#I will literally be over the FREAKING GALAXY if u do lol
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anekename19 · 1 year ago
Suegiku fic that’s just Tetchou helping Jouno open up and accept his own emotions, since Jouno has kinda perfected the whole ‘bury your emotions so deep that you can’t even feel them anymore’ thing due to his time in the mafia. Ofc we all know Jouno has no problem expressing stuff like anger, bitterness, disgust… basically all those negative ones used mostly in a comical manner for his character. It’s rly just his sadness that he’s tries to disown as he’s already deemed it as a ‘weak’ emotion that doesn’t do anything except make ppl pity and underestimate him, which needless to say, he HATES more than anything. So yeah, Tetchou would help him realize that feelings of sadness are completely valid and that he deserves to express those emotions instead of bottling them up. (Ngl Tetchou would honestly still be kinda learning this alongside Jouno because he’s probably so used to his stoicism-like mindset.)
‘Your Tears are Priceless’ would be a good title, i think; in reference to his ‘Priceless Tears’ ability.
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caffeine-and-melatonin · 4 years ago
✨Bad Batch E11 Spoilers✨
Ok let's get into it y'all...welcome to my brain while watching E11
-Clone without helmet?  Clone I don't know? What???? We haven't seen a reg without their helmet as far as I can remember...Why do I get the feeling this guy's chip isn't 100%? Why else would they show us his face/give him some personality. Wait that's the other thing! Mans still has his armor painted and everything unlike all the other regs (not counting the Coruscant guard). Plus based on his pauldron I'm guessing he's an ARC trooper and they were more independent and creative thinkers than most of the regs........oh no Mr. Cowboy Hat Man is gonna kill him isn't he :(
- My god there are no words to describe how happy I am to see Hera
- Ohhhhh his name is Howzer! Have we seen him before? I don't think so...I didn't forget a clone did I?!?!?!?!?!?!
-Not gonna report it? Yeah his chip isn't fully working is it. He seems nice pls don't murder him Dave. I know you will, but like don't. 
- I get what Cham is saying, but like Gobi sounds more like Cham than Cham does
-WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!!! HIS BRAINS BE BURNT ON THE CHIP SIDE!!! DOES THAT MEAN??? SOON??? (if someone has an extra clown wig and red nose hand it over i have a feeling imma need it) 
- I seriously don't think there has ever been a moment when I was even remotely ok with Orn Free Taa
- Hera's mom is an absolute QUEEN! I love her already...oh no I'm getting attached I can't do that oh no stop it I can't deal with more sad
- BABY HERA FLY SHIP! Look at her go!!! Yay Mom!!!
-Awwwww Tech's been teaching Omega about the ship! Wait does that mean he has someone who will sit and listen to him because he just wants to share his knowledge??? AWWWWW THAT'S SO SOFT I LOVE IT!!!!! I really wish they would have shown us that. Like yeah there have been some short Tech teaching Omega moments, but nothing substantial. Seriously if they showed us Tech getting all happy and excited that someone actually wanted to learn from him I think I would simply pass away from pure joy. I just want some character development and happiness for my love is that too much to ask for? 
- Hera talking about flying is so cute! Omg and Omega being so proud of her room!!!
-Lol like 0.5 sec into hearing that Omega and the Bois™ get shot at regularly, Hera's like "Are you in trouble? I will adopt you right now" (and then Omega pulled the Uno Reverse card on her and was like "sis we are literally the ones bringing you weapons"). Glad to know Hera has always been the mom friend. 
-"Did you know flying is about a feeling?" "wHaT fEeLiNg?" My dear Tech, I adore your vocal inflections so much......oh stars.....I'm freaking out over crumbs......my apologies  
- Ok kind of a weird statement, but am I the only one that used to get really excited when a LAAT would show up? I used to be all like "My BOYS! 🥰" and now it's more of "My BOYS! 😥". Ya know what I mean? My poor clones...I miss them.
- Oh yeah I'm 100% calling it, Howzer's chip isn't doing the thing.
- Hera's mom could run me over with a blurrg and you know what that's on me. I got in her way. I'm so sorry.
- Aww Howzer really cares about Hera and her parents. This is gonna hurt like a bitch isn't it 😒
- Idk what I was expecting from this episode, but it certainly wasn’t seeing Ryloth this soon.
- MOM!!! Agh I love Hera so much
-Howzer’s pretty. Good for him. 
- So like for our clown outfits, is there color scheme or dress code or something? Because I'm really hoping that seeing Cross' ✨melted marbles✨ on the right side of his head means the chip got damaged and it's gonna stop working soon...right?
- I know both of them were only around the batch for a few minutes, but do you think Kanan and Hera ever had a moment were they were telling stories about their past and somehow connected the dots that they both knew them kinda? Idk probably not but it's fun to think about.
-So here's the thing (to finally wrap up my rambling), they were soooo close to Cross. Like I know the batch is going to have to go back to bring them more weapons, but they were sooooo close. I get it that they wouldn't have known he was there and it was interesting to see what is going on in the galaxy outside of the squad, especially with Ryloth's history of being constantly under occupation and seeing how they are dealing with the shift from the Republic to the Empire, but I need them to TALK ABOUT HIM! Like let's at least start there. Where's the energy from E3 about not leaving Cross behind? I know that getting him back is going to be really hard, really complicated, and really dangerous and that's why they haven't got him back yet, but at least try to come up with a plan. Start there boys. Please. I love you all so much. I really do. But could you just TALK TO EACH OTHER BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S BOTHERING YOU INSIDE BUT YA NEED TO BRING THOSE FEELINGS TO THE OUTSIDE!!! Ok thanks xxx
Yeah I think that's all I got for today's episode. Good night? Good morning? Whatever y'all know what I mean 😘 
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stjernfaerie · 4 years ago
I finally watched all of MCU
in release order because IT MAKES SENSE!!!!
special thanks to @littlegingrnut who watched ALL OF THEM with me. She’s the best. 
Idk if anyone cares at all, but I feel like sharing, so here’s some thoughts and reactions, enjoy: 
Phase 1: 
Iron man
okay but like how was Tony such a jerk in the beginning only to become like the most lovable character ever??
did not like the antagonist what was that
I mean he’s not bad I just didn’t like him that much
I wanna get myself a jarvis tho 
all in all, really enjoyed it
got me really excited to watch more
The Incredible Hulk
didn't watch cuz aly said not necessary
we just skimmed over the important parts 
oh and watched the end credits scene
Iron man 2
this was really great
okay but like I love Ivan Vanko hes such a great antagonist
oh damn ~Natasha Romanoff~
Pepper as a powerful business lady? YES  
just... really great shit right here
Mmmmmm I don't see the hype about Loki??
his two faced-ness is annoying me
also Thor? I didn't love him at first,, he's a bit cliché
okay but Thor is a good boi actually,,, I take it back he’s pretty great
Oh nooo Loki - yeah lol as if he actually died 
YO WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT END CREDITS SCENE that got me all like WTF and shit
also told ya Loki didn’t die
Captain America: The First Avenger
okay full disclosure, I actually watched this one time before bc I started watching them in chronological order but never got any further than this
it made so much more sense this time
I liked it so much better this time 
this was good !!
I'm gay for Peggy omg
and Steve is such a good boi
all in all not my favourite tho, not too memorable tbh
"I had a date" 😭
The Avengers
ohhh man
Oh hello Dr. Banner nice to see u
Loki bro pls chill
still don't get the Loki hype tbh. maybe a lil bit but idk
oh okay he's good
I love them all so much oh gosh
Phase 2
Iron man 3
this movie changed me
aly can confirm - I was very much not okay after seeing this
literally had anxiety through all of it
I mean I LOVED it
but like
the ptsd :(((
although I do love that they showed that, just made me love Tony even more
just... showing the ugly parts - love that shit
but also like noooo tony bby :(((( 
just.... Tony Stark man.
great antagonist, love the whole mandarin thing
EXTREMIS? NO THANK U that honestly gives me like zombie ish vibes or smth I don’t like it
but like it was great 
all in all loved this so much and I am still not really okay
Thor: The Dark World
I see why people think this is the worst Thor movie.
but like,,, meh? the big end fight was so anti-climactic? not epic at all like what the fuck
but she's clearly gay so stop makin her fool around with the intern
but like Thor is such a soft boi and I love him
again, Loki's two-faced-ness – aRH
but,,,, I get the Loki hype now
I'm aboard the train
I love Loki 
oh oh oh the part in his prison cell when Thor comes to talk to him and is all like "enough tricks" and then his cell is all torn up and he's all torn up and AH BABY 😭
Thor just needs cuddles 
Aaaaand this is where I accidentally got the worst possible spoiler. :)))
I wanted to watch some wholesome Tony Stark content before bed and so I searched youtube for "Iron Man" and clicked on a video I thought looked nice and wholesome. I accidentally read the top comment and then proceeded to break down and freak out to Aly and Hanna on Aly’s live, and they comforted me and stuff <3 
Aly then told me that “hey remember that I told you that the little boy in Iron Man 3 comes back at one point? Yeah that’s at the funeral” 
STUPIDLY, I then watched the death scene on YouTube, went to bed crying, and of course, dreaming about it. I will never be okay again and I will never be ready for Endgame thank you and goodbye.
Captain America: Winter Soldier
I thought that Bucky didn’t deserve to die - and he didn’t - but like,,, DYING WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THIS 
the ~bromance~
nat and steve I mean, so good
Natasha tho mmmmmhhf
I was rly confused while watching but like everything came together at the end and it was so nice and damn this is one of my favorites so far
Sam is great I want more of Sam
Guardians of the Galaxy
multiple people had told me that they thought I’d really like this movie
honestly? I didn’t
it was kinda meh?
like I found it very predictable and cliché and not in a delightful way
idk if it’s just that I know that Chris Pratt is a dick but I don’t like Peter
I rly like Gamora and Nebula, but like I’m a lesbian, so I don’t think anyone’s surprised that I like the traumatized warrior gals
but like in general I’m kinda disappointed
I only gasped like twice, and it was barely gasp-worthy moments
Avengers: Age of Ultron
All of them together just makes me so happy, they’re so cute with each other AH
loved Ultron as the antagonist. that was great.
but,,,, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t really get to see any regret from Tony bc he created Ultron
whatever’s going on with Bruce and Nat, I don’t like it
TOO MANY moments that reminded me of the spoiler that I refuse to speak. Did not enjoy
everyone just needs to be hugged why doesn’t anybody HUG THEM????
not happy about Jarvis dying :((( even tho he technically didn’t die but like HE’S NOT JARVIS ANYMORE IS HE
and then Tony just replaces him with this Friday just like that??? no i’m not okay with that
in a ranking scenario this one falls in like the top of the middle range? Like it’s not one of the favorites, but it’s still up there. 
I was just reading about new MCU projects that are coming up and THERE WAS A SPOILER WARNING, but STUPID AS I AM I DISREGARDED that and kept on reading. I was just skimming through the text and I read “Loki who dies” and stopped right there, because AAHH FUCKING SHIT
I was on a call with Aly as this happened and so I told her that I had given myself a spoiler again and that it was about Loki, and she was all like I can’t remember anything that happens to Loki hmm, and so I thought YAY it’s okay, they just meant one of the times when he fake died!!! so I went on to keep reading, but before I could read anything else Aly stopped me, remembering. She told me it would be gut-wrenching and terrible and I’m just- 
So disappointed in myself. 
it was an enjoyable movie, but like,,, a little meh? 
I feel kinda the same as I did with GOTG
but I like each of them better than the other for different reasons? idk???
the plot wasn’t very thick, like I could have gone away to pee without pausing and probably not miss too much
I didn’t really get invested in the story or the characters
but it was enjoyable for sure
Sam!!! Hello!!!! 
Again, like with GOTG, I found it kinda cliché, but in a more delightful way this time
Phase 3
Captain America: Civil War
I constantly needed to be hugged while watching this
in the end I was fine, like I’ve been way less okay after some of the other movies, but during? needed hugs and cuddles
I love that they were fighting each other it was just... umff you know
but also like,,, LOVE EACH OTHER 
Wanda and Vision? no thanks I HATE IT
Steve and Sharon?? NO THANKS I HATE IT
literally that’s just weird on SO many levels
and that kiss was-- ugh I hated it. 
Black Panther heLLOOO
Tony and Steve fighting in the end got me :( 
Doctor Strange
This one falls at the bottom of my list
It was the shortest movie but it felt SO LONG because I was so bored through all of it
it just never got me hooked, I didn’t get invested in the story at all. 
there weren’t even any characters that I liked enough to want to see more
sure another infinity stone and getting to know doctor strange and shit, I get why you kinda need to watch it
but I doubt I’ll watch it again
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
just like with the first one, kinda meh
I didn’t really get into it until the last half hour or so
the music really carried this movie tho
and baby groot !!!
I love Nebula so much, such a great character
Yondu dying was really great, it did a lot for his character
I still don’t really like Peter Quill
I feel like it was barely contributing to the infinity saga, the only thing that’s somewhat connected is that Nebula wants to kill Thanos, and the only reason I know that’s connected is because of spoilers
because I’m not really supposed to know the significance of Thanos at this point
but then again, maybe I’ll feel differently when I’ve finished all the movies
Spiderman: Homecoming
SPIDEY BOY !!!!!!!!! 
AND LIKE,,, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FIGHTING SOUNDS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE’S???? Like steve and thor and shit are all like huOH heeeUH oAH ya know?? and then peter’s over here like eeh heh mmmMHF 
except when things were going bad and during the fight scenes and shit and when he was in big danger and stuffs
hehehheheh and the end credits tho heheheheh
Thor: Ragnarok
Kinda mad that we didn’t get a hug there in the end but oh well
Thor is so sassy and goofy in this one I love it
ugghhhhh I love Loki so much
Hela has so much Maleficent vibes
Heimdall yESSS !!!
all the Thor/Hulk interactions were so PRECIOUS AAH
this was just such a great movie with great character development for both Thor and Loki and ughhhh IT WAS SO GOOD
“get help” was fucking ICONIC
oof not excited for infinity war :(( 
Black Panther
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, but it’s not up there
my main issue with it is that it didn’t really feel so much like a superhero movie, it was more just like... family drama
but Shuri tho, love her
and all the awesome ladies fighting!!! yes!!!!
Avengers: Infinity War
I am not okay
I will never be okay again
I thought Loki dying was gonna be the worst part - and honestly, knowing about it beforehand made it less painful actually
but NO NO NO 
oh gosh I can’t even think 
I told y’all I didn’t like Peter Quill and well, HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT 
oh gosh nope 
I’ve been feeling guilty that all of y’all had to wait a full year for endgame but AT LEAST THEN YOU HAD TIME TO BE OKAY AGAIN BEFORE ENDGAME
fucking shit what have I gotten myself into
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I liked this one better than the first ant-man
It’s still not up there but it was good
idk it could just be bc I know the characters more this time or because I kind of had pretty low expectations but I liked this more
oh also maybe I was just happy that I didn’t have to see like all my favorite characters die like I did yesterday :((( 
still not okay
anyway, ant-man and the wasp
I really liked Ava, really great character honestly
I liked Hope a whole lot more this time around
still don’t really like her and Scott together, especially after her mother like talked through him and shit. I feel like if I was Hope and my mother talked to me through my love interest, I would feel pretty weird about it all
but maybe that’s just me idk
oh but what I do like about scott and hope is all of hank’s comments about them
he’s funny hehehe
also Luis! great dude
there’s too many double names in this whole ass franchise and I’m upset
two Peters, two Eriks, two Fosters.... like I know that’s what real life is like, people have the same names, but THIS IS FICTION
that wasn’t totally related to this movie specifically but this was the third strike dudes, I couldn’t just ignore it anymore.
oh oh oh and I did not appreciate the mid credits scene, I DON’T NEED REMINDERS OF THAT PAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Captain Marvel
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it just wasn’t really anything that left me all like woooaaaah omg AH you know???
I really liked how it connected back to previous movies like with Ronan and the Kree people from GOTG and the tesseract and all that jazz
where can I get myself a flerken tho I want one
I appreciate that no one turned into dust, that was nice
my main problem with this movie is that HER POWERS MAKE NO SENSE 
like in the beginning it was kinda okay. I didn’t understand her powers, but at least they felt reasonable
then we got to the end and all of a sudden she’s flying and glowing and strong enough to stop and redirect a fuckin missile, and then she’s FLYING INTO BOMBS AND COMING OUT THE OTHER END COMPLETELY UNSCATHED?? 
it just makes no sense, it’s completely unreasonable and it makes her too perfect to me. Too unbeatable. I don’t like it. 
but all in all a good movie, loved seeing young Fury and shit
Avengers: Endgame I WILL NEVER BE READY
As I thought, I wasn’t ready
But, I actually think that knowing about Tony beforehand made it a bit easier
I still wish I hadn’t known
and I still bawled like a baby 
but like,,, I think I would have been way worse off if I hadn’t known
I’m just so sad now
I really need a hug
and even though I just cried more than I’ve done all year I need to cry some more I think
I’m glad everyone who got dusted came back, although I kinda knew they would 
well, I would have been fine with Quill staying dusted tbh. I really don’t like that guy
oh gosh yeah I know I have more thoughts about this movie that I wanna say but I need to be more okay first oh man
okay hi again, it’s the next day and I’m still sad but here are some more thoughts: 
I hated the whole Bruce/Hulk think. All the good parts about each side of his character were just erased.
I don’t even see the purpose of it. 
Okay I kinda knew that Steve was gonna go back to the 40s, but I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT SO SHH
anyway, I didn’t like Steve staying in the 40s, and here’s why: 
he knew that this was the single one out of 14 million times they won against Thanos, so he knew that changing anything at all would fuck it up
but at the same time, I find it hard to believe that Steve could be aware that Tony and Nat dies and not want to do anything about it
even though he knows he can’t
so wouldn’t it have been easier to just go back to the present after he returned all the stones? So he wouldn’t have to live with that dilemma?
ALSO, I WILL NOT ACCEPT that after everything he did to get Bucky back, he just leaves him. Just like that. 
Literally the only reason this makes sense is as a setup for the Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney+ series. 
But I still don’t like it
Spiderman: Far From Home
This was nice, I needed this. 
I didn’t like it as much as homecoming, but I didn’t expect to considering how much I loved hoco
it was really nice to see some more Peter Parker bc i love him but also like,,, most of it was traumatized spidey boy :((( and that was sad :(
He’s literally just a child and he’s already so damaged and it’s big big sad
the high school vibes were immaculate
not that I’ve actually been to high school in the US but like,,, it felt like a high school movie okok
Okay but like May’s character really did a full 180? I don’t really understand where that all came from, but uhhhh okay then
Okay, Quentin Beck. 
before we realized he was bad, I already didn’t like him, cuz it seemed like he was gonna start to become a new father figure for Peter and I WAS NOT COOL WITH THAT
but then I understood that that wasn’t happening so it’s all good
he’s a pretty cool antagonist. not a fave, but pretty cool. 
he actually got some real nice character development that I had not expected, that was nice
all in all, great movie, I love my spidey boy. 
pretty sad that I’m done tho... :( 
but also like, I watched all of them (except incredible hulk) in 34 days. That’s kinda impressive, right?
and finally, here is my ranking of the movies based on how much I liked them: 
0. The Incredible Hulk ( didn’t watch )
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3
Captain America: Civil War
Spiderman: Far From Home
Iron Man 
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Iron Man 2
Thor: The Dark World
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
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progressivestupidity · 5 years ago
IZ week 2020
so i wasn’t gonna do this because I didn’t think the prompts were very good for writing to, but I remembered the last day’s prompt was “role swap” so I decided to do something small and quick for it. this is all 7 days in one post. the first and last ones are drabbles and one of them is an au idea
@invader-zim-week​ here u go!!!
Day 1. Angst or Fluff 
Zim’s denial skills are god tier, but even they have their limits.
Drabble. I think this is the turning point for my eventual found family au
“When are you going to get it through your thick head that the Tallests aren’t coming?” Dib flings his arms out wide in his exasperation
“They’re just…!” Zim fumbles a bit, clenching and unclenching his fists. “The Armada is a million light years away! It takes time to travel that far, obviously. It took me six of your months to get here from Conventia and the Massive is further away from here now than that. They’ll come! You’ll see! And then you’ll be sorry!” Zim’s face is drawn tight. He’s tense all over, shoulders drawn up to his jaw, antennae pressed flat to his head, and normally Dib prides himself on reading Zim like an open book, but he’s too far gone in his own annoyance to see the warning signs.
It’s because he doesn’t see these red flags that Dib proceeds to stick his own foot in his mouth with his next words. “Maybe if you weren’t such an idiot and opened your eyes, you’d see the truth—that they dumped you here to get rid of you.”
“YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?” Zim explodes, planting his tiny hands in Dib’s chest and shoving. The boy lands painfully on his ass. “I’m not stupid, Dib.” His name is spat like an insult. “I know they don’t care about me! Why do you think I try so hard?”
Dib gapes at Zim, looking up at him for once, stunned into silence. “I.” He swallows. “You know?”
“Of course, I know.” Zim’s voice is a low hiss and his eyes are narrowed to slits. “You don’t get banished and then just get over it. You don’t get put on trial to defend your life, forced to relive your worse mistakes, and get sentenced to death, only to be saved by freak miracle, and never acknowledge it happened.” Zim takes a deep breath and crosses his arms over his chest. Dib supposes he means for it to look intimidating, but it looks more like he’s holding himself together. “I’ve always known.”
“Why do you try so hard then? If you’ve always known there was no point?” Dib has to ask, has to know, has to hear the words from Zim’s own mouth.
Zim purses his lips and turns away. “There was always a point.” He falls silent for a moment, one antenna twitching up a bit in thought. “I just… I thought if I was just a little better, if I accomplished something important for once, that… I don’t know, that maybe I’d.” He pauses and grits his teeth. “Maybe if I actually managed to take over this filthy planet I’d be worth something for once.”
Day 2. Be Gay Do Crime (LGBTQA+ headcannons)
Dib is bi/pan/demi-ro, Gaz is lesbian, Zim is ace/demi-ro
Dib seems like the kind of guy that would both take whatever kind of relationship he could get, but also appreciate it. Dib isn’t afraid to work for what he wants and isn’t afraid of things that are “not normal” so I see him being the type to not care about the gender of whoever he eventually decides to date. However, because Dib’s been burned in the past, he would need a deep and sincere emotional relationship to see someone as a potential romantic partner.
Gaz is just a big lesbian. Girls, man.
Zim is ace all the way baby!!! He’s just not interested, and sure, part of that is me projecting, but it just feels right for Zim to just… not care. He has no interest and doesn’t care for sexual attraction regardless of whether or not Irkens do/can/will have sex or not. On the other hand, Zim has expressed a softer side before and I can see him being able to maybe eventually develop romantic feelings for someone if he actually manages to get close enough to them for those kinds of feelings to even emerge. It would take a lot of time and a deep, meaningful friendship, but Zim has shown he’s capable of love. He just has to let himself feel it.
  Day 3. Fandom Appreciation
Found family fuck yeah
I’m still in the process of thinking about how I wanna go about my found family au so here’s just some initial ideas
After ETF, Zim self isolates for a bit. The florpus hole was his Last Ditch Effort plan and had it succeeded, he knew he would have been destroyed too. He was okay with it. He had made peace with it. However, it failed, and now he’s forced to reflect on said failure
The Massive doesn’t escape the florpus. They’re gone, completely. If they the ship does manage to get out, it’s not in one piece
I initially couldn’t decide if The Trial should come Before ETF or After but I think im gonna say before so the Massive doesn’t have to come back lmao
Before too long, Zim jumps back into the planning/scheming swing of things, but his ideas are never more than petty crimes and being a huge annoyance
Dib gets really annoyed with him and they have a big argument
Zim finally admits to knowing of his own Defectiveness
Dib reluctantly feels bad for him and backs off a bit to let Zim have his space
Zim, however, sees this as a betrayal and redoubles his efforts to get his attention
Somewhere along the way, Skoodge comes back and Zim backs off of Dib a bit, having someone else to focus attention on
Dib eventually begins to offer Zim his hand in friendship (phrased as a truce at first) and they finally make steps towards getting along
They realize they actually really like being friends
Zim eventually realizes that he’s made a life for himself, outside of the Empire
Eventually Zim, Skoodge, GIR, Minimoose, Dib, and Gaz form their own little family and explore space and hunt cryptids
(I love cryptid hunter and space exploration aus holy shit)
Day 4. If IZ had a different setting/time period
Cyberpunk??? Sure
Potential idea maybe.
Cyberpunk dystopian future
Aliens and humans intermingle, both on and off Earth
The Irken Empire has gotten bigger
Technology is advanced and cybernetics are widely known/produced
Idk man I don’t know a lot about cyberpunk, maybe this should be more for the aesthetic
Day 5. Aesthetic
Big shrug man idk
Headcanons, thoughts.
I’m a big fan of fashion Zim, and whenever I get the chance I give him clothes that are both cute and comfortable
Galaxy print leggings are a personal favorite of mine to give him
One time I wrote a little ficlet/oneshot where he wore a skirt. I should publish that some day
Uhhhhhh okay so. Dib has veeeeeery big early 2000s emo/punk vibes tbh
Scene kid GIR always makes me laugh
Gaz could pull off pastel goth like no one’s business
I’ve been here long enough to witness emo/scene hair wig Zim and his eventual fall lmfao
Pretty much everyone that redesigned them back in the day gave Zim emo kid hair that fall perfectly over one eye it was WILD
 Day 6. What if IZ was a different Genre?
Uhhhh does “fantasy instead of scifi” count?
Potential idea maybe. (oops it ended up being a fantasy/modern magic au haha ooooops)
Instead of being an alien, I had the idea of, maybeeeeee Irkens are like. Elves maybe, or perhaps some kind of fae. (I don’t know much about fae, oops)
Okay bear with me here, this is all coming together in real time.
The Irkens (which is what I’m gonna call their clan or faction or subrace or whatever) still want to be the rulers or something over the humans/other mystical beings. This world of magic is hidden from humans and they live blissfully unaware. There are invaders all over the place, using magic and glamors to trick humans into thinking they’re also humans. Zim is one such invader and just to happens to end up in Dib’s town, whereupon he enrolls in Dib’s school, pretending to be a transfer student.
I have no idea why or how the Irkens invade or what methods they use, but since my biggest experience with elves is through DND, I’m going to say they’re functionally similar to certain DND elf races.
So anyway, Zim ends up in Dib’s class and Zim’s glamor just Doesn’t Work on Dib for whatever reason (maybe Dib passed his Wisdom saving throw while literally everyone else failed, idk) and so Dib can immediately see Zim for what he is.
Dib is still into paranormal type stuff, though in his world, he’s less about cryptids and aliens and more about the magical species/world(s) that he KNOWS exists. His big goal in his au is similar to canon in that he wants to expose it all for recognition and love from his father.
Zim, meanwhile, he just wants to prove himself, just like canon. I can’t decide how I want the Irken hierarchy to go in this au—that’s something to think about later, when I have more time—but whatever it is, Zim is either a) not very good at it, b) not suited for it, c) ridiculed for not fitting in to it, or d) a combination of any or all of these things. (or secret option e) he rejects it but has no where else to go. On the other hand, it maybe be none of these things.)
GIR is here too though he’s probably not a robot. Maybe he’s another kind of magical being, or, hell, maybe he’s just Zim’s little brother. I’d be okay with that.
Gaz can also see through glamors but she just doesn’t care. Tak shows up at some point to get revenge, and Skoodge also shows up at some point to stay with Zim and be his friend.
Zim is bad at blending in at first, but he eventually Does get better, since he’s not totally isolated from other Irkens here and he also doesn’t Look like an alien.
(I’m thinkin’ elves in this au look Mostly human but with a few differences. Since I’m biased and this is MY fantasy world, damnit, elves are just. Really Pretty. Ethereal and elegant and graceful (for the most part—there are always exceptions) and they’re also great at magic. Maybe Zim isn’t all that great at magic, I dunno. I’ll figure something out.)
This ended up being less of a genre change and more of a whole ass au, lol oops
Day 7. Role swap
Chanting: human zim au human zim au human zim au human zi
Drabble. This is for an ongoing species swap au that i’ve had in development for the last few years. i haven’t posted anything for it yet, but I’ve thought about it a lot
Dib freezes as Zim points the plastic water gun at his head. Zim’s eyes are narrowed, lips pursed, and he adjusts his grip almost nervously. Behind him, Gir is holding a bucket full of water balloons and a pair of neon green star shaped sunglasses. It’d be cute if Dib wasn’t aware of how painful Earth water is to his Irken skin.
Zim finally lowers his gun slightly. “I want some answers, alien.” He looks Dib over with critical eyes. “Who are you really, and why are you here?” He reaches back and Gir hands him a water balloon with a big smile. “And you better tell the truth or I’ll bust this over your big head.”
Dib grimaces and watches the balloon. “My name Dib, and I’m a scientist. I’m an Irken, from Irk, and I’m here to learn more about life on this planet.” He holds his hands up, hoping to placate the human gesture for surrender. “I’m not here to harm you or anyone else, promise.”
Zim huffs. “Yeah right. I bet you just came here to laugh at the locals.” He puts on a mocking voice and waves the gun and balloon as he speaks. “‘Stupid, stinking humans. They can’t even travel beyond their own moon, yet. What morons. I bet they descended from pigs with how horrible and stupid they are.’” He jams the gun against Dib’s chest. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Dib bites his lower lip and looks away. He can’t deny he hasn’t thought something similar since arriving on Earth, but Zim didn’t have to be so crude and blunt about it.
The two are at a standoff for almost a minute before Zim blows out a long sigh and steps back. He turns to put the balloon back in the bucket, gives Gir a pat on the head, and shoots Dib one last glare. “Stay away from me, Dib. I have enough problems to deal with without having to worry about whether or not it’s safe for my brother to go to school or if I need to watch my back while walking my dog.”
“I wouldn’t hurt you,” Dib says, a little put out.
Zim scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. I know better than to believe it.” He turns and tries to smile at Gir but it comes out a little twisted and sad. “C’mon Gir. Let’s go home and get Minimoose and take him to that dog park you like so much.”
Gir gasps and lets out a cheer. “Can we go get ice cream afterwards?”
Zim gives a little laugh, smile turning a bit more genuine. “Yeah, sounds good.”
As they walk away Dib can’t help but wonder why he ever thought Zim was an Irken himself.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years ago
Okay first, i love the family man au. (I wonder if Whitebeard's having a laugh about this quirky 14 yo who ruins governements like nobodies business lol). Second, if i start to annoy you with add ons to your hcs or want me to put them elsewhere, please say so. Then: we had marines, now prepare for CP9. Bubble sheep with glowing eyes, hilarious. Shiny eyes just appearing in the kitchen, freaking Kumadori out, bc Bruno wanted a snack at midnight and couldn't be bothered to walk the stairs (1/?)
to walk the stairs like normal people and instead used air door. Kaku being confused for lights or stars or smthg bc he's a giraffe. High up shiny eyes. (Or yk normal height eyes but isn't Kaku the more reasonable one and actually sleeps at night? Who knows.) And then there are Jabura and Lucci. And I mean, wolf with glowing eyes, snarling maybe, showing of teeth, pretty terrifying. Now, Lucci. Could be terrifying for the same reasons as Jabura. But also. Cat. Cats with big eyes (2/3)
Cats with big eyes bc it's dark, so pupil is big to see more light. Yk. Eye stuff. But also, when cats really want something, they also sometimes get these biiiig kitten eyes? Now imagine Lucci, who, on a normal day is fairly terrifying, with glowy eyes. 1st reaction: terrified screaming. 2nd, less frequent, and insane reaction: laughter bc he looks like he's high as a kite or a kitten that wants something really bad, lol. Sorry for potential spam and thank u for coming to my Ted talk (3/3)
Hey, I think ive said this before but you are absolutely galaxy brained and the reason it took me so long to answer was because I wanted to write a short drabble for it because you literally took inspiration and THREW IT into my brain godam.
So here that is, and here’s the rest of my screaming.
1)    Thank you
2)    CP9 is an absolute RIOT  holy heck.
Every thing you just said is canon Im oda now its canon.
Lucci seeing something he likes in his dark (his pigeon? I guess?) and his eyes do the cat thing absolutely hilarious. 
Also because assassins, what if they had little glasses hat stopped the reflection of light? Of course being cp9 (ventriloquist's pigeons, rooftop jumping, while UNDERCOVER) they don’t use them but... possibilities. 
Kalifa and her sheep with shiny eyes now thats demonic
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like that staring into your soul holy heck amazing
Kaku facing down demon zoro with the glowy eyes... roaming the city with glow eyes... bluenose just popping into existence with a door with glow eyes...
CP9 would be worse assassins then they already are vgdfhjksla
Child Lucci with the eyes.... terrifying ...
Also jabra... he was my favorite but with the eyes??? even more so god damn.
please if you have any more continuing spamming my inbox this is GOLD and thank you for sending them!!! I love hearing all these ideas!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖!!!!
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doctorgerth · 5 years ago
🎐1/3 Could I please request a male matchup for my OC? Name: Chii Ittoujii, Age: 23 after time skip (she’s a god and aged slower before she came down to the mortal realm so she’s actually much older). 170cm tall/long black hair/hime cut with blunt bangs/red eyes/very pale, almost white skin/very slender waist and long legs/large breasts/plump pink lips/slight fangs. Ethereal/otherworldly Beauty. She has a very quiet/calm/stoic personality, level headed, not extremely talkative, an introvert
Can be sadistic but with the sweetest smile. Has a dark sense of humor. Intelligent and educated. would destroy anyone who insults or threatens her friends and would die for them, prettiest smile and the nicest laugh. Can keep a straight face if she wants to in most situations unless she’s angry. Her swearing could put sailors to shame. Enjoys reading/sketching/painting/mapping the stars/growing plants/combining herbs for medicinal purposes. Loves cats and flowers. Suffers from insomnia. Can go days sometimes weeks without sleeping, 10000% not a morning person when she finally does get a few hours sleep. She has a 9 tailed fox spirit bonded with her body, melee fighter who specialises in punches and kicks, and fights sometimes with dual wielded chokuto. Can switch between attacks that specialise more on speed or attacks that focus on pure power. An Astronomer and a Princess. Can see and communicate with spirits and animals due to being a god.
This is my first time doing a matchup for an OC, so thank you! I’ll admit I was a bit overwhelmed with all this info lol so I got a secondary opinion (by my lovely friend @doflomingos-glasses u the best bb) I hope this turned out okay for you! Please enjoy xxx
Chii’s match is…
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First of all, Sanji deserves an absolute babe. Goddess or not, Sanji is going to treat Chii like the most perfect specimen in the entire galaxy. No love could ever compare to Sanji’s love for Chii. He deserves it, she deserves it. Going off appearances, we know Sanji isn’t hard to please, but having an ethereal, otherworldly beauty by his side? That’s something he adores like no other (if he doesn’t die from insane amounts of nose bleeds first). Forget the All Blue, Chii is all he needs in life. Hancock can’t even phase him now, he is utterly infatuated with Chii Ittoujii.
Now, though Sanji seems shallow on the outside, we know that is definitely not the case on the inside. Sanji is a natural born lover, caretaker, he has the kindest heart and aims to please. He would do whatever it takes to keep Chii happy and would obliterate anyone that dared to hurt her. He’s 100000% whipped for her! Sanji is a bit more extroverted, but he can woo his introverted woman with a nice dinner date, or cuddles and romantic music in his bedroom. Her introverted nature won’t stop him from showing her off to anyone and everyone however. But he also will kick anyone who looks at her the wrong way. He’s very protective of her, a little insecure at times, but is always reassured when she shows him affection. Then he’s back to feeling like the luckiest man on the planet.
Though he’s well aware she can hold her own, that doesn’t stop him from trying to protect her in every situation, most of the time causing himself to get hurt in the process. He just wants to keep her safe, but he’s also wowed by her crazy abilities. Most of the time, it’s her protecting him; Sanji will gladly play the damsel in distress for her lol Would try his damned hardest not to piss her off, and whips out popcorn when someone else does. He’s hoping one day Zoro will piss her off enough and she’ll destroy his ass.
He’s just completely infatuated by her every move, everything about her. Her fighting skills? Stunning. Her sweet smile? Breathtaking. Her cute little laugh? Adorable. Her sailor mouth? Exquisite. Everything she does is captivating to him and he’s not shy to show it. If she’s a little shy towards his praises, he tries his hardest to control himself when around her, but he feels on the verge of explosion from keeping everything in! He just wants love and dote on her all day, treating her like the goddess she is literally and figuratively.
Sanji adores how she shares common interests with the rest of the crew - reading with Robin, sketching with Franky, mapping with Nami, planting flowers with Usopp, herbal medicine with Chopper, training with Zoro….ok he actually hates that but you get the idea. Even though she’s a freaking goddess, she fits in among the crew easily and it’s important to him that his family loves his woman (just not as much, that’s not allowed).
He hates going to bed without her, so he tries to cook/prepare some foods to help her sleep. Chii has gained more sleep than she ever has in entire life all thanks to Sanji. She still doesn’t sleep all through the night, and he knows this, so he tries to keep the bed cozy for her when she gets back. He’s well aware that she’s not a morning person (learned that the hard way) so he won’t even try to wake her up in the morning unless it’s an emergency. Instead, he’ll sneakily slide out, go fix her some breakfast, lay it on the bedside table, and kiss her forehead before going to make breakfast for the rest of the crew. She naturally wakes up on her own to the smell of food and even though Sanji isn’t right there by her, his consideration for her sleep makes the mornings just so much better.
All in all, I believe Chii deserves someone who treats her like a goddess, but loves her for more than that. Sanji’s love for her would be genuine, a lil pervy, but most of all it comes from the bottom of his heart. He would sacrifice anything for her, and he chooses to love her and only her every single day. I think they deserve each other!
Other potential suitors:
Hawkins - They both share that ethereal-y vibe and I just think they would look cute together. They’re both level-headed and introverted so it’s easy to enjoy each other’s company. He’s also not one to care if she’s a goddess or not, nor if she’s stronger and older than him. If he falls for someone, then that’s just it. He does adore her beauty, don’t get me wrong, but her loyal and mild nature is what really gets him. He is also blown away by her skills. Being able to talk to spirits and animals is one of the coolest things to him. He’s never unimpressed with Chii, she makes life and love very interesting for him.
Shanks - Another babe that just deserves a goddess? He would take such good care of Chii and yeah, he’s a lil pervy like Sanji with her, but it’s a lil classier than Sanji lol He definitely shows her off all the time, but what matters most is the way he respects her and cares for her well being. She’s probably stronger than him, but he still fights for her always. The thing about him is he hardly treats her like a goddess. She’s just the love of his life. Even if she weren’t a goddess, he’d treat her just the same.
Zoro - This is more of a crackship one because he would be the dumbass that ends up with a goddess and is just like “yeah whatever” about it! He doesn’t care to show her off because he knows that other people are going to fall for her, and what’s Zoro’s is Zoro’s. No looking, no touching. He also loves her for deeper than her outward appearance. Her fighting skills are insane and they have much to bond over. But hey, he definitely thinks she’s pretty hot too.
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fencheto · 6 years ago
Forbidden - part 2 (Dimon romantc)
The story can also be found on Wattpad You can find the first chapter here Feedback is greatly appreciated. It has been a little over three weeks since I moved in my dorm and started my studies at the Uni. Although I am still quite ‘green’ as the graduates would call it, I actually started to get used to my new life here and I do like it. It feels freaking good to be meeting tons of new people who know nothing about you and have never met you before. I’ve gotta say that Chelle and I have really hit it off and get along quite well, too. We go out at the discos every weekend and it’s been a great fun to get lose with her. She is one pretty crazy gal, can talk about the weirdest shit ever and wouldn’t even bother. We usually go out, pass by some fast food chain to grab a bite, then leave for the big alcohol smash and return to the same restaurant spot to eat afterwards again. Don’t ask me why, it just is that way every time. It is now 10 AM on a Sunday morning and at this point my hangover is killing me for real. And the sunlight piercing through the windows doesn’t help at all, so I just cover my eyes with my right arm. I can’t help but wonder why every time after a good night out, the next morning feels like a payback? A few minutes later and I get this really irritating feeling of having to pee right on this instant. I groan tiredly at the idea of getting up and although that’s the last thing I feel like doing right now, my full bladder wins, so I slowly waddle my way to the bathroom. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol is everywhere, my clothes smell, my lingerie smell; even my skin has soaked it up. I’m in a desperate need of a shower, so this is the priority task on the to-do list now. I do my job on the toilet in what feels like a slow motion and collapse back onto my bed. Despite all the drinking and partying there was still no puking or anything, so good job Demetria, I tell myself. Sleeping on doesn’t seem possible right now so instead I grab my phone and start scrolling over my social media. Most of the stuff I see is memes and photos from the party last night, so I quickly run through the galleries. I zoom over every picture that I am tagged in and fortunately for me, I look more or less decent in them. I decide to go through my own camera snaps in search for something new to upload on my profile, but the majority of the pics are either vague or too dark, so I drop it. In the mean time the phone buzzes in my hands and I notice a messenger head pop from Marissa, my best friend back home. I click onto the icon to have a look on what she says. “Wazzzzza girllll, is everything alright with u there? Give me a call when u see that.” I chuckle to myself and dial her number. I haven’t talked to her in a good six days, being busy with the project we got from the uni or going out on the free days. When I got admitted for my studies she was a bit upset that I was leaving, so we promised each other to keep in touch and share a lot with the latest news and gossips going around. After 3 beeps, she picks up. “Yoooooo, wat up, chicka?” “Took you long enough to answer, eh?” – I teased her. “Haha come off it, I was in the bathroom” – She replied, laughing. “Oh well, since when aren’t you bringing it with you in there?” “Since I dropped my brand new Galaxy S in the loo last year, remember?” – We both started laughing at the memory of it. “Oh yeah, right, I now remember this masterpiece of yours. How are you, what’s going on?” – I asked. “Well nothing much to be honest. I’ve been bored as fuck lately with uni, work, you know how it is. “ “Awwwwwee, does someone miss me and my trolling comments?” – I mocked her again. “You wiiiiiish lol. But yeah, I do. Nobody here is up for anythi-i-i-ing, so I’m living a retiree’s life now I swear.” – She complained. I chuckled at her whiny voice. “So tell me, what’s new around you? Haven’t talked to you in like a week” “Yeah sorry, I’m still overwhelmed with everything here, lessons, parties, classmates, all of that” “Anything in particular? Like, tell me are there any hotties going around those lessons, parties or classmates?” – She asked cheekily. Always the first one to ask about that. “Well, there are some going around, not gonna lie. But hey, there’s still Rob, in case you have forgotten already”. – I remind her, even though I’m technically single already. “I thought you guys broke up?” “Well, we did, but I promised him I’m not gonna hook up with anyone here, so” “Oh come on Demi, you are so far away. You don’t expect to never like anyone for the next few years there, do you? The same goes for him.” “Marissa, I’m not saying it is impossible but I have no desire for it whatsoever now.” “I think you are over-doing it here. I mean that’s why you guys broke up, so that you both see if you love each other enough to not like anyone else. What you’re doing is different, though.” “And how exactly is it different?” “Well, you should check if you will like someone else, but what you are doing is trying not to like someone else.” – She explained in her serious tone. “You’re wrong. But you know, there isn’t anyone so far anyway.” “We will see about that. Anyway, let’s cut the shit, give me some highlights or I don’t know, some spicy stuff from Berklee now please, I’m so bored” I guess it was no surprise that my mind immediately wandered over to Simon. I mean that was surely one of the highlights and unfortunately, probably the most embarrassing moment so far during my month of stay here. And the cringer part is, one: he is my lecturer and second: I still find him very attractive. Too much for what is acceptable for a student. As if any of this is acceptable at all, I thought to myself. “Demi? You there?” – I heard Marissa ask on the line. “Yeah, sorry, I just got carried away a bit there…– I replied. “But alright…since you’ve asked, I’m gonna tell you about it… there was this really cringy thing that happened to me” – I trailed off. “Yes?” “But don’t mock me too much about it, alright?” “God, Is it that bad?” “Not my greatest move by far” “Okay, now I really want to know. What’s up?” – She asked curiously. “Ehm, I was basically... you know… ehm so the other day, when I was going to school and was just crossing the street, a car nearly hit me and so it stopped right next to me, stirring the wheels and all” “Jesus, are you okay?” – She asked worriedly. “Yeah yeah, don’t worry, nothing happened. Anyway, the thing is I was running late so I got mad at the driver. Called him a fool and kicked the bumper, like not that hard but still…” I heard her laughing on the other end of the line. “Why am I not surprised?” She kept on laughing. “And, what happened afterwards?” “Well, I kept walking my way, got to the Uni and all and long story short, it turned out the driver of that same car was also my lecturer…” “HAHAHAHAHA, Oh my God, are you serious?” – She was laughing hysterically. “Yup” – I replied, not believing it myself, shaking my head. “Oh my God, I’m literally gonna pee myself here.” – She said through what sounded like tears from laughter. “So much for a friend’s support” – I replied ironically. “Oh come on Dems, it is funny.” – Her laughter was only confirming my fears of how bad it was. I couldn’t blame her though; perhaps I would have laughed just as much. “Hey, come on Dems, I’m sorry okay. But Jesus, tell me about bad luck there. Did he recognize you later on in the class?” – She asked much calmer this time. “Yeah, he did and he told me he knew it was me. I was so embarrassed, Marissa, you have no idea…” “I get it hun, and I’m not gonna lie to you, Dem, that’s pretty embarrassing. But it’s not like you wanted to offend him, I mean you didn’t know it was him so he shouldn’t take it close to heart.” – She said. “I know, but still, I felt like the dumbest ass over there, seriously.” “Ehm, did you, like, apologize?” “I tried, but he didn’t let me. Once he was done talking he left the room so I couldn’t.” “You have pissed me him off, Dem. It is understandable. He will get over it, don’t worry about it. Maybe just try to say sorry when you can.” “Do you think that will fix it?” – I asked hopeful. I now got a feeling that I probably cared more than I should, but more importantly, more than I thought I did. “Well, even if it doesn’t, that’s all you got.” “I guess you are right...” “I am. So just breathe now and don’t think about it anymore alright?” “Yes. Thanks hun, feeling better now to be honest.” “You welcome. We all make mistakes, I doubt it that he never made one.” I silently agreed with her. “Hey Dems I gotta go now, so I will talk to you later chicka.” “Alright, drop me a line when you can.” “Will do. Byeee” “Bye”. And I hang up. It always feels better after sharing your worries with a close friend. Marissa was surely the only person who knew so much about me, both good and bad stuff. Mostly bad, I mean nobody hides the good part, do they? I dropped my phone on my left side and thought about my convo with her. She did try her best to calm me down and most likely has sensed I was worried about it. Not something quite typical, but she didn’t give it a second thought, at least while talking and I was thankful for it. The thing is, I really don’t know if I care so much because I fancy him somehow or because I am still pretty ashamed of what I did. I thought about what she told me regarding Rob as well. That it is not only dependent on me if we will stay true to each other, but on him too. That was one thing that didn’t really cross my mind so far, and it did incent my doubts. Not that I didn’t trust him or anything, it is just that by now I have kept my focus on what I am doing and never actually thought that it is not just me and what I am doing here, it is about us both. And it is scary. Did he love me? Well, he told me he did. Did I love him? I think I do. I mean I’ve been in love with him for the past few years that should mean something right?? Whilst on theory everything seems to be working just fine, it surely isn’t as simple. I need time to think, and I should surely have it figured out by Christmas, when I will be going home for the holidays. I played a bit with my fingers and heard Chelle moving around in the bathroom. I was surprised she has woken up just now, it is already almost 11 AM and she usually handles hangovers much better than me. I heard her shutting the syphone and then knocking on my door quietly. “Hey Dems, got a minute?” – She called from outside. “Yep, come in” – I said, still curled up under my covers. She came in and sat on the verge of my bed, next to my feet. “Hey, still lying in bed I see.” – she smiled and poked me on my shoulder. “Noo, I’m awake, but just talked on the phone with my friend for like an hour” – I explained still sleepily. “I know. I heard you telling the story about you, Mr. Cowell and your intriguing acquaintanceship to someone.” – She laughed at the memory. Chelle was the first person I shared this with, she was in the dorm when I got home from that embarrassing class and sensed something was up. She then asked me and I told her about it. “Yeah, don’t even mention it, I’m still so embarrassed.” – I said, hiding my face in my pillow. “Oh come on Dems, we talked about it. It’s over already, you can���t do anything to change it.” – She shrugged her shoulders. “I know Chelle, but it is just so bad…” “It is not the end of the world, Dems. To be honest I thought you were over it by now, you haven’t mentioned it lately.” “Well yes, because I haven’t had classes with him ever since, but guess what – next week I will.” – I said kind of irritated. “Right, I heard he was back in the states from his work in Britain the other day too.” – She said. “He is like the buzzing topic among the girls here.” “Having in mind even you have heard something, he surely is” – I laughed and she followed too. “Come on, let’s go out and have some food. Just let me take a quick shower.” – I added, running to the bathroom already. “Okay, 20 minutes and we’re going” – She replied, jumping off my bed and going to her room. I guess it is time to get this Sunday finally started.
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wannabugi · 8 years ago
1. Favorite group? lol nu’est exo bts got7
2. Favorite guy group & bias? um. nu’est jr ; got7 jackson ; bts v ; exo dont evn ask me (yixing??)
3. Favorite girl group & bias? snsd?? taeyeon ; f(x) amber fight me btch
4. All-time bias? um nu’est jr i think i gave my heart away??
5. Favorite maknae? shinee taemin
6. Favorite leader? nu’est jr
7. Favorite song? bolbbalgan4 galaxy heh
8. Favorite Japanese version of a song? bts chi ase namida
9. Favorite English version of a song? uh no.
10. Best actor in Kpop? looool btob sungjae is not bad
11. Best group on variety shows? nu’est, bts, big bag just bc i nvr see them HAHA
12. Best-looking? exo sehun, shinee taemin, ioi doyeon, chungha tbh, nu’est jr im in love.
13. Cutest couple? jren, 2hyun
14. Who would you date? kim jr
15. Who would you date if you were the opposite gender? ioi yoojung
16. Who would you want as an older brother? as an oppa?? hmmmm nu’est aron? exo suho!!! bts rapmon or bts jhope hmph
17. Who would you want as an older sister(s)? f(x) victoria, f(x) amber, snsd sunny
18. Who would make a good husband/wife? kim jr nu’est
19. Favorite album? LOL um. bts wings
20. Favorite solo artists? IU, chungha, jay park, is loco a soloist, DEAN
21. Favorite underappreciated group? nu’est fight me
22. Favorite music video? omf bts mv’s any of them spring day, bst, chi ase namida, ALSO TRIPLE H 365 FRESH I LOVE IT SO MUCH
23. Favorite dance? bts not today, chungha’s why don’t you know (except i dont like the song rip), any blackpink song tbh, also any bts song tbh, shinee’s pretty rad too honestly
24. Favorite costumes/outfits? blood sweat and tears fk me up
25. Favorite remix? uhhhh theres this mashup of 365 fresh and really really i rly like
26. 2NE1 or KARA? 2NE1 but what happened
27. SNSD or After School? snsd
28. f(x) or T-ara? f(x)
29. Big Bang or 2AM? BIG BANG 
30. Dalmatian or TRAX? Dalmatian cus i literally nvr listened to TRAX
31. SHINee or 2PM? SHINee my og’s
32. CN Blue or SM The Ballad? CN Blue.
33. Super Junior or B2ST? uhhh Suju prolly
34. Yuri or Yoona? bruh idk
35. Jonghyun or Key? KIM KIBUM ALL THE WAY
36. Minho or Taemin? TAEMIN my og bias
37. Yoseob or Dongwoon? um. dongwoon
38. TOP or G-Dragon? i love TOP but GD is like god.
39. Kikwang or Hyunseung? kikwang
40. CL or Minzy? CL
41. Dara or Bom? Dara
42. Luna or Krystal? krystal
43. Victoria or Sulli? VICTORIA!!
44. Amber or Amber? i freaking love amber i cannot. 
45. Jessica or Tiffany? jessicaaaaa but look wtf happened to snsd hmph
46. Sooyoung or Sunny? sunny was the first kpop idol i recognized hehe
47. Yonghwa or Jonghyun? yonghwa (but kim jonghyun from nuest heh)
48. Siwon or Heechul? freaking adore heechul what an awesome dude
49. Yesung or Donghae? i like both. 
50. Leeteuk or Kyuhyun? leeteuk~~
51. Funniest girl group & funniest girl in the group? um i think mamamoo hwasa? but i actually dont follow mamamoo haha
52. Funniest guy group & funniest guy in the group? super junior heechul fk me up i love him
53. Funniest group of all? errrrr suju?
54. Funniest person of all? bruh hav u seen heechul.
55. Funniest dance? ok im sry but twice’s choreos r so odd
56. Funniest song? age gag? idgi tho
57. Funniest costumes/outfits? nu’est sleeptalking what the actual fuck
58. Funniest music videos? ummmm 
59. Funniest couple? ??????
60. Funniest parody? infinite’s sungjong and sungyeol’s troublemaker HAHAHA
61. Funniest buffalaxed version? ????????
62. Funniest variety show episode with a Kpop artist? ummm weekly idol when heechul was there LOL
63. Funniest impersonation? ???
64. Funniest face? ????
65. Funniest mistake onstage? ???????????????
66. Do you have any Kpop posters? If so, how many? uh omf too many
67. Do you have any of the actual CDs? too many LOL
68. If you buy any Kpop songs on iTunes, how many have you bought? nope nope
69. Have you ever covered a Kpop song or dance? Have you posted your cover online? yessssss
70. Have you ever participated in a Kpop flash mob? nope
71. Have you ever been to a live concert? nOpE
72. Have you ever talked to a Kpop artist in person? NoPe
73. Do you have anything signed by a Kpop artist? NOPE
74. Do you check allkpop or another Kpop news website daily or on a regular basis? LOL too often
75. Do you have a Kpop tumblr? If not, do you look at other peoples' Kpop tumblrs? uh yes
76. How did you get into Kpop? my bffffffffff
77. What was the first Kpop song you ever heard? either snsd gee or shinee rdd (or suju sry sry??)
78. First group you knew about? snsd/suju
79. First group you really got into? shinee
80. How long ago did you discover Kpop? erm. 2010?
81. Did you like it or dislike it when you first discovered it?hella dislike but that was before 2010 lol
82. Is your current favorite group the first one you discovered? nope
83. If not, how long did it take you to discover your favorite group? i liked shinee to begin with and they were what got me into kpop but its changed over time hahaha
84. First variety/reality show you watched that had a Kpop artist in it? tthis flower boy talk show with park myungsoo???
85. First song/MV/pic/whatever that made you fangirl scream? taemin dancing to juliette
86. Least favorite group & least favorite member?  ????????
87. Least favorite guy group & least favorite member? ??????????????
88. Least favorite girl group & least favorite member? ??????????????
89. Least favorite member of your favorite group? ???????
90. Least favorite song? uhh like pristin wee woo prolly
91. Worst-looking? ???
92. Who would you never want as an older brother? jr cus we are married
93. Who would you never want as an older sister? tbh ill take anyone
94. Least favorite solo artist? ???????????
95. Least favorite music video? pristin wee woo idk y the dance gives me goosebumps i dont like
96. Least favorite dance? prISTIN WEE WOO
97. Least favorite costumes/outfits? nu’est sleep talking
98. If you were only able to say five words max to your bias, what would you say? kim jonghyun i love you
99. If your bias kissed you, how would you react? probably die
100. If your bias asked you to marry him/her, how would you react?  seriously die
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