#I was only nine years old. I loved Morbius so much
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i couldnt even JUNGLE to this!! I explored immediatly! wood tree isle MY FOREST!!!🤣🤣🤣
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succulant-system · 1 year
"I was only nine years old. I loved Morbius so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Morbius every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Morbius is love", I would say, “Morbius is life". My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Morbius. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Morbius. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, “It’s morbin time". He grabs me with his powerful morby hands, and puts me on my hands and knees as I worship Morbius. My dad walks in. Morbius looks him straight in the eye, and says, "Get morbed". Morbius leaves through my window. Morbius is love. Morbius is life.
and then he morbed all over your dad
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duskkodesh · 2 years
The Absolute Best Morbius Comic Art
So since I did that post on my least favorite artists that have drawn Morb I have to do the opposite and show my absolute favorites. This sadly will only include comic art which means three of my favorite artists will be excluded as they’d only done covers but I doubt you all want to hear me gush over Kyle Hotz, Ryan Brown, and Ivan Shavrin, for hours with like one or two jpegs to show you. Also not included are my mutuals because Oh My LORD is some of the fanart on Tumblr fantastic! Nope, have to stick to official comic art only. Maybe later I’ll do a post of my favorite standalone pieces of comic art but I would feel weird reposting fanart (even with links and credits of course) Also this was SO hard to put into an order. I wracked myself over the numbering. I’m still leaning towards going back and changing it I love these artists so much!
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10: Larry Lieber. I absolutely fell in love with the way he’s drawn in the newspaper strips and while the artist for the Sunday strips is also amazing it was Larry Lieber’s art that really got me. It looks vintage but is pretty damn new (2011), has great lines, perfect face, emotion I just *Chef’s kiss*
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9: Max Douglas. Remember that I said one of my fave Morb short stories in both art and content was in Morbius #25? It’s this story: Drainage System of which Max Douglas did the art. It’s gritty but clear, the backgrounds are full of details. The art carries the exact mood of the story and I have been rereading it fondly since 1994. The main story of this issue is.... ehhhhhhh but it is worth picking up just for Drainage System. 
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8: Marcelo Ferreira. Artist for most of the 2019 series and an absolute talent! His work is gritty and makes Morb ugly in the best most apropos way. Love his heavy use of thick block shadows to define form, and he’s a genius when it comes to fabric folds and hair. This is one of two artists on this list I own a piece from (A page of the 2019 series issue 5) and I wish I could have gotten more.
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7: Ron Wagner. Needless to say his art absolutely made the 1990′s series (up until he split due to conflict with the writer) and it was one of the big reasons I initially picked up the comic. If Marvel had picked another artist i don’t know if nine-year old me would have put that book in my arms and marched to the register. I do own a piece from him too. A page of the 90′s series, Human Morb getting mugged because that page was one of my favorites. Hoping to see him at a con one day so I can bring it to him.
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6: Tom Reilly: Artist of the 2021 issue Bond of Blood. Retro style again, very much inspired by Gil Kane’s original work and I love it. This is a pure winner of a comic with so much drama in it and they found the perfect artist. Morb is all lean lines here which is my preferred frame for him, large red eyes, stark detail. It’s just a visual treat!
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5: Tony Moore. Oh Tony Moore of the Punisher Frankencastle arc how I love your art, let me count the ways! 1. Amazing details in every inch, 2. Crazy crammed backgrounds, 3. Perfect facial expressions, 4. Style that harkens back to old school horror, 5. fluid motion, amazing lighting details, 6. The hatching! The shading! I have to stop or I could gush forever.
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4: Guiseppe Camuncoli of the ASM No Turning Back arc. This man. This man right here! Everyone he draws. EVERYONE is a visual feast. He cuts back on the shading I normally crave but makes up for it in starkly contrasted linework with full detail. The way he draws Morb’s eyes is so unique but it works! The facial lines, the fabric folds, and the facial expressions are so perfect! 
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3: Gil Kane. I know, making him #3 when he invented the aesthetics of the character is me being harsh. It’s just that there are two artists I love so very much in style just for my tastes. Still Gil Kane is arguably the basis for all good Morb art and his splash pages are so amazing that I own three wearing copies of that T-shirt with one on it. I wear them to work. I have no shame in my love for Morbius or for Gil Kane.
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2: Kev Walker, the artist for Marvel Zombies 4. This was a hard decision but I love his style on Morbius so much. The glowing eyes, the formation of his cheekbones. His claws, teeth, expressions they are just perfect to me. He’s a bit buff in this series but I chalked that up to ARMOR actually feeding him regularly instead of him skipping meals. This entire four part story is great, and it’s worth it on art alone even if zombies aren’t your jam.
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1: Without a doubt in my mind ‘Slammin’ Sonny Trinidad. A Filipino artist who worked for Marvel in the 70′s he often inked others work but he penciled my favorite comic of all time and in my opinion he did it better than anyone could have hoped to. This is my favorite Morbius, with Kane’s eye style but soft pencil detail, hatched shading, and so much emotion in every single panel you see him in. This beats out every dead stare sarcastic tone rendition of Morbius I have ever seen. Celso ‘Sonny’ Trinidad passed in 2009 and will forever be missed. 
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m66g · 2 years
I was only nine years old. I loved Morbius so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Morbius every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Morbius is love", I would say, “Morbius is life". My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Morbius. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Morbius. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, “It’s morbin time". He grabs me with his powerful morby hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Morbius. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Morbius. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Morbius. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my butt with his love. My dad walks in. Morbius looks him straight in the eye, and says, "Get morbed". Morbius leaves through my window. Morbius is love. Morbius is life.
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thebluemeany · 7 years
Alexander Siddig Master Post: What to watch and where to watch it
WATCH: Good Candy
Peaky Blinders: most shows mash up all their cool shots with a soundtrack for their trailer. Peaky Blinders is that, only all the time. It’s beautiful, slick and oddly soulless: like a Vanity Fair photoshoot come to life. Siddig’s only in the romantic subplot of Series Three (£9.49 Amazon), but wait to buy as it’s on Netflix from September.
Cairo Time: Set in Egypt. Nice little love story. Surprisingly British in a repressed ‘I’d better go/ yes you better go’ sense. Except they all drink coffee rather than tea and smoke hookah. On YouTube. Worth cost of DVD.
Hannibal: Elephants crossing the Alps on a BBC Drama budget: what’s not to like? Actually done very well and in a sort of documentary style. Added bonus that Scipio is Rose Tyler’s Dad. On YouTube.   ☩
Spooks: Nest of Angels episode: Traumatic. Remember seeing it as a kid in 2003 before UK suicide bombers were a thing. It’s harder to watch now. But definitely do as it’s a bold early attempt to tackle a lot of issues. It was and still is a brave piece of drama. On YouTube.   ☩
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7 Series, all available on Netflix: hour after hour of episodes. Say goodbye to at least two months of your life. Noticeable increase in quality and complexity Series 4, 5, 6.
Lawrence After Arabia: interesting, well written and with a young Ralph Fiennes. Pace and style is more like a play than a film. Can rent for £4.00 on Amazon.
WATCH DEPENDING ON YOUR TASTE:  aka. The Marmite flavoured Liquorice
Doctor Who - 1001 Nights (audio play): Really neat idea at the core. Doesn’t really get to Siddig’s story until episode four, but listening to the other parts really adds to the build-up. Yes, it’s £12.99, but it’s made by Big Finish (all round reliable candy makers) who employ a lot of old UK actors & writers, so resist urge to torrent.
Waking the Dead:  Endgame part 1 and part 2. Don’t be fooled by the CSI set up - this is a level up in violent and gruesome. You can watch it on the BBC YouTube channel for £1.99.  ☩
The Phantom of the Opera (audio play): faithful to the novel. Adapted by a Dalek. Good Commuting Material. Tad expensive at £12.99. Slightly cheaper if you use monthly credit on Audible.
Syriana – complex little film, full of a great cast. Intriguing, realistic and with worrying similar themes to Lawrence After Arabia but set a century later. Tad heavy going. Available free on Amazon prime.  ☩
The Flat Earth (audio play): Weirdly like Lost. Don’t listen to it on a flight. I think the writer may have been going for a sense of the transcendent in a way that was meant to be life affirming. But it actually conjures up some pretty horrific mental images…so, yeah… part 1, part 2  ☩
OKAY IF YOU’RE BORED: aka. Chewing Gum
Inescapable: the landscape is shot nicely but the story is dull. £5.10 to download on Amazon, but you can rent for 99p on iTunes which is fine because it’s not a film for repeat viewing.
True Love: only improvised drama series broadcast ever on BBC One. Turns out there is a reason for that: actors need writers.  Siddig is in episode four, which is the least mundane of the bunch. Bonus of Jane Horrocks.
Doomsday: post-apocalyptic movie. Oddly similar ‘flee to Scotland’ vibe as Reign of Fire below.  Not done well. 99p on Google Play, but seriously just go watch the infinitely better 28 Days Later instead.  ☩
Doctor Who – Sisters of the Flame/ The Vengeance of Morbius (Audio play): Worth it to hear Siddig play a centipede. ‘Cause its radio you just hear the hundreds of feet pattering every time he enters. £8.99 so try and buy when Big Finish have a deal on. Part one is both better and has more Siddig than part two. ☩
Un Homme Perdu:  version in Arabic & French but I can’t find a copy with English subtitles. That said, there’s not a lot of dialogue: if your French is moderate like mine you can muddle through. Intention kind of reminded me of the British 60s film Blow-Up. Kind of dull in an ‘art-film’ way even without language barrier.  
24 - Season 6: By this point of watching the back catalogue, I’ve got to admit I was getting pretty fed up of variations on Islamic Extremism stories. Siddig’s in episodes 2 – 7 and 9. £7.99 for whole series on Amazon, but low res version available on Dailymotion.  ☩
Reign of Fire: so the poster looks AWESOME (dragons destroying London, hell yes!). But that all happens off screen. Lacking dragon destruction, Siddig, female characters or emotional stakes. Contains FAR too much Matthew McConaughey. Rent for £2.48 to watch Christian Bale valiantly attempt to make the best of a bad job.
BARELY IN: aka Empty calories
Game of Thrones: you’ve probably seen the whole series already. If you want to watch just the episodes with Doran in, these are limited to Series 5: episodes 2, 6, 9, 10 and Series 6, episode 1. The entire globe has downloaded it illegally already, but ignoring that, you can buy it on Google Play for £1.99 per episode. ☩
Turmanbay (audio series): available free on BBC iplayer. Game of Thrones but on the radio. Bit repetitive.
Atlantis: in various episodes across Season 1. Scrappily put together and feels like a kids programme. It’s £12.49 to download on Amazon but I wouldn’t bother. 
Primeval: Theoretically in all of Series 4 and 5 – but in reality very little actual scenes until last two episodes of Series 5 (and even then, the amount of acting is debatable). Crappy production values and scripts lacking depth. If you really want to watch it, its £6.99 to stream on Amazon. ☩
Strike Back: Episodes 5 and 6: SAS video game masquerading as a TV show, or one of those books where the cover has a desert and a bullseye on it and the name of the author is in bigger print that the title. Generic variation on Islamic Extremism story…again… ☩
Doctor Who – The Wreck of the Titan: It’s not bad, just a sort of average Sixth Doctor story and for £12.99 you can live without it.
Merlin: meh, not worth it. Series 1, Episode 10: On Netflix. Better than Atlantis and Primeval though. ☩
The Nativity Story – feels like something they make you watch in school. Pretty, but totally lacking humanity or emotion. Part with Alexander Siddig as the Angel Gabriel is here.
DON’T WATCH: Just plain bad
Clash of the Titans: APPALLING MOVIE. WARNING, WARNING. DO NOT WATCH. Can rent for £3.00 on Amazon, but again DO NOT WATCH.  Should also be under ‘barely in’.
The Diary of River Song: “I went to a marvelous party” episode (audio play): Story is boring and heavy handed on the allegory. Add to that the fact it costs £30.00(eek!) makes it a ‘skip it’.
Recon: Seriously does this movie even exist? I can’t find it anywhere. Possibly just an elaborate front set up as a tax dodge…
The Big Battalions: missing, presumed wipe. I work near the BFI so went in to see if they have a copy. They didn’t even have a record it exists. Still, it was made by Carnival Productions (who thirty years later churn out Hollow Crown & Downtown Abbey) so was probably good with high production values.
Wild Arabia - documentary narration kindly recommended by little-Vulcan for its ‘dope landscape shots’. On Netflix
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