#I wish I had more Chaos Dev energy
mooncello · 4 months
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THANK YOU to everyone that has read, cheered or commented on the first chapter of more than a footnote. It's so much fun to geek over Dev and Niall with you. I'm currently editing chapter 4 and writing chapter 5, so I hope I can publish every two weeks. Fingers crossed!
How about some Dev POV, from chapter 2?
“Extra intel would be nice,” I say. I scan the library tables around us, and my eyes catch on a cloud of indigo hair. “We should ask Bunce.” Niall’s eyes widen. “What? No. Dev, don’t say any— ” “Hey, Bunce!” I call across three tables, ignoring the ten or so people who glare at me. A few even shush. Cute. Bunce’s face goes red, but she makes no move to respond or walk over. “Bunce,” I call again. This time the head librarian frowns and clears his throat. A prim ahem sound. I roll my eyes. He’s a satyr. His hooves make more noise walking around the stacks than any conversation, shouted or otherwise.
sending love + wishing you some good this sunday. np tags under the cut:
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @run-for-chamo-miles, @blackberrysummerblog, @orange-peony
@youarenevertooold, @shrekgogurt, @hushed-chorus, @whatevertheweather, @larkral
@cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @artsyunderstudy, @emeryhall, @raenestee
@iamamythologicalcreature, @bookish-bogwitch, @thewholelemon, @best--dress, @rimeswithpurple
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jodilin65 · 9 months
Getting going with the new insurance plan has been a nightmare so far. Everything has gotten so complicated and to be so much work. Another of many reasons why I could never live alone. I know Tom says there are people who help those who can’t do these things but still. It used to be you were either given a recommendation or looked in the phone book and then you called a doctor at which time a human answered rather than a recording telling you which extension to choose, and then you simply made an appointment. The appointment wasn’t usually months away either. Now you have to go through all this bullshit using phones, websites, apps, and it’s just total chaos.
Tom still thinks I’ll like this plan better because it will be more focused on me rather than a bunch of people pulling me in different directions and dispensing generic advice.
I just want to know what I can do to get my energy back! And not to burn so much down there would be nice too. I’m back to burning away, although I can tell it’s the menopause kind of burning. It comes and goes. Maybe I really do need to start using that estrogen-based cream. I would prefer not to though, because of the potential side effects.
I was surprised to have lost another pound. I’m down to 160 so I would say my TSH hasn’t popped back up. Part of it is watching my portions as I have been lately. Even when I would eat healthy I would still eat way too much. Quantity is everything for me when it comes to weight. I’d lose weight faster on a couple of candy bars a day than a whole shitload of fruit and veggies.
No more VZ challenges for me. I hate the new interface but no matter how many of us bitch and complain about it, the devs are going to do what they want. They don’t put old stuff back anymore then the Supreme Court reverses its twisted decisions. I figured out where the challenge rides are, but now, instead of being in a neat little list they’re scattered about a map and I can no longer hover over them with my controller to see how long each ride is. I don’t need to do challenges, though. I prefer to pick my own rides. I just wonder how hard that’s going to be when I’m done with my Mexico to Maine trip that I’m 37% through. I’m currently about a third of the way through Arkansas.
There’s a new app the same company made called Fly and it was only $7 because I got a discount from someone in the group. This lets you fly around the world or at least part of it. Seems to start off in Europe. The problem is that the graphics are so bad that the trees look fake. It’s in development though, so hopefully it will improve.
Tom gave plasma yesterday and the girl screwed up so it didn’t take long. He’s still going to get paid.
The Honker went out on the motorcycle yesterday and even though it was only for a second, he revved it on his way out and I wondered if it might have woken me up if I was asleep. Tom, who knows mechanics better than I do, said he only did it because it’s been cold at night and the only other alternative would be to sit there with it idling for several minutes.
I just wish he would go home! He’s ridden the thing 10 times in the 9 weeks he’s been here and will be here for about 14 more weeks.
Andy had a dream he paid me $300 to clean his place, LOL.
Yesterday I had okay energy but today I’m a little tired. Still managing to carry on with the cleaning, though. I just do a different room each day until I go through the whole house. I only dust once a month but I touch up the bathrooms weekly and the kitchen as needed.
The only dream I remember is moving into a house that was close to another house with screaming kids in its backyard regularly. I decided not to say anything because I knew they couldn’t wake me up.
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Angel Island is the world's best VRMMO Fighting Game, for over 25 years...
Angel Island is a Hyper Realistic VRMMO owned my The Emeralds Treasures Corporation
All players are Echidnas
There are 4 classes
Warrior, Emerald Priest, Runesmith, Chaos Shaper
Warrior- Ranged, Melee, Tanks,
Emerald Priest- Healing, Finding Enemies, buffs/debuffs
Runesmith- Blacksmith, enchanting Chaos into things, Trap making, fixing stuff
Chaos Shaper- can bend Chaos Energy into whatever form they need, Teleportation, Magic users
Their goal is to fight to protect the island's greatest treasure. The Master Emerald.
People flocked to the game on mass pouring money into it
It had harsh limits
It's not PvP, its not allowed 
But people could challenge and spar for more Honor Points
It's only a Player vs Enemy
It has many levels.
And each level has waves.
Its little like tower defense with rpg elements
Where if your Character Died, you had to make a new one.
Your old character's name was put on the memorial stone along with all the others who fell in battle.
Each week a new creature will show up to try to take the Master Emerald
Most notable enemies are the Elder Gods, the Olympians, Norse Pantheon, The Egyptians, Space Warlords, A Wizard whose name if spoken got more powerful, a Litch, Several Dragons, Space Jellyfish, a corrupted Elemental, And one hacker with a corrupted Chao.
The hacker was named Pachacamac, he took a Chao (and coded a monster,) and wreaked havoc with it
Several thousand players had their accounts deleted that day, 
A rumor stated that some people were killed in real life too. A CEO's daughter of the company, but nothing confirmed.
The scandal killed the game 
It was a slow death; people didn’t want to make new characters when so many high-level ones were lost. 
7 years later it's a dying game with most of the people leaving 
Yet the Devs still update it
All but one player left
Knuckles joined late but has since then fought past the previous record level of 762
He reached level 999
No invading creature has touched the master emerald.
Some have come close
Just when Knuckles has defeated level 1000 a strange pop up in Master Emerald Green™ asks a question 
Level Up!
Max Level Reached!
All Stats are Maxed Out!
Full Health Regen
All Negative Conditions are cleared
Achievement Unlocked:
Do I look like I need your power:
All stats are doubled, When standing still
Achievement Unlocked:
The Last of the Echidna:
All classes are unlocked.
You have completed level 1000
Title: I am the Mountain; No one can make you move unless you move first
The Siege is Over!
The battle has been won and our enemies lay slain under our might and power!!!
You who have been abandoned by all fought with my blessing and triumphed over Evil.
Today our island is safe,
But Darkness is unrelenting and more will come for my Light and Power.
I offer you a Choice
Become my Guardian until the war is done?
The Guardian Of the Master Emerald: 99% Health Regen buff on Angel Island, 100% Attack and Defense buff on Angel Island, Ability to sense and locate all Chaos Energy within 500km
This Land is My Land: Shape any and all land how you wish.
And Knuckles, who's only escape from the terrible, poisonous world he lives in, Wants more.
He selects Yes.
And falls unconscious
Knuckles wakes up at the altar right next to the Master Emerald
But something feels different, the sun is hotter, and the wind is softer. He can see birds and touch the wet water. There is something undeniably alive here that has been lost in his world.
The menu, and Inventory is still accessible.
The log out button is gone.
But most of all, He no longer feels the weakness of sickness. His lungs breathe in fresh air and not the choking smoke of smog.
He is reborn anew in this world he loves, on the island of his dreams, with the Emeralds He will sacrifice everything to protect.
And then the Next enemy comes.
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realitv · 4 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME! ♡     claire
PRONOUNS! ♡     they / them
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     aries bay bee
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     I Don’t Need Friends They Disappoint Me
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡      i used to roleplay on youtube. yes, youtube. think late early aughts and early 2010s. you’d set up your channel with all those fancy fonts (yes, the fancy fonts that now made a come back here); use picnic to edit your pics, set an autoplay video up for ur channel, and rp using dms or comments. it became popular to keep comments on approval and only approve things like: CLAIRE ISH MAHH BIIIISH. xDDD <3 NO ONEZ CAN TOUCH MAH BISSSSH <3 <3 xDDDD LUV U 4EVER. after the channels became what they are now, i hopped around on proboards before coming to tumblr. 
2! ♡     i speak three languages. english, conversational french, and rudimentary german which i am relearning. i used to speak it fluently as a child. i hope to one day be able to communicate with my tante elisabeth and my cousin utta, as they only speak german (they... are... from germany LMAO) but until then i’ve been relearning with my aunt karin. it’s so weird because i feel like i’m very different when i speak french or when i speak german. like. english me is very different from french me and french me is very different from german me. i don’t know how else to describe it. i’m way more flirty and suave when i’m speaking french but i’m very serious and to the point in german. i find when i speak english i’m a little more aloof. i don’t fucking know. 
3! ♡     the longest i have ever written a character is six years. most of my mutuals probably know me from that account (lady a. c/omstock of bioshock in/finite). i still write her on discord, so technically i’ve been writing her for 7 years. she’s just very draining to write these days as she’s just so goddamn fucking sad all the time and i prefer writing her on a smaller scale with very close friends privately. i still love her and her development and everything i’ve done with her, she’s just Ultra Ultra Depressed and i find myself having to get into that same headspace when i write her on tumblr, hence... why i do not like doing that any more. trauma muses, baby: it be like that.  it’s actually really funny bc i consider lady amelia c my BRAND. depressed edwardian milf. that’s the brand. media was an EXTREME departure of my brand of muses. i’ve written belle, sansa, lady c - all three of those ladies really follow the ‘porcelain to steel’ trend. media is neon chaos. 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   uh. youtube, as i mentioned. rolepages (don’t ask), and a lot of proboards forums. i miss those. they were so Spicy. now just tumblr. i’ve Been Around lmao. 
GENDER! ♡    i simply Do Not Care. i used to feel really insecure about the way i wrote men but i’ve since gotten over that and now i’ll write anyone who strikes my fancy - but i do defo have a type and it’s Sad Ladies From Period/Fantasy Dramas. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    honestly everyone overused irks me. remember when everyone was using nina dobr/ev or natalie do/rmer. can’t do it. i don’t know what it is. something irks me. 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    i wish i had the strength to write a multi muse blog but i can’t. :(
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  i want to say i don’t like it but i love happy endings and domestic bliss bc that’s comforting and i like happy endings. but depending on the character i’m very selective with who i will write it with. media? I Simply Do Not See It (unless im writing with nee). it’s something i enjoy, but not something i write often on this blog; as i’m more horror oriented at this point.
ANGST:  i enjoy angst; but again, it really depends on the character. i had this really great thread with g where christine and amelia had an argument that resulted in amelia breaking down into tears as she was so angry. i really enjoyed the raw emotion i could write in that; and with a character like amelia, it was a great way to release a lot of pent up energy and add some character dev. for someone like media, tho, media doesn’t show emotion. media refuses to show emotion. it’s not Their Thing. they can show emotion and do emote, but it’s muted and rare. if, again, i were to write angst, it’d be with nee; since law is someone who reminds media how human they truly are. 
SMUT:  depends. i’ve written it privately. it’s not really my thing but i don’t mind it. i prefer to write it privately with people i know very, very well. i’m not adverse to reblogging a smut meme or sending one in tho lmao. 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  i love plotting. i’m not good at i but i enjoy it a lot and will do my best to help think of dynamics, settings, and plot threads to do. as for memes? i want to love memes. i think they’re a great ice breaker - i used to be able to reblog a meme and write a really nice drabble response (i always write drabble responses lmao) but now it’s like... I Simply Cannot. i look at memes and my muse jumps ship like its 1912. i think it’s because i have an easier time responding to memes with people/muses my muse has an established/talked about dynamic with; instead of me trying to write a 4 para drabble for a muse that my muse has yet to interact with. idk.
tagged by :  stole it from nora uwu tagging :  steal it nasties.
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lucianacipriano · 4 years
[Author’s Note: Similar to some of the other things I’ve written, this is based off of something from a roleplay I’m part of on Twitter. My writing partner has a headcanon she wrote about and incorporated into CuriosCat answer, and I saw a wonderful opportunity for angst. That being said, feel free to check out what sparked this by clicking the link. She also wrote Nadia’s version of everything. Enjoy!]
To say it had been a long day would be an understatement. Lucio had been in a mood, cursing and damning anyone and anything that had the misfortune of crossing his path. No matter what Julian was doing, he had to drop it for it was Jules this and Jules that. Oh, how he despised that name. Jules. And in that godawful accent of his. However, it was better than hearing him whine when saying his full name. There were days where hearing the Count just breathe would spark the most annoying headache and today had quickly become one of those days. Due to Lucio and his tantrums, it had become impossible for Julian to run off to meet with the Countess, per their ritual. He almost didn’t have time to write a note in place of meeting her, explaining why he couldn’t and how he’d make it up to her.
He could’ve used the excuse of being a doctor and needing to check on the Countess, but Lucio wasn’t entirely stupid. He’d catch onto that eventually and then when she’d actually need him, he wouldn’t be able to assist. Now wasn’t the time for the doctor to burn the only bridge he had with Lucio, no matter how one-sided their relationship was, as Nadia was expecting and needed a physician ready should anything happen.
In fact, that was one of the reasons he decided to spend most of his days at the palace. It was to watch over her. He knew from the moment her symptoms started to show that this wouldn’t be easy on anyone involved, but she was determined. Both she and Lucio seemed excited, and that was all the doctor needed to push aside his feelings and be professional. He had made the decision to cut back on their activities, but he couldn’t cut ties completely, so he had settled with daily talks and occasional kisses. Nadia had become his addiction and letting her go cold turkey would’ve ended badly. Plus, it would’ve looked suspicious to everyone else if he were to simply disappear once it was announced the Countess was with child. However, he had a feeling Lucio knew but didn’t care. Much like how Nadia knew of her husband and Valerius.
Lucio had clung to Julian as he tried to leave for the night, trying to get in bed with him by saying “C’mon, Jules. You’re the doctor. Don’t you know that this is the best way to make me feel better?”
Julian let out a heavy sigh as he managed to free himself from the Count’s grasp. “Lucio, no. I’m not in the mood to hear you talk about how great you were—“
“But you admit I’m great, right?” At that, Lucio had the smuggest smirk on his face, putting his hands on his hips in victory. What the doctor wouldn’t give to wipe that smirk off his face…
Julian deflated a little, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes. “Shut up, you twit… Not today.”
The Count’s smirk quickly turned into a pout and then a sneer as he finally waved the doctor off and turned on his heel, walking away. “Fine, I’ll go bother Valerius. But don’t think this is over, Jules! I’ll remember this attitude when I finally—“
“Yes, yes, I know! Now good night, your royal highness,” he retorted with a role of his eyes and middle finger.
Finally free of the childlike count, Julian cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, letting out the biggest sigh. He stood there in silence for a moment or two before draping his long jacket over his arm and walking out of the palace. A hand came up to rub his face as he walked, mind shutting off from all of the useless work he was made to do throughout the day.
Maybe that was why Lucio kept him busy. The fact he knew and could potentially be jealous wasn’t something the doctor gave much thought to until now. In fact, he was mentally kicking himself for not thinking of it sooner because Lucio was childish enough to get jealous of his wife getting into the doctor’s pants when he couldn’t, despite having Valerius on the side already.
​It was moments like this where he wished he had his sister or even aunt around, so he could talk about the things going on in his mind. But alas, he had made the decision to leave them behind years ago to study medicine. Now he only had Mazelinka who spent more time scolding him than anything. However, she had her moments when it was clear something was bothering the man. Part of Julian was hoping she would be home when he showed up and the other part hoped she wasn’t so he wouldn’t feel bad going to the tavern to drink the night away. Or maybe he’d actually get some sleep tonight.
​The idea of sleep seemed far more attractive to the doctor than staying at the tavern. With that in mind, his feet took him down the paths through Vesuvia, avoiding most of the remaining evening traffic by slipping through dark alleyways. He knew the city like the back of his hand and found himself walking with his eyes closed for most of his journey.
​By the time he reached Mazelinka’s cottage, he didn’t have the energy to take the window like he usually did. He was emotionally worn out and all he wanted to do was lie down. He opened the too-short door and called out for the owner.
​“Mazelinka? Are you awake?” he closed the door behind him, hanging his coat on the hook next to the exit. He looked around, not seeing any signs of life, which either meant the old woman was asleep or out.
​After checking behind the curtain that led to the small “bedroom,” if one was to even consider it that, and crouching down to check the cubby in the floor, Julian pressed his lips into a line before teeth sunk into the bottom one.
“Must be out raising Hell…” he murmured as he stood, knees cracking from the change in position.
He ran his hands through his hair as he walked back to the “bedroom,” falling face first onto the mattress. Arms snaked themselves under the pillow as he buried his face into it, eyes closed and mind completely off before he even landed.
​The next thing Julian knew, he was being shaken awake by Mazelinka. He had no idea how much time had passed or when she had gotten back, but all he could focus on was how concerned she looked. He quickly sat up, any remaining tiredness being left on the pillow.
​“Mazelinka, what happen—“
​“There are guards… From the palace. What did you do, Ilyushka?” The woman’s voice dropped to a hiss as she questioned the doctor, hitting him in the shoulder.
​He blinked repeatedly as he rubbed where she hit him. Guards from the palace? At this hour? He glared at the woman, reaching out to stop her hand before she could hit him again. “Stop. I didn’t do anything. I told you I’m just a friend and the leading physician.”
​His voice trailed off as it finally hit him. Nadia.
​He pushed the older woman onto the bed as he launched off of it, making his way to the door as fast as possible. He threw it open and was met with two out of breath soldiers.
​“Dr—Dr. Devorak. You’re needed…”
​“It’s the Countess!”
​Julian didn’t need to hear anything else they had to say, nor did he say anything to Mazelinka before he took off running out of the cottage. Of course something would happen on the one night he tried to sleep! This was just his luck. Now he had to run as fast as he could through Vesuvia and pray to God she was still alive when he got there.
​“Dr. Dev-Devorak! Wait up!” the two soldiers called for him, but he wasn’t listened. There were only two things on his mind at the moment and they were to keep running and prayers that Nadia was OK.
In his panicked state, he had made it to the palace in a third of the time it would’ve normally taken him. The gate was already open, presumably so that the soldiers who went to fetch him could make a hasty return.
​There was no time for pleasantries as he ran by guards and burst through the doors leading into the palace. He looked around and saw one of the midwives who kept him updated on things as this was most definitely not his field of expertise. She was nervously chewing on her thumbnail as she paced from wall to wait. He came to a stop in front of her, breathing heavy. He tried asking where she was, but the words just wouldn’t come out. He was aware that he looked more like the distressed partner than the professional doctor, but he didn’t care. Part of his job, especially here at the palace, was to make sure nothing happened to his patients, and now something was happening to his dearest patients.
​The midwife pointed in the direction of Nadia’s chambers and the doctor took off once more. This time, he didn’t run, needing to catch his breath before he ran into anyone else. He needed to keep his hands busy, so he decided to roll his sleeves up. His jaw was set as he made his way through the corridors, not stopping to talk to a soul until he reached the wing where everything was happening.
​His breath caught in his throat as he saw the chaos flowing in and out of the Countess’ bedroom. He placed a hand on the wall to steady himself, taking a few seconds to pull himself together. He took a few deep breaths before he started walking towards the room.
​“Someone update me. Now.”
​His voice caught the attention of some of the maids that were hovering around. Those who turned to look at him looked as distraught as he felt, but he didn’t dare let that show now.
​“M-milady… She said she wasn’t feeling well earlier…”
​“So she… She retired early.”
​“Then the next thing we knew, she was screaming for help.”
​Julian listened to the women as they talked, trying to figure out when the Countess could’ve retired for the evening and if he was still here or not. There was good chance he was and that annoyed him. She knew she could always tell him if she wasn’t feeling well, so what stopped her this time?
​“Coming through!” The head midwife called as she pushed through the door, carrying a small bundle, both her and the bundle covered in blood.
​He swallowed hard as he took a step to the side, but the woman stopped in front of him anyway. “It’s no good,” she said. “Poor thing just wasn’t meant for this world…” While her voice had sadness to it, it also held a sense of professionalism as if this wasn’t the first time she had delivered a stillborn, and it probably wasn’t. “Dr. Devorak, while you’re here, can you declare her deceased?”
​“A little girl, huh…” his voice was quiet as he carefully took the bundle from the midwife and examine her. He used the cloth she was wrapped in to wipe the slime and blood away, not wanting any of it to get on his hands if he is to go check on the Countess after this. However, doing so provided him with quite the shock. That wasn’t blonde hair underneath it all. It was red.
​Oh, God. He felt sick.
​“Dr. Devorak?” the midwife asked, noticing the change in the doctor’s demeanor.
​“O-oh, yes… Uh… I—she’s gone. I can’t find a heartbeat and I cannot detect any signs of her b-breathing…” He turned his head into his shoulder and coughed into it, clearing his throat. Grey eyes scanned the hall for a clock, “Time of death 23:32.”
​The midwife nodded as she carefully took the bundle from Julian. “I’ll take her down to the morgue for now. What should I tell the Count?”
​“Don’t tell him anything. He’ll want to hear it from me. The rest of you can go. I’ll take care of the Countess for the rest of the night.” He grabbed the handle of the door and stopped, turning to look at the women. “Actually, one of you go and find Lucio. If he says he’s busy, tell him I sent you and for him to find me immediately.”
​He stared each one of them down until he received some form of sign that they heard him and walked off. Once they were gone, he turned back to the door and pressed his forehead to it, taking deep breaths. It hadn’t crossed his mind that there was possibility of the child being his. He just assumed that it was always Lucio’s as he and the Countess were together more often than he was with her. He felt the tell-tale tickle in his nose and burning in his eyes.
​Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
​His knuckles tightened around the handle as he took one more breath. He needed to pull himself together for her. He was her doctor, for God’s sake! So without hesitating any longer, he opened the door and walked into the dark room. It looked like Hell had fallen upon it and he was sure everyone felt it had.
​He motioned to the door with his head, signaling for the remaining maids to take their leave. “It’s okay. I’ve got it from here,” he tried to keep his voice soft, not wanting to disturb the Countess, but judging by the way she jumped, she wasn’t expecting him or anyone to speak up.
​He stood off to the side as the maid’s finished gathering all of the soiled sheets and blankets, having laid fresh ones out for the Countess but were being kicked out before they could finish the job. Nadia was curled up in the chair, facing the balcony. Truth be told, he had never seen her so vulnerable and it broke his heart.
​“Nadia, my dear… Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” he asked quietly, gently, closing the door once the final maid had left with an armful of bloodied blankets.
​There was a small sniffle from the Countess, serving as the only response he would get from her.
​He frowned as he walked over to her and carefully lifted her up. “C’mere, love…” he cooed, taking her spot in the chair, now holding her on his lap. He kept his arms around her tightly as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. She wasn’t a woman who broke down easily and she never wanted the world to see her tears. So it didn’t surprise him that she shut down like this.
​A hand rubbed soothing circles on her back as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He murmured sweet words to her. “Everything will be OK… I’m here.”
​However, his words barely scratched the surface of his own emotions. He knew Nadia was going through something he could never understand and the last thing he wanted was to make her feel even worse by asking if she had seen it to. And he didn’t want to say anything else for fear she might blame herself for not calling for him sooner or blame him for not being here when he should’ve known better.
​His thoughts were interrupted by Nadia’s soft voice after what felt like ages but was closer to thirty minutes. “Nadira…”
​“Hm…?” He hummed, pulling back enough to look down at the woman in his arms.
​She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “That’s what I want to name her… Nadira.”
​His heart either stopped or skipped a beat, he couldn’t tell. He smiled softly at her before nodding a little. “I think that’s a beautiful name, Countess…”
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plaguesparrow · 7 years
Dev blog #1: Chronicles of the Towers
As far as I had recorded my thoughts down, these are the only things I have. For now. Most are still tentative for the moment and may subject to heavy change as the whole plot and universe itself are constantly changing to cover all the possible plot holes and plot points.   1: Tribes of Ettia Synopsis Archimedes Muozhel was sent by a powerful entity into an unknown world after a great tragedy that befalls his sister. After his pathetic struggle for survival, he found himself under the hands of the residence of a nearby village. where he could take his start but was hurdled by the animosity and cautiousness of the villages due to his different racial traits. A maiden named  speaks out for his defense that allows him to stay within the village. This is where his quest for his wish begins. Character Sheet Name: Archimedes MouzhelAge: 10 years old (arc 1) 16 (arc 2) Gender: male Height: I have no freaking idea Weight: sameHair color: blackEye color: Race: HumanSkin color: brownish (Islander) Abilities and learned skills High endurance physique: A body who experienced constant heavy physical activities from both work and outdoor sports. Cardio and muscle strength developed to its max potential to try and keep up to the speed and agility of the beast men.Corrupted arm: absorbs concentrated magical energies my changing the direction and flow of the meridians. Heartseed: A seed from an elder heart tree, acts as a temporary meridian to allow the inflow of natural energies from the outside, into the dantian then to the parasitic corrupter. Ate the whole right arm as nutrients. Echolation: ability to pin point the location of an object or the user itself through repeated clicks in the air.  Allows fights without the sense of sight.Overworld Creation: At first there was nothing, . Nothing existed, nothing has no form, no value or physic, all are nothing but energy that is without container, without something that will hold, a thing dispersed thinly across the horizon of abyss, aimlessly venturing the vast expanse of the dark space for billions of years. It was until a little but significant event has come forth that changed it all. Two distinct energies, formless and matterless collided with in an event of extreme coincidence causing a reaction that uses both distinct energies to form a singularity of matter and form. The for the first time, something took shape. The seed of the universe took its form. Although its size is small compared to the dark horizon, it obtained a special characteristic of absorbing nearby formless energies, turning it into its own food for consumption. Overtime as the seed journeys, it is slowly accumulating an increasing amount of energy which then it feeds on. Slowly growing in size and the rate of how much it can absorb with it, creating a cycle of consumption and growth that lasted for another billion of years until another change took effect. The seed, having accumulated large amounts of energy,  transformed into an egg of concentrated energy. The egg, after thousands of years of absorbing more energy,  burst forth sending waves and waves of chaotic energy, disturbing groundwork of the universe but at the same time from it came out a young celestial being, Marab.   Gods Marab:“When I first laid my eyes into these world, all I saw are chaos on its unrestrained form. Waves and waves of raw power clashed forth with all of its grandeur. There are things that tries to create itself, to form into something whatever it may be, but all they ended up are are dust and clouds as the unstable reality collapse every time something is created, for a long time I saw the same exact scenario, pure destruction and as I continue to gaze upon the world I am in, I ponder on the cause of my existence. How come do I exist in a universe that existence itself is a sin. Then out of a whim, it occurred to me. I looked around for a forming cluster. The one I found is a small formation, right in the middle of three storms. I move myself across the other storms to get close and for some reason, I found these things giving me a way for everytime I move as if there is something in me that repels them. It confirmed my suspicions and such confirmation made me hasty to actually try it once. I didn’t know what I did but I poured my thoughts and energy in that small forming system and from it came forth  your world. I am the embodiment of existence and so I made things exist. I made rules from nothing into something through my own power to stabilize the world I live in. I made stars, earth, sea’s and the sky. The energies that are made with them are too destructive for the vessels that I made and so I took all energies from all creations and create a whole different realms. The aether, the soul of the world. Afterwards I erected gigantic towers from the material realms to Aether to connect them. The towers act as distillation, calming the destructive energies that lies within allowing life to finally flourish in the material realm.  Every creation that I make takes a part of me and time will come that I someday will cease to exist. There are so many things that I want to do, to form and create. The universe are still far still dangerous for my creations, I fear that with my death, all the rules ive created will cease to exist as alone it can’t fend the usurpation of the unstable world, reverting the system back into its original and primal state. I created the two overseers for the task. Kavov, The overseer of laws and Anuio, Overseer of creation. Both shall partake oversee the works ive done after my end, a part of my power and essence shall be left into their grasp such that my creations will never fade when I shall” Kavov: “I was born into the world not with joys or celebration. My first sight lead me to an image of a dying father who is already sending his last will. I was born out of necessity but if by any means I fail to commit the task I was given, more than my father’s life shall be lost for all eternity. I am Kavov, Overseer of rules, the god of foundations and also known as the god of chains. The essence of existence I have on myself allows me to manipulate the laws and rules of the world, I can create rules at the cost of destroying the old and so I maintain the stability of the universe and all sphere that it has grown from the unstable force of nonexistence that lies beyond” Anuio “My first sight had let me seen the beauty of the world. The complexity and detail of each creation. I am overwhelmed of the splendor and how such things are created, the earth, the seas and skies but most important of all are the life that dwells in it. I found joy in their companionship, I found joy in their ability to adapt, I found joy in the whole system survival they created for the benefit of all. The different relationships they form just to live and how much each and every individual soul is willing to take just to pursue their goals. They can wait for weeks for their hunts or sleep for an entire portion of a year just to survive a season. The will and determination, their emotions intoxicate me. I Anuio, overseer of creations, God of life and also dreams. Father in his dying breath had left his creations on my care and the essence and power he left on he allows just that. The abilities I posses allows me to tamper and manipulate life and its cycle. I can create entirely new species or destroy one if deemed necessary. My passion for the living had driven me committing a sinful act that cause a wedge between me and my brother but I care not. I shall do what it takes to make their dreams a reality”  The UniverseThe Universe is divided into 4 categories. The material realm, the Aether, the towers ,and the outside.
Material realm: Material realm is a portion of the universe that had been stabilized and under the foundation of numerous rules and laws that kept it apart. It consist of all living and nonliving things that exist no matter the size, shape, and other characteristics. The Material realm is governed by the two overseers, Kavov and Anuio who oversaw almost every aspect of the realm itself. It is carefully managed and manipulated by the overseers to promote equilibrium among all other aspects of the universe.  The Aether: The Aether is the realm where energies that flows throughout the whole material realm originates. Its a realm of pure energy and from it came spirits of all the living and the power that reside in their bodies. The Aether specifically overseen by Kavov as its existence is under the full jurisdiction of the laws. The outside: The place outside the sphere of material realm. It is a expanse of which the existing is violently destroyed. In such place, what exist shall cease to be as the none existing is hostile to what exist in this realm. Towers:dimensional realms that exist to connect both material and Aetherian realms. It is a place where Aetherian energies are rampant and beast of different compositions exists. Towers have vaults that exist within their realm. Any entity who can find and open a vault will obtain the ability to control the towers. Vaults can only be opened within a specific time period and with the use of a vault key. The key only appears hundred of years before the opening of a specific tower. GeneralSun revolves around the world in a 24 hour time scale which accounts for a whole day. 13 hours is the longest length the sun can be seen in a day. Night is the time when the sun is on the other side of the planet or there is no light from the sun. Nighttime is seen with stars and no other  celestial bodies. Moon has been sealed 2 thousand years ago as a punishment for the rebellion named rebellion of the two lights. Arcadia Arcadia is the general name given to the world mortals lived in. On it resides thousands of plants, animal and intelligent species, wildly diverse and dispersed all around the material realm. Hamartia is the largest landmass that exist in Arcadia. Creatures of different race and species reside in the said continent or its underlying islands and islets. It is divided by 5 respective regions mainly, Lands of Sittris, Sentrosi sphere, Barrier west, Eattian realm, Nordish ranges Each regions lies diversity of climate, rule, culture, geography and most important of all the inhabitants themselves. Outside the towers: The civilization outside had already received tremendous feat. Achieving prominent technological advancements throughout the ages even without the aid of Aetherian magics. Powerful nations, contest for the vast fertile lands that exist within the vicinities of the towers while smaller weak countries are left to fend themselves within the barren lands beyond the towers control. Covenant of the Towers Type: FactionStatus: Global powerHas a largest influence in the whole world. Composed of different religious individuals who worships the tower as a gift by the Gods to mankind.  Built thousands and millions of places for worship. Influences the mass public with their priests while manipulates kings and eunuchs in the royal courts. Has a multitude of Conceptors that backs them.Inside the tower(floors)Many believed that the towers themselves are the courts of the Gods. Never did they imagine that these towers itself contains a whole different world but quite much like their own. Inhabited by humans and strange creatures evolved from the nourishing Aetherian energies surging inside. Some artifact are eating the energies present in the area which explains why it is full of deserted shitsSeas of Harraja is filled with tides of sands, the soaring heat and scarity of resources prompt its inhabitants to be scavengers and night navigators. Kingdoms that exist in the region are mostly built near a stable source of water. The tomb of the kings exist in the most isolated location within the great tides of its sands. The Gishos  Sphere is the central region of the continent. It is where most of the human kingdoms and states are situated.  The abundance of resources and its fertile lands allowed these kingdoms to prosper and fully develop, prompting an immense and fast expansion of power of these kingdom until their territories collide with each other. It was then conflicts arose which lead to massive wars. Years the land is warring, kingdoms fall and absorbed one by one until 5 remain to be the strongest. Eattian realm  is the region situated in the east. It is mostly composed of island kingdoms scattered among the great Ettian gulf. It is the center for trade among the continental kingdoms and the far-east Empires. Large numbers of harbors are situated in this region to accompany trading and military ships that came from different powerful kingdoms all around the continent. It is for such reason that the region is also given the title by the locals as the worldgate. The Barrier West is the region that lies beyond the great barrier range. It mostly inhabited by beastmen of different races and variation of characteristics. It is unknown how or why their race truly exist and why it only exist in this place, perhaps the overseers have some of their own tinkering. This region is currently unknown to the knowledge of the human kingdoms that exist in the east and it is hoped that it will stay that way for a long time. Nordish ranges is the mountain ranges that exist in the north. It is the home for the nordsmen or the mountain dwellers. They live under and above ground, worshipping both the earth and the sky. Years and years the nordsmen lived in a community of elders, fully isolated from the rest of the continent until their lands were found by the explorers. Human kingdoms in the central region can’t anymore expand their territories without waging a costly war on another, the discovery of a new land had made them hungry for the resources of power they might acquire. Such is the reason they began to greedily set their sights on the north and the Nords will not let their soil be taken by the foreigns. Multiple expeditions that is a lot larger in size in comparison to their formal legion had lead to catastrophic disasters and huge loss of human lives due to the tenacity to hold their ground. They are feared but central kingdoms will do what it takes to expand. The war continues on. Arc1 Animals: Domestic dyo+podya= Dyphan (bunak) = A specie of lizards with two overgrown legs. Known for its speed. Lives in groups on steppes, adept hunters and scavengers. Mostly used by intelligent races as mounts although its size can’t endure heavy loads, its leg power and burst of speed is favored by cavalry men or creatures who likes to go fast. Yamath: A docile creature that lives the southwest wasteland. It eats smaller animals to live sometimes growing plants. It has a thick hide and powerful tail which is sometimes use as a whip to defend itself from enemies and other predators. It is domesticated and bred by the southwestern natives to feed on their flesh and blood. The Yamath became the sole lifeblood of the natives the live in the wasteland and for such reason they are taken cared of. WildlifeArinat: A huge hulking beast known for its strength and territorial tendencies. Lives on the southern parts of the barrier west. Hostile on trespassers both other creatures or his own race. The creature has four powerful legs, dense skeletal and muscle frame, thick skin and a large sharp horn on his head which the creature used to skewer his victims to death. Arinat is a dangerous creature who roams the hilly parts of the southern barrier, it is observed that these creatures contest with one another over territories. The one with the largest attracts more females creating a cove with it as the prime. The females on the other hand are docile and peaceful. They have the same body type but much smaller compared to the males. Females doesn’t have a horn on their head but a rich thick mane that covers most of their bodies. The Females have a culture of parasites that lives on their bodies which the race eat which made females are an important resource for the race. Besides  Arinat is hunted by groups of experienced hunters for its meat, hide and bones which is a good material for melee weapons.  Aokott (Kaban): Groups of lizards that eats anything they see. Kabens has impressive reactive genetics which allows them to easily adapt to a specific climate or geography of the place they live in. Local kabans have their own developed skills and attitudes in both hunting and surviving. Kabans that live on the west end hunts on the night, stealing food and livestock from the local population, sometimes attacking a convoy on an isolated place to scavenge food. Kabans that live on the other side of the continent are day hunters, maximizing their geography to their hunts and abilities to their hunts making them one of the most capable wild beast to live. Treasure hunters often look for a kaban den. A kaban den is rumored to contain both scraps and treasures all piling up together as undigested things eaten are thrown up on their own dens. Gabur: Small yet dangerous animals. They have slender body, swarp claws and pointy fangs. These creatures are venomous and their venom can paralyze a large Yamath within minutes after it was bitten. They hunt in droves, all willing to plunge into dangerous situation just to take anything or anyone as long as it has flesh and its bleeding.  Quotes“Look far beyond the horizons of your sight, What do you see?” “I saw themThey came without warning, without sound.All without hope comes with their arrival.They wield the world their hands.Bending realities into their wills.They are powerful, they are unmatched.I fought two wars and won a dozen battles in my lifetimebut compared to their mightAn insignificant pest, I am.To them we are insectsTo us they are Gods..My heart race upon this realization.Fear? not frombut excitementFirst time in my existence I saw a God.First time in my sights, I saw their power.First time in my eyes, I saw them unleash their wrath.my body quivers from such scene.not by fear.but.For some reason.A thirst has awaken within my soul.A thirst for their blood.I shall seek my sword, whom shall slay Gods..and when the time comes...I shall murder them all the same”~Archilai Deenward Power levels Concept Follows the idea of Aristotle of ideas has a specific realm where everything first manifest inside the mind as perfect and flawless yet needs a specific skills to actually manifest it in the material realm. Concept is a universal truth of which are ideas and observations are forcefully manifested in the material universe by the manipulation of the energies that flows in it. Divided into three levels, Immersion, Manipulation, Manifestation.Immersion stage:  Manipulation:Manisfestation: 
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