#I will never. shut up. about. them.
hecckyeah · 1 year
every so often I rewatch season 8 of friends and have to watch joey fall in love with rachel all over again, knowing they could have had the healthiest, most adorable and pure relationship in all of tv history but because some slimebag idiot was destined to end up with her, it’ll never happen. maybe somewhere in an alternate universe joey is a part time stay at home dad, part time blockbuster movie actor, while his bombshell wife dominates the fashion industry. maybe their kids aren’t the smartest and never go to college, but their daughter grows up and joins the peace corps, and their son is a playwright specializing in romantic dramas, and emma goes into geology and while her mom and step dad don’t understand exactly, they love her enough to help her move across the country with ross to join him on digs and work as a TA at his university. and maybe they’re all happy and rachel and ross aren’t always at each others throats and maybe joey is actually perfectly happy.
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serendippertyy · 6 months
extremely quick doodles made in a frenzy bc.... beelzebub was originally supposed to have fly eyes and ..can u imagine the Power,,,
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also Fly Halo ,,they r so me
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rivalmelty · 11 months
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listen if the existence of the book means there are an infinite number of realities then there’s at least one where fukuzawa took in the both of them and the ada was born on two pillars instead of just one
(pls do not tag as beast)
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sunlitlemonade · 1 month
no see the thing about jason & dick is that they have too much between them. they have too many complications for people who never really had the chance to know each other. that's your little brother, one of your biggest regrets. that's your big brother, the most unfamiliar warmth you have ever experienced. that's your little wing. that's the boy you saw swinging around once and thought "he's the most amazing thing I have ever seen". do you understand. do you. realise. there's miles upon miles of unspeakable grief and they have no way to go about it because they carry their blood in their mouth and yearning in their ribcages and they're too stubborn to say anything or reach out and yet too attached to what could have been to let go and they don't want to admit it but they keep coming back because that's my brother that's my brother that's my brother that's my brother
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rebelsafoot · 6 months
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turn left unreleased deleted scene (real NOT fake)
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mangolimez · 2 months
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nyxsince2001 · 1 month
When death takes my hand
I would hold you with the other
And promise to find you in every lifetime
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laz-kay · 9 months
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“Sounds like a hoot. Probably a good thing if I tag along, huh? Stay for dinner, make amusing small talk”.
Bob's Burgers, The Amazing Rudy (S14: E2)
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Commission by @lafirechicken
Forget serious conversations about Fatal Flaws for a second, I think Jason’s fatal flaw is actually thinking every single one of Leo’s lame little jokes is genuinely hilarious :)
Something something traumatized child soldier gets to be a kid for the first time in his life and never recovers
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sciderman · 27 days
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avenging spider-man #13
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 1 month
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"You said you love me exactly the way I am"
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talktonytome · 2 months
AND ANOTHER THING- What is so alluring about bucktommy is how genuine they feel. It’s not forced chemistry and it’s not just “oh throw these two hot guys together”. It’s what Lou was getting at, it’s this sweet, genuine connection between two people. You have these two men with a crush- they’re drawn to each other and they’re exploring that with all the good and the awkward that comes with it. And they’re both so obviously into each other! Any hesitancy is just from Buck figuring himself out and Tommy not wanting to pressure him, but other than that, they both put in the effort because they want this together!
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makenna-made-this · 5 months
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Feel like shit just want them back
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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Always by your side.
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moonlight · 1 year
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The Hunger Games Trilogy (2012-2015)
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toasteaa · 3 months
Suddenly struck with the thought of my faves twirling my hair around their fingers and I'm so deeply unwell about it!!!
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Diluc getting distracted by a single free curl and trying to tuck it away, only to find himself even more distracted when the ends curl around the tip of his finger. How ardently he resists the urge to untuck it and give it a little tug, just to see it bounce back into a spiral when he lets it go again.
Kaeya giving a curl that somehow escaped its siblings wrapped up in a bun, a teasing pull and snickering when you swat at his hand lightly. Only to come back when you're focused on your work to continuously wind and unwind the hair around his fingers fondly.
Zhongli marveling at the way the sun catches each looping curl; lining them in what he believes is the finest gold that he's ever seen. Tenacious as stone when holding their shape, yet softer than down spun from clouds in his hands; he relishes in the way each curl he toys with loses it shape for only a moment before bouncing back the same as ever.
Xiao's familiar and signature wary gaze turning into one of shock and curiosity when he gives a ringlet a cautious tug, and it give a soft spring back into its original shape. He's too unsure of himself to do much more, but often finds himself passively toying with a curl or two whenever you're near.
Cyno running oiled fingers throughout your curls, helping you apply a protectant that will keep most of the heat and humidity of the forests at bay. Separating each curl so carefully, like you've taught him before; giving a satisfactory huff when his, "you should really call these 'cutie-cles'" joke makes you sigh, but the quivering of your shoulders and the light sway of your curls tells him that you're holding back your laugh.
Kaveh struck with a sudden stroke of genius and dashing to his drafts after spending the past thirty minutes mindlessly curling your ringlets on his fingers. A month later, you find pillars in his latest work with that same, familiar pattern as the ringlets he always toys with.
Neuvillette enamored with the image of you allowing a curl to coil about your fingers while you think. His hands itch to reach out and curl it himself, but he shows restraint in this public space. Perhaps in the privacy of his own quarters, you'll let him feel those ringlets curling around his fingers again.
Wriothesley, so familiar with the rigidity and gruffness of Meropide, finding a moment of solace when he gets the chance to bury his face in your curls. Always holding you as close as possible when you lay against his chest, just so he can see each coil spring back into place after he's stretched it out. Like a little calming ritual just for him.
Just! Just!!!!!! Play with my hair pleaseeee 🥺💕🙏🏾
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