#I was out of my apartment for 10+ hours straight today
slav-every-day · 1 year
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
I Miss Us
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request
Summary: After working together tore you relationship apart, a kiss scene between your two characters revived a lot of buried feelings - both good and bad. ~ Word Count: 3.576k ~ Warnings: Angsttt + Swearing
A/N: I'M BACK B*TCHESSS!! first fic back after being shadow banned and good lord I have missed writing and posting stuff for my fellow simps. But it feels amazing to be back and I hope you enjoy <3
The moment you received the phone call informing you that you would be playing Jenna's love interest in a new film was easily one of the best days of your life. Is that a little sad? maybe, but at the end of the day, you would do anything to spend more time with your girlfriend. You thought that being able to spend the time together you typically spent apart would be a blessing, something that would bring you closer.
Sadly, however, that didn't seem to be the case.
Ever since you had started dating, you became each others rocks - the shoulder to cry on and the arms to fall into after a long and hard day on set. But what you didn't know, was what either of you would do without that rock? What would you do without your favourite person sat at home, awaiting the other with open arms and a warm smile. What would happen when you both needed that support yet neither of you were capable of providing it.
Sadly, without said support, your relationship began to crumble.
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Despite playing Jenna's love interest in the film, your two characters spent quite a lot of time apart, meaning you had barely seen her on set today. You were currently filming scenes for a point in the plot where her character is ignoring yours - painfully reflective of your current situation.
What you thought would be a dream has turned into somewhat of an inescapable nightmare.
Unlike what the greater audience thinks, being an actor is an incredibly draining job. With a typical day on set being over 10 hours, especially as a main character, the mental and physical exhaustion was unlike any other. With both you and Jenna being constantly exhausted, the time you spent together dwindled and you turned from two loving girlfriends, into two strangers.
It was as if all of your chemistry and love had dissipated.
Where you used to spend your free time on set together, you both now spent it alone, most likely sleeping or rehearsing a scene, so distracted by exhaustion that the girlfriend shaped void in each others hearts was no longer noticeable.
Your conversations were now emotionless and lasted less than a minute. Your intimacy had flown out the window, now only exchanging a quick smile on set and a short 'Goodnight' before you slept - still in the same bed but with what felt like miles in between.
Today was no different.
The few times you saw Jenna, you exchanged a smile, a small hello, maybe even a few more words before walking in your seperate directions. You had gotten used to it at this point. You were also completely depleted of energy so the idea of maintaining a meaningful conversation wasn't one you fancied either.
Jenna had finally wrapped filming at 11pm, something she too was used to, and made her way home to the apartment you shared with her. Unsure as to whether you were home or not, she walked in trying to make as little noise as possible. Dumping her belongings in the doorway, she sighed as she tried to blink away her exhaustion, wanting nothing more than to head straight to bed.
To her surprise, not only were you home, but you were sat cross legged on the kitchen bench, a steaming cup of tea in your hands. "Oh. Hey." she whispers, slightly startled by your presence. "How was your day?", you glance at her, almost surprised that she was talking to you. You reply with a small "Fine" before you take a sip of your tea, the steam hugging your tired features.
Despite feeling as though her legs would give out any minute in exhaustion, there was a small voice in the back of Jenna's mind that was telling her to stay and talk to you. To take the chance of going back to how you used to be, the chance you had both been ignoring.
"So... how's everything been going?" she questions apprehensively, earning a confused, almost irritated, glance from her girlfriend. You look away from her as you get down from your spot and place your mug in the sink. "I'm going to bed" you answer softly as you head towards your bedroom.
"Seriously?" she scoffs, causing your head to whip around as your eyebrows furrow. "I just want to talk to my girlfriend why is that so hard." Jenna spoke, her words coming out a bit harsher than she had intended. Your mouth opened in slight shock at her tone, "Well I'm sorry. I didn't know going to bed was a crime" you retort, glancing towards your bedroom wanting nothing more than to leave this conversation.
"I just want to talk to you! Instead your avoiding me like the fucking plague!" although what she was saying was true, your pure exhaustion uncharacteristically caused you anger to burst. "Well maybe because I don't want to talk to you!" you yell, Jenna being instantly taken back by your confession. "What do you m-" "I'm just fucking tired ok! Just leave me alone please." you instantly regret your words but it's what you felt in the moment. Where you used to search for her when you were tired, for some reason, now, all you wanted was to be alone.
You swiftly walk towards your bedroom not wanting to look at Jenna, knowing that her expression will probably break your heart. As you settle into bed, Jenna just stands there shocked. Feeling her eyes burn with tears, she sucks in a breath before exhaling slowly and following you.
Your bedroom has never been so quiet. The tension thickened as Jenna entered the dark room and saw your figure curled up on your side of the bed. Sighing again, she moved around the room to get herself ready for bed, the silence deafening.
No goodnights were exchanged.
You both simply slipped into a deep sleep, your minds, unlike your bodies, full of energy and running rampant.
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Awoken, rather rudely, by your alarm, you eyes flutter open as you groan. Not only was it 7 in the morning, but you were also flooded with memories of last night, ones which instantly cause you to hide your face with your hands. 'Fuck' you mutter as you sit up, noticing Jenna isn't in the bed with you.
You used to know every last detail of her schedule, when she had to be on set, when she was supposed to wrap. Evidently those details had escaped you over the past few gruelling months as you had no idea where your girlfriend was at this point.
Groggily making your way towards the kitchen, your face drops in realisation as you are suddenly hit with what today is.
The kiss scene.
"Shit" you whisper, dragging it out as the squeeze your eyes shut in frustration. As you continue through the apartment, you notice Jenna near the doorway looking ready to leave. "Hey Jenna. Can we talk?" she immediately straightens, only now aware of your presence as you slowly approach her. "Not now" she blows you off coldly as she continues to grab her stuff, reaching for the door. "I just wanted to say I'm sor-" and she's gone, the door slamming in your face.
You kinda deserved that.
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As you walk towards the set where the kiss scene was about to be shot, with your heart pounding through your chest, you attempt to steady your breathing. Your heart beating in your ears as you fidgeted with the rings that adorn your sweaty hands.
Ever since Jenna slammed the door in your face this morning, which you admittedly deserved, she had been running circles around you as you failed to think about anything other than her.
Greeting the director as you enter the set, your eyes glance towards Jenna whose back is facing you, talking to her assistant on the other side of the room. You felt a slight spark of jealously as you forced your eyes away from her and back onto the director, who was now running you through how everything was going to work.
The scene was an incredibly emotional one, sure to pull at the heart strings of the entire audience. Up until this point in the movie, Jenna's character had distanced herself from yours due to her trying to escape her feelings, leaving your character heartbroken and alone as her best-friend completely ignored her. It was in this scene that your character finally confronts Jenna's, leading to their shared confessions and their first kiss.
This was probably the most important scene of the entire film and yet you had never felt so unprepared. Sure, you knew all your lines and all your cues. But as good of an actor as you are, having to act this scene with your girlfriend who you very recently hurt was going to prove to be a definite challenge.
You only hoped you could do it justice.
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"Leave me alone" "Not until you tell me what's been going on with you!" your character insists as you follow Jenna into her character's bedroom. "Nothing is going on! I'm fine" "That's bullshit and you know it" grabbing Jenna's arm you spin her around, your eyes locking with hers as you notice the suddenly little space between the two of you.
'Focus y/n' you scolded yourself inwardly as you continued reciting the script, "You have been ignoring me for weeks! and don't even try to deny it... Do you know how shitty it feels to have your best friend avoid you like the plague... I don't understand... what did I do" your eyes brim with tears as you notice Jenna's features soften, an expression you have missed on her.
"I-I don't know what to tell you" Jenna stutters as she avoids eye contact, causing you to gently rest your hands on her cheeks and guide her eyes towards yours - oh how you missed this intimacy. "Tell me what I can do to fix this... to fix us... I miss us" you whisper as you risk a glance towards her lips. "I miss us too".
At her confession, you glance towards her lips again as you unknowingly begin to lean in. With the distance between you slowly closing, your heartbeat pounds in your ears as your tongue subtly travels across your lips, your attention now purely on Jenna's.
As your noses brush together, you realise what you are doing and pull back suddenly, your hards swiftly dropping from her cheeks. Your widened eyes stare into her confused ones as you take a large step back, your mouth slightly open as you struggle to find any words. "I-I'm so sorry I don't... I don't know what I was doing I'm so sorry oh my god". Jenna just stands there, frozen in confusion, as she watches you panic, your eyes deliberately avoiding hers.
You continue to ramble and apologise as she takes a slow step towards you. When you feel her hands gently rest on your cheeks, your words catch in your throat as you look at her with tears in your eyes. Her gaze is so soft and full of warmth that you - not your character - almost feel like bursting out into tears.
It had been so long since she looked at you that way.
"I-I... I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that." you whisper brokenly as she gently wipes away a stray tear that was sliding down your cheek. "It's ok" she whispers giving you a small smile. Shaking your head in denial, she takes a small step closer as her hands slide to the back of your neck, her hold on you growing stronger as you are once again inches from each other. "It's ok" she repeats softly as she leans in to connect your lips gently.
Letting out a soft sigh as your lips connect, your hands hesitantly slip onto her waist as you melt into the kiss. Your heart begins to pound in your chest as the feeling of her lips against yours, which had become an almost foreign feeling for you, reminds you of how much you had missed her. Knowing only a gentle and hesitant kiss is scripted, you attempt to stop yourself from deepening the kiss.
But goddamn it that was impossible.
Your grip on her waist tightens as you pull her body flush against yours. You hear Jenna softly moan as your lips continue to move against hers with a renewed urgency, desperate to make the most of the intimacy.
When your lips eventually leave hers, you slowly open your eyes only to discover hers are already open, staring at you breathlessly. You gently bite your lip as you attempt to catch your breath, you mind in a state of pure bliss as you meet Jenna's eyes - the thought of your character long gone
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The director's call caught you off guard. You blink rapidly as your eyes widen slightly in realisation. Your hands drop from Jenna's waist as you move away from her, your eyes diverting towards the director in an attempt to forget what just happened.
'you fucking idiot y/n why did you just do that'
'what the fuck was that... shit'
"That was excellent girls! Y/n, I love the passion and desperation you showed it was so believable. Absolutely amazing! Both of you have a short break we will call you back when we need you." That was all you needed to hear before you gave the director a small nod and a smile before you practically bolted towards your trailer.
Jenna stood frozen as she watched you run away from her, so suddenly afraid of her presence it was almost like she had burned you. Despite remaining fixed in her place, her heart was racing after she had kissed you - well, her character had kissed your character.
It had felt so real.
She couldn't believe what she was feeling, she couldn't help but think how unprofessional it was of her to allow her feelings to get in the way of her acting - especially when it comes to scenes as monumental as the one you just shot.
But it was you.
It was y/n.
The love of her life.
The one person she truly felt at home around and the only person that filled her life with so much joy.
To say the past few months had been rocky would have been an understatement, but at the end of the day, she couldn't help but love you. Sure you had hurt her feelings with the way you acted the night before, but it's not like she wasn't also at fault. You had both let work get in the way of your relationship and the kiss you just shared was the slap in the face you both needed.
Eventually coming to her senses, Jenna was quick to follow in your footsteps, walking briskly towards your trailer, determined to finally set things right - or at least get everything off of her chest.
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The soft beat of three knocks on your trailer door broke you out of your thoughts as your head snapped towards the sound.
Currently curled up in a ball on your trailer couch, a steady stream of tears rolling down your cheeks, your chest ached with the idea that you had just ruined everything.
Jenna was the one thing that was always steady in your life.
Always there to catch you when you started to fall, always there to push you back up when you had fallen. And now, purely because of your stupidity and inability to control yourself, you had lost that. You couldn't even look at her as you retreated and tried to hide and avoid her like you had been for the past few months.
Just the thought of her not being in your life anymore made your heart clench.
And although you have both been distant recently, at least she was still there.
And now after the stunt you pulled only minutes ago, you truly believed that there was no way she could look at you the same. You had acted out and taken advantage of her vulnerability whilst her only intention was to do her job.
So as you hastily wiped the tears off of your cheeks, attempting to somewhat hide the fact that you had been crying your eyes out not seconds before, you approached the door expecting it to be a crew member checking up on you.
Your attempt to hide your pure shock that was no doubt written all over your face was futile as you opened the door and saw Jenna stood there, her eyes softly meeting yours.
"Hi" she spoke softly, offering you a gentle smile which caused your heart to melt slightly. "Hi" you breathe out as Jenna takes notice of your bloodshot eyes and bright red cheeks, her immediate instinct being to comfort you, but not wanting to push any boundaries she settled on giving you a knowing look as she fidgeted with her hands.
"Can I come in?" she asked as she subtly gestured into your mess of a trailer, the cleanliness of which had declined along with your relationship over the recent past. "Yeah... of course" you whisper as you break out of your surprised tranced and moved over, allowing her to come in.
You watched her eyes slowly travel around the room, taking notice of the trash littered around, the clothes and blankets thrown around the place, but one thing in particular caught her attention.
It was a framed photo of the two of you on your first date that was placed neatly on your small coffee table.
Her eyes remained fixed to the photo as you closed the door behind her and sat back down on your couch, pulling your knees to your chest in preparation for the conversation you were about to have. Tears already welling in your eyes, you looked at Jenna expectantly as her expression didn't change.
You breath caught in your throat as you followed her line of sight, noticing what she had been staring so intently at. Trying to not let your emotions get the better of you as you saw the picture, you clear your throat which causes Jenna's attention to finally leave the photo as her eyes meet yours.
Deciding the break the rather uncomfortable silence, you let your feelings come spilling out as you avert your eyes from hers, "Look..." you whisper brokenly, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I-I'm so fucking sorry for what I just did... It was messed up and I... I took advantage of you and I understand if you don't wanna talk to me again because I have been so fucking mean to you and I haven't even acknowledged you and then I go an pull shit like that I..." you rant as your tears resurface and begin cascading down your cheeks.
You are so distracted by your own rambling that you don't notice Jenna gaze softening as she slowly makes her way over to the couch and takes a seat next to you. You only notice her presence once she grasps your hands with her own warm ones, your eyes instantly meeting hers as you look up.
Your lips tremble as you duck your head, inhaling as you once again meet her eyes before brokenly whispering, "I-I'm so s-sorry", giving her your best smile before your sobs escape your throat causing you to cave in on yourself.
Jenna wraps her arms around your broken figure as she squeezes you tightly, her own tears escaping as she sees how truly broken you are. As you continue to sob into her chest, her shirt growing increasingly wet as it soaks up your tears, Jenna remains silent as she gently cradles your head and strokes your back in an attempt to comfort you.
Oh how much you missed being this close to her - although admittedly, the circumstances weren't ideal.
As your sobs began to cease, Jenna gently pulls back and places a hand on your chin to slowly lift your head up so your eyes meet hers. Embarrassed by how awful you think you look, you attempt to shake her grip, wanting to curl up into a ball and disappear, yet she keeps ahold of you as she wills you to look at her.
Just looking at her brings tears to your eyes.
"Y/n... I need you to listen to me ok?". Her lips crack into a gentle smile as you give her small nod. "There is nothing you could possibly do that would make me not want talk to you again... ok? You did nothing wrong, I need you to believe me when I say that. Sure, we both fucked up a little bit but it's nothing we can't get through. Ok?"
As you let out a small, wet chuckle at her last comment, her hands move to your cheeks as they wipe away the remaining tears that had slowly trickled down your cheeks.
Grasping her hands from your cheeks, you bring them into your lap as you give them a gentle squeeze. "I still love you" you whispered as one side of your mouth quirked up into a smile, to which Jenna reciprocated.
"I still love you too" is what she whispered in response before she gently brought you in for a kiss.
Fuck... you really missed her.
Tag-list: @nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams @alexkolax
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legendary-pink-dot · 1 year
Airport Pickup
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Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x female reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Unprotected PiV, fingering, semi-public sex, established relationship, light dirty talk because I like to think Frankie is a Sex Talker, Tom has a cousin and he's an asshole too
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: Frankie hates airports when he isn't there to fly or work. The crowds, the noise, endless passengers complaining to airport employees who were just trying to do their jobs and get through the day. But he’s sitting there waiting today for you.
Notes: No use of "Y/N". No mention of Frankie's child. Frankie starts off grumpy but gets a happy ending. Thank you @goodwithcheese for the prompt and prodding, and to my magic slut coven for cheerleading @arcanefox207 @magpiepills 💜
Fuck. Frankie hates airports when he isn't there to fly or work. The crowds, the noise, endless passengers complaining to airport employees who were just trying to do their jobs and get through the day. But he’s sitting there waiting today for you, through a lengthy delay of your flight arrival and then another one.
Six weeks was a long time to be apart. Way too long. It didn't help that you'd been halfway across the globe -- the time zones and your respective work schedules had made it almost impossible to stay in touch other than a couple quick calls and some texts. He missed your conversations, the shared dinners after work, the drawn-out nights of sex. Right now, especially the sex.
Frankie frowns as your text comes in: Just landed. Delayed b/c crew was late. Pilot is Cpt Davis 🙄
Captain Davis -- fuck. Tom's idiot cousin Chad. Frankie hated him. Not only was Chad an asshole, but a shitty pilot too. Frankie had had the misfortune of flying commercial on one of Chad's flights and knew within two minutes that the minor pitch, yaw and roll corrections -- or lack thereof, in this case -- during the particularly turbulent takeoff were an indication that this pilot didn't give a shit about his passengers. Sure, a captain's primary job is to get people safely to their destination, but what happened to having pride in your work? Fucking jerk.
Frankie shakes his head in disgust as he heads to the coffee shop for your favorite order, stopping at a convenience kiosk on the way to pick up an extra pack of Dramamine for you. Just in case.
~~ * ~~
You stare dumbly at ten identical black suitcases endlessly rounding the baggage carousel as people push past you. Why is baggage claim always a shitshow? You were exhausted from 18 hours of travelling and jetlag, and the turbulence during the flight had stirred up your motion sickness so badly that you’d run out of Dramamine. Bed sounded good right now. Just your cozy bed, 10 hours of sleep, and Frankie waking you up with kisses and hot licks of his tongue. Is that too much to ask for?
Frankie had texted to say he was in the waiting area, and you were so eager to see him. Six weeks was way too long to be apart, and everything ached to be reunited -- your heart, your fingers, your cunt. Anticipation had gotten too much on the last leg of your flight and you'd even tried getting yourself off in the tiny airplane bathroom, but no luck. It just wasn't happening and you'd given up in frustration, ending with no orgasm and also a nice bruise from banging your elbow against the sink.
Finally, your neon blue bag (chosen specifically to be unique and bright so you didn't have to think at times like these) comes into sight. You haul it off the carousel and head straight for the exit.
Frustration melts away as you spot Frankie waving, making his way through the waiting crowd. He's wearing a green sweater, the one he only puts on for special occasions as his version of "dressing up". It would be an awful color on most people but it perfectly brought out the golden tone of his skin, the richness of his brown eyes, the chocolate of his curls peeking out under his navy blue cap. It makes your heart skip a beat that he still makes an effort to look good for you.
"Come here." He envelops you in a bear hug and you bury your face into his neck, inhaling the smell of fresh coffee, his leather jacket, his freshly washed hair curling out under his cap. The scent of Frankie. You drink your fill of it, of him, cinching your arms around his broad back and letting your body sigh and melt into his. "I missed you so much."
~~ * ~~
Dim lighting in the parking garage makes it feel even colder despite the long welcoming hug, the hot coffee you’d downed in the elevator, the extra Dramamine, even the pre-warmed comfort of Frankie's leather jacket. You hadn't missed how his eyes had travelled up your bare legs as you put the jacket on, taking in and appreciating the sight of you. He did love when you wore sundresses. Which is why you had changed into one before getting off the plane.
Tucked into a dark corner space is his truck, looking lonely with few other vehicles around. Frankie tosses your suitcase into the bed of the truck and immediately pushes you up against the passenger door to kiss you hungrily, his hands firm on the back of your neck and around your waist to press you closer to him, giving you a proper welcome home. His mouth is warm and inviting, and you slip your tongue inside it to generate and seek out more heat.
"Tired?" he checks in after a couple minutes, breaking the kiss to rest his forehead against yours. "How's your motion sickness?"
"The Dramamine's kicking in now." You shiver involuntarily in your thin dress. "I'm cold though."
"A sundress, in this temperature? Didn't you check the weather here before your flight took off?"
"But I wore it just for you, Francisco," you whisper, nipping at his mouth. "I know it turns you on."
Frankie groans as he slides his hand along your bare thigh, a featherlight touch against the chill-textured flesh. "You're too good to me. Let me warm you up, cariño. Get in the back seat."
Last time you'd been in the back of his truck, you had been splayed across the bench seat, hands tied by and gripping the seatbelts on both sides as he ate you out, coaxing two strong and heady orgasms out of your body as the sun rose over the beach you had parked at. A good memory, one you had recalled several times during the long lonely nights in your hotel room on this trip.
He opens the door, and you eagerly climb in.
Frankie slides onto the seat, closing the door with a firm but quiet click. You climb into his lap and straddle his thighs, letting him pull you close again, his hands roving under the jacket and rubbing your back while yours snake underneath his sweater to borrow heat from his chest. The curve of his neck and shoulder is warm and you gratefully nuzzle your face into it, inhaling his scent again to imprint it in your memory, so happy to be back.
"Mmmm. Really missed you," you breathe into his skin, the cold tip of your nose rubbing circles over his throat and poking under the neck of his sweater to tease his collarbone. "Missed this."
"Me too. So much," he croons, sliding a hand through your long hair. He adjusts the angle of your head just perfectly to kiss you again, gentle at first and with increasing hunger until your tongue traces his plush lower lip, dipping in to slide in and out of its cleft, and he moans into your mouth.
"Fuck. Do that again."
You continue teasing his mouth with the tip of your tongue as his hands descend to grip your ass and grind his hardening cock against your core, rough denim snagging on thin cotton and lace. You're toasty warm now and you shed his leather jacket, also taking his hat off so you can weave your fingers through the curls in his hair, pulling gently as you rock against him, feeling his heat transfer to your center, the tip of his length in his jeans making contact with just the right spot to make you moan as you rut against him.
Frankie takes advantage of your open mouth and slides a finger in. "Suck. Get it wet for me." You comply and swirl your tongue around his finger, licking and sucking and slurping as if it were his cock, savoring the anticipation of knowing it would soon be inside you.
"Good girl." His finger drips with your saliva and he slides it through your folds, his other hand pulling the crotch of your lace panties aside and holding it there. Letting the cold air kiss your heated flesh. "Hmmm. So wet for me already though, aren't you? So hot," he rasps against your throat, feeling the vibration from the sound that travels up and out of it as he slides a second thick finger into your pussy. You clench around their sweet pressure, his fingers always able to reach places inside you that your own can't.
Within seconds you're shamelessly fucking his fingers, rocking back and forth and building more and more heat in your core, his thumb doing a better job against your clit than your own had in the airplane bathroom, when a bright light flashes through the windshield. Frankie grabs you and pulls you down to lie on the seat, covering your body with his as if shielding you from gunfire. Years retired from Delta Force but his combat instincts never fade, apparently.
"What's happening?"
"Security guard on patrol. I know most of them here and don't need 'em catching me fucking in my truck like a teenager," he whispers into your ear as the flashlight glare fades away. "I'd never hear the end of it."
You stare into his eyes, his face hovering just an inch from yours, those brown eyes you love so much looking darker than ever in the dim fluorescent filtering through the truck. You kiss him with hunger and want. "I need you inside me. Please. Can't wait until we get home."
"I got you, cariño. I'm gonna fuck you good. Get up and turn around."
He hauls you back up and turns you to face the front of the truck this time, straddling his thighs again, and you plant your feet on the floor as he pushes you forward, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down just enough to free his cock, hard and leaking precum, eager to sink home into you. His hands roam up the front of your dress and gently squeeze your tits. You feel the prickle of his mustache caressing the back of your neck as he presses kisses there, and you shiver from pleasure this time, not the cold.
"Patrol will be back soon. You're gonna be the lookout while I take care of you, okay?"
You hook your fingers around your panties and slide them all the way off.
"Fuck yes, Frankie. Show me how much you missed me."
Frankie groans and grabs your hips, lifting up the hem of your sundress, and you grab the back of the front seats for leverage and control as he slowly guides the thick tip of his cock through your folds and into the first few inches of your entrance, setting on fire every nerve ending along the way. It's a stretch, always a stretch with Frankie, but especially in this position, your thighs spread wide across his lap and toes just barely brushing the floor. Your back arches against his chest as he slides the rest of the way in, all the way to the hilt, your moan mixing with his grunted sigh to echo through the small enclosed space of the truck.
"You like that?" He gives an experimental thrust and you cry out, for another, for more. "Did you miss my cock?"
"Yes," you whimper, your voice shaking but not hesitant. "So much. Give it to me."
The leather of the seats in front of you is smooth on your fingers as you bend further forward, changing the angle, inviting him to fuck you in earnest and he does, his practiced hand finding your clit without you needing to ask. Frankie always wants to give you the world if he could.
You forget the security guards, the time on the clock until they come back, not caring and soon no longer cognizant of whether time is passing normally or whether you've been suspended in it. The only thing in your orbit is the feeling of Frankie's cock travelling deep into your heat and discovering every sensitive spot inside as if it was the first time he's explored it. Fire and tension build in your core as his fingers dig into your hip to hold you in place, his thumb working your clit in tandem with his thrusts, the rough texture adding an extra sensation that you've never managed to replicate alone.
"Fuck." Half a whimper and half a plea, and Frankie answers it with a loud groan. Your fingers grip the seats so tight that you create marks in the leather. "More, Frankie, please, don't stop. "
"So fucking tight for me, cariño." Frankie sounds utterly wrecked behind you, voice rich and full, his free hand snaking up to clutch the back of your neck, holding you at the perfect angle for him to drive in and out relentlessly, deep and hard the way he knows you crave. "So sweet. Always so good to me when you come home."
Sounds reverberate off the windows: heavy breaths, flesh against flesh, your moans, Frankie's grunts and whimpers as his rhythm inside you starts to falter, both of you close.
A final few strokes of his fingers across your clit and the tight coil inside you snaps, his other hand slapping over your mouth just in time to contain your sounds as you cry out, feeling his cock twitch and pulse as he comes hard, spurting hot inside you. He buries his face in your hair to muffle his own loud groan and it vibrates loud across your scalp and down your spine as you grind your ass into his lap a few more times to draw out the pleasure for both of you, your walls fluttering around his softening cock, until the sensitivity becomes too much.
Collapsing back against his chest is all you can manage and his arms encircle you, holding you close and breathing heavy into your hair. You feel his heartbeat as it winds down, slowing its thumping against your back through the thin cotton of your sundress. Your surroundings take shape as you come down from your high: Frankie has got you. You're home again.
A sudden flash of light through the windshield blinds you both. "Morales? Hey man, I thought that was you! Have fun with your girl, see ya at the bar Friday night!"
You both groan. It wasn't even a security guard -- it was Chad Davis and his frat-boy smirk.
"Fuck me," Frankie sighs in disgust. "I hate airports."
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arsenal-womens-1 · 2 months
I see you in my reflection part 2
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Tw: guns school shooting death blood self harm description of death murder panic attack if there’s any I’ve missed sorry
“The bravest thing I ever did was continue my life when I wanted to die.” — Juliette Lewis
“If you love someone, you say it. You say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by.” — Mark Sloan
Six hours later, you are on your way back to Leah's. It was just going to be Beth, Viv, you, and Leah having dinner tonight after you’re planning on watching a movie called *The Fallout*. You have no clue what it’s about, but it’s apparently meant to be good. It’s cold outside, not too cold, but still cold. The car comes to a stop. Finally, you get out of the car and run to the door. Leah walks up the stairs as slowly as possible, finally opening the door. You run in, running straight to the kitchen. Leah had agreed to let you help with dinner. It’s called marry me chicken. It takes about 45 minutes to cook.
“Right, get all the ingredients out, and we can start cooking,” Leah says, pulling out all the ingredients: 30 g of plain flour, 4 chicken breasts, 125 g sundried tomatoes in oil (drained and roughly chopped), 3 tbsp oil (reserved), 1 red onion (finely chopped), 3 garlic cloves (crushed or finely grated), ½ - 1 tsp chili flakes (to taste), 2-3 thyme or oregano sprigs (leaves picked), or 1 tsp mixed dried herbs, 150 ml of double cream, 250 ml of chicken stock, 35 g parmesan (grated), 8-10 basil leaves (torn), and lemon wedges.
Halfway through making it, there is a knock at the door before Leah can say anything. You run to the door. Beth and Viv are just standing there. “Come in,” you say, taking off their shoes and coats. You all walk back into the kitchen where Leah is still doing stuff for the food. “How was media day?” You just shrug your shoulders at that.
“Boring, mainly they all ask the same question, just in a different way,” you reply. Beth and Vivian just shake their heads. You have said multiple times that you don’t like media days. This is only the second one you’ve done, but you still have the same opinion: “Yeah, they do that a lot apart from a few, and since you couldn’t do any work today, you need to do a bit more tomorrow.” The only downside of living with Beth and Vivian is that they make you do schoolwork. It’s the most boring thing.“What if I don’t do any more schoolwork?” you ask.
Viv loses it at your shoes, saying that no matter what you are doing, the work is still there.
You just accept your fate. “Can someone call my phone? I’ve lost it. It’s aging.” Leah holds your phone up and says, “Thank you.” Opening your phone, there is a text from your dad.
“Hey kid, I know we haven’t spoken in a bit, but I thought I would text you and see how you are doing. Also, Max and Missy want to know if you are going to be home this summer for their birthday.”
“Hey Dad, I’m doing good. I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it home this summer, but tell Max and Missy that I miss them and I wish I could be there, but I can’t. I’ll send them presents.”
“It’s okay, kid. You don’t have to apologize. I know why you don’t want to come back, but they wanted to know if you were able to come. It’s good to hear that you’re doing well. I have to go. The twins need to be dropped off at your grandma’s house.”
“I’ll text you later. I love you too.”
“Who are you texting?” Leah asks as she finishes cooking.
“My dad was asking if I was going home this summer.” In the time the team had, knowing you’ve only ever said that you lived in America, you dodged any other questions, so at one point they all just left it, seeing that you didn’t want to talk about it before you got there. “Are you going home this summer?” they asked.
“No, I think I’m just going to go to another country,” you told them.
They all nodded. “What country are you thinking of going to?”
You had thought about this a lot. “I was thinking Norway, Sweden, Spain, or the Netherlands. I’ve always wanted to go to those countries.” When you said “Netherlands,” Viv smiled a bit for the next 45 minutes. You all talked for 20 minutes before the food was done. It was time for the movie.
The movie starts with a girl sitting on the toilet. Three minutes later, she walks to the bathroom. Viv and Beth are sitting next to each other, and Leah is in the middle. On the end, exactly seven minutes in, it sounds like a door banging and screaming more. It feels like your heart is about to pound out of your chest. A lump in your throat starts to form.
Blood everywhere, screaming, bullets.
“I can’t breathe.” The second you say that, all three of them are beside you. Vivian lifts you up and places you in her lap. “Copy my breathing pattern.”
“Y/N, I’m scared.” The door slams open.
“They didn’t do anything wrong; it should have been me.” Your breathing isn’t slowing down. “They didn’t deserve it; we were just kids.” Beth is now standing behind you, kind of trapping you like a burrito. “Copy my breathing, kid.” You try your best to copy her breathing, eventually doing so.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Your head is still on Vivian’s chest.
“I’m a twin… was a twin. The shock on their faces was something. We were identical. Lucy was 1 minute and 25 seconds older than me. She always would use that or say it was the best time of her life.” Tears were falling down your face. The girls said nothing, so you continued. “When we were 4, we moved from California to New York. Our next-door neighbors had a girl our age. Her name was Lily. She had green eyes, brown hair, and was a little bit taller than us. We became inseparable. We were in the same class. It was grade 6; we were in 4th period English with Miss Cooper. We sat at the back of her class.”
“Today we are learning about Romeo and Juliet.” Lily is to the left of you, and Lucy is to the right. “Lily, give me a pencil; I’ve forgotten mine again.”
“We were 12 minutes into the class when the first shouts could be heard two doors down from us. The screams for help were horrifying. We did everything they said to do. He was down with that class fast. He moved to the one next to us. There was a door connecting both classrooms together. We didn’t barricade it.”
The sound of the door crashing open startles everyone. Before anyone can do anything, he’s shooting randomly all over, and in 2 minutes, he’s gone.
“Lily was on the ground. She was in a pool of blood. He shot her 6 times; 2 of them hit her left lung. I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was no use. Her lungs were filling up with blood. Her beautiful face was covered in blood. She was scared. I could tell because of the way her eyes looked. She would get that look when she was scared. Lucy laid her head on my shoulder. She had been shot once, between her chest and shoulder. I remember Lily’s eyes starting to shut. I remember saying, ‘Come on, Lily, keep your eyes open for me. Keep them open.’ I remember her last words so clearly: ‘Y/N, it’s okay. It’s okay. Go be a superstar, win all the trophies. Don’t give up on your dream.’ There was another round of shots. The color in her eyes was gone. She was gone.”
“No, no, no, Lily, don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.” Armed police rush through the door. “Everyone show hands.”
“I don’t really remember much about how I got from the classroom to the ambulance. I remember the paramedic saying that I had been shot 3 times. I didn’t even know that I had been shot. I was in shock. I remember the sirens. I remember them asking questions, getting wheeled into the ER. I was next to Lucy. I remember her heart monitor. I didn’t know what it meant except that she was alive. Within 2 minutes of being there, she flatlined. They tried to get her back, but they couldn’t. 14:25 was her time of death. A piece of the bullet had made its way to her heart. They were dead, and I wasn’t. After that, I turned to self-harm and other things. I wanted to be with them. It wasn’t until about 2 months after it all that it sank in that I had lost my twin sister and my first love in the same day
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bengals-ix · 10 months
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Summary: A late night drive through downtown Cincinnati after a rough day at work helps your blossoming relationship with Tee become even more serious.
Warnings: just straight up sickening fluff; allusions to a potential spicy part 2 👀 and it’s also just really freaking long so 😅
Also, thank you again @balanceingrace for helping with framework and helping me love this story again. I love you always🤍
You shuffle into your little house after an extremely long and busy shift at the hospital, throwing your purse lord knows where and your shoes in the general vicinity of the little shoe rack by the door.
You loved your job, but a day like today made you want to break down and never go back. It was one thing after the other, difficult patients, difficult family members, there was no time for time management, and not to mention losing a patient halfway through the day. That was your straw, but you had no choice but to swallow back the tears and keep moving.
You peel off your scrubs after slugging off to your bedroom, and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Your mind was numb, your body was numb.
After a few minutes, you finally slide off the bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower, the borderline scorching heat of the water soothing your achy, and extremely tense muscles. You let a couple tears slip out but you always tried to make sure you didn’t bring work home with you, because that would just make your job and home life worse. You refused to combine the two.
You step out of the shower and quickly dry yourself off and half ass-ly drying your hair. You realized once you started that you quite frankly didn’t care. You slip on an oversized shirt and panties before slipping into your bed, the tears wanting to flow but you wouldn’t let them. You just took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling once again.
Your brain started running 100 miles a minute. Replaying the day in your head, if this was what you still want you wanted to do for the rest of your life, what tomorrow what was going to consist of, your relationship with Tee that has become VERY serious recently, the big black hole in the middle of our galaxy. You know, all the things.
At one point, you turn over and the clock read 10:47pm.
“Oh shit” you groan. You had laid here for an hour and a half just thinking. You wanted to go to sleep but you couldn’t shut your brain off.
Your phone dings and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You lazily picked up your phone off of your nightstand, and it was almost like your favorite person read your mind.
Tee 🤍
wanna go on a drive?
You smile at the text, your heart that has been cold most of the day flooding with warmth almost instantly and a couple tears make their way down your cheeks. It’s like he knew, he had that instinct of needing to take care of you, and that’s what he was going to do.
how did you know I needed that?
bc I know you
I need to see you and I feel like you need to see me
I was just hoping you were up since it’s way past gma’s bed time 😉
You roll your eyes, that smile not leaving your face. You did normally go to bed at 8:30pm. You loved your sleep, who doesn’t? But he loved to make fun of you for it.
I do need to see you, really bad.
come get me
on my way baby
You take another deep breath, not only thanking Joe and Olivia for introducing you two but thanking God for placing Tee into your life. The longer you guys have been together, the more he knows you, how you operate, which faces mean certain feelings, even as much as knowing when something is wrong even when he’s apart from you. It was the little things.
You throw on a pair of biker shorts and a long sleeve. It was fall time and temp was in the 60s. It was beautiful outside lately.
You fix your hair as best you can, still keeping it up but making it look like you weren’t just about to go to bed. 15 minutes later, Tee texts you saying that he had just pulled in and you throw some shoes on before heading out of the house.
You walk down to his car and open the door, leaning down to peek at him. He smiles at you, one arm leaning on the console and the other resting on the steering wheel and you couldn’t help but match his smile.
“Hey you” you say.
“Hey you” he repeats, his smile radiating. His smile killed you. It was so bright, so genuine. He was someone who was genuine. Very kind hearted and caring. You adored him.
You climbed into the passenger seat and made eye contact once again. You two look at each other for a moment before he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek and then on your lips.
You pull away a few moments later and bump your nose against his, smiling like a love sick puppy. The way he makes your mood change instantly still blows your mind.
“Missed you” he murmurs.
“I’ve missed you too” your voice cracks, not intentionally, but those tears were making their way back. Little did you know that you just needed him to help you feel better.
“I knew something was up, what’s wrong?” He asks, resting his hand on your thigh, his eyebrows furrowed as he watches the tears form in your eyes.
“It was just my day. I can tell you while you drive” you assure him.
“Driving can wait” he gives your thigh a squeeze.
“No Tee, it’s okay. I’ll be over it by tomorrow. Just go ahead and drive, for me, please?” You quietly beg. He stares at you for a moment before nodding and backing out of your driveway.
You two ride in silence for awhile before you tuck a foot under you, getting comfortable since who knew how long you two were going to be driving around for. At one point, the air was getting colder and you were getting cold but you didn’t want to say anything because you were enjoying the windows down.
Tee easily read your body language so at the next red light, he put the car in park and unbuckled before slipping his hoodie off and handing it to you.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine” you smile at him as he buckles himself again.
“No you’re not. Can’t have my girl freezing” he smiles back before hitting the gas as the light turns green. You roll your eyes and throw his hoodie on, sneakily smelling his cologne.
Tee’s hand slides onto your thigh, giving it a nice squeeze. You smile over at him and you rub your hand up and down his tattooed arm. Sexy ass.
“Do you want to talk about your day now?” He asks, glancing over at you. You let out a deep sigh before starting to explain one thing after the other, and he listened attentively, he was a very good listener and you were thankful, especially on the days where you needed to rant.
“….and everything just piled on top of each other and it became almost unbearable. I tried to wind down so I could go to sleep and just forget about today but my brain wouldn’t shut the fuck up” you let out a huff of annoyance and he quietly chuckles at the last part.
“First off, I wanna say how much of a badass you are. I could never do what you do in a day. That’s a hell of a lot of brain power to use and energy that I don’t have”
“You’re a fucking wide receiver, Tee, you have a lot of both of those things” you giggle.
“But it’s different, you know what I’m sayin’? Like you are having to keep people alive, some you can’t help and it was written in the cards from when they were even thought of. But you are so fucking brave and so strong to do what you do everyday. I hope you know how badass you are, because seriously, you are and I admire you for it every single day” he looks over at you as he arrives at another stop light.
Your heart floods with a familiar feeling you’ve experienced honestly since you started dating Tee but you kept pushing it off because you didn’t want to believe it so early but it was happening; hell, it happened already, you fell in love with him, truly, madly, deeply. It was pathetic.
He was the most generous and loving person. He was supportive and encouraging in everything you did. Always looking out for you, checking on you, making sure you feel beautiful always. You were his queen, his number one, other than his Momma, and rightfully so.
You’ve had a few serious relationships over the years but all of those men turned out to be trash and honestly gave you trust issues but this was different in only the best way possible. You saw a future with Tee, even after this short time that felt like a lifetime.
Not to mention he was a hottie. His handsome face, that stunning smile, his tall and muscular frame, his tattoos; the man was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome.
Tee glanced over at you, feeling your eyes on him, he gives you his bright smile that makes you want to squeeze him tightly and never let him go.
You love him.
“You want to tell me what’s on your mind right now? Did I say something wrong?” He asks, turning his eyes back to the road, a small and almost worried smile gracing his face.
And speaking of heart racing, yours was about to beat out of your chest at what was spilling out of your mouth.
“I love you” you breathe out.
Tee’s heart could about explode. He’s been so scared to say it, afraid of how you would react when he would say those exact three words to you. He honestly fell for you a lot sooner than you fell for him but that was another story for another time.
“I am so glad you said that, because I love you too” he says, his smile the brightest it’s ever been.
“I really need a damn stop light because I need to kiss you so bad right now” you say and he laughs.
“Hold on, I gotchu”
He turns onto a different street and the light turned yellow and he slowly comes to a stop, placing the car in park and looking over at you.
“Thank you Jesus” you breathe out and grab his face, smashing your lips against his. You two smiled against each other’s lips, thinking about how you both finally made the long awaited confession.
Then to make it even more perfect, “Snooze” by SZA comes on shuffle. You two finally pull away from each other, not without another sweet kiss from Tee.
“I fucking love you” he says just above a whisper. Your stomach was doing backflips. Just hearing him say those words meant the world to you.
“And I love you” you smile.
He gives you one more firm but tender kiss before he shifts the car back into drive as the light turns green.
That just happened.
When you first started dating Tee, “Snooze” was y’all’s vibe, and still is. You dreamt about him. There was never a moment where you wanted to be somewhere else. He made you feel so important, so wanted, cared for, loved.
Everything in this moment couldn’t have been more perfect. This song playing as you two drove through mildly quiet downtown Cincinnati, windows down, the cooler air slipping into the car, nipping your skin but in a comforting way.
The sky was clear so despite the city lights, you could still see the beautiful stars in the sky. The man you loved to the left of you, his tattooed hand on your thigh, you wearing his hoodie, and both finally saying out loud that you loved each other. Your heart was surely the size of both of your lungs combined at this point. Every bad thing that happened today vanished from your brain like it never even happened. This was what heaven looked like to you.
He must have felt this moment too because his hand finds yours and laces your fingers together, giving it a soft squeeze.
“Long as you dreamin' 'bout me, ain't no problem
I don't got nobody, just with you right now
Tell the truth, I look better under you
I can't lose when I'm with you
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important
Nobody do body like you do”
“Damn” Tee murmurs and shakes his head.
“What?” You ask.
“You…the way you make me feel. It’s just wild” he says, full on blushing and you couldn’t help but blush in return.
“Quit Tee” you smile down at your clasped hands.
“You quit” he chuckles.
“Ain't a home when you not here
Hard to grow when you not here, I'm sayin'
I can't lose when I'm with you”
“You should stay over tonight” he glances over at you with hopeful eyes.
“Teeee” you sigh.
“Please? It’ll kill me to take you home tonight” he juts his bottom lip out.
“That’s very dramatic” you giggle and flick his lip.
“It’s not dramatic. I don’t wanna take you home, especially now” he says, squeezing your thigh. You smile sadly and rest your head on his arm, your mind already working to figure something out. You didn’t want him to take you home either.
After another half an hour or so, he pulls back up to your house. He leans his head back onto the head rest and looks at you, his eyes sad.
“Don’t look at me like that, Tee” you whine.
“I don’t want you to leave. It’s been a week and I miss you” he sighs, looking down at your hands intertwined, his thumb rubbing back and forth on your hand.
“You’ll see me at the game this weekend” you tell him but he still didn’t like that. You wanted to play a little hard to get now.
He turns his head back, looking forward. You knew he was pouting.
You sigh when he doesn’t answer you. His hand still rested on your thigh as you watched him. You get an idea.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over the console and into his lap, straddling his hips. He looks up at you, eyes widened slightly. He gave you a quick glance up and down before his eyes meeting yours as you speak up.
“Can I suggest something?” You ask and he hums.
“I would stay at your place, but I have stuff to do here tomorrow, stuff that I could get done while you’re at practice. So what if we stayed at my place tonight? I know it’s not as nice as y-“
“Okay” he smiles, his hands running up your thighs and holds onto your hips.
“Okay. But I might have to run home to grab stuff for tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
“Well yeah, of course, whatever you need to do. Are you sure it’s okay?” You ask running yours hands up and down his shoulders.
“More than okay. I don’t care where we stay, as long as you’re there” he smiles again and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“And then I could stay with you this weekend?” You suggest.
“Absolutely” he nods.
You wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into neck.
“I’ve also missed you” you say, pressing gentle kisses onto his neck, your breath sending chills down his spine. He wraps his arms around you tightly in a hug. He couldn’t get enough of you, ever.
“I’m going to go home and grab my iPad for our meetings and grab more clothes so I can stay a couple days, okay?” He asks, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“That okay with you?”
“More than okay with me” you kiss his lips multiple times, him giving you a loving and healthy smack to the ass before you crawl out of his lap and out of the car.
“I’ll be back. I love you” he smiles. God, it felt so good for him to say that, and it felt so good for you to hear it.
“I love you. Be careful” you smile back, giving him another kiss before shutting his door and making your way back into the house.
Holy shit. What a day.
45 minutes later, as you laid on the couch, you get a knock on your door.
“Damn it” you curse under your breath as you hop off the couch and run to the door. You accidentally locked the door out of habit.
You unlock the door and open it to be greeted by Tee who had a bookbag on his shoulder and a duffel bag hanging by his side.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to lock it” you say grimacing.
“Don’t want me to stay, huh?” He smirks pushing his body up against yours, backing you further into your living room, shutting the door behind him.
“Don’t you start being dramatic again. You know I want you to stay. I want you to stay all the time” you cock an eyebrow at him, sliding your hands up his arms and around his neck as he drops his bags.
“Mhm” he hums as he presses his lips to yours, his tongue making its way into your mouth, giving you all the feels.
Tee’s hands slide from your hips to your ass, squeezing it with his large hands. You moan into his mouth and he presses his hands into your ass so your hips press into his.
After a couple minutes of your make out sesh in the middle of your living room, he pulls away slightly, his breath fanning your face. He must have brushed his teeth before coming back over to your house because you tasted and smelled mint.
“You make me feel…insane” he says.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” You ask and he smiles at you.
“So good” he chuckles, reattaching your lips for a few more minutes before you break away again.
“As much as I want to continue this, it’s so late and you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning if you don’t go to sleep” you breathe out.
“You right. Tomorrow, after I get back?” He smirks.
“If you’re lucky” you shrug, giggling at his expression.
“I’m very lucky, damn it” he says nuzzling his face into your neck making you laugh.
“Let’s go to bed, you exhaust me” you sigh, walking past him towards your bedroom.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, baby” he says, giving a harsh smack to your ass as he walks behind you.
“Tee!” You gasp and he smiles innocently.
You two eventually get changed into more comfortable clothes and get comfy in bed, your back pressed against his front, his long arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled into your neck, mumbling “I love you’s” to each other that still didn’t feel real.
And that’s when he starts to slowly hum a melody that you both listened to earlier in the night, allowing you to relax and finally drift to sleep.
I can't lose when I'm with you.
How can I snooze and miss the moment?
You just too important.
Nobody do body like you do, you do.
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daengtokki · 6 months
𝐼’𝓂 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝓃’𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒
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Kim Seungmin/female reader
wc: 1.8k
synopsis: someone is cheating // pt 1
rating: mature/angst ꩜ (contains: aggression, confrontation)
⤜ · · ♡ · · →
SM: I won’t be back until Sunday, love, but I’ll call you tonight before you fall asleep! Hopefully I can catch you before you do
YN: it’s okay, Min. I’ll be here, and I’ll be up for a while
SM: I’ll text first just in case
YN: ♥️
SM: sleeping?
SM: I’m sorry I missed you last night, we can try again today!
SM: babe, you know I hate double triple quadruple texting you. Are you okay?
· · ♡ · ·
Saturday, 10:30pm
Seungmin struggles for a moment with his key, but manages without dropping his bags. The door swings open, and he’s greeted by a dark foyer, a dark living room, and a single faint light coming from the kitchen. And it’s too quiet—no tv left on, no music playing to fill the silence, like usual. It’s a little warm inside, and it was a warm day, but Seungmin can feel a breeze coming in from one open window.
“I’m home,” he calls out softly, and his voice carries down the hall and into the open door of the bedroom. But the apartment is empty. You’re not here.
He looks down at his phone, opens his texts, and types. His face falls slowly as he figures out another message to send to you. Seungmin has been away a lot lately, and things have felt strained, but you always answer, eventually, even if it’s hours later. You’ve never been silent for more than a day, and now it’s going on two.
sm: hi love, I’m home early
After making sure you’re not just sound asleep in bed, he starts to type one more message. But he stops himself, and instead he starts to unpack his things.
A few minutes later, his phone buzzes.
yn: hey, I’m so sorry sweetie. I’ll be home soon. I went out with some friends and my phone died
He sighs, relieved to finally hear from you. But he doesn’t reply right away; he waits until he empties his bag, showers, get dressed, and makes himself tea.
The lock clicks and the door swings open just as he reaches for his phone.
“Minnie!” You run to him and he opens his arms to hold you against him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
He fights with questioning your absence—not from the house, but from answering his texts, and decides to wait. Right now, he wants to sit down with you and relax; talk; catch up. Maybe that will reveal the answers without him having to ask—he hopes it will, because it’s slowly starting to eat at him.
· · ♡ · ·
“We traveled all day today, a lot of driving, so it was a little hectic.” He curls up on the couch and hugs his knees tights to his chest. “I missed talking to you last night.”
“I guess I was more tired than I thought”
“But I’m here now”
Seungmin’s little nod, his hesitant smile…you missed him so much, and you’re not sure you can even begin to tell him just how much. You crawl across the couch and kneel in front of him. “You’re here”
The kiss you give him is returned, but it’s as hesitant as his smile.
“What’s wrong, Min?”
He shakes his head, “nothing…I’m okay, uhm…”
“You can tell me, you know that”
Yes, he can. The two of you tell each other everything, and as far as Seungmin knows, there are no secrets between you. So why does he suddenly feel so uneasy? “Just too tired to think straight. Maybe we should go to bed.”
“Yeah, let’s go to bed. Clean sheets and everything, all ready for you.”
· · ♡ · ·
Weeks pass, and eventually, Seungmin feels better—less worried, less unsure about things. It’s not completely gone, though. Every hour that passes without a reply from you makes his heart sink a little more. But then you do reply, and everything is fine for a while. Communication between you has changed…just a little bit, but enough.
It’s turning into a vicious cycle, and it’s not good for his head right now. He feels distracted from his work.
Seungmin video calls you on his way home a few days later. You don’t answer.
Coming home is like deja vu. Dark, though not quite as dark this time. The tv is on, and so is the bedroom light. Seungmin can hear the shower running when he closes the door. He’s relieved he doesn’t have to worry like last time, and for some reason, even though so much is still eating at him, being home feels good, and everything feels okay. You’re home and waiting for him, and maybe you haven’t been in much of a talking mood lately.
That’s all this is. Everything is good.
He hears his phone buzz and feels for it in his back pocket, but it’s not him. Yours is sitting on the kitchen counter, right next to the coffee you were drinking not long ago. It doesn’t seem out of place of him to look at the notification on your screen, because he’s done it before—you don’t hide anything from each other. But this time he isn’t sure of what he’s seeing. It’s not a text notif, or Instagram, or twitter. It’s not KakaoTalk, which he knows you use, just not much. This one is from Line, and the sender is a name you don’t recognize: 민수
Maybe it’s a coworker, or a client. You know so many people through your work, and Seungmin knows that. But the message is right there…two of them.
민수: I hope you had a good time...I did! I’ll see you again soon
The second message is a ❤️. The same red heart you always send to him. Seungmin feels every drop of blood drain from him, and he feels like he’s falling, but he’s not. His feet are somehow still flat on the floor, and his hand trembles as he touches your screen—he wants to see it and read it one more time, just in case he read it wrong.
The shower stops, and in the time it takes you to get yourself dressed, Seungmin doesn’t move. He’s rooted to this spot, and he’s sure if he takes a single step, he’ll crumble, and he won’t be able to put himself back together again.
Your voice echoes in his head.
“Seungmin, baby, you’re home…what—“
He sees your eyes move and glance at your phone on the counter, and then they’re back on his.
“What’s wrong?”
Why can’t he speak? His mouth drops open and nothing comes out, but inside he’s screaming, picking something up and throwing it against the wall, jumping on you and shaking you until you tell him…
“Why?” Is all he manages.
“Why what? Is everything okay? Seungmin, you look so pale…”
His fist clenches behind his back. “I know I haven’t been around much lately…more than lately. But I’m trying. I try so hard to be with you…when I’m away. I thought I was…” he stops and takes a stuttering breath, and his nails dig so hard into his palm, it feels like he’s breaking skin, “…doing okay.”
“Seungmin, you do better than okay”
“Where have you been? You never answer my calls anymore. You hardly text back, and when you do…it’s hours later.”
“You’re right, I’ve been really bad at this for the last few weeks”
“Who is Minsoo?”
There's silence for far longer than either of you intend, but breaking it is impossible. Seungmin said it out loud, he had to, and now things will play out exactly as they should.
But the silence is as much of an answer as he needs. He turns to your phone and picks it up, looks at the messages again. The heart was sent an hour ago, right after you left wherever you were, got home, made coffee, got in the shower. Seungmin wonders what clothes are lying on the bathroom floor right now, and his eyes sting with tears at what his mind creates.
The metal frame of the phone gives a little under his grip, and it gives in completely when it meets the wall between you. The sound is intense—the crunch of glass, the crumble of drywall. Seungmin is strong when he’s not angry, and right now he’s more than that. He’s pissed, and he’s confused.
“Why?” His hand runs through his hair and stays there as he stares at the remnants of your phone; one half of the lifeline between you when he’s gone. “Answer me.”
You jump again, despite the eerie softness of his voice. You have no answer for him, and even if you did, it wouldn’t change a thing right now. “Minnie, I love you.”
“You love me?”
He takes a few steps toward you, and you move back just as many. Seungmin has never given you any reason to fear him, and he’s never argued or fought. You don’t know anyone nearly as level-headed and calm as him, but you’ve also never done anything this stupid before.
“I do, more than anything.”
This time you stay put when he closes the gap, because something has to happen, and there’s nowhere else to go. It’s you, it’s Seungmin, and it’s the wall behind you.
His hands come up, close around your cheeks, and his thumbs run over them so sweetly, “you love me…but, you fucked someone else?”
“I didn’t. Seungmin, I didn’t. Please.”
“You've been ignoring me for another man. Pouring yourself out to him? Telling him things, telling him how you feel being all alone in bed all the time because your boyfriend is never here for you.”
“No. No, Seungmin.”
His touch on you tightens, just for a moment, as he matches the intensity of your gaze. And then he relaxes and lets go. You stay quiet as he grabs his bag and disappears into the bedroom, and you brace yourself for a slam that doesn’t come. There may be no coming back after this, and you know that. It didn’t cross your mind what might happen if a night like this came, because you weren’t sure if what you were doing, at least initially, was that wrong. But things spiraled, and you spiraled with them, and you let your isolation get the better of you.
You should have stopped when the messages got more frequent; when you felt guilty texting Seungmin at the same time as him; ignoring a phone call when you were with him.
Seungmin flies by you and heads for the door.
“Please don’t leave, Minnie, I need you”
“You need me?” He pulls his shoes on and takes his time re-lacing them. “I needed you, too. Every time I text you goodnight, or facetime you, I do it for a reason.”
“I know. I fucked up.”
“Because it’s lonely being away, even when I’m surrounded by people. Did I ever tell you that?”
“That much is my fault then, but I didn’t think I had to tell you.” He picks up both of his bags and opens the door.
“Where are you going?”
“My dorm,” he looks back once more with his hand on the doorknob, but says nothing.
“I love you…I love you, Min”
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Summer Fling Part 5/10
Part 6 is out on my Patreon for free!
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Summary - Reader has landed a research job at a marine biology lab in Portugal. She is, therefore, staying with her sister and her sister's Portuguese boyfriend for the summer holidays. There she meets Ruben Dias who is on vacation with his friends after the 2024 Euros. However, the two meet under the circumstances in which Ruben believes that Reader is a prostitute.
Enjoy ☀️
Spot-finned pufferfish were your new favorite animals. Although cute, they were also very lethal, with the power to paralyze bodies ten times their own size. 
You were back at the Zoomarine, in the aquarium tank that hosted over a hundred marine life species, one of them being the spot-finned pufferfish. You were assisting Gavin to check on the lethal sea creatures. He was chasing the fish around the tank, while you documented his findings.
"Bloody bastards."
You had to shield your computer as Gavin emerged out of the water, wearing swimming goggles and a snorkel.
"I take it that they've started to reproduce?" You giggled.
"Damn straight they have, and their kids are all menaces." 
Gavin inspected a gush in his hand. It wasn't a deep cut. However, even the caressing of a pufferfish skin can be dangerous, let alone a bite.
"Here, let me." You said, setting aside your computer, grabbing some gause and a bottle of saline solution.
"At least they seem healthy."
"Well, that's good."
You inspected his hand, his finger to be exact. The cut seemed to have been made by a pufferfish baby, meaning just cleaning the wound would do.
"Perhaps next time you should join me in the tank." He laughed. "You know, help me fend for myself."
"No thank you, I'd rather dive in the ocean. I'm sure it's much cleaner."
"You dive?"
You paused to look at him.
"Like, with a scuba tank?"
You nodded. "Both my sister and I are advanced divers. It's not really a shocker since our dad is a Dive Master."
"That's awesome."
"Thank you." You smiled.
"You know, I have a boat up the coast of Albu—"
"Sorry." You said, the aggressive vibration on your phone having interrupted. Ruben's name had popped up on the screen. A text from him. It made your heart skip a beat considering that the two of you hadn't seen each other for a while because of your job. Ruben, however, made sure to stay in touch.
"Who is that, you're boyfriend?" Gavin eyed your screen.
"Erm….no." He had caught you blushing. You flipped your phone and resumed tending his wound. "It's just a friend." You mumbled. However the awkward silence between you lasted until you left the Zoomarine.
"See you monday, Y/N."
"I'll see you on monday." You waved. Usually Gavin would offer you a ride to the train station, today however, he seemed in a rush to get to his car. He drove off and left you to make your way on foot. This wasn't a problem since today, like most days, was nothing short of a sunshine paradise.
On the train you took the time to reply to Ruben's text messages as there were several of them.
Ruben: "Are you free this weekend? If you are, how about dinner?" 🤔
Ruben: "Or maybe we could just meet up at the beach club again, if that's more convenient for you?"
Ruben: "Tbh, I just wanna see you again." 😅
You grinned at the screen as you typed in your answer. You also couldn't wait to see Ruben this weekend.
A feeling of unease washed over you upon your arrival home. Your sister's car was not in its regular parking spot down the street from your apartment building. She had left early in the morning yesterday, while you were still in bed. She had left without notice, unless you count the post it note she pinned to the refrigerator, reminding you not to piss off the mermaids at work.
Your heart raced as you walked up the path to your front door, the key trembling in your hand. You had tried to brush it off, thinking that Maki was just out with her friends or at the beach. But as the hours ticked by and there was no sign of her, your worry had grown, even more so now as you walked into an empty apartment.
You tried calling her phone, but it went straight to voicemail. You tried texting, but there was no response. And now, returning out of the front door, you could feel a sense of dread creeping over you. What if something has happened?
Your heart kept on pounding as you made your way to Diogo's house, your mind filled with worst-case scenarios. He lived all the way in Albufeira so time couldn't move slow enough as you sat on the train. If only Maki hadn't taken the car.
You had always had your doubts about Diogo, with his rough exterior and his much older age. But Maki had been so taken with him, and you had tried to be supportive. But now, as you stood outside his front door, you couldn't help but wonder if he knew something that you didn't. You took a deep breath and knocked, your heart racing as you waited for an answer. You knew that you had to find out what had happened to your sister, and you were prepared to do whatever it took to bring her home safely.
You flinched as the door flung open, Diogo occupying its frame. He regarded you with usual mysterio, his expression unreadable.
"Is my sister here?" You said, clenching your purse.
"No." He muttered and almost closed the door on you had you not lunged forward, preventing him. 
"Well, where is she, do you know?"
Diogo regarded you with furrowed brows, not expecting you to speak to him with such command.
"Work." He grunted and once again tried to close the door on you.
"What work?" You said, pushing the door open once more. But this time Diogo had enough and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you inside of his house, shutting the door behind you.
"Why do you ask?" He huffed.
Your head shifted in panic, searching for a way out since Diogo's giant body stood blocking the door. "She's been gone for two days now, haven't you noticed?"
He chuckled, showing off his severely bleached teeth. "Like I said, your sister is at work."
"What work!" You shouted this time.
"Does it matter? All you need to know is that she works for me."
"That's it…." You marched towards the door, even if it meant that you had to push past him. "...If you can't tell me where she is I'm sure the police can help me—"
You gasped as Diogo grabbed you by the arm again, this time slamming your back against the front door. "Não me teste, filha da puta." (Do not test me, bitch) His breath was in your face, the smell of alcohol almost unbearable. 
"Vai-te foder." (go fuck yourself). You spat.
His eyes widened, along with the grip around your arm that loosened. He then reached for something in his back pocket, which you were almost sure to be a knife. However, the screen of his phone lit up his face, as he typed in an unknown number. Soon a female voice sparked through the other end. "Hello, baby?"
Diogo shoved the phone in your hand. "Aqui, fale com ela." (Here, speak to her.)
"Y/N? What are you….is everything okay?"
"Is everything okay?" You frowned. "Where the hell are you, you've been gone for two days without telling me."
"Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I'm at work, I don't have my phone."
"What work?" You asked, since you had always assumed that your sister was unemployed, living off her sugar daddy of a boyfriend.
"I work at the beach club. Didn't Diogo tell you that?"
"He did not." You looked to where he had gone to sit on a sofa in the corner of the room. He looked at you, amused by what he saw.
"Anyway. "Don't worry about me Y/N. I'll be home tomorrow. Love you!" And with that she hung up the phone. There had been loud music playing in the background. Perhaps Diogo had been telling the truth. Your sister worked for him at the beach club.
"Happy now?" He smiled. An oily smile that disgusted you more than anything. 
You were quick to toss him his phone and walk out the door. You rushed down the street, away from the quiet but fancy neighborhood that he lived in. You made it all the way back to the train station. There you dug up your phone and dialed the number of the only person you felt like you could trust in this foreign country that you found yourself in. "Ruben? It's me.....Is there a chance that I can stay with you tonight?"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 6 is out on my Patreon for free!
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dystychiphxbia · 1 year
☆ - Gym crush!
im just in my gym rat era so i had to do this...i didnt want this to be the first fic i publish but here we are...
v small nsfw mention in sae's part
characters; kunigami, sae, rin
Kunigami Rensuke;
you meet at the gym, both relatively new to it
you learn together, always trying out new things
never ask for each other's number but still somehow end up at the gym at the same time
"what are you hitting today?" "it's leg day" "aw sucks to be you...jk i'll join you"
"need a spotter?"
he's definitely your gym crush and you always try to look extra good in front of him
trust me he's doing the same
always helps you rerack your weights!
gym bros till death do you apart
death or...blue lock.
kunigami just disappears for MONTHS and comes back like nothing happened
except now he wont even greet you
he completely ignores you when you ask him where he's been
you are motivated to show him your progress but you don't see him even glancing at you
"need a spotter" you would ask him, but he would simply say you are too weak
and looking at his weights, he's right
like damn how many plates is he squatting??
he would still save you if you failed a bench press though
"thanks...but i would've gotten it" "stop lying to urself"
maybe he warms up to you eventually...
i mean you never stopped going to the gym, it shows your resolve
and you didn't change at all, you still work as hard as ever and look so damn good while doing so.
Itoshi Rin;
he noticed how every sunday, you would run on the treadmill for at least an hour straight
how fast are u going??? he would always try to sneak a glance at your settings when he walks past
he would also do his warm ups on the treadmills, secretly cheering when only the one next to you is available
one sunday, you aren't there
he's actually...worried? you are there every single sunday, so why not now?
he's so relieved to see you there the sunday after that, maybe you were just sick
the thing is, he doesn't see you on any other days. he's hoping it's just cause you go at a different time, and not because you only go on sundays...
nah you have too much muscle for you to only go to gym once a week to run
but he wont change his workout times just for some person he sees once a week at the gym...until he does.
he starts going a bit earlier and later, hoping to catch at least a glimpse of you
it takes a while but he's finally there at the same time as you
you notice him, "i havent seen you here at this time before"
he's flustered, you've actually noticed him and are now talking to him???
"yeah, just changing things up a bit." he just wanted to see u!!
u always ask him to spot you and he just cant say no
one time you almost got crushed under the bar because he was busy admiring your face
yeah...he definitely has a crush on you!! but will he ever take it a step further...probably not. have you noticed...? of course you have, that's exactly why you always ask him.
Itoshi Sae;
this guy has been watching you squat since day 1
eyes glued to your ass, maybe it wasn't so impressive in the beginning but it definitely is now
he makes sure to always be at the gym when it's your squat day
of course you've noticed...you make sure to wear those gym pants that make your ass look so good!!
sometimes he stares for too long, suddenly realizing that he's just been sitting for 10 minutes
one day you come up to him, saying that you are gonna attempt a pr and need a spotter
jesus christ he almost choked on his drink
"sure." staying as cool as ever.
but watching your ass from so close almost stirs up a problem in his pants
"good job." he'll say to you afterwards, walking off.
you are kind of disappointed, he's always looking at you and that's all you get??
but no worries he'll be thinking of that sight for a while!!
slowly adjusts his schedule so that he's always coming on the same days as you
makes sure that only he spots you
also makes sure that no one else glances your way when you are squatting
cause you are HIS gym crush, not anyone else's
one day he finally gets the courage to actually talk to you
he's surprised when you call him by his name but then he remembers that he's basically a celebrity
you introduce yourself, and he's so close to asking you out on the spot
"i've seen you play on the tv, you are so good! i'd love to learn to play!"
he asks u to come with him to the field after your workout for lesson number one
about damn time, you think
playing football after a leg workout wasn't the easiest but maybe sae made it a bit easier for you to manage
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asturniolos · 9 months
you too - matt s.
chapter 3 ; waistband
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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
maple syrup by the backseat lovers plays quietly throughout annie's car as we drive back to my apartment from our starbucks brunch.
i told her about my unexpected run-in with the 'matt' boy she told me about, but wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of admitting my attraction to him.
"so he asked for your number? and you seriously believe it was purely so that he could pay for your phone to be fixed?", annie taunts me. "you are so unbelievably naive sometimes, y/n."
i roll my eyes at her and turn up the volume. we're only a few minutes away from my apartment and, as much as i hate to admit it, i can't stop checking my phone hoping for a message from matt. all i can think about is him.
as much as i love winter, sometimes it gets a little too cold. like today.
the second annie dropped me home, i made myself a hot chocolate, got straight in bed, and took a nap for an hour. i woke up to a missed call, crossing my fingers that it was matt. unfortunately, it was just mr bryan asking me if i received the study material he sent me.
now, i'm in the shower attempting to get my mind off matt which, to no surprise, isn't working.
party for two by johnny orlando plays loudly throughout my bathroom and i sing along when the chorus begins-
and i could throw a party
without our friends,
just watch you dance,
and i won’t tell nobody
just you, me and the moon, baby
i squeeze some body wash onto my hand and start lathering myself with it while the song continues. after about a minute i step under the water, closing my eyes and feeling the soap running off my body. my hands slowly trail down my waist, stopping at my hips as the thought of matt slips into my mind. a smile spreads across my face and my eyes remain closed underneath the warm water. i take my hands off of my waist and bring them up to my chest, lightly touching my boobs with the thought of matt still flooding my mind. my fingers make their way down my stomach, hesitating just inches above my pussy. i pull them away, quickly taking a small step back out of the water and opening my eyes.
god. what am i doing? i met this guy just a few hours ago and i'm already imagining him touching me in the shower.
i reach for the tap and turn it all the way off, causing the water to come to a sudden stop. stepping out of the shower, i glance at my reflection in the mirror but can only make out a faint silhouette of myself in the fogged glass. i grab my pink towel off the rack beside me and wrap it tightly around my wet body. my hand reaches for the door handle but i pause when my music stops suddenly. the bathroom falls silent except for the faint drips of water coming from the shower head, followed by a faint ringing coming from my bedroom.
i swing open the bathroom door and quickly walk to my room to see my phone laying face down on my dresser. taking a deep breath, i walk over and pick the phone up.
unknown number.
i clear my throat and hover my thumb over the answer button for a moment before pressing it.
"hey, is this y/n? it's matt."
his voice sounds even hotter over the phone.
"yeah, hi matt. what's up?"
"what's your address? i can come to yours in ten and give you the money to get your phone fixed if you're free."
i look to my right and see my reflection in my mirror; wet hair, no makeup, and wearing nothing but a towel. there's no way i'm letting matt come to my apartment while i look like this.
i think for a moment before replying,
"can you just venmo me? i'm kinda busy right now."
"busy with..?", he questions.
"just, you know.. assignments and stuff.", i reply.
"if you don't want me to come over you could've just said that, you know."
"no i want you to come over, it's just-"
"you do?", he says, cutting me off.
i hear him let out a light chuckle.
i say nothing.
"text me your address. i'll be there in 10."
he hangs up.
i hear the music on my speaker start playing again as i run to my wardrobe, picking out a pair of bike shorts and the first hoodie i see. then, walking back into my bathroom, i brush my dripping wet hair and twist it up into a claw clip, pulling some strands out at the front. as i spray my deodorant on underneath my hoodie, i hear a message notification ding from my phone. i sit the deodorant on the bathroom counter and rush back into my room. matt again.
*unknown number*: address?
i quickly type my address and apartment number into my phone and press send. he reads it instantly and doesn't reply.
i turn my phone off and throw it onto my bed before pulling open my makeup drawer and taking out my mascara and favourite clear gloss and applying them both.
matt's pov
all i can hear is the loud taps of the heavy afternoon rain pelting down on the roof of my car as i speed down the highway as fast as i can. ever since running into y/n on the way to my lecture this morning, i've been dying to know more about her. as guilty as i feel for smashing her phone, a part of me is so glad that it happened considering i'm now on my way to her apartment.
mansion by lil skies starts playing through my car's speakers and i instantly reach over, turning the volume up and leaning back further in my seat. as the song begins, i can't help but imagine y/n's hands wrapped around my dick, slowly moving up and down while i drive. i let a deep breath out, feeling myself getting horny at the thought of her making me cum. as my car comes to a stop at a red light, i take my left hand off the wheel and lightly rub my dick through my black nike sweats. i bite my lip at the feeling and tilt my head back in pleasure, closing my eyes and moaning softly to myself.
the car behind me honks loudly, causing me to focus my attention back on the road and at the now green light.
fuck, what am i doing.
i put my hand back on the wheel and keep driving.
after about five more minutes, i finally begin pulling into the street that y/n's apartment is on. i take my left hand off of the wheel and place it on my lap. my head quickly shoots downward when i feel my boner through my sweats.
after putting the car in park i slightly pull down my sweats and then reach into my boxers, grabbing my dick and tucking it underneath my waistband to hide it. for a moment i consider putting the car in drive and going home to do something about it, but the thought of missing out on seeing y/n again outweighs it.
i step out of my car and nervously walk up a few flights of stairs, and before i know it i'm standing face to face with her apartment door.
a/n ; hopefully this chapter is a little more interesting than the first two- next chapter will be out tomorrow, which does have some smut !! tysm for readinggg 💌
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w2soneshots · 8 months
Charity match -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: none.
summary: you go and support your boyfriend playing in a charity football match.
notes: Harry looked sooo good on the pitch this year🤭. I hope you enjoy!💓🫶🏼
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I woke up, rolled over and then opened my eyes. Most of the players in today's match are in a fancy hotel (including Harry), so they can all go straight to the stadium. I got up and took a shower, dried my hair and threw it up into a clip. I put on a grey romper since it was so ridiculously hot today- 31° but even higher on the pitch.
I rushed to eat breakfast, put on my shoes and grab my bag, since I don't want to get stuck in traffic. Over 45 minutes later I arrived at the stadium, I parked and walked through the back of the building. I made my way to the private area for family and friends of the players, and quickly spotted Faith, she stood with Olive on her hip both in matching football tops. "Hey!" I said as I walked towards her, "hi!" she said excitedly. "You both look so cute!" I said enthusiastically, "so do you." she said with a smile.
I spoke to Faith for a little while, until I got a text from Harry... "I'm outside" Confused I furrowed my brows, "outside where??" I replied. "The lounge" he stated. I looked up and then walked out of the room. when I looked to my left I saw him. I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug, we haven't seen each other in just under a week because I was at a shoot in Manchester for a few days and when I got back (yesterday) he was already at the hotel.
With a quick kiss on the lips, we said bye. "See you after." I said with his cheeks still in my hands. He smiled and said "I love you." "love you too, now go get a goal." I said. He laughed and said "I'll try." And with that I was back in the lounge, and he went back to the changing rooms.
I sat in my seat just behind Faith and watched as the boys warmed up, "I hope they don't melt." I said sarcastically to Talia, who is seated next to me. "Seriously!" Talia said with a chuckle. They all headed back through the tunnel after around 10 minutes.
Faith headed down to the pitch to hand Olive to Ethan, so he could walk out with his daughter. I made small talk with Talia until cheers erupted in the stands, I looked around to see that all the players were walking out. Ethan passed Olive back to Faith and pecked her on the lips before running onto the field and forming a line with all the players.
Once everyone was in there positions the ball was brought out on a tiny car that made me giggle. The whistle was blown soon after and the match started. After just a few minutes Ethan scored a goal, the crowd went crazy and so did all of us especially Faith, who had rushed up back to her seat after collecting Olive. Theo hurt himself while attempting to score a goal and was sent off on a stretcher, "shit, I hope he's okay." I said quietly to Talia.
A little over an hour in to the game I watched as Harry scored, I sat in utter shock as he looked up into the stands and caught my eyes, he had a massive smile on his face and so did I. The game ended 8-5 to Sidemen FC, we all celebrated in the stand as did the boys on the pitch.
After they lifted up the trophy and collected their medals, they said thank you to the crowd and headed back to the changing rooms. We all collected our things and left the lounge. I was the first to leave and quickly spotted Harry, Ethan and Tobi stood in the hallway. They looked up at me and I ran towards Harry "you scored!" I said shaking his shoulders. "I know!" He said shaking mine.
We hugged and then I told him to go and take a shower because he stank, and that I would see him at home. I left the venue, got in my car, then got stuck in the most horrendous traffic. It took an hour and a half to get back to my apartment, when I finally did I immediately took a shower, I had just had one that morning but I’d been sat in a boiling hot stadium for hours, so it was very much needed.
Harry stumbled through the apartment at around 8:30. I got up off the couch and pulled him into a massive hug. "im so proud of you!" I said with a smile. Without a word he shuffled us towards the bedroom. He picked me up, dumped me on the bed, ripped his shirt and shorts off then finally fell into the bed, clearly exhausted.
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Bad day
Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader.
Warning: um saddest, fluff, crying, reader is just crying the whole time.
Summary: Reader has a break down and calls Aaron.
A/N: I was sad so I wrote this, enjoy. Not edited, not ress through, written on broken phone so spelling mistake I apologize for.
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"Please just answer your phone" You groan desperately as you do your hardest to keep your breathing steady and your mind clear. Your phone clutch tightly in your hand as you hold it against your ear, the ringing almost driving you insane.
"Yeah this is Hotchner?" His deep calm professional boss voice speaks out.
"H-Hey Aaron" Your voice shakes just slightly as you take a deep breath. The emotions and stress from today tumbling down on top off you, tears spring to your eyes.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" His voice is fill of concern as his eyebrows narrow in concern. Your breathing is deep, almost shaky like, his profiler skills are turned on immediately. You sound almost panicky, like how you sound just before you hit a oanic attack or a mental break down.
"It's a bad day, I uh.." Forcing yourself to take another deep breath as you blink away the tears, along with the negative and burdening thoughts. "I hate to ask, but I need some company* A sob manages to push its way though your lips, forcing you to shove your hand over your mouth to stay quite. You were not breaking down on the phone to your boss and the guy your harvesting feelings for.
"I'm on my way* Aaron stands up as concern and panic runs throughout his body. He has barely heard you be emotional before, and the sob you let out is stabbing straight into his heart.
It's takes Aaron maybe 10 minutes to get to your apartment, knocking softly on your door. You peel yourself off your couch, your body slowly moving to the door. Your body and mind are present, half your mind is present anyway, the other half seems to be taking a vacation somewhere and is refusing to come back until the pain is gone. You open the door slowly, smiling weakly as your eyes land on Aaron Hotchner. You will never not feel better when you see his shinny eyes, expect today there shinning with concern and sympathy.
"You came" Your voice feels weak as you step back to let him in.
"You called" He walks in slowly, looking around before his eyes land on you. He only saw you three hours ago at work, you looked fine then, happy, content even overjoyed. But now when he looks at you, you seem run down, tear stained face, your hair a mess at where you've been pulling at it. He walks over to you slowly, seeing the far away look in your eyes. Placing a hand softly on your check, your eyes lock on his.
"You should of called earlier" He speaks gently, his thumb rubbing over your cheek.
"I...I know.. I'm sorry" The words gets stuck in your thoart as you try to explain, tears start to slide down again.
"Hey...it's okay, it's okay" Aaron wraps his arms around you bringing you into a deep, comforting hug. You can't help but rest your head in his chest listening to his heartbeat, his soft breath. Closing your eyes as you listen to his soothing words.
"Your doing so good, I know our job is hard but you are doing such a good job and I'm proud of you" His voice has lowered as he speaks, rubbing your back with comfort as he does. It's enough to break you, your knees buckle as the sobs start pouring out of you.
Aaron has brought you to the couch, laid you on the couch, your head in his lap as he runs his fingers through your hair. You've gone silent, which isn't unusual you get like this after a bad case. He let's the silence fill the air for awhile, you both enjoying this moment. You both stay like that for a long time, enjoying each other touch.
"Thank you" Your voice is rough from the crying, but there's a small proper smile pushing its way onto your lips. One that Aaron has no choice but to response to, your smiles are addicting.
"Anytime love, you know that" He smiles softly as he looks down at you, his hand becoming still in your hair. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything Aaron"
"How long was all that building for, before you decided to let me in?" His voice is soft and judgement free as he ask, the love and concern present in his eyes.
"I...it got really bad yesterday but I was hoping it would disappear...it usually does" You turn your head away from him, not wishing to see the disappointment in his eyes.
"That's okay..I know it can be hard, thank you for calling me" Aaron smiles lightly as he keeps running his fingers through your hair, seeing the sleep floating into your eyes.
"Thank you for being here"
"Always" Aaron reassures you before leaning down, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
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ejoygvf · 1 year
A Bad Day
I don’t really see Josh as much of a hardcore dominant, so this was very different to write but something I needed to get off my chest!
Your day was going from bad to worse. Luckily your wonderful boyfriend was happy enough to be able to change that for you and turn a bad day into a great one.
Content Warnings: 🔞 EXPLICIT Sexual Content!!! Fingering, oral M/F, unprotected sexual intercourse (don’t be silly, wrap your willy) , spanking, whipping, spitting, daddy kink, extreme degradation, mild bdsm, control, bit of fluff and I THINK that’s it. Straight up porn basically.
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.6k
Your day had been an absolute shit show. The stress that had amounted up throughout the day and you had just about reached breaking point. It had been one thing after another. You dropped your favourite mug in the morning and it had smashed into irreparable pieces, you missed your first train on the way to work and your second was delayed, a dickhead truck driver decided to drive into a puddle and soak you with muddy rain water as you walked along the pavement, you left your work pass at home and were stuck outside in the pouring rain for 15 minutes before security eventually buzzed you in. Yeah, THAT much of a shit show day.
Finally, you were on your way back home from work. It had dragged on for what felt like 15 hours, rather than 8. The train journey home was a lot smoother, thank fucking god. It was actually quite quiet too, which was a relief. You put your headphones in and turned the volume all the way up before slumping your head back into the train seat and taking the deepest sigh, humanly possible trying to figure out how to de-stress after todays events. There was just one thing. One singular thing that could help vanish this shitty day away. Whipping your phone out of your pocket you sped text your boyfriend, Josh.
You: Hey baby, I know you’ll still be at the studio when I get back but hopefully not for much longer, right? I need my daddy and I need level 10, please? Love you
Josh: Angel! Will be finishing up the vocals now and headed home after, so see you soon. Jesus fuck babe, level 10? Been a while, must have had a shit day? Daddy’s got you. Love you too, forever
You: Perfect, see you soon.
You and Josh had been together coming up four years, you were absolute best friends and knew each other inside out. Everyone knew that you two came as a package deal. He was a ray of sunshine, the most energetic human with the widest smile, always had optimism up his sleeve and on top of all that he was fucking gorgeous. The most beautiful dimples, a set of perfectly straight, white teeth with a tiny gap in his front two, caramel coloured eyes and curly brown hair, falling around his face.
Greta Van Fleet had blown up so quickly, it had been a bit of a whirlwind the last few years. They had millions of fans across the globe, people screaming their names at concerts, thousands of comments of admiration on their instagrams. But even with the weight of all of that, your relationship never once faltered. In fact, if anything, it just strengthened. You were so proud of the boys and were lucky enough to get to go on tour with them, so you and Josh didn’t have to be apart for long stints at a time. You had a lovely apartment together in Nashville and work were really understanding when you went on tour with him, letting you work remotely.
Your sex life was a whole different story. Everyone always knew you both as the most loved up, affectionate and gentle couple. Always calling each other pet names, touching in any capacity you could, two peas in a pod. Your sex life was incredible and very different to what people assumed it would be. You’d had a system that you’d built over the last couple of years, using the first two years of your relationship to explore each others bodies, likes, dislikes, turn ons, turn offs and kinks. Your system was simple and discreet enough for the two of you. 1 being loving, gentle, slow and romantic. 10 was hard, rough, bdsm, painful, dom/sub sex. You had normally stuck between 3-6 week to week, rarely ever using 10 but tonight you needed it. Josh knew of your Daddy issues and was completely okay with this name being used on certain occasions.
Finally after what felt like forever, you got through your front door, throwing your bag and coat on the floor beside you before throwing yourself on the plush, burgundy sofa. Your apartment always smelt like incense and was full of plants, colourful art work, Moroccan style rugs and sun catchers. You stared up at the ceiling taking deep breathes and decided to doze off for a bit before Josh got home. Before you knew it, you’d fallen into a light sleep.
You must have not been sleeping long before you felt a finger gently dragging along the bridge of your nose. “Hey baby, wakey wakey. I’ve missed you, it’s been an entire 10 hours since I last saw you.” You heard Josh giggle as he whispered to you. You knew the corners of your lips began to turn upwards but kept your eyes closed. Pretending to keep up the sleep facade, you ignored him, seeing how long it would take for him to crack. “Baaaaabyyyyy!! I’m here, wake up now!” The volume of his voice was definitely louder now and he had began raking his fingers through your hair. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing. You heard him let out a sigh of defeat. He knew you were faking it so decided to play you at your own game. “Well, I guess I’ll just go and make myself cum because my little whore is clearly too tired from her day.” He went to stand and you grabbed his wrist before he could walk away, pulling him on top of you.
He chuckled as he fell against you, laying on top of your torso with hands either side of your face. He lifted one of them, stroking your bottom lip with his index finger. “Ahh, did someone’s dreams become a nightmare?” He said through a mischievous grin. “Absolutely Joshy, I dreamt that my boyfriend wasn’t going to be throat fucking me any more.” You gave an over dramatic pout and puppy dog eyes. “Oh no, we wouldn’t want that. Because I definitely will be throat fucking you. Got to make Daddy happy, don’t we?” Before you could say anything else he firmly grasped his hand round your jaw, pushing your lips together. The pain from the inside of your cheeks pushing against your teeth sent a quiver through your body. “Now, from this moment on, you’ll listen to what I say, you’ll obey the rules I lay and you’re going to be a good whore for Daddy, aren’t you?” You nodded eagerly, eyes starting to water. “Good, now taste me.” He spat straight into your mouth before leaning forward to lick across your lips, all while his hand hadn’t moved from squashing them together. “Swallow me down, whore.” You did exactly as he asked.
Within seconds you were on your hands and knees with one of his hands wrapped around your hair, being used like a dog lead. “Follow me, slut.” He pulled you along by your hair towards the bedroom and you crawled on all fours behind him. Your stomach flipping at the thought of what was to come. Your shit day was already starting to wash away, you just wanted to be dominated, whilst simultaneously having the best orgasms you could get and hoping the rest of the world would disappear.
You eventually crawled your way into the bedroom, Josh being almost silent the entire walk there, only a small smirk across his face. “Up, now.” He pulled you up by your hair and he tightened it into his fist, causing your neck to snap back so you were looking up at him. “Go and stand against the wardrobe. Back against it, hands by your sides, palms faced flat against the doors. Don’t fucking move. You got it?” Curious as to what was in store you nodded “Yes.”
A soft slap across your cheek took the breath out of your lungs. “Yes what?”
He asked, holding onto your wrist. “Yes Daddy, I’ll do what you say.” His face lit up “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? You filthy whore.” He placed a gentle kiss to your rising red cheek and pushed you in the direction of the wardrobe.
Back against it, like he asked, hands flat and pressed against the door, facing the bed. He was right in your eye line. Breath, shaky with the anticipation of what he had in mind. He sat at the edge of the bed, lent back on his hands, legs spaced widely apart. He had the look of sex in his eyes. He started reaching to the hem of his white jumper, pulling it over his head and winking at you as he threw it across the floor. Next, he kicked off his shoes, took off his socks, all whilst keeping eye contact.
You were practically writhing, stood in your place at the sight of his naked torso, you wanted him so bad. The heat between your legs had been building up long before this started and you could feel your wetness pooling. “So far, so good. You’re doing well for me. Aren’t you, you worthless slut?” The degrading names caused your clit to throb “Yes I am Daddy. Just for you, all for you.” He nodded, hands starting to slide to the growing bulge in his jeans, using his palm to rub over it. “Ahhh fuck…” his eyes rolled back and his head flopped backwards to reveal his delicious looking neck to you. You watched him lick his lips before he unbuckled his belt and placed it on the bed next to him, you knew it was going to be used later.
“You’re gonna watch me, baby. Watch me make myself feel good. You can’t do anything about it but watch.” Your stomach dropped. Oh fuck, how are you about to control yourself? How are you going to manage to stay still through this, you were already dripping at the show he was putting on. His hands were working fast to unbutton his jeans, you hear the zipper and watched him shimmy the denim and boxers off. The hardness of his cock making a slapping sound as it hit the bottom of his stomach. The smirk on his face is so fucking smug and you hate how much you love it. You’re clenching your legs together at the current sight, Josh sat fully naked on the edge of your bed with fuck me eyes.
“You like what you see, don’t you? You’ve seen this cock so many times before baby and you’re amazed every time. It’s yours, all yours. You want it bad, huh?” You stare, almost in a daze and nod your head, licking your lips. His hand makes his way down to the base and starts moving slowly up and down his length, thumbing up to the tip, collecting the drops of pre cum before smoothing them over himself. You can see it practically twitching in his hands. You’re digging your nails into the wood behind you to stop yourself from lunging forward.
“Oooooh shit, this feels so fucking good baby. You have no idea. You like how Daddy’s cock looks in his hand? Mmmm, I could cum just like this.” He licked him lips, staring straight into your eyes with whimpers escaping him and a heavy breath. You were throbbing at the sight. “Come here, baby.” He moaned out. Finally, you thought. You’re going to get to touch him. You started to walk over before his hand came up to halt you. “Uh uh, on your hands and knees, slut. Crawl to me.”
You did just that, no questions asked.
You made your way toward him before kneeling in front of him, face inches away from his cock, you could smell him and see every pulse and vein as his hand slowly worked over it. A light slap across your face snapped you out of your trance and his hand snaked it’s way around your throat with a firm grip. “You’re staring too hard you dirty whore. I bet you’re dripping for me, aren’t you? I want you to strip for me. Make it slow, show me that you’re worth it.”
Obeying his every wish, you slowly stood, keeping your eyes on his big caramel coloured irises and brushed your hair behind your shoulders before starting your strip tease for him. You’d never been overly confident in your body, picking faults and finding new things to be insecure about, daily. But Josh had changed that, he taught you how to fall in love with all of yourself. How to admire every little scar, stretch mark and all the insecurities that would eat away at you. He made you feel sexy, beautiful and confident. So doing things like this in front of him was less of a dreaded thing and more of a thrill seek.
Your shoes and socks were already off and you were just left in black leggings and an oversized hoodie. Thank god you chose today to wear matching underwear. You turned round slowly, back to him, shimmying your leggings down the curve of your ass, giving a spank on your left cheek before taking them off completely, lifting your hoodie to show your ass, giving a little shake. His eyes were lighting up at the sight of your ass shaking in the thong. You very slowly body rolled your way out of the hoodie before you were left in the matching navy blue set he got you one Valentines holiday. You ran your hands up and down your curves, using your finger tips to trace over the cups of your bra and the hem of your thong. You turned back to him, wearing a smug smile.
Josh had dramatically slowed down his hand movements, jaw gaped open at the sight before him. He stood and made his way over to you, tracing his hands over your shoulders before turning you back around, facing away from him. “Touch the floor, baby. I want to see you bent over.” Knees bent slightly, you palmed the floor with your ass up in the air. “Mmm, good fucking girl, such a good girl, baby. You look so good.” CRACK, a searing pain felt across both ass cheeks made you jolt and your knees buckle. Josh hurried to keep you from falling. “You gotta take these whips like a good whore. Stay still. You’ll stay still for me, won’t you? You know the safe word if it gets too much.” The after sting felt so good and you knew there would be belt shaped bruises splayed across you tomorrow. “Yes Daddy, I promise. Punish me.” You sounded pathetic and desperate. The leather hitting you three more times, Josh asking you to count with him with each blow to the ass. Your cheeks were numb by the time he was finished, watery eyes and an almost hoarse voice from your screams and moans.
He knelt down with his face centimetres from your ass. “Such an obedient little slut. So desperate, so pathetic. I love it.” He delicately kissed his way over both your ass cheeks, lightly grazing his fingertips over the raised marks, a slight burn with each pass he made. “Marked the way you should be, by me. I can see how wet you are. Your underwear is practically stuck to your pussy. You’re leaking out the sides, baby. Fuccck.”
He laid his palms flat against each ass cheek and used his thumbs either side of the crack to trace down to your entrance, pulling apart slightly when he got to your pussy. “Looks so good, whore. Wanna taste? Don’t answer that, it’s not a question. Taste yourself for me.” Without hesitating, you slid your hand in between your legs, dipping under the lace and curled two fingers into your entrance, you were soaked. You brought them up to parted lips and sucked off your juice. You tasted sweet, fresh and wanted more. “Mmmm, so good Daddy and all for you.” You could hear him grinning through his words “You’re damn right, you cum slut. My turn. Don’t fucking move.”
His hands made their way to the top of your thong, pulling down gently, hooking his index finger under the thin fabric between your cheeks he pulled forward and let them fall to the floor. “There she is. Pretty, soaked pussy. Ahhh baby, look at her. Almost as pretty as you.” He gave a firm but quick spank to your cunt before leaning forward and blowing gently over it. You were whimpering, your entire core burning, twinging. You were so desperate for just some sort of touch. Then he stood up and backed off. Feeling deflated you let out a sigh. “Aww poor baby, thought I was gonna eat you out? No. You’re here to serve me right now, come here and choke on Daddy’s dick.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, lent back on his elbows, legs slightly spread and he gave you a nod. You hopped down to your knees looking up at him through your lashes and he placed a finger under your chin before grabbing your throat tightly, choking you and knocking the air out of your lungs. “Take that bra off, I wanna see those tits bounce while you suck me.” Reaching behind your back, you released the clasp and threw the bra to the side of the room. Your nipples were already hard and so sensitive so it made you squeal when Josh lent forward twisting them in his fingers. He moaned at the sight of your eyes rolling back at the pleasure he was giving you. “Such a bombshell, baby. Will never get tired of this view. Now put that mouth to good use, you pathetic slut.”
Doing as you were told, you slotted yourself between his parted legs and took him in your hand. It was warm and rock solid, twitching with any movement your hand made. His lips parted and his eyes were fixed on yours. You gave a long firm stroke from the base to the tip, leaving your tongue on the tip, lapping up any pre cum you could, just for a taste. He was impatient, not wanting to be teased, he grabbed your hair into his fist, pulling your head back “Open up baby. Use this and make it sloppy.” He grunted before spitting into your mouth. He pushed you onto his cock, you took him all the way back until you could feel the tip hit the back of your throat. “Ahhhh shit, you dirty fucking slut. Take it all.” He was pushing himself into you, keeping your hair fisted into his hand. Your mouth was full, eyes watering, gagging around his length, you could barely breathe but my god was it making you spill down your thighs. “Mmmm, let me fuck that mouth of yours, stay still for me.” You placed your hands on his thighs, knowing what was to come. He started slowly thrusting in and out of your lips, his mouth falling apart and letting out disgruntled moans with each pass. He was warm and slightly salty from the pre cum, so hard and you could feel every bump, vein and crevice of him. You sucked him in with every thrust.
“So good, such an obedient whore for me. But I’m not ready to cum yet. Up. Stand up, now.” He stood up, pulling you up by your hair and walked you over to the bed before pushing you down. He grabbed your ankles and pulled you down so your ass was half hanging off the edge. He knelt in between your legs, taking one of them over his shoulder. “Fuck, I’m going to enjoy this baby.” he breathed, his eyes found yours before reaching down and dragging a finger over your slit. “Tell me. How much do you enjoy having your cunt eaten? You want my face buried in that pretty pussy of yours until you cum on my tongue?” You nodded eagerly holding onto his hand, your other gripping desperately onto the sheets.
With that he gave you a wink and licked through your folds, his tongue flat and wide as he did. Repeating this, he made sure to stay around your clit, sucking gently at it before pushing his weight up on his hands and staring up at you. “Now, be a good girl and ride my face.” he demanded, his pupils blown out, causing his eyes to turn from that caramel colour to almost black. With that, he moved to lay at the head of the bed, grabbing your hand and pulling you to him as you got up on your knees. “Hurry up baby, don’t keep me waiting.” 
You crawled up the bed to meet him and straddled his shoulders, peering down at him as he snaked his arms around your thighs. Pulling you in closer, a grin forming on his face as you moved your knees to either side of his head. He leant up and connected his mouth to your waiting cunt. The contact made you shiver, moaning out as he pulled you down onto his face. His tongue made quick work of lapping and licking at your entrance, the bridge of his nose connecting with your pulsing clit each time he moved his face. Reaching out, you grabbed onto the headboard to steady yourself as you begin to roll yourself down, fucking yourself on his tongue. You could hear him slurping and licking, moaning at the taste and feel of you as the grip he had around your thighs tightened. He used his hands to guide your pussy over his face, making sure his nose hit all of the sensitive spots his tongue couldn’t as his mouth paid special attention to your entrance. His tongue flicked around you in the most delicious ways until you felt your legs begin to shake. You could feel yourself getting close, the flames in your stomach getting hotter and coursing through you. Panting and near on screaming, you dropped your head back “Daddy, I’m gonna cum. Please, please can I cum?” You wailed out. “Yes baby, feed me. Let that cunt go.” That was the command you needed, soaking his mouth and chin as he drank you up. He continued to lick and suck at your pussy as his hands held you still over him. You were shaking violently at the over stimulation. “Fuccccck, oh fuck fuck fuck. I can’t Daddy, fuck it’s so good.” He just laughed at you, continuing to hold you in place, knowing it was verging on painful. When he felt satisfied with the work he’d done, he loosened his grip on you and tapped your thigh gently. 
“Come clean me up, baby.” Knowing exactly what was expected of you, you crawled over to him and licked over any remnants of you on his face. “Come here good girl, lay on your back. Hold your legs against your chest. Gonna make you squirt, you know I love making you squirt. I want you to cover me.” You lay on your back, interlocking your fingers behind your thighs and bringing them to your chest. He knelt next to you, one hand keeping your ankles together and his other giving slaps to your dripping, overly sensitive cunt. He spat on it before plunging two fingers into your entrance. He started slow, curling his fingers upwards each time he entered, hitting that sweet spot. He used his thumb to rub gentle circles onto your clit as he sped up his fingers that were fucking you. You were panting fast and moans started to fall out of your mouth. Your eyes were rolling back, your neck craned upwards as you used your free hand to clutch onto your tits, playing with your nipples.
“What a worthless slut, you are. Look at this pretty cunt, needs to be filled more I think.” He entered another finger, stretching you open further. “Oh fuck, fuccccck Daddy. So good.” He started to vigorously pump his fingers in and out of you and you could feel yourself getting to your breaking point. Your clit was aching with the contact from his thumb, his fingers so deep inside of you. The sides of your pussy aching as he was pounding his hand against your entrance. “I’m gonna cum daddy, please please. I need to cum.” He smiled, fucked out eyes, sweat glistening over his entire body. “Give it to me baby, squirt all over me.” Just like magic, he released his fingers and started to rub them over your entire cunt back and forth with high speed as your spray hit him, the floor, the bed and your legs. Your back arched high off the bed, the screams were so loud you are sure your neighbours would have heard, you were sweating and you felt paralysed by pleasure. He had his mouth open and tongue out, collecting any juice he could catch as it squirted out of you. “I’ll never get tired of that sight, baby.”
He gave you a couple of minutes to collect yourself, your chest aching from how hard you’d been breathing. You shuffled yourself up to the head of the bed, knowing Josh was ready to fuck. You’d already cum twice and he would want at least two more orgasms from you before he would be willing to release his own. He placed himself between your legs, leaning down to give you a soft kiss on the lips. This took you by surprise because whenever you were having level 10 sex, it was almost an unspoken rule that you didn’t kiss on the lips. You smiled sweetly, spreading yourself for him. “Ready for you, Daddy. Want your cock, please.” He ran the tip of his dick through your folds and teased at your entrance, watching your face as he did. “God you’re so wet for me again, didn’t take long did it? You desperate whore.”
The sting of pleasure pulsed around you as you felt Josh’s cock stretch and fill you up. You’d barely just recovered from your last orgasm. He held himself there for a moment so you could adjust to the feeling of him before pulling out of you fully. Thrusting back into your waiting cunt, desperate to be stretched around him again, he lent forward and bit your jaw before spitting over your face and giving a firm slap to your tits. He did this several times alternating between each boob. Each time, you cried out his name, your fingernails digging into his back as he drug you through an inferno of pleasure, pushing you towards the edge of release with each pound. You could hear the squelch of your wetness pooling at your entrance with each thrust. He could tell that you were dangling on the edge of your orgasm, your legs quaking against his body and your arousal soaking him with each thrust into your pussy, he moved a hand between the two of you, circling his thumb around your clit in slow, tight movements. 
“That’s my good girl.” he coaxed, thumb still circling your most sensitive spot. As his cock pumped into you more aggressively, his moans now getting louder. “Give it to me baby, I can tell you’re right there.” He spoke with his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, before biting down, sucking a small mark into the skin there as he felt you finally release, clenching around him and crying out his name. “Fuck Josh, I’m cumming, Joshy baby… Ahh I’m cumming so hard around your fucking cock, Daddy.” Slowing down, just pounding as hard as he could every few seconds, he let you come down. “Yes baby, say my fucking name. Nobody makes that pussy feel as good as I do.” He slapped your face, hard before grabbing your throat.
He smiled down at you before making more demands. His sudden movement, or lack there of, caught you off guard. “On your knees, ass up.” He shouted, moving away from you to give you room. When you moved a little too slow for his liking, rolling onto your stomach before pushing up onto your knees, he cracked a stinging slap to the right side of your ass, it would be joining the belt bruises from earlier. “I don’t have time to be waiting for you, cum slut.” You positioned yourself so your chest was pressed to the mattress and your ass was as high up in the air as you could get it. You felt him grab onto your hips, he gave you no time to ready yourself before burying himself balls deep within your tight, wet pussy.
In this position he was able to fuck into you deeper, pulling you back to him with every roll of his hips. The sound of his balls slapping against your clit at a furious pace drowned out both of your moans. You know you weren’t supposed to but you couldn’t help but beg him to fuck you harder and faster. All you could do was grab at the sheets on the bed, your body shaking violently as you climbed towards another orgasm. He shut you up by reaching his hands round to your face, hooking his fingers into your cheeks and pulling your mouth back, using them as reigns. His cock repeatedly hit that sweet spot deep within you that so few had found before. He had you climbing that ladder, helping you get closer and closer to the top each time before backing off. He was edging you and each time you would slide your way back into the agonizing pit of darkness that he drug you through with each deep thrust of his thick cock. You felt like you couldn’t take it anymore. You were overstimulated, fucked out, too sensitive, and begging for sweet release. “Please, please, Daddy. Please, please I need to cum. I can’t, I can’t. Please!” You cried out until finally, finally as Josh moved one leg up to rest onto his foot, you felt him at a new angle. This one caused your head to drop forward, white heat racing through your body as that tight coil of desire snapped and sprung loose within you. You clenched down around him, your walls fluttering and pulsing as your arousal soaked him. The noises your bodies made as they met and pulled apart became wet and sloppy.
Josh was about to give into his own release, his body leaning over yours as his mouth fell near your ear. “That’s my beautiful whore, feel your cum round my cock. You hear that? So wet.” He released his hands from inside your mouth and onto your hips again. He pushed one hand onto your lower back, forcing you flat against the bed as he leaned over fucking into you as hard and deep as he could. “Oh baby, that’s it. Take it, fuck. You take my dick so good, gonna cum in that sweet, pretty pussy.” He moaned, releasing his load into your spent cunt. You felt him paint the inside of your walls. His thrusts slowed, faltered, stilled and finally stopped. He pulled out and ordered you onto your hands knees again, so he could watch his cum drip out of you. “Mmm, let’s not have this escape. You’re mine and I need to mark you.” He entered two fingers inside of you, pushing his release back into you. You arched your back at the contact, he was furiously fingering you until you came again, and with both his and your cum on his fingers, he was satisfied.
“Come here, baby. Let’s taste together.” He pulled your mouth to his, dancing tongues and lips messily before he placed fingers between both your mouths, so you could each get a taste. You let out a joint moan at the taste of your releases. “I love you so much, baby” he breathed, resting his forehead against yours. “I love you too, so so much.” After a little and very gentle make out session, he stroked his fingers through your hair as you spoke about your days before deciding to clean up.
He picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bubble bath he had ran. Two bottles of water waiting for you both. He carefully got in behind you. You lay back with your head against his chest as he scattered kisses over your shoulders and neck. He washed your hair for you and made sure your were clean and not too sore after your session. Taking special care of the bruises he had left, being as gentle as possible. “Thank you for making a shit day, much better. Best way to release stress is when Daddy comes out.” You giggled, looking back at him. He reached forward, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and kissed you sweetly on the lips. “You’re welcome my gorgeous girl. You’re worth it. I’d do anything for you, I’m sorry you had a shitty day, but so glad I could improve it. I love you so fucking much.” He placed more kisses over your face. “Now, let’s order some food, you can choose! We’ll cuddle up on the sofa and we’ll stick Shrek on the TV. How does that sound?” He smiled at you. Resting the side of your face against his chest, you smiled up at him. “Perfect, I’m so lucky I have you in my life. I love you, Joshy.”
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bitterbutblue · 1 month
aventurine x ratio proposal...
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i like shiny things but id marry you with paper rings ☆ aventio
~ thought of this idea while i was procrastinating on my sleep and work and had spent over 10 hours straight in bed.. just some aventio fluff.. ~
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He stretches his back as he stands from the kneeling position he was previously in, watching the army of four little cake cats stumble and crawl their way towards the food. Aventurine had brought these little guys home one day after his Penacony mission years ago with a worried look on his face that he would deny having. Ever since then, Aventurine has been caring for these cat-like creatures. Black cats often signify bad luck in many cultures, so perhaps by taking these cats in he could give them good luck too.
Dr. Ratio was a weird guy, Aventurine established that pretty early on. He finds himself chuckling at this guy's weird facts and insults he likes to just throw out. He's closed off, irritating, egotistcial and extremely frustrating to work with. So naturally Aventurine falls in love with him. During their time together, Aventurine never expected to find himself so drawn to this individual who just wanted nothing to do with him- or so it seems. He would rather lose everything than admit that reading his 'doctor's advice' and knowing someone out there believed in him when everyone else was against him had him biting his tongue to hold back tears.
Perhaps months, years, decades, had passed since the Penacony event. Aventurine doesn't care, he doesn't have it in him to care about that evening anymore. He looks down at the little creatures that lay at his feet who remind him a bit of an Astral Express member they worked with and he smiles. He's content for the first time. He doesn't need to gamble his way out of this, he doesn't need to lie and hope for the best anymore. Everything he wished for is finally right here in front of him and his heart feels warm and settled but something inside him still nags him. Still tells him he's not done, that he still can't let go of his past because he hasn't done anything deserve it and he beats himself up for that.
He looks up groggily at the source of the voice, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he plops the bag of cat kibble onto the ground. He had been so lost in his own thoughts he didn't even hear the door open. One of the cats paws eagerly at the cuff of his pyjama pants, so he bends down quickly to pick it up. He can't stop the small smile that forms on his face
How long did he fall asleep for? The morning sun seems to have long set- fading into this sea of orange. A sign that a storm must be nearing. He sighs.
"Must be a sign. Not a good day today, huh?"
Dr. Ratio just purses his lips, eyebrows narrowing slightly as if deep in thought.
Aventurine just laughs.
"Cat got your tongue?"
Ratio kicks off his shoes, walking into their shared little apartment that is truly overcrowded with those cake cat creatures but they could never complain because they love those cake cat creatures more than anything in the world (perhaps aside from each other). It was these little guys who truly brought them together, aside from almost dying and getting killed.
"I think the day isn't that bad."
He sounded slightly strained, as if he was trying to control the waver in his voice that's beginning to fight its way through his restraint. Aventurine just laughs again.
"Why do you sound ill, doctor?"
The same taunting voice he uses with everyone, he also uses with Ratio. And though Ratio would never admit it out loud, he quite enjoyed the way Aventurine speaks to him- as if always challenging him. Always one step ahead.
He was gonna prove him wrong this time.
But it's harder than he thought it would be.
"I am not ill." He says through gritted teeth as he tries to calm his heart rate.
"You are sickeningly pale." Aventurine jests back.
Ratio takes a deep breath in, closing his eyes as he pulling out the thing he had been hiding from behind his back.
"Trailblazer made you this."
Aventurine raised an eyebrow.
It was another cake cat creature thing. But this looked different from the rest- it held a striking resemblance to himself. Aventurine takes it into his hands, laughing again as he holds the thing at arms length.
“What is this? Doctor, we can’t take in another-“
“I want to marry you.”
His heart drops and he chokes on air.
His heart begins to stutter as he regains his breath.
An unusual blush coats Ratio’s face as he coughs into his fist, averting eye contact. He looks bashful, and it’s adorable. Aventurine was sure he looks the same but he wants to melt into the ground as he brings the.. what does he even call this? Creature? Closer to his chest.
“We should.. get married. I want to marry you- YOU, Kakavasha. I want to raise this.. creation with you. Cultivate a future with you. Grow old with you. I think I like you.”
“You think you like me?” Aventurine chokes out a strangled laugh and Ratio winces.
“I do like you. I am in love with you. We are dating- what am I saying?”
A soft hand reaches up to cup Ratio’s face, tender and gentle. Aventurine smiles, tilting his head to the side as he bites back his own tears that threaten to fall. When was the last time he’s been so loved? Back when people still knew him as Kakavsha, back when he thought he was capable of love. Now he stands as Aventurine with love in the palm of his hand.
“You’re lucky I love you too, doctor.” He says quietly “Becayse my answer is, and always will be, yes.”
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fandomgirlz01 · 1 year
Anesthesia Brain Fog
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.{Coming Soon}
Post Date: July 3rd 2023
Post Time: 10:48 pm
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,195
Summary: When the reader goes under anesthesia for a surgery, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw sweetly takes care of his wife.
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Author's Note: This Fic is based off of this video:
I {Faith} saw this on Tiktok and immediately thought of our sweet sweet Rooster and I {Faith} came up with the following Fic. I {Faith} decided that we don't give enough just fluff on this page so here you guys go a straight up fluffy piece. Plus I {Faith} believe that to this day this is my best work yet, you guys can really tell how far I've come in my writing if you guys follow my Wattpad and I am super proud of this one. With that being said I hope you guys enjoy this work of mine and I hope I did both brads and Maverick justice though my writing. I hope you guys see how much I put into making this absolutely just Brad.
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Bradley’s Pov:
“She’ll be fine, Bradley. They said they do this surgery all the time,” Maverick notes, trying to comfort me. I raise my head to look at him. 
“I know, I just miss her is all. This is the first time in a long time we’ve been apart this long,” I reply as my leg bounces from anticipation about my wife. 
“You look more worried than anything, but I get it. You guys are always together. Hell, you guys are even together in the air,” he comments with a chuckle and I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face. 
“Ok. Maybe I’m a little worried, Mav, but wouldn’t you be worried too if Penny had to have aortic valve surgery?” I question him in a slightly biting tone and he shrugs before nodding. 
“I’d be worried with any form of surgery on Penny,” he sympathizes with me and I throw a hand up to point at him. 
“See. So it’s only natural I'm worried,” I justify with a shrug before looking back down as I play with the ring that sits on my finger, twisting it around. 
I sigh as I sit back in my chair, waiting for y/n to come out of her surgery. When she’d started having chest pains a few weeks back, I immediately took her to the doctor and they found that her blood pressure was a little low. They looked at the problem further to learn that her aortic valve had been narrowing, making it hard for her heart to pump any blood to the rest of her body. 
The doctor immediately had her start the preparation for the surgery, which I of course helped her though. Today was the day we both highly anticipated for the last three weeks: the surgery. Her numbers kept bouncing back and forth, making the three weeks of waiting unbearable, until finally she was in the right range of numbers they wanted. Now it had only been three and a half hours since they finally took her back. My leg has been bouncing the whole time, unable to sit still as I continuously rub at my mustache or play with my ring anxiously while we wait for any news. 
“Really, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s under anesthesia, Bradley. She probably doesn’t feel a thing,” Maverick offers his comfort once again and I sigh, shaking my head as I sit up with my arms crossed. 
“But that’s the thing, Mav. What if she does feel anything? I read somewhere that sometimes even with the anesthesia, a person can feel everything,” I explain while smoothing out my mustache and he shakes his head, chuckling. 
“Bradley. I’m sure she doesn’t. If I remember correctly from the research I did, it’s only one patient per thousand that feels anything,” he explains as he pushes off the wall where he’d been standing with his arms crossed and I shake my head in frustration. 
“She’s okay and either way, she’ll be fine. You're just making yourself panic more than need be, son,” he calmly talks me down as he walks over next to me and I sigh, nodding. 
“I know, Mav, I just wish I could be with her,” I reply as he chuckles, setting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it. 
“You remind me so much of your dad. He’d be the same way. So protective and a big worry wort,” he comments jokingly yet lovingly, and I lightly smile as I uncross my arms now. 
I start to say something but the door opens, cutting me off. A nice looking older lady with brown shoulder-length hair walks in. She closes the door behind her before turning to us with a smile on her face. Maverick smiles softly as he takes his hand off my shoulder to shake hers before crossing them once more. 
“Hi, my name is Kairi. I’m the head nurse on the floor today,” she introduces herself with a light smile. 
“Y/n should be out soon, I’m just here to get the room ready and to inform you that it went well,” she explains to us as she starts to move around the room and I let out a sigh of relief. 
“See, Bradley? You were all worried for nothing,” Maverick jokes with a small chuckle as he slaps me on the shoulder and the nurse lets out a small laugh too. 
“Well, no more worrying. She’ll be here soon. She did so well. The doctor had little to no issues,” she reassures me in a friendly tone. 
“So there were issues?” I ask and Kairi shakes her head. 
“It wasn’t a big one, she just had a very elevated blood pressure from her body learning to take to the new dynamic again. It didn’t remember how to function with the valve not closing off, but in the end all went well and the doctor was able to fix her all up,” Kairi continues to reassure me and I sigh. 
“Will she be awake when she comes in?” I ask and she smiles softly. 
“She may still be asleep at first because the anesthesia will still be wearing off, but she’ll be perfectly ok,” she promises as she writes something on the big chart on the wall and for the first time all morning, I can feel myself relax. 
“Ok. Well, I’m finished up,” Kairi starts as she lightly pushes off the wall, caps the white board marker she's holding, and clips it back to the side of the board. 
“She’ll be in here in a few minutes. If you need anything, just push this button and I should get the notification to come on in,” Kairi continues to explain to us as she points to the button before putting her right hand in her pocket as she starts to walk out of the room. 
“Oh! Would you look at that, I was right,” Kairi remarks happily when she opens the door and there’s two other nurses pushing y/n’s bed. 
We watch as they get the bed into its final resting place. Soon they finish up and we watch as they all move towards the door. 
“Let me know when she’s awake and we can make sure she’s not too out of it,” Kairi informs us as she turns back to us with a smile and a nod before her and other nurses are fully leaving the room. 
“Sounds like it’s just a waiting game now,” Maverick comments as he leans back in his chair and I give a small “hmm” as I pull out my phone. 
I text the group chat to let everyone know she’s out of surgery and in no time start getting replies about how happy the team is that it went well. I smile softly at the love she gets from everyone on the team and respond back to a few of them. 
When the group chat calms down a bit, I mess around on some other things on my phone for a while as I grab her hand and hold onto it with my unoccupied hand. It’s only about an hour later when I feel y/n squeeze my hand lightly. 
I jump up and quickly put my phone back into my pocket as she groans for a moment. Maverick looks up from his phone when I jump up and hover next to her. He stands up and walks closer to the other side of her bed. 
“Morning, honey. How are you feeling?” I ask in a soft tone as I smile down at her. 
She blinks a few times and groggily looks up at me as I stroke her hair back lightly. Maverick chuckles before walking over to the door and opening it. He stops and turns to look back as I look up at him. 
“I’ll go let Kairi know that she’s awake,” he informs me before he walks out.
Y/n groggily blinks up at me a little more before reaching up for me. I go to reach for her hand, but stop when she starts to rub at my cheek. I smile down at her and she smiles as she pokes my mustache, making me chuckle. 
“What, you like my mustache? Was it a nice sleep?” I question her with a quirked eyebrow as she continues to look at me with half-lidded eyes. 
Maverick walks back in with Kairi and she smiles as she walks over to y/n. Kairi stops by y/n’s bed and looks over her drip bag. 
“Good morning, miss y/n. How are you feeling?” she queries and y/n smiles groggily at her. 
“I feel fine, but who’s he? He looks cute…” y/n questions as she points at me and I fight off a laugh as Maverick looks at me with a smirk. 
“Sweetheart, that's Bradley. Your husband,” Maverick states to her through his laughs. 
“Oh hi, Mav!” Y/n shouts as she looks over at him and grins as he gives her a small wave. 
“Wait, so she remembers Mav, but not me?” I ask and the nurse smiles softly as she looks her over. 
“It may just be temporary amnesia from the anesthesia. It’ll wear off soon enough,” she explains as she continues to look her over. 
“Looks like you were worried about the wrong thing, Bradley,” Mavrick jokes with a smirk and I give him a playful glare. 
“Temporary amnesia is common and it can definitely be very selective. So I wouldn’t worry. Everyone reacts a little differently to the anesthesia,” Kairi continues to explain as she looks over the needle in y/n’s arm. 
“Well, she looks ok and like all is well. I’ll come in when she’s more awake and off the amnesia from the anesthesia. I will also be checking in every half hour or so,” Kairi explains as I look up at her and give her a nod. 
“You know what button to push if you need me, right?” Kairi queries one last time, making me and Maverick nod. 
“I think we got it from here. Thank you, Kairi,” Maverick muses out through his laughter that he’s trying to stifle and she smiles, nodding at him before heading out of the room while holding her own laughter in. 
“You come back here,” y/n demands, pointing at me and wiggling her finger for me to come closer. I hold back a laugh as I bend back down to her. 
“Oh I’m getting this on video. The memory will be golden,” Maverick comments as he pulls his phone out and seems to start recording. 
“You like how he looks, Bumblebee?” Mavrick questions as she starts to caress my face again. 
“You look a little weird,” she declares and I hold back a laugh again. 
“But you're cute,” she continues as she pokes my mustache again, making me openly laugh now. 
“Hmm. Well I’m glad you still like my face,” I joke and look up at Maverick, who’s stifling many more laughs while recording. 
“She’s so gonna kill me for recording this, but it’s so good,” Maverick cheekily jokes as he continues to record and I chuckle. 
“That she will, Mav, but I’m sure once she sees it she’ll just laugh it off. Ya know, after she kills you though,” I agree jokingly with him and he shrugs. 
“Worth it,” he comments with a shrug and I shake my head at him. 
She continues to rub at my face again and soon it starts to tickle, making me shy away for a moment. She then stops rubbing my face and I turn back to her while laughing. She stops and looks at me in confusion, making me tilt my head as she continues to look at me for a moment, almost deep in thought. 
“You’re funny lookin’,” she decides as she points at me and I bow my head to laugh. 
I look up at Maverick as I continue to laugh, but jump when she pulls my hat off. I watch as she holds it up and looks at it before trying to put it on her own head, but it ends up just sitting haphazardly on her head. 
“I like it. My hats always look good on you, sweetie,” I state with a grin before she pokes my mustache again. 
“I like you,” she informs as she keeps poking at my mustache, making me chortle. 
“Yeah? Do you?” I ask her and she keeps poking my mustache as well as my lip now. 
“I think,” she adds and I chuckle as I give her a playful shocked look. 
“You think?” I ask her though my laughter and she widens her eyes at me, continuously poking my face. 
“Honey. You don’t have a straight head right now. Thinking may not be the best idea,” I joke and Maverick chuckles as she just gives me a confused look. 
She then takes my hat off her head and throws it down on the side of the bed. She looks away for a moment, then looks back at me and takes my aviators off. She tries them on, but they only sit haphazardly on her face again. 
“I like them. Again, they look good on you, darlin’. My stuff always suits you,” I tell her with a grin as I nod at her. 
“You’re cute,” she comments, completely ignoring what I’d told her as she pulls her hand away only to thump me in the forehead as she points to it. 
I laugh as she lets her hand drop and she looks up at me in awe some more. I look at Maverick and we have a silent conversation before I nod, chuckling to myself as I turn back to her. 
“I’m gonna blow your mind right now, sweetheart,” I note jokingly. 
“You wanna know how?” I ask her as she looks away from me, almost ignoring me. 
I quickly move forward and give her cheek a kiss. she turns to me, her mouth falling open. 
“That cute guy in the Hawaiian shirt is kissin me, Mav!” she shouts as she looks at me in awe and shock, making us both burst out into laughter. 
She looks shocked and every time I look at her, I laugh harder. My face falls just under her chest above her lungs as I laugh harder and harder. I take a deep breath as I try to sober up from my laughter before looking back up at her again. 
I quickly move forward and kiss her on the lips before pulling away to see her face in even more shock. Her mouth stays open in shock as her eyes widen and I can’t help but to laugh even harder. 
“Whoa,” I playfully tell her with wide eyes and she doesn’t react, just stays frozen in her shock. 
I lay my head back down again as I laugh harder at her and her hand grips onto my hair for a moment. She runs her fingers through it, making me look up at her again. 
I lean forward for another kiss and this time she closes her mouth and kisses back. Once I pull back, she looks at me still in shock and I start to laugh harder if it’s even possible. I fall back onto the floor as I continue to laugh with my eyes screwing shut as I fight to breathe through the laughter. 
“You are cute,” she states again as she points at me on the ground, only making me laugh harder. 
“And he kissed you, sweetheart,” Maverick informs her, as she continues to look at me and loosely point at me now. 
“How lucky are you?” Maverick asks her though his own laughter. 
She quickly turns to look at Maverick, who tries hard not to laugh. He continues to record and laugh as she just stares at him. 
“Think he’ll take you out to dinner when you get outta here?” Mavrick questions her and she looks at him. 
“I got a nasty scar though,” she groans out with a face of disgust as she points to her chest where they opened her up. 
“Don’t you worry about that, honey. I still find you very attractive,” I promise her with a smile and she gives me a dazed look as Maverick stops recording. 
“I’m tired…” she whispers quietly and I smile, nodding at her. 
“Ok. Go back to sleep then, princess. It’s ok to be tired. You’ve had a very long morning,” I promise her as I brush some of her hair back behind her ear. 
“Ok, cute guy…” she mutters sleepily before closing her eyes and getting comfortable. 
“I’ll, uhh, go get us some lunch. What do you want?” Maverick asks as he shoves his phone into his pocket. 
“Umm, maybe some In-n-out?” I answer him with a question and he hums in agreement. 
“That does sound very good. I’ll be back soon. We’ll watch the video when I get back,” he tells me with a smirk as he puts his jacket on and I nod at him as I try not to start laughing again. 
He smiles and chuckles one last time before turning around and walking out the door. I chuckle lightly as I pull a chair over by y/n’s bedside before sitting down in it. 
“Hey, cute guy…?” y/n quietly asks and I have to hold back a chuckle as I look up at her, giving her a ‘hmm’ in response. 
“Will you hold my hand?” she again quietly asks me now, looking at me with her eyes gleaming and I grin. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” I reply as I reach my hand out for her to take. 
“Thank you, cute guy,” she whispers out, before cuddling back into her bed and I smile, squeezing her hand. 
“You are very welcome, sweet girl,” I tell her as I bring her hand up to my lips, leaving a kiss on the back of it. 
She sighs softly and I chuckle as she seems to slowly fall asleep. Once she’s out, my phone goes off and I quietly hiss as I quickly try to pull it out of my pocket with my free hand. When I successfully pull it out I see a text from Phoenix. 
Phoenix: Hey. Any updates? She awake?
I smile softly at the care that comes through the text, the same as earlier. I look up at y/n to see that her chest rises and falls softly. I slowly let go of her hand for a split second so I can’t text back. 
Me: Hey. All’s good. Although she did have a small bout of amnesia when she woke up. Nurse says it’s a common symptom for most people. Right now she’s asleep again. I’ll text and let you all know when she’s feeling up to visitors. 
Y/n whines a little as her hand moves a bit as if searching for mine. I smile and after sending the text, quickly grab her hand again. She calms as soon as I grab it and I smile softly. 
I then continue to play around on my phone as she sleeps and time seems to fly by. Soon before I know it, the door is opening and Maverick walks in with the In-n-out bags along with a drink holder with two drinks. 
“How do you always do that?” I ask as he sets the two bags down along with the drinks and he hums. 
“How do I do what?” he questions and I motion to the drinks. 
“How do you carry drinks on your bike?!” I ask in astonishment and he chuckles, shrugging. 
“I don’t know, just do,” he replies, bouncing his eyebrows at me and I shake my head. 
“You are a wonder, Mav,” I tell him through a chuckle as I shake my head. 
“So are you, kid. So are you,” he tells me with a smile my way. 
“Come on. Let’s eat,” he continues as he pulls his burger out of the bag. 
“I’ll eat mine over here,” I state, holding our interlaced hands up so he can see them and he nods, smiling as he pulls my fries out of the bag. 
“I figured you would. Just like your dad. He wouldn’t have left Carol’s side for anything in the world even if it was to eat when she was in a hospital bed,” he reminisces and I smile softly, loving that he’s telling me about my dad. 
He hands me the fries as well as my burger along with my drink and I take them, setting them down on her table. I take a moment to look over at her and smile when I see she’s peacefully sleeping. I then pull the table closer to me before starting to eat. 
We both silently eat, exchanging banter every now and then before y/n lets out a groan. I look up at her before shoving my phone in my pocket, pushing the table away from myself and standing next to her. 
“Morning, sweetheart. Did you have another nice nap?” I ask her and she smiles at me. 
“Morning, Brads. Yes, yes it was a very nice sleep,” she tells me and I smile at the mention of one of my many nicknames that she’s dubbed me with. 
“So you know who I am this time?” I ask her as I hold back a chuckle. 
“What do you mean?! Do I know you?! Of course I know you. You're my husband,” she tells me while giving me an incredulous look. 
“Sweetheart. I’m glad you know me now, but as of an hour ago you did not,” I inform her as I continue to hold back my laughter. 
“What? No. I don’t even remember waking up,” she denies, shaking her head. 
“But you did, honey,” I tell her softly and she shakes her head. 
“Why don’t I remember it then?” she asks and I shrug lightly. 
“Well I think I can answer that…” a voice speaks up, making me look up to see Kairi standing there smiling with her hands on her hips. 
“You had a temporary form of amnesia when you woke up. You probably don’t remember it because you weren’t fully off the anesthesia, but now you should be,” Kairi explains as she smiles while walking over to us. 
“How do you feel, Mrs. Bradshaw?” she asks as she walks over to us. 
“I feel fine. Tired still and a little hungry, but overall fine,” y/n answers before looking over at me and I squeeze her hand lightly as I let out a chortle. 
“Ok. I think we can handle that. I’ll make sure to have food brought up to you,” Kairi promises through her laughter. 
“But don’t worry. It’s all normal after these kinds of surgeries. You may experience weakness for quite a while, as well as many bursts of emotions or even sudden tiredness,” Kairi explains softly and I smile at y/n encouragingly. 
“You’re also looking fine, that must mean you’re already recovering pretty well. You may feel some pain or discomfort around the incision. If you do, just call me in and we’ll figure out what’s up,” Kairi explains as she finishes looking over y/n and I smile, nodding at her. 
“Thank you, Kairi. We’ll definitely call if we need you,” I tell her and she smiles softly. 
“Ok. I’ll see you again in an hour unless you need me before then,” Kairi promises with a smile as Maverick and I nod to her. 
“Word of advice: keep these two around, Mrs. Bradshaw. They both seem to love you a whole lot,” Kairi comments, making y/n smile. 
“Thank you, Kairi. I plan to,” y/n agrees and Kairi smiles, nodding before turning and heading for the door. 
“Did I really forget you?” Y/n asks with a pout and I chuckle. 
“Yes, you did Bee, I even got it on video!” Maverick tells her and she pouts even more. 
“Hey. It’s ok, sweet pea. I know it wasn’t actually you. It was just a reaction you had to the anesthesia,” I promise her as I rub back some of her hair and she looks up at me, tears filling her eyes. 
“B…b…but I forgot my Brads. How could I forget you?” she asks and I chuckle, looking at Maverick. 
“I think she may be having one of those bursts of emotions, huh Bradley?” Maverick questions and I chuckle, shaking my head. 
“I think she might be, but it’s okay. It’s just temporary. Honey, it’s ok, really. I know it wasn’t actually you forgetting me,” I tell her and her lip trembles. 
“Really?” she hesitantly asks and I smile softly. 
“Yes, my sweet girl, it's okay. I’m not mad,” I promise her and she finally smiles. 
“It was more funny than anything. Wanna watch the video?” Maverick comments, holding back laughter and she glares at him. 
“You better not have,” she sternly tells him and he chokes on his laughter. 
“Oh, but I did…” he cheekily tells her with a smirk and she groans. 
“Mav! Please delete it?!” she begs him and he laughs, shaking his head. 
“No can do, Bee. Sorry, it’s just too good to delete,” he informs her and she lets out a huff as she crosses her arms. 
“You must really want to die,” she mutters and I chuckle, shaking my head at my two favorite people. 
“Bradley, honey… say your goodbyes to your father now while you have the chance, because as soon as I’m able to get out of this bed, he’s gone,” she tells me in a very serious tone and I hold back my laughter as I try to nod seriously at her. 
“Bradley, tell her she can’t kill me,” Maverick tries to plea with me but I shake my head. 
“Oh no. I’m not getting into this. I warned you, remember, and you just shrugged saying it was worth it, so don’t pull me in. I don’t wanna be in the hot seat. You're all on your own,” I tell him and slowly his eyes widen. 
“Bradley, you can’t possibly sit by and just watch as she murders me,” he tries to fight back and I smirk. 
“Who said I’d be sitting back? I wouldn’t even be in the room. Gotta keep my innocence,” I inform him and he scoffs, shaking his head. 
“Innocence, my ass. Kid, you ain’t one bit innocent,” he tells me and that’s when I finally break, starting to laugh. 
“Who are you to talk, Maverick? Mr. My name isn’t innocence…” y/n comments with an eye roll and I laugh harder as he looks at her in shock. 
“And you act so innocent all the time? I think not!” he argues back and she scoffs. 
“I’m definitely more innocent than you,” she continues to argue back and Maverick shakes his head. 
“Bradley, help me out here, you can’t possibly think she’s so innocent,” Maverick begs me to help him and I shake my head. 
“I’m not getting into this. This is between you two. I can’t be picking sides here now,” I reply, shaking my head in refusal. 
“Wow. It’s her over me, huh?” he asks and I sigh, shaking my head in amusement. 
“No. It’s not. I’m not picking sides for that specific reason and you know it,” I tell him and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Yeah. Yeah. I get it kid,” he surrenders, putting his hands up and I chuckle. 
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting?” A girl in her early 20s with a light brown bob walks in. 
“Oh no. You're good. Come on in,” I inform her as I invite her in and she smiles softly. 
“I’m Elizabeth. I’m just bringing Mrs. Bradshaw that food she requested,” she explains as she opens the door farther to show the tray she’s holding. 
“Oh my goodness, food! I’m willing to eat literally anything!” Y/n moans out, making us all laugh and I lightly push my food aside for the nurse. 
“She hasn’t eaten for thirty six hours, so…” I explain and the nurse nods. 
“Well, here you go then. Enjoy!” Elizabeth tells y/n as she sets it down on the table.
“Thank you!” Y/n happily expresses her gratitude and Elisabeth smiles, nodding. 
“Of course. It’s my job,” Elisabeth comments before walking back out the door. 
“Welp, shall we finish our food and watch this video?” Maverick jokes as y/n starts to dig into her food. 
Y/n stops what she’s doing, looks at him and growls. He puts his hands up in surrender again and I chuckle. 
“Oh come on, honey. Don’t you wanna see it at least a little bit?” I ask her and she rolls her eyes, sighing. 
“Uggh. I guess. Go ahead, play the dumb thing,” she agrees, rolling her eyes and I throw my head back laughing. 
“I’ll put it up on the TV, it’s supposed to be able to connect to it,” he tells us as he starts to try and connect it. 
“Yes! I got it!” he cheers when it connects and y/n groans when she sees it ready to play. 
I sit back into my chair, still holding y/n’s hand as the video begins to play. I can’t help but smile as I watch her and Maverick joke around with each other. She giggles as well as groan every now and then at the video that plays over and over. 
I can’t help but just enjoy sitting here with my wife, who’s now in recovery, and my father-like figure as they throw jokes back and forth. For the first time all day, I truly feel at peace, knowing everything went well today. I stand up and y/n looks at me, confused, but it quickly goes away as I sit on the bed with her. 
She cuddles into my side as we continue to just laugh at the video. She groans and hides her head in my chest. 
“He’s never going to let me live this down, will he?” she asks and I chuckle. 
“No honey, I don’t think he will,” I quietly reply and she groans again. 
“How in the world did I ever forget my Bradley Bear? It’s just not me!” she asks, shaking her head as she cuddles in closer, nuzzling her face into my chest and I smirk. 
“Oh, but you did!” Mavrick remarks from the chair he now lounges in and y/n only growls at him again, making me chuckle. 
“It’s okay though, sweetheart. I know you weren’t fully in your right mind,” I again promise her sweetly as I kiss her forehead and feel her smile softly as she snuggles into my side even more. 
After we all finish cracking up laughing at the video of y/n, Maverick decides to watch something on TV. Together we decide what to watch and then just enjoy the rest of the day together, watching TV with y/n cuddled up next to me, Maverick in his chair, and Kairi checking in with us every so often. 
The End…
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awsugar · 3 months
you guys will never guess what happened to me...i was supposed to have my first real day back at work today 10-8, im dedicating myself to being on time and really putting myself back into my work to start off on a good foot after disappearing for 2 months without advance notice anyway so at 10pm last night i went to take out the trash so i could get ready for bed. early! responsible! and well the front door locked behind me. i had no phone, no wallet, no keys nothing. i panicked, i banged on the door bc ppl live in the two floors below me as well, rang their doorbells multiple times, tried to slide down the windows of my car from the outside somehow 😭 nothing worked. i walked around for a little while to see if there was anything open that might have a phone. there wasn't anything, i know the bar is around the corner where they know me but i didn't want to go there bc i was in my PAJAMAS. BRALESS. but eventually i had to go. a girl let me use her phone my mom didn't answer but the bartender gave me two cut credit cards to try and break into my own apartment 😭 and so i walked back and i tried i tried so hard that i scraped a layer of skin off my knuckle but i didn't get in, so i went back to the bar and the girl let me use her phone again, called my dad and he called and got me a triple a membership (a LOT cheaper than the fee to call the leasing agent after hours for a key) called triple A at midnight cause they said it had to be "next day" to use it 🙄 explained that i had no phone! im abandoned. they said around 2am so i said ok, i went back and sat and waited. by myself btw in the dark with nothing on me and no one and btw it was cold last night!!! i became so delirious and tired and it hurt so bad sitting on my steps for that long i stood for a while too but my feet hurted. FINALLY it was light out i walked to wawa 5 blocks called triple a again they said the person came at 335am i said lmao they didn't bc at 327 i was standing in the road watching every car go by just in case cause i was hopeful! a guy had walked by at that time and i just asked him what the time was so i know it was 327 they did NOT come at any point i watched every car no one stopped or slowed down and there was no triple a logo. anyway they said ok you're back on the list they'll be there about 45 min. i called my dad to let him know he said he hadn't slept cause he hadn't heard from me btw it's 7am now. been outside for 9 hours. and i told him im gonna have to call and let my boss know that it's not possible for me to come in today and he starts yelling at me! i said im not arguing with you on the wawa phone rn. walked back and sat and waited some more. and then before triple a got there the girl who lives on the 1st floor came out! magically! to go to work! and i was like oh my god. i went inside but. I KNCKED SO MUCH I BANGED I RANG THE DOORBELL she was in there the whole time. i ignored my parents telling me i had to go to work bc i was like. what part of me being awake outside in the cold by myself and awake for 24 hours makes you think im gonna go to work and make that 36 hours..btw didn't get to take my meds last night either! so i felt awful. my feet's were absolutely killing me, i was dead exhausted, still cold from being outside, i have BRUISES ON MY BUTT from sitting on the concrete steps. i texted my boss like hoping she would have a shred of humanity i said im willing to work 10 days straight idec im about to die and i would be a zombie if i tried to come rn. anyway im sure she wasn't pleased but she didn't fire me and i know my hours for tomorrow and sunday. and yes. anyway. i've been through so much. god forgot about me.
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da1e3e · 5 months
☆ 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 ☆
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| ⋆ [Welcome to part 1 of my Unexpected Nights series! <3]
| ⋆ Pairing: Non!Idol Heeseung x Fem!Reader
| ⋆ Genre(s) : Strangers to lovers - Contains [Smut, Fluff, and Angst]
ⓘ Warning ⓘ - Chapter contains: Attempted S3xu@l Assault
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
An average Night of yours quickly turns into one you least expected…
⋆ As the morning sun arose, grazing me with it’s sun rays, I awoke. I gave out the most serious stretch, finally opening my eyes. I hurdled out of bed opening my large apartment windows, afterwards going to start on my morning routine. Once I was done with that, I headed straight to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I smiled at the thought of making Waffles, eggs, and bacon, and quickly began making it. Usually I don’t make breakfast, but today felt different. I felt that today was gonna be a good day.
As I was flipping my bacon, I got a call from my bestie. I quickly answer, putting the phone to my ear, holding it with my shoulder. “Good morninggggg!” I say excitedly. “Hiii, good morning queen!” she replies back in the same tone. “What’s up?” I asked, putting the bacon on my plate. “Sooo, I have news.” she says, as I can almost hear her smile through the phone. I grabbed my food, sitting down at the island, “I’m all ears” I say. “So, my dad got me an invitation to this Nightclub, and he allowed me to bring a plus one.” she says seriously. I begin eating,“Okay, keep talking-” I munch in her ear. “Well obvisously your coming with me- but the thing is, I heard a Hot Bachelor Ceo- that’s young by the way- was gonna be there tonight. He’s being accompanied by his Father, anddddd he’s SOO foineee- I wanted us to see him in person .” She giggles, almost squealing. I wasn’t suprised at what she said. One thing about her is, her father is DROWNING in money, so she always got what she wanted. To me, she reminded me of a spoiled, but humble child. “Pookie, you know I don’t do clubs- and I-” before I could explain myself, she interrupted me “Okay! I’ll pick you at 10 okay! dress nice-” she said lastly, hanging up. I sigh, finishing my food. [She’s a damn headache] I think, laughing to myself. But she’s my best friend, and after a long second of thinking, It was safer for me to go with her regardless.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I headed to to go to work. I entered my office, seeing the one face I wish I didn’t have to see. “Good morning Miss Perfect, I have some documents for you” Said my annoying collegue. His name was Anton, and he made me pop a vein almost every morning. He swore up and down that we’re in a challenge for a promotion, but to be honest… I don’t give a damn about a promotion. I’m happy exaclty where I’m at. “Alright, put it on my desk..” I replied, setting my stuff down. “Just so you know, the Director is holding me for employee of the month.” he sneered. “Okay Anton, you can leave now.” I smiled faintly. “My pleasure, Loser.” he finalized, leaving. I sighed, sitting down and getting to work.
After what felt like a trillion hours, around 9:00, I finally closed out the tabs on my computer and started gathering my stuff. Heading out the door, as I go to my car, I remembered something I had forgot. My best friend. I quickly got in the car, racing to get home. I was so in my work, I forgot about the whole task she gave me. Once I got home, I hurredly showered, starting to get ready. Once I was done, I put on some make up, with a black pencil dress with fluffs at the bottom, and my sleek office red bottomed office stilettos. I fixed my hair in a neatly place messy bun, and put a necklace and watch on. After I was done getting ready, I texted my best to let her know I was ready.
After she scooped me up, we headed straight for the club. “So- are you excited!” she asks excitedly. I sighed, “You know I don’t do clubs…however someone has to keep you safe.” She looked at me, bursting out laughing. “You? protect me? I already have so many body guards following me- and besides, I want you to have fun okay.” she cooed. I sat back, sighing even harder.
Before I knew it, we arrived at the Club. It was a grand building, which made me wonder, [Is it a Nightclub.. or a Ballroom..?] I’ve never been to one… so I wouldn’t know. But anywho, we parked, and entered. As soon as we walk in- the smell of liquor and loud music music greets me. As I looked around, it kind of reminded of like- a very party like ballroom. Everything was fancy, letting me know I definitely didn’t belong here. I already wanted to go back home… but I pushed through. I haven’t been out in so long… and this was my chance to enjoy myself. My bestie grabbed my hand, pulling me around through a large croud of people, and Finally, we hit this private area. The entrance had large doors, carefully embroided with what seemed like expensive leather. It wasn’t long before I knew that this was definitely the…
“Welcome to Our VIP section.” a voice says, opening the large doors. I should’ve already knew, but It was still a bit of a surpise to me. And not only that, my heart was racing. I was hoping and praying that wasn’t too underdressed. We walked in, the escort leading us to a table. I felt relieved after finding out that I honestly blended in with everyone else. I sat down, awaiting for what was next. “So, i’m gonna go find this idol- and you just relax okay!” she rushed. “O-okay, don’t go too far!” I replied. She then nodded and went on her way. A waiter then came over to me, asking me if needed anything. Since I was here, I may as well make myself comfortable.
After about half an hour sitting, I ate a couple things and got on my phone. Scrolling through some reels, I heard a voice call out to me. I look up to see a man, well dressed with a nice slick hairstyle. He sat down next to me, and started making small talk. “So, how much… for just one night?” his hungry stare, moving up and down my body. “Uhhm..” I say, crossing my legs, putting my hands over my lap. “What do you mean sir?” I give a nervous chuckle. He leaned over to my ear, and whispered “How much to fuck you all…night…long..” I cleared my throat, getting up suddenly. I couldn’t believe this man had the audacity to ask me that. I sped walk in the direction of the bathroom, hoping the man would not follow me. Sure enough, he was behind me. I panicked, quickening my pace. I try to lose to him, leaving the VIP section. I wonder around the building, looking for my best friend but she was nowhere to be found. Unfortunetely, I run into the man, running to find anyone who would help. “YOUR GOING TO REGRET THIS- COME HERE!!” He shouted at me. After realizing no one was in the halls to help me, I ran into the first room I could.
I bursted into a VIP room, that had a man and three body guards in it. I fell to my knees, putting my hands together in a prayer position, letting all my tears fall. “P-please help me!!” I cried, watching the guards run to me. “Wait.” the man sitting said. I couldn’t see his face, only his clothing, as to which he had on a animal printed button up, with black slacks. Just when i felt at ease- the man that was just chasing me, bursted through the doors. “YOU WHORE- YOU’LL PAY FOR MAKING ME RUN!!” the man shouted at me, attempting to grab me, but got stopped by the guards. “What are- GET OFF ME YOU FOOLS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” he snatched his arm back, yelling. With a quiet swiftness, the mysterious man then snapped. With distinct order, they followed the command. They grabbed his arms, carrying him out. As soon as the man was out, I cried, bowing my head on the carpet. “T-thank you” I sobbed, wiping my tears. I’ve never felt so appreciative in my entire life. “Are you alright?” the man question. I nodded, saying “Yes.. Thank you…” finally standing up. “Good. cause that’s gonna cost you.” He said coldly. He then snapped again, making the guards leave the room. I just couldn’t get a break. I stood still, watching as he got up and walked over to me. I flinched, as he sqautted and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. I didn’t get a good look at his face before, but now- his face was clear as day. “You belong to me now.” He said lowly, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. I quickly fell back, scooting away. “W-what?!…my life was in danger- you didn’t have to save me!” I shouted. He chuckled, running his hair back. “But I did.. so now you owe me…” He said calmy, getting up and walking over to me. He then grabbed my arm, picking me up and dragging me over to the love seat. He set me down, planting his hands on the seat on both sides of me, looking me in the eyes. “Either you give…or i’ll take it from you.” as his terrifying breath fanned my face, a tear couldn’t help but roll down my cheek. My night just couldn’t get any worse.
⋆ To be Continued…
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