#I want to troll her so bad!!!
heresiae · 2 years
so, the EU has recently approved the use of cricket's flour in our food and... Mother has finally a new conspiracy flag to wave!!
(this is only the fourth bug they're approving for food supply, it's not even the first!!).
after the vaccines (still against but at least she doesn't tell they cause autism anymore), the yellow party that, in her opinion, were the new and improved and instead were bullshit and the old like everyone else and covid-19, she has new battle!
finally! she wasn't looking like herself without a pointless and ignorant battle to wave around (oh right, the 5G too). kind of missed the old conspiracy gal.
till now, I managed to keep my mouth shut, but I'm not sure how long will I be able to do it.
this evening she shared a list of foods that we should be on the lookout for and we should be vary of every label that say "proteins" (no more eggs people!! chicken might have fed on a cricket!!)
now I have my three brain cells fighting:
one is the rabid ones, it wants to ask her if she think all the other cultures are somewhat at fault for enjoying bugs protein in the last millennials
one is the troll one, it wants to tell her that were are already on the waiting list for the first official product with crickets flour (cookies!!) and we hope they will give us a bit of wisdom and luck [double cit]
the third one is trying to keep them quite because both approaches will just fuel Mother and it will not be good for our peace
I mean, I can barely manage her when I agree with her, you have no idea how I went very close to throw something at her when she and few friends of her where discussing how dangerous vaccines are for kids. she was a kindergarten teacher, so I was not just pissed, I was worried about her influence. but now she's no in a position to hurt anybody, so... I just want to troll her!!
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couterror · 3 months
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+ some doodles
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 month
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Here's a miscellaneous Homestuck OC!!!
I have many more at this point (←hyperfixation getting me good), but she's somehow my favourite and I just can't stop drawing and making stuff for her????
Anyways, her name is Pelagi Cyanea and she's a rogue of blood and a fuchsia blood!!! Personality-wise she's a bit ignorant/naïve of bad things, but genuinely wants good for society! She acts a lot more mean and leaderly than she is, and is secretly a gullible pushover. She has a kismesis (Monoce Kerosz), an auspictice (Ranhya Aldeba), and a complicated moirallegience/mutual pale crush with Cetari Lanala.
I'll post some of the other OCs at some point (probably the ones who I've made art for and am happy with the designs of)
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insanemanliker69 · 9 months
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yall i got to act 5 😭😭😭😭
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iwasbored777 · 11 months
The most beautiful thing in the entire Trolls franchise will always be Branch's character in the first movie when he wanted Poppy to understand that life isn't as perfect as she thinks but when she got betrayed and hurt and lost all hope he did everything to make her happy again because he wanted her to understand the pain but not experience it because she didn't deserve that and he didn't think that others have to suffer because he did.
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bugsonpluto · 4 months
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raayllum · 1 year
thinking about Viren going from "You're going to be okay, that's all that matters" in the 5x03 'flashbacks' to "But Dad, Soren could've died!" "That doesn't matter!" in 3x03 because he lost sight of who he wanted to protect his world for / started valuing the world too heavily over his loved ones and like... why do people want Callum to repeat that part of his path when there's nothing that indicates it, lmao
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hqmillioncorn · 1 month
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Dilly dally Shilly shally
With one last pull Babycorn finally managed to pull the helmet off her head. Somehow her hair had managed to become even messier under it. There was probably no harm in taking it off now, neither her or Butter were going anywhere at this point.  “I hope we don’t get in trouble for this…” Butter was sitting next to Babycorn, his helmet at this point was off too.  “I think it’s gonna be okay!” Babycorn smiled. “I think Lunya is gonna be real impressed that I crashed on top of a tree!”  “Maybe…Especially since it's the only tree around here.” Butter looked all over while adjusting himself on the branch he and Babycorn were sitting on.  “Oh!” Babycorn bounced up and down, grabbing Butter’s arm without any warning. “Look! Look! Isn’t the sunset pretty!!?” 
ffxiv write day 1: steer with @windupnamazu 's Butter and also Pancake cinnamon and lunya
something about the beach and a cool motorcycle.? and babycorn continuing to think shes dying of a mysterious disease Takes place during dawntrail but i have no idea when ahaha
Babycorn proudly watched as Cherrypit added the finishing touches on his sand castle again. “Ta-da!” Cherrypit cheered as he finished placing a small rock on top of his latest magnum opus entirely made out of wet sand.
He crawled over to his sister and poked her arm to let her know he was all done and that she could open her eyes now. 
“WahHuh?!” The easily startled Babycorn let her arms drop as she nervously looked around for any sign of danger. There was a part of her that forgot for just a moment that they were on a beach just having a nice time.
“Bebe! Bebe!” Cherrypit cried out to her.
“...Huh? Oh! Hi Cherry!” 
Cherrypit smiled and gestured over to his sand castle that could very well be described as a sand lump instead. “I’m all done!” He poked a hole in the side of the castle. “Look! Look! All done!” 
Babycorn’s eyes sparkled with pride as she looked at her brother and his marvel of modern architecture. “Woaaah! Cherry good job!! It looks great!” Babycorn cheered and clapped and in response Cherrypit began to clap alongside her. “Good job! Good job!” Cherry happily cheered along.  
“It looks almost good enough to eat!” 
Cherrypit instantly stopped and gave her a very familiar look. Babycorn immediately recognized it as the same kind of expression that Lunya would give her when she was about to eat something she wasn’t supposed to. 
It was a look that Babycorn was very used to. Especially since the real Lunya was also giving her the exact same look all the way from her beach chair.
Babycorn crossed her arms and pouted, “...But I won’t eat it cause sand isn’t for eating.” It felt like lately she couldn’t eat any yummy stuff! Not some glowy plants, the rocks in the ocean or even the ocean water itself! 
It was no fun…
Both Lunya and Cherrypit nodded in unison. 
Then on cue–and before Babycorn could ask Cherry if he wanted to go get ice cream because she was suddenly really craving a snack, he began to giggle mischievously to himself. There was a twinkle in his eye as he stared down at his sand castle. 
Babycorn knew what was coming and quickly covered her eyes with her hands. 
With a joyous squeal Cherrypit jumped on top of his sand castle, squishing it down to nothing but sand. “Yay! Yay! Yay!” He grabbed huge piles of sand in his hands and threw them up in the air, kicking up sand everywhere at the same time.
Currently this was his 28th sand castle this morning alone. 
Cherrypit let out a cute growl as he continued to play around in the sand. He was probably imagining himself as a huge monster or something.
At this point Babycorn figured she was in the clear and uncovered her eyes. Years upon years of painful sand in her eyes had taught her the exact signs of when her precious baby brother was finally done rampaging around. 
When next she looked, Babycorn saw Cherrypit drawing a face in the sand. He stopped to look at her and then down at his drawing, “Bebe!” He pointed at her and then went back to drawing. 
“Oooooh!! That’s me?!” Babycorn squealed. “That’s so cute Cherry!” There was no doubt that after drawing her Cherrypit would go on to draw all their other friends–Babycorn was more than ready to go call them over one by one to show them her brother’s artwork. 
Speaking of her friends…
“I wonder where Butts is…?” Not like she was always catching herself thinking about him lately (ahaha) but it was a little strange to see Pancake and Cinnamon around without Butter too. There was a little worrywart in her head wondering if something happened to him. 
Thankfully Babycorn’s natural airheaded-ness was a great countermeasure for that. Because as soon as she found herself worrying–something else would catch her attention and instantly distract her. At least until the next time she began overthinking.
This time the distraction happened to be the sound of a motorcycle engine. 
“Whuh?” That was incredibly specific. 
Babycorn looked over to where she knew there was no sand and noticed something strange. A whole motorcycle! Not only that-! There was someone getting off of it. Babycorn didn’t recognize them at first but once they took off their helmet it was clear who it was. 
The two bunny ears on top of his spiky-haired head was a dead give away. 
“Butts?!” Babycorn gasped out loud. “Wha-?! B-Butts?!” Something in Babycorn’s head was short circuiting. Apparently. 
Cherrypit heard what his sister had said and sat up. His hair was covered in lumps of wet sand and his shirt was an absolute mess. “Butts? Butt?” He whipped his head in all sorts of different directions to see who his sister was talking about.
Then he noticed Pancake and Cinnamon run past him. “Butter! You made it!” Pancake yelled out to him.
Cinnamon, who was slightly sunburned, was seconds away from strangling him with her small fairy sleeves. “FINALLY!! You have to promise to never forget the sunscreen again!!” She said through gritted teeth.   
Pancake rolled her eyes, “You’re the one who said you didn’t need it!” Meanwhile, Pancake had waited for her brother under the semi-safety of some cool shade. 
“How was I supposed to know?!” In Cinnamon’s defense she did usually spend her free afternoons baking inside of a hot oven. The sun should have had no effect on her but her creator must have never accounted for Turali weather. 
Cinnamon flapped her wings in aggravation. “Enough speculating! Hand it over!!” Butter held out the sun screen and Cinnamon instantly took it and flew far away from the sun. It caught both siblings off guard. “Hey!” Pancake chased after her, “I need it too! You better not use it all or I’ll tell Butter!”
Butter began to quickly untie his shoes to change them up for a pair of flip-flops. At the same time however, he couldn’t help but try and help.“U-Um I mean if you’re already sunburned I don’t know how it’s going to-Whuh?” Something stopped Butter in his tracks.
He looked down to see Cherrypit pulling on his shorts.  Cherrypit looked up at him with his huge empty white eyes. “BaButts!” He smiled and pulled up his shirt collar to chew on it. 
Butter picked Cherrypit up and gently took the shirt out from the toddler's mouth. “Try not to bite on that okay?” Probably not until he could get a clean shirt on. There was usually nothing anyone could do to stop Cherrypit from biting something. 
Then all at once it hit Butter. The cardinal rule of life itself, something that had only been proven wrong about four times in the history of time itself.
That being; If Cherrypit was somewhere it meant that Babycorn was close by. 
Before Butter could do anything he felt a certain someone grab both his shoulders and turn him around. In just the span of five seconds he found himself from facing the beach to looking Babycorn in her sparkling, heartstopping-ly cute eyes. “Hi Butts!!” She yelled into his face as if he wasn’t standing right in front of her. “I was wondering where you were!” Babycorn continued to yell very loudly.
Butter staggered backwards, his face beginning to turn a familiar shade of pink. “I-I-I was just stopping by the cabins to bring some sunscreen over since we forgot some!” In no time Butter managed to compose himself again. He had grown a lot over the years and that also meant he was able to hide his flustered feelings about Babycorn a lot more better than usual.
But that hardly meant anything when Babycorn had the tendency of sneaking up on him and throwing all of that growth for a loop. 
Butter took Cherrypit and set him down on the ground. He smiled as he watched Cherrypit run over and hug Babycorn’s leg. “Cute swimsuit by the way!” Butter froze as soon as he realized the words that left his mouth. 
For better or for worse Babycorn didn’t even hear what Butter had told her, as her short attention span had already become enraptured by something else. 
As Butter began to think of any words that could have rhymed with swimsuit he noticed that Babycorn was hovering around his motorcycle. “Woah!! What?!” She poked and put her hands all over it, almost like she couldn’t believe it was real. “You have a motorcycle?! Since when?!
Butter opened his mouth to answer her but before he could Lunya (who had not been listening in with everyone else on that beach) helpfully chimed in. 
“I can answer that! Butter bought one right after you said that you were a big fan of motorcycles!” Lunya winked. 
“No I didn't! Don’t listen to her!!”
Babycorn wasn’t sure which of her friends to believe. She wanted to believe both of them. “It does look a lot like the one I saw in my dream where Hildi rode one into the sunset…” Though her describing that dream in great detail to Butter probably had nothing to do with it. 
“It sure does doesn’t it?” Lunya giggled to herself. 
Butter gently pushed Lunya out of frame and out of the next few following paragraphs, “Okay! Thank you Lunya! I love and appreciate you–pretty please let me handle this!” 
When Butter turned back around he saw Cherrypit biting a part of his motorcycle. He was hanging off it just using his shark-like teeth. Permanent markings on his motorcycle aside, Butter didn’t really mind. 
Honestly something like that was bound to happen. What was catching his attention more was seeing Babycorn zipping and zagging all over to look at the motorcycle. She probably thought he was really cool right now. The thought of that made Butter let out a happy hum.
Babycorn noticed the cute look on Butter’s face and her attention turned from the motorcycle to him. Which also gave her a really cool idea. “Oh! Oh! Can I try driving?!” She bounced up and down on her heels in sheer excitement. “We can totally take turns! It’ll be really fun!!” She bounced all the way around the motorcycle and grabbed at one of the handles while trying her best to make sputtering noises with her mouth. 
Butter thought it was really cute, he couldn’t help but smile and look at anything but Babycorn. He could already feel his face warming up. “Are you sure? D-Do you know how to drive a motorcycle?” 
“Of course!” Babycorn confidently gestured to herself. Still hanging off the motorcycle Cherrypit looked up at his sister with wide eyes before opening his mouth and dropping to the ground. Once he was both feet on the ground he mimicked her gesture. “Can d’ive!” Cherrypit babbled out.  
Butter would have been inclined to believe Babycorn on her word alone. Anyone who knew Butter Moontide at this point knew that he would walk to the moon and back if Babycorn told him she wanted a moon rock.
The only thing slightly changing his mind was seeing Lunya behind a conveniently placed beachside bush vigorously shaking her head back and forth with fear in her eyes. 
“Ummm…How about I drive first and see what happens from there!” 
“Okie-dokie!” Of course Babycorn was going to agree to anything Butter suggested. She liked him a lot after all. “Let’s get on Cherry!” 
“Get on! Let’s get on!” Cherrypit repeated. As expected Cherrypit was able to easily fly up and sit down on a seat with no issues. Meanwhile Babycorn was having a bit more trouble. “Almost got it..!” 
Butter quickly noticed this. “Ah-! Be careful!” He knew Babycorn well enough to know just how clumsy she was. As cute as he thought her clumsiness was, the bandages all over Babycorn were proof enough that it could get her hurt most of the time. 
Right as Butter told her to be careful Babycorn began to lose her footing. “W-Waaauwahh!!” Panicking just made her wobble even more and just as she began to fall backwards. In an instant she lost her footing and she was positive that her next bandage would be somewhere on the back of her head. 
Babycorn shut her eyes tight and prepared for the impact. 
When it never came she was confused. Instead she heard something else hit the ground. That mysterious sound turned out to be Butter’s helmet that he had dropped to run and catch Babycorn. 
Babycorn looked up and finally realized what was happening. Right around the same time Butter realized what he was doing. 
In record speed Butter had caught Babycorn mid-fall catching her in the same manner as one could describe a groom carrying a bride. As if that wasn’t enough, Babycorn could have sworn that Butter was somehow glowing with a warm light. She almost couldn’t take her eyes off him. Except…
“Huh…HUHUHH!?!!” Babycorn’s hands flew to cover her face. “Sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to fall!” She was in full on panic mode, her heart was beating faster than ever and her face felt so hot! 
She was going to die for real! This was it! The end of Babycorn Corn’s life!! Babycorn was tapping her feet on the ground over and over while dreading what was going to happen next.
Butter was completely frozen. He had locked eyes with Babycorn when he caught her, he still couldn’t believe just how beautiful her eyes were. Everything about her took his breath away. It was until just now he realized where he was. “HHUUH?! Wait no-! I’m sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to-!!” 
Butter’s voice was enough to snap Babycorn out of whatever was happening to her. “No! I’m fine! I could never get hurt with you around!” She smiled as wide as she could. She wasn’t really sure why she had said that but it felt right. 
“R-Right!! You’re right!” There was nothing in Eorzea or anywhere else on the star that would hurt Babycorn if he was there. 
Especially if he was the one driving. 
“Now hooold on!” 
Both Butter and Babycorn were brought back to reality at the sound of Lunya’s voice. Apparently they had been staring into each other’s eyes this entire time. Lunya ran from the convenient beach bush and grabbed Butter’s helmet from the ground, slamming it gently onto his head. “Keeping each other safe is one thing but remember safety first!” She reminded them.
Butter adjusted the helmet on his head and looked over at Babycorn with worried eyes. He didn’t have any extra helmets for Babycorn. Or any that would fit her head at least. He had his doubts that Pancake’s helmet would fit her. 
Babycorn seemed to sense his worry. “It’s okay Butts!” She knocked the top of her head with her hand. There was an odd hollow sound coming from it. “I’m sturdy!! Remember?” 
“Like hell you are.” Lunya took out a yellow helmet from out of seemingly nowhere and placed it on the taller girl’s head. Babycorn’s long ears popped out from the side of the helmet. With a satisfied look Lunya dusted her hands off. “Let’s just say I’ve been waiting for this day.” 
Lunya walked over and picked up Cherrypit from chewing on the motorcycle again. “How about we let Butter and Bebe go off on their trip and we can go buy a bunch of ice cream?” She whispered to him, making sure there was no way Babycorn would be able to hear them. 
Cherrypit giggled, he put a finger to his mouth and gave a little “Shhhhh…!” He didn't quite understand but he wasn't about to argue against getting ice cream.
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bamboozled-distress · 9 months
why is there so much hate on poppy 😭 god forbid a woman do anything
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paigeparty · 1 year
I can't be quiet anymore I LOVE THE TROLLS FRANCHISE 🗣☝️
Poppy is my favorite she's so silly BUT PUNK POPPY?? That was so awesome
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bbqhooligan · 3 months
my cousins such a weirdo. shes got this weird tension to her, this look in her eye. like sure she takes after her evil ass father, as much as she hates him, but ive been feeling weirder abt her. she wants to connect with me, she wants to bump heads. she can feel i got that Arguer in me, but cant handle when i dish it out. she wants to annoy me and get under my skin obsessively, she wanna talk about me "lookin too manly whats goin on w that" in front of the entire family. she wanna be a big sister to me but im closer with her younger sister, who says she wishes they were closer with her older sister and on better terms. she is itching to play fight, always trying to initiate contact, hoping i lose my temper and grab at her, im always watching out for her in the corner of my eye. she wants me to want to meet up with her. we mostly seem as civil as all relatives. some people feel like bear traps that follow you.
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lazzledazzler · 1 year
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featherdawn · 1 year
I've fucking cursed myself with an animatic idea that I never made and now any song that's about the way the internet fucks with ur psyche gets automatically associated with monika in my mind
#monika ddlc#doki doki literature club#the original idea was welcome to the internet by bo burnham and was mostly focused on her epiphany#and now ive got you liked this (okay computer!) by will wood and the internet has ruined me by wilbur soot on my list#the latter is funny bc im very opposed to animating her with a love song#i dont want to reduce a character arc about cosmic horror and derealization and the desperation for human connection down#to “girl sad boy dont love her so she kill girls boy love” thats so fucking lame#but i could make tihrm work#if i ever got MOTIVATION#but anyways. long rant i have many thoughts but dobt wanna derail my own post#thinking about like. monika discovering everything about our world through the internet and more importantly. social media#and so her worldview is gonna be warped by default#social media conditions people to view others not as people but as faceless entities#its not “10 000 people saw what you wrote and agreed with it/found it funny” its “your post got 10 000 likes”#its not that the person re arguinh with is a human influenced by their environment and upbringing its that theyre shitty by default#or alternatively its not that the person ur arguing with is someone with an influence on the real world its just a troll here to piss u off#things like doxxing. suicide baiting. threats of violence. child porn. theyre all things that we know are bad but happen regardless because#the internet is anonymous. its ok bc subconsciously the person isnt really human. theyre just another faceless user#this must affect how she views her friends#after all. theyre less than just users. theyre ai#it doesnt matter if theyre no different than her. it doesnt matter if the things shes doing are horrible#people on the internet have done similarly bad things to other humans. its fine. shes not a bad person. its fine.#deleting her becomes the equivalent of learning the stranger u sent gore to is your neighbor who uve had pleasant conversations with#the brutal realization that its not a faceless entity. its a human being you know and love. and youve done horrible things to them.#god i really need to make a video essay on this huh#if u read all of this character analysis mwah ily
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teals33r · 1 year
Ok super powerful reality-bending dog. Just prototype yourself I guess. I'm sure this will have no negative consequences whatsoever
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szkicel · 2 months
so like 2 days ago I finally read one of the comics I bought blind a while ago with comics that I was actually looking for.
anyway Rat Queens is just mid, if not below average. I wrote a rant/review about it but before i finished it I realised this title is just not worth it lmao
After I read it I only wanted to start reading Dungeon Meshi so I can read sth actually good tbh and maybe i’ll sit down to do it today kjhkjh
#my posts#rambling#idk why i’m putting it off for later I KNOW I WILL LIKE IT KJHDFKJBD#I’ve been spoiled a lot (that’s how I know this series is such szkicelcore) but i still wanna read it from start to finish#before i dive into anime#bc i’ve heard they’ve changed and cut some things so i wanna see the og first#Anyway if you want a short answer why I didn’t like Rat Queens#basically it suffers from this typical „adult comics” problem where everyone talks the same#and the dialogue feels so stiff and unnatural bc the author prioritizes adult jokes over substance and whether it makes#sense for the characters to actually say it or if it fits the context of the scene#basically what everyone else just calls „h//bin h/tel problem” (it’s actually handled way better than h//bin obv#but it’s still pretty bad)#Other stuff i didn’t like: artstyle is nice but faces are drawn so inconsistently that sometimes i couldn’t tell#that someone was supposed to be a character i’ve already seen#or the resolution of the main plot takes a couple of pages while the real climax is a battle related to some random troll#we’ve seen at the very start of the story (i know that’s the joke; like „haha i bet you thought this troll wasn’t gonna be relevant again”#but i would still rather have a proper resolution to the main plot…and maybe actually a better plot too you know kjhdjbd)#also they neglected my girl Dee - she was my favourite bc her design is cool; she’s an atheist paladin and mostly talks like a normal perso#the atheist-paladin thing is questionable but another character points it out so i guess they have an explanation for it#in the next tomes - but i’m not gonna buy another comic from this series so i will never find out lmao#Another thing that irks me that isn’t related to the comic itself are all the reviews at the back comparing it to LOTR of all things#„It’s like a mix of sex and the city and LOTR haha” „this is LOTR but with sexy ladies” shut up shuuuut uuuuuup#You guys know only one fantasy book series and it shows#if anything this comic is clearly inspired by DnD with all the references they make for rolling the dice etc#but only as a remark from the narrator at the end of every chapter so also not really#Anyway i need to read dungeon meshi dammit
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sywveon · 4 months
i miss dreamy so badf[banging head against wall
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