#I wanted to practice drawing him and his dumb hair and then I drew a bunch of cubes
froggychair05 · 7 months
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Cube goobers (and Kazuma up in the corner)
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jensensitive · 5 months
I am obsessed with the way in which you draw Dean. You have his features nailed to perfection - somehow your Dean looks even more Dean than Dean in the show, because you exaggerate everything that makes him HIM. It's truly breathtaking <3 Any advice on how to get those features so flawless?
This is so so nice, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕
Honestly Dean is like my go-to thing to draw basically, and has been for many years, like I have to try to refrain myself from just drawing Dean again sometimes. He's like probably half of how I've learned to draw at all. So there's definitely practice there.
That said, I did not immediately have much of answer to this. It's like, his face is just his perfect, beautiful face, and then I try to draw that. 😅
So I drew some Dean to figure out what it is I do, so thanks for the excuse to draw more Dean lol
Extensive answer under the cut
If you're drawing something realistic from reference, for Dean you kind of have two options, you can either get a screencap that's closer up so you can see details better, but the top of his head is cut off, or you can get one where you can see less details but his whole torso is in frame. It can be weirdly difficult to guess at where the top of his head is sometimes, and you don't need details to capture a likeness, I think it was Sargent that said that the shape of the head is actually the most important aspect in capturing a likeness, so it's something to keep in mind. On the other hand, if you want to look at his pretty eyelashes while you draw him, you might want something closer up. (An understandable impulse).
Another thing is just to look for a reference that you really like, contrasty light and shadow are also great to look for. It's difficult to create a great drawing without them, but also it will illustrate the structure of his head best too. Look for shadow shapes you want to draw. If a reference is too dark (as it often is, because it's supernatural), edit it so you can actually see what you're drawing lmao.
I took a bunch of random screencaps of 11x02-- as random as I could, normally I'd just take screencaps of what I already kind of like, but I tried to just get all of it so you can see what I'm not choosing. (also couldn't help taking some cas ones when the lighting was going really hard)
I love a profile, I love a 3/4 view, I love when his eyes are like half open. His face was kinda giving towards the end of this episode.
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Hopefully you can see them well enough. The mass ideas are more important for picking at impactful reference, but ofc I'm also trying to avoid any where he's making a dumb face or it's blurry. Sometimes that's only evident when I open it bigger, but that's okay, we have a bunch to pick from.
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a. This one is one I picked out because it's an interesting angle, and I'd definitely do a little study of it, but because the lighting is so soft, it probably wouldn't be super interesting.
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b. I like this one, the face he's making is hilarious, and I like the rhythm of his hand, but if I were to draw it, I might draw a fourth finger, otherwise it might look strange. So keep that in mind too, if it looks odd in the reference, it will look odd in the drawing, so unless you're confident that you can effectively change it, pick a different reference or find a second reference to help you change it.
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c. This lighting's more dynamic, and I like his expression.
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d. Would be hard to pick between these. This one's 3/4 and has a nice eyelash shadow, and I love the shape of his eye when it's downturned.
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e. Shoutout to the shape of Jensen's brow when he looks down gotta be one of my favorite genders. + subtle Rembrandt lighting. Lovely.
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f. This one is so good. Overhead lighting getting a shadow from his ear in a sideview, defining the jaw in an interesting way. Great expression. It's a bit strange, the way he's looking to the side, so it might be hard to draw convincingly, but would be worth it if I could do it. The shadow from the hair defining the shape of the brow. The light on the cheek defining the slight eyebag. The reflected light under the eye, the light landing on the nose. Would probably change the hair a bit because it looks a bit odd at this angle in this lighting, and if drawn like this it would probably look at bit block-like.
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g. More rembrandt lighting. Shoutout to the shadow that this upper lip casts on his lower lip. Shoutout to the shadow his lower lip casts on his chin. Shoutout to the line of light defining his neck. Shoutout to the shape of his brow and forehead.
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h. The rhythms here are chefs kiss-- the shadow line diagonal from the corner of his hairline to the corner of his brow echoed by the shadow line diagonal of his cheekbone, then that second line following through to the line of light on his neck that curves the other way.
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i. This one's kinda boring wrt lighting, but it's an interesting enough angle to do a study of.
I'm going with screencap c because it's gonna work well to effectively illustrate the basic structure of how I construct his features. It's not directly straight-on, so the form isn't lost, but it's straight enough on to properly show our proportions.
For supplies here, I'm just using a soft charcoal pencil, I just use the kinda cheap ones (currently Markart) cause I actually like them better than General's. And it's on smooth newsprint. I just get it in a big thing of 500 sheets. Not archival but it's a cheap thing that's incredibly enjoyable to draw on. Pink Papermate eraser and a kneaded eraser. The pen I use at one point for some reason is a red Pentel RSVP ballpoint I think, although I actually prefer a Bic.
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1. So first thing I block in that main shape, in this case, his head and shoulders. I also have to draw in the hairline at the same time, cause I can't figure it out otherwise. He's got kind of pointy ears. The collar of his jacket often comes up pretty high on the back of his neck. He's got a distinctive hairline that I think can go a long way to showing it's Dean, it's worth taking note of. It swoops to our left, and then the corner (I guess?) of his hairline will line up with the corner/arch of his brow. And don't draw the hairline as an unbroken line, but several lines with some room to breathe. His shoulders are pretty straight and broad, but about three heads across which is pretty normal.
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2. Next what I think about is the shape of the eyesockets and the line of the brow. This bit will go a ways for conveying Dean's expression, because he has a wide range from light and happy to horribly scowly that's in the brows. You don't have to define the exact line of the brow at this moment, blocking in the general line is fine just to have an idea of where it lands. You can go back later and refine it. I also find where the bottom lid lands. In my brain it makes a shape like what I've drawn. I might not draw it just like this, but even if I don't, this is the shape I'm thinking about. The line from the end of his eyebrow to his bottom lid is a fave, sometimes you can see it on him, especially at an angle, and it's real pretty.
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3. Next I find where the bottom of his nose lands, it's about double the length of the eyesocket. And the line under his bottom lip, about halfway between his nose and the bottom of his chin. These measurements are pretty average measurements for a face. I didn't give myself enough room for his chin initially, so I moved it down to fix it. Also adjusted his face very slightly wider on the right side, cause it's looking a bit narrow.
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4. I added some of our shadow shapes. This is where finding a reference with well-defined shadows will be very helpful. And I sketched in the clothes cause why not. The clothes don't have to be perfect, who cares, Dean's collar is not our point of interest lol. The shadow on the neck will probably be slightly curved because of the roundness of the neck. If it's not, you might want to make it curve slightly anyway just to help define the form. I blocked in where the eyes are.
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eyes: For Jensen's lovely eyes, they have a specific shape that is so nice to draw, especially at certain and angles and with certain expressions. But basically the top lid is more angular and can be almost boxed off at the end, and the line from the corner of the eye to the lashes is an s-curve that's higher in the middle. Again, not unusual features in drawing a face, but such pretty examples. The shadow that his lower lid casts (or his makeup idk?) is often dark enough to look vaguely like eyeliner. Jensen's lower eyelids, an underrated part of Jensen. His eyebrows are thicker in the middle and sparser on the ends.
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5. Next I found the corners of the lips. This is an important aspect in the way I draw mouths. Sometimes I just draw them with dots where the corners of the lips are, a curve where the lips part in the middle, a shadow under the bottom lip, and the curve of the cupid's bow. (This is seen below in 6) I think I also adjusted the bottom lip shadow here. Straight-on, the middle of his lips is slightly higher than the corners, but of course, this will change when not straight-on, depending on if we're looking up or down at his mouth. I also sketched in the nose shape. The ridge of his nose has a nice subtle bump, and then the ball of his nose is very slightly squared off I think, from a front-facing perspective, I feel like. And I drew in his slightly drawn brows. Just pay attention to the angles in your reference, because the expression, the perspective and the angle of the head can impact it. But of course generally, drawn down in the middle, furrowed = scowly; drawn up, unfurrowed = happy.
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nose: I prefer drawing his nose in profile. And who wouldn't, look at it! The slight curve of the bridge and then the ball of the nose. I will exaggerate this a little sometimes, just because it's fun and I like it. I couldn't find a reference, but from below, you can see the shape of the bottom of his nose, it dips in the middle a bit more than average. Drawing the bottom of the nose is often a delicate balance between shadow and reflected light. I love keeping it light, save for the nostrils, but then the shadow under the nose can be important too. Sometimes it's just a stylistic choice. Note that there's a plane change between the side of the nose and the cheek. (I think I drew his nose too upturned here, but the general idea is still there)
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6/mouth: In drawing the mouth, the top line of the upper lip looks more rectangular at the ends, increasingly so as it turns away from us, and much less so as it turns towards us. Of course, he has a full upper lip that you can shade as you like. I try to keep it distinct from the shadow of the line of the mouth, and a reflected light on the top lip can be good here too. For the bottom lip, it's always nice to give is some shine with a hard-edge highlight. For the cupid's bow, I try to leave a light between the upper lip and the shadow in the cupid's bow. For some reason I drew the shadow backwards here, but I think it looks fine.
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7/ears: I started to shade it, and then I remembered that he has ears. There's a simplified way I draw ears that I like. It's not entirely accurate, because the two shadows at the top are actually usually connected, but I find it a bit distracting that way sometimes, so this is more subtle I guess. In profile, I don't really have a method of drawing it, I just draw whatever the reference gives me or bs it with a similar version of this, depending.
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8/hair: My method for drawing his hair is 1) suffer 2) hope and pray. I like to leave a rim light-type deal between the contour/outliine of the hair and the rest of the hair, I feel like it helps define it a bit more. The direction of his hair, and thus the direction of my lines is something like this.
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9. And then I more or less just shaded. When shading, it's always good to follow the direction of the plane, and I also alternatively like to shade in the direction that the light is falling to reinforce that gesture, but when I shade a face, I try to shade in the opposite direction of where wrinkles would go, if that makes sense, mostly up and down I guess. This is of course on a case by case basis, like a lot of times, I'll do the forehead horizontally anyway, but it's especially touchy around where the laugh lines of the mouth would be and the neck. And on soft plane changes (and softish hard plane changes), I often shade at a different angle to the main shadow. Shading direction can also delineate different areas of similar tones, like I did with the jacket and the side of the nose. I like to give Dean his eyelash shadow, because he deserves it. I also drew in the eyes, of course. I think I actually tend to shade them backwards, and the light would fall in the opposite direction, so when lit from the right, the right side would be darker, but I just don't draw it that way idk maybe I should.
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And there he is, that's our guy!
Normally when I'm drawing, I'm definitely a bit more all over the place, and don't necessarily do things in perfect order. And it's good to move around. I'm probably not going to be shading things before noting where all the features are going to land, but I often am shading something before I've drawn everything. Or end up drawing one eye and then maybe do part of the other and then move to do part of the nose and then sketch in an ear and then maybe notice something's off somewhere and adjust that, etc. Just go with it, have fun, he's got a fun face to draw! 💗
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nordickies · 1 year
I'm usually quite a ghost on tumblr (pretty much anywhere, actually) but I was so glad to see your art pop up again on my dash and fav tags that I thought I should leave a little something in your askbox. I always loved your colours, so vivid and refreshing to my eyes, and also the way you draw and colour eyes and hair. I would be very bad at explaining why exactly, but yeah, it soothes this tired soul of mine to see your art 😌 Also, I don't know if I should ask for some art or not? I just thought of the message actually 😅 Plus, you already drew Norway a lot. Maybe people would like to see someone else. Hmm... What about your take on Faroe if you got any?
Oh my, I am also a shy ghost, so I know it takes a lot to go and leave a message to creators- This is so incredibly touching. Thank you!! Truly, I appreciate it. It means a lot to me!
To answer your question: Yes, I do have a take on our boy Føroyar… kind of. And on Åland too! They would be part of the Nordic family, and I have some ideas for them! They aren't that well-developed (I have my hands full reimagining the canon as it is), and I don't know are OCs really something people care about, so I have never talked about them in my blog. But I am always super excited to see other people's takes on these characters! They shift the family dynamic in such fun ways.
Greenland and Sápmi exist as well, but they don't interact with the family as much as these two. Denmark is Greenland's guardian by legality, but they live on the other side of the Arctic Circle. Sápmi is a close family friend, interacting with Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I have always adored @saltlakris's take on Sápmi!
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Say halló to the Faroe Islands! He's Norway's and Iceland's half-brother (the other part comes from the Celts), but Denmark operates as his guardian. Growing up, he and Iceland were inseparable, and they're best friends to this day. Faroe is an overall kind and well-behaving kid, but he tests Denmark occasionally with his weirdness. Faroe likes to keep to himself, and others don't see him that often.
Much like Iceland, he's actually a daredevil and adrenaline seeker. He likes working at the Sea to provide for his people. He has more of an active approach to life in general and likes doing physical work. Faroe is relatively passive and known to be fair and reasonable. He's polite and can't seem to hold grudges against people, so sometimes he doesn't know how to stand his ground. He doesn't like to tattle and takes the blame just because he's non-confrontational. However, growing up with the rest of Western Nordics, Faroe can be very pigheaded. He's also moody, speaks loudly, and curses like a sailor. He's a bit slow in the sense that he's out of the loop with trends, and he's usually the last one to laugh at jokes. But when others interpret this as him being dumb, it infuriates him. He might not be book-smart, but he has invaluable practical wisdom. He's skilled and efficient. He still has a lot of maturing to do and should start taking some responsibility. Speaking of which, he's notoriously reckless. He's very relaxed and trusting, so he never locks his doors (which he forgets to do in Denmark's place). He also comes and goes as he pleases, rarely informing anyone in advance. If you're Faroe's friend, don't be surprised to see him standing in your living room unannounced. He's known to be always late, having the worst organizational skills, and he's terrible at calling people back. He doesn't want to cause problems, it's just the way he does things - living in the moment.
He has a heavy accent when talking with others, but he adorably speaks in an old-timey fashion that can sound retro to mainlanders (gøtudanskt). Besides the way he speaks, Faroe also acts old-fashioned, as he's well-mannered and thoughtful with other people. Faroe can also appear more traditional than the rest of the Nordics and values his customs. He lived with Denmark for a long time, almost losing his roots, so he's very protective of his practices and freedom nowadays. He still has his own room in Denmark's place, but he lives on his own most of the time. You'd think Faroe is outdoorsy, but his climate is unwelcoming and harsh on the next level. He has gotten used to it and loves his home, but he doesn't get to host garden parties. Charmingly, he gets excited over common natural sights, such as forests and lakes. While the climate might be unwelcoming, the people are the opposite - That's what he loves about his place, its small communal feel, and lovely people, and that's what he values more than anything.
Being in his late teens, Faroe is at that wonderful age when everything your parent does is embarrassing and annoying, and they just don't get you. He gets annoyed with Denmark all the time, so Faroe storms into his bedroom (softly closing the door), quietly punching the air and finally silently screaming into the pillow. Then he crawls back an hour later when he's called for dinner, acting all normal again. Faroe is such an easy kid that he often gets forgotten by Denmark, who focuses more on repairing his relationship with Iceland and Greenland. Faroe is totally happy to be left on his own. Who would want… attention… or validation from Denmark anyway? Faroe adores Norway and looks up to him, but Norway never seems to have time for him exclusively. Besides Iceland, he gets along nicely with Åland, a fellow seafarer nation. They're both self-governmental islands that get overshadowed by their more prominent family members, so they often exchange those "I know how you feel" looks at the dinner table.
The Faroe Islands and Iceland would consider each other best friends! Besides being related, they have pretty similar cultures and upbringings. They're both young, rural, and have a strange sense of fun - to others' their games and jokes just seem horrifying! Growing up, outsiders thought they were twins; that's how inseparable they were. Younger Iceland would devise harmless pranks and ways to be mischievous, and he'd drag the gullible Faroe with him. Poor Faroe always got the blame and lecturing. After Iceland's independence, their relationship started drifting, and Iceland is now making other friends. Sometimes Faroe gets upset by this, but he's too nervous to say anything. He's happy about his brother's success, but he can get quite lonely in his place. Occasionally he longs for those moments when the whole family lived under the same roof, though he would never admit it. Then he visits Denmark for one week, and all those thoughts are thrown out the window! The longer the distance between him and Denmark, the better!
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Anyway, he's an adorable guy, and I am happy to finally introduce him in my Nationverse <3
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torithehoshi · 10 months
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"Man I need to draw something that's like - fully colored again. My Project Sekai AU with my OCs is on the brain. I would like to color in casual outfits... I can do some doodles to see what I like. ...oh I did want to draw some of my OCs as Weezer on the Blue album. ...I guess I could do it with them - they feel the best fit vibe wise 'cause my other idea, I don't have a fourth one. It'll just be a doodle though."
Three days later
... Never, for a second, doubt the power that wanting to make things for a dumb meme or a joke will do to me. But hey - they have casual outfits!! Or more casual compared to how I usually draw some of them.
Also I don't know how else I'll talk about things with my ProSeka AU. Prooobably when I actually give them a name and draw unit outfits to the two groups I have fleshed out the most. But also I do like this! And I'm glad I got something done, you know?
No signature version under the cut (captures the spirit well) + a meme/stupid edit I did while making it + some notes
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Other Notes:
Chance wasn't going to have his eyes in the drawing but even with the transparency, I could see that it would be better to give him them since it looked strange. ...I then proceeded to give him a stare kind of similar to the last time I drew him and colored it in but honestly it works even better for this so.
It also made me want to make a stupid edit with that meme.
I appreciated the chance (haha) to draw that alternate outfit for Chance and make it his casual one in this AU.
This also let me do some new design stuff with Heartbeat. Been wanting to change her hair type to practice drawing different hair types for a while and I still gotta work with it but it's a good start I think? Less "glitter freckles" on her face 'cause casually I think she'd tone down on them but when performing or doing sports stuff - it's time for some MORE glitter.
Emera's casual outfit is new! I've drawn a lot of placeholders but I managed to decide on something that I think fits him and looks really good! I'm happy with how the colors turned out as well - the blue is nice on her :>
Hermes' casual outfit is not that much different - in fact the dress shirt is the same from his usual design. Although it was still a nice design! I wonder if it resembles Chance's a bit too much so I might do some future tweaks but that's alright.
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justmystical · 2 years
As long as I'm here...
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Characters: Satan,Child!Mc
Genre : fluff , angst
Warning: Mentions of Childhood trauma,self hate, mentions of bruises
You currently practicing your magic with Satan's supervision ofcourse,we don't want another magic incident in The House of Lamentations now do we ?
"So it's a spell that shows you some of your memories in the past,i thought it was cause I'm very forgetful of things hehehe"you said and he just rubbed his face.
"okay ,here goes nothing..."you sighed and said the enchantments. Satan look at you as your cute concentrated,but he got feeling about this. He watched closely,your hands glowe and it got brighter he covered his Emerald eyes with his hands to protect it from the brightness.
When the light subsided,he was met with a dark room. It may be dark but he can pinpoint that it was a childs room with toys on the floor,then heard some sniffles. He followed the little cry of what's seem to be a child,it came from the bed. He let out quiet gasp,he saw a familiar lavender haired person. He knew that hair anywhere and it was his lover's hair...
' Maybe Mc magic send me to one of their memories instead of showing them…' he thought to himself, he heart ache when heard more sniffles. He unconsciously Walk forward and the wood floor creaked, this alerted the child. "W-whose t-there?" They asked with a hint of fear in their voice.
They turned on the lamp near their bed and they eyes landed on Satan"w-who are you?"their eyes widen,Satan stood thinking if he tell the child his name but he remembered they came from a religious family so it might end scaring them "I'am the Cat Prince of a land far far away" he lied hoping the child will believe it and the became confused "but you don't look like a kitty..." They replied.
"well because i just visiting this realm when suddenly i heard a small sniffle,why are crying little one?" He answered wanting to Know why they were crying. They remained silent for awhile, "well Your highness,i did something really dumb today and daddy got really angry..." They explained and let out a sighed " i kinda drew some cute little drawings on the walls and daddy really angry and yelled at me and then destroyed all of crayons " they continued and some tears started to form again. This however crushed Satan's heart.
"little can you tell me how old you are?"he asked and they raise their hands showing five fingers,he then notice red handprints on the child hands,it made his blood boil. But he needs to control anger before he scares Little Mc "it's not your fault,ok?" He then hugged them and let them cry on his chest.
"shhh, it's ok "he comforted he didn't He and Mc had something incomon , they both have terrible fathers. Technically he doesn't see Lucifer as his father but then again Lucifer is basically his father after being created from him, he now wants to hugged his Mc from his timeline and shower them with love.
He then hear little snoring from the child in his arm's,he lays them on the bed and smile at their sleeping form. Then the room started to fade and then room is beginning to fade in a familiar room, he was back at Mc's room from the House of Lamentations "Oh my Diavolo , Love I'm sorry. I messed up the spell,dang it typical me" they said and slapped their forehead.
"it's ok love ,it was a simple mistake" He tried comforting them"what if i couldn't find a way to return you back here,ugh! I'm so stupid!" Satan was shocked with their words they never ever self hate themselves " sorry...i was just worried and i-" They were cut off with Satan suddenly hugging them.
"I'm here aren't i , I'm safe and sound okay." He comforted " how about we go and watch a movie ,your pick" he look down and smile at you.
You peck Satan's lip" okay that's sounds great..." And with that you two had a movie marathon on your chosing.
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doctorbeans · 6 years
this isnt the drawin im working on for baz’s bday but heres a warmup of simon
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14. Tell me how it feels. It doesn't hurt does it ?
Dom eddie? 👀
from (x) / still accepting!
“You’re taking me so well, Steve. Look at you.”
Steve’s head was thrown back, relentless, desperate moans falling from his lips as Eddie pushed inside of him. Steve felt so overwhelmed, but in the best possible way. He was dizzy, his fingertips finding purchase in the skin on Eddie’s back as he roughly dug in. He worried about bruising him, but Eddie didn’t seem to mind; in fact, the pain it brought only caused him to groan pleasurably, his big brown eyes peering into Steve’s. Steve reached up to push some hair out of Eddie’s face so that he could see him properly, a lazy smile on his own face as he admired his boyfriend. 
“Holy shit, dude,” Steve said breathlessly. “Just when I thought you couldn’t be any hotter, you surprise me.”
“Turning sappy now, are we?” Eddie joked, leaning down to press a hot kiss to Steve’s lips as he pushed in further. He waited until he was bottomed out and Steve was moaning again to pull back, caressing the skin by the corner of his mouth. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m wonderful,” Steve said, chuckling as he clung to Eddie, bringing his body impossibly closer to his. “Just wonderful.” 
“I can’t tell if you’re being a smart ass or not, man,” Eddie said, his brows slightly knitted. He wasn’t thrusting yet, wanting to assure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Steve was alright. “Tell me how it feels. It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“No, it feels good,” Steve said, his lust-blown eyes finding Eddie’s again. “It feels really damn good, actually.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Eddie said, leaning down to press a kiss to Steve’s collarbone before giving a gentle, experimental thrust. “How about that? Still good?”
Steve nodded quickly, his cock achingly hard between them. Eddie began to move, slowly at first and increasing speed every time he asked Steve if he was still doing alright. Eddie found a good rhythm after a little bit of trial & error—too hard seemed to be painful for Steve, too slow wasn’t enough—and Eddie’s hips began to snap back and forth at a medium pace. Steve’s head tipped again, beautiful moans leaving his lips as Eddie found the perfect angle to hit his prostate. His lips left open-mouthed kisses all along Steve’s neck and throat, one hand wrapping around his cock as he started stroking him. Steve felt so overwhelmed again, his ecstasy threatening to drown him as wave upon wave of pleasure rained down. 
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty like this,” Eddie remarked, smiling as he railed into Steve’s prostate. The pace was hard and fast, but Steve no longer felt pain. He just looked up at Eddie, completely lost in lust as Eddie pounded into him. “You’re so dumb for my cock, aren’t you? Look at you, Steve; you’re practically drooling right now.” 
“Jesus Christ,” Steve breathed, clawing at Eddie’s back as Eddie moaned hotly in response. He leaned down to suck one of Steve’s nipples, pulling out almost completely before slamming back inside. Steve arched his back, bucking into Eddie’s fist as Eddie jerked him off swiftly. “Eddie…Shit, that’s…that’s…”
“That’s what?” Eddie asked, moving up to look at Steve through his messed hair. “Use your words, pretty baby.” 
“That’s…it feels so…” Steve said, and Eddie slowed his thrusts as he waited for Steve to finish. Steve whined impatiently, and said the first word that came to mind so that Eddie could start again. “Amazing. It feels amazing.”
“Why, thank you,” Eddie said with a smirk, resuming once he was satisfied. 
He hovered over Steve, one hand supporting his weight while the other continued to pump Steve’s leaking erection. Steve looped his fingers through the necklace dangling from Eddie’s neck, drawing him in for a sloppy, heated kiss. Eddie moaned against Steve’s lips as Steve pulled roughly at Eddie’s hair, licking the roof of Steve’s mouth before he drew back. He rammed into Steve’s prostate at his swiftest speed yet, and when Steve began twitching in Eddie’s fist, Eddie withdrew and lay back on the bed. Steve was caught off guard, wondering what Eddie was doing and why he suddenly stopped. But the smug grin on Eddie’s face told him that nothing was wrong, and that Eddie had something else up his sleeve. 
Sure enough, he was right.
“Come here,” Eddie said, tugging Steve into his lap until Steve was straddling him. He ran his hands up Steve’s toned chest, whistling at the sight of his naked body on top of his own. “I want you to do something for me.”
“What?” Steve asked, feeling breathless and still confused by the change. “What is it you want me to do?”
Eddie gently coaxed Steve onto his cock, causing both of them to cry out at the sensation. Steve felt full again, and he began to rock his hips on impulse as Eddie admired him. “You’re doing it,” he said to Steve, tracing one of his V-lines with his finger. “Just like that, Steve. Just like that.” 
He didn’t touch Steve again yet, and swatted his hand away when he tried doing it himself. Two fingers pinched one of Steve’s nipples, rolling it and swiping his thumb over the hard bud as Steve’s head lolled. Eddie licked his lips, watching Steve glide along his cock at a slow pace. Eddie thrust upward, hitting Steve’s prostate as Steve cried out in response. He moved desperately, riding Eddie with his guidance as Eddie helped set him on a faster pace. Eddie smiled at him, finally taking Steve’s cock into his fist again as he stroked him quickly. His thumb rubbed the slit, circling it before his brown eyes settled on Steve’s face. 
“You’re so beautiful when you’re desperate,” Eddie said, groaning as Steve’s nails raked down his tattooed chest. “Who would have ever believed that Steve Harrington, ladies’ man extraordinaire, would be so needy for the town freak?”
“I guess I’m just full of surprises,” Steve panted, his eyes rolling back for a moment as he slammed his hips repeatedly on Eddie’s throbbing erection. 
“That you are,” Eddie remarked, giving his hip a squeeze. “I want you to do one more thing.”
“What now?” Steve asked, his voice nearly a whine. 
Eddie removed his hand from Steve’s cock, and tucked his arms behind his head as he smirked up at his boyfriend. “Touch yourself for me. I want you to get yourself off to me, and I’m going to do nothing to help you. All I’m going to do is sit back and enjoy the show.”
itty bitty tags: @littledemondani @rriverrgrace @korescomaactually
ask to be tagged if you want on the taglist!
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msminutes · 2 years
✦ - cardigan
• pairing: mike wheeler x female reader
• warnings: swears
• inspiration: cardigan - taylor swift
• author’s notes: please send me some stranger things requests!
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it was strange to say the least.
the new world you were thrown into once you and eleven escaped the lab.
you gained a sense of freedom that you never had before. and with that freedom came a new family. a true family.
no longer were you engulfed by walls that were sickeningly pale. now in front of you were new opportunities (even though hopper kept you inside most of the time).
and with those new opportunities and new family meant that you met new people.
it meant that you met michael wheeler. the boy with the shaggy black hair and freckles that coated his face like an artists coats his canvas in paint.
he was one of the most beautiful people you have ever laid your eyes on.
and he thought the same about you. god, how he adored you, especially when he first laid his eyes on you.
no matter if you wore that dirty shirt from the buger shop or had a buzzed head, he still thought you were gorgeous.
you miss those days.
the days where he would practically worship you and was attached at your hip.
the days when he would kiss you so gently that it felt as if clouds were nipping at your lips.
but there was something that was always distant about mike.
no matter how much he claimed to adore you, there was always an unease in his voice when he would say it.
“i adore you.”
it would roll off of his tongue and disappear into the night sky as if it was nothing. as if you believed it every time.
maybe it would have been easier if you believed it when he said it.
you may have been young and in love, but you weren’t dumb. you knew that just as he could hold your hands, his words could hold his lies.
when you are young they assume you know nothing.
but i know mike, he loves me.
the lie that you managed to convince to yourself.
you know knew him. you knew a version of him.
you knew the version of him that would kiss you until he had to go home. you knew the mike that would kiss you better after every fight you had with hopper.
i knew you. hand under my sweatshirt. baby, kiss it better
you knew the mike that would comfort you and softly draw shapes on the scars that you gained from being tested on. isn’t it funny how now that he’s gone, those very scars feel as if they’re open wounds again?
you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleeding.
but even after all the comfort in the world, all the i adore you’s, and even after the single “i love you,” he always wished he was saying it to another.
but never once did mike lie to you fully, as that would be much too cruel to do.
he found you gorgeous. your beauty was rare and absolutely captivating to anyone that could see it.
he enjoyed comforting you as his family never really did that for him.
he truly did adore you. he adored your strength, your powers, your determination.
you were his hero, after all. how could he not adore his hero?
and he did love you. but not the way that you loved him.
mike wasn’t in love with you.
his heart fully longed for another, for will, but he didn’t want to believe it.
if he couldn’t be honest with himself, then he definitely couldn’t be honest with you.
but you didn’t need him to be honest with you. you saw the lingering stares the two gave to each other.
they were like the sun and the moon, destined to be together, but the night and day get in the way of it.
you were their night and day.
you got in the way of a love that was beyond anything you could understand.
a love that developed years before you arrived so suddenly into their lives.
so once mike realized that he couldn’t keep up the façade of loving you, he left.
no longer was he the mike that you knew. no, now he was the mike you would begin to know. the mike that would be much happier with will.
i knew you. leaving like a father, running like water, i. and when you are young they assume you know nothing.
you never knew when he would leave you, but you knew that one day it would happen.
you knew you’d still be able to feel his lips on yours even when he wasn’t there.
but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss.
you knew that you would ponder upon the future you will never be able to share with him. i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
you knew that smokey, yet minty scent of his would linger on your clothes and in your room for a while.
the smell of smoke would hang around this long, cause i knew everything when i was young.
you knew that you’d hate him for the hurt he would put you through, but you couldn’t blame him for chasing the love that he so desperately desired.
i knew i'd curse you for the longest time.
you knew that his familiar shadow would walk by yours, even if he wasn’t there, for you would miss the thought of you being with him. chasing shadows in the grocery line.
you knew that even though he would enjoy every moment that he had with will, there would be a small part of him that missed what he had with you.
i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.
and you knew that he would be the first one knocking on your door when vecna would make an appearance again. because no matter what happened between you two, he needed his hero.
and you’d be standing in my front porch light. and i knew you’d come back to me, you’d come back to me, and you’d come back to me, and you’d come back.
and you’d always say yes to helping him. because, your heart still belonged to him.
because you still found comfort and warmth with him. but the worst part about finding someone that brings you so much comfort and warmth is losing them.
losing that touch.
becoming cold.
missing the feeling of being engulfed by their entire being. missing their touch that is still etched upon your skin.
missing your favorite person.
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said i was your favorite.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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♡  bakugou headcanons that feel like a warm hug ♡
➳wc ;; 1.2k (oh my god. what is wrong w me.) 
➳ a/n ;; or my bakugou brain-rot that never goes away. thanks for being my comfort character, you fucking gremlin. forgive the silly title. 
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♡ always makes little adjustments to the environment for you. he’s observant to a fault so if there’s something even a little off and it happens to bother you, he’s trying to work around it. 
♡ good at playing guitar but not good at reading music. he can throw something together if you give him a chance but he’s not good at trying to recreate someone elses memory. he’s not like.. musically gifted either but he likes how guitar sounds 
♡ thinks about getting a lot of piercings in his ear because he thinks they’d look cool but is kind of too nervous? the idea of a needle going through his skin is a ick. when you start dating, he drags you to his appointments lol - won’t admit it but he thinks he looks so hot when he gets them. takes a bunch of selfies <3 
♡ needs to be moving constantly. can’t sit completely still to save his life. when he listens to music, he moves his head. sometimes he just runs his thumb over his fingers. 
♡ really, really bad at talking. not in the sense he can’t communicate (that too) but he just likes listening in conversation. rarely adds his own thing. but when he does - always accidentally says something super meaningful 
♡ enjoys subtle physical touch because it is literally intimate he melts inside. a hand on his forearm or shoulder. your legs over his lap. small things that show how comfortable you are. 
♡ likes being held cause he’s a big ass baby lmfao 
♡ wont admit it but enjoy when you choose pretty or colorful bandages for his cuts he won’t himself but it’s like keeping you in his pocket wherever he goes.  
♡ really needs you to find him attractive dslksjk it’s not that he ever thinks he’s particularly ugly. but he didn’t really assign importance to his appearance at any point in his life, yet now he puts in a scary amount of effort. readjusts his hair so much more, makes sure his clothes fit good. fixes his fuckin’ face lol 
♡ likes chewing gum a lot and always has a pack on him. really proud of how big he can blow bubbles and will be a little sad if you’re unimpressed. 
♡ is overly sentimental about things you’ve made him - especially if it’s something super dumb. you drew him a silly little sketch of him in a frog hat? it’s in his wallet behind his id. freaks out when he thinks he’s lost his wallet 
♡ LOVES phone calls. yes he still hates talking. but the way his face looks when he listens to your voice. eyes half-lidded, shamelessly smiling - it’s so tender and so lovesick. 
♡ terrible first grader hand-writing. he tries to write them for you in the beginning of your relationship (to be romantic or some shit) but they’re so incomprehensible pls. if he focuses on it - it can be legible but most of the time ... yea no. 
♡ doesn’t favor tea or coffee but prefers tea if he has to drink one. 
♡ crazy good at eyeballing measurement. even in baking. once made a perfectly good bread without weighing anything and doesn’t get why that’s so wild. 
♡ has the phone on his text set to be bigger even though his eyes are fine. 
♡ lets you do the layout thing on his iphone and decorate as you please. says he doesn’t care but when he sees you made it hero themed/fit with his aesthetic - he got so red it was so cute. 
♡ hates shopping in store. will still always go with you because the one time you went alone a store clerk hit on you.  
♡ so practical. he started couponing when he was in his early twenties like an old man. checks the news and weather the night before, every night. never misses doctors appointments. 
♡ shit at any form of visual art. drawing, painting etc - cannot do it to save his life. but he tries. his hands shake when he tries to draw hearts for you 
♡ blows the eyelashes off your cheek super gently whenever he notices. he’ll like.. take your face in his hands and blow so softly like he’s gonna hurt you. 
♡ used to agree to make pinky promises with you as a joke. now though? automatically holds his pink out for you to take it. straight up pouts if you don’t. 
♡ you two have a song and when it comes on, he’ll sing it back to you. any other time? any other song? he wont. but he always sings your song even without realizing, just mouths it. 
♡ enjoys when you put your hands under his shirt and just leave them there and hug him like that. skin to skin contact is elite but only from you. 
♡ hamsters adore this man. they just do. 
♡ draws frowny faces on your eggs with hot-sauce 
♡ soul leaves his body when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp. the tension in his neck literally disappears and he just sighs that shit relaxes him like crazy 
♡ the first time he says i love you, you’re tying his tie for his first hero event. you’re telling him to that the color looks good on him and you’re smiling. it honestly it just slips. he went on to win an award that night. 
♡ his favorite memory of the two of you was when you were trying to leave the grocery store one afternoon. it was raining heavy as shit. you pulled him in under your clear umbrella and just stood there. he doesn’t know why but that means a lot to him. 
♡ cares a lot about his dads approval on his work specifically. him and his dad have a really specifc bond and he actually admires him quite a bit. 
♡ nothing makes him cry like “im proud of you”. especially when it’s for something small. it’s just something he didn’t hear enough in a sincere way. 
♡ likes fruit flavored sweets over chocolate (generally needs something to do w his mouth cause it helps him think. bad oral fixation) so he keeps little candies on him 
♡ shit at video games. terrible at them with the exception of mario kart? for some reason. 
♡ always loses his keys 
♡ stutters every!single!time! he tries to compliment you. it’s been YEARS. 
♡ takes a melatonin gummy before bed and always drinks a glass of water 
♡ buys you flowers and keeps them too. like does the upkeep on it and replaces them if the wilt. suggests pressing them to keep them for longer. 
♡ lowkey cries really easily. he just gets overwhelmed w his feelings some times and it makes him cry even if he doesn’t want too. you and the bakusquad are sworn to secrecy over it though 
♡ wears his ring around his neck on a chain bc it’s easier to show off. 
♡ naturally good at doing hair! 
♡ likes sneakers but wears dr. scholl's because he walks a lot and is on his feet for most of the day w his job. just being careful. 
♡ loves u a lot <3 
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Can I request a uzui x shy reader where reader is his fourth wife but she feels left out a lot so she distance and avoid Tengen and her co-wives. When reader comes home one day she surprised to find uzui home by himself because he was meant to be out with the others and she was going to try avoid him again but as he wants an answer to why shes acting the way she is and turns into a smut in the end? :>
Did I get carried away with this? Maybe. Could I have written more? Absolutely. But I have to practice self-control.
‘i want to be part of your constellation’ / Uzui T. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, cunnilingus, Tengen’s fat tiddies
words: 2,492
Sometimes, being a Pillar’s wife is hard. They’re constantly away, fighting battles and saving lives; there’s always that lingering chance that they may never come back. It’s a dangerous life, but a respectful one nonetheless.
This is what drew you to Tengen in the first place – despite his brash, asshole attitude, he’s selfless. It was during an attack at your parents’ farm when you first met him; appearing like a night in shining armor, he rescued you from a bloodhungry demon, his movements powerful yet graceful all at once. As a thank you, your parents offered your hand in marriage to the handsome stranger. Surprisingly, Tengen agreed, but it wasn’t like you were going to deny marrying someone of his status and exquisite looks.
However, you didn’t know about the other women in Tengen’s life. As you quickly found out, he had three other wives, all of who he met while in the shinobi forces. Of course, you weren’t a fighter like them, nor did you have that close relationship from sharing the same background. No, you were the docile one of the group, the one meant to take care of the home while the others went to fight demons and the like.
Even two years later, things haven’t changed. You love Tengen, and the other girls are basically your best friends, but the chasm separating you from them couldn’t be more evident. Sure, you’re part of the “family,” but it doesn’t necessarily feel like it. You’re the quiet one, the one that keeps to themselves, the one who’s in charge of a happy homelife. And so you distance yourself from everyone else, stick to the sidelines while they’re out saving the world.
Granted, you’re used to this lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. If only you’d been a shinobi or a slayer, things would be different. You’d know what the life is like, the feel of a blade as it passes through a demon’s neck. But no, you’re always stuck with carrying a pouch of wisteria on your body to keep yourself safe. At this point, you don’t whether Tengen makes you keep it because he wants you to be safe or because he views it as his obligation.
With a sigh, you turn towards the sky, the endless blue a clear difference to your bitter gray mood. The tote hanging from your shoulder is heavy with fruits and vegetables from the market, but you’re excited with the possibilities of all the tasty meals you could create. Even though you can’t fight to save others, you can feed them; you also know for a fact that you’re the best cook among you co-wives.
When you return home, you slip off your setta and pause, listening to the familiar silence. Like usual, the others are away, most likely fighting off some lowly criminal or preparing for a battle against a demon. Either way, it seems like you’re going to be spending the majority of the day by yourself. It’s sad that this is what life has come to; when you first married Tengen, you were hoping for more excitement, not lonely thoughts. You don’t want to come off desperate, though, so you continue to remain to yourself. At the end of the day, it’s not that big of a deal – that’s just life.
Wandering towards the kitchen, you become caught up in these thoughts, these negative feelings. You don’t want to make yourself cry – you really don’t – but your heart is saying otherwise. All you want is to belong. You want to mean something to this family, not be the impromptu mother waiting for her rambunctious children to come home. You become so lost in your head that you fail to see him standing in the kitchen, lips wrapped around a ceramic cup.
Coming to sudden stop at the threshold, your attention jumps back to the present. Tengen merely sends you an amused look over the rim of his cup before he knocks his head back and empties its contents. Why is he here? Shouldn’t he be with the others? He said he wasn’t going to home for a while! Did something happen? Are the others okay? Why-?
“You’ve got that dumb look on your face again,” Tengen teases. “Stop thinking so much.”
Huffing, you step into the kitchen, drawing the tote off your shoulder and setting it down. “You surprised me, that’s all. I thought you were busy.”
“What, am I not allowed in my own home? That’s kind of cruel, don’t you think?” The smirk he flashes you sends a pleasant shiver up your spine.
“I never said that,” you hastily respond. Your eyes scan over his Corps uniform. You’re quickly finding yourself feel bad for taking up his time when he’s bound to be busy; Pillars have the toughest jobs of them all, and every single moment is precious. “You’re usually never this home early,” you mutter. A sigh slips through your lips. “…I should… uh, I need to do laundry.” You despise how pathetic you sound, but the knowing look in Tengen’s eyes is making your nerves go haywire.
Stepping away, you prepare yourself to leave, but Tengen moves way too fast for your eye to catch. Before you’re out the door, his hand is around your wrist, spinning your around and tugging him towards his chest. You yelp as you collide with solid muscle; wrapping his meaty arms around you, Tengen holds you close, his nose buried in your hair.
“Don’t act like I haven’t noticed you moping around more than usual,” he mutters. Pressed to him like this, you can hear his heart thumping steadily in his chest. “It’s not flamboyant of me to ignore what’s bothering you.”
“Let me finish,” he interrupts, but his voice is soft. “I want you to be honest with me. Are you lonely?”
At that, your heart drops to your stomach. You haven’t been that obvious, have you? Jaw falling agape, you’re desperate for words, to tell him no, you’re fine, but nothing wants to come out. Tengen releases a sorrowful sigh and pulls away just enough so that you two are looking eye-to-eye. He’s always been huge, standing tall and broad; in moments like these, the sheer size of him is more than intimidating. His biceps alone could crack a watermelon.
“Idiot,” he mumbles. Your face scrunches up when he flicks your forehead. “I shouldn’t have to confront you about something like this.”
You pout up at him. “It’s just… I’m not like you guys,” you confess. “I can’t fight, I can’t defend myself… All I’m good at is being a homemaker.” You drop your gaze to his chest. Now that you’re finally getting everything off your chest, all the pent of thoughts and feelings begin to gush out. “I feel like an outsider most of the time. You and the other girls are always running around together and doing amazing things. All I do is sit around and do chores. I can’t…” Biting your lip, you squeeze your eyes shut. Now is not the time to be crying. If you want things to change, you have to remain strong, not burst into tears.
A hand cups your face, then, lifting your head so that you’re forced to look at Tengen. “Be quiet. So what if you’re not a fighter? That doesn’t make you any less flamboyant.” His thumb brushes over your cheek. “You’re the one I can rely on to be here when I need someone. You always get this dumb smile on your face whenever I come home from a mission.” Dropping his head down, he presses his forehead to yours. “I know you’re safe here… Do you have any idea how scared I would be if you were out in the field with us? You’re important to me, baby. When I’m not here, you’re on my mind constantly.”
Your heartbeat quickens. You can’t deny the genuine glint in his dazzling eyes, the slight curl to his lips.
“In fact,” Tengen continues, pulling away entirely. In a swift movement, his large hands are clutching your thighs, raising you up and swinging you around; you let out a surprised squeak as he places you on the table and presses his large body between your legs. “I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve always been so soft, so sweet…” His warm breath fans over your face, making you swallow thickly. “And you’re so small. I’ve got to keep someone like you under protection, don’t you think?”
Before you really have the chance to say anything, Tengen swoops in, his mouth seeking out yours. He’s always been such a bold kisser, sweeping his tongue into your mouth with no hesitation whatsoever. He tastes like wine, so rich and delectable, and his tongue is so warm, so inviting. Your head is spinning, your breaths leaving in short gasps. His hands are all over you; gripping your hair, trailing down your back, sneaking underneath your yukata-
A groan bursts from your throat as he fondles your breasts, the pads of his fingers rolling the hardened nipples and pulling them. Tengen curses as he breaks the kiss, the lightest of blushes on his face. He bites his plump lower lip as he shamelessly plays with you, his pupils blown wide. His hips press in close, his groin bumping into yours; he’s already hard, deliciously so, and your mind goes entirely blank. You want nothing more than his cock to slide in, to absolutely tear you apart.
“You feel that, baby?” Tengen husks. “Don’t think your unimportant to me. You’re so fucking sexy, so flamboyant…” His tongue darts out, sweeps over his lips. “Let me make it up to you. You won’t feel lonely anymore, got it?”
Furiously nodding your head, you allow Tengen to yank open your yukata, revealing soft skin. Your eyelids flutter as he places his mouth to the exposed flesh, his lips and tongue equally hot. Chest rising frantically beneath his touch, you grip onto him for support as he kisses your breasts, his tongue dragging across your nipples. You keen as he promptly sucks it into his mouth, his teeth sinking down lightly as his hands unceremoniously rip your underwear from your trembling form.
“Oh, gods, Tengen,” you purr. “Please… Don’t stop…”
“Wouldn’t dream about it,” Tengen drawls. Sinking to his knees, his mouth leaves a wet trail down your body; there’s bound to be marks, you’re sure of it, but you don’t care. His mouth feels way too heavenly yet sinful, the pleasured grunts pouring from his lips pure music to your ears. “Give me a taste…”
You cry out when he licks against your slit. In a fit of desperation, your fingers clutch onto the silvery strands of his hair, accidentally loosening it from its ponytail. Tengen groans into your quivering pussy as you yank at his hair, his name leaving your lips in high-pitched whimpers. Any other time, Tengen would play the part of the ultimate tease, but not now. No, he wants to please you, to have you screaming his name and begging for more.
He eats like a man starved, his mouth just ravishing your cunt; the noises coming from in between your legs is nothing short of sinful, leaves your blood boiling. Your velvety walls clench around his protruding tongue, each curl and flick sending delicious shivers up your spine, down to the tips of your fingers and toes. Tengen’s always been a god with his mouth, and it’s no wonder how he has four wives. You try not to think about the other girls too much; it’s quickly turning into a battle that you’re hopelessly losing, but then Tengen moves to suckle on your clit while his fingers replace his tongue.
A sharp cry rips its way out of your chest. It feels so good. “Ah – Tengen – fuck,” you whine. Hearing the pleasured noises from your beautiful lips spurs him on; redoubling his efforts, Tengen grabs onto your hip as his fingers push in even further, finding your soft spot with pin-point precision. You rapidly come undone around his fingers, your walls clenching around him as your slick gushes out. A breathless moan of his name echoes throughout the room.
“Just as sweet as I remember,” Tengen husks. The deep rasp of his voice has you clenching again; with a chuckle, Tengen removes his hand and stands up.
“I want you,” you coo, “please, Tengen. Fuck me.” Reaching out, you hastily undo the top of his uniform, push the articles of clothing down his shoulders under his torso is completely bare. Tengen’s chest practically rumbles with a purr as you drift your hands over the swell of his pecs, the divots of his abs. “So gorgeous,” you murmur. Tengen starts to chuckle again, but it quickly dwindles into pleasured grunts as you squeeze his pectorals and pinch at his pert nipples.
“Shit,” Tengen hisses. His hips buck forward, the hard outline of his cock brushing against your sopping cunt. In quick, fumbling movements, he undoes his belt and drops his hakama low enough so that his cock pops out. You practically drool at the sight; he’s been going around commando all day, and fuck you wish you knew that earlier.
His bulbous head pushes inside, his cock slowly filling you up. The stretch is delicious; you feel so fucking full, your velvety walls eagerly sucking him in. Clutching onto his shoulders, your fingernails dig into the thick cording of muscle, your eyes basically rolling back in your head as Tengen snaps his hips forward, his cock sliding in to the hilt. He pauses for a second, allows you to adjust to his massive size. Once you give him the go ahead, all caution is thrown to the wind.
Your husband in no longer a man, but rather a savage beast. He fucks into you thoroughly, his cock dragging against all your sensitive spots as his cockhead pounds into your cervix. He’s hitting you so deep, stretching you so wide, you’re seeing stars. His lips find your neck while his hands hold you by the ass, keeping you place. You have no choice but to cry out his name, moaning until your throat goes hoarse.
Hiking your thighs onto his hips, he urges you to lie flat on your back. Like this, he presses his palms against the surface of the table and completely concentrates and fucking you into oblivion. It’s working, rightfully so, for your drooling and babbling his name, your nails scratching down his back and leaving angry red trails.
“I’m gonna fill you up, baby,” he purrs. “Show you that you’re really mine. I love you, got it? Don’t ever think otherwise.”
Tears flood your vision – whether they’re from pleasure or the new onslaught of emotion, you don’t know. Either way, you cling onto him tighter. You’re not going anywhere, and Tengen makes sure of it.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
tumblr has been eating all my asks recently and i think it ate my request so let's try this again. can you do 53, 69, and 83 for either ransom or ari (you can choose!!) love your writing btw <3
53) “Is that a tattoo?”
69) “Come here, baby, let Mommy/Daddy take care of you.”
83) “Aww, poor baby, you want me to take care of it for you?”
Secretly tattooed daddy!Ari you say? I’m about to ruin myself but ok.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex), big old tattoo kink, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!!
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You tapped your pen irritably on the document in front of you as you tried to concentrate on your work.
But you couldn’t because Ari was doing fucking pushups across the room from you. 
He’d been doing them for the past five minutes, and you were getting wetter by the second, your skirt starting to stick to your thighs as you squirmed uncomfortably. You hated how much he turned you on, especially when the two of you were supposed to be going over field reports.
“Levinson! C’mon man, we only have like three more of these to get through.” You whined. “I wanna go home!”
That sly smirk he gave you as he stood up was not helping and you crossed your legs to hopefully relieve some of the tension.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He said in that low growl that made your ovaries flip. “Needed to break up the monotony somehow.”
“Sure.” You fought the urge to bang your forehead against the desk as you watched him run his hand over his neck. Your eyes were trained on the curve of his shoulders when you caught a glimpse of black lettering over his collarbone and felt yourself clench. “Is that a tattoo?”
“Hmm? Yeah, it’s an Eckhart Tolle quote. You ok there?”
You were decidedly not ok, biting your lips and almost ripping the report you were reading in half. The last thing you needed was for Ari fucking Levinson to figure out that you had a massive tattoo kink. But your brain was starting to go offline as you felt a low throbbing between your thighs.
“Is... is that the only one you have?” You practically moaned, cursing yourself in your mind for giving into your libido.
“No.” Damn that smirk, what a fucking tease. “You wanna see the rest of them?”
You just nodded vigorously as you started grinding yourself into your seat. His fingers moved slowly to undo the buttons of his shirt as you gazed at him, groaning when he slid it down his shoulders.
There were several tattoos over his torso and upper arms, and when he turned around you saw a thin line of letters tracing over his spine. Everything below your waist was warm and pulsing as you looked at him, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“What about you gorgeous?” He asked, a wicked glint in his eye as he grinned at you. “You got any ink?”
“Yeah.” You hated how squeaky your voice was when he stepped closer to you, you breath coming in shallow pants as you gazed up at him from your seat.
“Well?” He cocked his eyebrow and gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting your face up even further.
“Huh? Right!” You tried not to giggle hysterically as you worked to unbutton your blouse.
Everywhere his eyes raked over your skin left a trail of fire, your skin heating under his gaze as he watched you undress. He whistled between his teeth when you tossed your blouse aside and stood up, his hand reaching out to turn you so he could examine the intricate tree that ran over your ribs and the right side of your back, moving into flowering vines as it trailed down your arm.
“This is extremely impressive, sweetheart.” Ari purred, his fingers tracing over the raised lines of ink on your shoulder. “Who would’ve thought you were hiding all this under those uptight little outfits.”
“Yeah, looks like we’re both full of surprises.” You bit your lip as you turned to him, bringing your own hands up to run over his tattoos. 
His fingers trailed down your torso and over your hip before drawing up the hem of your skirt as he stepped closer to you. A moan escaped your chest as he ran his fingers over the inside of your thigh before brushing against the dampened silk of your panties.
“Shit, honey, you are soaked.” He growled, pressing his fingers to your sodden core as you gasped wantonly. “Come here, baby, let Daddy take care of you.”
“Oh, you want me to call you daddy?” Your voice was husky with desire as you ground against his fingers. “Not gonna fucking happen.”
A grin split your face when he huffed as you shoved him back into the chair, stepping forward until your thighs were spread over his lap. He groaned when you dipped your fingers down to undo his fly, drawing out his extremely impressive cock. Your entire mouth filled with saliva when you got a good look at it, thick and veiny and a perfect pink tip you would’ve sucked on if your pussy wasn’t aching with need.
“Shit, that looks uncomfortable.” You teased as you swiped your thumb over his slit and he tried to buck into you.
“Oh, you’re fucking dangerous.” He hissed as you sank down just enough for his tip to tease against your slick coated folds.
“Aww, poor baby, you want me to take care of it for you?” You purred, sliding his tip inside you then stopping again. “Better ask me real nice.”
The sound he made when you sank down the rest of the way made your stomach flip. You didn’t move though, aside from bending forward to run your lips over the ink on his collarbone. 
“Shit, god, please baby!” He cried when you clenched around him, your eyelashes skimming over his skin as you sucked a bruise against his chest.
“Mmm, good boy.”
You rose up slowly before dropping down into his lap again as he let out an obscene groan. The ache in your core finally started to ebb as you rode him, a warm coil replacing it. His cock was hitting every spot you needed it to, dragging through your warm channel until your eyes were rolling back in your skull.
He moved his hands to grip your hips, his fingertips digging bruises into your flesh as he took over your rhythm. The tip of his cock punched you in the cervix with a particularly vicious thrust and you screamed as you vision whited out and you came violently. Your body bowed backwards as you fluttered around him, catching yourself on his knees at the last second before you fell off him.
“Fuck, honey there’s still other people here!” He muttered giddily as he drew you back into lap. 
“Sorry, you’re just so fucking big.” You whined, sagging forward against his chest as he fucked you through it. 
He grinned into your hair as he held you tightly, his hips still pistoning into you as you moaned against his chest. The coil in your abdomen started tightening again as he twitched inside you. 
“You feel so fucking good.” He growled, tucking his face into the hollow behind your ear as he nipped at your jaw. “God, I’m gonna come, gimme one more?”
The moan you let out was obscene as you clamped down on him, your fingers digging into his arms. Your torso rolled on a wave of pleasure and you pressed your chest to his before collapsing. Three more thrusts and he was gone, his cock swelling inside you until he was flooding you with his spend. He fucked it into you with staggering jabs, holding you tightly to his chest once he was finished.
“So, reports?” You said, pulling the rolling chair back towards the desk as he panted underneath you. You weren’t gonna be able to walk for a while.
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝stubborn rashes.❞
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[ Fandom: Diamond no Ace ] [ Characters: Miyuki Kazuya ]
「 Scenario of Miyuki comforting his S/O who has flare rashes.」
It was the familiar crunch of sand that resounded throughout the field that drew your attention. You shifted your eyes towards the baseball field where the Seidou team was having their daily practice after classes. It was a routine for you to come after your classes and sit by the benches to watch the team play while reading your book. You weren't a part of the team but having a boyfriend there made you come here more often. There was something comforting about sitting by the benches and listening to the boys do their usual thing. The sounds of their bats swinging and the balls connecting with their mitts were just very nice to you. The usual spot was always open, almost everyone knew that it was your spot. The managers will come and join you just to accompany you while they do their work.
Miyuki Kazuya finds himself glancing at the bench occasionally. Whenever he finds the chance to catch his breath, he will definitely look at you and give you a small wave. He notices something different with your today. Being in different classes always meant that he never got to see you unless it was during lunch breaks or joined classes. Most of the time, you would come by and watch him practice. Afterward, Miyuki would walk you back home which was only 5 minutes away by foot. It was the jacket you had on that drew his attention. It was slightly windy here but it wasn't windy enough for you to put on a jacket to begin with. 
"Why are you wearing a jacket, [First Name]-chan?" Haruno asked you while you flipped through the book you were reading.
"Oh, this? I just felt a bit chilly that's all." you replied with a smile. 
Though of course, that was a lie. It was just recently that flare rashes begin to show up on your arm and just the sight of them makes you frown. Your parents told you that it was nothing you should worry about and that it was probably because of stress or allergies. At the moment, you didn't even care what the cause of it was, you just wanted it gone. And all you could do now was to hide them from view. The only way you thought of was to just put on a jacket to hide them from everyone. It did draw attention from your classmates since the weather didn't seem suitable. Not only did it drew attention, it just made you feel much more uncomfortable.
Miyuki approached you after the coach called it a day. Instead of going to the training ground to catch some balls for Sawamura and Furuya, he decided to come over to you. He gave you his signature smile, giving you a small peck on your check. The managers excused themselves and decided to give you two some privacy.  You closed your book and rose from the bench, smiling back at your boyfriend. He took a seat next to you, using the towel around his neck to wipe off the sweat gathered on his forehead. He looked at you with a small frown but not one that expressed worry, one that expressed slight confusion.
"Are you sure that you wanna keep that jacket on, [First Name]?" Miyuki questioned you.
"Yeah, it's fine. It's starting to get a bit cold for me." you replied with a smile.
Miyuki eventually noticed that you began to wear a jacket more often, no matter how hot it was. After a hot day of practice, the catcher caught himself looking at you talking with the first-year players who came by to greet you. And you were there, dressed in the same way he saw you for the past 3 days. The school's signature tracksuit over the uniform you wore every day. The teachers had asked you the reason behind this but you simply mentioned that you were feeling a little bit cold. However, Miyuki didn't seem to be convinced that it was the case.
"Why don't you just take it off? I can see you sweating a bit you know." your boyfriend poked at your cheek and handed you a bottle of water. 
"And you got a little something here." Miyuki pointed at a spot under your chin. You raised your hand to touch whatever he was pointing at, it surprised you that your rashes showed up on your face. Out of reflex, you pulled up the collar of your tracksuit in an attempt to hide your face.
"Come on, don't be so embarrassed. Show me." the brunette urged. You shook your head, refusing to do as he said.
"No, don't look at me, Kazuya." you whined, avoiding his eyes. He gently put his hand over yours, slowly removing them and noticing the flare rashes on your neck. Miyuki was a smart guy, it didn't take him long to realize what was up with you. Now that your secret was out, you decided to just let it go.
"Do these hurt?" Miyuki asks, gently tracing his finger on the red patches. 
"They're just itchy but sometimes they hurt." you muttered.
Your boyfriend placed a few kisses on your face and around your neck. You let out a small giggle when his hair tickled your neck and chin. Miyuki smiled gently and helped you take off the jacket, only to reveal a few patches of red on your arm. He gave your arm the same treatment, peppering kisses all over the red patches. A gentle smile replaced your frown, you almost felt stupid for being so insecure of yourself. It was dumb of you to assume that Miyuki only liked you for your looks.
"Don't be insecure of them, baby. These will go away, I'm more concerned whether these things hurt or not." he spoke.
"I'm fine, Kazuya. It's just that they're so ugly you know." you rubbed at the rashes with a small pout.
"You have nothing to be insecure of. What do you say we go to the clinic tomorrow to get these treated? I remember that there's a small clinic near your house, I'll take you there after practice." Miyuki offered.
"Thank you, Kazuya. You're the best." you kissed his cheek.
"Though, it kind of reminds me of that one time my classmate dressed up as a zombie. He had patches all over his arms and legs―" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence, punching his arm. Miyuki let out a loud laugh when he saw that your face turned red as a result of his teasing.
"I'm just joking, [First Name]! You know I love you!" he followed you when you didn’t respond to him.
“Come on! I’ll give you all the cuddles and kisses you want!”
Total: 1133 words Published: 12.07.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
but beautiful
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But Beautiful
cedric diggory x malfoy!reader
summary: life wasn’t particularly easy being the older sister of draco malfoy, but a certain boy from hufflepuff had the power to make all her troubles melt away.
warnings: slight house shaming, brief mention of disappointed parents & i think that's it! non-voldy au! (gif is not mine, credit to owner)
words: 1.6k
part i, part ii, part iii
‘And you have to believe me when I tell you that no one could ever be as beautiful as you are at this very moment, because I could never want anyone more than I want you right now.’ -Mariella Muffarotto
There was something to be said about being a Malfoy, something y/n could not understand. With an uncommonly kind heart and an unprejudiced view on life, she saw the wizarding world as nothing but beautiful.
September 1st, 1989
Y/n walked nervously onto platform nine and three quarters with her mother, Narcissa, on one side and her father, Lucius, on the other. She looked up with pleading eyes at her parents, almost as if asking if she had to go. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder, ‘My dear, not to worry. You’ll make so many friends before you know it.’
‘Yes, y/n, your mother is right. But, don't go making friends with the wrong sort.’ Her father said with half a grin and half disgust. She shook her head, acknowledging his words. Y/n hugged her parents goodbye and headed up to the train, walking through to see most of the compartments as full. Almost at the end of the train she spotted a compartment that had two very similar looking boys who seemed nice enough. But what she didn't know is that once she opened that door, she would become best friends with two future trouble makers at Hogwarts. So, opening the door hesitantly she peeked inside
‘Hi, um, is this one full?’ Y/n stared at the two tall identical, redhead boys looking up at her.
‘Not at all.’ Said the one closest to the compartment door. ‘I’m Fred, by the way. Fred Weasley! And this is my brother George.’ He pointed to the by next to him, who smiled and sent her a wave.
‘Thanks.’ She sat down across the two. They gave her a quizzical look as she stared down at her hands, twiddling with her thumbs. The nervous energy was definitely kicking in and her mind fumbled into a much of anxiety. Her thoughts, though, were interrupted who she assumed to be Fred.
‘And you are?’
‘Oh! I’m y/n, y/n Malfoy.’ said the girl, smiling awkwardly at the two of them. ‘Sorry, guess I’m a bit nervous.’
Fred chuckled, ‘Well, not to worry y/n. This is our first year too, and with any luck will be sorted into Gryffindor.’ He smiled proudly, elbowing George.
‘Yeah, the whole lot of our family is Gryffindor. Sure, it will be the same for us.’ George pipped up. ‘What house are you hoping for?’
Y/n thought timidly to herself before answering the simple, yet complicated question. ‘Well, if I hope to live another day, then Slytherin. But I’d be happy in any house. Whatever the hat thinks is right for me.’
‘And why’s that, y/n?’ Fred asked.
‘My whole family is Slytherin. You know the type of purebloods who believe in all of the superiority nonsense. The Malfoys have been part of Slytherin house for centuries, so I guess I wouldn’t want to be a disappointment.’ She shrugged.
‘Oh.’ Whispered George knowingly, sending his brother a look. ‘Don’t get too caught up in it, y/n. We know tons of witches and wizards who were in your shoes and they all are just fine. Regardless of what house they got sorted into!’ He cooed reassuringly.
‘Anyways, Hogwarts isn’t about houses and schoolwork and nonsense like that. It’s about having fun.’ Fred said with a smirk, giving y/n a wink.
‘Good thing for both of you, I love nothing more than a bit of fun.’
The train arrived to the Hogsmeade station even more quickly than expected, or perhaps it was because Fred, George and y/n were having too much fun to realize the time passing by. The entered the Great Hall in awe because y/n’s mother and father had never told her how magnificent it really was. Her, the twins and the rest of the first-year students anxiously made their way up to the front of the room, passing older students as they went along. There stood Professor McGonagall, with a list of names and a big, old hat. She began reading off names:
‘Diggory, Cedric!’
‘Jordan, Lee!’
‘Johnson, Angelina!’
Then what seemed like a hundred names Professor McGonagall bellowed out, ‘Malfoy, Y/n!’
Y/n walked up to the wooden stool with shaky hands. Of course, she had wanted to be put in Slytherin to make her family proud, but a part of her felt like she just didn’t belong. Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head gently and took a step back.
‘Hm, another Malfoy,’ the sorting hat started. ‘Much potential. Talented, no doubt. A want to please and make others happy. Courage and loyalty, but where to put you?’ Better be, Hufflepuff.’
Y/n heart dropped to the floor, yet soared at the same time. She could not comprehend the emotion she was feelings, lying somewhere between overjoyed and worried. However, a smile was plastered onto her face as she made her way to sit down at the table adorned in yellow and black.
Y/n took a set across a boy with light brown hair who had been sorted into Hufflepuff not five minutes before she did. He grinned at her. Y/n looked into gray eyes, holding warmth and promise. He extended his hand to meet hers, ‘Hi! I’m Cedric Diggory!’
Y/n took his hand and shook it, ‘I’m y/n Malfoy!’
The boy who she now knew as Cedric smiled at her, with rosy cheeks. ‘I can tell were going to be great friends!’
And great friends they did become.
The days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to months. Months became seasons and seasons blossomed to years. Y/n’s friendship with both the Weasley twins and Cedric Diggory were planted into little trees in which her love for Hogwarts sprouted. Two years had passed since y/n Malfoy was sorted into Hufflepuff, though it would be lying to say she didn’t get quite the earful from her parents about it.
(‘Hufflepuff!’ Lucius spat. ‘A Malfoy, in Hufflepuff. You’re an embarrassment, a disgrace!’
Her little brother giggled in the background at her great misfortune, but y/n could only be mad at one person at a time. ‘It’s not like it’s my fault!’ she hissed back, ‘It’s the bloody hat. If it’s that much of problem why don’t you take it up with the inanimate object!’)
But still, she lived. And most importantly she was happy. Y/n not only had the two most fun-loving pranksters glued to one side of her hip, but she had a kind, sweet, adorable Hufflepuff boy glued to the other. Two years had flown by and y/n’s brother, Draco, finally joined her at school. She wasn’t excited per say, they had hardly enjoyed each other’s company. Draco was his sister’s polar opposite, not to mention the constant teasing she endured from him.
Yet still, y/n accepted fate as a bull was sent into a china cabinet, simply waiting for hell to break loose. She sat at the Hufflepuff table next to Cedric as the group of first years gathered into the Great Hall. One by one, each of the new students walked up to the hat, awaiting to be sorted.
‘Malfoy, Draco!’ Professor McGonagall’s voice roared.
Cedric nudged y/n, ‘Gather that’s your brother.’
‘Yep.’ She answered simply popping the p. ‘What gave it away? The blonde hair or the last name?’ She said with a smirk.
Draco approached the sorting hat with a smug grin smeared on his face. The hat hadn’t been on his head a second before it bellowed out Slytherin.
‘Are you joking? The bloody hat barely touched him!’ y/n nearly shouted. Cedric stifled a laugh, earning him an elbow from y/n. ‘Yeah, Ced. Hysterical that my dumb brother got into my family’s dumb house while I’m sat here looking like a bloody bumblebee.’
This only sent Cedric’s head back, laughing at her. (‘You really think we look like bumblebees, y/n?’) He watched as Draco stuck his tongue out at his older sister, who in return rolled her eyes at him.
After the feast, y/n was approached by Fred and George who practically ran to meet her.
‘So now what?’ Fred said quickly.
Y/n stopped and shrugged her shoulders, ‘Now, Draco become the favorite child.’
‘The favorite child, yeah? Better him than you, I’ll say.’ George said with a hint of sarcasm, making her smile.
‘Reckon you’re right, Georgie. Besides who needs a dumb brother, when I already got the two of you already driving me crazy.’ She said ruffling both of the twin’s hair. ‘Meet you guys in the morning!’ Y/n shouted as she ran back to meet the rest of her house, joining them in the common room.
Y/n walked into a busy common room, all the students catching up with one another after summer holiday. She then spotted Cedric by the velvet sofas, as if he was waiting for her. She couldn’t remember in this moment if his eyes had always been that beautiful or if his cheeks were ever that soft. Perhaps it was the extra inches he grew over the summer or perhaps the way he finally learned how to style his hair. But whatever it was, it did not last long because y/n quickly chased away those thoughts and sat next to her friend.
‘Whatcha up to, Ced?’ y/n questioned taking a seat next him.
‘Can I ask you something, y/n?’ Cedric said suddenly, y/n nodded allowing permission for him to carry on. ‘Why do you and Draco not get along?’
She drew back slightly, Cedric was not one to ask very personal questions. He had a flare for boundaries and always knew exactly where to draw the line, especially when it came to family. She couldn’t help but to feel that he deserved an answer after being such a fierce friend over the past few years.
Y/n swallowed hard, truly thinking about how to answer him. There had been no true animosity towards the siblings, no hate or anything of the sort. They just simply didn’t get along. She sighed, ‘Not sure, guess we’re just oil and water. We’ve never been particularly fond of each other, but I think that’s because we’re both so different. Of course, I love him. But he’s also a bit of a prick, like, all the time.’
Cedric laughed softly at her words, ‘That’s a pretty good reason not to get along with someone.’
He smiled at her. Butterflies erupted from y/n’s tummy, making their way up to her throat. Surely his smile had never been that inviting or warm or beautiful. And before she could stop herself words flowed from her tongue like a waterfall, ‘We’ll always get along, right Ced?’ she said softly.
‘Of course, y/n. You know, as long as I’m not being a prick.’ He smiled and winked at her, leaving her heart more flustered than ever.
(a/n: thank you for reading!, this is part one of three, so let me know if you would like to be added to this taglist! i hope u enjoyed! sending love and positive vibes! xo-mari)
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Write to Me
eh fuck it here ya'll go. pspspsps dain simps come get your food.
Anyways it features my oc, I'm too lazy to rewrite it, and I think this is cute. Sooo, posting it anyways.
tags: gn!readerxDainsleif, fluff, soulmate au babyyy, it do always be angst when u squint, dain was a ho as a young man as he should be honestly, oc mention? not massive tho just in the bg, kaeya and albedo making bets
When he was younger he wasn’t exactly monogamous, sleeping with whatever pretty thing piqued his fancy, his status and good looks lending to men and women throwing themselves at him. He didn’t think he had a soulmate, no lovely voice in his head, he could see colour just fine, and whenever he wrote or drew on his arm there was nothing in return. Not a single scratch that wasn’t his own, nothing. So he did whatever he wanted, there wasn’t anybody matching his soul.
But he was older now, much older. Centuries passed since he was a young man at the centre of many people's hearts. Now he was a disgraced knight and a traveler. He was busy tracking down and destroying the Abyss Order, his traveling companion gone, he had nothing but his duty once more. He stayed away from cities as much as he could, only going in to restock his supplies.
Imagine Dainsleif’s surprise when he woke up one day, odd blue squiggles on the tainted skin of his right arm. It wasn’t anything fancy, a small little smiley face with awful handwriting beside it, a tiny ‘hi’. He outstretched his arm, blinking once, twice, he tried to rub it off. But it didn’t come off. Now? Really? NOW?! He didn’t want to write back, he didn’t want to draw anything. They were more than likely a child judging by the writing, he could just pretend he never saw this.
But they didn’t cease. Apparently when he had rubbed the drawing, it had showed up on them. ‘Yuo real?’ Dainsleif groaned, pulling his gloves on instead. He didn’t have time for this. So Dainsleif ignored it, ignored the messages that sometimes showed up on his arms and he ignored the drawings, no matter how good or awful they were. His duty came first, and he was several centuries old. He simply couldn’t pay attention to it.
But as the years went on the messages began to slow. How many years had passed? Ten? Twenty? He wasn’t entirely sure, his memory blending together, fragmenting and hazing over. Bits and pieces here and there. ‘I hope you’re well, you’ve been quiet.’ A message scrawled on his left arm and he stared at it in the dark of the tent.
‘I am well. And you?’
‘And here I thought my soulmate died. I’m fine.’
Dainsleif sighed, blue eyes flicking upwards at the material of the tent. They deserved somebody so much better. The Twilight Sword was not that somebody. He looked back at his arm, a name, he assumed, was scrawled beside the words.
‘Like the sword?’
‘Like the sword.’
“Fascinating. I must be going to sleep now, I have work early. Goodnight, Dainsleif.’
Dainsleif dropped his arm beside him, a soft sigh escaping his lips. How ridiculous was this. The Gods truly hated him to gift him a soulmate when he was what, five hundred and twenty five? His poor soulmate, too. He couldn’t stop thinking about what an unfortunate situation it was for them, perhaps it was the way he showed he did care, even if he hadn’t met them or spoken to them beyond reading the occasional message they wrote.
You hurried through the hallway, already late for work, the fifth time that month. You spared a wave to Sucrose who was exiting Albedo’s laboratory and she smiled, waving back. You quickly threw open the door to the laboratory across from Albedo’s, entering swiftly. “I’m so sorry Ohm, my alarm didn’t go off again and- Oh!” You stopped, realising there was somebody else in there.
The medical captain looked around the man dressed in interesting garb, smiling when he saw it was you. “Hello, (y/n)! Nothing to worry about. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes! Same rules as before, but try to apply it more sparingly, I don’t want you building up an intolerance until I can find something stronger.” Ohm held out a jar of azure gel but the man was stiff, unmoving. “Teyvat to Dainsleif?”
“Wait- Dainsleif?” You stopped, dropping the papers you had been holding. They scattered everywhere and Ohm tilted his head, periwinkle hair falling into his face, a clear sign of his utter confusion. Dainsleif turned to you, his eyes were stunning, blue and the pupils- he was gorgeous, that was the first thing that came to you and you felt your cheeks warming at his piercing gaze.
“Well would you look at the time, I have to go uhm, annoy Albedo. It's in my schedule. Please lock the lab if you are to leave. Dainsleif heed my orders or I’ll find you.” Ohm stood up, he rounded Dainsleif, grabbing the bough keeper’s hand and placing the jar into it. He then let go and walked away. He put one hand on your shoulder and leaned in close. “Be nice, he’s shy.” The doctor whispered and then he was off, shutting the door behind him with a click.
You bent down to pick up the paperwork now that the initial shock wore off. Dainsleif also seemed to snap back into action, pocketing the jar. He stepped forward, crouching down to help you with the papers. “I apologise, your Gods have chosen an awful soulmate for you.” He was blunt, apparently. His voice deep and soothing nonetheless. He held the papers out in a bandaged hand and you hesitantly took them.
“I don’t know, I think you’re pretty. Even if you ignore me.” Did you really just- You stood quickly, walking by him and to the desk on the other side of the room, the small wooden desk you had claimed as your own. “Ahem, are you injured? I suppose you must be if you’re visiting the medical captain.” You trailed off, sorting the papers neatly on the desk.
“No, yes, technically.” Dainsleif stood, brushing off his dark pants. You turned, quirking an eyebrow at him as he moved back to the captain’s desk to retrieve a glove that matched his other one. Was it worth it? To give up his secrets? To show just why they should stop speaking to him and run far far away? He grabbed his glove and hesitated, looking at the thick material. He shook his head, pulling the glove over his bandages.
“Well, if you’re ever in need of care and you’re in Mondstadt, just write. Ohm has been teaching me how to do what he does. Though I can’t really do it like him yet, I’m still a pretty alright healer.” You offered with a soft smile even though he wasn’t looking at you. Dainsleif hesitated, adjusting his glove. Kind, dedicated to a good cause, funny sometimes. He cursed his feelings.
Dainsleif turned towards you, pressing himself against the desk as if to steady himself. His eyes flicked to the side, he was clearly thinking of something. He closed his eyes for a moment, nodded to himself, and then opened them again. “Ask your mentor about the Twilight Sword. I’m afraid I must take my leave. Write to me.” Dainsleif pushed himself off the desk and with a swiftness you weren’t sure was human, he was gone.
Immediately you brought your nail to your arm, writing gently. ‘I like your cape.’
‘Thank you, I like your cloak.’
Oh he was awkward awkward. Cute. You smiled at the words before getting back to work, these medical reports wouldn’t process themselves, after all. Though his words played through your mind, Twilight Sword.. It was oddly familiar but no amount of examining your brain proved useful, oh well. You’d just have to ask later.
Ohm snickered with Kaeya as they watched Dainsleif breeze by them, practically throwing himself down the staircase and out the door. “I’ll bet you one thousand mora he left the explaining to me.” Ohm spoke when he heard the heavy door to the headquarters slam shut.
“Neither of us are dumb enough to bet that, he absolutely did.” Albedo commented, leaning back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. “The feared Twilight Sword, Bough Keeper of Khaenri’ah brought down by a soulmate, so silly.”
“I don’t know, Albedo, I think it's quite endearing.” Kaeya teased, tapping his chin thoughtfully, but his eye told another story, glinting mischievously. “I’ll take that bet, Ohm. I’ll bet one thousand mora he tells them before he gets back to camp.” He held his hand out and Ohm took his hand, shaking it. Unfortunately, sealing Kaeya’s fate.
“Wait, hold on. I’ll bet one thousand mora he doesn’t do either.”
“That’s the spirit, alchemist.” Ohm shook hands with Albedo who huffed. “We should get back to work.” The medical captain gave a curt nod before he headed further up the stairs and towards the direction of his laboratory.
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z3llous · 3 years
(Aug 17, 2020)
(Sanji x artist reader)
Out of all the places I could be, this would be the second to the top of my list.
The aroma of basil spread through the room and brought out the hunger in them. Though food wasn't what they truly wanted.
The kitchen was a lovely place, but what made it so special wasn't the taste of food, the scent, or even the beauty of everything made here. No, it was the chef who was often in here that made it so wonderful.
He inspired them with every smile, twirl, and every little adorable thing he did. He was their muse, no one else looked better in their sketch book than he did.
The sound of Sanji scraping chopped onions off the cutting board and into a searing hot pan distracted them from their drawing for a mere second. Delicate wispy lines for his hair, smooth curved angles for wrinkles of the shirt his shirt, rougher quick sketches for the pots and pans, and lastly a few soft lines for the background. It was ready for painting.
Their paint brush swam in the water and caressed the blushing pink pan of watercolor. Every crease of the shirt was shaded with the pink affectionate depths of their heart, cerulean blue filled with the tears they cried at night over him colored his pants, and sunflower yellow dripping with the joy that filled their soul whenever he smiled was used to coat the intricate details of his hair.
No one could paint him like they did. Their heart bled onto their art whenever he was involved. Their passion for art and it's beauty couldn't compare to him.
Once they'd finished their painting, y/n made the horrible choice to look up. It was too late, they were simply mesmerized by his every movement and couldn't bare to look away. He was the greatest masterpiece y/n had ever seen and as bad as it was, they wanted to touch the art.
One isn't supposed to touch an art piece, especially not one as immaculate as this. They knew it all too well, yet their soul cried out regardless.
Their eyes wandered across his form shamelessly absorbing every detail as their heart ached. The mind was far less calm and screamed to satisfy the craving.
They should've started another drawing , ignored him, but the wrong was too late to be made right and so they quietly got up.
One step after the another they drew ever closer to their cure. Y/n stopped right behind him and hesitated. Could they finally break that nightmarish wall of fear? This was all they had wanted for the past year, to finally break the touch barrier.
They'd already come too far to give up, so y/n made up their mind, chased their fears away, and raised their arms. Leaning into his back they slowly wrapped their arms around his waist.
He flinched before relaxing and continuing to cook.
"y/n?" He asked glancing over his shoulder.
"Are you alright?" The concern that dripped from his voice was desperate to cover the racing of his heart as he stirred the soup slightly faster.
"I had a craving, don't worry about it." They answered holding him closer.
"Well, what are you craving? I'm almost done, so I can work on it in a minute~" He said cutely, putting the final ingredient into the soup, pretending not to notice their hands as they gripped his shirt lightly.
"You~" Y/n murmured as they nuzzled deeper into the arch of his back.
He froze for a moment, finished the soup as quickly as his body would let him, and set the temperature to low before turning around in their arms.
Hearts were practically visible in the light reflecting off his eye, his face cherry in color as he knelt down and pulled them into his warm embrace. The heat radiating from his flushed face warmed their neck as well as their frantic heart.
"Sanji~" Y/n said basking in his long awaited touch.
"Yes?~" He asked leaning back to see their expression clearly.
"I'd like a taste, if that's alright." they said staring deeply into his eye.
"Of the soup? Would you like something else? I'll gladly make you something." He said, unwillingly prepared to let go.
You adorable dumb ass
"No, you~" y/n said leaning in so that their noses touched.
"Of- of course you can~" He answered, trying not to completely lose his calm. No one had ever directed such affectionate things towards him.
Y/n gently pushed until he softly fell onto the floor with his back pressed against the cabinet, catching him off guard, then tilted their head, and pulled him into a longing kiss. One hand slid up the back of his petal pink shirt and the other made a mess of his hair.
Pinned against the cabinet he wrapped his arms around and gripped the back of y/n's shirt. They were completely lost in the sweetness of each others touch, until the distant chanting of Luffy grew closer and shattered it.
Quickly they got up off the floor and helped tidy each other in hopes of avoiding suspicion.
"Later, my room?" Y/n asked quickly.
"De- Definitely." He answered hurriedly as he rushed over to gather the bowls.
Of all the places I could be, anywhere Sanji is would be at the top of my list.
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wooyunhwa · 4 years
kingdom of welcome addiction | C.S.
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view pinned post for masterlist!
Genre: smut (mostly suggestive in this part though)
Pairing: demon!san x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: blood drinking, virgin mc
Synopsis: When you accidentally summon a bloodthirsty demon boy to your bedroom, you form an unexpected contract with him.
A/N: Thank you for reading and comments are super appreciated as always!
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If you had to read the words pythagorean theorem one more time, you were gonna smash your brains in. 
You reached over to your phone, unlocking your screen to the group chat. 
y/n: anyone wanna come over and help me with this dumb problem? my heads gonna implode. 
chaeyeon: busy tonight, Y/N. lol, just summon a demon or smth. 
yuri: lmao that ouija board is still there right? I think we left it under your bed 
chaeyeon: I don’t think you summon demons with a ouija board, yuri
y/n: ugh you guys are no help. brb, summoning demon...
You realized how weird this conversation would sound from an outside perspective, but it was a sort of inside joke you had within your friend group. You and your friends had joked about ‘summoning a demon’ before, and you’d even used a Oujia board a few times and done fake seances to freak each other out. The results were always disappointing—not that you ever actually wanted to contact the dead or anything, but you were at least hoping for a spooky story or something you could tell. 
You knew they were joking around, but your brain felt a little delirious from all the math churning it into mush. 
You switched tabs from your test, typing in the search bar “how to summon a demon”. You chuckled a little under your breath at the ridiculousness. But at least then you could tell your friends you actually tried. They’d get a kick out of that. 
You followed a few rabbit holes down some forums, mockingly reciting strings of incomprehensible Latin. If you were gonna do this, you were gonna commit fully. 
“You called?”
You scrambled backwards, nearly jumping a foot off the bed at the sudden unfamiliar voice echoing in the room. 
Then you saw him. 
He was perched on your bookshelf, one leg dangling lackadaisically over the edge, the other folded up at his side. You caught a glimpse of his piercing crimson-red eyes illuminated in the dim candle-lit room. He looked particularly cat-like in his position, a devilish grin painted on his face, what looked like fangs coming to two sharp points in his mouth.
The man picked up a pen from your bookshelf, twirling it in his hand casually with playful twists of his fingers. “You’re new…” he mused, glancing at you up and down. “And... cute. Fresh blood. How'd you get my number, hmm?”
You sat stunned, dizzy from confusion. Your words were lodged in your throat, unable to utter a single sound. This had to be a dream, right? Had you fallen asleep while working on your homework? It wouldn't be the first time.
He tapped his fingers impatiently against the oak of the bookcase, waiting for your next move. The only words you could manage came out in a hoarse croak, shaky and uncertain. "This—I'm dreaming…" 
He shook his head, clicking his tongue tauntingly against his teeth. "Oh, there's a lot of things I could do right now to assure you you aren't," he started, the gleam in his eye particularly sinister as he drew his gaze up and down. "But trust me. You wouldn't want that." 
“I have a lot of names, but you can just call me San. Your friendly neighborhood demon.” He flashed a fiendish smirk. “Well, maybe don’t linger too much on the ‘friendly’ part.”
“What, you didn’t know? You’re the one who summoned me, darling.” He drew out his words, slowly, carefully, continuing to play with the pen in his fingers. The way he spoke sent shivers down your spine, as if he had the power to kill you at any moment. He probably did.  
He pressed his palms against the top of the shelf to hoist himself off, the books on it threatening to topple with the sudden movement. The minute he vaulted down from the shelf, you were able to get a better look at him. 
The first thing that drew your eye was his impossibly broad shoulders, accentuated by the tight cut of his shirt. It contrasted against his tiny waist, cinched in neatly with a belt. His proportions were unreal, and so very fittingly non-human. He was undoubtedly the most incredible sight you'd ever seen in your life, human or otherwise. He made his way over to the bed where you sat. You snapped your laptop closed, pushing it to the side, your blood turning to ice as he inched closer to you. The way he sauntered across the floor almost seemed like he was floating, like gravity was merely a fun game to him.  
He poised himself over you, his powerful stance alone commanding you to look at him. His fingernail dragged under your chin with a distinct sting, pulling your gaze up to his intense eyes. It was cold, like a dull knife, causing your body to tremble slightly. His piercing eye-contact was entrancing, even spell-binding—you couldn't tear your eyes away. "How cute," he teased sing-songily, “you’re a virgin.”
Your eyes widened, still pulled in by his magnetic gaze. “How did you—” 
"I can smell one from a mile away. The scent… it's just so…" he paused to lick his lips, drawing his tongue slowly over his black metal lip ring. "delicious." 
“Anyway, you must have had a reason to summon me, no? A soul to harvest? A sacrifice maybe?” Something about his tone was giddy at the idea. “At your service, darling.” He drew down in a playful bow, his mouth twitching into a smirk. 
You hated to say it, but he was entirely your type. From up close, you could see his other piercings more clearly, several earrings lining both ears, glimmering against the cartilage. His right eyebrow donned a shaved slit, decorated with another piercing. Of course the demon you summoned in your dream would be your ideal man. Well, he kind of looked like the edgy Hot-topic boy of your 7th grade self’s dreams, but you couldn’t deny that was still kind of your type still. His jet-black hair framed the sharp cut of his jaw perfectly—you were sure he could see you practically drooling over him at this point.  He looked crafted by heaven—hell?—itself.  
Even so, no single part of you desired for him to take your virginity right this second. Maybe under different circumstances, but not with the time ticking down on your math assignment and the fact that he was a fucking demon you just conjured into your room.
You shook your lewd thoughts out of your head, worried for a moment that demons might have some sort of mind-reading powers you weren’t aware of. “Well, uh, actually… I need help with my math homework.”
He snickered, his eyes trained on you like prey. “You can’t be serious. Tell me you’re not serious.”
“I’m kind of serious. It’s like 10% of my grade.”
He clicked his tongue against his teeth again, breaking eye contact finally, and you felt a sense of relief as you finally had a moment to breathe away from his suffocating glare.“For someone who just summoned a demon you’re a real buzzkill.”  He perched himself on the edge of the bed, resting his butt lightly against the edge of the frame. “Fine,” he groaned. “Let’s say I actually helped you. You know how this works, right? If I do something for you, you have to give me something in return.”
You gulped. This was a dream, it had to be, and the best you could do was go along for the ride. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel shaken, despite doing your best to convince yourself it wasn’t real—like some sort of subconscious defense mechanism your body employed in danger. And, well, he kind of seemed like danger. “Like what?”
“Well, normally...” He glanced back over, pinning you down with his gaze once again. “It’d be your soul.” 
Your breath stopped in your throat. You weren’t quite sure if you were ready to give up your entire soul for 10% of your math grade, although that was a pretty accurate metaphor for your college experience. 
“Your virginity maybe?” he hummed, drawing his tongue back over his lips, then, seeing your expression, shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “No? Damn. It doesn’t hurt to ask.”
“Um… I can offer to make you dinner?”
He paused, his eyes widening for a second, then burst into a cacophony of laughter. It was the first time he broke his exterior, and for a moment, he looked a bit more human. “I’ll take it.” Then, more “but you realize a contract with a demon is binding, right?”
 “So, I’m contractually obligated to make you dinner, that’s what you’re saying?”
He paused, his smile turning amused once more. “Feisty. I like you,” he winked flirtatiously, sending heat rising in your cheeks. You hated to say it, but he was devilishly charming, on top of being probably the hottest being, human or not, you’d ever seen. 
You glanced at your phone, noting the time ticking down slowly but surely.  “Okay, I’m not joking. The math. My assignment is due in 45 minutes.” 
He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
He sat next to your side on the bed for a while, guiding you through the problems like some sort of hot e-boy math tutor. Not that you were complaining about that. The way he sat was surprisingly cute, one leg tucked up at his side, the other folded underneath him.
“Where’d you learn math, anyway?” you asked, admiring his immaculate side profile as his eyes trained on the laptop screen, typing the answers in. “They have like, demon school or something?”
He gave you a side glance, and you once again felt uneasy under the heat of his gaze. “A demon never reveals his secrets.”
“I thought that was a magician.” 
He visibly stifled a laugh, pressing his lips tightly to avoid giving you the satisfaction of breaking his serious exterior. “Can you be quiet? I’m focusing. I’m a demon, not a mathematician. This is way out of my scope of work,” he grumbled through his teeth. 
You watched him silently as he worked. As he typed, his tongue lingered just outside his parted lips in concentration. “Even you sitting next to me is distracting,” he hissed quietly. “You don’t realize what your scent is doing to me right now.”
Right. Your virgin scent. Was that really so appealing to him? 
“Fine. I guess I’ll go make dinner. You promise you’re gonna turn this in in time?” 
“I’m contractually obligated,” he responded dryly. 
You hoisted yourself off the bed and headed to the kitchen to make dinner,  but something about leaving a stranger in your room felt strange. No stranger than accepting he was a demon, though, you supposed. 
You returned with a large plate of pasta, pretty much the only thing you had on hand. He received it apprehensively from you. 
“What?” you asked, offended at his look of disgust. “Sorry, I didn’t have any fresh human souls on hand. My bad.”  
You sat across from him on the bed, watching in fascination as he nibbled slowly at the thin spaghetti noodles. “You have any hot sauce or anything?” he asked, wincing as he took a few more bites. 
“I barely had enough pasta to feed two people. I’m a broke college student. Anyway, I never forced you to accept the dinner offer.” 
“I didn’t think it’d be so bland. What, you didn’t know demons prefer spicy food?”
“I didn’t know demons existed until today. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. This is all a dream I’m going to wake up from in a bit anyway.”
A wicked smirk danced up on his lips again. “Oh, you still think it’s a dream? Cute,” he sang condescendingly. “Well, then I guess it wouldn’t matter if I did this...”  
Your heart seemed to stop in your chest as he crawled forward on his palms. You felt his breath linger on your neck first, then the gentle scrape of his pointed canines against your sensitive skin. Every hair on your body stood up. He pressed them down slightly, just enough to feel the tension on your flesh. Then he bit harder, nearly piercing as he sunk them in.
You reeled back, shoving him off you breathlessly. “What the fuck-”
“You still think it’s a dream? Then it wouldn’t matter if it sunk my teeth in. You’d just wake up, right? Isn’t that how dreams are supposed to work?” he taunted, a smile curled up on his lip. His fangs gleamed under the still-dim light of your bedroom. “Humans are so amusing,”   
You wiped at your neck, rubbing circles where his teeth pinched your skin. He sat himself upright again and stood up from the bed. “Well, my end of the deal is over. Consider you released from your contract.” 
“You’re leaving?”
“Well I’m not gonna stay here.” His hand came up to his ear like a phone. “Call me if you have a soul to harvest. You know my number.” 
He was gone before you could blink, like an apparition, disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared. Your eyelids grew heavier as you reflected what had just happened, and you wondered what would happen if you fell asleep in a dream. Would you just wake up? 
You collapsed into bed, still unsure whether or not the past few hours had actually happened or not. Part of you hoped they had—there was something about him that was so deeply captivating, you would do anything to see him again. 
As he said, you did have his ‘number’.
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You woke up dazed, still unsure if you had dreamt the events of the night before. The only sure way to know was to check your assignment—if you had really fallen asleep while doing your homework, you wouldn’t have turned the assignment in, right?
You opened your online class page, scanning for the assignment, and there it was, in bold letters: 
Submitted: 98%. 
Your breath caught in your throat. You felt two distinct emotions: relief that you got the assignment turned in, and complete disbelief that your encounter last night was not part of your imagination.
You could summon him again. 
He seemed about as harmless as a demon could seem. At first, he had been entirely intimating—his aura made it seem like he could have eaten your soul right there with no second thoughts. But watching that powerful being, capable of so much evil and chaos, do something as mundane as your math homework… that was the most entertaining, and almost adorable thing, you’d ever witnessed. 
Besides, you had something he desired, something you could dangle in front of him to keep him coming back. You had your virginity, which seemed to be the ultimate prize for a demon like him. The way he had talked about it last night, it seemed you were irresistible for him. But he also accepted your rejection so easily. 
As long as you kept drafting up meaningless contracts, he had to oblige, right? You weren’t sure exactly how it worked, but that’s how it seemed from your interactions last night. If it worked like you thought it did, his job as a demon was to make a contract with his summoner, no matter how insignificant, as long as he takes something in return. 
That night, you read the same latin phrase you had before he’d appeared, this time off a sticky note push-pinned in your wall. 
You heard him again before you saw him, and you whipped your head around to see where he was standing behind you. 
He wore the same playful, devilish smirk, displaying his fangs. “Hmm, you decided to let me harvest your soul now, have you? That was quick.”
It had barely been 24 hours, and yet you’d already forgotten how incredibly hot he was, for lack of a better word. Your lips parted slightly in awe, forgetting for a second to formulate a response. 
“I hope your silence is a yes,” he interrupted. 
You shook your attraction to him out of your head for a moment, remembering what you brought him here for. “I want you to clean my bathroom.”
He laughed in disbelief, plopping himself down on the bed. “I’m sorry, you want me to what?”
“That’s how this works right? I summon you and do what I want. And I give you something in return.” You leaned against the desk behind you. 
“What am I, your errand boy?”
“But that is how this works, right?”
He clicked his tongue against his teeth in annoyance. “Yes,” he grumbled reluctantly. “But what do I get this time?”
“I cook you dinner again.”
“I’m gonna need more than that.”
“I’ll let you bite my neck. Draw blood if you want.”
His eyes widened at your proposal. His reaction confirmed your suspicion—the blood of a virgin must be like crack to a demon like him. His face went flush. “Deal,” he confirmed eagerly. 
You watched him as he cleaned, and there was something satisfying about watching this bloodthirsty demon scrubbing the bathtub on his hands and knees. He almost looked a bit pathetic. You stood in the door frame, unable to help from grinning at making him perform such menial tasks. A lot more was at stake now than just dinner, so you might as well have some fun with his end of the bargain. Even on his knees, you couldn’t help but watch him in awe. Every part of him was sculpted immaculately—his appearance was distinctly human, and yet he was in all other ways otherworldly. 
“I can’t believe I’ve been reduced to some human’s lowly errand boy,” he hissed through his teeth. 
“Less talking, more scrubbing,” you demanded with a smirk, and he shot you a deathly glare. 
You followed through with your promise of dinner, and this time you came prepared with hot sauce. He devoured it eagerly, and you felt proud for making a dinner worthy of a demon’s praise. 
But there was still one more promise you had to follow through on, and the thought made your head spin.  
He sat across from you on the bed, eyes trained on your neck in a very un-subtle display of desire. You’d never felt so wanted, even if it was just the thought of your virgin blood that had him practically drooling. 
“You sure about this?” he asked hesitantly. It was strange that he was even asking permission, as he seemed so eager the other night to just sink his teeth right into you. 
“I’m contractually obligated,” you teased dryly. Then, more seriously, “But yes, I am.” 
He placed his left hand on your neck, steadying it in place. His fierce, almost predatory gaze washed over you completely. 
He leaned forward, parting his lips to drag his teeth gently along your neck. You tipped your head back, giving him a better angle. He teased there for a while, lingering his sharp canines on your skin. His breath was hot and heavy against your neck, the warmth of it sending chills rocketing down your spine. Your lips parted slightly, gentle moans escaping at the sensation. The situation was predatory, and yet it felt completely sensual in a way you couldn’t quite describe.
He paused for a moment, lips fluttering over your skin as he spoke. “You have no idea how hard it is not to completely drain you,” he whispered, voice dripping off his tongue with a sort of lustful hunger. “I promise I’ll only take a bit.”
He sunk down, and you heard it before you felt it—the distinct sound of teeth piercing flesh. You cried out a bit, bringing your own hand to your mouth to muffle your whines. It stung a bit, but in a twisted way, there was something about it you liked. You felt his tongue draw over your wound slowly, lapping deliberately at the fresh blood like a starved animal.  
He moaned against you, and it echoed in your ear like the most divine sound you’ve ever heard. He may have been a demon, but his noises sounded like they came from heaven itself. He pulled your waist against his as he slowly bathed his tongue over the punctured flesh, his fingers squeezing as he grasped at your waist. He littered a few faint kisses across your blood-stained skin, moving slightly down towards your shoulder blades. The sudden sensation drew soft, pleasured moans from your lips. 
As he finally pulled away, parting his lips tenderly away from your skin, you caught the faintest glimmer of his blacked-out eyes before they flickered back to normal. His deep red irises sparkled like rubies as he maintained eye contact. He brought one of his hands up from your waist, gently wiping at his blood-stained lips with the back of his palm. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself for a second. Your skin tastes so sweet, like candy,” he praised softly, voice deep and wanting. “And your blood, fuck—it’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted.”
The seductive gleam in his eye signaled that you had awoken something in him, something you hadn’t meant to. He was still holding you, probably without even noticing, but you didn't want to draw his attention to it quite yet. You wanted to experience it for just a bit longer if you could. Something about the way he held your waist against his made you crave more of him. 
Almost as if a switch flipped, his expression went dark, his fingernails suddenly digging all the way into your waist. You yelped in pain as he nearly punctured the skin through your clothes. “I need you to walk away from me right now. Before I do something I’ll regret,” he growled. You watched as his eyes flashed to the same demonic black for a moment. 
You gulped, slowly backing yourself away from him, scrambling off the bed. "Farther," he groaned painfully, his breathing becoming heavy and labored. His hands clenched at the blanket on the bed, balling into restrained fists. "Now."
You ran from the room, your feet moving before you even knew where they were taking you. You ran all the way down the hallway to the front door, sliding your back down against it as you collapsed to the floor. Your limbs shook weakly, trying to calm yourself down. You must have sat there for an hour or more, completely frozen, not quite aware of the passing of time. You wiped the blood of your neck, but it didn't do much, smearing it across. 
When you managed to finally stand up again, you made your way hesitantly towards the door of the bedroom, swinging your head around the doorframe first. 
"San…?" you called apprehensively.
But he was gone, leaving only a light imprint on the sheets of the blood-stained bed and two deep punctures in your neck to remind you he was ever there.
[to be continued]
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