#I will never shut up about moon Gwyn and sun Emerie
cateyesinlove · 1 year
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Can I have this dance?
Art by @faetyrr.official
Commissioned by me
Pairing: Gwyn x Emerie
For @gwynweekofficial last day I bring you this wonderful Gwynerie piece and art 🥰
Where could he be?” Gwyn thought about looking for Azriel. She had told him to see her on the dance floor so she could help him shake off his bad mood, after all that’s what friends did.
She could hardly believe she had so many of them now. She had Nesta, Cassian and Azriel, alongside the other priestesses in Valkyrie training. She also had Emerie, who was more than a friend but also neither of them had made a move to cement.
She kept looking from left to right, scanning the ballroom where nestas mating ceremony was being held, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She tensed until she realized it was Emerie’s hand.
She smiled at the Illyrian in front of her, she looked stunning and breathtaking with her golden dress. Gwyn had always thought that Emeries presence resembled the sun. Warm and bright, Illuminating every room she walked to.
A light among the darkness of the night.
“ Are you okay?” Emerie asked with concern.
“ Oh yes, yes everything is fine Emerie,” Gwyn smiled, laying her hand on top of her friends.
“ I just saw you looking everywhere, I was concerned you weren’t feeling okay and were looking for the way out,” Emerie said, smirking.
“Oh so you came to my rescue?” She joked.
“ Absolutely, as a Valkyrie it is my responsibility and duty to rescue all damsels in distress” winking at Gwyn, Emerie grabbed her hand and kissed it, never breaking eye contact.
Gwyn snorted and then hid her face between her hands as she blushed.
Emerie chuckled enamored with Gwyn’s reactions.
“What or who were you looking for?” Emerie asked, blushing at how cute Gwyn looked.
“ I’m looking for Azriel” Gwyn answered, still laughing slightly, a bit embarrassed of how easy Emerie could make her blush.
One of Emerie’s eyebrows lifted in curiosity, “What are you looking him for?”’
“ Oh! He was in a terrible mood last time I saw him,” Gwyn explained, “So I told him after the cake he should come and dance.”
“That might be hard,” Emerie winced.
‘’Why?” Gwyn asked, concerned, “Is he okay?”
“‘Oh yeah,'' Emerie answered rapidly, “ I just think it might be hard getting him out on the dance floor when he is too busy chasing after the middle Archeron.” Emerie answered wiggling her eyebrows
Gwyn gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, “Really? He went after her?” She asked eagerly.
Emerie nodded chuckling, “ Yes, saw her bolting out of here and him not long after”
Gwyn sighed content, “ How romantic,”’
Emerie nodded, “ Who would have thought the shadowsinger was such a romantic,”
Gwyn noded, “Can you imagine if he comes tomorrow to training with a smile?!”
Emerie gasped exaggeratedly , “ What if he actually laughs or even makes a joke!”
Gwyn put her hand on her forehead dramatically, continuing with the teasing, “ The world is ending!”
Emerie snorted and laughed loud enough that even some couples turned to look at them. Nesta who was dancing with Nyx looked up at her friends and shook her head smiling. Finally they were both giving each other the chance of true happiness.
Emerie rested her forehead on Gwyn’s shoulder while grabbing her stomach, “ You never cease to surprise me Gwyn,” she said.
Gwyn smiled, “Thank you,” she said, making a small curtsy.
Emerie parted from Gwyn and offered her hand, “ Well since a certain shadowsinger is no longer available, would you do me the honor of dancing with me” She said winking at Gwyn, “ I hope I am a good enough substitute”
She smiled, “ You are even better than the first options,” she joked, winking back.
Emerie grabbed her hand and twirled her. Gwyn gracefully spun and held on to emeries shoulder once she finished. Both giggling and blushing, a first love blossoming between them.
Gwyn grabbed Emerie’s hands and started to dance with her, moving back and forth. Enjoying their time together, laughing and feeling free.
They danced until their feet hurt, until everyone else went to sit down.
Eventually they walked out of the ballroom and sat down on the stairs, looking at the stars.
Gwyn rested her head on Emerie’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around Emerie’s left one. “Did you ever wish for a mate?”
Emerie thought about it for a bit, “ No,” she said and turned to look at gwyn. “ Maybe it would be nice, you know? But I also think there is a beauty in falling for someone, even if it’s not meant to be.” She continued while looking at gwyns eyes, her sight traveling slowly to her lips.
Gwyn saw Emeries gaze traveling to her lips and slowly got closer to her, “ I always dreamed of one up until one,” she whispered looking her directly in her eyes.
Emerie closed the distance in an instant and held her cheek. Gwyn closed her eyes the minute their lips crashed, she fully turned her body to be facing Emerie. The kiss was slow and tender, soft.
Gwyn pulled away from the kiss first, blushing and with teary eyes. “ How long?”
Emerie, equally blushing, stunned by the kiss, answered “ I’m not sure,” she said holding Gwyn’s face between her hands, “ I just know that, one day I couldn’t stop looking at you and smiling whenever you smile. I couldn’t stop thinking about you”
Gwyn hugged her and hid her face on her neck.
They stayed there hugging and enjoying the feeling of being on each others arms.
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cateyesinlove · 1 year
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~My sunshine ~
Pairing: Gwyn x Emerie ( Gwynerie)
@gwynweekofficial prompt; 1,3,4,5 and 6
12 years ago
As the sun set outside the temple, Gwyn turned to look at Catrin as they finished her bracelets, Catrins colors had three different tones of blue and a small charm of a star, oh her hands was a yellow, orange and brown bracelet that had a sun charm .
“Catrin,” Gwyn called her name to get her attention, “Do you think we will have a mate?” She asked her twin.
Catrin put the bracelet down and thought about it for a while. “ I hope not,” she simply said as she started working on her bracelet once more.
Gwyn looked at her sister with wide eyes. “Why don’t you want one?”
Catrin rolled her eyes “ I don’t think I need a partner in life to be happy, “ she said. “ I like my life and I think there is no one who would ever make me choose something else.” She shrugged.
Gwyn looked at the bracelet, “ is it bad I want one?” She asked.
Catrin looked at Gwyn astonished, “ of course not!” She said. “ Just because I don’t want one doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to want one Gwyn.” Catrin rested one hand on her sister's arm and with her other hand held Gwyn’s face and made her look at her. “ You are allowed to want anything Gwyn,” she smiled her eyes tearing up a bit, “ it’s ridiculous to think we will always be in the same place doing the same things, our paths will part at one point but whether a charming man or your own adventure is what you want, I will forever be with you no matter what.” She smiled and hugged her sister.
Gwyn hugged her back with a huge smile.
“ So, do you have any idea of what you want this handsome mate of yours to be like or look like?” Catrin asked jokingly after moving away from Gwyn to continue her bracelet.
“Mmmm,” she hummed thinking and then focused on her bracelet. “ I want them to be loyal, and strong. I want them to be fierce in what they love and have confidence in who they are.” She smiled looking at her bracelet and touching the charm with her fingers. “I want them to be the sun to my moon” she sighed with a smile. “ I want them to be someone I can feel safe and comfortable around, tell them who I am and my story.” She closed her eyes and brought her bracelet to her chest. “ I want to never feel alone,” she wished.
She opened her eyes and looked at Catrin. “ What did you wish for?”
“ To be remembered,” she whispered, smiling at the bracelet.
The sisters continued making their bracelets until the moon was high in the sky.
12 years later
Gwyn was standing at the door of her old room.
The last time she had been the last time she would ever share a room with Catrin again.
Today was the anniversary of Sangravah.
It had all started when she had told them that the anniversary of Catrins death was coming up, that she wanted to go visit her sister's grave for the first time. Emerie and Nesta quickly started to think on who would take over training, after Nesta had told Cassian she would be gone for the day, he had offered to run the training session of the day and together, all three of them had dragged Azriel from his home and made him come to The House of Wind so he could winnow them to the temple.
After being winnowed, azriel gave Gwyn a small smile and disappeared. She knew the instant when she saw the clouds above the temple that it was going to be a bad day. She always hated the rain, she thought fitting that it was so ugly on a day like this.
As the girls started making their way up the stairs, Gwyn's knees gave up when she saw the temple's door within a few steps away. Emerie had caught her in time and had cradled her on her chest, Gwyn knew she was having a panic attack and most likely so did her friends. Gwyn held onto Emerie and shutting her eyes started to count to 50, the only thing she could focus on was on nestas hands on her shoulder and the rhythm. She wasn’t alone.
When she had been able to calm down, both Emerie and Nesta had taken her hand and climbed the last steps into the temple with her.
When they walked into the temple, the first thing they saw was the children, all of the children she and Catrin had saved. They had been waiting inside for her, immediately they ran to her, embracing her . The tears started running down her cheeks before she even put her arms around the kids. As they hugged her, they thanked her for everything and she knew there was nothing for them to thank her. She would do it all over again.
She had sat down on the floor with the kids to talk about her new life. She told them the story of the blood rite, about Valkyrie’s and how they became the first ones in a long time. They all listened carefully to the stories and asked a thousand questions.
The whole time Gwyn could feel Emerie’s gaze on her, it didn’t make her uncomfortable but whenever she turned to look at Emerie, she would smile and wave with a small blushed. It stirred feelings in her, feelings she never thought she could have for anyone, not after Savangravah.
After finishing answering questions and telling stories, she stood up and talked privately with Nesta and Emerie.
“Could you stay with the children?” She asked them.
Emerie gave her a weird look, “Yes, of course but where are you going?”
“I want to see our-, my old room.” She said fidgeting with her fingers.
Nesta nodded and squeezed Gwyns' hands.
“ Don’t worry, we will keep them entertained”
Gwyn smiled and hugged both of them, as they parted she kissed Emerie’s cheek softly.
The children offered to show Nesta and Emerie the rest of the temple. As Gwyn made her way to her old room she could hear Nesta’s laugh and Emerie telling her shut up.
And that’s where she was right now. Frozen at the door of her room. Her old room, Catrin’s and hers.
Gwyn took a deep breath and stepped into the room.
The room was exactly as she remembered except maybe a bit cleaner. Her and Catrin weren’t the best at keeping everything tidy in their room. She chuckled at the memory of when they were late for service one night when Catrin couldn’t find her shoe.
As Gwyn walked to her bed to sit down, a sparkle caught her eye as she approached the bed. Tucked between the pillow and the sheets was a bracelet. A friendship bracelet. Golden, orange and brown with a small sun charm.
Gwyn gasped and ran to pick it up, she looked at it from every angle. It looked just like it did years ago.
She hold it close to her chest.
She turned around to look at catrins bed and started to look for the other bracelet. She looked under the pillow and blankets and after she had given up on looking through the catfish side of the room with disappointment she sat on the floor.
What were the chances that both bracelets would be there? It made no sense for gwyn to be so upset, she had gotten excited to hold one last thing from catrin. Something important to both.
A knock took her out of her thoughts.
On the door stood Emerie holding a cloak. She waved at her with a small smile on her lips, “ the girls wanted to show you something,” Emerie informed her when she saw her confused expression. Once Emerie was next to her she put the cloak around her and the hood up, then she sat next to her. “ I’m sorry being here is causing you so much pain.” Emerie said, resting her hand on Gwyn’s.
Gwyn rested her head on Emeries shoulder. “It’s a pain I had to face, I couldn’t keep running from it.” She whispered, closing her eyes. After a moment of silence she opened one eye to look at Emerie, “ sometimes I wonder if she would have liked who I am now,” she grabbed a strand of her short hair, “ or my new hair” she chucked a bit.
Emerie snorted and hugged Gwyn closer to her. “ I’m sure she would have loved your hair,” she said looking at her, “ and you haven’t changed in a bad way Gwyn, she would be so proud of you.”
Gwyn blushed and silence filled the room.
Emerie coughed blushing , “ un anyways, the girls want to show you something, it’s outside.” She said putting her own hood up. “ It's raining like crazy,” Gwyn nodded, not sure what to say after their little moment.
Emerie was the first one to stand up and offered Gwyn a hand. Gwyn took it with a smile
They both walked in silence to the green areas of the temple, once they got out they saw many prostheses and children with their hoods up offering gwyn smiles. Nesta made her way to her friends and hugged Gwyn, she parted from her and holding her hand kept walking towards the graveyard.
The three of them made their way through the different graves, they reached a small hill where one singular stone lay.
Catrin berdara
Beloved sister, Hero and Valkyrie
“When we heard you wanted to come, we thought it would be a lovely gesture” Nesta started unsure of Gwyns emotions, not being able to read her expression.
“ We apologize if we overstepped Gwyn,” Emerie started anxiously.
Gwyn's eyes were glued to the carving, a small glint caught her eye and on top of the storm layed a friendship bracelet with different tones of blues and a small star charm. Gwyn walked to the stone and kneeled holding the bracelet to her chest.
Nesta and Emerie looked at each other and kneeled beside their friends. One on each side of Gwyn, they both put a hand on her shoulder and let her grieve. Gwyn sobbed and cried until she felt lighter, when she felt ready she looked at both of her friends and then at her sister.
“ She would have loved to become a Valkyrie,” Gwyn whispered.
“She become one that night” Nesta whispered
“ And she will always be remembered as a hero, ” Emerie said, “ you both will.”
“Can I have a moment alone?” She asked both of them
The girls gave Gwyn a kiss on her head and headed away from the grave, giving her some privacy.
Gwyn whipped her tears and smiled at the grave, “ I love you sister,” she started, “ and you were right, you will forever be with me but it’s time for me to live for us, for me.” She looked back at Emerie. “ I think I found my handsome mate,” she chuckled lightly, shaking . “ Thank you for everything Catrin, you will always be with me”
Gwyn looked down and saw the bracelets glowing, the small charms coming off.
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