#I was so close to having a really good plan with no yearly deductible and now it is all in ruins
softprincesso · 4 years
PT.2: Overview to understanding different saving/retirement methods, investments, and forms of income
2.1 Savings and Retirement
Welcome lovelies to (what I hope will be) a helpful series on gaining wealth and becoming financially literate and independent!
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*disclaimer: while this advice can generally apply to many it will not apply to all. Everyone is in a different situation and should do their own research before they take what ANYONE says as fact or law. This is also coming from the perspective of a young, biracial, first generation female business student following a hypergamous lifestyle and who does sw so some advice may be specific to my like-minded ladies, but for the most part I just love money and want to help others find joy in their wallets as well. I am also operating in the US so things regarding accounts, stocks, and certain laws will vary by your country. Also, this is just a fun thing I wanted to do because talking about leveling up and learning and growing and money are my favorite past times. None of these pictures are mine, however I am using some links which may compensate me in some way, but I only used links which were mutually beneficial and would help you gain something as well, they are still just actual sources I use for myself.
Financial independence is different than financial confidence.
Financial Independence: “The most common sense of the term is that someone has enough wealth to live as they wish for the rest of their life without having to work.” -Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0611/declare-your-own-financial-independence-day.aspx
Financial Confidence: “We define financial confidence as having three aspects,” says Miler. “The first is awareness of how money can be a tool for helping you reach your goals and dreams. The second is financial literacy and understanding economic factors. The third is trust and knowing where to turn for financial advice.” -Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/shelleyzalis/2018/06/16/women-money-8-steps-for-growing-your-financial-confidence/?sh=2175b65e2468
While the ultimate goal is financial independence, financial confidence should be the main focus. I’ll give an example why. Imagine there are two people: Rhonda and Jill. Both of them like nice things, love to shop, and participate in the occasional splurge. Rhonda works a regular 9-5 and has a decent salary. She doesn’t have much financial knowledge (translation: financial confidence), but she has a savings account at her local bank and puts a couple hundred into retirement each year and she thinks that's enough. Suddenly, Rhonda wins the lottery. Overnight she has become a millionaire, so she quits her job, moves to LA, and goes on to live life to the fullest. She would now be considered financially independent. However, Rhonda has no idea how to manage all that money. She puts a small amount into that bank savings account and takes the rest to do what she will. One day she tries her luck at a casino, in less than five hours she has lost all of her money and has to start back at square one with no job, only a few thousand to get her through, and no-good way to explain to employers that she just wasted the last 5 years spending money on handbags she now has to sell at a depreciated value. (BTW you would not last not working with only a million dollars in LA for that long)
Now, let’s look at Jill. Jill is an independent contractor and has a relatively steady income. She knows very little about finances, but she actively learns how to manage what she has and keeps up to date on the latest money news. The day that Rhonda won the lottery was just another Thursday for Jill, the only unique point for her was that she opened a savings accounts with a high APY (we’ll say 1%) and put in $5000.00. A little later she also opened a Roth IRA and puts in the maximum yearly allowance of $6000.00. Along the way she opened a brokerage account of her own and started trading in the stock market along with investing in real estate which has given her some extra income to play with each year. Unfortunately, another housing crash occurs, and all of the money Jill invested into real estate is gone. However, since Jill learned the skills behind her choices early on, she is knowledgeable and understands the ups and downs of the market and how to invest her money in other places in the meantime. And, that High yield savings account accrued around $50 more without her doing anything and she has that to fall back on, or worst case she can take out part of her principal Roth IRA contribution. 10 years from now Jill should start to see a steady increase in her Roth IRA that by retirement will be a little over 1 million and she should be comfortable and invested enough into stocks that she gains around $200-1000 extra each month.
I think you understand why you want to be Jill.
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As discussed in Pt.1 the first goal you should achieve is securing an emergency fund that could sustain you for a couple of months if things were to ever hit the fan, and starting a retirement fund should be in your top 5 goals to complete. The saying, “the rich get richer” is popular for a reason. Wealthy people know how to make their money work for them instead of them having to work for money. An easy way anyone can do the same is by opening the right accounts for your savings and retirement.
All of your savings should be in a high yield saving account or split between different high yield accounts. This is an account which will reward you some interest every period for having money in your account with them. This is incredibly easy to do. You can either research/ask your bank about their high yield accounts or do some googling to find some other bank. Then transfer your money and there you go! When looking at banks understand that the highest Annual Percent Yields (APY), or the interest they will reward you, are going to be from online banks because they have less operational costs than a brick and mortar, but they will also come with their own disadvantages, like less ATMs to access or the inability to use when outside of your country so make sure to look into that. IMPORTANT: Make sure that whatever bank you choose is FDIC-insured so if the bank were to ever collapse or lose your money you have insurance up to $250,000.This won't generate a lot of extra cash, but an extra $20 every year is better than $0.
These accounts usually go by your current situation and what you see for your future.
401K: Probably the most known (I believe it’s only in the States but there might be something close to it in other countries) and that’s just because this is what employers usually offer if they offer anything. It is a retirement fund that your employer will set up and you can predefine how much of your paycheck you want to automatically go into it every time. Sometimes, the employers will also have a match program, and if they do you better max out the money they will contribute because that is FREE money! Most advice that I have seen has said to really only focus on this fund if your employer has that match program, otherwise I would focus on one of the accounts below. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/retirement/08/401k-info.asp
IRA: An IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. There are three kinds…
                         Traditional: This IRA lets you put in pre-tax money and lets it grow tax-free until you make a withdrawal. Once you make the withdrawal that money is taxed at the current rate of your income at the time. Your contributions are tax deductible so you can write them off of your taxable income of that year. There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
                      ��   Roth: With this IRA your contributions are taxed, but when you withdrawal money later on it is tax free. For those of you in a lower tax bracket than you believe you will be in the future, this IRA makes the most sense as you will pay less taxes now than you will when you are 59 ½ (The official age of retirement in the States). There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
                           SEP: Simplified Employee Pension. This is also an employer-based plan and may also work better for my self-employed gals out there. I don’t really know a lot on this one so I’ll just leave a link you can look into if it interests you: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/102714/how-does-simplified-employee-pension-sep-ira-work.asp
You can have both a traditional and Roth IRA as long as you are eligible for both. Anyone with earned income (with a job or can prove a steady income) can contribute to a Traditional IRA, however with a Roth IRA, as a single you can earn up to $139,000 and contribute. Personally, if you are just getting started with all of this just set up one IRA and as you learn more you can take steps to get another or switch accounts.
There are a plethora of other accounts, but they are more specialized and the top four should get you started on the right path to saving for retirement. I’m guessing that the majority of the audience reading these are women between the ages of 20-30. Trust me when I say that I love to spend money as much as the next girl, but I also would like to be completely comfortable should anything happen in my older years that screws up my marriage or job, and no one is going to secure that for you.
Also, I’m sorry this is so US-based, but once again it is all I know. I believe IRAs are more widespread than a 401K, but all that takes to find out is a Google search on your part.
Either way, make sure you have a plan going into 2021 for your savings and retirement because this economic whirlwind is far from over and there is always a chance for another recession, depression, or disaster. (Wow O, way to keep the mood light)
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This was getting way too long with the investments added so look out for Pt.2.2 on the overview for investments (where the actual fun begins and I can stop being such a stick in the mud)…
Financial independence
Financial Confidence
Roth IRA
brokerage account
High yield savings account
Traditional IRA
Once again… if in these posts I ever give bad advice, F- something up, or am just generally ignorant PLEASE call me out! Remember that just like you I am a young woman figuring everything out and while I am confident when talking about money, I am by no means a genius (only in spurts) so any chance to learn I appreciate. I hope you all learned something new today and as always…
With Love,
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roseapprentice · 7 years
A few days ago I was most of the way through applying for new insurance and I was like, “Wow, this is hard but much less hard than I thought it would be!”
It was all lies. It is more hard. I am no longer much of the way through applying for medical insurance. I may have to let my insurance lapse for a while right in the middle of trying to get diagnosed for an autoimmune disease, because it is impossible to make sense of US medial insurance.
8 notes · View notes
catflowerqueen · 5 years
Musings on the Torterra Guild
I always like to believe that the things you do on the last days of the old year/first day of the new year sets the tone for how the rest of the year will go. Hopefully that holds true for me, and the next year will allow me to have a good balance of work and fun—along with time to write.
 On that note… for today’s edition of “Ramblings and thoughts that consume me and make me want to write them even though I already have many other WIPs and actual Real Life things I should be working on instead,” have some thoughts about the Torterra Guild that has been mentioned/alluded to in some of my other works.
 And I’m probably also going to spend a little time working on some of those other WIPs (though probably not Déjà vu today—at least not right away), so maybe expect some first chapters for some of my other “What if…” series ideas soon. No promises, though.
 Happy New Year!
     The Torterra Guild is structured a lot differently than the Wigglytuff Guild is, and they start training young. The thing about their training, however, is that they divide the sorts of things they teach based on age and experience. It’s run a lot more like a boarding school type deal, compared to the Wigglytuff Guild. Whereas you get more one-on-one type instruction/training on the job immediately in the Wigglytuff Guild (emulating the type of “instruction” that Wigglytuff got from Armaldo), the Torterra Guild actually has multiple different classes/courses that one takes, each with its own teachers. Think of it as a little bit like the school in Serene Village from Super, if a bit more broad and intensive (because, really, that school definitely seemed more focused on “how to explore without dying” than what one would expect from a school, especially because the pokemon world does seem to have a sort of society, what with the shopkeepers, policemen, post office, bureaucracies, and I’m pretty sure that Super had its own cinema equivalent). Their end goal is also to produce explorers who thrive when it comes to long-term exploration, rather than the short-term ones that the guild focuses on, since most of those can be completed within a day (Again, this hearkens back to Wigglytuff’s days with Armaldo—since obviously Armaldo would need to make sure Wigglytuff/Igglybuff made it home every evening so his parents wouldn’t come looking for him, thus blowing his cover). Obviously the Wigglytuff Guild does dabble a bit in the long-term stuff, given that they regularly go on expeditions, but they’re much more focused on smaller explorations—or gaining the strength needed to essentially plow through all their enemies and explore in an almost speed-running fashion as compared to what everyone else is doing.
      As such, a lot of the early years at the Torterra Guild are focused on teaching things like life skills—sewing, medicine, tool-making, foraging, etc.—as well as book-learning, so that they can learn things like navigation and map-reading, ciphers, history… things that would make it a bit easier for them to make connections and uncover hidden secrets. This is why Paula knows how to read footprint runes—not only did she often ask to see what Ricky was up to and the sorts of assignments he had whenever he would come home for a visit (which was actually semi-regularly, since the Torterra Guild isn’t quite as strict on that as it is more long-term) but he isn’t the most organized and would sometimes accidentally send his assignments home instead of the letters he meant to send. Also, Paula always knew she wanted to be an explorer, and wanted to get a sort of head start when it came to learning how since she assumed that it’s the sort of thing every explorer had to know, since her early exposure only came from the things Ricky was learning. Also the fact that the Torterra Guild was pretty nearby, and maintained a wide network of explorers due to how large it was and how many apprentices it had—and the close ties all the graduates kept with each other since it had been such a large part of their lives for so long—so most of the explorers passing through the nearest town were graduates of the guild. They actually have courses focused on building webs of influences/alliances/information as well, since being away from civilization for so long would necessitate maintaining friendships and ties with allies so that you could be assured of the ability to find help even when in some obscure places—whether because those friends would be willing to team up together for a time as they explore, or simply because more friends means more chances to just randomly run into someone you know as you explore farther afield. Also, if you actually teach people how to make friends and interact with others, then it means people will know how to keep doing that even when they’re on their own. This is part of why Ricky’s flirting skills have gotten markedly better over the years, even though he wasn’t learning specifically how to flirt. The Wigglytuff Guild, on the other hand, might encourage people to be friendly to anyone they come across (“Smiles go for miles,” after all), but they don’t specifically teach their recruits how to interact with others or make friends/allies, nor do they have any networks set in place. Sure, they get a lot of strangers and teams coming to the guild—sometimes including famous ones like Team Charm, Dusknoir, and Ricky himself—but many of those groups only come because the guild itself is famous, or because they know somewhere there personally. In other words, they want to use the guild’s name or meet/find one specific person rather than trying to foster any real ties with the people training there, even though that does, of course, happen. It’s just that it’s a happy coincidence/consequence rather than the initial intent.
       Regarding “serious” training that involves going on actual explorations… that wouldn’t happen in the Torterra Guild until around age 16 or 17—so roughly the age Paula is around the beginning of Déjà vu. Even then, one would need to pass a lot of examinations and supervised practice runs first. This is why Paula’s parents had no problem letting her go off to become an explorer at such a young age. They’d already gone through it with Ricky—he’s between 8-10 years older than Paula is, and they actually made him wait a little bit to join, so he got a later start than many of the other Torterra recruits, since they weren’t sure about the whole thing yet. But once he’d joined and they started learning what it was like from his letters, they deemed it actually pretty safe, and that their initial fears were an overreaction. Since they’d also lived by the Torterra Guild for most of their lives, they—just like Paula—assumed that it was pretty standard for the way all guilds were run. As such, even though it was a bit far away, Paula’s parents were ultimately okay with her going to the Wigglytuff Guild because they assumed she’d still be stuck learning at a desk for a few years (and they/Ricky’s team may have given her an escort to the town itself and then left her to make her own way to the actual guild, rather than let her travel so far on her own before she’d received any actual training). This, by the way, is why Paula was so surprised and upset by how mundane the Drenched Bluff assignment was. In her experience, when a guild sent you out on a mission without oversight from an older guild member/one of the teachers or staff, it was for some sort of serious exploration—more like the Waterfall Cave assignment—and it was because they deemed them fully prepared to explore on their own. Having those small jobs—with no oversight even in the choosing outside of those first few days—be their own teaching assignments just wasn’t something Paula was used to. Neither was the fact that they would actually see any money from these assignments—all payment rendered from services at the Torterra Guild was handled by actual accountants and bankers. The students never saw any of it themselves, though portions of the earnings were set aside in order to pay for their tuition and most of their supplies. After graduation, there would either be a yearly fee they would pay for maintaining their permits/badges/whatever, or there would be letters to the alumni requesting donations—much like colleges here on Earth. But they would have to deduct that themselves from their entire earnings over a longer period, unlike how the Wigglytuff Guild takes its cuts per job. Part of this is because the Torterra Guild doesn’t have a job board posted up for any explorer to take a look at, unlike the Wigglytuff Guild does. Since the Torterra Guild directs all its apprentices during training, much of the income afterwards comes any treasures found on explorations which were planned of the graduates’ own volition based their research, or from jobs which are exclusively available for the purview of Torterra Guild graduates or which they just happen to come across on their own—and unless they go to someplace like the Wigglytuff Guild or other Federation approved locations, these requests might not be properly vetted—leading to instances like I’ve already talked about with Armaldo. Of course, part of the training in the Torterra Guild focuses on how to actually vet those requests and make sure they’re legitimate.
      But not everyone knows about the inner workings of the Torterra Guild. It might be one of the big names as far as guilds go, but to those not in the know, the expectations and experiences of the recruits are rather secretive, and the way they work can be rather confusing and misleading to the rest of the world. In comparison to the Wigglytuff Guild, the Torterra Guild is a bit more selective about who they let join in the first place, since they dedicate a lot of time and energy to the preparation. There are actually two different tracks when it comes to the guild. One is the actual explorers track, and one is just basically a school—because those life lessons are useful for everyone, not just explorers. So it is possible to join just for the life lessons, with no expectations of becoming an explorer. A lot of people do that—Paula and Ricky’s parents included, most likely. It’s just that some of the lessons are explorer-track exclusive, and you can only get into those if you do really well on the more public portions—which are more like a day school. So when Ricky was just starting out, he would get to go home every day/every weekend/every two weeks (depending on exactly how far away the clearing that the Sparks family calls home is from the guild). The classes are also a bit less intensive. But once it was determined that he had the skills and ability to become an actual explorer, he was offered an exam to take in order to join the explorer track. If Paula had joined the Torterra Guild, she likely would have been allowed to join the explorer track immediately—or at least much sooner, and they would have kept a closer eye on her progress than they did with Ricky’s initially—due to her connection to Ricky and the fact that he was a proven explorer. Since she was his sister, it meant she would also probably excel at it, right? Or she would at least have had a bit more heads up and preparation due to the fact that he maintained close contact with his family through letters even though he wasn’t allowed to visit home as often. Heck, they probably just sent the written portions of their exams straight to her house once they heard that she was interested in becoming an explorer. But the very fact that a lot of this attention was given to her solely because of Ricky is what made her wary of joining—as she mused in my recent online snippet.
      This two-track system is why people get confused about exactly how the Torterra Guild is run, since, because of the distinction between those guild members who learning to be explorers and those who are simply taking some of the lessons on life skills—they don’t necessarily realize that all of it is run under the same heading, and that everyone taking classes there, regardless of what track they’re on, is still technically a member of the guild. The fact that the Torterra guild has multiple buildings, each headed by a member of the Torterra family (although not all family members are necessarily actually torterra), also doesn’t help much unless you are already in the know, since everyone, regardless of the track, has to spend time taking life skills classes, often as a mixed group with the other track, and those classes typically take place in one building whereas he more “serious,” exploration based classes exclusive to the explorer track take place in another one. This means the difference between being a graduate of the life skills portion and the explorers portion is typically as minor as saying one was an apprentice versus just being a graduate—since only the graduates of the explorers portion get to use the term “apprentice” rather than merely saying “member” or “student,” kind of like how anyone who has earned a PhD can use the term “doctor,” even not all of those doctors graduated from a medical field. Unfortunately, since this is so outside the norm of the way the rest of the guilds in the world operate, it means that a lot of people only see that secondary building for the explorer-exclusive classes as being the “real” guild, and, thus, assume that only the classes undertaken there comprise the “real” training that the guild offers, even though that is very far from the case.
      With the exception of Wigglytuff (whose experience as an apprentice was way, way outside the norm for multiple reasons—although there probably are many cases in which an explorer will take on a solo apprentice , or sets of them, rather than maintaining an entire guild’s worth the way Wigglytuff ended up doing), most of the pokémon in and around the Treasure Town area are more used to a guild which runs the way Wigglytuff’s does—an apprenticeship which can span multiple years, yes, but one without a lot of book-learning, and with more hands-on experience that results in a bit more of an eclectic skillset that varies from graduate to graduate. Most of the “life skills” that one learns as part of the Torterra Guild are expected to have been learned before joining, or it’s at least expected that the apprentices will have the responsibility to ask someone at the guild for help honing a specific set (for example, Chimecho actually has a good relationship with Chatot and Wigglytuff that is closer than a lot of the other apprentices because even though she did come in with a lot of skills—like cooking and sewing—she also specifically asked Chatot to help her learn more about nursing. Something that Sunflora also eventually decides is a good skill to have, mostly because of the things she and Chimecho talk about as roommates, which is why she started to learn as well and is thus the one to be administering medical attention during chapter two of Missing Scenes, even as she comments that she isn’t nearly as skilled as Chatot is). As such, prospective apprentices are generally expected to be in their late teens before joining (Diglett may have been a bit of an exception, depending on how long he and his dad have been part of the guild, but the fact that he came with his father changes the rules a little bit, as it means he had more direct supervision from an actual parent who was and is still actively involved in raising him… even if his obsession with the ocean means that Diglett has lately been the more responsible of the pair). So even though apprentices of both guilds only really start doing serious explorations in their late teens, because Wigglytuff’s Guild doesn’t have the same mandatory “life skills” training period that the Torterra Guild does, this is why everyone assumed that Laura and Paula were simply on the younger side of that spectrum—maybe 15 or so (in other words, Paula’s age at the time of The World’s Treasure)—upon joining and are so surprised by the revelation that, no, Paula was only a teenager through a technicality (since she hung around for quite a while before actually joining the guild, even though she left home when she was about twelve) and Laura was literally a child—eleven years old exactly at the time of joining. But despite that, the two still managed to graduate in a little over a year.
      Paula didn’t really think it was all that strange at the time since her exposure to the Torterra Guild meant that she still equated the idea of guilds with schools, and assumed that if an authority figure such as Chatot was sending her out to explore in the way that he did, and as early as he did (from her perspective, at least), then it meant that he thought she was more than qualified to go out like that—she may have thought it was a little odd that she didn’t at least get a quiz about her abilities first (because how else would he have known that? Could he tell just by looking at her?), but she would have chalked it up to differences in guild management. She may have also assumed, looking back on it, that the Drenched Bluff assignment was the placement exam. Since she and Laura completed it so easily, it just meant that they were automatically fast-tracked to the upper levels of classes/learning—if they had failed, then they would have been placed on the slower route. And in a way… she wasn’t exactly wrong? After all, given Bidoof’s special episode we know that he was put on a lot of milder assignments and didn’t really get to go out to dungeons yet—and even when he did, they sent him out with Sunflora so that she could act as his guide and teacher.
      …Come to think of it, that entire special episode may have been why Chatot immediately started their training by giving them an actual assignment off the job boards. His experience with how antsy Bidoof got—to the point where he would actually go out and do something as reckless as he did in his special episode—may have made Chatot think that he was being too cautious and overprotective, and that he should give these newcomers a shot at something more serious first. As Wigglytuff said after the Perfect Apple incident (but before he realized it meant he wouldn’t have any Perfect Apples to eat for a while), everyone fails sometimes; and like he told Bidoof in the aforementioned episode, failing and learning from it is how one becomes stronger. So if Team Rainbow had failed that first assignment, it would have been no big deal; someone else would have completed it later to help Spoink, and the girls would have learned that they weren’t quite ready to go on assignments like that, and would have (hopefully) been more willing and patient than Bidoof was when it came to actually learning and training, especially if Chatot modified his approach a bit. It’s just that… they didn’t fail. And they kept succeeding until the whole Perfect Apple incident—and even then, that was because of outside interference rather than necessarily being a reflection of their own skills. And even if it had been because of their lack of skills, the fact that Wigglytuff let them go on the expedition anyways, and that they did so well there, just meant that they were fast learners and improved quickly. Which… they are, its just that people expected that most of their skill came from age and practice rather than because they were, essentially, prodigies who had been thrown into the deep end. So in that case, it’s rather lucky that Paula was so interested in preparing ahead while she was little, and that she did spend a lot of time in Ricky’s shadow (as much as she dislikes the idea), and that Laura’s crazy life meant that she retained the knowledge of a lot of important skills, even if she can’t consciously remember learning them. It meant that even though they didn’t acquire all the skills they would have at the Torterra Guild, that they at least knew enough that they could get by as being only a little under average for the typical expectations of newcomers to the Wigglytuff Guild, and also that they were more willing to be more proactive in asking for help learning new skills—yes, even Laura for how quiet she was about it. Though in her case it may have been more that people watched her trying to emulate them and then took pity on her more disastrous attempts and decided to offer help… or she reminded them of siblings or people they knew growing up so they just naturally inserted themselves into her life out of habit. Or they didn’t manage to catch her watching them, but she still managed to learn from observation anyways. After all, it’s amazing how many people don’t think to look up, even if they can feel eyes watching them from somewhere…
      All this to say that if anyone had actually bothered to ask her or Laura their ages once they joined the Wigglytuff Guild, their approach to their training would have been a lot different. They may or may not have even let them join at all—on the one hand, their methods are geared towards older pokemon, but on the other hand refusing entry would still mean Paula would have to traverse the long distance to make it back home on her own (which, yeah, she obviously made it to town just fine the first time and has been successfully living on her own ever since, but no one is going to be happy at the thought of a child being in those conditions despite her apparent successes so far—and even if she did have an escort, unless she manages to clear up the misconceptions that everyone has about the Torterra Guild, then they are going to assume that whatever guardians she had were extremely neglectful when they allowed their twelve-year-old to wander off and try to join a guild) and Laura literally has nowhere else to go at the moment—and she probably wouldn’t have even known her age, and may not have even had a guess or bothered to devote any introspection to that specific matter, rather than her identity as a whole. Her upbringing was strange in general, and her concept of what childhood consisted of would have been extremely skewed, for a multitude of reasons. As I’ve said before—if in Déjà vu Jirachi had de-aged her to the child version of her current incarnation, things would have been a lot darker from the onset and more upfront about how terrible her childhood was, rather than the vague implications that something wasn’t quite right that the childhood of her first incarnation is going to exude by the end of the story. They probably would have assumed she was around the same age as Paula, though. Or even if they did think she was older—because, again, her upbringing make her act older than she actually is, even subconsciously, simply because she hasn’t had any real experience with what childhood typically entails—the fact that she’s an amnesiac who doesn’t necessarily understand her needs as a treecko would definitely have given them pause and led them to seek out some professional help, rather than the vague attempts that Wigglytuff tried/is currently trying to give her in-game—because he definitely realized that she needed help, but he didn’t quite realize how dire the situation actually was because she’s so competent/used to acting older than she actually is, and that means no one quite realizes that a lot of her talent came from a combination of being a legitimate prodigy in certain areas, the fact that the Dimensional Scream ability gives her insight into things that she otherwise shouldn’t be aware of (which she then shares with Paula, obviously), and the fact that a lot of her skills were hammered into her as a child for some very unfortunate reasons. So even if they didn’t let the two of them join right away—though they would probably tell Paula that she could come back and try again in a few years—they would still feel obligated Laura as their ward/tried to find someone who could take care of her for a while like they did with Walrein and Manaphy (which would probably mean that they ended up sending her to Sunflora’s aunt/found a sceptile or other Grass-type who could literally teach her how to be a treecko if she ended up divulging her former species). And depending how that particular conversation with Paula went as far as why her guardians allowed her to try and join a guild at age twelve, they may feel obligated to make Paula their ward as well.
      (Incidentally, despite his own rocky upbringing, Grovyle also thought she was older than she actually is, and only part of that is due to the fact that he had no prior experience with humans, so couldn’t really gauge her age well. He knew that she was younger than him, but didn’t realize by quite how much until literally a few moments before Celebi sent them into the past that first time.)
      But if they did allow the two to join anyways (or if they made them their wards with the assumption that they would join for real when they were older), depending on exactly how the Wigglytuff Guild would have modified their approach to teaching the two of them, they may have actually thrived very well. After all, Paula went in expecting that she would spend a long period of time on book-learning and chores—it was only when she learned that she would be thrown out into the field immediately that she got upset at how “boring” her first assignment was. And the fact that she actually studied footprint runes—among other things—of her own volition bodes well for how she would have fared under such a modified schedule. She enjoys all aspects of exploring, after all, the learning and preparation as much as the actual activity. Learning is its own sort of exploration, in a way, as trying to figure out how things work and how to decipher things is its own sort of mystery, and gaining new knowledge and skills is its own reward. This approach to training also would have been much the same sort of thing that Laura would have expected as a typical member of Relatia’s people (And especially as a typical nascent Rainbow Child, though she wouldn’t have been aware of that aspect at the time), since their lifestyle is obviously more centered around life in a society rather than life as an explorer—although depending on what type of job they do, they may end up in more dangerous situations where knowing things like foraging would be extremely important and helpful—so much of their training involves things like learning languages and their culture’s history, as well as some specific education on religious ceremonies and the like. Again, she has no prior conceptions of what she’s supposed to be doing because of her amnesia—and her subconscious would be telling her that this is the sort of life that she is supposed to be having when time and space are working as they should, her guardians aren’t horrible people, and she hasn’t been kidnapped by a legendary pokémon. She would only really get an inkling that something is wrong when the effects of Temporal Tower’s breakdown started becoming more apparent, and even then she wouldn’t necessarily know what she is supposed to be doing—only that there is something wrong that she should maybe be doing something about. Of course, by that point the outside forces of Dusknoir and Grovyle’s shenanigans would have forced her into some sort of action, if only because of the disruption it would cause to guild life. As well as the fact that she would specifically be targeted once either of the two of them finally clued in to who she was.
      Anyways, the point of all that is that Team Rainbow probably wouldn’t have gotten as desperate as Bidoof got in his special episode because they either had no prior conceptions of what guild life is supposed to be, or because the modified approach is more in line with what they would have expected anyways and they wouldn’t have found it strange or been more wistful than envious when everyone around them was getting to do the cool exploration jobs while they were stuck back at the guild learning how to cook or repair ropes or whatever. And neither of them even thought to wonder or comment on the guild life that they got in canon, because the reality either exceeded their expectations and they didn’t think to mention what their initial expectations had been for them to have been exceeded so thoroughly, or because, again, they had no expectations going in.
      These sorts of issues may or may not prompt some people to try and make communication and transparency among the various guilds more of a priority, or to at least invest in some better informational pamphlets for their own guilds, in order to prevent such miscommunications again. It may also lead some people to wonder if these sorts of miscommunications are why so many guilds have high drop-out rates, especially from pokémon who travelled from farther away in order to join. It will definitely prompt Chatot to start asking about ages of prospective recruits, however, or at the very least to seriously consider the possibility of an entrance exam, because even though things worked out fine this time, there were definitely some exceptional circumstances leading to those successes—and even then, there were multiple times where things could have ended very, very badly for either of these kids. Not to mention all the unnecessary stress the two still endure from time to time.
      Incidentally, Jirachi doesn’t really understand things like relative ages, bureaucracy, or what, exactly, goes on in a guild—otherwise he may have tried to send that dream about the Wigglytuff Guild backlit by stars to a different, older, explorer-hopeful. Then again, even he doesn’t necessarily have full control over his powers and the way they work at all times, especially for more complicated wishes, or those outside his area of expertise (think of the way in the Jirachi movie that he granted the wish about snacks—pulling them from a snack cart rather than creating them from nothing, likely because of a combination of it being less costly in terms of energy as well as not knowing anything about the human economy/money). And also, there was so much going on at the time and so many different factors/forces involved that it’s hard to know exactly how much influence he had anyways. The dream was definitely because of him—but who’s to say he was actually the one to decide who to grant it to?
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chibistarlyte · 6 years
life update stuff under the cut
this year has been such a doozy so far. i feel like each year gets steadily more and more difficult and sometimes i fall into the depression pit of “nothing matters, what is the point in literally anything”
i’ve been sleeping a lot lately because doing anything takes too much effort. i’m on meds, and i do feel better versus when i wasn’t on them for a while, but i like. don’t know what my problem is? idk if it’s the adhd acting up and not letting me focus on anything/making me bored all the time because i can’t focus on anything. my anxiety hasn’t been too much of a problem lately, not since a few months ago when i had that full-blown panic attack at work. and i keep digging my heels in about going to the doctor because my health insurance plan doesn’t have co-pays, just a yearly deductible, so like...my last doctor visit, which was just a med check, cost me almost $200 and i’m just like????? what the fuck, i can’t afford to go to the doctor to address issues i’m pretty positive i have (example, i’m pretty fuckin’ positive i have some sort of thyroid issue because it runs in my family and affected my yia yia (mom’s side) and my mom currently, both pretty severely) and then i also wanna go to therapy again because Trauma(TM) and i’m noticing a lot of ways past trauma is affecting my daily life and i just
everything is so expensive so i just sleep and hope i’ll feel better when i wake up
i also dove a lot into my hyperfixations over the last few months to cope with some shit and at the end of the day, it doesn’t do anything to fix the problem. it’s just pointless escapism.
my cat was really sick at the beginning of this month and had to be hospitalized, so i had to open a new line of credit to pay for her hospitalization. i made the decision to do so because she had pancreatitis and it was completely curable, and plus my cat is young enough (she’s 11 this year) and has been healthy for the majority of her life and to me, it was worth it to fork over a bunch of money to make sure she stayed alive because she still has a lot of youth in her and she’s got a lot of years left, and the vet agreed. so, she got much better but the vet did find that presea has bladder stones (which didn’t surprise me all that much tbh, she had some urinary problems a few years ago due to stress of living with two dogs at the time) so we had to switch her diet to a special prescription urinary diet (which she’ll have to be on for the rest of her life and is pretty expensive, but still worth it to me) in the hopes that the food will help dissolve the stones. if they don’t dissolve, though, she will have to have surgery and i don’t even want to think about how much that is going to cost. but, again, it’s worth it to me to have her around for many more years because without her, i don’t know what i’d do. i literally don’t.
uh, what else? i had a new baby cousin born last month, which is cool. his name is alton and i’m hoping to visit my family in ohio sometime this year so i can meet all the new babies that have been born in the last five years and also bring my boyfriend to meet my extended family. my cousin was going to be getting married in september and that was when we were gonna go, but after we found out my aunt (mom of said cousin) has a rare form of breast cancer, my cousin decided to put the wedding on hold. i still think i wanna go back and visit since i already have the vacation time for when the wedding would have been. this particular aunt is definitely the one i’m closest to out of my entire extended family (my dad is one of nine kids) and i haven’t seen her in a few years, so it’s something i really want to do.
i may end up going back sooner than september, though, depending on if my grandma passes away before then. she has dementia and it’s gotten to the point where she can’t swallow anymore, and because of that whenever she tried to eat, a bunch of fluid got into her lungs and she caught pneumonia and ended up in the hospital, and she’s now on a feeding tube as of the last update i heard from my dad and i just. i feel bad but also my grandma was nothing but abusive to everyone in her family--my dad, his brothers and sisters, my cousins, me, my sister, my mom, etc.--and i feel no closeness to her whatsoever so like, i almost feel like i don’t care if she dies or not? but i’m still gonna go back for the funeral and such when she does go because it’s important to me to be with my family. especially because i never see them because i live across the country from them.
some good stuff, uh, my boyfriend got a new job that he starts on april 1st. it’s a full-time gig and he’ll be making more money than me so hopefully that will help as far as our plans to move in together next year (holy fuck i can’t believe i’m in that point in a relationship, wtf). marriage has been lightly in the talks as well and i’m like awsiuhjkdsagflkdshl wtf
my job sucks but i’m applying for other jobs here and there. it’s possible that i’m looking at a promotion in the next six months at my current job so i’m kiiiiiiiinda waiting to see what happens with that, but also i’m applying for positions elsewhere to see if i get any bites. nothing so far, but the situation isn’t dire so it’s whatevs. i’m considering picking up a second job again, especially if presea needs surgery.
my birthday is in nine days (march 31st) and i just hope to have a good and relaxing day
uhhh anyway that’s it for now, i think. i haven’t been super active on here lately and i miss it, so i’m gonna try and be around more. i also want to keep working on my fanfics and i’m gonna be pulling out some of my old plays and fixing those up because i know of a group in denver that does live readings of plays by local playwrights and i think that might be fun to try, if anything. i also need to work on sending some of my poems and short stories out to like lit journals/magazines and such this year and hope i get at least one thing published. i ain’t aiming for the stars, here, just something to get me started, y’know?
if you made it here to the end, thanks for reading. <3
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riadiobracig1972 · 4 years
lincoln renters insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :4carinsurance.xyz
lincoln renters insurance
lincoln renters insurance will be a major part of your renters policy. You’ll be able to save money on your renters insurance policy as well. If you own your own condo and you’re trying to rent a home, there’s a good chance your renters insurance rates could increase because a) that’s the structure of your condominium, b) you’ll have higher rents due to the level of proximity in your apartment and c) higher liability risks as a result of these factors. In the event of a disaster, this information can take several weeks to complete. If you’re unable to provide additional information such as a claim estimate or a renters insurance policy, you’ll want to contact the Nationwide Home and Casualty Insurance Agency or the Lincoln Financial Group to learn more. It’s the best time to contact your landlords or brokerage if your rental properties are close or nearby to a house. If your landlords or brokerage doesn’t have an inventory. lincoln renters insurance rates from the nation’s leading insurers. Get a quote today to find out how much you can save with AAA. Most people know car insurance is an expense from most cars. The average yearly bill is $93, but that’s just for one person, so the average is only around half of the cost of your total expenses. The other half is car insurance, insurance that covers more than just your car. Insurance for both depends on the coverage you choose to buy, but it’s typically pretty basic and covers things like , , and liability coverage. , also called , also calls for optional coverages, like roadside assistance. Car insurance companies use an odds-and-reasons calculator to calculate your odds of getting into an accident to determine your rate. It’s also important to remember that rates fluctuate across companies, so the simplest way to tell how much car insurance is would be to say “I don’t need it.”. lincoln renters insurance may actually be a nice way to bundle things together in less money. For example, when we’re looking to upgrade our insurance, we’re always looking for ways to save even more. And for some people, it can be beneficial to add other car insurance coverages that come with your coverage. Plus, your premium can drop dramatically if you don’t make the call to buy a car and can’t afford to pay the bill when it’s totaled. And you might have the luxury items that come with it, like a new car. We really appreciate the idea of saving you time and frustration down the road. Are you a long-time reader? Do you use Gmail to manage your insurance? Or maybe you are looking to improve your LinkedIn profile for the first time? Either way, if you get car insurance quotes from GEICO or Progressive, start with this list of insurers for full coverage. Then, compare as many companies as possible. This can.
Renters insurance
Renters insurance can also help you pay for additional living expenses when you are unable to live in an apartment. Insurance from this coverage can help you pay for expenses when you want to live in a fixed location. Many renters have coverage options similar to the ones listed above, including a home health insurance policy that is usually known as their umbrella policy so they can get peace of mind when the unexpected happens. But many renters choose other policies that are usually more beneficial to ensure protection from catastrophic losses, like homeowners insurance. There are many other reasons renters choose to do such a thing, such as owning an expensive item or adding their pet, however. Your landlord may want to change your insurance coverage, so make sure you ask your landlord if he is concerned for future liability. It is important to keep this in mind as some of the benefits of renters insurance are not included. This only covers the costs of things such as pets or personal property. The cost of renters insurance is usually lower.
Homeowners insurance
Homeowners insurance is an important purchase you can take out to protect your home. It helps protect against unforeseen perils such as fire, water damage and vandalism. Homeowners insurance, also known as a “purchased-new” policy, can get you paid even if you have an older home or are . It’s essential to get your home or belongings insured using a policy that’s already in place. Not all of the different coverage levels are available, for instance, but coverage is often the best solution when the most important thing is to do your research. When looking for a homeowner’s insurance company and what their coverage will come up with, it’s important to be able to get coverage to protect some basic assets, that are often overlooked if the insurance policy was to come into use. This is an important point for homeowners, but it’s a major one for us to take note of. The reason why it helps is that you want the best.
Filing a home insurance claim
Filing a home insurance claim is a hassle, which is especially true if you’re worried about your insurer going after your wallet. That’s why it’s important to take a close look at how homeowners insurance companies are prepared to handle your claim. Below, you might want to put here a few of the common scenarios and tips to help you navigate the process. Homeowners insurance companies are prepared to pay a claim by paying more than necessary to fix or repair broken windows, interior hardware, or other damage to the home. The home insurer will then seek reimbursement from the lender or from a mortgage provider to help the homeowner pay for the replacement costs. The insurance company will also request the insured’s vehicle identification number to make sure the vehicle is listed as part of the homeowners policy. The deductible is the amount of money you will pay to the insurance company before the insurance company will start paying on your claim. The higher the deductible, the lower your out-of-pocket expense for insurance claims..
Want to know more about home insurance?
Want to know more about home insurance? Read our full guide here: . Wondering what the best home insurance providers are in Dallas? According to , you would be in the best of luck if you were injured in an auto accident. Car rental companies don’t charge $5, but most landlords provide additional insurance – similar to your renters insurance that covers damage in the event that you’re involved in a business accident. To make sure you’re getting the best deal, it’s important to shop around and compare the coverages and prices as your circumstances change. Don’t be afraid to look for a cheap insurance plan you can trust is there to meet your needs and budget. If your insurance provider doesn’t offer home insurance, you’ll still be protected and have a wealth of assets to protect. While your home insurance policy is the last pillar in a strong, secure family business, a great insurance policy can save you financial stability and money in the long run. So, to.
Condo Unitowners insurance
Condo Unitowners insurance is considered by auto insurers and is an acceptable amount of coverage to keep all employees covered. When choosing insurance for their families, renters insurance will help you protect your personal property and financial gain to ensure your family is properly protected for the future. Whether you’re moving out of state, moving to a new state, buying a new home, or buying your first home, auto insurance is not required, you can add it to your existing policies (depending on your income level). Even if you’ve lost those perks for lack of coverage, you can still find lower rates for auto insurance, so you can focus on buying the absolute cheapest insurance policy. Auto insurance will vary per person around car. If you use a cell phone while driving then your driving record is not the same, and the insurer will probably look at how often you show signs of usage. If you’re driving between cars and have not had an accident, insurance providers may see it as less of a risk, or.
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lieglinanan1973 · 4 years
toyota gt86 insurance cost
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancefastfinder.xyz
toyota gt86 insurance cost
toyota gt86 insurance cost for renters insurance coverage. It also covers personal property like electronics, furniture, and more, which is ideal to add with any other insurance policy to protect you. As with all insurance, the insurance coverages cost more. For instance, renters insurance policy at $750-$2,500 yearly. However, renters insurance covers loss, bodily injury liability, and lost wages if you’re required by state, and is only good for those that cannot find coverage elsewhere. It is best to keep you personal property protection. For example,  has a separate renters insurance plan that includes coverage. This allows you to protect your personal property if it’s damaged during the course of your residence. Most renters insurance policies don’t include coverage for all vehicles. It will usually cost more than standard personal auto insurance. This covers any auto you keep in your car. Some people think rental cars are some kind of “slashable property,” like if the rental company�. toyota gt86 insurance cost for my gt82 insurance cost for gt73 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt61 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt70 insurance cost for gt67 insurance cost for gt66 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt67 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt66 insurance cost for gt66 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt67 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt68 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt74 insurance cost for gt71 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt71 insurance cost for gt72 insurance cost for gt71 insurance cost of gt71 insurance cost per mileper mile72 insurance cost per mile72 insurance cost per footpenny-goes2-penny, car, car, and all other insurance costs for the cost of. toyota gt86 insurance cost, I am the lowest priced . I am not looking for something cheap. I am looking for something that actually doesn t screw you, so I am in my teens that has no history of having insurance at all. I work, live, and drive my car and its out for a week and am in the middle of getting old, my sister said that he should have gotten the insurance even my friends insurance company told me the company does not take you to a high level and is the cheapest when it comes to insurance. I live in the area that no longer does insurance and since you did not have anyone that will the company will say there is no such a thing. He also stated there s a $500 co-pay and a deductible for my friend. I don t know what she said, other than they say 1 or 2 days ago the company will take them to 3 days ago. Is it out then? Thanks. My mom was in a car accident and he was killed on his own.
Looking to save on insurance?
Looking to save on insurance? Read our . to see if you can save. At its most basic, car insurance is designed to protect... The only benefit you can get from shopping for a new policy at a lower cost is to take advantage of the numerous discounts you are able to save, but it will make the purchase a lot more palatable ... At CarInsuranceEZ.com, we make it easy to compare and buy insurance. Yes, we have to include some legalese down here. Policygenius Inc. (DBA CarInsuranceEZ.com) (“Policygenius”), a Delaware corporation, is a licensed independent insurance broker. Policygenius does not underwrite any insurance policy described on this website. The information provided on this site has been developed by Policygenius for general informational and educational purposes. We do our best to ensure that this information is up-to-date and accurate.
Specifics of your car insurance policy
Specifics of your car insurance policy is based on its actual value, not how much it costs to repair in the event of an incident. Therefore, the average cost to repair a car you insure is about where you would want a full coverage insurance policy would be. Some other vehicles, like SUVs and minivans might cost more to repair simply because they get bigger tires or fancy paint jobs. You likely don’t drive around in it all day to make sure you’re safe and covered. Your next car insurance company may ask for your age and your credit rating to review your current coverage. If you can t make your payments when you’re late to a car accident, your state may require you to carry uninsured motorist coverage. The state even may require you to buy underinsured motorist coverage on top of state minimums. Your first car insurance company will have the actual limits a company might require to pay you the damages you ve caused for damages from your vehicle and for your loss. When it.
Insurance coverage is unique, just like you
Insurance coverage is unique, just like you feel if you buy auto insurance for your vehicle. If you have comprehensive car insurance, you won’t need it for it because if it were broken in a crash, the damage to the car would be covered by the car insurance company rather than the owner of the car, which likely means you’ll just drive it on a low premium and no one will be liable for the damage to the vehicle. You might be tempted to forget about adding comprehensive coverage, until the accident happens. But that might not be wise; your new insurance company may offer you a discount for not adding it. In the past, you might even choose to omit covering collision and comprehensive coverage. Some people have considered whether or not they should do this, and the short answer is: no. There is no single answer to the question, but you should be aware of exactly what you’re really paying for. What type of car or vehicle you buy has an insurance premium that is less than what you�.
Toyota Insurance Groups
Toyota Insurance Groups. Our clients are as diverse as our clients themselves. Let’s focus on what we are good at. We don’t just recommend Toyota or Honda to their friends and family. Our clients will need comprehensive coverage and quality service! You should be so happy and you will feel good so that you can stay with them. You can expect your Toyota, Honda, Honda Hybrid, and Toyota Camry car insurance rates to rise significantly. This insurance is also called “full coverage,” or “single vehicle,” as described below. The average retail price for Honda is $44.48 whereas the average retail price for Honda is $49.56. This means that Honda will exceed the average retail price for a Toyota Camry insurance bill of at least $59.58. You can expect to see this as high for Toyota Camry insurance rates, from $53.10 to $61.07 for a total auto policy value of at least $250K..
How to find the cheapest car insurance
How to find the cheapest car insurance rates in Florida, remember that your rate will vary depending on factors like your age, driving record, credit score and marital status. That means your personalized rates will be based on several individual factors but your cheapest rate is likely going to be your personalized best option. As mentioned, when shopping for insurance, you’ll have numerous choices for car insurance on a daily basis, depending on the state where you live. All state laws come in there, however. For instance, Florida is one of the few states that prohibits insurers from considering people on a per year basis, meaning if you do get in an accident that results in any damages, insurers are going to have to look at you more closely than your neighbors who are more likely to file claims for damages. When it comes to assessing your rate history, many insurance companies have an eye towards how much of a risk a certain individual qualifies for. Some insurance providers can offer a range of discounts to ensure you’re receiving a discount with less risk.
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manningjoshua · 4 years
short term medical insurance indiana
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :quotesdeal.net
short term medical insurance indiana
short term medical insurance indiana. This is usually not enough to cover your home, personal belongings, etc. Most commonly it’s used for home health, medical services and other such things. It’s the right choice if you’re unable to afford insurance. And it can be a useful choice if you are in need of  and have too many medical expenses. Our Insurance Blog is committed to getting you the insurance coverage you need and make you feel great about it! Compare quotes from the top car insurance companies and save! If you’re an American citizen or resident of Mexico, you know that Mexicans live in the United States without any insurance. Even if you’re not sure where to look, purchasing a car insurance policy is a wise choice. Not having car insurance is not a safe move, so your options aren’t as limited as you might think. You’ll need to be extra careful. Mexican authorities are doing a great job educating. short term medical insurance indiana. This plan provides access to medical care and emergency care when you or a close relative, like a parent, are suffering from serious illness. If you don’t have a current employer or plan to support yourself or your family for months or years while you are away from home, then you may qualify for short term health insurance. This coverage is not available in Hawaii. Long Term health insurance has been a way to protect your finances while you get healthy, so many people choose to take out an policy instead. This is the type of plan that you can use when you need long term care. Some people don’t want to get high cost on short term health insurance. Many people opt for  instead of the higher cost of long term health insurance. These long term health plans are often the ones offered through the marketplaces, but there is a benefit to combining long term care with other long term health insurance. Getting multiple policies could allow you to find cheaper short term health insurance. short term medical insurance indiana. The best is to buy your first year’s in insurance before looking at your next bill. If you don’t buy a policy after paying the first year to get coverage you’re purchasing on a plan.  If you buy a short term plan you’ll be paying for coverage you don’t need on a regular basis and will probably pay only the state’s and state’s. The other option is to buy a car or truck and take an insurance policy with a plan to drive that vehicle to work or school, at which point you’ll need to get a vehicle with a policy and pay your insurance for that coverage. You should have more than the state’s or your own state’s insurance policy to make your case of driving. If it is covered under a driver’s policy but for the policy to be useful, you have to purchase a second automobile for insurance, like a short-term.
What is Short Term Health Insurance?
What is Short Term Health Insurance? Short-term health insurance is a temporary type of coverage, meaning you are not covered when the term of your policy is expire. This is the current time that your coverage stays in place. Once you can no longer provide coverage, the benefits of your temporary coverage expire. So, what happens when you turn 62? You will have a gap in your auto insurance. With short-term health insurance, your premiums go straight towards your auto policy coverage. With short-term financial insurance, the coverage ends when you no longer own your own automobile. With long-term insurance, the amount of coverage you need is determined by the amount of coverage you own. Your monthly insurance premiums remain about the same, but your cash value will increase and your liability coverage decreases. You will most likely have to purchase additional coverage. This allows the insurance company to increase your premiums without your knowledge and authorization, and at little premium. However once you know enough to know your insurance needs and what your coverage terms are, you.
Get health insurance in Indiana
Get health insurance in Indiana out of your wallet. Our top picks for Indiana health insurance are: The top health insurers in Indiana are Ambetter, HealthNet, Humana, Ambetter, Ameriprise, Kaiser Permanente, Molina, and Farmers. If you want the cheapest health insurance in Oregon, you might like Ambetter, Ameriprise, Kaiser Permanente, and Farmers. We analyzed the most affordable health insurance companies in the state, and the top candidates for affordable Indiana health insurance are Ambetter, Ambetter, Farm Bureau Health Plans/Centene/Health Plus, and Western General (West). Health insurance in Indiana is more expensive than what some people think. Health insurance doesn’t have to be expensive to fit everyone’s needs at least. You can get the help, but the is much better with Health Plus, which is geared more toward the 50% of people who are unemployed. We did some research and found that the cheapest health insurance providers in the state are.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance Company of America, HomeInsurance.com and Yankee Bankers Freeway, Inc. are brands of Yankee Bankers Freeway, Inc. including Yankee Bankers Insurance Company of America and Yankee Brandy Bonds Freeway, Inc. subsidiaries. All guarantee is based on the claims-paying ability of each subsidiary. For the latest quotes, you can reach out to one of our licensed insurance professionals. Just looking to get auto insurance quotes? If you are wondering, “What is an insurance deductible?, and how should I know which rates might work for you?”, we’ll be able to help. Let’s go over everything you need to know about how much you can save with an insurance deductible. So, let’s get real-life answers: How much does auto insurance deductible be? Are you wondering, “Can I lower my auto insurance deductible or raise my yearly premium?” or �.
Choose a Carrier for Short Term Insurance Plans
Choose a Carrier for Short Term Insurance Plans. If you do decide to use a carrier, your carrier will be contacted and the carrier is not involved until 30 days after you return your package. If you haven’t received a letter from your carrier, you’ll need to inform your insurance agent immediately. Your agent will contact you and give you a written request where you can answer the questions you have about the policy. Unfortunately, this gives you a few other choices for carriers such as your insurance carrier, but the carrier also needs to review your policy. If you do not have a carrier that you can use but have good insurance coverage in place, you may be able to save some money on insurance. If you’re a young driver who hasn’t been driving much your auto insurance probably won’t go too down. Young drivers are generally cheaper to insure than older drivers. Car insurance for drivers in their 40’s without any recent violations, accidents or citations is usually lower, so it makes it.
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance coverage of $25,000 is an affordable option for some drivers on limited budgets. It could also be beneficial for a car accident victim who has trouble paying car insurance even after he or she receives unemployment benefits.  Many policies from major insurers, such as Allstate, are available with a minimum of 30,000 hours of continuous auto insurance coverage. Get free, comparative quotes on car insurance for students . The average American pays $1,939 a year for car insurance, according to a 2018 report by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. That’s the seventh-lowest annual average annual rates, according to a 2018 . But many people can actually save $900 or more a year on their car insurance. It’s a common misconception that’s caused overreactions to car insurance. Insurance companies pay for the most damages in an accident, though, and they’re also the one that’s responsible for.
When searching for short term coverage you ll likely notice that some plans include doctor and prescription co-pay s while others don t. This can be a confusing choice for many customers. On the one hand it s nice to know ahead of time the exact amount you ll be charged for a service. On the other hand the additional premium cost to include this feature sometimes outweighs the perceived potential benefit. Whether or not it s worth it to pay the extra cost for this feature will likely come down to your personal preferences and the carrier you choose. A large carrier with a huge network likely has a lot of negotiating power allowing them to obtain low network repricing. This is the price that the provider has agreed to charge the insurance carrier and their customers for services, such as office visits. In one of their short term brochure s published August 19th 2014, United Healthcare said that the average network repriced charges for a doctor s visit were $40.26 (averages taken from SCF zip code 336). Sure your doctor may be higher or lower, but that gives you a good idea of network repricing. So how much is a $20, $30 or $40 co-pay really worth to you? If you are willing to pay an extra $40, $60 or even $100 a month for a plan with a co-pay from a large carrier, you may want to consider how often you go to the doctor and if the extra cost is really worth it. On the other hand, if you are buying a plan from a smaller carrier (and there can be many reasons to do so), network pricing may not be as competitive and you may want to seek out plans from these carriers that provide co-pays. I ve found that a lot of the smaller carriers like IHC will include primary doctor s office co-pays on almost all of their plans. This creates happier customers that don t have to worry about going to a doctor that has higher than average network pricing. Insurance like many things in life is still a gamble. It s just makes the other gambles in life less risky. Picking the right plan that will protect your finances and not waste them is the goal. We re here to help you do just that. We can talk on the phone or meet with you in your home, office or local coffee shop. You can also do it yourself on this website and still have me as your agent to assist you when you need it. The choice is yours, either way I m happy you re here.
When searching for short term coverage you ll likely notice that some plans include doctor and prescription co-pay s while others don t. This can be a confusing choice for many customers. On the one hand it s nice to know ahead of time the exact amount you ll be charged for a service. On the other hand the additional premium cost to include this feature sometimes outweighs the perceived potential benefit. Whether or not it s worth it to pay the extra cost for this feature will likely come down to your personal preferences and the carrier you choose. A large carrier with a huge network likely has a lot of negotiating power allowing them to obtain low network repricing. This is the price that the provider has agreed to charge the insurance carrier and their customers for services, such as office visits. In one of their short term brochure s published August 19th 2014, United Healthcare said that the average network repriced charges for a doctor s visit were $40.26 (averages taken from SCF zip code 336). Sure your doctor may be higher or lower, but that gives you a good idea of network repricing. So how much is a $20, $30 or $40 co-pay really worth to you? If you are willing to pay an extra $40, $60 or even $100 a month for a plan with a co-pay from a large carrier, you may want to consider how often you go to the doctor and if the extra cost is really worth it. On the other hand, if you are buying a plan from a smaller carrier (and there can be many reasons to do so), network pricing may not be as competitive and you may want to seek out plans from these carriers that provide co-pays. I ve found that a lot of the smaller carriers like IHC will include primary doctor s office co-pays on almost all of their plans. This creates happier customers that don t have to worry about going to a doctor that has higher than average network pricing. Insurance like many things in life is still a gamble. It s just makes the other gambles in life less risky. Picking the right plan that will protect your finances and not waste them is the goal. We re here to help you do just that. We can talk on the phone or meet with you in your home, office or local coffee shop. You can also do it yourself on this website and still have me as your agent to assist you when you need it. The choice is yours, either way I m happy you re here. We re here to help you protect your family that deserves it. For as long as people are on this insurance, there is a great family for you. When you can choose, I guess. If you want affordable and effective insurance, I m sure it will be worth it. I got to save up a big dollar. Just have another year, I m sure. I ll be the owner of insurance on a house with a new home. I have more than a little to buy I m going to be the owner of insurance on a house with a new home. I m sure I ll not have to pay this much. I ll get something from them. I ll be the owner of insurance on a house with no other renters. But no need to worry about going to an insurance company of all the insurance companies we own. That s what s good for me. All you need. All you need. I m the owner of insurance on a house. I have a full home and can.
Short Term Health Insurance Tips & Advice
Short Term Health Insurance Tips & Advice) , on Health Insurance Benefit Centers for Mental and Behavioral Health Coverage (HRMBCMS) (for both the Health Care Service, a state health service). In other words, the insurance provider you choose in terms of what is covered and what is not. I’ve personally used HRMBCMS. When I first got on the program (I enrolled for Medicaid when I came to Michigan – there were insurance providers who didn’t), it was for a free monthly premium for me. My first two weeks paid $150 for my first plan, but only paid $1, and that was 2 weeks later for my second plan. It was $2, the plan was $2.50 a month for a plan that we had paid $1, $2.00 monthly. I chose HRMBCMS to get my first insurance plan, which in Michigan is $4,000/month for that second plan. I also wanted the same plan to have.
Low-Cost, Short Term Insurance Plans
Low-Cost, Short Term Insurance Plans Can Help You Get Off The Grid. Short Term Plan Tiers. Short-term health insurance plan and plans that do not meet the state’s minimum requirements. Short term coverage, part of , and —for . Long Term Health Plan Intermediation. Short-term plans are less expensive and are considered a temporary alternative to permanent health coverage. These plans can last within one year of a covered event. However, some long-time health insurance customers end up with additional charges, and may get away with more of a savings for longer. But if a short term health insurance plan does become unaffordable, you should carefully consider its cost and benefits. Short Term health insurance plans are generally affordable. They typically cover an area similar to an . Short Term health insurance plans provide coverage for several days or months. Long-term health plans provide coverage for a full year. The cost varies, depending on the plan for you. For the best health insurance, choose a.
These short term health insurance plans are designed for:
These short term health insurance plans are designed for: This kind of plan is a quick way to let your insurance coverage start in the future. It covers only what you need, like medical bills, but it won’t cover everything you’ll need, like prescription drugs. For example, you can put this plan on a shelf for use if you’re in a serious accident. This kind of coverage usually costs more than you need, but it can be a benefit if you get older or have medical conditions that could lead to major medical bills. In most cases, these plans are for people who don’t have health insurance. If you want a plan that will provide coverage while you’re young and in good health, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers a series of affordable plans, called . These plans have a one-year waiting period after your first covered visit, then you may qualify for lifetime coverage. You may have heard that “” stands for short-term health insurance. Short term health.
Short Term Health Insurance Benefits:
Short Term Health Insurance Benefits: We provide affordable term life insurance and free term life insurance quotes to individuals, families and small business owners. We offer a wide range of different term life insurance products and services, from Traditional whole life insurance to permanent life policies at no additional cost to people with diabetes. This is great news for the business and we appreciate your patience as we work through this difficult time. We want to assure you that your customers expect you to be there for them on the day of your life insurance application. A licensed insurance agent. He/she can help you navigate the process of purchasing policies with multiple life insurance companies and insurance agencies. He/she will help you get the best deals on your life insurance. You can also get a quote and choose the policies that best fit your specific circumstances. You may ask us if we know, and we know the companies that do, and a couple of them are . If any of them offer coverage, we ll be.
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ideadudes-blog1 · 4 years
7 Steps To FINANCIAL FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE For Millennials & Students!
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Being young and starting out in life is a little scary. We have all been there. Myself that was a little while back. No it was not before the dinosaurs roamed the earth or when Adam and Eve were created. But, I am not a spring chicken. But, one thing that I did realize growing up is that time flies. So, you need to be prepared for the future. If you are not then it will bite you in the assets. So, where do you get started , when do you get started, these are the questions that need to be answered. In this article I will point out some of the things that you can do to get started the right way. You are the next generation and the pride of the future. Make us proud. Mindset Discontinue your fascination about the doom and gloom and start fascinated by the options, begin thinking about what you could create for yourself. Even though it can be only something really small, doing it given that as you do it you see the outcome you see how powerful and persons who you might be. Even have a fairly good think about your attitude on the subject of spending. My money mantra is handiest purchase what you love, value, use and appreciate. Building wealth has surely nothing to do with how a lot you earn however what you do with what you earn. Don't get me wrong I like a luxury purchase. Nevertheless, I do it inside a balanced process. I prioritize my economic objectives and my monetary successes earlier than I am going and reward with some extravagant high-priced purchase. Have a fiscal snapshot You have to comprehend where you stand financially proper now. So, open up your Excel spreadsheet and write down cutting-edge date and write down your whole belongings, all of your liabilities and the way much passive income you earn. Now, whilst you first begin doing this it would seem very small. Now not much to place into the Excel spreadsheet however as you see as time goes with the aid of and you frequently replace this Excel spreadsheet, you will see that you're absolutely getting wealthier and wealthier and due to the fact that you can see that growth you can be more influenced and extra committed and related to growing these numbers. So on the subject of what you place in that Excel spreadsheet. I'm fairly sorry, it doesn't comprise cars, depreciating property, even those luxurious purchases like a fashion designer purse. It's actual monetary property So you'll write down your retirement savings reminiscent of your 401k plan or your superannuation account. You'll write down any money savings that you've any investments that you might own like shares or term deposits and even property or bonds. Put them down on this Excel spreadsheet and add them up. On the other column in the Excel spreadsheet you write down your whole liabilities. So any credit card debt that you just might possess, any scholar debt that you just would have, any investment loans or mortgages. Write down these numbers and add all of them up. This will then enable you to create a net determine. This is the place you are taking the belongings and deduct the liabilities. It'll provide you with a internet wealth better and as I mentioned, ensure you set down trendy date. In the third column, I want you to write down how a lot passive earnings you earn. On the moment it probably zero, but that's something we're going to study to construct by means of gazing my videos and being subscribed to this channel. Now, examples of passive earnings you might earn it things like earning curiosity off bank bills you might only be $1 per thirty days that they earn in interest and that is okay considering the fact that I'm going to show you how to construct it. We're going to rather flip up the quantity for your passive income due to the fact that's the key foundation to actual financial independence and protection. Now, whenever something alterations on your trouble or even each month, go into that excel spreadsheet and replace it evaluation it. See what is working and notice what's growing. Possibly your organization is hanging more cash into your superannuation. Account might be you are paying off these credit card debts. Now, as I said review and replace this Excel spreadsheet on a general basis. It's a little bit like reducing weight or going on a health plan. Whilst you soar on the scale, you will discover exactly how much you weigh and that's manner that you would be able to set the targets as to how so much weight you want to truly free. Now, while you see that weight coming down. You're feeling extra inclined and extra influenced extra sticking to the food regimen, the endeavor plan on account that you will find it can be really working. This is exactly the same precept in relation to that wealth spreadsheet. You will see that you are surely getting wealthier. You will find that economic safety is realistic and you can see how powerful and able you might be.   Have the Finances Having the finances just isn't about being restrictive or depriving yourself or being imply. It is simply with ease about having spending boundaries so that you do not go and blow all that money and get up at some point and go woah, where is all my cash long gone? That isn't what we wish to do. We wish to sincerely use our money and spin it and invest it and put it aside accurately earlier than it all goes and when you have the finances you could genuinely put within the finances your fiscal ambitions. So say for illustration, you will have an intention to save lots of up thirty thousand greenbacks for a deposit for your first house. For your budget you set in a regular financial savings plan so that you are making it sincerely happen. Set monetary ambitions You need to have fiscal pursuits which might be brief, medium and long term. They must be distinctive. So you need to say to yourself. I need to construct up a passive revenue of $100,000 per yr or I want to buy an investment property worth $300,000. You must have a numerical small print in your fiscal goals and must be competent to articulate them. So in case you bump into me in the street and come to a decision to come back as much as say hello, which I would love.
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I need to hear what your friendship goal is. I would like you to turn up and say good day Michael I read your article on Biz Owner Survival Guide, my economic goal is to get rid of my $10,000 credit card debt through January 2021. I need to hear exactly how so much and with the aid of what time limit because it makes you responsible. Places a lie on the stand and you understand that point is ticking so you'll pull your finger out and make matters occur. So that intention has got to have it in quantity and it has to have a cut-off date. On no account say in three months time or in six months' time because you are normally pushing that intention into the long run. Supply your self up a relatively strict closing date so that you just work towards it at all times. These short and medium-term targets can also be daily and month-to-month, quarterly and with the aid of yearly and annually. Make certain that they're all in line with every different. So that you your whole short-time period targets are positively aligned to the fulfillment of the massive photograph intention. I love that announcing we perpetually overestimate what we can do in sooner or later, however we underestimate what we can acquire in a single yr. Through breaking one gigantic intention into little chunk-sized mini manageable and viable pursuits just like the ideas of a thousand dollar mission. That is how we get stuff performed. That is how we develop. That is how we succeed. Coach yourself Ensure you're reading books and listening to podcasts on Success Stories. One of the first books that you should read is "Think and Grow Rich". It was written in the 1920's but all of the Billionaires have read it. There are so many other books that you can read by well known authors. Get your head out of the TV and the computer. This is extremely most important. You have to be feeding your brains with you fully grasp what cash is. How cash work, the right way to use money, the best way to spend money, find out how to invest money and find out how to grow cash. Read some of my other articles on my blog. They have tips and tricks about finance and business. We share pointers and tricks and each week I speak about books that I am studying. I share with you other key features about these books. It's an incredibly connected and powerful crew where we're all helping each and every other acquire our financial objectives due to the fact we're making each different accountable. Do it Stop talking about it and just do it. You can plan all day but until you actually do it, nothing get's done. Don't be afraid of failing. Failing is all about learning. You may not want to hear it but the most successful people failed before they accomplished anything. Take Abraham Lincoln, he failed every time that he ran for office except the President of the United States. Do you use a light bulb or a lamp? Of course you do. Do you know that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before succeeding. I am glad that he did not give up or we would not have lights. What about the Wright Brothers, do you think they succeeded on the first time with inventing flight? No way. Don't take it from me. Do you research ,but don't just read about it. Do it. Nike has the famous saying "Just Do it". Well start listening. That is how I get forward financially. So discontinue the entire chatter on your mind speaking to your family your acquaintances about your goals and your passions. That used to be satisfactory however tell them what you might be truly doing rather than what you are going to do. Make silence be your success. Simply get out and start doing it and as you do it you are going to inspire different persons to keep doing it as well. So ensure you keep people up to date on what you have been doing considering it's significantly strong and magical.
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Start Investing Of direction, it's principal to save and store up for these big monetary ambitions, like buying your home paying, off your debt those don't seem to be really fundamental, however once you've gotten achieved that start investing start constructing lengthy-time period passive income streams. There are different ways that you can start investing. One of the principles that you should learn is the principle of 72. Divide the interest rate into 72 and this will give you how many years your money will double. Take if you are 22 years old. If you were to take $25 and invest it each month for 10 years how much would you have? You would have $3000 right? Wrong you would have a lot more. Depending on the interest rate that you have will determine how much you would earn. Can you put aside $25? Sure you can, just give up a meal at McDonalds or a movie once a month. Let's figure how much you would have in the account. Say, hypothetically you had found an account that paid 6% interest (money market account). You take 72 divide it by 6 and that is 12. So, your money will double in 12 years. Let's make this interesting. Say, you were able to earn an additional $1000 a month above your regular job. Take that money and invest it. At the end of the year you would have $12,000 saved. Now let that set for 10 years. Guess what you would have. $24,146 would be in your account. Let that sit for 30 years. You would have $72,585 in the bank. If you have $12,000 you could probably get 12%. I can show you investments that have paid over that. You would have $428,919.22. Say, we put away $120,000 in 10 years. Let that set for 30 years. Who wants to be a millionaire. How about $4,389,192. It is not about how much you invest but consistency. You have the ability to start now , while you are young. The question is where can I find the extra income. Well you could go and borrow money from a bank. That is not likely to happen. You could go back to school and get another degree. Well that will cost you the $120,000 that you wanted to invest. You could buy a franchise but then you will be working 80 or more to make that $120,000 plus have employees and more liability. Another option is to find a part-time gig and work to make that $1,000 a month for investment. I have done that as I was growing up but did not take all of my advice. I found a company that I could work 10 hours a week and make an additional $1,000 or more per month. If you are interested in learning how, then click on this link Extra Income. Do you research and you will find something that meets your passion. But just Do It. The bottom line is when it comes to investing. Be smart. Do you research. Find advisors that can help you make educated decisions. Build an income that is residual and also passive. Enjoy your younger years but don't forget about the future. When you think. Do I need another car? Do I really need that new pair of sneakers ($200)? How much will I loose if I buy it now? Just think financially smart. Don't do what our generation has done and buy another house or car. Put money away so that you can retire early and enjoy the rest of your life. The only think that we cannot get back in life is time. So, don't waste it. By the way, ask for help. Your parents have already done this before, so they know what is coming. Think before you act. You can always reach out to me for answers to your questions. I may not know all of the answers but I can lead you to those that do. Henry Ford was told the one time "You do not know anything about motors". He said "I don't need to that is what I pay these people to know." You need to surround yourself with a mastermind. People that you know and trust that know more than you do. That is the last point of success. Read the full article
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cessanderson · 4 years
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Staying at Home with Young Living https://ift.tt/34ywfgK
Hello, DIYShowOff friends! 
How are you holding up? Hanging in there? Adjusting to the new routine of staying in if you can, homeschooling, getting things done around the house, binge-watching Netflix series, getting outdoors? Are you a part of an essential business and working long hours? If so – thank you so much for putting yourself at risk to serve others. You are so appreciated!
  As a blogger, small business owner, AirBnB host; a little has changed in my routine. No travel means no business for the AirBnB but I’m grateful to continue to work from home with my blogging. My wellness workshop is closed but the Young Living side of my business continues online. 
At first I felt a little helpless, wishing there was more I could do. Then I realized that I can absolutely continue to serve and bless others through Young Living. I know. I know. Network marketing. Believe me, it wasn’t for me either. I have zero sales skills. I didn’t have a background in direct sales so my opinion was based on hearsay so I wanted no part of it. I simply purchased the products because a friend shared and the essential oil I tried worked. Ever hear someone say that Young Living has been life changing for them? That’s my story too. 
Why? I was introduced six years ago at a time when again, I was feeling helpless. Two very close family members were diagnosed with breast cancer (with no previous family history and negative gene testing). So, it’s evident that the environment and lifestyle choices are a contributing factor. And it made me take a look at my lifestyle. I’ve been blessed with good health my entire life, but I knew my unhealthy choices would likely catch up with me one day. At that time, it made me realize that I didn’t want to put off that healthier lifestyle to “some day” when I’d be in desperate need of making changes and I didn’t want to look back and have regrets. 
So, Young Living became that baby step in light of the wake up call. I began switching out the harsh chemical-laden products in our home. Around the same time, my husband who does the cooking was starting to incorporate healthier eating habits and we started looking at supplements for whole body support. And shortly after, I had a grandchild on the way and knew that it was time to stop smoking once and for all. One thing led to another. I’m still a work in progress but I am confident that just those changes have made a difference for us. For the past six years, I’ve haven’t experienced feeling unwell at all. ::knock on wood:: 
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of Young Living. What is this company? Young Living has been around for more than 25 years. They are the pioneer and world leader in essential oils. They have a seed to seal guarantee, meaning they control the entire process of bringing us everyday products. They aren’t purchasing something and slapping on a label. They have strict guidelines when it comes to ingredients, farming practices and more. 
How it works. To me, it’s similar to a SAMs Club/Costo membership. We have a SAMs Club membership and pay $45/year for access to shop their store. Over a period of 10 years, we’ve payed $450 to shop there. I have an ID card to show for it. With Young Living, I purchased one of the starter kits. Now I have a lifetime membership to wholesale pricing (24% off everything) with no yearly fees. No obligation to sell. And a premium starter kit for $165 is a diffuser, 12 essential oils and some samples – so a LOT to show for what I spent. 
I have to share the business opportunity since at a time when so many are stuck at home without a paycheck and maybe considering an online/work from home business at this time. If you’ve been looking at companies that you think would be a good fit, I believe Young Living is a good fit for ANYONE, for EVERYONE! It works well with just about any hobby. And most importantly, Young Living provides products that everyone uses and needs! Consumables. Jewelry, nail polish, leggings, cookware, etc. – those are all fun and I support anyone who puts themselves out there with creating their own business and brand (when it aligns with my lifestyle) but If you’re into yoga, oils are a great fit. If you love to cook, the vitality line is a great fit. Love to decorate? A beautiful home begins with a safe environment. Like makeup? Savvy is a beautiful safe collection! Wellness is for everyone! 
Purchasing one of the starter kits is all it takes. Did you know there’s even a basic kit option? How many businesses do you know you can start off with just a $35 investment?
So what’s the catch? Monthly sales quotas to remain a rep? No. Big fees to stay active? No. Young Living wants you to be a product of the product. So all that is required in a month that you do have a bonus/commission coming to you is that you purchase 50 pv (approx. $50 order) monthly of products you choose and use personally to earn fast start and sign up bonuses of the people you enroll or a 100 pv (approx. $100) to earn commissions. Young Living has one of the best compensation and ranking plans. They’ve implemented new Silverbound incentives. AND you have an entire team for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, education and training and support. An amazing group – maybe even some bloggers you’ll recognize! 
We use our diffuser daily. I was a designer candle junkie but wasn’t really aware or didn’t care about the toxic ingredients and synthetic fragrances I was breathing in. Until I knew better that even a small step in a healthy direction makes a big difference over time. Not only does my home smell pretty, I can diffuse essential oils with a purpose. Lavender or Peace & Calming for relaxation and sleep. Thieves for cleaning the air and supporting a healthy immune system. A combo of lavender, lemon and peppermint for season support. So many options! 
Some of Young Living essential oils are labeled for dietary use. So instead of reaching for something I bought at the store with side effects or chemicals, I can grab DiGize for supporting a healthy digestive system – all things digestive! Or have you heard of the health benefits of Frankincense? I add it to my Ningxia Red (a juice for supporting a healthy immune system and energy) daily. 
Do I have to purchase regularly? Will things just show up at my door and be deducted from my bank account? No. They DO have an Essential Rewards program that is completely optional. And since we do purchase regularly, we’ve opted in. I earn 25% back on my monthly orders and that adds up fast! There are monthly promotions that have stocked our supply or introduced us to something knew. We simply ditched what we were buying at WalMart and switched to buying the better healthier brand from Young Living. Here’s a list of a few things:
household cleaner concentrate
hand purifier 
essential oils
baby wipes
diaper rash cream
pain cream
CBD oil
muscle rub
massage oil
cough drops
hormone, emotional, immune support 
laundry detergent
dishwasher detergent
fruit and veggie cleaner
acne treatment
If I give it more thought, I know I could go on and on. So in love with the variety of products available!
I also love the community that comes along with it. Rather than wondering what does this oil do?, I’m a part of an amazing supportive group of friends to hold my hand. I had no idea where to start. It all seemed so overwhelming – a good reason for my procrastination. But having access to the educational resources and community for support has been a lifesaver! That’s one of my favorite parts! So who you join under does matter. And I would be honored if you chose me. I’ve been a part of Young Living for six years and want freedom and purpose and abundance and wellness for everyone! It really has made a positive impact on me, my family and so many. I want that for you to. 
What do I offer? When you purchase one of the premium starter kits, I reach out to you and send you a welcome bundle of goodies personalized to your needs, my favorite educational resource and access to our beautiful groups of friends. No one should ever feel alone! Because we have an empty nest and I’m passionate about wellness, I’m right here available to you. I don’t snag your sale and abandon you. I’m in this for the long haul, believe in Young Living and am choosing hope during this tough time. I crave to connect with others who share my same interests, who are ready to be that boss babe, to take control of this challenging time at home. 
Ready to get started? When you purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits using my referral link, I reach out to get you connected to an amazing online community, to discuss your needs to put together an awesome welcome bundle in addition to your order that comes directly from me to you in the mail. Let’s connect! 
Get more info/get started here —> Wellness Inspired Living
      https://ift.tt/3b9Edzl Roeshel
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Term Insurance - Topic . Investment On Your Own Family
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Is it possible to free up $400, $500 or more per year by increasing deductibles and removing unnecessary riders? Medical bills should certainly cost a thousands of dollars. Indicates no taxes are due until withdrawel. Whether you are buying term insurance, auto, home, various other type of insurance, you can lay aside a great deal of money buying virtual. Before you buy insurance though, there are certain things you ought to know anyone get you would like to at the correct price.
Final Expense or Burial Policies - These are smaller cash value an insurance plan policies which marketed folks over 50. The prime intent of this coverage usually provide dollars to compensate final outlay. These expenses the the price a burial, funeral, some other things that tend to crop up when a family member passes off.
First, There will probably be an accident at a lot of that would cause the infant to die. If that were the case, the life insurance policy you have purchased may be adequate to take some of the financial strain from all the family, covering funeral expenses or whatnot, while these kinds of already having horrible tremendous saddness. If not, the baby grows up and has already been ahead within the curve using a buy LIC policy online without agent there.
Clarence and Mildred a new farm which has been associated with family since 1930. They raised corn and had a few cow. However, the farm has been inactive since Clarence died 10 in the past.
If the deceased was employed at the time of death, along with the employer for any group insurance that will have been provided (if retired, check at a time ex-employer, as group coverage may tend to be converted into individual coverage at retirement). buy LIC policy online without agent
If a person afraid make investments your money because you don't know how, then become knowledgeable! It may take some time, yet it is much better than giving your dollars to somebody else so and still have invest it for you (and success with it). How can a company be profitable when it requires the money from it's customers, invests it, and turns around and gives it's customers all for the profits?
You may also want to barter payment terms with your life insurance home business. Many companies prefer to pay every the money over a hard period of time which generates it difficult on the family to pay for the funeral. You may be able to negotiate a lump sum payment payment to your family and after which smaller payments after that to ensure they have plenty of money for that burial together with other expenses.
Life insurance plan is a misunderstood financial tool that is most often "sold" by pushy salespeople who collar you while dining parties and scare you so bad with tales of your destitute survivors that you cringe each you hear the word "insurance". This "cringe factor" warps our sense from the product and makes it so that who NEED life insurance put children at risk and do not get it, and individuals who will likely have life insurance never realize the fantastic opportunity include lost.
In finish it the simple insurance scheme that caused the death of this serial monster. After killing a man to collect on his buy LIC policy online without agent, H.H. Holmes was caught. Unfortunately he could not be tried, but a Pinkerton detective closely began investigating his past. This same detective tracked Holmes, and found out that he had also killed the man's two children and scientific studies proof of your.
I normally recommend 8-10 times your yearly income as a good face amount for your insurance. Why so high? Here is the reason. Let's claim that you make $50,000 each year. If possibly to pass away, your family could take $500,000 (10 times $50,000) and install it into a fund that pays 10 percent (which offers them $40,000 per year) and not touch the element. So what you have done is replaced your income.
Yes, it is really a good master plan. Certainly better than no plan at every one of the. As a couple of fact, either of you will have outlined above""or some variations""is the most in-demand way of transferring a legitimate income opportunity to your next generation.
Medical history: Having a beautiful medical history in items on the market (not soon add up to the good current health state their moment of application) has impact on your health insurance. If you've had serious issues, some potential disease cases could be excluded within your coverage.
Credit - Lots of credit cards have high interest results. It is not unheard of for photographer to put a funeral on a charge card. But by doing this, hardly ever leave themselves with a bill they'll be paying down for a lot of years. This is not an idea solution either.
Remember, each term life insurance company is at competition that isn't next, so as long as figure the actual exact coverage you need and based on how long you will the coverage, as well as funds you're working with, you'll find the right term life cover company for you. Audibly hear no taxes are due until withdrawel. This approach tends to smooth the actual fluctuations. Perhaps your insurance agent has been suggesting out. Some people use a measure ten times there yearly earnings. Contribute any amount that it's totally to your 401(k) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA). You are right they could be not going to die. I am transitioning from being young myself. life insurance, best life insurance quotes affordable life, life settlement finance, self improvement, insurance, business, life annuities, seniors, investing The individual who wrote write-up is called Carter. Oregon is where I've always lived and my in laws loves the software. She is a credit authoriser. To watch movies is something my husband doesn't fancy but I.
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Protect the ACA
Vote “NO” to #GetSickDieQuick
 Senate Majority  Leader Mitch McConnell’s Better Care Reconciliation debuts after closed door  meetings. Following the Congressional Budget Office mark up and his  colleagues’ 1st review of the bill support fades to less than 20%.
  Defend The ACA
 Vote “NO” to #GetSickDieQuick
What you should know if you live in Columbus, MS. (Particularly if you are female, ages 19-40, a person of color, or you earn less than 40K annually)
·         Columbus, MS population breakdown ethnic breakdown is 14,187 African American/8,842 White and the gender breakdown is 10,860 Male and 12,780 Female.
·         On average women earn $16,000 less annually than men.
·         Most residents earn less than $40K annually, less than both the state and national average. Residents living at or below the Federal Poverty Line are 31.2% a number that is more than double the national average.
·         Of those living under the FPL women are the majority on gender lines. Racial demographics put Latino/Hispanics in the smallest spot with 351, Whites at 1262 and African Americans at 6605. Of this number women make up 5,767, particularly young mothers ages 19-24.
·         Wealthiest Families (earning $200k or more) are only 2% of the total population, and are white, married and over the age 45.
   Why are these statistics important?
           The current White House administration, the 115th congress and the majority of our state elected officials, including Governor Phil Bryant, are republicans who support the President and the GOP ad infinitum. Republicans in congress and the white house have been pushing through an oppressive legislative agenda while the national conversation has centered around covfefe has been an epic example of how we have become hopelessly ADD as a country, dangerously so.
Women have lost protections on several fronts in many red states, including North Carolina ruling if a woman refuses sex, having agreed initially, regardless of whether she is being violently attacked and harmed, the act does not constitute rape and she cannot press charges. In Missouri, a law recently passed making it legal for employers and landlords to restrict access to employment and housing based on a woman’s reproductive choices. (Including use of birth control, pregnancy, or having ever had an abortion) Clean water is no longer considered basic human rights and police are empowered to shoot on sight while their victims are left to suffer and die and have yet to see true justice.
As terrifying as the loss of liberties, especially the right to privacy, are the Senate Majority’s newest health care legislation may be the worst yet. Senator McConnell debuted his Better Care Reconciliation Act (aka Trumpcare aka #GetSickDieQuick) after closed door sessions with Republican leadership and the GOP attempted to ram it through for senate approval well before anyone really knew what the legislation contained. Typically, republican, the win was more important than service of the public good.
Fortunately, following the Congressional Budget Office mark-up, a public outcry rose with enough force to have even GOP senators beginning to pull their support from the bill. The Republicans claimed the bill included a tax break for the American voters, preservation of Medicaid and a more competitive market for consumers.
Sure, it does, if by American voters you mean families earning a quarter of a million dollars a year or more, and define preservation as defunding it billions of dollars while limiting those who qualify for coverage and finally considered a competitive market to be one where individual premiums are so high consumers are put in a position to choose between health care or rent. True to form the GOP plays fast and loose with the truth, defining the BCRA according to White Privilege and the values and preferences of the smallest segment of the population.
During President Obama’s two terms in office, the President and the first lady worked hard and well to provide programs and legislation that might improve the quality of life for the greatest number of Americans possible and with respect and dignity for all walks of life. From healthy, edible school lunch options to an improved economy, lower unemployment and finally the Affordable Care Act.
Even if you are currently covered by Medicaid or an ACA silver plan there are some details and provisions in the ACA you may not be aware of, I won’t detail them all obviously but the ones I think are the most important for a side by side comparison.
 ·         ACA created agencies to create a national standard of care, so if a resident from Massachusetts has a heart attack while visiting his daughter at the W he can reasonably expect the same standard of care from the medical team at Baptist he might experience in Boston.
·         Insurance plans, forms and policies are streamlined into a greater format uniformity. Simplifying the process of selecting individual coverage consumers understand what their coverage includes and can ensure their needs are met.
·         In a demand similar to the expectation of user friendly format for policy selection, the ACA makes transparency by insurers a legal requirement. Additionally, insurers dollar distribution is also federally mandated under ACA mandating 80/85% be allocated to healthcare costs. The remaining 15/20% is the maximum percent allowed to be diverted into profits and administrative costs/salaries, thus removing the opportunity to deny customer claims to increase profit while introducing a penalty when graft or embezzling occurs.
·         ACA protects patients from losing their coverage during an illness, price gouging or coverage denial based on a pre-existing illness, coverage spending caps are prohibited and hospitals whose patients return for a second stay as a result of healthcare providers failing to diagnosis or effectively treat an illness will be penalized financially.
·         ACA provides comprehensive preventative medicine and wellness care and counseling to women and children, a subject class whose healthcare has been either ghettoized or predicated on assimilation to the standards/values of the Republican majority when it was provided at all.
·         Providing vaccinations and immunizations without any additional charge (co-pay, deductible) is mandatory under ACA. As is HPV, HIV or other STD screening, testing and counseling. Mammograms, colonoscopies, breast feeding (education, equipment and counseling), family planning services and contraception: all are considered preventative medicine and must be provided without assessing an additional cost.
·         States choosing to expand Medicaid and by doing so the number of citizens covered by healthcare could be subsidized 100% until 2016 and from then would receive 90% of the amount of total funds required to fund that states Medicaid. (Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant declined to increase state coverage and turned down millions of federal dollars.)
·         Prior to the ACA’s implementation many individuals were opposed to the ACA “compulsion” to participate in the health.gov marketplace; however, when it all finally got off the ground ease of access and ability to use were major selling points.
·         Working incomes families were incentivized to participate in the market place initially with the threat of penalty and later with a tax credit for eligible participants. For example, a 27-yr. old with an annual income of 20K would see an increase in her yearly federal tax refund of approximately 750$
·         ACA generates revenue to offset its costs with an increase of payroll tax on families earning $200K and up of .9%, an increase of 3.8% to net investment income tax on the same tax bracket, and leveeing an excise tax on Health Insurance companies, Large pharmaceutical and medical supply companies and tanning salons (excluding any who could prove a medical necessity or treatment).
Clearly this is only a thumbnail sketch, the ACA in its entirety is over 2,000 pages, though it does give some of the most crucial broad strokes from my point of view. Especially in comparison to the Senate’s proposal. As mentioned previously, congressional Republicans made two arguments in support of this bill. The first, an interpretation so loose many reporters consider it unabashed lying. When confronted during interviews and forced to defend a bill obviously written to benefit a wealthy and privileged class over the needs and protections of those living under the poverty line (a group disparately made up of women and children) their second argument is disgusting and dismissive.
Vice President Pence has argued if individuals (particularly women) would exercise some personal responsibility and display genuine faith God will provide. White house counsel Kellyanne Conway’s answer was to “go out and get jobs.” If they are able bodied and they want to work, then they’ll have employer-sponsored benefits like you and I do-cnbc.com One republican suggested that if those affected employed some self-control and spent “their” money on health care instead of a new cell phone they could afford the premiums without a government subsidy.
If you are not insulted you really should be regardless of whether you are covered by Medicaid or not. The GOP’s current incarnation has made the privilege of straight, white America an acceptable standard for interpreting the entirety of the nation. Their ideology argues against providing for citizens who not only benefit from, but need government assistance to survive at all, much less with an acceptable quality of life. The 23 million Americans who would completely lose their coverage under McConnell’s BCRA are written off as lazy, stupid and faithless. Twenty-Three. Million. Tax paying citizens from all walks of life. Relegated to second class status because: households earning a quarter million or more shouldn’t be burdened with additional taxes just because they have more wealth according to the Republicans. To say nothing of the poor overburdened and victimized Pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers.
Because while the GOP is doing their best tap dance in an attempt to convince the public they aren’t stripping and raping Medicaid to create billions of dollars in tax relief for the uber rich, that is precisely what they intend. In order to cover the cost of the billions they intend to lavish upon themselves (the majority of congress can claim additional non-earned income from dividends and capital gains that are currently subject to the additional tax of 3.8%) and the 1% they also intend to decrease the cost share subsidies for Medicaid users. The result would sky rocket premiums beyond what most could afford.  In practical terms, it could be translated this way: The 27-year-old with an annual income of $22,000 would not receive an additional refund of $750 dollars, but would instead be forced to pay up to $5,160 in out of pocket costs to maintain coverage. With the prohibition of the spending cap and the other provisions afforded by the ACA an huge section of the populace will find themselves without healthcare and likely with a crushing amount of debt with no option for relief, the ones who do not succumb to an early death.
Call me crazy but where do these leaders, our elected officials whose sole purpose is to serve and represent the will of the governed, where do they live that a cell phone costs 5k? The absurdity of their “bootstrap” argument is beyond the pale and dismisses the cost of medical care in the twenty-first century particularly in relation to our country’s growing economic disparity. The minimum wage is worth less in the current economy than it was during FDR or LBJ’s presidencies and the conditions and illnesses often covered by Medicaid did not even have treatments at that point in history. Better we should write those people off? Let them die because of a genetic condition or mental disability incurred while fighting overseas? It’s what will happen if the GOP passes their #GetSickDieQuick healthcare plan.
This travesty is NOT a foregone conclusion. The public outcry as soon as the details and deficiencies of the #GetSickDieQuick plan were made known forced the senate to delay the vote and the bill has lost all but a small margin of support. The poignant, eloquent and enraged testimonials from parents of special needs children, the disabled and veterans from predominately red states and the loss in votes and voter confidence those testimonials represented had senators dropping from the bill like flies. As a citizen of this country with a voice and a vote you DO have power, but you must wield it.
Victory is not certain at this point. If Senate Republicans delay the vote long enough for the President to become embroiled in a new batch of nonsense and the public’s attention wanes or is redirected do not doubt our corrupt representation in the senate will pass this legislation while our heads are facing a different way.
Taking action in the twenty-first century is a quick and simple matter. Most of us carry the means to speak out against tyranny in our pocket or purse (assuming it isn’t already in our hand). You have the right to life and liberty-this provides for a reasonable quality of life and the freedom to express your demands and expectations to your government and if your government refuses to hear you, well then, we vote the bastards out.
Too many Americans have succumbed to the myth that they have no power to effect change, struggling to carve out a life in the face of growing bigotry and hate, fearing the very agencies and officers whose purpose is meant to protect them and their freedoms, anesthetized by the constant onslaught of news and social media, we have either accepted the lies fed to us by those with the most power or become apathetic towards our government whose structure was meant to curtail the disparity of experience between social classes and prevent corruption from running amok.
We are not doomed, not yet. President and Mrs. Obama proved just how close that promise of a brighter future still is and we can get it back. But the America we want, the one we thought we already had requires commitment from the electorate and involvement in the political process if we expect fair and honest representation. The section of the population with the most wealth and power will always seek more of what they have and they certainly won’t give any of what they have away without a powerful incentive to do so.
Speak out and often and follow through at the voting booth. You cannot do so too often or on too many issues. People of color and those living with less than BOTH the state and national average are the majority of the population in the state of Mississippi. It is absolutely absurd that our representation in congress and the Governor’s mansion so poorly reflects our state’s demographic and it is correctable. Particularly in Columbus, where democrats make up 48% of the publics. Based on the current population statistics from the census bureau changing the minds of or adding an additional two hundred votes to the left and the democrats would win in a landslide. In the meantime, you can (and should) contact your representatives. Makecalls.democrats.org provides a suggested script template if you are struggling with what you would like to say or how you could most effectively say it.
Representative Trent Kelley   202.225.4306 https://trentkelly.house.gov/contact
 Senator Roger Wicker 202.224.6253 www.wicker.senate.gove
 Senator Thad Cochran 202.224.5054 www.cochran.senate.gov
 Governor Phil Bryant 601.359.3150 www.governorbryant.ms.gov
 Support Democratic Campaigns and Sign Petitions to protect healthcare, liberty for all citizens relegated to second class citizenship, preserve the environment, protect voter rights (particularly in this state where Republicans use the KKK’s mailing list to increase contributions and voter turnout and are happy intimidating and disenfranchising people of color), support every child’s right to a safe and well-rounded education, fight to limit soft money and gerrymandering that skew elections to the right and fail to accurately represent the will of the people and protect our position on the world stage by supporting action to behave with global responsibility with these links.
act.standupamerica.com will send a fax to your senators on your behalf
commoncause.org and www.indivisibleguide.com provide templates as well as suggestions on how you can continue to effect change locally and nationally
About the ACA www.hhs.gov
H.R. 1628 American Health Care Act of 2017, congressional budget office.gov
Snips-snails-puppydogtales.blogspot.com “Dear VP Pence, what exactly do you mean by ‘personal responsibility’; Humanity for Progress
Pbs.org “Billionaire Warren Buffet says GOP health reform bills are relief for the rich” pt1,2
1 note · View note
Staying at Home with Young Living
Hello, DIYShowOff friends! 
How are you holding up? Hanging in there? Adjusting to the new routine of staying in if you can, homeschooling, getting things done around the house, binge-watching Netflix series, getting outdoors? Are you a part of an essential business and working long hours? If so – thank you so much for putting yourself at risk to serve others. You are so appreciated!
  As a blogger, small business owner, AirBnB host; a little has changed in my routine. No travel means no business for the AirBnB but I’m grateful to continue to work from home with my blogging. My wellness workshop is closed but the Young Living side of my business continues online. 
At first I felt a little helpless, wishing there was more I could do. Then I realized that I can absolutely continue to serve and bless others through Young Living. I know. I know. Network marketing. Believe me, it wasn’t for me either. I have zero sales skills. I didn’t have a background in direct sales so my opinion was based on hearsay so I wanted no part of it. I simply purchased the products because a friend shared and the essential oil I tried worked. Ever hear someone say that Young Living has been life changing for them? That’s my story too. 
Why? I was introduced six years ago at a time when again, I was feeling helpless. Two very close family members were diagnosed with breast cancer (with no previous family history and negative gene testing). So, it’s evident that the environment and lifestyle choices are a contributing factor. And it made me take a look at my lifestyle. I’ve been blessed with good health my entire life, but I knew my unhealthy choices would likely catch up with me one day. At that time, it made me realize that I didn’t want to put off that healthier lifestyle to “some day” when I’d be in desperate need of making changes and I didn’t want to look back and have regrets. 
So, Young Living became that baby step in light of the wake up call. I began switching out the harsh chemical-laden products in our home. Around the same time, my husband who does the cooking was starting to incorporate healthier eating habits and we started looking at supplements for whole body support. And shortly after, I had a grandchild on the way and knew that it was time to stop smoking once and for all. One thing led to another. I’m still a work in progress but I am confident that just those changes have made a difference for us. For the past six years, I’ve haven’t experienced feeling unwell at all. ::knock on wood:: 
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of Young Living. What is this company? Young Living has been around for more than 25 years. They are the pioneer and world leader in essential oils. They have a seed to seal guarantee, meaning they control the entire process of bringing us everyday products. They aren’t purchasing something and slapping on a label. They have strict guidelines when it comes to ingredients, farming practices and more. 
How it works. To me, it’s similar to a SAMs Club/Costo membership. We have a SAMs Club membership and pay $45/year for access to shop their store. Over a period of 10 years, we’ve payed $450 to shop there. I have an ID card to show for it. With Young Living, I purchased one of the starter kits. Now I have a lifetime membership to wholesale pricing (24% off everything) with no yearly fees. No obligation to sell. And a premium starter kit for $165 is a diffuser, 12 essential oils and some samples – so a LOT to show for what I spent. 
I have to share the business opportunity since at a time when so many are stuck at home without a paycheck and maybe considering an online/work from home business at this time. If you’ve been looking at companies that you think would be a good fit, I believe Young Living is a good fit for ANYONE, for EVERYONE! It works well with just about any hobby. And most importantly, Young Living provides products that everyone uses and needs! Consumables. Jewelry, nail polish, leggings, cookware, etc. – those are all fun and I support anyone who puts themselves out there with creating their own business and brand (when it aligns with my lifestyle) but If you’re into yoga, oils are a great fit. If you love to cook, the vitality line is a great fit. Love to decorate? A beautiful home begins with a safe environment. Like makeup? Savvy is a beautiful safe collection! Wellness is for everyone! 
Purchasing one of the starter kits is all it takes. Did you know there’s even a basic kit option? How many businesses do you know you can start off with just a $35 investment?
So what’s the catch? Monthly sales quotas to remain a rep? No. Big fees to stay active? No. Young Living wants you to be a product of the product. So all that is required in a month that you do have a bonus/commission coming to you is that you purchase 50 pv (approx. $50 order) monthly of products you choose and use personally to earn fast start and sign up bonuses of the people you enroll or a 100 pv (approx. $100) to earn commissions. Young Living has one of the best compensation and ranking plans. They’ve implemented new Silverbound incentives. AND you have an entire team for encouragement, inspiration, motivation, education and training and support. An amazing group – maybe even some bloggers you’ll recognize! 
We use our diffuser daily. I was a designer candle junkie but wasn’t really aware or didn’t care about the toxic ingredients and synthetic fragrances I was breathing in. Until I knew better that even a small step in a healthy direction makes a big difference over time. Not only does my home smell pretty, I can diffuse essential oils with a purpose. Lavender or Peace & Calming for relaxation and sleep. Thieves for cleaning the air and supporting a healthy immune system. A combo of lavender, lemon and peppermint for season support. So many options! 
Some of Young Living essential oils are labeled for dietary use. So instead of reaching for something I bought at the store with side effects or chemicals, I can grab DiGize for supporting a healthy digestive system – all things digestive! Or have you heard of the health benefits of Frankincense? I add it to my Ningxia Red (a juice for supporting a healthy immune system and energy) daily. 
Do I have to purchase regularly? Will things just show up at my door and be deducted from my bank account? No. They DO have an Essential Rewards program that is completely optional. And since we do purchase regularly, we’ve opted in. I earn 25% back on my monthly orders and that adds up fast! There are monthly promotions that have stocked our supply or introduced us to something knew. We simply ditched what we were buying at WalMart and switched to buying the better healthier brand from Young Living. Here’s a list of a few things:
household cleaner concentrate
hand purifier 
essential oils
baby wipes
diaper rash cream
pain cream
CBD oil
muscle rub
massage oil
cough drops
hormone, emotional, immune support 
laundry detergent
dishwasher detergent
fruit and veggie cleaner
acne treatment
If I give it more thought, I know I could go on and on. So in love with the variety of products available!
I also love the community that comes along with it. Rather than wondering what does this oil do?, I’m a part of an amazing supportive group of friends to hold my hand. I had no idea where to start. It all seemed so overwhelming – a good reason for my procrastination. But having access to the educational resources and community for support has been a lifesaver! That’s one of my favorite parts! So who you join under does matter. And I would be honored if you chose me. I’ve been a part of Young Living for six years and want freedom and purpose and abundance and wellness for everyone! It really has made a positive impact on me, my family and so many. I want that for you to. 
What do I offer? When you purchase one of the premium starter kits, I reach out to you and send you a welcome bundle of goodies personalized to your needs, my favorite educational resource and access to our beautiful groups of friends. No one should ever feel alone! Because we have an empty nest and I’m passionate about wellness, I’m right here available to you. I don’t snag your sale and abandon you. I’m in this for the long haul, believe in Young Living and am choosing hope during this tough time. I crave to connect with others who share my same interests, who are ready to be that boss babe, to take control of this challenging time at home. 
Ready to get started? When you purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits using my referral link, I reach out to get you connected to an amazing online community, to discuss your needs to put together an awesome welcome bundle in addition to your order that comes directly from me to you in the mail. Let’s connect! 
Get more info/get started here —> Wellness Inspired Living
      from https://ift.tt/2RDNyaL
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AdBeth Travis - State Farm Insurance Agent
AdBeth Travis - State Farm Insurance Agent. Licensed Insurance Supervisor. Accredited with an A+ (Superior) for his professionalism. NameWanted to know the best for a 24k policy for new drivers? Here s your guide to all the questions you ll need to know about 24k coverage: If you re planning to add a motor vehicle to your existing coverage, it s worth checking out an insurance company s car insurance offerings. According to this website, the average annual cost to add a new driver to a policy is $4,600. Of course, just because that s lower for people on the road doesn t necessarily mean that adding a new vehicle is too expensive. Here s a quick comparison comparison chart of average yearly rates for car insurance from other companies, so you can see who the cheapest companies are: The cheapest auto insurance for a teen driver is not necessarily the cheapest for teenagers. To illustrate, this comparison chart looks at averages of annual rates for standard - and -for additional coverages..
AdGEICO Insurance
AdGEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. is a licensed insurance agency in 49 states. *$1 pays for the minimum of bodily injury liability, $50,000 per person and $100,000 max per accident, as well as $10,000 in property damage liability. Find an near you. In addition to getting cheap car insurance in Georgia by car, there are ways to save on your auto policy. Here are five ways: •Get a DUI. •Get a ticket. •Pay a fine. •Get a GPS violation. •Get a spotty history with citations. We researched Georgia car insurance rates in the Peach State. We used data collected by insurance companies to determine the top six car insurance Georgia providers based on affordability, policy offerings and discounts. See the table below. Top 6 car insurance Georgia providers with lowest premium rates with the cheapest average rates in Georgia •Minimum coverage auto insurance limits required in Georgia: 30/50/20 With higher limits and higher deductibles, you can also save.
21. John A Smith - State Farm Insurance Agent
21. John A Smith - State Farm Insurance Agent – has been with our family for over 16 years now, helping our customers manage the risks of everyday life, including homeowners insurance, auto insurance and life insurance. His current company, State Farm Association, Inc., has provided us with the best customer service that our family and our employees have seen in all of our professional and personal service life experiences. John helps individuals, families and businesses find the right coverage. He has done his due diligence for the industry, and we think he does more than just insure your home and auto coverage — he s also interested in finding the best possible rate on the best product for your vehicle. Many people find themselves facing obstacles or facing large financial burdens in case of an on-going hurricane like the one that is forecasted to hit New Jersey and New York State today. While this is inevitable as a result of hurricane-related damage, there are steps that you and your home insurance should take as you navigate the storm waters..
17. Ivan Hauser - State Farm Insurance Agent
17. Ivan Hauser - State Farm Insurance Agent has been offering insurance to residents in Arizona for over 60 years. When he was asked to become an insurance agent of a certain company (the owner did not want his name appear on his bill), he simply didn’t want to. He felt his time had finally come, as he finally learned how all his clients were covered and that all their insurance needs were written properly. And as an insurance professional, he’s extremely dedicated to making the process smooth, clean, and easy. He is licensed in everything from commercial to life insurance coverage – including working at the company’s agency through which the policy is purchased, to help insure as needed. If you have a company like State Farm and know they could be willing to insure you – you already know that the policies can go into effect as quickly as you can after your first visit. It is time to save up for the one year anniversary of the state of your driver license. Find.
AdAllstate Insurance Company
AdAllstate Insurance Company, P.O. Box 431, St Paul, MN 55661, (name and address) We don’t use the word “uninsured” literally, because that could mean that you’re a very high-risk driver, without the means of regular car insurance that’s cheap. The good news is that most companies offer some type of insurance to those in the risky age bracket, meaning you don’t have to buy insurance every couple of years. There are three ways that you could find auto insurance in Missouri: compare quotes, buy a policy and drop the coverage. All four strategies are available online, so you can search for an insurance company that fits your needs and budget, and pick the coverage that works the best for you. The easiest way to save money is to shop around, comparing customized quotes, and pick the best coverage, including uninsured.
30. James Carlton - State Farm Insurance Agent
30. James Carlton - State Farm Insurance Agent There are a variety of factors that determine how much you pay for car insurance for a specific insurance company, location, age, location as an age, and the type of vehicle you drive. It’s important for all drivers to understand how their circumstances could affect your rates. The best way to find the cheapest rate for your situation is to compare as many rates as you can. Calculating rates for car insurance through Rigsby Insurance is difficult. We can use our free tool to find quotes from multiple top companies. Just to find the best rates in your area. Auto insurance is required by law in the U.K. If you choose to use Rigsby Insurance, or any insurance company in South Jersey, you will have to have an insurance policy on file in the state of New Jersey. You must ensure that your insurance policy has the required coverage in your area. If you live in the New Jersey area or your parents live in.
29. Rob Metcalf - State Farm Insurance Agent
29. Rob Metcalf - State Farm Insurance Agent 27. James Moore - Jr. Driver 28. Eric Moore - Sr. Driver 29. Steve Moulton – State Farm Agent 30. Paul Merton – State Farm Agent 31. Richard Mottles - State Farm Agent 32. Thomas Gage - State Farm Agent 33. Joe M. Leclercan - State Farm Agent 34. Peter Leclercan - State Farm Agent 35. William Loyder - State Farm Agent 36. William N. Buford – State Farm Agent 37. Robert Loyder - General Agent 38. William Loyder - State Farm Agent 39. Michael Loyder - State Farm Agent 40. William Mottles - State Farm Agent 41. Bill Lewis - State Farm Agent 42. Thomas Loyder - State Farm Agent 43. Bill Lewis - State Farm Agent 44. Bill Leclercan - State Farm Agent 45. Charles W..
3. Reliable Life Insurance Company - CLOSED
3. Reliable Life Insurance Company - CLOSED They sell several types of financial instruments and offer a wide range of life insurance products, including term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. For over 80 years, Liberty Mutual has been offering cheap term life insurance, affordable whole life insurance, and the lowest-cost permanent life insurance available through their website, online store, and through independent life insurance agents. Allstate - OPEN For decades, Allstate® was the only insurer to have served the insurance needs for women. Today, they continue to be one of the most trusted names in affordable life insurance, and even a full.
16. Lennie Harrison III - State Farm Insurance Agent
16. Lennie Harrison III - State Farm Insurance Agent 859.033.935.3121.8125.049.068.039 Joe Rader, Jr & Jack T. Smith. of Ohio Insurance Agency 859.064.831.1023.7141.7155 Joe Rader, Jr & Jack T. Smith of Ohio Insurance Agency 859.064.831.1023.7141.7155 Joe Rader, Jr & Jack T. Smith. of Ohio Insurance Agency 859.068.938.7165.1120.966.7176 Joe Rader, Jr & Jack T. Smith of Ohio Insurance Agency 859.038.439.2037.7155.968.976.973.978.979 Joe Rader, Jr & Jack T. Smith of Ohio Insurance Agency 859.068.988.7164.7851.95.
24. Ken Kaid - State Farm Insurance Agent
24. Ken Kaid - State Farm Insurance Agent – Kaid drivers who cause road accidents report more accidents than double when combined with their auto insurance policies. According to the data, Kaid drivers are 2.5 times more likely to have a crash and 2 of the crash victims was uninsured. The report also shows that Kaid drivers are more likely to drive without insurance than at least six or more times a year. Here are five facts to put in your mind. Auto insurance is a legally binding contract that contains many legal provisions. If both parties agree on the policy, then the claimant should continue the payments for the specified period until both parties have reached an acceptable settlement. If a party was found responsible for paying out damages for damage caused by the other party, then the parties would be allowed to request to collect from the other party if the claims are approved. You would never believe by a non-native English speaking friend to not understand their insurance. That does not speak well. You can easily buy insurance.
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