; namely, a great amount of PDA.
‘Baaaabe, can we snuggle lateeer?’
Google’s eyes widened when, just as he’d finished loading their purchasers onto the conveyer, Blank starting hanging off his arm and softly nuzzling his cheek. His face started to turn turquoise as he perceived other customers staring with grins on their faces. Google stammered, wanting to reprimand Blank, but he was getting embarrassed.
‘L-Love….n-not here….’
Blank grinned and giggled, placing a trail of soft, innocent kisses under his jaw, knowing damn well what he was doing to his adorable android. Google’s blush reached his ears as Blank cooed deftly.
‘Whaaat? I’m just showing the world how much I looove you and wanna snuggle yooou!’
Google tried to look down at Blank with a warning in his eyes, but that only made Blank grin wider, god how he loved teasing Google. Google always maintained stoicism, professionalism and perfect composure in every public situation….but Blank lived for when he was blushing and smiling and had no idea what to do with himself because of his developing emotions.
‘Sh-shhh….p-p-people a-are l-looking….’
Google tried to bow his head as he started to smile nervously, whilst Blank merely giggled fondly at him. He was caught between the embarrassment of people watching them and undoubtedly cooing about them, and the sweet enticing nature of his boyfriend’s loving affection. Google could only reason that emotions were….weird. Google gritted his teeth when Blank winked at him though, and despite how flustered he was…Google knew that he wasn’t going to let Blank get away with this. So when it came to checking out, Google packed everything without even bothering to stick to a human pace, whilst Blank continued to smugly stay close to him and relish in what he’d reduced his boyfriend to.
‘You sweeties enjoy the holidays!’
The cashier called after them with a giggle, which made Blank smirk as Google growled. As they left the store with everything bagged in the trolley, Google could feel his embarrassment diminishing…and his need to have vengeance rising. He was similarly inhuman with his speed of loading all their purchases into the car and returning the trolley, and as Blank made to go around to sit in the front passenger seat….Google gripped his forearm.
‘Get into the seat behind mine. Now.’
Blank’s overwhelming smugness….wavered, just a tad, as Blank saw the danger in his Google’s smile. Blank knew he’d been a teasy shit, and on the inside he’d known there were going to be consequences, which was kinda why he’d done it. Google’s consequences were often rather enjoyable. So, Blank decided to maintain his cheeky, boyish grin as he slipped into the back seat behind Google’s driver seat. Then, Google too got into the car, locked it….and proceeded to tint each and every window, and the front and back windscreens so that anyone walking past wouldn’t be able to see in. Blank was analysing Google’s actions with a giddy, yet nervous curiosity…he knew he was in for some kind of punishment, but as of yet he wasn’t sure of what it would entail; so of course, he asked cheekily.
‘Tinting the windows huh? Are gonna make out a little before we head home?’
Google let out a soft laugh through his nose, before cocking his head at Blank and purring.
‘As enjoyable as that sounds, you and I both know that is not what you deserve in this moment. What is going to happen now, is you are going to remove your shoes and socks, and give them to me.’
Blank’s eyes widened. This could only mean one thing, one consequence. His hands and fingers were shaking as he started to blush, not hesitating to comply with his boyfriend’s command. He wordlessly handed his sneakers and black socks over, making Google smile as he took them and set them aside.
‘Good boy, now….’
Blank watched with nervous, curious eyes as Google lifted the head rest up and off of the driver’s seat. His toes curled as Google purred, his azure eyes gleaming behind his spectacles.
‘Feet up.’
Blank complied once more, settling in the back seat as he rested his feet on the top of Google’s seat. He squeaked when Google gripped his ankles and yanked his feet forwards, and Blank hid in his hoodie when he heard Google chuckle…before putting the head rest back onto the seat. The head rest slipped back into place snugly, trapping Blank’s ankles, and leaving his bare feet vulnerable and exposed for whatever Google desired. Google hummed as he observed his boyfriend’s pale, scrunched soles fondly.
‘Do you know what I’m going to do to you?’
Blank nibbled his bottom lip, shivering as he tentatively looked to Google; he whispered meekly.
‘….t-….uh…p-punish me?’
‘Hmm….you are correct, but what is it I am punishing you for?’
Blank was about to open his mouth to answer, when he let out a surprised squeak. Google had begun tracing his soles with all his fingertips, with his eyebrow raised expectantly. Blank understood that Google was still expecting him to answer him, no matter what else was happening. Blank clapped a hand over his mouth as giggles spilled from his lips….oh this was going to be diabolical.
‘I-Ihihit’s b-behecause-ohomygohod….i-ihihit’s….’
Blank let out a light whine, he couldn’t get his words out through his goddamn giggles! Google meanwhile just kept on tracing all over his feet, relishing in the gasps and giggles that he adored so much. Blank’s mirth was utter perfection in Google’s eyes, and he took any and every opportunity to coax it out.
‘Yes dear?’
Blank squeaked and spluttered when Google lightly skittered over the balls of his feet, making Blank scrunch and tug weakly at his trapped feet.
‘P-P-Pleheheeease I-I c-cahan’t t-tahalk lihike thihihis!’
Google cocked his head at Blank softly, smiling with innocent nonchalance as he replied.
‘And yet you still are perfectly coherent. Don’t worry, you can take your time, it’s not like you’re going anywhere.’
Blank threw his head back with his loud giggles as he tugged at his feet more and more, the incessant tickling at the balls of his feet was really affecting the poor guy. Blank knew he had to do everything he could to answer Google’s questions though, it was Google’s thing whenever he tickled, he asked question after question after question like he was doing an experiment.
'Ohohogohod ohohokahay I-I wahas cheheeky!’
Blank squealed out his words as Google lightly raked his nails up and down Blank’s taut, ticklish inner arches. The android smirked, letting out a satisfied hum at his boyfriend’s adorable compliance.
‘That’s right my dear, you were cheeky….very, very cheeky…’
Blank got chills down his spine at Google’s cool, deep tone of voice, and whimpered when Google made his inner-arch tickling devilishly light.
‘Why don’t you list all of the cheeky things you did?’
Blank hit his car seat, the light sensations making him want to curl up and hide away forever as electricity coursed through his body. It took him about a minute of whimpery giggling before he managed to even think about answering, all throughout which Google observed, lovingly. Google adored how ticklish Blank was to even the lightest of touches, it was endearing, and marvellously enjoyable to exploit during moments like this.
‘I-Ihihi r-rahahan wihith the t-trohoholley!’
Google hummed, tracing the wrinkles in the centres of Blank’s scrunched soles.
‘Yes, and?’
Blank softly squealed and hid his face in his hands, his giggling becoming intermingled with soft squeaks and hiccups now; his replies were getting faster too.
‘I-I-Ihihi p-puhut stuhuhuff ihin the troholley wehe d-d-dihidn’t nehEED!’
Blank jumped and yelped when Google sneakily scratched the pad of one of his big toes, which spurred Google to softly trace over both his big toes as he purred evilly.
‘Mmmm, that was particularly cheeky of you….but what was the naughtiest thing you did, hmm?’
Blank’s face was screwed up and his eyes were squeezed shut as colour bloomed on his normally pale face, and his lips spread into a wide, embarrassed grin; the tickling was one thing, but making him talk amidst it all? That’s what made it true tickle torture for Blank.
Blank was squealing and laughing his head off as Google took time and pleasure over scratching every single pad of every single one of Blank’s little, pale toes. This was the pinnacle of the punishment and Google was going to make sure the punishment wasn’t forgotten in a hurry.
‘Yes, you did. Despite knowing how much public displays of affection cause the human flustered emotion to rise within me, you partook in them with me anyway, for your own naughty amusement….’
Blank let out a shrill wail, tugging at his poor feet desperately as he became more and more teary eyed with every passing second.
Google hummed, casting his gaze over his precious, writhing boyfriend with tender amusement dancing in his eyes. He kept tickling his toes deftly as he leant towards him a tad, purring.
‘Sorry for what exactly?’
Google raised a brow amidst his query, and that teasiness on top of the tickling just brought Blank to his adorable limit.
At Blank’s high-pitched wail, Google reasoned that Blank had received an adequate amount of punishment in relation to his cheekiness during their extended errand, so he had mercy. He efficiently released his boyfriend’s feet, and chuckled amusedly when Blank immediately set about bringing his legs close to his chest. Blank was giggling residually and embarrassedly into his knees, but peeked form his hiding spot when he felt a warmth settle on one of his hands.
‘Are you alright?’
Blank melted at the softness of Google’s voice, and looked to see that Google had placed one of his hands on one of his and was rubbing his knuckles tenderly. Blank wordlessly nodded with a bashful smile, and leant forward so he could kiss the android’s hand. Google chuckled fondly, and was about to suggest that make-out session that Blank had previously brought up….when they both suddenly heard a disgruntled gurgle come from the car’s cup-holders. They both looked, and Blank giggled when he saw Gooper lightly squirming.
‘Ohoops, dihidn’t see ya there bud…’
Blank giggled whilst Gooper gurgled once more, this time for a tad longer. Google hummed as he listened to the slightly drowsy creature, before smiling to his boyfriend in amusement.
‘It seems he is displeased at being so roughly awoken from his naptime, but he is happy to take your socks as compensation. He wants to snuggle them.’
Blank spluttered and let out a snort, before picking up his socks and softly tucking them into the cup-holders with Gooper, who purred in thanks before settling down in the new warmth to resume his nap. Meanwhile, the make-out session was put on hold….for the half an hour it took for them to get back home, deposit their purchases, and for Google to carry his cute, barefoot human to their privacy.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
If someone gave you a broken car, would you be able to fix it by yourself? no
Do you have any pet chickens? no
Do you have blue eyes? no
Do you have any goats? no
Do you pray before every meal? just Sunday main meal
Can you stand on your tippy toes? I can
Would you ever go to a Lady Gaga concert? maybe
How many black tank tops do you own? 0
How many pages do you have bookmarked? too many
Is your age an odd or even number? even
How often do you use the toilet? often
How many shirts of yours are red? just a few
What’s something in you room that starts with the letter P? pillows
Are you good at pulling pranks? I don’t like pranks
Can you do a black flip? I can’t
Were you ever on student council in school? yep
Have you ever touched a fish? both alive and dead and food too obviously
Is your mom’s birthday in February? how did you know? :o
Are you hungry right now? just ate
When’s the last time you laughed? ...
Does your house have two kitchens? wtf
Do you know someone who has lost their entire memory? noooo
Do you think your life would change if you were on the cover of a magazine? meh
Do you think you could give up eating desserts for a month? easily
Do you think you could jump for an hour straight? doubt it
Have you ever told someone something secret and then they told people? shitload of times
Do you like ice coffee or it hot? I don’t drink coffee at all
Don’t you hate when you type and get letters mixed around? it’s annoying
Have you ever not accepted someone’s apology? deep inside I knew it’s bullshit and was still careful/avoiding them
When’s the last time you went fishing? never and not gonna
Have you ever thought about being a movie director? YASSS
When you get older, do you think you’ll have short hair or long hair? short
Have you ever snuck out of your house late at night? nah
Do you own a yellow umbrella? I do not
True or false: There is a 4 in the current time. there isn’t
Was it sunny out today? it wasn’t
Do you like classical music? some
The power goes out. What are three things that you have taken for granted? saving this post in drafts only
You get to choose your middle name! It must begin with the letter H. Hildegarda
Have you ever had a Halloween party? I haven’t
Would you rather have a plant cactus or venus flytrap? cactus
Are you better at crosswords or word searches? word searches and sudoku
Would you rather have a water balloon fight or a paint ball fight? paint ball but accidentally eating it sounds gross
Do you like being told what to do? sometimes, depends
What would you do if you were attacked by thugs? Nat would probably front
If someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say? put me in the front line?...
Do you usually get nervous before taking a test? always
Are you more comfortable in public or in your house? house
Do you own an old vintage typewriter? used to
Do you hate how dogs bark every time someone comes to your house? I hate when my neighbor’s dogs bark without any reason
Do you say “mate?” like Hello, mate! Lucy does
Was the weather beautiful today? I didn’t mind it, could be warmer
Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? orange
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? I dyed it whole blue once but it turned out grey and it looked cool
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? no way
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school did
Do you drink more water or juice? water
Do you always carry a purse with you? usually
Do you update your Facebook relationship status when it changes? sigh...
Did you tell someone you loved them today? ugh...
Do you want your own house someday? I wanted that indeed for the longest time
Is there a cat in the room you’re in right now? plushies
Have your parents ever said you’re ruining your life by dating someone? oh well...
Do you hate when artist change their music? could say so
Would you ever name your car? it’s possible
Are you wearing a necklace? not currently
Are you good at giving advice? no comment
Have you gotten into any fights within the past week? sadly
How often do you go to the kitchen? it varies
Are you strong? I don’t think so
When you choose your golf ball for put-put, what color do you pick? -
Have you ever ate the tip of a pencil? The eraser. ewww, gross
You can dye your hair red or neon green. You pick? neon green
How many Juliet’s do you know? knew one ages ago
What’s your current mood? awful
Can you do a cartwheel? not best
Do you believe you have the perfect parents? my dad is awesome
Would you ever try a workout video? Or have you? had self defence aerobic when I was younger
Is your cat orange? it was black
Is anything in the room your in striped? clothes count?
What song do you hear playing? no music!
Have you ever found a four leaf clover? 3 times
Were you ever in the plays in school? several
When was the last time you bought a pair of new shoes? they weren’t exactly new tbh
How many gray shirts do you have? uh oh
Have you ever cried because you missed someone so much? grandma mostly
Do you hate waiting for things? sure
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queencestqueen · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
tagged by @unusual-raccoon ( thanks, dove. *hugs* )
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? Black with a teal handle on the one in my bathroom/
2. Name of the food you never eat? I’m actually a very picky eater, but I’ve been trying to work on it. One thing I would never eat though is anything made out of a baby animals (ie. veal.)
3. Are you typically to warm or too cold? Too warm.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sitting in my recliner, watching Judge Judy on my DVR and drinking a small glass of orange juice.
5. What is your favorite candy bar? Hmm... tough choice. Either a Hershey’s bar with almonds or a Cookies & Cream bar.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yes.
7. What is that last thing you said out loud? I asked my mom if she could make me a cup of coffee with her fancy french press because our Keurig machine is not functioning for some reason.
8. What is your favorite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip, actually, that or chocolate chip cookie dough.
9. What is the last thing you had to drink? Orange juice.
10. Do you like your wallet? I actually don’t have one right now. I’m using a shoulder bag as my purse (a FRIENDS themed one) so there’s no room for a wallet.
11. What was the last thing you ate? French toast with syrupy.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? No, I’m not big on clothes shopping.
13. The last sporting event you watched? Couldn’t tell you. I’m not big on sports.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? buttered with salt.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My mom, about whether she knew where the dog brush was. LOL
16. Ever go camping? Unfortunately. My mom adores camping, but I hate it. Thankfully my siblings have taken that particular bullet for me for the past several years.
17. Do you take vitamins? Nope, but I probably should.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? No, but I commend anyone who has the discipline to do anything that regularly.
19. Do you have a tan? No, I avoid the sun because I burn so easily and hate the outside. LOL
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Pizza.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Yes, all the time.
22. What color socks do you usually wear? I only wear fuzzy winter socks when it’s cold. Otherwise I just shove my bare feet into my shoes.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive so...
24. What terrifies you? Disappointing people. Being alone. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? Lamp, flowers, two empty water bottles and my Beta fish named Curiosity.
26. What chore do you hate? Cleaning…
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent? I think of this Youtuber I watch who lives in an Australia and has that accent.
28. What’s your favorite soda? Vanilla Coke.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive-thru, ‘cause COVID-19.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom.
31. Favorite cut of beef? No idea.
32. Last song you listened to? "This is How We Do,” by Katy Perry
33. Last book you read? I’m almost finished “Bared to You (Crossfire, Book 1)” by Sylvia Day.
34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday’s just feel so good.
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Heck no.
36. How do you like your coffee? Pumpkin Spice.
37. Favorite pair of shoes? I only have one pair of shoes so, those.
38. The time you normally go to bed? 11 PM, give or take.
39. The time you normally get up? 9 AM
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset.
41. How many blankets on your bed? Do top sheets count as a blanket? If yes, then four.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Mismatched.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? Mimosas.
44. Do you play cards? Depends on the game.
45. What color is your car? Rosita is red. ;)
46. Can you change a tire? Haha, not a chance.
47. Your favorite province? No clue.
48. Favorite job you ever had? That would be my job with the public radio station social media in college. I really loved my co-workers and the atmosphere there.
49. How did you get your biggest scar? I developed Kienböck's disease in my left wrist in my late teens/early twenties and my doctors were astounded cause it usually develops in construction workers and people who do alot of heavy lifting. Anyway, they had to remove the dead bone and put pins, rods, in my wrist. I got a pretty big scar on my wrist. *sigh*
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? Nothing yet. I’m still drinking my coffee.
tagging: @herbeloved82, @edgeofthemultiverse, @incensuous
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elinaline · 4 years
Got tagged by @mixmio​ thanks ! my brain does not want to focus on work these days so perfect
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
it’s like. black. I rarely use it though, because if I brush my hair it looks like a bomb exploded on my head fdjkfh so I untangle it after putting in conditioner and usually I just fight it with my bare hands in the morning
2. name of a food you never eat?
cucumber. fuck that vegetable it’s disgusting way too smelly and the texture is fucking horrible
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
too warm !!!!!! and it’s only gonna get worse (: woohoo
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I was being anxious lmao, and weirdly emotional because of that playlist spotify gave me. Also thinking about how to formulate the things I want on my report for my precedent internship that I still need to conclude.
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
is it twix ? is it mars ? I never know the difference carambar good also
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
I used to be in the official orchestra of a professional rugby team so I’ve been to a few dozens official sports events actually !! I’ll always remember the patrouille the France oing over our head as we were playing for a France-Ireland match in Bordeaux, that was amazing, and Irish rugby fans are so fun :)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
“oh it’s bubbling up !” talking about a cake I’m trying to do with sourdough starter
8. what is your favourite ice cream?
fucking uuuhhhhh blueberry ? there’s no better ice cream taste than one made from wild blueberries that you went out in the moutain to pick with your family after noticing a good spot during a hike :3
9. what is the last thing you had to drink?
orange juice 5mins ago
10. do you like your wallet?
yeah ? it’s convenient I.... it’s got lots of pockets ? idk it’s sturdy wh. that’s a weird question actually
11. what was the last thing you ate?
lunch made by my roommate ! also a bit of the paste from aforementioned cake lol
12. did you buy any new clothes last week?
no I don’t intend on buying new clothes until a loooonnnngggg time I don’t particularly need any plus like. quarantine lol.
13. last sporting event you watched?
the. no wait ? no that’s it probably bits of the tour de france last summer ?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn?
there are different flavors between salt and sugar ???????????? anyways salted popcorn is absolutely disgusting so. sugar. there are different flavors ? what a wild world we live in
15. who was the last person you sent a message to?
@breadstyx​ I was talking to them about the cake
16. ever go camping?
we were supposed to go camping this weekend, since it’s a long one what with May 8, with my class as sort of like one last big event altogether but :) fuck us I guess lol
17. do you take vitamins?
I used to in highschool bc I had toxoplasmosis and it fucking drained me. I’ve also taken some magnesium complements this year because I had vertigo caused by stress because it was such a nice year for me (: (: (:
18. do you go to church every Sunday?
19. do you have a tan?
I’ve been stuck inside for the last two months and there is basically no direct sun in my apartment. so. I’m white as fuck rn
I’ll get SO sunburnt as soon as I can go outside lol but catch me rolling in the grass as soon as they reopen the parks, I haven’t seen grass in 52 days fuck off. Like knowing we’d get out of quarantine but that the parks would still be closed for a while did a funny number on my mental health hahaaaa
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
I’m not a big Chinese food fan generally :/ also what kind of pizza are we talking about ?
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                      
before I answer this question I need to know what you define as soda because I’ve never understood what non French people meant by that. also generally I don’t use straws apart for like milkshakes and smoothies
22. what colour socks do you wear?
right now I’m barefoot
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I haven’t driven in years my guy fdkfh but usually no I’m exactly at the speed limit I’m terrified of driving and I hate it SO
24. what terrifies you?
like, right now, or ? in general ? I’m terrified of every countries around slowly turning into authoritarian regimes and not being able to do shit, I’m terrified of the general mistrust towards science I can see in the general public, I’m terrified of the rise of fascism, I’m terrified of climate change in a very short term idea because I can’t bear many more summers above 45°C and in the long term because I’d like today’s kids to have a future, I’m terrified of never being enough and not getting a PhD funding, I’m terrified people will get bored of me or think I’m not useful anymore and leave me and I’d have to rebuild myself from zero again, I’m terrified of the general idea of losing control, I’m terrified of big empty spaces, I’m terrified of causing harm of any kind without being able to control or reduce it. You know the usual dose of existential fear and then some, and then some more for good measure haha :)
25. look to your left what do you see?
a calendar
26. what chore do you hate?
doing the dishes and getting the bin out because it hurts my back
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
":)” loved going to Melbourne would love to go back I miss my friend there
28. what’s your favourite soda?
seriously define soda first. If you mean drink with bubble I don’t like any of them basically. If you mean processed drink with an average of five sugar cubes per can I’d say Oasis ? or Ice Tea
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru?
never been to a drive through. fast foods yeah ! there used to be a Declercq (it’s like belgian fries, v good, v greasy, perfect for a friday night with friends) near my school but they had an oil fire so it burned down :( so now the alternative for greasy fries is BK
30. who was the last person you talked to?
@breadstyx​ whom I sent a message to about the cake. IRL I live with my roommate so.
t31. favourite cut of beef?
one that’s tender ? you think I know perfectly which cut is what and not that I don’t buy the cheapest one when I feel like polluting a lot with what I eat ?
32. last song you listened to?
I’m currently listening to a spotify playlist. I’s currently playing hang on
Willow tree by twin wild i’ve never heard of these guys but ok
33. last book you read?
oh fuck I’m in a “unable to read” period lmao. Probably one of the October Daye series uh. The one where her mom comes to steal her fiance and her twin
34. can you say the alphabet backwards?
took a while but I think it’s correct ? It’s like. I know sequences that are easy to invert and I need to link them together that’s the tricky part
35. how do you like your coffee?
36. favourite pair of shoes?
Before I bought my docks I had those huge bulgy shoes that I loved because no one could step on my feet in the metro, but the insole started caving in in a weird way and it hurt my ankle so I had to stop wearing them :(
37. the time you normally go to bed?
(: NORMALLY around midnight, but rn it’s more like. between 1 and 2 am when I’m not too bad
38. the time you normally wake up?
NORMALLY around 8 but I’ve decided 9.30 would be good, and I usually am able to get up only by 10am
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
I’m usually not awake for sunrises but both are good. I like the hour JUST after sunset best because it’s like. you can see daysky on one side and nightsky on the other, and everything is sort of blue or sort of orange
40. how many blankets are on your bed?
41. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re round and kinda concave so that food doesn’t get out ? I? do you have many weird questions like that
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I’m a sucker for a good piña colada but it’s hard to get them exactly right, like the balance between too sweet and too creamy is subtle
43. do you play cards?
in highschool I used to but I’ve forgotten all the game we’d do
44. what colour is your car?
don’t have one
45. can you change a tire?
46. your favourite province?
If we’re talking french region, Aquitaine is the closest I’ve ever felt to being home I guess ? I love the Pyrenées as well, all three old regions I don’t know the new ones fdfsdhfsdf
47. favourite job you’ve had?
I’ve only ever done summer camp counselor as a summer job, and I’ve had both a traumatising experience filled with sexual harassment and a really good experience that helpes me get more self confident so.
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
it’s not really a scar it’s a bump on my head that never left, I hit my brother in the garden pool at full speed when I was 7
49. what did you do today that made someone happy?
afaik nothing but I’m about to put this cake to bake SO
I am tagging uuuuuuuuuhhh say @sunny-day-sky andddd @queerlynx but like. don’t feel pressured to do it, it’s a Lot
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duckingpunches · 4 years
Random shit about me
Thanks for the tag @galaxy-whiskers !!!! Love you dude x 
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? I don’t have one! My hair is currently buzzed and has been sort for about 5 years 
2. name of a food you never eat? Oh gosh where to start, I’m a pretty fussy eater. Top of the list would probably be avocado, gross
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Probably too hot! Especially at night when I’m at university, my boyfriend is a bloody furnace 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching Friday Night Dinner with my family 
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? Ummmmm, probably Green and Black’s 70% dark chocolate. That stuff is goooooooood
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yeah! My brother is a gymnast, so I’ve been to his events. I’ve also been to lots of premier league football games as my bio dad is a big fan.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? Shouting my dog from across the room 
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Either Ben and Jerry’s half-baked cookie dough and brownie or their new ‘Netflix and chilled’ flavour which is INCREDIBLE. It’s peanut ice cream, salted and sweet pretzel swirls with brownie chunks. To die for honestly. 
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? Some Vimto (though Ribena is always superior) squash in my new water bottle. It’s honestly so sick, I bought it off amazon and it keeps my drinks cold all day. For example, I went to work at 4am and when I finished at 1pm the ice cubes I put in that morning were still fully there, excellent purchase. 
10. do you like your wallet? Yeah! It was my first ‘men’s’ wallet and even though it’s starting to fall apart I love it 
11. what was the last thing you ate? A crème egg hahahaha. My work had reduced all of the Easter stuff, so I bought three packs of twelve for less than a pound. 
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? Not last week, but I did the week before. A company I really like called ‘Lame’ were doing an offer where you get a free cap with every hoodie, so I snagged their ‘Satan’s Spinach’ one. It’s super comfy, a lot thicker than regular hoodies, comes in recycled packaging and has thumb holes!!!!!! 
13. last sporting event you watched? Honestly couldn’t tell you 
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Sweet n Salted every single time
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? My boyfriend! I’m missing him a lot at the minute with the quarantine, so I mainly send him memes all day
16. ever go camping? Allllll the time as a kid, but less so now. I was in the scouts, so we went a lot and my family used to go on holiday with a few other families when I was younger, we did it for about seven years until all of us kids were older. I do love it though and as soon as I get my car, I’m planning on buying a tent and going a lot more. 
17. do you take vitamins? Not really 
18. do you go to church every Sunday? I used to, then I came out and got kicked out. Not really religious anymore 
19. do you have a tan? Not currently, but whenever I go abroad, or it gets hot where I live, I tan really well.  
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Hmmm a tough one, but probably Chinese! There are quite a few good places round me, and my sister used to work for a local restaurant so you can imagine we ate it quite a lot 😬
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                                                             Nope! 
22. what colour socks do you wear? Every colour under the sun. I love socks so much. The more colourful and uglier the better 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Nah, I’m still having lessons so my instructor wouldn’t be very happy if I did! 
24. what terrifies you? My friends and family dying. My dog going missing. Never having top surgery. Not enjoying my life. Gah, the list could just go on 
25. look to your left what do you see? My bookcase 
26. what chore do you hate? Probably doing the bathroom or picking up my dogs shit lmao 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? My ex-girlfriend. Shudder. 
28. what’s your favourite soda? Fanta! Specifically, orange, fruit twist used to be my favourite, but the classic is just peng as fuck 
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? Into usually 
30. who was the last person you talked to? My sister, we were talking about how shit dinner is going to be 
31. favourite cut of beef? Not a fan of beef really 
32. last song you listened to? Sweet creature by Harry Styles. My Alexa has his albums on shuffle right now
33. last book you read? I’m currently re-reading ‘call me by your name’ which is one of my favourites 
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? Definitely not  
35. how do you like your coffee? Don’t drink coffee unfortunately 
36. favourite pair of shoes? My Dinosaur Vans. They are wicked and my friend recommended them to me after buying a pair herself and they are super comfy 
37. the time you normally go to bed? If I’m working, 8pm because I have to wake up at 3:50am. If I’m not working, about midnight.
38. the time you normally wake up? If I’m working, 3:50am. If I have a day off, around 9am 
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets, I love watching out of my window, reading a good book with my dog curled up on the bed and a chill album playing. Some of my favourite memories are being on holiday or scout camp with my mates and talking as the sunsets. Very zen  
40. how many blankets are on your bed? My duvet, a weighted blanket belonging to my mum which I have stolen temporarily, a grey blanket and my fish blanket. So many….
41. describe your kitchen plates? Mishmash of my grandparents’ old plates, my ones from uni and a few random ones we have had from friends. We are doing up the house, so we wanted ones we didn’t mind breaking. Our nice Gordon Ramsey plates are in the shed hahahaha. Though we have been doing up the house for about three years now, so I haven’t used the fancy plates in an age. 
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Probably the cocktail my sister and I make. It’s vodka, peach schnapps, Malibu, mango juice, mango monster and lemonade. 
43. do you play cards? Not really 
44. what colour is your car? I don’t have one rip 
45. can you change a tire? Yeah! 
46. your favourite province? No idea 
47. favourite job you’ve had? My current job tbf. I work at Waitrose and it’s pretty nice, especially the pay. I have worked at a few places. First being red5 for about 6 months, then I worked at a children’s mental health charity where I loved my colleagues and the groups I ran, but my managers and some of the stuff I had to see and deal with were just terrible. My 18 months there were probably the worst of my life.  
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
TW//////////// Self-harm when I was about 14. I had to have stitches. /////////////////
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? I fed my dog and he was pretty happy about that 😂
I tag @new-brat-in-town @thecrazycreation @yunoaccept @mixmio 
No pressure though!! 
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charmed-asylum · 4 years
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓼
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 4
Summary: Finn Cox had everything boy would ever dream of a hot cheerleader girlfriend, loved by everyone, and caption of his hockey team. So why is since Camille Dawson step into his life he starts to have second thoughts about everything
FYI: 1st week back to school. This part is short. Ever hear the saying quite before the storm well. Get ready because it is about to be a class five hurricane  Lets CHAT Get tag or Whatnot. If you are new catch up :)
✨ The Partners: Ch.1/ Ch.2/ Ch. 3 
𝓉𝒶𝑔𝑔𝑒𝒹: @weapinggwillowss @nottherightseason @strangerfictions  @thewolfswriting​ @hauntor 
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The crowd called for him praising him like he was a god. Going nuts. It was the winter finale game they been undefeated all season and it was time. He rushed out to the ice and gave them a show skating around waving his hands up. He was only a freshman and on the varsity team for St. Cloud State University. He wears his black, red, and white with pride. Hockey his friends was his life and the girl of the week. Finn was the young man on the campus. It was his life. One he would never give up. 
The blood rushes down his forehead his mouth crunch harder onto the mouthpiece. He looks at his teammates as the captain told them the next play. It was Finn's big moment. It was up to him to get the point that could give them the win. BREAK He waited for tell. The bits of ice rush in his face as he rushed down to the goal. Fitting the enemy trying to steal his shine. As he took it he hit it in. The crowd scream in excitement. Others turn around to Finn on the ground screaming. Throwing the helmet off he screams as he tried to get up. Stumbling back down. Before blacking out he saw the scoreboard. THEY WON
He looked out at the gentle white snow. Hunch over missable. The doctor said it could be fixed but instead he was still wheeling himself around. ACL about gone damage due to years of playing. All his friends didn’t call him as much and he wasn’t getting much action like before. Him this smell room and his dad. 
“ Where you going anyway"  Finn said wheeling himself around following his dad. “I and a friend are going on our annual fishing trip. Every year I get one weekend Finn. To myself" dad said with a chuckle. Probably gonna share a tent with a dude and experiment “ You know I’m okay with that dude and dude stuff” Finn added trying to stop his dad. He turned to Finn and red face still chuckling. “ I ain't no... Finn, I’m gonna be on a big ass boat with rooms and shit that I don’t get here anymore. You know peace” dad said. Finn looks back at the phone ringing. Damn it. He wasn’t in the mood. Rolling back to his room he shut the door and watch his glory days.
It must have been months. No movement. Mad at the world. Unsure where everything when to Shit. Asking himself if there was a way out. Suddenly their movement out the doors of his room breaking him from his daily life is over. Finn was drench in the sour smell of beer stuck in bed. Slowly getting up he dragged his fingers to the door. Peeking out the door he sees his dad talking to someone. Could he be back yet from his trip Finn thought to himself? 
The voice has been popping in and out never a face. Yet it was a familiar voice. They were talking about everything including him. His father looks past the figure to Finn door. Rushing away from the door he rolls over and drops a big stack of trash. He quickly tries to fix everything and rush back to his bed. Full of pain. As he crouched over closing his eyes. He felt the light from the hallway hitting his back. A sweet perfume. Fresh. He tried to see if he could peek. But it was too dark. Soft whispers. Then a touch. One-touch. He could not resist so he slowly turned around to see the back of a girl. Who are you? 
Unable to sleep he kept thinking about the stranger with the sweet scent and soft touch. Dad was by the table looking at the yellow book. The last person he ever thought would be here but things had slowly changed in the past years. 
" Looks who up. Why are you out of the room. Need more painkillers. Use the crapper " dad asked with his reading glasses tip down. Finn smiles. "No, dad. Thought it finally time to come out. Test the waters. What are you doing" he says rolling next to him. He was in pain roll himself everywhere. " Think we should change doctors someone refers me to a better doctor. Also thinking therapy. They told me a good place. Next town. She always such a great big help" he says shaking his head hug grin on his face. Finn seeing his opening took it. "She. Do I know her" he asks grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. 
Dad looks at Finn confuse then shakes his head yes. " Not supposed to tell you. Her words" he says getting up. Finn turns around to his dad. Who can it be? Rolling himself back and forth. "Come on. Tell me. I know her. Who an ex my old math teacher" he says. Making a cup of coffee dad shakes his head. " This is childish your childish. She has been always helping us and I can't even tell you. Because of you two history. Whatever that means. It's the Dawson girl. She has been lending a hand whenever I need it since your mom died" he replies and walks out the room with his coffee. Finn follows him to his bedroom cursing to himself as he pushes himself fast enough to catch up. " Dawson. You mean Camille Dawson. I haven't heard that name in years. What, why, huh" he starts to say. 
Dad looks at him and rolls his eyes. " She felt guilty about your mom. Something that wasn't her fault. Days after your mom's funeral she asks a favor for me. She talks to me to explain to me things. Help me see. Be better. Just simple things. Cook a few meals. You're favorite. Then after a while, she would check on us. When you got hurt sometimes she comes up a few weekends to help when I couldn’t. I should of drop kick you. Your mom was going to die and you know that. She asks to die that day. In peace. She saw we be fine. She saw that when you were with her. She saw how happy you could be. She was dying for a while but when she saw we could be ok. She let go into peace. She would be ashamed of you. Here. I told you what has been on my mind for a couple of years. Now I’m going to watch my sports and sleep" he said closing the door.
Finn was shocked. Lies, the truth. He tried not to think about her. It was like she was in a box that he put up away in the attic or at less that's what he wanted to believe. Rolling back and forth by the laptop trying to do something else. Keep the mind busy. "Fuck it". He spends hours checking up the years they last talk. The evolution after high school. The many pictures of her and friends, Will, and a boy who look just like him. She was at NYU. Now ending freshman year. Happy. She was happy. After that night he looks her page each night before he fell asleep.
There was a knock on his door. Is it her. The OxyContin must have been really working was it her or was he just imagine it. " Hey there. Stranger. Your dad out wanted me to check on you" she stops and fixing a few strings of his hair "you're going to make it" she says full of sympathy. Finn slowly opens his eyes. It was her sitting at the side of his bed silent.  Slowly getting up. " What are you doing here" he asks grabbing an old beer off his nightstand. She glances at him. That sweet smell. " Home for the break. Heard about you. Dad told me I should come by maybe help. How are you? Taking it easy. There was a lot of neighborhood talk about our rising star" she says opening an orange juice taking the beer out his hands and putting between her thighs. He said nothing just looks at her. She tents up and looks away. " Look. I don't judge or care. Just think you should know it's not over. You can walk again. Have the chance. Many dreams about that. You have friends and family. Supporting you I guess. Maybe even a child. Then again she always did cheat around even with people close to you" she stops and peaks back to him "In high school. Anyway. You give up and that's letting all those people win. You were always better at the buzzer. Your better then this Cox" she says and gets up to start to leave. He watches her. " How can you make it sound so simple. Get hurt right before my career can even start. My life was just starting. Life pretty much fucking over. Dawson" he spits out.
She turns around to him. "You been in here too long. In this room. Small four by four.  Going a little wallpaper crazy. That your funk is smelling better than your attitude. Looking like a nightly creature in the sunlight. Legs are going to work. Always practice gets better to get back in there for the second half. Maybe this is meant to be. Come back here. And think about what you want. At less think about it, not for you but your mom" she stops and brought his chair to the bed" Get in the chair. I am taking you for a short ride. Then you and your funk can come back and sit here and decay" she says looking at him. Her hands on her hips full of sass.
The ride was short. He was forced to go. Okay, ask very polity to wear blindfolds. After a while, she took them off. They were at the old oil mill. She locks his chair and starts to grab him out of it. For a small girl pushing 120 tops, she was strong. Helping him sit down on the ground. She sat next to him. Past them was lights then water. He never saw this spot before. It was actually beautiful even though it was dark. She glances at him then back at the view. " Only you. Cox. Only you. See out there. It's whatever you want. Nothing. Ok. Simply a joke to the town. Maybe a small job somewhere. Watch life pass by. You just in your chair rioting. Or change. Get past it. Get back and see pass those lights to the unending ocean whatever. It's up to you. Finn. I’m only here because your dad ask. And I would feel really guilty if I couldn't help. But I said yes" she says leaning back looking up at the stars.
He looks at her then at the view. Her phone begins to ring. Crap she mouths. She gradually finds her way up and answers it. She was gone for a few minutes. He turns around and watches her talking. Kicking the ground nodding her head. Coming back to him. She reaches out for his hands to go. Sitting down in the car. He looks at her. Then back away. " Thanks. For this. Tough love with a hint of kindness. Tomorrow would you come back. None of my friends come by plus my dad great but it is not the same" he said looking at her. She looks at him and starts to smile. Leaning she looks up at the stars. " I always wanted to travel adventure out from Alaska. On my own on my terms. Did with New York. Now. The phone call was from my school. Telling me I got in. Study abroad in Europe. For a year. I leave in a day. Back to New York. Have you ever went. Last I heard it was in your plan. Finn" she says. He looks away from her and shook his head no.  
She looks over, " You should. I love to show you. Give you the triangle experience" she says trying to cheer him up. Confused from what she meant he smiles at her. He begins to laugh. She hits him on the side. " Hey, it's a rare package Jimbo Finno. See first there the standard things to see. Which by the way to much for a day. I recommend the first time you should stay a week.  Then second is my favorite things that I personally think people should know about then you. I would do things I know you would personally like. Like. Going to Madison Square Garden for a game or ride by Long Island where this cool hockey exhibit is. The triangle experience" she says with jazz hands. Knock knock on the window. It was Finn's dad. She smiles and waves hi then talks to him a little. Getting out. He looks back at her. Watching him. "Hey. So you know things are going to get better. That place we went to was my place. I go there when I need new pear eyes. But now it can also be yours. You need it as bad or worst than me. Directions on your desk. A get a better gift if you will" she says. Once he got inside it was right on his desk. There was a note. From her. 
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After that night. That unaware needed to slap into reality finally hot him. Finn started to give in. Maybe it was the urgency of dad. The simplicity of if you don’t you shit together then I’m gonna kick you numb ass. He would mumble to Finn every time he resists. Probably it was the fact of the matter it was an old friend not his father no him. Or maybe was that first video blog Camille mail to Finn in a care package.
With the months going by Finn started to go to community college. Then on his off time working with his dad in the office or going to therapy. What care he was not getting from therapy he got from the random hookups he did every night. Becky Stephanie Val Renee Heather Melody and so on and so one. Till it got to the point he had to write the name on his hand. Even with all those girls he still found me himself after some fun in the sheets watching her vlog looking at her social media. Will and his dad were close so that gave him all the gossip on her outside of social media.
“ Hey, dad do you mind if I talk to you” Finn said clenching onto his crutches. He nods and motions to come in. He was on the phone with a client. Finn is their top player. “ Didn't see last night. Another night out” dad said looking at Finn. Playing on his crutches he nods yes. “ So what is it, son. You need a ride to therapy today. Day off” dad ask. Finn turns one of the pictures over and looks at it.  Everyone at his brother's high graduation. Before they even knew there was an actual name for what his mom had.
“ I have been thinking. You said some time ago. Dawson spoke to you help you understand. I want to know what it is” Finn said passing the picture back. Dad sat back and look at the picture. A tear slowly drips down his cheek. His dad was a proud man proud men don’t cry. He taught him that. He taught every one of them that. “ She told me what I need to know. She introduced me to the man you were. The man I made and the one I could have made if I continue the way I did. Even told me the husband the father I was. She then asked me what part I wanted. Dam girl had me crying like a newborn baby. I didn’t care for a word until I realized she was right. I called her that night again crying feel I failed. I was asked by your wife a stranger to look after all of you. That weekend Will invited me out on our trip. Who thought all I ever needed was a friend” dad said with a chuckle.
A young girl with strawberry curly hair walks up to Finn as he was laying by the country club pool. Peeking up he smiled. He gets up and follows her into a men's bathroom. “ God my girlfriends are gonna die when I tell them I road the Finn Cox” strawberry said fixing her hair. Finn put his pants back up and yawned. Wasn't best sure was not the worst he had. “ Or don’t waste your time. Berry” Finn said looking down at his phone. The girl sat behind him and kiss his neck. “ Why don’t you put this down and let me entertain you a bit longer” the girl said kissing him across his neck and shoulders. Still, on his phone, he stops a video. “ How do you think this would taste like” Finn said showing her the phone. There was a toasted bun with fresh fruit beside it. She tossed it away then continue to kiss him rubbing her hand across his thigh. Flustered he tossed her off and show her again. “ It looks like shit” the girl said ignored. He smirked. “ Actually it’s pretty good. Looks good though I think it’s a Scottish dish. Hey huh, you think you can cook this. All the girls I asked said they can’t” Finn said watching the video again. “ How many people you show this shit too” the girl asked. Scratching his nose. “ So that’s a no. You think any bakeries would have it.” Finn asked. Upset at his manor she slapped him across his cheek and walk off. He looks at himself one good time in the mirror. Damn not again 
By the time he got home, there was a package for his dad from Camille. Fascinated by what could be intakes it inside. Sitting on his couch he grabs his keys and opens the package. Inside was a letter to dad, Birthday card for him, and a signed Jersey with a video for Finn. Grabbing up the jersey he walks back to his room and closes the door. It was a New York Ranger jersey with all the players' signatures. Pulling it up he grabs a hanger and puts it up on his shelf. 
Hey Finn. So I know I was just checking in on you. Just heading back to the states. You might be down so I decided to surprise you with a limited edition preview of the triangle experience. So we are at the MSG where yes the Ranger playing Tampa Bay Lightning. Two of what World Wide Web has said is a good show. I am here with Will he came by for the weekend say hi. A great game was able to get the teams to sign the jerseys said you a cancer kid. Remember you can do what changes the world in a better way. Bye Finno 
Fin lay down across his bed rewatch the video once more. She didn’t have to do it and maybe she was doing it for dad. Anyway, this video gave him an idea of something that might help him his dad and others. 
Pulling up to the local Polar Ice Box Fin grab his papers and his good tie. He was hoping his classes and work would help today. Something important for once and not so selfish. They didn’t come right away which was good because he was able to practice. He got his bill of health and he wanted to hit the comeback with a bang. For you mommy
The idea was simply a place for boys and girls to learn to be healthy and play hockey. It came to him years ago but it didn’t hit him till that package. He talks about his dad and Will to get some people together to want to help start the program. While it didn’t become a franchise as he went in with. They agree to give it a chance. A chance was all he needed. Just one.
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