#I will be putting up these townies for download eventually!!
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acuar-io · 8 months ago
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Zesty little guy
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also hes neurodivergent which isnt surprising
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ophernelia · 11 months ago
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REQUIRED PROGRAMS: The Sims 4, SimRipper, Sims 4 Studio, & Blender 3.6 or higher.
Whether you want to make a brand new sim or use one you’ve already made, load up TS4 and make a new save. If you’re using a sim you’ve already made, then make sure you have them saved to your library beforehand. This save can be solely for ripping sims from. In my own experience, I’ve found that they eventually get corrupted over time. So, dress your sim up in CAS and make sure their first everyday outfit is the one you want to render.
Place your sim on a lot. Save the game and label the save as “Sim Ripper”. Anything along the lines that will remind you that save is only for ripping sims.
Open up SimRipper and select the NinjaRipper save. It may take a little while to load depending on how much cc you have in your game and the number of households. Once the list of townies loads, click your sim’s name.
Once they’ve loaded in, export them as a DAE file. Make sure you put it somewhere you’ll remember. It’s best to have a folder just for Blender content. Once they’ve been exported successfully, close out SimRipper.
Open up Blender. Click ‘general’. For this tutorial, I’m using Blender 3.6. Click ‘general’, then delete all the objects on the screen. (the lamp, cube, and camera). You can do this by left clicking and dragging a box around all the objects. Once they’re all selected, right click and click ‘delete’ or just press ‘X’. OR if you’re using a scene that you’ve downloaded, then just head to ‘file’, then open the scene you’ve downloaded. Most scenes come with a collection that say ‘DAE’, so click that and when you import your sim, it goes there.
Now, let’s import your sim! Head up to file, drop down to import and select ‘Collada (.dae)’. Head to the location where you saved your sim’s dae file from SimRipper. Double click it and it’ll open in Blender.
Let’s change the view, because everything’s gray right now. You wanna make sure your texture files imported properly too. Head to the top right of the Blender scene window and click this circle for viewport shading. Now, you can see your sim in all its glory. You may notice that they’re shiny or if they have on alpha cc, then their hair or lashed may be blocky. We can fix that by editing the nodes.
In the top left, pull the window over to open a new window. To the left of ‘Object Mode’ click editor type and go to ‘Shader Editor’. In the window your sim is in, click on your sim. In the shader editor window beside it, some stuff should pop up that looks like this:
Now, we just have to connect some nodes and add a few in. On the specular window, drag and drop the yellow circle to the ‘Specular’ section in the ‘Principled BSDF’ window. Now, your sim isn’t shiny anymore!
Let’s add in a ‘Mix Shader’ next. Press ‘Shift +A’, go to ‘Shader’, and click ‘Mix Shader’. Drag it in between the ‘Principled BSDF’ window and the ‘Material Output’ window, it should auto connect.
Click ‘Shift + A’ again, go to ‘Shader’, and then select ‘Transparent BSDF’. Connect the green BSDF node to the first ‘Shader’ node on the Mix Shader. It should take the place of the node connect from the Principled BSDF window. Then connect the Principled BSDF to the bottom ‘Shader’ node.
Last thing you have to do is drag the ‘Alpha’ node from the Base Color window and connect it to the ‘FAC’ on the Mix Shader window. Your final product should look something like this:
Now, let’s head to the Material section on the right hand side of the screen. Click it and under ‘Settings’ you’ll see blend and shadow mode. For both of those sections, click them and select ‘Alpha Hashed’. Now your sims is all set to pose!
Let’s change the Editor type from ‘Shader’ to ‘Non-linear Animation’. Now, on the right hand side of the screen click your rig. All the points on them should light up orange. Next click ‘I’ on your keyboard and then select ‘Rotation, Location, & Scale’.
Back in the Nonlinear Animation window, Click the pink box next to ‘Rig Action’. Click the orange track next to it, right click, and select ‘Delete’. It’s already clear, but this is good practice to do every time you render so your poses or animations won’t be wonky.
Now, let’s add in a pose. Open up Sims 4 Studio. Where it says ‘My Projects’ open up the pose pack you want to use. Select ‘Clips’ and then the pose you want to use. Now, you wanna export it. Don’t change any of the settings and just click export. Name it as something that describes the pose, so you can easily identify it. Then close out S4S.
Back in Blender, head to ‘File’ and click ‘Append’. Locate the blender file of the pose you just saved. Click it, then click ‘Action’, and select that file. Now, the action is in the Blender program so you just have to add it to your rig.
Click ‘Rig Action’ again and then click ‘Add’. Select ‘Add Action Strip’ and your pose should be there. Click it and voila! Your sim should be posing now!
All that’s left to do now is finish the scene, so you can render an image. Change the editor type again to ‘3D Viewport’. Now, click ‘Shift + A’ and add in a camera. You can click the camera and move it around using “G” or these the color arrows that show up. To adjust the size of the camera, you can click output, and change the dimension sizes to your liking. You can also change the camera perspective. For this tutorial, I’ll be using the ‘Orthographic Camera’. OR if you’re using a scene that already has cameras, drag your rig over to one of those and set them up. Make sure to click I on your keyboard again after moving them and click ‘Location, Rotation, & Scale’. That saves their position.
Once you’ve got your camera added in select it, then in the left window click ‘view’, ‘cameras’ and ‘set object as active camera’. That way you’ll be able to see exactly what the camera sees. If you’d like to change the resolution, then go to ‘output’ on the right hand side. There you can change the X and Y resolutions to your liking. Remember larger photos take longer to render, but the quality tends to be better.
Now, let’s change the shading again. In the window with the camera view change the viewport shading to the fourth ‘viewport shading’ circle. This allows you to see how your scene will looks rendered with all the lights included.
If you’re using a premade scene, then the lighting should already be set up. If you’re making your own, you’ll have to add in lights. Click ‘Shift + A’ again and go to lights. From there you can add in any of these, but for this tutorial I chose ‘area’. You can play around with each of these to see which ones you like best. You can adjust their settings in the data section and move the lights around the scene. If you’d like to add in shadows from the light, go to ‘data’ on the right hand hand side, then click ‘shadow’ and ‘contact shadow’.
Once your scene is lit, your sim is posed, it’s time to render the scene. I typically use Eevee to render instead of Cycles. Cycles takes longer and has a more realistic feel. You can render with whichever you like. Head to ‘render’ on the right hand side. Change the render engine to ‘Cycles’ or leave it on ‘Eevee’. You can click ‘ambient occlusion’ and ‘bloom’ if you’d like. I always use AO. Sometimes I use bloom. Also check ‘Screen Space Reflections’.
Once that’s done, go to the output section. It’s right below the render camera icon on the right hand side. Scroll down to output. Click the folder icon to change your render location from temporary files to whenever you’d like to put them. You can put them in a folder, on your desktop, or whenever. Next to ‘image sequence’ uncheck ‘overwrite’. If you’re rendering multiple images from a scene, then you don’t want them to overwrite each other. You can also change the color size and compression depth. Personally, I change compression size to 0 and color depth to 16, but be wary this makes your file larger. It also increases rendering time.
Once all that is complete, it’s time to render your image! In the top left click ‘render’, then ‘render image’. After however long it takes your PC to render the image, you’re all done! Lastly, click ‘image’ in the top left, then ‘save as’. Save your rendered image to wherever you’ve decided to put your files and then you’re all done!
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missrubybird · 2 years ago
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Seven Sims and a Unicorn
Thanks to the EA Creator Network I was able to get the new Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack a little earlier and right away got to making a bunch of townies to go with the lore and existing pre-made Sims in Chestnut Ridge.
Below the cut you’ll find:
The Sims Download Link
Sims’ Backstories and Traits
CC Links and Credits
All Sims have all 8 Outfits using only HR and Basegame
Have fun!   ♥️ 🦄 ♥️
CC Links: Freckles//Lashes (make sure to download all 3 versions!)
Please Note:
There is CC included in the Download Files, make sure to put it in your Mods Folder along with the CC linked above! 
You need a No EA Lashes mod for the Sims to look exactly like they do in the pictures!
The Unicorn has my Default horse eyes, please be aware of this in case you're using other horse Defaults
Credits:@tamosim@vibrantpixels@vegantrait@rheallsim  Thank you so much for your generous TOUs! ♥️♥️♥️
Sims' Backstories (from left to right and top to bottom):
Issi Miashintubbee (loves the outdoors/loyal/rancher) Tula Miashintubbee (silly)
Issi comes from a long line of ranch owners and was supposed to take over her parents' ranch and business and get married to the father of her daughter Tula. To her family's shock and surprise one day she decided she was tired of everyone's expectations and the path already decided for her and packed her stuff and set off with Tula into the unknown to find out what it is that she really wants. Will she find her fortune in Chestnut Ridge? And what does Tula think of all this?
River Dempsey (loves the outdoors/perfectionist/horse lover) Milla Dempsey (bookworm)
River, widowed and possibly looking for love, is a passionate horse breeder and father who would like nothing more than to impart said passion for riding and horses on his daughter Milla. After all, there are competitions coming up! To his great disappointment Milla is all about books and hopes to one day become a published author. It's not that she doesn't like horses but she would much rather think up stories and spend her free time browsing the library.
Yona Kitegista (cheerful/outgoing/foodie)
Yona has run the Oak Barrel Bar as long as anyone can remember and she takes great pride in making the most popular nectar in town. If only there weren't those two youngsters, Marissa and Dani, who seem to have quite the touch at making new and exiting flavors of nectar. Her old friend and childhood sweetheart Don Gooseman is convinced hers is the best around but Yona isn't sure she won't have to change up her longstanding recipe to keep up with the competition!
Jaxen Tracey (creative/music lover)
Jaxen is Marissa's brother and the newest addition to the household, although Dani isn't too sure what to think of this, since things have been a little tense between her and Marissa lately. And now Jaxen is here, playing that music of his rather loudly! Marissa and Dani can tell that he is quite talented but his electro beats are a bit of a sore thumb among the blues lovers of Chestnut Ridge. All the while, Jaxen isn't so sure either what to make of his new surroundings. Will he eventually don the country fashion, get on that horse and become a blues lover?
Arabella von Rosenberg (intelligent/brave/friendly) Charley Bullhorn (rancher/romantic/familyoriented)
Why does Charley have a pink, sparkling unicorn, you wonder? No one knows, but he sure is proud of his beautiful, prize-winning Arabella. The two have travelled all over the country from shows to competitions but now Charley feels like it's time to settle down and find a permanent place to stay. Some may think he's a bit of a ladies man but actually he's a bit shy and secretly wants to have a big family. Can charming Arabella help him find the love of his life? And maybe Arabella too might find a new equestrian friend?
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nectar-cellar · 8 months ago
I love everything about your townie makeovers for Sims 3, especially the Sunset Valley makeovers. I’ve been trying my hand at doing some townie makeovers, but it’s way harder than it looks!! I would love if you put up your townie sims for download, even if they don’t have any cc attached!
The skin you used for Leighton Sekemoto is also gorgeous
thank you so much!! 💖💗
my makeovers always end up taking more time than i think they will lol. i always want to "just make a few tweaks" and then i end up changing their whole face.
i will probably eventually upload them as cc-free .sim files :)
leighton and the other asian sims are wearing an edited version of my gardenia skin so that's why i haven't yet uploaded them. i need to do the eyelids for the rest of the life stages 😅 i find skins so tedious to make...
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modernlex · 10 months ago
Do you have a save file or way to download your townie makeovers? They are so lovely!!!
Thank you 🖤
Currently I don't, simply because none of them are actually finished yet. Right now I'm working on completing all the 'base looks' for each sim by world. Once that is done, I plan to go through again posting a lookbook for each sim and then putting households up for download. The ultimate goal is to then move on to builds and eventually end up with my own personal save file. It will likely be quite a long time before the save file materializes as I work at a notoriously slow pace.
All that to say - not yet but stay tuned 🫣
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muckleberryjam · 1 year ago
Hey! I just found your Tumblr and I love your townie makeovers, are they available to download?
thank you so much! i've put quite a few up now, but eventually, i'd like to have them all up for download eventually. It just takes me soooo loooong to do!
all my downloads are here
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year ago
Hi, would you consider uploading the sim in your Poolside Splash Kit Overview? she is gorgeous 🥰
Hello and thank you so much, you're very sweet! ❤️
I would be happy to put Lea up for download eventually, but she's my current gameplay sim and I want to keep her for personal use just a little bit longer! Now that I'm done with my huge TS2/TS4 townie dump though, I'll be playing her save more. As soon as I move on to Gen 2, I promise I'll upload her!
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nikatyler · 4 years ago
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Update on the family tree aka my excuse to spend too much time in cas and raid your public downloads! 💜 Halfway through writing this I started, guess what, overthinking again ✨ (Long story short: if i accidentally broke your tou in any way, just let me know and I’ll fix it when I get in the game. Sometimes I can’t read, I’ve learned.) That’s why putting this post together took me so long, even though I promised it what, three weeks ago?
How are all your sims so pretty ;--;
So yeah, some of the spares on the family tree now have their spouses, finally, and I can’t wait to see their babies eventually. The first three are by me, the other ones I downloaded.
Eden (not the same as the BPR Eden haha), a very old BC contestant that I thought was adorable so I decided to use them again. And yes, they used she/her in the BC but hey, it’s been what, three years? They’ve figured out they’re nonbinary and they’re using they/she (but mostly they). They’re dating Erika.
Romana, also a very old sim by me that has undergone a big makeover. I think I was going to do a new legacy with her but then I didn’t for some reason. Oh well. She’s dating Cecilia.
Kimberly, also an old sim, but technically a new one because I changed her a lot. She had a lot of purple before and her face is different too. (though, define different with my sims’ obvious same face syndrome lol) She’s dating Theo.
Archer was created by @plumbob95 and I paired him with Emily.
Elsie was created by @vintageplumbobs and I paired her with Simon.
Renee was created by @vintageplumbobs too - well, to be exact, Renee is a townie, she was made over and now I made her over again, kinda. It’s just the hair and outfit. I paired her with Ricky.
Nova was created by @poisonfireleafs and I paired her with Skye. I thought I had her original hair, I apparently didn’t, and when I was looking for something similar, I randomly clicked on this hair with bangs and I liked it on her, so I kept it.
Theodora was created by @dragonplumbobs and I paired her with Julie. She kind of reminds me of someone I’ve seen on tv recently, but I’m not sure who. Anyway, she’s cute!
Gilian was created by @arogaba and I paired her with Wesley. That leaves Maisie the only one of the Jackson siblings to not have a partner haha. We’ll figure it out. (Or you guys can help me figure it out 👀)
That’s it for now, I’ll continue with the tree later. Right now I better figure out my uni duties, such as my history paper and especially my bachelor thesis, which, although I still have a year or so to write it, is already making me wanna drop out.
First thing on my list of things to do when I come back to the tree on familyecho, I’m gonna add the names of all the people whose sims I’ve used. So far I’ve only done that with like three sims and it’s actually something I should’ve thought of a long time ago already. Credit is important. 
I’m also gonna take my side babies and put them up for download. At some point. I’m too slow with these things, but it’s in the plans. If you by any chance want someone already, just send me a message, I do private downloads faster 😅
And if you’ve read until the end, here’s a cookie in a form of one more information that you might be interested in: I’m thinking about doing a BC with Inez. What do you guys think? Would you like that? It would certainly be better than the first time haha.
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utopiasims · 3 years ago
would you ever put your sims up for download?
I don't think I'd put my gameplay sims up for dl, but I would consider townies I make! I've been thinking eventually I would most likely create a sim specifically for dl, it's really just finding the time and motivation to do it to be honest!
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adejardins · 3 years ago
hi i love your blog entirely too much, i enjoy seeing your posts so much!! i was wondering if you’d ever consider uploading your sims? i love how realistic but accurate to the original sims you stay and i loved to have them in my game. i’ve been searching for someone who has a good style for townie makers and urs is the best!! thank u for all you do!!
Hi there! My gosh thank you for your kind words! I greatly appreciate it and it's been really fun to do. :)
I've definitely considered putting some sims up for download, but for the most part a lot of the townie ones are personal for an eventual story I'm planning and also others are filled with a lot of cc so I wasn't sure how to best navigate that.
For the time being, I have put it on the backburner due to school and some health stuff I have to work out, but I def want to revisit it eventually!
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magbay · 3 years ago
Hello, i was wondering if you would ever put your townie makeovers up for download? Have a nice day :)
i will eventually! i just need time to organize them!
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years ago
Hey, guess what’s back!
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The Megakingdom of Simland! Behold, Don Lothario, in costume at last!
...he turned out to be a peasant. Pleasantview is way too heavy on the middle class for a medieval hood, and I needed to make sure not to have more sims/families in classes above the previous ones. I felt the Caliente sisters had a better Yeoman vibe, so Don got the short end of the stick. I’m not sure why he thought he had a chance with Cassandra, the highest ranking lady of the subhood, but obviously she’s the only one who took his smooth talk of running away together to get married seriously. He... really just wanted to bed her. I’m not sure yet what his job is going to be; Pleasantview’s specialty is domesticated animals.
Since I’m just tentatively testing the waters to make sure the game plays without crashing, all I did was medieval makeovers, all in Pleasantview. Say hi to the Dreamers!
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Darren, very color-matched. I will have to find him a nice wife--Brandi is usually a good match for him--I don’t want him pining endlessly over Cassandra and getting in trouble with the king. Or maybe I do... 
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And Dirk, taking his last chance to use a computer in the most sullen, teenager way I can imagine. 
Finally, the Caliente sisters!
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Dina, in the lowest-cut top available to lower class medieval sims. You’ll note her skirt has a nice pattern on it; I am not sure I succeeded, but I reasoned that Dina and some other Fortune sims might try to dress above their stations a little if they could afford it. Again, not sure I pulled it off; she’s a Yeoman and her top is quite common, but I tried.
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And Nina, who may have gone a little too far in the other direction, but I think she will enjoy the bare midriff, at least. I might change her to be slightly less indecent. She and Dina are probably going to own the local tavern in Pleasantview, which may wind up being slightly more of a brothel than most hedge taverns due to Nina’s influence. I also considered giving them a home salon to makeover townies, but somebody’s gotta own the local tavern, and the other Pleasantview Yeomen are the Pleasants and the Burbs, neither of whom strike me as either tavern owners or small business owners. Ah, well, it’ll be a while yet before I need to decide for sure on that! 
That’s all for tonight, I still need to do some NaNoWriMo so my time is shorter these days. I hope to play again once or twice this week, and will then dip into lot building and/or remodeling with my fingers crossed. And then I will have to figure out whether I can update the whole apiary set without breaking the Patel house, possibly my favorite I’ve built so far, but it will have to be done eventually. I need that mead! The Patels can sell honey to the Baldwins who will then brew mead for their hedge tavern! Sim economy!
...for the curious, I found no less than fifty-six apparently bad CC files. That’s why it took me almost two months to weed them out. Every time I narrowed down one using 50/50, went “hooray the bad file is gone!”, put everything else back in, and then bam, more crashing because there were fifty-six damn broken files. I have no idea if they were all broken to begin with or if my downloading rampages were spotty or what, but lesson learned. Lesson one: do not act incautiously when downloading and installing new CC. Whew. I still have a whole bunch I downloaded before and never got around to installing, and you can bet I’m going to segregate them in a “new CC” folder rather than sorting them in immediately. That took SO LONG.
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littlemissnellie · 5 years ago
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and finally for the ea townies in britechester (and on this blog, at least for the moment) we have the best friends household! as always, if you’d like to have them in your game then check out the download link below, and if not then i hope that you enjoy finding out a little more about them in their fact files!
download: simfileshare 
i hope you’re doing well! <3
julia wright:
big mom friend energy - maybe it’s her life-changing hugs, or maybe it’s her incredibly effective advice, but, regardless of reasons why, these qualities make her the best person to have around in a crisis, which is good for becca because she frequently finds herself in sticky situations that julia is more than happy to help her get out of
becca always pokes fun at her for being on a course full of nerds, but julia’s so outgoing and approachable that she’s practically befriended half of the people on her course already - as long as she gets to chat to someone then she doesn’t care what sort of things they’re into, and besides, it’s sort of interesting listening to them talk about fictional aliens so passionately
very driven when it comes to her studies - she has all the revision plans you could imagine, her dorm room is plastered in post-it notes and her desk is always covered with extra-credit assignments, but she’s more than happy to put in that extra bit of hard work now if it means that she can get her dream job as a scientist later 
becca clarke:
whilst julia excels at the academic side of university life, becca excels at the extra-curricular activities aspect - well, she likes to think that she excels at it - she joined the debate team but is kind of regretting that decision now since every debate she’s ever attempted has left her publicly humiliated and nauseous - she did successfully make the female soccer team though, well, one of the campus teams, but still, she scored a goal, so that’s something! julia took her photo right after the match and they have it pinned up on their mini-fridge to this day because it’s clearly one of becca’s greatest achievements 
just about as successful when it comes to dating as she is with debating - she’s trying to put herself out there but she sometimes wonders if she’s trying too hard because her dating life so far has been disastrous - it’s a good job julia keeps the mini-fridge well-stocked in the ice cream department because she’s lost count of the number of ‘fix that broken heart’ evenings she’s had to host for poor becca
she blames her failing love life on the fact that she gets unreasonably attached to the characters in whatever book she’s reading that week - she’s always been a huge bookworm, but lately she’s worrying that she’s formed obsessions with so many ‘perfect’ fictional characters that she may not be able to find someone who can compare in the real world - as long as she keeps her options open though, she’s bound to find someone eventually, right?
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celestialtrait · 6 years ago
Pastel Patisserie: A Legacy Challenge [Recovered 5/18/19]
My Pastel Patisserie challenge is back! Thank you to @strwbrrycremu for recovering the original rules and sending them my way! Since writing this challenge, a lot of new features have been added to the game. My hope is to alter this ruleset to include all of the new packs we have!
Hungry for some more berry sweet game play? Looking for a challenge that incorporates all of your EPs and GPs? Want to give your sims pastel hair colors and sugary sweet names? The Pastel Patisserie is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Pastel Patisserie is a 10 generation legacy challenge structured like the Not-So-Berry and Rainbowcy challenges, but written to incorporate aspects of recently released packs. True to The Sims series, it is filled with wacky drama and larger than life characters.
*This is something I’ve made mostly for myself, because I’ve played the first two gens of NSB over too many times and I’m sick of the scientist career.
Like some of the other berry sweet legacies here on tumblr, each heir must represent the color or in this case, “flavor” of their generation. You can play with actual berry sims, or “banilla” sims (sims with colored hair but regular, human skin tones).
Color-coded spouses are totally optional. Personally, I think I’m going to fill a save with a bunch of berry townies to keep with the theme.
There are no money restrictions, but the challenge is probably a lot more fun if you don’t excessively use money cheats.
Your legacy is not bound to one lot for its entirety. But if you prefer your legacies to live in one house the whole time, go for it
Wanna share your progress? Use the hashtag #pastelpat
Gen 1: Bubblegum (Founder)
You’re new to the area and ready to put down roots! You love baking, and have always dreamed of opening your own bakery. You start a club for local bakers and put what little savings you have into your business. You spend most of your time at the bakery, so it’s no surprise that it’s where you meet the love of your life. You have one child whom you both love dearly and spoil often. When they finally move out, the house feels so empty you and your spouse adopt another child.
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Glutton Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Max Baking Skill
Open and run your own bakery. Do not join any careers.
Start a baking club and meet once a week
Complete Leader of the Pack aspiration
Date and marry a sim you meet at your bakery.
Have 1 child (the heir) you both dote on, and adopt a second as elders.
Gen 2: Lavender
Your parents spoiled you a lot as a child, so you don’t really know how to take care of yourself. You love music, but you love partying even more. Children and a white picket fence are nowhere on your radar; you want to DJ and dance the night away for the rest of your life. You have one boyfriend/girlfriend who you are mostly faithful to, but one night you slip up. You/your lover gets pregnant and you must take care of the child. You’re not very good with kids and you never wanted them, so you’re not around very often. You enlist your adopted sibling as a babysitter.
Traits: Music Lover, Dance Machine, Hates Children
Aspiration: Party Animal
Be best friends with your adoptive sibling
Max DJ and Dance skills
Make all of your money from tips
Complete the Party Animal aspiration
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend
Cheat on your partner and conceive, breakup or stay together.
Have little to no relationship with your child.
Have your adoptive sibling watch your child
Gen 3: Baby Blue
Growing up your parent was always out late, so you spent a lot of time playing video games and watching movies. You’re closer to your aunt/uncle than you ever were to your parent, and they taught you a lot about empathy and caring for other sims. You desperately want to give your children what you never had, and are inspired by your aunt/uncle’s story. You end up adopting a child before you start your own family.
Traits: Geeky, Loner, Unflirty
Aspiration: Super Parent
Be best friends with your aunt/uncle
Have 1 childhood friend
Max the Video Gaming Skill
Go to Geek Con every time it’s in town
Complete the Medical Career
Complete the Super Parent aspiration
Your aunt/uncle’s story inspires you. Adopt 1 child prior to marriage.
Marry your childhood friend.
Have two children with your spouse.
Be Good Friends with all of your children
Gen 4: Pistachio
You grew up well in a loving household, but you wanted more than the safe little life your parents built for you. You’re free spirited, and yearn to expand your mind and explore the wilderness. You spend your days living off the land and improving your wellness. You go camping often, and have many lovers throughout your lifetime. All the unprotected woohoo catches up to you, and you have a lot of children. You and your family spend your days working the farm and living commune style.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child
Live in a rural neighbourhood
Make all of your money gardening. You may open a retail lot and run a flower shop or farmer’s stand.
Master Herbalism and Gardening skills. Make it to at least level 5 of the Wellness skill.
Have at least 5 children with at least 4 different sims. One of these sims must be the Granite Falls Hermit (you will probably need cheats for this).
Never marry, but you may have multiple girlfriends/boyfriends. Bonus points if they all live with you at once.
Gen 5: Lemonade
You hated growing up in the country with so many siblings. Dirt and bugs gross you out, and there was always so much work to do. You long to start a new life in the city, far away from your embarrassing family. You move to San Myshuno as a teen, and work part-time while you focus on your grades. When you finally age up, you join the business career and marry a rich old sim. You have two children and they have the best of everything. You have brunches and spa days with your rich friends once a week.
Traits: Materialistic, Squeamish, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Move to San Myshuno as a teen
Complete the Business career
Try to complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Marry a rich sim. They must be older than you are.
Avoid your big, messy family.
Have a maximum of two children.
Create a Socialites club. Meet once a week for brunch or a spa day.
Gen 6: Peach
You got everything you ever wanted as a child and lived San Myshuno’s high society life. You love living in the city and never want to leave. You are the sim equivalent of the millennial. All you want to do is explore the city and enjoy yourself for the rest of your life. You eat spicy food, blog your whole life, and become a simstagram star. You date a few people, but eventually settle down with one of your exes.
Traits: Childish, Outgoing, Bro
Aspiration: City Native
Never leave San Myshuno
Learn all 22 new recipes
Eat mostly spicy food. It’s your favorite.
Master the Singing skill
Complete the Social Media career
Have a roommate throughout your YA years. Become best friends with that roommate.
Have 3 boyfriends/girlfriends throughout your life. Get back together with one, but don’t get married until you’re both elders.
Have as many children as you want, as long as they’re with the sim you eventually marry.
Gen 7: Tangerine
As a kid you had all kinds of food, but your favorite is Grilled Cheese. You have a small group of close knit friends, and you like to invite them over once a week for grilled cheese. You live in Oasis Springs and work as a detective for the local police department. You are the epitome of dad culture: you’re clumsy and like to take naps. You marry your coworker and have a very happy marriage, but they die after your third child together. Your children are devastated and you have trouble letting go. You re-marry your ghostly spouse.
Traits: Clumsy, Foodie, Lazy
Aspiration: Grilled Cheese
Live in Oasis Springs
Have a core group of 3 friends.
Only eat grilled cheese.
Complete the Detective Career
Master the Handiness skill
Marry a coworker
Have 3 children.
Your spouse dies after the birth of your 3rd child.
Your family takes the death hard. All children must have the gloomy trait.
Never remarry. Stay with your ghostly spouse.
Gen 8: Ash
You lost one of your parents when you were young and it left a mark on you. You want desperately to make your own family, but struggle to do so. One of your pregnancies miscarry and it destroys you. You can’t bear to be around your children, and start a string of affairs. One day your spouse catches you, and leaves with the kids. You become obsessed with death. You raise a cow plant and marry the Grim Reaper.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Gloomy, Insane
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Marry young
Be a stay-at-home parent
“Miscarry” once (end a pregnancy with cheats).
Begin cheating on your spouse shortly after miscarrying.
Complete the Serial Romantic Aspiration
Sabotage your relationships with your children
Your spouse finds out about the cheating, and divorces you. They take your children with them.
You are preoccupied with death. Download a Grim Reaper from the gallery and marry him.
Have 1 child with the grim reaper. Have all of their half-siblings hate them. This sim does not have to be the heir, but it is recommended.
Raise one cow plant. Eat the cake.
Gen 9: Vanilla
You had a rough home life growing up, but you’re optimistic that you’ll find true love. You adopt a dog and spend your days taking lots of photos. You’re definitely your father’s child, and still spend a lot of time with him. You have a rivalry with one of your siblings and fight almost every time you see one another. You go on dates often in your quest for love. Eventually you marry a cat sim and have a big wedding.
Traits: Creative, Dog Lover, Hopeless Romantic
Aspiration: Animal Lover
Be enemies with at least one of your siblings
Be best friends with your father
Have one close friend
Have at least 1 dog
Master the Photography Skill
Master the Pet Training Skill
Complete the Animal Lover aspiration
Own and operate your own photography studio
Go on multiple dates during your YA years.  
Marry a Cat Lover as an Adult
Have a gold wedding
Have as many children as you want
Gen 10: Toffee
There are so many things you want to do, that you can’t stick to just one thing. You’re a jack-of-all trades and have a myriad of interests. Your many talents attract a lot of potential romantic partners to you, and some are rather eccentric. You find that you really enjoy science, and spend a lot of time visiting other planets. Eventually, you get abducted and have an alien child.
Traits: Goofy, Genius, Romantic
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Change jobs often. You need a total of 3 for your aspiration
Your last job must be the astronaut career
It is recommended that the scientist career is one of your careers
Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration
Master the Rocket Science Skill
Go to Sixam
Marry an Occult sim
Get abducted
Have as many children as you want
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grisdidthis · 5 years ago
P42 hood set-up post #1
(At one point I’ll bite the bullet and comb through my 20k file big unsorted CC folder to make a “things I used” masterpost/credits list, but that’s going to take an age and a half, since most of the cc is a decade old and I don’t recall where I got two thirds of it, so until then we’re working on a WCIF basis with occasional acknowledgement of the stuff I do know the source of.)
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The terrain used as base is ambers_journey‘s Grace Island, which I edited so that pretty much only the roads were left. The water coloring is by @psychosim (here) and I’m pretty sure at least half the decorations are too, but. If I go into the decor I’ll be here all day, and I’m pretty sure I’ll remove and rearrange things at some point, so we’ll save that for another time. Road replacement by @curiousb, found here. 
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Top view, showing where everyone lives. Since every square inch of this terrain is covered in residential lots that my playables actually, you know, reside in so that I can play them, I had to make a disposable sub-hood in which I could build all the sets for story scenes that don’t play out inside someone’s home. Hence, Gloria’s Islet happened.
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(Another edit of an amber’s journey tiny island, already linked above. The big rocks are by eir, available for download here.)
Them of course, it turned out that I can’t do disposable neighborhoods, so now Gloria, the sim I created because someone needed to take care of the residential lot and teleport people in, actually exists in the main continuity and I may do a story with her eventually, even. There are two lots in this sub: a residential one that serves as a film studio of sorts and a community lot owned by Gloria (which is meant to serve as her “home”, and which I’ll actually build on and make into a creepy witchy house at some point, although I’m not 100% yet on whether I’ll make Gloria herself a witch, since that would detract from Izza’s specialness as the only witch in this setting. Hm. Maybe I’ll make Gloria her estranged mom, or something. *fires up SimPE*) 
The “studio” is a huge brick block that takes up a whole terrain and is 6 stories high, with different “rooms” for things like teen!Rita’s bedroom, the pet store she worked at, and the Shady Science Experiment Rooms for every other mad scientist in the setting. (I was originally having Winifred’s house serving as that, but then I put her living next door to her sister’s family, and I’m not having her dissect people there when the kids can conceivably just waltz in any time :P)
Gloria’s household, aside from herself, includes two de-aged Rita clones (teen and child version) who are nominally her daughters -- as in, they have their own names and she actually spends a fair bit of time raising them, since that’s my “make random stuff happen for shits and giggles” household and in this case “random stuff” somehow ended up being “honest attempt at parenting”. 
For the main hood, the numbers are as follows:
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Note that those population numbers are slots to be potentially filled, not existing sims (save for the playables, which are all live and housed). I created a “clean” hood without characters and have Pescado’s Anti-redundancy mods both for townies and NPCs, so that the game won’t spawn the former at all and only make NPCs when I force an interaction that leads to their creation. 
Every townie I have made (I’m creating them all in CAS individually, and I swear some of them have more thought and work put into them, not to mention layers of make-up added to their faces, than a few of the playables) is listed in the relevant section over at the Platform42 side-blog. There’s like. Five, right now.
As for the NPCs, well. They are necessary for some things and I can’t not spawn at least a couple during normal gameplay, but I don’t actually WANT all these extra people, so. The maybe-game-breaking-let’s-wait-and-see strategy I’ve come up with to have setting-appropriate NPCs that don’t make my brain itch and want to give them stories and personalities, was to download this--
=»» servo default replacement, by @davinaojeda​
Spawn one in game (I’ve named it Beatrice and sent it to live with Philemon, because the poor guy gets lonely in that giant house of his), open SimPE, rename every NPC already spawned as Servo “NPC TYPE CODE!” and use the Sim Surgery tool to copy Beatrice’s look. So now I have an army of servo NPC’s coming by to do things like put mail in my invisible mailbox, and then reposition my stuff because the mailbox is invisible and I forget where it is and don’t pay my bills. It all looks very hilarious, frees me from having MORE PEOPLE *shudders* and has not yet borked anything that I can tell, so. Win!
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mmoutfitters · 6 years ago
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♥ Welcome to the Sims Community, New Simblrs! ♥
Want to make some new sim obsessed friends? Need a new story to follow to get you through the day? Check out some of the newest members of the community below! 
Give them a follow and welcome them to the community :) Please reblog this post to spread some extra love!
@cherrymoonrise -  I've been playing since SIms 1, but I just recently discovered the simblr community which I'm very happy about! I post stories, gameplays and challenges mostly, in the future I will share my sims for download. I'd love to do some sim requests for people also! 
@diademsims -  I'm Courtney, a 21 year old maxis match simmer from England. I'm currently playing Sims 4 with my Sulani-based family, so if you like seeing more gameplay on your dash feel free to join me for my next generation with an art-loving, kleptomaniac archaeologist heir (he's basically a tomb raider) ❤️
@eb-sims -  I mostly post sims i've made from tv shows and stuff!
@effievescant -  My blog is mainly centered around bachelor/ette challenges! I make a lot of submissions, I have a gameplay of a comedic take on the bachelorette that I call the Pattelorette and I plan on a future bachelorette! I also clayify alpha hairs! I’m always open to requests and I try to make them as often as I can :)
@lilsimmerlee -  I make mostly residential lots & I happily take requests/suggestions!
@miyakas -  My simblr basically consists of mostly maxis match and I would also be posting stories where i can showcase my love for writing. I’m also very friendly so don’t hesitate to talk to me!
@pxsmmer -  I'm very empathetic and caring. I plan on writing a story using my sims one day soon and my goal is to reflect that side of my self through my characters.
@salt-and-simmer​ -  Well when it comes to my blog, I'm mostly just gameplay but I'm going to start posting some townie makeovers with a little sprinkle of gameplay so I don't burn myself out. I’m always open to talking though, I'm the worst at starting the conversation. 😂 Hopefully everyone just enjoys seeing my silly posts on their dash.
@sensitive-simmer -  I usually do gameplay posts and very light storytelling. I try to be as interactive with my mutuals as possible and I’d love to link up with more simblrs!
@seraphic-sims - Well to begin my name is Lory and I am a French Canadian simmer. I started playing the Sims 4 a few months ago and so far, I'm really enjoying the game as well as my style, Maxis Mix! My Simblr will contain a few sims of my own which I will eventually put up for download and very possibly a future story/legacy! I feel it's also important to say that WCIFs will always be open on my page! :D
@simlyelegant -  Hi, I’m Kayla and I started this blog to share my sims story with other people so they can enjoy it also!
@sorrowannihilator -  My blog is an outlet of creativity for me. I'm doing a legacy story and also doing lookbooks. I just want to get my sims and writing out there :)
I got an overwhelming amount of responses for people needing a boost, so this is part 1. Part 2 coming later today :)
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