#I was legit like: stare at her. write down a quality. stare at her again.
Yesterday in religious education class, our teacher told us to describe our dream boyfriend.
Me, an obvious aroace, and my lesbian friend were looking at each other awkwardly, and I’m staring at Lavvy (to which said friend always teases me about)
So I decided to describe Lavvy, while she describes me, and my friend was describing her girlfriend…
Friend wrote: plays the viola — not very obvious. Except she wrote it five times
Lavvy wrote: kind, makes me comfortable, good person etc — good. Not obvious at all.
I wrote: a good rival, artist, The Office and musical theatre obsessed, messy hair, squishy, cute, likes what I like, needs my reminders to sleep, someone I’ve known for a long time, etc— super obvious, according to my friend…
Welp. Let’s see if my teacher finds out it’s actually Lavvy … —. _—.
~ Luna S
PS Lavvy is just soooo cuteeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaa
@im-lavvyin-it why are you so cute
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nemesisvortex · 2 years
My Thoughts on the First Two Episodes of Say "I Love You"
These thoughts are what I told my friend and she thought I should share 'em so here ya go world :b
I might go back and do this again more in-depth on my thoughts, because there's a lot I didn't actually get to in my brief breakdown, idk, I don't have a ton of anime experience, I'm pretty picky, so I'm used to high-quality relationships and writing, I'm watching Kimi-No-Todoke From Me to You and it's going pretty good, very laid back, so to have this one that looked promising and had been on my For You page for ages be so disappointing was really a miss.
Anyhow here's my first real Tumblr post lol
Say “I love you” was so disappointing The male lead casually sexually assaults the MC multiple times in the first two episodes (i dropped it after that), and it’s treated as romantic and not addressed even though the MC herself acknowledged he didn’t ask and she doesn’t fight back when he does it over and over in the second episode The first kiss was also extremely contrived and unrealistic Walk out of a convenience store Stare down a stalker Stalker asks a question Turn to MC Say I love you Then kiss her without asking to i guess creep out the stalker? This makes no sense I thought he was gonna walk her home I knew the first kiss would have to be contrived, but i was expecting it to be a classic she falls into him accident No It’s SA! My only thought during that scene were Dang She was gonna get SAed either way Call him to come get her or take your chances with the stalker who’s been following you the last 40 minutes This is frustrating.
Him liking her (and vice versa) was horribly set up as well It feels very sudden, rushed, and forced He hasn’t appeared to have had a relationship at all before this and the third episode description he wants them to act like a couple? What is this nonsense? She kicked him in the face He says she’s interesting He pesters her to be his friend over what we can assume to be days or weeks, she constantly rejects him, he doesn’t take a hint or respect this now clear boundary, which i coulda let slide, because friendship pretty poggers, if he didn’t immediately try to get her in a relationship with him He’s also pretty sleazy in a deceptive way I can’t tell if this was written by a man because of the art style but it certainly feels like it There’s so much talk about boobs (unexpectadly so with the cute art style) and then the male lead’s female friend shares with the MC a flashback of the male lead “defending” her against guys harassing her over her boob size, by saying “i like big boobs, I’ve seen your porn stash, you like big boobs too, what’s wrong, big boobs are great!” And I’m like, am i supposed to like this guy? When the flashback started i thought it was gonna be the other friend who was interested in her “defending” her like that because literally ALL he talks about is boobs, they even had a panning shot of all the girls in PE’s torsos to then show he was identifying them by boob when he stated “huh, -female friend- isn’t here, where is she?” I was shocked when it showed more clearly that the guy talking in the flashback was the male lead Like no way How am i supposed to like this guy? Oh AND he’s kissed literally every girl but one in the school? What the heck show? What are you trying to establish or achieve? That he’s a deceptively cute pervert? He ain’t cute anymore! Like smh I don’t know what the show was going for It definitely felt confusing and like it was written by a man poorly So many dialogue choices were odd and didn’t sound like something someone would legit say, like i haven’t even gone into the male friend as much as i could’ve, he has some SERIOUS issues Aye aye aye
Side note: I did watch it subbed, so the subtitle translations coulda been completely off and I'd be none the wiser, this is just from my experience
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
—single!parent headcanons
part one
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mtha thots: the manga makes me really sad and i think children deserve a childhood so i made this to cope
all characters are 18+
Warnings: it’s long but, other than that, none <3
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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Shouto Todoroki: 
truth be told, shouto never wanted children 
he knew how important someone’s childhood meant
shouto honestly couldn’t trust himself not to mess it up :(
so imagine his surprise when he came to fall in love with this little boy, no older than six, he found snooping around a dumpster 
it’s actually kind of funny how they came to be bc shouto was 100% put off by the kid
when they made eye contact, they stared at each other like 
the boy: 👁👄👁
shouto again:🧍🏻
before the brat blew him a raspberry and tried to run off 
ofc he caught up to him and, despite the boy’s tantrum, the two went straight to the police
and for some reason, todoroki ended up with him in his condo
the first couple of weeks were terrible 
it seemed like Yuuma hated his guts 
shouto let him have his space and only really pestered him when it was time to do the essentials
at midoriya’s suggestion, he’d try and talk to him about his day or how his therapy sessions went, but it was no use 
the boy would tell him not to worry about it and scurry off 
this happened for some time and honestly, todoroki was at his wit’s end 
until one day, shouto realized that it wasn’t that the child hated him, he just didn’t want to be a burden him
then everything clicked 
mustering up the courage, todoroki one day asked Yuu if he’d like to help him make dinner and the way the kid’s eyes brightened up at the chance to be useful made him a bit sad
but he pushed it away in favor for how the boy blossomed as he showed shouto the right way to stir meat stew and make onion rings
at the end, the red n white hero gave him an honest smile and thanked him for his help
Yuuma looked at him for a long time before bursting into tears 
it was the first time shouto had seen him cry in weeks 
it was also the first time they hugged
from then on, it was almost magical how well they clicked 
the boy was exitable and extroverted, todoroki was quiet and reserved 
they were both stubborn to a fault sometimes and that didn’t bode over well during the few disagreements they had but they brought the best out in each other 
shouto made the kid feel safe and secure, always reminding him that anything he did for him was never burdensome 
Yuuma gave the hero a confidence boost and a chance at another type of love he never knew he wanted 
the first time his son called him dad was when todoroki made the adoption official 
Yuuma shyly asked if it was okay that he called him his father and shouto will not admit to the tears he desperately tried to hide from a teasing midoriya and his siblings (ofc he had them there)
no one knows this but todoroki literally had separation anxiety the first couple of years
his child was just fine being with the babysitter but shouto would spend his work days/nights feeling very tense being away from him 
called/texted the kid all the time, left him encouraging sticky notes in his lunch box, and would hug him for at least 3 min before leaving the house
he’s such a mother hen bye
he’s lucky yuu adores him bc he was lowkey doing a lot LMAO
they have movie nights together and geek over manga like nerds 
yuuma cosplayed as roy mustang once and todoroki has an album of pics from that day alone 
todoroki’s the type to randomly bring his son fruit just because 
yuuma regularly slept in shouto’s bed/futon until around 7th grade
as his son got older, and more popular (w the ladies AND gents hehe) at school, todoroki got a little jealous bc yuuma wanted to spend more time with his friends
he was legit hurt the first time yuu canceled on movie night to go to a sleepover 🥺
todoroki moped over it until midoriya told him to knock it off 💀
it’s a shameful quality of his, but shouto will always lie to get his kid out of the stupid shit he gets himself into only bc yuu plays really funny pranks 
has to keep himself from laughing in front of the principle 
they’re both lowkey mischevious asf 
he’ll scold him later tho so it’s okay, he’s responsible™️
shouto always calls yuu “son”
if he calls him by his full name, he’s either sad or annoyed w him
during family gatherings, yuuma is the star of the show bc of his superb cooking skills
he and fuyumi get along great
and surprisingly enough, bakugo adores the kid even though the same can’t be said for todoroki himself 
yuuma wants to open a restaurant and he’s a little afraid of his father’s reaction
little does he know, shouto is ready to hand over his black card at moment’s notice purrr✨
he’s a really supportive father and he has his hiccups, but todo tries his very best and his son makes him impossibly proud every day 
oh and did i mention they wear matching sweaters?
they’re that kind of family
it’s so cute i could die 
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Midoriya Izuku: 
midoriya was born and bred to be a father 
change my mind 
i mean look at that face 
that’s daddy material to me 😌
midoriya has two girls that are about a year apart
due to the immense pressure of being with the #1 hero and an unwillingness to be a mother, his then girlfriend at the time suddenly left him, signing over all maternal rights to the hero 
it just crushed izuku 
he spent weeks trying to look for her and to make it work 
he wanted his girls to have a two-parent household, but she went radio silent 
it was a difficult adjustment 
but deku is the most ambitious and resiliant person on the planet so he was devoted to giving them the best lif he could 
and ofc he had the support of all his friends and his mother 
but there were a lot of ups and downs
mostly downs in the first year being a single parent
at the time, his youngest wasn’t even one whiles eldest was almost two 
and izuku worked a lot 
being #1 meant he was the country’s go-to whenever something happened and he missed a lot of stuff he’d never get to redo 
like his youngest, Maia’s, first word which was “bunny”
and the first time his oldest, Naomi, went to the bathroom by herself 
and izuku will never forget the day he came to pick his kids up after being on a week long international mission
when he reached out for them, they looked at him as if they didn’t know who he was 
izuku spent the entire night crying in inko’s arms 
the next morning, he only had to deliver some paperwork, but everyone noticed the usually chipper hero’s sour mood and stayed clear from his path
even bakugo and todoroki felt chills when izuku passed by 
it was tough, but deku was determined 
he started taking up night shifts so he could be there for his girls during the day
he’d pick them up from inko’s right after work and spend the day playing with them 
izuku stayed up on a dangerous amount of caffeine and will power
there were days he literally passed out from exhaustion, but it was worth it to see them through their milestones 
when Naomi went to kindergarten, he couldn’t stop buzzing around w excitement
he just adored listening her ramble on about what she learned and that persisted on even as she grew
like, she’s a genius
she was his doppleganger in intellect and resilience
she’s def a daddy’s girl and although she’s not as empathetic as her father, they’re very close 
naomi is an excellent older sister and stepped up early when izuku couldn’t always be there 
maia is izuku’s match in personality
she’s very sweet, a bit more extroverted, and compassionate
but pls don’t get it twisted, that girl gives the fam a run for their money 
she’s got izuku’s righteousness but heightened 100x and with a lot more anger
the girl’s got quite the mean mug and she got hands highkey
they both do tbh (i mean, izuku is their dad...)
the amount of fights naomi’s had to back her up in is ridiculous 😭
they’re two peas in a pod tho so if you mess w one sister, you mess w both ‼️
regardless of all that, izuku wouldn’t change them for anything 
he’s the type to obnoxiously kiss them on their cheeks before school
they’ll take turns doing each other’s hair
izuku gets pigtails that he proudly wears to work 
deku has a private instagram that is so filled with those two, sometimes ppl forget it’s his
he def has a “girl dad” t-shirt
he calls them his angels 🥺
i see him getting a tattoo of their names on his arm or something
they’re all cry babies so when they get into arguments, it doesnt last long
both girls went to UA to be heroes and izuku’s heart just soars with pride every day 
he also cried an obnoxious amount and for some odd reason, kept popping up for “demonstrative purposes”
they had to have a family talk so they could tell him to stop babying them in the kindest way possible 
and by that i mean, naomi said it bluntly and maia did damage control lmao
overall, izuku loves those girls more than life and they love him just the same 
raising them was a rollercoaster, but he’d do it all over again in a heartbeat
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Sero Hanta:
another one that just looks like he’d be an amazing father
please have my children sir
sero is one of the few that was actually looking to adopt a kid
he came from a large family and desired connection with a family of his own
he tried a for a while, but it never seemed to happen
until he came about a small girl he met on the off chance of passing by her hospital room when he was getting a quick check up
she was one of the children they saved on a mission and when he saw her curled up on the hospital bed that seemed to swallow her whole, his feet moved on their own
the girl, Keiko, was left injured and an orphan, yet despite her circumstances, she was just a joy to be around 
sero spent the rest of visiting time with her and just knew she was it for him
she was very sick so he’d spend his breaks visiting her at the hospital 
keiko was a huge cellophane fan and it just melted his heart 🥺
she’d have a huge smile on her face, unabashedly showing off her missing front tooth, every time he walked in
they’d spend hours just drawing or talking about their day
when sero shyly brought up the possibility of adopting her, keiko could barely contain herself 
she drew him one of her best pieces as a thank you and sero still has it hanging on his mirror to this day ❤️
keiko’s actually quite the artist so there’s many more up there to keep it company 
the adjustment period went smoother than anticipated
the girl had her moments and hanta was getting used to being a 24/7 parent, but it was like they quickly acted as if they had been blood related their entire lives
they are ride or dies for each other LMAO
they don’t argue
like at all
the worst they ever got was when keiko rushed to help her father on the job when she happened to see him get hurt 
sero yelled at her in panic 
it was so startling that they avoided each other for the time being
but a few hours later, sero went and apologized 
and that was that
keiko had frequent nightmares and sero would sacrfice copious hours of sleep so that he could turn on the projecter and give her a run down about every star in the “sky” before she falls asleep 
he actually bought and named a star after her for her first bday with him
sero pats her head a lot and she hates it
he calls her squirt, sport, kid, and princess if they’re having a soft moment
they have an unholy amount of matching onsies 
the kid was already getting to the stage where she wanted to be independent, but she would let her father pick out her outfits sometimes
only bc he put a lot of effort into doing it 
aka, she caught him crying over cute pintrest pics bc he’s a simp
okay but sero really, isn’t much of a crier, but he’s sentimental asf
every milestone is recorded
every school night, he’s there (she was a good kid, so he all but gloats w pride after every visit w the teachers)
any drawing she makes, he has 
he’ll do anything to be there for his daughter so it really crushed him when he couldn’t go to her high school’s father daughter dance 
sero had a mission he couldnt get out of and he was sorely pissed off about it 
keiko assured her father that it was okay and that it was corny anyways
but he could hear the disappointment in her voice 
he made kirishima go with her anyways bc he didnt want her to miss out on the experience 
and you bet your ass that when she came back home, sero was there in a tux with the living room set up to make it up to her 
it is just as cheesy as you think it is, but they’re cute so who cares 
also the way they both can dance is crazyyyyyy
rhythm isn’t even the word
if there was a competition for best father-daughter dance duo, they would win every time! and i stand by that!
they have at least one viral tiktok dance they did together
sero’s not the emotional type, but the first time keiko had a boyfriend he def made a threat or two to him 
it was actually so scary 
they’re honestly the cutest duo and everyone on the block agrees
 i love it ❤️
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Celebrate you.
summary: Slowly, step by step, harry is becoming a dad.
word count: 1.9k
based on these requests:
“i legit am obsessed with your single mum series! can you do one where they all have a movie night? i think that would be sooo cute”
“Awwww now I’m thinking about Harry’s first Father’s Day with artimis. Thy make him his favorite food and gives harry the card he made for him 😭😭😭😭😭”
“for my shy little boy, what would harry’s first fathers day be like”
“Father’s Day gift for Harry from Artemis”
“Artemis celebrating Father’s Day with Harry”
a/n: had so many father’s day requests, sorry i took so long but here it is! send me some concepts revolving the pregnancy pls, i feel like we haven’t touched that subject!
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
June, 2019.
It could be raining, there could be a storm, hell, the sky could be falling apart but Harry would always make it to Y/N’s house on Saturday, with his hands full of takeout and an overnight bag to spend the night with them.
Staying in on the weekend was never something Harry used to do before. However, now the thing he looked forward the most was quiet, relaxing quality time with his girlfriend and her son. For him, it was the domesticity of it all. It was the feeling of craving something all week around that when the time comes, you can’t get enough of it. To Harry, the thing he couldn’t get enough of was the little life he’s been building with Artemis and Y/N for the past year and so.
Nothing was able to wipe the smile off of his face as he drove to the Y/L/N’s household after a long, exhausting week of working on his new album. Harry has missed the last movie night due scheduled meetings he had in LA that he couldn’t cancel, so he was very excited to finally them again in real life, and not only through a screen.
“Harry, Harry, you’re here!” Artemis was the one who opened the door, chanting his name while hugging his longs legs.
“Artemis, I’ve told you to now open the door without me there.”
“It was Harry, mum. I saw him through the window.”
“Oh, so you were waiting for me?” Harry playfully pinched one of his cheeks, making him blush. “Hi, love. I missed ya.” The green eyed man smiled sweetly at the woman in front of him. She looked beautiful although she was just dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that was probably his. Her hair was up in a messy, high ponytail and the makeup she had on earlier was already wiped off. He looked down at the little blonde boy and saw he was in his pajamas already. “I bought Chinese this time, that okay?”
Y/N nodded, taking the takeout bags from him to bring them to the kitchen, not without giving Harry a little kiss on the lips before doing so. “It’s perfect. I missed you too.”
Once she was out of sight, Harry felt how someone pulled from his pants and when he looked down, Artemis was already looking at him with big, doe hazel eyes. “Can I get a hug?”
Harry’s heart melted. “Course you can. Always.” He took him in his arms and held him close to his chest, breathing in the vanilla essence of his shampoo. Hugging Artemis has become one of his favorite things in the whole world, and one of the things he wanted to do all the time. Harry walked towards the living room with Artemis still in his arms. “What are we watching tonight?”
“Can we watch Trollhunters?” He asked excitedly.
The older man chuckled, having already expected that answer. They binged watched the entire series a couple times and Artemis absolutely loved it every time, and who was Harry to say no to that adorable face?
“Harry?! Can you help me with these?” Y/N’s voice was heard from the kitchen. Harry got up from his seat and told Artemis to wait for them to bring the food so they could start with their movie night.
When the three of them were finally on the couch, Artemis being in the middle of both adults, they pressed play on the TV. Harry had his plane on his lap and was also holding Artemis’, the little boy being too busy on watching the television Harry had to grab his fork and feed him bites of the fried rice he knew he liked. Y/N just observed from the other side of the couch, a smile forming on her face. The two boys looked completely absorbed in their own little world and Harry looked like a pro feeding a five year old with one hand an eating his own food in the other.
Harry sensed Y/N’s stare and looked at her, he wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her giggle quietly. I love you, he mouthed before sighing contently. This was what he has been wanting to do all week. A night with no worries, no stress, something as mundane as watching television has become his favorite thing just because it was something he did with the two of them.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
The weekend passed by and soon Monday rolled in, which meant it was time to go back on their normal routines. To Y/N, her routine was wake up and make breakfast, then wake her boy up and make sure he was ready on time for her to drop him off at school then drive to work. She needed to make sure she left her office at the same time every day so she could go pick Artemis up from school in time.
What happened afterwards was variable. If Y/N had to give any conferences in her home office, she’d drop Artemis at her moms’ and go pick him up after she finished or if she was free for the day, they’d just chill at home.
This Monday wasn’t any different from any other. Y/N held Artemis’ hand as they walked down the hall of his school to get to her car and drive home. Artemis was telling her about his day as she strapped him on his car seat. “My teacher said this Sunday’s the day they celebrate daddies.”
To Y/N, it didn’t go unnoticed the way he said ‘they’ instead of ‘we’, and she felt how her heart fell to his stomach. The truth was, Artemis has never celebrated Father’s day, simply because there wasn’t no one he could celebrate with. Usually he wouldn’t mind, but Y/N knew it will as he grew older. She sighed, humming a response to him as she got in the driver’s seat.
“Can we do something that day?” He asked, Y/N looked at him through the rearview, trying to read his thoughts.
“What do you want to do, baby?” She said, hoping and praying it was something she was actually able to give him.
“Something for Harry.” At her boy’s words, Y/N almost crashed the damn car out of pure shock. It wasn’t a secret at all how much Artemis looked up to Harry, or how much the man adored her child, but perhaps it was a little soon to celebrate Father’s day with him.
Does Harry deserve it? Damn straight. He’s done more for Artemis than his biological father would ever do. Doctor appointments, nightmares, late night grocery shopping because the boy craved a candy it was only sold in the store in the other side of London, you name it. However, they haven’t been in that stage of their relationship yet, and Y/N was afraid it would overwhelm Harry.
The case was, Harry did deserve to be celebrated, not just the third Sunday of June every year, but all year around. The things he do, the love he held for Artemis… it was something worth to be celebrated. So Y/N sucked up her fears and insecurities and promised they would surprise Harry that Sunday.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Y/N hasn’t done anything like this before. She has searched for ideas on Pinterest so they could make something special, but she still had no experience whatsoever. Usually, when in school children had to do a craft work for Father’s day, Artemis’ teacher would just put Y/N’s name on it. However, this year she had asked to put Harry’s name on it.
“Not daddy, not dad, not father. Just Harry.” The teacher verified, writing down on her notebook before looking up at Y/N.
She nervously played with her hands as she answered. “Just Harry, please.”
Turns out this year they made the kids make cards for their daddies, asking them to draw what they loved the most about them. Artemis didn’t let his mum see what he did back in his classroom, claiming Harry should be the first one to see it and Y/N was more than happy to obey.
Besides the card, Y/N has picked out a few other things for Harry, and also made sure to have all the ingredients to make his favorite food in her kitchen. Harry had stayed over, as usual. Artemis was so excited he almost blurted their plans to him twice, but Y/N was able to stop him.
On Sunday morning, Y/N woke up extra early and went out of bed trying to be as quiet as possible then walked down the hall to get her son, who was already awake and ready to run to her room where Harry was to wake him up.
“We have to make breakfast first, honey.” She told him before picking him up to take him to the kitchen. “We have to be quiet.” Artemis nodded rapidly from his seat on the island. “You’ll give him your card first then the others gifts we have, okay?”
Y/N cooked breakfast as fast as she could, knowing Harry would be awake and looking for them in no time. She placed the waffles with blueberries on top next to the plate with an omelet made with all the ingredients Harry liked such as dried tomatoes and mint. She could barely put the orange juice in a glass when Harry entered the kitchen still half asleep.
“Surprise!” Both Y/N and Artemis exclaimed with a big smile.
Harry opened his eyes in surprise, seeing the kitchen full of his favorite food, plus a couple of green balloons and gifts set on the counter. “What’s all of this?”
“It’s for you, Harry.” Artemis said, hopping off the kitchen island with the help of his mum. “I made this for you.”
Harry looked up at Y/N, who gave him an encouraging smile. He sat on one of the high chairs and pulled the small boy on his lap before opening the card he had in his hands.
“My teacher asked me to draw what I love about you. This is you with a rainbow suit because you like color, and you’re giving one of your concerts like the one mummy and I went to see one time.” Artemis explained, pointing out all the details of the card from his place on Harry’s lap.
Perhaps Artemis has drawn Harry with circles and sticks, and the ‘stage’ he was supposed to be standing on looked more like a square in the middle of the paper, but to Harry it was the most beautiful thing he has ever since in his entire life, and it brought tears to his eyes knowing Artemis has made this for him. His lip started trembling when he saw the little ‘I love you, Harry ☺❤’ at the bottom of the card. It was a messy handwrite, proper for a five year old, and it was that what made it so damn perfect.
“Today we’re celebrating you, Harry.” Y/N stepped in, wrapping her hands around his shoulders from behind and kissed his cheek. “We love you.”
“We love you, Harry!” Artemis said, joining the hug excitedly.
With a couple of tears rolling down his eyes and a heart that was ready to explode out of love and adoration for the two people that were standing there with him, he managed to let out a sincere, soft ‘I love you so much more’.
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1 @stephaniemalvie @immajustreadwritereblog @jadert15 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @abundanceofsoph @harrysthicccthighs
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hi lovelies.
Hockey is back. ❤️
And so here is another sweater weather chat. It’s split in two. So stay tuned 😘
All the love in the world for @lumosinlove and each and everyone of you! This fandom is truly a remarkable place 💖
Sweater weather chat #12 part 1
Dumo loses a bet. Sunny has a lot of stories. Sergei once had blue hair. He also fought a German suit. Snuck a few of my nhl heroes in here. See if you can spot them. Nado is dying from anticipation. Blizzard wants pictures. Olli is trying to stay on topic. Alice has questions. Sirius has no comments. We jinx the cup a tiny bit. I took some liberties with rosters and timelines for international hockey. No people were harmed in the making of this chat. Danes really are pesky meatball thieves. I love germans (just needed a bad guy).
Friday 7.22 pm
Prongstar: hey dumo. Not backing down from the bet?
Dumodad: no. I honor my word. You guys won. What do you want? Suicides, my car, my wife’s cooking?
Talkiewalkie: damn dumo. Pimping out Celeste
Dumodad: like the lot of you aren’t half in love with her or Anya. You’re not subtle
Krisvolley: I’d marry both with no hesitation. Between Anya’s piroggi and Celeste’s brownies, I’d be set for life.
Nadotheman:fuck you’d have to fight me and Kuny both for that krissy.
Russiangod: I already son of Anya. I take sergei’s place
Sergei_81: am not even 40 yet. Also you all boys. Can’t handle women. They need men.
Logantremblayzzz: it’s weird guys. Don’t crush on your team mates wives 😳 also Sergei you are 40....
Sergei_81: 🤬
Blizzard: don’t make sexy eyes at your goalie when he’s stretching. 🤪
Timmyforrealz: burnnnnnn hahahahahaha
Prongstar: potential adultery, sergei’s age and Logan’s inappropriate staring aside. Dumo lost our bet. And I’ve made a decision. Drumroll please 🙈🙈🙈🙈
Kuny: drdrdrdrdrrrrrrrrrrrr
Prongstar: thanks Kuny babe 😘
Prongstar: dumo! I want the truth about Prague. In this chat. In writing. You have 1 hr.
Dumodad: no.
Sergei_81: no
Sunnysideup: YES
Sunnysideup: I’ll tell them if you don’t 😜
Dumodad: it’s all your fault. Stupid Swede.
Sunnysideup: no one made you bet me. We won, fair and square!
Sunnysideup: the year was 2006. Turin, Italy. Winter Olympics. A brash Russian and a confident Canadian decided to make a bet with a lovely, young and innocent Swede.
Bradygunzz: innocent? 😂😂😂😂
Walkietalkie: wait weren’t you in Sweden then? Or am I missing something? How’d you even know these guys?
Kaneyoudigit: I thought this story was about Prague?
DumoDad: it is. It just started 9 years earlier.
Sunnysideup: some of my national teammates played with Sergei in the khl during the nhl ‘05 lockout. Dumo was signed to do some press stuff with us at olympics. Something about cross team friendships.
Logantremblayzzz: Wow you guys are ancient
DumoDAD: we were top 3 seeded teams and they picked the Russian with good English, a Swede who’s not scary and me. It was fun. And it turned into a bit of drinking after Sergei and sunny started arguing about the quality of vodka.
Krisvolley: you shouldn’t drink at the Olympics 😂
Sunnysideup: anyways. We bet and of course all three were convinced our respective teams would win. Of course, we all know who emerged victorious 😜
Sergei_81: you had Swedish murder twins not fair. Baby sedin slash me on purpose
DumoDad: he didn’t. That was a legit hit you big baby. Also we did better than the US.
Sergei_81: was not clean.
Sunnysideup: we’re not having this discussion again. You both lost. It was a clean hit. Also, the fun part was the bet itself.
Nadotheman: just fucking tell us. The suspense is killing me.😳
Siriusly: whAt did you do??????? Dumo!!!!
Sunnysideup: well. they got kitted out in lovely blue and yellow team colors. Hank’s idea - some fans gave him loads of body paint. Hahahaha also Sergei was sporting a very impressive buzz cut then. It was a thing. So we’ve got these two idiots painted in blue and yellow including sergei’s head. Unfortunately the dye wasn’t meant for hair. So he had blue hair for two weeks after. Anya is still mad at me about that one 😜
Nadotheman: so you just painted them blue and yellow? That’s like so anti climactic.
Logantremblayzzz: oh he’s not done 😂
CarbO’Hara: Logan tell usssss
Siriusly: how come you told him and not me? I feel betrayed.
DumoDad: I didn’t. Celeste did. Traitor.
Logantremblayzzz: I was sad and homesick and she wanted to cheer me up. 😍
Ollibear: I feel like we’re getting off topic
Logantremblayzzz: wait didn’t you then make them steal the Olympic flags from the hotel you were celebrating at and exchange them with Swedish ones?
Sunnysideup: indeed, Logan, and that went smoothly. So it turned into a thing that every time we compete all three in an international thing. We make the losers swap flags. It’s cute.
Prongstar: what about Prague then? That wasn’t until 2015? Was it?
DumoDad: and we all remember who won.
RussianGod: is also where butt slap come from then? Pre game one?
Sergei_81: not our fault. U had Crosby make heart eyes at zhenya. And no Kuny, not from there...
DumoDad: you’re never letting that one go? Hahaha poor Sergei.
Dumodad: also. the butt slap is an Old tradition. We had a playoff round ages back and I slapped him. We won. We’ve done it since. Works doesn’t it?
Sergei_81: you said “let’s go get them”. Still do. It works. All magic slap. I thought you say “ let’s go eat them” Still works hehe
Ollibear: again, we’re veering off topic, dumo.
Sunnysideup: well. Prague. I know Canada won. Golden boy got golden goal. Blah blah blah. But for some reason we had another bet 😜. Dumo cooked up a revenge for me and Sergei. But it was before the final. We were just heading into the second round and somehow ended up in another vodka related discussion (we all know Swedish vodka is superior).
RussianGod: Swedish vodka is water. Russia best.
Sergei_81: was stupid idea. But vodka make us brave.
DumoDad: I never told you to start climbing that flag pole. You decided that on your own. I just told you to get me the flag.
Sunnysideup: he did climb that pole like a fireman though.
Timmyforrealz: hold up a sec. you’re telling me sergei “i never smile and my looks can literally make opponents wet themselves” Ivanov climbed a flag pole while drunk and it looked good?
Sunnysideup: he was wearing a “I love Canada” onesie and crocs. Which was about 6 sizes too little. We both were.
Newt-leo: we’re going to need pics of this.
Sunnysideup: well. The onesies were one thing. Still not sure how we got corralled into it. But anyways as I remember Sergei did successfully steal the flag from the hotel and started on the cars outside. We just didn’t know it was some group of fancy politicians also in town to watch hockey.
Dumodad: you Europeans and your weird politicians. Apparently the little politic guy didn’t like Russians. So his body guard tackled Sergei down. Sergei fought back. And somehow I ended up in the tangle of suits and Canada onesies.
Sergei_81: he blame Russia for stupid shit I might get mad. Police came and put us in little jail in hotel. Sunny no where
Sunnysideup: I went to get help. I didn’t know you were going to fight the bodyguards of the German minister of trade now did I?
Dumodad: was it German? I thought it was Spain. The flag was yellow and red.
Krisvolley: wait so. In the middle of an Olympic tournament, the three of you (all dads and husbands by 2015) gets shitfaced on vodka, go on a flag stealing rampage through Prague and get tackled by German secret services? 😫
Sergei_81: not Prague just one hotel. And car park. And house opposite.
Siriusly: how did you get out?
Sunnysideup: I bailed them out. Or. I managed to explain that they’re big hockey stars and got backstrom and oveckin to come and support me.. Ovi just giggled. Backy just stared until they agreed. He’s scary. Sergei was cursing a lot. Dumo was crying at one point... hehehehe he . I think dumo was nearly benched no after?
DumoDad: somehow the team found out and little mr captain was not happy?. Also at this point sergei was mostly naked as the onesie gave up halfway through wrestling Germans. We got a big fine, had to formally issue an apology to the German delegates and the hotel. And Sergei had to pay another fine for embarrassing Russia 😂
Sergei_81: they happy I hit German but I couldn’t say hehe. Also lost a croc never found it. Walk home in one shoe 👟
Siriusly: I can’t believe you almost caused an international incident because you were arguing about vodka.
Sunnysideup: you should see us scandies when it comes to the origins of meatballs. Pesky Danes trying to steal credit. 🤬
Blizzard: and you’re all still talking about me and the fountain. Also. We were on the lions team then? How come you’ve managed to keep this quiet? Also. Where are the pictures of this? I have so many questions.
DumoDad: Sunny has pictures. And so does the Czech police. And maybe the hotel. And it stays that way.
Blizzard: sunny. I want pictures.
Sunnysideup: lord Stanley will decide ❤️ also pretty sure both ovi and backy has some. For revenge purposes.
Siriusly: DONT jinx.
Prongstar: you broke cap.
Tuesday 2.54 pm
Alice: Sirius.
Alice: Sirius pick up your phone.
Alice: Sirius Orion Black. Please tell me that a picture of you and Remus in a closet in Ikea’s kids department is fake.
Sirius: I was in hiding. Re helped me. We didn’t do anything
Alice: your shirt is on backwards.
Sirius: it’s a fashion statement.
Alice: and the shark?
Sirius: no comment
Part two is coming up.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Beautiful Trauma by Pink with Nishinoya, please!
Woop yess yeah angst is coming your way.
Okay I’m taking a break from matchups lol they’re getting harder to do because I do like a ton of them every day and like they’re GRUELLING HAVSJSGS they’re gonna be back but like I’m gonna focus on writing scenarios and maybe hcs for a bit then get right back to the matchups:)
Btw @artsamber I’m sorry I genuinely don’t know how marriage fics work and I don’t really see Nishinoya as someone that would lose interest after marriage, but I’ll try my best to incorporate your ideas into this fic!
(I’m legit trying my best to keep this as non explicit as I can because I’m keeping these for future uses if my English teacher ever tells me to write romance or something I can just pull up my blog and use scenarios-)
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Beautiful Trauma// Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Word count: 2000+
Warnings: Mild swearing
Nishinoya didn’t like feeling guilty. He hated the falling sensation he would get whenever he lied. The thought of having to hurt someone disgusted him. He was mostly an open book, it was as if you could read him word for word, everything expressed in those goofy facial expressions. He didn’t ask for much. He wanted someone who he could tease. Someone he could trust with his inner conflicts. Someone that could make him feel appreciated. Out of all the things however, he craved for excitement the most. Excitement that you weren’t able to give him. He loved you, he definitely loved you. But in a couple of years’ time, the spark that used to ignite whenever he looked at you, touched you, kissed you, it was gone. He tried to ignore the emptiness, grasping at any opportunity he could to regain those feelings. Going on more dates, inviting you to all his matches, bringing you over to his house every single week, he did everything he could Nothing worked. He no longer felt special. He had fought so hard for you, everything was all rainbows and unicorns, until it wasn’t. Until you became just another person for him. 
You still remember the exact moment you realised he had changed. It still goes through your mind till this day. It was New Year’s Eve. The two of you went out to watch the fireworks at midnight. His hand felt cold that night, not a trace of the usual warmth that embraced your hand perfect to be found.. It felt stale and frigid. He didn’t initiate his usual weird chatter, nor did he make an effort to talk to you at all. Every other couple at the venue was doing some lovey dovey crap, giving each other bone crushing hugs, or laying in their loved one’s lap, occasionally sneaking a kiss or two. Seeing that, you tried to sneak in some romance into your date. You turned towards him, leaning in and giving him a kiss. Your heart fell when he stayed still, not reacting to anything. He didn’t kiss back, he didn’t hold your hand, he didn’t even make an effort to play with your hair.  It was as if your kiss had absolutely no effect on him. You tried again, letting go of his hand and cupping his cheek. Still nothing. You pulled away, slightly disappointed at the lack of attention you were getting from him as he stared at you with bored eyes, dragging you down to sit next to him. This should’ve been a sign. A sign that something was wrong. However, you brushed it off. Maybe he was just feeling a bit sick that night.
The lack of attention went on for months. You would have to ask him out every week, just to be able to spend any quality time with him, and most of the time he’d decline, using the same three excuses every time.
“Sorry, I’m busy with volleyball.”
“Feeling a bit tired today, I’ll pass.”
“I have schoolwork, can’t come.”
The rare instances where he doesn’t decline your request, he’s completely indulged in his phone. As if there was something that was better than spending time with the one he loved that was on that godforsaken monitor. You would try poking him, shaking him, nudging him, everything you could possibly do to gain his attention. In return, all you’d receive was an irritated groan or your hand being picked up and put back onto your lap, followed by a wave of depression hitting you by surprise as he continues to scroll mindlessly through his phone. You were tired of this, your gut telling you to just break it off with him. However you were hopeful. Too hopeful. You continued to cling onto the last shred of hope you had in that attention lacking heart of yours, praying that by spending enough time with him, he would go back to his old self. The Nishinoya that she fell in love with. The one that gave her kisses on her cheek, squeezed her hand whenever he held it, cried with her during hard times, pushed her on the swings in an abandoned park. She continued to look forward to a day, where he would once again greet her at her doorstep before walking to school together. That day never came.
Half a year. Half an entire year of hiding his inner conflicts. Nishinoya was done keeping it in. He had to tell you one way or the other anyways. He was sick of seeing how disappointed you’d get after he ignored you time and time again. He was drowning in his own guilt throughout the never-ending six months. That pit of regret that dug itself in his stomach made him want to just rip everything to pieces and scream into a void. He didn’t want to see you like this, but quite frankly there was nothing he could do. His feelings were slowly fading, and they weren’t coming back. Everything that seemed bright in the world went dull as he pondered over his own emotions in his room. Letting out a feral yell, he sent all the books and papers on his desk flying to the floor, ripping some up and stomping on them. “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? HUH? I CAN’T DO THIS TO HER! I can’t... I can’t hurt her like that.” He grabbed at his hair, pulling at it as he slid down the wall hopelessly, choking out strained sobs and screams as tears poured from his eyes. He was beyond frustrated. He definitely didn’t want to hurt you by telling you how he felt, however hiding it wouldn’t do any good either. In fact, the longer he hid it, the more affected by it you would be. He had made his mind. He was going to tell you the truth the next day, but at what cost? He was scared, definitely. He could already picture what would happen. He would tell you his conflicts, and you two would end it there, with both of you crying and leaving for different classes. He would probably do terribly during practice, maybe even skip it for once, and you would probably go home and cry. It would hurt him to tell you, but it was for the best.
You weren’t feeling ecstatic the next day, although you should’ve been. In your bag, was a framed polaroid, along with a tiny note attached to it, stuffed in between your lunchbox and textbooks. You made sure not to let the note crumple up. That was something important. Your friends teased you about it, calling you a hopeless romantic, lovestruck schoolgirl, and a variety of different romance tropes. All you could do was nod and laugh dryly, and pray they didn’t see the frown on your face throughout the whole day. During lunch, you scanned the cafeteria for your partner, finally landing your eyes on his tiny figure. He was in the very back of the lunch line, scrolling through his phone, again. You took a deep breath, grabbing the polaroid and treading towards him. “Nishinoya, can I talk to you alone for a bit?” The boy’s eyes glanced towards you, before he cracked a fake grin. “Uh sure thing.” You pulled him out of the lunch line, guiding him to behind a random stairwell, leaning on the wall with the framed photo in hand.
“So, for our second anniversary, I made you this. I hope you like it.” Nishinoya froze, before his eyes widened, his mouth slowly opening. “I- I’m so sorry (Y/N), I completely forgot about this! Oh lord I’m so dumb oh god-” He stopped for a moment. This was the perfect opportunity to tell you. You two were finally alone, he could just get it done and over with. He thought about it a bit more. Would it be too much for you? He had already forgotten about you guys’ anniversary, whilst you made an effort to make him something. He decided against it. He would do it another day. “Yuu, it’s okay, Don’t worry about it. Just read the note when you get back. I gotta go eat now, see you around.” And with that, you made your way back to your table. NIshinoya’s heart clenched. He felt terrible. He really hid the fact that he was losing interest from you for months, whilst you continued to believe that he loved you with his whole heart. He stared at the polaroid in his hand. It was from when you two had your first date in a pink cafe. That was the first time he ever kissed you in public. Inside of the frame, was a piece of paper folded into a tiny square. That was the note you were talking about. He let out a heavy sigh, returning to the cafeteria as well.
The note was now in his hands, still folded in that neat square. When school ended, you didn’t wait for Nishinoya like you usually did. Instead, he saw you walk away with another friend, who was patting your back as you were hunched over slightly. His heart dropped. Thank the lords he decided not to tell you today. Polaroid frame in hand, he examined everything. Maybe there was some hidden message behind this. Maybe she wrote something on the back of the polaroid too, instead of just writing a note. He took a few minutes to just observe the framed photo, before giving up and shoving it back into his bag. There was nothing weird or suspicious about it. It was just a normal polaroid. He walked home alone, not waiting for Tanaka. He felt like absolute shit, head hanging low as he walked towards his house, hands in his pocket. The second he got to his room, he threw everything to the floor, scrambling for the framed polaroid and pulling out the untouched note. He opened the note up, to see a neatly written message. It wasn’t just a note, it was a whole letter.
Dear Yuu,
I expected this already, so don’t be sorry. I knew you were going to forget. You’ve changed, everyone could see. Because of that, there’s something I need to tell you.
I’m breaking it off here.
Nishinoya’s eyes widened as he gripped the paper tightly with his now shaky hands. “No way....”
I know you might be confused as to why I’m doing this. But hear me out. I can see that you’ve changed. For the past months you’ve been uninterested. You haven’t been like the old Yuu since New Year’s Eve.
I love you, I do, but I can’t bear to see you force yourself into continuing this facade. It’s been two years, this isn’t a surprise to me. I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay with me against your heart’s desire. I’d rather you be happy with the relationship. Please. Let’s just end it here. It was beautiful while it lasted, but now it’s just trauma for me. I hope this anniversary gift is good enough. Goodbye.
Tears streamed down the boy’s face as he re-read the letter again. Nothing changed. You had said what you said and Nishinoya felt terrible. He should’ve known you would be able to read through him. He should’ve just told you from the start, instead of keeping it in like a coward. Putting the letter down, he grabbed his bag, and threw it across the room, letting it land to the ground with a thud as his laptop and his textbooks spilled out. “NISHINOYA YUU WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” Ah, of course, it was his mom. “NISHINOYA STOP MAKING SO MUCH NOISE!” The short boy ignored her, continuing to let his anger out. He threw all the books from his shelf onto the wooden floor, ripped up pieces of homework, and threw the polaroid to the ground, jumping on it and cracking the glass. He wasn’t mad at you. He was frustrated with himself. He was furious at his own cowardice, that led to him breaking your heart. “Why? It shouldn’t have been like this! I should’ve apologised to her before any of this happened! We might’ve had a chance!”
He continued to massacre his bedroom, throwing everything at his wall and breaking anything he possibly could get his hands on. His legs felt tired from stomping and jumping and his arms ached from ripping everything. He fell back, landing on his ass as he cradled his face in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably. He wanted to lie to himself. Tell himself there was nothing he could do about it. Convince himself that he had already tried his best.
But deep down, he knew that he just didn’t try hard enough, and now, the two years you guys spent together, where he loved every single minute of, was nothing but a beautiful trauma.
@sunshines-and-tatertots @izzyphantomgamer @tokyoghoose @artsamber @trashcanweeb @inlwlevi @tiger1719 @mariechan123 @random-fandomlover @kaylacinderella @burnt-tomato @macaronnv @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @just-another-bored-writer @ewfilthymundane @agentvicinity
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Okay this is actually so bad I’m sorry idk I just hate this with a passion and I think it’s terrible but I hope you liked it🥺😔💕
Beautiful Trauma lyrics on genius
Comments on the music video
My overanalysing brain
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A New Arrangement [Part 3/9]
<- Part 2 | Part 4 ->
Summary: Office gossip, and learning a few new things about your client that leave you embarrassed 
1,194 words
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“He was such a weirdo! You have no idea—I legit thought it was going to be some creepy sex party thing,” you laughed, leaning over the top of Roxy’s cubicle.
The plump woman scrunched her face with flawless purple makeup in disgust. “Oh my god,” she squealed. “Do not go back there. Get Bobby to take it over. Seriously.”
“Seriously,” you groaned, although you in fact meant the opposite. The hell you were going to give up a big client to the office playboy.
Maybe you would have to eventually. Dr. Chilton did not seem to like you very much, and to be fair, you really put your foot in your mouth right off the bat and never actually apologized for it. Come to think of it, you could hardly blame him for being a bit churlish.
Three days later, you had another chance. You vowed to start this meeting off on a better foot.
You’d looked him up this time so you wouldn’t stumble face-first into any pitfalls. One of the first headlines was “Chesapeake Ripper Suspect Cleared of Suspicions After Near-Fatal Shooting in FBI Custody” followed by links to his books about the Ripper and the Red Dragon, articles about his being discovered half-drowned in a fountain after being burned and mutilated, and an older article on Tattlecrime about his being vivisected while conscious by a former patient.
This guy had been through the meat grinder!
You started reading his first novel, Hannibal the Cannibal. His writing was as dry and pretentious as his speaking voice, the tone overly-technical, though as you got into the flow of it you began to see how it had held enough of the layman’s attention to ascend to best-sellerdom. There was a ridiculous humor buried in the stuffy formality of its grammar, like an old British comedy.
The day of the meeting, you greeted him at the door with a less-forced smile, did your best not to stare at his absurd suit-and-mask outfit, and thought you were being very polite. You also wore a sexier outfit, just as a little fuck-you for thinking you were drab.
He was, at least, less prickly.
He invited you in, holding the door open and flinching a little as you passed through, stepping into into his personal bubble. The reaction reminded you not to try to shake his hand, though it felt rude. He was a little more familiar with you—he got your name wrong, but it was so obvious that it was on purpose that your lips turned up into a wry smile. You couldn’t see him smiling back, but you had a feeling he was pleased with himself.
Now that the shock of his appearance had worn off, you found he was a well-articulated gentleman and fairly charming in conversation. He might not be a total crazy person after all. You might, actually, not hate him.
But you had barely booted up your laptop and pulled up documents to review when he tossed you out, leaving you wondering what exactly the hell you had said this time to offend him. Roxy was going to get an earful when you went to get drinks after work.
You returned the next week, and the same thing happened. This time, you weren’t going to take it anymore.
“OK, what is going on? Are you not happy with my services?” You slammed the laptop shut. “Do you want someone else assigned to your case?” That last addition came out more fragile than you’d intended. It stung to imagine giving him up to a coworker, but if he hated your guts, then he hated you.
“You are fine,” he said tersely, pressing his fingertips to his porcelain brow.
“Then what? Are you just jerking me around for fun? You enjoy wasting my time?”
He said nothing, but his chin tilted indignantly into the air.
“Well, if you’re going to keep cutting these so short, I’m not going to keep driving all the way out here.”
“I pay for the full hour regardless. That makes your time more valuable, if anything.”
You half laughed as you stuffed your laptop and various papers back into your bag. “I’m sorry, but no. There is paperwork and research I have to do back at the office depending on your decisions that I can’t start because you haven’t made any. If you keep blowing these meetings off then you can find somebody else to help you.”
Brusque? Yes, but you were tired of being disrespected by some rich asshole.
You shot up from the desk, chair legs scraping on the hardwood, and marched out.
Before you could reach the door, Dr. Chilton stood and called after you, a plaintive, almost desperate quality to his voice. “I cannot manage these lengthy sessions. Sitting upright too long makes my head ache, and my grafts sting.”
You froze in the doorway.
“I have only been out of the hospital for a month,” he confessed, begging you not to leave. His tone turned sharp and defensive again. “Given your line of work, one would think you would be more sensitive to the needs of the ailing.”
You turned on your heel, hands flying to your mouth. “I-I’m so sorry… sir. I thought that you—of course I will do anything I can to accommodate your needs!” Your cheeks burned hot. Why did you just assume he was blowing you off and force him to explain a medical condition?! He was right, that was like, rule number one at your job. “I am so getting fired,” you whimpered to yourself.
The cavernous study seemed vast in the distance between you. You tried to divine if he was angry, or forgiving, but the mask betrayed nothing. He just stood, distant and observing.
“Is there anything that would make it easier for you? If you need to lie down while we talk, that’s fine. A lot of clients do. I see people in the hospital all the time.” You closed some of the distance until his foot took a half step back.
His head tipped considering your proposal. He was a proud man, that much you were certain about Frederick Chilton, and the idea of laying down would be admitting how sick he was. He would rather rudely cut an appointment short with no explanation than admit to needing extra support. (It wasn’t entirely your fault for not realizing—he literally masked his pain, which made him hard to read). But he also did not want you to be angry and quit, and so he gestured you to follow him to a supple leather couch set into a reading nook. There was a low coffee table in front of it on which to set your computer, and a few leather chairs that sank you into a reclined position no matter how you tried to sit at attention.
He stretched out on the couch with an embarrassed grumble, and lay there rubbing his temples for a few minutes before turning to you and instructing you to begin.
Much to her disappointment, you didn’t have a word of gossip for Roxy the next day.
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rankdisasster · 5 years
old habits die hard
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Billy Hargrove x fem reader
“what about a first time having unprotected sex with billy when y'all are married?? I have a hc that he's really safe !!!!!because safe sex is important!!! so when he'd marry his girl the first time without a condom would be a big deal” requested by anonymous.
word count: 2,840
warning(s): nsfw, swearing
a/n: yes I do write smut for anyone wondering, and this is like my first legit wack at a full on filthy one-shot buuuut! I hope this is okay??
Heaven. That’s just what you and your marriage together is for Billy. Heaven wasn’t some bearded white dude with a halo on a boring cloud, it was the perfection between his wife’s thighs. It was his wife’s mouth and all the tricks you did to drive him off the rails with it, it was your dirty talk while you teased him relentlessly even when he begged for you to take him all the way. Your body was his fucking sanctuary, plain and simple.
Yours and Billy’s sex life was held mostly in the hands of Billy, given that he’d known all there is to get the best out of it. Let’s just put it this way: he was the Stephen fucking Hawking in the sheets, and he took that gold metal with pride. Billy was no amateur, he wasn’t just an encyclopedia for making sex as hot and exciting as it could be, but he also happened to be safe about it. That’s what truly makes him the best, that he knows all the risks, and does great lengths to avoid accidental pregnancies or other consequences that may occur. He’d still make sure you were having fun, and he’d spend chunks of money from his paycheck nearly every week on condoms for you both, stocking up and hiding them somewhere inconspicuous in every single room. The pull out method just never worked for Billy, mostly because it’s too risky and he doesn’t trust himself when he’s about to blow to do it anywhere else not in you.
So that’s why he nearly choked on the coffee he had gulped at the exact moment that you said you wanted to try taking him raw this time tonight.
Coughing and stuttering like a bafoon, he finally clears his throat and recovers from you nearly killing him, and then stares.
“What? We’ve fucked just about every other way imaginable, why not try it out?” you stick your bottom lip out, pleading as you go up to him closer and closer. So close that he feels the hairs behind his neck stand up and goosebumps forming when your hot breath fans his ear.
Billy closed his eyes and takes a deep breath before setting his coffee down on the table. He refuses to lose his composure, and knows that there’s so much that could go wrong without using protection. “Don’t do that.”
“I don’t know what you’re accusing me of doing, baby. I’m not doing anything,” you chuckle. Your hands crawl up his broad chest and even run over his hardened nipple through his shirt, and now he fucking regrets not wearing a tank top underneath. Slowly losing control over what his wife is doing to him, he tries to speak as you trail itty bitty kisses on his ear before biting it, making him sigh out a small “ahh” and losing his train of thought.
You kiss everywhere and anywhere you can get your paws on, persuading him with your body and your words.
“Mm, I mean think about it, B. We’ve got it all. A home with all this space, decent careers. Hell, since we got hitched my parents have even encouraged this,” you rub your hands down his back.
“Don’t you dare bring up your parents right now while I’m getting hard.”
“Hey, I’ve been riled up this whole time, so you can—“
Billy took your head in his hands and smashed your lips together, swirling his tongue with yours. Without any more convincing needed on his end, he effortlessly hitched you up in his arms and carries you to the couch. Unwilling and too impatient to take this upstairs, he could’ve fucked you right there on the floor and still be perfectly sated.
“Knew you didn’t have it in you,” you grin, before he sucks on your tongue again and pulling away for two seconds before telling you to shut the fuck up. He’s so ready to get down and dirty already, but he knows that that’s no way to fuck his wife. No no, what he’s gonna do is get back at you for making him choke on his coffee and not asking him about this in a professional manner. God, he swears he loves you more than anything, but sometimes, knowing the affect you have on him, he fucking hates you for using it all to his advantage.
Billy’s cock is like an annoying exclamation point in his jeans, and he thanks himself for going commando on the daily. He throws his belt harshly to the ground, the leather and buckle landing with a loud rattle and a thwack. You widen your eyes and let out a laugh in disbelief at his temper.
“Holy shit, you’ve got to calm down. You’re at a ten, and I’m gonna need you at like a seven.”
Billy growls like a jealous mutt, desperately picking at your items of clothing to be taken off for him to get down to playing with what’s his.
“Calm down, you’re telling me to fucking calm down after what you’ve done? Why don’t you take off your clothes already, or am I gonna have to do all this myself?”
Once in every while your husband gets so unbelievably bratty and childish when he’s horny that he’ll snap at you for taking your time, or even making fun of him in the heat of the moment. He’s dramatic now, but once he comes he’ll be back to normal and laughing about it later.
“Okay, okay, Mister Bossy. Take the piss out of it,” you grumble, still just as ready to feel Billy as he is to get inside you. You take time unbuttoning your flannel that you stole from your husband, getting stuck on the fourth button. Billy has to take the time to palm himself through his jeans for some sort of relief. He then rolls his eyes and whines after forty five seconds had gone by and you’ve somehow mysteriously forgotten how buttons work.
“Come the fuck on, babe, I’m kinda gonna bust on my own here.”
“I’m trying!”
“Not hard enough! You know what? Forget it,” he pulls the flannel down enough to expose your under shirt then pulls that down too. Exposing your breasts to his delight, he finally fucking gets to get his hands on you and he doesn’t wait around. He smiles like a maniac and puts his head down to nuzzle himself between your breasts, sucking absentmindedly on each one and then playing with them. You hum as he gives you the good treatment, sloppy kisses being plotted on the valley of your chest. After Billy feels like he’s had his fix, he moves on to pull your sweats off and rub you through your underwear. You’d gotten so goddamn soaked to the point of feeling the pool of it seeping through your panties. It nearly gives Billy fucking heart palpatations, seeing his absolute favorite sight of his wet wife all for him and his dick only.
Billy possessively, even devilishly, loves the idea of this belonging to his eyes and his touch only. No other bastard on planet earth is as lucky as he is, finding you, picking you. Hell, especially marrying you.
He has to swallow the drool that’s nearly started just looking at the gorgeousity. Without any further ado, he takes the hem of your underwear and plucks them right off, then discreetly puts them in his back pocket of his jeans for later. Pulling back to marvel at the sight of his beautiful wife with her tits hanging out of her flannel, otherwise completely bare for him to take her. Out of purely routine, he reaches for the pack of condoms that were hidden for you both underneath the couch cushion, until you grab his arm and shake your head with your teeth nibbling your bottom lip.
“Right. Sorry. Old habits die hard I guess,” he laughs, as giddy as a schoolboy looking up a girl’s skirt. He undoes his jeans and sheds them, fully remembering the gift he had snatched for himself still crumbled up in his back pocket. His middle finger has taken to rhythmic patterns on your clit before swooping down to you for a hot kiss.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous as always, babe. Married a goddamn pornstar, didn’t I?” he goes in for more, the sound of your lips smacking and your breathy groans to be heard throughout the living room. He switches his technique and swirls his pointer and middle fingers through your gushing slit and bringing it back up to your clit. You grind more into his hand as he takes your breast with his other hand that’s not driving you insane right about now.
“God, baby. I want — I want more, please? I need —“
“You gonna be good for me, hm? Gonna take it, and be more respectful next time you ask me for somethin’?”
“Yes! Yes I will, I am!” you almost want to fucking slap him for the sheer torture he’s putting you through, but it could be served as karma for what you did. But sue you if you weren’t gonna beat around the bush, okay? You’re straight up about what you want and when you want it from your husband. He’s even said before that that’s a quality he loves about you. He’s just as bratty and needy as you can be, which is what makes you the impeccable couple.
“That’s my girl. It’ll all happen soon, just be good,” he murmurs, gradually slowing down his fingers from you and then taking them out, giving them a lick. While maintaining eye contact, he takes the two fingers that had just been all over your clit, and sucks them hard in his mouth all the way down his knuckle. Satisfied with the wound up reaction he got outta you, he keeps one hand on your tits while the other snakes down to his own zipper. When he pulls it down, already exposing his junk given that since you two had been hitched he’d solemnly swear to go commando, always ready to give it to his needy baby. As he still palms your breast and pinches at your nipple, he starts to slowly jack himself slow and steady. Like he’s feeling Jesus, the man closes his eyes and stutters a sigh at how fucking amazing you make him feel.
You involuntarily open your legs wider, hoping the invitation will entice him to get busy and start fucking you raw, but the sight only motivates him to speed his own strokes on himself. Frustrated at the lack of attention you’re receiving, you huff and shove him with all the strength you have in your legs off of the couch. Billy is flown to the carpet floor, livid and cursing up a storm, which you expected and prepared for. He was just being a drama queen as always, and you order him to shut his nagging up before joining him on the floor and pulling him on top of you.
“Fucking brat,” he taunts adjusting you more to be perfectly open and ready underneath him.
“No, you are! I wasn’t just gonna sit there while you play with yourself,” you spit back, before both of you pause to start cracking up. He covers his face in his hands as his shoulders shake with every laugh, and you mirror his attitude.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Billy reminds you, giving your nose a kiss.
“We’ve been married for three years, Billy. I think I might know that by now,” you tease, patting his cheek with your palm before accepting another kiss. This one is much less hurried and dirty, but more tender and loving. It’d be sweet if he wasn’t about to fuck you bare on the floor for the first time in your entire marriage.
Billy lines up as he blows you a kiss, watching your facial expressions like a hawk to read how you’re feeling as he peeks just the tip through. He takes more time to run his dick along your entire slit to loosen you up a bit, and give your clit the attention it starves for. When he actually slides in, as bare as he was born, he furrows his brows and drops his jaw at the beautiful warmth. Having done this with a rubber like the million other times you’ve fucked, of course it satisfied him, felt just as amazing. But the extra intimacy being shared here is driving more and more blood down south far more rapidly than ever before, and he really has to clench and keep himself together to not ruin it by blowing his load early.
Your face says you’ve been dicked down to paradise, having an innocent open mouth smile appear as you groan at the fullness taking up your pussy. Billy is slow about picking up the pace, not wanting to turn into an animal quite yet, still enjoying the feeling of his wife’s bare wet cunt swallowing him up. Once he’s balls deep inside, so far and so big that he sees himself through your stomach, that’s when he starts to get a little more excited.
“Fuck, I love this pussy more than anything in the world,” he grunts, pulling all the way out and doing a rundown with his cock on your clit. He takes a moment to look downward at your joining togetherness, the picture so beautiful and right and wrong that he moans louder before needing to squeeze his eyes shut. After he’s got a better grasp on control, he then bows his head down low and spits a good amount down onto his cock, lubing you up way more than necessary. With the extra kick and slide that it gave the two of you, he starts not holding anything back. And then your husband goes to fucking town with his hips.
Billy starts getting real creative when building up more and more during this stage of sex, now doing figure eight’s with his cock inside you. He even starts pulling out of you to grind his length up and down, then repeating. Soon your howls and his yells as well as the fucked up and half assed dirty talk is all to be heard. Along with the slapping of flesh, which is music to Billy’s ears. He’s spouting nonsense about how heavenly your cunt feels wrapped around him, tight and nice. You’ve started grinding back into his thrusts, and like fucking rabbits, you both stutter a warning to the other about how close each of you are getting.
“Baby, ohmygod— so fuckin’ good, I’m gonna cum inside you, gonna give you all my damn kids, I don’t give a damn. You feel so amazing,” his hips go as fast as he can physically pull off, and you whine as he comes down to you and gives you a kiss that’s mostly just sharing his saliva.
“Ahh — I’m so close, it’s—“
“Do it, do it baby. Cum on your husband’s cock,” he begs, pace stuttering before he finally stills. With a low hum from you and a noisy groan from a very sweaty Billy, the ribbon finally snaps in both of you. He bursts, still staying deep inside you as his fingers fervishly rub the fuck out of your clit to help you find your orgasm on his dick. You squeeze around him while on cloud nine, making him yelp and milk more out of him that he didn’t know he had.
“Shit,” he sighs, not yet pulling out of you before wiping his forehead off and doing the same for you. You whimper at the emptiness when does, you and your husband trying to catch your breath. When he looks down he smirks at his scene of the crime dripping all the way down out of you. Without saying anything, he scoops it back up and rubs your clit another couple times, then copying his actions from earlier and sucking his fingers clean.
“I fucking loved that. If you’re knocked up right now, that’s not stopping me from doin’ that again,” he laughs, laying down beside you and taking your jaw before giving you a good loving post-sex kiss.
“Mm, I liked it too. Billy, I don’t wanna get up, can you grab me my panties? They’re around here somewhere,” you lazily point to the couch and the floor around you. Billy then snatched you up off the floor, you still very naked and filled save for his flannel. He tosses you on the bed as you land with a bounce and a giggle. Your husband throws you a water bottle and you catch it. Both of you chug more than half of it down as you still await for him to follow through with your request.
“Nope. No idea where they went, actually. Sorry babe,” he answers, casually throwing his jeans in the laundry basket you share and smirking to himself at the present still sitting in his back pocket.
I also hc Billy as a dude that takes his s/o’s underwear after sex lmao. oh if anyone’s wondering what im up to writing: I have 1k on the next chapter of girl next door and I’m still working on several asks:)
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moviediary · 4 years
She’s All That (1999)
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Rich and popular makes a bet with his “friend”, whose personality is pretty much summed up by the fact that he has frosted tips, that he can turn any girl into the prom queen after getting dumped by his longtime girlfriend. 
Now don’t get me wrong, I love this movie, but every time I watch it I can’t help but be amazed at how absurd it is. I mean, cliché plot aside, every individual piece that makes up this 1 hour and 30 minute ode to the individual is completely insane. What universe does this take place in? What high school do they go to?
That being said, I really like the opening shots to this movie, it definitely gives you a good introduction to the main character. Laney Boggs. She’s political and messy and 100% down to her bones an art student. She isn’t afraid to be dark.
In contrast I feel like the first meeting of the main love interest really doesn’t set him up to be who the writers want you to think he is. I mean he rolls up to school in a bright yellow Jeep with a Mr. Prez vanity plate. Then you see his shoes when he gets out of the car, fuckin’ ugly ass leather loafers. I’m sorry I know this means nothing I just have a hard time believing this jock wears these fucking shoes they’re so god damn ugly.
Every moment that introduces him makes it seem like he should be the villain, he has pretty much no redeeming qualities that we can see besides his wit (barely) and good looks. I just don’t understand why we’re supposed to like him, this is Sixteen Candles all over again. Hot rich guy, is an asshole, for some reason I still root for and love him. How does that work? What makes these characters so grossly likable? I mean, his name is Zack. That alone raises a red flag for me. That’s a frat boy asshole name. Zacks are friends of Kyle that’s all I’m saying.
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Once we get through his painfully douchey introduction we get introduced to Zack’s equally douchey friends frosted tips and Gus from psych. (don’t ask me what their actual names are it’s not important anyway, that is essentially their personalities) The first thing we hear is them talking about summer break and their vacations, further driving home how rich they are and how weird it is that adults write movies about teenagers having gratuitous amounts of sex with adults. Then Zach tries unsuccessfully to say something philosophical about them graduating soon (I have to keep reminding myself that he’s supposed to have like the 4th highest GPA in their class) They then meet the most 90s girls I have ever seen. Who I guess are supposed to be popular? One thing I do like is how diverse all the characters are, they don’t all look exactly the same which I feel tends to be a problem with high school movies.
So we finally meet the “popular girl” Taylor Vaughn, Zack’s girlfriend and she immediately breaks up with him (which honestly is probably a good idea anyway) and his “friends” fucking laugh at him which he really had coming. I mean. Look at his hair. 
This launches what is probably one of my favorite narrated flashback scenes of all time, not because the topic is particularly interesting but because I love the way they have Zach interrupt her inside of the flashback. It’s a very small addition that really gives the scene style. Also we see this hot girl start dating Shaggy??? Also one of the villains from the original Scream???( he only really plays one character.) Makes me laugh every time. Also makes me a little uncomfortable every time since she’s in high school and he’s who knows how old but whatever not important. This also leads to one of my favorite exchanges in the whole movie. 
Taylor wraps up her spring break story time with one of the rawest lines I've ever seen in a 90s movie (she really did that to him) and the director throws in a classic high school movie trope, everyone actually caring enough to stop and watch this exchange. And while I usually hate this kind of character worship, since this movie is already so bizarre and unrealistic it actually kinda fits
We then cut to Laney’s art class which includes her teacher that for some reason thinks her art isn’t personal enough and two clown obsessed Lydia Deetz knock offs. I have to say I do love this part where the art students literally suggest that she kill herself in order to have her art recognized. Very realistic conversation between art students. 
That whole scene is really funny though because it doesn’t feel like it belongs in this movie. Even the music doesn't fit which is only emphasized by the sudden bell ringing transition back into a stereotypical high school movie. It reminds me of movies like the craft, the way it’s cut together, the way the characters talk, how Laney just stares straight ahead after not saying anything. It seems like she could have chosen a completely different movie to be in. Like if the movie was a chose your own adventure, she could have been in a different genre entirely and the movie would have been about her and those girls faking her death to get recognition and make money from her paintings. which would have been sick. but that isn't the movie I’m watching. Which I’m reminded of when fucking Zack comes back on screen.
Also right before the scene where the actual bet is introduced we meet the school’s resident DJ??? which isn’t important at all but is so strange that I feel the need to point it out. Like they don’t just have a guy who does the announcements they have like a disc jockey who is just there all the time??? There are just so many little things in this movie that make it so weird.
So fucking Brock pukashells pulls up and Zach just flips. Which is understandable it is a very gross moment but he just fucking goes off about Taylor and how she’s not that great and he could get with any girl in the school. His friends point out that bitch boy forgot that Taylor Vaughn is “an institution” and basically Zach with tits. She’s very important. This is something I never get about movies like this, has anyone actually been to a high school where someone was that well known. But also not liked? Like sure she’s hot, but she’s also a grade A bitch to everyone. and according to Zach nothing more than a C minus GPA in a Wonderbra. 
Once you get through the misogyny plus ultra scene and they finally make the bet, frosted tips has picked the girl Zach has to turn into the prom queen. Scary inaccessible Laney Boggs. He’s got 6 weeks to make her popular. He starts off his first exchange with her in the best way possible. By calling her brother Spaz (as his name). Again, we’re supposed to like this guy I think. I don’t know when he’s supposed to become a likable character but I can’t imagine it’s during all these scenes where he just legit insults people.
I also love all of the clips we get to see from Brock’s time on The Real World Which make me really question why all the girls fan girl over him given that he’s actually the worst, even on the show. We also get introduced to Zack’s sister who probably should have been a lesbian given how queer coded her character is besides the fact that she desperately wants a boyfriend. She even goes to an all girls school it would have been perfect. But alas, this movie is gay-less.
We are then introduced to another b-plot in this movie, Zack’s indecision about college. This was I guess to make him more human? or something? To sort of flesh him out and give him problems but honestly he doesn't have any problems. Later in the movie Laney points this out to him, he can do whatever he wants. This whole college thing is resolved fairly quickly later in the film too, it’s not very important it’s just the only thing we see about Zack besides being a perfect high schooler throughout the whole movie. Well that and his terrible performance art and being an asshole. 
After we see that Zack has been accepted by every Ivy League school and their mother (I’m not jealous I swear) we take a brief Taylor being a bitch detour before getting back to Zack making an ass of himself. This time he’s bothering Laney at her job which is awesome we love that. Again I don’t know why we like this guy he does like 3 nice things the whole movie. Anyway she gets defensive like she always does and he fumbles around trying to talk like he’s a normal person and not a walking cliché and then there’s this really strange exchange where he tries to asked her for help in art classes and she says “you don’t take art” and he’s like “how do you know?” and she’s like “Why haven't I seen you in any of my classes?” and like, I get what they were going for but what kind of high school is this? how does she have time to take more than one art class? How is she already an art major before she’s in college that’s not how high school works. I only ever had one school where I could take more than two extra curriculars and that was in middle school and it was only because they fucked up and put me in four hours of study hall and so I just went to all of the art classes that were offered. But that’s different. And am I way over analyzing this movie? yes. Does anyone but me care about this shit? probably not, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway.
I also really like Laney’s best friend who’s kind of just there, all the time, he’s such a good wing man. He also made the best excuse to get out of seeing that weird ass art show she’s in. He’s like, oh good I don’t have to see another Mitch show. He’s probably in his underwear in all of them, I wouldn’t want to go either. I think it really says something about the performance art world though, because this is probably the most believable part of the whole movie. If someone told me that his is just an actual performance art piece that they used in this movie I would absolutely believe them. Also one of the weird gremlins in this piece says what is probably my favorite quote ever which is “my soul is an island, my car is a Ford” like what the fuck is that I love that so much.
I really want to know how they came up with this shit, it’s so perfect. It also is another one of these parts in the movie that doesn’t really add anything. A lot of the movie is like this, I feel like 90% of this movie is weird filler scenes and the rest in plot. Like it’s so obvious how it’s going to end that you barely even need to watch most of the movie, and even when you do watch most of the movie it always kind of feels like it only half has something to do with the plot. I’m not even going to talk about the weird hacky Sack scene, I can’t handle how embarrassing and cringey it is I pretty much always skip through it. What a dick move of Laney’s to even put him in that situation. The whole “your eyes are really beautiful” scene is also really strange, both his lines and her reaction don’t really make sense. Through most of this movie when they actually talk to each other I feel like they don’t have any chemistry. It’s the same when he subtly blackmails her into going to the beach with him. He’s awkward and barely says anything that prompts a response and then she just goes full WOKE EMO on him and like, they really do have nothing in common I do not understand their relationship. And then his friends show up and he’s like, “If we’re gonna be friends we’ll have to deal with them eventually” which like, 1: wow get some friends you actually like maybe? And 2: how are you guys friends, you’ve barely ever managed to exchange civil words on screen. Actually maybe that makes sense, this is why he thinks this is okay (besides the whole bet thing) maybe he doesn’t realize he’s supposed to actually like his friends and girlfriend. Because it really seems like he doesn’t like any of them, which I get. Except for Gus (not his name but whatever) because that guy’s actually pretty funny and spends the whole movie calling frosted tips out whenever he sounds too much like Kenny from Can’t Hardly Wait.
The whole beach scene is kinda take it or leave it too, there are a lot of moments where we see Laney hang out with Zack and other people but honestly through the whole movie there really isn’t a whole lot of growth. We don’t actually really see them bond or talk, we’re supposed to believe their relationship is growing but I guess that must be happening off screen because I don’t see it.
One of my favorite parts is when Zack forces the JV soccer team to clean Laney’s house, the kid answering the jeopardy question and her dad just realizing they were there. Oh man, gets me every time. The makeover scene is also pretty cute, I always love those. Also the whole “new, not improved, but different Laney Boggs” thing is adorable and I appreciate it.
The evolving of the characters and their relationships don’t happen gradually, what little is actually shown is pretty much in like 3 parts, the opening, the party scene, and the end. The characters are very flat for most of the movie and they have very little personality, but the party scene is very fun to watch. From “Gracias, papi!” to Laney turning Misty into a clown, and then the Give it to Me dance sequence. And even though the characters haven’t really given me a good reason to care about them my heart still hurts a little for Laney when Taylor ruins her dress. That’s the thing about this movie, I shouldn’t care, I shouldn’t like these characters, but I still do, and I have no idea why.
The Brock dumping Taylor thing was great, the parallel was expected but I actually think it added to the story. In fact most of the things after the party actually feel necessary to the movie which is nice. Even the soccer practice actually leads to something. I don’t know what it is about the 2nd quarter of this movie that feels so empty but whatever it is it’s enough that I saw a noticeable difference when I got to the third act of this movie.
It’s a small part but I also really love the alternative clubs that make signs in favor of Laney for prom queen. They’re just so fucking funny to me. I mean, Hygiene club? Prisoners club??? What?
Then they pull another fast feelings thing on me again. They throw the mom painting scene at me and like, wow that’s sad. Then Zack tries to garner sympathy for the problems that he makes for himself. Then boom they flip on me again they’re cute and I like them. Then she says that weird thing about prom and he just dips man. And like, Why do they gotta do me like that? I cannot seem to decide if I like these characters or not it’s so weird how this dialogue is written.
And then the dream happens? Definitely one of the best scenes in the whole movie. So fucking perfect. It really just adds to the weird slight surrealness of this whole movie.
Then we go back to the school and suddenly everyone is dressing like Laney? In support I guess? Again can I just ask what fucking school they go to? And then there’s the beat boxing scene? Where they rap about who’s gonna be prom queen? I’ve never even met anybody that invested in the outcome of who’s gonna be prom queen except for those running. I don’t even think I know anybody who voted. Even so, I do love the beat box scene, they really spit some bars.
Also I just noticed that in that super fucked cafeteria scene, you can see Buffy make a cameo? Just a fun little trivia fact. But seriously that cafeteria scene is fucked. Like, the pubes on the pizza? I wish no one had thought of that ever. Also can I just say I would undoubtedly rather get my ass kicked than be forced to eat pubes. I don’t know what they were thinking that isn’t even a question.
It’s also really uncomfortable how good frosted tips is at acting like he’s not a douchebag. What a creep. If that were a real guy I’d be tempted to call him a sociopath. So gross. But I suppose it’s good for the story line.
The end of the movie wraps up pretty fast honestly. Zack’s dad and him finally communicate which fixes Zack’s only problem immediately because that’s just how easy it is. He was just projecting the whole time, his dad had literally no problems other than being a typical rich dad. Then of course we get another moment with the school DJ who I guess just gets to play and say what ever he wants whenever he wants. Am I the only one who thinks it’s really inappropriate how sexual that guy’s announcements about prom are? Maybe it’s just me and I had a really different high school experience but I feel like people are way too focused on sex when they make movies about high school. Other shit was going on you know? It’s just odd for me to think about grown adults writing and pitching this movie.
Zack really is such a bitch boy though, he doesn’t even try to explain anything to her, just lets her get hurt and lets Taylor be a bitch to her without saying anything. He doesn’t even try to tell her that frosted tips was just as much a part of it as he was. Honestly I kind of wish that frosted tips wasn’t such an asshole his whole heart to heart with her at the door before prom could have been really cute if I didn’t already know he was a lying scumbag. But I guess Laney just gets the lesser of the douchebags.
We finally get to the prom, inarguably the best part of the whole movie, all the little bits and pieces. The sex doll guy is always funny as hell. The DJ being the school DJ works really well brings a lot of closure to that whole weirdness. Also that dance scene is fucking great, has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, which actually works since about 40% of the things in this movie have nothing to do with the plot of this movie. I absolutely unironically tried to learn this dance, man I fucking wish prom was actually like this. I don’t know about you guys but for me, both of my proms were not nearly this theatrical. I spent my first one playing black jack the whole time and my senior prom was full of people that were way too white to dance. Anyway, Laney doesn’t win and she leaves early. Zack gives a pretty boring speech. Taylor goes off on everyone. Frosted tips tries to get Laney in bed and everyone gets upset.
The whole thing ends with Laney coming home to find Zach waiting for her to make sure she’s okay, which is sweet and all but like I can’t help wondering how long he had just been standing there waiting. Especially since it seemed like her dad was just ignoring him. That’s just a funny image to me. Anyway, they dance in the backyard. They kiss. It’s cute. Zack loses the bet so he accepts his diploma naked which I’m pretty sure is indecent public exposure but sure.
Overall it’s a very cute movie. The clichés are sort of made up for by all the weird 90s movie things. Plus it has a pretty great soundtrack. I know I sort of really went in on this movie but to be honest I really enjoy watching it. I’m not sure why. It’s pretty bad when you think about it any deeper than surface level. But it’s also just really fun and the characters are weird and there’s too many duffel bags to be normal and it’s just funny. It’s really weirdly funny. And it has that same non-conclusion that a lot of teen rom-coms have where they just can’t really give you all that much and just make sure they’re happy even if you know there is no way they can continue a relationship outside of high school. It may sound like it, but I’m not mad at it. If you haven’t already I’d say watch it. Watch it as a relaxing mindless good time activity. At the very least you won’t be bored, but if you get sympathy embarrassment like I do then maybe skip a few parts.
As of right now this movie is not available for free on any streaming sites (yes I own it on DVD don’t @ me)
Final Verdict:
Actual movie review: 6/10
How fun is it to watch?: 8/10
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Stuckony & Peter -- Ice Cream
First, some whining. Next paragraph is about the fic itself, so if you don’t care, don’t read this XD This is more of a weekly vent session for me, ngl. Anyway, this semester might kill me, and I’m super tired all the time and kinda worried it’ll mess with my marriage, cause when I am home, I legit don’t want to do anything other than read and watch my TV shows that Cody doesn’t care about, and I don’t particularly enjoy hanging out with him? Cause he like. Never talks to me, and only really wants to kiss and cuddle and try to makeout with me (which we still haven’t done, for various reason it’s a serious struggle for us to be physical with each other), which I generally don’t want because I just want to read and then sleep. So ya. School is killing me, my relationship is stressing me out, and I’m out the door by 7AM and then get home close to 11PM, and then have homework. Send help or mayhaps prayers my way haha.
On the story: this is weird for me, cause it’s more of a kidfic, which I’m not sure I’ve really written yet, at least not with Peter being this young (I’m thinking he’s about 6 or 7 here, though fairly articulate for a kid that young haha). It’s Stuckony, because I love watching Steve and Bucky interact with such a young Peter, and have been wanting to write a kidfic with this ship for a while now. Anyway, I got the idea from Twitter dad James Breakwell, or XPlodingUnicorn. His tweets never fail to make me laugh, and he has some quality stories haha. Look him up if you need a laugh or don’t know what I’m talking about. If my Russian is incorrect, please tell me. I’m always down for learning a new language, but holy heck my brain feels like soup and I have like 3 more months of this, so be nice to me.
Here we go, hope you like it all right :) I don’t care for the ending, but whatever I guess, I don’t have forever to make it something I like lol. I might try for more IronStrange next week, but I’m also debating trying some IronPanther, or some VLD ideas I’ve had for a while. I might also branch out so hey, it might get exciting in a bit idk.
“Daddy?” Bucky looked up when he heard his son approach.
“What’s up, Pete?” he responded.
“Could I have ice cream?” Bucky paused.
“Did you ask your dad?”
Peter was quiet for a moment before answering. “Yes.”
“What did he say?”
Another pause. “No.”
Bucky chuckled, “Okay… Did you ask Papa?”
“And what did he say?’
“All right, Peter, then why would you ask me?”
Peter stared up at Bucky, his expressive brown eyes pleading. “Because they can’t tell you what to do! You’re the Fun Daddy.”
Bucky’s mind immediately when into overdrive. On the one hand, this was definitely a trap. On the other, the fun daddy? That was a hard title to give up… But it was a trap. Ugh, but really, if Bucky wanted to give the kid ice cream, neither Steve nor Tony were there to stop him. Then again, there would be hell to pay later, especially knowing both had already told him no. But those bambi eyes were right there…
Bucky agreed.
And half an hour later, when his dad and papa came home and saw them eating half-melted bowls of ice cream and watching cartoons, he joined Peter in dropping his bowl on the counter and immediately fleeing the scene of the crime. Of course, they didn’t get far. It took Tony  zero effort to catching their squirming kid, and then it just wasn’t as fun and Steve easily grabbed a hold of him.
“Ice cream? Really, Buck?” Steve looked unimpressed.
“Seriously?” Bucky whined. “How the hell do you two manage to ignore those little puppy eyes?!”
“Easy, don’t look at them.”
“I told the kid he could have ice cream after dinner.” Steve and Tony responded at the same time. Steve looked disapprovingly at Tony, but before he could start lecturing him, too, Peter wriggled free and set off down the hall again, screaming for his “Aunt Nat”.
“Tony, he doesn’t need ice cream every night!”
“And he’s not getting it! He had cookies last night, so there!”
“Tony,” Steve groaned.
“Oh, chill, Capsicle, I was gonna give him some of Bruce’s dumb healthy frozen yogurt or whatever it is.”
Steve paused, then nodded. “That’s fine, then, but really, Bucky? What were you thinking?” Bucky glared, ripping his arm out of Steve’s grasp. “I gave him the same, you punk. I distracted him with cartoons and switched the cartons when he wasn’t looking. He was eating yogurt.”
Steve looked sheepish, and Tony and Bucky felt a surge of triumph over it.
 Of course, that quickly changed when they sat at the table after dinner that night. Peter was sitting with Natasha, happily slurping away at his bowl of ice cream while Natasha glared at the three of them, daring them to try and tell her nephew that he couldn’t have ice cream. “If you ever feed moy pauk yogurt like that again, I will not hesitate to maim you.”
“Natasha,” Steve began.
She stepped forward, somehow menacing despite the height and weight difference between the two of them. “Moy. Pauk. Malysh.”
Needless to say, they never told Peter they would give him ice cream and then switch it out for yogurt when he wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully, Pete was a good kid and liked the yogurt almost as much as the ice cream. Still, whenever Natasha was spending time on their floor, they made sure she knew the kid was getting ice cream.
It was always a good idea to have both of their spiders in good moods.
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universalfanfic · 5 years
This took me longer than it should have to write, but I wanted to add another part to the dd/amh au crossover. Because lack of impulse control. 
Mary belongs to @inkoutsidethelines 
Mary didn’t know what to say. After the words had left her lips, she expected to be thrown into a dungeon for real this time, but instead she was more confused than she’d been at the start. 
“You… know what Monty Python is?”
“How did you get here?” The queen turned to her husband, brow furrowed. “I thought The Vessel was secure.”
“It is. To my knowledge.”
Mary felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under her and the world flipped over on its head. 
This place wasn’t earth. She’d done enough sleuthing her first few days for it to become clear that she hadn’t been transported to an amish village or renaissance fair. And that had been hard enough to believe, but now? Now the queen of this place recognized a movie quote? 
“No flipping way.” The queen took a step closer, much to the guard’s dismay, and she stared intently at Mary as if she were some new creature. “What’s the capital of France?”
“What’s in a galaxy far, far away?”
Mary’s face wrinkled at the interrogation.
“Uh, Star Wars?”
“What would you put sriracha on?”
“Almost everything?”
The queen stepped back, wide-eyed, and she let out a short breath in an astounded rush. 
“She’s legit. Oh my gosh.”
“I’m sorry,” Mary said as she waved her hands. “Wait- just-. Are you from earth?”
“Your majesty?”
Sir Wilson stepped forward, hand still resting on his hilt, as he cast a confused eye at Mary before turning fully to his queen. 
“Sorry, Sir Wilson. I know this is weird. And not exactly common knowledge.” 
“What is going on,” said Mary. 
Owen’s eyes widened in wonder as the words sank in. The mood in the room shifted from suspicion and gratitude to awe and confusion. 
“Mother, she’s from your world?”
Several people started to speak at once when Sir Wilson cleared his throat. He still looked troubled and doubtful. 
“Your majesties, regardless of where she hails from, I would still call for caution. We don’t know this woman or her intentions.” 
Owen visibly stiffened and the royal couple both noticed yet again. Mary leaned into his touch, careful to keep where her dagger sat below his hand. She needed to make sure she stayed in his favor. And by the look of determination that settled on his face, it seemed like the move worked. 
Oddly enough, the king’s own demeanor softened at the mention of earth. His expression held something like sympathy tinged with fondness, and he put an arm around his wife’s waist. 
“Even still,” the king said, “she is a guest and we are in her debt. Have a room prepared for her and let her get cleaned up.” He turned his gaze toward Mary and she swallowed. Perhaps she’d be able to get out of this after all. 
“If you need anything, ask.” He said. “It will be brought to you.”
Mary nodded and fidgeted, moving slightly away from Owen, and her dagger from his hand, as some of the danger passed. 
“Some food would be nice,” she hedged.
The king nodded and Owen spoke. 
“I’ll bring-”
“No. We need to speak, Owen.”
“This isn’t a debate.” The king’s tone turned more gentle. “You’ll live.”
Sir Wilson didn’t look fully satisfied with the turn of events and Mary decided to avoid him at all possible costs. He was the only one asking probing questions and she didn’t need that right now. Especially with her head still reeling like it was. 
“Hey,” the queen said; and Mary’s head snapped up. “If anyone starts, you know, singing? You just have to ride it out, ok? You can’t stop them.”
Mary had no clue what to do with that. But she nodded anyway since it seemed the polite thing to do. A guard was sent ahead to pass on orders to the castle staff, and they left the guard’s building to head back to the castle themselves. 
While the guard’s office had been minimal, the inside of the castle was much more elaborate and fine. It was expected, Mary knew, but the sight of it all still made her wonder in surprise. It was warm inside, with the scent of fresh bread and flowers mingling in the air. Colorful tapestries lined the walls along with some vibrant landscapes.
It was precisely the sort of thing that Mary expected a fairy tale to look like. 
Owen, as well as the guards, kept close to her during their walk but luckily he allowed some distance between them after a few pointed looks from his parents. It seemed they also found his behavior a bit odd. 
Mary filed that away as another thing to deal with later. Preferably after some food and getting the guards to ease off her case. 
Having someone else from earth here changed things. It being the queen only made it better. Mary could play up the confused, misplaced traveler bit, not that it wasn’t genuine, and they could possibly help her get home. 
“Do you have castles on earth?”
Owen’s voice broke her away from her musings, and Mary looked up. His face was open and sincere, and attention devoutly centered on her. Mary shrugged. 
“Yeah. But they’re old and no one really lives in them anymore.”
“Oh. Well, I’d be happy to give you a tour when your settled. Hopefully everything is satisfactory.” 
“It’s great.”
Of course it was fine. Great. But something itched at the back of Mary’s mind and she couldn’t identify it. Everything in the castle was clearly quality and lush. But it felt like something was missing.
A shout erupted from down the hall and all turned to look as Princess Willow sprinted in their direction, skirts lifted and all. 
“Lady Hero!” 
Mary had to put a foot back to brace herself as the small girl collided with her, arms wrapped around Mary’s waist.
“Thank you for helping me! You were quite brave- Oh, is that a knife? Do you hide knives like Mistress Natasha?” 
Willow’s hands were directly over the hilt of the dagger and she stared up at Mary so unknowingly. Like she didn’t understand that this could be dangerous, or how much danger she could put Mary in. Mary blanched and held up her hands as the guards at her back began to draw their swords. 
“Wait, wait! It’s not-”
“Stand down,” said Owen. 
All eyes were on her and defenses were up. The exact situation she didn’t want. Mary swallowed as her heart began to beat faster. She gestured down to the waistband of her trousers.
“I can grab-”
“Don’t move!”
“I was just going to-”
“Wait a moment.”
Mary blinked as Willow’s voice fluctuated in melody. In front of her, the queen groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. Surprisingly, everyone did freeze in place.
“Let’s all just take a second, to breathe and to think!
This Lady Hero has come and saved me from deceit 
Can’t we all be kind, and lay down our pointy knives?” 
Mary’s mind was spinning once again. Willow’s voice was light and high and just as she started speaking, someone in the castle started music back up again. Mary turned wide eyes to the queen and the queen winced with a small shrug. 
“The dangers too great, princess can’t you see?
This world is filled with violent possibilities.”
No one even reacted as Sir Wilson joined in. Mary thought she was going to choke. She reached back, pulled the knife from the back of her trousers and dropped it on the ground in one swift movement.
“There! I only had it for self defense.”
The music stopped playing and the singing stopped. Mary let out a breath and the queen nodded sagely.
“That was about how I felt.” 
No one else looked especially disturbed. Except, however, Sir Wilson, who snatched up her stolen dagger and tucked it away. He only kept back at Owen’s warning look. 
Willow grabbed Mary’s hands and grinned up at her. For the first time Mary was paying enough attention to notice that Willow had two differently colored eyes. One green and one blue. 
“I like the sparkles in you,” she said. “They’re really warm.” 
Mary tried to delicately flex her fingers to dislodge them from the girl’s hold.
“Um, thank you?” “Willow, come here. What did we talk about saying silly things?” 
Willow let go and skipped to her mother. 
“Silly is for family and friends.” 
They began moving again, and Owen hesitated, as if he wanted to put a hand on her shoulder but wasn’t certain about it. 
“I’m sorry about the guards. I promise they only mean well,” he said. “Are you feeling alright? You look… overwhelmed.”
Mary licked her lips and ticked her head to the side. 
“That’s one way of putting it.”
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mtvswatches · 6 years
Wynonna Earp 1x05 Digging Up Bones
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Stray thoughts
1) Does Wynonna have prophetic dreams like Buffy? I mean, she’s obviously haunted by her dad’s and sister’s deaths, but I can’t help but think there must be some underlying meaning to her nightmares…
2) #same
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And something about the camera angle and the lighting gives this scene a dream-like quality? Is she still dreaming?
3) Ugh this dude is still there?
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Well, I guess not any more…
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4) 😊
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I love how distracted Wynonna is by looking at Dolls because, let’s be real, who wouldn’t?
5) I’m guessing Wynonna has some kind of history with this judge guy.
6) What do you know, Purgatory is as corrupted as Sunnydale or Neptune. But at least Dolls knows how to play the game.
7) See? They are a Scooby Gang!
DOLLS: Waverly will stake the place out during the raid and photograph anyone she sees. Doc will come down, see if he recognizes anyone - from the old days.
WYNONNA: Aw, there's a little rebel in there.
DOLLS: Not that little.
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9) The creepy-crawler dude has it out for Doc, but like, Doc only did what Bobo ordered him to?
10) I feel Wynonna not playing by the rules is going to be both her saving grace and her downfall in this journey. For instance, she pushed the situation at the trailer park until she got what she wanted – she got Bobo arrested. But Bobo saw Waverly taking pictures, and we know Bobo has a special place in his heart for Waverly…
11) I agree with Dolls, though. Wynonna will have to learn when to play by the rules and when to break them. She needs to learn to walk that thin line because if she doesn’t, it could backfire.
12) Holy shit, this scene!
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My heart was thumping during their whole exchange, it was so tense and scary. For the first time, I was legit terrified of Bobo and what he could do. I mean, I don’t think there was much he could do (although I suspect he could’ve broken free if he’d wanted to, he was probably just being smart and trying to play nice.) But just the way he stared at Waverly and talked to her and pointed at her? CHILLS.
And this?
WAVERLY: Why, when I was little, did you choose me to manipulate? Huh? Because I was gullible? Weak?
BOBO: Weak is something you've never been. I chose you because you were angry.
WAVERLY: I wasn't angry.
BOBO: You sure?
WAVERLY: I'm not, OK?
BOBO: You've got depths that neither of us know the bottom of yet. Trust me.
What will be these depths Bobo is talking about?
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Like, he couldn’t use it, but damn if he didn’t prove a point! And what type of superpowers does he have? And WHY? What makes him more special than the rest of the revenants? Is it the fact that he knows the name of the Stone Witch?
14)  Miss Stone? Is she the Stone Witch????
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15) Wynonna just got kidnapped by a revenant and guess which is the dynamic duo coming to the rescue?
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16) If it wasn’t the judge the one who tipped Bobo off about the raid, then who was it? There were only so many people who knew it was going down, right?
17) So this guy conveniently knows who The Seven are? He even has photographic evidence? And he’s Doc’s bestie, apparently?
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18) Is Bobo being… abused?
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19) She’s definitely the Stone Witch. Constance or Clootie or Miss Stone.
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20) Okay…
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This was some twisted fifty shades of weird stuff. What type of relationship do they have? He’s suggested he has some power because he knows the Stone Witch’s real name, which is why he’s the only one who can leave the Ghost River triangle limits. So I assumed that gave him some power over her, but it seems he’s totally submissive in their relationship? And what did she mean when she said that she could “hear them”? I don’t think she’s talking about the revenants…
21) How did Wynonna not realize that this dude was gay? Like, he was drooling over Doc. Then again, who wouldn’t be? Also, I really love the implications that Doc probably knew about his sexuality and was supportive of him? That’s some progressive shit for the Far West…
22) She keeps staring at his lips as he talks and I’m here for this shit…
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23) “Earps. Always trying to cut filthy little deals whenever it suits them.” Is he talking about Wynonna’s father? And what type of filthy deal did he cut? Will we find out?
24) Oh, this fucking dude is channeling her father’s voice! That’s messed up!
25) This reminded me of Buffy in When She Was Bad…
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26) Creepy Crawler Dude was the photographer! Does this mean that Doc knew who he was when he pushed him over the limits and tied him up? Like, he met up with his old buddy and knew that he’d given his soul mate a death sentence and didn’t say anything?
27) Did this dude really think he’d remind Wynonna of what they’d done to her sister and she’d let him live?
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28) Ha!
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It’s science.
Favorite out-of-context line.
29) Hahaha I died! The boobs didn’t work, Doc had to flirt with the ladies!
30) Dolls stopped playing by the rules when the judge insulted Wynonna. And is the judge a fucking child molester? I hope someone gets to cut his dick off.
31) I couldn’t take this scene seriously because of his fucking face hahahaha!
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Did she put a spell on him or something?
32) Okay, Doc didn’t know that Levi was Fish’s partner. That makes me feel better about him chaining him up.
33) Eeewwww he chewed off his foot????
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I thought he’d just cut it off!
And I just realized maybe that was barely any better.
34) Will this give Wynonna a different perspective on revenants?
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I mean, how can it not?
I really love this idea that not all revenants are psychopathic criminals, and that some were people who made poor choices in life. It cannot be all black or white, and I think this will probably be one of the toughest lessons Wynonna will have to learn.
She’s gonna kill them and I’m not ready for it.
35) What the fuck is her deal?
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Who are her boys? What is this “lead” she’s promised Bobo? And why is she scared of Doc? It didn’t seem that way when they met earlier…
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I literally spent 5 minutes rewatching that scene… It really caught me off guard, and I was so caught up in what they were talking about because it felt like a defining moment for both of them, you know? Wynonna coming to the realization that she cannot be driven only by revenge, and that she needs to face the fact that not all revenants are demons; Doc defining himself as a monster and embracing his thirst for revenge, even though it seems he’s blaming Constance for a choice he made? And then Doc saying that he and Wynonna are exactly the same… and then… yeah, that was a defining moment for both of them, alright...
Damn, that was hot. I think it’s going on my Epic First Kisses list. Damn. I need to watch that again, excuse me.
I really didn’t expect them to go there this soon into the show? Like, the chemistry between Wynonna and Doc was obviously off the charts, but I thought the writers might want to milk the UST for a while before getting them together? Or maybe they would keep the sexual tension unresolved?
And now I’m freaking out because I fear it might be a one-time thing? Please don’t let it be a one-time thing.
37) Why was Doc in that well, by the way? Did I miss it or hasn’t it been explained yet?
38) Oh shit…
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That’s probably the last picture of the Earp sisters together, isn’t it?
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So it was the fucking child molester the one who tipped off Bobo!!
40) Now that was some an episode alright! The plot advanced A LOT: we saw the face of the Stone Witch and learned a little bit more about her relationship with Bobo – although I still have so many questions! Waverly confronted Bobo and he hinted at her having some powers, we’re learning more about the involvement of the authorities in covering up the revenants and their dirty deeds, Wynonna learned that she cannot be driven by revenge and WYNONNA AND DOC FUCKING KISSED.
Also, I died!
This really felt like a pivotal episode, and I truly can’t wait to see the next one!
41) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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wolfenwingsshop · 6 years
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My Rockman X Anniversary Collection Soundtrack made it in today! Many thanks to my beloved husband Zeekun for getting this for me while I finished my shift up at work. (It was registered air-mail, so I had to send someone to sign for it for me!) Ok, so right into it- there is SO much going on here and I may have to make double-posts to fit it all in.
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So since I ordered the ‘First Press’ I got a special sleeve that had that AMAZING ARTWORK of the four hunters all doing their little gig (I still swear that image of X on the special sleeve alone was worth the 40 dollars I paid to get this thing. I love seeing him happy, damnit.) Inside the sleeve is the CD in it’s standard packaging.
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The tambourine wielding Met is still present too! Considering I once cosplayed as a giant Met at a few Otakons, and when I was in WAS we had a ‘pet’ Metool we named ‘Tooley’, it’s kinda like my past was coming back to greet me. Can I be considered the Met? I will gladly shake a little tambourine around if I get to jam with X. C’mon now.
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So there’s no way they didn’t know some of us were going to import the CD. Why would you include the forward from singer/writer of the English version of Re;Future IN ENGLISH if you didn’t expect non-Japanese people to import it?! THE FACT THAT SHE’S AN X FANGIRL MAKES ME GIDDY AS SHIT.
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The art in the booklet is basically CD-sized versions of the art for MMXLC 1 and 2 and then some of the Mavericks behind the CD... The CD itself though... Hoooo nelly..
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Ok, easily, this is the most gawddamned beautiful CD I now own. It’s got metallic blue circuitry accents and X in full without that text over him and-- NNNNHhhhggg... I can’t. This was so worth it. And the crazy thing was, when I first found out about the CD and saw the original image of them all playing and performing, I was like “God, fuggin’ a. What if they did a Miku/Squid-Sisters like concert and literally had hologram versions of them play at a real venue?” For whatever reason, I could imagine X staring at the crowd with his guitar with a happy, slightly cocky grin-- and then later when I got into that MM Media Creators discord and found THIS IMAGE it was literally what I saw in my head just days before and admittedly I LOST MY SHIT. This happens to me wayyyy too frequently but that is another time. @_@;; Anyhow-- what I was hoping for- aside X being.. well, X, and making wolfens nosebleed everywhere-- were the english lyrics for Re;Future.
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SO AGAIN IN TYPICAL CAPCOM FASHION- They had their Localization director write/translate Re;Future from Japanese to English and then later sing it as well. From what I understand, they also had some issues with recording and it lost some audio quality, some of which they had t manually restore- but from what I understand, Miss Hsu is not a native English speaker so there’s some mispronunciations here and there. Zero and I were trying to get lyrics down for DAYS but we kept mis-guessing what was being said- so since my CD was in the states on Sunday night, we decided to wait till we had official lyrics. SO glad we did, cause I think our ‘hints’ at X9 lie in this song and it’s lyrics.
At first, with the ‘blasting through anything’, especially given you have to use X to blast through the credits to get this song to unlock and play, I was like “OK, THIS IS X SINGING. Well not literally BUT IT’S HIS PERSPECTIVE.” This has happened before, RockmanHolic’s Re:Loaded was sung from X’s perspective even though it was a girl singing. So there’s that.
Then as I was listening, I was mis-hearing lyrics, I was thinking she was saying ‘purple crystal’ and ‘purple heart’ which made me think of Iris- especially if you play X Challenge mode volume 1 and get to the final fight- I was like “OMFG, what if we’re getting Iris back for X9?!” That may still happen based on X Challenge mode, but still. Everything else just coincided with X so strongly, so I was still torn. Plus, the achievement you get for unlocking Re;Future is called “Identity Erased”... And given we have new Giga Armor toys where X has a Rush of his own and in MvCI he slides just like Classic’s Rock does, Iiii.. I’m starting to wonder if we’re looking at the starts of a Retcon and they’re going to confirm X and Rock are one and the same. I’ve got other stuff that points at that, I’m working on a video explaining it all, so when I’m done I’ll explain more. Anyhow...
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I figure if anyone wants a crack, here’s the Japanese lyrics. I can’t read a lick of ‘em (legit, only things I can read in Japanese are “Rockman”, “X”, and “Zero”. That. Is. It.) so if like, Sky or anybody else who has knowledge wants to see if they match up to the English lyrics, be my guest! My friend Alkaid of over-ti.me already has these, so I’m sure she’s probably gonna be getting her buddies in to take a crack at these sometime soon. For now, I wrote-out the English lyrics if you guys wanna copy-paste them, etc. Fragments of me lie in the darkness waiting to be found All I see around me are shadows, No matter how I may try, and so I keep on looking to find a light that will guide me, I won't give up the fight Why am I here? What is my purpose?
Running for all I'm worth, I shout Reaching ahead I throw my arms to the wind Even if it takes all I have, With the last of my voice I'll cry...... I'll call with all of my soul
This sparkling uncontainable light Spilling over a brand new world Its brightness dazzles, dizzying and blinding But I don't wanna close my eyes or look away All these boundless feelings Cascading over a brand new world I'll keep them with me for just a little bit longer I'll keep them safe here until the next world arrives
At long last I found my answers waiting in the darkness I know why I'm here and my purpose I won't return to that loneliness, and so I'll keep pushing onwards Blasting through anything that tries to stand in my way I will fight, I will! Even by myself or for a barren world
Two lights shine brightly showing me the way, and I take courage the they have given me to fight for what I truly believe Nothing can stop me!
Running for all I'm worth, I shout Reaching ahead, I throw my arms to the wind Even if it takes all I have, With the last of my voice I'll cry...... I'll call with all of my soul
This strongly beating hopeful heart Filled to the brim by a brand new world Through people's kindness it learned of warmth and yet It wasn't whole until it learned what peace was at last This utopic brand new world Filled to the brim with hopeful light There's no going back -- not for me, there's only forwards Until that day when the world of our dreams arrives
Whew. Huuuge post! Thanks guys! Wolfie out! ^_^ Now, remember, we plan on streaming more MMXLC tonight and tomorrow, over at my Twitch Channel (twitch.tv/wolfshadow6) so feel free to drop over tonight or tomorrow! Zero and I plan on going through all the games and getting ALL the achievements!
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
Family Counseling (12)
Family Counseling (12) - Drabble
A/N: Saturday update??? I knowwww! This week has been...stressful. I literally fell asleep in the middle of redoing a portion of my thesis last night. Had a family situation that I’m still dealing with along with school continuing to plague my life (btw, I hate groups and trump supporters). 
We’re soooo close to shit hitting the fan. I think the next chapter will mark the beginning of the ending arc. I’m legit so excited to start writing that. Introducing a new (or 2?) character in this part because everyone deserves happiness okay.
I apologize for any confusing parts or mistakes. Been working on this on and off all week while watching my husband Chad on SNL (I actually hate potato salad lol), On My Block (PLEASE WATCH IT), and finished it off today whilst listening to Chun Li and Barbie Tings. *shrugs*
No outfit for this one because….yeah, there just isn’t. lmfaooo
Words: 6889
TAGLIST: @onyour-right @hutchj @janellemonaenae @dreamer7black @geminis2ndface @ruminationsofaraven @myrikal324 @groovybbyyy @iamimanim @parris-symone
Her arm was propped up against the pillow as she laid next to him, her fingers drawing nonsensical patterns along the sharp muscles that defined his back, which was toward her. She knew that he wasn't sleeping as she could see the rise and fall of his body. She also knew that he wasn’t in the same position that she was in; that is, his body completely spent from the consecutive, passionate, and exhaustive lovemaking that had consumed the two in the last twenty-four hours.
No, he was simply relishing the moment.
She eventually grew frustrated with the distance between them and scooted over, placing her upper body on top of his, her cheek pressed into the back of his shoulder blade.
She heard his deep chuckle. “Yes?”
“Do not excite yourself, love.” Her eyes shut. “I simply want you near me. Not in me.”
“You say that now, but your sentiments were quite the opposite just-“ He was interrupted by the slight sting of electricity crackling against his back.
“Hmmm?” She mumbled innocently, retracting her hand to his side and smiling when she heard him grunt. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Nothing, my queen.” He muttered in irritation when he heard it. The sudden strange pattern of her heartbeat. It was just strong, normal, symmetrical, and then it was rapid. He looked over his shoulder. “What is wrong?”
She looked up at him in a daze, startled, and shook her head. “Nothing. I just…I suppose it will take some time.” He felt the pressure being lifted off him as she rolled onto her back as he then turned to hover over her, his hand going to lightly caress her face. “What do I know about being queen?”
“Absolutely nothing.” He answered honestly as she eyed him with incredulity before he laughed softly. “And that matters not because being queen has absolutely nothing to do with the title, my love. It has to do with heart, loyalty, compassion, and I know not one person who has more than any of those qualities than you.”
“You have to say that.” She rolled her eyes and frowned slightly. “You are my husband.” A brief look of astonishment fell over her face.
That did not slip past T’Challa. “What?”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “We’re married.”
He nodded hesitantly. “That is typically what a wedding signifies.”
“No.” She shook her head and grabbed his hand, rubbing it, as it rested on her bare stomach. “I just-I never imagined this could, that this would be us.”
His stomach dropped as he realized what she was saying. “That I would marry you?”
“That you would love me the way that I love you.”
He didn’t know how to respond to that. Actually, he did, but doing so meant that he had to acknowledge how much of an asshole he had been to her and in doing so would mean she would relive all of the shit he’d done to her over the years. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t do anything that could potentially cause her to reevaluate her decision to be with him because he was just that selfish when it came to her, one of the few times in his life that he was selfish.
He couldn’t be without her, even if he didn’t deserve her.
He could apologize though.
She leaned up and placed her index finger over his mouth. “Don’t.” She smiled sadly. “I know that you are still unfamiliar with the concept, but honeymoons are supposed to be joyous occasions.”
“But I-“
She forced her lips to his, slow and passionate, before pulling back to whisper. “And we’re doing such a good job with the joyous part so far, no?” He didn’t get a chance to respond as she resumed their tryst, soon pushing on his shoulders so that he was sitting up before she straddled him. “And I hate to ruin such a good thing.” She moaned as she positioned herself and purposely took her time sliding down on his hardened length.
He gripped her hips, forcing himself to maintain composure as she intentionally started a torturously slow pace. “What happened to just being near you?” He forced out, shutting his eyes, the man trying his damn hardest to control the panther within.
She completely stopped her gyrations and shoved him flat on his back, flattening her palms up his chest, all the way to his shoulders. “Are you questioning your queen?”
Whether it was the brewing sexual frustration, the abrupt change in topic, or a combination of both, but something came over T’Challa.
Suddenly, they were both upright, his pulsating member still embedded inside of her, his hand wrapped around her throat applying the slightest of pressure.
“The question, my queen.” He hissed into her ear. “Is are you questioning your king?”
She gave a wry smile, eyes cast up at the ceiling because of the angle he had her head in. “I fear no man.” She then darted her brown orbs in his direction. “Or Panther.”
He froze at that, understanding what she meant. She was giving him permission to let loose.
They’d been intimate plenty of times in the past and with each act, he’d also ensure to hold back as to not hurt her. It only made sense. His abilities capable of leaving her bruised in the event that he lost control in the midst of their passion, which was more likely than not.
He’d already hurt her enough emotionally over the years. He was not willing to risk hurting her physically and was prepared to tell her that when he looked up and saw her eyes were starting to glaze over with white.
He then realized that he hadn’t been the only one holding back.
The need in her voice, the compromising position, it was all too much. With a guttural growl, he switched their positions so that she was on her back and pushed up her legs so that one was wrapped around his waist and the other linked around his shoulder.
Her eyes immediately started to roll into the back of her head, the insatiable and suffocating feeling that accompanied having him fill her to her hilt indescribable. She’d only ever been with him intimately so she had no other man to compare him to, but she had no zero complaints.
Not only was the man well endowed, but he was well versed in that he knew exactly what she liked, just the right spots, the positions that left her crying, screaming, clawing his back raw, and thrashing around like an animal in heat.
No pun intended.
And while T’Challa was a relatively reserved man to everyone else, Y/N saw a different side of him in the bedroom. He was always attentive, caring, sensitive to her wants and needs, yes, but he was an arrogant bastard.
He knew that he was the only man she allowed to bend her over, to fill her up, to take her as he did, and he loved it. He loved hearing her scream his name, the tears that streamed down her face as he brought such unearthly pleasure to her body, the dazed look in her eyes as he stared down in her brown orbs while taking her from behind.
For the most part, he liked to be in control, but there were times that he let her take the reigns, reveling in the feeling of her being on top, guiding her hips as she rode him.
But when she was upset with him, as she often was when they reunited and engaged in initial makeup sex, she teased him, her pace slow and torturous, and there was only so much that he could take before flipping them, once again taking the reigns.
An hour later, the newlywed couple laid a tangled mess in the bed, Y/N completely spent, in a deep sleep while T’Challa simply held her drained body against his as he stared outside the large window of the bedroom.
He’d had never seen a Storm like the one they’d created that night.
Some pun intended.
“It’s just like the palace in here!” Nifa yelled with her hands in the air as she ran through the halls.
Asha seethed internally. “Sister. What did I tell you about running?”
“I am not running.” Nifa turned around and raised her chin in an attempt to signify boldness. “I am jogging.”
“Well, none of that either.” The teenager scolded.
The queen’s school for mutants was finally finished and she allowed an intimate group of individuals to tour it before the council would evaluate the building giving her approval to open it to the general public. 
Shuri, who was walking beside a stone-faced D’Kar, looked up at him out the corner of her eye. “What did you think of the training room?”
He glanced at her, forcing her to quickly divert her gaze back to the group ahead of them. He smirked. “Adequate.”
She frowned. “Adequate?”
“Yes.” He looked down at her. “I see no need for such unnecessary, advanced technology when it comes to fighting-“
“Unnecessary?” She repeated while balling her tiny hands into fists. “I will have you know, Jabari, that I designed that unnecessary technology-wait. Advanced?”
His smirk formed into a smug smile. “Yes. From your demonstration, it was clear that your configurations accounted for the wide range of abilities that the children will bring to the table. Quite impressive, unnecessary as fighting should always begin with the body before resorting to manmade gadgets, but nevertheless a testament to your expertise.”
She turned her head, suddenly wishing that he was not so close, that their arms would not occasionally brush against each other as they walked.
“Is everything alright, your highness?” The young man teased, his tone innocent enough, but both of them knowing he knew exactly what he was doing. “You’ve suddenly turned rather reddish in color.”
She snapped her head in his direction to send him a vile glare. “You do realize that I have vibranium gauntlets at my disposal, correct?”
He said nothing and neither did she when she suddenly felt a large, coarse but warm hand encompass hers.
She made no effort to pull away.
Y/N smiled broadly at the interaction only to look up and see a tense husband of hers. She rolled her eyes. “T’Challa.”
“Hmm.” He said while staring at the conjoined hands of his baby sister and the Jabari boy.
His wife, knowing that a pinch would do absolutely nothing given the enhanced density of his skin, decided to take her free hand, place it over his and send a jolt of electricity his way.
“Bast.” He jumped slightly and looked down at her with incredulity. “What?”
“Would you leave them alone?” She complained. “He is a nice boy.”
He looked like she’d insulted him. “What are you talking about?” His voice took on a slightly higher tone, a telltale sign that she was right with her hypothesis. “I never said that he wasn’t.”
“Then why do you keep looking at him as though you want to rip out his jugular vein?” She raised a brow.
He shook his head. “If that were the case, I would have done so at dinner.”
“No, you just interrogated the poor child the whole night.” She knew her husband was protective, but she couldn’t have imagined he’d be so overbearing as he’d been during the gathering between the dinner that saw her family meet with M’Baku’s family. T’Challa had questioned D’Kar on everything from his hobbies to his past relationships and had even taken the boy into his office for a twenty-minute one-on-one that had left even the queen nervous.
Needless to say, Shuri had given her brother an earful the following day.
“Is it wrong to want to ensure that my sister ends up with someone worthy of all that she has to offer?”
“Who do you consider worthy, T’Challa?”
He did not hesitate with his answer. “No one.”
Y/N’s mouth dropped as she shook her head. “It is for that reason our daughter will probably end up running off with some prince from a neighboring nation.”
T’Challa released a small chuckle, his head dropping to his chest before he raised his it and set his gaze straight ahead. “I shall kill him before they make the border.”
“She will never forgive you.”
“Forever is a long time, my love.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “And what if I assisted in their escape?”
He looked down at her and smirked before lowering his voice. “There are ways to handle a queen who disobeys her king.”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “Oh?” Walking ahead, a sly grin fell on her face. “I would not know.” Almost immediately, she felt her body being pulled as her back was pressed into his front, his arms wrapping around her, hands planted on her stomach.
She lifted her hand to rub the back of his head as he kissed on her neck and spoke against her skin. “Their heartbeats are so strong….”
“It’s symbolic…..” She mumbled as his large hand moved in a circular motion. “In more than one way.” She craned her head to smile up at him waywardly. “They are most active at the sound of your voice.”
He looked at her, his eyes burning with an unreadable emotion when they fell on the top of her head. “What is this?”
She frowned. “What?” T’Challa grabbed a ringlet of her kinky curls and let it drop in front of her face. She gasped almost immediately.
It was completely white.
“Is it anywhere else?” She started to feel around her head as he examined it.
“No.” He confirmed and then sensed the distress radiating from her. “Relax, love.”
She glared. “Let a piece of your hair turn white, and we shall see how well you adjust.”
He opened his mouth to reply but she pulled away from him and started to widen the distance between them.
He sighed heavily.
“Damn hormones…”
Meanwhile, Erik watched from atop the balcony, waiting for the whole thing to be over. He had a meeting with a rather…nubile handmaiden who was quite gifted with her mouth and hands.
“I must say.” Erik Stevens jumped from shock, the first time in a long time that he of all people had been caught off guard. “They're not completely vomiting inducing. Slightly unbearable. But not intolerable.”
He eyed the cocoa complexioned woman with large
senegalese twists who was also leaning over the balcony, her stance shedding light on a toned and shapely physique.
Still, Erik didn’t like not being in control of situations.
“Who the fuck are you?”
She looked over at him out the corner of her eye and chuckled humorously. “Relax my prince.” She said the last word with a hint of sarcasm, turning around so that her forearms were against the railing, her chest touted against the sky. “Your favorite cousin down there summoned my presence.”
Her answer was loaded. Not only was she the first person he’d met in Wakanda to actually address him as a royal, but she was also the first to match his wit. Though he’d never admit it, Erik was slightly…slightly intrigued.
Especially now that he knew who she was.
He stepped closer, keeping one hand on the railing. “You’re Nareema.” He identified with a tilt of his head. “Y/N’s friend.”
“And here I was saving the best part for last.” She sighed with faux disappointment. “And you’re the long-lost royal who managed to almost fuck the nation up in less than twenty-four hours. I think that’s a record.”
Make that very intrigued.
“Oh love,” Ramonda breathed as the group finally met up at the grand circle of the school. “This place exceeds expectations.”
The queen smiled in satisfaction, T’Challa’s hand wrapped firmly around hers. “Thank you, Ramonda.”
“I think it’s awesome!” Nifa shouted while raising her fists for unnecessary dramatic effect. “I really like the relaxation room!”
“Of course you do,” Asha rolled her eyes. “That’s where most of the toys are.” She looked at the queen and shifted on her heels. “It is rather nice, your highness.”
Y/N smiled softly, grateful for the compliment given she could see that Asha was a special case, untrusting of a lot of people. “Thank you, Asha. And I told you before, I’d much rather you call me by my name.”
The teenager looked shocked and then nodded, offering a small smile.
“That’s nice and all, but can we take a moment to just appreciate my designs?” Shuri interjected, earning a scowl of disapproval from T’Challa.
The queen giggled. “You know that I adore you, sister. My gratitude for your contribution has no end.”
T’Challa noticed that D’Kar was perplexed. “Is there something wrong?”
“Question.” He directed his query to Shuri. “If the tech that you designed is as complex as you say, who will run it?”
“I have assembled a faction of the design team to operate it.” She shrugged.
“But won’t you still need someone to oversee it, princess?” Okoye spoke out, breaking her silence.
Shuri opened her mouth and then stopped. “I suppose I hadn’t thought of that.” She sent an apologetic look toward her sister-in-law. “Between the outreach center and overseeing the tech here, I do not think I can handle any more duties sister.”
“Do not trouble yourself, Shuri.” Y/N smiled softly. “I already have a director.”
“You do?” Both the Udaku siblings spoke at the same time.
“Yes.” She rolled her eyes. “Erik.”
The young man who’d been leaning against a pillar who’d been uncharacteristically up until that point finally spoke. “What?”
“Yes, what?” Shuri reiterated.
Y/N sighed and dropped her husband’s hand, moving to the middle of the circle so that she was closing closer to him. “You are brilliant, Erik. We all know it. You have the credentials and I know that if you don’t already know how to operate the designs, it won’t take you long to figure it out.”
“What makes you so sure of that, your highness?” He chuckled darkly.
“Because the same blood that runs through them,” she pointed back to Shuri and T’Challa. “Runs through you.” She saw the briefest flash of an undetectable emotion go through his brown eyes. “I need someone that I can trust to hold this position Erik, and I trust you.”
“Do I get a say in this?” Shuri spoke out and Y/N turned around to see that she was more sarcastic than she was upset.
“You do,” she nodded and then discreetly gestured to Nifa who was playing with Asha’s hair. “But, my dear sister, would you really cause a spectacle in front of a child? Or even worst, argue with a pregnant woman?”
D’Kar smiled and dropped his head, causing Shuri to elbow him in his side before she conceded. “I suppose Erik is the only other option.” A beat. “Unfortunately.”
“Appreciate the support, princess.” Erik shot her a wink before rolling his eyes. “But ya’ll really think the council is about to okay this sh-crap?” He caught himself when Ramonda sent him a look.
“This is not the council’s decision to make. It is mine.” Y/N stated firmly.
“Yes.” T’Challa supplied, walking up and placing his hand on the small of Y/N’s back. “And should they have any other unnecessary or unwarranted opinions, we shall see to it that they understand when and where their authorization is needed.”
“Wow.” All eyes turned to the sound of the new voice. “A lot has changed since my…..leave of absence.”
Okoye and Y/N stared in shock.
“In the flesh?” She pushed her body off the wall and stepped. “Oh, almost forgot.” She managed a sloppy bow.
“My queen.”
Y/N gave a watery laugh and pulled the woman in for a hug. “I’ve missed you.”
Nareema held her tight before they pulled away. “Indeed you have.” She looked down at her stomach. “So much so that you’ve succumbed to spending your time getting di-“
“Nareema!” Y/N scolded with a blush. “Still the same.”
The other woman frowned. “Is that a problem?” They then giggled as if they’d shared a secret joke.
The two broke away as the outspoken woman looked at the general with a bored expression. “General.”
“It is good to see you.” Okoye kept her poised expression. “You look well.”
“And you look the same.” Nareema quipped. “Courtesy of being a Dora, eh? One size fits all?”
There was a tense second of silence before the two women laughed, shared a warm embrace, and Okoye spoke in Xhosa.
“Welcome home, little sister.”
“Ramonda did all of this?” Nareema stared around the elaborate and expansive black and silver nursery that would soon belong to the prince and princess of Wakanda. “For Bast sake, it is beautiful!”
“Isn’t it?” Y/N blushed as she held her back to support the weight of her growing belly. “T’Challa and I practically did nothing except approve a few things here and there. She took care of everything for us.”
“Well,” Nareema stopped and wiggled her eyebrows. “I suppose you two were preoccupied with other things.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Why did you not tell me you were coming?”
“And ruin the surprise?” She placed her hand on her hip and tilted her head. “Twenty plus years of friendship and you still don’t know me?” She faked a sad sigh. “I am hurt. Truly.”
Y/N approached and grabbed her hands. “Promise that you will stay until the twins are born.”
Nareema squeezed their gathered hands ever so lightly and smirked. “What took you so long to ask?”
Y/N dropped her head and smiled warmly. “It is good to have you home, Nareema.”
The woman narrowed her eyes slightly and commented innocently. “There was once a time you would not even refer to this place as your home.”
“Much has changed, Reema’.”
“Indeed it has,” she gestured down to her stomach, before gently placing her hand down on it. “Twins….are you nervous?”
“The truth?” A beat. “Terrified.”
Nareema pulled her hand back, rolled her eyes, and dragged her friend over to a nearby couch. She watched with humor as Y/N had to take a few extra seconds to sit down, her stomach making a once simple task a slightly difficult endeavor.
Once she was situated, Nareema started to Q and A.
“For what? If anyone was put on this earth to be a mother, it was you.” A beat. “You’re actually nice.”
Y/N laughed softly. “While I appreciate that, it takes more than kindness to be a good mother, Nareema.”
“You’re right, it takes heart, patience, forgiveness, and basically everything that I am not, which you are so, ergo, a good mother,” Nareema said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, shifting her shoulders and rolling her eyes. “Great Bast, you always were hard of hearing.”
“And you never were good with encouragement,” Y/N teased.
“Hence why you went into counseling and I went into criminology,” Nareema shrugged before growing serious. “How is Nakia handling your pregnancy?”
Y/N mouth formed into a straight line. “As well as can be expected.”
Nareema exhaled in frustration. “So, in other words, you continue to let her disrespect you and your position-“
“No, I understood your initial explanation.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. “Really?”
“Absolutely not. I just said that to appease you.” The pregnant woman rolled her eyes. “But the fact of the matter is that Nakia never did and still does not want to be queen; she just does not want you to be queen or to have T’Challa, who she also wants.” A beat. “And if she truly loved him and if he truly loved her, they would not have spent years with that stupid on and off relationship of theirs.” She rolled her eyes. “Although I suppose it served as a nice cover.”
Y/N frowned. “Cover for what?”
Nareema laughed softly. “You.�� When Y/N didn’t say anything, she moaned. “Oh, come now. Surely you’ve realized it by now.”
“Realized what?”
“It’s always been you. Well, perhaps not always, but for some time. Longer than I realized, at least…” She trailed off.
Y/N stared at her childhood friend with incredulity. “Reema’ what are you-“ She watched as the other woman grabbed her hand and raised it, shaking it lightly while pointing to her wedding ring, the large diamond reflecting from the sun emanating from the large window opposite the other side of the room. “I don’t understand.”
“Y/N, have you never noticed the absence of a ring on Ramonda’s hand? From any married woman in Wakanda? Wakandans do not believe in wedding rings.”
The expecting mother frowned. She certainly hadn’t, something like that being rather trivial in terms of things she paid attention to. Yet, she failed to see the relevancy.
Nareema pinched the bridge of her nose. “You told me that T’Challa gave you your ring the morning after he proposed. That when you woke up, it was on your finger, yes?”
It was true. That night he asked her to marry him, they’d stayed up for some time, not engaging in intercourse, but instead just talking, enjoying each other’s company. At some point, she’d fallen asleep, and when she woke up, the gorgeous promise of commitment was on her ring finger.
“That ring was not for Nakia. He would never give her one because it is not the Wakandan way. It was for you, and I highly doubt he had a ring of that magnitude, that quality, and that luxury made in just a few hours. He’d had it for some time, Y/N.”
The queen stared off at the wall, in a state of shock from the load of information. Was it true? Had T’Challa had the ring for a while? It had to be true? Her friend for over twenty years had no reason to lie and Nakia had no need for a token that commemorated a foreign ritual. T’Challa most certainly had gotten the ring specifically for her, but when and how long had he had it? Marriage was a nothing to be taken lightly and something the two of them had never talked about and now she was leaning that he’d been harboring a damn wedding ring for an undisclosed amount of time.
If he wanted to marry her, did that mean he chose her? If so, then when? And why had he not told her?
“If he wanted to marry me, why did he not say so? Why not ask me?” She voiced her thoughts.
Nareema shrugged and then joked nonchalantly. “Perhaps he truly went the American route and asked your father who refused to give his blessing.”
Y/N’s head shot up. “What?”
Nareema elaborated. “Aside from the few of us with inside knowledge of the information to everyone on the outside, T’Challa was always destined to be with Nakia. The breakups were just temporary. She was going to be his queen. Hodari did not know of your and T’s….situation. Maybe your father thought that he was protecting you.” A beat. “Or Bast, maybe King T’Chaka was not tying to have the arrangement made at birth ruined by some mutant girl just like he would not have Okoyo’s mutant sister ruin his precious Dora Milaje.” She finished with a bitter chuckle.
Y/N, being the empathetic person that she was, immediately thought back to the first time she saw her childhood female best friend cry. No one knew of the unspoken ban that existed on mutants joining the Dora Milaje. That is, until Nareema voiced her desire to follow in Okoye’s footsteps and was informed by their parents.
She was crushed, never really the same after that.
“But whatever the reason, it matters not anymore.” Nareema reached over and lightly squeezed Y/N’s shoulders, realizing that the young queen was starting to reflect on the hypothetical scenarios she’d just proposed. “What’s done is done. You have T’Challa’s heart, you have the kingdom, and pretty soon, you will have children.” A beat. “Coming out of your vagina.”
Erik and T’Challa were in his office when all of a sudden Nareema came barging in. Except, she came through the double doors.
Literally through the doors.
“You better have a damn good reason as to why I had to just play a sick mind game with my best friend.” Was the first thing she said while staring down at an unphased T’Challa while Erik stared at her in amazement, unaware of the fact that she was a mutant. “You already having had the ring, okay? I can live with that because it’s true, but the reasons that I just had to feed her. I’ve never lied to her and because of you, I just did, so you better start talking Udaku!”
“Did you just-”
“I have the gift of intangibility.” She spoke without looking at him, eyes still burning on the king. “Answer me!”
Erik looked back and forth as she spoke to his cousin without an ounce of regard for the fact that he was her king.
“I like her.” He smirked, sitting on the edge of T’Challa’s desk with his arms crossed.
T’Challa gave his cousin an expression of annoyance before leaning back in his chair and sighing heavily. “I need to start planting the idea that Hodari nor my father…..they….”
“One ain’t worth shit, and the other wouldn’t  be shit either, but he already dead so.” Erik shrugged casually.
Nareema groaned. “You’re not making any sense.”
“Hodari has been working Princess Zanda in hopes to develop a cure for…mutants.” T’Challa hesitated with the last part for obvious reasons.
Nareema visibly tensed. “What?”
“Come on cuz, don’t leave out the best part.” Erik smiled broadly, playing with a set of Kimoyo beads. “Shit goes as far back as twenty years. As part of a mission started by my dear old Uncle T’Chaka.” Erik threw a set in the air, catching it easily. “Guess all that shit about wanting to keep Wakanda closed to the outside world had some stipulations, huh?”
“A cure?” Nareema hissed, her hand balled into a fist. “Of course.” She shook her head and then narrowed her eyes at T’Challa. “So you father was secretly cooperating with outside entities while parading around as though he was too good to allow Wakanda to associate itself with anyone else?”
T’Challa sighed. “My father was not a perfect man.”
“What gave it away?” Erik questioned with a raise of his brow. “Murdering his own brother? Or trying to cleanse his country of mutants?”
T’Challa stood from his desk and planted his palms down firmly. “We do not know for sure those were his intentions.”
“Do not be daft, T’Challa.” Nareema sneered. “Why else would he be willing to work with Narobia of all places? While their technological capabilities do not even come close to matching ours, they are far more advanced than any other country.” When the king said nothing else, she spoke again. “Where is Hodari now?”
“On a mission in the states,” Erik answered as she turned to look at him. “We’ve been monitoring his calls.”
“Why?” She frowned. “If he is working with Zanda on a cure, should you not be trying to trace where this cure is being manufactured?”
“That has been taken care of,” T’Challa answered vaguely.
Nareema narrowed her eyes. “How?” Erik mimicked an explosion with his hands which only further confused Okoye’s sister. “You two make no sense.”
T’Challa finally realized that feeding the woman who he called in as a way to help take his wife’s mind off everything that was going on (that is, the stuff she that she knew was going on) meant he would have to share more than just bits and pieces.
She needed the full story.
And so, he proceeded to tell her everything.
Starting with the discovery that Y/N was directly targeted while in California all the way to the latest information he and Erik had uncovered only hours ago.
Nareema was floored.
“This is insane.” She breathed. “What in Bast sake is really going on? Why is Hodari now so concerned with a cure? And how does a man go from wanting  permanent annihilation-“
“He was just following orders.” Erik chuckled darkly.
“I was not referring to him.” Nareema interrupted, her eyes set on T’Challa as an uncomfortable blanket of silence fell over the room. “I always felt as though your father never truly liked mutants what with the ban on them not being allowed to join the Dora Milaje, but this…this is beyond comprehension.”
“Forreal?” Erik interrupted as Nareema gave him her attention.
“Apparently we have an advantage over everyone else.” She spoke with pure sarcasm. “At least, that was the excuse then…”
“Regardless, she has a point.” Erik resumed the previous topic at hand. “And while I enjoy any conversation that includes pointing out what a weak ass leader my good old uncle really was, the real question is why Hodari is suddenly so interested in getting his hands on a cure.”
T’Challa forced himself to ignore the snide comment about his late father. After all, he was experiencing his own mixed feelings about the man… “Are we sure that there has been no paper trail between him and Zanda or any other Narobian official over the years?”
Erik shook his head. “Nothing. And if I can’t find it, shit must not exist.”
“What about that other company you mentioned?” Nareema chimed. “Sublime?”
“Filed for bankruptcy the same year the file for this mission was marked as completed,” Erik responded.
“Let me see that,” Nareema asked as Erik pulled up the interactive file as the two cousins watched the woman inspect it closely. “Interesting.”
She looked at her best friend’s husband. “This company filed exactly one week after Y/N’s mother was murdered.” She then started searching for a few things. “And the CEO? A man by the name of Charles Lobe? Also went missing the same day.” A beat. “They never found his body.”
“As the filing of the bankruptcy?”
Erik asked while walking up behind her.
“No.” She looked up at him over her shoulder. “As the murder.”
T’Challa frowned and rubbed his temples. He was never one to believe in such an abstract concept as coincidences.
“The company that was manufacturing a serum that could kill mutants suddenly goes under, the CEO disappears without a trace, and Y/N’s mother is murdered.”
“In my tactical unit, we never left behind anything or anyone that could link us back to the mission.” He muttered while rubbing his beard. “Destruction links them all together, but that’s not enough, there was always a purpose and a reason. A stronger connection. A better linkage.”
“Her mother….what did she do for a living?” Erik asked no one in particular.
“She was a teacher,” T’Challa answered quickly. “Elementary school teacher.”
“And how exactly was she killed? I know the method, but what were details on the events leading up to it?”
“No one knows.” Nareema sighed. “She….she’s never spoken about it. It’s too painful for her.”
It was true. Not even T’Challa knew all the details of that day, but he suddenly thought of someone who did and a dark idea crossed his mind, one he never thought he’d resort to, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Instead, he decided to point out and share something else.
“Her mother…she was a mutant too.” The other two gave him surprised expressions. “We recently learned via genetic tests that there is a strong possibility the twins maternal grandmother was an empath.”
All of a sudden, Erik started to laugh, but his voice was void of humor. “Son of a bitch.”
“What?” Nareema looked over at him.”
“I told you. We never left anything behind.” He started messing around with the mission report. “Something went wrong. It must have.. Why else would the records here be clean of any trace of what happened? Think about it: the company, her mother, the CEO. They all had to be eliminated.”
“That makes no sense.” Nareema shook her head. “Are you saying that her mother was in on it?”
“I believe that she unwittingly became apart of it. Consider the historical context of the time period, mutants were in the same position that they’re still in now. Judged and criticized. But for her, if she really was an empath, she had it easier than some of the others.”
“You believe that she hid her abilities?” T’Challa was starting to follow along. “From the world and Hodari.”
“Makes sense.” Erik shrugged.
Nareema too began to follow their train of thought. “And it was already bad enough he diverted from the mission by developing feelings for an outsider, but he impregnated her.” A beat. “But he still left her?”
“I think you got this one, cuz.” Erik gestured to T’Challa who sent him a sharp look indicating that he was in no mood for games. Erik, of course, remained unbothered.
“Pull up his missions for the year that her mother was killed again,” T’Challa instructed as he scanned them, his eyes latching onto something. “What is this?”
Erik noticed too. “It’s the same mission. Twice.”
Nareema frowned. “That makes no sense.”
“No, it does not.” T’Challa quietly agreed. “Because it is a decoy.” A beat. “A mirage to disguise his true location.”
“Let me try something.” Nareema and T’Challa waited as Erik proceeded to try and toy with the advanced technological systems, bypassing firewalls before he was finally able to hack in. “There we go.”
“Virginia….” Nareema trailed off as she looked at the two men. “Isn’t that where Y/N and her mother were living?”
“Yes.” T’Challa answered solemnly. “And it is also where she was struck down.”
“Why would he suddenly go visit her?”
“Wait.” Nareema exclaimed. “Y/N once told me how when she was younger that the only time she truly saw her mother get upset was when she went to go draw blood.”
“I recall that story.” T’Challa chimed. “For some reason, they would not allow her to because she did not pass…the screening.”
“Where was Sublime’s headquarters?” Erik pulled up another screen, did some typing, and swirled the projection so that they could see. “Virginia. And they also had a pharmaceutical company.”
“What’s that?” Nareema pointed as a message popped up on the screen.
“This is all archive data so it must be a leftover piece of correspondence from that day that didn’t get completely erased from the mainframe,” Erik answered and clicked around as a black screen popped up.
Start Encrypted Message
Tests came back negative, sir.
What are our orders?
Eliminate them.
….Even the child?
I said them.
It will be done.
End Encrypted Message
Nareema gasped as she slowly stepped back. “Oh my…can you trace who these are between?”
“I ain’t gotta.” Erik answered lowly. “The person whose profile you’re under will always have their username enlarged.”
Nareema’s eyes widened. “No.”
T’Challa snatched for his Kimoyo beads and angrily pressed against the technology.
He answered on the second ring. “Your Highness.”
“Gather the men. I want you at the landing station in an hour.”
The White Wolf darkened his gaze. “What is the mission, sir?”
“Hodari.” T’Challa closed his eyes as he tried to calm his growing rage. “Bring him to me, I don’t care what condition he is in, just as long as he is alive.”
“It will be handled.”
The king disconnected the call.
“What are you going to do?” Nareema questioned hesitantly, cautious of her tone as she could see T’Challa was in no mood for her usual disrespect.
He was literally seething, the anger and ire radiating off his powerful form. “You cannot just arrest her father. It will crush her.”
“The less you know the better.” He said simply, his tone indicating he had nothing more to say on the subject. “I thank you for your assistance.” He looked over at Erik and motioned for the door. “Come.”
Erik hopped off the desk and the two men went to leave when Nareema appeared in front of them. “Wait. Please. I know that look. Just….let us think this through.”
“I have grown tired of waiting, Nareema.” T’Challa looked down at her, a certain gleam of wickedness in his eyes. “I want answers, and I will get them.” A beat. “No matter what it takes.” With that, the king and prince moved to either side of her, leaving the disturbed young woman to her conflicted thoughts.
On one hand, she wondered if she should go after them. She knew that look. The look of a man on the edge, a man who would do anything for the ones that he loved, and it didn’t help that he was being aided by that cousin of his who, much like her, did not necessarily know when to stop.
On the other hand, there was the part of her that somewhat wanted to even assist them. The part that hurt for her best friend who had no idea the heartache that was in store for her. The part that had no idea how she was going to continue to sit and dine and act like nothing had changed between her and her childhood friend when in fact everything had changed.
How she could sit in the face of a woman who’d spent over twenty years being reared by a man who she thought to be a loving and doting father.
Instead, that loving and doting father was the man who signed her and her mother’s death certificate.
And suddenly, Nareema wondered if she should have even returned to Wakanda at all.
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written-rebellion · 6 years
The Bone Crush
for the OL Prompt Exchange
Prompt #35: Harry Potter AU: Jamie and Claire as students in Hogwarts. Jamie in Gryffindor, Claire in Ravenclaw? Or both in Gryffindor. Maybe post-canon? (submitted by @thistlekat777 ) 
A/N: It’s starting to seem like in-school meet-cutes are becoming my personal niche LOL Here’s a little one-shot for @thelallybrochlibrary OL Prompt Exchange event this month! I was so excited for this prompt I legit ignored my 2k word paper to write 2k words of this in a one-night flurry instead. Please let me know what you think! :D
As far as days went, it could’ve been worse.
He could have been expelled, instead of just sitting in an empty detention hall. He could have lost 50 house points, instead of just 15. He could’ve gotten far worse than a broken arm, and he was lucky enough to have it in whatever muggle strap Hugh was able to produce at a moment’s notice.
And above all, he could have wasted his afternoon staring at a stone wall, instead of gaping blankly at Claire Beauchamp as she strolled into the room.
Yes, as far as days went, this certainly wasn’t bad.
“Um, can I help you?” she said quickly, whisky daring blue to look away.
“W-what are you doing here?”
Her nose wrinkled at that. She brushed her dark curls off her shoulder and crossed her arms.
“This is detention, isn’t it? I thought that was obvious.”
“Aye, but—” She raised an eyebrow. “But ye’re a prefect, are ye no?”
Her lips curved into something just less than a smile.
��My, how very observant of you.”
He sat up in his chair, catching her tone.
“So the rumour about ye stealin’ Madame Pomfrey’s bone-growing juice is true then?”
Whatever smile had been forming fell open and her cheeks pinked.
“It most definitely is not!”
Jamie tried his best to stifle the laugh trembling deep in his belly lest her cheeks get any redder, as tempting as the sight may be.
“Aha, I didna mean to offend ye, Beauchamp,” he said, shoulders still shaking.
“Hmph, Fraser.” She narrowed her eyes at him but pulled the seat from a desk and sat facing him regardless.
“What’s that on your arm?”
“Oh this?” He’d almost completely forgotten the dull throbbing in his broken bone when she walked in. At its mention, the ache rushed back in like blood to an open wound.
He winced as he turned in the desk to face her. “Some muggle cloth my mate Hugh had on him.”
“It’s a sling,” she said, brows drawing together.
“Aye, that’s what he called it. Keeps my arm all still until I can get the bone healed.”
“But—” Her eyes darted from his arm to his face and back. “But then, why are you here? You should’ve gone straight to Madame Pomfrey.”
“Well what good would she do me, lass, since ye stole her bone potion?”
She gave him a dead glare and he laughed until his arm ached again.
“Ach, it wasna really my choice, aye? The prefect who sent me didna leave much room for negotiation, especially considering he’s the one who did it to me.”
Claire sat bolt upright.
“Who the hell was it?”
Jamie ran his free hand through his hair.
“Ye ken Jack Randall, the Slyther—? Ah, I see ye do.”
Her face had contorted in the way so uniquely attributed to Randall by everyone he knew in the Gryffindor common room. Evidently the Ravenclaws felt the same.
“We’ve met, yes.”
“Aye well, he was picking on Hugh – Hufflepuff lad, around this tall, ye know him? – and one thing led to another…”
“And what? You two beat the shit out of each other?”
“Mmrmph, more like I brought my fists to a wand fight.” He squirmed as best he could in his chair, trying not to jostle his arm. “Damn prick doesna fight verra fair.”
“And he sent you straight here? After he started the fight and did that to you?”
“Madame Hooch was the one who caught us brawling. Randall wasted no time giving her his side and offering to escort me right to detention.”
She frowned, and Jamie felt a small surge of pride at her genuine concern for his well-being. The surge stopped roughly around his arm though, as it throbbed with pain yet again.
He repositioned the sling on the desk between them, trying to get more comfortable in his seat.
“What about you, lass? What trouble has the darling Ravenclaw prefect gotten herself into?”
She looked up from his arm to meet his eyes again but said nothing.
“Och c’mon Beauchamp, fair’s fair, aye? It’s no’ like we’ve got something better to do.”
She gave it a moment’s thought before her shoulders slumped.
“Oh alright,” she said, resting her elbows on the edge of Jamie’s desk. “I got caught trying to steal—no, not that. I was trying to take a mandrake root back to my dorm.”
“A mandrake—? Those things from second year that look like tree bairns and screech like the devil? Why on earth would ye want one of those in yer room?”
“If you actually paid attention in Herbology, you’d know they’re a base ingredient in most antidotes and potions.” She huffed, her cheeks puffing out indignantly.
His heart thudded against his chest.
Christ, had she always been this cute?
“They’ve got all sorts of medicinal qualities…” He took another look at her, enjoying the way her face practically glowed, even as she listed off something as mundane as the uses of a mandrake root.
“…they use them for just about everything at St. Mungo’s. I only wanted to do a few tests of my own, but the damn stupid little bugger started fussing in its pot and it slipped right out of my hands.”
“Hang on—” Jamie snapped back into the present. “—aren’t mandrake shrieks fatal? That’s wicked careless of ye, lass.”
She smiled.
God. Damn.
“So you were paying attention in class, I’m impressed.”
“I’d do well to remember things that might kill me, especially at this school,” he added wryly.
“Well, I’m not stupid, I brought earplugs just in case,” she said. “Plus, the baby ones can’t kill you.” Her cheek fell into her palm, and she rolled her eyes. “All they can do is cry loud enough to call Professor Sprout back from her office apparently.”
“Not bad at all, Beauchamp.” He chuckled, but had to stop short as a dart of pain came rushing down from his shoulder. His eyes squeezed shut.
“Is your arm bothering you?”
“Nay Sassenach,” he said through gritted teeth. “I just like makin’ the odd wee grunt of pain every once and awhile, aye?”
“Well, if you weren’t such an arse about it, I could probably help you.”
He regarded her with one eye.
“Help me? So ye’ve got that potion after all?”
“Or I could just let you suffer in pain—”
“What help is it then, Beauchamp?” he said, looking her dead on.
She sat straight, edging the end of her chair as she leaned in, visibly bristling with the same excitement he’d seen on countless first-years as they entered the great hall for the first time.
“There’s a spell used by combat healers in the last Wizarding War. It helps alleviate pain temporarily so that aurors and other soldiers can last longer before getting properly treated.”
“I dinna remember hearing this in class. What spell is it?”
“It’s not really—well, it’s a nonverbal spell, actually.”
“Nonverbal magic?” He raised his brows at her. “Where did ye learn that?”
“From a book,” she answered, suddenly not able to meet his eye as she began to mumble hastily. “A book… from the restricted section of the library.”
“Christ Jesus,” he laughed, “and what else do ye do in yer spare time, Beauchamp, plan to rob Gringotts?”
“Fine. Suffer then.”
Her pout was back, full reddened cheeks and all. Jamie stopped himself, opting for as warm a smile he could muster in spite of the pain.
“Ach, I’m sorry, lass. I just—It feels like I’m only just meeting ye for the first time is all. Please, by all means, I trust ye.”
They locked eyes then, hers looking almost incredulous at the notion. Surely this wasn’t the first time someone’s said that to her. And yet…
“You’re… you’re sure?” Her hand slowly reached down to her boot, drawing out her wand.
“Aye.” Jamie said, feeling quite like he’d never been more sure of anything in his life.
Her face flushed again, but it seemed decidedly different from the last time. He tried not to read into it, even as she leaned over the desk towards him, close enough for him to feel her breath against his throat.
Her left hand gently pressed into his shoulder as she aimed her wand with her right. He hissed at the contact and she peered up at him.
A nod. Trust me.
He nodded back.
And with a practiced twist and flick of her wrist, Jamie felt a warm glow coil around the break in his arm and then dissolve, taking the pain with it.
“Gast' air fad!”
“It worked?”
“Aye, I dinna feel a thing.” He wiggled his fingers, opened and closed his fist. “Thank ye lass, truly.”
She looked up, absolutely beaming and, though the pain was in fact gone, Jamie felt his heart thundering like it had when the bone had just broken.
Something arced between their eyes. Her smile was slowly fading as she started to notice too.
“T-thank you, Cla—”
“Well, if it isn’t Claire.”
Her expression turned venomous in a millisecond as she swiveled her head toward the doorway, rising out of her seat to return her wand to her boot.
“Hello Jack.”
“And what might you be doing here in detention?”
What was a wide smile not three seconds ago was now a tight thin line across her mouth as Claire looked from Randall to Jamie and back again.
Then she smirked.
“Leaving, actually. Jamie and I were just about to go.” She motioned for him to stand and he did.
“Go?” Randall said as Claire strode to the door.
“Yes, go,” she replied, clapping a hand onto his shoulder. “Jamie wasn’t supposed to be here anyway, and I have to take him to Madame Pomfrey’s straight away.”
He sneered, looking from her to Jamie, who simply kept his mouth shut. Claire meanwhile, was not-so-gently pushing against Randall’s shoulder until they were facing each other head on.
“Oh, and Jack?” Jamie could see her nails digging into Randall’s robes even as she smiled at him, dangerously sweet just like the tone of her voice.
“If I ever hear about you picking fights, injuring other students, and sending them to detention without a second thought—” Her pretense dropped, as did her curve of her lips. “—I’m sure Jamie, his friend Hugh and I will have plenty of interesting things to say to Headmistress McGonagall.”
Randall sniffed, his lips tightening together as Claire’s smirk returned.
“A pleasure as always.” She patted his robes, neatly sweeping him aside as she marched off.
Jamie, unable to hold his own smirk back, nodded in greeting with little more than a curt “Randall” before following Claire out the door.
He waited until they turned into a far enough corridor to break.
“Jesus, lass, that was incredible!” he said, grinning even wider when he saw her cheeks flush again. “Guess I have to thank ye for saving my hide twice today.”
“No, I have to thank you,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve been waiting for a good reason to put that git in his place for ages.”
“Well, happy to oblige ye then.”
The two laughed, letting the sound echo through the halls, hoping that it would somehow make its way back to Randall.
“Well,” Claire said finally, “let’s get you to Madame Pomfrey’s, shall we?” She gave his arm a nudge.
“Och, ye dinna have to go out of yer way, lass.” He shrugged. “I ken where it is.”
He was loathe to leave her though, and just maybe – possibly, hopefully – she felt the same.
“Well, yes but…” He tilted his head at her as she paused, weighing some invisible scale in her mind before heaving a great sigh.
“I suppose I should probably return this,” she mumbled, reaching deep into her robe’s pocket and procuring none other than one large bottle of Skele-gro.
Jamie’s barking laughter most assuredly made it back to Randall, wherever he was.
“Ye truly are a wonder, Beauchamp.” He ran his hand through his hair.
“Tell no one about this, Fraser, or I’ll just as easily un-fix that arm of yours,” she said, only half-joking.
“Do ye mind letting Madame Pomfrey heal me properly before ye set her off in a rage?”
“Fair’s fair.” She returned his grin, sliding the bottle back into her pocket.
“Verra well, Beauchamp, shall we?”
He offered his good arm to her and she, with a smile impossibly wider than his, looped hers through without a second thought.
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kittensinsocks24 · 6 years
Observations and facts on the Boss Baby netflix series from someone who painfully sat through 4 episodes last night with friends
The theme song is a discount Lonely Island-esque sounding rap which you are forcibly subjugated to every episode, which contains lines such as “boss boss boss baby boss boss” and “I run this house, I rule this crib”
Within the first episode it is canonically shown on the love-scale or whatever that people in this hellish Boss Baby universe people apparently only love their spouses a little more than a bird, with dogs, cats, and babies ranking supremely over, yknow, your life partner in that order
Boss Baby’s never-before-mentioned-or-introduced superior has the eyes of a L’oreal model and extremely plush kylie jenner lips. you cant stop staring at them even though the grotesqueness of his design compels your better nature to look away 
The rigging on everyone is understandable lower quality which is to be expected but it genuinely feels at times like you’ve been strapped down and forced to watch a loop of a dancing baby ecard from 2012 somebody sent you out of pure spite
The rendering also being lowered in combination with the aforementioned rigging results in it often times feeling like you’re watching a sick pantomime of a boss baby chapter book by several people with decently recreated Boss Baby VRChat models: it looks close enough to boss baby, but something indescribable within the very thread of the production feels uncanny and wrong 
I have no idea who hired some of these voice replacements and its been legit ages since we ironically streamed the movie but even I can tell that the girl baby and the mom legit sound nothing like they should 
Diet Dr. Perfect (TM) replacement Alec Baldwin sounds like an amateur changeling fae spirit’s first test by its superiors to try and replicate somebody, in this case alec baldwin, but yet it feels so devoid of warmth, charm or charisma it instantly sets off your fight or flight response 
The boss baby film was an obvious dark herald of evil changes to come in the animation industry and wholly unnecessary but it was ultimately harmless for children and had a soft warm charm to it with both the aesthetic and tone. This, however, has taken a complete tone shift and feels cold and angry. Legit, nearly every episode has some sort of spiteful takeaway or jokes at the expense of real life groups, Boss Baby himself is both much crueler to his coworkers and family and violent overall with lines like a giddy delivery of “Beat it like it owes you money!” and being shown on-screen to knock a man out forcibly over the head twice, and everyone else in-universe just seem much more vindictive and cold than in the film 
Speaking of which it legit feels like one of those anonymous baby boomers who writes in to the paper to complain about millenials and society wrote some of these episodes. Nobody ever shuts up about the free market, couples who decide kids aren’t for them are both portrayed in a doofy idiotic light and in-universe are the secondary antagonists because lord forbid anybody in this country abstain from parenthood for their own personal reasons, and that “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your brother was a.... liberal” joke comes after the main character suggests to boss baby that a particularly tantrum-prone child isn’t inherently worthless and is perhaps misunderstood, suggesting by-proxy that showing mercy and basic human decency for others is weak and somehow for liberals only i guess?????????
every cat model in this show looks like a littlest pet shop figurine
The main boy is either 2 times the height of boss baby or three times the height and it varies wildly. For example, the boy is roughly 3 babies high in a normal situation, but during one episode where they’re in the vents, and a baby takes up roughly half the vent height, he is shown not crouching or even crawling standing fully upright normally in the vents and is now only about 2 babies high. I dont know how you go that off model with, yknow, pre-rendered 3D models. 
who fuckin knows what decade this is set in anymore 
The whole thing about the first boss baby movie was that if you joined a family you didn’t get any more magic Youth Milk (TM) or whatever and couldn’t work for the company. Boss Baby joins the family yet not only is he still working for some reason but the kids he was working with in the first movie which were more or less implied to just be normal infants he was aligned with for the mission but not direct employees of the baby company (as they all had parents and lacked the hyper-intelligence of boss baby) are now retconned to all be working with him, I guess, which just raises questions again about how the system works when supposedly if you have a family you can’t work for the baby company because the two are (were?) mutually exclusive 
the lady who voices hollyhock from bojack horseman makes her debut in this as a character eloquently nicknamed Vent Baby who’s homeless and continually staples her shirt to her desk so she can lean her chair back and not fall over.
That’s all I got. 
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