#I will never recover from Shin Yoosung
localapparently · 1 year
/ Orv novel ch 489 spoilers
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[ Story, 'Saviour of the Star', is having a chat with the Story, 'Insect King' ]
Girl i will never recover from this chapter. the whole "gilyoung is jealous of yoosung" and "gilyoung would also put his life on the line and sign a contract with his sponsor to protect yoosung" breaks my heart and im just AUGHHHH SCREAMS
and now I will ramble about sys and lgy under the cut.
THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME. have you guys ever realised how gilyoung was growing to become so fucked up in the beginning of the story? killing monsters and even people without batting an eye, offering to dokja to leave him behind, and even sangah and dokja were genuinely worried about his development. (sangah telling him she'll kill and he doesn't need to kill anything) and the one thing that sort of grounds gilyoung from this taking over his growth is when shin yoosung joins the party
its only after she joins that he's able to act his age like a lil kid, bickering and fighting and just... aughhh,, THEY ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER AS FRIENDS FROM THE SAME AGE OKAY... like having friends your age is so important when you're a kid, they literally stay together all the time. and they argue a lot but they defend each other and hold each others hands whenever the other needs help.
its SO fucking wholesome. NOT TO MENTION, yoosung was the reason gilyoung signed a contract with his sponsor in the jttw arc, (it was never specified why but i think he did it so she would survive and save dokja? Or like so he could have the power to fend off the enemies on his own and keep them occupied away from sys. Maybe I'll go reread that part again) the whole yellow aura thing yknow. and im like half certain they picked up the idiot-calling from like yjh kdj and hsy calling each other bastard stupid and idiot all the time...its kinda funny..
anyway. they make me so ill. SO ILL.
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asian-ascian · 3 years
Still thoroughly obsessed with @shepherds-of-haven​ and Liv, but also obsessed with Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, and I had the brilliant idea of “why not an ORV AU”. I finished the Fifth Scenario Arc a few days ago and.....oh my god.....Shin Yoosung.....crying in the club but it also gave me major inspo, especially after I found out I could actually save Rika if I used a WoP instead of magic oop, time to restart my game--
N e ways, major spoilers for ORV below. Some more ramblings at the end too, if you wanna know more about my AU bs.
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It should be raining, Liv thinks dully, as she casts her gaze up to the sky. Grey, cloudy, but no rain, no snow. In moments like this, when someone meets a tragic end, it should rain. Isn't that how it always goes in the novels? 
Is this world not a novel come to life in all of its terrifying, terrible glory?
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking faintly.]
Judging by the crying and wailings of both her companions and the other incarnations around her, Liv is not alone in this feeling of bitterness and melancholy.
From beside her, Caine swipes at his eyes, his other hand slipping into Liv's and clutching it tightly. Instinctively, Liv squeezes his hand back. The younger Rika buries her face into Liv's opposite side, and Liv feels her coat getting soaked. Absently, Liv strokes the top of Rika's head.
The final Disaster has been defeated, but Liv does not feel like celebrating, not when victory meant the loss of someone who could have been saved—someone who she had been so close to saving, were it not for that damn dokkaebi.
The Rika of the future, the "Disaster of Floods", has died, while they get to live on.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking faintly.]
Bronwyn comes up next to her, silent. Instead of its usual intimidating, foreboding effect, this silence is subdued. Somber.
“I didn’t want it to end this way,” Liv says plainly. 
Despite the quietness of her statement, the fact that she's broken her usual silence speaks volumes of the weight on her shoulders.
Attack me, the older Rika had begged Liv in her mind over the roar of battle, fighting against the will of the dokkaebi. 
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking faintly.]
“I didn’t want her to die.”
Stop me, Rika had pleaded as Liv closed in on her, her skin burning and cracking as she pushed through the ether storm with her weapon in hand.
Rika wanted Liv to kill her. 
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking faintly.]
“I wanted to save her.”
But even then, Liv could not bring herself to strike the finishing blow. Even then, she could not honor Rika’s desperate request, instead letting another do it in her stead.
“I know. Thank you.”
Startled, Liv turns her head to look at Bronwyn, blinking up at him with a bewildered look in her eyes. His face resolutely stays trained to where the elder Rika perished, something pained and tortured swirling in his gaze in a rare moment of vulnerability.
“You tried to help her, all the way to the end. You refused to give up on her, even when I already had, and she herself did as well.”
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking.]
Liv remembers, then, the look on the elder Rika’s face when Liv found her after reviving. 
The conflict. The agitation. The turmoil.
She remembers the look on her face when Liv declared her intentions to spare her, to save her, for the entire channel to hear, the look on her face when all the incarnations stood by her side and refused to take up the bounty scenario. 
The confusion. The realization. The uncertainty.
The hope.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking.]
Bronwyn turns to her. He still looks troubled, but he forges on with a resolute sort of determination.
“I still do not trust you. I do not know if I ever will. But you have a kind heart, Liv Novak, despite your or anyone else's claims otherwise. You may have failed to save her life, but you saved her in a different way. Her…” He hesitates, then adds tentatively, “...and me, as well.”
There is a lump in Liv’s throat that she can’t seem to swallow down.
Attack me, the older Rika had begged.
Stop me, she had pleaded.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking.]
Liv remembers this chapter in Ways of Survival well. It was her favorite one, after all, despite her dissatisfaction with the conclusion. Liv remembers reading about the elder Rika’s hatred, her betrayal, her despair. Liv remembers Blade Bronwyn’s mistakes, the careless words, the little things that drove Rika to the edge. Liv remembers the sympathy she felt for Rika, a little girl forced to grow up too fast, forced to watch her companions die, forced to travel alone through the labyrinth of worlds for over a thousand years in a desperate attempt to save her friends, forced to watch the person she admired the most become someone she couldn’t recognize. Liv remembers loving the chapter because it invoked such strong emotions in her. Liv remembers wanting better for the woman Rika became.
As a mere reader, she could do nothing to change Rika's fate. When the novel became her reality, she thought that maybe, just maybe, she finally had a chance. She had foolishly believed that now that she was no longer a mere spectator, but an actual “protagonist”, she could get the best outcome, the best ending.
But in the end, omniscient does not equal omnipotent. 
In the end, she was still powerless in the face of thousands of heartless constellations. 
In the end, Rika still died, and Liv Novak could do nothing about it.
…And yet—
“Thank you, Liv Novak.”
Liv feels something heavy and hot building up behind her eyes as Blade Bronwyn meets her gaze head on—just as intense as ever, but compassionate of her plight for the first time ever since they’ve met.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking violently.]
Attack me, the older Rika had begged Liv, not because she had given up on her life.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking violently.]
Stop me, she had pleaded, not because she was tired of fighting.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking violently.]
Liv Novak could not give Rika the best ending.
Protect this “round”.
“Thank you, for giving us back our hope.”
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking violently.]
But she could still give her a better ending.
She could still give her salvation.
Just like she had always wanted.
That would simply have to be enough.
[Personal Skill, The Fourth Wall, is shaking violently.]
Bronwyn quietly turns away to give Liv some semblance of space as she—for the first time since the world as she knew it started to become like the novel she so dearly loved—finally lets all of her conflicting emotions consume her and weeps freely, a small, distant part of her mind wondering again why there isn't any thundering rain to drown out her tears and wailing cries.
Caine's grip on her hand tightens. So does the younger Rika's hold on her coat.
Liv will find a way to revive the older Rika. She swears it. She will alter the ending, even if it means she has to die again and again.
But for now, in this small moment, she lets her grief and joy be the only things on her mind.
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I’m probably the only one who’s read ORV and played ShoH so I doubt there’s a lot of people who understand but please know that the Fifth Scenario Arc has me DESTROYED I will never emotionally recover from it and I guarantee you neither will Liv.
I haven’t fully finished ORV yet so most of my stuff on this is just vague ramblings and who is similar to what character and what would have been different if this specific character was there but I am obsessed with this AU and it lives rent free in my head. 
All I know for certain is that Liv takes the place as Kim Dokja, Blade is Yoo Jonghyuk, Caine is Lee Gilyoung, Rika is Shin Yoosung, and Priscilla is Yoo Sangah. Everyone else just kinda loosely fits the roles of other characters or shares them (though I think I have Lavinet pinned as Min Jiwon, but like, she gets more screen time than her? if that makes sense lol).
Also what I find hilarious about Blade as YJH is that in my notes I have written down “Personality wise, he’s still more like OG ShoH Blade instead of YJH, so unlike YJH, he’s more prone to admitting/expressing his true feelings and care for his companions” which...considering OG Blade’s personality, it says QUITE a lot about YJH LOL.
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katcadecascade · 4 years
The One Thing You Can’t Replace (ORV fic)
Summary: Shin Yoosung wakes up in tears. She will not grieve over a man who can still be saved. All she has to do is make everyone remember Kim Dokja.
Chapter One: As the World Caves In 
“Okay, everyone calm down.”
“No, no, no, Ahjussi!”
“You have a plan. Of course you do, good… But about this?”
“Well I have never seen this scenario before actually.”
“Oh god, there’s a countdown!”
“We can overcome this scenario. We just have to work together like always… Why are you all staring at me like that?”
“Bastard, you can’t be this stupid.”
“The one thing we can’t…”
“Yes I can read too and just because we’re caught off guard doesn’t mean we can’t figure it out. We just have to be smart and find out what exactly is missing when this starts.”
[00:05 Before Scenario Begins]
“Hey, there’s no need to cry, Shin Yoosung.”
“Ahjussi, please… please don’t…”
“Don’t what? I’m not going any-“
[Sub-Scenario: The One Thing You Can’t Replace has begun!]
   Shin Yoosung wakes up in tears.
She rubs the wetness off her cheeks in almost a painful pace but it doesn’t matter. Nothing compares to the giant ache in her heart. Dread spreads throughout her core as she looks around the room.
It’s her room obviously, a bit messy with clothes and books tossed around. There’s that animal fur smell that she is immune to but Lee Jihye always complains about when the older girl comes around. At one side of the room is her most cherished possessions.
Small animal tanks for the little frog and other small creatures she picked up. Then there are the bigger tanks that Lee Hyunsung had set up for her bigger creatures, like the tentacle monster. From the trail of water droplets, it seems like it crawled up the ceiling to perch on top of her closet.
Shin Yoosung rushed over to the tanks. For three years she did this routine, wake up only to immediately pay attention to the beasts she has gathered for two reasons.
The first is that she is a responsible beast tamer. Of course, she’ll take good care of them.
The second reason is to see if any of them could actually be…
Fresh tears erupt from the girl.
Each tank has a nameplate, craved with the unorthodox names she given them.
[Frog Who Could’ve Been _ Ahjussi]
[Elephant Monster Who Was Almost _ Ahjussi]
[Tentacle Monster Who Unfortunately Wasn’t _ Ahjussi]
They were all missing his name.
Her hands are tightly curled together, digging nails into the skin as another wave of tears pour in. It drips onto her shirt and it’s the same shirt she wore when the scenario started. Shin Yoosung knows that because she wanted to wear an outfit to match him. When she announced so his face was red but his smile was so big and Shin Yoosung wants him to smile more.
His name is missing.
He was gone for three years and they just got him back until that scenario sprang up on them.
“Shin Yoosung?”
She never noticed the door opened and before Lee Gilyoung could ask more worries, Shin Yoosung launched herself at her best friend.
“Did you forget him?” She asks with a crazed desperation, clutching onto his shoulders. She hasn’t held him so tight since they confronted the chimera underneath Paradise. “Ahjussi, Lee Gilyoung, please tell me you remember him!”
For the most part, Lee Gilyoung is utterally confused and scared of his weeping friend. That is until she said one word.
“Ahjussi?” He repeated with a daze. An odd look passes over his eyes, as if he’s having a mental crisis from sharing a mental link with a dying insect.
When he gets like this, Shin Yoosung knows to lead him over to sit on the bed in case he collapses.
“Ahjussi,” Lee Gilyoung mutters again, this time recognition sparks in his eyes. He is entirely alert and aware and now tears are falling from his eyes. “Shin Yoosung, the scenario!”
The message popped up above their heads, beaconed to their distress and awareness of the current event.
 [Sub-Scenario: The One Thing You Can’t Replace
Clear Condition: Something irreplaceable has been forgotten by the world. Participants of scenario must identify it without the help of nonparticipants. (2/9) participants have recovered the identity.
Time Limit: 12 Hours
Compensation: Retrieval of the irreplaceable thing.
Failure: The irreplaceable thing will fade from existence]
 The two kids paled at the failure consequences.
Immediately they ran out the door, nearly tripping over a tentacle.
Shin Yoosung normally would apologize whenever that happens but not now. Not when the one thing she can never replace might lose his existence.
“Hey, why are you to running?” Someone up ahead calls out to them, unknowingly becoming their target. “If Noona sees you she’s going to blame it on me and hey!”
The two kids do not drop their speed and tackle Lee Jihye to the floor.
“Lee Jihye,” Shin Yoosung rushes, “we’re in a scenario.”
The older girl shoves them off her to stand in a battle stance, pulling out her sword, “What, is something attacking the Master’s Industrial Complex?”
Shin Yoosung shakes her head, “No, we lost memories of someone.”
Sheathing her sword, Lee Jihye mutters, “Lame.”
Lee Gilyoung worriedly asks, “What did you say before? The name of this Industrial Complex?”
“Yoo Jonghyuk’s Industrial Complex,” she answers with a bored expression, “Hey are you two trying to prank me? What kind of scenario gives us amnesia?”
“Do you remember Ahjussi?” Shin Yoosung tries this method again since it worked so well with Lee Gilyoung.
It doesn’t work a second time.
“Ahjussi? You mean Lee Hyunsung?”
Seeing the pure confusion on Lee Jihye is really tormenting Shin Yoosung. She knows that out of everyone in the party, he is not Lee Jihye’s favorite person. Yet she does care in her own way, something about being the admiral of a huge ship of him and her Master.
Is this the point of the scenario, have everyone forget except Shin Yoosung and see how painful it is to ever dare live in a life without him?
Shin Yoosung knows that in the main party, she met him last. In that three-year period of heartache, she learned how the others meet this irreplaceable person.
He saved them one way or another.
He always had a risky plan that succeeded.
He was thoughtful and compassionate and…
Lee Gilyoung steps up to Lee Jihye.
“Play rock paper scissors with me,” he demanded with one fist readily above an open palm.
While Shin Yoosung was lost in her internal misery, Lee Gilyoung was also thinking deeply.
She recognizes that calculating glint in his eyes. Shin Yoosung knows who exactly he picked up that express from.
“Huh, that’s a weird change of topic,” Lee Jihye scratches her head. She shrugs and mirrors his hands. “You know that I’m very good at this game.”
“No you aren’t,” Lee Gilyoung said proudly.
They play one round. Lee Jihye throws down scissors and Lee Gilyoung throws down rock.
“Ahjussi also choose rock the first time,” he said calmly as his eyes tear up. “You played against him so many times and lost nearly all of them.”
A jab like that usually enrages Lee Jihye but right now, she is frozen. Her hands loosen up, falling to her sides as she stares at Lee Gilyoung.
“The Theater Dungeon,” she utters weakly. Then Lee Jihye laughs too sharply, smiling too pained, “He must have cheated.” Bizarre ranges of emotions quickly flash through her face, making her look a little crazy until she rubs her cheeks and snaps back into a fierce frown, “What did we do yesterday?”
In their rushed morning, Shin Yoosung didn’t recall everything, just the important bits like the fact that they were going to forget the one thing they can’t replace.
“We finished a monster hunting scenario and on the way back here this scenario came up.” Lee Gilyoung summed up and pointed at the scenario message log that appeared.
It updated.
 [(3/9) participants have recovered the identity.]
 Lee Jihye narrows her eyes at it, hesitantly muttering, “Nine?”
“We have to get to the others.”
Shin Yoosung did not wait for her friends as she dashes through the Industrial Complex to find the other party members. Lee Gilyoung is at her side but not Lee Jihye.
Instead, they hear her shout away, “I’ll find Master!”
It’s likely their best course of action. There is no time to waste.
 [Time Remaining: 11 Hours]
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avi-stella · 8 years
1000 Words (Part 2/2) | V x Reader
RATING: Teen | GENRE: Angst | WORD COUNT: 2,659 SUMMARY: You love V, but he only sees you as a friend. Unable to handle the heartache, you leave him. ...He then leaves you. NOTE: Contains spoilers for Secret 01 and very small spoilers for Jumin's and Jahee's route. Reader is not MC. This part takes place pre-game.
It's been a long while now ever since you quit the RFA and practically left the lives of all those members whom you've grown to love. It was an abrupt parting, a decision completely made by overwhelming emotions rather than rational thought, but it was one you didn't regret. There was still a lingering longing of having wished everyone well, but overall, you felt as though you made the right choice in the end.
V loved you, but only as a friend. His heart belonged to Rika, and no matter how hard you tried to be supportive of the two, it was merely impossible. You were a coward who couldn't confess to the one man you loved, and now it was too late. It was because of that cowardice you decided to act, running away from all that heartache rather than facing it head-on. At least you still acted, you bitterly thought to yourself.
But even so, you've managed to make some progress in improving your health. Now that you had cut away the main source of all your stress, you had been able to finally eat and sleep properly, and you were able to bring yourself back to your more or less energetic and cheerful nature. You still possessed feelings for V, but because of the distance and lack of contact, you managed to dull it for the meantime. You foolishly believed that those feelings will die as time passed on. ...Except Jumin was having none of that.
You were lazing around on your couch at your house, relieved to finally find some time for just yourself when your phone buzzed repeatedly, informing you that somebody was trying to call. You groaned, thinking that it had something to do with work and whatnot, and you mentally prepared yourself, but the displayed number was one you didn't know. Curious, you picked up. "Hello?"
"...[Name]," you heard a vaguely familiar voice speak. It sounded slightly different from when you last heard it, much older and a bit deeper, but you were sure it was none other than your childhood friend.
"Jumin...?" you asked, disbelief lacing your voice.
"Yes, I—"
You harshly interrupted the male, "I thought I told you not to contact me."
"I have some news to tell you regarding V," Jumin continued, ignoring your interruption, prompting you to roll your eyes. A jerk, as always. You didn't know if you should feel happy or not about that.
You exhaled, "I don't want to hear it."
"V is dead."
It felt like time stopped as you tried to process the words that came out of Jumin's mouth. You sucked in a breath, allowing yourself to sit up to a more proper position. You had no choice but to bring your free hand upwards to support the shaking hand that held your phone. "...What?"
"I...will tell you the details later, as I'm certain you want to know, but I'm informing you of this now so that you can plan your schedule accordingly for the funeral, if you wish to attend."
You remained quiet on the line, prompting the corporate heir to ask if you were still there. "I...yes. Um, I'm sorry, yeah, I'll...I'll be attending. Um..." You fumbled for words, not knowing how to handle these news. Jumin understood, and while he wanted to stay on the line as a small comfort for you, he unfortunately had other matters to tend to. The rest of the conversation and farewell were a hazy blur, similar to the current state of your mind. You allowed your phone to drop to your lap, your silent tears following soon afterwards.
"I'm sorry," Seven hung his head apologetically as soon as he finished explaining the details of V's death to you. The young man had asked to talk with you privately a few days before the service. Seven was able to piece together the reason for your decision to quit the RFA, and it was because of that he felt as though you deserved to know the truth. Jumin had lied to the other members, saying it was a suicide, but both Jumin and Seven knew that you wouldn't believe such a lie and decided to tell you the truth instead.
"So...it's like that. I see..." you murmured quietly, staring with your gaze downwards but not really looking at nor seeing anything in particular. Seven lightly held your shoulder, and you roughly swatted it away. "...Sorry. Thank you, for telling me the truth, but I would like some time alone. Please."
"Okay," the young man nodded in understanding, his forehead creasing from guilt and concern. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be more than happy to set you up in the RFA app again."
You shook your head, "Thank you, but there's no need. The one I want to talk to isn't here anymore, so there's no point."
The funeral service was, in the eyes of an outsider, beautiful and pleasant. But to the mourners, especially those who were close with V, it felt like a long journey of recalling memories and struggles to sever ties with the deceased. The RFA members each said their own piece about V and what he meant in their lives, but you opted to stay silent, instead choosing to stare at the framed photo. That photo absolutely did no justice in showing just how beautiful and wonderful that man truly was. You were afraid that if you opened your mouth, your voice and body would betray you. It took every ounce of energy not to collapse and break out in tears right then and there.
Somehow, in your broken-minded state, you were able to register Yoosung's words, excusing himself from the group. You silently did the same, thankful that everybody decided to give you space. You were going to go somewhere private to let out everything you've kept bottled up when you noticed Yoosung from the corner of your eye. You turned your head to look at him, just to see if he was faring okay—you knew you weren't—when your eyes spotted a familiar face with him.
Wordlessly and without really thinking about it, your feet carried you to where Yoosung and that woman were. "You..." your voice shook from both grief and anger as the two figures looked up at you upon taking notice of your presence. Rika looked at you, her expression unreadable, which ended up angering you further. Your hands curled into fists as an attempt to control your rage, but you couldn't stop the words that spilled out of your mouth.
"It's your fault," you started quietly, your voice barely above a whisper before quickly shifting to yelling at the top of your lungs, "it's all your fault!!"
The others must have heard you—how couldn't they?—because they were quickly rushing over to where you were, but you chose to ignore them. You were completely blinded by the despair of having lost V that you never really took notice. "It's all your fault! If it weren't for you—!! If it weren't for you, Jihyun would still be alive!!" You spat out, your voice practically dripping with venom and pure hatred as you brought your fist upwards, ready to hit the blonde woman in front of you before being interrupted by the call of your name and somebody grabbing your wrist.
"[Name], calm down!" you barely registered Zen's voice as you tried to struggle away from his grip so that you could physically inflict the same kind of pain that Rika inflicted to your heart.
"Stop!" you yelled, not letting up in the slightest as you tried to fight against Zen. Was he always this strong? Once again, you remembered just how long it's been since you left the RFA. ...Since you last saw V. "Let me go! God dammit Hyun, let me go!! It's her fault! It's all her fault!"
"[Name], please—"
Seeing as the actor wasn't going to let go of you any time soon, you snapped your head back towards Rika who visibly flinched upon seeing the flame in your eyes, and you continued to scream at her. "Jihyun may have been your sun, but he was my world!! He was my everything, and you—!!! You took him away, you fucking bitch!"
With a low grunt, you kicked your leg back as hard as you can against Zen's shin. He yelped in pain, and in a brief moment of clarity, you felt slightly guilty for hurting him, but he was known to recover incredibly fast, and so your emotions started to take control again. Zen finally let go of you to tend to his kicked shin, but instead of attacking Rika like you had initially planned, you ran away. You think you heard the other members call out to you, but you weren't thinking straight at the moment. You didn't bother to pay attention to where you were running; you just needed to run somewhere. Anywhere. As long as you were alone, it didn't matter where.
Soon enough, you found yourself under the shade of a huge tree in a secluded area. You placed your palms onto the trunk as you heaved and gasped for air. Your lungs felt like they were burning, and your legs crumbled under your weight. Falling to your knees, you cried out. V was gone. He was gone forever. This thought repeated itself over and over again in your mind, sending you further and further to despair. You sobbed. You choked. Your mind was racing with so many thoughts—words that you never got the chance to say—but you couldn't even speak a single word. Your ears were ringing, and you were having difficulty breathing.
"Breathe, breathe, breathe," you tried to remind yourself, eventually bringing your forehead to rest upon the trunk of tree the moment you started to feel lightheaded.
It took a while, but you were eventually able to ground yourself, your previous cries and screaming turning into a few quiet whimpers and hiccups as your breathing more or less returned to normal. Once you've calmed down, you positioned yourself to lean back against the tree, giving yourself a moment to take notice of your surroundings. Despite the solemn event that day, the sky was incredibly clear with the sun continuing to cruelly and brilliantly shine above you. A soft breeze gently caressed your cheeks as you closed your eyes, wanting to believe that it was V in the afterlife trying to comfort you.
That's right... V was your world. The warm sun. The gentle breeze. The soft rustling trees. They were all V trying to reassure you that everything will be alright. There could be no other explanation, you thought. The world was so cruel, snatching away your important person, yet here you were; your surroundings were completely peaceful and gentle, just like V. Thinking that, you offered a small, albeit sad, smile. Taking a deep breath, you decided to whisper to the world everything you've felt.
"I loved you," you finally confessed, the leaves of the tree rustling once more soon after those words escaped your lips. You felt your chest tighten at having used past tense. "Do you remember that promise we made when we were younger?"
You paused, as though waiting for some kind of signal for you to continue. You felt another breeze pass by. "We promised we'd always stay together. You broke that promise...jerk. But, I guess I broke that promise first when I quit the RFA. ...I'm sorry. So, how about we make a new promise? Be happy up there. Promise me that you'll be happy up there, and I'll try to be happy here too."
"Okay, it's a promise."
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