#I wasn't sure what to do here XD
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sonchiildren · 3 months ago
@ftsxenoverse {☆}
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"You sure you're okay? That fall didn't seem too pleasant."
Making sure the other was steady on her feet before slowly releasing his hold on her — didn't need her falling over again after just getting her back on her feet. Doing a quick inspection to see if she was hurt. Not noticing much but some small scrapes and bumps on her legs but otherwise nothing more than that.
Still, wanting to make sure she was alright.
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fastfists · 1 year ago
❝Don’t ask me why, I don’t need a reason.❞ Tosses my hedgehog to Knuckles
✧ Sonic the Hedgehog Lyric Starters - It Doesn’t Matter ✧
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"Is t'at so? Seems t'me you do 'ave one..."
Was a small part of him curious? Perhaps. But, the guardian didn't really make it his business to get personal if someone wasn't willing — which was oozing off this one in waves. He wasn't about to fight him on that issue.
Besides, he'd only be concerned if the green hedgehog decided to be a problem or cause an issue. Especially where it concerned his floating home. Otherwise? He had no issues with him...for now.
"...but t'at ain't any o' m'business either way."
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"So long as you ain't goin' t'cause any issues."
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ang3ltine · 2 months ago
❝ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℭ𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔰❞  𝑓𝑡. 𝐵𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒-𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: semi would deffo own a motorbike you can't convince me otherwise. This is just a short scenario for self indulgence heh , also pls share and follow if you like my work <3,
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: slight mention of toxic relationship and mild suggestive themes towards the end ( scroll to avoid)
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✰ She first met you at a vintage store downtown called 'savvy styles'. During your shifts she would constantly flirt with you shamelessly in front of other customers. At some point you got used to it and would play along.
✰ You ended up being close friends with her at the time you were dating your bf. Things ended terribly with him, you decided to take a break for a year, and Se-mi was with you every step of the way.
✰ Se-mi loved having a smoke every now and then so you gifted her the vivienne westwood heart lighter for Christmas. She still cherishes 'till this day and she couldn't be more grateful.
✰ After flirting back and forth she finally asked you out. She was actually super nervous but tried to cover it up with her cool girl facade ( you totally saw right through her xd).
"So uhh.. wanna go out sometime? " she asked while leaning against the counter top. There was a slight falter in her voice but she covered it up quickly with a cough.
"Ofcourse! I'd love to"  you bodly gave her a soft kiss on her cheek " pick me up after my shift at 6?"
She stood there in awe with the tips of her ears turning pink, after pulling herself out of shock she was back to her charming self.
"Yeahhh sure, after 6 right? I'll see you then angel ♡"
✰ Your first date was a memorable one. She had picked up after your shift like she had promised. Se-mi gave you a text message an hour before to give you a heads up of the dates location and that she'd be arriving soon.
✰ Hearing the sound of an engine revving in the distance you see Se-mi approach you. She took her helmet off and you reached up to fix her messy raven hair, which she gladly appreciated.
✰ Se-mi eyed you up and down with her dark eyes to take in what you were wearing. It was a cold winter night but here you were sporting a white ruffled dress that cut just above your knees with no tights. The intense staring got you flustered so you quickly scrambled onto the back of her bike after putting on your helmet.
✰ Being the humble woman she was, she handed you her jacket to wrap around your waist so you would feel comfortable during the ride.
" Thanks, but aren't you going to feel cold?" Shrugging her shoulders she looked back at you and shook her head.
"Nahh I'll be fine, I'm wearing thermal clothing. It's you that I should be worried about princess ~" you bit back a smile as you wrap your arms around her waist and leaned against her back. She smelt just like you had imagined, cherries and cigarettes.
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✰ It took almost an hour to get to the beach just outside seoul. After doing some stretches once you got off the bike, you both headed down to the beach.
✰ The sun had begun to set across the horizon, giving the sky beautiful hues of oranges and pinks. Se-mi being the little shit that she was, hauled you onto her shoulder and sprinted towards the waves while you squealed.
✰After you had fun splashing in the waves, the night slowly crept in. Strolling down the beach at this time of the night wasn't something unusual for the pair. It was a special place that Se-mi would take you to calm your mind and to relieve stress. Which always worked.
✰ Your ex-boyfriend had emotionally and mentally drained you last year. Se-mi was the one who beat up your ex when you caught him and another girl making out in an alley way behind a cafe while you were still dating. That was a day that you would never forget.
" I can't believe how fast this year has gone.." , Se-mi hummed in response. You both were sitting down on the sand, looking towards the crashing waves against the rocky shore. They were surprisingly calm tonight despite yesterday's weather warnings.
"Hmm I'm proud of you. It takes alot of courage to get out of a toxic relationship and move on...", she turned to face you and reached out to move a loose strand of hair away from your face. Gently rubbing her thumb across your cheek while you nuzzled into her warm touch.
" You're the one who helped me the most Se-mi , and I have no idea how to repay you.."
✰ Se-mi was the first to lean in and brush her lips against yours, testing the waters. Not knowing if you wanted this or not. Without a second thought you pressed your lips fully against hers. They molded together perfectly, you don't know why you waited so long to feel this, to feel her.
✰ The rest of the world faded behind you as you both got lost in time. It was beginning to get hard to breathe as  she pulls you against her to deepen the kiss. You felt a rush of fireworks go off in your stomach that you never felt before with your ex, and it was exhilarating.
✰Se-mi could taste the slight hint of strawberry on your tongue from the candy you ate at the gas station and it just fueled her to ravish you even more. She nibbled softly on your bottom lip and tugged on it pulling out a quiet moan from you. Her hands were all over you and she had a hard time keeping herself under control. Giving your hips a gentle squeeze while you sat on her lap. Having no shame of being caught like this in public.
✰ But eventually you both had to pull away for air, your cheeks were flushed but you were content. Smiling softly down at the ravenette below you.Se-mi lightly nuzzled her nose against yours and both your breaths became foggy due to the cold air.
"So.. can I finally call you mine?" 
Ps. I'm sorry that this was super short but please repost and like the fic if you enjoyed it! ♡
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stychu-stych · 3 months ago
Hi, sorry if you have already answered this, I'm new to your blog. Why did Lamb decide to Narinder back? How long was he dead? What's the au called?
Hiii, welcome at my blog, I hope you'll like it here✨
Hmmmm unhealthy addiction I could say. Narinder became very close to Lamb after all those years. Lamb were scared of him at the beginning, thinking that Narinder is like the rest of the Bishops, but as the time passed they started to idealize him and be fully devoted to TOWW. They were sure that Narinder was unfairly hurted and they wanted justice
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They were sure that after defeating the rest of the Bishops, Narinder will finally be free and Lamb will stand at his side as his disciple. But when that moment came Lamb leaned, that it'll be impossible. The crown wasn't just given to them so they can gain its power, the crown brought back them to life. They were literally an experiment that Narinder didn't know if it'll work, but because almost none of his followers left anymore he was desperate to try with someone who didn't even worship him (at the beginning at least). He didn't even try to save Lamb, not because he didn't care for them, but because he knew that sacrifice of his the most loyal follower would give him huge boost of power that he needed at that time. He couldn't just risk loosing such a great power source by trying to keep Lamb alive. He didn't even know if it was possible to save them, so the cold calculation won - Lamb sacrificing themselves was the best option
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Lamb felt betrayed of course, there were furious, hurt and devastated. After the battle they wanted to kill Narinder so much, they already killed the rest of the Bishops, what's the difference between one more. But they couldn't do that, they still worship him in some fucked up way they couldn't understand. They hated him and wanted to be close to him at the same time. That's why they decided to bring Narinder to live when they figured out that option exist. And it didn't take too long for them to prepare the ritual, they just wanted enough time so some of the cult members could forget what happened
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So basically Lamb couldn't let go of their relationship with his toxic boyfriend, the end JDBDJDHD And the au is just called "modern au" (because calling this toxic yaoi might be too much xD), you can find more stuff under that hashtag here on my blog, I always try to put those hashtags under anything related to this au
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notsodailycake · 3 months ago
Part 3 for the fitclet I did for @keferon 's mecha pilot jazz au! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
For those who missed it:
Part 1 || Part 2
This is probably the longest out of all the 3 parts, dear god, I went all in. It came out bigger than I ever expected it to be. I was not expecting it to go this far honestly, but the parasites in me, they begged for more. So here we are! :D
Again tho, idk how in character they will be here, but I tried my best \(*T▽T*)/. Also, kinda bullshitted my way through in worldbuilding bc idk how things work exactly- and I had to come up with stuff on my own, even tho I'm not that good in mecha world stuff, so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies ^^;;
Now, to give credit to those who so desperately deserve it:
My sister @saltynsassy31 for helping me when I couldn't write out some of my ideas and doing it herself (so consider this as a bit of a frankenstein monster of both our writing styles, mainly during intense scenes. If there is any fancy words in this, it's cuz of her) and being my beta reader for this part. Seriously yall, this wouldn't have been as coherent and well written without her help!
Also huge thanks to my online sister @yayadrawsthingz for helping out when I hit a few road blocks during this!
And finally, a huge huge thanks to my honorary online uncle @hexyz09 for helping me finish off the final fight scene when I got stuck during some plot holes and road blocks, or generally just writing myself into a corner and having to help me leave it, despite not knowing jackshit about the au, let alone the ship and characters themselves, but was still willing to help me through in working on the plot, in this crazy obsession of mine XD
Yall have no idea how much help these guys were. Probably wouldn't be able to finish without either of their help ᕦ(òωóˇ)ᕤ
Oh and an honourable shoutout to the song "Headlock" by Imogen Heap! Kept listening to this on loop as it kept my drive up to write this.
Now onto the fic!
Prowl ignored Jazz's various attemps to push out his servo from the cockpit. Despite the mech being weak himself, the human was still no match against thousands of pounds of metal, especially in his own weakened state.
Which was a matter of its own at the moment. Prowl knew he had very little time to be able to run ahead before the other humans caught on to them, having noticed the alarm bells ringing through the facility.
So he ran towards the exit Jazz had initially pointed out, the only plan they had at the moment.
"Prowl! Prowler, hey! I know you can hear me! Prowl!" Jazz shouted as he slammed yet another fist in a failed attempt to nudge the bot's servo out of the way. He hasn't said a word since picking Jazz up, and he wasn't sure how long that was, maybe not that much, but it felt too long yet too little at the same time (what a headache).
Sliding down, he gently hit his forehead over the protective servo and let out a sigh of defeat. No way he could get him to move like this.
Why was he trying to anyways? Didn't he want to be with Prowl? He certainly did, but somehow, something in him made him feel like he shouldn't just be accepting this.
And maybe Prowl also knew this, which is why he took off and hasn’t said a word since. Both held conflicted feelings about the whole thing. If only things didn't feel so blurry right now!
Suddenly, a hard shift made Jazz stumble a bit, grasping at whatever he could so he didn't fall back, loud noises of metal scrapping metal could be heard as something got kicked open on the outside. Jazz scrambled over to the small crevice that opened between Prowl's digits, not enough for him to fit anything over other than his hand, but enough to get a glimpse of what was happening outside.
Prowl had kicked down the exit door to the lab ('not like he had the hands available to properly open the damn thing anyways' Jazz thought to himself). It was meant for mechas to exit the room after they finish off whatever it is they do in here, that Jazz knew, and if he was right, just down the hall there will be another exit leading to the backroom where they stockpiled the mech suits. No one but the technicians were usually supposed be there, it would be an easy fight to get to the big gate that lead to the outside training grounds, which is why Jazz had pointed for the mech to go down there in the first place.
There shouldn't have been a problem besides giving him time to leave unscathed. Which Jazz assumed would not be the case as he was currently inside Prowl and not buying him time to escape. But, to Jazz's surprise, nothing had come close to attacking them, yet.
The pilot did not have much time to contemplate it as suddenly he heard Prowl rumble an annoyed grunt.
"Don't move."
In shock, Jazz stumbled back as Prowl removed his hand and reached for the end of the overhead gate, seemingly alot harder to kick down than a two way door. The only thing it would really do would be to bend the metal a bit but it wouldn't give an open entrance. Jazz didn't dare leave, not like he could from this hight, but even if he could, Prowl would probably just pick him up again; it be a waste of energy really (just admit it, you don't want to leave him). But something about this felt wrong, so far they haven't had a single guard come down the hall, just this small pause would give them enough time to catch up to the two runaways, Jazz was sure that guards had been on his tail when he was under his rampage.
"Prowl! Wait don't open that gate!" But he was too late, the moment he uttered those words the mech had already been in motion and pushed the gate up with all his might and as quickly as he opened it a gun shot came through the otherside. They had been waiting for them, they knew where they were heading. The bastard he kicked down prior to this probably saw them and reported it, dammit.
Prowl let out a strangled cry of pain as the shot landed right on his left shoulder (like it wasn't damaged enough by the lack of arm), Jazz fell backwards with the harsh motions, hitting the back of the pilot's seat, the impact leaving his vision to go dark for a few seconds before he collected himself as quickly as he could. In an instant though, just as he tried to get back up to see what was outside, Prowl had put his hand back over the open cockpit.
No...he wouldn't be able to fight like this, protecting him as he is would only hinder the bot to more damage. And that's exactly what Jazz intended to express to the other. "Prowl! You won't be able to fight with your hand over me! Forget about holding me inside, I won't leave, I promise!"
"That's not the point!" Prowl growled, letting out another hiss of pain as more shots were loaded, someone shouting out for them to stand down.
Prowl couldn't risk leaving Jazz exposed. Unlike the human, Prowl could take a few shots, their weapons not being strong enough to inflict any serious damage to his plating (though perhaps a bit to his exposed protoform, though he could handle it for a little while longer). But it would take one lucky shot on Jazz to have him dead in an instant, and Prowl couldn't take that chance.
It seemed like Jazz got the message, not spitting back any sort of remark about Prowl's lack of explanation.
But the mech couldn't linger too much on those thoughts, he had to get out, and fast. He was losing too much energon, and his vision was starting to get blurry, which wasn't a good sign. It didn't help that his thoughts were a hazy mess, his usual ability to think logically overthrown by the panic of needing to get out of this place while ensuring Jazz's survival.
It's not like he had much to do, though. Any possible escape hindered by the fact he couldn't use his weapons unless he risks Jazz's life to one lucky shot. Perhaps he could make a run for it, knock through the mechas in front of him and let them tumble over as he reached the final exit; it wasn’t the best plan perhaps, with at least a 19% rate of success, given he isn't in the best physical state at the moment, he probably wouldn't be strong enough to knock them over. Added to the fact the exit wasn't shut by a gate he could simply knock over easily either, like the previous one. He'd have to push it open from the bottom, and there wasn’t enough time for him to act on it.
But he'd have his back turned to the shots, reassuring Jazz's own safety, so he could perhaps risk removing his servo to push the gate open once more.
With a quick warning from his HUD telling him his energon levels were getting dangerously low, Prowl decided to take the risk, with little time left, he took a step forward making a run for it.
The mechas seemed to ready themselves for his attack, quickly positioning their weapons to target him, closing any narrow space they had between each other.
What they didn't expect was for the mech to charge his whole body weight onto them. Despite not feeling any pain, they certainly could not fight against gravity itself. They all stumbled against each other as Prowl made a mad dash to the gate. He slid on his knees and made a quick reach for the bottom of the gate, anxiously removing his hand from over the cockpit, bending over protectively as to not have anything be able to aim inside.
He could feel his spark beating fast from anxiety, they were so close, they'll be able to leave soon enough. Jazz was most certainly having a good feel to Prowl's anxious beat, the loud thruming reaching the bot's own audials was most certainly deafening to the human sitting near it.
Then, a shot.
A pop.
A blinding light.
And the beat stops.
Jazz was curling in on himself as an instinct to protect himself from the sudden burst behind him. It only took a few seconds for him to realise what that was once he couldn't hear a single beat of a spark, or the burning sensation it left, feeling his own heart stop and drop to his gut.
It felt like the world around him suddenly stopped, everything going into slow motion, with no sounds to accompany the dread. Feeling as Prowl's body leaned foward to crash on the ground.
But just as quickly as the silance came, it left. Prowl catching himself from hitting the ground with a grunt, a slam could be heard as his arm and elbow made contact with the concrete floor. His spark beating, weakly, but beating nonetheless. What felt like hours of silance was only a quick few seconds of deafening dread.
"Prowl!" Jazz called out in desperation, reaching out to hold the edges of the cockpit, so not to fall out, but to also try and comfort his anxiousness as he tried to look up at the mech's face. The mech made a sound of acknowledgement, which came out more like broken static, but didn't make much effort to move, his face scrunched up in pain, optics shut. They shot him on his back, too close to where his spark would be, causing him to skip a beat, and busting a bit of his left doorwing, but it still seemed to function somewhat.
Suddenly, both of them picked up on the sound of something opening, giving no time for either to fully process what had just occurred. Prowl made a quick move to get his hand over the cockpit once more (with slight struggle as he stumbled and fell on his aft) as a thick metal slab emerged from above and beneath, right in front of the gate, shutting it close with a protective layer of metal. Guessing by the red alarm ringing around them, an emergency protocol to keep anyone from leaving. Slag.
The mechas surrounded them, guns all aimed to shoot at the alien mech if he didn't comply.
It was silent for a brief moment, in exception to Prowl's anxious beating spark (which wasn't a problem for Jazz at the moment, the burning warmth being somewhat comforting) and Jazz's own heart beating over his ears. Both catching their breaths.
"There's no point in fighting. So make this easy for all of us and surrender yourselves." A nobody pilot finally spoke out, weapon leaning a tad closer than the others.
The atmosphere felt heavy, they were pinned down. Really, the only thing they could do was surrender, but Jazz would sure as hell be reprimanded for his actions and Prowl.....he didn’t want to think about that. No, he wouldn't even allow that thought to become any sort of reality.
"Prowl" he whispered, knowing only the mech would hear him, leaning a gentle souch to his servo as if to beg, "I know you might not have alot of trust 'n me, but this might be our best shot." There was a tense shift, not too noticeble unless you could see the mechanisms from the inside, Prowl knew what he was about to suggest. "You need to let me pilot you." He cringed as he felt the other's servo stiffen, he wasn't pleased with the idea, and neither was Jazz, but he knew this place alot better than Prowl did, and knew how to properly defeat the mechas, knowing their weak spots. And Prowl was all too aware of that too, Jazz knew it. They both were very aware of it all.
"Please," he begged, leaning his forehead on the mech's servo yet again, "I can't lose you again." There was slight shift, Jazz looked up, though he obviously couldn't see the mech's face, the sigh he let out was loud and clear. The controls on the pilot's seat shifted, Jazz got the message:
He couldn't help but let a small smirk creep over his face, making way to sit down and start piloting.
"Under one condition though," Prowl suddenly whispered to him, though it was alot louder to Jazz on the inside.
"And what would that be, partner?" The title flew out too fast for Jazz to stop himself, feeling so natural to call Prowl partner once more. The mech didn't seem against it though.
"No removing my hand."
Jazz was left stunned for a quick second, though it felt like a minute for Prowl as he waited for a reply eagerly.
"I can work with that." Prowl let out a sigh of relief at that, allowing the human, his partner, to take control of him again.
It took a moment for Jazz to adjust himself, in the meantime, the people waited outside anxiously for the other to make a move. When Prowl finally started to shift around to stand up with a small grunt, everyone raised their guns and loaded them up, but didn't shoot just yet. The mech looked up at them with a deadly glare, but made no move to attack, his remaining arm not leaving the open cockpit for a second, he simply stood up with a slight slump to his posture, doorwings drooping down slightly. In all possible ways, he looked weak and defeated, no signs of fighting back.
One of the mechas walked closer, gun still aiming at Prowl, but it was lowered slightly. They reached a hand out expectantly.
"The pilot, hand him over." They demanded, no sympathy whatsoever.
Prowl clutched his chasis, anger pooling over in his spark, doorwings twitching up slightly, but he made no move to attack. Not yet. He heard Jazz speak to him in a low tone so only he could hear it, with a sigh, he relaxed. He slowly, very slowly, drew out his hand from the cockpit, the action in itself having the other mecha have their body relax slightly as they approached the mech, weapon being put down slightly enough, and so did the others around them. Jackpot.
Before he fully removed his servo, the mech made move to crouch down and in a swift motion swung a peed over to the mechas own, catching them off balance and knocking them down. Jazz let out a small hiss to the action, forgetting his own injured leg, but pushed on regardless.
Using the thrusters of his doorwings, they were able to balance themselves back up, Prowl's servo going back into fully protecting it's pilot once more. With most weapons being aimed up and not down, it took a delayed second to aim correctly, but it was enough time for the human and cybertronian duo to twist themselves out of harms way.
Before the fallen pilot could attempt to get up, Jazz made move to aim over the weak spot of their mecha's knee and stepped hard enough to break its mechanisms so they couldn't stand back up easily. But the glory was short lived as more shots were fired their way.
Jazz's hand twitched to move and use its weapons, but he resisted the urge with a slight huff, "Man, 's hard to fight without an arm!"
"This is none negotiable, Jazz." Prowl hissed as they made move to avoid more shots.
"I know, I know! Don't mean it makes it easier!" Jazz tried to analyse their surroundings, though it was made difficult with the many HUD warnings from all the injuries (the pilot couldn't help but mutter a broken "I'm so sorry" to his partner, whether the mech heard him or not he wasn't sure), but pushing through it, he took note of a few key details. There was a metal catwalk grate near above the mechas' heads, running with a few on ground troops, the bastard of a boss being one of the few amongst them. Near a corner stood an elevator to go up and down the area.
How that could help, Jazz wasn't sure yet.
A shot hit Prowl's arm, pain flowed through the mech as he moved out of the way once more. Jazz looked around in a frenzy to find a place to shield themselves....the mechas! Making a run for to the lifeless husks, he swivelled around between them and hid behind the many rows of mechas knowing full well that they would not risk such precious resource and money just to reach them. At least he hoped not, because he just needed a little bit of time to figure something out.
Hearing the big man call out to hold their fire was good enough indication that his idea worked.
"Ok, now we just need somethin' to distract them long enough for us to make a jump to the ceiling." Jazz explained
"The ceiling?" Prowl inquired, not so certain about his partner's ability to properly think at the moment.
Jazz rolled his eyes, but didn't make mention of the mech's tone. "It's the weakest point here, plus" he made way for Prowl to look up to where he remembered the area to be at, "there's a trap door for flying mechas and emergencies. One quick press of a button will open it up, even under "safety protocols."" Prowl let out a hum in thought, seeming to analyse the situation.
"Possible, but where is this said button?"
"Behind the elevator, by the catwalk grating on top. There's a control panel, and one big red button, can't miss it."
"Would smashing it still get it to work?"
"Then I don't have any complaints."
"Good, now," Jazz went back to scanning the area, "how to cause a distraction?"
"Would that broken pipe be of any use?" Prowl made an effort to twitch his head over to the direction of what he wanted Jazz to see. And just as the mech stated, there, by the first floor of the elevator, stood a broken pipe, steam coming out of it.
Jazz smirked "it would actually. If we can get somethin' to shoot at it, we might cause an explosion, giving us time to jump up without being the target anymore."
"Sounds like a plan." Prowl shrugged.
"Don't have anything to add?" Jazz asked a bit surprised.
"No, I don't." The pilot didn't push.
"Okay. Well, let's get these bastards shootin." In quick motion, they made way to the elevator, already hearing the commands to shoot fire, 'but watch for the machines!' Weapons were loaded from above as well, shooting down at the two runaways once again.
Jazz made sure to move swiftly behind the mechas, making sure they were shielded properly. Any gaps they had to cross was a small risk they needed to take, scrapes and scratches being left in its wake, but tried not to do it too often, just enough that they could follow them. They eventually reached where the pipes were, Jazz took a deep breath.
"Ready, big guy?"
They stepped foward, making sure to call the attention towards where they were, but quickly retrieting back behind the mechas suits as they shot directly where they wanted to hit. "Bingo."
Quickly, activating Prowl's thrusters, they leaped over to the metal grates that stood above them as the pipes behind them burst, causing a huge commotion as empty mechas fell down and whatever machine near the crossfire tumbled down. Prowl let out a gasp as he felt the world around him spin, the grating beneath them not being of any help as it shook with his weight. Jazz was quick to hold on, helping the mech stablise himself before aiming with his left foot to kick the big red button with their ticket out of here, the motion causing his vision to flash in pain, but he bit his toung until he could taste iron and pushed forward.
Hearing the metal door above them open up, Jazz readied himself, but hesitated with the warning he'd received from Prowl's HUD from his low energon levels. He didn’t even get the chance to fully check on it though, Prowl quickly pushing them out of the way himself.
"I'll live, just one more push." The mech hastily reassured the human. Jazz wasn't inclined to belive it though, feeling the other's spark beat anxiously (and for some reason that made him feel slightly dizzy. Though he chalked it up to it being his possible concussion).
It took one shot to slip an inch away from Prowl's face for them to finally snap out of it and jump. One more push from his thrusters as they flew up through the trap door and landed on top of the roof with a grunt, the mech's left wing finally giving out.
But they weren’t in the clear yet. Looking out, a wasteland of a forest awaited them, with dense trees at the bottom.
"We'll have to make a jump for it. If we're lucky enough the trees will be big enough to hide us." Jazz supplied.
"45% of that happening. But we don't have much of another option at the moment." Prowl added
With all that being said, Jazz moved into action. With so much at stake, he had to, he couldn't waste another second in debating. Hefting Prowl up, he used all remaining strength to jump where they needed to go, but as the training grounds began to get closer than anticipated, Prowl knew they didn’t make the jump and that made the mech almost freeze.
Though Jazz had other plans, because as their impending flat doom approached in rapid speed, Prowl's remaining thruster burst to life and gave that final impusle they needed to reach the slope. They both braced themselves as they were thrown up and over to their intended destination, Prowl having half a mind to tighten his hold over his chest so none of the debris and impact could reach the fragile human still in his care.
They rolled down the slope, Prowl just barely being able to shift himself so that he was sliding on his back instead. The aggresive motion of going down a not so smooth path causing bigger cuts and slashes against his already damaged frame. But the only thing he could think of at the moment was that they made it.
Jazz was quick to let go of his control over Prowl, who in turn made an effort to sit properly. Though the sudden slamming to his servo made him look down worriedly, moving it slightly to see Jazz leaning on it desperately.
"Prowl-" he heaved, "Prowl put me down I'm feeling sick."
The mech panicked and quickly made move to help the human down, gently placing him on the grass below. Jazz made no effort in being graceful as he hurled over and puked his guts out, luckily avoiding Prowl in all of this.
Clutching his stomach in pain, his heaving and coughs agitating the injuries on his abdomen. Everything around him felt blurry and muffled as his body made sure to get everything he had eaten in the past day out of him.
What made him panic was the sudden taste of iron in his mouth as he coughed up whatever he had left inside. That's not good. And that definitely didn't escape the giant mech's notice, who kept a hovering servo near him.
"Jazz! Is that blood?!" His voice sounded so broken, static lacing over his words.
"Uh- Yeah. Yeah it is." He wasn't sure how to deny that really, and he felt too light-headed to try. But his attention diverted to the sudden pink glow that landed at the side of his vision.
Quickly looking up, he finally got a glance at his partner's battered condition. Energon leaked from many different parts of his body, but the main source being from his missing arm. Jazz couldn't help but cringe at that.
But what hurt him the most to see was the weak light from the mech's optics, which still held visible concern on them. Despite being close to going into offline, he still looked at Jazz as if he's about the crumble into dust and leave him. Which he honestly, maybe, felt like. But seeing Prowl's optics flicker as they fought to stay online, Jazz panicked
"What 'bout you?!" He called back, catching the bot off guard. "You're losing too much energon! You look like you're about to go offline!"
Prowl cringed a little, not having anything to counter that. "Well that's because I-"
"No! I'm only a little bit dizzy, but I'll live. We need to patch you up right now!"
"I can help with that."
The new voice catches the duo off guard, Prowl immediately reaching out to Jazz, hand shielding the human from whoever that might be. Jazz looked down from where he was looking at Prowl and turned to see who it was that the voice came from.
There standing in front of them was a human carrying a simple tool box and a huge backpack strapped over one shoulder, filled with questionable things.
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BEFORE YOU LEAVE, a little something I would like to point out for the fic, that some of yall with either like or not, during the process of writing this, I've seen a few posts keferon made about the spark being radioactive and such, and it sorta made me think a bit while developing Jazz's condition. So well, take Jazz's health in this as you will with this info :)
But anyways, yippie!! That's all for today folks! I hope yall enjoyed this one bc I definitely had a heck of a time writing this one XD
It got alot bigger than I anticipated and took much longer to finish than I originally planned (was supposed to be done 2 days ago).
Now, I know I keep saying "not sure if I'll make another part to this" but then proceed to do so anyways. But I mainly do so because everytime I shared it someone said something that added to the story somehow and gave me ideas to continue foward.
So like, if yall liked this and wanna see more, don't be shy to suggest/add anything to this as it may help inspire me to add more onto this, cuz honestly idk what the fuck I'm doing rn, I'm just going with the flow ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Also, a bit of note for the doodle, holy shit I did not expect it to look this good!! Tho I suffered with Jazz's suit, plz ignore any inaccuracies tee-hee. Prowl's knee and hands were hell too, especially his knee, but i could like, hide most of it lmao. Actually mainly struggled to not have his hand cover Jazz too much bc it kept covering the parts I actually wanted to show off lmao.
Oh and the guy at the end? Yall can take a good guess as to who it is :)
But since he doesn't have any official design, I kinda went with whatever felt right lol.
I also really wanted to draw out more scenes to add to the fic, but then it would take me a lot more time to actually post the fic as I figure out how to draw robots :'). But maybe I can try and doodle them out another time if I can, no promises tho-
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truly-quirkless · 7 months ago
The two were trying to quietly discuss- but Yagi could tell from the body language that the kid was getting ready to run.- Without a language as a point of reference, he'd tried to mime safety- but it would seem even that had failed to get through to the other. He blinked- eyes snapping to the new arrival on the scene.
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"Cody---?! If you mean the blue hedgehog, yes- he's right over here--- but why're you here???" Was this one of the kid's allies? Had he also been sent from another world-? But- "-how'd you even...?!" Wasn't he supposed to be in class?! It shouldn't be too surprising, given the kid's Quirk, but still...!!!
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"Shouldn't you be in class...????"
There was a pause from Kurai as if he was trying to process exactly what was happening. Then the whole hedgehog's face wrinkled in annoyance. "I can't understand a damn thing..." He forgot that outside of Smash Island, he didn't understand anybody.
The anxiety was rising again, and he hoped his shaking wasn't too obvious to those outside the bush. Even if they were keeping calm and their distance, didn't mean they were safe.
He was in a strange world that was way too bright, way too hot, and surrounded with various strangers that he didn't understand.
Kurai couldn't help but start the growling again, fangs bared as his quills started to point out. The anxiety was a bit too much and he was ready to bolt again.
"Kurai!" A familiar voice. Familiar enough to cause the hedgehog to pause. "Where is he?!" Copy came to a stumbling halt a few feet away from the two humans. "Where's Kurai? He's here isn't he? I heard he was!"
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months ago
sorry I JUST sent you an ask but I just thought of Silco and Reader being like two catty old ladies- absolute besties that will catch up over a glass of wine and gossip like in that one clip where Wendy Williams says “Guess who’s jealous of Adele? BEYONCÉ.” And Silco just GASPS
men and minors dni
okay 'cause here's the thing, as much as sevika LOVES gossiping and gossip in general, she's terrible at it.she can keep a secret to her grave, and she's incredibly intuitive and good at reading people, but she refuses to prod into people's business.
so it's no wonder that the two people she's closest to in the world are huge gossips.
there are a lot of upsides to it. you, silco, and sevika can almost always be found bitching after a hard week together, trading little bits of gossip about the people around town and cackling together as you joke and unwind.
sevika loves that you and silco are close outside of her. it makes her feel like she's got her own little family.
and it's surprisingly helpful in her line of work to always be up to date on who's fucking, and who's fighting.
but, then again... being close with two expert gossipers means sevika's never able to keep a secret from one of you for long.
she'll be having a rough period, think she's hiding it well, then silco will approach her by the end of the day with a grimace and a cigar. "your wife told me about your condition this week. i apologize for making you work so hard today, i wasn't aware."
if she and silco get in an argument that lasts longer than two days, you're always sure to stick your nose in their business and sort it out for them.
"sevika, you've got dinner with silco tonight. he's taking you to an apology steak night. he's got his statement all written out, i'm sure you'll accecpt." you tell her on her way out of the door in the morning.
sevika sputters. "what makes you so sure?!"
"i helped him write it! i know you-- i know how to patch things up with 'ya." you tease, pinching her cheek.
sevika just scowls and takes off for work, your giggle replaying like music in her head for the rest of the day.
and sometimes, really, all sevika wants to do is spend time with you, but you're too busy talking shit with silco.
"so... guess who's jealous of ran?" silco asks slowly as he lights up a cigarello.
sevika watches with a mixture of exhaustion and adoration as you lean forward in your chair, gasping an excited, "who!?"
you burst into applause and laughter, and sevika groans and rolls her eyes, joining you on the couch for a night of gossip she's certain to fall asleep half way through.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@strawberrykidneystone @sevikasfan @fict1onallyobsessed @greenhazes
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all4yoi · 1 year ago
was it just a game to you?
𝑒nhypen x fem!reader ⚹ cw. hyung line , 2nd pov , ︎ poor attempt on angst , lowercase intended , hand holding ( not w u! xd ) , karina mentioned on heeseung's & wonyoung on sunghoon's , not proofread ! part two here !
catching them holding hands with another girl after they accepted your confession 
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confessing to them was already on your monthly bucket list, but them accepting it and liking you back certainly wasn't. feeling ecstatic, you walk towards your university's glass doors only to find him holding hands with a female that certainly isn't you.
eyes trained on their hands clutched tightly on to one another, you watch silently as the girl smiled up at him shyly, tucking a strand of her hair with her empty hand.
doubt began overtaking you. right, who would choose someone like you over someone like karina? she was everything you weren't. perfect face, perfect body, she's kind, and absolutely beautiful. if you were heeseung, you would choose her too.
you flinched as you made eye contact with the girl holding hands with someone who should be yours. she sent you a smile, a genuine one. not mocking, nor insulting. she didn't have any idea about the conversation last night you shared with the man she's holding hands with.
she didn't know about how he smiled at you brightly, didn't know about the hug you two shared, and absolutely didn't know about how he said he liked you too. so how could you hate and blame her?
before you could even send a smile back at her, heeseung turned around and instantly took his hand back when his gaze landed on your stiff body.
instead of making a scene, you showed them the best smile you could muster despite the quiver on your lips before quickly walking away towards your first class.
heeseung panicked, turning to karina.
"you're a great friend karina, but i don't feel the same. i'm sorry."
with that, he ran after you hoping you would hear him out and let him explain.
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other members utc!
you felt your mood instantly drop. yesterday he promised he would prove to you how much he liked you back too, now he's holding hands with a pretty girl.
your eyes quickly met his and the way he quickly took his hand back from the girl made you even more upset. you watched as the female said something incoherent to him before he approached you hastily.
he stood infront of you, worry written all over his face. your frowned deepened, betrayal making your chess heavy.
"it's not what it looked like, i promise." jay whispered that only you could hear. he didn't want you doubting his feelings for you, he was merely helping the girl up after he had bumped into her. she insisted on shaking his hand after telling him her name, it was such wrong timing that you saw.
he didn't mean to hurt you.
"it's okay. i'll see you later jay." was all you said before walking away with a small smile. he watched your figure become smaller and smaller until he lost your figure to the students crowding the halls.
despite the smile on your pretty face, jay knew he had hurt you badly and he intended on fixing that. for now, he'd give you space.
his hand was instantly removed from hers as soon as you saw it. you didn't know what to feel. were you supposed to be glad that he immediately let her go as soon as your eyes met his? still, you don't know for how long he has been holding her hand before you even saw.
but then again, you two weren't together. so who were you to be mad? he liked you back sure, but he wasn't your boyfriend. he could hold hands with anyone he'd like. but was it bad to hope that he'd only do those things with you?
you couldn't help the tears falling down your cheeks. immediately, you felt ashamed. ashamed for crying about something so stupid like this, so you did what everyone would've done.
you ran, ignoring his desperate calls for you. and even when he caught up with you and brought you to his chest, the tears didn't stop. you mentally cursed yourself for being so sensitive.
pushing yourself away from him, you wiped away the tears.
"i can explain, please."
"it's fine jake, really. i just wish you would've been more honest with me." lips wobbly as you attempted a small smile, jake's heart broke as he watched you walk away from him again.
you didn't know what to do. there he was, holding hands with the prettiest girl in campus with other students fawning over them. exclaims on how good they looked together echoed through your ears.
maybe he only said he liked you back to make fun of your reaction with his friends. maybe it was a lousy bet between him and his friends to make you believe he actually liked you back.
"don't they look absolutely good together? seriously, sunghoon and wonyoung, literally everyone here expected them to get together at some point" a random student told you, her smile wide as she observed the two, who were still holding hands.
the way he stiffened and dropped her hand as soon as your eyes met his brought you back to reality. blending in with the crowd in the halls, you attempted to escape his line of sight, desperate to leave before the tears in your tear ducts escape.
you were forced to halt when you felt a strong grip on your forearm. sunghoon turned you around to face him, his brows furrowed whilst he bit his bottom
"y/n.." he gulped as he saw how your eyes got teary immediately. "i'm sorry, it's not like that at all."
"so why were you holding her hand? with the biggest smile on your face?" he kept his mouth shut, unable to form an answer. this only made you frustrated even more.
pulling your arm back, you cleared your throat and looked down on your shoe. "you could've turned me down instead of making me hope- nevermind.. see you around."
sunghoon watched you walk away from him helplessly, mentally beating himself up for not clearing things up.
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dragonsoulage · 4 months ago
The sweetest treat of all...you
feat. L Lawliet
What better way could exist then to get himself focused again, then to have the sweetest treat of all to himself? His sweet maid that was devine in every way.
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Hello together, in this short story you are a maid from L. And well idk for some reason I just really craved something like this xD so I hope you enjoy, this is btw my first kinda smutty thing I wrote so here we are ☠️ and I suck in proof reading lol.
Warnings: It's smut, oral sex (f recieving), squirting, fingering
Wordcount: 2,2k
You never thought you would end up right here now when you were employed as a personal maid to the one and only L. You were indeed absolutely fitting, a good maid, kept everything clean, and you were just seen when necessary. You worked quickly and efficiently. Even when you weren't a part of the task force—that way, everyone adored you. It was nearly like you knew what everyone needed. Always doing your work with such determination and devotion. You always put up with L's quirks. Like serving everything he needed, you learned how he liked it. Leanred how he functioned. You never knew why, though, but you did what would help him to solve the case. Serving tea at the perfect temperature. Bringing the cake, he probably would like the most right in this moment. Although you sometimes even worried a little since he worked nonstop.
But oh little did you know a way to unwind would be him nose deep inside your cute pussy.
You were on the couch, his slender fingers grabbing your thighs, spread out for him. After all, you were his personal maid; you were there to fulfill his every need, right? You were already squirming, and your hands tugged gently on his fluffy raven hair as he shamelessly wiped his tongue over your pussy. "So sweet..." You heard him mumble before he drove right back in. And this went on...for like forever. You already had like your 3rd orgasm. But the detective had other plans. For some reason, he developed a liking for you. Indeed, he was really aware of that and tried to observe what was happening to him when he saw you. Or simply, when he got a whiff of your perfume because you stood next to him, he always turned his head to look at your adorable face.
Although it was so not for him to just get attached to someone, he got attached to you. You have done your job for a while now. Always so good and responsible. He never complained about you. He felt urges. He usually never felt at all. Like the feeling he wanted to taste you. Since men in his surroundings spoke about eating out pussy and how sweet it would taste. L liked sweet treats; they helped him to concentrate.
And you, for sure, were adorable. So right the moment when you had served some cake, L turned around to you. "I would like to have another treat. Something that would help stimulate my brain a little more." He said to you in his monotone voice, looking at you with his dark eyes crouched in his chair. You smiled before you went through the options—what would be the best now, but he interrupted you.
L wasn't the social butterfly, so instead of beating around the bush, he was straight forward. "No cake indeed, and no candy. I would like to have you." His thumb was on his lower lip as always when he was thinking. He tilted his head slightly, watching your reaction. You were frozen for a second and then simply blinked at him. "W-what do you mean?" You asked, and your cheeks flushed with that cute pink shade. He fell for you even when L was so composed. The detecitve cleared his throat then. You had been a lot on his mind lately, and he couldn't afford distractions—the only way to not be distracted would be when he finally would satisfy a certain craving. "Please tell me when this is uncomfortable. I am simply not used to ask for things like that. And I will be perfectly fine when you say no. So don't hesitate or be afraid...to even say no." It was cute in his little weird way. Wanting to have you comfortable even when he did not know at all how he should ask about the fact he wanted his tongue deep inside your pussy.
"I... am listening, so please go on." You said you wiped your hands on your apron. You tried to gain back composure. "When you let me, I would like to taste your pussy." He finally said to you.
And then... God, you didn't even remember how you ended up shaking on the couch. You agreed yes, but he already got 3 orgasms out of you; you were only able to remember your own name. Your cute maid dress was raised up to your waist. Panties pulled down somewhere on the ground. His tongue lapping at your hot slit. Savoring every drop and taste that he could get from your pussy. And you, well, you were the best sweet treat he ever had. Better than any chocolate cake could be. He crouched in front of you on the floor. Just holding your thighs open, that sometimes tried to close because you were so overstimulated. And these cute little noises—he loved to simply listen to you.
"L...I can't take more." You whined your eyes shut close when you felt his tongue flicking over your poor clit. Your pussy is just so responsive to his touches; all his attention is now laid on you. A rare thing for the detective. "But I barley got a taste...besides that." The pale man between your legs spoke muffled against your soaping wet folds. Before his dark eyes looked up, trying to see your expression. "You look gorgeous when you cum. When I wouldn't be needed in other things, I probably would eat you out all day." He told you, and you got him hooked. Your pussy is sweeter than honey; his own personal meal only he could enjoy. His sweet maid being spread out for him, with that heaven between your legs. When he knew pussy eating would be such a thing for him, he would have done that sooner. Your back arched off again when he nibbled on your clit, your hands tugging on his hair, and he groaned when you pulled his head closer—so much to the fact you said you couldn't take any more. Your juices were running down his chin, and his tongue was plunging deep, wiggling its way inside. God, every time you tried to close your thighs as if you wanted to crush his head between your legs. Although he wouldn't mind that at all. But he kept your thighs wide open for better acces.
"Fuck, going to cum again when you don't stop...L...I am shaking." You moaned, barley, able to breathe properly. Before he simply pulled you closer on your hips, sucking your clit between his now glossy lips. "So damn devine..." He murmured while watching how your lips shaped in a pretty 'oh' because of his ministrations. And then you came again, hard and shaking, but not quiet the result he wanted. He wanted you to let go, to simply gush out on his face, and to cum. Just so he could slurp up your sweet juices. His face slowly faded away from your folds, looking at them and how damn sloppy he ate you out.
Before he lifted his head and L's thumb, smearing the combined juices along your cunt, you shuddered. "You can give me more, right?" He asked, his voice laced with a desire you never thought you would hear. You were so overstimulated that you shook your head, although secretly you wanted him to keep going. He lifted an eyebrow, and his lips formed a smirk before he wiped your juices off with his sleeve. "No? But I read about the fact that women can be brought to multiple orgasms until they simply burst. Kinda want to put that theory to the test, pretty maid." Usually, L wasn't one for nicknames, but after seeing how it affected you in moaning louder, he knew what he needed to say.
Curiously, he looked down at your bare cunt again. "Are you really going to try to make me squirt?" You asked just looking at him with these cum drunken doe eyes. So pretty. Alone every time you quivered, when his thumb circled your clit in slow circles, it made you clench around nothing. You squirmed nearly as if you wanted to run away. His arm held you still. "When this means I get a good taste of you again, then yes, I want to make you squirt." L meant before his slender fingers touched along your slit. His fingers are kind of long; probably they would reach that point that would make you a sobbing, sweet mess. All this just to satisfy his cravings. "I never did that before; probably it isn't going to work either." You wanted to explain, in your little shy and cute way, why you couldn't. But your pussy was already pulsating and dripping with need. But then two fingers interrupted you when they entered. Your pretty pussy clenching around them.
He worked his tongue on you. Two digits stretched you deliciously. His long and slender fingers had you gasping. And He watched closley how you reacted. So eager and so focused to make you squirt just so he could get all the candied nectar for himself. "So about that special spot, sweet girl." He started giving your swollen clit a short kiss before his lips were replaced with his thumb, which drew out some pressure on your bud. "I still need to locate it; make you all the more sensetive." L told you, and he tilted his wrist a little, and then, oh, he crooked his fingers. Your eyes widen with shock and bliss, your jaw hanging open before you wanted to throw back your head. "Think I found it." You could listen to the satisfied hum in his voice. And it had you moaning even louder, your chest heaving. Your pussy is so sloppy and wet. Squelching all around his fingers. "Fuck...oh God, fuck." Was all you could say. You looked away simply because you were so shy and literally were cumming on the hand and mouth from the world's best detective.
Until you felt another hand on your face, your chin, he gently grabbed as he averted to him. Besides the fact that L was aroused himself; he wanted you to come undone; it would be turning him on more than he said out loud. L wanted your eyes on him because it was just so cute how shy your face flushed. "Eyes on me, little maid. It increases the level of arousal by about 90 percent." He told you, his own erection straining against his pants. Your droopy eyes tried to look at him; oh, you struggled so adorable. While his fingers were pumping inside you, stroking that gummy part of you that made you see stars as you whimpered.
L found himself quiet fond of the way your striking eyes looked at him, your cheeks flushed and your chest heaving. Your plump lips parted. Before he lowered his head again, his tongue lapping out to flick over your poor swollen bud. His eyes still looking through his messy black hair watching you squirm and buck up your hips. You were so close, he could tell it. His movements with his fingers are simply growing to be more precise. So much so that you tried to take his hand from you, but he kept his fingers hooked inside your pussy. "It feels weird; I... am not going to last." You breathed out thighs shaking already, but he then sucked on your clit. "It's normal you feel that way. It is said that female orgasm can be quite powerful when stimulated in the right way. Just so much, you have the feeling you would burst." The usual so composed detective explains while still being busy with your pussy. "Come on, sweet maid, give me what I crave." L urged you, and oh, as on command, your orgasm rolled over you. Legs shaking and breath hitching. Your back arched off the couch. Your sweet juices gushing out slightly onto his face as he slurped up the syrupy juices from your cunt, indeed lapping up in every corner. You were devine, a treat he never would want to pass. His fingers allowed the pace to slow down before he slid them out. "Such a sweet girl." L murmured while he still kissed your spent pussy, still getting every last drop of you; nothing would go to waste. Finally, he had what he craved—the taste he yearned for so badly—this distraction was gone.
But as you watched him between your thighs, you weren't unaware of this immense bulge. Now L had another problem that would need to be satisfied by his cute maid. "Well, now it's your turn." You said and tilted your head. L caught a little off guard, as he was feeling the pulsing need in his loins. He sat there and analyzed you. But before he could say anything clever, you were a little faster. Maneuvered you two so you were now straddling his lap, grabbing his hands to lay them on your hips, when you started to ground slowly and sensually over his boner, still tugged away in his pants. "I heard that it increases the level of arousal by about 95 percent." You chuckled watching how he simply looked up at you, and there...a small whimper left his lips. "And 100 percent when I take your dick inside me." You were always a shy one, but right now, after you saw how greedy L was for your pussy, you got a moment of confidence. Wanting to make the analytical boy panting... 
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yanderes-galore · 1 month ago
Hi hope it’s not too late to request from lmk , can I please request yandere Monkey king romantic hcs with a darling who refuses to be immortal with him or if you wanna add some comedy what if reader without knowing is avoiding it XD Monkey king offers reader a peach , reader doesn’t like peaches , Reader is feeling under the weather , Monkey king offers her some pills turns out reader already got some pills with her XD
Huh... Sure! I can try my best ^^ Here's my ideas on the topic. Made it female due to the pronouns used in the ask.
Yandere! Sun Wukong with Darling trying not to be immortal
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Deception, Forced Immortality, Existential crisis, Consenusal turned forced relationship.
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Being an immortal being can no doubt be lonely at times.
Wukong had learned this a long time ago when he realized he kept losing his closest companions.
While nowadays Wukong is considered a famous hero surrounded by adoring fans, sometimes he still feels... upset.
If Wukong ever wanted to love someone... especially a human... He'd have to deal with their mortality at some point.
But... Sun Wukong would never fall for a human.
Then he met you and immediately got reminded of his fear.
He couldn't help it, really....
You're such a pretty girl in his eyes, someone who MK met and befriended.
Now, through his student, Wukong got to meet you.
He hates to say he was smitten at first sight... tail swaying whenever he looks at you, golden eyes wide while his face feels hot...
How sudden....
Wukong wasn't expecting to be enraptured by such a pretty thing.
Yet here he was, struggling to keep himself in check when he talks to you.
He really does try to keep things slow.
He watches over you, protects you, and acts super playful around you.
I'm talking Wukong probably pounces on you, hugs you, wraps his tail around you....
Honestly, sometimes his attraction to you isn't subtle.
He's met beautiful women and celestial beings before.
Yet... You have caught his eye in this lifetime.
Unlike any other, too.
He's never fallen this bad for a human woman before.
His first desire has always been to protect you, to keep you from harm.
You may even be aware of his feelings, of how infatuated he is.
Maybe not the degree... but you can tell with how playful he is that he's in love.
Yet while Wukong can protect you from demons and other threats... There's one thing that will take you from him eventually.
Your own mortality.
While he has thought of this fear before, you made him temporarily forget it.
He's been more focused on your pretty face and adorable mannerisms.
But occasionally, when left alone with his thoughts...
Wukong wonders what will happen if you do die of old age...?
Wukong may not act on this until years into his obsession.
Maybe for this concept you two are actually involved.
You eventually go into a relationship with Wukong, which pleases the monkey king greatly.
Now he can protect you properly.
Unfortunately... His fears tend to make Wukong seem distant.
Sure, he has you, but for how long?
How long until your time is up?
You no doubt notice this with Wukong when you're around him.
Late at night when you sleep beside him at his home, Wukong seems to be deep in thought.
His golden eyes are often worried... You're aware he gets nervous about potential threats...
But you had no clue how bad it was.
You always comforted him by pulling him close, petting his fur as you cuddled him.
It never solves the problem.
While you may be comfortable with your mortality as a human, Wukong isn't.
You may learn of his fears in passing conversation.
"Do you ever wish for immortality?"
When you decline, saying you're happy with your current lifespan, Wukong stays silent.
You know he worries about losing you... That's the downside of being immortal...
Yet you never wished for the same lengthened lifespan.
Wukong probably would make his partner immortal.
You're not like most humans to him...
You're special, you're his, you're practically soulmates to him....
Would he manipulate you into it? I can see it.
While deception is more of a Macaque thing... Wukong is still quite capable of it.
Honestly, he's stolen a Peach of Immortality before...
I can see him using MK or himself to get another one to trick you into eating it.
He doesn't expect you to eat it willingly.
Who knows, maybe like you said you really don't like peaches?
So... What's exactly stopping him from hiding it in your food?
Even if you weren't partners, you'd probably trust him enough to accept a gift of good from him.
You wouldn't realize until it's too late that he's tricked you.
"You can be mad, I expect it... but soon you'll thank me. Now you and I are together, forever, for all of eternity. Isn't it exciting, peaches?"
It isn't exciting, it's nerve-wracking.
Now you'll be outliving all your friends and family.
Due to Wukong's selfish desire to not be alone, he isolated you.
Now he's the only one you have.
He will be for many years to come.
Wukong tries to tell you it won't be so bad, that you'll love being with him like you always have...
Yet you're already calculating how long you have with him.
To Wukong, making you immortal soothes his own fears and keeps you as his... To him, it's a happy ending.
To you? Well...
It only gives you more fears when you think of the future with him.
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luimagines · 4 months ago
Hiii ! I saw that request were open so I jumped ! I hope they are still open as I saw in the rule that it was writed closed so I'm not sure. If they are closed, then sorry 😅
Could you maybe write about Twilight and Wild (separately) with their married partner during the travel with the chain ? Like they meet them in an Hyrule bc they were transported too, the chain reached to the fact they are married and any domestic kind of ideas about them traveling together! Or anything that come to you haha
Thank you very much ! I hope you're doing good! Bye bye ❤
Oh sure thing! Some Twilight and Wild domesticity, coming right up!! (Let's pretend that it's a word. XD)
Content under the cut!
"What are you doing here?!" Twilight had scooped you up at once, hugging you with enough force to lift you off of your feet.
His actions, while tender were loving, were nothing compared to the sheer terror in his voice as he spoke. Twilight didn't hesitate to instantly check you over. He didn't want to see you injured. He didn't want to see so much a single scratch.
"I thought you were going to stay home!!"
"I did!" You defend yourself. "...And then the portal you mentioned appeared in the middle of the village. I offered to go find you before any one of the children would become too curious and go in first."
"Crazy, impulsive, reckless-"
"Stop calling yourself names." You poke his chest. "I didn't come unprepared. I wasn't sure if I would actually run into you or not. But I couldn't risk it with the children beginning to poke their noses around it."
"Did the portal close behind you?" Twilight run his hands over your hair, soothing down all the nonexistent frizz that you would have collected on your journey otherwise.
You nod. "It's just me."
"Ordana and her small mercies." He sighs, bringing in for a kiss.
The others whistle and cheer, getting the idea of just who you are to their resident Rancher.
You pull back with a lovestruck smile on your face. "I've missed you too."
He smiles and wraps his arms around once more, keeping his hug firm but not crushing like before. "I'm terrified that you're here, you know that right?"
"I know." You whisper. "I'm sorry. I know I promised to not give you any reason to worry."
"You did." Twilight stresses, poking the side you're sensitive on. He's trying to subtly tickle you and it is not fair. "You owe me. You broke your promise."
You squirm and smack his chest playfully. "And what would you have me do? Make dinner tonight?"
Twilight freezes a bit as he processes your words. You internally grin. You won this round. He nods and kisses your cheek. "I would love that. I've missed your food."
"It's been a while since I've cooked over a fire though." You admit. "It might not taste the same."
"I'll have anything." Twilight smirks. "I'm a good eater and you know it."
"We're still here you know!!" Four shouts from behind you both. "We can see all of this!"
Twilight gives him a playful glare and the bird for good measure.
You laugh. "Are you going to introduce me to the friends you told me about?"
"I don't know." Twilight pouts, hugging you tighter and he tucks his head against you. "I don't think I want to anymore."
"We're not that bad!"
Twilight gives them another rude gesture.
It makes all of you laugh.
"I like them already." You pat your husband on the head.
He groans. "I was afraid you'd say that."
To say that Wild was the more chaotic one of the group was frankly, a solid statement.
Not that the others are known for their stoicism and stable tendencies. It's just that Wild tends to be a freer spirit than many bargain for.
That until, you came along.
They had found in the middle of a dungeon. Which promptly made Wild lose his mind.
He fussed over as if you had broken every bone in your body. He was suddenly glued to your hip and eyeing all his brothers as if they themselves were threats to you.
In the confusion and chaos, it is revealed (through a not so quiet private conversation) that you both were married to one another, and that you had no idea how you got there. You had gone about your usual routine before slipping to the well beside your house and finding yourself here.
Once you all had exited the dungeon it was revealed that were very much not home.
Wild was suddenly more subdued. More alert. More... something the others couldn't quite put their finger on. He was sneaking off less, doing less crazy stunts, paying more attention to the plans.
It doesn't really make sense why until you were braiding his hair after a warm meal.
"You know, Link-" You say, ignoring the way eight other faces turn to look at you. You're talking to your husband right now. "I see that you want to go exploring sometimes. You can afford to spend a little time away from me. I won't wander off."
Wild snorts. "Are you trying to push me away?"
"Nonsense. You know I love being with you." Your fingers card through his hair gently. Wild has his eyes closed in bliss. "I'm just saying you can afford to still do as you please. I know that you're dying to see the world again."
"No." He says, surprising everyone. "I'm good."
"I'm your husband." He stresses. "I have to take care of you. This is not a burden for me. Besides, you're far prettier than some flat rock on a mountain. I'd much rather look at you."
You smack his head playfully. "What am I going to do with you? You don't need to protect my every waking moment."
"I'm surprised he's this calm with you." Warrior puts his cheek into his palm. "Half the time he's trying to blow stuff off and give us all aneurisms."
You laugh while Wild gives him a glare. "Well excuse me, I don't need to give my marriage mate any more reason to worry. Besides, the last thing I'd want is for them to join me."
You laugh harder. "He's right. I will."
"Wait- I thought he would have been the crazy one in the relationship."
"I would have thought that too." Wild sighs. "But turns out, I have to be their impulse control since they wouldn't think twice about joining me in any shenanigans."
You pretend to pout. "You never let me in on the fun."
"You could get hurt!"
"So mean."
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sonchiildren · 4 months ago
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☆ @regulus-regent ☆ —  (* soft family things)
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‘ i’m not asking you, i’m telling you. ’ //for Trunks!
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"B-but dad — !!"
Arguing with his father right now probably wasn't going to get him anywhere, he knew this. Once his mind was made up on something, the Saiyan Prince rarely ever diverted from it — not less he was absolutely forced to. There were only a small handful that could ever force that too.
Trunks...was not one of them. Than again, he was both his mother and his father's son with their stubbornness running through his veins. He had that in spades.
Still, there was the feeling that Vegeta wasn't going to budge on this. Stubbornness or not, there was no amount of begging or pleading that the young half-Saiyan could muster up that would change it. Not that he was going to beg.
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kiyo-cant-write · 3 months ago
Heyya, I have comeback with an idea. I'm sure you'll like it too. Still I will bring this guy up, but you can add your favorite .
So Yuu got sick, heavily sick. The boys sometimes comes to visit and take care of Yuu. i also found out that when someone got sick, they crave sweet and carbs. So imagine Yuu heavily sick, walking down the stair of their own dorm craving sweet. Just to get sweet jam and bread and they seemed to be a brink of passing out, unless they got their sweet jam bread.
As always I bring Silver, but you can add your own favorite character too if you want.
- 🎵 anon
silver & malleus with a sick!reader ✧・゚
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Hello anon! I am so sorry this took me so long! My health and uni work always takes precedence but I do love writing for this blog even if I lack the time to do so... ^^
I like writing for Diasomnia, they're silly xD Malleus is my favorite but I love them all sm. I added Lillia as a guest star only but was tempted to make him his own scenario... Maybe next time.
Thank you for requesting!!!
Note for everyone that I have a few requests left from earlier to get done before the close of the year and then everything else sent from here on will not be posted until 2025 January. Please keep this in mind, thank you for supporting me!
Summary: The reader gets taken care of by Silver/Malleus when sick.
TW/CW: mentions of illness/symptoms
Notes: pre-relationship, the reader is Ramshackle Prefect/Yuu, they/them pronouns for the reader, Malleus' "incident" is from canon
Guest Stars: Lilia Vanrouge. Grim
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Silver has been sick a few times when he was young.
However, he quickly built a strong immune system from having to eat Lilia's cooking and train as a child.
The last time Silver was especially sick was when he was 8 or 9.
Because of his experience with humanity, he knows a bit about treating illnesses. Still, he would rather ask someone to be sure.
Unsure of whether the school nurse would be busy or not, he selects his father (Lilia) to ask. Father is very knowledgeable.
Between Lilia's advice and his own knowledge, Silver is prepared enough and manages to be a help not a hindrance.
He does get into a small spat with Grim, though, for invading Grim's territory.
Silver wasn't sure what was happening, but the pot hadn't boiled over even with his nodding off. Still, he was surprised that the kitchen was still usable. At first, he had planned to tough it out himself when [Name] got sick but he now had the help of his father and Grim (though Grim had initially tried to burn Silver for entering his esteemed territory).
"Isn't it easier to work together?" Silver asked, directing his question to Grim who huffed despite agreeing with the white-haired boy.
"Myaa, I guess so."
Grim's tail flicked in annoyance with the situation. He had become even more irritable since finding that he was not allowed to be a glutton with the soup they were making. It wasn't for him and Grim seemed offended by that fact.
"Silver," Lilia said a moment later, "Are you sure I can't add things to this? I know of some hearty things sure to get [Name] back to good health."
Lilia held up something that Silver trusted less than he'd trust Sebek with a chainsaw. It was a vibrant purple and somehow also a neon green and smelled strange, reminding Silver of the strange things he had eaten as a child whenever he was sick. Lilia cared, surely, but those plants were... bitter and sometimes nauseating to even imagine.
He shook his head. That could not be fed to an already-sick [Name].
They would get sicker!
"No, you know how I feel about your soup. I just needed help chopping things since [Name] might be sick for a while."
Lilia shrugged.
"More for me later then~" he told Silver.
Silver did not ask about that comment.
"Are they going to be okay?" Grim asked, pawing Silver.
"Certainly," the boy assured, "They just seem to have something that will take some time and rest to recover from."
"If you say so..."
Silver wished he was better with words and could reassure Grim of [Name]'s safety. However, he wasn't sure what to say or how to explain it. He was focusing so intently on the soup and on staying awake that little else could enter his mind.
The room filled with the gentle aroma of the homemade soup as the recipe was completed. Silver turned off the burner.
"And I can't have some?" Grim asked, whining.
"You can have some of my veggies~" Lilia told him with a smirk.
"NO! THAT'S POISON!" Grim shouted, ducking behind Silver for protection from the feared veggies Lilia held.
"Surely, it isn't. I promise," Lilia chuckled darkly.
"Father, don't harass Grim," Silver chided the old fae, "And Grim, you can have some but most of it is for [Name] if we want them to recover well."
Grim nodded slowly.
Silver ignored the continued bickering between his father and Grim as he ladled soup into a bowl. It was warm and filled with all kinds of [normal] vegetables. It should help them!
"No, no, it's good for you."
"You won't know unless you try it."
Silver placed the bowl onto a wooden tray that [Name] had in a drawer in the kitchen. This would be easy to carry up the stairs to [Name]'s room. Holding a bowl of hot soup might... hurt. It was rather hot, but hot food was good for someone who was sick.
He considered asking Grim to come with him but when he turned to head towards the bedroom, both Grim and his father were gone. Where had they gotten off to? Were they fighting? If they were fighting he might try and stop them...
But he needed to focus on [Name]'s health.
He knocked on the door.
"[Name]? Are you awake?" he asked but he only heard some coughing in return, "Alright, well I'm coming inside."
He pushed the door open and walked up to the bed. There sat [Name], coughing softly with a flushed face and sweaty forehead.
"Hey, Sil," they managed after the coughing subsided, "Is that for me?"
They looked curiously at the tray and he leaned forward to set it on their lap, balancing it so it wouldn't spill and then pulling away.
"I made you some soup to quicken your recovery," he told them.
[Name] looked at the bowl and then at Silver.
"Aww, thank you," they said, coughing a few times because of the strain on their vocal cords, "That's really sweet... of you."
"I hope that it helps, I don't like to see you so uncomfortable."
"You made this for me so it'll help me for sure," they told him with a smile, "I appreciate this."
[Name] tried not to think of the implications of being cared for by someone like this... It was so domestic.
"Ah, well, I'm glad."
Silver offered them a soft smile which they returned.
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Malleus Draconia
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Malleus thinks that humans are very fragile. Too much so.
He hates to think that an illness could take [Name] from him.
This fae is also unfamiliar with human illnesses and remedies.
He consults Lilia on the proper way to heal a human.
However, in his inexperience with human technology... some things are lost in translation and what Malleus ends up doing is far from what Lilia meant or what would have helped.
Malleus considers that he should have asked Silver.
[Name], sick as they are, may have to explain what they need to Malleus even if it takes them some energy to do so.
Once he has a clear explanation of what to do... he will do it.
Even if his crazy OP magic ability gets in the way somewhat.
Somehow, through this, Ramshackle is not destroyed.
Malleus wasn't sure if this was right. Looking at the kitchen around him, he feared he might have made things more difficult for [Name]. What would they think when they awoke? The kitchen was in utter disarray, there were pots in the sink and ingredients on the floor.
This was all because of that damned thing.
Truly, Malleus did not have any of the patience needed for these human contraptions. What in the world did they invent them for if they didn't work? He sighed to himself as he imagined how easy this might have been otherwise.
Still, he was a respectful fae and he had promised [Name] weeks before to follow one rule when at Ramshackle: no giant shows of fae magic. At first, he had been insulted, but [Name] (and Lilia) had pointed out that his magic was strong and he could destroy the dorm. It pained him to imagine making them sad, so he had agreed.
"I'd best contact Lilia..." Malleus said to himself, knowing he was the only person in the dorm besides the illness-ridden [Name], Grim, and the ghosts who seemed frightened of him still.
Malleus: Lilia.
Lilia: hmm? what's up, malleus? :3
Malleus: [Name] is sick. What should I do?
Lilia: You can try to make some soup for them.
Lilia: Soup helps when humans are sick.
Lilia: I used to make some fire ones for Silver when he was a boy.
Malleus: Fire? Flames?
Lilia: Human slang. It means "good."
Clicking the picture Lilia had sent of his hand-written list, Malleus noted that these were all what was deemed as "healthy." Was this all supposed to go into the soup? Malleus wasn't sure. Some of it seemed like it wouldn't be the best-tasting soup if it were combined with the other things on Lilia's list.
Pumpkin sardine strawberry liver soup?
As Malleus continued to look through the list, his phone shut the app he was using accidentally. It must have crashed. Fiddling with the phone, Malleus tried but was unsuccessful in bringing the list back up. His frustrations crushed the phone to bits.
Well, isn't that just great? Another one is dead. Always difficult creatures, cell phones.
But Malleus was not going to give up so easily. This illness would not take his Child of Man from him. No, it would not. Putting what remained of his phone into his pocket (he would bother Lilia and Silver about it later), he turned back to the messy kitchen (all his own fault).
"I will make soup or die trying," he told himself, "I promise."
A few minutes passed and an explosion rang through the house.
"Mal... Malleus?? What are you doing?" [Name] asked, standing in the kitchen doorway and coughing from a mixture of sickness and inhaling the smoke from the (minor, in comparison to last time) explosion.
"Making your wellness soup."
Malleus said this as though it was obvious.
"Whatever soup it is, it's probably burnt," they told him, coughing again, "Cooking from scratch is hard, it's why I just have the canned stuff like Grim's tuna."
"Canned..." Malleus echoed.
That might have been easier, at least.
"Yeah, it's microwaveable," [Name] said, walking into the burnt kitchen to find the canned soup from the cupboard.
"Oh, I'm not allowed to touch those things. Lilia's orders."
Malleus disliked remembering that time.
"...What?" [Name] responded head in a cabinet.
Did they hear him right?
"There was an incident," Malleus said as an explanation.
It was not a very good explanation.
[Name] chose to ignore it and sighed. Must be a fae thing.
Holding the can, they opened it quickly and dumped the contents into a bowl in one motion, trying not to cough too much as they did so. If Malleus was going to blow up Ramshackle, it was probably better that they cooked for themselves.
Malleus seemed to be pouting in the background.
"You tried your best, I appreciate it," they told him.
"I am sorry about your kitchen."
"It's fine, Grim did worse trying to make a casserole with the ghosts. Something about it only needing 3 seconds in the oven if it was a certain temperature?"
[Name] laughed.
If they were smiling like that... How could Malleus stay upset? Besides, there was more he could do to help the sick human, right? Malleus was not going to leave [Name]'s side. Not now, not yet.
"That does make sense though. If it was hot enough would that not quicken the speed?"
[Name] gave the fae prince a look.
"Malleus Draconia, don't make me make a rule about no dragons cooking in my kitchen..."
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Thank you for reading! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Do NOT repost my writing/headcanons as your own >:c Check the top of my blog for the inbox status and read the rules before requesting. This is not a twst-only blog! ^^
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stolenviolet · 6 months ago
Where is this Baby Death AU I'm hearing so much about? I'm dumb and don't know how to do things on the internet, help! XD
Nah, you're a smart cookie! This website is just tough to navigate sometimes.
All you need to do is go to my blog.
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From there hit that cool little magnifying glass button.
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Then search 'Baby Death AU'
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That should pull up everything I've posted for it! (not a whole lot, I'll admit)
But if you don't feel like rummaging through those posts, I'll give you a quick summary:
When Voldemort hits Harry with the killing cure in the forest, the spell backfires (again). Only this time, it creates a life instead of taking one. This leaves the once prophesied enemies with a baby that holds quite a resemblance to the two of them. Confused and curious as to how this accrued, Harry and Voldemort agree to a truce and are now stuck Co-Parenting their 'happy little accident'.
However, what they don't realize is that this sweet buddle of joy is actually Death!
You see, Death wasn't very happy with Voldemort running around making horcruxes, so he seizes the opportunity to take mortal form in hopes of foiling any future plans the 'Dark Lord' may have for immortality.
What follows is a bunch of goofy hijinks as Death, Harry and Voldemort navigate their new life as a ...somewhat functional family.
Other things to note in this AU(so far):
-Harry is the 'Master of Death' in this AU (though he doesn't know this and still doesn't). Death even tried to call him 'Master', at first, but as a baby, the word proved to be too difficult to get out. This resulted in Harry being referred to as 'Ma' or 'Ma-Ma' (much to everyone's confusion, but hey! it stuck *shrugs*)
-Baby Death was given the name Thomas Sirius Potter. (this was the result of a twitter poll I took to help me pick out a name. personally i find it hilarious and very on brand for how harry would name his kid.)
-Thomas is a Hufflepuff! (also the result of a twitter pole.)
-Nagini is the only one who knows Thomas is Death.
-Voldemort and Bella used to be an item, but he broke it off after Thomas was...'born?'. Now she's constantly scheming up ways to win him back. Sadly for her, they never work.
-Harry and Voldemort do eventually end up 'together' but not until Thomas leaves for his first year at Hogwarts.
I think that should about cover it...OH! Hold on!
Here are some awesome fics that were written base on the original prompt 'When Voldemort hits Harry with the killing cure in the forest, it creates a life instead of taking one':
The Heir de la Mort by @rowena-rain
Bloody Gorgeous by @laserswordtraining
(be sure to mind the tags!)
Okay, now I'm done rambling. Thanks for the ask, and I hope you enjoy this silly little AU!
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keferon · 3 months ago
Ok i said i would do itater, but this was done for my sister who got really hurt and wanted comfort out of my drabble, shout out to you @saltynsassy31 XD
This will probably be very OOC bc again, i am NOT too acquainted with these characters
So apologies in advance, but i think this will still be very entertaining for you :]
So yeah, here's part 2!
Jazz was tired, they haven't given him much time to rest since he came back. And even if they did, it's not like he could rest anyways, thinking about....about Prowl.
No way he could have just left him, right? After everything....it just didn't feel right, and the way they spoke to him about it too. Call him crazy but something in his gut told him they were hiding something from him. But it just never seemed enough to push him to look into it (oh how he would regret that for the rest of his life)
Today was supposed to be a normal routine check to the new mechas, with new recruits coming in for him to teach.
Jazz was given a new mecha suit, despite his protests to it (which surprised even him honestly, but it just didn't feel right). He hadn't gotten the chance to see it yet, today was the day they would present the new model, though it was said to be in its early stages still.
He doesn't know how it happened, how he'd gotten here, but all he knew was that he had seen red. When he gotten to see his new mech suit, it seemed oddly familiar in touch, in fact something about it made him feel sick to his stomach.
Small dents and scarring coated the plating around the panels that opened to the cockpit. He recognised that plating, from crawling on it with his magnets, sleeping on them comfortably despite being made of metal (there was something so warm about it, but that warmth was....lost. He wanted to puke). But what broke the string holding him together, a scar, a scar so familiar it sent him back to the exact moment he witnessed his partner getting it in the first place.
Jazz had weilded that shut himself, they had gotten in a bad scuffle a while back, and with worry he wanted to try and make sure Prowl wouldn't be in too much pain before they could get some proper help.
"Jazz?" Someone called out to him. That was the last thing he remembered.
Now? Now he stood by the halls in which they didn't allow the likes of him inside, the halls in which the scientists worked on. He made a fast dash to the last room, the room one of the scientists told him had the one he was looking for (though he wasn't proud to admit he had perhaps aggressively gotten that answer out of the poor guy). He had a weird unknown blaster weapon with him that he had ripped from the mech suit he was supposed to try out (deep down, he hoped that weapon didn't belong to Prowl. He hoped that he wasn't too late), using that, he blasted the door open hoping that would keep anyone from stopping him from getting inside.
As soon as Jazz layed his eyes on the scene before him; his partner hanging from wires holding him into place, chain keeping him from leaving, mutilated almost beyong recognition save his face, and with a small weak staticked cry from his partner, "Jazz?" the small bit of awarness he had gained back was gone again. All he could do in that moment was to yell, a desperate cry that came from the pits of his lungs.
And in another flurry of motions he didn’t have complete control over, he was beating the ever living hell out of the prick who decided it was a good idea to mess with HIS partner! He didn’t even know how long he had been at it until the twisted man he called a boss scratched his face, small bits of blood flowing out. In shock and pain, he grabbed the man by the neck of his shirt and threw him to the otherside of the room. Once he was certain that he wouldn't be getting up again, he turned to face Prowl once more, running and calling out to him as he ran to scoop up his beloved's face, blurting out a mess of an apology.
"I'm so sorry, i shouldn't have brought you here- we, we need to get you out-"
Oh did the guilt eat him up from the inside, he- he shouldn't have brought him here. Prowl probably hated him right now, but the sudden distant bell of an alarm down the halls had him scrambling to his feet to try and make things right.
Suddenly, as adrenaline slowly faded off, he realised how much damage he had actually taken throughout his rampage, a limp on his left leg catching up to him. Stinging pain on his face and limbs, but he needed to keep moving, they weren't safe yet.
"I have to get you to a safe place," he mumbled, mostly to himself, "and- and then maybe call for help. Oh but who could i even go to?" As he spoke, he started to set Prowl's limbs free from it's chains, gods they were so damaged, he could barely look at the missing parts. But as he worked his way through, he let out small sighs of relief to see that at least, he seemed to not be missing some vital parts. He could still maybe make a run for it, if only he could stall the facility long enough-
"You really shouldn't have...."
Jazz turned in shock, Prowl's voice snapping him out of his panicked haze.
"Prowl..." if he wasn’t crying already, now he certainly was. Gods he fucked up badly.
Not having the courage to face the other just yet, he turned back to the chained leg he had been working on. Prowl didn't seem to have wanted an answer either way, sitting up as he watched the organic do his work (Jazz tried to ignore the missing arm).
As he finished getting rid of the chain, he got up again, letting out a hiss of pain from his injuries (which did not go unnoticed by the mech). Clutching his left side as a bleeding cut let out a terrible stinging sensation which he doesn't think he'll ever get used to, he walked over to the final limb stuck under chains. As he walked over, he briefed over the quick plan he thought of
"Look, i- i know you might not trust me right now-" a huff, almost soundling like a disbeliefing chuckle, was heard from the mech, Jazz ignored it. "But there is a place you can go to and hide, hide- hide until maybe i can get help or- or find a way to send you back-"
"You wouldn't make it that far." Prowl spoke, matter of factly, which got a hit under Jazz's skin
"I know that! Which is why you will make a run for it. There's an exit by the other side of this room where you can leave-"
A sudden realisation hit Prowl. Jazz wasn't planning on coming with him.
And the human nodded, seeming to understand that Prowl finally got what he was saying. As he reached the last final screw to Prowl's chains, he finished off what he was trying to say "I'll keep them busy long enough for you to leave," before he could finish, as the final screw was let lose and Prowl was free to move, he felt himself be lift up from the ground and let out a startled yelp. "Wha- HEY!"
It took Jazz being shoved inside Prowl's cockpit for him to realise that he had been picked up by the mech (maybe a possible concussion he thought to himself). Jazz couldn't even try to jump out as, despite it missing the plating to shut him inside, Prowl placed his servo up to close to exit.
Desperately and confused, Jazz called out, "What are you doing?!"
To be entirely honest, Prowl wasn't sure himself, he was just as confused as the human to his actions, usually so full of logic. This one was acted apon pure emotion. Emotion of fear, anxiety, anger but most importantly
Because somehow, this stupid human had his spark between his fingers, and he'd be dammed if he let him get himself killed just for him.
This isn't how he would want to say goodbye
Thanks again, to my sister who pushed me to write this, and also helped out in some parts!
Might have done more if i could, but it's super late rn lol (it's 4am and our mon will kills us for staying up this late).
Again sorry for any OOC moments, but i hope this was to your enjoyment! Maybe i can do a part 3 to this, but idk enough about how things work to do that, so i let anyone be free to mess around with this :]
Oh my... oh fuck I can't. I just keep thinking about Prowl pressing his palm on his chest even when other humans eventually get to him and start shooting. He's a mess, half of his armor is missing he's probably leaving an energon trail behind him. But he knows that while it would take a lot of bullets to take him down, it would take only one lucky bullet to kill Jazz. I'm. AUGh
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tinydefector · 6 months ago
Ok ok i thought about this and for me it's sounds funny.
Sooo on the comic where everyone just found out that Rung is god you know where Rodimus, Rachet, Whirl and Tyrest and others having existing crisis and the part where Whirl said "God was my therapist" and then I thought about it, how funny it would be if cybertronian or human MC/reader said something like "I was fuck by said God" like if said cybertronian/human was in relationship with Rung and everyone reaction (plus Tyrest too since I think he's a god fanatic) 😂😂😂😂
XD omg so I had a bit of a joke piece about fucking God over in this fic. But it gets even better that thought of Tyrest being a God fanatic and hating Organics. The horror when he finds out Primus is with a human, watch this mech just break down.
Everyone's optics and eyes are on Rung, and the mech stands there wishing attention wasn't on him. Rodimus paces back and forth, Ratchet just stares off into a wall wish above all he wasn't here right now. Whirl, for the first time, is so quiet that it makes everyone so uncomfortable. And then there was the human just looking up at Rung in shock, dismay? They really didn't know how they felt in that moment.
Rodimus finally speaks. "OK, ok, but how the Frag!, Your Primus! All this time, you have just been what? Hiding on cybertron, having a vacation!" He asked. He was bitter about this, as much as he wanted to blame Rung for everything, cybertron falling apart, his home, and the matrix in truth it wasn't his fault. After all wasn't he doing the exact same thing, running away because he didn't want to be a prime, he wasn't suited for it, he didn't want to live in Optimus' shadow and have that shame over him. He'd take being co captain with Megatron over having to be in Optimus' shadow any cycle.
Ratchet, on the other hand, just wants a strong drink. He had never been a believe in gods, yet here he was finding out the the mech who had been the Lost Light's therapist, had been a neutral throughout the war, had a space ship collection older then some mechs was Primus. It was just his luck. "Does anyone else know?" He asked, trying to be the level-headed one of the group.
Rung removes his glasses, and the stress and exhaustion are very visible on his faceplate. "Drift, I believe, he's, he's always suspected something," Rung explains. He wasn't sure, but he's rather sure that Drift knows what he is.
Whirl finally laughs. "This is Fragged. How in the Pit did I end up this fragging, unlucky that my slagging therapist is Fragging Primus!" They shout, they don't know if they are angry, hurt or just overwhelmed, so much had been fried in their circuitry after the Emputra but this, this felt like a sick joke. All the things he had told Rung now feel like they were confessions.
Tyrest is baffled. He doesn't know whether to fall to his knees or call blasphemy, but the evidence is right there in front of his optics.
Rung is sheepish as he looks to the human. He's hoping they don't hate him. "I know this is alot for you all to take in, I'm sorry you all had to find out this way, I'm sincerely sorry for everything that has happened" He calls out to the group. He goes to continue only to be cut off.
"Fuck my life, Swerve is never going to let me live this down" the human stammers out. Everyone's optics are on them, a flush tints Rungs plating. "Please we don't need to bring that-" He's cut off again.
"The fact that I've unknowingly been getting Railed by Primus!" They exclaim only for Rung to hide behind one of his servos as multiple mech's Jaws drop at those words.
"HAH, and i thought I was Fragged!" Whirl screeched, finding humour in the situation. The other mechs look just as shocked and disgusted. "No, I refuse. That's blasphemy. Please tell me you haven't been interfacing with an organic!" Tyrest almost pleaded, hoping by the all spark that it wasn't true.
Rodimus pinches his brow ridge. He could feel his processor hurting from all this information. "Slagging Pit," he grumbles. " I Owe Sunstreaker so much Shainx now," he huffs. "OK, ok. Rung's Primus, and he's fragging a human." He throws his servos up in the air, being overly dramatic.
Ratchet just glares at the two. "They both of you are to report to medical for an examination after this, You" he points right at Rung. " I have some rather choice words for you," he states before stalking off, leaving.
The human looks at the floor, and the true panic is taking over. "Oh fuck, I've been fucking an Alien God who's also my therapist" they mutter to themself, tears starting to well up in their eyes and Rung kneels down cupping their face and wiping the tears away. "I didn't mean to upset you," he says softly. Optics focused on them. " I don't want this to change anything between us. You mean a great deal to me, and I don't want to lose you," he murmurs to them, pressing a soft kiss to their forehead.
The sound of the others arguing and fighting drowns out as Rung focuses on his little lover. "I'm not angry, Rung, Primus, or whatever name you want to go by, but... but I'm a human, a random fucking human so why me. Why me? " they nearly sob as he scoops them up, pulling them against his frame.
"My dear, I'm the the holy being everyone believes I am, I'm just a very old mech, who did what he could to stop something bad from happening, alot fo the tales told are very twisted stories. I'm just a mech, I'm not some holy being. And as for why you. You were the first person to remember my name, you took an interest in my hobbies, I would have happily faded into dust unknown but you choose me" he coos softly. Digits tracing their cheeks as he looks at them in pure love.
"But an Organic!" Tyrest hisses out as he watches how sweet and tender Rung is with the human. Is Rodimus who speaks up next. "Ah ah, remember each time to talk badly about organic races you lose Shanix which goes right into my account!~" Rodimus sings out, trying to make light of the situation for his own mental stability.
"You two are fragged and Slag, and I thought I had issues!" Whirl huffs before pointing at Rung. "Not a word about our therapy session to anyone, God or not, I will end you." Whirl nearly snarls before transforming and taking off.
"But you are Primus! You could have your choice of any cybertronian, pillars in your name cities, why have you hidden for so long!" Tyrest utters, he wants to be angry, but at the same time, this was Primus. How could he.
Rung meets his optics. "Because that's not the type of mech I am, I did what I had to to stop Unicron, I got sick of people trying to put me on a pedestal, I wanted to live, live my life, to enjoy hobbies, travel, I gave up my old frame for the ability to live" he states. He wouldn't change his choices even if he had the ability to. He was content.
MC: "Swerve get me a strong drink!"
Swerve: "heya what got you so rilled up, partner problems? Give me all the juicy details."
MC: staring him dead in the optics. "Swerve, Rung is Primus"
Swerve: "Well, I wouldn't call him that, I mean, he must be a good frag but doubt that"
MC: "No Swerve, Rung is Primus, I've been fucking your God, why me, how did I get to this point"
Swerve: "you know what let me get you a double"
Rung: "this is a mess, I need to get myself a Therapist"
Swerve: "well doc tell me all your woos, I'm the closest your gonna get for therapy"
Rung: " ships having a meltdown over my past and the fact I'm with a human"
Swerve: " eh, heard worse, your squishy things your Primus"
Rung: " yes, well that's also part of the issue"
Whirl: "soo.... Rung huh?"
Mc: "Please, I don't want to talk about it"
Whirl: "What part, the part where you're fragging the ships Therapist or the part where your Fragging Primus."
MC: "Oh my fucking God Whirl!"
Whirl: "Ah, ah, your fucking my God not the other way round!"
MC: "fuck you Tyrest, you owe Rodimus more money now, from being a Xenophobe."
Tyrest: "Like, I would ever let you within five meters of my frame you disgusting little creatin. Your insults mean nothing to me. Filthy little flesh thing"
MC: " just remember it's your Beloved Primus who's fragging me!, yea!, your beloved God prefers fragging me!"
Tyrest: *the most horrified noise ever* " You take the Blastphamy Back!"
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