#I will be going to the bookstore for book 2 tomorrow and I'm not even done book 1
violetclarity · 2 years
sorry can't talk, too busy reading A Deadly Education and absolutely losing my mind about it
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benkyoutobentou · 24 days
31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Days 26-27
Day 26: So I started my next book, 本を守ろうとする猫の話 , but I did not read my 25 pages yesterday. I only read the first prologue chapter, which was fourteen pages, but I was kind of like okay, no big deal, since there are six chapters altogether. I was just so preoccupied with other things that I couldn't focus on reading for long.
Day 27: I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but honestly I'm thinking about calling this challenge a win and stopping early. I've been reading so much that I'm feeling burnt out. I only read my 25 pages today and I don't want to read anymore. I want to watch a movie, I want to crochet, I want to sit and stare at a wall. I've learned so many new words, I've been seeing so many words being used across novels and remembering the readings and meanings (hi 襖 ) and I consider that a major win. I just want a break. Especially with other things happening in my life right now (one thing exciting but I won't share until its set in stone, and then the rest irrelevant), I just haven't been wanting to read books. Sorry for a bit of a depressing update, but just know that I'm personally happy with how this challenge went if I do decide to end it here! Maybe I'll shift to watching Japanese movies and keep updating you all on what I'm watching and how I'm enjoying them.
But here's a short synopsis of 本を守ろうとする猫の話 before I tell you about random stuff. Where I've currently read to, this book is about a high school boy named Rintarou whose grandfather passes away right before the start of the novel. Since he lived alone with his grandfather, he must close up the family bookstore for good before moving away to live with an aunt he's never met. While closing the shop one day, a cat speaks to him and asks for his help in saving books.
Anyways, let's talk about less bookish stuff. I've been playing in a community college orchestra since graduating university since they don't have oboe students there and rehearsals started up again today! Even though the quality is a bit less than what I'm used to, having a degree in music performance, I still enjoy getting to play in an orchestra again EXCEPT the fact that the drive to the college is atrocious! So I always go super early in the day and just hang out at a nearby cafe to read or study until rehearsal starts. But today the cafe closed at two pm. I got there at 2:07, rehearsal starts at 6. I got a smoothie and some avocado toast at the place next door, but it was a health food place so it was extremely overpriced and twice what I usually pay at the cafe. Sob. I read outside for a while until I moved to my car, then it was too hot there, so I just ended up sitting at the cafe's outdoor seating area (even though I felt bad about it) because there were other people hanging out there too. I saw so many people walk up to the cafe door and walk away. Unfortunately I didn't have anywhere else to go. So the moral of the story is don't close your cafe early. Thank you.
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ara0minthe · 1 month
Tuesday, 13th of August / Mardi 13 août
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Café "Debotte", in Nantes, France.
Sleep / Sommeil : 1am to 11:30am
I'm proud for sleeping before 2am, but I got out of bed late even though I was supposed to wake up at 9:30am.
I was so tired, I guess the day before had made me really tired so I couldn't help but push back my alarm clock 😭.
Health / Santé : Ate alright; not excessively,
(which I can feel proud of, because I do tend to eat too much or snack excessively when I stay at home too much , so I'm fighting against that, and lately it's been nice.)
Today I walked 6500 steps. That's an alright dose of activity (for me).
Study / Études : 20 minutes of revision only. And 20 minutes of reading my book "kilomètre zéro". (It's a French book)
Since I got up at almost 12 today and got out with friends, I had almost no time to work.
And my family always interrupts me so it's hard to study when they're around.
And when I got home after going out, I was tired and my mind could not work, so I forced myself to read two chapters of my book at least.
My day / Ma journée :
Woke up late. Did a few things. Managed to revise for 20 minutes before going out to meet some friends.
For the first time, I got to a café, and it was with 2 bff's on top of that. (It was in my summer to do list so I can cross that) (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
And we ate some pâtisseries with coffee and hot chocolate.
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I ate a "fraisier" with " du chocolat chaud à la chantilly"
The café was empty when we entered so it was just us, and we ate and talked a lot. Since it was just us, we were so comfortable, and the workers were lovely.
Our other friends are traveling so it was just us 3 from the friend group today. (Funny thing, the 2 friends I got out with today both have the same name) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Then it's already 5pm, we spent an hour talking in the cafe and one of the friend has to go.
So we escorted her and got to the "Fnac" (dunno if y'all know this store, it sells electronic devices and all types of books, it's well-known in France).
We took a tour of the store, just looking around while talking. (Friends really make life experiences a hundred times better ♡♡♡)
Then she also has to go, so I also go, I look around a bookstore that resells books. There was one I'm looking for called "Beach Read", I wanted to buy a used one for cheap but didn't find it. (I could read it in French because I live in France and the book has been translated, but I sometimes like to buy books in English so my English level doesn't decrease. And I'm glad I can buy english books in France, and they also happen to cost less than the french version, which is nice.)
Anyway, I decided to command it in a library, it should be available in less than a week.
Then, I buy some cookies for my hungry brother at home.
And on the way home, I buy myself a bubble tea and a poke bowl.
Wasn't really hungry, so that was my dinner.
When I got home I was just so tired. I wanted to sleep immediately, but it was 8pm, too early.
I preferred to wait until a more adequate sleeping time so I wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep for multiple hours. 😔
Anyway, I kept myself busy, read, journaled, right now it's 11:30pm and I will now sleep immediately.
My goal for tomorrow is to wake up at 9am.
(Sleep is my worst flaw right now, and it's the hardest thing for me to improve on, waking up at 9 may seem like nothing for most people, but as ridiculous as it may sound, it's a real challenge for me. And I CAN wake up early if something obligates me, like school or other social reasons. But if it's for myself, it's almost impossible.)
Anyway. I will now sleep and wish for the better.
À plus les chouchous, on se voit demain <3.
By the way, I thought about that only know, but I know right now there are lots of tourists in France because of the Olympic games, and it's even been a few weeks that I hear multiple languages when I go out, like Italian and English, which doesn't happen usually.
Nantes, the city where I live is also part of the 10 most populated cities in France, it's not far from Paris and situated in the West, so it makes sense that people also come to Nantes.
So I was just thinking about that, if some of you are in Nantes right now let me know, I could give out multiple places to visit and lots of things to do. Nantes is an incredible city, there is so much to do.
So let me know. And have an excellent time in France and its beautiful cities. <33
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thedeliverygod · 7 months
Hey all! Sorry to do this again but asking for help for my kitty son Salem through an amazon wish list if you've got an extra $10 to $14 you can spare
I'm going to put some figures up on ebay shortly & I'm going to make a trip to my local bookstore again tomorrow to sell some books and other things
but ebay sales even when sold right away takes me a few days to get money and unfortunately I never make a ton of money. I really am hoping/praying I will get the job I interviewed for yesterday but even then I won't be getting a paycheck for 2+ weeks at the earliest so I figured I'd go ahead and put this out.
I can hit up food pantries for myself but local "pet food pantries" I can find haven't updated their pages since 2022. Even so, switching food brands suddenly can cause diarrhea/other stomach upset and I don't want my little boy to suffer if I can't get the right brand, you know?
the thing I need most is cat litter. I had much less than I thought in my last box so he has a very shallow litter box atm. Switching litter is also a concern because it can cause cats to be uncomfortable and use the bathroom outside of the box.
for wet food, Salem has 11 days left of food. Granted wet food is a luxury and he doesn't need it; he absolutely will wake me up every single night for it and not leave me alone until he gets it because its been his routine for his entire life.
Lastly, I put water for both me & him. I already have a million and one health concerns and I feel like his water bowls get very gunky and gross when I use tap water so I'm also worried for his health too. I'm sure this is something I could get at a food pantry but if I could be saved a trip/gas money due to the fact I'm already down to 3 bottles then that would be amazing
I put just 1 of each on the list because that's hopefully all I will need before I get paid again. worst case scenario I'll be going back to my job on March 1st so if I don't get the new job I'll have pay from that but as for how I'll deal with that mental health wise uhhh yeah we'll see...
if you'd also be willing to spare money through my ko-fi to go towards bills I have coming up (mainly my car & rent insurance which are due on the first) I'd appreciate that as well. My mom helped me with my rent & electric so I at least will continue to have a roof over my head and warmth but yeah fjsoifj
I'm selling as much as I can to try and make ends meet but everything is so fucking expensive right now ;-;
as always I'm eternally grateful for any help that anyone can provide, even just reblogging this. and also as always I'm also willing to write stuff as a thank you
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georges-chambers · 3 months
2, 4, 18 for the books asks? <3
Thank you sm for asking these <333
2. "Top 5 books of all time?"
This is based on a matter of how often i think about and remember enjoying reading the books when I read them + which Im currently into:
"May We Be Spared To Meet on Earth Again"
"Beloved" by Toni Morrison
"In The Heart of The Sea" by Nathaniel Philbrick
"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville
Hm. Not sure if this one counts as a single book, but, "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri.
4. "What sections of a bookstore do you browse?"
Used. Immediately. If there is one. The one I go to often has an amazing used book section and they're all So Cheap. God I love that. And probably 'historical fiction' (again, shockingly).
18. "Do you like historical books? Which time period?"
They may be some of my favourites. Preferably non-fiction, usually, because I do value the information in them a lot, and I'd also say, for those specifically, currently Age of Sail or European middle ages, but like. I struggle to think of a time I'd Lack interest in reading about. Fictionally, I could say the same, and it depends whether you consider historical fiction written about the time (like "The Terror") versus what was contemporary fiction written During that time ("Moby Dick" I guess. It's hard to categorize Moby Dick, it's not easy to fit Dick anywhere properly.) But really, it doesn't depend, I'm very interested in both. And while of course I value the realism and attempts towards it, sometimes the failure of those attempts or deliberate attempts otherwise are Also fascinating! If you consider "history" to just be "everything in the past" Then just yesterday was history, just a few minutes ago was history, and tomorrow will eventually have been a valuable piece of the past. So even completely incorrect historical books Definitely Tell Something that way. You could literally just show up to me and say you have a book about everyday life in 10th century England, a nonfiction book about the Age of Sail in the 15th century, and a dubiously realistic book about 19th century fiction, and I'd want to read any and all. (And this isn't even to Mention much earlier history. I'm so interested in that it could just be a separate thing entirely. I should maybe have a separate blog for it)
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ga-yuu · 2 years
[Gilbert Von Obsidian Story Chapter 2]
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----Part 1----
I now became Prince Gilbert's friend.
I safely returned back to the palace after what happened in the bookstore.
Gilbert: "Speaking of which, friends eat together, don't they?"
Prince Gilbert who seemed like he's in a happy mood, asked out of nowhere.
And me who is already exhausted, can only return a strained smile.
Gilbert: "Starting tomorrow, I'll have you prepare every meal next to me."
Emma: ".....Can I decline..."
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Gilbert: "Oh, what's that? You wanna hear my military strategy?"
Emma: "Ah, I'm honored to have meal with you everyday, Prince Gilbert. I couldn't ask God for anymore."
Gilbert: "Ahahaha, I'm glad to see you excited as I am."
Emma: "........."
Gilbert: "Goodnight, little bunny."
Prince Gilbert easily flips off his cloak and turns his steps toward the guest room.
The moment his back was out of sight, I let out a huge sigh of relief.
(Let's go see Sir Sariel right now!)
Even after the Trampling Beast was gone, the feeling of helplessness didn't go away and my hands were shaking.
It was as if I was trapped in a situation where I was looking down from a long cliff and a tiger standing behind me.
(.....I won't cry, but I want to cry)
I started walking quickly with my head down and accidentally bumped into someone.
Emma: "S-Sorry, I didn't---"
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Chevalier: "................."
Emma: "....mean to bump into you.."
Chevalier: ".............."
Emma: "Prince Chevalier?"
Prince Chevalier doesn't say anything and simply stares at me coldly.
The head of the external affairs faction is sometimes called the Ruthless and Cruel Beast, but he is also a man with a heart.
Without changing his expression, Prince Chevalier turned his back to me and started walking the way he came.
(Weren't you heading outside?)
Prince Chevalier looked back at me when I was standing still and moves his chin.
(Oh, are you asking me to follow you?)
I quickly followed him and very arrived at the back row of the library.
(This place)
The shelves were jam-packed with books that are more artistic in nature, such as plays, poetry, and stories, rather than books of a practical nature.
The usual me would jump in excitement at the sight of it.
Chevalier: "I heard you went town with Eyepatch."
Standing next to a window under the moonlight, Prince Chevalier opens his mouth.
Chevalier: "What did he ask you to do?"
(Asking 'what he asked you to do' instead of 'what happened' shows how much insightful Prince Chevalier is)
Emma: "He asked me to be his friend."
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Chevalier: "............"
Even I who has been staying at the royal court as Belle for a short time, could see it.
Prince Chevalier is by far the most intelligent and visionary of the eight princes.
Even for Prince Chevalier, the word 'friend' left him in a momentary surprise.
Chevalier: "Why did he ask you to be his friend?"
Emma: "I didn't quite understand either."
Thinking back to my exchange with Prince Gilbert, I report everything exactly to Prince Chevalier.
Eventually after I finish, silence resonate.
(Again in retrospect, there is a lot of mystery, but all I know is that there's some sort of plotting)
Emma: "Prince Chevalier....is there any way I can stop being friends with him?"
Chevalier: "Why do you want to stop?"
Emma: ".....I feel like the fate of my country depends on me, and I'm scared."
My heart still palpitates because depending on what I say or do, the beautiful roses could be stained with blood again.
I don't think I can handle any more responsibilities because I've got my hands full with the duties of Belle.
I bit my lip in frustration and Prince Chevalier chuckled.
Chevalier: "Didn't know you are so arrogant."
----Part 2-----
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Chevalier: "Our country is not so fragile that it will fall because of the words and actions of one mere girl."
Chevalier: "Your statement just now, means that I am incompetent."
Rhodolite has eight noble beasts.
It's their duty to protect the country and my statement just now is tantamount to saying that they will not be able to fulfill that duty.
(Even though the Princes of Rhodolite would never lose to Prince Gilbert)
Chevalier: "You are a fool to take his threats seriously."
Emma: "....Please forgive me."
(I'm not alone)
I felt as if the threads of tension that had been clamping my heart is being blown away.
Chevalier: "A verbal apology is unnecessary."
Emma: "Ouch!"
His long finger flicked my forehead and I can't help but raise my eyebrow.
(I've been bitten, and flicked on the forehead...could this day get any more worse)
Chevalier: "As punishment, you must show me your sincerity."
Emma: "What do you mean?"
Chevalier: "Yeah, I was thinking of many ways to use you."
Prince Chevalier, with a smile, looked no less than the Trampling Beast itself.
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Chevalier: "Be my pawn, imbecile."
Emma: "....Pawn?"
Chevalier: "As his friend, I want you to gather info."
Emma: "You mean....to be a spy?"
Chevalier: "Only for me."
I held by breath at the offer made to me.
(I thought...being friends could be a bad thing, but I never thought, I could use it in this way)
Why did Prince Gilbert appear on the diplomatic scene and decided to stay in Rhodolite for an extended period or time?
In the first place, why has Obsidian, which has long maintained its diplomatic relations with the country started to make a move now?
There is too little information at hand to counter unknown threats.
But Prince Gilbert should know most of the answers that Rhodolite seeks.
(If I stick around, I might learn a thing or two)
(And based on that, Prince Chevalier and others can take countermeasures)
When I looked up at him, Prince Chevalier snickered at me.
Chevalier: "Incidentally, our personal spy never reveals info to anyone but his master."
Chevalier: "Do you know...what that means?"
Emma: "....The other princes must not know about this, right?"
Chevalier: "Yes. Report everything you learned about Eyepatch only to me."
Chevalier: "The other princes, bureaucrats, servants, even your butler. Don't trust anyone."
Emma: "Why..."
Chevalier: "A number of people from the Obsidian's side have already infiltrated the castle."
The sentence felt painful as if a rose thorn is stuck to my throat.
(But....I knew)
(The fact that Prince Gilbert knows 'Belle' means that someone tipped him off)
The 'someone' may be in a position to obtain confidential information about the Country of Roses.
Anyone, the princes, the court officials or even Rio could be that someone.
(I want to believe everyone but I need to accept the reality)
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Chevalier: "Above all, the Trampling Beast excels at dominating and manipulating people."
Chevalier: "It's entirely possible that today's allies could become tomorrow's enemies."
(I don't even want to think about such a horrible thing happening, but....)
I'm sure Prince Chevalier knows more about Prince Gilbert than I do.
(And I'm no stranger to that)
I already know that there is no 'choice' in the options given by Prince Gilbert.
Emma: ".....I will remember that."
Nodding in acceptance, Prince Chevalier pulled out something shiny and golden out of his pocket.
He rubbed it with his thumb and placed in my palm.
Emma: "This is...?"
----Part 3----
(An insignia of a tiger)
Each Prince has one attached to their coat.
Their personal servants and knights wear plain insignia on their uniforms.
It was the first time I had ever seen Prince Chevalier's insignia.
Chevalier: "I can predict what Eyepatch is going to do next."
Chevalier: "I'm sure he will make some nasty demands in the future, and you won't have time to consult Glasses."
(Glasses...you mean Sir Sariel)
Chevalier: "You can make decisions on your own and don't have to ask for permission."
Chevalier: "I will take full responsibility for everything you do and say."
(....! So that's what this insignia is for)
It is a small emblem, but the meaning behind it is significant.
Emma: "....Can I really keep this?"
Chevalier: "As long as you do your job properly."
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Chevalier: "As long as you're beneficial for me, I'll protect you."
Chevalier: "If I find you worthless, I'll cut you down myself if worse comes to worst."
Emma: "........"
Chevalier: "That's all for now."
(.....I was so worried that my hands were shaking, but now, I feel much more relaxed)
Prince Chevalier's presence was enough to bring warmth back to my fingertips.
Emma: "Thank you very much....I'll definitely live up to your expectation."
After bowing deeply, Prince Chevalier snickers and heads to the door.
But before he can leave, he stops.
Emma: "....Prince Chevalier?"
Chevalier: "Once there was a boy that said the essence of people was love."
He continues talking without looking back.
Chevalier: "In this case, love is more like compassion for others."
Chevalier: "He said that there are no real bad people in this world, people become bad because of the influence of their surroundings."
Chevalier: "What do you think?"
(That's difficult.....)
It's a question I never thought about before.
I try to gather up all the words in my head, but I can't find any answers.
(Are you asking if the essence of a bad guy is 'love', right?)
The first person that came to my mind was Prince Gilbert.
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(Does that person have something called 'love'?)
Can Prince Gilbert, who can trample on others with a smile, have any compassion for others?
I can only tilt my head in wonder.
Emma: "I don't know...."
Emma: "I think only Prince Gilbert can answer that."
Chevalier: "........."
Prince Chevalier says nothing and leaves the library.
(I wonder a day will come when I can understand the meaning of that question)
I clutched the insignia tightly in my hands.
After a bad day, I headed to the dining hall where the guests gathered.
Emma: "........"
Silvio: "..........."
Keith: ".........."
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Gilbert: "Little bunny, you like sweets, don't you? Look look, I asked them to prepare a lot for you."
Gilbert: "Eat as much as you like. Oh and give me all the leftovers."
Gilbert: "Our country was food insecure for a while, so we don't want to waste our food."
Gilbert: "Fufu, what do want to eat first?"
(...What is this situation?)
Both Prince Silvio and Prince Keith, stopped eating and looked surprised.
Next to me, Prince Gilbert is smiling brightly waiting for me to start eating the mountain of sweets in front of me.
To begin with, the table is filled with food to feed at least ten people and there are only four of us.
At least 70% of the food is in front of Prince Gilbert himself.
(Lot of things are going wrong and his staring hurts even more)
I was prepared for this from the moment I was invited to dinner, but this is actually tougher than I thought.
Gilbert: "Hurry up. Or do you want me to feed you?"
Emma: "N-No.....Thank you for the food."
(I can feel the eyes in front of me wanting to say something but for once, I'll just let my mind go blank)
-----Part 4----
I picked up the fork and knife and started eating the cake in front of me.
Remembering the table manners that were drilled into me by Sir Sariel, I brought it to my mouth.
(.......I never even told Prince Gilbert that I like sweets in the first place)
Gilbert: "How is it?"
I'm nervous and can't taste
It's delicious
How about you, Prince Gilbert?
Emma: "....I'm too nervous and can't taste."
Gilbert: "Hahaha, at least you're being honest."
I thought I might make him uncomfortable, but surprisingly he laughed happily.
Gilbert: "You don't have to be so polite, just because you're in front of us."
Gilbert: "If anyone says anything about manners, I'll shut them up...okay?"
(I can't fail)
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Silvio: "Hey, you two-faced bastard. What do you see right now?"
Keith: "..Well, a little rabbit inside a tiger's cage who can't escape."
Silvio: "How did the little rabbit get inside that cage in the first place? Was she forced?"
Keith: "Can't say for sure..."
Gilbert: "Hehe What's wrong? Are you curious about our relationship?"
(....Finally someone asked)
Both Prince Silvio and Prince Keith must have been wondering since the goodwill party.
For the friendly Benitoite and neutral Jade, the Obsidian is a symbol of threat.
They must be wondering who the noblewoman is that was escorted by the Prince of enemy territory himself.
Emma: "We're friends."
Before Prince Gilbert can answer, I jumped in and replied.
(It's better than having him give hints that I'm Belle)
Silvio: "Huh? Don't lie so transparently."
Gilbert: "It's true. As proof, I know a lot about her."
Silvio: "Like?"
Gilbert: "There's a bakery near her house run by an elderly couple. She likes the sandwiches there."
Gilbert: "One time, she bought some sandwiches and went to a hilltop to view the city and read a book.
Gilbert: "Sometimes, she even ends up reading books from morning till evening and because of that she caught a bad cold one time."
Gilbert: "Everyone in the town was worried about her."
(..........Only people who are close to me know about this stuff)
(And the last time I had a cold was before I met Rio, so that was at least three years ago)
I thought that I got the attention of Prince Gilbert because I became Belle.
I don't think there is a spy who would report even such trivial things in the past that would be of no use.
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(Could it be the Prince Gilbert had his eyes on me, even before I became Belle?)
(....No way, I'm just a random town girl)
I have done nothing to attract the attention of a prince from such great nation.
I've never met Prince Gilbert before.
(I'll never forget such a distinctive person once I see them....)
But facts must be accepted as facts.
Prince Gilbert knows everything about me, probably.
(Who the hell am I to...)
The more I think about it, my fingertips tremble and my fork slips out of my fingers.
I was about to pick it up in panic but Prince Gilbert's hands stopped me.
Gilbert: "Little bunny, it's the commoners who pick up what's fallen on the ground by themselves."
Emma: "....Sorry. I panicked for a moment."
I sat back properly and looked towards the maid who was waiting by the wall.
The whole process of entrusting a dropped item and taking a new fork is another thing that was taught to me.
Thankfully, Prince Silvio and Prince Keith, did not pay attention.
Rather they gave me a sympathetic look.
Silvio: "From the looks of it, you got info about this woman from somewhere, didn't you?"
Gilbert: "Mm."
Silvio: "You don't know anything else, do you?"
Gilbert: "No no. I've got 100 more....do you wanna hear?"
(...........Someone please kill me)
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Keith: "Prince Gilbert...even if you really are a friend, you're stepping too much into a woman's private life."
Silvio: "Do you know what they call people like you?"
Silvio: "Perverted stalker."
(Prince Silvio!?)
Gilbert: "Hahaha. I've never heard of that word before, because it doesn't exist in Obsidian."
Prince Gilbert didn't seem offended and simply laughed it off.
His smile looked like he was enjoying himself.
(....................I don't know anything about Prince Gilbert)
Emma: "Where did you hear these stories?"
Gilbert: "It's a secret."
-----Part 5----
After all that talking.
We stopped and resumed eating.
(I didn't expect you to tell me so easily anyway....)
Emma: "...So unfair."
Gilbert: "Hm?"
I gather my courage remembering the insignia I carefully held in my pocket skirt.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert knows so much about me, but I don't know anything about you."
Emma: "As a 'friend' don't you think....it's a little unfair?"
Gilbert: "Ahaha! It is."
Unexpectedly, he accepted my words.
Gilbert: "Friendship is a process of getting to know each other. Therefore you have the right to know me as well."
Gilbert: "But simply having meals with me everyday, won't help you to know all about me, I guess."
Gilbert: "I would have to be with you all day to tell you about me."
Gilbert: "So...hmm?"
(Why am I breaking out in cold sweat when I'm the one who started this conversation?)
Prince Gilbert puts her knife and fork down and wraps my hands with both of his cold hands.
I felt like a helpless rabbit being patted by a big smiling tiger, even though he was not being rough.
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Gilbert: "Let me help you with your work."
Emma: "Huh!?"
Keith and Silvio: "Ah..." "Pfftt..."
Prince Keith drops his fork and Prince Silvio spits out his tea.
(Help me with my work?)
(The Trampling Beast, the world's bane, the prince of the enemy nation, Prince Gilbert....)
Gilbert: "You...assist the princes in their official duties for the sake of your studies, right?"
Emma: "....Yes."
Of course, he knows that too.
But that's from an outsider's perspective.
(Maybe what he really meant was, 'I'll help you select your King')
Gilbert: "If I help you, we'll be together forever, right?"
Emma: "But, don't you have your own work to do...?"
Gilbert: "Don't worry. I can make time for you."
Gilbert: "Not a bad idea, right?"
Emma: ".........."
Gilbert: "I don't know if there's anything wrong with me helping out."
Feeling the gazes of both Prince Keith and Prince Silvio, I looked at Prince Gilbert, who narrowed his gaze at me.
(If I decline here, he will definitely bring up the topic of 'Belle')
Either I accept it willingly or force myself to accept it.
Again, it's an unreasonable choice.
(....I would be panicking now if I hadn't met up with Prince Chevalier last night)
(But now I have other duties to perform besides being Belle)
I brushed off Prince Gilbert's hand and lifted the corners of my mouth.
Emma: "...I understand."
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Emma: "If Prince Gilbert is willing to help me, I would like to take you up on your offer."
Keith and Silvio: "Miss Emma!?" "Huh!?"
Gilbert: "..Oh?"
Emma: "Because....I want to know about you too."
Silvio: "Woman, are you seriously an idiot? Do you really think you can handle this problem on your own?"
Emma: "....No."
(Maybe Prince Chevalier also saw this coming)
If I consulted Sir Sariel and the other princes, they would have surely kept me away from Prince Gilbert.
But no one knows what Prince Gilbert is up to.
So Prince Chevalier made the first move.
(If I had refused, it could have been used as an excuse to make things more complicated)
(....He's really a great guy and probably might be the only person who can read Prince Gilbert's all moves)
I take the insignia out of my pocket and attached it to my chest.
Emma: "There should be no problem, right?"
The first to react to the insignia with the tiger's crest on it was Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: "Ahahaha! I see. So it's Chevalier..."
Gilbert: "Did he read my actions?"
Emma: "....."
Prince Gilbert's laughs out loud as if he was sincerely enjoying himself.
Gilbert: "This why Rhodolite is..."
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Gilbert: "so worth crushing...."
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always-wizu-you · 10 months
WITH + DarkMare Winter Live 2023 Rehearsal Log (part 2)
Winter Live is finally coming tomorrow! I'm including some other VA's tweets too
Here's the translation!
November 16th
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Pretty Series: ⛄#Winter Live 2023⛄ Each member is rehearsing for the event✨ Here are off-shot photos of NonSugar & Go Go! Mascots' #Minami Tanaka #Nanami Yamashita #Nichika Omori ♡ The live will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at Makuhari Messe🌶🥞 👇Venue tickets are now on sale!! Reiou: Huh~? Hmm……😏 Kobatatsu: Oh... I feel like I've seen this composition somewhere…………🤔✨✨✨🤣 Minyami: This photo is the result after we're being shown WITH's off-shot photos for reference✌️Look forward to the concert day! #WinterLive2023 Seichi: When I met with Tanaka Minami-san at the dubbing studio, she told me that "I imitated WITH"... so this is what that was about huh!!! What did we make our seniors do? Thank you very much [for doing this]!!!
November 19th
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Kawai-kun: #WinterLive2023 2 weeks left! ! ⛄️❄️ Rehearsal will start soon! This is my fourth time performing at Makuhari Messe. I want to overcome my nervousness and enjoy it to the fullest!!
November 20th
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Kawai-kun: Our winter has begun ⛄️❄️ #WinterLive2023 #We had rehearsals in the morning Uzawa-kun: #WinterLive2023 We had practice today!!! Kawai-kun: It’s not choreography for a new song 🫢 lol As you can see… We messed around with the off-shot photos. We took various poses for the picture. #Staff was helping #Which photos will appear on Official's X? #WinterLive2023
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Uzawa-kun: After rehearsal, we invited Saiga-san to Sushiro!!! Shrimp with good posture 🦐 lol [pic of Saiga-san's tshirt] Afterwards, we also went to a cafe, but truthfully I still want to hang out and talk more! lol Kawai-kun: I never thought I would be able to have a meal with Saiga-san… It was so much fun🍣 Saiga-san: I'm really happy that these two invited this middle-aged me😊 The two of them are really nice, so much that I'm becoming DarkMare's middle-aged fan more and more😊 We still haven't talked enough😆 Let's hang out longer next time!😆
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Uzawa-kun: We were rehearsing for winter live in the morning Then, in the afternoon, I sang WITH's songs with Master [Shinya] at karaoke. We celebrated Laala-chan's birthday too Then, in the evening, we had dinner with Hibiki-sama. What a PriPara-ful day! #ManakaLaalaBirthday2023 Happy Birthday~! Have a great birthday! Congrats~! 🎂
November 23rd
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Idol Land PriPara: Today, November 23rd, is “Good Brother” Day. And it's also Yui Yumekawa's older brother, 🍙Shougo Yumekawa🍙's 🎂birthday🎉! #YumekawaShougoBirthday2023 #PriPara #AdoPara Seichi: Let's work hard for Winter Live 🤝 Kobatatsu: Good brother!!!! Maji yabe!!!! Wooo!!!!✨✨!! ️😋 Maji congrats ㊗️🎊 Kawai-kun: #GoodBrotherDay #YumekawaShougoBirthday2023 [pic of him and Seichi in Shinya and Shougo costume for the stage play]
November 24th
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Uzawa-kun: The other day, I met Seichi-san at the studio by chance!!! We talked about Seichi Shoten!!! lol Manager!!! I’ll come back for a part-time job anytime 📕✨ I’m looking forward to the winter live⛄️
[Seichi Shoten/Seichi Bookstore is the nickname for Seichi's radio show, YOUR SEICHI BOOKS. Both WITH and DarkMare's VA had been invited as guest stars in the past episodes.]
November 27th
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Pretty Series: ⛄#Winter Live 2023⛄ Today we are releasing powerful off-shots of DARK NIGHTMARE's #Kentaro Kawai, #Shotaro Uzawa, and also #Tatsumaru Tachibana who plays Mario from "Idol Land PriPara"🌌 The live will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at Makuhari Messe🍫 👇Venue & distribution tickets now on sale!! Kawai-kun: We practiced properly, okay?! ① [WITH] Senpai's penlight ⚾️ The day before this, Nippon Baseball won the championship, hence the pose. ② We wanted to take photos with poses that you see in sport festival group play, and somehow it turned into this. It's been a while since I did it. Now, what kind of song will DarkMare perform? Please look forward to it. #WinterLive2023 6 days left until the show!! Uzawa-kun: My first morning schedule today was rehearsal for #WinterLive2023!!! I'm secretly looking forward to meeting the staff. We made a promise to stay in shape until we perform in Makuhari.🤞 Tatsumaru: This guy forgot his shoes and rehearsed in socks (゚ω゚) Seichi: I'm looking forward to the men's dressing room at Winter Live. Just try it, you'll get high* Good work, you three✨
[Seichi is referencing a meme of a pro wrestler trying scallops on TV, saying "try it, you'll get high" to express how delicious it is]
November 28th
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Kobatatsu: I've been rehearsing for the Pretty Winter Live✨🎤☀️ Due to schedule constraints, I practiced alone, but it was strange not seeing the other two! It's so empty!!! Huh? Huh? I felt so confused today lol The live's this weekend! Let's do our best! ! ! ! 👍✨😤 I’ll keep doing my best today 😚 Kawai-kun: #WinterLive2023 We have been rehearsing since morning! It was great to be able to practice together! ✋ days left until the actual performance!! After this, I'm going to ChichiBoku* practice!!! [a stage play Kawai-kun took a role in]
November 30th
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Kawai-kun: It's stage rehearsal today!! 3 days left until #WinterLive! And 6 days left until #Chichiboku first performance! I hope to see you in December too 🎅🎄 [pic of him wearing Seichi's T-shirt merch] Seichi: Cough cough! Thank you for wearing it! (Ancient WITH stage reference) (I'm healthy) Kawai-kun: 🐺 "Are you okay?!?! Let's fight!" It's stylish and I've worn it numerous times. I like it 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️
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Kobatatsu: In preparation for the live show, I changed my hair color to red🟥😍☀️ This weekend, I will be performing on Winter Live as WITH after so long, so I will give my best performance☺️!! ️ Makuhari Messe for the first time in a while! Maji yabe👍 Looking forward to it 😍 Seichi: That's a pretty red color✨🫰👴 I also changed my hair color a little. Regardless of whether it suits me or not, I feel completely ready for Makupari. Let's do it!! Kobatatsu: Seichi also changed his hair color huh!!! ✨👍☺️ Let's enjoy our first live after a long while!! ‼ ️☺️ Reiou: Of all these 5 years doing activities as WITH, this is the first time the three of us actually tried coloring our hair like the characters 👩‍🎤 Seichi: "The three of us"... that means...!? Stay tuned!!!!!
December 2nd
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Pretty Series: #WinterLive2023 \\ ⛄❄Finally tomorrow⛄❄// The biggest ever❣ A total of 44 people gathered to perform at Makuhari Messe🌟 ✔Points to note 🎄A dream collaboration for one night only!? Special collaboration! 🎄Some songs are different during the day and night…? 🎄There are new songs you'd hear for the first time 📅12/3 (Sun) 13:00/18:00 Tickets on sale now▽ Seichi: This Winter Live is going to be amazing. It's finally tomorrow❗️ Look forward to it! Kobatatsu: It’s finally tomorrow ✨☺️!! ️ Let's have fun! 👍😍 Reiou: I look forward to seeing you tomorrow😌🌕 Kawai-kun: We had rehearsal at Makuhari Messe. #WinterLive2023 Tomorrow is finally D-day 🐺🎤 We look forward to seeing you at the 2 performances! It's going to be a great live show. Definitely.
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For the book ask - 18, 33, 36 (yes I'm gonna make you total all the book purchases no you don't have to include gifted books 🤣)
thanks for the ask, referencing this post, even though you are ABSOLUTELY Coming For Me With A Knife, Here:
18. Least favourite books of the year 
unfortunately i nerfed myself by not lowball rating ANYthing, this year. on the one hand, that’s good, because it means i didn’t read anything TOO shitty, but on the other hand: yikes what didn’t i like lol.
i was most disappointed in A MASTER OF DJINN, because i love love love his shorter work, and his first Novel Length Thing didn’t quite deliver for me :/ the worldbuilding in that was still cool, though, so i think Least Favorite has to go to HE MELE A HILO: A HILO SONG by Ryka Aoki (yes, that same Aoki, of LIGHT FROM UNCOMMON STARS), because it was Very Disjointed, Very Many POV, and Very Episodic. and i know it’s bad when i think something is too episodic...i was ensaddened by that, too, because the premise seemed very cool, and it also didn’t deliver for me.
33. Did you DNF anything? 
i did not!! unless you count the AFRICA: A BIOGRAPHY book that’s still languishing on my goodreads Currently Reading (i swear i’ll finish it someday, it’s just. today is Not That Day), or my ongoing HARROW reread, because i’m on page 294, currently. i am planning on remedying the HARROW DNF by tomorrow, though, so that probably doesn’t count either XD it also probably doesn’t count because i’m love harrow and the only reason my reread’s not finished yet is because of Time lol
i don’t, in general, DNF things, because even if they’re not sparking joy for me, i turn it into a Well Why? exercise and activate the writerly hat instead. i also read fast enough once i get going that it doesn’t feel like a time waste, and i thrive on a good cathartic Spite Read.
36. How many books did you buy?
oh coming for me with a KNIFE i see okay let’s go~~
criteria: books purchased this year (so i’m not counting preorders that were Delivered This Year), not gifted or as gifts (i tallied digitally-purchased gifts separately anyway, i had to, although in my defense i did do a lot more Knitting Gifts than Book Gifts this year so that number won’t be as high as it could be, and it’s mostly Bot by Volume), caveat criteria: i only actually tallied things i bought online, and i know i bought At Least Two Books IRL--two can probably be rounded up to five, but i didn’t actually enter too many bookstores and walk out with things this year because i know that’s Dangerous for my wallet.
method: i checked All The Websites i frequent for my book procuring needs. these are: 1. downbound, 2. barnes and noble, 3. bookshop, 4. prologue, and 5. HPB (also 6. brilliant books, but i didn’t buy anything from them this year). i tallied books as either purchases For Me, or Gifts.
results: look, i made a list:
prologue - 1 for me, 0 gifts
hpb - 0 for me, 1 boxed set (4 books) gift
bookshop - 3 for me, 0 gifts
b&n - 8 for me, 1 gift
downbound - 15 for me, 3 gifts
walking into physical bookstores, probably, conservatively: 5 for me, ?? gifts
bringing our grand total to: 32 for me, either 5 or 8 as gifts, depending on how you count the boxed set (all but 1 of the gift books was murderbot, btw)
that five (5) is Definitely Conservative, so probably truly i bought between 35 and 40 books this year, is my best guess, WHICH MEANS, i did, in fact, read more books than i purchased!! muahaha!! (we’re ignoring books i Was Gifted, also, because ahahaha yikes if we count those the books acquired to books consumed ratio is no longer weighted in the correct direction for knocking down my tbr)
thanks, friend, this was fun, DESPITE you coming for me with a naked blade XD !!!
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six-of-ravens · 2 months
amusing anecdote: whenever someone commented on how many books I was buying I was like "uhhhh I haven't been here in 2 years?" as if that excuse makes any sense, and the cashier was like "omg why??" and I couldn't say "I forgot" or I'm just lazy" or the Lord's truth which was "frankly I had too many unread books because I simply have no self control" so my anxiety intervened and was like "lol I'm scared to drive to this part of town" even though I drive downtown everyday and I'm not really scared of it anymore.
so now the clerk definitely thinks I'm a wuss, but the kind of wuss who will battle her fears for Quality Used Books, so.
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day four: first full day in chicago PART TWO!!!
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After we left the Poetry Foundation building I got hungry again and we took transit to Pilson, which was the Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago (it reminded me a lot of Pomona in that way). We got food which was again, delicious (especially great considering I got a "vegetariano" burrito, which I am usually suspicious of but it actually tasted very good).
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Quick aside, I really wish I knew more Spanish when I frequent Mexican restaurants—I just know how to say thank you but I need to know more pleasantries like "have a nice day" or something (I could probably just google it...)
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Anyways, everything is kind of a foggy blur after that. We went into Inga, which is a like, artsy book store off of W 18th Street. They only had stuff that was independently published. They had a lot of art books and theory—two things I don't have a very stront grasp on. But they had some cyberfeminism stuff which I liked, and the photobooks were cool.
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After that we met up with a friend and looked around at some different clothing stores that had shit that was super expensive—I honestly never know what to look at it because I'm not very stylish but the employees working were nice and I liked that a lot. One of them, called Knee Deep, had free pins so I took one that I liked.
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After that we battled Chicago's transit to get back to the apartment. We stopped at a Paris Baguette at some plint which I will say three things about: 1) they had a crab meat croquette and a curry croquette which I would love to try; 2) they had an egg salad sandwhich with cucumber and BASIL the latter which I have never though to add in mine, so I will be trying that when I get home, and 3) on the table next to us there was a man who I think was unhoused with a bug stack of notebooks beside him, annotating the Holy Scriptures in deep concentration—he must be a very passionate and dedicated student of God if he takes so many notes, I hope things turn out OK for him.
Something I've really noticed about Chicago's transportation in comparison to Los Angeles's is the verticality of it—there's more bus lines running in opposite or perpendicular directions than towards one's desired direction.
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@germfreeadulthood explained to me the prominent racial segregation with Chicago, re: the way the public transit is structured to keep the South side separate from the North Side, how the South side not as cleaned up or given the same access to resources (re: grocery stores with quality or passable produce) which further emphasizes the divide. Los Angeles, in comparison, is not as prominently segregated, so it isn't as difficult for someone to get across the entire city—you can really get far in LA with minimak transfers (which I would know, because I've done it several times before—people who shit on LA transit don't have any fucking idea what they are talking about...)
Something else I want to make note of is thr cicadas—they sound very mechanical here in Chicago, as in like a whining piece of machinery. I almost thought it was construction when I heard them, hence the haiku.
Anyways, tomorrow we're going to a used bookstore, maybe the Farmer's Market and maybe even the lake to swim? Who knows. I feel tired, I've walked so much and I know it's good for me but man I am tired. I really do like Chicago, though. I find it very beautiful.
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More tomorrow.
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hospitalterrorizer · 6 months
tuesday - wednesday
thursday will be the day i get to enjoy my clothes from japan. so exciting.
i also just got a book, agua viva, that will come somewhat soon, i suppose, i am very excited to get back into lispector as the 2 books i've read of hers are some of my favorites ever, i think she's always hit, i've read bits of a few others of hers, also amazing imo but i just could not finish them, because i was reading them in a bookstore, i was trying to absorb as much as i could from her. after agua viva, it's either back to gary indiana's book gone tomorrow again, which i still need to finish, or i buy something from amphetamine sulphate. i think i want to read another thomas moore book, i know he's amazing, but my curiosity is piqued by isabelle nicou, she has a new novel out called stricture, and i can't tell what it's about really, which is good. the excerpts are rather amazing to me, as pieces of writing, look:
In Harry’s suburban house, cluttered with books and stacks of papers, time was bending in an elliptical orb that never failed to constrain me during the few months broken by vacations and interruptions—several, for Harry was often invited abroad—where I went once a week to, as my famous mentor put it, “assist” him.
i love that. i am really itching for fiction right now i think. i really would like to get back to writing my big project, step outside of the little pieces i add, and get to the hard work of assembly and subtraction, but it is hard, i need to just sit down and do that but there's other stuff that feels almost more pressing, the music, right now. so it sits, it can wait a bit. since there are things being added to it, it feels like it's not cold for me, it won't really be i think, it feels too near complete already i guess.
music was good today i think, i hope. i recorded the whole of a song, wrote lyrics for it and stuff to complete it. there's some takes i need to take out, and some stuff i need to punch in i think for timing, but it's basically all there i think. i think i sound better on that song now. plus, i wrote lyrics for like 2 other songs/instrumentals, one of which was one i was like, how am i gonna figure anything out. something hit me and i ran with it, and it works. that's very exciting. i also have a random fragment now, which is kind of a fully formed idea with no song to go with it. that's nice as well, something to use whenever. but i want to do something longform again. a story. i've been too focused on other things, i guess. but i think it'll come to me. whenever i feel lost that always does return. especially if i get burned out on one pursuit.
i came upon an interesting thought, i will enter it into the story, i think.
i have done that. i think today is good, i am not hating my bangs so much too, even. stuff like that. i talked to my gf for a while today, we talked about dumb things like some new video game where the main character has a giant ass, which is strange to see. that game looks pretty bad and it's kind of frustrating they're obv trying to crib stuff shinkawa would do in metal gear, especially like, the beauty and the beast women in mgs4. who, regardless of how like, uncomfortable that might be, have incredible designs imo. i've heard in the past the game was going to almost be more of a horror game, with some of the designs he was trying, which i wish was what happened. i hope at some point he can do more horror oriented designs.
soon, as well, i need to finish maldoror. i can be too precious about books with really incredible prose, trying to drink it all as deeply as possible so as to absorb/learn better what they do and how to use it for my own ends, or to even sense if my ends are compatible with their ends, stuff like that. maybe it's not too precious, maybe i just need to be better.
so with songs that need lyrics entirely, i think there's only like, one? idk. and then there's like, 3-4 that need some additional parts written.
i'm thinking, probably, some of these songs are gonna need more boosting in the bass, which should go over decently i think. like, a pretty flat/even +2-4 db? i'd guess at least.
new vox from today need to be lowered by a few db as well. like, 2, i think. maybe too saturated too, or too much high end? strange. but i do rlly like the takes i have for this.
i was listening to the songs thru the blue yeti mic, it's so fucked up how much high end it adds. i was thinking like, what the hell is wrong with all these mixes. now i know why i thought i needed so much added bass. listening thru system audio it still feels like some of these songs could do w/ the high end boosts i'm doing, even more extreme like, idk, even +5? we'll see. but it could be a key to making things sound better.
i'm liking how this is all coming together though. i'm glad my faith in myself is returning i guess, or that's kinda just how this feels. maybe it's delusional. but we'll see, based on reception, although i think basically nobody is gonna receive this.
here's some fashion mag photos/scans i found today, also:
madame figaro japan:
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i don't know if it's the scan or what but the blurring on this in the dark space is so uncanny to me, she has the feeling of a sea creature emerging from the depths, she is occupying non-space in a strange way, which makes this photograph really interesting, beyond its role as advertising, it's either been given something wrong by a bad transfer/scan, or it's produced that way. either way, it is against itself in a good way, instead of making one want something solid, it pushes one towards the insolid. which is interesting, as luxury items are always supposing to sell that, so perhaps it's not against advertising wholly, but one could contend that perhaps it is, or it points in some direction where by being handled poorly something can be taken from the image, i guess its negative is produced here, or something, i guess even with the external interference of the watermark, it begins suggesting other things, a mire/swam of desirability, beauty but totally frayed, it's not working in the typical way say fashion photography of deconstructed/avant garde stuff works, as much as i truly love that stuff it is still trying to further its own existence by suggesting to an audience it is a luxury good, instead of a com/pulsion. it is not presenting an object's aura, this is someone being swallowed by something else, subsumed into a broad instantiation of not. or it's at least the feeling it gives. either failure or an odd affect of the photographer, produces something that feels outside of typical valuation in fashion. the image as it is, draws attention to the point of where it loses interest, the fading of definition, or maybe a point of emergence. it is pointing constantly at a fissure.
l'officiel china:
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this one is similar to the above, although i suppose more typical and more evidently intentional. i am very struck by the figures of men behind her, i do quite like how at a certain level, the clothes cease to matter and high fashion photography kind of enables a lot of photographers to simply not engage typically. what is preserved here is maybe more a sense of aura of the clothing, although it is oddly agnostic to the garments, it is not shot like a flower, as some might try, it is held at pretty great distance and shares space with the totally surreal men who seem to leer or be heading someplace. they evoke futurist forms, even, which is odd. this, rather than being about nothing, reminds one of passing someone striking in a car, something like that. in contrast to the last it is certainly not able to point at anything single, it's very busy, the pollution gives it another kind of weight.
elle girl korea:
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this one is by many measures less odd than the prior two, however i quite like her socks and would like some like that myself, a nice and piercing green. i find myself more and more wanting to wear green, but i have nothing to wear it with. sad. i'll have to find things. i do quite like, overall, the aggressive gaudiness on display, the white background foregrounds it, the rusted looking base of the tv, it being evidently old. the loudness of the outfit, her pose being so like, it's such a pose, she is holding her hands funny, she is pushing her elbows out. it is pointed at you, or maybe through the viewer. it's almost an image begging to be lost in the pages of a magazine. that's not to say it's bad or something, i like the photography here a lot, i guess it's kind of hitting at an early peak of normcore in 08, sorta.
anyway, i need to sleep soon so i can record some more tomorrow. and then i'll be closer, inching closer and closer, and closer, and then soon it'll be time to really get down on the cover art, which will be fun i think, and a headache, but hopefully a good one.
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timandlucy · 9 months
hi suz! gosh, i've gone and done it again, it's been a while since i last messaged i'm sorry! the last week or so has just gone by in a blur.
what have you been up to since i last checked in? are you feeling any better? tell me all the things!
thank you SO MUCH for sharing your linstead fic, i can't wait to read it soon!
honestly dreaming about surprise songs is one of the most fun things about going to the eras tour lol my show isn't until the end of 2024 and i'm ready thinking up surprise songs that i'd want to hear. since she'll be resetting surprise songs and i'm assuming we'll have rep tv by the time your shows are, i am keeping my fingers crossed that she sings a rep track for you! the folklore and evermore sets are probably my favorite during the tour because they're so incredibly stunning, especially visually. the projections during august, the moss piano for champagne problems, the choreo of willow...everything about those sets are perfect and were probably my favorites of the eras tour. the rep set also really goes off so i know you'll have a great time then. the whole concert is amazing! that would be a super cute look for tour, the lover heart around the eye is *chef's kiss*
please let me know if you pick up any of the books i mentioned! i'd love to hear your thoughts! are you reading anything currently?
i'm definitely into the holiday spirit! it's been busy around here lately, but i've been watching 1-2, sometimes 3, christmas movies a night this week which has been really fun. i rewatched scott wolf and kristin chenoweth's hallmark movie the other day and it really is one of my favorites. it always makes me cry! i'll probably watch it again before the end of the year lol
sending love, good vibes and lots of holiday cheer! - secret sleuth 🧡 🔎
Omg don't even worry! I totally get it. I was so insanely busy with work and everything, it's a miracle I even get to open tumblr anymore these days.
What have I been up to? Hm, I'm still coughing really bad like 3 weeks later, so I think I might have possibly had the C-word. Work has also been busy, since I work at a bookstore and holiday season... retail hell and so on. Working at a store doesn't really make me appreciate the holidays any more. People can be so horrible and I've barely been keeping it together.
I'm crossing my fingers for King of my Heart for Vienna concert because the friend that I'm going with (and that got me a ticket as a gift), that's her favorite song, so I really want that. I've given it a lot of thought obviously, but The Lakes would be amazing, since it's one of my faves, but also DBATC because it took me forever to not mess up the lyrics and I would proudly scream it, and I just love it so much. Ahh I am so happy you liked the folklore and evermore sets, that makes me even more excited. In a way, I'm super happy we got the movie, because that means I won't be worried about every detail, and I'll be able to be more present. I'm just so incredibly excited!! 137 DAYS!!!!
Of course I will! I'll try to get some for the holidays, maybe I'll have some time to read then. I need a break for real. So this is gonna sound funny, but there's this YA really old book series called Sadler's Wells/Ballet Slippers. And I kinda wanna do a Nace AU loosely based on the main love story in it, so I'm re-reading that hahaha. Also sometimes it just feels good to read something like that for the nostalgia, you know?
Omg, lucky you! I haven't watched any in the past week. It's been busy, and I'm just tired. I really do like that one so much! I did watch Holidate last week, I really think Emma Roberts should only do rom-coms, she is so good at them!
Tomorrow is the last hectic day at work, so I'll hopefully be a bit less busy from then on and finish setting up my tree (it's been lightless since I got sick, I know, a travesty).
Sending lots of love and christmas magic! ✨🎄☃️
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benkyoutobentou · 6 months
31 Days of Productivity Reading: Day twenty six
Before: I’m going to the bookstore today! The next volume of Guardian by Priest comes out in English today so I’ll be picking that up and using the opportunity to study some more. I should probably study Japanese today, though…
I don’t really have any other goals for today. Based on the amount of pages I have left in ベルばら, even if I only read for my minimum hour I should still have time to read some 憎らしい彼.
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After: Second chamomile harvest of the season! My first harvest is still drying so I haven't had any tea from my garden yet, but I'm very excited for that day to come!
I also finally started a new anime today after feeling like there just wasn't anything I wanted to watch for quite some time. I'm watching 美少年探偵団 now! I read the book a few years back and it was honeslty a supremely bizarre experience. It was the first book I ever read in Japanese, it was extremely difficult to get through (and would probably still be hard for me, based on what others in the book club had said), and I think the majority of us in the book club, myself included, didn't realize going into it that it was a parody novel. I suddenly remembered that it had an anime adaptation, and absolutely had to watch it. Knowing the original, watching it is so much fun. It's supremely ridiculous in every single way and, personally, I find that to be a bonus, especially going in expecting it. And afterwards, I had a dog and a cat laying in my lap, so I couldn't just get up. Luckily I had planned to be trapped in my seat and wasn't caught without my book, so I also got some reading in.
I also had a bit too much success at the book store. In addition to my usual book store study time, I went for Guardian and ended up picking up A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock as well. I knew that there was a book I had looked up recently that was in stock at my store, but couldn't remember what it was. As soon as I saw this, though, I knew that that was the one for me. And while I'm thinking of it, I'm going to put some of my books on my tbr into the little free library near my house. There are a couple that I just don't see myself reading anymore, and I would rather free up that space to house books I actually want to read.
I finished ベルサイユのばら volume two today! I read 69 pages over an hour and one minute for an average reading pace of 1.1 pages per minute. So, I guess I was wrong about being able to finish the volume in under an hour, but I still have time in the day to get to more reading tonight. I think it's fair to say now that my average reading pace with this series is a page per minute, which is actually really nice in giving myself a close estimate as to how long a single volume is going to take me. Also, even with just two volumes under my belt, I'm noticing that I'm getting used to the style and vocabulary of the series. I'm looking up less words as I see the same ones appear and reappear.
I'm already thinking about what manga I want to read tomorrow, and I think I might jump ship to another series... This is why I read so many one shots and 2-3 volume series; I just can't stick to one thing long term unless I'm a little bit too obsessed. I'm a one volume at a time type of person.
Even though I didn't get a whole lot of time to read 憎らしい彼 today, I did read some! I read eight pages today over thirty eight minutes, for an average reading pace of 4.75 minutes per page. That's certainly not my best reading pace, but it id getting pretty late, so that might be slowing down my pace. My total reading time for the day was an hour and thirty nine minutes.
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cosplayingwitch · 2 years
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I posted 657 times in 2022
76 posts created (12%)
581 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 23 posts
#fan fiction - 16 posts
#loki x reader - 6 posts
#tag game - 5 posts
#loki - 4 posts
#tagged - 4 posts
#uquiz - 4 posts
#quiz - 4 posts
#reader insert - 3 posts
#reccomended - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#as in i met a couple people for lunch once or twice in a date like scenario but without it officially called a date
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not-really spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi ahead!
I love tiny Leia. She is as full of chaos and sass as grown Leia is. Well done, creators of Obi-Wan, well done. I think Carrie Fisher would be happy with this representation.
5 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
I kinda doubt it, but I have an idea if anyone wants a random writing prompt. I call it the "leftover valentine's candy challenge". I still have a box of smarties conversation heart things, so I could give you a prompt of a random candy or two drawn from the box.
So if you want to participate (which I doubt anyone will), let me know and I'll send you a picture of however many random candy quotes as you want. Obviously, you'd have to tag me in your finished story.
(I suspect this would be excellent for writing fluff.)
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6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
What am I doing with my Saturday night? With a migraine and having had quite a bit of my energy taken up in helping my mom with her class reunion, I'll be catching up on Bridgerton.
(Yes, I am only tonight beginning season 2.)
Plus, because I do love period dramas, I will be going to see the new Downton Abbey movie in the morning.
6 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Anyone else watch Moon Knight and find themselves just enamored by Oscar Issac with an accent? Like, I knew I was attracted to him as Poe Dameron, but add a fucking accent and I'm head over fucking heels over here.
The show itself is cool, but I'll admit, this was one of the two reasons I even tried the show. (The other one being "it's marvel".)
13 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
Here we go! My first new fic since December! This is for @make-me-imagine 's 5th Anniversary Challenge
Pairing: Malcolm Bright x gn!reader (I reread it to double check, but if you spot any runaway pronouns please let me know)
Prompt: “Meet up for a blind date and getting along very well, only to realize halfway through you met up with the wrong person on accident.”
Length: just over 1200 words
Warnings: the reader does do a bit of drinking in this, and maybe mild language warning?
A/N: This is my first time writing in this fandom! I've wanted to write for this for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. I also messed up with the prompt a bit, so that probably disqualifies me. But I wrote it anyway!
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
You’d just gotten off work when your best friend called with an usual question.
“You’re single, right? Please tell me you are.”
“Ummm, yeah?” They’d been by your side after your most recent, and rather painful, breakup, so they had to have known this.
“And you still owe me for getting you an advance copy of that book?” You couldn’t lie, having a friend with a job at a bookstore had its perks.
“You’ve held that over my head since you did. Let me guess, you finally figured out how you want to cash in that favor?”
God, you hope it’s not something bad. Or illegal.
“You’re going on a date tomorrow night. Consider it a gift.”
“What?” You’re a little taken aback. “No.”
“You owe me. I’m not saying you have to marry the man, just go out with him. One date won’t kill you. Look at it this way, you’re getting a free meal out of this too.”
“If I do go, which is a big if, can I ask who I’m going on this date with?” You question, still a little hesitant.
“That would ruin the surprise, it’s called a blind date for a reason. And you are going, even if it means I have to drag you to the restaurant myself.” You knew she was being sarcastic, but something also told you that there was a bit of truth in that.
Eh, what the hell. Why not.
As you straighten your shirt, you can’t help but wonder if you’re overdressed for this.
“That’s nonsense. You’re still used to the work-from-home sweatpants. This is absolutely perfect for a date at a fancy restaurant.” Your best friend continued to babble over the video call, but nothing really stuck. You were busy being stuck in your own head.
The sound of your phone jolted you back into reality.
“Okay. I sent you the address of the restaurant. Remember, 6 PM. No later.”
You arrive at the restaurant a little early, choosing to wait in the lobby than take up a table before whoever your date was showed up.
But that was exactly the problem. He never seemed to show up. You waited until 7 before giving up and asking the hostess if there were any seats available at the bar. Sitting down, you checked your phone in case your friend texted you that something happened to your date.
No text. You managed to get stood up by a blind date. 
“Date gone bad?” The man to your left asked.
See the full post
46 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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kdpinterior · 2 years
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a free tool that allows authors to make ebooks and paperbacks available on the Amazon platform. The KDP interface is easy to use and features several options for making changes, such as pricing, editing book details, changing the book cover, etc. Read this article to learn more about amazon KDP for beginners and how it can help you publish your own books! It is a program that helps authors publish and distribute their books on Amazon. The requirements for this program are a little more open than other publishing houses, which allows for an even playing field among self-published authors. In this article, we'll go over why it may be a good idea to publish with amazon KDP for beginners and walk you through the process! Amazon KDP For Beginners 5 Step Guide To KDP If you're thinking of becoming an indie writer, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). This course is an amazon KDP for beginners guide to publishing your ebook via KDP. I wanted to do something a little different! I would like to share some Kindle publishing tips for kindle-tastic. Amazon KDP For Beginners 5 Step Guide To KDP Every day I get emails and messages asking how to build a website, publish a book, create a magazine, run Instagram or Pinterest, etc. To be honest, I'm not sure if everything I do will actually help you. but I've learned a lot in the last four years of self-publishing online. This allows you to quit your job and work full time from home. I have an unearned income and am not dependent on my monthly salary, so I can do what I love. But don't quit your job tomorrow. I quit my job after working part-time for 31 months. It takes time, but we are getting closer to that goal every day. So, over the next 12 days, here are some self-publishing tips and guides to help you start publishing on Kindle, earn a passive income, and eventually quit your job. What Is Amazon KDP? Amazon KDP is an online publishing platform that authors can use to self-publish their books and sell them worldwide over the internet. With over 50% of the market share for both print and e-books, it is the clear alternative for independent authors who want to publish their work without having to deal with the difficulties of a traditional publishing procedure. Amazon offers a wide variety of books for sale. From novels to textbooks and cookbooks, Amazon KDP has it all. You may choose to sell digital books, paperbacks, or even hardcovers. The secret to generating ongoing revenues through Amazon KDP is to establish yourself as an authority in your field, write several books, and use clever marketing strategies to build a solid client base. 2. But, Why Amazon?  Amazon has an 80% market share in the eBook industry. You should definitely take advantage of its massive customer base by making your book available on its platform.Amazon charges a royalty of 35%-75% on net revenues. In comparison, traditional publishers only offer 15%-20%.The Kindle Store has a lifetime shelf-life; these are your lifetime mini-assets. A book can only be stored in a bookstore for 30-60 days.Right now, if you use the strategies I teach you today, Amazon will promote your book for you. Publishing on Amazon is so simple that you can start making money in days if you follow the methods I teach you Amazon KDP for beginners you never have to deal with inventory! NO MORE MIDDLEMEN - People who decide whether or not your book meets their standards.Kindle sales are increasing at an exponential rate, and other devices and computers can now download and read Kindle eBooks. 3. There are 4 ways to profit from Amazon self-publishing amazon KDP for beginners KDP Interior Book: Creating and selling an eBook is the simplest way to begin self-publishing. Kindle self-publishers frequently charge between $2.99 and $4.99 for their eBooks. Paperback Books:  Paperback books are s
till in high demand. Parents would prefer to buy physical books for their young children, especially children's books, in order to limit their children's screen time.   Paper books, in my opinion, are evergreen products. As a self-publisher, you can take advantage of this paperback version because many readers prefer physical books. No. You are not required to keep a stock of paperback books.  You can use a print-on-demand service such as CreateSpace (an Amazon subsidiary) or Amazon itself. Once you have the file ready, it will only take a few minutes to set up your paperback on Amazon.  Furthermore, because you can charge higher prices for physical books, you will earn more royalties here than you will from KDP royalties. Audiobook: Creating audiobooks is another great way to make money online. Audiobook Creation Exchange ACX (an Amazon sister company) lets you hire voice actors to create your book. Their audiobooks are distributed on Amazon and Audible.  Hardcover Books: Self-publishing a hardcover book will be harder than the three methods above. But you can still make good money by adding a hardcover option to your book. CreateSpace doesn't print hardcover books on demand, so you'll need to use a third-party service like Lulu. You can then ask Lulu to make your hardcover book available in the Kindle store as well.  4. KDP Select vs. Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) You must choose whether to sign up for KDP select exclusivity program or regular Amazon KDP before you can start selling your books on Amazon. You are free to sell your book on other eBook stores in addition to Amazon Kindle since Amazon KDP is non-exclusive. You must offer Amazon exclusive distribution rights for your Kindle novels in order to join KDP Select. You cannot sell your eBook on your own website, Apple, Google Play, Nook, or any other store platform. As a result, only Amazon will be selling your eBook during the exclusivity period. Checklist to Get Started with Amazon kDP For Beginners At this point, we anticipate that you are familiar with the fundamentals of Amazon KDP. To begin your trip on the platform, it is only logical to introduce the checklist. Some of the items on the checklist have, albeit briefly, been mentioned before, while others will be completely new to you. You can be sure we'll get into the specifics of each. The following is a checklist for beginning with Amazon Kindle Publishing: KDP profileAuthor Central on AmazonThe e-book version of your booklisting of booksKDP Choose Final Thought Amazon KDP For Beginners There is no right or wrong decision when it comes to Kindle exclusivity; it all relies on your aims and ambitions. The regular KDP is for you if you want to distribute your books across different websites. KDP Select is the option for you if you just have one book and no other platforms, if you want to use the Kindle promotion tools, and if you're happy to have your book available on Amazon alone. Remember that you can always join and leave KDP Select. You can experiment to see which one suits you the best. You may achieve the best of both worlds by making use of your alternatives.
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
Take It Easy
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Peter Ballard x Reader
Word count: 540
Warnings: none
Plot: Peter comforts you after someone was mean to you.
Request: “
Oh I am so taking advantage of the blurb event...I promise I won’t go overboard though! Congrats on 50 followers by the way! Could I please request a comfort fic with a super stressed and panicked reader using prompts 1, 2, and 17 please? Thank you so much and keep up the fabulous writing!!!”
“Totally forgot to ask for Peter Ballard! I requested comfort with 1, 2, & 17! Sorry 😂”
(1. “Take a deep breath”) (2. “oh, sweetheart”) (17.  “You have enough time to do everything, slow down”)
A/N: I'm going to use the setting from The Invisible Touch where Peter and reader escaped to california and reader works at a bookstore.
Your lip wobbled as you got off the phone with a customer that has been bothering your book store for weeks. Something about some book that's not getting released for another month and a half. She screamed at you over the phone about how useless you were and when people even happen to raise their voice you get misty eyed. Peter just so happened to walk by your office when you started to sniffle, halting at the entrance to your office to peak in.
“Y/n, is everything ok??” he asked cautiously, walking in to look for you. You scrambled to wipe your tears away but your red eyes gave you away.  When he turned your office chair towards him he kneeled down between your legs and put his hands on your thighs, “What happened, y/n?”. You looked down away from him, but he grabbed your chin so he could keep your attention.
“Take a deep breath”, he murmured, brushing a thumb over your lower lip. You breathed through your nose slowly and then started to explain what had happened over the phone. “She called me useless and said that I sucked at my job. She said she was going to personally go to the bookstore tomorrow and complain and if she saw me she was going to make a scene”, your lip wobbled and your eyes started to water as you thought about how loud she was over the phone. 
“Oh Sweetheart”, Peter said, holding your face in his hands and wiping the tears that fell. He hugged you pulling you in so you were pressed against him, one arm against your back rubbing circles up your spine.  He kissed your forehead and rested his head on top of yours, he hated to see you like this. When he pulled back to look at you he noticed how tired you looked. “This book isn't getting released for another month and a half. You have enough time to do everything, slow down. What does she want you to do, time travel to the release date and get her the book?”. He joked and you giggled feeling a bit lighter. 
He grabbed your hand, “C'mon let's get you into something cozy and let's rest together, you've done enough work for the day. Later on you can call your boss and explain the situation”. He held your hand and guided you to the bedroom changing you into one of his comfy shirts and laying down together for a nice afternoon nap.
Later on after you let Peter cuddle you and give you an excessive amount of kisses, you called your boss. Peter sat right next to you and he held your hand, squeezing it every so often to comfort you. Your boss said she was going to handle this customer in the morning and tell her that if she cant respect her workers then she will be banned from the book store. Your boss also apologized for how the customer had treated you, she gave you the day off tomorrow claiming you needed it after what you had been through. After the call ended, you and Peter popped a movie on and snuggled for the rest of the day in celebration.
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