#I would change it but I kinda accidentally messed up the drawing after I took this picture
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Day 5: Fight
It's suppose to be Mordelia and Baz btw. For some reason, I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to draw. But I went for this part in The Selkie and his Boy by @hushed-chorus
(it's a really good fic btw you should read it)
Also, in case it's unclear, Baz is holding his wand. Fret not, tis not a knife (if anyone is fretting lol) (the idea of Baz pulling a knife on Mordelia is absolutely ridiculous and is sending me lksdjfklsdajflksj) (I'm fretting).
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ladylilithprime · 2 months
24 + 58, whatever configuration of Sam, Dean, and Castiel being involved in the mess you like
24: Soulmate AU
58: Accidental Eavesdropping  
AND HERE I thought angels didn't have soulmates!"
That was Dean's voice, tense and biting. Sam felt the urge to cringe away from the tone if not the words and made himself be still to avoid drawing attention. When his brother was in a mood to use that tone of voice, no attention was good attention.
"Normally we do not," came the response, predictably in Castiel's voice, though the angel (former angel? Angel once removed?) sounded far more frustrated than Sam had ever heard him. "We are also not usually human while still retaining our memories as an angel. My situation is, once again, unprecedented."
"And you're sure it's not Jimmy's soulmark?" Dean pressed. "Or, hell, a tattoo he might've gotten before you took up residence?"
"Jimmy's soulmark disappeared from this body when he was Reaped during the Apocalypse," Castiel huffed. "And he did not have any tattoos. Nor did this mark appear until after Metatron precipitated my Fall!"
Well, that definitely sounded like it was a soulmark.
Apparently Dean agreed, because he changed his approach a bit. "So why come to me? I'm no good at this kinda touchy feely crap; that's more Sam's wheelhouse than mine."
Rude. Accurate, probably, but still! Sam was ready to just keep pretending to be asleep now just to force Dean to man up and deal with the emotions for once, except he didn't think that would be fair to Castiel to make him flounder just because he had gone to Dean first.
"Dean, please at least attempt to have some compassion," Castiel snapped. Actually snapped! Stunned as he was, Sam almost missed the rustle of fabric before the former angel growled, "Look!"
There was a heavy silence that lasted for six of Sam's heartbeats - not that he was counting - before Dean mumbled, "Oh." And then, "Shit."
"Exactly," Castiel agreed in grim tones, leaving Sam even more confused than before.
"But I thought he had--"
"A ploy on the part of Azazel's agent," came the almost nonsensical reply. "But you see why I chose to speak to you about this, despite your ineptitude."
"Hey!" And there was Dean's offended, audible pout, because God possibly literally forbid that anyone point out Dean's emotional constipation besides Dean himself, and that was almost enough to distract Sam from--
"He still mourns her, even nearly a decade since losing her," Castiel said, sober and quiet and agonized. "It would be the height of cruelty to show him proof that it was all a fabrication of Hell, especially when I have no proof that the mark will remain when I am able to reclaim my Grace."
"So what, you plan to just.... keep it covered and never make skin contact with Sammy while living here with him?" Dean demanded, sounding angry again. To be fair, Sam was starting to feel a bit angry himself, because what the hell, Cas? Even with the unfortunate (heartwrenching) truth that Castiel having Sam's soulmark implied about his bond with Jess, that wasn't something you just hid from someone you lived with whom you also claimed to be a friend!
"I have no intention of hiding it, or of avoiding Sam!" Castiel growled back, and suddenly Sam was battling down a very different sort of flush of heat, because that tone was doing things to him. "I was hoping, perhaps erroneously, that you would have insight into how to break it to him gently that his true soulmate is not only a former angel who may one day soon cease being human and thus no longer have a soul, but also one who has previously betrayed him heinously and would completely understand if he would rather have nothing to do with me than be bound to me for all eternity!"
"Well if you're going for gentle," Sam found himself saying into the silence, carefully sitting up from the couch and peering over the back at his brother and, apparently, his soulmate, "maybe don't have a loud argument three feet from my head while I'm trying to nap?"
"Sam," Castiel breathed, eyes wide even with the painfully pronounced bags under them from lack of sleep, before shooting a panicked look in Dean's direction.
"Hey, Sammy," Dean said, his voice higher than usual and looking torn between caught out and gleeful. "So, uh... you heard--"
"Most of it," Sam broke in, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand. "And I'm still tired, so having any deeply emotional conversations should probably wait until we're all better rested."
He got up, prying himself away from the comfortable warmth of the couch by reminding himself that it was only warm because of his body heat and that his bed would be more warm and comfortable. Without really thinking about it, he reached out and took Castiel's hand, stroking his thumb over the skin as the former angel's breath caught and Sam felt the tingle of the gray and black feather on the inside of his left arm presumably filling with true color for the first time.
"Just so there's no misunderstanding, now or later," Sam murmured, looking down into celestial blue eyes, "Eternity with you sounds a lot better than the rest of my life without you. So don't run away on me, okay?"
"Okay, Sam," Castiel murmured, staring up at him in wonder even as their hands shifted, fingers entwining.
"And if that's at least temporarily settled," Dean said, throwing up his hands, "I say you two go get a room and we all go get more sleep!"
"That," Castiel said dryly, "is the first useful suggestion you have had this entire conversation."
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xxjinxxisdedxx · 5 months
More sketches of my little goober >:3 (+backstory!!)
(Pinkshift is their favorite band, so must be listened to/j)
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Hehe :3 so here is more traditional art of my OC because I am obsessed with drawing xem. No idea why, I just love them :0 anyways.
Backstory (the gist of it anyways)!
Born to the zones, Retro Bolt was just another average zone kid with a makeshift family and a broken history. Now, Retro doesn't remember most of their past after they were brainwashed when xe was around 14ish and turned into a draculoid, which left them without any recollection of their past life.
The mask had melted into their skin, but they were hostile. Xe never fought anyone and was eventually kicked out into the zones to find a purpose from the city. Retro just wandered and wandered, with no purpose. Their mind was fuzzy, xe didn't know who they were or what they were meant to do.
This was all until xe was found by the one and only Cherri Cola. At first, Cherri was ready to shoot Retro when he noticed how hostile they were. Xe didn't attack and simply kept walking in an unknown direction. With the sympathy in his heart, Cherri took Retro back to the station. Dr. Death was completely against the idea of attempting to take someone out of draculoidzation. It was too risky and dangerous. But Cherri kept arguing that this could change something and they could find a weakness.
Reluctantly, Dr. Death allowed Cherri to do what he found the best. Cherri spent days trying to pry the mask off of Retro and to no use, it never came off. Slowly melting more into their skin. Eventually, Cherri gave up but kept Retro around.
One time, Poison and the girl were visiting because the girl wanted to go see Show. Cherri directed The girl to a room before talking with Poison about some poem. The girl ran off and accidentally went into the wrong room, opening the one that held Retro inside. Xe was sitting on the floor, not doing anything. The Girl walked over, knowing Draculoids were bad, but she had heard the way Cherri described this drac.
The Girl had also heard Cherri's complaint about how he couldn't get the mask off. So, she wanted to try something. She walked over to xem, slowly and hesitantly as to not scare them. They didn't move and stared, in a daze. The girl was able to locate the zipper and pull it off, but not without a bloody mess. Retro screamed out in pain as the mask ripped off parts of xers skin and nerves, leaving the blood to leave their face.
Their hands were covered in their own blood and xe was still dazed, but now they were more conscious. They couldn't see out of one of xers eyes and slowly backed away against a wall. Retro wanted to say something outside of their screams but it seems as if xers vocal cords just stopped working to produce everything but words. Cherri ran into the room at the first scream and stared at the mess. If blood loss didn't get to xem, the sand would.
It was a harsh time to get the blood cleaned up, but Cherri managed to get something done. So, now there was this dazed Retro will no recollection of their past and no idea even where they are. Cherri worked with Retro, like a teacher. He spent hours figuring out Retro's name, although Retro didn't know and simply made one up, or one that sounded familiar.
Cherri helped Retro adjust to the zone life and it was pure luck Retro survived.
Little Fun Facts! X3
- Retro had constant flashbacks, mostly of their memories. Xe tries to piece their life together from before the draculoidzation.
- Retro is obsessed with colors and always has art supplies on xem due to how long they spent in a black and white vision.
- Retro roller skates! Show taught them how to and helped xe make their own pair.
- They can't feel anything on the side of their face with the scar, it doesn't feel like anything due to the nerves being ripped out.
- Their favorite band is Pinkshift (Yes, I am kinda putting myself in this OC, shush)
- Retro is confused on sexuality and gender identity (believing they don't have a gender) because xe doesn't know about how to feel about anything like that. They've never experienced romantic feelings and don't feel any gender really fits them.
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ilovekazuhaa · 3 years
after reading those hcs on being Julieta's youngest, i was wondering if i could request mirabel, isabela and luisa interacting with their little sibling, kinda like a part 2? thanks
Yes! This is such a cute idea and im so happy how it turned out! Hope u enjoy :))
What it would be like having Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel as older sisters!!
Part 1 > Part 3
Isabela Madrigal
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Although she was the oldest and you were the youngest, you two got along great.
Isabela loves to teach you about flowers, helping you learn by playing a game. She would grow one and you would name it as fast as you can.
One morning before school she grew a rose and tucked it behind your ear. You’ve asked her to make one and tuck it behind your ear everyday since then.
“Remember, do what you want, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be your true self.”
Every morning when she greeted you, she would shower you with flower petals, same as when you got home from school.
You sat next to her every night for dinner. Whenever you didn’t want to eat a few of your veggies, she would help you hand them off to Antonio’s furry friends under the table.
When it wasn’t your mom comforting you. It was Isa. She always knew how to calm you down.
Hugging you tightly, you sat on her lap, head buried in her neck as you sobbed.
“Hey, it’s okay… Everything’s gonna be okay… Just tell me what’s wrong. I can’t understand you if you cry” she spoke softly.
When you saw how Isa changed her outfit for the first time, seeing all of the vibrant colors she added to her dress with her plants, you asked if she could do it to you too.
Adding it to your clothes, you two matched for the day, but it got on your skin too. You had an orange spot on your cheek for a month.
You often give Isa your “art” every time you came up with a new creation. One time you gave her a drawing of you and her holding hands. She has it hung up on a frame above her bed. She hasn’t told anyone about it and isn’t planning to.
“Do whatever you feel like doing in the moment. How else are you gonna know that you’re in the moment… you know?”
If she found out one of the other kids were bullying you, she’d make her way to their house, bang on their front door and when they opened, she would yell at the kids’ parents for not knowing how to raise their child. “No one messes with my siblings!!!”
She knew Abuela would get her in trouble for it, but she didn’t care.
“I have no regrets” Isa said, crossing her arms and looking away with a closed eye pout.
Luisa Madrigal
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Luisa would be very gentle with you, never fully wrapping her arms around you when you two hugged, in fear she would hurt you.
Always careful where she stepped around the house, not wanting to accidentally crush you.
She always let you sit on top of her shoulders as she ran back in forth in circles, making the two of you extremely dizzy.
You two felt so dizzy that you guys just decided to skip dinner. You slept in Luisa’s room that night and climbed on her monkey bars. They were your favorite.
Whenever you went with your mama into town, you always saw Luisa working there, helping all the townspeople with crazy jobs. You were so impressed when you saw her pick up 7 donkeys and carry them on her back.
“That’s my sister!!! She’s so cool!”
Even though she was far away, Luisa heard your squeaky voice in the distance, freaking out over her super strength. She couldn’t help but smile and blush a bit.
Luisa typically took you with her wherever she went on her off days. She loved hearing you babble on and on as she relaxed on her hammock.
She took you to school every morning, helping take some weight off her mother’s shoulders.
She was also a big fan of your stories, like your mom. But she offered new, cooler parts to them.
“Wait wait wait, what if he grew wings, flew, AND shot lasers out of his eyes?!?!”
You were so mesmerized by her ideas, jaw dropping whenever she mentioned something cool like that.
Luisa loved playing rock, paper, scissors with you and always knew what you would pick before you picked it. It was always rock. But she let you win everytime.
“Aw, you won again, Y/N!! You’re too good at this, maybe even the best in the whole encanto!”
If she saw that you were feeling down, she’d take you to the river and you two would skip rocks together as you talked about life.
“Man, I’m so mad. Why can’t mama just give me brownies for dinner?? They have protein!!”
“I get where you’re coming from kiddo, but mama wants you to get all of your nutrients so you can get big and strong!!” your older sister explained.
“Big and strong… like you?” you asked.
“Yeah… Big and strong… like me.”
“Then why didn’t you say so?? I’ll eat my veggies everyday no problem from now on!!!”
“I’m glad to hear that. Can’t wait until you get strong so you can pick up donkeys too, kid” she smiled, ruffling your hair.
Noticing whenever Luisa was feeling exhausted and over worked, you hugged her. But you were only tall enough to reach up to her waist.
Feeling something grab her, she jumped, startled. When she looked down and saw you hugging her leg, snuggling your head into her dress, her heart melted. She just wanted to pick you up and squeeze you, giving you the biggest hug.
Mirabel Madrigal
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Mirabel was the one you spent the most time with out of your other sisters, since she didn’t have a gift and you hadn’t gotten yours yet.
You always followed her around town, singing with the other children. It was so much fun.
She was always the first person that offered to take care of you.
When you were a baby, she was the first one besides your mama that held you first.
Mirabel taught you how to sew. Sure, you weren’t a professional, but you were getting there. She was so patient.
Since you two shared a bedroom, she would sing to you every night and you dozed off to the sound of her soft voice comforting you.
Every morning when she woke up, she would wake you up right after and take your hand, leading you downstairs for breakfast.
Mirabel’s earrings were handmade, so when she gifted you a matching set, you were so excited.
Because of Mirabel, butterflies were your favorite animal. She knew so much and was always telling you little facts about them.
“Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet?!”
There was a butterfly garden in the encanto, so whenever you two had nothing to do, there was no doubt you guys would be found there.
Mirabel often told you stories about your Abuelo Pedro because Abuela always used to tell them to her.
Every night, Mirabel told you the same story of how Casita was created and how the encanto came to be. You can now recite the entire story, word for word, the exact way Mirabel tells it to you.
When you were born, Mirabel made you a stuffed teddy bear. Putting it in your crib, you’ve slept with it every night for as long as you can remember.
Whenever you went out together, she always held your hand. It was so warm.
You always put your toys in her bag. She always tells you that she is making one for you and you’ll be getting it soon. Then, you can fill the whole bag with as many toys as you want.
One time, she let you try on her glasses. The lenses were so blurry, you couldn’t even see 5 feet in front of you. Looking around in her glasses, you somehow ended up cross eyed. Mirabel laughed at how silly you looked.
You were always worried that when you turned 5, you wouldn’t get a gift, just like Mirabel.
“What if I don’t get a gift?” you said, hugging your teddy bear. Mirabel got up from her bed, coming to yours and scooting close to you.
“You have nothing to worry about. You’re gonna get your gift and your door, and it’s gonna be the coolest ever, I know it.”
After looking up at her, you hugged her tightly, letting go of your teddy bear. “You’re the best sister ever, I wish you had a door” you said.
“You know what, you don’t have to worry about me. Because I have an amazing house..and an amazing family… and an amazing you” she said, hugging you back.
As if on cue, you layed down on her lap and dozed off to her singing softly as she stroked your hair.
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robinchan-hananomi · 3 years
Ok, so some quick thoughts on One Piece 1038. First, I’m glad to know that not everyone escaped Whole Cake Island unscathed. I’m not surprised Judge and Ichiji would leave Niji and Yonji behind and honestly I don’t feel bad for them at all, but it is good to know that everyone didn’t slip out without a problem. We’ll probably have more to deal with that down the line, but not at the moment.
What do we have to deal with at the moment? Well Luffy’s fighting Kaido and Sanji’s still out, Usopp is still pulling the samurai to safety, Nami is still with Tama, and Brook and Robin are probably still together. Now we got Franky trying to find Zoro and Jinbei trying to hold up a ceiling to protect as many people as possible.
Chopper is normal sized again and he gives us a reminder that because Zoro took that drug, his body is going to be dealt back nearly twice the damage he would have had before. Then we see Zoro, who is currently so hurt he’s paralyzed. Even more concerning is the grim reaper like being standing over him, bringing a scythe down on him. Think Zoro cheated death one too many times that Death himself is like ‘yeah, no more?’ I know it’s unlikely Oda is going to kill Zoro, but it’s still nerve wracking.
Zoro’s current and future condition along with the strain on Chopper’s body and the changes that Sanji are going through is actually a bit of a relief to me. They are taking on two Yonko at once. If we hadn’t taken on so much damage I would almost feel like we were being jipped in this fight.
No idea where Marco is right now, but we also see Yamato trying their best to keep the flame monster from blowing up the whole island. And then we got Izo. Izo sustained some heavy damage helping Usopp and the others escape, only to wonder into CP0. CP0 decide to ignore Izo for the moment, as they are more interested in capturing Robin. Why CP0 wants Robin is a whole other mess, but Izo is a man of code. He is there to avenge his fallen master, protect his little sister, and stand by his friends. That means he is in an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates. In addition he is still keeping Whitebeard’s finale order in mind, protect Luffy and survive. Not only that but Luffy is Ace’s little brother and someone whose crew is currently protecting Izo’s little sister. How can he do anything else but stand up for them? So despite his injuries he tells CP0 that they aren’t taking one step further, and you know that as long as Izo can still stand, he’s not letting CP0 walk past him. The scene gave me goose bumps and it kinda reminded me of a few other scenes. How many times has Luffy and the others been able to keep traveling because someone who they accidentally allied themselves to or befriended heard an enemy say they were going after the Strawhat Pirates and that ally said ‘over my dead body you are.’ Mihawk was 1000% in his assessment that Luffy’s greatest strength, greatest power, is his ability to draw people to him.
But the highlight of the chapter was Big Mom’s fight against Law and Kidd. Just like the strawhats and the samurai, all the pirates are putting everything they have into this fight. Seeing Law and Kidd working together, even if it’s more like a tag team than anything is awesome. And the two of them are just as committed as the rest of them there, vowing even if they have to give their lives to do it, Big Mom will not reach the roof.
Between 1037 and 1038 we got a lot of new things to think about. And we know our allies are mounting up, even if the others don’t know they are there. Zou is getting closer, and with it the entire mink tribe. There’s a lot being built into this battle, and no matter what happens or ends we know it’s going to throw an every increasing chaotic world into more turmoil.
There’s a few different things going on here, battles that each part of the alliance is trying to handle. The first is getting the island to land safely without destroying the Flower Capital and everyone on the island. That is what Momo and Yamato are focused on. Then we are trying to defeat Kaido and Big Mom. So far, thanks to the Strawhats, almost all of Kaido’s officers are down. Luffy is facing down against Kaido and Kidd and Law are trying to take down Big Mom. THen we have CP0 slinking around trying to get Robin. Brook is currently keeping Robin from their hands, but Izo is now holding them off. And of course the Beast Pirates have to be completely dismantled to free Wano.
So even though things are starting to wrap up, we are still facing a lot more trials. And when this fight is over, we are going to have a lot of troubles. Sanji, Zoro, and possibly Chopper at the very least are not going to be in ANY shape to be fighting or even moving any time soon. We have CP0 and the World Government waiting to continue the fight as well, so hopefully Zou can take care of that little problem. Still doesn't change that we now have a giant elephant in Wano, one with problems of it’s own that is probably next on the list to resolve. And Wano and it’s problems aside, we also have no leads on the fourth and finale poneglyph. Fans may have a few ideas where it is, but the actual characters do not. So not only is the rest of Wano going to be intense, but there is so much going on in the aftermath too.
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Hi! I love stark industries company antics, do you think it would be possible for the company to pull something ridiculous plot wise (like taking over the world lol) that would accidentally lead things down a better road? Or any ideas you have about outsiders reacting to the absolute insanity that is SI (I absolutely get writing as an escape, and I often do that as well as just daydreaming. Sending the best of wishes your way, I hope it gets better and easier to deal with soon <3)
thanks, friend. I appreciate it.
To be fair, it is very, very hard to beat "that one time we took over the world lol whoops", and I'm assuming we're talking about the TWiFFON universe here so apologies if you had something else in mind. I'm kinda drawing a blank in regards to anything that could compare...
Unless, say, we get a Relay Race Incident: Electric Boogaloo situation going on. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Last time, the rivalries had been between military veterans messing around during the annual company picnic's relay race. Had been all in good fun, but still ended up in quite a few policy changes that meant a line-item for property damage was mandatory for events that one would not ordinarily expect, and was the unofficial reason R&D is no longer allowed to go unsupervised. HR also ended up teaming up with PR afterwards for damage control, making sure that nobody outside of SI so much as heard a peep about the shit some of their employees got up to when they were messing around.
Last time, SWORD wasn't around.
Okay, to be fair, everyone involved had looked at them and thought, "hey, these guys used to be part of a super-elite government agency, they've got their act together!" and "there's no way anyone can mess up as badly as last time" and completely forgot that brain cells =/= common sense.
Mistakes were made.
...a lot of mistakes were made.
And footage went viral, because of course it did, this was Murphy's law at its finest and HR was out for blood even as PR did its best to try and convince everyone that yes, actually, Stark Industries was a very professional company, really, pay no attention to the purple smoke in the distance.
Of course, then R&D does a thing, or Legal, and everyone's reminded that Stark Industries is very much the "work hard, play hard" company of the business world.
End result: the secret's out, now everyone knows SI's minions employees have basically zero common sense but it's okay because they make up for it with all the brain cells and are terrifyingly hypercompetent to boot. So. There's that.
Bonus points if it happens after the Realization, which just hammers home the ridiculousness of the situation because everyone was going “ah yes, supervillain with his minions taking over the world, don’t like it but makes sense” to “...an oblivious idiot, surrounded by his fellows and how did these guys take over the world??? If some of them can barely tie their shoelaces???”
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msmkcreates · 3 years
AuraFell InfoDump
Hello! As some of you may already know, I have created my own AU called AuraFell! It doesn't have any Tale/Swap/Swapfell/etc counterparts yet, so this is completely new!
I'm going to dump everything I have to start with this AU below the cut. If you want to wrote or draw this AU please ask, it's still in New AU stages so I want it to be done right! But I'm very easygoing and I would love for more content to me made so don't be afraid (:
More info below the cut, it's a mess of about 7k words so bear with me!
Let's start with the magic system. Most monsters have the same type of magic as regular AUs, nothing special. If they have an aura, it's weak or hard to use.
Boss Monsters, though, have Auras that are strong and super effective.
Boss monsters in this AU (that ive developed) are:
-Papyrus (Mockingbird)
-Sans (Terror)
-Asgore (Dad)
-Toriel (Auntie)
-Undyne (Shrill)
-Alphys (Professor)
-Mettaton (Signal)
-Grillby (Ozone)
-Frisk (Kiddo)
And the deceased ones with powers thus far:
-Gaster (Doctor...deceased)
-Asriel (Giver...deceased...?)
-Chara (Pal....deceased)
Nicknames! So nicknames are actually given to Boss monsters by the ones their aura effects. They all for some reason call them that name.
Aura powers fall under two categories, with subcategories. If your aura is in the same category, you're resistant to the other's power. If you have the same category AND subcategory, you're immune.
Ambient Auras: These are Auras that are area of effect, sort of. They are focused in one way or another but generally present at all times.
-Visual: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with a visual effect (flashing colors, a friendly smile, the written word)
-Audial: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with sound (humming, singing, spoken word)
Given Aura: This aura type must be administered physically somehow. It is not ever-present but can be "stowed" or "kept". The effect is imbued to an object or physically given somehow.
-Present: This means the Given Effect must be given through an item (a baked good laced with the effect, a gift, etc)
-Physical: This means the given effect must be administered through physical contact (a bite, a kiss, skin to skin contact)
Let's start with the skeleton Brothers' powers
Papyrus, AKA Mockingbird
-His Aura is called Lullaby. He makes people fall asleep. He usually does this by humming or singing. It can effect one person immediately or multiple with a delay. 
-His favorite lullaby to hum is "Hush little baby" (you know. The one where Mama is gonna buy you a Mockingbird...) and perhaps that's why everyone calls him Mockingbird
-He used to think he had no powers because he didn't know how to focus it, and his Category/Subcategory is the same as Sans AND Undyne (whom he spent the most time with) so neither were ever affected
- Category/Sub is Ambient (Audial)
Sans (Terror)
-His aura is called Modify Memory, but nobody knows that. He can speak to a sleeping person and influence their dreams, or speak a story to an woken person and they will legitimately remember that it happened that way. Again, it's most effective when focused on one person, and the details fuzz or change if he tries to stretch it to more people
-He pretends to be affected by Mock's lullaby. He's incredibly fast, agile, and strong, and he pretends he's only a good fighter when he's unconscious. This way nobody will risk a surprise knockout and they'll cooperate with him when Mock threatens to put him to sleep. He modifies people's memories so they will spread by word of mouth that the unconscious fighting is his power, not modify memory
-Category/Sub: Ambient (Audial)
Speed run through the others:
-Toriel (Auntie) makes pies or any baked good that are more addictive than any drug. Category/sub: Given (Present)
-Asgore (Dad) has Big Dad Energy and everyone wants to impress him, to an extreme. He's so strong he affects most of the Underground without knowing it, and to his horror most of the Underground seems to think that murdering others and getting stronger is the way to impress him. He focuses with spoken word but it's mostly unnecessary at this point. Ambient (Audial)
-Grillby (Ozone). Hypnosis. Pretty flame colors. Leaves his victims open to suggestion. Ambient (Visual)
-Muffet (? Nickname tbd) makes a paralyzing poison. She has figured out how to put it in her pastries but it's best delivered by bite. Given (Physical)
-Undyne (Shrill) has the command power. People follow a command from her. Longer instructions if focused on one, one simple instruction if aimed at multiples. Ambient (Audial)
-Alphys (Professor). People take whatever she says as fact as long as it's written in her handwriting. Ambient (Visual)
-Mettaton (Signal). His TV programs are brainwashing propaganda. He can convince people to buy or sell anything if they are watching him through a screen. Ambient (Visual)
-Frisk (Kiddo) radiates friendship with a smile. Ambient (visual)
-Gaster (Doctor) used to be able to say anything and people would believe him. Ambient (Audial)
-Chara (Pal) was able to convince anyone to be friendly to them no matter what they'd done. Ambient (Audial)
-Asriel (Giver) could give you a rock and you'd well up with grateful feelings. Given (Present)
yeah that's the basics, that's the big peeps in that world. Basically it isn't really Asgore's fault the place is so fucked up he's just very old and powerful and the violence is mostly people trying to impress him (poorly).
Gaster is Terror and Mock's Dad but he died when they were young, 8 and barely 2. He died trying to save Asriel and Chara when he accidentally dropped a barrier-breaking theory that Asriel then took as fact because of Gaster's aura.
Toriel moved almost immediately after the children's deaths, and Asgore did his best to raise Terror and Mock until Terror was old enough to take Mock to live in their house in Snowdin (about 14 and 8 years old)
Snowdin is a really bad place now though bc Toriel (Auntie) has been giving away her pies at the ruins gates, and people are killing and hurting each other for enough G or whatever they think she wants to get the next fix. She's kinda lost it at this point, she keeps feeding them out of some twisted need to be needed
Terror was old enough and smart enough to know "yeah, let's not eat that". They're immune to Asgore's power bc they are the same types, but they still want to impress him the normal kid-wants-to-impress-dad amount so they never tell him when they need more support out of some sense of pride. 
Mock was a bit of a runt well into teenage years. His magic was very slow to grow. He got picked on a lot, kids stole his lunch money and roughed him up and such. He would hum his favorite lullabies to himself to calm his anxiety, and wouldn't you know it, but one day it put everyone to sleep!
So sometimes he doesn't even realize he's humming, he does it to calm his nerves, he a nervous bean, but he also  knows from the one time someone injured his socket that earplugs are good enough to slow his effects
He also learns pretty quickly that junkies don't sleep for long and they are way stronger than he anticipated so, he racks up some of his LV for stuff like that.
He also likes tea because his powers depend on him being able to hum/sing
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serpenteve · 3 years
So I ship Darklina, but I actually...don't hate Mal? Sure, he was a dick sometimes (so is the Darkling, in different ways), but he was also like 17 or 18 right? And, to me, he'd changed by Ruin and Rising. He went through a lot of character growth. He's not my favorite character by any means. He's probably one of my least favorite, simply because of how boring he is, and I think him and Alina would have been better off as friends or siblings for a platonic familial type thing. But he's also a teenager. That doesn't give him an excuse for being a dick but I feel like from what I've seen from Darklina stans (and what I myself have done in the past) is we hold him to such a high standard but we excuse everything the Darkling does. Yes, he's the villain, but he's also a love interest, which means he does need to be somewhat held accountable. I love the Darkling, he's my boy, and he makes Mal look like a piece of cardboard in comparison, but if we're able to love a centuries old villain and forgive his mistakes, shouldn't Mal at least get some grace? Heroes are allowed to mess up, especially teenage ones. Hell, when I was 17 I was a wreck. It just feels weird to write off everything a centuries old man does but tear apart everything a teenager does, you know?
But I also understand the Mal hate and I don't expect people to love him (I don't even love him lmao). I just wanted to see if some Darklinas are more open towards Mal because I understand most Darklinas hate his guts (understandably so).
Sorry for the long ask. What are your thoughts on Mal?
I don't think all Darklinas hate Mal but a lot of people who hated a number of things in the books happen to be Darklinas. If you hate the book romance, then you're more likely to criticize other aspects of the storytelling like the plot and writing choices.
I definitely think people's perception of Mal hinges on whether they feel like he redeemed himself in Ruin & Rising and/or whether or not they were exposed to the fandom discourse and reactions surrounding the characters. For example, if you read the Grisha trilogy after seeing people endlessly simp for the Darkling and talk about Mal like he's the Worst Character Ever™️, then probably you will think book!Mal really isn't that bad and people excuse the Darkling's actions despite him like.........destroying an entire town for funsies and terrorizing Alina across the country 😂
The whole Mal vs Darkling debate originally arose out of audience expectations. Mal was presented as a heroic love interest while the Darkling was basically a false romantic lead turned villain who Alina kinda still had the hots for but had to heroically resist lest she become seduced to the dark side. The Darkling wants to control and exploit Alina and will stop at nothing to do so. Therefore, we expect Mal to embody the opposite of this: support Alina in doing what she wants and not treat her like a trophy he's entitled to. Instead, Bardugo---perhaps unintentionally---set the opposite in motion.
I actually really don't mind Mal in Shadow & Bone. Yeah, he was kind of an ass to Alina at parts, but he apologized and helped her get the stag and most of his faults can be overlooked as dumb teenage boy things. The problem arose in Siege & Storm when Mal grew entitled, possessive and emasculated because Alina had this power he did not and Alina had this great destiny that didn't revolve around him. Regardless of what Bardugo intended with this lover's quarrel, many readers interpreted this as Mal wanting Alina to be weak and dependent on him. And now, when readers look back at his more annoying traits in Shadow & Bone that initially didn't bother us that much, it holds more sinister implications. It wasn't that Mal and Alina were drifting apart, it was that Mal doesn't care about Alina until someone else cares about her and then he realizes "oh shit! my biggest fangirl that i took for granted has been taken away and has a life of her own??? unacceptable!!11". This combined with the Grisha being coded as any marginalized group and Mal's bigotry towards Alina and then her ending where she lost her powers so the author could pair her with Mal also left some.................IMPLICATIONS 👀
And listen, it would be one thing if I was the *only* reader who was whining about how Mal's character drives me up the wall......but like literally 3/4 of the fandom hated his ass because Bardugo accidentally made him toxic in a very *familiar* way that the Darkling's toxicity is not---at least for that part of the fandom. And this clash between reader expectations and what was actually on the page is what gave rise to a lot of Mal hate. You mentioned that readers hold Mal to a higher standard than the Darkling and that's true. But it's also because Mal is supposed to be a hero, not a villain. The expectations we had for the Darkling were literally on the floor after he decided to randomly massacre Novokribrisk. Whereas Mal being toxic in exactly the same way a chauvinistic garbage IRL man would be toxic was way too much for some readers and we just ended up shipping Alina with the Darkling out of pure spite. Especially when said villain is saying things like "I've seen what you truly are and I've never turned away? Can he stay the same?" or "He’s otkazat’sya. He can never hope to understand your power, and if he did, he’d only come to fear you."
ALSO, I'm a big believer that the reason the Darklina shippers grew in number is directly because the Darkling and Alina are never in a romantic relationship. The failed and wasted potential was indeed a huge draw, but the fact that we never got to see what their canon relationship would be like allowed us to fantasize about an ideal situation in which the Darkling comes to the error of his ways and learns to treat Alina as an equal. The quotes I mentioned above are up for interpretation. He says he will never turn away and that he would be able to understand Alina's power...........but he also proved that he isn't above using her as a weapon without regard for what she wants. Because we never get to see the Darkling and Alina in a real romantic relationship, we can now choose to interpret that line seriously in fanworks, regardless of whatever the hell Bardugo intended with it.
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spxllcxstxr · 4 years
Bumps and Bruises • M.M
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(GIF is not mine)
Request: Hi! Sorry, May I ask for a Marlene McKinnon x fem!/gn! reader fic, Soulmate AU where they feel each other's pain. — anon
Summary: Two Quidditch rivals finding out they’re something...more (Soulmate AU)
Warnings: Mentions of food/eating, injury description, brief mention of blood
Word Count: ~2k
A.N: NonGryffindor!Reader, this is my first time doing a Soulmate AU so I hope this is ok! It’s hard to find a balance between Soulmate AU and normal AU, but I’m sure I’ll get better with it in practice! The ending is kinda iffy imo, but it’s not terrible. Hope you enjoy!
The first thing you feel when you wake up on Friday morning is a flare up of painful throbbing blossoming across the outer part of your right thigh.
You groan, prying your eyes open and pull back your blanket.
The pale light filtering through your curtains is enough to see the grotesque purpling of swollen skin. You poke and prod at your thigh, occasionally hissing out in agony.
The bruise is both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
Its circular shape is something you see all the time. As a Beater on your Quidditch team, Bludger bruises were commonplace. The issue is, and this is where the mark becomes unfamiliar to you, when you went to sleep last night, there was no evidence of any such mark.
This was peculiar because you never had a history of sleep Quidditch, and you’re sure that if you got up in the middle of the night in a trance, at least one of your dorm mates would’ve told you.
And this certainly wasn’t some accidental hitting your bed frame sort of injury. This was ten inches in diameter, black and blue like a ball of pure iron slammed into you. As a self proclaimed Quidditch expert, you’re fully aware of what caused this.
But this conclusion brings up more questions than answers. Sure, you had practice after classes yesterday, but you would remember being hit full force—and you don’t.
But you have no time to sit and ponder over this mystery, you have to make it down for breakfast and then endure hours of classes. If only you could skip ahead to tomorrow’s match against Gryffindor.
You limp your way through the dorm, unable to put the usual amount of weight on your right leg. The room is empty, save for Bedelia, who, as usual, is still snoring underneath her blanket. On your way out, you make sure to wake her up by slamming the door shut as hard as you can.
Hobbling down to the Great Hall with a bag of heavy books slung over your shoulder is no easy feat even when it’s something that constantly happens.
The Great Hall is buzzing, though most of the noise is coming from the Gryffindor table.
The ceiling reflects the morning, bright blue and not a cloud in sight.
By the looks of it, the Gryffindor Quidditch team just got back from their morning practice, still panting and sweaty. For the entire week leading up to a match, James Potter, their captain, makes them practice and go through relentless drills in preparation. When they’re not on the pitch, he’s quizzing them on maneuvers. You’re lucky that your captain and fellow Beater, Morgana Sharpe, gives you the day before a match off, mostly to rest and review. If Potter was your captain he would’ve ended up in St. Mungo’s by now.
Your eyes wander over to Marlene McKinnon, her blonde hair up in a bun, face red and splotchy from practice, bare arms showing off muscle. Her chest heaves under her scarlet top.
“Practicing getting your arses handed to you?” You joke, leaning against their table.
Marlene scoffs. “Oh, you wish.”
Her deep brown eyes find yours, a troublesome twinkle shining through.
“Focus, Marlene, can’t have you fraternizing with the enemy!” James laughs out between mouthfuls of eggs.
“More like flirting with the enemy.” Sirius snorts, leaning closer to Remus, who chuckles into his glass.
“Oi! Piss off, Black!” Marlene snaps, the red on her face spreading.
Dorcas squeezes in next to her, dittany in hand. “How’s the leg, Marls?”
“Aw.” You pout. “Did McKinnon get a boo boo during practice?”
She scowls at you. “Don’t you have a potion to blow up?”
You clench your jaw and ball your hand into a fist. She’s got a point.
“Alright, enough trash talk, you two, leave it for the pitch.” James rolls his eyes.
Instantly, a weight lifts from your shoulders.
“I gotta go eat, anyway.” You smile warmly at your sort of friends. “So I’ll see you guys in class.” You wave before turning to your own table.
You join the rest of your team the table, squeezing through the tight huddle. Parchment is scattered all over the surface, some with crude drawings of maneuvers, some with written stats.
“Right, now that we’re all here,” Sharpe grunts our in her thick Irish accent, shooting you a disgruntled look. “We have a change of plans.”
“Change of plans?” Webb, one of your Chasers, asks. He looks up from his diagram, eyebrows raised.
“Greene’s soulmate took a tumble and landed him in the hospital wing. Can’t play tomorrow’s match.” She scowls, drawing clenched tightly on her hand.
“Again?” Your team groans.
Rupert Greene spends more time in the hospital wing due to his soulmate’s clumsiness than from playing a dangerous magical sport. That’s the way it’s been for the four years you’ve known him, and you have a hunch that it’ll never change.
“So we’re gonna have to put in Knight? Against Gryffindor?” Webb cries out, eyes wide. “No offense, but he isn’t ready to take on those pricks!”
Sharpe runs a hand through her dark brown hair. “Well, I guess we all just need to pray to Merlin some Gryffindor gets knocked off their broom.” She sighs.
The news of Knight replacing Greene for the match against Gryffindor puts you in a sour mood, making the bruise on your thigh throb more painfully.
You march through the corridors, face contorted in a permanent frown, barely paying attention to your lessons. You do, however, manage to keep your potion from exploding, which Slughorn is thrilled about. Match notes and plays take over your free time, pushing all your homework to Sunday, quickly deciding that this match is far too important. Marlene sticks her tongue out at you whenever she gets the chance as she hobbles through the corridors or looks away from Flitwick in your shared Charms class.
Sharpe drags you and the rest of the team up to bed at nine, lecturing you all about a good night’s rest. You roll your eyes, but you do only spend half an hour studying moves before heading to bed.
You wake up jittery.
You’re always nervous the morning of normal Quidditch matches, but this isn’t a normal Quidditch match. Gryffindor has gone undefeated for the entire season so far, and you just need to beat them. You crave to watch the smug look fall from James’ face and the cocky attitude that Sirius is infamous for crumble. You want to win. At the same time, though, you’re hesitant to see the frown on Marlene’s face. Those perfect lips deserve to shaped in a perfect smile.
Your bruise isn’t as irritated as yesterday. It’s still black and blue, but you really need to dig your thumb into it for it to hurt.
You stretch, listening to your joints pop before strutting down to the Great Hall to join the rest of your team.
Taking a deep breath before making your way through the threshold, you try your best to calm down and radiate confidence. You crack your knuckles and make your way to your table.
Marlene throws you a playful glare across the room, which you teasingly reciprocate.
Breakfast is a quiet affair for your group. Feet tap impatiently against the stone, nervous habits running wild.
The weather is perfect for Quidditch. There’s a slight breeze and a couple fluffy white clouds drifting through the blue sky, providing the occasional blotch of shade. It reassures you and calms you down on your walk down.
Sharpe gives her usual pep talk in the locker rooms. It’s all about blood, guts, and glory, and how we better not mess this up for her or else “she’ll haunt us from the great beyond.” Knight is white as a sheet, trembling underneath his robes.
The crowd roars out from the stands just above, your cue to make your grand entrance. Brooms are taken off their positions in the wall and in a single filed line, you all follow Sharpe out onto the pitch.
“And here it is, everybody,” Remus’ voice calls out over the chaos. “Captain Sharpe, (Y/Ln), Webb, Byrne, Spade, Opal, and their reserve, Knight!”
Your house cheers louder at your introduction, your eardrums pounding. You smile and nod at the crowd, excitement bubbling up inside of you.
“While the two captains are taking positions and shaking hands,” You hear as you mount your broom, Potter and Sharpe facing each other. “I have been paid quite a significant amount to say that according to James Potter, Lily Evans looks absolutely gorgeous today—“
“That has nothing to do with the match, Lupin!” McGonagall cries.
“Godric, Minnie. I’m just doing some adverts, it’s all good. No need to—“
A large thwack echos throughout the pitch, but you’re too wrapped up in Hooch blowing the whistle.
Quickly, you soar up in the air, Beater’s bat in one hand, chasing after your teammates to defend them.
You barely hear Remus over the whistling of the wind and your own grunts.
You watch Marlene laugh after she bats a Bludger away from James, the bat giving off a wicked crack. You’re momentarily mesmerized by her figure. How her tongue peeks out in concentration and her ponytail bounces wildly in the wind.
A moment passes and your arm erupts in pain, and to add onto that, you’re hurtling towards the grass.
You clutch your arm and brace for impact, breath being forcibly ripped from your lungs. Tears well in your eyes from both the pain and the air lashing against your body. Your Quidditch robes flap wildly behind you.
The landing, however, isn’t that bad. You end up in the grass, your bad arm protected. You assume Dumbledore is the one to thank.
You let out strangled pants, sky spinning around you, a piercing whistle sharp against your ears. Your arm screams in agony.
“(Y/Ln)!” Sharpe calls out, broom clutched in one hand. “You alright?” Her face shines with sweat.
“Bloody hell, she’s got quite the swing.” You groan, face contorting in anguish.
In the corner of your rotating vision, you watch red and gold blurs crowding around someone else.
Madam Hooch and the rest of your teammates are talking, but you can’t understand a word they’re saying.
Tendrils of black fog enter your vision and suddenly you’re out cold.
You recognize the hospital wing bed immediately. It’s firm, but not unbearable, the white cotton sheets rubbing against any exposed skin.
“So (Y/Ln) and McKinnon, eh?”
It’s garbled and you’re unable to place the voice, but it’s understandable.
“What’s this ‘bout me and McKinnon?” You manage to slur out, eyes blinking open, the figures above you blurry.
The world gradually clears itself up, your teammates surrounding your bed. Your left arm is wrapped tightly to your chest with a white cotton sling. The pain is dull, but it’s the most noticeable feeling present.
“Ah, well...” Webb scratches the back of his neck, averting his eyes.
“They’re talking about how I finally felt my own strength.”
Slowly, you turn your head to see Marlene sitting up on her bed, carefully watching over you. Her friends surround her, knowing smirks gracing their faces.
Her blonde hair is a bit of a tangled mess from the wind, but her smile is blinding in the light.
“You mean...” Your eyes widen in shock.
Marlene nods her head. “Soulmates.”
You bite your lip in response.
“I mean, it was pretty obvious, wasn’t it?” Sirius asks, looking between his friends for approval. “They literally wake up covered in bruises after like every Quidditch match!”
“Shut up, Pads!” Remus hisses, smacking him on the leg. “They’re having a moment.”
Sirius rolls his eyes and holds his hands up in mock surrender.
Your eyes drift to your thigh where the mysterious bruise was.
“I’m guessing you got hit by a Bludger during practice?” You ask.
“And you’re the one that gave me that broken bloody nose during detention!” Marlene exclaims.
You nod shyly, remembering when Knight accidentally threw the Quaffle at your face during a late night practice.
“Are we really that bloody stupid?” You laugh.
“You want a real answer or...?” James starts, repositioning his glasses.
Marlene shoves James off her bed, and he yelps before ungracefully tumbling to the floor with a crash.
“Guess this is our cue to leave the two stupid lovebirds alone.” Lily giggles before patting her friend on the back and leaving, the Marauders and your own team trailing close behind her.
Because the bones in your arm are practically shattered, you’re confined to the hospital wing for at least another day, but with Marlene at your bedside, it’s been made bearable. You talk about all those mysterious injuries you’ve acquired over the many years and learn the extent of your idiocy.
With various bumps and bruises to match, at the end of the day, the two of you are much more than Quidditch rivals.
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Part 2 of Taken
Child of the Nein (Mighty Nein & Child!Reader)
I really hope this turned out as well as I imagined it to
You were honestly surprised to see your old caretaker again after so long, ever since that scuffle near Nicodranas you never did know what happened to them when they disappeared, forgetting about those worries when you met Jester not too long after. Yet here they were, after accidentally wandering away from Jester they come out of nowhere and whisk you off to who knows where, and they seemed to be in a hurry about it too. Throughout their little road trip you hoped that every turn or small stop would reveal Jester waiting to rescue you along with the rest of the Nein, sadly this wasn’t the case. Had you bothered to pay proper attention you’d know which city you were approaching but being dragged off the cart and through a variety of underground tunnels didn’t really help pinpoint things for you. You finally stop but at this point you'd decided to just keeping your eyes to the ground trying not to let fear take control over you.
"Alright! Here they are, just like I’d promised." Your caretaker, though now you scoff at the idea of this person ever caring for you, roughly pulls you forward into view, you keep your eyes on the ground. "Sooo… everything should be settled now, right? My debts payed and I’m free to go?" There’s a silence that feels like it lasts an eternity before a new voice, one you recognized speaks.
"The 'special cargo' you mentioned was… this child?" You peek up from your position and are shocked to see that the person your caretaker was negotiating with was none other then the Gentleman. He didn’t look surprised to see you but you hoped that was just so he could keep up with his appearance, you look to him with pleading eyes hoping that he could help you and you think you see a slight change in his expression as he leans over to whisper to one of his associates. When he’s done they hurry off somewhere and he turns his attention back to you. "And you speak the truth when you say they don’t have other connections or family?"
"Goodness no, this little thing has never been with anyone else but myself the whole time." They reply with a laugh, making you scowl at them. The Gentleman narrows his eyes and their laughter dies down quickly, getting a more nervous look.
"I don’t take kindly to those who think they can get away with lying to me." He says in a threatening tone, then snaps his fingers and two large henchmen grab the caretaker firmly by both arms.
"No, wait wait! Please! I-I'm not lying, the kid hasn’t been with anyone else but me!" They stammer, trying to sound convincing.
"Then I’m sure you have a reasonable explanation as to how this child in your possession looks exactly like my… one of my subordinates kids, or should I let (y/n) explain themselves." At the mention of your name the caretakers face completely drains of colour as realization creeps in. The Gentleman, completely unfazed waves his hand and his bodyguard, Sorah, walks over and frees you of your bindings while the others who still had the caretaker in their grip drag them off with them kicking and screaming that they were cheated and begging for another chance.
"Thank you." You say in a hushed voice, rubbing at your wrists.
"I’ve got someone to inform Jester of your whereabouts. You’re free to wait here until you’re retrieved, just don’t make a mess." You nod and go sit at one of the tables, pulling out a little notebook Jester gave you and begin writing and drawing in it to help pass time…
"(Y/n)!" You look up from your drawing to see Jester bounding up to you, easily picking you up and twirls you around in a big hug that you are more then happy to return. "I was so worried about you. We tried to follow but you were already so far away I didn’t know if I’d find you again." She wipes a few tears away and places a kiss to your forehead, you just snuggle into her more. "Thank you for helping them dad. See you do care!" She turns her attention to the Gentleman who in return gives an exaggerated sigh and rubs at his temples.
"We’ve been over this already… but you’re welcome." The second part came out more as a mutter. The two of you happily wave, and you quickly pick up your notebook before Jester makes her way out of the bar with you securely in her arms.
You’re thrown into a pit very much against your will, the pit itself was 40 feet wide with you on one side and on the other side of it a snarling owlbear chained to a wall, though the chains didn't look like they’d hold for much longer. Oh why did you have to let the allure of sparkly things get the better of you?
"Ladies, gentlemen! Place your bets!" One of the hosts called to the crowd. "Our fierce killer Dezmo or the half pint!"
"What kinda dumb name is Dezmo?" You mutter to yourself. You don’t have a lot of time to think about it as a high pitched whistle rings in your ears, irritating them. By the looks of it the sound was irritating the owlbear too, as it thrashes and roars in aggravation, the chains give way and the owlbear instantly starts charging for you. Thinking fast you dart under the beast, which compared to your tiny size towers over you, and start looking for any sort of escape route or places to hide. The beast spins around and swats at you, you managing to just barely duck out of the way and the crowd goes crazy for it.
"Come on folks, if you’re really confident place your final bets now and let’s see if the half pint can keep up." They blow that stupid whistle again, further aggravating the owlbear as it try’s charging you again, the audience hoots and hollers over it. These people were awful cheering for a large monster to attack child, then again they probably saw you as a monster too which disheartened you to know you were nothing but entertainment for them. You’re struck by a heavy blow from the beast, crashing into a wall and left teetering on the verge of losing consciousness, the beast stalks forward, rears up for a final strike but it ends up screeching in pain instead. A familiar goblin mom steps in front of you as a barrier between the monster and yourself, hissing menacingly at the it. The owlbear try's rearing up again, this time more focused on Nott who shoots another bolt from her crossbow nailing the beast in the eye. Your picked up and handed to Jester by Yasha as she and Beau also enter the pit, the audience were surprisingly enthused by this, cheering for a good fight, the only people unamused by this were the hosts to the whole ordeal.
"Oi! What'd ya think you’re doin'! That was our money maker you just shot!" One calls down, they’re answered with a bolt lodging itself into their collarbone and they cry out in pain.
"That’s what you get for using a child to get your sick kicks!" Nott yells ferociously. With Yasha and Beau having made swift work to the owlbear, Nott climbs her way out of the pit, going over to Jester as she finishes using Cure Wounds on you. "Are you alright? Do you need me to carry you?" She asks, already taking you into her arms and placing kisses all over your face. You just wrap your arms around her neck and hide your face in her shoulder, she takes this as her sign to leave and with the others following not far behind walks through the crowd towards the exit.
"Oh yeah, we also called the local guard, they should be here any minute!" You hear Jester shout before you all hurry away.
This strange woman had come out of nowhere, took you by the hand and walked off from where Caleb told you to wait without a word, you tried to pull away but her grip was firm as she tugged you along. She lead your unwilling self through alleys, stopping every now and again, waiting for areas to be less populated before heading off again.
"Where are we going? Where'd you even come from?" You been asking these questions several times but the woman would just ignore them.
"Hush now dear, if I let go you’ll try to run from mommy again. If you did that mommy would have a hard time finding you like the first time. Now be a good kid and stay close, we're going home." You knew for a fact this woman wasn’t your mother and this "home" she spoke of was not where you wanted to go. Using your head you tried to think if there was any spell you could use to free yourself of the woman’s iron grip, you try to reach for your little bag but the woman snatches it and slings it over her own shoulder. "No need for that, you can play when we make it to the boat." Wait… boat? Was she trying to get you off Wildemount?
"No I don’t want to leave! You’re not my mom, let me go I don’t want to go with you!" You try shouting to get someone’s attention.
"Oh you and your wild imagination, enough games, let’s go." She had a weirdly sweet voice but it only furthered your unease around her. You try thrashing, pulling and reaching for your bag multiple times but still the woman’s grip held firm as you were dragged to the docks. Fear started creeping in, you couldn’t free yourself from her steely grip and who knows where she’s trying to take you. Worst of all if you couldn’t get away you might never see Caleb or anyone ever again, that thought alone made you start to cry. "Oh, don’t cry dear, see we're almost home free." Up ahead was what you’d have to assume to be the boat she was talking about, you tried one more time to wriggle free of her grasp to no avail.
The woman’s steps come to a halt making you pause and also look up to see a wall of fire blaze across the docks, blocking entry to the boat. Your fears dying down when you see a rather angry Caleb march his way towards you, the rest of the Nein not far behind.
"You," Caleb raises an arm pointing at this woman, his voice coming out almost as a hiss. "Get your filthy hands off of my child."
"They’re not yours they’re mine! I will not let you take them from me!" Those who were on the ship must’ve worked or had some relation to this woman as they join her and get into an offensive stance. Before long a fight breaks out between the Nein and the ships crew and once again the woman tries to drag you along with her. "It’s alright dear, they won’t get you." Her sweet demeanour was breaking, getting more and more crazy every time she talked. You butt you head against her as a response making her loosen her grip, you try to bolt as far away from her as you could, calling out for Caleb as you do. There’s a sudden grip on the collar of your shirt and you're yanked back into the woman’s arms, her face full of fury.
"If I can’t have a child of my own… Then they won’t either!" The woman screeches like a psychopath and throws the both of you into the ocean, you shrieking in fear. There's the hard impact from the surface of the water followed by a feeling of figurative and literal sinking into the dark depths, you try and wriggle yourself free but this crazy woman refused to let go and with smaller lungs you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep this up before running out of air. As a last resort you take your chance and bite the woman’s arm as hard as you can, ending up drawing blood, her screams of pain muffled in the water but you’re able to break free of her grip, manage to grab your bag and kick her down farther as you try to swim for the surface. Flailing your legs and arms to propel yourself forward was harder then you thought, your cloths weighing you down quite a bit, but before you completely lose hope and air there’s a dulled splash and soon something grabs you, hauling you out of the water. You gasp for air again and cough up a bit of sea water noticing you’re soaring high in the sky, looking up over your shoulder at the giant, orange eagle and instantly know who it is, a smile placing itself on your face.
Having safely made it back to land you’re carefully placed down and shiver from the chilly ocean air that blew in, trying your best to squeeze out as much water from your cloths as possible. There’s a ruffling of feathers before you find yourself wrapped up by two large wings, the head of the giant bird nuzzling itself into you and helping warm you up again. You always like when Caleb polymorphed into animals, he was always more willing for cuddles that way, with that said, you wrap your arms around his neck as best you can and nuzzle him back with no arguments.
These people were heartless, taking "exotic specimens" to be sold or traded for their own selfish needs, you used to not be the only one occupying your little cell but the others didn’t stay long and you feared you’d be next. Of course being a druid meant you could use something like Wildshape to escape, and of course you would’ve loved to use it too had it not been for some sort of magic nullifying enchantment on the restraints you were shackled in. With no means of using magic to your disposal and no way to call for help with the gag in your mouth you resorted to try thrashing around, attempting to tug free of the shackles that chained you to a wall. All this lead to was having your wrists rubbed raw, still you fought through the pain praying they’d eventually give, the stinging feeling only getting worse and harder to ignore until you felt something warm and wet running down your arms. You're hesitant to look, but see that your insistent tugging caused the shackles to cut into your wrists making them start bleed, badly. You take in deep and slow breaths through your nose to keep yourself calm, seeing as you had no way to cast any healing spell in your situation you try not to panic and slow the blood flow as best as possible. Tears stream down your face, the pain wasn’t helping with your wrist this sensitive it only amplified the feeling of the shackles digging into them, and you were starting to feel lightheaded.
A commotion and the sounds of people fighting catch your ears whipping your head in the direction it was coming from, then instantly regret that choice at the dizziness it caused. You try to make a sound, only muffled noises getting passed the fabric covering your mouth but you persist hoping someone hears you. The fighting dies down as silence takes over, making you worry whoever was here had lost the battle or left, until the cell door opens and two familiar people step in, hurrying over to you. Caduceus helps to remove the rag over your mouth while Nott makes quick work of the shackles seeing the bloody mess on your wrists. The second your wrists are free you feel a gentle, soothing sensation spread over them looking down to watch the lichen cover up the cuts before crumpling away, leaving behind hairline scars. You gently rub at your wrists to help regain circulation in them before leaning your full weight into Caduceus with a soft sobs.
"Shhh, it’s going to be okay, I’m here." Caduceus hushes you, wrapping his arms around your smaller form in a secure embrace.
"They-they were gonna try and sell me away." You hiccup through your tears.
"It’s alright now, we took care of them, they won’t be taking anyone anymore." He calmly reassures, you give a small nod and cuddle yourself into his chest more. Finally feeling safe and secure you let yourself pass out from the exhaustion you’ve felt.
You kicked and flailed in hopes of wiggling free from this thugs grasp on you, all this while screaming at the top of your lungs in the hopes that your cry’s of distress would be loud enough to alert the rest of your sleeping group. Sure your voice would be ruined for a while but that was a small sacrifice you were willing to make if it meant freedom.
"Oh would you shut up! Why haven’t you gagged them yet!?" This groups leader calls over his shoulder getting very agitated with you, good that means your plan was working.
"They won’t stop squirming."
"Then hold them still idiots!" The one that had you thrown over their shoulder try’s using his free hand to hold you down, you swing your head over and bite them without hesitation, they retract their hand and slightly loosen their grip just enough for you to move your arms, perfect. The other two goons come closer to try and restrain you better, you focus and when they’re close enough in range…
"Thunderwave!" You shout, using the newly gained mobility in your arms to flick your hands out and cast the spell. The two goons are knocked back and the one that was holding you is knocked to the ground releasing their grip in the process, a loud thunderous boom shakes through the trees, if that didn’t alert anyone you don’t know what would. Knowing you weren’t a match against 4 men at once you sprint in the direction you came as fast as possible, trying to stay close to the path while using the trees for extra cover. You take a second to catch your breath, all the screaming and shouting did a real number to your throat, it felt dry and it hurt to even attempt making a noise now.
"Keep searching, the brat couldn’t have gotten far!" You could hear the bandits approaching and go to make another run for it, but are caught and thrown harshly to the dirt path. In an attempt to push yourself off the ground you feel a foot press heavily against your back, pushing you into the jagged gravel. "Didn’t ya hear my warning?" They mockingly ask, pressing the cold steel of their blade against your neck. "I’m not against killing you kid." They slowly start to press the blade deeper into your neck, feeling it pierce the skin and draw blood. The feeling of the blade suddenly leaves you, but your left still bleeding and having a hard time controlling your breath from the panic of almost having your throat slit.
A calming sensation eases in and your breathing starts improving again, even the dryness in your throat feels a little better but you’re still not well enough to talk. You look up at Caduceus, being the one who healed you and give him a smile and a thumbs up, he returns the smile and ruffles your hair before helping you back on your feet properly. Fjord soon comes up to you and kneels down to your height, placing his hands on your shoulders, a heavy look of guilt on his face.
"Are you alright?" His voice wavered a little. You rub your neck a little as a ways to show it was sore but give a small nod. "Thank the Wildemother, I was so worried. I’m sorry I let this happen to you, I should’ve…" He trails off a bit, tightening his grip on your shoulders. You just lean forward and give him a hug, locking your arms around his neck as your body shakes a little from the whole encounter, he lets out a breath before returning the hug, securing his arms around you and lifting you up in the process. He then starts making his way back to camp, the rest of Nein in tow.
These ninjas, if you could even call them that, must’ve really underestimated their opponent, sure they were able to capture you but that was because they had numbers on their side while you were just one kid, that didn’t stop you from breaking free and taking them on. What did they even want with you anyways, you saw one drop a note by accident, did someone hire them? Either way you had to be careful the longer you took them on the more exhausted you were starting to feel. You go to land another hit on one of them when a sound you knew well hits your ears and makes you freeze on the spot, and suddenly feel helpless. That sound was the chime of a silver bell, not bronze or gold no particularly silver, you knew that chime all too well and you hated it and the effects it had on you. How did they even- you cut off your own thoughts at a terrifying realization… did your parents send them? Having lost focus you get socked in the jaw and lay limply on the ground, trying to process what was happening. You then hear pained grunts and look over to see Beau fighting off the enemies with some backup from Caleb and Caduceus. You push yourself off the ground but can’t make yourself do more them that, just watching the fight come to an end.
"No one messes with my kid." Beau growls angrily before making her way over to you. "You doing alright (y/n)? If you need any healing I can get Caduceus to check on you." You shake your head, a few stray tears escaping you which Beau defiantly didn’t miss. "Whoa! Hey, you sure you’re alright?" She asks with more concern now.
"I know who sent them." You speak just above a whisper, voice quivering as you do. An arm wraps around your shoulder as Beau joins in sitting next to you, finding yourself leaning into her side as she rubs your arm in a comforting way.
"Tell me who." She spoke with a serious tone, clearly ready to take down whoever caused you this type of grief.
"My parents." You look away from her and shrink a little into yourself.
"What? How can you tell?" She asks, surprised by this. You point over at the discarded bell left laying on the ground.
"Before they sent me away that was how they 'trained' me, they’d ring a bell whenever I’d misbehave… It was always a silver bell." You shift uncomfortably at the memories and feel Beau tighten her grip on you.
"Well, if they want you back so badly, they’re gonna have to pry you from my cold dead hands themselves." You look up at her in shock, she gives you a side smile. "You’re my student and technically my kid now too. Don’t think I’m gonna let 'The Man' take you that easily without a fight." You smile at this and she ruffles up your hair earning a small laugh from you too.
It was terrifying to be without Yasha for this long with these dangerous brutes, what did they even want with you? It’s not like you could offer anything valuable to them or were they just doing this for their own sick kicks. You didn’t want to think too much on it, instead looking for any sort of opening to escape but finding nothing that wouldn’t lead to a confrontation. You could try and test your luck and just snap free of your binding, but it’s never faired well in the past and you didn’t want to end up on the end of a stake, that thought alone makes you shudder.
"Intruders are here!" You hear one shout as the others leave the room, this was your chance, now that they were distracted you easily snap out of the rope they’d tied you in and go to grab your weapon they left discarded on the floor, how rude of them. Being a sneaky as possible your make your way towards the exit and see the brutes fighting against the Mighty Nein. Yasha was facing off with the largest of the brutes well in a rage, screaming at them to tell her where you were. You weren’t sure how battle ready you were at the current time, but you wanted to help so gripping your sword in hand you charge at the brute from behind and take a large swing, slicing into the back of his knee. The brute roars in pain and does a wide sweep with his battle axe, you try to jump back but your earlier forward momentum makes you stagger and get hit by the blade, knocking you backwards by the sheer force.
You skid across the ground gripping tightly to your gut, slowly being surrounded by a puddle of your own blood, it was excruciating as you pitifully try to stop the heavy blood flow by holding your stomach tighter. You try to focus on staying conscious as an angry roar like thunder tears through the cave, you could only guess it to be Yasha having seen what just happened. It feels like an eternity before the pain slowly starts to disappear, the soft light of Jester's healing magic makes you blink open your eyes and look up at her, she gives you a smile and helps you to your feet. You wobble a little but catch yourself and walk back over to the group where you see them finish off the last of the brutes, Yasha taking a big swing bisecting them from the shoulder to their waist. When she looks over and sees you standing there she drops her weapon and runs to you, scooping you into her arms and lets out a few sobs.
"You had me so scared. I thought I lost you too." You grip tightly to her and just share in this sweet reunion.
"I’m sorry I scared you." You apologize, but she shakes her head.
"No, you have nothing to be sorry for, and you’re safe now that’s what matters." She breaths out, with a sigh of relief. She then carries you out of the cave and finally back together again you go to join up with the Mighty Nein.
Numb, that’s all you could feel right now was just numb, these Iron Shepherds had no mercy no matter the age and it showed from the various scars and bruises you received. You lay in the dingy cell they’d placed you in, if you could you would’ve taken this time to think back on your decisions that lead to this moment but you were just too mentally and physically drained to care anymore. As numb as you were everything still hurt, and you felt so exhausted, you just wanted this to end or for something to happen. So stuck in your own head the rest of the world was drowned out to you making you miss the sounds of footsteps and shouts ring throughout the hideout.
There’s a screeching sound of a cell door being opened, you curl in on yourself in a hopeless attempt to prepare for whatever beating may be coming your way. There’s no pain just a hand placing itself on your shoulder, you instinctually flinch away from the touch, they were playing cruel mind games with you now, they had to be, there was just no other explanation for someone trying to be so careful with you. Whoever it was they were persistent, gently taking you into their arms and lifting you up, feeling a strangely comforting warmth wash over you compared to the cold stone floor you were just laying on. They were whispering something you couldn’t quite catch but you try your best to focus and listen.
"Everything’s gonna be alright now love, I promise. They’re not going to hurt you anymore." There voice came out softly as you’re held in their protective grip. Slowly you regain more and more focus and finally notice the familiar colours of a very elaborate coat, feeling tears well up in your eyes at the relief that this wasn’t some cruel trick by your captors and was in fact reality. With the small amount of strength you still had you carefully raise your arms to return the embrace and start weeping uncontrollably, letting out all the tears you’d been holding back. Molly's grip on you tightens slightly, being careful to not hurt you as though you were fragile and could break at a moments notice. "We had ourselves a long day, haven’t we? Let’s get you out of this hellhole." With that he exits the dingy cell and carries you out of the Sour Nest.
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hiii~✨hope you’re having a good day/night !!can you do taeyong with a praise kink? you can add whatever else you think would fit cus i’m not good at coming up with that lolz. btw i love you’re writing it’s so good
Awww thank you bby 🥺💖 And thank you for the request! I hope you like it!
⚠️Warnings⚠️: sub!Taeyong, fem!dom!reader, pegging, praise kink, fingering (male recieving), he also rides you, but that's really the pegging part.
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Good Boy
You cheered loudly with the rest of the NCTzens as NCT 127 finished their stage for Kick It. After they left the stage, you were led by a security guard to meet them in their dressing room. The NCTzens that noticed you leaving waved to you and asked you to tell the boys what a good job they had done tonight. You smiled and waved back at the friendly fans, blowing kisses jokingly every once in a while.
     You and your loving boyfriend, Taeyong, had gone public about 7 months ago after a year of dating. It took a hell of a lot of convincing for SM to be alright with it but they let you do it after seeing how dedicated both of you were to your relationship and realized you two wouldn't be breaking up anytime soon. The fans were a little iffy about you at first, thinking you were doing it for publicity or money, but after seeing you in so many VLives with him and seeing how genuinely happy both of you were, most of them started supporting you. Of course there were those people who sent hate, claiming you were taking their precious Taeyong away from them, but they don't really bother you that much.
     You knocked on the door to their changing room and waited for an okay to go in. It was a changing room after all, and you were sure they wouldn't want you walking in on them changing. It had accidentally happened once and you didn't want it to happen again. You heard shuffling in the room and a second later Donghyuk cracked the door open to see who it was. A smile immediately lit up his face as he saw you standing outside the door.
     "NOONA!" He yelled happily before jumping into your arms and hugging you like a koala bear, making you wrap your arms around his waist to hold him up with a laugh.
     "Hello to you too!" After standing still for a few moments to see if he would let go, you just decided to walk into the room and kick the door closed behind you with a laugh as he continued to hold onto you. You heard the other members laugh before someone walked over to you.
     "Donghyuk, let go of her! Other people want to hug her too!" Johnny said through light chuckles. You felt Donghyuk's lips pout against your neck before unwrapping his legs from your waist and sulking to the couch. All of the boys were changed out of their performing clothes and were working on getting out of their make-up. You waved to everyone else before greeting your boyfriend with a kiss. A few of the boys teasingly 'oooOOOooh'ed while Mark, Johnny, and Haechan made gagging noises from behind you. You rolled your eyes as you pulled away from Taeyong. He chuckled at their antics with red ears before giving you a light kiss on the cheek.
     "Hey baby. Did you enjoy the show?" He asked, looking up at you from his seat as his make-up artists removed his make-up. 
     "Of course I did, you all did amazing! A few NCTzens I passed on my way here wanted me to tell you they all loved your performance." You told them as you smiled at Taeyong through the mirror. Your boyfriend smiled brightly and the rest of the boys 'whoop'ed and cheered for themselves.
     "I was your favorite though, right?" Taeyong said as he leaned his head back to look up at you once his make-up was removed. You teasingly hissed in uncertainty.
     "Ooh, I don't know. Jaehyun did look pretty good tonight." You heard Jaehyun laugh from his seat before sexily pushing his hair back and winking at you with a dorky smile through the mirror. Taeyong pouted with a whine and tugged at your sleeve to bring your attention back to him. You laughed loudly and leaned down to give him a kiss.
     "I'm just kidding, baby, you know you're always my favorite." He looked up at you with his puppy-like smile that made your heart melt. You heard Donghyuk gag behind you, making the other members laugh.
     "I'm heading out, I think I might get cavities if I stay around here any longer."
     "Yeah, come on guys. I think we should leave the lovebirds alone." Johnny agreed as he looked back at you and Taeyong, wiggling his eyebrows from the door. You rolled your eyes as the rest of the boys filed out of the room. You let out a laugh as you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your waist and bury his burning red face in your shoulder. You turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. You picked up your phone to check the time, not too surprised to see how late it was.
     "It's getting pretty late, we might need to get going if I'm gonna have enough time to drop you off at the dorms." Your boyfriend pouted at you and moved his arms to loosely wrap around your shoulders.
     "I kinda wanted to go to your place. I haven't seen you in a while so I was thinking we could have a little movie marathon." You looked to one of the make-up artists to make sure it was alright. She nodded before she finished packing up and waited for you two to leave so she could lock up. You turned and smiled at him.
     "Alright, let's go." He smiled, grabbed your hand, and started dragging you to your car, running like an over excited puppy. You giggled as you finally reached your car and started the drive to your house. You both blasted music, screaming the lyrics as you pulled up in your driveway. He got out of the car first and bounded up to the door in excitement. You looked him up and down, finally taking in what he was wearing as you walked to the door.
     He was wearing a loose button-up shirt that hung low enough to show off his collarbones that was half tucked into his pants. The ripped black skinny jeans he was wearing were your favorite because they hugged his ass perfectly. The holes were all along the front, with bigger holes towards the top, showing off his perfectly tanned thighs. The innocent smile on his face as he waited for you at the door made you want to turn him into a moaning mess beneath you.
     "Hurry uuuup." He whined out, snapping you out of your trance. You licked your lips before picking up your pace and unlocking the door. Before he could run to the living room to set up a movie, you closed the door and pulled him closer to you by the waist with his back still facing you.
     "Hold up baby. I was thinking, maybe instead of watching a movie, we could do something more… fun." Taeyong shivered against you as you pulled his hips towards you, grinding your hips into his ass. He gulped as you leaned up to suck and kiss at his exposed neck.
     "Of course baby. You've been such a good boy lately and I think you deserve a reward for it, don't you?" He whimpered and grinded back against you as you praised him.
     "Y-yes. I-I've been a good boy. Mommy's good little boy." He whined out as he continued to roll his ass against you at a faster pace and tilted his head to give you more room on his neck. You smirked and guided him into the bedroom, closing the door behind you.
     "Strip." He almost ripped his shirt off before moving to quickly kick off his pants while you reached under the bed to grab your strap-on and lube after stripping yourself. He was bare naked and laying in the center of the bed by the time you retrieved your toy. He shivered and whined at the sight of the strap in your hands. You quickly settled yourself between his legs and moved to kiss him as you leaned over him. You moved down to leave more marks on his neck and collarbones before pouring lube onto your fingers and pushing them into his hole. He whimpered and clung to your shoulders at the pleasure he felt from your fingers inside of him. He pushed his hips back to meet your hand as you sped up the pace of your fingers. You smirked against his neck at the submissive noises he was letting out.
     "You look so pretty like this baby; with my fingers pounding into you. Do you like mommy pounding into you like this babyboy?" He moaned louder at your question and nodded frantically.
     "Use your words baby."
     "Y-yes! Love mommy's fingers inside of me! A-ha." His eyes rolled back in his head when you started stroking his dick at the same pace your fingers were moving in and out of him.
     "F-fuck, mommy! Please move faster, p-please!" He whined as he moved his hips to meet your hands as they continued to pleasure him. Another moan ripped out of him as you sped up your hands movements. He continued to thrust and buck up into your hands with his beautiful cries of pleasure. You groaned against his throat.
     "Fuck, baby. You sound so beautiful. Scream louder, let mommy hear how good she's making you feel." He squeezed his eyes shut and moaned louder at your command.
     "S-shit- ngh- mommy! 'M gonna cum! F-fuck! Please let me cum mama!!" He cried out as his thighs squeezed around your waist.
     "Go ahead baby, cum for mommy like a good boy." He whined and whimpered before cumming in your hand and all over his stomach with a loud moan. You moved your hand up to your mouth, licking his seed up before doing the same to his stomach. His breathing picked up again and you felt his abs tense under your tongue. His dick twitched against his stomach at the sound of you adjusting the harness of the strap-on you now had hanging securely on your waist.
     "Do you want mommy to fuck you with this baby? Wanna cum for mommy a second time?" He whimpered and nodded as he felt the tip of the didlo enter his ass.
     "F-fuck, yes. Please mommy." He mumbled out as he looked up at you with his irresistible puppy dog eyes. You quickly thrusted your hips to meet his, making him moan loudly against your shoulder as his hands roamed your back. You smirked before flipping over so Taeyong was sitting up on your strap. He bit his swollen bottom lip, almost drawing blood as the dildo pushed further into him, barely hitting his prostate. He tightly reached up and gripped your shoulders as he started bouncing on your fake cock.
     "F-fuck, fuck, fuck, f-fuck!! Feels s-so fucking good!" He whimpered out in between high pitched moans as he started bouncing faster after finding his prostate. You bit your lips as you looked up at him, his head thrown back in pleasure as he rode you. He brought one of his hands up to start playing with his nipples, making him moan louder.
     "Fuck baby, you look so goddamn perfect like this. Mommy's pretty little boy." He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered at your words.
     "Th-thank- fuck!- Thank you m-mommy! Ngh-ah!!" After a few minutes, he started slowing down as his legs started getting tired. You harshly grabbed his hips and played your feet in the mattress, fucking up into him as hard as you could. His mouth fell open and his eyes rolled back in his head in pleasure.
     "A-HA! NGH-Fuck! Mommy!! AH! Gonna cum!! P-please let me cum, please!! I've been s-such a good boy- the b-best boy for you!!" You groaned at his words and started leaving more hickeys down his chest.
     "Cum for me baby, cum for mommy. You always look so pretty when you cum baby." With one last moan, he came all over his stomach and both of your chests. He shakily climbed off your strap after a few more thrusts and leaned down to lick his cum off your chest. After he finished he continued down and removed your strap-on before burying his face between your thighs. Your hand shot to his hair as you felt him start to lick at your clit.
     "F-fuck, baby, you don't have to do anything for me, I'll be alright." He looked up at you through his eyelashes and gave you a precious, innocent smile.
     "I know, I just wanna make mama feel good." You groaned and rolled your head back into the soft pillows as Taeyong moved back down to suck and lick your clit with enthusiasm.
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link4eva · 4 years
Kiro’s Rhythm Date Translation [CN]
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Hey, y’all! A quick note before you begin reading, I do not know any Chinese at all so Google Translate is the real MVP here. I’ve just taken the time to write down what comes out and changed some words here and there to try and make it make more sense. So apologies for the amateur translation in advance lol. This is just mainly to get the gist of the date before it eventually releases on the ENG server. Hope you enjoy it!
*Spoilers ahead for future content!*
[First Part]
After typing the last word of the report, I hit the enter key hard with my hand and then let out a cry of joy from my heart.
MC: It’s finally done!!!!!
Kiro: You’re finally done!!!!
Almost at the same time, Kiro, who was sitting on the sofa, took off his headset and threw it aside, raising his hands and cheering along with me. The next moment, his twinkling eyes looked at me.
Kiro: MC, let’s go out on a date! I thought for sure that this weekend would be spent working, but it seems that God still cares for us!
He didn’t wait for me to answer, he had already taken a few steps and sat across from me, holding the back of the chair and looking at me expectantly.
Kiro: Let’s go to the cake place that just opened up recently, I want to try it.
He held up his fingers and began to count the deliciousness of his thoughts. I cleared my throat and interrupted his daydream mercilessly.
MC: That’s it! The sunny weather is so nice, shouldn’t we go out and exercise? Savin asked me to supervise you. Recently, you’ve been slacking on your exercise regime to write songs. So... 
Kiro: ...I knew it.
He lowered his head and sighed heavily but the happy smile returned in the next second.
Kiro: Let’s just exercise. Life lies in exercise and to enjoy life is to exercise with Miss Chips!
He told me to wait in a tone of voice I had never heard before and got up to change his clothes. I also went to change into sportswear that I had left at his house when we exercised last time.
Putting on my shoes and standing in the hall, I picked up the baseball cap and put it on Kiro’s head. I helped him straighten his messed up bangs.
He led the way down the hallway, but his toes tapped the ground like a beat as if he couldn’t wait. 
MC: Make sure you don’t get recognized when we’re out later.
Kiro: Don’t worry, I promise to complete the mission!
Kiro obediently agreed. Before leaving the house, he turned his head and waved at Apple Box lying on the sofa.
Kiro: The task of housekeeping is left to you. We are going out!
I don’t know if Apple Box understood initially. To my surprise, he seemed to understand and replied with a “Woof!”.
[Second Part]
The weather outside was just right. The breeze that is blowing is warm on my face, almost as if it’s driving away the fatigue caused by the long days of work.
I followed Kiro and jogged forward aimlessly. From time to time, he slowed down and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me, humming as if he had just written a song.
Kiro: MC, are you tired?
As soon as I met his gaze, he couldn’t wait to inquire again and the thoughts in his eyes couldn’t hide.
MC: Although I am a bit tired, I can hold on for a while!
Kiro: Ah, that’s it, but-
He suddenly stopped halfway through his words and a trace of worry flashed across his face. I looked and stopped teasing him for the time being. 
MC: Actually, it’s not impossible to rest for an hour or two.
Hearing these words, his eyes lit up.
Kiro: Then let’s rest for “one or two hours”!
He grabbed my hand and walked happily in one direction. The warmth of his palm matched the warmth of his eyes.
MC: Where are we going?
As soon as I asked, after turning a corner, a familiar street appeared in front of us. Tall and lush trees stood, exquisite old-fashioned buildings scattered. There were bustling young men and women and the smell of honey and coffee permeated the air.
--Isn’t this the street that has been very popular recently?!
I immediately caught on to what he was doing. I was amused but also a little annoyed.
MC: Have you planned the route in advance?
Kiro nodded, showing a natural smile.
Kiro: SInce I’m coming with you, of course. I have to plan every step in advance! There is a shop here where you can pick the toppings to put on a chiffon cake. The most popular one is raspberry.
I don’t know whether it was affected by Kiro’s vivid appearance or by the sweet fragrance in the air, Savin’s image slowly came to mind.
MC: It sounds really delicious!
Kiro: Alright then, let’s go! I have already made a reservation!
In a few seconds, I put aside my worries and joined him among the crowds on the street, enjoying the break.
It was a perfect moment, but all of a sudden, an unexpected guest stopped in front of us.
[Third Part]
Reporter: Excuse me, both of you! We are randomly interviewing attractive couples! Can you answer a few questions? *The translation came out as “high-value” so I’m going to assume it means “attractive”.*
The moment I saw the camera, I was already in front of Kiro, looking at this fashionable, young man with vigilance.
MC: Sorry, we’re busy at the moment. You can interview other people.
Reporter: But other people don’t fit the original intention of our “Feast for the Eyes” program! Only a few minutes of your time! 
Reporter: Huh? Why does this man look a bit like…?
I had a bad feeling and I stretched out my hand to hold Kiro’s cuff. The next moment, the reporter slapped his thighs one by one--
Reporter: Yep! It’s Kiro!
His voice isn’t loud but it still draws all the eyes around us.
MC: You’ve got the wrong person! Let me trouble you!
I resolutely denied his claim before everyone could react. I immediately pulled Kiro into the crowd and quickly slipped away.
Kiro: (pouting) Why do we always encounter such things when we go out on dates? 
In addition to the loud voices behind me asking, “Where’s Kiro?”, there is also Kiro silently complaining.
[Cut to Kiro’s house]
After hurriedly “escaping” back home, my highly elevated heartbeat finally began to calm down. 
MC: Safe at last…
Kiro: I didn’t eat anything this time but I burned a lot of calories.
MC: Probably because God is standing on Savin’s side, we can do nothing but accept it!
Kiro: But I don’t want to accept it…
Kiro plopped on the sofa and hugged Apple Box and looked up at me with a sad pair of eyes.
Kiro: Alas, why can’t he make this world just for the two of us! *I had to change some of the wording here. What came out originally was kinda wonky.*
I looked at my phone and found out that what happened just now did not arouse any attention. I felt secretly relieved. Kiro saw this and looked out the window and saw the sun. He sighed.
Kiro: It’s so rare when the weather is this nice. We finally had some time together… It’s a pity not to do anything.
MC: Then let’s do something we can do at home. Perhaps watching a movie?
Kiro: Movies… Are there any good movies recently?
Although he appeared to be uninterested, he still put his head down and browsed the newly released movies with me.
Before I had a chance to look, a furry head squeezed between the two of us and pushed Kiro aside.
Kiro: Apple Box, don’t make trouble… Wait, what are you biting?! Ahh! Let go of my game controller!
Kiro swooped forward and Apple Box dodged swiftly. In the hot pursuit of Kiro chasing Apple Box, he accidentally bumped into some things. 
The screen that had just stopped at the movie interface suddenly switched and several dynamic virtual characters appeared. As if drawn to this, Apple Box blinked his beady eyes and looked straight at the TV screen.
Kiro quickly grabbed the other half of the game controller from Apple Box’s mouth and clicked it angrily. Little brains.*I don’t know what “little brains” is haha.*
Kiro: I finally caught you, bad guy!
Apple Box, whose “toy” was suddenly taken away, looked at Kiro innocently. He wiggled his ears aggrievedly. I was softened by his eyes and I reached out to rub his head.
MC: Apple Box, you must be a good boy and not be so rowdy.
Apple Box: Woof!
As if he understood, Apple Box shook his head obediently and his fluffy fur rubbed against the palm of my hand. He then turned around excitedly and wagged his tail at the TV screen.
Kiro and I looked at the dazzling picture on the screen at the same time. The characters on it also writhed in time.
Kiro: Miss Chips, let’s play a motion sensory game!
MC: Why don’t we play this? Sports and leisure combined are great!
Talking in unison, we both laughed out loud. After deciding what to do, Kiro and I sat down on the carpet in front of the TV, choosing a game that we could play for a while. He put his head on my shoulder, expressing his opinions from time to time.
Kiro: I think this game is good! It’s fun!
Kiro’s breathing on my neck was ticklish and I shrank my neck. I watched the screen being manipulated to jump up and down to escape. The character retreated into himself.
MC: This feels too difficult. Let’s look at the next one.
Kiro: It’s not that bad! I set a world record in only one attempt!
He raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke, his expression extremely proud. Although he knew that as KEY, he was skilled at all aspects in the game.
MC: Well, then this game is not challenging for you…!
As if I had seen myself in the game, I decisively switched to the next interface.
Kiro: Eh? I don’t seem to have played this game before…
I was overjoyed when I heard this and made a decision almost immediately.
MC: Then let’s play “Just Dance”! 
This is a very popular music and dance game recently. Players can choose different dancer characters to play as. Players have to imitate the people on screen and dance in order to win.
Because this game is simple and easy to use and, and has many popular songs, it has been popular all over the world after it’s release.
MC: Now both of us are novices. This is equal ground!
I gave a controller to him, nodded and said in a serious tone. Kiro raised his chin slightly with a smirk.
Kiro: So, MC, do you want to challenge my status as KEY?
MC: I won’t give up easily!
After that, the game begins.
[Fourth Part] 
If I could go back in time by just 10 minutes, I definitely would’ve said something different about the game being “equal grounds”.
MC: What! Jumping wrong again!
The movements the two of us were doing were obviously strange at first. But after a while, we became one with the dance.
MC: Why am I always slow!
Kiro: Don’t worry! Treat this as a novice level and then adapt slowly from there.
MC: Then this newbie level is too difficult for me…
I was bitter. I felt as though my hands and feet were rebelling against me.
Kiro: It’s not difficult as long as you master the basics. For example, this movement here. As long as your hand is raised to this position, you will be guaranteed to pass.
He gestured for me to do the movement that stumped me just now, and I followed suit.
MC: Like this?
Kiro: Almost.
He walked up to me, grabbed my wrist and raised my head, then tilted my head to the other side.
MC: Is this it?
I followed his instructions and turned into ten twisted poses. I found the smile on his face grew wider and wider and he couldn’t help but laugh.
Kiro: Puff hahaha, MC, you are so obedient!
I became annoyed at once. I reached out to try and mess up his hair but he leaned back and dodged me smoothly.
Kiro: I was wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong!
MC: I won’t let you get away!
I kept tickling the sensitive skin on his waist. Kiro dodged from left to right and wrapped me in his arms. He is like a koala. He has me locked firmly in his arms, making it hard for me to move.
Kiro: Haha, so you won’t be able to tickle me!
There was a bit of pride in his laughter and his hot breath after exercising clung to my back, even in my chest. The rhythm of our heartbeats can’t be concealed. My heartbeat somehow increased.
MC: I, I won’t do what I did before again. Let go of me first, or how else can we continue playing the game?
Kiro: Well, alright.
He released his arms, looking reluctant, but turned his attention back to the game again.
Kiro: So this time we will warm up with the easier songs and then challenge each other with the more difficult ones!
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I didn’t know what Kiro’s “simple difficulty” meant until the melody of a familiar foreign nursery rhyme played from the speakers. But soon I put the matter of nursery rhymes aside and danced awkwardly with the little dino on screen. 
With the cute and cheerful melody, everything becomes more fun. Compared with the previous song, Kiro danced such an overly cute dance. It was a bit strange.
He stared at the screen earnestly, making movements while humming his own jumbled lyrics to the tune of the music.
Kiro: (singing) I’m a little dinosaur~ little dinosaur~
His blonde hair puffed up by the hairband also jumped along with his movements. A sweat bead from his forehead “ticked” off and fell onto his collarbone hidden by his collar.
MC: Obviously I am the little dinosaur!
The “perfect” floating above the screen made my previously annoyed mood become more excited. The magic of the game is to make people forget all their troubles. When I’m with Kiro, these simple dances turn into the simplest happiness.
After the song ended, I watched the rating jump up to four stars. I couldn’t help but hug Kiro and cheer.
MC: Ahh, it’s four stars! Only a little bit short away from getting full stars!!
Kiro: See, that wasn’t so hard for you, was it?
MC: Sure enough, it’s not difficult to master the trick you taught me!
I confidently picked the next song to “conquer” but suddenly saw a familiar name.
MC: Huh, there is this song?
It was a song from Kiro’s latest album. I quickly turned to look at him. However, Kiro frowned slightly while staring at his song, his expression a bit solemn.
Kiro: This song was licensed to them. But I feel that it’s a bit awkward to dance to my own songs in the game.
Seeing him acting unlike his usual self, I felt a sense of curiosity. Even though the “highly difficult” sign made me a little worried, I still pressed the confirm button decisively. 
MC: Let’s dance to this song. I want to see if the original dancer can beat the game!
Meeting his gaze, Kiro hesitated for a second and quickly gave in. 
Kiro: If you want to dance, MC, you can, but this dance is very difficult. Don’t force yourself to.
MC: Hmm!
Accompanied by the “START” character flashing, the intermingled sound of the electric guitar and keyboard sounded. Kiro held the controller and imitated the people on the screen, raising his hand to make a pose.
The powerful drum beats go straight to the heart. Kiro’s face is very serious and every movement that he executes is in rhythm with the music and is full of power.
He stepped barefoot on the carpet, clearly wearing ordinary sportswear, but he seemed to be standing in the centre of the stage.
And in this small living room, me being the only audience, got to “exclusively” enjoy this performance. I don’t know if I should watch him wholeheartedly or if I should continue to clumsily dance with the animation.
While I was lost in thought, I accidentally tripped over my left foot with my right. Seeing that the hand that was swung out was about to hit Kiro, I withdrew it quickly. 
I was hit with an elbow
MC: Ouch!
I squatted down, clutching the area I was hit, and buried my head between my knees.
Kiro: MC? What happened?!
He squatted down worriedly in front of me with his arms open. It looked like he wanted to hug me to comfort me but was worried that it would be bad so he stopped midway.
Kiro: What’s wrong? Is your leg cramping?
MC: Just now, I…
I shook my head, thinking of the silly thing I did just now. My ears and face were beet red. Before I had time to explain, Kiro put one hand behind my back and one hand under my knees and lifted me up.
MC: Wait! I can walk by myself!
He denied my protests and placed me gently on the sofa in a few large strides. He slowly lifted up one of my feet and carefully pressed the tight muscles of my calf with the pad of his finger.
Kiro: Does it hurt? Tell me if it hurts.
I forgot to respond. Seeing that I wasn’t saying anything, he slowed his movements down again and became more gentle. The sunset shining from the outside hit the top of his head forming a very gentle glow. It gave me the urge to rub it.
MC: Kiro, I’m fine. I didn’t hurt myself by forcing myself... I was just watching you…
The more I talked, the quieter I became. The temperature of my cheeks rose. After all, it would be too embarrassing to explain that I hit myself while dancing!
It was silent for a few seconds and Kiro finally laughed out loud.
Kiro: I didn’t expect my Miss Chips to be so honest. Now, just look at me.
Kiro raised his hand in a squatting position, and I found myself looking into his gentle blue eyes. When the music hit it’s climax, the drum beat gradually grew faster and got closely intertwined into an airtight net as if the soul is enveloped in it. *Wording was a little weird here. I think it’s supposed to be a heartbeat but the kanji for heart (心) isn’t in the original text.* 
Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
Like my heartbeat right now, it's so strong that it’s about to beat out of my chest. Kiro seemed to see right through me and stood up. He supported the back of the sofa with one hand and held my wrist with the other to prevent me from escaping. When his nose came up to meet mine, he rubbed it.
Kiro: MC, I’m curious…
Looking at my bewildered and embarrassed face, he suddenly gave a sly smile.
Kiro: Is the rhythm of your heartbeat the same as mine right now?
His eyes were full of warmth and gentleness. His words were like a poet writing lyrics, a sorcerer chanting a bewitching spell. 
Kiro: It is the same as mine. Everytime it beats. It only beats for you.
The breath that belonged to him slowly approached, the music continued playing in the background, and the game on screen kept showing “miss”.
The rhythm of our heartbeats has already been in sync with the beat and sweat. *This last part here was a little wonky with the wording*.
(Here is the link to his "Strawberry Invitation" call after the date!)
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 3: She Burns Like Heroin
This came out a bit quicker than the last one, eh? Hope you enjoy! Oh and by the way, I’m still getting use to tagging TWs. Please let me know if I missed anything that might be triggering so I can edit the list :)
TW: Noncon drugging, drugs (mentioned), kinda creepy whumper, needles
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whumpasaurus101 @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
Charlie was moved into a larger room. The one before might as well have been a closet. This new room had white tile floors, white painted walls, and was sufficiently lit. The door was metal, leaving no hope of breaking it down. The only other way out of the room was through an air vent on the ceiling, but the ceilings were at least 10 feet high. Not that Charlie would fit into it, anyway. In the corner of the room was a little bathroom. It had a sink, toilet, and bathtub inside, with a curtain instead of a door.
Charlie was attached to the wall by chains on his wrists. They were about 5 feet long, which allowed a little movement. Small hooks stuck out of the walls in multiple places, along with some in the ceiling. Mallory had come in a few hours ago to show Charlie that the team had indeed been released.
Strangely, he wasn't as afraid as he could've been. He knew the team would be looking for him. He didn't think about whatever Mallory had planned on doing with him. It didn't matter. He'd be home soon.
Sleep came often. It was the fastest way to heal. When he wasn’t sleeping, he’d passed the time by daydreaming or counting to high numbers in his head.  He was at 2,452 when someone entered the room. It was a small blond man carrying a tray.
"Hello, my name is Basil. I've brought a sandwich and some water for you," he said.
"Thanks, I guess,” Charlie replied.
Basil set the tray in front of Charlie and sat cross-legged a few feet away.
"I'm supposed to make sure you don't choke to death," he said.
Charlie laughed as he took a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich. He didn't like being watched while he ate, but he too hungry to care. He finished the sandwich quickly and downed the glass of water.
"Do you need to use the facilities?" Basil asked.
"'Facilities'? Yeah, I guess so," Charlie replied.
"Alright. Before I remove the restraints, do you promise not to attack me?" Basil asked.
"Yeah, I promise," Charlie said.
He was amused. The soft spoken tone and interesting word choices intrigued him. Basil definitely was out of place.
He used the restroom and was put back into the chains. Basil picked up the tray and left the room. He was almost robotic. It was like he was brainwashed into being some sort of orderly.
Charlie fell asleep soon after he left, counting to 300.
Days went by. It was the same routine every day. Basil would come three times a day to feed Charlie and take him to the restroom. The only other person he saw was a doctor. The doctor would check on his wound and change the bandages as needed. She never said a word to Charlie, aside from commands telling him what to do with his arm.
He was beginning to go a bit stir crazy. One could only count so much before all the numbers became a jumbled mess. He started a small exercise routine, mainly consisting of things he could do with his limited movement.
On the fifth day, things were a different. A few hours after Basil had given him breakfast, Mallory entered the room.
"Miss me?" He asked, walking in with a briefcase.
Charlie didn't reply. Mallory approached him, taking in his appearance.
"You look better than when I last saw you," he said.
"What's in the case?" Charlie asked, ignoring his comment.
"Remember how I told you that you're going to help change the world? Well, that starts today."
"I thought you said that would be after I healed."
Mallory opened the briefcase and pulled out a syringe. Inside of it was a dark blue liquid. It appeared to have a gold shine to it when the light hit just right.
"What the fuck is that?" Charlie questioned, pushing himself closer the wall.
"You're right, I did say it would be after you healed. And this here is what is going to heal you," Mallory explained.
He removed the cap of the needle and flicked the glass before commanding Charlie to put out his arm.
"No!" Charlie cried out, the sight of the needle making him dizzy.
He pulled his legs up to his chest and shielded his arms between them. He tucked his head down, effectively curling into a ball.
"Come on, Charlie," Mallory cooed, "don't you want to feel better?"
"Fuck you! This wasn't part of the deal!" Charlie yelled into himself.
He was shaking. Needles had always been a fear of his, and not knowing exactly what was inside of the syringe didn't help.
"I fulfilled my end of the deal. You fulfilled yours. Now, this isn't a deal. This is part of the real reason I kept you," Mallory explained, "I already knew everything you told me. I don't care about your team; they're useless to me. But you, Charlie..."
Charlie looked up. Mallory was kneeling in front of him now.
"When I had my surgeons fix up your shoulder, I also had them draw some blood. We did some tests. Charlie, you're perfect for this. You're just what-"
"Fuck. You," Charlie spat.
Mallory sighed. Something changed in his eyes. Charlie began to react when Mallory lunged forward and jammed the needle into his neck.
Charlie sat frozen as it began to feel like ice was flowing through his veins. Mallory pulled out the needle and tossed it to the side, watching as Charlie's pupils dilated. The ice quickly turned to fire, but the burn was almost pleasant. Charlie put his hands on Mallory's shoulders to hold himself steady as overwhelming euphoria took over his body. The hairs on the back of his neck and arms stood up, and he let out shaky, shallow breaths.
"Talk to me," Mallory whispered, "how does it feel?"
Charlie couldn't get a word out. The pain in his shoulder suddenly subsided, and he couldn't help but giggle, as if he was on laughing gas. His arms went limp and he began to tip over, so Mallory took hold of him to keep him upright. After a few minutes, the effects began to decay.
Once he could hold himself up again, Mallory let go to begin unwrapping the bandage from Charlie's shoulder. Once off, it was revealed that the wound had completely healed, only leaving a small scar.
"It worked," Mallory said, almost in disbelief.
Charlie moved his shoulder around. Before, it would've been agonizing, but now, it was like he had never been shot.
"That's... how did you do that?" He breathed, still recovering from the intense sensation.
"That's one of the serums we've been working on," Mallory said, "the lab is calling it Q-179 for now."
"It's like some sort of healing potion," Charlie said, "I can't believe it."
"What did it feel like? I lost you for a minute there," Mallory laughed.
"Like nitrous oxide met heroin, or at least what I'm told heroin feels like," Charlie explained, "I've never felt anything like that before in my life."
Mallory retrieved the needle from where he had thrown it and put it back in the briefcase.
"So, it worked. Am I free to go now?" Charlie asked.
"No," Mallory said, "that was just the first test."
"What else do you need to test?" Charlie questioned, standing up.
"Its effectiveness on other types of wounds," Mallory replied, leaving the room before Charlie could respond.
Charlie sat back down. Other types of wounds? He was completely healed now, so that meant...
He pushed the thought away by thinking about what he just experienced. What kind of concoction could do something like that? What could make him feel like that?
After an hour, there were no signs of any hangover symptoms. If this got out, it would surely be a success, just for the recreational aspect. Charlie had never done drugs before, besides the one time he accidentally ate an edible, and he drank and smoked occasionally. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. About how good it felt.
Basil came in to feed him, and the routine went back to normal. He didn’t see Mallory again for three days.
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tuffduff · 4 years
Your Pretty Little Angel (Axl Rose x Reader)
Pairing: fluffy modern!Axl x Reader
Words: 1,785
Request: @zeppelinwhore​ : “ Hey, love! How r u? I was wondering if i could request a fic with modern!axl? Where reader feels insecure about herself, like she saw the pic of Axl and Lana and then she feels like she is not as pretty as Lana. Or some shit like that lol. <3 “
A/N: Thanks for requesting, hun! The more of these modern!Axl imagines I write, the more I want to be his little sugar baby, ya know? Hope y’all enjoy this one! (Also this gif fucking killed me he’s SO cute)
Taglist: @ubernoxa @the--blackdahlia​ @reigns420​ @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker​ @rumoured-whispers​ @dustnbones​
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Your fingers drummed on the bathroom counter in front of you, drawing your focus to the sound of tapping against the granite rather than the gaping mirror in front of you. Anything but the reflection.
It wasn’t as though you were always racked with self-hatred or insecurity of your appearance. At the same time, you weren’t vain. You had worked hard to accept you as you were, it was all anyone could do, right? Everyone had their days though.
Especially when you were dating a globally celebrated rock star.
Axl Rose used to be a name that circulated the news channels and magazines much more frequently. Nowadays, any mention of Guns N’ Roses was a bit rarer, especially since Axl chose to lead a more private life. His name still had the power to generate headlines, though. You had definitely seen the latest—the images were practically burned into your mind now.
“Axl’s New Flame”
“So, Lana Del Rey and Axl Rose Are Hanging Out Together”
“Where’s Y/N? Axl Ditches Former Girl-Next-Door For Singing Siren”
You knew it was innocent. You knew rumor articles were cruel. You knew there was likely nothing even to it; Axl had gone out for a business dinner and they must have run into each other. After all, Lana Del Rey is a well-known Guns N’ Roses fan. The only pictures you had seen so far was her walking ahead of him leaving the same hotel restaurant. Axl simply wasn’t like that; you had been together for over a year now.
That was you trying to be rational and avoid a spiral of doubt. But of course, you ended up tumbling over the edge and soon got lost in overthinking.
You read the articles, every single detail you could find. The fact that she wrote a song all the way back in 2008 called “Axl Rose Husband.” Her coy smile in the pictures—so beautiful with her elegant face. Sure, Axl wasn’t like that, but did anyone really expect to get cheated on? Did anyone ever expect to be left? Those kinda things blind-sided even the most infatuated adoring lovers, and you began to brace yourself for the impact. Sure, you had just moved into his house, but he could always kick you out. You and Axl had never even exchanged “I love you” with each other, maybe he was seeing what else was out there. Maybe he had been charmed, maybe you just hadn’t seen other pictures yet. You read the articles speculating if Axl had left you in the dust. It was easy to find pictures comparing you to Lana. This was worse than online stalking because all the work was done for you—and there were people’s commentary and opinions, people you didn’t even know, who didn’t know you.
When you glanced up, almost accidentally, you realized you had started crying. You chuckled bitterly and added another negative trait to your list: too fucking sensitive. Who did you think you were, dating Axl Rose?
“Hey, sugar, I thought we were getting lunch? You’ve been up here for almost an hour.” You heard Axl call from your shared bedroom and heard his steps crossing the floor. You panicked; you didn’t want him to see you right now when the image of her was probably pinned in his memories. Her laugh, her smile, her bambi eyes looking at his. Was he comparing the two of you like everyone else? Wondering why he settled when he could’ve had her?
“Uh, hang on! Give me a minute,” you tried to stall; you needed a helluva lot longer than a minute.
“What’s wrong?” You heard Axl asked as he paused right outside the bathroom. It was almost a casual question, as though he weren’t really expecting anything serious to be wrong. “Your hair brush is out here if that’s what you’re looking for.” You chuckled slightly, smiling sadly at his nonchalant observation. “Are you okay?” He pressed when you didn’t answer, and that’s when you completely fell apart.
“Y-yeah! I just, uh...I poked my eye and...” you lied with the first thing that entered your head and grimaced at the weak attempt to stop your voice from shaking as hot, fresh tears spilled from your eyes. “I’m actually not feeling well; maybe we can go another time. Why don’t you go get something for yourself?” He didn’t answer, and you wondered if maybe he had left to do exactly that.
“Why in the world would I do that?” You jumped at the sound of his soft voice right behind you and glanced up to look at him in the mirror’s reflection, staring back at you in confusion, hairbrush in hand. Heavy concern shaded his face when he saw you. “Y/N, what’s wrong, darlin’?”
“It’s really nothing,” you lied and Axl immediately frowned angrily at you. His boots hit the floor with purpose as he marched over to where you sat on the vanity stool. He knelt down right next to your thigh in an effort to match your level.
“You know I hate it when you tell me that, Y/N. I hate wasting time with you upset and me not knowin’ the reason why. Do you trust me?” You hesitated at the question and saw a flicker of surprised hurt flash in Axl’s eyes.
“No, I do!” You said quickly, before you shook your head. “I do. Really, it’s just me overthinking...and just...imagining worse case scenarios and...” you shrugged.
Axl was silent for a moment before he stood. You stared at your lap, wondering if you had offended him, before you felt his fingers weave through your hair. He pulled your head closer to him, to where your cheek was resting against the denim covering his hip and his fingers massaging your scalp.
“You and that pretty little head of yours...” he muttered affectionately. “C’mon, sweetheart, tell me what’s wrong. I get it, you know. Wasted plenty of years of my life just fucking overthinking things I didn’t need to.” You looked up at him and something in your expression suddenly made him pull you up by your elbows. He took your place on the stool before he brought you down on his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Now,” he prompted. “I’m listening.”
You stared down at your hands in your lap.
“I saw the pictures.” You murmured.
“Pictures of...?” Axl asked.
“You with Lana.” You peeked up at him and watched confusion furrow his eyebrows before understanding took its place. There was a silence.
“Ah.” He finally said with a nod.
“There were...a lot of articles telling me about the state of my relationship this morning.” You chuckled feebly. “You know, a much better start to my day than Folgers or the weather forecast.” Axl was shaking his head.
“I hate them.” Axl said. “I hate all of it. The manipulation, the way they think they know every detail. And it still happens, even now, twisting it all however they want.”
“For the record, I didn’t think anything of it.” You reassured him, though you couldn’t help the way your voice sounded small. You wondered if Axl could hear the insecurity behind your words too.
You could feel Axl pat your hip, his hand resting against you.
“Someone introduced us. She’s a big fan, it was nice conversation. I liked some of her ideas, concepts she was telling me about songwriting. But that was it. We walked out at the same time and that was somehow the big story.” You nodded a little. You had known that, but even with the confirmation, you were left wondering why you still felt empty.
“I guess...it’s just harder for me.” You said out loud, trying to work out your thoughts. “I’m...nobody. And you’re you, and I knew that—it wasn’t what drew me to you, that’s not why I got into this—but this world knows you too and how amazing you are, and then, sometimes things like last night happen. And I trust you with all my heart, Axl, but someone like Lana Del Rey; she’s gorgeous. She’s talented, she’s acclaimed. I’m sure she would have been willing. Why wouldn’t you...”
Axl’s grip tightened around your hips now, making you stop your words.
“First of all, I never want to hear you say something like that again. Y/N, you’re not nothing. You’re nothing short of incredible. This world hardly ever says anything about how ‘amazing’ they consider me. Mainly, it’s just about how I’ve lost it.” You frowned a little. There was a change in his tone, switching from insistence to almost cynicism. “How I don’t sound the same anymore. How I don’t look the same. I’m washed up, I’m an egotistical perfectionist—the list goes on. But you…you’re beautiful, baby. I look at you and I can see the way everyone else looks at you, and it makes me I wonder how in the hell I get to have you. You make me proud. You make me feel like the things I see written about me aren’t true. Because you never make me feel like that.” You twisted in the position you were sitting to face him better.
“I’m a fucking mess,” you laughed breathlessly, fighting another onslaught of tears. Axl smiled, leaning up to kiss the corner of your mouth, a fleeting kiss, uncaring if his lips even met yours because any inch of your skin was a prize to be kissed.
“You’re not a mess. Baby, you’re a whirlwind. Your thoughts, the way you look at the world, all the things you’ve brought into mine...”
“Axl...” you stopped him, but only had an absence for any words to explain the relief you were feeling, the calm that filled you. You could only shake your head and reach your hands out to cradle his face in in them. He immediately leaned forward to press his lips to yours.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered, his eyes still shut as you pulled back, stunned. He blinked his eyes open, smiling again at you. “I love you, my pretty little angel.”
“I love you too, Ax. I always wanna make you proud.” You replied back, smiling against his lips as you kissed him again.
“You do. And you know what else?” He asked as he pulled back. “I’m pretty fucking hungry.” You laughed with your head falling back before you stood from his lap.
“Just gimme a second. I’ll be ready soon.” Axl paused by the door.
“Wear that blue sundress of yours, baby. The one with the slit up the leg.” There was a twinkle in his eye. “I want them all to see you on my arm today.”
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bavrenilia · 4 years
yandere headcannons | om!satan
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tw: manipulation, dubcon, finger fucking, degradation, exhibitionism if you can read until the end, kitty and kitten as petnames.
ー It started as a friendly encounters when you started to live with them, he wasn’t the most comfortable person around other people but something in the way you smiled at him so sweetly made him want to let his guard down even if it was just a slight slip.
 ー You being sweet was nothing new to the ones around you; always being patient withe everyone, listening to them carefully, eyes never leaving their orbs as your attention was fixated on the person right in front of you. Satan found it sweet, sickeningly sweet if he had to say the truth.
 ー But when he had a lot of time to stand back and watch you, examine you with his sparkling but also dark eyes something snapped in him; a voice becaoming way too loud in his head telling him that you were looking like a cute little prey whenever you looked around with those pretty eyes of yours.
 ー You were easy to talk to, easy to keep close because you were a human standing right in the middle of devils. A cute dumb prey, his mouth would always dry to the thought of this nicknames. Satan was the hunter, waiting for the right time to strike and get a hold of his pretty little and innocent prey.
 ー With you, of course, he didn’t have to wait that long. He was smart, much smarter than you could’ve ever think of. He knew how to push the right buttons, what to say to you, how to make you shy, when to have you all to himself.
 ー You liked to talk to him too, he was always nice to you. Eating lunch with you, listening to your ramblings very carefully, not laughing at you when you embarrass yourself, always trying to take care of you in his own way- which meant a strong arm holding you by your shoulders or your waist sometimes.
 ー He knew what to say to you, he always knew how to talk yo into anything. Getting Lucifer mad? You were scared of the eldest brother’s reaction but Satan would protect you, he would never let you get hurt in any way. Reading book together late into the night? You were sleepy but he knew how to keep you awake.
 ー You knew that he was kinda getting jealous of you hanging out with others but you just shrugged it off as you thought it wasn’t a big deal- he was a fucking grown-ass demon for fucks sake. Of course he wouldn’t get jealous of a human like you. This idea didn’t make you sad at all, on the contrary it made you feel relieved.
 “Ah, you’re late tonight”, Satan gave you a soft smile when you entered his room with you eyes half closed, his silly girl.. what if you bump into something and hurt yourself? He stood up and walked to you, his free hand resting on the small of your back as he guided you to his bed.
“ ’m sleepy”, you mumbled as you made yourself comfortable in his bed- a familiar scent filling your lungs and a warmth letting you loosen up. Look at you, with your lashes almost touching your pink cheeks and your soft lips parted slightly- oh, you were so at his mercy. He could do anything to you, he coukd have his way with you and you’d lie in his bed all worn out looking at him with glossy eyes.
He would love to do that, but not when you’re out of his reach and tight grip. He had you, if course, but it was just a friendship that grew bigger and sweeter as the time passed by. Since you lived with them, becoming comfortable with each other was nothing but expectable- the second reason was the way you two had almost identical tastes in almost everything. The more he learnt about you, the more he felt like you were completing him.
There was a soft smile on his face as he watched you trying to keep your eyes open as you breathed deeply, your eyelids were literally fighting their greatest battle against your will. His eyes started to wander, taking in your delicious sight. You had an oversized shirt coming down to cover your soft thighs, his breath getting heavier and heavier while he kept examining your delicate body. You were so, so weak- so dumb, how could you let your guard down right in front of the very predator who had every type of dream and fantasy about you.
To his luck, he made you comfortable enough to sit on his lap while you two read- he didn’t know how you didn’t reject him, how you didn’t say that you’d be fine on the bed sitting right next to him. It was probably because you were too tired and cold since the temperature difference in Devildom always caught you off guard.
His smile dropped in an instant when he realized the shirt, realized its owner. “This lowlife of a demon”, he mumbled under his breath before putting the book on the bed, you perked your head up to see if he called out to you. “Did you say something?”, you asked, voice raspy and somehow low since you were swinging between falling asleep and staying awake. You promised him, after all. You always kept your promises.
Getting no answer from Satan made you furrow your eyebrows slightly, every reaction of you giving his heart a tight squeeze.
“Why are you wearing Mammon’s shirt?”
Your reply followed his question quickly, almost as if you started to realize the dangerous aura that filled the room.
“I didn’t even notice when I picked it up from the laundry, I messed it up and accidentally took a shirt of Leviathan too. I chose this shirt without looking at it, I’ll give it back to him.”
No response.
You watched him as his eyes darkened a little but you just ignored, maybe that was the worst decision you’ve ever made. Ignoring the very obvious signs in front of you, playing the dumb most of the time.. maybe, it really was the worst idea.
But whenever you caught Satan’s sudden change of aura, it was gone in a blink. His eyes were back to normal, shinning brightly while looking at you- his lips curled into a soft smile as he took the book and lay down right next to you.
“Will you read for me tonight, sweetheart?”, his voice was like a purr in your ear, hot breath caressing the shell of it as you gulped thickly. You always read to him and he always read to you but.. what was off? What was making you feel uneasy, whose voice was it telling you to run? You ignored everything, again, like you always did because how could you not? Sagan would never hurt you, he was there ti protect his little human friend after all- he cared about you, and it was true. He cared about you so, so much that it drove him crazy sometimes.
“Of course”, a wave of sleep hit you again as you took the book he was handing to you, fingers brushing softly and making your heart skip a beat. He was looking good, way too good while he was in bed with you like this. His hair was soft and messy, in it’s most natural shape you’ve always like to see. He was wearing comfortable clothes instead of the RAD uniform and his daily choice of fit.
You turned to your side since the moonlight coming from the window was hitting your face instead of hitting the book. Satan followed you movements and did the same as you, his body pressed against yours. You should be used to it by now because you always held you close to himself in your reading sessions; at first it was your hands or arms brushing slightly, then Satan held your hand and started to draw invisible circles- sensation was relaxing in every possible way, your hands fitting in with his way too perfectly. And when it became a habit and you started to hold his hand as soon as you two buried your heads into your books, Satan’s hand started to rest on your thigh, a little higher, and a little higher again; his hands roamed around your body like it was such a normal thing to do. It felt normal, it felt soothing, it felt like his hand belonged to your body. And all of these things turned into something much bigger, to your suprise. You, sitting on his lap- sometimes him making you move slightly to get in a more comfortable position and you could swear that every time he held the side of your thighs softly and moved you, you could feel him; his leg pressing against between your legs.. such a dirty little human you were.. making up scenarios in your head to get what you want.
Satan threw his arm over your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder, you were feeling all warm again- actually way too warm you could just sleep but no, you promised him. A promise. You started to read the book and it actually made you sleepier, until Satan’s hand found its way to between your legs. Your mind was torn in between- did your body froze or did you actually try to free yourself from his grip.
“Satan?”, you breathed out his name and it sounded music to his ears, you weren’t even aware of how you sounded. Just like a cute little kitty, purring and mewling as his palm pressed right into the part you actually wanted to get some friction.
Your mind went blank as you realized your train of thoughts?
You wanted him to touch you?
Realization made your cheeks burn with shame and embarrassment as you squirm under his tight grip and delicate fingers.
“Ssh, keep reading kitten”, his voice was calm, completely fine as he acted like nothing was happening. You wanted to get up, but you also wanted to trap his hand between your thighs. How could you think like that? He’s always protected you and you were just thinking about this lewd stuff? Satan would be so disappointed in you if he ever heard that.
“I..I can’t”, you said breathlessly. “Stop-ah, stop touching me.”
“And why would I do that?”
Nothing came out of your mouth as he kept moving his fingers painfully slow, feeling your warmth and wetness even though you had your panties.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, and don’t make the same mistake again. If you don’t want me to tear that fucking shirt into two- keep reading.”
Satan almost growled and your face got even hotter, even redder as you tried to hold up the book with your shaky hands. Why couldn’t you say no? You knew that he’d immediately stop if you told him in a serious and demanding manner- but why your voice sounded so desperate even when you asked him to stop?
You started to read the book again, mind hazy as all you wanted to do was rock against his palm. Words were nothing but blur at this point when he pulled your panties to the side and a broken sob escaped from your lips.
“What did I tell you?”
“I can’t, I can’t, I just-”
“You can’t what? Can’t you focus on the book in your hand? Your dumb little brain is so full of dirty thoughts, hm?”
You wanted to say no, you didn’t want to disappoint him but instead a soft moan escaped your lips.
“Read, kitten. This is your last warning”, he was enjoying the view way too much, holding himself barely back to grind on your bare thighs as he did all the magic with his fingers.
Your head thrown back and resting on his shoulder, you shuddered- the petname he called you seemed to be appealing to your taste. Instead of turning your attention to the book, you dropped it off on the mattress and wrapped your fingers around Satan’s wrist; just to make him move his hand a bit faster, a bit deeper and then you’d read to him. You’d read to him till morning.
But Satan wasn’t really the most patient one when it comes to slutty bitches like that. He quickly hovered over you, his two fingers were now knuckles deep inside you as he grabbed the hem of the shirt with his free hand- his teeth holding the other side.
“Silly kitty, you should’ve listened to me in the first place”, he growled as the shirt you took as a mistake tore up in two, your mind’s too foggy to actually get a hold of the happenings around you.
His hand moved faster, faster and faster- rubbing and touching all the right places and it didn’t take you long to came around his fingers. Satan got up, licking his fingers clean before grabbing his phone to call Mammon. Everything settled in when you came down from your high, panic rising in your chest as you heard Mammon’s voice from the speaker.
“What do ya want this late, Satan?”
Satan’s eyes never leaving yours, a smirk lighting up his face in the dim lighted room; he answered.
“There’s a dumb little thief who wants to give you something that belongs to you.”
It was humiliating, your eyes filled with tears as you lay there unable to move. You fucked up, you knew you fucked up but whenever your eyes met with his suspicious green orbs your mind stopped working. Your breath caught in your throat as you heard Mammon’s footsteps approaching, you wanted to cover yourself before the second oldest barges in. But it was too late when your glossy eyes met with Mammon’s widened ones; looking at your slightly shaking body, your soaked panties that were pushed aside, his shirt that torn in two and resting on your limp body and your red face. He stood there, in pure shock before leaving as quickly as he came. Satan’s amused laughs filled your ears as he approached you. “You should’ve known better, kitten.”
 ー Satan doesn’t like to share, not even a bit but he takes a great pride in the fact letting his brothers know that he’s the only one- and would be, who turns you into a mess.
 ー You wouldn’t even realize that you’re being manipulated, slowly being consumed by his every little action. Even if he uses you /he actually told you that he’s trying to make you feel really good, and taking care of you/ you simply can’t turn your back in him.
 ー You depend on him, clumsy human. How could you talk back to him? How could you say no? If he wanted to, he could eat you alive in a second- but you’re lucky, you’re too lucky that he wants to keep you by his side forever.
 ー Since he has a way with his sugar coated words, he also knows how to shatter you in pieces. Always picking the right word to make you feel small, weak, uneasy in front of him. But that’s okay because he’ll take good care of you, he’ll make sure that you become so strong- you’ll be able to protect yourself one day.
 ー Gets jealous not so easily, but gets angsty way too quickly. He likes to let others know that you belong to him, that you’re his stupid little kitten, his weak human. But he gets angry when you spend more than a two or three minutes with someone else.
 ー Constantly ask you if you plan to leave him behind, if you go back to your world and never remember him. His voice comes out so, so sad. Your heart starts to bear faster every time he talks about this stuff. You place your hand on his cheeks, promise him that you’ll be by his side forever.
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bunivys · 4 years
—87: “I’m pregnant and the baby…it’s yours.”
Thanks for sending this in! Sorry I’ve been very slow with posting these.
This one is set in the far, far future of Lessons in the Unseen! Hope you enjoy!
Sabrina looked between Shava and Salem, both familiars laying sprawled out on the hallway floor outside of the bathroom. Salem stopped bopping the wolf’s ear to look over at her, wearing a bored expression that didn’t look like it would be going anywhere any time soon. Shava, however, looked entirely intrigued, gray eyes snapping up to meet Sabrina’s soon as she looked at him.
“I’m trying this the mortal way,” she decided, digging through the paper bag she had tossed against the wall and pulling out several boxes. Salem meowed lazily, which made her glare. “Yeah, and?” she asked. “I’ve tried aunt Hilda’s tea divination—” Several teacups brimming with liquid currently sat all along the kitchen counters downstairs. “—and I’ve tried aunt Zelda’s blood spell.” There were certainly enough pricks and bruises on her palms to prove it. 
This time, Shava huffed and lifted his head, bumping Salem out of the way accidentally who then proceeded to climb up the wolf’s back and perch on his neck.
“Well, yes,” Sabrina answered. “All of the answers I got were the same…”
The familiar whined.
She sighed. “The spoon dropping in the kitchen last week is exactly what prompted this. But it just doesn’t make sense—Nick and I are careful. ” Or careful enough, at least.  There might have been a few occasions where they’d forgotten a contraception spell during their more desperate times, but it didn’t happen often. “Be right back.”
She dashed back into the bathroom, tore open the boxes she’d acquired from the nearby store, and stared at the pregnancy tests, pressing her lips together as she did. Sabrina stood there for a while, frozen, knowing this was the last step between finding out whether or not she would be expecting. Part of her had considered calling her cousin or Prudence for the added support, but ultimately, she’d decided it was best done alone. Nick would home from the Academy any moment anyway.
She went on with it, and after the necessary waiting time, she came back and sat down on the floor with both familiars—hers and the one that had belonged to Nick’s father before he’d passed. The wolf had bonded with Nick over the last few centuries and was as good as his now. “Okay,” she said, the anticipation welling in her gut feeling like it would choke her any moment. She needed to look, and she needed to do it now. Sabrina flipped the tests over, one by one, and stared.
“I’m pregnant,” she exhaled.
Salem grumbled. He didn’t sound happy at the prospect of having to split the attention that so rightly belonged to him.
Shava, however, perked right up, clearly enthused by the idea.
“Sabrina?” Nick’s voice rang through the lower portion of the house they’d made their own—the one that had once belonged to Nathaniel and Lasanda Scratch. “I’m home!”
“Upstairs!” she called back. Footsteps rumbled up the stairway and then he was rounding the corner beside her, nearly tripping over her in the process.
“Hey, babe, any reason why you’re all over the floor?” he asked before glancing at the familiars. “Why you all are? Also, why is our kitchen covered in mugs of cold tea?” He sat down beside her, still confused, and kissed her, growing even more perplexed when she seemed hesitant to kiss him back. 
“Nick,” Sabrina said, the anticipation having shifted to sudden panic now that she had her answer. He looked back at her, his attention on her even as Shava dropped his head into Nick’s lap and he began scratching behind his ear. “I—”
“Are you okay?” he asked through a furrowed brow. “You look a little pale…” His eyes dropped to her hands next and they widened at the sight of blood smudged along her palm. Very carefully, he took one of her hands and smoothed his fingers gently over the pricks she’d made earlier, using the simple healing spells Hilda had taught him over the years to help soothe them away.  “Spellman, what the Heaven—what sort of blood magic have you been up to?”
“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out. 
Nick’s eyes snapped up to meet hers. “Oh—”
He had but a moment to react before she went on.  “And the baby? It’s yours.”
“I—uh—” He appeared visibly shocked, dark brows lifted, his mouth parted. “Well, I really hope so,” he said after a moment, once he’d gathered his mind enough to form a proper sentence.  “We hadn’t really talked about doing this with anyone else.”
Sabrina scrunched up her nose and smacked him lightly on the shoulder when she caught the joking tone in his voice. “I just told you I’m pregnant,” she repeated. “Like—with a baby.”
 “As opposed to what?” he asked, a clever smirk blooming over his lips. “An adult?”
Sabrina narrowed her eyes at him. “Nick, I swear—”
“I’m kidding, Spellman,” Nick soothed, cupping her cheek, the smirk shifting into a smile he couldn’t quite work off his face. He nodded and simply said, “Okay.”
“Okay?” she asked. “Just...okay?”
“I mean…” He paused. “Is it not okay?”
“Well...I guess it’s not not okay,” she said, pursing her lips. “It’s just that...Are we ready? You’re really busy with your research and I’ve just stepped into the role of High Priestess following auntie Zelda and...This could mess things up.”
Nick leaned back against the wall beside her, drawing her against his side. His arm went around her shoulders and he pressed a tender kiss to her temple. “It’ll be your choice to decide if we’re ready in the end, since it’ll be your body going through the changes,” he said. “But me? I think...I feel like we’re ready. I mean, we’ve lived a few centuries. I’m 330, though if I’m being honest, I look impeccably good for my age and you—you look fantastic for 326—”
“Get to the point, Scratch,” Sabrina teased, poking him in the side when he started to laugh. She smiled though, her heartbeat having slowed to a normal pace, no longer drumming in her ears the way it had when the discovery was still fresh. 
“I’m saying,” he continued, jostling her playfully against his side. “I don’t think it would mess anything up...might slow us down for a couple of months but that’s it. Your aunt hangs around the Academy enough anyway, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind helping with your new duties.” He was right, though Zelda had passed her role onto Sabrina, she hadn’t made much effort to slow down her visits to the Academy, always with her nose over Sabrina’s shoulder. “And my research is always going to be around. I can work on it whenever.”
“You make very valid points…” Sabrina mused.
He smiled at her. “So what do you say? Do you think we’re ready to add to our little family?”
They both had known early on they would one day want children—that had never been the issue. It had always been the time and sorting out when would be best that kept them from deciding, but the more she considered it, the more she realized there wasn’t anything holding them back from being parents—from expanding their family the way they had both wanted, Nick maybe a little more than her. While the Spellmans had welcomed him with open arms and were quick to consider him family, she knew he wanted to be a dad more than anything one day.
“I think,” she began, moving her head off his shoulder to look up at him, fingers lacing through his. “I think I want us to be parents. It’s a journey I want to take with you.”
The smile on his face only grew, shifting into one so vivid it drew out a smile of her own. “I want that too,” he said, and it was then that she noticed the slight tremble in his voice, the quiet sheen in his eyes.
“Nick...are you…” she started quietly, “are you crying?”
“I’m really happy, Spellman,” he answered, running the back of his hand along his eye. “This was a really good surprise to come home to.”
She felt her heart tug in her chest and she sat up, rolling onto her knees. Sabrina took his face in her hands and kissed him, once strongly, and then over and over, until she had him slipping back and landing on his back on the floor with a gentle thud, both of them smiling so hard it became difficult to keep kissing. She had no idea where Shava and Salem had wandered off to, but by the time she opened her eyes, they were gone and it was just Nick looking back at her.
And Hell, was she certain he would make for a great father. 
“I’m happy, too,” she said. “I’m kinda gonna kill it as a mom and aunt Zelda might finally get off our backs with her passive comments.” The woman had made hundreds of sly remarks about ‘not getting any younger’ anytime the mention of babies was brought up at the dinner table. And given that Ambrose had determined long ago that he and Prudence were fine raising the twins and that was it, Nick and Sabrina had become the sole targets of all her comments.
“I love you, Spellman,” Nick told her. “No matter what we would have decided—I love you always.”
She smiled, whispering the words right back at him before she sealed her lips over his once more.
Between her and Nick and the remainder of the Spellmans, their baby would never be short of any love.
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