#I wish they had worked something out in the end because I think neither got closure and it hurted them both
moviestarmartini · 2 hours
yellow flowers. — jude bellingham x gf!reader
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él sabía, ella sabía y se olvidaron de sus flores amarillas.
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summary: how can your relationship recover from such a serious argument the night before?
wc: 975
warnings: angst, not that much dialogue, like three words in spanish, established long-term relationship.
A/N: WHAAAAT?? GIGI POSTING TWICE IN A DAY??? its more likely than you think! thank las flores amarillas hehe.
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now playing... flores amarillas from floricienta
The fight was stupid, really. 
You both had to admit it was. Even then, that doesn’t take away the fact it snowballed into issues each of you held back for what seemed ages, and only ended up with Jude slamming the door on the way out of your apartment. 
After hours of crying, your own exhaustion from the ordeal lulled you to sleep. When you rose up in the morning, neither your mind nor your body prepared for the fact it was a Saturday. 
Nor the fact everyone and their mothers were receiving yellow flowers, something you’d always craved but were always just another bystander. 
If you listened to that song again you might just rip your hair off. 
You had a whole day planned with Jude after the game, he wanted to do something special, but the fact you couldn’t hold back your jealousy the night before was more than enough to dampen the idea, whatever it was. 
For a second, you tried to put things on the positive side. A self-care day. In theory it was wonderful, but the second you sat alone in the bubbly bathtub, you broke down in tears. 
You’d been together for years. You changed your whole life around him, learning German to go to school in the same country and planning your masters in Spanish. Maybe that was part of the reason he called you spineless; you adapted to other’s needs and perspectives easier. His words bounced around your head, each reminder taunting you more. 
To top it all off, Spotify seemed to have a vendetta against you, your daylist was insanely depressing. 
“Is this because he plays for Real Madrid?!” You spoke out into the world, growing frustrated with your situation. 
That did spark an idea in your brain; or more of a reminder. 
Jude had a game today. And you weren’t going to be there to watch him. That just made you jump out of the bath, get changed into decent clothes and leave the house for once to watch him at your best friend’s house upon her request, miserably so even when the team got their footing back up— knowing you should be in the stands cheering him on. But alas, you weren’t.
And you wondered if you would ever be again. 
The moment he fell clutching his shoulder, your heart stopped. Tears welled in your eyes but you avoided letting them escape, remembering the long hours of work and recovery, the utter joy you felt when he informed both you and the team he was comfortable playing without the big chunky brace again. All that, and it crumbled down right before your eyes, like your relationship. 
Still, you didn’t hesitate on reaching for your phone, not finding any elation on the team’s victory. 
[ I know you don’t want to see or hear from me ] 
[ But how’s your shoulder? I’m seriously concerned ] 
You knew he wasn’t going to reply right away, and when your companion found out who you’d texted, she ripped the phone out of your hands and put it away for the reminder of your evening laced with white wine and take out sushi. 
“Thank you for releasing me, master.” You joked by the time she gave you the mobile back, swallowing hard upon seeing Jude hadn’t replied. 
He hadn’t even read it. 
Now you were actually panicking, swallowing down the tears in the Uber and wishing the small elevator could go fast enough that you didn’t break down somewhere that wasn’t in the comfort of your home. 
You were overwhelmed enough that you didn’t even take into account your door was unlocked when you clearly left it locked, nor the warm light coming from the tiny space under the doorframe. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Were the first words you registered before your eyes caught the indoor prairie your boyfriend had installed in your living room in the shape of yellow daisies. 
Your eyes trailed the hundreds of petals before your eyes finally fell on him, scanning from his toes up to the apologetic expression he was carrying. Now it all made sense; your friend insisted on getting you out of the house for this. He didn’t reply because of this. 
Though your heart was running at a whopping speed of thirty miles per second, your feet took you painfully slow— cautiously— towards him. You were still marveled, carefully watching where your sneakers landed to avoid stepping on the beautiful work he’d planned for you. 
“Perdón,” Jude repeated, as if the words in Spanish meant so much more than the English language. He opened his mouth for what seemed to be a rant, but the way you squeezed the life out of him with a desperate hug left him speechless, followed by your hugs. 
“I thought you— you were going to dump me and I would have to move back home and— and I can’t imagine that because I love you so much and that’s why I was scared!” You babbled between hiccups, trying to calm yourself down before his gentle hands cupping your face did the job spectacularly. 
“I would be such a fuckin’ idiot to do that.” He couldn’t help but let out a laugh, not at you nor your claims, but at how ridiculous he had been. 
“Te perdono,” You sniffled, your bottom lip still puckered up ever so slightly. 
“But what’s all this?” You turned to look at the scene, something straight out of a Van Gogh painting. 
“You thought I forgot with the thousand TikToks you sent me on this day?” He leaned in to kiss your forehead before pulling you into another warm hug. 
“I also watch Gilmore Girls whenever you do. Whoops.” 
Your laugh echoed as you snuggled closer to him in your upright position, being extremely thankful the last sentence of the song wasn’t your reality.
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A/N: if y'all seriously thought it wasn't going to have a happy ending you clearly don't know me well enough rip
23 notes · View notes
Simple Gestures
Summary: Logan x Fe!Reader -> You and Logan, despite getting off on the wrong foot, find yourselves falling in love through simple gestures.
Disclaimer: Mostly cute fluff, an almost kiss in the snow, stargazing, stealing clothes, a little violence in the beginning, a meet ugly, simple gestures of love. Light swearing, happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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Yourself and Logan had fallen in love through simple gestures. Although, that wasn’t how it always was. 
In the beginning, neither of you had exactly been in the other’s good books. Though, you supposed that had something to do with what Rogue would call your “meet cute” rather than your individual personalities. 
Your “meet cute” (as Rogue put it) had been when Xavier had first tried to recruit you to join X-Men. 
At the time, you had been living in Colorado and was spending most days either working at the library or working at the local bar. And one evening when you got home, you found three strangers on your veranda meaning they had misread your “Keep Out” sign at the pathway entrance, or had completely elected to ignore it. 
“I don’t know what you’re selling but I’m not buying.” 
You walked through the three of them and their huddle, opened up your screen door, unlocked your front door and slammed both in their faces. 
“Logan,” you heard a British voice sigh before an American one replied with; “I’m on it.”
Maybe he was Canadian?
Either way, he didn’t sound thrilled to be having to do whatever he knew was being asked of him. 
But you soon found out what that was because a few moments later, he was opening up your back door. 
So, as any woman would do when a stranger is ignoring her polite “fuck off, please” and trying to get through the back door of her home. 
You threw a book at him. 
And it wasn’t just any book. 
It was a hardback copy of Kings and Queens of Britain. 
“Wha- Jesus!”
Stumbling back, Logan caught hold of the door frame as his head mended his new found concussion. 
“Get out!” you screamed. 
Finding yourself walking towards him, you were about to shove him out when he noticed what had hit him and before you could throw a punch to his face, he caught your wrist. 
“Whoa, hey, wait. We’re not here to hurt you.”
“Said every intruder ever.”
“Please, Ms Y/l/n.” The British guy was back. “We only wish to talk.”
“Yeah?” You looked around at the three of them before you looked back at the book. Logan’s grip squeezed on your wrist to get your attention. 
He had it. 
“I wouldn’t think about it.”
Glaring from Logan, you turned back to the Brit. “Please. Just five minutes of your time.”
Once more you looked around them and yanked your wrist from Logan’s grip. Turning, you picked up your book and placed it back where you had found it. 
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you grumbled to yourself as you walked further inside. 
The three of them entered and stood around your living room as you walked from your kitchen and back in again. It was more of an open floor plan so they could still see you. Not that you were trying to hide from them. 
“So why are you here? Other than trying to break into my home?”
“We wish to offer you a job,” the woman said. 
“And you are?”
She smiled at you. So far, she was the only one you liked. “Ororo. But you can also call me Storm. And this here is Logan.”
You looked at him. “We’ve met.”
Logan mirrored your look to him. 
“And this is-”
“Professor Charles Xavier.” He introduced himself. 
You nodded. “What sort of job?”
“It’s to be a part of our team. The X-Men.”
You took a gulp of your drink. “And I want to be a part of this…why?”
The Professor rolled forward. “Ms Y/l/n-”
The Brit smiled. “Y/n. Our team is made up of some of the best people we know who are like us. Mutants.”
You paused. “Mutants?”
“Ororo here can control the weather. Hence her nickname, Storm. And Logan-”
“Is what? Catwoman? I mean, with the breaking and entering and the little kitty ears for hair, it sure does fit him.” 
Storm chuckled and Logan looked less than amused. The Professor held back his laugh, too. “Actually, Logan is, well…”
Turning his head to look at him, Logan rolled his eyes a little and gave a short sigh before bringing his fist up and clenching it just as metal claws came out. 
You grimaced. “That’s super gross.”
Logan rolled his eyes once more and put his claws away. 
“Like I was saying, our team is made up of mutants, who can help people. And with your reputation preceding you, I figured we might as well come down here and ask you ourselves.”
Looking around them all, you debated the idea. 
“Why me?”
“Your mutant abilities might prove a successful part in building our team.” Ororo explained. “With talents like yours and by joining our team, you’ll be able to help more people than just the locals here. Those in serious danger could use your help, just like they could use ours.”
“And you just expect me to join you? Like that?”
“There are other parts to your job, such as becoming a teacher. I run a school for the gifted. For mutants. To help them earn a well rounded education as well as helping them learn how to control their powers.”
Logan was baffled. “I thought we were here to put her on the team, not give her a teaching position. She can’t be a teacher.”
“Why not?” Storm asked. 
“For one,” Logan gestured to you. “She works in a bar.”
Your arms crossed your chest. “Someone’s been reading my CV.”
“You really think making a bartender a teacher is a good thing?”
Your brows knotted for a moment. “I’ll have you know I do have a teaching degree and working in a bar is only part time. I also work at a library.”
“She has a teaching degree and she’s not even a teacher.”
The Professor shrugged. “This gives her a chance to put it to good use.”
“What will I be teaching?”
“Well, considering your degree is in English and History, you’ll primarily be teaching English to our students.” The Professor smiled. “And you can take some of Logan’s classes as we move closer to final exams for our older students.”
You looked at Logan, a little shocked. From the jeans and leather jacket, you figured he’d teach something like gym or shop. That’s if he was even a teacher and not just hired muscle. 
“You,” you pointed at Logan. “Teach History?”
A little offended by your shock, Logan nodded. “I’ve lived through most of it.”
“How old are you?”
By your tone, Logan was nowhere near being less offended by you.
After more than just a five minute conversation, you agreed to take the job. And six weeks later, you had your things packed, had moved into your new room and was already teaching some new classes. 
However, considering you were already taking one of Logan’s classes a week as he helped the older students prepare for their mock exams, and neither your or Logan had gotten off on the best foot, things were a little…icy. 
“You need to get neater handwriting.” Logan blurted out one afternoon as you were both sitting in the teachers break room. 
“Excuse me?”
Logan practically slammed another paper beside his thigh. “You write like a five year old.”
“Fast handwriting is a sign of intelligence,” you pointed out. 
“Fast, maybe. But illegible isn’t.”
Another paper went down by his side. 
“You know, maybe if you took your time to actually read, you’d be able to see what it said and it wouldn’t look so much like a blur across a page.”
Logan sighed, marking another paper. “I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have.”
“Logan, I practically read for a living. I’m living every introvert's dream.”
Logan sighed, shuffling his finished papers. “And I mark for a living. Fixed your handwriting.”
Placing half of the papers back with you, Logan walked out carrying the rest with him. And as he did so, you took the top paper from the pile and read where you had written your feedback for the student. 
“It’s not illegible.”
Six months in, not much had changed. 
You and Logan still held small hostilities to one another. Though, on the handwriting front, Logan stopped mentioning it after three months so either he gave up on ever trying to change your handwriting, or he got used to it enough that he could finally understand it. 
And as time went on, the students started to gather their own opinions on you and Logan, both as individuals but also…
As a couple. 
And it was simply by luck that neither you or Logan had found out about it. 
The first teacher to find out was Storm during one of her classes, to which she mentioned it to Jean who later heard the same from her students before she shared it with Scott in the privacy of their bedroom as they were getting ready for bed one night. 
Soon enough, all the teachers save for you and Logan knew of the group of students “shipping” yourself and Logan. 
But things between you and Logan began to change almost a year into you starting your position at the school. 
“But she’s annoying.”
You already knew Logan was talking about you. Over the course of a year you’d somehow become accustomed to the tone and tune of Logan's voice when he was talking about you. 
“Oh, please,” you grumbled as you entered the Professor’s office, still dressed in your pjs. 
Though, considering you had fallen asleep in lounge wear that consisted of joggers, an old t-shirt and a black hoodie which you were 40% sure had been Logan’s at some point, you figured you could get away with being dressed the way you were at eleven in the morning. 
“I annoy everyone,” you told Logan.
“Ain’t that the truth.” Logan mumbled. 
“You’re nothing special.”
The Professor smiled to himself. Storm and the others would get a kick out of this later. 
“Thank you for joining us.”
“Why aren’t you dressed?”
You drank your coffee. “Not all of us sleep in jeans, Logan.”
“I don’t sleep in jeans.”
“Please, you’re never out of them.”
The Professor cleared his throat. “As I was just telling Logan, since final exams are coming up, I would like you and Logan to work through a plan together for next semester's classes. It seems we have a few more students than we had planned, taking History as an option next year. I’ll leave it to you both to work it out, but when you’ve finished, please give me a copy of your schedule.”
“Oh,” the Professor continued. “And please let it be an actual plan this time, Logan. Not a scribble on the back of a napkin from the kitchens. I’ll make sure the library is free tonight so you can both work without any interruptions.”
So there it was. 
After almost a year, you and Logan were being told to spend time alone together after half of the team had worked their hardest to try and make sure someone else was in the room when it came to you two in fear of you both finally snapping and doing more damage than what an encyclopaedia could do to an adamantium skeleton. 
And when Logan found you that night, he felt something shift. 
Both universally and inside of him. 
Walking into the library, he was expecting to find you absent from your chair. But instead he found you sitting at one of the desks, your ankles crossed beneath your chair, multiple notebooks around the place, two pencils in your hair, one between your teeth, pens across the desk (some without caps) and you frantically searching for something. 
On one of the smaller tables behind the sofa, Logan found a familiar notebook which he knew belonged to you, flipped open onto a page. 
Somehow in the past couple of months he’d become fluent in you. From comparing your handwriting to that of a five year old, it wasn’t long until he began to pick out words and eventually became a master in your handwriting. 
Even the others came to him, most of the time shoving your note in front of him and asking him to read it. 
“Looking for this?”
You looked up at Logan and gave a look of relief. “I thought I’d left it upstairs.”
You took it from him. “Thank you. Now where did I put my pen?”
In a similar fit of desperation, you started looking around for your pen, but something made Logan smile. Leaning across the desk, his palm on top of a couple of sheets of loose paperwork, he raised his other hand and you stopped. 
“What? What is it?”
Reaching up and behind you, you felt Logan pull something from your hair before he presented it to you with a soft smirk. 
“Is this what you are looking for?”
You looked from the pen to Logan and back to the pen before plucking it from his fingers. “Thanks.”
Logan watched as your gaze flicked from his back to your work. He stood up. “What’s all this?”
“Just things for lessons. Oh, uh, here.”
You pulled a different notepad from beneath the chaotic pile. “This is my plan for the lessons next semester. Tell me what you think.”
Logan watched as you went back to scribbling before he opened up the notepad and read through it. 
“This is good. I can take a couple more classes closer to Christmas, though. Kids’ are gonna need you for the English exams.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
“How long have you been sitting here?”
You shrugged before holding down the paper you were writing on, almost like it was about to fly away. “Couple hours. I’m almost done.”
Logan looked from you and back to the pad. “I can take more lessons before Spring Break, too.”
Picking up one of the uncapped pens, Logan made his adjustments to your plan before pulling out a chair and sitting across from you. 
And for the first time, there was peace between yourself and Logan. He used your notepad to draw up a copy for the Professor on his laptop whilst you finished up your rougher lesson plans for the next couple of weeks. 
It was in the moments Logan looked at you, sitting across from him, that he felt something shift. He couldn’t tell what it was exactly, but somehow, rather than arguing with you over the fact you were wearing his hoodie that had gone missing a few months ago, he found himself admiring you in it. How cosy you looked. How warm and comforted you looked. 
And something sparked in him when he realised something of his brought you that. 
Time pressed on and those civil moments that seemed to be saved for one day out of the year, became less and less rare. 
In fact, you now found yourself looking forward to spending time with Logan. 
A sentence you never thought possible. 
You’d spent so long bickering and fighting and glaring at each other over the smallest things, that you’d both failed to realise that you could actually be quite good friends.
At the beginning of the new academic year, the students and even some of the teachers thought someone had lost complete control of their power and had set something on you and Logan. 
But no. 
You had both simply…made friends. 
Now rather than frosty mornings spent poking fun at each other, mornings were calm and a little warmer. Of course, you and Logan still bickered occasionally. Mainly when you had pointed out the change in your dynamic. 
“No, this is too weird.”
“What’s too weird?”
“Us,” you gestured between yourself and Logan. “We’re friends.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
You almost whimpered. “Don’t you find it weird?”
“That we’ve gone from not being allowed alone in a room together to being friends?” 
You nodded. 
Logan continued hanging up the posters around your classroom. 
You sighed. “You know, sometimes you can agree with me?”
He nodded. “I know. But it is fun watching you squirm.”
“I don’t squirm.”
“You’re squirming right now because rather than bickering, which we are still doing, we’re friends.”
 You sighed and handed Logan another poster. 
Soon the days began to feel like they were bleeding into one until finally Christmas break came around and you found yourself sitting in the kitchen on a snowy day, eating some soup. 
“What is it?”
Logan had walked in to find you looking at your soup with a confused look. 
“Something’s missing.”
Less than twenty seconds later, Logan dumped some crackers beside your bowl. That’s what was missing. 
“You’re missing snow day, by the way.”
You dipped one into your soup and ate it. “I’ll be out later. If I can just find my hoodie.”
“You mean my hoodie?”
“It became my hoodie a long time ago,” you told Logan. 
Then you watched as he smirked a little before walking out of the kitchen and towards the laundry room. When he returned, he was carrying the black hoodie and handed it to you. It was still warm. 
“You left it in the library the other night after you spilled some milk down it. So I washed it.”
You smiled, almost vibrating in your seat with excitement to have a freshly washed and warm hoodie. It warmed you instantly, for more than just being fresh out of the dryer. 
A few hours later, it was keeping you warmer still as you were being pelted with snowballs by a couple of the students and eventually found yourself being chased by Logan down the field after you had sent one flying to the back of his head causing it to run down the back of his clothes. 
He caught you, spinning you both before you both found yourself rolling in the snow. Except, as you both came to a stop, Logan was flat on his back, his arms still around you and you were lying against his chest, your faces mere inches away from each other. 
And as the laughter died down and the smiles remained, you felt something shift. 
Looking from Logan’s eyes, you own dropped to his mouth for a moment before coming back up again. And you couldn’t help but notice he did the same with you. Suddenly, his hands that had kept you steady were now creeping across your back and his touch was practically seeping into your skin. 
Only, before anything could happen, you were both hit with a snowball. 
“Come on you two, we’re dying out here!” Rogue yelled before narrowly missing a snowball being thrown at her. 
You and Logan laughed before scrambling to your feet and heading back into the game. 
Later that evening as you and Logan were doing the last rounds of the school, you’d found a couple of kids fast asleep in their pjs, clearly having snuck out of bed at the last minute to watch the late night snowfall. 
Yourself and Logan carried them back to bed, you shutting the light off as Logan closed the door quietly. And as he bid you goodnight, a part of you couldn’t help but wish that you weren’t going off to a different room, two hallways down from him. 
However, it was only a few mornings later when Logan came and woke you earlier in the morning than usual to bring you down to breakfast where everyone was up and ready for the day. It was a surprise field trip and by the time you had gone back to your room to get dressed, you gave a small yelp as you opened the door back up to find Logan already standing there. His fist was held up, just getting ready to knock on. 
“Jesus, Logan. Give a girl a word of warning before you go to knock her out.”
Logan chuckled a little. “You ready?”
You grabbed your bag. “Yeah, let's go.”
The day was fun but it was long and after spending half of the night convincing yourself of “one more chapter, then sleep” – it was safe to say you were knackered. 
So when Logan pressed his hand to your head and brought it down to rest on his shoulder as he leaned back, you didn’t protest. 
Only, since your eyes were closed, you had missed the small smile on his face when he noticed you were nodding off and the comfortable sigh that left him when he realised you were fast asleep against him. 
Halfway back to the school, he’d felt you shiver a little. 
She pulled out her headphones and looked back at him. “Yeah?”
“There’s a blanket in the cabin above your head. Pass it to me.”
Unbuckling her seatbelt, she did so, but took time to take in the picture before her as Logan covered both himself and you up as you slept. 
Rogue just smiled, “Nothing.”
And she sat back down. And for as much as Logan wondered what Rogue meant by her smile, the thought left his head when he looked back down at you and you snuggled in closer to him. 
Once you all finally got back, Logan led you to your bedroom and slipped the shoes off your feet as you climbed under your covers. But as he went to walk away, you reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. 
And for a moment, he soaked it all in. 
The feeling of you holding his hand. The feeling of you falling asleep against him. The feeling of you. 
Until you let go.
It was only a few months later that you held onto his hand again, except this time you were fully conscious and didn’t let go until after the plane had landed. 
You had known Logan was afraid of flying since you first met him. You’d gotten onto that plane to take a short tour around the school before you officially accepted the job. Only, as you stepped onto the plane, you noticed Logan became tenser. And when it finally took off, he seemed like he was either wishing to pass out or he was gonna puke. 
“You’re afraid of flying.” You said almost with a smile, delighted to find out that the gruff man you’d thrown a book at merely an hour before, was afraid of something. 
Logan's stomach churned. “If man was meant to fly, he’d grow wings.”
You leaned back watching him with a smile. “Some already have.”
Logan just looked at you and tried to put his focus elsewhere. 
Knowing this, and finally being his friend, you found a seat next to him. The flight was going to be a long one. 
“How can you be afraid of flying? Weren’t you in the army for like…a gazillion years?” You asked as you boarded on with him. 
“You try nearly dying each time you get in one of these things, see how bad you’re itching to get back in one again.”
Logan put his bag in the compartment at the back before taking yours and placing it with his. As he buckled his seatbelt, you found difficulty with yours and just as you were about to give up or, at the very least, swear at the inanimate object, Logan’s body turned and helped you do it up. 
“These can be tricky.”
He clipped it together. “Thanks.”
He looked at you before sitting back in his seat, trying to find something to concentrate on as the jet started to lift. 
Only, his search to find something else became distracted when your hand reached across and held onto his. And for a moment, he was shocked. And then he smiled. And relaxed a little. With a little bit of turbulence, he squeezed your hand but never enough to truly hurt. 
But you never let go. 
And when the jet finally landed and you both found tarmac under your feet, you felt the climate hit you a lot more than you had been expecting. Except, less than a minute later, the familiar scent of Logan surrounded you and you found his jacket spreading over your shoulders. 
You smiled, letting your senses drown in his scent and warmth before you slipped your arms through the holes and found your way to your intended location. 
A week later, you were all sitting around in the living room, reading different things or watching TV. However, Logan lay on the sofa with his head in your lap, slowly dozing off to the sound of the TV, you turning your book pages every now and again and your heartbeat which only seemed to be amplified when he pressed his ear to your leg, hearing the blood rush around your body. 
By the time he woke up, everyone had disappeared, the lamps were on, the TV was on low and you were sitting on the floor, not too far from his head, going through a small pile of essays. 
His voice sounded a little rougher than usual. You turned your head and smiled. It wasn’t often you got to see sleepy Logan, let alone comfortable Logan. 
“What are you doing?”
“Just some marking. Ooh, now you're awake, can you read what this says?”
Logan took the paper from you and looked at it. “This is your handwriting.”
“I know but I can’t tell what it says.”
But Logan could. 
You thanked him before taking the paper back. “Sometimes I think you know my handwriting better than I know my handwriting. Case in point.”
“You’re your own language.”
You smiled. “And after a year, you’re an expert. Maybe you missed your calling. Logan, the Language teacher. Read and speak in English, grunts, kitty cat and my handwriting.”
Logan groaned, trying to hide his smile. He was still waking up. His muscles couldn’t fight it off just yet. “I’m not a cat.”
“You have quite literal claws.”
“I’m Wolverine.”
You jokingly scoffed. “You’re a cat. But it’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.”
Logan just rolled his eyes with his smile and brought his hand over to cover your mouth. “You done?”
You eventually nodded and went back to marking the essays whilst Logan simply watched you. 
He’d found himself doing more of that recently; watching you. Not in a stalker kinda way- at least, he hoped not. But just small things you did in the day. Grading papers, scribbling on paper, walking down the hallway and somehow avoiding every pillar and post on the way despite your nose being buried deep inside whatever book you were reading. 
And he’d noticed more things about you, too. 
How you walked, how you moved. And when you were in the zone, it was almost like watching you dance. You knew what you were doing, ten steps ahead of time. You’d caught more students talking and passing notes more than even he had. 
Some days, when he was on his lunch break, he’d sneak into the back of your classroom. The class would be fully engrossed in whatever it was you were talking about, so he mostly went unnoticed. So, he’d pull up a chair at the back and sit in the sea of students. 
And when he forced himself to pay attention to what you were saying, rather than just checking you out and watching you, he managed to learn a thing or two. 
It was also on some of those days, you’d find a protein bar and a coffee at your desk by the time you returned back to class. 
For another year, these small gestures continued. You, holding his hand during a plane ride, him bringing you coffee and a snack, both of you falling asleep on each other, him routinely finding lost pens and pencils that most of the time were stuck in your hair or behind you ear. Even going so far as to bring each other meals when you knew the other had missed one. 
That was how the “dates” started. Sometimes in the library, other times in the kitchen or out in the garden. If one of you was missing for a meal, the other would wrap leftovers on a plate. 
Across a couple of these nights, some of the students had gone unnoticed when passing the rooms. Because, when you and Logan looked at each other, everything else faded away. 
And then one night everything changed. 
Everything went from the small moments and small gestures and a friendship that made you question if that’s all you wanted when it came to Logan, to both of you confronting your questions with the answers you’d both known, deep down, for a long time. 
Or maybe it was just one answer. 
Logan turned and found Rogue leaning in the hallway. He placed down the photo frame he’d been holding. 
“I was just looking at some pictures. Found one of you.”
Logan picked up a second and held it out for her to see. “Cute. But, I don’t think that’s why you were looking here.”
Rogue put the photo down and picked up the familiar frame. The picture Logan had just been holding. 
“You know, if you asked her, she’d probably say yes.”
Logan put the photo back down. “Say yes to what?”
“You know what.”
“No, I don’t.”
Rogue gave a smirk as she watched Logan walk away. And she followed after him. 
“You can’t just run away from feelings, you know. They’re inside of you. Unless you can outrun your own skin, you can’t leave them behind.”
Logan looked at her. “Don’t you have a class to be in?”
“My final exam is tomorrow.”
Logan pushed open the door. “Then shouldn’t you be studying?”
“Giving my eyes a break.” Rogue hopped down the steps behind him. “It’s just a date, Logan. Everyone already knows you’ve completed steps 4 through 20. Just need to complete the first three.”
Rogue followed Logan into the garage. “Ask her out on a date, first kiss and first…time.”
Rogue smiled up at Logan a little, watching him blush a little before awkwardly walking away. “I forget you’re old enough to know about stuff like that.”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s just sex, Logan. But the more important part here is step one. Asking her out on a date.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Step twenty.” Rogue told him. “You’re in love with her.”
Logan paused what he was doing and turned to look at Rogue. “Logan, you can’t just keep running away each time you feel something for someone.”
“I’m not running away.”
“Then where are you going?”
“To the store. We need some things.”
Rogue sighed, getting back to her point. “Look, I get your whole “lone wolf” act, but you keep forgetting something.”
“Really? And what’s that?”
“A lone wolf can still find a pack. Better yet, build one of their own.” 
Logan took in Rogue’s expression as she held onto the door on the other side of the truck. He sighed. 
“Do you need anything from the store?”
“Period pads.”
By the time Logan got back from the store, it was almost nightfall. He left the bag of products inside Rogue’s door before he headed into the kitchen and found it…quiet.
“Where is everyone?” Logan asked as he put the milk away. 
You looked over your shoulder from the stove. “Jean and Scott are out on a date, Ororo took the kids out with the Professor. Last minute deal – they get to spend a night inside a museum.”
“Anyone else home?”
You shook your head. “Just us.”
“So,” Logan eventually found his seat across the kitchen island from you. “What do you want to do?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t really have a plan outside making dinner and eating outside.”
So that’s what you both ended up doing. Sitting outside, under the stars, backlit by the lights from the kitchen, eating dinner. 
Logan washed up inside, looking over his shoulder every now and again to see you stood outside, looking up at the sky. 
“You know, back home you could see all the stars. I think I was about ten when I finished mapping out all the constellations I could see.”
Logan leaned against the backdoor, listening to you explain. Then with a smile and a kick of his feet, he made his way over to you. 
Logan opened up his jacket for you and you thanked him quietly as he helped you slip it on. It was big, the sleeves managing to cover your hands more than your own jackets did. 
Twirling you around, Logan pulled the jacket close by the collar and you found yourself inches from him. 
“Figured you’d get cold.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
And for a while, you both just looked at each other. You’d noticed Logan always had this look on his face when he looked at you. You just couldn’t pin it. But then it shifted. Like you could see the cogs turning in his head, but he had come to a conclusion before you could ask. 
“Do you want to go on a date?”
You felt yourself reel back a little, trying to decide if he was bullshitting you or not. And it took a moment or two, but once you realised he was being serious you said…
“With me?”
You nodded with a smile. “I’d love to.”
“Are you sure?” Logan asked, his hands still holding onto the jacket. 
You raised your brow slightly. “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
“Good.” You gave a short nod before looking back at him. “I like a man who knows what he wants.”
Brushing the hair from your face to behind your ear, Logan smiled. And so did you. Feeling his warmth through his palm as he caressed your face, he drew you in. 
And when his lips finally met yours, something seemed to click into place. 
That feeling that had been growing inside of you, ever since you saw him for the first time when he’d pulled the pen from your hair all those nights ago, was finalised. 
This had been the shift. This was the change. You’d both taken a step forward without realising it and had found not only comfort but love in each other's presence. 
“Are you busy now?”
You shrugged, your arms looping around the back of Logan’s neck. “Depends. What for?”
“For our date.”
“Now?” You asked, a little shocked. 
Logan nodded. “Come with me.”
Holding onto his hand, he hurried you down the stone steps and towards the garden. You laughed. 
“Logan, slow down. Where are we going?”
He smiled. “You’ll see.”
And you did. 
He’d taken you to the greenhouse, climbing up the spiralling staircase and out onto the small rooftop. 
Looking up to the sky, you took in a breath. 
“It’s gorgeous.”
You were in amazement. The greenhouse was far enough away from the school that none of the lights from it polluted your vision. The sky was as clear as it had ever been and you felt like you could see for miles on end. Most of it was woodland, covered with a blanket of stars. 
It was one of the most extraordinary things you had seen in a long time. 
However, when you looked to find Logan to gauge his reaction, you just found him looking at you. 
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drak3n · 9 months
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CONTENT WARNINGS: fluff, slow burn, coworkers to lovers trope, reader is whipped for nanami, smut, office sex, oral (m. receiving, f. receiving implied) cum-eating
sena’s note: i will never get over my hubby :(
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➩ BANKER!KENTO who recently moved back to tokyo after having spent some time in malaysia; who came back as a well-rested, new man (& even more handsome with a nice tan)
➩ BANKER!KENTO who had absolutely no interest in socializing with his coworkers and making friends at his new job and whose one and only goal was to survive his shifts and leave
➩ BANKER!KENTO who didn’t think he’d meet a person who hated work as much as he did until he saw you nearly ripping your hair out in your office through the glass door
➩ BANKER!KENTO who you got teamed up with to do the annual financial statement together to present to the entire team; and you couldn’t be more nervous to approach the blonde
➩ BANKER!KENTO who approached you instead and asked if you should just split the tasks up and present them together in the end, because he assumed you didn’t want to interact with him
you blinked up at the tall man while he leaned over your desk. what?
“come again?” embarrassingly, you hadn’t listened to what he said. his forearms just looked so buff and he had no damn business rolling the sleeves of his perfectly ironed, blue shirt up to his elbows—
“—me which part you prefer and i’ll do the other.”
fuck. what did he say? you couldn’t ask him to repeat it once more. he’d think you were a dumbass. what was the best way to get out of this situation without completely busting it?
“yeah, sure!” your response was weird and overly enthusiastic, and you were never happier to be sitting at this desk. you wouldn’t have the slightest idea what to do with your arms and legs, or frankly, yourself, if you were standing.
totally missing the look of disappointment on nanami’s face — which he covered by clearing his throat and collecting himself again quickly — you spent the next few seconds looking at each other.
did he have something on his face? had he forgotten a splotch of shaving foam on his chin or cheek? or did he have a coffee stain on his shirt? your gaze was making him wonder.
“you can choose your part, then,” he muttered, hinting at the stack of papers that had been given to you and kento. oh now it made sense… of course he wouldn’t want to meet up to get this done together. obviously.
“uh, i could do the statistics and the powerpoint.” this time it was you hiding how disheartened you were, and he had no idea.
➩ BANKER!KENTO who, as time passed, grew fond of the way you carried yourself so gracefully; how you always kept a clear head (except for in the confines of your office where you liked ripping and crumpling papers instead of shoving them into the file shredder)
➩ BANKER!KENTO who actually enjoyed doing the annual closure exposure with you on christmas eve and watched as you stayed behind to tidy up
➩ BANKER!KENTO who silently joined you, much to your surprise as it was well-known already that he didn’t like staying for longer than he had to
“oh, kento, i’ll take care of it. just go enjoy your christmas eve.”
he grunted, throwing the plastic cups into the nearest trash can while you collected the leftover cookies, placing them into a tin. “don’t you have anywhere to be?” you asked out of interest, to which he shook his head. you smiled. “me neither.”
as you left through the backdoor, wrapped up in thick coats, gloves and scarfs, you noticed that it had started snowing. you wanted to ask him if he was up to come over to yours and have dinner together — perhaps not your usual pompous family christmas dinner, but takeout — and then watch a sappy movie with two mugs of hot cocoa… but you didn’t.
ironically, he thought the same, but he couldn’t get the worst past the lump in his throat.
instead, you seperated after a couple of feet, wishing each other a merry christmas and cursing yourselves why you didn’t speak up.
➩ BANKER!KENTO whose fingers hovered over your contact information a day before new year’s eve; who knew you two would probably spend that day alone, too, and who thought it wouldn’t be worth it to make the effort of roasting an entire duck just for himself
➩ BANKER!KENTO who was beaten to it when you called him instead
“hey, kento.” you said, and he could hear your soft smile. “i was wondering if you uh… would like to come over for new year’s eve? i was going to… bake a cake, and it would be a waste to just eat it all by myself and have to chuck the rest in the trash...”
as you chuckled awkwardly, you didn’t have the slightest clue that nanami sent a smile of victory towards the duck in his fridge and a bottle of red wine resting on his kitchen counter. as if he had gotten caught, he quickly coughed.
“yes, i’d like that,” he muttered into the speaker, which made you cover your speaker to let out a joyous squeal. “do you like roasted duck?”
➩ BANKER!KENTO whose eyes went wide at the sight of you in a dress, elegant as always, but less formal; who felt the need to loosen his tie, sweating despite the freezing temperatures outside as you pulled him into a hug after taking the pan from his arm
➩ BANKER!KENTO who never thought much of others complimenting his cooking, but who felt giddy as you swooned, asking him about all the ingredients and expressing how you’d never eaten a meal as delicious as his in your entire life
➩ BANKER!KENTO who wanted to excuse himself minutes before new year’s eve, but who let himself get dragged to your balcony to watch the fireworks, and who let out a sound of surprise as you pulled him down gently by his now loosened tie to smooch him breathless
“darling, what if someone sees?” nanami sat back in his chair and let out a shaky sigh when his dark eyes darted to the door, before settling on you, hidden right behind his desk as you sat on your knees, unbuckling his belt with deft fingers.
“you’ve been pressing against me every time you walked past me today, kento.” your eyes were laced with need as you took his thick, hard cock out of its restraints. “didn’t you want this?” the blonde gritted his jaw when your thumb knowingly rubbed against his slit, smearing precum all over the reddened tip.
“you don’t know what you do to me, love…” he couldn’t stop himself from bucking his hips into your mouth, not when you took him so well and sucked him so nicely. it was almost as if you were asking him to shoot his cum down your throat when your eyes met.
you greedily swallowed every bit of it when he did, tucking him back inside and dusting your skirt off, acting as if nothing happened. when you shot him a coy smile and attempted to leave his office, he grasped your wrist in his hand, uncaring if anyone saw or not at this point.
“w—what are you—”
“did you think i missed the way you rubbed your thighs together the entire time? sit on the desk, let me reward my lovely girl.”
➩ BANKER!KENTO who now had someone to spend all holidays with, and who he didn’t even mind working overtime with :)
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tagged: @melancholia-k @tansyfleurwhisper
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
PLEASE can we get more HOAF ?? Maybe their wedding with absolutely adorable Milo and Olivia OR their wedding night 👀👀👀 ~nurse-sainz
as two of you know, I've been seriously thinking about the hoaf second series. It has a title, but, because I don't want to start ANOTHER series until I finish a current one, it's something I'm going to be working on behind the scenes
Warnings: Pregnancy, pregnancy hormones
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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She'd never expected to be pregnant on her wedding day. It was nobody's dream, to be round and swollen while stuffed into a pretty white dress that you just know would look so much better if you weren't pregnant, on your feet all day, unable to partake in any of the drinking.
Her bachelorette party wasn't all that. But she didn't want it to be. The only people she would have invited were the other wags, girls she didn't know all that well. No, her bachelorette party was her and Olivia getting their hair and nails done.
They ended the day getting dinner, just the two of them. They sat there, sharing a too big pizza while Olivia went over her details plans of the wedding.
It was the best bachelorette party ever.
Daniel had two bachelor parties. One that was organised by Max and Lando to be the wildest night of his life, with almost all of the grid accompanying them. And one where he could invite Milo.
The party with Milo was mini golf. Carlos was happy to carry Milo around on his shoulders, teach him all that he knew. The boys had all agreed to let Milo win, but he didn't have to know that. After the golf they had dinner and drinks.
One thing about Milo was he couldn't keep his mouth shut about the baby. Maybe Daniel should have reminded him that Baby Ricciardo was a secret, but he didn't expect Milo to just blurt it out, either.
But none of the drivers were surprised. They couldn't be surprised about baby Ricciardo, not when the couple hadn't exactly been good at hiding it. Daniel's hand on her stomach, the little list of baby names they'd all seen on his phone.
The party without Milo, when Milo was at home with Olivia and his momma, it really was a party. Loud music, drinks, dancing, it had everything. But, the moment Daniel got more than three drinks in his system, he was talking about her.
Arm over Max's shoulder as he slurred out his name and how much he loved her. "I want to have another girl," he said to Max, but it was barely audible. "A little girl that looks just like her."
When she had her first dress fitting, there wasn't a bump. Or, at least, the bump did little to change her frame. Her dream dress fit like a glove and Daniel's mother was crying.
It was naïve to think that the dress would still fit by the time the wedding rolled around. Her bump had gotten exponentially bigger, to the point where she couldn't hit it anymore. Now that the drivers knew, it was only time that the rest of the world knew.
They didn't announce it in any way. No, Daniel's Instagram usually had a picture of her in his photo dumps and this was no exception. Just, this time, her bump was visible in the picture.
If the world of F1 was losing its collective shit, neither of them noticed. The Ricciardo family was wrapped up in their own little bubble, just the way they liked it.
A week before the wedding, her dream dress wasn't fitting. Why the fuck wasn't it fitting? Well, she knew why. It was stupid to think anything would fit over her bump.
"I hate this baby," she said through tears as she rubbed her bump. No, she didn't hate baby Ricciardo, not in the slightest. Actually, she loved baby Ricciardo more than anything. But still, she couldn't help but wish she wasn't pregnant.
The dress she wore on her wedding day wasn't her dream dress. She couldn't wear those cute white heels she wanted to wear, couldn't even see her feet.
As she stared at herself in the mirror, just an hour away from being walked down the aisle, an hour away from marrying the love of her life, she was ready to cry. She held it back, though, couldn't afford to ruin her makeup. "What're we gonna do with you?" She whispered as she cradled her bump.
She looked at Milo in the mirror before she turned towards him. "C'mere, baby," she said and held her hands out towards him. Fuck, how was he almost seven?
As her son wrapped his arms around her, she wanted time to stop. Just stop, let her live in this moment forever. He was growing up so damn fast, he was going to be a big brother soon. "You look beautiful, momma," he said.
This time, she couldn't help the tears. Stupid pregnancy hormones. "Thank you, Miley," she said through a shaky breath as she stood up and grabbed a tissue. Gently she dabbed at her eyes, trying to save her makeup.
She smoothed her dress over her bump and took Milo's hand. "Let's go become Ricciardos."
Daniel had never been this nervous before. Not in his first race back after McLaren had let him go. He was sweating in his suit as Max stood with him. All of their guests were seated, but the most important people were missing.
The door opened and Olivia and one of her friends, one that had been over a few times, walked in. They tossed the petals out of the little white basket as she walked in behind her.
Daniel knew her relationship with her family was... strenuous, at best. That was why they weren't at the wedding. With her father not there to walk her down the aisle, Milo held her hand.
Daniel's breath caught in his throat. He knew she wasn't in her dream dress, not the dress that matched Olivia's, but she still looked amazing. Holy fuck, it was enough to bring tears to her eyes. But that wasn't what actually did it.
Milo was the one walking her down the aisle. Milo in his little suit that near matched Daniels. He stood tall and proud, head held high as he walked his mother towards his step father. 
The kids sat together through the ceremony. Milo couldn’t stop himself from fiddling with the little pieces of petals as his mother got married. They were incredibly well behaved throughout, with Olivia’s grandparents, and Milo’s grandparents now, too, keeping them company. 
This close, Daniel could see the faults in her makeup. He didn’t care about the faults, she looked gorgeous with or without it. But still, Daniel could see the smudges under her eyes as he slipped the ring onto her finger. 
Mrs Ricciardo. She was Mrs Ricciardo now. 
Daniel didn’t say anything about the evidence of her tears as he kissed her. And, once he had his mouth on her, he never wanted to stop kissing her. He couldn’t dip her, like he wanted to, but his hand cradled her bump, cradled baby Ricciardo. His baby. She was his wife and she was carrying his baby. 
This was the best day of his life. 
Their family and friends were cheering as he walked her out of the church and into the car. Even then, even in the car, he couldn’t keep his lips on her. But he had to make sure she was okay, that took precedent. Even knowing that, Daniel couldn’t pull his lips away from her own. So the words were mumbled against her lips. “Were you crying?”
He tried to sound concerned, by her lips against his had his voice coming out as more of a desperate whine. 
But, as soon as he said it, she pulled away. “I’m fine, Danny,” she said and went to rub at her eyes, rub away the evidence of her tears.
Daniel caught her wrists. “You look beautiful,” he whispered and kissed her again. “My wife looks beautiful.”
The way she looked up at him, fuck, he could have kept her in that car forever. “Say it again.”
“My wife.”
When they arrived at the reception venue, their friends and family were there, waiting. As soon as they climbed out of the car, Milo and Olivia were pulling away from their grandparents, racing towards them. Daniel couldn’t help but pick Olivia up and place her on his hip as Milo held his mothers leg.
“Are we a family now?” Olivia asked, her voice coming out almost like a demand. 
But nobody could blame her. She’d been waiting for this moment for a year and a half. 
Daniel rolled his eyes, but he was grinning. “We always were a family, Badger.”
There was no part of her wedding that the new Mrs Ricciardo didn’t enjoy. She wasn’t in her dream dress, but, now she had that ring on her finger, now she was married to the love of her life, she didn’t much care. 
She danced, but she didn’t dance the night away, like she had dreamed. She couldn’t help but be emotional as she sat with Daniel’s parents, her mother and father in law, watching the guests at her wedding. They were dancing more than she was, at her own wedding. 
Holding her bump, speaking softly to baby Ricciardo, she watched as her husband and her children danced. Daniel’s grin was so wide as the three of them were the centre of attention on the dance floor. That was the man she loved. That was the man she married. 
“Your daddy, your siblings and I can’t wait to meet you,” she whispered to baby Ricciardo as her mother and father in law watched on, hearts melting. “You’ve got the best daddy going.”
And, as Daniel put Olivia down after spinning her around, he looked over to his wife. She smiled at him, a smile he’d never forget. As Olivia went to dance with Lando and Max took Milo to get something to drink, Daniel walked over to her. 
“Hi, baby,” he said as his hand met her bump. And then he looked up at his wife, meeting her eyes. “Hi, Mrs Ricciardo.”
“Hi, Mr Ricciardo.”
He kissed her, and she never wanted to let him go.
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
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ethereal-night-fairy · 7 months
This dark vampire poly!141 x hostage!reader idea is based off a comment I got on one of my works on Ao3 I would love to tag them if they were on Tumblr but I don't think they are.
Comment : Oh I'd love a vampire au! An idea for it if you are open to consideration: the 141 have been around for centuries, John pretty much turned all of them starting with Simon, then with Johnny, and then with Gaz being the youngest (although Gaz is still over a century old). Reader, of course, is human, moving to a new town to start over completely and ends up running into one of them. And they just know that reader is the missing piece that they had been looking for--the one that is the last to be bound to them. Because for an immortal creature it only makes sense that they would, in even just the name of species preservation, have multiple mates dictated by fate, instinct, or what have you :)
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This sounds like a great premise for a vampire au. Also what if Knight price was turned in the medieval ages by a vampire lord he was tasked to kill and ended up being turned as he killed the last of the vampire kin for the English king. He fled obviously when he realised what happened letting his knights think he was killed in battle.
Time passes and he doesn't age, he watched his loved ones from a distance growing old and having children before ultimately passing away. It pains him that he lives like an animal hunting for blood in the forest unable to live a normal life.
But he still wishes to do good, to be good . So as his powers build and the sun doesn't scorch his skin anymore. He joins the army century after century to regain some sense of humanity. (That's a horrible way to regain humanity if I'm honest, though in his defence he fell for the propaganda and thought he was doing a good thing.) But the bloodlust becomes so much worse the more he kills. The more blood stains his hands the more he longs for the chaos and violence.
He gathers companions along the way. Men like him that were on the brink of death but had so much to live for. He couldn't let them die he just couldn't! By the 21st century he had his little taskforce. His boys, his lovers, his family but someting was missing. What could it be? They lived comfortably with the wealth they had accumulated. They had their buffet layed out for them on the battlefield. What more could they want?
But something was out of place. Even with his lovers, life was becoming bleak when all they saw was violence and bloodshed. That was until they found a delicate little hostage in their capture or kill mission. Scared little thing you were tucked away in the corner of a bedroom, chained to the wall. You'd do nicely as their pet. They bet your blood tastes just as sweet as your tears.
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Their reply: Oh I love it! Johnny being a warrior that at the Battle of Culloden, fighting for Scottish independence from the British, happens to die while fighting an infuriating man. Said infuriating man, dying by the Scottsmans hand, just so happens to be lieutenant Simon. Price having already planned to watch over Simon (he said he wouldn't get attached) yet he can't help but to turn Johnny too. Neither are happy at first, they have their differences, but they can't deny the bond and love that forms. Then the three of them meet Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick in world war ii. So bright and full of life, passionate about fighting for his country and ending Nazi regime. The man runs right into a fight, saving dozens upon dozens of men, and the three know they can't let him remain dead when the inevitable comes. And Gaz, well, he keeps that light within him because at least now he can make sure that the war to end all wars wasn't done in vain.
I just wanted to show off their ideas too since it's what inspired my little snippet. I not sure if I'll turn this into a actual thing though.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
Suddenly, the reasoning behind Nesta's sudden institutionalisation, and forced training, after waiting over a year to help her, makes perfect sense. No, it's not because Feyre sobbed into her eggs one morning or because they care about helping her.
It's because of the trove.
rainkatzanddogs on tiktok, put together a timeline for the SJM universe, and for each events, references which chapter (including bonus content) they take place in. I'll be referencing that in this post.
Feyre learned about Nesta's 500 gold marks spending spree one day before the start of ACOSF, right before Rhysand explains his plan. The one that Cassian believed he'd made a while back, given how detailed it was. The next day is when the intervention happens, and after that, Rhysand asks Cassian to look into the Human queens.
If he's asking Cassian to look into it at this point, then we can assume that he has reasonable evidence to suggest that they're doing something shady. By this point, according to the timeline, Baron has already made a deal with them, Eris' soldiers are under the Crowns control, and have been for a month. Meaning Briallyn has had the crown for longer than a month.
16 days after the start of ACOSF, they have the meeting where they use Elain to manipulate Nesta into searching for the trove.
I think it's reasonable to assume that the IC had some idea about the trove, and if not that specifically, than that magical items were being used by a death god and a cauldron made queen to control people. It would be naive to think they were completely ignorant of what was going on. Even by the time that first meeting takes place, they clearly have a decent level of knowledge on the trove, how to find it, and who's currently looking for it.
It isn't unreasonable to think that Rhys had some idea that they'd need Nesta to scry for them or to help them later on. So, he devised a plan where she trains, and works in the library so she'd be ready to help them when they need it.
She'd be prepped for missions due to her training.
She'd have ample time to research and study while in the library, even if she only shelves books, she'd know where to find the ones she needed to research whatever they asked of her,
And since her life would be in their hands, they could make her do anything without her arguing that she's a free citizen, because at this point, she isn't.
They used the guise of it being healing as a way to pitch the idea to Feyre and Elain, even though neither of them seemed to have an issue manipulating her into doing what they wanted, since they likely discussed the using Elain to convince her to scry, because Elain didn't seem to surprised when they didn't ask her to do it later, nor did she seem bothered when Nesta ended up doing it anyway. Hell, she literally came in to say she'd do it, got under Nesta's skin, and left without listening and/or contributing to the conversation anymore than that.
Cassian seemed hell bent on making her into a warrior from the moment they met, despite her wishes, and since he so blatantly doesn't care for her or her autonomy at all, he's obviously in, so he can get what he wants. A mate that's a warrior and his emotional punching bag to take out his insecurities on, but also has her own insecurities and traumas, so she'd never go against him and he could continue to flirt with Mor and (let's be real) Rhys without worrying about said mate having the strength to stand up to him.
It was never about helping Nesta, it was all a rouse to make her into a tool that was useful to them, with little risk. If she dies, she's no longer a problem for them, or anything to fear. If she lives, she's either contained forever, or heals into the perfect tool for them to use whenever they want. It's a win-win for Rhys and Cassian.
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fairiily · 1 month
unspoken desire
description: you and wade had been teasing each other for far too long, so you decided to do something about it.
pairing: deadpool x you
contains: teasing, tension, no smut but almost
word count: ~1.2k
an: this is my first time ever posting my writing so pls be nice
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It was obvious.
Everyone in the X-Mansion knew Deadpool was into you, even if he refused to admit it. The one time he didn’t blurt out what he felt the moment he felt it. Painstakingly annoying, considering Wade says every thought that crosses his mind.
After too many torturous hangouts filled with endless teasing that neither of you acted on, you decided to do something about it. Something he couldn’t resist.
You and Wade always messed around with each other—not like that, although every part of you wished it was. Whether it was play-fighting, bickering like siblings, or making the most ridiculous jokes, nothing was ever serious between you two. But every time Wade joked about kissing you, teasing you, or even sometimes fucking you, a part of you felt like he wasn’t joking. You had put up with his antics long enough, and you were determined to put an end to it since Wade didn’t have the balls to.
Surprising to everyone, even Deadpool himself, Colossus had convinced Wade to join the X-Men. As always, he was hesitant at first but eventually caved to make Colossus happy. However, his decision wasn’t made entirely with pure intentions. You were the newest member of the X-Men, having taken off your yellow “trainee” top and chucked it in the trash a few days ago. Wade was caught off guard when he saw you, as you hadn’t joined the X-Men on their recent missions involving him. But you may have influenced Wade’s decision. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
You had always felt his gaze, but pining was only fun for so long. After a long day of missions, you and the X-Men returned to the mansion. Everyone was getting ready for bed, settling into their nightly routines. Your bedroom had a connected bathroom, but you wanted to have some fun tonight. You searched your closet for the tiniest shorts you owned and slipped them on, purposely wearing nothing underneath. Next came your tank top—low-cut and accentuating in all the right places. You then stepped out of your room, butterflies in your stomach from the excitement.
You peeked around the corner to make sure Wade’s door was open, then made your way down the hall. When you reached Wade’s room, you swung around the door frame with your hand, stretching your body away from it.
“Hey, Wade.”
Wade spun around, his eyes going wide as he took in your outfit. For a moment, he looked like he’d been hit with a bus but shortly regained his composure.
“Whoa, Y/N! Is this a new superhero costume? Because it’s totally working for you.” He grinned. “Did you just step out of a fashion magazine or are you trying to distract me?”
You raised an eyebrow, smirking at his over-the-top reaction. “Just wanted to let you know, today was pretty insane.”
Wade wiggled his eyebrows, still struggling to keep his eyes off you. “Oh yeah, the way that guy’s head spun? Classic. I think he may need an exorcist after that—if he survives the migraine.”
“Yeah, it was wild,” you replied, your tone playful. “But hey, I’m about to crash. Got a big day tomorrow.”
Wade dramatically pouted, placing a hand over his heart. “Aww, come on! Don’t leave me hanging. I need someone to save me from my own bad jokes. Plus, I was just getting started with the witty banter!”
"Goodnight, Wade." you said, looking into his eyes.
You walked across the hallway into the bathroom, but deliberately left the door open. Wade made a mental note, realizing you had your own bathroom and had chosen to come to his.
With your hands on the edges of the sink, you leaned over into the mirror, making an effort to arch your back in the process. Wade realized what you were doing, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. The way your clothes hugged your curves—he thought you looked so good, so effortlessly. He shifted on the edge of his bed, and you noticed he was still staring. It was working. But you wanted to see what he was going to do about it, now that you’d made it obvious. You wanted to see how long you could tease him before he gave in.
After his sweatpants grew tighter, he decided he couldn’t take it anymore. You’d won.
You then felt two rough hands on your back before you even realized he had gotten up. His grip was firm but hesitant, like he was testing the waters, making sure this was what you wanted. You caught his reflection in the mirror, his eyes dark with desire but still holding that flicker of uncertainty. For a split second, you felt a rush of power surge through you—this was your game now, and he was playing by your rules.
“Wade,” you murmured, your voice low and inviting as you leaned into his touch, arching your back a little more. “You finally going to stop pretending?”
He let out a low chuckle, the sound vibrating against your skin as his hands slowly slid up your sides, grazing the hem of your tank top. “Y’know, I usually just go straight for it, but something about you makes me wanna savor the moment. What happened to goodnight?”
You could feel his breath on your neck as he spoke, sending shivers down your spine. His hands moved with deliberate slowness, teasing you just as much as you’d teased him.
“I changed my mind. And if you don’t hurry up, I might just have to take matters into my own hands,” you teased, your tone laced with both challenge and promise.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” he whispered, his lips brushing against the skin behind your ear. “But first… how about we see just how much of that outfit you’re really wearing for me?”
His fingers dipped beneath the fabric of your tank top, grazing the bare skin underneath, and you couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped your lips. Wade smirked at your reaction, his confidence growing with every little sound you made.
“You’ve been driving me crazy, Y/N,” he admitted, his voice quieter now, unusually serious. “All this time, and you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this. Wanted you.”
His hands roamed lower, finding the waistband of your shorts, his fingers slipping under just enough to make your pulse quicken. You felt him pause, as if waiting for some final sign from you.
You turned your head slightly, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “Then take what you want, Wade. I’m right here.”
That was all the permission he needed.
In one swift motion, he spun you around to face him, his hands firmly on your hips as he backed you against the sink. His eyes were locked onto yours, hunger flashed within them.
Before you could say anything, his lips crashed against yours, the kiss hungry and desperate, like he’d been holding back for far too long. You kissed him back just as fiercely, your hands finding their way into his hair, pulling him closer.
Wade’s hands began to explore your body, his touch rough and impatient as if he was trying to memorize every inch of you. Your bodies pressed together, and you could feel the heat radiating between you, the tension that had been building for so long finally snapping.
As his hands continued to explore, and your kisses grew more heated, you knew that this was just getting started. There was no more pretending, no more teasing. you got him exactly where you wanted. you swiftly sat up from the edge of the counter, taking him to your room.
the door behind you slammed. you didnt realize how much you needed him, and the way he was touching you said he felt the same.
"im so glad i have you all to myself." wade murmured, desire spilling out of his voice.
and in that moment, you wondered if all of his skin was textured.
it was a long night.
anyways thats it thank u for reading! i didnt write the smut part sorry to disappoint but i literally dont know how to LOL!
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papaya-twinks · 2 months
Oi, oi Frankie!
I have a big ideia for another Lando short fic and I only trust you to write it 🫶🏻 (Hope you like the idea as much as I do)
The idea is: Lando is very good friend with his strategy engineer, the reader (she has the same role as Hannah Schmitz at Redbull).
They often play flirting with each other but the reader thinks it's just an inside joke and that he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her. Because of this, one day when they were a little drunk, the reader blurts out that of that the few sexual experiences she has had in her life, none of them were really good for her and Lando is incredulous. So, he tells her that in the next race he wins, if she has a direct connection with what happened, he will show her how good these activities can be for her in form of thanks, but she doesn't believe it's a promise because he's drunk and they're just friends.
A few races after the "promise", Lando wins the race precisely because of the strategy made by the reader. Neither of them talk about it and just enjoy their victory until the end of the day. Later that night, the reader is surprised by Lando knocking on her door, she doesn't believe he's there because he had gone out with Verstappen and Sainz to celebrate the victory and it was still too early in the night for him to be back and he says something like 'I couldn't keep my girl waiting. especially when I have a promise to keep' (something like that, I'm freaking out imagining it). After that, you know... The reader has the best night of her life
I'm really sorry that my requests are always THIS big (I can't help but give details 😭😭😭)
Warnings: smut, 18+, teasing
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
“Lando,” you sighed, walking into the garage and seeing the driver perched on one of the ledges, his legs swinging away. “Y/N, strategy meetings suck,” he whined, seeing you walk up to him as you rolled your eyes. “They help you win, Lando,” you raised a brow at him as he huffed. “I won one race,”
“Lando,” it felt like you were talking to a toddler or some disobedient child, “you need to come to the meeting,”. Lando crossed his arms, your eyes narrowing at the almost pouty expression on his face. “Look,” he said, “I won Miami and we didn’t do a strategy meeting coz we were busy playing Mario cart,” he pointed out, making you flush slightly. 
It was true, you had both lost track of time and found yourself playing the game well into the night. “We can have a telepathic thing,” he said, tapping his temples with his finger as you rolled your eyes. “We’ll see about that,” you used, shaking your head at the man in front of you, 
You and Lando had an interesting relationship - you’d both make flirty jokes to each other and think nothing of it. Well, you’d think nothing of it. In your mind, you thought it was just inside jokes and shit, not that Lando actually had feelings for you. That would be dumb…right?
Well, it was safe to say Lando’s telepathic idea had not worked, and he finished the race in second, a good result, yet he was hoping more. “What did I say?” you muses as the man grumbled under his breath, sticky from the champagne as he mumbled something about it being Opposite Day. “Look, why don’t we go out for drinks with Oscar and some others?” you said, seeing he looked genuinely annoyed at the race as he nodded, never one to say no to drinks. 
So you went to the club, you in a pretty black minidress which showed off your gorgeous body, your hair down and makeup done but still slightly natural. You spotted Oscar first, standing by a table as you made your way there, seeing him with his arm lazily round his girlfriend and Lando standing beside them, sipping on his own drinks. “Didn’t even wait for me,” you said in mock offence as Lando spotted you. 
It was almost like you were trying to get him all worked up with your pretty outfit. How he wished you’d just see how much he wanted you. “Nah, I got you one,” Lando grinned, pulling you to sit on the couch beside him and handing you the cup. Oscar smirked or Lily at the interaction but said nothing, choosing to let the situation flow on its own. 
Your conversation started with teasing about the race, Lando’s huffs and protests making you snort with laughter. “Yeah, well you need for fix your telepathy then,” you missed as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, shut it Y/L/N,” he said, giving you a light push. As you took more of your drink, downing glass after glass after glass, Lando couldn’t help but comment. 
“Jesus, someone’s unwinding,” he mused. “Yeah, shush,” you said, voice slurred slightly. “Awww, how you gonna get home, Y/N?” he grinned, “you can’t even drive. Gonna get your little boyfriend to pick to you up?”. Lando would be lying if he said that the mention of you having a boyfriend, if you did, didn’t get on his nerves, even if he was the one who said it. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” you scrunched your nose towards the man in front of you. Oscar and Lily were busy dancing somewhere, leaving you and Lando leaning close to hear each other over the sound of the loud music and lights. The proximity did make Lando slightly nervous, but you seemed fine with it, your head on his shoulder, the smell of your pretty perfume filling his nose. 
“Sex is shit,” you muttered, making Lando perk up. “Sex?” he asked, “where did that come from?”. You shrugged, fiddling with the hem of your dress, your drunken state pulling random statements from your mind. “Every guy I’ve slept with was so bad,” you varied in with your rant as Lando watched with a mix of need, shock and surprise. 
“Really?” he asked, his eyes darkening slightly as he thought for a second. “Yeah,” you shrugged, your drunken mind not clocking his dilated pupils. “Never once had good sex?” he asked, clucking his tongue in mock disappointment. “The world is doomed,” you groaned dramatically, “can’t even find good sex nowadays,”. 
Lando snorted at your sudden comment, his eyes rolling. “Yeah yeah,” he huffed, “I’m good at sex,”. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise at his almost defensive tone, your head cocking. “Yeah, I wouldn’t know,” you giggled, the sound like a melody to Lando. Oh how he’d love to pull out other sounds. Dirtier, filthier noises from your pretty little mouth. 
“D’you think I’m a good strategist?” you asked, your eyes turning to Lando suddenly, his eyebrows shooting up once more. “Bit random,” he mused, tapping his chin in mock thought. “Be honest,” you said, desperate for his honest opinion. He could see you wanted his true opinion so he shrugged and gave it to you. 
“I think you’re amazing,” though Lando could still see the uncertainty in your eyes, the alcohol no doubt doubling the feeling inside of you. “Got an idea, Y/N,” Lando said, leaning forwards, your eyes brightening with curiosity. “If we win the next race,” he spoke slowly, his voice tantalisingly slowly as you leaned forwards too, sitting on the edge of the sofa. 
“And the strategy is coz of you,” his hand ran lazily up your thigh, stopping to fiddle with the hem of your dress as your eyes traced his finger, “I’ll show you all the things you want from sex…and more,”. Your eyes widened at the proposition, thoughts of professionalism and your job not even once entering your mind as you nodded slowly. 
“How does that sound?” Lando asked, looking at your face for any sense or hint of fear or uncertainty. “Deal,” you said firmly, his hand moving off your thigh. “Then we have an arrangement,” he clapped his hands, his tone shifting as Oscar and Lily returned. 
The British Grand Prix, Lando’s home race, where he was desperate to score a win. And so, for the first time in a few races, Lando actually turned up to the strategy meeting and paid attention - well, more attention on the way your skirt rode  up when you walked, his tongue flicking to the corners of his mouth as he usually did. Your eyes darted to him every few seconds, noticing the way he stared. 
God knows if the damn information actually went into his head. “Okay Lando, qualifying,” you clapped your hands, taking control of his radio for this weekend. “Okay Y/N, qualifying,” he mimicked you as you rolled your eyes. “Behave,” you said, well aware the radio could be broadcasted for the world to see. 
Lando had said much worse things, a few of your favourites being: ‘tickle my pickle for a nickel’ or ‘Y/N preferred the hards to the softs, then we had to get the wets’. The second sentence didn’t even sound weird, but the way he’d said it? Jesus, this man was trying to kill. 
“Now, what about you listen to my strategy, yeah?” you asked, listening for his answer. “Sorry mum,” he grumbled, but listened anyways. And, as predicted, he qualified in P2. Not P1, due to a slip up on the final lap, but P2 anyways. “Told ya,” you said, but he waved it off. “Yeah yeah, I said a win,”. 
Your thoughts immediately flicked to the promise he’d made, and some sort of fire seemed to light inside of you, desperate to secure your driver a first place. “Okay, Lando,” you said, “you’re running P2, but George isn’t pitting,”. Lando responded with a quick ‘yep’ as he drove round the bends of Maggots and Becketts. 
“Lando, box, now,” you said, watching him drive down the straight. “Y/N, next lap, we-,” you cut him off. “You said you’d listen, Lando, and I say pit now,”. He grumbled something incoherent but drove into the pit lane anyways, pitting. “What did I say?” you grinned as he came out in first, effectively undercutting George. 
“I hate that you’re a smart ass,” Lando grumbled, though there was a hint of a teasing tone in his voice. You watched as he walked out of the car, jumping into the arms of the team. “I said first, Lando, and that’s what I got you!” you grinned, shouting over the noise of the cheering team. He smiled and hugged you back, but didn’t mention the promise from earlier. 
“Where’s Lando?” you walk into the garage, looking to Oscar. “Gone to party with Max and Carlos,” the Aussie answered and you nodded. You guessed it was true - Lando probably didn’t actually mean his promise, did he? He was just drunk and it slipped out. You ended up going back to your apartment, sending Lando a quick ‘well done x’ text. 
Sure, you were a little upset that he didn’t end up fulfilling his promise but you never truly believed he would. You were sitting on your bed, wearing a thin night gown with your black lace bra and short shorts visible. Just as you were laying on your stomach, scrolling through your social, the sound of your apartment doorbell went off, making you frown. 
Who the hell was at your door at 11pm? You grumbled something under your breath as you walked to the door, peeking round so your body wasn’t on show. “Lando?” you cocked your head, seeing him standing outside in a white button up shirt, open at the top and exposing his tan chest, accented with pretty chains. His curls were slightly ruffled, cheeks flushed red as he gripped a bundle of flowers in his hand. 
“Y/N, thank god,” he said, seeing you there, his flushed cheeks fading slightly. You were still hiding behind the door, only your face on show. “Sorry to keep the pretty girl waiting,” he said voice laced with small hints of shyness. Cute. “Thanks, Lando,” you took the bundle of flowers from him, opening the door to let him in. His jaw visible dropped when his eyes landed on your body. 
You didn’t notice, busying yourself with placing the bouquet into a vase, the pretty dark red roses adding so much colour to your little apartment. “So,” you said, clapping your hands as if to prompt him to continue and say what he needed to. Surprisingly, his promise hadn’t crossed your mind as the reason he could be here. 
“Remember the promise?” he said, his voice laced with slight disappointment that you’d forgotten. “I hadn’t forgot,” you said quietly, “I didn’t think you’d act on it,”. Lando raised a brow at your words as you walked up the stairs, his body quickly behind you. “I’d be a dick if I didn’t,”. You inhaled sharply as you felt him shut the door, before pressing your body to it, your eyes wide. 
“Lando…” you trailed off, eyes wide. “You don’t have to,”. A sort of scoff left his lips as he watched you, his eyes flickering to your lips every few seconds. “Do you not want me to?” he asked, his voice huskier than usual. “I do,” you said. That was all the confirmation he needed as he slipped your night gown off, his eyes roaming over your lacy bra and shorts. “God you’re so pretty,” he groaned. 
A small blush formed on your face at his appraisal, his eyes taking in your natural beauty. You gasped as his hand tangled into your hair, pulling your head to the side softly to press kisses to your neck. A small whimper left your lips as he nipped at your collarbone, his hands me in to grip yours together, holding your wrists above your head. “I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he whispered, lifting you into his arms. 
You wrapped your arms round his neck as he lifted you, dropping you onto the bed softly. You landed with a gentle ‘thump’ as he moved to remove his own shirt, your eyes trailing over the small beauty marks across his body. “Like what you see?” he asked smugly, as you shook your head,his cockiness being a defining part of him. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you shook your head as he smirked. Your eyes widened as he grabbed your thighs, his nails digging into your plush flesh softly as he pulled your body to him, your legs instinctively wrapping round his waist. “Needy,” he clucked his tongue, his finger pulling your shorts down as his eyes widened, trailing over the wetness between your legs. 
Immediately, you went shy, squeezing your legs together in embarrassment as he frowned. “No, no, don’t,” Lando said, shaking his head as he forced his hand between your legs. “You’re beautiful,” he hummed, moving to kneel between your legs. A small moan left your lips as he licked a long stripe across your core, his fingers dipping into your heat to tease at your entrance. 
Your back arched slightly as he started to flick his tongue against your bundle of nerves, his finger, still adorned with a ring, pressing to your opening. Your hands gripped at his curls, not hard, but enough to channel the pleasure from his licks. A small gasp left your lips as he pushed his finger in, the coldness of his rings contrasting the heat of your body as he pumped slowly, his middle finger coming to tease beside your index. 
“Lando, feels so good,” you mumbled, his lips slickening as he pressed wet kisses to your core. You moaned as Lando added another finger, sliding his digits in and out of you as his tongue moved, skilled and evidently well experienced. A small whine of protest left your lips as he moved his mouth away, his cheek coated in your wetness as he still slid his finger in and out of you, 
Your body arched towards him as he carried on moving, his other hand coming to unbuckle his trousers. A small gasp left your lips as his cock sprung free against his abdomen, your eyes wide. “Fucking hell,” you gasped, eyes wide at his length. Lando seemed to notice your slight hesitation as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I’ll go soft,” he smiled gently, moving his finger out of you as he ran his tip through your folds a few times, pulling whimpers from your lips as he slickened himself. “Lando!” you squeaked, your nails digging into his biceps as he pushed into you a groan leaving his lips. “That’s it,” he mumbled, “you’re taking it so well, love,”.
A soft moan left your lips as he started rocking gently, your eyes rolling gently. “Such a good strategist, aren’t you?” Lando groaned, his thrusts picking up pace. “Even better beneath me,” his voice was airy and breathy as he carried on, your body rocking with each movement, small moans of pleasure leaving your lips. 
“Taking me so well,” he leaned forwards to press wet kisses to your jaw, your hands digging into his back as your legs wrapped round his thigh. “I’m close,” you whimpered, your eyes squeezed shut as you gripped him, desperate to feel your orgasm. A hiss left Lando’s lips as you clenched round him, his hands moving to grip your hair softly. “Thats it,” he panted, his thrusts slamming into your body fast. 
“Should do this before and after every race,” he mumbled, “I’d win every time,”. You gasped as your high washed over you, your hands gripping his arms as he groaned, your movements and the way you clenched round him bringing his own orgasm too. You gasped as you felt his cum shoot in thick hot ropes inside of you as he pulled out slowly. “Let go, baby,” he chuckled, hints of exhaustion in his voice as you clenched round him again. 
Your body calmed from your high as he lifted you to sit on his lap, your eyes wide from rub feeling. “Felt good?” Lando asked, his eyes trained on you as he held you to his chest, grabbing a small towel from the side to wipe your thighs and his own body. “Stay,” you mumbled, gripping his shoulders tightly as he smiled. “I will,” he grinned. 
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itsthestutterforme · 2 months
“Glad You Called” (Jack Reacher x black!reader)
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Summary: Two years ago, Reacher left your home with nothing but a note left behind. What does he expect your reaction to be when he shows up at your door, saying you were in danger?
Notes; GIF is not mine, mistakes are my own, friends to lovers trope
The faint pattering of the rain on the tin roof of your outdoor garage was the only thing you could hear from the house.
You stared down at the unsaved numbers flooding your most recent call list. Reacher had been on your mind lately.
Which was kind of out of the norm because you hadn’t seen him in years. And you didn’t exactly end on the best of terms either.
He ghosted you. You woke up one random morning and noticed he was gone. A simple note was left behind:
“You’re perfect. You deserve better. I’m sorry.”
I suppose it was better than nothing, but barely.
He was in the Atlanta area and needed some place to crash. You were the first person that came to mind. He knew you were in Atlanta but had no idea which part.
He would have been searching for hours until he happened to walk by the coffee shop you frequented.
You were eating a piece of bacon avocado toast when you felt eyes on you. You looked up to see the mountain of a man known as Reacher, and that was the start of a very slippery slope.
One night turned in six months. Neither of you crossed that boundary but it was very noticeable that there was something romantic between the two of you.
There was something about the way the looked at you that desperately made you wish that you were a telepath.
That man had libraries worth of words in that brain of his and yet he chose to remain quiet every time.
The best part about it was while he was selective with words, his presence spoke volumes whenever he walked into a room.
Little did you know that what was going through his mind when he would look at you was one thing: marriage.
And that scares the hell out of him. He never crossed the line because he knew he would never go back.
That would be the end of it. His time of being a wandered would be over and he would be forever tied to you.
The domestic life would have taken him over, and it would have been completely voluntary. Because he wants to be there, with you.
He would have lived out his life as a husband and as a father. And he knew he wasn’t going to be ready for that, so he left.
Over the course of the six months of you living together, you expected to see him when you got home. He would ask you how was your day was while he cooked dinner for you.
You’ve gotten used to that. You’ve gotten used to him. And then he was gone.
The letter was all you had left of him for two years. And now there is an unsaved number calling you every day for the past week like clock work.
Speaking of, your phone rings once again. It was the same unsaved number, but this timed you answered.
“Hello?” you heard a deep sigh through the phone.
“Reacher,” you added, your palms growing slick.
“Y/N,” he starts, it was almost as if he wasn’t expecting you to answer.
“What, cat got your tongue?” you said unamused.
“You’re in danger Y/N. When can you get to New York City?”
“What makes you think I want you to protect me?”
“Y/N, we don’t have time for this. They threw Franz out of a helicopter after torturing him for information. I need to know that you are safe.” he says all in one breath.
“Franz?” you repeated.
He remained silent for a moment.
“God. I was at his wedding last year,” you said in disbelief.
“How soon can you get to New York?” he repeats.
“I can protect myself, Reacher. Goodbye.”
“Then I’m coming to you,” he says before ending the call. You stared at your phone with your mouth open in disbelief.
You had a feeling that would be a face you would be making often.
You already knew who it was from the solid knock reverberating through your house. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.
You had to admit that you’ve been on edge ever since Reacher called you. You only went out for the essentials and even then, those trips were kept minimal.
Taking your Beretta from your table, you check the chamber and clicked off the safety as you made your way towards the door. Opening the door, you had the barrel of the gun pressed against it.
Much to your surprise, it was not just Reacher at your front door. O’Donnel, Neagley and Dixon were standing behind him.
“I was hoping you weren’t serious,” you start.
“When have you ever known me to joke?”he retorts.
“There was a time that I knew you to have integrity. Obviously that has changed.” you said, clicking the safety back on.
You walked back inside and tucked your gun under your waist band. Reacher took that as an invitation to enter and the rest of the group followed.
Reacher couldn’t help but look around the familiar house. You still liked to keep the house smelling of citrus with a dash of honey.
He loved the smell. It reminded him of Christmas. Reminded him of home. He almost ran into you when you stopped to turn around.
Your glossed over eyes met his and while your gaze remained on his face, his explored every detail.
Your voluminous, curly hair just barely touched your shoulders. Your favorite crop top and sweatpants outfit you wore more often than not. Your fuzzy Crocs that he initially hated but he grew to love.
He grew to love you.
O’Donnel and Neagley shared a look at how cold you were being towards Reacher.
Of course they didn’t know about what happened between you before. So as far as they were concerned, it was unwarranted.
“You guys didn’t need to come all the way over here. Like I told Reacher, I can handle myself.” You explained, breaking the silence.
“I’m sure Franz thought the same thing,” Neagley starts.
“We’re not losing anyone else. And I know I’m not your favorite person right now, but you’re just going to suck it up for the time being.” Reacher stampedes.
“If you somehow think you can just burst into my home and my life, and stick your chest out while you give orders. You’re insane. But if you really expect me to listen, you can fuck off.” You snark, crossing your game and narrowing your eyes at him.
“Okay, obviously we missed a few chapters.” O’Donnel voiced.
The group looked between you and Reacher for a moment until Dixon spoke up, “Whatever bad blood you two have, set it aside. I can guarantee you, it’s not worth your lives.”
“Yeah, we started coming up with a plan of action but it didn’t really get anywhere because Reacher was adamant about getting in touch with you. So now that we’re all together where can we start?” O’Donell facilitates.
“What do we have so far?” you questioned, giving Reacher one last pointed look before sitting down.
Should I make a part 2? 🤔
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 3 months
so.. rockstar ex gf reader x 90s! dave at an award show, coincidentally with the same seating arrangement and their bands nominated in the same category, one of them won and took the other to the bathroom to brag abt the award, iykwim. tytyty ilysm hbvsauiowduh🙏
Warnings: Smut, angst, semipublic sex, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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All around you were people whispering about your current situation. Someone somewhere decided to sit your band next to Megadeth, your ex's band.
You sat across from him, trying to keep things civil with space but Dave kept staring at you, just waiting for something to happen, even going as far as to toss a few peas at you 'accidentally'.
Still, you tried to ignore him. Your bands were nominated for the same award and you were confident that, if you didn't win, you'd surpass Megadeth.
Your relationship had been no secret and your distaste for each other was well known, clearly whoever put you here knew what they were doing. Everyone was talking about it, any time you walked past someone your name was the last thing out of their mouth, their gaze always led to you.
Part of you hated it more than anything, it felt high schoolish, the whole of it. You were an adult, the people around you were supposed to be adults, how did it lead to this?
The reason was people speculating about the end of your relationship. You had been so happy together for almost two years, people were expecting a wedding, but then it was over and a fire reared its head in the wake.
You wish you knew what to tell people other than to respect your privacy.
Really, Dave came home in a better mood than usual, it was strange but welcomed. He got you your favourite flowers, snacks, the works and he was clinging to you, showering you with words of affection up until you were laying in bed.
You were curled up at his side, head on his chest and trying to fall asleep when your world came crumbling around you.
"I don't think I can love you anymore." He said with virtually no emotion, pain, sadness. Nothing.
The night ended with things being thrown, more tears than you thought you had in you and your throat hurt with how much you were screaming. All you wanted was answers but he just wouldn't give you any.
You packed your things the next day while he slept somewhere else, where you didn't know and didn't care. You were gone by the time he got back and neither of you contacted the other afterwards. Dave started his own band to get back at Metallica and you were determined to do the same, to add salt to the wound.
Until now, neither of you had a reason to see each other and you were more than happy with that, he'd given you everything and for what?
You sat back at your table right when they were about to announce who won the award. You leaned your head in your hand, swirling your drink in its glass as you waited for a name to be called.
You didn't even care anymore, you were tired of the gossip, of the rumors that you cheated on him, that this and this happened, that it was all just a publicity stunt because yes, of course, you and your love for a man who couldn't be bothered to do the same was entirely up for debate how could you be so fucking stupid?
"I know we've all been waiting for this one, the once happy couple sure is cheery, huh?" You glanced up to the announcer, the big screens showing your table.
You looked miserable. You felt even worse. Everyone around you did their best to be presentable but you were ready to flip off the camera crew.
You noticed another unhappy face at the table, Dave. He would still glance at you occasionally but he was glaring daggers at your bandmates beside you, wondering how they could be so oblivious to your sunken mood.
"Anyone know what happened?" The announcer asked, a big smile on his face. A few small laughs sounded throughout the place as tears welled in your eyes.
You wanted to run and hide but you knew you couldn't while they called out your award. So you sat there silently, waiting to hear if all your efforts were worthless. "Well, guess it's time to rip the band-aid off and let the wound bleed." How thoughtful, you thought. "And the winner is!" A soundtrack of a drumroll played even though their are more than enough capable drummers here, something you'd always wondered about. "Megadeth!"
Your ears were ringing. All the cheering, the men at your table standing and excitedly reaching for one another at the award. It felt as though you were being stabbed by everyone's eyes.
You felt a hand on your back. "Are you okay?" Your bandmates voice was muffled like it was behind a wall of foam. You nodded and excused yourself, keeping your head held high as more tears formed in your eyes, just trying to make it to the bathroom.
There was no one else there and you just stared at yourself in the mirror taking deep breaths until you calmed down but the tears just rolled down your cheeks.
The door opened, you expected to look over and see your bandmate but it was Dave. He had a concerned look on his face, those stupid glasses you wanted to rip off of his stupid face and crush them. He'd just go buy another pair but you wanted to.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You carefully wiped your eyes, trying not to ruin your makeup and further.
"Why do you care?" You muttered, keeping your voice low, not trusting it to stay stable.
"Because I care about you." You scoffed at that.
"Oh, yeah, sure you do, you cared so much about me yet you couldn't even be bothered to love me." He stared at you a moment before taking a step closer to you.
"I never said I didn't love you." You opened your mouth to protest but his arms were around you and he spoke up again before you could get anything out. "I said I didn't think I could love you anymore."
You rolled your eyes at him before wiping them again. "What a fucking difference that made." He sighed and leaned down, resting his chin on your shoulder just as he used to, the sight tugging at your heart.
"I love you. I loved you then, I love you now, I never stopped loving you and I never will." More tears came to your eyes and you couldn't blink them away.
"Shut up." You said through gritted teeth.
"I didn't want to, alright?" His voice was deep and soft in your ear, honey dipped silk wrapping around your mind. "My manager made me, said it would be good to get the band out there."
"You chose to break up with me... for fame?" You mustered, not wanting it to be true.
"If I didn't they would have dropped us from the label."
"So you didn't choose me?"
"You're not getting it-"
"I get it perfectly!" You yelled, spinning around and pushing him off of you. "You were already a big band, it would've been stupid to drop you and even if they did someone would've been dying to pick you up." He stared at you, taking in your words knowing you were right. "You didn't love me."
"You can't say that." He said, gaze falling to the ground.
"You treated me like Metallica!" Tears dripped from your jaw to the tiled floor as you glared at him. His eyes shot open. "You were done and you dropped me for what? Publicity?" He didn't say anything.
A long moment passed, neither of you saying anything.
Dave took a step closer to you, then another until he was inches from you. He wrapped his arms around you and closed the gap, his lips crashing against yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. You'd missed him for so long, so many sleepless nights with your hand between your thighs, a random man you'd close your eyes and pretend was Dave but it was never the same.
He pushed you back until you hit the counter. He lifted you onto it and stood between your legs, quickly undoing his pants and letting his half hard cock hit your already wet panties. You let out a slight gasp into the kiss and Dave groaned as he stroked himself.
He didn't bother taking them off of you and just pushed them aside as he pushed into you. He pulled away from the kiss, letting your see just how his eyes closed, how his mouth opened and soft breaths left him.
"Fuck, I missed this." He groaned. His eyes opened and he brought his focus back to you, your eyes as they swirled with lust and hatred, both directed at him. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" You bit your lip, looking down his clothed body until you landed on where the both of you connected.
He took your chin in his fingers and tilted your head up to look at him. "Do you know that?" You nodded. "Tell me."
"I know." You muttered.
"You know what?"
You inhaled deeply. "I know I'm beautiful." He gave a nod of approval.
"And this award means nothing, you know that too, don't you?"
"Yes, I know." He gave another nod.
"You know I love you, right?" You paused. He stared at you expectantly, eyes flickering all over your face, admiring your features. "You'll know when we're done." He kissed your forehead and pulled his hips back before snapping them into yours.
Your eyes shut tight and your lips parted in a moan, you'd waited far too long to feel him like this again, how he stretched you out and dragged against your gummy walls. More moans ripped from you as he set a fast pace, Dave's hands roaming your body and lips kissing up and down your neck, leaving small marks.
His hand came down and he rubbed your clit with his thumb, giving it some well needed attention after months of only you noticing it. Fuck, you loved the way he made you feel, all light headed and your body hot with desire.
A familiar knot formed in your gut, burning a passionate fire that resonated throughout your body. Your voice echoed off the walls while Dave's grunts and groans were save specially for your ears. You weren't concerned with someone walking in on you, let them see, let them hear how good he made you feel and see the love in his eyes as he stared at you in awe.
"Hah- Fuck, Dave, m'close." You mumbled, leaning back on your hands and letting him do the work, it's the least he could do and he was more than happy to do it.
He didn't say anything and kept his pace, his thumb still pleasuring you perfectly. Your chest was rising and falling, breathing laboured and your head rolling back as you felt the strings slipping and finally snapping, loud moans leaving you of cursing and repeated 'Dave' over and over.
He let you ride out your high on him but pulled out and got himself situated again. "Why-why'd you stop..?" You asked, breathing heavy and your eyes lidded.
"Well, I figured if I was gonna show you I love you I didn't need to worry about myself, right?" He said simply as he helped you dust yourself off, so to speak, and off the counter. "I can worry about that later, can't I?" He asked, wrapping his arms around you once more.
You thought about it for a moment as you made your way to the door, Dave still clinging to you. He held you tighter, not letting you leave. "You know I love you, don't you?"
You bit your lip, remembering everything that happened before the breakup. "I know you love me." You said, thinking about how abruptly it all ended.
"And?" He asked.
You looked back at him over your shoulder. "And?"
"Verdicts still out?" You crossed your arms over your chest.
"It'll take more than a fuck in some bathroom for me to consider that." You mumbled and left the bathroom, Dave still following close behind.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 7 months
tags: satoru gojo x f!reader, bridgerton!au, reader and gojo are acquaintances, brief mention of satoru's mom passing when he was young. also please don't come at me if I got the garter belt/stocking thing wrong (I did a quick google search) so may not be historically accurate. (this could be a part two to this story that is also bridgerton gojo based).
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“my lord,"
"please," he says, "gojo is fine."
"mr. gojo," you say, because frankly gojo feels too personal though it had been the last name his friends, such as lord nanami, have refered to him by. he stands at a respectable distance from you, watching over as you sit on a stone bench around the garden of lord kusakabe's home. your family visit had served to wish him congratulations after recuperating from a terrible cold this past winter. now, lord kusakabe stands as he used to, laughs as he holds a cigar between his lips as guests enjoy tea and play outdoor games.
though a lady like you, having a wardrobe malfunction, thinks it's best to hide behind a maze as you fail to adjust the garter belt that pulls up your warm stockings that keep the cold air from entering your skin. lord gojo stands at a respectable distance, towards your right as he attempts to look over your shoulder. your cling onto your left garter, saving any decency you can maintain.
you had met gojo through the first spring dance of the season, right after you had danced with higuruma. taken aback by his intial comments on how lord higuruma was a terrible choice for a satoru, and by your naivety by speaking your mind (respectably, of course) in front of someone so.... well of. regarded as royalty by even the queen herself. lord gojo did not hold your behavior against you, and to that you were partially thankful of. your honor must remain impeccable as your mother's. everyone has a standard to uphold, no?
what set you apart, nearly three weeks into the season from most, was lady whistledown's kind and praiseful remarks during the ball. it would be later made aware that perhaps you could be the diamond of the season. who knew as meeting the queen was only a week away.
so you had to keep your reputation as clean as possible.
"my lady, are you alright?" your jaw tightened at his words. you guessed perhaps your body tightened as well since the man approaches you carefully, slowly. waiting to see if you put a stop to him.
"yes, quite alright thank you." you laugh nervously, "just... a bit worn out from today's activities." he noticies you hold your leg.
"is your... leg alright?" he asks. you don't know how you do it, but when he suggests to get help, you stop him. it would be far worse for him to get help from others while you're here, with an intimate wardrobe malfunction.
"no! just... leave me be," he eyes you.
"I can assure you, leaving a lady in distress goes against my honor code. tell me, is there anything I can do?"
you hesitantly bite your bottom lip.
"it's... it's a wardrobe, malfunction, my lord." your eyes don't meet his as your cheeks burn under the sun. he looks at your figure, not sensing anything wrong at first glance.
"oh," he remains quiet for several seconds. "may I... may I know what it is?"
"my garter belt."
"what do you need to do?"
"I need to hook the end of the belt to the opening of the stocking, but..." you sigh, "it won't work."
"may I have a glance?" he asks, and you guess he senses the panic in your eyes and silence as he holds his hands up. "I promise I won't do anything, in fact, I'm sure your family might suspect your absence relatively soon if you don't return." but that isn't what worries you.
"I can't have a man that isn't my husband to do something like that," you try your best to not snap, "if anyone were to see or hear about this, my reputation would be ruined."
"not with me it won't." he says, "if you allow me to help, neither one would speak of this, and we can return back to the estate as if nothing happened. I don't wish to ruin the life of someone so...."
"someone honorary," he swallows, "respectable. most women your age enjoy ruining other people's lives, spreading misinformation to cause harm, and do anything as selfish as one can imagine."
"how would you know that?" you question almost bluntly, "you... you don't know me."
"I'm afraid you yourself aren't quite aware of the impression you have made on others, miss." he says as he slowly approaches, getting as far as to his knees to assist. "now please, allow me to assist you."
your lungs paused for what felt like an eternity. you didn't know what was more intimate, either his soft spoken words or his delicate fingers on your belt, causing your heart to beat loudly it would possibly errupt from your chest.
"how do you know how to do this?" you find yourself whispering. the lord looks up at you for what you can finally see up close are mesmerizing blue eyes, bluer than anything you've seen or dreamed of before he says.
"I used to watch my mother dress herself when I was a boy," he clarifies, "she passed before I turned 7."
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seungkwansphd · 1 year
tell me
pairing: changkyun x fem!reader word count: 4.2K synopsis: you and changkyun have been hooking up for a while now. both of you want more, but neither is willing to say it without some reassurance from the other end. themes: fwb, repressed feelings, pining, poor communication, shy-ish reader, probably not the most responsible driving practices on changkyun's end, slight angst, they work through it in the end.
warnings: SMUT, phone sex, a LOT of dirty talk, power dynamics, lots of possessive names, slight degradation???, jealousy, changkyun is a demon. lmk what i missed!
a/n: happy (early) birthday to @the-boy-meets-evil i hope you have a wonderful weekend 🫶
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“Hnnmm!” you whined, eyes squeezed shut as Changkyun watched you from between your legs. He hummed loudly against your clit and your thighs were pressing against his ears, nearly drowning out your sounds for him.
Nearly. And he was glad for it because he absolutely lived for the noises he was able to get you to make.
One of his favorite memories was of the time he had overstimulated you until you’d unleashed your deepest, most desperate, and lewdest thoughts. The way you’d gasped, moaned, and begged for him to use you until you’d gotten everything you’d wanted. It lived rent free in his mind still.
Hooking his arms around your thighs, he pulled your legs apart, tongue dragging perilously through your folds. You squeezed when his lips latched onto your clit, applying a firm and steady pressure. Your legs reflexed shut, but his arms held you open for him.
“Please,” you whined, clutching at his shoulders, pulling him up towards you. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him inside of you. Your walls clenched desperately around nothing and you needed something.
“What is it?” he asked, face almost blank. “What do you want?”
“Changkyun,” you implored shyly. “You know.”
“I know,” a small smile spread across his lips.
It was so cute how you got shy even after months of doing this. He wished you would let go like that again. He hoped to hear your lewd confessions again, but he could tell it made you flustered so he never pushed too hard.
“You need my cock, huh? Pussy feels so empty without me?”
You nodded furiously, fingertips stroking across his bare chest. You loved when he talked dirty to you. He said all the things you wanted to hear. Things that you wanted to say, in fact, but the one time you’d let loose and begged so desperately and told him all the things he could do to you, he’d given you a look of such shock that you’d been too embarrassed to do it again since.
“You love when I press into you, feel you spread for me, take me deep inside,” he pressed his forehead against you, speaking feverishly as he lined himself up. You didn’t realize it, but he was trying to coax you into talking dirty to him again. You’d done it one time and while yes, it had surprised him, it had also made him think you might have needs and compatibilities that you hadn’t shared with him fully.
You nodded, eyes shining up at him until he thrust into you, deep and slow. The growly purr you let out had him running laps, mentally, and he struggled to keep himself under control. His hands sought out your breasts, fingertips tugging at your nipples as he pressed into you over and over.
“I-, I-,” you gasped, melting into the bed as your orgasm built. His hands grazed over your sensitive areas, sending chills across your skin. Close.
“You feel incredible,” he nuzzled you gently as you threaded your finger into his. Your thumb rubbed across the back of his hand. Your tell. “My pretty toy wants to cum?”
“Yes,” you managed to squeak out a reply. You wanted to sink into the bed and reiterate that you loved being his pretty toy, his needy holes, his eager slut. But you reigned yourself in, instead biting down on your lips and letting out an anguished whine of desperation. Just saying the words to yourself in your head were enough to drive you to the edge.
“Go ahead, cum for me,” he murmured into your neck. He wouldn’t be far after you.
“Mmmpf!” you bit down on your knuckles as you came around him. Your chest heaved with ragged breaths and he clutched at you as he found his own release. He collapsed on you after, head fuzzy with dopamine.
“It’s late,” he looked at you after he’d recovered.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“I should go,” you spoke again just as Changkyun was about to ask you to stay.
Instead he said nothing so you stood up, eyes searching the room for your clothes. Both quiet, you saw yourself out and your chest twisted when the door swung shut.
You chewed your lip as you contemplated texting Changkyun. It’d only been three days since you’d seen him, but you were feeling incredibly needy. As you rode the elevator up to your apartment, you texted your friends to let them know you’d made it.
[yn]: ‘so nice to see you, let’s get a meal together soon!’
Changkyun’s eyebrows had raised with anticipation when your message came in and then quickly furrowed when he read it. He’d already deduced that it wasn’t for him, but when the ‘sorry, wrong person. please ignore!’ had followed it shortly, his temper rose in a way that surprised him. It was impossible to tell anything from the tone of the message, but he couldn’t help but be jealous. For sure jealous if it was something like a date, but even jealous at the simple fact that he hadn’t been the one to spend time with you tonight.
You were disappointed when he didn’t reply. You’d thought, for a moment, it could open the door for you to ask whether he was free. Since that hadn’t presented itself as an option, you resigned yourself to masturbating instead. By the time you finished your skincare routine and settled in bed, you’d become antsy with anticipation.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath when you realized your vibrator was dead. You plugged it in, but it would take some time. That was fine, your hands and your overactive imagination had certainly never let you down before!
Closing your eyes, you let yourself settle into a thought. Your fingertips lightly skimmed across the sensitive skin of your torso, your hips, and your inner thighs. You sighed contently as your left hand came to tease at the underside of your breast and your right hand stroked up your inner thighs. You let out a small, surprised puff of air when you realized how wet you’d become. Gathering it up, your fingertips moved to circle your clit lazily and pinch every so often.
Inevitably, your mind wandered to your last sexual encounter with Changkyun. You recalled the way his eyes looked at you intently as his tongue dragged torturous circles around your clit. You let out a soft whine as your fingers dipped into your entrance and you recalled the way he had called you ‘his pretty toy’.
Toy. Doll. Kitten. You whimpered as you imagined his deep, sultry voice rasping in your ear. You’d never told him, but you adored when he used these pet names for you. Best of all when preceded by the word ‘my’. You’d recently learned that you had quite the taste for power dynamics in the bedroom and were still grappling with it yourself. It seemed like Changkyun might be able to give you what you wanted, but you felt too shy to ask yet.
You chewed at your lip and whined with frustration as you tried, repeatedly, to bring yourself to orgasm. It surprised you as you’d never struggled before, but this time you couldn’t seem to bring yourself over the crest. Exhaling sharply, your eyes flitted to your phone again. You wondered if he was up.
[yn]: ‘...please ignore if you’re busy, but…are you up?’
[ck]: ‘yes. everything okay?’
[yn]: ‘can i call you?’
You threw your phone away with embarrassment. Were you really going to call him just to hear his voice? You had to push that thought aside when your phone started buzzing. Changkyun was calling you!
“H-hi,” you greeted him with some surprise, “How-, um, thanks for calling.”
“Sure,” he smiled, “Everything okay?” He repeated the question that you hadn’t answered.
“Mhm, yes,” you nodded, squirming under the sheets. You knew what you wanted to ask, but couldn’t seem to vocalize the words.
“...was there something you wanted to talk about?” Changkyun asked after you didn’t speak again. He could hear shifting and rustling on your side of the call and he wondered if you were in bed.
“Um,” you inhaled, “Kind of? If you’re not busy.”
“I wouldn’t have called otherwise,” he chuckled. The sound of his voice curled into your ear and you held back a sigh. “It’s late. Are you in bed?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “Are you? It is late.”
“No,” Changkyun shook his head, leaning back in his chair. “I’m at my desk. Doing some work on the computer.”
“Ah! Should I let you go?” you asked. You wanted to smack your own forehead. Why were you so nervous?
“Please don’t. I called you, remember?”
“That’s true,” you chuckled.
“Tell me about your day,” Changkyun prompted. You seemed nervous and he had a feeling he knew why. He hoped he could get you to relax enough to tell him why you’d wanted to call.
“Ah,” you relaxed. This you could do.
“And you saw a friend?” he asked after you had told him about work. The tinge of jealousy in his voice triggered a throb in your core.
“The text you accidentally sent me,” he elaborated when you didn’t answer.
“Ah, that,” you nodded, “I ran into an old friend from school. When I was on my way home.”
“I see,” he blinked. Not nearly enough information to sate his curiosity, but he also felt he didn’t have the right to ask for more. “And then what has my kitten been up to since they got home?”
You swallowed loudly. It could’ve been an innocent question, but you could tell that he was finally calling your bluff. You pressed your thighs together and let out a defeated exhale.
“How did you know?” you pouted.
“It’s past midnight,” he laughed at your indignant tone. “And I can hear the neediness in your voice.”
“Changkyun,” you sighed, the gates open now. “Please help.”
“Help how?” his voice lilted teasingly. “I’m all the way over here.”
“Tell…talk to me,” you begged, fingers stroking through your drenched folds again.
“Hmm,” he chuckled smugly, “Is my kitten so needy that even just my voice will get you off?”
“I think so,” you moaned, sinking into the pillows as you ground your hips against your hand.
“Fuck,” he cursed, palming himself through his pants as he listened to your little gasps and moans. “Sound so pretty gasping for my cock,” he smirked into the phone.
“Hnn,” you nodded in agreement.
You wanted to tell him how you loved being wrapped around him like a cocksleeve. How you throbbed for him, ached for him. You wished you were brave enough to ask him to claim you, but the worry at the back of your mind caused the words to dry up in your throat. After all, you’d established terms at the beginning and you most definitely weren’t his.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he rasped into your ear as he thrust himself into his own fist.
“You,” you answered simply.
“Hmm,” he purred, a shit eating grin on his face. “Wish you were here. Sitting on my cock for me like a good girl.”
You whined, fingers reaching a fever pitch. You were almost there.
“Tell me,” he panted into the phone, “Tell me who you’re thinking of. I want to hear it when you cum.”
His name echoed in your head as the orgasm finally ripped through you. Your hand clapped over your mouth out of subconscious reflex and all he heard was a muffled cry. It was still enough to bring him over the edge, but when his presence of mind returned, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed.
You frowned as you scrolled through your phone. Things had been uncharacteristically quiet since your last call with Changkyun. You’d sent him a few texts here and there and received monosyllabic replies. At first, this hadn’t seemed too unusual, but after two weeks you were starting to feel certain that you were being ghosted.
Changkyun frowned. He was starting to regret his decision to go out. When his friends had asked, he’d been feeling petty about you and said ‘yes’ out of spite. He’d been approached by a few folks and despite them being attractive and fun, he didn’t feel anything more than a passing acknowledgement.
Despite what his short replies may have suggested to you, you’d been on his mind a lot. While true that at the onset of this friends with benefits arrangement, he hadn’t been looking for anything other than casual, that seemed to have changed. More than a few times had he hoped you would stay through a weekend, but you were too good at following the rules.
“What’s up with you?” his friend appeared at his side, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “You are in a funk!”
“Yeah, I kind of am,” Changkyun shrugged. There was no sense in denying it. Maybe if he left now, he would be able to catch you before you fell asleep. “I’m going to head out. Thanks for inviting me.”
He was grateful that his friends didn’t put up much of a fight and before long he was in his car, driving home. He thought about calling you, but his stubbornness hadn’t receded yet. He wanted some sort of tell from you that you were interested in more too.
[yn]: ‘are you ghosting me?’
Changkyun’s eyebrow raised sharply at the text message. He was dialing you before he even realized it.
“Hello? Give me one second?” you sounded far away when you picked up his call.
Changkyun let go of the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“Hey, can you hear me?” you said a moment later, voice much clearer now.
“Yes, I can,” he replied, relief spreading through him that you had picked up.
“Do you need something?” you asked. There was an annoyed edge in your voice and he couldn't blame you. He’d been quite distant lately.
“Yes,” he answers. His Adam's apple bobbed a few times before he spoke again. “How are you?”
“Oh-kay,” you drew the word out. “What do you need?”
Changkyun’s tongue pressed into his cheek. If you hadn’t had a legitimate reason to be upset at him, he would’ve thought you were bratting. He would have liked it.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” he finally spoke. It didn’t really answer your question, but it was what he could manage without sounding like a complete idiot.
“Oh really?” you hoped you sounded nonchalant, but your body reacted to his statement.
You narrowed your eyes at him, even though he wasn’t there to see. He had only said one syllable and yet it made you feel on fire as if he had said something graphic and filthy. It was truly unfair.
“Have you thought of me? Since our last call?”
“Yes,” you sighed, trying to hold onto your indignance. It was tiring to keep your walls up when you still wanted him so badly.
“Have you…cum to the thought of me since our last call?” he asked. His voice sounded ragged.
“...no,” you exhaled sharply with frustration. This was true, but not for lack of trying. “I-, I can’t seem to without you.”
Changkyun’s eyes widened at your confession. It shot through him like electricity.
“It’s been frustrating,” you continued, voice thin and breathy. Your resolve was breaking.
“Do you want-,” he offered. “I can help.”
“...please,” you nodded vehemently.
Changkyun turned the car around as he listened to you lay down. Your soft gasps and moans as you listened so well to his instructions made him consider breaking the speed limit more than once. Instead he got a hold of himself while you rubbed your clit for him and his cock throbbed eagerly as he drove.
“Are you hard?” Your question took him by surprise.
“Of course,” he laughed. He was straining against his pants.
“Are you playing with yourself?” you asked shyly.
“No, not right now.”
“Oh? That’s too bad. I wish I could. Let you use me like your pretty little cocksleeve.”
Changkyun’s eyes bugged out of his head. Fucking hell.
“Oh? You wanna play with me?” He managed to recover.
“Mhm,” you cooed, “I want you to use me like your pretty little doll so bad. My fingers aren't enough.”
“Hnn, my baby needs me so bad? Can't even cum without my help? Need me to talk you through it,” he smirked, his ego inflating. The desperate whine you let out made him grip the steering wheel so hard his knuckles went white.
“Please Changkyun, please. Need you until I can’t take any more. Fuck me until I cry,” you begged and begged. Your hips had risen off of the bed and despite your best efforts you were right at the edge but unable to crest it.
Changkyun was running up the stairs to your apartment as he listened to you struggle. He could clearly picture you, brow screwed up with concentration, sweat beading on your nose as you tried to let go.
“Stop,” he instructed as he ascended the last flight of steps. “Listen to me, kitten, stop touching yourself for a second.”
You frowned, pulling your hand away. It wasn't like it was doing any good anyways. You were down so bad that you seemed to need him in the flesh.
“You want to cum?”
“I want to,” you exhaled sharply. You were frustrated at yourself more than anything else.
“Let me in,” he cooed. “Let me in and I'll give you what you need.”
Your eyes shot open and once you processed his words, you bolted to the door. Nearly ripping the door off its hinges, you jumped into his arms, kissing him voraciously. You felt him chuckle before he licked into your mouth with an intensity that made you shiver. He was here.
“Had me aching for you the whole way over,” he snarled, nipping at your neck. “My cock is throbbing for you.”
“Changkyun,” you pawed at his shirt frantically.
“So needy,” he laughed as he carried you to the bedroom.
“Please,” you didn’t care that you seemed desperate. You would’ve taken him on the floor if he’d let you.
His lips quirked up into a smirk as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“You'll take what I give you,” he raised an eyebrow at you when you let out an impatient whine.
You pressed your lips shut. You really weren't in a position to be making demands. Instead you squeezed your knees together impatiently as you watched him undress at a speed that you knew was just to make you crazy.
“Don’t you want to be inside of me?” you asked him, feigning innocence. “I thought you said you wanted me to sit on your cock like a good girl, but you’re taking really long!”
Changkyun let out a derisive snort, his eyebrow jerking upwards again, and gestured you towards him. You stood from the bed and brought yourself toe to toe with him and he looked down his nose at you, eyes intense.
“Have you always been this noisy?” he asked.
Your jaw dropped slightly. His words zipped through you like electricity. Your pupils dilated as you looked up at him in wonder.
“I asked you a question,” he cupped your cheek in a deceptively tender gesture.
“No, I don’t think I’m noisy,” you found your voice.
“Hm, well then I wonder what inspired the change,” he laughed.
Before you could answer, Changkyun’s thumb had slipped through your lips and was pressing down on your tongue. Your mouth closed around his digit reflexively and your tongue reached forward to caress him softly.
“So pretty,” he smiled at you, eyes glued to your lips.
You hummed happily at this scrap of praise. You nursed his thumb in your mouth until he pulled his hand back minutes later. He wiped the saliva off on your cheek before he finished unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off. As you watched him intently, you let out little noises of appreciation that were going straight to his head, but he did his best not to show it.
“Changkyun,” your hands reached out towards him, unable to wait any more.
“What is it?” he held you at arms length, making you squirm under his intense gaze. “I want you to use your words.”
Normally this would've made you shy beyond being able to speak, but he had teased you for so long that your typical inhibitions were gone.
“I want you to ruin me,” you answered him solemnly. “I want you to use me. I want you to be rough, I really need it.”
“Hm,” his lips drew into a line as he considered your words. “Are you mine for the night?”
“Yours period,” you nodded breathlessly. You'd thought it many times but it knocked the wind out of your sails to say it out loud.
Changkyun felt the knot in his chest unfurl. The feeling of stuckness he'd been experiencing over you started to undo itself.
“Mine. Period.” he pulled you towards him by the back of your neck.
You melted.
“Yours,” you reinforced, fingertips tracing along his waistband. “Changkyun, please.”
“Yes,” he answered, pushing you to your knees. You smiled up at him before slipping your fingers into his waistband and pulling down.
Changkyun was surprised at the speed with which you took him into your mouth. Your tongue lapped firmly up his length before you reversed direction, nursing his tip between your lips. He hissed at the sensitive pressure and the way that your eyes lit up at the sound made his knees nearly buckle.
“Enough,” he withdrew from your, pulling you up to your feet. He guided you onto the bed and pressed you onto your back with his hand splayed across your chest. Slotting himself between your legs, he gave you a look that conveyed his hot, heavy attraction. You squirmed.
“Changkyun,” you whined, “Baby, please!”
“Baby?” his eyebrow raised, fixing you with a bemused look.
Your face got hot.
“Oh-I, um…,” you floundered under his gaze.
Changkyun smiled as he watched you stutter. He didn’t mind the moniker, of course, but he had been surprised to hear you use a pet name for him.
“It’s okay, I like it,” he finally reassured you after watching you squirm for a while. “You want me to fuck you, baby?”
“Yes!” you cried, rocking your hips anxiously, desperate for more.
Changkyun settled back and watched as you ground yourself desperately against him. He found himself hypnotized by the way your lips caressed his swollen, red tip, coating it with your juices. His hand on your chest held you in place, but you were trying your best to press forward and take more of his length. Cute.
“Please, please, please,” you’d been mumbling endlessly for a while now. Your brows were pinched together. What did you have to do to get him to fuck you?!
Changkyun’s eyes raked over you and he smirked. You were starting to unravel and he couldn’t wait for you to be completely undone.
“Baby, please!” your eyes snapped open as your patience finally snapped. “I can feel the tip but I need more! Need to feel you inside of me, Changkyun please!”
That did it. His eyes widened just a fraction before his hands found purchase in your hips and he pulled you down on his swollen cock slowly. When he had fully sheathed himself in you, he leaned forward, grabbing the sides of your face for a kiss. You returned it voraciously as you bucked desperately against his cock buried deep inside of you.
“So desperate,” he chuckled against your lips. “Just a little hole for me to bury myself in.”
Largely unintelligible cries left your mouth. A string of babbles as he started driving into you deep and hard.
“Fuck, you’re so good,” he groaned appreciatively as your walls clenched around him, squeezing him tight. God damn it, he was close.
“I’m, I’m, I-,” your brows pinched together as you looked up at him. Your thumb rubbed against the back of his hand. Your tell.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he coaxed you, fingers tweaking your nipple, sending you over the edge.
“Changkyun!!” you cried, back arching up off of the bed towards him as you came completely undone.
Hearing you scream his name as you came pushed him over the edge and he quickly followed you. Falling onto his forearms, he shuddered before deflating slightly onto you. You wrapped your arms around his broad chest and you pressed your face into the crook of his neck. You were so satisfied.
“We can talk more about this tomorrow, but I do want you to be mine,” he murmured in your ear.
Your eyes snapped open at this confession and a sigh of relief left your lips.
“I-, I’d like that,” you admitted shyly.
Changkyun smiled and pressed soft kisses against your neck. He’d stay the night and you’d work out the details tomorrow.
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Hi!! I loved your Sons of Leo and Children of Rapheal stories! Could we maybe see Donnie's version? (P.s. I love all your wirttings sm) <3
Children of Donatello (Fluff/Crack)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: The Donnie version is here! Galileo, Marie and Dorothy doing things they’re not allowed to (like so many kids does)💜
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Warnings: Arguing kids😂💜
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If there was one place Galileo liked spending time, finding comfort in the strangest of places, it was in Donnie’s lab. Sitting beside his father as he worked, at times even getting to help him. It was something Gali had loved doing ever since he was little, and as a 13 year old, he still found himself seeking out his father’s comfort in the safety of his lab, often far away from the noises of his cousins and siblings, that at times could overwhelm him.
But just as Gali enjoyed time with his father in the lab, so did his sisters. And none of the three kids wanted to share their alone time with their dad. Not even Marie or Dorothy was willing to share. And of course, it had started a lot of fights between the three kids, often ending with you and Donnie making a decision, setting a time for how long they could be in the lab with their father, before it was one of the other’s turn.
However, you and Donnie soon learned that your kids weren't just interested in the lab, because of the alone time they got to spend with their father. They were just as curious as Donnie, and to them the lab was a land of mystery they wanted to solve. But for many reasons, you and Donnie did not allow your kids to go in there, without parental supervision. You never knew what chemical they could get their hands on, or what machinery they accidentally could break or hurt themself with. And that was not a chance that neither you or Donnie was willing to take.
But that didn’t stop your kids from trying. Sometimes, when they’re curiosity had gotten the better of them, they would try to sneak into Donnie’s lab, thinking that none of you would notice. But of course you did, everytime.
Their curiosity came in waves. There were weeks where you and Donnie would have to keep a constant eye on the entrance to the lab, making sure no children had managed to make their way in, then followed by long periods of time, where none of your kids showed any interest in the lab, what so ever.
However, at the age of 10, Gali started to show a bigger fascination for Donnie’s lab, letting you and your husband know that he also wished to build a lab one day; “just like dad!” It was adorable and warmed Donnie’s heart, but he would still not let Gali walk into the lab without an adult. However, that didn’t stop Gali from trying, and time and time again, you and Donnie would catch him. You would also catch his sisters, as they tried to copy the actions of their big brother.
One day, a 13 year old Gali decided to try to seek into his father’s lab once again. He decided to wait until night, when he was sure his father and uncles would be out on patrol. He waited a little longer, just to be safe that you were soundly asleep inside your room, before he slowly sneaked out of his bed and out of his room. Gali went down the hallway, making sure to stay quiet as he passed you and Donnie’s shared room, staying absolutely silent when he passed his sisters’ rooms. The last thing Gali wanted at that moment was his sisters to bug him while he was trying to sneak into his father’s lab. Something his 8 year old sisters knew he very well wasn’t allowed to do.
Gali went down the metal stairs, cursing under his breath at the metal creaking under his feet, before hurrying through the living area, making sure that none of his cousins, aunts or grandfather heard him, as he made a straight line through the room, heading directly for the lab.
Gali pushed the heavy door open, making his way into the dark room he knew so well. Donnie’s monitors and computer was still on, a map showing where the Gali’s father and uncles was in New York City, making around in the shape of small dots. Machines were humming and small lamps were flickering in the dimp light that flowed in from the living area.
With a smile on his face, Gali did the first thing he could think of - taking a seat in his father’s big nice swivel chair. He looked on at the monitors, his eyes falling on the four colored dots, standing still on top of a building in mid Manhattan.
Looking down on the desk, Gali found his father’s headset, next to an empty cup that once held a strong coffee. It was rare for his father to leave his headset behind before patrol, but it did happen every once in a while, especially after too much strong coffee.
Chuckling to himself, Gali placed the headset onto his own head, moving the microphone down to his mouth, tapping on the keyboard in front of him, imitating what he had seen his father do several times.
“Two streets down”, he said into the microphone, tapping on the mouse, acting like Donnie would while tracking down a car of Purple Dragons of rouge Foot ninjas for Gali’s uncles to stop. “Their heading up generic New York avenue, at the corner that one pizzeria Mikey likes”.
“That’s not a real street!”, a voice sounded, causing Gali to jump in his seat, turning towards the door, where he found Marie and Dorothy standing.
“Get out!”, Gali said, trying to shoo his sisters out of the lab, scrambling with the headphones on his head. “You’re not allowed to be in here!”
“Neither are you”, Dorothy said, crossing her arms, looking very displeased with her brother.
Marie moved up next to Gali, trying to get a look on the screens in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping dad!”, Gali lied. “Now get out of here!”
“I want to help dad too!”, Marie said, trying to move up on the seat Gali was sitting in, but Gali wouldn’t move.
“You can’t! I’m helping him!”
“The screen isn’t even turned on!”, Dorothy pointed out. “You’re lying! You’re not allowed to be in here, and you’re not helping dad!”
“You don’t know anything about that”, Gali said, pushing Marie off once again. “Leave me alone!”
“No! I want to sit in dad’s chair!”, Marie said, trying to shake Gali off the chair.
“Too bad! I was in it first!”, Gali said, trying to push her away again.
“Hey! I want to sit in dad’s chair too!”, Dorothy called out, entering the competition trying to shake Gali off the swivel chair.
A screaming match erupted, the three kids screaming and yelling at each other. Gali telling his little sisters to get out of the lab, that he himself knew he wasn’t allowed to be in, Dorothy and Marie using the broken rule as an excuse, giving them the right to sit in the chair too. They were all so caught up in the argument for their father’s chair, that they hadn't noticed the purple dot leaving the other three, or that it had been moving towards the lair. Therefore none of them noticed when Donnie entered the lair, walking to the lab with fast steps, finding his children still fighting over the chair. Leaning onto the door frame with crossed arms, Donnie waited for his kids to notice his arrival. But to his surprise, none of them did, swatting their arms at each other, Dorothy trying to grab a hold of the headphones that was still resting on Gali’s head. That was when Donnie decided to put an end to their fight.
“Since when have any of you been allowed to sit in that chair without me in the room?”
All three kids froze mid action, their eyes growing wide at the sound of their father’s voice. They turned and saw Donnie in the doorway, realizing that he had been standing there longer than any of them had noticed. They were caught red handed, and there was nothing they could say to get out of it.
“Hey, dad”, Marie said, giving Donnie a shy wave.
Donnie smiled slightly amused at her innocent wave, as if she wasn’t caught being somewhere she wasn’t allowed to be.
“Hey, Marie”, he smiled. “What are you doing to my chair?”
Marie looked at her hands for a moment before looking back at her father. “Shaking it”.
“And why are you shaking it?”, Donnie asked.
“To get Gali to jump off”, she answered slowly.
“Is that a nice thing to do?”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be doing that”, Donnie said with a small smile, watching as she took her hands off the chair. Donnie moved his attention to Dorothy, who still stood with her hand reaching out for the headset on Gali’s head. “And what are you doing, Dorothy?”
“Trying to take the headphones”, Dorothy answered.
“Are those your headphones?”
“Are they laying on the desk?”
“No, they’re on Gali’s head”.
“Is it nice to try to take them off of Gali’s head?”
Dorothy’s hand fell to her side, an irritated pout forming on her face as she knew her father was right. “No”.
“I’m happy that you can see that”, Donnie said, finally turning his attention to Gali. “What are you doing in my chair?”
“I just felt like doing it. No real reason for it”, Gali said, watching Donnie as he made his way over to him. “But how did you know we were in here anyway?”, he asked once Donnie stood by the chair, leaning over Gali in order to make sure he hadn’t accidently clicked on something.
With a chuckle Donnie held a hand out in front of Gali, asking him for the headphones. Gali did as his father asked, taking the headset off his head and handing it to Donnie. Donnie then turned to the computer, pressed a button and spoke into the microphone.
“Do you guys want to tell my kids the headset was on, or should I?”, Donnie asked, followed by the roaring laughter of the kids' uncles through the speaker.
“Gali!”, Mikey called out, Leo and Raph still laughing in the background. “What pizza place did you talk about? Are they still headed that way? Want me to bring back a slice?”
Embarrassed, Gali slides down the chair. Maybe he should have listened to his father and stayed out of the lab. And maybe he should have stayed in his bed.
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melminli · 7 months
Poison Paradise
pairing: hazbin hotel x fem. reader
summery - the gang finds out about one of your past relationships, which was kinda - well, actually really bad. you weren't proud that it happened either, but it did, and you couldn't really change that fact. no matter how much you wanted to.
word count: 1.5k
contains: alcohol consumption, toxic relationships, crack, (tw: val), cursing, strong language, sinner reader, sexual themes, demon horniness
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Angel Dust felt his way through the liquor cabinet at the bar with all the arms at his disposal, looking for more stuff, stronger stuff - he wasn't necessarily picky, to be honest. The only thing that mattered was that it would make him feel numb. He had already put a good collection of bottles on the counter, and it was a large pile of different stuff. Though, he doubted if any amount of alcohol would be enough today. Fuck it, maybe all of Hell didn't even have enough alcohol for him because after today, Angel believed anything to be possible.
"Get the fuck out of my bar." Husker finally grumbled as he spotted the intruder in his area. "You sit. I make drinks." He said and shoved his emotional figure out by force. He really didn't want to listen to any of his whining right now.
A loud groan was heard in response, one that epitomized Angel's agony. "One fuckin' drink won't be enough this time." He moaned as if he was in pain and draped himself over a bar stool before grabbing one of the bottles he had placed on the counter earlier. He drank the whole thing without looking at the label. "I don't even think all the damn drinks in Hell could fill this horrible feelin' in the deepest parts of my heart." He said, wiping away the liquid that had spilled from the corner of his mouth. He was about to take another bottle, but Husker took it away before it could get anywhere near his mouth.
The cat demon furrowed his eyebrows. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you have to fuck an ugly guy at work or something?" He asked him, but that didn't quite seem to be it from Angel's reaction. "Two ugly guys?"
The famous porn star finally looked up with his face. "I wish! If I had to fuck a hundred ugly guys to undo what I've heard, I would!"
Well, maybe he would do it regardless, since it wasn't really in his hands and that was his fucking job, but that wasn't the point right now.
The two girls were just arriving in the main hall when they heard the commotion. Charlie looked a little worried at what Angel was saying. "What did you hear?" She asked, also out of mild curiosity.
At the question, he draped himself dramatically over the bar stool again, as if the mere memory of it was enough to make him nauseous. "I don't even wanna say it out loud. Makes me wanna puke just thinkin' 'bout it."
Every pair of eyes in the room looked around a little confused, but no one really seemed to have a clue what was going on. Vaggie looked to the bartender. "What the hell is wrong with him." She asked with interest but only got a shrug in response.
Several minutes passed as the people in the room busied themselves trying to figure out what seemed to be upsetting poor Angels Dust. Though, It was more Charlie who took on this task, while the other two watched quietly, and Niffty tried to spear a bug with a fork in some corner. Neither of them was really successful at what they were doing.
So since everyone was kind of busy with something else, no one really noticed at first when you came through the door. That was until you spoke up. "Oh, hello, guys. Did I miss today's activity? Damn it, that's such a shame!" You tried to say in a very disappointed manner, with the worst acting skills in history.
You had to end the act somewhat abruptly though, when Angel Dust suddenly pointed an accusing finger at you and yelled out, "Ya and Val were fuckin' each other!" He threw the accusation at you, which to be honest wasn't really that much of a surprise to any one. After all, this was Hell we were talking about, people were fucking each other all the time and we were here talking about the Valentino.
Angel himself realized his mistake. "Well, that's actually not that bad." He mumbled, trying not to sound like a hypocrite. Then he stood from his position and pointed his index finger accusingly at you again. "Ya and that freak were in a lovin', committed relationship!"
Everyone's mouths dropped open and for a few seconds nothing could be heard except the coughing of Husker as he tried to stop himself from choking on his drink.
You looked around the room, slightly on display, not really sure what to say. "Uhhh..." you stuttered, trying to get something out. "...who's Val? I mean seriously, never heard of the guy." You laughed out, sweating.
The cat demon waved his hand in disinterest at what you were saying since you were just bullshitting. "You were dating that evil porn director of the Vees?" He asked disbelievingly. "Is that even possible? I bet that fucker can't even stay committed to a brand of soap."
You looked to the side, slightly ashamed. "Well, he wasn't the evil porn diractor of the Vees when I was dating him." You assured them and then added. "Besides, underneath all that fur is a really nice guy who can be really sweet sometimes!" You shouted out and saw how no one really believed your words, and you couldn't really blame them since you didn't even do it yourself. You tried only telling half the truth, and that didn't seem to work out, so you finally gave up. "Okay, fine. The relationship was toxic as shit and made me want to kill myself. It's not my proudest work. Are you happy now?"
Vaggie looked a little confused. Because what you said and what Angel said didn't really seem to match up. Yours sounded more accurate. "That sounds more like that Val guy."
You shrugged your shoulders and laughed. "Yeah, I really have no idea where you picked that up, Angel." You said, tapping him on the chest. "But I can assure you that it was anything but loving and committed, trust me. You of all people should know best."
Of course he did. When Angel heard about how you and the guy who held him on a leash (in a non-kinky way) were a thing he felt a little betrayed, but it seems like Val also wasn't the best thing that happened to you. "Of course I do, I just didn't think ya did, too." He admitted, leaning a little closer to you. "I still can not believe that this guy was in any kind of relationship, if I'm being honest. I mean, how could ya even convince him to do that?"
You blinked a couple of times. "I didn't have to. He asked me to be his girlfriend." You saw the others look shocked again, and even the two who always had a very uninterested attitude towards most things seemed to want to know more. "I know! I was also really surprised when he did it, I mean it's...Val."
With all the stuff she'd heard so far, Charlie couldn't help but look a little disappointed. "Why did you even get involved with him in the first place if you knew he was bad news?"
You avoided looking at anyone. "Well, I wasn't lying before. He could be nice, sometimes even more than that." You whispered as you thought back to that time. "But most of the time, he wasn't. And he kept promising me that he would change, but that never really lasted for long, so yeah..." you said, shrugging your shoulders like it was nothing. "That's why I broke up with him."
Husker's eyebrows drew together suspiciously. "And he just let you?"
When you only gave a hesitant nod in response, Angel's patience burst. "Ya can't just give a half-assed version of the story! I need all the information down to the smallest detail!" He shouted and shook you by the shoulders.
The Princess of Hell and her girlfriend looked a little worried at the scene before them. Charlie finally spoke up and tried to be the voice of reason by walking between you two. "Maybe it's a sensitive subject for her. We shouldn't force her to tell something that brings up bad memories, don't you think so, Angel?"
At what she said, his grip on you loosened, giving you a chance to escape to a safe distance. "I'm pretty over it to be honest, but I'm not telling shit to a mean bitch!" You exclaimed and then quickly ran away.
At that, the spider demon immediately ran after you like a bullet out of a gun. "Get over here! I'll pull the information out of yer throat if I have to!"
Oh boy. Charlie had hoped that she could have taught you all a valuable lesson through this situation, but unfortunately, that really didn't go as planned. As if anything did around here. She thought to herself with a slight smile on her face.
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nyoomfruits · 8 months
"I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me" for the ask list? maybe landoscar or any pair you feel inspired by! <3
“i think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me”
It’s started to drizzle when Lando pushes his way through the front doors of the hotel, runs out into the street. Oscar’s only a few feet away, standing on the curb looking at his phone, clearly waiting for the car to come pick him up. His suitcase is next to him, his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Oscar,” Lando breathes out more than says, way too relieved to find him still here, rushing in his direction.
Oscar hears him anyway, looks up a little confused, even more confused when he spots Lando. “Lando?” He asks. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was, you fucking bastard,” Lando says, puts his hands on his hips. “Not anymore. A letter, really? Not even. A fucking letter?”
Oscar has the decency to look at little ashamed. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Bullshit,” Lando says. “That’s and you know it. I just want to know why. This whole week we’re having a great time together and I thought, you know. And then you leave me a fucking letter confirming that great time, and then you fucking end it with ‘I’m sorry to leave but I can’t be what you want me to be’. What does that even mean.”
“I don’t do casual, Lando,” Oscar says. He looks a little tired around the eyes, a little sad. Lando gets it. He’s not a driver, doesn’t even work for F1, but he’s lived near Silverstone all his life. He knows how hectic shit gets. How taxing this whole week is for someone like Oscar. “I can’t- Not with you.”
“Okay,” Lando says, a little confused. “That’s nice? For you? Then why didn’t you just, I don’t know. Leave your phone number? You know, like a normal person. Or you could’ve woken me up. Even normaler person behavior.”
“I don’t think that’s a word,” Oscar says, and when Lando merely glares at him he shrugs, a little bashfully. “You just. I just didn’t think that’s something you wanted. You gave the impression you know. That this was just a one week thing to you.”
And. Okay. Maybe Lando did keep talking about how F1 feels like this one-week festival every year. How it comes and goes and feels like transporting yourself to another universe for a week. How he’s made friends he only sees once a year. How he’s made friends that felt like the best he’d ever dad for the duration of that one week and then never saw again.
He’d never considered that, with Oscar. Oscar had felt. Permanent. All encompassing. Inevitable. From the moment Oscar had gotten out of his stupid bright orange McLaren down the road from his parent’s farm to ask for directions because he’d found himself horrible turned around, Lando had felt this. Connection.
Which is stupid, because Oscar is a world famous F1 driver and Lando is a farmer’s son from a small town in the middle of the English countryside, but still. They’d clicked, immediately. Oscar somehow being perfectly equipped to deal with Lando’s slightly chaotic energy in a way no one in this town ever really had, giving as good as he got. He’s charming, in a very understated way. Sweet.
And they had fun, this past week. A lot of fun. Fun Lando hoped they would be able to continue, after.
But then this morning had happened, and the letter, and he’s started doubting that maybe-
“It wasn’t,” he says, earnestly, honestly. Because if he only gets one shot at this, he’s taking it with both hands. Worst case scenario he’ll never see Oscar again. Best case scenario… Well. He’d love to find out. “Just a one week thing for me.”
“Oh,” Oscar says, and he’s smiling, and the rain has started to pick up so his hair is starting to stick to his forehead, but neither of them really cares. “Me neither. If you want, yeah. Me neither.”
“Good,” Lando says, nods. His shirt is getting soaked. He wishes he’d grabbed a jacket during his mad scramble to catch Oscar in time. “Right. I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.” He says, only half-jokingly, when there’s a sort of awkward silence between them.
Oscar however, doesn’t waste a single moment, reaching forward like he’s been waiting for Lando to say that all his life, his fingers sliding over Lando’s wet cheeks as he pulls them closer. It’s really starting to pour down now, but for a moment, when Oscar’s lips touch his, Lando feels like the sun is shining just for them.
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panda-writes-kpop · 12 days
I'll only stay with you one more night ~ j. hjn.
a/n: two weeks between posts will probably become the new normal as I struggle through this semester 😭 don't worry, school's going fine, I'm just busy as hell right now with work, school, and familial obligations. So don't worry if there's a week or two between uploads, I'm totally fine!! 🫶
tw: a bit pg-13 with some of the description (my bad yall, i just want to make out with jeon heejin y'know), mention of booze, reader is a romantic yet a bit depressed but we love them for it ❤️
summary: a precarious dance between you and heejin threatens to end as she lures you into her thralls yet again, but you won't break this new normal between the two of you. neither will she, so you're stuck in this limbo of 'not-quite-friends-but-not-quite-lovers'.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“You shouldn’t be here.”
Jeon Heejin eyes you, warily, as you approach her in the kitchen.
“You thought parties weren’t my… thing?” She draws out the last word, inviting a rebuttal from you.
You’re too smart to take the obvious bait, but too stupid to leave the conversation alone in its entirety.
“Didn’t think you were one to shoot vodka straight.” You gesture to the red solo cup in her hand - you’re a foot away from her, but you can practically taste the liquor in the air.
The smell makes you wish that you had drank something before starting this conversation. It’d help you feel less bad about what happens afterward.
“Maybe I like the way it tastes.” She teases before lifting the cup to her lips.
You’d almost believe her, if you didn’t know her so well, but the ghastly grimace on her face gives away her true thoughts about the drink.
“No person drinks vodka because they like the taste. What’s on your mind, Little Miss Perfect?”
Heejin scowls at the nickname - a long standing tradition between the two of you. You’d call her a role model or a perfect princess, and she’d respond by calling you a jackass or rolling her eyes at you.
Two people, perfectly molded to be each other’s opposite.
So why are you here, at this party, with her of all people?
“Would you believe me if I told you?”
“No,” Your response falls from your lips, immediately, and a teasing grin appears on your face, “but I’m willing to hear you out anyway.”
“You’re a liar.”
“It’s my charm, really.” You shrug before leaning against the fridge. “Are you in the mood for confessions or not?”
“Well…” She trails off, an unreadable expression on her face.
She leans against the counter after setting her drink aside. Her shirt lifts up, perfectly showing her well-defined body.
Why does she play this game with you, again and again? You’re both losers in the end.
Heejin is a perfect calamity of a woman - her eyes a whirlwind of emotions, a smile that is genuine but never quite reaches her eyes, her gestures as icy as they are warming.
You can’t tell if you want to slap or kiss that shit-eating grin off of her face.
And, based on your previous encounters with her, it’s most definitely going to be the latter option.
“Like what you see?” She winks at you before grabbing her drink again.
Her eyes study you, just as she studies her materials in class. Brutally methodical, looking for any errors or opportunities to pounce on.
She wants to lure you into her trap, into her clutches - you wanted her first, right?
“Fuck you.” The words would sound malicious coming from anyone else, but they’re oddly playful from your lips.
“You told me you wanted to know what’s on my mind…” Heejin strolls towards you with an unmistakable amount of confidence, the type that comes with experience.
She’s got you right where she wants you - as she does every time.
When she lands right in front of you, one of her hands lands on your abdomen. Heejin leans in close, close enough for only the two of you to hear.
“You. I’ve only had you on my mind, and it’s ruining my day.”
She leans back, a playful pout on her face.
A lioness with her prey in her claws - so much for her façade of innocence.
You should resist, push her hand away and let yourself get some air. Maybe it’s the booze in her breath that’s making you drunk, or maybe you’re just drunk on her.
Either way, that fleeting thought of rationality doesn’t seem to stop you from chasing Heejin’s lips as you kiss her with the pent-up frustration of her teasing.
Her hand leaves your chest as you place your hands on your lips - if you’re letting this happen, you may as well be in control of your actions.
You know you want this, as does she. You’re both just scared of the after.
The eternal after, the words you two should tell each other.
I love you. I miss you. I want you. I need you.
But you’re stuck in this charade, this mess where you push and pull against each other, hoping one will give before the other does. 
Heejin’s too prideful, and you’re too resistant to the idea of “us”.
But you’re both content, especially as she pulls at your shirt for more as her lips continue to meet yours.
Why should you deny her of you, of the things that make you both content?
Maybe next time will be different.
It won’t be. 
You know this.
She knows this.
Yet you’re still kissing her, and she’s still kissing you.
Forever in limbo.
Forever two souls together, but not quite intertwined.
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