#I was disappointed
propertyofkylar · 21 days
cupipara sweet & spicy darling spoilers/cg under the cut bc i cant stop thinking abt this
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the world? frozen solid. evil god? on his way back. humankind? sent into hibernation to protect them. mammoths? somehow have been revived too and are walking around
BUT nothing can stop this man from fucking his wife for HOURSSSSS. okay king can we prioritize maybe! just a thought
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limesandcoconuts · 11 months
just thinking about how i was showing these french kids how to train your dragon 2 and when hiccup took off his helmet they said he was "moche" which means ugly 😭
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icarus-suraki · 30 days
Shoutout to the characters in the Initial D movie (2014) who very carefully use their turn signals en route to their downhill drift race. Well done, lads.
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do ya'll fuck with john mulaney
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ppgconfessions · 9 months
the professor is the hottest character and im tired of pretending hes not
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I support Raylas wrongs.......
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And Raylas rights
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icymusicreviews · 5 months
TV Girl - Who Really Cares (2016)
Completed January 18th 2024
Recently I have been hearing a lot about TV Girl, mentions of the band are practically inescapable at this point. When the two colors pink and blue are spotted together, you can bet you will see people speaking about TV Girl in the comments. So I decided, why not check out TV Girl and see what the hype is about?
Starting off I really like the album cover, it is clean and very identifiable.
The opening track  Taking what’s not yours opens directly into the chorus with a sound that I can only describe as a 90’s hip hop style. Personally I don’t fully know how I feel about this section, but I don’t think that it is necessarily negative. Moving to the first verse it is again very simple, but the vocals are good, my opinion on the verse is much more clear, and much more positive. I really like the overall sound of the verse. The simplicity is carried on throughout the rest of the verses as well, with the good vocals. Unfortunately for this song, the bridge is just talking over music, which i am honestly not that much of a fan of, but overall I like the song. I will be giving it a 6/10 
Song About Me Again it opens with the 90’s hip-hop vibe, and transitions into the vocals. Which I can’t fully figure out how to describe, but I can say that there is something about them that I really do like. Listening to this song, it has more complex, and slightly more forward lyrics, which works to it’s credit. 7/10
Cigarettes out the window opens almost directly into a story being told through the lyrics. Personally I love when a story is told through lyrics. The bridge seems to be an sample from an old movie or tv show. Overall I like the song, but the outro/bridge does get some points knocked off of it so i would rate it an 8/10
Till You tell me to leave Starting off I’m not a fan of this song because the wording of the title, but that's a personal thing. Anyway so this song is one with a lyric, then it breaks for instrumental then goes back to a lyric, and repeat. I either love these or I hate them, and it all depends on if the instrumental would be good enough to stand on it’s own. Unfortunately this song just can’t. I don’t hate the song by any means, but I doubt that I would ever go out of my way to put it on for me to listen to. And the outro is much like the previous track, and again, I am not a huge fan of that. 5/10
Not Allowed okay again very forwardly sexual. I don't think this song is bad, but it for some reason is almost too busy. I like the sound, but it also confuses my brain because it is slightly too much in my opinion. For a simple song it just has too much going on for it for me. 5/10
(do the) Act like you never met me This song is a bit more upbeat, and again forward lyrically. But I like this song much more than the previous one. I am still unsure why that song sounded like how my brain does when I'm overstimulated but it did. But I am happy to say even with more going on for the song, this one is not that way. Again with the sampling the television and movies. I’m just assuming that it has something to do with their name being tv girl. 7/10
Safeword This song is very simple, almost too simple. One thing that I noticed was the second verse made me think of the doll chorus from shrek. i don’t know how to feel. The third verse gives off the same vibes, but a little less. The chorus is just three words, so the song is very simple but reminded me of shrek so 4/10
For you I was a bit taken aback by children singing to me in the beginning. And was almost as surprised when again the lyrics got very horny. I’m not finding a lot of complexity in this song at all. 4/10
Loving Machine I was pleasantly surprised with a change in how the instrumental sounded. It almost sounds like elevator music but its okay, it is the little victories with this album. I like that it is simple lyrically, but not too simple, it is something that my overthinking ass self could actually ponder about the meaning a bit more than the others. However, I’m not in an elevator, so I would like to not feel like it with the minute-long instrumental at the end. 5/10
Heaven is a bedroom Again with different instrumental style, and I so like it. I’m not as big of the fan of it when the lyrics come in, but I do also like the storytelling style of the lyrics. I did find myself getting a bit bored with the lyrics though if I’m being honest. Especially with the song being a closer, i feel like it should be a bit more memorable. 6/10
Overall I would Rate this album a 6/10 as I would likely not put it on to listen to myself, and I would surely not purchase it on vinyl. 
Mathematically it gets a 5.7
Personally I don’t get all the hype I have been seeing recently. I was a bit disappointed by this album, but I still plan on looking at other TV Girl albums to see if they are good. This album was very horny. That is honestly the only way that I know how to describe it. Like someone help the person that wrote this. Now This doesn’t mean that I dislike forward, or even horny lyrics, but DAMN. 
My favorite song on this album would have to be Cigarettes out the window, while the bottom of my list will have to be Safeword because of the shrek thing. 
If I had to say the three things that stick out about this album it would be 
1 Horny
2 Shrek
3 Simple.
Album Info
2016, 10 tracks, 36:55
Taking What’s Not Yours
Song about me
Cigarettes out the window
Till you tell me to leave
Not Allowed 
(do the) act like you never met me
For you
Loving machine
Heaven is a bedroom
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lennysfridge · 1 year
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icycoldninja · 8 months
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The struggle is real.
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dat2ndaccount97 · 2 years
Went to Target earlier since I got a $50 gift card from my sister. The shelves were baren and empty and they had nothing I really wanted (and an Xbox S/X Controller was $60 when I only had $50).
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I Almost Got her as she was $17.99 on sale but passed as I didn't wanna spend nearly half my gift card on a doll who i'm just gonna steal clothes from (though wile part of me is regretting it I could always just buy her outfit & pieces off ebay). I ended up getting Body Wash, Toothpaste, and elastic hair bands for my dolls with half the card left to spare, and left disappointed.
I Also hit up the thrift store by my house on the way back and almost got a Disney Store Aurora Doll, but passed when I saw she was a singing doll. They also had My Size Bride Barbie and that was neat to see.
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rsv-sdv · 1 year
I did the baby thing for the first time since my first game and I'm already over it. 🕊️
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halloween-cats-daily · 11 months
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Candy Package, Pez, 2022
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scarlettblack24 · 11 months
Sooo yeah. Um. I didn’t like Good Omens 2. 😐
And it’s not about the ending although there were things about it that bugged me, I just am not fond of the “second season” altogether.
Perhaps I just need to watch it again. I went into it trying not to know as much as possible so I didn’t know that Neil Gaiman was making this a “filler season” which explains a lot of things and makes me think of it better than I did.
This doesn’t mean I hated everything about it! There were quite a few things I enjoyed (Muriel, the whole Maggie & Nina thing and that they made the decision, Jim 😆, new faced Beelzebub among other things). But I was not completely fond of the story in general (despite its interesting ending).
To sum up when I watched Good Omens “first season” I was hooked in the first few minutes and when each episode ended I wanted more.
This? Well, at the end of the first episode I still didn’t know what the plot was, by episode three I was wondering when it was gonna get better, and by the end I was done.
And I don’t want to feel this way! I love Good Omens! I love Aziraphale and Crowley! But something was missing! I don’t know what but it just wasn’t what I expected I guess.
Maybe I just need to watch it again.
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piraticoctopus · 1 year
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What I got vs how I got up there
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maximum-potential · 1 year
I did not just discover the only merch of max kanté was a bunch of official pillows and like- a single note book.
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azure-sister · 1 year
listening to a horror fandom podcast
host: so I have been watching the Midnight Society TV show other hosts: [round of "that exists?" "wow, good for her" "yay!"] host: uh I mean midnight company other hosts: [disappointed groans]
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