#I went to bed at 10 and woke up at 9 and I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up at 5 💀 then fell asleep for 4 more hours
nordicbananas · 29 days
yay it's the weekend how is everyone
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kesujo · 3 months
Other Plans - Part 1 of 3
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Continuation of 'The Ifs and Buts of a Relationship'. If you don't want their innocent image to be destroyed, I would recommend steering clear ;D
I woke up to the feeling of the warm sun beating down on my eyelids. Something soft was resting on my cheek. My pillow?
Unwilling to wake up, I tried to lift my arm to block the sunlight, but found it was trapped by Jessi's arm.
I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling, blocked by strands of caramel-brown hair. This made me realize that during the night, she had crawled on top of me.
The hair blocking my vision also made me realize that the soft thing resting on my cheek wasn't my pillow, but her hair. How could her hair be so soft, even after not showering yesterday?
I lifted my head as much as I could to look at the clock. But when I noticed how the clock was different than the one I had at home, I suddenly remembered: we went to a karaoke place to celebrate my birthday yesterday, and had fallen asleep in a bed they provided for us.
However, the displayed time of 10:34 drained away all sleepiness I had. Oh no, I already wasted so much time just sleeping. Where's my laptop..? and then a sinking feeling in my stomach told me that I left it at home. Great, I thought and audibly groaned.
Since my arms and legs were trapped by Jessi's bear hug, I pondered what I could do to try and wake her up. Then, the realization hit me; we fell asleep around 1:30 yesterday, which means she only has slept for about 9 hours. I cringed at what her reaction might be when she wakes up, but started coming up with ideas anyway.
After debating with myself for a couple of minutes, I finally settling on one, I turned over to her face and pecked her cheek. "Jessi~" I cooed softly.
She didn't budge. I tried again, except this time planting a kiss right next to her eye. "Jessi~" I called to her once again. She stirred and made some kind of a noise, but otherwise, fell back asleep.
I sighed, thinking for sure that doing that would work. I really didn't want to go to my final resort; but I was willing and prepared to deal with anything, as long as I could get home quickly.
I lifted my head a little and planted a kiss right behind her ear. "Mph," Jessi groaned, turning us over so that I was on top of her now. I tried to escape, but her grip remained as hard as steel. I can't believe I'm actually doing this again, I thought as I lowered my head a little and planted another kiss right behind her ear, following it up by nibbling on her earlobe lightly "Mm," her groan turned into a soft moan.
I had learned of her magic spot while we were still a couple in high school. Don't ask me how I learned it, I just did.
"You haven't done that in forever," I heard Jessi's husky morning voice tell me.
I was a bit surprised Jessi didn't just hit me and fall back asleep again, like she usually did. Then again, I had never used this technique to wake her up before. I rolled off her, but this only caused us to switch our positions again. "Well, I really need to get back home so--"
She pecked me, cutting my words short. Why was she suddenly kissing me so much? Yesterday too, at the restaurant ...
"I had already planned something for today, but it's not until around 12," she informed me.
I whined. "I can't just ditch my research now, I--" but was cut off as she captured my lips again, making it last longer than last time.
When she pulled back, I looked at her with a confused expression. "Why are you kissing me so much recently?"
She pouted, which made my heart melt, despite her messy hair and her tired eyes. "Why can't I?"
"Well, because--" I tried to explain, but couldn't actually find a reason. "Because ... most best friends don't kiss each other?"
She gave me a gentle smile. "Well, we aren't 'most people', are we?"
I sighed, anticipating this response. "Yeah, I guess," I admitted in defeat.
"Plus, I'm practicing for something," she continued. I cocked my eyebrows.
"For what? Did you audition for a play recently that I wasn't aware of?"
She shook her head. "I signed us up for a recording of a porno," she told me calmly.
I almost gagged on the air I was breathing in. "Wh-What?" I asked, brain spinning with shock. Did Jessi seriously just say "porno"? And she signed us up for it? And how could she be so calm about it?
"So since there obviously will be a lot of kissing involved, I want us to get used to each other again," she continued, still calm. Before I could barrage her with questions, she opened her mouth again. "Oh yeah, and we're filming it with someone experienced, so there's no need to worry about her."
My brain was still spinning. Did she honestly expect me to have sex with her and her friend in front of a camera, where the producers would most likely post the video on some website and ruin my reputation? I know it seems selfish, especially if Jessi really wanted to do this and was just good at hiding her love for me or something, but the information I just received clouded my mind.
I half expected her to say "gotcha!" or something, but after a moment of silence, I realized she wasn't going to. I opened my mouth to speak, brain throwing around a million questions to ask her. "So you're going to get used to kissing me, but not actually having sex with me?"
I mentally facepalmed. Why did I have to ask that? Of all the things--
"Oh, that's a good point," she said, releasing her grip on me to place a finger on her lips in a thinking fashion. Although most people did this for the purpose of being cute, Jessi actually naturally did this, which made it all the cuter. "We should practice, shouldn't we?"
As she was reaching for the hem of her shirt, I scooted back. "No no no, I didn't mean--" but I was cut off as she reached a hand for my pants. Somehow, she managed to strip off her shirt and pants in the time I had said six words. "Wait," I said, grabbing her wrist. "We aren't honestly going to do this, are we?"
She looked at me. "Well, you don't want to be underprepared when we arrive, do you?"
"I mean, we aren't honestly going to be going to this recording of a porno, right?"
She looked at me in a sort of disbelieving fashion. "Why would I lie? I never lie," she pouted.
It was true; she never did lie. To me, at any rate.
"But--" I stammered, confused beyond belief. Why would Jessi do this? Did she honestly fall in love with me? She could have just told me instead of signing us up for something like this.
She took advantage of my confusion and grabbed a hold of the rim of my pajama pants and pulled down, leaving me only in my boxers, and her in her underwear. "Hey--" but once again was cut off when she climbed on top of me. It's not like I haven't seen Jessi in only her underwear, or that we have never been together without much clothing; heck, we sometimes took baths and showers together. But something in her eyes made me shudder: a glimmering hint of mischievousness.
"Jessi," I whined, causing her to smile. Just like her aegyo always made me smile, mine always made her smile. But otherwise, I hated using it with other people. It just made me feel awkward.
"Why did you sign us up for a recording of a porno again?" I finally managed to ask the question bugging me.
She sat on the space right below my groin. "Well, I found this website a week ago. On this website, you could share stories and read other people's stories," she explained. So this is why, in the past week, I sometimes found her focusing so hard on her computer screen sometimes. "And after reading some stories, I came across this story that contained a chapter of the characters having sex with each other." My face paled. I could see where this was going, but that's not why my face paled. The thought that came into my mind was so disturbing, I began praying to God that the one night where Jessi actually slept by herself wasn't because what I think it was. "So after reading that, I got really turned on and started searching for other smuts." Noticing my confused expression, she went on to explain. "Smuts are like stories or one-shots, which are basically short stories that last no more than one or two chapters, that contain sex." A mixture of an understanding and an even more disturbed expression came across my face.
Seeing my expression, Jessi giggled. "Your face is so cute right now," she cooed, completely breaking out of her serious explaining tone to rub her cheek on mine. I had flinched when she was lowering her face, thinking that she was going to kiss me again. Not that I didn't like her kisses, its just that right now, my innocent and pure image of Jessi was being destroyed right before my eyes. Or ears, I guess.
"Ok, so anyway," she went on, changing her tone in an instant. "So you know the one night a few days ago where I decided that I would sleep alone?" I nodded with eyes opened wide. Please, don't tell me she -- "I had done all my planning that night, including the sushi restaurant yesterday for dinner, karaoke yesterday night, and now the recording today. I figured you have been a virgin for too long, so I thought 'why not?' and signed us up," she said. I sighed a breath of relief. It wasn't what I thought it was, thank god.
She caught this and looked at me curiously. "What, did you think I was doing something else?"
I shook my head frantically, but still, she grinned. My stomach sank. "Did you think I was masturbating?"
I covered my face with my hands. I was unwilling to show my embarrassed face to her.
"Well, actually," she continued, causing my stomach to sink even further. Oh no ... she really did masturbate? "I did a little that night," she said, as if suddenly recalling. Seeing my pale face, she continued. "It was only so today wouldn't be my first time, because from the stories I read, the first time always hurt, and I didn't want to worry you with that."
Despite my completely destroyed image of her, I couldn't help but smile a bit. Even in a situation like that, she didn't stop thinking about others.
The moment was broken when she reached behind her back and undid her bra strap. "So are you ready?"
"No," I said, suddenly panicking as she threw her bra somewhere in the room and moved to removed her panties. Were we really going to have sex now? My best friend, whom I have known for about 20 years, and I were honestly going to do this right now?
"Why are you panicking so much?" she asked, looking down at me curiously after throwing her panties to join her bra.
"Well," I said, voice shaking. "I'm sorta about to get raped by my best friend--"
"Your hot best friend," she interrupted me, grinning. I felt something grab my arms, but I ignored it; I had to get an answer from her.
"Sure, hot best friend, someone I've known for the majority of my life. I mean, we aren't even a couple, and suddenly, we're about to have sex today. Who wouldn't be panicking?"
She rested her lower body on mine, supporting her upper body and her head with the arms, which were right next to my bare shoulders. "Me?"
The simple question suddenly created a question. "If you aren't in love with me, then how could she be so casual about this, as if this were normal?" I asked, accidentally speaking my mind.
Before I could hit myself for being so reckless, she answered. "Well, honestly, the smuts I have been reading made me realize how hot you actually are, and what it would be like to--"
"Ok, thanks," I cut her off, not wanting her to finish that sentence.
She grinned at me. "Aw, are you still shy about having sex with me?" she cooed, which was extremely strange because her cute voice saying the word "sex" completely threw off everything. "Well, its ok," she continued. "I'll make sure I get you horny enough," she said, once again smirking her mischievous smirk.
My eyes grew wide. Oh god, what was she going to do?
The whole conversation distracted me as I suddenly felt something cold attach itself to both my wrists. I looked up and was shocked to find that she had handcuffed my hands to the bedposts of the bed we were on.
She lowered herself onto me, pressing her breasts into my bare chest. I groaned, trying to wriggle out from under her, but to no avail. "And also," she breathed into my ear. "How do you know that I'm not in love with you?"
She didn't give me a chance to respond as she placed her mouth on my jaw, right under my left ear. The kiss sent electricity flying from that spot, causing my breath to quicken; it was my most sensitive spot, one that Jessi had discovered recently and always used to abuse me.
She nibbled the skin lightly, causing the electricity to intensify. "Jessi," I groaned, trying to bring my hands down to pull her off me. This did nothing except make a shackling sound, telling me that escaping from it was futile. I tried anyway, despite the small amount of pain I was beginning to feel from it.
"Jinnie, don't do that," she said in a worried tone, suddenly stopping and reaching her arms out to touch my wrists. However, this caused her body to stretch, causing her breasts to push more into me. I bit back another groan.
Her touch pacified my attempts of escape. When the shackling sound stopped, she looked back at me. "And by the way, this is your fault," she told me, moving her mouth right above mine.
"You nibbling my ear this morning really turned me on," she whispered. Frick, really? "And you're the one who suggested this," she whispered, attaching her mouth to my jaw again.
"Jessi," I groaned. "Stop..." I said softly, straining to escape my handcuffs again, but only filling the room with the sound of shackles shaking.
She ignored me and let her hands explore my body, running her hand across my pecs and my chiseled abs. The sexy aura she was giving off, from both her actions and the general atmosphere caused me to shiver; needless to say, her plan was working out quite well.
"Hmm," she hummed, moving her mouth off my jaw and onto my lips again. As she ran her hands down my sides sensually, her tongue licked at my lips, begging for entrance, which I denied. I was still trying to get over the fact that Jessi was doing this in the first place. And even more that I didn't mind, and that I might even like it.
Realizing I wasn't going to give her entrance, she started to attack my lips, trying to force her tongue inside. Concentrating all my attention on keeping her out, I didn't even realize she was pulling off my boxers until her bare skin made contact with mine.
"Mph!" I said in surprise, diverting my attention a bit, which was all Jessi needed to plunge her tongue into my mouth. Since when did she learn to be such a good multitasker? I wondered as she battled me for access to my mouth while grinding my hips with hers, creating extremely pleasurable friction. I closed my eyes, overwhelmed by this feeling.
"Mmm," we both moaned into each other's mouths. My attempt to escape the handcuffs became more frantic. Despite doing two things at once, Jessi managed to win the fight and was now deepening the kiss, only to have to separate for air after a few seconds.
I looked up at her wearily as she propped herself with her arms, this time resting on my chest. She smiled down at me. "Turned on yet?"
I raised my eyebrows. Was she honestly asking me that? Before I could answer, she dove down once again, this time aiming for my neck. "Hey--" but I was cut off as Jessi nipped at the skin on my neck. "What--" I started again, but once again was cut off as she grabbed more of my skin with her lips and brushed her teeth on it. Then, she bit down.
"Mm!" I mumbled in surprise, pain pinching my skin. "What--"
"I learned that people usually do that in the smuts I read," she informed me after coming back up.
I rolled my eyes. "Because everything you read online is true, right?" She pouted. I grinned at her. "I'm just teasing. But won't it leave a mark?" Her only answer was a nod, followed by a teasing smile. I frowned, which only caused her smile to trickle down to her mouth, showing off her perfectly straight, blindingly white teeth.
She bent down slightly and started to grind me again, placing kisses all across my chest. I squirmed, having already stopped trying to escape the handcuffs as I realized it was pointless. "Jess, what are you doing?" I asked while struggling under her.
"Shh," she told me, bringing her hand to my chest and tracing my abs. I shivered at her touch. Something in my lower region started to hurt a little, but I was distracted as she brought her mouth down to it and replace her finger with her tongue, using it to trace my abs instead. My breathing started to quicken again. Suddenly, Jessi stopped and laughed lightly. "Your little friend is trying to greet my thigh," she told me, giggling.
"What--?" then I realized what she meant by 'little friend' as I realized what the pain in my lower region was. I tried to hide my blush, but my hands were cuffed to the bedposts.
She noticed this and lit up right away. "Awww, your blushing!" she cooed, completely breaking out of the sexy character.
"Shut up," I told her softly, trying to hide my face.
"It's so cute!" she told me, smiling brightly and kissed my cheeks.
"Mmm," I groaned, trying to avoid her lips, but to no avail.
After she was finally done, she got back up to look at me. "Ok, so I was thinking we could cover two things at once," she told me, turning her body around so her legs her facing me. "So you know what to do, right?" she asked, scooting down and parting her legs as she got closer to my face.
"Um...?" I tried to look at her but was blocked by the sight of a pink muscle that seemed to part away from a slit, the muscle glistening from something. It was producing so much heat that I could feel it, even though I was about six inches away from it.
She stopped moving. "Wait, you don't?" she asked like it was the strangest thing in the world.
"Should I?" I asked back.
"69?" she tried to hint to me. The number rang a bell: my friends in high school and college would always use the number whenever possible. So one time, confused, I asked them what it meant. Then, I remembered: it was a sex position which involved both partners facing opposite directions, stimulating each other simultaneously. So that meant that I had to-- "I guess I'll tell you what to do," Jessi said, taking my silence as confusion, scooting down so the pink muscle was barely an inch away from my lips. "Ok, so first, kiss it," she told me.
Tentatively, I closed the gap and placed my lips on the glistening pink muscle in front of me. "Ng!" she moaned, bucking her hips into my face, causing the glistening thing to cover my face, which I discovered was sticky and somewhat sweet. Surprised by this action, I tried to back away, but her legs had already trapped my head.
"Mph!" I exclaimed in surprise as she pushed my face into her with her legs, causing my face to meet the sticky liquid once again, my nose brushing a stub.
"Ng!" she moaned again, pushing my face into the pink muscle again.
"Jessi!" I yelled, or tried to as my voice was slightly muffled, as my lips tasted the sweet liquid again. However, this seemed to catch her attention.
"O-Oh, sorry," she panted, releasing her grip on my head. All the moaning had intensified the pain, which I hoped to God Jessi didn't notice. "O-Ok, and I also have to practice giving you blowjobs," she told me.
Wait--! I thought as I felt something warm and wet wrap around my dick. "Unf," I groaned as she began taking more and more of my shaft into her mouth.
"Heh, ru habe tu du shumhing tu," she said, mouth still full. Realizing what she just said was incomprehensible, she released her grip on my dick with an audible pop! before speaking again. "You have to do something too," she told me, using her legs to push my head towards her vagina.
I reluctantly met the muscle with my lips, causing her to shiver as she took my member into her mouth again. The pleasure from the suction Jessi was providing was extremely distracting though, which left me doing nothing except making a sort of making out motion with it, licking the slit and the semi-sweet liquid coating it. However, she seemed to be enjoying it as her moans constantly vibrated down my shaft, in turn causing me to moan.
She began to take more of my shaft, moving down a little, and then moving back up, all they while licking it continuously. I held back a moan, releasing the sudden burst of pleasure by randomly inserting my tongue into her slit.
She didn't hold back as she let out a throaty moan, using her legs to push my tongue in more, desperate for more contact. I complied and pressed my mouth as far as I could against her labia and stuck my tongue as far as I could. "Nng!" she moaned, thrusting into my tongue. I tried to follow her thrust, but my tongue felt trapped in between some kind of walls inside. So instead of thrusting, I started to move it side to side, exploring anything I could. "Nnn..." she moaned once again before taking the whole of my shaft into her mouth. I was glad I had shaved my pubic hair, as she also took my balls into her mouth. I heard her gag a bit, but I was too distracted to what I was doing pay much attention to that, other than the fact that the immense amount of pleasure I was receiving from it occasionally caused me to send vibrations down into Jessi, causing her to squirm a bit more.
Before long, I started to feel pleasurable pressure build up near my stomach area that continued to build up as Jessi continued her menstruations. Feeling a rush of something, I increased my pace, desperate for the pressure to build up. We had both begun to sweat, the salty-ness of the sweat mixing in with the sweetness of Jessi's liquid. As I continued though, the muscles surrounding my tongue tightened even more, but this proved no problem to the rush of adrenaline/hormones I was experiencing right now.
The pressure started to become overwhelming, so overwhelming that I started to fight against the handcuffs again in a desire to push Jessi's head deeper onto my dick. Instead, I bucked up into her face, forcing her to gag a little. "Jessi..." I moaned again, once again sending vibrations inside Jessi. She squirmed even more, once again thrusting into my face, which was already sticky with the liquid pouring out of her slit.
"Nnngg, Jiinnnniiieee" she let out a drawn out moan, sending vibrations down my shaft. In response to the pleasure, I thrusted upwards into her mouth, desperate for more. The pace of her moving on my shaft also quickened, tongue frantically licking, flicking, and wrapping itself around my dick.
I continued to thrust, the pressure clouding all judgment, including the concern that I might be hurting her. "Hnn," I moaned again, not able to speak much as my brain had basically shut down at this point. "Hnn..." the pressure was reaching a climax. "HNnn ..." I felt the pressure become overwhelming. "HN ... "HN!" I thrusted one final time before releasing all the pressure that had built up in my stomach.
The release caused me to suddenly feel tired, which slowed down my thrusting into Jessi, but she took care of that as I could feel her coming to the same climax from her growingly louder and constant moans and quicker and harder thrusts. "Jinnie..." she moaned, mouth already off my dick. "Jin--Jin--JINNIE!" she screamed her high-pitched dolphin scream as a huge rush of the sticky liquid. Since my mouth was already situated at only exit, the liquid squirted into my mouth, some dribbling off my lips as I attempted to swallow it.
As I licked the last drops off my face, she turned herself around to face me again before resting her head on my chest. "Are we ready yet?" I asked her, exhausted.
"No, one more thing," she told me. "I just want to rest for now."
I remained passive at this news; I had initially thought that having sex with her would lead to awkwardness between us, but that clearly didn't happen.
After a minute or so, she reached for the cabinet next to the bed and reached for the top drawer, pulling out a key. She once again stretched against my body to reach the handcuffs, drawing a soft moan out of me.
Unfortunately, she heard this and stopped. "I should make sure you won't just run away huh," she said, almost to herself as she retreated her hand. Frick. Stupid mouth, I cursed my mouth as she placed the key on top of the cabinet.
"And how are you going to--Unf!" I was cut off as she had wrapped her silky legs around mine and started to hump me. "Jess," I moaned, starting to feel my breath quicken yet again. She placed her lips on my jawline again and started to nip at every inch of skin she could find. "Mmm," I hummed with pleasure, allowing my head to fully rest on the pillow as I closed my eyes. Before long, my little friend began to poke Jessi again.
She stopped when she felt it and reached for the key, but not before giving a sly grin to me. I groaned and facepalmed with the pillow. How could she still be so playful?
"Ok, aand," she said, straining against my body once again as she fumbled with the key and the handcuff. I bit my lips, holding back a moan. "Darn it," I heard her mumble as I heard the keys being dropped. She stretched even more to reach it, pressing her breasts more into my bare chest. I bit down harder, drawing a little bit of blood from my lips. "Ok, I got it," she mumbled to herself, raising herself again. But as soon as she grabbed the bedpost, her hand slipped, causing her to fall back down on the bed.
"Ng..." I moaned, unable to hold it back. "Jess, you're doing this on purpose," I accused her.
"No, why would I do that on purpose?" she asked innocently, but her shaking body said something else. Usually, when Jessi was suppressing his laugh, it usually was transferred into her body.
"Yah, you did that on purpose!" I told her, but was silenced when she humped me again, since her legs where still interlocked with mine.
"I won't unlock the handcuffs if you keep on complaining," she told me. I had already heard the key go in, but she had yet to turn it.
"What?" I whined, pulling against the handcuffs again, but was humped yet again by Jessi.
"I said shh," she told me, turning the key. As soon as she let my hands free, she caught them with her hands and pinned me to the bed. Then, she turned to look at me. "Now, are you going to do what I tell you to?" she asked me. I looked at her wearily, but after a few seconds of silence, I yelped as she humped me again.
"Ok ok," I said, submitting. I was the guy; why did she have so much power over me? I easily answered myself: I was extremely sensitive to this type of stimulation, which Jessi always abused to get what she wanted.
She smiled, releasing her grip on my hands and flipping us around, so I was on top now. "Ok, so I'm going to explain everything first, and then you do it, ok?" I nodded. "Ok, so first you place your mouth on my breast, doesn't matter which one, and start licking slash nipping slash whatever. Meanwhile, you use your finger to insert it into my pussy," she explained, still using a calm voice, despite the harsh language. Which I found amazing, to be honest.
I started to move down, but was stopped when Jessi touched my head lightly. "Oh yeah, and you don't want to be too quick about putting your finger into my pussy," she explained. "It makes it more exciting for me or something, I think," she told me.
Keeping the strange bit of info in mind, I moved down until I was level with her chest. I moved my right hand down and lowered my head, taking her right breast into my mouth. "Hn" she moaned when my lips touched her skin. I started to lick the smooth skin, running over a stub of some kind.
Apparently, this was a sensitive spot, as when I did, she moaned loudly and bucked her chest up. Unprepared for this, more of her breast entered my mouth, causing the nub, probably her nipple, to brush my tongue again. "Nn," she moaned, pushing my head down onto her breast, desperate for more. I had no choice but to accept it, breathing only from a small opening from my nose.
Meanwhile, my hands were occupied on Jessi's legs. I had remembered what she had said, and placed my hand on the inside of her thighs, a few inches away from her pussy. I had forgotten about it until she had pushed my head into her breast; realizing just putting it there wasn't achieving anything, I moved it a bit closer. I heard her gasp softly. I grinned in satisfaction and began to rub the spot where my hand stopped.
"Ung, Jinnie," she moaned, trying to maneuver herself down onto my fingers. I had already anticipated this and used my left hand and right leg to trap her hips, making sure she wouldn't be able to move. I moved my finger a little closer, continuing to rub her skin. "Hng," she moaned again, trying once again to buck into my fingers, but failing.
I flicked her nipple with my tongue a few times, earning a few more moans and another push downwards. Afterwards, I found a suitable pattern: lick, lick, swirl, lick, swirl, swirl, suck, swirl. I heard her breathing starting to quicken yet again.
I slowly inched my hand upward, starting to trace small circles inside her thigh along the way. As I got further up, I started to encounter more and more of the sticky liquid.
I stopped right before I reached her pussy lips. When I got here, I drew a line right outside the edge of the pink muscle. "Ng! Jinnie!" she moaned, bucking downwards again, but failing again. "Fuck..." she moaned, trying to close her legs, but was blocked by my own legs. "W-Why did I t-tell you to do this..." she said in short, ragged breaths. I responded by giving her nipple a light bite. "Un!" she screamed in pleasure, both bucking up and pushing my head down.
Deciding I had teased her enough, I put two of my fingers on her pussy lips, tracing the outline of the sopping wet muscle. She moaned, once again bucking, but once again being held in place. I switched breasts, placing my mouth on her left one.
While I was tracing the slit, I had brushed a nub, causing her to violently buck into my fingers, this time achieving what she had been trying to achieve for the last few minutes. "Hng," she moaned as I pushed my fingers into her, leaving only my knuckles outside of her.
Figuring I might as well continue, I started to push my fingers in and pull them back out. As I continued to pump, I felt the tight walls accommodate for the space my two fingers took. My thumb found itself resting on the nub, while my ring finger, being pressed into the outside of her pussy, almost accidently slipped in. The two events simultaneously happening caused her to let out a loud moan, bucking fiercely into my fingers, allowing my ring finger to easily go in, despite how tight she was.
While lightly biting her nipple yet again, I started to draw circles around the nub. "JINNIE!" she screamed, shaking as a torrent of sticky fluid rushing past my fingers and onto my hand, staining the bed a little.
When she finally calmed down, I released her breast and traveled down, licking up the fluid, and then pulling my fingers out, eliciting a groan from Jessi, licking the cum off my digits. When I was done, I crawled up and plopped myself next to her. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" she asked in between breaths.
I looked at her. "Yeah, why?"
She turned her head to me, but started giggling when she saw me. I cocked my head to the side, curious as to what she was laughing to. "You have something on your lips," she explained, leaning forward and capturing them, licking my lips a little before pulling away. "There we go," she said happily.
I looked at the clock: 11:01. We had been doing this for about half an hour? "How long does it take to get there?"
"About 15 minutes from here by car," she said. Before I could tell her we didn't have a car, she said, "And about an hour minutes walking."
"Well if we want to be in time, we probably should go now."
She looked at the clock, then got up quickly. "Yeah, we should," she said hurriedly, putting on her clothes, including the dress she wore here.
I put on my clothes and waited by the door while she checked herself in the mirror, making sure her bed hair wasn't too crazy. "Ok, let's go," she said, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. I had noticed she was carrying her heels in her other hand. Before I could ask, Jessi noticed this and explained, "Oh, this is so we can walk without the risk of me falling or something. I mean, you know how bad I am with walking in heels," she said.
I smiled and nodded; yesterday, just on the ten minute walk here, she almost fell about eleven times. I remember her panicking because there was a sudden lack of support, but luckily, each time, she was able to recover by holding onto me.
So after about an hour of walking and running, and me giving Jessi a piggyback while she relieved her sore feet, we had arrived at a rather ordinary looking building. It looked like just any other building: tall, lined with windows following a specific pattern all the way up to at least 20 floors, made of brown brick, and had a single door. The door lead to a flight of stairs, hallways on the right and left leading to more rooms. "Third floor, 3004" she told me. We sprinted up the stairs, Jessi not on my back anymore, turned left when we arrived at the floor, and arrived at the door labeled, with a golden plate above it, "3004".
Jessi stepped forward and knocked on the door.
Part 2 here.
188 notes · View notes
lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 1 | As You Wish ft Yuna
length: 10.2k words✦
Shin Yuna & Male Reader. 
genres: footjob, thighjob, foot worship, public sex, blowjob, oral sex, creampie  ✧ 
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The night you came home after the Spa session with ITZY was one of doing everything on autopilot, you didn't really pay attention to what you were doing, your mind kept on what had happened a few hours ago, and above all, in the difficult, incredible and terrifying request that Yeji had made of you.
Normally your mind was scheming every second that passed, but the moment where you overthought things the most was when you went to sleep. You thought about many things with the blanket up to your chest and your gaze fixed on the ceiling, and the question that most frequently occurred to you was 'am I really up to it?'. The work you had done with them, even with the limitations already imposed by the work environment, had been impeccable, otherwise you wouldn't be in the situation you were in, but you couldn't help but think that the pressure could work against you at any time, even knowing that you were not going to have any limitations of any kind.
And well, the other questions that occurred to you were stupid things that your head threw at you just to piss you off, such as: 'What will they do if I don't please them? JYP is going to disappear me into a pool of sulfuric acid?' or also 'If I do something they don't like, will they cut my dick off?'. Quite normal questions that the human brain asks in stressful situations.
That night you went to sleep restless.
The next morning you woke up to a message on your phone from an unknown number, but from the way it was written you could easily tell that it was from Hwang Yeji. The message didn't contain much, it was just a greeting, an address and a warning that emphasized that you should not arrive before 5 pm. You clearly weren't going to argue against that.
It was 10:13 in the morning on a Sunday, and despite having slept for more than 9 uninterrupted hours, you felt like a Bear whose hibernation was interrupted by a tremendously unavoidable situation and who hated his life. You made a quick breakfast, cereal and a couple of oatmeal cookies, and turned on the small TV in your kitchen to catch the day's news.
The truth was that you didn't even watch the news, your gaze was lost in nothing while your arm spooned cereal into your mouth from time to time, too busy thinking about what the hell you were going to wear to go, and that was just the beginning of the day.
2:43 PM and you were still sitting on your bed, staring at your wide open closet as you pored over your options. You had never felt so Grinch in your life, you even made the faint of lying back on your bed and saying: 'That's it I'm not going', but your common sense made you realize that this was tremendously stupid .
In the end, enlightenment came to you on its own, you didn't want to dress like you were going to a Met Gala, but you didn't want to dress like a bum either. You opted for khaki baggy pants, white trainers, a gray hoodie, and a black baseball jacket with white over it. You saw yourself in the mirror a couple of times, and surprisingly, you considered that you were perfect for the occasion.
You left your building at around 3:03 PM, took your car and drove to the address written in Yeji's message. It was about 10 minutes driving until you arrived, realizing that you were in a residential villa, and that Itzy's bedroom was a 3-story townhouse. You weren't surprised at all.
The townhouse was a little further apart from all the others. Located on the hillside and not far from the forest. You had to admit that it was a beautiful, peaceful place with beautiful views, perfect so that no one would ever think of finding them there. Clever to say the least.
You parked the car on the road a few meters from the gate and got out of the car while you put the keys in your jacket pocket. You stood in front of the gate, and you stared at a camera located to the right for a few seconds until you took out your phone to tell Yeji that you were outside. You only received an 'I know' as a response. You saw the camera again and waved.
Less than five minutes passed when the automatic gate began to open, and when it reached halfway, you found yourself face to face with Yeji herself, as radiant and beautiful as she always was despite not even wearing makeup. She was wearing black sweatpants, gray crocs, and a white tank top with no bra underneath. Your gaze went to the clearly visible nipples for a moment, but then back to her eyes.
"Hello there, oppa," Yeji smiled with her gaze fixed on you, her hands clasped behind her back, "Welcome, I didn't think you'd be here so late."
"Hi! Thank you" you greeted back with a friendly smile, walking past her to stand on the other side of the gate, "Well, actually I spent most of the time debating with myself, sorry."
"Oh, you didn't want to come?" She raised an eyebrow in the most dangerous way, and then stepped forward to stand mere inches from you, "Did you think you'd miss out on the chance to get our pussies as much as you want? Really?"
"Well, if you say it that way..." you were going to finish the sentence until Yeji put her hand on the back of your neck and pulled you towards her so that you were inches from her face.
"You don't turn down an offer like that, darling, it would be sacrilege," she took one of your hands and brought it to one of her tits, so that you could feel and squeeze it over the fabric of her tank top, "And I would take that as an offense to us," she approached your lips as if to kiss them, you felt her breath, but as soon as your lips brushed, she pulled away from you.
"I… right, fuck, I'm sorry," you took a deep breath, closed your eyes and exhaled to calm yourself, "wasn't that a little risky doing that out here?"
"Nah, we live alone, it's safe enough here to do that," Yeji turned around and started walking towards the house, you followed her close behind.
"That sounds too good to be true," you commented, looking at the rectangular pool you were surrounding and the crystal clear water flowing through.
"Well you're right, our manager comes every day to check that everything is fine and in order," you walked to the right, straight towards one of the glass doors. Yeji opened it by sliding it to the left, and made you go in first, "But he only comes in the morning, and as soon as he arrives, he's gone."
Yeji guided you through the giant and beautiful house, giving you a quick mini tour of just the places you passed. You got to the second floor, and as soon as you climbed the last step, you found yourself facing another glass door that led to one of the balconies, where there was what appeared to be a large rectangular jacuzzi with two steps.
"Fuck, they spared no expense," you muttered, looking out.
To the right of the glass door were the stairs leading to the third floor, and you barely glanced left to see a familiar face in the room at the end of the hall. You and Yeji walked in that direction, and now you were in what was the living room of the house.
"Oh my, look who we have here," Ryujin said playfully, sitting with her legs drawn up on the far left of the giant beige leather sofa, which spanned at least 10 feet horizontally. She wasn't even fully clothed, just wearing a baggy black sweater and blue panties.
Ryujin wasn't the only one on the couch. To the right, slightly away from her, Chaery was lying, staring at her phone and her head resting on the armband, which you were sure was more of a pillow, and the sofa could also be used as a bed. She was also still in her pajamas, extremely short white shorts and a loose-fitting shirt of the same color.
"Hi girls," you greeted with a smirk and a little bow to both of them. Ryujin got up only to give you a peck on the cheek and sit back down, but Chaery just waved at you with her view still on her phone screen.
"Oh, don't mind her, she just woke up and she hates us all," Yeji said, leaving you standing where you were and entering an unseen hallway to your left. You assumed that she led to a bathroom.
"It's 3 in the afternoon, are you serious?" you chuckled.
"She fell asleep late watching an anime on Netflix," said another person to your left who you hadn't noticed because of how quiet and still she was. You turned to see Lia, sitting on the counter in the corner of the kitchen, next to the outlet where she had her phone connected. She did go with ordinary two-piece pajamas, blue cotton shorts and a tank top of the same color, however, she was not wearing a bra either.
"Which one?" you asked, with your hands in the pockets of your jacket to take a few steps forward and analyze the entire room, you were unable to calculate an exact price for such beauty, but the oak wood floor and furniture, together with the intrinsic system of lighting in the whole house had to be worth 10 times more than your apartment.
"The Seven Deadly Sins..." Chaery replied, her voice sounding as if her soul had been sucked out of her.
"Damn, you wasted your time, I'm sorry," you winced.
"Please don't remind me," she sighed.
"Hey, want to have a seat? You're getting on my nerves standing there," Ryujin said, patting a space next to her. You went and sat down. Sitting there you could see the rest of the space, in front there was a small brick wall that matched the floor, a boiler on the lower right side with a compartment to store firewood on the left, and installed higher up, a TV about 50 inches where they were watching Bluey. To the left of the brick wall, another glass door that also led to the balcony.
"Oh, where is Yuna? I haven't seen her," you said, watching the show with Ryujin.
"She must be in her room doing who knows what, she's been there ever since she woke up," Yeji replied, leaving the hallway she entered a few minutes ago and walking towards the kitchen. It wasn't even 5 seconds after Yeji said that when you saw a pair of feet go down the steps that led to the third floor.
"Speaking of Helen of Troy..." Ryujin muttered next to you.
Yuna patiently walked down the steps, as if she were the princess of a fantasy kingdom whose suitors they were eager to see, but her face and aura didn't take her too far from that status tho. She looked utterly charming to you. Pink pants, tight cropped t-shirt with an evident push-up bra, and white sandals that let her pretty feet shine. As icing on the cake, she wore a little pink hair pin on one side of her head. Inevitably your gaze went straight to her delicious bare midriff, she seemed to notice, because when you looked up to meet her eyes, she followed them until your eyes met.
"Hi oppa," Yuna greeted you with a smirk, her hands clasped behind her as she joined you in the living room.
"Hi, my lady," you joked, returning the smirk.
"You were still in your panties when I left the bedroom before he arrived, how did you do it so fast?" Yeji asked from the kitchen, pouring herself apple juice into a glass.
"I saw him coming through the window," Yuna replied puzzled, as if it was obvious.
"Yeah, but you didn't answer my question," Yeji leaned her back on the table, then took a sip of the juice.
"Oh, I just wanted him to see me pretty and dressed up," the innocent little smile returned to her face, "Not like you guys who look like you just got kicked out of bed."
"I was," Chaery said quietly, eyes still on her phone. You held back your laughter.
"Whatever," Yuna ignored her, "Oppa, do I look pretty?" She waved her hair from side to side and then turned to look at you flirtatiously over her shoulder.
"Very pretty, yes," you agreed.
"I know, thanks," she winked at you and turned around again, "shall we go?"
"Uh? Where?" You turned to see Ryujin, with whom you exchanged glances, and she showed you that she was just as confused as you.
"I don't know, take me around," she shrugged, "although now that I think about it, I've been in need of shoes lately."
"Shin Yuna, you have a different pair of shoes for each day of the week," Ryujin said.
"I said I need shoes!" she protested, frowning, "come on oppa."
"Honey, did you forget that you are an idol and that you can't go out like that?" Lia also intervened, "wear a cap, mask and if possible, a coat."
"And you," Yeji said, staring at you, "make sure she doesn't do stupid things."
"She does them normally?" You looked at Yuna, who was playing dumb.
"No, but when she's around a cute guy," Ryujin said, with a mischievous chuckle, "go ahead," she patted your shoulder, and you were forced to get up from the couch.
"I'll wait for you outside, okay? I'll go start the car," you said, stopping in front of Yuna, she looked into your eyes, and you saw her back. Two big glowing orbs.
"Of course," she agreed.
You walked past her, and before you started down the stairs, you stopped.
"Uhm… can someone go with me?" you asked with a nervous giggle, "I don't remember how to get out."
"Don't worry, I'll go," Ryujin got up from the sofa and walked towards you to follow you down the stairs.
"God, thank you," you sighed.
Ryujin led you through the labyrinth they called home again, and when you were crossing the narrow corridor that led to the hall on the ground floor, she stopped you abruptly and pulled you towards her, causing you to pin her against the wall. You froze at the unexpected movement.
"I hate that my turn is still so far away..." she muttered, grabbing your waist, "I already want that dick inside me so bad..." Her hand went straight to your bulge, she squeezed it over your pants, and you were tempted to kiss her, but you thinked twice.
"Stop, Yuna's going to be here any minute," you muttered back, grabbing her wrist and pulling it away from your crotch.
"So what? She and I could suck your cock right here," Ryujin's eyes were fixed on you with great desire and lust.
"No, cutie, I'm sorry, it's her turn, it's her decision," you took the hem of her sweater and brought it up to her waist, held it with one hand, and with the other you rubbed her pussy up and down over the panties. She seemed surprised but not upset, "Relax, I'll make it worth the wait."
"You son of a…" she leaned forward slightly to kiss you, but she bit her lip to contain herself, "get out of here, the gate has a manual control on the side, the password is 120219."
"Very kind, see you later!"
And so you did. You separated from her, left the hall and followed the same steps as when you entered with Yeji. You circled the pool, and went to the gate. You entered the key as it was told, and it began to open slowly.
You went outside and went straight to your car, started it, and drove right to the front of the house to wait for Yuna. The aforementioned left the house a few minutes later, wearing a cap, face mask and black coat, she looked to the sides as a precaution so that no one was watching, and she got into your car.
"Are you ready, oppa?" Yuna asked, pulling down her mask but covering her face even more with the cap, "nice car, by the way."
"Thanks, it cost me two years of savings," you laughed, making a U-turn and starting to drive out of the residential village, "any specific place you want to go?"
"Take me to the Starfield, they have a Louis Vuitton store where they sell very cute shoes!" Yuna answered excitedly, but you only worried.
"You do know that everyone goes to that mall on the weekends, right?" you asked, eyes on the road.
"Oh, come on!" she complained, "No one will recognize me, I will not take off my cap or mask at any time."
"I know you won't, but I fear for some obsessive fan recognizing you just by…I don't know, your body."
"Well, that wouldn't surprise me..." you turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow, "Okay okay, sorry," she laughed, "but I still want to go, I'm a human being! Not a fucking circus animal."
"You have a point," you nodded, returning your gaze to the road, turning around a street to head up the highway, "As you wish, princess."
You arrived at the mall after a drive of about 10 minutes, it was difficult to find a place to park, but you took advantage of the fact that someone was just leaving to take their place. Yuna put her mask up again, and before she got out of the car you grabbed her wrist.
"Hey, no talking to high concentrations of people, you'd be too obvious," you warned, putting the car keys in your jacket pocket.
"Understood," she nodded, and then you released her to get out of the car.
As you walked through the mall you could feel the tension take over every fiber of your body. You couldn't believe you were on that site with such a massive public figure like her, but it wasn't being with her that made you nervous, it was the fact that any wrong move could get her and you in trouble. You really didn't have to, but you made sure to keep some distance from her just in case.
Yuna was obedient in not speaking, she just silently led you through the shops until you reached the Louis Vuitton store. The storefront was simple, but exuded elegance and exclusivity. And thank God, with the naked eye there were only 8 to 10 people inside.
You entered in the most discreet way you could, glued to the wall without attracting too much attention and going directly to the shoe area. It was then that Yuna moved away from you a bit to be able to carefully examine the shelves and tables. A store worker approached her to serve her, and within a few minutes, she took a pair of slingback shoes from a table with the distinctive brown color of Louis Vuitton and the logos of the brand as a print. The manager left with them, and then returned with the same ones but her size.
Yuna took off her coat and handed it to you, and as you sat down, she took off her sandals to replace them with the pair of shoes she had just chosen.
"Well? What do you think, oppa?" Yuna lifted her leg and made you grab her ankle to get a closer look at her shoe, but you knew well that she did it to make you remember what happened just days ago. The shoes were very pretty, they exposed her ankle and the vast majority of her feet, except for her toes, they certainly looked very pretty on her.
"They look nice on you, but I think you could go for something more… uncovered, perhaps?" you asked, releasing her ankle. Hearing that, the guy serving her showed her a variety of options. Yuna chose some that you recognized, they were champagne-colored eleanor slide sandals, which you also knew were fucking expensive.
She took off her previous shoes and put on her sandals. She repeated the process, and you grabbed her ankle once more.
"Something like that?" Yuna asked playfully, moving her fingers slowly to tease you. You stared at her foot, and your first instinct was to want to grab her toes and start kissing them, but you were in a public place, and you only controlled the flashbacks.
"Those are perfect, cutie, they're a yes," you nodded, and then released her ankle.
She wasn't happy with just one pair, so she had the worker show her more. This time, she chose double-strap sandals in the same color as the first pair she chose and with the same print.
Once again, she made you grab her ankle but with the other foot, and if you had liked the sandals she tried on before, you loved these. You pretended to look down each side of her foot to see the sandal, but it was just an excuse so you could caress her ankle and the sides of her foot with your thumbs. After a few seconds, you released her ankle.
"I must say… they're my favorites so far," you smiled, looking into her eyes, "you should take these, and those," you pointed to the previous sandals.
"Okay... but I think I need to go to the dressing room for a moment, I have some discomfort in my..." she made a move to grab her tits, but she didn't, "you know."
"Uh?" You frowned in confusion, "well, go ahead, I'll be waiting for you out here."
"That way, miss," the worker said, gesturing with his palm toward a hallway farther to the left.
"Thank you," Yuna gave him a small bow, and she turned to go to the dressing room.
Not a minute has passed since Yuna left when you received a photo from an unknown number to your phone. It was Yuna. And it was a photo that had just been taken in the dressing room mirror, which had nothing special, it was just her standing facing the front, without her mask or cap on. What really caught your eye was the caption: 'Hey oppa, I don't think I can do it by myself... can you help me?'
You put your phone away immediately, and the first thing you saw was the worker in front of you. You couldn't just stand up and go in the same direction as Yuna, you had to find an excuse. You thought about it for a few long seconds, so that in the end you ended up resorting to a cheap and typical excuse.
"Excuse me, where are the bathrooms?" you asked, standing up.
"Oh, that way sir," the guy pointed back again, but this time to the other side, to a hallway to the right. Very timely.
"Thank you."
You stood up and walked to where he told you to, but before entering the hallway you stopped, looking over your shoulder and making sure he wasn't looking to run with silent footsteps in the other direction.
The dressing rooms consisted of two rows, one on each side, making a total of 8 changing rooms with closed doors whose lights were all off except for one, one that was at the end of the row on the left, the furthest from the corridor. You walked with slow and silent steps, until you arrived in front of the door. You tapped twice with your knuckle.
"Yuna-ssi?" You called, almost in a whisper.
"Come in, silly, you don't have to be so quiet," she replied a tone higher than you, and then she opened the door for you to step inside.
"What do you need help with?" you were probably being very stupid, but at that moment you didn't get her intentions, who knows why. Of course this would not last long.
"Absolutely nothing..." Yuna took her coat from your hand and let it fall to the ground, getting dangerously close to you.
"So?" You saw her eyes, your head had already reacted, but you wanted to play the fool, "I don't quite understand why you made me come here."
"Don't you get the idea?" she hugged your torso with both hands, making sure to press her tits against your chest.
"Mmm, I don't know, I think you should cut to the chase and that's it," you put both arms around her shoulders and hugged her too.
"I want you to fuck me here and now, oppa..." she muttered without taking her eyes off you for a single second. She then withdrew an arm from around your body and reached down to grab the bulge over your pants.
"Did you go crazy, honey?" You couldn't help but smirk, "They could catch us at any time, it would be such a mess," you bit her lip, as she massaged your cock until it was rock hard.
"I promise I'll be silent... besides, I want to know how it feels to do it in a public place," saying that, she broke the distance between your faces and crashed her lips against yours.
"You better be quiet..." you whispered in the middle of the kiss, your breaths heaving with each passing second, "you better."
You removed her arms from around her neck and now put them around her waist, and she took hers from around your waist to wrap one around your neck as her hand continued to massage your cock. The kiss gradually warmed up, until your tongues began to intertwine inside your mouths. Yuna let out little moans from time to time, and your cock was already beginning to beg to be free.
One of your hands went to her ass, while the other continued to cling to her perfect waist, pressing your fingers into her creamy flesh. Soon that hand joined the other, and with both you gave her ass a strong squeeze that caused her to bite your lip and separate your lips from hers.
"Enough, I want that cock inside me," she reached with both hands to the button of your pants and undid them, and with a strong yank, she lowered them down to your knees including your boxers.
You complete her work, pulling your pants and boxers down to your ankles to get them off your legs. Already naked from the waist down, you kissed her again and grabbed her by the waist to push her against the wall in front of you, you cornered her against it, and then you made her turn around.
Instinctively she pulled her ass back, pressing it against the back of your cock, but you held her still, and began kissing her long neck as you ran your hands around her waist to reach the button of her pants and undo it, then you unzipped it, and grabbed the curb to lower them right down to her ankles. Your only obstacle now was a white thong, which showed off her wide hips and her round buttocks.
"A thong? I didn't know Shin Yuna was so slutty," you murmured in her ear, and she shuddered. You took two of your fingers between her buttocks and rubbed up and down her pussy, noticing that the fabric was beginning to get wet.
"But you like it, don't you?" she reached back and grabbed your cock, stroking it slowly, "I think he loves it," she looked over her shoulder at you with a smirk.
"You're a pretentious bitch, with all due respect," you rubbed her pussy for a few more seconds until you got tired of teasing. You grabbed the seam of her thong and lowered it roughly, not to mention nearly ripping it off. You made her get out of her pants and panties, and with your foot you dragged them until you left them next to your boxer and your pants.
"I know, I love being reminded," that was the last thing she said before you put your hand over her mouth.
"Spit," you ordered, and so she did, leaving enough saliva in the palm of your hand that you quickly brought it to your cock and rubbed it down the length of it until it was well lubricated. You returned your hand to her mouth, but this time for other reasons. You took your cock with your left hand, and took it between her buttocks to rub it up and down against her slit. Feeling this, she arched her back more and more, leaned her hands against the wall and left her ass at your disposal to do whatever you wanted with it.
You pressed your hand to her mouth firmly, making sure no sound came out of it as you gently pushed your hips forward, slowly leaving the first few inches of your cock inside her suffocatingly tight pussy. That she was going to be silent was all bullshit, at least at first, because as soon as she felt you inside her, she let out a moan that, if it hadn't been for the fact that it was suffocated against your hand, would have been heard throughout the room.
Yuna's entire body tensed, it was being difficult to fully get in due to how tight she was, but you were patient, and leaned back from time to time to push at least another inch inside her. You continued with the same procedure until half of your shaft was inside her, you looked into her eyes, and she just nodded, giving you the green light to make the final move.
You pulled out of her pussy one more time, spit into your hand, and salivated as much as you could on your cock before putting it back inside Yuna. This time you pushed more gently into her, and when you reached the previous point, it was as easy as slowly pushing your hips forward of her until you filled her completely with your flesh. Yuna let out another louder and longer moan, and you had to add another hand to her mouth to make her shut up once and for all.
You stayed inside her for a few seconds without moving, letting her tight walls gradually mold to your cock, and after a few seconds, you began to slowly move your hips back and forth, your cock moving completely in and out of her pussy.
Yuna's brow was furrowed as you fucked her at a slow and careful pace, trying to make as little noise as possible, but as much as you wanted to be quiet, having Shin Yuna pinned against the wall while you fucked her from behind warranted more energy from your part. Making sure you had a tight seal on her mouth with both of your hands, you began to move your hips faster, with thrusts that rocked her body back and forth with each crash of your pelvis against her ass.
You were incredibly tempted to do a lot of things, like pull her hair, or grab onto that pretty little waist while fucking her furiously, but you should have just kept at that pace, not slow but not aggressive either, perfect for a situation where you wanted to turn her crazy but not that crazy
Yuna seemed to remember what she had promised you a few minutes ago, as it was fairly easy for you to suppress her little whimpers of pleasure as you fucked her tight, wet pussy as fast as the situation allowed. That wasn't being enough for you, that's why you pulled her towards you and pressed her back against your chest, from that position it was easy for you to fuck her hard without making noise, and you did, starting to move your hips frantically. Inevitably that led to a double effort on your part to drown out her moans, but you didn't give a single fuck.
You were so immersed in your own pleasure that you did not even realize that a person had entered the dressing rooms, you had not heard the footsteps, but you did hear the knocks against your door. You stopped immediately, and Yuna's eyes widened as she looked towards the door to your left.
"Excuse me miss, is everything okay? You can't be in there that long," said the voice of the worker from the other side of the door.
"A-ah... yes! Everything is fine!" Being a bit bitchy, you continued to fuck her, but this time much more slowly and torturously, "I j-juuust need a couple m-more minutes," she gasped, "t-tell the g-guy that came with me that I-I won't be long."
"He went to the bathroom, miss, but when he gets back I'll tell him."
"Very kind, th-th-thank you."
There was silence, and the next thing you heard was the guy's footsteps walking away from the door, and consequently, from the dressing rooms.
"H-holy fucking shit, oppa..." she squeaked under her breath, looking over her shoulder at you, "that cock feels so… so good."
"And you'll feel better, come here."
You pulled out your cock, made her turn around and wrapped your arms around her slender body to give her an upward lift, she got the message and clung to your torso with her long legs, entwining them behind your back. You held her tight in the air, then leaned her back against the wall to push your cock back into her pussy. She was about to moan out loud, but you crashed your lips against hers in a fiery and deep kiss.
Yuna also grabbed onto your neck with both arms entwined around it, and she played with the hair at the nape of your neck between her fingers as you slammed her pussy against the wall. At this point, the noise you made was enough so that anyone passing near the door could perfectly hear the sound of your crotches colliding, but being prisoners of lust and adrenaline at the moment you didn't even think about it.
You untangled her legs from behind your back and went on to hold them yourself in the air, spreading them wide so you could fuck her pussy from the best possible angle. Yuna moaned like crazy against your mouth, and in response you just kept pumping in and out of her pussy without actually crashing your pelvis against her, but making sure that she felt your entire length go in and out of her pussy.
After a few seconds, Yuna grabbed your shoulders and dug her nails into them while her entire body shuddered in an unannounced orgasm. You held her legs tight while she writhed against the wall, and you didn't stop kissing her or fucking her for a single second.
Her pussy walls clenched around your cock so hard you thought she was going to rip you in half, but it felt so fucking good that you couldn't help but moan against Yuna's lips. Your moans overlapped each other, and you soon felt a tingle in your lower abdomen.
"Y-yuna... I'm going to cum, where-"
"Inside," she interrupted between little whimpers, while she was still past the last shimmers of her orgasm and she was looking into her eyes.
"But... are you sure?" you asked, slowing down the pace of your thrusts a bit.
"I prepared myself for this, idiot, just fucking do it," she sighed, smashing her lips against yours again.
You just let yourself go. You resumed your quick thrusts, clinging as tightly as you could to her legs with your fingers. Her pussy gave way for you, now less tight but wetter for your cock to slide in and out smoothly. It didn't take long for you to reach your peak of pleasure, it only took a few more hard pumps until you exploded inside her tight little pussy. You broke the kiss only to let a small moan into the air, moving slowly as you shot all your hot load into Yuna, who seemed to enjoy it as much as you did to feel the fluids rush inside her.
"Fuck… you came so much, oppa," she whispered, biting your lower lip, "it feels so good inside me."
Gradually you stopped between heavy breaths, and you left your cock inside for a few more seconds until you pulled it out very slowly, and as if it were a drain plug, your cum began to spill from inside her little by little to the ground under you two. You looked down, seeing the pool of thick white liquid that formed on the not at all subtle dark floor.
"I'm not cleaning that up," you murmured, your breath still ragged.
"We don't have to either," she chuckled, "thanks oppa, you already fulfilled one of my fantasies," she said with a smirk, giving you a little kiss on the nose.
"You're welcome, cutie," you finally put her down, and she avoided the best she could step on the cum, "You'll go out first, and you'll have to distract the worker while I go out."
"Understood," she agreed, "I'll take the opportunity to go pay."
"Are you really going to take those designer sandals?" you asked, picking up your pants and boxers to start dressing, "I seem to remember that they're fucking expensive."
"Honey, do you forget who I am?" she asked with the air of a pretentious bitch, you certainly weren't wrong a few minutes ago.
"Okay, I'm sorry my lady," you joked, watching her pull on her panties and then her pants.
"I'll see you outside, oppa," she stood in front of you, placed a hand on your chest and gave you a peck on the cheek, "be discreet, okay?"
"Didn't you forget something?" you asked, glancing at her cap and her mask.
"Oh, yeah, sure," she played dumb, as if she clearly hadn't been about to walk out like that, "don't be long," she said after putting on her mask and cap.
Yuna turned around and opened the door a little to see outside, and seeing that no one was coming, she went out and left you there alone. You waited around 5 or 6 minutes on the clock until you came out too, feeling like Austin Powers in one of his misdeeds. Luckily for you, the people who had entered the changing rooms were already inside their respective cubicles, and none of them had seen you.
You walked out of the hallway, and with your balls in your throat, you peeked out to make sure no one was looking your way. You ran to the other corridor, the one that led to the bathrooms, and you left there as if you had been there all this time. When you walked to the place where you were sitting before, you noticed that Yuna was no longer around, you even peeked over to make sure that she was still paying. You double checked that you had everything on you, wrapped Yuna's coat around your arm and walked out of the store, avoiding all possible eye contact with any worker or person in there.
As expected, Yuna waited for you outside the store patiently, with the bag from the store between her feet and her hands clasped behind her lower back. You quickly ran towards her.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" You looked around, making sure no one was paying too much attention to her, "Put your coat on!" you were probably overreacting, Korea was big enough for everyone in the mall to realize that she was who she was, but you'd rather be safe than sorry.
"Oppa, calm down," she laughed, taking the coat from your arm and putting it on with all the patience in the world, "it's not that easy to get recognized as an idol, besides, I have black hair, I could be any average Korean girl. "
"You have a point, but I don't want to be risky," you took the bag from her, and pulled out your phone to check the time, "Hey, can we go now?"
"Yep, let's go!"
You left the mall in a matter of a few minutes, you went to your car, and you left the Louis Vuitton bag in the back seats. You opened the passenger door for Yuna to get in, and then you also got in to start the car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the villa.
"When I drop you off at home tell Yeji to let me know when I can come back, okay?" you said, with your eyes on the highway.
"Oh, do you think the day is over for both of us?" Yuna asked, raising both eyebrows. She had taken off her cap, and she was looking at you with a quizzical expression, "You seem to have forgotten that you almost ate my feet a few minutes ago."
"And you almost didn't put them in my mouth, I think it's your fault too."
"It's just, you see...I really enjoyed our little session when we first met," she placed her hand on your thigh, "and I'd like to repay you well, oppa."
"Oh yeah? And how do you plan to do it?" you made sure you didn't have any cars in front or on the sides before turning to see her.
"I think…" she moved her hand up your thigh a little, near your crotch, "that cock would look really nice between my feet."
You had never stepped on the accelerator so violently in your life, but there was a first time for everything. You drove around 100 km/h on the highway, pulling out all your Baby Driver skills until you hit the road and relaxed your foot. Yuna could only laugh at your despair and sudden interest.
The scene would have been more spectacular if only you hadn't forgotten some crosses, Yuna had to remind you of the way to be able to continue and finally reach the girls' house. You parked the car right in front of the gate, turned it off, and got out to get the bag from the back seats. Yuna beat you to it, and went to open the gate with a remote control that she took out of her back pocket.
"There was a remote control this whole time?!" you asked, closing the back doors, locking the car and walking inside with her.
"Yup, but they were nowhere to find it," she laughed, "it was in my room all this time."
"Damn..." you sighed.
Yuna led the way, and you followed her into the house. You quickly went up to the second floor, and when you went up the stairs, just passing through the corridor was Yeji, who stared at you when you were about to go up to the third floor.
"Don't blame me if I walk in while you're doing it, it's my bedroom too," she warned, then walked out of sight toward the sofa.
"She's kidding, don't worry... or so I think," she hesitated for a moment, "well, follow me."
You followed Yuna up the stairs, took a hallway to the right, and went to one of the doors at the bottom. Yuna opened the door for you, and when you entered, you found a somewhat messy bedroom. There were clothes everywhere on both beds, including panties and bras of all colors and types.
"Did a tornado pass through here or what?" you said, taking a step forward and putting the bag down while Yuna got off her cap, mask and coat.
"Be thankful that we're messy and not dirty, it's just clothes," she got up on one knee on the bed on the right and began to gather all the clothes on top of it into a single pile and then dump it on the floor.
"Is it dirty clothes?"
"... Some," she said, looking down at the pile of clothes, "but let's not waste time on these things, come here, oppa."
She stood facing the bottom edge of the bed, and you closed the distance between the two of you by standing inches from her. You took her by her waist, and she wrapped her arms around your neck before joining your lips in an intense kiss, without intending to be delicate or tender. You planted your dominance from the start, pressing the flesh of her waist between your fingers as you dug deeper into her kiss. Yuna understood that foreplay wasn't even necessary at that point, so she simply sat on the edge of the bed and started undoing your pants once more. She lowered them to your knees, and you helped her off along with your boxers, freeing your still flaccid cock.
Yuna took off her shirt, and then she also took off her bra. Your gaze went straight to her tits, noting that she could very well be Itzy's second biggest after Yeji. You couldn't focus on her pretty tits for much longer as she took your weak cock and began to stroke it slowly.
"Oppa... be patient with me, okay?" she said, looking up, "I've never done this before."
"You don't have to worry, honey," you said, tucking her hair behind her ear and brushing her cheek with your thumb, "go ahead."
"Okay..." she looked down again at your cock, which was slowly starting to get hard thanks to the long fingers of Yuna's hand going up and down.
She leaned forward, and licked her lips before taking the tip of your cock into her mouth. You gasped, feeling the warm relief of her lips sucking slowly until your cock was fully erect. Yuna wrapped her fingers around your base and began to move her mouth little by little towards the middle of your shaft. She looked insecure, you could tell by how she looked into your eyes every few seconds, but the best you could do was nod with your head and keep rubbing her cheek and her hair.
That seemed to give her a little more assurance that she was doing a good job. She took you out of her mouth for a moment to get air, stroking your cock before taking it back inside her. This time she began to move her head at a more fluid and less leisurely pace, never going past the middle of your shaft, but that was enough for her to make you feel pretty good. She didn't give head as well as Yeji or Ryujin, but with a little practice she could become just as good.
During the first minute she dedicated herself to observing you carefully, noticing what movements you liked the most or what she liked that she did, and when she finally studied you, she began to move her head faster in a very messy blowjob. Her pretty pink lips glided smoothly over your hard cock now shiny from her saliva, and you took it upon yourself to let her know you liked it with little moans and facial expressions.
"Try to take more of it cutie..." you gasped, your hand on her head. She hesitated for a moment, but to your surprise, she began to push her head further, and further forward, until her nose was resting against your pelvis, "What the f… holy shit Yuna!" you moaned out loud.
She was able to take your cock down her throat for a few long seconds, but you also noticed that she was struggling as she did so, her face was scrunched up, and she was constantly making gagging sounds. Saliva flowed free from her mouth to her tits, and when she couldn't take it anymore, she took you out of her mouth with a long breath. Your cock was connected to her lips by thin threads of saliva, and you couldn't believe how unbelievably sexy yet cute she looked like that and with the pink bobby pin still attached to the side of her hair.
"Did you like that, oppa?" she said looking into your eyes as she quickly moved your hand up your cock.
"I fucking loved it, how can you do that with no experience?" you asked panting.
"I have a long neck, I don't know if that has anything to do with it," she collected the saliva from her lips with her free hand and returned it to your cock, stroking it with both hands.
"Honestly, I have no fucking idea, but come here, you deserve your due special attention, honey," you grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from your cock. Then you took her by her waist, and you made her get closer to the center of the bed and lie down on it.
You took off your jacket and hoodie, leaving yourself completely naked before climbing into bed with her. You placed yourself on top of her body, your two hands on either side of it. You lowered your face towards her neck, giving her small kisses and licks and slowly going down her attractive and marked clavicle. You stood there for a moment, but the two well-formed round mounds below caught your attention. Your mouth went right to one of her tits, sucking and licking her hard nipple while your hand massaged her other boob. Yuna moaned under her breath, and tangled her fingers in your hair as you now slowly lowered from the middle of her breasts to her abdomen. At that point, you made sure to spread a good amount of kisses all over her tummy and waist, and as you reached her lower abdomen, you used your hands to undo her pants, unzip them, and grab the hem of her pants and her panties, lowering both garments slowly until they were off her legs. Now both you and Yuna were completely naked in front of each other.
"Will you give me my special service, oppa?" she asked, biting her index finger, and picking up both of her legs to leave both of her feet in the air right in front of your face.
"Count on it, honey," you grabbed her by both ankles, and brought her feet up to your face to stick one of them directly into your mouth. You sucked on her toes one by one, placing special emphasis on her big toe. You used your tongue to salivate them and lick them all over, and once you were satisfied with one foot, you went straight through with the other to repeat the process.
With both feet salivated, you moved on to the second phase, which was to spread deep, wet kisses along her soles, the sides of her feet, and her ankles as well. You kept worshiping her feet for a few more minutes, until you began to move from her feet to her thighs, passing first through her tibia and her knee.
She instinctively spread her legs wide for you, revealing her pretty, shiny pussy. Your cock was more than ready to go in there one more time, but you had to hold back. You lowered your face until you were right in front of her slit, but that wasn’t your goal for now, but to plant more kisses both on the inside of her thighs and on the bottom, not resting until they were wet from your saliva.
Yuna let you have as much fun as you wanted with her pretty long legs, and so you did, even going so far as to kiss her just inches from her pussy, which was screaming to be eaten. After distributing a few more kisses, you stood up to take her by her ankles again, bring them together in front of you and begin to massage her feet slowly.
"Tell me, miss, do you want your pussy well eaten?" you asked, looking into her eyes and noticing that her face was slightly flushed, "or do you prefer a big cock that fills you up."
"I'm tempted by both options, sir," she played along, while you kept pressing your thumbs on her sole and on the back of her foot, "but I already tried one today, I'd prefer the other option."
"As you wish, ma'am," you released her feet, separated her legs, and leaned forward while holding onto her thighs.
You breathed hot breath over her wet pussy, causing Yuna to shiver a little on her mattress. You played with her for a few more seconds, kissing and licking the contours of her slit until you finally planted your tongue flat between her folds, giving her a slow upward lick that made her moan.
After the first lick you began to move your tongue slowly up and down, tasting her silky folds to give her clit a very light suction. Yuna grabbed your hair and started moaning constantly. You kissed far and wide without stopping to use your tongue for a single moment, Yuna's fingers got tangled in your strands, and you responded by licking her pussy faster now.
In no time you were eating Shin Yuna's delicious pussy for dinner. You focused on her clit right away, giving it frantic lashes with your tongue. Her moans quickly turned into squeals of pleasure, and she began to arch her back every time you touched one of her sensitive spots. You looked up, watching her chest heave up and down as she played with her own tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
You pressed your fingers harder against the flesh of her thighs, making sure she didn't move them for a single second despite the fact that she had already had some prior reflexes. Her adorable whines were music to your ears. You continued to attack her clit with the tip of your tongue, occasionally dipping down her folds to collect her delicious fluids. You decided to stick a bit of your tongue inside her entrance, and as soon as you did, she let out a louder squeal. Noticing that she had enjoyed it, you left your tongue inside her and began to move it in circles as fast as you could. Yuna pulled your hair so hard you thought she was going to rip it out, and it wasn't long before she exploded in your mouth.
Yuna squirmed like a rag doll on the bed, and you held her tightly against the mattress so that her pussy wouldn't move away from your mouth while you stuck your tongue out of her and licked her folds from top to bottom. You didn't stop eating her pussy, you just lowered the intensity considerably until her orgasm gradually reduced her spasms, that's when you released her thighs, which she simply dropped to each side of your body.
You gave her pussy a few more licks, wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, and straightened up to meet her eyes.
"Satisfied, ma'am?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll be more satisfied when you use my legs and feet to cum, oppa..." she muttered between heavy breaths, seeing your hard cock still sticky from her saliva.
You didn't even think twice before grabbing her legs and putting her on her side. You lifted her left leg, spit on your cock, letting it rest against her right leg, then lowered the leg you'd lifted back down to leave your shaft in a smooth sandwich of soft flesh. Yuna looked into your eyes, bit her lower lip and looked down, seeing the tip of your cock slightly protruding from between her thighs.
Without taking too much time you began to rock your hips back and forth, letting your cock slide completely in and out of her between her pretty, perfect thighs. You left your left hand clinging to her small waist, and the other went straight for her boob, which was starting to jiggle as your thrusts got faster and faster.
Her thighs definitely made your cock absolutely nothing to miss from her pussy, it was just as tight and soft but in a different way that was also driving you fucking crazy. Your hand squeezed her breast firmly, while your thrusts began to shake her from front to back thanks to the impact of your pelvis against her thighs.
With each of your pumps your cock also rubbed her wet pussy with the left side of it, which added an extra bit of utter and pure pleasure to your senses. You let go of her breast and her waist, only to grab her ass cheek and give it a hard squeeze, followed by a spicy spank that made her squeal. You kept your hand on her ass as you continued to use Yuna's legs for your own pleasure, and it felt so good that you closed your eyes and moaned.
"Use my feet oppa… use my feet and cum on them," she pleaded between gasps.
You did not answer anything and you limited yourself to comply with her wishes (which were also yours). You stopped the thrust of your hips and pulled your cock out from between her thighs, grabbed her around her waist and made her lie on her stomach. Yuna propped herself up on her elbows and looked over her shoulder at you, lifting her feet to place them both around your throbbing cock. Once again you spit on your hand, but this time to bring it to her feet and make them as slippery as possible.
You grabbed both of her feet and held them together, pressed against your cock to resume your frantic hip swings. Your cock slid in a very fucking hot way between her sexy feet, and both you and she thoroughly enjoyed it. Your hands couldn't go anywhere else but her feet, but you didn't care, having that perfect view of her wide ass, her hot back and her lust-filled face was more than enough to complement your ecstasy.
Her pretty feet served as your cock sleeve for the next two minutes, and between strong and intense thrusts, you began to feel blood rushing against your cock. You pumped a few more between the soles of her until you quickly stopped and pulled your shaft out of there, keeping a grip on her ankles with one hand while with the other you quickly jerked your cock off.
"That's right, oppa… give my little princess feet all your cum, please!" she moaned, watching as your hand quickly rubbed your cock.
As soon as she finished that sentence you exploded, releasing thick, hot streams of white liquid directly onto her now slightly red feet. You moaned out loud and closed your eyes for just a second as you emptied your balls between her toes and her sole. You opened your eyes again when the last jets came out of your tip, seeing Yuna's feet painted white everywhere. Your breathing was agitated. You released her ankles, and let your cock rest throbbing against her toes.
You two were silent for a few long seconds, where only both heavy breaths could be heard, when suddenly the bedroom door opened. Yuna was startled, but you were so exhausted that you didn't even flinch.
"Oops, sorry guys," Yeji apologized, walking between the beds to open a drawer in the nightstand and take out a charger, "Uh, you want toilet paper, a wet wipe, anything?"
"You could clean my cock with your mouth, right?" you asked rather boldly, raising your head to look at her sideways.
"I would, but it would lead to other things, and I don't have time for that right now darling," she wailed, then turned to Yuna, "Did you enjoy your feet being used, you little slut?"
"Shut up and give me the wet wipes, please," Yuna whined, her face flushed red between pleasure and embarrassment.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming, don't be a crybaby," she went to a hairdresser they had in the bedroom and took the packet of wet wipes to toss it to one side of you, "Oh, by the way," she saw you, hand on the doorknob, "you can stay the night if you want, our manager won't come tomorrow and we'll watch a movie."
"But I didn't bring any more clothes..."
"So what? You can walk around naked if you want, none of us will care."
"Well, if you say so," you sighed, taking a wet washcloth and beginning to clean Yuna's feet as Yeji left the room.
"I really thought she wasn't going to come in here, what a bitch..."
"Are you satisfied now, ma'am?" you asked, now using another wet wipe for the same job.
"Quite a lot, oppa," she nodded with a wide grin, "but... can you come kiss me?"
"As you wish," you put the wet wipes aside, and went to lie down next to her body. You wrapped your arms around her body, brushed a few strands of hair from her face, and pressed your lips against hers, beginning with a kiss that would last for at least twenty more minutes.
Spren Notes:
Here's a treat for the little jerk who insulted and annoyed me by asking me for a "part two" for Post Stress Therapy. Oh right, I blocked him lmao.
I have nothing to add here, but this is a special gift for the most die-hard lovers of Yuna's legs and feet ;).
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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htchnr · 9 months
03 ★ heartless love crime ❥ ch: no one else will do but you.
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➻❥ masterlist. ➻❥ buy me a coffee!
CW ➻ aaron being a jerk again ⋆ mention of sex ⋆ piv ⋆ unprotected sex ⋆ creampie ⋆ name calling (slut) ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
SUMMARY ➻ Hotchner laughed on the other side of the line. "You sound sad. He turned out to not be the man of your dreams?" No. He was better. Bryan was the perfect gentleman, which was why you couldn't pursue anything with him. He wasn't Hotchner. WC ➻ 2,7k.
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ hi 😁 this is not a nice series! i want to make that clear!! Hotch is toxic, rude and awful in this. (yet so hot at the same time uhg)
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★ - © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫! - ★
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➻❥ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫. ➻❥ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
Your foot tapped restlessly in the taxi cab. You dropped your head into your hands, cursing yourself over and over. Currently, you were supposed to be ten minutes into the date.
Unfortunately, you were ten minutes late.
Last night, you stayed slumped over the counter for another minute before you cleaned the mess. It was a feat wherein you wet one of your washcloths and attempted to crouch to the floor to clean, but you could already feel a soreness settling in and opted to lay on your side like Rose from Titanic and clean your floor that way. It was about as seductive as you felt, not at all.
Getting back up had been an even greater feat, your groans filled the apartment as you used all your core strength to lift yourself by gripping the counter. It was a sad sight to see. You managed to wipe down the countertop and nearly did your thighs, before deciding the rag was too dirty and tossed it in your laundry. Then, you showered and went to bed. Though, the clock was well past 3 by the time you fell asleep.
You wanted to be up by 9 am to get ready for your 11 am brunch. Instead, you slept through your alarm and woke at 10:30 and the fastest route to the cafe was 20 minutes away. Fine, right? No. You rushed to get ready and were still out the door by 10:50.
The cab slowed to a stop. You leaned forward and paid the fare, before stepping out of the taxi. You brushed your hair down, smoothed down your outfit, did any other last-minute fixes. It wouldn't help, you figured, being that you were late. The best you could do was dress colorful as well as warm, wearing your favorite sweater for this date. You made your way to the building, taking a deep breath to stave off the butterflies that threatened your stomach.
You placed a hand on your stomach the second you entered, only for your eyes to rake over all the heads. It was then you realized you didn't know which of these people was your date. God, it'd be ten times more embarrassing if your date left.
Thankfully, someone called your name from a table in the middle of the cafe. You made your way around the scattered placement of tables and chairs, to come face to face with a handsome man. The one way you would describe his attire was dapper. He wore a sweater vest and that was enough to hold your attention.
He stood from the chair to greet you, the both of you awkwardly standing, unsure of what to do, before he gestured for you to "please, sit" and you shook off your coat. You set it on the back of your chair, sliding in the chair with a polite smile. He returned it with one of his own.
"So," you started, "you're Susan's friend."
"Yeah, I'm Bryan." He nodded, opening his hand for emphasis. "Yeah, Susan got tired of hearing about my single life and she decided to play cupid."
You laughed. "She does that." You cleared your throat. "Uh, I'm sorry about being late. It was-"
"Oh, you don't need to explain yourself." He held up a hand. "Please, I got here a minute ago myself. I almost thought you left already and was about to get up to go until I saw you come in the door."
"That's reassuring." You didn't know what else to talk about, turning to take in the interior of the cafe. "This place feels so cozy."
"Doesn't it? It's on my way to work, so I stop by when I can."
You looked back at him, taking in his features. Dark hair, green eyes, thick, rectangular glasses that framed his round face. You didn't think you could guess his job based on appearance. He didn't carry the air of the people you usually were around. "Where do you work?"
"I'm a pharmacist."
"Oh," you nodded. Not a bad profession to be in, not at all. "And you stop here-oh, should we order drinks?"
"I already ordered."
"You did?"
"Yeah. When I was still holding out that you hadn't arrived yet. I hope you don't mind that I picked a drink for you."
"Not at all." You shook your head, a small laugh slipping past you. "I'm curious now. I like a little surprise once in a while."
"Glad to hear." His eyes flicked to the counter hearing his order. Standing from his seat, he dipped his head to you. "I'll be right back."
You placed your head in your hand, glancing around the establishment. In the pocket of your coat, your phone vibrated. You brought it out, seeing a message from Susan. She asked how the date was going. You sent her a reply that Bryan seemed nice, but your screen transitioned to an icon of a phone with rings rippling behind it. It buzzed in your hand, the name Hotchner flashed in bright, white font.
Your mouth fell open in your hand, but you quickly shut it. He knew you were on your date. You just stared at the screen, mind racing with too many thoughts. The frontmost thought among the rest was to answer the call, but you just set your phone on the table and muted it. The screen darkened but lit up again shortly after. You just held your mouth in your hand, elbow on the table, watching the screen.
"Do you need to take that?"
You looked up at Bryan, slipping back into his seat. In his hand, a drink carrier with two coffees on opposite sides, the other parts of the carrier with two wrapped donuts. He took the items out, sliding your coffee and donut to you, before taking his own. He glanced curiously at your phone.
You shook your head, covering the screen. "It's just a scammer, I think."
He hummed as you stuck your phone in your coat pocket. "Those can be annoying."
"So," you reached for the coffee, reading the label, "chocolate raspberry? That sounds good."
"I hope so. It's my usual." He beamed, watching you raise the hot cup to your lips. You took a small sip, mindful of the heat. His face glowed from your pleased hum. "Good, right?"
"It's more bitter than I would have thought, but still has a sweetness to it." You nodded. "I like it."
The rest of the date ran smoothly. You two opened the packaging for your donuts, iced chocolate with sprinkles over them. It was a nice change of pace from eating alone in your apartment, to have someone to share a laugh with from the frosting that coats your upper lips. All in all, you felt good.
As you both put on your coats and tossed your trash, he held the door open for you to leave first. You smiled from the gesture, unused to this kindness from a man trying to court you. He followed you to the edge of the sidewalk, waving down a taxi. Again, he held the door for you before getting in himself.
"Where to next?" You asked.
"The aquarium, actually." He gave the address to the cabbie, then turned back to you. "Is that alright with you?"
"It's perfect," you said. "It's been so long since I've been to an aquarium."
"Well, you're in luck. They've added new features to this one that I think you'll enjoy."
You took his word for it, engaging in small talk with him about your favorite films. He shyly admitted he enjoyed Star Wars the most, having seen the last movie in theaters as a kid. You waved off his worry and told him it was a classic. He knew how to hold a conversation and had you laughing lightly behind your hand the whole ride. You weren't even mindful of the traffic with him to distract you.
The aquarium was lovely. You took your time through each exhibit, admiring the seahorse exhibit most. In front of the large tank, a floor-to-ceiling glass window provided a view of all the larger aquatic life that swam on the other side. The blue waters reflected over your figures in soft light, waving over your clothes like you were underwater as well.
At one point, you two stopped at the baby ray tank, where you could pet them. You insisted Bryan did it first, a bit scared, but he only shivered when a ray swam under his hand. You laughed at his minute disgust.
"It's not as smooth as I thought," he said.
It was enough to convince you to feel for yourself, standing so close to him. Your eyes were wide once the baby ray swam under you, lowering your fingertips for a good feel, and shivering just as he did. You hadn't expected the texture to be so rough, like sandpaper.
At one end of the room, you both got hand sanitizer and paper towels to dry your hands. You glanced over as a few people yelped in surprise while others laughed. A number of them had wet spots on their shirts as a little ray swam away. You giggled with Bryan when he mentioned that could've been you two.
At one point, in a dark room, surrounded by moon jellyfish, you were next to him. He said something you didn't quite hear but still laughed at, then he turned to you. You turned to him. Both of you were smiling. The smile dropped as he leaned his head in.
Your heart fluttered, eyes half-lidded. You started to lean in too, closing your eyes fully. This would have been perfect.
Except, you imagined another man in his place.
Your eyes shot open, seeing the slicked back brown hair, rather than the dirty blonde hair of Bryan. You shook your head, leaning away and a small sound bubbled up to your throat. This was wrong. You couldn't kiss one man and fantasize about another.
Bryan opened his eyes, picking up on your discomfort.
It was a nice distraction from reality while it lasted. Grounded in reality, you backed away from him, shaking your head. His eyebrows knitted together, confused by your action. Your shoulders hunched, sinking into yourself as your lips pulled down the slightest.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do this."
He nodded in understanding. "It's okay. We don't have to kiss. If you want, we can take it slow."
"No, I-" You wrapped your arms around your middle, looking down. You couldn't face this kind man. He didn't deserve you. He deserved someone better, someone, who wasn't preoccupied with another man.
The date ended shortly after. Exiting the building, he followed you down the sidewalk, waving a cab down and opening the door for you. He said he'd take a different cab. You bit your lip, feeling bad. "You seem like a great guy, Bryan, really, but I'm sorry. I don't think I'm ready to date."
He bit his cheek looking properly dejected. "I understand." In an attempt to lighten the mood, he forced a smile for you. "I enjoyed the date, nonetheless."
You returned his smile, just as bittersweet. "Me too."
You slipped into the cab and he closed the door for you. As you gave the cabbie your address, you pulled out your phone, seeing the screen light up. You clicked the call button and brought the device to your ear.
"Your date over?"
Hotchner laughed on the other side of the line. "You sound sad. He turned out to not be the man of your dreams?"
No. He was better. Bryan was the perfect gentleman, which was why you couldn't pursue anything with him. He wasn't Hotchner.
"Did you need something?"
"Yeah. Come to the video store."
He gave you an address that you iterated to the cabbie without a second thought. It didn't occur to you until you finished talking and he hung up that you were about to spend time with another man, right after your date finished. You couldn't allow yourself peace of mind for at least an hour before jumping back to Aaron.
He stood next to the entrance, leaned against the wall as your cab pulled up. You approached him, to which he rolled around a sucker in his mouth.
"Took you long enough."
"It's-" you glanced at your phone, well past one, "-the afternoon. You know traffic gets heavy around this time."
You nodded to the sucker in his mouth. "You have another one?"
He sucked on it before he loudly popped it out of his mouth. "As a matter of fact, you can have mine." You didn't have enough time to process what he meant before he grabbed your chin and parted your lips enough to stick it in. A shiver rolled down your spine at the thought of his saliva in your mouth. "I didn't want it anymore, anyways."
You closed your mouth, sucker rested atop your tongue. Tentatively, you rolled it to the side of your mouth, holding the stick between pinched fingers to help move it. He pushed off the wall and entered the automated doors with you on his heels.
To your utter horror, you realized as you delved deeper into the store, Aaron made a beeline for the adult film section. You stopped several feet away, mouth shut tight and eyes wide.
He glanced over at you. "What are you standing there for?"
"I, uh..." You glanced from him to the label above the shelves. "What do you need from here?"
"Figured that'd be obvious."
You still had yet to move. "Um."
"Don't be a baby." Hotchner frowned just the tiniest bit, hardly bothered by your shyness, but wanting to make a show of how childish you were acting. He made a 'come' gesture with his hand, placing it on his hip. "Nobody's even paying attention."
"Yeah, but-"
"You'll make it weird by standing over there. Come here."
You sucked on your teeth, tongue flat on the roof of your mouth. You crossed your arms but made your way over to him, gaze locked on the carpet floor under your shoes to not make any eye contact with the other customers.
"There, was that so hard?" He said as you joined his side. Your gaze flickered up at the covers, scantily clad people in suggestive poses. Heat pooled in your belly and rushed to your cheeks, body aflame with embarrassment.
"I don't want to hear it." You pouted.
He scoffed, scanning the rows from top to bottom, taking a step back the lower he got. He hummed to himself at the selection. "You ever watched one before?"
You kept your gaze on the side of his face, to his sunglasses, not comfortable looking at the covers in a space where others could judge you for standing there. "No."
He tapped his fingers on his hip, turned to you, and cocked his head at them. "You pick."
"What? No. You pick it."
"I want to see what you'd be interested in." He smirked.
You let your eyes slide over to the shelves. You couldn't deny you were curious, just a bit, but you didn't want to be the one to decide. That'd only cement this all for you.
"What makes this any different from doing it yourself?"
You pouted at him. "I don't want to watch someone else."
He gave you a long stare, the corners of his mouth twitching. It was a short minute of his staring, before he broke into a smile, snickering to himself. "I'm just fucking with you."
It was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over you, body alert and rushing with blood. All you could manage out was a shocked, "what?"
He walked to the other end of the video store to the counter. The teen behind the counter looked up from their magazine as he gave his name. He reached under the counter and pulled out a movie cover for some martial arts movie. Hotchner nodded to the kid and promptly left with you in tow like some kicked puppy.
"That wasn't funny," you said outside of the store.
He shrugged. "It was a little funny."
You only shook your head and pushed the sucker to the other side of your mouth.
Aaron went home with you. No surprise there. It should've been expected that, as the door closed behind him, he was glued to you and whispering dirty things in your ear. He said something about the adult films, something you didn't catch but was sure that anything spilled out of his mouth would be pure filth.
He didn't say anything about your date as he set his movie on your kitchen counter. You didn't think of your date as he undressed you in your bedroom. The day's events spilled to the back of your mind as you both fell naked onto the sheets.
The only thing that filled both your mind and body was Aaron. His muscles, his dick, his breathy moans that fanned your face. He kept his gaze locked on you while he fucked you. The headboard banged hard into the wall, but it was background noise to the sounds of your skin slapping at your pelvis.
You arched your back, gripping the sheets tightly. He had one hand on the headboard, his other arm wrapped around your thigh. You had one leg over his shoulder for better access, for him to hit you deeper.
He called you his slut, you said you were his slut. He called you filthy things, things that only spurred you on. Your body burned in a lustful shame, but you could only moan and cry and let him say those things. It didn't matter if they were true or not, it came from his mouth and that was all that mattered.
You managed five orgasms, probably a new record, before he came inside you. Breathless, slumped on the bed, your leg slid off his shoulder as he crawled off of the bed. He took out a cigarette and sat on the edge of the bed to smoke. Your head lolled to the side and you thought about opening the window after he left.
It was still light out, but you were overcome with fatigue. Sweaty, filled with cum, you had barely rolled over, bringing the comforter over you from the side and closing your eyes. You were asleep before you could hear Hotchner leave.
You dreamt of a man kissing you.
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 15
chapter 26: (check tags for triggers)
1. james’ stab wound will heal, but of course he’s gonna have to use a cane for the rest of his life. my poor darling. but also! CHARACTERS WITH DISABILITIES THAT WONT BE ERASED!!! HELL YEAH!
2. this nurse is pissing me off. sirius is asking if james and reg are gonna be okay, and all she can talk about it appearances and scars. not if they’ll be okay
3. sirius and reg are reunited. thank god. this is what the world needs
4. “"I love you. You're my brother; of course I love you. Always have, always will, and nothing—absolutely nothing in this world could ever change that, do you hear me? You're enough for me, and I love you. Never, never fucking doubt that."” AHHHHHHHHHHHHH reg needed to hear that so bad, and james needed to say it so bad
5. 😧😟 reg is vomitting blood. yikes. wow. that’s yikes. it’s not even HIS BLOOD that he’s vomiting. and i wanna know who’s blood filled that river. i want to know who was killed to make blood for that river
6. “”It's fine. I didn't even like this shirt.” (Sirius really liked this shirt.)” 😭😭
7. 😊 siblings! sirius wipes reg’s face, and reg threatens to vomit on him again
8. reg questioning if he actually made it out. that breaks both mine and sirius’ heart. “"I—I thought it made sense, because why would I have scars if I was dead?””
9. reg breaking down and sobbing to his brother. wow. i- wow
10. gosh, remus and sirius are already like a married couple. i love them
11. regulus would just wake up and ask for james. that hurts. in no way was my experience any where near as bad, but i know it must suck to wake up, calling for someone, and them not to be there. when i woke up from wisdom tooth surgery, i called out for my mom many times, and the nurses jsut told me to be quiet, and i can’t see her. i was so distressed that i cried. my pain is not anywhere like james or reg’s but i know that it sucks.
12. sobbing. reg needs to shower, but doesn’t want to get in the water. he’s scared of the water. like wow
13. god, james wakes up and starts fighting people. he never should have had to go through that.
14. james is begging to see regulus, and regulus begged to NOT see james. idk how zar could have hurt me any more, but here we are
15. james and sirius have matching scars! that’s horrific! but! they’re matching!
16. sirius’ words before james went into the arena. we get to know them. and it’s both healing to know the memory, but also hurts like a motherfucking truck
17. sirius asking for remus to kiss him! consent!
18. shit. remus realized he loved sirius. like. loved him. wolfstar better be granted happiness in this universe
19. authors end note: “you think regulus is unhinged? sirius is so, so much worse 😳”
chapter 27:
1. god, regulus needs to take a shower. he must STINK. but also, i do not blame him for not wanting to
2. i appreciate remus’ honestly. he will not dance around the point with reg, and honestly, that’s what he needs
3. oh my god. is remus gonna get reg to take a bath? honestly, if anyone could do it, it would be remus. nobody else could do it
4. remus sharing the petty hallow drama 😭😭
5. james and sirius friendship is all i need in this life
6. oh wow. sirius is hurt that james never told him about his crush on regulus. not that james likes regulus. i love when fics do that instead of sirius being angry
7. i love that it’s no issue for james and sirius to share a bed. they need comfort. they share. that’s that.
8. sirius not letting james have a drink cause he knows it’s a slippery slope >>>>>>
9. ✨remus lupin✨
10. 😧 reg but sirius as a reflex from the arena. and immediately apologized. he’s never hit sirius before. and wow. that-
11. sirius is admitting something he never even told james. that he accidentally hit effie. and 😧😧😧
13. honorable mention for all pandora did in this chapter. she is a lifesaver, she is a queen, she is a goddess, and she deserves so much
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
Absolution and Mercy (7x9-7x10) || Jay Halstead x Healstead Sister
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*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
This is the plot from season 7, episodes 9 and 10 but with Jay's younger sister involved in the story.
Did I cry a bit writing this? Yes I did.
Becca was usually the first one to be picked up after her afternoon classes were over, but this day she was left alone in the sidewalk. It was getting dark, she was cold and scared. At the distance she detected how a car was approaching her at full speed, but it wasn't Jay. It was Will, and she only realized that when he parked in front of her.
-"Sorry I'm so late. In my defense, Jay called me all of the sudden. I drived as fast as I could, then I got lost. Are you going to get in or what? It's freezing outside".
-"Where's Jay?" The girl asked when she was inside of the car.
-"He didn't say. He was in a hurry when he called me, he might be working in a case, something must have poped out unexpectedly. You know how it is".
-"Are you taking me home?"
-"No, I can't leave you there alone. We're going to my place. Jay will pick you up later, or I will take you back with him. He will give me a call, don't worry".
But that call never happened. During the course of the night, Will called his brother several times, but he never answered.
-"Do you think he is in danger?" Becca was starting to get worried.
-"No". Will lied. -"Maybe he's still working and he's not carrying his personal phone".
That argument didn't convince her at all.
-"It's late and you have school tomorrow, so this is what we're gonna do. Go take a shower, I'll find some clothes you can use to sleep on. I will take the sofa, so you can sleep comfy in my bed".
Not wanting to, Becca obeyed her brother. She couldn't hide her concern for Jay and Will was trying to ignore it, pretending nothing was going on. He was also quiet preoccupied but didn't want to show it. When his sister was out of the room, he gave it another try.
-"Hey, man. It's me again. Call me back as soon as you hear this...please. Bec's alright, don't worry. We're just...We want to make sure you're safe".
The sun began to set on the horizon without news of the missing Halstead brother. Will had barely slept during the night, he distributed his time between trying to reach Jay and checking on Becca, who also had a rough night. He was half asleep when a ray of light coming through the window woke him up.
-"Shit". He muttered looking at his cellphone. There were no signs of Jay.
He went to his room and found his sister sleeping under the blankets. He had to make a plan and act normal, she obviously knew something was wrong.
-"Bec". He softly moved her shoulder. -"Bec, wake up".
-"Is Jay back?" She asked half asleep.
-"No. I'm taking you home so you can get ready for school. Come on".
-"Do you think he is going to be there?"
-"We'll find out".
Will opened the door of Jay's appartment with his copy of the keys. He entered first, making sure everything was in order. Becca followed him when he gave her a sign to get in.
-"This is not good". She said. -"Where is he?"
-"I don't know. I'll pass by the 21st after I drop you off at school. Let's hope they have an answer to this mystery".
-"No. We'll pass by the 21st before you drop me off at school".
Trudy Platt was at her desk talking on the phone with the State's Attorney. She got confused when she saw both Halstead siblings entering the room, their presence wasn't a good singn, she felt it in her guts.
Sergeant Platt went up to the bullpen with Will and Becca behind her. All of the detectives were gathered there, except for Jay. The little girl looked all over the place and made a disappointed face when didn't spot her brother.
-"Hey, is Halstead on a UC run?" Trudy asked Voight.
-"Not that I know about".
-"State's Attorney is all over me. He's supposed to be in court right now. His brother and little sister are also looking for him". She pointed at them with her head.
-"He called me yesterday and asked me to take care of Becca. He was supposed to pick her up later, but never showed up. We went to his place this morning and wasn't there". Will intervened.
-"Hailey, you know anything?"
-"No, I called him a few times, but---".
-"I did too". Platt said.
-"No answer". Will concluded showing his phone. -"This is so out of character for him. He's overprotective, he would never forget about Becca like this. He didn't even called to make sure she was already with me, didn't ask if she was fine as he always does".
-"I ran the GPS on his truck...". Platt stoped and moved her eyes from Will and Becca before continuing.
-"Nothing I say will make her go downstairs". Will stated as giving her permission to keep on talking.
-"It's parked on a street in Englewood".
-"How long has it been there?"
-"All night. I ran the in-service calls to that block, there were two calls of suspicious persons at a house on that street".
Becca took a few steps to the front to reach her brother's arm.
-"Thanks, Trudy".
-"Check it out". Hank ordered to his detectives. -"We'll keep you updated". He said to Will.
-"Please find him". Becca begged the sergeant.
-"We won't stop until we find him". He reassured her with a smile and petting her head.
-"Let's move. I'll take you to school". The doctor said to his sister. -"You already missed a couple of classes".
-"Are you joking? I'm staying" She said staring directly at his eyes.
-"You'll be better at school than here or at The Med".
-"I myself will inform you when we find him, it's a promise". Trudy ended the conversation.
School was being worse than usual for Becca, she couldn't stop thinking about her brother. She was so deep in her toughts that she didn't even hear the daily mockery of her classmates. The clock was ticking slowly and her eyes began to fill with tears.
-"I'm here to take Becca Halstead". The school's principal interrupted the class. -"Take your backpack, sweetie. They're here to pick you up".
The tone on the woman's voice reminded her of that time Burgess and Roman took her to the bullpen because Jay was being threatened. She took her stuff and walked throught the hallway to find Trudy Platt at the office.
-"Here she is, Sergeant. You can take her now".
-"I promised you that I would inform you as soon as they found it. The team just found him".
-"Is he-".
-"I don't know anything else". Platt interrupted. -"I just know he was found". She lied, she wasn't the indicated to talk with her about his condition. -"Come on, I'll take you to The Med. Will is waiting there".
The Med was full of cops and detectives as usually happened when one of their own was wounded. For Will it was surreal that this time the victim was his brother, he still couldn't assimilate the fact. His mind was all disturbed constantly changing from the doctor to the brother role and viceversa. Apart from Jay's state of health, what worried him the most was Becca. Despite having notified a lot of bad news during his career, he had no clue how to discuss the situation with his little sister. He didn't want to, but he didn't want anyone else to be the one telling her the news. He was also uncommonly scared to enter the waiting room where the policemen were waiting for updates.
Hailey Upton was sitting leaning over with her elbows on her knees, the fear was evident on her face. Looking at her teary eyes it was obvios how much she had been crying. It wasn't strange at all, she and Halstead had been partners for a couple of years now and their relationship had grown to a good friendship, a very good friendship. Detective Rojas sat next to her and extended her a coffee, leaning a hand on her back as a reassuring gesture.
Kevin and Adam were also there, both standing up, for anxiety did not allow them to stay still. The rest of the place was packed with uniformed. Hank Voight was on his feet, concern was evident through his eyes. A lot of officers and commanders approached him offering their support.
With a heavy sigh and holding back a lot of emotions, Will encouraged himself to go inside with them. Everybody stood up at his presence. Detective Upton quickly positioned herself in front of him, followed by the rest of the team.
-"Hey, Everybody". Somehow he was managing to stay as the doctor, not the brother. -"I just talked to Dr. Marcel, he said the bullet grazed an artery. They are still trying to repair it".
-"Will?" Hank Voight intervened. -"Is he gonna be ok?"
-"He's lost a lot of blood". Words stuck in his throat and dried stoped talking. Ruzek gave him a pat on the shoulder to show emotional support, there wasn't relly anything else to do.
-"Will..." Maggie interrupted from the outside of the waiting room. Everyone turned their attention to the charge nurse and there was no need for her to explain anything. Becca was right behind her, her big hazel eyes wide open looking at all of the cops and some other familiar faces, trying to comprehend what was going on.
-"Oh, Bec...". Will approached to her sweating cold, with his heart raced in fear.
-"Wh--What's going on?" She asked, not being able to take her eyes off the cops. -"Sergeant Platt told me they found Jay, but nothing else. What happened?". Her voice was charged with despair.
The detectives' eyes were all on Becca, wide open as if waiting for a reaction from the girl.
-"Yeah. Ok. Hmm--there's no easy way to say this". His voice was very low and raspy. -"Jay was kidnapped, but his team found him and...".
-"Where is he? Can I see him?" The little girl interrupted calmly.
-"Jay was shot, Becca. He's going into surgery right now". As a doctor, he knew there wasn't other way of saying it.
-"Oh". The girl said as if it was a casual situation. -"But, I mean...he's going to be fine, right?".
-"He's...lost a lot o blood".
-"But it's Jay". Becca interrupted with a smiled, more as a symtom of a nervour breakdown, eyes starting to get teary. Maybe she didn't realize it, but she was avoiding the rest of the information. -"He has been shot before, he's like indestructible".
At that moment, Becca sensed how Maggie held her shoulders, and the weight of the world fell on the little girl. The atmosphere felt the same as when Jay told her that their mother had died, as same as when Will explained to her that they would have to disconnect their father. All of those memories and feelings were taking control over her, but this time Jay wasn't there to help her go through them.
-"Becca, he was shot in the chest, no bulletproof vest. He has lost a lot of blood...".
-"Will--". Maggie tried to stop the doctor.
-"Shut up!"
-"...but he's in surgery right now with Dr. Marcel, one of the very best in Chicago and he's..."
-"Just stop!". Becca cried.
-"Dr. Halstead!" Maggie insisted worried for how Becca was taking the news. There has to be another way of notifyig.
-"...doing his best to save our brother's life. He is in the best hands". He tried to hold her, but she refused him.
-"Is he goig to die?" Becca asked in a very low voice and bursted into an uncontrollable crying.
Will held his sister as tight as he could, so tight she was barely breathing under his arms. He tried to keep his composure, but broke down when he heard his little sister crying loud. He kissed her head, there was nothing to say, nothing to do, just be there for each other.
The intelligence team witnessed the scene and was moved by it, but most of all it made their anger grow even more. Tears rolled down Hailey's cheeks, Adam just stared at the floor with his arms crossed. Hank Voight patted Becca on the back as he passed through te sibblings to run into Burgess, who had just arrived.
-"I got an update on Angela Nelson".
-"Doctors removed the bullet. She's gonna be fine".
-"Where is she?" And with that only question, they both left the place in a hurry.
With all of the movement that was generated, Will separated from Becca and took her by the shoulders: -"Come on, let's sit". They walked embraced, everyone moving to let them pass. She knew all of the detectives who were present, each one of them tried to make her feel their suport: Atwater squeezed her shoulder, Vanessa gave her a warm smile, Adam gave her a hug and Hailey sat right next to her holding her hand.
Not wanting to leave the hospital, Intelligence detectives had to withdraw due to a case assigned by Superintendent Crawford, something Hank couldn't avoid. Detective Upton was the only one that refused to leave, and no one contradicted her.
A couple of hours passed, but it felt like an eternity for Becca. There were still no news about Jay and that made her agony grow.
-"Why is it taking so long?" She was walking from one side to another, anxiety starting to increase.
-"These procedures are very delicate, they take a lot of time. You know what? You should go home". Will suggest. -"I don't think it is a good idea for you to stay here so much time. I'll find someone who can take you. You need rest, to change clothes, you haven't even eat anything".
-"I'm not going anywhere, Will". Becca answered with a stern tone that reminded of Jay's way of talking in distress. They were so alike.
-"Dr. Halstead". Maggie interrupted. -"I'm so sorry, you are requiered in the ER".
Will stared at his little sister, not knowing what to do, he would never leave her by herself in a normal day, much less under the circumstances they were going through.
-"Come on. I can't leave you here alone. Take your backpack, you can stay in the Doctor's room or in a dormitory while I find someone who can take you...".
-"I am not going anywhere, Will". Becca repeated her own words, this time with a little bit of anger.
-"Bec, I get it, I totally do. You want to stay here for Jay, but we will be updated in the ER, I just can't leave you here alone".
-"Alone? This must be the safest place in the hospital right now". She said pointing to all of the cops around.
-"I am not going anywhere". Upton interrupted before Will could continue. -"I can take care of her".
-"Hailey, you don't have to, you are already going through a lot right now and you are on duty, so...".
-"Nobody will move me from here, Will. It's ok, for real".
-"Is that all right for you?". Will looked at Becca and noticed the tiredness and sadness in her eyes as she nodded. -"Ok, all right. Just promise me that you'll eat something, kiddo". He approached to his little sister and kissed her forehead before parting.
-"Not really hungry, but I'll try".
-"Please do it for me. I'll be back as soon as I can".
His heart dropped when he walked out of the room, she also felt a little bit helpless, alone. It was true that she knew Hailey since a few years ago, she liked her and trusted her, but she wasn't her family and that's what she needed at the moment.
-"What if I bring you a hamburger from the cafeteria?" Maggie smiled to Becca. -"Don't you dare to say 'no' to me. I know it's your favorite, I'll be right back".
Becca took a deep breath and sighed, her leg was shaking a lot even standing up. Despair and anxiety were taking over her small body, she felt the urge to hit something or somebody. Her mind started going around, she couldn't live without Jay, what would she do without her big brother? She was nothing without him. A lot of memories came to her mind, good ones and bad ones. Suddenly she was crying without even noticing it.
-"Hey!" Hailey called her from her seat and forced a smile for the girl. -"Wanna join me here?".
Becca sat next to her brother's partner, not really knowing what to do or what to say. She tried to hold her tears, but failed, so she wiped them away as soon as they got out of her eyes. Hailey placed a hand in Becca's shaking leg.
-"You don't need to do that. You can cry in front of me, I won't judge you. I mean, look at me". They both smiled. -"Here, hold my hand, squeeze it. Breath with me, it will help you ease your toughts: 4 in, hold 7 and 8 out".
-"Thank you". The little Halstead sister said when she was more calmed.
-"I know you and Jay are very close. He's so private, but he still talks a lot about you with me".
-"He does?".
-"Yes. When we started working together, before knowing he had a sister, I always tought he was talking about his daughter".
-"Imagine that". Becca made a disgust gesture and laughed a bit. -"I know you two are very fond too. He never talks about work with me, but you wouldn't be here if you didn't care for him". She didn't feel like revealing right there that Jay had talked about her before.
-"He is a good partner, it's hard to find one". The girl stared at her for a few seconds, then they stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, staring at the floor. Becca was a sensible girl, she understood there was more behind Detective Upton words and suddenly Hailey felt like family.
-"I'm really scared". She confessed while unconsciously hugging Hailey's arm.
-"Me too". The detective held her tight. -"But your brother, he is a tough guy, he's strong of mind and body. And he loves you so much, he won't stop fighting to overcome this and come back to you. I can assure you that".
A very special connection was formed between Hailey and Becca in that exact moment. In Hailey's arms, Becca found the peace she needed to rest, and fell asleep while she stroked her ginger tousled hair. Inside her chest, Hailey was feeling the urgent need to protect the little girl, as if she was her own sister. She never let her go while they waited together, if anything, she held her tighter as time passed by.
Rojas found them like that when she went back to the hospital to check on Hailey.
-"Hey". Vanessa announced her presence.
-"Hey". Upton answered back in a low voice, trying to hug her roomate, but couldn't really move with Becca asleep in her shoulder.
-"I got you some gyro from Greek Islands, I tought you might be hungry".
-"That's really sweet of you. Thanks". She took the back with her unoccupied hand.
-"And I got you some clean clothes from the appartment".
-"Thank you". She genuinely smiled.
-"Have we heard anything about Jay?" She sat down next to her friend.
-"No". Upton sadly answered, unconsciously checking on Becca, who was now half awake. -"He's gonna freak out when he wakes up, the man hates needles. I can't figure him out, he's the first one through the door, a war vet. And he'd rather take a bullet than get the flu shot".
Becca, who was now listening everything, internally laughed at that last comment. That was a good description of his brother.
-"Hailey, I know how hard this must be for you".
-"It's always hard when something like this happens".
-"It's hard because you love him". Vanessa Rojas said simply.
Becca's heart began to beat a little bit faster, this time for a good feeling instead of anxiety. Of course she was in love with her brother, everything made sense now. And she knew Jay had feelings for her too. Maybe that was why she felt so secure by her side.
-"Of course I love him. He's my partner". Hailey answered to finish the conversation.
Both detectives phones started to buzz and Becca took advantage of that to pretend that she had just woken up.
-"Ruzek got a lead on the home invasion". Rojas looked at her phone.
-"Yeah. Um, I'm gonna stay". Hailey said looking at Becca, who looked devastated even after having rested a bit.
-"Is everything all right?" The younger Halstead asked when Rojas left. Hailey nodded her head, not being able to controll her sobbing. The last conversation had moved a lot inside of her and was now a mixure of feelings.
Another hour passed by and Becca couldn't take it anymore.
-"Where's Will? He was supposed to be back soon and also keep us updated.
-"He was here a few times, but you were deep asleep. He didn't want to bother you. He had no news, though".
-"I heard my favorite Halstead didn't want to leave her brother's side". A familiar voice called, it was Trudy Platt. She approached with a bag in her hands. -"So I thought it would help to bring you some clothes, hunny. I mean, CPD sweaters and pants might not be the best, but they should be more confortable than that uniform you've been wearing all day. These are the smallest I found, I'm positive they'll fit you".
When Becca came back from the restroom, all changed and carrying the other clothes, she found Hailey and Platt standing up in front of Will. Fear ran through her entire body once more, not knowing what to expect, since the three of them looked very serius. It was Hailey who spotted the little girl petrified in terror at the entrance of the room.
-"Bec". Will called her. -"He's all right. Jay is going to be fine".
-"Are you sure?" She dropped her clothes and started to cry happy tears.
-"It will take time for him to recover and I can assure you he will be a pain in the ass, but he's going to be all right".
Becca laughed and jumped into her brother's arms, who lifted her up a bit in the air. Upton and Platt presenced the scene with teary eyes of relief and a smile from ear to ear.
-"Can I see him?"
-"He's still asleep, but of course. You can wait by his side until he wakes up. Come on, I'll take you there. My shift will end in a couple of hours and then I'll fully be with you two".
-"Oh, but wait!" She turned to Hailey, before following her brother. -"You should come with us. Will, she can come with us, right?".
-"I don't think is a good idea. I'll wait in here until he wakes up, don't worry". She rushed to say before letting Will answer.
-"No. I really think you should come". Once more, there was that tone so similar to Jay comming from Becca.
-"There's no problem, Hailey. If you want to, you can come". The doctor confirmed.
When Jay woke up, Hailey was out changing her clothes. Becca was the first person he spotted when he opened his eyes.
-"Hey". He managed to say and raised his unharmed arm trying to reach his little sister, taking her elbow. -"Why are you crying?" She took his hand and squeezed it as tight as she could.
-"Because I'm happy you're alive, dummy". Jay smiled when he heard her voice.
Both siblings had a lot of things to say, but they didn't need words to express their feelings. They stared at each others eyes and it was enough to understand what they were going through.
-"I know". Jay said feeling how emotional Becca was. -"Come here". He opened his arm within his posibilities and with a lot of caution she laid down her head to hug him back. -"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry". He kept repeating in a raspy voice.
They stayed like that for a while. Jay couldn't stop thinking about his actions and what would had happened to Becca if he had died. She was the only thing on his toughts when he received the shot. Becca relaxed when she heard her brother's heartbeat, it was the definitive evidence she needed to make sure he was really alive.
-"How are you feling?"
-"Like I was asleep for a year".
-"You needed a little rest".
-"Sorry to interrupt". Detective Upton came into the scene, embarrased to be the reason they had to separate. -"I didn't noticed you were already awake".
-"Don't worry. You are just in time". Becca smiled.
-"Hailey?" Jay started and she walked to the other side of the bed.
-"You know I hate hospitals".
-"Oh, you are just fine already, aren't you?". Becca rolled her teary eyes, but the comment made Hailey laughed a bit.
-"I do".
-"You gotta get me out of here".
-"It's not optional, no".
Hank Voight entered almost immediately and stood next to his detectives.
-"Becca, happy to see your eyes lighting again". He greeted her first with a head nodd, then talked to Jay: -"How's the shoulder?"
-"It feels like I'll be flying a little crooked for a while.
-"I went and talked to Will and he said no structural damage, so you got lucky".
-"I guess you could call it that".
There was something going around Jay's mind, but he couldn't ask with the presence of his little sister. He didn't want her to leave, but he had to ask Voight, and there wasn't going to be another chance.
-"Uh, Bec--why don't you go and..."
-"I guess I'll go find Will, yes". Becca said feeling the tension.
-"How's Angela doing?" He finally asked when they were alone.
-"She's under arrest".
From outside the room, Becca saw Hailey and Voight going out having a brief conversation, they looked concerned. When they split up, the Sergeant walked into another room and Upton rushed out of the hospital.
-"Is your shift already over?" Becca asked Will when he passed by, not even noticing her.
-"Half an hour and I'm done". He said looking at his clock. -"Look at you, all smiley again".
-"Jay woke up. They are running some tests right now. He's going to loose it if there are needles involved".
-"He just received a shot and I do believe he would still be afraid of a needle". The siblings laughed.
The three Halsteads stayed together as much as they could, but it was getting late and they were tired. Becca's eyes started to close due to mental exhaustation, she had cried all day and her mind was pushed to the limit. Now that everything was calmed coudn't avoid to fall asleep although the chair she was sitting in was the most unconfortable.
-"I think it's time to go". Will said. -"She stayed by your side all day, didn't want to move for a second. She was really, really worry".
-"Maybe I wasn't the indicated to be in charge of her". Jay sighed and spat what he had in his mind. -"Maybe we should have let aun Clair take her".
-"And just let her go to New York far away from us? Like, never see her again? What are you talking about, Jay? Where is this comming from, anyway?"
-"It's not the first time I've put her in a situation like this".
-"Stop thinking about it. It's the sedatives, you are all sensible and tired and need more rest. We are good, Jay. There is no one with whom she is better than with you, not even me".
A few days passed before Jay was discharged. Becca noticed how a lot of people visited him more than once: Kim, Adam, Kevin, Vanessa, Hank, Trudy and a bunch of other cops she didn't recognize. Her brother was a beloved soul and the love he received was extended towards her. She stayed inside of the room with all of the visits, except with Hailey. She always found an excuse to go out of the room when Detective Upton arrived.
-"All right. Finally, time to go home". Will said carrying a bag. -"Got you clean clothes and other stuff you may need".
-"Thank you".
-"Are you sure you don't need a hand?" Dr. Halstead asked before going out.
-"I'm good. I'll be using only one hand for a couple of days, so I might get used to it from now on".
-"I'll be around if you change your mind. Bec, let's go. Give the man some space".
Becca already knew all of the hospital, specially the ER, so she was left alone on the hallway while Will went back to work. She went to the vending machine to get something to eat while waiting for Jay. She got a juice for herself and was about to take a bag of gummies for her brother when a voice interrupted her.
-"Isn't a little bit early for candies?" It was Dr. Charles.
-"Oh, no. These are for my brother. He is about to be discharged, I tought about getting him his favorites".
-"That's a nice gesture and I'm happy to hear he's going out.
These past days were very hectic, weren't they?".
-"You bet".
Becca started walking slowly back to Jay's room, the psychiatrist by her side.
-"Dr. Charles?"
-"Yes, tell me".
-"Did Will send you to spy on me?"
-"What makes you think that?"
-"I know you've been following me around the hospital for the last couple of days. If I go to the restroom, you are there. If I go to the cafeteria, you are there. Whenever I'm alone, you are there...and now we're here". Becca smiled.
-"Oh. It wasn't my intention to make you feel harassed. Your brother Will wants to make sure you are fine, that's all".
-"No, it's ok. I think I understand".
-"Good. Well, now that we're here, would you mind if I ask you how are you doing? Your mind and body were under a lot of stress for a long period of time".
-"I'm fine. I mean, Jay is alive, that's all that matters".
-"Hm. You are right. Anyway, I'll be around if you feel the need to talk. Even when you go back home, you know I will be here".
-"Thanks, Dr. Charles".
That last conversation was strange for the little girl, why would she need to talk to Dr. Charles? Jay was alive, everything was fine. She couldn't stop going around it in her mind, she tought about telling Jay about it, but when she was close to his room she detected someone else inside, it was Hailey. Becca stood watching from afar how the detective was helping her brother to put on his sweater, that made her smile. She didn't know what they were talking about, but from her place it seemed they were very close from each other. Becca turned and walked away to give them some space.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share. 😌♡
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cuddleyhoney · 9 months
hey darling , can i request smutty john wick x reader (Maybe Meena Tarasov 😉😍) fic.
Maybe John comes home stressed and Meena prepares him a nice evening so that he quickly forgets his stress.
hii I was bored so I thought I would try and write something for this sorry i'm late also happy new year lol <3
john wick x oc mena tarasov
brief context -
-The bond that Meena and John cultivated throughout the past year created a cozy and affectionate lifestyle. Frequently, Meena would linger at his place, spending evenings together after delightful dinners or indulging in weekend sleepovers that added a touch of warmth to their connection.
It being the cold winter John invited you to spend the week with him during the holidays. He still had to work on most days though, which led her to being at home with "dog/mochi"! -
6:31 am
The sun was glimmering through the floor to ceiling windows you notice John start to shuffle in the sheets and wake up. As usual he performed with his normal routine of making coffee for himself and watching the morning news. After 10-15 minutes he went to shower later then going to work.
Meena hated the "old fashioned" morning routine John had. She wished she could just stay in bed for a couple more hours with him just to relax and be close to each other. After John left she slept for a couple more hours, I mean she's just a girl right?
Around 9:45 Meena awakened
(second pov)
Hearing the quiet yet noticeable pitter-patter of John's beloved dog walking into the bedroom was a sign that he needed some "outside time". John's dog you nicknamed "Mochi" really loved you and enjoyed attention from you.
In her adorable pajamas walking over towards the large shared bathroom she and John shared. Glancing at the counter and seeing the small area of her own personal items like skin care and makeup took over made you smile. Meena made her way to the glass doored shower to clean herself up for the day.
Time passed and Meena spent most of her time just hanging out with the dog, online shopping and baking cookies. She later fell asleep on the sofa watching YouTube. Until the sound of the garage woke her up she realized John was home.
Meena greeted her love with a warm smile and sprinted over to him with a hug. He loved your soft cuddles but this specific evening he seemed a bit more firm than usual. He have you a couple kisses then he released you from his arms and went to his office.
With such discomfort and tensity plastered on his face you worried if something bad happened? with work or maybe you annoyed him? maybe it was road rage from driving through the busy new york city streets?
Meena let John have maybe 12 to 15 minutes of quiet time to himself but she couldn't worry alone much longer. She left her comfy chair near the island counter she was in to work on the idea she planned. A small ice cream session with John!!
Preparing the adorable comfort snack with sprinkles and caramel syrup in small bowls, she placed both bowls on the table then quickly skipping to Johns office.
John noticed the sound of her foot steps immediately and stood up as soon as the door was opened. He greeted her saying "Hi Bunny". That was one of the nicknames he gave you. You looked at John with nothing but pure intention and grabbed his hand to lead him to the dining area where the ice cream was.
He stared in shock of the small gesture Meena made for him. He didn't have much growing up and was rarely given anything nice, so this was a big deal for him. The two love birds sat and conversed whilst having their delicious treat.
John finished eating and then placed his hand on top of her with his fingers moving slowly and taking in her beauty as the night went on. The two didn't want the night to go to waste but noticed the night was passing.
He then made then asked the small yet intense question saying "Would you like to visit me in the bathroom in five minutes?" a sparkle lit in her eyes and she nodded her head softly whilst blushing.
Quickly Meena raced to wash the dishes whilst John walked over to their beloved shower...
Meena looked at herself in front of the mirror making sure she looks good, checking if her eyebrows were in place or if she had any crumbs on her face. Then practically sprinting over to the bathroom and knocking on the door.
*knock knock* Meena ask gently "Can I come in?" hoping this situation is more than him just giving her a back massage and bath something more intimate.
John quickly opens the door to see Meena in her cute sweat pants and delicate top but for Meena all she is seeing is a very bare version of John. Her heart began to race with arousal. He pulled her hand into the bathroom and led her to the shower. He slowly undressed her let her check if the water was at a good temperature for her.
The two of them slowly started to bathe themselves but they both knew they wanted to do more than that. Meena's soft tanned hand made its way to Johns chest feeling the warmth of his body. John looked at her with water droplets dripping from his hair he used his own hand to move hers guiding it lower to his wait and made a small smirk...
Meena lowered herself on to her knees trying not to break eye contact with him. She grabbed his "shaft" and looked down then right back at him. He looked at her with so much love and put his hands on the side of her cheeks then saying "Please continue".
She took his length slowly but steadily hoping it was enough for him, he began to massage her neck and shoulders to ease any tensity she may have. His soft grunts made her so weak.
He tapped her on the shoulder and memoed her to stop. He wanted her to feel good too. John lifted her by the waist and had her back towards the wall, He glanced at her once she made the small "oh my god remark" smiling at how courageous he can be at time. He looked back at her to make sure he had her consent and she nodded heavily wanting him to continue.
John inserted himself into her and instantly felt a form relaxation. Luckily shes on birth control so there's no need to worry for any issues. John paced himself to make sure he didn't hurt or make any tears or marks on her skin. He left small kisses all across her waist and face. His small "I love yous" left her feeling like a princess...
The night ended with the two cuddle buddies snug in bed with facial moisturizer on and vanilla-scented lotion. Their pure bliss was so strong it radiated through their entire home.
the end for now
thank you for reading!!
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hand-picked-star · 7 months
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Let me do a countdown to the ending of contact marriage of Arnav & khushi and let's see what happended to the completion of 6 months aka midnight of 13th August. It's just for fun as the show didn't clearly stated the ending of famous(infamous) six months. I also count the sweet things he did for her.
(Arnav and khushi got married on 14th February. As Arnav realized the reason of khushi's leaving shantivan and he vowed to win khushi in 12 days, I will start the countdown from 12.)
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12 days to go to end their marriage contact aka 1st day of Arnav trying to win khushi (aka 2nd August)
Arnav took care of her when injured and offered to do household cores.
he also in his arnav-language told her he remembered everything about her and she is beautiful. he also tried to seduce her.
At the end of the day, he put khushi to bed, clean up her mess and fall asleep with her with his hand under her cheek.
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11 days to go to end their marriage contact aka 2nd day of Arnav trying to win his wife (aka 3rd August).
Arnav woke up with khushi entangled together the next morning and Khushi got to know holding her hand during sleep had become his habit and told her to go to sleep for the remaining few hours.
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10 days to go to the end of their marriage contact aka 3rd of Arnav trying to win his wife (aka 4th August).
why it is next day: (khushi was seen waking up from sleep and also Khushi told him 10 days were left.)
He did no good that day.
He told her he would come and get her home the next day.
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9 days to go to the end of the marrige contact aka 4th day of Arnav trying to win her heart (aka 5th August).
why it is next day: (because arnav told her that he would take her home the next day and he brought her home that day)
During rakhshah bandhan, Arnav wore a kurta for both his di and his wife and he also let her know that.
giving gift had been Arnav's love language. He gifted khushi all her favourite things like channa,salman khan's poster,jalebi,specially from her favourite halwai,golgappe and a pearl neckless. Like the one she dreamt of.Asking for a second chance.
he kissed her forhead,hugged her and gave her favourite bed side back.
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8 days to go untill their marriage contact ended aka 5th when Arnav started his quest (aka 6th August).
Why it is the next day: (khushi was seen to wake up and arnav said that their conversation hadn't finished yet.)
Khushi woke up on her favourite side of bed with arnav admiring her from the sofa.
whatever Arnav had planned next, went down the drain with the arrival of dadi and return of his past trauma.
But Arnav never stopped to support his wife.He assured her in whatever situation their marriage happened, was not her fault. He was fully responsible for that.
He informed dadi that he and his wife were a packaged deal. she could't have one without the other.
And I like to think that it was before midnight when he shared his trauma with her and be vulnerable. Giving her the haq to support him in his rainy days.
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7 days till their marriage contact became null and void aka 6th day from when Arnav started his mission to win khushi (aka 7th august)
why it is next day: (Arnav is seen waking up with same clothes with khushi remembering last night's event)
Countdown had somehow stopped for them, after they made an emotional connection. Some normalcy seeped through their life.Arnav flirted with his wife in the stairs and she welcomed it wholeheartedly.
Arnav defended his wife.
He also indulged his wife to a fun chase and end up breaking their bed.But he messed up the development with the suggestion of a suhag rat, that he intended to happen the next day.
(to be continued)
My scattered thoughts (5a/?)
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oscurascout · 4 months
Y/N As A Doorman
From "That's Not My Neighbor" game
Warning (?) - Hospital
Note - Is having the character in the hospital a warning? I honestly don't know when to put warning or when they are truly needed.
Part 9 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 10)
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I woke up to a very bright light. I closed my eyes and opened them little by little, getting used to the brightness.
Looking around, I realized I was in a hospital. My whole body was sore, but strangely it didn't hurt. “I'm probably on painkillers,” I thought as I glanced around the room filled with flowers, making it smell very nice.
The door suddenly opened, and a crying Hoon came in. The moment he saw me, he quickly ran towards me and hugged me. Even though it was a bit hard for me, I hugged him back. “Hey Hoon, how are you?” I asked to calm him down. He looked at me and started talking, but I obviously couldn't understand him but something I did know was that he was worried about me. I then saw D enter the room.
D - “Hey, you're still alive?”
Hoon glared at him, and I chuckled. “You won't be able to get rid of me that easily,” I said as I calmed Hoon down. D smiled and got closer with some snacks.
D - “Here, you need to rest. Don't worry about anything.”
“What happened? Like, what's the situation?” I asked as I opened the bag of snacks.
D - “Well, the two doppelgängers were taken care of. The two girls that were in the office were treated for any possible injuries or anything they may need while also being question as to what happened. A D.D.D agent will take over your post for the time being. The residents are all alive and well, and, well, I think that's pretty much it.”
I was happy that everyone was safe and that nothing bad happened. Even if those two twins were annoying, I still wouldn't leave them to die. “Who gave me all of these flowers?” I asked as I looked around and saw the many different types of flowers.
D - “Their from the apartment residents. They came to see you while you were still asleep and left the flowers as a thank-you gift.”
I smiled and thought about everyone and how we all had created a far more friendly relationship than just me being their doorman. Hoon grabbed a vase and showed it to me. I recognized the vase; it was my grandpa's vase, and the flowers were from the backyard. “Is this your gift to me, Hoon?” I asked and took the vase while smelling the flowers. Hoon nodded and hugged me again. I then started to feel pain everywhere, which made me groan.
Hoon quickly let me go and looked at me with worry. “Don't worry, the painkillers just stopped working,” I said and held his hand to comfort him.
D - “If it hurts too much, I'll call the nurse.”
“Nah, don't worry, I can handle it,” I said, and we stayed like that for some time until they had to leave. I rested back, and suddenly the door opened. I looked and saw Francis, out of breath. “Francis? The visiting hours are up,” I said a bit confused.
Francis - *a bit out of breath* “Yeah, I don't care. I wanted to see how you are doing. I got really worried when I went to the apartment and was informed of what happened. I got even more worried from what the twins said.”
“What did they say?” I asked, a bit curious as to what those brats were telling others.
Francis - *sitting near the bed* “They were saying that you fought a bunch of doppelgangers. If I remember correctly, they said it was you against 5 or more doppelgangers. They also said that you fought with only your fists. Oh, and that you were an angel disguised as a devil. And Selenne just couldn't stop talking about how you saved her and how she was so moved by you, among a lot of other things. Elenois was also so grateful, I think she even went the newspaper to make them publish about this matter.”
“They exaggerated everything. I only fought two doppelgängers. And what do they mean by an angel disguised as a devil?” I asked, confused and strangely happy to know more.
Francis - “Well, since you are always fighting with them, they nicknamed you 'devil doorman.'”
“No wonder! Mia once accidentally called me devil and was about to say something else, but she stopped herself and quickly entered the building. So that's what was happening—freaking brats. Next time, I'll personally hand them over to the doppelgängers,” I said angrily while Francis chuckled. The door then opened, and a nurse came in.
Nurse - *confused, looking at Francis* “What? Young man, you aren't supposed to be here. Visiting hours have long passed.”
Francis - *acting confused* “Really? I didn't check the time, I'm sorry. *standing up* Well, I'll get going. *turns to face Y/N* Goodnight. Rest well, and make sure to get a lot of rest. Don't worry about anything else. You did an amazing job today.”
Francis then left, and the nurse gave me more painkillers. She then left, and I was alone in the room. I looked out the window and saw the full moon. “I'm happy that everything went well,” I thought as I rested my head, closed my eyes, and went to sleep.
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come-away-with-me87 · 4 months
It Takes Two Chapter 10
Chapter 9 here
And with that, Shouta turned around and walked out of your apartment.  You were stunned, to say the very least.  And you were more confused than ever.  You plagued his mind?  You truly had no idea he felt that way.  All you know is that you had a lot to think about.  You thought about the times he has made you blush, the dream you had about him, the way his eyes would linger on you, the way you felt when he said your first name.  Did you...did you maybe like him, too, and everyone but you saw it?
You were so confused, because you also liked Kenzo, and you had a date with him the following night.  Should you cancel it?  No, that would be a bad idea.  Part of you wanted to send a group message to Nemuri, Hizashi, and Toshinori, but you had a feeling you would just get a bunch of "I told you so's" from them, which wouldn't help matters.  And besides, they would, naturally, all want you to choose Shouta.  So you decided to do what any reasonable person would do: go to bed and try to sleep on it.
You fell asleep effortlessly, surprisingly.  That entire day and evening had taken a lot out of you, so you were pretty tired.  When you woke up to the sun shining through your window on Saturday morning...and still had no clue what to think or do.  You were having another dinner date with Kenzo that evening, except that evening, you were going to his house and he was cooking you dinner.  The day went by quickly, and you got ready for your date.  Since you were going to Kenzo's house, he said there was no need to dress up, he had said "just be yourself."  You decided to wear a black blouse tucked into skinny jeans, and a pair of leopard print ballet flats.  You kept your hair down again, and put on some foundation, mascara and lip gloss.
Once you were finished getting ready, it was time to go.  You got into your car, plugged Kenzo's address into your GPS, and went on your way.  The GPS said it would take about half an hour to get there; that wasn't too bad.  Your thoughts couldn't help but go to Shouta on your drive to Kenzo's house.  You tried to shake them out of your head; you weren't exclusive with Kenzo, but still, you shouldn't be thinking about one man while going to another man's house.
You pulled up to Kenzo's house, and wow, was it gorgeous.  If it looked that good on the outside, you couldn't imagine how it looked on the inside.  You parked your car next to his car in the driveway, got out and walked up to his door.  You suddenly felt very nervous, and you didn't know why.  You've been out with Kenzo before; you've kissed and flirted constantly through texting.  Either way, you were there, and there was no going back now.
You rang his doorbell, and heard footsteps coming your way from inside.  Kenzo opened the door and his face broke out into a huge smile, "Y/N, it's so nice to see you.  You look lovely, as always," he said, giving you a small kiss on the cheek.  He really was so sweet.  "Please come in," he said, and when you walked inside, you realized you were right; it was just as gorgeous on the inside as it was on the outside.  "Kenzo, your home is absolutely beautiful," you said while looking up at him.  He slightly blushed at your compliment, "thank you very much, Y/N.  I've worked hard to make this home my own."
Besides the house, he looked gorgeous himself.  You looked him up and down while he wasn't looking; he was wearing a royal blue tee shirt that looked amazing with his blonde hair, and a pair of casual khaki slacks.  You didn't think it was possible for him to look bad.  "Dinner should be ready in just a few moments; may I offer you a drink in the meantime?"  You replied back to him and smiled, "sure, surprise me."  He smiled at you in return.  You watched him as he walked back to his kitchen, and pulled out a bottle of apple-flavored whiskey, and poured it into a small glass over ice.
"Great choice!" you exclaimed, telling him you actually loved whiskey.  "Would you like any help preparing dinner," you then asked him. "No, no, I just want you to relax and have a nice time," he said while gently shooing you away towards his living area.  You sat on his couch with your drink for a few moments, when he announced that dinner was ready.  You got up, and followed him into the dining room.  "That baked chicken I had at the restaurant we went to was so good, I tried my best to mimic it tonight; I hope you like it," he said in a hopeful tone of voice.  Everything looked and smelled delicious.
The food was even more delicious than it smelled; it was absolutely divine.  Besides the baked chicken, he also made roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus.  "Kenzo," you said between bites, "this is amazing!"  He smiled back at you in thanks.  Once you two were finished with your meals, you began picking up dishes to help him clean up; he stopped you right in your tracks: "don't you dare lay a pretty finger on those dishes, I will clean them up later.  What I want to do now is just sit down and spend more time getting to know you."  You couldn't help but blush at his statement.  He poured you another glass of whiskey, poured himself a glass of white wine, and you two went into his living room and sat on his couch together.
To be continued...
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pbandjesse · 1 day
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I am leaving the event. And it's only 10:00 p.m. I did not realize that this corporate event was going to end so early. So I was fully prepared to be working for another 4 hours and I am so thrilled I am on my way home. Because while I felt better than I did yesterday I did not feel very good today.
Some of the problem was I woke up really freaked out at 3:00 in the morning. I woke up and I went to use the bathroom and then when I came back I heard a sound and was convinced that someone was in our house. It turned out it was just the suction cup with my loofah falling off the bathroom wall but I was freaked out enough that I went downstairs to make sure the doors were locked. They were and I did a little peek around to make sure everything seemed okay. And then I went back upstairs and I'm laying in bed and I'm still really freaked out and then all of a sudden are closed bedroom door slams open. Because sweet pea had pushed the door open to come inside. I was so scared. He's such a little monster. But everything was okay and I was able to go back to sleep.
when I woke up at 9:00 I felt all right. I kind of had like an underlying uncomfortable feeling in my stomach today. Just a little queasy. Not exactly nauseous but not comfortable. I had a lot of like hot waves down the body at that caused me to be very sweaty. I'm pretty sure that these are side effects of just being pregnant but I still might call the nurse line if it continues tomorrow. Just in case.
I took a shower and I got dressed and I didn't feel amazing but James left me an omelet and I had that and it was very good. And I laid outside with sweet pea and had my breakfast and tried to not feel awful.
I really wanted to accomplish some stuff today but it just was not going to happen. I instead laid outside for a while and then eventually laid upstairs and decided that I would leave the house around 11:00 to go run some errands and then I would go get lunch before heading to the museum.
So I had a pretty chill morning and tried to drink water and stay hydrated because that was definitely affecting me today. Just felt a little dried out and uncomfortable.
I would do my cuticles and try to shape my nails. And I would finish getting dressed for the event and then I got myself together to head out.
I decided I would go to Towson and go to the Jo-Ann's to look for an appropriate sized nose for my bear restoration. And then I would go to savers. Haven't been to savers for a while because I've been going to value village so much. So this would be a little bit of a nice change of pace.
I got out to Jo-Ann's and I was annoyed to find that they did not carry pink noses. I did find brown that were on clearance so I'm going to paint those. And see if that works. But I think that will be fine. And since I didn't think I had cash with me I was like oh I got to buy something else so that I'm not putting 97 cents on my credit card. And so I got James a bag of Autumn flavored candy. Like candy corn and pumpkins and such. James likes candy corn. And I like James. And pumpkins.
Then I went over to savers. And while I did have an okay time it was really busy in there. I did not enjoy that. So I put my headphones in and I mostly just looked at baby clothes. And I got a good amount. Lot of neutrals. A lot of onesies. I still haven't bought any baby pants because I just think they're so silly. I'm probably going to have to buy baby pants at some point but I just have not put any focus on that. My plan at some point is to lay out all the clothes I got and figure out what I need more of because I feel like I have a lot of certain things and nothing of others. I don't even have that much yet but just something that I am considering.
They also just had so much so I felt a little overwhelmed. And there's another girl in the aisle who just like did not understand the concept of when you finish an area I'll go around the other side of you and then we'll like have a little slippy swap. And so like I just felt like I was in her way and it was not very fun for me. But eventually she went away and it was fine.
Finish looking at baby clothes once I had like $20 worth of stuff and then I went over to the things section. Like lamps and stuff and over there I found one of those big pregnancy pillows. I wasn't sure if James had gotten one of those yet because that was one of the tasks I had given them but I texted James and James said that they hadn't because they had been back ordered. So $12 for a pillow that's usually a hundred is an amazing deal. So that was a really cool find.
I also found a rug that was taped up and rolled so I'm not 100% sure it's going to be nice but if it is what I'm picturing it is going to be it was so a good deal and I was very pleased.
I would pay at the self checkout and then I decided I could go get lunch.
I really wanted to go to Southside and it was only about 20 minutes away and I had plenty of time before I need to be at the museum so I went over there.
And I was still feeling a little queasy but eating helped a lot. And the waitresses are always very nice to me. So I got my food and I watched a video and sipped my soda and I wasn't in any rush at all. And I was just having a good day. I tried not to be stressed about anything and just be chill.
I still have time so I went over to five below and I got my little calico critter. I also picked up some candy in a couple other small things that I needed. And I enjoyed wandering around the store. And then I went over to the museum and just chilled in the parking lot for a while.
The Farmers market was finishing up so I ran over to give Ann a hug. And then we chatted for a bit and she said that the event so far was behaving themselves. Which I thought was a funny way to put it. And then I would go and gather all my things that I needed for the evening and went to go sit with James inside.
I was not feeling amazing. I just kept getting these hot uncomfortable feelings but I was in a good mood. I had a nice time sitting there and I was working on some knitting and just chilling until Jesse came over because it was time to start.
He had a wedding walk through to do and we would sort of split the task of opening all of the things that need to be open and starting all the things that need to be started for the event. They were already on their way outside setting up and they wouldn't come inside for another hour. But they were making weird choices. Like this is not a caterer that I'm as familiar with but it was fine. Not a big deal. And I think I did a pretty good job. I wasn't as nervous about some of the things I had been nervous about. Specifically some of the lights and some of the questions that sometimes people have I felt pretty confident in my answers and I wasn't feeling very good so anytime Jesse didn't need me I was like 'can I go sit down' but beyond that I think it was a really successful event for me.
I think one of the problems with the event though is that it wasn't laid out in a conducive way to get people to come into the museum and we had not only three educators doing galleries we had somebody running programs. And the person running programs had 24 people come in. They paid $2,000 for those programs and 24 people came in that's crazy. But they did it and everyone seemed to be having a great time even if they were not coming in as much as I thought they were going to. Some of the problem was that the food outside was too good. They had full bushels of crabs on the tables. Like it was crazy. They put down a lot of money. And this is a chemical company so like they have more money than God so I'm not shocked. And everyone I met was really nice! And they even had a cotton candy machine. I got some cotton candy. They had bounce houses. It was a little boring for us inside, but it was fun.
And the food I had was excellent. Would recommend. And I mostly hung out at the desk and knit and scrolled in my phone a bit and was for all intensive purposes in charge. Jesse was over in his office doing emails and I was inside with Moe the security guard and I would check on the educators and I made sure that they all got something to eat and the caters were doing their thing and it was fine. It was a good event. I think everybody had fun. I had fun.
After eat dinner I did actually feel a lot better having a diet Coke helped a lot. I definitely wanted another. But I'm trying very hard to limit my caffeine. Not a ton because mostly I'm only drinking soda when I'm out so I'm not like super concerned but I am trying to be good about it. And the food was just really good. Is mac and cheese and corn and potato salad and a hot dog bun. And I was just having a really nice evening. I even had some really lovely conversations about the Baltimore harbor in the water's health. And you know how much I love doing that.
I did find myself wanting to stop every single pregnant person or person holding a baby and ask them questions but I refrained. Cuz while I am starting to get a little bit of a baby belly it just kind of looks like I'm chubby right now because it's in two segments and is not connecting in the middle. I'm hoping that it rounds out at some point in the next two weeks because I'm not a huge fan of the way that it feels. Like it's stretching weird cuz I think the middle is pulling back I don't know. It's hard thing to explain. Pregnancy is just body horror after body horror.
But then the event was over and everyone was picking up and everything was great. I was convinced that one of the tables in the lunchroom was wrong and I still am but no one agrees with me So it was fine. We did have an issue with the moon bounce people because they just came back really late so everyone else was mostly done and we're just waiting on that truck and I was in charge of turning off all the lights inside and I only forgot where like two of them were so I was pretty proud of that. And I think if I just like spend a couple extra minutes I would have figured it out anyway but Jesse helped me and everything was great. And Stan had showed me how to change the new paper pal dispensers and I knew where more of the keys were and I just felt pretty confident. I have some concerns still about different things but I think it will just come with time.
We were sitting outside as we were watching the caterers sweep up the pavilion. Dad asked me to call him so I spent like 15 minutes talking to him on the phone and that was really nice. And after I got off the phone with him we were finishing up everything we needed to do and then the other truck came and we had a few minutes of comedy when the trucks couldn't figure out how to leave because I had locked the entrance gate and we were like no you have to exit over here and they're like what we don't understand. But we got everyone out and we said good night and then I headed home.
And that's where I am now. I am parking and I'm going to go outside and I'm going to see my husband and I'm going to take a shower and wash my hair because I feel gross. It's been really humid all day and I'm itchy because of it. And then I'm hoping that I can sleep and not wake up I'll freak out and tomorrow me and James might go to loch Raven or something but I'm just hoping that we can have a nice day together and that I don't feel bad. That is the hope in the dream. I hope that you all have a great night tonight and take care of yourselves. I love you all! Until tomorrow.
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hearts4golbach · 1 year
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader.)
part 7
"and all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared, its madness."
I walked next door to Sals apartment and knocked on the door. to my surprise, Henry answered. he looked like he was in a rush.
"Hey, Mr fisher! are you okay?" I asked cautiously.
"yes, thank you, sweetheart. I'm about to be late for work." he gave me a sad smile. "cone in, sals in his room."
"thanks, I hope you make it in time." I grinned back at him.
I knocked on the door before walking into sals room. he was laying in his bed in boxers and a T-shirt. he was playing on his gear boy.
"Hey, babe. you okay?"
he looked over at me and sniffled. "I got sick somehow." sal chuckled.
"oh, I'm sorry, sally face." I rubbed his arm. "can I crawl in with you?"
he nodded. "if you wanna catch whatever I have."
"I can take it." sal blushed. i climbed in, wrapping my arms around his waist, meanwhile making sure I didn't get in the way of his vision. "how are you not suffering with your prosthetic on?"
he giggled. "I am suffering."
"have you taken medicine and atleast drank a little water?"
he paused. "uh..."
"sal!" I exclaimed, getting up. I went to get him a glass of water and a little medication. I brought it back to him. "cant have you dying on me, damn."
"I'm not going to die, Y/n. it's not that serious." he rolled his eyes.
"you never know!" I replied in a sing song voice. I crawled back in bed next to him and handed him the water and cough syrup.
he took off his mask and quickly took the shot of medicine, grunting as he did so. he took a sip of water. "thank you, love." he gently kissed me, staying against my lips for a few seconds before pulling away. I moved his hair out of his sweaty face before moving back to my original position around his waist. I listened to him hum as he played his game before slowly falling asleep.
I woke up a few hours later, around 10. sal was asleep, too. I stretched before checking my phone.
larry: wya Todd's parents just gave me more weed ;) - 9:18 pm.
larry: Y/N!!! - 9:26 pm.
larry: uve got 2 be shitting my dick - 9:31 pm.
me: oml sal is on his death bed I can't leave him - 10:18 pm.
larry: idc bring his ass with!! - 10:21 pm.
me: he's sleeping
larry: wake the beast from his slumber and let's goooo
me: ure annoying lol
larry: I give u free weed that's not possible
me: my bad gangster let me see if sal wants 2 go
larry: tell his ass I got soup
me: lol ok
what I didn't realize is that sal was awake already. I turned to look at him, bit he was already looking at me. I jumped. "you scared me."
"sorry." he apologized with his raspy voice. he sounded worse. he kissed my forehead.
"we don't have to go to Larry's, you sound worse."
he cleared his throat. "I'm fine, he seems desperate and he has soup."
"mk." I whispered, gently kissing his soft lips. he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in. "maybe we should just stay here."
we got up and sal put on pajama pants, tossing me a pair too. sal strapped his mask back on and we made our way down to Larry's apartment.
me: u better prepare soup cuz I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he's going
larry: already on it :D
larry and I got baked while sal happily ate his soup, with his mask on, of course. after he had finished, I laid my head in his lap and talked to larry about his girlfriend.
"dude, she has the biggest tits I've ever seen!"
"bigger than ashs? no way."
larry rolled his eyes. "sure."
"damn, bigger than mine!?!" I exclaimed. I glanced back at sal, who's ears were turning a shade of pink. I smirked to myself.
sal coughed. "no way were talking about this. I don't even believe that."
"oh my god, sal."
I sat in my hospital bed, trying to comfort Y/n. she hadn't been allowed to take her pain meds that day.
"I'm sorry you hurt, Y/n." I frowned, watching as she curled up into a small ball.
"it's ok, sal." she whined as she pulled her knees closer to her chest. "can you read me a story?"
and I did. I read her 3 of the stories dad had brought me while I stayed in the hospital. i kept reading until I realized she had fallen asleep. I wasn't completely sure she could fully hear me through my bandages, though.
I took care of sal the next week, making sure he took his medicine and drank water. I stayed most nights with him so he didn't have to be alone. the funny thing was, by the time he was fully healed, I was sick, myself.
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tlouxobsessed · 1 year
College Affairs
CHAPTER II ------------------ I knew I had to be up soon, I had previously been woken up early by Ellie's rumbling around the room. She had realized she woke me up which resulted in her leaving the room slamming the door shut. No idea what the fuck her problem was, I snatched my phone off of the bedside table, I checked my notifications quickly.
I had a few missed texts from my sister, dad and lila. All asking me how my night went,I dismissed the messages deciding I had to get up. I threw my hair sloppily up so I could wash my face and brush my teeth.
I put on a tight white tank top, some dark blue sweats from Brandy along with my UGG slip ons. I was exhausted I slept horribly, Ellie fucking snores and mumbles in her sleep.
~ bleep bleep ~
I glanced over at my bed, my screen lit up. I picked up the device scanning it...
dina<3 - Heyy Jesse is having a party on Friday! you should totally come ;) maybe you'll find a hot babe to bring home.
My eyes lit up, this was my chance I'd have a distraction from Ellie and her slut behavior and Katie could see that I'm not interested. I grabbed my grey hoodie heading out the door after grabbing my keys, throwing on my backpack and grabbing my tote.
I stopped at a nearby coffee shop, I ordered my usual which consisted of a bagel and a Chai.
"Y/n? here is your order" The muscular girl said handed me my drink, she was attractive. The way her veins bursted out when she held onto the cup and bagged bagel. Her crystal blue eyes stared into mine, her tight blonde hair pulled back into a braid. She was very, VERY hot. I thanked her slightly stumbling over my words, I was going to walk out slowly as I heard somebody talking to her.
"oooo Abby I saw you checking her outtttt, you were suppoused to clock out ten minutes ago but you stayed to serve her OOOOO" some boy said to her. He was maybe sixteen, shortish, dark brown almost black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a scar on the side of his face leading up away from the edges of his mouth.
"LEV!!! shut the fuck up!!!" she shouted. I chuckled walking out of the cafe checking the time. '9:10'
"fucking shit-" I ran to my car, I had class at 9:25 I needed to hurry. Once I made it into class I had bumped into somebody, the girl who just so happened to be Ellie. "where you goin' in such a rush baby- oh it's you sorry....here" she said holding the door open for me. I rolled my eyes at her stupidity and slut-like behavior making my way into class, I sat down preparing my shit for the next two 1/2 hours of lecturing.
I headed back to my dorm once it was over, it was roughly late noon now, I was tired and ready for a fat fucking nap by now. I walked in on an empty bed. 'hmm seems like Ellie was here' I thought to myself. I hopped onto my bed, lifting up my arms taking off my shirt then pants. I was left in just a revealing sports bra and some girl boxers. I yawned as I drifted to sleep eventually.
~ Ellie point of view ~
I had left in a rush when I realized she woke up, I was pissed at myself. I found her so attractive, the way y/n's jaw was perfectly sharp at the edges. Her beautiful blue eyes that shined bright, her tits that were huge since I had last seen her. Her ass was round and plump, I often found myself wondering what it'd feel like bouncing on my strap. I felt myself getting hot and bothered just thinking about it. AND to make matters WORSE, I had a fucking girlfriend. Yesterday when I had realized I found myself staring at her tits, I forced myself to look away.
I have never been loyal to Cat, we had a somewhat open relationship; we were into threesomes but never poly shit. I always flirted with other girls, never near her though, I mean she doesn't know but I couldn't really care less.
Yesterday I caught myself then knew I needed release so I went over Cat's....
~ flashback ~
"hey baby, it's me" I said pounding on her door, she didn't live in a dorm. She lived a few streets away in an apartment building, she's going to a alternative school for tattooing; not some fancy shmancy art school, not that she can't afford it because her apartment, as well as her families over 500k a year says other wise.
"hi, what're you doing here?" she asked wearing an oversized T, her hair matted from sleep. She rubbed her eyes welcoming me in, I immediately came in pushing her against the wall slipping my tongue into her mouth. She let out a moan while I smirked, I slipped my hand into her little pink panties rubbing in between her folds, a small moan escaping her mouth.
"oh so that's why you're here?" She sighed out, what the fuck? why was she mad.
"ellie...you haven't fucking texted me all day! you got a new roommate who is a FRESHIE. You ignored me yesterday too after we got into the argument about Sarah, and you're just going to come over here? to what? fuck me? because you're horny? no ellie. You are not going to use me. Go fuck one of your little snapchat hoes, or better yet! go fuck your new roomie, I'm sure she'd like that." She screamed at me until I walked out of her apartment, I was furious. I got in the front hall of the building immediately punching the nearby wall releasing some pent up anger. I furrowed my brows while holding my bloodied fist.
I was mad and horny now, so I'd do what I always did when I was. I pulled out my phone clicking on 'sarah' I needed it now.
ellie - hi w r u doin' ?
sarah - hiiiii i haven't heard from you in so long i miss you :(((( but nothin' much! wanna come over :)
She was sickly sweet, but she had some bomb ass tight pussy. I was down if she was, honestly I didn't care if she wasn't down. She found me hot, she was vulnerable and her ex broke up with her a few months ago. She came to me sobbing so I showed her what real pleasure is.
ellie - omw
I pressed send and started making my way back to the dorms.
I knocked on her door until she opened it, she looked at me smiling. She was 5'3, a long blonde haired blue eyed girl. She was a fucking bimbo. Huge tits, fat ass, I was so ready. I had brought in my car strap that I always kept for emergencies.
I pushed my way into the house plopping on her couch, the sofa was a sage green with cute pink and orange pillows. Her dorm was a singular one, she was a rich cunt who spent all daddys money. She was able to get a single dorm for just herself, it was larger than most dorms but smaller than an apartment. But it did have three separate rooms not counting the bathroom.
She sat next to me spreading her legs a little and scooting her ass closer to me, I grabbed a hold of it spanking it causing her to let out a moan. She was genuinely kind of gross, she was annoying and sweet. She made me want to fuck her inside out. I grabbed her other ass cheek smacking them both at the same time, she gasped which made me roll my eyes in annoyance.
I pushed her shorts to the side, I ran my fingers through her folds causing an actual moan to release. I felt calmer now, I rubbed a little until I got bored with her exaggerated moans. I pulled her shorts off then her panties, I slipped down off of the couch, I was on the floor now; she on the couch with her legs wide open.
Her sopping cunt right in my face waiting to be devoured, I licked my lips as I slowly went in. I licked slow, intense circles around her clitoris. "oh my god ellie-" she said pulling my head into her heat. I forgot how much I love fucking her. She's so vulnerable, god. I needed her to cum all over me.
I went faster and faster, my fingers sped up inside her curling up. This caused her to break. Her white, creamy cum covered my fingers and upper lip. I licked it off, pulling my fingers out forcing her to lick them.
"mhmmfffphmm" she sucked on my fingers which made me a little grossed out, I pulled them away pulling her up then pushing her body up then down. Her ass was up now, I quickly strapped up, I stuck my two fingers into her mouth, gagging her to get the goopy spit I needed as lube. She gagged then moaned.
She was dripping my her spit added to the sex aspect of this, I began rubbing her salvia on my red and green strap, I pushed it in her. She groaned out in pain and pleasure as I began my grind.
She finally was done after an hour of taking it like a slut, I pulled it out covered in her cum. "suck it baby" I said, she got on her knees taking my silicon member into her mouth, deepening it into her soft, pink throat. I moaned out, I could almost feel it, almost.
I pushed her head away after a solid five minutes of receiving on the faux cock.
She glanced at me with her puppy eyes, god why was she doing this?
"g'nna head out now, text ya after" I said sliding off my strap, picking it up and using the cleaner I had brought. I headed out the door before she could convince me for a round two.
~ flashback over back to present day ~
I walked into the dorm, unlocking it as quietly as I could. When I walked inside the small room. Y/n laying in her bed, her upper back out while laying on her stomach.
Her back was toned perfectly her creamy skin was sexy, I could see her tight, grey Calvin Klein bra cling to her body. Jesus I wanted to fuck the life out of her, below that was the rim of some boxers, a slight few of her lower right ass cheek was out. I felt myself throbbing, my cunt was soaked. I had to do something, I walked over to her quietly.
I knew she was tired, I was loud last night so she wouldn't wake up, hopefully. Or maybe she would and look deeply into my eyes to say "please fuck me daddy" jesus-
I clutched my chest getting a hold of my breathing once again, I slowly reached over rubbing my fingers tips against her warm back. She was milky smooth, her skin felt like butter. I wanted to melt, I was melting. I saw her body suddenly twitch a little.
"shit" I cursed under my breath, running over to my bed plopping on it pretending to be on my phone.
Y/n turned over stretching, her massive tits recoiling as she sat up to crack her back. Her stomach was amazingly flat and toned, she has a small pudge that was her uterus, she was perfect. Oh my god I needed her. I felt my mouth become watery and my mind became cloudy with images of her begging me to be inside her.
She stood up stumbling over to the bathroom; she must've not realized I was here, she hadn't even opened her eyes yet.
I watched her waddle over to the door, her ass cheeks jiggling with each step. I licked my lips smacking myself aside the head. I needed her.
She came out after a few minutes, still mostly naked. She bent over grabbing ahold of her tank putting that on then her sweats.
"oh hey.." she said awkwardly turning away from me. I didn't know what to say. I looked up at her raised my eyebrow then looked back down at my phone.
~ Y/n point of view ~
"ok then-" I said boosting myself back onto my bed.
'hmm I need something to wear for Friday, I have tomorrow but after that It's the party so I need to figure it out now' I pondered on what I could possibly wear. Defiantly something slutty.
I opened up my drawer looking at my dress section, I settled on a small, tight dark red dress. It bad three holes going along the center, my tits would be out and my lower ass cheek whenever I got frisky or even bent over. I decided on some black heals to go with that, and some smokey make-up.
"what're you doing?" Ellie questioned seeing my put the revealing dress rested on my bed. "huh?" I played dumb. "what are you wearing that to??" she questioned, her brows furrowed into a thin line.
"party Friday" I answered.
"oooo shit Jesse's? I'm going too, lemme give y'a ride"
"no I'm okay"
"c'mon y/n don't be a stuck up, lemme take you-"
"ok fine but if you get too drunk to drive me home then no" I complied finally.
She nodded, smirking looking down at my tits then back at me.
I was getting there, slowly but surely.
The night went by painfully slow, but eventually it was the next day. I hadn't spoken to Katie in awhile. Maybe I should text her? no she's too mad, but she told me to always make amends with her if we are fighting.
y/n - hi katie, r u ok?
y/n - helloooo
y/n - mhmm dude srsly ?
I waited, and waited but she didn't respond. I was annoyed and sick of her childish behavior until I heard the ping she had set on my phone for her. "I want you to know when I text you!" therefore she set a fucking custom sound.
katieee my lovey - yea?
y/n - seriously? kate you haven't spoken to me in a day almost two, what's up? ttm
katieee my lovey - i think you know what's up y/n
y/n - no i rlly don't kate so tell me
katieee my lovey - you know i never stopped liking you, you always lead me on with laying on me or inviting me over with weird sexual sayings along with that. you know i want you and suddenly you're crushing on your roomie? ellie has been a player since 14 dude. ur setting ur self up. you'd be better off w me y/n and yk it. i catch you staring at my tits or ass all the time yet you never pull anything; and i never say anything so i dont embarrass you. I Love You Y/N.
I didn't even know what to say, I really didn't especially when Ellie came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.
I needed to be bold, I don't care if Katie is right Ellie is sexy and I want her in me. I marched up to Ellie who had her back turned to me, her muscles flexing as she bent down to scoop up her sports bra.
"...ellie.." I said breathing out rapidly, I was terrified.
"yeah?" she said turning around, her sexy collar bone sticking out, her muscles flexing, her veins purtruding because of the hot shower. Her hair soaked, her green eyes shining. I needed her.
I looked from her lips to her eyes, up and down again until she pulled me in. She smashed her lips against mine..."fuckk ellie.." I moaned out when she pulled away to stare at me. I leaned back in, she cupped one of my breasts through my tank, I moaned out again. My nipples went rock hard and my cunt throbbing for some attention.
I began to tug on the towel....
"no" Ellie said bluntly, my mouth dropped to the floor. How could I be so dumb? she just wanted to fuck me. She probably was a no touch. Shit. She came a step closer towards me.
"c'mon baby take off that pretty tight shirt of yours and let me have my way with you-"
*bing bing*
fuck. Katie.
Ellie rolled her eyes grabbing her shit going back into the bathroom to continue getting ready. I just fucked up so much worse. Holy shit.
katieee my lovey - see dude? fuck you y/n seriously fuck you.
I fucked up BIG time.
I sat on my bed read adjusting my tank trying to calm my breathing, my sopping pussy was sticking to my panties. I needed to do something intense tomorrow, I needed some serious friction. I knew I was going to need to take someone home with me, but who? god y/n you're going crazy!
hi guys ;) I hope you're enjoying, the beginning of next chapter will be in Ellie's point of viewwwwwww!! and an Abby smut will be posted laterrrrr, and possibly an Ellie x Abby oneshot but that might be posted on wattpad @tlouxobsessed ;)))))))
Anyways have a great day/night/afternoon!!!
Part 3
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lulubelle814 · 1 year
Just Dizziness - Chapter 9
I had an odd dream the following night. In my dream, Tom was there but asleep. He was curled up around me, holding me close.
This fantasy warmed my heart until I noticed the exhaustion on his sleeping face. He had large, dark circles under his eyes. It looked as if he had been fighting a one man war.  I so badly wanted to comfort him, but my limbs felt as if they were filled with lead. That's when I noticed I was in a hospital room. From what I was able to see, it was a nice room, and it became clear quickly that the bed was larger than the standard hospital bed.
It was frustrating not being able to move or at anything.  Even with that, I felt comfortable being with him. His scent, his warmth. It was more than I could ever hope for.  But this was a dream, wasn't it? No one was here or awake to pinch me.  Sadness overtook me, and I felt tears starting to fall from the corner of my eye. I wasn't dreaming. This was a nightmare.
That was when I felt a hand touch my cheek, the thumb wiping away the tears.
"You're awake!"
I was so overwhelmed by everything that I found myself succumbing to some version of sleep.  As I unwillingly drifted away, I heard him begin to cry. "Please, please don't go!  Stay with me?"  He was distraught, his voice strained and pulled at my heartstrings.  I shed another tear as I heard his voice get further and further away.
When I woke up, I was in my own bed, but my face was wet. I realized I had been crying.  It still seemed like I could feel him holding me, hear him crying and calling to me, begging me to open my eyes once more.
As much as I wanted to return to him, it wasn't real. It wasn't. It couldn't be, but the nagging feeling persisted  that something wasn't right.  I didn't know what, where, or who, but something was wrong and I couldn't put my finger on it.  Maybe I really was just losing my mind.
Looking at the clock, it was almost 11 am.  The apartment was quiet meaning Sarah was out.  Venturing into the kitchen, I saw a note she left.
Had to head into the office for some more meetings. Didn't want to wake you. Will pick up food on the way home. Eat something in the meantime please? If you do, I'll pick up your favorite dessert tomorrow.
Appreciating her concern, I found there was still some chicken salad in the fridge.  I pulled out a bit and ate some.  That's when I spotted a box of cheez-its on the counter. I poured some into a bowl and snacked on them slowly over the next few hours, curled up in the large overstuffed chair in the living room while reading a book.
By the time she got home, my bowl was empty. She could tell I had eaten due to the amount of missing chicken salad (though what was missing wasn't much but it was still better than nothing) and the crumbs in the bowl.
What really surprised her was that I was in the living room, but she wasn't going to push it.  She wanted me to come out of my shell and heal at my own pace, and this was progress.  What she didn't know was that the real reason for the change of scenery was because of that dream, and I needed some kind of escape away from it. I couldn't, however, bring myself to leave the apartment today. So the living room would have to do.
She made dinner which was really heating up some delicious soup I loved.  When it was ready, she gave me about half a bowl which I finished. She gestured to the soup, silently asking if I wanted more, but I shook my head.  Overall, this was the most food I had eaten in some time, and it made her extremely happy.
That night, I was a little afraid to go to sleep, not wanting to go back to that dream. It was too much to dream of my celebrity crush but not be able to move or do anything.
I watched a couple of movies, but sleep could only be avoided for so long.  Reluctantly, I went to bed when sleep could no longer be avoided.
Chapter 10
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justabeautifulgirl · 5 months
The Command
Mari woke up before her older sister, completely naked and cuddled up to her. She sneakily got out of bed and locked the door to the room before getting dressed and standing over her sister. "Hey. Wake up." Mari used the back of her hand to tap Emily's face. She did this a few more times before the eldest sister stirred awake, the sleep clinging to her face. "Wake up sleeping beauty, you need to get to your room at least, I can already smell Dad cooking breakfast." Emily sleepily slumped out of bed and went to the door trying the handle to find it wouldn't budge. Mari huffed out, exasperated that her older sibling couldn't figure out it was locked. She unlocked the door and looked around checking the coast was clear. "Alright now go! And make sure to come back to my room tonight at 10 PM." And Emily went. Breakfast was as awkward as ever for Emily who just last night, was almost caught wearing nothing but a skimpy piece of lingerie which showed off her budding breasts. Other than that brief moment of solitary embarrassment, the day went on as normal: Mari off to college for her classes, Emily had to work, and their parents... well, they did whatever it is they do when their kids weren't home.
At 9:58 PM that night, Emily had showed up to Mari's room as she was told, dressed in a mini-skirt and crop top that made her look like Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw. As she sat down on the floor of the bedroom, she felt something was different in the room, like they weren't alone. "So what is it tonight? You gonna force me to do your laundry naked or something?" Mariel giggled to herself. "Oh believe me the thought crossed my mind once or twice but no. I have something much more entertaining planned for you." She said this with extra emphasis at the end. "Go ahead and show yourself then." Emily was confused and then mortified as a guy stepped out of the closet, grinning from ear to ear at Emily. "Mari, what's going on?" Emily said frantically. "This is my boyfriend Collin. He seemed really interested in meeting you, after I let it slip you were actually a girl." Emily couldn't help but feel betrayed, despite how mean Mari could be, she didn't think that she'd actual tell anyone else. She was stunned into silence and so the room followed for a few moments longer. "I'm glad to finally meet you Emily. You're very pretty." "It wasn't without months of hard work on my part but yeah, she's pretty cute." Mari bragged. "You're going to do what he says, because that's what I'm telling you to do tonight." She directed this bit at Emily. "Mari!" Emily whined desperately. "I'm a lesbian, I don't like guys." "Don't be silly, you're not a lesbian. If you were then your little clit wouldn't have gotten hard when we watched Brokeback Mountain." "But, that's-" "Shhh. You're going to do what he says, or I have Collin here help me drag you to the living room and show Dad your pretty skirt." The threat knocked Emily right back into speechlessness. She nodded.
"I want you to stand up and and give me a little spin." Collin commanded. Already seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Mari gave her a fierce look and Emily relented. She stood up, her face flushing a hot red, and twirled around, her bulge clearly visible when her already skimpy skirt flew up with her spinning. Collin grins and just stares at her when Emily comes to a stop, starring down at the carpeted floor. "Okay, now I want you to come here." Emily walked over toward him, her eyes still focused on the floor. "Look at me." He said it almost gently as if whispering to her. His voice made her look at his eyes and realize, they were a beautiful golden brown color. "Kneel for me." As she did, she started to look down again but his hand quickly and softly grabbed her chin and forced her eyes up at him. "Good girl." The sound of the affirmation made her bulge twitch. Mari saw it happen and laughed. "See? At least your clit is truthful." Mari said ruthlessly. Collin, while Emily was distracted by her sister, unzipped and pulled down his pants just enough for his cock to come flopping out. She saw it happen and startled, starring at it. She could barely concentrate, it was so big compared to hers, maybe seven or eight inches long. "I want you to suck my cock. I want you to do it like you're in love with it." Emily blanched at that. She looked at her sister, who gave her a look, then she stood up and walked over to where her sister was kneeling at her boyfriend's cock. "Here hun, I'll help." She put her hand at the back of Emily's head and gently pushed it until her lips touched the tip of his musky cock. "Open up Em'" The surprising gentleness coming from her sister, made her want to obey this command. She opened her mouth and his cock slid in like it was always meant to be there. The taste of it was like normal skin but with the intoxicating scent of musk. Without realizing it, she was sucking it like she'd seen the porn actors do, although when she tried to take it deeper, she gagged and it broke the spell over her. It flopped out of her mouth as she coughed and sputtered. Collin put his hand on her head and scratched it gently. "Good girl. You did really good for your first time. Now, get on the bed on your back for me." The thoughts of last night made her hesitate but best not to ruin the good mood and atmosphere they had built. She did as she was told.
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the-amalgam-house · 1 year
Fuck the fucking thoughts! The last memories I have of my dad pre-addiction pre-anger explosions were literally worn I was SIX years old... he became a cop with I was 8, I have no idea where 7 went, and he started drinking and being incredibly angry and just.
He'd been that way ever since. I know it's PTSD. It manifests in anger and alcoholism. Even now he has so much trouble keeping away, even if overall he's softened on the after part.
My brother never really got to see him without the drink and without the anger. His whole entire self aware life had just been that version of Papi. He never got to see the man I knew. There's still a good bit of that man in there and you can see it in his tender/sober/stable moments. He loves children and he's always had this sense of pride and being self sufficient. But my siblings never really got to see the non angry man that was our dad. I was old enough to remember.
The drinking poisoned him...or, well, the police force maybe did it first. Idk. He hurt us so much, and honestly I can only be but so mad at him now, knowing that he himself was hurting. Hurt people hurt people after all. And you can never again be a previous version of yourself, so there's no real use in wishing there was. It's just grief that keeps coming back, over and over again.
I can remember him setting up a little treasure nap game in the back yard. Michael was in a carrier and Nina and I were given a hand drawn map to figure out where the hidden items were. I remember Papi going outside in the cold when I couldn't just to build a snowman while I watched in the window. He'd throw snowballs at that window to make me laugh. I remember when he helped me to not be afraid of the sharks in the aquarium by carrying me and holding close while we got closer, and realized the glass was keeping us safe. That Papi would keep me safe from the sharks. He did the same with me for thunder storms, tho I was too young to remember that one.
I remember how utterly severely upset I was when he had to go back to NY for 2 weeks after we moved to VA. I felt like I would never see him again. Probably the second most traumatic thing I'd faced in my life up to that point, the first being invasive and painful allergy testing when I was...idk, like 5. I remember him when he was initially softened by having kids. That was probably roughly the last time I remember all of us being as close to completely happy as I was able to comprehend.
I remember the time he and Mami got into one of their many screaming matches. Mami was made to walk outside, Papi locked the door. Mami banged on the door for what seemed like forever, and I went out of my room to try to help. But Papi was still awake, and threatened to hit me off I didn't go back to bed. I froze in fear, until he gave in and told me to open the front door. Mami had to hide her anger and sadness when it was me who opened the door and not him.
I remember calling for his help when Mikey was hitting me. I was crying already and Papi was the only adult in the house, but he was sleeping. 12 and 14 hour shifts as an officer, and the rule was not to wake him up. But who else could I have cried to for help? So he woke up, hit me with a belt for waking him up, then hit my brother 5 or 6 times for hitting me. Mikey doesn't remember it, but for me it's clear as day.
I remember Papi completely trashing our room (Nina and I shared a room our whole life then), just because we didn't clean it like ye wanted. My cute hand made candles had been crushed under the bookshelf they had been decorating just outside the bedroom, now sitting in a heap in the middle of the floor. Michael said it happened twice, but I only remember once.
I remember the times he would punch walks, Break Michael's door, throw and break glass. Blood everywhere. From age 9 to 22. Flying into a rage at the drop of a hat, everyone being so afraid of him even if he didn't physically hurt us (not after age 10). When she was at her lowest, Mami did the same to him. It didn't help, but she reached her limit. I remember her worry when I punched and broke my flimsy tin closet door. She was going to chase him, but the sound scared her and she came to me instead.
I remember, only after being reminded by my brother, when they were both out drinking and promised to be back to make dinner and couldn't come back, so I had to come up with dinner instead. I had to be maybe 11 or 12. I still don't actually fully remember it, because it wasn't me, but it's a vague feeling in my mind now.
I remember feeling so worthless and hopeless that I couldn't get to my baby brother, having to be alone in his own room, while Nina and I had each other to cry with. I remember two years after he left the force, and the same year he almost died, was the first time I truly wanted to kill myself. I'd always thought about running away before, but couldn't leave my mom and siblings behind. I'd thought about telling my dad I hated him, but it wasn't true and I was afraid anyway. I thought the only solution would be if I just stopped existing cause I couldn't take it anymore. How sad is that? A freshman in high school wanting to die cause the drunk father they once looked up to became unbearably abusive.
He wouldn't call it abuse though. He had it much worse, as he would often bring up. He was abused, but wouldn't call it abuse either, at least not what his mom did. She used to be a really rough woman, tho I've only known her to be soft and sweet in my lifetime.
I remember when I found out what really happened to my dog, my best friend, Tymber. How Papi was so angry after a long shift that he threw my dog against a wall and broke his leg. That I never got to see my only friend again cause the vet didn't want to send him back to an abusive home. That happened just before I turned 12, and I didn't learn the truth until about 19-ish. Do you know how devastated I was? I still have a picture of him somewhere, my little puppy, barely a year old and terrified of my dad, just like the rest of us.
I do remember some good times too. He tried to make up for all the work time with high quality time together. We watched DBZ every week. He took us on father-kid trips both in a group and individually. He liked taking us to amusement parks and carnivals when he could. He danced with me at my sweet 16, and took me to walk around downtown after. We did have some good times, and I love him.
I just hate everything he did to us. I hate that he can't even remember it. I hate that alcohol has eaten away at his mind for over 20 years and you can see how it's poisoned him. I hate what his family did to him.
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