#I was just sitting here calmly when all of a sudden my heart was like 'I am in your chest now BUT FOR HOW LONG–' 😭
musicrunsthroughmysoul · 11 months
I'm pretty sure I just had a panic attack for literally no reason, but it was brief because I forced myself to take deep breaths and managed to relax so I was able to calm down quickly.
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
The Right Path For Us
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Summary: Rafe just wants to be able to feel his girl without anything between them and that need turns into a conversation which leads y/n and Rafe to realize they just might finally be ready to start a family together
Warnings: Fluffy smut. Slight breeding kink, begging, swearing, kissing, slight dirty talk, mentions of sex, pregnancy and marriage
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"Please baby? Let me feel all of you without a condom,"  my boyfriend Rafe begged. "I need to feel you against my cock. Don't you want to feel me without that barrier in between us? Don't you want to feel my hot cum shoot into you, painting your insides with my seed?
"What I want Rafe, is to not get pregnant by my idiot boyfriend who thinks it's ok to just unload in me freestyle because he wants to feel all of me," I say to him sternly. I'm gonna stick with no.
"Awww come on y/n, what's the worst thing that could happen? You get pregnant? So fucking what! Who cares if I knock you up! You don't want that? Please...I know you. You'd love it if I put a baby in that belly of yours. You'd love carrying around a little Cameron and have everyone know that you belong to me.
I start to blush and Rafe gives me that shit eating grin of his, knowing that what he said is right on the money. "I fucking knew it," he brags.
"OK fine, but just because you technically may not be wrong does not mean I am ready- actually scratch that, that WE are ready for a baby Rafe.
"Pffffftttt," he says looking directly at me. He takes my hand and laces our fingers and leads us to the couch. I follow him but am a little surprised at his sudden silence. We both sit down, him still holding my hand and sit a minute in silence. "Do you know how much I love you, y/n?," he quietly asks, turning to face me.
I mimic his turn on the couch and notice how serious he is. "Of course I do Rafe. I love you just as much, with all my heart," you answer him, grabbing for his other hand. I put it directly over my heart and place my hand over his. "Forever," I say softly. Rafe's face lights up immediately and he moves our hands from my chest to his, repeating the word that means so much to him.
"Forever," he says to me. "I would love nothing more than to start a family with you y/n."
"I'm barely 20 years old," I say desperately trying to come up with reasons to tell this gorgeous man in front of me as to why we should not have a baby right now.
"Well that's a shit reason," he says chuckling. "Just because we're young doesn't mean we aren't ready. We are plenty mature and have plenty of money. NEXT," he says confidently.
"Well...we aren't married, we aren't even engag-," he cut you off with a wave of his hand.
"That is 100% your own doing y/n and you know it. If I had my way, we would have been married a long time ago.
"If you had your way, we would have been married in high school and we might not have made it here because you know perfectly well that it would have been really hard to make an actual marriage work when we still have to worry about getting to homeroom on time and submitting book reports," I say as calmly as I can muster.
We have had this talk many times over the past several years of dating and we both agreed to hold off until I was finished with college and Rafe played a bigger part in his dad's company. I know that him just being a Cameron alone would support us well beyond our means, that is always a big part of our arguments, but it's very important to me to know that we can make it on our own and support ourselves by having real jobs and skills to fall back on just incase we ever needed them. I also wanted to make damn well sure that Rafe knows I loved him despite his money, not because of it and this was a clear way for me to prove that to him; not that he ever questioned it but I never want to give him a reason to. With a family like the Cameron's, there comes a lot of underlying responsibility and a lot of obligations and I never felt ready for all of that, no matter how much I loved Rafe. Well...until now, that is.
"I still think we would have been fine but that was then y/n," he presses. "What about now?"
"Are you actually being serious right now," you say slowly, thinking.
"Serious as a heart attack baby," he states coolly.
"Please baby? You know I will always take care of you and you know how much I love you. It's only a matter of time before you're a Cameron anyway," he smirks at you, leaning in for a kiss. I sigh into his mouth, knowing he's right and struggle to come up with any real reasons why not to at least try to start a family. It probably wouldn't happen right away anyway and I know how much having his own family means to him. I also know he will always make good on his promise to take care of me and to love me. So maybe now could be the right time?
"So I'm not saying yes but-," THERE'S A BUT!, he interrupts.
"Oh my gosh, eager much," I tease him, poking him in the ribs and smiling. "I'm not saying yes but if I were to agree to this, I want to hear you tell me that this just isn't just about sex. I need to hear you without you trying to put the moves on me that you really want this as much as you say you do Rafe because so so help me god, if you're lying to me just to get me to let you fuck me without a condom-," BABY he interrupts again.
"You know me better than that. I would never trick you like that! What kind of a jerky bastard do you think I am?!," he feigns in mock rage.
"I know that," you sigh apologetic. "This is just a huge step for us and I just really need to make sure we both want this for the same reasons."
"We?," he questions, raising an eyebrow and smirking.
"Yes, we," I say to him, smiling back happily.
"You know how badly I want you and to start a family together," he says taking his arms and draping them around my neck. I might have started out like a little bit of a jerk earlier but it's just because I love you so much and my need for you clouds my mind sometimes. And I know that sounds like a line but you know in your heart that I mean every word of it. The pleasure we'd feel would just be an added bonus y/n," he smirks at me.
"Is that so?" I say egging him on.
"Oh baby," he says raspily, his eyes filling with lust. "You have no idea how good it's gonna be."
I feel myself gulp as my eyes widen from his confidently naughty confession. My breathing gets a bit faster and Rafe immediately notices my body stiffen in front of him.
"What are you thinking, y/n," he asks me, resting his head against my forehead.
"That I want you," I immediately say and then blush. I can feel Rafe's eyelashes fluttering against my face and the way his breath begins to pick up. He presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss and I can feel the smile on his face. After a minute he pulls away to look at me.
"What else do you want?," he asks me, his tone desperate to hear my words of affirmation.
"I really want to start a family with you," I tell him earnestly. I always have. I just wasn't sure we were ready for it until...," I look at him as the realization washes over me. "Well... until this exact moment. It just feels so right. The more I hear you talk about it, the more it just makes such perfect sense."
Before I could barely finish my thought his lips were on mine in a fevered panic, needy and wanting, as if he hadn't kissed me in ages. Between breaths he paused only to say how much he loves me and how happy I make him, confirming to me that this was absolutely the right path for us. As he lay me down on the couch, his body is pressed flush against mine as he puts my hands over my head and clutches my wrists. I sigh in complete content as he kisses my neck and I let my eyes close allowing that familiar feeling to start bubbling up inside me.
"Raaaaffeee," I moan out, letting him know how good he's making me feel.
"I know baby," he says in between biting and sucking on my delicate skin. He moves to my mouth and gives me a long, sweet kiss. His tongue melds with mine so perfectly, it makes me wonderfully dizzy and all I can think about is how in love I am with him. When he stops kissing me and pulls away it takes me a second to come back to earth. I open my eyes and find him smiling, staring at me and his necklace dangling right in front of my nose. I playfully grab the chain gently and he leans in and kisses me sweetly on the nose.
"What?," I say giggling. He's still looking at me with that goofy grin on his face and he once again makes me blush.
"Now," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I just have to get you to agree to marry me."
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normansnt · 7 months
Could I request a third part of the prince? I love it!
Yeah I might have forgot to mention I do in fact take requests😎
Actually ya'll have been loving the prince series and I was wondering if you want me to making it into like a full blown story like following the series events and what not, or like just a little series of cute scenarios?
Let me know.
The prince (part 3)
(Alastor x male reader)
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Currently you were arguing with your father. Since the moment he found out you are dating Alastor he was not happy, to say the least.
"Why the sudden urge to leave? Is it not good here anymore because I can clean up the rubber ducks-"
"No dad thats not the point I just think I'm old enough to move out and Charlie has her hotel with a lot of rooms, and I mean I guess her dream is not that impossible-"
"Yeah right, like I'm going to believe that you just want to move in with that bambi of yours" he scoffed
"Dont call him- thats not- ok fine yeah, I want to move in with Alastor why is that such a problem I am a grown ass adult I can do as I please." And with that you left the room to pack.
"I swear, he still thinks I am a kid." You were pacing in Alastor's room while he was sitting on a couch and calmly drinking tea.
"He let Charlie go?? Why not me why cant I do what I want with my life" you continued your angry ranting while unpacking you clothes.
At this point you were basically moved in with Alastor. You had all your stuff there you just needed to unpack, which he solved with a flick of his wrist. You could have done that too, but your father raised both you and your sister to not be careless with the amount of power you have, also you were busy rambling.
"*sigh*...thank you honey." You said quietly as you took a seat next to him slumping into the couch.
Alastor looked at you. Till now he was just half listening to you ramble and he thought you would feel better once you let it out and you two could cuddle but right now you looked even more sad, defeated even.
This did not sit right with him. If there was anything he hated most was seeing you sad or hurt.
He took a hold of your hand and put his other one on your cheek to guide your head to look at him.
"My dear, this issue will be resolved just as any other, you will make up with your father." He reassured you with a smile.
"I know but than it will start again, and I'm starting to feel like he will never accept you even though you are so important to me and... it's just too much right now, I'm sorry I need to be alone." And with that you left.
There it was again. That stinging feeling in his chest. Alastor had to take matters into his own hands.
You walked down the stairs and took a seat by the bar.
"Damn kid, rough day?" Asked Husk as you put your head into your hands and groaned.
"Thats one way to put it, can you please get me a whisky on the rocks" you said in your ever so kind voice.
Husk liked you. On contrary to your father and older sister you were calm, quiet and well spoken. All this while still having the heart of gold they have as well.
He never understood how a charming young man such as yourself would find himself in a relationship with a demon like Alastor.
During your numerous visits to the Hotel you have talked to Husk a lot and you two became really good friends. The same went for Angel who usually joined you guys. You three usually sat by the bar chatting for hours.
"Hi (Y/N)," you heard Angels voice approaching as you sipped on your whisky. He took a seat next to you and shared a quick kiss with Husk. You chuckled to yourself quietly, you have been rooting for the two from the very beginning and when they finally got together you were so happy you shedded a few tears.
"Hi Angel" you gave him a small smile but he saw through it.
"Aww, toots hard times?" He asked as Husk handed him his drink.
"It's a long story" you answered.
"We got time" said Husk encouragingly.
You smiled a little than started telling the story.
Alastor was on his way to find Charlie. He needed to solve the situation or he had to gauge his own eyes out so he doesn't have to see you sad.
He figured if he got your father to come to the hotel you can talk things out. As well as, he is going to try and make an effort not to be a complete ass with him but Lucifer has to try and be nice as well, for your sake.
He needed Charlie for this because if Alastor asked Lucifer to come he would not. However if Charlie asked, he'd be there in a second.
"Oh Charlie?" He wondered into the princess's room.
"Yes? OH Alastor HI how is my brother doing?" She asked with excitement. She was more than thrilled that her little brother is going to move into her hotel.
"Not so well I'm afraid I acquire your assistance to make him feel better"
"What? Whats the problem is he ok? Did you hurt him? Alastor I do not care how helpful you are around here if you hurt my little brother-" Her eyes started glowing red as her hair was swept into the air and her horns started to show.
Before this could go any further Alastor cut her off.
"My dear, rest assured I would kill hell's entire population and my self before causing any harm to your darling brother." He said calmly.
"Oh, then whats the problem?" Asked Charlie now calm.
And so Alastor explained everything to Charlie.
When Alastor and Charlie knocked on her father's door there was no answer. They looked at one another and Charlie checked if it was open. It was, so they could go in without problems.
"Hello? Dad?" Yelled Charlie as her voice echoed in the huge mansion.
"YOU, It's your fault you took them away from me" they heard as they looked to their right.
In seconds Alastor was tackled to the floor with a very angry Lucifer on top.
When Charlie registered what she was seeing she started to pull her father off of the Radio demon to almost no avail. The devil wouldn't budge.
Lucifer was not happy. He was yelling in his demon form wings out and fire spewing from his mouth.
Everyone stopped. You were standing in the door looking at the scene before you, baffled.
You rarely raised your voice, so to hear it this loud and clear shocked most people in the room.
You cleared your throat. And said in your normal calm voice again.
"Can we talk in private."
Lucifer calmed down and followed you into the room you left to.
When he entered the room to his surprise, you hugged him.
"Listen dad, I understand that both of your kids growing up is hard for you, and I'm sorry for leaving you alone but I need my space I'm starting to live my life and its with Alastor because I love him."
You said in a very gentle tone.
Your dad looked at you for some time then hugged you again.
"You really love him, kiddo?" He looked at you with understanding eyes as he let go.
"I do, dad I really do." You answered.
Your dad sighed. He took a hold of your hands.
"All that matters to me is that you are happy. I'm sorry I have been such a jerk about it but...it's so hard to let you kids go, you will always be my babies" He sniffed lightly.
You chuckled at that and squeezed his hands.
"Can you please make an effort to not hate Alastor?" You tried.
He groaned.
"Yeah, yeah I'll see what I can do but he needs to be cooperative"
You walked out of the room.
Charlie stood up with tears in her eyes and hugged you both.
"Oh...the walls are thin here aren't they?" You asked as you looked at your dad.
"Yeaaah, forgot to mention that."
"You guys, I'm so happy you made up are we ok now?" She asked between sniffles.
"Yeah, we are ok" you smiled at your dad.
After your sister let you go from her crushing embrace Alastor walked up to you.
"I- listen no pressure about saying-" he cut you off by swapping you off your feet into a breathtaking kiss.
"I...I love you too, darling" he said quietly, without the radio statics, he said it in his real voice, as he put his forehead on yours.
"OK, see, I promised to be nice but there is no need to rub it in my face" your father said as he dragged you away.
Alastor straightened up and, with the static back in his voice and an eye twitching, he held his hand out to your father.
"I promise to make an effort to not murder you" he smiled eerily at your dad.
Lucifer had a brooding expression on his face but shook the radio demons hand none the less.
"Thank you." You said at last as you hugged both of them. They hugged you back. While glaring at each other behind your back.
Sure they are gonna make an effort. When you're looking.
I really hope you like it again thank you for the request.
Also please let me know if y'all want any of what I mentioned in the beginning.
When Alastor's staff broke and he started talking w/o the statics I was ON MY KNEES.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Heyy can i request a wanda x fem reader oneshot where r is the queen of a nation which is similar to Wakanda and the avengers need this nations help for something (sitting on the throne looking badass moment ) and she is graceful and so badass like: sitting at dining table uses knife to point towards empty seat, “oh. sit, please.” R has powers and helps them out. Wanda being head over heals and finally them dating. I am sorry for the long request 😭
Mother Nature
Summary: A queen so powerful, myths have been written about her. An island so mysterious, no one knows where it is.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 2505
a/n: listen…this got a little out of hand
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Dragonstone is a volcanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean, just below Greenland and Iceland, but it’s not visible on any maps. Not many know of its existence, as the island is surrounded by such powerful magic, making it invisible to the naked eye. If anyone were to sail towards it, violent storms and currents will make even the strongest of ships sink. It has become a myth to the outsiders, an area such as the Bermuda Triangle, where everyone disappears into the nothingness. This keeps the island, and its population, in safety and peace. They have fought no wars, nor have they suffered in the hands of man made concepts.
However, the fights have started to get bigger, sometimes having the faith of the whole Universe in their hands. That much they figured out after Thanos. Which is why the Avengers know of Dragonstone, and its Queen, and how to get her help.
Everyone holds onto their seats as the Quinjet’s autopilot navigates through the dark clouds, often going through turbulence. “Are we sure this isn’t actually just some freak of nature spot? Is there anything here?” Tony grumbles as he tries to fasten his seatbelt impossibly tight. “We have very expensive cargo on board, and by that I mean me and my suit.”
“Fury seemed confident in his knowledge.” Steve reminds, slightly more calmly, though he is also nervous.
Wanda has her eyes closed. She tries to stay inside her mind, ignoring everything going around her. Air traffic has never been her favorite, but this is next level. The Quinjet does sudden dives and turns, throwing anything loose around. This is why Fury said to fasten everything to the walls and roof, but like usual, Tony didn’t take the advice to heart.
She can feel Natasha’s hand holding her own, calming her down slightly. Wanda doesn’t personally know Fury that well, but she knows Natasha thinks very highly of him, so she is pretty sure he wouldn’t lead them to their certain death. However, she can’t be sure, as this is starting to feel like a wrong way to the supposed island.
“Why couldn’t Fury come here himself? Or the Queen to us?” Kate almost shouts at a particularly violent spot.
“Because when we ask for help from royalties, we show them respect.” Steve states, his *all the younger generations have forgotten respect* personality every old person has shining through. “Did none of you learn this in Wakanda?”
No one gets to answer him, as the Quinjet starts going up, up, up full speed, making everyone yelp. After it has reached the correct altitude, it goes down headfirst. For a moment, the team is sure something has gone wrong, that they are plummeting towards their death. But right before it hits the water, the Quinjet turns the right way and continues flying forward, now in a completely calm climate.
They instantly calm down, letting out breaths of relief and relaxing their tense muscles. Natasha is the first one to get out of her seat, going to the cockpit and looking out the window. “Well, at least the island is real.” She calls out. The others start to pile up in front of the window.
At first glance, it looks like they’re flying towards a big pile of rocks, but at a closer look, they can see the rocks form big walls and even a bigger castle on the island. They’re in awe of the view. The water and air are so calm now that they’ve gotten past the barrier.
They stare out the window while the Quinjet lowers itself to the ground, right outside the walls. Once they step outside, they see two people waiting for them. “Welcome to Dragonstone!” One of them smiles. “My name is Sylvia and I’m the Queen’s advisor. And this,” she gestures to the person next to her, who is wearing an armor, “and this is Calen, they’re the head of protection in this island.”
They bow their head down as a greeting, not saying anything to the guests. The look on their face is serene and their posture is straight, like a proper soldier’s. Sylvia on the other hand shows more excitement through her body, even though her hands are behind her back, they’re still wiggling around, and the smile on her face is one that can light up a whole room.
“Thank you for granting us access to your island.” Steve speaks up, being the unofficial spokesperson when it comes to formal situations.
“Fury is an old friend of Gaia, any friend of his is a friend to us. Now, if you’d follow me, I’ll take you to the castle to meet our Queen.”
They start trekking the land towards the castle, first walking on the bare land and then moving to narrow walkways as they go inside the walls. Most of the walk goes by in silence, the team taking in their surroundings. They’ve never seen anything quite like this.
Wanda drags her hand along the stone fence, her fingers going along the bumps and ridges of it. She smiles. The magic of this island feels different than her own, but not in a threatening way, it feels like it’s dancing with her own.
Finally they get to the castle’s entrance. The huge wooden door opens inward, two other soldiers pulling it. Calen and Sylvia greet them as they go past them. “The Queen is in the throne room.” The latter tells the group, leading them through hallways before stopping in front of a door.
The door to the throne room is also wooden, but it’s a lot more decorated compared to the other ones. It’s carved from top to bottom with different pictures, making it look like a story. Calen pushes the door open, letting everyone walk through it before closing it again. At the end of the room, the Queen sits on her throne. The royal seat has been made out of purely white stone. The backside of it is tall and the sides are wide enough for the Queen to lay her arms there comfortably, but it still looks delicate.
“Gaia.” Sylvia lowers her head in respect and Calen goes down to one knee to bow. The Avengers, quite hesitantly, bow in some way too, bot sure of the island’s customs.
“There’s no need for that.” The Queen’s voice makes all of them rise. Sylvia and Calen take their respective places near the Queen, while the team stop in front of the stairs to the throne. “I hear you are friends of Nicholas Fury.”
Wanda stares at her in amazement. The way she looks so soft yet regal makes her heart pound faster than normal. She can see her chest moving up and down as she breathes, the armor like steel plate moving with it. The dark blue fabric is thick for colder weathers, but flowy enough to move easily. Wanda’s eyes move up to the top of her head. The crown on her head looks like it’s made out of steel as well. It makes her look sharp and strong. She looks majestic sitting on her throne.
“We are,” Steve smiles, “thank you for agreeing to meet us, your Highness.”
“Please, Y/N.” She states. “That’s the name my mother gave me.”
“Y/N. I’m sure you’re aware of a recently defeated threat from space called Thanos.” He continues once she nods, “unfortunately the other worldly threats don’t stop there. We’d like to ask your help to prevent these kind of attacks more efficiently.”
Wanda shudders from the way Y/N says the word. Her pronunciation, the slight rasp of her voice and how she rolls the letter r, make her feel dizzy. She is sure the look on her face is stupid, and lovestruck, her eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. The whole conversation going on is going past her. Only thing in her mind right now is something she really shouldn’t be thinking about, but she just can’t stop herself.
“Would you give me the honor of joining me for dinner today? We even have enough guest rooms if you wish to rest before your trip back to America.”
“We would be honored to join you.” Natasha answers. She has been glancing at Wanda during the conversation with a grin on her face, she can read her face easily, knowing what the witch is fantasizing about.
The Queen stands up, her dress falling perfectly to her feet. “I’m glad to hear that. I shall see you in the dining room in an hour, in the mean while, Sylvia will show you where you can refresh yourselves.” Sylvia nods and gestures for them to follow her. Wanda keeps her eyes on Y/N as she walks away, noticing a small smile growing on her face.
After an hour, the Avengers gather into the dining room by Sylvia’s lead, where Y/N is already waiting for them. “Gaia.” Sylvia says before leaving the room.
Y/N stands up, pointing towards the empty chairs. “Please, sit.” She says with a smile, sitting down once again when they get around the table. Wanda sits next to her. She can see the small details of her breast plate from this close.
The table is already fully catered with different foods and desserts. It works like a buffet, everyone takes what they like to their plates. “Can I ask you,” Wanda starts when her plate is full, “why do they call you Gaia, if your name is Y/N?”
“Gaia is a title of sorts. Every queen before me was called that as well, because we keep this island alive and safe. It means Mother Nature.” She explains with a gentle smile on her face, holding eye contact with Wanda as she talks to her. “It is an honor to be called Gaia.” Wanda nods, not able to look away from her stormy eyes.
“How does the next queen get chosen?” Tony asks.
“It’s more faith than decision making,” she pauses, looking for best words to describe how their queens get their role, “we’re born to it, but not in a traditional sense. We are born from the previous Gaia, they mold us from magic.”
“So, there’s no…” he moves his fingers around in a promiscuous manner, which makes Steve look at him disapprovingly. They’re in front of the Queen after all.
But she only finds the situation amusing. “No. Children born in a traditional way are random, and our queens need to be precise. They’re all women and they all have powers. They need to be born from magic.”
Although they don’t really understand the process, and none of them want to ask about the specifics of it, they still find it fascinating. It’s a whole new country with completely different customs compared to theirs. Wanda especially listens to her intently. Her smooth voice practically drilling its way into her brain.
“Can the queen have relationships? Even if they don’t have any part on the next generation of rulers.” The question makes Wanda’s head snap to look at Natasha, who has a wide grin on her face.
“Yes. There are no rules on relationship. The partner just has to know they have no rule over the island.”
Satisfied with the answer, Natasha nods, sending a discreet wink towards Wanda. Her cheeks turn a shade of pink. She tries to hide it by eating the food.
They keep a light conversation going while they all finish their food. Once the plates are empty and the stomachs full, they start leaving the table and go to their rooms. The Queen doing the same. However, she isn’t alone for long.
There’s a knock on her bedroom door.
“Hello, Wanda.” Y/N smiles, the door now open wide. “Would you like to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Wanda steps into the room, the door closing after her. She looks around the room, trying to keep her eyes off of Y/N’s thin night gown. A big bed is in the middle of the room, it has light blue veil over it and a white fur on top. A window, almost the size of the wall, is on the right side of it, but it’s already covered with dark curtains. Otherwise the room is quite plain. A wooden dresser. Mirror with steel decorations. What catches Wanda’s eyes are the tapestries on the walls. They’re bright and colorful, each one having its own story. “Beautiful.” She mumbles.
“They tell our history.” Y/N steps beside her. “Every queen makes one. These are the oldest ones, the rest are in the library, visible for everyone. One day mine will be there too.” She sounds proud when she speaks of her ancestors.
“Your mother, is she still alive?”
“No. The crown passed down to me when I was thirteen.”
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N turns to her with a smile. “Nothing to be sorry about. She’s with her mother and grandmother, and so on. And one day I will see her again, until then, I will make her proud by keeping the people on this island safe.”
However beautiful the idea is, Wanda still feels sad for her. She knows what it’s like to lose your mother young. But she doesn’t comment on it more, clearly it’s not something appropriate to discuss now. “The magic. It feels different here.”
“Yes, it’s not the same as yours. The magic is part of me as much as it is a part of the island. We’re connected. We can sense each other. I can control it and it can influence me.”
“That’s why they call you Mother Nature?”
“Sort of. There’s a long history there. But yes, my ability to control the sea and the air around us is a part of it.”
“Maybe you’ll be able to tell me some day.”
Her smile widens. “Maybe.”
Wanda smiles too. She notices how Y/N’s eyes twinkle in the dim light, as if they had their own light source. “You’re beautiful.” The words stumble out of her mouth. She had no intention on making any mind of move this soon, but she couldn’t help it. This felt like a right moment.
With a small giggle, Y/N looks down, trying to cover her warming cheeks. She doesn’t usually get nervous, but Wanda sounded so sincere. “I’m flattered you think so.”
“Do you think you could go on a date with me? Later, of course. Do you have any rules on that?” The nervousness starts growing at the bottom of her stomach again, the lapse of confidence leaving her body quickly.
“There are some rules, but nothing major. I could definitely go on a date with you, I’d actually really like to do so.”
Letting out a breath, Wanda nods. Her hands are moving her rings around. “Great. I- uhm, that’s great.” She laughs quietly. “I’ll leave you now. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.” Y/N gives her a small wave, smiling widely even after the door closes.
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: Still not being over your ex boyfriend (Choi Yeonjun), you thought it was a good idea to fake a relationship with Kazuha, aka a complete stranger, to make him jealous.
Warnings/Notes: reader is a med student, Kazuha is a mechanical engineering student, mentions of other idols
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“Y/n?” A voice softly calls from outside your room that you chose to ignore.
There was a short silence before the knocking continued and your dorm mate spoke again. “Y/n, I know you’re awake”
“Go away, Chaeryeong” You groaned and hugged your thick blanket closer to your body.
The said girl opened the door anyways and gagged at the sudden stench of your room.
And also the horrid looks of it. Dirty clothes were scattered all around, unfinished ramen cups sitting on your study desk, and Chaeryeong could’ve sworn she just saw a cockroach run past despite the darkness.
“I said go away” You muttered tiredly into your pillow that was wet from your whole week of tears.
Chaeryeong hopped to your window and drew the curtains, blinding you with the bright sun. Actually, you didn’t even know it was morning from the longing you spent in your dark room, busy listening to Taylor Swift songs.
“Y/n, I know you’re heart broken but I can’t stand to see you skip lectures AND live like a pig” Chaeryeong said with a hand on the hip.
“You don’t understand it at all, Chaer…I just wanna stay here forever and die”
“Well if you’re gonna continue gluing yourself to the bed and only eat 2 minute noodles, you’re definitely not gonna wake up the next time you sleep”
“I don’t think I’ve slept at all this past week”
“I don’t think so either. Come on hun, this is not how I want you to be. Yeji and the other girls have been asking about you too. Don’t leave them worried sick” Chaeryeong sat next your laying body.
“If I go back on campus, I’ll see Yeonjun again and I’ll probably end up crying when I do” You hid under the covers.
“Look, I’m sorry Yeonjun broke up with you. Believe me, I’ve been holding myself back from running him over but you’re gonna make yourself look pathetic by not making the effort to move on”
You closed your eyes as the same scene of the breakup kept replaying in your head.
It was a Monday morning when you and Yeonjun were sitting at the cafeteria, waiting for the rest of your friends to arrive. You pulled out a big lunchbox since you cooked and packed food for the both of you.
“I cooked your favourite today, babe” You smiled and continued placing the utensils on the table.
Yeonjun sighed and rubbed his thighs to ease the anxiety eating him alive. “Y/n, can we talk? Just before the others get here”
“Yeah of course. What’s up?” You said calmly, unprepared for your boyfriend’s next words.
“Please don’t hate me for this, Y/n I’m really sorry…”
You stopped in your tracks and gave him your undivided attention. “What do you mean?”
“I want to break up…”
It was like the world stopped moving and all of a sudden you couldn’t hear the voices of the students around you. You could hear your heart beat and the palms of your hands started to sweat.
“I wanted to talk about this another time where we were alone but you’re always caught up with so many lectures, it made it difficult. I’m really sorry Y/n, please believe me when I say that”
“Why? Was I a bad girlfriend? I can do better, I swear!” You started to tear up.
Yeonjun scratched the back of his neck and sighed. “No, it’s not that. Honestly, I just feel like my feelings for you aren’t as strong as they were before. I didn’t wanna lead you on nor force myself to continue the relationship when my feelings are unclear”
“Unclear? You can’t just lose feelings like that without a reason Yeonjun!”
“Y/n, I don’t have a proper explanation okay?”
“Heyyyy what’s up party people!” Yeji appears with her girlfriend, Chaeryeong. Food trays in their hands.
Their smile fell when they saw you rush to pack up your lunchbox in tears, sobbing your way out of the cafeteria. Yeji clenched her jaw and slammed her tray on the table, staring down at Yeonjun.
“What the hell did you do, Choi?”
“Y/n?” Chaeryeong’s voice broke you out of the flashback.
“I’m here”
“What do you say? If you come back to Uni, we’ll help you get over that stupid boy”
“Yeah, I’ll treat you bingsu!” Yuna’s voice made you scream and sit up from the bed.
“What the hell, since when did you come in?!”
The tall girl grabbed an empty laundry basket and started throwing your used clothes in it. “A few minutes ago but you seemed too lost in thought to hear me”
“Oh sorry” you thread your fingers through your unwashed hair.
“Don’t be. I missed you, hun. The others do too. Especially Minji, Sakura, and Yeji. They said the group projects feel empty without you”
“You gonna take up our offer, Y/n-ie?” Chaeryeong smiled sweetly.
Sighing into your palms, you have a small nod. “Fine.”
The two girls squealed and Chaeryeong hugged you but she quickly moved back from your stench. “Oh my god you need a shower”
Frowning, you lifted your armpit to your face and gagged. “Fuck you’re right”
“Go shower while we tidy your room. It’s time a for a fresh start” Yuna ordered, reassuring you with a thumbs up.
“I love you guys”
“Yeah yeah we know. Shoo shoo stinky!”
After a healthy breakfast and long hot shower, Chaeryeong and Yuna prepared you an outfit for the day. Yuna even offered to do your makeup for you.
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Arriving at the University, you were happy to see the rest of your group patiently waiting by the engineering building. Yeji, Sakura, Minji, and Hanni all ran to you, pulling you in for a group hug. Yuna and Chaeryeong laughed before joining in.
“I’m so happy to see you, Y/n” Yeji said as the hug circle separated.
“Me too, Yeji. Feels good getting some fresh air”
“Should’ve seen her room” Yuna mumbled.
“I’ll start getting better guys, I promise” You smiled warmly at everyone, receiving a big smile back.
“Y/n?” A masculine voice called behind you.
Instantly turning around, you regretted to see your ex boyfriend with his friends Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun, and Huening Kai.
“Hold me back before I rip his teeth out” Chaeryeong whispered to Yeji who immediately held her waist.
“Yeonjun…hi” You breathed out.
“How have you been? Haven’t really seen you around”
“Been good, totally good. Was just busy with…stuff” You cursed at yourself for not thinking of better responses.
“Ah I see. Have you’ve been seeing anyone lately?” He suddenly asked, surprising you and your group.
“Why are you asking?”
Yeonjun timidly shrugged and buried his hands into his pockets. “No reason”
“Well I’m not—“
“Yeah she’s been seeing a hot girl” Yuna blurted out, all the attention going to her.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers.
Yuna clung onto Chaeryeong’s shoulder tightly, realising she fucked up big time.
“You’re bi?” Yeonjun asked.
“She’s swung both ways since junior year” Yuna spoke again and you really wished a rock fell on her head right now even though she wasn’t lying.
You’ve liked both genders for a while but you tried focusing on men more because you were getting too delusional with your crushes on straight girls. You wanted to save yourself from the heart break but looking at your situation with Yeonjun, the plan didn’t work out anyways.
“Oh…Who’s the lucky girl?”
“Hey Kkura-Chan there you are” A female student appeared with a stack of papers in one hand.
Out of panic, you hastily grabbed her wrist and pulled her to your side, sending Yeonjun an awkward smile. “This is her”
Yeonjun frowned. “Nakamura Kazuha…You’re dating Kazuha?”
Looking up at the taller (and extremely pretty) girl, she didn’t look back at you but instead wrapped an arm around your waist. “Mhm, that’s right. Sorry, is there an issue Yeonjun?” Kazuha asked.
“No, no problem at all. See you in class” He shook his head and walked off with his group.
Kazuha released her hold and finally looked at you. “You alright?”
All you could think of was: Goddamn this girl was hella fine. How come you haven’t seen her before? She was so much taller than you, had wavy black hair, glasses, wore baggy denim jeans, and black shirt.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry about putting you on the spot like that because SOMEONE wanted to LIE” you targeted your words at Yuna who hid behind Yeji and Chaeryeong.
“It’s okay, I thought he was bothering you”
“Thank you again, Kazuha was it?”
“Yep! Nakamura Kazuha, first year mechanical engineering student. Also mutual friend of Sakura”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kwon Y/n, first year med student”
“Sorry Ha-Chan, did you have something for me?” Sakura asked, now standing in front of the other girl.
“Oh yeah, your review papers that you texted me to get from our dorm. You left it”
“Thank you!! Would’ve died without them”
“Dramatic as always” Kazuha rolled her eyes with a handsome smile.
You were melting.
“I gotta get going. Yunjin’s waiting for me. I’ll see you at lunch, Kkura Unnie” Kazuha announced, starting to take her leave but not before she flashed you a short smile.
“See you around, Y/n”
Once she disappeared into the building, all your friends crashed into you with squeals.
“You totally like her!” Minji added.
You were being slapped left and right. “I do not! I just met her!”
“Just letting you know Y/n, Kazuha is single and also likes girls” Sakura winked.
You groaned before pointing a finger at Yuna. “This is all your fault!”
“I’m sorry, I freaked out!!”
“What do I do now? Yeonjun thinks I’m dating Kazuha when I’m not but we basically see each other everyday in this stupid campus!” You paced back and forth, starting to feel the incoming headache.
“Why don’t you two just continue faking it?” Chaeryeong suggested.
“You’re kidding” You deadpanned but your dorm mate shook her head.
“Hear me out. Yeonjun looked totally jealous and that brings me satisfaction because if you all have forgotten, he was the reason Y/n was living like a hobo this past week!”
“Damn was I that bad?” You muttered.
Chaeryeong continued. “Look at it as a way of revenge, Y/n. Yeonjun might still have feelings for you and since he broke your heart, just break his back”
You scratched your chin. “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea”
“Right? Kazuha also seems so chill about it so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you to talk it out with her. Also Y/n, I swear to God, if you take Yeonjun back, I’m running you BOTH over”
“Wasn’t planning on it anyways” You rolled your eyes.
“Come on let’s go to class. You got a week worth of revision to do miss Kwon” Yeji playfully scolded before Chaeryeong kissed her cheek.
“See you later baby” Hanni pecked Minji’s lips.
“Ugh, lovebirds. Bye Y/n-ie” Yuna waved, walking off with Chaeryeong and Hanni to the business department.
You walked alongside Yeji, Sakura, and Minji to the medical building, already dreading it.
“KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAEEEEE!!!” Sakura hopped around impatiently while you, Yeji, and Minji were returning your laptops and notebooks inside your bags but the Japanese girl would not stop clawing at your arm.
“OW! Can you not be feral for one second?!” You raised your voice, seeing the scratch marks.
“But you know how packed the cafeteria can get! I don’t wanna miss out!”
“We’re going we’re going!” You chuckled and allowed yourself to get dragged out the room like a doll with the others tailing not too far behind.
You all finally reunited with Yuna, Hanni, and Chaeryeong at a big table in the cafeteria, noticing a few more familiar faces joined who you recognised as Lia, Ryujin, Haerin, Hyein, and Danielle.
Sakura had already disappeared into the line, fighting her way for Kimchi jigae.
“Y/N!!!” The 5 screamed and squished you in another group hug.
“Oh em ghee I’m so popular” you giggled, the girls groaning and pushing you away.
“Nevermind, don’t miss you anymore” Lia pretended to yawn.
You laughed and sat down just in time for Sakura to return with two food trays. “As an apology for scratching you, I got you food”
“That was fast” Danielle commented.
“It’s called pushing and shoving, my dear Australian friend”
“Thanks Kkura, I forgive you” You made a kissy face, about to pick up your chopsticks when the same annoying masculine voice called you.
“Hey Y/n” Yeonjun smiled, leaning onto the table.
Chaeryeong scratched her head and hissed. “Why are you always here when we don’t want you to!”
“Sorry, is it ok for me to talk with Y/n privately?”
Chaeryeong arched a brow. “What am I? Y/n’s mom?”
“No, but I am and I say no you cannot” Sakura replied with crossed arms.
“Y/n, it won’t take long” Yeonjun whispered and you tried hard not to fall again.
Another food tray suddenly squeezed past Yeonjun’s hand and placed next your tray. “Excuse me, wanna sit next to my girlfriend” Kazuha muttered and sat down, holding your waist like she did that morning.
“Ha-Chan!” Sakura cheered, waving enthusiastically.
“Since when was Kazuha part of our group?” Haerin mumbled to Danielle who could only shrug but watch intently.
“Also, girlfriend??” Hyein added to Danielle’s other ear.
“Y/n please?” Yeonjun pleaded.
You looked at Kazuha and the other girls. Giving a deep sigh, you slowly stood up, Kazuha’s hand never leaving your waist. “Alright”
“Y/n seriously?” Chaeryeong scoffed but you reassured her you’ll be fine.
“Don’t take too long, baby” your fake girlfriend pouted that you weirdly wanted to kiss.
“I won’t” You pinched her cheek and walked off with Yeonjun.
Finally in a private area of the uni, you crossed your arms and glared at the taller boy. “What is it this time?”
“Just wanted to say I miss you…” He muttered, looking down at his feet.
“Sorry, I just wanted to remind you that YOU broke up with ME”
“I know and I’m sorry for that, Y/n how many times do you want me to apologise? I fell out of love!”
His raised voice was starting to get on your nerves. “Okay? If you fell out of love then why did you ask me if I was seeing anyone? Let alone wanting to talk to me right now?!”
“Listen, this past week of not seeing each other made me realise that I probably made a mistake”
“Probably? This is some bullshit” You ran your fingers through your hair out of frustration. “You broke me Yeonjun! You were the reason I locked myself up in my dorm for the whole week, acting like a hobo!” You added, copying the description from Chaeryeong earlier.
“Ok but I thought you’d give yourself more time but here you are suddenly dating Kazuha?”
You made a face. “Is this what it’s all about? You’re jealous of me and Kazuha’s relationship?”
He scoffed. “Im not jealous. Im just saying I’m surprised to see you move on so quickly, it’s like you never loved me at all”
“YOU fell out of love, what the fuck Yeonjun?! Stop trying to make me sound like some whore. Kazuha was there for me when the entire break up started” you managed to create some sort of love story between you and Kazuha.
“Since when did you and Kazuha talk anyways? That bitch only stuck with her loser friends most of the time!”
Hearing him insult your (fake) girlfriend got you clenching your fists. “Don’t call her that”
“There’s no way you’re dating. You’re doing it to mess with me huh? Trying to make me crawl back to you”
The more he spoke, the more confused you got. “Let’s rewind a little bit because didn’t you just say you missed me? PICK ONE GODDAMN EMOTION YEONJUN!”
“Don’t fucking yell at me—“
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Choi?” Kazuha spoke through gritted teeth, standing in front of you.
“This conversation is only between me and Y/n, Nakamura. Back off”
“Well hearing you yell at my girlfriend like that, there’s no way I’m gonna ignore it”
“Zu, let’s go back inside” You held her arm.
Kazuha looked at you with a puppy smile. “Okay”
The more you looked at the taller girl, the more you realised she looked like an adorable Samoyed.
“We’re not done talking, Y/n” Yeonjun growled.
You shook your head. “No, we are done talking, thanks” You scrunched your nose at him before walking off with Kazuha.
Yeonjun punched the wall before taking his leave.
Seeing that he was gone, you pulled your hand away from Kazuha. (Much to her dismay)
“Thanks for saving me again, you’re a hero”
“I don’t mind being a hero as long as I’m only saving you” She winked.
“Hey Kazuha, I hope you don’t mind me asking you a favour” You fiddled with your fingers.
“I already know what it is and I’m totally fine with it if it’s the only way to keep that weirdo away from you” She smiled.
You looked up with wide eyes. “What?”
“Sakura texted me during class”
“I’m gonna kill her” You looked away but the taller girl held your chin.
“If we’re gonna make this believable, we need to get to know each other properly”
“What’s on your mind?” You tilted your head.
Kazuha pulled out her phone and opened Instagram. “Socials and number please? So we can organise hang outs”
Shyly grabbing the device, you put in both your username and phone number before returning it. “Sounds good. How should we start?”
“Why don’t we join the others as we talk?” She put her hand out for you to hold which you happily accepted.
“Alright, let’s go”
As Kazuha talked about her plan, all you could do was stare at her and study every inch of her pretty face. Her smooth clear skin, her silky hair, her heart jumping smile, her jawline…
The way she would hold your waist, hold your hand, it made your body react more than when you were with Yeonjun. Although you had basically just met the Japanese girl, there was something special about her that you wanted to see more of, but you couldn’t specify what it was.
Maybe being dumped by Yeonjun wasn’t so bad after all.
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deadratdonoteat · 12 days
Roronoa Zoro x reader
He didn’t mean to say no
Tags- angst, fluff, blood, injury, unspoken words, near death experience
W.C= 1.2k
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Weeks had passed since my confession. I’d like to say I was doing better, that I was moving on but… I wasn’t. My heart would still speed up when I was around him. I’d still blush when he’d talk to me. Our relationship was different now. I decided that I don’t need his protection from anything. I can take care of myself.
it was hard to sit next to him during meals. He’d try to make small talk but I’d just give him short replies. I didn’t mean to be so dry and distant but it just happened.
The ship was docking at some random island to stock up on supplies. There was an eerie feeling to the village. The people looked like we were prey.
Normally I’d stay with Zoro and make sure he wouldn’t get lost. I couldn’t bring myself to be around him. After that rejection, I saw him differently. Not in a bad way but different. He had tried to speak to me privately but I shut him down. I don’t need him to try and talk down to me more.
Nami gave us orders of how to make this trip fast. We all had specific instructions on what to grab. I was on medical supplies duty.
I walked to some shops and asked around for the supplies. The people were weirdly quiet. They whispered where to go. I made my way to where they said and was met with a creepy, run down hospital looking place. I knocked on the door but it opened upon my knocks. I stepped inside. The place was covered in dust and grime. It was pretty dark despite it being mid day outside.
”Hello?” I called out for anyone. There was a slight movement to my left. Quickly turning my head I saw a child. He was pretty dirty. He seemed to be shivering. Either from fear or the abnormal coldness in the room.
“Hey little guy, are you ok?” I spoke with as much softness I could muster. I crouched down to his level. He flinched at my movements. He looked so scared. He was wearing rags.
”Do you need help?” I asked. He shook his head. I was getting a weird feeling. Why was this little boy here?
“What’s your name?” I tilted my head to seem friendlier. His breathing calmed down a little. His fidgeting hands stopped. He met my eyes.
”Kazu,” he spoke in a small tone. I gave him a soft smile.
”Nice to meet you Kazu, my name is Y/n,” I introduced myself, “Where are your parents?” he didn’t answer. I took his silence as a sad answer. I nodded my head at him.
“Would you like to help me find some things?” I asked trying to distract him from my previous question. He just nodded and looked at the ground. I held out my hand to him. His small cold hands grabbed mine. We walked around the building. I grabbed anything that could be of use. Some of the falling apart cabinets had medicine and bandages.
Nami will be pleased with my find. Stuffing my bag with the supplies, there was a sudden bang outside. It didn’t sound close but it was still concerning. Kazu’s grip tightened.
“Don’t worry! Everything is okay,” I stated calmly at him. He looked up. His eyes held so much sorrow. My already aching heart ached more. There was another bang but closer to us. We needed to leave.
”Let’s go see what it is,” I said while walking to the entrance. Outside seemed darker. The air seemed to be ashy. Kazu coughed. I picked him up. He latched onto me immediately. Walking slowly around the village. I couldn’t see anyone. Looking up I saw the once blue sky was covered in dark clouds.
I continued walking. I saw figures ahead of me. They seemed to be fighting. Gunshots were heard. As I got closer I could see two of my crew mates. Zoro and Sanji. They were fighting the villager that worked at the bar. He had two guns.
“What’s happening?!” I shouted at the two. Zoro immediately turned to me. He looked between me and the child in my hands.
“The village is full of pirates,” Sanji yelled back. So the creepy feeling we all had was right. “Get back to the ship,” Sanji called out to me again. I nodded and turned to go a different direction. I was running. Kazu didn’t slow me down at all. I couldn’t take him with me. This is his home. Even if he himself is a pirate. Once I got behind a building, I placed Kazu down.
“Me and my crew are leaving, are you safe here?” I asked. Kazu nodded. His hand grabbed mine as I continued walking carefully. I could see the docked ship. Nami was waving frantically at me. I could see her look behind me for a moment before her face dropped. Quickly looking back I saw a village with a scary expression holding a gun. He grew a smile, his crooked teeth on full display.
He raised the gun. I could hear Nami call out behind me. I reached for my weapon. I wouldn’t be able to deflect a bullet. The gun lowered to Kazu. My eyes widen. I could see the finger on the trigger pull. My instincts kicked in and I moved. I covered Kazu from the fire. I fell to my knees to protect him. Holding him in my arms. It didn’t hurt at first. The bullet went straight through my shoulder. Missing Kazu.
“Y/N,” Nami yelled. My eyes widened again. There was a new pain. Looking down I saw a knife. A knife stabbed into my lower stomach. Kazu had stabbed me. He looked scared. This is what he was probably raised to do. I hit his head, carefully holding him as he fell unconscious. I laid him on the ground. I pulled the knife out.
The villager laughed and talked about how I fell for the trap. I didn’t care. The pain in my shoulder and stomach was growing. In an instant I was behind the yapping man. The knife now in his chest but in a more serious place. I watched as he hit the ground. My hand came to hold my wound. I looked down at my hands. They were covered in blood. My vision was getting blurry. I looked up to see if Nami was okay. My eyes met with beautiful silver ones. Eyes that I would lose myself into quite often.
Zoro was by the ship staring at me. His eyes wide. He saw me drop to my knees and clenched my stomach. He started running over to me while calling my name. I wish I could have seen his face, I bet he was worried. My vision went black. Before I fell to the ground, strong arms held me up. They pulled me into an embrace off the ground. I couldn’t move, see or feel anything but I could hear Zoro’s voice. He was talking to me.
“Stay with me,” He said, “Don’t close your eyes, come on open them, I want to see your beautiful eyes,” his voice cracked. I could feel my eyes flickering close. I saw a light. It was warms and welcoming.
“Please, god, please stay with me,” Zoro’s voice was fading, “Please I can’t live without you,” the light was getting closer. I felt so warm. I wanted to see what the light was. It was calling for me.
“I love you,”
everything went black. My ears were ringing. I replied what was just said. Someone loved me? The light faded away. I was cold. So cold.
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brilium · 11 months
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❥ K I N K T O B E R 2 0 2 3
❥ DAY 14. Witch! Reader (Medieval AU) with Eren Jaeger
Summary. You’ve been calmly living in the heart of the forest since people started to believe in stupid rumors of witches. When you cross paths with a hurt man hunting, you give him a hand and turns your small wooden house into a hotter place.
Content Warning. Fem! reader, no use of Y/N, all characters are adults, smut, vaginal sex, virginity loss, slight hint of being intoxicated (?), oral sex (f. receiving), masturbation (f. receiving), breeding.
Word count. 2,629.
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Eren’s head hurts so bad, just like it’s about to explode, but a satisfying feeling of something cold with a fresh smell running through his forehead followed by a soft pressure on it makes him sigh in relief.
“Shit— Did he wake up so soon?” 
A far sweet voice enters through his ears, giving him more signals that he might be in heaven right now.
But, why is he in heaven?
Wasn’t him hunting in the forest just a moment before?
His eyelids open slowly, trying to focus his view and looking around, noticing that he’s on a unknown room of wood and some clothes here and there, the only lighting in here is from the small chandelier with candles on the ceiling.
He looks aside to a small jar with an ointment that smells like the thing on his forehead, so he extends his arm to grab it and look what it is but a slap on his hand startles him and makes him look at the figure that hit him.
“Your mom didn’t teach you how to behave in other people's houses?” You scold, grabbing the ointment and sitting beside him in the bed and grabbing some with your fingers to rub it on his cheek.
Eren’s cheeks turn slightly pink at the touch and sudden closeness from you, looking away while you tap softly on his face.
“It could be that yours didn't tell you not to slap a hurt man?” You roll your eyes at his answer, leaning back to grab a punch of leaves on your nightstand and put them above the ointment.
He straightens on the bed, revealing his bare chest with the same substance on his abdomen covered with leaves just like you were about to do it with his face.
“What are you doing!?” He almost screams and you quickly cover his mouth with your hand. Eren closes his eyes for a moment to ignore how soft your fingers feel on his lips.
You’re hurt and confused, Eren, don’t get hard with this stranger. Focus.
“Please, just let me heal you and you can leave like nothing happened” You hiss, your gesture is combined with anger and worry. “Just don’t tell anyone about this place.”
His eyebrows furrow, nodding in your palm as you take off from him.
“It’d be pretty stupid to ask now if you’re a witch, right?” He chuckles and you sigh, playing with the leaves in your hands.
“It’s not like that, I…” You take a deep breath, your hands are trembling and Eren unconsciously puts his hand above yours and squeezes them. You bite your lip to hold the trembling and your smile before continuing. “People  are stupid. I wanted to learn about plants and how to use them for sickness or wounds… But they acted like I was crazy and called me a…”
“A witch.” Eren completes.
“Yeah, that.” You laugh softly, cutting some leaves with your fingers to make them smaller and you turn to Eren, placing the leaf in the wound of his face to cover it, he flinches at the touch and you tap it so it can stick to him. “Aren’t you scared of me? If you betray me and tell them that I—”
“I won't. I’m a hunter, I know what it means to take away a life, all those stupids are people who only hide their thirst for blood by calling it ‘social order’” He laughs, and you blush softly. “I’m more worried about how I ended up here like this than the fact that you might be poisoning me.”
You roll your eyes, clicking your tongue and playing with the sheets, avoiding his bright green eyes.
“I was covering my plants in the night cold, then I heard the crows going  crazy near here, I was scared that they might be the people of the town that found me and well…” You nod your head at him and he bites his lip to contain his embarrassment. “I heard a wild pig nearby and judging by your hunting tools, I thought that you were trying to get him but he attacked you.”
“That’s pretty witch from you, didn't you use your magic crystal ball to see it or something?” He snorts and you hit his arm, looking away as you stand up and he follows every inch of your body through the thin light.
“You can sleep on here for the night, your wounds aren’t too deep but if you let the ointment work they’ll heal better and sooner.”
“My name is Eren, by the way” He says a little louder and you turn to him with a smile.
“I’m the scary witch of the forest, go to sleep”.
Eren nods chuckling while you leave the room and he lays down in the bed, groaning and pinching the bridge of his nose as he blames himself for letting a wild pig beat the shit out of him, remembering small flashes of it. Thanks to the smell of the ointment and his tiredness it doesn’t take longer for him to fall asleep.
But, in the middle of the night, his head feels a little dizzy but he’s still able to look around and focus. Actually, what warns him is your voice echoing from afar, it sounds like you’re struggling with something and, even with his head going in circles, he puts on his pants and walks out of the room to find you.
There’s a door that guides outside beside where he came out, and your voice seems to come from there so he follows it.
When Eren looks around at your garden, he finds you standing in the middle of there; all naked with the light of the moonlight lighting every inch and curve of your trembling body, your hands are holding a long branch as your hips ride it with a aggressive peace as your mouth lets out a thin and soft whines and moans.
Your head is thrown back with your mouth half opened letting out a small mist with every whimper. Eren’s body reacts at yours in full sight for him, but still feels a warm shiver covering his body as he observes your beauty.
In a try to get closer, he steps on a bunch of dry leaves, revealing his presence and making you jump in your place.
“E–Eren! What are you doing here!?” You speak flatteringly, your body trembles as he gets closer, you don’t even move or flinch away. You just found the right spot there and you don’t want to lose it. “I– I was trying to apply some ointment for me and… It— It only works this way!”
Eren’s breath stucks on his throat hearing your weak voice and walks closer to you, grabbing the upper part of the branch and push it up, making you whine and grab to his bicep for support.
“I heard a rumor of witches that fly on brooms” He moves it upwards and backwards, rubbing the branch between your folds and winning a broken moan from you. “I didn’t expect it to be this way.”
Your nails are digging on his bicep and you feel a dizziness in your head as you feel a tickling in your lower stomach with every movement that Eren makes with the branch. Eren groans in response, feeling like his heart rate is going faster with every whine from you.
“Tell me more, witch” He whispers, leaning closer to you and sending shivers through your spine. “Tell me why you like to ride tree branches in the middle of the night, huh? So dirty, should I run to the church at sunrise and tell the father how sinner you are?”
“N–No, please, no!” You plea, scratching his arm as you move your hips for more while he bites your neck and shoulders. “I— This is for me, I told you! It’s a— Fuck! It’s an ointment!”
Eren nods in the crook of your neck, sucking and biting on there as you start to shake on there, moaning loud and clear now that you don’t have to hide it. You start to feel the waves of pleasure vibrating on your belly as you lean your head in his direction.
“E–Eren! Please—” 
He nods and slams his lips against yours, rubbing more the branch against your with a rougher peace and you moan sweetly against his lips, Eren shuts his eyes strongly as you dig your nails on his arm to the point that they might be bleeding when your orgasm hits you in strong waves.
The kiss is interrupted by you, falling on your knees on the grass of the small garden, you’re breathing hard and covered with a thin layer of sweat. Eren loves the view from above of you on your knees, shaking and getting a better view of your body thanks to the clouds moving away from the moon.
He kneels in front of you, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand, you tremble softly at the touch from your previous orgasm but you still lean on his touch for more.
“Sorry I woke you up…”
“Nah, it’s fine… I actually feel so much better.”
You chuckle, running your eyes through his bare chest and the bulge on his pants. You still feel a little aroused as your chest goes up and down heavily and the cold breeze hits on your hard nipples.
“I… I need to tell you something. The ointment might make you feel a little light headed or weird.” You look down embarrassed, looking at the wet mess on your thighs “Sorry, I like the effect but I’m not so sure about you…”
“So… You drugged me?” He snorts, raising an eyebrow and you nod shyly. But when his hand pushes your chest back to lie down on the grass as he bends over your —still— clenching cunt, your heart skips a beat in expectation. “I guess that the ointment that you were rubbing in here it’s the same…”
“Y–Yeah…” You answer with struggle, whimpering at the feeling of his finger running up and down in your wet entrance. 
“I guess… I want to see if it tastes as good as it smells.” 
His lips quickly land on your folds, licking and sucking with need as you arch your back, grabbing the thin leaves of grass between your fingers as he passes his flat tongue along your cunt to taste you.
You tremble there, feeling his tongue hitting softly on your clit and flickering on your folds with a wet noise. His nose rubs so perfectly against your clit by giving you pleasure in both places at the same time.
When he slides in two of his fingers in one strike, you roam your arms around all your body before reaching his long hair and tangle it around your fingers, undoing his bun and pushing his head more against your wet folds. His fingers curl and you open wide your eyes looking directly at the moon above you to not cum at the sight of him eating you.
You whine loudly when he pulls back and you finally look at him, feeling your insides stretch around nothing when his jaw gleams with your juices.
“Yeah… I feel a little more relaxed now” He smiles, leaning closer to you while one of his hands pulls down his pants. “It’s been hurting down there since I saw you in here, you think that if I put it in here the pain will also heal?”
You swallow saliva slowly as you see his length also shimmering with fluids; it’s so hard and thick and your eyes are already rolling almost behind your head when the swollen tip starts to slide inside.
“I… I think so. I’ve never tried that…” You moan, feeling his weight start to bend above you and pushing inside slowly. Your walls receive him with a tight hug and he growls beside your ear. “I’ve… I’ve never been with a man, Eren.”
Eren stops suddenly, straightening a little above you and looking at you in the eyes and you look so beautiful like that; all blushed, breathing hard and with wide bright eyes. His aching cock is still half inside you, but he doesn’t pull back.
“You’ve never done this before…?”  You nod, and he bites his lip, looking away to avoid the temptation of your body. “I can stop If you want me to…”
“No! Don’t stop, please!” Your plea sends a reaction directly on his length between your legs, pushing a little more in your walls, making you moan pleased as your hands travel to his shoulders. “I… I grew in a very superstitious family, they wanted me to wait till I marriage, but I escaped to the forest and— Fuck!”
His length fully entered inside you, making you both growl fiercely. Your nails dig on his shoulders as he waits for you to adapt, but with the growing orgasm on your belly and the wetness dripping down your folds you don’t even feel the pain of him pushing inside.
“Tell me more, tell me more with your broken beautiful voice.” Eren groans, holding your waist as his hips start to move again, making you whimper and moan so sweetly.
“A–And I— Fuck! I ended up living here in the forest for years! That’s it!” You hug his neck, keeping his face near to the crook of your neck where he starts to suck and lick again, giving you a soft pain as his teeths dig on your skin. “Please! Please, don’t ever stop again!”
Eren groans in response, too pussy drunk in the feeling of your cunt sucking him inside for more as he pounds in and out like a beast now that you adapted to his size and thrusts. Your gummy walls feel so warm and tight as your broken loud moans fill his ears.
Yes, It’s the fucking heaven in this cabin in the middle of the forest.
Eren thrusts inside so hard until you feel a tickling warmth forming on your stomach, a little more heavier than when you ride the branch at night. You hug firmly his neck as you moan his name repeatedly like a chant as you feel your folds explode with a liquid spitting down.
His thrusts lose a little of rhythm and become more messier while your tight walls difficult his movements, it’s until they stretch around him so good that his thrusts are followed by the feeling of a warm sensation inside you. He keeps thrusting more slowly until he stops and rests his cheek between your breasts.
In the middle of the sound of the breeze and leaves of the forests hanging and falling down, they are followed with your hard breathings.
“Are… Are you okay?” Eren asks softly, leaving small kisses on your breasts.
“Yeah…” You answer breathless, still feeling light headed but still able to bring your hand to his hair and play with it between your fingers. “You won’t tell the people at the town that I live in here, right?”
“I told you that I won’t.” He smiles, pulling out from you to rest beside you in the grass. “I love it here, you’re pretty and they for sure will believe that I’m also a son of the devil or something since I survived the night in the forest.”
You laugh, looking at the stars and extending your hand at the sky like you could touch them.
“So… You’ll stay a little longer?”
Eren smiles, extending his hand to hold yours as you both look at them intertwined with the stars behind.
“As long as you don’t poison me, I’ll stick around here for a while.”
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dietcokeangel2004 · 1 year
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Sierra Six x Reader *smut*
“Are we ready to begin?”
His voice, deep and strong, reverberated off the walls and echoed into my mind. My legs shook from my nerves, anxiety through the roof at this point. He was dressed in a simple black shirt with a relaxed fit grey suit jacket and grey dress pants. A downright daddy, perfect for the part I guess.
I softly nod my head yes. This is an awkward situation I’ve gotten myself into and now I don’t even know how the hell to get out of here. He raises his eyebrow at me like I’m supposed to guess what’s up. “Words, use your words.”
Fuck. Fuck. “Yes I’m ready to begin.” My voice is quiet and I’m scared you can hear the tremble in it. He doesn’t seem to pick up on it, which I’m thankful for. “Why don’t we start off with something simple, I would like you to sit on this pillow beside me. Then you’re going to pass me the remote for the TV okay.”
At first I am shook, what the hell! Am I a slave? I don’t know but I also sort of enjoy it. I slink over as sensually as I can and plop down on my knees. “Being a sub, means always thinking about what could benefit or make your dom happy.” He speaks these words to me calmly, like this is an everyday sort of conversation. I feel my face on fire as I hand him then remote, my ears burn and I’ve never been happier to not be able to see myself. Thinking back to his words I proportion myself so that when he looks down at me he’ll get a great view of my tits. He gently grabs my chin all of a sudden causing a short breathy moan to fall from my lips.
“Perfect. See you’re a natural, you just need a little help getting there.” He is pulling my head into his lap, I try my hardest not to get as close to his cock as I want to. This meeting isn’t supposed to have any sexual contact in it, however I find myself craving it. I want to make him feel as good as he wants, I want him to order me around. His dick is pressed against the fly of his dress pants, I will not touch it unless I’m told to though. A sudden groan drags me out of my daze, causing me to realize I’ve been heart-eyeing his crotch the whole time. “Mmm baby girl you’re staring at my cock like it’s candy. I know we’re not supposed to be doing sexual contact until a few more meeting but would you like to have your first fully controlled blowjob?”
My small gasp is all the confirmation he needs however he waits until words seal the deal. “Oh god, yes Sir I would love to!” Ugh I’m desperate, but I can’t help it. My hands shake with nerves and fear of fucking up as he sets my head in his lap and goes to work with his pants.
It’s beautiful, red and raw. Just waiting to be loved by someone other than his hand. He takes hold of my head by using my hair, I moan with need for him at this. He pulls me to his cock and his warmth fills my mouth, as quick as it went in it was gone. Closing my eyes I let myself fall into the feeling of being degraded. He was rubbing his cock around on my face, tapping my cheeks and forehead with his thickness. To make it even more disgustingly hot, his cock had a sheen of my drool on it, smearing my face. “Why don’t you take off your shirt and bra?” I sighed at the loss of contact but did as I was told. He tells me he loves my perky breasts as he shovelled his manhood back into my mouth. Praises fell from his lips as I ate him, he told me that I was a good sub, a good girl, we were going to have so much fun together. I didn’t even pay attention to my own wetness, just focused on sucking, licking and rubbing his dick all up. He let me get messy and I let him tell me to. I had spit dripping down my chin, saliva and pre cum smeared on my cheeks and here I was rubbing his dick in between and all over my tits. They were completely soaked and oiled up from my spit and pre cum. He called me his good dirty whore while I did this and I mewled. He ended finally by calling me daddy’s filthy little girl and came right on my tongue. I swallowed some and then let the rest drip down onto, what are now, daddy’s breasts. He grabbed me by the hair and had me rest my head face to face with his soft red cock and we watched TV. I honestly wasn’t paying attention, I was thinking about how hopefully next time my daddy would pound my little pussy and make it his.
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readerthatreadsss · 1 year
Safe | Marc Spector
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PAIRING: Marc Spector x fem!reader
SUMMARY: Marc has a nightmare. You're right by his side for the aftermath.
WARNINGS: Angst, panic, comfort, fluff, implications of Marc's past trauma and PTSD
A/N: Was in the middle of writing a Steven fic when this idea popped into my head and I had to get on it immediately. I'm like 90% sure this idea has already been used on here but I'm hoping my story isn't similar to anyone else's :(
It started with sporadic twisting and jolts from Marc's side of the bed. You were so deep in sleep that you silently dismissed it and chalked it up to Marc's discomfort with the heavy duvet.
But then faint mumblings of a familiar name reached your ears. Your eyes shot open once you recognized it as the name of Marc's deceased younger brother.
You slowly turned to face Marc's writhing figure, listening as whimpers, broken apologies, and protests fell from his lips. His thick brows were furrowed in obvious distress, his naked chest heaving as his breathing grew more erratic by the second.
And it made your chest ache.
Before you could think of how to proceed, Marc abruptly sat up, his brown eyes opening to adjust to your dimly lit room as he was launched out of his nightmare and back into your shared bedroom.
Gone were the mumbles and whimpers that previously befell his lips, now replaced by futile attempts to gain back control over his breathing.
But Marc's chest continued to heave as he swung his legs from beneath the bed's sheets to sit on the side of the bed, facing away from you. He leaned forward and held his face in his hands, silently willing his brain to acknowledge that the nightmare was over. It wasn't working.
You've been with Marc for around a year now so his occasional nightmares weren't foreign to you.
But one that triggered a reaction on this scale was.
No amount of harsh denial and forced smiles could push you away this time. Not when the man you loved was currently exuding more fear than he ever had in your whole relationship combined.
You slowly slid out of the bed, not wanting to make any sudden movements and jostle the shaken man.
Marc screwed his eyes shut when you came around to his side of the bed and into view.
You fell to your knees before him, not yet touching him until he wished for you to do so, but needing to offer him some kind of reassurance that he was okay.
"Marc?" you gently said his name, watching as he shoved the heels of his hands further into his face, "Baby, just focus on the sound of my voice. I'm right here with you okay?"
Beads of sweat dripped from his curls and into his palms as he slowly revealed his red-rimmed eyes to you.
"Marc, you're safe. You're here, with me, and you are safe," you assured him meaning every word.
Marc quickly nodded at your words and attempted to take a deep breath on his own, only for it to end in a body-wracking cough.
"Hey! Calm down baby, you're okay," you softly called out to him, noticing panic seep into his features once again as he looked around, haphazardly surveying his surroundings.
You began to reach out for his clenched fists and paused, "Can I touch you, Marc?" you calmly asked, receiving as best of a nod as he could give you while a few tears escaped his eyes.
You carefully reached out and unclenched Marc's fists before bringing one of his open shaky palms to rest on your chest right above your heart while both your other hands rested entangled on his knee. "You feel that, Marc? I'm right here. Come on, breathe with me baby," you pleaded.
Marc watched you deeply inhale before doing the same, his eyes never leaving yours and his hand taking in the gentle thud of your heart. You exhaled a few seconds after, with Marc doing the same, before doing it all over again.
You noted his chest slowing its rises and falls and allowed a small relieved smile to cross your lips.
Marc remained silent as he continued to breathe with you, refusing to break eye contact.
You, that determined look in your eyes, and the gentle smile that rested on your lips were the only things anchoring him at the moment.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you nervously questioned, though already knowing the answer.
Marc shook his head and took another deep breath.
"That's perfectly fine baby," you cooed, carefully standing up.
As soon as you steadied yourself on your feet, Marc leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his face on your stomach. His grip on your body was borderline painful but you didn't care one bit, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head before cradling it in your hands.
"You have work in a few hours," his first words of the night came soon after, his voice rough with sleep and a lack of use, "You don't have to stay up with me," he added.
"I don't care," you replied instantly.
Marc shifted his head to look up at you, an unreadable emotion in his eyes.
"Contrary to popular belief," you began, using a hand to brush a stray damp curl off his forehead, "you don't have to do everything alone. I'm here for you, Marc, and I'm not leaving any time soon. Do you understand?" you met his gaze defiantly.
Marc swallowed harshly before nodding. His grip on your waist briefly tightened before you felt yourself being pulled onto his lap and further onto the bed.
You complied and settled your body on top of Marc's as he laid you both down on the bed.
"Are you sure this is comfortable for you?" you softly asked, referring to your opposition on top of him.
Your question caused him to pull you closer to his body than you thought was possible. He needed to feel you. He needed to know you were there, that you were real, and that what he experienced was no longer a reality he was doomed to.
"Talk," he prompted you with the singular syllable.
You lifted your head from where it was nuzzled in his chest to look up at him, seeing the silent plea in his eyes. Just keep me awake, please.
"Okay," you nodded eagerly.
You began to drone on about your day, telling Marc the latest gossip that you had received from your coworkers as well as a future project that could earn you a possible promotion.
Marc listened intently as you spoke, finding safety in your voice and the passion that enthralled it when you spoke of your job.
It wasn't long before you ran out of stories to tell and instead opted for humming some of Marc's favorite songs while holding his large palm open and tracing shapes in them with your fingers.
Marc felt the ghost of a smile trace his lips as he lay there with you wrapped around him, feeling safer than he ever did wrapped in Konshu's armor.
Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated.
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billieloverrrr · 2 months
Your little crush
note: sorry if this sucks I didnt really proof read it much and I was in a rush to make this!!
this includes: sfw, megumi x y/n & confession
You developed a small crush for megumi, although you doubt he liked you back. Ohh boy you were so wrong. Even though megumi was dry or nonchalant with you, he had a huge crush on you. One day you and megumi decide to go to a garden near your house. You both make your way to the garden and once you arrive, you both decide to sit next to each other on the bench. You notice how awkward the silence was, so you decide to cut the silence. “Sooo how was training?” You ask with a hint of softness in your voice. Megumi looks at you and responds very dry “its was fine I guess, just too much.” You look away not sure what to say, you felt your heart pounding. Thoughts flooding your mind, should you confess to him right here? right NOW? megumi notice your face as you were overthinking about something, but he didn’t know what it was. “Hey, you good? I notice you’re overthinking a bit?” He says with a hint of concern in his voice. You look at him and respond calmly hoping he wouldn’t see through your lie. “Nono I’m fine don’t worry” you say while hesitating your words a bit. The hesitation in your voice was enough to make his eyebrow raise. “Y/n I know something is wrong, just tell me already.” He says with a stern voice but his voice was soft at the same time.  You sigh and speak up again, “fine, but you promise to not get mad when I tell you this or even laugh?”
Megumi looks at you with a confused face, now he really wants to know what’s on your mind. “I promise.” He says. you take a deep breath and confessed your feelings. “I-i like you megumi. I have for a while..” You say with a hint of embarrassment in your voice. Megumi looks at you dumbfound and clears his throat. His face all red due to what you just told him. “You know..I like you too, just never thought you would confess first before me” he looks away with a hint of blush going across his face. Your eyes widen at his response. “You like me?” You say in disbelief. You look at him, studying his face just to make sure he wasnt lying and he really wasn’t lying. He was being honest to you. “Yeah, ive liked you for a while y/n, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” He blurted out the words that was on his mind for a while. You were still looking at him in shock, after he say if you wanted to be his girlfriend. You snapped out of it. “Yes yes I would love to be your girlfriend megumi” you smile softly and give him a hug. He was taken a back by your sudden hug, but he enjoyed your hugs and he hugged you back. “I love you y/n” he says while he looks down on you. You smile and respond back with a soft “I love you too megumi."
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afewproblems · 2 months
Difficult Days (Part Three)
Part One, Part Two
In hindsight, stealing the neighbors car and driving it out to Lookout Point had been a really, really stupid call. 
But kissing Anthony out in the open air, with the stars overhead and the sound of distant waves from the beach, hadn't been.
It had been a near perfect year of walks along the pier, sitting in the backs of movie theaters so they could play footsie in the dark, and study dates --or well, Anthony would study while Shawn would do his best to be distracting as usual.
Sure, maybe he was smart in that holier-than-thou way that Gus never liked, but he was nice. Anthony always corrected Shawn’s mixed up words with a smile that accentuated his dimples and crinkled his warm hazel eyes. He would always laugh at Shawns rebuttal and call him an idiot in that soft spoken voice. 
Shawn had never really done this before, a real relationship anyway, so their one year anniversary needed to be special. Perfect even.
And it had been until red and blue lights flashed in the near darkness and the unmistakable two tone note of his dads unmarked station wagon siren ripped through the air.
The look of terror on Anthony's face, his eyes wide and his mouth suddenly slack and open as he scrambles away from their perch on the hood of the car to press back against the windshield is something Shawn never wants to see again.
But with his memory it's an inevitability.
“Anthony,” Shawn manages calmly even as his heart rate spikes, “just relax, I don't think he saw--”
“Jesus, yeah Shawn!” Anthony says, his voice just below a yell, “you don't think, I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have come out here with you, Jesus christ--”
Shawn recoils from Anthony as if slapped and watches as the other teen grimaces into the red and blue flashing lights.
Anthony shakes his head and mutters under his breath as the sound of a car door slamming fills the air, “I should have listened to my mom, she said you're a bad influence”.
Something crumples in Shawn's chest, like brittle tin at the words.
“Since when do you care about that?” Shawn whispers as footsteps crunch just a few paces from them now on the gravel road, “Anthony come on-”
“No you come on Shawn, I'm going to Princeton in September, I'm not going to let you screw this up for me”. 
“You never,” Shawn swallows hard against the sudden lump that forms in his throat, and ignores the way his stomach drops into his shoes, “you didn't tell me you were moving to New York”.
“New Jersey” Anthony corrects, more softly than he's spoken in the last 30 seconds, since the flashing lights appeared and tore them apart.
“I've heard it both ways,” Shawn mumbles. 
Anthony doesn’t laugh this time. His mouth twists as he stares at the ground and Shawn almost wants to plead for Anthony to just smile, laugh, roll his eyes, call him an idiot.
It never really struck Shawn before that Anthony might not have been using that word as a term of endearment.
He jumps slightly at the sound of his name, uttered like a curse, and closes his eyes. 
“Shawn! Of all the stupid things you've done, this takes the God Damn cake”.
“Dad--” Shawn says but snaps his mouth shut with a click as Henry grabs him roughly by the shirt collar and tugs him off the hood of the car. Shawn stumbles but keeps his feet under him as his dad spins him around to look at him. 
“It's Detective Spencer to you,” Henry growls at his son, his blue eyes dart over Shawn's face before he looks over his shoulder and gives Anthony a once over, his expression unreadable.
“And you,” he gestures to Anthony with a free hand, “get off the car. Now”.
Everything after that feels like it happens in slow motion.
Henry radios dispatch to send a black and white to pick up Anthony and take him home and a tow truck for their neighbors car. 
Shawn says nothing as his father spends the ten minutes waiting for the other vehicles to come, vacillating between berating Shawn and lecturing Anthony about his choices. He's parked them on a nearby picnic table; Shawn wonders somewhat hysterically if his dad is aware that this was their old family summer haunt. 
He runs his fingers lightly over the crude letters carved into the wood, S-P-E-N-C-E-R, but drops his hand away from the table as if burned. The last thing he wants now is his dad to see their name and add destruction of public property to his list of charges.
Anthony says nothing the entire time they wait. He keeps his head down and his arms crossed tightly over his chest.
God. Shawn had been so, so sure of how Anthony had felt, that things had been going well for them, there hadn't been a single doubt in his mind that this was it, that he'd found someone other than Gus he could share everything with. 
God. He hates that Gus had been right. 
He’d been right to be wary of Anthony, he’d seen something that Shawn hadn’t all those years ago and now…
How had he missed the fact that his boyfriend was apparently planning to up and leave him behind in the next two months. 
Had it all been one-sided this entire time? Shawn tries to remember if Anthony had ever even said that he liked Shawn let alone loved him. 
When the other patrol car ambles up the gravel road, it barely comes to a stop before Anthony launches away from the table and makes his way to the car. 
Anthony doesn't look at Shawn once.
Henry talks to the beat cop briefly, instructing him to just take the teen home, that he’ll handle Shawn.
Henry claps the top of the crown vic twice with his hand and steps clear as the car takes off. Shawn watches as tail lights turn to red stars in the dark as they head farther down the road before disappearing behind a turn. 
Then the tow truck appears. Shawn finds himself tuning out the conversation between his dad and the driver as they hitch up the car. 
Shawn can only see Anthony's panicked face shift into a withering glare in his mind again and again. He winces, trying to shake the image, and sits in uncharacteristic silence while the second set of vehicles finally meander down the road, taking the same path as the patrol car.
Shawn swallows hard as his dad steps up beside him and sighs, long and low. 
“Do you understand what you did tonight?” Henry says slowly, “how serious this is?”
Shawn stops himself from rolling his eyes but it's a near thing, “is it still considered grand theft auto if we only went a mile?”
Henry laughs once, a sharp puff of air without humor, somehow it's worse than if he would just yell. His dad looks at Shawn for another beat before he finally seems to make a decision. Henry squares his broad shoulders and reaches out to grab Shawn roughly by the shirt once again, dragging him off of the bench and hauling him to his feet with a squawk.
“Shawn Spencer,” Henry says firmly, “you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be held against you in a court of law--”
“What?!” Shawn says as he nearly stumbles with the force that his dad is moving forward with, one hand on his shirt and the other tightly circled around Shawns upper arm.
“You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you,” Henry continues as if Shawn had said nothing. He doesn't look at Shawn as they make their way to the unmarked station wagon. 
Henry lets go of Shawns shirt, leaving the fabric stretched and nearly torn and opens the back car door. With the same free hand he presses firmly on Shawn's head, pushing him into the back seat.
“Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?” Henry says stiffly standing in front of the open car door.
“What no handcuffs,” Shawn bites out, his chest rises and falls quickly as anger and hurt swirl and thrum against his ribcage, “gee Dad I always knew you were a softy”. 
Henry slams the car door without another word before making his way around to the driver's side. The vehicle sags as Henry slides into the driver's seat. 
The radio comes to life, the first few notes of Every Breath You Take plays over the sound system only for Henry to slam his hand down on the volume knob before the true irony of the song can be appreciated.
The familiar drive to the station feels so much longer in the heavy silence that hangs in the car. Shawn looks into the rearview mirror every now and again, trying to catch his dads angry gaze but Henry keeps his eyes on the road, his expression stony. 
When they finally pull into the station, Henry parks the car and sits for a moment, Shawn watches as his dad takes a deep breath before turning off the engine, he hasn't said a word since reading Shawn his rights, it's unnerving to say the least. 
He expects his dad to rail against him the whole way down to the station, to tear another strip off him like he had back at Lookout Point but Henry merely leaves the driver's seat, walks around the vehicle to grab Shawn, and walks him through the double doors of the station. 
Henry's hand is loose around Shawns arm, rather than the bruising grip from earlier when his dad hauled him off the car. For a wild moment, Shawn considers making a run for it.
“Listen,” Henry says after a beat, he stops their march to the desk sergeant and pulls Shawn aside into the hall, “if that boy put you up to this, I can get that squad car to turn around--”
“Anthony didn't put me up to anything, don't--he's not--he's going to Princeton next year and he doesn't need m--” Shawn nearly stumbles trying to catch the words before they escape. He swallows hard against the lump in his throat and feels his eyes begin to sting, the threat of tears that has been building since red and blue lights lit up the night makes Shawn wish the floor of the station would open up and swallow him whole.
Henry stares at Shawn now with narrowed eyes, the longer he looks the more it feels like being dissected, assessed. 
He realizes his mistake too late to backtrack, not taking the out from his dad he always wished for, the benefit of the doubt was a trap.
Then Henry's eyes land on Shawn's neck, where the collar of his shirt has been stretched, where the beginnings of a small red hickey have started forming. 
Shawn tries to lift his hand to cover the mark but he's not fast enough to stop his dad from smacking his arm away with one hand while the other opens his shirt collar even more.
Shawn watches a myriad of expressions move across his dads face, before settling on something resembling disappointment. He's not sure how long they stay like that before Henry slowly begins to shake his head.
“Jesus,” Henry breathes out weakly, “first the car and now,” he drops his hands away from Shawn and takes a step back, “as if we don't have enough to worry about, you're--you're carrying on with some boy like a, like a--”
“Like a what, dad, huh?” Shawn says hoarsely, he balls both hands into firsts to hide the way they shake. 
While he hadn't been sure what to expect from his dad, despite Gus’ insistence that he should just tell Henry the truth, some small part of Shawn had hoped that his reaction wouldn't sting this much.
His dad says nothing, looking around as though his head is on a swivel, not that he needs to worry. The station is quiet save for a few night shift officers milling around, Shawn can vaguely hear the desk sergeant chatting on the phone about her weekend plans.
“This is going to kill your mother,” Henry says, wiping a heavy hand down his face and taking another step back.
Shawn feels as though the air has been punched from his lungs. 
“Dad…” Shawn tries, his voice cracks as Henry turns away sharply.
“Just, go sit, I need to talk to the Sergeant,” Henry mutters before stalking off, the rubber soles of his shoes squeak loudly on the linoleum as he disappears around the corner.
Shawn feels his breathing catch as he all but collapses into the nearest chair against the wall of the hallway, his vision blurs and his face burns. Fuck. Fuck.
Shawn drops his face into his hands and presses his fingers into his eyes until stars explode in his vision. He holds his breath, feeling his chest spasm as he suppresses a sob. 
“Hey kid, you okay?” A voice says to Shawn's right, startling him into lifting his face, his hands come away wet so he wipes them quickly on his jeans. God, of course, someone is going to see him like this, at his lowest point. 
He wishes Gus were here with him.
Shawn slowly looks up, acutely aware of how his face must look right now given the patient smile on the stranger's face before him.  
Shawn gives his face another quick wipe and sniffs, wincing at the congested noise. 
“Who me?” Shawn huffs out, his voice tight, “I'm peaches dude”. 
The cop, clearly a rookie based on the lack of bags under his eyes, the fresh press of his uniform, and the sheen on his standard issue leather holster. All this effort for the night shift? It screams desperation --notice me Captain! 
The rookie's bright blue eyes crinkle at the corners slightly, his expression pinched in sympathy as he takes a step closer. 
L-A-S-S-I-T-E-R flashes on his brass name plate.
“Your dad'll cool off, I’m sure he didn't mean it--”
Shawn lets a weak laugh tumble out of his mouth and shakes his head at the floor, “Henry Spencer never said a damn thing in his life he didn't mean”.
He wipes at his face again with the sleeve of his shirt before crossing his arms tightly over his stomach, “so, thanks, stretch but you don't know my dad”.
“Lassiter! What are you doing? Get back to your desk,” Henry's voice carries sharply through the hall. The rookie jumps and takes a step back from Shawn, his back ramrod straight.
Shawn scoffs, if this is how cops were supposed to act, then he's glad he's all but ruined his chances of ever being one. 
How could he live with himself if this is what he would eventually become? 
This was good, for the best really. 
“Run along Lassie,” Shawn says tiredly, "I'm sure there's a boy stuck in a well somewhere that would love your help”.
The rookie's jaw drops as the beginnings of a snarl takes over his expression.
“Lassiter!” Henry barks again, interrupting whatever the rookie had no doubt been about to snap at Shawn as he comes within earshot of the pair of them, there are heavy bags under his dad's eyes, accentuated by the harsh overhead lighting. 
Shawn doesn't think he's ever seen Henry this tired before, not even after mom left them.
The rookie looks between Henry and Shawn and opens his mouth before thinking better of whatever he had been about to say. 
“Yes sir,” he says tersely instead, turning on his heel and walking briskly back to the bullpen.
“And then there were two,” Shawn mutters under his breath, he keeps his eyes on the floor, refusing to meet his dads glare.
“Okay, Detective Vick is going to escort you for processing, she'll be by shortly. Do. Not. Move.” 
Shawn can't even bring himself to nod, he fixes his gaze on the opposite wall and remains silent, his dad can't blame him for invoking his right after all. 
Henry sighs and turns on his heel, making his way back down the hallway. 
Shawn does his best not to flinch at the sound of the heavy double doors banging shut as his dad leaves the station.
Tag List: @adaed5 @drakkywolf @newgrangespirals @riverofrainbows (If you want to be removed or added to the tag list please let me know!)
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uzurakis · 3 months
ok not nagumo but still sakadays. hear me out on academic rivals to lovers w/ natsuki. ooooh you hate each other so much you make sooo many essays dissing each others work and you loooovvve to annoy him and get up close and— god, he's pretty— whaaaaaaaaat?????????
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“still convinced your essay on the evolution of weaponry is more creative than mine?" you say, dropping your bag onto the table with a loud thud.
the guy doesn’t even flinch at your intrusion. he calmly looks up from his notes, “duh,” his expression annoyingly indifferent. "yes, i am. because it is."
you scoff, pulling up a chair and sitting across from him. "pleasee, your analysis of technology weaponry is soo dry, anyone could make that. but my piece on futuristic weaponry has, you know, imagination."
he raises an eyebrow, the only sign of his annoyance. "but imagination isn't everything. my work is grounded in reality, something yours severely lacks."
"grounded in reality? that's just a fancy way of saying boring." you lean closer, trying to get under his skin. "your essay is like reading a complicated blah blah textbook. mine's a thrilling adventure, hmph.”
natsuki’s lips twitch, almost forming a smile, but he catches himself. "thrilling adventures are for fiction, not academic essays, idiot. you're just using flashy ideas to cover up a lack of depth."
your mouth opens, ready to fire back another retort, but then you pause. the words get stuck in your throat as you notice something. up close, natsuki is.. pretty. his lashes are long and his eyes, sharp and focused, hold a depth you’ve never really seen before. his indifference suddenly feels like a challenge, and your heart skips a beat. you find your gaze drifting to the two moles below his right eye and the single mole beneath his left eye, tiny details you had noticed before, and and
whaaaaaaaaaattt????? since when did you start to pay attention to your rival? not just paying attention to beat him but literally, clearly, paying attention. his features and all, the person in front of you; seba natsuki, the one that crawls under your skin as long as you can remember. how? when? why?
wait, you just realized?
he tilts his head, noticing your silence. "what's wrong? run out of things to say?"
"uh, no. i was just.. thinking about how wrong you are." you blink, shaking yourself out of your reverie.
“right,” he narrows his eyes slightly, studying you. "you sure that's all you were thinking about?"
you swallow, feeling your face heat up. "of course. what else would i be thinking about?"
natsuki leans back in his chair, a hint of amusement apparent in his gaze. "i don’t know. you seemed a bit.. distracted."
"i’m not distracted," you say, a bit too quickly. "i just can’t believe how stubborn you are."
"and i can’t believe how stubborn you are," he counters, leaning forward again. "yet, here we are."
the proximity makes your heart race. you can see the faint stubble on his jawline, the way his lips curve ever so slightly. and those moles—how had you just noticed them before and didn’t think much about it? it’s infuriating how he can be so infuriatingly attractive.
"it’s impossible to talk with you," you mutter, trying to regain your composure.
"maybe ‘cause you're relentless," he replies, his tone almost.. admiring?
both fall silent, the air between you thick with unspoken tension. for the first time, the banter feels like a prelude to something else, something you can’t quite put into words. no fucking way.
natsuki breaks the silence first, his voice softer. "you know, maybe we’re both right in our own ways. different perspectives, same passion."
“huh?” you blink, surprised by his sudden shift in tone. "did you just.. agree with me?"
he shrugs, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "maybe. but i’m still the best around here. don’t get used to it."
"pft, wouldn't dream of it," you reply, thanking god you can still stop your own smile from forming. you find yourself stealing glances at him, those moles now etched in your memory, as the realization dawns that your competition might just be the spark of something.. else, something new.
and fuck, you don’t want to think about it. not now, not never. fuck. fuckity fuck.
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n. i love u whoever sent me this prompt UGHHH U DON KNOW HOW MUCH A SUCKER I AM FOR RIVALS TO LOVERS AAGHHH *does a flipback* i love u did i say i love u nonnie @—@ i rlly hope u like it as i doo MUNCHING ON YOUR IDEA mwah xoxo
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sotwk · 9 months
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6th Day of Yule: “Six Geese A-Laying”
Prince Gelir Thranduilion x Reader
Third Age 614
Dant-en-Aras, Southern Greenwood
As you trudged through the heavily falling snow in the pitch-black hour right before dawn, from far off you were alerted to a presence in your cottage by the light flickering through the open window. You immediately hastened your steps, alarmed by the idea of an intruder, but would anyone of ill-intent give themselves away by lighting a fire? 
The concerned frown melted from your lips when your nose picked up two scents wafting through the chilly winter air: breakfast--eggs and sausage and tomatoes. Had one of those strange little folk from the Ningloron wandered into your home to seek refuge from the storm? 
The second scent replaced your frown with a sudden smile as recognition broke through your confusion. No other elf in Eryn Galen carried the fragrance of the woodlands quite like the Lord of Dant-en-Aras. 
At least, not in the manner that made your heart flutter with joy. 
You opened the cottage door and the warm air saturated with those enticing smells rushed forth to meet you. But he did not. He did not move from where he crouched by the hearth, poking at a laden skillet with a fork, his back fully turned to you and the doorway. 
You wiped all signs of bewilderment from your face as best as you could, determined not to grant him the satisfaction of falling for his teasing. You shut the door to the freezing wind and calmly relieved yourself of your burdens: hanging up your sentry cloak and stowing away your bow and quiver and knives, and finally sitting on a bench to doff your wet boots. Meanwhile, neither of you spoke a word, and only the crackle of the fire and sizzle of the hot pan saved the room from total silence. 
But finally, a grunt came from the prince squatting by the fire. “Sausage or eggs?”
You bit on your bottom lip to stifle a laugh. Gelir was stubborn, but impatience was his even stronger demon. Perhaps it was unkind of you to beat him at his own game, when he had clearly made some effort to set up this surprise for you. 
“Pray tell, why is my lord in my home, cooking breakfast, when he should be at the King’s palace with the rest of his family, as his father has summoned him?”
He rose slowly, and at his full height the Thranduilion always seemed too tall, too big inside your little cottage. “I recommend the eggs,” he said, stepping toward you with a plate of two large fried eggs, with yolks round and golden as the sun. Goose eggs--your favorite, as only he would remember. “Especially after I managed to carry them all the way from the King’s pantries.”
“Gelir…what is going on?” You sighed, for you wanted your questions answered, even with his compelling methods of distracting you, both with the food and with just him. Standing close to you, towering over you in a way that never felt menacing or intimidating, but rather made you feel safe and precious. Like nothing in the world could hurt you while he was around, so you did not have to be strong for yourself for a change. “Why are you back here? Yule has started; you should be with your family. ”
“I was with them,” he responded. “And not more than a day after I arrived, I went to my parents and told them I had to turn back, to collect something I left behind but desperately needed.”
“W-what?” Your heart gave a sudden leap in your chest, then proceeded to run at a wild pace, causing a furious blush to paint your cheeks. There was no sense in feigning ignorance of what he was trying to say. “But you said it is not yet the right time.”
“And I was wrong.” He had put the plate down, freeing his hands to cradle the sides of your face, and the glow that bloomed within you could have borne a blizzard ten times worse than the one outside. “I may say and do foolish things on occasion, but I try not to be a fool.”
He smiled and tapped the pad of his thumb on the single teardrop that had escaped your eye, to your own surprise and chagrin. You were not the sort to weep out your emotions, but these--your love for him--overwhelmed you like nothing ever had. 
“Will you come with me, meleth? And be properly introduced to my family?”
You could not recall what you said, or whether you even said anything, but you nodded vigorously and sank into his embrace, where he held you so tightly and for so long you started to giggle.
“Might not the eggs get cold?” you teased, voice muffled against his tunic. “We cannot let all your cooking go to waste.”
“That is true,” Gelir admitted, pulling away to glance at the table where he set down the plate. But he did not move further, so you gently extricated yourself and went over to the cook fire to save the sausages from being burnt. 
Just a few bites of the hot meal rejuvenated you after your long shift on border patrol. You looked across the table at your beloved, who had barely eaten anything and seemed content to merely watch you. “Shall we set out at once then, if your whole family is already waiting for us?”
“Oh, they can wait a while longer.” Gelir pushed back his chair and walked around to tug you up from yours. “Surely you noticed the blizzard outside? We cannot possibly travel such a long way in such frightful weather.”
“No, I think the worst of it has passed,” you said. “Once the sun rises--” The rest of the words dissolved into gasp as the prince's warm lips traced a soft line down the side of your neck. 
“Not. Just. Yet.” he murmured against your skin. Your gasps suddenly turned into a shriek of laughter when he lifted you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bed in the corner of the cottage. 
Indeed, no need to rush off anywhere just yet. 
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi @minaturefics @talesfuzzy
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: This was my favourite part to write. I love Diana and Lucas scenes.
Word Count: 2917
Barb drops me home after school. I decide to study for Kaminsky’s test on my own. If I need help, I’ll call Barb. I open my front door, slipping my loafers off my feet. 
“Mom? Dad? I’m home!” I call out, closing the front door behind me. 
I take off my coat, hanging it on the coat hanger and pad down the foyer pass the sitting room towards the living room. Our home is open concept painted in muted colours of white and beige. On the light grey couch Erica is sitting watching television while playing with her dolls. 
“Hey monster,” I greet, kissing the top of her head. “Where’s mom and dad?” 
“They went to the supermarket; said they’ll be back in an hour.” She replies, looking at her dolls. “Aren’t you supposed to be at Nancy’s?” 
“Change of plans.” 
“Is it because of Will?” 
I frown shaking my head. “No, why would it be?
“I overheard mom talking to Miss Byers on the phone. Miss Byers says Will is missing.” 
I flinch, my heart plummeting to my stomach. I grip the back of the couch. “What?” I exclaim. “Didn’t the boys all leave Mike’s at the same time?”
Erica shrugs. “I don’t know.” 
“Where’s Lucas?” 
 “In his room.” 
I run up the stairs to his room finding the door closed. My heart flutters in my chest. A closed door is a bad sign. Lucas rarely kept his door closed. I gently knock.
“I said leave me alone, Erica!” Lucas snaps. 
 “It’s me,” I say, calmly. “Can I come in?” 
Lucas doesn’t respond.  A sudden stab of anxiety is in my gut and I rock back and forth on my feet. I understand Lucas not wanting to talk to Erica. She was eight and annoyed him to no end, but me? I can’t wait any longer and raise my hand to knock again when I hear the faintest ‘yes’ from the other side. I sigh in relief, scared of Lucas shutting me out and open the door. 
I poke my head in first, just to make sure I heard him properly. Lucas lay on his bed staring blankly up at the ceiling. He doesn’t flinch or twitch at my presence so I open the door wider, letting myself in before closing it shut behind me. Lucas kept a clean room. All of us did, not like we had much of a choice. Dad was serving in the Vietnam War when he met Mom and brought with him all his military training and customs when they decided to marry and raise a family together. I gradually extend my leg tendu devant, looking at the arch in my foot before relaxing it. 
For the first time ever, the room feels cold. Lucas still hasn’t moved from his bed or even acknowledged me and it worries me. I stroll to the bed, climbing on top and lie down beside him staring up at the ceiling. Even lying beside my little brother, I feel like I am miles away from him. I don’t know what to say. I never understood how Nancy and Mike could go hours without talking to each other in their house. It was like they lived separate lives. Not here. I want to be a part of Lucas and Erica’s lives. I want both of them to know they can talk to me about anything. I’ll always listen even if I don’t understand. 
I turn my head, gazing at Lucas. When I was three years old, I asked Santa for a little brother. Then Mom got pregnant with Lucas and I never stopped talking about it. I told anyone who would listen. Santa got me a little brother. When Mom and Dad brought Lucas home from the hospital, it was love at first sight. I knew from that moment on, I would do anything for him. Sometimes I think about Lucas and Erica growing up and get emotional. They were once so small and followed me everywhere. Now, they don’t care what I do. I miss the times when Mom would dress us three alike. It was ridiculous because I am four years older than Lucas and eight years older than Erica. I don’t know how Mom managed to get matching outfits in threes. I should ask her tonight at dinner. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Lucas asks. 
“Because I love you,” I reply without thinking. 
“You’re freaking me out.” 
I smile, turning my head back to the ceiling. The room feels warm again, but my smile fades. I have to ask the one question a person did not want to be asked when something was clearly wrong. 
“Are you okay?” 
Lucas doesn’t respond right away. I push down the panic bubbling in my chest and rely heavily on patience. A few minutes pass before he shrugs his shoulders. I try again. 
“Erica told me about Will. Do you want to talk about it?” 
No answer again. My stomach shrivels and panic rises in my chest. I push myself up to sit leaning back against a pillow and cross my legs. On instinct, I point my toes. 
“Can you please talk to me?” 
Lucas closes his eyes and I let out a deep sigh accepting defeat. I desperately want to know what he is thinking and feeling, but maybe now isn’t the time. I shuffle to the edge of the bed. 
“Will didn’t show up to school today.” 
My heart leaps in my chest and I look back at Lucas. His eyes are open again but he is still looking up at the ceiling. I lean back on the pillow, not daring to say another word. Lucas wants me to listen, not talk. 
“I thought he would show at for AV club at least. Mr. Clarke got the Heath Kit Ham Shack I’ve been telling you about,” he sits up leaning against the other pillow, tucking his knees close to his chest. “It’s so cool. Mr. Clarke says we can communicate with people as far as Australia.” He gushes with a faint smile. My heart warms at the joy in his dark brown eyes. “Me, Mike, and Dustin were using the Heath Kit, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Will and what he would think about it, y’know?” 
“Then Principal Coleman came and asked to speak to all of us. Chief Hopper was outside the classroom looking at us and I knew it had to be about Will. We follow Principal Coleman to his office and then Chief Hopper starts asking us a bunch of questions about Will, but we haven’t seen him since last night.” 
“Questions like what?” I ask. Lucas looks at me for the first time since entering his room. 
“Like, when was the last time we saw him? How does he get home? We were all trying to explain to Chief Hopper that Will takes Mirkwood to go home.” 
I tilt my head to the side inquisitively. 
“It’s where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.” Lucas explains. “We could’ve shown him but he told us to go home after school. He won’t even let us help him look for Will!”
“You are helping Chief Hopper find will, Lucas. If you boys didn’t tell him how Will gets home, he wouldn’t have known where to look.”
Lucas disagrees with my reasoning, wrinkling his nose and shaking his head. 
“No one in town even knows Will exists. Only we do.” Lucas spoke, expression full of disdain. “We know Will more than anyone here. It’s not fair for us to be stuck at home when he’s missing!” 
“I understand, but we don’t know what happened to Will. If he’s been kidnapped or if the person who took him is still out there. What if you go out there and something happens to you too?” 
“I have my wrist-rocket.” Lucas says matter-of-factly. 
My eyebrows go up at his response and I press my lips together to keep from laughing out loud. I know he isn’t kidding about the wrist-rocket and that’s what makes his answer so cute and endearing. I remember when Dad bought it for him and how against Mom was about it saying it was too dangerous for Lucas to have. Dad says the wrist-rocket is harmless, but I’ve seen Lucas practice with the sling-shot and it was far from harmless. 
“What’s so funny?” Lucas asks, squinting his eyes suspiciously. 
“Nothing is funny.” I reply, grinning as I slide down until my head touches the pillow. 
Lucas plops backwards onto the pillow with a ‘hmph’. I roll to my side facing him, knowing he was ignoring my stare again. Reaching out my hand, I poke his cheek with my finger. A faint smile appears on his pink lips and he rolls to his side, batting my hand away. I can see the sadness beneath his kind eyes and it makes my heart ache for him.  I know how much Will means to my brother and the boys. They were a unit. A family. I would be frustrated too if Nancy or Barbara went missing and I wasn’t allowed to help look for them. But I’m turning 16 and Lucas just turned 12. The risk of him endangering himself out there is far too great. 
Lucas shuffles closer, resting his forehead under my chin. On instinct, I wrap my arms around his back holding him close, drawing circles against his back. I close my eyes breathing in his scent. He smells of the outdoors and coconut oil. His shoulders relax beneath my fingers. Lucas would die if the boys knew he loves to cuddle. It’s something we did together often. On the couch, in our beds, on the floor. Sometimes Erica joins when she’s in the mood, but that was rare. We are quiet for a long moment enjoying each other’s company. 
“I think it’s best you stay inside and let Chief Hopper look for Will, okay?” I speak. “Wrist-rocket or not.” 
 Lucas sighs. “Okay.” 
 “We’re going to find Will. I promise.” 
Lucas doesn’t respond, instead he nuzzles against me. I peer over his shoulder at the window. I think about Jonathan and Miss Byers and can’t fathom to know how they must be feeling right now. Nothing ever happens in Hawkins. It’s a quiet suburban town outside the metropolis. People don’t go missing in Hawkins. Most of the town knew each other growing up or grew up together. It’s why Dad loves it here so much. Hawkins is safe. Peaceful. Unassuming. Everyone’s day starts and ends the same way every day. The disappearance of Will Byers frightens me for that reason. It doesn’t make sense for him to vanish on a route he took every day and if someone knew this and took Will…I shudder, pulling Lucas close. I can’t bear to think of someone doing that and hope Chief Hopper finds Will soon. 
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Dinner was quiet tonight. No one brought up Will’s disappearance for the sake of Lucas, but it weighed down on all of us. Lucas went straight to his room closing the door behind him. 
“Give him space.” Dad said, looking down at Mom who looked like she was about to follow after him. 
That was over three hours ago. 
Heavy rain rattles the window and thunder booms and cracks in the sky. I rub my tired eyes reading through my cue cards. I made at least 50 cards to study from, each colour-coded according to chapter. I softly hum a sequence from the Swan Lake tape playing from my boom box and I glance at the clock at the corner of my night table. 10:13pm. I sit up in my bed twisting my body to the side to crack my back and slipped out of bed. 
Dad went to look for Will with the search party Chief Hopper gathered and came back about an hour ago. There was still no sign of him. I bend forward touching my hands to the floor and stretch out my hamstrings. Stretching calms me down. My anxiety is through the roof. The Nutcracker showcase, Kaminsky’s test, Will’s disappearance, and the emotional state of my brother, it all played out in a loop in my head. I lower to the floor and sit in a side straddle. While flexing my feet, I lie down on my stomach in a middle split and close my eyes. 
I breathe deeply, allowing my body to relax into the stretch. Despite everything being scrambled up in my brain, the one thought at the forefront is my brother. I feel for him. I feel with him. When we spoke in the afternoon, I saw the way his eyes lit up and how excited he was to see the Heath Kit Ham Shack. The way he immediately thought of Will…I open my eyes and sigh, swimming through the split until my feet are behind me. I know Dad said to give Lucas space and I honour his space, but that was three hours ago. I need to check on him. 
Mine and Erica’s rooms are across from Mom, Dad and Lucas’s rooms. I slowly open my door careful not to be loud. Mom and Dad are in their room watching the news in their room. I saunter across the hall to Lucas’s room and softly knock, waiting to be let in. Nothing. Maybe he’s sleeping. I turn the knob, carefully opening his door. The lights were off except for the bedside lamp. I frown at the lump under the covers. It’s too smooth. Lucas is a terrible sleeper; his bedsheet would’ve been halfway off his bed if he were really asleep. 
No. He wouldn’t. Lucas is too smart to leave home at this night, especially in the middle of a storm. Checking to see if anyone was around, I tiptoe to his bed and peel off the covers. I freeze staring at the pillow posing as my brother. I want to scream. I want to call Mom and Dad. Instead, I count down from five in my head, willing my mind and body to relax and I pull the covers back over the pillow.   
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This is so stupid, even for him. I am in the mudroom by the garage wearing a bright yellow raincoat, slipping on a pair of red rainboots. The moon shines bright, illuminating this side of the house. I stand up reaching for a long umbrella in the umbrella stand and a flashlight on the shelf. Lucas is just in the front yard, playing soccer. I lie to myself. I know I should get Mom and Dad, but with Will disappearing, I don’t want another unfortunate spectacle to happen in Hawkins. 
My senses heighten as I hear shuffling in the garage and I stand still in case my mind is playing tricks on me. The door to the mudroom opens and Lucas slowly enters, closing the door carefully behind him. Without thinking, I march towards him. 
“Lucas!” I whisper loudly. 
Lucas jumps in a startle and I cover his mouth before he has a chance to scream. Waking up the entire house is not part of my plan. Lucas’s eyes are wide and fearful. Upon realizing it’s only me, he sighs in relief. I remove my hand from his mouth pulling my hood off my head at the same time. I am so overcome with anger and relief; I don’t know whether to hug or hit him. 
“Were you outside this whole time?” I hiss, quietly. I don’t give him the chance to answer. “Where were you, Lucas? Please, please tell me you didn’t go out to look for Will on your own.” 
“I didn’t. I swear. I was with Dustin and Mike.” 
“Like that’s any better.” I retort. “You have got to be kidding me! Chief Hopper had a search party out looking for Will tonight, Lucas. dad went!” 
“We can’t just stay here and do nothing. We had to look for him ourselves. Will protected the Party from the Demogorgon, we had to at least try to find him.” 
I shake my head trying to make sense of what he just said. Demogorgon? I don’t know what he’s talking about. 
“What are you even saying right now? Do you know what time it is?” I don’t give him time to answer again. “You’re lucky it’s me and not mom and dad or worse Erica finding you.”
“I know.” 
I put my hands on his damp shoulders. “Don’t ever do that again.” 
“I won’t.” 
I sigh in relief, unbuttoning my raincoat. At least I don’t have to go outside in the rain. Lucas shrugs off his backpack and unzips his jacket, hanging it on the hanger. He then takes off his muddy running shoes, hiding them and picks up his backpack. By then, I am already in my pyjamas. 
“Diana?” Lucas says. I turn around. “Are you going to tell mom and dad?” he asks, eyes wary. 
I know I should. But I won’t. Lucas is back in the house safe and sound. Mom and Dad don’t need to know what happened tonight. Lucas hugs me and I cringe, scrunching my nose. 
“Thank you. You’re the best.” 
“Ew, you’re cold and wet.” I grimace. “You need to take a shower before you get sick.” 
Lucas laughs quietly and I can’t help my smile. Eventually I hug him back kissing the top of his head. He’s safe and sound. That’s all that matters.
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sena-shi · 2 years
your name etched on my skin as I wait for all eternity (KazuScara + Tomo)
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PART 2/3
Summary: where your soulmate's name appears on your skin, but what if your soulmate doesn't have your name engraved on his skin?
Note: Kazuha's friend is called Tomo as always. Kazuha and Tomo's relationship is platonic
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“Oh hey, Kazuha! Tomo! You’re here!”
“Is everything alright?”
Gorou gave them an enthusiastic nod and a beaming smile as he approached them.
"We have a new member who will be an asset to the resistance."
“Oh?” Kazuha arched his brow, and almost immediately he felt fascinated. With a sweet smile, he acknowledged the new addition.
A young man with an innocent face, but only if he chooses to ignore the disturbing sensation of disappointment and hatred that looms behind him. The boy is an inch shorter than him, and as he stood behind the general, he almost looked like a curious child.
His gaze was fixed on his own, but Kazuha couldn't tell whether the boy liked him or not. He didn't sense animosity or anything from the other man, but his heart tugged when the other man broke their eye contact and pretended that he didn't even exist.
His heart pounded in a strange, and unpredictable manner. He feels like their new addition is far too lovely, almost as if he is royalty or a God gazing down on them.
Kazuha chose to ignore the bubbling sensation in his chest, smiled gently, albeit awkwardly at his own disturbing thoughts.
“May I have the honor of knowing your name?”
He waited patiently, a small feeling of excitement creeping up inside of him in anticipation of hearing the other man's voice. Kazuha did not take his attention from Kunikuzushi, which caused Kunikuzushi's annoyance.
Kunikuzushi heaved an exasperated sigh, then stared at Kazuha once more before speaking softly and calmly, “Kunikuzushi.”
Indeed, he possesses a very captivating voice. The sound was monotonous yet gentle, and it was just the right balance for him to get addicted on it.
"Kazuha Kaedehara." He responded, noting how the other man appeared to already know who he was before continuing his words, "It is a pleasure to meet you," he added, extending his hand to the other for a handshake, which Kunikuzushi reluctantly accepted.
"And he's Tomo," Kazuha decided to add, pointing to Tomo, who was chatting with Gorou.
“My soulmate.”
Kunikuzushi's throat felt dry, and his body stiffened all of a sudden.
When Kazuha noticed that the other man was fidgety when their hands touched, he felt he was very adorable. Almost like a small, cautious cat. He almost laughed at how cute that was, but then he noticed a flash of hurt around the man.
He frowned, attentively eyeing the dark-haired man to check whether it was simply his imagination. However, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he opted to just leave it be.
"I'm looking forward to working with you," Kazuha said softly, his smile sincere, only for the other man to cast a disinterested glance his way, give him the cold shoulder, and turn his back on him.
Despite this, Kazuha can't help but be drawn to him.
"How mesmerizing."
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During his time working for the resistance, Kunikuzushi formed friendships, although unreal ones, and he also has that annoying soulmate who always questions him and irritates him almost every second of the day.
"Pardon my inquisitiveness, but may I ask if there is a particular reason why you are working together with the resistance?” Kazuha questioned, sitting near the man he felt was staring at him earlier when he spoke with Tomo.
"Do I really need a reason?" Kunikuzushi scoffed, scrunching up his nose, making Kazuha chuckle as Kunikuzushi struggled to ignore the itchy sensation on his chest.
"You don't seem to have a vision after all," Kazuha hummed, gazing into the sky as he spoke.
“I want to kill, is that not enough reason?” Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes, preparing to stand up.
But the moment he did, he was yanked back down.
Kazuha gripped his wrist and looked at him with his normal compassionate face.
But Kunikuzushi is able to detect when somebody is giving him a look that isn't particularly kind, regardless of how hard they attempt to mask their true feelings behind a friendly front.
And since he has lived for hundreds of years, he is aware that he has in some way caused Kazuha to be upset or furious at him.
"I can always tell when you're looking at me intently. If it's not me that you're staring at, then it's Tomo. Why don’t you humor me?”
Kunikuzushi shrugged his shoulders, quickly withdrew his hand, and then rubbed his hand that had been touched in order to get rid of that warm, annoying sensation.
The warmth and roughness of Kazuha's hand was almost too pleasant to bear. After an exhausting search for his soulmate spanning hundreds of years, he used to wish that he could hold his hands as he slept so that he could rest peacefully. However, now, that is nothing more than just a stupid dream.
Why offer him a sliver of his warmth when Kazuha will never be able to give him all of it?
"I hate both of you. I can't stand your face. Satisfied?”
A dazed expression appeared on Kazuha's face as he blinked. He had not been expecting anything like that at all. If he were to remember, there was nothing that he had ever done that would have caused the man to despise him; after all, they had never met before.
“May I ask if there’s a reason why?”
"Do I really need a reason?" Kunikuzushi scoffed.
“If I want to hate you, I’ll hate you.”
But Kunikuzushi knows that no matter how much he convinces himself that he loathes the man, the scorching ache in his chest will remind him otherwise.
‘Because if I wanted to stop waiting, then I would’ve done so a long time ago.’
"Because perhaps if I had just stopped waiting and foolishly loving you, I could have been spared from this bitter ending."
Kazuha silently watches as the boy turns around to leave, secretly wishing that he could seize his entire person and just pin him to the ground. And yet, for some inexplicable reason, the forgotten name that was engraved on the back of his neck began to burn as if it were reacting to his very own emotions.
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Kunikuzushi turned around, stunned to see Kazuha smiling softly at him. It would have been wonderful if he hadn't discovered that his soulmate has another soulmate.
Ignorance is truly bliss.
“If you want to say something, then say it.”
“I’m going somewhere.”
“And why would I care?”
Of course, he cares. Otherwise, why would he stay and fight for the resistance just to keep Kazuha safe from his mother's army?
After hearing the comment, Kazuha laughed because he had the impression that Kunikuzushi's responses are becoming even more sarcastic whenever it comes to him. It is very adorable, he thinks.
Kunikuzushi did nothing but stare at him, perplexed as to why he was so interested in the outside world when he had just been created. If he had continued to be unaware of the meaning of the name that was still etched on his chest, he never would have attempted to integrate himself into this wanderer's life.
In the past, simply seeing the name would make him feel happy and contented. 
But now, whenever he sees it, all it does is serve as a constant reminder that he will spend eternity by himself and that the name on his chest only existed to fool him into willingly jumping straight into the depths of the abyss.
The fact that he wasted hundreds of years looking for a man who doesn't even know he exists will remind him how stupid he was for even thinking that his soulmate also wants him.
Kazuha's voice was quiet as he spoke the following words, "Please look after Tomo in my stead."
“I thought I told you I hate y—”
“I’m quite aware of that,” Kazuha replied with a stupid smile on his face.
“But this is important, I need to find something.”
Kunikuzushi couldn't help but give in when he heard Kazuha's pleading voice. He’s just that stupid, isn’t he?
“Make it fast. This time, I might really get tired of waiting.”
Kazuha chuckled, even though he had no idea what the significance of those words was. As he got closer, he gave the other man a light ruffle to his hair while maintaining an amused demeanor.
"I will. After all, you told me you're an impatient person." He smiled sincerely, the name on the back of his neck faintly burning.
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Kunikuzushi kept his promise, making damn sure Tomo was not putting himself in danger. Isn't his current situation extremely stupid? To believe that there would come a day when he will be protecting his soulmate's other soulmate when deep down, all he wants to do is break them apart.
To make them feel the misery he's been going through for hundreds of years.
But seeing Kazuha's smile always seems to dispel that nasty thought of his.
With each passing day, he is coming to terms with the reality that Kazuha will never be his. Not while he already has someone in his life. He is not so petty as to want to drive them apart just because of what he has been through in the past.
Who even told him to wait stupidly for hundreds of years anyways? He could have joined his mother in the Plane of Euthymia instead, protecting himself from any types of harm.
Then perhaps he wouldn’t feel like living was a tiring routine for him as an immortal.
It’s been months since Kazuha left.
But who knows, those months could stretch into years, leaving him with nothing but pain all over again.
His mother was right; he wouldn't be able to take it after all.
So, he decided.
He will follow the agreement he made with Ei and accompany her for eternity inside the Plane of Euthymia once he is finally ready.
That was his purpose anyways.
It is not necessary for Kazuha to be aware of the true reason behind his hatred towards them, he doesn’t need to know. There is no reason for him to harbor any feelings of guilt over anything. The only thing he will remember from his life is coming across an impatient man named Kunikuzushi who despises him to the core. That is all he should remember.
That’s enough.
He's also exhausted of waiting and waiting. He wants to rest and maybe have the name removed from his chest. If he remembers his mother's stories correctly, the God of Wisdom is capable of doing so. Should he try it?
"I’m going to challenge the shogun."
"You're being stupid."
"Oh, come on, there should be anyone who can withstand the Musou no Hitotachi!"
Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And it’s definitely not you."
Tomo laughed, patting Kunikuzushi on the back and asking, "Why don’t I give it a try then?"
"Your soulmate told me to babysit you, so just sit down and stop trying to get yourself into danger."
"Aw, you’re no fun."
Even after a number of days had gone, there was still no indication that Kazuha would be returning any time soon. Kunikuzushi always receives letters from him wondering about how Tomo is doing, how Tomo's health is, if Tomo has been getting into dangers, and just all things regarding his foolish soulmate.
But now, it seemed to have stopped.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that he wrote Kazuha a note stating that he will be leaving today and going back to the place he came from.
Was he that concerned that Tomo would end up in the wrong hands if he abandoned him?
Kunikuzushi mused about his naivety, thinking about how foolish he was to pine for a man who would never love him regardless of how much he tried to wait for him or win his affection. At best, all he is doing is being a bother to the soulmates who are completely in love with one another.
“I’m going to return.” Kunikuzushi spoke up while Tomo's gasp at him caused him to roll his eyes.
"So, do not think about leaving this place and avoid putting yourself in serious trouble, at least not until your beloved soulmate returns home."
“Are you finally returning to Tenshukaku?”
Kunikuzushi furrowed his brow as he noticed that Tomo was looking at him in a serious manner.
“So you already know?”
“Well, the feather kinda gave it away.”
“Looks like you’re not stupid like your soulmate then, that’s good.”
"And Kazuha?" Tomo questioned, flashing a grin when the other man gave a reaction to his words.
“What about him?”
“I know when someone is inlove, Kuni.”
Kunikuzushi responded with a disdainful chuckle and a sarcastic cocking of the head to the side while asking, "Why? Want me to get him off your hands?”
Tomo did not respond and instead just looked at him in silence.
“Don’t worry. I’ve wasted too much time mingling with humans anyw—”
“How much time then?” Tomo asked, smiling in the process. “Was it hundreds of years? Four hundred? Five hundre—”
Tomo came to a halt in his sentence when lightning suddenly struck. He locked his gaze on the other man's face, who was looking at him with absolute seriousness, as if saying one more word would be the cause of his demise.
Nonetheless, he mustered the courage to speak when the other man was already prepared to leave.
“Don’t go.”
“I told Kazuha to go back to his hometown so he should know by now. If you leave, then—”
“I don’t need your fucking pity.” Kunikuzushi glared, his hands quivering as his chest began to burn once more.
Why now? Why now! He’s already tired of waiting!
He already made plans! Remove the name Kaedehara Kazuha from his chest and from his life! Yet this fool wanted to be a hero instead?
100 years—
200 years—
300 years— 400— and 500! He spent a long time waiting for that fool, dragging his exhausted body along to keep on searching and searching. And now that he’s already tired of everything, he’ll only start making an effort to know him?
The audacity!
He clenched his teeth in frustration, grasping the taller man by his clothes.
“You wanted to see the Musou no Hitotachi in person, didn’t you?”
He is outraged, but he understands that Tomo ought to be thanked for informing Kazuha. Since he has no plans on telling the man before he leaves, he supposes it’s fine this way.
Tomo silently gave a nod.
“Then fucking follow me.”
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As the two of them stood before the puppet Raiden Shogun, Tomo's eyes actually sparkled with excitement and happiness.
Kunikuzushi remained close behind Tomo the entire time. He was holding a blade in his hand that he had picked up somewhere along the way, most likely from one of the members of the resistance.
"How long do you think you can hold out?"
Tomo turned his head to look at the other man, and with a smug smirk pasted across his face, he questioned, "Why? Are you worried for me?"
Kunikuzushi responded with a click of his tongue.
"You may think I'm doing this for you, but I truly desire to see it."
“I see.”
"Enough babbling." Kujou Sara scowled as she announced the starting of the challenge.
“The defeated face divine punishment, while the victors gain a second chance.”
And then, the duel before the throne officially started.
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Kazuha did not pay attention to the agony that was developing in his legs as he continued to run as quickly as possible. In his hand was a letter from his ancestors, along with a photo of a boy who looked precisely like Kunikuzushi standing next to a man who had the same red streak of hair as him.
"It's been years, and I'm already at the end of my time. However, Kuni still hasn't given up on waiting for his soulmate called Kaedehara Kazuha. Who the hell is that kid anyways? I might just steal Kuni for myself if he doesn’t appear soon,”
"He told me that he is willing to wait for eternity. He's such a sweet little boy, truly a gentle soul. His soulmate must be extremely fortunate to have him."
"I am very lucky indeed," Kazuha murmured through clenched teeth. He was furious with himself because he had made the decision to forget about the name that was engraved on the back of his neck when it was originally what he received. 
Someone has been waiting for him for hundreds of years, but he has chosen to ignore his mark. Because he has Tomo, and he believes he doesn't need any other companion than his friend. While his real soulmate is searching and waiting for him out there, almost losing hope but still persevering, he was with a friend traveling the world without thinking about anything or anyone else.
Does Kuni sleep well at night while thinking of his soulmate? Tch, what an absurd question.
"I once questioned him why he doesn't give up on finding a man who most likely doesn't exist, at least not right now. That stubborn child, on the other hand, told me it was because he's a puppet, and puppets aren't supposed to have soulmates. And he even stated that Kazuha might be the person who would fill his empty heart."
"I did have a theory that the Kaedehara Kazuha is someone who hasn't yet been born into this world... I told Kuni, but that stubborn child insisted he didn't care and would still wait! That maybe he was endowed with immortality for the sake of waiting for his soulmate.”
Kazuha laughed dryly as he ran, picturing Kunikuzushi as a child, sulking and most likely crossing his arms as he spoke those words.
“He's naive, yet he has the purest heart of all of us, despite his insistence that he's a puppet with no heart.”
He’s truly lucky to have someone who would wait for him for eternity, isn’t he? But he can't say the same thing about Kuni; he must be feeling unlucky to be waiting for a soulmate who already has another soulmate. Although Tomo isn't exactly his soulmate.
Perhaps this is why Kunikuzushi seemed to despise him despite the fact that they had never met before.
Just imagining the pain that Kuni went through when he found out that he has another soulmate who is not him makes him want to shower his face with kisses and apologize until he loses his voice.
Kazuha can't even express how much he wants he could go back in time and tightly embrace the boy.
He was filled with anxiety when he received a letter from his Kuni informing him that he would be returning to his place shortly. He is frightened by the idea of never seeing him again.
“This time, I might really get tired of waiting.”
Is he tired? Is he finally tired of waiting now? No— please—
And now he was even more anxious after receiving a letter from Gorou stating that the two had decided to duel the shogun.
He ran as fast as he could, utilizing his vision to speed up. He jumped from one roof to the next, hoping he wasn't too late.
They haven't even properly introduced themselves to each other. He desires to hug him, to kiss him, to hear his genuine laughter and to see his smile.
The name on the back of his neck burned so pleasantly and sweetly, finally realizing that the boy who always seemed impatient with him and usually sarcastic at his responses was his one and only soulmate.
"Wait for me. Please, Kuni, wait for me once more." He whispered to himself, hoping that the Gods would hear his prayers.
But unfortunately, God cannot grant prayers because it is beyond their power to control fate.
As soon as Kazuha arrived right in front of Tenshukaku, he swiftly landed on the ground, and he was immediately greeted by Tomo's horrified face when Kunikuzushi suddenly flashed in front of him to deflect the powerful attack of the shogun.
The collision of a regular blade with the sword of the archon resulted in a deafening boom that reverberated throughout the vicinity.
They were shown just how powerful an attack from a God can be when Tomo's electro vision got ripped off from his clothes and fell to the ground because of the force. Truly, there is not a single mortal being capable of withstanding the Musou no Hitotachi.
Should Tomo have been the one to receive the attack, he would have perished instantly, leaving behind not even his ashes for anybody to bury.
Kazuha tried to approach despite the danger, only for Kunikuzushi to use his other hand to toss him his veil, which is imbued with his divine power, to prevent them from suffering the aftereffects of the attack.
"Go," was all Kunikuzushi said, not daring to look back to witness his soulmate's stupid face which he loves very much.
He's scared that looking back will shake his resolve. Kazuha already knows that he's been searching for him, but what difference does that make? The name on Kazuha's wrist will not be changed. It will always remain as Tomo.
Not Kuni, not Kunikuzushi.
Kazuha may have already known. But unfortunately, he has already degenerated into nothing more than a worn-out puppet who wants nothing more than to escape and take a rest. He is no longer capable of looking at him in the face and acting like he hasn't been waiting for him for hundreds of years.
Acting as if watching Kazuha treat Tomo as if he is the center of his world does not cause a scorching burn on his chest.
As Ei seized control of the body, the Raiden Shogun's countenance relaxed. Her heart wrenched at the sight of his dearest son's face.
Tired, and hopeless.
She recalls looking just like this after losing her twin.
It seems that not even her most beloved child was able to avoid the fate of having a similar bittersweet ending as she did.
"You've waited, suffered, and endured for far too long; let us rest this time, my child."
With one final slash, she welcomed a tired Kunikuzushi into the Plane of Euthymia and pulled her child into a tight embrace. After hundreds of years, her son finally cried tears of pain once again. But it will be alright, for they have the entirety of eternity to mend the wounds in their hearts and fortify themselves against the suffering that destiny has in store for them.
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I still want some crit dmg substat SOBBINGCRYINGdYINHFNG
TAGLIST: @yunareinhart @naturesdusk (can't really tag you, nato) @apple-ai @ichiraku-verse @the-real-fandom-person
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plumfondler · 2 years
Steve knows he’s bi and he assumes everyone else knows too… so when he is talking (with the spicy 6) about the person he has a crush on(Eddie) and mentions he’s a guy everyone is supper surprised and speechless.
"Hey guys, we're all single at the same time right now, let's toast to that," Nancy said, raising her beer.
"Well, I've always been single, but okay," Robin mumbled, following suit.
Steve sighed and lifted his glass that was almost empty.
"Well I'm almost finished with my second drink but yes, a toast! To loneliness!" They all clinked their glasses and Jonathan rolled his eyes, "come on man. Don't be so dramatic."
"Yeah bro. We have each other, we'll never be lonely," Argyle added.
Eddie grinned, sitting back and finishing his drink. 
"But Steve, honestly, you have the best chance of all of us," Jonathan said.
"Oh, but does he?" Robin sat up, full attention. 
"Oh no," Steve replied, putting a hand over his face, missing Eddie raising an eyebrow.
"Because I have seen Steve strikeout eleven times in the past week alone."
"Whoa what?" Nancy said, unable to hide her shock.
"Strikeout, come on, Robin, that's not fair. I'm not even trying-"
"Why aren't you trying, Steve? And how are you striking out?" Jonathan asked.
"He's just missing huge flirting opportunities. Women are literally throwing themselves at his feet and it's like he doesn't notice," Robin shrugged.
Everyone turned back to Steve.
"Why is this all about me all of a sudden! I'm just not interested!" He huffed.
"Because you already have someone you're interested in," Nancy smirked, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
"Wait what?! Why haven't you told me! You tell me everything! Did this just happen? Is that why?" Robin scrambled a few feet closer to Steve on the couch, clutching his arm.
"But everyone loves Steve Harrington, you gotta make a move, don't just sit there pining!" Jonathan threw his hands up in the air.
"Fine. Okay, yes. Will that shut you all up? I'm not interested in flirting with anyone else because there is someone, okay? But he's not interested in me like that so it's not going to happen."
The silence was painful.
"Steve, did you just say he?" Robin said calmly.
"Okay. Okay that's what I thought. Cool. Hey. Um, you know we didn't know you… liked guys. Right?"
"I uh… oh. I guess… I guess I forgot to tell you guys I'm bi?"
Everyone started talking at once, except for Eddie, who silently got up and went to the kitchen.
The crack in Steve's heart got a little bigger as he watched Eddie walk away, Robin observing.
"Oh," she whispered.
Everyone stopped talking and looked at Steve who was focused on Robin's empty beer bottle that he took, his fingers furiously picking the corner of the label.
"Steve, you should go talk to him," Nancy said softly. 
"What, why? He clearly doesn't want to be near me."
Robin and Nancy both sighed and Argyle stood up and went to Steve, holding out his hand.
"Bro, come here," he said.
Steve warily took his hand and stood, thinking he was getting a hug, instead, Argyle started walking towards the kitchen.
"Okay, okay, fine. I don't need a chaperone," Steve mumbled, walking to the kitchen.
Steve stopped at the entrance to the kitchen to see Eddie pacing and talking to himself, gesturing wildly.
"No no no, not gonna do this again, not doing this again, just because he's into guys doesn't mean-"
"Not doing what again?" Steve asked, his heart thumping hopefully in his ears.
Eddie froze and looked at Steve. 
"How long have you been there?"
"Like 3 seconds."
Eddie visibly relaxed.
"So what aren't you doing again?"
"Ah, I thought I was going to be able to successfully avoid that question," Eddie said, leaning against the counter.
Steve looked at him expectantly.
"Having hope, Steve."
Steve took a step closer, "For what, Eddie."
"I-I can't say."
Steve closed the gap between them and like so many times Eddie had done it, Steve ignored the space between them. Steve put his fingers on Eddie's chin and lifted gently to meet his eyes.
"Why can't you."
"Because I can't lose you."
Steve grabbed Eddie's waist and squeezed, "do I look like I'm going anywhere?"
After several long seconds of silence, Eddie finally spoke.
"Is it me?" Eddie whispered, closing his eyes.
Steve softly put a hand on Eddie's face who opened his eyes to see the adoration in Steve's gaze.
Eddie choked on a breath and grabbed Steve's face, pulling him into a kiss, a little too eagerly. Their noses smashed together and they immediately parted, laughing.
"Oh my god, I think you broke my nose!" Steve doubled over laughing, holding Eddie's hand and kissing it.
"Your nose! My nose!" Eddie cried.
A loud clambering behind them startled them into fully upright positions as their four friends came to assess damage.
"Fuck, are we both bleeding?" Steve laughed, wiping the tears from his eyes then putting his fingers to his upper lip to find a trickle of blood.
Eddie started laughing again and grabbed a dish towel to wipe Steve's face. 
"Did you… punch each other? What the fuck happened?" Jonathan asked.
"It was an unfortunate kissing accident," Steve said, taking the towel from Eddie and using a clean part to wipe off his nose.
The four in the doorway all gasped excitedly.
"Right on!" Argyle nodded, smiling. 
"Okay well. Uh. Carry on? A little more gently maybe?" Robin said, herding everyone back out of the kitchen.
Eddie and Steve stared at each other dumbly, holding hands.
"Can we try that again?" Steve asked.
"Yes but, uh, can you take the lead? I spooked myself." 
Steve giggled and nodded, holding Eddie's face and pulling him in for a soft kiss.
Their lips met and they both melted, arms around each other in an instant, both of them trembling as they parted.
"Much better. But what a good story, am I right?" Eddie grinned.
"Yeah, now I'm just worried what's going to happen the first time we have sex," Steve smirked, flicking his tongue at Eddie's earlobe.
Eddie's knees buckled.
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