#I turned a happypasta into this
I did a thing
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Hehe :3
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y0urem0 · 3 years
X-Cure a happypasta counterpart of X-Virus that I have made.
X-Cure is X-Viruses cousin not biologically but from his adopted parent part.He has a yellow mask that has a smile on it and heart glasses also light green comfy jacket with light colored blue jeans. He is a sweet boy and ever since he heard the news about his cousin he decided to start making cures for Diseases and making medicines to give to everyone like people who couldn't afford it or needed it .He trust everyone and believes they can change no matter what also he wants to find his cousin and try to make him turn away from murder (ask me questions about it if you want also your allowed to use him)
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(This is a drawing that @moshi-roulette made go check them out!!!)
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Thanks for 47 followers 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Thank you very much for supporting me in my blog, I am very happy to have reached 47 followers, we're still a small amount but I don't care, nobody said that this was going to be easy and the blog is still very young, today is one year old and it lacks many more years to fulfill 😊😊
Anyway, since today is the anniversary of my blog I couldn't think of anything else but to draw each and every one of my ocs, maybe some of you already know a few of them, others of my ocs are quite old so they weren't never posted, I will also tell you some of the characteristics of each of them and also put as a bonus the relationships between them and the curiosities about their origins, again thank you very much for following me and I hope you like my ocs 😳😳😳😳 (oh and sorry for my bad english 😟)
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She's good
She's a mercenary
She's very very very fast
She's good
She's a mercenary (too)
Half demon (don't judge me 😑)
She obviously have a transformation
She's not good but she's not bad either
She can turn into a snake, both normal and giant
She likes to play the guitar and sing
Her heart belongs to the old West
Death Wound
She's evil af
She's dead
She reigns in the underworld
Her real name is Lila
She's good
She protects the children
She have a transformation
She's like an imaginary friend
She's evil
Part of her face, arms and legs have scales and resemble the appearance of a lizard
She's like that because of an experiment
She's very agile and fast
She can touch any type of chemical without any problem
She's evil
She's a necromancer
She lives in a ghost town named Silentia
He's good
Protects the good people from bad people
He's a happypasta
He loves the night
She's good
She's an ordinary human
She's always happy
She loves children
She's good
Her real name is Adelina
She was rich but her parents didn't love her so she run away from her home
A group of 7 homeless children found her a few months later and since then they are her only family
They all work together as DJs
He's evil
Victim of an experiment (too😑)
He can touch the fire without getting burned
He's a father
She's good
She lives in a nice and quiet neighborhood
She have a good reputation
She works alone in her own little coffee shop
She is good on the dancing floor
She always goes straight to the point
You already know her enough 😅😅😅
Alice & Lucile: Sisters (long story)
Alice & Tara & Heinrich : Enemies
Alice & Annie: Best friends
Tara & Heinrich: Father and daughter
Axel & Zita: For many years they were related as best friends (Axel neve knew Zita's true nature)
Dakota: I was 5, at that age I had an obsession with reptiles and cowboys
Alice: The idea just came to my head, she's only a few months younger than Dakota
Lucile and Annie: I didn't want Alice to be alone
Tara and Heinrich: I felt the need, both as Alice's enemies and the two of them being family
DJ-ADA: Because of a dream I had one night a few years ago
Jezabel: I love that kind of stuff ( I obviously don't practice anything like that, I just find all that kind of things interesting 😅)
Death Wound: I was with the overwatch oc flue
RD and Zora: I have no idea
Axel: It started as a simple sketch but I liked the final result so much that I decided to name and make him one of my ocs
Zita: Why not, I wanted my own clownsona too 😗😗
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'Jeff' the hugger interp
His real name was Morgan Oswald, and he has nothing to do with Jeff the killer in my au. But he's just another silly i added to my universe.
His eyes are rainbow like in the original bc of the drugs and medication he takes(mostly medication now, the doctors think its helping him. Spoilers: ITS NOT), hes actually an aggressive-affectionate person, and his hugs are DEADLY bc he hugs someone until he suffocates them or snaps their neck/ breaks back.
Hes a lunatic, lost his mind. And he has scars beneath the eyes bc he scratches so hard he peeled his skin off and made himself bleed. They cut his hair so he could stop plucking it, then he killed people so he got into a strain jacket (sorry if its not called that, i forgot). Morgan soon forgot his name after hes been in the asylum for a year, and only answers to the name 'Jeff' for some apparent reason.
He jerks his neck so he can hear the sound it makes, that satisfying crack. Its sometimes painfully, but he thinks thats just a cherry on top. He loves it.
Hes friendly. Why dont you give him a warm hug? :)
I turned Happypasta upsidedown. Hate it? Cry me a river 🤭✨
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About Zita
•she lives in a maze of mirrors
•she feeds on pain, flesh and sometimes she likes to eat regular food
•she has 10 deadlights
•If her victims look her straight in the eye for 30 seconds, they may have a brief headache
•her voice is full of enthusiasm but when her victims are finally ready to be tortured and devoured, her voice becomes hoarse and somewhat demonic
•when she shows her deadlights her appearance changes, her irises and pupils disappear and her eyes start to shine yellow, her hair becomes dull and the glitters in it disappear, the make-up of her eyes and her lips turn black and the pale yellow blush from her cheeks fades and finally her colorful nails turn into long, sharp and black claws
• she enjoys listen the screams of pain of her victims
•believe it or not, Zita once was in love (I'll write a little story about this as a bonus)
•her height is 1,78
•for some strange reason she likes to cook (especially any type of pastry)
•sometimes she likes to use what remains of her victims as ingredients (obvious reference to Hannibal and the creepypasta Cupcakes)
•her walking stick has only two purposes which are to make tricks and render his victims unconscious
•she loves to do acrobatics on the trapeze
•she has no reflection
•she's a modern clown
•she likes music
•her favorite song is Brass Goggles by Steam Powered Giraffe
Bonus 1:
It all beggin as usual, the boy was just a child who was destined to be one more victim of Zita, but he turned out to be simply just very sweet and he managed to steal Zita's heart, the two became great friends and for many years they were inseparable, eventually the child turn into a healthy and strong adult but he never lost the sweetness in his being and Zita in a short time fell in love with him, but one night some thugs with thirst for blood cornered him, Zita arrived too late, one of the thugs cut the man's throat, they all appeared mutilated the next day and the young man had an appropriate funeral and burial in which Zita was present, since then she is only with her victims a little less than two months before fulfilling her true purpose, however she never forgot the only human being who managed to conquer her heart and every year, on the date when the love of her life was killed she sits at night in the roof of his old house to see the the stars, as they both used to do and she always repeats the same words.
-I miss you Axel
Banus 2:
Axel is actually one of my official oc's...as a happypasta 😶😶😶
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