#I was editing my footage and had to go back ig to take a photo
carrieleblancart · 10 months
In response to your questions about the timelapse videos, here are my two cents. Engagement doesn’t usually give you anything on tumblr other than a bump of serotonin, but it can lead to commissions or sales if you provide an easy link and are chill about it. But people are touchy about the word “engagement.” They want to feel like a community or maybe a cultural salon, rather than part of an extractive media process.
Your most successful process videos are going to show a satisfying finished piece at the end and give people time to look at it and go “wow.” So for most art some editing will be necessary to get there in a short video.
Another thing I should bring up is that the music you used for that sketch video was pretty grating. If you’re going to use music, i’d suggest finding something more relaxing. Just because the video is sped up doesn’t mean the sound has to be frantic.
Your painting process is so interesting, and your art is great! People here love cats with all their hearts and mostly really enjoy art. I wish you all the best!
Hi anon, thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it, and I'm still getting used to actually getting responses, after trying to get it noticed for 10+ years (this isn't my first tumblr blog).
There's a lot going on with trying to share my art in the current internet ecosystem, probably something a lot of artists are dealing with. I'll try my best to describe what's going on on my end.
I don't like the term engagement either. I am trying to share my art through four main platforms at this time: Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and of course our precious hellsite: Tumblr. So my use of the term is more from the vernacular being used on other platforms, with what seems to be a kind of agreed upon use by artists of "this is what we have to deal with, so might as well lean into it." Maybe I'm mis-interpreting that (not surprising).
So far, Instagram is where I get my art noticed the most and has lead to the most sales/commissions/financial support. I think this has to do with the cat community that has formed over there. Tumblr definitely has its cat lovers, but I think a lot of them are over on IG so that they can follow internet cat celebrities and the like (I'm one of them!). So things like engagement and trends will dictate how I share my art with at least algorithm-led platforms. Also all of the cat people and friends I've met at shows regularly have Instagrams, not that that's a reason to be on there.
I agree that I should add time of the video at the end to show the piece to give it time to be seen. This can be easily accomplished if I make sure to take a photo of the art and include it in the video. I haven't had the best record of doing this due to my own ADHD and the pace at which these sketch paintings are being made.
Most of these recent sketch paintings were made back in August during CatCon on the spot! It's a crazy thing to do and I haven't seen anyone else do something quite what I'm doing, which is I guess part of my marketing for conventions and shows. So, sometimes I forget to take a picture at the end, but I'm getting better at including it in my process. And yes I call them sketches because they're fairly quick (I aim for 30 minutes for a 6"x6") and I don't get to add all the details I would like to if time was available. (I'm currently working on a new 3"x3" fully detailed piece of a famous internet cat, I've spent an hour and a half on it, and it's not done yet!)
Part of the timelapse question is not just to see what people prefer to determine how much time I should put into editing, but also how much effort I should put into digital storage. I have a couple different ways of recording footage, and the main way I've been doing so is with my iPhone. And so when I'm at events that I fly to, like CatCon, sometimes I'm having to transfer videos from my phone to an SD card until I can get home and get the footage onto a larger storage device. This can be tricky especially if I don't make sure to clear my phone storage before going to an event (something I'm adding to my list!) However, if I use the timelapse feature already available on the iPhone, then that makes editing and storage even easier for me later. I used this a lot with my Black Cat October series. But this timelapse footage doesn't look as good (maybe) and I don't have the option to do other edits later. Which then comes to the question for myself, am I really going to go back and make another edit for these sketch paintings? Perhaps the answer is timelapses for sketches, and full videos for fully detailed paintings.
And thank you for your input on the music part! The reason for the music in the last video was because of what's trending right now. Sometimes IG will save a copy of the video I posted with whatever music, so I had reused it in today's post. I think I'll make sure to use something more soothing/calming going forward just for tumblr, because you all have a special place in my heart.
Usually I'll open TikTok and do a separate video save to have a hi-res copy with music, but since I had recently created a shop on TT I only have commercially available music. Maybe I should take the shop down anyways, I'm really not sure if it'll help my art get notice or sell more stickers. I'd rather manage sales from my website anyways, but I feel like I should at least give it a try. You're welcome to tell me your thoughts on that!
I could go more into detail about my process for just uploading videos, but I feel like this is already getting TLDR. So feel free to let me know if you want me to ramble some more! I'd love to get input on that, as well as get an idea of what other artists are doing since I have no idea what I'm doing!
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sims-in-love · 8 years
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Office Girls - Poolside Renae
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Tues 7 May
The reviews are in and the experts agree, Harry was a hit! He didn't steal the show from those who set out to do that, he just calmly lived up to his co-chair position, raked in the good reviews and plaudits, and snagged spots on countless best dressed lists. Allessandro Michele posted a pic of him and Harry captioned Platone/Symposium, reinforcing their outfits as complimentary and paired, and the idea of them as master and apprentice, with a heavy handed reminder that they're GAY. Nice. Elton John approved, commenting with a heart. Alessandro's long term boyfriend presumably also approved, please calm down out there. Harry Lambert and others spoke about the New Romantic references in both of Harry's outfits and dropped hints of perhaps a new era in hashion. We heard "new romantic" and "gender fluidity" repeated endlessly, and not one person said Mick Jagger again after the second he stepped onto that carpet: may this be a sign of things to come and the death knell of that tired ass comparison.
A new tattoo was spotted the back of Harry's right arm, a palm tree- it looks to be a near match for tattoos Lottie and Gemma have.
He went from the gala to an afterparty, then an afterafterparty, which the Sun reported was hosted by him and Kendall but they soon edited to take that out and mention her boyfriend because that was apparently too made up for even them, marvel at that, then was papped along with lots of other attendees leaving the hotel in the bright light of morning looking implausibly flawless, white shirt creases and all. How the fuck. He apparently stayed awake after all that long enough to follow some new friends on ig, including Lizzo and Tessa Thompson.
Oh yeah and the Make A Wish meet and greet photos of Harry with the fans are finally out but who has time for that now? Not me. They cute tho.
Liam visited the Sherlock themed escape room and says he had fun, and talked fashion evolution himself- he says that the Strip That Down era was amazing but "it didn't necessarily paint the right picture of me and who I actually am." He says, "with a lot of the chains and the clothes and the fashion, I was kind of hiding behind something. It's a bit like being stuck out in deep water and you're just going 'well, it would be really nice to get back now.'" Interesting!
More (old) Louis interview footage- he is as usual asked about a 1D reunion, yeah yeah it's gonna happen "no question" what scoop are you hoping for exactly here? They're getting desperate though and are like how about just like TWO OF YOU then at least?? Louis says he thinks no, that that would just be a tease of the team thing. I mean. I guess. I wouldn't complain about some new Lilo tunes but not at the expense of LT1 so yeah. And he says they're all in touch all the time and see each other plenty and it just feels "like it always was." Aww. Anyway, in actual news, Louis headed out to see Sam Fender in London tonight and by all reports had a good time. He took fan pics outside in a familiar skull jumper and Burberry hat. We also got loads more hq pics from the Birmingham show.
Niall was papped in West Hollywood the other day, talks about getting in shape for Soccer Aid, and says "Never give up!!! Even when the whole world writes you off!" So inspirational! I mean he's talking about an exciting football game but I'll take my inspirational quotes where I find em. Louis also comments on the game ("maybe the biggest game this season"), but only to say it was worth missing even that to see the "sick sick show" tonight.
And a new Zayn pennshoppe photo is out, it's really really cute you guys. It's nice to see him looking so happy and smiley even if it is all posed.
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sweettoothforever · 4 years
Silence is Compliance: (2020)
Produced by: Free Nation Production
Pre-production stage
Film’s abstract/summary: Currently, the documentary will focus on a unbiased historical breakdown of the US’s legal system and how many legal officials use it against black Americans for prejudice reasons. The film will be made up entirely of historical and found footage, interviews from protesters, government officials, and civil right veterans.  
Hello everyone, if you remember me from a few months ago I am the one who made the post about footage donations for a indie BLM documentary. A lot of you were kind enough to reblog, which was a really big help to know that some appreciate what we are trying to do. Others though brought up some important concerns regarding donors safety. I heard every concern, brought them to my producer as promised, and I come bearing solutions, websites, and trailers! I really hope that you all take the time to read this post and reblog, and please don’t hesitant to ask me questions, I’d happily oblige in any way!
A quick back story, I joined a film class late last year, but due to COVID all projects had to be pushed back a few months. Including graduation, which is disappointing but overall i made enough enough connections and friendships to be offered a role from a previous coworker. You see, Just a few months before the whole world fell apart, I did get a chance to be apart of a two-day shot for a anti-domestic abuse short film. Our leading lady and I become pretty close, and I dare say that we are friends now, so when the protest started to arise, she among many others was protesting for Floyd and Taylor. But protesting wasn’t enough for her, she wanted to help in a long lasting, creative way which lead to the creation of the website and documentary you see above. We are currently in the pre-production phase, and I have offered to help with fundraising and editing in exchange for IMBd credits. As hard as we are trying, we need help spreading the word.
Donor Safety:
So what can be done? Well, the fact that many of you have reblogged is already a big help like I said. But it would also be a big help is you were to follow us on other platforms like twitter, facebook, and IG. If there was every any doubt about our legitimacy, then I strongly suggest you check out our social presence. 
You could donate footage. And yes, we absolutely have the means to keep our donors anonymous. If you or anyone you know is on camera or a picture, we have a talented editor who can hide your identity. We have already collected a lot of donated footage from photo journalist and a few more from anonymous donors. The last thing we are going to do is put anyone in danger, our goal is to educate and in time become a reliable source of information on social issues, we would sooner not use your footage at all than put you in harms way.
I hope our website, social media presence, and new trailer is enough to settle any worries, but like i said, if you have any let me now, either in my ask or right here for everyone to see.  
Take care, stay safe, and thank you again for reading. I’ll make sure to keep you all updated as we go.
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flip56000 · 5 years
Hi my name is Ben and I smell bad
Gonna use tumblr to promo shit I am doing in my life real quick. Here is the shortest version: I made a 20 minute long climbing video of me and my friends bouldering in Colorado. The link is over here and I would really like it if you would check it out, and I think it’s entertaining for people who don’t climb as well as those who do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmWpe7XSW74
The much longer story is that I have been climbing consistently with the same group of friends since I was like 13 and I am now 21 and we all moved from Saint Louis to Colorado around the same time to go to school and hang together and climb and whatnot. Throughout this time we’ve had this account on instagram and Vimeo called Float Faction where we would post pics and vids. We got to be pretty infamous for it and what began as a fun way to share our climbing stuff became more as like a protest against dumb stuff in the climbing community we disliked so we would like post naked photos and like dumb memes and just try to get climbers to take themselves less seriously.
Earlier this year I found a VHS of a movie called CKY2K in the thrift store, which is basically a skate video by Bam Margera that’s a predecessor to Jackass. I loved the mix of idiotic stunts and home footage mixed with really good skate clips and I really related to it and wanted to bring the idea to rock climbing. So me and my friends started to plan a full length movie called “PISS PLAY” which we were gonna release on VHS and be like a total rip-off of CKY2K LOL but just basically have scripted skits, pranks etc mixed in with climbing. We were promo-ing it on our IG account and everything was going good. 
UNTIL we posted a video of me shoving something up my ass, then we got reported and instantly deleted. So that sucked, cuz the following we had built up for literal years was instantly gone and we had no way to get them back. This meant that we had no way to promo our movie and the idea was essentially forgotten by the world. This was really disheartening and we all kinda lost interest in making the movie; what was the point if no one would even see all the work we put in? Additionally, our Vimeo account was deleted for copyright infringement (something we never even thought of when we were 16 and putting Drake in our climbing videos that barely broke 10k views), so it was like years of work was instantly wiped from the world. it sucked!
Despite this, I felt a really strong desire to still make PISS PLAY and to introduce a new idea to climbing videos. For those who don’t know, climbing vids for a LONG time have been really formulaic. Back in the day they were cool, but ever since the internet they have been insanely boring, really polished and never entertaining. They’re meant to watch so you can learn how to do a specific climb, but never to laugh or anything more than that. I wanted to change that! 
So, even though my friends weren’t as interested, I started to scrounge together all the footage we had taken from the past year. It was very disorganized and we never got around to filming any of the really good ideas we had, but I liked the off-the-cuff spontaneity of the clips and how it seemed to actually represent us in a realistic way (while still being funny and cool). It took an insanely long amount of time of sorting through footage and compressing and editing and re-editing and Youtube-ing but I finally finished the video. It doesn’t have that many views because I had no way to really promo it to climbers, but I was really proud of the outcome. 
SO after saying all that I guess my point is I made a video that I am really proud of and that I feel represents both my vision for climbing videos (stupid crap) and myself as a person (stupid idiot). It would mean a ton to me if you would check it out and if not that’s totally cool as well. The video is called “SAGA NUMB.” Thanks!
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wackapedia · 6 years
Ghost Hunting
Warning: one swear word
"Hey guys! Its me, y/n and today we're doing a ghost hunting episode!"
You were a popular youtuber and an occasional tv show actress. You were currently speaking to a handheld camera, outside a huge victorian-age mansion, at past midnight. You were with your neighbor, Joe Mazzello, who agreed to be in your vlog since you guys have the same agent. You weren't particularly a fan of this guy, but since he's now a big shot actor, it would be great to have him in your vlog.
"Now, I'm with a really special guest tonight, you might know him as John Deacon in the award-winning film Bohemian Rhapsody, its Joe Mazzello!" You panned the camera to the man dressed similarly as you. Black rain jacket, a GoPro strapped on his forehead and chest, and a backpack for his goods. He gave a tight-lipped smile and waved as he said "Ghosts aren't real!" to the camera.
You narrated the history of the place as you walked up the grand entrance of the house. Joe kept his flashlight forward and occasionally drops a witty comment about the facts you've gathered.
"So what do you think, Joe? Are you down to catch some ghosts on film tonight?" You faked your enthusiasm to mask your fear."Fingers crossed! Lets do it!" He was somehow cheerful despite the terrifying nature of the expedition. He was just really excited to be working with you, spending the night together despite being in an allegedly haunted house.You exhaled at the mic attached on you. "Alright lets do it!"
Joe opens the large wooden door creaking all the way through. Your handheld light bursts through the hallway, making the cobwebs, dust, and decades-old furniture visible to both of you.You can feel your heart hammer against your chest as you ventured deeper into the hallway. You were sure Joe was making a funny joke but you were too nervous to even comprehend. He seemed to notice your anxiety as he pulled you behind him. "Why are you doing this anyway?" He asked, chuckling as he wiped his sweat."Its fun. Imagine if we actually catch a ghost on video though" you tried to be nonchalant. Suddenly you hear heavy footfalls from upstairs. Like someone running.
"Oh shhh- shnipes!" Your heart was about to leap out of your mouth as you tried to keep your language PG. Joe remained unfazed as he pointed his flashlight to the direction of the stairway. "Its probably just a cat." He laughed at your reaction. Not cool, Joe.
You kept moving around the ground floor of the house, suddenly feeling colder at some parts of the house, particularly the dining hall. "Is that the music room?" Joe announced as he headed to the last room at the end of the hallway. "Joe, wait!" You chased him, afraid of being left alone. Despite being neighbors, you and Joe weren't really close. He was constantly away and if ever he was home, you had no reason to come over. Your only interaction with him was when you meet at the lobby of your building, or in the basement parking. An occasional smile, good morning, thats it. At some point, you assumed he was somewhat conceited, but so far he's been nice and funny.
The room was empty except for an upright piano fitted against a wall near a french-style window. There were no other pieces of furniture in the room."Okay so this is the room where there were said to be apparitions of the last lady of the house. The reason why there are no other furniture in this room is that the lady would throw objects at whoever dares to intrude." You spoke to the camera."How does that make you feel, Joe?" You panned your handheld camera to him while he was walking up to the piano, touching the dust-covered keys and pressed a chord you recognized as the first key to Bohemian Rhapsody. "I feel that its a shame she doesn't keep a bass guitar here." He chucked. You caught yourself laughing, slowly loosing up the tense situation.
Suddenly you hear a third laughter from within the room. You held your breath and held eye contact with Joe. "Did you hear that?" You whispered. He nodded, slowly backing away from the piano. He pulled you out of the room and into the end of the hallway, near the exit.
"Joe what was that?" Your voice was trembling now.
"I have no idea y/n" he said as he moved toward the main door.
"We cant leave yet! We have to go see upstairs! Management will have my head if we cower and cut the trip short!" You said, slightly annoyed at Joe.
"Are you serious? You look like your gonna pee in your pants a few minutes ago!"
"I'm serious, Joe. Get up here." You said, already climbing up the stairs.
The second floor wasn't much different as from the first. The wallpaper still had the faded sky blue design, the air still felt stuffy, and it still was dusty everywhere. You quickly moved through rooms, narrating about the various deaths that allegedly occurred there. Joe was quiet the whole time.
You reached the master's bedroom. Despite being dusty, the furniture in this room was grand. The bed was a large four-poster bed, still equipped with embroidered cushions and bed sheets. There were several paintings of people on the wall, Joe went over to see them. You, however, opened a plain-looking door adjacent to the bed. As the door creaked open, Joe looked over to you.
"Its a nursery." You said, spotting a crib in the room.
You stepped in the room to find a tall shelf filled with Victorian-age wooden dolls. You moved closer to the shelf in order to get proper footage. Suddenly your eyes caught some movement at the top corner of the shelf. Shining a light, you felt goosebumps rise on your skin as you witnessed a doll blink twice.
"Shit!" You started to bolt toward the door when it slammed shut, almost smacking you in the face.
"Joe!! Open the door!" You screamed, slamming your palm at the door. You felt the room shake and see the dolls fall to the floor. The room is filled with manic laughter coming from the dolls as they seem to move closer to you. You've now sunk to your knees as you continued to scream and cry for help.On the other side of the door, Joe was trying to twist the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. He was also panicking upon hearing your screams. He faced the painting of a woman in black clothes and screamed "what do you want? What do you want from her?!" The face in the painting smiled.
Suddenly everything was quiet. The only sound was your sobbing and the creaking of wood against Joe's shoes as he pulled the door open. He saw you on the floor and didn't hesitate to pick you up and carried you downstairs, through the exit and into the SUV he drove on the way here. Both of you were still catching your breaths as Joe sat you on the passenger seat.
Tears still kept flowing from your eyes, your cameras and microphones still recording, and hands still trembling. You closed your eyes and counted down to one in order to calm yourself.Joe was looking at you, feeling relieved like never before. He was never a believer of the supernatural, but for a moment he had to make a bargain to save you. You.
Joe looked back at the second floor to see the old lady dressed in Period clothes standing by the window, staring down at him. He stared back fiercely as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, swiped up to the camera app and took a picture of the house, the lady still visible.
"What are you doing?" You asked Joe, finally feeling better.Joe looked to you and smiled. Your eyes were still red and rimmed with tears but he thought you were very beautiful. And brave.
"Nothing. Let's take a selfie!" He said, flipping to the front camera and snapping a picture.
The sun was slowly creeping by the time you pulled out of the mansion's driveway. Warm yellow sunshine taking over the darkness of that horrid night felt like heaven, You smile contentedly as the sunlight hits your face through the windshield. "Mcdonalds?" Joe asked. You nodded enthusiastically.
Three weeks later, Joe was contacted by his agent to come at the office to see the edited video of your vlog before it gets posted on your channel. He was holding a hot cup of coffee as he entered the office, greeted his agent and took a seat. His agent brought out a laptop and faced it to him as the video started playing.
"Who edited this?" He asked, halfway through the video.
"Y/n herself." He was surprised that most of her scaredy-cat moments weren't edited out. He thought y/n was a very brave person for being able to face her fears and not being afraid to show that she does get scared sometimes. He had no qualms about the video so it was bound to be posted within the hour.
Joe took out his phone and opened instagram to post two pictures. One was an enhanced photo he took of the mansion where the victorian lady can be clearly seen through the window, and the second photo was the selfie of him and y/n.
joe_mazzello: spent a crazy weekend at a haunted mansion with @y/ig/n who proved herself to be one of the bravest people I know. INSANE GHOST HUNTING ADVENTURE link in bio!​
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angeltriestoblog · 6 years
Nathan Road and Choi Hung Estate + Tips: Hong Kong 2018, Part 2
Hi, guys! Thanks for sticking around. Today, I’m telling you all about everything that went down during our last day in Hong Kong, and giving out tips as well to anyone who has plans of visiting the city. Since I was very excited for this trip, I took the initiative when it came to planning out the itinerary. I made it my mission to binge watch vlogs and read up on the best places to visit, eat and shop that would satisfy the stomach, heart, wallet and Instagram feed. So according to our agenda for Christmas Eve, we were to have breakfast at the famous Australia Dairy Company, then drop by Choi Hung Estate (yes, this is the actual name of the colorful houses) and Mum’s Not Home (that Instagram-worthy coffee place filled with plants). Then, we’d just look for places around the area where we could scout for clothes and eat dinner. But before setting out to navigate the often puzzling transportation system, we were to roam around the area we were staying in first, eat some street food, go shopping and sightseeing - the usual. The mere minutes we were supposed to spend there stretched into hours until we eventually became so pressed for time we had to change our plans.
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Upon looking at Australia Dairy Company’s IG story and seeing the long and winding line of people dying to try their milky scrambled eggs, we had to cross that out of the list, which left me with two other options. I picked Choi Hung Estate on a whim, so my mom and I set out and traveled 11 stations to get there. Several websites had instructed me to take either Exit C4, and true enough, I ended up right in the middle of the complex. I only had to walk to the parking lot behind us and climb a couple of flights of stairs to reach the famed basketball court, which gave a full view of the vibrant buildings towering above it.
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Cantonese for “rainbow”, Choi Hung Estate is a residential area established by the Hong Kong government, painted as such to uplift the spirits of their tenants. Its undeniable aesthetic appeal has attracted both tourists and professionals, as it has been featured in marketing campaigns and even a music video of Korean groups (which is honestly how I found out about it) (stan LOONA and stream Love & Live). But most of us aren’t aware that this, along with other public housing projects, has also played an important role in Hong Kong’s history. Due to an unforeseen influx of refugees from China during the time of the second World War, and a fire that displaced over 50,000 of them living in a squatter area, the government took matters into their hands and built permanent estates for them to live in. At present, 30% of the population benefits from this service, while 16% live in apartments purchased with the help of government subsidies.
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Okay, enough with the research paper-looking part of this post. Fast forward to later that night, we waited at the bus terminal conveniently located just a few steps away from where we were staying and took an hour long trip to the airport. I enjoyed having my own seat in the corner, listening to music while gazing out the window, admiring the bright lights and bustling people that somewhat encapsulate Hong Kong’s nightlife.
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Flights back home are rarely enjoyable to me because it means that I’m going back to reality, but I had bothered checking the videos section of the in-flight entertainment of Cathay Pacific and found several music shows and concert footage with Wanna One in them. I also ate media noche with my family, and arrived back in the Philippines just about five minutes after the clock had struck 12: we literally made it home for Christmas.
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This was my second time organizing a trip, the first one being our vacation to South Korea last summer. Back then, I’d get so upset if things didn’t go according to plan, we’d be set back for a couple of hours and adjustments would have to be made due to circumstances beyond our control. Looking back, our Hong Kong trip did not go exactly the way I had planned, but this time around, I didn’t mind as much: in fact, I still had one of the greatest times of my life. Here are some tips that I have to make sure that you make the most out of your stay as well!
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First, book a place in a great location. Take us, for example: our hotel was smack dab in the middle of Nathan Road, 3.6 kilometers lined with malls, shops and restaurants for anyone’s eyes to feast on. There were also money changers if ever we needed to convert cash, and a 7/11 that I constantly raided for Haagen Dazs Speculoos ice cream for when we had to buy and reload our Octopus cards. These are crucial to have on hand at all times, by the way, as this serves as any tourist’s means of payment for all public transport, most retail shops, parking meters and vending machines, among many others. Other factors to keep in mind when looking for a place to stay in would be its proximity to modes of public transportation, and the other places on your itinerary.
Second, be extra patient and willing to make compromises! Hong Kong did prove itself to be quite the challenge to go around: the weather was cold, there was a lot of walking involved to get from place to place. People also move really fast, like all inhabitants have a meeting to get to in five minutes, and they rarely apologize if they bump into you in the process. In addition, most of them smoke too - there aren’t any designated smoking areas, much to the dismay of those who are allergic to cigarette smoke like me so the chances of getting the stuff puffed in your face are high. But, I refused to let any of those external factors get in the way and keep me from having a good time.
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We also paid a visit just in time for the holidays, which is obviously peak season: it was crowded everywhere we went, queues were long for everything from tourist attractions to bathrooms and waiting times often stretched out for indefinite periods of time. There really isn’t any other way to work around this, except to ditch all your plans and choose to stay at home so if you can’t afford to make that sacrifice, it would be best to accept the things that come with travelling during this time of the year. Drop places that aren’t the most convenient to go to at the moment, and switch them out for more realistic alternatives. If you’re the type who has a lot of specific restaurants on your itinerary, I’d suggest that you don’t be too particular of where you want to eat: there are several great places to eat just littered around the area. The little shops and stalls in the middle of the street, or hidden in alleyways and basements are the ones that locals usually flock to, and thus have the best finds.
Third, be sure to book a WiFi hotspot online as soon as possible! If there’s one screw-up we made during the trip that you could learn from, it’s that we failed to do this, and ended up suffering the consequences. Literally the minute you get your hands on your tickets, head over to Klook and reserve one for your trip. Although all the vloggers I watched advised getting a WiFi hotspot online, their words of advice came a few days too late since when I headed to Klook, there were no more units available for the days of our trip. I didn’t think this would be a problem though and assumed that there would be several available at the airport, just like in Korea. But when we had arrived and scoured all the kiosks, they were all sold out because everyone already reserved online days before. Needless to say, navigating a foreign land either without the help of Google Maps at all, or having to stop at a random place, pray that they have free WiFi and get all the directions needed within the 15 minute time limit allotted for non-paying visitors, was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do.
So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed my posts just as much as I enjoyed putting them together: I’ve made a pact of sorts with myself to strive to be more creative in taking and editing the photos that accompany my words, so I recently availed of the seven-day free trial of VSCO X. Although I must say it was quite time-consuming, I did have fun experimenting with the 130+ filters available for me to choose from. I plan on writing one more blog post before I go back to school on the 21st, so be sure to keep tabs on that!
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Wishing you nothing but love and light,
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Jay-Z Calls Gov. Walz To Demand Justice For George Floyd, Attorney General Keith Ellison Takes Over Case + Don Lemon Calls Out Oprah, Drake & More To Take Action!
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Jay-Z called up Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to demand justice for George Floyd. Following their conversation, Gov. Walz announced attorney general Keith Ellison (a black man) will now take over the case. Also, CNN’s Don Lemon called out Oprah, Drake, Tyler Perry & more to take action amid the nationwide protests. Everything inside…
Jay-Z is using his resources and platform to make change.
Yesterday, the Hip Hop mogul had a phone conversation with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to demand justice for the killing of George Floyd, the Minneapolis man the world watch die in a viral video where a white police officer – Derek Chauvin – kneeled down on his neck. New video showed at least three officers had their body weight pressed on George’s back as he laid face down on the ground while in handcuffs.
Posting memes and bringing awareness to the issue are great, however, actually using your resources to make change is even better.
Hov called up Gov. Walz after getting his number from CNN reporter/ REFORM Alliance CEO Van Jones. He wanted to talk to the Governor to share how he felt about the George Floyd killing and how justice could be served.
“It was so incredibly human,” Walz said about their coversation during a press conference yesterday. “It wasn’t Jay-Z, international celebrity. It was a dad and, I think quite honestly, a black man whose visceral pain of this that he knew.”
“His words to me, I want them to be confidential, but to summarize what it was: ‘Justice needs to be served, here. Justice needs to be served,” he continued. “He said he feels the compassion and the humanity of these folks who are speaking. He knows that the world is watching. How Minnesota handles this is going to have an impact across the country, and I think that’s what his impressions were.”
You can check it out below at the 43:40-minute mark:
Following their conversation, Gov. Walz appointed Attorney General Keith Ellison to take over the George Floyd case. As of now, only one (former) Minneapolis police officer has been brought up on charges. Former officer Derek Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, both felonies. The other three former police officers - Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng - were fired like Derek, but have NOT been brought up on charges.
  Thank you, Governor. https://t.co/saIgpXxXKt
— Attorney General Keith Ellison (@AGEllison) June 1, 2020
  Sunday evening, Hov released a statement via Roc Nation about his conversation with Gov. Walz, thanking him for appointing Keith Ellison to the case.
  .@GovTimWalz #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/lkM2NdrIZF
— Roc Nation (@RocNation) June 1, 2020
  “After our very earnest conversation, thank you to Governor Walz for doing what’s right and calling in Attorney General Keith Ellison to take over the George Floyd case,” he wrote.
The dad-of-three then opened up about his feelings on the killing of George Floyd.
“Earlier today, Governor Walz mentioned having a human conversation with me — a dad and a black man in pain. YES, I am human, a father and a black man in pain and I am not the only one. Now I, along with an entire country in pain, call upon AG Ellison to do the right thing and prosecute all those responsible for the murder of George Floyd to the fullest extent of the law. This is just a first step. I am more determined to fight for justice than any fight my would-be oppressors may have."
Jay-Z then made a call to action for everyone to DO THE RIGHT THING.
“I prevail on every politician, prosecutor and officer in the country to have the courage to do what is right,” he concluded. “Have the courage to look at us as humans, dads, brothers, sisters and mothers in pain and look at yourselves.”
Last Friday, Jay-Z's wife, Beyoncé, posted a video on Instagram demanding justice in the wake of George's death. Check it out https://theybf.com/2020/05/30/beyonc%C3%A9-speaks-up-after-derek-chauvin... ">HERE.
Several celebs have hit the streets in Minneapolis - like Nick Cannon & Porsha Williams - to protest with the people demanding justice for George Floyd. However, some celebrities aren't doing enough...at least not for CNN's Don Lemon.
During his segment yesterday, Don called out A-list celebs like Oprah, Tyler Perry, Drake, Tracee Ellis Ross, Anthony Anderson, Diddy, Jane Fonda and Ellen DeGeneres to take MORE action. With footage of protests playing on a split screen, Don called out "movie stars" who declined to speak on his show. He blamed their absence on them being too concerned about tarnishing their brand.
"A lot of people I ask to come on this show, to talk about this, [such as] wealthy celebrities, wealthy political people, [say], ‘I can’t do it. I’m mad. I don’t want people to see me mad. It might hurt my business. Or, I’m so upset that I had to go to my country house and I just can't do it,'” Don said. “Where are you? Why aren’t you fighting for these young people? If you don’t do it now, when are you going to do it? If you are a millionaire or a gazillionare or a movie star or a politician and you don't step up now, when the hell are you going to do it? STOP making excuses! Step up people. Step up Black Hollywood."
The CNN anchor then began to name drop:
https://theybf.com/2020/05/30/beyonc%C3%A9-speaks-up-after-derek-chauvin... ">"Beyoncé released a message, you can’t?," he asked.
“By me calling out your name, it doesn’t mean I’m calling you out. It means I love you, Ellen [DeGeneres]. It means I love you, Oprah,” he said, adding “I know they give millions of dollars to charity every year.”
“I want to see you Tracee Ellis Ross. I want to see you Tyler Perry. I want to see you Drake," he continued. "I want to see you my friend, Anthony Anderson. I love you … I want to see Diddy out there. I want to see you Jane Fonda, who I love and respect."
Whew! Peep the segment above.
Ellen DeGeneres is now taking action with her coins: 
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                      A post shared by Ellen DeGeneres (@theellenshow) on May 31, 2020 at 3:21pm PDT
  Oprah and "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King hosted a Voom meeting and discussed George Floyd's death. This was posted before Don's CNN segment:
          View this post on Instagram
                  Today for Week 3 of #YourLifeInFocus with @ww, the plan was to discuss adapting. How can we adapt to this pandemic we’re living in—or any crisis that shows up in our lives? But this week, the nation is in a state of rightful unrest after we witnessed the murder of George Floyd right in front of our eyes. Now, the question is: How do we adapt and evolve in this time of social injustice? Thank you to @gayleking and @jayshetty for joining me today. Check out our entire conversation on my FB page. #OprahandWW
A post shared by Oprah (@oprah) on May 30, 2020 at 12:58pm PDT
  Drake posted a poem for George Floyd on his IG, but no mention of the protests:
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                  Rest in heaven George Floyd
A post shared by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on May 29, 2020 at 8:37pm PDT
  Tyler Perry posted video clips about the protests and asked people to stop looting (before Don's segment):
          javascript:Toggle('edit-body','Switch to plain text editor','Switch to rich text editor',1);
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                  I’m not in Atlanta, but if I were I would have been standing with our Mayor! But there was nothing I could say better than what Mayor @keishabottoms said last night! Please, please stop this violence!! Looting is NOT THE ANSWER!!!! And listen to me, be careful where you are getting your information to JOIN protests!! There are people and other countries who are posting things pretending to be US, pretending to stand for peaceful protest, but they are trying to incite us into violence and chaos to try and do more harm!! Do not fall for this foolishness!!! Please stop the violence!
A post shared by Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) on May 30, 2020 at 7:14am PDT
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                  This is what I was trying to warn you about in my last post!! Don’t be fooled. THIS IS WHAT’S HAPPENING!!
A post shared by Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) on May 31, 2020 at 7:16am PDT
Photo: Getty/Kevork Djansezian
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/06/01/jay-z-calls-gov-walz-to-demand-justice-for-george-floyd-attorney-general-keith-ellison-ta
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marriagebase · 6 years
Feature: How To Create Content While You Travel With Gabriel Desanti
With winter here for most of us, it’s satisfying to envision new adventures and places to go through videos like Gabriel Desanti’s. His curious and imaginative storytelling uniquely adds to the beautiful landscapes he’s encountering from all around the world.
Whether it be expanding upon new physical and mental boundaries at the point of danger, or breathing in and touring waterfall trails in Bali, Gabe relays a sense of close companionship to all his viewers. His attachment to his audience speaks volumes even when he’s thousands of miles away from them.
Gabriel Desanti
Here at Resource, we caught up with Gabriel Desanti for a quick chat on his recent travels and asked him about tips for creating content while traveling. Gabriel is a photographer and filmmaker based in New York City and has worked on projects and collaborations with different brands. He works on many personal creative projects as well that vary in style. He approaches filmmaking in a headfirst, expressive fashion all the while taking a candid approach to storytelling.
Resource Magazine: We’ll just jump right in. Can you tell me a little about yourself? Where are you from and what do you do?
Gabriel Desanti: Well, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Connecticut. I grew up surrounded by the woods and nature. Right now, I’m based in New York City. I love the chaos when I leave Connecticut, I love the energy. New York is full of wonderful, busy people. From Connecticut, it’s about a nine-hour ride away. I always find myself wanting to get out of Connecticut, even if its just a ride back to New York City.
Sea Cliff Bridge
GD: I basically started shooting professionally after leaving school and my job at the time to travel. I decided to dedicate all my time to work on my films and editing. I would say I started editing my own videos when I was 13 on my Playstation.
Kaaterskills Winter
RM: Wow. So how were you doing that? Were you streaming and editing your own videos?
GD: Yeah, I would live capture my game and then edit and upload them. I honestly loved the process of it all. In the future, I think I always missed editing and working on these videos. I tried a bit of graphic design and animation, but it didn’t quite feel the same way. It all made sense to me again when I picked up a camera and started editing my own footage. That’s when I knew that this is something I wanted to do.
Philippines Dream
RM: That’s so cool, it’s like opposites. Playing video games and editing that footage and then going outside in the future and editing your own experiences. So, what inspires you most when shooting and creating your films?
GD: That’s a great question. Hmm. I was in college and I basically had this really good job for a couple years. Like, really good. But, I did not want to be stuck behind the desk at that point. I figured out that this is not what I wanted to do, so I basically did everything in my power to not let that happen again. I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do and I realized it then. So I guess what inspires me is to not be there again.
RM: That makes total sense, to be anywhere else but that point.
GD: Yeah, and this past year has been amazing. I got to travel to Bali, Indonesia, then Finland. I was in LA for two weeks and then Italy for a week. I traveled to the Phillippines for ten days. I feel like I’m at my best when I’m traveling around. That’s what inspires me most, I think. When I’m traveling and doing what I love most.
RM: Do you find it difficult to create content while you’re traveling? Like, you’re experiencing so many new things. Do you find it difficult to create content while you’re doing so much?
GD: I think it comes pretty naturally. I love what I do and sharing that with the world is something I find myself very passionately doing already. Again, its something that inspires me wherever I am. And I love the process. Doing what I love and getting to share that with others is something that motivates me to do more and take more risks, making the most out of what I have.
Stockton Memory
RM: How has your relationship been with social media during your travels? Do you tend to explore and make content without social media interference or do you enjoy keeping your followers right there with you?
GD: Social media has been a big part of my profession. I love responding to people who message me and commenting back to their comments on my posts. I think if they take the time out of their day to say something on my photo or to me personally, that says a lot.
Northern Lights Ranch
RM: Yeah, it makes you more human to your followers.
GD: Absolutely. And sometimes they’re so happy when I comment back. So just knowing that I reached out to someone who feels inspired by my photography means a lot to me.
RM: You have people on IG with thousands of comments and messages and they’ll never respond to any of them. It’s cool that you can reach out to your followers and make some of their days.
Lone Wolf
RM: I read one of your latest posts that you love both Finland and Bali, Finland a little more though. So, what are some of your favorite places you’ve been last year or ever?
GD: Yeah! Finland and Bali are so different from each other. On the one hand, you have a winter wonderland and the other a tropical paradise. So it’s always hard to compare the two to people. I have to say, I had an epic team in Finland that I had the best time with. Great people and experiencing Finland with them was just amazing and I really think if I had to compare the two, my experiences in Finland were just epic considering the amazing crew I was with the entire time.
RM: That’s so awesome. I’m from Hawai’i and people ask me the same thing since I’ve lived in New York City. They’re so opposite in climate and atmosphere but I end up comparing the pace and the people. It’s cool you can relate to that on a global scale.
The Golden Surfer
Go on your dream and see where it takes you.
RM: So, do you have any tips for our readers who are also trying to create content while travelling?
GD: Alright, so I get this question a lot and its best to start for the beginner, the person who is just starting out. You need to save up money to take the trip of your dreams.
GD: I think that a lot of people just assume you get paid right off the bat to start on some crazy project. But to be honest, most of it is self-funded. But it doesn’t cost as much as people think. A tip for someone is if its something you want to do, then save up money, and just go on your dream and see where it takes you.
Bali Stairway To Heaven
GD: That’s kind of what Bali did for me. I was supposed to go for a month and a half and I ended up being gone for almost four. It turned into so much more than I expected.
Be very open to whatever comes.
RM: Yeah, and just be susceptible to any opportunity that comes up. Like, staying for four months in Bali.
Bali Sunrise Temple
GD: Yeah, to be very open to whatever comes. That’s a very good tip. And one of my strengths is being very brutal with myself. When it comes to my photography and what I do, I’m very critical of what I do with my own work. And I think more people need to be. Be very brutally honest with yourself and you’ll improve very fast.
Bali Baby
The Roundup
Save up money to take the trip of your dreams
You’re not always going to be given what you want
Be very brutal with yourself on the quality of your work
Be honest with what is good and what isn’t
You can follow and watch Gabriel’s work on Instagram, Youtube, and follow him on Twitter for updates on future work.
All images © Gabriel Desanti
The post Feature: How To Create Content While You Travel With Gabriel Desanti appeared first on Resource.
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