#I wish they would’ve ran away with each other sigh
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audraswhore · 3 months ago
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Hello Gelphie Nation 🤓❣️
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g0dlyunsub · 7 months ago
holding on.
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the six times that spencer squeezed your hand, and the six times you fell for him even deeper.
pairing :: spencer x fem bau!reader
warnings :: mentions of bioweapons, undercover missions, injuries, blood, angst, fluff
word count :: 1.6k
author’s note :: my one brain cell has been occupied by protective!spencer as of late, so this is what we’re dealing with
accompanying song :: ugotme by omar apollo
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the first time he squeezed your hand, it was during a handshake. 
you had just joined the bau, and as is customary in introductions, you held your hand out for a round of handshakes. with a tight-lipped smile, you looked into his face as you introduced yourself. 
“f/n l/n.”
his eyes — a charming shade of brown — stared right back at you. 
“i’m doctor spencer reid.”
he grasped your hand for only a fleeting second, but still gave it a gentle squeeze.
the second time he squeezed your hand, you were talking behind erin strauss’ back.
if it were hotch or any other member of the bau, spencer would’ve let everything play out and watched your panicked reaction with an amused smile. but it was erin strauss, and spencer could see that she was visibly agitated.
“a good section chief should have faith in the team’s decisions,” you pouted and looked up at spencer, who was chewing on a cookie and humming in agreement.
“she’s been telling me to call her every hour for an update on the case. last time, i was a minute late — a minute late, spence — and she just had to rub it in my face!”
you angrily rubbed the bridge of your nose, sighing as you vented to your colleague. his brows perked up, but you didn’t take note of it; in fact, you started to speak even louder as the rage continued to pile at the back of your throat.
spencer cleared his throat once, but you thought he was just trying to swallow his food. 
“honestly, spencer, do you think i should tell her?”
he blinked rapidly this time, hoping you would get the signal. but when you were still rambling by the time strauss was only a few feet away from your desk, spencer reached for your hand and squeezed it once.
you looked up in surprise, eyes widening as you waited for him to explain his gesture. 
but the voice that spoke up was strauss’.
“agent l/n, i would like to speak with you in private. now.”
you stood frozen for a few seconds, exchanging a panicked glance with spencer.
he gave you an apologetic grimace, but squeezed your hand once again, as if to wish you good luck.
the third time he squeezed your hand, it was during your first undercover mission. 
earlier that morning, swat had silently raided the home of two unsubs – a couple that went by the names of mr. and ms. stone – that were covertly collecting harmful biological agents.
after uncovering the news that they were planning to trade their bioweapons with a team of buyers, you and your team decided that the exchange would not fall through. the team revised the plan and decided that you and spencer would pose as the couple and intercept the trade.
so here you were, dressed in a dark green dress, the hem of the fabric flowing in the cool wind of the air-conditioned hotel lobby. spencer stood next to you in a black suit, hair falling in front of his eyes in the form of slick, wavy strands. 
time seemed to still when he reached behind you and squeezed your right hand four times – each to let you know how many possible targets were standing to your three o’clock.
that was all the signal you needed to get into character.
the two of you were a couple only for the night, but you put on a show that would’ve convinced any onlooker otherwise.
you snaked your hands around spencer’s neck before rising on your tiptoes and whispering, “are you ready, mister stone?”
he moved his hands to rest them around your hips, and ran his fingers through the smooth texture of your dress.
he dipped his lips near your ears, so close that his breath tickled your skin. 
“i am. are you, miss stone?” 
the fourth time he squeezed your hand, it was because you asked him to.
glass had struck your sides during the explosion, leaving a deep and dark gash in your flesh and surrounding it with a sticky stream of crimson red.
you tried to muster the strength to push yourself up, but it was too much. with a heavy sigh, you crashed back onto the ground.
thankfully, spencer was next to you in seconds.
he softly brushed over your cut skin, and when you flinched at the pain, he tried to console you by saying that the medics were almost here.
“almost?” you wheezed, struggling to keep your eyes open but still able to see that spencer had ripped a part of his dress shirt to wrap your split skin.
when he circled the fabric around your torso and started to apply pressure, you had to bite back a scream. you bit down on your bottom lip so hard that blood seeped through and filled your mouth with its metallic taste. 
“spencer- spence,” you gasped, and wrapped your hands around his.
“it’s okay, it’s okay,” he repeated, trying to reassure you as he continued to apply pressure to your sides.
“squeeze my hand.”
when he didn’t move his hand, you tried again. “please. i need a distraction.”
he furrowed his brows and gave you a hesitant look, but when he noticed the desperation flashing in your eyes, he complied. lifting his hands that were now stained with your blood, he gripped your hand and squeezed.
it felt like electricity coursing through your arm, but it didn’t hurt.
it felt oddly serene to have your blood sandwiched between your skin and his, to feel warmth amidst the draining cold.
the fifth time he squeezed your hand, you were on the verge of tears.
you and spencer were just about to regroup with the rest of the team to deliver the profile, but as the two of you were walking across the hallway, the victim’s mother leapt in front of you and yelled in a fit of rage.
“my daughter’s been gone for more than two days, and you haven’t done anything to find him!”
she pushed against your shoulders and you flailed your arms in an attempt to regain balance.
“you just sit around and pretend to work, but you don’t actually care. if anything happens to my monica, i’ll make sure you’ll never work this job ever again.”
that was the last strike that tipped spencer over the edge.
you didn’t even get an attempt to reason with her, because spencer grasped the fabric of her shirt around her shoulders and pushed her into the waiting room.
it wouldn’t be another five minutes before he stepped out, but you could see his face was flush with anger and disbelief.
yours was hot with shame.
approaching you with a concerned expression, spencer put his hand on top of your palm and squeezed. “that was completely inexcusable on her part-”
“it’s okay. i know.” you moved your hand away and forced a smile. 
you could see the words written all over his face — it’s not your fault, you did nothing wrong. yet you still couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt, of the terrible pain that comes with knowing that you’re doing everything you can but still failing miserably.
you walked as fast as you could to the nearest bathroom before spencer could stop you, tears already streaming down your face as you locked yourself up in the stall.
the sixth time he squeezed your hand, spencer showed a different side that you’d never seen before.
you and spencer were dating now, so showing affectionate gestures in public wasn’t a foreign concept to the two of you. however, the workplace was a different story. 
both of you did your best to adhere to professional conduct, as it was fundamental to being a federal agent. and although it took some willpower, you refrained from your usual hugs and playful nudges with spencer.
but the detective at the local p.d. was on your tail, unrelenting with his attempts to flirt with you.
“how does dinner at seven sound?”
he flashed his teeth at you and smiled, and it took everything you had within to not retch in front of him. 
“can we please focus on the case here?”
“can’t we talk about both at the same time?”
you sighed, your fingers itching to grab him by the collar and subdue him to a deathly hush.
“no, we cannot, and i’d appreciate it if you would stop-” you waved your hand in an annoyed gesture, “-stop whatever you’re trying to do.”
“you know you could’ve just said no.”
“i don’t think it would take any extra deductions to figure that she’s turning you down, detective.”
your shoulders lifted ever so slightly at the familiar voice, and you had to suppress a smile from surfacing on your lips when spencer took a seat beside you and squeezed your hand.
“it’s just friendly banter, agent. one that you’re not concerned with,” the detective spat back, his stare still fixed on you.
“doctor. it’s doctor,” spencer retaliated, “and i believe that i do have the right to be concerned when you’re making my team member uncomfortable.”
you were so fed up with listening to the detective ramble on and on, choosing to ignore your and spencer’s words. you stood up, braced spencer’s hand, and nodded your head towards a closed-off room.
“come on, babe, i’m tired of this. let’s talk about the case in private and grab dinner together later.”
spencer nodded, a proud gleam shining in his eyes as he stood and placed a hand behind your back. 
you felt your body warm up with fuzzy excitement when the detective tore his gaze away from you defeatedly and clamped his lips shut, and you smiled as spencer followed you out of the room with his grip lying on your hips.
every time spencer squeezes your hand, it’s a heartfelt reminder of how much he cares about you.
you don’t ever have to question it.
he knew he would care about you from the beginning, a fate decided by the stars when he locked hands with you for the very first time.
and he’ll prove it to you time and time again, all six reminders a testament to his dedication.
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psblooms · 4 months ago
and I would’ve married you, if you’d have stuck around
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𓍯𓂃 angst lee heeseung x female reader works word count: 1148 non-idol au. the fall of a relationship and the period waiting for the end. contains: break ups, long distance relationship, flashbacks on italics
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as people grow apart and new relationships start, sometimes old ones tend to die alone, with more questions than answers, without villains or heroes; relationships you expected to last long end up being the thing you now long. the moments spent together in rose color glasses become dull and full of hurt, and the wishes you made of never forgetting those moments of happiness come back remembering the promise; only this time, the person you shared them with is not with you anymore to reminiscence them.
growing out of relationships always tends to hurt, but the fact that this was a romantic relationship that had the build-up of your life meant that it was also going to ache for maybe as long as he was part of your life.
the worst part tends to be ending because of a fight and the feeling of regret for ever choosing to be with a person like that. Sadly, this was not the case; each other's personalities were the perfect match, you got along well, and you became friends with each other's friends. you always felt like your relationship was the closest thing to perfection.
until it wasn't.
trying to pinpoint the moment you knew this relationship was nearing its end was impossible for your mind. it was unknown to you if it was your subconscious trying to protect you or the fact that it really came out of the blue. as days went out and you went from crying all night to finally starting to go back to the routine you realized just how much was he a part of your life. the fact that you were living your life as if nothing happened was not the easiest thing when you remembered you could not call him at the end of the day.
saying his name hurt, thinking about him ached, and the fact that the place you still lived at was a graveyard of memories would not help you from thinking that maybe if you called his number, he would answer and come to you.
"what happened?" he asked while catching his breath after opening the door of your apartment.
"I just hurt my finger with the hammer," you said while running your hand through the cold water in the kitchen sink.
dried tears in your warm cheeks were apparent to him so while he ran for your first aid kit his voice echoed throughout the walls. "I told you to wait till I came to help, you were just so excited right?"  
and he told you about his day while bandaging up your finger and helping you finish assembling the new bookshelf  
and now that same bookshelf that holds some of your favorite framed photos with him seated empty in the living room. breakups are usual in people's lives, but maybe you would have more of a reason to be sad and depressed if he had been a shitty boyfriend, or if he had cheated, but instead, he had been the perfect boyfriend for all the two years you had been together.
he broke up with you. on a cold night in your daily facetime call, he was sad, and tired and it hurt you to see him hurting, the easiest way to make him hurt less was to accept his request between sighs.
"i think we should break up"  
the sinking feeling in your stomach was still there, you wanted to fix whatever there was to fix, but nothing would fix something that was not entirely broken, he was, and your relationship was suffering. even if you tried to reach out he was not trying to hold you any longer.
he was your everything. he was the only constant thing in your life for a long long time, he was your friend before he was your boyfriend. and now, as much as you hate to say it, he was gone and he continued his life miles away from you while you felt like everything around you was falling apart.
“It’s just going to be for a year okay? I’ll be back soon” heeseung said holding you closer while laying on his bed with you.
you were helping him pack, putting you feelings aside while he put his life away in suitcases.
“I’m going to miss you a lot” you whispered while holding back tears and hugging him harder.
“I’ll miss you too, but I’ll call you every night to tell you that I love you okay?” He reassured you with a kiss on you head and a warm pat on your back.
oh, how naive you were thinking thinking you’d be the exception to you friend group bad experiences with long distance.
what where you going to do now? where would you put all of his stuff that stayed at his place? where would you store all his gifts and photos? where would you hold all the love you felt for him?
what. comes. next?
your heart was broken, your tears were dry, you felt like everything was over and that felt out of character. he was yours for a while and you needed to move on since you were unable to turn back time, but why was it so hard?
is he hurting to? is he having a hard time falling asleep? did he threw away your gifts? you hoped you were not the only one feeling this way, but still, you were not brave enough to ask, scared of the sheer chance that he was better off.
you wanted to hold on a little longer to these selfish feelings you had, to hold onto the memories, to the kisses and the late night calls. to the hope that maybe this was a nightmare and you would wake up back in his arms, that this relationship was not over and that the issues could be fixed, you were dreaming that maybe you could save yourself from the doom of this heartbreak.
but every morning, as the morning came, doomsday came along reminding you of the fact that you were still miles away from him, with a numbness inside you and unable to move on from a love like his.
your life will go on, and so will his, there will come a time where lee heeseung will be a memory of your past, and maybe you’ll be okay with that; okay with not knowing what made him want to break up with you, okay with him finding someone new. one day that won’t be a big deal.
but for now you still have those questions, and they take away your sleep, you still love him and it will take a long time to unlearn how to do it, and you’ll watch him move on through pictures and post of his friends, and you’ll hope he’s happy. so much happier than how he was with you.
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thebestofoneshots · 2 years ago
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.5 K Warnings: none Prompt: The divination classroom becomes an intriguing nexus for forging new friendships amidst revelations laden with enigmatic symbolism. Meanwhile, Defense Against the Dark Arts delves even deeper into the shadows as you struggle to grasp the imminence of the ever-looming wаr. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 9: The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroкe
September 24, 1976 - Friday
Your race with Sirius, Marlene and a couple of other students who decided to tag along and prove their worth would be next week. The broom race was basically the talk of town. James had talked to the other Quidditch Team Captains, Lyonel Aldridge, Delilah Moss and of course Dmitri Volkov, and they all reached to the conclusion that it would be a great way to boost their team’s morale before the first match.
You woke up early like you had been doing the past couple of weeks, but you and Sirius had gotten a lot more competitive, so competitive you’d already gotten on James’ nerves. Which was something pretty hard to do when you were talking about quidditch. Every day you’d go on mini races, inventing new challenges to fulfill and you always pestered James regarding who’d gotten there first.
“My hand reached the line first,” Sirius said.
“Yeah, but it’s not about hands, it’s about brooms, my broom reached the halo first.” You argued back. 
“It’s not about brooms, we said whoever gets there first, and clearly I did.” 
“Sirius you can’t bend the rules so you win all the time! Besides, if I had stretched my hand I would’ve reached first so it doesn’t count.” 
“It does because you didn’t!” 
“James tell him!” You said. 
“No James, tell her!”
James sighed exasperated and hit his head against the handle of his broom “Just fucк each other already,” he mumbled, not that either of you heard it. 
“What?” You asked with a frown. 
“You know what?" He snapped, sitting straight "Neither of you won! And your mini air races when practicing? They’re OVER! No more broom races until official race day and then you’ll admit the other is a faster flier and this bickering will be forgotten.” 
“But James!” Both you and Sirius argued. 
He gave you both a stern look, and you shot your mouth. “Fine then, till the race we’ll know.” 
Sirius nodded “Truce?” He said offering you his hand. You took a deep breath and shook it. 
Once you were back in the ground Sirius called you with a smirk “Hey (Y/N)! Bet I can get to the common room before you do.” He then started running. 
“You wish,” you said running behind him.
James sighed again “We said no races!” 
“You said no flying,” Sirius shouted back. 
You then turned to James with a smile as you ran “He’s right, this is running.” 
James rolled his eyes but took off running behind the two of you anyway. The only thing that sometimes shut the two of you up, was when someone else won, and he had the longest legs. In the end, he was indeed the first one to arrive, letting himself fall on the couch as you and Sirius fought your way inside. 
“Prongs, you’re here?” You said out of breath when you saw him laying on the couch, regaining his own breath. 
He frowned “Since when do you call me Prongs?” He asked amused. 
“Oh… um… sorry, it must have slipped,” You said as you sat down “I blame Sirius for it.” 
James laughed “No, it’s fine. You can call me Prongs.” He took a long breath, “But stop blaming Pads for everything.” 
“In my defence. It really is ALWAYS Sirius’ fault.” 
He made the face of a man that agreed with your statement. “James!” Sirius complained he noticed. 
James grimaced in return “For fucкs sake, take me away from these two,” he said grabbing a pillow and placing it over his head dramatically. 
You and Sirius exchanged a glance, yeah, you may be bickering all the time now, but it was all friendly banter, James was overreacting. 
“Morning,” you heard Remus say as he came down the stairs “Just got here from practice?” 
You nodded “And they’re getting on my nerves Moony,” James grumbled. 
Remus raised an eyebrow at the two of you “We just asked him to decide who’d been the winner of our mini race,” you said innocently.
 He nodded, understanding. “Leave poor James alone, he’s been doing so much to prepare your race that… he might actually be sick of quidditch by the end of it.” 
James instantly reacted to Remus’ words, removing the pillow from his head “I would never!” 
You were sweaty from so much running so you excused yourself and went for a short shower, Lily was preparing her backpack when you walked out of the bathroom, using your wand to dry your hair. “Today we’re picking the fluxweed together, right?” You asked her. 
She nodded “Just wait for me, will you? We’ll walk to the greenhouse together, don’t think of going by yourself.” 
“Of course, I’ll wait for you Lils, don’t worry about it,” you told her with a smile and finished both closing the buttons of your shirt, and shoving your stuff quickly in your bag "Ready for breakfast?"
Lily nodded and the two of you walked down to the common room together. The boys were secretly talking to each other on the corner close to the fire, looking all conspiratoriall as they did. "You coming for breakfast?" Lily asked them. Remus turned to look at her, his brown eyes seemed more golden than usual, you wondered if it was because of the lighting in the room.
"Yes, we’ll be down in a minute tho, we’re helping Peter finish his Divination essay.” 
You raised an eyebrow at that statement. Since when did they help Peter with essays? Well, Remus definitely would help Peter, he’d probably help anyone that asked nicely. But the rest? Sirius? That was a bit sus, to say the least. But Lily was already walking out of the common room, so after giving them one more look, you followed her. Maybe they were planning another prank like the rain on the main hall. 
Once you were downstairs, the two of you walked towards the great hall. Mary, Marlene, Beth and some others were already there, having breakfast. You greeted them all with a smile “Good morning!” You said as you sat down. 
“Morning,” responded Mary as she looked up from her copy of The Daily Prophet. 
“Anything new?” You asked her, nodding towards the paper. 
She shook her head “Just the wаr,” she replied somberly “Apparently some deatheaters went on a кiling spree. They’re trying to get the muggle-borns.” 
“An older lady was кiled,” Marlene continued “Marsha Allenty, she was a muggle-born auror.” 
You shuddered at the thought. Muggle-borns first, half-borns next, it wouldn’t take them too long to destroy half the wizarding population if they kept going. Someone had to stop them. You were about to say something when the owls started coming in.  
Your family owl, Barnaby, flew down, dropping a package in front of you. You looked at it. The (Y/LN) family seal was stamped over the elegant wrapping. It had to be from your mother. You opened the package, it contained several things. Some galleons, sweets from your favourite bakery back at home, which instantly told you they’d been travelling. A box filled with different potions, and some ingredients to brew shampoo and other beauty-related things. A special potions booklet and a small velvet box. 
You opened it and there was a ring inside, a thin metal piece with some engravings on it and a gem at the top, held by 4 small pieces of metal, two shaped like a star and two shaped like a moon. 
“What is it?” asked Beth, leaning into you from the side. 
“A gift from my parents,” you responded, taking the reins out of the box to show it to her. 
“It’s stunning,” she told you. “Do you know what that is?” She said pointing at the stone. 
“Moonstone, isn’t it?” You asked, Beth nodded. “Mom cares a lot about the magical properties of stones,” you explained. 
“And the metal is silver,” she said turning the ring around, taking a look at the little seal on the inside. 
“Silver?” You frowned, taking a closer look “You’re right, that’s different. She’s never given me a silver piece before.” 
“Maybe she thinks you’re old enough?” She asked with a shrug. 
You nodded, but it wasn’t that. Your mom always gave you gold things. She said the protective value of it was a lot higher than any other metal. Even the necklace Sirius had given you in the vacation, made of brass, was turned into gold with a special spell she had, a spell that would leave all the magical properties of the item intact. 
“Well, whatever the reason, she did pick a beautiful ring,” you said, finally sliding it through one of your fingers. 
“Do you know what magic it’s got?” 
You shook your head, looking through the box to see if your mom had written any kind of letter. You didn’t find any and shrugged it off “Maybe she just thought it was pretty…” 
“What was pretty?” Asked Peter, who appeared almost out of nowhere along with the boys. 
“(Y/N) was gifted a new ring,” said Mary before taking a bite from her eggs. 
You raised your hand so Peter could see it “Got it on a package from my mom.”
“Moon and stars, eh?” He asked with a raised eyebrow “Interesting choice of symbolism, isn’t it?” 
You looked at Peter and shrugged. He was right, it was an interesting choice of symbolism. Your mom, like you, had an affinity to divination. Maybe she knew something you didn’t “My mom loves that stuff,” you told him, and lowered your hand back to the table, taking your fork to dig into a sausage. 
The boys sat further down on the table. Just close enough to still be able to talk to everyone already sitting there. You left early to go check on the fireworms. Remus and you had decided to split the days in which you had to feed them, and today was your turn. When you arrived at the tunnel entrance you looked around to make sure no one had followed you and entered as quickly as possible. 
“Lumus,” You whispered, and your wand lit up, making the dark tunnel navigable. You looked through the pockets of your robe and found the scrap of parchment Remus had made for you. “Revelio,” you said as you moved your wand over it, revealing a tiny map of the tunnels. You were sure you’d learn the way soon enough, but for now, the little map was indispensable.
You used the map to navigate the tunnel until you arrived at the little nook in which you’d hidden your fireworms. You grabbed some of the food in your backpack and gently placed it on the food trays you’d created with a couple of pumpkin juice caps. You looked at the little fireworms satisfied when you noticed one of them was shining, like a firefly. But the light travelled from the end of the tail, all the way through his body and towards his head, then with a small little sound, almost like a fairy burp, the fireworm caused a small ball of fire to come from his mouth. You looked at it amazed, and quickly put the small fire out with your wand. 
You grabbed your backpack and took out your charms book, trying to find a flames stopper or fire preventive spell as soon as possible. Soon enough you found something that could work and cast it all over the little fireworm habitat you and Remus had been building. After the spell was ready, you stayed for a couple of minutes to make sure they wouldn’t cause a fire that’d burn the entire castle down and once you were certain you let out a long sigh, not even realizing you’d been holding your breath. 
You were thrilled, your fireworms were doing excellent, the way you and Remus had taken care of them allowed them to develop in less time than the standard, which would guarantee the two of you really good grades. You had to tell Remus about it. Maybe you could tell him in divination. Shiit, divination! You were supposed to be in divination. You ran out of the little nook and used the map to find a shortcut towards the divination tower. Once outside you knocked on the door a couple of times and waited. Professor Spellman opened the door, letting you inside with a displeased glance. 
“I’m sorry for being late,” you mumbled as fast as possible. You walked inside and started walking towards Remus, who luckily, hadn’t been paired with anyone yet. 
“Miss (Y/LN),” Professor Spellman called, you turned to him “You will be working with Sybil today,” he said, pointing towards the small Ravenclaw girl. You swallowed but nodded and walked towards her table. You knew who she was, Remus had told you about her, and her story, and you’d probably exchanged a couple of words with her in the past, but you’d never really talked to her. 
“Hey,” you waved as you sat next to her, she waved back, with a small smile, and absentmindedly nudged her glasses back to their place. You looked at her for a minute, her hair might be messy, and you heard she wasn’t very popular, but she was very pretty non the less. 
Professor Spellman started talking and with a flick of his wand opened some cabinets, floating a teapot in front of each table, Leaf reading. You and Sybil brew the tea together, using some of the herbs suggested by the book for more accurate readings. And started chatting to each other after you served your respective teas. 
“Do you like divination?” She asked you. 
“I… uh… not that much, I’ve had some experiences,” you stuttered. 
“Sad readings?” She asked, with a sympathetic expression. 
You nodded, taking a sip of your tea “It’s always negative stuff with me,” you explained “Accurate, but negative.” You shuddered, “What about you? With your legacy and all?” 
“I don’t dislike it,” she told you with a smile, “I don’t like getting sad readings either but it’s fun to know bits of the future, for example, the other day I had these feeling that it was going to rain, so I put on some rain boots before going to Care for Magical Creatures, some Hufflepuffs and even other kids from my year were throwing looks at me, but when it started raining and everyone’s shoes got ruined, but mine didn’t, it was completely worth it.”
You smiled at her story “I don’t get those kinds of feelings,” you said “But it’s nice to meet someone that enjoys it, maybe you could help me enjoy it too.” 
Eventually, you both finished your teas and exchanged teacups. You took a deep breath and eventually leaned over to look at her cup, hoping there would be something good in there. You exhaled when you saw a small little butterfly on the cup. Butterflies were good, they meant change, they meant personal growth, they meant… Images flashed through your eyes, and you breathed heavily a couple of times, trying to regain composure. 
Sybil knew exactly what was going on, she’d been through it several times before too. So she looked at you with concern. “What did you see?” She asked in a steady tone. 
“Nothing bad,” was the first thing you managed to muster, “just… you’ll give a prophecy soon. A very important one, I saw Professor Dumbledore, he seemed really interested in what you had to say.” She nodded at your words, writing everything you said down on a piece of paper, then you looked at her, placing a hand on her arm “Sybil, this prophecy… it looked like it was going to be dark,” you said “but it’s one of those that will change the world.” 
She nodded, taking in all the information you’d given her. She did not doubt a single word you said. And you were glad she did, sometimes visions as such were hard to comprehend, and that’s if the person even cared for it. 
“Are you ok?” She asked then. 
You nodded “I– uh…” you looked at her tea “You will have a period of transformation and positive change, like the metamorphosis of a butterfly,” you told her, making an effort to read the rest of her tea leaves “You should, uh… embrace the opportunities that’ll come your way and also let yourself spread your wings.” 
She laughed in response “That’s my fortune?” She asked motioning towards her tea cup. 
 “Yeah,” you nodded, sounding very certain about it “You must accept your uniqueness,” you added for good measure, after all, humor is one of the best ways to cope with such things “And me? What’s my destiny?” 
She adjusted her glasses and took a peak at your cup “I see… stars, the moon, they’re surrounding something,” she said “A small animal, maybe a hare, or… a wildcat?” 
You looked at her with a frown “Did you say the moon and stars?” 
She nodded, tilting the cup towards you. And she was right, the moon was there, the stars too, and… the small animal? That was a fox. You took a deep breath and showed her the ring your mom had given you “My mom sent me this,” you told her “also moon and stars symbolism.” 
Sybil raised an eyebrow “Does she have an affinity with divination?” She asked. You nodded in response “Then it must mean something…” she said, picking up her book and flipping through it “But I can’t find anything about the moon and stars in the book.” 
“Interpret it,” Said Professor Spellman as he walked by, looking at Sybil with a stern face. 
She nodded, sliding towards the back of the chair, Professor Spellman was imposing, to say the least. “I uh… I see the moon and the stars, they’re close, to a… it’s a–“ 
“It’s a fox,” you told her “The animal, it’s not a wild cat, it’s a fox.” 
“A fox, right!” she agreed, “and I– are those flowers?” She asked looking deeper into the cup. By then your little interaction had piqued the attention of some other students from the class, they were watching the two of you intently. “I– I may be getting things twisted but… according to your cup, the moon and the star will find a blossoming love with…” she hesitated “with the fox.” 
Everyone around the classroom laughed, but the professor raised a hand to quiet them, looking into the cup himself “Sybil’s reading is accurate.” He said, “Maybe (Y/N) has an idea what those symbols might mean?”
You sat straighter, looking at the professor “I seem to be surrounded by symbolism today,” you told him “But I’m sorry sir, I’ve got no idea what it may mean. Perhaps I’ll adopt a fox or something? Shower it with love and stuff,” You lied. While you may have not been able to understand the whole symbolism, there was one thing you knew for certain: you were the fox. 
The Professor nodded, even if he didn’t look convinced, and moved towards someone else’s table. You exhaled, only then realizing you’d been holding your breath. “He can be very intimidating, right?” Sybil asked you. 
You nodded “Definitely.” She looked like she wanted to tell you something else “What is it?” You asked her. 
“Just.. be careful, yeah? The moon, it– it looks a little mennacing on your cup. Like… like it could be dangerous.” 
You frowned “As in, maybe I shouldn’t go out tonight dangerous or…?” 
“No, no,” she shook her head “I don’t know how to explain it, just… keep that in mind, will ya?” 
You nodded, placing a hand on her arm to reassure her “And you’ll be a famous fortune teller soon,” you told her with a smile “How does that feel?” 
She shrugged “I always expected to end up as one, I guess it’s nice to get a prediction of what you’ll be, makes it a little more certain.” 
“And you trust my predictions?” You asked her with a shrug.
She nodded furiously “Of course I do! It’s not every day a fairy tells you your fortune.” 
“I’m sorry?!” You asked her, shocked. 
“I saw it in your cup,” she explained “I didn’t mean to pry, but it made sense… your divination affinity, your charm and magnetism, your talent while flying… You’re part fairy, aren’t you?”  
You looked at her mortified, your parents had done so many things to keep that hidden and now Sybil just guessed it, “You can’t tell anyone,” you told her in a very serious tone. 
She smiled at you “I wasn’t planning to, your secrets are safe with me.” You smiled at her after that, you trusted her. 
Once the class was over you stood up, but she stayed in her seat “You don’t have another class?” You asked her politely. 
She shook her head “I’ve got arithmancy next, I took it as an optative.” 
You hummed in response “Have fun then,” You told her with a smile “I’ve got Magical Theory.”
“Good luck, I heard Professor Pendragon, can be very strict.” 
“No worse than Spellman,” you whispered, so that the Professor in question, who was talking to some other students wouldn’t hear you. Sybil laughed and you finally pulled your backpack from your seat and started walking outside but you were stopped by Professor Spellman. 
“Miss (Y/LN),” he said, and you walked closer to him “Be very careful tonight,” he warned, “there was something odd on your cup, and as you may know, today is Full Moon.” 
You nodded “Thanks, Professor.” Clearly, he saw the same thing Sybil had seen, which was mildly disturbing, but alas, your day had to continue.
Once you were outside of the classroom you spotted the boys a few stairs down. Peter was walking with the girls, you assumed towards their Ancient Studies class, while James, Sirius and Remus walked together, they were walking towards the east wing, to Magical Theory, the class you shared. You had the intention to catch up with them, but they were looking as suspicious as they had looked earlier in the common room, talking in whispers to each other, heads so close they could easily bump together. You decided it was best to let them be, you’d been hanging out with them so much lately, they probably needed some space. So you slowed down your pace, just far enough so they could get their much-needed privacy. 
Eventually, you reached the Magical Theory classroom, and when you arrived you found James waiting at the door, he quickly pulled you towards him and said “She’s gonna be my team.”  
You looked at him with a shrug “Your team? for what?” 
Remus, who was close by responded “The teacher said we’ll be working on a team project, Sirius and I are working together, so James was waiting to claim you as his team.” 
“Besides, I really need your help,” James added. 
You frowned, and asked, a little confused “With the project?” 
“No, with Evans!” He whispered.
Realization down on you and you looked at Remus “He didn’t even ask you to be on his team, did he?” 
He shook his head in response, mouthing a “nope.” 
You laughed, “All right then, we’re a team,” you told James “You can ask me all you need when we–“ You cut yourself off “Wait, Remus! I’ve got to tell you something…” 
“All right, if you gave your teams, please take a seat, class will start.” You heard the teacher say. 
“Nevermind,” you  told him as you turned back since James was pulling you into a table near the back “You’re not planning to pay much attention then?” 
“Don’t scorn me like that,” he complained “We’ll pay attention, I just– really need your advice.” 
"In this project, you will embark on a captivating journey to craft your very own magical artifact. Channel your imagination, drawing inspiration from the likes of invisibility cloaks and rememberalls, as you fashion an extraordinary creation of your own making," the teacher commenced, igniting a spark of curiosity among the class, even James, who had been mortified about Lily just minutes earlier was paying attention.
"Each artifact should possess a distinct purpose, serving its intended function with finesse. You will delve into the depths of your creativity, meticulously designing a blueprint that brings your vision to life. Fear not, for guidance shall be provided, I will walk with you every step of the way“ the teacher reassured, yet a chorus of playful groans filled the air in response to the mention of project design papers.
"Ah, I understand your sentiment," the teacher chuckled, acknowledging the students' apprehension. "But worry not! The journey shall be as enchanting as the destination itself. These project design papers will serve as a canvas to weave together the threads of your imagination, showcasing the brilliance of your creation. Embrace the opportunity to bring your ideas to fruition, weaving magic into the tangible realm. Who knows, you may be the next creators to hold the rights to an incredibly useful device that will sell millions.“ With these words, a wave of anticipation and excitement rippled through the classroom, as students began envisioning the magical artifacts they would soon breathe life into.
“Well, that’s an interesting project,” you said as you started writing down some ideas in your notebook. 
“It’s brilliant, we could ask him to help us with the map!” 
“What map?” You asked while raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh… sorry,” he said “I thought for a minute that you– nevermind. You need to help me with Lily.” James had gotten so used to hanging around you and the boys at the same time for a moment he thought you already knew about the Marauders Map. 
You sighed “Of course James. Tell me what happened,” you said, turning to him “but please write some ideas down as you do.” 
He nodded, and started scribbling on his piece of paper “You see, since we kissed back at Marlene’s party–“
“–James that was a game, you can’t be hung up on that.” You interrupted. 
“No, you don’t understand, there was a connection.” 
You rolled your eyes, while you did think Lily maybe had a little bit of a crush on James, you also knew she wasn’t anywhere ready to admit it. Especially with James’ incessant flirting since like 4th year. Marlene had told you about it. “James, it sounds ridiculous. I kissed Remus then too, and I’m not hung up on it.” 
He narrowed his eyes at that “but you seemed to enjoy it.” 
You shrugged “Can’t say he’s a bad kisser.” And Remus is handsome, you thought “But that’s not the point anyway. What happened?” 
“Lily seems more willing to talk to me lately,” he explained.
“Well, that’s lovely, just give her enough space so you don’t make her feel pressured. Be kind and nice… and stuff.” 
“I was thinking of making this very grand gesture on the quidditch–“ 
You shook your head “James Potter,” you warned “If you so much as try something like that you will scare her away. She’s barely realizing she might like you, don’t do THAT!” 
“What did you just say?” 
“Don’t do it!” You insisted.
“No,” he shook his head, “before that.” 
“I said that she’s barely realizing she might have a c… fuck.” 
“You think… You think she likes me?” He asked, in a very small high pitched tone.
“I– wouldn’t go as far as to say that…” he looked so sad, “…yet.” 
“Yet?” He asked, perking up as a surge of excitement ran through his body.
You nodded “I… think she’s warming up to you,” you told him sincerely “Just don’t do anything that could scare her away, please.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like a scary grand gesture for example.” 
The professor walked toward you “Any ideas so far?” He said looking at James’ messy writing. 
James nodded “A confetti cannon that, after using it, leaves confetti wherever you go,” he said, and read another idea “a pair of shoes that make the wearer constantly trip, a teapot that won’t stop whistling, even without any tea on it, and a buble liquid that makes ticklish bubbles.” He said proudly. 
You stared dagger at him and covered his notes with your some parchment “It’s still a work in progress,” you told the teacher with the most charming smile you could muster, “James and I are still looking for better ideas.” 
The professor nodded and kept walking around the classroom. 
“Tripping shoes?” You asked in desbeilif “an ever whistling teapot? Are you for real–“
“–In my defence, I’m not great at multitasking.”
“No shiit Sherlock,” you told him.
“The tripping shoes could be funny tho.”
“Yeah, and the tickling bubbles are useful, for pranks, but Professor Pendragon wants us to invent the next invisibility cloak, I don’t think he’d be too satisfied with any of those options.” 
“What about a ring that’s also an invisibility cloak?” 
You rose your eyebrow at him “You mean like in the Lord of the Rings?” 
“What’s the Lord of the Rings?” 
You gasped, offended, you too had grown on a pure-blood wizard family but at least you knew the Lord of the Rings, “The hobbit?! Does not ring any bells?” He shook his head “It’s a very popular muggle book, you should really brush up on your muggle literature. Perhaps you should have taken muggle studies instead.”
“Hey!” He complained, “Don’t bash me for not being a literature genius like you and Remus.”
“I bet even Sirius would know about The Lord of the Rings.” 
“How much?” 
“10 sickles?” You asked. 
“Oh, I’m really, really sure Sirius won’t know either,” James said “Make it 20.” 
You rose your eyebrow at his challenge and nodded “Deal,” you said raising your hand to shake his, successfully closing the deal. 
“So… the magical ring’s off the table?” 
“No, I… I don’t think it’s a bad idea, maybe we can make a magical ring, just, with different powers instead.” 
You shrugged in response “We could make two rings that always find each other.” 
“Ohhh, and I could give one to Lily!” James said excitedly, you threw him a look “Like… not now... When we start dating… obviously.” 
“Love the confidence of that statement,” you said with a smile, thinking of how James had used when instead of if. 
He winked “What about a bracelet that lets you communicate with someone else, like a… muggle telephone.” 
“Or a walkie talkie…” you agreed.
“A what?” He asked. 
“You’re joking, right?” 
“I- uh… yeah,” he replied, not confidently at all. 
“Damn it, James, you urgently need some muggle classes.” You said and started drawing a pair of walkie-talkies on the notebook, trying to explain their use, and how they worked, even if you weren’t entirely certain of how they did. “Can’t believe none of you thought it’d be useful to have some of them around. Especially for your pranks.” 
“Yeah, me neither,” he agreed “You know smoke signals aren’t really the most effective.” 
“Surely you didn’t try that,” You said confidently, his expression gave him away “You did?!?” 
He shook his head, letting out a long sigh “We were in detention for days.” 
You chuckled  at that “At least you have the little paper planes now,” you said, remembering the day Remus had sent one to the boys, same day he took you to the lake because you were feeling upset. 
“They’re useful, but they can be intercepted.” He explained, “Not very good for top secret plans.” 
You laughed, of course, James would consider his prank plans worthy of the Top Secret title. “What about a bracelet?” You asked then.
“A magical bracelet? Sounds good, also with walkie-talkie abilities?” 
“Could be more convenient than a ring…” you responded, “Not really sure about it tho."
“What about a pair of glasses that can help you see better in the dark?” He asked, “For those times where you can’t use lumos, maybe you lost your wand, or you wanna be inconspicuous.” 
“Night vision googles, I dig it.” 
“Exactly, but smaller, more practical to carry around.” 
“Well, I guess we’ve got a few solid ideas then,” you said as you started picking up your things, you and James had stayed brainstorming together for a little longer than you realized “Class is over?”
James nodded “Moony and Pads left already,” he said as he looked towards the table your friends had been sitting on, “probably to the great hall, we said we’d eat together.” 
“Peter too?” You asked him, he nodded.
“Wanna join us?” 
You shrugged in response, “though you were planning a prank or something,” you said as you walked towards the door with him by your side. 
He frowned “Why?” 
“All the secretive talks? You’ve been awfully suspicious today.” 
“What? No- that’s… it’s not. We’re not suspicious.” 
You gave him an incredulous look but nodded “No, not at all,” you added sarcastically. 
Once you were in the hall you spotted Remus and Sirius walking ahead of you and remembered you had to tell him about your fireworms so you picked up the pace. You walked behind him, for a minute, but he was so entertained in his conversation with Sirius you decided it’d be funny to tease him, so you extended your arms, and standing in your toes –because Remus was actually pretty tall– you decided to cover his eyes with your palms “Guess who–“ you started, but didn’t even get enough time to finish since Remus practically jumped out of your grasp in seconds, hissing as the silver of your new ring came into contact with his skin. It didn’t leave a mark but it did hurt him like hell. 
Sirius, being quick to figure the new ring you wore had silver on it, looked at you with panic, but you didn’t notice, you were too concerned over Remus’ reaction. “I– I’m sorry Rem, didn’t mean to scare you…” you stammered “I… I was just trying to tease.” James and Sirius finally relaxed when they noticed you’d thought Remus was just scared. 
“It’s ok…” he said with a forced smile as he extended his hand, a safe distance between your ring and himself “I wasn’t expecting you to come up from behind like that.” 
You didn’t seem convinced but nodded, concern still evident on your face. “I uhh… I was trying to catch up to actually,” You finally changed the subject. James had gotten in between you and Remus as you walked, so you leaned a little towards the front to see your friend better “It’s about our fireworms, they’re already breathing fire.” 
“What? I thought they wouldn’t do it until they were like a month old,” said Sirius. 
“Exactly!” You nodded excitedly “They weren’t, our caring must have been phenomenal. Our babies are overachievers.” 
“You’re keeping them together?” James asked. 
You nodded “Co-parenting,” you paused “We split tasks and that way we make sure we don’t burn down the school by accident.” 
Remus nodded in agreement “It’s easy to remember to feed them when it’s only a couple times a week instead of every single day.” 
“And we found an excellent spot to keep them too, away from stress and anything that could make them nervous.” 
“Well, the overachievers are not the worms,” Sirius said giving you and Remus a look. 
James agreed “We just gave ours to Peter, in exchange for some other homework.” 
“By the way (Y/N), mind taking care of them tomorrow too?” Remus asked politely.
“Sure thing,” you said, not thinking much of it. 
You had your lunch with the boys, the girls and Peter joined you a bit later and you all walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts together. Professor Nightshade was elegantly leaning on her desk when you arrived at her classroom. She looked a little tense. Like she wasn’t too excited about the class to come. 
Once most students were inside she shut the door with a wave of her wand “Today we will be going through the unforgivable curses.” She said, looking rather dejected “and while is not of my favourite classes to teach, we must delve into the subject, especially in dark times like these in which you might need to defend yourselves from one of them.” 
The entire class was silent, everyone was paying attention to every single one of her words. It wasn’t uncommon to hear about the war, it was on the paper every single day, but most students chose to avoid and ignore the subject, so even if the war was going on, it was outside, Hogwarts was safe. But being confronted with it, so upfront, felt, well, it felt eerie and scary. 
“Can someone name the unforgivable curses?” She asked. 
Lily raised her hand “The кilling course, Imperius curse and…” 
“The cruciatus curse,” Finished Sirius with a heavy breath. 
“Correct!” Seraphina said, “10 points for Gryffindor… Indeed those are the three unforgivable curses, and they are unforgivable because…”
“Because they violate the rights of whoever is being cursed by them,” you responded. 
“Can any of them be avoided?” 
You shook your head “Only very experienced wizards can resist Imperio.” 
“And countered?” 
“Physical barriers might block some of the curses, but there is no known spell that can do such a thing.” Said Remus. 
“No one has ever survived a кilling course either,” Imogen Potts added.  
“Seems like you’ve been doing all the readings accordingly,” the teacher said satisfied “Now, you know the theory, but today we will have a small demonstration.” The students gasped, but Seraphina nodded heavily “You must know what you’re up against,” she pulled out a box and opened it, a butterfly flew out of it, about the size of your palm. Seraphina let the small insect fly freely for a minute before pointing her wand straight at her and whispering “Imperio.”  
The butterfly started flying around, making circles around the class before landing on Marlene’s nose. She was sitting beside you, so you looked at her in awe as the butterfly batted its wings softly near her face. But then Seraphina changed the course, whispering “Cruicio.” The butterfly fell from Marlene’s nose and onto your table, right next to your book as it batted its wings helplessly. You looked at it with concern, Seraphina herself looked mortified as she inflicted pain on the small creature.
You gave her an imploring look, and that was all it took for her to stop. The small butterfly was released from the pain and started flying all around the classroom, desperately looking to get away from the place. Once the butterfly was close enough to her, she whispered the last curse and after a green flash came from her wand, the butterfly stopped flying, slowly falling to the ground, like a leaf from a tree. 
The whole classroom was quiet. You stood up and carefully picked up the small butterfly from the floor. Looking at it pitifully as you handed it over to Seraphina, who held the box out for you to place it inside. “As you’ve seen, these curses are not only lethal but terrifying as well. There is a reason why, whoever dares to infringe them, will never be forgiven.” 
“They will go to Azkaban,” whispered Peter. 
“What a pitiful destiny,” agreed Sirius. 
Professor Nightshade sighed heavily “I think this is enough for today, you may go.”
Students nodded and started placing their things into their backpacks. When you stood up, you walked towards her “I want to be in the duelling club.” You told her “I… I don’t want to end up like the butterfly.” 
Seraphina looked at you, a sorrowful look in her eyes, she understood the implications of what you’d said. She knew how heavy your statement was. And she nodded “Of course darling, you’ll be a brilliant addition to the club.” 
You nodded, satisfied and finally caught up with your friends. You went straight to Lily “At what time must we go get the fluxweed?” You asked. 
“It’s supposed to be when the moon it’s at its highest point,” she told you “I checked the astronomy section of the paper in the morning, apparently at around 11:30 pm.” 
“All right, we can totally hang out together till then, right? Do you have any plans?” 
She shook her head “We had study club, but we cancelled it today, I was thinking of maybe going to the library to get some stuff and then studying or just chilling back at the common room.” 
“It’s settled then,” you told her with a smile, walking alongside her towards the library. Since you had already finished most of your assignments you decided to walk through the long bookshelf to see if you found anything that caught your eye, while Lily looked for some more specific books. And as you walked over the edge of one of the bookshelves you bumped into Nina, the small Ravenclaw girl from the study grup that had a crush on Remus. “Hey love,” you said politely. 
“Hi,” she replied quietly. To be fair, Nina really wanted to dislike you when she first encountered you. She was jealous of how close you and Remus had gotten in such a short period of time, but you had always treated her with kindness, genuinely willing to help her, if she had any questions, or needed help with a particular spell; that, in the end, she couldn’t help but like you instead. In fact, she’d go as far as to say she admired you. She’d seen you practicing spells and she even went to one of the quidditch trainings, with the intention to ogle at Remus who had gone too, but she was far too entranced by you when you were flying that she almost completely forgot about her original reason for going. 
“You looking for Rem?” You asked her politely. 
She shook her head “He cancels study sessions at least once every couple of weeks,” she told you “Originally, only Lily held the sessions by herself but she got very stressed without him to help her with the younger students, so they decided it was best to cancel them altogether.” Remus cancelled them? You thought, that’s odd. “What about you? Are you looking for a book in particular?” 
You shook your head “Just something to entertain me while I hang out with Lily.” 
“Oh, I think I can help you with that,” she said with a smile, bringing her backpack in front of her and opening the zipper “I actually got my hands on this book out last week, I read it in days, it’s about a werewolf who falls in love with a wizard.” she explained “It’s not very accurate with the actual nature of werewolves, but the key points are there. It’s a very fun romantic novel If you’re into that kind of stuff.” She said taking a book out of her bag and placing it on the table. “Oh and this one,” she grabbed a smaller book “It’s filled with simple yet practical spells that we don’t have in the curriculum, such as ways to fix glasses and open locks. It’s fantastic if you want something a bit more educational.” 
You looked at her with a smile “These are fantastic Nina, thank you!” You said with genuine excitement.
She smiled at you, blushing just a little at your reaction “It’s nothing. I’m– I really like books,” she told you with a smile “If you ever need new recommendations, I’m down.” 
You smiled at her “You’re the best!” You told her picking the books up from where she left them “It was lovely seeing you.” 
She nodded, and was about to say something when Lily showed up, looking for you “I’ve got the books, ready to go?” She asked, and then noticed you weren’t alone “Oh, hey Nina! What’s up?” 
“She lent me a couple of books,” you said, raising the books you held in between your arms so Lily would notice.
Lily nodded “Oh, Nina is really good at picking out books, trust me.” Lily said, “Mind if I take (Y/N) with me now?” 
Nina shook her head “We were just doing some small talk.” She said, with a bit of a blush as both you and Lily waved your goodbyes. 
As you walked outside the library Lily gave you a look “So… you’re friends with Nina now?” 
You shrugged “She’s pretty nice actually. I don’t know when it happened, but she stopped hating me over Remus, and now she’s really kind, she even recommended books!” 
“You probably just charmed her with your personality and looks, like you did with pretty much everyone,” Lily teased with a smile. 
“Oi, shut up Evans, you’re probably more charming than I am,” you said nudging her in a friendly manner. She nudged you back and the two of you walked together towards the common room, chatting about your due assignments, and your favourite books. Since Lily was a muggle-born, she knew even more about muggle books than you, and it was fun hearing about all of them, from her favourites to those she didn’t like all that much.
Once you arrived at the common room you both found a comfortable place, she sat on the small round table by the stairs and you went straight for one of the couches, letting yourself comfortably lay on it while opening your backpack to pick one of the books Nina had recommended, you grabbed each on one hand, staring at the covers, trying to decide which one to go for first. After weighing both of them in your head, you decided to read the spell book and leave the romance novel on the side table. 
Nina hadn’t been lying, the book was indeed practical, and you tried casting some of the most complicated or useful spells as you read, practicing the wand movements and incantations as Lily focused on her homework.
At some point Mary and Marlene went in, they were giggling about something that happened so you decided to leave your book next to the others and join their conversation. 
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! You won’t believe what happened.” Mary said. 
You smiled “Oh, do tell” 
“We were talking to Moaning Myrtle, she said she overheard Holden talk about Marlene with some other boys, that she was an incredible beater and stuff.” 
“Really?” You said smiling wider “I mean, no doubt, she’s amazing!  But he said that?”
Mary nodded “According to Myrtle, that is… She also said some boys have been saying you’re part Veela because of your charm, be careful they may try and throw you into the water to see if you’re a good swimmer.” 
You laughed at that, you were a good swimmer, but they couldn’t have been more off with their guesses. “So… what are you waiting for Mars? You have to make your move!” 
“Make my move?” She gasped. 
You nodded “Well, at the party you seemed pretty close, admit you like him or–”
“–Kiss him unexpectedly,” completed Mary. 
“Yeah, that too.” You nodded.
“Well…” Marlene said taking a deep breath “I’m thinking I could– I wanted to invite him to Hogsmeade over the weekend, actually.” 
“That’s brilliant!” You told her “Isn’t that tomorrow?”
She nodded in response “You coming too? I heard Sirius and James mention they wanted to show you around.” 
“They haven’t told me anything about it, but I guess I’ll tag along with ya’ll anyway.”
At that point Lily stood up from her place and stretched, yawning softly “What time is it?”  
“10:30,” answered Marlene after looking at her wrist watch “You done?”
She nodded “But we have to stay up for at least an hour,” Lily complained.
“Why?” Mary asked. 
“We’re going to harvest some fluxweed,” you responded instead. 
“Oh… because it’s full moon,” Marlene acknowledged. 
You nodded “When are you getting yours?” 
“Marlene ordered them from a fancy potion supply store.” 
“That was allowed?” you asked, surprised.
Marlene shrugged “Not sure, but I highly doubt Slughorn will find out, if anything, we can say we picked them out with you.”
“Sure,” Lily said, sitting down on the sofa next to you, placing your feet on top offer lap to make some space. You made a move to bring your feet down but she shook her head “It’s alright, rest up, you’ve been awake since like 5 am, haven’t you?” You nodded, letting your feet on to lay over her lap “You should just tell James to screw off and sleep in, I can tell you’re not a morning person.” 
You laughed “I wish, but I want to be in top shape for the game and… to be honest, I’m still getting used to my new broom, that’s why I’ve been flying every morning.” Out of nowhere, a pillow was thrown towards your face “Oi, what was that for?” You asked looking at Marlene, who’d been responsible for it. 
“Show off,” she said “I need time to practice with my new broom,” she teased “and then she goes and flies like a professional every single damn time.” You opened your mouth to try to speak but closed it soon after, Marlene continued talking “James has been making the training even tougher so we keep up with her.” 
“Sorry,” you said then “I guess I just really like flying.” After all, it’s in my blood, you thought. You wondered if you’d ever trust them enough to tell them about it, the answer was pretty simple, you already did, and you wanted to, but you knew how dangerous it was.
You stayed talking with the girls for a while, Marlene told you about the time she got on the quidditch team, Lily talked about being exceptionally good at potions and being invited to an exclusive party with Slughorn and Mary told you about the private classes she had been taking with Madam Pomfrey, about all the new potions and spells she had learned. 
“It’s finally 11,” said Lily when Mars finished the story about the worst date she had gone on, she’d been invited to a magical restaurant, that had been jinxed by an angry customer the previous day, it had been absolute mayhem. 
You stood up, stretching yourself “We should probably get going,” you said with a smile. She nodded and picked her backpack up, taking out a piece of paper and handing it over. You looked at her puzzled.
“It’s a nigh pass, I asked McGonagall for it,” she told you “We can go out and Filnch won’t say a thing.” 
“Oh nice,” you said looking at the paper, boy, how easy would it be to make duplicates of it, with different dates. “Shall we?” You asked tilting your head towards the door. She nodded and the two of you walked towards the portrait of the fat lady. 
“Good luck girls!” You heard Marlene shout from behind.
“Yeah, we’ll be back in the bedroom.”
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cherr-22 · 1 year ago
Plop. My body fell and rolled over the thick pile of sawdust. I sprawled out on the floor and sighed.
‘Thank god for the Summon.’
If it weren’t for this, I would’ve died. One unfortunate death was enough for an experience. Especially one where you’d fall and won’t be able to find the body.
―Squeak. (Sigh.)
More importantly, I was worried about Kyle.
He had a strong, yet affectionate personality, so he must’ve been quite heartbroken to lose a person he promised to protect right in front of his eyes. I did say I was going to come back, but it would’ve been difficult to believe in even it were myself.
That doesn’t mean I could open up the Nut Store and fall together. It was already too late to open the store and I didn’t wish for him to fall too.
It’s not just you who are protecting me, I’m also protecting you.
It couldn’t be helped.
Like that, the complicated feelings and inner turmoil never went away. I kept turning back and forth and scratched my sides.
But now that I was in a familiar place, I eventually dozed off to sleep. With so much that had happened in one day, my stamina must’ve ran low.
In the end, I couldn’t overcome the my tiredness and closed my eyes.
‘The first thing I’ll do when he comes back is apologize.’
To apologize for disappearing like that.
The door opened more roughly than usual.
I jumped up in surprise, waking from my sleep. Be quiet will you! Don’t you know how small and fragile a hamster’s liver is!
“Your Highness.”
The people who entered the study were Kyle and his knights.
Kyle’s arm still looked uncomfortable, as if he hadn’t taken care of his injury yet. His clothes were stained with a mixture of dirt and blood, and his overall appearance was so messy that he looked a little terrifying.
Kyle strode in and slammed on the desk. Leaning forward on the table, he took a deep breath. A few knights stiffened upon seeing him fiercer than usual.
It certainly felt as if the temperature of the room fell by about 1 degree. I covered myself in the sawdust and watched Kyle.
“Your Highness. You haven’t rested for two days already. You should rest first and…….”
The knight at the door spoke cautiously. Kyle muttered lowly without even looking at him.
“Go back.”
The knights glanced at each other, bowed their heads, and left the study.
When the heavy door closed, silence filled the room. In the middle was Kyle, who spoke quietly.
“……It shouldn’t have been you.”
My heart hurt upon hearing that.
It was obvious, yet also surprising. He must’ve already suffered from the deaths of countless other people as he fought against the beasts just to survive in the harsh North. It was something I could not imagine myself, nor have I read about it in books.
The Serena’s first impression of Kyle in <Winter’s Heart> was like this: a poor man who carried countless deaths on his shoulders.
To be honest, I wasn’t aware of it because he was always fawning over and kissing me uncontrollably.
Why aren’t there many people around him who offers help and accepts help? How many people have he lost this way?
Wait a little more, Kyle.
Just a little more.
I will come for you soon.
In the meantime, I did everything I could as Cashew.
I gazed at him with both my paws up, gently rubbed my body against him, and even kissed him for the first time in my life.
Seeing him still look gloomy, I even brought out the macadamia nuts and nibbled on them in front of him. I wanted to throw them out and ask for meat, but I held back and ate five pieces.
Hey. If your hamster became a food fighter, at least pretend to look at it. See, I’m eating well.
When I sprawled out on his palm after eating to my fullest, Kyle finally showed a meaningful response. He stroked my head exactly twice with his fingers before putting me back into my hut.
Meaning, everything I did was useless. As Kyle turned off the lights and left the room, I pressed myself against the transparent wall.
―Squeak! (Hey!)
―Squeak squeak! (I acted cutely for you!)
But Kyle, as if he were dazed, didn’t hear my cries and just closed the door.
This was roughly an hour ago.
I contemplated before using  ‘Summon’. I dressed up and headed for Kyle’s room.
Originally, I was going to show up tomorrow morning, the day after Kyle returned to the castle. If a person who fell off the cliff returned to the territory first, it would’ve been suspicious. They would be questioned on how they survived and was able to come back so quickly.
So, I wanted to lighten the mood a bit in the form of Cashew.
I let out a deep breath in front of his room. It was still too early for him to have fallen asleep so we should be able to meet up.
To be at another’s bedroom at this time of the night. I’d be labeled as a pervert, but then again I was already known as a pet pervert.
Knock knock.
I knocked out of respect and grabbed the doorknob when there was no response. The lights inside the room was already out and the inside was dark.
I cautiously entered. Fortunately, faint moonlight seeped in through the drawn curtains.
You’re already sleeping.
As expected I should’ve visited tomorrow, but then…
Kyle appeared from the darkness and grabbed my wrist.
Surprised, I jolted and turned my head around. As if he had just came out from washing himself, he was wrapped in a bathrobe and water dripped down from his hair.
Hey, man. Make some sounds when you walk around. You scared me.
“Just how exactly…….”
His face was quite shocked, as if he had seen a ghost. He examined me to see if I was real.
Just when I thought when he would release my wrist―.
“You, what are you.”
Suddenly, I was grabbed by the collar.
‘Why is he being like this?’
With no other choice, I went along with him. I lifted both my hands up and made a gesture that said, ‘I am harmless’.
“Do you not recognize your pet anymore?”
I spoke as calmly and jokingly as possible. But Kyle’s face still did not relax.
“Are you a magician? How did you return?”
“……What are you trying to say?”
“You disappeared when you fell from the stairs before. Just what kind of magic did you use to be able to disappear without a trace like that.”
I gaped for a moment. Then, the system window suddenly appeared before my eyes.
[A strange turn of events have been observed in the ‘Magic Tower of Frost’. Kyle has thought about striking negotiation with his long time nemesis, the Northwest Magicians.]
‘Northwest Magicians?’
Is Kyle suspecting me as a magician?
Well, to survive such a fall would’ve been either a miracle or due to magic. And to have no wounds whatsoever after returning. I should’ve asked the system to make some fake wounds for me…….
“Please calm down. First, let go of me.”
I lightly patted the hand holding onto my collar.
His pupils shook. Even though the whole situation was suspicious, he also seemed to look a little happy.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×10]
……To be able to be happy even while holding onto my collar. Are you that happy that I came back alive?
“I know you have a lot of questions, but I will only answer three. I will answer them all. Oh, and to answer your question regarding if I am a magician or not, I am not a magician.”
He glared at me with sharp eyes for a moment. How pressuring.
“How did you survive and come back? The fall should’ve been so deep that you couldn’t even see the bottom. I searched for you after your fall, but I couldn’t find even a single trace of you. And then you return back without even a single scratch on you?”
I lifted my right hand. The bracelet with a bright blue gem dangling from it sparkled in a soft color.
“It must truly be a lucky bracelet. Mid-fall, I got caught on a branch and landed on a bush. That was how I survived.”
Of course, it was a lie.
However, there was nothing else I could say or do. I couldn’t say that I was once a human who turned into a hamster and could change back and forth using a system item.
Kyle still looked at me with suspicious eyes. Still, he seemed to have been trying to convince himself.
“There is no reason for you to believe me, but I hope you do. After all, I am on Your Highness’s side.”
“Anyone can say whatever they want to say. That goes the same for beliefs.”
“Then would you believe me if I even put my life on the line?”
“What do you mean?”
Only then did his grip loosen. I gently took his hand off and opened my mouth.
“I put my life on the line for you. I am saying that your future is also my future.”
He gawked at me like I was some strange person.
I knew. I sounded like a fraud. I wanted to say it in a different way but couldn’t think of other word choices I could use. Besides, what I said was true.
“Is the last question still available?”
“Yes. Go ahead.”
Kyle was unusually hesitant. I waited patiently in his silence and it wasn’t long before I heard a softer voice coming from him.
“……Are you hurt anywhere?”
I became speechless for a moment. It was such a strange question to ask to a person he doubted until now.
I cleared my throat and answered while rubbing the back of my neck.
“……Ahem. I’m not hurt anywhere. Just a few scratches. You know how fast I recover, right?”
So please stop searching all over my body, Your Highness.
I tried to ignore his gaze and looked at the system window.
After eating several Long-Lasting Acorn Cookies and the Panting Almond Financier, my Miracle Value hit an all time low. It decreased by 10%, so my Summon duration also decreased by an hour.
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 15 minutes.]
“It’s quite late and you need to rest, so I will be going now. It’s my mistake for visiting you at this late time.”
I said while smiling and began to take a few steps back. I cleared up the misunderstandings and said everything I needed to say. The hour was spent well.
However, my retreat couldn’t reach the door. That was because Kyle kept holding onto my wrist tightly.
“……Should I just trap you in.”
Hmm, I don’t think that’s possible.
I pulled back my wrist and smiled.
“Unfortunately, I have a curfew.”
A one hour curfew.
“If you feel lonely, how about doing that?”
I gestured with my chin to the knitting set next to the bed. Kyle followed my movements with his eyes and pulled me into his arms.
……Hey, hey. What are you doing.
“You have no need to go all the way back to your room.”
My body tilted to the side and felt the soft bed supporting my shoulders.
15 minutes left!
[(/へ\*) ]
Don’t act shy.
‘How do I get out of this situation…’
I struggled and pushed him away by the shoulders. Then I paused.
He was already asleep.
It hasn’t even been a minute and yet he already fell asleep. He breathed in and exhaled softly and evenly with his eyes shut.
It must’ve been exhausting. To be concerned about me the whole day after an unexpected incident without taking care of his own injuries……
Even so, don’t you think it’s against the rules to fall asleep so suddenly with such a relaxed expression?
I gazed at his face quietly.
[‘Summon’ will be canceled in 10 seconds.]
“Sleep well, Kyle.”
I’m glad I returned back to your side.
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anystalker707 · 2 years ago
Forgotten screens and messy covers
Pairing: Gerard x [gender neutral, afab] Reader Word count: ~ 2 200 Genre: Smut / Comfort Summary: A boring movie leads to interesting actions. Kind of content: Pegging / Dirty talk / Praising / Humiliation
Requested by anon "can you do a fic where reader and basement gee are watching a movie and then one thing leads to another and they fuck?? i want reader to (...)"
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          Gerard came over to your place easily after an offer of a horror movie with candies and leftover pizza. It really didn’t take a lot to please any of you, really—you would’ve accepted the offer too if he were the one making it—because the most important thing was each other’s presence, after all. Some weekends were about asking the other over so you could continue to do nothing for the rest of the day, but with the other.
Jaws had been playing on the TV for quite a while now. You’d watched it so many times that the movie would already glitch; the DVD already showing its signs of age and the player wasn’t the best thing already by itself. Your eyes squinted at the TV on a scene of Martin fussing around—the screen was still frozen on the sea while his voice kept playing in the background, the faint blue light of the TV being the only thing illuminating your room at the moment. Boredom quickly started to take over; eyes darting away from the screen and heavy sighs cutting through the silence as you both sat under the covers.
You looked over at Gerard, seeing they were pouting a little while still looking at the screen with a little of hope, and your mind started to wander easily enough because... Why not? It was a matter of seconds before your lips met Gerard’s. It wasn’t the first time you’d done that—you and Gerard were more than friends, but still a little far from having anything established. It was enough to play around, though.
Gerard gasped softly, but did kiss back, finally finding something more entertaining than the glitching TV screen. He placed a hand on the back of your head to pull you closer, and you allowed them to, deepening the kiss as they wished.
Maybe, the kisses were never innocent. Maybe, they had a goal behind them the whole moment, but it still wasn’t something to be discussed. Gerard only kept kissing you back until the light kisses gained a new urgency that magnified their intensity and it was a matter of time before you were throwing the blankets out of the way and climbing between Gerard’s legs while you kept kissing them. The kisses would remain on that level if you didn’t feel something poking your lower stomach at the same time a soft sound escaped Gerard’s lips when you pushed your hips against his; the way they tugged on you with their arms around your back didn’t seem like he wanted you to stop either.
A moan escaped Gerard’s throat when your teeth ran against his bottom lip and, soon, he grasped on the hair on the back of your head to guide you down to their neck, leaving them squirming and moaning more under your lips. You knew the right spots, the right thing you had to do, so it wasn’t much of a hard task.
“Please,” Gerard said with a groan, voice tight in their chest.
Who were you to deny it to them? But it also didn’t mean you wouldn’t tease.
“Please what?” You grinned, nuzzling a spot under his jaw and mumbling against the skin. Gerard only pushed his hips up in response; you clicked your tongue. “Use your words or else I won’t know.”
Gerard’s throat moved under your touch with a harsh swallow, then vibrated with his curses. “Touch me. Anything. Anything works.” Something about how he was always so shy about it made a feeling stir inside your lower stomach; he would never meet your eyes, mostly keeping their eyes closed and would have their face hidden if you allowed.
A pleased smile stretched across your face at the same moment the proud feeling swelled inside your chest and you pulled to sit back on your legs, letting Gerard’s bottom over your lap. They already had his hair all messy, or messier than usual, better saying. Hazel eyes observed you past greasy dark strands of hair and his face was red, almost as brightly as his swollen lips. Heavy breaths escaped Gerard’s lips as his chest heaved up and down, coming to a halt when your hand landed right on the bulge between his legs.
“(Y/n),” he said breathly as his hands balled into fists around the blankets.
Fingers hooked around the waistband of their pants, you slowly pulled them down along with his underwear and smiled at the sight. His cock arched back against his lower stomach heavily, bright pink and with precum oozing from the tip already, and you wondered how sensitive he felt that day.
Your hands wrapped around his cock, feeling its warmth and weight in your hand for a moment before you started pumping it up and down—you leaned forward to spit down on the tip and let it trail down as a makeshift lube, which seemed to work quite well given how Gerard’s back arched.
“Goddamnit, Gerard...” You clicked your tongue in a not-so-genuine annoyance. “Look at you. So needy already and all I did was to barely touch you.” In response, they tried to stutter out a few curses, failing miserably, only working to make you chuckle. “Sensitive today, are we?” You sank your finger in their tip in a search for a response by yourself, and it was easy to find out given out he moaned loudly and arched their back, all a little more than the normal. “All pretty and just for me!”
The words had each touch intensified for Gerard, only making his want grow as you kept working your hand and spat down on your fingers once again, moving faster. You mumbled absentmindedly about how pretty he looked while you let your finger brush against that spot they liked under the tip of their cock. His face was mostly hidden by the messy hair, but there was just enough to know how much they enjoyed all of it. Gerard’s needy nature was something that you relished on.
A few gasps and the right twists of your wrist later, he was already cumming and the drops that escaped your fingers fell over his black shirt and stained yet another one of those.
Gerard still throbbed in your hand and his breaths were still ragged, but your hand continued there, using his own cum as lube so you could continue your motions, barely leaving time for his cock to soften before it was hard in your hand again and Gerard squirmed under you.
“W—Wait—” Gerard said almost incoherently, swallowing his words. The absence of the safeword and the way their hips pushed against your hand only encouraged you to keep going, your sloppy movements making their thighs tremble and threaten to close around you. Something that sounded like your name escaped his lips whiningly, and you finally stopped, watching Gerard arch their back and pant heavily whilst trying to grasp reality once again.
Just watching Gerard was enough to build something in you. You bit your lip, observing them with wide eyes and processing his little mannerisms before you climbed to the edge of the bed and reached for something under it.
“What you doing...” Gerard’s voice was almost nothing beyond a lousy whisper.
You glanced back at him, also moving to reach for something from the bedside table after you retrieved a box from under the bed. A smirk crossed your face and you almost chuckled from the excitement. “Pants and underwear off, hm?”
Just a few words without much context were enough for Gerard to know what was going on. Their eyes widened a little, but there was excitement behind his dark gaze when he quickly moved to do as said. They had the same rush you had while you got rid of your own clothes, messing a little with the strap-on due to the anticipation, but you already had it in by the time Gerard’s boxers were meeting the ground.
“All fours.” You had the lube in hand already when you were climbing back on the bed and kneeling your way over to between Gerard’s legs once he’d done what you asked for. He glanced back at you, seeming like they were about to say something, but their breath was wasted in a soft gasp when your hand met the back of his head to shove it against the pillow. “Being a good boy for me today, aren’t you? ‘Bet you were already anxious for a fuck once you left your house to come here,” you couldn’t help the words as you held onto his hips, not even bothering to know what his groans were about while you opened the lube.
The cold liquid met Gerard’s entrance and had him fluttering more than before, clenching around nothing in a silent request for something that you’d not give him yet, but it was enough to have them gasping against the pillow while the liquid trailed down to his balls and his cock. You observed him carefully, coating your fingers with the lube as well before you could dip two of them past the muscles of rings around their entrance.
Little resistance met you along with Gerard’s moans, your fingers welcomed by warm and wet walls that relaxed according to how you pushed in slowly until the last knuckle then clenched once you started to make the way back. Since Gerard was already sensitive, you didn’t use a lot of time in it, only making sure he was lubed properly before you coated the strap-on’s dildo with the lube as well.
“Ready?” One of your hands grasped onto Gerard’s hip and the other onto the base of the dildo while you looked over at them. The anticipation burned in your lower stomach, hopefully mirroring what they felt.
Only a groan came in response at first, followed by a muffled ‘yes’, then there were moans; Gerard already gasped just at the intrusion of the tip of the toy, pushing himself back at the same proportion you pushed into them. You let out a soft sound at how the back of the toy made a light pressure against your clit the moment your thighs met the back of theirs and the space between you two was closed. His skin was warm, rising under yours with a shiver when you rode his shirt far up his torso so you’d hold onto both of his hips now.
Gerard’s arms were folded in front of themself as he groaned softly, their sounds gaining a rhythm dictated by how your hips met his, first in experimental heavy and slow thrusts that soon gained a proper pace. You couldn’t help but moan softly as well whenever any motion had the right pressure over your clit, but even so, your own pleasure wasn’t the focus at the moment; you just wanted to please Gerard, each time more encouraged by how his moans would easily grew louder whenever your hips would meet theirs when he pushed them back and the toy pressed just against his prostate.
“P—Please...” You could catch the word among all the nonsense that Gerard spoke, motivating you to keep the rhythm that had the sound of skin against skin echoing through the room already.
Gerard’s hair was tangled in your fingers when you bent down while pausing your movements so you could bring their head up a little, whispering into his ear. “Please what?”
A whimper came from him, hips wriggling in an attempt to get you to move again. “M—More... ‘M almost there...” His dark, hazy orbs met yours from the corners of his eyes and you chuckled.
“There you go.”
Your hand held Gerard’s head down against the pillow, sideways, and the other held onto their hip to make a firm frame which you could fuck into, snapping your hips harshly to help Gerard reach their high.
“You look cute like this,” you mumbled breathlessly, voice shaking. “Being so good to me... You just like being a little slut to me, right? Coming to my house when none of us have anything to do just so I can fuck that pretty little ass of yours until I am satisfied...” The words spilled from your lips as easily as the moans left him, in a gentle rambling that had the knot in Gerard’s lower stomach growing tighter to the same point you could feel the want rushing through your veins. You wanted some touch, any sort of touch, but your focus was Gerard now.
Gerard gave up on pleading for anything, instead resorting to whines that sounded like music to your ears. Thankfully, it was a sign they were growing closer; your thighs and knees already burned with ache from the restrictive and repetitive motion, which got you more invested into the harsh and precise thrusts that had Gerard quivering and trembling under your touch.
It was a matter of time—one, two thrusts and Gerard was cumming, with a string of whiny moans and trembling legs while they stained your covers. His knuckles went white as their fingers wrapped around the pillow they held onto until his grip started to falter and your thrusts started to drive him into overstimulation; you decided not to go that path and instead stopped your movements slowly, pulling back away from Gerard. He complained a little at the absence of a body against his, but easily gave up against the mattress once you knelt away, sitting down on the bed so you could remove the strap-on and give your legs a break. Your hands trembled as you tried to do it fast so you could satisfy your own want as fast as possible.
 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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loversj0y · 2 years ago
congrats on 200 btw, you deserve it <3
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pairing: wilbur soot x gn! reader
tws: reader has parent issues pog
notes: this one probably took the longest bc of my brain not working, but i do like how it turned out :3
word count: 1.2k
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @zooone / @lillylvjy
You weren’t afraid to admit that you were scared of love. It wasn’t love you were really scared of after all. No, you yearned for love, for something real. But you were scared of falling in love for a multitudes of reasons. You’d seen how quickly love can crash and burn, and how it could leave one person deserted in a whirlwind of heartbreak and loneliness. So you were afraid to fall in love, terrified of giving someone that power over you. You’d seen how it worked out for your parents.
The first time you met Wilbur, it was at a small restaurant on the outskirts of town where you’d go when you needed some quiet. He was your waiter, and since there was no one else, he was very attentive, joking and laughing with you. He wrote his number on the edge of your receipt, and ever since, you and him had been close friends.
You remembered your first date, and you thought about it often. At the time, you hadn’t even realized you were on a date. You and him went to the beach at night, sitting in the dark and staring out at the Brighton sea. You had been stunned when he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, but it was easy to fall into his embrace. He kept his arm around you the entire night, even when he walked you home. The only time he let go was when he dropped you off to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
At first, you’d been terrified of loving him. But it came easily to you, as careful as you were. Before you knew it, the two of you were an almost inseparable duo, constantly around each other, joking and laughing. Your first kiss felt like a headrush, and you’d been addicted ever since.  
Things weren’t completely easy. As you got closer and your relationship got more serious, you ended up moving into Wilbur’s apartment. What started as a drawer in his closet of your things turned into sharing the closet equally. It was a big step, and it made you incredibly anxious, but Wilbur was always there to quiet your fears with the touch of his hand. As two struggling college students who knew nothing about life or how to live it, you did a pretty good job at making a comfortable life for yourselves. As more time went on, you always thought back to that first night, when you allowed your heart to overtake your fears, and you wondered if he thought back to that night too.
It was two years from then now. You hated to admit how shocked you were that the two of you had lasted this long. You ended up finding a house to rent together, now that both of you had full careers post-university. But more growth also meant more tension and more fights.
You dropped your bag off as you walked in, sighing softly. It was late, you had just closed at work, so it was nearly two AM. You went to the kitchen, opening the fridge. It was almost completely empty. You groaned softly.
You felt Wilbur’s arms wrap around your back as you stood up.
“Hi, darling,” he kissed the side of your head, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” you smiled slightly, “Did you go grocery shopping?”
“No, I didn’t have time. I ran late tonight.” You sighed, “I just wish you would’ve told me. I could’ve stopped on my way home.”
He laughed, “Darling, it’s two AM. I don’t even like you walking around this late, let alone going to the grocery on your own at this time.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t eaten, so it would’ve at least been nice to know.” You didn’t mean to sound so upset, but you couldn’t help the tense edge that filled your voice.
He pulled his arms away, and you turned to look at him. 
“Love, you can’t possibly be blaming this on me. You’re not the only one who works a lot.”
“I’m not blaming you, Wilbur. I’m just annoyed right now.”
“Really? Because it sounds like you’re blaming me.” Wilbur was tense too. You knew that his job was making him more stressed as well, but honestly, you weren’t thinking straight.
“Wilbur. Let’s not do this right now-”
“No, we should. You know how much work has been pushing me lately,” Wilbur argued.
“I know that, Wilbur, but you’re not the only one! Work stresses me out too, but if you asked me to pick up the groceries, I would figure out a way to do it!”
“It’s not like I forgot! I had things to do!”
“So do I, and now, I’m home and all I was looking forward to was coming home and having a good meal! And now I can’t, so I’m allowed to be a bit pissed off!”
“I get that, but that doesn’t mean you come in acting like it’s my fault!”
“I’m just tired of feeling like the only one who does shit around here!” Tears sprung to your eyes as you yelled back. You hated this, the yelling, the fighting, all of it. It reminded you of your parents. “We wouldn’t even live here if it weren’t for me! I’m tired too!”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You stormed out the door, crying and running out into the empty street. At some point during your conversation, it had started raining, and you hadn’t even noticed it. You stood there in the street, letting the rain wash the anger out of you, and just felt upset. It was over. You knew it was over. This was how it ended for your parents. Screaming and fighting and walking out. And you just fulfilled the prophecy.
As you were bracing yourself for the goodbye, you were shocked to feel arms wrapping around you.
He held you tightly, and you could hear slight sniffles from him, “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I never wanted to make you cry, I just, I’ve been so stressed, but I never meant to take it out on you.”
You turned, hugging him back tightly, “I’m sorry, too. I just got overwhelmed, and work sucked today,” you admitted softly, relaxing in his arms.
After a few minutes of silence and just holding each other, you felt him kiss the top of your head. 
“Do you remember our first date? At the beach?”
You chuckled quietly, nodding, “Yeah. I think about it every day.”
He smiled, holding you closer, “I think about it a lot too. How much changed because I decided to just finally make a move. I remember how it felt, I was so scared you’d just push me off. Everytime I look at you, I remember how ecstatic I felt when you leaned into me.”
He pulled away, but only so he could lean down and kiss you gently. 
“I still don’t know if I deserve you. I’m shocked you ever fell for me, darling, but I’d be the biggest fool to ever do something that could jeapordize that. I don’t know how you’re mine, but you are. You are mine, and I am yours. And you are the best thing I’ve ever been so lucky to be able to call mine.”
You cried again, but these tears were happy ones, clinging onto him tightly.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, darling. Now, let’s head in. Go shower and clean up, and I’ll order some food in, does that sound good?”
You nodded softly, “Yeah, thank you, Wilbur.”
He walked you in, and you had one thought on your mind. You were so lucky to be able to call him yours.
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bed-of-ashes · 8 months ago
Spring we need the gem and pearl soulmate meetinggggg it’s literally gempearl week! Or like literally any more updates on the nature lives au im a tad bit obsessed :D
IT'S GEMPEARL WEEK?? omg I have to get this out. Voilà gempearl being soulmates :D it's a little different from the other soulmate meetings but they're special like that. Thank you so much for the ask I'm so so glad you like the au!! You have no idea how excited this made me lol. I hope this works please please don't hesitate to request anything else :D
Pearl’s heart was out of her hands long before they began the game of soulmates.
She could have guessed who her soulmate would be the moment the universe rolled the dice. It wasn’t a question, more like an answer, a definite you are tied to this person that would confirm what Pearl already knew. She loved like she breathed, constantly and needily, and she did not need fate to tell her that.
When she took very little damage throughout the first day, she knew why. When the thud of a shield being hit reverberated through her body, she knew what was happening. When her chest felt light and her face tugged into a smile while she was mining alone, she knew who was offering bright grins to the world like she knew the back of her hand.
She and her soulmate were adventurous people, the both of them touring their walled-off world before starting to settle down. It was only a matter of time before they ran into each other and recognized their unified hearts.
Gem met her with a smile straight from heaven and a tight hug to match. “I was hoping we’d be soulmates!” she said, and even she looked surprised at the admission. Pearl gave her a shoulder bump and didn’t tell her that she knew, she knew they were paired from the first moment.
Pearl tried not to let her gaze wander to Gem’s barely contained curls bobbing in front of her sun-accented face. Her eyes slipped every now and then—she couldn’t help it, not when Gem’s cheeks were dusted pink for no apparent reason. The color suited her, and Pearl couldn’t help but wish she was the one making her that shade.
They were carving out a mine near their barebones base when Gem stopped swinging her pic and turned to watch Pearl. She continued mining a section of stone for a moment, self-conscious, before she gave up and faced Gem with a raised eyebrow. “You’re staring,” she noted. “What’s wrong?”
Gem glanced at the ground, chewing her lip. She met Pearl’s eyes again. “Pearl, can I ask you a question?”
“You’re starting to worry me, but shoot.” The back of her neck started to itch.
“You have to be honest.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Gem sighed, scuffing her feet on the cobble. “Do you– do you like me, Pearl?”
Pearl noticed suddenly how deeply Gem was blushing. Her face was tinted crimson, the darkest Pearl had ever seen on her. Pearl’s heart stuttered, and Gem smiled weakly. This wasn’t a fair question. It was still the question she had expected.
She didn’t answer right away. “Why do you ask?” she whispered. Her voice came out far quieter than she intended.
“I can feel your heartbeat, y’know. It–” Gem glanced away, as if admitting a secret that wasn’t hers to keep– “it speeds up when you’re looking at me. Which, I am so sorry if I misread it, I just thought I should clear the air, and–”
Pearl reached out and touched her arm softly. Gem fell silent, staring at her, pleading. Pearl took a breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
If possible, Gem turned even redder. A nervous smile bubbled up to her face as she rocked back on her heels. “Actually?”
Pearl laughed quietly. “I told you I wouldn’t lie.”
She was certain that if Gem was keeping track of her beating heart, she would’ve felt its drumbeat pattern in accelerando. As it was, neither of them commented on it, the both of them darting looks between each other and the ground, unsure how to proceed. They had matching grins and matching souls, and in that moment, it didn’t matter that they were in a death game. This was the only second that would count.
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shady-scripter · 5 months ago
Scars of Old
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He was supposed to be listening. The boys had decided that they should get to know each other better. Share something that everyone was curious about.
It started with the Captain, the one who decided to orchestrate this team bonding time. “The hero sitting to his right was the one to ask the question,” the Captain said. The Smithy basically threw his question to the Captain away, asking about his scarf.
Time already knew the answer. He’d heard it so many times that it even plagued his dreams. He mouthed the words, not a peep exiting his throat. The two laughed after the Captain’s blush went down and Time rolled his eyes.
Next, the Captain got to ask the question and it was Wild’s time to share. The Captain dared to get personal, asking about the multitude of scars that littered the small hero’s body.
It wasn’t just the Hero of Twilight who sent a glare the Captain’s way. Even the Champion’s eyes widened at the bluntness of the Captain’s question. The Hero of Twilight gently pressed on the Champion’s thigh to get his attention. Time gathered that he was making sure the young hero didn’t fall into one of his “memories.” Though, from what he knew, they sounded like nightmares.
The Champion started his story with, “I don’t know too much but…” then proceeded to spill his guts about his scars. He was supposed to be listening, but Time just couldn’t focus on the Champion’s words.
He didn’t even notice that the Rancher had started talking. Not until he was poked. He jolted out of his mind and looked around.
Everyone was watching him. “What is it?”
“It’s your turn!” The Sailor pointed at him, an accusatory sneer on his face. It wasn’t like Time started this and he guessed that Wind didn’t want to participate either.
“I didn’t get a question, did I?” He said with a hint of hesitance. He looked to his right and pointed at the Rancher. “He didn’t-“
“I did, actually. Shared ‘bout my wolf form.”
“Oh.” Time pressed his lips in a thin line. “What was my question?”
“What’s your worst scar? And how’d you get it?” Time hummed with Twilight’s words.
“Well,” he began before the Veteran opened his mouth.
“No way your worst is that eye one!” The Veteran pointed at him, his face almost identical to the face that the Sailor was making only seconds ago.
“I know, I know.” Time let a chuckle escape his lips. “It isn’t my worst. Though, you’ll have to see the scar before you understand the story.”
Time grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it above his head. He folded his shirt and set it on his lap, doing his best to silence the trembling of his hands.
“This,” Time said, dragging his fingertips along jagged, darker skin tissue that ran from the left side of his neck to his shoulder. “This is my worst scar.”
No one spoke a word and, for only a moment, Time thought that he wouldn’t have to share.
A finger glided on the tender skin, sending an unwelcome jolt up Time’s spine. The hand receded quickly, followed by a squeak passing through the Hero of Hyrule’s lips. Time dropped his shoulders, trying to regain control of the situation.
He could’ve lied. Why didn’t he lie? It would’ve been a shame if he was the only one who lied out of the nine heroes.
“What happened?” The voice of the Skyloftian, his voice as soft as feathers of his Loftwing. Once upon a time, there was someone who talked to him like that. Though, that voice was reserved for moments like when he plunged into the well and faced that cursed beast.
Time sighed, trying to put on a smile while he told the story of the thing that nearly bit his head off. “It was during my first adventure.”
With a blink, he was in front of the Man of the Windmill, his ocarina still fresh in his hands. The man was panicking, saying that the mill was going too fast, but that was exactly what Link needed.
He practically waddled out of the mill, his sword and shield weighing heavy on his back. He jumped the fence that was right outside, his eagerness overflowing.
Time wished he could remember the last time he felt eager to go into a dungeon.
He leaned over the well, staring down into the tunnel of stone. He felt his companion bouncing under his hat and smiled. Part of him wanted to jump for joy, but he knew that he had a more important thing to do. He grabbed the handles and descended the side of the well and started downward.
“You went into a well?” The Smithy’s eyebrows raised. Though Time didn’t know why, it couldn’t have been the craziest thing he’d heard.
“I did, yes.” He saw many more mouths open and put a finger up, snuffing out any words that might have echoed over the fire. “Let me finish, then we can ask questions.”
The heroes around him nodded or hummed, their ears feasting on his story like hungry hawks. Time cleared his throat and closed his eyes. Again, the feeling of the cold stone of the rusty bars caressed his hands.
Turning away from the latter, there was a small hole. Though, it was big enough for him to crawl through. That, he did. He inched closer to a room that was also…empty.
He hummed in confusion before looking down and seeing another drop. With no ladder, he jumped down, breaking his fall with a roll.
He heard a skitter and was quick to draw his blade. A skulltula, an easy enemy. He waited until it turned around to slide its abdomen clean in half, its corpse soon dissipating.
A soft plop filled Link’s ears and he turned, seeing his emerald green hat flat on the floor. “Hey! Hey! Hey!” Link felt his eye slightly twitch, but he picked his hat up and jogged towards Navi.
Navi was hovering over something that stunk like dung. It looked to be covered in it too. Link pinched his nose, waving his hand as if trying to shoo it away.
“What that is?” His voice, still high with youth, whispered.
“It’s a skeleton, Link.” Navi always made it a point to say his name. It was probably the only constant in all of their conversations. That and Navi’s excessive use of the word, “Hey!”
“Skeleton, Link.”
“Like stalchildren?” His eyebrows furrowed and his fingers gripped his sword a little tighter.
“This one won’t hurt you. But I do feel…I hear spirits whispering in this room.” Little Link was no stranger to spirits. Not by this point at least.
Two false walls and a floating skull later, he saw two wooden beams that were crossed. And crimson red splatters on the floor in front of it.
There, Navi told Link to watch for monsters hanging from the ceiling.
“Is that what got you?” The Sailor spoke, his hands gripping the log for dear life. The other seven heroes glared at the boy, firmly shutting him up.
Through another false wall, Zelda’s lullaby, and another floating skull, he had to backtrack back to the crossed logs. Jumping down from a place that was once flooded in water, there was another narrow tunnel that he had to climb through.
On the other side of the tunnel was just another skulltula. He disposed of it quickly. Behind the skulltula was a wall he was conveniently about the climb.
One that platform where the climbable wall ended was a door. It was steel, much unlike the stone that made the rest of the bottom of Kakariko’s well.
Link pointed to the door, looking over to Navi who was perched on his shoulder.
“Big monster?”
Navi paused, staring down the door. She must’ve felt it too. The power of Ganondorf seemed to try to drag him away. But, this didn’t feel like Ganondorf’s evil, but he knew that behind this door was some type of evil.
He felt it in the way that his knees wobbled unsteadily and the trembling of his hand as it pointed to the door.
Link inched towards the door, the hesitance evident in his baby steps. When he finally touched the door, it rose, opening the way for him.
“Hands?” Raising from the dirt covered ground was…hands. They were as pale as the moon that would soon haunt his dreams.
He stepped into the room. As he figured, bars replaced the door. This couldn’t be a boss, right? All he had to do was chop the arms, right?
He pulled his sword out and creeped towards one of the outstretched arms. He readied for the slash, but the hand moved faster than he could dodge. He squeaked, the hand covering his face like a mask. He tried to wrestle it off, wriggling and writhing.
“Link! Behind you!”
“Can’t look!” Fear began to rise in Link’s chest as the hands around his face seemed to squeeze. It only got worse when he heard a dull sound, as if something was sliding behind him. The sound of the dirt grinding against itself was like rubbing sandpaper together.
“Link, you have to calm down! Cut its arm! You have to get away!” He wanted to say those “forbidden words” right now. He wanted to scream, but only tears fell from his face. His hands grasped his sword and cut through the pale arm. The hand let go of his face and he fell to his knees.
The boy turned around.
“I will never forget that thing,” Time sneered, scrunching his nose. “If I hadn’t known what horror was before, I had learned it then.”
Its eyes were sunken in like they had been gouged out. Its arms were more like spikes. And its mouth… it was just a deep black abyss. Its teeth were a red-orange and made its thick saliva the same horrid color.
“Link!” Navi’s voice wavered. He shot out of his daze and was only able to move an inch before a blinding pain overtook his shoulder. He screamed and screamed and-
He thrust his sword into the side of the thing’s head. Before dispersing the same way every other monster does, it pulled back, taking the boy’s flesh with it. Maybe Link was still running on adrenaline, but he could have sworn that it smiled.
The bars opened and a chest sat in the middle of the room. He stumbled toward the chest. Inside was a magnifying glass. He picked up and stumbled back. He had no idea how he did it, but he was able to climb the rusted ladder at the side of the entrance before, finally, falling to blood loss and shock.
Time pat the scar. “Only reason I survived is because Kaepora flew me to the Great Fairy at Death Mountain.” Even after finishing his story, no one spoke a word. A fair reaction. He turned to the Skyloftian. “What was the hardest thing you’ve fought, excluding the last enemy?”
“No, no, no!” The Smithy spoke first. “Can we ask questions now?” His head pivoted like a swivel.
“I said you could ask after I was done.” No one spoke. “I’m done.”
“Were the hands iron or something?”
“Did it really eat your shoulder?”
“I knew fairy healing was amazing, but enough to heal that?”
“I’m gonna have a nightmare,” Wind said, dragging his hand down his face.
Time let a small chuckle leave his lips. The surrounding heroes stared at him like cats who just spotted a mouse. “Now thinking about it,” Time scratched his chin. “I do remember the Captain saying one question…”
“Come on!”
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green-typewriterz · 11 months ago
Some hurt/comfort with sam please?
When the Sun Hits
Sam Winchester x gn!reader
summary: set in 2001, you and Sam finally get the chance to go to prom together
Ask: Some hurt/comfort with sam please?
Warnings: injury, mention of blood, sam is pining and awkward
Author Notes: thank you for this ask my love! Sorry for disappearing for so long, i got a new hyperfix im sure many of you can understand! Also I took what I had an ran with it so sorry if this wasn’t what you imagined!
word count: 2135
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Sam sat across the room from you, his chair far in the back and to the left whereas you sat to the front…you had pulled the short straw. You found yourself turning around every now and then, locking eyes across the room, trying to get him to laugh. He was in one of his bad moods today, hair in front of his eyes and hood up. You and Dean had pretty much accepted the fact that you’d be moving around alot, your families working together as hunters but Sam wasn’t as happy about it. He didn’t want to leave again.
“Y/N,” the teacher began and you spun back around, eyes wide. “Eyes on the front please, Sam doesn’t need you distracting him.” You nodded and got back to work, though you could feel Sam’s gaze burning on the back of your head.
You had known Sam for as long as you could remember, the two of you used to share toys while your parents were out hunting with John. He was always a shy kid, but this year seemed to be the worst of it. Maybe he was going through a phase.
Class finally ended and you packed up your books before heading to the back of the class, kneeling down and leaning against Sam’s desk. He looked up and smiled, muttering a quiet, “hi.” you grinned and grabbed his bag, watching as he pushed the hair away from his eyes (it had been longer than usual lately).
“Are you still upset about moving again?” You asked, walking alongside him, his hand gently holding yours. Sam sighed, shaking his head as you made your way out of the school and toward the same motel you had been staying for the past few months.
He ran his spare hand through his hair. “It’s just…we’ve just got comfortable here. I’ve actually made friends that aren’t you or Dean. I just wish we never-.” He stopped himself short. It was a stupid thing to wish.
“I know,” You replied. He wished his family weren’t hunters. You both stopped in front of his door, staring at each other silently. It wouldn’t be long before Dean got back and started his relentless teasing, so with one final goodbye, you went your separate ways.
That evening was wholly uneventful, an hour or two of homework, some research for your dad then the sweet and familiar feeling of zoning out while listening to Deftones on your hard motel bed. ‘Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want.’ had just faded out when there was a gentle knock on the door, one you recognised. You opened the door and took in the smiling sight of your best friend. He was wearing an oversized tee with a blue dog on it that you had given him and a pair of pyjama bottoms. He looked much more comfortable than he felt.
Sam had been building up his courage since the beginning of the year and, knowing the both of you would still be on the case when it rolled around, he wanted to ask you to prom. Even if it were just as a friend.
“Hey Sammy,” you smiled and stepped to the side to let him in, noticing how he was fiddling with the strings of his pyjamas. He was nervous. “You ok?” It was a simple question, but from the look on his face you would’ve assumed you had asked him to marry you.
He laughed slightly and scratched the back of his neck, replying, “all good, just wanted to come chat!” He smiled awkwardly. God, he thought, he was already blushing. He sat across from you, slightly wet hair brushed to the side and fluttering eyes locked on yours.
You laughed at his nerves but pressed play on your music again, turning the volume down so ‘when the sun hits’ could gently sit underneath your conversation.
“Y’know,” he began, hands fidgeting, “We’re gonna be in Oregon until spring, which means we’ll actually graduate this time.” he spoke, voice soft and wavering. “So um-”
He cut himself off, not knowing how to ask. He had wanted to do something nicer, get you flowers or something, but it hadn’t exactly gone to plan (that and Dean had told him to do it now before he got too nervous). You put your hand on his to stop it from shaking and urged him to keep talking and he smiled so softly you could’ve imagined it.
He breathed out before speaking again, “I was thinking we could go to prom? Together?” You went still. That’s what he had been nervous about.
“As friends?”
He seemed to shrink. “Uhm, yeah, if that’s what you’d want.” Sam was downtrodden, though he had expected you to take it this way, it still stung.
You smiled gently. “I’d love to go with you, but maybe not as just…friends.”
He looked up, confused for a moment. You had said yes. Blush bit at his ears as he fought the urge to get up and physically jump for joy. “I’d like that.” He managed to get out before standing again, you joining him by the door.
“I should probably head back, dad will be wondering where I am.” Though you both knew the statement wasn’t true at all, you agreed and let him walk out the door.
He spun back around on his heel and you stepped closer, placing a kiss on his cheek. To him, it felt so gentle, like the breeze gently brushing his face, but it still brought up a blush so aggressive it felt like he was on fire.
It was a few weeks before graduation, which meant it was prom night. You were sat in your motel room, in the nicest outfit you could find for cheap, waiting for Sam to finish getting ready. Since asking you to prom, the two of you had spent every waking moment together though you weren’t, as Dean would say, official yet (despite being only a label away from it).
Eventually, he walked out of the bathroom in a simple navy suit, one that matched your own outfit almost perfectly. You had both found them by chance in separate thrift stores and found yourself extremely lucky when they not only fit, but matched. “You look so handsome.” you said as he fiddled with his tie, trying to get it to sit right. Eventually, he gave up and gave you a look of desperation, asking you to do it for him with his eyes alone.
His gaze never left you as you fixed the tie, gentle hands righting the knot. Sam had planned tonight out to a tee: Dean was going to drive the both of you in their dad’s impala and then he’d get permission to take three (which was masterfully negotiated down from ten by Sam) photos. Then, he’d link his arm in yours like a gentleman and walk you into the gym. From there, his dancing skills took charge.
Each part of the plan went well and it was the middle of the night before either of you took a break to get a drink. There was a tired flush on both of your faces and a glint in Sam’s eyes you hadn’t seen since you were young. It was there, the two of you were sat when ‘your song’ came on. The song Sam had asked you to prom with (though it was more of a coincidence).
The boy took your hand gently and led you to the dancefloor again, his hands finding a place on your hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and swayed gently, humming along to the song and staring into Sam’s eyes. The night was perfect.
Or would’ve been.
There was an impossibly loud crash and both you and Sam stared at each other in a split-second of recognition before the gymnasium went dark. Screams erupted from the crowd but the two of you stayed calm, quickly retrieving your respective silver blades that John had forced you to keep that night. Sam was furious. John had promised he would chase the monster in the opposite direction. The man had lied. In the panic, the two of you had been separated and you knew better than to call out for him in the dark school corridor.
You had prepared for this, trained. But you had never actually fought a monster before. Your hands shook from fear and tears glistened on your cheeks as you gingerly made your way down the hall. Your only lightsource was the large, dirty skylight that sat at the far end of the hallway and you found yourself glad - for the first time ever - that it was a full moon. Light trickled through the glass, fragmenting when a crack or some growing mould got in its path.
There was a growl from behind you and you stiffened, chills running down your spine. You turned slowly, eyes shut tight. You weren’t meant to be scared, you had been taught to not be afraid - so why couldn’t you find it in you to be brave. Your eyes opened and locked with the werewolf that was a mere centimetre from you now.
You gripped the blade with a sweaty palm and shoved it forward, piercing through the monster’s heart, though not before it could bring its claws down across your face. You both cried out and fell to the ground, you clutching your face and the werewolf growing still. “Y/N!” Sam called out as he sprinted over. Within a second, his hand was under your head and he was cradling you close to him.
Sam was hurt too, grazes littering his skin and a cut pulling at his lip - though he found that unimportant compared to the overwhelming amount of blood that seeped from your face.
“You’re ok.” He whispered, “You’ll be ok.”
You leaned against Sam as he got the first aid kit ready, having previously cleaned his own injuries as quickly as he could. Tears mixed with the blood on your face and Sam had to fight not to cry too, he hated seeing you hurt. “This is going to hurt, Y/n/n,” He began, eyes wrought with sympathy and a dusting of tears, “I’m so sorry.” he whispered and you nodded, preparing yourself. He moved his spare hand to the least injured part of your cheek for both control and comfort then gently let the alcohol John had provided trickle over your injuries.
You let your hand rest on his forearm, his mint breath fanning your face as you held in your tears with sharp breaths. “I killed them.” You whispered and Sam looked at you in empathy. He knew exactly how you felt. He didn’t want to shush you, (he didn’t know why people did that) he knew you needed to cry - but at the same time he didn’t want you to feel guilty.
“He was going to kill you. You did the right thing.”
You sighed, breathing shaky from the tears that stuck in your throat. “It doesn’t feel like that.” Sam stopped what he was doing and pulled away, eyes meeting yours.
He smiled gently. “You saved so many people, Y/n. no one in there would have been as brave as you.” Sam whispered and you nodded, finally finding it in yourself to agree with him. He gave you a break from cleaning the injury for a while and you got a better chance to look at him.
There were rips in his tux, some tinged with deep red stains and his previously white shirt was littered with mud stains. Cuts littered his arms and face while a particularly vicious bruise was slowly forming on his jawline. Despite all of this, he still looked handsome - you found it difficult to look away.
He knew what he was doing well enough, sanitise everything, clean the wound and then pray you didn’t need stitches - still, he couldn’t stop the anxiety from filling his mind. Sam was gentle, it was just who he was. Soft, caring hands worked quickly and lovingly while he muttered words of comfort. You were incredibly lucky, the wound was mostly superficial.
Both you and Sam sighed in relief as he placed the butterfly closure tape to each major point of the scratch mark. “See,” he whispered, “Told you you’d be ok.”
You smiled, careful not to tug at the cuts and leaned in, wrapping your arms around him. Sam’s hands found a home in your hair and he gently ran his hands through it as he sighed in comfort. “I’ll always be here for you, Y/n/n.” he whispered, voice strong, honest. You found it easy to believe him.
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electronicclowncollector · 2 months ago
Chapter 14:
(Made by @lilacharbour)
Rogue wonders what he did wrong to deserve this. Not only was his perfect attendance ruined, but Sting was also downstairs, in his house, talking to his dad. A large snowstorm hit Fiore throughout the day, and Sting’s own father got snowed in at work (All the airport runways got closed so he couldn’t fly home either). Sting, in such a rush to aid Rogue in his moment of need, forgot to take his house keys with him. Locking himself out.
So, Rogue was pacing in his room, listening to Sting ask if he can stay the night. Rogue blushed, this was too forward, Sting has a girlfriend! A girlfriend who he abandoned to take care of him… Rogue shook his head. Sting only took care of him because he’s a walking angel. He probably only did it because he thought Rogue was pathetic. Imagine getting sick on a school night, Rogue usually holds out until mid-term break.
Sting slid into the room finger guns blazing. “Your dad’s cool with me staying the night.” He smiled.
Looking at Sting’s smile almost made Rogue’s worries melt away. Until he realised something.
There was only one bed!
Blushing, Rogue covered his face with his hands. This was a disaster! Rogue could handle holding Lucy’s hand in public, but sharing a bed with Sting was a different dragon ball game altogether. What if Rogue accidentally cuddled him in his sleep? Sting would be disgusted, since he has a girlfriend. Rogue will be sharing a bed with a committed man! With his good dragon bed cover on too!
“Are you alright Rogue?” Sting asked. “Do you feel sick again? Your face is flushed.” He began to reach over to feel Rogue’s forehead, but Rogue skilfully backflipped out of the way. To prove that he was healthy and to avoid the interaction.
Rogue’s dragon dad poked his head through the door, “I’m away up to the attic to bring the air mattress down.” Rogue completely forgot they had one of those, since he never had any friends round, let alone stay over. Bed sharing crisis averted.
“This reminds me of when you two used to have sleep overs all the time as kids,” Skiadrum sighed wistfully, “time just flies by.”
“Oh yeah I remember that, and the barbeques too!” Sting beamed.
Rogue could never forget them. They lived in each other’s pockets, inseparable. The smell of the barbeque, the illegal fireworks Weisslogia always brought. The one time they tried to camp out underneath the stars, but got scared by a dog barking, so they ran inside and hid under the covers for hours. It all changed one year Sting went to a summer camp.
He came back with new friends and an earring. Much too cool for Rogue to hang out with. Rogue was sure spending time with him would make Sting realise how weird he is, especially because he was friends with the likes of Bickslow. So Rogue hid in the shadows, claiming to be busy when Sting wanted to hang out. Spending his newfound free time on dragons, all alone until he found Fresh. Sting never stopped saying hello to him.
Rogue briefly wonders if his own insecurities made him sabotage his relationship with Sting… No, Rogue thought, shaking his head. That would be ridiculous, Bickslow alone was horrible to him. He is sure all the others would’ve been the same. Although Rogue can’t help but wish they reconnected sooner.
“Now you just make yourself at home Sting, Rogue knows where the extra blankets are if they’re necessary.” Skiadrum assured.
“Will do Skiadrum!” Sting gave a double thumbs up as Rogue nodded. Watching Skiadrum awkwardly make his way, bumping his head on the door frame.
Sting sat himself down on Rogue’s bed, swinging his legs a bit before turning to Rogue. “So… what do you want to do?” He asked.
Rogue blushed, this was too much pressure! Especially when the genuine answer was to cuddle up to Sting and watch dragon videos, or maybe. If feeling cheeky, introduce Sting to every single dragon plush and action figure he had. Each one having their own name and in-depth lore. However, Rogue did not want Sting to judge him, so he went with a neutral response.
“We could watch DragonTube?” Nailed it.
“Sounds good.”
Turning the TV on, Rogue quickly logged out of his personal account. Lest Sting see his embarrassing DragonTube Recommendations, containing dragons, snakes (Lucy), cats and god forbid the catboys. Rogue scrolled through the recommendations, trying to find something Sting would like to watch.
“Wait,” Sting cut in, “Go back two.” Rogue complied, squinting at the familiar face on the thumbnail.
“Is that?”
“Why does Mr Dragneel have a dating podcast?!” Rogue sputtered.
“Don’t know, don’t care. Let’s watch it, for a laugh.” Sting grinned as Rogue warily pressed play.
As the video ended, Sting and Rogue sat in shock. Both silently vowing to never speak of this experience again.
Small scratching noises came from Rogue’s window. Impossible to see out of it, due to the frost, Rogue opened the window. Wincing as icy air entered the room.
Fresh popped their head through the window, then stumbled into the room headfirst. Rogue smiled scooping them into his arms. “I was wondering where you went to,” he cooed.
Fresh let out a “Ribbit,” before immediately passing out in Rogue’s arms, still drunk.
Sting laughed “We should follow suit, it’s getting late.” Glancing at the time, Rogue agreed. He couldn’t afford to miss two school days in a row, particularly from something as petty as sleep deprivation.
Sting stood up stretched, audibly cracking his back. Before starting to take his top off.
“What are you doing?!” Rogue asked panicked, blushing furiously. Did Sting have no shame? This is too soon! Sting also had a girlfriend! Rogue wasn’t that type of guy, even with Sting he wouldn’t partake in cheating... Probably.
“Taking my top off? It’ll be too warm to sleep with it on.” It’s -4 degrees Celsius outside. “Oh, actually Rogue. Do you have any pyjama bottoms I can borrow? These are uncomfortable to sleep in.” Sting added, pointing to the trousers he had on.
Rogue is convinced Sting will be the death of him. When one crisis ended, another started. Sting didn’t mean anything by it, the request makes sense. They’re similar sizes after all, in fact their legs are the same height (Sting has a shorter torso don’t ask how Rogue figured that out). However this felt more intimate than the thought of sharing a bed, than that one-time Rogue thought Sting was going to propose or holding hands with Lucy.
Blushing furiously Rogue stuttered “Y-yes, I-I-I’ll go get you a pair. Can you go set up the air bed?”
Giving a thumbs up Sting bounced into action, still shirtless. Which was fine, Rogue survived the Dragon ball game. Sting wasn’t going to wear his clothes back then, but it’ll be fine. Rogue could feel Doug smirking at him, despite him being drunk in a bar
After Placing Fresh on down on his bed. Rogue began the quest to find the fanciest dragon themed pyjama bottoms he has. Sting only deserves the best of course.
In the time it took Rogue to decide on pyjamas. Sting had set up the air bed and was now chillaxing in it. Pointedly ignoring every new notification, as he scrolled on his phone. Rogue wished he had that problem, but the only person who regularly texts him is his dad.
Looking at the floor and blushing, Rogue handed the pyjama bottoms to Sting.
“Thanks dude!” Sting praised. As he started to put them on, Rogue took off his glasses.
Avoiding looking at Sting’s general direction, Rogue got into bed. Gently manoeuvring Fresh, to not wake them up.
“Right, night night Rogue.” Sting adjusted his head against the pillow, looking up at Rogue and giving him his winning smile.
“Night,” Rogue muttered. Reaching over to turn the lamp off.
Looking up the ceiling, Rogue briefly ponders if this is what life would be like if he and Sting were married. Minus the air bed, hopefully. Unless Sting kicks in his sleep or something. Of course, Rogue knew these thoughts were silly. Sting was dating Sorano, and they’ll probably get married, with Rogue being Sting’s best man if he was lucky. He’s being selfish thinking of such things.
Wait, he still hasn’t told Sting he’s not dating Lucy.
Sitting up Rogue looked over to Sting, who he had already started snoring. It makes sense that Sting could fall asleep easily, he’s great at everything.
Sighing Rogue laid back, he can explain the Lucy situation to him tomorrow.
Author’s Note: Despite tracing him multiple times and me explicitly mentioning it in this fic. @Electronicclowncollector has only noticed Sting had a scar this week, so everyone point and laugh.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year ago
Down in the 305
Steve Murphy x M!Reader
For @narcosfandomdiscord's Day of Gay: Create anything with a queer and/or trans original character or reader insert
Warnings: 18+, language, drinking, smoking, pining, angst if you squint, MiamiEra!Steve
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: They're pining! They're idiots in love! I wanna smash their heads together like barbie dolls and make them kiss! Also @tofuwildcard i owe u my life for the suggestion. i had far too much fun writing these two 😌
Narcos Taglist: @garbinge @winchestershiresauce @sizzlingcloudmentality @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @ashlingnarcos @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @narcolini @hausofmamadas @cositapreciosa (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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You had been too wrapped up in your phone call to notice him when he walked in. It was just as well, because he was too busy talking to your boss to notice you either. He was getting what your boss generously called the nickel tour, which was what he gave any new agent who transferred in. He’d show you your desk, the desk of your partner, where the coffee machine was, and that was about it. Everything else? You were all left to your own devices.
Setting the phone down on the receiver, you let out a sigh. The notes that you had weren’t much, but they were better than nothing. It all had to start somewhere. You tossed your pen down on the top of your desk and ran your hands down your face. It had hardly broken into the afternoon and you already wanted to go home.
You heard him before you saw him, a voice that you could’ve sworn sounded familiar. All types ended up making their way to Miami, but there was something distinct about the tone, the drawl. Turning to follow the sound, you found the source of it impossible to believe even though he was standing just a couple yards away from you. His hair was a little longer now, shaggier, and he could actually grow a mustache these days it seemed like, as opposed to the last time you saw him. But it was definitely him.
“Murphy?” you blurted out, a little louder than what was called for in your current setting.
Both he and your boss turned around to face you, each with slightly different brands of confusion on their faces. After a few seconds, Steve’s confusion switched right into recognition, mouth stretching into a grin.
“No shit?” he said with a laugh.
Your boss looked back and forth between the two of you. “You two know each other, then?”
“Went to high school together,” you answered with a nod.
Your boss nodded, clearly not as excited or invested as either of you were. “Hm. Well, then,” he looked at Steve before motioning for him to walk over to you, “I’ll hand you off. If you need anything, well,” he chuckled and clapped Steve on the shoulder, “looks like you’ve already got a friend you can ask.”
Once your boss started to walk away, Steve started crossing the room towards your desk. You shared a handshake that turned into a brief hug. Once the initial greeting was over, you found yourself trying to wrack your brain to figure out what to say to him. It’d been so long, it felt useless to try and figure out where to start.
“So when the hell did you get to Miami?” Steve asked, clearly not as off-kilter as you. At least one of you could manage a conversation.
“Um,” you laughed and shrugged, “couple years ago. Bounced around for a year or two—finally landed here.”
“Wish I would’a known,” he joked. “Would’ve told them I knew you. Might’ve gotten me down here a little faster.”
You shook your head. “It’s probably better they didn’t make the connection until after they hired you.” A beat passed before you spoke up again, your tone a little more serious than before, maybe a little more genuine than it should’ve been. “It’s real good to see you.”
He smiled, that same dopey grin he’d always had. “You too.”
You cleared your throat, trying to give yourself a second to get your act together. “Who’d they partner you with, anyway?”
“Um,” he glanced back over his shoulder towards his desk, “shit. What’d they…Austin? That sound right?”
You sighed, head dropping for a moment. “Fuckin’ Mason.”
“They gave me a real winner, huh?” Steve quipped, amused by your reaction.
“They’re puttin’ you through the gauntlet, for sure. Last your first stint with him, and you’ll be fine.”
“Greaaat,” he drawled, his faux annoyance breaking down into laughter the longer he dragged out the word.
The laughter that the two of you were sharing was cut short by Steve getting beckoned away. The first couple of days were going to be like that for him—getting shooed off from one person to the next while they figured out what they could trust him with.
He started to backpedal towards his desk, pointing at you as he spoke, “Grab a beer later? Catch me up?”
“I can’t,” the words came out before you could stop them. “Not tonight. Friday?”
Steve nodded with no hesitation, new enough to have an open schedule still. “Friday.”
You had no idea what you thought a couple extra days was going to get you. Whether it was in a few hours when your shifts were over, or in a few days when the week was over, it was still going to be Steve. It’d still be the two of you in a bar somewhere trying to see how much had changed since the last time you saw each other, and how much hadn’t.
The two of you didn’t get much time to talk over the next few days. You were busy with your caseload, and Steve was busy getting immersed and held under with all the things that were going to be thrown on his plate. You’d pass each other on the way in or out, maybe exchange a couple quick exchanges throughout the day when you were walking by the other’s desk, but nothing that really passed for real conversation.
All of that to say, that by the time you found yourself sitting across the small table from him at the bar on Friday night, you hadn’t prepared yourself any better for a real conversation. The few days of a buffer hadn’t given you anything, although you didn’t know what you were hoping to get from it anyway.
“So? First week in Miami,” you said as you set both glasses of beer down. “You’re still here.”
He laughed, nodding as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. “Still here, yeah.”
“Can’t lie,” you said before taking a sip of your beer, “I didn’t think you’d ever cross state lines outta there.”
Steve laughed and rolled his eyes. “Oh fuck off.”
“I’m serious!” you laughed.
“Just ‘cause you got the hell outta dodge as soon as you could doesn’t mean everyone was tryin’ to do that.”
“You should’ve. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to move down here alone.” There was a tiny lift to your lips as you said it, your tone almost making it sound like you were joking. But you weren’t. You both knew that you weren’t.
Whether Steve was taking pity on you or himself, you didn’t know, but either way he didn’t add more to the weight in your voice. “Nah, I just let you pinball around and find a good spot first.”
You relaxed a bit at that, at the look on his face. “’Course you did.”
“You gonna stay here?” he asked.
“What, one week and you’re already trying to get me to transfer?” you shot back with a chuckle.
He shook his head. “No, no. Just didn’t picture you in Miami.”
You shrugged. “Sun’s nice. Beaches are nice. Enough weed down here to keep me busy for awhile. Plus,” you took another sip of your beer, “it’s not like I can just ditch you now. That’d just be mean.”
“Yeah,” Steve said as he looked down at his glass, “might start takin’ it personally.”
He said it casually enough, but the fact that he wouldn’t look at you while he said it spoke volumes more than his words did. You drummed your fingers against the tabletop as you tried to figure out how you wanted to respond to that. You could divert, save the topic for another time, or you could finish opening the floodgates that he was toying with. Felt like a bit much for your first time having a real conversation in years, but then again it wasn’t like the last conversation you had before all this was exactly light-hearted. The two of you had always been horrible at finding that middle-ground.
“I told you to come with me,” you finally said.
He scoffed, a smile on his face only because there were enough years separating the two of you from that day to lessen the sting of it all. “Don’t, don’t fuckin’—” He stopped himself short, trying to figure out what he wanted to say and how. “Like it was that simple.”
Part of you wanted to argue. It would’ve made it feel just like old times. But you were different now, both of you. Hopefully you were both better, a little more grown up at least. You forced the sniping remarks to die on your tongue the way you probably should’ve all those years ago, too.
“I know it wasn’t,” you admitted, for the first time out loud, for the first time to him.
His eyebrows lifted, not expecting you to cave—he’d been ready for an argument too. “Shit.”
You laughed. “Don’t ruin it.”
“Sorry.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Wasn’t ready for that.”
The smile on your face came easily, something about the amused look on Steve’s face. You finished off your beer. “I’m just full of surprises.”
“What’s Miami done to you?” he joked.
You tapped your fingers on the outside of your empty glass. “Same thing it’ll end up doing to you if you stick around long enough.”
“Yeah, well,” he took a long drink from his glass, “I fuckin’ hate packing and unpacking so I’ll probably stay here for a bit.”
It got both of you to laugh, the tension that had been threatening to mount dissipating as you did. You were able to breathe a little easier after that. Talking and catching up felt so much more doable. You asked him about his family, how they felt about him leaving and taking off for Florida of all places. If they were anything like what you remembered, the news probably went over like a lead brick, but you still wanted to hear Steve’s rendition of it all. It was funnier now that he sounded so much more like his dad without even trying—you didn’t tell him that though, keeping that amusing factoid in your back pocket for a later date.
A few refills later and you the two of you were finally closing out your tab. After a brief debate you finally got to be the one to square up, but it didn’t stop Steve from insisting that the next one would be on him. You didn’t fight him on that, just glad to have some sort of a guarantee of a next one.
He was sparking up his lighter as the two of you walked through the parking lot. You watched him for a moment before taking up his wordless offer as he pointed his pack of cigarettes towards you. “So,” you spoke around the cigarette in your mouth, pausing just long enough to let him light it for you, “where’d you get put up, anyway?”
He sighed out an exhale, smoke visible even with the sparse lighting from the street lamps. “Some two-bedroom about ten minutes from here.”
“Ah,” you said knowingly, humor in your voice, “one for you, one for all your unpacked boxes?”
He chuckled, tapping ash onto the ground before leaning back against the side of his car. “Exactly.” There was a pause before he said, “Can I ask you somethin’?”
You nodded. “Shoot.”
“How long you think I’m gonna be stuck with Mason?”
You burst out laughing. “I dunno. Maybe he’ll get sick of you. Why? Already drafting up a request to switch?”
“I’d rather partner with someone I know.”
Stepping in a little closer, you said, “That’s a good pitch. That’s how you should try and sell that.”
“Think they’ll buy it?”
You shrugged, dropping and snubbing your cigarette out on the ground. “Only one way to find out.”
“You’d be alright with that?”
“What?” You feigned ignorance. “Oh, you meant, you meant you wanna partner with me?”
He rolled his eyes, smiling as he pulled one last drag off his smoke before flicking it away. “Cut the shit.”
“Why wouldn’t I be alright with it?”
It was the first time you saw real hesitation cross his face. “’Cause, I don’t, you know, if…” he trailed off.
“Would love it if you could finish at least one of those sentences, Murphy.”
He laughed, face darkening in embarrassment. “I’m tryin’, will you just give me a sec?” You nodded with a smile, tucking your hands into the front pockets of your jeans. A few beats of silence passed before he tried again. “I don’t know how different things are for you now, if, if it’d matter, you know? Working together. Or if you even still…”
You were smiling before you even felt it happen. “Things aren’t all that different for me now.” You paused, seeing the way he was still practically holding his breath. “I think we could figure it out.”
His entire body relaxed as the wave of relief washed over him. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
He smiled, nodding. “Alright.”
You waited for what you assumed was coming next. Instead, though, it was just Steve standing there leaning against his car, looking at you with that same starry-eyed gaze, the one that meant his brain was about two switches from shutting off completely. Some things never changed.
You laughed and shook your head. “Oh my g—come here.”
Before he could sputter out another question, you stepped in and pressed your lips to his. It was just a little too easy to pin him between you and his car. Despite his previous cluelessness, he had no hesitation in taking everything that you were offering him, his hands finding purchase in the collar of your shirt.
When you pulled your lips off his, the cocky smirk was right back on his face again, like you hadn’t just done all the legwork for everything that just transpired. “Knew I should’ve made you go out on my first night here.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Should’ve made you wait another week.”
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lynzishell · 2 years ago
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Phoenix: G’morning gorgeous Greta: Mmmm…. Morning Phoenix: How are you feeling? Greta: Good, cozy Phoenix: Me too
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Greta: It’s our last day. What should we do? Phoenix: Hmmm… stay in bed all day? Greta: That sounds lovely. Just one problem. Phoenix: What? Greta: I have to pee!
Greta jumps up from bed and runs to the bathroom while Phoenix groans and sits up. When Greta returns from the bathroom, she joins Phoenix back on the bed.
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Phoenix: Better? Greta: Much! Phoenix: Good good. Alright, so what is it? What do you want to do today? Greta: I think we should go for a walk. They have a bunch of trails around here, and it’d be nice to get out for some fresh air. What do you think? Phoenix: I think a walk sounds great. Do you want to go just the two of us, or should we invite everyone? Greta: Is anyone else even awake yet? Phoenix: I have no idea. Greta: Hmm… Let’s sneak out and explore just the two of us. Phoenix: Perfect.
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Stopping at the shrine, Phoenix grows quiet as he takes in his surroundings.
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Greta cuddles up next to him, taking his hand. Greta: What are you thinking about? Phoenix looks over at her with a small smile, then looks back taking a deep breath. Phoenix: My mom. She would’ve really loved it here. She would’ve loved you too.
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Greta: What was she like? Phoenix: She was kind and funny. And creative. She used to love telling stories. I think she dreamed of writing children’s books, but being a single mom and working multiple jobs… you know… When I was a kid and I couldn’t sleep she would make up elaborate stories, like so detailed. I would close my eyes to picture it and would fall right to sleep. Every time. Greta: Aw, I love that. She sounds like a really great mom. Phoenix: She was. Greta: How did she -- ?
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Phoenix sighs and walks over to the steps, sitting down.
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Greta walks over to join him.  
Greta: I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.   Phoenix: No, it’s okay. Um, she was hit… by a car… while she was walking to work one morning. Guy ran a red light, going too fast, not paying attention, I don’t know. He just… (stopping to wipe a tear from his eye) ahh… and then she was gone. Just like that. I still can’t make sense of it. Greta: Ohh Phoenix, I’m so sorry. That’s awful. Phoenix: Yeah. Grief grips at his throat, threatening to choke the life out of him… or so it feels. Emotion starts to well up in him, too intense for him to continue sitting. He gets up and starts walking away, pacing, trying to collect himself.
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Greta follows him and pulls him to her, wrapping her arms around him. Greta: It’s okay.    Phoenix hugs her back, finally allowing the grief to wash over him, he begins to sob. Unsure what else to do, he buries his face in her shoulder and just lets it happen. They stand there for a while, holding each other, before Phoenix finally steps back, wiping his eyes. Phoenix: Ah fuck, I’m sorry. Greta: No, don’t be. Hey. I’m here okay. Anytime you need, I’m here.
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He hugs her tight for a moment longer. Phoenix: Thank you.
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Greta reaches up to kiss him. He kisses her back softly, wishing he could stay in this snowy paradise forever. He sighs, knowing they can’t. Phoenix: We should probably head back and get packed. Our bus will be here in a couple hours. And I can’t feel my feet. Greta: (laughs) You’re gonna need some actual hiking boots. Phoenix: Yeah, I guess so.
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They head back to the house. Phoenix feels lighter than he has in months.
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nirby-wirby · 2 years ago
I had to get this out of my system!! *Don’t read this if you haven’t watched season 5 episode 24, “Representation” because it has some spoilers!*
Rating: General Audiences
What to expect: Hurt No Comfort!!, Angst, that’s basically it
He took a deep breath. “It’s just a nightmare,” he murmured to himself, closing his eyes and pushing down the rising panic within him. He was about to power-up when he heard the trapdoor open. He whirled around, expecting to find Marinette, only to come face-to-face with…Ladybug?
———— OR: What if Ladybug and Chat Noir ran into each other at the end of the episode?
(You can read this under the cut or on AO3!)
Chat Noir leaned against the railing of Marinette’s balcony, still reeling from the nightmare that flashed through his mind. He took a deep breath. “It’s just a nightmare,” he murmured to himself, closing his eyes and pushing down the rising panic within him. He was about to power-up when he heard the trapdoor open. He whirled around, expecting to find Marinette, only to come face-to-face with…Ladybug?
“What are you doing?” They asked at the same time.
“Uhhh, well, my— Marinette’s parents make really good pastries so sometimes I come by to get some,” Ladybug hurriedly explained. “And you?”
“Um, yeah, same here,” he lied.
Well, it wasn’t a total lie. The Dupain-Chengs had the best pastries in Paris and he would sometimes come by to have some. However, that wasn’t the reason he’d been there this time. He’d been about to tell Marinette who he was when his horrible akuma-induced nightmare struck him, and he’d decided against it.
An awkward silence stretched between them on Marinette’s balcony until Ladybug cleared her throat, “So, how was the akuma? I just heard about it. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you.”
“It was sort of like Sand Boy?” Chat Noir explained. “But instead of the nightmare showing up in front of you it was mostly in your head.” Visions of a ruined Paris flashed through his mind. The sight of Ladybug disintegrating and blowing away from him wouldn’t leave his mind.
“I hope you didn’t have to fight me again, even if it was in your head,” Ladybug said, recalling his past nightmare of Ladybug hating him. He almost wished that had been his nightmare. It would’ve been easier to deal with. “At least it’s over now, right?”
Chat Noir shook his head. “Actually, since there was no miraculous cure, the nightmare…won’t go away.” He glanced at Ladybug, her brows furrowed as she frowned.
“That’s bad,” she stated matter-of-factly. “I’m…not too sure how to fix that.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m really sorry, Chat Noir. If you don’t mind me asking, how bad is it?”
Should he tell her? He didn’t want her to feel worse, but talking about it might help him. “Well,” he sighed, deciding to tell her the truth, “I sort of found Paris in ruins. My suit was white, the moon was ruined, and every one seemed to be a petrified statue. The worst part is you…disintegrated in my arms. You just— your ashes floated away.”
He felt tears pricking his eyes. He’d somehow killed Ladybug. Even if it was just a nightmare, there was a possibility of it happening if he got too out of control. Who knows how many others had died? Maybe even Marinette and all of his other friends and his family. He never wanted to see that nightmare become real.
It was then that Chat Noir noticed Ladybug had been very quiet. He turned to look at her, eyes wide and body frozen in fear. It must’ve been a shock to hear about her own death in his nightmare. He rushed to reassure her. “It’s just a nightmare, though. So, it’ll be alright.”
Slowly, she began shaking her head. “Not exactly,” she whispered, voice hoarse. What?
“…What do you mean by that?” What was she hiding from him? Did something like that happen? But how could it have?
Ladybug wiped at her eyes, getting rid of any tears that had begun forming. “Well,” she started, voice shaking, “there was a time when Bunnyx had taken me to a timeline where something very similar had happened. He called himself Chat Blanc and he knew who I was.”
She took a deep breath, “It’s part of the reason why I was even more adamant about not sharing our identities. I thought that if you never knew, then whatever happened couldn’t happen.”
So, it was possible. And it had happened in another timeline. He really could destroy all of Paris, and maybe even more. He could lose control and hurt the people he loved most. Chat Noir felt himself get lightheaded, taking a step back and steadying himself with a hand on the railing of Marinette’s balcony. “Oh,” was all he managed to say.
“I’m sorry I never told you,” Ladybug rushed to say, mistaking his response as him feeling hurt by her keeping this secret from him. Maybe he should’ve been a little hurt by it, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be. He sort of wished he never knew. “Chat Noir?”
“I-I have to go,” he heard himself say. Paris was in ruins because of him in another timeline. Everyone he knew and loved had died because of him. It was possible. It had happened. “There’s a jar with the akuma in it, I left you a voice message on where to find it.”
“Chat—“ Ladybug tried to say, but he left Marinette’s balcony before she could continue.
After some time of running mindlessly, he powered up and went back to London. He detransformed back in his hotel room, collapsing onto his bed. “Hey, kid, are you ok?” Plagg asked. Adrien ignored him, staring at the shadows on the ceiling.
The door to his hotel room opened and then he was ushered into a car. He sat down beside his father in the back seat, feeling everything and nothing all at once. When he was told to go into his new room, he did so without arguing.
His new room looked like he felt. Empty.
“Adrien,” Plagg tried again to talk to him, “please talk to me. How are you feeling?”
Like he was dangerous. Like he couldn’t breathe. Like he needed to stop rebelling because it could lead to mass destruction. Maybe his father had been akumatized when he’d said it, but he was right. That destruction he saw could happen if he couldn’t control his anger. If he kept disobeying him and causing trouble. It would all be his fault. If it happened in another timeline, it could happen again. He never wanted that to happen.
So, he wouldn’t let it happen. He’d keep his head down and do as told and control his anger. There was no way for him to leave his room anyway. No windows to escape from to help Ladybug. If he couldn’t transform, he couldn’t hurt anyone. Even if it hurt, it was better that way. It had to be.
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years ago
I just thought of another lil scenario (sorry I know I'm annoying 😬) where Ransom is lying in bed with a one night stand after they've just finished having sex (his backs to her) he's told her that no girl meets his family/Harlan basically but she spots a photo of Ransom and reader at Harlan's house and she's like "wow where's that" and he says his grandads home so the girls like "oh, who's the girl?" And moans about "this girl" meeting his family
What would his reaction be? 👀
Does reader and Ransom have photos of eachother still?
You’re not annoying darling!!!
This is just a what if. Let’s get our Drabble on!!!
He regretted calling her up the moment she showed up. She was clingy and couldn’t take a hint and even though she was hot those two things were a major turn off for him.
“You know this is our third time meeting up.” She says from behind him. They were still in bed but as soon as he was done he turned around and sat up with the goal of getting to the bathroom.
“Well aren’t we going to make it official? You know meet the family and all that.”
Ransom snorts as he puts on his boxer briefs.
“No one I sleep with meets my family.”
“I think you’ll change your mind.” She says as she begins to get dressed herself.
“Yeah I doubt that.”
Once Ransom noticed the woman he called over wasn’t just going to leave he ushered her out of his room. Instead of heading out she makes her way over to the bar and pours herself a drink.
“Can you finish that up and leave already. This wasn’t a social call.” Ransom snaps at her.
“Oh come on, I just want to get to know you better.”
She wanders around the living room and her eyes land on a few small framed photographs her has laying around. Pictures you’d given him.
“This place looks amazing.” She says as she holds one up. “Where’s this at?”
Against his better judgment he indulges her and answers.
“My grandfather’s house.”
“And the girl in the picture with you? I thought you said no one you sleep with meets your family.”
“She’s different.”
“And why’s that? How are we so different?”
At this point Ransom is beyond pissed so he does what he does best.
“Because she isn’t a slut who’s trying so desperately to have a relationship with someone that was only using her for a semi-decent fuck. Now I think it’s time you get the fuck out.”
She huffed out in anger and first chucked the glass in her hand straight to his head, which he dodged. Then she threw the framed picture on the floor and stomped on with her heels. It not only broke the glass but damaged the picture itself. Ransom stalked over to her and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her toward the front door. He threw it open and placed her on the porch while she kicked and screamed at him.
“Lose my fucking number you prick. Im the best you’ll ever have and you just lost your chance.”
“Please you’re not even in my top 5. And I didn’t even have your number saved. Why don’t you try finding your self respect instead of jumping on the dick of the first guy that calls you in the middle of the night.” Ransom says before slamming the door in her face.
He walks back in and begins to clean up the mess but realizes that the picture can’t be saved. With a sigh he throws it all away and then grabs his phone. It only rings twice.
“Ransom? Is everything ok?”
“Everything is fine thimble. Just missed you.”
“Ran it’s the middle of the night for you.” You say worriedly. The first thing that crossed your mind was that something happened to the twins and considering you were in Italy you needed to know if there was any bad news.
“I know. Would you believe me if I said that I spent many nights awake wishing I had the courage to call you?”
“I would.” You say and the both of you stay quiet on the phone for a few minutes. “I would’ve answered.”
Ransom smiles but his chest aches at the thought of all that time spent away from each other. Maybe, just maybe, Ransom can find a way to recreate that picture.
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ellereanwrites · 1 year ago
Fic fragment that I'll regrettably never finish.
fandom: Fire Emblem Engage characters: Mauvier/Alear words: 1,300
They had settled into something of a routine. Since the war’s end, they would see each other once weekly, outside the diplomatic visits with Lady Veyle. Mauvier would travel to Lythos, or Alear would travel to Gradlon. Occasionally they would meet on the neutral ground of the Somniel, though it had become a bustling meeting place of its own. Mauvier knew it wasn’t a place of rest for Alear anymore, persistently cornered by old allies and new friends. He was surprised when she suggested it for their weekly reunion.
It had taken Mauvier many years to feel completely at home in the Somniel. While most visitors admired the gardens or lounged by the pool, Mauvier preferred the back corner, near the towering statue of the Divine One. It wasn’t the statue itself that drew him there, though impressive. It was the emptiness, the open sky, far from the distant bustle.
Mauvier always felt her presence before he saw her. “We should’ve met at Lythos today,” she said, sitting beside him. “I didn’t think it would be so busy.”
“This is fine. The fresh air feels nice.” He twisted the pact ring so the gem shone in the sunlight. He wore it only on these visits, keeping it secure in its wooden box the rest of the week.
Alear asked after Veyle’s health, and talked of her journey to Elusia: the new heir, the child who nearly always smiled, who resembled King Hyacinth to an unsettling degree.
“How is Queen Ivy faring?” Mauvier asked.
“She’s doing well. Princess Hortensia insists on taking care of the baby so Ivy can rest. She hardly let me help at all.”
“A truly doting aunt.”
Mauvier paused, waiting for the next topic, but couldn’t help starting it himself. “Have you visited your bedroom yet?”
“No, why?”
“There may be some redecoration.” A smile tugged the corner of his lip.
Alear sat up straighter. “Please don’t say you brought that sofa here!”
Mauvier held up both hands in defense. “It was unused in Gradlon. I coordinated it with Clanne. Don’t think I transported it alone.”
“It’s not that…”
“Consider it a gift.” Mauvier placed a hand on her forearm. “Perhaps a selfish gift. We now have somewhere to sit other than on the floor.”
Alear sighed. “I do like that sofa. Thank you.”
When she looked back toward the endless sky, Mauvier studied her face. Loose strands of hair fluttered in a slight breeze, and her cheeks were slightly pink in the cool air. He hadn’t removed his hand from her arm, and she didn’t shake him off.
“Divine One.” He inwardly sighed, wishing already that he hadn’t started that way. He used her title only on formal occasions, in front of other people, never during private visits. He cleared his throat. “Alear,” he began again, “is everything all right? You seem distracted.” When she didn’t answer right away, he added, “I can bring the sofa back.”
At that, she smiled. “I love the sofa. I’d like to see it.”
When the Divine One walked with him across the Somniel, its visitors didn’t interrupt. Mauvier never looked down when ascending the stairs to her room. He felt the eyes on him regardless, the silent knight accompanying the Divine One. He opened the bedroom door, stepping aside to allow her passage, and didn’t look back when he closed the door behind them.
The sofa was out of place: the fabric light gray, faded from a darker shade, the cushions slightly threadbare. When Alear had sat on in it the temple, it had exploded in a cloud of dust. Now, it had been beaten clean, and the legs polished to a shine.
Alear ran a hand along the polished arm before sitting down. “It’s perfect in here.”
Mauvier had been wearing his armor, it would’ve been a tight squeeze. Instead, he sank in comfortably beside her. It wasn’t the first change they’d made to the bedroom—he’d installed curtains right after the war, offering a little privacy. A small bookshelf sat beside the memento drawer, their personal library.
It was the start of a question, but also not. She didn’t look at him directly, focused on the bookshelf. He was about to repy when she went on. “Do you ever think about your legacy?”
“My legacy?”—Sombron; Zephia; Alear across a battlefield—“I try not to.”
“I mean now. What comes after us? What are we leaving behind?”
Mauvier didn’t know how long dragons lived. She wasn’t immortal, but would she live longer than her mother had? Longer than Sombron? Mauvier knew he’d aged since the war, with a peppering of silver in his beard and new lines around his eyes. They’re laugh lines, Alear had told him, though he hadn’t believed her.
Rather than answer, he asked, “What’s on your mind? Tell me what you’re really thinking.”
Alear turned away with she spoke. “I thought I should have an heir.”
Mauvier stared wide-eyed at the back of her head. He marveling how her hair concealed everything; he couldn’t see her expression. He hesitated before asking, “Is this due to Queen Ivy?”
“A little,” she admitted. “But I was thinking about it before.” She turned back to face him. “My mother did so much for me. She sacrificed everything. I want to share that love with someone else, somehow.”
The room seemed quieter. He thought to say something, anything, but held her hands instead. It was a preamble to a response he hadn’t formed yet. The distraction worked; she stared at their joined hands, her thumb tracing the pact ring’s stone.
“It’s a beautiful way to honor your mother.” Mauvier swallowed, heat rising to his cheeks. “I— I will aid you, if you’ll accept me.”
“Thank you, Mauvier. That’s—”
Alear froze. When her head shot up, her cheeks were the same shade he imagined his own to be.
“Th—That’s not…” Her hands were gone in an instant, twisting in her lap amid tangled strands of hair. “I— I thought of adoption.”
“Ah.” Mauvier rubbed the back of his neck. “Of course.”
The temple felt cavernous when he returned home, and he didn’t feel much like retiring to his quarters yet. He’d grown used to the dark of the temple, knowing his way around without seeing. He passed through the foyer, into the common area, then down another dark hall. The chapel sat at the far end, its door open. New candles burned on the altar, tall tapers with flickering flames. The chapel itself had only one window, behind the altar, offering no light at this hour. But he saw Lady Veyle in a pew near the front. Her head was lowered, hands clasped under her chin.
He settled in across the aisle. The altar itself was sparse. They had removed many of the candles and a towering statue of Sombron, leaving only a table behind. The two remaining candles illuminated the room in their scant light, shadows dancing on the chapel walls.
Mauvier closed his eyes. Once, he’d asked Lady Veyle who she prayed to. Whoever is listening, she’d replied, and he liked the idea. He desired to say something, but couldn’t describe the images—the distant look on Alear’s face, or her blush when he foolishly offered himself. He tried to not think about the latter; she hadn’t reprimanded him, but the tightness in his chest hadn’t gone away.
When he opened his eyes, he realized Lady Veyle had been watching. Head tilted, lips pursed, like she wanted to say something. Instead, she waited for him to speak.
“Hello, Lady Veyle,” he said. “Would you mind sitting with me a while?”
She nodded. “Of course, Mauvier.”
She joined him in the pew, sitting side-by-side. Perhaps the words would come. But in the moment, they stared at the flickering candles, praying to an unseen deity. He thought of Queen Lumera. He thought of any number of Divine ancestors, to the beginning of time.
But he saw only her, a smile turning toward him, a warm hand in his own.
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