#I was gonna say it's kind of darkly ironic that the guy suggesting that he kills the bug is the guy who got murdered for harassing a dog
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hauntedkeys · 5 months ago
I wrote a short fic about Jedidiah Wicker, but it feels too short to put up on ao3 so I'm sharing it here instead (writing under the cut)
Jedidiah’s gently holding a beetle. It’s smaller than most of the bugs he finds, but in his eyes it deserves the chance for a better life just as much as any beetle he finds scurrying through the room he shares with his brothers. Away from stinky loud teenage boys.
It doesn’t understand, however, that he’s trying to help it, and keeps trying to get through his fingers or crawl out of his cupped hands. He whispers little assurances to it, promising that he'll bring it to a better life, that if it stays inside, someone will crush it, but it doesn’t understand him. 
He releases it a few feet outside, and it disappears into the grass. It will never know that he saved it. It will always be scared of him. This makes him sad. He wishes that he could talk to bugs, so it could understand why he took it outside.
When he walks back inside, Joshua and Jocelyn are still sitting on the floor talking about whatever teenagers talk about, Joshua looks up at him.
“What were you doing out there, buddy?” He asks, trying to sound nice.
“I was bringing out a little bug I found in our room, so it could be free,” Jed explains.
Joshua makes a face that he can’t quite interpret, “It would have been easier just to kill it.”
“I know,” Jed responds plainly. He wants to tell him that that defeats the point, but Joshua doesn’t understand that even little bugs deserve a chance to have a better life. 
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guileheroine · 4 years ago
hide and explode
In the middle of a party game, Zuko wrestles with his feelings about Aang and their time together in Republic City. / A piney one-shot written for @gemmica‘s Zukaang zine! 🧡 / 2.5k / ao3
“And then I said - I actually said - stay flamin’!”
The party roared and Aang slapped his knee, eyes twinkling, before lifting his chin to knock back more of the A.G. 16 vintage one of the clerks they frequently worked with had brought him earlier. Almost as old as I am! he had quipped when receiving it, beaming and bending — as he often did, because he was tall now — to give her a warm squeeze. 
Zuko marveled at how all of them were laughing with, not at him, despite the fact that Aang was regaling them with his own absolutely excruciating foibles. It was like things that should have been mortifying for anybody else just rolled off him. Avatar privileges, he’d probably grin, if Zuko brought it up, though Zuko was certain it was just an Aang privilege, and one that he couldn’t help but begrudge sometimes. In any case, the group here all found Aang’s tale of that one time he infiltrated a Fire Nation school and taught them the meaning of freedom boundlessly entertaining. It was a party with several Fire Nation delegates, and almost no one that wasn’t considerably familiar with their culture. He supposed the story had special resonance for this team, mired as they had been for years in cultural transition politics and wrestling with the legacy of the Fire Nation. Zuko had heard the whole story before, of course, so his laughter lacked the fresh delight of the others’. But he couldn’t pretend it had lost much of its charm even now.
Aang’s nineteenth birthday party was being held in the reception rooms of the Republic City hotel they were staying in. Zuko wondered when, if ever, there would be a time where they didn’t find themselves here every few months, sorting out the newest hurdle in the establishment of their new world order, as Toph darkly called it. Granted, it had been some ten months since the last time they were here — a record. In that time, the modest guesthouse that they usually rented had been swallowed up by some of the city’s new residential developments. This hotel here was far better suited to hosting a gathering of twenty-odd people, but it still had the cozy yet lively ambience that Zuko and Aang both appreciated. 
Though perhaps not tonight. The chatter rose quickly whenever Aang let a lull fall, bright eyes all around and sudden howls of laughter that chafed at Zuko’s temper more than they should have. It could have been the whiskey not agreeing with him, but Zuko found himself increasingly drawn to the door, to the stairway beyond, to bed. He hated that their time here was almost up, and the fact nagged at him — at his patience, his spirits, his conscience, more than he told himself it had any right to. And he never felt worse than when he caught Aang’s sunrise smile, which came all too easy tonight. It shouldn’t really have mattered. They had a little getaway planned with Sokka, Katara and Toph (and Suki, if she could make it) just next week, which Zuko was certainly looking forward to... But this was their last night together, just the two of them.
Somewhere out of Zuko’s line of sight, somebody piped up, “Hey! Let’s play a game!” 
Murmurs of enthusiastic agreement went up around the group. Somebody whooped, and someone else exclaimed — in a tone that didn’t tell Zuko whether it was a serious suggestion or not — “Let’s play hide and explode!”
There were a few sardonic groans. Zuko, for his part, groaned inwardly, completely in earnest. Hide and explode was the stupid Fire Nation game that Aang had played with the pupils in his undercover story. It was a kids’ game. Was this guy serious?
But Aang took up the suggestion, and a spoon to his glass, almost immediately. “Perfect! Come on, everyone,” he said, dinging for attention. “Let’s play hide and explode! There’s no one else here to disturb this time of year, and I’m sure the manager won’t mind if I slip him a tip before we go tomorrow.” He winked. 
As everyone stretched and made to stand, one by one, Bao, one of the advisers from Ba Sing Se, called out, “Wait, who’s going to be the seeker? We need a firebender, don’t we — what about you, Your Highness?”
Zuko had told him before there was no need to call him that, but now he shrugged evasively. “I don’t— “ He mumbled, looking for the easiest out, and then raised his voice a little to make himself clear, “I, uh, I’ve never played hide and explode.”
“You’ve never played hide and explode?” All of Aang’s attention turned to him like a ray, while a couple of other disbelieving whistles sounded around them. 
“I, uh, don’t like the explosions...” Zuko continued, trying not to trip over his tongue.
Aang didn’t take any pains to hide the skepticism on his face, but he still tried to take Zuko’s words in stride. “Oh, okay, um… Look, why don’t you stick with me for this round until you get used to it, huh? Come on, Zuko.”
Zuko didn’t know what else to do but take the arm he offered, and truth be told, he didn’t really want to blow Aang off. Explaining himself was more trouble than it was worth, and it would put a damper on Aang’s night, too. He stood to attention while someone sped through the rules a little drunkenly, and then, once one of their firebending colleagues had been appointed the seeker, he let himself be led.
Minutes later, Aang and Zuko were crouched into a tiny closet at the end of one of the public verandas. By the dank smell of it, this was a cleaning closet.
“You remember the rules, right?” Aang gave a short cough, like he was trying to hold his breath, before speaking. “Not sure Linh gave the clearest explanation back there, she was the first to get on the wine.”
Zuko sniffed. “So everyone hides and when the seeker finds them, they have to make an explosion with firebending, right?” He had, of course, played the game in his childhood with Azula and her friends. But not often, and he never really enjoyed it when he did.
“Right,” Aang coughed again. “The explosion alerts everyone else hiding nearby, so they can disperse and hide better if they think they need to. There’s strategy, y’know.” The last person to be found won. Zuko nodded.
They stood close together, alert. Aang’s chest rose and fell evenly as Zuko watched. He was wearing the ivory pendant Katara and Sokka had sent him for his birthday. It lay over the tunic Zuko had ironed for him this very morning, for the last time. 
He’d told the maids it was easier for him to do with firebending than it was for them to go to the trouble of heating the iron up. Zuko had never been one for domestic chores but he reveled in every feature of the morning routine he and Aang had made for themselves here. They would get up to have tea on the dusty roof adjoining their two rooms, meeting in the middle. Then they would stretch, the autumn dawn glowing like a halo on Aang’s head and over his bare torso. Sometimes he smiled when he meditated, his eyes closed, and in those moments Zuko drank him in like an oasis. Afterwards, Zuko ironed while Aang tended to Appa, before they went down to breakfast together, ready to face the day. It was mundane, but the kind of mundane that made you blind to how much you cherished it. Until it was gone.
“Hey, Aang,” Zuko blurted suddenly. “Let��s - it stinks here, let’s hide somewhere else.”
Aang nodded so vigorously that it should have made him dizzy. They crept out and slid into a fortuitously placed alcove behind it, out of view, but open to the cool evening air. It was empty save for a wicker broom gathering dust in the corner.
“Much better.”
“Much better.” 
After a moment, Aang slumped down against the wall. Zuko followed suit. The fresh air helped his stomach, but his heart was still uneasy with that unplaceable anxiety. Every time he looked at Aang, he felt their impending departure closing on him like a trap.
“Is Appa all ready for tomorrow?” he said, with an exhale that he tried to make as inconspicuous as possible. Just speaking was a fine distraction. In truth, he still had no idea what making Appa ready for travel even involved. 
“Oh, yeah. I deep cleaned his saddle this afternoon.” 
A minute or so passed, then Aang’s head flopped onto Zuko’s shoulder. Zuko startled, before schooling his breath. Aang’s neck had to bend quite a bit to fit into Zuko’s shoulder now, but it was such a practised move that the effort didn’t seem to register to him.
“I’m gonna miss you, Zuko.” 
From the corner of his eye, Zuko could see that he was pouting a little. “You say that every time.”
“That doesn’t make it less true,” Aang said, perplexed for half a moment before he shrugged it off. “Besides, I feel like we aren’t gonna be back here for a long time this time.”
“Yeah,” Zuko all but whispered. That was really what lay heavy so on him — why he felt like he was running out of time. He stared ahead. “Well, I mean… we’ll hang out next week,” he offered, feeling a strange instinct to draw away from the subject now that Aang was the one broaching it.
“I mean just the two of us. It’s... different with everyone else there, you know?” 
The questioning lilt of his words hung in the air. In the end, it was Aang who spoke again. “I like it here with you. I feel like we have a good thing going. And I hate that I never get to see you out of those stupid Fire Lord robes if I visit you back in the capitol. Now, I’m not saying I wanna see you out of your robes, Zuko, but it’s never really been a problem for either of us when I do. Wouldn’t you agree?”
He was being irreverent on purpose, but Zuko’s heart pattered even as his irritation flared. He saw from the corner of his eye that — wait, was Aang blushing? Maybe it was just the sunset. It definitely made for an interesting atmosphere up here.
Zuko was at a loss, which wasn’t unusual. But Aang was behaving a little strangely too, so he seized the moment. “Aang, I need to talk to you about something…” He was on tenterhooks beside him, it was probably plain from the tension in his body. Aang noticed, he raised a forearm as if to reach out. But before he could do anything with it, there was a boom!
The muffled explosion rang out from some way beyond the courtyard behind them. Aang’s head sprang from Zuko’s shoulder and the moment dissipated. 
Aang sounded almost sheepish. “Whew! Should we move? What do you think?” 
It was hard to tell what triggered Zuko’s heartbeat now. “No,” he said quickly, getting the word out before he second guessed himself. He cringed — it was painful, he knew it’d be, but Aang’s gaze meeting his was knowing, open, almost like a wound. And Zuko needed to dress it for both their sakes.  “I - I like it here, and I wanna talk to you. They’re not gonna find us till they climb a couple of storeys anyway.” 
“Okay,” Aang said. It was a cryptic okay. Zuko would need a moment to know how to proceed.
But he didn’t proceed, because the boom! that followed — thunderous and so close — shocked them both out of their moods, shrieking.
“Aw, what?!”
“How did they—”
There wasn’t time to waste. Aang sprang onto the parapet. It was simple enough to propel himself up over the next ledge using airbending. It was less pleasant for them both when he did it to Zuko, but nothing he wasn’t used to. And then there they were —
On their roof. 
Except this time they had to hide. The doors to their suites were locked from the inside, but under the awning of one wall, which overhung a narrow sliver of roof, there was a nook that looked like it’d provide shelter from scrying eyes. They tucked themselves in, between the wall and the rail, not much more than an arm’s width of corrugated tin above them. Chest to chest, there was barely enough space between them for Zuko’s breath, shallow with adrenaline. 
He tried to keep his eyes from meeting Aang’s, but the only other places for them to go were also various parts of Aang. When did he get so broad? 
“Aang, if the coast is still clear in a minute or two, we should try and get somewhere with more space,” Zuko whispered in a rush, for his own sake.
“Sure thing, Hotman.” Aang shoved his chest lightly. It was only then that Zuko noticed that Aang’s hand was indeed caught between them, so intent had he been to keep the sensation of him at bay. 
The hand stayed there. There wasn’t really anywhere else for it to go. Their breaths mingled. And when they bowed their heads to avert their gazes, it only helped their foreheads to veer dangerously close to one another.
The hand on Zuko’s chest twitched reluctantly, like it was sweaty. Or itching. Zuko forced his heart back down his throat. Repeatedly, trying desperately not to focus on the hand that was too heavy and too light at once.
That one was pretty loud, but definitely farther out. Aang’s fingers curled in Zuko’s shirt as it hit, his shoulder curving instinctively as if to shield Zuko from the invisible blast. Zuko’s composure nearly crumbled.
“What, Aang?”  
When he finally met his eyes, they were wide and glossy. “Zuko, your heart is beating really hard. I thought you were just being a wet blanket when you said you didn’t like explosions, but if it’s actually affecting you, I swear you don’t have to be embarrassed —”
Zuko blinked. “Yeah, Aang, it’s the explosions.” He sounded exhausted to his own ears. 
Aang’s expression fell in knowing sympathy. Zuko fell against his chest, trusting this ruse to cover for him just this once. When he did so, the hand on his chest slipped around to his back and rubbed comfortingly. It helped a lot, more than Zuko could have anticipated. Not with the explosions, obviously, but with his... dilemma. It was hard to imagine that Aang — however he actually felt — would treat Zuko’s whole thing with anything but the utmost consideration. Here he was cooing over him like a baby because he thought Zuko was scared of an explosion quieter than the volcanoes he’d made in geology class, for crying out loud.
Eventually, Aang said, “Hey, what were you going to say back on the veranda?”
Zuko was about to say nothing but he stopped himself. 
“It can wait until tomorrow. Promise I’ll tell you.” 
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amelink66world · 5 years ago
Love of my Life
Hey guys!! This is the fifth part of the series. For those o you who don't know, this story is available on my wattpad too. I go by the name @Vanshikaaaa12 so you can check it out there too if it's more convenient. Enjoy!
New York ( part- 2 )
To say that I was surprised to see her would be an understatement. God had a funny business with her. A million things are running through my mind. I never told her I got divorced, or that I had a brain tumor or a foster kid or that I operated on Catherine Fox or... What do I now?
" AMY!! Oh my God. Amy! " Nancy leans in for a hug which Amelia begrudgingly returns. " Nancy!!", she smiles tightly.
" Amy what are you doing here?", shock evident on her face having to come face-to-face with her youngest sibling after many many years. She then noticed the very very handsome man standing confusedly next to Amelia. Feeling rude to have ignored him, she quickly introduced herself and shook his hand ," Hi. I'm Nancy Shepherd. Amelia's sister. " She assumed the man must be Owen, Amelia's husband she briefly told them about, seeing how close the couple was standing together. " And you must be Owen? "
Link suddenly felt Amelia loop her hand around his arm. He found it quite odd since the 'rules' strictly prohibited them from any form of PDA, not that he was complaining. He was shocked for a second when the woman who claimed to be Amelia's sister called him Owen but was flabbergasted by Amelia's affirmation. She froze on the spot and slowly turned his head toward her. What is she doing? Me? Owen? WHAT?
Amelia agrees, " YES!! This is my husband". Oh Link is going to kill me! Why did I have to do that? I just hope Link plays along. She signals him with her eyes when they briefly connect their eyes to play along. He quickly perceived her reaction and played along. Thank God!
" Yes! It's really nice to finally meet you Nancy. I've heard so much about you", he flashes his pearly whites. She smiles back at them.
Amelia starts, " So you work here?"
" Uh I'm covering the Chief of OB's maternity leave. Ironical right? ", she laughs at her own joke. Amelia thinks, oh don't even start talking about irony with me.  My life has been nothing but ironical. She chuckles darkly and silently. To entertain her, Amelia pretends to laugh.
" So what brings you to New York, kiddo? Everything okay?", she asks concernedly. God I hate that nickname!!
Amelia is quick to reply, " Yeah ". Link sharply turns toward her and raises his eyebrows in slight judgment. She's okay, right? How long do I need to pretend to be her ex-husband?! He keeps on staring at her making Amelia more agitated than she already is in the process. " OH. We're here to perform a surgery on a patient." Does Nancy look impressed? Wow. I MANAGED TO DO THAT? She smiles a proud smile.
" All the way from Seattle? You must be very much in demand. Maybe that is why we never hear from you", subtly taunting her. Now there it is. I should have waited there for a second. Somethings just never change!! Link is silently watching the whole interaction
She nervously replies, " Yup. I've been pretty busy since I last saw you. Eh. I operated on Catherine Fox herself. You might'veread about it. " She turns towards Link to gauge his reaction. He smiles down st her proudly making her grin. I'm glad he approves. Nancy is a whole different story though. She just nods along showing no reaction. Link interrupts,playing along , " Also got married!! " and smiles down at her with raised eyebrows. " Ummm yesss", she laughs and lays her head on his shoulder. Somehow it comes naturally to her. Weird.
" We should definitely catch up. Come for dinner. Both of you ". Link quizzically looks at Amelia who politely declined the offer saying they had surgery. Link too intercepts saying that Amelia had a big surgery on Seattle the next day and that they were in New York only for a day, smiling apologetically.
Nancy sighs, " Huh. At least I got to see you. Haley's comet comes around more than you do. Well, good day." She turns to leave. Amelia and Link turn towards each other with disgruntled looks. They suddenly hear her voice again and turn sharply, "Call mom sometime, kiddo. It's a kind thing to do. She really misses you " and leaves. She misses me huh. What a funny thing to say.
" Okay. Thanks for that Link." Link is pretty much speechless at this point. Amelia looks embarrassed. Link curiously asks, " What was that all about Amelia??"
" What you just witnessed was some serious family disfunction. Never told my family I got divorced ", she chuckles hurmorlessly. Link is curious but doesn't probe further. " I hope there are showers here. I really need to wash off that kiddo from my body. Blah."
Link chuckles and flirts, " Need some help with that?? "
He looks down at her with mirth in his eyes. Her eyes widen at his suggestion and she feels her cheeks burning. She sharply looks away from him trying ignore the images her mind was conjuring at his suggestion. Link shakes his head and softly laughs at her reaction. Oh this trip is going to be amazing.
They quickly change into some scrubs, in separate rooms obviously to avoid the inevitable ;) and examine the patient. They determine a treatment plan and decide to monitor the patient closely for the next twenty four hours after the surgery.
" Sooo, the surgery is scheduled in the afternoon. We'll have twenty four hours to monitor the patient. We have more than enough time on our hands. What do you wanna do today? ", Link wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Amelia. She grins at him to give a playful comeback but before she can do it, Nancy emerges out of thin air. Is she spying on me?
" That's wonderful news. I was just going to leave y'all a note. Now you can't say no to dinner. "
Amelia is startled to say the least. She scrambles for words but none come out. She has suddenly become a dumb person. Nancy goes on, " Nope. I won't take no for an answer so don't even try otherwise I'll spring mom on you! I'll make your favourite pie. Now you have to come! "
Amelia's eyes widen at the mention of her mom. "NOO!! Don't do that. FINE. Make the pie."
" Kidding. I won't just spring mom on you like that. Meet you at 7 ", she smiles triumphantly and departs.
" Care to explain what just happened there? ", Link gives her a hard look. She cowers under his gaze.
" I hope you like pie ", she smiles apprehensively.
Amelia is trying her best to persuade Link but he fiercely refuses. They were walking down the hallway towards Jonah's room when she exclaims, "Liiinkk you can't just leave me alone like this!! They'll skin me alive! It's like...like sending Red Riding Hood to visit the wolf "
" Nope. Nuh uh. I'll be having pizza and doughnuts in the city. You're more than welcome to join me. What's even the point of going. Stay with me! "
She pouts petulantly. " Please please pweeaasee!! "
He concealed his impending grin. He had never seen her like this. She's the cutest! I can kiss her pouting mouth right here!!
" PLEASE...". She comes to a stop. " I'm begging. This is me begging." She has that flirty and teasing gleam in her eyes which she knows he can't resist. "Aren't I cute when I beg? "
Link cannot stop himself from grinning. Cute ? You're always cute. And sexy. Cute and sexy. Now how can I resist that face? She knows I can't say no to that face. Ughh she'll be te death of me!!
He waits until his heart stops racing to simply answer, " NO ". Jonah's room comes into view. Phew. Now she'll shut up for a while about me accompanying her.
Amelia kept on talking during the entirety of the surgery. She ate his ear off which he seemed to enjoy. Only when she brought up the idea of attending the dinner did he feel agitated.
" Please Link. Please ", he could make out her smile behind her surgical mask.
" The begging is cute. I agree. Don't get me wrong. But I'm not going. You shouldn't go either.  Why are you going anyway ? You don't seem too fond of your sister so what's even the point ? ", he raises one eyebrow.
" My whole family considers me a train wreck. They seriously judge me and call me the Black Sheep of the family. That's the reason I never told my famiky I got divorced. "
" What, they're mad at you cause you and Owen eloped? "
" Naah. We didn't elope. We had a big fat wedding. They just didn't come. None of my sisters or my mom came. My brother too but he gets a pass for obvious reasons. "
" That's some serious sibling rivalry. So why go to this dinner spend the evening with me in the city. I know great places here ", she shrugs.
" Well I was flown to New York to perform this rare and complicated surgery. I'm here with my husband who is shockingly handsome and ever so kind. This is a chance for me to...I don't know, brag? Prove them wrong that I'm much more capable. I'm not sure exactly ". Link feels for Amelia and that basically sealed the deal until Amelia further coaxed him into going by flirting, " I'm just sure that if you choose to go with me, I'll make it worth your while in very creative ways that you will enjoy ", her smile reaches her eyes. Link stares right back at her with dark eyes trying not to picture too much. They basically have eye sex for the rest of the surgery which was successful.
In the cab:
Amelia and Link were getting their stories straight and Amelia was telling Link about Owen's likes and dislikes. Link was actually chilled out. He even engaged in some heavy flirting with her which she very subtly ignored after getting flustered.
" Okay, last question. What colour are my eyes? " she closed her eyes and turned to face him, waiting for his answer.
Link incredulously answers, " You think they're gonna quiz me on the colour of your eyes? I believe they can't be so damn evil. "
" You don't know my family. Literally anything is possible with the Shepherds. So answer. "
He turned towards her to gaze into her face trying to picturise her face. He was a master on doing so since he had been doing that a lot lately. His favourite feature on her face were her eyes. He answered without hesitation.
" Sometimes they look blue. Sometimes they look green depending on the m...", Amelia interrupts him with " Good ". She got flustered with his correct description of her eyes. He really notices even the littlest things about me. Owen never got the colour of my eyes perfectly. Stop looking at me like that!! He's a jackass. He knows how to get me weak in the knees.
              Link is smiling at Amelia with a gleam in his and she stares back. They're list in each other's eyes until Amelia recovers quickly and turns her head. She tells him all about her family and is thankful that it's only Nancy they have to bear the whole night. Not her mom or Liz. Least of all Kathleen. God she's the worst! She described her to be like Martha Stewart but with a power to diagnose personality disorder and Amelia was always on the receiving end of that diagnosis.
They reached Nancy's mansion and were quickly ushered in. Only two minutes had passed before the doomed began to arise. Amelia sharply turned at the voice which rang in the hallways. Kathleen!!!
Amelia felt betrayed and confronted Nancy over her betrayal. She apologised quickly but showed no remorse. Kathleen managed to make Amelia uncomfortable even after so many years with a single glance. She always said the wrong things at wrong time. Who made her a psychiatrist? I seriously question man's judgement!!
          Amelia and Link's initial shock and restless gradually died down and they were having a really nice time apart from the slight jibe the sisters took at Amelia from time to time. Nancy finally served the pie and Amelia seriuosly savoured that delicacy!! Link watched her face change at sight of the pie. She really is a child! I can't take my eyes off her ! They were enjoying their pie when suddenly the bomb was dropped.
" Where's my baby giirrll??!! There was dead silence. You could hear a pin drop.
Amelia had the look of utter shock and betrayal written on her face. She looked really torn. Link was in too big a shock to think straight.
            She confronted her sisters and Nancy knew nothing about calling their mom. Kathleen was the culprit though. She obviously didn't look repentant!
Mama Shepherd came into the picture and gushed over her youngest daughter and hugged her until her gaze landed on Link. Things quickly went downhill from there. Carolyn Shepherd seemed to remember Owen from when she visited Derek in Seattle many many years ago and caught them red handed.
             The sisters then began the Shame on Amelia programme. They brought up each and every transgression of her entire life and insulted her relentlessly. It was revealed that they freaking bet on her marriage!! Who does that?! Amelia told everybody about her divorce. Soon wine was brought in Kathleen. Link reached for the wine but stopped himself thinking about Amelia. He didn't drink in solidarity and in consideration of Amelia. He knew she'd be broken after this and wanted to stay sane to take care of her.
" See this? This is why I didn't even bother to call you when I found out I had a brain tumor. This is why !! " Again, dead silence! Her family was shocked that she never told them about her brain tumor. But they didn't seem unfazed. Her mother had tears in her eyes hearing about her daughter's tumor.
Thisbpoece of information was astounding to Link! " You have a brain tumor??", he cried.
" No. Had. I had a benign grade- 1 meningioma which they completely removed!! "
Link had never felt so fiercely protective of anyone in his entire life. She is telling her about her brain tumor but no one cares ?! Is this really her family? They're pure evil !! How can someone treat their own blood like this? Don't they care about the hardships she must've endured on her road to recovery? They better shut up right now !
                 Link was having enough! They were her family ! Her blood! How could they treat her this way?ink could not bear seeing the object of his affections being insulted this way. He was getting mad !! He'd blow a gasket if Amelia didn't open her mouth soon. What has happened to her? Why isn't she defending herself? This is not the Amelia I have come to know!! Link and Amelia made brief eye contact. He willed her with his eyes to speak up. To defend her honor! Speak up, woman. Say something! Prove these bitches wrong! Show them who you are.
Amelia seems to gain some strength from his confident gaze and stood up abruptly.
Amelia's damn broke. She just blew.
" Okay you. You don't know me. You have not seen me for years. I am not that fourteen year old girl trapped in your mind anymore! I am sober. I am responsible and I'm a freaking neurosurgeon at the top of my field. I save lives everyday. In fact, I'm the Chief of Neuro at one of the top hospitals in the country. You don't get to judge me here. You have no idea who I am. So just shut the hell up!! "
Link had a proud smile on his face. Attagirl!!! That's my girl!! That's my Amelia! That's the Amelia I know and respect.
They sisters still were unfazed. Are they devils? The didn't stop their humiliations of Amelia here. In fact, they began questioning her career now!
Nothing could stop Link now!
" ENOUGH ! That's enough. I haven't known Amelia that long but I certainly know her better than you people! I've been getting to know her and she is not at all the woman you are describing. She is a brilliant surgeon. The kind you fly across the country when you need the best! ", he replied sternly but firmly. His voice grew softer when he looked at her, "She is an amazing teacher and mentor. She cares about her patients and her colleagues. I mean, she's beautiful. And smart. And kind. And funny!! And STRONG. She has overcome a lot and adversity and feels her feelings in a big way but that only makes her better than most of the people I know!! It makes her authentic! She doesn't need your misjudgment in her life."
Link walked up to her and held onto her shoulders to provide support. She gazed at him with tears in hers eyes. No one has ever stood up for me like this. He is a very good man. I'm so thankful that he came with me today. She looked up at him with adoration and gratefulness in her eyes.
            Things went further south after what he uttered next. His unintentional slip up about Leo and Betty brought a new wave of judgement and string of insults her way. She quietly looked at her mom with an unreadable expression and simply said, "Link, let's go. " She caught hold of his hand and dragged him out of the house along with her.
Mama Shepherd had never felt so disgusted by herself in her entire life. She shut up her other two daughters, gave them an earful and determined to set the record straight with her youngest daughter. She cannot leave without talking to me!
Author's Note:
I'm soooo sorry guys for the extra long chapter. I'm really trying very hard to make them shorter but these ideas in my head. Ugghh sorry. Anyways, I've kept the story as close to original as possible and just added some personal touches. Next chapter coming right up!! And I'll try to make them shorter, but you never know 😉
Your comments just make my day and motivate me further to deliver some amazing chapters. Keep commenting! Enjoy!! Until then.
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