#I was kind of surprised they didn’t have skipper
alicornmoonstar · 1 year
I can’t wait to see if the Barbie movie being successful ends in us getting a whole bunch of retro Barbies re-released 😃 I’d love to get a rollerblading set 
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arsenal16gunnerfc · 4 months
I just got scared away
You miss her. It’s all you can think about as you sit there nursing your drink watching her go around the room consoling your teammates. How her kindness and comfort which she is offering her friends even though this tournament must have been one of the toughest of her life is all you crave. How you wish you could bury yourself in her arms and get lost in her kind and loving blue eyes as you always did whenever you had a tough day. Instead, you down your drink and turn to get another. 
You know she has been keeping an eye on you throughout the night, along with some of your other teammates. You had been ignoring all their questioning gazes until Lucy takes pity on you and joins you at the bar. When you feel her approach, you can’t help but wonder what motivational speech you will receive this time. You had already been told by Millie that this wasn’t your fault and that she was proud of you or Sarina who pulled you aside shortly to tell you that you had played brilliantly and that sometimes football was tough, as if you didn’t know that already. Tough it did little to ease the self-hatred. You absolutely loathed losing, as did any footballer, but sitting there on the field watching your Barcelona teammates celebrate lifting the trophy you don’t think you ever hated anything as much as in that moment. Maybe she’ll tell you that you are young and that you will get another shot in 4 years’ time, probably without her by your side.
Instead of saying something though Lucy joins you in silence. It surprises you and you look at her confused. She catches your questioning gaze and offers a slight smile. “I know you. Whatever I have to say, you won’t be ready to hear it. Not from me at least.” You know she’s right. Lucy has been your friend and mentor for a long time. As one of the most decorated Lionesses you couldn’t help but be in awe of her and having played together at City for 2 seasons before joining her and Keira on a transfer to Barcelona she truly has become one of your most trusted friends. Maybe that is what prompts you to finally speak “I miss her, I miss her more than anything. Even though I am not allowed to.” “What happened between you two?” It’s not the brunette that asks the question but her ginger counterpart who you didn’t notice had joined you. “After the euros everyone was looking at us, at me. Lee captained us to greatness, and she fell in a world of praise. Fans had always speculated that we were together but after euros it just got too much. It felt like the whole world was judging me and it scared me.” 
Finally looking your ex’s best friend in her eyes, you tell her “She deserves better. I thought maybe I could be better. Maybe if we won the world cup it would be enough”. As you break eye contact to look at your teammates dancing, silence settles among you three. The other two seem to be in disbelieve at what they hear, they thought you had fallen out of love or wanted to focus on your career never did they think that you felt unworthy of their skipper’s love. Eventually it is Keira that breaks the silence “She misses you, you know. She still loves you”. Before you can respond you are dragged away by an already drunk Niamh “Stop moping and come do shots with me. I want to hang with my friend before you gallop off into the sunset again” You can’t help but laugh at your friend “If you’re so jealous of the Barcelonian sun, I’m sure I can put in a good word for you”. She just rolls her eyes and hands you two shots. When you raise your eyebrows at her, questioning whether this is a smart idea she just grins and down the shots with you following soon after. 
You had been dancing for a while when you suddenly feel the arms you have been craving for months snake around your waist. “I’m proud of you” she just murmurs in your ear along with a kiss placed softly on your neck. You don’t dare to turn around knowing that the blond has the ability to completely strip you bare and you don’t want to have a breakdown around the team. Instead, you find her hands om your stomach and grip them so hard you know it must hurt. In response her arms just tighten around you. “Come get me when you’re ready to go, I’m not letting you sleep alone tonight.” You give the blond a nod confirming you heard her before you are dragged away by Hempo to dance in the middle of her and Chloe. You look up to see Leah walk back over to Keira and can’t help but wonder if the ginger sent your ex to you.
After several more songs and a couple more drinks you are exhausted and absolutely ready to go back to the hotel. Searching for the blond you find her in deep conversation with Lucy. Not wanting to intrude on the conversation, but also getting closer to shutting down you contemplate what to do. You are however saved by Keira coming over to you with some water and dragging you to your respective (ex-)partners. Leah immediately pulls you into her lap seeing your exhaustion and finishes up her conversation. As you let their voices lull you into a sense of peace you are once again overcome with regret. When you and Leah were still together and the three of you played in Manchester it was a common occurrence to hang out in this formation. You had missed it more than you dared to admit. 
Leah saw you get emotional and pulled you up to take you back to the hotel. Once safely inside the room she helped herself to some of your clothes after giving you some sleep clothes to change into. It wasn’t until you were safe in her arms that you finally broke down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough and I’m sorry I couldn’t get you the world cup.” The rest of what you had planned to say went down the drain once you started sobbing uncontrollably. Leah just held you and shushed you. “I know love it’s okay, we’ll talk in the morning.” Eventually you fell asleep.
Waking up your head pounded, and your eyes were almost swollen shut due to all your crying last night, but you felt the most at peace then you had in months because of the blonde’s arms still wrapped around you. Leah had felt you wake up and decided to give you a moment, it wasn’t till you looked in her eyes that she spoke up “I love you, you are enough for me, you always have been. It’s okay if you want to be friends but I just want you back in my life.” Laying there in her arms you are looking into her eyes and all you see is kindness, love and understanding.  “I don’t know what Keira told you, but I am so sorry Lee. I should have spoken to you, but I was sure that I was doing what was best for both of us. You deserve the world Lee, so much more than I could ever give you. But I should have spoken to you instead of letting rumours and gossip get to me. I don’t want to just be friends. You’re in my head, always. I just got scared away.” With that I finally feel her soft lips press to mine and I know that we will be okay.
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asexualasshat · 7 months
Y’all remember the tiktok trend where grown ups realized that they’d forgotten how to skip. Headcannon that one, a few years after Derry part 2, Richie is being a silly sappy little fellow. Starts skipping while he and Eddie are a park or whatever. He grabs Eddie’s hand to bring him along for the ride. And Eddie??? Understands the hypothetical concept of skipping. And yet his feet? Doing a sort of botched gallop.
And Richie LOSES IT! Starts roasting him. And Eddie is freaking tf out. He’s yelling but also still trying to figure skipping out. You can’t really tell if he’s yelling more at Richie or at himself. And he’s still galloping away. Richie is on the ground, holding his face in his hands to muffle his laughter.
Eventually, Richie gets up and he starts coaching Eddie. Twenty minutes later, they’re hand in hand, skipping down the path.
Richie didn’t have a choice but to tell the losers everything. And the groupchat?? LOSES IT! At first? Just roasts tf out of Eddie at first. Ben comes to his defence pretty quickly. And then asks “when was the last time you guys skipped? Are you sure you remember?”
And the accusations fly right back at Ben. Asking him if he can skip. And Ben??? In his office wearing his fancy designer work clothes???? Takes a video of himself skipping. And he sure can skip! When he’s done showing off he comes close to the camera and says “we just had a daughter. I’ve prepared.”
And again, they’re going wild. Within minutes, videos start pouring in. Bev is first, obviously immediately ready to support her husband. She’s a dazzling skipper. She’d win first prize in a skipping competition. The technique is impeccable.
Stan is next. He gets Patty into it as well, to know one’s surprise. Neither is perfect. Patty’s footwork isn’t perfect but she has pizazz. Stan is pure technique, to the point that it’s awkwardly stiff. But the pair are smiling and skipping so it doesn’t even matter. Their own daughter just toddles around in the background. Kind of embarrassing for her, but she doesn’t know what embarrassment is yet.
Mike is out in a field, phone probably propped up on his water bottle or a log. He’s mostly just frolicking around, but there’s a few solid skips in there. It’s gloriously cinematic.
Audra is on camera next, and bill can be heard saying “show me! I want to see.” She hangs in the air longer than any mortal should be able to. Her flowy dress flounces out. She giggles in response to bill saying “wow!” and “you’re really good!”
But then hepassed the phone to Audra. Of course they don’t think to stop filming in between, so you hear all the shuffling. Audra says “okay, show me!” And Bill?? The bitch can’t get his feet off the ground. There’s no elevation at all. Audra is losing her mind. She’s scream laughing. Bill looks devastated.
A moment after his own roasting begins, bill texts back “so does this mean I’m a bad dad?” And immediately it turns to dad comfort. Ben’s “kids don’t usually start to try skipping until they’re four. You have two years to practice!” And Stan’s “your son is going to see you learn and grow as a man. You’re setting a great example.” Its really quite wholesome.
Obviously someone filmed it in the park. The world sees the graceful pursuit of Eddie learning to skip. Twitter obviously loves it because it so so silly and sweet. Richie tweets something stupid like (and funnier than) “bet your husband can’t skip, either.”
And Bev, because she has notifications on for Richie, immediately replies with Ben’s video and saying “my husband could beat your husband”
More videos start pouring in. Stan keeps their video as a groupchat exclusive, but tweets from his rarely active account “Richie I literally taught you how to skip when you were 6.” Richie responds calling him a bitch.
Bill posts their video saying “watch me realize I can’t skip.”
And later. Hours later. Many. Hours. Later. Audra posts a video to her insta story. She has taught Bill how to skip. Is it graceful? No. Does it have technique? No. Could you call it good? No. But goddamn he skipped.
Eddie holds it over him for weeks that he’s the better beginner skipper
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wildechild17 · 1 year
Mag 7 wip
something I'm working on as a side project for NaNo, decided I'd share a little (not really) excerpt here, just because i could
Sam Chisolm wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but as he stood in the sparsely decorated apartment in London, it wasn’t… this.
It was, in fact, sparse. There was a small kitchen, a couch with a pullout that looked slept in, a bathroom, and a tiny closet. It was by no means a luxury place, but it was just one level above being condemned, if you asked Sam.
The man’s heart broke a little as he took it in. There was no sign of the occupant he was looking for, not that he knew who he was looking for—his boss had simply given him this address and said the person who lived here would be a good addition to the team if Sam could convince them.
Given the fact of who the rest of the team was made up of, Sam had two guesses as to whose place he was standing in. Past experiences told him one was more likely than the other.
Something caught his eye, a leatherbound book sitting among the blankets on the pullout. Curious, Sam wandered over, reaching for the book. He flipped through it, noting it was some mix between a journal and a scrapbook. The first entry dated back to just over eleven years ago, and Sam couldn’t help but read.
I’ve always known my family had powers… how could I not, when mom uses hers to heal those in our family, and when both she and gran have told me about other members of our… bloodline? Apparently, the blood is important… and their abilities.
I just assumed, like everyone before me, that it skipped generations… Instead, I woke up this morning with my own abilities. Powers… magic? I like the idea of calling it magic. Who knows, I may have them sooner and didn’t realize it… Skipper had died during the night, and when mom and Aunt Elenore asked who I was greeting this morning because to them it was empty air… I told them Skip, and I was then informed he’d passed in his sleep, so how could I be seeing him?
One quick test later, my mom declared that a) I had magic, and b) it could be classified as necromancy. That’s… a terrifying, truthfully, prospect, but… I can handle it. I hope.
At least it’s the weekend before fall break, so mom can help me figure out how to start managing it. I’m in senior year, so it’s not like I’ll have to hide it from the others as school for long. If I go to college, I can get by with strictly online classes, I think.
Mom suggested I use a journal to track my progress, but I’ve never been the best at keeping records, even school wise. Hopefully with something to keep track of, that’ll change.
I’ll make another entry when something of importance happens, I guess.
10-10-12   10-9-12/10-10-12
What the fuck is my life, truly?
With the influx of my powers, came something else… my memories. I guess necromancy and reincarnation can go hand in hand, because this isn’t the first time I’ve lived. I started having dreams and flashbacks during break, of an older version of myself set back in the Wild West. I thought it was just some weird dream/fantasy thing since… well, since I’m sort of obsessed with that era, anyways, but… no. It all came rushing back to me, today, during fifth period, which is my study block this year.
We got a new student… which, in a small town like Salem, is kind of a cause for chatter, and I wasn’t really paying attention until the guy sat next to me. When I finally looked at him…
Son of a bitch… it’s Vasquez. It all came back to me—Sam Chisolm, Rose Creek, Bart Bogue…
I’m… sort of embarrassed to say that I had a total breakdown right then and there. Mom actually had to come and pick me up early, it was so bad. It’s super late (early?), right now, almost three in the morning, and I’ve been catatonic all afternoon, according to her. So, I guess all these events really happened yesterday?
I’m getting distracted… I told her what had happened, what’s been happening, and she… didn’t seem totally surprised. Fact is, she’s the one who gave me the idea that my reincarnation ties in with my powers. Something about death being involved, which… makes sense, in a weird way.
Mom offered to keep me out of school for the rest of the week, so I can recover, but… I don’t want to do that. Maybe a day or two, but not a week. I want to talk to Vas so I can Vasquez, so I can sort of explain things to him. Hopefully, it’ll go well…
10-13-12 Update: It… I didn’t explain the powers thing to him. I didn’t want to freak him out, but I did tell him why I had my breakdown on Monday. He understood, because when his memories came back to him, he was a wreck for a while too.
He came over for the afternoon, and mom and Aunt Elenore absolutely fell in love with him. Bastard put on the damn charm. We didn’t get any schoolwork done, not like we really planned to, but we did catch up on things. What’s been going on in our modern lives, and he told me a little about what happened after I died in Rose Creek… His family travels a lot in this life, for his dad’s work. He’s got two siblings, an older sister and younger brother. I couldn’t resist and had to make a crack about his ‘three Maria’s’… he asked where mine was.
… I told him Maria died when we were kids. He sobered up pretty quick… guess he could tell it was a sore subject.
Anyways… my magic practice is progressing well. Right now, I can just see spirits, which is weird because they look like just regular people—for the most part. I’ve seen a few grisly sights, but I’m learning how to pick their energies apart from the living, so I don’t make a fool of myself in public.
Oddly enough, Vasquez has a couple ghosts hanging around him…
Sam flipped through the journal, heart twisting in his chest as he noticed a few entries more prominent than others. One, over Christmas break, detailing why Vasquez had ghosts—his father was a hunter of the supernatural, and the revelation apparently caused a rift between the two boys before Vasquez’s father himself had put things to right. He’d put the hunting behind him and was trying to settle down with his family… he could have never expected his son to befriend a witch—which, that had led to Joshua admitting about himself…
Prom. They stopped dancing around their feelings for each other and became official, and that entry made Sam smile, as well as the photos of that night that accompanied the entry. They did make a handsome couple. That was where Vasquez’s writing started slipping in on a few pages, offering extra insight or his own commentary to whatever Joshua was writing.
Graduation. Maybe too quick to those who don’t know about… us, but Vasquez gave me a bloody promise ring tonight. (you’re not actually complaining, are you? Fuck you, I’m keeping it forever thought so) and detailing a rough plan of the future. Plans to stay in Salem long enough to get through college, before moving. Maybe they’d find where Rose Creek was, if it was somewhere they could move to, settle down there. Ideas about where the rest of their motley crew were…
College. Joshua went into Anthropology and the Occult (seriously, guero? Bite me, texican), and Vasquez Art and Architecture (you know there’s a joke about cliches in there somewhere, right? Don’t you dare). Joshua seemed to develop a minor side hobby (?) in helping people with their dead loved ones, the spirits who hadn’t crossed over because of unfinished business (Jennifer Love Hewitt, who?) When they’d both finished their studies… Joshua was the one who proposed.
There were photos of various moments, in those early years. High school included prom, graduation, senior trip, homecoming week. After high school showed moving into their first apartment together, as they worked through college, domestic moments, moments with their families, college graduation, of the proposal, and later, multiple photos from the wedding. Tickets to various date locations, movies, and festivals, were taped in as well. It seemed Joshua (and by some small extension, Vasquez) was eager to keep track of everything.
But just after their return from their honeymoon in August of twenty-fifteen, the entries stopped. The next one wasn’t dated until January of twenty-sixteen. Reading it, Sam felt his heart stop and blood run cold.
1-13-16 I’m sorry, Ale… I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you. I couldn’t… couldn’t save you. If I was faster… maybe you’d still be here. Maybe I could have… God, I’m crazy for thinking it… brought you back. If you’d wanted it… if maybe I’d seen you… your spirit, at least, maybe one more time, to ask…
There are limitations to my abilities… I can bring people back from the dead, but only within a set time… I didn’t make it with you… And I’m so sorry.
You must have crossed over. That’s the only reason I can think of to not see your ghost… it’d be just like you, too… you wouldn’t have wanted me to see you like that. I know you wouldn’t have. I know, but… goddammit it still hurts, you son of a bitch. If I could have just said goodbye…
… you were gone too soon. And those bastards… they’ll pay. Eventually, they’ll pay.
I’m sorry.
I… did find where Rose Creek is. It’s still a small town but thriving in today’s age. I’ll… I’ll go there. For us… for you.
Maybe I’ll find some sort of peace there.
Silence, for a few months, before another entry was made.
5-23-16 God, what have I done? I didn’t… I wasn’t… I didn’t mean for that to happen… I didn’t know I could do that.
I need to get away. From everyone. Anyone that I can hurt…
I’m so sorry Vas…
After that, there were no more entries. Sam flipped through the remaining blank pages and found nothing. Frowning, Sam went back to the last entry, and wondered what the hell might have happened for it to exist.
Actually, he wondered what happened in those last two entries in general—one was obvious. The other… not so much. He’d have to ask Matthew to investigate the dates mentioned, give or take a day or two. Surely, there’d be some sort of record online, somewhere—
“How the fuck did you get in here?”
Sam startled, the book falling from his hands and back on to the bed. He whirled around, coming eye to eye with Joshua Faraday. The first thing the older man noticed was how tired the redhead looked, with bags beneath his eyes, and skin pale. He stood as though the weight of the world was laid on his shoulders, but it didn’t distract from the, frankly, intimidating glare he was fixing Sam with.
“I know I locked the door when I left,” Joshua continued, and then his gaze flicked down to the journal on the bed, and his anger grew. He stood straight, and Sam swore the room grew colder and darker as Joshua set a bag of possible groceries on the floor, “You went looking through my personal things?!”
“Now, hold on just a minute, son—” Sam began.
“I’m not your son,” Joshua hissed, and there was no doubt about it—Joshua was altering the space around them. His eyes were beginning to glow, a toxic green that caused the hairs on the back of Sam’s neck to rise, “What are you doing here, Chisolm?”
“I came to offer you a job,” Sam said, quickly, and Joshua drew up short. A brief look of bafflement crossed his features as he stared at the older man, “That is, if you want it.”
The redhead crossed his arms, eyes narrowing.
“Explain,” he said, shortly, so Sam did.
He explained how he’d been tasked with bringing a crew together (yes, the rest of the Rose Creek bunch, for the most part…) and that while Joshua’s name hadn’t come up directly, Sam’s own bosses had suggested Joshua could be an integral part of the team. This team would be dealing with threats across the world, both natural and supernatural. Clearly, Joshua would be a good addition, if he wanted to join.
“But… I’m not pressing you to,” Sam said, quietly. He glanced down at the journal, then back to Joshua, “You’ve clearly been through a lot already.”
Joshua’s expression darkened, lips thinning, but he said nothing. Just stared at Sam with those eyes of his still glowing. But he was silent, and Sam took it for a good thing.
“… would you have come for me, if I hadn’t been brought up?” Joshua asked.
Sam blinked at the question, but answered nonetheless: “Eventually, yes. It wouldn’t have been fair not to include you and—” he faltered, only because Joshua pinned him with a venomous glare, “We want everyone we can get. We worked so well together, before.”
Silence, again, and Sam could tell Joshua was right on the edge of accepting the offer, he just needed one last push.
“Who killed him?” Sam asked, pitching his own voice low—after all, someone had mess with those he cared about. He was angry thinking about it; Joshua startled, so Sam asked again, “Who did it? We can go after the sons of bitches with you.”
Joshua’s jaw clenched.
“Hunters,” he ground out. “Ones who didn’t approve of his relationship with… with me. I don’t… I don’t have exact names, though.”
“Then come with me,” Sam offered, holding out his hand. “Together, we’ll help you figure out who did it, and we’ll see them get what they deserve.”
Joshua looked down at Sam’s extended hand, before he looked up at the man himself. The temperature returned to normal, and the shadows fell away. The glow in the witch’s eyes faded, but they still burned with anger and determination…
Joshua took Sam’s hand.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Chisolm.”
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In which the Resident Rep falls victim to the Florence Nightingale effect
July 2020
“It’s okay, Mia, I’ll be fine,” Gulliver explains, holding onto her shoulder for balance as she guides him upstairs.
“Seriously? Not too long ago you were passed out on the beach. You need to rest.”
The two enter her spacious, dimly lit bedroom with the pink cherry-blossom wallpaper. He finds that he can walk easier now, so he makes his way to her antique-style bed and climbs into it, his head resting on a propped-up pillow.
“There, there now,” she tells him softly. “You’re okay here with me, alright?” She places his communicator on the nightstand, but he doesn’t even bother to check the messages. His crew never replies anyway.
“Yeah, okay. Thank you...for all of this. Boy, this is, what? The fourth time? You’re probably getting tired of me...”
“Actually, no. Quite the opposite.” She flashes him a smile. “Once a month is not enough, Gulliver.”
What was that supposed to mean?
“So...you want me to pass out on your shores more often? Is that what you’re saying?”
She chuckles, her cheeks turning slightly pink. “Oh, that’s not what I meant. Sorry. I, uh...just wanna see you more often. I think about you every day, you know.”
“Really...every day?” Wow, that’s a whole lot of thinking.
“I mean...yeah. Even when we’re not texting. I can’t get you out of my head.”
“Well, uh...that’s interesting,” he replies, not sure if it was the right thing to say.
Just then, her phone starts ringing on the nightstand, right next to his communicator. He leans over to see her phone screen, which says “incoming call” followed by a random number.
“Oh, that’s a spam call,” she explains. “Just ignore it. I get those all the time.”
He is about to avert his gaze back to her when the call message turns off, showing her lock screen for a few seconds. As soon as he notices the wallpaper, he lets out a gasp. Wait...that’s me! The screen shows a close-up photo of him sleeping on the beach.
“Hey, Mia?” he asks, staring into her brown eyes. “Why am I your lock screen?”
She freezes in place, eyes going wide, before quickly reaching out and flipping her phone face down. The room is silent for a second; the only sound Gulliver can hear is the faint ticking of her cuckoo clock.
“I, uh...you weren’t supposed to see that,” she says eventually, in a soft voice that almost comes out as a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”
“Wait, so you took a photo of me while I was unconscious? Then you set it as your lock screen?? What kind of creepy stalker are you?”
“Okay, Gulliver...calm down.” She briefly puts a hand on his shoulder. “I know, it was probably wrong of me. I just really wanted a photo of you so, uh...whenever I open my phone I see your face and that makes me really happy.”
He stares at her in surprise. “Really? I make you happy? That’s so sweet...”
“Yeah, you do,” she replies, grinning. “What can I say? I like being around you.”
“Aww...my lad, you are a very kind skipper. Although if you wanted a photo of me, you could’ve just asked. I would be honored.”
“Well, when you were here two months ago you said no. So last month I just took one myself! You look great in it, by the way.”
“Don’t lie to me, McAllister. Lemme see it again.” He grabs her phone and it lights up, showing the screen again. Oh my goodness. It’s as if he got hit by a bus. His cheek is slightly bruised, his feathers are sticking out every which way, and there is wet sand all over him.
“Seriously?” he scolds, putting the phone back. “I look absolutely horrible. Tell me, how many lads have seen this photo?”
“Not very many, I promise,” she assures him. “Gulliver, I’m sorry again. I didn’t want you to see this. I’ll replace it with something else.”
“Well, you better. I’ll let you take one of me today, alright? Once I’ve had my rest and I look a little more presentable, of course.”
“Okay, sounds good.” Her eyes seem to glow in excitement, which makes him smile. “Yeah, speaking of that, you can take a nap here. I don’t mind.”
“Alright, cool. Thank you, laddie.”
She gives him another playful grin, before offering to help. He scoots forward slightly while she fluffs up the pillow flat on the mattress, and then he slowly lies down. The blanket is warm and dry against his slightly damp feathers and sailor outfit. Oh, this feels so nice.
He sighs in relief, knowing that the hideous photo will no longer be on her lock screen. Instead, whenever she opens her phone, she can see him awake and smiling.
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beijingsoftgo · 2 years
Cricket highlights
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His sequence of scores in last six T20 Internationals is 74, 30, 56, 48, 55 and 56 and captaincy hasn't changed his style of play one bit. Read Ball by Ball Commentary, Series schedule of all ICC International & Domestic. But Rohit didn't allow the fall of wicket to bog him down as he got his fifty with a deliberate cut through the vacant third-man area off his opposite number. Find Live Cricket Scores, Match updates, Fixtures, Results, News, Articles, Video highlights only at ESPNcricinfo. Rohit's frustration was compounded when Rishabh Pant went for an ugly hoick to give Santner his third wicket in his second over. Post Powerplay, stand-in captain Mitchell Santner (4-0-27-3) was able to pull things back as Kishan edged an arm ball into the keeper's gloves while Suryakumar Yadav (0) played a loose shot to a tossed up delivery giving an easy catch to the cover, much to the irritation of his skipper. Rohit pulled Boult behind square for his first six and hit Adam Milne (0/47 in 4 overs) over long-on for the second maximum and the third off Lockie Ferguson was another pull behind the square into the stand below the giant electronic scoreboard. There was no preferential treatment as all the fast bowlers were treated with equal disdain as he and Kishan made full use of the Powerplay overs, which yielded 69 runs. Having got two flashy back-to-back boundaries off the very first over by Trent Boult, there was no looking back for Rohit. Ishan Kishan (29 off 21 balls), Shreyas Iyer (25 off 20 balls) and Venkatesh (20 off 15 balls) all got starts but couldn't convert it into a big score. In his bid to test the team's character by batting first, the skipper led the way with five fours and three sixes in his sublime knock but despite a blazing start, the Indians stuttered in the middle overs before Harshal Patel (18 off 11 balls) and Deepak Chahar (21 not out off 8 balls) used their long handles which fetched 50 runs in last five overs. When India batted, Rohit's imperious form was on full display as he laid the platform for an above par score. Watch the highlights of Cricket Videos 2021 match videos online only on. But what he has shown like his predecessor, Virat Kohli is ability to walk the talk with performances that his mates will look up to. CricHighlightsVidz - Cricket Videos 2021 Highlights. Harshal Patel is a welcome addition with his sincere efforts but the middle order still remains a bit iffy as it didn't perform up to expectation in any of the games.Ī few like Ruturaj Gaikwad and Avesh Khan went untested but the skipper will surely use all his options going forward. He bowled steadily and needs more game time to become a middle-order enforcer having been a top-order player. Venkatesh Iyer has shown potential and needs to be persisted with. Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Ravichandran Ashwin's return to form in white ball cricket augurs well as there is no substitute for experience. Moreover, it will reflect on other players,” said Gambhir, who won two World Cup titles with MS Dhoni's Team India.For Rohit and head coach Rahul Dravid, this series was about checking what kind of ammunition they have going forward. Whether India play good or bad, his statements will always remain balanced. You won't hear such statements from Rahul Dravid. You won in England, performed well, no doubt. You won in Australia, that's a big achievement no doubt. Shastri-coached Team India side recorded two series triumphs over Australia in their tour Down Under. Virat Kohli-led Team India became the first Asian Test team to defeat Australia in their backyard under coach Shastri's watch. It's fine if others talk about it when we won the 2011 World Cup, no one gave statements saying that this team is the best in the world, let alone country,” Gambhir told Times Now Navbharat. “The one thing I found surprising is that when you play well, you don't usually boast about it. The former Indian head coach had famously compared Team India’s Test series win in Australia with the 1983 World Cup title triumph. The cricketer-turned-politician called out Shastri over his praise-worthy remarks about the Indian cricket team during his coaching stint. Gambhir, who welcomed the appointment of Dravid after Shastri's departure, was recently asked about the coaching stint of the former head coach. Dravid has replaced Shastri, whose iconic tenure as head coach ended after India's forgetful campaign in the recently concluded ICC World T20 2021. One of the most celebrated batters in the history of the sport, legendary cricketer Dravid was earlier appointed as the head coach of the Team India side.
Rahul Dravid's Team India hammered New Zealand 3-0 in the recently concluded T20I seriesįormer Indian opener Gautam Gambhir has explained what separates former head coach Ravi Shastri from his successor Rahul Dravid.
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0 notes
magnumdays · 3 years
Magnum PI 4.09 - Better Watch Out review
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So where to begin with this! I mean while a good chunk of this episode was Magnum and Lia running about, BUT we got so many small Miggy moments and stuff I don’t even mind! 
(In fact Magnum/Lia relationship in this felt more like it was there to give us Miggy moments more than anything. Which is kind of what it is about so yeah... makes sense.)
We also got so much soft Higgy. From her being all ”this was the best way I could think of '' about the Santa/Elf gig (can we talk about character growth? I mean season 1 Higgy would rather get shot before putting an elf costume on!)
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(Though Higgy does looks like she be ready to murder someone wishing her a merry Christmas here!) 
having the lads as a background on her computer
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being there to tease, support Magnum in his relationship and for saying  ‘she don’t know what she’s missing’ there at the end. And staying when the crisis is over just because she’d rather be there to support him. All the good stuff.
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It was nice that we didn’t get an actual hostage crisis at the precinct like the summary said, but a digital one. This made it make sense for Higgy to be left at HPD trying to hack and stuff while Magnum and Lia did the physical detective part. Good reason to put her on the side-line rather than having something stupid like they’ve done before, so Magnum and Lia working together could happen. 
I would have, despite not really caring about Lia/Magnum, to have seen some more of the feels going on there. Because when Magnum confines about being upset Lia lied to Higgins, it’s almost surprising. (Loved their talk here and someone remembering - if vaguely - to reference Hannah.)
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I mean sure, he is clearly upset but at the same time… not really feeling it. But because she’s more of a “in the background obstacle” to Miggy than anything else, we don’t want or get to see much of their ‘normal dynamic’. So IDK. Maybe having her be like “yeah, I’d love to come to O’hana X-mas” at the start and then at the end realizing he’s hurt and going “Actually I have paperwork.” 
Small question about Lia’s dad and Magnum and Higgins’ previous dealings with them - didn’t Higgy push a company assassin out of a window 20 floors up in s. 1 or 2 and he got smashed like a pancake? Or maybe that was some other organization? It’s not gonna happen but it would be excellent fun if Lia’s dad had Magnum followed, one of the followers recolonized Higgy as the person who killed said hit man (who was actually a close friend of Lia’s dad) years ago and we got a big dramatic mess when they tried to get revenge on Juliet... (fic idea ding-ding-ding.)
As for Caleb and the car plot as well as the bail skipper small time crock with a heart of gold was nice. 
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(I’m really happy that even crocks get to be nice and love their families sometimes. It’s very X-mas appropriate.)
At first I wasn’t sure what was going on with Caleb and wanted him to be more embracing and happy about being part of the O’hana, but when he talked to Rick I kind of felt like it worked. He had a life and family and traditions and while he’s happy it’s different and he’s still not quite feeling like he’s part of the O’hana fully. But him being thankful and doing the little speech at the end was nice. At the same time, I kind of like him better when he’s angry or upset for some reason.
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Favorite moments
This expression on Magnum’s face when he realizes he just invited Lia and her mom to Christmas dinner...
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Magnum and Higgins talk / heading out together at the end.
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I so enjoy the fact that we’re getting Higgy being just as supportive of Magnum’s relationship as he was with her and Ethan. I do hope we get more progress during the remaining half of the season on the Miggy feels though, because we have already done this story-line in a way with it taking forever for Magnum to even be a ‘currently nothing more than friends’ so yeah. Need something else to happen. (But by the sound of 4.10 it does already sound like the writing team knows as much.)
Also wonder if this is what is going to be the begging of the end for the Magnum/Lia thing, or just a bump in the road? Could we get a “Higgy has sexy dream but Magnum and Lia are now closer than ever so…angst?” sort of thing next time. 
I honestly would either like some actual feels between Lia/Magnum or for them to amicably break up and she just be Gordon’s partner. I really like her and Gordon’s dynamic and it’s good to have another female character around!
Loved Thomas giving Kumu a little hugg-y cheek kiss. They so adorable!
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Higgy making (in)famous Christmas pudding! I mean, licorice and basil? (Actually it doesn't sound too bad, but I am a Swede and thus a licorice fiend… though still not sure about it in pudding form.)
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The ‘doesn’t she know what she’s missing’ moment of course even if it was meant to also imply the whole O’hana hang, it felt more like Higgy pointing out how awesome Thomas is. Which we love. Them heading out together… just feels right.
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Same with the bringing her a change of clothes.
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Them just being adorable and him teasing her about it but having done it. And I just want to point out… this is the top he picked for her…
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(Or maybe she had some clothes picked out for him to stick in a bag but still I like my Magnum gives himself a christmas gift - Higgy-cleavage - idea better.)
Magnum (always) having Higgins back being all “She did it for you Gordy, aren’t you tried of us asking for you favors?”
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And the end. Let’s not forget about the end( I already posted these pics but can’t have too many pics of our two idiots looking at each other, now can we?)
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I really don’t need anything more for Christmas!
(I am working on a X-mas fic though, that’ll be up today or tomorrow! Just in case anyone wants more Christmas fluff feels...)
Overall, I enjoyed the episode a lot. I loved the fact that this is their yearly tradition, imply they’ve been doing this every year even though we haven’t gotten to see it. Extra points for the fact that Higgy makes weird English Christmas pudding they all eat even though they don’t like it. It’s very nice and makes my Christmas-heart feel happy and full.
So yeah, this ep was a winner! 
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And Merry Christmas everyone!
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despiteherself · 3 years
King Julien?
King Julien my beloved…….
Also sorry this took me so long omgggg
* favorite thing about them
everything <3
okay, so this comes as no surprise to literally anyone who’s heard me talk about kj but his big heart. i absolutely adore that so much of his story is about how his big heart fumbling around saves the day, even when the story is about his own hubris. Whether it was intentional or not ahkj ended up being a powerful story about a kind-hearted party animal with an inherited legacy of violence and mistreatment heal from his own trauma with the love for his people. yes! it was messy and it is a kids show so it had a lot of continuity issues and like…. toilet humour, but underneath it was so tender. kj’s story of wanting to be king for perks, to feeling like he didn’t deserve to be the one true king but managing to unite the entirety of the kingdoms Madagascar under his love as a symbol was so…….. kj’s big heart saves the day <3
even in the movies, where he is classist and bigheaded he still manages to do it? melman is brave because of kj’s empathy for a talking head, and the circus goes back to the Central Park zoo to help the zoosters bc of kj’s love. his line about “it doesn’t matter what you smell like, or what i smell like, it matters what we smell like together.” is what prompts everyone to forgive the lies.
* least favorite thing about them
nothing he’s perfect <3
I don’t know how to feel about season 5 after exiled. I know it must have been hard trying to tie everything up, going back to the joke based continuity and toilet humour after the emotional sucker punch of exiled. it just. feels like it rehashes old plots but makes them more complex and I think if it hadn’t been after exiled I wouldn’t feel so…. Unsure. kj in this, starts off desperately trying to prove himself as king (again) for good reason, but then seems to lose himself in petty ways he out grow and serious things reveled through jokes get left behind to make more jokes and it just feels…… kj grew into being a good leader and i wish it wasn’t forgotten again. This isn’t rlly about him, more the writing, and the plot problem - episodic vs long form story telling is a hard one, but it’s what I dislike. Let kj have growth bc he was given some and it’s hard to see it’s gone when we know it’s possible.
* favorite line
Oh this is hard :/
I like whenever he does his little pep talks. Or when he says he loves his kingdom. Those are fun & nonsensical and yet, an encapsulation of why he’s such a good ruler. he does understand his people, in a way the juliens before him didn’t, because he was never supposed to be one of them, and left to his own devices with his big sensitive heart made a connection that would outlast even the cruelest of julien kings. julien wants to be loved so badly, and he makes a mess of it, but he holds together the cracks of the lemurs before him, hurt by others the way he was and together they build something worthwhile.
“think of it as me sandwich, stuffed with me.
Pretty good right?” Bc that’s one of the funniest scenes
* brOTP
royal quartet <3
kj and literally everyone. i love him being friends and loving towards just about everyone
kj x his kingdom as a wholistic statement <3 i think married to his kingdom is what’s most satisfying for me. Kj who makes the specific choice to focus on his kingdom instead of personal goals - and despite loving children so much, making the specific choice to end the julien line (it’s reign of terror) with him. Ahhhhhhhh that would be so satisfying narratively.
also, not to bring this up again but i do think it would be beneficial to both their characters of like kj and ted had a idk passionate summer fling and are now each other’s wingmen post divorce. i say again but i barely think I’ve hinted at it so you know, whatever. i just think their dynamic is SO interesting, and the one scene in exiled where Ted saves everyone is just……. ah, perfect. I wish we got a deeper exploration of Ted & Dorothy, and Ted & his rejection by julien at lemur school & losing prom king & his obsessed with being needed/wanted.
I have no issues with any of the pairings that happened lmao, but obv most of them are exes and i think they’re fun that way. Karen, rob, crimson, karl probably, idk, i guess skipper? i don’t think they date bc skipper is homophobic <3
* nOTP
There’s just way too much family symbolism & literally having clover and Maurice ACTUALLY taking his parents place for me to be anything but squicked by kj/either of them/both of them. no shade to anyone who does, but it just makes me feel :////// I also just love their dynamic as friends, and whilst exploring toxicity in relationships can be interesting, i rlly think that if the three of them became more dependent on each other it would just stunt them all. they do better as a unit in relation to everyone in the kingdom.
I didn’t include mort in the family part even tho he pretends to be kj’s son once but he’s included in that. people who say royal trio over royal quartet break my heart, mort is equally important in this dynamic and also. notp thanks
aslo don’t care for pancho :/ sorry pancho lovers <3 it’s just i don’t think he’s half as important as anyone makes him out to be and i don’t think he and kj rlly have that much chemistry, especially not compared to like his interactions with pretty much every single adult lemur. it’s whatever! ppl have fun with it, i just personally don’t see why you’d pick it over literally any of the other side but main-ish characters. i actually think, if anything, kj is more dismissive towards pancho than a lot of characters, especially considering he’s so flirty. and no amount of the Manchurian candidate can make up for that, especially when it was about family again.
ok now that I’ve alienated like 98% of the ahkj fandom it’s okay it’s not like super notp it’s just i don’t care for it <3
* random headcanon
kj starts watching todd’s unboxing videos one day when he’s relaxing, after he’s calmed down about the captain booty butt toy being stolen, like 3am channel surfing and like gets rlly into the concept bc like surprise toys out of box is peak adhd excitement. he wants to start his own channel and in his excitement gets everyone to watch his stuff which doesn’t have the care or knowledge (bc the excitement for kj is the surprise - can relate) that Todd’s has and Todd’s show gets canceled. he’s obv pretty sad bc that was Todd’s only hobby outside of doing what his mum makes him do & he gets rlly upset. eventually, somehow, kj stumbles upon Todd being sad and they have a convo and kj realises that he stole Todd’s hobby & that actually, the hovering, full attention of Tammy is suffocating and not something kj should long for. I rlly want Todd & kj to have an end to their “rivalry”. They make up, kj retires his unboxing channel and promos Todd’s, Todd gets to hang out in the plane as a friend to get away from his family for a while, kj learns the value of space.
* unpopular opinion
again… are there unpopular kj opinions???
i just think he should have had the proper number of rings on his tail. when i look at it I’m like, sir please give him the correct number it hurts me to see like 7 of each colour and i think it ends in a white tip which >:/ which is a silly thing to find annoying
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Queen - Uma x Harry Hook x reader - songfic oneshot
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Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy
To fight my battles, to overshadow me
Don't ya know I'm dangerous?
Fire burnin' in my blood
I got this handled, I don't need rescuin'
Being the daughter of Aurora and King Phillip was tough, or at least tougher than others thought it would be.
Always sit up straight, never slouch, never sit with your legs apart, never curse, never lash out, always be kind, always smile, never spit, Never show blemishes, never be over a certain weight.
Always be perfect
….then again….those were the expectations of the granddaughter of Leah, mother of Aurora.
Your parents had different expectations.
Now how to protect yourself, know how to wield a sword, know how to shoot an arrow, know how to fight on horseback, know when to strike and when to stand back, know when to act like a lady and when to act like a knight.
Be sad, be angry, be happy, be snarky, be you.
Luckily you had never stuck on your grandmother's teachings as your sister did. you had grown in your father's teachings of the sword.
As the younger daughter of Phillip and Aurora, your grandmother paid less attention to you, since she was paying attention to Audrey, who had prince Ben at her side, the awaiting heir to Auradon.
You relished in the time you had away from the aging spiteful EX-queen.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
I'ma show you
You tried to help your sister grow her confidence within the family to step away from your grandmother, but Audrey was deep in her claws, unable to break away from the poison.
It hurt watching your sister, once the brightest girl to be around, slowly become a snake, sneering behind backs and teasing those who didn’t “match” up to her.
You hoped one day that she could break free of your grandmother's influence.
Though during the point the first four vks came along, you saw the sliver of the sister you once knew, when Ben “broke up” with her.
She had come to your room after the game, crying her eyes out, jumping into your arms, and sobbing her heart out to you.
“i-I thought we were-I thought” she had cried, burying her face into your shoulder.
While you held no grudge against Mal for her mother's actions against your own (unlike your grandmother), you weren’t on the best terms with Mal for a while after that.
During cotillion, your sister had gone off with your fairy godmothers, while you stayed behind to help Jane plan for the grand event. Uma, the daughter of Ursula, had caught your attention as she appeared.
She had spelled Ben to free the children still on the isle, you mentally commended her on her act, through the way she went about it was a bit interesting and too similar to Mals way of doing things that it left a bad taste in your mouth.
Though it got the job done, with the documents for another 4 vks to come to Auradon being worked on soon after cotillion.
How to treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
Uma's face had been…interesting as you found her on the western shores of Ursula’s strait, holding food and a bundle of warmer clothes for her.
“why?” Uma had asked, shrugging on the dark blue hoodie and crossing her arms, staring down the box of warm food in your hands.
“because it will be cold the next few nights, and I'm not going to let you starve if I can help it” you responded, face blank as you held out the food to her.
She started at you for a moment, before nodding, taking the food and slowly eating it, before her eyes brightened and she soon devoured the entire meal.
You smiled and handed her a map of the surrounding area “be safe, there is a cave that keeps away the ocean draft and hardly ever gets cold or wet.
Uma watched you with curious eyes as you walked away that night, surprised after each day when you continued to return to her spot, holding new clothes and food for her.
Within the next year and a half, you and Uma had grown close, telling you of her boys, Harry Hook, and Gil, her best friends and those whom she trusted with her deepest secrets and life.
You decided you would try to convince Ben to get Uma's boys off.
Vk day came around the corner, Uma listening as you told her the new vks that would be coming to Auradon.
She brightened a bit as the Smee twins came up.
“Skipper and Sterling, good, Harriet probably made them sign up, otherwise they would have never tried.”
“do you think Harry and Gil will sign up?”
“dunno, probably, to find me at least, but I know Mal and her goons would never choose them, as long as they are loyal to me, Mal sees them as her enemy”
You hummed, remembering Mal's insistence on the search for Uma. The irony that one of their own was helping hide a villain.
“then let's hope one of the other ones can look past Mal's rivalry with you and let others look on to a new path”
Uma snorted, shaking her head “Evie would be the only one to do that, Mals boys, especially Jay, are too wrapped up in her delusions”
You sighed and nodded, crossing your arms as you stared across the moonlit sea at the smog-covered isle. “well figure something else out then” Uma grinned at you.
“optimistic aren’t you?”
You grinned back “someone has to be”
Only three days later, as you were running late to Janes birthday and after hearing about your sister's sleeping spell, you grabbed your sword that had been enchanted by your godmothers, the same enchantments as your father's sword, and ran out to look for any sign of your sister or the vks. you came across sleeping bodies just outside the dorms, looking around with wide eyes you hovered above a sleeping student, waving your hand in their face and snapping.
“Audrey what did you do” you whispered, leaning back and crossing your arms, looking around the courtyard.
“they’re asleep” you perked up and spun around, seeing the vks entering through the opposite pathway of the garden. “all of them” Evie looked around with worried eyes, her mouth dropping open in a gasp as she saw you “(y/n)!” she yelled, running towards you at surprising speed considering her heels “you're awake!”
“y-yeah?” you yelped, wrapping your arms around her as she slammed into you “why wouldn’t I be?”
“well” Evie stuttered “Audrey-the scepter-she-nevermind, im glad you’re okay!” you nodded slowly, peeking around Evie and spotting a snickering Uma.
You rose your brow at her and she shook her head, nodding towards the two taller boys looking around the courtyard.
One was taller, with dark-colored hair and a long dark red vest-jacket, black faded and worn pants with black boots and a silver hook in his left hand. Harry Hook, son of Captain James Hook, Uma's first mate.
The other was a slightly shorter teen male with longer blonde hair hidden by a dark orange cap, a short-sleeved leather shirt, and dark orange-yellow pants with dark brown boots. Gil, son of Gaston, her quartermaster.
Her boys.
The darker haired one, Harry, turned to you, locking his bright Blue eyes with yours, you felt a shock run through your body, your breath stopping as you stared into his eyes.
Harry felt his breath stop, watching as the girl with alluring (e/c) eyes stared back at him. He couldn’t look away, something holding him in place.
“guys!” Harry felt the hold release as the girl looked away and to Evie, who was gesturing to a statue of a girl in a band uniform "Hanna got turned to stone!”
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
Mal had taken over the group, ordering to head to Bens castle to look for him. You walked silently beside Uma as you traveled on foot to the castle, too occupied in your thoughts to notice Harry continue to stare at you.
He couldn’t figure out why and how you somehow stopped him in his tracks, unable to breathe or move.
The only other person that had done that to him…was Uma.
“Ben!” Mal called out, worried eyes flying about the hallways “Ben!!”
“he might not be here Mal” you offered, raising your brow as Celia sighed and tossed in other (depressing) option.
“or turned to stone” Evie covered the young girl's mouth and shook her head.
Eyes on me like I'm a prize
But you better recognize
I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me
Uma frowned at the slashes across the wall, following the slash with her hand and calling out to the group “hey!” Uma turned, pointing a the slashes that had destroyed the map hanging on the wall “What's this?”
“um” Carlos muttered, his eyes widening in fear, as walked over to the slashes and turned to mal “any chance this was here before?”
Mal bit her lip and shook her head a bit, continuing forward after dude, calling out for ben.
“Ben!” she opened a set of double doors, leading to a room of knights lining the walls “Ben?!”
Harry let out a whistle and stepped around you, walking towards a suit and trailing his fingers across the blade. Jay leaned towards him, whispering in his ear, sneering at the pirate.
Harry just smirked and walked off after Uma.
You followed close behind Uma, feeling something off about the room, like someone was watching you.
As Mal and Uma argued,  you and Harry glanced at each other as the knight in front of you started to move, you squinted at the pink smoke pouring from its helmet.
“I believe we’re being challenged” Harry tried, Uma holding up her hand to silence him.
“Let's split up and look for Audrey” Uma suggested, raising her brows as mal denied it and held out her hand. “that makes absolutely no sense, unless you give me the ember she's going to spell you!”
You and Harry pressed your lips together and looked at each other with wide eyes as the knight moved again “GUYS!” you yelled, gesturing to the knight as the girls jumped and looked at you.
“we ‘ave a bit of a situation ‘ere” Harry growled, glaring up at the empty suit of armor that began to move as if it was being worn.
“you like a prince mal? Well, how bout a knight in shining armor….or knights”
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
I'ma show you
You quickly backed away, Uma holding onto your arm as you ran towards the doors when two knights blocked the way, Celia standing behind them eyes wide with fear.
You groaned and turned, spotting a set of swords on the wall. You maneuvered around Jay and Mal and grabbed them, handing them to Evie and Carlos as you backed into the group, eyeing down the knights.
“Let's do this” you muttered, gasping as Harry stepped in front of you and pushed you back. “stay back princess, wouldn’t want yeh getting hurt” you felt your brow twitch in agitation, but ignored him, watching the knights as they surrounded you. Uma hopped down beside you and Harry, smirking at the knights, waving her fingers tauntingly.
You sighed and drew your sword, feeling the enchantments run through the hilt. You took a step forward, making Harry twitch, and in blinding speed, you knocked several helmets off the knight's heads, the suits crumbling to the floor with a loud crash.
“Did anybody else forget that (y/n)s a genius with a sword?” Carlos chuckled, watching as you took down three more knights with only a sidestep and a flourish of your sword.
“huh?” Harry asked, yelping as a hammer swiped at his head, Jay appearing behind it and striking its shoulder, sending it to the side.
“she takes more after her dad doesn’t she?” Jay supplied, grabbing Harry's arm and forcing him to his feet, blocking another swipe as Harry nodded behind him.
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You glanced at Uma, who was being held down by four knights, and bolted over to her, half leaping in the air and drawing your sword down, slashing through the metal of their arms like butter and colliding into Uma and half dragging her across the room, looking back at the knights as Audrey's scream of frustration rang through the room.
“holy shit” Uma muttered in your ear, grabbing your shoulder to stabilize herself “how come you never told me you could do this shit?” “you never asked” you laughed, flipping your sword and turning, smirking at the knights who were trying, and failing, to sneak up behind you.
“still would have been nice to know” Uma snorted, running around you and slashing at one of the knights, backing away and behind you as you ran forward and swung your sword around, slicing off their helmets, side flipping as the crashed to the ground.
“Uma?” Harry panted, sliding next to her and smiling at you, who was blocking another knight from slashing at Evie. “can we keep her?”
Uma laughed and nodded “yes, yes we can keep her”
“awesome” Harry breathed, biting his lip, watching you spin on your heel and unarm a knight before spinning into a squat, slashing off their knees and smirking as they crashed to the ground.
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You pouted and kicked the boot of a fallen knight, all that fight only for them to be defeated by a simple spell and some dance moves.
The boring way to end a battle if anyone asked you.
You sighed and cracked your neck, sheathing your sword and walking over to the squabbling VKs. “what's next?” you asked aloud, rolling your eyes as Mal assumed you were talking to her.
“we’re going to the museum to look for any clues”
“there's no point to that though! We know it's Audrey who took the crown and scepter, logically we should go to her room or something and look for any clues there!” Uma pushed, gritting her teeth as Mal shook her head.
“Mal” you sighed, dropping your shoulders “you don’t want to hear this but Uma's right, going to the museum is pointless unless we're going for the wand or something, I say us girls go to Audrey's and the boys look for ben”
Uma nodded, staring Mal down, who glared back. Evie clapped her hands together, making the two jump “that sounds perfect, lets meet at my place in, two hours okay?”
The rest of the group nodded, you walked up to Celia and gently pushed her to start moving as the vks started waling out of the room to set on their missions.
Harry glanced back at you as he walked alongside Gil, watching as Uma turned to you and whispered something, smirking as your shoulders bounced.
He turned back sighing as he listened to the dog talk.
You can call me a princess all you like
‘Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain’t what I want, I’ma show you
You walked alongside Uma and Harry as they separated from the other vks to look for Celia and Gil. “you coming with us or something lass?” Harry asked aloud, raising his brows as you shook your head.
“no, I’ll help you find Gil and Celia and then help you get where you need to go, then I’ll come back to help my sister get her head back, that scepter is warping her mind and I won't lose her” you stated, voice strong with conviction.
Uma and Harry glanced at each other before Uma turned to you, going to speak when Mal suddenly ran up, yelling out Uma's name.
“uma-uma! Wait! Please wait!” Uma glared at the purple-haired girl as she skidded to a stop “I need your help, we have a chance if we work together!”
Uma sneered at her “your friends kick you to the curb?” Mal's face said it all “good”
“Ben saw something in you, and-today Uma I saw it too! You care! Uma, you care about everybody!” Uma rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and staring at Mal blankly “and Auradon is worth saving!”
“and my sister isn’t?” you sneered, Mal suddenly turned to you “you know what the scepter is like, it poisons the mind Mal, it's taken over my sister, and because of you, I might not get her back, because of you, she turned to something dark to get revenge…You know” you cocked your hip, glaring at the wide-eyed Mal
“she never got an apology from you or Ben, you love spelled Ben for the wand, had him “break up” with Audrey by declaring his “love” for you, do you know how many nights I spent with Audrey, holding her in my arms because she couldn’t sleep she was crying so hard, crying so hard she threw up?
You are not the only one with feelings Mal, Audrey did love ben, my grandmother screwed up what love meant to Audrey but she did love him, and you took that away and never apologized. So you know what Mal” you got in her face, glaring into her shiny green eyes “you deserve whatever Audrey does to you, and when I get back, I will save Audrey myself, because it seems I'm the only one who actually fucking cares about her”
You shoulder checked Mal and walked off, Mal desperately calling your name. “you talk pretty….but they’ve already made up their minds” Harry sighed, following Uma as she pushed past Mal and followed after you.
How to treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You grinned at Uma as she walked across the bridge from the isle to Auradon, Harry, and Gil at her side.
“Welcome to Auradon Uma” you laughed as Uma leapt into your arms, spinning her around for a moment to keep your balance “officially at least” Uma rolled her eyes as she pulled back, taking your hand and pulling you off to dance, Harry, following close behind.
“yeah yeah, thanks for everything by the way”
You hummed, raising your brow “for giving me food, clothes, all that stuff for the past year”
“so yer the one who took care of the cap’n all this time huh?” Harry asked, looking to Uma for confirmation.
“I guess?” you shrugged, smirking as Mal turned to you with wide eyes “uh I think Mal heard that one?”
“who cares” Uma chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward her, Harry following her lead and grabbing your other hand “care to dance with us pirates princess?”
“it would be my pleasure” you bowed, giggling as Harry spun you and held you to his side, Uma laughing along and letting him spin her with his other hand.
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​
@imtryingthisout​ @remembered-license​
@random-thoughts-003​ @verboetoperee​
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aricazorel · 3 years
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Day 24 "Horizon"
Kaidan Alenko, Ashley Williams, Kori Reese
ME2, post- Horizon mission
“I…I can’t believe it,” Ashley Williams stated for the third time since meeting up with Kaidan Alenko and Kori Reese two weeks after her assignment ended on Horizon.
“He just came in…saved the day like he always does…” she trailed off, her expression distant. “Then you know what he had the gall to say to me? ‘Hi, Ash. How’s it been?’”
Kaidan opened his mouth to say something as he shifted in his seat at the open-air café near one of the Alliance’s outposts close to the Traverse. His joint assignment with Kori had ended roughly the same time Williams’ had. Reese placed a hand lightly on his arm to stop him. He glanced over at the L3, and her expression let him know she believed Ash needed to continue uninterrupted.
Williams gestured wildly as she progressively grew louder, “What the hell kind of question is that? He’s been dead for two years and then shows up working for Cerberus as if nothing’s happened…Fucking Cerberus.”
Ashley turned to her drink and downed it in one gulp. “He says they’re the only ones doing anything about the colonies going dark. What the hell does he think we’ve been doing? Taking extended R & R in places that hate the Alliance because we think it’s fun?”
“What if he doesn’t know what we’ve been doing? What if Cerberus is keeping the truth from him for their own ends?” Alenko asked hoping to offer some logical explanation for their former Co’s sudden reappearance and actions. Knowing Ash had a temper and the nature of her relationship with Shepard aboard the SR-1, he hoped to temper her anger.
“You’re defending him?” Williams asked in disbelief, pointing a finger at him. “He’s with Cerberus! Garrus was with him too. He took up for the skipper saying we don’t have all the facts.”
Before anyone could say more, Reese spoke up, “We don’t have all the facts. Yet…”
“Facts! He acts as if nothing happened!” Ashley exclaimed as she nearly rose from her seat. “How can—”
“This conversation needs to be a little more discreet, Ash,” Reese urged quietly as she eyed the other woman. She waited until Williams sat down before she continued softly, “Shepard went to see Anderson. Tried to convince the Alliance and the Council to take the missing colonies seriously. All he got was his Specter status reinstated and Anderson’s promise that the Alliance was doing something.”
Williams and Alenko looked over at the L3 as Ash asked, “And how do you know that?”
“Because I have my sources, and they say he was at the Citadel before going to Horizon.”
“Reese, you can’t play the ‘I have a source card’ and not explain anything more,” Williams protested as she flagged their waiter down for another beer.
The L3 shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Kaidan noticed and asked, “What’s wrong, Kori?”
Grey eyes met whiskey brown ones as she whispered, “I can’t tell you who it is…It would put me and them in danger…I’m not sure why he’s passing along intel anyway…”
“Him? You mean Mike,” Alenko said trying to keep the anger from his voice. He still hadn’t forgiven his friend for choosing a mission with Cerberus over Kori. It didn’t matter how noble the mission was…
“You’re boyfriend?” Ashley asked in surprise. “Why would he know anything?”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Reese corrected harshly before slumping her shoulders as she fell back in her seat. “Promise you won’t repeat this.”
“Promise, Ash.”
“Okay. Okay. I promise.”
Reese avoided Kaidan’s eyes as she whispered, “He left the Alliance to make a difference the way Shepard did. He hoped to honor him somehow…I think he’s on his crew now.”
Williams wore a dumbfounded expression as Kaidan realized that was the first time Reese had called Mike her ex-boyfriend. He sat quietly as Ash muttered before taking another swig of her beer, “Well, hell…It looks like all the guys from the SR-1 have gone nuts.”
She quickly glanced at Kaidan as she added, “Except you, LT.”
“Adams is still Alliance,” Alenko pointed out. “Don’t really see him ever leaving.”
“There is the Doc…Chakwas took an extended leave of absence…” Reese offered as she reached for her own beer. “Hasn’t been heard from in a while.”
Williams shook her head as she sighed. “What’s it all mean?”
“It means we keep doing what we’ve been doing,” Alenko said firmly, looking from one woman to the other. “We prepare the right way. No short cuts, and we stay true to who we are.”
“That simple?” Ashley asked uncertainly.
Kaidan nodded. “That simple.”
“Cerberus is going to selectively tell Shepard what he needs to know based on the parameters of the mission they need him for. They won’t allow anything that might influence him to stray from their predetermined path interfere with that,” Reese pointed out, wanting to make sure they all understood that it wasn’t going to be easy.
Alenko frowned, understanding her caution but unclear about how that changed anything. “So, what do we do?”
“What you said, LT. Keep doing what we’ve always done,” Ash said with hope in her voice as she turned her gaze to the sky. “And one day we’ll find a way to bring the Skipper home.”
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writtenjewels · 3 years
Aura part 2
Part One
Ashley was getting used to Commander Shepard going around and talking with the crew between missions. He asked for their thoughts and opinions, and even better seemed to listen and take them seriously. But today he seemed distracted.
“Hey, what's eating you, skipper?”
“I just...” Shepard let out a sigh. “I just can't get over what the lieutenant said about auras.”
“Weird, right?” Ashley agreed. She had peppered the biotic on her squad with all kinds of questions. Yes, it was easier to get used to than it seemed. No, it wasn't distracting. Most of the population had no auras because it all boiled down to how the biotic saw that person, and the qualifiers needed a prolonged acquaintance.
“It just doesn't make any sense,” Shepard went on. “Is the rest of the galaxy blind?”
“Huh?” Ashley felt like she already lost the thread of this conversation.
“He said he's never seen a red aura,” Shepard reminded her. “I mean... how is that even possible? Just... look at him.” Ashley was still completely lost. But then it dawned on her: Shepard thought the aura was the other person being sexually attracted to Kaidan. Ashley's mouth dropped and she quickly clasped her hand over it. Oh, my god. Shepard probably didn't even realize the implications of what he just said.
She quickly covered with a cough. “Ah, yeah. Real mystery.”
“Why doesn't he see it on you?” Shepard wondered. “I'm not asking because of fraternization rules, I'm just... curious.”
“Come on, skipper, seriously? He's like the brother I never had. So not interested.” Okay, maybe she thought Kaidan was hot when they first met but the more she got to know him, the more her affection turned friendly and familial. Him being an only child, she was happy to inflict on him the “joys” of having a sister. She was a little tempted to inflict those same “joys” on Shepard and ask why Kaidan didn't see a red aura from him, but if he didn't realize what he had accidentally implied, she sure wasn't going to clue him in.
“Probably a good thing you never went through biotic training,” she remarked to change the subject. “You'd probably be seeing red everywhere.”
“Even on you, Chief?” Shepard challenged playfully.
“Don't act like you're surprised.” She winked at him. “But not so much these days. I've seen you do too much stupid shit.” Besides, even if she did still see him that way, she wouldn't do anything about it in light of this new evidence.
“Good. I mean,” Shepard corrected, “you're a good friend, I just...”
“I hear ya.”
“Probably for the best,” Shepard spoke up, “not seeing red auras. I imagine it gets a little awkward.”
“Useful, though,” Ashley noted. “Saves you the trouble of figuring out if the person is into you. I speak from experience when I say that part can be a real pain in the ass. Besides, there's no rule on being attracted to someone. Just acting on it. Right?” These were her two favorite guys; of course she was going to encourage this.
“That's true,” Shepard agreed, looking thoughtful. “It's harmless.”
“Biotic shields are probably pretty easy to learn,” Ashley hinted. Shepard nodded distractedly. Ashley was inwardly dying. Oh, god, she really hoped Shepard would take the hint. She wanted to see what would happen when he started seeing auras.
(a/n: Let me know through likes or comments if you want to see this fleshed out and moved to AO3. I swear it was just a random idea but I’m liking it)
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little-diable · 4 years
His daughter - Jasper Hale (angst)
Request by anon: Hello. I just found your account and I love your writing. Can I request a jasper imagine where you are pregnant with his child and there’s a vampire that wants to hurt you and you’re in danger and once you have the child they go after the child. I’m sorry if that’s too specific or weird I just love the idea of dad jasper.
Hi lovely anon, thank you for the request. Not quite sure how I feel about it but I hope that you like it! Enjoy. xxx
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Warnings: mentions death.
The small bundle of joy that had been growing inside of (y/n) was a true miracle, the whole situation was like a big déjà-vu for the Cullens, it took them back to Bellas past experiences, so they kind of knew how to handle (y/n) pregnancy. She was currently two months along, her belly was rapidly growing, Jasper was very protective of (y/n), not ready to let go of her any time soon. 
(Y/n) didn’t have to deal with any major struggles while giving birth, little Amelie-Rose was born on a December morning, the snow was rapidly falling as (y/n) eyes found the golden ones of her crying daughter for the first time. Tears of relief and exhaustion streamed down the sides of her face, Jasper squeezed her hand tightly, he couldn’t take his eyes off his daughter, a big smile on his lips.
Of course the family didn’t menage to keep (y/n)s pregnancy and the birth of Amelie-Rose a secret, so it came as no surprise that most friends of the Cullens came by to visit the new mother and her baby. And just like they had experienced a few years prior, not everybody was too happy about the the new vampire and her human mother, they received threats, ordinances to get rid of the child. 
The Cullens tried their best to keep (y/n) and the baby safe, Jasper was scared, scared to loose his wonderful fiancé and his new born daughter, not ready to give up on his family anytime soon. 
(Y/n) head was placed against the headrest, she was seated in the backseat, Amelies fingers were wrapped around (y/n) pointer finger, she was fast asleep. Jaspers eyes were fixated on the street ahead, a content smile on his lips, they were on their way back home, (y/n) was ready for a few hours of good sleep, she felt extremely exhausted. The rest of the Cullen clan was out hunting near by, not wanting to leave the three on their own for too long. 
As Jasper took a hold of his daughters small frame, he pressed her against his chest, inhaling her smell, (y/n) went to bed a few hours ago, so he tried to keep Amelie as calm as he could. He was warming up some milk-formula for his daughter, silently singing the words to “skippers’s dream”, a song his mother had always sung to him, while running his pale fingers through her thin, brown hair.
Suddenly it seemed as if the whole room was on pause, Jasper felt like he was in a trance, the sound of gun going off hallowed through the house, Jasper heard (y/n) heartbeat slowing down, without thinking twice he placed his daughter in her highchair and speeded towards his bedroom. (Y/n) shaking frame was laying in his bed, his bedsheets turning deep red as her blood stained his covers, she could barely form a sentence. 
At the same time as (y/n) opened her mouth to whisper a silent “Amelie”, a cry could be heard and (y/n) nodded her head “yes”. Before running off to save his daughter, Jasper pressed a chaste kiss onto her blue-turning lips.
“I’ll give you five seconds to put her down.”, Jaspers voice was angry, eyes pitch black as he took in the figure of an unknown vampire holding his crying daughter in his hands. “You know I can’t do that, this isn’t right, a vampire shouldn’t be allowed mate with a dirty human being.”, the man had a strange accent, probably Italian, but that wasn’t something Jasper was focusing on in that moment.
Jasper clenched his jaw and speeded towards the man, pushing him back while desperately trying to get a grip on his crying daughter, the scaring thought, about not being able to protect her, ate him alive. The stranger fell straight through the big window frame, Jasper managed to take a hold of Amelies body in the last second, he momentarily closed his eyes as he felt her warm body pressed against his cold chest. 
As Jasper opened his eyes he could see Emmett ripping the stranger to shreds, an animalistic growl escaped from his chest, he was seething. “Jasper”, Alice small voice ripped him out of his thoughts, she took the baby out of his hands and pushed him towards his bedroom. Carlisle was hovering above (y/n), she was barely breathing, the blood wouldn’t stop leaving her cold body, her (y/e/c) eyes were focused on Jasper, a small smile on her lips, “do it Jas.”.
(Y/n) was never a big fan of the possibility of leaving her human life behind and becoming a vampire, the thought about giving up on her family and friends would haunt her at night. But she surely wasn’t ready to leave her daughter and her fiancé on their own, she was ready to give up anything for the two, so it was obvious to the human girl that Jasper needed to turn her, in order to save her. 
It didn’t take her long to come back, a proud smile on Jaspers lips as he took in her flawless face, he pressed a kiss onto her lips and pulled her towards their daughter. 
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xlovelybeanx · 4 years
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✭ I’m sorry, this gif is too precious for me NOT to put on here. I’m back at it again with Banana Fish, but this time it’s a request from the lovely @wertzunge !! Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!! <3 P.S. I had a lot of fun writing this!! You can always send me more if you want !! <333
Btw, I tried to keep the original prompt true so if anything seems off, I’m sorry. (Not really an experienced writer yet, but one day! ..One day!)
Title: “Ferocious Lynx.”
Pairing: EijiAsh ft. Skipper.
Summary: When Eiji hears a commotion coming from Ash’s room, the only thing to think is that something bad is happening - but when the poor boy walks on something else instead, he finds himself in a position where he can’t escape.
Warnings: Some swearing, I guess.. Other than that... It’s a wholesome tickle fic~!
Note: I’m gonna change the plot a little bit - instead of Skipper and Eiji getting kidnapped by Arthur and his men, let’s just pretend that Ash defeated them all with his mad skillz and got everyone safely back home. :)
It happened roughly a week ago. The deal that changed the black-haired boy’s life forever, the deal that made him considering running back to Japan as fast as he could. Due to the recent events, the attack at the bar by Arthur’s men, the concerned photographer asked to make a “deal” with the gang leader - basically letting him own Eiji for a week or two in return for protection.
The sly lynx, of course he’d accept because he was just too lazy to do anything himself! What Eiji hated the most of this, however, was the fact that it was so boring and lonely. The only people who came by were gang members, and of course Eiji couldn’t really speak to them - what would they talk about? ..it just seemed a little too awkward for him to start, and when asking questions and things to Ash, the younger one would just tease him about it! It made life miserable, but as long as Ibe didn’t worry about him, he guessed it was alright for now.
“..ahh,” Eiji sighed, sitting down on the older, slightly uncomfortable couch as he finished with his “job”. He ended up cleaning the entire living room, by himself might he add, because he didn’t know really what else to do. He wasn’t allowed to go outside, he would be easily recognized by everyone - he wasn’t allowed to mess around with Ash’s things (like he had anything there anyways) and most of all, he basically was treated like a maid. “Eiji, go get this, go get that” sort of thing from Ash. And while he didn’t complain at all, it started to grind his gears. Of course, he couldn’t get too mad because he WAS protecting him - it was the least he could do, anyways. “Safe, huh? ...well, if it makes Ibe happy..” he murmured, closing his eyes as he leaned against the headrest of the couch.
Suddenly, a loud scream was erupted from Ash’s room which made the exhausted boy jump in fear. ...what was that, he wondered as he stood up, a concerned look on his face. “That didn’t sound like Ash... but... something could be going down.” He concluded, face pale from the shock of hearing such a loud noise in the quietest of rooms. Standing outside of his room, he almost wanted to leave it up to him - maybe Ash could take care of it on his own. But if there was any chance that he was in danger, Eiji had to see him. He took in a breath, grasped the doorknob tightly, and opened wide. I’m gonna...
...save you? Eiji’s eyes widened at the scene he was witnessing - Skipper, the one who saved him at the bar incident was pinned down underneath the ferocious lynx of a gang leader, basically begging for mercy as Ash launched a tickle attack on the poor boy. Eiji didn’t know whether to stand there or walk away - the initial shock of hearing the scream made him stand completely still, as if he was frozen. He could feel his face heat up incredibly fast, but he couldn’t move fast enough to hide it.
“...oh,” Ash calmly said, as he noticed the photographer’s assistant walk into the room, slowing his attack down so that Skipper could catch his breath. The young boy’s face was red with tears pricked at the corner of his eyes, grasping his sides ever so tightly. Eiji raised an eyebrow, fists clenched as he looked down in sheer embarrassment. So he didn’t need saving?! Why was he even concerned..? But then again, it felt kinda nice seeing that scene take place - Ash never really let his guard down, but in the split second that he saw of him tickle torturing a kid, he was totally relaxed. ..felt kind of odd, as well.
“S-Sorry, I... heard a scream..and thought something.. bad was happening,” Eiji mumbled as he fiddled with his hands, earning a slight chuckle from the blonde. He sat up, along with Skipper who was still out of breath, and raised an eyebrow. What was that look for, he thought as he mustered up enough courage to look up for a moment. The jade green eyes scanned him up and down before looking at his “little brother” Skip. “..Hey, do me a favor, yeah? Go to Chinatown and get Shorter, we have to do something later.” He nudged the other in the side, getting a squeal out of the latter - “FINE! Fine.. I’ll be back... in a bit..” Skipper said, standing up and walking out of the room. Which now only left a flustered Eiji and a devious Ash in the same room together. Alone. ..this could only end well.
“What? Jealous?” Ash teased, standing up slowly - the words sent another level of embarrassment through him and he shook his head, his nervousness getting the better of him. No words could escape his mouth, much less process through his head. Fact is, he wasn’t really “hands-on” with his parents much as a kid, so naturally stuff like this didn’t happen. Akira, his little sister maybe did it once or twice but that was so long ago that he’s already forgotten about it. “...ahh, so you are jealous. Huh. Well, if that’s the case, it’ll be a while before Skipper comes back so do you want me to tickle you?” Eiji’s face seemed to turn a deep shade of red, eyes darting back and forth. “..I mean... I g-guess,” he mumbled quietly. There was no getting out of it anyways, so he might as well just take it.
“..alright,” Ash grabbed him, as gently as possible and threw him on to the bed, pinning his hands above his head - a sinister grin was on his face, and the other really didn’t like where this was headed. Sitting on his waist, he leaned forward to his ear and blew softly on the outer part, watching the boy shiver and hunch up softly. “...huh. Would you like to tell me where you’re ticklish, then~?” His whole face turned red, shaking his head - even if he wanted to tell him, what would he say? ...it’s not like he remembered where exactly he was most ticklish. If he was ticklish, even.
“Gonna play the silent type, eh?” Ash asked as he gently slid his fingers around his ear, watching the boy’s eyes widen immediately. “...what’s the matter? You seem... a little squeamish today, huh?” Eiji couldn’t function anymore. Any words that had even the 1% chance of wanting to come out have immediately been stuck back in his brain. He was going to die - of embarrassment? Quite possibly so. “...mmm..” he shook his head, squirming in his grasp. There was so much he wanted to say, and yet, while looking deep into those jade green eyes - there was nothing he couldn’t read at that point. His face said it all.
“...you don’t know? Or do you not want to tell me~? That’s okay, I’ll figure out eventually,” those were the last words uttered before the blonde moved down and trailed at his pant line, making him squeak out involuntarily. “..w-wait,” Eiji choked out, the only word he could muster up before giggles slipped out of him. “Wait? Wait for what? For me to find your worst spot.. and then abuse it? ...mmm.. trust me, I can’t wait for that. Also... consider it.. payback for making me take care of you..” Ash grinned as his fingers wiggled teasingly underneath his shirt, making him clench his hands into fists. “Waihihit, s-stahahahap ihihit..! Ash!” Before he knew it, laughter was pouring out of his mouth - he can’t ever recall being this ticklish but the situation he found himself in seemed to answer his question earlier.
“What is it, Eiji?” Ash asked, his nails scraping gently across his pale stomach, making him want to jump out of his own skin. “H-Hehehehey! Nahahaha- c-cut ihihihit ohohohout!! Hahahahahahaha!!” Eiji’s giggles rose in pitch, making his voice sound very squeaky - something that seemed to edge the blonde ler on more. The sparkle in his eyes seemed to brighten the more he got a reaction out of the Japanese boy. “...p-plehehehehehease! Hahahahahaha!”
“...please what? Tickle you more? Oh don’t worry, you’ve got a lot of that coming your way~.” Ash slowly traveled his fingers way up, resting right underneath his arms. His fingers had not even starting moving, but the poor boy had already been sent into hysterics. Even just the light touch was enough to drive him up the wall. His whole body now was shaking, his legs kicking against the sheets of the bed.
“Does it tickle that much? I couldn’t imagine being that ticklish. Aha.” And that’s when the actual tickling began - the nasty ler scratched his delicate fingers into the center of his armpits, grinning as his work just only started. Eiji jumped out of his skin, squirming desperately as he could do nothing but laugh hysterically. “Woah, maybe that’s why you didn’t want me to know where you’re ticklish...” Ash couldn’t help but laugh with the hypersensitive boy. “HAHAHA- ASH! STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEASE-!”
“...now why would I do that? I’m only getting started..” the more he picked up the speed, the more increasingly squeakier his voice sounded - and Ash wasn’t going to lie: it was ... pretty cute. At first he was just surprised at the fact he was there, considering that originally he was checking up on them to make sure everything was as okay, but now? He was just surprised at how someone could sound so cute and not be known to him. “...aww, is it too much for you?” The blonde let go of his wrists to use both hands, using one hand to softly pinch his sides while the other digged mercilessly under his arm. “AHAHAHAHAHASH! F-FUHUHCK! STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT, PLEHEHEHEASE...!” Ash flinched back - ... that was the first time he ever heard the boy cuss. He knew it was getting bad then, if he had no other choice but to swear. His fingers stopped where they were, although they never really moved from their spot.
Out of breath and panting with still a couple of giggles flowing out, the other laid his head back and sighed in relief. It was finally over - at least, for now - and he could take a moment to take in all of a precious resource called ‘air’. “..t-thahanks..” he said, covering both of his eyes with his hands. Jeez, Ash did a number on the poor boy. “..are you that ticklish everywhere?” Ash asked with a somewhat serious tone, playful wiggling his fingers at him. “No,” Eiji said softly. “Not that I remember anyways. I haven’t been tickled since my sister did many years ago. I just..haven’t really thought about it.. until I saw you tickling Skipper..” There was a brief moment of silence before Ash burst out laughing, unexpectedly.
“H-Huh..? What’s so funny?”
“That’s cute,” he said, pushing his hair back from his eyes. Cute? Huh? The red hue on his face came back as he puffed his cheeks out, crossing his arms. “Cute, huh? What do you mean by that?”
“Just sayin’, it’s cute.” Ash repeated, turning around so that he was facing Eiji’s legs and Ash’s back was visible to him. Eiji was visibly confused - weren’t they ... done? A terrified shiver went through him. If... he’s doing what he’s thinking of, Ash might literally kill him. Physically and mentally. “Hey, Eiji?”
“Y-Yeah?” He asked, his voice seemingly small in comparison. There was a moment of silence before he turned around, holding eye contact with the pitiful male. “Are your feet ticklish?” His stomach dropped - nonononono... this was what he wasn’t looking forward to. He darted his eyes away, looking for an excuse to get away. “...er, actually, I j-just remembered ... I forgot to clean the kitchen! I’ll just, uh, being going now...”
“Can it. You cleaned the kitchen yesterday, remember? Oh, well, I guess you don’t remember me being there. I am a master of stealth, after all.” That little... his cheeks puffed up as he realized there was no getting out of this. Covering his face as he wiggled his socked feet, he remained silent - and that was all he needed as an answer. Tracing a single finger up the sole of his foot, the reaction? ...interesting, to say the least. The smaller one squeaked loudly, covering his mouth - eyes widened in surprise that he was the one who made that noise. “Jackpot,” Ash murmured, mostly to himself as he scribbled at 10 fingers on both of his socked feet.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-! WAHAHAHAHAIT! YAHAHAHAHAHAMERU!” Eiji couldn’t help but cry out in his native language, seeing as this was probably the worst torture in his life - Ash merely chuckled. “‘Yameru?’ Does that mean stop in Japanese? Cause if so, you already know my answer.” Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, threatening to spill out - man, could Eiji have walked in on ANYTHING else? It feels like he’s being murdered! “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! I CAHAHAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIHIT!!”
“Oh, poor ticklish Eiji,” Ash fake whined, dragging his nails slowly up the poor boy’s feet. All the while he’s doing that with one hand, Eiji doesn’t even notice the fact that Ash is taking off one of his socks and throwing it to the side of the room. But when he feels all 5 of his fingers against his bare skin - you’d start to wonder if he’s the most ticklish person on the planet. Eiji screamed, pushing against the blonde’s back weakly - from how much he’s been laughing, it feels like his chest and face are on fire, and his laughs have begun to turn a little wheezy. Picking up on this sign, the younger stops, getting a little worried.
“...ah, whoops. Did I kill ya?” Ash asked as he turned around to find a tear-soaked, messy haired Japanese boy laying down on his back. The other couldn’t speak at the moment - he was still processing the fact that he stopped, since there was still tingly sensations all over his body. It made him jolt a couple of seconds but it didn’t seem to affect him that much. “...n-no,” he wheezed out, “...y-you almost did...” there came a sarcastic and light chuckle out of him but when that was done, he was lucky to have air.
“You guys finished with your one-sided fight?” There was a voice that everyone in the room recognized - Shorter, the purple haired Chinese boss was standing right inside the doorway, his arm resting against it. But somehow, even Ash didn’t even see him coming. Eiji was too embarrassed to speak and Ash immediately went back to being a boss for the day. “Yeah, we’re done,” he said as he jumped off the other male, letting him be alone for a minute. “Let’s go get him, yeah?” Shorter and Ash fist bumped before heading out the door, leaving Eiji alone in the room where he just got tickled to death.
What a day this had been...
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maxrev · 4 years
A Little Hazy
I blame this absurdity entirely on @mallaidhsomo because of a meme. My boys, John Shepard and Kaidan from my Chance Meetings series who I’ve sadly neglected for way too long. 
John Shepard likes classic rock but sometimes, he doesn’t quite understand the words xD (hence, he’s now known as the Commander of Misheard Lyrics)
Kaidan stood in front of his locker removing each plate of his hard suit simply by muscle memory, too mentally and physically exhausted to put much effort into it. The thought of not cleaning it was inconceivable but he wasn’t sure he had the energy for more than wiping it down at best. 
To his right, he could hear Shepard toss the plates of his own armor inside his personal locker. Kaidan wrinkled his nose at the thought but was also surprised. Shepard was meticulous in everything he did, especially when it came to his armor and weapons. He must be tired as well. 
A shudder ran through him remembering the mission. In a mine, no less. Underground, with only one way out. 
Husks. The damn things had been everywhere. Knowing they had to have found what once were scientists who’d made an emergency transmission, then couldn’t be found, made it even worse. No, he reminded himself; they were no longer the scientists but instead mindless puppets controlled by some otherworldly force through some process he couldn't begin to wrap his head around. 
It had come down to the most basic of laws - kill or be killed. 
He shuddered again. 
“LT, your armor can wait. Grab a shower.” Shepard spoke up, having completed his task. 
Kaidan looked over...and wished he hadn’t. By this time, the commander had stripped down to the very form fitting under armor. Leaving nothing to the imagination, every muscle was on display, flexing and moving as he peeled it down his body. Swallowing thickly, he turned away before being caught ogling his superior.
Shepard chuckled, and Kaidan wondered briefly if he could read minds. “I know, I know. Breaking protocol by not cleaning it thoroughly right away but fuck it all, if I don’t wash this mission off my skin I won’t be responsible for my actions.” 
Wondering what those actions would be, Kaidan stowed his armor to clean later, knowing he'd be back after his shower, unable to let it go, and began to peel off his own under armour suit, which was no easy task as it felt glued to his skin. 
“Let me help, LT.” 
Kaidan glanced over to assure Shepard he could do it but all the saliva in his mouth dried up at the sight of his commander wearing nothing but briefs, a towel slung over his shoulder. He quickly looked away, unable to form a coherent thought, let alone say anything. Pretty sure he'd end up sounding like a babbling idiot. 
Shepard came up behind him, the heat from his body penetrating the skin tight armor. With deft skill, he grasped the armor and began to peel it down while Kaidan maneuvered himself to assist as much as possible. In no time at all, he was bending over pushing the rest down his legs. 
“Time for a nice, hot shower.” Shepard reached for the towel, which had fallen to the floor, giving Kaidan an unobstructed view. He stood up and turned to head to the elevator, slapping one of Kaidan's butt cheeks as he walked by. 
“See you in the showers!” He called back over his shoulder. 
Over in the corner, Ashley snickered. Kaidan was mortified. 
"I never knew telling the skipper about those football traditions between players on earth could provide so much entertainment!” A gleam of mischief in her eyes, she gave him a knowing smirk. 
While he struggled for a suitable comeback - and failed - she added with a wink, “Better hurry, LT, before he uses all the hot water.” 
Shaking his head, Kaidan grabbed his own towel and headed for the showers, wanting nothing more than for Shepard to be done and gone by the time he made it up there. 
Fate wasn't so kind. She must be on great terms with Ashley, intent on always getting one over on him. Shepard was currently soaping up, the outlines of his very fit body able to be seen even through the clouds of steam as they rose from the streams of water cascading down-- 
He turned away, stopping the thought immediately. As was typical for the commander, music blared from his Omni-tool. Some old school classic rock from earth, hundreds of years ago. 'They're classics' he'd told Kaidan and Ashley, the three of them somehow always finding each other in the mess. Since then, Kaidan had heard many of them over and over, finding himself humming or tapping his foot to the rhythm. 
The guitar wailed out into the room, a man’s voice singing something about a purple haze. 
Well, haze certainly fit from the steam of the shower, though Kaidan couldn’t say it was purple. Moving past Shepard quietly, he went to the last stall and turned the water on, a sigh slipping from his lips as the hot water hit his muscles and the sweat coating his body washed down the drain. 
Shepard sang along with the song softly but still loud enough to be heard over the dull roar of the streaming water. He had a pleasant singing voice and Kaidan loved to listen on the rare times he was privileged to catch it. 
Purple haze all in my brain
Lately, things just don't seem the same
Well, those lyrics certainly fit their lives as of late. Nothing had been the same since Eden Prime. He sometimes wondered if this all wasn’t just some crazy nightmare. 
He reached for the soap, fingers wrapping around the bar as Shepard sang the next couple lines of lyrics. 
Acting funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss this guy
His fingers twitched as the words sank into his brain, the soap sliding through his grasp. Eyes widening in horror that it would fall and bounce loudly across the floor, Kaidan lunged for it with his other hand. It slipped through again, which then began the start of a weird dance as he struggled to grasp it over and over, only to have it dance out of his fingers every time. Finally, with a great amount of effort, he managed to grab hold of it without alerting Shepard. 
Had the commander said what he thought he’d said? It was only a song, right? Sure, he seemed a bit flirty and there was the time in the bookstore when they'd met. But that was before they knew who each other was. And before they were on the Normandy. Together. 
Well, not together together but...together. 
“I can see the smoke from here and it’s not from the steam, either. Overthinking again?”
Kaidan found himself doing the soap dance again, struggling for some kind of composure which was damn hard bare-ass naked, everything hanging out for his CO to see. Seriously, the floor could open up anytime now and drop him into space. Anything would be better than this!
Finally grabbing hold of the soap again, Kaidan took a breath, swallowed for good measure and said, “Just...a little shook up, I guess. I’m fine, Commander.”
A mumble of words came from behind him sounding suspiciously like ‘you sure as hell are’ but then there was a cough and Shepard spoke out loud, “Understandable. The mission was rough. Anyway, I’ll leave you to your shower. Make sure you get some calories when you're done.” 
“Aye, aye, sir.” 
He didn’t hear anything more and began to soap up in earnest, the water now lukewarm. 
“By the way, nice dance with the bar of soap. Should make it an act and take it on the road.” 
The soap slipped from his hand in surprise and this time, Kaidan didn’t bother trying to hang on to it, head falling forward against the wall in defeat.
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typically-untypical · 3 years
May Flowers - Safflowers
AU: Actor AU
TW: None that I’m aware of
WC: 809
Date: 5/13/2021
Roman had always loved theater. He felt the call to the stage in the very bones of his being, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get anxious. Mind you, now that he was older he got a lot less anxious about going on stage; he had experience and he knew what to expect, but it hadn’t always been that way.
When he was in fourth grade he had gotten his first big part, playing a pomegranate in the school’s health fair pageant. He was excited beyond all belief and practiced every day leading up to the event. When the day actually came, he was shaking in his purplish red suit, checking past the curtain to see the mass of people that he was expected to perform for. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was still excited, but it was outweighed by all of the fear swirling through his thoughts.
“Hey!” His best friend, Patton, who was helping backstage, walked over to him. “Are you excited?”
“I think…” But he was shaking a little bit and Patton frowned, shuffling through his pockets until he found a small stuffed animal, no bigger than the size of Roman’s palm.
“Here!” He pushed the plush into Roman’s hand, “This is Skipper, he is a lizard that drives a boat, and he is my good luck charm.”
Roman’s eyes grew big as he looked at the little lizard, running a gentle finger over it.
“I can have this?” He asked, surprise filling his voice.
“Of course! As long as you have Skipper with you, you will do your best, and that’s all that matters.”
Roman gave him a bright smile back, hugging Patton tightly before tucking the small plush away somewhere safe.
After that the pageant had gone great, Roman shined like the star he was and he knew that the stage was where he was meant to be.
Now that he was older, Roman did not normally get nervous before a play. He had had almost twenty years of experience and the audience did not frighten him like it had when he was a child. Still, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small plush, rubbing Skipper’s head gently. He always had his good luck charm on him when he performed, Skipper had never once missed a performance, and tonight’s show was one of the most important of all.
It wasn’t necessarily the show that was important, but what Roman had planned for after. He was a fan of grand gestures, and he knew his partner well enough to know that this would also be something he’d appreciate.
Going through the play felt like going through the motions, hiding everything in his heart until the final curtain call. He did his bows, the cast got their recognition, and then he was passed the mic.
This was where all of his nervousness came crashing back to him and he reached into his deep pockets to feel the comfort of Skipper once again.
“Thank you esteemed audience for enjoying our show, however, there is one member of the audience I would like to specifically thank. Patton Bajer, could you please join me up here?”
A spotlight was lit on Patton’s seat, the whole cast and crew in on Roman’s plan. They probably would not have agreed to this if it wasn’t for Roman’s hard work, dedication, charming nature, and Patton’s double dipped almond cookies. Those sweet confections were the talk of the troupe, as was Patton.
He was blushing as he made his way onto the stage, and the way the light hit him made Roman fall even more in love. As soon as Patton was close enough, he took his boyfriend’s hand, holding it with a gentle squeeze. “Patton, love of my life, we have a very important question for you.”
Roman pulled out Skipper, and a ring box. “Skipper, the good luck charm you gave me in fourth grade, has helped me through some of the most nerve wracking times in my life, and now, they are helping me once again. Would you marry us?” He asked, getting down on one knee and making it look like the little lizard was opening the ring box.
Patton looked down at the ring, and at his adorable boyfriend, still just as kind and soft as he had been back then. He nodded fervently, holding out his hand. “Yes, of course.”
Roman couldn’t hear if anyone was cheering, and he didn’t care. All that mattered in this moment was Patton, who smelled vaguely of vanilla, who was looking at him with adoration and love, who held Skipper in one hand so that Roman could slip the ring on his other. Nothing in the world mattered, because Patton had Roman, and Roman had Patton, and they both had their good luck charm.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
A cookout fic! For you cause it’s my birthday :D A little cursed fic 😌💖
@percyheartsannabeth​ Torie, you did wonders as a beta, I love you.
Let’s go!
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Her New Neighbor (WC: 875)
Boxes. Moving boxes blocked the entrance of her apartment. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Annabeth since her old neighbor Argus died over a month ago. Now the apartment above her had been emptied out by his family and her landlord just gave the key to the next person.
“Hey Grover, watch out!” Two men carried a couch together and Annabeth just jumped out of their way.
“Oh shit!” The man that was not Grover put his part of the couch on the floor.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He approached Annabeth. He was a good-looking man. A little bit rough on the edges with the 5 o’clock shadow on his face but his sea green eyes seemed to be friendly.
“Uh, Percy Jackson. Apartment 3B.” He gave her his hand which she shook.
“Annabeth Chase, apartment 2B.” Percy’s eyes widened.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” The chaos in the hallway was entirely his fault.
His new neighbor also didn’t seem to be fairly amused. With the strict blonde bun and tight pencil skirt she looked like a librarian that didn’t tolerate any bullshit.
“As long as the boxes are gone by the time I return from work, it’s all good.” Annabeth said. She didn’t have time for pleasantries, she had a meeting to attend to at the law firm.
“Sure, of course!” One final glance and Annabeth was gone.
“Well good luck with her,” Grover commented.
“What do you mean by that?” Percy turned around to his best friend.
“She seems like she’s into quietness and peace.” Percy had a haunch that Grover might have been right.
Annabeth returned from talks with clients and scheduling with her assistant to find moving boxes still in front of her apartment door. Anger bubbled up inside of her, but she was too tired to storm up and demand that precious Mr. Jackson had better remove them. Moving was stressful and things would be forgotten as chaos ruled over mind and space.
But it all turned to the worse. The squeaky sounds which definitively came from a woman enjoying some bed exercise woke her up at four in the morning. Oh my god thought Annabeth. Please don’t. Annabeth listened closer and realized that no, it wasn’t a real woman upstairs. That wasn’t it. It had to be porn. Annabeth was sure of that. Thump. Thump. His booming steps kept her awake as well.
It took her new neighbor nearly a week to remove the boxes outside of her apartment. No apology, no letter, no nothing. The worst thing was, that her new neighbor kept on being a loud shit disturber. His steps made her nearly go crazy, the cheap rock music he blasted on Sundays didn’t help with her mood and the worst part was his porn consumption. The squeaks and whatever were going on aggravated her. Why did he need to hear that so loud? Why did he laugh at it? What levels of psychopath did Percy Jackson actually reach?
Another week passed. Percy got out of his bath and put his robe on. He had the tissue box ready and was mentally preparing himself for a good night. He would browse the good old webpage that ended with Tube for further studies.
Annabeth was actually preparing her dinner as the squeaks and loud steps nearly made her drop the knife. “Okay, that’s it!”
Annabeth grabbed her coat and her keys and then rushed upstairs.
Percy was startled at the loud bangs at the door. “I’m coming!” he said. He was surprised to see his blonde neighbor from downstairs.
Annabeth was appalled at his outfit choice. He opened the door in a bathrobe, white socks and had a tissue box in his hand! But then he grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it. Annabeth didn’t see that one coming.
“Annabeth, right? What can I do for you? Sorry for my attire, I just took a bath to battle this annoying cold.”
“You are super loud!” Annabeth complained. “From your steps that could be heard down in the basement to whatever weird porn you’re jacking off to-”
The buffering video in the background finally loaded. The squeaky sounds started to blast through the entire apartment. Even Percy was surprised at the volume and blushed. Annabeth nearly triumphantly smiled. There was clear evidence of his overconsumption.
“Oh, that’s just Skipper,” Percy deflected. Annabeth eyed him weirdly. What kind of porn star name is Skipper? She left that thought at that. Percy moved to the side so that she could see her beloved porn star on the flat screen.
A dolphin. Skipper was a fucking dolphin.
“I’m a psychologist,” Percy explained.
“I’m studying the cognitive behavior of animals with a maritime focus. Dolphins are my specialty,” her new neighbor shrugged. “My colleagues in Greece have set up a livestream on YouTube for me to see and study. Also means that I have to get up fairly early to take a closer look. A bunch of funny guys, these dolphins.”
Annabeth’s jaw dropped. A door opened behind them. Mr. and Mrs. Stoll looked out of apartment 3C to see where the noise came from.
“Okay, I’m going to turn this off,” Percy promised.
The End
There you go! Not as cursed as expected, huh :D At least I hope ^^
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Cute/Cursed Cookout Writing Prompts
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