#I will never shut up about this show
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the whole episode was perfect, but right now i just want to talk about two things:
I. sunjae in the (changed) present is an idol, mature, perhaps even a little jaded — but the minute he pulls out that photo of him and sol you can literally see the years disappear from his face — the sheer vulnerability and raw yearning in his eyes as he looks at sol!!! (give byeon woo-seok his flowers for his phenomenal acting!!!)
II. god, the bridge scene was sublime. for sunjae, he's meeting sol after more than a decade of silence, but she's been lingering in his mind (like incense in an abandoned temple) for even longer. for sol, she risked life and limb in the past to meet him, only to be catapulted into the present without the solace of seeing him, finally reunited with him even though it's the one thing she wishes he wouldn't do. you can see her terror and profound relief, twinned in her eyes. you can see the complex mathematics of their relationship — the delicate interplay of nearness and what poet and activist audre lorde calls 'the marvelous arithmetics of distance:' you can see that space, those fourteen years of separation collapse in on themselves with sunjae's "it's been a while (i missed you)," and sol's "yes, it's been a while. (i missed you too.)" you can see the exhausted gratitude and deep affection radiating from sunjae's face when sol says "i was waiting for you" and he realizes it's HIS sol, the one who protected him, chased after him, cared about him. she's it for him — the only girl he's ever loved.
the moment is so beautiful it seems suspended in honey — a little slow, a little sweet; unbearably tender: exquisitely painful.
just brilliant writing. i'm in love.
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dragonagelesbian · 7 months
Got to the point of my rewatch where I finished episode 10 of triage. Bawling. BAWLING. The scene of the ER team trying their hardest to save Tin, Sing's mask splattered with blood, the blood at his feet... Tol absolutely losing it... It really drives home what Tin has built. Who he is. Why Tol fell in love with him. Genuinely one of the best scenes in BL. I think the fact that Tin's death isn't permanent doesn't cheapen it at all, because it IS permanent. Tin is never the same again after this loop. He's a different, meaner, more jaded Tin. We do lose him. But it's okay - he can become loving again. But we still get to mourn the Tin we got to know. What a wonderful doctor he was.
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be-bi-do-crime · 1 year
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bai-feng-hei-xi changed my LIFE. please give them a chance to change yours too!!
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wigglys-dikrats · 8 months
happy two weeks of npmd youtube release!!
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inneedofyourdemons · 2 years
KJ saying she’s done watching people die and then finding out Mac is going to die the very next episode...yeah that’s a no from me
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exactly103 · 1 year
Things I Loved in Newsies UK
this is really long and probably makes no sense but this show was absolutely incredible and I had to. This is also basically just a list of spoilers so i'll put in a little break thing so if you don't want spoilers you don't see any :)
Ike being an absolute Mess - dropping his hat, trying to get to the front of the line but missing the opportunity and having to go to the very back, trying to figure out what "gratis" meant during KoNY
After "watch me stand, watch me run", Crutchie moved to try to get off the rooftop again and when Jack went up to him, he said, "no, no, wait, look at me, look at me" before singing "don't you know that we's a family". found family ❤️
Crutchie praying the rosary during Jack's monologue to the scabbers
Oscar yelling "shit" when Jack pushed him down before writing "strike"
During "That's Rich", when Medda sang "i got stuck with some mope", she pointed at one the newsies sitting on the front of the stage and Ike stood up, thinking it was him, and then Buttons pushed him down, saying "sit down, she's talking to me"
Newsies running the lights and setting up the stage in Medda's theatre
Jack showing Katherine his newspaper bag when he said "I work for the World"
Jack indicating to Katherine to lift her chin when drawing her
Everyone freezing, except Jack and Katherine, during the first verse of "I Never Planned on You"
JoJo and Finch running away at the beginning of the fight at the end of "Seize the Day", but then running back in after a bull hit Splasher over the head
Finch having to be dragged away and stopped from running back onstage when Cruchie was grabbed
All of them screaming at each other to run and hurry even when they were running through the audience
Jack yelling "Crutchie"
Jack keeping lots of difference between him and Katherine!!
Jack attempting to flirt with Katherine but failing misearably and Katherine just going "Mr. Kelly", like she was saying "this is embarrassing for you"
Race took the seltzer from Jacobi's tray after Albert took the water and Jacobi grabbed it right back without looking
Crutchie muttering "folks" after Davey and Les left to go home
Crutchie turning away when asking Jack if he had folks in Santa Fe, and then smiling in relief when Jack said he has none
Jack deepening his voice when saying "ain't your beat entertainment" and then Katherine mocking him by doing the same arm movement and deepening here voice too
Newsies putting bags over their heads to get out of going to Brooklyn
Davey spitting on his hand before shaking Jack's at the end of "Watch What Happens Reprise"
Albert constantly talking to himself and saying "i'll take them" quietly/raising his hand when Davey denies the extra papers
The last few lines of "World Will Know" were sung in a group at Katherine it was so cool
The Delancey brothers messing with all the Newsies while handing them their papers
Newsies ziplining over the audience!!
Jack swining on a rope during the fight as an homage to 1992sies
The fact that there was constant movement on stage - it was so engaging
The Newsies as run crew!! (at the beginning of "Watch What Happens", Albert brought on Katherine's chair by sliding in on it and then bowing to her)
They all said their names which was so meaningful - it felt like a tribute to all the real newsies, the ones who were named and unnamed
Finch softly saying "Tommy Boy?" when they first saw the scabs
Someone saying "trying to be the hero" when Jack went to count Davey's papers
All of Davey's deliveries, including, but not limited to "That is her costume!" and "That. Is. Disgusting."
Jack swiping his hat on Pulitzer's stairs before sitting down
Jack running down and hugging Crutchie when he came back
Crutchie asking Race if he missed him and Race responding with "I ain't been the same without ya"
Crutchie saying "you don't got to be insulting, I got a nickel" while holding out a nickel to show Katherine and everyone agreeing with him
Jack tightly hugging Albert when he showed up during "Seize the Day"
The amount of lines Finch had ❤️
The fact that Jack had a big drawing of Crutchie and then smaller drawings of a bunch of other newsies hanging on his rooftop
Crutchie throwing newspapers into the audience
"You can't change the past" changed to "you can't escape the past" ugh it just clicks with Jack's character in some special way
Jack's delivery of ”Dave what the hell”
The fact that during "Seize the Day" every time a newspaper was split, there was some big dance move. It felt like the director/choreographer was really honoring how big the action of splitting their source of income was for the newsies.
Jack and Race were the ones starting the chain of throwing papers during "Once and For All", which I thought was a great way to remind everyone of how Race's closeness with Jack and his importance. (also Jack was throwing to Davey which was super super cute)
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thegreatmelodrama · 1 year
Nancy Drew is really the perfect show and it has a little bit of something for everyone
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inpursuitofnunchi · 2 months
Doctor who - the quantum mechanics of the sci-fi genre - it's as absurd as it is relevant.
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i-like-gay-books · 1 year
in case anyone was wondering emily canonically says michelle is “really pretty” in fucking season 1 you cant make this shit up
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im-poe-dameron · 2 years
“We are the spark, that will light the fire that will burn the First Order down.”
All I could think about this episode was Poe's quote and how this show is the epitome of that. Ferrix, Aldhani, Narkina 5, later Scarif, they're all the spark of the Rebellion that will burn the Empire down, and Cassian is apart of every. single. one.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 7 months
If you're a fan of The Expanse, do yourself a favor & watch this. If you haven't seen The Expanse... well, I would just say go watch The Expanse, but it would be better to watch this and be spoiled on some elements, but convinced to watch the show, than to never watch the show at all.
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I’m completely normal about this show
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rooolt · 1 month
it’s so funny because the whole season was spent with like adaine oisin flirting, Fabian ivy flirting, fig creating a woman for Ruben to fall in love with, hell, even people shipping kipperlilly and Kristen and me specifically making jokes about kipperlilly having a crush on riz, and yet the bad kid x rat grinder ship that was canonized was better than I could have ever imagined
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
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"I now have the courage to do things I never thought I'd do."
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 months
The Point of no Return
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Because I will never shut up about the Hardeen arc- I really need to emphasize the importance of this moment right here. When we think of the Hardeen arc, we only ever think about the aftermath, after the lie and after the pain. But I have never thought about the before. The moments right before.
Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, he brings his lightsaber to his chest and he gathers himself. He has to take a moment to think about what he's about to do.
This is a complete turn of feelings from when we see him wittingly ask how his funeral was, it's that simple and easy commentary that makes them all think this was easy for him to do. He shoves down what he's feeling right here and instead he jokes and laughs. He's fun and easy, he's funny, he's great, but he's not, he's not, he's in a lot of pain and he hurt everyone close to him in the worst way. Obi-Wan would never hurt them, but he has, and he'll never be forgiven.
He made this choice for the greater good, but the greater good is seldom so. It's in this moment we understand his full awareness of the deception he is about to undergo, how there is no forgiveness for the action he is about to commit, how after all this is over, Obi-Wan cannot expect forgiveness and understanding because this is for the greater good, this is for the Jedi and all they protect.
This isn't a choice for Obi-Wan. It is an assignment to a Jedi Master. Attachment is forbidden, become a part of the cosmic force, and the galaxy will benefit from your sacrifice. But the undercurrent of remorse is there, and all the people he left behind will never forgive Obi-Wan for dying.
So, Obi-Wan holds his lightsaber to his chest because it is his life, it's a silent goodbye to who he is because of what he is. He chooses the Jedi and that choice kills him. It's in that moment that he says goodbye to Anakin and Ahsoka, to Cody and himself. His identity, his lightsaber, are about to no longer exist. Obi-Wan would willingly sacrifice who he is for the sake of the Jedi but that doesn't mean it is easy for him to do. So he holds his lightsaber close because he's not becoming a part of the cosmic force, he's becoming something much worse.
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ushitoshiii · 6 months
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