#I watched Fourze a few years ago so
So then. How do I put this.
I’ve... finished? Kamen Rider?
Like, every piece of fiction I can watch that has subs - not just shows, but movies, final stages, TV specials, HBVs, TTFC/Telasa spin-offs, even transformation lessons. All of it. I’ve watched Kamen Rider.
And certainly not everything has been subbed -- we’re still missing a few Final Stages like Fourze and Decade’s, and the Revice anime shorts are very notably missing too (begging on my hands and knees for someone to tackle any of those). But that’s the absolute most major stuff we’re missing: Kamen Rider as a series is obviously easily the most popular among the Tokusatsu crowd and has such is the one with most of its material subbed; including all TV series and movies. 
So bragging rights, I guess! This is a series, though, that’s meant a lot to me ever since I started with Fourze years ago; and as I slowly expanded out into catching up with what was out of Build at the time, looking into the 90s movies, starting another actual series with W... the more and more I realised I love it. It’s a franchise that I have grown to have many criticisms of as it is now, but I would not be complaining about it so much if I wasn’t so attached to it still; if there wasn’t still so much of it I love. I wouldn’t have gone back and marathoned a whole 98-episode kooky show from the 70s and drawn up a thousand essays and, uh, spent perhaps a little too much money on merch if Kamen Rider wasn’t something I loved dearly.
So! As many autistic people who have discovered a special interest would do upon realising the sheer breadth of stuff available to them within that special interest, I really went ham on this; huh? There’s seriously nothing left that I’m unfamiliar with, barring anything that gets subbed in the future (again. Fourze Final Stage. Gimme). Aside from manga, of course! Maybe I can’t say I’m finished quite yet but you’ll forgive me if I restrict this to ‘watching’. 
I felt I should make a post about this but I’m not sure what point I’m really reaching here -- I finished Kamen Rider and I just, really love it, man. I just really love it! One of my favourite things ever and I’m glad I gave some of its more obscure corners a chance.
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biomic · 1 year
genuinely curious; of the shows you haven't started yet (geats, gotchard, kingohger, blazar etc) how do you think you'll feel about them or is there anything about them you're specifically looking forward to or has you excited or etc
blazar: i have actually seen episode 1! really dug it, although not much to say as its main purpose was just setting the tone for the series. obviously i've been out of the ultra loop for a while now, but im happy to see the franchise taking new risks and challenging conventions despite the usual formula having been so successful these past few years. excited to see more
geats: again, i did actually see episode 1 back when it came out. honestly i've heard everything from "this show is awful" to "this is the best thing since build", but that's to be expected with takahashi at the helm. im sure i'll probably lean more positive but we'll see. looking forward to figuring out why the people are going nuts for that little frog
king-ohger: all i know about king-ohger is the unique visuals, rita being Shape, and racles' cunty slay. like i said with donbrothers, im over the moon about sentai evolving as a franchise and going for these big swings that would've been unthinkable just a few years ago. aside from donbros' endgame of course, this is the one im most looking forward to and feel most down about missing out on
gotchard: hyped as fuck!!!!!!! i just feel so in tune with everything this show's putting down so far. the trading card gimmick makes me nostalgic, i adore the suit and general design aesthetic, im overjoyed to finally have another show set in high school! fourze was my intro to kamen rider and that show's always been so special to me, and most other high school tokus i've watched (megaranger, turboranger, etc.) have followed suit in being some of my favorite viewing experiences of the whole genre. i've also wanted keiichi hasegawa and hiroki uchida to lead their own rider series individually for ages now, so them being gotchard's co-writers is really the cherry on top. need this show NOW
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Say Gentaro Kisaragi is mindcontrolled and he hurt a lot of people while under mindcontrol... how does he react upon snapping out of mindcontrol?
Lmao I have surprisingly thought about this a lot.
Gentaro is someone super loving and forgiving, even if they, I don’t know — say, muRdeReD him.
The moment he got alived again, he literally went to find his murderer and said, “wow <333 I know you so much better now.” Which is a whole thing
But I think it’s interesting how very little he thinks about himself. Others are always placed as more important. They hurt him? Insult him? That’s okay because he is going to befriend The SH*T out of them no matter what >:)).
Every single one of the actions Gentaro takes are impulsive to a degree, but always a selfless one. He loves people. He wants to help people. He wants to make them happy. So what would happen if he were the one to cause the pain?
Oh, the agnst would be beautiful my friends.
The amount of care he’s placed on other people (before himself), means that if he were the one to have hurt them, essentially I think it would put him in a state of shock.
He would be horrified.
That trust he has so keenly in himself and his actions would be the first to disappear. He would have the thought “what if I hurt them” constantly twisting inside of him. Building and building.
I absolutely love how wholesome Fourze is as a show, but as a writer —- if Fourze were to ever be remade, I think putting that focus on Gentaro and his altruism and the conflict or pain his actions could cause — mind controlled or not, would be a very interesting theme to explore.
We see similar things being explored right now through Ikki and Momoi. Gentaro would fall somewhere within the middle. (And I think a character exploration as to why he thinks or acts like this would also be something I would hope a re-write would address and it’s fascinating actually. The fact that Gentaro chooses to wear and style himself like a Punk, a Rebel (TM) and yet why?
People can wear whatever aesthetics they want. But there’s always a reason, subconscious or not. A punk aesthetic is one of the aesthetics I would say is chosen as like a shield.
“I am agaisnt this world so this world can’t hurt me.”
But, Gentaro isn’t someone I’d describe as “against the world”, he’s more than for it. So why does he dress and style himself that way, is he modeling himself after a mentor he looked up to? Is it a shield he wears so that even when he’s attacked or hurt he can think ‘I’m fine. I’m okay. This world cannot affect me (negatively).’
His psychology would be something fun to explore. Now, if you say: “Naw, he’s just naturally forgiving and—“
All actions a human takes. Every reaction. Is based on something.
No one (take this with a grain of salt, but most of the average population is what I’m taking about.) is “naturally forgiving” and selfless. That’s a learned trait. What’s the first trait you see in toddlers? The idea of possession.
“This is MINE.”
That ALWAYS comes before the action of sharing. (There might be outliers yes, but 99% of the everyday population is like this, so the outliers AREN’T the point.)
So Gentaro’s selflessness has to have come from somewhere.
Anyways, back to the hypothetical question (lol), but I 100% believe him hurting others (not at all of his own volition) is something that would break him.
He’d lose his trust in himself. He’d start to doubt his actions, he’d start to overthink.
“What if this ends up hurting someone? What if I hurt someone again?”
It would terrify him. With his emotional turmoil conflicting how he normally appears with friends, I don’t doubt that he would mask it. He would smile like everything is fine, when he can’t even sleep at night because every time he does he’ll have nightmares from that Day. That time where he hurt people.
Originally when he first snaps out —he can’t think, only react. He sees people hurt, he would go up and try to help them, in shock and not at all thinking yet ‘I caused this’.
But then they shrink back from him in fear, and that makes him pause. Hesitate.
And then the thoughts come, they start processing, and he can’t be here, he can’t be around these people that he’s hurt. So he leaves, he backs away, he isolates himself, and then Everything Hits.
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
We are now within the second third or so of Kamen Rider Revice! It's been a pretty wild journey so far, and I'm glad ya'll enjoy these liveblog/recaps/review hybrids, even if only mildly. I've only done something like this once before, when Chuggaaconroy remade his LP of EarthBound a few years ago and I gave my own thoughts/additional commentary as I watched along.
Because I don't know how to tag, they're basically lost in an endless sea of reblogs, so I can't find them, but I had a very fun time doing it anyway, so getting to do something similar to it again feels like a fun way to spend my time. And since these're weekly rather than daily, I can give myself a bit more breathing room! How bout that, eh?
Now, without further ado... Spoilers, I guess...
-Probably not the exact time frame, but comic book time is weird like that.
-And here we see Kudo eating a juicy steak. Yes, I finally remembered Lawyer Guy's name too, shush.
-Ohhhh, those girls are dressed like Aguilera-sama. That's... that brings up a lot of questions. Does he have a type for Japanese women in flamenco dresses?
-How does he select who is worthy to undergo Giftex process? I mean, aside from summoning the contracted demons, I haven't seen Olteca do much. Hell, Julio's been doing more underhanded stuff! Is it seniority?
-Dude, don't stab your steak like that, plates are expensive!
-Amahiko's like "Oh, fuck, I didn't sign up for that."
-Ohhhhhhhhh, the Mammoth! I just thought they could directly summon it like they do with the Gifu Juniors, and even after we learned more about how they work, I just figured they stamped somebody directly. That's some subtle-ass foreshadowing!
-Hey, don't tell Hiromicchi to shut up, George. You just dropped that on him!
-Y'know, I'd tell you to smash the Gifu Stamp and be done with it but my years of experience dealing with cursed artifacts in video games and comic books made me aware that this is an extremely risky and terrible idea.
-I'm absolutely certain that George has worked for the SCP Foundation at some point, in which case that'd explain a lot about him.
-Oh my god, Commander Wakabayashi's literally doing the Jerma sus face. ...also, I love that extremely blurry Zero-One figure.
-See, this is why we double check our alarms and schedules Sakura.
-5 AM, JESUS CHRIST GEN WHAT KIND OF PANCAKES ARE YOU MAKING!? ...and more importantly, can I have some?
-No, don't run from the pancakes, come back!
-I don't really have room to criticize anybody's sleeping habits, I somehow always wake before at 7 AM and lie in bed struggling to get up.
-It's a lovely morning in the village, and you are a horrible Vice.
-Ooooooh, there he is!
-Ahhhhh, wow, that Kamen Rider Jeanne sure is cool, huh Sakura~? ...for some reason, I keep forgetting that Kamen Riders are like... actual superheroes in-universe in these shows. I never really got that vibe in Saber because of how few extras there were because of the pandemic, so I kinda just assumed that the Sword of Logos controlled all the media about them to keep people out of danger, or because it's Isaac, hog all the power of the Wonder Ridebooks to himself.
-"Yabai" indeed.
-I'm curious now, how often does a Kamen Rider find themselves on World Star Hip Hop? I know Tomoko became a Kamen Rider fan in Fourze by watching low-res recordings of the Showa Riders, there was a running gag early on in Saber about Mei recording and posting fights, Gaim was basically all about that for a while, Drive was on national TV during the Nira arc, and of course the Riders of each season inevitably end up all over the news for one reason or another, but...
-Like, is it possible that Eiji once intervened during a brawl at an influencer convention and then had to see himself trend on Twitter as "Transforming Asian Hobo"? Does Sento deliberately try to invoke this every chance he gets because he absolutely would. Is there like a whole branch of Kamen Rider-based cryptozoology and subsequently a whole genre of Creepypasta, YouTube clickbait, and pornhub tags? Do Trevor Noah and John Oliver dedicate whole segments to them? Is there a reason why I'm asking all the wrong world-building questions?
-Mmmm, public transit. Delicious.
-Don't worry Vice, sometimes I forget about important villains too. But no longer!
-I assume he just mopped those floors, he has every right to be pissed!
-Ah, so... does the glue on the eggshell shield last forever? Cause that's some powerful-ass glue if it does, it'd almost be too good for home projects.
-Wow, none of Sakura's friends have any faith in her taste in men. If I were her, I'd be mortally offended.
-Oh hi, Wakabayashi. ...is it seriously only behind a hologram?
-You get the bag and fumble it, George gets the bag, flips it and tumbles it.
-Are you proud of yourself?! You made Hiromicchi cry!
-I'm sad now :(
-This show is heading to some really dark places, holy fuck. I... I feel uncomfortable, I think I'm gonna fast forward a little bit.
-Okay, Kudou, I'm sorry you've gotten cucked out of your hopes and dreams by the extremely unfair Japanese criminal legal system. But like... I'm still reeling.
-Y'know, you guys seem way too calm for an active school intruder situation.
-Yeah, punch that motherfucker!
-Jesus Christ, this show.
-Did nobody notice the weird mariachi guy walking around!? I think that'd be a lot more noteworthy than a random creeper like Amahiko.
-Nothing wrong with a fast lane life once in a while!
-Ooooooh, the shield can be used for the OsutoderuHammer50! That's cool!
-Kick his ass Sakura!
-Oh my god, the Remixes can become one big abomination. ...I absolutely shudder to imagine what it'd look like when they all combine.
-Oh God, I almost forgot about Hiromicchi!
-Hiromicchi :(
-We were too late, Ikki-nii. Didn't help that George threw him the fucking stamp!
-Ah, so Chameleon Guy doesn't like his original body?
-Everything I learn about the Deadmans makes me wanna take a shower.
-It kinda surprises me how Olteca is the bigger asshole between himself and Julio, since Colonel Zol/Golden Wolf Man was a Nazi and Dr. Shinigami/Ikadevil was just some guy, comparatively speaking. I still don't buy into the idea that Julio wasn't in on Aguilera's role in the Giftex plan, given his past sadism and how he forced Amahiko into becoming a Phase 2 Deadman, but hey, maybe we'll get an explanation next episode.
-So, Aguilera's not the Great Leader, got it. On the one hand, we don't really have female main villains, so I guess I can get mad at Toei and Kinoshita for cucking me out of a #Girlboss final villain. On the other, this means that there's a chance we'll get a deeply compelling redemption arc or some kind of agreement between her and the Igarashi fam, or some sort of genuine self-sacrifice from Julio for her life that makes her re-evaluate her beliefs, or... something I'm not expecting, who knows?
-Wait, Final Showdown? Is the season over already? I'm absolutely kidding, but hey! Looks like I'm finally getting that nightclub fight I always wanted! Hell yeah! ...but at what cost?
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isitreallyok · 4 years
Super Hero Time and My Very Own Kamen Rider Club
[A quick note before we get started here.  In this post and likely in all posts to come names of people in my personal life have been changed to maintain anonymity.] After last week’s heavy topic regarding the pressures of positivity, I thought it would be better to at least start this week off lighthearted. It’s very likely that the vast majority of the readers of this are going to be from the US and as such likely have grown up with or at least seen an episode of Power Rangers. While there are a lot of things that the Power Rangers franchise does that are beyond silly and seem absolutely ridiculous to many of us that see them as adults, the things that are presented in these shows seem absolutely incredible to their target audience. These shows are marketed towards children in case that wasn’t obvious.
Power Rangers is a nostalgic thing to watch for me and I still greatly enjoy it!
Well dear reader, I am glad we agree on that. I grew up watching Power Rangers and as time has gone on I have found that I still enjoy the monster fighting, transforming, masked heroes presented therein. There are even a number of series in the franchise that I have enjoyed even as an adult. Though as I have grown older, and in turn begun to use subtitles on everything I watch, I have developed a fascination with Asian television as a whole since it tends to feel vastly different from most of what is made available in the US. This fascination extends to tokusatsu television shows including but not limited to Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.
For those who aren’t aware, Power Rangers is actually based on the long standing Super Sentai franchise in Japan. Each week on Sunday mornings, similarly to the Saturday morning cartoons of yore, a television block called Super Hero Time airs. This consists of the most recent annual series for both Super Sentai and the annual series of another long standing series called Kamen Rider. Both of these play into the gimmick of transforming masked heroes that have a different theme with each season. Of late I have been enjoying watching episodes of each of these series with a small group of folks on Discord and let me tell you all about the joy of finally finding a group of lovely people that are interested in these series the same way I am.
Sounds like it’s time for a story. Shall we queue the “Long Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…” scrawl?
You know what. That sounds fun. Lets imagine this as an opening to a cinematic experience. Lets travel back to June of the COVID times, a mere six months that feels like it is 87 years ago . At this point depression had grabbed a hold of me and thrown me so deep into the pits of despair that I wasn’t sure where I was going to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I had just been through a breakup with my first girlfriend in four years, I was living at an extended stay with my father taking care of him as best as I was capable, all while sacrificing my own ability to take of myself and cope with the emotional break down that was happening as my social life and many of my friendships were falling to shambles.
Enter Kenshiro. I started interacting with Kenshiro on Twitter earlier in 2020 and saw that he posted a lot about One Piece (which I was actively catching up on at the time) and things in the tokusatsu genre. Eventually I noticed that he had posted about a small group of folx who ended up getting together on Tuesday nights to watch Sentai together. I managed to quickly, and very temporarily, overcome my social anxiety and asked if it would be possible for an invite to this group. Kenshiro had a “the more the merrier style” approach to this group and I was welcomed in with open arms. Thus beginning a journey that has lasted six months and is still going today.
I think it’s wonderful that you managed to overcome your social anxiety to get into the group, but don’t social interactions overwhelm you regardless?
Though I was able to get an invite into the server and start enjoying these watch parties with the crew, the social impact was still quite overwhelming. On any given night that we were watching Sentai shows there were between 14 and 20 people all typing (we mute our mics when we watch) at the same time and the wall of text that forms while there are four to six different discussions going on about the show was really overwhelming at first. I struggled to really feel like I belonged even though people were engaged and encouraging me with everything that I was talking about.
That all changed when Ex-Aid started up Rider Time on Thursdays. When I first joined up we were watching intermittent episodes of both Carranger and Gokaiger on Tuesdays and it was a blast. Carranger, the series that Power Rangers Turbo was based on, was easily the most 80s nonsense I’ve seen in a long time with multicolored jobber baddies that ended up being completely over the top and I loved every second of it. Eventually though we moved towards watching Gokaiger, a pirate themed anniversary season of Sentai, in its entirety. Once we moved to the stick to a single series and watch it all the way through it only made sense that someone would start up a different night for us to watch Kamen Rider.
This was originally an effort spearheaded by Ex-Aid to further the scope of the tokusatsu shows that we were watching as a group. We were running Sentai on Tuesdays, Kamen Rider on Thursdays, and Ultraman on Fridays. It was a wonderful time to have such an incredible community to surround myself with even if I was a little bit intimidated by the amount of interaction on some of the busier nights.
It sounds like a really nice time. How did you manage to overcome your social anxiety though?
Oddly enough, it came pretty natural to me when I started actually plugging myself into the Thursday night crowd. When we first began the Thursday night watch parties it started off with Kamen Rider Drive. This was a series that I had tried to get into before but never really managed to enjoy so I was a little hesitant to go through it because I didn’t think I’d enjoy it. Since we were only watching 3 episodes a week I figured I could carve out an hour and a half of my time to watch some stuff with like minded individuals even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of what we were watching. Guess what, it turns out that my gut reaction to the series was completely wrong and now I absolutely love it and am excited to revisit it when the show is a little less fresh in my mind.
The first few times I tuned in on Thursdays I was a little bit shy. I didn’t say much, I didn’t want to really engage because of the smaller atmosphere, and I sure wasn’t willing to divulge anything going on in my personal life to this new found group. Within two weeks that all changed. I began to joke around with people and participate in the call and response type stuff that we now do during opening and endings even if it’s just typing in all caps the English lyrics in the opening song.
I think the small environment really did wonders for my anxiety because since I wasn’t heavily invested at the start if I felt like I butted heads with any of the group I could have just politely backed out and stopped watching with that small group. By having this group of four to six other people instead of the routine fifteen to twenty that we were drawing on Tuesdays, in time, I felt much more comfortable putting myself out there and letting my voice and opinions be heard. In a very short time, I managed to get very comfortable with this small group and even was more confident and open during the Sentai streaming on Tuesdays with the larger group as well.
Though I absolutely adore the entirety of this community that has been built surrounding both One Piece and tokusatsu shows as a whole, I particularly enjoy the time that I’ve spent with my very own Kamen Rider Club!
Kamen Rider Club?! Frankly that sounds a little childish when worded like that.
It kind of does, doesn’t it? It is what we in the Thursday night crew call ourselves. It is also a reference to what the main cast of Kamen Rider Fourze call themselves. One thing that this weekly gathering of the fans has taught me it is that its okay to enjoy childish things. I’ve even bought myself some of the toys that have come from various Kamen Rider series as I have seen them during our very own show and tell segment where we all showed off our collectibles and various toys. So while yes show and tell is a bit of a childish thing to do it brought joy to our little group. The amount of serotonin I have generated in the last few weeks by playing with the aforementioned toys is astounding. Getting in touch with my inner child and remembering that it is actually rather fun to play pretend has been a real delight.
As adults, we often work ourselves day in and day out to take care of mundane tasks that are essential to our survival. We wake up, go to work, come home, make or order some dinner, eat, and then get ready for bed. I’ve chosen to add finding happiness in doing the things I wasn’t able to do as a kid to the list. Staying up late to find that next save point in a game, buying toys neither myself or my family could afford as a kid, watching nostalgic b movies that brought me some joy as a child, and following along with all the tokusatsu shows my heart can desire are just a few ways I’ve managed to embrace my inner child and cater to my own personal and emotional needs in doing so. There is nothing wrong with being a little childish from time to time. Doing this has introduced me to so many people that I never would have met otherwise.
It really does sound like you’ve managed to build yourself a group of friends here. Isn’t it pretty cool what can happen when you trust that others aren’t going to have your worst interest in mind.
You’re right. I let some people in and was actually surprised with the results. I absolutely adore this little crowd I’ve got. They have all done so much for me without ever realizing it and I am beyond appreciative. Ex-Aid started the KRC on Thursday nights and drops some incredible trivia all over the place. OOO and I have a ton in common and they are an absolute delight to talk to. I am always excited to see them pop into a conversation on the Discord because we tend to have a similar line of thought and form of humor we do have some differences in personal taste that account for unique perspectives and I absolutely love hearing about them. Epsilon and I both are not afraid to make lewd jokes about what we are watching. Tastefully of course. … Most of the time. Epsilon has also offered to be a conversation partner as I continue to get back to my study of the Japanese language! Zi-O has managed to convince me to revisit series I had otherwise written off because I didn’t think they would be of interest, but they managed to sell me on them so I now have an expansive list of series that I want to watch and a planned order to revisit them. Kiva and I aren’t particularly close as I haven’t done much to actually talk to them, but I’m excited to see things develop more in that regard because they seem like a really fun person to talk to. Finally there is Chaser. They are our newest member of our Thursday night group and they have managed to have me laugh so hard I’ve done spit takes. I appreciate each and every one of our little Kamen Rider Club more than words can ever say.
Quick aside and mushy feelings bit here, but if any the KRC are reading this I want you to know that you all have absolutely made 2020 better for me. We’ve had an incredible amount of laughs together. We’ve seen each other through being both happy and sad. Frankly, you all have reminded me that I do have people who I can call friends on days where I didn’t think there was anyone who wanted anything to do with me. I appreciate you, I absolutely adore each of you, and words can not express my gratitude for the warm welcome that I have received into this lovely community. You all have helped me grow as a person in ways that I didn’t expect going into this group. Shaking off my depression blues and finding confidence to embrace my love of these silly kids shows has been in large part thanks to you all. I love you all. Thank you.
Outside of our usual Thursday crew there are so many more people in this community that have put a smile on my face and some joy in my heart, but there is one other person that I would like to take a moment to express some gratitude for. Scipio was one of the first people I actually felt comfortable bantering with in the Tuesday community before the creation of our Rider Time segment on Thursday. They had an incredibly warm and friendly demeanor about them and naturally I didn’t mind bantering with them during the Sentai watch parties. After a while I followed them on Twitter and recently I reached out to them there and they were willing and able to listen to me when I was feeling overwhelmed about the state of chaos in my life and that alone solidified my feeling of being appreciated inside of this community. Thank you Scipio for taking the time to support a stranger and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger.
I’m so glad that you managed to find these people. It seems like they are really helping you in a lot of ways.
They truly are. The joy of it is that they aren’t even doing anything special. They are simply treating me like a comrade and that alone has done wonders for my self esteem. This year has been among the most challenging in my entire life for a myriad of reasons and just having this community to be a part of has honestly saved my life. I don’t know where I would be without them, but I do know that I would be a lot worse off.
So to wrap things up here for today I want to challenge my readers to do two things. Firstly take a moment to appreciate the people in your life that make you happy. If you feel inclined to tell them how much you appreciate them that’s great. If you just take a moment to reflect on it that’s great too. Secondly, I want to challenge everyone to embrace the things that might embarrass you if you talked about it to your friends with more conservative interests. Embrace the wild things that you enjoy. Don’t let anyone take the joy that these things bring you away. Finally as a reminder to all of you, you are stronger than you think, you are beautiful, and by goodness you are worth it. Lets go into this week ready to kick some butt and join some fandoms.
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friendshipstates · 5 years
To Save Her Soul (Kiva/Fourze drabble)
With a rattle of chains, Kiva drops down from the ceiling of the warehouse, spinning in the air to land on his feet next to Fourze.
“Glad you could come, Gentaro.” Kiva says, handing him a folder.
“You sounded urgent on the phone, Wataru.” Gentaro tells the other rider as he thumbs through the papers.
“It is urgent.” the other rider taps the picture in the folder. “Her name is Amaya Nakidori. She’s 14 years and she just discovered that she’s a Fangire, in the worst way possible.” Kiva looks away from Fourze for a moment.
“Oh no...you mean...”
Kiva nods. “She had gotten into an argument with her boyfriend, and her power manifested. Fortunately, my brother was nearby and managed to pull them apart before he could be completely consumed. But Amaya ran away. We’ve found out from her family where she likes to spend her time. We need you to find her and help bring her back.”
“What about the others?” Gentaro is already on board, but he needs more information.
“She has already seen Taiga in his Dark Kiva armor and it terrified her.  We want to help her so she won’t harm another human or herself. Her parents want her to come home, because they’ll love her no matter what. There’s only one man in this country I would trust with a mission to rescue a teenager, and that’s you.”
Gentaro cancels his armor, revealing his suit and pompadour underneath. “I won’t let you down, Wataru. I’ll bring Amaya back.”
“I know you will, Gentaro.” The Kiva armor falls away and Kivat-bat III drifts up in front of Gentaro.
“We’re all counting on you, Gentaro.” The bat holds out its wing and Gentaro performs a modified version of his club handshake with it, then does the same with Wataru.
As Wataru leaves the warehouse, Gentaro looks over the list of places Amaya might have gone. He immediately crosses off the arcade and the sushi restaurant. A young woman in that state of mind isn’t going to want to be around a lot of other people. Tokyo Tower is out for the same reason. There’s one more place, and it’s a bit of hike to get to, but it makes the most sense. Gentaro gets on his motorcycle and starts riding for the large hill at Kibougahana.
His instinct was right. Amaya sits by the edge of the hill, looking out over the landscape below.
He very carefully moves past her blind spot, sitting on the bench a few feet away from hers.
“It’s quite a view, isn’t it?” He says, looking straight ahead. “From up here, you can see the sky clearly.”
Amaya starts, looking over at the source of the voice, and for the first time since she went on the run, she has to laugh. A man with banchou hair, a three piece suit and Chuck Taylors is certainly not what she expected. And after the laugh, she admits. “Yeah, I love it here. When the sun sets, and the stars come out...it’s like a watching a play.”
“A play, huh? That’s pretty accurate. Every star in the sky follows its own orbit, like stage directions given billions of years ago. And with most of those stars, they took their last bow eons ago.” Gentaro says.
“Wait, I didn’t know that.” Amaya looks over in curiosity. That sort of thing had never been brought up in her homeschooling.
“Yeah. Since light travels at a constant rate, the light you’re seeing from those stars left a long time ago.” He points up as the stars start shining. “See that one? Even if you were traveling at the speed of light, you’d have to be traveling for almost a hundred years to get to where it is.”
“Well...what’s the point of going there if the stars stopped shining?” Amaya asks, running her finger over the stained glass veins on her wrist.
“The point is to follow the light of the past and find a light to guide you to the future. It might be a difficult journey, but it’s always worth taking.” He reaches into his bag and takes out a wool blanket. “It does get very cold on this hill in November. Here you go.” He offers her the blanket, staying far enough back that their hands don’t touch. When she’s ready to be touched, she’ll let him know.
“Thanks.” Amaya wraps the blanket around her shoulders. “I guess you’re the one my parents sent to find me. So you probably know what happened.”
“I am and I do. But what happened doesn’t matter. Your boyfriend is recovering, and your parents want you to come home, Amaya. They’re worried about you.”
“But I’m a freak. I’m a monster.” As she says this, the stained glass spreads across her body, and she assumes her full Fangire form.
“You’re neither of those things, Amaya. What you are is a Fangire. You’re a beautiful living being made of a durable stained glass crystal and you’ll live a very long time and do many great things with that time.”
Amaya hears his words and slowly returns to her human form. “How can you be so sure that I’ll be great? What if I lose control and attack someone again?”
“That’s another reason I was sent to find you. The other Fangires have been working on ways to curb their aggression, to keep from feeding on people. But you have to be willing to work with them.”
“That guy in the black bat armor. He’s a Fangire too?” Amaya wraps the blanket around her shoulders as a gust of wind picks up.
“Yes. He’s heading up the efforts to make Fangires and humans work together. And he’s looking forward to meeting you.”
“But...” Amaya starts crying and Gentaro offers her a handkerchief. “What if someone comes after me? What if I do something wrong, and a Kamen Rider comes to hunt me down?”
“If they do, then they’ll answer to me.” Gentaro holds up the Fourze Driver. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you, Amaya. And neither will the Kivas.”
He stands up, offering his hand. “Come on. I’ve got an extra helmet on my motorcycle. I can get you back home before ten PM. Are you willing to go with me?”
Amaya pauses for a moment, looking up at the sky. “You said the stars move as if they’re in a play. Do the lives of humans and Fangires move the same way?”
“They do. But the good thing about being alive is that you’re not just the lead actor in your play, you’re also the stage director. You, and only you, get to decide how your play goes. You’re still young, so your play has just begun.
Amaya smiles. She always liked the theater, and Gentaro’s analogies put her at ease. She walks closer to the edge of the retaining wall, takes a deep breath and with a flourish, takes a bow. “Thank you all for coming so far to see my play. I hope you will all be entertained!”
That said, she walks back to Gentaro, and takes his offered hand. “I’m ready to go home now.”
“Good. Follow me.”
Hours later, Gentaro returns Amaya to her parents and goes to meet with Wataru. The other Rider isn’t hard to find. Gentaro just has to follow the sound of the violin.
“I heard from Taiga. You did a good job out there, Gentaro.” Wataru sets down his bow. “I knew we could count on you.”
“Happy to help, Wataru.”
Two weeks later, Gentaro stands before his class.
“Everyone, we have a new student today.”
A girl with glass beads in her brown hair enters the room in her brand new Amanogawa High School uniform and writes her name on the board.
“Hello everyone. I’m Amaya Nakidori. Let’s get along.”
Gentaro points to an open seat near a green-haired girl. “Welcome aboard, Amaya. Go get to know some of your classmates.”
Amaya introduces herself to the green-haired girl and her cohorts.
“So, Amaya, what kind of clubs are you going to join?” Ookami Hana asks her.
Amaya looks up at her new teacher with a smile. “I’m thinking...astronomy and drama.”
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 35: *chuckles* I’m in danger
(Using the RiderTimeFansubs version today) 
Now... it’s show Rider Zi-O Inoue time. 
(I’m out of opening jokes guys.)
Now that is a Black Widow if I ever saw one. Seriously, lady, you’re creeping me out. I am literally 33 seconds in.
Lady, er, sorry, Yuko, I don’t know what you were convicted of, but. Um. You’re not really giving off the impression of someone who is exactly going to be… okay if you go outside.
I will give Hora kudos for not shoving the watch into her chest, though. Good call. And apparently Another Kiva gets to summon the Real Kiva’s… support? I don’t actually know what those three Fangire are to Kiva, but. Yeah. I’mma go with either ‘support’ or ‘retainers’ for now.
Flip-cut to 2008, with… Woz… creeping on 2008 Yuko. This Is Fine.
Woz. I know you somehow make it into the Gaia Library in FOREVER. I know you don’t get much to do in FOREVER. I have not seen FOREVER yet, that’s next on the agenda.
(But still, kudos for the possible nod to the film having just gotten it’s home release, that’s clever.)
A quick note on the opening. Nothings changed in a few episodes, not since we got Trinity. But I can’t help but be uncomfortable with the fact that they still have the last scene with characters be the section with Zi-O and Geiz back to back, and then turning around and clashing.
It’s right up there with Cross-Z Charge staying in the OP for Build through the entire season, but Cross-Z Magma never making it in.
Keeping something that was relevant, but became quickly outdated. I’d say they should have swapped this segment somehow by at least the end of the Another Zi-O Arc, if not before. … Nah, end of Another Zi-O would be the best place. I was thinking that after Geiz gave Sougo his belt, and that whole shindig, but there was still an amount of animosity after that for a while.
But really, all four are immediately smiling, and it’s adorable. Woz kind of seems like he’s lost all of his stoic traits from even two arcs ago, though.
…oh no, Sougo’s Space Case tendencies transferred to Woz when they started using Trinity.
That’s the only answer. Sougo’s been increasingly competent, and both him and Geiz are getting better at talking to people… and Woz has become comic relief. Oh no personality blending nooooo…
But that is exactly the right set of reactions to Sougo saying he’s been in love. A+ to Tsukuyomi pointing out that he’s ‘like a kid.’
Sougo: Of course I’ve been in love! :)
Geiz: Oh god you’re telling us about it. End me now…
...HUH. Just realized. Junichiro wouldn’t know about this, would he? Kiva – and thus our past segments – were in 2008, but Sougo came to live with his uncle in 2009. So Sougo’s parents were still alive at this point.
2008 Sougo didn’t have friends, either.
Tsukuyomi and Geiz looking on in confusion, Junichiro messing with his nephew (while also confused) and Woz… continues eating pie. I’m worried about you, dude. Character Decay’s not a good thing.
And we have a customer, interrupting story time!
OH WOW! He’s here to get a watch fixed! That’s a first from a non-Time Traveler! The only people bringing in actual time pieces have been Woz and Mondo – you know, Quiz, remember him?
(Customer thinks the shop may have become a cafe – fair, given the scene he’s just walked in on – and Uncle’s stuck in cat-pun mode. Whoops.)
(I’ve started Decade, and the apparently recurring ‘I thought this was a cafe’ joke from there with regards to the Photo Studio just popped into my head. Nice.)
Yuko is. Scary. She wants to take over the world to change the laws.
:casts a nervous glance over at the Kiva and Ryuki arcs of Decade:
Hora’s got a point – the only female Another Rider was Amane, as Another Blade, and she was selected by Hat!Woz. But… looks like Hora’s still in the ‘looking for a new King’ state. Even Heure seems to have moved past that. Last arc, he was trying to find Hibiki, not a candidate. Interesting.
Customer is a lawyer, and knows that he can’t always be the ‘gallant hero’ that Sougo seems to think lawyers are. After all, he couldn’t help ‘that pretty lady.’ But he’s forgotten something at the counter, and Sougo – good boy that he is – rushes off to follow and return it.
:siiiiiigh: Did we really need that pan shot along her leg? Did we?
No. No we didn’t.
And we didn’t need Yuko being a CREEPER to her former lawyer – aka Customer. She’s got a… really sensitive nose. That’s really creepy, especially since she’s using it to unnerve literally everyone around her. It’s not even an Another Kiva thing – she was doing this to identify the exact wine her former boyfriend had in the cold open.
Yuko Kitajima, okay, so that’s her last name. And her doing this ‘ah, yes, it’s that aroma’ trick is what lets her lawyer know it’s her. So she’s done this for a long time.
Another Kiva has some nice touches – roses at the lapels of her cape, where the chain attaches, the stained glass aesthetic.
HOWEVER. I’m NOT here for the eyes. That bright piercing blue is both unnerving AND doesn’t go with the rest of the look! Not to mention the eyes on her shoulders! NO NO NOPE NOT HERE FOR THAT.
...When did Zi-O drop the ‘dial’ eyes, anyway? Definitely by Another Zi-O, I know that… but the Future Another Riders had them, too. Then again, the years have all been ‘2019’ for the last few arcs. Blade, Hibiki, and now Kiva definitely have said 2019. Huh. Wonder if it’s something to do with that.
Another Kiva: I’m going to be queen, and this world will be ~mine~.
Sougo: Queen? :o
Ooh, hey, she’s even got a version of Kivat-Bat on there! Nice!
Sougo, please at least put on one of your armors. Like. Any of them would do, right now. Build would be good! You can tank hits really well in that one! Decade’d be better! But just something to give you defense! This is four on one you fool you are outnumbered
AND NOW you are also outgunned, because she can turn her Summoned Fangire Replicas into their weapon forms. Delightful.
And after getting hit by the hammer, sword, and gun, Sougo’s knocked right the hell out of his transformation. Whoops.
Yuko. Yuko don’t – don’t stand over him like that, what are you doing? No, no, don’t do the chin thing, Sougo’s already a wreck, we don’t need him losing sensibility already! Don’t leave the braincell to Geiz! Nooooo-
Hora: So, a queen, huh?
Yuko: How dare a servant talk to me.
Hora’s not having this. Just. Teleports out of the way of Yuko trying to slap her. Good call.
YUKO. FRICKING. Kicks up a manhole cover. THROWS IT LIKE A FRISBEE at Hora.
Hora just TURNS HER HEAD to dodge. All she gets is a cut on the cheek – HORA YOU’RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE OH MY GOD.
Hora’s gonna do a violence.
(Hey, Heure, back when we met Swartz, you told him not to treat you like a child. So… what’s with you two getting ice cream? That’s. Weird. And creepy.)
Cut to evening in the shop.
I can believe this lady did a murder. She certain plans to do some murders now.
The day of the crime she’s ‘falsely’ accused of was April 10, 2015. Just felt like noting that.
(And noting that that fits right in with when a Roidmude could have taken someone’s identity. And noting that we haven’t seen Drive yet.)
(I know there’s like, zero chance it’s connected. Why would they link two different arcs like that? That is, aside from Fourze and Faiz, but that was different.)
(But, you know. Just saying.)
She’s almost definitely going after people who got her imprisoned, there’s no maybe about it. And, er, I can actually understand why Sougo would relate to that, what with. You know. The whole ‘demon king’ thing.
Except that he thinks she couldn’t have done it, because she was his First Love. Woz is all “suggestive raised eyebrows” while Geiz and Tsukuyomi just. They just want the inanity to end.
I fucking LOVE how everyone keeps making cat puns / noises with regards to this story. I mean. Really. She scratched you under the chin, dude. That’s weird.
Weirdo guy in a coffee bar, insulting the coffee but still coming here, because the waitress is pretty. “Yay.”
Also, he’s got this fancy ring on. That’s probably significant, since P-Bandai’s releasing a ring for one of the Kiva characters. They had Amane wearing the Chalice themed necklace, too, so-
OH LOOK Weirdo’s eyes lit up gold when he was talking about ‘seeing a vision of the end of the world’! And his reflection is a blue wolf! You know! The one from Kiva! That the ring is modeled on! Okay!
Right! Legacy Characters! I somehow forgot that they’d try to bring someone from Kiva back!
Cut to Yuko being creepy at a pier, going after the Chief Prosecutor in her case, right up until Sougo and Geiz arrive.
Sougo’s got one question for you. (Just one? Sounds fake, but okay.)
Sougo: “Why do you want to be a queen?”
Yuko: “To correct the laws of this world, to enforce those correct laws.” (all said with an angry face)
Sougo: “So… it is to help people, then?” (confused)
Geiz: “Oh, for f- That’s not how you should go about it! This is just revenge!”
Geiz has the Trinity brain cell today, and he’s making good use of it!
Oh-ho-hohoho- Hora’s PISSED. She chose poorly. She’s gonna get some revenge of her own.
And now Yuko’s gonna do a violence, because all of them are ‘guilty.’
Geiz transforms, but Sougo doesn’t get that far.
No, he’s just gotten into some weird flashback to 2008.
So, a woman – possibly Yuko, I’m not sure, and ‘Tetsuya’ in one of those swan boats. And then it jumps to 2015. With a (presumably) dead female body… and Tetsuya standing over her.
Right. Sougo’s got time powers independent of the belt. He’s only ever looked into the future before now.
SOUGO! I don’t really care what sort of crisis of faith you’re having, you need to go help Geiz! He’s in a four on one, in an even less ideal location than you were! GO HELP HIM!
What’s this? Something’s going weird up in the sky. First to notice is Swartz, who looks up at the ripples of light. Then Tsukuyomi. (“The two of us aren’t so different after all.”)
And then Garulu. The one on the dock. Who I’d thought was a copy. But, um, maybe not. Maybe that’s the actual one? The real one was talking about a ‘vision of the future’ earlier, after all. But what about the other two Fangire? Are they the real ones? How is Another Kiva summoning them, anyway?
Geiz is knocked out of his transformation – and Sougo didn’t even get to activate his own. He never finished turning the belt before noticing a meteor streaking down the sky. The same one that Garulu was seeing in the coffee bar.
I don’t know WHAT that is that just hit that cliff face, but I don’t like the looks of it.
It – it’s alive? Is it an egg?
No no no NOPE it’s a space egg. It’s got a dude inside. It’s got a kitbash Rider inside. And he’s just blasted everyone down.
Everyone except the very noticeably absent Swartz.
Another Kiva tells him to stop – she is the law here.
But Ginga is from deep space. He doesn’t care about your Earth Laws. He’s going to blast you off of your cliff, too.
(I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble taking Ginga seriously with that UFO on his helmet.)
“Alright, let’s go!”
Turning into a watch is not fun times.
“There is only one law. Everything dies.”
Yoooo I can take Ginga a little more seriously with those barriers. Yoooooo this guy is WAY overpowered.
Seiji Takaiwa is a god of suit acting~! Making just the little adjustments to show which loser is in control of Trinity moment to moment takes timing.
Also, the only person who can talk is the one in control? That’s. Unfortunate. For them. It’s HILARIOUS for us.
(Tsukyomi, I’m sorry, you don’t deserve to have to deal with these three.)
Nothing they throw at Ginga is working. He’s kicking everyone’s ass. Ass, singular, because bodysharing.
HOO BOY. We have our second female Another Rider… and she doesn’t get to be the main threat in her arc, either. Come on, Toei. … Let’s blame Inoue for this one. He’s here, after all.
Looks like Woz gets a Super mode in Ginga.
Well. At least he didn’t get completely shafted in the power-up regard, once his Character Decay set in.
Justice for Alain. (He! Deserved! Better! Yuujo Burst should have been IN SHOW damnit! Not relegated to the STUPID GOD AWFUL SPECTER V-CINEMA!)
(Yes I will always be salty about how Alain got treated.)
Well! Until next time!
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bukistar · 6 years
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Q: First, please tell us your impressions when it was announced you would be working together again.
Watanabe: I haven’t appeared together again with Ryo-kun (Miura’s nickname) since Fourze and OOO Movie Battle Mega Mix in 2011. I was happy. Because in the following year Wizard & Fourze MOVIE Taisen Ultimatum in 2012, it was just me, alone. Miura: I played Ankh for the first time in six or seven years. I worked with the staff who had been waiting for me since then, including staff who were still working since OOO. I was happy.
Q :Please tell us what led to you two appearing in this film together.
Watanabe: Actually, I was the one who offered it to Ryu-kun. Miura: That’s right. Watanabe: There were a lot of fateful events that led to this. Teruaki Sugihara, who was Assistant Director at that time, got married. His wife was a big fan of OOO. I was going to take a video of me and Ryu-kun to the celebration. We decided to take a photo together during dinner. At this point, we didn’t get to see each other for 1 or 2 years. I stayed in touch, but it was hard to meet in person. By chance, that day I was offered a role by Toei to appear in Heisei Generations FINAL and I thought this was so timely. I was talking about that story to Teruaki. I thought that this wasn’t just going to be a revival for Eiji (laughs). Miura: I was just eating grilled meat (laughs) Watanabe: At that time, I called not expecting much. I thought it was not possible to do this. That night, I thought about it a lot “I want to think positively…” I emailed Takahashi at midnight and asked “Didn’t you talk about the appearance once?” It was proposed. After that, I met up with Takahashi, exchanged emails, and gradually increased my story
Miura: I didn’t expect anything at the beginning, like an “Ankh Revival”. Although there was a story like “I want to make an episode where Ankh reappears” at an early stage ever since OOO ended, I was thinking I wanted to leave Ankh and refused every role because I wanted to be serious. Because the character of Ankh I played for one year was so strong, I couldn’t get any other work. But six or seven years have passed since then and I turned 30 years old this year. So, there are things to think about, and I got a good opportunity. So, I felt like, “I should go all out.” Watanabe: It was destiny. Miura: Speaking of fate, Kazuya Kamihoriuchi was the Assistant Director of OOO with Teruaki Sugihara, is now the Director of this film. Watanabe: They’re all connected. Kamihoriuchi was the second Assistant Director of OOO at that time, and so I thought we were all friends coming together after such a long time. Then I heard he was actually going to be the Director and I was deeply embarrassed. Miura: I think so (laugh). He entered the scene earlier than anyone else and was waiting for us. Watanabe: Sometimes I got upset (laughs) Miura: Even if we fail, I always felt protected since we were all the same age.
Q: How did you feel entering the Toei studio shooting center?
Watanabe: The atmosphere at the entrace was different. After all, it’s been a few years, and the Riders have changed. I thought there was a new atmosphere. However, as I had to repeat scenes, I felt “Oh, the familiar feelings have returned.” About half of the staff is still from that time, and our relationship has not changed since then. Miura: There was an impressive world to shoot. One of the staff said “You’re still going to settle down.” Also, shooting went smoothly. I was happy. At the time, OOO was fighting as well, and I felt that we all overcame the difficult schedule. Watanabe: There was a desire to make content that show how Eiji and Ankh were revived after so long. I want to be able to convince fans about the part how Ankh can be revived, and I wanted to make the best of the atmosphere around both people. Since the completed script contained all of these elements, I was enthusiastic about performing with all my power.
Q: What was the most moving scene for you in the movie?
Miura: All the scenes were the best. Shooting started in early morning and lasted until the next morning for about 24 hours. In the last scene, there’s a moment when Eiji and Anhk meet again. I turn in the harness and became suspended upside-down, which isn’t really done in my usual dramas and movies. The action staff helped me, and it was all timed perfectly when I reached out my hand. This scene was very good. Watanabe: The encounter scene was the last scene to shoot. There was a great typhoon on the last day of shooting. Miura: Yes. I actually wanted to go to the shooting location anyway, but I couldn’t go outside. Watanabe: I think of the scenes when Anhk says “Today’s ice popsicle is good” to Eiji at the decisive battle. In short interactions, the relationship between Eiji and Anhk is outstanding. I requested that ice popsicle exchange, which is Anhk’s weakness. He doesn’t want to cooperate, but has a sort of hateful cuteness. It’s often Anhk’s personality.
Compared to the tv series, have many things changed?
Miura: He was reluctant to eat Popeye’s onigiri in the morning. I used to say “Popeye, Popeye”. Watanabe: You said that (laughs) Miura: I have breakfast onigiri when I leave for the shooting location. Watanabe: That’s right. Two onigiri with karage. Miura: I was wondering if you’d like some of that. Watanabe: It’s delicious! Miura: Since I didn’t make much of it this time, I thought “Oh, I’ve grown up.” (laugh) Watanabe: At that time, Popeye’s onigiri were the best feast… Miura: I told you “Give me a piece of Popeye.” (laugh) Watanabe: Oh yeah, it was “Today’s Popeye!” (laugh). After playing for so long with Ryo-kun, if anything changed… Miura: I may not have changed. Watanabe: Both of us were wearing costumes this time, but Ryo-kun asked “Are you going to fit in properly”, and you were concerned about your figure. Miura: At that time I was already too thin, so I was worried if I could fit in the costumes now. Watanabe: But, I guess I entered it properly. That won’t change. I was calm at that time and acted like an adult. Now I’m the age Ryu-kun was then. Having said that, I may not have changed much. I think Ryo-kun became less troublesome than that time (laugh), everyone might think so. Miura: I was very careful at that time since I was an adult anyway. In that sense, after a year, I felt more comfortable on the set of OOO. But I’m not the same. I was very careful at that time. Watanabe: Everything was painful (laugh) like it was covered in thorns. But, as the final moments came closer, there were no thorns, and the ball was smooth. Miura: The thorns are completely gone (laughs).
Q: When shooting the TV series, were there any opportunities to be friendly?
Miura: When it was time to travel around the region for the movie campaign. I’ve never been to a local event before, so I didn’t know what to say there or on the radio. Shu was always there to help me, and he helped me. It hasn’t changed now. If I get stuck in my words, he helped me. After filming with Shu-kun, I was very friendly. I thought if I let him do everything, I’d get spoiled. Watanabe: What I was thinking was that I want to do any kind of work and have fun. But I want to have the feeling that I can do everything happily for a long time. I didn’t think deeply into it (laughs). Miura: Even in this movie, there are several opportunities for two people to talk somewhere. I’m glad we have help again! Watanabe: Hopefully you won’t be neglectful this time (laughs). Miura: Well, then I’ll try hard to talk (laughs). I didn’t really talk then, but recently I’ve talked live as a MC for 30 to 40 minutes. Watanabe: Great! You could a have a talk show. Miura: I guess (laughs).
Q: Although it was Eiji and Anhk who reunited in this movie, what if you could make a movie about the two around 2020, which would mark the 10th anniversary of broadcasting. Do you have any big dreams or goals?
Miura: There are things that can come true if you hope they will. If you said you wanted to make a live performance with the OOO team and it happened. But I can’t say such a thing (laugh) Watanabe: Yes, if you say such flashy things, you’ll have to do it (laugh). However, if you wanted to do it, I would like to gather all the performers like Riho Takada (Hina). It would be fun if everyone got together to talk or have a drinking party at least once. Miura: Then next year at Halloween, everyone can make their own cosplay and gather. Watanabe: Everyone will wear a costume on that day, right? (laughs). If I did that kind of thing, there would definitely be cameras (laughs). To watch eleven people in costumes is something you’d do, Ryu-kun. Your talking skills are improving. Miura: No, no, thank you (laughs).
Q: So, in the end, can you please give a message to fans who loved OOO?
Watanabe: Seven years ago, people who were children or students watching the show are now becoming members of society. It’s not more common to say they were watching older series. Even when I went to Kamen Rider events, I heard staff say “I watched when I was a Junior High School student.” I heard that it happened in the past few years. This time, as a Legend Rider, I can be revived with Ankh. I’m very happy and proud. If you’re a fan of OOO, please go to the theater to watch. Miura: We appreciate the help of the staff and the performers. Of course, I am grateful to the fans who have always supported me and waited for this. Although the world is unclear, I thought it was always a good idea to have a new dream, and to have the opportunity to proceed without giving up hope, and worked on this movie. Everyone, please look forward to the day the movie is released to the public.
Article Sources: MyNavi
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manabingu · 7 years
ManaTagged! Heyoo~
tagged by the sweet ♥ @rainbow-galaxy-supernova  (sorry its overdue)
The last:
1.) Drink: Raspberry Milk Tea w/Lychee Popping Pearls
2.) Phone call: to @tyrestgwa earlier today via skype
3.) Text message: to @crystalwoodsart
4.) Song you listened to: Phoenix Ash’s Cover of JAP by Abingdon Boys School & Fome’s Cover of Count Zero by T.M. Revolution (SO FCKN GOOD)
5.) Time you cried: yesterday 8D during Wonder Woman ;U;o
6.) Dated someone twice: Tyrest is the first & only official dating. But me and @crystalwoodsart have been married practically since 6th grade. She is mY WAIFU!
7.) Been Cheated on: Thank Ra No!
8.) Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah.BUT I mean- iN DREAMS YES.
9.) Lost someone special: It’s a universal thing. Namely pets for me
10.) Been depressed: 8) Story of my LIFE! But I’ve been makin progress
11.) Gotten drunk and thrown up: I REFUSE to consume alcohol/drugs
12-14.) LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: Turquoise,Galaxy Print,Pastels/Silver tie
15.) Made new friends: I’ve been blessed thanks to YT Idol w/new singer pals!
16.) Fallen out of love: Yeah...in  high school I had so many talent crushes. Which I think is normal for theater kids. But I think I ended up with the correct person. He truly understands me. And though I sometimes wonder what would my life be if I had confessed my love to those others, I’m happy I waited for the person who accepted me just the way I am ;w;o
17.) Laughed until you cried: AS AN ABRIDGER, I am privileged to be surrounded by INCREDIBLY hilarious people & I love it!♥
18.) Found out someone was talking about you: YES. And BOY is it a trip when I find people are horrible trolls. I find out about sweet people who say super kind things about me or my work all the time. But when I get a heads up about backstabbers or people who get close for the wrong reasons, I put my guard up around them & just do my own thing. Because a path of jealousy, hatred & vengeance isn’t for me. Bullies can talk, but I’ll always ignore them.
19.) Met someone who changed you: Namely Tyrest,Crystal,Panda,Wraith10, @cozymochi (bows to her greatness), LordMoonstone, @kittykatsandbox, (FAB SENPAI) @ahsimwithsake & @laurathia who are 1 of 2 sets of adoptive internet parents I have XD and MOST RECENT OF ALL CEONN. If I hadn’t met Ceonn, my singing career journey wouldn’t have taken off.THANX
20.) Found out who your true friends are: YEP 8)! Sadly, just recently too...
21.) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Well, hispanic people greet each other by cheek kisses so  I will say yes.
22.) How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Everyone cuz my FB is family & IRL friends only ^^; BUT my ZEXAL Abridged has a FB 
23.) Do you have any pets: My pet cockatiel Patchos 8D
24.) Do you want to change your name: No, but don’t mind having a stage name to be honest. I love stage names ^_^
25.) What did you do for your last birthday: Probably sang,drew & other stuff 
26.) What time did you wake up: 9 or 10ish? I had to meet some friends today
27.) What were you doing at midnight last night: GAWKING at Gal Gadot
28.) Name something you cannot wait for:Anime Idol @ Metrocon, finally getting out more song covers/abridged stuff. And being stable again.
29.) When was the last time you saw your mother?: a few seconds ago
30.) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish that ONE thing didn’t happen & my family had the same wealth we shoulda had if luck was on our side. That & I wish I wasn’t afraid of certain things so I could progress faster.
31.) What are you listening to right now: Fome’s Covers,& MY own covers
32.) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeS?
33.) Something that is getting on your nerves: Hypocrites lately 8)
34.) Most visited website: Tumblr,Instagram,Twitter & YT are tied tbh
35-37.) Finished all of school: yeppers
38.) Hair color: Dark Chocolate Brown (I used swatches at Sally’s XD)
39.) Long or short hair: I enjoy having long princess hair, but I cut it recently QuQ woops. Mostly cuz I wanted to try a T.M. Revolution hairdo XD
40.) Do you have a crush on someone: I HAVE ANIMAY HUSbANDs/WAifUS
41.) What do you like about yourself: My voice range! I used to be SO self conscious as a kid, but eventually it became my greatest strength because it’s SO versatile it honestly I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my unique voice QuQ
42.) Piercings: My ears have been pierced since birth. Mom wanted it
43.) Blood type: O? I think was what it was? It’s been years lol
44.) Nickname: Mana & Ginga (to my singer friends)
45.) Relationship status: Taken by Tyrest (with Crystal on the side ;D heh)
46.) Zodiac sign: I am a proud Sagittarius ♐
47.) Pronouns: Her is fine, but I don’t mind He if I’m crossplaying (mostly Ginga). It’s kind of a weird thing for me cuz I’m genderfluid ;w; but if anything to avoid confusion, just go with feminine one XD cuz whatvs???
48.) Favorite TV show: ITS HARD. I like too many things.Non-Anime TV Show wise I watch mostly Trail & Error & Fresh Off the Boat. But Anime-wise: ZEXAL (but YGO in general), Darker Than Black, One Punch Man/Mob Psycho 100, Uta no Prince-sama, Saint Seiya/Omega, Tokyo Mew Mew, Kaleido Star, anything by CLAMP, Kamen Rider Gaim/Fourze, Death Note, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, FMA...too many...I know I have more...
49.) Tattoos: NoPe
50.) Right or left hand: Righty
51.) Surgery: In 8th grade I almost died 8D! Ruptured appendix, 3 consecutive operations & all because the first time I went to the emrgency they sent me home & misdiagnosed me with stomach flu 8D HAH.HAH.HAAAA ;~~~;...
52.) Piercing: Ears only as mentioned previously
54.) Sport:I don’t do any.My fave is figure skating tho. I love Yuzuru Hanyu♥
55.) Vacation: Technically me comin to the U.S for the first time counts
56.) Pair of trainers: Is that slang for shoes???...uhh??
57.) Eating: I ate sushi at a Chinese Buffet called Giant Panda today
58.) Drinking: finished all the boba tea ;w;
59.) I’m about to: Sleep cuz it’s 1am xD
61.) Waiting for: Good news, & replies from a few emails I sent this week
62.) Want: To make my YT Channel flourish & master my voice
63.) Get married: With luck but I think a paper doesn’t dictate if you love a person or not. BECAUSE i wanna pursue singing/acting, I know I’ll always be traveling ;w; so that decision is hard. I mean we can be OFFICIAL via the paper thingy but like, I already know we’re together XD ffff lol
64.) Career: Singer/Actor/Voice Actor & Internet Personality maybe
65.) Hugs or kisses: Both ^o^...cuz honestly I’m a fluffy person ;w;o
66.) Lips or eyes: Both again...I Can’T HElP IT (deep down my thoughts are as swirly with flirtatious things...proly explains Ginga’s mannerisms)
67.) Shorter or taller: I’m short ;w; sniffs 5′1. Everyone else is a tree
68.) Older or younger: Depends on relationship type? Like I think having a partner at a relatively older age because I am anxious af & need someone older to guide me when I’m struggling, but don’t mind younger (but MATURE) person by 2 years max. But when it comes to friends, I befriend anyone who is kind-hearted. Because we can learn a lot from elders/ our youth
70.) Nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t mind either or but TMR is @U@
71.) Sensitive or loud: I’m drawn more to sensitive people because they have higher levels of compassion & kinder hearts.
72.) Hook up or relationship: Relationship cuz I’m loyal AF
73.) Troublemaker or hesitant: Egh...both have downfalls. Hesitant is safer tho
74.) Kissed a stranger?: Nope BUT if I become an actor, that is a thought that keeps me up at night XD cuz ...again...I’m loyal af ;-;
75.) Drank hard liquor?: EWW >_>
76.) Lost glasses contact/lenses?: YES. During a musical in 10th grade (Suessical I was Cat in the Hat) I was on a trampoline and THEY FLEW OFF MY FACE! And ....we never found em O_O...they vanished....
77.) Turned someone down?: Yeah...a bunch of creepy fanboys throughout the years... 8) unfortunately the downfall of being an internet person
78.) Sex on first date?: DEPENDS. I’m demisexual, so I’m attracted to personality/emotional bonds not physical appearances. So IF my emotions towards them is high enough, I dunno if things could happen? But usually I stay reserved cuz I need to feel like I honestly love the person THAT much.
79.) Broken someone’s heart?: Probably ;w;...2 old buddies. I knew they had crushes on me...but I just didn’t feel the same way towards them -actually someone ELSE admitted they had a crush on me last month so the count is now up to 3...AGH. I WISH they can find someone who will make em happy because I think they deserve it tbh. They’re good dudes.
80.) Had your heart broken?: Once yeah, an old childhood crush was honestly insensitive when I asked him if he ever felt something for me &  he said “ehhh not really?” in a way that came off as insensitive XD?....yeah. But the MORE I thought about why I liked him, the more I realized I could NEVER be in a relationship with them cuz they were immature & didn’t know how to be serious.They don’t balance goofiness & sensitivity & I need a balanced person
81.) Been arrested?: NO
82.) Cried when someone died?: waterfalls of tears cuz I’m an emotional wreck
83.) Fallen for a friend?: yeah =w= a bunch of abridgers/singers hah. I get talent crushes ALL the time, but don’t act on it cuz I’m shy AND taken XD
84.) Yourself?: Usually...but I have many moments where I question if I’m good enough or worthy enough to be here ;w; gotta work on my Kattobingu
85.) Miracles?: Shining Draws should be real. But yeah miracles CAN happen
86.) Love at first sight?: FUYA OKUDAIRA 8D...and Takanori Nishikawa...and Mahiro Takasugi and Aoi Shouta tbh
87.) Santa Claus?: Elf is my favorite Christmas movie
88.) Kiss on the first date?: IT DEPENDS. But if it happens? AIGHT????
89.) Angels?: Yes \QwQ/! angels are real. @rosey-ballerina is one
90.) Current best friend’s name: Crystal is my bff & waifu but Tyrest too but honestly Kimmy, Panda & Ceonn are also tied with those 2
91.) Eye color: Brownies eUe
92.) Favorite movie: Finding Nemo, Big Hero 6,Lion King (all 3), All 3 Yu-Gi-Oh! Movies,The Emperor’s New Groove,Mrs. Doubtfire, Moana, Wonder Woman, Mary Poppins, Arrival, The Mummy, Matilda, Harry Potter, Pokemon 3,Hercules, Grave of the Fireflies, Antman, The Producers....and a few others
I tag: @t-chan @sylphwriter @eleanorose123 @ivmysterynumbers @zexalfangirl @shybunny @galaxyeyedphoton 
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kamen-base · 6 years
Tumblr media
I can’t believe I have these many followers, although, who knows how many of these are actually bots.
Anyways, since I have these many followers, I kinda want to explain why I do the things I do, why I’m rarely active or seem to be interested in Showa.
I’ve been a Super Sentai fan since around 2014 and a Kamen Rider fan since around 2015. Hell, my first Sentai series was Gokaiger and I absolutely adored it, which might be why Gai is one of my favorite sixth ranger. Now, following this, you might expect my first Kamen Rider series to be W, OOO, Fourze or 555, but it was actually Amazon.
The reason it was Amazon was my first series is because it was the oldest series I could find fully subbed on the facebook group I was watching Kamen Rider series on, back during that time I had no idea about kissasian, krdl.moe, or torrenting. So, why the oldest series? Well, I like to watch things in chronological order.
So, if I’ve been a fan since around 2014/2015, why I am still on Goggle V/V3? Well, if you recall during one of my V3 posts, I mentioned that I’ve watched V3 a few years ago. Truth be told, I’ve actually seen all of Showa Kamen Rider and Kuuga all the way to Hibiki. However, the reason I’m rewatching these series is because:
A year ago, Kamen Rider 1971 was fully subbed by XIG Fansubs.
I actually have forgotten a lot about the series I’ve seen. I can barely recall anything from the middle of X, Stronger, most of Skyrider and Super-1 and little from Black RX, even though I watched it about 2 years ago.
So, since I have extremely bad memory, I’ve started this account to try and detail some moments so when I look back, I can see the posts I’ve made about these series and remember what I thought about them.
So, why I am never that active on Tumblr besides from posting? Well, two things:
I’m not that much of a social media person.
I haven’t seen much Heisei stuff.
Most of the Kamen Rider community hasn’t seen much Showa, and I haven’t any heisei series from Kabuto-Ghost, though my memories from Kuuga-Hibiki, Ex-Aid, and Build are scarce, as I wasn’t really that focused on watching Build. So, until I’ve seen those series, which might be actual decades, I plan to stay quiet on my second account. Though if you really want to try and know me, you can always message me and who knows, we might get along.
In short, thank you for following me and liking my posts, I hope that even if you unfollow me, you’ll at least enjoy your time with me currently. 
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friendshipstates · 6 years
Into the Riderverse (AU RP Interest Thread)
What has gone on before:
“I’m not supposed to tell you this, but when have I ever let the rules get in the way?” The message had come from Kaitou Daiki, also known as Kamen Rider Diend. “Behind the floodgates, you’ll find another gate. A gate to everywhere. Don’t let them open it.” And with that, the phantom thief had formed a dimensional wall and left Fourze and his allies in the Rabbit Hutch befuddled.
Certain allies were less confused by the cryptic clues from the blue Rider than Fourze was. After taking the time to hear the explanation from a friend who understood the answer, Fourze led his team down into the flood tunnels under Tokyo.
The Radar Module had been activated, and soon the scanner found something that definitely shouldn’t be there. There was no reason for a door to be inside the flood tunnels. After all, the first major storm would see that place under a foot a water.
After a few moments to pry open a door that definitely didn’t want to be opened, the Rider and his allies had found themselves in the middle of a Shocker laboratory. All around them, skull-masked goons were talking about the coming incursion, and how they’d take over the whole multiverse. At least that was the topic of conversation until they spotted one of their most hated foes. A Kamen Rider dared show his armored face in their lair?
What followed was like music. Fourze and his allies moved in such perfect synchronicity that the dozens of Shocker mooks never stood a chance against them. This finally led into a battle in the middle of a room that should not exist. A massive supercollider in a space barely big enough to contain an IMAX theater. And the collider had been turned on, just as Fourze found himself in hand-to-hand combat with an augmented human. The Snake Commander of Shocker fought against Fourze for ten minutes, luring him closer and closer to the center of the room. Finally, the supercollider reached critical state, and a dimensional gate was opened, catching Kamen Rider Fourze in the middle of it.
In a brief moment, Kamen Rider Fourze looked into the Multiverse, and the Multiverse looked back. He knew that he couldn’t allow Shocker to use this gate. So, summoning his Barizun Sword to his hand, he opened his own warp portal inside the dimensional portal, shunting the energy from the collider elsewhere. As thanks for protecting it from the whims of wicked men, the multiverse drew Fourze into it. His armor fell from around him and he turned to his allies, who had just subdued the Snake Commander.
“Don’t worry about me. Find them.” He gestured off into the portal at unseen figures. “They’ll be here soon. Find them, and bring them to Hikari…” What appears to be a humanoid form in grey mist drifted around his body, and Kisaragi Gentaro was gone.
There was no explosion, no shower of sparks. With an unceremonious “POP” the two portals collided with each other and slammed shut, taking their friend with them.
This left his allies in a secret base and very confused. But elsewhere, some other people are going to be very confused.
In a small photo studio, a young man with a Blackbird camera looks up at a photo backdrop of a moonbase, and shields his eyes as the image seems to shatter into seven pieces.
Turning to his own allies, Kadoya Tsukasa says “I know what you’re thinking, but this wasn’t my fault.”
All Right, Let’s Take it From the Top…
My Name is…
Sir Gentaro Bladebond, Paladin of the Goddess Kazashiro who stands for Purity, Beauty and Self-Worth.
I was raised in the temple of the Goddess to be her chosen champion. During a diplomatic mission to the Blue Sky Kingdom, to join my church to the church of their god Blue, I met a young mage named Tsubasa. She had lost everything that was dear to her, and I took her under my wing as I continued my adventure. We returned to the Blue Sky Kingdom bearing an artifact of great power, which we returned to Blue in person. For a few days, things were peaceful. Then my fellow acolytes called my attention to a strange vortex that opened in the divine gardens. Leaving Tsubasa in the care of Angela, my group’s ectomancy expert, I went to explore it. I found myself in a strange new world, with spires of steel and glass, and found myself in conflict with an unusual creature. A beast of stained glass, trying to claim the life force of a woman on the street. I drew my holy blade to fight the monster, and that’s where my story resumes…
My name is…
Gentaro Kisaragi, Blue Lantern of Space Sector 2814. 
Seven years ago, I had an encounter with an alien spacecraft. The pilot, Roa’ka’nar, was heavily injured in the crash. I took him into my home and nursed him back to health. Through the whole time, I worked to keep him from reopening his wounds, helped him regain his strength and get accustomed to Earth food and tradition. When the time came for Roa’ka’nar to return to his homeworld, he revealed his true identity to me. He was a member of galactic protection agency, A Blue Lantern, who used hope to save the worlds. He told me his last battle before the crash had been so taxing that he was thinking of calling it quits. But I had stood by his side, and motivated him to be better. He saw in me the potential to bring great hope. So for the first time in Blue Lantern history, a Corpsman took on an apprentice. I joined Roa’ka’nar for those years as he trained me to fight against the Reds and the Black Lanterns. During our last day together, I was separated from Roa’ka’nar by a dimensional vortex. Though I’m in a different world, it’s still the same Tokyo I grew up in, mostly. As long as there’s hope here, there’s still a charge in my power battery...
My name is...
Gentaro Kisaragi, also known as Switch-1. 
Seven years ago, The Zodiac Alliance descended on Earth. They came to force humans to evolve to a higher power, by giving them a taste of “Star Blood.” But before them came the Yuujou Switch, a device that drew power from people’s bonds of friendship. On countless other worlds, the Zodiac Alliance had been driven back by warriors of great friendship using the power of the Yuujou Switch, and our world was no different. Okay, maybe a bit different. My own belief in the power of friendship granted me and my friends the power to transform into Yuujou Sentai Switchman, and we took the fight to the Zodiac Alliance. During a fight with Commander Libra, I found myself and my mecha, the Rabbit Racer, sent to another world. There are others here like me. Maybe I can be their friend and fight alongside them until I get home. I hope my team is ok…
My name is…
Gentaro Kisaragi, though the rest of the world knows me as the Pro Hero Fourze.
 Though I may not be at his level, I fought alongside All-Might in a few encounters. But my power source isn’t like his. You see, each time I create a genuine, lasting friendship, my power increases by four. Four extra feet per jump, four extra seconds to take a beating, four extra miles per hour, four extra pounds of weight. I have over two hundred friends, and I’m looking to make a thousand. Not because I want to be more powerful, but because I just want more friends.
When the portal appeared, I had put myself between it and a villain I was trying to save. The last thing I heard was that villain saying “He really did care about me..” I hope I can get back home and find that guy. I really want to be his friend.
My name is…
Gentaro Kisaragi. I’m a graduate of Mahoutokoro Magical Academy, and I work as a private eye. 
Did someone get lost in the Nevernever? I’ll find them. Does some Black Court vampire need a punch in the mouth? I’m your guy. I use my magic to get the job done, and my hands to make your life better than when I found it. Everyone I’ve helped has stayed in touch and referred me to other cases, so I’m never hard up for work. One day, I finished up a case and found myself staring into a cloud of mist. I heard a woman’s voice coming from the mist. She said “Follow me, there are people that need your help.” Of course, I followed her towards the portal. This new version of Tokyo is different from what I’m used to, but magic still follows the same rules here, mostly...
My name is…
Gentaro Kisaragi. I’m a Pokemon trainer from Mistralton City. But I don’t go out and catch Pokemon after harsh battles. Whether they’re lost, abandoned or mistreated by their original trainers, I nurse them back to health and give them a spot in my team. Right now, I have an Arcanine named Queen, a Swanna, a Gothorita, a Porygon named Gigabyte, and an Ivysaur that seems to have adopted me, and comes and goes as she pleases. She was with me when the portal opened, so I have that going for me. But now I’m in a world with no Pokemon except the ones I brought with me. I’m kind of scared, to be honest.
My name is…
Shinyu Kisaragi. I’m Sixteen years old, and can I tell you a secret? I’m a legendary warrior. 
I know, it’s weird to think that a girl dressed like a punk rocker could be a force of pure magic, but it’s true! During a field trip to the observatory, my classmates and I watched as a geologist cracked open a meteorite. The inside of it glowed, and we found ourselves in a different place. Right in front of us was a massive spider web made up of gold and silver threads. A really pretty boy named Kengo appeared from the web and told us we were looking at the Bonds of Life, how everything in the universe was connected. Off on the edges of the web, lines were being snapped. Kengo told us that a great enemy calling themselves Threadbare were working to break apart people’s connections to each other. As each person was severed from those ties, they fell into darkness. Kengo gave us each a Star Switch and told us that when the time came, we could transform into the Soul Bond Pretty Cure. Well, I did transform into Cure Friendship and it was so awesome. Now if only my costume wasn’t so frilly. I’m in another version of Tokyo now, and I know that my friends are still out there. I can feel them in the Bonds of Life but who are these other people I sense…
Welcome to an AU RP, inspired heavily by and cribbed directly from “Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse.” If you haven’t yet seen this movie, do so as soon as possible.
In this AU, Every other version of Gentaro I have dabbled in, and some I haven’t, have found their way to this reality. But being in a different plane of reality causes their bodies to glitch out in painful ways. It’s this reality’s way of saying “You don’t belong here.” They want to get home as soon as possible, but once they’re made aware of one of their own number being missing, they’ll do whatever it takes to help Gentaro come back.
In order to return the other Gentaros to their home universe and reclaim this universe’s Gentaro from The Void, the heroes who take part in this will have to find the other Gentaro’s and bring them to the one place where a Rider can open a dimensional gate: The Hikari Photo Studio, base of operations for Kamen Rider Decade.
But the heroes aren’t alone. Some of them have brought enemies with them, and the Shocker organization that created the original multidimensional gate will stop at nothing to prevent Fourze from returning.
If you’re interested in taking part in this, give this thread a like and tell me in the comments which AU Gentaro you want to do threads with, or if you want Multiple Gentaros for a thread. Then we can plot the adventure as it takes turns and curves Through the Riderverse.
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