#I would draw more but my inspiration is limited but these girlies have been on my mind all month
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bobactually · 2 years ago
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ducktales girlies
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maryrouille · 10 months ago
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It's Amy Winehouse, but with female rage. About Back to Black (dir. Sam Taylor-Johnson) 2024
Recently, a film telling the life story of the British singer Amy Winehouse was released. I came here to talk a little about the aesthetics of this film, which, by the way, cannot be accused of poor music (Marisa Abela sings Amy's songs in her own voice and she does it brilliantly!) or ugly shots.
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In the film we see the transformation from a rebellious teenager with a guitar into an emotionally and behaviorally unstable woman (without a guitar). Of course, this turn of events could have been reflected in Amy's real life, but one gets the impression that the film is set in a different time. It feels like the 2000s have been filtered, sugar-coated, and embedded somewhere in the 2024 aesthetic of angry girlbloggers on Tumblr.
Romanticizing drinking alcohol and mental instability
You probably know the tendencies related to #just girly things and the explanation of all depressive states and tantrums by just being a girl. It is a kind of expression of the life and consciousness of today's young girls living in the rather unoptimistic times of social media and consumerism. But is this aesthetic good for Amy's story? It seems to me that romanticizing alcohol, drugs and blind love leading to complete self-loss and ultimately death is a poor approach.
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And while watching the film you definitely feel that something is wrong, but at the same time you fall into this beautified world. Amy's life was darker and more brutal, and her problems were not only limited to matters of the heart, glass and flashbulbs of cameras. Unfortunately, living with addictions is dirty and disgusting. And you can't put a bow on it. But it seems to be a sign of our times.
You Know I'm No Good (song)
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Adding the ending to this song title: but I'm not going to rehab. And here we should ask the question about the level of public awareness in 2008 (the year when Amy received five Grammy Awards) and today. In 2024, acceptance and knowledge about all behavioral therapies, addiction treatment and toxic relationships is much greater. And Back to Black, under the guise of nice outfits, make-up and a few minor falls, gives the impression of being up-to-date.
Will someone watch this movie and say they want to live like Amy (just like it was with Coppola's Priscilla)? This is quite possible, because in the end we get the image of a slightly rebellious femme fatale and a slightly weak girl who is harmed by others. And many of us would fit this description.
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Live fast, die young, be wild and have fun (song)
Finally, I have to quote Lana del Rey, because today's girl blogging draws from her in handfuls. Is joining the 27 Club really that romantic? The departure of such young people from the world is primarily a tragedy, which later becomes a beautiful myth. That's why it's worth mentioning Lana's example here. She uses aesthetics very well and, above all, separates moving around motifs and drawing visual inspiration from them from real life.
To sum up, movie Back to Black is really worth seeing. However, it is also worth being aware that this is a colorful fiction for 2024 built around the true story of Amy Winehouse.
Edit 24/04/24: I have to mention the update here. I just came across an article from British Vogue that confirms my thesis about drawing inspiration from image of Amy (also Kate Moss, so heroin chic is back in fashion?) Quoting a fragment of the article:
The legacy of Winehouse also lives on in Back to Black, due for release on 12 April. (...) While we’re in no way condoning or glorifying the hobbies of Winehouse and her erstwhile friend Doherty, there was a scene during that time and a smudgy, smeary aesthetic that somehow worked.
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fleouriarts · 11 months ago
who are your biggest artistic influences my furry friend? we had art classes together for years but i still feel like i don’t know 😭
😭😭😭 honestly thats probably cus a lot of my artistic influences are specifically internet artists that ive been following for several years and not things i couldve brought up in art class. you know that lame ass mr smith wouldve hated me if i said 'yeah i draw like this cus of some bts fanart girlie on twitter'. thankfully i have the Archivist's Temperament and save like literally everything thats had an effect on my style... so below is a journey thru my artistic influences (and various insp folders on my computer) as far as i can remember
of course the most basal Dorian Influence is disney movies. you are my brother in arms in the lion king fandom so you know this. whenever i am feeling extremely artistically bankrupt i try to revitalize myself by rewatching the lion king, atlantis, and treasure planet. and also the prince of egypt but thats dreamworks LOL
in 2016 i found the first "online" artists i distinctly remember wanting to imitate, which were sara kipin and celia lowenthal because i was obsessed with how they used color to block out their illustrations. ive also been following dimetrodone(/dimetrodrawn/deinocheirus) on here since 2016 and love all the shapes and colors in her work
in 2017 i started doing more detailed shading because i saw bts fanart by the artist tyu_naxx on twitter and loved how they did it (below is like THE piece that made me change my whole shit up)
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around then is also when i started trending towards using limited palettes and that was mostly inspired by various national parks promo artworks that would only have like 5 colors in them. wish i remembered who made these but heres ancient scans of some postcards i got at sequoia national park that changed me
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in early 2019 i started wanting my style to be more cartoony so i would constantly peruse the backlogs of kiwi, officialspec, skunkes and mimiadraws to get whatever inspiration i could from them
in late 2019 i completely pivoted for some reason and started doing lineless rendered semirealistic stuff instead. i think that was mostly cus i hated doing lineart. one of my biggest inspirations in that era was atissi
in 2020 i remember i went crazy stupid on using glow effects and chromatic aberration on stuff and i genuinely think all of it can be traced to this ONE piece of bts fanart by lordizxy on twitter like i was fully obsessed (putting it below also in case it gets deleted somehow)
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mid 2021 was when i got tired of semirealism and thought it was too amorphous and restricting so i went back to cartoony shit. i was still looking at the artists i listed for early 2019 but i also added artists like iplidl, catmunches, and chunkysoup22 to the mix
2022 was an inspirationless nightmare i have no clue what i was doing for that entire year. the artblock was BAD. i mostly just looked at art from all the artists i mentioned before while artistically wandering in circles. a lot of this was me trying and failing to figure out whether i wanted to do more dynamic yet less rendered art or... the opposite of that
thankfully in 2023 i finally FIGURED THAT SHIT OUT. i would say the current dorian art era started with this silly drawing of graydon and riley hivemind as a dogboy and a catboy ⬇️
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you can kinda see the influences of all the cartoonists i listed above but a lot of the way i draw now is just. me trying to not make myself hate doing art. ive always hated redoing a line 30000000 times for clean lineart so now its sketchy. rendering my art was making my drawings feel super stiff so now thats all messy too. etc etc
i think Right Now the artists i go to for inspiration the most are still kiwi and skunkes, but i also found the artist robottoast recently who makes RIDICULOUSLY good furry art, its so full of life and personality and i definitely need to commission them someday. the most recent singular piece thats changed my whole shit up is this scott pilgrim fanart by benadieshekiel (also below) because i really liked how the clothes were fully rendered while the skin and hair are less detailed with clear lineart. so sometimes i do that too
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ok i think that is as full of a chronicle of Dorian Influences that i can give you rn. i was not lying when i said i wanted to yap. hope you enjoy <3
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gender-buddies · 2 years ago
Artist Commentary for Phase Five!
We're halfway done with the Gender Buddies project! Below are some notes on each Buddy released for this phase.
Transfeminine and Transmasculine: These two have designs split down two paths - an emphasis on antlers and hooves for the masculine version of Transgender, and an emphasis on fluff and feathers for the feminine version. They’re the Transgender Buddy separated into two new designs. All three of them have features based on rabbits, deer, and birds, some features being more apparent depending on which Buddy it is. This entire set of designs was my absolute favorite to work with and I’m definitely looking forward to making more.
Demiboy and Demigirl: More counterparts, this time based on moths and birds. They're only vaguely moth-like ("demi"-moths) and based on a pollinator and a flower. If I didn't make them moth-like, I wanted to try to make them vaguely mammalian instead. They do have some mammalian characteristics, such as having hair and four limbs with dewclaws on them - this ties in with the demi- aspect of being demiboy/demigirl.
Gender Hoarder: This one was almost a tiny dragon with a hoard of coins, but it felt too obvious to go that route. Instead, I made it a sticky creature that objects can stick to, which can be another way to portray collecting genders. I wanted it to have the Water element since it’s a gooey blob and it only made sense to draw seashells stuck to its body to tie in with that element.
Gxrl: A counterpart to another culturally-inspired design. I made this one a Chinese lantern with the word “Light” written on its body. The nighttime theme ties in with the “darkness” of agender colors and the pink was a good representation of the red that Chinese lanterns have. Instead of the typical gold, I used silver. I think it turned out quite nicely and the glowing orbs around it are a nice touch. I wish I had incorporated black a bit more, but the design limited what colors I used. I think some black beads on the tassel would have helped give it more detail.
Bxy: The other culturally-inspired Buddy, based on a yakhchāl which is an ancient ice house. It’s being carried by a Russian tortoise because I liked the idea of a hardy, slow-moving animal carrying a large object. The clay ice house worked really well to be like a shell for the tortoise. I can never get the feet right when I’m drawing tortoises but I’m trying! The Shadow element actually reflects the dark and cold features these ice houses have and while Ice would have been a very easy and obvious element to give this Buddy, I like the opportunity to expand what the Shadow element can be.
Gendervoid: This Buddy was originally just a simple bat that enjoyed dark caves, which played into the “voidness” of the gender it represents. But I wanted the design to have a few extra elements because even an identity like gendervoid can be multifaceted and complex. I added features that actually make it look like a little wyvern. So it isn’t a bat, but a draconic lookalike. Dragons are super cool and I’ll never hesitate to have at least something dragon-like in each phase of this project.
Libragender: This is based on a kirin! I knew I wanted it to be something mythical and I almost made it a nine-tailed fox but I was so fixated on making it an Earth element since I don’t have a lot of those planned for this project, so I felt that something more horse-like would work better. It has two forms based on two different flags. It sort of shows the “balance” aspect of the Libra sign, having the choice out of two. I always want the more rare Buddies to have interesting gimmicks and two color variants was chosen for this one.
Dulcigender: “Dulce” is a word for “sweet” in many languages in one way or another, so I just had to go with something candy-themed. The wrapped candy on the back looks like a big bow (something “girly” and frilly” and the body is konpeito, a Japanese candy. I think konpeito looks like stars so I gave this design the honor of being the first Lunar Buddy. It has other candy-like features to make it fun, and I added the tiny candy corn critters after I was done with the whole thing just to give it a little more charm.
Orientationgender: This one was made on-the-fly (no pun intended) because I drastically changed the design last minute. It originally was some kind of cosmic teddy bear with stars in its eyes, I guess to relate to attraction, but I couldn’t make it look interesting enough. Instead, I decided it would be a bird of paradise with a mix of features, and a rainbow tail to incorporate all the colors of the flag without it looking like a mess. The ends of the two longest feathers have hearts on them to represent attraction but I didn’t want to go too heavy on the heart motif, since arospec identities can be an orientationgender.
Cosmonautic: I had a giant flying space whale design in mind for a long time and was waiting to find a good place to use it, and Cosmonautic was perfect! I added the dome on its back late in the development phase and thought an enclosed alien environment would help this Buddy stand out in a very unique way. The ghostly fish are just something fun to make it feel like this whale is actually swimming, but through the void of space. If you look closely, there’s a person in the dome, and that tells you just how enormous this creature is. It’s one of my favorite designs.
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iturbide · 4 years ago
If you are still up for character asks, how about Sumia. I was sad no one asked about her yet.
And your latest fan art got me interested in also hearing your thoughts on Takumi. If you feel ok answering since I know you haven't played Fates.
I’ve been sad about that too so thank you for rectifying that situation ❤
How do I feel about this character?
My girl.  I love Sumia so much, she is one of my absolute favorite characters in Awakening and one I will never pass up an opportunity to write.  I love her and how passionate she is about books, how deeply invested she gets in the stories and characters and how she uses them both as an escape from her own life (where she can’t help but dwell on her own shortcomings) and as a source of inspiration and courage.  There’s something intensely relatable about wanting an escape like that, feeling outclassed or useless and getting lost in a book as a way to cope -- and yet she’s so capable, even if she doesn’t recognize it herself.  She seems so used to people looking down on her or criticizing what she does or making fun of her slip-ups that she’s started to really believe all of it, when the reality is that her mistakes have never been her defining trait: seeing her learn to embrace her own skills and talents is so heartwarming and I find myself constantly rooting for her to succeed in everything.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Sully!!  Sully and Sumia is one of my favorite ships in all of Awakening, honestly: I love these two ladies who are so gung-ho about horses and bond over that mutual interest and I love the idea of them getting together and learning more about each other, bolstering one another’s confidence (Sully reassuring Sumia that she’s more capable than she thinks and offering to train her if it would make her feel more assured, Sumia insisting that Sully doesn’t need to be girly to be a woman and gushing about how she admires the cavalier) and falling for one another in the process.  It’s just really warm and I love it a lot, and given how encouraging they are in their supports, I really think they’d be a fantastic match for each other.
Also, I do love her with Chrom, and I feel like she’d be an encouraging influence for him, doing what she can to give him confidence and help him keep moving forward in spite of the obstacles; she’s such a bright and refreshing character and I think they could end up working really well together, leveraging their individual strengths to make the halidom a better place.  And I really enjoy her with Robin, too, considering how they bond over their mutual love of books, and I think Robin would be one of those people who really can see her for who she is, rather than the klutz she sees herself as.  It’s especially good when it’s both of them together with her though (yes I love my OT3).
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Robin and Sully, when I’m not shipping them!  Their relationships are so strong and they’re founded on such deep rooted friendship that even when I have them in other relationships, those bonds remain.  Also, even though she doesn’t have any supports with him in the game (which is criminal), I love the idea of a Sumia and Kellam friendship.  Kellam is someone who struggles to be noticed, Sumia’s someone who often seems to wish she could disappear.  The idea of them coming together and overcoming their obstacles together is really heartwarming to me.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
She’s so much more capable than fandom wants to give her credit for.  Most people seem to write her off as stupid, passing over her as a brainless klutz in favor of the “genius” Cordelia -- but this is such a disservice to Sumia and her character.  She’s a fantastic fighter if given the chance, outrunning and outmaneuvering enemies, and while the game loves to play her off as comic relief, she’s a character with interesting, thoughtful support conversations whose life clearly doesn’t revolve around getting a man’s attention.  She’s her own person with hopes and dreams, hobbies and interests, unique skills and charming quirks, and bothering to get to know her really allows her to shine.
And personally, I don’t think she’s actually that clumsy.  Sure, she can be a little scatterbrained sometimes, but even the smartest and most capable people can be; when she has too many things to juggle she slips up in comic ways, but when push comes to shove she’s incredibly capable; if she weren’t, she never would have been able to rescue Chrom at the Longfort (sometimes I think people forget that she’s the one who swept in and got him clear of the javelins).
(And for a bonus unpopular opinion: I hate Cordelia and Sumia as a ship.  Cordelia is so mean to Sumia in their supports, banning Sumia from telling her flower fortunes because she personally doesn’t see value in them -- she doesn’t even bother trying to understand what Sumia’s doing or why, she just decides that her own way is the only right way, which is not how friends should act; putting them in a relationship is out of the question for me.)
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Why does she have so few supports?  It’s not fair that she can so easily end up alone because the game limits her options so much; aside from Chrom, she has the fewest marriage options, but unlike him she doesn’t have an auto-marriage after a certain point.  It’s not fair that the game treated her that way, and I wish canon had given her more supports, platonic and romantic both.  Again, seeing her with Kellam would have been incredible, and I really wish they’d bothered to give her a support chain with Maribelle, too, considering how Maribelle treats her early on; it would have been amazing to see them work things out.
and you know I was wondering if people forgot my favorite Fates character
How do I feel about this character?
I have never played Fates.  I know about these games purely through fandom osmosis.  And yet I will say, in no uncertain terms, that Takumi is my absolute favorite Fates character. Fallen Takumi is still one of my very few units at +10 merges in Heroes because I love him that much.  And it’s kind of hilarious how it came to this because it’s kind of Heroes’ fault that I’m in this situation.��
I remember when the game first launched how much of a pain he was in the early Arena before Skill Inheritance was a thing, and how the only reliable counter I had for him was Hector because I’d never gotten Takumi myself.  And then one day he randomly showed up in a summon, and I was so excited I ran off to train him immediately...and realized as I did that this guy has some massive self-esteem problems.  It’s what got me interested in him in the first place, enough to do some digging in the wikis, and I kind of fell in love with his character: he’s smart, he’s capable, but he has a massive inferiority complex since he’s grown up in the shadow of his older brother -- something Corrin’s return manages to make worse, since everyone kind of loses their minds over it and pushes him down and away despite the fact that he’s the only one being sensible and questioning whether they can really trust Corrin after they were brought up in Nohr.  While he has an attitude problem that needs to be addressed (though it’s nowhere near as bad as Felix’s), he can get better and gain confidence in himself and his abilities...but in Conquest, his fate is an absolutely tragic one, where his self-doubt and anger allow Anankos a foothold, something to prey upon, and ultimately lead to his loss of control, loss of self, and loss of life.  His story just really hits me in the heart, kind of like Lyon, and I just want to see him grow and overcome his doubts. 
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Okay so this is probably where my not having played the game is going to bite me but I have no idea. There are so many characters in Fates and I don’t even know half of them.  I know Leo is a popular partner for him but I’ve never really seen the chemistry there so I can’t say that’s for me; I could always cheat and say I ship him with happiness because honestly that is true, I really do want him to be happy first and foremost, but I don’t have an actual character answer whoops.
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Azura.  I love the idea of the two of them coming together as friends, both haunted and hounded by nightmares and terrible thoughts they can’t seem to shake, and finding ways to support one another through it.  I get the feeling that Takumi might have treated Azura with some distrust early on, but despite the fact that she came from Nohr, I honestly think they could have ended up having a close bond in Hoshido growing up as they struggle with their own problems, and it would have been amazing to see them come together to overcome them.  Also, I love the idea of him and Sakura being close as siblings, with Takumi protecting Sakura and helping draw attention off her when she’s feeling especially shy while she tries to encourage him and give him a place where he can relax with and get away from all his issues for a little while, someone he can enjoy himself with and not have to think about his problems.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
I actually don’t know what kind of popular opinions there are about Takumi so I have no idea what kind of unpopular opinion I could have.  Honestly I don’t see anywhere near enough to Takumi in general since he seems to be eclipsed by not only his older brother but the Nohrian royals in fandom-wide popularity; is it an unpopular opinion to want more people to give him a chance, rather than writing him off as just an angry nay-sayer?  Because honestly, he is the only one with any sense, since he’s the only one who thinks to distrust Corrin when they return.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Okay so this is really really niche but I really wish they’d made Takumi Corrin’s half-brother rather than just a step-brother.  It honestly would have made so much sense?  Takumi’s the only other character who has the same kind of pale hair that Corrin canonically does, even if it’s not the exact same shade, so if that came from Mikoto it would fit perfectly with not only Corrin’s and Takumi’s hair color, but Sakura’s hair being that super pale pink compared to Hinoka’s vibrant red, which is what you’d probably expect from Ikona and Sumeragi after Ryoma inherited his father’s very dark hair.  I get the feeling they didn’t do it because they wanted to make all the royals available as romance options, which is both cheap and gross (and after what they did with Azura in Revelations it’s worse), but I think it would have been a really interesting plot element if they’d taken the time.
Give Me a Character  
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professionallydeadinside · 5 years ago
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A Happy New Year Redraw from these two girlies!!! :DDD (redraw of this) 
I did this last year and I’m proud to announce I’m doing it again!! I will be talking about all of my precious mutuals! (this list is NOT in any order it’s just my train of thought) 
Amazing people that include but don’t limit to:
@rising-generations: A dear friend!! It was amazing meeting you as a fellow fanchild maker! Hearing about your story ideas and fanchildren designs is so much fun and I can only hope we get closer! Happy New Year! :D
@lucky-182: You’re such a cherished mutual of mine!! I hope we can talk more and seeing you in my notes or on my dashboard always lifts my spirits and gets a smile on my face! I can’t wait to know more about you!! May your new year be happy!
@feralfoxboy: REN MY DEAR being in DND, making characters, and just interacting with you in general is always a treat! I love the chaos you radiate and you art??? AMAZING. I love your art style and characters so much!! Hope your new years is full of love!
@nonexsistentnormal​: You’ve always been super nice and when you reblog my art it makes my heart just???? I’m so so happy we’ve met and I’m glad we can both support eachother!! Have a great new year!!!
@fxllenriot: I’m so glad I’ve managed to stay close to you because!!! I love u so much!!! You’re such a good friend and I always enjoy talking to you and seeing you on my dashboard!!! Keep up the aesthetic and have a great new year!
@simon-says-nothing​: I don’t really know much about you but you seem super cool!! Riot always says how cool you are and I hope I get to know you more for the new year!! I hope your new year is full of happiness! 
@salamancialilypad: AHHHH I’ve only met you this year but I’m already loving your company I swear XD You give me so much praise and help on my drawings you give me the inspiration to do more! Thank you and have an amazing new year!! 
@ronald-is-confused: I’m so glad that I’ve gotten closer to you as a friend! Making Evelyn and Adeline and Marley and Percy!!! Together we’ve made such good stories and characters I’m happy to have met you!! Have a wonderful new year! 
@caterpiller-tea: I’m slowly stealing all of your content it’s so good, just like you!!! You’re so friendly and ah???? You have such a nice aura to you that I honestly cant believe it, your new year better be the best new year! 
@ra9isdead: I! WANT! TO! TALK! TO! YOU! MORE!!! You act like such a great and kind person to be around I feel bad for not talking to you more XD I promise I’m gonna try and make an effort next year! May this new year be a promising one! 
@mtylr: I don’t talk to you as much as I would like but I always love seeing what you post! I swear you get me hooked on whatever fandoms you post about XD I hope to get to know you better because you seem amazing!! Happy New Year!
All of you and more have made this year so incredible and honestly just amazing! I can barely express how lucky I feel to have met and interacted with you all! I love each and every single one of you and I hope your new years are just as fabulous as you are!!!! 
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doctortdesigns · 7 years ago
Looks like we are starting to hit the season of fall fashions!  Simplicity has just announced their Pre-Fall collection, and I’ll be posting about Butterick’s Early Fall collection tomorrow as well!  Fall fashions tend to be my favorite, but, if I’m being honest, I’m not the most excited with these new releases.  Perhaps my feelings will change as I write this review (as they sometimes do), but as of right now, I’m holding out for the August Burda before I get really excited about fall fashions this year.  Regardless, there is a lot to look at in this release, so let’s get started:
  8686 – 1940s Vintage dress.  I tend to like 40s fashions, but this is one of those styles that really is too cute/sweet/girly for me to picture myself wearing.  I think the vintage lovers will enjoy this dress – it has lots of great features and style lines, but I think this is also one of those styles that looks distinctly vintage, and isn’t necessarily as translatable to someone who enjoys doing a “sneaky vintage” modern wardrobe.
  8687 – This shirt dress, on the other hand, feel very modern.  Also perhaps slightly scandalous?  I definitely get a “wearing my man’s oversized shirt as a robe after I get out of bed” vibe from this.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  But I think it may limit the versatility of this as a wardrobe piece.  I do like the asymmetric hem and the wrap style, but, there is definitely a vibe I get from this piece that I don’t know if I’d be comfortable wearing in public.  Maybe a belt would change that feel for me?  Styling could change this look a lot I think…  Feel free to completely disagree with me in the comments on this one – I feel like this could be a super popular design, since it is one of the more unique looks in this release.
  8688 – This dress has some nice options, between the sleeve styles and the skirt styles.  I don’t know that I need to add it to my collection – I’ve got some knit dress patterns from back when I very first started sewing that are pretty similar – but I like this dress.  Looks like it would be great as an outfit base for those fall days when you need to transition between layers and no layers.
  8689 – This style of tunic really isn’t anything new, but I do think Simplicity did a nice job of styling and presentation.  Another pass for me, but I would be excited to see other sewing bloggers make this one up.
  8690 – Mimi G. Style.  I’m going to say that this dress looks adorable on Mimi!  But, again, this is a case where I know it isn’t something I’d wear myself, so it’s going to be a pass from a personal standpoint.  It is super cute though – the proportions of the sleeves are great in relation to the whole dress.
  8691 – Sew Chic dress.  This is clearly a vintage inspired look.  I like it, especially the short sleeved version, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got several vintage re-releases that are quite similar.  Another style that I find to be cute, but not special enough to warrant a spot in the stash.
  8692 – 1950s Vintage blouse pattern.  I do like the shape of these blouses: fitted, but not overly so.  I’m not a big fan of zippers on the back of a top, but for views A-C it is pretty unavoidable with such a high neckline.
  8693 – This asymmetric top looks like a button front shirt got halfway put on backwards to me.  I do like the simpler versions (as a one-shoulder 80s-inspired sweater I’m all about this pattern!), but I’m really not a fan of the view that Simplicity used for the model photo – it just looks ill fitting and sloppy.
  8694 – At this point there really is nothing left to say about these loose tops with sleeve details, except, look, another one!  This one does have dolman sleeves, so I guess that’s a new-ish variation to this style?  Really, though, at this point there are so many, just pick one.
  8695 – 1930s Vintage sleeve patterns.  Do I want this to use on modern sewing pattern?  No.  Do I want this for part of my costume/cosplay pattern stash so I can study the drafting on these sleeve variants?  You better believe it.
  8696 – I prefer my cardigans with less volume and more length, but this does look rather cozy.
  8697 – The square boyfriend blazer really isn’t a look that works for me, so I’ll avoid this pattern for myself, but I do like the single and double breasted options here, as well as the collar variants.
  8698 – I know it’s a drawstring pant, but it’s a drawstring pant with stripes and pockets and I like it.
  8699 – I also rather like this skirt as well.  I think I perhaps already have more than enough wrap pencil skirts in my Burda stash, but this one pattern seems to have a lot of variety, even though the pattern tweaks are pretty minimal between views.
  8700 – Pattern Hacking.  I’ve been thinking I want a more casual jacket for fall, but something about the proportions of this one just aren’t doing it for me.
  8701 – Pattern Hacking.  Somehow switching out pockets doesn’t seem like much of a “hack,” but what do I know?  I do like the silhouette and overall look of these, but, again, very similar to other styles I’ve got in the stash already.
  8702 – Mimi G. Style.  This tracksuit is pretty cute and very 80s.  I’s not be interested in the drop-crotch pants at all, but I do like the jacket, and the slim-legged pants are cute for a fall work-out look.
  8703 – This was a pattern that initially I just skipped over (it’s a plain yellow top and leggings), but, actually, those other tops with the stomach gathers are pretty cute!  I don’t know if this will make it onto my wishlist, but it is a definite maybe.
  8704 – Love these pull over tops!  The raglan sleeve and length look great for exercising is colder weather.  Plus, lots of cool pockets for exercising with devices.
  8705 – This man’s version somehow doesn’t read as exciting as the woman’s pattern, but the sleeve pouch for a phone or iPod is pretty great.
8706 – Baby Gear.  Not much to say about baby clothes, but the layers look practical.
8707 – I’ve been toying with the idea of a lace cardigan for a while, and this is exactly what I wanted.  Love this!  Totally going into my stash until I can locate the perfect lace fabric for this endeavor.
8708 – These girls dress are pretty generic, but also pretty cute for fall.
  8709 – Gertrude Made bags.  I don’t love the aesthetic of the bags in the photos, but from the line drawing, these are totally bags I would use.  I do wish it was drafted for a zip closure, but I suppose that is something one could find a way to add?
  8710 – These large travel duffle bags are also not depicted in a color scheme I’d enjoy, but I do love how practical the bags are, plus they fit over the handle of a rolly suitcase!  So cleaver.  I’d be curious to see how the inside is drafted (pockets???), but I think this might be on my list, since it seems my travel schedule is upping in the next year or so.
  8711 – Madalynne.  The bra does not look supportive enough for anyone outside of the A/B range, and why would you want to add butt ruffles to your underwear?  I mean, really?  At least from the standpoint of wearing underwear under clothes in any case.  I was going to ponder the butt ruffle as an analog to a tail feather and the implications that could have in mating rituals, but I shall refrain.
  8712 – Aprons.  Pretty simple, not too exciting, but could be good if you want to make a “mommy and me” sort of look.  The aprons loop pretty practical, if not overly embellished – nice pockets and full coverage.
  8713 -Hats!  These are actually pretty cool, and really practical styles for costuming.  Love how much variety comes in a single pattern too.
  8714 – Love the historical doll clothes.  So cute.
  8715 – Ok, I want, nay, NEED this dragon in my life!  How stinking cute is this?  And, I mean, let’s be real – I need at least three of them.  That’s right – NEED.
  8716 –  These bears are cute, but they aren’t dragons.
  8717 – More aprons.  I find the other style to be more pragmatic.
  8718 – I’m sure the internet will tell me if I’m wrong, but I really feel like this is supposed to be a Rey/Daenerys mash up of costume pieces?  Lots of great pieces in here for the cosplayers out there.
  8719 – I’m less excited by this… I don’t know what to call it?  Generic sexy fantasy style pattern?  I feel like all of these pieces have been recombined from pre-existing patterns.
  8720 – Good job on picking up that it is the 25th anniversary of Hocus Pocus!  I’m not even sure Disney has grasped that yet…  I’ve not seen crazy heavy advertising about re-release special editions or anything.  In regards to the pattern, I do wish these Sanderson sisters were a bit more detailed in the designs, but, bravo to Simplicity for winning at the cultural relevance game.
  8721 – One should never pass by a good cape pattern.  The hood shape looks really great, and the cape is nice and full.
  8722 – Once again, I’m sure the internet will inform me, but I’m not quite sure which franchise Simplicity is referencing here?  There are certainly shows I watch where jumpsuits are “the look” but this pattern is much baggier and less fitted than the styles used in those shows.  The tan one is a very Ghostbusters vibe, but I’m not sure if that is the reference I’m supposed to be picking up on here?
  8724 – Kids Star Wars/Superhero costumes.  Really versatile, and really cute.
  8725 – Nice to see Ariel added to the Disney Princess lineup.
  8726 – Super generic kids costumes.
  8727 – More generic kids costumes.
  8728 – Cool way to do a mermaid tail in this pattern.
  8729 – Kids capes, because, capes!
  5628 – Jiffy pattern re-release.  This literally is a piece of fabric folded in half, with two partial seams, and a neck opening.  Pass.
  9192 – Men’s vintage ties are kinda cool.  Not the massively wide one, but the skinny tie or bow tie could be useful.
And that’s it!  On the whole my top picks for this release really are in the craft/costume/cosplay realm.  Not too much new or exciting in the main release.  There is a lot of stuff I found “cute” but not much I felt needed to be added to the collection.  What do you all think?  See anything that is going to kick-start your fall sewing?  Or are we waiting for the bigger releases coming later next month?  Feel free to discuss in the comments!
Simplicity Patterns Pre-Fall 2018 #sewing #patterns #Simplicity #SimplicityPatterns #prefall #fallsewing Looks like we are starting to hit the season of fall fashions!  Simplicity has just announced their…
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go-ahmad-universe · 5 years ago
The Perfect Prom Dress
Want a prom dress that's going to turn everyone's rosh when you walk into the room? Want a prom clothing that is different from everyone else's prom dress? Well you tins have that perfect prom dress. What personality are in means for prom dresses? For the prom in 2007 you will see some new personality you have not seen in manner for a while like armada and burgundy gold, raspberry, purple orange, black and white, and all the fun prom colors like turquoise, lime and fuchsia. Girls always love purple and this year for the prom you will see the best purple gowns. Royal blue is arrangement a recovery big time for 2007--a sure winner. Royal blue is a realities hot hue this year. Gold and silverware evidence be important and the new metallic lamé textile will show you off to the limit.
What sort of manner should I focus on if I destitution to look sexy in my prom dress? Sexy prom dresses for 2007 are everywhere. Want to know what styles are hot? Glad you asked. I'll tell you. Ruffles (the french look), drapes, tiers, high slits, lace; hi-low hemlines and mermaid silhouettes are the sexy favorites for this year. They are configuration their way back into the soul of many teens for the prom. You'll see dozens of sexy area gowns. Everyone scantiness to like a princess.
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What type of prom shore should I look for if I'm not that tall? Many girlfriend that aren't so tall (like me) are departing toward fitted silhouettes and flirty, little shot dresses. These prom dresses come in an array of entertainment colors. Remember, you got to utility what you got! Flaunt all your assets! Helpful tips to finding the perfect prom dress:
Now agreement in mind, any state tins seeming great on the hanger but remember you have to purchase a type and look that goes with your height, corpus shape, hair and essence coloring. Don't buy into the religion that there are a limited sum of colors that vocation for you; instead, be your own best circumstance creator and hold up dresses to your cover to see which ones bring out your body tones, eyes and hair the best.
Warm personality like fire motor red and coral look best on brunettes with darker coloring; coolness pastels occupation for blondes. But there are a many of personality -- metallic gold and money included -- that occupation for all colorings. If you're not sure what type of prom dress style to go with for the prom impediment a friend to a store and get a aide opinion while trying on lots of colors to see which ones betrayal your seeming best. Learn to embrace your body, too. If you aren't comfortable in curve-hugging dresses because of too much jiggle, then trial a group slimmer underneath for more control. Everyone has at least one great asset, even if it's something as simple as thick hair, white teeth or nice legs.
You don't have to do anything too extravagant to fairs off your best feature, just type sure that your look shows it off and enhances it. If your best feature is great skin, the end entity you'd shortage to do is robe up every inch of it with clothing. Dressing for your best feature is less about dressing for measure or years and more approx making the best of what you have to work with. One important beings to remember is when you're looking to buy a prom condition hubs on a bling bling dress or bling bling furniture not both. If you have both it would be to overwhelming to the naked eye and one testament profits away from the other. The impression here is to type either the state or the furniture the focus, not both.
For example, a bronze strapless robes with no lighting could carry a chunky rhombus bracelet and necklace or a pair of chandelier earrings. Solid shouting dresses and neutrals are a great vista for colorful jewels. On the other hand, the more ruffles, layer and beading a stipulation has, the simpler the appliances should be. It doesn't mean you have to go bare but you load to use self-control and choose smaller pieces.
The question to bandage for special occasions such as homecoming or the prom is that puppy girlfriend seeming wound if they condition their age: in froufrou dress, offspring women/girls look ready for prom. Look at arsenal snare sites and see what's in style. You don't demand to go looking like grandma just run over by a reindeer!
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Different styles to consider:
Movie Star Style Want to look like a film star? Show your brains of type with a designer-inspired gown: lots labels create their own jazzed-up providing of celebrity-chic dresses. Dresses by Jovani, Paris, Clarisse, Mori Lee, and Niteline, are famous for producing red-carpet countenance at an affordable price. Important red carpet countenance this year include one-shoulder Grecian dress and empire shirt dresses.
Elegance If the film star prom state isn't for you then tone down the seeming and choose a composure cocktail countryside look. Whether you favor aristocratic cwm skirts or sleek, trimmer hems, this dress evidence come in handy for other occasions
Princess Look Elegant retinue add serious punch. Go for a small drape (called a duster) or full-on caravan (called chapel) - either way, your outlet furlough a definite surviving impression.
Covering Dresses A film star favorite, concealing dresses are as comfortable as they are stunning. Keep in mind that with a simple clothing like this, accessories are a must! From pearls to diamonds to a mix of pendants, anything goes. Bling bling all the way!
The Wow Look Let the little Marilyn Monroe come out with a mega feminine, hip-hugging gown. Select dresses made with delicate fabrics, like satin or silk, that drapery well and creates curves. To holding with the retro tone, finish with a clutch pouch and peep-toe pumps.
Girly Girl Skirts Stemmed from summer's plain skirt rage, tiered skirts are owning a serious comeback. This course can go two very unique routes: the sophisticated ballroom skirt or the breezy "plain dress". Black is Back If you drawing on sporting your prom condition again, the little black requirement is a classic. Choose a sleek line dress, flirty shift, or income your look from Audrey Hepburn with a discernment prom dress.
It's high but Boy Is It Low. Last year's asymmetrical hem has been replaced by the "high-low" dress. The hem, which is short in the front and longer in the back, is so unique and adorable; you'll have all eyes on you! It's a great selection because it's short enough to pas in but long enough to look dressy.
Strapless Baby Strapless prom dresses have become a prom staple for great reason. They are equal parts sassy and classy. They flatter any figure. And they don't require a necklace. Keep your eyes out for dresses with beautiful beading and elegant embroidery around the bust-a big way this year.
Homecoming Queen The ultimate Cinderella-at-the-ball bandage and accessories. A bouffant skirt and otherwise commoner vertex association is for the homecoming queens at style. These gowns require minimal furniture because they're so show stopping. But type sure you get abode before midnight. Yeah right!
The best signal I tell puppy women looking for the perfect prom state is to have fun with fashion. Try something new: orderliness into a store that you've never shopped in, trial on dresses that you always wanted to wear, but was afraid to trial on. The thing is to push the limits of your prom wardrobe and sophistication innovative looks.
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captainehren · 7 years ago
List of anime that influenced me
While watching CDawgVA talk about the anime that influenced him, I got to thinking of what has influenced me. I’m older than many fans now, so what I grew up with isn’t what everyone else grew up with. 
1) Sailor Moon
This show was the first real anime show I ever watched, though I had watched “anime” when I was younger in Voltron and Akira. However, they didn’t have nearly as strong an impact on me as Sailor Moon. I heard about it from one of my friends, and she was the kind of overly obsessed fantard that makes you cringe when you think of anime fans, but that came a bit later. I was in 6th grade and she told me I should try watching Sailor Moon in the morning. So I did.
I was instantly hooked. The girly clothes, the magic, the romance, the daring and mysterious Tuxedo Mask... I was in love! And so I got as many Sailor Moon things as I could get my little hands on. I got the small dolls, I also managed to get a hold of an Artemis plush that got ruined, and a big Sailor Venus doll. I really, really wanted a Tuxedo Mask doll, because good God he was pretty, but I could never find him. 
Over the years, I frequented anime stores, or Japanimation as we called it. I got a couple of Sailor Moon CDs, one of which was an import from Japan. I got a couple of imported manga from Japan that I could never read. And when the manga started being translated by Mixx Entertainment, I got the Mixx Manga magazine, which was kind of like Shoujo Beat or Shonen Jump except they smashed both the Shonen manga in with the Shoujo manga. I think I sold my copies to Half-Price ages ago because I needed whatever money they were willing to give me for it. And when I saw that Mixx was finally putting out the manga volumes for $10, I got my grandma to buy them for me. I was in high school when they were coming out then.
I learned to draw anime style by copying Sailor Moon’s style. My first attempts were awful, but I kept trying. I had a Sailor Moon character of Sailor Neptune way before I ever knew about the outer senshi showing up later in the series. (she was Serena’s sister and showed up to take Tuxedo Mask.) And later in 6th grade, my too obsessive friend not only claimed she had written a script for a Sailor Moon play that I was to play Sailor Jupiter in, but that, over the phone, she claimed she was turning into Sailor Moon when she looked into the mirror. And that she was having adventures in the mirror while talking to me on the phone. As I said: too obsessed.
Needless to say, Sailor Moon is one of my staples. It broke my heart when I had to sell my old Mixx manga Sailor Moon volumes and the newer ones that I had collected so that I could get some money. It’s okay. One day I will get them again.
2) Tenchi Muyo! or Tenchi Universe
I had not watched a lot of anime after Sailor Moon. There just wasn’t a lot that interested me and no real way of watching it unless I convinced my grandma to pay for it. I think I was in high school when Tenchi Muyo! showed up on Cartoon Network. I know I was thrilled to learn that Cartoon Network was airing Sailor Moon, so I was still in Sailor Moon mode. Whenever it showed up, I was hooked. I got on that train and careened right off the cliff. I love this stupid show, but the manga is soooooooo much funnier. Oh so much! This is where a lot of my old humor came into play when drawing my Harry Potter fancomics in high school, as well as the numerous comics that I started, but dropped when I got bored with them. (Attention span of a gnat.) It became more fun to just tease the shit out of my friends who wanted to know how the stories ended, but were sorely disappointed when I didn’t bother with them.
When I started writing out my super long and stupid Harry Potter fanfictions, it was a few years after high school. Before then, I was drawing them in high school when I wasn’t doing homework. And lo and behold, I’d copy the page layouts from Tenchi Muyo! and Oh! My Goddess, but only Tenchi Muyo! got a lot of interest from me. It might have helped that Tenchi Muyo!’s humor is pretty on par with Monty Python and other such British comedies I had grown up on, so it wasn’t a huge stretch to start picking up on how to draw some of its humor.
3) Fullmetal Alchemist
If you’re a long time fan of mine, then you know that this was bound to show up. FMA was one of those animes that I had no idea about until I randomly caught it on Cartoon Network when I was staying over at my great grandpa’s house. I was with my grandma and we were taking care of her dad--my great grandpa--who was suffering from dementia among other problems. The rest of the family took turns taking care of him and accompanying him on trips so that he was never left alone for too long. He had a problem of ending up in trouble and never bothering to ask for help when he couldn’t get back up. Now, I knew about a few more anime at this time, because I had anime loving friends in high school and out of high school who knew of stuff to suggest to me. I’d watch it on Cartoon Network and be somewhat interested in it. I watched Cowboy Beebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star (which has one of the best anime closing themes I’ve ever heard omg)... I can’t remember anything else at the moment.
I turned on the TV and found cartoon network was playing its late night anime block and watched FMA. And never looked back. Now, while my love of FMA is not as apparent as my love of Sailor Moon, it’s still there. I made my own Edward and Alphonse Elric dolls, for crying out loud! I would get the manga and I loved the art style so much I started trying to incorporate it into my own a little, much the way it happened with Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo. I would sit and listen to the soundtracks I would get from one of my friends. I have a signed picture of Vic Mignogna that I have stored away in a nice, safe place. I’m a fan. And it still stays with me to this day. I spent so much time playing with Harry Potter and FMA with one of my friends that we blended them together. 
Yeah. That’s right. My Mini-Erik series shows this bizarre shit in there and i will always be proud of how insane we got with it.
4) Princess Tutu
This one sounds goofy, and it is a little goofy, but it is so much deeper than you can possibly imagine. if you love magical girl stories as well as ballet, then you will love this. I love this. I LOVE THIS. This seriously came about when I found out that we had an anime channel. Back when my mom had a premium package for the cable, I could get free anime series to watch. I watched Pretear on there and a few other things, but what I took to the strongest was Princess Tutu. And trying to get my mom to sit and watch it with me because I know she will enjoy it if she gives it a chance was ridiculous. For some reason, she can’t handle anything where the characters have high pitched voices. She equates it to children’s voices and she can’t stand that. Not only that, but she, to this day, equates animated shit to cartoons for children. As I said, it’s fucking ridiculous to get her to watch this thing and enjoy it even though I know for a fact it has everything I know she will enjoy if she just stopped being a dumbass about it.
So this one has forever inflicted itself upon me. I still want to come up with a knight and princess like Fakir and Ahiru, but that will come when it comes. In the mean time, it will never leave me. Ever. I will always recommend it.
5) Fate/Stay Night (Fate series)
If you’re a long time fan of mine, you also know of my obsession with this series. It will never leave. NEVER. It always calls me back! Just like FMA, Princess Tutu, Tenchi, Sailor Moon, and a few others! But I think the most inspiring thing about the series is not so much the story, but the characters. Namely the heroes. See, I had a book I had taken from my great grandpa’s house upon his death. Actually, I had a lot of books that I had accumulated after his death, and all of them were mythology based. I staked a claim on those faster than you can blink. I have a Welsh Mythology book, an Irish mythology book, and two Scandinavian folk tale books that I got from his house. Well, I had read through the Irish one and enjoyed the Cattle Raid of Cooley and Cuchulainn, but it didn’t stick in my head. It was Fate’s Lancer that shoved that bastard right into my brain and he made a home there. I had always been a huge fan of King Arthur, and seeing a female King Arthur kinda weirded me out at first, but I liked the idea so much that I kept it for my own versions of King Arthur. 
“The Dark Queen”, “The King’s Hound”, and “Hound of the Dark Earth” all came from utilizing the images of the characters of Lancer Cu and Saber Arthur, but using them in my own way. So even now I’m still playing with these stories, and it has everything to do with fate/Stay Night being a huge influence on me.
6) Axis Powers: Hetalia
Oh, Hetalia. We have a love/hate relationship, you and I. I love you to pieces, but your fans tend to be fucking psychotic and/or stupid. Or at least the ones I always encounter minus one of my besties. My bestie Alex introduced me to Hetalia and I keep coming back to it while she’s kind of stopped caring. I always come back to things I enjoy, such as Harry Potter, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, King Arthur, yadda yadda.
 I instantly fell in love with America and continue to this day. I also fell in love with England, and later France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, China, Russia, Lithuania, and Japan. To this day, I have characters that are at least in some part influenced by the characters of Hetalia. My character Jimmy Stark was influenced by America, my character Bastian Wylde came from England, same with Fabian Santiago from Spain. I think even Darius Lis came from my usual portrayals of Lithuania in roleplays. How these came about was from a lot of role playing with Alex in various stories, including,but not limited to, Twilight and Harry Potter. We always paired Alex’s version of India with England, so in Twilight they became vampire lovers and in Harry Potter they were students. And then we used India in The Witch’s Son/Phantom of the Opera type shenanigans back when I was just trying to figure out how to make The Witch’s Son work.
However, I stayed far from the fandom outside of making overly dramatic fanfictions of a dumb parody cartoon. I know I had at least two Mexican idiots try to tell me that the Texas Revolution was America stealing Texas from Mexico instead of Mexico being an abusive dickwad and Texas raising a shotgun to his face and saying “No More.” Or that Palestine would have never picked on a young Israel, even though Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and a number of other places around Israel all declared war on Israel for simply existing. Israel won its independence in fire and blood, and then kept on surviving every single time these same nations never learned their lesson and declared they would “drive the Jews into the sea” ie kill them all. Or that America was never a conservative nation. However, they’re small fry in comparison to the bizarre fantards on gaiaonline. Had at least one of them molest my America and then, when I played such a thing straight and had America scream “BAD TOUCH! I NEED AN ADULT!” they started screeching about “straight helatians” being impossible and “straight hetalians” in their fandom. Like... dude? Seriously? The boys liking Hungary’s tits and ass don’t connect with you anywhere?
7) Hellsing
This one is more for two characters, specifically Alucard and Anderson. I played Alucard for years and then finally wanted to incorporate him in something without like... actually doing Alucard. If you know me, you know what I’m referring to. Anderson, however, kind of more just... visually influenced another character that has absolutely zero to do with him... though I suppose you could make the connection because they’re both priests that murder. The image in my head was more of the scarecrow variety, though, with Anderson’s long arms being more lanky, as well as his body. So perhaps a little of Batman’s Scarecrow fell in there somewhere, too.
8) Fushigi Yuugi
I literally only heard about this when I was... I think high school and then got out and ran into it later because of my bestie Amanda. This one is one of the lesser influences, but I suppose it still counts because some of it still lingers with me today. 
9) Ouran High School Host Club
A silly manga and a silly anime that makes the Captain a super happy person. This influenced more because of the stereotype characters in the same way Hetalia did. I’ve been noodling with the idea of romances surrounding similar types, including twins with a chick. We’ll see where that goes... if it goes anywhere. 
10) Anything CLAMP has created
Not gonna lie... I was a huge CLAMP fiend when I got out of high school. While I don’t really give a shit about the yaoi in the stories, my interest has always been in the cute, girly, adventure, or the DESIGNS. Jesus fuck, I would kill to be able to design some of the outfits they design. I’ve never been that imaginative with clothing. The detail put into the designs made me try to do the same with my own artwork, for good or ill. And the art styles were ones I emulated, particularly from eeh... Angelic Layer and Tsubasa Chronicle. I, in fact, used to rely on the manga from Tenchi, Sailor Moon, and Tsubasa Chronicle to get ideas for page layouts and whatnot when I drew comics. I incorporated a lot of it into my drawing style and then let it relax into something else when I finally got bored with keeping up with CLAMP. 
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pelaanthony-blog · 8 years ago
☾Extended Project: The Progress of the Project (January) ☾
10th January 2017
I create t-shirts for a site called Redbubble so I brought the idea up to the marketing team that we could design and wear some at the exhibition and maybe sell some as merchandise to raise money to fund the project. Evidence Below. Everyone approved of this idea but then I was worried about class members paying towards the t-shirts or even if they would all wear them. To overcome this, I came up idea of fundraising the money through bake sales or exhibition ticket sales or even using badges instead as they are cheaper and people are more likely to wear something smaller. Problem Solving. 
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Email sent to Lizzy about T-shirt Idea
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Reply from Lizzy about T-shirt Idea
I had also asked my art group to practice the Tim Burton art style we had decided on to help them improve their skills with that art style and help build their confidence as they were concerned on how they would be able to develop their own art styles. I set them to practice over Christmas if they have time and wanted to get a better understanding of the way Tim Burton draws. Evidence Below. Problem Solving. Lauren, the other Art Director, and I also discussed our leadership tactics and decided straight away that all the art needs to be of a constant style to keep the game flowing and looking professional. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Lauren and I Discussing Work Set Over Christmas and How Important Consistency Is
11th January 2017
Today I spent the lesson looking in-depth into audience theory. I actually found it quite hard to find relevant information as a lot of information applied to a different age bracket, gender or even country. To solve this problem, I planned to do some primary research, such as a questionnaire to find the information from my target audience. Problem Solving.
Our primary target audience is 13 to 17 so it was fairly hard to find relevant products to analyse as ‘13′ is seen as young and ‘17′ is seen as an adult. However, while doing research, I found that the BBFC, a company that regulates age ratings, knows only parents know their individual children so now there is an age rating of a 12A. This helped me as I could then find more relevant information for my target audience, although a 12A certificate is only used for films instead of games. Being 13+ is an odd age when a lot of children like to act older, wanting to play games that are for an older age range to seem ‘cooler’ and fit in. They may see pop culture references, such as YouTube videos that talk about Call of Duty for example, which is an 18. Due to older influences they therefore may want to play a game that is above their age rating so I will look at older rated games that are popular for my target audience. 
12th January 2017
I spent the lesson looking into narrative stories and ‘choices’ which was presented on a PowerPoint by Lizzy. This information gave us, as a class, the option to add ‘choices’ to our game and decide on a narrative flow. In the end, we decided that our story for the game, Eliza, should be fairly linear as to not confuse the younger audience. 
I had also collected all of the artist’s work together on their concept ides for the main character Eliza. I wrote down independently to begin with about what was good or bad about each design, notes I would later show to Lauren to come up with a final design of our protagonist. That evening, I created my own ‘final concept’ of Eliza, trying to incorporate the best ideas from each drawing as to make all the artists feel as if they have contributed and to not upset anyone. Evidence Blow. Problem Solving.
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Initial Eliza Concept
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Final Design Concept
13th January 2017
I had a meeting this morning with Lauren, Jon and Josh to go over what limitations we had when it came to the art we were creating and what we wanted to see in the game. We also had the chance to talk about the next main character, the ShadowMan. I gave an example of using ideas of the ShadowMan from the Disney film The Princess and The Frog. I thought, from the descriptions the writers had given us, taking inspiration from that film would be a good starting place for the artists to work off of and understand the creative direction we were going in with this particular character. It will also help all the artists understand a basic idea of what they need to draw and then have freedom to evolve and develop the concept. Problem Solving. 
Throughout the meeting, I was slightly worried that Jon and Josh were taking over the art style and concepts so, after a meeting with Lizzy to check I was justified in how I felt, I messaged them later on Facebook to let them know any final decisions will be made by me and Lauren. Evidence Below.
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Message to Jon and Josh that Lauren and I are in Charge of Art
Lauren and I will be having a final meeting on Tuesday about what the main character, Eliza, will look like. I will show her the notes I made about everyone’s concepts and the final concept idea I had.
Later on during the day, we had a whole class meeting where we went over what music and animation were doing. I found it very helpful to touch base and communicate what was happening in each group. However, a lot of people didn't get involved in the discussion and seemed against or negative towards the project. To combat this, I spoke to my art group privately after the meeting to go through what all the leaders had discussed and get their opinions on the topics, letting them bring up any issues they have in a quieter and calmer environment. Problem Solving.
After speaking with Lauren, Lizzy and the writing team, we have added some extra creatures for students who aren't confident with their drawing abilities and would like to stick closer within their comfort zone. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Conversation with Lizzy and Lauren Discussing the Adding of Extra Characters
17th January 2017
Today, I was able to create the main character, Eliza, involving as many designs from the other artists that would be appropriate for this character. There were still a few aspects of the design Lauren and I were unsure about so I decided to create a survey which we will hand out to our target audience. The survey will include different hair colours, different eye shapes, etc. that the target audience must pick between as a multiple choice. Problem Solving. I looked into detail about different eye shapes as I thought they were an extremely important part of the character as they express the most emotion. I also looked and different hair colours for the protagonist, really thinking closely at what best would suit the character. Evidence Below.
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Concept for Eliza's Eyes
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Concept for Eliza's Hair
I then organised with Lauren to create a note of all the characters, locations and extra assets needed to get it clear in our minds what needed to be done and who should be doing it. In the meantime, we set all the artists to create concept art for the other main characters, a cat called Marbles and the ShadowMan, which they will present on Thursday when Lauren and I present the final design of Eliza and the delegated tasks for each artist.
18th January 2017
Today, I had drawn all my cat design concepts for Marbles after reading the character brief from the writers. I came up with a few different ideas so everyone could see Marbles being represented differently each time and then see which one represented the character the writers had created best. Evidence Below.
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Marble Concepts
Because of the unsureness of what final tweaks needed to be made to the Eliza drawing, I had created a survey for my target audience to feel involved in the final design and actually create something appropriate that they would like. The main concept of the protagonist had been decided; I just needed to locate the final details to be made to her. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Survey Given to Target Audience
Job roles have also been delegated with me, Lauren, Kelton and Ryan doing main characters; Nathan and Taylor doing locations; and Harry, Liane, Nick and Aaron doing extra characters in the game. This sectioning off of tasks means work flow is quicker because everyone is focusing on their individual aspect of the game. It also means that there will be less confusion with what artists need to do as they already have their assigned job. There are also some strong personalities in the group so it’s important that ALL the artists get heard with their opinions, by everyone having an individual part to work on, no one needs to be involved in someone else’s work and the quieter students will get heard. Problem Solving.
20th January 2017
After looking at the results of the survey, I was able to create a design of Eliza that the whole group was happy with. The bow was the most popular shape chosen by the target audience; dark violet hair was most voted; the big ‘pretty’ eyes were also most chosen however I edited the eyebrows slightly so they referenced back to the original Tim Burton art style inspiration. Even the skirt colour and pattern was chosen, with red tartan being the highest voted. All other colours I took from Lauren’s original Eliza drawing as I thought they fitted the character persona perfectly, a great blend of girly and gothic that fits with the ironic humor present throughout the game. Evidence Below. 
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Final Eliza Design
I had caught up with most of my work so I was then able to carry on with the Specialist Essay, part of unit 12. At the end of the lesson, we had another whole class meeting to discuss our target audience as it was concerning a lot of people and causing confusion as it was not truly defined. We first decided that our target audience should be boys and girls between the ages of 13 to 17, however Lizzy still felt we needed to be more specific in our target audience to help us create a game that truly aims at our demographic and makes it easier on us to do so. We therefore decided that our primary audience would be 12 year old girls and our secondary audience would be 13 to 17 year old boys and girls. This means, we are aiming the game for our primary audience, however we do still need to keep into consideration about our secondary audience. Problem Solving. After this meeting, to help us better understand our primary target audience, we must create a target audience profile where we need to research into things about the audience such as, what are their favourite books, where do they like to eat etc. 
21st January 2017
I was able to finish the target audience profile as I felt we couldn’t move forward before we truly understood who the game was aimed for. Because of this, even after the spider diagram I did of the target audience, I went into great detail about what the target audience liked, what social medias they liked and information along those lines. Evidence Below and in 'Audience’ Blog Post.
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Audience Theory Profile
I also decided that we should create an Instagram for our art group to start bringing in viewers and people interested in what we are doing. Evidence Below.
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Art Group A Instagram Page
I assigned days on when people should post relevant art work, with me doing Mondays, Ryan doing Tuesdays, Nathan doing Wednesday, Kelton is doing Thursday and Taylor doing Friday. Evidence Below.
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Delegated Instagram Uploading Days
I felt that not a lot of outsiders knew the project we had underway so creating an Instagram of our art would help bring free advertisement. Instagram was also the best social media option for us as it’s about posting pictures with a simple caption underneath. As we are showing off art, a site focusing on photos would be more effective for us to draw in the audience and also, with no age rating, 12 year olds would be on the social media platform which is our target audience. Problem Solving.
24th January 2017
After creating the final Eliza design, Jon needed an image plane for Eliza. Evidence Below. I found this task very hard to do as I had never created image planes before and I struggled turning my 2D drawings into a 3D perspective. Callum said he could use my image planes but next time I would need to take my characters out of a ‘pose’ and have their arms straight out so they are easier to model.
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Eliza Image Planes
25th January 2017
Today I had the task of creating my team schedule, proposal and individual schedule. After final discussion with Lauren to verify the job roles, we had decided that me, her, Kelton and Ryan should do main characters; Nathan and Taylor should so locations, and Aarron, Nick, Harry and Liane should do any extra background characters. I noticed very early on that both art teams were working at different speeds so I planned with Lauren that we would have separate art group schedules to enable us to work at our own speed and levels of work. This however has brought up a number of issues already. A couple of times, duplicates of work have been made due to artists in group B working on work set for artists in group A. This caused an issue as group B artists then felt let down that their work wouldn’t be included in the game. We also had the issue of not the correct work being produced, where people who don’t attend college a lot, hadn’t understood their brief so had drawn the incorrect thing. This held us back from producing artwork in time as concept art had to then be re-drawn. Finally, there was a concern that group A was doing more work than group B as the attendance is group B hasn’t been good. To counteract this and encourage people to come in, I gave the artists who came to lesson more frequently, the jobs they wanted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Problem Solving.
To also solve the problem of duplication of work and incorrect art being drawn, me and Lauren made sure we met up regularly to check what everyone was doing and creating weekly in-depth schedules to make sure everyone knew what they needed to be working on. Problem Solving.
26th January 2017
I was able to finish my proposal, individual schedule and one sheet today which was really good as I have become ahead in my work so I feel a lot less stressed about the work load I had. In the afternoon, I created a PowerPoint to show to both classes of all the cat and ShadowMan concept art so they are up to date with what the artists are creating and are in the loop on what we are doing. Evidence Below.
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ShadowMan Concept Art
27th January 2017
Today was focusing on making sure all future proof work was finished for evaluation on Tuesday. As all my work was up-to-date and everything stated in the assignment brief was done, I set up a meeting with Lauren to go over what her, me, Ryan and Kelton should do when it came to the main characters. After great discussion we decided that I should focus on Eliza as I designed her so it would help keep continuity if I continued drawing her. We then decided that Lauren should do the ShadowMan as, even though the final design hadn’t been decided, her sketch was the most popular when we showed our concepts to the rest of the class. Ryan was then delegated to draw Marbles as he showed an array of different cat concepts so we thought he would be best suited to focus on Marbles. Finally, we had to decided on what Kelton would do. We didn’t know who he should draw as no other characters had been decided by the writers so instead, he focused on his written work. Nathan and Taylor also told me they were up-to-date on their blog work so I got them started on locations with Nathan doing the orphanage and Taylor doing the sewers as they were the first two levels of our game.
31st January 2017
First up today was setting up a meeting with my team and touching base as I was worried that they wee confuse about their goal and what they needed to do. Fortunately, everyone was positive and felt confident in what they needed to produce towards the project.
Next, I had another meeting but this time it was with Jamie and Jon as Jon wanted to change the gameplay on some levels but wanted to make sure this was paired with the story and art already created towards the game. Throughout the meeting, I became quite worried and stressed as the plans kept changing between groups. They meeting still didn’t end with a definite direction so I should have stood my ground more with what the artists were doing and could or couldn’t be changed. In the future, I have decided that I should stand up for what the artists are doing as it is mine and Lauren’s choice and we are their voice in this project as we are the Art Directors. Because of this, I have started to begin researching into a final art style we should use for the look and feel for the levels and the world in the game. My main idea was to focus towards an Art Deco and Steampunk look as the styles are glamourous but in a gothic and mechanical way so I messaged Lauren on Facebook o get her opinion on my idea. Evidence Below. Problem Solving.
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Message to Lauren about Art Style
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