#I use the term yandere lightly here
yanderes-galore · 6 months
So, I saw that you do Halo and could you do yandere Gravemind concept!? I'm REALLY curious about how he'd be as a yandere.
Not the weirdest thing I've written, but it also probably not be the last. The term "yandere" is used VERY loosely here.
"Yandere!" Gravemind Concept
(Or The Flood in general?)
Pairing: Dubious
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, OOC Flood (?), "Stalking", Parasites, Graphic descriptions, Death, Violence, Kidnapping, Assimilation, Forced "companionship" (?)
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The Flood in Halo is a sentient parasite made out of the space dust of ancient creators/gods (Not Kidding).
It lives to infect and assimilate all organic matter.
It seeks knowledge from assimilated prey and the technology they make.
Having a force of nature such as this obsessed with you? Your fate is sealed.
This is obviously going to be OOC, but let me share some thoughts I've been brewing.
Imagine if the Gravemind could keep a dormant Flood spore in you to communicate or track you.
You can't integrate into society anymore... you're a beacon for The Flood.
Having some sort of "alliance" with The Flood is interesting.
It's possible, we see this in Halo 3.
The Flood Graveminds are the center of a Flood infestation, a hivemind of knowledge.
Who knows why this specific Gravemind is interested in you?
The Flood have their own motives... it's a surprise it hasn't assimilated you into its mass yet.
Having a Gravemind interested in you is the equivalent of just having The Flood after you.
Which is terrifying as Combat Forms are fast and can even learn how to utilize technology such as vehicles.
Plus, there's a good chance you're already infected to some degree.
Not to the point of a Combat Form though, you're still you.
You just have spores deep within you, assimilating you just enough to make you connected to the Gravemind.
It always knows where you are, it can always communicate with your mind as there's spores lodged in there too.
You're, unfortunately, a lost cause.
You're both marked for death, yet also extremely protected.
Those you care about as assimilated and absorbed into the hivemind known as The Flood.
Which only ever gives the Gravemind more knowledge to utilize when communicating with you.
It's terrifying to see the mass of essentially corpses talk to you in poetic rhymes about your life.
The Flood/Gravemind has proven it can choose who it works with.
This is shown with Master Chief and The Arbiter when they had to stop the Halo array.
As long as it is appeased, you can live a long while.
However, most of what you know his Flood bio-matter coating various ships and buildings.
Along with a disturbing stench that smells like both sweat and decay.
Flood forms of all sorts roam around you, but they never attack.
The Gravemind has designated you as an ally.
I imagine the Gravemind would subject you to intellectual conversation.
You either try to find a spot not covered in organic matter to sit and listen... or the Gravemind just dangles you in the air by a tendril.
The intentions of The Flood is set to dubious, as you can't tell why it likes you so much.
All other sentient life is to be assimilated, being food and fodder for the growing infestation.
But you? The Gravemind keeps you around the chat.
It reminds you of the grip it has on you, that there's no escape for you... even if they send a Spartan.
Yet right afterwards the Gravemind offers strangely philosophical conversation.
The mass learns from you through conversation.
The Flood craves knowledge, so it listens eagerly.
Honestly, if someone tried to take you out of the Flood Den the Gravemind created, its defense mechanism is to first send as much Flood as it can to retrieve you.
If it cannot reclaim you... it activates the dormant spores in your body... quickly assimilating you into its network.
Essentially, if it can't keep you, no one can.
Except it will eventually get you in the end... forever part of its hivemind structure.
Safe to say the concept of The Flood being attached to you... is probably one of the most terrifying ideas... and the worst for you out of all the characters I've written.
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echantedtoon · 1 month
Obsession 憑 Ch35
(Yandere Michikatsu/Kokushibo x Reader x Yandere Yoriichi) Obsession. To drown without you and expect nothing less but the heart from which they seek. Like an intoxicating addiction of the hearts growing roots to the minds and then eventually entrapping the soul in the twisted branches.
Firstly I just wanted to make this clear. This is a FAN MADE continuation of the really good story Addiction by Mocha who had deactivated her account. I did try to find a way to reach out to finish up the story but no dice. She wrote the first two arcs of the Addiction story: Addiction and Intoxication.
I love the story and wanted to make at least a somewhat ending to it but remember this is NOT CANNON to the actual story!! This is a FAN MADE continuation and is absolutely not associated with the first 34 chapters. So as a fan made continuation, I'm going to write things that aren't in the original story to make it different.
1. Yoriichi is going to be thrown back into character being the kind and compassionate man he his. Still an obsessive Yandere but he's not going to be mean for no reason.
2. Spicy undertones are WAY turned down too. I'm focusing on the romantic aspect between them all.
3. I'm leaving out the pet dog.
4. Obsession Arc will not be very long and will have three endings. Yoriichi Ending, Michikatsu Ending, and Neither Ending.
Before you start reading this story please read the first 33 parts by the original writer here:
And read the cannon 34th chapter here:
(Warnings for Yandere themes, mentioned killing and death, etc. 
Not everything from the original story will be cannon mostly because I am not comfortable with writing that kinda stuff but I'll try to keep it as similar to the original story as possible minus the changes of throwing everyone back into character. Especially characters like Yoriichi and Rengoku.)
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Obsession: Obsession is the term used to describe the addiction of thoughts or feelings pouring into ones mind like an intoxicating drug. The state of being obsessed with someone or something. An idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. The final stage of Addiction and Intoxication. To have the need to have them in their lives or else they'd never live again.
The difference between Obsession, Addiction, and Intoxication are simple. An addiction will go away eventually and an intoxication will remain within a person forever, but an Obsession is the next stage of want that is the driving force of the needs to have their life whole no matter what obstacle stands in their path. 
                                                                                    Part 4 Day-Night
The clopping of horse hooves against the ground outside. Each step matches on in the parade into no return. The fate that never was wanted by the girl in the plush seat on the carriage or the way her life turned out after all this time and work put into her life. 
"Y/n, don't be cold to me please. You'll love it back home. There's a large garden full of flowers and a beautiful view of the forest." A hand reached out to caress her face. "There's so much more-"
A stinging sensation throbbed from the contact her hand made with his, harshly smacking it away from her glowering face of hatred and filling the small carriage space with a snack sound. There was silence as he stared at her lightly surprised she had reacted so quickly and that a woman was able to hit him hard enough to make it sting, but he had forgotten about a very important part of her.
She served in the war against Muzan's forces. While she was a woman, her small body was a lot stronger than it looked. Deceiving to everyone, including himself and his brother if they ever forgotten. Speaking of which- Plum eyes looked over towards his sleeping twin leaned against the side of the carriage door still deep in slumber. They had started taking turns in shifts keeping an eye on her and right now it was his turn as his brother slept. His chest gently rising and falling with each breath he took. Luckily the smack wasn't loud enough to awaken Michikatsu and Yoriichi only rubbed his hand before giving a genuine hurt look at her.
"Don't touch me!," she hissed again thankfully not loud enough to wake his brother before pointing an accusing finger at him. "And don't give me that look either! After EVERYTHING you two had done! Do you really think you have the right to look at me with those eyes?!"
He opened his mouth-... before slowly closing it before just looking back down to his hands. No..No. He had no right to try to comfort her. Give her affection. Stare at her longingly. Wish for her to give him that same love his heart hit him with again and again. He wished it could've been so different but unfortunately fate wasn't so nice. 
"I lov-"
"Finish that sentence to me, and I'll NEVER say another word to you again! I will spend the rest of my imprisoned life in silence! You'll never have the satisfaction of my voice again!"
Plum red eyes widened at her in shock. "Y-You don't..mean that do you?"
"Have I ever bluffed before?"
No. No she has not.
She never did. Not in the heat of battle and never outside either.  His hands gripped each other tightly, wishing it was her hands he could hold instead but the glaring red eyes boring into him told him if he ever tried that, he might in fact lose those hands. Instead he just continued to gaze at the same eyes that bore into him with hatred with his own unrequited love.
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rosedere · 28 days
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Our Spring Secret
Jade Leech x Reader x Azul Ashengrotto (Modern/Office AU)
Summary: You find yourself as the new acting CEO’s Friend with benefit— but little does he know about your secret involving Azul.
MDNI 18+
General cw: Yandere content, NSFW, non con, Kidnapping, drugging, pregnancy (reader), love triangles, Suicid3 attempt.
Sequel to Murder Mountain. (Can read separately though)
Pt. I, Pt II (you are here), Pt.lll, Pt.l, Pt.IV, Pt.V,Pt.VI,Pt.VII,Pt. VIII,Pt.XI, Pt.X, Pt.XI
You don't know my brain the way you know my name, You don't know my heart the way you know my face, You don't know what I've done, I'm wanted and on the run. I'm wanted and on the run. So I'm taking this moment to live in the future
Lately, your days have began to feel like they all blended in together.
You used to work almost every day until Jade decided to have your hours reduced because of your “stomach issues”, now only going in every three days out of the business week, and when you were at work most of the time you were completely bound to your desk doing paperwork the minimum.
Assuming Jade decided to let you off on a certain day, you couldnt even go home without an immediate call to your phone from Jade asking for some “private time” with you at his penthouse.
Completely at his mercy you gave up going back to your small studio apartment deciding to let a friend take over your lease while you stayed with Jade. It made sense in the long term anyway since you wanted your bloom to have a more spacious place to live than a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment in the bustling part of the city.
The day when you had told Jade your plans to simply move in with him was the day he began to practically bend to you. Massaging your feet after work, driving you anywhere you desired, occasionally cooking for you when you’d be utterly exhausted.
He truly was sticking to his promise of treating you like a princess during the little arrangement you both had going on.
All you had to do was just please him and hope he didn’t tell Azul you tried to kill him.
Which is where you currently were while Jade and Floyd were at work; turning the electric stove on while you scurried the spotless kitchen for pots and pans to begin their dinner for this evening.
Anything to get brownie points with Jade.
Grabbing the ingredients to make Floyd’s dinner, you opened the fridge to get eggs and butter to fry the Takoyaki balls sitting on the cutting board patiently waiting to be thrown into a circular pan.
Reaching for the top shelf where the egg carton was in the cold French door fridge, a tiny flutter in your flank area tickled you.
Lightly tapping the top of your abdomen before you kept on searching for the butter.
Only this time when the flutter came back again tickling your flank once more, accompanying the feeling this time with an angry punchy kick inside the thin skin of your abdomen.
“I know—you don’t have to remind me twice,” you let out a frustrated huff patting the top of your abdomen wall where you knew they were curled up against.
Putting the eggs and butter to the side. Your priorities shift from Floyd’s dinner to your sassy little one, who was giving you a daily “shovel as much of whatever it was craving for the day into you before feeding anyone else” reminder.
Recently, your body changed: your stomach rounding slightly like an oval and the hard texture around your stretched skin creating small stretch marks around your naval. It hadn’t pertruded yet; your breasts had also started to get well… swollen, heavy and discolored from what your doctor said was just your body beginning to recognize your small bean beginning to grow.
It was official: your body was finally showing signs that you were indeed pregnant.
But this unfortunate change meant if you were noticing these changes to your body: so was everyone else.
Occasionally when Jade wasnt home you’d allow your belly to breathe getting compliments from other women way older than you about how cute your bump looked.
You assumed you did a good job hiding your pregnancy, Jade never really commented on your appearance changing, but you weren’t sure if he didn’t because he didn’t want you to feel self-conscious, or if he was genuinely clueless.
The changes harder to hide as well since Jade was eager for any kind of intimacy when Floyd would leave you both alone for the night.
Almost being caught when Jade wanted to lay you on your stomach for a change of pace instead of having you always riding him. It just was beginning to make you paranoid when he would finally bring it up to you about your stomach.
But you had to create the illusion of being obedient to Jade.
Slipping your once-broken mask onto yourself again.
You had to admit that after Azul had ripped your mask off the first time by turning the situation in his favor, you were angered but felt equalized by him being knocked down a few pegs by your doing.
But you still had a burning hatred for him. Sometimes waking up remembering the horrible morning in broken pieces.
Always knowing what was about to occur, but being powerless to scream or deviate from the script your tired mind made you reenact every night.
It’s partially why you submit to any of Jade's requests with glee; the sadistic thought of turning up with Jade of all people while he’s writhing in pain in his hospital bed alone excites you.
Making him watch you be happier with Jade.
Only a part of you didn’t. 
A small voice.
He loves me right? He did put a child in me? It’s impossibly rare to get pregnant your first time was what the doctor told you…
You didn’t have much before in your life besides a good-paying job and briefly your ex-lover when he was willing to see you, but even then you still felt unneeded.
No one relied on you ever, which broke your heart, especially when Azul started to turn everyone at work against you.
The pain of coming home to your apartment with no one to greet you after a long day was painful.
So dark had your life became, but you began to realize your little bloom would be your entire garden, watering it and giving it the light and nutrients it needed to grow.
In an ironic way, you were grateful to Azul for giving you someone who would love you in your life.
Even if they made you raid the fridge for the 7th time today…
You’ll probably ask Jade to let you buy groceries after dinner since you’ve been eating all of his snacks and food recently, only confirming it when you looked inside the pantry for something sour only to see flour and pasta shells left in the tall frosted glass pantry.
Gingerly eating a bag of healthy mushroom crisps Jade had on the very top shelf, You continued on your cooking quest hoping the quick snack was enough to quell them until you finished Floyd’s dinner.
But as you began to finish the preparations you slowly realized the issue.
You forgot to make you and Jade’s dinner…
The most important part of your ritual…
Grabbing your phone you immediately ordered most of the items to make a quick dinner for the both of you, multitasking making sure the delicate fried balls wouldnt burn as you tried to think of something creative to make for the evening.
Finally settling on making chicken and mushroom dumplings was the way to Jade’s heart you hurried around the kitchen trying to keep everything together.
After a few hours later than you would like you were finished with everyone’s dinner.
Taking a sigh of relief as you rested against the counter.
You only groaned; having little under 20 minutes to yourself before Jade or Floyd would return.
Exhausted from being on your feet, you shuffled down the long monochrome hallway over to Jade's frosted bedroom door, hastily propping the door open your logic was to just lay in his bed for a little while before the two brothers got home.
“Twenty minutes” you thought to yourself as you tucked yourself in underneath the fleece lined blanket on your side of the white bed.
Of course, your body betrayed you as you fell back into the soft bed and lazily stared at the ceiling, closing your eyes slowly before falling into a peaceful sleep, fading out remembering your little bloom making a few small flutters.
You awoke to a gentle shift in the bed besides you. Awakening to see Jade’s gleaming eyes watching you from the bedside where he sat.
Still in his pressed dark plum suit, he gradually was taking his attire off folding his suit jacket on the bed, kicking his shoes off from the side of the bed.
Deciding to finally wake up you lifted yourself up against the plush headboard, unwrapping yourself from the several blankets you didn't realize you had been underneath.
“Sorry I didnt greet you Jade; I was just so exhausted,” you murmured rubbing the sleep from your heavy eyes.
“Why the apology? You know you're allowed to sleep in my bed anytime princess.” You could feel him reach your back gently.
The movement rousing your little bloom from within, you guessed they also decided to drift off with you.
Instead of giving a reply, you just stretched yourself out from your spot on the bed, letting a small yawn out.
“Have you eaten yet? I left our on the stove if you want me to serve you,” you began to crawl towards Jade still sitting on the side of the bed, your low hanging belly weighing you down as you moved across the king sized mattress.
You were almost right next to Jade before he gingerly scooped your body up effortlessly and with care as if you were made of glass, now currently having you crane your head against his neck.
The overwhelming scent he had on filled your nostrils with sandalwood, amber, and a hint of green, reminding you of the forest.
Dreamily inhaling his scent, you let yourself melt into Jade’s hold on you.
Jade sneakily laid a small peck on your out-of-place hair from where you had fallen asleep.
“I’ll only eat once you eat, dear.”
You pouted against him, puffing your cheeks out.
“Knowing you well you probably just had snacks all day instead of eating a meal” he tutted at you.
"Fine, you caught me” you sighed against him, “I just didnt want to eat alone again” you murmured.
“And dont say I can eat with Floyd I hate having to clean up after that messy eater, like does he even chew his food” you complained.
Jade only chuckled in response rubbing your back once more.
“I forgot to text you that we’re going to be alone for the night; Floyd is busy with a task I gave him Monday,” Jade reassured you with another peck to your cheek.
“Really? Perfect timing I think I am a bit hungry,” you excitedly replied, perking up out of bed and heading towards the kitchen.
“I made a different recipe I saw online since I almost forgot to make us dinner” you giggled to yourself.
You could sense Jades presence, a silent but calm aura, as he followed you down the hallway to the stove where you had made his dinner and yours sitting on the stove wrapped in the cross cross wooden basket steamer you had bought.
Grabbing a chopstick from the side of the stove top, you pried the basket lid open grabbing onto a succulent dumpling in the bottom of the basket.
“Jade” you playfully called for him, who was already at the kitchen counter behind you.
“Try one” you held the chopstick up to his lips, “I made it just for you”
Blowing on the dumpling you let him reach for it biting into it.
“It’s good right” you asked looking up watching his eyes light up, “how did you know I was craving Mushrooms” he teased taking another hungry bite from the chopstick.
“ just had a little feeling” you replied, discreetly rubbing the top of your bump.
Turning around you began to plate Jade’s dinner first. Thankfully, you made a huge portion due to both of your enormous appetites and then some in case Floyd would burst in and want more as well.
Grabbing the pots and smooth clay plates, you started to serve Jade, hoping the food would be warm enough to suit his tastes.
passing through the double glass doors past the living room you reached the open dining room in front of the balcony besides the side of the apartment. Placing the plate in front of Jade’s spot.
Jade shortly sat down in front of you, seeming like he had washed his hands before seating himself in the expensive granite table. Planting a tender kiss on his cheek, quickly racing to the kitchen to serve yourself.
Grabbing your plate you began to scoop the soup dumplings on your plate along with some of the rice you originally made to go with Floyds dinner just in case your little bloom was in a mood for something else besides dumplings.
Remembering their presence you gave a light pat on the top of your bump. It had become you and your baby’s greeting to each other, the tap signaling them to move towards the sudden tap.
Grabbing your plate you finally sat down with your full plate.
Having your appetite back once more was a gift and a curse.
The aromatic smell of your dinner had you eagerly begin shoveling the food into your hungry mouth barely using your chopstick or fork as you chewed and ripped at the delicate buns.
"Im glad to see you eating again (name)”
“I’ll take this is my warning to come home faster” he chuckled from across the table watching you with care.
Pausing, you’d forgotten about him being across from you at the table while watching your ravenous display of feeding yourself.
“Well the doctor did say with the medicine I should be back to my old self soon, most pr—” you stopped yourself before continuing.
“er.. most women with gastrointestinal issues feel better after a few months on the medicine” smiling with a few bits of food on the corner of your mouth.
Jade only pointed to the corner of his mouth alerting you to what you had accidentally done.
You reached for a napkin on the corner of the table, wiping the corners of your lips.
Resuming with stuffing yourself full you noticed Jade was watching you; he had done so more often after the incident in the elevator.
“Jade, I have to ask you something important,” you furrowed your brow, putting the napkin down beside your plate and chopsticks.
"Oh, I don’t like the way you framed that question,” Jade smiled before laughing his usual nervous laugh, “What did I do?" He asked taking another bite out of his dinner.
Giving a “really” look, you before you spoke up.
“Nothing you did, but it might break my heart depending on how you answer,” you eyed Jade, taking a small bite of the rice in front of you.
“Oh? You must tell me now,” he dropped his fork into his plate.
“Hopefully it’s what im thinking your going to ask” He smiled.
"Well," you trailed off, “do you actually want to be with me beyond—this—or are you just well…waiting for something better to come along?"
“I’ve been thinking about what we talked about at the doctor's appointment every day, and you never answered me,” you frowned, tapping a finger on the table.
He perked up at the mention of the last sentence.
“Do.. you love me Jade Leech?”
Staring into his eyes, you waited for his response, picking at your rice.
Jade dropped his silverware before he laid his napkin next to his nearly empty plate.
“You remember the retreat, right?” Jade began
“What I had said that night and what I promised you”
You blinked in surprise at his response.
"That one from all those years ago, right? When you…”
Jade nodded in agreement.
“I love you, but I wanted to prove my worth to you (Name)”
“Since I’m most likely going to become the CEO of Mostro Inc. for a while, and since Azul is out of the picture, I feel like I can be a great husband” Jade smiled to himself messing with his plate, “and maybe even a father eventually..” he looked away towards the balcony.
You had truthfully forgotten his promise; it had been a while since the retreat all those years ago when you first joined the company.
You could see tears lining his eyelashes as you looked closer at his bashful face.
Even someone as straightforward as Jade has emotions too.
“You say that as if you weren’t somebody before; you may not have been as famous as Azul, but you were still the glue that held the company together Jade” you instinctively reached for his hand across from you, playing with his warm hands with a small grin.
“You dont have to become some huge big shot for me to fall for you” you sighed.
After you said that, Jade once again fell into silence, leaving the whole dinner with lingering thoughts about the conversation.
Excusing yourself, you went to the sink to start washing the dishes from you and Jades dinner, scrubbing the two plates as Jade sat at the table waiting for you to finish, seemingly in thought about something.
Your bloom contently full just sitting idle inside of you, for now however…
Probably in a few hours he’d bring it to your attention for you to eat a whole Melon and egg before bed.
Finally loading the last dish into the dishwasher, you went to the stove. Floyd hadn’t come home yet, leaving his dinner untouched in the simmering pan on low. Sighing, you turned the stove off before grabbing a plastic container to store the flavorful fried takoyaki in when a sudden, loud slam of the entrance door was heard, causing the two of you to turn to the source of the sound.
“Heyyy I’ll tell ya that was one hell of a job, but it’s finally done, like you asked Jade."
After a few footfalls, Floyd entered the kitchen, causing you to begin to abandon your original task of packing his dinner into containers.
“Hey floyd, sorry I thought you were going to go out partying again”
However, just before you were to greet him, you recoiled at the sight of him.
Usually he was a wild card when it came to his appearance, occasionally dressing up in whatever casual clothes he had or a fancy tracksuit.
But this was not even close.
His hair was disheveled and matted with a liquid; you weren’t sure what it was. There were scratches on his neck, ranging from deep jagged cuts to small slices in his alabaster skin. His clothes though, had dark crimson stains and what appeared to be earthy soil caked onto the front and sides, which apparently dripped to the bottom of his jeans and cool electric blue shoes, making them a muddied dark violet.
And… a horrible odor came off of him every swing of his arms, something like onion and rancid iron coming off of his jacket.
The dark liquid was now trailing down the apartment floor, another mess you had to clean.
You made a small gasp as you stopped filling the to-go container.
Jade, noticed your worried expression, got up from his chair and walked towards Floyd, who was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen.
"Floyd, could you come here and talk to me for a moment?" Jade asked sweetly.
Pushing his chair out, he immediately swarmed around floyd who was lazily looking over at you both.
"Aww, why are you mad at me? I was in a good mood and everything until you made that face at me,” Floyd pouted as Jade guided him by the shoulder, ushering him out of the door he’d come from.
“Erm, Jade?” You asked, “I’ll be back (Name)” Jade’s voice echoed down the hall.
“If it’s not too much can you bring me a melon and some vanilla ice cream” you requested.
The door slammed with no confirmation.
Sighing your stomach growled as you leaned against the kitchen island.
You silently turned back to look at the container, deciding to walk towards the stove resuming placing the contents back into the pan to warm for when Floyd came back from whatever Jade and he were discussing.
A bad feeling bubbled into your gut.
Not wanting to deal with whatever Floyd did and the gross mess on the ground, you quietly waddled back to the bedroom to get ready for the night. Trying to distract from whatever you saw in the hallway.
You tried to take your time showering and drying off to hopefully talk to Jade a bit more as you both did at the end of the day, Lying on your side in Jade's bed, you drifted off to the thoughts of what you’d tell Jade when he got back.
Your stomach growling slightly reminding you of your predicament from earlier. Deciding to ignore the feeling you patted your small bloom.
Of course, Floyd had to come in at the worst time.
That was all Jade could think of when he practically dragged his dirtied brother into the vacant hallway by the arm.
"Where are we going anyway? I’m hungry and tired. I’ve been up since 5 a.m. hunting our target down,” Floyd wailed.
Eventually Jade stopped near the emergency staircase towards the end of the hallway, going through the dark doors into the concrete stairwell.
“I understand, but you have to remember we have to be stealthy, as I’ve said numerous times to you, Floyd,” Jade sighed, “I just need to confirm if you did it or not. You put your effort in just this one time and I’ll put my part in.”
Floyd just made a long sigh before finally digging through his pants pockets, shuffling for several things.
Finally, he retrieved a white napkin stained with something saturated in a deep brown liquid that had dried sometime earlier.
With a smile Jade retrieved it carefully, opening the napkin with a smile.
Looking at the item, he quickly refolded the napkin, putting it in his pants pocket with satisfaction.
“My Floyd, I didn’t think you’d actually do it…but I have to know—“
"Yeah, I snagged some of his journals and stuff. I don’t know if he had a lot of stuff in his drawers; I just grabbed it all and put it in a garbo bag in my trunk."
Floyd yawned before lazily grabbing what appeared to be a book stained in a crimson liquid splayed across the cover.
Jade cautiously grabbed it before examining the cover of the book.
“Yeaah I’m not sure what it could be either, but he had it on him when I jumped him behind the parking lot.”
“He gave me a struggle trying to keep me from it, so I just figured you might want to look at it; all I found was boring reports and stuff,” Floyd kicked at the ground in boredom.
Floyd was right; after Jade carefully inspected the contents inside, he realized he had ultimately struck a gold mine.
Initially, Jade was going to use the items to destroy the competition by using the same tactics as they had found success with, but the new information he came across could create a scandal big enough to wipe the competition out by just leaking the contents within.
Though Azul would seem like a better person, it could bring the company good press. It was a start he was willing to make time for he thought to himself.
Smiling, he escorted Floyd back inside the familiar penthouse.
It was close to midnight when Jade got back to the bedroom.
You were blissfully sleeping in an oversized nightgown wrapped under one of the various blankets ontop of the bed.
Sighing to himself he debated if he should wake you so you could eat the melon and tub of ice cream he had drove to get in town.
You seemed to be deep in sleep, not even snoring or loudly breathing into your pillow as you would do during these nights.
His hand began to snake under your dress.
A heartbeat.
Leaving his hand above your stomach.
The flutter returned as he ghosted over your naval once more.
You stirred suddenly causing his hand to retreat from your sleeping form.
Hesitating for a moment from his side of the bed he began to make his move towards his desk, he still held the book and the items Floyd had given him a moment ago.
Opting to throw them into his bottom drawer that was vacant, he threw various papers and pens over the pile of items just in case someone were to pry.
“Jade? Where were you?” Your tiny voice echoed from the bed behind him.
Turning around and dawning his signature smile, as he always did to reassure you
"Oh, just discussing business with Floyd; I had a word with him about how unprofessional it was to barge in with all of the filth on him, so you can only imagine where he is now,” his tone demure as he closed the drawer he had been in.
“Don’t tell me you made him mop! I’ll have to clean the floor tomorrow; he doesn’t know how to mop at ALL” you groaned crossing your arms from under your blanket.
Jade found you adorable when you let yourself become so soft around him compared to how you’d usually act at work around him. It almost made him feel bad for what he had ordered done not too long ago to your ex-lover.
“Oh? So you don’t want to come with me tomorrow to see Azul?” Jade observed your previously sleepy self become animated in seconds.
“Y-yes if you want me to come with you…”
“But what changed Jade?”
“I felt bad. I promised we could see him Wednesday, but I got busy with work. I just figured it could be somewhat of a date,” he smiled, merely shrugging.
“We haven’t been out together as a couple yet and I would like to change that” he eyed your swollen belly under your night gown.
"Well, I can’t wait then” you rolled back towards the otherside of the bed.
“you just better not flake out on me again,” you threatened.
Waiting to hear your light snores again, he quietly retreated to his nightstand for the evening. Changing into his own night wear for the evening.
Sliding into bed next to you, he only closed his eyes wrapping his arms around the curves of your body.
Until tomorrow, he can focus on his next victim: Azul Ashengrotto.
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Note: btw my requests are open for Twst and genshin stuffs! Last call before I temporarily close them for September!
Also this story deviates slightly from the AO3 version so if your interested in seeing the alternate storyline feel free to read there :)))
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suns-pott · 1 year
Azul and Jade with Angelite and kunzite?
what a fun onee
Azul Ashengrotto
Angelite- how calm is the yandere and what aggravates them?
Azul does his best to make you love him, that's all he wants from you, he will try his best to not get angry with you, but he does get irked if you cause more problems on purpose. Either breaking things in his room, damaging anything in the Mostro lounge, or being bratty for your petty revenge. If it's early enough in your... relocation, he'll let it slide while lightly chastising you, if he deems it late enough for you to have gotten used to your new life he will give out a proper punishment.
"Come now my dear, you know how expensive those glasses were to acquire. If this keeps up I'll have to isolate you again, you remember just how much you clung to me after those 3 weeks right? Please do not test my patience, love."
Kunzite- is the yandere's motivations love, lust or something else?
His motivation is definitely for what he calls love. He finds you to be the perfect fit for him, he absolutely adores every part of you, even if you don't think very highly of yourself. He kidnaps you for the sake of protecting you and ensuring you stay with him, and does his best to make you happy. At his core, he just wants to be loved by you, and will do anything to make it happen. He's delusional enough to believe that someday his feelings will be reciprocated, and just self aware enough to know that you will be understandably upset with him at first. But that's alright, you'll soon come to terms with your new life with him and love him back.
"Ah, don't worry love, I'm here now, you'll never need anyone else but me, isn't that wonderful~?"
Jade Leech
Angelite- how calm is the yandere and what aggravates them?
Jade is frighteningly calm, it's nearly impossible to read his emotions or what is going to trigger his sadistic side. He's not easily aggravated, unless you really try your luck and outright disobey him. He'll respect your moment of confidence for a few seconds before taking back control; depending on his mood his method will vary. It can be anything from a frightening expression with a threat to go along with it to outright violence to see those sweet tears of pain.
"There it is, I do admire how beautiful you look with tears from your eyes, as much as I adore that, I do need you to cooperate with me for now, alright? Now, let out another scream for me will you?"
Kunzite- is the yandere's motivations love, lust or something else?
It's certainly not in the name of love or lust, but something else entirely. He essentially keeps you around for his own entertainment and thrives off of your fear of him. He occasionally resorts to violence, but he much prefers to toy with your mind until you break, it's his form of adoration for you, even considering how twisted this kind of love is. He'll do anything he wants with you, and he might get a few ideas from his other half. As much as his brother is regarded for being stupidly strong, he has his moments of strength with you, judging by how your ankles screech in pain from your last escape attempt is anything to go by.
"Ah ah ah, I can't have any of that, while I do enjoy the challenge you bring, this simply won't do. I'll have to punish you for this won't I?"
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: Western Anarchy
Pairing: OC (male) x GN! reader
TW: Death, gruesome descriptions of a dead body, religious elements, nothing crazy yet. Nothing yandere or really dark yet but I have plans tho 
 Notes: I have tried to set this in “wild west America”, unfortunately for me, I am Australian and I might have used Australian terms to discuss rural/country things. Please tell me in you don't know what I am referring to whether it be because it is an Australian word or just because it is an agricultural term. I grew up in regional Australia so most of these words come naturally to me but I understand maybe not to others :) 
 The first body was found on the Lord's Day. The faithful were packed tightly into the small chapel. The heat was sickening, as it often was. The preacher tried his best to distract his flock from the fear suffocating their minds with parables and lessons, but the worry was too great. Strange occurrences were taking place, odd things happening in the night. At first, it was the wandering cattle. Entire herds disappeared in the night, only to return days later, standing silent and still.
 Next was the dogs. They began to act strange, began to make odd sounds. People began to report that their loyal companions would sit in front of their doors at night. Sit and growl at whatever threat they could sense behind the safety of their homes. Working dogs would up and run in the middle of mustering, not returning until late at night, scratching at the house door in anguish. Theories began to pour from trembling mouths. Some thought it was just animals being animals, something to do with the seasons changing or the weather getting warmer. Others thought it was the railway men trying to scare them from their land, others began to think there were wolves out among the plains.
 You had your own theories, of course, cattle rustlers or bored teenagers looking for some fun. Although you hadn't figured out why the cattle rustlers would return the cattle (maybe they got spooked?) or how (if it was teenagers) they had trained the entire dog population in town to act like that. But did those little details really matter? These were all reasonable and logical explanations, and they helped you ignore the even stranger sounds coming from the plains at night and the shadows that followed you home. 
Mass concluded with a chorus of peace be with you, and the flock emerged into the morning light from their sanctuary.  The crowd separated into smaller groups, each speaking in hushed and fearful whispers. It had been a few nights since the incident with the dogs, yet the town was still on edge with paranoia. Slowly families started to embark on their journey home, scared to leave the safety of the flock. You stood with your parents, watching as fathers clutched their children's hands and mothers held onto those who couldn't walk yet. It was now just your family, the preacher and his wife, and your neighbour  (neighbour was a term used lightly, most days you couldn't even see their house over the horizon) left surrounding the church. 
You weren't exactly listening to what your parents were discussing with your neighbour and the preacher, although you expected it to be the happenings (as they began to be named). It was pretty funny, you thought, how easy it was to feed the fear in people's hearts. A few heifers wander off and some dogs spook and suddenly people are boarding up windows and putting curfews in place. You wondered what Eli would think about all this. 
 Eli was your most treasured childhood friend. A menace on the best of days, he was wild, charismatic and boarding on being an outlaw with all the trinkets he has stolen for you over the years. He was up droving cattle with the Henderson brothers since just before the happenings began, some weeks now. He wouldn't be back for a few more months. It was terrible being in this boring town without your best friend. If he was here you would be laughing at how quickly the town had turned to madness.  Eli was practical, despite his wild ways. He would have come up with the cause of all the strangeness as soon as it began. Although knowing Eli and all his mischief-making ways, if he was here you would have half a mind to think he was the cause of all of this. As you lamented about the pain you were in with Eli hundreds of miles away, a scream of terror cut through the air. The first body had been found.
 The body was found by the preacher's wife. A lovely lady who didn't deserve her breakfast being forced up onto the grass by the grizzly sight that lay before you. There was blood, lots of it, and pieces of pale fabric dotted with small red marks and little brown dots, spread throughout the small pasture behind the church. It took you a few seconds to comprehend that the pale pieces of fabric were actually the man's skin. Fat flies slowly drifted from piece to piece before settling to feast on the gore and filth that was once a living, breathing man. The sun burned on the back of your neck and the heat made the smell  (oh the smell! Like a rotten, festering mess) grow in size with every moment. It was quiet as well. The absence of sound was jarring, the screaming from the preacher's wife had stopped, and the breeze was too weak to move the dry brittle blades of grass growing disturbed around his body. The flies were too fat on his gore to do anything but sit and feast.  The grasses surrounding him almost looked disgusted by his presence, all facing away, leaving a clearing of sorts for the horrors to lay uncovered.  If you had been a gambling person you would have bet you had never met this man in your entire life. Although you were assuming this was because he was without a face. It had been ripped straight off, deep gashes lined the cavity of his face. The gashes continued down until they reached his chest and abdomen where a gapping wide, red void was instead. A few seconds later your breakfast was joining the preacher's wife's.
 Your mother quickly took charge and sent you and the preacher's wife (Belinda her name was, a truly lovely lady) back into the church to console each other. Belinda was doing much better than you, she had stopped shaking and sobbing and was instead making you a nice cup of tea (to settle the nerves she said). You on the other hand had big fat tears rolling down your face and you just couldn't stop shaking.
 “He was missing his face. Something took his face” you whisper, you don't know why that was an important point to make but you thought Belinda should know.
 “I know sweetheart. I was there” she said like it was a burden to remind herself of the horrors she was witness to. 
You were both quiet after that. You sat shaking on the pew sipping the tea, as Belinda distracted herself with cleaning the dust from the altar. After a few more minutes the others slowly made their way inside. Your father had an ashy complexion, your mother looked stern but resolved  and the preacher looked like he was two seconds away from heart failure. Your mother was the first to speak. 
 “Well that was quite the shook, wasn't it? Don't you worry now, I have sent our neighbour to fetch the sheriff and all will be well.” your mother spoke with such conviction that you actually began to believe her. All would be well. The sheriff would arrive and all would be well.
 The sheriff and his deputies arrived soon after that. Belinda used it as a perfect opportunity to trial her new Victoria Sponge recipe on your family while you waited for the sheriff to survey the scene. As you were feasting on your second slice of Victoria Sponge, you were called over by the Sherriff.
 Sherriff Johnson was nearing 55 but with a mind and reflexes of a man in his prime. He was tough when needed, but generous when called for. One would say his only flaw was he was without a hair on his head, although if you asked him, that was because he was blessed with four daughters.  You had never seen this man frightened, not even when the town was threatedened by outlaws. But as you approached him, and saw the terror in his eyes and the way he was trying to hide it, your belief that everything was going to be well crumbled to ash. 
 “You heard from that boy of yours?” he asked. He was standing halfway turned to you, hands on his hips. He was staring off towards the town. The church overlooked the town and it was always quite a pretty view. Although you suspect that he wasn't admiring the view. 
 “No Sir, I haven’t heard from Eli in a little while.” You had discovered early in life that it was best to just answer the sheriff's questions, and not to ask any of your own, even though you were begging to know what Eli had to do with this terrible mess.
 “He’s meant to be droving with the Hendersons, correct?” 
 “Yes, sir. They left about a month ago” you replead, choising to ignore his choice in the word ‘meant’. His eyes suddenly turned towards you and a furrow creased his brow.
 “A month ago? You sure?” His hands were lifted from their place on his hip and were crossed in front of his chest. He turned to face you. You gave a little nod in confirmation. The conversation was making you sick. What did Eli have to do with any of this? He couldn't possibly be involved could he?   
“You recognise the body” 
 The question startled you. Especially since it was said in such a way that it wasn't a question. 
 “No Sir, I don't. I don't think anyone could, on account of him missing a fa-” 
You stop yourself, you didn't exactly want to relive the experience that had sent you into a spiral only half an hour earlier. 
 “I do” It came out almost a whisper. 
Sherriff Johnson never whispered.
 A few moments passed. He had turned back to look at the town. Hands replaced on hips. You stood quietly, impatiently, waiting for the revel. You both stood quietly for so long that when he finally broke the silence it gave you a shock. 
“It's one of the Hendersons. Don't know which one yet. My bet is the older. I recognise the tattoo the two of em share on his back.”   
You had stopped listening after he mentioned the name Henderson, Eli was meant to be with them. But if one of them was dead, butchered and disembowelled what did them mean for him? He might be hurt, injured and bleeding. Thoughts were racing faster and faster and you could faintly hear someone crying. It wasn't until the tears reached the apples of your cheek that you realised it was you. The idea, the very thought Eli could be hurt or worse, laying in some pasture somewhere with his skin ripped and face torn from him was too much to bare.
 The day moved slowly after that. Time was molasses as it flowed slowly from hour to hour, minute to minute. The sheriff and his deputies hauled the body away with a wagon. You had to turn away as a chunk of his flesh fell away when they put him on the wagon. They left the bloody mass where it fell. 
Your family and you made your way home, with a few Victoria Sponge slices to share after supper.  After the body was identified to be one of the  Hendersons, your parents were aware of what this could mean for you in regards to Eli. They might not have approved of your friendship with Eli Finch, 'a disgraceful boy with no morals', but they knew what he meant to you and what the disfigured body of a Henderson could mean. Supper was finished in silent turmoil, and not even another slice of Belindia's Victoria Sponge could douse your fears. 
Sleep was ordered by your mother, much earlier than usual, with the idea that tomorrow would be a much better day for everyone. The sun had just left the sky when you arrived in your room after bathing. You watched the stars shine like little drops of water as you began to pray to the Lord. Eli Finch could not die. If he died who would steal pretty/shiny things for you? Who would get sneak you away at night to dance by the riverside under the pale stars? Who would be your best friend? Who could you ever love but Eli? With your eyes closed, you missed the hurried shadows below your window. 
You missed the shape and begin to climb up the flower climber your mother had (lovingly) ordered your father to build when you were born. You missed the quiet swear that came from the shadow as its hat fell to the ground below. 
But you didn't miss the light tap of his knuckles on the window. Your eyes cracked open. It was him, it was Eli! In the flesh, safe and sound,  giving you a toothy grin and a small wave. You had never moved quicker, ripping open the window and yanking him into your room by his shirt. You engulfed him in a tight embrace as you both rolled on the floor of your room.
 It was really him! After all the worrying and heartache wondering if he was dead or dying, he was safe in your arms. You were so happy to see him. So overjoyed with relief and love for your friend, that you failed to notice what big sharp teeth he had.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
death valley (m) | part 2
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summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize 
Oh there you go, undress to impress. You can wear the crown but you’re no princess
pairing: ot7 x reader smut ft: drugdealer!jungkook x reader; songwriter!hobi x reader x coworker!namjoon; brief producer!yoongi x reader
genre: smut, slight yandere (building), thriller, gang!au, rockstar!au, fightclub!au, 
wordcount: 7.7k
warnings: multiple and explicit smut scenes, rough sex (hair pulling, slight biting-spanking-spitting, manhandling, etc), oral sex (f & m), praise, kidnapping, subtle yandere themes, exhibitionism, threesome, daddy kink, a noncon kiss on the cheek, traumatic themes, crying/fear, wet dream, begging, degradation (use of terms: slut, whore, etc), restraints/handcuffs (in dream), intoxicated sex, fainting, swearing, heavy drug and alcohol abuse, yoongi is just...the absolute sweetest, switch(but mostly sub in this part)!reader, dom!hobi, sub!namjoon, dom!jungkook
(disclaimer) this is a completely fictional. this is not an accurate or realistic portrayal & it does glamorize drugs but i do not condone these behaviors. please read with caution! 
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Kim Seokjin? The same guy who beat Namjoon up so horribly…was a cop? 
It was all you could think about as you drove back to Jimin’s to return his car. What you did not expect was to see a familiar blue haired boy exiting the complex as you rolled into the parking lot. 
He met your eyes--first with surprsie, but immediately replaced  with guilt. He approached you as you finished parking. You lowered your window, regarding him with spite. 
“Jungkook” You hissed.
“Oh hey” He leaned against the door, peering in at you. You noticed him tugging at his sleeves nervously. “What are you doing here?” He seemed a bit flustered, looking around sporadically as if he was almost hiding from someone.
“I stole Jimin’s car. Needed to drop it off”
“Really?” He chuckled lightly before clearing his throat, “Listen I wanted to apologize for not showing up the other d--”
“Did you give Namjoon drugs before the fight?” You asked bluntly. You watched him freeze up, stuttering to find a response. “Wow. You did. You told me you wouldn’t but you did didn’t you?” Jungkook’s expression turned bitter.
“Don’t fucking act like I’m the bad guy. I did it to protect you okay. You don’t even..” He scoffed, “You have no idea what they would have done”
“Protect me from what? Don’t bullshit me you did it for money didn’t you? You fucking liar. Did you even see the state Joon was in after? He fucking trusts you, you’re his friend”
“I didn’t have a choice!” Jungkook screeched, annoyed at your belittling. “He was gonna kill me and he was gonna kill you too. He found out you were coming to meet me”
“Who? Taehyung?” Jungkook gave you a curious look.
“Huh? Taehyung? No not Taehyung...I didn’t even know Taehyung was at the fight” Jungkook opened your car door, leaning in to get a better look at you. But how did Taehyung know you were there to see him then? “You need a ride home right?” You nodded. Jungkook brought out his keys from his back pocket, clicking them so his car beeped. You looked towards the noise to see a black truck parked not too far. “Come on.”
The drive was quiet. You gave him directions to your building, and upon arriving you noticed that his jaw was taught and eyes raging with a mix of anger and fear.
“Why the fuck would you live here? Do you...�� He stopped himself again. You couldn’t help but notice how careful he was being with his words. “This is a really shady area. Didn’t you do any research before moving here?”
“There weren’t many options honestly. It was the only place available I could afford. It’s nice enough” Jungkook frowned slightly but didn’t push it. You invited him inside for coffee in exchange for the ride.
Jungkook sat at your kitchen island, watching you with great interest as you prepared drinks. As you poured the coffee, something came over him. You looked so pure. So innocent. He couldn’t help himself. Jungkook came up behind you, placing his hands gently on your hips. 
You felt his lips press against the back of your head. You loved how warm he felt, numbing the pulsing fear that was building in your chest. He began to kiss your neck softly. 
“Sorry. I’m just so fucking glad you’re okay” His breath was hot against your collar bone, making your whole face heat up. You gripped the counter, eye fluttering shut as you savored his touch. “I really really wanted to see you again”
“Oh I bet” You turned to face him, bodies still pressed together. “Still remember how whiny you were” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“I still remember how much you fucking loved it”
It was all it took for the sexual tension to come crashing down. You pulled Jungkook by his shirt towards you, lips finding each other like magnets. He moaned right away as his hands grabbed your ass and lifted you onto the counter top, coffee spilling into the sink. He was starving for you, kissing you desperately, like he missed you--he did miss you--he was trying to chase a feeling and groaned in frustration when he couldn’t quite find it. 
“Holy fuck, Jungkook” You pulled back to breathe, noticing his blushed cheeks, panting heavily as his eyes blinked at you with pure infatuation. He swiftly pulled off his shirt, revealing his tight muscles, arms covered in intricate tattoos all the way to his fingers. Without thinking your hands trailed over his markings with interest. Jungkook smiled.
“Like what you see?” He then pulled down your shorts and panties and watched them drop to the floor. He licked a stripe up your thighs, hands sliding under your shirt as he found your breasts. You could feel him smile against your tingling skin as you squirmed beneath him. “So fucking sensitive aren’t you baby” He slowly ran his soft fingers over your nipples, circling them teasingly as his nose brushed against your cunt.
“Stop teasing me dammit” You whined, bucking you hips up as he pinched you. Your body felt hot all over, and Jungkook watched with interest at the way your heat seemed to be calling out for him through the soft squelching of you clamping down. 
“Shhh...patience baby” You could feel his breath against your folds, driving you wild at the unsatisfying stimulation. He spit out, allowing his saliva to glide into your gaping pussy before shoving his tongue into you. He flattened his tongue, running it up to your clit and sucking harshly. 
Heat soared through your body and you twitched as he rolled his tongue in, drinking you up deliciously. He opened his mouth wide, allowing his tongue to pump even further inside of you. You could feel his thick, plush lips against you--only adding to the amazing sensation. 
His fingers left your nipples, opting instead to clutch around your breasts. Your hand grabbed a fist full of his hair, tugging his face further into you as you strained your neck to try and get a better look at him, but Jungkook pressed his hands down on you, making sure you didn’t get up. 
His tongue jutted into you, flickering around your core harshly, searching for a place that would drive you wild. When he found it, you cried out, shoving his face down as much as you could. 
Jungkook laughed slightly, taking care to slowly lick away at that spot, rolling his tongue oh so slightly as he watched you close your eyes and bite your lip--barely able to contain your gasps of pleasure. 
His mouth moved across your splayed out body, pushing your top so it piled over your breasts as he began to kiss them. His wet pillowy lips teased you with pleasure before he sucked harshly, letting his teeth graze against your sensitive mounds. He hopped up onto the counter so he could climb over you, kicking his sweats off in the meanwhile. 
“Fuck, I’ve been craving you so fucking bad” His hands found yours, fingers intertwining as he pushed your arms out to your sides. He lowered his face until it was inches from yours and grinned. You licked your lips, signaling Jungkook to engulf you in another sloppy kiss. Your mouths were barely even on each other as your tongues fought for dominance, messy moans and whimpers mixing with the sound of your drenched folds rubbing just barely against Jungkook’s hardening cock. He let your hands go to bring them behind your head as he deepened the kiss, yours wrapping around his neck in response. 
“Ready baby? Ready for my big fucking cock” He tugged you hair back harshly making you wince in pain as he propped himself up and lined his cock up with your entrance. With one quick and heavy stride he thrust deep into you, pulling your head back even further as his thick cock pushed its way through. 
“There it is. So tight and warm for me fuck, pussy takes me in so fucking well” He thrusted again with so much force he barely was moving his cock. He was just digging further and further into you making you scream out in a mix of pain and pleasure. Your hands traced his back muscles as he tried to soothe you with light kisses to your neck, but you couldn’t help crying out with every single one of his short thrusts. His hair was sweaty, strands falling over his face and brushing against yours. 
He propped himself up fully then, bringing his hands to your neck and gripping it tightly as his thrusts continued. You choked out as Jungkook tilted his head back in pleasure. You couldn’t help but notice his double pierced earrings, which turned you on so much you fell apart.
You moaned out as your orgasm shook through you, pussy messily leaking onto Jungkook’s cock. He groaned at the way you tightened around him, causing him to curse loudly and quicken his pace. 
He released your neck, allowing you to gasp for air as he took your legs and pushed them forward, allowing him to pump you at a deeper angle. He let his fingers run over your lips before shoving two of them down your throat and making you gag on them. 
He pulled out, rolling onto his back as he felt himself reaching his own high. His hand furiously pumped his cock which looked like it was ready to burst. You moved onto your side and began to kiss his neck, helping him on.
“Come on baby. Cum for me. So close baby” You cooed at him. He looked deep into your eyes as his hands continued moving rapidly. “You’re doing so good baby...come on” He began to whimper and you grinned. “Such a needy baby aren’t you Jungkook. Hm?” You cupped his face and kissed him again. You felt him bite down on your lip harshly, muffling a cry as his hot seed splattered over his stomach. 
Jungkook parted from you, sighing deeply as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close. His cum spreading all over. He nuzzled your neck affectionately “Let me stay over. Just to make sure you’re safe for a few nights”
Your eyes widened, but you saw how pleading his expression was. “Why do you not think I’d be safe?”
“Because you living here means they know where you are. And I swear to god if they laid a finger on you I...I don’t know if I could handle it. Please baby"
“Who Jungkook? Who are you talking about?”
“I...” He looked away, “I don’t know. But he’s dangerous”
When the morning came, Jungkook was sprawled out on the other side of your bed. He looked so peaceful that you didn’t have the heart to wake him up. Tonight was the night Namjoon wanted you guys to go out. Back to fucking Death Valley. 
You had been dreading it, but after the events of the last few days you really needed a distraction. Hobi had conveniently avoided being alone with you ever since the two of you hooked up. It drove you crazy. He was acting so incredibly normal, as if nothing happened. But you wanted him. 
Namjoon greeted you when you arrived at work, sitting in the conference room, scribbling away on his notepad. He was still not quite his usual self. You told him you ran into Jungkook and that he was going to be staying with you for a while. “He says I’m not safe there” 
Namjoon clicked his pen absentmindedly, “Wait where did you say you lived?”
You told him, explaining again that you really didn’t have any other options, and watched his eyes go wide. “Uh yeah that’s not the best place to live. Lot of um...dangerous activity” He searched something on his phone. “Y/n, there are so many better apartment listings, what do you even mean?” 
“I dunno. When I moved here it seemed like everything else had been rented out” You shrugged.
Hobi entered the studio with assignments. He looked great, wearing a large oversized bowling shirt over cargo shorts. It showed just enough of his chest. “Morning guys! Excited to see you all tonight. Y/n, you’ll be working with Joon again while I handle the...”
“Actually do you mind if I talk to you privately outside” Stop fucking avoiding me. You thought bitterly. Hobi’s face fell slightly. You went into the hallway, expecting him to follow. When you had him alone, he plastered on a forced smile.
"Did you need something?” You wanted to laugh at how clearly fake he was being, trying to act like his usual cheery self. 
“Are we just not going to talk about that night?” The facade dropped. Hobi sighed, running a hand through his hair as he thought deeply about how to respond to you.
“We were buzzed. It’s not professional Y/n. Let’s just forget it happened”
“But I” You began to protest, but Hobi brought up his hand for you to stop.
“End of discussion. Work relationships are not allowed here. I’m sorry” His eyes scanned your figure, a look of regret flashed across his face as he quickly turned around and left. 
Sitting in the dive bar itself was something you had yet to do, but you found yourself enjoying the ambiance. The music was perfect, not too loud as Namjoon began blabbering away about his music next to you on the circular leather seats of your booth. Sure, you were also glad to finally spend some time out of the office with Namjoon that didn’t involve him almost dying. But you were here for one reason and one reason alone. To get back in bed with Hobi. 
Unfortunately, he was numb to your obvious advances, brushing you off as a tease as you’d find reasons to touch him, lean against him or play with his hair. Finally you gave up with a pout, downing a shot before refocusing your attention onto Namjoon. If Hobi didn’t want you, you were more than happy to show him what he was missing.
“Joonie...” You murmured, leaning into him. “Do a shot with me” Namjoon pinched your cheek affectionately and agreed. You poured a shot of tequila for him, lining up salt on your forearm and sitting ready for him with a lime wedge in your mouth. 
Namjoon downed the bitter liquid and you couldn’t help but twitch at the feeling of his tongue gliding seamlessly up your arm before his lips were on yours, taking the wedge from you.
Hobi’s jaw clenched slightly as he watched the two of you play. Namjoon returned the favor, but you took it a step further, sliding into his lap so you could have easier access to the lime in his mouth. Lingering by his lips a bit too long for Hobi’s liking.
“Jungkook suggested these for tonight” Namjoon brought out a few pills, laying them on the table. “I only got a little bit, but he said it would be fun. If we wanna do more we can just go to your place after and hang too, I’m sure he has stuff with him”
Hobi’s head turned fast, he raised his eyebrows incredulously “What?”
“Yeah” You said nonchalantly, “Jungkook is staying at my place for a while.” You shrugged it off like it was no big deal but it was obvious that Hobi was pissed. Namjoon quickly popped the pill.
“Will you feed one to me Joonie?” You stuck your tongue out. Namjoon grinned and gave you the pill, watching as your tongue curled in. 
“You’re such a little flirt aren’t you” Namjoon nuzzled your neck, not crossing any lines as his hands remained on your back. You giggled, his soft hair tickling you slightly, “And you smell so damn good” He muttered soft enough so only you could hear it.
Hobi watched as you began whispering into Namjoon’s ear. He couldn’t hear what the two of you were saying but seeing you curled up into him like that had him fuming inside. He grabbed the tequila bottle and took a long swig from it before slamming it back onto the table. Both you and Namjoon turned around.
Hobi leaned across the booth to pull you off of Namjoon’s lap and into his. He didn’t even care about the way Namjoon’s eyes widened as he clenched your ass.
“Hi daddy” You smirked, tracing lines up his chest. He jerked you forward so that you were sitting right where he wanted to feel you.
“Stop teasing me.” He growled. He smacked you ass harshly.
“You’re the one being a tease” You snapped right back. “Come on I know you want to.” You traced your finger down his chest, biting your lip slightly. Hobi watched you with dark eyes as you pulled at his shirt playfully before getting off of him and climbing onto the table. 
An upbeat song played through the room, and Hobi watched wide-eyes as you stood up on the table and began to sensually sway your hips. You let your hips drop low, making sure to bend your ass out in front of Namjoon as Hobi began fuming. Namjoon took another swig of his drink and raised his eyebrows at you. 
“Joonie” You cooed, getting on the table on all fours and crawling towards him.  “Kiss me” You curled your finger, motioning for him to come to you. Like a mesmerized puppy he did as told, finding your lips slowly. You could sense his uncertainty. You deepened the kiss, allowing your tongue to push through his mouth. You maneuvered until you were back in his lap, and for a moment you forgot that Hobi was even there. Namjoon tasted bitter but so incredibly sweet at the same time. As his hands began running down your thighs you couldn’t help but moan into him lightly.
Hobi gritted his teeth, jaw clenched to the point where he could just burst. He got up and dragged you off of Namjoon harshly, giving you whiplash as your ass landed harshly onto the seat. Hobi dropped to his knees and yanked off your bottoms. Without any warning he spread your legs wide open to see that you were getting wet. 
“Who is this for huh?” Hobi growled looking up at you. His eyes were enraged, you almost felt scared but you were too turned on by the situation to care. He turned to Namjoon who was startled and unsure of what to do. “You see this Joon?” Namjoon nodded slowly “This is for me. Got that?” He nodded again, gulping. Hobi’s eyes softened slightly, “Do you wanna taste? Wanna see how yummy her pretty pussy is?” Namjoon looked at you for permission and you nodded furiously.
He slowly lowered himself onto the floor next to Hobi, taking your thigh into his hand to spread you out further. 
“God just look at that” Hobi licked his lips, taking his fingers to loosely run up and down your folds, showing Namjoon how wet you were by sloshing around. Hobi gathered your arousal onto his finger and brought it to Namjoon’s lips “Go ahead. Taste” Namjoon opened his mouth, and you watched as he licked off Hobi’s finger. “Do you like it?” He nodded. “Good. Eat her out. I’m gonna go get some real action” Hobi slid back into his seat next to you and his hands quickly slid under your shirt. He brought his face in close to you, nibbling your jaw between kisses. “Aww fuck baby girl, you love this don’t you. Little attention whore aren’t you hm?”
Namjoon’s tongue ran slowly over your clit and Hobi’s warm hand covered both your breasts. Every fiber of your being felt so incredibly stimulated. You were a heaving mess. 
“Hobi” You whined, pulling his face towards yours to kiss him harshly. He could feel the way you craved him in your kiss, as you eagerly tried to rile him up, letting your kisses get sloppier by the second. 
“Get on the table” He mumbled. “Sit pretty for me yeah?” You did, spreading your legs for him as you leaned back slightly. Namjoon got up, your juices trickling down his lips. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and the smirk he left after had you shivering in anticipation.
“What do you think Joon?” Hobi grinned, palming your raw cunt soothingly, “She ready for some cock?” Namjoon didn’t miss a beat, he unbuttoned his pants, allowing his cock to slide out. He stroked himself lazily as he gazed at you. You stared right back at him, enjoying the way his face was blushed red as he jacked off. 
“Hurts” He mumbled. You pouted at him empathetically.
“Oh you poor thing” You reached out to stroke his cock, watching him let out a shaky moan at your touch. “Want me to kiss it better baby?” Namjoon nodded and you heard Hobi chuckle in amusement. You opened your mouth wide, softly tugging his cock so he knew to come towards you. Namjoon inserted his girthy length in your mouth and your tongue rolled over his thick skin, savoring the salty bitterness. You hollowed your cheeks as you began to move your mouth up and down, sucking him relentlessly. 
In the meanwhile, Hobi had pulled out his own cock and pulled your hips to the edge of the table. He slapped his cock against your pussy as you choked on Namjoon. You could feel the warm throbbing head push against your sensitive folds, causing you to squirm with a desire for more. Your pussy clenched on nothing, causing more arousal to seep out onto his cock. 
You choked on Namjoon’s dick as Hobi sunk into you, pulling your hips in close as Namjoon’s cock went further down your throat. You gagged incessently, causing Namjoon to pull out with concern. Hobi began fucking you harshly, thrusting into you with no remorse whatsoever. “Fucking whore can’t even suck cock right?” He scoffed at you playfully, “You really gonna leave him hanging after all he did for you?”
You shook your head dumbly, "Come back baby let me suck you good” Namjoon cursed softly as you pulled him back into your mouth, taking your time to let your tongue wrap around every crevice of his girthy cock. You let your hands snake up his thighs, allowing you to fondle him and stroke him while you bobbed your head back and forth, keeping your eyes glued to his, which was the thing that had him falling apart the most. 
“You’re so...pretty” Namjoon exhaled. He was high but you could see the sincerety in his eyes as if he just had some sort of epiphany. It made you want to suck him even faster, giving this adorable boy all the pleasure in the world like he fucking deserved. 
Hobi noticed you diverge your attention, glaring darkly at the way Namjoon was looking at you. He pulled out and grabbed your hair, pulling you off of Namjoon’s dick, saliva stringing from your lips. 
He made you look straight at him as he brought his face to yours “You made your point okay. Your mine now you got that?” He growled, shoving you back on the table. Your head hit the glass surface painfully and you felt dizzy. Hobi flipped you over and gripped your ass firmly, letting his nails dig into your plump skin. 
“Hit her” He ordered Namjoon, who gave him an uncomfortable look. “Don’t you like her cute ass? Hit it. Hit the bitch like she fucking deserves. Be a fucking man” You could hear the genuine anger in Hobi’s voice, and it was turning you off. 
“I...I’m good. You go ahead if you want” Namjoon said softly, spacing out slightly as he watched the scene unfold. Hobi laughed bitterly, leaning over you so his chest pressed against your back. 
“You see that baby girl? I know how you like it, and I’m the only one who can fucking give it to you good, you understand?”
“Yes--” You muttered, wincing as Hobi smacked your ass again harshly. You crooned at the stinging aftermath. 
“Yes?” Hobi bit your ear and tugged it harshly. “Don’t you know how to address me by now baby girl?”
Smack. “Yes daddy.” You squealed. Hobi hummed in satisfaction. 
“That’s right baby. Don’t you fucking forget it” He shoved his cock back inside you, filling you to the brim. “Fucking slut. Letting me fuck you like this out in the open. Anyone can just see what a whore you are for me. But you love that don’t you huh? You wanna show everybody just how goddamn much you want daddy’s cock isn’t that right baby?” He began to move, thrusting into you quickly as his cock began twitching inside you. “I asked you a fucking question” He snapped, pushing your face down onto the table.
“Yes daddy” You cried out “I love it. I love your cock daddy, need it...” You sighed out as your felt yourself edging on the cusp of your orgasm. As rough as he was, he was right. You loved the way Hobi fucked you. “Please cum in me daddy, want your cum.”
Hobi sucked at your jaw “I know baby. All you ever fucking want is daddy’s cum, I know that. I know you want me to pump you so full of it, fuck my cum into you like the cockslut whore you are. All for me, and only me”
“Yes daddy. Only you. I promise” With that, Hobi came like a flood, bursting his load deep inside you. You whined, losing your own orgasm as he finished just slightly too soon. Before getting off of you, he grabbed the bottle of liquior and turned your face, pouring the alcohol into your mouth. You chocked as the liquid filled your throat, and he stopped, allowing you to gulp it down. 
You felt it hit you right away, finding yourself unable to move as Hobi got off of you.
“Go ahead Namjoon. Fuck her” Hobi fixed his pants back up. You couldn’t see--your vision began to blur as you felt Namjoon lean down to your face.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Is it too much?” His words were slurred. You smiled at him lazily, nodding despite your inability to comprehend what he was even asking you. You were so tired.
The glass started to burn against you as you felt yourself moving back and forth against it. Where were you? You giggled, eyes drooping shut. You heard your name being called. Was it in pleasure or concern? Who knows. You faint.
Your head pounds with pain as you wake up. The first thing you notice is that you cant see anything--it’s absolutely dark. There was something covering your eyes. You tried to reach for it and take it off but a rough sensation at your wrists holds you back and you realize they are tied together behind you over some sort of railing. 
“Hello?” You panicked. “Namjoon!? Hobi?!” You tried to tug yourself out of the restraints but they wouldnt budge. You could still feel the weary after effects of the pills you took, everything seemed slow and you mind was freaking out at the lack of light, losing any sense of coherent reality. 
“I’m here y/n” Your heart flooded with relief as you heard Hobi’s familiar voice echo through the room, “Don’t worry you’re gonna be okay, just calm down”
“I’m here too” You heard Namjoon’s voice. He sounded like he was much closer to you, only a few feet away. “What the fuck is going on?” He growled and you hear him trying to break the ropes on his hands with brute strength. 
“Give up Namjoon” A new voice entered the room. It was so familiar but you were too dazed to place it. You suddenly feel something warm close to you, a scent too close for your liking. You squirmed as you felt a hand touch your face.
“Stop! Who are you!?” You tried to turn yourself away from him but he gripped your jaw, fingers digging into your mouth slightly. The person didn’t say any words but you could feel them getting closer.
“Get the fuck away from her” Namjoon growled, tugging at the ropes repeatedly to no avail. 
You gulped as you felt a nose against your cheek. You felt as though someone had punched the air out of your gut, as a pair of lips carefully made contact with your skin. They lingered, and you flinched away as fast as you could. You heard a slight chuckle as the heat from the body seemed to disappear. He was leaving. Thank God.
You close your eyes to try to focus on the sound of his footsteps, heart racing as you hear them move in Namjoon’s direction. Suddenly you heard a loud slap--it sounded like the man just hit Namjoon. Your eyes clenched as you heard Namjoon wince in pain.
You hear more shuffling, and suddenly there are more footsteps. It seemed that more people had come into the room. “Fuck. Get your fucking hands off of me” You hear Namjoon’s voice getting further away.
“Namjoon?” You cry out. You hear a door slam shut and suddenly there is silence again. “Hobi?” You’re petrified, body trembling as the silence persists. You were alone. What were they going to do to you? You began to cry, your sobs echoing throughout with no one to hear. 
You had no idea when you fell asleep, but woke up to loud knocking. “Hello! Is anyone in here?” You heard a door open. “Holy shit, Y/n?” You craned your neck to try to recognize the voice, but you were so exhausted and hungover that you couldn’t even think. You felt hands at your wrists untying the rope. The next thing you know light flooded your vision. You squinted at the sudden stimulus, waiting for your vision to adjust so you could see your savior. 
“Jin?” You asked in shock, gaping at the gorgeous man in front of you. Of course. He’s police. I’m safe now. You sighed in relief as tears began to flow from your eyes again. Jin crouched down in from of you, caressing your hands where the rope had dug in slightly. You threw your free hands around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. “S...sorry I just” You stuttered between your cries. Jin softly stroked your back.
“It’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe with me”
He let you cry in his arms for a while before you finally were able to gather yourself. He helped you up, holding your hand as the two of you left what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse of some sort. “Namjoon...uh...RM, and a coworker of ours, named Hoseok, they were both with me but someone took them away” You informed him, “Do you know where they are?” Jin stopped momentarily, and you noticed him sigh.
“Not yet. But we’ll find them okay. It’s a little complicated, let’s get in the car and I’ll tell you everything”
Jin held your shoulders down some stairs as you made it to the parking lot. He assisted you in getting into his blue sedan. 
“Your house isn’t far from here, I’ll drop you home after we talk” He informed you as he got into the drivers seat. You curled your legs up into yourself, hugging your knees to your chest for comfort.
“How do you know who I am? Why do you know so much about me?”
“It’s my job to know.” He smiled slightly. “Listen. I’m not exactly sure why, but my intel tells me that you’re being used as some sort of bargaining chip”
You blinked at him in utter confusion, “Bargaining...for what? Who the fuck?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know you hang out with gang members Y/n” Jin chuckled. Your eyes widened.
“Uh...I didn’t...” Well. Jungkook made sense. And sure, then there was Jimin. And if you thought about it, it did made sense that Namjoon was also caught up in something like that--it would explain a lot. 
“I understand that you’re close with Park Jimin” You frowned. The last thing you needed right now was to talk about him of all people. “So don’t play dumb with me. You’re not in any trouble, just tell me what you know”
“Dude...I’m new here okay. I don’t have any information about anything alright. Shouldn’t you know who’s betting on you?” You scoffed. Jin raised his eyebrows.
“Betting? Who said anything about betting?” He smirked as you gaped at him, realizing your slip.
“Oh...I mean...”
“My intel tells me you saw something you shouldn’t have. That’s why you’re being used by some people...possibly another gang...to blackmail the gang who runs Death Valley, and why you’re on his radar”
“Who’s radar?” Was it the same guy from earlier? Or maybe the guy you had seen kicking Namjoon? Or the guy who tied up Jungkook? Was it all the same person? 
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” Jin stated matter of factly, “No one knows who he is. Well...I think Park Jimin knows who he is, so I have a proposition for you.”
“You want me to snitch” You rolled your eyes. You didn’t love that your new associates seemed to be such dangerous people, but you weren’t the type of person to go try to get anyone in trouble for their own business. “No thanks”
“You’re really not safe Y/n. If we work together, I can make sure no harm comes to you” You thought back to Jungkook’s warnings, smiling inwardly knowing that you had the strong boy waiting for you back at your apartment. He would be able to protect you with no issue, you didn’t need to get involved with the cops.
“No thanks. I’ll be okay. Please just take me home” Jin sighed, tapping the wheel of his car quickly as if he were irritated. 
“Fine. If you change your mind” He pulled out his wallet and handed you a business card, “Call me”
Jin dropped you home and you slowly tried to walk your way to the elevator, slumping inside it once the doors slid open. A few floors up the elevator halted, opening to reveal none other than Min Yoongi. 
“Y/n?” He asked curiously, observing your chaotic state. You had no idea how you looked, but you were sure it was not at all presentable. You groaned internally. Yoongi probably thought you were a trainwreck. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh I--” You straightened yourself up as much as you could, brushing your clothes off and trying to fix your hair urgently. Yoongi looked absolutely stunning, even outside of work. It was refreshing to see him in a simple hoodie and joggers, his earrings still driving you wild. “I love...LIVE. I live here” You internally screamed at yourself for your awkwardness. Yoongi didn’t break a smile, he simply observed you curiously. He glanced at the elevator navigation and pressed a number for the floor above yours. 
“I didn’t know you live in the same building as me.” He stated, “I can give you a ride to work sometime if you’d like”
“Oh! I’d love that...I mean, that would be great you know. Saving the environment and all that” You chuckled, twirling your hair. Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you. His eyes were amused but still no hint of a smile. 
The elevator arrived at your floor, and Yoongi watched as you scrambled to get yourself out of there. “I’ll see you at work, Y/n.” He nodded in your direction. You smiled sheepishly.
The door had almost slid shut but your eyes met his. His gaze was so intense on you, you felt almost like a prey in front of a predator. You finally see a slight tug of a smile as you gulp. How can a human being be so goddamn FINE? 
You finally make your way to your door and realize you don’t have your keys. Fuck they probably stole them. But why did they leave my wallet? You knocked on the door. 
No response.
“Jungkook?” You called out, rapping at the door franticly. “Fuck” You muttered, leaning against the door in defeat. You were so incredibly tired, you just wanted to take a fucking nap. Maybe I can crash at Yoongi’s? Would that be unprofessional? You limped your way back to the elevator. Arriving on his floor you realized you didn’t know which room was his.
You laughed, thinking about how fucking helpless you had been recently. Calling out for all these men to help you. This wasn’t who you were. What the fuck happened to you? When did you become so weak? “Yoongi?” You shouted through the hall, hoping that someone would come out, and if it not him they could direct you to him. A door opened. Funnily enough the room was at the same spot as yours, just on a different floor. 
“Y/n?” Yoongi was shirtless, a towel around his neck and his sweats still on. You ogled at the way his chains sat on his bare chest, and so badly wanted him to turn around so you could see his tattoos. “Everything okay?”
“Uh” You scratched the back of your neck nervously, “Sorry if this is unprofessional” Don’t be sorry. You’re a bad bitch. This shit doesn’t phase you. “I mean. I got fucking locked out. You mind if I crash at your place, I’m just really tired and I had a really long night, I can barely even--”
Yoongi nodded, slipping back into his apartment so fast you didn’t get a chance to see him turn around. You pouted, but followed him inside. 
He seemed to have gone to the bathroom. You carefully closed his door and looked around. His apartment was really nice. As expected, he had lots of awards on display, fancy speakers and expensive looking furniture. What was surprising to you was the lack of drugs. Jimin always had a mess of pills on his kitchen table, and you had assumed all music industry people were like that. You wondered if Yoongi used anything. He probably didn’t, considering how goddamn perfect he is.  
“You can sleep in my room if you want” Yoongi emerged, now clothed, again to your disappointment. He fiddled with a watch on his wrist. Hey that’s the same watch as-- “I need to step out for a bit. Make yourself at home” He gestured towards his bedroom door. You nodded, thanking him as you watched him grab his own keys and head out the door. 
Just as the door closed your phone began to ring. You hadn’t even realized you still had it. You should’ve just called Jungkook you dumbass. You regretted drinking as much as you had last night. Glancing at your phone, your heart skipped a beat seeing that it was Hobi calling.
“My god, are you okay?” You cried out, answering immediately.
“Where are you?”
“I’m at my apartment. What happened, are you guys okay?”
“Yes we’re fine. Namjoon got beat up pretty bad...no idea what that was about, but then Jungkook found us while he was out finishing a deal. Are you okay?" You gulped.
“Yeah I’m okay. I’m glad you both are safe. Are you going to report it to the police?”
You heard Hobi chuckle, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. It was probably Jimin or somebody involved in all that fight betting, gambling bullshit. I really need to knock some sense into Namjoon’s head and get him out of that scene” You sighed. You never wanted to go through anything like this ever again. It was probably best if you stayed away from Death Valley for good. 
“Y/n...I” Hobi inhaled sharply, “I wanted to say I’m sorry for ignoring you. I wont anymore okay. Life is too short for bullshit. Do you...wanna go out sometime? Like on a date?” You felt a warm hug envelop your heart as a smile spread across your lips. You giggled.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Good.” You could hear his goofy smile somehow, “See you soon baby girl” You shut your phone off and make your way into Yoongi’s room. It was a stunning room--super high tech with LED strip lights and a huge mirror wall across the bed. You threw yourself onto the inviting mattress, burying your face in his soft pillows as you finally let the heavy weight of sleep take you over.
Hands trailed up your legs, grabbing at your bare ass cheeks and pulling them apart. “Fuck” You heard you felt a slap to your skin. The hands gripped your waist, pulling you back. You felt a sharp pain in your shoulders as you realized your arms were spread wide out, handcuffed to something. A hand grabbed the back of your head and shoved it down into the pillow, muffling your breath. You tried to groan out as you felt a cock push inside you “Yoongi” You whined, “Yoongi I want more”
“You’re beautiful” You hear him say, making you smile internally while your face continued to get smushed further into the pillow. You choked out as he quickly began thrusting into you. 
“Fuck” You cried out as a pleasure unlike anything before hit you “More...please” You urged him on “Faster Yoongi....please go faster I need” You panted, barely able to breathe “I need you...please”
You woke up with a start, blinking as the early rays of the morning sun filtered through tinted windows. You sighed, feeling your pussy clench in defeat as your dream ended a bit too soon. You were in Yoongi’s bed, however you were tucked in, and you realized that you were wearing different clothes. His clothes. You looked around but Yoongi wasn’t there. Checking your phone, you see more missed calls from Namjoon along with a long array of texts that you knew youd have to read eventually. You crawled out of bed, looking at yourself in Yoongi’s large mirror wall. 
You walked out of his bedroom to see him sitting at his kitchen counter, typing away on his laptop with a Redbull and a bagel out by him. You noticed that he was wearing glasses, and that his hair was still messy from sleep. He regarded you as you entered the kitchen. 
“Sleep well?” He asked kindly. You nodded. “Would you like something to eat? You seemed pretty hungover. Better get some food into your system” He pushed the bagel towards you. You hadn’t realized it but you were starving. You ravished the bagel rapidly, not even caring that your boss was right in front of you. Or that you were literally in his house wearing his clothes. “Is everything okay Y/n? You seemed frazzled yesterday” You stared at him, mouth stuffed with food. 
“Um” You quickly swallowed, “I actually got kidnapped” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows with concern.
“Come again?”
“Yeah. Do you know Death Valley? I was there with” Should you tell him you were there with coworkers? Probably not “...Friends and we blacked out and someone literally kidnapped us. But luckily the cops found us”
“Yeah. I didn’t get hurt or anything but it was just scary” Yoongi closed his laptop and stared at you.
“I’m...so sorry you had to go through that. Please, feel free to take the day off if you need to, that sounds really traumatic” You shook your head, but your heart glowed at how sweet he was. Behind that cold expression, you realized that he actually seemed like a really caring guy. 
“Thanks Yoongi, but I’m okay. I’m strong” You affirmed more to yourself than to him. Yoongi’s eyes flashed with amusement at your statement “I think I’ll head back to my place, I uh...can call a friend to let me in”
“Alright. Just take care of yourself okay?” You thanked him, before grabbing your things and heading out. 
Upon reaching your own apartment door you knocked again, hoping Jungkook made it home in one piece.
“Y/n, is that you?” You sighed with relief that you were finally going to be let inside. The door swung open.
“Thank God, I literally--” You froze. 
Standing in front of you was not Jungkook. 
It was Taehyung. 
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: yoongi really be melting our hearts like butter. ha. i dont know if my hints and stuff are like...making sense? I hope so lol. more jimin next week i promise! and all you jin and yoongi people just TRUST ME. it’s all coming. ;) as always, thank you for reading & have a great day <3 part 3′s smut pairs are up on the series masterlist! see you next week ;)
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier 
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Bored after staying on Asgard your entire life, you decide to sneak on earth. But what happens when Steve falls irrevocably in love with you, the Queen of Asgard, wife of Loki.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: yandere, obsession, death, violence, cursing, manipulation. If you find any of this triggering, please DNI. Also inform me if I left something out.  
ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴀ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ
As you know my previous account got deleted and therefore I have to post this again... Hope you guys like it!
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You sat reading a book in the ethereal gardens of the Palace, with your back pressed against a tree. Loki had brought that book from Midgard. You loved reading, and Loki always got you books from all over the nine realms. That’s how you had bonded in the very beginning.
As you read the book, you had a feeling you already knew what was going to happen, as if you had already read it. So, you closed it and stared at the grand garden before you. Filled with plethora of flowers, the sweet smell diffusing in the air, the palette of colors pleasing the eye.
“Do you need something?” Your maid asked. You shook your head, “I don’t, and even if I needed something I would take it myself.” You gave her a smile at that.
You were the daughter of a common farmer; you were independent since your birth. You had a habit of doing everything by yourself and even despite it being years since marrying Loki, you still couldn’t quite get adjusted to maids. They weren’t servants for you, they were your friends. Your humility and intelligent was something Loki had fallen head over heels for.
The entire Asgard was happy and wonderfully surprised when Loki had announced that he would be marrying you. A common girl with barely any powers was marrying the God of Mischief and the king of Asgard; that had generated quite the rumors, some even thought it was one of his pranks. Even you were worried, but Loki had chased all your worries away.
Despite Thor being the elder brother, Loki had been crowned as the king. Though Thor was powerful and had immense strength, he neither wished to be the king, nor did he have the time to be one. He was rather busy with Midgard and thus Loki had taken the mantle.
When it came to you, even despite being the God of Lies, Loki never lied. He was the best husband you could ask for. Taking your opinions in consideration, asking for your help, cherishing you, loving you more than anybody else. He didn’t rule Asgard alone, no, he ruled Asgard alongside you.
You had changed him; from the selfish Loki whose heart was filled with vengeance, you had made him into a noble and beloved king. But still he never stopped pulling pranks on you, and you took it just as lightly. He was still very mischievous at his heart and you had accepted him with all he brought along.
There was just one thing he didn’t allow: you visiting Earth. And that was only because he was worried for you. The people of Midgard had not taken his attack lightly, and they were still very much furious. Though they were now on good terms, he didn’t want anything to happen to you. You were his everything.
And visiting Earth at least once was one of the only things you wanted. Literally everyone had been to Midgard except you. Even Loki and definitely Thor frequented Midgard, but not you. Once a month you both used to come to that topic and he would brush you off, promising you to take somewhere else. And that maybe fueled your need to go to Midgard even more.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” When you heard his sweet yet authoritative voice, you smiled softly. Lost in thoughts you hadn’t even noticed he was sitting beside you. You inhaled deeply, “I was thinking about the forbidden fruit. I was thinking what would go wrong if I went to Midgard. Just once Loki, just once. That’s the only thing I ask of. I’ve heard the Earth is circular, unlike Asgard!” You asked giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
“Now my beloved, how many times, huh? How many times do I have to list the reasons why you shouldn’t visit Midgard. I won't be able to live if something happens to you. I will go insane, there won’t be a point in living.” He gently took your chin between his fingers and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.  
“I know Loki, I love you too. But aren’t your relations with Earth better now? And Thor goes there all the time and so do you! And I have powers Loki!” You had the powers of making anyone reveal the truth. You were a rarity; a commoner with powers. Your ability to extract truth was really an ace at your side while ruling Asgard.
“We don’t know if someone is holding any grudge. I can’t risk it. Ask me anything, I will search the entire universe for it and bring it upon your feet. Just not Earth. Now I don’t want to ruin such a perfect day by arguing with you.” Before you could speak further, he shut you with a kiss.
As you both laid in each other embrace, you got lost in the abyss of his eyes. “Oh Loki, do you know how much I love you?” With eyes full of mischief, “Well you do know a certain way to show your love, my beloved wife.” He quipped.
Today Thor was leaving for Midgard. And at the same time, you had made your plans to sneak. You had started wondering if Loki had a mistress there, well what else could be his reason for not permitting you to visit Earth.
One part of the plan was already in action. You had shared your concerns with Heimdall. He had been awfully quiet but when you had pleaded and asked of it as a favor for his Queen, he had agreed. On the condition that you would return within 3 days, or else he would pull you back to Asgard. You had happily agreed.
The plan was simple, while he would transport Thor, you would go too, you just had to stand close enough to Thor. All excited, you got ready in the best of your clothes. You knew they didn’t dress like this on Midgard, but you had an impression to make as the Queen of Asgard.
The dark green silk robe complimented your emerald wedding ring; you wore button earrings and connected them to your hair clip with chains. You let your hair down but not without braiding few locks of hair; your right index and ring fingers were adorned with your best rings. You wanted to wear your crown, but decided it would be too much for Midgardians; after all you were going there for vacation, you had no plans of ruling earth.
Not many were there to say goodbye to Thor, the Prince travelled very frequently. You were glad that today neither Loki nor the warriors were there. “Goodbye Thor, have a safe journey!” You said as you stood a little too close to him. It was your signal for Heimdall to transport you to Midgard. “Thank you, sister...” before Thor could complete his sentence, you were both sucked into the wormhole.
It was a.... cool experience to say at least. To be honest, you had no idea. You had kept your eyes closed through half of the journey, and you had probably screamed your throat dry. You did travel through the Bifrost at times but Loki always held you tight. Today though you were spinning all by yourself in the rainbow tunnel. Thank the Norns, it was over faster that you expected.
As Thor landed gracefully in the Avengers compound, you landed straight on your ass and skidded halfway across, bruising you elbow and knuckles.
Thor’s voice boomed aloud, as you tried to get up rubbing your aching ass, “Oh dear Sister! Are you alright?” He said as he helped you get up, “Well, Heimdall didn’t tell me how to land.” You tried to lighten the mood.
“There must have been some mistake. Don’t worry I’ll call Heimdall to send you back.” He said softly while rubbing your elbow as he began praying to Heimdall.
“Uhh, well Thor, that’s not needed. And this... this wasn’t an accident at all. I kind of made a deal with Heimdall and he sent me here...” Thor’s eyes widened with shock and what you thought was anger. You had never ever seen Thor get angry at you, ever. And you were truly scared now.
Thor and you were best of friends. It was as if you two were siblings, not Thor and Loki. As you looked at him now, you knew you had truly screwed up. You knew your decision would anger Loki, but his anger you could handle. You weren’t quite sure about it with respect to Thor.
“You did what? You aren’t supposed to be here! You are going back to Asgard before anyone sees you.” He held you by your elbow and it hurt like hell. “But Thor,...” you tried pleading. Maybe you had not guessed the extent of your family’s anger correctly and you knew you were going to pay for it badly.
“I wasn’t asking you.” He said in an impersonal tone. “You need to understand this is for your own good.” You were tired of listening to the same thing over and over again for so many years. And you finally snapped.
“Tell me the truth Thor! I know that’s not the only reason, why don’t you people want me to come here? Does... does Loki have a mistress here? Huh? I’m so sick of listening to you people give me all kinds of stupid reasons to keep me away from here! You know, if maybe you had not reinforced the fact that I’m not allowed to visit Midgard again and again, then maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed with coming here.” You couldn’t hold your tears back.
“It’s not what you are thinking, trust me sister, Loki only loves you. But we need to go now and don’t use your powers on me.” You snatched your hand away from him. He was correct in guessing your intentions, you were going to use your powers on him to make him say the truth. But his anger held you back. After all, he was your family, and this visit to earth was just three days long.
“There’s one catch; you can’t take me back. I told you, I’ve made a deal with Heimdall. It includes that He won’t open the Bifrost for me to leave Earth until the evening of the third day!”
The Avengers were all gathered in the briefing room. Thor was coming back and they needed to discuss an important upcoming mission. As Steve stood telling everyone about the mission, they could hear the tell-tale noise of the rainbow tunnel as they called it.
Tony yawned loudly and stood up from his chair, he was least bit interested in the meeting and just wanted to get out. “Thor is here. We should go meet him.” He said stretching. Steve rolled his eyes, while Nat and Clint got up.
“We can continue, Thor knows where to come.” Steve interjected. “I guess Tony is right on this one.” Wanda said shrugging. Before they could continue, they heard the noise of Thor and a lady arguing. Her voice was vaguely familiar.
“Let’s go!” Tony said excitedly as he hoped to get a little more spice on this dull day. Reluctantly even Steve joined the entire group as they walked outside. Thor was facing them and from his gestures even they knew he was truly angry. The lady had her back to them, her golden magic swirling around her hand, showing her anger and annoyance at Thor. She was dressed in the finest fabric.  
Thor stood still and suddenly stopped fighting as he saw literally all of the Avengers looking at the two of them with keen interest. You saw his stunned and somewhat worried expression, so before he could stop you whipped your head around.
The moment you turned, Steve’s heart stopped in his chest. He couldn’t believe his eyes. This was not true; this couldn’t be true. You were just like in his dreams, if not more beautiful. Your eyes pulled him in like sirens calls. Your voice a sweet balm on his heartache. You looked like a goddess, and he was sure you were one. But, how could you possibly be here? So very real, standing in front of him in all your grace, just as if to taunt him.
You tilted your head in confusion, all of them, literally all of them were staring at you as if they had seen a dead person walk out of the grave. “Uh, well, you must be the Avengers I’ve heard so much about! It was rude of us to fight out here, and I apologize for the commotion. Let me introduce myself, I’m Y/N, The Queen of Asgard and the wife of the beloved King Loki.”
As you said the words, all of the Avengers’ eyes widened with confusion, as fear and anger gripped their hearts.
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rocorambles · 4 years
Spread Your Wings
Pair: Ukai x 3rd-Year Female Manager Reader 
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Toxic Relationship, Corruption Kink, Manipulation, Degradation, Slapping, Choking, Branding, Marking, Humiliation, Dub-Con, Mind Break, Cum Play
Summary: When Ukai sees the innocent naive baby crow who’s helping to manage the chaotic flock, he can’t help but think it’s only right for him to help her spread her wings. After all, that’s what a coach is there for, right?
Requested by Anon
Ukai had noticed you right away. He thinks it's almost like fate, the way his eyes just naturally fall on you as soon as he steps into the gymnasium and he knows he should be focusing on checking out this new team he's somehow agreed to coach temporarily, but it's hard to think of sweaty brats when you're walking around, a breath of fresh air in the midst of chaotic shouting and movement. But at the sound of his name, he forces his attention back on the court, focusing on the plays in front of him despite the temptation to sneak glances your way as you excitedly cheer on your fellow third-years and he can't help but think you're absolutely adorable as you grin from ear to ear as the team plays, although he finds the returned looks of endearment from your classmates to be much less adorable. But despite it all, he's more than mildly impressed with the team's ability and as everyone files out and you give him a shy smile and a polite bow, suddenly the idea of permanently being a coach doesn't seem that bad after all. 
He should feel guilty for making you do so much work by yourself, for always ushering out the rest of the team as fast as he can, spouting bullshit excuses about them needing rest and that it's a manager's job to put away all the equipment, but there's no room for remorse when it's finally just the two of you in the empty gym. He pretends to put away a few things, jot a few lines in his notebook, anything to make him look busy, but in actuality you're all he cares about and he watches as you bend over to pick up stray balls, your pants stretching over your ass as you lean down and he wonders how your cheeks would feel in his calloused hands. He watches as you reach up to take down the net, eyeing the bit of bare skin revealed when your shirt rises up with your movement and he wonders what it would look like with finger shaped bruises decorating it. And when he goes home after nights like these, he closes his eyes as he lays in bed, stroking his cock to the thought of fucking you in the equipment room, to the thought of how pretty you'd look covered with his cum, to the thought of how perfect his name would sound when you moan it. 
However, he's nothing but a gentleman when the two of you interact with each other and maybe growing up in a small town like Miyagi has made you naive, but you're completely oblivious to the predatory gaze that follows you around, that eyes the flouncing hem of your school skirt as you make your way to the gym, a warm smile on your face as you greet him. Maybe if you weren't so trusting you would have seen how the blonde haired man stiffens as you bend down to take off your shoes, giving him a brief glance at your panties. Maybe you would have seen his fists clench as he restrains himself from pouncing on you right there and then. But it all goes unnoticed by you and you just happily chat with Ukai as the two of you make your way to the locker rooms to change, genuinely enjoying getting to know the older man better. 
Ukai is handsome. You'd have to be blind as a bat to not notice that and as cliche as it is, as soon as you had turned 18 and entered your final year of high school, boys and men caught your eyes differently than they used to. It's ironic considering how inexperienced you are, having had nothing more than a kiss here and there, but suddenly you can't stop admiring Asahi's strong figure as it arches through the air when he spikes, your eyes linger a little too long on Suga's lips as his mouth curves into a smile, your thighs rub together at the dominant tone in Daichi's words when he uses his captain voice. 
But no one distracts you more than Ukai and you can't stop staring at the way his lips wrap around the cigarettes he smokes. Your throat goes dry at the sight of his forearms flexing as he crosses his arms, and you wonder if he'd be as stern in bed as when he scolds the boys. You're secretly glad for the amount of time the two of you have alone after practices and maybe you take a little longer than you should to put away everything as you watch him from the corner of your eye, but he never seems to mind the wait, so you continue to draw it out. 
You wonder if it's just your imagination that he seems more and more touchy as time goes on and you swear his fingers are almost purposefully brushing against your hands every time he passes you something. You swear he purposefully stands or sits so near you that you can feel his body heat warming your side. You swear his hand purposefully touches you lower than it should when he gives you a friendly pat on the back. But he's nothing but friendly and polite when it's just the two of you and you're not sure why you feel a tinge of sadness at that realization. 
But Ukai only has so much control and when the team goes to Tokyo for a week long training camp and he sees you walk out of the girl's bathroom with that flimsy little outfit you call pajamas, your nipples evident through the thin fabric, your breasts bouncing in a way that makes it obvious you aren't wearing a bra, your ass practically falling out of your booty shorts, he can't stop the way he corners you against the wall, your surprised squeak only making his cock twitch as he hungrily captures your lips with his. He panics as he pulls away from the kiss, cursing himself for not sticking to his long-term plan, but when you shyly tug on his shirt, drawing him back down, and you hesitantly kiss him back, he melts into your touch, a smirk dancing on his lips from the success of finally having you in his clutches. 
It's pathetic how easy it is to sneak you into his room at night and he can't help but think it's even more of a sign that this is fate. He knows he should feel guilty about the way he insistently coaxes you past your limits, the way you nervously bite your lower lip indicating how uncomfortable you are with how rapidly he's corrupting and defiling you, but he can't help his excitement and eagerness to fully claim your body as his and you never outright stop him...not that he'd listen to you if you did. 
When you had told him you were practically untouched, he had to fight the urge to not just shove you down on his mattress and rip you apart with his cock right then and there. A pretty young thing like you was asking for trouble by revealing such delectable information to a wolf like him. But Ukai has always liked playing with his food before eating it and he takes his time with you. 
The first time you're splayed out in his bed he slowly undresses you, relishing in how you shudder at just the slightest brush of his rough hands against your skin. It's all so new to you and you can feel your mind spinning just from the sexual tension in the air as layer after layer of clothing is stripped from you until you're completely bare under his still fully clothed body. You're already panting as he takes a moment to devour the sight of you and you gasp when your hands that instinctively move to cover yourself as much as you can are caught in large hands and held down on either side of your head. 
"Don't you dare hide from me. I want to see every inch of you." 
Your heart is racing as his lips kiss and lightly suck your neck and you mewl as his tongue continues trailing down your jugular, teeth nipping at your collarbone, lips brushing against your hardening nipples. And your back arches as he purses his lips and teasingly sucks on your nipple, one of his hands releasing yours as he tweaks and pinches your other nipple. You're nothing but a puppet in his hands and Ukai loves how sensitive you are, how responsive you are and he relishes in the way your body writhes against him, unknowingly grinding against his erect cock. If this is how you are just from your nipples, he wonders how much more you'll descend into lust if he does this…
Your eyes shoot wide open as fingertips drag against your glistening pussy and you whimper as Ukai brings his coated fingers to your face. 
"I've barely touched you and you're already soaking wet, babe. You sure you're a virgin? Because it sure seems like you're a slut." 
You cringe at the harsh words and you open your mouth to deny it only to let out a choked scream as he shoves two fingers into your tight walls. And oh God, you've touched yourself before, but his fingers reach deeper, trailing across places inside of you you've never felt before and suddenly it's hard to think of any retort to the humiliating words he spits down at you as he rapidly thrusts in and out of you. Maybe you are a dirty slut like he keeps on saying. You certainly sound like one as your wanton moans mix with the slick sound of your pussy as he adds another finger inside of you. You can feel a knot coiling inside of you, your thighs clenching, your fingers twisting into the bedsheets, and all it takes is Ukai's thumb circling your clit and his mouth greedily suckling your nipple to have you fall over the edge and you scream as you clench and release all over his fingers. 
You're exhausted, your chest is heaving, and your mind is blank with pleasure, but there's no time to rest when Ukai shoves his coated fingers into your mouth and orders you to clean the mess you made. A part of you wishes your first sexual experience would have been a bit more gentle and loving, but you're delirious in your post-coital bliss and he had made you feel so good, surely you owe it to him to listen to him, right? You obediently suck, swirling your tongue around his fingers, grimacing at tasting yourself, but you let out a startled noise when you see him pull his pants down and begin to furiously rub himself and you try to back up, unsure of what's happening, but he wraps a hand around the front of your throat, keeping you in place as he paints your breasts with thick spurts of white. You feel so dirty and tears threaten to fall from your eyes as he coos down at you about what a gorgeous cumrag you are for him, but when he wraps his strong arms around you, you can't help but sink into the comforting warmth he provides, your physically and mentally exhausted body yearning for aftercare, yearning for affection after being so thoroughly used for the first time. 
And that's how you find yourself back in his bed a second night. You're confused as he moves lower and lower on the bed, unsure what he's planning until your breath hitches at the feeling of air blowing against your already dripping cunt and your thighs instinctively try to close shut, but they're kept spread apart by strong hands as he begins to mouth and kiss your sensitive lips and you cover your face in embarrassment when he inhales your scent. But when he flattens his tongue against you and slowly drags it across your dripping slit, you try and shove his face away from you, telling him it's dirty, but you're scared into submission when he snarls at you and venomously hisses at you to lay back and take it like a good whore. Dumb little girls like you don't know anything about what makes them feel good. 
You’re shell shocked into laying back, frightened from having such demeaning words thrown at you when you’re so vulnerable, but your body is forced to relax as moan after moan escapes past your lips as he slurps every drop of you up and you let out a high-pitched keen as he shoves his tongue deep inside of you, swirling the wet muscle around as he attempts to lap all of you up and it’s embarrassing how quickly you come undone as he noisily sucks your clit. Your body slumps onto the bed as you try to catch your breath, but you wail when Ukai’s tongue never stops moving and you know there’s going to be bruises from how hard he’s pressing against your thighs as he keeps you still despite your struggling. You beg for him to stop, to let you rest, but it falls on deaf ears and you think you might go crazy as all too soon you’re being forced to another peak and your face is a mess of snot and tears as your body convulses once again underneath him. 
You’re still twitching when a hand drags you by the roots of your hair and you sob as your head is shoved into Ukai’s crotch, pre-cum smearing all over your face as he slaps your face with his cock and it’s all you can do to open your mouth as he shoves his shaft inside of your wet hole, forcing you down and down until your nose brushes against his lower stomach and all you smell is his musky scent, all you feel is his tip pressing against the back of your throat, all you know is the discomfort of not being able to fully breathe as you’re forcefully pulled up and down his length until you’re shoved down one final time as warm liquid seeps down your tight throat. You curl in on yourself when he finally releases you, feeling used despite the lingering toe curling pleasure that’s languidly coursing through you, but when he gives you the friendly smile you’ve come to love over the months you’ve known him and genuinely praises you for being such a good girl, your heart flutters and you let him draw you into his lap as he affectionately holds you and you think that maybe it’s not so bad after all. 
But it’s the third night you slip into his room that you’ll consider the turning point in your relationship when you look back on it and the first time he takes you is everything you’ve imagined losing your virginity to be like. It’s a 180 degree difference from how he’s been the last two nights and you love it. You love how gentle he is as he sensually kisses you, you love how careful he is as he slowly sinks his cock into your tight virginal hole inch by inch, and only when you’re the one urging him to continue, begging for him to fuck you does he move his hips back and forth, showering you with praises about how beautiful you are, how good you feel, and you think you might be addicted to how right it feels when you cum, your pussy clenching around his cock, how perfect it feels to be full of him and his seed. And it’s like a switch in you has been turned on by the man on top of you as you wrap your legs around his back, forcing him to stay inside you, lewdly shaking your hips and whining for more despite the fact that you’d just climaxed and Ukai smiles at the obscene sight you make. But he only responds by gently kissing you and pulling out, making sure you’re cleaned up and taken care of despite your slutty complaints for more. And you’re left to pout as he winks and sends you back off to your shared room with the other female managers, unknowingly falling deeper and deeper into his trap. 
He doesn’t text you to come to his room for the rest of training camp and you’re practically running solely on sexual frustration by the end of the week. You wait for the breathing around you to even out at night before your hands slide down between your thighs, but it’s never enough, it’s never the same, even when you try and imagine larger, rougher hands and fingers replacing yours. Imagination can only do so much when you’ve tasted reality and you glower across the cafeteria as Ukai chats with Saeko in front of you, her chest practically bouncing in front of him as she laughs at something he says. Ukai almost wants to laugh at how predictable you are and he rests a hand casually on Saeko’s shoulder as he continues talking, making sure you take notice of the contact, take notice of the way he leans in close to Saeko’s face as he whispers something in her ear. And finally all his scheming comes to fruition as the team returns to Miyagi where he quickly shoos them all away to get some rest, keeping only you behind with him as the two of you work together to put all the equipment away and he hides the smirk that threatens to spread across his face when you practically tackle him in the storage room, grinding against him like a bitch in heat and while you bounce on his cock there on the dusty floor, you promise to be his secret cute little girlfriend, his secret fuck doll, his secret cum bucket. 
Luckily for him, you’re not the only naive little crow in Miyagi and the two of you go on unnoticed, the boys too focused on volleyball to notice anything off between the two of you, to notice the way your body’s changing, to notice how their manager is becoming nothing more than their coach’s little slut. They don’t notice the slight quiver in your voice or the slight whirring noise coming from inside of you as he increases the vibrations of the bullets inside of you. They don’t notice the way you always wear your jacket to hide your constantly aroused nipples. They don’t notice the way your thighs clench as you struggle to keep all of Ukai’s cum inside of you. And it’s so easy for Ukai to train you more and more each day after practice until just hearing his voice is enough to elicit a full body shudder, until just a touch of his fingertips against your skin is enough to have you arching into his touch, until you can’t go a day without his cock inside of you, until you’re completely and utterly his.
The two of you can barely wait for Nationals, excited to finally be able to spend entire nights after nights with each other, and it starts off perfectly. What’s not perfect about having his cock balls deep inside of you, your loud moans echoing off the hotel walls as he ruins you over and over again? But his fantasy is shattered when he turns the corner on his way to the restroom and finds you boxed against the wall by Miya Atsumu. Just seeing Atsumu touch something that belongs to him is enough to have his teeth clench, but it’s the little giggle and smile you give the blonde setter that have him seeing red and his nails dig into his clenched palms so tightly that tiny drops of crimson litter the floor underneath him as he watches you two. But the pain grounds him a bit and he continues to the restroom. He can wait until tonight, until there’s nowhere for you to run, until there’s no one to witness how he’ll tear you down and put you in your place, remind you who you belong to. 
You eagerly slip into Ukai’s bedroom, excited for another long and deliciously exhausting night, but you hesitate as you draw near where he’s seated on the bed, mouth set in a stern line, eyes glaring at you. 
“Keishin, is everything oka-”
“On your knees now.”
You immediately drop to your knees in between his spread legs, wincing at the sudden harsh contact, but you shiver as a warm hand gently rests on your cheek, a thumb caresses your cheekbone, and you instinctively lean into the touch. 
“So how long have Atsumu and you been fucking?”
Your blood goes cold at his words and you recoil from his touch, or at least you try to, but you whimper as the hand that had been so tenderly touching you swiftly moves to wrap around your neck, holding you in place, cutting off your airflow, bruising the tender skin. You desperately claw at his forearm, nails digging into his skin and leaving red scratch marks all over him, but you go limp when a sharp stinging pain echoes throughout your body and suddenly your lack of oxygen isn’t top of mind as you slowly come to terms with the lingering burn of your smarting cheek and Ukai smiles at how docile you become after a single slap. You’re still struggling to breathe, but your hands return to the top of your thighs, fingers digging into your flesh as you stare up at him with teary eyes. Cute. 
“I think you’ve forgotten who you belong to and I’m going to remind you that I’m the only man allowed in your life, allowed to touch you. Get on the bed, lay on your back, and stay still. You’re going to take everything I give you and you’re not going to fucking whine or complain.”
You take deep heaving breaths, gasping as you drink in much needed oxygen when he abruptly releases you and terror roots itself in you, driving you to lunge at the bed as you quickly follow his orders, not wanting to make him angrier than he already is. But when you’re spread out on the bed, your eyes nervously follow him as he takes a step back to light a cigarette and you take the tiny lull of his actions as he takes a drag as a chance to plead and reason with him, to explain yourself. 
“Keishin, I swear I never let Atsumu do anything other than flirt with me. Please, you have to believe me. I only love you. You’re the only man who’s ever touched me.” 
You hold your breath as Ukai slowly turns his head to look at you, blowing smoke from his lips as he regards you and you sigh in relief when he smiles as he slowly walks towards you, cigarette still in hand. And you lace your arms around his neck as he hovers over you, only to try to shove him away from you as an agonized scream is wrenched from your throat as he digs and rubs the burning end of his cigarette into your inner thigh. But he’s too big, too strong, and he doesn’t even budge an inch as he just shushes you, affectionately capturing your lips with his as he continues grinding the burning stick into you until there’s no more heat, and an aching soaring pain thrums from the spot. You’re sniffling, fat drops of tears running from the corners of your eyes when he finally pulls back and he smirks in satisfaction at the circular brand he’s left on you, practically folding you in half as he raises your leg enough so that you can also admire the semi-permanent mark he’s left on you and you just sob harder at the horrifying sight of burnt, marred skin. 
“That’s what you get for being a little whore. You really thought it was okay to let another man even flirt with you? To think that they even have a chance with you? Well, I guess now you really won’t be letting Atsumu anywhere near your tight cunt. I wonder what he’d think of you when he sees that you’re already a used and owned slut. Actually, maybe I should make it even clear.”
Your body flails at those words, already dreading more excruciating pain, but you slightly pause when you see him set his cigarette aside, reaching over to grab the marker he uses to draw out game strategies for the boys instead. You hesitantly lay back on the bed as he uncaps the marker and you nervously bite your bottom lip as the tip of the marker dances across your entire torso in decisive strokes, but it’s the sudden flash of a camera that has you alert again. You cower at the dark tinge to the hungry look in his eyes as he stares at the picture he took, but after being so thoroughly corrupted by the older man on top of you, you can’t help the way your thighs clench and your pussy dampens at the image on his screen as he turns his phone towards you. Your face is a mess, tears, snot, and drool glistening in the dim light, but it’s the large black words scrawled on your naked torso, above your branded inner thigh, that has your heart racing. 
Ukai’s Little Slut 
A tiny part of you understands how incriminating this photo is, how you’d die of shame if this ever got leaked to your fellow third-years, but the larger part of you, the part of you that’s had lessons ingrained into it every day, takes twisted pride in the possessive claim and Ukai smiles at your lust blown pupils. You don’t know how many rounds the two of you have gone, how many times he’s had your body falling apart on his cock, his mouth, his fingers, how many loads of sticky white fluids he’s left inside of you and on you, how many positions he’s forced your body into. Your mind can’t wrap itself around anything through the dizzying pleasure your body is drowning in and your dumb fucked-silly face only has Ukai working himself into more of a frenzy as he greedily wonders how much wider your mouth can open, how much more your eyes can roll back into your head, how much louder he can make you moan and scream. And only when he’s absolutely exhausted, heavily panting, sweat dripping down the sides of his face does he let your spent body heavily drop onto the bed, enjoying how your body twitches on the rumpled bed sheets, how broken little cries still trickle out of your mouth, how your now loosened pussy convulses around the seemingly endless stream of cum that’s starting to trickle down your thigh. 
An idea forms in his head as he watches the dripping fluids and you whimper as he finger fucks his cum back into your cunt, quickly pulling your panties back on and up you, forcing you to stay full with the sloshing liquid in your stomach. You’re still out of it as he devours the sight of you covered in his seed, a layer of sticky white coating and hardening on your breasts, the crude words still clearly displayed on your abdomen, black, blue, purple, and red bite marks and hickies decorating any other remaining inch of your skin, your new burn only accentuating your debauched image. But you try to rouse yourself back to reality as he lightly slaps your face until your eyes fixate on him. 
“You’re not allowed to wash any of this off. When you go back to your room, I want you to sleep in this filthy mess you got yourself into. I don’t care how uncomfortable it is, how dirty you feel. You’re going to be a good girl and all day tomorrow, you’re going to keep on being a helpful manager even with a stomach full of my cum. When you come back to my room tomorrow night, I better see everything just as it is right now. You like that idea, right? You like being my dirty cum bucket, my little used toy? I wonder if Atsumu would even want to look at you if he saw you covered in cum, branded and marked like fucking livestock? Should we show him tomorrow?”
You flinch at the idea of anyone else seeing you in this state and you rapidly shake your head from side to side, weak pleas and promises spilling from your lips.
“No, I’ll be your good girl. Please don’t let anyone else see me like this. Only for you. Always only for you.”
And how can Ukai’s heart not melt at the sight of you being so good, so adorable, so submissive? 
“Such a good girl. I love you, you know that right? I love you so much.”   
And how can you resist the way your heart warms at those words?
“I love you too, Keishin.”
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funnyexel · 3 years
Potential Yandere x Abused Fem!Reader
A/n: This is another drabble. I’ve been trying to pass it as a x reader story but I got severely stumped so I decided to still post it. (cause I feel like I did a fantastic job on it) If you squint, you could count this as yandere.
Summary: Basically, the story is about you running away from your twisted household (controlled by your step-mother) to get away from her, as you were escaping you get kidnapped. You soon find out it was your “dead” husband, your step-mother arranged you to marry for money and soon after killed him because he was trying to help your situation. Now he is bent on protecting you and getting “even” with your step-mom...any means necessary.
Warnings: Scars, Mentions of death, Mentions of abuse, Trauma, Slight smut, Mushy stuff. Masterlist Mega List
You ran away. You just couldn't take it anymore. The loneliness and the abuse was killing you from the inside out. Tears burn in your eyes and stain your cheeks. Now caught up in yourself, you neglect to realize the hand over your mouth. "Finally." You managed to let out a few muffled screams before you completely knocked out.
"No one will want a fat, stuck up brat! 20 more!" "Yes, Mother."
Transitioning from low breaths, you awake breathing heavily. "GET OUT!" You flinch at the sudden noise and clashing of objects. The somewhat familiar male voice sighs. You try to shift the bag off your head but fail. "oh right the bag." He snatches the bag off your head. Your head whips to the side, tears smoothly fall down your face. He forces your face to see his. "p-please-" The tears in your eyes wash away and you can see a clear picture of the male. He caresses your cheek. "Y/n~ It's been a while." He holds the back of his neck.
Slowly jerking your head back. You try and gather your emotions. 'Do I want to hit him or kiss him?' You thought. "I missed you." You keep your gaze with him. Blood rushes to your face without your consent. "I guess you didn't miss me.." He falsely pouts. "I did." You whisper. He smiles. "Get off the floor." You get up and realize that you had your hands behind your back for nothing. Looking him up and down, you analyze his tall and muscular nature. Wanting to run up to him and kiss him. You decide to hold back. The thought of him suffering from the lost of touch is funny to you.
Just like how you both were when you were younger. You finally ignore your thoughts and listen to your aching body. Legs trembling, you trip over your weak feet before you could faceplant, he catches you. 'Oh right. Prince Charming waited 3 long years to get me.' Now remembering the horrible memories. He lays you down on a couch and removes your clothes to unveil your undergarments. He uses a med-kit to patch you up. "Your scars have gotten worse." He looks up to you slightly. You look away from him. "Stop staring at me like that."
He chuckles at your annoyance. "Are you hungry?" He briefly stops bandaging you to give you a tray of food. "Eat. If you're hungry tell me. Don't sit here starving yourself." You eat little by little enjoying the food. He moves from your legs to your arms. "What happened to your ring?" He examines your left hand kissing it softly. "I still have it." You reach into the side of your bra and take out the ring dangling on a chain. "Who gave you that chain?" He finished patching you up. Given your silence, he knows where it's from. 
He reaches for your hand to retrieve the chain and take the ring. "I do not want you to have anyone else's stuff but mine." He puts the chain on the table. "You're unusually quiet." You turn away. "W-where have you been for three years?" You glide your hand over his tattoos and bold muscles. He gently takes your left hand and holds it in his, to place the ring on your ring finger. "Trying to get you." He kisses the ring and clutches onto your hand. "I-I thought...y-you w-were...I s-saw."
Tears stream down your face unexpectedly with the whirlpool of emotions. "Dead." You couldn't hold yourself back from his touch anymore. You launched yourself into his arms and fit into his lap perfectly. He softly whispered reassuring little nothings in your ear. His voice soothes your uneasy state. "You'll be safe with me. I promise to you that you will never go back, ever." You clench onto him harder, making small marks into his skin through his clothes.
"I-I need- have um-" You stutter causing your cheeks to heat up. He rubs your shoulder as a comforting gesture. "I...I've realized, over the time apart and grieving. That I-" You choke on your unspoken words but manifest the strength to hold his cheek and gaze deep into his eyes. "I love you. I thought that I realized too late and looking at this second chance. I was second guessing whether to tell you or not. But I wanted you to know." Slowly leaning in, a half a breath from his lips.
You close the gap, placing your soft lips on his and sluggishly parting your lips. 'His eyes are closed.' You thought studying his facial features. Whilst tracing your slender fingers over his godly jaw line. He got casted out of your trance, pulling your waist into his. Thirstily matching his lips up with yours. You felt déjà vu and a stinging sensation on your thigh. But it wasn't painful, it could never be painful from him. It was a stinging of coldness turning warm from your touch.
Your bottom lip felt wet. Very wet. He was asking for permission to your wonderful mouth. You opened your mouth for him without a second thought. Feeling his heavy palm trailing from your waist smoothly to your neck. Gripping hard but soft never wanting to let go. Your body shifted to straddling him and your hand stopped awkwardly waving in the air and rubbed along the hand holding your thigh. Applying warmth to his upper arm and bicep. You moan breaking the kiss, throwing your head back due to his icy touch up your back. You stare at each other, breathing heavily. "I love you too." He says between deep inhales and exhales. "You're always so warm." He buries his head in your shoulder, both his hands covering your back. "And you’re always so cold." You chuckle and shiver under his touch. Rapidly blushing, realizing you're only in your panties and bra.
You wiggle in his lap trying to reach a piece of clothing. But he holds you down with his heavenly grip. He lifts his head from your shoulder, blush lightly dusting his face. "Are you trying to get something out of me?" His muscular voice echoes in and out your ear. You hesitantly shake your head. Thinking about what he said you notice your sitting near his groin. He moves his hands around your back attempting to capture all your warmth. "Shirt." You gaze into his night black eyes.
A sweater is draped on your back with little to no movement. He sits up and puts your arms through the sleeves, then zipping up the sweater. Shivering at the new warmth, he places a kiss on your nose then mouth. You smile and touch your nose. He lifts you off his lap and onto the couch. "Stay in here. I'll be back." He gets up and looks over himself in the mirror. Seeing you staring at him from the couch with a slight pout. "Don't let anyone see those pretty panties."
Never taking your eyes off him, your cheeks redden and you push down the sweater to cover your underwear. He snickers at your actions, swiftly leaving the room. Your eye falls back to the mirror. 'This is really happening.' You thought. One song was replaying in your head, sex by eden but only one particular part of the song. 'Oh no, I think I'm catching feelings.' And you know you already told him you love him but it felt like you were catching feelings all over again. The statement from the man became distant as time passes by, or you became very bored very fast. Either way you got up from the couch, wobbling on your feet. You stare at yourself through the mirror. Dark circles having a long term stay underneath your eyes, big lips being temporarily present on your face, light hickeys being displayed on your lower chin and neck, and light tears burned into your cheeks. You rub away the tear marks with the oversized sleeve.
His sweater was sizeable to your body. It hugged your body perfectly but all the while drowning you in the sweater. Doing some more walking around. You come across a nicely framed photo of you and him. You remembered that like it was taken yesterday, if you recall correctly his sister took that picture. You were sitting in his lap, assembling a puzzle together but he was getting frustrated so you decided to take over. You laugh at the bubbly memory.
'I look so focus on the puzzle meanwhile he buried his face in my hair.' You slightly blush and put the picture back. You go to his desk and sit in his chair. "woaah~ this chair is so comfortable." You lie back into the chair and spin it, making sure not to mess up anything on his desk. "how long is he going to take?" You groan feeling extremely lonely. Listening closely, you hear the sound of a train, the speedy move of the train smoothly moving on the noisy tracks. As if they hit a bump on the track your body falls out the chair.
You turn over rubbing your knees. Multiple footsteps meet your ear range. Looking around, you quickly crawl underneath the desk slightly hitting your head on the way in. "ouch." And a squeal leaves your mouth before they busted in the room. "If this is just your bad hearing, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble." A strong woman voice exclaims. "I heard something fall. I swear." A male croaked back to the female. "Everything in here is bolted to the floor. Get out his office before he catches you." Someone chimes in and the footsteps fade out the room.
You left out a shaky breath and rub your head. 'I'll just stay under here.' You thought to yourself and nodded. In silence, you thought about what you would do about your still existing problems at your old home. Even though, you wanted to forget. You couldn't risk him getting hurt or worse. "Hey, where are you?" His voice pulls you out of your thoughts. You knock on the inside of the desk and his footsteps approach you. He crouches down and looks at you curled up into a ball under the desk.
"what are you doing under here?" His soft tone flutters your heart and blesses you ears. As he extends his hand you eagerly take it and he pulls you out the dark space. He guides you to the couch and sits you down. "Here." He hands you black leggings. Getting up, you put on the pants and look up to him. "Promise." His hands meet your waist and lightly rubbed the sides. "Promise, what?" He chuckles looking down to you. "Promise you won't get killed."
You stare at him with solid eyes and spoke with a serious tone. "I promise to you I won't get killed." He matches your tone. "Pinky promise." You hold out a pinky and wait for him to meet your request. He smirks and holds your pinky with his. Shaking it twice. You let go and hug him, burying your face into his mid-chest. His well built arms circle around you, engulfing you in his body. You stay there until you begin to lose breath. "Accept my promise."
He smiles at you, before you could have a valid reaction, he traps you into a powerful kiss. Pulling your body closer and closer to his. All the while your hands travel to his neck, into his soft dark hair. The kiss was better than before, unrealistic at most. His tongue immediately got access to your mouth, exploring it and violating it. He slowly broke the kiss to trail them down to your neck. You huffed and moaned. Minimally visible air puffs leaving your mouth. He found your sweet spot and kissed it as deeply as he kissed your plump lips. Your lowly moans echoed the office, he gripped your chin and moved it to the side to get more access to your neck. His actions hit a sudden stop, he lifts up his head and plants a peck on your lips. He made you weak in the knees. And by the looks of it you made him the same way. He sat on the couch and patted his leg. You felt like sitting too but held off, to look in the mirror. 
A dark mark visible to the naked eye, was made by him on your neck. You traced your fingers over it in admiration. Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes sparkled. His marks did that special thing to you that you couldn't explain even if you tried. Turning back to him you, sit on his lap and rest your head on his shoulder.
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angstyantoinette · 4 years
Yandere! Armin Arlert Headcanons
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This little blonde ball of curiosity is verrryy toxic in my Yandere version. 
Armin knows how innocent he looks to other people and by playing on this, coupled with his practical and analytical genius status, boy is it so very easy for him to gain the trust of his comrades, friends and especially his Beloved. 
I feel as if Armin wouldn’t be picky with a particular type, but never being attracted to an unkind or particular person he would be disgusted by in any way. 
He may fall for someone who is slightly colder, or who doesn’t really know how to respond to kindness. In that scenario, Armin would be overjoyed, but very patient and giving with them; if he wasn’t Yandere. 
I see him as very touch-starved and wanting, but afraid to be clingy for fear he would drive his Beloved away. In this case he would dote on you as best he could in his environment, making you fall for him even more. 
You would him as endearing, and like most, innocent. Armin is smart; one might say way too smart for his own good, and being a Yandere, I feel this makes him just as dangerous as those willing to use physical violence/methods on their Beloved. 
He knows that you just love his little quirks and his way of thinking. If you tell him this, he may think you only see him as valuable because of his skill for strategizing. But when you reassure him that you just love him for him, he just falls in love with you even more. 
He’s worrisome about you. Every time he makes practise with your ODM gear until you’re bruised, and exhausted, ready to run into his awaiting arms. Rewarding you with cuddles and affection, Armin’s love isn’t exactly conditional; but it still isn’t normal.
But that’s if you accept his feelings, with Armin being a Yandere or not, and with your knowledge or ignorance. 
If you don’t accept his feelings, whether it being for your personal reasons, or because you…um, like someone else, to put it nicely; 
He’ll smile, nod his head, maybe try a little too hard to act like he’s okay with your decision. But you understand, after all, it’s not like you haven’t been rejected before. 
“We can always be friends, Armin! I’m here for you okay?” 
“Yeah, Y/N, whatever you say…” 
About a few weeks after his rejection, with all of the support from Eren, Mikasa and the others, Armin is slowly descending into a deep depression. 
He was so sure of his feelings for you. They were his most prized possession. You made him laugh, you made him blush and god you made his pitiful life seem so much more worth living. You were the ocean, and he just wanted to drown myself in you. Like the sun he saw so rarely, you were the ray of pure light that made his body burn. 
He lay awake at night, taunted and enthralled with the thoughts of you in so many different scenarios….maybe in particular, different positions. 
[Yes, those kinda positions. Armin’s not always that innocent, y’all.]
He knows that the more he thinks of you in these appetizing ways, in these hurtfully satisfying scenarios, he’s never going to be able to get over you. 
Rather, he’s not even going to try.
Being trapped in his fantasies, Armin is horrifically aware that these feelings are incredibly toxic, for the both of you. He just won’t let you go. Whatever it takes, Armin will commit whatever crimes he must to keep you in his life. 
He sees you as being misunderstood, especially if you’re typically a colder person, hard to read, detached. Some people compare you to Levi, but Armin just knows that you, like the Corporal, have far more depth than you let on. 
His intrigue doesn’t let up for a long while, as you’re constantly surprising him in new and amazing ways. You’re used to his deep interest in you after a while, but you still don’t understand him. 
Armin thrives on your confusion at first, but if it drives you away from him, he’ll go into tactical mode. Staying up all night,figuring out who is calling your attention to them rather than him and what his next move should be. 
With his intelligence, Armin keeps his sizzling bafflement and envy under wraps. He tells himself that maybe he had unerved you a little. He can get like that sometimes, surely you understood him well enough to know that?He obviously did find you interesting and he was willing to momentarily abandon Eren and Mikasa just to fuel his endless curiosity. 
Keep in mind, this is after you reject him, and his desperation to just know you and love you is greatly overwhelming him to the highest degree. You just won’t allow him to really see you, to understand you. 
Eventually, he snaps. Just not in the typical yandere way. We all know that Armin feels as though he is a nuisance, a self-proclaimed burden so he keeps most of his feelings inside, and lets them loose to either prove a point, or while under stress. 
It takes a minute for him to decide what to do with you, because he knows that once he has made a choice, it has to be the right choice. He has to know and map out a detailed plan, whether it’s doable, whether he’s able to pull it off by himself, etc.
His analytical skills come into play, and he plans everything from the location, time, the equipment needed at exactly what time. By this time, he will have comepletely left you alone; abrupt and brash, and just as he planned, you were surprised. Yes, he wanted to get to know you, and you couldn’t help but feel even slightly violated and maybe even disturbed. 
Your like anyone in the world, have natural curiosity and interest in just about anything. But the unfamiliar feeling of unsettlement around Armin just felt…off.
You secretly knew of his deep infatuation; people always seemed to determined to figure the silent types out, to crack them open, decipher their many secrets. In terms of this analogy, you sort of understand, maybe even sympathise with his endless novelty toward your character, but even so…just why?
Maybe it was the fact that you felt bad for him, in a sad, puppy love kinda way. Maybe you saw him as a traumatized individual, just putting his assumed coping mechanism to work, with you just in the innocent line of fire. 
If he kidnaps you at all, Armin will smother you. Telling you how much you mean to him, explaining that only he can access your wonder and intrigue. Because, after all, he worked this hard to get you; why would he ever share you with anyone else? 
Although he will be stern, he’ll always be nice about it, rewarding you or not. 
You’re an enigma to Armin Arlert, keeping him guessing, testing his patience with all of your being. You don’t know it, but soon you’ll be in his possession.
I headcanon him as seeing your refusal, your blatant rejection as some kind of ‘disease.’ You haven’t even seen the best of him yet, why make up your mind about something that you know almost nothing of? Oh well, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other very soon. He’ll bare his injured soul to you, and you’ll have mo choice but to do the same for him. It’s what married couples do after all, right?
Just let him love you, Y/N. Let Armin adore you. It’s the best thing to do if you want everyone to live.
Glassy, still sapphire eyes simply stared at you in the weak light of a stolen candle. You couldn’t quite pinpoint what they were saying, those beautiful, dangerous, albeit loving eyes. But yet, they also held malice in their abyss’. Endless, bottomless, simply divine they were. That was all you knew.
“Why…do you lie to me?” he murmered. A small, rough palm came to rest against your hollowed cheek, fingertips gently tapping against the skin. Realising how close he truly was, you tried your hardest to get away, shifting in your place in the surprisingly plush, old bed, but all it took was a flash of blonde hair to whip past your face, before he succeeded in holding your arms down.
While he never did this explicitly to punish or harm you, Armin always knew just how to exert his power. Never mind the boundaries that he installed in you the day of your arrival; he didn’t care for them as much as you had to pretend to.
This Armin was unhinged. Normalcy could never be considered in this relationship. He could never understand the pain he put you through. To Armin, it was all in the name of his devotion. All of his interest had been rooted in one fact; you refused to love him.
Once he figured out that you wouldn’t couldn’t love him of your own accord, he became enamoured with something he just knew he could never have.
He had never even thought about taking you, drugging you, dragging you to a secluded spot in the woods, or an out of bounds room, derelict over many years.
“I never intended to take you like this, bunny.”
Swallowing hard, you tried to look him in the eyes, gently lifting your head higher and higher until his blue pools of mere unhinged insanity met your own pained orbs. Seeming to like this, he smiled.
His perfect teeth looked more like fangs in the dim, weak moonlight. It had felt like he had managed to suck every molecule of beauty from even the most simple of things.
His voice sounded like the devil; harsh, unforgiving lilting tones of false hope daring to stroke you face and make you think you had a good chance at happiness.
You didn’t know when he stopped being Armin and began being a monster. You didn’t know if the lines could be blurred any further.
“I never wanted this, Armin-” 
“Don’t play with me, bunny,” he snapped. His slender fingers wound themselves in your clean hair, twisting and searching for a soft spot to pull. When he found it, he lightly tugged; barely, but you still winced from the thought of the last time he did this. 
You still wanted to believe that he was quiet, sweet Armin who still had an unstoppable fascination with you, but he was harmless then. Or was he? Was he faking his intentions? Did he have it planned from the very beginning? 
You wanted to choke yourself for believing his simple demeanour, his dedication to the cause of the Survey Corps just like everyone else. He was a liar. He was a predator in all ways, ensnaring you, his perfect prey. 
Only now had Armin realized just how confused you were. 
You didn’t understand his love for you. You thought he hated you! 
Now that wouldn’t do.
Armin could have have kicked himself. All of his stern discipline and rules stemming from his love and protection meant that you mistook for him being cruel. He was doing this out of his devotion! 
How could he assume you would understand if he never told you, if he never proved his love?
“Armin, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything, I swear-” You took a deep breath, cutting yourself off. Now was not the place or time to be losing your composure; you still were trying to get used to the fact that you were being held against your will. 
“Hush”, he suddenly murmured, gently taking your chin in his fingertips, before moving them to tenderly cup your face, his eyes darting anywhere that he could lay his gaze upon.
The gestures were so tender you found your cheeks erupting with a wild blush, the burning shame hitting you moments later when your hatred and slight fear hit you like a slap to the face. 
Your embarassment only got worse when you felt his soft lips kiss your throat, his warm breath flush against your skin. His hands found themselves back in your hair again, stroking it, petting it, twisting it round and round his finger. His right hand caressed your nape, spreading his fingers so that they only just covered the width of your neck, and he pulled you closer, so that your head was nuzzled into his neck, buried beneath his love and fascination.
It all clicked. 
Armin wasn’t just interested in you. 
He was obessed with you.
Obsessively in love with you. 
You felt pathetic. You felt weak. But in a strange way, you also felt loved. 
You had no choice but to resign yourself to his touch, letting your head fall limp as he cradled you to his chest.
“Good bunny.”
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Hold Me Tight (Or Don’t)- Chapter 21: FINALE
Pairings: Risotto x Reader
Genre: Soft Yandere
Content Warning: Pregnancy
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Another kick inside your womb makes your focus drop. 5 months in, you’re still getting used to the feeling of the little one wriggling inside you, as well as the rounded abdomen that meets you whenever you clutch it on instinct at the sensation.
It’s September. You’ve had the summer to come to terms with this and you’ll have the winter ahead to get ready. The dropping temperature is a reliable timer for how long you have left; if all goes to plan, your baby will be born right in the troughs of winter come January.
You sip your coffee as Risotto fiddles with the heating controls. The sound on the TV is turned to low- it makes for good background noise but ultimately you’re having a better time just talking with each other. He smiles nervously as he rejoins you, sitting down on the comfortable sofa and pulling you close.
“You must be scared. But it’s alright, I have a good feeling,” he says. You look up coyly.
“Do you now?” you tease. “Because last time I checked you’ve been pacing up and down this house ever since the doctor said it would take a week to get these test results.” you tap his nose playfully and lean in. “These routine test results.”
“Alright, alright,” Risotto concedes, looking away. “Perhaps this does… slightly unnerve me.”
You take his cheek, making him look at you. He blinks once.
“Hey,” you press a kiss to his lips. “I wasn’t sure for a while, but I really think we made the right choice. Keeping them… keeping her.”
You touch a hand to your abdomen. Risotto envelopes it with his own.
“Yes,” he agrees. “Which is why it’s so important to me everything is okay.”
You rest your head against his shoulder affectionately.
“You’re gonna be a great father Ris. Just, remember that, okay?”
Risotto pulls back, a look of concern in his eyes.
“You’re shaking, what’s wrong?” he asks. You chuckle lightly.
“I’m cold, Ris. Nothing else.”
“Then I’ll get something to warm you,” he announces, rising to his feet. “I was heating blankets in the airing cupboard, I’ll get one right away.”
He hurries off, before you can even thank him. You sink back into your seat and sigh, resting a hand on your stomach. You let your eyes drift shut.
“It’s them, he doesn’t seem to be around.”
Hands touch your shoulders in company to the unfamiliar voice. You seize up, jolting forward with such panic you fall from your seat. But no scream leaves your mouth. Running your tongue against your lips, they won’t even open. You scramble onto your back, no easy task with the added weight in your middle. Two men look down at you from behind the sofa, fine dressed and fair faced. The man on the left, the slightly older of the two, has striking blue eyes that remind you of Prosciutto’s. His companion is blond, a fine fur shawl splayed over his shoulders. He looks to the darker-haired man and nods.
“Don’t scream,” the blond instructs you, stepping closer. “We aren’t going to hurt you, but we’d rather not incur a fight with Nero, at least not with you still in the house.”
You nod frantically, still unable to speak. You just want them to take whatever bind off you is preventing you from talking.
“Right,” he tells his companion. “You can take the zip off.”
Suddenly, your lips are free. The darker-haired man approaches you as well, running a finger just above your lip.
“Apologies, I didn’t hurt you did I? As my accomplice said, we’re only trying to avoid a fight.”
“I’m- f-fine,” you stammer, crawling back as you feel around for the gun you know Risotto keeps somewhere around here. You find it, the smooth barrel slipping through your hands. It disappears into a void.
“We didn’t expect to find you alive,” the blond man says, kneeling at your side. “But now we’ve come, we’re going to get you out of here. We can help you,” he spares a glance at your stomach. “Even with your… situation.”
You hear the sound of heavy fabric dropping to the floor. Looking over to the doorway, you see Risotto standing frozen. All three of you stare at him for a second. Then, in the blink of an eye, he charges.
“Risotto!” you cry out. He lunges for the blond man but is thrown back by an incredible force, sent hurtling at the fireplace which he collides with with a mighty crash. “RIS!”
Before the men can stop you you race over to your lover, latching onto him protectively. You look desperately for a weapon you can use, but you know that if these men could even defeat Risotto in such a split instant, you may as well be a fly on the wall.
“Nero,” the blond man approaches you coldly. His companion is standing firm, a pose you strongly suspect indicates his stand is already at the ready to attack if needs be. “For some weeks now, I have been overseeing an investigation into the behaviour of one of our foreign tributary gangs, namely their involvement in an international trafficking gang I strongly desire to eliminate. It was brought to my attention last night that you were personally recorded as conducting business with them, between the September and November before last. From what I understand, you solicited their help in scouting a civilian for abduction, for no purpose, I understand, other than your desire. I hope you understand my disappointment Nero, when you yourself were the one I tasked with punishing such abhorrent practices in our organisation.”
“Ris…” you look at him. “This is your boss?”
“Yes,” Risotto swallows dryly. “Don Giorno Giovanna. Signor, do you really mean to tell me those men were… traffickers? Professionals?”
You can see the horror in Risotto’s eyes. He didn’t know.
“Were you unaware?” Giorno cocks his brow. “We’ve rescued dozens from their captivity. I’m surprised you of all people wouldn’t be more careful, Nero.”
“I… they were the first people I found. I checked their standing with Passione which was at the time positive, so I didn’t look any further into their role. They knew who I was so they didn’t dare do any harm to (y/n) but had I known, I never would have worked with them. I’m so sorry, (y/n).”
“It’s okay,” you barely whisper. At this point, you’re far more afraid about the men in front of you.
“You may not be a traitor, but you’ve still broken the oath you swore,” The dark haired man scowls. Giorno nods in assent.
“You’ve done harm to a civilian in one of the most despicable ways possible, all for your own pleasure. and now, I can even see they’re with child. I misjudged you, Nero. Consider yourself under detention. (Y/n), let’s get you out of here.”
“NO!” you screech. You cling onto Risotto with all you’re strength. No matter what, no matter what these men think, you’re not letting them separate you from Risotto. “I don’t care who you are but I’m not letting you hurt Risotto! He has never hurt me. Not once! This child was my choice. I love him.”
Giorno looks at you sadly.
“You don’t have to defend him anymore. We can make it so you never have to see him again.”
“Then for god’s sake just kill me, because I’m not living without him,” you insist. Risotto stands, helping you to your feet with him. He wipes your tears as he addresses the men before him.
“You can ask my subordinates. I know their standing with you varies from man to man but… Pesci, Prosciutto, Ghiaccio. You know they’d never lie on a matter like this. They can testify my good intentions.”
“S-Sorbet and Gelato!” you add. “Don’t they hunt down predators as a side-job they’d never let it slide if he were really hurting me!”
“You swear, both of you, that the dynamic between you isn’t in any way abusive?” Giorno presses.
“YES!” You both say in unison.
“I was on the phone to my family this morning! You can check my recents if you like!”
Giorno sighs deeply. He looks to his friend, then back to you.
“Alright. I can’t say this fully sits well with me but if you’re certain you’re happy here then I’m not going to remove you by force. Nero, you can consider your position unaffected for the time being but I will be following up with the captured traffickers about exactly what it is you discussed together.”
“Very well, I have nothing left to hide on that matter,” Risotto accepts.
“In that case we’ll be leaving,” Giorno declares. “Bucciarati?”
“Right away,” the other man assents. You breathe out shakily. Panic over. As if by instinct, you find yourself nuzzling against Risotto’s chest. He strokes your hair comfortingly.
“Oh, and Nero?” Giorno adds, turning around one last time. “Congratulations for the baby. Good luck.”
“Thank you sir, truly.”
You’re wrapped up in a blanket by the fireplace as Risotto fixes the shelves. It’s much easier of course when you can move the screws back into place with your mind, so he seems to be having a pretty okay time of it.
“How are your bruises, Bedda?” he asks. You shuffle in your sheets.
“Not too bad. I really didn’t fall that hard, promise.”
“And the baby? Did you land on your stomach?”
“No, don’t worry. I felt her move just an hour ago anyway, so she’s fine.”
Risotto walks over to you, dark-eyes glinting in the yellow light of the lamps. He kneels down, touching your stomach tenderly.
“Good, because if anything had happened, I would kill the bastard myself,” Risotto promises.
“He meant well… I know he did,” you say, leaning forward to let him embrace you.
“I know too. But my point still stands.”
Inside you, your baby kicks again, hard. You can tell at once Risotto felt it too, because he flinches. He leans back and looks at you wide-eyed.
“Was that-”
“Yeah, that was her Ris.”
“Our child…”
A tear leaks from Risotto’s eye. He doesn’t bother wiping it away.
“I love you, Bedda. You’re my world.”
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ybangtannies · 3 years
Hiii💜💜💜i just want to start off by saying i love your blog, your stories are really good. I just got through reading the bts profiles and i don't know if you are taking request but if you are i was wondering if you could do a scenario where yandere namjoon and y/n are best friends and one night he comes over and they end up doing it, but the next morning they just joke around because it was a mistake and they are good friends, then two weeks later she calls him tells him she is pregnant, and namjoon try to talk to her about keeping the baby because he secretly love y/n and is crazy about her.
[Here it is! I'm sorry it took me months to write this, but I hope you enjoy it! I got a little carried away and it's way longer than what I intended to be lol]
Word count: 2.7k
Namjoon’s eyes open wide suddenly, and frantically starts looking for your figure, and even though he doesn’t find it, he knows you’re around and awake because he can hear the shower from your en suite bathroom. He lets out a sigh and savours the memories coming to him from last night, your moans and whimpers, how good he felt being completely embraced by you and your scent; every single detail about last night and you both enjoying and pleasuring each other is engraved in Namjoon’s mind.
He knows you usually take around fifteen or twenty minutes in the shower, so he relaxes on the bed and starts thinking. What does this mean for your relationship? It surely changes everything, right? This must mean that you love him too. He knows you used to sleep around -much to his dismay, he still doesn’t understand how he put up with it, maybe because it was just sex with strangers and you made it pretty clear you wanted nothing with them- but it’s been a long time since that and if you decided you wanted Namjoon, your best friend, someone you clearly know and have already a bond formed with, to be the person you had sex with after such a long period of time, then there must be a reason behind it. Maybe you weren’t sure on how to tell him you love him too for fear of being rejected and thought sex would be the way to let him know without words? Namjoon smiles at the thought, his sweet and pretty girl, if only you knew how crazy in love he is about you. He’s been waiting for this to happen for way too long, have imagined it millions of times but reality surely does exceed fiction and now that he got a taste of what it would be really like to be with you like this, he doesn’t think he’d be able to give up this feeling for anything in the world; there’s no way, he would be insane to turn down his other half.
His stream of consciousness is cut off by the door of your bathroom opening and your figure emerging from it, you stand on the threshold and look at him with surprise.
“Oh, good morning! I didn’t think you’d be awake already, it’s pretty early and you always sleep until it’s almost lunchtime” you chuckle while entering the room, going to lift up the blind and open the window a little.
Namjoon is looking at you in awe, you’re not wearing anything he hasn’t seen on you before -a shirt and some worn out shorts- but he can perfectly see the hickeys he gave you last night on your neck since you’re wearing your hair on a side plait plus you’re still yawning even if it’s been surely more than half an hour since you woke up and adding that to the fact that now he is your boyfriend... he wonders if you’d be up for round two before having breakfast.
“Hello? Earth to Namjoon! Are you sleeping with your eyes open again or what?” Your voice is once again bringing him back to reality, your glance focused on your phone rather than on him.
“No, no, sorry, I guess I’m still a little tired. What’s up?”
You roll your eyes playfully while looking back at him, “I was asking if you wanted to have breakfast now, but you can keep sleeping if you want, I have things to do anyways.”
Namjoon accepts your offer and accompanies you to the kitchen to make breakfast; he loves how he knows his way around your apartment and how domestic it feels waking up together after having been making love all night to have breakfast and spend the morning at home, like a long-term couple.
He is about to open his mouth and address the elephant in the room once you’re both seated at your table and drinking coffee when you beat him to it.
“So, I don’t want to make things weird after last night and I don’t really think this need to be said since we’ve been friends for quite some time now and already know each other and where we stand,” Namjoon doesn’t like where this seems to be going, “the sex was really good and I think we both needed it after the stress from college but -and don’t get me wrong please- I don’t think it’s a good idea to make it something common, you know?”
Nope, Namjoon is hating this. He is quite lost, what is happening right here? What do you mean you don’t want to have sex with him anymore? Are you already breaking up with him? And what do you mean by ‘making things weird’ and ‘we’ve been friends’? What the fuck are you even talking about? Is he still sleeping? Is this one of his nightmares? That must be it, a nightmare, the worst he’s had so far.
You must sense his confusion because you chuckle a little and even blush; Namjoon wants to smile at the sight, you just look way too cute, but your words have him very confused right now.
“The sex was good, really! Amazing even, Joonie! All I’m saying is that we both know each other too much to have a friends-with-benefits relationship without fucking it up -no pun intended by the way” you laugh again lightly while sipping from your mug and grabbing a toast from the plate in between you both.
Namjoon is really thrown back by your behaviour but as much as he’d like to talk back and confess how ardently he loves you, he realises maybe now is not the right time; he is already sure about his feelings for you and what he wants but you don’t seem to be on the same page just yet and he, being the gentleman he like to think he is, will of course give you some time to figure out your feelings for him. Because of course you must be in love with him too, but maybe you’re more stubborn than he thought you to be and preferred to think your feelings for him were only of lust and not love. It’s okay, you’ll come to your senses and if not, he’ll help you find the right way to his side.
“Yeah, sure. Don’t worry about it, y/n. I know what you mean.”
Days goes by, then weeks and before Namjoon realises it’s been almost a month since that beautiful and extraordinary night he revives almost every day in the solitude of his room. It’s during one of those moments when he is remembering the way your voice sounded asking him for more, to please don’t stop thrusting into your tight and velvety walls and he is about to climax, saying your name like a mantra, that his phone starts vibrating making him jump on his bed and let out a groan, who the fuck? He is tempted to ignore it, too occupied with his hard and leaking cock on his hand to bother with answering the annoying prick that is calling him right in this moment, but then he takes a glance of your name on the screen and it’s physically impossible for him to ignore you. Namjoon sighs and tries to even his breathing and even covers his naked body with the sheet of his bed even though it’s just a regular call.
“Hello, babe, what’s up?”
“Namjoon,” uh oh, you’re using his full name plus your tone is way too plain, this cannot be good, “are you busy right now?”
He looks down at his now less hard cock and shakes his head slowly, “not at all, why? Do you need something?”
“Could you please come over?” Namjoon is already out of his bed and looking for his underwear and clothes, he doesn’t need for you to give him more details about wanting him to go to your house, but he still asks.
“Sure thing, but is something the matter? You sound serious”
A silence follows his question and Namjoon stops his movements altogether, looking straight to the wall with a frown adorning his face, “y/n? Is everything okay?”
“Just… please, come quickly, okay? I need to tell you something.”
He is about to interrogate you a little more or even ask if he needs to bring you something, but you don’t give him time and hang up just as you finish speaking. He looks at his phone with a deeper frown now and hurries up out of his house and into his car.
Namjoon arrives in record time, he’s been thinking about what could have possibly happened for you to be that dry on the phone; yesterday evening when he last saw you everything was okay, and even this morning you sent him an audio telling him how excited you were because the books you bought online finally arrived and were going to start reading them. So, what happened?
You open the door as soon as he rings the bell and without any words, sign for him to come inside. Namjoon observes your attire: sweatpants, a Superman t-shirt and your part of your hair is on a cute little bun, you look adorable and if it weren’t for the frown on your face and your apparent inability to look him in the eye, Namjoon would be cooing internally at you.
“What is happening, y/n? You’re making me worried,” he is now sitting next to you on the sofa in the little living room of your apartment.
You sigh for what seems to be the tenth time since Namjoon got here and start fidgeting with your fingers, “I don’t know how this happened… well, I know how it happened, but I don’t know how we both could be so irresponsible…”
“What happened? What did we do?” Namjoon is more nervous with each passing second, several scenarios running through his mind.
“I’m pregnant”, you guess the best way to tell him is by just doing it at once, to rip off the band aid.
A few moments of silence follow after your words, nothing can be heard, and it feels as if the world has completely stopped. You look at him cautiously and find Namjoon looking at you with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth like he was a fish. The image is funny, cute even, and you would have laughed have it not been a moment like this.
“What?” It’s the only thing that Namjoon manages to say, he’s not sure he heard you right and doesn’t want to get his hopes up like he did before, just in case.
You mumble a little ‘wait here’ and leave the room, in the direction of your bedroom. Before he can decide if he should follow you or not, you’re back with several sticks on your hands. Your face doesn’t show the same worrisome it did when Namjoon first got here but the frown is still present, and he has to physically restrain himself from softening it and give you a kiss on the forehead.
“Here, these are the pregnancy tests. I went out this morning to get them, they’re all positive. I’m three weeks pregnant, Namjoon.”
He takes them and indeed, they all show two lines, one of them even stating what you just said: 3 weeks pregnant.
“This… this is…” Namjoon is trying to find the words to describe how he’s feeling right now; he wants to cry, to scream, to jump, but overall, he wants to hug you and kiss you silly. He is going to be a dad! And you’re the one carrying his children! He could marry you on the stop. Actually, he should start looking for rings and think about a proposal. Would you prefer to wait until you give birth? Or maybe you’d like to do it quickly before your tummy starts showing. Either way, Namjoon doesn’t mind, that’s your decision to make.
“I know it’s not ideal, don’t worry. I’m going to start looking for abortion clinics today, I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I think we should both pay it since, you know, we both did it.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?” Namjoon can’t believe what he’s hearing, ‘abortion clinics’, ‘get rid of it’?
“We’re not gonna keep it. I’m not gonna have it, Namjoon.”
You are both standing now in the middle of your living room, looking at each other, both with a surprised look in your eyes albeit for very different reasons.
“Why not? I want to be a dad; I want to keep the baby.”
“What? Since when you want to be a father?”
“Since always?” Namjoon is trying not to raise his voice and keep his cool, he doesn’t want to upset himself more than he already is and doesn’t want to upset you either, that wouldn’t do your children any good.
You scoff and roll your eyes at his answer, “you don’t have time for that. You barely have time to eat with how busy you are with college; how do you plan on making time for a baby? You surely won’t drop college; how would you find a job then? Look, if you don’t want to pay for it that’s okay, I can afford it, it’s no biggie”
“It’s not about the money, y/n. I don’t want you to abort our baby because I want to have it with you. I’ll make time for it, we have nine months to figure it out, okay? We’ll both see how we can manage it. Maybe next year I can take fewer classes at college, and you could stop your studies for a year until the baby is old enough to leave them in a nursery without too many problems. Let’s just focus on celebrating and making an appointment with your doctor, darling, don’t worry too much” Namjoon is making his way to hug you and finally kiss you, but you take a few steps back looking at him with wide eyes, as if what he has been saying is insane.
“What the fuck? What the fuck am I supposed to be celebrating? I don’t want to be a mother; you know that I’ve told you several times before. Once I get a fucking abortion it’s when I’ll be celebrating. Look, I’m sorry if you want to be a father right now, but I don’t and I’m not gonna do it.”
Namjoon is starting to get angrier with the moment, he doesn’t understand why you have to be so stubborn. Surely, you’ve told him before about your reticence towards being a mother and how you’d rather abort if you were to ever get pregnant, but he always thought you were saying that referring to carrying the children of another person, not his.
“There’s no need for that, baby, if you just…”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Namjoon! My word is final: I’m having an abortion whether you like it or not. Now leave, please”
That’s it.
He snaps.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re not fucking getting an abortion, and that’s final. Do you understand? You’re gonna carry my children and this is just going to be the first of many to come so you better get used to the idea, is that clear, baby? I gave you enough time to fucking figure out your feelings for me, but this is way too much, I’m not gonna let you murder our children just because you are way too stubborn to realise, you’re in love with me. Now stop fucking talking nonsense before I made you myself.”
With each word that abandoned Namjoon’s mouth he got closer and closer to you until he had you trapped against the wall. You’re looking at him with horror in your eyes and his chest is heaving. He raises his hand, and you flinch and close your eyes, a yelp escaping from your mouth, but the hit never comes. Instead, you feel his fingers on your stomach softly while his other hand goes after your neck in order to bring you closer to his body.
“We’ll be okay, baby. I get that you’re nervous, but we’ll figure everything out and be the best parents to our children.” His words are disturbing, but what scares you the most is the smile on his face and how his eyes are shining with excitement and utter happiness, as if just a moment ago he wasn’t screaming and threatening you. Namjoon is finally able to give you a kiss on the forehead and you can’t do anything but stay still and feel tears falling down your face.
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bangfantanfic · 4 years
Our Own World: Chapter 4
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, restrictions/COVID
Type: Hybrid/Yandere/Romance/Fluff/Angst
Authors Note: Hey~ again, so sorry I took so longI apologise! I hope you guys enjoy. As usual, I’d you’d like to be tagged for future updates, DM or comment 🥰
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“As cases continue to rise officials have announced as of 12am tonight a nationwide lockdown will be enforced.” 
Six pairs of eyes were glued to the large screen, most of them worried-- yours however only showed off pure irritation. 
“-- in order to minimise rising case numbers President Moon announced a country wide travel ban. Non Korean residents will have paid flights back to their home country, Korean residents outside the country will not be let back in until further notice--” 
Your stomach plummeted. You're stuck here for as long as your brother is stuck in the Netherlands.. 
You could hear the men around you calling out to you, but it sounded muffled, like your head was under water. 
The five men around you were panicking at your frozen state, you were like a statue-- even Jeongguk was unable to hide his worry.
Taehyung was sitting by your feet whining, his arms wrapped around his own torso. He had tried to hug your legs, wanting to provide some comfort to your shaking form but Namjoon had nudged him away, sending a warning look before crouching by your side and trying to pull your attention back. 
“Y/N, you need to breathe--relax.” He cooed, his hands balled into fists on his thighs. It was taking all his energy to not reach out and touch you, to hold you and promise everything was okay. “Jay will be fine, he’s safe with Mila.” 
Unfortunately, the boy's sweet attempts to console you only made you feel worse. They didn’t know you were panicking about being here longer. They thought you were worried for your brother's safety. 
But you were only worried about your own.
“Y/N, do you think I could come to the store with you?” Seokjin’s voice asked shyly, his hands tightly gripping one another. “I just thought since I know the boys well— and my ah, physical differences are easier to hide—“  
You raised an eyebrow, smirking at the babbling hybrid. You had grown much more confident with the polar bear hybrid, and even a few of the others thanks to being locked in 24/7. You had still yet to meet Hoseok and Yoongi, and Jeongguk was more than happy to keep as much distance from you as humanly possible, but otherwise, you were somewhat comfortable in your surroundings for once. 
The few occasions you were able to leave the house was to get groceries and other essentials, but otherwise being caught out of the house without solid reasoning would land you a hefty fine and you weren’t exactly financially stable enough to pay thousands of dollars. 
Your brother had been in contact with you, making sure the boys were all doing fine and that you were coping with the news and long term adjustment. He had been supplying you money, and you weren’t sure where he was getting it from. His clinic had been shut since he left the country so it wasn’t from there, but you were too deep in your self pity to question it.  
“Sure, I don’t see why no—“ 
“No fair. If Jin Hyung can go out I wanna too!” Taehyung whined, appearing from thin air. His dark hair hung over his eyes, still dripping from his shower. 
“Your tail is too noticeable.” Jin shrugged, wrapping a long arm over your tiny shoulders. 
The brunette glared at the blond, stomping over to pull you away. Lightly grabbing the pocket of your white hoodie and tugging you into his chest. You wriggled, trying to pull out of his grip but it only seemed to make it tighten. 
“You’re always selfish with her!” The younger complained, resting his chin on the crown of your head.
A dramatic groan came from behind you as Jin, no doubtedly, rolled his eyes at the monkey's words. “I can’t help it if I’m her favourite.” 
Taehyung stiffened. You could feel him grinding his teeth, the sound of his teeth dragging made you feel nauseous. 
“She doesn’t have favourites.” Namjoon cut in, carefully pulling you out of the monkey's arms and wrapping his own around your shoulder. “And Jin Hyung is right, your tail is too noticeable.” 
Taehyung’s wide eyes narrowed, his arms crossed over his chest. “You’re the only one who can’t keep it still!” He argued. 
Namjoon’s face flushed pink, his jaw jutting out. It was true. Like animals, hybrids often displayed their emotions and moods through tail movements, and while the others had passed with flying colours in emotional control, Namjoon had always struggled. 
“Be that as it may, we can’t risk it. Hyung will go with Y/N and help pick out foods best suited to each of us.” He said sternly, sounding confident despite the pink tinge to his round cheeks. 
You smiled apologetically at the monkey hybrid. He was clearly biting his tongue, arms tightly crossed and eyes squinting. 
“Fine. But when you get back Y/Nie is playing with me.” 
Grocery shopping had always been easy. You only had yourself to think of, but now you had seven others depending on you. You weren’t sure about allergies, or even just what everyone liked and disliked. 
You still needed to get around to those files… 
Thankfully your brother had left behind a card for shopping, knowing your pathetic bank account would ever be able to handle more than one shop. 
With Seokjin leaning on the handles of the shopping cart he directed you where to go, what to grab all while letting you browse and pick out your own snacks. 
“Yoongi and Hobi will be joining us tonight, I’ll need to get more meat. Yoongi practically inhales it.” The hybrid sighed, voicing his thoughts aloud. 
You glanced over your shoulder, smiling softly at the sight of Seokjin. He was dressed comfortably, washed out blue jeans, a white sweater and a red cap. Round glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he read over packaging, his plump lips pouting as he considered every item. 
“Do you think we could get lamb, Y/N?” He piqued up, dropping three packets of snacks into the cart before waddling to catch up to you. 
“I don’t see why not, it’s my brothers card after all.” You shrugged, grinning. You held back a laugh as his cheeks turned pink, attempting to hide the bright colour he rushed forward to avoid your gaze. 
You had noticed the boys were all easily flustered, you found it funny. Sometimes Jimin or Jin tried to say something flirty, and when you countered back the two turned red and made excuses to run away. Sometimes you just had to talk to them and their faces would turn redder than an apple. 
Taehyung was a little more difficult, most of the time he was rather clueless with what he said, or at least that’s how he played it off to be. 
Namjoon just didn’t try. He just preferred to leave cute gifts for you on your bed; Flowers he had grown that were in season, fruits and clumsily made origami. 
Jeongguk completely avoided you, and Taehyung the little asshole, made sure to tell you the youngest hybrid liked you, telling you how the youngest was always staring at you or asking his brothers about what you were doing. 
“The look that the cashier gave you was so rude!” Seokjin huffed, closing the passenger door. 
You rolled your eyes, starting the car. You didn’t blame the poor girl, you had bought so much food it caused a huge back up, the line running down the isles . You couldn’t even look at the cashier, too embarrassed. 
The car ride was pretty quiet, the only sounds were Seokjin humming along to the radio and the crinkling from the candy packet. He seemed to be deep in thought, and as much as you wanted to ask what was on his mind you forced your mouth to stay shut. 
Sure, you were somewhat comfortable around him and you assumed he was comfortable around you, but you knew that there wasn’t any friendship foundation, you had no right to pick around his brain— no matter how intrigued you were. 
So you stayed silent, while the hybrid beside you happily chewed away at the gummy bears he had begged for. 
As your brother’s neighbourhood approached, Seokjin finally decided to talk. He wriggled around until he was angled enough to look over your smaller body. 
He thought you were pretty. Very pretty.
The way you smelt was enchanting, always leaving him dizzy and fumbling for words, just like now. 
He felt like a fish out of water, his mouth opening and closing, eyebrows pulled together in frustration as he tried to spit out words, any words. Just something so he didn’t look like an idiot for another second. 
“Don’t freak out.” 
When your head shot over, a crack sounding from the joints making him cringe, he wanted to melt into his seat. He felt his neck and cheeks turn red, an awkward laugh forced passed his lips. 
“Sorry— sorry. I just meant, don’t let Yoongi make you feel uncomfortable.” He clarified, mentally kicking his abrupt outburst. When you raised an eyebrow he took it as a signal to continue. 
“Yoongi can be stiff?” He paused, considering his words. “He can be two ways, blunt and sort of arrogant— which he isn’t I promise!” 
“Or, he’s cocky and imposing. He’ll try to push your buttons, find out what makes you uncomfortable or mad.” He explained, clicking his tongue as he thought. “But don’t worry, Hoseok and Namjoon keep him in line.” 
When the car fell silent Seokjin felt his veins turn to ice. The last thing he wanted was for you to be uncomfortable, or scared. He’d leave yoongi out in the cages before he allowed that. 
“I grew up with Jay, I’m immune to annoying boys.” 
The smile on your lips, although forced, relaxed him slightly. You really seemed to be trying, even if it wasn’t for them and more so for your brother, he appreciated it. It made his insides feel like marshmallows. 
He watched your fingers tap on the grip of the steering wheel, your lips sucked in thin between your teeth as you thought. A cute habit of yours Jin had picked up on almost instantly. 
“I’ll be next to you, I won’t leave your side!” He promised, a hand over his heart and the other up in the air. “Scouts honour— and I can say that.” 
The proud grin on his plush lips made you break out into a small smile of your own. 
“And the other boy?” 
Seokjin dropped a red candy into his mouth, chewing twice before speaking. “Hoseok?” He looked to you for confirmation, seeing your curt nod he continued. 
“Hobi is playful, he gets along well with the younger boys. He can be a bit much, he’s loud. But he’s a good guy, you don’t have to worry about him.” 
“Hoseok— oh for Christ’s sake! Get off! All of you out, they’ll be back any minute now!” 
Namjoon’s scolding voice could be heard throughout the entire house, not that it mattered. Everyone was gathered in the one tiny space. 
The tiny office space that had been converted into a makeshift bedroom was bursting at its seams with the six men all huddled in. 
The youngest three, Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin had snuck in to play on the PC’s while you were missing. Jimin hadn’t been interested in playing, so instead he took the chance to snoop through your belongings. 
Hoseok, lonely after a week of separation, found his brothers quickly. But his original mission, finding the maknaes, was abandoned the moment your scented room hit his senses. Your perfume and natural musk stuck to everything in the room, almost as if you had lived in the space your whole life. 
It was mouth watering. 
Ignoring Jimin, who watched the bigger hybrid worriedly, Hoseok joined in the snooping. Mostly just looking through books and sniffing sweaters before getting bored and collapsing onto the fold out bed, an excited laugh filling the quiet room as he rolled over the unmade sheets. 
It didn’t take long for Hoseok and Jimin arguing over the small bed to wake up Yoongi. But unfortunately he got to the mess a little late, arriving just as Namjoon did. The younger boy practically tore out his hair as he tried to remove his pack from the room. 
Failing, obviously. 
The situation was quite funny to the sleepy hybrid. Yoongi’s snickering was infuriating the Wolf hybrid further, his anger and panic almost over powering the soft feminine smell that you had left behind. 
“— Jeongguk you know you aren’t supposed to be in here! Taehyung, you’re supposed to be making sure he doesn’t cause trouble, not helping!” Namjoon groaned, head in palms. 
The youngest two barely looked away from the screens, their eyes only momentarily flickering over to Namjoon. So instead Jimin piped up, stepping out from behind the much taller hybrid. 
“We just thought since she was gone we could take advantage—“
“You thought it would be okay to sneak through someone’s personal belongings!?” 
The fox hybrid turned bright pink, his ears flattening to the top of his head. Guilt flooded his features as he practically dislocated his fingers behind his back. 
“That wasn’t my intention—“ 
Their leader was livid, and not even for being disobeyed. He was familiar with the feeling— jealousy. They all smelt like you, and now your room smelt of them. 
You smelt like someone other than him— and to make it worse, your musk had been mixed with multiple other male hybrids. It made his stomach churn. 
“Your intentions don’t matter anymore.” He snapped, pointing to the door where Yoongi rested. “Out, all of you.” 
Not a single person made an effort to move, all five pairs of eyes locked on their leader almost as if they were daring him to try and remove the group. The whole situation was amusing to Yoongi who still hadn’t said a word to his brothers, just watched everything as he usually did. 
But the sound of your tires crunching on the gravel driveway sent the boys flying for the front door before an argument could breakout, much to his disappointment. 
Yoongi and Jeongguk were the only two that waited in the living room, not reacting to your arrival with enthusiasm. 
“Y/N! You’re home!” Taehyung cheered, running out the front door, ignoring the stinging pain of the sharp rocks stabbing into his bare feet. 
Before the monkey hybrid could pull you into his body for a hug he was yanked to a halt by Jin. 
“Help with the bags first.” He scolded, shoving the heavier bags into the younger boy's arms. 
Whining Taehyung obeyed, his knuckles turning white as he practically ran to dump the bags in the kitchen. Namjoon and Jimin followed in Taehyung's direction, arms full with heavy bags until everything was unpacked. 
 It was after everything was put away where it needed to be that Taehyung engulfed you in his arms, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. He was breathing in so heavily you felt like the boy was about to inhale your skin. 
“You were gone for so long--” He paused, his arms tightening on you as he shuffled around. Your back was now facing everyone so Taehyung could glare at his elder. “You hogged her on purpose!” 
Seokjin groaned, the younger boy's accusation not even bothering him. He knew his brothers had grown attached to their temporary carer. He was however beginning to worry that everyone was experiencing the same feelings. Your original four weeks of house sitting was officially up tomorrow, and he felt selfish knowing you were stuck here until the government decided otherwise, and not only their government but the Netherlands too. 
He had been so excited the moment he heard you step out the car. The moment your car tires had stopped crunching on gravel and your door swung open the strong scent of Spring hit him-- despite it being WInter. You smelt fresh, like flowers and pollen, and yet sweet like sugar. You smelt perfect. 
The first time he saw you, the night you come out with their meals he almost dropped to his knees to worship you. Long (H/C), wavy hair hung down your back, messy and slightly knotted from your hands attacking it. Your glasses were dangerously low on your nose as you struggled to drag the chunk of elk meat across the ground. Your lips were pouted, but he could tell that even if you weren’t sulking they would look nearly the same. You were pretty like a doll. Small, petite shoulders and rounded hips and plush thighs he dreamed of falling asleep on. 
You were perfect, and his. 
Until he realised, maybe you weren’t just for him. 
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Going... Gone.
Hi guys! This is part of the Citrus Server’s “Auction Collab”, go see the full masterlist HERE!
This fic gets a little darker than my other ones, as you can probably tell from the entire Warnings section, but I promise there’s some sickly sweet (though a little backwards) fluff in there. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS, THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT WANT TO READ DARK FICS!!!!! 
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Art by rorokonaa! You can find their shop here. :)
Sero Hanta x fem!reader
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI, yandere behavior, mind break, Stockholm syndrome, auction/trafficking, rough sex, unprotected sex, anal play, pet play, bondage, forced orgasms, overstimulation, ownership kink, dubcon/noncon (aphrodisiac), BDSM/kink terms
How did I get here? What are they saying? Why do I feel so… so… hot? You knew you were kidnapped by the League of Villains, you recognized the faces of Shigaraki and Dabi from the news. You knew you were blindfolded. What you didn’t know was why your entire body felt hot and slow, like you were floating underwater, with a fire in your belly. Why did it sound like people were talking in turns? What are they saying? It isn’t until a hand wraps around your arm, yanks you up, and leads you roughly with a hand on your lower back that you realize you’re stark naked and being led onto a stage… 
“This one’s new- unbroken. She put up quite the fight trying to get her here, but that aphrodisiac has her all strung out and ready now. Doesn’t it?” Your blindfold is ripped off and Dabi’s hand grips your jaw. “So why don’t we start the bidding at 50,000,000¥?” 
Voices of various men calling out higher and higher numbers has you shaking- holy shit… no… it’s not… an auction?! No, no, no… “Awww look at that- look how pretty she looks when she’s scared! Ain’t she just the best when she’s fucking terrified?” Even in your fear-stricken state, you can’t help but grind on the boot he shoves between your thighs. Dabi is smirking condescendingly at your whimpering form, but his words aren’t for you in the slightest. 
Looking out into the crowd, you see mostly villains, CEOs, wealthy men and women, but then you see them… A scattering of heroes throughout the place. Oh thank god, they have a sting or something in place, they’ll save me!!! Tears of hope start rolling down your cheeks, so grateful to think that maybe you’ll be saved. 
“330,000,000¥.” A low voice bellows over the others, silencing them all. You look into the crowd and find the one man with a number card in the air. Tall, dark hair, lean and muscular, a confident triangular smirk gracing his chiseled face. You think you recognize his face, you know he’s a hero, you just can’t remember his name… 
“Going… going… gone. SOLD! Come get your pet off my fucking boot, she’s dripping all over the stage.” Dabi turns to you, choking you and turning your head towards the man striding towards the stage. “Say hello to your new Master, princess. He owns your ass now.” He growls in your ear, the tone of his voice making your pussy clench around nothing and more tears blur your vision. The hero hands Dabi a duffel bag- one you assume is full of money- and collects you. He’s so gentle, scooping you up in his arms with little regard for your weight. Once out of earshot, he whispers to you, “Hey, shhh- it’s okay. I’m your hero now. I’m gonna take you home.”  
“Are- are you here to save me?” You asked softly, clinging to the collar of his unbuttoned shirt. 
“Mhmm, of course I am, little one. Think of all the horrible things those people could have done to you, you could’ve been tortured or killed or worse. You’re lucky I was here to save you, huh?” He smirks down at you when your fearful form curls into him, tucking your face into his clavicle. He thinks you’re just being adorable, so grateful and shy, until he feels your cute little lips close around the skin of his collarbone and suck lightly while you whimper against him. Oh- forgot they dosed you with whatever aphrodisiac they use to keep you needy and compliant. He lets you know he’s aware of your ministrations with a deep rumble in his chest. He subtly adjusts you in his hold, leaving his forearm pressed against your drooling cunt just enough to give you satiating pressure, but not enough to satisfy you without his help. The teasing lilt in his concerned voice is lost on you when he mumbles “Do you need anything? What’s wrong? You’re burning up…” 
“I-it hurts… Please help me, it hurts!!” 
He tries to contain his smile at your pleas, but it's so hard when you’re pressing closer and closer to him, like you need only him. You don’t know it yet, but that’s right; you only ever need him. “I’ll take you somewhere to help, I promise. For now, why don’t you sit on my lap for the drive. Kiri here can drive while I make sure you’re okay.” He nods towards his red-haired friend, who you know as Red Riot: the hardening hero. Red Riot smacks your hero on the shoulder and adds “Of course, man! Anything for Cellophane, isn’t that right, angel~?”, sending you a wink. CELLOPHANE! You knew you recognized him!! Immediately, feeling safe with two pro-heroes, you seem content to be placed on Cellophane’s lap in the back seat, straddling his thigh, as Red Riot slides into the driver’s seat and starts toward what you assume is their agency. 
“Thank you, Cellophane, sir… I’m… I’m sorry, I don’t know where my clothes are...” You mutter against his neck, trying and failing to control the fire in your belly when you feel his hard length against you and hoping he doesn’t notice the way your face blushes and your slick starts to wet his slacks. So naÏve, so trusting… She’s so perfect. She needs me to protect her, she could never do anything by herself. He thinks to himself. 
“It’s okay, little one. You don’t have to be embarrassed, you’re perfect. Such a cutie, aren’t ya?” He coos, pinching your chubby cheek and smoothing his other hand down your naked back. “I’m Sero Hanta, by the way. It feels a little weird calling me by my hero name when you’re in my lap, doesn’t it?” 
“Um… A little…” Your giggle turns into a moan as Kiri drives over a bump a bit too hard, causing you to bounce on Sero’s thigh. You grip his shirt before looking up into his dark eyes and studying his face. “Sero… It really hurts…” 
Luckily, Hanta seems to know exactly what’s happening to your poor little body and presses his thigh further into you and holds your hips, grinding you on him and leaning in close. 
“I know, baby, I know. Here, does this feel a little better? You can cum on my thigh, it’s alright. Just relax and let me help you, little one.” You flush with embarrassment at the idea of climaxing on a pro-hero’s lap, one who just saved you, but you don’t have a choice once the humiliation reaches your needy sex. You can’t even hump his thigh by yourself anymore, relying solely on him to coax you through your orgasm- a thought he truly appreciates, loving the helpless way you whine with your face pressed into his throat while he massages your plump hips and thighs to help you ride out your pleasure. Your climax all but knocks you out, the intensity of the drug overpowering you, but not before your dumb, fucked-out brain recalls a name and makes you utter a phrase that seals your fate before you slip into unconsciousness…
“Thank you, Master~...” 
You come to laying on a giant pink bed, the comfiest you’d ever been on. Stuffies lined the edges, a sheer white canopy surrounding the headboard. You’re dazed and lost, not remembering how you got here, where you were, or how you’d been bathed, dressed, and completely taken care of. In your groggy confusion, you failed to notice Sero casually waiting for you, watching you from a large chair in the corner of the room. 
“Good morning, babygirl! I’m so happy you’re awake, I was getting really worried about you! How are you feeling?” He spoke so softly, it reminded you of how your father used to talk to you when you were little… Comforting, caring, protective. 
“H-Hi… Where am I? Is this the agency? When did we get here? How long has it been? I need to go home!” The panic in your voice develops the more questions you ask. 
“Aw angel- you are home! This is your room, see?” He stands and gestures to the room as he approaches your bed and leans down to lay his palm on your cheek. 
You flinch at the contact, an action that breaks his heart. “But- wait… Did-... Did you dress me? These aren’t mine… I didn’t have these when you rescued me…” The realization slowly seeps into the back of your mind: maybe he didn’t save you like you thought… 
“You looked so happy there, I didn’t want to wake you! But I thought you’d be more comfortable if you were all clean and had those cute little jammies on, yeah? Don’t you like them?” He’s trying his best to be happy and cheerful for you, to not show you how disheartened he is at your line of questions. He doesn’t want to scare you; at least, not yet. 
“Um… Y-yeah, they’re… nice… But I really have to go home, I need you to take me home, now!” You try to sound as confident as your small voice can muster, trying to be commanding and serious while yanking his wrist away from your face. 
Wrong answer.
Sero’s temper got the best of him at your disobedience, ripping your hand from his arm and slapping you across the face before you could even think to react. “What the fuck did I just say, pet? This. Is. Your. Home. Got that?” He seethed. He grabbed your face in one hand, fingers and thumb digging into your teeth through your cheeks. “I said I’m your hero, why would you make me be mean to you? Aren’t you grateful that I took you away from those horrible people? I don’t want to be nasty to my sweet little girl, but you need to be good for me, okay?” 
“FUCK YOU!” You spat in his face before pulling out of his grasp and running for the doorway. You missed the darkness in his eyes and the almost bored expression as his tape wrapped around your waist, throat, and thighs, sending you screaming onto the floor to futilely thrash around. 
“How fucking adorable… You look so pathetic, like a cat tangled up in their yarn. I think I’ll call you “kitten”, would you like that? Of course you would… A bratty little kitty.” He pulls you to him as you squirm, but your efforts are useless- just tiring yourself out. “You know what happens to bad kitties, don’t you? They get punished.” 
With his final statement, he shoves his hand into your cotton sleep shorts, finding you soaked and ready for him. You whine out for him to stop, but his drenched fingers are promptly shoved into your mouth. “Oh SHUT. UP. You act like you have a say in your fucking punishment, you don’t. I think it’s time to show you the ‘playroom’, brat.” With that, he tosses you over his shoulder and spanks your ass, leaving a bright red handprint as he carries you out of the room. 
You’re dropped harshly on the concrete floor, his tape retracting and rewrapping to keep your wrists bound. “Now, now, kitten.” He growls with a disgusted inflection, “I think if you’re going to act like a brat, even though I can feel how wet you are for me, you should look the part, don’t you?” He walks to the wall behind you, selecting his punishments of choice before returning to you and yanking you to the floor, face down-ass up. “I think a cute little tail is fitting, yeah?” He asks no one in particular as he spits onto your presented ass. You start to squirm away before freezing at the sudden intrusion of a buttplug. “Oh, I’m sorry- is this the first time anything’s ever been in here before? Since you wanted to act like such a bad girl, I figured you’d been a little whore, too. Look at how wet you are, dripping just from me degrading you? Fucking disgusting.” he adds, swiping two battle-calloused fingers across your clit, making you clench around nothing. 
You whine as tears slip down your face, holding back your sobs at being violated like this. Just as you think you’d adjusted to the new stretch of the plug, Sero’s cock lines up to your entrance and he buries himself to the hilt in your tight pussy. Your scream of pleasurable pain is cut off by his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing the sides to cut off your blood flow and pulling you up to lean back against his naked chest. His other hand snakes down your body, pinching harshly at your nipples, leaving bruising finger prints on your hips and finally landing on your throbbing clit. “You’re gonna cum around my cock until all you can think about is how you fucking belong to me. I’m going to fuck you into submission and you’re going to fucking love it. Yeahhh~ that’s right, I can feel you clamping down around me, you like the idea of being mine, huh?”
“Please, please, NO! I don’t wanna cum, I can’t!! Please no no no-” You’re begging him to stop, to let you go, to stop abusing your poor little holes. As soon as his grip abandons your throat in favor of pulling on the tail plug and bruising your ass with full-force spanks, you climax so hard you swore you blacked out. That’s when you feel it; that sweet headspace that only comes from being broken. You can practically hear an audible crack as your mind shatters, leaving you to float off into blissful submission. Your protests turn into whines, which morph into whimpers, which transformed into breathless pleas as you turned your head to him. He senses your shift in demeanor, hears your breathy moans and turns to meet your gaze. Upon seeing your glassy eyes, dumb little brain so deep into subspace you’d forget your own name, his cock twitches inside of you and a content smile creeps onto his face. His pace slows, but his thrusts never lose the bruising, bodyweight-backed force behind them. The hand on your hip moves to the pouch of your belly, moaning at the feeling of his cock under his hand, poking into your tummy. He releases your plug and moves to pinch your clit between two fingers, overstimulating you and causing you to buck your hips away from his hand, sending you back onto his cock. “Awww~ there’s my good babygirl. You just needed Master to tame you, didn’t you? Acting out because you needed Master to wreck this cute little cunny, hm? That’s it, cum on my cock again, take the rest of your punishment and tell me who you belong to.”
“M-Master~!!! Please, yes, I’ll be so good for you! I promise!! It’s too much, please- too sensitive…” You’re begging so pretty for him, how could he not want to watch you fall apart for him over and over again? Sero finishes with his dick pressed against your womb at your words, but he’s not done with you yet. He pulls orgasm after orgasm from your trembling body, you lost count after 5. The tears and drool have run down your chin, adding to the slick pouring out of your sore cunt and making it all the more easy for Sero to fuck his cum into you once again. “Tell me you love me, kitten. Tell me who you belong to.”
“Fuuuuuck~ please! I love you, I love you, I love you!!! I’m yours, I wanna be your good girl! Please, Daddyyy!” You’re full on sobbing now, trying to please him and not even realizing the name falling from your lips as you crane your neck to pepper desperate kisses on his cheek and jaw. 
“That’s my little angel. I know you have one more for me, cum one more time for Daddy and I’ll take care of you.” His fingers press hard onto your clit and he bites down on your neck, sending you both into an earth-shattering climax. You lose yourself in his touch, squirting all over his hand and the floor below you as his seed floods your walls and warms your insides. 
After coming down from your highs, Sero releases you from his tape and gently removes the plug. He pulls out of you to carefully lift you up and take you into your room, but you cling to him so fearfully, he has to cup your face to pull your face to his. “Hey, hey… What’s wrong, little one? Use your words. What do you need?”
“N-not ready to be empty yet… Please don’t leave me, Daddy! I promise I’ll be good, please don’t leave! I don’t wanna be empty…” You hiccup between sobs, the far-off look in your eyes fading just slightly as the need for intimacy clouds your features.
Sero’s heart practically shatters, kissing your tears away and adjusting you in his arms, easing himself back into your puffy hole and pressing your head into the crook of his neck. You curl into him, whimpers quieting down at the skin contact and the twisted comfort you found in his dominance. 
“I’m sorry I had to do that, little one. You know I don’t like hurting you. I just want to take care of you, you can’t do it by yourself…” His disappointed tone makes you nauseous, but not for the reason you thought it would. You should be disgusted by the situation, by being held hostage after being kidnapped, bought, and paid for. Instead, you felt a horrid pang of guilt at disappointing him, making him go through all this trouble for your ungrateful ass to try to leave him. Why do I feel so bad? HE BOUGHT ME… But… He did take care of me…. And he did help me when I was drugged… I owe him, and now he’s upset. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings…
“I’m sorry, Daddy… I didn’t mean to… I promise I’ll be good, I’ll be your good girl!” You nuzzle closer to him, hoping he can’t hear the lump in your throat as clear as you can. The tears in your eyes burned, and Sero’s face immediately softened. “Aw, poor baby… I know you didn’t mean it, you just need to understand that Daddy knows what’s best. I know you’re a good girl, little one. I just need you to be my good little angel, not a bad kitten, okay? That’s all.”
“Yes, Master… I promise…” 
“Oh no, babygirl. You only call me Master during punishments or playtime, okay? You can just call me Daddy, alright? You seem to like that better when you’re all cute like this, don’t you? And I’ll call you ‘kitten’ when you need to be put in your place again, but only then, okay?” He whispers, laying back on your bed with you in his arms.
“Okay, Daddy! Can you sleep here with me…? Please?” Your eyes start to close, drifting off from the exhaustion. 
“Of course, babygirl. I’ll stay here as long as you want.” He grins into your hair and places a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Maybe you really do love him. Your hero…
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99liners · 3 years
hí bestie, can I ask for A R S and U for KNJ?
i know that all the tatemae men are not yandere but for the purposes of this ask, we shall assume so. 
knj is a soft!yandere.
[this ask is part of the yandere alphabet prompt list.]
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? — already answered here.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
oh, he did regret hitting his darling. he regretted it very much. i remember writing a few lines in relation to this in the one-shot itself but it is easy to miss.
excerpt from the first semester of the one-shot: […surprisingly, his own hands were shaking lightly as he treated your body like a porcelain statue. he cannot imagine that he actually slapped you, hurt you in a physical way to the point where you are scared of him. he is not sure anymore if he can repay for the trauma he caused you, how do you repent for something like this? it is not like he is a violent person or someone who loses their cool a lot but when it came to his baby, he just lost it somehow.]
from the hereinabove excerpt, you can deduce that he does hold some sort of remorse and regret when it comes to how he treated his darling and basically how he broke your spirit to the point where you were scared of him, that he might just hit you again if you take one wrong step. to top it all, you were pregnant at the moment. he does not show it much but he does regret it.
lol, this reminds me of another passage from the one-shot, please bare with me.
excerpt from the second trimester of the one-shot: [some days he talks about his experiments and you listen to them quietly, even if an idea pops in your mind, you choose to stay quiet and namjoon hates that. he regrets what he has done to you, he merely wanted you closer to him but he had never given it a second thought that he might push you away from himself more. well, it is too late to think about all this, you are already pregnant and married to him.]
so, although, knj did not technically kidnap you but he did force you to be with him against your will and he regrets that, while in the process, he broke you. he has always loved you for you and he loves all the sides of you so he does regret his actions but it’s too late to whine about it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
why did he imprison you with him in the first place? he has always been the weird, quirky geek in school whom no one paid much attention to. as he grew up, he did get more attention from ladies but no one has the same level of intelligence as you. he never fell for anyone before he met you and boy did he fall for you. why risk letting you go and not experiencing love again when he can just force you to be with him?
an excerpt from June, 2018 of the one-shot: [… if he was a neuroscientist, he would definitely get an MRI scan of your brain and hang it in his room as a memento. that is just how much he has come to adore you, for him, it was more than sex and he really wants to be with you. finally, after a long time, he can say that he feels that one emotion called love and he is not going to let it go.]
(yes, as you can probably imagine, as a student of law, i dearly love my citations.)
regarding your professional life; partly it is related to his unresolved issues with his mother being away when he was younger. he comes from a family full of academics and his mother was never warm to him, she was not cold either but more so indifferent towards her son’s affairs. being a renowned scientist, mrs kim always gave more importance to her work than taking care of her child. 
baby knj always used to notice when his friends’ mothers used to come pick them up from school while he used to stand alone outside the main doors, waiting for his nanny. he has always felt like he did not get what he deserved and although, the mother-son duo are on far better terms now but since they never talked about this part in their lives, it is an unresolved issue which eats away at him when he thinks of his daughter growing up without a mother who would be gone prioritising her career before their daughter. hence, taking away your right to a job and further education.
an excerpt from May, 2020 of the one-shot: […“no. i had a mother who was never home because her work was so important, i can’t let moon have the same childhood,”]
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? — already answered here.
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
series masterlist | au!extras masterlist | masterlist | bangtan masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie.
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kikyan · 4 years
Yandere Light Yagami x Reader 
TW: Yandere, Mentions, and depictions of Sexual Assault towards the Reader, 
I do not condone these actions in real life and this is purely fictional and should be taken as fiction. 
Check at the end for the yandere discord link if you’re interested in joining! 
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A loud gasp left [Reader], eyes wide and sweat covering their body in fright. Same shit, different day. Another nightmare and one that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t run away. Sitting up in their bed, they held their head with their hands. Rubbing their eyes slightly to get accustomed to their surroundings. Turning their head slightly, they were met with their alarm clock that read ‘4:39’. 
It was too early to wake up but they couldn’t go back to sleep no matter how hard they tried. They looked over to their desk to see their homework from last night. It was an essay about the justice system and morals/ethics that was based on a book they were reading in class. It wasn’t completed just yet because [Reader] lost the motivation to write it, but since they were awake they might put their extra time to some use. Walking over to their desk, they reached for the chair before stopping. 
‘ I should get a drink of water…’ 
[Reader] quietly left their room, making sure not to disturb their mother who was surely sleeping in. As they went to the kitchen, they reached for a cup of water and gulped it down in one go. Rubbing their throat to soothe an ache, they went for another cup but took it upstairs. Sitting at their desk and looking over to obtain a pencil, scanning the contents of the assignment, requirements, and what was already written. It wasn’t a lot, just their name and date. Starting with a small thesis that highlighted their main points, they scoffed before looking out their window. It was pitch dark but what they were trying to see wasn’t anything in particular, except for the home that was next to them. It was abandoned and no one was inhabiting it at the moment, but there were so many memories that rest in the very pavement that makes up the home. 
Glaring at the house and with a scoff, determination raged inside them as they looked over to their paper. They knew what to write, they knew the feelings they wanted to convey, they knew what justice they wanted at that moment, ethical or not. By the time they finished, it was almost time to get ready so [Reader] ensured that their paper was safely stored away before going about their morning routine to prepare for school. As they finished and were about to head off, they stopped right in front of the house next to them. It was pretty, but beauty isn’t judged from the outside but the inside, the only sad thing is that inside it was like the core of a rotten apple. Inside was horrid and distasteful, but that was downplaying what really transpired in that house. Whereas the outside of the apple was certainly more appealing and so was the house as if it weren’t untouched by time itself. [Reader] bit their lip before turning away from the house, it was best forgotten right now. Making their way to class, they sat down in their assigned seat waiting for the teacher. Looking to the side staring into space, they didn’t notice that someone took his seat next to them, none other than Light Yagami. It wasn’t until they turned to look at their peers did they notice him next to them reading a book. Light looked up and turned to face them, a small smile before saying ‘Good morning’. [Reader] nodded and returned the greeting, before facing the other way, until his voice woke them from his trance. 
“ Are you alright [Reader]? You seem awfully quiet.” 
“ Just tired, what about you?” 
“ Same old. Did you have any trouble with the assignment?” 
[Reader] was quiet for a second, Light reading into it but [Reader] noticed and quickly replied with a ‘No, not really.’ 
“ I see, did you write about anything particular?” 
“ W-!” 
“ Good morning class, I’ll be taking attendance now so please settle down in your assigned seat.” 
[Reader] mentally thanked the teacher for making it in the nick of time. Light Yagami, was an exceptional student no doubt, taking both regular and additional classes yet still managing to get his assignments all turned in on time. He was often paired with [Reader] for group or partnered assignments so they developed a bit of an acquaintance. Friends maybe but anything else would be over-stretching it. They were left pondering his question, yeah they were a bit close but not that much, was there a specific reason for him asking them questions? 
‘ No I’m just reading into it too much, it must be with the cases that are arising with these so-called criminals dropping dead. Maybe he wanted to know if what I was writing was directed towards that? Even then, what interest does he have with that-?’ 
A soft nudge on their arm woke them up, turning to look at Light in confusion. 
“[Reader’s Full Name]”. 
“ Here.” 
The teacher went off to call more names, [Reader] turned to look at Light who just smiled in return. 
“ Sorry, the teacher was nearing your name and you seemed out of it, thought I would get you back.” 
“ O-oh, thank you I guess…” 
That was the end of the conversation, Light facing the class and paying attention with [Reader] trying to do the same but their mind was clouded with both this morning and Light. 
‘ What was that about….?’ 
It wasn’t until the end of class where the teacher offered to collect the papers but was called to attend an emergency. 
“ Class representative, do me a favor and collect the papers and drop them off at my office. Excuse me.” 
With that, the teacher was gone and the representative gathered the class’s attention. They began to pass up their paper and the bell for dismissal rang. Everyone proceeded to head out, groups forming and discussing after-school activities such as the arcade or a sweets shop. [Reader] packed their bags and proceeded to walk towards the entrance until Light stopped them. 
“ [Reader]! Would you like to walk home together, I don’t have cram school to-!?” 
“ Yagami! I was wondering if you wanted to help me deliver these papers to the teacher’s office?” 
[Reader] saw this as a chance to deny his offer, “ Sorry Light, but maybe some other time?” 
“ Sure.” 
Light walked with the class representative and headed to the teacher’s office. The representative attempted to make an idle chat with Light, but he wasn’t interested. He replied softly and short, the walk there was awkward but it was even more when the teacher wasn’t present in their office. 
“ I-ll goes and try to find them, are you okay with staying here until then?” 
“ Of course.” 
When the representative left, Light averted his gaze to the papers and lightly skimmed the names until he got to the one he wanted to read upon. 
‘ [Reader’s Full Name]’ 
He grabbed their paper and skimmed the content of the assignment, intrigued with their interpretation of the justice system. While his ideas clashed a bit with theirs, he was understanding of their origin. No matter, he would just have to fix that, change it, he just had to show them how the world truly is and how better it would be without those fears. Upon further reading, he began to see how they agreed with Kira in terms of punishment for the criminals. There was more but this was certainly interesting to find more of their thinking pattern, was it possible that Light had found someone worthy of sharing his ideals? 
He contemplated keeping their paper but he realized that if he took it [Reader] would probably get missing in their assignment. The teacher came into the room and thanked the representative and Light for helping them. They both excused themselves and Light proceeded to walk away, his thoughts on [Reader]. 
‘ You seem awfully interested in that other human. By any chance could it be that you’re willing to let them know about the death note?’ 
Light closed his eyes and avoided speaking, he still was in the city and not closer to the streets by the houses that were a bit more secluded. 
‘ Hey, Light!’ 
“ How many times have I told you Ryuk, talking to me when we are in public is risky and as a matter of fact I may.” 
‘ You think us talking is risky, isn’t letting that other human know riskier?’
“ Yes, sharing information about the Death Note is more than risky, but it may be better to have more than two people knowing about it. If our views match up they can be both a great partner and a good alibi when people start suspecting me. If our views don’t match up, then I’ll simply have their memories erased.” 
‘You’re going to let them touch the Death Note too?’
“ In life, you have several people, those who have to see to believe or those who will place their faith blindly in some people. [Reader] doesn’t strike me as the latter so I’ll go with the first one. Besides, if I told them and they did turn, erasing their memories would be a bit more work and risky.” 
‘Okay but why them?’
“ Because…[Reader] is someone who you can either bring up or break down. [Reader] is someone who won’t throw a hysteria when faced with the unknown and based on this essay I suspect that there is more to them than what they lead on. That is an advantage over them, but if they step wrong it could also be their downfall. Besides, I’ve always enjoyed my conversations with [Reader], they say so little but so loudly at the same time. Quite interesting.” 
‘Light has a crush on someone!’
“ I won’t waste my time on such things, right now I can’t afford to fall for that. My priority is reshaping and rebuilding this world as their new God.” 
The conversation was cut short as Light went inside his home and up to his room. He examined the essay through many viewpoints and established that there must have been someone that they hated or wanted to receive punishment, but who? 
[Reader] walked to their room and with a heavy sigh collapsed on their bed. Their mother was nowhere to be seen but they were probably out shopping as groceries were lying about in their kitchen. They rested for a while before heading downstairs to put the groceries away, the T.V playing in the background. It wasn’t anything serious until the news segment was announced. 
‘ Breaking news! It is rumored to believe that [Inmate Name] may be released this upcoming week for good behavior. It seems that there have been sever-’ 
Silence. The T.V was turned off as [Reader] began panicking and hyperventilating. Memories of that morning began rushing to their head and their body began to enter into an automatic response, their knees weak but adrenaline was pumping. There was no one around them to assist them so they began to assess the situation themselves. Their heart was racing but it wasn’t anything too serious, just a panic attack and not a heart attack. They tried to steady their breathing by counting and focusing their attention on an object of some sort. They turned to a small painting of a floral garden that their mother had on the wall, they began to engrave all their focus on it trying to steady their breathing. Slowly but surely they began to calm down, but the uneasiness was still there. After a while, they grabbed a glass of water and calmly began to drink the water. The groceries were almost all put away but [Reader] left the non-perishables out as they went up to their room and began to lie on the bed. Sleep slowly overcame them, their dreams turned into nightmares. 
It was a hot summer, but the kids were out and still playing out by the park. [Reader] and some neighboring kids were out and about playing tag. 
“ I want to be it!” 
“ No! You were it last time!” 
“ How about we play rock-paper-scissors to determine who is it?” 
“ Fine!” 
“ Aw darn it I lost!”
“ And I didn’t win this time either!” 
“ Well, the rest of you hide and I’ll go count.” 
The kids scattered and began hiding in some spots, [Reader] struggled to find a spot that wasn’t already claimed by the other kids. Those were all her spots that guaranteed her success, but the other kids took them. [Reader] asked if they could hide with the other kids but they all shushed them away. 
[Reader] was running out of time until they heard a voice. 
“ Hey [Reader] are you playing hide-n-go-seek?” 
“ Y-yeah. . .” 
“ Here, why don’t you hide behind me?” 
A man with a warm smile offered, the man wasn’t a stranger at all to [Reader] or their family since he was their father’s co-worker and best friend. 
“ Okay!” 
They were hiding and they were doing a pretty good job, they weren’t at all found until they all decided to call off the game. 
“ We can’t find [Reader]! Where are they?” 
“ [Reader]! You win so just come out!” 
[Reader] popped out from where the stranger was and laughed, “ So I win again!” 
“ Where were you? We were so worried!” 
“ I was hiding behind him!” 
[Reader] pointed at the man on the bench, he waved softly. The kids felt a bit uneasy but their mothers came to collect the kids. [Reader]’s mom showed up to collect her but stopped when she saw the man. She smiled and waved at him. 
“ What are you doing out here?”
“ Oh, miss [Last Name]. I was going grocery shopping when I spotted [Reader] playing. Hope I didn’t interrupt or do something wrong.” 
“ No that’s quite alright, I was just surprised. Though it’s a bit late for groceries.” 
“ Yes work caught up with me but I’d figured I go get something to make my dinner tonight-!?” 
“ Why don’t you come to eat with us? My husband isn’t staying overnight at work so he should be home soon. In the meantime, you can help me with dinner or hang around the house? It should be fine.” 
“ I don’t mean to impose on you-” 
“ Please I insist, it must be so hard for a single man to balance everything. You have friends so I suggest that you start learning how to say yes and let yourself be taken care of one in a while!” 
“ T-thank you [Mom’s first name].” 
With that, small chatter filled their home as they prepared dinner. [Reader] was playing with their toys and even invited their family friend to join them. When their father arrived home, they sat around and ate dinner. They all had a pleasant time, laughing and smiling. Telling jokes and even discussing life and the future. It wasn’t until it was a bit too late and past [Reader’s] bedtime did he leave and give his thanks for having him over. [Reader] lay in their bed, their mother tucking them in and bidding them a good night’s rest. 
“ Mom, does [Family Friend] have kids or a wife?” 
“ Why the sudden question?” 
“ He looks lonely and I don’t see him with kids.” 
“ [Reader], he had a wife and two kids. It’s just, they are no longer here. They left.” 
“ Where did they go?” 
“ They went somewhere better. Now sleep [Reader].” 
“Okay mommy.” 
The days continued like nothing else, there would be times where the [Reader] would be taken care of by [Family Friend] because their mother had a doctor’s appointment and their father was at work. [Reader] stayed at his house, eating small snacks that he prepared for her as he sat on the couch just staring at her. 
“ Hey [Family Friend], do you have a wife or kids?” 
Silence loomed the room before he turned to face her and shook his head. 
“ Not anymore [Reader], they all left me.” 
“ Why? You’re not a bad person.” 
“ Thank you, but they didn’t leave like that. Something happened to them and they are no longer here with us, but enough of that, what do you want to do?” 
“ Hm, let’s play a game.” 
“ Okay, a game it is!” 
It was days like these that the faith one had in another human was shown. Back then people slept with their windows open and some even with the doors unlocked, but that faith was stolen from [Reader]. It was a day where both her parents were busy so their neighbor was in charge of taking care of her for a couple of hours. Nobody knows how or why it happened, but nightmares plague that home as a grim reminder that the ones we trust are just another wolf in sheep's clothing. 
“ Hey, [Reader]?” 
“ Yes?” 
“ I want to play a game. . . but it has to be a secret.” 
“ A secret?” 
“ Mhm, not many people know about this game so this can be our little secret, like a secret code.” 
“ Okay, but what’s the game?” 
“Well. . .” 
His hand lay on her shoulder, rubbing it softly before his other hand rested on his thigh, he rubbed it lightly causing her to flinch before he let go. 
“ [Reader], you know I would never hurt you. . .right?” 
“ Yeah. . .” 
“ This isn’t hurting you, I only want to play a game. It’ll be fun for the both of us I promise, I don’t want to hurt you. . . I love you. . .” 
His hand placement resumed as he went higher and lower. That was when the nightmare began, and it didn’t end for seven years. 
[Reader] awoke with a loud gasp, their hands instantly reaching to their body. No one was here in their room, they had to reassure themselves over and over again before reaching over to where their clock lay. It was almost 8 pm but they decided upon bathing before doing anything else. They went to the bathroom and proceeded to bathe, using the products they deemed necessary. Once they were done, they wore comforting clothes and went to bed. Though it was hard to fall asleep in fear of that dream. 
The next day they awoke earlier than usual, going on about their day and proceeding to do their morning routine. They began walking to school promptly and proceeded to go to their seat. Light walked in moments later and took his seat next to them, smiling and greeting them. The teacher soon walked in and class started all over again, nothing new was changing so why should they worry-
“ [Reader’s Last Name], see me after class.” 
[Reader] looked up and panicked slightly, was it about what they wrote? 
‘ It can’t be, I mean this class is crawling with Kira supporters and those who don’t, mine must have been the least controversial-’ 
“ [Reader], is everything okay?” 
“ Y-yeah. . .” 
At the end of class, [Reader] walked to their teacher’s office and waited patiently for them. Thoughts running through their head, am I going to get called out? What’s going to happen, will everyone know wh-!
“  [Reader’s Last Name], I want to discuss with you something regarding your essay submission.” 
‘Shit so it was about that! Fuck what do I say-’ 
“ You didn’t turn it in.” 
“ W-what do you mean?” 
“ It was not in the pile with the others, since this isn’t a rare occasion but I remember slightly. You pulled it from your bag so I’m assuming that either the class representative lost it or it was misplaced. Would you mind rewriting it? I’ll give you an extension on it of course, but I would like it submitted by the end of next week.” 
“ S-sure.” 
“ That is all, have a great rest of your day [Reader’s Last Name].” 
They nodded and proceeded to walk away, but anger laced their face the moment they were out of view. 
‘ You’ve got to be kidding me, lost? That’s not my fault, if anything I shouldn’t have to rewrite. If they saw me, they should give me full credit!’ 
“ [Reader], would you like to walk home?” 
They looked up to see that it was Light Yagami. They were a bit hesitant and were about to say no until they realized that it might be nice to distract their mind. 
“ Sure.” 
They began to walk home, but awkward silence loomed over them. 
“ If you don’t mind me asking, what did the teacher want to talk to you about?” 
“ Just that. . . my assignment was missing and I have to redo it.  I turned it in but it’s lost apparently, did you notice the paper was missing or if the rep lost it?” 
“ No sorry, but I can help you work on it if you’d like.” 
“ Thank you, I might take you up on that.” 
“ Well we’ve arrived at my home, why don’t you come in?” 
“ I shouldn’t impose-” 
“ Nonsense, any friend of Light is welcomed here!” 
They both turned around to face an older woman, one that held some resemblance to Light and was assumed as his mother. 
“ O-oh I should-” 
“ Please I insist!” 
With that, it was decided that [Reader] would stay over and have dinner with them. In the meantime, they were up in Light’s room preparing to do the assignment. Once they got settled down and his mother brought up snacks, did the real purpose of his invite begin. Halfway through discussing the thesis and beginning, did Light begin to ask strange questions? 
“ [Reader], how do you feel about Kira?”
“ Why?” 
“ No reason, I guess it’s all the publicity Kira has been getting that I assume you may have your own opinion.” 
“ Well. . .Kira punishes criminals so without a doubt yes, I guess you can say that I'm somewhat thankful that Kira is there. However, there are some flaws with that, let’s say petty crime and theft aren’t punishable by death, Kira would only be acting like an executioner, not a judge. Yet, I think that Kira is going about it the right way. The difference is that some people attempt to stop crime, you can’t stop what is happening because someone will always stand up or do something, but you can control crime.” 
Light remained quiet before speaking silently, “ What would you do if Kira were sitting in front of you?” 
“ What?” 
“ What would you do if Kira were sitting in front of you? What would you do if Kira was me, [Reader].” 
Silence overcame [Reader], thinking about their answer they spoke.
“ If you were Kira, I would question your methods and motives.” 
“ Hm, interesting. Would you really like to see how Kira kills?” 
“ What?” 
“ Normally talking about this out in the open to a stranger would be a bit risky, I wouldn’t by any means do this, that is if I were Kira. Yet, it seems that if I were Kira I could trust you based on what you wrote in your essay.” 
Light unfolded the essay that was in his pocket, showing it to [Reader]. They were a bit confused and in shock, why did Light have their essay, and what was he going on about? 
“ Why do you have my essay? I didn’t think that this would be interesting for someone like you Light.” 
“ Well, let’s say I’ve had an interest in you for a long time, ever since we met you could say. Unlike most of our peers not only were you more open-minded but you thought for yourself, not letting others blindly tell you what to think. Based on this essay, I can trust you. . .[Reader], I’m Kira.” 
Confusion stuck them, did they really want to humor him, but even then Light might have been Kira. He not only had the brains to be in hiding for so long, but his ideas were lined up a bit with most people. 
“ I’ll bite, are you really Kira?” 
“ I am, now would you like to know who I do it?” 
“ . .  .Sure.” 
[Reader] walked closer, watching as Light revealed a black notebook with the words ‘Death Note’ written on it. They were confused, to say the least, but they also knew better than to laugh it off and to let him explain. 
“ This is a death note, a notebook that allows me to write the name of an individual and they die. I can choose the method of death and time, the only other requirement aside from their full name is an image of their face.” 
Light stood there, with both a serious face yet a smirk lightly playing at his lips. Was this true? They were about to ask more questions until Light interrupted them, “ Upon reading your essay, I think that there is someone who you want gone. Here try it for yourself, touch the notebook.” 
[Reader] stiffened a bit before nodding, they hesitantly went to touch the notebook. If Light was Kira and was telling the truth, [Reader] instantly became an accessory to the crime, to make matters worse now that Light told them, based on their reaction they could either die or live. Upon touching the notebook, they were met with a horrid creature looking at them with bloodshot red eyes and a smirk on their lips. They looked anything but human and as [Reader] was about to react, they stopped. Light smiled at the sight, they were smart no doubt about it. 
‘ Screaming would alert the mom and who knows what that would cause. On one hand, I could tell his mom that I want to leave but I'll surely die by knowing his identity. If I tell his mom about her son being Kira I would be mocked at and made fun of, all I can do is play along for right now.’ 
“ Open the notebook, look at all the names. With this, we can rid the world of criminals and clean up the streets, isn’t it great?” 
“ Isn’t your father a policeman? Why would you-“ 
“ Because what they are doing isn’t enough, crimes inspire other crimes and it will never stop. By controlling crime with fear we can make the world a better place for kindhearted people like us. You can’t stop crime because it will always happen, but you can control it, that's what my father and the others do. They try to control it through the system, but the system is flawed. With this, we can control it better than they can. Here [Reader], write someone’s name, I know you want to.” 
[Reader] was given a name and the notebook was flipped to a blank piece of paper. Light was awaiting their actions as [Reader] looked uncomfortable at the concept. Who was to say that they could play judge and executioner? They were contemplating until the T.V was playing the news channel about [Inmate Name]. Their heart stopped and Light made note of that, he walked over to the T.V and turned up the volume. The sickening sound of his name being played over and over again was like knives or nails on the chalkboard. A horrid sound, the sound of the end, it was a grim reminder that their life was in someone’s hand. 
‘ [Inmate Name] will be released today at 4 PM, here we have the news studio wanting to interview him. This was the man that escaped the death penalty due to lack of evidence-‘ 
‘ lack of evidence?’ 
The room went cold, their heart sank. He was leaving jail, because of the lack of evidence? Their breath started to increase as tears ran down their cheeks, they rapidly shook their head in attempts to calm themselves and began counting. 
‘ aren’t I evidence enough? He abused me. . . I am the evidence. I am the walking and living proof of his crimes. .  ‘ 
‘ I love you [Reader]. .  .’ 
[Reader’s] heart stopped, his voice echoing in their head as the memories were replaying again tormenting them. 
‘ You know I’ll never hurt you right?’ 
‘ I love you [Reader]. . . ‘ 
‘ Let’s play a game. . .’ 
‘ This can be our secret, like a secret code only we know!’ 
‘This can be our secret. .  ‘ 
‘ This can be our secret’ 
‘ Our secret’ 
‘ I love you. .  .[Reader]’ 
With a heavy sob that slightly confused and alerted Light, [Reader] wrote his name with such haste, with handwriting that was barely legible handwriting and his face clouded their mind like a rainy day. Tears slipped from them as they wrote his method of death, one that they deemed he needed. His execution was set and upon million watching the T.V, [Inmates Name] died a horrible and gruesome death on national T.V. [Reader] stayed crying as they watched the T.V through teary eyes, Light holding them close rubbing their back. He smiled, this wasn’t such a bad plan after all. Through the sobs, he was surprised his mother didn’t come up, but unknown to him she was outside talking to some neighbors and his sister wasn’t home just yet. As they started to calm down slightly, Light provided soothing words of comfort before whispering, 
“ We can clean up these streets [Reader], don’t worry. .  .this can be our little secret.”
I apologize to the anon that requested this because as you can see there is no NSFW and very little of what they wanted. I am prepared to write more to the story if needed just let me know as I would like to rewatch the series before continuing. I have also opened up a yandere discord server to interact and will be running it with other close friends and @seiyasabi. Please check their content because they are really good! 
DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/ZMCfGCeN 
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