#I wanna dance in the sunshine with people I love !!! I hate that that’s a big ask
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rowanhoney · 2 years ago
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lunajay33 · 7 months ago
Change Part.8
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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After the events of yesterday the world seemed worse, if that was possible, the gore of blood and death, the screams still echoed in my head and not having Daryl around brought me back to feeling weak, like when I could protect myself against Jackson
“Ya okay Angel?” I looked up from my spot on Daryl’s bike as everyone around us finished packing up their belongings for our drive to the CDC, hoping to find sanctuary there
“Oh yeah I’m just……I don’t know D so much has happened lately I just don’t know how to handle it, I’m scared” his hand rubbed up and down my arm reassuringly
“I’ve always got ya, you and our lil ballerina, I know this ain’t what we wanted but we’ll find a home again” his words eased my worries just a bit
“Ya still haven’t told me how ya got that bruise, it’s darker now” he asked gently tracing the purple and yellow bruise that blotted along my chin and jaw
“Oh that….i was down by the water yesterday trying to ease my aching legs and umm….Ed came he wouldn’t leave me alone and well this happened, thankfully Shane was there before he could do anything worse” I could see the anger rise in his expression
“It’s lucky that sum bitch is dead or I woulda killed him myself���
“Can’t say I’m upset about how he died, but of karma in my opinion” noticing him unclench his fists and sigh knowing I hate when he gets upset because he always gets so worked up and it’s not good for him
He ran his fingers through my hair grazing my cheek
“I haven’t gotten ta tell ya how beautiful ya look, why’d ya cut yer hair?”
“I just wanted a change, thought with everything going on it would be better with short hair to deal with”
“Daryl you ready to go?” T-Dog asked from across the way
“Ya we’re ready” he loaded the bike in the back of the truck and we were all off on the road headed to the CDC
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After hours of driving we finally made it, the sun was setting and the walkers were closing in but thankfully someone above answered our prayers and opened the doors, quickly making our way inside, Daryl’s hand never leaving my hip making sure I was in his grasp the whole time
Jenner showed us around, Daryl brought me into one of the rooms closing the door shut as we both slumped down on the bed
“God what a day” I sighed rubbing my belly
“Ya got that right sunshine”
“Wanna take a shower with me, it’s been a while” I smirked walking to the bathroom doors
“Ya don’t gotta ask me twice”
The feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me resting on my bump as the warm water rolled over us felt surreal, amazing
“I missed this, did this almost every night back in the old house” he groaned into my shoulder
“Me too, remember how nervous you were the first time we showered together, you were so cute” I laugh as I run my hand back through his hair
“I ain’t cute woman”
“Mmmhmm sure”
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I had just gotten home from a late shift at the dinner, huffing as I threw myself on the bed kicking off my shoes letting my sore feet breath, my family was gone on a trip not having even invited me, not like I’d wanna go anywhere with them
Then my door bell rang, groaning I got up and answered my mood immediately brightened seeing it was Daryl
“D! What’re you doing here?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing us both back into the house
“Missed ya, I know how work gets ya stressed and all worked up”
“Well you certainly made my night better by coming” I said leaning back seeing his little smile that always made my heart jump
“Have ya eaten?”
“Not yet but I want to take a shower first”
“K I’ll wait here” I went to head to the bathroom when I stop with an absurd idea, turning back to him
“Actually do you maybe……I don’t know, shower with me?” His face exploded in red but he slowly nodded following me to the bathroom
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After showering we got in more comfortable clothes and went down with the other for a proper meal, Daryl had fun actually letting loose around the others, it was nice to see
Helping him back to the room he slumped on the bed immediately passing out, that night we finally had a peaceful sleep knowing there was no walkers getting in this time
Waking up in the morning to see Daryl was already gone, probably eating his weight in food from the hang over, I changed back to day clothes noticing my tank top was rolled up my belly more, I must have popped that’s when I heard alarms going off, my moment of appreciation for my little baby was gone, short lived like every fleeting moment now
Running down to the main room seeing everyone gathered, quick to get to Daryl’s side
“D what’s going on?”
“The damn generators are empty this place is gonna blow and that sum bitch locked us in here!” He yelled
This can’t be the end, no please not yet, there was still so much
“We need to find a way out I can’t die, YOU CANT LOCK US IN HERE” I screamed panicking now, Daryl held me against his chest as I cried
“I’m gettin us the hell outta here” he took an axe and started smashing the door barely making a dent
With some convincing Jenner opened the doors, Daryl grabbing my hand quickly running off the the entrance, getting out and back in his truck again before the explosion
“I can’t do this Daryl, all this stress it’s gonna kill me” I hiccuped from all the crying soothing my hand down over my belly
“Hey don’t speak like that, I know it’s hard but we gotta keep goin just a lil more sunshine”
“Just a little more”
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Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @deansapplepie @tesfayera @daryldixmedown @secretsicanthideanymore @superbowlisgay @pollito-chicken @shadowrose13-blog1 @absssposts @writer-ann-artist @dgeckobones @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @lettersfromyourlove @minnie-min @severelykinky @mordilwen-of-mirkwood
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realmsdelght · 2 years ago
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Rafe Cameron
Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Summary: your friends hate Rafe, but Miss Americana will always defend her Heartbreak Prince Warning: language, alcohol, and mention of drugs Word count: 2,2k
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Kildare Island was small, everyone knew everyone, and every person had an opinion about every person on the island.
Rafe Cameron had a reputation. Bad boy, spoiled, unhinged, psycho, every bad adjective in the book was used for him. And yet he was a magnet, not just from girls, but from people in general. But no one ever thought he would find love, people thought he would marry a ‘hot’ gold digger who he would cheat on and take his anger on. 
Sunshine, as everyone called the girl, was the light of the island, a kook with a heart of gold. Friends with Sarah Cameron and Kiara Carrera, she loved a good party and drinks, but she still woke up early the next day to volunteer with Kie. She was one of the few people who everyone liked on the island. 
So when Sunshine and Rafe Cameron showed up together at Midsummers, his arm around her waist, people were shocked. The day after the event gossip spread like wildfire, everyone was talking about the new couple and wondering how that happened. Even months after dating, most people still couldn't believe Rafe was able to get with someone like that. 
“Baby!” The girl’s voice rang through the house.
“Coming!” He sang to her.
The girl turned around when she heard footsteps, waiting for her man. She gave him her best smile as she watched him walk into the room with a bucket of popcorn in his hand. Rafe sat down, placing the popcorn in his girl’s lap.
“Thank you,” she gave him a peck on the lips before turning back to the TV. The couple was not even 30 minutes into their movie when the girl threw the empty bucket to the side and jumped on her boyfriend’s lap. 
“Oh wow,” the boy’s hands immediately went to her ass.
“So… I was thinking. Maybe going to a party on a Friday night is not a bad idea,” she said as she tried to read her boyfriend’s reaction.
“My party girl is bored already?” He joked.
She rolled her eyes before giving him another kiss, “I’m not bored, I just wanna dance.”
“Then let's go princess,” he said, getting up and carrying his girl to his room.
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They knew what would happen when they decided to go out. Every Time they went out there was something. Both of them got a lot of attention, both good and bad, which often led to arguments and fights. Sunshine’s friends hated Rafe, which they always made known. And the Cameron boy loved trouble, she thrived in fights, and he would get in fights if his girlfriend’s name was mentioned in a conversation. Yet here they were, Rafe sat on the couch watching as Sunshine danced with some of her friends.
“Rafe, man. I didn’t think I would see you here today,” a guy he didn’t know sat down beside him and Kelce.
“I thought you were on a leash,” some other guy joked.
Kelce looked at his friend, hoping he was sober enough to take it as a joke. “None of your fucking business, man,” he made sure it came out rougher than his drunk self meant it, but he didn’t want some random guy talking about his girl.
“Wait, I thought you said you were staying in and watching movies,” Kelce turned to him, ignoring the boys around them.
“Sunshine wanted to dance, so here we are,” he smiled at his friend.
Kelce smiled at the Cameron boy. He would never tell his friend, but he was happy for him, no one had ever seen Rafe Cameron so happy, and he thought it was a nice look on his friend.
Sunshine loved a good movie night, but this party was what she needed at the moment. There was nothing better than to dance with her friends, and hopefully drink until her boyfriend had to carry her home. She was lost in her own world, dancing with Kie behind her, until someone got her out of her zone. “Babes, can you tell your psycho boyfriend to stop staring,” her friend Olivia asked, making her take a deep breath. 
Olivia and her friends from highschool were a difficult story. She loved them to death, but they despised Rafe, and they were always on her ass about it, to the point where even Sunshine couldn’t be around them most times.
“Chill, he is just admiring his beautiful girlfriend,” a drunk Kie said.
Olivia scoffed, making Sunshine turn towards her, “he isn't doing anything. He’s just looking at me,” she tried to defuse the situation.
“It’s never anything with him until he’s punching someone in the face,” she rolled her eyes.
“Can we not?” She was over the argument, “I came here to have fun with my friends, not to argue.”
“With that said, let’s go get a drink,” Kie broke the group up, pulling her away. The two walked towards Pope and JJ, who were near the keg.
“Excuse me,” Sunshine took a bottle from Pope’s hand, taking a big swig from it.
“You know,” Kie took a sip from JJ’s cup, “ I never thought I would find someone that hated Rafe more than we do,” she pointed out.
The girl sighed loudly, “I honestly don’t understand. I know Rafe is an asshole, but he hasn’t done everything to them. Honestly, I have never been happier, and I just don’t understand why they can’t be happy for me,” Pope threw his arm around her shoulders to comfort her. 
“If it makes you feel better, we hate his guts but we are really happy for you,” JJ smirked at her.
“Thanks, J,” she smiled at him.
Sunshine never hung out with the pogues before, not because she had anything against them, she was even friends with Kie during school, but they just never ran in the same circles. But that changed once Sarah started going out with John B, and Sunshine had to say she was glad. After she started dating Rafe, the pogues were there for her, while her own friends ignored her.
The group decided to ignore any animosities and have fun. They danced, drank, and even played some beer pong, and at some point, even Sunshine’s friends joined them.
Rafe loved seeing his Sunshine like this, so happy he thought she was glowing, and he thought the only way she could look better was with his arms around her. 
“I will be back,” he told Kielce, who nodded and handed him another beer.
In Rafe’s mind, there was no one else in the room, just her. His Sunshine lit the whole room, he was attracted to her like a moth to a flame. Kie made a funny face at her, which he knew could only mean one thing. She felt strong arms wrap around her, and she knew. Aside from Kie’s face, those arms, the cologne, everything about that person was familiar.
“Hi babygirl,” he whispered.
“Hi baby,” she melted in his arms.
“You having fun?” He asked.
“We were before you came here,” Kie smiled, giving him the finger. Whether it was more joking than serious, the couple wasn’t sure, but they didn’t care.
“Is this for me?” Sunshine asked when she noticed the two beer cans in her boy’s hand.
“Just this one,” he opened the can and handed it to her, “don’t want you to get more drunk,” he joked.
“Hey!” She turned around to face him, “not drunk, just tipsy,” she winked at him, taking a sip of her beer.
“I know baby,” he gave her a quick kiss.
It was weird for the pogues to see Rafe like this, so happy and calm, but they were sure happy for Sunshine, and also for the rest of the island that didn't have to deal with Rafe’s unhinged wrath. 
“Giving her another drink, really?” Someone mumbled behind them, and Sunshine knew exactly who that was.
The girl could feel how tense his arms had gotten around her, but the two of them turned around slowly.
“Don’t start please,” Sunshine pleaded.
“I’m not starting anything. I just don’t think you should be drinking anymore, and it’s not responsible of your boyfriend to be giving you more alcohol,” Olivia said.
Before his girl could say anything Rafe’s fighter spirit got the best of him, “and I think my girl is an adult and can have as many drinks as she wants.”
“Of course you want her drunk,” one of the girls said, causing the people around to gasp.
Sunshine got out of her boyfriend’s arms and walked closer to Olivia and her friends, “don’t you talk about him like that ever again,” she pointed at the girl. 
“That’s what I’m talking about, he changed you,” Olivia pointed out. 
“No, he hasn’t,” Sunshine drunkenly shouted. Her reaction surprised everyone. No one had ever seen Sunshine raise her voice to anyone, let alone shouting at someone.
“Yes, you have!” She shouted back, “since you started dating him you have barely hung out with us anymore.”
“That’s because all you do is shit on my boyfriend,” Sunshine said.
“Because he doesn’t deserve you!” Olivia screamed, “he is a coke head that likes beating the shit out of people, and uses his daddy’s credit card to buy blow.” It was as if the room stopped, everyone else around them was waiting for the Cameron boy to explode. 
Rafe felt the rage boiling from deep inside him, and at that point he was not past punching Olivia. But as much as he hated to admit it, her words hit straight into his insecurities, so differently than what anyone expected, he took a deep breath and walked away, leaving everyone speechless at the party.
When the initial shock was over, Sunshine realized what had just happened and ran towards the door that Rafe had just walked through. Once outside, the girl looked around for her boy, but he was nowhere to be found, it was as if he had just disappeared. She walked closer to where the car was parked, but as soon as she reached the higher level of the street she saw someone’s back, sitting alone in the sand by the house. Sunshine walked towards Rafe, silently sitting down by her boyfriend. 
Rafe didn’t bother to look at her and she knew what that meant, “don’t do that.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he shrugged.
“You are doing that face, the face when you get into your own head and start overthinking,” she finally looked at him, but the boy's eyes were still on the ocean.
“She is right,” he looked at her, “Olivia is right. I always thought about it, but I never said it out loud.” 
“Baby,” her voice came out shaky, and she reached to hold his hand.
“No, she is right. I’m a trust fund kid who does coke and drinks, and I have no future outside my dad’s company,” he started tearing up.
“Oh Rafey,” she placed her hands on his cheeks, making him look at her. “You remember my boyfriend during senior year, the soccer team captain?”
Rafe was confused as to why she was telling him this, but oh, he did remember that guy, “yeah, that asshole… he used to shit talk us for partying every weekend but he smoked more weed than JJ.”
She giggled, “that one. Everyone always told me how lucky I was, he was a good boy, went to church on holidays, was a mama's boy, all of that. And he was…,” she took a deep breath, “he is a good guy, but after we broke up I realized some things. It didn’t matter how much of a good guy he was, he never really saw me,” Rafe gave her hand a squeeze. “When he went to college I would do anything for him, care packages, I would visit him any time I could but he never put that much effort into it. I know he was busy with classes and all, but he couldn’t even pick up the phone if I called without letting him know beforehand.”
“Asshole,” the Cameron boy muttered.
“All the anxiety I had about intimacy and relationships, I told him about that, I told him about how often I felt like I didn’t deserve him. I knew none of that was his fault or responsibility, but I wanted to feel acknowledged, I wanted him to tell me he would be here for me for whatever I needed. But he just ignored me, hoping I would fix myself on my own.”
“I’m sorry baby,” Rafe said.
“My point is, he was perfect in the conventional way, but Rafe,” she looked into his eyes, “you saw me, all of me, flaws and all. You helped me through my anxieties, and you showed me what love really is. You make me feel so loved, I don’t think you understand how much the little things you do mean to me. You deserve all the love in the world, and you are worthy of it. All of it.”
Rafe placed his hand on her cheeks, getting closer so their noses were touching, “remember what I said to you the first time we kissed?”
“It’s you and me,” she giggled.
“That’s my whole world,” he got even closer, lips almost touching.
“And fuck everyone else and their opinion,” she said.
Rafe laughed, “I guess they were right, you are a bad bad girl now,” he kissed her, “but yeah, fuck those assholes.”
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ohdorothea · 7 days ago
more info on the tournament here <3
lyrics under the cut
betty lyrics
Betty, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom But I think it's 'cause of me Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard when I passed your house It's like I couldn't breathe You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time it was true The worst thing that I ever did Was what I did to you
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen I don't know anything but I know I miss you
Betty, I know where it all went wrong Your favorite song was playing from the far side of the gym I was nowhere to be found, I hate the crowds, you know that Plus, I saw you dance with him You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time it was true The worst thing that I ever did Was what I did to you
But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen I don't know anything but I know I miss you
I was walking home on broken cobblestones Just thinking of you when she pulled up Like a figment of my worst intentions She said "James, get in, let's drive" Those days turned into nights Slept next to her but I dreamt of you all summer long
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep And I planned it out for weeks now but, it's finally sinking in Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again The only thing I wanna do Is make it up to you
So, I showed up at your party Yeah, I showed up at your party Yeah, I showed up at your party Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me Will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only seventeen I don't know anything But I know I miss you Standing in your cardigan Kissing in my car again Stopped at a streetlight, you know I miss you
peace lyrics
Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly this summer it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darlin' 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details But you got a friend in me Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?
Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall I talk shit with my friends It's like I'm wastin' your honor
And you know that I'd Swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough? But there's robbers to the east Clowns to the West I'd give you my sunshine Give you my best But the rain is always gonna come If you're standing with me
But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details But you got a friend in me Would it be enough If I could never give you peace? Would it be enough If I could never give you peace? Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?
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w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 10 months ago
pride playlist 🏳‍🌈🎶
Found Heaven (conan gray) "don't be scared, little child // you're no demon // there's a God in the sky // don't believe him // don't be scared, little child // of that feeling // you're in love // you found Heaven"
seven (taylor swift) "and I think you should come live with // me and we can be pirates // then you won't have to cry // or hide in the closet"
Sweater Weather (the neighborhood)
girls (girl in red) "they're so pretty, it hurts // i'm not talking 'bout boys, i'm talking 'bout girls"
I Wanna Be a Boy (addison grace)
Strawberry Blonde (chloe moriondo) "her hair is a dark, strawberry blonde // and when i'm with her, nothing is wrong // takes my hand in hers when the lights aren't on // smaller than mine and oh god i am gone"
Sofia (clairo) "i think we could do it if we tried // if only to say you're mine // sofia, know that you and i // shouldn't feel like a crime"
Juliet (cavetown)
Boyfriend (marika hackman) "i hope your boyfriend doesn't mind // you tell me that you love me every time // i held his girl in my hands // she likes it 'cause they're softer than a man's"
Butch 4 Butch (rio romeo)
I Want To Be With You (chloe moriondo)
You Need to Calm Down (taylor swift) "sunshine on the street at the parade // but you would rather be in the dark ages // making that sign, must've taken all night // you just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace // and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate // 'cause shade never made anybody less gay so"
i wanna be your girlfriend (girl in red)
Boy Bi (mad tsai)
LUNCH (billie eilish) "i could eat that girl for lunch // yeah, she dances on my tongue // tastes like she might be the one"
Samantha (chloe moriondo)
Boyfriend (dove cameron) "i could be a better boyfriend than him // i could do the shit that he never did // up all night, i won't quit // thinking i'm gonna steal you from him // i could be such a gentleman // plus all my clothes would fit"
Why Didn't I Kiss Her (The Useless Lesbian Song) (ratwyfe)
Sometimes Sunshine (seasalt) "oh, i know you got a boyfriend // and i know you don't like his touch // oh, i know you got a boyfriend // he says he loves you but does he this much?"
A Shitty Gay Song About You (ezra williams)
Boys & Girls (conan gray)
Flaming Hot Cheetos (clairo) "girlfriend or girl that's a friend? // it's easy just to pretend // that we don't have something real, it's just how we feel"
Gay Girls (pillow queens)
Michelle (sir chloe) "you know just how to be cruel // when you shake your hips that way // paint your lips that way"
1-800-DATEME (mxmtoon) "girl after guy, crush after crush // never really figured it out with someone"
Home (cavetown) "often, i am upset that i can not fall in love, but i guess // this avoids the stress of falling out of it .. i'll cut my hair // to make you stare // i'll hide my chest // and i'll figure out a way to get us out of here"
happy queerdom! <3
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rosepehtals · 1 year ago
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𝜗𝜚 ━━━━ eternal sunshine by ariana grande sentence starters. feel free to change any pronouns or anything as needed! ♡
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❛ how can i tell if i'm in the right relationship ? ❜
❛   aren't you really supposed to know that shit ?   ❜
❛   if the sun refused to shine, would i still be your lover ?   ❜
❛   and if it all ended tomorrow, would i be the one on your mind?   ❜
❛   this ain't the first time i've been hostage to these tears.   ❜
❛   at least i know how hard we tried , both you and me.   ❜
❛   you know, i'm stronger than i think.   ❜
❛   usually i'd join you on the floor , but this dance ain't for me.   ❜
❛   now it's just too late to choose me.   ❜
❛   i fall asleep crying, you turn up the tv. you don't want to hear me.   ❜
❛   i'm too much for you.   ❜
❛   i'm too much for you , so i really gotta do the thing i don't wanna do.   ❜
❛   i don't wanna fuck with your head.   ❜
❛   it's breaking my heart to keep breaking yours.   ❜
❛   i don't wanna break up again.   ❜
❛   but you didn't even try.   ❜
❛   won't abandon me again for you and i.   ❜
❛   just one kiss goodbye.   ❜
❛   hope you won't regret me.   ❜
❛   hope you'll still think fondly of our little life.   ❜
❛   i don't care what people say , we both know i couldn't change you.   ❜
❛   i've never seen someone lie like you do.   ❜
❛   so now we play our separate scenes.   ❜
❛   now she's in my bed , laying on your chest.   ❜
❛   now i'm in my head , wondering how it ends.   ❜
❛   i showed you all my demons , all my lies.   ❜
❛   hope you feel alright when you're in her.   ❜
❛   i found a good boy and he's on my side.   ❜
❛   you're just my eternal sunshine.   ❜
❛   i want you to come claim it.   ❜
❛   what are you waiting for ?   ❜
❛   this love's possessing me , but i don't mind at all.   ❜
❛   need your hands all up on my body , like the moon needs the stars.   ❜
❛   let's go too far.   ❜
❛   this is a true story about all the games i know you play.   ❜
❛   ain't gonna happen to me.   ❜
❛   i'll play the villain if you need me to.   ❜
❛   i'll be the one you pay to see play the scene , roll the cameras please.   ❜
❛   i'll play whatever part you need me to.   ❜
❛   i'll play the bad girl if you need me to.   ❜
❛   if it makes you feel better.   ❜
❛   i'll be the one you love to hate , can't relate.   ❜
❛   i'll play whatever part you need me to , and i'll be good in it too.   ❜
❛   i'm usually so unproblematic.   ❜
❛   something about him is made for somebody like me.   ❜
❛   baby , come over.   ❜
❛   the boy is mine.   ❜
❛   i can't wait to try him.   ❜
❛   watch me take my time.   ❜
❛   i can't believe my mind.   ❜
❛   the boy is divine.   ❜
❛   i know it's simply meant to be.   ❜
❛   i take full accountability for all these tears.   ❜
❛   but i can't ignore my heart.   ❜
YES , AND ? :
❛   and if you find yourself in a dark situation , just turn on your light.   ❜
❛   say that shit with your chest.   ❜
❛   be your own fucking best friend.   ❜
❛   i'm so done with caring what you think.   ❜
❛   your energy is yours , and mine is mine.   ❜
❛  we can't be friends.   ❜
❛   but i'd like to just pretend.   ❜
❛   i'll wait for your love.   ❜
❛   i don't like how you paint me.   ❜
❛   it's something like a daydream.   ❜
❛   you cling to your papers and pens.   ❜
❛   wait until you like me again.   ❜
❛   you got me misunderstood.   ❜
❛   but at least i look this good.   ❜
❛   i wish i hated you.   ❜
❛   i rearrange my memories.   ❜
❛   i try to rewrite our life.   ❜
❛   i wish you were worse to me.   ❜
❛   hoping life brings you no new pain.   ❜
❛   my boy , come take my hand.   ❜
❛   my love , they don't understand.   ❜
❛   i'll hold your hurt in the box here beside me.   ❜
❛   how could we know we'd rearrange all the cosmos ?   ❜
❛   i just can't go where you don't go.   ❜
❛   usually i'm fucked up , anxious , too much.   ❜
❛   i'll love you like you need me to.   ❜
❛   i'm not like that since i met you.   ❜
❛   how could we know we'd make the bad stuff delightful ?   ❜
❛   i don't want anything but more time.   ❜
❛   no matter what we do , there's never gonna be an ordinary thing.   ❜
❛   there's never gonna be an ordinary thing as long as i'm with you.   ❜
❛   i don't need no diamonds, just your time.   ❜
❛   you hit just like the first sip of wine after a long day.   ❜
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imnotshua · 1 month ago
get to know your mutuals ★ tag game
@100vern tysm for tagging me, i completely forgot about it until i logged on, and now i've forgotten what i actually logged in to do
what's the origin of your blog title? i'm not joshua hong and i'm not sure about anything :)
favorite fandoms: i'm not hugely into fandom spaces beyond watching/listening to the content and reading the fics, whenever i've delved deeper than surface level there always seems to be some level of animosity for something or someone or some other fandom and i'm not into all that. i enjoy fandoms for the joy they bring me. i just wanna have my fun and i don't wanna have my bubble burst. that's not to say i'm actively delusional or wilfully ignorant, i just tune out the noise.
OTP(s)/shipname: boongi (me & yoongi), beosang (me and yeosang), joshee (me and joshua)
favorite color: soft muted greens, lavender, blush pinks
favorite game: i've been playing a lot of stardew valley lately
song stuck in your head: water by seventeen. vernons IcE cream i'll be sweet deo chagabge simply won't leave my brain
weirdest habit/trait? when i shower at night i won't turn the light on. i don't know why
hobbies: pottery (i've just booked classes to go back after a three month break I'M SO EXCITED), writing, reading. i'm getting back into walking the lakes, and when the weather warms up i'm gonna get back out on my kayak.
if you work, what's your profession? enamel pin designer
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? painter who sits in her garden on a warm day with a cup of tea (i don't even like tea) and a cat at her feet, and paints in the sunshine
something you're good at: stealing jewels answer for this - writing (i hope), moving house (i've done it 19 times so i'm a fucking pro), being an internet detective, i can find out anything about your ex. committing your natal chart to memory. at least looking like i'm calm when in reality i want to walk into the ocean lmao. raising children (mine are pretty cool)
something you're bad at: remembering anything useful. remembering that some people are shitty and do not deserve my grace. dancing
something you love: my family & friends, the cat who comes to visit me every day, music, the view from my bedroom window, when it's really cold but sunny outside, the three little porcelain cats i made at a pottery workshop, the chocolate box village i moved to, the way i painted my living room, the sunrise from my garden
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: astrology
something you hate: putting the bins out (god being the only adult in my house is exhausting) and washing the dishes (it's relentless)
something you collect: photocards, thanking god i'm not a completionist because yeosang has too many to keep up with
something you forget: my own opinions (feed me new information and i'll change like the wind)
what's your love language? quality time, words of affirmation
favorite movie/show: really enjoying severance rn, i'm not good at the theories but i enjoy hearing them, watched the ozarks recently too and i'd die for ruth, i watched band of brothers a while back and cried so hard but could never watch it again. was into eastenders between 2002-2011 but haven't seen an episode since ronnie did the babyswap. i love kiki's delivery service, howl's moving castle, pride & prejudice (2005), atonement, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, shrek 2
favorite food: buldak cabonara ramen, a fried runny egg on sourdough bread, cottage pie, thai red curry, hot rhubarb crumble and cold custard, pistachio tiramisu
favorite animal: cats
are you musical? no lol i enjoy it but i can't play anything anymore. i used to be okay at the piano but honestly if i'm not good at something immediately then i'll give up.
what were you like as a child? god idk. defiant lmao. my parents struggled with me as soon as i developed a sense of justice. i used to write books in the middle of the night, beg off school the next day because i was exhausted, and use the time off to illustrate them. my mum caught on after 3 books. one that sticks out was called The Enchanted Fireplace and it was about some kids that found out they could use their granny's fireplace to time travel lol. mum probably has that one in her attic
favorite subject at school? art, english language, & history. art and eng lang because it fed my creativity, history because mr h was the funniest teacher i've ever known. shoutout to mr h wherever u are, i really enjoyed that term we learned about the romans
least favorite subject? geography because it bored me. computer tech because the teacher was a creep and i knew how to use the internet better than he did. RE because our teacher should've been in therapy for her anger issues
what's your best character trait? stealing jewel's answer bc i am also great in a crisis. no one will ever know that i'm not as calm as i look on the inside. thank u autism <3
what's your worst character trait? i lack motivation
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? i would have taken advantage of the rare sunny weather and did some gardening
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? me in 2010. don't be fucking stupid girl don't date him
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): tuesday moon by @effortandmore and come sail away by @starlightkyeom <3 my loves
tagging: anyone who wants to! i don't know anyone v well but i'd like to and i'm nervers to make friends outside of the small group i have :') if you see this & want to join in with your own, please tag me so we can chat
#tag game
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8thplacewolfos · 2 years ago
Caregiver Albert Wesker Headcanons!
There is a distinct lack of caregiver Wesker content in the Resident Evil Agere tag and I wanna change that. This man would be a great caregiver! So let's show him some love! These can be interpreted as partner caregiver or platonic caregiver. I personally imagine Wesker being more of a parent-type caregiver, so that’s what I describe him as.
Reader (you) is referred to with neutral pronouns. This is for purely non-sexual, sfw age regression. DNI if you sexualize age regression.
Content warning: food, brief mention of discipline, lil sad when mentioning Wesker’s background
How Wesker finds out about agere
Albert notices you've been acting... childish. Some of the lunches you packed yourself for work have caught his eye; the little bags of fruit snacks, milk boxes, and Goldfish are far from your usual sophisticated grown-up food. You’ve been watching all of these colorful cartoons that are all so foreign to him.
He’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel warm. It brings him much needed peace to see you curled up in all your blankets, with the lights of the TV dancing over your face. But he needs to get to the bottom of… whatever it is you’re doing. It makes him feel feelings, and he just has to know what it is.
Albert is a man of science; the minute he discovers a concept that's new to him, he does a whole deep-dive on it. These behaviors are out of the norm for you, so of course he starts doing some research. He scrolls through forums, psychology articles, all sorts of things, until he ultimately comes to the conclusion that… you must be an age regressor!
So he prepares all sorts of articles on age regression and caregiving, eagerly awaiting your return home so that he can talk to you about it. He hates to admit it, but he’s really hoping you’ll allow him to take care of you when you’re small! You’re so very precious to him after all, and he loves to provide for his favorite people.
Once you get home, he sits down and enthusiastically explains what he thinks you’re doing. He’s also heard that regressors like to have caregivers, whether it be a sibling or a parent, or even a babysitter, to engage with while regressed, and that he’d be more than happy to be that for you.
You two talk it out, establish boundaries, and eventually, it’s decided that Albert can be your Papa when you’re small! He’s over the moon excited, and you are too!
Caregiving style
Despite his grumpy exterior, Albie is actually sugar sweet! But only to his little one, of course. Only you get to see him at his nicest.
He loves to spoil you with all sorts of presents. Gift giving is one of his love languages! So sometimes he’ll bring home new stuffies and toys for you to play with, just because he was feeling generous.
Albie thinks manners are important. He’ll get his precious angel anything they want as long as they say “please” and “thank you”!
He’s not a very strict Papa, but he’s not afraid to put you in a time-out for bratty behavior, if he deems it necessary. But it never is; he’ll just break out his stern voice and that’s as far as he has to go.
Weskie gets along with any age range, but he has a bit of a preference for younger kiddos, ‘cause he thinks they’re easier to keep an eye on. Little does he know, if a kiddo wants to get up to mischief, they will, no matter their age >:3 !
As far as nicknames go, his go-to is Papa, but he will use whatever his little one is comfortable with. He’ll even let you call him Albie (or even Weskie! He may not act like it, but he thinks that one’s super cute!)
I think he prefers more “classical” nicknames for his little one. Things like: angel, dearest, little one, prince/princess/princex, ray of sunshine, and who could forget dearheart!
He likes to make little schedules and activities for you to do during the day. It also helps him keep himself organized. He’s got the morning routine, breakfast time, lunchtime, nap time, and bedtime, with breaks for fun stuffs in between.
Secretly though, nap time is for him- he gets sleepy during the day, he needs a break! And what could be a better break than cuddling with his little one for a cat nap!
Wesker glances down at his watch. It reads exactly 15:00; nap time for his little one! Just in time, too, they’d been yawning and rubbing their eyes for a bit now. “Angel,” he calls, tilting his head down to see his precious one nuzzled into his chest. His mouth quirks into a soft smile. “I think it’s time for a rest, don’t you? Come lay down with Papa for a little while.” The kiddo doesn't stir, so he arranges them in his arms so that he can carry them to their room on his hip.
Oh, and he gives the bestest cuddles. He’s super clingy; he just loves having his baby in his arms, them murmuring all content and sleepy into his chest while he plays with their hair. He tries not to fall asleep, but… you know how that goes. He just can’t resist!
Caregiving just makes him feel safe and needed. It warms his heart to have you trust him so much, to be so vulnerable around him.
It's a big secret, but Albie will sometimes let you try on his sunglasses!
Albert watches his little one reach their hands up toward his face, not quite high enough to make contact, but enough. They squeeze their hands and whine quietly, looking up at him with those big puppy eyes. "What is it, sweet one? Use your words, please, or Papa won't know how to help." This time, they tap his sunglasses. He chuckles, a smile blooming upon his face. "Oh, would you like to borrow my glasses, dear? How cute. But first, what's the magic word?" The little one asks for Wesker's glasses politely. "Very good! You have such good manners, my little angel." He grants their wish, gracefully removing his sunglasses and placing them on his kiddo's face. He laughs with delight, for the first time in a long while, relishing how happy his little one looks now that they've got their Papa's glasses.
Favorite activities
Albie likes to listen to and watch you play pretend. He never really got the chance to do that when he was a kid. He'd look on at you and your toys with a wistful smile, but he'd be overwhelmingly happy for you. If he's not busy, he'll join your game!
Turning from his desk, Wesker lowers his sunglasses, sparing a look at his little one as they sit on the floor surrounded by stuffies. It's been a while, perhaps a break from his work couldn't hurt. He stands from his chair, approaching his baby and their toys. He picks up a stuffed animal and sits next to them, cross-legged. "What are you up to, my little angel? Having fun with your friends? Would you like to tell Papa about the little world you've made?"
Weskie also likes to cuddle and watch movies with you. He hasn't seen many kids movies, so while you may be watching your favorite movie for the hundredth time, Wesker is watching it for the first. He'll ask you questions about it too!
If you like to play video games, Wesker will happily sit with you while you play, helping you figure out puzzles and praising you when you beat bosses. If you like games like Animal Crossing, he'll even offer up some advice on decorations!
If you're a science kiddo, and even if you're not, he'll find all sorts of fun little "experiments" for you to do. And he's happy to explain the science behind why they work, too! He's a great teacher!
But his most favorite activity is reading you stories. He reads a lot of grown-up books, and he's happy to read you those, too, if you can handle them. But if not? He'll of course read you more traditional kid's books. He has such a nice, soothing voice, you could listen to him talk for hours!
That's all I got for now! I may or may not follow this up with a part two, but I am most definitely going to start work on a petre version! Thank you to @woofkie for the inspo and the help along the way! It is much appreciated, and I hope you like ^ - ^ !
And thank you for reading!
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kikuo-tournament · 3 months ago
Round Two Results
XxX Cat VS. EMPtiness, Emptiness, Emptiness of Emptiness STUPID DANCE REMIX
Hole Dwelling VS. The Good Kid And The Fox Spirit
Pino Polaris The Monster VS. Indecisive Us
Buoyant Colors VS. Climb! Higher! The The Advanced Tower!
My Time VS. Reincarnation Ascension 2014 Remix
Virtual Bell of The Heveans VS. phase
Dust Dust Curse 2013 Remix VS. I'll Forgive You If You Die
to you VS. Water Shrine
A Happy Death Again VS. The Wolf of Little Red Riding Hood
Fairy of The Mist VS. Song of The Beginning and The End
Dizzying Darkness VS. Immortal God
Cotten Candy VS. Roadie Roadie
Act 1 Intermission VS. Blue Cave
Act 2 Intermission VS. Lalala, In The Spiral
Ending Wish VS. The Girl Who Sells Misfortune
Pneumonia Death VS. Is It A Six Sided Hexagon Skew Polyhedron?
Song of Shimizu Motsu Curry VS. Act 2 Opening
MAWARU VS. They're Always Watching
Midwinter's Maiden VS. Sea Is
Cloud Cloud Forecast VS. Voices of Svaahaa
Blank Landscape VS. Paper Doll
Rolling, Rolling, Tumbling Along VS. First Cry
The Kindest Grim Reaper In The World VS. CULT
🔪,🔪,🔪 VS. UFO
Burst, Burst, Burst! VS. Lie Lie Lie
Love Me, Love Me, Love Me VS. If I Could Put Balloons On All 9 Billion People's Heads
Dwarf Star Firework VS. mel and alice
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry VS. Let's Go To Hevean
As it is, as it is, without change VS. Song of The Night
Kaleidoscope VS. Dance of The Corpses
wander and drain VS. Reincarnation Ascension
Welcome To The Star Inn VS. Water, Water Yuyyu
Emptiness, Emptiness, Emptiness of Emptiness VS. Eyes Full of Cracks
Red Moon VS. Blue Pyramid
Tasty Soul VS. Flower of The End
Anxious Theatre VS. And Then You Became The Moon
You're A Worthless Child VS. Strange Spirits
Invitation From Spooky VS. Don't Look At Me Like That
rains VS. Werewolf
Becoming Weightless VS. Festival of The Dark
Phantom of The Moon 2013 Remix VS. Dive Into The Bottom of Your Dreams
Moss Growing on Stars VS. I'll Grant You Infinity
Boy Sorcerer VS. Maid on The Moon
A Guppie's Dream VS. A Happy Death
Astral Travel VS. Inside The Water
There's Another Maze There VS. my little prayer
Rising Moon, Setting Sun VS. Missing Missing
Mr. Morning And Ms. Night VS. Tunnel Adventure
Come Join The Fun, Fun Nightmare VS. Histronic
Sea of Dreams VS. Mandala
Communication, Communication, In Communication VS. We Should Not Do Bad Things
Put Your Dreams Into Technology VS. Phantom of The Moon
Upside Down Universe VS. The Fantasy Travel Lounge In Which I Was Forgetten
Twins at the carousel VS. The Beginning of My Dreams
Dance of The Frogs VS. Breaking Things Into Pieces
stormy day VS. The day I went to school
Jazz in a parallel world VS. Sunshine is Brief
Just Wanna XXXX With You VS. I hate you, hate you, hate you, but...
The Cat's Dining Table VS. Waltz of Malice
Goodnight VS. Sorrowful Spaceship
The day I was absent from school VS. Protective Tree
Sight, Noise, Life and The Earth VS. Act 1 Opening
Round Three will begin on January 15th. See you there!
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maisonlein · 10 days ago
Tumblr media
We were putting our feet together (and now I’m in the library across the building from 
Where you said you were when I wasn’t ready for you to see me like this. Staring down and across
From an ugly old satellite who doesn’t seem to want to be seen by anyone. You call it a punishment
For touching myself without permission, and suddenly I realize I’m looking right at you.)
Our feet used to match when we’d lay back in the grass and the dirt staring at each others faces from the
Sunshine above where the adults gathered around a fire we could smell for days and the brown skin 
Went black and a leather jacket we shared when the fire went out did too.
(I don’t even know who you are anymore)
I have other memories too. A lot of people want me to keep quiet in every language that twists my 
Tongue up when I see you feeling like you had somehow anything to do with what I am now.
Someone who makes me sick to look at. The side of the sand that sticks to the bread when you 
Tear and peel it apart to put something else in, it wasn’t fine on it’s own.
I’m staring at someone I hate and thinking of someone I love. They’re making me do this, biting 
My tongue and tying my hands to keys I can’t keep. You went places without me, too shy to
Socialize so you’d close your eyes and imagine I was beside the whole time. I wasn’t.
I was somewhere you didn’t want to be. A swollen old pale man, a saint who kept all the gifts in
An untouchable cavern from the holiday spent empty of receipt while children who shouldn’t 
Have known the difference went without to hospitals in the sky. I wanna throw myself and this
Laptop out the plexiglass beside me but I’m holding it down in spite.
I don’t wanna be here. I wanna be outside running up a mountain with you on my back. 
Kissing you at the top so we can fall down the other side together. But I don’t seem to exist
Outside of your body. 
They told me you died. We both had the feeling all that day. The day they dressed us up like a 
Little pair of wedding cake toppers, and filmed us making love like puppets. It was beautiful,
They said, misty eyed at the footage rolling later. I’m wearing a dress now, and I’m not supposed to
Remember what I was wearing then. They told me you were going away and they didn’t want me
To be alone in Heaven. I wanted to die too, I wanted to go with you, but my parents wouldn’t let me.
So we made a little baby together that day, and he went with you instead. I watched you turn blue with him in absolute horror. My name was Jeremy then. I had the same light brown hair and sad eyes as I do now. They froze me in time and shipped me away while you were being plugged in. I’d lie on my side 
In a ball just watching it all. For years I did not grow or move. Women had to blink my eyes for me. I didn’t want them touching me because they weren’t you. I was a little man then, and you were all watching me be one with my wife until she disappeared in your desires, taking me with her up a reed made of dishonesty.
I felt so out of control they made me into a little square stone to fit into a grid that stretched like my hands together begging to be back beside you. I was on call empty and played like a bullet. I tried to forget you. I poured myself into other people who begged for someone else after I couldn’t spill. The whole time watching only you, a delusion only I knew.
My father lit my lines back up in unison with the driving forces I pressed my face against. Shattered sands split her into him. Another satellite hidden behind a veil of pigs. She’d spread her legs for him again and again while I watched through slits like eyes blind to time signatures. I’d be dancing the whole time with six other young men with names like mine. We all watched you holding ourselves up in designs made in the sky where we were only allowed to dream things that would be held away from the bodies called other peoples property. Hour by hour (my head tilts to the sky and two birds fly by)
I’m wearing fake gold rings and a real old mickey mouse t shirt with real gold glitter buttons and shoes. He’s smiling. I’m not, because I just saw how sad you were. Hair that curled away from your head. I could barely make out your mouth. In another life we spoke together this way. Just barely. In defense. In and out of my chest. My skirts were long then, today one is pink and two are green. Pink plastic nails tip my fingers. A feeling of doom and department store shoes from a church. I wanna be wearing you. Like an open book while I run outta clothes in the dryer. 
You never felt this way for me. So I started watching the way he’s control her body while other men watched. He was always so much darker than me. I remember the geometry of the rituals we’d perform in the name of mirrored gods that cried to be hidden from artificial light. Please print me, she’s cry. Singing in a baby hog’s reverberation with parents who opened greased palms to fill the way their eyes closed. 
He began. And in this way instructed me to do the same. 
The spit would move from my mouth to the ground. I’m tough, and I’m touching you now, like we did in the bunkers between sessions trying to survive our small bodies shivering from depravation from everything except each other’s.
Swallow, he’d command the line that was once yours and mine. I turn my head and look for you only to see a white woman walking away. Finally.
She begins to respond in time, he takes notice, and continues to make demands that way until she can no longer resist him.
When he becomes bored he offers her to me, after all, the line was once mine, and yours. My only desire is to have you the way he has her now. Compete control. I’m beginning to confuse myself for others. I lose everything around that time.
I no longer need to be told how empty I am.
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f4y3w00d5 · 10 months ago
And to finish up for the night here is my brief description of Every Song in Danger Days: True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, by My Chemical Romance
Okay so basically  this is their most recent album, 2014, and it follows the Killjoys as they fight against BL.IND (Better Living Industries) who seek to ELIMINATE all  individuality. (Spoiler: They die saving The Girl in the music video for SING) 
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - 
Upbeat!!! Dancing!!! Fast!!! You jump around screaming about doing crime and partying and sex!!! I love it!!! (you should listen to it after Look Alive Sunshine, which is the intro to the album and its just Dr D speaking, and at the start of Na Na Na, it goes ‘THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF! THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY!! TIME TO DO IT NOW AND DO IT LOUD! KILLJOYS, MAKE SOME NOISE!!!’) 
Bulletproof Heart 
Uh so this is sorta less fast and stuff but its SO cool and idk how to describe it but its sorta jaunty? First song I listened to by the band!!! (Fav part is ‘and tho, I know, how much you hate this. Are you gonna be the one to save us? From. The black. And hope-less feelin. Will you meet ‘em when the end comes reelin? Hold, your heart, into this darkness. Will it ever be the light to shine you out? Or fail. And leave you stranded? I aint gonna be the one left standin. You aint gonna be the one left standin, and we aint gonna be the ones left standin!!!’) 
Aaaaaaaaa this ones so cool, took a bit to grow on me, its mostly slow and repetitive but the BRIDGE ‘Cleaned up corporations PROGRESS! Dyin in the PROCESS! Children that can TALK ABOUT IT livin on the WEB-WAYS, people movin SIDEWAYS, sell it til your LAST DAYS, buy yourself the motivation GENERATION NOTHIN! Nothing but a DEAD SCENE! Product of a WHITE DREAM! I am not the SINGER THAT YOU WANTED BUT A DANCER! I REFUSE TO ANSWER! TALK ABOUT THE PAST SIR! WROTE IT FOR THE ONES WHO WANNA GET AWAY! ……. Keep runnin.’ 
Planetary (GO!)  
Okay so like omg. I love this one. Everythings amazin. Starts off slightly slow, and then starts movin faster around the verses? AND THE VIBES!!! Ive got a few favs and ill save them here (I love the way theyre said too-) ‘Ladies and gentleman, truth is now acceptable! Fame! Is now injectable, PROCESS THE PROGRESS, This core is critical, faith is un-a-vail-a-ble, Lives, become incredible-‘ and also ‘Youre unbelievable, ah, so unbelievable, ah, you ruin everything, oh, you better GO HOME! Im unbelievable yeah, im undefeatable yeah, LETS RUIN EVERYTHIN, BLAST IT TO THE BACK ROW- they sell presentable, young! And so ingestible! Sterile and collectable! SAFE, and I cant STAND THAT! This is a letter, by word, is the beretta, the sound, of my vendetta against, the ones that PLANNED IT!’ So uhhhhhhhhh yeah lol 
The Only Hope For Me Is You��
Likeeeeeeeee holy SHIT this one just sorta- idkkkk- ‘Where? Where were you when, all of the embers fell? I still remember them… covered in ash. Covered in glass. Covered in all my friends, I still… think of the bombs they built- IF THERES A PLACEEE THAT I COULD BE, THEN ID BE ANOTHERR MEMORY, CAN I BE THE ONLY HOPE FOR YOU? BECAUSE YOURE THE ONLY HOPE FOR ME! AND IF WE CAN FIND WHERE  WE BELONG, WE’ll Have To make It on our own!! Face all the painnn and takeee it on, because the only hope for me, is you alone…’ its one of the slower ones tho 
Party Poison 
This one starts in Japanese for some reason??? Its hard to explain… another fast and dancy type one ig, but sorta raw-er?  Its sooooooo weird- not one of my favs but its semi popular 
Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back 
Okay so idk how to describe this really- sorta gives Only Hope type thing but faster and sorta rockier? Idk. My fav parts tho!!! ‘Get offfff the ledge, and drop the knife… Not a victim of a victims life! Because… this aint a room fullla suicides- WE’RE BELIEVERSS I BELIEVE TONIGHT-‘  OH AND ONE OF THE MORE POPULAR LINES PEOPLE KNOW ‘Ill tell you well how the story ends, where the good guys die and the bad guys win… (WHO CARES?)- THIS AINT ABOUT ALL THE FRIENDS YOU MADE, BUT THE GRAFFITII THEY WRITE ON YOUR GRAVE-‘ then the last two ‘Im the only friend that makes you cry! Youre a heart attack in black hair dye! So just save yourself, and Ill hold them back tonight….’ And ‘We can live forever if you’ve got the time- YOU MOTHERFUCKER (OHHHWHOAAAA) Youre the broken glass in the mornin light! Be a burnin’ star if it takes all night!’ 
OHOHOH APPARENTLY THIS ONE IS TO SOOTHE THE KIDS WHEN THE NUCLEAR BOMBS HIT AND GET THEM INTO THE SHELTER!!! (yes there are nuclear bombs, its post apocalyptic lmao) I love the bridge- ‘Love, love, love wont stop this bomb, bomb, love wont stop this bomb, bomb, love wont stop this… bomb……. Run, run, bunny, run. Run, run, bunny ruuuuuuuuuuun’ One of the slowest in the album also 
Okay so this is prolly my fav? Idk how to describe it tbh….. I know what it describes for me buuuut you don’t wanna hear me be weird about people……. Ill just tell you my fav parts (that I relate to!!!) ‘Terrified of what I’d be, as a kid from what Ive seen… Every single day when people try and put the pieces back together, just to smash them down… turn my headphones up real loud…. I don’t think I need them now…. Cos you stop the noise!!!’ 
………………fucked up robot song where you scream and moan. What else is there to say? (the porn bots In the story worship a ‘god’ called Destroya who will supposedly come save them) 
The Kids From Yesterday 
I love this one too. Sorta slow ig. Nostalgic maybe? ‘Well now, this could be the last of all the rides we take…. So hold on tight and don’t look back……… we don’t care about the message or the rules they make…. Ill find you when the sun goes black…..’ 
Vampire Money 
Dance!!! Sex!! Upbeat!!! Fast!!! ‘Three two one, we came to FUCK-‘ and my other fav line ‘and get your finger on the trigger tap the barrel of the gun! Hair back, motherfucker, jet black, SO COOL-‘ 
@terrencetheshark14 you might be interested in my weird ass mcr related ramblings
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 1 year ago
Find the Word...Love Edition!
Hi besties! Now we're back with find the word...except, this time, it has a theme! And the theme is, love! All kinds of love! Familial, romantic, platonic, you name it! It's all about love, baby!
And to spread this love...lemme tag my bestiest of besties! Those being @sliebman10 @tsunderesalty @mrsmungus @oceangirl24 @narcissasdaffodil @udaberriwrites @hylianjo @sergeantneko @fattybattysblog @mikaharuka @bees-and-sunshine @kayedium-writes and of course, open tag! Seriously, if you wanna join, join right in!
Words for me to find
Passion, Affection, Dear, Cherish, Romance
Words for you to find!
Darling, Friendship, Fond, Tender, Relationship
All of these snippets came from newer fics...so count this as some weird ass self promo XD. But seriously, now let's go on to the snippets!
Passion (Golden Hour)
The two laughed together, another small moment in a memento of small moments that they were together. It all made sense, why Klavier had fallen for him. Especially when Apollo was laughing in that adorable way he always did, in the rare moments that he found Klavier’s jokes funny. When Apollo was done laughing, he said. “Well, I hope this at least helped with the stress you’ve been feeling, even a little.” “It did, Herr Forehead. Don’t worry.” Klavier said. Then, he got an idea. Now that he knew that he was in love with Apollo…why not tease him? “You know what else would help my stress?” Apollo skeptically eyed Klavier. “…What?” Klavier grinned. “A kiss.” “Prosecutor Gavin…” “I’m serious, Herr Forehead! But you probably don’t have the balls to-” Apollo grabbed hold of Klavier’s collar and kissed him. Klavier was surprised at first, but then, he melted into the kiss. Despite the initial aggression of Apollo grabbing his collar, the kiss was gentle. It wasn’t the passionate kisses that Klavier was used to, but he liked it all the same. In fact, he liked it better, how the two embraced each other, the love that emanated from Apollo as they kissed. The two separated, and Klavier found that he was still in awe.
Affection (Benji, Darling)
Miles scoffed. “I know what I’m doing, Wright.” Phoenix raised a brow. “Oh, really?” “Yes, Wright. I am quite good at talking to people.” Klavier, Ema, and Apollo all burst laughing. “…You know, they’re laughing for a reason.” Phoenix said with a smirk. Miles grumbled to himself. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help you. We can do this, alright?” Miles nodded. “Let’s do this.” “Alright.” Phoenix said, and then, he went back to his Ryuichi persona. “C’mon now, Benji! Let’s go get you some wine.” He playfully laughed, touching Miles’ arm affectionately. “Darling.”
Dear (Reunion)
“Dear Maya Fey,” That was how Franziska started every letter that she wrote to Maya Fey, reading through the old letters that she had written to her over the years. This one was the latest letter, a letter she had written after coming back to Los Angeles two years again. Just for the possibility of seeing Maya again, just to see her blue eyes and hear her laughter. But she wasn’t brave enough. Not brave enough to face Maya Fey again, to take on the risk of Maya hating her guts. Franziska wasn’t perfect, was far from perfect actually, even if she was a von Karma. And no doubt that Maya had heard about Mia’s trial with her. They were sisters, after all. She should hate her, she should. There was a small chance though, a chance that Maya missed her just as much.
Cherish (Throughout the Seasons)
At some point, they had decided to sit down on a park bench. The air was brisk, leaves dancing through the air as the fluttered down into the ground. Ema held her emergency bag of snackoos as she talked to Maya about some interesting forensics thing she came across in a recent case of hers. Maya listened intently, and of course made jokes and contributed to the conversation. Their conversations together were always things that Ema cherished, still laughing at Maya’s particularly jokes hours later. And this conversation, as Maya giggled and Ema snorted out a laugh, were just a reminder why. Then, Maya yawned. “Man, that coffee is making me sleepy.” “…Doesn’t coffee usually energize people?” Ema asked. “It does usually, but I'm different I guess. I don’t know why it makes me sleepy.” Maya said with a shrug. “Huh. There must be a psychological explanation for that. I dunno what it is, though.” “Aren’t you a scientist, Ema?” “I studied forensics, not psychology.” Ema replied. “And here I thought you were a science nerd.” Maya said Ema rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up.”
Romance (A Warm Welcome Home)
Phoenix placed down the letter and looked at the rest of the table. When Phoenix looked closely, the packages of food on the table were just some of his favorites, and he was sure that just as Miles had said, there was more food in the fridge for him, just like the letter had said. What caught Phoenix’s eyes the most were his favorite chips, cheese flavored Piattos. They didn’t even sell Piattos at their local grocery store, so Miles no doubt had to go all the way to the Asian grocery store…just to buy Phoenix’s favorite chips. He picked up the chips bag, sitting down on the chair as he tore the bag open. That familiar smell of cheese made his mouth water, especially after such a long flight. Eating the chips, Phoenix sighed in content, the nostalgic taste of the chips reminding him so dearly of the Philippines hitting his tastebuds. Just eating the chips, he was reminded of his life with his family, when he and his parents would eat chips as they watched old timey Filipino romance movies. When they would visit the Philippines for Christmas and Phoenix got to eat the snacks from his tita’s tindahan. Of his family.
That's it! I hope you enjoyed these snippets!
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lunajay33 · 6 months ago
Change Part.10
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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It’s been a few days and it’s been hard not really knowing who I am, having to learn everyone’s names and not understanding what they’re talking about, for camping everyone sure was busy and fighting a lot, it all just made me feel confused like I was missing something big picture, but everytime I asked someone they just said it was nothing
After breakfast Daryl and I went back to our tent to get ready for the day, I unzipped my bag rummaging through looking for a pair of shorts that still fit when I pulled out silky pink ballet slippers and suddenly a pain shot through my head
“I know they’re not much but they’re something”
A young Daryl was pictured in my mind then another
“Dance fer me sunshine, see what the big deal about black swan is”
He asked as he was sat on a bed in a very pink and white room maybe my room
“Ya sunshine?” He said as I turned around seeing scars littering his back but it wasn’t the time to pry and if I was seeing it he must be comfortable around me and I didn’t wanna ruin that
“Did I have a pink and white room and did I ever dance for you?” His expression lifted as he kneeled in the tent infront of me
“Ya remember! Yes ya had the most girly room, decorated in ballerina stuff, ya had this pink rotary phone ya use ta call me on always envisioned ya layed on yer bed twirling the cord around yer finger blushin as I talked ta ya, blushin like ya are now” he said running his thumb across my bottom lip
“I want to remember Daryl, how can you still be with me if I can’t even remember our lives together”
“Oh sunshine, nothin and I mean nothin will stop me from lovin ya, they’ll come back, ya just had some maybe we gotta do stuff to bring em back”
“Like what?”
“Can I kiss ya?” I nodded excited been waiting to know what his lips felt like since I woke up with no memories
His hand ran through the back of my hair bringing me closer his lips brushing against mine, the smell of cigarette and woods overwhelmed my senses when finally we kissed slow at first until I craved more, pushing him back as I straddled his hips never being close enough feeling my body heat up
“Yer so beautiful” he said as another pain zapped me
“Can you please stay with me tonight Daryl, I don’t wanna be alone”
“Ya sure ya want me to stay?”
“Cute panties”
“Yeah like yours are any better”
I pulled back from the kiss desperate for air, his hands tight on my hips
“I asked you to stay with me, you said I had cute panties” I laughed
“They were, ya had these little pink panties with white lace, that was the first night we shared a bed together, yer dick of a brother and his friends scared ya, ya didn’t wanna stay in the house with him alone”
“His name……his name was Jackson right?”
“Ya baby, yer doing good” his hands traced up my back
“You know I’m pretty lucky I have someone like you to help me through this, can I ask some more questions?” He nodded in agreement
“What do you do for work?”
“Work at a bike shop, fix em up, use ya take ya fer rides on my bike, ya loved em”
“Use to? Why not anymore?” Then he got that expression like everyone else
“Oh ummm ya didn’t wanna ride with the baby”
“D you’re lying to me, everyone is, what’s really going on, why are me camping so long?”
“Can ya just trust me that I’ll keep ya safe, it’s not the time ta tell ya it’ll be too much, can’t risk ya passing out again”
“Okay but you’ll tell me eventually right?”
“Of course baby, now I gotta go huntin how bout ya spend the day with Maggie, ya know she loves baby talk” he said smiling as he strapped the bow over his shoulders that made me all tingly inside
“I do have to say I’m one lucky lady hot damn” I giggled as he huffed as we left the tent
“Be safe I’ll see ya later” he said one last time kissing my cheek before he left
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The day went by slowly but Maggie was amazing company but all I wanted was to be in Daryl’s arms
“You miss him don’t you?” Maggie asked breaking me out of my trance
“Yeah, it’s just after losing my memories he’s the only one I feel……..normal around, he doesn’t treat me like I don’t know like I’m just another burden, I don’t know what’s really going on here but I wanna be useful Maggie”
“You’re not a burden sweetheart, you’re a blessing you and this baby are a light in this dark world, that man adores you why don’t you take a nap in the house for a little we’ve done a lot today”
“Okay but only because you said so” I laughed as she handed me an apple before I walked into the house laying in the same bed I woke up in, slowly I drifted off to sleep
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“Angel, the day ya stepped into my life I knew it was gonna change, my lil ballerina, never thought I’d be so lucky ta get a woman as sweet as ya but I wanna spend the rest of this life with you, will ya marry me Angel?”
“Daryl somethings wrong, people are coming back from the dead and eating each other please come get me I’m scared”
“I don’t wanna leave this is our home, where we were gonna raise this baby”
Memories swirled around my head as I woke up in a panic of hot sweat and voices around me, looking around I notice Maggie and Hershel and Rick in the room
“What’s going on is everything okay?”
“It’s Daryl he had……an accident” Rick motioned to the bed next to me, I turned and there he was unconscious on the bed blood covering his face and dirt all over him, my heart tightened in pain
“What happened? Will he be alright Hershel?” I asked as I held Daryl’s hand in mine
“He’ll be alright darling, I’ll get him patched up and he’ll just need to rest” I took the wet cloth Maggie had and wiped the blood away on his face
After the others left and Daryl woke up it was just the two of us in the bed
“You scared me half to death Dixon” I said running my hand up and down his arm
“Sorry sunshine, but I made it back didn’t I”
“Barely, what even happened I thought you were just hunting?”
“Damn horse bucked me of a cliff” I sighed feeling the stress of the day weigh on me
“But forget about it, what did ya do today” he asked twirling my hair in his fingers
“Not much helped Maggie out, then I had this dream”
“Bout what baby?”
“You were proposing to me, you said you were lucky to have a woman like me, called me you angel”
“And it’s true, not a day goes by I don’t feel like I won the lottery” god I loved this man
“Then I had another one, we were in our home crying because I didn’t wanna leave, saying that was where we were suppose to raise our baby……Daryl do we not have a home anymore?” He was silent for a while before nodding
“It’s gone angel, we worked so hard for a home of our own and ya were so excited ya have the baby there but we’ll never go back again” I sat up at the realization that something really bad is going on in the world and I don’t even really know what the normal life was
“Oh god” I gasped feel a sudden pain course through my belly
“What ya alright?”
“I don’t know Daryl *gasp* it hurts”
“HERSHEL” he screamed out
“What happened?” He asked as he came running into the room
“I don’t know she just started hurting”
“Where does it hurt honey?” He asked kneeling infront of me
“The baby, somethings wrong, Daryl this wasn’t suppose to happen, we aren’t suppose to be here like this” I screamed as panic set it further
“What were you talking about?” He asked Daryl
“Some of her memories, told her about our old life and……and we can’t go back”
“She’s just overwhelmed and it’s affecting the baby, listen honey you have to calm down you know this man right here would never let anything happen to you, no matter what’s happening in this world you’re safe” he stated directing me through breathing
“Feelin better?” Daryl asked rubbing my back
“This is a lot and I don’t even know what normal is suppose to be really, I only have a few memories, is there anything I can do to bring them all back”
“I’m not a psychologist, just time, you have to take it easy for the baby”
“Thanks doc” I laid back in bed sighing as Daryl draped his arm over my belly bump
“Would askin more questions help ya?” I nodded my head turning to look at him, just looking in his eyes I felt at ease
“When we were younger were we crazy, did we do what teens do?”
“And what do teens do baby?”
“You know wild things, smoking, drinking, crazy sex”he laughed
“You? My lil princess didn’t do anything crazy, so innocent felt like I’d corrupt ya in some way, I do remember one night tho ya had yer first cigarette”
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Sitting outside as the stars shone above and the warm summer wind blow through my hair, Daryl at my side as we sat in the field outside of town
Daryl lit up a cigarette as I watched the end glow in orange, I use to hate the smell but being around him so much I’ve associated the smell with him mixed with cologne and woods and now I crave it
“Ya?” He asked as the smoke slipped through his lips
“Can I ummm….maybe try that?” I asked pointing to the cigarette
“Nah it’s bad fer ya, don’t wanna ruin them pretty lil lungs”
“Please just one drag, please pretty please”
He eyed me up for a moment before he sighed and handed it over, I took it between my fingers and placed in between my lips sucking it in, feeling the smoke envelope my lungs , slowly blowing it out
“Bet I didn’t look as hot as you smoking” I laughed as he took the cigarette back
“Looked pretty good ta me” he said as he took another drag but I straddle his legs breathing in the smoke he blew out
“Pretty bold tonight Angel” he blushed gripping my thighs
“I just want to be near you D”
“I love ya sunshine”
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“I remember it a bit how handsome you were, but I do have to say I love the way you smell, the smoke it intoxicates me”
“Ya got more bold over the years, was fun seeing ya crack outta yer shell”
“No crazy sex?” He laughed again
“Nah we took things slow”
“Well what about now?” I asked flustered
“Ya certainly have your kinks, we’ve explored a few but yer always to shy ta tell me the others”
Kinks? Interesting
“So what are the things we’ve tried?”
“How bout we save that fer another time when I can show ya”
“Can’t wait”
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What’s everyone like to see in the story to come plz comment
Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @deansapplepie @tesfayera @daryldixmedown @secretsicanthideanymore @superbowlisgay @pollito-chicken @shadowrose13-blog1 @absssposts @writer-ann-artist @dgeckobones @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @lettersfromyourlove @minnie-min @severelykinky @mordilwen-of-mirkwood
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a--ttano · 9 months ago
weatherman - hush kids
We don't need the perfect summer day to feel alright Stand out in the rain as long as you are by my side (by my side) Don't listen to the weatherman I think he's got it wrong We've had the sun inside of us all along
lavender moon - haroula rose
Filled with secrets like these Haunted by long gone dreams She bends down low Walks me home Just me and the lavender moon She knows My heart belongs to you
show me how - men i trust
Show me how you care Tell me how you loved before Show me how you smile Tell me why your hands are cold
gold satin dreamer - nicole dollanganger
Colors fade from my memories and even though Other faces I forget, yours is carved of stone Tryna to take you out of me is like Trying to get smoke out of wood Love you, baby
ghostride - crumb
People come, and people go But I stay
wicked game - widowspeak
With you (This world is only gonna break your heart) What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
there she goes - sixpence none the richer
There she goes There she goes again Pulsing through my veins And I just can't contain This feeling that remains
corcovado "quiet bights of quiet stars" - stacey kent
I, who was lost and lonely, Believing life was only A bitter, tragic joke; Have found with you The meaning of existence, Oh, my love
i get along without you very well - chet baker
I get along without you very well, Of course I do, Except when soft rains fall And drip from leaves, then I recall The thrill of being sheltered in your arms. Of course, I do, But I get along without you very well.
kiss me - the hound + the fox
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moon's sparkling So, kiss me
ain't no sunshine - flower face
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long Anytime she's goes away
i'm glad there is you - julie london
In this world Of ordinary people Extraordinary people I'm glad there is you
sweet lorraine - chet baker
A pair of eyes That are brighter than the summer sky When you see them, you'll realize Why I love my sweet Lorraine
kinda hate u kinda love u - alex sloane
I kinda hate you Kinda love you Kinda wish I was you Wanna kiss you Can't resist you (I think I'm losing it)
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dvbkie099 · 2 years ago
eight - sunshine
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lee minho x fem!oc | hyunjin x fem!oc
tags: Uni!Au, smau, pining, eventual smut, drugs, descriptions of past violence, people are complicated and that's okay
Felix remembered the Eva of nine years ago, when he saw her off at the airport. Overjoyed at the prospect of seeing his cousin again has made his friends curious about the mysterious cousin. Even more so when she's nothing like he described.
Eva remembers Felix, the only cousin close to her in age, who lit up every room he stepped into. He's the only thing that doesn't hurt about her family anymore. And he's still the same as he was nine years ago, like he had been frozen in time. She's not.
note: content warning!!! - discussions of abandonment, hints at domestic abuse
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A few minutes later, Eva found herself gently knocking on the door to Felix's dorm. Anxiously fidgeting with her rings, she waited for the door to open.
The door did open, but it was an unfamiliar face at the other end.
"Hi- um, are you Hyunjin? I'm here for Felix."
"That's me," The taller boy smiled, "Come in."
Eva stepped into the dorm and was instantly surprised by the aesthetic and cleanliness of the room. The small living space containing a simple kitchenette and couch was decorated in a soft, cozy vibe, with various paintings hanging on the walls.
"His door is the one with the ivy on it," Hyunjin said, gesturing to one of the three doors attached to the small main room. "If you two need anything let me know."
"Thanks..." Eva awkwardly said, kicking off her boots and heading to Felix's bedroom.
Gently rapping on the door, she leaned on it.
"Lixie? It's me, Eva."
There was all the way, and then the door slowly opened.
Eva was about to complain about almost falling but stopped when she caught sight of her younger cousin. The hood of his jumper was pulled all-the-way up, obscuring some of his face. She hadn't seen him this sad since they were young when she was saying goodbye to them at the airport.
"Thanks," Felix said quietly, as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
All the lights were off in the bedroom, but even in the dark she could see the clean and cozy decoration of the main room carried into Felix's bedroom.
Eva followed Felix to the bed, pulling him into a hug once they were seated.
"What's up?" She asked softly, squeezing him gently.
He pulled her closer, burying himself in her hold, head on her shoulder, as if he was trying to make himself as small as possible.
"Do you wanna lay down and cuddle?"
He nodded his head against her skin, "Hold me?"
Slowly, as it was more difficult while she was still hugging him, she shuffled back on the bed until she was against the headboard. She spread her legs wider on the bed before slowly pulling a stray blanket over-top of the two of them.
He shifted, so that he was laying in between her legs but left one leg sprawled over hers at an odd angle, arms tight around her waist. His hood had fallen off in their shifting, so she began gently combing through his hair, smiling softly to herself as he hummed against her skin.
They laid in silence for awhile before Felix finally spoke again, "Why'd you leave?"
"You know that already, my father couldn't stand Sydney after my mom died."
"No, why did you leave. You stopped talking to us completely after two years and never answered anyone's mail or phone calls. I love having you back, Ev, butit'ss been seven years since any of us heard from you. I didn't even know that you were studying dance or were attending University?"
She bit her lip, holding him a little tighter.
"I didn't have control of the situation, Lix."
"You reached out to my mom over Facebook, you could've done that years ago."
"I couldn't have, Lix."
"It's easy-"
"It wasn't!"
She hated that she raised her voice to Felix, body instantly tensing.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice, please forgive me."
"You don't have to apologize," Felix said, finally looking up at her and moving away from her shoulder. "I just want to know why you abandoned us."
"You remember my dad?" Eva said, her voice quiet and meek.
"Overprotective and a little weird, but other than that he's alright?" Felix said, "Why do you ask?"
"He's- he wasn't like that after we moved. I don't know what happened after my mom died, but he... he changed." Eva said, "Overprotective is sugar-coating for what he was like."
"Was? Is he-"
"Dead? Yeah."
"What? How? Why?"
She curled up, avoiding her gaze as tears began to form.
"We-, it was normal-" Her voice broke as she was overcome with the need to hide, "Forget I said anything-"
"No." Felix pulled out of her hold, sitting up and cupping her face so she looked up at him. "Eva, what happened."
"He found my acceptance letter for Seoul Arts, and when we were in the car, he-" She sniffled, "He confronted me about it. He's usually mad, but was furious- about me breaking his rules. He took his hand off the wheel to-"
She cut herself off, pulling out of Felix's hold to curl away, out of view. But he was faster, gently tugging on her shoulders to pull her closer. She allowed it, curling into him and trying to focus on his heartbeat, his warmth, anything but what her brain was conjuring.
"He didn't see the car coming his way. T-Bone, on his side. Killed him."
She was so cold in his hold, so small and so scared.
"After all these years, he seemed invincible. In one moment he's threatening to leave me stranded on the side of the road, and next he's dead. He's gone yet I can't forget him, can't forget it."
"Did- does my mom know?"
"Yeah. My only emergency contact was him, but your mom was the witness on my birth certificate. They called her."
"Ev, I'm sorry what happened to you. I wish-"
"You wouldn't have been able to do anything. He had years to poison you guys in my mind, I only started unlearning when I went to university."
"But I could've been there for you."
"Lix, he had me on lockdown. I didn't even know you guys had been trying to reach me. We moved from Madríd after six months. Anything you would've sent would go to someone else."
"Nothing was ever returned to us."
"That's a question for a dead man then."
"Among many."
The two cousins sat in silence, holding one another as they cried, the world outside the cozy dark room forgotten.
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drivemysoul · 2 years ago
“taylor you are so so beautiful and so so autistic please categorise taylor swift lyrics that correspond with kazuto and asuna’s relationship through every arc of sword art online”
thank you 😭😭 also thank you to everyone else who sent one i love y’all so much 🩷 okay i’m limiting myself to 3 per arc or i’ll be here for 20 hours because i have hours long playlists for each and every arc i love these two so so much
aincrad: “once upon a time the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned, you and i ended up in the same room at the same time, and the touch of a hand lit the fuse of a chain reaction of countermoves to asses the equation of you, checkmate, i couldn’t lose” (i’m counting it as one lyric shush), “i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” and “i’m perfectly fine, i live on my own, i made up my mind, i’m better off being alone, we met a few weeks ago, now you try on calling me baby like trying on clothes”
sugary days: “i want to drive away with you, i want your complications too, i want your dreary monday, wrap your arms around me baby boy”, “outside they’re pushing and shoving, you’re in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing” and “take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die, i don’t belong and my beloved neither do you”
fairy dance: “i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us”, “romeo save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel, this love is difficult but it’s real” and “don’t say yes, run away now, i’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door, don’t wait or say a single vow, you need to hear me out and they said speak now”
phantom bullet: “i’d give my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me”, “when i was shipwrecked i thought of you, in the cracks of light i dreamed of you, it was real enough to get me through, i swear you were there” and “are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these, and let all your damage damage me, and carry your baggage up my street, and make me your future history?”
mother’s rosario: “you can’t talk to me when i’m like this, daring you to leave me just so i can try and scare you”, “no deal, the 1950’s shit they want from me, i just wanna stay in that lavender haze” and “i gave you all my best me’s, my endless empathy, and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier, fighting in only your arms, frontlines don’t you ignore me, i’m the best thing at this party, and i wouldn’t marry me either”
ordinal scale: “i like shiny things but i’d marry you with paper rings”, “only bought this dress so you could take it off” and “give you the silence that only comes when two people understand eachother, family that i chose now that i see your brother as my brother, is it enough?”
alicization: “i woke up just in time, now i wake up by your side, my one and only, my lifeline”, “can i go where you go? can we always be this close forever and ever?” and “wherever you stray, i’ll follow”
war of underworld: “lord save me, my drug is my baby, i’ll be using for the rest of my life”, “i would’ve read your love letters every single night and prayed to god you’d be coming home alright, and you would’ve been fine, we would’ve been timeless” and “in the end in wonderland we both went mad”
moon cradle: “have i known you twenty seconds or twenty years?”, “i don’t wanna look at anything else now that i saw you, i don’t wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you” and “time breaks down your mind and body, don’t you let it touch your soul”
unital ring: “i’m gonna love you when our hair is turning grey, we’ll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we’ve made and you’ll say “oh my, we really were timeless””, “up on the roof with a schoolgirl crush, drinking beer out of plastic cups, say you fancy me not fancy stuff, baby all at once this enough” and “i’ve loved you three summers now honey but i want them all”
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