spacedisks 2 months
don't like the look of glasses bc i have small eyes and a very strong nearsighted prescription, and also my eyes are getting tired of contacts (bc i have bad habits). what if i just wear pince-nez and keep it on a little chain in my pocket, huh?
need to read? whip out my pince-nez. need to be fashion? whip them off.
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spacedisks 2 months
can barely see but that will not! stop me! from online shopping!
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spacedisks 2 months
Oh I realized I never sent you the fanart for LoF on tumblr, here you go! 馃挄馃挄
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i need you to know that this art is permanently in my brain. ever since i first saw your art on tiktok my brain has shifted. rewired. i think about it ALL THE TIME
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spacedisks 2 months
let me just say deadpool 3 was what endgame should have been. well (enough) written, character driven, cameos that surprised me and felt satisfying, fanservice that didn鈥檛 effect the integrity of the plot, female characters that didn鈥檛 exist just to say girl power, actual STAKES!!! actual stakes that made u feel like the heroes actually had something to lose, bright vibrant costuming that had personality, jokes that actually felt well thought out and situationally funny. deadpool n wolverine being besties who might fuck once in a while (that car fight tho). anyways. marvel I don鈥檛 trust u but deadpool 3 writers & ryan fought for their creative freedoms and it was worth it
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spacedisks 2 months
my mom got mad that my sister is texting me while she's in school instead of texting her. but like, there is no need for jealousy. me and my sister aren't even technically talking to each other; it's more like i'm shitposting and quadruple-texting her until she responds, and then she asks me to send photos of her beloved cat. also, shouldn't you want her to be texting no one during school?
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spacedisks 2 months
"The existence of people who've never heard of [insert fandom here] makes me feel old" buddy, there are people who've never heard of just about anything you can think of. On a densely networked site like Tumblr, you're probably at most four or five mutual-of-a-mutual jumps removed from someone who's genuinely never heard of Batman.
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spacedisks 2 months
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bro is knee deep in the passenger seat
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spacedisks 2 months
plz reblog for science
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spacedisks 2 months
fandoms? too many to count
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spacedisks 2 months
committed myself to only reading my already opened ao3 tabs. after 4+ days (idk the days are blurring together. i have had way too much free time this summer) i am finally free. i have never successfully done this before
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