#I was playing adc and this Lux was IN THE WRONG LANE
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zauns-finest · 18 days ago
Maaan Lux supports in the lower elos suckkkkkk
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beast-queen · 8 years ago
league of legends and overwatch for the fandom thing!
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
League of Legends
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Ryze! I actually watched the trailer from the game and I kind of made him an instant fave because that first trailer made him out to be so cool! Also there was this really awesome fic about him I read. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Jayce. Honestly I disappointed myself with this too, but I used to love Jayce and also Jayce/Vik, however at some point I began to like play Jayce more like an asshole jock and kind of broke off the Vik/Jayce ship too. New lore feeds into my nostalgia, but they will screw Viktor up and I’m scared of getting happy a bit too early. 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Viktor/Jayce but I was younger, also I used to ship like Yi/Karma but I haven’t thought about that since I was 14. 
my ultimate favorite character™:
prettiest character:
Hmmmm, I’d say Ahri, I find her the pretties appearance wise.
my most hated character:
Hmmmm, actually I was never fond too much of Ezreal, lore wise, but also Jarvan. I don’t hate them, I just don’t care. Ingame, probably a very long list of characters I hate. 
my OTP:
Oh man! Vi/Caitlyn, Twisted Fate/Graves and Illaoi/Miss Fortune (but also Illaoi has two hands so MF and Karma can be there too!)
my NOTP:
Garen/Katarina! And probably Ezreal/Lux too. I mean from the “canon” ships or whatever, if I start going into fandom ships I’ll write an essay. 
favorite episode:
Ugh this can’t be answered about a game, but I’ll put something here, favourite trailer is definetly a tie between the first one and A New Dawn. 
saddest death:
No one actually dies? But I kind of panicked when I thought that Twisted Fate will almost died, man I loved Burning Tides. 
favorite season:
It’s a game but gameplay wise, season 2 and season 3! When the meta wasn’t so tight and you could go ADC mid and due mage bot. 
least favorite season:
Current and every future one, I hate this game. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Hmmmm, hate is too strong, I don’t hate anyone but I guess that’s like Jarvan, Garen, Jayce, Ezreal, I just don’t hate them I sort of don’t care if they live or die. 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Jhin! Absolutely problematic fave! But I guess new Viktor will eventually fit in this category too....
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Viktor! Okay but also Orianna, Ahri, Lee Sin, Sona, Ekko, Lucian, Taric, Shyvana, Sivir and by they deserve better I think the deserve better than fandom and better than Riot. And special mention to Azir who deserves to be completely ripped out of Riot’s ugly racist hands and given to writers that know how to write.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Eeeeh??? I don’t know?? I don’t ship anything wrong or nasty, with me is more like “Fandom and people will hate me for shipping this, but I do.”
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
A lot of the ships my friends ship and I see around. I mean the good, non problematic ships of course! 
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Lucio! Oh man I was so terrible at fps and with Lucio I felt really good cause he didn’t require much aiming, he was a support so I could get used to it and also very nice music playing and keeping my spirits up even though I was afraid. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
None I guess? I love all of them because I am trash. 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Pharah/Mercy, now I don’t cause I do not like Mercy. Oh wait, honorable mention to Genji/Mercy who I now hate don’t like cause I used to like it BEFORE I sort of read Genji’s story with more understanding. Still I avoid the discourse. 
my ultimate favorite character™:
Impossible to tell, please don’t make a mother choose between her children (but a tie somewhere there around Reaper and Reinhardt.)
prettiest character:
Symmetra and Sombra, I can’t decide!
my most hated character:
None :O I can’t hate anyone. Though Solider 76 is progressively descending down that lane. 
my OTP:
Oh, like I ship a lot of things so um, Tracer/Emily, Symmetra/Pharah, Sombra/Widowmaker, McHanzo and Genji/Zenyatta are the prime otps. Sombra/Widowmaker is actually real good, it’s the right amount of goth/punk lesbians I need to survive.
my NOTP:
favorite episode:
It’s a game so, I can’t say. But my favorite short is a tie between Dragons and Infiltration.  
saddest death:
Genji, after his brother throws him into a meat grinder. 
favorite season:
least favorite season:
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
MERCY! FUcking hell, I mean I don’t hate her but she is really disproportionately loved and that just calls to me to not like her. But I don’t hate her, and I have mutuals that love her and I am sorry for saying this but no really I just don’t like the way fandom portrays her most of the times, I don’t know. 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Hanzo. He is a bit trashy yes, but a fave. 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Ugh lets see, Reaper, Lucio, Symmetra and Genji. They don’t deserve half of how fandom and Blizzard treats them. 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Ugh I just realized this is a badly formulated question since I want to leave that gross and nasty ship I am a sinner thing in the past, it’s really annoying especially when I could write f/f or m/m ships here. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
Junkrat/Roadhog is pretty cute. I’ve seen few other cute ships like Symmetra/Mei and such and I never thought much about them, but I think they are cute. 
Thank you for asking Vik! 
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